#or are you just shipping the facets of them that you like and throwing away the rest for convenience
galacticnova3 · 6 months
Why must I be allergic to hornets when there is a hornet’s nest I could so easily swing a bat at because I hate seeing it(the hornet’s nest is a really popular ship I despise)(technically there’s two of them but this post is about the one that’s Really Not Good if you think about it for more than 2 seconds)(I would love for the people who ship it to swing a real bat at a real hornet’s nest, if it weren’t for the fact that I like hornets a hell of a lot more and they don’t deserve the suffering)
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neopetting · 2 months
Maybe five or six for the ship prompts!
5 - write about a casual kiss between your ship
The kitchen floods with light—his body with panic. Bob winces. Briefly, stupidly, he considers trying to shove the bread behind the toaster oven and making up a lie about the butter. I was… just… taking it out so it would be soft for breakfast. No, Lin, I do this all the time. Well, you’ve never woken up while I was doing it before!
He has a good five or six inches on his wife, but the steely look in her eye makes her shape fill the doorway. Arms crossed, she pads angrily over to him on her tiny, pointy, kicky, bare feet. Some merciful facet of his brain that isn’t currently terrified registers the way her hips move under her nightgown. He tries to swallow, but all his spit has disappeared. And his mouth is full of evidence.
Bob lowers the piece of bread in his hand and attempts to form words around the chunk still in his mouth. “I’m—”
“What? Sorry?” Linda reaches him, instantly all up in his face, her voice uncharacteristically hushed to account for their sleeping kids, yet somehow still deafening. “You’re sorry I caught’cha, Bobby?” She narrows her eyes, hissing out the next part so it sounds extra venomous. “With your mistress?”
He squints back at her, finally choking down his glorious, yeasty, perfectly-buttered bite of bread. Focusing on the taste puts some fight in him.
“…You know what? I’m not sorry.” Bob tenses his whole body to keep from chuckling as he watches her mouth fall open in exaggerated shock. “Yeah, that’s right. You kicked me awake, and then I couldn’t go back to sleep thinking about the bread all alone out here. It probably thought we didn’t love it enough to eat it right away.”
Linda is leaning on him now, squashing her torso against his arm with considerable force. Is she… trying to physically intimidate him? Or maybe she thinks she can seduce him into defeat by pressing her chest against his side, drumming up some cleavage. It wouldn’t be the first time. Plenty of Lin’s wiles begin with her just kind of… putting her boobs on him.
Bob surveys her coolly. “Also,” he says, tapping a finger against the loaf on the counter, “it’s not my mistress. It’s like… my child.” His voice rasps with sudden emotion. “This bread is our fourth child.”
One corner of Linda’s mouth lifts into a lopsided smile, but she stays incredulous. “Oh, so you were on daddy duty, huh? Came to check on our little bun-fresh-out-the-oven?” Delighting herself, her smile is the real deal now. “Didja hear it rye-ing over the baby monitor?”
He rolls his eyes so hard it almost hurts, but can’t hide his amusement. “You know it’s not rye. It’s—”
“Garlic sourdough woven with rosemary-thyme whole wheat sourdough,” she chimes in, doing her best Dedicated Chef Bob impression—a deep, goofy voice that sounds nothing like him. She wraps an arm around her husband, breaching the waistband of his boxers to slide her palm against his soft, warm hip. Planting her chin on his shoulder, she stifles a yawn. “See? I listen. I’m a good flour mama.”
Bob hums, a floaty sensation ballooning in his chest as she parrots back to him the recipe he’d been mentioning all week. It’s not surprising, anymore, how Linda pays attention to the things that excite him. But it’s never stopped feeling good.
“You are,” he confirms. From the corner of his eye, he takes a second to study her. Lin’s glasses are sitting a bit crooked, probably from hastily throwing them on to catch him in the act. Her thick, wavy hair is mussed from sleep. She notices him sneaking a stare and trains her ridiculously dark brown eyes on his. Definitely not for the first time, Bob thinks about how her eye color perfectly matches just-ground espresso after it’s been tamped down tight, waiting to be brewed. Sometimes he struggles to maintain eye contact, even with someone he’s loved for fifteen years, but he holds her gaze. Waits a beat. “You’re one in glu-ten million.”
She blinks once. Twice. Then she’s snort-laughing much too loudly and giving his love handle an affectionate squeeze, making him yelp and twist toward her. “Look at youuu, bein’ all cutesy-wootsey!” Her free hand skitters up his chest and brushes over his mustache as she beams at him. “Must be the Thanksgiving Eve magic. You gonna kiss me under the wishbone tomorrow before you go full crazy-pants kitchen troll, or what?”
“Mmmaybe.” Bob smiles gently against her fingertips. “Tina will fight you for the wishbone, though. I guess I could… kiss you under some giblets? Uh, before I start the gravy.”
“Ooh, giblet kisses. Romantic,” Linda coos. Her hand slips out of his shorts and he feels her fingers patter against the underside of his butt cheek. She points her chin toward the bread, eyes bright. “Now gimme a piece!”
Grabbing the serrated knife, Bob can’t suppress a wobbly giggle. “It’s so good, Lin. Better than I thought I could get it. I think the test loaves really helped.”
Earlier in the week, he had baked each dough recipe into two smaller, individual loaves to get their proofs right. Then, cautiously happy with the results, he’d launched the main event—meticulously braiding the batches together, then reshaping them into a single round, bubbly, perfectly-marbled mass. He’d been consumed by bread stuff for days. At one point, Linda had resorted to wrestling the laptop away from him when he’d stayed up until 2 AM researching techniques to keep sourdough properly inflated. But it was worth it. The final loaf is crusty and deeply golden all along its surface, the lighter and darker dough shades contrasting beautifully. Specks of the chopped herbs mixed into its whole wheat portions are visible in the scores, which look like stalks of wheat. The bread is downright gorgeous. Every time Bob lays eyes on it, he wants to burst into tears.
“Aww, my little Bobby baker,” Linda says. She stares hungrily as the knife glides through the loaf with several satisfying crunches. “I feel kinda dirty, though.” Her nails tap against the countertop in anticipation. “You made a whole big show about nobody eating it ‘til tomorrow.”
Bob snorts. “That was just so Gene wouldn’t eat literally all of it. He’s as excited about it as I am.” He slathers Linda’s slice in the fancy farmer’s market butter he’d safeguarded to use exclusively with his bread, then presents it to her.
She reaches for it, eyes shining, but furrows her brow when he pulls it back slightly. Shifting closer, she goes for it again. Bob holds the piece out of range, eyebrows raised and wearing the faintest of smirks. Linda scrunches her nose at him, about to complain, before she tracks him looking at her lips and realization dawns. She laughs tenderly and balls a fist in his shirt, leaning up and in. He meets her halfway. The kiss is quick, but so sweet that both their eyelids flutter shut.
“Ooh, mm,” Linda exclaims. “You taste like butter.” She yanks firmly on his collar. “Give me the friggin’ bread.”
Bob offers it in earnest. Suddenly, he’s plagued with nerves.
She gingerly takes it from him, her bottom lip jutting out. “No toasting?”
He gives his head a curt shake. “Doesn’t even need it.” Why does he feel like he’s just asked her out and is desperately hanging on a response? Dumb, he thinks.
Linda sinks her teeth into the bread. Bob’s eyes feel way too big for his face as he watches her chew. Slowly, she brings a hand up to cover her mouth, then locks gazes with him. He worries he might accidentally pee a little.
Swallowing, Linda flashes him a megawatt grin. “Oh. Bob. Hon.” She touches his chest. “It’s really good.”
“Right?” Blinding triumph ricochets through him. “Thanks. I kind of can’t believe it came from me.” He picks up his own piece, raising it to his mouth, then pauses. “Is this what giving birth feels like?”
“Yeah, sure,” Linda says around her second bite. “Little more sweat and blood with a human baby, maybe. And you don’t eat it after. It’s been a while.”
Just as Bob’s lips reconnect with his slice, the unmistakable creak of a door opening slams into him. Linda freezes mid-chew.
Gene’s voice, cushioned by a heavy yawn, sidles out from down the hall. “Is that butter I smell…?”
Bob’s eyes bore into Linda’s. “How is he smelling the butter?” he asks frantically, barely above a whisper.
“He’s very talented!” she hisses back, jabbing a finger into his upper arm. “You made him! Get down, get on the floor. I’m going.”
Bob has only seconds to hide the bread and butter before Linda’s pushing him to his knees. “Oh, God. Lin—OW,” he grunts, belly hitting the linoleum. It’s not lost on him that none of this is necessary.
Linda spins on her heel and trots through the doorway, her tone sing-songy as she rushes to intercept their son. “Genie weenie beanie baby,” she calls, “you’re… dreamin’. Oooooohh, I’m the, uh… ghost of Thanksgiving future. You gotta go back to bed. Or the turkey’s gonna be dry.”
“Nooo,” Gene drawls after a sleepy moment. “You’re a mom-poster. Dad’s turkey would never be dry.”
Bob snickers to himself, huffing as he uses the counter to regain his footing. He pulls out his masterpiece and cuts a slice for Gene.
A/N: their love language is shitty puns <3
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
I am multi-faceted and can't decide between fluff and smut today. Lol. So, NSFW Snuggle and/or SFW Clothing for 🐺 (duh)? If you do the clothing one, maybe Jack wearing his girl's shirt? It's always the girl wearing the guy's stuff. Let's branch out. Lol. Jack is smol. It would work. Hah.
Sideways related, because wolf, but I'm enjoying the 10th Kingdom gifs you've been posting too. 👍
Glad you enjoy the 10th Kingdom content! I put that in my queue when I rewatched it some time ago so this is just perfect timing for more woof content 😂
I am going with the sfw prompt because it immediately gave me an idea (took a bit longer though because I saw your ask really late last night and was already half asleep by that point 😅). You did say girl's shirt (and I agree more boyfriends should wear their girlfriend's clothes) but it turned more gn!reader other than the mention of reader owning dresses (fashion has no gender but ya know).
Hope you like it 💙
Tangled Up
Send me a prompt and a character and I'll write a reader drabble
tags: fluff | Scent Kink (hinted) | established relationship | mentions of reader owning dresses | gn!reader
ships: Jack Russell/Reader
(edit: I just now realized I totally forgot to put the tags in. I am so sorry 😭)
(edit 2: added AO3 link)
Tumblr media
[CLOTHING] Person A finds Person B wearing their clothing.
You were exhausted. If everything had worked out like you had planned you'd have been in bed cuddling with your boyfriend hours ago. But of course things didn't go like you wanted them to. 
The door falls closed behind you with a heavy thud. You throw your bag to the side carelessly and walk into your flat but there is no sign of Jack. You expected him to perk up at the first sign of your arrival but alas neither hide nor hair of your werewolf boyfriend in either the living room or kitchen. 
"Jack? I'm home, baby!" 
Your call is left unanswered. That's unusual. Your brows furrow as you wander your flat until you stand in front of your bedroom door. Inside you hear a soft whimper. Your heart sinks into your stomach, dread pulling it down heavily. 
Was Jack hurt? Is that why he didn't greet you as soon as you entered the flat? 
With panic rising in your throat you open the door. The sight that greets you takes your breath away. 
In what can only be described as a nest of clothing lies Jack, dressed in nothing but a very familiar looking hoodie. He's curled around your pillow, your pajamas squished between it and his face. Every inhale of air is followed by a soft little whine from Jack. 
He looks so cute that it hurts you physically. 
You clear your throat awkwardly and at the sound his face immediately pops up. As Jack sees you his eyes grow wide and with an excited yelp he tries to scramble off of his makeshift nest. In his haste he gets tangled in some of the laundry. It's an adorable sight, like a puppy stuck in a blanket. 
You try and fail to stifle your giggling as you watch Jack struggle to get out of his nest. You decide to have mercy on him and walk over to him. He looks up at you as you stand at the edge of the bed, his eyes sparkling with joy. Dear god, you were only gone for a while but you've missed him. And by the Look in his eyes know he missed you too. 
You lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips. 
"Sorry for keeping you waiting, love" 
"You're here now. That's what matters, mi amor."
Your eyes wander his handsome face and travel downwards to the hoodie he had wrapped himself in. On closer inspection you realize why it looked so familiar. 
"That's mine, isn't it?" 
Jack tries to hide his embarrassment and his face inside the hoodie. His antics make you laugh again. He mumbles something into the soft fabric that you don't quite catch. 
Your hands cup his face and you tilt his head up tentatively, his eyes looking right into yours. No words leave your lips, you just raise your eyebrow, silently asking him to repeat himself.
"It's all yours,” he admits, gesturing towards the piles and piles of clothing. Shirts, pants, dresses, underwear, everything he could get his hands on, “I missed you, mi vida. So I-...well…"
You can feel the heat in his cheeks against your fingers. You're breathless for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest. He had missed you so much that his first instinct was to surround himself with your things, your scent. 
The love you feel for him swallows you whole, like crashing waves pulling you down. It’s too much all at once, this ocean of emotion in which you'd gladly drown.
“I love you,” you choke out the words, tears of joy threatening to spill out at a moment's notice. His kind eyes watch you, his own breath caught in his throat as he recognizes the raw emotion on your face. His hands find yours against his cheek and he pulls them to his mouth, his lips peppering soft kisses to your palm and wrist.
“I love you too. More than words can describe.”
Jack pulls you towards him onto the bed. You follow his lead and join him on the pile of laundry that you’ll have to take care of at some point. But those thoughts were for later. Much later.
You lay together and bask in each other's presence. Jack curls around you like he had with your pillow before you found him and mirroring his movements you entangle your limbs with his until you don’t know where he begins and you end. You bury your face into his neck to breathe him in. You don’t need his enhanced sense of smell to notice how the scent of your favorite perfume that still clings to the fabric of your hoodie mingles with his own. You’re usually not the possessive kind and yet heat coils in your stomach.
You try to pull him even closer to you, only your clothes as a barrier between your two bodies. You want to feel his skin on yours but for now you are too comfortable just existing like this, with him curled around you and you curled around him in turn. A pleased sigh escapes Jack as you squeeze him tighter, his hands holding onto you like he never wants to let you go. And you return the sentiment. There is nothing that could come between you now, nothing that could make you let go of him. At least until you decide to strip Jack out of your favorite hoodie. 
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riemmetric · 8 months
I've never related to Rory Gilmore, because she was beautiful and boys fell in love with her left and right, and I was ugly, and not much of a reader when I was young anyway. I've always regarded her as nothing more than a character in the show and took her relationships they way they were given to me, because I was never much into shipping non-canonical ships. So the discourse surrounding her now and the multitude of "the fall of Rory Gilmore" and "Rory sucks, actually", that people are coming up with nowadays seem to me a little excessive. Rory is a girl who grew up having the best of both worlds, really. The close relationship with her mother that Lorelei never had and the financial support of her extended family that Lorelei never had. She grows up sheltered and makes mistakes when she goes out into the world and experiences its different facets. She goes to college to pursue a childhood dream, but it's rare for a childhood dream to continue into adulthood, after one learns more about oneself, so she falters in her decision and takes time off school to figure out if it was really the right choice for her (normal, and I wish I had had to courage to do the same). Sometimes her boyfriends hurt her, and sometimes she hurts them too (Grey's Anatomy syndrome: this is how you can create conflict in a show that keeps people watching). She's a young woman finding her place in the world and she's not perfect, she's not evil, and she's not the model for every single young girl going to college. She's not my favourite character in Gilmore Girls but I think she's fine. I think she's a good character. I like some things she does, I hate some things she does, I'm annoyed by some things she does and I relate to some things she does, and I think the hate coming her way comes from: 1. people looking for clicks on their videos (fair enough, it's a jungle out there) and 2. people who don't have the money to go to a fancy university and hurt seeing her almost throw it all away (I understand, but a characters need internal conflicts, not just external, this is a good one, and sometimes art is uncomfortable).
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dryad-of-the-dogwood · 7 months
The Grav Jump Tango Chapter 9: The Temple’s Toll Pairing: Sam Coe x Spacefarer
Despite all the effort Cass had put into picking a landing spot on the sunny side of Guniibuu IV, dusk had fallen and the stars were beginning to paint murals in the sky before she and Sam made it back to the Horizon. At some point, the path carved out of the crater had shifted fully into a gorge half hidden under overhanging rocks, and finally hit a dead end that meant they had to backtrack after all.
As far as dead ends go, it wasn’t the worst one Sam had ever seen, and not only because he wasn’t cornered in it with anyone shooting at him. There were huge crystal outcrops sprouting in the middle and reaching up toward the sky like that little hidden space was this planet’s version of a garden, and the crystals its flowers. A crystalline crust, Cass had said based off the readings on her scanner, and jokingly lamented that the magma that had created them wasn’t doing anything to warm the rest of the planet.
The way the stars glittered as they emerged reminded Sam of those crystals, though. The sunlight filtering down through the rocky overlook had turned them into prisms when the rays struck the crystal facets a certain way. Watching the galaxy slowly fade into light overhead definitely evoked a similar feeling.
Cass seemed to notice him looking and said quietly, “It is gorgeous out here. One of the worst things about growing up in the Well was never getting to see the sky. I used to sneak out in the middle of the night when I was a kid just to sit on the bridge by the lake and watch the stars reflect in the water. Not that New Atlantis is exactly the best view of them, with all the light pollution, but you know. You take what you can get.”
“Somehow I’d never really thought about how it must be livin’ in the Well,” Sam admitted.
“Most people don’t, and that’s how MAST likes it,” she said with a sigh. “They rationalize it that we’ve—they’ve—got everything they need to survive down there. Which probably makes sense if you don’t count any of those pesky little facts like that the MedBay only has Dr. O’Shea and everyone’s packed in like cargo, so any kind of outbreak is bound to turn deadly sooner rather than later. But surviving ain’t the same thing as living anyway, and very few people unlucky enough to be born down there ever really get out.”
He debated asking how she’d managed it, how she’d gone from sneaking out just to see the stars to ending up with the Horizon. But before he could decide whether it was more likely she’d answer or just flip that switch to smirk and deflect, the ship came into view and she picked up her pace with a relieved sigh.
Sam thought he’d managed to shove the way she’d smiled at him to the back of his mind until they’d both hung their spacesuits in the landing bay and headed toward the galley to look for the others. On the way, Cass gave up trying to shake the frost out of her hair and just started unbraiding it to let it dry. It was completely innocuous, or it should have been. If it wasn’t for how he caught himself fixating on the way she gathered her thick waves in her hands and let them fall around her face, and how he had to all but pry his eyes away.
All right fine, so she was attractive, and for more than just her sense of humor or the way she smiled. That wasn’t illegal, even if it might feel like it should be when she flirted with him on purpose just to try to throw him off. It was still an incredibly stupid thing to just stand around letting himself notice when he knew damn well he’d never do anything about it. Even if she kept everyone at a distance for good reasons like he suspected, that wasn’t something he could change.
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starlight-phantom · 1 year
Ai the somnium files for the fandoms ask? You can include nirvana initiative if you want :3
I think I did one of these for AI about a month ago??? But my memory's terrible so I might as well just do it again 👍
3 male characters I love:
Kaname Date, I'm usually not a fan of the pervy character in things, but Date works so well because 1) He thinks all these things and makes comments but he never actually does stuff to people to make them uncomfortable, and 2) It's not his defining characteristic, he's so much more than horny. Like he's a great detective, he cares about his peers and wants to keep them safe, he's a great father figure even if he doesn't really know what he's doing, he's just such a great character. Also Greg Chun's performance is 👌👌👌
Kuruto Ryuki, *slaps roof* this boy can fit so many mental illnesses. I love this boy but goddamn he is a filthy liar whenever he says "I'm fine". But his story was so engaging and you really feel for him when it clicks into place. Like I've been giving the game a second playthrough with the knowledge of the twist and wow so many scenes hit different. Also, this is the first time I've heard Stephen Fu in a big role (The only other time I've heard him is Douma from KNY and he's only appeared a couple of times so far) and wow, I really wanna hear more of his work because his performance was incredible.
Pewter, I dunno he dresses like a fruity Pokémon villain and he's got an awkward yet charming personality. Not to mention, his story in the right path of the first game made me feel so bad for him... Like damn, just let this man be happy please, he deserves it. Also, I know I'm a broken record, but Sean Chiplock's performance, his delivery on the weirder lines are so funny (Yes I am thinking about the chairs line, how did you know?)
3 female characters I love:
Aiba, I fucking adore Aiba. She's the best. I love how she's the straight man to Date's shenanigans IRL but when they're in somniums, Date is the straight man to her shenanigans, I love her excitement whenever she sees bugs, I love how she knows Date so well she can manipulate him into being a better fighter, I love her lil jelly hamster form, I love Erika Harlacher's performance, I just really, really love Aiba.
Mizuki Date, I don't even know where to start with Mizuki... She's honestly one of the best written child characters I've seen in a game. And this poor girl has been through so much in both games but her route in the first game had me sobbing buckets. Not to mention, Corrina Boegetter's performance, they really knocked it out of the park for every single facet of Mizuki's personality. Also they genuinly managed to sound like a twelve year old, that's impressive all by itself.
Shizue Kuranushi, Listen... I am not immune to hot women voiced by Allegra Clark, okay? I'm only human. But seriously... Her design, her personality, her dedication to her co-workers, her office and the funny interactions that come from all the stuff she just doesn't throw away, and the fact that's somehow simultaneously a girlboss and a cringefail milf???? Impressive. She has the range, darling.
Also, quick shout-out to Tama, I adore her and her crazy laugh so much
3 romantic ships I love:
Kaname Date/Hitomi Sagan, god those two are so cute, really bummed they barely interacted in the sequel...
Kaname Date/Kuruto Ryuki, Date has two hands. But seriously, the admiration Ryuki has for Date and the way they watch out for each other is really sweet
Iris Sagan/Amame Doi, cute bubblegum colours but also they have each others backs and they always have fun hanging out with each other
There was another ship I wanted to add but it's spoilery and a mutual was considering potentially checking out the series so I thought it would be best to leave it out. But if you've played the first game, you can probably guess who it is.
3 platonic dynamics I love:
Kaname Date/Mizuki Date, I mean... Chances are if you've been following me for a while you know that I am just a huge sucker for family dynamics. And the dynamic of adopted father/daughter viewing each other as their real family but being too embarrassed to admit is something I adore.
Kuruto Ryuki/Tama, I love these two so much. I love how IRL Ryuki is just so done with all of Tama's dirty jokes and then in somniums Tama is so done with all of Ryuki's weird suggestions and skits. But also it's their concern for each other, you can tell they're partners. I feel like the best example of this is when Tama insists that Ryuki goes to the hospital no matter how much he protests, like... She just wants him to be safe and healthy...
Ota Matsushita/Mayumi Matsushita, god the Ota route destroyed me when I played through it but seeing them as a family getting through their issues was so sweet. I won't go into detail because it's personal but a few months ago I went offline for a while because of a family emergency and it's because of similar situation to Mayumi. So yeah, playing that hit hard.
3 favorite moments in canon:
The ending scenes of both games. If you know, you know.
Again, I wanna avoid spoilers but the Annihilation Route interrogation. Holy shit that scene was incredible.
The final scene in the final Somnium of Nirvana Initiative. Just... Goddamn that hit hard and the delivery of the "I have no regrets!" Crushed me.
3 favorite headcanons:
I honestly can't think of any headcannons off the top of my head... And I've been typing this response for way longer I intended... Sorry...
3 least favorite things about it:
Some of the somniums can have some obscure logic but like... Not in the way that you proud when you figure it out, but more angry in a "how the hell was I supposed to figure that out?" Kinda way.
I really hate how Ryuki and Tama just got kinda shoved to the side halfway through Nirvana Initiative. Like they stole the show for a lot of their scenes and then once the Mizuki Route started they barely appeared and when they did, they weren't really shown in the best light, especially Ryuki. Granted there's a plot reason for this but still... It's disappointing. If there's an AI3, I hope they get more screentime.
I feel like Tearer really didn't get enough screentime in Nirvana Initiative, especially when unmasked. Like c'mon this is the main antagonist, give us more of him! Especially considering his entire backstory, that's a lot of really interesting stuff to build off of! Also just... I wanted to hear more of Billy Kametz' villainous performance. It was rare to hear him in those roles but he was so damn good in them.
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Summary: An attempt to get Roman and Remus to get along fails and leaves Remus reeling. Indulging in a bad habit to try and keep the thoughts away from Thomas leads to Logan finding out, though instead of the ridicule he’s expecting, he receives kindness instead.
Warnings: self harm, slight unsympathetic Roman, slight disassociation, hurt with happy ending Ships: platonic intrulogical, Logan x Remus
Word Count: 2, 140
AO3 Link
"You're just useless! Nothing you do has any purpose other than to torment and I'm so sick of it!"
Remus recoiled from his brother's harsh words, cookies spilled on the floor from where he had swept them away. He had been rather pleased with how vague the penis shape actually was, chocolate chips painstakingly placed so you'd only notice if you looked closely. Roman had looked closely.
Sometimes Remus genuinely couldn't help doing things impulsively; the idea had come to his mind and he had done it without a thought to any possible repercussions and now Roman was mad and it had actually been going well for once but now he had ruined it just like he always did and what if he just stabbed him to get rid of the problem?
The thought came abruptly and without prompt, making him blink back to reality as Roman continued to rant before noticing he hadn't been paying attention.
"But of course you don't care. You aren't even paying attention to a word I'm saying. You ruin everything and I don't understand why I even try!" Ever the dramatic, Roman sunk out with a final huff and throw of his arms, leaving Remus stuck standing trembling in the middle of a mess. No one else was around, leaving the twins alone for "bonding time". Wasn't that a laugh and a half.
'I wonder if the cookies could act like marbles in those old cartoons and I'd slip and fall and crack my head open and-' Drawing a shaky breath his busied himself with cleaning to try and dispel the unwanted thoughts. It was in his nature to be impulsive, brash. He was loud and insistent, truly the living embodiment of Intrusive Thoughts that plagued Thomas' mind when it got to be too much to hold in.
'What if you smashed your hand in the oven?' He turned the oven off and went to grab a broom. 'How hard would you have to fall for a broom to stab through your intestines? How fast would you have to run to stab someone else's?'
Kitchen relatively clean he spun around once more to make sure. 'Just grab a knife. You don't have to use it, just feel it.'
If he sunk out while holding the fridge could he smash Roman with it?
Roman's dark blood staining the carpet an even deeper red.
Remus standing by as the other screamed.
How easy would those screams be to shut up.
How easily would he be to shut up.
Could facets die? Was it worth trying to find out?
Subconsciously he realized he was walking down the hall to his room, eyed glazed over as the thoughts continued making him feel spacey and fake. He shut the door behind him and stood for what felt like hours, head going everywhere and no where at once until one thought forced him to snap out of it slightly.
'You're going to hurt Thomas. You're going to make him want to hurt others.'
He embodied intrusive thoughts and "bad" creativity but most of the time those thoughts were just remembering unpleasant sensations or thinking of a crude or out of context joke that would be inappropriate to say out loud. It was random, harmless thought spirals that most of the time you could shake your way out of and Remus simply did whatever random thing there was to do around the mind scape to get rid of excess energy. When he was upset however, the thought spirals grew darker, more suggestive, supplying ghastly images that he wouldn't mind seeing if it was sat in front of a horror movie but as it was...
Persistent thoughts continued to pound through his head, flicking between hurt to angry to apathetic and back before he could breathe. He wanted to hurt something, someone, and he could practically feel the toxic mindset leaching into Thomas' thought process even as he struggled to contain it. He ripped through his desk drawers desperately, everything neat despite his chaotic nature though the desperation rose as hiding spot after hiding spot came up empty. Chewed nails scraped at the underside of the bed frame then groped in the darkest corners of his room. His eyes landed on a small picture frame, a drawing he had done that Janus had framed long ago before any of this had been a problem and quickly went to rip it off the wall.
Taped to the back a small blade glinted passively in the dull light, making his breath hitch in relief as he grabbed it out of its confines. His sleeve went up without a thought until he forced all of concentration on the task at hand.
The first few, well several, cuts were nothing. His skin tingled numbly as straight lines were drawn across it, taking a second or two to well up with blood but by then he had already moved on. Just a small patch, right below his elbow on his outer arm. Thicker skin made for more lines. It wasn't until they began to overlap that he truly felt it, minutes later, stinging and angry and flowing and...
His mind was silent for once. Blissful peace after the turmoil of not ten minutes before hand. The razor fell to the floor as he bit his lip tiredly and stared at the slow growing puddle on the floor. The blood flow slowed, just barely pulsing out with his heartbeat. Looking around reality set itself in place and the slight whooshing in his ears abated just enough for him to hear persistent knocking at the door.
Scrambling in a half panic Remus yanked his sleeve back down, letting out a hiss before shoving a blanket to the floor and stumbling over to the door, nearly getting a fist to his face when he got it open.
Logan's startled face quickly knitted into concern as he glanced Remus over, pursing his lips in thought.
"What is it Nerdy Wolverine." His tone was flat but he couldn't bring himself to care.
"I overheard your argument, I thought it would be alright to assume you may need some level of...comfort."
Remus laughed tiredly. "Did Ro not open his door?"
Logan had the decency to look confused. "I don't know, I didn't check."
"You didn't....check on Roman? You came for me first?" It had to be a trick, some idiotic set up Patton had created. Check on the evil twin first to make sure he isn't wrecking havoc then check the better one to be sure he's okay. "Get out."
He slammed the door unceremoniously in the logical sides face, leaning against it heavily.
"Remus." His voice came through muffled. "I assure you I mean well. Roman can be...a lot. I simply wish to make sure everything is alright."
Remus didn't answer.
"Remus I will be frank," and Remus could barely make out the added 'though my name is Logan' mumbled as an afterthought. "I smelled the blood. Either you tell me why or I will come in and figure it out myself."
Swallowing Remus called out weakly. "It was an experiment Google Dex, it's fine."
"The fact that there was not one disturbing punchline in that sentence says otherwise."
"You can't come in."
"I could."
"I might hurt you."
"You won't."
"I'm dangerous."
"You're not."
"You don't know that."
"I do."
"I ruin everything."
"You aren't ruining anything."
"You've said that before. To Virgil."
"Yes. But saying it before to a different person doesn't make the statement any less true."
Remus gripped at his still bleeding arm, knocking his head against the door softly before rocking himself to his feet and stepping back. "Fine."
The door opened and Logan immediately swept the room before settling on first the tipped drawers, then the blanket still heaped on the floor and finally settling on Remus himself. He zeroed in on the arm he was still holding, prompting the darker side to drop it immediately even though it was too late. Silently Logan held out his hand and looked imploringly at Remus, starting him to comply.
"I know. And it's alright Remus it truly is. I just want to help."
Confused but intrigued Remus let his hands be taken and tugged to the bed, giving a half hearted eye brow wiggle that earned a small smirk from Logan before he snapped up a first aid kit. He carefully rolled up the sleeve, not even flinching as the mess was revealed to him. Five baby wipes and a roll of gauze later his arm was bandaged neatly, causing him to look questioningly at the other.
"How are you so calm about this? You don't-"
"No. But I know basic first aid." Logan sat back and looked up at him. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Remus looked up and away, tugging his sleeve back down and wincing at the dull ache the action caused. "I made Roman mad because I was being stupid-"
"Falsehood. Try again."
Snapping his head back he opened and shut his mouth before blurting out another excuse. "Roman yelled because I was being impulsive-"
"Nope. Again."
"I was-"
"Remus." Logan’s tone effectively shutting him up he couldn't help but squirm in confusion. "You didn't do anything. Maybe you could have discussed the....creative take you were going with with your design, but you had split the batch had you not? Roman should have stayed out of what you were doing with yours."
"You were watching?"
"I wanted to make sure no one got hurt. You two tend to become physical and I was there to expel any conflict should it turn violent. I was not however, prepared for a one sided screaming match. Roman has been stressed and while that isn't an excuse it isn't a new occurrence. Why was this-" Logan gestured to his arm. "Done as a stress response? You've argued before haven't you?"
Remus twisted his fingers together. "My head gets loud. And bad. Sometimes I'm afraid I'll make Thomas hurt something, so I hurt instead to calm it for a while."
Logan nodded. "That's perfectly understandable."
"It is?"
"Unhealthy. But yes, understandable. I will ask that you try finding a less destructive way to calm these thoughts. You may think this is helping Thomas but I assure you he'd much rather work with you in a healthy way than you destroying yourself in the background."
Slowly, Remus blinked down at him. "What?"
"I said-"
"I know what you said I just...why do you care?"
Logan stood. "Why wouldn't I? You are an integral part of who we are and as unconventional as you may be at times, you are still apart of the family. I care a great deal."
He said this flippantly, as if it was obvious, completely oblivious to the way it took Remus' breath and heart and soul and made him want to projectile vomit it onto the floor in front of the other man's feet.
"You really care?" Remus blurts out quietly.
"Of course." Logan's reply is simple, logical. Clipped but with an undertone that was unmistakably kind even with the impassivity he was attempting to pull off. He sucked in a breath as a hand was extended to him, looking up with a raised eyebrow.
"I thought you might like company, and it might be a good idea to not be in this room right now. Staying in a place of hurt often makes you want to continue the hurt and I'd rather it cease for today."
Hesitantly Remus took the offered hand and followed Logan out the door and into another room lined with books and posters and odd sciencey bits and baubles. He immediately gravitated towards the bookshelf after getting a nod of consent from the owner, plopping down and curling to the side to read the spines. Feeling a nudge he turned and was met with a plate with a few of his cookie creations placed neatly on it.
"Some weren't knocked down and were salvageable. The chip placement makes for a very symmetrical taste experience that I quite enjoy." Remus looked on in amazement as Logan prattled on, taking a cookie for himself and watching Logan take two before sitting down at his desk to eat and work. Grinning to himself he stuffed the rest of the treats in his mouth and bent at a different angle to read book titles again, sharing the silence with the other side contentedly.
He still felt bad and useless and a million other things at once that crawled beneath his skin and raged against his nerves. He looked over at Logan happily munching away at the crude cookie making him smile wider.
He still felt shitty but maybe there were things he didn't ruin after all.
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pctaldrunk · 1 year
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@caelestcs​ asked   :    4. multiple people threads | 17. fanon interpretations | 30. your choice~   -   TOPICS (ACCEPTING)
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4. multiple people threads   -           I’ve done this historically (not on this blog), and...it simultaneously works and doesn’t? In my experience one person always tends to die/fall off the earth/etc. and then the thread’s just stuck there, forever. It’s hard enough to get two people matching up in terms of pace and muse, so like...adding more people to that is just...even more variables. Also sometimes modes of interaction might be different between muns - say I’m super comfy just being chaotic with one mun where I might feel more serious with another one - having them both in the same thread might produce a very confusing dynamic. That being said - I’m always open to trying a multiple person thread. It’s nice when you want to write, say, an ot3, and each muse can have their own mun, etc. etc.
17. fanon interpretations   -          Honestly...to me, roleplay is literally indivisible from fanon. Obviously, basing your entire muse off A Popular Fanpost about Said Character or a Popular Fandom Caricature of Said Character is...well, not necessarily a creative decision I would enjoy or agree with. But no matter how In Character you write your muse (and everyone here is legendary in that art, by the way) - you’re developing dynamics, universes, meanings and growths that would otherwise never have happened in canon. Everyone in the rpc I assume wants to develop their muse/see them grow and change and explore different facets of them that were perhaps not emphasized in canon through interaction and whatever plotting we throw their way - therefore, we all to some degree venture into fanon eventually because we grow larger than and hopefully in other also interesting directions in regards to canon. 
Also, in the year of our lord 2k23 I think the number one thing I sincerely wish for the rpc is to respect each other’s takes. Something something live and let live and let’s not have irl irreconcilable fights over fictional characters, fictional worlds and their fictional lives. Again - let me not pretend to be a saint. There are takes in the general fandom tags and takes in general of specific canon instances, characters, ships, etc. that I roll my eyes at and feel my blood pressure rising about and enjoy less creatively and in terms of complexity - but I won’t say (except jokingly) that those takes are Inherently Wrong. I personally don’t enjoy them, I personally don’t agree with them, but none of us are the author and therefore not one of us is the ultimate right portrayal. Maybe to me the villain is dimensional and full of contradictions and points on which I feel sympathy - but to someone else they might j u s t be the mustache twirling ultimate pure evil. We can feel how we feel and not have to justify it by being “right.” We just...all have different vibes. To quote some S.tephen S.ondheim wisdom, “someone is on your side, someone else is not.” Some may agree with one portrayal more than another but that doesn’t mean the other one doesn’t have its own values. 
That is all given the fanon in question isn’t actually harmful to anyone irl, anyway. I personally tend to stray away from popular fanon because I like to hold onto portrayal notes and emotional conflicts that are unique to me.
30. your choice!    -          I wish we would all just decide if we’re all going to hold on to legacy until we die or if we use beta, tbh : ‘ ) Right now I’m switching between the two editors like a madwoman for all my threads and I literally cannot remember what I wrote in legacy and what I wrote in beta and it’s a tiny bit of a disaster (but shhh)
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vittrup90bitsch · 2 years
replica birkin bag 16
Replica Hermes Birkin Bags Store Rich MARRON FONCE dark brown with Palladium hardware. Very stylish and complex this elegant bag is a collectors piece. Comes with lock, keys, clochette, sleeper. Among the rarest and most coveted of the unique leathers, ostrich skin is extremely distinguishable by the whimsical polka-dot-patterned pores across its facade. And the key here is to correctly qualify the source that you’re going to get from. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags/replica-birkin-bag.html The place that I’m going to let you know is a secret to a lot of people. It’s an open secret, but it’s a secret nonetheless. The Birkin bags are handmade in France utilizing the corporate's signature saddle stitching, developed in the 1800s. Each bag is hand-sewn, buffed, painted, and polished, taking several days to finish. Leathers are obtained from different tanners in France, leading to varying smells and textures. A new Birkin to have a lovely leather smell that counterfeiters just cannot duplicate. Unlike a lot of the huge name design houses, we don’t cost to ship your handbags to you once you’ve bought them. Where to get a prime quality replica handbags like Louis vuitton,Chanel,Gucci online? Whether we approve of it or not, replica designer handbags purchases are enhancing daily and if we look a bit closer, there... For those that love the Birkin Bag fashion but choose a handbag that might be worn off the shoulder, the elegant Ainifeel Bag keeps the important components and throws in an adjustable shoulder strap. Frankly, it's best quality bag I even have ever got from them. Hi Amy, I know the place to purchase good replicas Hermes baggage,please let me know your email address or sky.Thank you. Oh yes, and i'd additionally wish to get ahold of the brand new LV 2017 blue elephant holdall. wikipedia handbags She wore a primary sheer top paired with skinny black denims, All Saints boots, Ray-Ban sun shades, and a Gucci Leather 1973 Small Shoulder Bag. English mannequin, Kate Moss, was spotted leaving Topshop’s store in London with a Gucci Monogram Bag. The company says the high costs stem from Birkins’ impeccable,consideration to details and unmatchable craftsmanship. This is Ask the Experts, where our favorite trend know-it-alls share their wisdom. For example, Birkins with more unique leathers will retail for four to five occasions the worth of one with togo and epsom leathers. "They are available variations of leather-based, together with epsom, togo, swift, alligator, ostrich, lizard, box calf, and crocodile, amongst others," she adds when discussing materials. "Hardware options embrace gold, palladium, rose gold, and permabrass, also amongst others." Recently, the Birkin 25 was released in a wicker material. Mightychic provides an Hermes Birkin 25 bag featured in traditional Gold. This impartial Hermes Birkin is the all time good neutral statement. The single-handle handbag is the Kelly, but the Birkin has two handles. The handles of an genuine Birkin have an upside-down U shape that stands away from the edge of the bag about 5 inches. Look for every deal with's attachment to the bag to be overstitched to strengthen the purpose of stress. If the bag would not function the saddle sew, you must take it as an indication the bag is a pretend. Also, it was revealed that only about 10% of the leather-based is used in the production of every bag and every educated artisan handles the entire course of. In different phrases, this makes the production of a Hermes Birkin bag solely depending on the number of well trained artisans within the company. This is why it takes time earlier than stores are capable of receive these baggage which not directly makes it tough for the regular lady to purchase. I am additionally looking for the traditional Birkin. Each reliable Hermes Birkin bag has a code stamp printed on the interior facet, and we advocate that you simply never skip this step o tips on how to spot faux Hermes Birkin luggage. Above, we've pointed out how, on the real vs faux Hermes Birkin bag, the screws on the extremities of the pretend Hermes Birkin bag appear to be curvier than the screws on the authentic Hermes bag. As you'll have the ability to see in the actual vs pretend Hermes Birkin bag image above, we've pointed out how the fake Hermes bag appears to have the negative contained in the hardware quite… empty. As for the fourth and the last pointer in the actual vs fake Hermes Birkin picture above, we’ve noticed how the replica Hermes Birkin bag has the “MADE IN FRANCE” print flawed too.
0 notes
lotionbone11 · 2 years
Secrets to Manufacture a Premium eCommerce Web site Plan for Your Factory.
Whatever you are offering nowadays, whether it is food, shoes, cake, or anything in between, you need a shopping web site. An e-commerce website lets you develop as well as advertise your brand, connect directly with your clients, and also offer more. Nonetheless, an improperly established e-commerce site will certainly ward off the anticipated favorable result. A smart ecommerce website design focus on putting the proper elements right into place. It utilizes the best color mixes and also mixes the right font styles, encouraging words, quality pictures, as well as expertly designed graphics to persuade site visitors to buy. Your ecommerce internet site must draw in potential customers, offer an excellent user experience and produce even more conversions. Below are the top 5 suggestions for an effective shopping site design: Make it Simple. As a result of the bells as well as whistles called for in an e-commerce web site, there are possibilities that you will keep your shopping website complicated. Nevertheless, simple is far better when it comes to a shopping site layout. The even more disruptive elements on the internet page, the much more your potential consumers will be drifted away from the focal point-- conversion. You do not need a lots of shades, banners, and also pop-ups on your shopping web site; they only end up sidetracking the site visitors. Maintain your web site simple, tidy, clear, and concentrate on conversion. Have the Audience in Mind. Placing the users first in every style facet is crucial to making a website that connects with your target market. Typically, there are a few things your potential customers desire in an e-commerce website; flawless navigation, sound layout, as well as an uncomplicated shopping process from item screen to checkout. In order for your shopping organization to prosper, you have to provide the potential customers those points.
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commander-krios · 3 years
12, 23, or 25 for either of your kotor ships? 💐
I love your writing!
12. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss. For Revan x Canderous
So I decided to use #12 since it seemed the most fun to write for Revan and Canderous. Thank you for the suggestions! I must apologize for sitting on this so long, though! I hope you see this and enjoy your fic. <3
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Canderous tried his best to ignore these newfound feelings he had for the woman beside him, knowing that at any moment, he might have to sacrifice everything to make sure Malak met his demise. But he couldn’t help himself. It’d been years since he’d felt any sort of romantic feelings for anyone. Usually, he threw himself into his work, forgoing any real relationships in favor of the fleeting.
But the moment he glanced at the tiny raven haired woman, knowing exactly who she was and what she’d done, he couldn’t help the tightening in his gut. She was strong. She was beautiful. She was dangerous. It enticed him. It scared him to death.
What bewildered him the most about these feelings wasn’t that he felt them, but that she reciprocated them.
The rest of their crew: Carth, Bastila, and the others… none knew what was happening right under their noses. If they did, Canderous was sure that they’d throw him from the starship into the waiting blackness of space. Maybe he deserved it. Maybe he was fooling himself into thinking he meant more to Revan than a few quick kisses in secret.
But Canderous liked it. He liked having a secret. He liked the things he felt when he kissed Revan. Maybe he was a glutton for punishment, but he almost believed he could love the woman.
All thoughts left his head when he felt Revan’s soft hand slip into his. The touch was a surprise since they were still in public. Glancing down at her, his heart nearly stopped at the suggestive smirk he was greeted with. He had to suppress a groan at that look.
“It appears we are free, Canderous. What do you say to some quality time? Just the two of us?” Her smile only widened as he fidgeted beside her. She knew exactly what she was doing to him and it pleased her.
She was going to kill him.
All he could do was nod, his voice failing him at the triumphant gleam in her eyes. When it came to a battle of wills, she would always win. He knew that, there was no fighting it. He crumbled beneath the weighty gaze of those dark eyes. She saw every facet of his personality, getting him to reveal the worst of his secrets. There was so much she could see without words. He was beginning to learn that the Force revealed a lot, but he enjoyed their conversations, knowing she appreciated his honesty in all things personal and professional.
As they stood there, staring at each other while people walked past, Canderous could feel himself giving in. Squeezing her hand gently, he responded with a grin of his own. He would do anything for this woman and as she pulled him through the crowds to wherever her desired destination was, Canderous swore at himself for he knew he was falling deeper in love with each step they took.
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reginarubie · 3 years
Let’s get one thing straight.
Just because Sansa is my favorite character it doesn’t mean I hate Daenerys just because.
Just because I say there are some of the choices Daenerys makes that I don’t like, that there are facets of her character I have problems with, just because I say that I don’t think she is the best option for the Realm it does not mean I hate her.
Just because I say that I think she might do a complete Anakin Skywalker so burn still KL (maybe for a honest mistake maybe in a fit of rage as when she gave her leave for a professional torturer to torture the wine seller daughters in front of the father to obtain information she wasn’t even sure he had) and later redeem herself dying during the fight in the Long Night does not mean I hate her.
When I say that even if she didn’t I don’t think she is the best option to rule over the Realm that doesn’t mean I hate her character or don’t see the potential it has.
It just means I see her for what she is: a flawed character (as flawed as real historical monarchs were). But not that I hate her.
True monarchs were as petty, as cruel and even worse than Daenerys is shown to be. Others were better and other lesser, doesn’t mean I have to like all of them.
Besides how petty it is the hate a character to the point you insult people over it? (And I am talking of Sansa here)
How petty it is to insult and throw hate at someone real over a fictional character?
I’m sorry, it does just not compute in my mind.
You can express your opinion as very well as you like but you should not resort to insults because what I say is unpleasant to you especially because it cannot be disputed since it is canon.
What more I can write as many JonSa fics, as many Jonerys fics and as many other ships fics I want to write. Period.
Otherwise that is my freedom you are trying to take away...
... would you look at that?And we know that the first thing that Daenerys fights for (especially in the mind of her fans) is freedom.
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
Ok so I finally got caught up on CMM (anon, I have a lot going on right now, maybe don’t send me over ten asks with spoilers in them… I pinkie promise I’ll post once I read it) and thoughts-
Obviously the big one is Shannon and Hope. I would’ve paid all my gems to talk to either one of them, but I’m still a little salty that we did have to pay. For such a short scene, they recycled 30% of the dialogue towards the beginning and that was annoying. It would’ve been so easy to make them unique. Hope absolutely would have been insecure and said ‘did anyone ask about me’, but Shannon wouldn’t. Shannon doesn’t care, she could’ve said something like “lol does anyone even remember me?” or “it’s totally fine, sounds like it was an original islanders only party”. The reasons they gave for not being there were pretty good, and it makes me feel better than in-canon they weren’t un-invited. Hope’s part was much longer than Shannon’s but I liked Shannon’s more.
My big issue with the phone calls was that Hope’s call was just… flat. In the villa, Hope was smiling all the time, super expressive and warm, and her call just seemed really… flat. It lacked a warmth that being BFFs with her merits. And the conceit, that she’s at a stuffy wellness retreat trying to schmooze a client with her boss, would’ve been really ripe for her being expressive. Like “omg thank god a normal person, I’ve been doing nothing but smiling and agreeing all weekend”. I did like how she expressed insecurity and then corrected herself, it showed a lot of growth. I just wish there would’ve been more sincerity and personality.
I’m not mad about Chelsea and Rocco. I kinda don’t think they’ll last, because Rocco will eventually move on and Chelsea is desperately trying to cling to the experience of the villa through him. But I feel like it was effectively foreshadowed, and seems pretty in character for the both of them. It’s not the redemption arc I was hoping for Rocco though, I still hope Rocco sits down with Lottie or Priya and properly apologizes.
Chelsea’s password being BRA? Jesus christ, give it a rest, FB. She has more than one personality trait. The CMM writers really just latched onto 1-2 cute moments with each character in the main season and decided “this is all they think and talk about”. Same with Hope saying pacifically again and Priya’s gauche sunflower print.
The escape room bit was fun, but I wish the riddles hadn’t been multiple choice (instead the typing in thing and if you get it right Chelsea’s excited but otherwise has stock lines like ‘not quite… it’s a mirror!’). Also it would’ve been more fun if another character was trapped with MC, just to see them try to solve it. The humor in that section was good though, I especially liked the reaction to throwing the box at the wall.
LOVED the new outfits, they’re all super cute but like… Why did I spent 10 gems when literally no one’s going to acknowledge the costume change?? Like surely someone would be like “what… happened? Why did you change?” or even “you changed because you’re the murderer and were getting blood off your clothes!”. But nothing.
I’m not super invested in the mystery, and I don’t really mind that. The characters and their reminiscing is more important. But like… I don’t think the clues were handled very compellingly. The clues aren’t really tied to any one specific person, and they’re not insight into how the murders took place or what enabled the person to get away. It’s just… Here’s a note Chelsea gave you, here’s a thing that was at the scene. I’d like it more if it was things like ‘a bare footprint, a half drank wine glass, a cypher with a puzzle attached’. Something that you could be like ‘x character wouldn’t know how to do that, x character likes wine’ etc. 
Also I don’t love how it seems like the murderer changes based on your choices? Like if they’ve coded it so that everyone’s possibly the murderer and it’s just revealed based on player choice who it is that’s not… A mystery… Like I’d much prefer if only 1 person was the murderer, or there was a pre-set killer for each victim.
Lucas died in my game (I’m romancing Priya), and there was a chance to flirt with him before he died. I know other people had Lottie die if Gary was the LI, so who dies if Bobby is your LI? Can you romance Lottie and the other person?
My eggs are still all in the ‘Noah’s the murderer’ basket.
I really hate how explicit the switch between the mystery and socializing has been. Obviously that’s a facet of everyone playing characters, but like three times now there’s been “let’s get back to the mystery!” or “let’s stop the mystery to socialize” and it just feels clunky and breaks up the story. I’d prefer if all of the characters collectively disregarded the characters they’re playing, except when clearly delivering dialogue in reaction to things, so that there’s less “are you in character right now or are you you?”. I’d also change it so that everyone really casually talks about their theories and the mystery but for the most part isn’t super invested in it. That way the player can choose to be the only one who cares about the mystery and solving it, or we can do away with the back and forth about it. I don’t know, I’m just not a fan of how we keep interrupting GOOD scenes like MC/her LI bonding, reminiscing with people, or Chelsea announcing her relationship to be like ‘lol let’s talk about a mystery’.
I’m shipping Lucas and Priya more than MC and Priya because when romancing her, Priya really doesn’t have any personality outside of ‘interested in MC’, versus when she’s roleplaying with Lucas or around everyone else she’s back to being herself. It’s creating this weird dynamic where the writing makes it seem like Priya is /uncomfortable/ or not herself when romancing MC, to the point where I feel guilty?? Like she seemed more in-character and excited when talking about a guy who dumped her than she has been when kissing and doing the nasty with MC all night. Like honestly you could replace her with Rahim in all her romance scenes and it would be more in-character for Rahim.
Overall I’m... Enjoying it. Like I’m not stopping mid-episode to do something else like I was with S3. But tbh I think I enjoyed Boat Party more, and I’m really only thinking about specific scenes and headcanons after putting my phone down (as opposed to S2 and S1 which lived in my head rent free after playing an episode) 
Maybe part of that is I have a really poor working memory and prefer to binge consume media instead of playing it week by week, so I lose interest each week. Once it’s fully released I’ll have to play it in one go and let yall know if it’s actually bad or I’m just bad. 
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dark-muse-iris · 2 years
Iris!!! I have a question for you - i took some time away from kpop since 2020 (i got a bit obsessive with it to a point where it was interfering with my actual life. I didn't realize I was dealing with something and kpop was my escape)..Anyway I'm in a MUCH better headspace now and would like to get back into it little by little...any advice on this? Also any new awesome songs/groups that came out since then? Hope youve been well too, i know you were gone for a while and noticed youve been active again lately. Always loved your fics. Anyway thank you for everything and hope you are doing well 💖
Hi, anon! I'm a bit delayed with messages since I was on a work trip for the last week and still trying to get caught up. I gave this some thought over the last few days and have some advice:
Listen to everything like you're a stranger wandering around a bar alone. I recommend listening to a k-pop mix playlist without knowing the names of the groups in advance. Not knowing who you're listening to until the point of falling for them is essential. Just let the algorithm throw some shit and see what sticks.
I've learned over the years that there are TONS of great groups out there who haven't been promoted or even listened to by most of my k-pop friends. Relying solely on friends for music choices will always cut off a lesser known gem OR it'll poison the well against groups who are honestly the shit and have talents worth celebrating. I've encountered a lot of music fans who claim to be bored by k-pop and have only listened to one or two groups. That's 100% a personal choice. To me, they're someone who only eats cereal and claims to not be enthused for breakfast. Breakfast could be the most magical time of your day if you went to a buffet and got some eggs and bacon and savory goodness!
I'm still sad I fell into this trap in my first year as a k-pop fan (I was a VIP and Blackjack first). I found BIGBANG and 2NE1 on my own thanks to insomnia and being up too late, but I arrived at EXO's discography about 3 years late because of stupid fanwar shit. I learned and grew from that, which is why I now pitch discovering groups solo whenever you can. I found BTS at 2 AM in 2015 and didn't make a friend over them until I was already in for over a year. A lot of my faves have gone that way. I was the only person I knew who loved Dreamcatcher for at least 2 years and no one ruined that for me because I was too far up their ass for anyone to talk me out of it. Other groups I discovered and enjoyed largely alone: KARD, AOA, Boys Republic, 9Muses, 4Minute, FIESTAR (omfggg), and I'm sure that's not all of them.
The last Korean act I discovered alone was BIBI and I think I stimmed to KAZINO for about 3 hours on the first playthrough. I had my good headphones and that was a treasured experience that no one ruined. I know one person who listens to her and we've never talked about her music. Would I trade that track for a chance to have friends around to chat up something else? Hell no! lolll
I appreciate you sharing your circumstances of being away for a while because I think personal boundaries are essential in everything. There's a lot of pressure to participate in a lot of different facets of the community/fandom and the companies absolutely market with the aim of addiction in mind. But you can be a casual listener for most groups and be a hardcore fan to a few if you want. Let's be honest: unless you're rich, you can't afford to be a diehard fan of everyone and go to all the shows and buy all the stuff. The same is true for time. You may not have time to enjoy every piece of content a group puts out. That doesn't make you less of a fan no matter what anyone says. Ultimately, my faves don't know who I am. I have almost no impact on their life aside from a number on a spreadsheet. We're all ships passing in the ocean or however the phrasing goes; as a fan, I have to make decisions I can live with long-term.
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swordandboardllc · 2 years
Book Review: Children of Time, by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Patrons received access to this post 2 days early.
If you’re looking to squirm a little out of your comfort zone, Children of Time is hands-down one of the best science fiction choices with which to do so. The story follows two major plots that converge dangerously at the end: a ship full of survivors from Earth’s self-destruction, and a planet populated by a mad scientist’s experiment gone awry. 
How awry? The experiment was to create a new type of human from rapidly evolving apes. Instead of apes, we watch the sentient evolution of something quite different from ourselves:
Don’t throw the book away! If you do, you will miss one of the most incredibly written lessons in empathy that you will ever read.
"Life is not perfect, individuals will always be flawed, but empathy – the sheer inability to see those around them as anything other than people too – conquers all, in the end."  -- Adrian Tchaikovsky
There is something truly incredible about experiencing a world so wholly differently than your own, through the eyes (or more appropriately, feet) of something that, for most of us, instinctively pulls on our fear or revulsion. I’m not arachnophobic but I do enforce a very strong policy of social distancing with the spiders in my home: keep 6’+ away from me, preferably quite out of sight and they can feast away on any pests that enter my home to their little arachnid heart’s delight. Any closer and I used to be quite firmly in the “squish it” category. It’s the fast, easy, expedient method of handling the little rule breaker. 
Not anymore. 
Admittedly, the cats usually get any spider that’s on the ground in our house faster than I do, but if I manage to catch her before the cats do it’s off outside she goes. Now, I’m not saying this book will be a turning point if you’re arachnophobic and make you love spiders. Far from it. But Tchaikovsky has an incredible gift for building up a world so believably different from our own that it’s hard not to view spiders in a different light.
We have grand assumptions about how the world exists that is driven by how we perceive it. It’s foreign to us to consider viewing the world in any way differently than visually first, everything else second. It’s part of our failing in understanding our own pets (dogs perceive the world scent→sight→sound), and certainly a failing in understanding non-mammalian animals. Yet Tchaikovsky manages to build an entire world, an entire plot, with incredible characters, built on perceiving the world first through touch, then through sight. There is an incredible interconnectedness based believably off both the genetic changes done by Kern (the egomaniacal mad scientist) and the intense web weaving inherent to the spiders themselves.
"If there had been some tiny bead present in the brain of all humans, that had told each other, They are like you; that had drawn some thin silk thread of empathy, person to person, in a planet-wide net – what might then have happened? Would there have been the same wars, massacres, persecutions and crusades?"  -- Adrian Tchaikovsky
If you are a writer, this book offers a brilliant reminder to consider the numerous different aspects of worldbuilding and race creation rather than just following the rule of cool. It is a reminder to delve deeper, to play around with every possible facet of your characters and world. To put your limited perception of the world aside for a moment and ask yourself “What if x?”
For the reader, this book places us often in an uncomfortable position and then eases us gently into understanding, empathy, and shows us a beautifully woven world fantastically different from our own. 
It’s why I now have an old pill bottle on the coffee table for catching and releasing our spider roommates. I hope you’ll do the same.
Author of The Dying Sun, Book 1 of The Gods Chronicle. Pedantic Scribe of the ‘Scribe’s Journey Podcast’
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yukipri · 4 years
Marco’s Bauble Part 2 - a One Piece Mermaid AU Text Story
Ended up writing a continuation of the first Marco’s bauble post, thank you so much to everyone who commented and inspired me to write more ^ ^
This was posted on my Patreon earlier this week!
Follow up to On Thatch, Marco, & the Whitebeards - Marco’s Bauble #1 , please read this one first ^ ^
Contains Koala x Luffy, Thatch x Luffy, and Marco x Luffy with bg Ace & Sabo, wow is that a combination of ships I never expected to see, but whelp here we are....
It's during one of Koala's Fishman Karate sessions when That Thing falls out of Luffy's pocket.
At first, Koala thinks she must have imagined it, because why would Luffy have one of those.
But then Luffy drops the stance she's been struggling to hold, concentration shattered, and pounces on the little thing that's trying to roll away from her on the deck.
"Ah, my Mystery Rock!" the mermaid cries, reaffirming that no, Koala didn't imagine it.
Koala stares with dawning horror as Luffy scoops the thing up, rolling the shiny blue bauble between her palms to make sure it hasn't been damaged. She's moving to stick it back into her inner vest pocket when Koala stops her.
"Luffy...where did you get that?"
"Oh this?" Luffy's eyes light up, and she shoves the thing right up and personal in Koala's face.
Koala can see it clearly, the aquamarine glass with shards of multi-faceted crystal and gold flakes embedded in it, with a small, dark core made up of none other than seastone. It's unmistakable.
"Thatch gave it to me!" Luffy continues, and Koala's already moving, spinning on her heel towards the kitchen because she is going to throttle that damn cook--before Luffy adds, "It's not from him though! It's from his friend! The pineapple-bird man!"
Koala freezes, her fury towards Thatch dwindling, but she still feels her heart pounding louder than it should be. She has no idea what a pineapple-bird man is, but the point still stands: a man had given Luffy her "Mystery Rock."
"Luffy," she says, trying to keep her voice light, hoping it isn't cracking with the hysteria she feels inside. "Do you know what that is?"
"It has a sea rock inside!" Luffy says, proud that she's remembered what Ace told her. It's seastone, but close enough, Koala thinks. "It's got glass and stuff on the outside, so I can touch it without getting tired! But it still feels like the sea! It's my magical Mystery Rock!"
Koala nods and smiles, even though she feels her lips strain. "Anything else?"
Luffy blinks. She couldn't be more obvious about pulling a blank, for which Koala is immensely grateful.
Okay, okay. So. Luffy knows what the object is, but probably doesn't know what it means. Which means Koala can relax. For now.
She forces herself to take a deep breath. She shouldn't jump to any conclusions.
"It's a very nice Mystery Rock," Koala smiles sincerely, and it really really is.
Nicer than Luffy's likely aware of.
"How about we take a break for today. Do you want to go show Ace the basic water pulse you can do now?" Koala suggests, and Luffy beams with her whole face and Koala's blinded. It lasts only an instant before Luffy's stretching her arms to grab a rail, slingshotting herself away in the blink of an eye, leaving Koala feeling like a cloud just passed over the sun.
Koala heaves a huge sigh. She's never been more grateful for the lack of Sabo's presence during Fishman Karate sessions, because if Sabo had seen Luffy's "Mystery Rock," and if he had asked Koala to explain its significance...well.
Things would not be pretty.
And despite how objectively beautiful the bauble is, things are already very Not Pretty inside Koala now. She has some words for Thatch's friend.
Thatch's surprised when Koala of all people enters the kitchen (Lil Lesbian No. 2, he'd secretly nicknamed her). He'd just kicked Sanji out with the trays of desserts and beverages they'd made, telling the younger man to go enjoy the sun while Thatch finishes cleaning up and starts prepping for dinner.
Thatch honestly wishes he could be the one to present the sweets to Luffy, but he's also mature enough to let this opportunity go to Sanji. The boy'd practically been twitching with excitement while adding the last loving touches to the parfaits.
It's fine, Thatch is an adult. And by staying in the kitchen, Thatch also gets to prepare and therefore present the enormous steak that'll be part of dinner (and which is Luffy honestly going to be more excited for, a parfait or sea king steak?).
Either way, Thatch's just about finished, and checks his dials one last time before turning to give his visitor his undivided attention.
"So, did the parfaits interrupt your time monopolizing my future fiancee, or...?"
Lil Lesbian No. 2 smiles sweetly, or rather bares her teeth, and doesn't return Thatch's greeting. Rude.
"Thatch, who gave Luffy the seastone trinket?" she demands without prelude. And huh, so that's what they're going to talk about. Thatch blinks. No, he hasn't forgotten about it, and yes, he's still bitter, but he's also a bit alarmed by Koala's intensity. It's just a nice gift...right?
"One of my crew mates," he says cautiously, not seeing any reason to lie. "My friend. Marco."
"Marco the Phoenix, First Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates," Koala mumbles, and Thatch can see her pulling up all the mental files she has on him. Thatch has learned that the young revolutionary has a terrifying mental database of pretty much anyone who's made a name for themselves in any way, and reminds himself to never take his teasing too far, because he does not want to make an enemy of her.
Her blackmail-compiling finished, Koala smiles thinly. "So Thatch, do you know what that bauble is?"
Thatch feels like he's being tested, and whatever he says is going to be wrong. "It's a fancy thing you can buy at Fishman island? Costs a small fortune? The mer ladies always seem super happy get them as gifts? I'm not sure what you're asking here," he shrugs helplessly under her glare. He really doesn't know anything else. Fishman island may be Pops' territory, but he's certainly no expert on their culture beyond studying their cuisine.
"And your friend, does he think the same?"
"I don't know what that bird-brain thinks! If you're going to kill him, go after him, not me," Thatch groans. "Are you going to actually tell me what's wrong, or...?"
Koala seems to debate about something, and Thatch hears Sabo muttered under her breath. She then starts to chuckle, and it's a dark, unpleasant sound. Thatch is more than a little concerned.
"Oh the mer ladies like receiving them alright," she mutters.
She takes a deep breath, like she's hyping herself up for something, and now Thatch is tense too.
"Does your friend know," she says, voice so painfully sweet it's gone bitter, "that he's given Luffy the human equivalent of an engagement ring?"
Thatch stops breathing.
A beat, then,
"THAT BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!"
Ace pops his head into the kitchen. "Anything wrong?"
"NOTHING!" Koala and Thatch scream in unison, and Ace jolts backwards in alarm.
"Alright...then. I'll...be back later?" Ace blinks like a puppy confused as to why he'd just been kicked, but he still shuffles back outside, politely closing the door behind him.
Thatch feels pretty awful about making his little brother slink out of his own ship's kitchen, but holy shit does he not want Ace to hear this right now.
Luffy with an engagement ring.
Ace'd explode, then Merry would burn, and then everyone would drown and that's a very sad ending to their short-lived adventure.
"The fuck," he hisses to Koala, just in case Ace is still lurking outside.
"That's what I want to say to your First Division Commander!" she spits back, and alright, fine, maybe she has every right to be upset. "Who does he think he is, giving Luffy something like that? I haven't even asked her out yet!"
Thatch isn't sure that last part is entirely necessary, and mumbles, "My future fiancee," but Koala steamrolls right over him.
"Did he do it intentionally, or is he just an ignorant human like you?"
Thatch wisely keeps his You're human too comment to himself. "Again, I'm not him, I don't know!"
Thatch thinks Marco doesn't know the weight of the gift he's sent. At least, he hopes so. No one on the Moby Dick believes Thatch because they think Marco's always a stuffy mother hen, but Thatch knows Marco can play some pretty nasty pranks when he wants to. But Marco wouldn't pull something like this, it doesn't feel in character for him. He can be a pain in Thatch's ass, but he wouldn't drag in Ace's little brother who he hasn't even met yet. But then again, it also feels weird for Marco to not have looked up the significance of something he spent his own money on. It's all very strange and confusing.
Even so, Thatch is with Koala this time, and is totally okay throwing his older brother under the ship so to speak, because the bastard hasn't even met Luffy, and there's no way he'll support this "engagement," or whatever the hell this is.
"You know," Koala says, far too pleasantly for the mood. "Sabo's going to kill him when he finds out."
Thatch shrugs, he has no intention of helping his friend. "Eh, Marco can handle it, he's strong."
"No, you don't understand," Koala insists, and oh there's that sadism back in her expression. "Ever heard of the Fort Gray incident? That was all Sabo. And Sabo's going to murder your friend."
Thatch has heard of that, few on the Grand Line haven't. And...oh. Maybe Chief of Staff is actually a pretty terrifying title after all. "Marco's fine, he's strong?" he repeats, a little less confident.
Koala snorts, and spitefully grabs a handful of the caramelized pecans on the countertop and shovels them in her face as Thatch squawks protest. He was going to use those!
"I can't wait till Ace hears, because then there'll be two of them," she cronches as Thatch sadly rummages in the cabinets for more pecans. "So now the question is, do we warn your friend or not?"
Thatch isn't feeling particularly charitable, but he also feels betrayed and wants to know what Marco was thinking. The next time one of those damn birds comes, he thinks. He has some questions to ask the Phoenix.
The incident refers to the mission in Sabo's flashback in the anime expanded content at the end of Dressrosa. I dun think it actually had a name/location (could be wrong), so made it up and yes my naming sense is creative I know LMAO.
The beginning might feel choppy bc there was a big Koala x Lu part at the beginning that I chopped off bc it felt too irrelevant to the topic. Might clean that up for a separate post tho ^ ^;
As always, comments/reblogs/tags always immensely appreciated! <3
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Read the next part: Marco’s Bauble, Part 3
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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