featherboabear · 10 months
me in the most excruciating abdominal pain known to humanity: They Call Me Doctor Worm. Good Morning How Are You I'm Doctor Worm. I'm Not A Real Doctor But I Am. A Real. Worm. I Am An Actual. Worm.
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orbital-junktion · 15 days
Hello! I'm looking for people with diagnosed PCOS to answer my anonymous survey. I'm diagnosed with PCOS and for my Biomedical Science course I'm doing my BI project on PCOS and medication. I need active participants please! Thank you :]
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iamphatvenus · 2 months
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Page from my PCOS Survival Guide
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lilithdahobbit · 1 year
Man researching for PCOS is NOT the bees knees.
Everything is so "girl power" "strong woman" based which is fine, just not when there's literally nothing for trans-masc folks who have it.
Like I know cis woman are the majority when it comes to PCOS diagnosis but my god can I not have ONE site that doesn't mention how I'm "still a strong confident feminine woman despite the PCOS symptoms" every few sentences? Just give a strictly informational site that just says "You've got PCOS, here's what you may want to do". I don't care that facial hair doesn't make me "less of a woman" I wasn't a bloody woman to begin with(plus the facial hair has never really been an issue, the one symptom I avoided)! I never gave a shit about possible infertility "ruining my womanhood", I literally got my tubes removed to avoid pregnancy!
I want recipes to help me lose weight and treat my insulin resistance. I want tips for ovarian pain and what to do if a cyst ruptures. I want tips on how to grow my hair back after my hormone imbalance made me lose so much of it. I don't want to be reminded that because of this stupid disease I'm seen as some poor woman with manly features. Just one site, ONE site that does that. But no instead I have to rummage through gods know how many sites focused on cis women and femininity.
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bcospcos · 8 months
"Why on earth did they name this blog 'bcos PCOS'? What's the deal with that?”
Picture this: It's a sunny afternoon, and I'm sitting there, trying to make sense of why my hormones are staging a never-ending Broadway show. And then, it hits me: every time I try to explain why I do what I do or feel what I feel, the answer is always... "Because... PCOS."
Why did I devour that chocolate cake at 2 AM? Because... PCOS. Why do I suddenly need a nap after five minutes of adulting? Because... PCOS. Why is my hair having a dance party on the bathroom floor? You guessed it, because... PCOS!
But here's the twist, my fellow PCOS adventurers: Instead of letting our hormonal misadventures get us down, we're turning the tables. We're embracing the quirks, the curves, and the mysterious ways of PCOS with open arms (and maybe a glass of red wine).
So, whether you're here for the PCOS hacks, the hilarious anecdotes, or simply a safe space to say, "Hey, me too!" – "bcos PCOS" is where we celebrate the everyday craziness that comes with this syndrome, one blog post at a time.
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ingridhodel · 1 year
Some days are harder than others. I can be so critical of myself when body doesn’t do what it’s “supposed to do “. Learning to love my body for how hard it’s working to keep me going ❤️
I have a long journey ahead of lifestyle changes to figure out how I can best help my body/hormones. Taking care of yourself is a life-long journey, and it will look different at every stage!
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ahdaky · 10 months
Berdampingan Dengan PCOS
Sejak 5 bulan menikah, aku dan suami sudah cari dokter untuk tanya kenapa belum hamil-hamil. Dokter pertama bilang kalau belum setahun masih wajar dan disuruh makan-makanan bergizi aja. Jawaban yang kurang memuaskan buatku karena dia bahkan gak melakukan pemeriksaan apapun. Walaupun pulang sambil misuh-misuh karena konsultasi yang gak sampai 15 menit itu bayarnya 500ribu, kita ikutin tunggu satu tahun untuk cek ulang (tapi gamaooooo di dokter yang sama 😛).
Tahun pertama lewat, bukan dengan makan-makanan bergizi seperti yang disarankan, aku justru melewati tahun pertama dengan kenaikan berat badan sebanyak 10kg. Sepuluh kiloooo dalam setahun!!!! Selama itu pula jadwal haid jadi berantakan.
Singkat cerita tahun kedua ganti-ganti dokter, suami dicek pula kondisi spermanya (ada masalah tapi ceritanya bukan tentang itu jadi skip dulu aja). Aku juga cari-cari informasi dari siapa lagi kalau bukan dari dokter segala umat; Mbah Google. Dari sana aku self diagnose bahwa aku PCOS, tapi sekian dokter belum ada yang mendiagnosa kalau aku PCOS.
Tahun ketiga siklus haid berantakannya luar biasa. Aku bisa gak haid dalam jangka waktu 3 bulan. Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk periksa ke rumah sakit besar, Mitra Keluarga. And finally menemukan dokter yang detail, saat itu aku dicek dengan USG Transvaginal, cek darah, dan suami dirujuk untuk cek pula ke dokter spesialis andrologi. Hasilnya seperti dugaanku sebelumnya; PCOS. Sel telurku buanyaaak, tapi kecil-kecil dan tidak berkembang. Dokter bilang itu bisa terjadi mungkin karena keturunan atau lonjakan berat badan yang terlalu drastis sehingga hormon-hormonnya berantakan, kerja insulin juga jadi berat, dll.
Tahun ini pernikahanku sudah 5 tahun, hampir 6. Hampir 3 tahun diagnosa PCOS itu berlalu. Saat pertama di diagnosa, aku diresepkan obat yang sama dengan penderita diabetes dan pil KB untuk menstabilkan hormon selama 3 bulan. Dokter juga menyarankan untuk turun berat badan 5-10% dari berat badan yang sekarang, olahraga, dan lagi-lagi makan makanan yang bergizi.
Obat yang dokter kasih ini cukup membantu untuk mengembalikan siklus haid jadi on track tapi sayangnya selama minum obat ini efek sampingnya lumayan menggangu. Setiap habis minum obat ini rasanya mual parah bahkan ya sampai muntah. Tiga bulan muntah-muntah tapi sambil tau kalau bukan hamil penyebabnya (karena dikasih pil KB) rasanya berat di badan berat di hati.
Sejujurnya sindrom ini cukup mengganggu terutama dari hal-hal yang terlihat secara fisik. Rambut selain di kepala tumbuh subur, terutama bulu kaki, tangan, dan ketiak. Tapi rambut di kepala rontoknya luar biasaaa. Asli, ogut takut botaaak wkwk.
Selain itu, PCOS ini bikin aku terlihat pemalas. Aku gak tau ini alasan atau bukan, tapi setelah baca beberapa testimoni penderita PCOS lainnya, ternyata kemalasanku selama ini beralasan. HAHA. PCOS ini bikin aku cepet capek, ngantukan, gampang laper, gampang cemas, stress dll. Padahal dokter menyarankan untuk turunin berat badan, tapi si hormon justru bikin kita terus bertambah gemuk.
PCOS bukan sindrom yang bisa disembuhkan, hanya saja bisa dikontrol gejala-gejalanya. PCOS bikin kita sulit hamil tapi tidak menghilangkan kemungkinannya 100%. PCOS bisa juga membuat kehamilan beresiko memiliki komplikasi seperti tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes gestasional, preeklamsia, dan keguguran dini. Terdengar menakutkan bukan?
I was dealing with this syndrome, hidup berdampingan dengan semua gejala-gejalanya, sekarang sedang berusaha berdamai dengan diri sendiri untuk menerima, juga berusaha mengontrol gejala-gejala ini. Tentu saja dengan misuh-misuh. 👋
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itslyrra-core · 11 months
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life update:
ambilis ng fluctuation ko since 2022.. in short time tumaba ako dahil sa pcos.. i was diagnosed recently kasi recently lang ako nagkamoney and nagkalakas ng loob magpacheck up. 😔 Mahirap talaga magpapayat pag may pcos. Di pwedeng may High Intensity Workout din kasi nagkakarebound.. Hirap din ako sa diet kasi limited lang naman yung mga anti inflammatory foods dito sa place namin.. but moreover, nakakadepress din yung situation namin☹️ i am hoping that tables would turn someday..
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Hysterectomy, PCOS, Hashimotos, etc
Before things get too far ahead of me, I thought I needed to take the time to sit down and write out this post.
First of all: for anyone who is currently considering hysterectomy out there, or has been told they need one for one reproductive problem or another, and is searching the internet desperately for the ‘what ifs’ and ‘outcomes’, let me just say this: breathe.
I know, not all cases are going to be like mine, but I want to go ahead and put my experience out there, and it’s ALL GOOD, so if you’re desperately looking for some GOOD NEWS, you found it.
Background: I have Hashimotos and PCOS, which causes a veritable STORM of problems in my body. Symptoms galore. The worst was when my period decided it was going to keep coming back every other week and it made me anemic. (low red cell count, low iron, all the fun stuff). I was MISERABLE. Combined with my various OTHER symptoms from both issues (high blood pressure, liver and kidney problems, mood problems, sleep problems, headaches, etc etc) my PCP (that’s primary care physician) finally looked at me months after trying to wrangle the anemia in line and it just kept getting worse, and said: “With everything that’s wrong with you, have you ever considered hysterectomy?” with a cringe. I nearly leapt across the room in tears to hug him. I’d been trying for almost three years to find someone to do that for me after already losing one ovary to a cyst that grew to 10 centimeters (yeah, you read that right).
So, long story short, PCP was able to give me a referral to a different OB/GYN who was willing to work with me despite my ‘young age/lack of children, yada yada yada’, and I will NEVER be more grateful, let me tell you. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I got the usual ‘cautionary tale’ from the OB/GYN, as per usual (Oh, you’re going to go into premature menopause, and you’re going to lose all sex drive, and blah blah blah) and I was just like: Sir, I would like to stop bleeding my life away, who gives a fuck. I don’t have ANY sex drive at present, because I’m too god-damned tired and out of breath to even walk from one end of the house to the other because of the anemia, and my body is so fucked up from the hormonal imbalances caused by my OTHER hormonal issues, I wouldn’t even know. Hot flashes? Have those. Mood swings? Have those too. Give me a break. Besides all that, I’m Ace, have no S/O, and take care of my disabled mother. I don’t want children, don’t have TIME for children, ain’t interested in pleasing anybody but myself, and if I’m not interested in a night with my ‘special toy box’ well then that’s all right with me.
After a brief fight with the insurance (which didn’t want to pay for my surgery OF COURSE), I got my hysterectomy.
IMMEDIATELY after surgery, I noticed a HUGE change. I’m talking the MOMENT I woke up.
This body had been in PAIN. NON-STOP. And I didn’t even know it. I didn’t even know it until my uterus and remaining ovary were gone, and the pain of surgery was so MINIMAL compared to the pain I had experienced BEFORE surgery, that I could have DANCED out of that damned hospital if they didn’t have me hooked up to more devices than I even want to name. The nurses couldn’t believe that I didn’t want pain meds, but I seriously DID NOT FEEL A THING. In fact, it wasn’t until about 3-4 days AFTER surgery, that the surgery pain finally faded, and I realized I HAD IN FACT been in pain after surgery, but it was SO FREAKING MINIMAL, that I hadn’t noticed.
Let me tell you something I would NEVER go back to that pain, I don’t care what anyone offered me, I would rather die.
My mood lifted (of coursee it did, I wasn’t in crippling pain all the time anymore), I’ve had less headaches, sleep is still sketchy, but my blood pressure improved (again, less pain will do that) even my Hashimotos briefly improved. (I say briefly because Hashimotos is a tricky bitch and nothing ever lasts with it..) My red cell count has finally stabilized, though almost six months later we’re still waiting on the iron to catch up.
Physically, my freakin’ BODY changed. I mean SWELLING went down all OVER my body. Puffiness from my face, limbs, tummy, all of it. It wasn’t THAT drastic, but there’s a difference enough that people ask if I’ve lost weight and tell me I look SO much better.
Not to make too much of a point on it, but yes, even the swelling of my vulva and labia went down, which shocked the hell out of me. My clit reappeared, go figure. And that ‘sex drive’ I was supposed to lose? Um, Hell No. I think she took a U-turn and came back to see what was new.
And for those that are wondering: yes, I do achieve orgasm still. Yes, I do achieve orgasm faster and easier. My ‘G-spot’ is extra-sensitive now, and there is now no pain associated with penetration. The main difference that I’ve found in the six months post-hysterectomy, is that if you like those deep, cervical orgasms, you will unfortunately lose those if you have your cervix removed. I did, because cancer runs in my family. And it seems not a moment too soon, because fibroids, calcified cysts, all that fun stuff were part of the lab findings. Could it have been a non-issue? Certainly. Could it have turned nasty with everything that’s wrong with me? Absolutely. I’d already been warned I was at high risk for Endometriosis.
Also, so far: I’m not on hormone replacement therapy. My doctors are playing it by ear. We don’t want to send my body into another panic spiral while it’s still finding a new balance, so in another month or two, we do more tests, see where I’m at and discuss.
Now for the: ‘but all these articles say’ portion of our blog. I know. I read those. But as someone else pointed out: Almost all those articles were written by men. All the nay-sayers ARE MEN. Why do you think that is? What the FUCK do they even know about women’s health anyway? Are they female? Do they HAVE the REPRODUCTIVE MATERIAL NECESSARY to make judgements on whether or not hysterectomy is beneficial to women in my position or not? NO.
So, for ME, hysterectomy was VASTLY beneficial. I don’t have a single CLUE how I survived for all those years without it. I know I was miserable. I didn’t know HOW MUCH, but now that I do, there is no way in hell I would ever make a different decision than the one I did, and I am SO HAPPY that I finally got this done.
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disabledopossum · 1 year
Just learned that I'm apparently "intersex" due to having poly-cystic ovary syndrome.
It's under the Intersex umbrella.
I don't have a problem with it. But it's interesting.
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ttc-our-miracle · 9 months
Well Tumblr. It’s been a hot minute.
The last time I used Tumblr, I was an angsty, angry teenager. I didn’t know who I was, or how life would turn out for me. I was selfish, and scared, and alone. I was struggling in school. I was struggling with my sexuality. I was struggling with my weight. I wish 17 year old me could see me now. I wish she could see all we’ve accomplished, and all we’ve lost along the way.
But anyway…
Hello! I’m A, and I’m 26. I’m married. I’m orphaned. I have PCOS. And I’m trying to concieve my first child. If your reading this, I can only assume you and I share some kind of background, something that made the algorithm think you’d enjoy my content. And for that, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with something right now. But perhaps together, we can lighten the load.
Thank you for coming along for the ride.
I’ll talk to you soon!
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pcos-fighter · 2 years
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Having PCOS genuinely feels like having a fully developed monster in my body. I'll be happy and strong one minute and in an instant, the only thing I want to do is curl up and cry until I feel my entire soul has been depleted of any emotions. Don't get me wrong, I have been depressed way before my PCOS symptoms started but I can still clearly remember the time of my life when I completely lost control of myself. One summer, when I was actually at the peak of my physical fitness, I gained several pounds in weeks, lost any and every will to live and realised that my body is no longer listening or responding to me. To feel that helpless, especially when your life is constantly stressed and every other person is forcing you to study more, work harder, eat healthier, lose weight and all you want to do is wail so loud it shatters the whole world. My parents keep telling me it's just me being lazy and I believe them and end up hating myself more. With all this mental torture, my body goes through such high inflammations that it genuinely feels like I am burning in hell for 2 weeks straight until my period does arrive. I wake up more tired than I went to sleep and don't remember the last time I felt good about myself. There is no medical help or emotional support and as always, I have to help myself. It is truly excruciating.
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Time to dig deeper.
Like I said, it’s time to dig deeper into why I am the way I am. I know I said it on my post earlier that I would tell you guys more of my past. So here we go…
My weight issues started when I was very young, because I started my period when I was seven. I know very young. But, as my mom says “it’s something in the milk!!”
Ever since then, I would find myself eating more and more and every doctor I went too told me it’s normal because I was a growing girl. But, when I finally hit full on puberty, the doctors I was visiting and going too always told me I should stop eating certain things, or else I’ll put on too much weight, and I would have acne problems.
My mother just laughed at them and never once told me I couldn’t eat something. She grew up not having much. So she refused to let me go without. Because of that, I wasn’t allowed to leave the table without eating everything on my plate.
And if I did leave my plate without finishing it, I would have to eat it later or in the morning. Even if I truly didn’t like it. Because of that, I always feel like I’m forced to finish everything on my plate even though I’m not hungry any more.
When I started growing into woman hood, I’ve noticed things about my body that other women didn’t have. My periods were always irregular, and when I did have them they were extremely painful. Every doctor I had went too always told me that I was over exaggerating, and that there’s nothing wrong with me.
Even though I knew different.
It took 17 years my friends.
Can you believe that?
With this comes other things, such as weight gain, and insulin resistance which can cause weight problems as well. Even though, I, am very active. No matter how active I am, no matter how much water I consume or how little food I eat, I always seem to gain weight.
And the doctors always tell me that my thyroid is fine, and my blood work is perfect. It took a PA ONGYN to tell my doctor at the time, that I had full blown PCOS and my weight issues are because of that.
Even then, the doctor still tells me: “are you sure it’s not just because you’re over eating?”
Telling this to someone who had/has an eating disorder is the worse thing you could ever do. How stupid can you be?
I’ll follow more into this in my next blog. Love you all.
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nickynicole47 · 1 year
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She has really great information ladies!
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mariastewartsworld · 1 year
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PCOS Common Health Issue Like Any Other
You’re not alone! PCOS is one of the most common hormonal disorders that affects women of reproductive age
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