#opening up a lot more support flexibility
djarins-cyare · 3 days
Never Look Down
Part 2: Maia’s (Your) Morning
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Prompt: “I don’t know what’s happening but I love it.”
Summary: Din has been ignoring his crush on Grogu’s babysitter for a while now, with varying degrees of success. But after a misunderstanding leads to some revelations, there’s no denying things any longer. Sometimes you just need to look at things from a different perspective.
Rating: Mature (18+)
Pairing: Din Djarin x Original Female Character (for his POV scenes) / Din Djarin x Reader (for her POV scenes)
Word count: 7,830
Tags/warnings: POV switch, hangover hell, light angst, confessions, even more references to erections, some swearing, references to sex, kissing, reference to fellatio, a lot of fluff, Reader has a name (and a job and an inkling of a backstory). Regarding her prior bad relationship, I don’t want anyone to be triggered by an assumption, so please note she was NOT in an abusive situation. Her former partner was just a drug-dealing douche.
Author’s note: I finished something new! [*cries in disbelief*] 😭. Thank you so much for your interest and support! 💖
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READ ON AO3 (author’s preference)
Tumblr version ahead if you prefer…
You wake up somewhere dark and soft. It takes you several seconds to realise where you are due to the throbbing ache in your head that’s screaming for focus.
You’re in Din’s bed.
Oh fuck.
Well… more like no fuck. A shameful absence thereof.
Slowly, memories of the previous night drift to the surface of your foggy brain, each one deepening your embarrassment until you’ve reached the pitiful depths of utter humiliation. It cuts deeper than your hangover, which includes a pounding headache and a bruised shoulder (how did that happen?), yet is almost trivial in comparison. Kark, you drank – and said and did – a lot more than you should’ve.
Babysitting Grogu is not your primary source of income. In fact, you have a contract with Karga for city planning and infrastructure upgrades. But that’s just building holos, presenting them to the High Magistrate, and then outsourcing the work upon approval. It’s sporadic and flexible, leaving you with plenty of hours to kill. You took this part-time job to keep yourself busy, but you’ve come to enjoy hanging out with the little guy and his bafflingly sexy father. Both are good fun, have always been friendly and welcoming, and you’re fond of their company. Who are you kidding – you’re profoundly attached to them both. Plus, Din has taught you to use a blaster, helping you feel safer and more self-reliant now you’re free of your ex’s ‘protection’. The extra credits are merely a bonus, and you’d do this for free if it came to it.
Well, not this. Not turn up drunk, pass out in your boss’s refresher, then misread a gesture of kindness as a sexual advance. And you just had to fucking let your thoughts spill out, didn’t you? Shit, you basically told him you think he’s a virgin! Sure, you’ve wondered, but you’ve never drawn any conclusions, so why did you have to vocalise those thoughts as if you had? You’ve been so careful to avoid suggesting his commitment to his creed might be impeding anything fun. So what if he can’t eat with you or sleep with you – that’s his choice. He probably thinks you’re judging him now. You shouldn’t have opened your mouth, damn it!
Of course he rejected you.
How could you ever have thought Din would want to be with you after everything you did last night? There are so many reasons for him to have walked away like he did. Not only did you fail to provide trustworthy childcare, but you also vomited in his toilet and were a drunken burden on him after he’d had to go out on a job. Then you assumed he wanted sex, implied he might not have the requisite skills, stripped naked, climbed under his sheets, and stole his fucking bed for the whole night.
You’re a disgrace. The regret burns in your chest, branding you from the inside out as the fool who pushed a former bounty hunter too far.
Plus, you work for the guy, so that’s surely a factor. Your role here is simply to take care of his kid. At least it was. And, of course, he’s never shown any interest in you. In fact, whenever you’ve wondered if the two of you are having ‘a moment’, he’s always run away.
Why did you have to make an already bad situation so much worse by revealing your desires? You were coping fine with your self-imposed celibacy. Sure, it was frustrating, but you were surviving. Repressing your libido around him was working for you.
As much as you want to hide beneath the blankets and avoid the fallout, you know you can’t stay in Din’s bed forever. Even though it’s soft and warm and smells like him – fresh yet with a hint of spicy musk. You really can’t.
Fumbling to activate the lamp, you drain the water on the nightstand, noting your clothes strewn across the floor. Thankfully, they don’t smell of alcohol or vomit (at least you’re a tidy drunk), so you get dressed and stumble to the refresher. More memories return at that crime scene, adding to your shame spiral and giving you a likely reason for your bruised shoulder.
Din has left his ultrasound cleaner out of the cabinet, which has to be a suggestion that you use it, and you can take a hint. You recall complaining that your mouth tasted like bantha balls, and accepting his pity is the lesser evil. Though it’s far more than you deserve, it’s also far better than this flavour.
You gladly let the vibrations clean your mouth and then rinse away the residue, feeling much better for it. It’s not enough to ease your thumping headache, but it’s a start.
You can’t hear any noise from upstairs or across the hall, so you wonder if your hosts are still asleep. It’s clearly past dawn since daylight is spilling down the staircase, but it could still be early. Maybe you can just slip out unnoticed? You debate checking on Grogu first. Din probably slept on the couch, though there’s a cushioned chair in the kid’s room that he could’ve used.
Guilt and concern make you check on your charge despite the risk of waking a metal sentinel. But you’re surprised to discover an empty room. That means they’re either both upstairs and being quiet, or they’ve gone out. You’re hoping for the latter. Zandi insisted you meet her for lunch, but part of you wants to run straight to your friend’s place and cry about what an idiot you’ve been. Hmm, no. You should go home for a shower first. Not that it could wash off the disgrace, but it might ease your aching head, at least.
You dart across the hall for your shoes, straightening out your boss’s sheets before you leave (a token apology, if anything). Catching sight of a comb on top of his dresser sends another type of guilt burning through you. Stealing his bed was already an invasion of privacy, but learning about what he hides beneath the beskar feels worse. You anxiously smooth down the blankets, flick off the lamp, and tiptoe up the stairs.
Thankfully, you find an empty living space, lit by sunshine so bright that you realise it’s already mid-morning. Din must have taken Grogu to school.
There’s no sign of your glowrod, but you don’t care. He can keep it. You shove on your boots with as much haste as you can manage and fly to the exit, darting through. Kriff, it’s so blinding outside that you have to turn your back to the sun or risk your hangover increasing tenfold.
Just as you’re gulping lungfuls of fresh air and keying in the lock code to secure the cabin, you hear him.
“Feeling better?”
The Mandalorian steps out from behind the cabin, and you wonder if he’s been waiting to ambush you. Damn it, you should’ve known. Bounty hunter.
You can’t look him in the eyes. Well, the visor, really. Either way, you fix your gaze on the porch. You’d normally come out with something playful and witty, but today, your brain gives you nothing except wry honesty.
“The hangover and torturous headache are nothing compared to my embarrassment,” you answer sheepishly. “I am so sorry about last night.”
You don’t specify which part because you mean all of it. Drinking to excess and throwing up in his home, as well as climbing into his bed, stripping off, and assuming he would fuck you, then commenting on how you thought he couldn’t fuck you. You’re sure you’ll never live down this shame.
Din doesn’t respond to your apology, but he steps forward, a wall of beskar and muscle blocking you from leaving the porch. He leans past you – so close he almost traps you against the door – and reverses the lock code you just entered.
When the door behind you swishes open again, he gestures inside with a nod. “We gotta talk.”
Oh, frotz, this is bad. This is so so so bad. He’s normally relaxed and happy around you, welcoming (or at least tolerating) your friendly jokes and nicknames. But right now, he’s all stiffness and silence, thumbs in his belt and elbows out wide, staring you down as if you were prey. He is not happy with you. You’ve fucked up bad.
You’re going to lose your job. It’s not a substantial source of income, but you’ll lose your bonding time with the kid and the friendly teasing thing you’ve developed with his dad. You won’t get to watch how strong and beautiful this warrior-turned-father is anymore, how soft he is with Grogu, despite his hard beskar shell. There’ll be no more shooting lessons. He’s going to tell you how offensive your remarks were last night… kark, what if he has a duty to punish anyone who disrespects his creed? Is it disrespectful to suggest he can’t have sex, though? Maybe the offensive thing was you throwing yourself at him. Or perhaps he thinks you’re hideous and finds the idea of having sex with you offensive. Whatever the case, he’s going to—
Hearing your name growled through his modulator snaps you out of your spiralling thoughts, and you realise you’re just standing there gawking at him in the doorway.
Suddenly, you feel meek in his presence, which has never happened before. Even when you first met, he was careful to make you feel safe and welcome. This menacing demeanour is new.
“Please,” you whisper, your voice trembling. “Can I just go home?”
Din looms closer like a rancor threatening its prey. “This won’t take long,” he insists.
With widened eyes, you shrink back toward the scene of your crimes, your near freedom now a fool’s delusion. He walks forward as you step backward across the cabin’s threshold, maintaining the proximity – a fateful dance that promises a morning even more tragic than the night before.
“Sit,” he commands, gesturing to the couch. He watches you perch yourself where you’re told to and then nods, appeased by your obedience.
A heavy silence clouds the room as your soon-to-be-ex boss flicks on the caf maker and heats the beverage while you quietly unravel on the couch. You’re not even sure what this is. It feels like he’s about to punish you (and not in a good way), but you have no idea how. Is he going to yell at you? Torture you with some kind of ritualistic Mandalorian justice? Or is he just going to describe how disappointed he is, fire you from this job, and threaten to roast you with his flamethrowers if he catches you anywhere near Grogu?
Whatever’s about to happen, you’re zealously ignoring the part of you that’s low-key turned on by how dominant he’s acting this morning. You can’t examine that right now.
After a minute or two, Din brings a cup to the couch and perches beside you, performing an awkward shuffle as he angles his body toward you. Still unsure how to act, you remain facing straight ahead, watching him in your peripheral.
He’s fully armoured this morning, his movements determined but stiff, and you recall how fluidly his body moved when he was just down to his flight suit. When he swept you into his arms, cradled you against his chest, and carried you to his bed…
No! Bad thoughts! Now is not the time for those because you’re about to receive the worst reprimand of your life (and you work for Karga!).
But your brain won’t stop replaying the memory, leading you to a distracting notion. He keeps his armour on the shelves in his bedroom – you saw it there last night. That means he must have come in to grab it this morning while you were sleeping. Damn, he’s stealthy! Though, to be fair, you were utterly passed out.
Wait. You woke up fully covered and tucked in. You don’t recall falling asleep, but you do remember arranging the blanket for optimum cleavage display. Kark, you really hope you snuggled down properly in your sleep. Because if not, there’s a chance that he opened his door to an inadvertent boob extravaganza, and he covered you up for the sake of your dignity. Fuck! How much shame can you suffer in a single morning?
He still hasn’t started talking, so before your thoughts ricochet in yet another distressing direction, you prompt, “You, uh, said we need to talk?” It’s probably best to confront your impending doom so you can run home and scream into a pillow.
Din huffs a little. “We do. Doesn’t mean I know how to start.”
Hmm, well, he doesn’t seem too angry, at least. Perhaps there won’t be any Mandalorian torture-based vengeance after all.
You don’t have the energy to play ‘guess the punishment’, but maybe you can stave it off if you beg for mercy. “Okay, then let me start. I said and did some monumentally stupid things last night, and I understand if you can’t forgive me and never want to see me again. But I just need you to know how truly sorry I am and that I really didn’t mean to offend you, and if I could—”
“Stop apologising,” he interrupts, shaking his helmet.
His order startles you into silence. It was insistent, but he didn’t sound angry at all. In fact, there was an undertone of something else. Almost the amused side of frustrated. What the kriff is happening?
Din sighs and tilts his visor toward his lap, then seems surprised to realise he’s still clutching the caf he made but clearly can’t drink in your presence. He silently offers you the steaming cup, and after a beat, you accept it, staring at it just as he did.
Never has a cup of caf received as much scrutiny as when two parties are unsure how to vocalise their thoughts.
“I made it for you,” he offers. “Thought… with the hangover….”
“Thanks,” you mumble, unsure what else to do or say. This isn’t going as expected at all, and your confusion is only growing. Is he doing some kind of bounty hunter ‘killing with kindness’ act?
This is absurd. You just need to get him talking, accept your punishment, and then you can escape.
“Um,” you begin, and his shadowed visor fixes on you again, unsettling you further. “If… if you don’t want to hear my apologies… what do you want to talk about?”
Your reluctant host forces out his response like it’s stuck inside his throat. “I want… I wanna ask you… some things. And I need you to answer honestly.”
Your stomach churns with nerves. He has questions? He must want you to explain what you said. He’s going to make you relive it – not by telling you how offensive you were, but by making you deconstruct your own comments and actions.
Kark. It’s a punishment, alright.
But if the penalty for your folly is the discomfort of explaining yourself, you can deal with that. This is a man you’re used to teasing, and he sounds just as unsure about what to say here as you are. So, you need to gather your confidence and endure whatever awkwardness this brings up.
You square your shoulders and lift your chin. “Okay… ask me.”
“You’ll answer? Honestly?” There’s an edge of desperation in Din’s voice from which you intuit his real meaning. You need to check any joking at the door.
Well, your current embarrassment level is sky-high, so whatever he wants you to respond to or admit surely can’t be much worse. You’ve already laid yourself (literally) bare for him. “I will. You got a slice of my inner dialogue last night, so I might as well continue the honesty.”
“Good… thank you.” He releases a profound sigh, a rush of static through the vocoder, and appears to gather himself for his first question. “Why do you think my creed means I can’t…?” He trails off, but you follow his meaning and match his heavy sigh.
“I don’t really think that,” you assure him. “Honestly, I’ve never known what to think, which means I’ve made no assumptions either way. But I guess… my drunken brain felt it was… safer to err on the side of caution when addressing it out loud.”
You’re not in the least bit surprised that he’s starting with this. If he is a virgin, you’ve mocked him, and if he isn’t, you’ve no doubt hurt his pride.
When he doesn’t respond, you suggest, “If that’s your first question, it sounds like you’re worried I’m judging you, so let me reinforce what I just said. ‘No assumptions’ means ‘no judgments’. But if you want to clarify things, I can promise you that whatever the truth is, I still won’t judge you.”
The importance Din is giving this topic is by far the biggest clue to the likely truth. No virgin would question you in the way that he just did. If they mentioned it at all, they’d probably just insist it’s not a topic for you to concern yourself with and never speak of it again. But inviting him to confirm his expertise gives him an easy way to lay the matter to rest. It’s also the kindest thing to do in the wake of your drunken foolishness.
He nods a fraction, accepting the premise, pausing while he chooses his words. “My creed doesn’t impose any rules relating to that, only that I cannot remove my helmet. And… some people kind of, uh… they get off on the mystery. So I do pretty well when I need to… blow off some steam.”
Huh. That was surprisingly direct (for him). You can’t help but smile, wondering if your delight stems from finally having proof that he isn’t without experience or that this discussion (so far) isn’t about how badly you fucked up.
Hoping to conceal your thoughts and keep the focus on him, you instantly slide back into teasing mode with a new nickname and a vague compliment of sorts. “Super Stud! You’re very discreet.”
“That’s the idea,” he confirms, ignoring his new moniker. “Although it’s by no means frequent, and since I got Grogu, I haven’t had….” He clears his throat. “Time and opportunity are rare.”
As much as you wish Din would choose to ‘blow off some steam’ with you, all you hear is a chance to atone for last night’s thoughtless actions. “I can take care of him while you go have some fun…?”
A massive scoff comes through the vocoder, and he shakes his helmet widely. “No, Maia, that’s… that’s not gonna work.”
But you persist, desperate to make amends. “Oh, come on, Metal Man, you deserve a break. Isn’t there anyone on Nevarro you can call for some fun?”
He sighs. “I have… options, yes.”
You furrow your brow at that. “So why did you say time and opportunity are rare? If you’ve got options, why don’t you just get your shiny ass laid while I do what you pay me for and take care of—”
A distinctly peeved huff crackles through the modulator, and you instantly fall silent. You forgot you’re not supposed to be teasing. Nor is it clear yet whether you still have a job. Foot, meet mouth.
He curtly redirects you. “Next question.” You assent with a nod, but when he continues, his tone is suddenly guarded and awkward. “Last night, you said… you suggested… that you and I might… blow off some steam.”
Fuck, this is the part you were dreading, and your pulse picks up. He seems nervous. Is that good or bad? Well, it’s better than angry and scary. You try to freeze your movements to avoid either wincing or looking too eager, nervously awaiting his question.
“Was that… because of the alcohol? Or… something, uh… real?” All you detect in his voice is discomfort, so you can’t tell which option he hopes for.
You sigh and take a careful slurp of the scalding hot caf to buy yourself time. It’s hard to answer because there’s a lot at risk. If you’re too honest about your feelings and Din doesn’t feel the same way, your relationship might end – professional as well as personal.
But once again, the fact that he’s asking suggests your answer is important to him, so the odds are likely in your favour. If he wasn’t attracted to you, surely he’d play it down and give you a way to save face. Just say he knew your silly drunken advances were simply an extension of your usual urge to tease and meant nothing, and that he forgives you for them. Surely he wouldn’t ask if they were ‘real’.
The concept sparks a tiny flame of hope in a dark and dusty corner of your mind, a pinprick of light to chase away the fears you walked in here with.
However, you can’t be too hasty or draw conclusions without facts. Though this isn’t going as dreadfully as you feared it might, the sensible option is to avoid getting your hopes up. He asked you for honesty, so you’ll give him that, but you decide to err on the side of caution again. An assumption against any interest on his part shouldn’t be offensive.
“It wasn’t… totally the alcohol,” you confess cautiously, and you see his body instantly tense up. Is that a positive reaction? “I’ve been trying to remember exactly what I said to you. I told you it was a ‘dream’, right?” Din nods once. “Well… that’s true. I admit I’ve had some daydreams about the idea. But it felt… safer not to mention it. Last night, you made it clear you weren’t interested in me, and you’ve never given me any reason to think otherwise, so I—”
“I did no such thing.”
Shit. The anger you were afraid of is finally colouring the Mandalorian’s tone, and he leans forward with his vehement denial.
What did you say wrong? Did you tease too soon with the new nickname just now? Shock and confusion contort themselves across your face, and you shrink backward.
He almost growls at your retreat, and the creak of his leather gloves as he clenches his fists has you bracing yourself for trouble. You honestly can’t tell if you’re turned on or terrified.
Before you can decide, he declares, “Last night, I had to walk away from a beautiful naked woman in my bed because she’d been drinking, and I would never do anything without full consent. I did not make it clear I wasn’t interested in you. Fuck, Maia, I have dreams about you too. All the time.”
Your mouth hangs open in surprise. Even knowing it was vaguely possible, you weren’t ready for that response.
He has dreams about you too!
Now that he’s confessed what got him so worked up, you see him make a visible effort to calm down.
His next words are much softer, soothing your prior unease, though your heart continues to thump from his admission. “Time and opportunity are rare because you’re Grogu’s babysitter, and that kid loves you. When he’s not with me, he wants to be with you. He only goes to school twice a week. That’s not a lot of time or—”
“—or opportunity,” you finish. “Okay, I get it. Why didn’t you say anything before? We could’ve been blowing off steam on schooldays for months already, but I had no idea. I would’ve climbed naked into your bed way sooner if I’d known.”
Din groans, a low and sinful rumble, and you wonder if you shouldn’t have put those images in his mind.
A deep breath later, he answers, “My son is my priority; his needs come before mine. He needs a good babysitter more than I need a good… uh….” He trails off and clears his throat. “And last night was the first time you’d ever said anything. I had no idea either.”
“But, but…” you stammer. Okay, so you’ve been keeping it to yourself, but you’re surprised he didn’t pick up on your attraction at all. “I’m flirting and checking you out all the crinking time, Metal Man. I thought bounty hunters were observant?”
He hums as if he’s flattered by your admission. “Teasing me is not a sign of anything on its own. And I’ve never seen you look anywhere other than directly at my helmet. You would’ve noticed my interest otherwise.” You furrow your brow slightly, not following, and he shakes his head in frustration. “You never look down.”
You look down.
Holy mother of meteors…
That is one obscenely snug flight suit and one fucking impressive erection.
Granted, you’ve noticed he’s been wearing the loose flight suit pants more often. In fact, you’ve missed being able to check out his toned ass in the closer-fitting ones. But since you can’t see where he’s looking, you’ve always been careful to keep your roving eyes chaste whenever he’s facing you. And, kriff, you never figured the reason for his wardrobe change was to hide this glorious attribute.
“Wow,” you breathe, unsure of what else to say. Suddenly, the volume on your headache reduces, and your lust levels shoot up. It’s so….
Din fidgets slightly, perhaps on edge because of your sudden scrutiny. Oops.
You revert your gaze to his visor, chancing some levity to ease the tension. “If I wasn’t fighting a skull-splitting hangover, I’d have a whole host of new nicknames for you already. Something about being as hard as beskar or carrying a concealed weapon… ugh, gimme a day, I’ll come up with a winner.”
His chuckle suggests the ice between you is now well and truly broken. You knock back the rest of your caf in the relaxed pause. It’s still hotter than you prefer, but perhaps it’ll quell your desire.
He lets you finish before breaking the easy silence. “Another question before you go, if it’s okay. Maybe a couple more, depending on how you answer the first one. I’d rather not leave this topic hanging now that we’ve addressed it.”
“Sure.” Right now, you’re willing to give this man whatever he wants.
“Okay. There’s another reason I walked away last night – besides your drunken state. It’s why I haven’t mentioned this before.” He swallows and inhales shakily. “You told me that your last relationship was terrible. And the fact that you chose to celebrate its end tells me you value your freedom. On my side, my relationships are rarely meaningful or long-term. So it might seem easiest to keep things casual.”
He pauses, but it’s unclear whether he wants your input. You can’t tell where he’s going with this, so you give him a one-shouldered shrug.
He leans forward and rests his vambraces on his cuisses. “If Grogu wasn’t around, it might be. But casual never ends well, and I will not threaten the bond you two have just for something meaningless. For the child’s sake, we gotta be sure where we stand before we… act on any of this. I can’t do casual with you, Maia. So the first question is: are you interested enough to try something… meaningful? Because if you’re not, we gotta bury this.”
He’s right. You start to understand why he got so worked up at your admission that you’re attracted to him for real. It complicates things.
He’s asked a logical and vital question, and you take a moment to give it due attention. Whatever happens, this cannot threaten your employment. So where are the lines?
You’ve felt something for Din from the start, and your attraction has only grown. That line is already blurred, and it hasn’t threatened anything, but it helps you see what he’s getting at. Your attachment to him and Grogu has become far more profound than you expected, so you couldn’t do casual even if you tried. It could only harm your bond with the kid if you tried to repress that attachment and keep things casual with his father.
Simply put, your feelings are already meaningful, so whatever comes next must be too.
Strangely, that doesn’t scare you. Your prior experience was poor – both oppressive and neglectful – but you were a displaced teenager on a new planet looking for protection when you got into that. Din is nothing like your ex, and this couldn’t be more different. You have faith in this man and, thus, faith in your answer.
“I am,” you confirm with a smile. “Are you?” He’s already confirmed he won’t do casual, but you need his agreement to start something meaningful.
He swallows, then echoes, “I am.”
A thrilling but weighty moment passes as you both digest this, just staring at one another in the wake of your mutual confessions. The air feels charged with promise. You can almost taste it.
It’s hard to judge how long has passed when he speaks again. “Second question. Did you use my ultrasound cleaner?”
Well, that’s a non sequitur. You have no idea how this query relates to your previous answer, but you nod nonetheless.
“Great. Come with me.”
He stands and leads you downstairs, stepping into his room and tapping on the main lights. When he sees that you’ve made his bed, he hums happily.
You’re quiet but hopeful, the heady feeling of promise that consumed you last night slowly filling you up once more as he turns to face you and beckons you closer.
“We should take this slow,” he starts. “You’re hungover, and I want you to feel comfortable when we….” He nods at the bed, oddly still reticent to describe the act.
“When we fuck.”
Din releases the cutest whimper and tugs at his pants. “That is not helping me with this problem. If you keep talking like that, I might not be able to resist,” he warns.
You scoff. “Shiny, are you really trying to threaten me with sex? Kriff, please tell me you didn’t use this tactic on any bounties back in the day.”
“No, I did not. And I’m trying to save that until your head doesn’t hurt,” he sighs. “But… question three. Before you go home, can I… kiss you?”
Your eyebrows shoot up as surprise and desire collide and carve a messy path through your chest, sending your heart tumbling into a double-time beat.
“Are you…” You’re not quite sure how to phrase your query, still chagrined by last night’s verbal blunders. “Is that some kind of metaphor? Does ‘kissing’ mean something different for Mandalorians with the whole helmet thing? Because if we’re just gonna thumb wrestle or something, I’m still in, but it’s kind of weird to call it kissing.”
He chuckles, and it eases your worry. “We do have a kissing substitute, but no, in this case, I meant what I said. I just gotta turn the lights out so you can’t see me when I remove my helmet. If that’s okay.”
All of your fears and concerns melt away with his answer. Gone are your worries about your budding romance having awkward or difficult restrictions, replaced by a certainty that you can handle not making eye contact. If observing that single caveat allows you to be with this man, you don’t even consider it a sacrifice.
Well, if he brought you down here to ensure it’s dark enough, you can help with that. You saunter to the door and touch the control to slide it closed, blocking out the sunshine filtering down the stairs, and then you turn to him with a smile. “It’s very okay. I’m not leaving here without a kiss, Din.”
He sucks in a modulated breath and doesn’t move for a second. “You… used my name.”
You know you’re allowed to – he’s told you that many times – but you find the nicknames help to maintain a friendly distance. Treat him as a friend, not as a lover. Except now things are changing.
“I thought I’d practice,” you explain. “I’m guessing that when we do get in that bed together, you’d prefer I scream out your real name instead of ‘Shiny’ or ‘Beskar Boy’.”
He groans sinfully again and reaches for you, fixing a glove around your wrist and tugging you to stand beside the shelves he stores his armour on. “Don’t move,” he instructs. Then he releases your wrist and taps a button on his vambrace, and the lights very slowly fade out until the room is darker than the void between galaxies.
Suddenly, sensations are everything. You can detect the warmth of Din’s body so close to yours, though you’re not yet touching. You hear him breathing more audibly than usual, a gentle but slightly stuttered hiss through the vocoder. You feel the air swirl around you as he raises his hands to his helmet…
The rhythmic thump of your heartbeat quickens, and despite your lack of sight, it’s as if the events occur in flashes between the beats. The absence of sound as you hold your breath. The gentle rustle as he slides off the metal helmet. The muffled clang when it hits the shelf as he lines it up. The scrape of the edge as he pushes it home. The nervous breath he releases in the subsequent silence, reminding you to exhale too.
Then he’s reaching for you, and your mind goes blank as his hands find your hips, closing the distance further. It’s not close enough to feel his arousal against you, although that’s probably wise. But if you weren’t still harbouring a headache, you’d be unable to resist pressing forward and seeking the impressive bulge you admired upstairs. Instead, you lay your palms on his cuirass and slide upward, burying your fingers in his cloak. That’s as high as you’ll go until you know what’s allowed.
One of Din’s gloved hands engulfs the nape of your neck, and you love how he’s controlling this, moving you in the dark to where he wants you. You can tell he’s leaned in closer by the sound of his breathing – more audible without the beskar barrier. Then there’s a sense of warmth on your skin as he brings you close enough to nuzzle at your hairline, gently at first, until you register the distinct press of his nose against your temple.
You feel it just before he speaks, his breath tickling near your ear as he opens his mouth to husk smooth, unmodulated words. “Go easy on me; it’s been a while since I’ve done this.”
Fuck, his voice is gorgeous. It resonates through you like a rumbling storm, drenching you with wanton promise, unleashing a different wetness upon you. If there were any frequency that could subdue your headache, it would be his soft and smoky timbre.
“Oh?” It’s all you can manage; a single syllable of surprise at his admission. He seems so confident.
“Mm,” he confirms, brushing his lips softly near the corner of your eye, and you detect some stubble around them. “Before we swear the Creed, we spend a while doing the things we’re taught to avoid after. I’ve only used this loophole once since then. So….” He trails off and presses a gentle kiss to the crest of your cheekbone, warm lips on soft skin, and you melt in his arms.
You want to assure him that he’s nailing it, preparing you so perfectly that he seems like an expert kisser, no matter how little practice he’s had. You want to thank him for deeming you worthy enough to use this rare loophole and express your stunned gratitude at the privilege he’s allowing you. But the notion of speaking confounds you, and all you can do is lift your chin and indicate your willingness to do this.
Din gets the message.
You can sense his nerves in the way he cautiously presses his lips against yours. But in the millisecond it takes to register a connection, your body reacts before your brain and electricity shoots through your nerve endings. Instantly, thousands of perfect explosions stud your skin, making you shiver in bliss.
He’s sweet, gentle, respectful… and it’s good. But it’s a little chaste for your liking, and you can tell he’s holding himself back. He needs to let go, so you emit a low hum of pleasure, which spurs him on and increases his fervour. You gently part your lips, and he gets the hint and takes the lead, deepening the kiss until your tongues meet – a touch that halts the spin of the whole galaxy around you.
Then he lets go. It’s as if he’s suddenly remembered how to breathe after holding his breath for decades, and oh, how utterly starved of oxygen he’s been. This kiss is feeding him, keeping him alive. His tightened grip, the tremors of lust you detect running through him, the way he almost whimpers into your mouth… it’s assertive and adorable in equal measures.
You can feel his inexperience, but you let him lead anyway. He gets lost in the sensations a few times, his rhythm faltering, but he corrects himself and responds keenly to your subtle signals of what’s good. It’s not long before you’re locked in a perfect moment, sharing an exquisite kiss with your ideal man.
When you part, it’s by mere centimetres, and you’re so full of happy chemicals that your hangover is barely a niggle at the back of your brain.
“I think that fixed my headache,” you purr against his lips. “I bet I could even thumb wrestle you now….” You have no clue what you’re implying, but you’re low-key horny, and openly flirting with him for once is fun.
Din’s unmodulated chuckle is the cutest thing you’ve ever heard. “Well, I was aiming for ‘mindblowing’, but I’ll take ‘headache-fixing’,” he jests, bantering right back for once. You can’t help but close the tiny distance to steal another lingering yet closed-mouth kiss, eager to show him just how addictive his efforts were.
Once again, your lips barely separate, lingering close. “Oh, it’s blown alright – completely offline. Probably why it doesn’t hurt anymore.” A salacious idea comes to you then, and you voice it a hair’s breadth from his mouth, knowing he’ll refuse but wanting to show you’re willing. “Maybe now it’s my turn to blow something of yours….”
The sharp gasp he sucks in and raggedly exhales indicates he’s just pictured your suggestion and played the image to its fruition. In the pitch-black room, you can pick up on his obvious arousal through sound and touch – the almost-groan he swallows, the twitch of all the muscles in his body as he reins himself in.
There’s a pause as he considers your proposal, and you can tell he’s waging a war with himself to refuse. You’ve put him in a difficult position. But this new closeness allows you to upgrade friendly teasing into full-on flirting, and you can’t resist.
It takes longer than you expect, but Din finally releases a shuddering breath, swallows, and presses a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. Then he rasps, “I would enjoy that very much, but it’s not why I brought you down here, mesh’la.”
Mesh’la? Who the fuck is that? You stiffen in his arms, unable to process the idea that he’s just said someone else’s name during an intimate moment. Even if it does sound similar enough to yours that you could maybe understand the slip, how could he—?
“Maia,” you correct pointedly as your thoughts spiral, pulling away slightly, your stomach suddenly in knots.
He tightens his hold and hurriedly assures you, “Hey, no, it’s not— mesh’la means ‘beautiful’ in Mando’a.”
There’s a tense pause, and then you murmur, “Ah,” embarrassed and glad you didn’t instantly flip out at your incorrect assumption, then suddenly flattered by the compliment. As you fall back into his embrace, your sluggish brain gives you nothing more, too confused by the pelting of emotions you just received in quick succession. Perhaps it’s best to adopt Din’s usual policy of silence.
But he saves you from your chagrin and redirects you to another topic. “Final question. Can I make you dinner one evening this week? We agreed we’re aiming for something… meaningful here. Getting physical right away is not the best way to achieve that.” He squeezes your waist with the hand that’s remained in place throughout. “As much as I’m looking forward to that part.”
A sweet smile is your reply, though you realise he can’t see it in the dark. Luckily, it’s followed up by the return of your vocabulary. “Dinner sounds good. Grogu too?” You love the little womp rat, but this sounds like a date, so you’d rather it wasn’t crashed by a decades-old toddler.
Din hums as he follows your thought process. “The kids at his school keep inviting him on playdates and sleepovers. The parents seem like good people, so I’m sure we could arrange something both he and I would be happy with.”
You nod. “Then I look forward to our first date.” You can’t imagine how a dinner date will work with a guy who can’t show his face, but at least now you know there are loopholes. Perhaps he has another for eating together.
“Me too… mesh’la Maia.” You hear his slightly cheeky but utterly earnest tone, and you can’t help grinning. How apt that he should give you a nickname just when you decide to start using his real name.
You want to kiss him again, but since you pulled away a little, you can’t judge where his face is anymore, and you’re not sure if you’re allowed to touch him to locate it. “Another kiss before I leave, gorgeous guy?” (Two can play the nickname game, and you started it).
“Always,” Din agrees through a chuckle, bringing you in close again with the hand on your neck, finding your lips and pressing something firmer, more resolute there. You open eagerly for him and revel in the thrust of his tongue against yours. He’s settling into it now, more confident in himself and his technique, while carefully heeding your responses.
You enjoy it while you can – the sensations, the taste, the warmth, the delicious calm energy that washes through you with his lips on yours, his tongue in your mouth, his hand on your neck. You commit the feelings to memory, unsure when you’ll get to do it again. You hope you won’t have to wait too long for your date.
It’s over too soon, but you accept that it has to be. As you separate, you attempt to lock in the memories of the features you’ve felt pressed against you – stubble, soft lips, a strong nose. It’s not much, but it’s more than you had before.
Din’s hand falls from your neck, and you bemoan the loss of heat and comfort, spiralling back toward your hangover from the heady heights of such an intimate moment. As you hear the scrape of his helmet on the shelf’s edge again, you panic a little and blurt out, “What’s your hair like?”
He freezes, and your panic swells for a different reason. Based on the comb you spotted on his dresser earlier, you’re confident you’re not asking a bald man to describe his hair, but perhaps it’s forbidden to ask.
“I-I mean, if I’m not allowed to know, then forget I asked. I just… now that I’ve felt your lips, it’s made me wonder about the rest. It’s fine if you can’t tell me, though.”
A few seconds later, the scrape of the helmet resumes, and he slides it into his grasp. But you don’t hear him put it on.
Din’s reply is a low whisper, and he sounds even more nervous than he was before you kissed. “You can’t see my face… but you can touch it. If you want.”
Oh. You wonder how many people have touched his face, which makes you hesitate. This feels more intimate than you should be getting right now. “Thank you. I think… just your hair today. I’ll explore the rest of you on our date, face included.” That promise wins you an eager hum.
Your hands remain buried in his cloak, so you slide one to the back of his neck and rake upward. A gasp escapes you as you feel soft strands, longer than you expected and curling slightly at the ends. You picture the cutest mess of unruly waves.
“Is it… what colour is it?” You’ve seen him without his gloves a few times – last night included – so you know his skin is a warm amber. But human genetics are so diverse that you can’t really assume anything about his hair based on that.
It takes a few seconds for him to answer, busy sighing in bliss and pressing his head into your palm like a tooka getting stroked. “Dark,” he replies simply. It’s unclear whether he’s hypnotised by your hand in his hair or he’s not used to disclosing details about himself. Both are fair excuses, and you have much more data than you did ten minutes ago either way. You’re convinced he’s gorgeous.
“Thank you, Din,” you offer as you force yourself to stop running your fingers through his silken waves and withdraw a step.
There’s a quiet rustle as he places his helmet back on and seals it. “You’re welcome.” It’s modulated again, but there’s something about hearing that metallic rasp that makes you smile. You just kissed the source of that sound.
With a muffled beep from his vambrace, the lights fade up again, revealing an impassive black T-visor. However, the armoured body below it somehow looks more relaxed and assured. Gone is the stiffness you felt in his limbs earlier, and though you wonder if a certain stiffness in his pants remains, you’re not about to start ogling him when you should be going home.
So you smile and suggest, “Walk me out?” and you’re rewarded with a nod.
When you exit the cabin for the second time in one morning, you feel like a different person. Though your foggy head throbs and your bruised shoulder smarts, your very essence sparkles with an energy you’ve never felt before. It flares with each lingering touch the Mandalorian bestows upon you, with every prolonged stare of his visor, and with his soft instruction to get home safe.
He’ll call you, he promises, slipping a new comlink into your hand.
When you exit the cabin for the second time in one morning, you feel like a better person. The girl who disgraced herself last night has gone, leaving a happier and more fulfilled version in her place. Even so, you’re sure glad that idiot version of yourself ran her mouth and became the catalyst for your new path with Din.
And you can’t wait to look down again. Maybe next time you’ll get to go down too.
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Get ready for more loquacious end notes…
Maia’s job was inspired by this scene from s3e5. She’s not a civil engineer, but, like, she could be that girl with the datapad – doing all the planning and building the holos while the engineer gets all the glory (can you tell I work in a support role??).
I originally wrote details at the end of part one of everything Din decided – that she must be attracted to him based on how she worded things, and that he’d talk to her to verify that and determine whether it was something she’d like to act on or just ignore. But I realised it was better for the story to leave his intentions a mystery (is the thing he ‘doesn’t want to have to do’ ejecting her from his life, or simply having a grownup conversation?), which hopefully lets you feel more of Maia’s fear here.
I feel like there’s a lot of scope for misunderstandings, not just because of Din’s helmet, but also because he can be socially awkward. So there he is, massively attracted to this girl who threw herself at him the night before but he doesn’t know what to say, so he just sort of gravitates towards her, tries to get close. Is he sort of flirting? Maybe. The ‘get in their personal space’ thing might work for him when he’s casually picking someone up. So his actions here are him trying to say with body language “I like you too, I want to get closer,” but she misunderstands because of her embarrassment, sees it as intimidation, and shies away – a response which makes him even more clueless about how to vocalise things.
I hope the switch from third person (she/her) pronouns in part 1 Din’s POV to second person (you/your) pronouns in part 2 Maia’s POV wasn’t too clunky. I know it’s popular in this fandom to use second-person pronouns (you/your) even when writing from a third person’s POV (Din’s), but I just can’t make myself do it. If he’s the one whose head we’re in, when he’s thinking about the woman he’s attracted to, he wouldn’t be thinking “damn, you’re hot”, he’d be thinking “damn, she’s hot”. I was taught that we should hear internal dialogue exactly as it would sound to the person thinking it, thus we should use third-person pronouns when inside his head. You/your is only for when we’re inside the reader’s head (second-person POV so second-person pronouns). And of course, I/me pronouns are used if we’re ever inside the author’s head (first person POV). I hope that explains the switch here. I swear I can’t help my annoying adherence to grammar rules – it’s just been drilled into me. I wish I could be more flexible sometimes, but unfortunately the autism always wins 😔
GIF made by me again, slightly less blurry this time.
Definitions: An ultrasound cleaner is basically a sonic toothbrush from Legends. Both Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt kept a rancor as a rather scary pet. Caf, as you probably know, is the SWU’s coffee. Din (and Maia here) often calls Grogu a womp rat, a pest on Tatooine (proving Din has spent long enough there to pick up the local lingo, and Maia has picked it up from him). A tooka is an SWU cat.
As always, comments/kudos (AO3) and likes/reblogs (Tumblr) will inspire me to produce more things. I don’t have a Kofi because I would rather have your help marketing my stories than take your cash, so if you enjoy my work, please support me with kudos and reblogs. Thanks!
Honestly, I’m not altogether thrilled with this fic. I struggle with shorter (ha!) pieces because, as those of you who have read Be-All And Endor will know, I’m much more comfortable playing the long game and writing things where I can focus on character development, foreshadow future events, reference and call back concepts, and do a heck of a lot of worldbuilding. So to me, this feels like it lacks depth because it’s a very simple and straightforward concept that lacks a full-on conflict/resolution arc, and as a character study it’s nothing that hasn’t been done before. I’ve also been struggling to write something I felt was good enough to publish in the wake of Be-All. I don’t think this passes muster, but in the end, I realised I had to just post something – anything – simply to get past that fear of doing it. So I hope this was interesting enough to at least hold your attention! I suppose I could write a part 3 where they have their date and the smut happens, but to be honest, I have several other smutty fics in the works that have much better setups, so I think I should focus on those. I might come back to this one day, though.
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@aheadfullofsteverogers @alltheotps @axolotllover225 @burntheedges @copperhalfcent
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I tagged those below in part 1 due to interest in my series masterlist and WIP snippets (comments/reblogs). Nobody told me off for my audacity, so I’m hoping you’ll enjoy part 2 also…
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@joelalorian @kyberblade @readingupsidedown @sunflowersunlight7-blog
@thefrogdalorian @whataenginerd @wrathkitty
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senterya · 1 year
I'm so excited about all the boonsupport changes I can barely contain myself
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pallastrology · 10 months
the midheaven and imum coeli
aries on the midheaven makes for a native that aspires towards independence. they are natural hunters, relentless in their pursuit of their goals. they often have a reputation for having authority issues, and this can be true, they don’t cope well with working under the boot of other people, but they aren’t difficult to work with in general; when given the opportunity to work with someone they can build a strong connection with and when given a common, meaningful goal, aries midheavens are wonderful team members and are encouraging, passionate and energetic. with the midheaven in aries the lower heaven is in libra, and that’s where we see that slightly uncharacteristic talent for working in partnerships. growing up, the natives may have lived in a household where everything had to look perfect, where there were poor boundaries and avoidance and comfort-seeking from caregivers, rather than firm but fair treatment. the native had to grow up quickly and is very much a self-made individual now, but in some ways, they can feel stunted, like they’re stuck developmentally. they need to learn to uphold boundaries without becoming militant, to work with others while still supporting and encouraging themselves, to stay connected to the people that matter while they chase their prey.
taurus on the midheaven brings a desire for security. the native is artistic, stoic and determined. they don’t necessarily want fortune and fame, but they want to be valued and respected. they aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty or put in long hours and hard work to get to where they’re aiming for. their career paths can sometimes look more erratic than you’d expect for an earth placement, and this is because taurus midheavens often have issues with under - or over - valuing themselves, taking on meaningless work because they feel they haven’t earned better, or refusing opportunities out of stubbornness or a feeling of being out of their league. they work well with others when they are given time and patience, because these natives often have trust issues and can’t open up easily. with the midheaven in taurus the lower heaven is in scorpio, and a lot starts to make sense. they often grew up in homes with intense emotions and little in the way of healthy outlets or communication, homes where distance and mistrust was the norm. secrets were often kept and love may have been treated as a resource to guard fiercely and rarely give away. as an adult, the native has to come to terms with these early experiences and understand that we all have inherent worth, and are all deserving of unconditional love; it isn’t a thing to be earned, it’s within us all and can - should - be shared freely.
with gemini on the midheaven, the native aspires towards connection. they are adaptable, expressive, creative thinkers, who are quick to ask questions and quicker to learn. they have a strong desire to fly the nest and discover some of the world for themselves, and they usually do just this. the native can sometimes struggle to focus; they have a tendency to spread themselves too thin and get overwhelmed. they can be rather insecure, lacking faith in themselves and their abilities at times. this is often down to their upbringing. as a gemini midheaven, they have the lower heaven in sagittarius, which can indicate that they felt alone a lot growing up. perhaps their caregivers were very busy people, or they struggled to make friends, or were ostracised in some way. they may have felt like an outsider as a child, and so relied on their hobbies and dreams to sustain them when other people couldn’t. as an adult, gemini midheavens are a little anxious, quick to doubt themselves, but quick to seek out connections too; whether social or developmental. they would suit a life path that involves flexibility, a fast pace, multiple routes to progression and the chance to experience many kinds of people. however, they do need to stay still sometimes and listen to themselves. they may feel inferior at times, but they can learn a lot from themselves if they open their hearts.
cancer on the midheaven makes for a native that aspires towards comfort. they are highly attuned creatures, sensitive to others’ emotions and needs without them needing to say a word. the native is naturally maternal, not necessarily in the sense of wanting children, but in that they have a lot of care and love to give to whom they choose. they are traditionally well-suited to a career in the public eye, as this nurturing quality reflects well on others. the intensity of their life will often ebb and flow quite dramatically, even as far as water signs go. they need periods off to just rest and return to themselves, or they burn out terribly. with cancer on the midheaven, capricorn is on the lower heaven. growing up, the home was often a cold and clinical place, not one where emotional connections were the norm. as a result, the native, often subconsciously - as is the nature of water signs - goes through life searching for the warmth and comfort they needed as a child. they can become dependent on loved ones, or go the other way and give everything to these loved ones without getting an ounce back. it can be really helpful for them to research reparenting and go through life with the concept in their mind’s eye.
leo on the midheaven brings a desire for adoration. they may aspire to be seen as a star in their chosen field, though, honest as they are, only want this reputation if they can back it up. they are deeply passionate people, who work and play hard. their creativity and generosity will take them far in life, if they can learn to accurately identify and work on their flaws. at times they can be stubborn, and this is both good and bad for them. they are driven and determined, but often lack self-belief and rely heavily on loved ones to encourage and praise them when things get hard. with leo on the midheaven, we find aquarius on the lower heaven, and so we learn a little more. the native’s childhood was often quite a lonely one. whether that’s through an unconventional upbringing, emotionally distant caregivers or living somewhere isolated from peers, the native often felt they were alone in the world. now, as an adult, they are powerful people with the heart of a child. they are honest and loving and often a lot more vulnerable than they appear. they want love and support, but can get stuck feeling they need to “perform” to earn affection, becoming reliant on external sources for validation. building some self-esteem and learning to validate their own experiences and emotions is invaluable for these gentle giants, and they start to step into their strengths.
with virgo on the midheaven, the native aspires towards health and contentment. they are quick thinking, careful and dedicated, with a tendency to plan ahead down to the minutiae. there can be a habit of rushing ahead to their chosen destination without being able to enjoy the path they’re taking, and they are prone to anxiety and overthinking. a virgo midheaven is a judgemental placement, in that they are constantly assessing their situation and adjusting accordingly. this can make them seem controlling or critical at times. with the midheaven in virgo, the lower heaven is in pisces. the native’s childhood was often a chaotic place, with few boundaries and little emotional stability, leaving them to fend for themselves in a confusing and uncertain world. the native’s need to feel in control now makes a little more sense, but living life in constant fear of losing it is no real way to live. making use of their penchant for routine, their ability to learn any skill - especially those they deem practical in some way - and their softer, compassionate side will come in handy to help them loosen the reins a little. over time, with the same devotion they give to their loved ones and their chosen field, things do feel less daunting.
libra on the midheaven makes for a native that aspires towards peace and beauty. they are soothing, reflective and highly intelligent, with a craving for an easy, yet meaningful life. they have a tendency to choose pleasure and comfort over growth, to their detriment. they can be very afraid of confrontation and authority, making themselves small and silent to avoid it. they are attracted to careers in the arts, human rights, or paths that find them developing one-on-one connections with people in some way. with libra on the midheaven, we find aries on the lower heaven. the native often grew up in an explosive house, where conflict was handled poorly and communication was last in line. their caregivers may have been draconian and not allowed them to develop much of their own self, which can explain their fascination with how people work and their struggle to maintain healthy boundaries as adults. they are sensitive individuals and work very hard to make others happy, often at their own expense. it takes time to spot these patterns and start mending them, but it’s worth the work to build a beautiful life, by and for one’s own self.
scorpio on the midheaven brings a desire to know all their is to know about their chosen field. they are intriguing, determined and passionate, but they aren’t loud about it. they chase their goals with a fierce drive and focus, which can leave them blinkered to the rest of their life in the process. they can be overachievers, pushing themselves beyond their limits, and are often attracted to the “darker” side of life; what classes as dark, i’ll leave up to the individual to decide for themselves. the native is an intense individual, and not one that makes friends easily, but they tend to make friends for life when they do, chart depending. scorpio on the midheaven means taurus is on the lower heaven. the native’s childhood was often quite traditional in terms of values, with strict and hardworking caregivers who perhaps had some secrets. difficulties were between family, and we therefore kept quiet and not addressed, left to fester. as an adult, scorpio midheaven looks to excise secrets and half-truths in their life, and lives a life of integrity at any cost, or alternately, if they internalise their early experiences, they live a double life, hiding themselves from the world. to thrive, they need to be honest with themselves and their loved ones, and make use of their intense drive to work on themselves and their goals.
with sagittarius on the midheaven, the native aspires towards growth. they are detached, curious and enthusiastic, with an insatiable lust for knowledge. they are often attracted to careers that involve a lot of education or personal development, but can find it hard to settle down. traditionally, this placement would denote travelling or uprooting for a career, which suits the native just fine as they don’t attach too easily, to places or people. with sagittarius on the midheaven, gemini is on the lower heaven. growing up was a lonely experience for the native, who spent a lot of time alone. they craved connection and spontaneity, but instead of their caregivers, who may have been anxious individuals themselves, they found solace in the world around them. as adults, they are very cool externally, but struggle to attach closely and may struggle with commitment issues and a need for freedom that beats everything else. if they can settle their hearts and learn to let people in, they’ll find that their unique way of seeing the world, their creative thinking and wealth of knowledge will serve them very well indeed, and the world is just waiting for them.
capricorn on the midheaven makes for a native that aspires towards independence, respect and mastery. they are driven, strong-willed and surprisingly fiery at times, with a strong sense of responsibility. they are natural leaders and managers, but often fail to see themselves this way until they’re older and wiser. they don’t tend to find the prospect of self-employment attractive, preferring instead a more structured pathway, though they suit working for themselves very well. with capricorn on the midheaven, cancer lies on the lower heaven. the native’s childhood was spent having to “mother” those around them, whether that is because of unstable emotions from caregivers meaning they couldn’t do it, or life circumstances leading to an inability. the native had to learn to put aside ideas deemed childish in order to try and become what was expected of them. as an adult, capricorn midheaven is capable of truly amazing feats, but they are prone to melancholy and find it hard to believe in themselves. when they do learn this vital skill, their passion, drive and determination will take them far indeed, and help them strike a balance between work and life.
aquarius on the midheaven brings a desire to better things. they are more patient than they seem, but their brains move quickly and they do find it hard when those around them can’t keep up. they need support from their people and a good network to really thrive, being a social sign despite the mad scientist stereotype. they may be attracted to almost any field, but it has to be important to the native. with aquarius on the midheaven, leo is on the lower heaven. throughout their childhood, they felt different. not necessarily a bad different, but they knew they were cut from a different cloth to their caregivers, or peers perhaps. being a compassionate and conflict-avoidant placement, they often tried to act the part of one of the gang, and now as an adult they can feel unsure of who they really are and where they really fit in. they have a wide range of often-contradictory interests and skills, and make friends with people of all backgrounds, so they are something of a patchwork quilt. but that’s no bad thing, and embracing every part of themselves will allow them to find meaning and support in life.
with pisces on the midheaven, the native aspires towards healing. they are kind, perceptive and willing. their goals can be ephemeral and easily clouded, leaving them confused about their place in the world. they aren’t afraid of work but are deeply afraid of being stuck in a situation that drains them, as a sensitive and honest individual. with the midheaven being in pisces, the lower heaven is in virgo and so this fear makes a lot more sense. growing up, the native lived in a stern, restrictive household, where they felt they had to be perfect to be loved. they may have struggled with health issues which caused them some delays, or other rifts in the family. now, as adults, they can lack direction and feel easily overwhelmed and burned out, falling into pits of despair and depression relatively easily when they don’t take extra care. they have a huge store of compassion and this will be their most vital asset, along with their genuine interest in humanity and the world. they have a willingness to help others, an understanding of the depth of the human soul, and the ability to sit and listen and absorb. building healthy boundaries and letting themselves explore will serve pisces midheaven well in life.
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punksocks · 6 days
Signs Your on the Right or Wrong Path:
(Check your Moon sign, Mars sign, Ascendant, and/or North Node)
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(Also wrong path behaviors tend to fit underdeveloped energy, so you may recognize these behaviors in low vibrational people with these placements)
Right path:
-Aries: You feel energetic, you may start working out more/doing more physical activities, you’re going on new adventures, pure enthusiasm, you’ve got a lot of new prospects, you still charge into situations and sometimes arguments but you avoid constant fighting and long term grudges
-Taurus: You’re making money/feeling abundant, you’re feeling creative, feeling satisfied with physical comforts (perfect meals, great self care, etc), feeling stubborn still but in a reasonable grounded way with a bit of flexibility
-Gemini: You’re quick on your feet, constantly coming up with new ideas, you’re winning a lot of verbal sparring matches/debates, suddenly absorbing a lot of new information, feeling like you’re in an intellectually stimulating environment
-Cancer: Emotionally at ease, feeling protective without being defensive, feeling at home with whatever loved ones you’re around, peaceful nostalgia, comfort in your environment/home life, being nurturing without forcing it, feeling more fertile (as straightforward as pregnancy but as all encompassing as getting a lot of new ideas or being great at cooking or growing a garden that blossoms, etc)
-Leo: Gaining attention effortlessly, increased self confidence/charisma, more creativity, getting more compliments than usual, feeling empowered and like your gettting the right amount of attention and feedback on a regular basis
-Virgo: Great productivity, being seen as reliable and supportive and being appreciated for it, getting to cross items off your todo lists, -less- anxiety and overthinking/finding ways to soothe this, improved mental health, your hygnine and routine improve and flow better, being supported and given space to rest and relax when you need to
-Libra: increased charm/beauty (a glow up essentially), peace in your social life, increased romance, getting more compliments than usual, ease in making choices, generally feeling more balanced, feeling more creative
-Scorpio: Being around people/a person you can actually really trust, being allowed to open up in your own time, great intimacy with passion and payoff and all that, transformations come easy-like shedding a second skin, feeling rewarded with safety in exchange for the vulnerability you do show, depth and understanding even if it’s only with one or two people
-Sagittarius: constant stimulation and exciting adventures (big or small), growing understanding and philosophies, more opportunities to travel and good things coming from travel, more opportunities to learn about cultures outside of your own, increased optimism and luck
-Capricorn: making money/long term investments & projects starting to pay off, clear and healthy skin, getting money from random places, your new ideas work out better than expected, gaining recognition for your hard work, elevating to new heights/gaining promotions at work, being able to carve out your own path of progress
-Aquarius: embracing your uniqueness and being celebrated for it, one of a kind ideas, feeling innovative, feeling good will and participating in humanitarian efforts, getting involved with the local community, embracing chaos and being rewarded for it, losing the desire to fit in.
-Pisces: good dreams, fluidity in daydreams and reality, new sparks for your creativity coming from your subconscious/good spiritual efforts, heightened clarity, peace of mind and tranquility coming more naturally, understanding what you process subconsciously and trusting your intuition more
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Wrong path:
-Aries: Feeling lethargic/losing energy after short bursts, headaches, restlessness, constantly being stalled when you try new things, constant fighting with everyone and anyone that never seems to end
-Taurus: You’re losing money/abundance, you’re feeling rushed, you’re overindulging/binging on comforts- none of your luxuries fill the void, every hill is a hill you’re willing to die on (feeling especially stubborn)
-Gemini: You’re bored, feeling stuck, you’re having issues communicating (suddenly stuttering or drawing blanks, for example, you could even lose your voice), trouble learning and thinking, feeling like no one around you can match your intelligence
-Cancer: constantly manipulating emotions around you/your emotions being constantly manipulated, toxic codependency on family/loved ones, chest pains, yearning for the past and dissatisfaction with the present, lack of care, lack of fertility
-Leo: attention starved and you have to beg for others to pay attention to you, back pains, feeling like you only get attention at the wrong times/for the wrong things, a lot of envy/jealousy, acting out in bratty/diva ways, partying too much
-Virgo: overthinking (like you’re always going to overthink, but when it’s bad you cannot stop overthinking), uncontrollable anxiety, stomach aches, a lot of busy work with very little progress, endless to-do lists, sudden forced changes to your consistency/routine, being used for support and this being thankless, insane levels of restlessness
-Libra: Loss of appeal (not being ugly but finding your charm and general appeal towards others works less than it usually does), being depressed/uninspired about your looks, feeling like all your connections are shallow/loss of romance, being surrounded by conflict, finding it impossible to make decisions, loss of creativity
-Scorpio: feeling like -something- is off and not being able to shake that feeling (something probably is off, trust your gut), feeling like you need to guard your secrets/yourself with your life, gossip and rumors about you coming from your inner circle, intimacy that doesn’t feel worth it, you or others trying to bar you from changing & transforming, shallow connections, repeating cycles of toxic behavior
-Sagittarius: Boredom/stagnancy, shutting down discussions/learning by being too blunt, close mindedness in general, feeling stuck or cagey, environments that lack cultural stimulation, sudden bouts of bad luck/things falling apart
-Capricorn: losing money/going over budget, business ventures failing, skin problems/breakouts, drowning in work but not being able to finish any of it, being stuck in toxic systems/patterns of behavior, being controlled/dominated, having your ambition capped/hitting a glass ceiling of some sort in your goals
-Aquarius: conformity/changing your identity or ideals to conform to others, feeling cold/too disconnected towards others (like seeing people as a problem to solve instead of individuals to help), calculating behavior in general, lack of ingenuity/out of the box ideas, being too rooted in the past/how things once were
-Pisces: nightmares, not being able to tell the difference between reality and daydreams, increased problems with mental illness, being triggered uncontrollably by your subconscious, dealing with more illusions and lies, creativity stalling, romanticizing your connections and the people around you (seeing depth where there is none or vice versa)
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 months
may I request Scott McCall x male reader smut where Scott a bottom I have not found a fic where scott is a bottom anywhere and I love to see more support for this fandom pls
Scott McCall x male reader
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Scott has always had a special part in my heart ever since I watched Teen Wolf years ago. You are so right about the lack of bottom Scott content, so I hope this helps scratch that itch a little bit.
Reader is a kanima-wolf combo, like Jackson, cuz I love the kanima plot. did someone say tailplay? cuz theres tailplay.
I had a lot of fun writing this ngl, hope you guys enjoy.
Scotts claws dug deep groves into the floor, a high-pitched whine leaving him as the powerful flexible muscle of your tail curled around his middle, dragging him closer to where you were crouched near the shadowed corner of the room.
The day had been spent high strung on your part, as Scott had seemed to make it his mission to tease you. From sultry looks as he bit his lip, or the way he would push his scent at you specifically to leave you agitated. He seemed to take it as a win when he caught your tongue flicking out between your lips, tasting the air as your leftover reptilian instincts demanded of you.
You had been a kanima when you were bitten, around the same time as Jackson. It stemmed from similar issues to Jackson, something deep and emotional that left you feeling like you weren’t in control of yourself. You had to live up to very high expectations set by your parents, who were very strict about everything you did, also making it impossible for you to accept your sexuality at the time.
But with the help of the pack, you came to accept yourself, and like Jackson, you turned into something more of a hybrid, a mixture of a kanima and a werewolf. Unlike Jackson, you always fell more back onto your reptilian urges than the wolf urges, which was why you were now hissing softly as your slitted eyes bore into the naked back of your lover as you dragged him towards you.
With a flick of your tongue, you could taste the strong arousal in the bedroom, Scott’s bedroom, the faint scent of precum reaching your heightened senses. With a rumbled hiss, you wrench down the pajama pants Scott had been wearing, striking your lightly scaled hand across his naked ass. “You’re so dirty Scott, you were waiting for me, huh?” you hiss, squinting up at him as he looks at you over his shoulder, a slight squint to his eyes that told you that your guess had been correct.
Your tail released his middle as he laid out flat across the floor, lifting his hips just enough for you to pull his pants all the way down and off without tearing them. A whimper left him as your claws ran across his thick thighs, groping the muscle underneath with an appreciative hiss. “So needy” you mumble, digging your thumbs into the dimples of his back, making him keen breathlessly.
Your pupils shrank into slits as you watched how his muscles tensed, his back arching so beautifully as Scott shuffled his knees apart, trying to fit your torso between them as you scraped your sharp teeth across his lower back. The threat of your venom had only ever served to arouse him further, the possibility of being completely paralyzed sending a bolt of thrill and lust through your lover’s entire body.
It was something you had only experimented with once or twice, when you both had felt a little more in control of your more beastly half. But as of now, your tail lashed out, knocking something random off a shelf in the background. Scotts softly glowing eyes met yours as he looked back at you again, audibly gulping and whining softly, almost beckoning you to touch him more.
Spreading his cheeks apart, your tongue started to roll out of your mouth, ready to slither inside him to spread him open the way you knew he loved the most, until you saw the familiar shiny sheen across his pucker. “Did you prep yourself Scott?” you asked with a slight lisp, your longer than humanly possible tongue still hanging out of your mouth.
Instead of answering, Scott simply blushed and buried his head into his folded arms, his knees shuffling to allow him to lift his hips farther, giving you all the answer you needed. Instead of teasing him further, you crawled up his body, letting your torso drag across his back until your chest was pressed against his back, chin hooked on his shoulder.
Your tail coiled around one of his thighs, far up enough that part of your warm scales brushed around his pouch, making him twitch and moan, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of smooth scales against his skin. “You’ve always been such a freak Scott, never imagined you’d be so turned on by scales” you snicker, tone teasing but also thick with want, half hissed as your tongue felt too long for your mouth.
“Maybe I should just fuck you with my tail instead, what do you say?” you murmur into his ear, the tip of your tail just barely pressing against his slick pucker, making Scotts hips flex as his jaw drops in a soundless moan. You knew it was a fantasy of his, you bet hed even let him fuck him when you were still just a kanima, ruled by a master and mind not your own.
You had seen his search history, you knew the kind of stuff he was into, and if that just so happened to always involve a lot of stuff that was similar to your anatomy? Who would have to know but you, Scott, and God.
The tip of your tail just barely pressed inside, your tongue reptilian tongue pressing against his pulse point as Scott moaned, head falling to the side to give you as much access to his throat as possible. It was an extremely submissive pose for a true alpha like Scott, but it always served to make you feel a deep feral rush, to somehow get someone like Scott under you and writhing.
But before your tail could breach the loosened ring of his hole, you pulled it back, doing your best to ignore the whined out “no, no, please” from Scott. Instead, you reached down and undid your belt, quickly releasing your hard length and letting it rest between the globes of his ass, rolling your hips against his to let him feel it.
“Next time, my cute little alpha” you tease, your sharp teeth scraping hard enough against his shoulder to make blood bead up at the bites, but they quickly healed over, only giving you a slight taste. “Please, please, please” Scott whimpered, sounding almost near tears. Its seems you hadn’t been the only one worked up all day, as Scott almost outright panted for your touch, your cock, your tail, anything.
You swore you could see him drooling as you finally press inside him, his hips shoving back against yours hard enough, that if you weren’t holding him still, he would have impaled himself onto your dick almost immediately. A slight warning hiss-growl left you, as if warning him to stay still. A rumble left him in response, his inner alpha seemingly feeling disrespected by your display, even as Scott arched and moaned for more.
Scott was only given a moment to adjust, just how he liked it, before you started moving your hips. A clawed slightly scaled hand was placed between his shoulder blades, shoving his face harder against the floor as your hips struck against his own, his noises rising in volume and neediness.
Scotts claws ached as they dug into the floor, his fangs flashing as his jaw dropped, open mouthed gasps and moans leaving him as the noises were punched out of him, tongue almost hanging out as drool ran down his chin.
As you struck his prostate, he almost wailed, but before that noise could leave him, the tip of your tail was shoved between his teeth, pressing down against his tongue, and tickling the back of Scotts throat, only making his eyes roll back as he groaned.
Your noises were akin to chuffing as your hips slammed against his, claws digging into Scotts back and hip hard enough to draw blood as venom filled drool dripping from your mouth and down into the divot of his spine. Scott gagged as your tail shoved deeper into his mouth, part of it pushing down his throat as he moaned and sucked on it like it was your cock, spit and drool running down his chin and creating a puddle under him.
There was no way for him to beg with words for you to go faster, but Scott was able to wrench one of his hands from the floor, reaching back to hold onto your hip, urging you to go faster, deeper, harder. So, with a deep hissed growl, you did, striking his sensitive prostate with the precision of an expert, making him keen around the scaley meat of your tail.
You weren’t even sure when Scott came, his cock squirting across the floor in thick white spurts, his eyes rolling back as the euphoria crashed through his body and making him tighten around you. But you were too consumed by your own pleasure, hisses and growls leaving you as you kept pounding into him, taking great pleasure in the wet slick noise of your hips meeting his ass, and how it left him moaning and crying out for more.
When you finally reached your end, you crushed your hips against his, your sharp teeth digging into his shoulder as you came, cumming deep inside him in the way you knew he loved as it made him feel so full of you. Your tail withdrew from his mouth with a wet sputter, strings of drool hanging from the deep green scaled to his pink wet mouth, a noise so high pitched you barely heard it as he came a second time.
Purring filled the room as you held Scott, grinding lazily into him as you milked your mutual orgasms as much as possible, before Scott finally slumped, completely limp and panting. You would think you had injected him with your venom with how limp he went, but in reality, it was just the post orgasm bliss.
With a soft kiss pressed against the already healing bite, you carefully pull you and get Scott to his feet, shuffling him into the bathroom to get him cleaned up, maybe even give him a nice warm shower so you two can be washed up. After getting him dressed in a new part of pajama pants, you tuck him into bed, expertly cleaning up the mess of blood, drool, and other bodily fluids left on the floor. You’ll have to find a way to fix the groves you guys left in the floor, but that was for later.
When all was said and done, you could finally allow yourself to crawl into bed with Scott, the scales on your skin receding for the most part, claws and sharp teeth disappearing to where they came from, and your eyes returning to your usual ones. The only thing that stayed was your tail, which curled around Scott in a loving embrace as you pulled him close to your chest.
Scott let out a soft huff, snuffling closer to your neck before he went limp once more, almost laying completely on top of you, basking in your presence and scent as he felt safe enough to be completely vulnerable, sleep quickly rushing up on him. You didn’t feel tired, so like usual, you laid back and held Scott as he snored softly, one hand rubbing up and down his back as you scrolled your phone with the other. His body heat always left you feeling sluggish afterwards, some kind of reptile reaction, but it made you feel safer to watch over him as he slept, so that it what you did, until Scott was ready to wake up again.
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
tried watching the new queen charlotte series but was immediately put off by the ridiculous anti-corset propaganda, so get ready for another rant.
first of all, this is the georgian era so what she's wearing are called /stays/ - corsets are a victorian invention. why do we still not know this in 2023 when period productions have remained consistently popular throughout the years? the concept of tighlacing (the goal being a reduction of the waist) is also victorian and was not the norm at all and v much an extreme practice. this understanding of history is so superficial, it's as if an alien were to open up People magazine and conclude that all human women resort to butt injections and lip fillers to stay with the fashion of the times. also, no, you cannot tighlace in stays to obtain a waist reduction because they are shaped like a funnel (picture 1 = long stays, 2 = short regency stays, 3 = corset)
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charlotte goes on to complain about how dangerous whalebone is and that it might kill her if she makes the wrong move. what the actual fuck? whalebone was actually the very best material to use for this because it was sturdy yet flexible and allowed the /stays/ to completely and comfortably mold around a woman's unique body shape. one of the reasons why today it is v difficult to replicate the same effect in corsetry is because we do not have access to whalebone (killing whales is not cool for obvious reasons) so corset-makers have to resort to other materials like plastic or metal, which CAN break. whereas whalebone doesn't really break as easily. furthermore, stays/corsets were NEVER worn on bare skin, but with a chemise/shift underneath.
why did women in the past resort to this type of undergarment, you ask? well, apart from the fact that women need bust support, the stays also serve the purpose of allowing all the many skirts and petticoats to be placed comfortably onto the waist. you try piling on that much fabric around your bare waist and see how you like it and if you can even carry it all around without it cutting into your stomach.
clothes throughout human history did cater to the popular fashions of the time, yes, but they also reflected the technological limitations and there was thus a practical aspect to it. this is a time before elastic bands, before industrialization and fast fashion, clothes are v difficult to make, everything is done by hand, so a lot of care is put into preserving them, because they are /expensive/ and labour intensive. you don't want your fancy outergarments to get ruined so you wear a lot of undergarments to absorb your bodily fluids since those are easier to make and don't have to look "pretty", can be stained and patchy etc. again, why do you need so many layers in the first place? because this is a time before comfortable heating, with poorly isolated and drafty houses, and it's bloody cold otherwise.
the third reason why that monologue was so dumb is because CHARLOTTE is the reason regency court dress was so preposterous. long story short, in a few decades, the fashionable silhouette changes wildly from the late 1700s to the 1810s.
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the regency waistline was much higher and the gowns were much more flowy and unstructured than the late georgian ones (what's commonly known as the empire waistline). the long stays of the late 1700s were now replaced with short stays that really were similar to modern bras. the scene in the first season of bridgerton where they squeeze penelope's sister into what looks like a pair of long stays (?) is bonkers bc no one would wear a waist-constricting boned undergarment under a regency dress. why would they? the natural waist is not even emphasized in any way. this is just another reason to peddle the women-were-oppressed-by-their-lingerie agenda. so if charlotte really hated long stays that much, regency would really have been her time to shine, right? wrong. the woman loved the fashions of her youth so much she forced everyone who came to court to still comply to them, which is why we get the absolutely atrocious regency court dresses - essentially a combination of the georgian style with side panniers, but with an empire waistline.
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yeah, this is how daphne SHOULD have looked like when she was presented at court in front of charlotte. i can understand why the showrunners decided to just leave her in a regency silhouette because this is ugly af. but, anyway, queen charlotte is the last person on earth to be complaining about how uncomfortable stays are.
creative licence aside, the reason this pisses me off is because it is SUCH lazy storytelling. the show wants us to know charlotte is a spunky pseudo-feminist character so the easiest way to do that is to have her complain about the evil 'corset' trying to kill her. it is so profoundly ahistorical and does nothing to contribute to the conversation about women's true problems and true limitations during that time. instead of genuinely exploring social history and women's actual lived experiences, we are STILL, in the year of our lord 2023, diverting the discourse towards fabricated issues that never existed in the first place.
the reasons actresses complain about boned underwear in interviews are manifold. costume designers are very overworked, they have to produce clothes for hundreds of people in a very short time, so they simply do not have the time or resources to construct corsets/stays that fit the actresses like they are supposed to. in the past, these garments were made individually for every person and completely to their own requirements. they also make these actresses wear the boning on BARE skin to look extra sexy to the audience or to emphasize their oppression - that never happened, a shift was always worn underneath (hello dakota fanning scene in the alienist??).
moreover, they lace them up until they constrict their ribcages - these women are already super thin and their bodies cannot support more reduction - instead of relying on the historical practices of padding and illusion. nowadays, body parts are what's fashionable - that's why so many resort to fat transfers or breast implants or starving themselves to achieve a flat stomach. in the past, anyone of any size could have accomplished the fashionable silhouette because they had a wide array of accouterments to plop underneath their garments - panniers, bustles, hoop skirts, padding of any sort. it didn't matter how big your waist was, you just padded other areas until you achieved the desired shape. fat women wore corsets/stays, too. working women, who did a lot of physical labour, did the same. how were they able to perform all of their tasks if they were incapable of moving or breathing? even today, people wear medical corsets all the time.
TLDR the media's obsession with portraying modern women as so liberated because they wear bras instead of "patriarchal" underwear is so tedious.
EDIT: Some very basic chronological tadpoles to make this easier to place within historical context. "Georgian" is used to denote the 18th+ century when Great Britain was ruled by several kings named George, so roughly 1714-1830. Within this interval, we refer to the Regency period as encompassing the regency of Prince George, future King George IV, when his father George III was incapacitated by mental illness. The official political regency took place during 1811-1820, but culturally speaking, this was extended to roughly the end of the 18th century up to maybe 1830 or 1837. This is the time period of Napoleonic wars and Jane Austen novels, so all her heroines should normally wear Regency styles. Think "empire waistline" as in Imperial France and Napoleon. The Victorian era (and its corsets) follows throughout the rest of the 19th century. Queen Charlotte was a contemporary of Marie Antoinette's, so they should be dressed in similar fashions (robe à la française vs robe à la anglais).
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Hi Starbs, sorry to hear about your situation, I am a bit younger than you and a couple of years ago I was put into a similar spot, even right now as I'm finishing up high-school my housing isn't very stable. I'll give you some tips if it's something that could help you. (I am from the USA so things are probably different over there) also apologies I am not good with English!!
SAVE. SAVE. SAVE. Budgeting and being frugal when it comes to money is extremely important!!
Do keep a bit of spending money as treats and keeping morality in check will do you good in the long run.
My storage unit costs me 66$ USD a month it's the size of a walk in closet. Whatever isn't essential or you can't carry in a backpack it's best you have a safe place to store it. Some will ask you to buy your own lock so keep that in mind.
Reach out to youth shelters! The one I'm staying at lets us stay 60 days but makes us leave at least 7 until we can come back. We can keep coming back as many times needed for us to find housing (as long as we don't have a record with causing problems at the shelter)
Learn your bus routes if you can, it saves more money than using a car.
Let trustworthy people know about your situation, friends, teachers, whoever, let them know as community and building a support system is essential.
Communicate with your college, perhaps they have dorms or programs that may be of assistance.
Eat!! Drink water!!! Take care of your hygiene!!!
Some gyms have showers so you can get a membership just to go shower if you need!
Cars can be very useful as you can sleep in them, there are camping spots rangers won't look through sometimes you could sleep at, 24 hour opened store parking lots, or in my case outside the gym you have a membership for that's open 24 hours!
Keep distance from your parents. I don't know your situation but from my experience, KEEP A DISTANCE AND HAVE FIRM BOUNDARIES!!! You don't owe them anything, not your location, who you're with, you're schedule, they don’t need to know that.
Apartments usually want you to make 2-3 times the rent. Example: rent is 600 a month? Then you need to make around 1200-1800 a month.
If you have a job communicate with your boss about your situation, they can be very flexible and understanding.
Don't burn bridges in the professional field!
Social networking is a life saver, if you make the right impressions with the right people it can come in clutch later on.
I'm repeating this again but building community and a support system is essential. Maybe a friend you get along well with also wants to move in, you could be roommates. Or an older woman who is fond of you learns about your situation and is willing the rent you a room in her home.
Pay attention to red flags!
Red flags in apartments can be how well maintain it is (mold underneath the sink) and how you’re landlord approaches it.
Red flags in people, like they could know you're desperate and will try to use that against you.
Do your laundry at friend's homes or in public laundromats.
Red flags in environments, maybe you end up in a bad part of town, get out ASAP!!
Share and update someone trustworthy often, you never know what could happen.
I wish I could offer you more but I'm currently still figuring out my situation as well. Stay safe!! Remember someone out there really loves you and wants you to be okay!! And you deserve to be okay!!
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heyhilana · 9 months
Yoga (Agent Whiskey)
Summary: The day before your mission, you go to the workout room for a stretching session. But when Jack follows behind you, he alters those plans faster than you can wrap your head around.
A/N: Hi lovelies! Sorry for no stories in a while, but I had to unplug for a little bit and not think about writing so much since it was becoming a little stressful. I appreciate all the support you guys gave me while I took my time, and I hope to stay more consistent for the fall/winter season. <3 As always, I hope you enjoy and make sure to drink water! :)
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x !f reader
Warnings: Squirting, p in v (unprotected, but hey, we don't encourage non-safe sex around here), mentions of titty fucking, mentions of male masturbation, blowjob, cunnilingus, fingering, overstimulation (like...a lot, so sue me), use of the word daddy (look the man is fine it slips).
Word Count: 5.2k (I'm not gonna even explain myself this time)
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1 day left.
It rang in your head constantly as you walked down the hallway with your yoga mat and bag, gearing up for another session to prepare for your mission. While most of it was routine, the part that required more expertise was flexibility in getting through all the lasered areas. That scared you more than anything, knowing that one trip on the laser would result in a lost limb and a botched mission. 
You knew this as the political official was paranoid, to say the least, and made every room lined with lasers that were not able to be disabled unless the official’s phone was cloned and decrypted or you were able to get to the control panel to disable them all. Getting ahold of his phone would be impossible given it was his lifeline in his corrupt work, which left the route of accessing the control panel as you possessed more flexibility out of everybody in your division, making you perfect for the job. 
So, while everyone in your field told you that you would be fine, it did nothing to calm your nerves and allow you a day of rest before the mission, leading you to make a right to the next hallway, the workout room straight ahead with enough space for you to practice your flexibility training. One of your colleagues, Nicari, came up behind you as she was headed in a similar direction.
“Going to do some yoga?” She asked, her eyes drifting down to what was in your hand.
“Yeah. I can’t go on this mission if I can’t work my way through the laser rooms. From what Ginger says, there’s at least five, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the control panel area had an extra set of lasers, too.” You answered.
“But you’ve been doing it for a month now. At this rate you’re going to be our contortionist around here.” She joked, hand running through her hair.
“Isn’t that the goal?” You half questioned and joked, with Nicari laughing in response. “But this is necessary for me to do. You know I like to be 1000% ready for anything that may be thrown my way.”
“That’s one of the traits I hope the newcomers have around here. But have a good session.” Nicari wished for you.
“Good luck with your training.” You wished her well as she walked past you, and you walked down the hall. You reached and opened the door, and you saw that it was completely empty, a sigh of relief escaping your lips as you had at least an hour before the rush of agents would come in for their training. You laid your mat on the ground near the mirrored area of the room and placed your bag in the corner.
You did your quick stretches, rolling your neck and getting the blood flowing through your arms and legs before sitting on your mat to work more on your leg stretches. You moved your legs up, bringing them into a butterfly position to start off. You heard the door open, but your eyes were closed as you fluttered your legs.
“Hey. I have this room all to myself until 2.” You spoke, trying to determine who it was based on the boots creaking against the floor.
“Does that mean I can’t join you, sweetheart?” The honeyed voice that you loved echoed through the room. 
You opened your eyes and saw Jack in a casual outfit, the grey sweatpants surprising you. Loose yet form-fitting enough to make your eyes wander more than you should’ve. Given how cold it was in the Statesman building, he also had a jacket on. Jack didn’t comment on your staring, but you knew he noticed it.
“You can join me. More than enough space in here,” You responded, albeit trying to keep your tone even.
“I won’t distract you.” Jack promised, but knowing how you were when you were around him, a distraction was inevitable.
Jack closed the door behind him, and you closed your eyes again, trying to center yourself while you felt goosebumps rise along your arms. You attempted to clear your mind, but it was to no avail, a sign that the rest of your session would be filled with an inability to focus on the tasks at hand. Before switching to a tabletop pose, you fluttered your legs to get the blood going. You were rounding and arching your back in fluid motion until you looked up and saw Jack taking off his jacket, revealing his white short-sleeve shirt that was form-fitting, tight around his biceps. 
“How are you doing over there?” Jack asked, discarding his jacket near his bag and looking at you in a compromising position. 
“I’m doing good. Just getting started.” You watched Jack start his dynamic stretches as you leaned back into a half split, feeling your hamstrings loosen up and the stretch burning. But the burn in your leg was nothing compared to the burn in your core as Jack’s shirt lifted up, a glimpse of what lay underneath it and a happy trail that quickly burned into your memory. 
“If you need my help, just ask.” You could ask for his help in a few ways that would lead to your flexibility being used. But you pushed those thoughts into the back of your mind since it was not the time to let your fantasies run wild.
“I appreciate it, and the same goes for me.” 
You switched legs and felt the burn intensify in your tighter leg, finding yourself stopping short in your extension as you could only go so far. But then the thought of Jack’s hands wrapped around your legs, helping you stretch but inching closer to your thigh, spreading you a bit, was etched into your mind. It would be instinctive to spread more for him, explore your canvas, and draw with his fingers on the areas he loved the most. His touch would be forever ingrained into your memory longer than you would admit. But it didn’t sound all that bad. In fact, the thought of his big hands splayed on your body, finding your pressure points to make you melt, eliciting short gasps. Wanton sounds from deep in your belly, and your desire growing deep in your core all sounded wonderful, even if it led down a road that would make you cut your yoga session short.
And while you were having a war with self-control, Jack was having the same battle, only he was losing more than you were. Oh, how he couldn’t take seeing your soft, supple body in such angles that he wished to put you in. When you laid down on your back, and Jack saw you spread your legs wide with your hands holding your feet to stretch further, it took everything in him to not walk over there and push your legs behind your head. Jack was well aware of your flexibility, which proved to further his imagination on the nights with a tight grip around his dick, jutting his hips up into his hand, perspiration glistening his skin, and the slip of your name escaping his lips with ease as he got closer with each stroke. Dreaming about you in every way, Jack was sure that if you heard one of his ideas, you would turn red in the face. But all Jack wanted to see was your flushed face underneath him, legs pinned on your sides, and him buried deep inside you, intertwining his fingers with yours as he praised you repeatedly for taking him so well. And while Jack was sure that he would be coming on too strong if he walked over to you now, you were convinced that if you heard that phrase from him, you would come undone in mere seconds following.
“Do you need some help?” Jack asked, seeing that you had now switched to downward dog and struggled to get a deeper stretch.
“Y-Yeah, I wouldn’t mind.” Your voice was strained as you tried moving your heels down to the ground but to no avail. 
Jack walked over and was near your side, unsure where to go. “Do you want me to guide you down this way?” 
“You can try, but if you need to be behind me, it's okay.” Jack hummed in response, placing his hands around your stomach. 
He pulled you down slowly as your heart began to race, trying to ignore how it felt to have him touch your exposed skin. Your heels gently touched the ground, but you knew the pull from behind would be better.
“I think it would be better if you were behind me. I might be able to get my heels down to the ground that way.” 
Your heels would be off the ground by now, Jack thought to himself. But he moved to the back, and his hands drifted down to your hips, pulling you in more. The pull made you gasp, and his grip felt like heaven. Still, you were determined to get out of this alive despite your decisions that brought you into this situation. 
Jack pulled you towards him, ensuring he moved back so you would not feel his sweatpants. He looked away to try to save himself from looking at you from above, but the view in the mirror across the room proved to be better, making him want to pull you in more than he should. 
Fuck, I shouldn’t be doing this. But she’s so pretty like this. So pretty for me. Jack’s thoughts were making his self-control disappear by the minute. But he returned to reality when your ass brushed against his crotch.
“Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.” You didn’t realize how far you were moving until you felt him on you. And what pressed back onto you was unmistakable, making you want to do it repeatedly until you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Y-You’re all good, sweetheart.” He cursed at himself for having a hard-on now, leading him to think about the best excuse and relieve himself in his office. But then he caught a glance of your core, the little wet patch giving him all the confirmation he needed. 
He moved closer to you ever so slightly, bringing your hips back to where he could press up on you. You weren’t sure what Jack was doing, but when you felt him brush against you again, you bit your lip hard to avoid a small whimper from escaping you.
“Is this a good enough stretch, darlin’?” Jack asked, and you could hear his voice change from a lighter tone to velvet, becoming music to your ears.
“It is, Jack. It feels really good.” You answered, the slight quiver in your voice making Jack smirk.
“You look so pretty like this, doll.” Jack was bold, fully pressing his hard-on against your core, making you struggle.
“T-Thank you, Jack.” Speaking seemed to take all your effort, especially when you would be moaning his name instead.
“And I just realized something about you,” He trailed off as his hand trailed down to grab your ponytail and bring you up from your position. You gasped, seeing both of you in the mirror as he grinded against your ass.
“What is it?”
“That you want me just as much as I want you, and if I were to fuck you right here on this mat, you wouldn’t stop me.” Jack looked at you in the mirror, and you saw he looked different from when he first walked in. The controlled, confident aura he had spiraled into lust because Jack couldn’t wait any longer. He was leaving kisses down your jaw and neck that made the hairs on your neck stand up, and chills run down your spine. 
“Jack,” You couldn’t get the words out, and the look he gave you in the mirror was knee-buckling. “I need you right now. Please.” 
You were unraveling for him with your breathless words and how you rubbed up against him like you always wanted to. With each brush of his dick up against you, you were soaking through your underwear when you wished you would be soaking him from tip to base.
“And I’m sure I need you more.” He mumbled against your neck. Each kiss was electrifying, his soft lips against your skin proving to be better than the last. But you needed his lips on yours desperately.
“Baby, I need your lips on mine.”
You were going into a daze and were confident that you would let Jack kiss you all over for an eternity if possible. But Jack obliged, letting go of you for you to turn around and kiss him without a second to spare. Haste, desire, and need were entwined in the kiss, with your hands going up to his neck to play with the ends of his hair and going down to pull you flush. You nibbled on his lip, earning a playful groan from him.
“And here I thought you were innocent,” Jack mumbled against his lips. 
You smiled into the kiss, but you gasped shortly after when he gripped your ass and smacked it. It felt good to have Jack on you like this, grasping, pulling, and touching you in obscene ways that made their way into your daydreams with each passing minute. All you needed was to feel his bare skin against yours, and it seemed that Jack had the same idea as he let go of you to pull off his shirt. You did the same, following with your sports bra. Jack kissed down your chest, finding his way to your nipples with ease. He enjoyed seeing how swollen they were already, and the minute he licked your left, you squeezed your thighs together. Jack flicked and darted, taking his time teasing you, which frustrated yet excited you simultaneously. But the more you whined in frustration, the more it turned him on, with his hard-on growing more than when he daydreamed about you.
“Jack, please don’t tease me.” You begged, your hands moving to his hair to tug, gripping his locks and pulling, which made Jack grunt. It was strange, as he preferred pulling hair rather than his hair being pulled. But it was hot, your usual calm demeanor around him winding down to a needy state. Jack needed this, pushing him to suck and twirl his tongue around your raised nipple to elicit a savory sound from your lips that would make him throb. But he couldn’t help himself when he looked you in the eye as he lightly nipped, the unexpected sensation causing you to drip. With how soft your breasts were to the touch and taste, the thought of titty fucking you burned into his imagination. Seeing his dick slide in between your breasts, softness enveloping him, and you sucking the tip with your soft lips looking up at him. Fuck, he thought. Don’t wanna cum before I can feel her.
“Daddy-“ You gasped yet covered your mouth in embarrassment. 
It slipped.
It fucking slipped.
Jack stopped immediately, eyes darkening more than before. Did he hear you right? That name, pure sin, slipped before you could catch yourself, yet he wanted to listen to it again. 
“Say it again.” 
“Daddy,” You tugged on his hair, bringing him dangerously close to cumming. 
“That’s my good girl.” Jack praised as he got on his knees, which was a sight for sore eyes for you, given that he looked perfect down there. His eyes were locked on you, making you shy as his stare was intimidating. But as he kissed your stomach, adoring every roll and stretch mark with kisses and tenderness, you began to relax. Nothing felt out of place, him roughly pulling down your bottoms along with your panties, kissing your hips, inching closer to your dripping pussy only to move away to kiss your thighs. It was perfect, and as you stepped out of your bottoms with Jack’s help, you knew it would get better from here. 
Jack tapped your thighs for you to spread them, and with his head slotted right between them, he could finally see what he did to you. From there, you realized that his lips were not just good for kissing when he reached your slit and kissed your clit gently, with enough pressure to make you clench your thighs. Jack pried them open with his hands, ensuring he was perfectly between pillowy softness and wasting no time tasting you. It was as if he was hungry, trying to gather as much of your slick on his tongue since he couldn’t get enough of you. Jack was convinced your taste was intoxicating as he enjoyed your sweetness. It only pushed him to suck on your clit and have you gush on his face, the added pleasure weakening your knees.
Your thighs were pressed against his head, tugging on his hair harder than before, whimpering his name along with a string of other profanities you prayed could not be heard through the walls. But Jack pulled off you, sensing you were struggling to stay upright. He helped you down, your back on your mat and your legs spread wide for him. 
“You’re so soft, sweetheart. I could spend all day touching you, spending more time between these pretty thighs.”
Jack positioned his left hand on your stomach and his right hand right at your dripping hole, pushing two fingers in as he went back to sucking on your clit. The new sensation made you curl your toes, moving your hand up to your breast to cup it, twirling the nipple he sucked on as your head tilted back. But Jack didn’t take his eyes off of you. No, he wouldn’t dare miss the sight of you in pure ecstasy, hearing you whimper as he began his come hither motion with his fingers or the way you bit your lip to suppress a loud sound when he desperately wanted to hear it in his bedroom. Seeing you get off was a new drug Jack couldn’t get enough of even if he tried.
But while you tried to wrap your head around how you were on your mat soaking Jack’s face and fingers, you felt a familiar build-up that made you see stars. Yet, it was stronger than before. The more Jack’s fingers rubbed up on your g-spot, the more you felt the urge to soak him. 
Jack popped his head up from your thighs. “You a squirter, baby?” 
“H-Haven’t tried yet.” 
Your first time.
It rang in his ears as he picked up his pace, diving down again to suck on your clit. He wanted to give you every experience you never had, which would be the first of many. With the curl of his fingers one last time, you felt something gush out of you and land on his face and between your thighs. It was intense, making you feel lighter than air despite your labored breathing. Your thighs were firmly pressed against him, but it didn’t deter Jack from lapping up everything as much as possible, drowning himself in it because if that were a way to go, he would gladly take it. 
Jack's tongue overstimulated you the more he was down there, whimpers free falling from your mouth and your legs shaking, but it was electrifying. He was undoubtedly skilled in this area, making you wonder how good it would feel to have him deep inside you. But once you started to move away, Jack finally came up for air, his face glistening in your elixir. He quickly pulled down his sweats and boxers, and when you saw what was poking you earlier, you had to take a breath. It was thick. His pink tip was throbbing uncontrollably with little pebbles of precum adoring it, a prominent vein running down the shaft, heavy balls that clearly needed to be drained, but most importantly, there was a curve to it. It was perfect, and despite your sensitivity down there, you needed to feel him.
“You like what you see?” He leaned down to where he was hovering over you by mere inches.
“I like it a lot, actually.” 
Jack smiled at your honesty before kissing you, allowing you to glide your hands to his back. His hands trailed to your legs again, pushing them apart so he could slot himself between you. But you decided to surprise him with a special move you had been working on during your leisure. You pulled away from his intoxicating kiss to lift your legs up and behind your head. The move surprised yet excited Jack more than he could explain. He knew you were flexible but never dreamed you could do that. 
“You’re just full of tricks, huh?” He asked, and you smiled innocently at him.
“Maybe, but you’re just gonna have to see what else I have in store.” 
“I can’t fucking wait.” Jack rubbed the tip of his dick on your glistening pussy, precum mixing with your juices to gather enough for him to slide in easily. But each brush of the tip on your clit made you jump, given how sensitive you were. But it didn’t deter Jack, rather, it encouraged him to keep doing it, and when he started to slap the tip on your clit, you knew he was being a tease.
“Please fuck me already. I can’t take anymore teasing.” You begged.
“I’m gonna need you to ask correctly, darlin’.” Jack dragged the tip down to your hole but didn’t inch forward.
“Daddy, please fuck me.” 
“That’s my good princess,” He mumbled before pushing in slowly. You gasped as he pushed the tip in, and with each inch that followed, you could feel the stretch intensify. It was a little too much, but Jack kissed your forehead to calm you down. “I promise to go slow, baby.”
“It’s okay.” You told him and tried to relax while he pushed in further. But for him, he was trying to not cum early based on how tight and wet you were. You were perfect in how you felt, and it took everything in him to not move in and out of you until you were ready. He kissed as a distraction, getting the last inch in to make you moan in his mouth. You felt impossibly full, the tip curved right against your spot, and your walls began to flutter around him. The discomfort subsided after a moment passed, with you getting lost in the kiss since if there was one thing you enjoyed from what you learned today, it was finally knowing that Jack lived up to his persona in every way imaginable.
You pulled away and brushed the hair out of his face. “You can move.” 
He obliged, pulling out a little faster than how he pushed in and going back in, the stretch feeling better the second go around. But his strokes stayed intentionally slow yet deep, with Jack losing himself in how it felt to be inside you. Heaven would be one word to put it in his mind and coupled with the view he had of you, eyes looking up at him, your breasts bouncing, and a perfect view of how your pussy opened up for him, there wasn’t much else he could ask for.
“Baby, you’re taking me so well. Such a pretty girl for me.” Jack praised, and you loved every word that flew out of his mouth. It went straight to your head, and the fullness you felt in each stroke was stoking the fire that was building inside you the moment he touched you.
“That’s it, baby. Hold your legs up for me, just like that.” He leaned back up to get a better view, and a muttered curse followed as he almost came from that sight, making him thrust faster and tilt you up so he could see your spot perfectly. You enjoyed the new angle, feeling yourself pulse around him and slowly going over the edge with each deep stroke Jack gave you. It was riveting; your mind focused on nothing but this moment, and only were you brought back into reality when you felt the need to let go.
“You gonna squirt again on my dick, baby? Make another mess for me on the mat.” Jack cooed, and when he thrusted inside you again, you were in pure ecstasy. You couldn’t hold it, squirting again for him, which encouraged him to fuck you through it, making your eyes roll back as it felt like you were going forever. 
“That’s it. Love it when you let go for me.” He lowered you back on the mat and moved his hand up to move the hair out of your forehead to kiss it. You came down, and you could look at him as he moved back up, and you couldn’t get enough of the sight. You loved how he looked at you, how turned on he was by you. It was even hotter to see how much he was enjoying you, his grunts and moans making you throb. But the moment you looked down and saw how he slid in and out of you, you fluttered around him more. 
“You like watching me slide in and out of you?” He asked as he moved his hand to your clit, rubbing light circles. “Watching me fuck this pretty pussy of yours makes you so wet that you can’t help yourself.” 
“Please don’t stop.” 
“Oh, I’m not gonna stop,” He promised as he rubbed faster circles. “In fact, you can give me one more right? I know you can, princess. Just one more for me.”
You were overstimulated for sure, but there was something about the low tone in Jack’s voice, the pet name, or maybe a combination of today’s events that pushed you to keep going. It was a chant in your mind one more time. One more time of making a mess for him, one more time of finally getting what you wanted. That thought set you off, your legs shaking, so you had to move them from behind your head. It washed over you from head to toe, and your moans that brushed upon becoming screams would stay in Jack’s mind forever. 
Jack was amazed by it all. To experience this with you and bring you to this point of ecstasy and overstimulation was a dream that he thought was too far-fetched until now. But seeing you like that only convinced him he had to do this again with you for as long as possible. 
“Fuck, baby. You’re so tight.” He grunted as he thrusted into you sloppily, his orgasm nearing by the second.
“Please cum for me. Please, daddy.” You could feel he was holding on by a thread, and you wanted to set him off as he did for you. 
“Baby, where can I cum?”
“You seem to like these a lot,” You grabbed your breasts to give him a show with a smirk on your face.
Jack didn’t think twice before pulling out and stroking himself right over your breasts. He came within a few strokes, and the thick ropes of cum that followed you wished were deep inside you to fill you up to the brim. It was a mess, and when you swiped some of his cum on your finger to taste it, you swore you saw another drop of cum drip from the tip as he was fixated on you tasting him. The taste was salty, as expected, but you wanted more.
You took another swipe on your chest, licking and sucking to torture him further until it was all up; all the while, Jack’s chest was heaving from cumming so hard. But what made him overstimulated was when you leaned up to kiss and then suck the tip. His hand moved to grab your hair, him biting his lip so hard he could draw blood. You weren’t sure how far you could take it before you needed to stop, but Jack didn’t seem to mind when you took more of him in your mouth, the stretching tugging at your lips, but you paid no mind.
“F-Fuck, baby. You feel incredible everywhere.” His tone wavered from confident and dominant to inching closer to whimpering, and you had him right where you wanted him. It pushed you to take more, testing your limits given his fortunate size. But when your hands reached his balls, playing with them as you deepthroated him, there was no going back. Jack’s grip on your hair tightened, and he thrusted into your mouth as he was sure you could take him.
“Such a pretty slut on your knees for me.” Jack looked down to see you, smiling at how pretty you looked. You knew he was close when he began to tense up, prompting you to suck faster and swirl your tongue when you could, humming and making him twitch in your mouth. Jack couldn’t take it anymore, spilling down your throat and holding you there to take it. More ropes of cum painted your throat, and when Jack finally let go of your head and pulled out of your mouth, you swallowed it while looking at him. 
“You want to put me in an early grave I suppose?” He jokingly asked.
“Maybe. But I want to wait before I do that.” You answered as Jack got back on his feet. You tried to do the same, but you wobbled, earning a laugh from him.
“Seems like it’ll be a while before you can do that.” He teased as he put his hand out to help you up. You took it, and he guided you off the floor so you could get dressed.
“I think you need my towel considering what I did to your breasts.” Jack wiped you down gently to ensure you were clean, and when he saw a dribble on your bottom lip, he kissed it off you. You wanted more, but he pulled away, finding his clothes to put them back on.
“Well I didn’t get my routine in but I think you helped me for tomorrow.” You put on your clothes slowly, trying to keep your balance.
“I think this was better than any stretching routine you had in mind.” 
“Yeah, but now my legs are jelly.” You told him as you struggled to get your pants on. Jack was halfway dressed when he helped you, getting you dressed in record time before you heard the knock on the door.
“It’s time already?” Jack asked.
“Yeah. I better get out of here before I hear Bourbon’s god awful playlist.” 
“It’s not that bad.” 
You shot a look at him. “It is definitely that bad. There’s a reason why they don’t allow him to play his music at the Christmas party.”
“Point taken.” 
You both grabbed your things and walked out, but Jack grabbed your hand and didn’t look back at the men who were whistling. Ginger Ale was walking down the hall when she saw you both, and the smile on her face was indeed causing trouble.
“Done playing hard to get?” Ginger asked you.
“I was not.” You answered and acted as though you were offended.
“You were, but it’s okay.” Jack interjected.
You turned your head to look at him. “Yeah? Why’s that?” 
“Because I got you and that’s all I wanted.”
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astrolovecosmos · 2 years
Getting in Touch with Your Moon Sign
Aries Moon: Recognize what riles you up, always embrace passion, respect and honor your individuality (can be especially helpful to reference the Moon’s aspect/relationship to the Sun), practice more spontaneity, indulge and understand your inner child, give into childish impulse sometimes, learn more about your own temper, ambition, and selfish side, be more affectionate, allow yourself to be sensitive, be around those who admire you or recognize your importance, your bravery is directly tied to your luck and instinct, be your own authority, in healthy doses give into your competitive, rebellious, adventurous, and impatient traits, set strong boundaries, say no more often, do what makes YOU happy. 
Taurus Moon: Go after what feels comfortable, pinpoint who or what makes you feel safe, practice patience and routine, be especially patient with yourself, be mindful of bad habits, follow your intuition, accept your stubborn side, learn more about fear, forgive and try to understand feelings of jealousy or possessiveness, be more open in communicating about your feelings, try to let go of heavy grudges, give yourself a clean and healthy environment, indulge in small doses of escapism (especially via shopping or working with your hands), allow yourself to be practical, remind yourself of all the goals you’ve met in the past - even small ones, maybe play it safe during a full moon, don’t ever feel guilty about or skip out on selfcare and rest, be most loyal to yourself. 
Gemini Moon: Let yourself or even take advantage of multitasking, embrace and appreciate your flexibility, be careful of over-rationalizing feelings or over thinking, breathe in and breathe out, keep your mind busy, it is perfectly okay to care a lot about your social life, always keep your supportive friends close, yes try that new thing, do what feels right to tap into your intuition - work on recognizing and listening to it, allow yourself to get moody, sensitive, emotional, learn more about emotional burn out, express your feelings and troubles more often to understanding, empathetic loved ones, follow your curiosity, never let go of your youthful side, research or learn more about psychology or consider a counselor or therapist, it’s okay to be shallow or detached at times - there may even be good reasons to be, honor your intellect (pay attention to the relationship/aspect between the Moon and Mercury), know that you can be many, many things at once. 
Cancer Moon: ALWAYS trust your gut, may want to pay attention to the moon cycles, understand your own phases, never fear being vulnerable, respect and love your sensitivity and depth, allow yourself to be protective, take pride in your family, community, or love for others, practice creativity, be careful of imagined slights or misunderstandings with others, be gentle, compassionate, and nurturing towards yourself, give yourself alone time, be more adaptable, try to practice forgiveness, learn more about or embrace your ancestry, helping others may give you a lot of fulfillment, forgive feelings of jealousy, possessiveness or even clinginess, learn from the past and honor it but don’t get stuck there, be careful of worrying too much or an over-active imagination, reexamine traditions and rituals in your life and from your past, reexamine what loyalty means to you, be careful of your own biases, give yourself a break, practice taking accountability more, be mindful of petty impulses, have better sleep habits, believe in yourself always- especially when it comes to understanding and mastering insecurities.  
Leo Moon: Practice plenty of self-respect 👑, take pride in who you are and especially your internal sensitivities and messiness (see the relationship/aspects between Moon and Sun), be more playful and/or flirty, practice generosity and gratitude, embrace optimism, address the health of your self-esteem, dream bigger, forgive your brashness, be a little more indulgent, get creative, allow yourself to be romantic, be around those who are warm or passionate and especially accept your fire, don’t be afraid to ask for help, don’t let the haters get you down, don’t let disappointment keep you down for too long, be careful of putting others on a pedestal, watch out for an overly trusting side, practice honesty, may find a thrill or fulfillment by being in the public eye, appreciate what makes you special, may find purpose by trying to lead or save others but make sure you are always your own hero. 
Virgo Moon: Be very mindful about how you address yourself - watch out for self-criticism or negativity, learn about what builds up your confidence, yes it is normal for Moon in Virgo to over think or easily worry, watch your stress, take any opportunity to better connect and explore your emotions and spirituality, trust in your routine and organization, can find a lot of purpose in helping or caring for others, practicing forgiveness and self-acceptance is important, allow yourself to be easygoing, don’t fear failure or your flaws too much, learn to love the details or the simple things, be your low-key obsessive, observational self, practice patience, gratitude, and humility, be more careful in general, allow multiple truths to exist about yourself, explore your views and knowledge on physical intimacy, reexamine your relationship to work, and use your skills, resourcefulness, and supportive nature for yourself - take care of yourself first! 
Libra Moon: Try to learn more about and practice what brings you contentment or peace, it’s okay to not want to be alone - it is also okay to want to be alone, practice more introspection and self-awareness, face your flaws, darkness, and demons more head on or maybe with some help, never lie to yourself, may want to reference relationship/aspects with areas in the chart that rule relationships, find the joy in giving, allow yourself to be romantic, deep, artistic, and maybe low-key intense or dramatic, tap into your creativity and social intelligence, indulge in and admire what you find beautiful, make time and effort to build harmonious relationships or spaces, give into cooperation or compromise but also practice boundaries and self-love, be careful of your love for connection and socialization + fear of conflict causing  you to people please, you can’t ignore or rationalize your feelings forever, give yourself time to recharge, explore competition, conflict, and assertion, be your number one fan, cheerleader, hype man, learn to live by yourself, sometimes it is understandable to be rude or even unkind, be more direct while honoring your tact or mediator skills, be careful of unhealthy escapism, let yourself find balance instinctively and internally but understand emotions can’t always be directed, weighed, or contained.
Scorpio Moon: Listen to your intuition, give yourself and others privacy, don’t be ashamed of your intensity, passion, or sensitivity, allow yourself to FEEL, forgive compulsiveness, try to understand your obsessions or fears, pay attention to any fears of betrayal, rejection, or abandonment, always choose to empower yourself, follow the mantra of “I control my own destiny”, be careful of resentment or self-destructive behaviors, be mindful of power plays or dynamics, don’t let your protective side turn into control or manipulation, allow yourself to be vulnerable, don’t fear the past or future, listen to any need to retreat, recognize your colorful imagination, take more action, rely on your willpower, believe in the power of change and transformation, evaluate your relationship to all types of intimacy, carve out your own safe space, respect your perception and judge of character, be more sympathetic, may find fulfillment in guiding or helping others in the emotional or spiritual realm, be willing to learn from others. 
Sagittarius Moon: You can’t ignore your restless nature for too long, you also can’t run away from yourself (reference relationship between Moon-Sun and Moon-Ascendant), practice independence, do something for the rush, give into the impulsiveness, competitiveness, or heat, choose both truth and dare, be daringly honest, reexamine what freedom means to you, don’t be toppled over by random bursts of self-doubt, pay attention to what “bugs you” about others, actively build up your confidence, practice positive thinking but be careful of getting too unrealistic, make your own luck, be an opportunist, admitting to needing help or being wrong may be one of your biggest challenges, enjoy the spotlight when you can, find joy in making others laugh or learn, indulge in a good story, connect with your deeper self by exploring beliefs, maybe religion, or ditching the shallow, focus on the big picture, have hope, embrace your deeper thoughts or curiosities, follow your gut and integrity, let your warmest and most giving side be your compass. 
Capricorn Moon: Emotional self-control can be not only honorable in some situations but a useful skill, practice HEALTHY self-reliance, gently and openly explore emotions or fears surrounding failure, loneliness, and regret, be careful of burn out, WATCH OUT for a negative inner voice, make “not my monkeys, not my circus” your new motto, be around those who can be as dependable as you, appreciate your practicality, be more forgiving and understanding of yourself and others, you likely have good judgment but watch out for pessimism, cynicism, nihilism, or being overly judgmental, building strong boundaries may be a talent of yours and is very important, be more open to introspection or practicing emotional sharing, I don’t know how to stress the importance of addressing or accepting your insecurities and vulnerabilities is, be careful of those who may try to use you or place blame on you, there may actually be times where materialism or greed may be empowering but these are areas that can lead to great challenges, know your worth❗, allow yourself to feel sad, ambition should give you purpose not be a burden, there’s nothing wrong with your cautious side but know you can be very adaptable and tough, learn more about and practice self-care, nurture those bonds that make you feel like you are at your best, yes that friend or family member probably could use your help - but are you approaching it in the best way..., there can be beauty and strength in maturity but give your inner child a gift or call sometime, always be your own authority. 
Aquarius Moon: If you ever felt like you don’t belong or are different somehow - this is common for Moon in ♒, be more independent, force yourself out of your comfort zone...if you have one, this sign is known to understand the nature of change well and if you find you have a turbulent or prominent relationship with change this may be why, embrace the change and unpredictability within yourself, it is vital to be around those who make you feel accepted and like you belong, give into your social impulses and desires just don’t sacrifice your own enjoyment, sticking to a stable routine can be good for mental health but always be open to change or the new, allow for inner conflict, allow yourself to be many things at once, take inspiration or comfort from stormy weather, follow urges to be aloof but be careful of too much isolation, examine your relationship with physical and/or emotional intimacy, appreciate your observational side, always talk as much or as little as you want and don’t let others interrupt you, listen to your inquisitive side, recognize how important friendship is to you, appreciate your logic, embrace and express your individuality (reference the Moon’s relationship to the Sun, Ascendant, and Mercury), be a little more selfish or place tougher boundaries, detachment can be both a weakness and strength, allow yourself moments of stimulating obsession or being eccentric, explore your inner extremes with an open mind, practice meditation or general mindfulness, allow yourself to be more experimental, develop firmer opinions - if you can’t commit to an idea it may be time to rethink it, being part of a community or movement may give you fulfillment, be your own best friend, keep yourself forever emotionally liberated. 
Pisces Moon: Be gentler with yourself, your forgiving and sensitive side is a gift but be careful of being used or abused, see the beauty and power in your emotions, share your feelings more, sometimes you play the victim and should be mindful of this, listen to your intuition, surrender to your imagination when it feels right, take plenty of rest days, yes people tend to trust you right away - be careful with this superpower, allow yourself to be fluid, receptive, empathetic, and moody, be careful of unhealthy escapism, explore your depth with art, history, philosophy, psychology, or maybe even religion, trust in your spiritual side, learn more about or embrace your ancestry, help or give more often, see the value in softness, be more cautious in general, don’t worry too much about those who can’t get you, establishing boundaries is known to be one of Pisces’s biggest struggles and with the Moon being at the core of emotions you need to be mindful of this, try to connect with your Sun or Rising more, who you are today might not be who you are tomorrow and that’s okay! 
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ayyyez · 1 year
Hello! If you're still open for hcs can you do what kind of girl Naruto and sasuke would like personality wise?
a/n: Hello! Yeah sure thing, thanks for sending in a request :)
Tags: dating headcanons, fluff
Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha
Naruto Uzumaki
I think Naruto is pretty flexible with someone he likes/dates. He's got the kind of warm complimentary personality to bring out the best in you no matter what. He can sort of be with with anyone as long as they weren't 100% a carbon copy of him (similarities are okay just not exactly the same)
If you're someone who is more shy he holds the kind of warmth to naturally bring you out of your shell. Does so much talking without feeling embarassed or anxious so it takes the pressure off you. Is super encouraging when it comes to getting you to open up about yourself too.
He can be a little insensitive about certain things sometimes but it's never malicious or intentional. As long as you can call him out on his shit or understand, the two of you will flow well. He does learn, albiet it takes time. Makes the effort!
Naruto becomes a bit more sensitive and considerate around you the more he learns about your likes and dislikes. At first it was all about taking you to things he liked. If you enjoy them then great! More things you have in common but if you don't he wants to find out what you do like. Bugs you about it until you tell/show him. Makes it a fun time no matter what.
If you're more bubbly like him then the two of you are chatterboxes bouncing off each other, all laughs and energy. He's a competitive guy so if you are too then you can make a game out of who pays for the bill at dinner.
Didn't have money growing up so isn't into fancy food places. Is a local ramen man still. Ichiraku has his heart after all. So he's not going to be a fan of being dragged around to fancy venues all the time. If thats your thing then count him out. He's a street corner, local business kinda guy. Fancy places for anniversaries maybe.
In general he's just going to want to be with someone who supports him and who he can support in return. Naruto isn't super fussy. Compassion is a big thing for him in a partner. Also someone who strives to understand people.
Everything else is simply an added bonus that comes with being you.
Sasuke Uchiha
I think for Sasuke it's less about what he looks for in a partner and more about who will stick it out and be with him for him. He's a very complicated guy and not a lot of people can handle that. You have to be patient and understanding, that's for sure.
Like all Uchiha he feels things very deeply and with that depth comes a lot of pain and trauma he's held onto for years. Someone who is willing to stick around and just be there for him goes a long way.
Just be a shoulder to lean on, cry on and listen to him when he is ready.
If you are someone who is kind but not a push over (doesn't take shit from anyone) then that's perfect for him. There are days he needs kindess but there are also days he needs a kick in the ass. Someone to remind him of his priorities, that there are people who care about him and that you care about him.
He gets inside his own head a lot. If you're a bubbly person who can pull him out of that—he really needs it.
Even just someone who can make silly jokes and tell fun stories that make him laugh. Take him on mini adventures through the village. Little things to bring him back to life and get him out of his natural mopey state.
Sasuke will say he doesn't want to them but it's up to you to know better—to know he really just means he's afraid of leaving the comfort of his brooding.
He actually ends up enjoying himself. One day he does admit that to you (in the form of a gentle whisper in your ear).
If you're the kind of person who has a natural inclination to take care of him, he will appreciate you so much. Whether it's cooking him food or taking him out to eat, making sure he's sleeping or holding him while he sleeps to make sure he feels safe. All the little things to give him comfort.
Someone who can talk to him easily! He's not very good at opening up about certain things. If you start off the conversations and lean into certain topics, even by offering up certain vulnerabilities about yourself then he will feel safe to eventually do the same with you.
He needs someone he can talk to and trust but he's not good at establishing those boundaries and opening himself. He needs your help and comfort to do it.
Sasuke just needs someone who is willing to be open and vulnerable so he knows it's okay to be the same. He needs love.
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blazinghotfoggynights · 2 months
I am so happy for episode 7x4. Why? It has already led to lines of communication about romantic and queer journeys that are not typical.
I see Team!Tuck and Team!Buddie have some members that are not happy with the other and think the other team is delusional or doesn't make sense. Only the members of that show's crew know what is going to happen. For all we know, Buck could meet a third party, fall in love, leave the 118, and go off to happily ever after.
(I so don't want that. But what can a girl do?)
I want to say that as someone who probably has just a teeny bit more of life experience than many people on here and other social media, no I am not sharing my age, I have seen, and experienced, a lot. Remember I mentioned lines of communication opening? They are open now because people are inspired and feel empowered to share their thoughts and experiences.
To Team!Tuck, yes, Team!Buddie is still quite a possibility. How? Did you know you can be so in love with someone you have no idea you are in love with them? Sounds crazy, right? But it can happen. It took many years for me to see that I was head over heels for my best friend. I never considered it. I never looked at him that way. We were just really close and besties.
It took someone asking me if I were stuck on a deserted island and could only have one person there with me, who I would choose. I said his name instead of my then boyfriend's name. I didn’t even think about it. It was reflexive.
The person was staring at me smiling and watching me as I realized what I’d said and then a montage of our friendship played in my mind.
“Oh my god.” That was me.
“Finally figured it out?” That was the other person.
When I thought about it, I compared men to him all the time. The qualities I was most attracted to in my partners up to that point were qualities they shared with him. But it was at that moment, many years into our friendship, that I realized that had been happening.
This leads me to Team!Buddie. Team!Tuck is valid and could very well be endgame. If the writers make Eddie a completely hetero man with no flexibility, Buddie will not happen. However, they have offered a character who is literally an amalgamation of Buck and Eddie as a possible love interest. It is funny to me, because when I look at the Tommy character I see the lovechild of Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley. Buck picked a man who mirrors him physically but shares a lot with Eddie including military background, quick wit, snarkiness, the willingness to say screw the rules when needed, hobbies, etc.
If Buck knows with no uncertainty that Eddie is not, and will never be, an option, wouldn’t it make sense that a man who is so much like Eddie would catch Buck’s eye?
I will also say that it is not impossible for someone who truly believes they are 100% heterosexual their entire lives to realize one day that may not be the case. How do they realize it? They look at someone of the same sex and have an epiphany.
As a young one who was new to this world, I fell for the rhetoric that sexuality is static and does not change. You were either straight or gay. There was nothing else.
This older, wiser version of me knows the only things you can count on in life are change, surprise, and unpredictability. She is also grateful for those who worked hard to explain that sexuality is a spectrum and give those who never quite found a space a label that finally fit.
She is extremely grateful for the brave people who who have the courage to live out loud and raise their voices in pride so others know maybe one day they can do the same.
I will always have my fingers crossed for Buddie endgame. I’m talking big wedding, tears being shed, vows so sweet everyone requires insulin. You get the picture.
However, I also want to see the two characters who never have happiness or a partner who truly supports them find what Hen/Karen and Athena/Bobby have. If that is with other people, so be it.
One more time, I am going to say major respect for ABC and the show writers for flipping off that network that can go to hell and giving this arc life and to Oliver and Lou for doing what is bound to piss off a lot of people who won't be shy about vocalizing their narrowmindedness.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
Progressed moon in signs/ houses🌙
Progressed chat and the planets in it show how you are progressing. For example, with the moon-how do you progress emotionally, how do your emotions develop and take shape. Where is your focus. The signs in the moon show your mental state and your thoughts. Houses show where your focus is, how the environment around you develops and in what way. With moon we evolving feelings & heart. Moon signs- are psycological :they are in your head. Moon in houses- they are places you enter.
Moon stays in sign/ house for 2-3 years. Progress can be seen over the years.
⛷️Aries moon-here you focus on yourself. You are learning courage. You also might feel surges of anger. You will feel a lot of energy that you have to trust. Think : what do you want to do with this new, raw power. Defend your territory. Expand your territory.
🎿Moon in 1st house- you are beginning a new cycle of experience. You will start with new habits, a new style, new commitments, new attitudes. Every new step you take now leads you to the future and new things. But it is not necessary that we always know what we are doing, Aries energy is often unpredictable. In first house we are improvising a new personality. You have to learn to listen to your intuition. Follow the parth you think is the right one. Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back in the past.
❄️Taurus moon- Your mood shifts away from the affairs of ego now, moving closer to the affairs of the heart. It’s time to relax now. Release tension. Exercise. Do something that brings you peace. Eat well. Go easy on yourself.
🥶Moon in 2nd house- Everything depends upon finding the courage to follow through on the new beginning you have made. You must prove yourself to yourself. Create those victories for yourself. Take on further commitments, deeper challenges. Start appreciating yourself and your worth. Enjoy life. Take a risk. Financial affairs can be an issue now, but so can other resources such as specific skills, supportive relationships, a car or anything that invigorates your faith in the new personality you have created.
🧚🏼‍♀️ Gemini Moon-Flexibility is the point now. Follow your thoughts, ideas and communicate. Maybe with this moon you will feel that you have to express your feelings more and talk about them. Finding solutions to problems. Open yourself up. Speak, read, listen, write- this will help you a lot to understand your emotions and feelings. If you have a talent for writing, now is a good time to do it. No matter how old you are, accept the idea that you have returned temporarily to childhood and let that notion fill you with exuberance and curiosity.
🎑Moon in 3rd house- you have more confidance now. What you seek is information. Your heart is filled with curiosity and restlessness. You begin to establish relationships, seeking knowledge and understanding through conversations with others. This is also time for learning and study. You might travel, making connections with new environments. You may also meet new people.
🧸Cancer moon-with this moon you become more emotional and caring for the people around you. This moon also puts you to notice yours more needs. You heart wants more attention. Maybe you can get a little lost in your emotions or get too emotional. You have to listen to your feelings. This is the time to be more comfortable. Maybe you'll feel better at home. Security can be an issue now.
🌙Moon in 4th house- this is a time to sit back and quiety take stock of yourself. You will focus more on family and home. The relationship with the mother is also confirmed here. It may improve or you may start spending more time with her or with the family in general. Or you may find special friends. Things you didn't do before, now you do. The question is: what do you really want out of this life? With moon being in 4th house you can change home.
🐚 Leo moon-your self-confidence and pride begin to grow. You are ready to express yourself more colorfully. Here is your real joy and celebration. You will only think about fun and things that bring you happiness. Just play. Give your poor ego a break. Let it flow. Just try to do everything with good humor.
🎨Moon in 5th house- you are now ready to express yourself in a far more sophisticated way than ever before. The time has come to create symbols of yourself. Paint, write, sing, dance if you are artistic in temperament, those outlets strengthen and gladden you now. Do something that makes you happy, find hobbies and enjoy them. You must recover your ability to play. Express yourself and your talents for all to see. Do things that remind you of your childhood and meet people who remind you of them.
🦕Virgo moon- you now move into an attitude of hyperawareness regarding your faults and shortcomings. However, dont waste time being hard on yourself. Instead of tearing yourself down, use that energy to build yourself up. Work on a project or routine. Roll up your sleeves and change a few bad habits. Acquire some better skills. This is the period of self-improvement, and methodical growth.
🐟Moon in 6th house- this is time of hard work, responsibility. The time has come for you to assess your weaknesses always an edifying process, but rarely a cheerful one. You are learning humility. But you are not stuck. You are no one's slave. You can change whatever behaviors and circumstances limit you. Self-discipline and persistence are what's needed. Accept your responsibilities to others, but more importantly, to yourself. You are experiencing a darkness before the dawn.
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Chapter 3! A lot of people were wanting this one! If you haven't read the first chapter, check it out!-
And you can find chapter 2 here!-
Damian wasn't sure what to think. This isn't how he expected his day to go, and that's coming from someone who was quite adept at 'rolling with the punches', as Drake would put it. Days, or nights, tended to vary when it came to the life of a vigilante. And one was not a Robin, let alone the son of Batman, if they weren't able to be flexible. In some cases, quite literally (looking at you, Grayson).
So he started his day as usual, not making any big plans ahead of time incase he was needed, eating breakfast that Alfred provided, keeping his suit with him when he went out to walk Titus. And, lo and behold, he was needed.
Releasing Titus with an order to return home that he knew the dog would follow, he ducked into the nearest store bathroom and changed before rushing to aid his father.
The fight wasn't hard, for a fight against Killer Croc that is. Damian can admit that he was getting a bit cocky. Which was his downfall, as the moment he began to let down his guard, assuming the fight was over, Killer Croc grabbed him by the leg and threw him. Hard.
He thought of many things as he flew through the air. How irresponsible he was to let his guard down, how it went against all of his training with the League, about what he was going to do to get back at that-
It was around this thought when he began to drop. His training kicked in, causing him to flip and angle his feet. He had been to this park before, and knew that there was nothing blocking his way. He would be able to do a perfect roll, then he would be back on his feet and ready to head back to the fight.
Or, at least, there shouldn't have been anything there. But there was. And Damian found himself crashing into a pink- why was the water pink?- birdbath. He was drenched almost immediately, the fountain spraying him as he landed on it, soaking his face and head as he rolled onto the grass.
The liquid seemed to soak into his skin, a sensation that was frighteningly similar to a Lazerus pit, but missing the sense of dread and rage that usually came with the toxic green goo. In its place was a new feeling, one that left him warm, tingly, and light-headed. He groaned as he lay there, struggling to sit up. Why was moving so difficult?
"Are you okay?" A voice called from somewhere above him. He opened his mouth to retort that 'he was perfectly fine, thank you very much, but found his voice gone the moment he looked up. Standing over him, hand outstretched, was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
Fluffy raven black hair and inhumanly bright blue eyes, which stared down at him with genuine concern. There were squirrels clinging to his pants, one poking its head out of his hoodie pocket, and birds perched on the boy's shoulders and head. Sunlight was rare in Gotham, and yet Damian swore that it peeked through the clouds just to give this gorgeous stranger a bright halo.
'He's and angel', Damian couldn't help but think. He continued to stare at the boy, not bothering to answer or get up. He wasn't completely sure his legs would support him if he tried to stand, a fact that should have made him more wary than he was.
His attention was brought back to the boy in front of him when he saw those amazing eyes widen, an expression that was a mix of horrified and mortified crossing his face. "Oh, Ancients," the boy groaned, "it can be applied topically." The teen grabbed his hand and hoisted him to his feet with surprising strength. Straightening, Damian was slightly pleased to find that he was taller. The shorter teen huffed, seemingly looking for something to say. Not giving him much of a chance to answer, Damian brought the teen's hand to his face, gently kissing the bony, pale knuckles. The resulting deep red blush, and squeak the boy made had Damian preening slightly.
As the boy seemed to try and orient himself, a dark figure decended into the clearing just a little ways away from them. He felt a twinge of annoyance as he recognized his father's suit, not wanting the moment he was having to be interrupted just yet.
Luckily, it seemed the teen had the same thought as he did. Well, probably not the same thought, but a solution to the problem he was facing that suited both of them. Damian felt the grip on his hand tightening slightly before they were moving, the boy ducking into the trees, dragging him along, before Batman had the chance to spot them.
Damian happily followed the teen, marveling at the feel of the cold, calloused fingers that occasionally twitched in his hand as they walked. He was content to let this handsome stranger lead him, stride quick and purposeful as he wove through the trees and around bushes.
When they did come to a stop, it was almost half-way across the park from where he originally landed. The boy dropped his hand, much to his disappointment, and began to remove the various wildlife from his person. Damian found himself watching in amusement as he tried- and failed- to remove the birds from his hair, words thst Alfred would never tolerate muttered under his breath as he did his best to avoid their sharp beaks. He did eventually manage to weasel them off, setting them gently on the ground near his feet.
Brushing nonexistent dirt off of himself, the teen glanced at him and the assembled animals before heaving a sigh and pulling not a… gun? At least, Damian thought it was a gun. It looked a bit more high-tech than an average gun, and Damian wondered how the teen had managed to hide something that bulky in his canvas bag. As he began to fiddle with it, he spoke again.
"Okay. As fun as this has been, I should really be going…" He trailed off as he turned away, little beating noises coming from the gun in his hands.
Damian frowned at his words. He was leaving already? "Will you return?" He asked hopefully. He wasn't sure what he would do if the answer was no.
The boy startled at his words, but turned towards him as he answered. Part of Damian was a bit annoyed he didn't look up from his gun. "Ah, no. I don't think I'll ever return to this universe." The boy's words were a bit off-handed, as if he wasn't truly paying much attention to what he was saying. All the while he still refused to look up.
Damian froze at the words. That was not what he had wanted to hear. Not at all. His mind glossed over the 'this universe' part, and instead focused on the part where he said that he didn't think he'd ever return.
While he wasn't the most calm and reasonable person in his family, Damian did have a reputation of being rational most of the time. This was not one of those moments. His body acted before his mind could, pulling his katana free of it's sheath and cutting down in one, smooth arch. The device in the boy's hands fell to the ground in two pieces, leaving the teen to stare at it in shock.
"No." Damian stated afterwards, grabbing the boy's arm and tossing him over his shoulder. "I won't let you." He began sprinting, no real idea of where to go in mind, just the fact that he needed himself and the teen away. Quite quickly the Robin found himself outside of the park and tearing down the streets. The very crowded streets.
People of Gotham were generally used to the weird shit that happened on an almost daily basis, but seeing Robin carrying a teen on his shoulder, away from the park, on the ground, in broad daylight? That definitely garnered him more attention than he wanted at the moment.
"Tt." He sneered at the people who had begun to rummage around their pockets for their phones, pulling his grappling hook out from his belt and swinging up to the rooftops for better stealth. The boy still hadn't reacted to his sudden kidnapping, the only action telling Damian that he was still conscious was when he felt hands grip his cloak tightly, right at his lower back. Despite the highly- effective insulation his suit and cape had, he could still feel those icy fingers through the bunched cloth. It made Damian wonder if he was a meta with some sort of ice power. It was something that could wait, though. Right now, he needed to focus on where he was, and where he could go.
His first thought was to take the boy back to the Batcave, but he quickly dismissed it. While that would be the perfect place to keep him from leaving, and to get some answers, his family was there. And they would have even more questions than he did. No, the Batcave wouldn't do. Maybe one of the safehouses?
He looked around, taking note of where he was and trying to remember if there were any safe houses in this direction. A vague memory of Red Hood showing him a map on his phone surfaced. He nodded to himself and jumped, aiming for the alleyway below. Landing lightly, he peered around the corner, making sure that no one was here, before turning and unlocking the door hidden by a dumpster.
It was only once he was inside that he set the boy down, placing him gently onto the bland brown couch. Seeing his face for the first time since picking him up, Damian expected to see anger or fear. Instead he saw a vague look of shock and confusion. But he wasn't freaking out, not that he could tell at least. Something in him warmed at the fact that he was so calm. A level head was quite admirable.
Turning away from the teen, he headed into the kitchen. Opening the first cabinet, he was meet with dishes. Cheep plates, bowls, cups, and mugs. The next cabinet over had an array of different dry boxed foods, but he was looking for something specific. A pleased hum escaped him as he found a small tin of tea behind a box of crackers.
The motions of making tea soothed away the remaining tension in his body, heating water and steeping the bags, and pouring into mugs. He let out a sigh the scent wafted from the mugs. This wasn't his favorite blend, but it was good for calming nerves, or so Alfred said. Something sweet and slightly tangy. Picking up the two mugs, he made his way back to the teen.
The boy hadn't moved from where he was sat down, resting his head in his hands. He looked up as Damian approached, carefully taking the mug that was offered to him. He glanced at it, but made no move to drink it. Instead the teen seemed to observe him, taking in his vigilante suit, along with any physical features that were visible. Usually such scrutiny would have Damian bristling, moving to take such close attention off of himself, but with him, he found that he didn't mind one bit.
Still… Damian frowned at the boy. "You should drink that." He said, bringing his own mug to his lips and taking a long drink. The boy copied his actions, taking a sip from the mug. He watched the boy blink in surprise at the taste before setting it down on the table. Damian took another long sip from his drink, observing the teen much like he was just observed.
The birds from the park had followed them here, which was very odd. They nibbled and pulled at the boy's hair, pulling out small bits of leaf litter and debri he had picked up on their trek. His clothes consisted of a Nasa hoodie, obviously loved jeans, and a pair of ratty red and white running shoes. Under the dim lamplight of the living room, his skin looked exceedingly pale, almost sickly. And his bright blue eyes seemed to glow, as he purposefully kept his eyes fixed on the tabel.
His eyes weren't the only thing that gave away his nerves, though. His hands bounced along his knees, the only thing making noise in the quiet of the safehouse. It wasn't hard at all to hear the little sigh he let out as he stood. Clearing his throat, he turned towards Damian, but had his body angled towards the door. "Well, as much fun as this has been, I really do need to get going."
Damian stood up as well. "No." He said simply. The boy froze as Damian took his hand.
"N-no?" He repeated. Damian sat him back down, putting himself between the door and the boy.
"No." He repeated firmly. "I don't want you to go."
The boy looked up at him, confused again. "Why not?" He asked. Damian had to stop himself from scoffing.
Instead he turned away taking a moment to reign in these new, strong emotions. When he turned back, his expression was cold. "You said you weren't going to back."
The teen's face stalled, before he groaned. "Of course, the potion." He mumbled quietly. His palm met his forehead with a strong, painful sounding slap. Scowling, Damian grabbed the boy's wrist, pulling it away from his face and into his lap, huffing slightly. A light blush spread across the boy's pale face, turning his cheeks a very attractive shade of pink. He waited for the boy to explain himself, admiring the 'view' he had as he waited.
"Of course!" He suddenly exclaimed, startling Damian as he dove for his bag. He watched carefully as the boy rummaged through his bag. "What are you looking for?" Damian asked warily.
The teen didn't answer him, continuing to dig until he found what he was looking for. With a quiet 'aha!' he pulled a book from the bag, and for a moment Damian could have sworn the boy had fangs. Instead of fear or suspicion though, all Damian felt was intrigue.
But he turned his focus back to the boy's find. He eyed the book with a healthy amount of suspicion. It radiated the same feel as the artifacts that Zatana and Constantine handled. A tingling feeling in the air, something significantly other about it. He didn't trust it, not without knowing what it was. The birds, that were also startled by the teen's sudden movement, settled back on the boy's shoulders and head, one of the Bluejays pulling harshly on a lock of raven hair. The boy didn't seem to register it, but Damian shot a glare at it anyways.
Setting his mug down on the tabel, Damian moved closer to the boy, peering over the teen's shoulder as he began to flip through the pages. None of the writing made since to him, the script shifting constantly in a Latin-like dialect.
He stopped on a page, his finger following along as he, presumably, read the strange shifting script. "Aha! Here it is!" He stated excitedly.
"What is it?" Damian asked. He was beginning to get impatient. He hated being left in the dark. The boy glanced over at him, letting out a small squeak at how close their faces were. Looking back down at the book with a slightly deeper blush than before, the boy cleared his throat and began to explain.
"Back at the park, you landed in a bird fountain filled with pink liquid, remember?" Damian nodded. That was what had happened. "Well, that was a love potion. And I got the potion recipe from this book." He lifted the book as imphasis. "So, I figured that if this was a potions book, then there had to be a potion that would cancel the effects of the potion that's influencing you right now!"
Damian sat back slightly, brows furroing as he thought over this new information. 'It makes sense,' he thought. 'Usually I wouldn't be this…out of control.' He glanced over at the boy, who was looking over what he could only assume was a potions recipe. Just to be sure, he asks what he thinks he already knows. "So you're saying that my actions aren't my own at the moment?"
The boy hummed in acknowledgement, setting the book on the table and turning to look at him. "Ueah. You're under the influence of a love potion right now. You aren't actually in love with me." Damian scowled at that, a protest welling up in his throat, but he remained quiet, letting the boy continue. "And the dose you got dunked in always a pretty big one. So any emotions you feel towards me, your actual emotions or not, are going to feel… amplified for as long as the potion remains in effect."
Damian huffed at the boy's words, but thought them over. While it was true that his emotions were a bit much, from what he usually experienced, he also didn't feel wildly out of control. He found it hard to believe that the emotions he felt were all fake. He wouldn't be so infatuated with someone without it having some sort of founding, potion or not. Yes, maybe some of this interest was artificial, but the thought of all of it being fake didn't seem possible. He was an Ah Ghul. He was taught for most of his life how to handle his emotions, as well as his mental and physical states. An assassin must be in control of themselves all the time, after all.
The silence between the two stretched on, only broken by those birds that had followed them, until Damian spoke again. "I don't believe you." He said, c quite confident in his evaluation of himself. The boy's face dropped, a look of exasperation crossing his lovely features. "While I do believe what you say about the 'love potion', I don't believe that all my feelings are false."
The boy looked at him, confused once again. "What do you mean?" He asked.
"I mean, that I know myself." Damian stated. "While you may be telling me the truth about being 'under the influence', as you put it, I believe that I would know if something was tampering with my emotions."
The boy sighed. "Alright," his expression was carefully blank as he spoke. "Then what now?"
Damian rubbed his hand along his lower jaw. "Now, I will help you." He stated plainly. There was nothing else he could do, aside from keeping the teen locked in a safe house for the foreseeable future. While he wasn't opposed to that idea, it wouldn't be the best. His family would get curious eventually, and it was obvious what the boy thought about the situation as it was now.
"Help me? With what?" The teen asked stupidly.
"With the antidote." Damian responded resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Not that the boy would have been able to see it anyways. "I will help you get whatever you need." The boy's expression lightened. "But," Damian added, "I won't stop trying to convince you that my feelings are real." He counted it as a win when all the teen did was shrug in response.
"Well, if we're going to be working together," the teen looked at him. "What do I call you?." Damian stood up, being careful to keep his body between the teen and the door. He didn't seem to be trying to leave at the moment, but one could never be too sure.
"In costume you can call me Robin," Damian said, his hands lifting towards his face. "But my real name is-" the teen moved suddenly, leaping forwards at a speed that would be impossible for most, and slapped one hand across his mouth, the other batting his hands away from his mask.
"No, don't just reveal you identity to me." The kid spoke, his voice firmer than it had been a few moments prior. "No big reveals until after I get you the antidote. I would rather you be in your right mind if you do that."
Damian huffed, but lowered his hands. He had no doubt that he wanted the teen to know, but…
"Tt." He responded with a scowl. "Fine, if it makes you feel better, my identity will stay secret. For now."
The boy sighed in relief before offering his hand. "It's nice to meet you Robin. I'm Danny." Damian took the boy's -Danny's- hand, giving it a firm shake. Danny smiled at him slightly. When he felt Danny's hand loosen around his, Damian held it tighter, bringing it up to his mouth and planting a kiss on the boy's cold knuckles. He couldn't help but smirk when Danny let out a small, startled noise and yanked his hand back. With a sigh, the boy returned to his book. Damian left him to it, walking back into the kitchen.
If there was one thing he knew, it's that his family wouldn't let him go off and help this stranger without a word. And if he knew his brothers, they would be seeking him out regardless. The best thing he could do was call in. 'Hopefully father will keep them from doing anything rash.'
Turning on his comm piece, Damian winced as his ear filled with static. Hurriedly he pulled the comm out, rubbing his ear as he glared at the small black bud. 'Odd, our equipment almost never breaks.' Puzzled, and a bit annoyed, Damian slipped the bud into one of his utility belt pouches. It didn't matter if the comm was fried, they always kept spares hidden around. Especially in safe houses.
It wasn't hard to find one, pulling out the fake bottom of one of the kitchen drawers. Comm in hand, he went further into the apartment for a bit more privacy.
Turning it on, he tuned it onto the public channel and was immediately greeted with a worried-sounding Oracle. "Robin! Oh, thank God! Are you alright? Where are you?"
"Tt." Damian scoffed. "I can assure you, I am fine." Better than fine, actually. But she didn't need to know the specifics. "I was only checking in. Let the others know that I will be busy for a while." With that, he shut the comm off again, ignoring Oracle's protests. With that done, he returned to the living room.
Danny was sitting on the couch again, mug drained of tea and scribbling on a sheet of paper. He looked up as Damian entered, stretching a bit as he set the pencil down. Damian glanced over the paper. "Is this everything?" He asked.
Danny nodded. "Yeah. That's all the ingredients." He grabbed the book and shoved it back into his bag and stood up. Grabbing their mugs, Damian took them to the kitchen before returning, looking the teen over.
"Are you ready?" He asked, holding out his hand. Danny nodded, takingnhis hand and following Damian out the door. Damian surveyed the alleyway before crouching down. "We'll have to travel by roof, if we want to avoid attracting too much attention." He told the boy. The teen grimaced, but didn't protest as he was lifted onto Damian's back. He weighed very little, a fact that he would have registered before, had he not been in such a panic about Danny leaving forever. It was worrying, how little effort it took to carry him. Sure, he was a Robin, and could lift a lot more than one person if need be, but he could barely feel the teen on his back.
Ignoring that for now (he was definitely going to bring that up later-) he aimed his grapple towards the nearest roof, and they were off.
"Nothing?" Dick asked Tim, hovering beside the man as he typed away at the Batcomputer. They had, after an hour of persuasion, convinced Bruce to go upstairs for a bit. In his absence, the two, along with occasional input from Oracle, had been working hard to find their missing brother.
"Not even the body cameras!" Tim groaned, his head hitting the desk in front of him with a light thump. "They aren't turned off, but the feed is so messed up that I can't get anything useful!" He pulled up a tab that showed nothing but static and the occasional random shape, the entire thing covered in a blue-green haze. "And his comm is still offline. I can't even track its last location, it just pings off everything!" His head remained on the table, and a small part of Dick was glad about that. He already had one brother missing, he didn't need a second with a head injury.
He opened his mouth to responded, but was cut off suddenly by a frantic Oracle. "Guys! Damian just called me on a backup comm!"
Both batboys straightened and stared at the screen, full business mode. "What did he say?" Dick asked.
"He said that he was okay, and that he was going to be busy for a while." Oracle's frantic typing could be heard over the comm, a testimate to how much she didn't believe the words.
Dick and Tim shared a look. "Did he say anything else?" Tim asked.
"No," the answer was quick but a bit hesitant. Like she wasn't focused fully on the conversation. Knowing her, she probably wasn't. "Dammit!" She cursed suddenly, making both men jump. "I can't even track the backup comm. Unless he has a signal scrambler on him, he shouldn't be able to do that." They shared another glanced this one worried. It usually took quite a bit to make Barbra this frustrated.
Something beeped on the Batcomputer, making both Tim and Barbra snap to attention. "What is that?" Dick asked.
Tim answered him this time. "We set an algorithm to scan through CCTV footage and alert us if it found Damian." He pulled up said footage, showing Damian room hopping with a slightly blurred figure on his back. He dipped in and out of frame for a solid minute before the camera lost track of him.
"Where was that?" Dick asked.
"I'll send you the coordinates." Oracle responded. He nodded, even though she couldn't see it, and made his way to the changing room. Re-emerging a few minutes later, Nightwing headed towards the last place his little brother was seen.
It was an hour later when Nightwing finally found his missing brother. Crouched on a rooftop, looking at a piece of… paper? He didn't get a good look, because the moment he landed Robin was on his feet, tossing his cape over his back and shoving the paper into one of his belt pouches.
"Baby Bat! We've been so worried!" Dick ignored how his brother was acting, slinging an arm over his shoulders. Or, he tried to. Robin ducked before his arm made contact. Nightwing frowned, but didn't say anything as he eyed his youngest brother with concern.
"Tt." Robin practically snarled at him. Straightening with his signature scowl, he eyed Nightwing with disdain. "What are you doing here, Nightwing?" He demanded, pulling one of his knives free and brandishing it threateningly at the man.
Nightwing raised his hands in a plactating manner. "Easy Robin!" He cautioned the teen. He watched the boy put a bit more distance between them, one hand reaching up to his shoulder. Before he could get a good look at what the teen was reaching for, one of Damian's knives flew past him. Strangely, he didn't see Robin move, but there was no one else here, from what he could see anyways. He ignored it, focusing solely on his brother.
"You gave us all quite a scare, Robin." He sat down on the edge of the roof, letting Robin maintain his distance for now.
Despite the mask, Dick could see Damian's confusion and agitation. "I told Oracle I was fine." He growled, sheathing his knife but not coming any closer.
"You disappear after a fight, no word and no way to track you. Why wouldn't we worry?" Dick raised an eyebrow at the teen.
"Well, you've seen me now. As you can tell, I am fine. Now, I have something I need to do." The teen walked over to the other side of the roof, peering down into the alley below.
"Hold it, Baby Bat." Nightwing jumped to his feet, closing the distance in a few long, paced steps. "You have to come home! You can't just run off without letting anyone know where you are!" He grabbed Robin's shoulder, briefly pausing at how cold and bony it felt, before Damian whipped around, grabbing his arm and twisting.
Releasing Robin's shoulder with a pained noise, he had no chance to block as Damian released his arm and gripped a bit higher. Before he could really register what was happening, Robin had flipped him over the edge of the roof. Acting on instinct, Nightwing reached out and caught the railing of the nearest fire escape.
Quickly, he made his way back up to the roof. But Robin was gone, no trace of him left on the roof. Sighing, Nightwing crouched back down, rubbing his sore shoulder. This wasn't going to be easy, was it?
Standing, he made his way back to the Batcave. Maybe if he got there quickly enough, he could keep the footage of this moment from reaching the group chat.
The buzzing from his pocket told him he was already too late.
(I know there might be spelling and grammar errors, but I tried my best. That's all that matters!)
I'm thinking of naming this story 'Articficial Wingman', what do you guys think?
To all the people who wanted to be tagged in the next update, as well as the lovely person who wrote the prompt for this story:
@halfblackwolfdemon @manapeer @xxwintrynightzxx @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @blu-lilac @academicpurposes @secretdestinywerewolf @passivedecept @naluforever3 @postit-nope @spiteismymiddlename @2t-productions @plague-daisy @feet-achy @bubblecookies16 @thesapphiredragon13 @justwannabecat @magicalcollecter @adeniumdream @amuseofminds @lupagrim @readerkayden @dr-syko-pharm-4 @ladythugs @angelheartgamer @markthespot68 @kyrianclawraith @michikoy-yuki @servasvictoria02 @your-emo-nightmare @vala-dreams @scarlett-green-rose @t1dwarrior-of-earth @charlie-the-frogie @akikoyuii @mysticalcomputerdetective @roseuniverse999 @im-totally-not-an-alien
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swisccfinds · 24 days
The Love Triangle mod by Maplebell
Sul, Sul! This is an amazing mod to make your gameplay more messy ;).
Please don't forget to head over to the creator Maplebell patreon and show them the love and support they deserve for creating this mod.
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to see more photos click here
Creator's Notes-
So excited to share the mod i've been working on! Here is the Love Triangle Mod. Mapping this concept out was a bit difficult because I didn't wasn't sure how I was gonna go about creating the base structure. But I think it turned out fine in the end. Here is everything you need to know:
Requirements for Love Triangle to appear Romance Track with TWO Sims Minimum 30+ Romance Score each Once these options open up you will have the option to "Reveal Divided Heart". This would be underneath the Love Triangle pie menu (which is under the romance pie menu).
Once you choose to reveal divided heart, your sim will then be able to use the contextual love triangle interactions.
Note: Just because your Sim has revealed that they are in a love triangle, it doesn't mean that being romantic around either Sim won't result in jealousy. They can still experience jealousy; they are just aware that the Sim has feelings for them and another.
There a few interactions available for both the center and the two love interest. Most of the interactions are pretty straight forward but that there are few that I will explain more. The love interest also has quite a few interactions available to them.
Being in a Love Triangle isn't something most people enjoy. So the LI's (Love Interests) do have a few interactions of their own. Demand Explanation: The center has the option to sneak around (preferably with one of the love interests) and when they do the LI can "Demand Explanation" as to why they were sneaking around in the first place. This can really upset the Love Interest. You have 24 hours to confront the sim after they were sneaking around before the option disappears.
Ultimatum: The LI can also give the center an ultimatum. The options you can use after using the ultimatum interaction could be, "Open Relationship, End Relationship or Make Choice". But you do not have to. I wanted to make this as flexible as possible. Both love interests have these options available to them.
The only way to end the love triangle are the interactions I told you about above. If you want to go through the open relationship path, the love triangle will end. Both the center and LI can propose an open relationship. Since there are already lots of great open relationship mods, I didn't expand on that part because there are so many other ones that would be more fleshed out.
Does this mod require any DLC? No, it does not. What else do I need for the mod? Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod, so it is required for the mod to work properly. You can get her mod here. If you already have it great! But make sure it's up to date. Otherwise, it will break the UI XML injector I'm experiencing some weird bugs! Let me know, please. Report it here: Mod Bug Report How to install the mod? Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods <--- Unzip the file and make sure it's placed in this path.
Read more and see more over on Maplebell's patreon post
Download Link
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gothhabiba · 1 year
hello! i am a longtime huge admirer of your clothing/fashion sense, as well as a longtime backreader of your #victorian and #goth tags. i am really interested in what you've written about Victorian dress, and i am looking to get more into 19th and 20th century clothing for gender + diy craft reasons. i'm so sorry if you've answered similar questions before, but do you have any tips for where a newbie should start researching? either way, thank you thank you, your blog opens my mind wide and brings me much joy and reflection!
General research:
Spend some time searching the 'net, museum websites, and archive sites for fashion plates (such as archive.org—link leads to a date-restricted query for "fashion"—or the Smithsonian—link leads to fashion plates in their image collection). Take note of what you like, as well as which styles correspond to which decade. Karolina Żebrowska has a good rundown of English fashion over the decades.
The undergarments are what does the most work creating the necessary silhouette to make Victorian & Edwardian womenswear fit properly. If you've figured out a decade you want your outfit to draw on, doing a quick search for "[decade] undergarments" should bring up plenty of blog posts, which may or may not cite primary sources (such is the fickle nature of the historical blogosphere). Bustle pads and sleeve supports can be purchased or made; they're both pretty simple, and tutorials abound.
Purchasing clothing:
Reproduction made-to-measure clothing can be readily found on etsy, but can be in the several-hundred USD range. I've had some luck finding vintage reproduction clothing (like, a skirt someone made by hand in the 1980s to a 1900s walking skirt pattern), which tends to be much cheaper.
Men, women, and children wore stays and corsets. As far as I know, Orchard Corset has the cheapest OTR corsets that are good quality and safe to wear. If you get a corset in the style of a specific decade handmade or made to measure, make sure that the seller tells you what the boning material is, what construction the boning is (spiral steel is sturdiest and most flexible), how many bones there are, what the corset material is, &c.—otherwise it's an indication of an unserious maker. Follow general advice for wearing corsets at a waist reduction (lace up slowly, break it in, &c.).
Antique Menswear on youtube gives a lot of good, practical advice for wearing late 19th-century and early 20th-century men's clothing (including where to buy reproductions and how to treat them, how to modify modern shirts to 19th-century standards with basically no sewing skills, &c.).
Actual antique clothing can be found and purchased online or at estate sales—usually in very small sizes, but I've seen Edwardian skirts and petticoats in an XL (also a small size, but...). You can also just simply browse this kind of thing for inspiration and save photos of anything you think you'd like to recreate.
Even clothing that was not "meant" to be worn by re-enactors can be clearly historically influenced (e.g. the huge boom in Victorian- and Edwardian- style blouses in the 1980s), so keep an open mind when shopping for vintage clothing! A lot of 1970s dresses that look "hippy" on their own can look very Victorian with the right undergarments and an updo. A lot of 1980s men's trousers also approach the right silhouette for the 1910s-inspired three-piece suit I'm trying to put together. Witness also the recent trend for big puffed sleeves!
Making or modifying clothing:
Victorian and Edwardian manuals for garment drafting and sewing can be found online—go to archive.org and search for "sewing," "drafting," or "dressmaking," then use the filters on the left to chuse which year(s) you want to see results from. Most of these have patterns that are sort of vibes-based: The work-woman's guide is one manual that claims to have patterns laid out strictly according to a grid.
I don't sew garments, but if Victorian pattern-writing for sewing is anything like it is for knitting, that may not be super useful. People do sell updates and graded 'translations' of antique patterns (which tend to be written in only one size) on etsy and ebay—just make sure from the description that it's 'deciphered' and translated rather than a scan of the original pattern!
One of the easiest things that you can do to add some Victorian or Goth flair to an otherwise plain-looking garment is to add trim. You can knit, crochet, or tat your own trim from Victorian lace-making patterns; purchase antique trim from resale sites; or buy braided or lace trim very cheaply at any craft store. Trim doesn't just have to go around the hems and cuffs of a garment: lace "insertions" between two pieces of fabric, as well as raised geometric patterns over the surface of a garment, are common in 19th-century clothing.
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[ID: first image shows a black overdress showing lace insertions between strips of fabric of equal width, creating a striped effect. second image is the back of a black blouse with trim in a geometric design centred around right angles and parallel lines. end ID]
Jewellery (women's and men's):
Actual antique jewellery (including men's jewellery and fastenings) is not as expensive as you might think. Even if you're not willing to spend a lot of time learning what to look for and scouring estate sales for people who don't know or care what they have, late Victorian mass-manufactured costume jewellery often goes for sub-$50 or even $30 prices at auction on ebay (USD, in the US—in my experience it is even more plentiful and cheaper in the UK).
Specifically, I've lucked out with lots ("lot" as in, a bunch of small things being sold together) of "vintage men's accessories" going for $20 or so that contained Victorian cufflinks (in low-karat gold, mother-of-pearl, and jet), collar studs (in low-karat gold and base metals), and shirt studs (in low-karat gold, with garnets and seed pearls, &c.). Searching for lots of accessories is generally a good idea since by and large people do not know what these things are... but if you're willing to spend a little more for something that has been identified and is more likely to still be with its set, use the specific search term for that item (e.g. "antique collar studs").
Answers to Questions About Old Jewelry (though aimed at estate sellers and, if memory serves, full of regrettable pæans to Queen Victoria) is a good reference text to dating antique jewellery. I also recommend Miller's Illustrated Guide to Jewelry Appraising. Both of these texts are available on libgen.
Feel free to ask me follow-up questions if you want more detail on any of these points. As you can see I am perfectly happy to blather away on this topic
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ababyrasberry · 1 year
Hey I saw that you needed a request so.. I'll try my best! So what if you did a, "Genshin S\O that's flexible" they teach the boys some gymnastics.. Or even a scale of who would be willing to learn and who wouldn't. This idea isn't over the top but it's all I can come up with. As a gymnast myself, I would really love it! Thank you and drink water!
- ♡
Genshin men w/ a gymnast s/o!!
itto x reader, tighnari x reader, wanderer x reader, heizou x reader
-thinks ur so cool 😎 
-everyone gets annoyed w him cuz he always rambles abt how his s/o is so awesome
-introduces u to kuki, who def looks up to you as a role model
-asks you to join the Arataki Gang
-he wants to be as cool as you, so he's very open to the idea of learning gymnastics 
-his clumsy ass tries to do what you do on the bars and def snaps it in half
-he likes the vault cuz he uses his strength to bounce really high, but he never lands right 🫤
-Itto really loves doing things with you, especially if you enjoy it too <33
-"haha! did you see that y/n? I was so great! Well, I did have the best teacher ever though!"
-as a fennec fox, he is very agile
-i think he would be good at gymnastics, and we would learn fast
-he likes the beam, and he can do all sorts of moves on it
-loves watching you more than doing it himself
-tighnari LIVES to see you preform, he never misses a competition
-sometimes he takes off work to come and watch you, especially if it's in another region
-if he can't take off, he spends the whole day before with you, hyping you up and snuggling with you
-also goes to your practices in his spare time, he loves how focused you are
-brings collei to a competition, and now she looks up to you like a big sis
-tighnari likes your leotards too, especially if your representing Sumeru
-overall is very supportive, and loves watching you follow your dreams!!
-he told you he thought it was lame, but he acutally really thinks ur cool
-he prob has wanted to do gymnastics before, but had no time
-he might not show up as much as tighnari, but he def loves to hear abt practice and competitions after
-when you get home, he pulls you in a tight hug and mumbles "how was practice?"
-when you brought up the idea of him trying it out, he was so hyped up inside, but his face was like 😐
-wanderer def likes floor the best, he thinks the routines are really pretty
-when he watches you, he gets starstruck, and he always lets you know that you did well in his own special way
-"you did fine, i guess this is one of the few things your good at." (which really means)-> "great job love i'm so proud of you"
-he doesn't like it when nahida comes along, but she enjoys watching you too
-might not act like it, but he really loves what you do and thinks ur great <33
-he likes watching you preform more than doing it himself
-his specialty is solving cases and use ong his fists, so this is def a change
-is goated at rings tho, he can use his strenagth he has from punching ppl all day
-he shows up to a lot of your practices and competitions, and always cheers you on
-he brings this little stick with a picture of your head on it and waves it around to embarress you
-he isn't very flexible, but he probably wants to be, so he will stretch with you whenever he can
-heizou brags abt you to everyone, so when you first met sara she was like "i basically know everything abt you" and u were like "😳"
-he buys you whatever you need, wether it's athletic tapes or a new leotard, he's got it covered
-he LOVES your leotard + hair, he thinks you look so good and put together
-if you stick a landing, he cheers especially loud for you<333
-he loves u sm and will help you in any way possible
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