#cmm spoilers
prongsmydeer · 1 year
Ayesha Liveblogs Cherry Magic: The Movie 
Oh my god, are they starting off this move by flashing back to them about to have sex on Christmas eve? I did NOT think it would begin immediately where the show left off. Bold choice. I love it 
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Fkfkfhkjfk I should’ve known they would be cockblocked by Rokkaku and chicken noodle soup. On brand. Honestly, no complaints
“Let’s go out this weekend,” thought Kurosawa directly to Adachi’s brain. Kurosawa said: Having a telepathic boyfriend is fun actually 
Why did they cut to the marshmallows like that fantasy had deeper implications. Are the marshmallows a metaphor
Did Kurosawa purposely keep his mind blank while staring at the waterfall for Adachi so they could hold hands in peace? That’s so sweet
I wonder if this new year’s shrine visit counts as a double date:
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“I won’t understand unless you put it into words.” “You were flirting with Adachi-san.” 1) Good on Tsuge, and 2) Bold of Minato to think Tsuge could ever intentionally flirt with a person
“How I truly wish that our time would last forever.” Why say it so ominously, Adachi??????
“Why did you pick me for such an important task?” “Because you’re cut out for the job. You’ve been doing well.” ADACHI you’re very good at things!! I love that his office recognizes it too
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Adachi wanting to turn the new job transfer offer down so he doesn’t make Kurosawa sad by leaving to Nagasaki. Kurosawa wanting Adachi to take it so Adachi doesn’t lose out on this opportunity for him :(
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I think this will be the first time we see Kurosawa sincerely upset with Adachi. Even for a man with only nice thoughts, seeing Adachi mistrust his words must weigh heavily on him
“Adachi, don’t you believe what I just told you?” Kurosawa said: Having a telepathic boyfriend isn’t fun anymore
Sorrowful split-screen separation 😭😭😭😭😭
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Looked up the flight from Nagasaki to Tokyo. It’s two hours, which isn’t the worst in the world. But a long distance when u live in each other’s heart and spend most of your waking hours together
Rokkaku speaking to Kurosawa a little more softly as Adachi leaves :(
“They say the Nagasaki branch is doing well,” said the Tokyo Head Office President, not knowing that Nagasaki is a difficult topic for Kurosawa at this time 
Kurosawa’s smile and heart shattering into a million pieces every time no one is looking at him!!!!!!!!!
“I’ve no idea what Kurosawa is thinking.” I do like how they’ve put them in a situation where there is no potential for touch telepathy and they have to learn new ways to communicate when things DO upset them. It’s responding to exactly the challenges mentioned in Adachi’s getting back together speech 
$10 says that Kurosawa tries to go to Nagasaki when Adachi tries to go to Tokyo
Update: He was NOT hit by a truck, just his phone was. Thank god. I should’ve known Cherry Magic would never do that to me
“I don’t remember his number.” Perils of the age of smart phones
“I wasn’t okay at all.” YEAH KUROSAWA, COMMUNICATING!!
“I wanted to see you smile. To me, that’s what matters more than anything in the world.” ADACHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
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You see, now I no longer know whether to trust the white undershirts as an indication of sex because you’ve now tricked me once before
“Do you regret it?” “I’m fine with it. As long as I have you.” Awwww. I still don’t know whether I believe you
Alright, alright, they seem to be serious about it this time 
“Let’s live together when you come back.” AWWWWW
Since Romance Writer Tsuge and Flashy Minato do not have their own long-distance narrative to overcome, Minato has decided to self-impose one hahahaha
“Sorry for keeping you waiting, I was picking out souvenirs.” “So many people you care about.” YEAH HE DOES 💗💗💗
“A harsh word could be her way of expressing her love for you.” I don’t know if that’s good romantic advice, Adachi
“We don’t need magic. We can speak our minds and tell them how we feel, with our own words.” 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
I don’t know how they’re going to continue to hide their relationship at work when Kurosawa literally now lives in the same flat as him, shares a bed, and Rokkaku has already been to Adachi’s place and knows it’s a studio with no other room hahahaha
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“Your goal is to become Kurosawa the Second, right?” “No! Rokkaku the First!” Character development, baybeee
We have graduated to official double dates for Kurodachi and Minatsuge 
Honestly, I was expecting Minato and Tsuge’s conflict to be that they are in different stages of their lives, i.e. Tsuge being 30 and ready to settle down while Minato is still in his early 20s and establishing his career, probably wanting more mobility, but I suppose that would be too much to expect in terms of their subplot hahahaha
“I have to be needed at work. So we won’t be separated unfairly when our company finds out about us.” ADACHI 🥺🥺🥺
OH MY GOD. I wasn’t expecting them to take it to the point of them being public in their relationship. Like I had the thought during the accident if Kurosawa might be listed as Adachi’s emergency contact, but that they are actually making the point that Adachi wants their loved ones to know they’re in love, because he does want the right to be notified if there’s an accident! This is an active and (I hate that it is) CURRENT political stance, because gay marriage is not legal in Japan, but same sex partnerships were ruled to be legally recognized in Tokyo this June. This is not just a narrative choice, this is indirect advocacy from the makers of this show. Not even getting to the DIRECT advocacy from the writer donating film adaption proceeds to Marriage for All Japan. Cherry Magic has never done anything wrong in its life. I’m gonna cry about it, I think 
On a more light-hearted note: Kurosawa’s Meeting the Parents Resume
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“We want to be happy together, Kiyoshi and I. Please give us your permission.” Kurosawa 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
“Are you okay with it?” “That doesn’t matter. He’s the one you chose. Of course it’s okay.” This time I am genuinely in tears. Cherry Magic. Thank you 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am, without exaggeration, sobbing: 
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“A choice made with strong determination. That’s something noble. I’m grateful to you for choosing my son Kiyoshi.” PAPA ADACHI 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
AAHHHHHHH I knew that we were going to get a tougher side for the other parents. Kurosawa’s unrelenting need to please people doesn’t come from nowhere 
“Those who are precious to you, are precious to me as well.” Adachi 😞💕
Adachi has come so far. This is the best movie sequel to a series I have ever seen:
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“Right now, there’s only one thing I can say I’m sure of. I love Kurosawa.” Adachi 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
“I know you don’t approve of us right now. But if it’s okay with you, we’ll wait as long as it takes.” Adachi and Kurosawa are so, so brave 💗
“Families don’t bring home souvenirs, do they?” MAMA KUROSAWA
Adachi being glad his magic is gone because it allows him to convey what he feels properly!!! You know what that is? Growth!!
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I feel insane. I have never felt so comforted and safe and done right by a story. This is my favourite movie of all time
The reaching up hands from the show intro but they are doing it together, wearing their rings... 💖!!!!!
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tatyova · 9 months
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mommy? sorry mommy? mommy? sorry
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hdc-promo · 4 months
oi parece interessante mas nao deu pra entender nada da proposta do rpg
Oi anjinho! Tudo bem? A proposta tá sendo lançada ao longo das promos que estamos postando, mas para ninguém mais se perder, vou fazer uma linha do tempo aqui com você:
Essa daqui foi a primeira promo. Ela nos apresenta o Barbarizando, uma mistura de jornal, rádio e podcast que vai ser muito importante aqui pro nosso universo. Se você assistir o vídeo, você vê que a nossa querida representante oficial (uma NPC que vai aparecer muito no jogo) já deixa bem claro o princípio básico da nossa cmm: um rp de esportes que vai ter algo a ver com as olimpíadas.
Depois disso, respondemos essa ask aqui explicando que, sim, serão atletas profissionais treinando para as Olimpíadas (que serão esse ano, yay!) e essa ask aqui, esclarecendo que são esportes olímpicos, sim, com exceção de um. Qual seria?
Essa resposta foi dada aqui, na segunda promo e primeiro spoiler. Nela, nós apresentamos uma notícia sobre uma atleta de vôlei (primeiro esporte revelado!) que, após sofrer um acidente, decidiu tentar a carreira nos E-Sports (esporte novo, recém inaugurado no Complexo).
Depois disso respondemos mais asks pedindo spoilers de esportes e então a terceira promo, ou segundo spoiler. Esse em um tom mais engraçadinho, sobre uma galera invadindo nossas piscinas, mas já revelando dois novos esportes: natação e basquete!
Então, respondemos mais uma ask sobre mais um esporte que teremos, o Taekwondo! E, por fim, o spoiler mais recente de hoje, onde apresentamos um plot que vai ser recorrente e vai gerar vários plot drops na nossa cmm, o da queda de energia. Ele ficou propositalmente misterioso porque é algo que vai ser desenvolvido com os nossos queridos jogadores, e não por promo, entende?
Então, resumindo: rp de esportes focado em atletas profissionais (muitos mundialmente famosos) e no treino para Olimpíadas (de verão e de inverno) que vai ter uma fofoqueira de plantão e um plot de insatisfação da população com a existência deste Centro de Treinamento.
Se você ainda tiver alguma dúvida, é só mandar! Mod Anneliese tá aqui pra esclarecer tudinho.
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I was replaying CMM and (SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT) every time we end up in the escape room I wonder how MC does not freak out. I'm not claustrophobic but I'd probably start panicking. I know Chelsea calls every now and then to check on us but like... it's a big, old mansion that seems like a labyrinth, it's night so you can't see properly, you are all alone on your own AND the door of the weird ass room you're stuck in won't open.
Anyways, my point is: imagine if MC is indeed claustrophobic, she does start freaking out and Chelsea is trying to let her out but for some technical problem the door just won't open?
Imagine the LI going in protective mode and they're getting more and more frustrated as time passes. I'd feel a bit bad for Chels but I would LOVE to see a protective LI.
Think about Bobby, who is usually a non confrontational person, seeing red because his wife is crying and he can't go help her straight away. Hell, I can even see Lucas thinking about suing if things escalated. Gary would break the door himself and you already know that Lottie is going to be poisonous every time she's gonna open her mouth.
Yeah, well, if someone writes about this scenario (especially if the LI in question is Bobby), lemme know! It could be cute and angsty at the same time.
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foxingpeculiar · 1 year
More Disco Elysium (definitely spoilers):
I have, at this point, completed one in-game day.
So, some interesting shit, both on its own and when considered in combination: 1) talking to the dead body. Did not expect that. I read this more of an abstraction—Harry (apparently) talking to himself, or whatever it is that’s in his head. 2) Only got to the title card when I opened the ledger. I honestly thought I’d died for a second and the game had restarted---we went back to that “reptilian brain/limbic system” conversation space from the opening, what happens when Harry passes out, I guess. But like, okay. What that basically confirms for me is something I already sort of suspected; the murder is, to at least some degree, incidental to whatever the actual story is here. The real story is whatever’s going on with Harry.
Which, okay, hold on. Given the sort of ambiguous ontology re: the real world that I was talking about last time, makes me wonder…This is a dream, isn’t it? Or something like that. Something not quite “real,” in the traditional sense. So the two stories are kind of one story—all the shit going on in this world re: racism/labor/disco somehow reflects the more personal story. Harry did make an explicit connection between himself and the body (or the body did, I’m not sure, but like… that’s what I mean). I dunno. I’m spitballing here, maybe they aren’t going that far with it, but this line of thinking is encouraging me to try and find parallels/connections in a way I wasn’t before, so I’m rollin’ it around in the ol’ noggin’ for the moment (you might say I have it equipped to one of my thought slots…)
(I have some more “what if, though” ideas that spin out from that, but they’re wild speculation still at this point.)
But more in-world mystery stuff.. the fuck was Call Me Mañana talking about when he said “Thank him [Cuno] for showing me the *way.*” What way? What does that mean? It’s an odd thing to say. It didn’t let me ask about that, but like…  There is a part of me that thinks maybe Cuno is just building himself up, just messing with me. But then this comes along. It reenforces the feeling that that kid has some SHIT up his sleeve. Also, what’s CMM’s deal? Why did Joyce hear about the lynching from HIM? He says he doesn’t work in a gatekeeping capacity, but like… what capacity DOES he work in?
Got into the apartments, tracking down the smoking fellow. Apparently I have to come back tomorrow? (Still on the first day.) But who is his “friend?” Also, the dead guy has stars tattooed all over him and now there’s an astrologer with a padlocked door? Hm. Also Either 1) the cleaning lady is lying about Apt 10, or… something else is happening. Something, perhaps not dissimilar from Harry speaking to voices? Or it’s squatters, I guess. Either way, not sure what to do with that information yet, but noted.
Cindy’s pretty rad. At least, based on that first interaction. Also lol @ “the subject’s evident hostility to her interviewer” in the profile of C.S. in the communist magazine, cos yeah, I can see that. So she’s not a fan of pigs or communists… and she talks about bringing a little chaos to town… hm. The more I think about that, the more I’m getting like the Spock-eyebrow about it.
Did Cuonoesse just quote Snoop Dogg at me?
Bird’s Nest Roy said something about “The Man from Hjelmdall” being “an ontological necessity.” The story has made it so that he exists. Like, I feel like he’s telling me something about the nature of this world, you know?
OH MY GOD I FINALLY MADE THE STUPID JUMP DOWN TO THE COAT. Just had to take 2 points in Savoir Faire, find new pants and a sweaty tanktop, and take off my shoes. Yeesh. Good, though. I didn’t wanna have to deal with Measurehead anymore. But, of course, by the time I got there, it was after 22:00.
So I’m talking to the Bloated Corpse of a Drunk, and ask him what Elysium is, because… I would like to know that. I’m trying to make sense of his answer. But he also says “You were just talking to yourself. That’s all you ever do. Even in your dreams. And the act is wearing thin, the spots of the disco ball fade around you.” Which like, comes back to the whole “this whole thing is a dream, or maybe a dying mind unraveling its trauma, Mulholland Drive style, or something” hypothesis. (Why did the car tell me it’s “at the bottom of the sea?”) But what does it mean that “four point six billion people—and you failed every one of them?” Is that hyperbole or…?
Annnnd I wound up my play session by accidentally agreeing to find some speed, but… I mean, who hasn’t accidentally agreed to find and ingest some powerful drugs, amirite?
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redvanillabee · 12 days
sullivans crossing s1e9 reaction post because i saw it on my local channel and saw cmm in the trailer and thought eh if i went to see mi7 and yall are keeping me updated on resident alien/invasion through gifsets i might as well see what he's been up to
also i'm starting on ep9 cos that's what's on tv rn. i might go back and watch the previous eight eps.
reaction and spoilers under cut
is he like. just here as the main character summer love interest
ok so far seems like a cute little small town show. very quaint. no thoughts brain empty feel good type of show. i can get behind that.
wait that girl is a doctor??
oh so it's set in canada. i love the scenery. it's so cute.
is she about to perform open skULL SURGERY ON A CLIFF LEDGE
ok this took a turn i thought this was just a show with small town drama
oh so this is one of those shows where you've got like five different narrative threads and each is a character/family's problems gotcha
(can you tell i don't watch tv all that much)
wait why is he counting down to the end of july what's happening at the end of july
(wait i didn't catch which day in july was circled because 👀)
i mean dude's certainly found his niche as the small town love interest. good for him.
you know what i think i might actually follow the show now. it's certainly not a high concept production like mi7 or resident alien but. it's cute. it's fine. i like it.
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pesquisacrente · 1 month
esse spoiler me deu uma animada tão grande, mods. 🙏🏻 além de eventos/discord, vocês pretendem tbm lançar tasks com pedidos de selfparas ou afins, pra estimular a participação dos players dentro desse enredo em que a uni tá inserida, pra isso não ficar restrito só em comentário de timeline? é que sabemos que um comportamento muito repetitivo de uni é o uso da cmm só pra tweet de zoeira e reclamação de estudar/cansaço/preguiça, e que poucos tem o interesse de desenvolver mesmo o personagem e se envolver nas atividades de verdade...
Oi! Que bom que o spoiler te animou, foi bem legal de escrever sobre o coitado que se fudeu muito.
Sim, a gente pretende lançar tasks que envolvam tanto a postagem de selfparas quanto a interação com outros players.
A gente quer estimular essa participação através da própria história da universidade/cidade também, das possibilidades dentro dos clubes, projetos e até dos cursos. Opção não vai faltar pra quem quer montar/ir montando um personagem querido ou desquerido, então quem tiver o interesse em desenvolver e se envolver nas atividades vai sim tentar fazer isso. A ideia do decano também surgiu dessa tentativa de trazer vocês pra participarem mais em conjunto, e por isso a gente vai incentivar o uso do Discord, porque lá precisa ser o antro de atividade ic pra além da tl e dms. Então não esquece que existe um lugar certo pra vocês lerem as postagens do nosso fórum (spoiler) e, quem sabe, publicarem alguma coisa macabra por lá.
De novo, obrigado pelo interesse e qualquer outra dúvida estamos aqui! 💙
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promochinaterror · 3 months
Se eu já estava ansiosa, esse conto me deixou ainda mais!!! Tô torcendo muito pela cmm e já pensando em fc kkkk ficarei atenta em novos spoilers
Gostou? Essa é só uma parte do plot, quem sabe vem mais por ai daqui a pouco??
E PODE IR PENSANDO SIM, porque eu estarei esperando.
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nugupromo · 3 months
meu deeeeus parecem que tavam adivinhando que hoje eu tava pensando justamente em que sdds de uma cmm de idol aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Siiiiim! Fazia tempo que não víamos um desses por aqui, então decidimos trazer. Nos próximos dias vamos trazer uns spoilers para vocês. Já querem ver algum grupo ou conceito trazido de volta à vida?
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ilhapesquisinhah · 4 months
Oi mods, tô curiosa com a cmm! Podem dar mais algum spoilerzinho? Adorei isso de ter uma pegada meio sobrenatural
oi anon! fico feliz com seu interesse. agora sobre spoilers, não quero estragar muito a surpresa mas vou tentar te dizer mais algumas coisinhas sobre o que tenho pensado.
a ilha além de ser muito famosa pelas suas lendas, também é conhecida por ser um paraíso fiscal, ou seja, grandes empresas e pessoas (principalmente políticos) utilizam muito do lugar para movimentações ilegais e investimentos. isso perturba grande parte da população por motivos óbvios, então grupos ativistas e protestos são bem comuns pelo lugar (quem sabe seus personagens não criem seus próprios grupos ligados a suas ideologias e vocalizem bastante nas redes sociais? talvez até influenciando outros personagens a mudar seus votos na próxima eleição). a ilha segue um modelo de governo de monarquia constitucional unitária parlamentarista, parecido com o que temos no japão. inclusive o atual monarca é japonês, mas o primeiro ministro é sul-coreano.
falando um pouco sobre a história do lugar, a ilha foi colonizada principalmente por japoneses e coreanos, já que fica mais próxima geograficamente a esses países. porém, conforme foi se desenvolvendo chineses e taiwaneses se apossaram de uma parte e a ilha se tornou um grande conglomerado dessas etnias, apesar de alguns terem costumes e culturas parecidas, com o tempo tudo foi se misturando e desenvolvendo um novo tipo. por isso é normal que a mitologia do lugar também seja uma grande mistura de tudo que esses povos acreditam. é comum que você veja uma pessoa falando sobre como o número "4" da azar e ela se livrou de tudo que tivesse a ver com ele, ao mesmo tempo em que fala sobre o mito de tangun e diz que o primeiro lugar que ele fundou não foi a coreia antiga e sim a ilha em que vivemos, ou falando sobre nunca deixar que gatos se aproximem de pessoas mortas, já que isso pode fazer elas voltarem a vida e ele inclusive soube que um amigo do tio dele viu isso acontecer anos atrás. ou seja, a ligação do povo da ilha com folclore e a sua própria cultura é muito forte! mas claro, sempre tem aqueles que não compram essa ideia.
espero que você tenha conseguido entender um pouco melhor dos planos do que pode rolar por aqui.
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zombieads · 5 months
Já faz alguns anos desde que joguei em uma cmm only tumblr (e ironicamente a última era sobre apocalipse zumbi também, ou pelo menos se tornou logo depois que saí). Queria saber como é o esquema! Como seriam as interações? Imagino que nesse mundo não existam redes sociais, então todas as postagens feitas vão ser de ações dos personagens? Não vai dar pra fazer algo supérfluo, ao menos não vejo abertura.
será que isso é um sinal, survivor? se sim, é um dos bons! então, eu tenho um cronograma de spoilers e acredito que conforme eles forem saindo, todo o funcionamento do rp ficará mais esclarecido. mas sim, você tem razão, adianto que não existem mais redes sociais na nossa ambientação por motivos óbvios. também posso adiantar que além de ações mais complexas entre os personagens, você também vai poder interpretar por meio de pov's, que não precisam necessariamente serem tão estruturados e longos, e, também, através de diálogos com ações curtas. porém, estas duas últimas opções que foram citadas servem mais pra quando o player estiver realmente muito ocupado pra interagir de forma mais imersiva no jogo. nossa real intenção é sim focar num desenvolvimento das antigas, voltado pra turnos interativos entre os chars. também vale lembrar que a forma com que você realizará suas atividades determinará a quantidade de pontos adquiridos pelo seu personagem. mas relaxa, survivor, não iremos ficar cobrando determinada quantidade de linhas por ação, pode ficar tranquilo!
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seoulitehq · 6 months
EU TAMBÉM ESTOU, GHOSTIE! E por isso aqui está um pequeno spoiler do nome da central para vocês.
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hdc-promo · 4 months
mods, estou apaixonada pelo rp!!!! faz meses que quero algo assim <333 masss eu nunca joguei nada pelo discord, então será que vocês podem explicar mais ou menos como funciona? desculpa se for muita folga 😭
A sua ask me deixou quentinha aqui anon, fico feliz que tenha gostado! A gente tá fazendo isso por todo mundo que quer algo diferente e que fuja um pouco do modelo típico de universidade!
E não se preocupa que jogar no Discord é bem facinho, vou te explicar.
Lá a gente não vai manter mais interações em eventos específicos. Sabe quando as cmms faziam uma dm para interagir em uma festa? Então, por conta dos limites que existem hoje em dia na rede ao lado, isso se torna bem inviável, então vamos utilizar o Discord para interagir em eventos.
Lá também acontecerão as competições porque (pequeno spoiler!) elas vão utilizar um sistema de rolagem de dados do próprio Discord que vai ser explicado bem detalhadamente na central, por isso é importante todo mundo estar lá. Porém, essa parte vai ficar majoritariamente em cargo da moderação então não precisa realmente aprender a lidar com essa parte.
O que cabe a vocês são as interações mesmo. Existem duas formas que você pode utilizar para jogar no Discord: uma delas é criando uma conta unicamente para o seu personagem e personalizando ela para um único personagem. Isso funciona bem para quem tem só um personagem na cmm, pois não precisa ficar trocando de conta.
Porém, para quem gosta de jogar com mais personagens, é mais comum o uso de bots para criação de personagens. Eles parecem um monstro de sete cabeças se você nunca usou, mas depois você percebe que eles são bem facinhos de lidar e vamos deixar um tutorial mais detalhado no nosso Discord pra quem for querer usar.
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promorpgraiz · 6 months
Boa tarde, modinhes! Por um caso essa cmm é uma volta da Itawon? As fotos que você estão usando são as mesmas de lá e a premissa é bem parecida... De qualquer forma, ansiosa por mais novidades!
Boa tarde, nony! O nosso projeto não está ligado a nenhuma comunidade anterior já existente. Sobre novidades? Logos mais soltaremos spoilers. Fique ligado! Esperamos que você jogue conosco!
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commander-card-corner · 10 months
How I’ll be Handling Previews
Hello everybody! It’s preview season, which means that I’ll have plenty of new material for posts to make and cards to talk about. However, I know that not everybody wants to see previews. As such, I will be tagging posts for officially previewed cards as “[Set Acronym] Spoiler” so that those that do not want to see said previews can blacklist that tag during the preview season until they’re ready to see them.
For example, for Commander Masters, previewed cards will be tagged as #CMM Spoiler. So if you do not want to see Commander Masters cards before the set’s release, block that tag.
Please note, I will only show officially revealed cards that have been posted to the set’s respective Card Image Gallery posted to the Magic Wizards website. I will not discuss unofficial spoilers with no exception.
I will remove spoiler tags from posts three days after the set’s official US release. This should give everybody plenty of time to experience the set blind if they so choose.
With all that said, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the card reviews!
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deusesmerdeiros · 10 months
ansiosíssima para a abertura da cmm, o spoiler me deixou toda arrepiada
Ficamos muito felizes por isso, muito obrigada por essa ask! Estamos nos divertindo bastante montando os mistérios e lendas da comunidade, esperamos que vocês gostem deles tanto quanto nós. Aproveitando essa ask para anunciar uma boa novidade: nosso cronograma está pronto e será postado ainda hoje.
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