#people are really out there buying their ore from Clint. as if it’s not in the mines for free.
coltonclay · 1 month
I heard a popular sdv YouTuber yesterday claim that if you’re in late game you’re going to be buying your resources and not hoarding them like in early game and it made me pause because I have 600 hours in this game and I only buy recourses if I run out and I need to craft something before I can gather more. So riddle me piss:
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sillystardew · 1 year
i’m a sucker for this so, bachelors when the farmer passes out in the mines/skull caverns and their reactions? 🫶🫶🫶
Bachelors reacting to you passing out in the mines
Sorry about answering this ask so late! I had some exams these last few weeks ❤️
Gender neutral reader 🦇
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-He’s anxious enough with you just GOING to the mines – you’ve heard plenty of lectures from him about bringing plenty of food, not pushing yourself too hard, not staying out to late, everything he thought you should know
-His heart drops out of his damn body when Marlon brings you into the clinic
-He knows he should have never let you go down there, and now one of his worst fears has come true
-He can barely keep himself together while he patches you up
-You may be one of the most soothing things in the world for his anxiety, but by god you are also the main source of it
-Even after you’re all fixed up, he doesn’t stay still for long
-He’ll pace, prepare bottles of water, get painkillers, rehearse his lecture for when you wake up-
-Yeah, he doesn’t take it too well.
-He kind of cursed at himself for not going with you. He knows you’re capable, but he also should have made sure you at least had SOMEONE to help you
-He makes sure you’re okay, of course, but really he’s putting most of the blame on himself for not looking out for you
-In my opinion i think he’s one of the last people to lecture you. He’s just glad you made it out
-Definitely offers to go into the mines with you the next few times you go. It’s going to take quite a bit of reassurance from you for him to let you go by yourself again (even then, maybe he asks Abigail to keep an eye on you)
-He’s stressed out of his mind when he’s told you’re in the clinic. He tries not to chain-smoke normally, but he can’t think of any other way to ease his mind while he waits to see you
-He knows you need the materials and the money, but he tries to find any way to convince you of other ways to get the things you need. You can go to the quarry for ore, right? He can contribute some money and maybe you can just buy it from Clint..
-He’s okay with you going back to the mines after your incident, but he still feels the prickles of anxiety ebbing at him
-He tries to hold himself together when he hears you’ve been hurt. He knew what you were doing was dangerous, he shouldn’t be surprised
-That doesn’t stop him from bursting into tears upon seeing you in the clinic
-You’re a part of what keeps him stable, he’s terrified of losing you
-He doesn’t have to lecture you. His crying and pleas for you to be safer are enough to convince you
-He KNEW he should have gone with you
-He asked if you needed help and you told him no
-He’s not a stranger to losing the people he loves, and he doesn’t know if he would be able to handle it again
-He’ll probably never let you go to the mines alone again. He knows he probably won’t be able to go as often as you do, but you’re in the adventurers guild! They should at least try to look out for their own people!
-He trusts you, and he knows you’re strong, but he knows what it feels like to push yourself more than you need to
-He doesn’t let onto how scared he was, but in reality, his heart didn’t stop racing until you woke up
-He starts shaking in the clinic seeing you unconscious. It hurts him to see you in such a state
-He blames himself for not making sure you had enough food, sufficient supplies, or at least something
-While he’s waiting in the clinic, he realizes how much impact you truly have on him and his well-being
-As soon as you wake up, he’s kissing you on the cheek and gently rubbing your arm
-He’s going to need quite a bit of comforting afterwards
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reallyghostlypost · 8 months
I think it would take at least an year for Thad to join the adventurer guild, mostly probably more. He moved to the Valley to hide and focus on practicing magic so he probably only needed wood and stone for crafting at the beginning. Even after he started to expand his crafting he only needed an occasional metal bar so had no problem buying it from Clint despite his high prices. But at some point he either started needing lots of plants for his magic or he started needing money to pay for the huge property he bought so he decided to try his hand at farming. He started needing lots of metal very fast and suddenly Clint's prices were more and more annoying. So one day he decided to complain to Clint about his prices and Clint told him to gather his own ore then.
While Thad agreed that this would be a great solution, he now had two problems: one, he was pretty sure the mines were off-limits to non-guild members, and two, the mines were famous for their dangerous monsters. The first problem wasn't that bad, a huge cave system like the Corneal Mine was bound to have multiple entrances and since the guild was very shortstaffed he could probably visit it without getting caught. He had to break in more supervised places in the past, after all. The second problem on the other hand…
At the beginning, Thad had the physical capabilities of an average wizard, scrawny and relaying mainly on magic. Despite a few past monster encounters he didn't knew how to fight and never held a weapon in his life. He was aware that Stardew Valley was a hotspot for monsters but he only realized how bad it actually was after he moved in the small cabin he bought. Since he lives deep in the woods, past Magnus's protective ward, he realized he wouldn't be able to get out of the house after sunset without either risking his life or some serious magical preparations. Still, he was never interested in joining the guild and had no shame in letting others fight for his protection (he's a selfish ass, that's why).
But now he not only needed more and more metal bars he also needed to spend more time working outside so he decided to do something about it. That's how he ended up cornering Marlon when the poor guy was coming out of the mines and bullied him into opening his bag so Thad can check what loot can be found down there. Marlon didn't really wanted him in the guild, because Thad in an untrustworthy dick and he really didn't look like the fighter type (he avoided hard work as much as he could and likes to spoil himself, so jewelleries, perfume, fancy soaps, he looks and acts like a city slicker that has no business living in the countryside). But in the end the guild desperately needed more members so Marlon reluctantly let Thad know that there's a lot more ore in the mines, he just collected as much as he needs for some bombs. And that's how Thad ended up finally joining the Adventuring Guild. Even now he has no shame admitting that he's a guild member mainly for profit.
To Marlon's surprise That learned to fight with a sword really fast and within a season or two he was good at using all the three types of weapons (despite always complaining about how much work mining is, and having to trek through dark tunnels, and getting dirty from dust and monster guts). To Marlon's horror, Thad's personality got worse. Thad already liked to argue and complain before this, but he would at least restrain himself sometimes out of fear that he might get punched in the mouth. Now that he learned how to beat people up defend himself he became much more annoying.
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athenagc94 · 3 years
Delving Beneath the Surface
Hello! Here is the first chapter of my new Stardew Valley fanfic - Delving Beneath the Surface. Follow my farmer, Verona, as she searches for dwarven artifacts to learn their language, lost to the ages. If you’re interested in following along, I’ll be updating it here on AO3 and here on Wattpad. Enjoy!
The Stardrop Saloon was the place to be on a Friday night.
More accurately, it was the only place to be in Pelican Town on a Friday night.
Verona chatted amicably with Emily as she fixed her a drink behind the bar. She asked Haley to join her, but she chose to spend the night with Alex instead. She mentioned something about not wanting to interact with her sister more than she thought was necessary, but Verona struggled to understand why. Sure, Emily had her quirks, but in the end, she was sweeter than Robin’s strawberry crumble.
And she always gave her a discount on drinks when Gus had his back turned.
Emily slid her drink across the beaten counter. “You should really stop by more often. You brighten up the room with that aura of yours.” She motioned to her, the crystal beads on her wrists catching the light like a disco ball. “It has this shimmer I don’t often see around here. Maybe because you’re from out of town.”
“Thanks,” she heard the doubt in her voice, “I think?”
“Oh, don’t worry. It’s a compliment.” She sighed dreamily. “I think you’re rubbing off on Haley. Her aura used to be so blah, but now it’s much brighter. I suspect you have something to do with it.”
She merely smiled as she took a sip of her drink. The orange juice and grenadine barely masked the burn of liquor. Emily was also very generous with her alcohol. One of her mixed drinks left the room spinning if she drank it too quickly. And she never needed more than one. It was a mistake she only made once after she woke up, half-naked and covered in hay, with Shane. The pair agreed never to speak of it again. They had taken to avoiding each other ever since.
Even now, he refused to meet her eye from across the bar.
Clearing her throat, she set her drink aside and said, “We both know she’s a lot nicer than people give her credit for. She just needs to warm up to someone first.”
Emily leaned against the bar, cradling her cheek in her palm. “Oh, I know how sweet she can be, but I like to see her hanging out with someone who isn’t Alex. I love that boy, I really do, but he’s a bit bland for my tastes.”
Verona shrugged. “Alex is fine.”
“No one wants to be described as fine,” Emily said with a knowing smile, “Unless they’re being called fine.” Verona shook her head, earning an airy laugh. “You know I’m right.”
“I will neither confirm nor deny such things.”
Emily pouted. “Boo. You’re no fun.”
At the end of the bar, a harried-looking Elliott plopped down in a seat and waved Emily over. She eyed him warily, then turned back to Verona. “He must have finished another long writing session,” she whispered so only she could hear, “he always comes here for a celebratory glass of wine, but if you ask me, his first order of business should be the bathhouse.”
Verona hid her smile in her drink.
With a smirk, she added, “I got to keep working, but let me know when you need a refill. It’s on the house. Just don’t tell Gus.”
“You spoil me.”
“Anything for my sister’s best friend.”
Like she said, sweeter than strawberry crumble.
Drink in hand, Verona wandered over to the game room on the far side of the saloon. Abigail and the boys normally laid claim to it before she arrived. The enduring smell of cigarette smoke and old pizza proved that much. To her surprise, the trio was absent that evening and the game room abandoned. She stepped inside, studying the games consoles on the long wall. 
She lingered on one – Journey of the Prairie King. The monitor transitioned between the trial and the high scores.
The coveted first place belonged to someone with the initials SQM.
She glanced back at the bar. No one paid her any mind. The chatter was loud enough to drown out the jaunty music coming from the console. Surely, no one would miss her if she played a game or two.
Fishing a coin from her pocket, she shoved it into the machine. The monitor transitioned away from the high scores and straight into the game. The goal was simple enough. Shoot enemies and avoid getting touched. She could manage that.
Her fingers flew across the control pad. Dodge, shoot, collect. She enjoyed the thrill that came with these games. No strategy needed. Something to kill time and sweep her away. That was exactly what she needed after a long week of farm work. Ten minutes came and went in the blink of any eye. The LED lights on the marquee lit up followed by the crawl of the ‘high score’ animation across the screen.
She threw her hands up and whooped triumphantly. “Take that SQM.” She replaced their initials with her own – VDS. The screen popped up and she took a moment to revel in her victory. Pulling a coin from her pocket, she started another game. At the very least, she could knock SQM to third place before she called it a night.
“What are you doing?”
Verona whipped around. Sebastian leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed tight over his chest. She shifted in front of the console and sputtered, “Me? I was just killing time, or whatever.” It beeped and flashed, signaling her loss. “And I’m not very good.”
He made a beeline for the pool cues on the far wall. She watched as he reached for one, then seemed to reconsider, grabbing the one beside it. He weighed it in his hand with a satisfied hum and turned to the table.
“Playing pool by yourself?”
He ignored her as he organized the balls in the triangle rack. She stood opposite him, watching quietly. The soft clack of plastic filled the empty air between them as she waited for him to acknowledge her. A minute passed before she sighed and took the cue ball, rolling it idly between her hands. “Not much of a talker, eh?”
“Haley mentioned that you like to keep to yourself.” A muscle in his jaw tightened. “And that you don’t get out much, which seems kind of mean if you ask me. One could argue that I don’t get out very much because I—”
“Look,” Sebastian cut her with a glare, “I’m not interested in…”
He trailed off, zeroing in on her chest. Her blood coated her veins like a thin sheet of ice. She should have been used to the stares by now. It happened all the time in Zuzu City. On the street, the subways, around the Joja office. Eyes followed her wherever she went. She hoped Pelican Town would be different, but evidently not.
“Where did you get that?”
Her brow pitched. “Where did I get what?”
He took a step towards her. She matched it with a step back. Surprise colored his features as he studied her. The full brunt of his gaze unnerved her, but it felt far from predatory in the way that she was used to. The fear that swelled in her gut must have translated on her face because he stepped back, giving her the space that she needed. The pressure that weighed on her chest lightened until she could breathe again.
“That.” He motioned to her chest. She followed the line of his gaze to the pendant hanging off her neck. A pale blue gemstone on a simple chain. “Do you know what that is?”
She found the gemstone while exploring the mines earlier that week. Amongst the snow and ice coating the lower levels, she almost missed it, but it caught the light of her flashlight just right. When she got home, she decided it would make a lovely necklace and threw it on a chain.
“It’s a necklace.”
He gave her a long look. “That’s a frozen tear.”
She stared at him. Was that supposed to resonate with her or something? He scratched irritably at the nape of his neck. The shaved underside of his head had grown out and curled around his ears. She noted the reddish hue at his roots and bit back a smile.
“Legend says those are the tears of yetis that inhabited the mines thousands of years ago. The museum used to have one, but it was stolen with the rest of the collection.” He gave her a once over – like he suspected her of stealing it. She had a killer alibi considering that happened years before she arrived in town – and they both knew it. “How did you manage to find one?”
“I found it while gathering ore the other day.” She brushed her fingers over the gemstone, marveling at how it still felt cold to the touch. Maybe there was some truth to the legend after all. “I had no idea these were so rare.”
“Wait. You went down to the mines by yourself?” She braced herself, already anticipating the direction this conversation was about to go. “Why? Wouldn’t that ruin your manicure or something?”
She threw her whole body into the eye roll she gave him. He had no idea. With all the work she did on the farm, there was no hope of salvaging her cuticles. The closest nail tech was two hours away. She had neither the money nor the time to do anything about it.
“Well, yeah, it does,” she deadpanned, “but I also want to commission some tappers for trees to make a little extra money, but Clint’s ore prices are ridiculous.”
“You’re telling me that little miss pageant princess went down to the mine alone?”
Verona resisted the urge to groan. If she had known that rumor would spread like wildfire, then she would have kept that chapter of her life to herself. Granted, she never expected a polite conversation with Jodi to end with half the town knowing about her history with frilly gowns and tiaras. She came here for a fresh start, but she couldn’t escape her past that easily.
Sebastian sized her up. “And you came back unscathed? I call bullshit.”
“I wouldn’t say unscathed.” She teased the sleeve of her sweater. “I had to buy a drugstore worth of bandages and antiseptic from Harvey when I got back. Those bats are merciless.”
She pushed up her sleeves and showed him the bandages wrapped around her forearms. The cuts had stopped bleeding, but a few gashes still looked nasty, so she kept them wrapped until they healed a little more. Harvey warned her that a few would probably scar, so there went her flawless skin. Her mother would have a meltdown if she ever found out, but she could cross that proverbial bridge later.
“Okay,” Sebastian grimaced, “but why go down?”
“The prices here are ridiculous,” she reiterated, “Pierre already bleeds me dry at the turn of the season when I buy seeds. I can’t afford Clint’s ore prices on top of it. If I can gather it myself, then I will.”
“Fair enough.” He turned back to the pool balls, signaling the end of their conversation.
Verona was never one to pay attention to those signals. “So, are you playing pool alone?”
He sighed. “Sam got stuck re-stocking shelves at work and Abigail is helping her dad with inventory. They’ll stop by later, but I decided to come ahead and set things up for us.” He swiped the cue ball from her hands and set it on the table. “So, no, I’m not playing alone.”
“You don’t strike me as someone who plays pool.”
He snorted. “Yeah, well, I would have never pegged you as a gamer.” He nodded to the consoler. “I was ranked number one, but I guess I’ll have to settle for second place.”
Her blink betrayed her surprise. “SQM?”
“Sebastian Quincy McCarthy. What? You thought Sam had the high score?” He rolled his eyes and turned back to the pool table. “I love the guy, but the guitar is the only thing he has going for him. You de-throned me, so thanks for that.”
With a shrug, she said, “In my family, second place is unacceptable.”
“I’m used to second place, so whatever.”
A frown toyed on her lips. What was that supposed to mean? Before she could press, her phone vibrated in her back pocket. A text from Haley greeted her, followed quickly by three more. She skimmed the messages and cursed. Alex ditched her for a last minute gridball game and she wasn’t taking it well. She tucked her phone away. That meant her night and this conversation was officially over.
“I gotta go.”
Sebastian hummed in response, which was better than being ignored, so she took it. Turning to leave, she stopped short. Her gaze fell back to the necklace. Genuine awe like his was hard to come by. It’s not like she needed this frozen tear. She had plenty of gems to make jewelry at home. This obviously meant something to him.
“But before I go,” she pulled the chain over her head, “I want you to have this.”
She offered it to him. He made a face, caught somewhere between surprise and his usual jaded indifference. The two emotions fought for control until he ducked his head. The crown of his head burned crimson. “What? Why?”
“Consider it a gift.” She kept her hand outstretched towards him.
Sebastian shook his head. “No. You’re the one who found it. It’s your prize for surviving the bats. I’ll find one eventually.” He hid his hands in the pockets of his oversized hoodie. Verona sucked irritably on a tooth. As if that would save him.
“I find plenty of cool things in the mines,” she countered, “I can make necklaces from a jade or ruby. This means something to you. I want you to have it.” She took another step towards him, nearly flush with his chest. His breath hitched as she peered up at him through her lashes. It might have been a cute moment if not for the fierce determination coloring her features.
“I insist.” Standing on her tiptoes, she managed to drape the necklace over his head.
His fingers wrapped instinctively around the gem. The corner of his mouth twitched up into the faintest hint of a smile. “It’s still cold,” he breathed in disbelief, “but how? It’s the middle of the…” His eyes fluttered as he refocused on her face. Sawdust and cigarette smoke clung to him, barely masked by the smell of peppermint on his breath.
“Thanks, I,” he swallowed hard, “I appreciate it.”
She beamed at him as she stepped away, breaking whatever that moment might have become. “I’m glad I could give you something you really wanted.” If possible, his blush darkened. “And if you ever want to play pool and the others aren’t around. I’d be more than happy to—”
The bubbly beat of Haley’s ringtone cut her off. Verona swore under her breath and brought it to her ear. “I’m on my way. You can tell me everything over a glass of wine.” She threw a wave over her shoulder as she hurried out of the saloon, not bothering to look back and see if he returned it.
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thunderheadfred · 5 years
Hiya! I just started playing Stardew Valley and am still trying to figure things out. Do you have any tips for new players? (Lovely mod!)
*cracks knuckles*
Okay, so.
It depends on if you want to play an absolutely vanilla game your first time, or if you don’t mind modding things. There are a number of quality-of-life mods that made the game a lot more enjoyable for me personally because I no longer had to micro-manage every tiny itty bitty little thing, plus… omg… I could walk faster?
That’s a matter of personal opinion, however, and the decision is ultimately yours. You can play Stardew however you want!
In no particular order, here are my own personal tips for vanilla and modded gameplay!
Vanilla tips:
The Wiki is your best friend. Do not fear the Wiki.
Build chests. Organize your chests. Stay sane.
no seriously, Robin demands sacrifices
Focus on the type of farm you want. Animals and Artisan goods tend to make the most money, but you don’t have to do that! There are lots of things to do in this game, and you should focus on whatever activity is the most satisfying for YOU.��
The Community Center has certain requirements and perks you may want to pay attention to, (the Wiki can help!), but don’t feel like you HAVE to get this all done immediately. It’s a good idea to plan for what you can do that season, to get the perks, but don’t like, sacrifice your fun to try and get all the Community Center bundles in year one (it’s not even possible)
It might seem counter-intuitive, but the Forest Map is generally agreed to be a better map than the “default” farm, at least for beginner players. There’s a ton of foraging areas and lots of other perks to having the forest farm, like renewable hardwood and random seed-spawning weeds, especially year one when you are struggling to farm large amounts of anything. Plus, if you ask me…… it’s prettier. And that’s VERY important.
It’s annoying, but get yourself to fishing level 4, even if you hate fishing like me. Once you have the recipe for the recycling machine and crab pots, you can print your own money. (Or, well, your own resources, at least)
Spring, Year 1
Forage. Sell everything you find on the ground, and try to farm only what you can water without eating to restore energy.
Your ideal watering energy budget for this first season is half an energy bar. 
You can’t really afford to eat your foraged items in Spring year 1, you need every scrap of money you can earn, so don’t overexert yourself too often.
More foraging: cut down some trees, learn to make those nasty seed bars that give you energy, then shake the trees until they get scared and give you their lunch money (seeds) so you can make more energy bars. For free.
Still rambling about foraging: You can make and grow wild seeds for free, and then use those foraged items to 
A) boost your energy - hey, free food! B) Make some extra cash to support your “money” crops and C) Be a goddamn hippy like God intended. 
Dandelions are particularly good for free energy in year one, and Daffodils make good gifts for most people.
DON’T SKIP THE SALMONBERRIES. It’s annoying to collect them, and they don’t sell for much, so don’t sell them. Save them and either use them for cheap energy when you go into the mines, or stick them in a preserves jar and make jelly that you can give as a gift or sell at a much better rate than the original berries.
Upgrade your tools ASAP. Especially the watering can, axe, and pickaxe, in that order. 
Give your watering can to Clint when you know it’s going to rain (check the weather report on your TV) so that your crops don’t lose a day of progress.
Save up as much money as you can for the egg festival, and likewise, save space on your farm. Pierre will be selling strawberry seeds, and this is the only time you can buy them. They’re expensive but extremely profitable, and they will produce more than one crop.
If you can swing it, try to complete the Community Center spring crops bundle before you get the strawberries. Completing the bundle will net you some speed grow fertilizer which can get you your strawberries even FASTER, yay!
ORE. You’re gon need a lot of it. Go into the mines and crack open geodes when the fortune teller tells you it’s a lucky day. You’ll find better shit and won’t waste your time.
When it rains, go cut wood or mine. Fishing won’t get you much this first season. But you’re gonna NEED ore and wood.
Other random tips:
Once it opens in Summer year 1, chill out in the spa after watering your crops. It’s free and replenishes your energy. If you think it looks nasty in there, then download the gorgeous Japanese-inspired onsen replacement mod like I did. Now you’ll actually WANT to go there.
The first few museum perks are premium seeds like cauliflower and melons, so bring Gunther lots of stuff. 
Don’t sell wood. Save every scrap. You’re going to need it. 
Get a coop/barn as soon as you can. Them animals poop easy money.
In terms of skill level ups, I personally recommend: Tiller to Artisan, Miner to Blacksmith, Gatherer to Botanist, Fighter to Brute, and whatever with fishing I never level up fishing very far tbh 
Mod tips:
Disclaimer: Stardew Valley is designed to be played slowly, at a leisurely pace. There’s no in-game rush to complete anything. But if you, like me, have no fucking patience whatsoever and don’t CARE what the game creator (or God Himself) intended, these mods may make the experience more fun for you:
AutoSpeed. It lets you walk/run at a more reasonable rate. I don’t know why the game makes you walk so slowly, but it makes my skin crawl. This saved my sanity.
On that same token of getting more shit done each day, if you don’t mind cheating a little more, install TimeSpeed. This lets you vary the time depending on location (by default it is slower indoors, and I always make the mine levels extra slow)
You can even PAUSE the time if you are like, ten minutes from Clint’s closing time and you KNOW you can’t make it but you NEED to give him your watering can cuz it’s going to rain tomorrow AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.
 If you’re a completionist like me and HAVE TO FINISH THE COMMUNITY CENTER or you’ll DIE, then it helps to have the UI Info Suite and Lookup Anything mods. 
UI Info Suite in particular is a mod I don’t think I could live without at this point. It lets you see at a glance if that fish you just caught needs to go in a community center bundle, your daily luck, whose birthday it is, if there is anything good on TV, and like, so much more. 
That said, Sometimes the amount of info they give you can be cluttered and overwhelming, but you can toggle the hover options off or on at any time.
If you’re a capitalist who HAS TO MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS POSSIBLE, you’re gonna want Automate. This mod is a godsend. This mod is everything. I want to divorce my husband and marry this mod.
I can’t think of anything else.
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black-dragon1998 · 5 years
Lost in another world part 3
thanks in advance for reading this. English is not my native language, so sorry for any mistakes you read.
part 3/3
part 1 part 2
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The signal had been sent and the only thing you could do now was, wait. You did have to hand it to Stark he had good tech, not as good as the enhanced tech you and your mother had been able to develop with the knowledge you gathered from the fortress of solitude.
“So that’s it?” Tony had stayed by your side to see that you didn’t mess up his computers and was barely able to follow how you worked to access his satellite.
“yes, it’s that simple. I have a tracker in my suit that automatically sends a signal to my family every 10 minutes, the only thing I had to do was amplify the signal, coming from my suit so it would breach this space and time barrier.” You explained to him without looking at him. It really started to work on your nerves how much he doubted everything you did or said.
“Tony leave the girl alone.” Natasha said the moment she stepped into the lab. You quite liked her, she kind of reminded you of your aunt and it was a grounding feeling admits this chaos. This time you turned around in your chair and smiled at the woman.
“(Y/N), the others and I were going to start a little training session and were wondering if you liked to train with us for a bit?” at hearing this you jumped out of your chair. You had a lot of cooked up energy and were ready to blow off some steam.
 In the training room you saw that the rest of the Avengers had already suited up. “well if everybody is going to be in their suit, I might as well change too.” With that, you turned the watch you have on. Your suit manifested over your normal clothes and sealed itself around your faces. Like your mother, it bore the family symbol, but instead of a skirt, your suit was in one peace. Tapping the side of your head your mask disappeared and retraced itself into your suit. After that, you look at the team and smile.
 “so, who is first?” you say with a cocky smile.
“I will go first. Let’s see if you really can back up your talk.” Tony says while calling on his iron suit. you circled one another for a couple of seconds. You don’t know his fighting style, so you wait for him to make the first move. After a while, it seems like he was losing patience and charge at you with his suit hand raced ready to strike you in the chest. as he came close you saw the palm of his hand light up and it seemed like a powerful blast would come from it.
You just stood there and waited for him to strike. Just like you expected a blast did come out of his hand and you met it with your heat vision. It seemed like it was going back and forth with the blast for a while but as you grew tired of it you just intensified the blast. In no time your heat vision overpowered his blast and broke his metal arm.
“next.” Tony looked at you dumbfounded but didn’t say anything and stepped back. It were Steve and Bucky who stepped forward now.
 “let's see what you can do against the two of us.” Bucky said as he smashed his hands together. Steve in the meantime readied his shield. You could see that they were used to working together and moved like a well-oiled machine.
The stance they took looked like they were trained soldiers, and very used to fighting with one another. This could be fun, the only ones you were able to fight at the DEO were your mother and aunt. And both insisted it has to be under the effects of a red sunlamp. So, seeing how you would do at full force was kind of exciting.
You stood your ground when they advanced on you, ready to react when it was necessary. Unlike with Tony, this two immediately advanced on you so you, you took on a battle stance.
 A blue portal opened in the room you and the Avengers were training, you immediately recognized it for what it was and reassured them it wouldn’t harm them. “relax it’s not going to hurt you.” You say calmly.
“(Y/N) Astra Kieran Luthor Danvers Zor-EL!” at hearing your full name being yelled like that your calm demeanour was fast replaced as you turned to the team.
“about that not getting hurt, whatever you do don’t look her in the eyes and don’t interrupt her for anything, that only will make it worse.” You say in a hushed voice, afraid she might hear you. The Avengers looked confused at your reaction.
“(Y/N), who is that person?” Natasha asked. You took a big gulp before answering.
“my mother.” With that, a familiar blond stepped out of the portal. For a moment you forgot your fear and rushed to her to hug her.
“Jeju! I’m so glad to see you. I thought my signal hadn’t gotten true.” You confess burying your face in her shoulder. Kara immediately embraced you.
“I’m so glad to see you unharmed little one.” Your mother said holding you tighter. You stood there for a while holding each other tight.
“what are my chances, life in prison, death sentence.” You asked looking up at Kara while resting your head on her shoulder. You felled her body shake, for her trying to contain her laughter.
“that flair for the dramatic you so have from your mother.” She stated. Before you could respond Tony stepped forward.
“this the woman we shouldn’t make eye contact with?” he asked looking Kara up and down. “She doesn’t look all that intimidating.” He said with a raised eyebrow. this time Kara couldn’t hold in her laughter.
“Sorry sir, but I don’t think she is talking about me.” Kara said in all honesty. This made all of them confused.
“aren’t you’re her mother?” Wanda asked.
“yes, but not the one she is trying to avoid.” You had tried to sneak behind a couple of the Avengers, but she caught you red-handed. You stood up straight and gave her an innocent smile.
 “Kara! Where is she? She better be alright, because otherwise a whole lot of people are going to be sorry.” The voice of your other mother cutting the air like a knife made you try to hide behind Kara this time. You actually saw a couple of the Avengers take a few steps back, smart men.
“she is alright love, she is the one who sent us the signal,” Kara said while grabbing your shoulder and dragging you in front of her, so you were in full view of your mothers lasering eyes. You didn’t dare to meet her gaze as she stepped closer.
“Hey, mum.” You say shyly. Like with Kara you were pulled into another bone-crushing hug. This was the moment it hit you how much you had missed your parents.
“are you sure you’re alright? No scratches, no bruises?” she asked looking you over.
“no mum, I’m alright.” You say a little embraced. Your family reunion was disturbed by a very confused billionaire.
“hold on for a moment, so you are both her parents?” Lena stood in front of you and Kara, feeling this was a discussion that would require her CEO skills instead of Supergirl skills.
“yes (Y/N) is ore biological daughter, problems.” Lena glares at Tony with, which makes him gulp. Maybe you were right to tell to not make eye contact with her.
“Sweetheart, take it easy,” Kara whispered into her wife’s ear while pulling her against her.
“We don’t know who these people are and (Y/N) seems pretty comfortable around them,” Kara said, trying to reassure her wife.
“Stop saying me to calm down!” Your mother almost yelled stepping away from Kara. “I have been unaware of my daughter's whereabouts for 72 hours and I’m in no mood to calm down.” Lena raged. Kara raised her hands figuring she wasn’t going to win this fight.
Sensing it might be best for you to step in you hugged her again. “I’m okay mom.” You tell her again. like you hoped she hugged you back and held for a couple of seconds.
“feeling better?” you ask when you pull back. Lena can smile again, so you knew it would be alright again.
“now that I know you are safe, yes.” She says. “I like you to meet my new friends.” You say turning to the Avengers.
“mom, Jeju I like you to meet the Avengers. They are like the Justice League,” you beam as introduce them. “the one in the iron suit is Tony Stark, he is like ore batman. The one with the shield is Steve, he reminds me of uncle Clark. The man next to Steve is Bucky, his best friend. The woman with the red hair is Natasha, she is an actual assassin. Next to her is Clint her partner. The girl in the red outfit is Wanda, she has these crazy cool powers and finally next to her is Vision. Vision is an android.” You were rambling of these facts in your excitement, this made your mother smile. This was definitely a trade you had from Kara.
 Kara stepped forward stretching out her hand toward Steve. “I like to thank you for taking care of our daughter. It really means a lot to us someone was there to take care of her while we couldn’t.” “not a problem Kara. She is a sweet kid.” Steve answered while they looked at you, saying goodbye to everybody. “she can be a hand full, but she has a big heart.” Kara couldn’t help but smile.
 “bye, everybody.” You jell behind you before stepping to the portal that would take you back home. Seems your moms had opened one up in the Livingroom of your house. When the portal closed behind you three, Lena turned to you with a stoic face.
 “alright hand it over!” without protest, you dug the portal device out of your pockets and handed it to her. Hoping that would be it, you started to turn away.
“and the watch.” She did raise her voice when she said this, but you knew not to argue you had seen this coming. “you are grounded and released from superhero duties for three months.” Lena simply stated. You could help the pout ore the whine. “moooom.” “We could always make it four.” She answered raising an eyebrow. You quickly shut up, with Lena Luthor those were no empty threats. Instead, you turned to Kara. “sorry ukiem, I’m with your mother on this one.”
“I’m sorry, I know I scared you guy’s.” both your mother's eyes softened as they kissed you.
“We know you are.” Lena said into your hair. “the grounding still stands.”
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