#people who like villains: um your post in which you said you didn't like my favorite hurt my feelings? why are you attacking me?
utilitycaster · 2 months
the thing about people who tend to be really into villains is like. I have no moral issue with this. My problem is that you get people who are like yeah I love VILLAINS I'm VILLAINOUS and EDGY. And then when you're like ok cool anyway I think this villain does bad things, in the narrative, which to be clear, is their purpose, and I have again no moral issue because this is pretend and a story, they're like "no? my shmoopy? would NEVER. my sweet villain baby who has never done wrong? I love them because they're evil but if you say they're evil i'm going to scream and scream and scream." and also if you make any jokes about the villain they're like "actually this is deeply insulting to them because they had trauma in their life? You're so mean to my murder puppy" and like. The true secret is most villain stans just want to fuck the villain. And again. I have no moral issue with this. I support it, even. But I wish they would thoroughly lean into that desire for the villains instead of scouring the fandom and throwing a tantrum whenever people are like "wow I think the bad person character is sorta bad and here's a meme about it"
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simping4villains · 1 year
Here’s a part 2 of the Shigaraki oneshot I posted awhile back (since some of y’all were asking for it). I do have both parts posted on both my wattpadd and ao3 account under the same username (along with many other fics). I think i’m going to keep the story going, so check there for more regular updates! <3
Warning: Sexual content
It had been a couple of weeks since that night in Tomura's apartment. You'd been avoiding him, not responding to his texts and dodging his calls, but he started threatening to stop by your apartment or the elementary school you taught at to check on you, so you finally agreed to see him.
He asked you to meet up with him at the South entrance of the mall where you'd first met. He was wearing the same black hoodie he'd worn on that day. Originally, you had thought he was just introverted and anxious, but now you realized that he probably wore it in an attempt to hide his identity. He didn't want to be recognized in public and have the heroes called in.
God, what an idiot you'd been. You were too naive, too trusting. Now you were in too deep.
"Y/n," he smiled when he saw you. "I wasn't sure you'd come."
Neither were you.
"Of course. I'm sorry if it feels like i've been ignoring you lately, i've just been so busy with my students," you lied. "It's almost winter break."
Tomura had never shown any signs that he'd be violent toward you, but you still weren't sure what he was truly capable of. You'd tried to do research on him and his villain group, but the media didn't have a ton of information. It seemed like he hadn't had any sort of life before the league—not one that you could find, at least.
"It's alright," he said, though you weren't sure if he really believed you or not.
"So, what are we doing? Your text was pretty cryptic."
"I was thinking we could grab a drink and talk."
You were confused. You'd never known Tomura to have much of a taste for alcohol. "Um, I'm not so sure there are any bars in the mall."
"That's okay, I know a place." He turned and started walking down the sidewalk, glancing at you over his shoulder. "Come on."
Alarms were going off on your head. He wasn't giving you enough information. You didn't like not knowing where he was taking you. Then again, you weren't sure how he would react if you refused to follow him. What choice did you have but to play along?
He led you to a bus stop, which only made you feel even more unsettled. When the bud arrived, you took note that it was headed for the Kamino Ward. It wasn't a place you were very familiar with.
Walking through the streets, you tried to guess which bar Tomura was bringing you to, but he kept passing them by. Eventually, the streets became less lively and more deserted. Many of the buildings looked abandoned, including the one that he finally stopped in front of.
"Well, here it is."
"I don't understand, is it like a speak easy or something?"
He gave an amused laugh. "I guess you could say that."
He slipped through the boards that covered the busted door, urging you to follow him. Against your better judgment, you did. The room inside was battered and covered in dust.
"There's nothing here."
"It's downstairs."
You started to feel nauseous. Had his plan been to just kill you all along? Did he not think he could let you live now that you knew who he was?
"Tomura, it's getting late, maybe I should get going. I promised my aunt that I'd stop by tonight. I don't want her to worry."
It was another lie, but he didn't have to know that. You wanted him to think you had places to be, people who would notice if you didn't show up, didn't answer their texts and calls. Your aunt had met Tomura before, so she'd probably give his name to the police if you went missing.
Then again, what had the police been able to do to stop him up to this point?
His smile dropped. You'd never seen him look so hurt. "I knew it. You really are afraid of me."
"Tomura, that's not it at all."
"Then just trust me. Please. Don't leave yet."
You nodded. "Okay."
What else could you say? What else could you do? If he thought you were a flight risk, that might only cause him to kill you sooner.
The two of you crossed the room to a door, which he opened to reveal a closet. You braced for an impact, thinking maybe he would use your confusion as a means to distract you while he knocked you out. Instead, he reached out to the back wall of the closet and pushed it forward, revealing it to be a hidden door. Beyond it was a set of stairs that led to the basement. As soon as he revealed this secret entrance, he pulled a hand out of his pocket and put it over his face. It was part of his villain costume—you remembered the chills it gave you when you'd first seen it on that special news report.
You followed him down and were surprised to find that there really was a bar in the basement of this abandoned building. There were a few people in the room, but the person who caught your attention was the man standing behind the counter, polishing a glass. His body appeared to be made of smoke or something. He looked up at the two of you as you entered.
"Ah, young master Shigaraki, you've returned."
A man sitting at the bar in a skin-tight suit turned toward the two of you. "Yeah, and it looks like he brought a friend. Who the hell is this, boss?!"
The girl sitting beside him, who couldn't have been more than 17, tilted her head and smiled. "Is she a new recruit?"
Tomura shifted awkwardly. You could feel the way he tensed with embarrassment. "This is Y/n. We've been seeing each other for a while now and I thought it was time for her to meet you."
"The boss has a girlfriend? Get it, boss!"
The girl hopped off of the stool she'd been perched on, running over to circle around you and size you up. "What a cutie! I wonder what your blood tastes like?"
Tomura wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you against him in a protective manner. "Maybe this was a mistake."
The girl laughed. "Oh, don't worry, boss! We're going to be best friends." She beamed at you. "My name's Toga."
The man in the suit hopped up to join you all. "And I'm Jin. But my villain name is Twice because I can duplicate myself and make copies of other people! I don't know if i'm the real deal or just a clone!"
"Don't overwhelm her," Tomura warned, his eyes narrowing at them between the fingers of the hand he wore.
"Oh, no, we wouldn't want to scare her off," one of the other members piped up from the corner of the room, his tone sarcastic. "God knows how hard it is for you to get a date."
You hadn't noticed him before, which seemed shocking now that your gaze met his. His body was covered in what looked like burn scars and even from across the room you could tell he had the most piercing blue eyes you'd ever seen. His demeanor was fairly casual, but still conveyed that he wasn't someone you'd want to mess with. He was a bit terrifying.
Any embarrassment Tomura felt was quickly melting into rage. It seemed he and this other league member didn't get along too well. Despite whatever internal conflict you were facing, you couldn't help but feel bad for him in that moment. Your hand brushed the one he had on your waist, just long enough for him to understand that it had been on purpose and that you'd intended for it to comfort him.
"Just ignore him," Tomura mumbled. "It's what the rest of us do."
"So, what's your quirk?" Toga asked, trying to shift the attention away from the other man.
Twice cut you off before you could answer. "Are you going to join the league? You totally should!"
You looked between Toga and Twice. You had been ready for Tomura to kill you, but nothing could have prepared you for this. "Oh, I—"
"No," Tomura snapped. "She's just here to better understand our cause."
You could feel the silent rage radiating off of him. In his eyes, these two had crossed a line by inviting you to be a part of the league. If it was something you'd decided for yourself, he would have welcomed you with open arms, but he wanted to protect you, and he knew that you would be safest if the heroes never found out about you.
The man in the corner scoffed. "Of course she isn't joining the league. Look at her. She probably couldn't keep up with us."
Tomura's fingers dug into your hip. He was trying to hold himself back, to keep his composure. If this man had been insulting him, he could've just ignored it, or even come back with his own sarcastic retort, but when it came to you—well, it was harder for him to brush it off.
"Y/n," the man behind the bar called. "Come and sit. Would you like some tea? I've always got it ready for master Shigaraki."
"Tea would be lovely," you smiled, glad for someone to diffuse the sudden tension.
You took a seat at the bar, trying to ignore whatever lecture Tomura was giving Twice and Toga about the way they'd ambushed you. You wondered whether or not the other man would get a lecture too. He didn't seem like someone who would really listen. . . or care.
"Sorry about them," the man said as he pushed a cup of tea across the bar to you. "Some of the newer members are so full of charisma. And Dabi, well, he's. . ."
"It's alright. I'm sure they mean well," you replied, forcing a smile. "I didn't catch your name."
"It's Kurogiri."
"Kurogiri," you repeated. "How did you end up becoming a bar tender for the league of villains?"
He laughed. "I am not just a mere bartender. It is my job to keep Tomura Shigaraki safe. I am his sworn protector."
"I didn't think the leader of the league of villains would need protecting."
"There are plenty of people who want to see his downfall—heroes and villains alike. Most don't agree with his mission."
You were about to ask what his mission was when you felt three fingers gripping your shoulder, telling you that Tomura wanted to leave.
"Kurogiri, I'll be in my room if you need me. Come on, Y/n."
He led you through the bar and down a hallway, stopping at the very last door. His room at the league's hideout was smaller than the one in his apartment, and somehow even less decorated. It was very reminiscent of a college dorm, though he had a full-size bed. On his desk you noticed he had a photo strip of the two of you that you'd taken on one of your very first dates. Besides this, his desk was almost completely bare.
"I'm sorry about them," he said as he took a seat on the bed, removing the hand from his face and setting it on the nightstand. "Maybe bringing you here was a mistake after all." His fingers found their way to his neck, mindlessly scratching lines in familiar tracks.
You moved to sit beside him, gently pulling his hand away from his reddening skin to hold it palm-up in your lap. "Toga and Twice seemed nice."
"I just thought maybe if you met everyone then you would see that we aren't as bad as the heroes make us out to be. You'd see that you don't have to be afraid of me."
"I'm not afrai—"
"Stop," he said, his eyes pinching shut like the words pained him to hear. "I feel like you can barely look at me now. You think I wouldn't hesitate to kill you, that your death would be just as meaningless to me as those who have died as collateral—a small sacrifice for my cause."
You didn't know what to say. You had hoped you'd been convincing enough, but Tomura had seen through it. He could tell things had changed between you. Your heart was racing now, wondering what he would do.
He turned to you, his eyes soft and pleading. "I would never do anything to hurt you, y/n—and I would gladly kill anyone who tried. I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you."
You swallowed, searching his eyes for any sign of deception, but ultimately decided that this was the truth. He didn't bring you here to kill you, he just wanted you to understand him.
"Kurogiri mentioned that a lot of people don't agree with your 'mission.' What is it you're doing?"
"I want to destroy the world that we live in. You don't know what's going on, so you don't understand how wretched it really is. From the ashes, I'll build a new world—similar to what you believe ours to be."
You had never seen this side of him before. He sounded so. . . evil. "But why do you have to destroy things first? Why can't you just try to make things better?"
He shook his head, pulling his hand away from you. "Society is too far gone. There is no 'making things better' as it stands. We need a fresh start, and I can give it to us."
You nodded slowly, processing everything he was saying. "And what would this new world of yours look like?"
"No more heroes who are only after the pay and praise of a job well done. Just people. People allowed to live their lives without being forced to worship these corrupt imposters."
You thought of your mother, who had been a hero and had died saving others. Had she really been so bad? Had she done it for the wrong reasons? You'd be lying if you said there was never a time where you thought her sense of justice had been selfish. Because of it you had grown up without a mother, without a father, isolated from the rest of the world, discouraged from using and training your quirk. You often wondered how different your life might look now if she had picked a different, more sensible career path.
He continued when you didn't respond. "No one is born a villain, they're created—they're spit out and shunned by this cruel world one too many times. I just want to live in a world where everyone is equal, where no one is treated differently for their quirks."
"Well, I guess. . . I guess that doesn't seem so bad."
He smiled and rested his forehead against yours, bringing a hand up to cup your jaw. "I don't want to live in that world without you by my side. I really do love you."
You held your breath and closed your eyes, weighing everything that he'd said. The man you'd spent the past few months with, Tomu, was sweet, shy, caring. Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the league of villains, had a reputation for being something else entirely—cold, ambitious, and merciless. Before, you couldn't have believed they really were the same person. Yet sitting here, listen to him speak, it all came together. And you hated yourself because, despite it all. . .
"I love you," you whispered, as if you were ashamed to say the words too loud, afraid that might somehow make them more real.
He pressed his lips to yours, winding his hand into your hair, always careful to keep at least one finger away from you. He'd missed you those past few weeks. He was worried he had lost you. He wanted you to know how much you meant to him—how much he needed you. He had been a mess without you, barely eating or sleeping. He would have fallen apart completely if you'd left. He needed you to know that.
"I thought i'd lost you," he whispered between kisses, his voice like a plea, begging you to keep proving him wrong.
Honestly, you'd thought he'd lost you, too. You had every intention of ending your relationship by avoiding him. Maybe it wasn't fair to do it that way given how long you'd been together, but after learning who he really was, you worried that if you met up with him to end things then he might overreact and become violent. You couldn't have predicted that seeing him would instead make you change your mind.
"I'm still here," you told him, feeling ashamed of yourself. What would Aunt Marci think if she knew you were in love with a villain?
He pulled you onto his lap so that you straddled him, wrapping his arms around your waist so you were caged to his chest. "Are you sure tou don't hate me?" He asked. "You aren't only here telling me the things I want to hear because you're afraid of me?"
You frowned. "I wish that were the case. It would make this all a lot easier."
"You don't want to want to be with me, right? To love me?"
"Right," you agreed, your voice barely audible. You were worried how he might react knowing you were so apprehensive.
His expression didn't change. He didn't erupt into a fit of anger. He brushed the tips of his fingers through your hair before ghosting them along your jaw. "Then i'll just have to keep giving you reasons to want me."
Your lips met again and you melted in his arms. He ran a hand up the back of your shirt, pressing four fingers into your back so that he held you closer. You gasped at his touch and he took the opportunity to catch your bottom lip between his teeth, lightly tugging at it. It was all a painful reminder that, despite everything, you still burned for him.
   You were so weak.
He guided you back on the bed, spreading himself over you and bending to trail feather-light kisses along your neck. "I want to prove that you don't have to be afraid of me," he whispered, his breath tickling your skin.
"How are you going to do that?"
His teeth grazed along your neck. "I'll show you how gentle I can be."
"Tomura, I've already seen that side of you."
He lifted his head from your neck to meet your gaze. He was smirking. God, he was so beautiful. "Not like this."
You didn't even realize he'd grabbed your shirt until it disintegrated around you, flitting away from your body and leaving you feeling vulnerable beneath him, guarded only by the thin lace bra you wore.
He ran his fingers along the edge of it, humming to himself. "Pretty. I don't want to ruin it."
You frowned. "You know, I really wish you wouldn't ruin any of my clothes."
That made him laugh. He thought you were cute when you were mad. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it upset you so much. I just like giving you reasons to wear mine instead."
"I don't have a problem with wearing yours, I just don't want to have to keep spending money on clothes that actually fit me just for you to make them disappear in seconds."
"That's fair." He pressed his lips to your chest before trailing soft kisses down your stomach, stopping at the waistband of your jeans. "But it really is so much quicker to decay them," he said as he fiddled with your belt and zipper.
You lifted your hips to help him guide your pants off of your legs. You were surprised when he dragged your panties along with them, exposing you to him. He ran the tips of his fingers down your thighs before settling between your legs. Your breath hitched at the sight alone.
He wove his arms under your legs so that he could grip your hips, pulling you closer to him. Your heart raced as you felt his breath against your core.
"Are you gonna make it?" He asked. "You're looking a bit flustered."
"Will you quit teasing me?"
He flashed a devilishly playful smile. "I'm not teasing you. I fully intend to give you everything you want. It's not my fault if you lack patience."
He placed a gentle kiss on your clit, the rough cracks of his lips creating enough friction to make your toes curl, but it was the soft warmth of his tongue against you that finally drew a moan from your throat. He hummed his satisfaction, which only added to the sensations as he continued exploring your heat with his mouth.
"Tomura, fuck. . ."
Your hand moved to grip his hair, needing something to ground you in reality as pleasure overtook your body and clouded your mind. His tongue moved faster against your clit, rushing you closer to your orgasm. It wasn't long before you completely fell apart, pulling at his hair and crying out his name. Once you'd gotten past the peak of your climax, he moved to lay next to you. He propped himself up on his elbow and lazily ran a few fingers through your hair.
"I'm surprised," you said.
"What do you mean?"
"No games."
"I told you."
"Maybe you aren't so evil after all," you joked.
He laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer. "Don't tell the others."
"I dunno, you might have to buy my silence," you teased.
"What's your price?"
You snaked a hand behind his neck and pulled him into a kiss, hooking your leg over his hip at the same time so you could press his body against yours. He smirked against your lips, chuckling to himself.
You broke away from him. "What?"
"Was that your answer?"
You avoided the question, instead tugging at his shirt. "This isn't fair. I'm practically naked."
"So that's a yes?"
"Will you just shut up and take your clothes off?"
He clicked his tongue, shaking his head at you. "So impatient. We'll have to work on that."
Despite his chastisement, he listened. He pulled his clothes off and threw them next to yours on the floor before reaching behind you to unhook your bra. His hands covered your breasts, careful as always to keep at least one finger off of you. Then, he leaned into your chest and replaced one of your hands with his mouth, sucking bruises on your skin and flicking his tongue against your nipple.
You bit your lip, trying to contain a moan, not wanting to seem anymore desperate, but it just became a whimper in your throat. You felt him smile against your chest and move his free hand down to between your legs. You were so wet that he slid two fingers in you like it was nothing. He scissored them back and forth, stretching you out as he continued toying with your nipples. You couldn't contain yourself any longer. You tugged at his hair as you moaned his name.
"What is it, baby?" He asked.
You grabbed at his hip, trying to pull him closer to you.
"You want something?"
"Stop teasing me. You said no games."
He feigned a sudden realization. "Ohh, you want me in here?" He thrusted his fingers deeper into you, making sure to curl them over your g-spot and drag another moan from your throat.
"Fuck. Yes."
He kissed your forehead. "Of course, baby."
With the hand that was on your chest, he steadied himself on the bed, and with the other he lined his tip up with your entrance. There were no games. He didn't tease you, he didn't make you beg, he just eased himself in until you were completely filled. You arched against him and dug your nails into his shoulders, loving the feeling of him stretching you out.
"Am I good to move?" He asked after a moment, gently brushing his nose against yours.
You nodded.
He slowly pulled his hips back before sinking into you again, repeating the motion over and over until he found a good rhythm.
His movements were different this time. Before, he had seemed desperate, slamming into you at a rough pace. Now, his stokes were slow, controlled, passionate—like he was using his body to show you all of the things he couldn't say out loud. He was begging you to stay, to love him, to give him a chance to be the person you'd originally thought he was.
And despite all of the alarms going off in your head, you knew you would.
You could feel the knot building once more in the pit of your stomach. He was pushing you closer to the edge with each languid movement, and you could tell by his breathing that he was getting closer too.
At one point he paused and grabbed one of the pillows from the bed, lifting your hips and setting you back down on it. The new angle that it provided was absolutely euphoric. He reached deeper than before, rolling his hips so that he hit all of the right spots.
"Tomura," you moaned.
"Does that feel good, baby?"
"Are you close?"
You nodded.
"You wanna cum with me?"
"Please," you begged.
"I gonna count you down, alright?"
He moved his hand between you.
He started drawing quick circles over your clit with his thumb.
You could feel your pleasure coiling tighter and tighter.
You dug your nails into his skin, arching against him.
You both fell apart, panting and moaning as you let your pleasure wash over you. He caught your lips in a sloppy kiss before moving down your neck, trying to cover every inch of your skin. He wanted you to understand how much he loved you—how much he worshipped you. He wouldn't let you go so easily.
The two of you cleaned up and Tomura gave you another sweatshirt to borrow since he'd decayed your shirt. There was no bathroom attached to his room, so you had to go down the hall. You hadn't taken more than two steps on your way back to his room when you heard a mocking voice.
"Ohhh, Tooomura," He said in a tone meant to mimic your own. "God, it's fucking pathetic."
You turned to see the man from before—the one who'd been a jerk to you in the bar—leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. Your cheeks felt hot—a combination of rage and embarrassment. Had he been listening in on you two?
"It's Dabi, right?" You asked. "Look, I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but will you just leave me the hell alone?"
He kicked off of the wall, closing the distance between you and getting in your face. "My problem is you. I've got big plans for my future and the league can help me see them through, but not if you're here. You're too much of a distraction. You'll just end up making Shigaraki soft—him and the rest of the league."
"I'm not trying to be a distraction," you insisted.
"Oh, please," he scoffed. "It's only a matter of time before you brainwash Shigaraki into thinking that what we're doing is pointless. Love is like a fucking poison."
He shoved past you and disappeared down the hallway. You must've seemed off when you got back to Tomura's room because a look of concern quickly spread across his face.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Fine," you replied, clenching and unclenching your fists as you kept your gaze trained on the floor. You were trying to keep your anger from bubbling over and causing you to do something stupid. How could Dabi think you were bad for Tomu? You wouldn't make him soft. You wouldn't make him give up on the world he was trying to create—a world where everyone was equal. Why would you?
"Are you sure?"
You finally looked up at him. Your determination was radiating off of you as you announced: "I want to join the league."
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thomawifey · 11 months
a wish.
Tumblr media
pairings: dazai osamu x reader
contains: angst, death
wc: 1,229
a/n: haii~ :3 ill start posting weekly now!! also this request from the (same) friend <3
The night appeared, the sky was dark, while the moon and stars were shinning brightly. You were walking up a hill, which is a favourite spot of yours to stay and enjoy the view. While you were walking, you saw a boy with brown hair, bandages wrapped over his right eye. He was wearing a black trench coat, under it was a white shirt and a black tie.
Your mind was deciding the choice between leaving or just ignore him. You know what? Just sit beside him, and ask who is he! You agreed to your ‘totally smart’ choice. Your figure sat down beside him, looking at him not in a creepy way. He was enjoying the view he saw, but then you came. You took a deep breath, before bravely asking him.
“Um.. hai! who are you?” trying your best not to come off rude nor suspicious.
His gaze turns to you, brown eyes that looked dead and empty.
“I'm Dazai! You must be name, right?” he asked, a smile appearing on his lips. Dazai knew you because you had a nickname, people said you were a strong ability user, a young one. He searched informations about you by asking people around the place you lived at. Your expression changed getting slightly suspicious of him. How did he knew your name? Dazai sounds.. familiar. You stood up to your feet, taking a few steps back from him, just to make sure.
“Get to the point, what do you want?” you asked in low tone, preparing to use your ability.
Dazai seeing you step back can only smile until he stood up aswell. He sighed, “No violence, please. My right hand is broken right now..”
Believing his words wasn't easy, he could just use his other hand or something. You groaned, putting your hands on both side of your hips, clearly waiting for an explanation. Should’ve left, instead staying.
“As you can see, I'm here to bring you.. to Mori, Port Mafia’s boss.” he explained, with a smirk on his stupid face.
Mori Ougai, Port Mafia’s boss. He used to be a doctor from what you heard but somehow he’s the boss of port mafia.
“What does he want?”
“He wants to meet you, name.”
And now, you’re the member of the Port Mafia. You didn't understand yourself why did you accept his offer, you were supposed to be a hero. Sometimes, a hero change their mind. After years working under the Port Mafia, being partnered up with Dazai and Chuuya was the happiest thing to ever happen to you.
But, happiness doesn't stay forever.
You never saw Dazai for days, weeks, months, and now years. After he left, no, betrayed Port Mafia including you and Chuuya, you never saw him ever again. It just like he disappeared from this world. Dazai leaving did made you feel miserable. Chuuya felt the same thing, because of that he celebrated by opening the 89’ wine. You could only join and watched him, the person's memories will always be remembered by the person who got left behind.
How did things go south? Why is he, trying to take your life away.
Your eyes went wide seeing Dazai infront of you, after years of disappearing. Finally, he decided to show himself to you. But, the reunion wasn't the one you expected. The person who left you behind, he who left you behind is trying to take your life away.
You tried to use your ability against him, but he managed to nullify it. Heavy breaths, fog everywhere, everything gone wrong. Dazai didn't want to do any of this, but it's part of his mission, his stupid mission. He would sacrifice you just for the world.
“You used to say to me that.. it's us against the world, but now why are you with the world?” you laughed at him, preparing to use your ability again. The only thing you can do is laugh at his ‘words’ that was from the past, sometimes everyone is just bunch of liars. Also sometimes, a villain changes their mind.
Dazai stood still for awhile before slowly walking closer to you, preparing to end you. Raising your hand again to the sky, fire particles appearing. Throwing fire orbs and particles non-stop at him, and somehow he always managed to nullify or dodge it. Burn marks starts appearing on your skin which is a result using your ability too much. You didn't want to stop, you didn't want to lose, you can't. But, fate said otherwise.
Your body became weak, burn marks everywhere. Right after your half-consicous body fell on the ground, he ran to you, fast. Dazai kneel down, holding your figure close to him, embracing you. He knew he couldn't save you, just like how he couldn't save Odasaku. He could only cry, watching you die on his hand. You can only smile seeing him again, even though this is the last time you will meet. Your body was burning, it hurts, but you could only hiss at the pain.
“Name.. please, tell me-”
You cut him off before he finishes his sentence, looking up at him,
“Can we..”
Telling the promise you both made.
Both of you were on top of the same hill you first met, having a peaceful moment while watching the sky, moon, and stars shinning brightly. It was rather cold but both of you were wearing coats. Dazai was enjoying every moment with you alone, until–
“Psst– ‘samu, we should watch the shooting star together!” you mumbled, hugging him tight from behind his neck. The brown haired boy sighed,
“Shooting star? For what?”
“For a wish, dummy! Don't you have a wish?”
“I don't believe in those. But, I guess we can..” he mumbled, trying his best to show that he’s not interested but failed anyways.
Watching the shooting star with Dazai was your last promise. A smile formed on his lips, he nodded his head before carrying you into his arms. It took some time before going to the same hill, the hill you first met, the hill where something started.
Dazai slowly sat down, with your body in his arms. The night was beautiful. The sky, the moon, the stars were shinning brightly.
After a few moments, shooting stars started to appear. He looked down at you,
“Hey look, it's the shooting star! Quick make a wish.” he said, pointing at the sky, where there was stars.
You looked up at the sky, before looking at him back.
“My wish? Please promise to not tell anyone, okay?” you muttered, letting out a sigh before telling your wish. I hope, my wish became true. He nodded his head as an answer.
Before you told your wish, your hand came to cup one of his cheeks, caressing it. You smiled for the last time in your life,
“My wish is.. I hope we’ll meet again in another life.” you told him your wish, before your life was taken away due to blood loss. His eyes went wide, he tried to say your name out but you didn't say anything back. Finally, tears were rolling down his cheeks.
Dazai hugged your dead body, while tears continuesly rolls down his cheeks. He was muttering sorry’s on your ear nonstop.
“We will.. meet again, love.”
Why does this have to happen to him, twice?
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flaim-ita · 2 months
I'm really at a loss for words except to say... I'm sorry? I truly didn't anticipate that this topic would elicit such a strong reaction. My curiosity got the best of me, and I didn't mean any harm. I had just finished watching Kamen Rider Geats, and when I stumbled upon your post while scrolling through the tags, it sparked my interest, hence the question.
Once again, I apologize for unintentionally causing any discomfort by bringing up this topic.
Um, sorry if I'm pushing it, but could I ask one more thing? Are you implying that people who like Keiwa Sakurai aren't good people? Is Keiwa Sakurai considered a bad person?
Oh my god I’m genuinely so sorry! If you’re someone new and got that reaction out of nowhere you totally didn’t deserve it. I genuinely love Keiwa a lot. He’s such a good deconstruction of the nice boy without like… hating the concept of The Nice Boy. His selfish ignorance exists as a tool to show how such grand wishes are for the lucky, for the content, unless a LOT of work is put in, which he learns to do! It doesn’t entirely erase his victim blamer era but like I was much more fine with it before…
Not all Keiwa fans, but a group of them, and the majority of active posters on tumblr, refused to be normal. I say “oh, Keiwa isn’t REALLY a hero” during Longing and his fight with Michinaga (“reviving the victims with the Goddess will create equal and opposite suffering for others!” “So?”) and they (it may genuinely only be 3 people but could be as many as 10) argued with me for days, only for one to later claim that “Keiwa fans never said he was a hero”.
I say “kidnapping a woman is bad and blaming it on his friend not keeping his dying and abused mother alive to continue the system for HIS benefit is worse” and they say shit like “welllll no one CARES about Keiwa why didn’t they visit his apartment after Sara died????” When the next time Ace sees Keiwa after for more than 5 seconds, Keiwa calls Ace’s family tools.
I say “Michinaga was always doing the best he could with the information he had, building a villain persona bc he sees neither honor nor heroism in his desperate attempts to End the game that killed his partner. Keiwa by comparison is often stuck in his own righteousness and selfishness. For example, though Michinaga did not intend to kill Sara, killing all the Stage Twos prevented further harm, and was reversible” And they say “buffabutt is worthless and caused Sara’s death for real. Then kept killing.”
One of their core defenses was “the staff caused the apocalypse game” which is technically true! They manipulated Ace and Keiwa’s wishes and used it to give the worst of the dead their powers back. But it never could have happened without Keiwa KIDNAPPING A WOMAN, and they just… refused to engage with that aspect at all.
Again, if you meant well, I’m so incredibly sorry. I just have very little patience for the “it wasn’t TECHNICALLY Keiwa’s fault” argument in context of all the other ones I’ve endured.
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sonderwrit · 8 months
C99: Why
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
The real why of this chapter is the clever censorship that deprives us of a proper kiss scene. Luckily, we have the power of fanart (next post)!
X: ?
X: Their? (Who?)
WY: QIN XIAN (1) and QIN XIAN (2)!
X: Urk?
X (blush): I don't know.
X: X can be whoever you want X to be.
WY: !!
X: …..
X: Oh, right. Human likes…to give X pain.
WY: Apologies.
WY: (What am I doing, getting mad all of a sudden?)
WY: I didn't want to hit you…
WY: (Although I've been kissed before, I inexplicably lost my temper at this slime "monster.")
The thoughts [someone else is Qin Xian] and [it'd be nice if he was Qin Xian] are all tangled up in my head.
X: Um, if Human likes doing stuff like this, you can continue.
X: X's endurance is different from humans, so even cutting me to pieces won't make me black out from pain. I can even imitate other creatures for you to do all sorts of experiments on.
WY: (Why…?)
X: I'm the best experimental subject, aren't I?
WY: …..
WY: Stay away from me.
WY: (No, don't think too much.)
WY: You're just a copycat. You're not allowed to use their face to look at me!
WY: (It's obvious that the male lead has mind-reading abilities. Maybe X got addicted to human appearances after eating people's memories.) [once got his memories read when X burrowed into his ear]
WY: (But the weird thing is, I don't sense any bad intentions from him. Instead he feels familiar.) [Thanks to his looks?]
WY: You say your endurance is different from humans, but you'd still feel uncomfortable if cut with a knife, right?
X: To describe it in human terms, yes.
WY: Also, although you don't understand it, you say it's fine if I do whatever I want, so—
WY: Don't regret it.
WY: (There's no point hesitating.)
X: *nodding* Uh-huh.
WY: (I can only use experiments to prove the unprovable.)
WY: Fine, do as I say. 
*Note: there's a big spider up ahead, so prepare your hearts, little cuties*
WY: Change into this spider and crawl up here.
X: ?
X: Okay.
WY: (If he's Qin, he should know I won't hurt him for real. After all, that's how we passed through the last two lifetimes.)
WY: (But if he's not…)
WY: (I really am a bastard.)
WY: (I actually want to verify his identity through hurting him. But if I don't and just rely on intuition, there's a risk of misidentifying him.) [It'll be even worse in that case.]
WY: (I promised Qin Xian I'd definitely see him again, so—)
WY: (I can't be soft-hearted.)
Xiao Yu: Sigh…
XYu: I really don't want to deliver these blood samples by myself…
XYu: (Although it's just taking blood, the merman didn't change his attitude towards him and remained gentle.)
XYu: (But when I think of Dr. Wang using these samples for unthinkable things, I feel—)
WY (imagination): Hehehe…
XYu: ….
XYu: (Sigh, but if I don't do this I might lose my job. Dr. Wang might be strange, but he's always been #1 for results in the lab. I bet the facility would dismiss me as soon as he said so.)
XYu: Hello Dr. Wang, I'm Xiao Yu.
XYu: Here to deliver the mermaid blood samples to you.
WY: Come in.
XYu: Ah, speaking of which you also took back a….
XYu: ?
XYu: AHHHHHHhhhhHHHhhhHHHhhhhhhh
XYu: You….!
XYu: You…
XYu: Killed it….?
WY: Hm? Why are you sitting on the ground? Aren't autopsies a common thing?
WY: Do you need me—
WY: —to help you up?
XYu: (SCARY! Dr. Wang's such a terrifying person!)
XYu: N-no need.
WY: ….
WY: Huuu…
WY: (Not bad, this time the heroine shouldn't end up in the villain's camp.)
X: So, is this enough? 
WY: …..
WY: You're pretty energetic. I just cut open your stomach, it hurt a lot right?
X: Mm, imitating an organism's nervous system and then being sliced open was pretty unbearable…but Human needs it, so X doesn't hurt.
WY: ……
WY: Get lost.
X: ?
X: Oh.
X: Did X….make Human angry again?
WY: No.
WY: I just want to see if you'll get any smarter after you absorb enough food.
X: ! 
(X can swallow anything smaller than itself)
WY: This creature has much more radiation than the specimens before it. (It's equal to at least a few humans.)
X: Ohhhh~
X: I'm gonna start—
X: OH! Understood, I'll open it up to eat. Human is so nice, I like Human.
WY: …….
WY: It's easy to misunderstand the term if you keep using [Human].
WY: For now, just call me Wang Yi.
WY: (It'll make it easier to distinguish his identity, that's all.)
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missingbk-dkhours · 2 years
What if Deku's quirk was stolen? What if Inko knew?
Okay! SO I wrote this almost a year ago! Based on a post made by firyfox, talking about how Inko looked guilty about Izuku finding out he was quirkless.
It's really short. Just one scene. <2000 words.
Also, this isn't a theory. This is just for fun. So enjoy!
I present to you: Katsuki and Inko Midoriya meet for the first time in years. He has some stuff to get off his chest... and so does she.
Before he’d become a hero, Katsuki had never felt what a lot of his favorite works would describe as “tension in the air.” He’d imagined that it was insufferable or nerve-wracking or something like that. He wouldn’t know, of course. Katsuki Bakugou, with all the confidence in the world, was above “tension.” Once he had entered U.A., though, circumstances made it difficult to not feel on edge whenever he talked with Deku or not feel certain doom whenever in a confrontation with some villain. And, like he imagined, it was insufferable. It was chilling. And confusing.
This, however…
This was something unimaginable.
Nothing could have prepared him for the agony or dread he was experiencing now. The air around him felt dense. Fucking dense. Like if he tried to move, he’d find that he couldn’t. At least before, he was always itching to fight or solve a situation. Now, he just felt sick. He felt cold and hot, shivering but sweating. It hurt. His head and his body. Had he teleported to some shitty planet? Why the hell did his head feel heavy?
Must be my guilty conscience, he almost scoffed.
Before him sat Inko Midoriya, the mother of the boy he’d treated like fucking trash for so fucking long like some fucking idiot.
Not a word had been spoken between them, since she’d entered. Katsuki wondered what the hell was going through her mind. Please… Say something, goddammit! He couldn’t bear to even look at the woman. Instead, he glared at the palms of his hands resting on his lap.
His breath left his body with a shudder.
“Katsuki, look at me, please.”
His sight welcomed her gentle gaze. When Katsuki had first started to distance himself from Deku, he’d tried hard to forget her soft demeanor and smile which always seemed a little sad, but now her tenderness was engraved in his mind for sure. Most people would find it hard to believe a person could be so angelic and kind. Katsuki found it hard to believe two people as such existed. You really are your mother’s son, Deku…
She continued. “I really am happy to see you’re doing alright.”
Katsuki nodded, not really sure in which way to steer the conversation.
“I asked Izuku to rest. I know the two of you had planned on talking, but I asked him to, well, grant me the opportunity to chat with you and discuss some things.
“Katsuki, I know you and my son haven’t seen eye to eye for a while.”
“Hah. That’s some understatement.” Katsuki urged his bouncing leg to still. Fucking embarrassing. “Look, Midoriya-san, I, uh,” God fuckin’ dammit. “Please, just listen to what I have to say.
“When we were kids, Deku would annoy the shit out of me… He’d say he’d become a hero like All Might. He’d stand up to me when I’d beat the shit out of the kids playing the villain role in our games. And that pissed me off! I was supposed to be like All Might, and if I wanted to be rough with villains, then fuck, why couldn’t I! So I’d… I’d hit him sometimes. Can count them on my right hand, but I uh-um. Whenever he said he wanted to become a hero, with that goofy smile on his face, I didn't know what else to do but hate him. I’d trash talk him until he smiled no more. I wanted his dreams to crumble.”
Katsuki clenched his fists on his lap. He bent his body forward, forehead meeting his smoking hands. His eyes twitched, but this wasn’t about him. This was about the boy who spent years being told his dreams were pathetic and useless. This was about the boy who was more heroic and precious than any other fucking person. Katsuki breathed out,
“And I am so, so deeply sorry for doing that. For hitting him, for telling him to- to jump off a building, for letting others tell him things just as bad. I hated him for years. Because for years, I had this pathetic notion of who Deku was and of why he never left me alone. And I’m sorry for seeing him as anything but the person he is. A person worth more than his childhood friend pushing him away for years. A person worth all the love and praise in the world. A person worth much more than my own life. A true hero.”
His head hurt from not crying.
“Katsuki, please. Sit up.”
He sighed and lifted himself to look at her once again. She was smiling, her eyebrows downturned. Her eyes met his again, but Katsuki, no matter the effort, could not decipher what in the world she was feeling.
“I forgive you, Katsuki.”
Katsuki feels his body still. So easily?...
“Katsuki, I know you were harsh to Izuku, yes, but for most of that time, you were just some spoiled little kid. I, too, see you as you are now. And you’re not that person.”
So easily??...
Laughter, maybe even cackling, escaped Katsuki’s throat. “Huh? That’s it? That’s all? I nearly crushed your son’s dreams. I told him that the only way to become a hero would be by jumping off a roof! And all you have to say is that I was a spoiled little shit??” He shook his head. “A-Also, you knew! You knew I did that to him…”
Inko stared at him as if not knowing how to respond to Katsuki’s sudden outburst.
A sliver of silence persisted in the air.
Before Inko nodded.
“Yeah… I really hoped being around you would get rid of that silly dream of becoming a hero.”
Katsuki heard her clearly. But even repeating her words in his mind did nothing to make any sense of them.
“What are you… what?”
“I can’t control every aspect of my son’s life, and I’ve found that’s more and more true as he grows older, but I’ve always dreaded the idea of him becoming a hero… I didn’t let you bully him, Katsuki. He searched for you for himself. And when he did, he learned little by little the cold hard truth. He couldn’t become a hero. I, like you, needed him to realize that.”
Katsuki tilted his head, confused, “You didn’t want him to be a hero- what, but that’s what Deku’s been wishing for all his life? Nerd learned how to speak and only rambled about heroes from then on.” He stood from where he sat. The world around him trembled. “I swear I remember playing hero with him and you- you cheering for him. I swear I remember-”
“Katsuki, when my little Izuku rushed over to me one day and said that he was to become a hero, my heart shattered to pieces. Tell me. Do heroes live happy lives?? Look at him now! See how miserable he is. How miserable all you kids are! I’ve tried forever to get him to give up on this damned career.”
“Why are you, uh, why are you telling me this?” He shook his head, as if that alone was enough to deny the revelation unfolding before him.
“I gave up recently. Figured I tried everything in the books to get him to quit. From having him diagnosed as quirkless to letting his childhood friend beat him up once in a while. He really is just determined to get himself killed.” Inko raised her eyebrows questioningly at Katsuki, his own brows furrowed deep and his eyes as wide as ever. If it weren’t for the bullshit that had spewed out of her mouth, she’d looked as innocent as ever.
“I’m telling Deku.”
“He’ll believe you?”
Probably won’t. No, definitely not.
Katsuki ran his hands through his hair, palms drenching it in sweat. “You- you had him diagnosed as quirkless? What the fuck? What does that even mean? He was going to find out sooner or later, so what the hell do you mean by ‘diagnosed him as quirkless!?’”
She looked off to the side, before returning his glare. “I sought out a doctor that swore he could remove quirks.
Remove quirks…
No fucking way.
Poor Izu-
“Do you want to know what Izuku’s quirk was?
“What…” Katsuki felt something wet trickle down his cheek. Startled, he wiped away the tears smearing his face with shame.
“Katsuki, dear, do you want to know what Izuku’s quirk was?”
Katsuki shook his head before he even register the questi-
“He could manipulate heat.”
What the fuck...
Inko nodded to herself. “The manifestation of his quirk was quite subtle. He didn’t even notice it, always too caught up in others’ abilities. I did, though. I noticed.” Her lips quivered, tears dying her eyes a light pink. “I couldn’t let him keep it. He’d become a hero… but look at him now. All that work, all for nothing.”
“You’re sick,” Katsuki managed. Sparks flew from his hands.
“Now, Katsuki.” Inko stood from where she sat, her glare not wavering away from the boy’s palms. “Calm down.”
“Kacchan, what are you doing?”
Katsuki whipped his head towards the room’s entrance. Deku occupied his blurry vision. And fuck, he was still crying. He rubbed his eyes, turning away from the door.
“Izuku, honey, I thought you were resting?”
“I… couldn’t sleep. What’s going on?” His voice raised in pitch. “Kacchan, are you okay?”
Katsuki stared at Deku. Though he had an accusatory tone, his eyes and brows exposed his concern. “Deku, I…” Katsuki’s vision flickered between Inko and her son. “I… need to get the fuck out of here.”
He paced towards the door. Deku, I feel like I’m going to explode. A hand to his arm abruptly stopped him.
Her voice pierced through him like a needle would a balloon. Katsuki just managed to still his hand before an explosion emitted from his palm.
“CAN I-” Katsuki gasped, turning his attention to Deku. Bewilderment the only fit description for what was expressed on the boy’s face. He breathed. “Can I please talk to you, Izuku, please?”
Inko withdrew her hand. “You heard what I told you, earlier.”
Fuck. He practically ran out the room.
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five-rivers · 3 years
(1/3) I. Uh. Have an idea for a sequel to the pep talk short? Post-Kamino, Izuku is down on himself because he doesn't feel like a worthy successo to All Might. He's in some public space when a boy (Danny) asks him what's up and Izu (trying to keep ofa secret) says he's upset about how everyone talks about AM like he's dead. Danny (hiding everything about himself including seeing the vestiges) jumps on the topic, talking about everything awesome about him that didn't come from the quirk.
(2/3) (And yes, the vestiges add a lot, especially Nana) But he also manages to work in helping Izu (by talking generally about the emerging generation of young heroes) (Btw, Clockwork warned him about not mentioning his 'quirk' because he's a bad liar and Izu would poke holes in that story in 10 seconds) What Danny wasn't warned about is that Izuku was in that public space because he was waiting to meet up with Toshinori, who heard everything and recognized his friend from middle school.
(3/3) (maybe he confronts him or maybe he's just grateful for whatever kind of divine intervention this is)
Izuku’s hands trembled.  Which was.  A thing.  Had been a thing for a while, now, actually.  Since the sports festival.  
The fight against Muscular had made it worse.  
Not that he regretted saving Kouda or anything!  The opposite, really!  It was just...  He wished he had found some way to do it without shattering his arms.  Again.  
(Something dark within him whispered, go for his eyes.  The only muscles there are in the iris, and clearly they aren’t enough.  Take the prosthetic and slam it into-)
(No, he had said back, unwilling to go that far.  Unwilling to mutilate another human being to that extent, even a murderer.)
He winced internally, and rubbed his palm with his opposite hand.  He wondered if All Might, if Toshinori-san, ever thought like this about All for One.  
“-Kamino,” said someone passing behind the bench, taking quietly to the person they were walking with.  “It’s such a shame.”
“I know.  I just can’t believe he’s gone-”
This time, Izuku’s wince was external.  Ever since the Kamino Ward incident, he’d been overhearing conversations like that one.  More than once, he’d been on the receiving end of a conversation like that one.  Especially if he was out in public and in his UA uniform.  
Which he wasn’t right now.  He was in a low-key All Might brand hoodie.  For some reason, he’d been reluctant to wear the more... obvious ones anywhere Toshinori-san could see him.  That’d just be weird, right?
A pair of feet come into Izuku’s line of sight, and he looks up, surprised, to see a Caucasian boy standing in front of him.  The boy has black hair and blue eyes almost bright enough to rival All Might’s.  He is, perhaps, a year or two younger than Izuku.  
“Hi,” said the boy, waving.  “Are you okay?” he asked in flawless and unaccented Japanese.  
“Uh,” said Izuku.  “Y-yeah!  I’m fine.  Why?” 
“You looked kind of upset,” said the boy.  “Especially when those two girls walked by behind you.”  He tilted his head.  “Want to talk about it?  My sister says that sometimes it helps.  She’s studying to be a psychologist.”
“I don’t know...” said Izuku.  
“That’s okay,” said the boy, shrugging.  He sat down on the bench next to Izuku, a thick stream of mist emerging from his mouth as he did so.  He seemed unbothered by this.  “We could talk about something else.  Distractions are good, too.”
Izuku opened his mouth.  Closed it.  Frowned.  Well, if there was anything he was good at, it was chasing people off.
“Oh,” said the boy.  “I can sense quirks.  When someone with a quirk gets close to me, my body temperature drops.”  He shrugged.  “You dropped my body temperature a lot.  Your quirk is really strong.”
Izuku hunched his shoulders, too distracted by the last sentence to even start analyzing the boy’s (really cool!) quirk.  ‘His’ quirk.  If All Might had still had it at Kamino, would things have gone better?  Would he still be able to do hero work?
How much had Izuku taken from him?
“I bet a lot of people tell you that, though.”
Izuku startled.  Somehow, he’d forgotten the boy was even there.  
“It’s like...”  The boy trailed off, staring upward.  “It’s like, sometimes, people don’t see each other.  They only see quirks.  Strong quirks, weak quirks, villainous quirks, heroic quirks.  No quirk.  It’s silly, isn’t it?”
“What do you mean?” asked Izuku.  “Are you saying quirks don’t matter?”  The first fourteen years of his life would like to disagree.
“No,” said the boy.  “They matter a lot.  Saying they didn’t would be like saying money doesn’t matter, or social status doesn’t matter.  But they’re not everything.  They’re not even the most important thing.”  The boy leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and resting his chin on his interlocked fingers.  “The most important thing is what you do with what you’ve got.  If someone has a quirk that can save thousands of lives, but they don’t use it, they can’t say they’re better than someone who has no quirk but saves someone anyway, don’t you think?  Even if it’s just one person.”
Izuku was flabbergasted, because that speech was far too tailored to him to random.  
“I mean, my sister is quirkless,” continued the boy.  “Ha, you probably don’t want to hear about my family, when you’ve got your own things to worry about.  Anyway, even if everyone is telling you that you have to use your quirk in one way, or they’re heaping all these expectations on you, all that matters is what you decide to do with it.  Or yourself.  Like, there’s this one astrophysicist I read about that has this really wild quirk that everybody said meant she had to go into manufacturing, but she didn’t want to, and she had the brains for physics, so-”
Izuku listened to the boy ramble.  It was actually kind of soothing.  Okay.  He needed to dial back his paranoia.  
“-does that make sense?” finished the boy.
“Y-yeah,” said Izuku.  “But, um.  What was bothering me, it wasn’t my quirk.”  This would be fine, right?  It wasn’t like he’d actually say he was talking about All Might.  “It was...  I have a friend, and he’s sick, but...  Everyone is talking about him like he’s already dead, and he’s not.  What they said, it reminded me of that.  It’s just... frustrating.”
“Yikes,” said the boy.  “I don’t really have any advice for that.  It’s hard to change other people’s minds.”  The boy sighed, and the sound felt much older than it had any right to be.  
“Daniel Fenton?”
Izuku whipped around at the sound of Toshinori-san’s voice.  The skeletal man was standing several feet to the right of the bench and had dropped one of the two ice cream cones he had been holding.  
“Oops,” said the boy, on the other side of Izuku.  “Guess I stayed a bit too long.”
Despite his injuries, Toshinori was at Izuku’s side in an instant, pulling him off the bench and pushing himself between Izuku and the boy.  Daniel?  Fenton?
The boy had jumped away as well, and was regarding Toshinori-san with something between consternation and amusement.  
“Who are you?” demanded All Might.  “Why do you look like that?”
“Hey,” said the boy, “that’s kind of rude, don’t you think, Toshinori-kun?  You’re the one that said my name.”
“Daniel Fenton is my age,” said All Might, glaring, his hand tightening around Izuku’s wrist.  Izuku activated just the barest percentage of One for All, readying himself for a fight.  “What are you playing at?”
“Well, if you’re going to be technical about it, I’m way older.”  He held up his hands.  “I don’t mean any harm.  Really.  Anyway, as long as I don’t have to beat around the bush, Midoriya-san, One for All didn’t clear this beach.  One for All didn’t save Bakugo-san, or Asui-san, or Kouda-kun.  One for All certainly didn’t convince this idiot to take care of himself, even a little bit.  That was all you.”  He pointed at Izuku.
... Were those finger guns?  Was this guy seriously throwing finger guns at him?
Scratch that, who was this guy and how did he know so much?!
“Are you working for All for One?” demanded All Might.  
“Gross.  No.  Never even met the guy.”
“Then how do you have two quirk?” asked Izuku.  “Longevity, and whatever you did with the mist.”
The boy shrugged, careful to keep his hands half raised and obvious about it.  “The guy I actually work for can do time travel.  ‘Work for’ is kind of a weird way to put it, though.  It’s more like, he’s my mentor?  Same sort of set up as you guys have.”
“Time travel?” exclaimed Izuku.  He’d never heard of a time travel quirk before.  
“I mean, there’s a reason for that,” said the boy, and Izuku blushed as he realized he’d spoken out loud.  “And you will.  It was really nice talking to you, Midoriya-san!  And it was great seeing you again, Toshinori-kun.  But I’m going to be picked up any se-”
The boy vanished.  
“Um,” said Izuku after several long seconds, “All Might?  Who was that?”
“I...” said Toshinori.   “You know what?  That’s a great question.”
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
Paper Flowers: The Prince’s Enemy
You liked it so I made more of it!
Part 1 over here. Enjoy!
You sit in your room relaxing before dinner. Homework’s done and social media isn’t going to check in on itself. You are replying to a post one of your friends placed on their wall when a notification pops up. ‘Thomas Sanders just posted a new video’.
Tumblr media
You smile as you finish your message and click the notification. Thomas is one of your favorite creators. And it’s insane what he can do in six seconds.
The first thing you notice is that it is a return of the prince character. It makes you smile.
Who doesn’t love a real life Disney prince?
“Stop you fiend!” the prince declares, standing in what looks like an old concrete building, which probably was meant to create the illusion of an old fortress.
Then the angle shifts and… Wait that’s not one of Thomas’ friends playing a villain. That’s Thomas wearing a black hoodie with the hood up to mimic a cloak and black eye shadow to make him look more threatening. Which is a tall order for the human cinnamon bun.
“Prince Dude! My arch nemesis!” villain Thomas growls.
Then the prince comes back into view. He looks shocked.
“Wait…” he dramatically brings a hand to his chest. “I’m your arch nemesis?” he asks... Why does he sound so emotional?
Villain Thomas comes back into view and looks… Flustered? What?
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to assume…”
Wait. This is… This is like someone calling their SO boyfriend or girlfriend for the first time. OMG this is the cutest!
“No!” Prince rushes as he comes back into view. “I just didn’t…” he sighs and shakes his head. “Shall we?” He asks as he raises his sword ready to continue their battle.
Villain Thomas comes back into view and smirks as he raises his own weapon and nods.
“Prepare to die!” He declares letting out a battle cry. The camera shows Prince again who lets out a war cry of his own, charging in.
And that’s the end. You smile to yourself as you leave a like. You’re curious what other fanders think of this new character. Will he ever come back? You hope so.
“Roman it’s so nice of you to include Anxiety in the fun!” Patton cheered when he found out about the new villain character.
Virgil rolled his eyes. Of course Princey was getting praised. Not that it would occur to Patton how hard it’d been for Virgil to agree to let Thomas use his aesthetic, his identity, to create a new character. Or that his heart was racing at the thought of how much the fans would probably hate it.
“Think nothing of it Patton. I merely had the idea for a nemesis, and figured that if Thomas played the character himself it would minimize speculation of the fans on any hidden meaning behind the skits. They are almost more eager to see Thomas find a partner than I am, and none of our friends need that kind of attention on them. So when it came to picking out a look, Anxiety’s… Style, seemed fitting. That’s all,” Roman explained, surprising Virgil.
Roman was passing up on the chance to bask in the praise? Praise he deserved, maybe… A little. Virgil knew that this whole thing was an olive branch from the Prince to him.
And honestly it was kind of a fun skit. Thomas had a lot of fun making it… But here Roman was, downplaying his good intentions and how thoughtful he’d been about it. He’d asked Virgil’s permission to do this. He never asked Logan or Patton to use their looks for the dad or the teacher character.
“Speaking off the raisin cookie… Anxiety!” Roman called. Virgil looked up from where he was sulking against the kitchen counter.
“What?” he scowled.
“I have a few more skit ideas you’ll probably want to criticize. Let’s get that over with shall we?” Roman suggested casually as he headed to his room.
Virgil made a point to sigh and roll his eyes in annoyance, grumbling under his breath as he usually would. Patton might not pay enough attention to him to notice anything amiss, but Virgil was pretty sure Logan would ask questions if the two of them started to act too different.
He entered the fanciful side’s room and took a look around. It was a nice place honestly. Both similar and opposite to his room somehow.
“Soooo… How did you like the skit?” Roman asked eagerly.
Virgil shrugged. “It was alright. Thomas really enjoyed it,” he allowed.
Roman grinned, happy he got some sort of positive feedback from the usually more sullen side.
“And um… It was really cool of you… What you said to Patton. You didn’t have to. You deserved some sort of, like, praise I guess, even if he didn’t know the real reason why you did,” Virgil muttered then.
Roman’s eyes widened. Did Anxiety just… Praise him? He hadn’t expected that. He’d corrected Patton because he didn’t want Anxiety to think that he was using their truce to earn extra brownie points with the fatherly side.
“Thank you Anxiety,” Roman bowed.
“Don’t mention it,” Virgil shrugged awkwardly.
There was a silence. Neither knew for sure how to continue from this point. Their interactions usually ended with one of them storming out of the room.
“Um… Want to watch some tv until Thomas checks up on the comments?” Roman suggested.
“Yeah, sounds good,” Virgil nodded.
Roman gestured to the couch and they sat down as far away from each other as possible.
Virgil chuckled as he realized Roman had put on Avatar.
“Is there a problem? Mr. moodbender?” Roman asked tensely. Clearly ready to call of the truce if Virgil criticized the show.
The anxious man shook his head. “No. Just surprised you’re not putting on Disney,”
Roman rolled his eyes. “I can love things that aren’t Disney, scorned king,” he huffed.
Virgil nodded, Princey had a point.
They both mouthed along to the opening narration and smirked at each other while the intro music played.
“So… What other things do you like Princey?” Virgil started casually.
Roman blinked in surprise, happy surprise that is. Anxiety was clearly making an effort, showing interest in making this truce evolve to a friendship. It was nice, to know that he was not the only one invested in this.
“Well it should come as no surprise to you that I adore all things musical.”
Virgil looked around to all the playbills and smirked. “I would’ve never guessed,” he teased getting a pillow to the face, though it was clearly in good humor.
“Sush!” Roman chuckled.
“Anyway. As I was saying…” Roman proceeded to talk about his favorite artists, some of which Virgil admitted to liking as well and Virgil, in return talked about his favorites as well.
“Oh wait…” Virgil suddenly interrupted as his attention was caught by the screen. Momo had entered the story.
“This is the part where I got respect for this show,” Virgil divulged.
“Why’s that?” Roman wondered.
“Well, on the one hand you have the first time you realize that Zuko isn’t bad. Cause he spares the commanders life. And on the other, the show literally looked at their demographic and said: you kids can handle some genocide. Here is an actual body, confirmed to belong to a character our protagonist cared about,” Virgil explained. “They don’t look down on the kids that watch the show. And they made that clear, very fast. I respect that.”
Roman thought about that, and he could see Anxiety’s point.
“Yes, I suppose they didn’t hide their vision for the show at all,” he nodded.
They continued watching the episode in comfortable silence, both silently noting that they’d moved closer together during their conversation, now only leaving enough distance for both of them to still keep their personal bubble intact.
“I guess it’s been an hour now…” Virgil muttered as the end credits played. Roman nodded as he paused the tv. Thomas would soon give in and see if anyone had reacted to his recent post.
“It’ll be alright. Worst case scenario, they don’t like it and we don’t bring the character back,” Roman assured the younger aspect. “I’d be a little disappointed, because I have tons of ideas for your character. But we’ll think of something else,” he assured Virgil, not willing to give up on his plan to make Anxiety feel more wanted in some way because of one hypothetical set back.
“What if people stop following Thomas because…”
“Anxiety, we’ve posted videos of much lower quality than this one and they didn’t make people run for the hills,” Roman countered.
Virgil nodded but curled in on himself anyway. Roman sighed.
“Things are as they are, we can’t change them now so we might as well face the music. Alright?”
Virgil took in a deep breath and nodded. That made sense.
“Okay. Let's do this,” he sighed.
Roman smiled and nodded as they watched Tomas ‘casually’ check notifications.
Oh no, Virgil thought as he could feel the way Thomas' heart skipped a beat when he saw all the likes and shares popping up.
“Comments!!!” Roman cheered.
And indeed. The Fanders had left several comments already. Some keyboardsmashes, some big eyed or hearteyed emoji's. Some one word exclamations like ‘Adorable’, ‘wholesome’ and even ‘perfection’.
Virgil couldn't help smiling as Thomas' excitement grew. He was about to be outed, he knew it.
But he didn't care that much right now.
Because someone demanded Thomas make more vines with his villain character. And another joked that they should call Disney because they found the new big hit Disney Channel show.
He couldn't stop himself from letting out a soft sound of excitement as he played with the sleeves of his hoodie to release some energy. He wanted to jump up and down and scream, Thomas was so happy.
“By Hermes' Sandals! Anxiety! Your eyeshadow!” Roman exclaimed. He'd heard his fellow side’s uncontainable  excitement and had looked up, unable to pass up the chance to see the closed off side smile. He had not been ready for this. The layer of white foundation seemed to be less thick revealing it was hiding freckles underneath. That was not the most important part though. The usually black, smudged eyeshadow was brilliant and sparkly and a royal purple.
Anxiety blushed upon being caught but didn’t really stop smiling.
“Yeah, that happens when Thomas gets really excited. Don't make it a big deal,” he shrugged. Roman nodded, understanding that Anxiety meant to ask him not to mention it to the others.
He felt a sense of accomplishment well up inside him. Surely Anxiety had known there was a good chance Thomas would get excited upon seeing the responses to the skit. If he wanted it to be a secret he could've excused himself and hid in his room until the effect wore off. But he hadn't. He'd stayed and taken the risk of being seen. Roman wondered what he’d said or done to make the hooded man want to open up like that. Maybe he’ll ask, some other time.
“Anyway, good job Roman. Seems you’re stuck with me,” Virgil winked as he got up, pulling his hood over his face so he could hide his state until he got to his room.
“Princey , is stuck with the hooded fiend,” Roman corrected. “but I don’t think he minds. And neither do I,” he added while he basked in the glow of the complement.
Virgil felt his smile widen just a bit as he saw how happy Roman was with all this.
Once you gave him a chance he wasn't that annoying.
Virgil had found himself going from wanting someone to not hate him, to wanting Roman to like him over the course of their conversation. Their truce had been tense and awkward up until now. But even so, it had been going surprisingly well. Virgil could tell Roman was looking out for him. By distracting the others when Virgil felt cornered by example. And Virgil had tried to help Princey out as well. Making him go to bed, trying to push Thomas towards creating more content and trying his hardest not to be too, well, mean about actually posting it. And when he sensed Roman was getting overwhelmed by the spotlight he took the attention away from him too.
And now he had shown Roman that he was right. There was more to him than just anxiety. Sometimes he was bright, bouncy and sparkling excitement.
“It suits you by the way,” Roman added, janking Virgil back to the present.
Virgil froze for a second finding he had his hand on the door handle. “Um… thanks, see ya later,” he muttered before rushing out.
He was about to enter his room when he heard someone else call out to him.
“Anxiety kiddo, are you and Roman finished?” The question was friendly enough in and of itself, but as always Patton sounded tense when talking to him which set Virgil on edge. He wasn't that scary right? What did he do to make Patton so scared to be around him?
Sure he was trying to make them keep some distance. But he was going for cautious, not this.
He didn't know what he'd done and he wasn't willing to risk repeating it, so he kept was careful about keeping enough distance between himself and the resident dad as a rule. Now he had an extra reason though.
Virgil nodded, not looking up. Patton's precense might make him nervous in a less fun way, but a comment that called his character adorable flashed through his mind and set loose another swarm of butterflies. Easily overpowering the unease in the hallway. He was definitely still sparkly.
And if Patton saw, he'd ask about it. And Virgil would have to explain, trapping both of them in this conversation far longer than either wanted. Worse what if seeing evidence of a less broody side of him made Patton feel like he had to make an effort? He'd already managed to make Princey feel like he had to be kind to him. And sure that might be turning into something genuine, but that didn't mean things would work out so well for the others.
Another door opened. “Padre! There you are! I was just about to come looking for you. I had the most marvelous idea!” Virgil chanced a glance at the hallway and saw Roman drag a surprised Patton into his room. The prince locked eyes with him for a second and gave him a reassuring smile and a wink.
Virgil nodded, sending Roman a grateful half-smile, before entering his room.
Virgil had spent mostly all of Thomas' happiest moments in his room. Partly to hide his secret, first from J and Rem who'd probably tease him about it, and now from  Thomas' golden three who would never take him serious again if they knew. Or well, two of them, Roman knew now…
Anyway, there was another reason. His room was very nice to be in when excitement dominated Virgil's functions.
It was the same, but lighter. The curtains were open, the clock was no longer a maddening reminder of the never ceasing passage of time, and the spider webs sparkled with dewdrops. Virgil took in a deep breath, even the air was more breathable.
What was it he wanted to scream about again?
He let himself belly flop onto his bed and screamed.
The fanders liked it! And more importantly, Roman might actually be his fried now. He could relate to the villain character right now. Were they friends? They had each other’s back, had bonded over common interests, shared a secret…
Would Roman consider them friends?
Maybe he was getting ahead of himself due to the butterflies. But it was definitely going that way.
Virgil turned around in his bed and looked up at the ceiling with a smile.
This was different than with Janus and Remus. They’d grown up together, they had to tolerate each other. But this was… Some sort of proof that he was likable. Roman didn’t have to hang out with him. He’d seen something in him and chosen to give him a chance.
He didn’t have to complement him, but he did and he didn’t turn it on himself right away as he tended to do.
Remus and Janus were… They just tended to trigger him more often than not. Not on purpose, he knew that, but he’d started having his meals upstairs for a reason.
He shook of that thought. It wasn’t important, he’d catch up with them later today or something. He was sure they’d have some things to say about the video. Maybe some of them would even be genuinely nice.
He smiled to himself. Look at him being optimistic.
Chapter 3: Green eyed jealousy
He was curious though, what he’d find around the river bend.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
I'm sure others will ask this but what are you thoughts on the episode of SCK?? I love your in-depth analysis lol. I personally loved it!!! Also can I just say that the edser/hanker chemistry is off the charts lol. If this was the first episode I watched ever, without subtitles, their scenes would be a giant neon sign that says "THESE CHARACTERS ARE MADLY IN LOVE!!!". Eda was beyond cute/in love/adorable in this episode with serkan, girl has got it bad and I wish she didn't have her stupid grandmother and these insecurities in the way ahhh. I really love the Ayfer/Aydan duo, they're fun when they're together and Ayfer wasn't annoying like the last few EPs. Also, Balca can go choke lol, I'm so glad Serkan didn't fall for her trap for him to stay over!! He was like nah come to the party (my girl is waiting!!!). Was serkan about to tell Eda that he had to stop by her house? He seemed really nervous. ANYWAYS, I love EdSer and am going to go watch their scenes 1000x before next week 😭🥰
Thank you! I love Edser too!!!!  Like you, I enjoyed this episode, though it was despite some of the narrative issues (that I posted about here.) There were good, meaty Edser scenes, which is why I watch this show. Once again I'll start with the non-Eda/Serkan thoughts and then get to the feelsy stuff at the end.
Babaanne's introduction did not disappoint. The actress has the right energy for the role. I guess we now know why Eda has been adamant about cutting her out of her life, Babaanne is next level controlling and vindictive. We'll have to see how she develops and what her endgame motives are. Does she want her revenge more than she wants her granddaughter and daughter in her life? Or does she think if she wins and arranges everything including an advantageous marriage for Eda, Eda will eventually go along and decide it's awesome and reconciliation will come about that way? *evil laugh* She doesn’t know her granddaughter at all if she thinks that’s a possibility. 
(more under the cut)
I enjoyed her non-Balca scenes, especially when she was going toe-to-toe with Eda. That scene in Serkan's old upstairs office was intense, both actresses really brought it and kudos to Eda staying true to her defiant character. No one pushes her around. Prepare yourselves to see her waver a bit, I'm sure it's quite jarring to see your loved one in jail and know that he's there because of you, but she'll get to the point of fighting beside him. I have no doubt.
It was nice to see Ayfer protecting Aydan and Seyfi, it made for some great comedy and it was a good change after all of Ayfer's annoying, unrelenting negativity in general and about the Bolats. We'll see what happens between the two now that they appear to be vying for Chef Alexander's attention. Nesilhan just cracks me up when she's portraying Aydan play acting, the stilted voice she takes on is always hilarious to me, like when Ayfer was introducing "Aisun" to Serkan.  As we move forward, though, I want to see some badass Aydan. She  was introduced to us as a force of nature, so I hope we see that woman, a woman who will go to the mat for her son and Eda, emerge at some point. No hiding from Babaanne long term. Everyone needs to gear up to fight!
Peril and Engin got married! Their scene at home was really well done and gave me a bit better insight into them and why they might work. The only thing I was disappointed about here was that Serkan was not their witness. He counts them as some of his only friends and they didn't call him? Come on, show!  They could have easily structured the ep to have him get the call while there was chaos at his loft that morning and it would have been the perfect excuse for him to grab Eda and head to the wedding leaving the moms and Babaane to Chef Alexander.  It wouldn't have changed anything about the episode because Eda still could have gone to do her thing after the wedding and everything else would have been the same, except it all would have had a bit more heart. Missed opportunity there. 
I've decided that Ferit is a catch. At the beginning of the show he was just so naïve, that he seemed foolish, but he's really turned into a sweet, upstanding man. You hold on to him, Ceren. The irony in his relationship with Serkan is just outstanding to me, because ALL of this started because Serkan was willing to upend his own life (and Selin, Ferit and Eda's) will the sole goal of keeping Ferit out of his business, and now here we are 24 episodes later, Selin is long gone, Eda is the love of his life, and Ferit has turned into a solid, trust-worthy business partner and friend who is putting Babaanne in her place on the first day. Love to see it. 
Balca, that snake just gets more unhinged as we go along. Good GAWD. WTF is wrong with her? Her eventual comeuppance better be big. I'm really to the point that I can't enjoy any scene that she's in, it's just too maddening, because neither Serkan nor Eda are taking her seriously enough. Which I realize they don't know what we know, but dang I hope Serkan is finally connecting the dots because her behavior is not normal. As Eda says, who gives a gift like that to their boss? Who calls their new boss instead of the police when there's an intruder in the house?  By now he should be able to figure out she's manipulating him.  
Also how was she not daunted when she called and Eda was there?  What did she think would happen when he came to get the gift when he had Eda to get home to? On top of everything else she's shameless and delusional.  As for the gift, that was creepy AF. Did she seriously think that her boss, who she's known a week, would be romanced by that?  Or any man for that matter? Did Selin give her the impression he was so arrogant that this would be the perfect thing for him? As much as I want less of her on screen, I would like to know the thought process behind that embarrassing monstrosity. Because it was not a savvy move. But the good news is that no one was more creeped out by it than Serkan Bolat. It seemed to really unsettle him, which it should. It was nice to see Eda getting over her jealousy, perhaps that came with her decision to try and move forward. Before she was in this state of flux, deep-down wanting Serkan to be hers, but not being able to admit that and feeling an outside threat during that confusion. 
I saw some criticism of Eda because she was openly mocking and dismissive of Balca. However, while I agree her behavior was a tad immature at times... Balca was totally asking for it.  She's been at the company for mere days and her weird, manipulative, obsessive behavior is totally inappropriate. Also if she didn't take a hint from Eda opening mocking her, Eda picking out her gift from Serkan, Serkan deferring queries about his NYE plans to Eda, Eda being at his house when Balca called, I think we can safely say that Balca in unaffected by any of Eda's behavior, thus Eda isn't hurting anyone. While Balca is over here, claws out, trying to start a war. Balca is the villain here, not Eda for recognizing and making fun of it.
Despite the emotional inconsistencies between Eda and Serkan in this episode, during one scene they were hot, the next, one or the other was cold without rhyme or reason, there were many great conversations. I really enjoyed their conference room scenes in particular. Serkan confident and calming her down, Eda being enraged by Babaanne, but listening to him and letting him calm her down. 
His little Eda Bolat coffee cup gag was priceless, he did succeed in both diverting her and flirting with her in one suave move. Also a nice bit of foreshadowing there, which there was a lot of this episode. Not just this and the bouquet catch, but also every single one of their domestic scenes. 
As I said in this post, the rewrite, or whatever happened this episode, did cause some pretty big emotional inconsistencies from scene to scene. I know most people loved the scenes when Eda went to find Serkan, but it was a little whiplashy for me.  We go from Serkan being calm and collected and happily flirting with her about being Eda Bolat at the office, to a short time later him being moody and standoffish with her at his house? It's understandable that he would be upset at her suggestion that she leave the company, but I would think the man that broke her heart for her own good, would understand why she might think of  leaving in order to get rid of someone who is threatening him! 
It just felt like a weird time for him to hit his threshold with her, especially since this was when they were supposed to be heading to Paris (huge writing fail that there was no "Oh I guess we have to postpone Paris" throwaway line).  However, perhaps that was accelerated for him in the face of a real threat?  Like if it was just another day he's fine with her waffling and their little contract game, but he feels in his bones that this is go time and he needs to find out if she's ready for what's coming?  (Look at me finding reasons for the inconsistencies as I answer this ask, lmao).
Then the shaving scene was interesting. She starts by saying "Leaving was a dumb idea, I'm still here, I'll be by your side," which YAY and seems to me to be a huge step forward for her.... but then he doesn't feel it. Why exactly, didn't he feel it?  So then she transitions to the biggest head scratcher of the episode for me, and I really hope it's a translation fail. She basically references the movie they saw and says,  "If I could erase all memories of you, I would." Um... what? Is she really saying to him she wishes they never met? I sure hope there was some modifier in there, like "bad" memories only or something. It seemed way harsh and inconsistent with their feelings for one another. However, once he starts talking about being a machine before meeting her and his heart being too heavy without her, the dialogue is pretty great. He really bares his soul and she reciprocates with intimacy.  The second half of this scene is absolutely lovely. 
The visit to Aydan's house was interesting.  At some point I'm gonna need Aydan and especially Ayfer to step up when it comes to Babaanne.  Ayfer ran scared the whole episode and it's just not fair of her to leave the burden on Eda. Hopefully, she'll get there. There was a reason Babaanne told Eda not to tell Ayfer about the threats, and threatened harm to Serkan and family if she did so. I'm guessing Ayfer may be better equipped to deal with her mother than was suggested in this episode. The conversation about Eda running from her grandmother as a child and losing the bracelet was very affecting and well done, and thankfully Serkan was out of his sulky mood and in full-on supportive boyfriend mode. Phew, good to have you back, Serkan.
That throne Babaanne brought in was something else. Worth a good laugh. However, I feel like it highlights a few cracks we've already started to see in Babaanne's scary façade. First, there's the one I just talked about, with Babaanne not wanting Ayfer to know what she's up to, so we now know who might be successful in opposing her or might know things that could shut her down.. her daughter. Then this ridiculous throne move had to be her way of unsettling everyone, but as we see that fails with Serkan. He's pretty unflappable when it comes to her nonsense antics. 
Then Babaanne singles out Balca as her ally, which on one hand, it was astute of her to figure out who was the outsider, ripe for the picking, but she straight up choose the wack job, who let's face it, is not going to be all that competent of a foot soldier for her, because she has no allies and she's not in anyone's confidence. Plus she made that critical error with the present being so off-putting to Serkan. Balca might be able to cause problems, but she can’t get Serkan to transfer his affection for Eda onto her, so her usefulness here is limited. Babanne needed to try and fool someone like Melo, Ferit or Leyla. Prey on the nice ones who might try to be accommodating just so everyone gets along. 
Anyway, I loved the Edser scenes in the office, he brought her lemon water! My heart.  And I loved the meeting with the inner circle. Serkan has a plan! Of course our boy does, he wouldn't be Serkan Bolat if he didn't. It's always fun to see how much they all trust him to lead them through these tough times. He will once again emerge victorious. It just may take some time on this one
Note Blaca wasn't invited to that meeting, someone already can sense she can't be trusted. In the meeting later with Babaanne, I loved how Eda was sitting next to Serkan at the head of the table, totally squared off against her grandmother. That blocking was not by accident. It showed them facing her. On the same side. Together. United. That's what we call foreshadowing and that's how they're ultimately going to defeat her. Together. 
It's interesting to me that earlier in the day when Eda tells him maybe she should leave the company he gets upset, but when she shows up at his house and straight up says they can't be together, he's completely calm and is his normal confident self, talking her into staying the night with his usual ease. I'm thinking her manic rambling about him getting tired of her and her grandmother separating them was just too obvious of an emotional spiral after an exhausting day (that lasted 47 years and multiple wardrobe changes) so he didn't take any of it to heart.
As for the reason she needed a place to stay, WTF is Ayfer doing letting Babaanne stay in their home??  Kick her out for the love of God. I don't mind, since it gave us this fabulous sleepover, but come on woman, at one time you were strong enough to remove your niece from her which could not have been easy, where is your backbone now? Find it. Fast. 
LOVED LOVED LOVED every second of domestic Edser. How cute are they? Serkan wheeling her dinosaur suitcase was so adorable. And how cute is it that he bought hot chocolate for her? And THEN, THEN when they went to look at the stars? My heart melted clean out of my chest when he said, "I'm already looking at the most beautiful star."  Remember in 13 when he asked her, "How are you real?" and she basically told him to be careful or she'd get spoiled and expect that kind of romance all the time? Well apparently the romantic robot has an endless capacity to generate heart-stopping one-liners so she really needn't have worried. 
Eda's phone call with the girls was another whiplash moment for me. So wait... all episode her trepidation has been around her grandmother interfering or Serkan getting tired of her, but now she's back to wondering if he can change? Ne? And she isn't articulating what she wants him to change, or talking to him about change at all, only asking her friends if they think it's possible?? The change thing made perfect sense to me in eps 20-22, because she was coming off of his lie that broke her heart, but now I can't figure out what she wants from him. I think this is another casualty of whatever writing changes happened in this episode. I really hope the writers pull it together and figure out what the character's headspace is and stick with it. It's one thing to yo-yo from episode to episode, but to yo-yo scene to scene is too much. 
I know that they're trying to create suspense for whether she would meet him to ring in the New Year, and start fresh, but there are much more elegant ways to do this than constant retread conversations that don't make sense in context with the scenes that came before. Honestly, this episode had a LOT of wonderful scenes and humor and heartfelt moments, but it also felt like a franken-episode,  like if different writers were assigned different scenes and then they assembled the episode without going back to smooth out the tone and emotions.
That leads us to Serkan discovering Eda in the bath. What do we think was going through his mind there? lmao. He looked exceptionally pleased and he did the jokey flirty thing, taking a mental picture, but then when she comes downstairs in her jammies, he has gone into stone-cold work robot mode. I suppose the best I can guess is that he knew she was confused, he knew he had convinced her to stay under the guise it would be platonic and the "last time." 
He's always been a gentleman with her. So perhaps he felt compelled, for her sake, to keep it in that place, but seeing her in the bath send him into overdrive and the only thing he could do is throw himself into work to make sure the situation didn't go any further before she was fully ready? That's my best attempt at explaining it.  Still she was flirting hardcore with him when she came downstairs, it feels like that was the moment he's been waiting for since episode 19, and he let it sail by.  Ah well, at some point soon both their engines will be revving at the same time and we’ll finally get to the sexy times. 
The next morning was 100% adorable. Serkan Bolat serving breakfast in bed. I swoon!  What a sweetheart, because I'm pretty certain that Serkan does NOT like crumbs in his bed so this was a big gesture. And you could see how much she appreciated it, despite teasing him about the portion size. Eda, that breakfast would have been just fine by me, but if the girl has a big appetite, so be it.
Also, Edacim, it would be a lot easier to buy your "confusion" if you hadn't brought him a heartfelt gift that would have taken a good while, like weeks, to procure and then sketched in it for him!!!!  She had to have been planning that for some time.  Anyway, a very sweet gift and one of those moments where actions speak louder than words. We all want to hear Eda say the words "I Love You," but she just said it very loudly here in the form of this gift. Even if she wasn't fully aware she was saying it. It's obvious where her heart is, she just has to give herself permission to follow it.
This ep also brought the funny when half the cast of characters barged in on Edser’s little love nest. Good for both Eda and Serkan for refusing to be a part of the subterfuge for Babaanne. I'm hopeful we're going into a secret relationship/engagement storyline, but at this point I like that neither were cowing to her. Eda is an adult and it's nobody's business but her own where she stays the night! 
It cracks me up that Eda and Serkan were discombobulated by the intrusion, had the silent #married conversation, and headed upstairs together. Mostly because they are the two in the dark, what are they going to figure out by going upstairs alone? What they really needed was to talk to any of the other people to find out what in the hell was happening. Not that I blame them for wanting to escape that scene together. However, what was beautiful was their connection in these scenes. They were functioning as partners, as each other's person, as the one each turns to when they need support (or escape).  And that's really saying something since they were in a room full of the people they're both closest too.
Finally, I'm glad they spoiled the final scene in the fragman, because I would have been too stressed watching Balca's psychotic efforts in keeping Serkan away from the party, and Eda, if I hadn't known he would make it.  As it was, it  was too much to watch. They've done absolutely nothing to make her even a little sympathetic. I feel zero empathy for her, I don't understand why she's willing to take these risks. No man is worth it, girl! Especially not a man you just decided you wanted because of his initials!  The character needs to serve her purpose and go. Soon.
As for Serkan making it in time, THANK GOODNESS. I don't think Eda could have handled being stood up again. Even taking her call was a mistake. That's why we have voicemail, Serkan. And clearly he should have called the police on his way. I sincerely hope that he finds out the break-in was a fake and that's what makes him realize what level of crazy he's dealing with. I assume, because he didn't know what else to do, he left Balca in his home and that's what he wanted to tell Eda right before the police arrived. I shudder to think what damage she might do there alone. Installing a hidden mic or camera for Babaanne? Going through his things? Planting more items. Ew. If that spec is right the place will need to be fumigated.  
Serkan's gift was, of course, perfection. Talk about love in gift form, and did you notice that one of the charms was an "E" and one was an "S"? A sweet, heart-felt detail and a nice little nod to which initials really matter on this show.  Interestingly, after a full episode of inner turmoil, once Serkan arrived, Eda seemed to be all-in. She was bubbly and happy to see him and definitely acting like he was her date. And then the hug! Finally! They've obviously been physically close in recent post-break up episodes, for example elevator, pottery, dancing, skating, but what a relief to finally have this pure, intentional display of affection from her to him. Also a cheek kiss! This show, I swear it makes me grateful for the most chaste of moments.
As I said in another ask, I think the, "Will you be my girlfriend?" was in Serkan's head. We didn't see him say it, she didn't respond and the audio was hollow like it was a thought or memory or dream. However, what I can't answer is why we heard that. Why put it in there? We know he wants them to get back together, so that line doesn't inform the audience of anything they don't already know. So maybe proposal foreshadowing?  On the other hand, there is the line earlier in the episode that was voice over added after the fact (when Edser are in the small conf room and Serkan says he’s going home) so maybe they added the audio after the scene for some reason? I don’t know with this episode anything is possible. 
Then, of course, Babaanne ruins their moment with her evil plan. Next episode will she be sitting on her throne stroking a hairless cat Because it feel like Babaanne may like a bit of evil aura to surround her. Anyway, next stop... jail! I'm honestly excited to see how the next ep plays out. We're going to go through some things, so prepare your soul, but I honestly think we may end the ep in a better place. (new cliffhanger notwithstanding) We shall see. 
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static-fanatic-1 · 3 years
Test To Stay
-| Stuck at a StandStill |-
StandStill: Chapter Two
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Mineta is part of the story sadly.
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Today's the day! Today is the day Aiko will head into class 1-A and make a name for herself. Her confidence as of lately has been at an all time high, never before had she felt so ready for whatever would come her way. The air smelled faintly of cherry blossoms and the weather was just perfect. Nothing would stop her!
A hand clasped harshly onto her shoulder, once again making her jump out of her skin and whip around. Her nose was practically touching Komori's because of how close he was. "Guess who got into the Hero Course, Sweetheart." His rave black hair swept in the wind, it's messy appearance complimenting the thick glasses hanging off his button nose.
She hated that nickname, he gave it to her long ago and for some reason it still stuck. Besides, what should she even say to that? Surely he will be in class 1-A with her when the bell rings. Better save herself the pain and let him figure it out himself. "Good for you. I'm proud of you."
Komori lifted a brow, the smaller girl sounded so genuine with her words, yet there was still a hint of something beneath those encouraging words. Something he couldn't exactly place. Still, the words gave the black haired boy a thing of punk on his tanned cheeks. "Well then, if that's all you have to say I'll see you at lunch. And don't worry your pretty little head, I'll tell you all about the Hero Course." He leaned down and patted her head with a heavy hand.
Aiko furrowed her brows and scooted away, Komori strutting his way into the school grounds. Her tense figure relaxed a bit, moving to the front to dispose of her outside shoes and placing her clip-on roller blades in her book bag. She shuffled a few things around and turned to find her class, but luck have it, she bumped into someone. "Sorry!" She quickly exclaimed, hands up in defense.
The figure she bumped into was tall and broad for his age, and when she looked up she noticed a familiar face from just a few days ago. He adjusted his glasses and straightened out his silver school uniform. He raised one of his hands, almost as if he was about to slap her. She flinched. "It's fine. People make mistakes."
Sighing, Aiko examined the student further. As stated he was broad shouldered and tall for his age, with thin glasses resting on his nose. His face and jaw was strong, defined, and his eyes were a beautiful navy blue that matched his short yet neatly parted hair.
He shut his locker, which was opposite of hers, and turns back to her. "What class are you going to?" His hand pointed at her, palm facing up.
"Oh! Um—Class 1-A. You?" She asked carefully.
A pleased grin stretched across his cheeks. "Class 1-A, If you and I are going to be classmates, how about we exchange names? I am Iida Tenya." He extended his hand in a mutual form of respect.
"Takahashi Aiko, I prefer Aiko though." She gave a gentle grin and cocked her head to the side. "Nice to meet you Iida-kun." Her small hand was engulfed around his own, and in contrast against her gentle nature, his shaking and grip was iron.
"Well, Iida," She tasted his name on her tongue one more time to make sure she didn't mess it up. "We should probably get to class before we are late."
He whipped his head toward the fancy watch he wore on his wrist. "You're right! Let's go." With an almost robotic walk, he led the way to Class 1-A.
"Do you know where you are going?" Aiko questioned before thinking about her words. Was asking that rude?
"No!! But we can follow the signs they placed for the first years." He kept walking, turning his head just a bit to make eye contact with the girl. "If we go up the stairs to the second floor and turn right we should be there."
Her silver eyes glanced over at the signs and posters on the wall, a few being the ones from before but many were signs posting to classes. "Oh, my bad."
"Don't worry about it."
The two students traveled up the stairs and stayed right. Many different students passed them, each one making their way to their classes. A certain figure passed them though, one Aiko was too focused to not notice.
His wings flared behind his back, why the hell was she going right? The General Studies and Business Courses are on the left side, did she somehow get into the Support Course? Komori's dangerous, plum eyes watched her walk behind a guy with engines in his calves.
He kept walking behind the pair, watching and waiting to see where they end up. Is that guy a friend or something? Aiko and the tall guy stopped in front of a large door, one that towered all the way to the high rise roof. Inscripted on the side of the door in bolded, white letters screamed 'Class 1-A'. No way, no way in hell did she get into that class.
Komori accidentally bumped shoulders with another student, this one having blonde hair and a smug look on his face. "Pardon me." He snapped through gritted teeth.
The blond glanced at the two disappearing figures, scoffing and placing his hands on his hips. "Class 1-A, they have nothing on us." He bitterly exclaimed, waving his hand in a dismissive way. "This year, Class 1-B will be the ultimate hero Course!" He chuckled maliciously.
The bat man with black hair cocked his head to the side. "You're in Class 1-B?"
"Truly! Class 1-A will finally learn what it is like to be second best! None of them will come close to being strong enough to face me!"
Komori quirked up a brow and grinned. "I think you and I will be great friends." A clawed hand extended toward the cocky blond. "Komori." He introduced.
The blond glanced up at his taller classmate, the mischievous grin on his features twisting into a pleased expression. "Monoma, pleasure to meet you, Komori."
Aiko's pink lips stretched into a soft smile at the other students already in class. When she entered half of the entire class was already in their seats. Some of the more extroverted people talked to the students next to them, like Kaminari talking to the guy in front of him. Wait, did that guy have a tail?
Speaking of the blond, when he saw a familiar set of silver eyes and pale pink hair, he stood up and enthusiastically waved in her direction. Aiko waved back with a questioning yet polite look, shuffling over to take an empty seat in the back. She put down her bag and picked out her sketchbook, last night she was designing her costume but it wasn't approved, so she had to play around with her sketches to figure something out. Maybe more skin?
Every time a new student entered, Aiko couldn't help but anxiously await Komori, when was he going to show up? He would have probably showed up by now, right? Still, when a certain ash-blond entered with his hands stuffed into his pockets, she couldn't help but stare at his pursed lips. Why does he always look so pissed off?
Bakugou collapsed onto a chair and threw his feet onto the desk. Aiko cringed, and Iida, oh poor Iida... it was almost like he had a sixth sense for stuff like that. He strutted over to Bakugou, his entire body filled with momentum as his hands waved around in disapproval.
"Remove your foot from that desk! Such an action is insulting to those who came to U.A. before us as well as the craftsmen who made the desk!!" His hands pointed to the desk and the boy.
"Like I care." The delinquent leaned closer to Iida's face. "What middle school did you come from, you extra?"
Aiko's concerned gaze shifted to the newest student entering the class, his face was difficult to describe. Almost like he was disturbed but too polite to fully express it. Her attention returned to Iida, one hand now over his heart.
"I-I'm from Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida."
"Somei?!" The blond snapped. "A stuck-up elitist then? I should blow you to bits then."
Iida backed off in surprise... or was it disgust? "You're aweful. Do you really want to become a hero?!" Without fully finishing the conversation, Iida noticed the broccoli haired boy and wondered over to him instead. "I'm from Somei Academy...." The tall male introduced, hand outstretched.
The boy from the sludge villain incident tensed up and waved his hands in front of his body. "I heard you before! Ah... I'm Izuku Midoriya. Pleased to meet you Iida."
They talked a bit more, though it was more of a hushed conversation. Aiko tilted her head at the green haired boy, could he have been hurt to the point of making him skittish? Through her experiences, Aiko could only guess.
The door creaked open behind them, a sweet looking girl with brown hair, chocolate eyes, and a smile just as sweet as sugar. "Ah! That curly hair!! The plain looking boy!!" She pumped her fist in the air. "You got in! Just like Present Mic said!! Makes sense though!! That punch was awesome!!"
His entire face flushed a bright red, his hand covering as he turned away. "No! I-I mean...! I have to thank you for speaking on my behalf... I... well...."
Aiko found the transaction cute, a shy boy and a girl that seemed too sweet to be normal, so she returned to her sketches and kept her mouth shut. Until everything was suddenly quiet.
She glanced back at the door, the same scruffy teacher from the entrance exam huddled into a yellow sleeping bag. A small pouch in his hand that he sucked on. "This is... the Hero Course."
He stumbled out of the bag, letting it fall to the floor as he entered. "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you." Although his words were professional, his tone said otherwise, like he was beyond bored to be here. He lifted up his bag and grabbed something within, pulling out a classic U.A. training uniform you would see during their tournaments. "Quickly now. Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds."
The entire class was split, some were jumping from their desk in excitement while the other half stood with a nervous hesitance. Aiko was part of the nervous group, but one at a time everyone took their issued gym clothes.
The girls rushed into the locker room, a certain pink skinned girl with curly horns on top her fluffy, lighter toned hair, beamed in excitement. "What do you think we are going to do?" She asked, turning to face the small group of girls with a beaming grin.
The brown haired girl from earlier smiled, her chocolate eyes sparkling. "I don't know! I'm nervous though." Her rosy cheeks adding another level of cuteness to her overall appearance.
Small bits of chatter danced around the room, introductions being made and clothes being replaced. Each girl, with a sense of nervous excitement coursing through their veins, introduced themselves.
Momo, an insanely beatutiful, young girl with black, silky hair pulled into a ponytail.
Ochako, the cute girl with a permanent blush and short chocolate hair, she seemed nice.
Mina, the pink haired girl who started the conversation. Her skin seemed to match her personality and style, bright and frilly, kinda like a girly Tom-boy.
Tsu, a girl with a cute accent, almost like she had a stuffy nose. Long green hair ending in a bow and intelligent eyes makes her comfortable to be around.
Hagakure, a sweet girly-girly personality wise, but other than that Aiko didn't know how to describe her. Maybe invisible would work? She hoped that wasn't too mean to think.
Aiko listened intently, simply trying to buy time by examining her new gym uniform and shuffling it around in her grip. When it was her turn she rushed with her introduction, stating her name and a little something she likes. Drawing, she chose drawing to be the thing she likes.
"Oh!" Beamed the pink girl, a enthusiastic smile stretching across her lips. "You'll have to show us your drawings!"
Aiko glanced away with her cheeks flushing a rosy red. "Ma-maybe. They aren't anything too impressive though...." her words trailed off into a quiet mumble, before she remembered she actually had to get dressed. "Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom."
Swiftly, the white-haired girl's exited the conversation, shutting the bathroom stall door just a little too quickly in the process. Taking a deep, shaky breath, Aiko calmed her nerves. As much as she loved making friends, the over ecstatic girls made her a bit uncomfortable.
Though, them being excited about her art made her lightly blush.
The principle climbed his way into the room, the smaller form of All Might judging a price of paper in his boney hands. A deep set look of thought was etched onto his face, so much so he didn't notice Nezu entering and beginning to brew some tea.
A small ding alerted All Might of the new presence, and with a startled jump he turned to see who it was. The mighty hero sighed and examined the paper. "Aizawa is going to be harsh on the students."
Nezu pored the tea into two cups, took hold of both of them and handed one to Toshinori. "He's always hard on his students, I believe he would be good for your successor."
All Might turned and joined Nezu on the small desk. "He doesn't like me, Nezu, he'll defiantly see too much of me in him."
The principle smiled and took a calming sip of his tea. It was slightly sweet with a hint of mint, warm against his tongue as the steam tickled his nose. He sighed and kicked his legs in the chair. "That could be a good thing, besides I'm sure he will see potential in him much like you did."
All Might leaned forward, letting the steam warm his sunken face. "He expelled his entire class last year."
"That won't happen again, we've told him off for that last year." Nezu commented with a laugh, sighing and carefully handling his tea on his lap.
"But he can still expel someone, right?"
The mouse-like principle lightly chuckled. "Technically."
The two of them halted their current conversation, opting to change the subject on another issue All Might noticed. "You place twenty-one students in each hero course this year, why?"
"The batch of aspiring heroes seemed especially good this year. I wanted to give them all a chance."
"Won't there be some problems?"
"I've already thought ahead, don't worry. We will have the teachers follow the curriculum as usual, but whoever the extra person is, we can have the students who need more training get another chance." Nezu glanced over, taking another long sip of his tea. "Did that make sense?"
Toshinori hummed, his forefinger and thumb holding his chin in thought. "Yes, it does." The mighty hero sighed and stood, thanking his friend for the tea. "I'm pretty sure Aizawa is already testing them."
Nezu laughed. "Probably. It was nice to talk to you again, Toshinori."
"It was nice. I'll see you later, Nezu."
The entire Class 1-A stood in a field, a shot put field from the looks of it. Aizawa stood in front of them, taking in their forms like he was already deciding to give up on them. 'How optimistic', Aiko thought sarcastically.
He started talking, something along the lines of how U.A. allows independent teaching, and something about quirk prohibitions in society. "Bakugou, how far could you throw in middle school?"
"Sixty-seven meters."
"Great. Now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you need to do, just don't leave the circle." He handed the ash-blond a small ball. "Give it all you've got."
He smirked and mumbled under his breath before throwing the ball with a massive explosion behind it. "DIE!!" The sickening sound echoed through the field.
Air and smoke swept through everyone's hair, Aiko covering her face with her arms and squinting at the bright light. 'Die?' She glanced up at the sky, the ball only being a small spec in the vast ocean of blue. Slowly, it descended back to earth with a trail of smoke tailing behind each weak bounce it made.
Aizawa turned back to the group, his shoulders hunched and relaxed. In his hands, dressed with callouses, was a small device with the illuminated numbers 705.2m on the small screen. "It's important for us to know our limits." He began with a bored tone. "That's the first rational step to figuring it what kind of hero you'll be."
Aiko shivered at the slightly threatening words from the teacher, but everyone else cheered with delight. After all, this is a chance to prove themselves as the future heroes of Japan! To fight villains and save lives! Taking a quick glance at her classmates, she clenched her fists with a confident face.
Yeah, she would stop villains too! She would become a hero!
"'Awesome you say?'", Aizawa repeated, a bit of malice echoing under his disinterest. "Hoping you are going to become heroes after three years here... and you think it'll be all fun and games?"
'Huh?' Aiko's sudden confidence dwindled like a dying candle, and her posture slumped. 'Oh god, whats happening?'
"Right. The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged hopeless... and will be expelled."
"E-e-expelled?!" She suddenly yelped, the entire class screaming their disbelief. 'Holy shit! He can't do that?! Can he?!'
"Your fates are in our hands." Aizawa trailed his hand through his messy, black hair. "Welcome, this is the Hero Course at U.A."
'That-that wasn't welcoming.' Aiko worried, hurrying along with the other students to the chopping block. They huddled up like cattle to the slaughter. The first challenge: 50-Meter Dash.
Two at a time, the students dashed as fast as they could, a race to the finish line. Aiko was paired up with a red head with sharp teeth. He grinned at her, a soft smile and a thumbs up. "Do your best." He added, bending down to prepare the sprint.
Aiko bent down too, blowing her loose hair out of her face, and patiently awaited the signal.
The dark haired teacher blew his whistle, and the two students were off! Aiko propelled herself forward, launching her body as fast as possible. The wind brushed past her hair, and she was subconsciously holding her breath with each step. 'A little farther!' She thought, the red-head beside her already past the finish line.
'When did he finish?' Aiko's foot passed the finish line, the camera off to the side blaring her score. "6.56 seconds." '6.56! That's better than middle school!' Suddenly, the red head finishing first didn't seem so bad.
Speaking of which, he was wondering over. A small bit of sweat coated his brow, and his toothy grin beamed brightly. "Good job!" He cheered.
"Th-Thanks, you too." Aiko kindly replied, fixing her gym shirt and taking a few deep breaths.
Next challenge: Grip Strength. She frowned, grip strength would be a tough one to do. Maybe her constant drawing would make her stronger than normal? Or maybe that was wishful thinking.
Yeah, it was wishful thinking, 36 kg wasn't that good.
Third Challenge: Standing Long Jump. Knowing each student could use their quirk, Aiko wondered if there was any way her quirk would be useful.
Fourth Challenge: Side Stepping. This would be an easy one, obviously as she finished almost last. Second to last to be exact, pretty good if she had to say so.
Onto the next challenge: Sit-Ups. Easy, eighty-eight and fourth to finish.
Sixth Challenge: Seated Toe-Touch. Also easy, Aiko stretches every morning before skating to school.
Seventh Challenge: Distance Run. Nope, was one of the last to finish, hopefully this wouldn't ruin her score that badly.
Finally, the Final Challenge: Throwing. Besides the eventful Aizawa vs Broccoli Boy vs Explosive Blond back to Aizawa, Aiko didn't do that good.
The reveal was upon the students, a horrifying set of numbers that would decide someone's fate. Aiko related her own score, if they went by a number system she made up, then she should be okay. If each student was put into the position they ended in, and each student was given the respective amount of points, then the people with the least amount of points would be at the top. Aiko wouldn't be at the top, but she shouldn't be on the bottom either.
There was a small beep, and with a deep breath, Aiko glanced up at the screen Aizawa held. Momo, Todoroki, Bakugou, Iida, etc... Aiko. Aiko Takahashi! In 14th place behind Tsu!
Her shoulders slumped and she let go of a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "I made it!" She quietly exasperated.
Though she paused, immediately being overwhelmed with guilt at whoever was in last place. Midoriya Izuku, that's the green haired boy right? Silver eyes glanced over at the boy, his head hung low. Should she go comfort him?
"Your total scores simply reflect your performance in each of the events. Explaining the process would be a waste of time, so all you get are the final rankings." His tone wasn't any different from before, he must really not care about them. "Also, I was lying about expelling someone."
Another sigh of relief.
"That was a rational deception... meant to bring out the best in all of you." His cheshire grin reeked of mischief.
The students shrieked in disbelief, the shy girl shuffling away from the front of the crowd. "Anyway, were done here." Your documents about the curriculum and such are back in the classroom, give them a look."
"Oi!" A shriek like yell burst through the comforting conversation of the after school pack up. The surprise made the small girl jump and slam her locker closed. "Aiko right?"
When she turned around, the electric blond from earlier. "Uh, yeah? Um, Kaminari right?"
"Yup!" He pulled over two other figures, a purple haired boy from the bus ride and the red head you raced against. "You know Mineta, and this guy right here is Kirishima." His arm hung over their shoulders, a little awkwardly she would admit, and his thumb pointed to the sharper tooth kid.
"Nice to meet you guys." Small, slightly shaky, hands reentered her locker code. "Uh, I'm glad we all made it? Mr. Aizawa seems pretty... intense?"
"Oh, geez. Tell me about it! I thought I was going to fail!" Kaminari yelped, planting his palm on his forehead. "There wasn't even anything I could use my quirk on!"
Kirishima sighed. "Me too, hardening isn't exactly good for stretching." He joked.
"Hardening? That's your quirk?" Aiko asked, the smaller, purple haired student shuffling from side to side anxiously.
"Yup," He raises his arms and flexed them, the once soft flesh changing into hardened, jagged pieces. Like rock. "It makes it harder to move."
"I can harden too-." Burst Mineta, though he was quickly interrupted by Kaminari.
"I can manipulate electricity, I can't use too much of it though, fries my brain." He swatted his hand in the air. "Hopefully later on I can really show off my skills!"
"Do you want to know what my quirk is?" Aggressively, Mineta tried to butt his way past the other two boys. "My balls-."
"So what's your quirk? I didn't see you use it either."
"Oh, it's called pause." Aiko began, doing her best to unite Mineta. "I can freeze—pause objects in time. It gives me bad headaches though." She tapped her temple and shifted her gaze across from her locker, still grabbing the few things left in there. Across form her, Iida waved goodbye with a small smile. She returned the action before turning back to the boy's. "It wouldn't have helped me."
"So," started Kaminari, but replaced his interest with the skates in her hands. "Oh! You skate?"
"Oh yeah, my transportation." The white haired girl waved them in the air before putting them on. "Sorry, but I have to go. Mr. Takahashi wants me to get some food on the way back home."
"Mr. Takahashi? Your dad?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah... my dad." Aiko realized how weird that might sound, after all she used to say mom and dad. "Anyway, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" She smiled and dashed off and away from the situation. "Bye!"
Her hair brushed past her shoulder, and everything else became a blur. Warm air tickled her nose and played with her school uniform. This was freedom, this was relaxation. No matter what happened, no matter who yelled or hurt her before, skating around the city was always relaxing. Always a way to clear her mind of any worries.
After a day like this, she needed it. After all, Komori and Aizawa scared her beyond believe today. Taking a detour wouldn't end the world.
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evening-blossoms · 4 years
So um. I'm a total idiot and forgot an entire day of my own challenge. I was gonna keep it that way since nobody had noticed but... that day was something I'd wanted to talk about for a while so...
Welcome to the very late and out-of-schedule day 10 of my SGE Challenge
Characters I would rewrite
Buckle down cause oooooh boy do I have shit to say - and because of this I'll be deviating from what I usually do and write a rant post instead! Given I don't want to make a way too long post, I'll simply go over a brief explanation of why they're in the list and what I'd change.
Kei of Foxwood (tw: drugging mention)
So this fucking asshole here apparently will get a redemption arc uh. I Actually already talked about this in this post I submitted but I will go over it again because it was kinda poorly worded imo (especially because it was written by sleep-deprived me at 3am)
Which is poorly driven given it starts with "Oh No! My beloved Rhian is dead, what shall be of me without my dear?". No. A good redemption arc should start with "Fuck I did something terrible and genuinly regret this and want to work on becoming a better person and fixing the mess I've made." Also, seems like Kei's form of redemption will be death and no, he should live with the consequences of what he's done.
Speaking of which - his redemption will also feel like an insult to the readers because seriously? He's way past redemption point for me now. He already was from QFG when he drugged Dot (which was something quite unecessary and Soman used an Extremely complicated and sensitive topic for the sake of shock value - but that's a whole new rabbit hole I'm not jumping into right now). And in ACOT he follows Rhian's orders which include attacking practically defenseless teenagers
So with that in mind, I'd either have Kei die the piece of shit he is or rewrite his arc from QFG in order to make a good redemption. First, erase that part with Dot and find another way to get to the keys. Again, it was an act that can be considered violence against women written down just for shock value. Given we do not have other scenes with Kei (except for the dungeons one), I'll leave it that for QFG.
In ACOT, start on his very first actual scene - the dinner scene. Have him hesitant on following Rhian's orders there, and perhaps hint it goes a bit deeper than hesitance. Then escalate it to him openly challenging Rhian's orders during that moment before the Blessing. The attack on SGE would be the first moment we see a greater act from him - maybe somehow going behind Rhian's back to stop that attack??? His last scene in the book is during the carriage ride with Sophie - when Kei tells her he's been going behind Rhian's back to stop the attacks he was able to, and knew he had to fix he'd made when he locked Tedros in the dungeons back in QFG. He agrees to help her somehow - but it goes terribly wrong when Japeth survives.
I myself still need to see a bit more how that could be well executed but that's the basic idea - have Kei's actions start from much earlier and have doing the right thing as motivation, not his love for Rhian - if anything, that should be a source of struggle.
Hort of Bloodbrook
This is can be either a rewrite of his own arc or a rewrite of the light he's written in.
He is a Nice Guy tm. Lets not try to pretend he isn't because he is.
He spends the entire first trilogy obssessing over Sophie, and acting entitled to her because he's a guy who's "genuine and truthful" or what so ever. Sure, Sophie might not be a perfect innocent girl and she did treat people who cared for her like shit at times, but that doesn't change the fact she never liked him. And even though she was wrong in parading him around like a "suitor" when trying to win Tedros' attention, she never again makes mention to liking Hort, or wanting to date him, or what so ever, and honestly, good for her! You should never date someone just because they have feelings for you.
Liking someone doesn't make you entitled to having them, and it doesn't make them obligated to like you back. And this what Hort can't understand. And not to mention he acts pretty sexist during the School Years:
"Every time he was free of rivals for Sophie’s attention, they always returned, more meddling than ever. Why couldn’t these toads mind their own business? Or die like Rafal did? True, he’d had Sophie to himself these past six months, but most of that was spent waiting out her I’m-an-Independent-Woman phase..." Quests for Glory, chapter 9: "Who Would Want a Hort?"
And also later during ACOT, in which he treats Nicola pretty badly
“Not bad enough, whatever it is,” Hort’s voice said, hijacking the demon. “He got us into this mess by fawning over Rhian like a lovedrunk girl.”
“Oh, so being a ‘girl’ is an insult now?” Nicola’s voice ripped, the demon suddenly looking animated in agreement. (A Crystal Of Time, chapter 5: Sophie's Choice)
There are other examples but I don't want to digress so this is how Hort is. I'd like to rewrite him into a person who had a immature crush on a girl and bent over backwards to get her attention - all of this a product of his own insecurity - but that grows out of it and in the process, also into a mature person who's confident in himself.
Also, in case someone doesn't understand: the problem isn't a crush. Having crushes is totally normal and ok, and so is not having them! The problem is when your crush over someone becomes nearly obssessive because of your immaturity and inner problems.
And as I was gonna talk about the light Hort's written in: all of this bullshit, and he's written as the nice underdog who we are supposed to root for. Soman keeps romanticizing him and that kind of behavior and that's terrible. So I'd either change Hort's behavior or write him in the light of what it truly is.
Rhian of Foxwood
Honestly? I liked him as a villain. I have no problem with him believing he was doing Good - in fact, I liked it! It's a good contrast to the previous villains, who knew they were Evil, wanted to be this way and took pride in it.
What I would change are just two things: one is that last kiss scene with Sophie during chapter 25 of ACOT, since it was absolute bullshit after all the shit he did to her which I don't feel the need to list - we all know it.
Second thing, I'd have made him a seer! Soman missed a huge potential when he made Rhian a Sader without giving him the seer abilities. That whole "Third Mysterious Pen" deal was unecessary, and it could be replaced by Rhian's visions.
And guys, come on - EVIL SEER IS A DOPE CONCEPT.
Nicola of Woods Beyond
Don't get me wrong, I love Nicola - and this is kind of why she's in this list, actually.
She's an amazing character - bookworm represent! She's also one of the few poc representation this book has, so I like it went to someone as amazing and smart as Nic. 
So for that I think Nicola should have been explored more. She's usually put as background character and only brought up when it's convenient - she's basically plot device. Which sucks because again, she's awesome. I'd have explored her ability to apply what she learns in stories to real-life issues a bit more, and paired her up with Agatha more times! Both are brilliant girls and I feel Agatha was at times dumbed down so Nicola could solve the problems, and honestly, I hate it when a character is dimmed so the other can shine.
So I'd have put them together - Agatha, experienced and quick-thinker, and Nicola, an extremely smart girl who doesn't really have half the experience Agatha has in the Woods. They both learn from each other - it's a deal of teacher (Agatha) learning from the student (Nicola). 
And allow me to push the Nicphie agenda here - I'd totally expand her relation with Sophie - explored their feelings going from mutual hatred to mutual respect to liking each other to very lesbian love. The Best enemies to lovers.
And lastly I'd remove the Hicola part super unecessary lmao
So that's it! I actually have some more to talk about but I didn't know how to word it properly and I don't want to make a super long post lmao. I might make a part two of this, but separate for the challenge!
I apologize for the disruption in schedule, I legit forgot day 10 lmao. I'll be doing Day 13 tomorrow so hopefully everything will go back to normal!
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lilyevansreyjakku · 5 years
Love and power
By lilyevansreyjakku
Part three !
Hope everyone likes it and I appreciate everyone comments and reblogs ,thanks everyone !
To start from the beginning which is part one click here in the link👇
And for part two click the link below👇
Warning ; mention of slavery , fluff , little bit of smut and evil planing ! You have been warn !
Also the story is long I don't know how much words I'm too lazy to count 😊😊.
Thanks my beautiful people ! Who have been in this adventure from the beginning so far from all my reylo fics I have done so far I like this 😊✌. I'll be posting by parts this story each month I want a to finally be able to finish a fic .i still working at the evermore reylo Victorian fic also .
@bellaren18 @lilia-ula @atchamberlin @glitzescape @grlie-girl @infinitelyblackrose @sushigirlali @nancylovesreylo @reylocalligraphy @michellestarswept @buffshipper8490 @bunilicious @winglessone @reyloisblessed @angelic-hellraiser @shaara-2 @lastmouseleft @xtaketwox @magicaldogs @cleverpudding @princeofdarkness15 @black-eyed-suzannah-q @bisexual-dilemmas @michellestarswept @thebadjediandthegoodsith @leofgyth @ohsnapcrackle @pandoraspocksao3 @reyloarmy @emrys-girlwithasaber @nite0wl29 @generaloftheneworder @reydarcy @empressdarkren @rakefiree @hotty-toddy-rebel-force @rebelrebelreylo @usethehorseluke . @antbee17 @unexpectedreylo . @constellationsinmytea @corariley @orkindofamazing @magicaldogs @practical-or-brave @kinlovecody
Love and power
A Reylo au empress and Emperor of the desert
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Ben slowly open his eyes as he woke greeting the rays of sun from jakku , he looked at rey who was sleeping peacefully next to him as the rays of sun touched her freckel tint skin . Ben loved so much Rey that he was afraid to lose her to any danger and especially any men within the palace . everyone in the palace whispered in surprise when he stayed for two nights with the empress which never had happened , many questions were asked that day he came back to the men's chambers. Ben was happy he has never felt anything like this before for anyone.
" enjoy your night alderaan ?" . Asked BB
" yes it was magical. " Ben had a smiled that nothing bad that happens today will get him mad or upset .
" will boy stop daydreaming you have lessons to learn ".
" lessons? What for ?"
" reading and writing boy ! So Please let's go before gets late ." Ben began to follow BB with a smiled that spread across his face he never had smiled before .
The empress had called him again that same day during the night when she had came back from her duties . ben asked carefully " we have a visitor today my empress ".
" please, call me rey when your with me alone , you can call me rey ".
" very well rey , we have a visitor in the palace? Who is it ?".
" he is a prince of yavin , I went there with my mother the late empress I've never seen so much green before , especially takodana I loved the forest so amazing " . Rey had food in her mouth Ben watched her carefully she had a good appetite .
" yes, The forest is indeed beautiful , I use to go into the forest back home ".
" In alderaan ? I was there few times with my brother at the meetings of the Royal had " Ben looked up at her , wait did she knew his parents? .
" did you know the queen and king ? "
"Yes , they were the most incredible people I've meet Leia was gentle but also a very strong and very protected of her people. but I never knew her son the prince of alderaan ."
" oh neither did I , as for Leia she was a good queen " . Rey saw Ben joyful mood fade into sadness she was told by phasma that ben was captured in aldaaran during the destruction of the kingdom she was sure he had lost his family during the attack . Rey put her hand on top of his .
" Ben ? "
"Yes ?"
" I'm sorry for speaking about alderaan I shouldn't spoke of it to begin ". Ben moved next her and kiseed her forehead .
" don't rey, I never thought I was going to meet you like this ".
" me neither I was so lonely , if only you knew the things had to witness the thing I went through with my mother ". Ben shh her by putting a finger on her lip .
"Your not alone ". Ben whispered to rey .
"Neither are you ". Rey planeted a kissed on his neck which made Ben gasp ; rey slowly laid on the elegant silk carpet pulling Ben with her , Rey ran her fingers through Ben's jet black locks and kissed him , their tounges moved with so much hunger Rey was under ben while he was on top of her he had his weight on both arms . he gently rubbed himself against rey which ment he wanted her like she wanted him .
Rey felt how Ben spread her walls it took her breath away . " so ...so big ". Rey grab Ben by his biceps , she felt how Ben went in and out from her which was the most incredible sensation . the pace was getting faster and faster she bit his shoulder lightly as Ben moan in pleasure. the only sound that filled the room was the sounds of their breaths and bodies slapping against each other . Rey had reached her climaxed moments later Ben followed her and came deep inside her walls rey moan in pleasure as his seed spreed inside of her .
" stay ". Rey whispered in Ben's ear , he shiver at the words .
They laid together naked only a silk sheet covered half of their bodies . Ben stare at rey as he ran his finger on her shoulder making circles .
"What ? " she asked softly , Ben smiled and kissed her again .
" you look beautiful against the moonlight ".
" I do ?"
"Yes ".
" tomorrow I'm going to a meeting , I think I may go to a campaign war ". Ben smiled fade , war , no ! Ben slowly sat up and turn to stare at her "war with whom ?"
"The sith they created an army call the first order". panic and anger flow through Ben .
" please, don't go it's too dangerous my love , I don't want to lose you ". Ben almost lost it but try to calm himself he didn't want to lose rey by the sith like his parents .
"You won't lose me Ben , I'm trained to fight and I have an army , Ben your shaking ? ."
"What if I go and fight ?" Ben change the conversation , Rey put her forehead against his "your place is here in the palace next to everyone and me . who am I going to come back to if your not here ." rey stare at Ben , he didn't smiled he was serious about everything rey could feel the tension she loved that her lover worried but she is the empress and it's her duty by the way she loved to fight.
" if I lose you , I'll die rey your the only person I have in my life no one else , promise you'll be back ! promise me? ."
"I promise when I go I'll be back to you Ben I promise , I'm not even gone and your making me promise ".
" I love you " whisper softly Ben
" I know ".
Phasma was always stamping her staff every single time he did something wrong either at class , horse riding lessons or when he didn't behaved either .
" it's not only giving pleasure in bed boy ! is to use your head and behave like a decent young man from the palace ."Ben had it with that women she was a nightmare his hell didn't end there ,since the day that jade the prince of Yavin came to the palace he has done one only thing is to humiliated ben. the nerve that serpent had when he called Ben to his Royal chambers to clean all his jewelry and making him fix all his belongings properly put in its place .
" so you must Be Ben , right ?", Ben could feel jade staring at him , the good thing he was facing the opposite direction and doing something with his hands because he swear he felt like choking the prince in this moment.
" yes ", ben answer irritated .
" the alderaan slave ? ", Ben try to calm himself from not doing anything stupid .
" yes".
Jade smiled and winked at one of his servants "I'm so happy , the empress was so delighted to see me . she couldn't hide how happy she was to see me , she invited me to her royal chambers tonight ". Ben drop the beautiful jewelry to the carpet he picked it up fast . Ben felt humiliated by this , he could almost feelt his blood burning of anger , Jade smiled at his servant he had finally spread the poison .
"Everything all right Ben ? " smiled jade .
" I...uh I'm fine prince ". Ben could hear his teeth clench as he said it . Ben got up from the silk carpet and bow to jade , " may I be dismissed ? I need to go to music practice ", Ben held his head up looking at the young prince, Jade smiled with delight .
" of course you may be dismissed and go play your ....um instruments ." the fake smiled that jade gave to Ben which very well Ben can see.
Ben left the room almost running out of there. How could she ? Was he a thing she just can't throw him in the air like that ? No ! Ben will talk with rey , Yes ! he is a slave of the jakku palace but a human being that has feelings and not feelings for any one but for the empress . he walked all way to the hallway angry straight to the men's chambers when he stopped , he saw phasma and rose waiting for him . Rose is one of Rey's lady maid and faithful friend Ben liked rose but not kaydel Much .
" Ben , come " Ben followed both women inside the men's chambers next to his bed was a golden chest a beautiful golden chest it had red stones.
" And what's this ? " Ben asked curious and confused.
" this is a gift from the empress ", a gift from rey he opened it and there was elegant silk fabric and jewelry and golden coins . phasma stare at rose who rose smiled with excitement .
" the empress has made you this " . rose gave a black jewelry box which he opened slowly inside of it was a ring with a black diamond .
"the empress made it for you ". Rose explained excited as Ben try the ring on .
Rose whispered "the empress will wait for you, tonight ". Ben looked at rose suprise how was this ? didn't jade said rey wanted to see him tonight.
" there's more ". Phasma announced as she took Ben to his new chambers, his proper chambers. Ben threw himself in the bed of pillows he remembered when he was a young boy and played with his mother when she didn't go out for political meetings.
" she what ?" Lor san tekka said while everyone was drinking tea and eating sweets . prince Poe looked at his father .
" now your sister has given that slave his own room his own bed chambers ? Unbelievable !".
"Well ,father she is the empress and if the young man made her happy so he deserves it , it's the law in the palace those who brings happenies to the empress shall be gifted ". His father didn't say anything he took a sip from his tea .
Poe smiled at his father and stare at the balcony the day looked beautiful to spent a day in the palace garden , his mind wonder off with kaydel .
The empress had held a meeting with her counselors and pashas from jakku , with her was kaydel she had become a trusted and faithful right hand of the empress , captain kaydel while finn was a pasha and Leader of the military of jakku army .
" we must stop all cost our enemies especially the Sith ", The empress voice was elegant with so much force and spunk . rey won't let anyone take her kingdom she'll protect her people and friends . she wanted to be more stronger than her mother ever was .
" they took over lands and terrorized many kingdom . they have created an army call the first order ".
" alderaan was destroyed by the Sith; burn into flames they killed the Royal family ,it's believed the prince is alive but lost no one knows where he is ".
" than we shall look for him , I knew Queen Leia she was an amazing queen and also her husband the king . I never knew the prince at all , the late empress was going to wed me with the prince of alderaan to make an alliance with both kingdoms, but unfortunately she pass to better life ."
" the prince of Yavin has came for help , the first order has declare war against them ".
" if the empress decision are to have a war that so be it ".
" I don't like wars , but with the sith and this new army there's no talking nor peace treaty , so war is the only options in the table ".
" then it's decide my empress"
" I'll fight for my kingdom and people I'll not left my people get terrorize by the Sith army nor by them ".
"How's everything kaydel ?" , Finn asked
" fine so far ".
"What? prince Poe ?"
" he is well ". Finn shook his head he wasn't asking that . " you know what I mean kaydel ".
" shh .. What ? You want me to get in trouble ? You know that is forrbidden ".
" come on its poe".
" Prince Poe besides I think he may get marry to a girl to a princess of some region ".
" yes , right , will that bride could be you ". Kaydel got mad and walked out of the room of meeting .
" those two seriously ". Finn said almost laughing.
Kaydel didn't want Poe to marry but it was tradition and duty as his title.
" it's never going to happen ". She whispered
" what is not going to happen ? ". Asked rey smiling.
" oh nothing my empress just thinking about the war and other stuff of the kingdom ."
" we will win kaydel ". Rey put a hand on kaydel shoulder.
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The empress entered jades Royal chambers who stood up and bowed to the empress.
" empress rey ".
" jade "
" I'm blessed by your visit my empress"
"We need to talk it's argent ". Said rey With a serious tone .
" I see you had already fix and brought your belongings put in perfectly ."
"Yes, one of your men of the bed chambers the alderaan boy helped charming young man ".
Rey turn to see jade " oh he helped you ?"
"Yes , I see you grew very found of him ?".
"I don't need to give explanation about that jade ? ".
" Look rey you know I came for help and to see if I had , if we still could be more than friends? like we used to rey before the empress send me away " jade grab rey by the hand , he noticed that rey wasn't the same she didn't look at him with that excitement in her eyes full of passion when they used to take walks through the palace garden.
" jade , please we couldn't".
" why not ? The empress isn't between us anymore , or is it something or someone else that is making you act this way with me ?" Rey stare at jade and turn her head towards the balcony who saw Ben at the garden .
" I'm sorry jade ". The empress left the room leaving jade heart broken, he turn to the balcony and saw Ben jade gave him a cold stare .
" you piece of soild meat , you took everything but I'll make you pay ". He eyes were full of anger .
The Night had fallen when phasma sent Ben to the bathing rooms. Ben was bathed with the finest oils and soaps fit for a prince, Ben was dress in the the silk fabric that the empress had gifted him, elegant jewelry was but carefully on Ben dressed in the finest silk robes . phasma and BB -8 took him through the marbal hallway of the palace, Ben was excited to see rey again the doors open slowly but phasma grab him by the arm gently " remember Ben , be on your best behavior ."
"Don't worry I will ". Ben smiled wickedly at phasma who just took a deep breath .
Ben eneter slowly as the doors closed behind him . everything was silent candles were burning gently oils were burning it smiled amazing . where was rey ? maybe getting ready which she didn't need she was already beautiful to him . he looked at the door quickly from the other room which rey came through . the empress was dress in a silk night gown a see through gown Ben could see everything which made him hard to the core .
"Rey ". He whispered.
Rey had her women hood cover as well for her chest , rey had been thinking about Ben all day and the way to show him was by dancing for him , The empress offered her hand to Ben which he accepted it , she led him to the bed of pillows . instruments played a exotic dance behind the door, she moved her waist at the rythem of the music she looked like a goddess from the desert Ben followed how her body moved ,she moved her body like when they made love rey slowly walk towards Ben and slowly kneel in the floor and spread his tights , she looked at him and gave him a dangerous smiled.
" sweetheart your making me cum." He almost choke at the words coming from his mouth.
" I want you Ben ". She slither up caressing his chest kissing him and She straddles his thighs.
" leave " , she order her maids and everyone in the room , music kept playing outside the door while they both continue.
Rey kissed Ben she ran her bony fingers through his soft skin . she quickly took Ben's cloth off leaving him completely naked and settles on top of him , Ben closed his eyes losing himself in the moment of love and pleasure of his empress they made love all night .
" I'm not going to last ", Ben was breathless as he kept moving his waist faster into her .
" I want you inside of me !",Shaking and gasping as her walls clench around him , She can feel him swelling and stretching her from the inside; the way their bodies moved it was like they were dancing an exotic dance .
" Rey !" , whine Ben , he drag rey closer to him kissing her neck they stayed like this all night making love under the stars and moon of jakku .
Jade was brushing his hair when one of his servants came to his room .
" any news " he stood up from his chair as he walked towards DJ.
" her Highness is with the alderaan slave and brought music to her chambers " jade turn to face the mirror angry both his hands resting on top of each .
"Leave everyone except you DJ you stay ". When all the maids left the room leaving them alone .
" you know well I didn't come only for help but to win the empress heart but it so happen that the alderaan slave has become a danger and very dangerous indeed ". DJ pay close attention to the prince .
"And what do you have in mind my prince ".
" you very well know me do you?".
" yes and I also know that when something is in your way you eliminated ."
" yes, but I want to play with that alderaan slave I just love how he gets mad fast but I'll hurt him the way he has hurt me when I knew that he took rey from me ".
" let see when the alderaan slave beautiful face is slightly cut or disfigured, let see if the empress wants to see him again " . DJ just shook his head and stare at jade .
" she will see me again I'll be the favorite again not only the princess anymore but the empress favorite ".
Yes , there's trouble in the horizon for Ben this is going to get intense!😳😳😳😳 thanks everyone for reading ,comments,likes ,and reblogs ! 😘💜💜
Like always my mean people out there I don't want drama no misunderstandings please if you don't like it keep scrolling down and no harassment nor mean messages.
Please do drama ✌💜please
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rabidfirefoxfan · 3 years
YES TO ALL THAT! The thing is, BECAUSE people didn't care for our didn't like Thor's solo movies, the general audience was MORE than okay with the destruction of the characters even most Loki fans (the ones who didn't fully understand him) also support new Loki and Thor. If Thor movies were as loved, gagnarok would've gotten the EXACT same backlash as Star Wars, Ghostbusters 2016, transformers, etc.
I honestly don't understand why Loki fans support new Loki. Did they TRULY understand Loki from Thor 1&2 and Avengers???? I'm guessing no since they praise ta*ka for "fixing" him (they did QUITE the 180° there when gagnarok came out)
Speaking of "fixing" they (amongst other fans) also annoyingly, want EVERY movie to be remade to be a comedic POS just like gagnarok. I truly DESPISE that ta*kas hate for source material seeped onto the fans. Both don't respect the source material of anything. they're BEGGING for Star Wars to be remade by ta*ka to become a "gAY spACe oPeRA" instead of the in depth drama that it is.
Also, I LOVE mauler. I have already seen all his videos and I love him for it 💙
Also, I love your responses. I mean, I love other responses as well from nikko and amongst others but you delve deeper into the psyche of things and I absolutely LOVE that 💜
Thank you for reading my stuff. Honestly, it feels like nobody reads anything I do T-T 
Many members of the Theater-Going-Public just want to consume easily digestible material. That’s why crap like Transformers is so Popular. So for most fans I would probably put them Like Ragnorak upon initial view as scratching this basic itch.
I also agree that many audience members really didn’t understand why there is such a strong Loki Fandom. Most outsiders who Look into this Fandom just ASSUME that we Like Loki because Tom Hiddleston is hot and charismatic and we all must be Thirsty Fan Girls who follow what ever is good Looking and hot for that second. This Post (talking about meta why Loki and Beta are popular with women) does a Far better job talking about it. Basically, Girls relate to Loki and Bucky story not because they are hot but because we recognize ourselves in the characters. We recognize Loki’s struggle, how he has to deal with family and friends that don’t respect him and just DON’T get him, how they aren’t actually there when he NEEDED them, and how to be Good Loki would have to change a basic part of his personality. Also, how Bucky agency is literally taken away from people in Higher positions telling him what to do and what to think. These resonate strong with many members of these Fandoms, which also happen to be made predominately of girls.
To do a Basic Translation, Girls like Loki for a similar reason that Teenagers Liked Spiderman. Its not the powers, the attitude, or the actions that theses character did that grew such powerful and enduring fandoms. It’s the everyday struggles that these characters face. Simplifying Loki fans to be just Thirsty is like telling Spiderman fans that they only want to Punch people in the Face. While not wrong, it is grossly a misunderstanding of these groups.
HOWEVER, it is much easier just to say Girls are dumb and I am smart. Look at how smart I am from ruining what theses Dumb girls like. Also, it is much easier to explain to higher up (Kevin Feige) that Girls are dumb and they don’t need to be listened to and we should just crap on them instead because we can get a big paycheck ONCE. Also, Taika has a big incentive to want to do this: Money and Power.
Remember, Taika only gets money and respect if you buy and talk about Ragnarok. He doesn’t get crap if you like and buy anything from Thor, Avengers of TDW. Therefore, he (and Hemsworth or a certain excent) will continue to crap all over the older movies because they need to destroy anything that can get in the way of their profits and powers. Because of the Success of Ragnorak (Money, money, Money) Marvel lets him. This basic concept also applies to The Russo Brothers. The Russos get money and an Ego boost if you talk about how EPIC Thanos was, but they don’t get that from Loki. Therefore, they would also see Loki as a threat, which explains why they are so dismissive of Loki and Tom Hiddleston.
Lots of “Fans” reactions to movies are in some way regulated by Disney/ Marvel. Like I said before, Disney wants everyone to see their movies as Awesome, so they will promote Fans/ ideas that support it, at the cost of anything else (even making money in the long term)
Besides, Showing respect to established IPs is FAR to much work for people who don’t care. Much easier to crap on stuff (LOOKING AT YOU 2020 MULAN) than it is to improve upon any type of older material.
Just like Star Wars, Taika’s Ragnorak will not be able to hold up when given 3-5 rewatches by large audiences, especially when those Large Audiences are looking for reasons to hate the movie. And, it seems like a good reason is developing really effing quickly. In Thor 4, Lady Thor is said to appear and take Thor (Hemsworth’s place). Many Fans see this as MCU going “Woke” and therefore bad. I don’t think Lady Thor is necessarily bad, but Taika has not shown that he would be able to show Jane the respect she needs in order to grow into this role. I mean, Jane is a scientist. Loki had parenting issues and Taika called him Emo-Slut who just wanted attention, what type of respect is he going to give a Scientist. I am expecting that when this movie comes out, and Taika tries his same tactics but it’s on something that most fans actually care about, that Ragnorak will have a big drop in popularity.
Just like with everything else, if you feel like Thor 4 is going to be a bad movie, don’t spend money to watch it. There are plenty of illegal sites to watch it if you still want to watch it, plenty of other users will watch it and you can get the major scope of what happens through them, or you can just ignore it.
Regardless, consume Loki content that you like. Read Good Loki Comics (there are a lot of great old Villain Loki stuff read and fair amount of Hero Loki stuff to read), read fanfics by creators who actually care, take part of interesting Loki discussions and draw Loki fanart. Just Ignore/ bash stuff you don’t like and make suggestions for stuff that people might actual like.
Um.... Thanks for reading. I hope you like long responds.
PS: Thanks for sending me an ask
Loki wants me to Throw wibble, but then he won’t let me get it. Then I try and grab it and he’s like “You can have it, but you want it.” And then I steal if from him, dangle it in from of his face for like 10 seconds and I throw it and he yips at the top of his voice. Then he chases and grabs the wibble and brings it back to me. He’s so cute.
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