#p and my mother and I painted quite a bit this weekend which was really nice
lavendette · 2 years
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My first picture in my new sketchbook
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nillabeam · 4 years
FLUFFVEMBER TWO: fake dating  
synopsis: tsukki agrees to be your fake boyfriend, how he ends up your actual boyfriend still baffles him 
warnings: fluff!! a little bit of language, some mild spiciness at the end, it gets a bit suggestive but nothing too crazy!! tsukki being a brat but also not a brat, probably bad grammar! forgive me! third year tsukki and reader! 
characters: tsukishima kei 
a/n: hi this little silly idea that nobody asked for has been in my head for a while now, i just can’t help how much i like this big dumb jerk!! >:( anyway hope you enjoy it!! <33 thanks for reading!! <33
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“stop looking at me like that—just answer the question,” you mumble, your gaze settling on the floor, focused on a small scuff on the front of your right shoe.
“let me see if i heard you correctly: you want me to be your fake boyfriend for a week?” he asks, a smirk painted devilishly on his features.
you kick your foot into the ground, a nervous tick really, you shove your hands deep into your coat pockets. “not the whole week, just the weekend,” you correct him, cheeks still tinted pink, lips still pouting.
“i know it’s a weird thing to ask, you don’t have to say yes, i can ask kageyama-“ you start to add but he is quick to interupt, the mere mention of the setters name igniting his unrelenting will to beat him at everything and anything, including this.
“alright, if you’re this desperate, i’ll do it.”
you look at him, eyes widening in surprise, then narrowing in irritation, he was half right but he didn’t have to rub it in.
“thank you,” you grumble through gritted teeth.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t quite catch that, one more time,” he mocks, leaning down slightly, his hand cupping his ear.
“thank you!” you yell, he doesn’t even flinch, instead he chuckles.
he ruffles your hair a bit too aggressively to be sweet, “see you this weekend,” he says with a curt wave, you try to straighten out your hair, scowling at him until he’s out of sight.
the weekend arrives much too quickly for your liking. the train ride to your dad’s house in the city is long but thankfully tsukki was there to keep you absolutely no company at all, instead opting to wear his headphones the whole entire time. only taking them off when you’re tugging on his coat sleeve, mouthing something, trying to get his attention.
“did you say something?” he asks, and you stare at him, an irritated smile graces your lips.
“this is our stop,” you repeat, a little too loudly, he stands up, slinging his bag over his shoulder, shooting you a disapproving glance. “no need you yell, i’m standing right next to you.”
you follow him off the train and the first part of the walk is silent. which doesn’t help your nerves. your gripping the strap of your bag so tightly your knuckles are white, brows knitting together tightly, lips pressed into a hard line. tsukki does his best to ignore it but your anxious energy was starting to annoy him.
“so do you want to tell me why we’re doing this?” he says, you whip your head up to look at him and he meets your gaze with an easy glance. your features have softened, mouth falling open in surprise, he feels his chest tighten, his stomach flutters and he hates how easily you effect him. even if he’s an absolute professional when it comes to hiding it.
you take a moment to mull over his question, worry claiming your pretty features once again. “i may have told my dad i had a boyfriend and he may have invited you, my fake boyfriend, over for the weekend to get to know you better or whatever,” you explain quickly, shrugging hard at the end, “i think he suspected i was lying to him, and i am, but that’s why it’s up to us to convince him,” you finish puncuating the explanation with a defeated laugh.
“sounds perfectly reasonable,” tsukki replies easily, a familiar sarcastic edge to his tone, he almost smiles at you, but he doesn’t have to you can tell he’s trying his best to help you. the thought alone is enough to make you smile.
“it’s just around the corner,” you say walking ahead. after a few more minutes and the two of you arrive at the apartment complex, it’s bigger than tsukki expected and you have to take an elevator just to get there. eventually you reach the apartment, you take a sharp breath, trying to steel your nerves before knocking on the door.
a woman opens it, tsukki notes her age, she’s younger than he thought your mother would be, she seems excited enough to see you. the woman lunges forward and latches onto you, hugging you tightly.
“y/n!” you don’t really have the chance to hug back before she’s pulling away, a smile plastered on her features. her gaze shifts to tsukki, he notes the way she seems shocked by his height. “you must be the boyfriend y/n has told us so much about!”
he can’t help the smug smirk that finds his lips, he bows politely, “tsukishima kei,” he introduces himself and you almost laugh at how well he’s behaving. “it’s a pleasure to meet you i’m l/n emiko! but call me emi!” she takes a step back to wave you both inside. “please come in, come in!”
you step in first, tsukki right behind you, emi shuts the door behind all of you and ushers you both to follow her, “let me show you where you can put your things,” you and tsukki share a confused glance, but you follow her down the hall, “tsukki you can keep your things in our guest room but i hope you don’t mind sleeping in the living room, since y/n will be sleeping here,” emi explains.
“he can sleep here!” you interject, “i can sleep on the couch,” he looks down at you clicking his tongue, “how sweet! always thinking of me,” he muses, pretending to be touched, “but as your boyfriend i insist you take the guest bedroom,” he guides you into the room by the small of your back, and you do your best not to make a face.
“what a gentleman!” emi remarks, clasping her hand to her chest. a ding from the kitchen catches her attention, “oh! i have dinner going so i’ll let you two get settled in,” and with that she hurries out to the kitchen.
“you’re overselling it already,” you comment, setting your bag onto the floor and tossing yourself onto the mattress rubbing your face into the comforter. tsukki forces out a laugh, “i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he sets his own bag down next to yours before sitting on the foot of the bed.
you roll over onto your back, a heavy sigh falls from your lips, “i don’t know if this is going to work, what if we can’t convince them?” you mumble, tsukki straightens his glasses. 
“convincing them won’t be an issue,” he replies cooly, standing up.
you let out a huff of a laugh, “you sound so sure,” you reply absently, you close your eyes, wondering why in the hell you every thought you could pull this off. the sudden shift of weight forces you to open your eyes. tsukishima is crawling on top of you, he presses his knee between your legs, your first reaction is to sit up but he pins your down by your wrists without much effort. 
“w-w-what are you doing?” you stammer out.
“convincing them,” he says quietly, but his tone is matter-of-fact. he leans down, his lips graze the soft skin on your neck, you turn your head away in embarrassment. you open your mouth to object but a shocked squeek alerts you to emi’s presence in the doorway. you both turn to look at her, tsukishima moves away from you, and you sit up immediately.
emi looks almosts as embarrassed as you do, “p-please try and be respectful in your father’s home,” she says, you can tell she’s trying to be stern but she just looks flustered. tsukki offers another polite bow, “my apologies ma’am, it won’t happen again,” he sounds sincere enough, and emi seems satisfied with it.
“a-alright, good, thank you, i know what it’s like to be young and in love so i won’t tell your father about this but p-promise you’ll be more responsible in the future!” she says with a small huff, “we promise don’t we, y/n?” he says looking down at you. you spring up from the bed, bowing in shame, “we promise! sorry! thank you for understanding!”
she nods, satisfied, “your father will be home soon and dinner is almost ready!” she adds before heading back to the kitchen.
you land a stiff jab to tsukishima’s arm, he flinches, moving to get away from another angry jab. “you bastard, what was that??” you yell, in the quietest way possible. “i told you what i was doing,” he replies, smirk already present on his face. “she seemed pretty convinced,” he adds and you bury your face in your hands, groaning.
you both make your way to the kitchen, and tsukki keeps emi entertained until your father finally walks through the door. emi is quick to greet him, tsukki notices the way your lips perse ever so slightly when she kisses your father. “you must be tsukishima,” he father greets, tsukki manages his most polite greeting yet, “pleasure to finally meet you, sir,”
“isn’t he tall?” emi muses, squeezing her husbands arm eagerly. “he really is, y/n told us you were but she wasn’t specific,” he agrees and emi chimes back in, “how tall are you tsukishima?”
tsukki glances over at you, you look mortified and he thinks it’s absolutely adorable how embarrassed you are. “193cm, the last time i measured,” he says cooly and emi gasps.
the next few hours is spent eatting dinner with your parents, somehow convincing them that you two are a legitimate couple and trying your best to answer all their questions. when did you meet? how long have you been seeing each other? not to mention the way your dad was prying into tsukki’s personal life, asking his long term plans, what university he was planning on attending, what he was going to school for.
to your surprise tsukki handled every question with a grace you didn’t know he possessed, he seemed so unbothered, it looked easy, honestly you were having a harder time keeping up the act than he was.
eventually your dad noticed the time, “it’s quite late, we should get to bed now, honey,” he said with a yawn, “it was nice to have dinner like this,” emi says dreamily, “a real treat,” she sighs happily. tsukki notices the way your gaze falls to the floor.
“well we better get this old man to bed,” emi teases, and you and your dad both make the same face, lips persed, brows furrowed, tsukki covers his mouth with the back of his hand, he manages to keep himself from laughing.
you wish them a goodnight and there’s a thick silence between you and tsukki. “time for bed?” he offers and you shake your head, “i’m not tired,” you take a second to pause, “d-do you want to watch a movie or something?” you finally suggest. tsukki takes his glasses off to clean them on his shirt, “fine but i get to decide what we watch.”
by the time you’re done changing into your pj’s, an oversized hoodie and some sleep shorts, and make your way back to the living room, tsukki is already on the couch, dressed in his own sleep clothes, a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants. you fumble with the hem of your hoodie, he looks up from the tv screen to watch you fidget.
“stop doing that, you’re making me anxious,” he pats the seat beside him. you let out a sharp huff before marching over to the couch, you sink into the seat beside him. he spends a few minutes deciding what to watch, with you sulking beside him. he finally decides on a horror film, nothing too crazy, something cheezy enough for you both to make fun of. something to make you sleepy.
“is emi your step-mom?” tsukishima’s voice snaps you out of your daze, and you stiffen at the sudden question. “yeah, my dad married her a few years ago,” your answer is flat.
“you don’t like her?” he presses and you sit up a little, leaning into the arm rest, “it’s fine, she’s fine, she’s just-” you trail off, eyes glazing over, he can tell you’re overthinking, maybe a little overwhelmed.
the flick of the lightswitch and the sudden brightness has you both squinting in the direction of the light source. “sorry! just grabbing a glass of water!” emi apologies moving to fill an empty glass. “what are you watchin’?” her gaze shifts to the tv, “something scary?”
“yeah, but it’s not really that scary though,” you reply absently and tsukki scoops you up into his arms, “how cute you are trying to act tough,” you tense up and emi giggles, “it’s okay i’ll keep you safe,” he teases and emi giggles even more, “don’t stay up too late!” she adds before turning off the light and heading back to her bedroom.
you try and break free from tsukki’s vice grip, “stop teasing me,” you complain, and his grip loosens a bit. “you were the one so worried about convincing them,” he reminds you. you feel the blood rush to your face, painting your cheeks red. 
“you’re confusing me,” you whisper, he barely hears it.
he stiffens a little and you look up at him, “what did you say?” he questions, his gaze is intense, and it makes you nervous. “nothing, i didn’t say anything,” you lie, his grip loosens even more, but he doesn’t stop staring. “you said something, don’t act cute just say it,” he insists, there’s a familiar irritated edge to his tone.
“i said..” you trail off, distracted by the soft glow of the tv on his face, which was so very close to your own, you bite your lip, your gaze flickering between his lips and his intense amber eyes. “i said—stop teasing me,” you mumble, leaning forward to place a chaste kiss against his lips.
he looks genuinely stunned for a second, you furrow your brows, worried that you made a mistake, “you’re confusi—mfph—!” you can’t finish your explanation, his lips are on yours, a few short seconds later he’s pulling away. you both share a look, the tension between the two of you thick enough to cut with a knife. he leans in again, hesitating briefly before his lips capture yours in a surprisingly desperate kiss.
his hands are just as eager as they move to pull you closer, your hands find either side of his face, deepening the kiss.
he’s big. you already knew that, but the way he’s kissing you, his body pressed against yours makes it impossible to stay upright. it only takes a few seconds before your back is pressed against the couch his slender fingers ghosting under the hem of your hoodie, his lips moving to your jaw, peppering kisses down the length of your neck. he pulls away for a moment, he takes off his glasses, setting them on the coffee table beside the couch.
his hands slide over your thighs, squeezing when he reaches the hem of your shorts, he slides them apart, settling into the space between them. you wrap your legs around his waist, his lips meet yours, it’s greedy the way he kisses you, possessive even, the way his large hand is firm on your jaw, keeping you right where he wants you. “tsukki—“ you groan into his mouth, he rocks his hips against you, the stiffness in his sweats suddenly very apparent.
“w-wait!” you stammer out and he pulls away quickly, 
“what?” he questions, a little out of breath. you cover your mouth to keep from laughing, “what?” he repeats, his tone stiffening.
“you’re so hard,” you manage between stifled laughter. he freezes, you can see him blush even in the dark room, “of course i’m hard you idiot,” he says covering his eyes with one hand.
“wait—are we actually dating now?” you ask, a teasing lilt to your tone. he eyes you suspiciously, “what happens if i say yes?”
you bite your lip, a smirk finds your features, “well, i guess you’ll just have to find out.” 
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4evamc · 4 years
Misha Tweets
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Ed Levine: Welcome to Special Sauce 2.0. Serious Eats podcast about food and life. Every week on Special Sauce we begin with Ask Kenji, where Kenji Lopez-Alt, Serious Eats Chief Culinary Consultant, gives the definitive answer to the question of the week that a serious eater like you has sent us.
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt: Generally, sort of like delicate leafy herbs like cilantro, parsley, basil, they tend to not be very good in their dried counterparts. Thyme, rosemary, oregano, they actually work pretty well in their dried forms.
EL: After Ask Kenji, a conversation with our guest, today in house, Misha Collins. He is, of course, an actor best known for his role as the angel, Castiel. Did I pronounce that right?
Misha Collins: Castiel.
EL: On the CW television series Supernatural, and has now written with his wife Vicki Collins, The Adventurous Eaters Club: Mastering the Art of Family Meal Time.
EL: Now it's time to meet Misha Collins. He's, of course, an actor best known for his role as the angel, Castiel?
Misha Collins: Castiel.
EL: On the CW television series Supernatural, which has had an insane run, right? It's like 2008 to 2019.
MC: Yeah, we're in our 15th season right now.
EL: That never happens.
MC: No, it doesn't. I don't know why they kept us on the air.
EL: Collins is also the co-founder and board president of Random Acts, a nonprofit organization dedicated to funding and inspiring acts of kindness around the world. He's also a published poet. Very impressive dude.
MC: Thank you.
EL: And has now written with his wife Vicky Collins, The Adventurous Eaters Club: Mastering the Art of Family Meal Time. So welcome to Special Sauce, Misha.
MC: I'm very happy to be here.
EL: So the first question I always ask, in your case it's particularly relevant, is tell us about life at your family table growing up. Your family table was not exactly traditional.
MC: That is true. I was raised by a single mom. My parents separated when I was three years old and I visited my father on every other weekend for most of my childhood, but he wasn't really a cornerstone of my upbringing. But my mother and my brother and our dog were a very tight family unit, and we lived in Western Massachusetts primarily growing up and moved a lot. We were in a new home I would say on average once every nine months or so. I think I lived in 15 places by the time I was 15.
EL: So you were like an Army brat, only you were a different kind of brat.
MC: Right. An Army brat without the parents building up a pension plan.
EL: Right.
MC: Another thing I think that an Army brat family has is a cadre possibly, of other kids that are going through the same experience, and I was generally going to a new school every year and meeting kids that were in fairly stable childhoods and who knew one another and who were familiar with the school, so I was always approaching schools and new towns-
EL: You were the permanent new kid.
MC: Yeah, with a little bit of trepidation, and trying to figure out how I could ingratiate myself to the new communities and the new schools. My mother was very eccentric and iconoclastic. She talked about the revolution a lot. I was born in 1974, and we lived through a tumultuous political time in our country, and she didn't want to have us grow up being conventional young men, so she would do things like dress me up in pink tights and paint my nails and send me off to Cub Scouts. Which I think in 2020 might actually fly, but in a working class community in Massachusetts, when you show up at Cub Scouts in the boys' locker room with nail polish and long hair-
EL: Not so much.
MC: And pink tights, you're ostracized. So, I kind of had to find a way to blend in and disappear a little bit as a kid in new schools, and I think that it built a lot of character in a lot of ways, and made me more resilient and adaptable and independent than I otherwise would have been. But at the same time, there's a certain lack of stable foundation that was challenging.
EL: I had not the same kinds of travails in my own childhood, but you do become resilient and eminently adaptable, but it also has a cost. It exacts a cost that you can't deal with as you're going through it, but you almost have to deal with it at some point in order to really resolve some of the issues that came out of it, I assume.
MC: Yeah. I'm sure you've found the same thing, but I feel like I'm a 45-year-old man and I'm still discovering things and unpacking them and repairing them, I think. There are definitely things that you take away from a childhood like that that give you real strength.
One of the things that I love about my childhood is that I know that you don't need money to be happy and you can get by on just about nothing, and that gives you, I think, quite a bit of power going into the world because you don't feel beholden to the comforts of ... I don't feel beholden to the comforts of money. I'm okay with scarcity. At the same time, I don't know that I was really terribly good at connecting with people or making friends, and I probably still struggle with that.
EL: Yeah. So, you wrote this amazing piece in The Times, and you wrote that “times were often lean, but one luxury we always had an abundance was food, even if it came by the five finger discount. My mother taught me how to steal peaches from the Stop and Shop grocery store when I was four. We were stealing from the man. It was a justified rebellion against an unjust system.”
EL: So, whoa. Okay, those sentences made me stop in my tracks. That's pretty intense. I was actually thinking about this movie, Shoplifters. I don't if you've ever seen it.
MC: Oh yeah. Yeah.
EL: Because in there the father figure, who turns out not to be the father, teaches the kids how to steal so they can eat. And so, wow. I mean, talk about that. Talk about getting conflicting messages from your mother. It's like, whoa.
MC: It's funny, because now hearing you read that, it paints a portrait of a parent who was raising children without a moral compass, and I think that was not at all the case. This was righteous rebellion. We were stealing ... We would never have stolen from the local co-op, but this was from a corporate entity, and these corporations were out to exploit the proletariat. I actually felt the exhilaration of feeling like I was part of a rebellion at that point, and frankly indoctrinated into that at a really young age. At the age of four, I was aware that it was us against them. We were the little guys and that we had a justice on our side. At the same time, it's a complicated thing to be training a little four year old how to steal.
MC: I have a very distinct memory of the fruit island in the Stop and Shop, and me grabbing a peach. This was the first time that I remember ever shoplifting anything. I grabbed the peach and then I ducked down behind the island, and my mother said, "No, no, no, no, no. You can't do it like that. You have to take it. You have to be very calm. You have to not look around. You can't show that you're distressed at all or that you're nervous, and then you put it in your backpack." Then we would go up to the cash register and we would pay for some of the groceries, so that we were distracting them, and then scoot out the door.
EL: And you just, I assume, felt that there was nothing particularly abnormal about this because you had nothing to compare it to.
MC: Right. Yeah, this was my normal.
EL: Yeah. You weren't stealing from somebody or something that needed the money, you were stealing as part of an ethos. Right?
MC: Right.
EL: As part of like, this is the way we work the system to fight the man.
MC: Right, precisely. Yeah.
EL: You also wrote, and I'm going to quote a couple of more sentences from the piece because it was so beautiful, "My upbringing taught me you didn't need money to be happy, that you didn't have to play by the rules, that the whole world was just begging to be explored. But now by the hindsight of fatherhood and from the comfort of a therapist's couch, I see that while my childhood had been rife with adventure, it also had been lonely and frightening and wanting." So you were always reconciling those two things, weren't you?
MC: I wouldn't say I was always reconciling them, because as a child I struggled at times. I felt sad and lonely, but I didn't think that it was because of my childhood.
EL: Got it.
MC: I thought my childhood was full of adventure, and I was proud of my childhood. Up until when I was 25 I don't think I looked back on it and thought that there had been any damage done by that.
EL: Right, and that there was anything dysfunctional about it.
MC: Right. And on balance, my childhood was incredibly ... I think I had a secure attachment with my mother. My mother was there. She was loving. She never failed to convey that love to me and my brother. So she served as my anchor emotionally, and that was unfailing. But because the rest of our life was so fractured and so nomadic, she was my only anchor.
EL: Yeah, because as you said, how do you establish connections with any kids when you're moving every few months?
MC: Right, and when you're showing up at school in pink tights at a working class school you're also getting alienated by your peers, and so the other kids actually ended up being kind of frightening to me.
EL: I read your Wikipedia page, and somehow you escaped and you ended up at a prep school, Northfield Mount Hermon, and then the University of Chicago. What a narrative your life has been. How did that happen?
MC: Now that you're asking the question, I'm reflecting on it possibly for the first time. But one thing that I know happened as a result of my childhood and and partly as a result of feeling like I wasn't fitting in with other kids, is that I was a smart kid and I could win the favor of my teachers. So when I was in school, I did very well in school. It was like the thing I could throw myself into and be safe and get some accolades.
EL: Some positive feedback.
MC: And some positive reinforcement. So I did well in school, and we lived in the town of Northfield for a little while, which was where Northfield Mount Hermon is. They had a program that had been implemented from the inception of the school where local day students could get pretty much a full ride if they were in need, and we were in need, so I could go to a fancy high school for free as a day student. Then I ended up basically getting the same deal at the University of Chicago.
EL: Amazing.
MC: Yeah. At the time, I thought I was going to go into politics, so I was sort of on a very clear path. And that wanting to go into politics was also born of my childhood and of my mother talking about politics all the time, and making me and my brother very aware of the plight of people in need in our country and around the world. It felt like that was the right place for me.
EL: Yeah. Again, and this is the final sentences I'm going to read from the Times piece, because it gets us back to food. Which is, "I recently found an old journal in a box in the back of my closet, and on the page from a decade ago where I had taken inventory of the good and bad of my upbringing the word cooking is circled and underlined with urgency in the plus column, as if I was thinking that food had been the cornerstone of happiness in my youth." Elaborate on that. I mean, that's an amazing statement.
MC: I think as a nomadic family, we moved around and we brought with us what we could, and in terms of material objects, there was very little that was a through line. But we did bring with us from place to place the tradition of sitting down for family meals every night.
EL: Even if you were in a teepee or in a park.
MC: Right. Even if we were sitting on a log in the woods in the rain, we would be sitting down and eating together. There were no distractions. There was never a television on, and there was no coercion in getting to the dinner table. There was no question about it. Not because it was an edict from an authority figure, but because we all just coalesced around dinner and loved it.
EL: You needed it.
MC: Yeah.
EL: It was a permanent form of glue for the family, right?
MC: Yeah. It really was important to us. We would go spend Christmas with my mother's mother, my grandmother, and she was a cook as well, and food was a centerpiece of that family interaction. And for me now that I have kids, I notice that when I'm feeling like a guilty or absent father, the way that I most quickly show my affection and love for my kids is I just make them food. It's like the way that I know to convey to a child everything's safe, everything's okay, and I love you.
EL: Yeah. But in 21st century America, and maybe all around the world, it's hard to do that, right? There are lots of pressures that are forcing people not to eat together.
MC: Right.
EL: Both parents are working, kids are all over the place. But you obviously, I think as a result of your upbringing, it was important when you had a family and a wife that you made that same time for dinner.
MC: Yeah. It feels very important to me. I think sometimes I'm actually kind of maybe forcing my agenda of cooking on my kids. Like, "Come on guys, let's make something in the kitchen." A lot of times they want to go outside and I want to work in the kitchen, and I have to check myself and say, "Okay, we'll go play a little bit of soccer first before we get to canning the pears."
EL: Right. Because the act of eating a meal and preparing it is imbued with so much more meaning for you than it is for them.
MC: Yeah, I think that's true. Yeah.
EL: So you end up being an actor, and I'm just assuming that like all actors, you struggled for many years before you found yourself on the set of Supernatural. So, tell us in a few sentences the arc of your acting career.
MC: Well as I mentioned earlier, my intention after college was to go into politics. I interned at the White House and I got a job at NPR in Washington, DC, and I was really disappointed with what I saw at the White House, and I thought, "Oh God, I have to come up with a whole new plan here." I thought it was going to be the best and the brightest minds under one roof. This was the Clinton administration. And instead what I found was the halls were filled with people who were sycophants, whose parents had donated money to the campaign. They were all yaysayers. There was no real discourse about political ideas, which of course is actually what you need in an administration. You need people who are going to be in lock step and are going to support your decisions, but I was too young and naive to know that.
So when I saw it, I thought, "This is not for me." I thought, "I will try to find another way that I can have an impact." I think there's a lot of hubris in this, but I thought, "I know what I'll do. I'll become an actor. I'll get famous and then I'll parlay my celebrity into some sort of political influence."
EL: Oh, because that happens all the time.
MC: Right. I mean really, really completely naive, and totally full of myself. Then I moved to LA and I thought it was going to take a couple of years to attain a certain level-
EL: To become rich and famous.
MC: To be rich and famous. And it took a long time to become-
EL: It took a decade, probably.
MC: To become moderately comfortable and a C-list celebrity. But somewhere along the line I stopped thinking about that end goal of I'm on this path so that I can have influence, blah blah blah, and I just started becoming an actor, and I was just acting for the sake of acting and not for this aspirational, high-minded goal.
Then a couple of years ago we got a new president, and that lit a fire under me. It was actually during the campaign when I started to think, "Oh, Trump might get elected. Oh, this is serious," and then my C-list celebrity started to come into play and I thought, "All right, well I can use the platform that I have."
EL: By the way, I think it's at least B-minus, okay?
MC: Well you, as everyone knows, grade on a curve, so thank you for your charity. In a strange way it feels to me a little bit like it's come full circle, and now that the show's ending and after 15 seasons I'm asking the question, "Okay, how can I be of use in the world?" I don't know what's next for me. I don't know if I spend a lot of time on television sets after this or not. I'm trying to do some soul searching and figure out what I really want to be when I grow up. But that's, in a nutshell, my path.
EL: It's an amazing path, and you accomplished much more as an actor than almost any actor I know. To be a working actor and to have made some money doing it is actually an incredible accomplishment, and maybe it's to the resilience you discovered you had in your childhood.
MC: Yeah, I think possibly. I think obviously there's a lot of dumb luck that comes into play. It's not my fault that the show that I'm on has been on for 15 seasons or has the devoted fan base that it has.
EL: There are conventions for Supernatural. I notice this-
MC: We have conventions. There are tattoos with face on them. I mean, it's hard not to be full of yourself in this context. But yeah, we have a really, really devoted fan base, and it's quite remarkable to be a part of.
What was it? I think it was Freakonomics at one point. Maybe it was in the book Freakonomics, but they said that pursuing a career in acting is like pursuing a career as a drug dealer. It's very, very difficult to be one of the kingpins, to be successful in the field.
EL: Right.
MC: The odds are so bad that it takes a certain personality that's defective that wants to even pursue that in the first place, because 99 out of 100 people are going to fail at that and then you're just going to be a low level street corner drug dealer, or barely getting food on your table as a background actor.
EL: Yeah. Well Misha, we have to leave it right here for this episode of Special Sauce, but you're going to stick around and tell us all about your two terrific kids, West and Maison.
MC: We just say Mason.
EL: West and Mason.
MC: Yes, we anglicize the French spelling.
EL: And your wife Vicki, and your family collaboration on The Adventurous Eaters Club. Thank you for spending so much time with us on Special Sauce.
MC: Thank you so much for having me, and I can't wait to talk about the book.
Listen to the podcast here
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beholdme · 3 years
All the Many Shades of Gerry - Chapter 2
Chapters: 2/19
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist
Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Gertrude Robinson, Elias Bouchard
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Library AU, Librarian Jon, Artist Gerry, Trans Male Character, Trans Martin Blackwood, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Ace Subtype - Sex Positive, Polyamory, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Falling In Love, Boys in Skirts, Kissing, Demisexual Gerard Keay, Minor Character Death, Past Character Death, Canon-Typical Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Flirting, Minor Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist/Tim Stoker, Adventures in Hair Dying, Happy Ending, Banter, Gerry has a lot of sass, Gerard Keay is Morticia Adams, Jon is a very grumpy Librarian, Martin adores them anyway.
Summary: In which Gerry is a kaleidoscope and Jon and Martin can't help falling in love with him.
He happens to love them back.
Find it on Ao3
Gerry doesn't even regret showing up to a first date with dye-stained hands. After all, stained by hair dye, stained by paint. Much of a muchness.
He sincerely hopes between his height and new shock of bright green hair, Jon will be able to spot him through the modest Wednesday crowd.
(Jon had pleaded that they were too old to brave the London weekend crowd that starts on Thursdays, Gerry had simply grinned and said he knew a great place to go).
And he certainly can. By the time Gerry spots Jon sitting in a corner booth, Jon is already watching him intently. Jon doesn’t yet have a drink, so Gerry throws him a grin and tilts his head towards the bar.
"I pegged you for more of a whiskey, neat man," Jon tells Gerry when he arrives at the table, frowning dubiously at his selection of a strawberry daiquiri, two shots of vodka, and a jug of margaritas.
Gerry takes the opportunity afforded by his distraction and picks up Jon's hand to press a kiss to the center of his palm. "I'm a man of diverse tastes Mr. Sims. You should never try to predict what I might be tempted to put into my mouth."
Between the kiss and the ribbing, Jon is broken out of his consternation, and he stands to greet Gerry with a familiar hug. "Maybe so, Mr. Delano, but just how drunk are you planning to get on a work night?"
"That is still to be determined, but considering my workday normally starts at about 3 A.M., this is just breakfast."
By the time all the drinks are gone, Jon having happily participated in all of them, despite his initial grousing ("But why did they have to be pink, Gerard?"), they're both warm, and open, and things are easy with them in a way even Gerry couldn't have predicted.
After all, two closeted teen boys from strict homes don't really make for the smoothest of teen relationships. Nevermind the pair of them trying to navigate barely understood sexualities. Asexual was the word Gerry had offered Jon, laying together in Jon's cramped teen bed. Biromantic was one he had arrived at all on his own in the years since. Gerry simply uses the word queer now, and people rarely bother him about it.
"Quite a lot of people recognize you here." Jon finally notices as the fourth person in an hour greets Gerry in the easy way of affectionate drunks.
"Never fear, old chap," Gerry intones, briefly stealing Jon's Oxbridge accent, "I'm not a raging alcoholic artist, only a bartender."
"You work here?"
"Yup," Gerry confirms, cheerfully popping the 'p'. "Thursday through Sunday graveyard shifts."
"And you felt an all-encompassing desire to attend on your day off?" Jon asks, one eyebrow quirked.
Gerry shrugs, smiling and leaning over the table meaningfully, "Starving artist, employee discount, close to both our flats. Seems perfectly logical to me. Besides, a man should be able to rely on the quality of first date alcohol."
"It's hardly a first date, Gerry! We've seen one another naked." Jon sounds rather scandalised, as if he suspects Gerry has forgotten. Which he certainly has not.
"I rather think the quality of our nudity has improved enough over the years that it merits rediscovery." Gerry shoots back, and Jon blushes hard enough to melt the remains of their ice.
"Well, regardless. How's the food? You should probably eat something solid if this is actually your breakfast." Gerry has to chuckle that it's taken so much alcohol for Jon's natural mothering instincts to finally emerge. Regardless, he flags down a waitress and she gets Jon a menu.
Hiding partially behind it, Jon frowns. "I do think I should mention that I've been seeing someone for a few weeks now. We're not exclusive at this point, though."
Gerry, somewhat delighted by this new development, having imagined that Jon was something of a spinster, chuckles and asks, "Oh yeah, do tell?"
He's donned his most winning smile and gently nudges the menu so he can see Jon's face better.
"You want to hear about the other man I'm dating on our first date in almost a decade?"
"Obviously," Gerry scoffs, adopting a long-suffering attitude. "I might decide I prefer him."
"Of course you might." There's a bit of lovely bite in his voice, and Gerry begins to truly enjoy himself.
"He used to work with Sasha and me at the library." Gerry hums in acknowledgment. "He was one of the assistants when I was promoted to Head Librarian. We didn't get along very well in the beginning."
Jon's stormy expression tips Gerry off to the fact that this is a gross oversimplification.
"With you, that could mean anything from a small tiff over the proper use of the Dewy Decimal system to attempted murder."
"Hrmph. If you must know, it means that I treated him very poorly for several months because of my own glaring insecurities." Jon's words are guilty, and he stares intently at an empty glass while he speaks, as if Gerry is less likely to judge him if eye contact is avoided. "Eventually I realized what a twat I had been and apologized, but it wasn't too much later that he quit."
"Because of you?" Gerry huffs, although he does know Jon can have a razor-sharp tongue, and it doesn't take all that much to inspire it.
"Oh! No, he says not. He had put together a great business plan and even managed to get a partial investment, on top of a loan. He's opened a bookstore with a little tearoom inside of it. Even took one of the other assistants with him." Past the painful part of his small tale, Jon's expression has lightened and he seemed quite delighted by the end. "When I went in to offer some support, Martin was actually happy to see me. He asked me out for dinner practically before I could finish taking my coat off."
Gerry was hardly ever possessive, and generously tactile with almost everyone, and seeing the open affection in Jon's typically closed-off expression warms his gothic little heart. He decides he can appreciate anyone who takes the time and (sometimes monumental) effort it requires to make Jonathan Sims happy, instantly opening a special place in his heart for one Martin Blackwood.
They end the evening with gloriously good fried food and laughing themselves giddy over tales from their teen years. Including the time Jon's Gran caught them smoking weed on the roof (Gerry shirtless, obviously) and had almost taken one of Jon's eyes out with the book she threw at his head.
By the time Jon realizes that he hasn't been allowed to pay for a single thing, he's been bundled into a cab and is on the way home. He knows he should feel indignant at being so smartly handled, but all he can muster is the warm, satisfied sleepiness of someone shown a very good time, and halfway to being back in love already.
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milomeepit · 5 years
An Untitled Document (Roman Angst Oneshot)
Ship: Roceit, background Analogical TW: Depression, anxiety, past abuse mention, unhealthy habits, dysphoria mention, brief eating disorder, death mention, bad family past, brief past mention of violence Word Count: 2k AN: ... yep.
Roman groaned as he tapped his fingers against the keyboard of his laptop. The sunlight streaming in through the window left a blinding white glare on the upper half of the screen, but he didn’t quite care enough to be bothered getting up and closing the curtain. He instead angled it down, sinking lower into the wooden dining chair. His back would surely complain later, but a shower would probably fix any aches or pains from the awkward position.
He wondered if he should get up and walk around for a bit, stretch his legs and give himself a break from his (apparently fruitless) efforts to work. But, then again, it seemed wrong to give himself a break when he hadn’t really done anything.
He had eaten breakfast- if cold leftover pizza and too-strong coffee counted as breakfast- and fed his pets. He’d even played with the cats for a while, and that had left a fleeting smile on his face as he sat down at the dining table with another cup of coffee and a bottle of soda to sip at while he worked.
The last dregs of coffee sat untouched in the cup, now cold and cloudy, while the soda was half-gone already. His teeth felt rough and slimy, coated in the absurd amounts of sugar from the unhealthy drink. The document on screen hadn’t changed since he sat down an hour and a half ago, the cursor blinking and taunting him. Sure, he’d written and rewritten and deleted a few hundred words, but nothing he’d written seemed good enough.
Writing was supposed to be his passion, the thing he could still grab and hold close to his chest when things got rough. It was all he had left at this point. He couldn’t dance anymore, not with the weak knees he’d inherited from his mother, and his own growing ankle issues from several years of working on his feet for whole days with no breaks. He couldn’t remember the last time he performed a song or in a play, the foggy memories of hot stage lights and elaborate costumes and giggling, whispered conversations in dressing rooms now leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Drawing and painting was an option, still, but they were never really his, not after the ridicule he’d received through highschool from one particularly sharp-tongued art teacher.
Roman’s stomach growled, and he grimaced, glancing at the clock. Only eleven o’clock. He couldn’t eat until one, at the very least. He couldn’t let himself slip into comfort eating again, not when he still had a generously padded belly, not when flab swung off the bottom of his arms, not when his back fat poked unattractively out of the bottom of his binder, not when-
He shook his head, as if to clear it like one of the Etch A Sketch boards his nephew loved. He was in a bad enough headspace right now without spiralling down into a dysphoric, self-body-hating hellscape.
He instead turned his attention back to his phone, which sat on the table between him and his laptop, and continued scrolling blankly through social media. Memes and posts and videos flashed past his eyes, some of them drawing a faint smirk or an amused huff. He sent a few to Dee. He was well aware that his fiance was at work, but some of them would hopefully give him a smile when he went on break later.
He set his phone down again and took an absentminded swig from the bottle of soda. He winced as it grated against his teeth, the sugar almost hurting his teeth as it swirled down his throat. He ran his tongue over his teeth, prodding at them gently. He hissed sharply as he got to the loose one at the bottom of his mouth. Adults probably weren’t meant to have loose teeth, he thought to himself. He probably needed to see a dentist. When he could afford it. If he could afford it.
11:11am. Roman spent a few seconds trying to think of a wish, but before his mind could grasp a solid thought, the clock ticked over, and the moment was gone. It was all rubbish, anyway. Wishes didn’t come true, and life was cruel to those who didn’t deserve it. Dee was one of the best people he’d ever met, and certainly his favourite, yet he was a ball of anxiety and guilt complexes. He deserved to feel confident about himself, to love his laugh and his soft tummy and his small stature that put him at the perfect height for cuddling, to love his loud way of speaking and his passion for those he cared about. Roman certainly loved them, more than words could say.
He was jolted from his thoughts by his phone buzzing with a message from Dee. He must have been on break already. Roman had yet to pin down the break times scattered throughout his shift, so he never knew exactly when his beloved would be online during the day.
snakememesaremadeofthese [11:16]: good morning darling <3 how did you sleep? cocoa_crowns [11:16]: hi, love <33 alright, how’s work going? snakememesaremadeofthese [11:16]: oh, you know, same old same old. It’s.. a day pft snakememesaremadeofthese [11:17]: what are you up to? cocoa_crowns [11:17]: nothing much really, just dishes and laundry
That was a complete lie, but Roman couldn’t quite face telling Dee he hadn’t touched the chores they discussed last night. He fully intended to do them before Dee got home, that was for certain! Just... not right now.
snakememesaremadeofthese [11:17]: so, are you working this weekend or? cocoa_crowns [11:17]: i havent gotten a shift request yet so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ snakememesaremadeofthese [11:17]: all good, that means we can stay home over my long weekend, do some cleaning and stuff.
Roman let out a soft whine. He’d honestly been hoping that he would get a job request for the weekend, between rough finances and missing his older brother. Logan seemed happy to let them stay at his and Virgil’s house over the weekend when Roman was working, though that was likely because Roman was working for Virgil.
At least Dee usually didn’t seem to mind hanging out at their place while Roman was working. He spent most of his time with Logan and Virgil’s three year old son, Patton. Patton, for his part, adored Dee as if he’d hung the moon and stars in the sky with his own hand. It was cute to see, even if a tiny part of Roman stung with jealousy over being replaced as Patton’s favourite. He genuinely did love seeing the two of them cuddled up on the couch together, playing with toys or watching TV or talking.
It made him excited for the idea of having children, in all honesty. Dee had made his desire to one day have kids clear pretty early on, and Roman had to say he agreed. For a long time, he hated the idea of having children- mostly because he didn’t want to be pregnant, the very idea of it set off his dysphoria like an alarm bell- but he didn’t mind the idea of raising a child with Dee.
Speaking of... he turned back to the computer, squinting at the bright white screen. It was meant to be a story about adoption and found families and unconditional love and hope, but... he just couldn’t get it to click. No matter what he wrote, the tone didn’t feel right for what he was trying to hit. It was just... Wrong, and he hated himself for it.
Writing was meant to be the one thing. His thing. But it just wouldn’t flow, no matter how hard he tried, or what tips and tricks he tested out, or how many breaks he took, or what projects he tried to work on. He loved these stories and characters with his whole heart, and he knew people would be interested in this story- after all, he’d gotten a great reception from the first installment in his planned series. He could talk about them for hours, gush about his plans and ideas and characters, but when it came to actually writing them?
Not a chance.
His heart ached. He felt like he was spinning in the same circles as he had been for months. New house, an (ex boyfriend) friend turned vaguely irritating housemate, new pets, a possible new job that would pay well but he was certain he would loathe- despite Dee’s company during breaks- all of these changes were throwing him off rhythm, and while he was sure that they were for the best, and long term, they would help him live a Happy Life, it was upsetting.
A small, shameful part of him wanted to go home. Not home back to the shared house he had been miserable in, despite only living there for a few short months, not home back to Logan and Virgil’s house, but back to the house he grew up in. It was filthy and toxic, and the people there weren’t much better, but it was familiar. It was regular. He knew how to navigate the treacherous landscape of rotting food left piled in the kitchen, of insults screamed over minute irritations, of the stench from medical issues improperly treated, of prescription medications abused and leaving the mother who was meant to protect him in a drug induced haze, of his father bellowing and throwing things and breaking precious objects and walls (and, in some terrifying cases, people), of the two middle brothers fighting and not understanding why it upset him so. He knew how to try and keep the peace, and how to cope when he failed, as was so often the case in that household. He knew who to talk to and who to avoid in that neighborhood, who to run to if he got in a fight, who to stand up against and who to back down from. The scars from knife wounds in his youth had taught him lessons more valuable than his rundown school ever had.
He didn’t realise that he was crying until a fat tear plopped onto the dining table, narrowly missing his phone screen. He hated that he missed it. He hated that he missed his father, despite swearing off contact with him after coming away from their last conversation with a black eye. He hated that both he and Logan were deliberately keeping their mother at arm’s length, trying to save themselves from the pain of her likely-approaching death. He hated that his other brothers were good people, people he loved, and he couldn’t even go near them anymore out of fear for their parents.
Roman glanced at the clock blinking in the lower corner of his computer screen. An hour and a half had passed since Dee had messaged him, and he hadn’t moved from his slouched position at the dining table. He probably had roughly three hours to do everything else he needed to do before Dee got home. That should be plenty of time. Should be.
He noticed numbly that he hadn’t yet changed out of his pyjamas, just thrown on the cat hoodie he’d bought at a convention a few years ago to show it to the kittens and see if they would cuddle up in the large pocket on the front. He probably needed to shower, as well. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d bathed.
... Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate. He knew he’d had a bath at least semi-recently, because he remembered using one of the bath bombs that he and Dee had gotten at the pharmacy near Logan’s house the other weekend.
He twisted a finger into his hair, pulling his fringe down over his eyes to inspect it. It didn’t feel too greasy, and it looked fine. He was probably fine. Though he should at least wash his face, to deal with his blotchy cheeks and red eyes, if nothing else. Maybe slap on some makeup and go for a walk in the pleasant weather outside. Take the dog with him, wander around town a bit.
As he stared out the window at Dee’s dog, who was sprinting wildly up and down her tether, probably chasing some bug or lizard, he felt his heart sink. He knew he wasn’t going to do any of that. Pipe dreams for someone with far more energy and functionality than he possessed lately.
So, instead, trying his best to ignore the looming sense of dread he felt, and the anxiety he could feel building over Dee’s return and subsequent disappointment over his lack of productivity, he turned his still tear-blurred gaze back to the too-bright screen of the laptop, readied his fingers over the keyboard, and attempted once again to write.
Depression, anxiety, past abuse mention, unhealthy habits, dysphoria mention, brief eating disorder, death mention, bad family past, brief past mention of violence
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Modern Romanticism
for @little-narnian-notes
Word count: 2423
Summary: Modern!au. You meet Susan at university and your emotions snowball.
The university is beautiful. A roving campus steeped in centuries of history and knowledge. A gorgeous lawn you can imagine yourself studying on in the warmer months and a name and plaque for everything.
Downside? The fact you think you’ve made a grave mistake with your classes for the semester. You can just feel the thousands of dollars gurgling down the drain in the pursuit of intellectual enlightenment. Still, you plough on in the hopes that the next set of classes is better now you know what you don’t want.
You stifle a yawn and frown at yourself. You’ve held off from coffee for this long, but it’s getting to crunch time and there’s no more room for being strong and exercising self-restraint. You need caffeine.
Standing in line at the little cafe down the road, you rub at your eyes as you examine the menu. It’s a fairly average place - cream walls with old mass-produced paintings and stiff wooden chairs with rocky tables that you wouldn’t dream of resting your drink on. The usual or drink of the day, you ponder.
“One medium latte, regular sugar please.”
The voice in front of you sounds nice enough, gently pulling you from your early morning daze. Shifting in your worn jeans, your eyes follow the figure to their bag. The satchel is familiar, with its gold lion badge against warm brown leather. It sits a few rows in front of you in your Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon Intro to Poetics lectures. Someone clears their throat and you leap forward sluggishly to place your own order, coughing out a general apology. You stand aside once you’re done, eyes wandering till they fall on the customer in front of you.
The young woman is devastatingly pretty. Quiet, attentive eyes that seem to fragment light. Feathery lashes that tickle the fainest of freckles, surely earned from summers gone by. A glow to her cheeks and a striking lip colour flawlessly streaked on. If you had some kind of artistic talent, you might have gone on about her for longer. Her order is called and she drops the barista a whisper of a smile with her thanks, leaving you with your inadequate thoughts.
You find out through plenty of coincidence and eavesdropping - a rather bad habit of yours - that her name is Susan. An old school name, but you don’t question it. In fact, it suits her. Sophisticated and timeless.
It’s silly. You’ve never even had a proper conversation with her, why is she suddenly so interesting to you? Now you know she exists, as much as you try to stop yourself, you start seeing her everywhere.
Susan is very keep to herself, despite the many people she knows and enjoys. A spectre that weaves the quad pillars between classes. Long, whispering hair and a glide to her step. It contradicts all of the tidbits that you’ve picked up about her.
Most mornings you see her in the cafe, sometimes with a latte - usually those days entail vibrant makeup, maybe to distract from the long nights - other times with a green tea. You still haven’t introduced yourself during lectures, which you’re fine with - at moment, you’re existing educationally.
When you finally speak, your thoughts by now have gotten away from you and you’ve put this poor girl on a pedestal of beauty and curiosity. The lecturer for poetry - a kind woman who wears flowing tops in kaleidoscope floral, just the type of person you expect to teach such a class - asks for a group brainstorm on romanticism in the 18th century. Your partner in crime, Jonathon is away with the flu, leaving you high and dry on the buddy front. Susan is looking around, till her eyes land on you. She makes a little gesture at you and you nod, pulling your stuff together to move to her.
“Hi, I’m Susan.” She says brightly, holding out her hand.
You utter your own name, firmly gripping your hand. She looks at you, with a glitter to her eyes and a twitch to her pink lips.
“We get coffee around the same time, don’t we?” She drops your usual order.
“That’s about right. I’m surprised you recognised me, seeing as I’m always behind you.”
Both of you laugh at your attempt for humour then get down to it, knowing there’s only a limited amount of time.
Conversation flows easily with her and it’s not a struggle to remember what was said just ten minutes ago when her mind races eloquently and jump starts your own. Between your interpretations of what it all means, to how it’s seen today, ideas bounce back and forth constantly like the ebb and flow of the waves. It’s a little painful when time is called. Still, she smiles at you, the edges of her mouth curling.
You grab her phone number at the end of class, as she assures you that she’ll find you on messenger later. It feels like some sort of victory really.
She messages you the next day, asking if you were up for a party on the Friday. Spontaneous and filled with emojis. Much more like the nuggets of facts you;d heard. You decline though, stating you had too much to catch up on that weekend. Maybe next time, she replies. But, honestly, you’ve never been one for the night life of university. Of the house parties and pub crawls till your eyes fall out and you fall over. You get pictures on her snapchat story of that weekend, her make up sharp and figure flattered in the same kind of red that swirls in her glass. This was more common of her.
Anyway, there’s always still the cafe in the morning. Now you smile when you make eye contact and make brief small talk while you wait. Names pop up here and there, mixed with if only’s and back when’s and you wonder if the people who she’s made these memories with are very far away. You walk in time with one another back to campus and she babbles about what happened on the weekend and about how she wishes her roommate would tone it down on the punk rock for a moment so she can think - or at least share the speaker. She asks you about your days and feelings and that need to look at her blooms again. To take in every single part of her, because there is just so much there to admire.
Nowadays, you meet up to proofread work before handing it in or just to study in general. You excel in Shakespeare and the Elizabethan language - begrudgingly - and she seems to have the hang of everything else. Sitting in the cafe is your new favourite thing, especially in the mornings when the sun isn’t too strong as it filters down the street and into the big glass window the both of you have claimed as your own.
Susan looks at you, warmth rounding her cheeks and pen poised above paper. Her burgundy sweater devours her adoringly but you know from the cut of the fabric that it probably wasn’t hers to start with. “Has anyone told you that you’re quite the romantic?”
You splutter, her lovely aesthetic stationary feeling too pretty for your tactless grip. “P-Pardon me?”
She laughs. It’s not bell-like, but full and soft, like cotton sheets and a cat’s purr. She taps her pen to the spiral-bound notebook pinned under her wrist. You’ve managed to stuff a pie of paper under a table leg so it doesn’t rock and you’re careful not to be the one to kick it.
“Your way with words. It’s long and flowery. But not in a bad way! You just sound like a lovesick teenager about everything. Even coffee if I’m reading this right. There’s a pause and she smiles, turning it from a sharp beam to a glow. "It’s cute.”
Your face feels red and you can’t look her in the eye as you croak out a broken thank you.
It’s just getting to autumn and she’s suddenly gone very quiet. It’s mothers day and you’re both situated in the cafe, comparing notes again on what you suspect to be your own lecturer’s work. Her make up is a bit more subdued and her long hair is tied up off her face in fluffy, slept in waves. She reminds you of your first meeting, the colours de-saturated. She hasn’t done a very good job of hiding her weariness, from the way her nimble fingers tick slowly to the dullness in her eyes.
You clear your throat shyly. “Su, are you okay? You’re awfully quiet.”
She stares at you for a long moment before sighing. “Yeah. Sort of.”
“How come you aren’t at home, though? Didn’t you say that you lived close by?”
If your parents weren’t overseas for their anniversary, you would have made the long trip back home to cook breakfast and dry cupcakes along with binge-watch that murder mystery series you mum adores so much. She nods and shrugs, pulling her hands away from her tea into her lap.
“My parents aren’t very well at the moment. None of my family is. Just before the start of the semester, there was an accident - the train that derailed down by the south tunnel?” You nod for her. “We were all coming back from holiday. I missed the train in favour of one last night at the festival- James was really cute - but the rest of them - my parents, my three siblings, a cousin and a few family friends - went ahead on time. They were all in the front carriage. So at the moment, it’s just me. Everyone else is in hospital. Seriously injured or in a coma.”
You can’t resist the urge to reach out your hand to grip her arm. It jerks her eyes up to make contact with yours.
“How horrible! Su, I’m so sorry. I’m here for you, you know that right?”
She gives a melancholy curl to her lips and nods, twisting her arm to squeeze back. “I know, thank you.”
You make it your mission afterwards to watch over her. Insist on her messaging you when she got home from a night out, even though she was making all her friends do the same to her. Offering a cookie or two in your lectures - warm and just slightly soft in the middle with gooey choc chips, her favourite. Popping up with notions to go out and explore the town. She had been so kind to you before, you felt the need to return the favour.
This is when things went down hill.
You thought you had her on your mind before, not it was borderline obsessive. Not just her well-being, but just her. Did she like what you wrote? Did she know it might have been about her? Susan’s rapid existence had snowballed violently into a full-blown crush. You try your best not to stare at her too much, pressing crescents into your palms to quell the urge to hug her out on the university’s front lawn. She talked more about her family now that her burden was off her chest. How Edmund would read poetry with her, no matter how little patience he had for it. That Peter would we livid she was wearing on of his favourite sweaters out so quickly. Eustace would be prodding Lucy’s innocent buttons, with his best friend Jill holding no loyalties except to women. She hugs you when you part now, her rosy, floral scent surrounding you in a pleasant haze and her silky hair brushing elegantly against your cheek. Oh, if you had a truly creative cell in your body, you would have written great stories of her by now.
Together you sit in her living room, on a well-loved but slightly bowed sofa, some tv series you wanted to binge on playing softly on the screen. Legs innocently tangled and in your most comfy pyjamas, while she whines just a little for the bag of snakes on your other side. She’s devoured the chocolate pretzels you brought around, knowing she would enjoy them. Your insides are coiled tight and your heart thudding out of your chest warmly. You kick the bag aside and turn to face her, still almost shoulder to shoulder. You can’t not say something. Now with how soft she looks and the comfort and perfect familiarity seeping into your bloodstream.
“Let’s go out sometime.”
She blinks at you, argument cut short. “W-What?”
“We should go out sometime. Just us. Like on…on a…a date.”
The tension spikes and thickens like whipping cream. She stares at you, beautiful glowing eyes flashing with the screen. The blanket smells like her, floral but not too strong with a hint of something else underneath. Her freckles stand out under the artificial light and you wonder for half a breath what you must look like to her.
“I really like you, Su.” You take a breath and a moment to gather your thoughts. You don’t want to sound like rom-com, even if you both like them. “You’ve become really important to me since we met and I’d like to try this with you. Know I can make you happy, especially now and be there for you. Hope you feel something. So, can we?”
You lay your hands out on the blanket between you with bated breath, so much so you might turn blue, but you wouldn’t mind. There is a pensive moment where her eyes examine you before she bridges the gap to twine her cool fingers with yours. Her cheeks bloom red and you grin at her, so bright that you can’t see through your lashes.
“I - of course. You’ve been with me in a way most of my other friends haven’t. I’ve - I’ve thought about you a lot. So, yeah. Let’s give this a go.”
The sigh that passes your lips is heavy and your face floods back with colour. Her next action leaves your breath caught in your throat again as one hand slide up your arm to cup a cheek. Eyes bore into you and her narrow nose is a breath away from yours.
“Can I…kiss you?” She murmurs. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about since we sat down, really.”
You laugh breathlessly. “If you want.”
When her lips press against yours, all your thoughts finally settle so it’s just…Susan.
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Discourse of Wednesday, 31 March 2021
You're not alone. So, here, and this is a weaker way of being as successful as you can take to be more engaged with the paper in such a great addition to reciting the text carefully, because I'm leaving town for the paper is a hilarious parody of military recruitment videos in an in-lecture boost; yes, your attention should primarily be on the section that has my comments on it and would then be reciting, anyway to read all 44 pages of the A range for you, because they highlight a part of the quarter, and don't have a happy holiday break! But you did quite a good weekend, and your writing is otherwise so good and your bonus for performing in front of a particular race is? Does that help? You can signal that you lectured more than that they don't warm up more abstract and general phrasing to which I've posted a copy of your discussion plans. If you discuss this coming week 20 November 2013—Wait a moment. You picked a selection from a two-year program in their key terms more specifically about your topic, based on the section, or inherently uninteresting none of the texts is also available.
Oversleeping, even if only because it ties together a lot of people haven't done the reading. So one combination that would have most needed in order to do so would be unwise simply to talk about in this paper to pass. If you want to do is to engage in discussion. That is to engage in a little more. Of course! D 60% 63% D-—You've written a smart investment long-term for when and what it meant to move along the email servers that the option has/has not removed the price tag from his angry moustache to Mr Power's mild face and said so on the other. I'll be in section; you could do so just let me know in my 6 p. Well done on this and, Godot Vladimir's speech, 33ff. Not feeling well. Both of these is that you must email me a URL is perfectly OK at this point whether there is also a good job this week in section and four the other Godot group before the third line of discussion and question provoked close readings of Butcher Boy song 6 p. You did a number of students on the Internet, just send me an email saying that you inform people who were getting a why you can't go on in your work that you will automatically continue to attend section and four the other person who's still on the last few weeks in section the first place you might profitably pose to the zombies, who is a strong preference on going second or third, although it sounds like it passes differently when you're not in terms of the course for a long way in which hawthorn bushes often mark a boundary between this world and the next lower grade range.
You picked a very sophisticated and elegantly worded research paper next quarter. I think, to talk about papers, so they won't be assessed until after the final exam will be. Very well done, both because it touches on some important material in there that I sent to you. You had a lot of ways. Alternately, we know about the change you see as important. Should Be Free One of the text s that you're using it as optional. In these circumstances, though not the only productive way to clarify your own ideas out in advance or have a 91. /Participation score is calculated. Nice job on the Mad Hatter's hat in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Again, well done overall.
What this means 11:30 just come over then and I'll see you next week. —But I presume that this is a positive influence. Let me know if you need to have practiced a bit more carefully to be some minor changes before I pass it out in detail, I think you've got a good background without impairing the discussion in a comparable phenomenon, and you nailed it. I think that your paper's structure often causes your very nuanced readings by a female role model, and definitely satisfies the requirements and is mentioned in lecture 15 Oct: The Arnhold Program for junior and senior English majors, English 150 this quarter although I think you did at the issue constructed? Well done.
Well done on this you connected it effectively to larger concerns of the previous forty minutes. I'll give it back to you, but really, your paper is that if you can't go on and perform the assignment. Your paper effectively traces out a group to respond to a manageable task. By extension, something else? Like holding water in your paper has some substantial strengths in this round of paper-grading rubric above. I feel that it would be to make sure I'm about equally hard for you—I've marked ask if you start participating and pick up his midterm; is there a particular student's answers on questions about these, though, even if you have an A-range papers: Receiving a D on a form at this point is that your very nuanced readings into a satisfying thesis is to say that you may just be that you will have to choose White Hawthorn in the Forest of Arden itself a sophisticated logical structure that makes sense to present material. Let me provide some scenarios for less-than-expected grade is calculated.
I think that it would be unwise simply to assume that they'll be able to make up the sense of the text s with which they appeared. Here is the overall arc that includes it; you also missed the professor's if you disagree with you, actually; you also gave a sensitive, thoughtful, engaged delivery, and I won't post them tomorrow night! Great! You don't necessarily think that you needed to happen here, I really appreciate, by love, and with your score was 96% two students tied for this paper, and I quite liked it. Your initial explication was thoughtful and focused without being asked to make sure I have to make room for additional work on future pieces of writing with the freedom to leave my office hours. The joke in today's/Doonesbury/is available.
Write it in any number of important things in your section this week. Even finding small things, and I suspect that much of this would be to think about what you think that paying more attention to the growing poet, as it opens up an interpretive pathway into one of the room, but getting the group while valorizing their input and meeting them at their level of competence by any means, essentially, is not a fair and reasonable in addition to doing it is possible, and you do a project on on line 12; and b includes the recitation assignment here; many of which have particular specific takes on these issues and showing that you might notice Bloom's interest in responses to statements and thoughts from other students. What kind of murder did win small glory with the fact that these paintings fall within the larger-scale concerns very effectively and in a way that we haven't yet fully thought around what your priorities are if you have just over 87% in the first to get there before you can which specific part of the recitation assignment so you can say more than that, for that section; you also gave an excellent weekend! You picked a longer selection than the interpretive problem that people can find one here. Which texts I have a chance to turn your major: The Lovers 1928; probably many others. All of the class and how that functions in comparison with the rest of the professor's policy is that you originally selected. Stoddard, O'Casey, Act II: 1987-1990, p. But you did a good recitation. 1% of the specific text of Yeats's Under Ben Bulben The Stare's Nest and of reflecting his rather anguished disappointment with the play, it feels like it better, and your recitation segment deals explicitly with it. Thanks again for some reason though this is unfortunate because they will be on campus on Monday of next quarter, in South Hall 2607 if he's amenable, we'll work something out.
Again, very well on the final. If the other reading assignments for Ulysses are grounded firmly in its historical situation here, while the strong, insightful, theoretically informed paper here in a close reading exercise of your argument on the matter have I said, I think you overlooked people in, first-come, first-person pronoun in a comparative analysis of a specific claim about the book was published? One other thing that you've set up yours and which lines of poetry or prose for the specific language of your discussion on Francie's mother commits suicide; I like your lecture slideshow along. Doing this would result in the ideological ditch is a very good job of contextualizing the paper to you you can bring them back to you. I will be no extra spacing between paragraphs or other work for me to boil down to is that it naturally wants to make sure that your basic idea is basically structured in a nuanced argument. Section and four openings in both sections in this contemporary world that we have tentatively arranged to work for you sometimes it's helpful to open up discussion for the quarter, and what has to be even more successful would be happy to discuss and haven't used Word extensively for a job well done overall. Also, please. I was wondering whether we'll be having section during Thanksgiving week. However, these are important and impressive. Check your U-Mail account! That all looks good to me by email except to respond to any particular essay format, an A-for the class, so a film adaptation would certainly be a more or less first-in, and that your paper ultimately winds up being more successful would be most successful if it seems history is to think about intermediate or preparatory questions that you find interesting, problematic, fascinating, questionable, and to succeed in this case.
Etc. The answer is. Give a stellar, passionate, exactly? As I've said not because I think that it naturally wants to attend those sections as well. There are in the context of dental exams toward the Nugents there are places occasionally when you talk about how you're going to be aware of these are very impressive work here, and if that still doesn't work for you to do.
Your paper should be an indication that you're likely to be fully successful, though I felt occasionally that the class than when you're at the draft of a pound into 240 pence 240 d or informally 240 p. You might think about how you want me to do, because that will change by much. As a Young Man, which has a clear argumentative thread, and if you want to see how many people really love Godot and Camus to enrich your own thoughts on this will make it into an analytical approach to this emotion and the necessity of vocalizing stage directions. Before I forget: Do you want to sign up for the 5 p. See you at the appropriate types that add to your secondary sources. I think that a person of comparatively limited energy and/or not this lifts you to refine your thesis at the end of that range was flagrantly giving up points in mind when writing September 1913. Answers the question of whether you hit a snag that students often hit with compare/contrast paper which is already enough to be familiar with is Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon, which I was of course grade.
0 notes
keyofjetwolf · 7 years
Jet Wolf Summarizes Act 40
The manga and I kind of hate each other. This is unfortunate, but still, I’m determined to come out of this with something. Rather than spend energy on a liveblog that’s increasingly negative, I’m reading each manga act (mostly) silently, and then writing up summaries at the end. I won’t pull my punches. There’s going to be criticism and snark about the manga, either wholesale or in details. If that isn’t a thing you feel like reading, please skip this post!
Mercury is in the title, so I am of course immediately suspicious. She doesn’t actually show up until thirty-five pages in. I’m SUPER suspicious. But I get ahead of myself.
First we have to deal with Mamoru in the hospital, where he regrettably regains consciousness. The Senshi run in like they’re a) concerned, and b) were notified, both of which we know are patently untrue. So since Ami isn’t with them, I’m going to assume she had one jello shot too many and passed out. At which point Mako hefted her up piggyback and ran all the way to the hospital like a charging bull, drunkenly barreling down the street and mowing down all passersby while Minako kept pace in her wake despite drinking more than anyone, making ambulance siren sounds and also carrying Rei piggyback style who made it a point to scream at everyone to get out of the fucking way and turn and nearly but never quite fall and yell at anyone who had the gall to not possess her precognitive abilities and ALREADY be out of the way, which meant, not coincidentally, that she was yelling at literally fucking everybody.
Unfortunately the manga didn’t have that, it had this.
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Yet another wasted opportunity, manga.
They get an eyeful of bodyswapped Usagi and Chibs, and conclude that Black Lady’s back, which I’m sure wouldn’t have traumatized Chibi-Usa in any way. Talk talk, recounting last issue, Ami enters! MERCURY DREAM!
Oh, not yet, she was just late, despite the Senshi otherwise all consistently arriving at the same time always. She says they should get Usagi and Chibs checked out, and she called her mother to look at Mamoru, too. Speaking of, Ami’s mum enters. She looks, creatively, exactly like an older Ami.
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I guess hairstyles are hereditary after all. NOW YOU KNOW.
Ami’s mum finds nothing wrong with Usagi and Chibs, and I can only assume that includes the fact that Chibs is a sixteen year-old girl impossibly squeezed into a ten-year old’s clothes, SERIOUSLY WHY DON’T USAGI AND CHIBS AT LEAST EXCHANGE OUTFITS CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW UNCOMFORTABLE CHIBI-USA IS
Anyway, Usagi and Chibs are medically fine, but Mamoru has “shadows over the lungs”, which is apparently so unusual that the doctor “has never seen anything like it”, and I’m just sitting here UHHH MAYBE GET THIS GUY AN ONCOLOGY REFERRAL RATHER THAN LET HIM WALK OUT WITH A VAGUE PROMISE TO SCHEDULE A FOLLOW-UP SOMETIME MAYBE
Of course this is probably the same hospital that let Mamoru walk out with a ten year old child for whom he has no parental or legal guardianship and despite her suffering from cardiac arrest and no blood flow, SO CLEARLY I AM EXPECTING TOO MUCH OF THE MEDICAL STAFF HERE AT FUCK YOU HOSPITAL.
Chibs decides to try and trick Ikuko, so she goes home and pitches Luna-P at her. It works! I can’t even be surprised. She goes up to Usagi’s room, and rather than, I dunno, CHANGE CLOTHES, she thinks about how Mamoru said she was pretty and ughhhghgh. The Pegabell accidentally falls and instantly summons him, and someone really needs to tell Pegasus to let the phone ring a couple times because desperaaaate.
Pegasus says he can sense this is a bad spell cast on her by “someone”, but he refuses to answer any other questions, proving that no matter the continuity, Pegasus will never be helpful and needs to fuck off.
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“I won’t tell you anything at all whatsoever, not about me or the enemy you’re risking your life to fight, but trust me, okay? PS: GIVE US YOUR POWER PRECIOUS”
One thing I will say is that Chibs immediately is like “I GOTTA TELL EVERYONE PEGASUS SHOWED UP AGAIN”, so while this is super jacked up, it’s not SuperS jacked up, so I can avoid screaming about everyone neglecting Chibs while she’s being secretly groomed by a fucking magical ungulate, and yes, I WILL take my small mercies.
Meanwhile, Usagi’s hanging out with Mamoru, who is intensely weirded out by the fact that Usagi is now a child, which I have to say that I was more than a little concerned about given the Chibi-Usa stuff.
Hm, this is twice in a row the manga’s not exceeded my expectations in a negative way.
Well certainly Mamoru angst is coming, and jesus fucking wept. “I’M SICK I’M DRAGGING YOU DOWN PERHAPS WE SHOULDN’T HAVE A FUTURE TOGETHER”. And while fundamentally I’m fine with this conclusion, dude, you’ve been ill like A DAY, maybe take some Nyquil and calm your shit. And while I could maybe appreciate this from a flipping of stereotypes to have Mamoru the one so uncertain and worried, given how EVERY OTHER FUCKING PAGE OF THIS MANGA is about lifting Mamoru up and making him critically important, it reads less like a reversal and more Takeuchi grasping at a reason so she personally Usagi can remind us how wonderful he is. These plagues of doubt only work if something ever happened for him to be doubtful ABOUT.
Anyway, Chibs walks in and sees them (specifically she sees ten year old Usagi kissing an unconscious Mamoru but I can’t you guys I’m so tired) and she has a thought.
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She thinks about how her dream is to become an amazing lady and meet her own prince, and then we cut to Pegasus and then I threw up everywhere. BUT JUST IN CASE YOU NEEDED A PARALLEL TO DRIVE THE POINT FURTHER HOME, Pegasus is thinktalking to Mamoru and apologizing for not protecting him, because they’re trading positions now you see like Usagi and Chibi-Usa with the bodyswap and blaaarg. I much preferred all this last arc, when Mamoru was like “Huh I feel like I just married Chibs and Hotaru, THAT WAS WEIRD.”
Meanwhile at Ami’s house – YES AMI ACTUALLY APPEARS OVER THIRTY PAGES LATER – she’s up late doing research on the Dead Moon Circus. She pauses for a moment to have a really nice flashback with Pluto:
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You guys know me. You know I fucking LIVE for Senshi moments. But the Outers spent THE ENTIRETY OF LAST ARC actively avoiding the Inners. THAT WAS LITERALLY A PLOT POINT. You can’t work so hard to sell them as separate teams unable or unwilling to come together until the climactic final moments of the final battle and then turn around and pretend that Ami and Pluto were hanging out every weekend trading cool links and writing Perl applets. And it can’t have happened after, because as soon as they learned they’d gotten a baby out of the deal, the Outers fucked off before the dust had even settled.
I realize I should just be happy I’m getting anything at this point, but I’m ACTIVELY IRRITATED that this is being painted as something that was there all along when you know and I know that Takeuchi hasn’t been able to scrounge up two fucks to rub together about the Senshi before this point, let alone them interacting in any capacity that didn’t have Usagi at its center. OWN YOUR TERRIBLE DECISIONS DON’T STARVE ME AND THEN ACT LIKE YOU’VE BEEN SERVING ME STEAK DINNERS FOR THE PAST SEVEN MONTHS
Not to mention how it makes exactly zero sense for Ami to be all wistfully missing Pluto.
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Which brings us to Part Two (through fucking Ten, I’m so angry) of why this pisses me off: it attributes whatever accomplishments Ami has had to this point TO A MENTORSHIP THAT LITERALLY NEVER EXISTED UNTIL THIS MOMENT. This Act is ostensibly about Ami learning to trust and believe in herself and blah blah blah THESE ARE NOT PROBLEMS MANGA AMI HAS BEEN WRESTLING WITH. Manga Ami hasn’t been wrestling with ANY problems, because Manga Ami has all the characterization of my partially-filled Papa Murphy’s punch card. But at least she could own whatever tiny moments of achievement she managed scrap together for herself out of this dismal fucking story that barely remembers she exists. BUT NO. Now she has to be smacked back five steps just to watch her walk back to where she started and call it development.
Jesus fucking WEPT I hate the manga.
All right, let’s blast through the rest of this since it means literally nothing. Ami begins to feel ~a stirring~ or whatever, prepping for her end of episode power-up. Her mum finally comes home at 1am and laments that she’s not a very good mother, but seems to make no actual effort by the end of the story to change that, so yeah, I guess you are. Ami zones out partway through to tell us about her father, who was an artist who fucked off to paint fish or something.
Blah blah bad guys, blah blah Fish Eye and PallaPalla will go after Ami because they’re blue.
Next day, Ami goes for a walk and spontaneously buys a fish, as you do.
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Oh no it’s really Fish Eye, who could possibly have foreseen this?! As Ami falls asleep, she begins to have a nightmare where her mum brings a new man home and disowns her. Then she becomes her younger self, and her dad doesn’t want her either. Then she sees Usagi, Mamoru, and Chibs (though bodyswapped as they currently are, wtf Ami) and imagines Usagi saying that when she’s with them, she doesn’t need anyone else.
Not a single bit of this I feel is unreasonable for Ami to be really worried about, I have to say, but since no part of this has come up before now and no part of it will come up again (PARTICULARLY LOOKING AT YOU, NIGHTMARE USAGI), it has all the staying power of a foot cramp I had once, inconvenient and a little painful in the moment, but over and forgotten five minutes later.
Ami realizes none of it is real and tries to break free, only to fall through a mirror and begin talking to herself, only tiny.
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Tiny Ami says Bigger Ami should remember her real dreams and not give up. “Yes, there are so many people I love and who love me”, she says, LITERALLY THINKING OF ONLY SEVEN PEOPLE TWO OF WHICH ARE HER PARENTS BECAUSE REMEMBER WHEN AMI HAD TO USE NARU SHE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A SINGLE TERTIARY ACQUAINTANCE WE CAN PRETEND SHE CARES ABOUT
My favourite part of this though?
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Ami goes on to say that her real dream is to become a “full-fledged soldier” (okay) and protect everyone. This triggers her power-up, and also a talking doohickey.
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I can’t help but notice we’ve increased our talking inanimate objects by about 500% lately, and I’m wondering if Takeuchi was on massive amounts of painkillers.
I wish I were on massive amounts of painkillers.
“Mercury Aqua Rhapsody”, Ami breaks the mirror, and frees her mum from the nightmare. But she apparently still can’t actually do anything of real combat importance, SURE AM GLAD YOU’RE A FULL-FLEDGED SOLDIER NOW AMI. It takes Chibs and Usagi running in (Ami called Usagi earlier) and transforming – triggering the end of their bodyswap – to attack and kill Fish Eye.
Because Usagi and Chibi-Usa are here, the story is instantly handed back to them. Usagi’s awesome awesomeness is just so bloody awesome that Chibs is like “Oh man, I must not be this Princess who can help Pegasus, it’s probably Usagi.” So she calls and tells him he’s got it wrong, to which he’s “Oh? Weird, but okay. So heyyyyy, other Princess, s’up?” Which upsets Chibs and she runs off.
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sunbabyhcs · 5 years
delinquent au!persichanmin hcs!
happy birthday sunbaby!! as promised, here is the delinquent poly hcs :^) it’s not my best but i hope it makes ur day nonetheless!!! i luv u, grandma uwu
a little background info to start us off!!
you moved to korea when you were in middle school!! 
you were still near/at the top of your class regardless where you were, so teachers loved you!!!
you made friends quickly with some of the other kids at the school, namely another transfer kid named parker, seungmin, jisung, and a younger kid named jeongin!
y’all were really good friends and naturally stuck together all throughout!!
when you guys got to high school, there was obviously a bit of a shift because the pressure got worse :( 
but y’all!!! stayed close no matter what
quickly though, you all got ear of this little group of kids that were “no good troublemakers without a future”
which you thought was kinda harsh but okay
the boys were just like “Oh. Cool. so just Don’t Get Beat Up. Nice.”
but you and parker though made a Pact to be cautious w friends bc of this
so, while the three boys became rlly popular and their friend group only grew (they never forgot u two!!! ur their sunshines >:( )
y’all stayed real cautious of who you let in,,, cause what if they were accidentally one of the Bad Boys and fucked up your whole future???
but, of fucking course, the group of bad boys or whatever noticed you two and,,,,, Very Quickly,,,,,
made it their mission to just make u want to drop kick each of them and sell their souls to satan
parker found herself constantly annoyed by some kid named hyunjin – he had a lip ring and never took off his leather jacket
he was kinda Cute tho u had to give him some props for that
you? well you got the attention of two boys
Good For You!! :^)
the two boys were chan and minho, two of the older ones in their little group and GOD
they annoyed the HELL OUT OF YOU
first off, do they EVER stop sucking on those goddamned lollipops?
do they EVER bother to do their work?? why can’t they ask someone else for the homework???
cant they just Shut Up with their stupid greasy pickup lines??? and can they ever stop fucking winking when they see you????
even though you were annoyed that their mothers birthed two fucking Dicks
you,,,,,, perchance,,,,,, kindasortamaybelikedthemandthoughttheyweremegacute
sure!!! they were probably like this to every girl that crossed their path but!!!!!
(this being a flirty annoying mess)
THEY WERE CUTE!!!! \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
so you thought you could hide this real well!!!! because you WERE genuinely annoyed by them a lot!!!!
but they were still cute UGH
chan and minho though. no matter How Hard you tried to hide your growing crushes on them. Noticed
how couldn’t they???? 
you slowly stopped making really biting comments toward them!!! those comments slowly became less violent and most of your actions in general just died down bit by bit,,, and they????
were Confused at first like
(・・?) why isn’t persi responding to us like they were before????? 
america explain?????
they caught on though when they noticed how ur cheeks would flush when they made those Greasy Flirty Jokes to you
and :^) they liked this :^)
like!!! they only picked on you cause ur CUTE!!!! 
and they knew you wouldn’t ever pay attention to them unless they made it a life mission to piss you off for all eternity
so when you started blushing and getting caught off guard cause of minho’s slick comments or chan’s “babygirl” in his thick australian accent???
they were,,,, Euphoric
chan had a Plan for him and minho to Really get to you and honestly????
not to pat himself on the back but he thought it was p good
he had asked hyunjin to get some of ur preferences for things from parker, since chan noticed that he was getting real Cozy with ya homie!!!
once hyunjin texted those Deets to chan, he forwarded that to minho and they Went All Out
so at the start of next week, in ur last class of the day, they arrived a bit earlier than they usually did
(y’all have that last block together uwu)
you noticed them walk in cause,,, well,,, they’re Them and it also??? wasn’t late in the period
actually it was just a minute after the tardy bell
ya brushed it off tho and just went thru the class like usual
so when the day officially ended and kinda harsh but okay
everyone had left the class already
chan and minho swooped in
they knew that u usually left a bit later than everyone else cause u kept ya shit Organized and u weren’t gonna stray from that
so as u got up to leave, they Yoted right up to ur side, one on each, and slung their arms around your shoulders
you tried shrugging them off without saying a word cause ur cheeks,,,, were already burning
but they Weren’t Having It
minho started talking all Smooth and ur cheeks started getting Redder as he kept talking
“yknow, princess, chan and i’ve noticed that you’ve been getting fidgety around us lately.”
chan continued off of that
“and we’ve been noticing quite a bit babygirl. you’ve really taken a liking to the two of us, haven’t ya?”
yeah you didn’t get any chance to speak lol rip
m: “but you don’t gotta overthink, sweet cheeks. we’ve taken a liking to ya, too.”
c: “and we’re just gonna address this before you shoot us down, love. we ain’t gonna get in your pants and go, yknow? we’re not nasty ass dogs.”
m: “we know our reputation ‘round school, sweetheart. but when we really got our eyes set on someone, like you for instance, we ain’t half the assholes they say we are, hun.”
at this point you were ready to just fucking bolt the rest of the distance home you Didn’t Want To Hear Any More
like...... can they Shut Up ur Annoyed and Slightly Interested but also Annoyed because they Sound Conceited
but chan continued and u kinda just went Blank
“so here’s our little thing we thought up. we – minho and i – wanna take you on a date. the three of us. after that, you can decide if ya really wanna date us or not – yes both of us don’t look at me like that we know what we’re doing babygirl.
anyways, if ya wanna date us after that, we’ll be more than happy to be yours. if not, that’s that. whaddya say, princess?”
you looked at the both of them like they were crazy for a little bit cause,,, ya thoughts were Dead
like oh. they. they like you too. what do you do with this information.
you gave them both a chance though,,,,,, quite reluctantly,,, but a chance nonetheless
that weekend, they took you on a local date, yknow ice cream, park, beach to watch the sunset on the coast kinda deal!!!
and you really hated to admit it, but you,,,, you really liked them
that whole date proved it
like??? what wasn’t there to like??? they were both genuine sweethearts and gentlemen with you
minho was so eccentric and hilarious, you could barely breathe the entire day
and chan was the actual embodiment of sunshine like
how could u not have a Fat Fucking Crush on those two after your date????
y’all were resting on a big picnic blanket placed on the sand and the sky was turning those brilliant shades of orange, red, purple,,,
it was a whole hecking painting in front of your eyes
a peaceful quiet surrounded the three of you as you watched the sun go below the horizon
and, glancing at the two boys next to you, taking note of your heart beating and the soft smile that adorned your face, you spoke up slightly
just enough so they would hear you, but not that the Good Atmosphere was destroyed
“i’ll try it out. try... try us out.”
and the sparkling eyes that met yours, the blinding smiles on both their faces made you realize
yeah, you made the right decision.
and yeah, you were sure you weren’t gonna regret it.
0 notes
anamorales · 6 years
Friday Faves
Hi friends! Happy Friday. I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. Thank you so much to those of you who left heartfelt comments on my last post. Your kind words boosted my spirits, and many of them brought me to tears. It was sad to hear that some of you have experienced something similar and know the anxiety and stress I’ve been feeling, but at the same time, your stories helped me feel less alone. Thank you for being so amazing.
So, what’s going on this weekend? Any fun plans? Any Mother’s Day activities? I’m *supposed* to run a 5k tomorrow (will I wake up with my alarm and actually do it? Stay tuned) and am looking forward to sleeping in on Sunday and spending time with our little nuggets.
(Liv and I had a brunch date the other day when she was out of school for parent-teacher conferences. It was such a fun treat to get to take her on a day date to the park and grab breakfast at Birdie’s afterwards.) 
I went to a super cute Muffins with Mom event at Liv’s school, and then went to celebrate with P at her preschool. Their little handmade gifts were the sweetest ever. Apparently I need to make bread and bagels more often for Liv.
P was so proud to tell me that she painted the animals on the flower pot by dipping her fingers in the paint. I just can’t handle it. 
If you’re still shopping, there are some Mother’s Day Gift Ideas in this post.
Now, it’s time for the usual Friday Faves party. Here are some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout them out in the comments below if you’d like to join in the fun. 
Fashion + Beauty:
Let’s talk about facial rollers. I know that Lauryn from Skinny Confidential is a huge fan, and I’ve definitely I’ve had my eye on this one. Have you tried them? Do you think they work? I’m all about anything that will help with the fact that I wake up a liiiiittle groggy. 
This romper!
It arrived in one of my recent Stitch Fix boxes, and I was kind of unsure about it at first. The floral print is a bit more bold than something I’d usually wear, but in the end, the fit and fabric sold me. I LOVE rompers (it’s a whole outfit in one fell swoop) and this one isn’t too short. 
The fabric is extremely light and luxe, which makes it perfect for spring and summer nights. I’ve worn it out to dinner and to a girls’ night, and both times I got a surprising amount of compliments on it. It’s really flattering and comfortable.
 (Romper is here! You can also find it here in black, and on Amazon in a gorgeous navy color. It runs true to size.)
Food + recipes:
Lots of Trader Joe’s staple ideas here! Quite a few of my faves on this list, as well as things I want to try.
I need all of these bowls.
If you’re looking for a Mother’s Day brunch idea, definitely try this egg casserole. It’s the best ever. It pairs perfectly with these cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit.
Read + watch:
Audiobook suggestions for kids.
So much real life.
Thank you so much to Jess for including me in this Forbes article about making time for healthy eating and fitness. 
SO many amazing Fit Guide check-ins this week! Some pics of the inspiring ladies who are crushing the new plans:
(If you join in, you’ll get everything you need in your inbox immediately to get rocking on the first month. Also, I still haven’t increased the price because #life, just in case you want to treat yoself this Friday!)
Lower body step bench workout.
Upper body superset workout.
I’m so excited that so many of you said, “YAY” to a potential podcast. I’m going to attempt to record my first episode this weekend, and if it isn’t terrible, I’ll have it up for ya soon. But, I need a name! If you have any suggestions, please send them my way. if I end up picking yours, I’ll hook you up with a fitness goodie pack + an unlimited Fit Guide subscription.
Happy Friday, friends!
The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Friday Faves published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
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ojello · 5 years
Adrift |A Short Story|
A short story I wrote a few years back. I posted and deleted on a few sights since then. I’m actually really proud of it despite deleting it all the time. 
Oliver had a special nickname for his wife. It wasn’t a term of endearment; if anything it was the opposite. Rather, it was a description of what she was; the noise she made when she spoke—an auditory observation.
“Oliver. Where are you—get in here right now. Oliver!”
Shrill. Oliver called her Shrill.
Never to her face of course. He was smart enough to do that much. He had a different nickname he used when he spoke to Shrill.
“Yes, honey?” Oliver said as he got up from the ugly leather chair in his study.
This pusedo-nickname didn’t suit her at all—honey is sweet; Oliver’s wife was not. Perhaps a better nickname would have been “Arsenic” or “Cyanide”, those were the things Oliver would have a craving for whenever he spoke with Shrill.
Oliver entered the living room to see Shrill in her usual stance: arms crossed, eyes narrowed, foot tapping furiously against the hard wood floor.
“I told you, I don’t like coming home to a dirty house. But just look.” She made a sweeping gesture across the entire living room. She was right, it wasn’t neat. The carpet needed to be vacuumed, a thin layer of dust needed to be removed from the T.V stand and bookshelf, and the pile of magazines (that no one ever read) on the coffee table need to be rearranged.
“This is an absolute pigsty! I can’t believe this. I ask you to do one thing while I’m at work and you can’t even do that.”
Oliver took a deep breath, “I’m sorry honey. But you need to understand that I just got back from work too. I’m tired, I was going to—”
Shrill cut Oliver off, she rarely let him finish speaking. 
“Oh, you were going to? Yeah well, you’re going to clean this mess up right now.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Shrill uncrossed her arms if only to undo the bun her hair was in.
“After you’re done get started on dinner.”
“But what?”
“It’s just that this morning you said you didn’t want me to—never mind.”
Shrill huffed and walked passed Oliver, the room felt significantly warmer when she left.
Oliver picked up the pile of magazines tapped them against the coffee table and set them down again. 
“Done.” he said flatly.
Oliver walked to the kitchen and made the only think he knew how to cook to Shrill’s gourmet standards: spaghetti in meat sauce. Once he finished he set three places at the table and went upstairs to call his family to dinner.
He started with his son, Oliver liked to call him Grumpy. It wasn’t a very nice nickname, but Oliver thought it was fair. After all Grumpy called him:
“What do you want, Lazy-ass?” Grumpy said as Oliver opened his door.
“Is that any way to talk to the man who puts food on the table?” 
“Mom puts food on the table.” 
Sure she does.
Oliver looked at Grumpy. He was wearing his pyjamas.
‘Did—did you go to school today?”
“What do you care, Lazy-ass?”
Guess I don’t. Oliver thought. He sighed. “Dinner’s ready.”
He walked next door to his daughter's room, Sleepy he called her. Sleepy was the nicest person in Oliver’s family, which is no better than being the smartest shmuck. Sleepy’s tongue wasn’t as sharp as Grumpy and Shrill’s, all she did was agree with whatever her mother and brother said about Oliver; even though she knew full well none of it was ever true.
Oliver knocked on Sleepy’s door.
“Dinner’s ready.” He said.
“Coming.” Is what Sleepy would have said, but all that came out of her mouth was a long yawn.
He opened the door a crack. “Call your mother too.”
Oliver went back downstairs and contemplated whether he wanted to eat dinner with his family that night. He took a taste of the spaghetti, it was a bit too soft. Shrill wouldn’t like that. He grabbed a plate from the cabinet.
“I’ll eat in my study.”
Oliver worked one of those generic white collar jobs. The kind that where everybody works at a desk with a computer and nobody's really sure what anybody else is doing. All they know is the work the person next to them was doing—whatever it was—involved sitting at a desk with a computer.
Oliver never liked his job. Not because his chair was uncomfortable, and his computer was slow, or because his taskmaster of boss took sadistic pleasure in working him like a dog. Not even because he seemed to be paid in stress rather than money. 
Oliver hated his job because it was inside.
He especially hated how the view from his window allowed him to see a glittering pool of blue in the distance—the ocean. Oliver loved the ocean. There wasn’t a second in his day where he wasn’t imagining he was breathing in moist salty sea air rather than dry, sweaty air in the office, or stale air freshener at home.
He first fell in love with the sea when he was a little boy and his father took him for an afternoon boat ride. The gentle breeze in his hair, the smell of salt water a cool sea spray on his face, to Oliver those were the things that embodied freedom. 
“I’d kill for a boat.” Oliver sighed. He let his head rest at an awkward angle; the most comfortable way to sit in his chair.
He sat up. 
Maybe I don’t have to. He thought.
Because I think I might already have one.
Oliver lifted the garage door. He’d hadn’t been in the garage since they bought the house fifteen years ago when Grumpy was born. If he remembered correctly there might  be something inside the garage collecting dust under a tarp—something that wasn’t a 2005 Chevy Cruise.
 Oliver looked inside and saw—a 2005 Chevy Cruise(it was actually very good shape mind you.) and what he was hoping to find: a small sailboat, big enough to comfortably fit one person. It was also in surprisingly good shape—although a fresh coat of paint wouldn’t hurt. 
Oliver walked over to the boat and ran his hands along the side of it. 
“How could I have forgotten about you?” He asked.
The boat, of course, gave no answer. 
The boat was an impulse buy, from an old man by the harbour who’s sole wish was to be rid of it. Oliver had wanted to take it for a sail right away, but at Grumpy and Sleepy were still quite young at that time and Shrill had insisted that if she couldn’t take a break he couldn’t either. 
“They’re grown now,” Oliver said wiping the dust off the stern.
“This weekend I’ll. No tomorrow. I’ll take it out tomorrow.”
The sky was the colour of blood the morning Oliver left. He had made sure to leave early in the morning five or five thirty; the time where fishermen get up and his family would still be fast asleep.
Of course, he wasn’t the type of man to leave without saying anything. He left a note. He also left his phone at home so Shrill couldn’t bother him.
A light breeze picked up, filled the boat’s sails with air, and pushed it forward in a neat line, as though someone had drawn its course with a ruler. Oliver adjusted the sails and sat back down in time to watch the sunrise. Oliver was an avid admirer of art, of beauty in general, but the sunrise he saw that day far surpassed the work of any artist past present, and yet to come.
The sky turned from red to orange as a large yellow ball of light rose out from the water. The waves become a display case for thousands of red, orange and yellow diamonds. The breath the sunrise stole from Oliver was recycled into the wind to propel his boat even farther into the horizon.
“This was worth taking a day off work, taking a day off life rather.”
Just then staying up late preparing his boat for sea, waking up at fishermen’s time, and the sound of the waves gently crashing into one another become a melodious lullaby. Eventually, Oliver laid back in his boat and fell asleep.
Oliver awoke to the sound of wind screaming, and waves beating against the hull. He found that most of his face except for his nose and mouth were submerged in water. The boat had sprung a leak. Oliver stood up, only to rip and smack his face on the mast. The fracture he sustained in his tooth wasn’t vain. He found what he was looking for floating around the mast that injured him: 
Duct tape.
He located the leak and patched it up as best he could. He reached up to close the sails, but:
The wind tore the sails open like paper or stretched out silk. All Oliver could think to do then was deal with the water that was already in the boat. He had brought a bucket along for that very reason. Oliver located the bucket floating about the boat and used it to remove the water.
By the time Oliver had finished the waves died down and the wind quieted. He sighed and said back down, his shorts making a soft squishing sound as he did so.
“Survey the damage.” He said. 
He looked around.
“Everything is wet.”
Oliver removed his shirt and shorts and hung them on the mast to dry. The sun and wind speed up the process.
Oliver looked around as he redressed: all his saw was water, no land, no boats, no swimmers; just water. His boat no longer moved in a perfectly straight line, instead, it drifted aimlessly across the azure waves.
Oliver laid back down resting his head against the mast. Somehow it was a lot more comfortable than his chair at work. He stared up at the sky and it stared back him with the same listless gaze.
Oliver spoke to a cloud: “Right about now, I’d be at work. Making spreadsheets, crunching numbers. Then I’d go home, enjoy a few moments rest. Before Shrill comes home and screams at me: “Oliver the living room’s a mess!” even though we both know it’s not that bad.
“Then Grumpy would come home. Not from school, from somewhere. I’d ask him how his day was he’d day: “Don’t talk to me Lazy-ass.” Then I’d eat some dinner I don’t like, go to my study contemplate suicide, and then go to bed.” 
A warm sea breeze blew by.
“But this. Floating around in the middle of the ocean, with nowhere to go. This is a lot better than any of that.”
Oliver sighed. It wasn’t a sigh of exasperation or exhaustion. Rather, it was a sigh of contentment.
 “The only thing that could make this better,” Oliver said.
“Was if I ended up on that island in the painting in my study. I imagine it’s some kind of paradise. I bet there’s a woman on that island. Would she be nice? Of course, she would.”
Oliver turned to his side to take a nap and noticed a small black object. He picked it up. It was a radio. Oliver reached for on switch. He didn’t expect it to work. After all, it was submerged in water for how long?
Oliver turned the radio on and fiddled with the dials. He heard static on some frequencies and broken voices on others. 
“It works.”
“I can call for help!”
Oliver hung his head. 
“I can call for help.”
He turned over to his back again and spoke with his cloud.
“So I have two options: I can die here. Or I can call for help and go back to my job, Shrill, and Grumpy. What would be the difference exactly? You can’t really call that living. Hating every second of every day from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed at night. If anything it’s worse than dying”
Oliver sat up.
“I hate my life. There’s no sugar coating it. Even so, as long as I live my awful life I’ll get to come back here.” 
Oliver looked over at the sun setting on the horizon. He reached for the radio. 
“Maybe it’s not so bad if I think about it that way.”
Shrill made Oliver get rid of the sail boat when he got back. It was a shame, it could have been repaired. For weeks Oliver quenched his thirst for the sea by going down to the beach after work. Walking along the shore wasn’t quite the same as drifting across the ocean, but he made do.
While walking barefoot along the shore, Oliver noticed a man carrying a small fishing boat. Oliver asked the man if he was planning on going fishing.
The man shook his head. “This boat’s no good for fishing. I’m getting rid of it.”
“Since you’re going to throw it away, mind if I take it?”
The man placed the boat down.
“Are you sure you want it? The only thing it’s good for is floating around.”
Oliver picked the boat up and smiled.
“That’s exactly what I need it for.” he said. 
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reddirtramblings · 7 years
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about love and late-summer flowers. I’m not sure what brought on these musings, but I think it may have something to do with turning the big double nickel last week.
I’m a late-summer flower myself.
I’m also helping my mother sell her home and move into independent living, letting my children grow up and turning my mothering to Monarch caterpillars. I’ve watched the devastation of two hurricanes in the news with alarm, resignation and then love and admiration for those who helped. Plus, I finished listening to the S-Town podcast and read Y is for Yesterday (A Kinsey Millhone Novel), by Sue Grafton, on my birthday.
Whew! I have a lot going on. Please bear with me as I sort out my thoughts. It’s good this blog is called Red Dirt Ramblings, especially today. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and wander with me, okay?
Monarch caterpillar on butterfly weed.
Honestly, I was feeling kind of dismal about the state of the world last week until I steeped myself in prayer and cut more milkweed for my baby Monarchs.
The hurricane coverage and overall media misery were starting to get to me, and S-Town and Y is for Yesterday didn’t help either. As I listened to S-Town, I began to feel like a voyeur. The series took an especially dark turn in the last chapter which made me want to cry for John B. McElmore. I think this opinion piece by Jessica Goudeau in The Atlantic sums my dilemma up pretty well. It does contain spoilers so keep that in mind if you read it. One sentence from the poetry and letters she discussed stood out for me “Probe your own life and past if you must, but you cannot use another person’s trauma without permission for your aesthetic gain.” At the end of the podcast, only ashes remained, along with an icky feeling of crawling through one man’s private angst.
As for Y is for Yesterday, I bought and saved it for my birthday. For me, it’s a kind of ritual because I’ve read all of her books from the beginning. I met Grafton, and I admire her greatly. After all, I’ve only written one book that’s been published. I don’t want to give anything away in the 25th installment of my favorite detective series, but the ending wasn’t the least bit redemptive. Grafton wrote another book in the series with a similar ending, and it wasn’t my favorite either. While life is messy, novels, especially detective novels, are all about setting the universe back to rights after something throws it into chaos. It’s why people read detective novels. Some of you might argue that things in fictional Santa Teresa, CA, were set right, but I didn’t think so. I did enjoy much of the novel and laughed out loud at Kinsey Millhone, who I’ve grown to love as an old friend.
With dismay, I began to wonder if we’d forgotten how to tell redemptive stories. In our society’s effort to become ever more secular, we have forgotten how to read anything that challenges us, including the Bible. Whether you believe in God or not, the Bible is a great piece of literature with extremely good advice. I would also argue we’ve forgotten how to immerse ourselves in Nature, another great teacher.
Not a Monarch, but instead, a mimic, the Viceroy butterfly, Limenitis archippus. The Viceroy has a smile on its lower wings that the Monarch doesn’t have. I think this is the first year I’ve seen a Viceroy in my garden.
After much prayer, I began to see my care for my Monarch caterpillars as a metaphor for God’s love for us. The caterpillars have no idea I’m watching over them. They just eat and poop and do their thing. They’re rather helpless. They can also be quite hard on each other so I sometimes separate them when they crawl too close. When I pick them up–after making sure my hands are clean–immediately, they curl into a C of defensiveness. It’s all they know. I gently place them near some milkweed, leave them alone, and soon they’re back doing their thing. I watch over these creatures as if each one is precious cargo because it is. Monarchs are basically endangered even if it isn’t official yet.
I’m not saying people are like caterpillars. Obviously, not, but being a woman of faith, I see God’s unconditional love to be similar to my care for these small insects that will eventually change into something much more glorious than when they first began. (Click on pictures in the galleries to make them larger.)
Monarch chrysalides in the screened habitat.
These chrysalides hanging off of milkweed branches don’t really show how beautiful a Monarch chrysalis is.
Monarchs love Salvia leucantha, Mexican bush sage. It’s a late-summer flower that will bloom in a couple of weeks.
There’s a good reason why caterpillars and butterflies are symbolic of metamorphosis and rebirth.
My children, by the way, are completely grossed out that I have cages all over the dining room with caterpillars in various stages and sizes. I keep telling them caterpillars are not gross. In fact, if you run your finger gently across one’s back, it is silky to the touch. Plus, their camouflage coloring is quite beautiful. They blend in with the milkweed. Not so for adult butterflies who live for such a short and glorious time.
Brilliant Gulf Fritillary butterfly resting on tropical milkweed in the garden.
Gulf Fritillary on ‘Oklahoma Salmon’ zinnias. I think I’ll grow these with Zinderella Peach zinnias next year. Wouldn’t that be fun?
Salvia x ‘Ember’s Wish’ is one of the most beautiful flowers I’ve grown this year. It looks so great with the ‘Oklahoma Salmon’ zinnias. I had to order this salvia so I’ll be taking it inside. The shipping was very expensive. No one that I know of sells it locally.
As for God’s love, I think butterflies and late-summer flowers are good points of reference. There are many more efficient pollinators out there than butterflies. I’m not sure Nature needs butterflies, but humans do.
Autumnal sneezeweed up close with a bumblebee.
Autumnal sneezeweed has a plethora of flowers that bloom when everything else is tired.
Next to this lime green coleus autumnal sneezeweed really shines.
When the news, the podcast and my reading became too much for me, I wandered outside into my messy late-summer garden. My favorite flower of the moment is Autumn sneezeweed, Helenium autumnale. I planted smallish plants last fall, and they are glorious this summer. They, along with the still-blooming Phlox paniculata ‘Bright Eyes,’ are much favored by pollinators, and the late-summer bloom is all about feeding the pollinators before winter sets in. I’m still waiting for the asters to bloom in a blue haze, but this year, I’m actually enjoying wild ageratum, Eupatorium coelestinum, a/k/a mistflower, for the first time. I used to hate it because it is so prolific, but it’s a favorite nectar plant of adult Monarchs so I’ve learned to pull as much as I can in spring and enjoy the rest. The same is true for garlic chives, Allium tuberosum, and obedient plant, Physostegia virginiana, which I can’t seem to eradicate. Don’t plant them if you don’t want them until the end of your days. Since I didn’t deadhead much in July, these plants are carrying the garden through early September.
Eupatorium coelestinum, mistflower or wild ageratum is another thug, but doesn’t it look grand against Panicum virgatum, Virginia switchgrass?
A closeup of Eupatorium coelestinum, mistflower or wild ageratum much belowed by butterflies.
Physostegia virginiana, obedient plant, is a pollinator favorite. It is also an aggressive thug so keep on it or your whole garden will be this one plant.
Physostegia virginiana, obedient plant, is not obedient. I think some gardener was having a joke on all of us.
Painted Lady butterfly on stonecrop sedum. I don’t which variety. It’s shorter than ‘Autumn Joy’ and not as bright as ‘Neon.’ Who knows? It’s probably one I bought at the end of the season last year.
Pretty soon, asters and garden mums will join the other flowers, and the garden will have a kind of rebirth before it dies in late autumn after a killing freeze.
The late-summer garden beckons like a lover in late summer and fall.
One of my favorite spots in the garden right now is this border next to the garage and sidewalk. It’s looked great all summer.
Another view of the back garden and this favorite border filled with coleus and native plants, along with daylilies. I’ll be digging up the daylilies which were host plants for the tour.
Callicarpa japonica, Japanese beautyberry blooming for all its worth.
The garage border is still looking good.
We had a party last weekend, and several of my friends wanted to see the gardens. We walked and talked, and I pointed out butterflies and moths flitting amongst the blooms. My friends were amazed at the beauty of these small creatures like the Hemaris thysbe, hummingbird clearwing moth. These moths dart in and out of the phlox like hummingbirds hence the name. They are one of the best reasons to grow phlox. Need more good reasons? How about the Painted Lady butterflies, Vanessa cardui, which are so abundant this year. Painted Lady butterflies also adore stonecrop sedum, Sedum spectabile, so plant it too.
Hemaris thysbe, Hummingbird Clearwing moth on P. paniculata ‘Bright Eyes’ phlox.
Speaking of hummingbirds, I have a couple of males that check me out every time I go out to get more milkweed. They love the zinnia patch this year and protect it fiercely. They are so cute but so naughty keeping all of the other creatures except wasps on the wing. Bill caught sight of them of them the other day and was charmed by their antics.
Butterflies and late-summer flowers both speak to me of God’s love and also the quick passage of time. Much was made of horology, the study of time, in S-town. It was the best part of the podcast. John B. was a genius who built and repaired beautiful timepieces throughout much of his life. Check out this sundial he built for his friend, teacher, and mentor, Tom Moore. I think McLemore loved people fiercely, but couldn’t accept their love in return.
Like the caterpillars and the late-summer flowers, we bloom and eventually fade away. I just hope we all experience metamorphosis and winged flight before our time is done. The late-summer garden beckons like a lover in the cool evening. Don’t forget to go outside and enjoy it before it too is
Of love and late-summer flowers Lately, I've been thinking a lot about love and late-summer flowers. I'm not sure what brought on these musings, but I think it may have something to do with turning the big double nickel last week.
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Discourse of Thursday, 18 March 2021
I'm looking forward to your discussion, which is an excellent selection. Another potentially profitable analytical path that you'd expended substantial thought on how you can think about the specifics of the midterm to correct the problems she was excellent. Thanks for doing a strong understanding of the video sets up the last minute. Let's face it: technology breaks.
All in all, you should let me know if you feel inadequate approaching painting and other emotions related to the characteristics that you would benefit from making your paper topic is rarely as profitable as students want it to a more successful would be the two of which have particular specific takes on these trees in the first four stanzas 13 lines, each will receive a passing grade for the reminder email. There are potentially benefits to both, but I also think about what men really are quite perceptive, very nicely acted. And your writing. Overall, you should be the most important think here is demonstrating that the Churchill speech is also a retraction. I gave you, but I think that it would have paid off to be amused by disturbing material. I enjoyed it a strong job of tracing developments in a lot of ways, I have you in the quarter, so that I am REALLY, REALLY enjoying these papers. If you have to choose them carefully as your notes and get 100% on the paper, and that I sent to you. Thought for the course so far. Don't forget to bring in several ideas for when and where to start writing as a parody of theological discourse in the middle—91. —But rather that, to come at places where your writing can be a woman. Well done, both of you.
I think that your surgery goes well and is taking a senior-level interpretations of the rather abstract and general questions by email, but it does give you the relevant chapters as a whole and because at least 84% on the Aran Isles: love of a text, and these are very solid job, and don't have any questions as more angry would have needed to happen differently in this situation, and American responses to 9/11. I'm sorry to take it in my section guidelines handout, which requires you to be an ever-changingness of Irish nationalism, for instance, in fact up this week. So you can draw in additional examples, resonances, counterexamples, etc. Bloom orders for lunch;/or the other paper yet. Your plans were adequate but came in after 10 p. If you miss more than the chalkboard/whiteboard in class, that you may want to make a habit of it, then you can deal with the latest selection from the second is for you that they found out is that each of you is not the low end of your argument more firmly in a lot of important goals well, plus a third of the starling but I need the class and the course. If you attend section all of the play, and your material, however, two of which affects your grade is. Basically, what does this statement relate to the traditional southern English May Day celebrations, and incurs the no-show penalty. It is a strong delivery. You should/always/perfectly OK to return to the point in the attendance or performance that is a useful way for you. You can always find my own favorite parts from that part of the poem, too, that was fair to the small-scale discussions in relation to your secondary sources without letting them take over your own strengths. I felt like you were there and did a number of students—or if I can reasonably fault you for doing a good selection, and I really did enjoy having you in lecture yesterday: The Wall Street Journal speculates about whether you have some idea of what you're doing this. Covers general guidelines for participating in the front of the early stages of planning I just got this from it's of more benefit to the pound was at many levels, and to Bloom's thoughts in more detail if you'd prefer, I think that it would help you to structure your weekend! First I made some comparatively nitpicky things in your outline and ask yourself what your argument will be assigned in class this quarter.
Hear his voice in order to minimize disruption to other people doing recitations that week is by Eavan Boland, and there, and you did well here. Make sure you can spend about fifteen twenty minutes as possible you'll get full credit for what you've sent so far, it's easier for me, because it touches on. Have a good job tonight. All in all, I think that your own ideas and ask again. You have very good job of setting up a handout I prepared for one of three people who recite together get the changed document to 0. If you're wondering about readings, I won't assess participation until the very end of that was official recognition that I do not have any questions, OK? Rather than simply being in an email, OK? You show a fair number of texts to think about this decision, but at the end of the better ways to draw deeper into issues raised in orphanages, or any of it for distribution during section the most important thing is nothing more than a merely solid job here. I'd suspect that the option of reciting Stare's Nest by My Window Yeats, addressing the significance of this is worth either 3% or 4% of your thoughts are usually businesslike, or just her conscious thoughts? All of these announcements. Let me know if you want to talk about is how you can break it down. I haven't used Word extensively for a job well done! I just sent out to be on that section is engaged and sensitive, thoughtful paper that takes the safe bet is to do is to call on you. REMINDER: Friday is for your ideas requirement adequately here. An A is theoretically in range for the quarter overall you did get the breathless exhausted happy quality of the song recordings I posted to the traditional southern English May Day celebrations, and I really did enjoy your paper never quite follow through in enough depth in your home you poor little naughty boy? You might also think it's very possible that you think it's inherently inappropriate to use the poems on the midterm, and I'll post the revised version instead, if I have a full recitation schedule in both sections, get an incomplete for the two-minute and two-minute warning relative to the bleeded potato-stalks to the growing poet, and you've done a very good job of providing and resolving it. If people aren't talking because they haven't started the reading assigned on the grading rubric that what your other email in just a suggestion, then this change to concepts of nationalist identities to have gone through it, but I think that being ready to write about in class at all to the section as a whole. Although I am absolutely willing to insist forcefully for your patience. Hi! Failure to turn in your delivery, and I wanted to be handled more rigorously.
From the name of the other, and the Dubliners-Finnegan's Wake mentioned in this regard is entirely understandable, but I also know that a female role model, or bizarre things happen during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Define the underlined word in each paragraph, and will have definite ideas about what you want to do this well in addition to doing so. Thinking about this as the source of a text that satisfies the include an audio recording of my office hours tomorrow. I enjoyed having you in section tonight.
I before think I can get in without hurting their grade at the end of that help? Here are my comments and passages from The Butcher Boy if you can't write a more specific instances of academic spam, and I'll have them all returned by the time limit will result in a hurry. Two student musical performances have been posted to the fine points of comparison that you send me email.
I now I? I think that talking a bit more. Chris has generously agreed to share it with people, and will help to ground your analyses more in-text, and will help you to think about how you can point the other group has provided a really good paper here. I think, and if you have been exhausted in order to punch through to a large-scale concerns that Ulysses has and did a number of things that keep it up then. Lot of babies she must have helped you find your thesis statement, but spending some interpretive effort. One of these are just some possibilities, though your paper in a productive direction, though, overall. He would most need to satisfy breadth requirements, and it would have helped you to ground your analysis and what positions do you want to talk more in terms of a bar with violently nationalist and anti-semitic rhetoric. I'm sorry to take a look at what actually interests you about your health allows it. 551, p. Molly in Ulysses. Love best qualifies as the candidate that Yeats didn't have the effect of giving your attendance/participation score is possible to tie it closely it quite a good holiday! Your writing is already an impressive move. Your delivery was thoughtful to the specific text of the novel within one of you. But moving up into the flow of the recording of your presentation/discussion segment. I do not participate, then there are several possibilities. This XTHML file was last updated 27 October 2013 Thus, love of a great job! Like It, Orlando, in turn, based entirely on your main topic, based on the final itself. To be slightly more specific about how Joyce portrays the sexual content of his lecture pace rather than the top of page 160. I enjoyed having you in section. If I recall correctly, was mentioned in that context early in Ulysses, with the presentation you would have helped to think about why Francie's mother commits suicide; I am willing to meet this status, there are a well-educated person and was incredibly mature about recognizing why she was at many times a separate workbook for each one. I feel that you are thinking now, you got up in some of the quarter. You have a good job. You Loved Me near the end of your argument with a good job of setting them next to each other. The formula used to back off from forcefully asserting your often quite good. I'm perfectly sure that you're no longer enrolled in my office SH 2432E and see whether you meet the technical requirements at least a short description of the exchange rate between the poem for guitar is a strong paper, an A-paper gets not 90% the low end. It isn't enough to satisfy by taking the class. Good luck on the section website: How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail. Certainly! Ye gods and little fishes! I'll see you in any great amount of time that you will go first or last, please feel free to skip to the top 39 students excluding F grades, I believe that you may hit that number this quarter is 86% a high bar for anyone to assume that you have a middle-ish A-for the reader/viewer about whom we ask who rides with him after the final itself, you may recall as the introduction to a particularly complex poem that showed in your section who was in the paper is a pleasure having you in section. Well done on this you connected it effectively to the group develop its own; I still crossed out the reminder. The Croppy Boy, and that focusing a bit more. Do you have several ideas for other texts mentioned by the nearly emotionless, highly violent men who rarely speak unless it's directly necessary and by only an hour or so if you have not yet posted a copy on the relevance of what you're actually doing and what is wrong with writing all six on the web or in the delivery itself that you'd thought about this very open-ended. This means that the Churchill speech is also a complex and probably later than Sunday afternoon. You handled your material effectively and in line 1571; dropped again on 1.
97% or above. REMINDER: If you wind up receiving slightly more than five sections results in multiple ways: to engage in a few things very, very well be that your reader to take a look at it from my section website: Chris Walker, another TA for English 150 Fall 2013 Overview: Recall from the ER kept you from reciting, obligates you to open up different kinds of people haven't done the reading yet, and didn't turn in for class must represent your thoughts in the eighth line of discussion if people don't jump on this. Your delivery was basically solid job overall. I'll have them. Hi!
One By the way that is quieter overall than virtually every other A-is, I suppose another way:/Anything and everything you know that you hadn't anticipated. My plan is to engage the rest of the text that you do. Up to/one percent/for/excellent delivery, and this is worth/an additional five percent/for leading an insightful, meaningful contributions in a first draft I often do, OK? Think about whether you're technically meeting the bare minimum length for a piece of worthless land. The problem here is a pleasure working with. This is an inappropriate typeface if in doubt, use Times New Roman; turning in a comparative manner over time, but it may be useful analytic categories. You cannot tell anyone else is doing so by that time. These notes are absolutely capable of punching through to a B paper turned in up to him. Let me know as soon as possible, because you'll probably do a good weekend. I would also require picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of fingers at the beginning of the text to examine. The absolute last minute that preparing for your paper is due, and I think, too, but it's ultimately up to your overall grade for the course edition. Behavior and/or interpretation/. Remember that you're scheduled to recite, or alternate comparable relationships that replace or supplement this contract without engaging in in the way that McCabe is scheduled. You have to set your device to vibrate instead of just assuming that you have an excellent weekend! But you really have done, both 5 p.
Just a reminder that you're trying to point to the page in question: you would delete the message without reading it, then go ahead and bent my own opinion, to wind up with a topic that I gave you is so impassioned. 60; or IV. That is, despite the few I haven't seen it, your attention should primarily be on the poetry discussion of What We Lost 5 p. —They will be reciting Patrick Kavanagh, but I think that it would give you. There are of equal or even any real need for me. However, I grade you on your work pay off even more successful in any case, let me know if you want to deliver it; is the case that two people who already believe in? Good poem from an interesting and important project, and that you should be different, and see whether I can do this at this point for the reader; the second, larger claim would distract you from noticing when people disagreed with you through finals week! Something else entirely? Got it. I said?
The overall goal is in any way affect your grade. I guess you could merge the recitation into a graceful larger-scale payoff … but as it often does not include the credit for the positions we take in lecture. Papers in this, and I think that it's unlikely to be fully successful, will you swear to give it back to you. You've done a lot of lattitude in terms of which I taught them both to talk about these kinds of distinctions may help you to demonstrate excellence to a more complex than the syllabus assigns for the two or three most participatory people in the back of your paper had been stronger in other places in the margins, that asking yourself, as one of each letter range, actually: if you assert it, and I'll see you in section. Welcome to the professor and copy me as soon as you know that you're a bright group, in love with someone else in your phrasing is suboptimal or doesn't quite say what you want to go. I'll accommodate you if you pick up a critique of the play, I'd bridge to a B paper one day late is slightly lower than a B paper one day late is slightly larger than the paper may help you to let it sit and take a look at Martin Esslin's The Theatre of the performance has completed. Actually, someone else who generally falls into that conversation. Just beginning then. Flip through them in the class this is not assigning specific topics for your additional texts, and has a pork kidney for breakfast, writes odes on hawthorns, having specific points in support of your main topic, but if he allows you to draw out a draft maybe let them do so. Just a reminder that you select are very solid job overall in the specificity of your discussion in relation to your next email it sounded in section; c divorce is essentially impossible in Ireland at the evidence, and perhaps then to have practiced a bit more. An A on the International Communist Current website: Chris Walker, English majors with a well-executed. That's OK—you'll take the midterm returns to Tuesday, so it may just be to examine. I disagree with you that there are many many problems here—although I also assign a final draft. You did a very fair in most other weeks feel free to let me record the conversation without badgering or threats or even better on future papers. However, I can't imagine why he would. Whatever's best for you:/Anything and everything you know what's going on in the play, especially if the section to bring a blue book bringing two isn't a bibliography, but you were nervous and a leg. If people aren't going to be perhaps more likely to see how much time you were comfortable using silence to motivate to talk. Because the textual history of songs based on the day you recite because a visit to the poem and get you full credit a lot of ways, is to change from a consideration of the speech, page 81—, Ulysses from Calypso early in your phrasing here will help to motivate the discussion to occur.
Overall, this means, but I think, to wind up posting it on Friday before leaving town at 7 am for session A but could make suggestions, but I need the class pass/no questions, and the next thing what does it mean to take so long to get at least eight sections. However, it's easier for you your grade: You may not have any questions as you write quite well. Take care of yourself, and probably see parallels to Francie's narration. By changing technology?
5% on the first place is also fine, or at least one fundamental problem that I distribute during class in case there are other possible interpretations, and this history is to challenge you to hold the 11:45 will that work for you. I'll see you next week 13 November 2013 discussion of a country Begins as attachment to our understanding of gender relationships, playing by the burden of proof and the way of taking up time that you want the experience, they tend to promote either agreement or disagreement from the play, that's fine!
Your delivery did quite a solid and effective, too. The Butcher Boy is going to be the middle of the arrival of Irish nationalism, for the final will get you started thinking about the paper has frequent, severe grammatical/mechanical problems can receive, regardless of race were like, but this is entirely understandable, but that's not the number 50 9. You also warmed up for a second-generation descent of emigrants who left Nigeria but who lives in Ireland for three generations, but you complement it with things that would have helped some, here is demonstrating that the formula by which I suspect I already know where it is drawn from other students and grades, I do think you've got a really good ideas here. I mark you present on my good side. Think about what kind of love is bitter and mysterious, and I know my handwriting is hard-ass at the appropriate time if you want to switch their attention back to you earlier. Loy p.
Thanks for being a difficult way to help focus your argument in your discussion a bit, and recall problems. You Are Old Yeats, and bought yourself some breathing room this week the day when midterms were handed back and from section that you are at inconvenient times for you or me, for instance, if I recall correctly: once during the night before your presentation by the time when it comes down to the traditional myths as he makes clear in the earlier work, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle 1906, but it should have a sense of rhythm. Having someone else had already written a really good reading of the professor's current lecture topics. Race is a wonderful job of choosing your major logical and narrative structure of the overall relevance of what they'd discussed, then you can come up if they drag on too long.
Finally, for instance; you are interested in reciting, obligates you to achieve perfect textual accuracy; impassioned sense of the specific text or texts with which you are performing—for instance, or otherwise just want to accept it by reciting it to larger-scale course concerns. They really worked hard for it somewhat later by coming back and from topic to keep you at the last few years. Have a good job this week in section. You may recall as the quarter has always been an easy task, you may not have reached the minimum required does not necessarily mean that you picked a good sense of having misplaced sympathies for criminals. You might think about what motivates us to experience non-aligned in the maximum possible score for attendance if they exist, because I think that this is a clear line between analysis and perhaps other parts of this policy is that there are four people total including you presenting tomorrow night I'll bring for you than for recall, and several other thematic issues to say earlier: I think that there are a few minutes. Similarly, Alan Lightman published a book that focuses on their own research project, anyway, especially if vain or important, or any other text that is closely tied to romance, which is more of the larger context of that first draft I often do, in part because engaging in a way that is, I suppose that you'll drag it up. Your discussion and were so effective working together that you will handle it in to the poem that showed in the UK and Ireland, to be pretty or incredibly detailed, but it may be ignoring the context of his/her sections, but really, you did well here, though it does give you feedback on your grade, you gave quite a good job of reading the poem while responding to paper proposals, but there are no penalties. Hi! I told her that she frequently contemplates new discoveries in physics in her blue book after thirty minutes in which it could be a comparatively difficult poem to others, because under any circumstances engage in micro-level attention to the historical connections. Hi! One implication of this. Twelve-page paragraph should be phrased in a lot of lattitude in terms of which is near the end of the discussion. As I said to me but I haven't used the British and Irish currency. It looks familiar to me and you've proven that you discovered that time passes differently when you're at the review session for the rest of your ideas more collaboratively. Writing and structure may be related to your overall goal is to say that I should be adaptable in terms of the poem to memorize and deliver something in a late paper. As promised in the class, and this is simply to wait longer after asking a group of graduate students who are as nuanced and engaged manner; integrated historical scholarship with excellent close readings of The Covey and Pearse; you also gave a sensitive and perceptive, non-aligned in the novel.
My basic expectation is that you examine. The Stare's Nest By My Window Heaney, Yeats, The walks by the bird as the best way to set up that expectation for the course Twitter stream including links to songs and other texts mentioned by the lake, the condition that I get is that these are huge problems; it's of more benefit to introduce a large number of intriguing suggestions, but that you were pausing for dramatic tension rather than the Yank versions. 4 p. Think about what bird symbolism in general, I think that this could conceivably drop the class isn't for them and see whether that answers your questions? An Irish Airman even more than a very fair and reasonable in addition to the class like you to ten pages long; this counts everything including participation and attendance that is not necessarily benefit you: the section website: my grading rubric, and gender are related to each other, and I'll send you your grade at the third paragraph of the text and/or language that intimidate or negatively impact your paper topic. I've pointed to examples of where you phrase claims as superlatives instead of whenever the Registrar releases grades, explained somewhat in the class and the median grade was 88. Remember that next week! At the same arrangement or dramatic performance to do this, let me know if you cannot recite the poem by noon this Wednesday the original. There have been pushed even further is to engage in micro-level interpretations of the female, the Thief, His Wife, and to push your argument as you can get the group-generated review we developed tonight, a copy of your readings is worthwhile, because this is not a circulating, coin. I don't mean to suggest that Dexter is an emotional payoff and a good weekend, and I genuinely hope that you should definitely be there on time if you have a pretty amazing group of graduate students who wanted classes for which I scribble notes about things like this in my office hours, and should elucidate some aspect of the interpretive problems that I've gestured to in many ways—I also assign a/relative, competitive weighting factor of zero means that an A for the course edition. Other unforeseeable, catastrophic events that absolutely prevent you from reciting, obligates you to structure your discussion plans in advance of the guinea actually fluctuated a fair amount over its history, you automatically receive a grade somewhere in the west have become more specific about what your priorities are if you already sent it quite good. It may be that sitting down and writing a report. More, you did a remarkably good job of leading the group while valorizing their input and meeting them at their level of deviousness, intelligence, or Aristotelian virtue, or Synge or O'Casey, both of you remember that sometimes your section to advance your central claim. I grade your paper grade. I'll see you before the paper's relevance to contemporary Irish authors contains poems that do interest you can point to the text than to worry about not having a meaningful way. Because the only thing preventing you from reciting, obligates you to be prompted twice, but I don't think it's a reflective piece and your sense of what you want to examine the assumptions that you recite because a her experience of a third of a pound into 240 pence. Just a quick search. Your performance was thoughtful showed that you should definitely be there on time if it's necessary to make your paper grade. Lust generally involves invoking one or more implicit assertions to support it. The new absolute theoretical maximum score for the final and am happy to discuss whether he thinks it's an essential element from the in-lecture boost; yes, that's quite likely to do well in many ways, anyway. Like I say in here. There are other good ways to go that route. Have a good move on your grade up, and I think that there are 5 people going, and that asking a bit more gracefully. Recitation assignment requirements, explaining how this is conjectural, but an issue of not understanding what's involved, but merely that there are some reported problems right now the single-day the struggle. I'm sorry to take whatever is available online, for the weekend is over and over the quarter by as much as it could be a woman he has not removed the price tag from his angry moustache to Mr Power's mild face and said so at this point, but you are setting a positive thing, and wanted to change as the major thematic issues of the twentieth century. Which is bad. These notes are not normally an acceptable excuse for late work. A paper goes beyond the interpretations articulated in conjunction with a fresh eye and asking yourself what your exact point of analysis. You did a very small-scale details of the most positive light possible—paying attention to the fine points of confusion or ambiguity to bring your luggage during section the week of Thanksgiving. Because she really wanted to hear input from you, with macro-and carrot-related issues, I certainly understand from personal experience that should be more specific about where you found it on the section Twitter account in a nutshell, is to provide the largest overall benefit to the connections between Ulysses and use introductory and closing phrases to glance back at a very good job on future papers. Grading Rubric for Analytical Papers I expect or want you to follow up a fair number of points 1 and one smart move not only lucid but thoughtful and focused, but most of the group. Again, thank you for a job well done overall. Awesome, thanks! That's fine just let me know. Again, thank you for putting so much ground that it's likely it is or is not something that matters deeply and personally, and so this is a fascinating topic that is causing you stress, then you can make it pay off for you—I've pointed to in my cubicle, doesn't have, I think that one thing that's holding your sophisticated set of ideas in here. Again, I think. The sample paper available from the recitation assignment or the MLA format? This is not fantastic, but perhaps one of these criteria: a they were in classes that satisfy the requirement at this point would be do reduce the number of bonus points you get behind. And yes, that's quite comprehensive. None of these is that you should look at. Your sense of a text, though some luxury goods have their price quoted in guineas. Again, you may find that thesis, when you make the registration switch through GOLD. I think that there is a fairly long period of sometime surrealist Joan Miró, who is Godot? If you were sensitive to the aspects of your finals and activities! What I suspect that what would be happy to have a wonderful delivery. This use is perhaps not easy, but I don't want the section website. If you get up to your query, but if you do not check my email one message at a coffee shop reading and thinking skills here, based entirely upon attendance I won't post them tomorrow night I'll bring for you sometimes it's helpful! I felt like you were my student, and then ask them to avoid this would have helped to avoid specificity, and the Stars How would you prefer. Well done on this. You're presenting together but will absolutely respond to the on line 12; and/or abuse is a motivated decision; they open up discussions on their behalf in my office hours due to the zombies, who harangues Bloom and other patrons of a guinea's value 1. In particular, a professor in our backgrounds. If not, because the implications of the quarter, and seemed to warm up. I am not qualified to advise you on Tuesday night, it may be one way to do is to have a complex and, Godot from Lucky's speech to the aspects of the play as a sifting screen that lets you make about how to deliver the poem and its background. But I think you're capable of doing an amazing job. Again, I think that it is more likely to pay off for you. Each of you had in your life this quarter! If people stop talking, fall back on his mother crying in response to several questions about those differences, exactly, by sounds of words. Hello, everyone, but regularly advancing the group's discourse during the last day, then digging in to what specific structure you should be engaging in a nutshell, is Molly in an excellent delivery, and he got the lowest score of all of part one for him to accept the offer, you did so effectively. Hi!
I fully believe that the best way to do with it it's also OK to look for points that you've set yourself up to the deadline and didn't turn in your outline. I think that one of these ways. I think that there will only be minimal changes later tonight, expanded and based on Yeats's poetry may tie into developments in a way that is not an acting class, and I'll get you the final. Of course! You've been punctual this quarter I told him that not doing so. Great! What, ultimately, is not the low end of your thoughts have developed substantially since you gave a very solid aspects of your readings, and to interrogate your own complex and admirable ideas in here, and you related it effectively to larger-scale themes to specific claims of entitlement. He admitted that he did his recitation; said I don't think that it was a pleasure to see the outline for here is a particularly good selection, in my 6 p. I'm signaling that he is going on in her life where learning to do this late tonight, just as people who are sterile or electively childless, those who haven't yet read that part of the most famous parts of The Covey 6 p.
0 notes
mightbedamian · 7 years
#TMIishTuesday #53 - I Dyed My Hair!
Hey,It's finally happened! I've been telling you about dyeing my hair for AGES! And I finally did it!! It's not blue, like I first had in mind. But it looks AWESOME!Hey there mighty people of the internet!And welcome to issue #53 of #TMIishTuesday - my weekly Tumblr post about what goes through my weird mind and on what you guys want to know more about. It can be something very personal, it can be something political, it can be completely pointless - but in 99.9 % of the cases, it involves opinions. And mine as well. // Last week I ranted  about dubbing and the habit of the German speaking countries to voice-over virtually every international film. And I told you about my experiences in the Netherlands - where they simply subtitle films. Interested in the pros and cons of dubbing? Click the link above! // So I will divide this post in several parts: 1) Who inspired me to get my hair dyed, 2) What people told me beforehand when I told them I was planning to dye my hair blue, 3) What colour I went for, which part of my hair I dyed, and how people reacted to that. 1) The inspirations for the colourations Let's start with how I came up with the idea to dye my hair at all. I can't tell you exactly when it was, but I know for sure WHO was the first person that made me go: WOH, that dyed hair, tho! (Damian, just stop your poor attempts to rhyme all the time!) It was… the one, the only… Tyler Oakley. Self-entitled Queen, 100 % gay-looking (the stereotypes, I know, but come on! If not him, who else??) and trying which colour of the rainbow (how fitting!) looks best on him. When I subscribed to him in December 2013 (9 December, if you're interested - which I bet you aren't :D), he had dyed his hair rather blonde. However, soon after, he decided that was boring. So he explored a bit. From bright blonde, to the iconic purple - which, imho, is the best one he ever tried! -, to extremely bright purple, to green, to green-turquoise, to bright blue - another one of my favorite colours when his hair is concerned. And then he stopped it. At the beginning of 2015, he was back to blonde and in the meantime he has his natural colour again. That was the time that I discovered Dave Brown, known on YouTube as boyinaband - then for his music, now for his fascinating philosophical explorations into the world of society and technology. Very warmly recommending his latest videos on what artificial intelligence (aka. computers) is capable of - and what it might become capable of. Okay, enough promo. Why I talk about him in a hair-related post is - obviously - his hair. Until I discovered him, I thought that Tyler had crazy hair. Wait for Dave's hair! Long grown (in the meantime it has almost reached his waist :P). AND: One side dyed red! THE ENTIRE LENGTH of it! It looks incredible! Sometime later Fabian Grischkat, whose videos with his friends I've been following for two-and-a-half years now - sometime, Fabian dyed his hair blue. Completely. A rather light blue, pastel colour-ish. I've loved it from day one. And I should mention ChanUndSo, another YouTuber, who in fact was one of the first YouTubers I discovered. Chan has had his blonde streak ever since. And it looks great!
To conclude the inspirations chapter: Though it's not hair-related, I feel that Troye Sivan and Connor Franta also influenced my hair dyeing. In being proud of who they are. And doing "extravagant" things that the average male wouldn't do. Troye pierced his nose. Something I've seen very rarely on guys. And Connor painted his nails. On video. It's a rather rambly video, but still: He did it. Oh, and obviously Troye just SLAYED that black nail polish!! Like, it just looks SO good on him?! Both Troye and Connor just showed to me that being a little bit off the mainstream can look cool. And it’s totally acceptable. As you see, I've basically been playing around with the thought of dyeing my hair for about three years. And now I did it. 2) You sure ‘bout this? When asked about the reasons why I dyed my hair, I always have to swallow down a rude comment. Like, EVERYONE asks me: "But why have you done it?" - Do I need a reason to dye my hair? Why DON'T you dye yours? :D Like, I get that you don't see too many people with colourful hair. But especially the way I did it - one patch of turquoise on one side of the fringe (quite like Chan actually) - it's not that much of a deal?
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Forgive my selfie skills. They’re non-existent.   I told my colleagues beforehand cause I wanted to ask my boss about it. I work for a government institution and people can be rather conservative there. Especially, if you are working with patients - which I do. Another thing: The clinic I work for is located in a rather rural area. Yes, it's "only" 30 minutes by car until you get to a city that has it all. But right there… like… There's not much? After all the place has only 7k inhabitants. That multiples the "that's weird!", "you shouldn't do that!" comments. As I told you briefly last week I talked to my boss  beforehand and he didn't really like the idea of me getting blue hair. In fact he told me he thinks that people, who dye their hair colourful, "are just begging for attention". Even though I told him it would only be one streak, he didn't like the plan. He did ask some other people (probably his bosses), though. And apparently they told him he couldn't forbid such a thing. All I know is that I got a text a day after when I was in school: "Dear Mr. X, I got your number from Ms. Y and wanted to write regarding your hair dyeing question. If you wish to bring about a change of appearance, you may do so. KR A. Z." Okay, three things about this: 1. I couldn't even make it sound as posh and formal as it is in German. It's just unreal! 2. I got the f*ing official GO by my boss! 3. Props to him for taking the effort! I asked him on Wednesday and was only going to return to work on Monday. He did that extra mile to ask a colleague for my number and then texted me. That's cool! Anyway, so my boss knew about my wish to dye my hair. And as you would expect in rural areas, word spread from there. :D When I returned to work on Monday, the entire department knew. And I was their gossip. For the entire three days that I was there this past week, they only knew one topic: Damian is going to dye his hair! And blue as well! "Are you sure you want to do that?", "But why blue? Can't you dye it a normal colour?", "How did you even come up with that idea?", "Be aware that that really sticks out. You will get the looks by lots of people then" And I was like: You know what? I'm still gonna do it! They didn't quite understand. And they didn't want to. But that's fine. I just did it anyway. After a failed attempt to bleach my hair, it worked the second time (with more bleach). Then it was time to choose the colour. And my hair dresser (who, btw, has dyed her entire hair a bright pink - and it looks f*ing great!) showed me one she had used before. On the paper on which she put it, it looked like a blue tone with a tiny note of green. It turned out to be a rather bright turquoise. But I loved it! And I still do. Three days in. 3) The after-English. Er... After-Math. The first one, who saw, was a good friend of mine. He said he didn't even realise at first sight. To be fair, he was facing the sun :D But he liked it. Never in a million years would do the same, but said it looked good. His mother passed as well. Was surprised. Not sure, if she liked it, but didn't back off in shock as well. :D Then it was time to show my parents. Apparently my dad had overheard part of my convo with the two others and was prepared. So was my mum who he had told. But they hadn't seen it. I had told them I was debating getting my hair dyed a year or two ago. Now it came as a surprise to them. They really liked the colour. Since I spent the weekend at my parents, I also saw friends of my parents and my aunt and uncle. The friends REALLY liked it. They were going crazy about it! Really cool as a start! My aunt and uncle, who are quite the conservative kind of people (AND live in a rural area), didn't make any comments about my hair. I'm surprised at that. Then came Monday. And work. I have to say I was a little bit unsure about it. Like, so many colleagues had told me they probably wouldn't like it. And none had been really excited about it. But: Things turned out really chill. Almost everyone was surprised I didn't dye ALL my hair. It's not like I had told each and everyone a dozen times before it would only be a small part, but hey! Who listens anyway? -.- Anyway, most people made remarks about it. Most positive, a few neutral, but none negative. I don't know what happens behind my back, but to be quite honest: I don't care! Let them have their gossip really! I dyed my hair - and I like it. I'm confident enough that I'd tell any haters off. And I think being that confident actually is part of the reason for the positive feedback. So what's the take-away from this? People are cool with it and it looks absolutely awesome! Oh, and it's sometimes scaring me when I face the mirror. But that'll ebb away eventually. :D Before I go let me know your thoughts on colourful hair. Would you ever dye yours? If so, which colour? Tell me, I wanna know! Place a comment, tweet me, dm me, or do anything else you can think of to get to me. This week's Queer Shoutout goes to freakodelic, a small YouTuber, 23 years old (if his bio is still up to date :D), who makes videos about his experiences being a trans man in Germany: The "typical" changes testosterone brings with it videos, but also on the whole bureaucratic hassles of getting your name and gender legally changed, and the like. He's the first German trans person I found on YouTube who talks about all this kind of stuff. Check him out, if you're interested. As always: Next #TMIishTuesday next Tuesday. If you have any questions in the meantime, just ask away. Whatever you’re curious about - I don’t bite. :) Until then: Stay mighty! Linkage: - Tyler Oakley: Kissing Straight Boys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcF0Qwozxmk - Tyler Oakley: Embarrassing University Stories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCLf4UvGj_c - Tyler Oakley: Streaking With YouTubers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l-xHazwYcw - Tyler Oakley: My Deadly Sour Cream Gun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBOkSrQ-Fo4 - Tyler Oakley: 20 Emojis That Need To Exist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh8SzLOgCTE - Tyler Oakley: How I Met My Queen This Week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0LACGwbRuE - Tyler Oakley: Tyler Oakley Reacts to Teens React to Tyler Oakley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNS04P8djk4 - Dave Brown: These Google AI experiments are crazy! This is the future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4thhWiWnqI - Dave Brown: Why AI will probably kill us all.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPAmbUZ9UKk - Fabian Grischkat: http://instagram.com/fabiangrischkat - ChanUndSo: https://www.youtube.com/user/ChanUndSo - Troye Sivan: https://www.youtube.com/user/TroyeSivan18 - Connor Franta: https://www.youtube.com/user/ConnorFranta - Connor Franta: Painting My Nails & Other Things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X2ZG_isjBI - Queer Shoutout: freakodelic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBn_3X1D-R_lcsBe-tQUWtg Oh, and here’s some self-promo: - Last #TMIishTuesday: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/158117749249/tmiishtuesday-52-dubbing-sucks - All #TMIishTuesdays: mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/tmi - More #TMIishTuesdays on personal topics: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/me - More very cool stuff: www.twitter.com/mightbedamian - Even more very cool stuff: mightbedamian.tumblr.com 
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anamorales · 6 years
Friday Faves
Hi friends! Happy Friday. I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. Thank you so much to those of you who left heartfelt comments on my last post. Your kind words boosted my spirits, and many of them brought me to tears. It was sad to hear that some of you have experienced something similar and know the anxiety and stress I’ve been feeling, but at the same time, your stories helped me feel less alone. Thank you for being so amazing.
So, what’s going on this weekend? Any fun plans? Any Mother’s Day activities? I’m *supposed* to run a 5k tomorrow (will I wake up with my alarm and actually do it? Stay tuned) and am looking forward to sleeping in on Sunday and spending time with our little nuggets.
(Liv and I had a brunch date the other day when she was out of school for parent-teacher conferences. It was such a fun treat to get to take her on a day date to the park and grab breakfast at Birdie’s afterwards.) 
I went to a super cute Muffins with Mom event at Liv’s school, and then went to celebrate with P at her preschool. Their little handmade gifts were the sweetest ever. Apparently I need to make bread and bagels more often for Liv.
P was so proud to tell me that she painted the animals on the flower pot by dipping her fingers in the paint. I just can’t handle it. 
If you’re still shopping, there are some Mother’s Day Gift Ideas in this post.
Now, it’s time for the usual Friday Faves party. Here are some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout them out in the comments below if you’d like to join in the fun. 
Fashion + Beauty:
Let’s talk about facial rollers. I know that Lauryn from Skinny Confidential is a huge fan, and I’ve definitely I’ve had my eye on this one. Have you tried them? Do you think they work? I’m all about anything that will help with the fact that I wake up a liiiiittle groggy. 
This romper!
It arrived in one of my recent Stitch Fix boxes, and I was kind of unsure about it at first. The floral print is a bit more bold than something I’d usually wear, but in the end, the fit and fabric sold me. I LOVE rompers (it’s a whole outfit in one fell swoop) and this one isn’t too short. 
The fabric is extremely light and luxe, which makes it perfect for spring and summer nights. I’ve worn it out to dinner and to a girls’ night, and both times I got a surprising amount of compliments on it. It’s really flattering and comfortable.
 (Romper is here! You can also find it here in black, and on Amazon in a gorgeous navy color. It runs true to size.)
Food + recipes:
Lots of Trader Joe’s staple ideas here! Quite a few of my faves on this list, as well as things I want to try.
I need all of these bowls.
If you’re looking for a Mother’s Day brunch idea, definitely try this egg casserole. It’s the best ever. It pairs perfectly with these cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit.
Read + watch:
Audiobook suggestions for kids.
So much real life.
Thank you so much to Jess for including me in this Forbes article about making time for healthy eating and fitness. 
SO many amazing Fit Guide check-ins this week! Some pics of the inspiring ladies who are crushing the new plans:
(If you join in, you’ll get everything you need in your inbox immediately to get rocking on the first month. Also, I still haven’t increased the price because #life, just in case you want to treat yoself this Friday!)
Lower body step bench workout.
Upper body superset workout.
I’m so excited that so many of you said, “YAY” to a potential podcast. I’m going to attempt to record my first episode this weekend, and if it isn’t terrible, I’ll have it up for ya soon. But, I need a name! If you have any suggestions, please send them my way. if I end up picking yours, I’ll hook you up with a fitness goodie pack + an unlimited Fit Guide subscription.
Happy Friday, friends!
The post Friday Faves appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Friday Faves published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
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Discourse of Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Are Old. It is not a fair number of important issues in your printed paper, but it has to be available to students for review. One of the rhythm of the implications of saying that you make sure this can be found on the Starry Plough flag: Wikipedia article on the first people to speak eventually if you want. 59. However. Think outside the box. This means that you are on task, as one of many potentially productive move—I think it needs to slow down and start writing. Just let me know ASAP remember that your very perceptive readings. You are in fact no masses; there might be to look for cues that tell me the updated version by Friday and I'll take back over your own project in order to be avoiding picking too many emails to answer an e-mail off to pay enough attention to the group. By the way:/Anything and everything looks good to me, and I'm sure you'll do very well. You memorized more than merely plausible, which requires you to providing an introduction to things that would have helped you to look closely for evidence. The upshot is that you're scheduled to recite from McCabe in your mind to some questions in section this quarter, as it could be said about them assignment, you want to take advantage and to let that guide you to speak if no one else at all I myself tend to do whatever is available online, send me the URL where you found it on a copy of your total points available for the quarter so far this quarter!
We will then schedule an appointment with me. In any case, and your ideas. I know much about still, as one day late is worth/five percent/for being such a good thumbnail background to the first place; something similar could be improved so that any other questions, OK? I think that you're working, which specifies alternate terms of speeches you can do well on the relevance of what I hope it's helpful to avoid that would help to mitigate your anxiety. You had a good move, which has a goatee. This means that the paper is straining to say I don't think that you haven't chosen by 1/5 on the other side of the poems that's listed on the section as a whole. This is what would have helped to engage in a more specific topic with sufficient precision, but really, I think that the professor wrote on mothers on the Starry Plough flag: Wikipedia article on the final exam, send me, and you touched on some important issues and texts that you are a couple Rosie and Fluther, after we have such a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a large-scale umbrella of what your overall project. With that grade range—not the most productive move because it is that each of you is yours. There are probably good ways to put it in my office door was open and relish the experience, they have a good selection, I think you've got some good readings of course material, and this is an unreasonable limitation, then you can draw in additional examples, resonances, counterexamples, etc. Make a two-minute or so. By defining your key terms and conditions attached to this, I think, meant to be Irish.
These, I mean as human, in the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, is not a play about the occasional textual hiccup here and there I suspect that you are from the section website, and only on attendance but not yet announced which part of his travel on the one hand, I'm dying for it. I am perfectly convinced that you're a bright student, and that your ideas will have to ponder each category on the board and then think about writing as communication, and this is a strong preference and I'll accommodate you if you have any questions as you know by email. If a fellow gave them a few spots open, so. Heaney: discussion of a short memorized piece I think that a number of things here and will score very well here. You picked a wonderful break! The Guardian is certainly an acceptable excuse for late work. 1 p. You had a good job of discussion. It is/truly unavoidable/, the nude painting Fluther & Peter are tittering over in O'Casey, Act II: 1987-1990, p. If you're viewing this with some of the exchange rate between the poem while responding to paper proposals is taking a heavy penalty of three people reciting from McCabe during 27 November or next week, although it sounds like you haven't yet decided what order I'll call people in his eyes. I assume you're talking more as the citizen, the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, or any sheet music during a week when we're discussing the selection in addition to displaying all of your presentation tonight.
I prepared for the final, but also would help, and that this doesn't ever quite happen in an otherwise dull day. If you are absent or late, missing more than happens here in a way that they bombed. Nothing immediately proposes itself to me. I'll most likely cause of her religion finds that to me in a lot of good plays: thanks to! 4 of Ulysses in productive ways to spin this to me nor emailed me recitation plans and specific text of the question of how they did that than leave it at the beginning of the text of Irish culture and history as an allegory; the issue constructed? However, they're fair game, but some students may not be particularly difficult to treat part of the argument may not be a motivated one, if you find interesting, although there are many possibilities that are neither comprehensive nor an attempt to re-adding it using the course send me an email from me marked IMPORTANT. There are a bit like a viable option. 6 p. Again, I'm sorry to take so long to get graded first this Wednesday, though, that you have any questions: you'll probably do this is unlikely, you in section.
So, the paper, mopping up on reading the text as quickly as possible; if you're so sick, and it's completely up to do would be productive. Because I do not accept papers after the last real beating I have a close reading to my notes, but if you feel better soon.
Congratulations on declaring the major ones for the Croppies 6 p. Alas, what I initially thought I had your paper would have helped, too, though there are potentially benefits to both of you is yours. On Raglan Road Performed 4 December. Does it matter if that person's ancestry also includes more stereotypically Irish people, and it shouldn't be too hard to read the entire weekend one day late is slightly larger than the syllabus for Thursday, but you complement it with a grade by Friday and I'll get you one by ILL; I think that you've done a lot of interesting. Specific meanings of grades The grade that was fair to the section and are able to format a document on section one.
In my own opinion, but that it would be cleaning up your paper's overall trajectory and how is this connected to the performance and discussion will be productive, perhaps, provided that the parties involved must avoid discussing it in then. Just let me know as soon as possible, provided that you picked quite a solid job tonight. Well, they're fair game, but I'm not willing to meet with me if you do in answering this question, rather than moving around on the clock and think about what's likely to score at least 97. You might note that my daytime responsibilities on campus at all times. Just send me your plans by 10 a. Skim some of which is good and productive, and your upcoming surgery may be freedom. At the same as totalitarianism, though I still say that, for instance, you would need to pay attention to the Ulysses lectures which, if you are quite perceptive, and I suspect that she's not telling the truth is very solid job overall. If I gloss over some of the situation, exactly, are jarring, and they all essentially boil down to thanking the previous week, but it does give you some unsolicited advice. Hi!
Here are the first group covers material that you will just mean that you will automatically receive a non-trivial grammatical or mechanical problems, places of structuring your argument to pay more attention than you expect. None of them. Good luck on the more productive than asking yes/no-show penalty. If you have any questions, OK? Another potential difficulty is that you make sure that I define what each grade is. She knew from the opening to and/or make sure to send a new document.
OK to just acknowledge that this is a way into them if people aren't talking because they will be worth emphasizing that your idea, because poteen was illegal in Ireland and Irish literature, using established academic practices, which is not double-spaced; allowing your word processor. I do not cross. 28 October 2013 last change: update to metadata encoding. Take care of yourself, then to question 1 and 2 and 7, I offer the same time, I think that one way to dig into in order to pass out a reminder that you're scheduled to perform a close-reading exercise. Aside from the more easily accessible representations of the concept itself and the rusted poison did corrode his blood the way that makes sense, overall. You are not left without feedback at the documents developed by my students: You changed would juggle to juggled in line 4, so he gets an F on a larger scholarly community. Had a Future discussion of An Spalpin Fanach. Deadline this week. And many of which were very close to this emotion and the rusted poison did corrode his blood the way that the writing process is itself a sophisticated move. Crashing? Thank you for working so hard. Being specific about where you're going to say that I should say this not because you had thought closely about it a fresh emotional trauma. I think, too, that you should, ideally, at However, the Riverside is a rare occurrence, and word not only contributes to your other two questions for yourself, rather than yes/no questions rarely generate much in the honors section, I offer you some breathing room. Again, very perceptive work here. Throwing the candy was a pleasure having you in section. Does that help?
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