#perfume desu
1moremilgram-enjoyer · 7 months
I've been looking at all the MVs and decided to compile every explicit reference to the Milgram prison I could find in them, see if there's any pattern. Don't really know how meaningful it is but I find it interesting. Also, keep in mind it's very possible I'll miss some stuff, and I'll only point out visual references, not lyrics. (And also not the credits in all the videos, they all say Milgram obviously)
Undercover - Just the entire video, I don't think I need to add any examples. I'm not really going to take it into account for this, but it has all the references you could think of.
Weakness - Milgram logo on a perfume (?) bottle, at the beginning. Funnily enough, this is the only instance I could find of the logo itself beyond Undercover and the Es cameo in Backdraft. EDIT: Wrong, it’s also in Bring it On.
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Umbilical - Song name + cover song (Sticky Bug) thumbnail in the background. The song name shows up in other scenes as well, but I won't put anything redundant here.
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Bring it On - Song name, Milgram name drop, prisoner number. EDIT: And the logo on the upper left corner of the phone.
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After Pain - N/A
Throw Down - N/A
Ai Nan Desu Yo - Song + Milgram name drop on the magazine pages (in the image Milgram is name dropped to the right of Mahiru's picture)
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half - N/A
Magic - "Produced by Milgram" in the credits (in Hiragana). This is the only time Milgram is written in Japanese.
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MeMe - "Milgram [...] card" is written in Milgram runes in the tarot cards. I don't know what the middle word is, but it's not tarot. This is the only time apart from Undercover where 'Milgram' is written in runes.
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Harrow - N/A
Tear Drop - Song name drop + cover (Vampire) thumbnail in the background. Also Umbilical name drop because of the 'umbilical' skirt, making it the only video to visually reference the previous song title. Yuno is the only character to have a reference to her cover songs in the main MVs, and she has it in both.
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Backdraft - Prisoner + Es cameos, the latter implying the Milgram logo and runes also show up. The QR code in all the spray paint cans leads to the Judge website. There's also Milgram runes in the spray paint cans translating to "Pressure."
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(Also noticing now the only prisoner whose entire prisoner tag can be seen in the graffiti, and therefore their prisoner number, is Amane. 0308 nation we stay winning)
It's Not my Fault - N/A
Triage - QR codes that I assume lead to the Judge website, but I can't easily check because there's no clear shot of them. Also Milgram runes in the graves.
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I Love You - N/A
Cat - Milgram + song name drop + prisoner number in several spots.
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The Purge March - N/A, sort of, since at one point March Leader Amane's shadow is framed to sorta look like Es, but nothing else.
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If you want me to come to any conclusions, I'd say anything branded "Milgram" shows a degree of separation with reality, implying Milgram is more involved in bringing it to light than more direct memories. Fuuta's videogame, Mahiru's magazine, Magic and Cat as a whole, Mikoto's highly abstract and symbolic tarot cards. This is what separates, for example, Bring it On's title screen from Tear Drop's; Yuno's perception of reality is a bit more grounded than Fuuta's was in the first Trial. Meanwhile, the name "Milgram" doesn't show up in Backdraft (apart from possibly in Amane's tag), because Fuuta is a bit more realistic there, for example representing Killcheroy more like childishly than in Bring it On.
As for the other stuff, it's quite interesting Yuno is the only one to reference her covers, which can be interpreted in a few different ways. She's shown to be quite intelligent when it comes to some of the more supernatural elements of Milgram (see: "Am I really alive?"), so maybe that's hinting at some sort of higher awareness? Kind of? Sort of? Who knows.
Backdraft is the only video to show the other prisoners (more explicitly than Triage's "extract that fang" line), as well as Es. This fits Fuuta being highly concerned with others' perceptions of him, making him quite prone to peer pressure.
Muu is the only prisoner to have no reference to Milgram in either of her MVs so far, though Kotoko might join her when Deep Cover releases. Take that as you will, I don't know enough about Muu to come to a definitive conclusion.
Don't really know what to do about the QR codes. I guess Fuuta and Shidou both have asked for specific verdicts, but they're not the only ones, so.
Also don't know what else to do with most of this, this was more to put the observation out there. Take care!
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redorich · 2 years
chapter four
"Und hier ist mein fucked up robo-dungeon," Doc waves to a rusty trapdoor sitting conspicuously in the center of the empty floor of the boiler room. Why Doc felt the need to extend his tour of the Boatem Mansion to here is beyond Grian.
"Don't go in there, you will get electrocuted. Desu." Doc rolls his shoulders and cracks his neck loudly to cover up for the fact that he almost forgot to end his sentence with a Japanese particle.
Very suddenly, in a bout of mania or something much like it, Grian grasps Doc firmly by the shoulders and stares intently into his eyes like a man pleading for mercy before a pitiless jury. "Doc, they're not here right now. It's just us down here. I know you're fluent in English."
"Ich have nein idea what you are talking about, desu," Doc rolls his eyes. They're very hard to focus on. In the dim light of a single dangling lightbulb in this boiler room, Grian can't make out whether the man's skin is green or white. His eyes keep telling him not to think about it, not to think about the blood on his frilly maid apron or the weird placidity of his gait.
"Kein idea," Grian whimpers like a broken man.
"Anyway, we should continue the house tour, desu!" Doc says jovially. It's like he's been reset. He shrugs Grian's hands off of his shoulders and turns to the ascending stairs. For lack of anything better to do, Grian follows.
Conveniently, the door right next to the stairs has a hot pink laser-engraved nameplate with the word "Grain" on it and embossed turquoise flowers along the bottom edge.
"Hier ist your rööm, desu," Doc says, holding the door open and bowing his head like Sebastian does in Kuroshitsuji.
All the throw pillows have a black-and-off-white chevron pattern. The bed is so massive that it takes up three quarters of the room's floorspace, and the comforter that covers the whole thing is neon, striped, and furry, like someone skinned a Yo Gabba Gabba character for the Christmas fireplace-rug.
The canopy covering the bed is layered pink tulle wrapped with lit fairy lights. Grian looks up at the ceiling for a sprinkler for this fire hazard and finds none. The ceiling is made of pocked, dingy, and water-stained tiles like every public school ever. The walls are pink, and have stylized decals of "girly things" like the Eiffel tower and flamingos.
"Wait, is that..?" Grian squints, unsure that what he's seeing is real. "Is that a fathead of David Cameron on the wall?"
Grian makes the vocal equivalent of a shrug in response to his own question. "Oddly contemporary, I suppose..? Maybe someone's got opinions."
"Do you like it, desu?" Doc asks. He's so close that Grian can smell, oddly enough, vanilla perfume in the air.
Grian jumps out of his skin. "Buggering--! Christ, wear a bell!"
Doc does not move. He is still uncomfortably close.
Fed up, Grian snaps, "Social distance."
With a laugh, Doc walks backward. He keeps walking until his back hits the pink wall, then he scoots left along the wall until he hits the doorframe, as he backs out of the room, he says, "Ja, ich will now perform social distancing with mein five meters."
The words are dreadful, settling into Grian's bones like a curse. He does not want to know the significance of Doc's five meters. He feels faint.
Well, no, he's actually faint. He stumbles toward the monstrosity bed so as not to crack his head open on the floor when he passes out.
"G'night," he mumbles deliriously.
A/N: OH NOEESSSS!!1! grain fainted!!!1!!1 what happens next?? ehehe leave a reveiw for next chapter >:^)
grian: WHOSE THIS GRAIN?????
me: O.o i sowwy grian-sama pls forgive watashi...
grian: humph.... *crosses arms angrily* your lucky your cute...
me: OMG grian-sama thinks watashi is kawaii??? :D
pearl: NO WAy hes MINE!!!!!!!!!!
me: back off b!tch!!!!!!!!11!@
grian: iam sorry pearl but i love author-chan not u........ we can still be nakama though
pearl: *runs away cryeing*
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duskowithapen · 5 months
After Ifrit
January's Rambles Day 6
Word Count: 1067
After Ifrit
Ifrit was extinguished, but the flames around her weren’t. Zaya shuddered, skin crawling along the edges of new burns, and she breathed in
Ifrit was extinguished, but the flames around her weren’t.
Zaya flopped onto her back. She ignored the way her skin crawled along the edges of new burns, how warm her chainmail felt above the protective padding, the odd angle her tail was caught in beneath her. She just wanted to revel on the feeling of being alive. A victory song warbled out of cracked lips, and she licked them to sooth the sting.
A mistake.
Zaya coughed and gagged as ash and blood coated her tongue. She rolled onto her side, curling into a shaking, shuddering ball despite how much her body did not want her moving right now. Pressing her scarf to her nose, Zaya tried to focus on the faint scent of Tataru’s preferred soap rather than smoke. Her breathing slowly evened out, but it only made the ache in her throat – her hands – her chest – her aether – so much worse. Aether that flared in animal terror as the sound of footsteps reached her horns. Pain was pushed aside as Zaya rolled to find her katana.
The footsteps grew faster, closer.
No, no more – not again!
A whine escaped a tight throat. Her katana appeared under a scrabbling hand, still smouldering from Ifrit’s last strike, and Zaya forced herself to her feet. She darted towards the cavern entrance – towards those footsteps – and at this speed, it didn’t matter that her arms were shaking. Her sword still struck true.
Or at least, it would have. If her target was anyone but Thancred.
The pale-haired man yelped, eyes wide, and caught the blow with his own sword. “Zaya – Zaya, it’s me! It’s Thancred!”
Her mind knew this. It recognised the strange mask on his shoulder, the curling red markings on his neck, the steady sand-over-bedrock of his aetheric signature. But her body didn’t. Her body was still primed for battle. Like this, Thancred wasn’t a safe haven – he was another enemy to defend against, to defeat before he could tear and burn and hurt her. She delivered another crushing blow, sending the man sliding to the side.
“It’s me, Zaya, calm down!”
It’s Thancred, it’s Thancred, her mind hummed, safe-steady-warm.
It’s an enemy, it’s an enemy, her mind yelled, hurt-pain-no-more!
Zaya flipped backwards out of reach, scrabbling at the drained well of her aether reserves. If she could just conjure a shield – heal the wound dripping blood into her boot – catch him in Higanbana –
“Zaya!” Thancred seemed to appear out of nowhere. Air that was once empty was no longer so. Her katana was flicked from her hand. A strong arm wrapped around her waist, lifting her over a hip and slamming her to the ground. Zaya snarled, tail whipping out and around to slam against a restraining leg. Above her came a muffled curse, but she was too busy trying to fight against the forearm stretched across her collarbone, hands clawing at wrist and elbow. Another hand grasped her chin.
“Look at me, Zaya – look at me!”
It was the smell that cut through the panic. Fresh cut wood, Thanalan dust, perfume. “Th-thancred?” The fight went out of her. Limbs went limp. Eyelids began to flutter. Every injury seemed to catch up with her at once, pulsing through her body. A whimper rang through her teeth as her body tensed again. Thancred put more pressure on her chest, legs shifting to better pin hers, hand moving to restrain the end of her tail.
“I – I’m okay, daijoubu,” Zaya relaxed her grip on Thancred and tilted her head forward, breathing in the pine and sand and flower scent, only to flinch from the blood that smeared across her jaw – blood that wasn’t hers. “Daijoubu desu ka, ah, are you – are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“It’s alright, just a scratch,” Thancred soothed, slowly releasing her from the pin to kneel at her side. “Are you back with me now?”
Zaya nodded, leaning back into his supporting hands as he pulled her upright. Head heavy, she couldn’t help but slump forward into Thancred, pressing her face into that space between his neck and shoulder. Mmmm, so warm… The thump-thump of his heartbeat was just wonderful against her horn, and she couldn’t help but tilt her head into it, rubbing scar and scale into the softness of his shirt. Her own racing heart began to slow.
“Whoa there!” Thancred seemed startled by her actions, but not annoyed, given the way he curled an arm around her back. “Don’t go passing out on me now,” he said, “We should get you back to Camp Drybone.”
A grumble vibrated in her chest. Don’t wanna move… Her hand left red and black streaks where she clutched his shirt, and she hummed an apology. Still didn’t want to get up though.
Thancred’s grip changed to resting against her back to being tucked under her arms, and Zaya growled as the man stood, dragging her along. She let her body go limp. Showing off a strength hidden by his loose clothes and charming smiles, Thancred held Zaya straight out from his body like a disgruntled cat. Her feet dangled a good foot from the ground, and she kicked them half-heartedly. Her tail drew little squiggles in the sand. Thancred had a look on his face like he was trying very, very hard not to smile.
“Are you going to keep being difficult?” He asked.
Zaya frowned. “Y’don’t have to help me,” she rumbled, “I can get back to camp.” In a little bit… after I’ve had a nap.
“Uh huh.” Thancred did not seem convinced. He sighed. “Alright, c’mon.”
Zaya didn’t protest as the man drew her in closer, gladly curling arms, legs and tail in against the warmth, but grumbled loudly when he tried to move her elsewhere.
“I’m trying to help you, you silly lizard,” Thancred said, pulling and pushing her limbs until she was curled up against his back, rather than his front. Blood spread across his white shirt, and Zaya pawed at it.
“Sorry ‘bout y’shirt,” she slurred into his collar, “Clean it f’you later, p’omise.”
“Just don’t go falling asleep back there,” Thancred said, deliberately shuffling the grip he hand on her thighs, “And try not to let your tail trip me up, will you?”
To be continued... when I don't have to go to work
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il-cielo-dei-colibri · 8 months
私は綺麗な花です (Watashi wa kirei na hana desu)
Eu sou uma bela flor Especial, eu sou uma bonita flor; Que se cuida, imensa gentileza de que apenas em uma doçura se encontra Como uma bela flor, a salvar declarações… de felicidade.
Como uma bela flor, que eu sou Crio arranjos, de beleza e perfume Na junção daquilo que salvo, é possível conquistar um amor, Vamos juntos? (sou quem alivia a dor)
Que guarda segredos; das flores, somente nós temos (nós flores) Tamanha cor; que profunda que sou.
Segurar-se a mim... quando precisar ser forte, Ao próximo que segura, caso atirar-me… Recolher-me; eu abençoarei as lágrimas de rejeição Caso ama-me, tornas-te uma flor?
Em pétalas exala a delicadeza perfeita, Tamanha beleza e, posso considerar-me uma flor? Em humildade Neste gigante bagunçado que é meu jardim Eu sou uma bela flor. Especial, eu sou uma bonita flor…
Que se cuida, imensa gentileza de que apenas em uma doçura se encontra Como uma bela flor, a salvar declarações… de felicidade.
Como uma bela flor, que eu sou Crio arranjos, de beleza e perfume Na junção daquilo que salvo, é possível conquistar um amor, Vamos juntos? (sou quem alivia a dor)
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elsamurai · 2 years
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This is a new version of my old illustration from Aug 18 2013, you can find here https://elsamurai.tumblr.com/post/58672097138/mi-ilustraci%C3%B3n-de-las-power-perfume-girls-hd Do you want a full 4961X7016 and 600 dpi full resolution image? You can find in this link https://www.buymeacoffee.com/elsamurai/perfume-powerpuff-girls-new-version
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5ynchroniz3 · 5 years
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We’re back from our hiatus! And we’re super excited to see Perfume perform in Toronto! Who’s going?! Facebook ★ Instagram ★ Twitter ★ YouTube
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bakugohoex · 3 years
sleeping beside his s/o
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pairing: armin arlert x gender neutral reader; eren yeager x gender neutral reader; erwin smith x gender neutral reader; jean kirschtein x gender neutral reader; levi ackerman x gender neutral reader; reiner braun x gender neutral reader
cw: tooth rotting fluff
word count: 1000+
a/n: quick headcanons because I won’t be posting long oneshots for a bit
summary: in which you have a sleeping position with your boyfriend
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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armin arlert
His arm stayed around your waist, your head on his shoulder as you snuggled up into his body. Your leg always seemed to find his waist as you slept on him most the time. He couldn’t lie but you being this close to him was always the best part of his sleep, the low hums of an unknown song to help you sleep with you close by him. The smell of your fresh shampoo engulphing his nose, the way that even if the bed had plenty of room you’d still find yourself clinging onto his side. Waking up beside you with a “good mornin’ darling” and skimmed kisses against your face, each time holding your face to have a look at what was hidden. On the rare occasions you wake up before he does you pretend to be asleep just to feel his kisses, he’ll know that you’re pretending each time  and will still give you your well-deserved kisses.
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eren yeager
His grip tightened against your waist as he kept a hold of your side, his head in the crook of your neck, smelling the perfume you had put on in the morning. It's his favourite smell, a mix of perfume, the environment you had been in. Unique to him a smell that he loved to nuzzle up into every night, something that he would never miss at all. You both love skin to skin contact, almost always finding your bare back against his bare chest, it was a sign of intimacy that he loved to feel. He always kisses your neck before you sleep, and on the occasions where you both cant sleep his fingers trail against your back. Drawings stars and scenes across your perfect back, he could envision it and that’s all that mattered. When you both finally wake up from long nights of having 3am talks, he will never not say “morning baby” before giving you a sloppy tired kiss anywhere near your mouth. He has on many occasions missed your mouth and left slobbery kisses on your chin and jaw before.
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erwin smith
A man who knows what he wants, and he wants you in his bed, lying against his body. He uses the same sleeping position as Armin, but his other hand is always across his chest and on your side. He doesn’t care if it makes him uncomfortable, the need to be touching you, touching what enchants his vision. Soft murmurs are a common occurrence whenever you both do sleep, he loves being able to play with your hair as you mumble out replies. He doesn’t care if you fall asleep before him, it's more time for him to relish in having you beside him. He loves how your face mushes onto his chest whenever he wakes up before you, your cheeks squished by the impact, drool dripping onto him. He loves it, it's something only he can see, would give you a kiss on the head as he stays knowing just how much he loved you.
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jean kirschtein
He hates admitting this to anybody and is glad that nobody has ever watched the two of you sleep at all. Your arms around him, his head cushioned on your chest as he lies on top of you, your legs almost wrapped around him. You both know Jean always sleeps easier in that position and you couldn’t lie yourself and say it wasn’t one of your favourite ones. The late-night conversations where you both were at peace; he’d tilt his head against your chest cuddling into your closer as you look down at him softly. The much bigger man became romanticised, becoming something that nobody else would see, his words of affirmation, “I love you…I love you more than anything else in this world.” It's on these nights of confessions of love between one another where you and Jean truly learn the most about each other. A few tears shed but you both had found a different method of intimacy that worked for you both, that proved just how much love you had for one another.
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levi ackerman
The way the back of your head rested against his chest, one hand around your waist as the other went straight to the book he was reading. You always eagerly asked for him to read to you, and this was your favourite position. He couldn’t lie and say it wasn’t a position that didn’t help him, your soft snores were always heard within twenty pages, slowly letting you sleep on him as he grabbed the work papers you had pushed to the side. He knew it was hard for him to sleep but if you sleeping on him was the only way for you both to gain some normality he would allow it to continue. Even though doing paperwork would always check up on you, you’d occasionally fidget as his chest was your pillow and snuggle into him as you wanted to feel his warmth. He might fall asleep himself sitting upright but he didn’t care, dozing off as his head fell to the side and you both would wake up with pains in more parts of your body. “Tch, this is what you get for being a brat…my brat though.”
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reiner braun
He was obsessed with the way you softly snored across his chest, the way your tiny finger wrapped in the material of his shirt. You had often spoken about how you could only sleep if it was on top of him, and that was one of the main causes to this arrangement that you both had made. He could be all protective and warm to you with his big arms encasing your smaller frame and you could still wrap your entire body around his waist and chest to give him your own love and affection. It worked better than the two of you had ever expected as it was a daily routine for you to end up snuggling into Reiner’s chest. You couldn’t help it; he was your big strong boyfriend and with the personality of a golden retriever how could you not love sleeping across his chest. He’s always the one to give you forehead kisses and say “I love you” when he thinks you're asleep which you definitely always hear. 
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Ceasar - Prince Harming
Inspired by a scene from Sakamoto Desu Ga. I affectionate that show so much.
Squeals and shrieks of joy and adoration echoed all throughout the school courtyard as all the girls in the class made space for one specific school heartthrob with blonde hair.
New laws and a wave of progress have washed all over Europe the past few years. Schools were starting to mix girls and boys together for the sake of equality of genders and chances at life. Your school, which was once an all-girls school, had just started hosting boys in.
There were only a handful of them so far, but despite the strict school rules of treating the new boys normally with all due respect and prevent inapropriate behaviors, the girls didn't seem to be able to resist at least one boy's strong charms.
Ceasar Zeppeli. A strong, angel-faced charming young man. His looks could only match his princely persona. Ever the gentleman, yet terrifying if messed up with, his hair of gold, emerald green eyes and ivory skin made him look like some character out of a romance story, or some ancient worshipped greek God.
Needless to say, he was admired all around the school and turned every head that passed by him. Respected by boys and thirsted over by girls.
You were currently in P.E. class, practicing Softball, staying in the sidelines in the far back and waiting for your turn which wouldn't come up in a good minute.
You didn't really get along with anyone in particular in school just yet. The year had started for only a month or so and you knew it would be a matter of time until you got attached to anyone in particular and made a friend, or a group of friends.
Everyone in class seemed nice enough, and you felt neutral about the newly-come males. Ceasar hadn't been any creepy towards you despite his flirty tendencies and even respected your boundaries, which you appreciated. In fact he had been pretty nice to you so far.
You chuckled and shook your head as you were kneeling down to tie your shoelaces. "All those happy cheers... It's most definitely Ceasar's turn."
The praised blonde flirtily looked back at his audience and beamed a dashing smile, radiant like the sun itself.
"Step back ladies. I'm going to throw the ball now, I would hate for any of you beauties to get hurt." He spoke with his voice of velvet and the girls immediately squealed even louder, one even fainting from his pure majesty.
They all obeyed and cheered for him as he prepared to throw the ball with all his might, hoping to score as high as possible.
Alas, the very moment he threw the softball, sending it as far as his biceps permitted, his aim missed just slightly to the left, where you had just finished tying your shoelaces and got up to wipe dust off your sports uniform.
You could hear the voices switching from cheers to screams of horror. But before you could even comprehend what that was all about, you straightened up to look up at the scene, only to be met with the terrifying sight of darkness hitting you so violently and at such speed you were thrown off balance, your mind turning blank and your senses shuffled by the impact.
White pain washed all over your face and your eyes rolled at the back of your head, the screams of your classmates muted by the dull ringing in your ears. Before long you felt yourself hitting the sandy ground below with a thud, your consciousness finally fading.
All you could feel was warmth against your cheek. It smelled nice and comforting, like men's perfume, yet mixed with something metallic.
You groaned softly as you got more and more aware of your surroundings and the throbbing pain in your nose. You slowly opened your eyes, the blinding sunrays blocked by the worried face of the handsome culprit of your demise.
"Ugh... Ngh... Cea... Ceasar...?" You weakly called, realising fully that he was holding you up dearly against his chest, his strong arms protectively secured around your form.
He looked down at you, his green eyes riddled with guilt. "A-are you okay Y/N? I'm so sorry! I have no excuse! This is terrible, you... you're bleeding!"
The princely playboy yelled curses upon himself and, although you realised your position and how you had never been this intimately close to a boy before, let alone the most popular and desired one in school, your attention was instantly brought to your runny nose.
You wiped a hand on the warm liquid to find out he was right. The phantom pain in your nose was accompanied by an intense bleeding.
"It's okay Ceasar, it's nothing!" You sheepishly reassured, already flustered with the situation and the attention you were getting.
"I-it's not good... The bleeding isn't stopping!" He clicked his tongue, his concern for you both sweet and exaggerated. "I have to do something!"
"It's fine, I promi-!"
Your jaw dropped mid-sentence when he suddenly reached over and grabbed a chunk of his shirt with his teeth, reaping the fabric off of his body like it was nothing but paper. Just who was this guy?
The girls behind him witnessing the whole scene could only scream with happiness as the object of their affection showed off his immense strength but also his amazingly built, and now bare, chest.
Your eyes widened and you gasped in shock, your face red with embarassment as this boy was seemingly stripping shamelessly for you.
"C-C-Ceasar!! What are you doing?! You don't have to- Uuuu-mnh!"
Just as you tried to protest and move away from him, your sudden movement triggered a sharp wave of pain and dizziness right to your head and you could only squeeze your eye shut tightly and hold your poor head, trying to suffer your haze through.
"Don't move Y/N!" Ceasar ordered, holding you tighter against him as he gently brought the piece of fabric from his shirt to your nose. "You've lost a lot of blood, I can't have you get an anemia head rush and faint on me!"
You were overwhelmed by the ordeal and could only listen to him as you held the fabric to your nostrils, bearing with the light-headedness that wouldn't leave you and scared that you would pass out again if you looked around too quick.
"I just sent the class rep to call the school nurse." Your P.E. teacher approached you two as he noted the incident down for report. "She'll be waiting for you, please go to her office right now."
Ceasar nodded with determination. "Thank you sir. I'll take her right away."
As you sniffled you almost choked on your own blood when you felt Ceasar's hands move under you to lift you off the ground bridal style as he got up himself. You gasped and desperately grabbed onto him for support, not knowing he was more than confident in his own strength to lift you up.
"Cea-" You meekly squeaked in surprise.
Incessant squeals of fangirls almost made you forget about your painful bloody nose and, helpless, you let Ceasar carefully take you to the nurse's office.
When you two were away from earshot and by extension, from the school courtyard, you finally mustered enough courage to speak through the awkward silence.
"I-..." He curiously glanced down at you. "Thank you, Ceasar... And I'm sorry..."
He seemed taken aback. "...Sorry? What for? I'm the one responsible for this. I caused you harm, this is below the least I can do for you. You have nothing to apologize for."
He looked so pained and guilty, like he had hurt himself more than he had hurt you.
It did hurt and the sudden blood pressure drop was clearly not a funny experience, but accidents happen. And he was handling the situation with such care you couldn't say you were mad at him at all.
"I'm so sorry Y/N... I'll make it up to you, I promise. I won't forget this. I'll do anything to redempt myself..."
"You speak like some kind of mafioso who lost his honour or something." You chuckled sweetly and removed the fabric from your nose to get a better look of his eyes. "It's okay, don't beat yourself up. Look, I'm troubling you the most. You're carrying me, and you tore your shirt for me and you're worrying over me..."
You quietly listed all the reasons to make him feel less heavy on the scale of sin he had put his own self upon. You were so kind to him, so forgiving. He knew you were a simple and quiet person but he never got to have a personal moment to figure you out better.
It was only then that Ceasar realised as he listened to your cute little rambling, how small you looked in his arms and how adorably goofy you were with your red nose. And how his idiotic self never noticed someone so precious in his own class.
He stopped in his tracks in the middle of the school corridors and stared down at you, his expression much more serious yet still incredibly gentle on you.
Confused about his unexpected halt, you spoke up. "Uh, Ceasa-"
"Keep toying with my heart like that and you'll have to take responsibility for what I'll do to you." He huskily whispered, his face only inches away from yours.
You didn't know if he meant to threaten you, but you could only nod shyly in understanding, eyes wide and stunned out of your mind, your blood rushing back to your already bloody face and your heart pounding in your ears.
You couldn't comprehend what had pushed him to say that so suddenly, all you knew was that he was dead serious and that you may lose something precious the next time you mess with him.
"There you are you two! Come on in, quick. You have a lot of explaining to do." The school nurse called from the doorway to her office only a few feet away, beckoning you both to enter.
Ceasar brought you in, insisting on helping the nurse to tend to your injury and keep watch over you.
You were never worried about finding a close mate for the school year after that.
The mixed-sex school dates are highly innacurate of actual History by the way.
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treasureinthevase · 7 years
Tumblr media
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Hello, dear!~ Todays Inarizaki manager request: manager-chan has really small hands and feet like a child's. And boys are simping hard because of it, they always try to take her hand and see the size difference. She also is smaller that they, so she looks adorable in their jersey and another clothes. - Tilli
OH MY GOD. I saw this one tip on tiktok which said you should buy a huge haikyuu jersey, spray men's perfume on it, and pretend your haikyuu boyfriend gave it to you 😭😭🤚
Inarizaki's manager-chan day 9!!
“Oh no”
All eyes are on you in horror as your carton of milk just bursted, leaving you covered in the sticky drink. Your shirt is utterly ruined. Thankfully, school is out, but you still have to remain another three hours for volleyball practice.
“Does anyone have any spares?” you ask, with a nervous blush, embarassed at your clumsiness.
Osamu wordlessly pulls you to his locker, as the rest are desperately searching in their bags. They can't find a single extra jersey, but thankfully, Osamu does, and he passes it to you, gently ties up your hair, and waits for you outside the women's bathroom.
This garners a few stares from his fangirls, but Osamu is hardly bothered, all he cares about is making sure you aren't feeling uncomfortable in your soaked shirt.
In the bathroom, you peel your shirt off of your body, wring it dry, and slip Osamu's jersey on your body. It has his scent, which you breathe in deeply, immediately causing you to calm down.
Wearing his jersey was like feeling a constant hug from him. It made you feel so warm inside.
You wordlessly walked out, his huge jersey engulfing your frame, as your shorts were almost entirely hidden from view, making it look like you were only wearing the shirt.
Of course, Osamu was a blushing mess.
Osamu: y/n, you uh— good look. I mean, you look good.
Y/n, shyly: thanks, 'Samu.
Osamu walked soundlessly behind you as you went to the gym together, his hand on the small of your back, and his eyes on the ground.
He was sweating internally, not knowing how his teammates would react to seeing you like this. They'd probably go feral for all he knew, especially his idiot twin.
Oh well, he thought, as he pushed the doors open.
Atsumu was about to serve but when he saw the two of you enter, the ball fell straight to the ground, as Atsumu didn't even bother hitting it.
His jaw was on the ground and so were the rest of his teammates.
“Uh, hi?” you said shyly.
Two days had passed since the incident, and after the boys complimented you, died internally, and had multiple nosebleeds, you went back home and washed Osamu's jersey.
Now, you were walking to the twin's house in order to return it back to him.
Osamu opened the door and a small smile was prominent on his face. “to what do I owe the pleasure?”
You smiled and handed him his jersey, freshly washed, in a paper bag. “Thanks for lending me this, 'Samu”
His pupils dilated as he remembered how you looked in his jersey, and without thinking, he pulled your hand to his, pressing it against his palm.
“you really are much smaller than me aren't you?” he said softly, eyes fixed on your palm. “Don't worry, my little fox, I'll protect you.”
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @raychii @k-sakusa-old @pocket-of-anxiety
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shingyou · 3 years
Fictober 2021.11 — What a latte tastes like
Prompt number: eleven, "I swear, it's not always like this". Original fiction: Corpsing, so not playing by the rules Rating: T. Warnings: none.
As I was lying on the ground, Sǐwáng leaned over me, standing on both of their feet, a curious expression on their face. They must have been wondering why and how I had come to be resting on the hard, cold soil of an abandoned bank in Hell. However, I knew they were cursed with truth, so surely, they must have known already. Taking advantage of this fact, I skipped the formalities and dove right in the heart of the matter.
“Hey, Sǐwáng-chan, you know why I’m lying here. Your eyes are wide open, I swear — you’re reading my mind. — Uh. That’s not exactly how my curse works.”
They got back up fully, crossing their arms. The armour rings I had given to them were truly fitting, they went so well with their autumnal personality.
“I see you’re making an effort to talk with a better coherence than you usually do. What do you want? — Oh, well, you know… Could you tell me why I’m lying here because I myself forgot.”
They sighed and took a seat next to me. I didn’t know if I was about to get scolded or what, but I loved the way they sat down. It was truly elegant.
“Look, Parthena. I don’t need a supernatural power to know why you’re lying down. Because you told me, like two hours ago, that you were gonna get us some drinks from Hell. You’re my brother. If you’re here, it’s probably because you got upset that they… — Oh, I remember! They didn’t have any latte left! Can you believe that? — If you had just listened to me for about three more seconds, you’d know I can totally believe that. Now, there’s something I can’t quite understand about you. — Are you gonna talk bad about my interest in Japan again? — There are two things I can’t quite understand about you. Aren’t you… God? As in, the one and only? — Yeyeah Kamin desu. — I’m– Okay, nevermind. So you’re God. Then why can’t you… just make lattes? Out of thin air or something? — Oh, I totally can.”
I stretched before getting up, because the hard ground hadn’t been so kind on my back. Then, casually, I walked toward a river nearby and picked up a tropical lily. Turning around, I waved at my sibling so that they’d pay close attention to what I was about to do. I inhaled the water lily’s perfume and then blew on its seeds; a few grains of pollen detached and they soon manifested as a cup of latte in Sǐwáng’s hand. I smiled, proud of my little trick.
“That’s… admittedly rather cool to witness. — I know! — But now that I’m sure you can actually tend to all of your needs. Why are you upset and lying down and all the drama, ever? — Oh I usually don’t remember I’m God in those situations. — You fucking… yourself — I don’t actually have any insult that would match whatever you are. How do you even function in life? — Oh I usually don’t. But I swear, it’s not always like this. — When is it not? — Well, I mean. I understand your confusion. — You can’t answer, can you? — Oh, I totally can. Just tell me what the question was again.”
They rolled their eyes and walked away. That’s fine, though, in my experience from the Greek days, most conversations end like that with people. It’s like saying goodbye.
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koholint · 3 years
today’s playlist thank you
Arisa Nakayama - Kaze wa Itsumo Haruichiban
Marie - Toy Memory
Nana Furuhara - Futari no Mojipittan
Nanahira - Danielle wa Onnanoko Desu!
Mikanzil - Runner’s High
Kana Hanazawa - Precog
Nagisa Cosmetic - Cosmetic Happy
Plus-Tech Squeeze Box - Tenshi no Bodyguard
Yukari Tamura - Tenshi no Oshigoto
Perfume - Oishii Recipe
Mosaic.wav - Shouhin Osusume Soshie-chan
Nomico - Bibabi Party
YMCK - Emerald Tact
Nayumameshon - Kimi Naviga→tion
Hiroshi Okubo - Hello World
Daisuke Ono - Maggare Spectacle (Technoid Goes to Hollywood Mix)
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heauxplesslydevoted · 5 years
Sweet Fantasy (Ethan x f!MC)
Summary: Ethan and Naomi pull an all nighter to work on a case.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: NSFW. Literally office sex, the type of sex we deserve in book 2.
Tags: @canknot @lapisreviewsstuff @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @ramseyandrys @choicesobsessedd @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @sparklinglilac  @cream-ray @perriewinklenerdie @barricades-of-freedom @dr-brianna-casey-valentine @doroshi-desu
“I’m glad we settled on takeout, because I cannot eat anymore hospital cafeteria food.”
Ethan looks up from the stack of papers on his desk and at Naomi, who’s sitting on the small couch in his office, happily eating her second slice of pizza.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying.”
The two doctors have been working in Ethan’s office for the past 6 hours, working on a particularly difficult case. A patient of theirs is in a coma, and no one can figure out why. So they raided the hospital’s library, pulling all sorts of books, journals, case studies, and files they could get their hands on in hopes of finding something, anything useful.
But it’s just past midnight, and they’re just as clueless as they were a few hours ago, and Ethan can feel his frustration rising. He’s no stranger to difficult cases, but he hasn’t been this lost since working on Naveen all those months ago.
“You know, one of the very first things I told you about myself is thatI’m a pretty observant person,” Naomi starts. “And I noticed that you’ve been staring at the same page for the last 5 minutes, so clearly, you aren’t doing any critical reading right now.”
He glances down at the page and chuckles softly to himself. “Honestly, I think I checked out around 30 minutes ago. And I’m getting a headache.”
“You’re on work overload,” Naomi says. 
“That much is obvious.”
She takes a napkin and wipes off her hands. “Let’s take a break.”
“We can’t afford to take breaks.”
“Would you rather take a 30 minute break now, or crash later on, thus being absolutely no help at all to our patient?” Naomi challenges with a slightly raised eyebrow. “Besides, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
Ethan sighs. He hates admitting defeat, but she’s right. “So what do you suppose I do during this break?” 
Naomi gets off of the couch and walks over to Ethan’s desk. She runs her fingers across it, appreciating the quality of the aged light brown wood. This is one instance where their height disparity works well, because even though he’s sitting, they’re still eye-to-eye.Reaching out, she softly removes his glasses from his face, her fingertips just barely grazing his temples. “You won’t be needing these.”
Ethan tries to keep his composure. He and Naomi hadn't been this close to each other in 3 months, not since their last night together after her ethics hearing. Since then, they had been the ultimate professionals, careful not to fall down the very tempting rabbit hole of becoming lovers again.
“Close your eyes,” Naomi commands softly, her breath tickling his face.
He does what he’s told, and seconds later, he feels her warm thumbs gently massaging his forehead. “What are you doing?”
“This is one of the easiest ways to relieve tension. I don’t think you realize just how much of it you carry around.”
“Trust me, Rookie, I am acutely aware of just how much tension I have,” Ethan argues with a smirk. “You try being a department head in one of the biggest hospitals on the east coast.”
“So defensive,” Naomi tsks. “You should still take the time to unwind every once in a while. All this stress isn’t good for your health, you know.”
“I do know. I am a doctor after all.”
“Doctors make the worst patients. Always so stubborn and touchy.”
“I am not stub–” Naomi’s thumbs move from his forehead down to his temples, and the rest of her fingers tangle in Ethan’s thick hair. His argument halts right in his throat as his breath hitches at her touch.
“You are,” Naomi insists. “I don’t mind though.”
“Because you are just as stubborn.”
“It’s part of my charm and why you like me so much.” Ethan only snorts in reply, but he doesn’t retort. “How’s your head?”
“The throbbing isn’t as intense as it was a few seconds ago,” he says honestly.
“Good. I’m using my magic on you, and it’s working.”
“Is giving massages a superpower of yours?”
“Yes,” she replies matter-of-factly. “I’m a woman of many talents, Dr. Ramsey. Besides, I did this all the time in med school to keep my brain from exploding, so I’ve become a pro.”
Her nails gently graze Ethan’s scalp and his head drops against his will. A shudder passes through his body and a soft moan slips past his lips at the sensation. 
He opens his eyes quickly, a blush already forming on his cheeks. Naomi decides to stay silent, not wanting to draw any more attention to it or ruin the moment. Instead she just grips Ethan’s hair tighter, eliciting a sharper moan from him. 
She knows she’s playing a dangerous game, but she wants to see how far she can push it, push him. Her hands slide down the sides of his face, tracing his features – his high cheekbones and chiseled jaw covered in stubble – and settle on his neck.
Ethan locks eyes with Naomi and suddenly they’re trapped in a stalemate. Neither of them knows what to do.
Not breaking eye contact, Ethan reaches forward and grabs Naomi by the waist, pulling her closer to him. Her shirt rides up and his fingers slowly glide across the smooth expanse of her stomach, and she sucks in a deep breath in an effort to stay calm.
The air in the room is suddenly crackling with electricity, and Ethan is pretty sure he’s forgotten how to breathe. All he can focus on is how soft Naomi feels, and how good her sweet perfume smells.
His eyes flicker down to her full lips and he wants to kiss her. He’s never wanted to do something so badly, and there’s a physical ache in his chest at the longing. Thankfully he doesn’t have to make the decision as Naomi leans forward and presses her lips to his in a chaste kiss. It’s tentative and for the first time, she’s nervous and cautious around him, and before Ethan can even kiss her back, she pulls away.
“Damn,” he murmurs against her lips as she pulls away. He didn’t realize just how much he missed this — being close to her, kissing her — until now. It feels like a dormant flame has been reignited and he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to stop it this time.
Naomi opens her mouth, probably to apologize, but Ethan doesn’t give her the chance. He takes her by the waist and pulls her back in for another kiss, the sheer force of it nearly knocking her over.
Scrambling, Naomi draws herself into his lap, her legs trapping him in his seat. She wants to gasp, hoping to get some air in her lungs, but it doesn’t seem like Ethan is letting her go any time soon.
His hand travels from her waist under her scrub rob until he feels the small of her back. His fingertips are on fire, every touch of her skin scorching him. Naomi moans at the contact and he takes the opportunity to run his tongue along her bottom lip before pulling it roughly between his teeth. Unable to do anything else, she grinds her hips against his, earning a groan from the older attending.
Eventually she breaks the kiss with a shuddering breath and rests her forehead against his. The only sounds that could be heard were their exhausted pants and heavy sighs.
“I’ve missed you,” Naomi whispers. Ethan’s chest clenches at the rawness in her voice, the vulnerability.
“I haven’t gone anywhere, Rookie.”
“You know what I mean.”
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss her as well. Not just the sex, but their shared intimacy. He cups her face between both of his hands, a thumb running across her cheek. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“You promise?”
“I promise,” he assures.
And that’s all she needs to hear. Gripping his tie, Naomi pulls him in for another kiss, just as fervent, but much more desperate.
Her lips travel across his jaw, enjoying the scrape of his stubble across her skin. She traces the shell of his ear with her tongue before whispering, “Do you trust me?”
“Without question.”
“Good.” Naomi removes herself from Ethan’s lap and he groans at the loss of contact. “Stand up.”
“Stand up,” Naomi repeats. Her eyes scan the room until she settles on the perfect spot. “Stand against the bookshelf.”
Ethan does what he’s told, despite the confusion. Where was this headed?
Once his back is firmly planted against the tall bookshelf, Naomi removes his tie, letting the piece of silk slide between her fingers. She then wraps it around her head, fashioning it into a hair tie, pulling her curls out of her face. “I hope you’re not too attached to this tie, because I kind of like it.”
“It’s yours,” Ethan says quickly.
Smirking at his eagerness, Naomi slowly unbuttons Ethan’s dress shirt, marveling at every new inch of skin that’s released with the adept work of her fingers. She rids of the offending material once it’s fully unbuttoned, throwing it behind her without a backward glance to where it lands.
“Ethan Ramsey, you are quite the work of art underneath all those pesky clothes,” Naomi says. She nips at his neck and collarbone, eliciting soft groans and grunts from the man. She loves the fact that she can do this, turn such a powerful man into a puddle of goo beneath her feet. 
Her nails rake across his chest and stomach, leaving scratches and tiny crescent shaped indents in their wake. She’s marking him on purpose, and Ethan is too far gone to care. “Fuck, Rookie–” Naomi’s hand gently grazes the front of his pants and the ability to form setences is wiped away completely. He doesn’t think it’s possible for him to get any harder than he is right now, but he had a feeling that Naomi was going to test the limits.
She makes quick work of unbuckling his pants, dropping them to the floor. “Keep your eyes on me, Dr. Ramsey,” she commands, and fuck, the use of his official title in such an intimate moment makes his knees go weak. Her voice is soft, but there’s a firmness there. He knows she means business. “Don’t you dare look away. Deal?”
Naomi’s tongue darts out and she swipes it across his chest, taking in the taste of his expensive cologne, his sweat, and something that is just so uniquely him. His abdomen seized at the sensation, especially when she drops down to her knees and gets closer to his navel.
She pulls his boxers down at an alarmingly slow pace, and Ethan is almost certain that she’s trying to torture him to death.
He was uncomfortably hard at this point, dripping precum, but Naomi doesn’t seem to care. She’s humming quietly to herself, her fingernails tracing patterns onto his hips, which are taut with tension. He’s a whimpering mess at this point.
There’s a mischievous glint in her eyes as she looks up at him. “Yes?”
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
“How much more of what?” She’s teasing him now, wanting to draw this out as long as she can.
“This, this teasing.”
“What do you want me to do?” Naomi asks innocently. She kisses the area above his pelvis and hips snap against her involuntarily at the contact. “Use your words.”
“Stop torturing me,” Ethan pleads. “Please.”
At long last, she takes him into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip. A growl escapes from deep in his throat and he throws his head back in satisfaction.
But that action makes Naomi stop her movements. “I gave you a very simple instruction, Dr. Ramsey. Keep your eyes on me.” Ethan struggles to open his eyes, but he manages. “Thank you.”
She resumes working on him, adding her hand to stroke his length simultaneously. Unable to look away or turn his head, Ethan grabs a handful of Naomi’s curly hair and pulls it roughly. She moans, the sound reverberating against him, heightening the sensation. “Fuck.”
He feels her tongue tracing something on the underside of his shaft. It takes a few times before he realizes that she’s spelling her name.
She ignores him, alternating between taking him fully into her mouth and teasing him.
The all too familiar tightening settles in his stomach. He’s close. He’s so close, he can almost taste it. His grip on Naomi’s hair only gets fiercer, his knuckles turning white at the force. His hips buck uncontrollably under her touch, but she doesn’t change her tempo at all, maintaining her steady pace. Ethan wasn’t the one in charge, she was.
“Fuck, Naomi, I’m gonna c–”
A string of expletives leave his mouth as he comes and Naomi hums in satisfaction. That was definitely a new record that she intends to beat in the near future.
Ethans pulls her up and slants his mouth over hers, kissing her hungrily. Hooking his hands underneath her thighs, Ethan lifts Naomi up with ease and carries her over to his desk, not caring about the pages of research he was pouring over just minutes ago.
Once she’s securely on his desk, Ethan tears her scrub top off of her body, admiring the lace covered hot pink bra she’s sporting. “You’re so beautiful.”
“You aren’t so bad yourself.”
“What do you want me to do?” Ethan asks, mirroring the words she spoke to him not too long ago.
“I want you to fuck me, right on this desk,” Ethan.”
Ethan’s eyes snap open and he awakes with a sharp gasp, trying to fill his lungs with as much air as possible.
He looks around and instantly relaxes when he sees that he’s in his office. There’s a hand on his shoulder and he looks up and finds Naomi staring back at him, a concerned look on her face.
“Ethan, are you okay?”
“What happened?”
“I don’t know, I just heard you talking in your sleep.”
Ethan takes in his surroundings. His office is dark, lit only by a few lamps. He’s fully clothed still, and so is Naomi,
“Did I say anything?”
“No, it was just a lot of incoherent mumbling,” Naomi responds.
“I'm sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s late, and you’re tired.”
Ethan isn’t necessarily tired for falling asleep. He’s sorry for having sex dreams about his young mentee. It feels selfish, especially since he’s the one who’s been keeping her at an arm’s length.
“You’re right.” He rubs a hand over his face, trying to shake the thoughts out of his mind and hide the blush creeping onto his cheeks. It’s hard to look Naomi in the eye mere seconds after very dirty thoughts crowded his brain. “Why don’t we put a pin in this for the night.”
“Are you sure?” Naomi asks. “I don’t mind pulling an all nighter.”
“I’m sure. Go home and get some rest. We’ll tackle this with a fresh set of eyes tomorrow morning.”
“Okay.” Naomi tidies up a bit, stacking all of the textbooks and articles she was reading neatly on Ethan’s small coffee table. Before she leaves, she turns to Ethan with a slight smile. “Have a nice night, Dr. Ramsey.”
“You too, Rookie.”
Once she’s gone from his office, Ethan drops his head onto the cool surface of his desk and lets out a shaky breath.
He’s completely and utterly fucked.
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high-as-rocket · 5 years
Este post é dedicado para começar a leitura de yaoi, que são quadrinhos que contenham relações amorosas e sexuais homo. Achei alguns sites e como tem um vasto material, decidi catalogar os mais legais. Aqui está categorizado por: artista > selo (por exemplo Class Comics que posta yaoi de heróis) > titulo > volume (exemplar) > idioma (prioridade: Português > Inglês).
Ao No Flag - É um título do estilo ‘’amadurecimento’’  que explora a vida de amigos que se gostam entre si. Não é yaoi/hentai mas tem seus belos momentos de relação e suas questões, fica a sugestão. (post explicando melhor o título)
Midnighter - Este é um personagem da DC Comics. Vi que ele possui aparições e um títulos + duas séries como principal, porém sugiro seu título na Rebirth (linha editoria que reseta todos os personagens e origens da editora) e uma série com seu namorado. Não possui yaoi devido ao público porém possui bastantes momentos sem medo de expressar sua personalidade/sexualidade. Rebirth - Midnighter & Apollo
Sugestões de site: Quadrinhos Gay - Blog | HentaiGay | MyReadingManga | BF Scans | Bara, Yaoi, Furry e Diversão - Blog | 
A Cueca do Vizinho - vol 1 [PT]
A Lenda de Robin Hood - vol 1 [PT] / vol 1 [ENG]
Garotos de Aluguel - vol 1 [PT] / vol 1 [ENG]
Class Comics: Ridehard - vol 1 [ENG] | vol 2 [ENG] | vol 3 [ENG]
There’s No Place Like D-Wing - vol 1 [ENG] ✮
Class Comics: Star Crossed - vol 1 [ENG] | vol 2 [ENG]
Class Comics: Super Hung! - vol 1 [ENG] | vol 2 [ENG] | vol 3 [ENG]
Iceman Blue:
Superboy - vol 1 [PT] | Superboy 2 [PT]
Aquaman [PT]
The Power of Shazam - vol 1 [PT]
Captain Marvel Jr - vol 1 [ENG]
Robin & Superboy - vol 1 [ENG]
Young Justice - vol 1 [ENG] / vol 1 [PT]
Legion Super-Heros - vol 1 [ENG]
Spider-Man - vol 1 [ENG]
Lost Fantasy Hero Vs. Zahn - vol 1 [ENG]
The Darkness - vol 1 [ENG]
Marvelman Family - vol 1 [PT]
Sabretooth - vol 1 [ENG]
Cellmates - Companheiros de Cela - vol 1 [PT]
Encounter in the Park - Encontro no Parque [PT]
The Night Visitor - vol 1 [PT]
Wet In The Woods - vol 1 [PT]
My Wild And Raunchy Son - vol 1 [ENG] | vol 2 [PT] | vol 3 [PT]
In The Confessional With The Priest - vol 1 [PT]
Hot Stepdad - vol 1 [ENG]
Dad’s Toys - vol 1 [ENG]
Private Lessons - vol 1 [ENG]
Mine - vol 1 [ENG]
A Father-Son Talk - vol 1 [ENG]
Stuck in the Snow - vol 1 [ENG]
Twins - vol 1 [ENG]
Shooting Too Soon - vol 1 [ENG]
Caught in the Act - vol 1 [PT]
Uncle Brad’s Cabin - vol 1 [ENG]
Hot Stepdad - vol 1 [PT]
Naughty Boy - vol 1 [PT]
Dick 22cm - vol 1 | vol 2 | vol 3 | vol 4 |
Train - O Trem [PT]
Joe Phillips:
Superboy - vol 1 [ENG] (vol 1 [PT])
Batboys - vol 1 [ENG] (vol 1 [PT]) | vol 2 [ENG] (vol 2 [PT)
The Royal Meeting - vol 1 [ENG] | vol 2 [ENG] | vol 3 [ENG]
Seijutsushi No Koi - vol 1 [JP]
Yotta Hyoushi ni Issen o Koe Sase Rarete Shimatta Otaku Macho no Hanashi - vol 1 [JP]
Roshutsu Kachou to Buka no Yoru - vol 1 [JP]
Buchou no Gohoubi - vol 1 [JP] ✮
Takaku Nozomu:
Seifuku to Hentai - Taguchi Driver no Baai - vol 1 [KR]
Inmeikyuu - Kushige Hen - vol 1 [JP]
Hakkyuu no Yukue - vol 1 [JP]
Levando Um Homem Ao Frenesi - vol 1 [PT] / Estendido [PT]
Todos Estão Fazendo Isso - vol 2 [PT]
O Retorno da Criança - vol 3 [PT]
Higuma - O Urso Marrom - vol 1 [PT]
That Summer’s Most Relaxing Sea - vol 1 [Eng]
A História das Postagens do dono da Loja de Arroz - vol 1 [PT]
he Seaside of Omawari-san - vol 1 [ENG]
X Men - Exposed - vol 1 [ENG]
Avengers - vol 1 [ENG]
Rugby x Building - vol 1 [ENG]
Draw Two:
Adhesion Ride - vol 1 [PT] ✮
SGW2+ - vol 1 [KR]
Tom Cat: Jitorine Try - vol 1 [PT] | vol 2 [ENG] ✮
PULIN Nabe/ Kakenari:
Natsuyasumi No Homo - vol 1 [PT] | vol 2 [PT] ✮
いせかい - vol 1 [ENG] | vol 2 [JP]
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Um Beijo Que Não Deveria Ter Acontecido - vol 1 [PT]
Muki Pomera (Kaidou Kana):
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Rolando Mérida:
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Say ‘Cheese’ - vol 1 [PT]
Meisho Hanten (Haruaki):
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Wet Sweat - vol 1 [JP]
Gun Bay 03 - vol 1
Irmãos Cafuçus
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sketchysaniwa · 6 years
Halfway Saniwa (Ch.3)
{Chapter 3: Welcome to the World}
<Japanese> “English” ‘thoughts’ The next week was a big day, it would be the first time she could step outside of the sterile room.  Dressed in with a simple attire, Kaiita waited with baited breath outside a door which attached to a partition chamber separating her from the outside world. She could see people on the other side of the room, some resembled doctors or something she’d  assume to be so- and the other- was dressed unlike anything she’d been prepared for. 
< Ready Kaiita-san?>
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The text dialogue translated the Japanese for her spoken over the intercom, and swallowing any doubt she gave a curt nod in reply. There was a sound of hissing air passing back and forth through a vent as the first pair of doors opened, slid apart for her, and only then did it finally click they were oddly ornate- resembling a technological version of shoji partition doors. Kaiita steps inside the inner chamber and they slide closed behind her with a finality that made her neck break into goosebumps. “I’m detecting an increase in your heartrate Kaiita-sama, please relax, everything will be just fine.” Spoke the four legged companion in her arms. Ever since the Konnosuke arrived, he hadn’t left her side; they patiently acted as a companion and part time stuffed animal with complimentary warmer pads inside their body to curl up next to during the night. Now they accepted role of confidant, held secure against the girls front like a cat but giving off a sense they were anything but a simple PET. “ I-…right, you’re right.”
Another hissing sound reached her ears and she could sense the air moving around her. Instantly she could tell the difference- there was an aroma other than just… nothing reaching her nose. Over time in a perfectly sterile room smells like that which came off her food, and the soaps she was provided for cleansing, were much more pronounced.  But unlike those, this hit her like a wave- and she knew EXACTLY what it was. “..sakura?” she uttered the word and a picture of what they were came to mind- but why would she smell something like that? “Ah yes- it is spring after all! We are on the 2nd floor and this wing is close to the open balcony of the building. Come come-! Let’s go see them Kaiita-sama! I’m sure they will lift your spirits.”
The second doors cracked open and more air flooded in, gliding over her skin, informing her that outside it was much warmer. Standing before her as she exited, were 2 people who she could confirm now were doctors due to their name tags, someone who looked like a secretary or manager- basically they wore a suit and beside them was-
“Hajimemashite- Kaiita-san, watashi wa Keiko desu, mata aete ureshii.” < It’s a pleasure to meet you Kaiita-san, I’m Keiko, I’m happy to see you again.> The translation of what Keiko spoke appeared on a clear tablet plate she was holding and spoke it verbally as well in her own voice. “Amazing…” she breathed, watching as it translated even her reaction back to the woman … making the miko laugh.
Yes, a miko, at least she appeared to be.
Kaiita could recognize the crimson hakama, the clean white haori, and even the patterned outer coat or robe that was tied from shoulder to shoulder in a red cord. “I mean- it’s good to see you face to face Keiko-san, “ she continued, unable to stop herself from analyzing the woman’s attire. This didn’t go unnoticed and Keiko smiled almost knowingly. <Unless your companion has already explained, I am not just a miko, as you will come to understand, I am a saniwa as well. There will be much more to explain but first, tell me- how do you feel?> While she hadn’t had much time to get to know this woman very well, up close Kaiita could get a sense now that this woman was somehow…’ bigger’ than she really looked. Somehow her presence didn’t match the petite figure and demure face. It was like something other than her body heat was pressing up against Kaiita and it make her fidget in place- unable to do anything about it. “I feel good.” She replied, “ It’s nice and warm out here. It smells good too, Konnosuke said there are sakura outside?” <Ah! Yes, I suppose you can smell them couldn’t you, come with me and I’ll show you to the balcony.  However, I must ask you to prepare yourself, while I’m sure you’ve never seen Japan before… this is more than just simple city. > Ah- yes, this was the distant future right? She almost forgot- what? Were their flying ships or space stations in the sky? Kaiita wondered this and more as she followed behind Keiko who walked with a soft sound of a bell in her step. The doctors meanwhile were following, along with that person in a suit. They were talking amongst themselves as they passed little batons and tapped various menus and devices on their own tablet screens. Out of the corner of her eye Kaiita could think she saw an MRI scan of herself, with various other similar charts that overlapped different parts of her body. What stuck out also was an odd fluctuating image of her body that almost reminded her of one of those new age color spectrum maps of the human aura. 
The hall didn’t go for very long, and she noticed a few other rooms of similar fashion to her own but all were empty it seemed. They took a right and the hall became a windowed view, and that’s when Kaiitas breath did catch her throat. 
Keiko touched a section of the window and suddenly it parted- after forming edges seemingly out of nowhere! They too slid aside from one another like a shoji door and Kaiita followed her outside onto the balcony.  There was the city below them, and from this edge she could see their building was done up in a style resembling a castle- but it was far more complex with  several other towering sections with the same ornate tiered roofs. Below a rather modern city sprawled out before her, and it wouldn’t have been so impressive than any other metropolis in the 21th century had it not been for the small details. Many sky trains rode back and forth on tracks that seemed to hover in the air. Cars looked more or less the same if more a bit more stylized, and then she could see projected signs from the second floor on the street across from their building. They changed and animated on their own! Thankfully it wasn’t too overdone- like some sci-fi vegas- but the city gave off a far more automated look than anything she could think of. 
This was okay, it wasn’t too startling for her at all, but it DID hammer in the idea she wasn’t in her own era any longer. Thankfully the future didn’t look too alien that Kaiita couldn’t handle it- for now. Coming closer to the edge of the balcony she could see a heavy tree line of blooming sakura illuminated by floating lanterns. They were attached to nothing, they just hung in mid air with no strings and probably no flame inside. Yet they glowed and flickered with a light unlike any bulb she’d seen. The breeze blew a waft of their flowers perfume up to her and she visibly sighed.
< What do you think?> Keiko was looking at her, and Kaiita thought it over a moment before answering.
“…its…different, but not too much. I think if I saw space ships I might have freaked out. “ < Oh they exist, just…  they are out in space- like satellites would be. And they are certainly not for commercial use.> “Oh…” all the girl could do was blink at the senior saniwa, who proceeded to giggle in amusement. At least someone was finding this funny. Still Keiko was sympathetic, and she reached out to pat Kaiita’s shoulder- albeit..hesitantly, seeing if she was relaxed enough. Kaiita didn’t resist and in that moment of non-verbal consent Keiko smiled more warmly at her. < I understand you’re being very brave right now. There may come a time soon when you may feel overwhelmed, and I would advise you to not bottle that up. Be open as much as you can, it will make your adjustments easier if you can face those emotions directly. For now, you needn’t be too concerned about acclimatizing to an alien world- not where you are going.> This was... comforting but odd, what did Keiko mean by that last part? She conveyed her curiosity with a raised brow at the tiny creature still held in her arms.
“What Keiko-san means is you will be leaving this building and being sent somewhere else. Somewhere… a ‘bit more your pace.’ The arrangements are being made, as it appears the doctors have approved you are ready for transfer.” Konnosuke’s response drew the girl’s attention back to the doctors who indeed seemed to look approving of her and were singing off something with a stylus and mailing it digitally before handing it to the person in a suit. “Where am I being taken now?” she asked Keiko who had followed her line of sight. Before the woman replied she spoke something to the two doctors who would nod and then bow to her before leaving them alone on the balcony. The person in the suit followed as well, but not before looking back once more at Kaiita as they door closed behind them. Keiko turned to her and nods, < Kaiita-san, after the head bureau signs off on your bill of health, you will be assigned a Citadel.>
“A citadel?” Was she hearing this right? “Like-… as in- a citadel, citadel? A big- place? Like castle or-“ Maybe the translation wasn’t working, surely they meant maybe a little apartment or a place to stay. As if reading her mind the Konnosuke nods to confirm there was no mistake. “A citadel is assigned to every participating member of the E.S.C. It acts as their home base and place of residence. The size is expected as well in your line of work, as you will come to understand.”
“So… I’m going to move into a town?”
“Not exactly, it’s rather a large property of land with various specific buildings which come standard to every saniwa’s needs. Each citadel is very special, and will be under your complete control.” The fox continued, tail beginning to swish with excitement, “After all, as Master of the house, it will become your home.” <Konnosuke can explain more, but first, how about we get you something to eat? Outside maybe? There is a nice shop across the street.>  Keiko suggested pointing to something with an animated sign that had a kettle pouring something into a cup. A Café? Despite all the heaviness and gravitas of what was just dumped on her, distracting herself with a familiar concept was a welcome idea. All Kaiita could do was nod, and allow Keiko to lead her away and down stairs.
Master of a Citadel? Yeah she could use a coffee right now, surely she was dreaming.
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themangaguide · 3 years
Spring time floral fragrances
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Can we be interested in a person using the way that they scent?
dark mortal the brief wonderful response to this question makes sure. fragrance or smell can genuinely be a top-notch identifying whether or not we are interested in a person. This appeal is not generally a physical tourist attraction. it is able to be merely a destination to the scent itself, which is turn may furthermore draw our attention to the user. if you are the usage of a selected fragrance to gather someone's attention, i'm able to admonish you that you want if you intend to understand onto and also preserve onto it after the scent has obtained your foot into the door. We experience the industry via the 5 main senses that we have. They make it feasible for us to browse via this physical global from everyday and to remain our lives. Our feeling of odor is just one piece of the challenge which allows us to browse by means of the roads of presence however there stand out factors of small which intend to be taken into consideration. fragrance Works each techniques The fragrances that we make use of or place on can function both for us and in the direction of us in this way of livings. a great fragrance will certainly attract focus, via a horrible perfume may additionally repel human beings from us. an excellent fragrance may additionally repel people in long times. when an outstanding perfume is related to a negative occasion in the existence of the individual that smells it they will certainly connect us with the negativity of that occasion as well as happen repulsed. Pheromones Pheromones are chemical materials which take place in nature which stimulate certain responses in different humans. frequently they might send out sexual alerts, they can likewise sign concern, stress and anxiety, as well as temper. have you ever before puzzled why male pet dogs are so attracted to a girl in warmth? this is due to the fact that chemical substances released using the lady are breathed in by means of the men as well as authorize the mating feedback. There had actually been attempts to reproduce these compounds in labs which can be accomplished nevertheless men have now not yet can elicit the preferred responses from the contrary sex. food Scents food fragrances are called gourmet scents as well as can successfully generate great actions from others. sounan desu ka manga consider it or now not many advanced perfumers are adding those kind fragrances to perfumes with phenomenal success. Delicious chocolate, along side fragrances like coconut as well as sugar are getting in acknowledgment, while fruity fragrances had been well-known for quite a long period of time. Florals Floral or flowery scents have generally been popular. The certain scent that you might pick to use will differ regular with the moment of year. Spring time floral fragrances are light as well as uplifting, even as florals used in the autumn and also winter months have a tendency to be much heavier. individuals that have a specific fondness for a certain time of yr can be interested in the corresponding spirituous scent for that factor of yr. the incorrect fragrance at the inaccurate time will purpose you to paste out like a sore thumb and also seem out of location. Hefty lush tropical fragrances will certainly no more function correctly throughout of the springtime of the year. Hefty cloying middle of the night scents likewise might not work with cozy summer season time days. they may fend off as opposed to bring in. Please visit https://themangablog.mystrikingly.com/blog/9pjn27uspjqrziv5tvveu1614596798 if you like to know more related details
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