#ooc. teeth trigger warning
radioisntdead · 3 months
Good evening folks! I'm dropping this lil headcanon thingy that's been on my brain, that very much leans into the fanon territory!
Trigger warnings just in case!: Mentions of mild cannibalism because it's Alastor, and biting
I'm still figuring out how to properly write Alastor so this may be OOC! This was not proofread so please don't mind any grammar mistakes! Enjoy reading!
Alastor just causally bites, Mainly your arms and shoulders, not in a sexual way he just... Bites
Your shoulder is exposed? How scandalous! Your getting bit, he's holding your wrist for whatever reason? CHOMP, You wear something that exposes your forearms? You guessed it! It's biting time!
Broski's teeth are SHARP, don't be surprised if you end up bleeding a bit and bro just takes that as like juice, a liquid snack,
A sauce if you will,
Of course the biting typically takes place in private or when the others aren't looking, because basic decency, just because you're in eternal damnation doesn't mean you should lack proper manners! Especially if you're romantically involved!
Also his eyes do the tweaking out thing whenever he bites you
Oh you think he's gonna look dapper and handsome when biting? No.
he looks like someone just injected feral juice and some type of drug into him, even if it's for a spilt second
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This is what you get when he bites,
Is it his way of showing affection? Is it some type of weird way to gain control over you? Maybe it's to make you flustered or lose your composer for a second perhaps even to cause you a moment of misery because he's a weirdo
Or emergency snack time,
I know he's a cannibal and not a vampire but I feel like you toss some glitter on him and shine a flashlight at him he'll be a decent dupe for that one guy in twilight
I also feel like you would NOT survive doing that to him, do not throw glitter on the Radio demon and then blind him with a flashlight
You two could be having a very nice time, taking a walk, maybe your just sitting side by side somewhere and he'll just gently take your arm and before you can even process it you feel a stinging feeling and you see the oh so feared Radio demon with his teeth mid-way into your arm looking goofy, so silly.
I feel like if you start biting him back he'll either be displeased with it and nip that behavior in the bud or it becomes a game between you two,
Bonding by just chompin' down on your S/O's arm very wholesome
Also I don't know if you can get infections from getting bit in Hell but I feel like you should disinfect the bites, he might have something
Thank you for tuning in and reading folks! I hope you all have a wonderful evening!
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forbidden-sunlight · 5 months
yandere!carcel escalante with ines!reader scenario
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Warning: OOC, obsessive behavior, implied violence, language, mention of death, possible spoilers for latest chapters on the manhwa.
There may be possible triggers in this story.
If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please hit the 'back' button on your device or computer and read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events.
You are responsible for your own Internet consumption!
Hey guys, hope you have all been well! I'd like to thank @ceeesxy-blog for providing honest feedback on the earlier drafts on this story!
For those who are wondering, I am still revising/editing the other headcanons I had written for Carcel Escalante. When they are ready, they will be posted.
With that being said, sit back, relax, and let's dive into world of romance and second chances. Or maybe four :)
The Spirit was glaring heatedly at your back again. She seemed to be doing that a lot more lately than critiquing your posture or whispering the names of the nobility in your ear to make sure you did not mispronounce it when they approached you at teeth-grinding social functions. It made you wonder what you did to upset her for the nth time behind the polite smile you gave to the blonde-haired child sitting across from you. 
For the record, it had not been your intention to possess the body of Ines Valeztena de Perez  in the first place. You simply woke up and found her soul occupying the same space. Two souls in one meatsack, to put it so crudely; impossible in theory, yet here is the miracle. Note the sarcasm. 
Where this is her fourth reincarnation, it was your first, and you had retained the knowledge of this reality where it was the backdrop of a novel based on her life. The title? The Broken Ring, This Marriage Will Fail Anyway. Not only did include the details of her life in this timeline, but also her marriages to both the future Emperor and the painter Emiliano. One was a nightmare where she took her own life, and the second was to get away from her responsibilities and be happy for once. Her brother killed Emiliano and the child she had with him, dragging her back to the duchy she had tried to escape from. 
In this life, she has already secured an engagement with Carcel Escalante on the basis that he is the best-looking young man. Her father approved because he loved his only daughter. That worked in her favor because she did not want to get involved with the imperial family again, and already had a plan in the works. This plan involved treating Carcel coldly for seventeen years and he would have numerous affairs, before and after their marriage. Once she gives birth to a child, she will divorce him and attain true freedom. But now, Ines has become a lingering Spirit which only you could see. You are occupying the Body. You are the main driver behind it. And by God, her plan is utter bullshit. 
Make a child who has yet to understand communication and very much innocent in the way of how an adult’s mind works hate you by being a cold-hearted bitch? Absolutely not! That is not how you treat someone, even if you do remember that Carcel Escalante was a playboy in a previous lifetime. This is the present, do not put so much emphasis on the past. 
You have told the Spirit many times when the room was empty and you were visiting her in your mindscape; the backdrop of a library and seated in a plush chair with a table that held two steaming cups of coffee that you couldn’t taste. You did not know if she or you had created it, but this was where she had closed herself off most of the time and where you would see her as soon as you drifted off to sleep. Whether she actually listened to you during these therapy sessions or just put up with your company because you were in her body is another question entirely. 
Jolting slightly, you looked up from the rim of  your teacup and nodded at the flustered Carcel Escalante. “Yes?” Cerulean orbs twinkled beneath the chandelier’s light as he stared at you, cradling his own cup and looking…frustrated? You furrowed your brow in concern, carefully placing it back down on the saucer that sat on the table. “Is everything all right, Carcel?”
“Why?” He answered your question with a question. You played along, asking him what he meant. 
“Do you really want to marry me because of my good looks?”
Oh, dear. Suppose this was a conversation bond to be brought up. You thought warily. Not even a minute has passed and already you could feel the Spirit’s menacing glare directed at the back of your head. Ines, for God’s sake, trust me. Let me handle this. You hissed in your mind. 
“You cannot ruin this chance.”
Ines, I am fully aware that this is crucial to your plan, thank you. Your very piss-poor plan, I might add. You promised you would give me one chance to prove there is another way to attain happiness. I will deliver. So let me speak or so help me, I will stuff your consciousness in the back of my brain and lock you in there until the day is over. You threatened. That wasn’t a threat either. It was a promise because you had done it before, unintentionally, when the world was spinning and her nagging was not helping. You couldn’t allow her access to the Body for nearly two days. 
She went silent, and the heat on the back of your head subsided slightly, but you could see her from the corner of your eye. Folding your hands neatly in your lap and straightening the curve of your spine, you spoke to Carcel with your eyes directly locked onto his own. 
“Yes. You are very handsome by the Empire’s standards, Carcel. But that isn’t the only reason.”
“Then, why?”
“To avoid being married into the imperial family. Your cousin, the crown prince, Oscar is…a twit. Emotionally immature, rude, I could go on. You recall how he arrived at my home without any notice nor any requests to visit, and I told him that I did not like him, yes? You were there, dragged by him because he can do that.” 
Carcel’s face paled. “You could get punished for speaking like that about him. He is the future of our Empire.”
“And what a bleak future that will be.” You sniffed. 
“The Empress wouldn’t risk angering one of the founding families of this country. Without our support, they would not be standing where they are right now, the pinnacle of high society and power, so I am not afraid to criticize how her son has no regard for the consequences of his actions because he believes his status gives him an excuse to do anything he wants to do.” You squeezed your hands together. “I also believe you are much more agreeable and level-headed than him. Your good looks are a bonus…but I would like to get to know you more. Your likes, your dislikes, anything, really, that you are comfortable with sharing. Believe it or not, Carcel Escalante, I do want us to get along. Not just for appearance's sake.”
You watched his eyes widen in disbelief, his face pinken with embarrassment before he stuttered. “R-Really?”
“A-And you won’t…be mean? Or ignore me?”
You shook your head. “I will not.” You said. “If I am cruel in your eyes, I would rather you say it to my face then keep silent. I will not understand how you feel if you do not say anything. Though…if the imperial family is watching us, I might have to act out of character. Not just to protect myself and my family from their interference, but yours. Do you understand?”
“I-I suppose.” Carcel swallowed. “But…will you inform me…if you have to act like that?”
“I shall.” 
You answered Carcel’s questions as honestly as you could to a six-year-old child, even when you were roughly the same age as him. He seemed to believe you, as his stiffened posture loosened, and his smile was a little less forced. Eventually it was time for him to leave the estate and return to the Escalante duchy. You walked him to the door alongside the servants, and bade him farewell. When his carriage faded in the distance, growing smaller and smaller, the Spirit wasted no time in materializing, scolding you for making such promises right until it was time for bed. 
But this was a positive change, you emphasized, not a negative one. Would she rather hate the two of you for saying that you liked him and then say you don’t care if he has an affair because your feelings change? That made absolutely no sense. Yes, feelings change with time, this is true, but it is still cruel in your perspective and you will not subject Carcel to such treatment. 
When you received an invitation to attend the Empress’ annual tea party, a letter from the Escalante duchy was delivered to your desk the very next day. Carcel asked if he would have the honor to be your escort. You replied that you would be delighted; you were looking forward to seeing him there, and do not mind if you were acting coldly towards him if the Empress or the crowned prince were within feet of either of you. 
You kept your word to him. Now, and for the following seventeen years. 
If neither of your schedules were not booked with various lessons and social functions, Carcel would make an effort to visit you or invite you to spend an afternoon doing something together. He would offer flowers, and you thanked him. You idly chatted over lunch at a cafe after a shopping trip, all expenses paid by Carcel at his insistence, even when your monthly allowance was more than enough to purchase jewelry, dresses, or anything that piqued your interest during the outing. 
When he was invited to a friendly hunting trip at the Valeztena estate, Carcel had been stunned into silence as you handled the recoil of the hunting rifle in your hands without so much as a sound. 
The Spirit had drilled the basics of gun safety and aiming into your brain until she was confident that no one would think the wiser in the unlikely event that the two of you had to exchange control over the Body. Moreover, it put her at ease knowing she could protect herself from the crown prince. She will not allow Oscar to get the upper hand in this lifetime. Never again. 
You agreed wholeheartedly with her reasoning. Now if she actually lifted some damned weights between target practice and sipping tea with her peers, that would be great. You did not want the time and effort you have put into toning your arms from swinging a practice sword in the knight’s training arena to go to waste. 
Securing a competent tutor who would willingly teach a woman the fundamentals of swordsmanship, even if it’s a fucking rapier and not a broadsword like you initially wanted to learn how to use, had been difficult. If the Spirit was going to use a weapon to protect herself, then so are you. 
End of discussion. 
Carcel eventually became of age and was forced to enlist in the naval academy as his forefathers had done. It was the first step towards becoming the duke of the Escalante estate. Although you were a little sad to see him go, you promised to write him letters. If you were allowed to visit him at the base or a port that wasn’t too far from the Empire’s shores, you swore that you would try, weather permitting of course. 
However…if you or the Spirit had known the weight of these promises…would you have known just how madly in love Carcel Escalante de Esposa was with you? Would he? 
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Carcel hated his time at the naval academy. As invigorating and stressful it was to learn everything about a ship’s vessel to the areas where the enemies of the Empire have attacked in recent years and even swordsmanship or rifle training, there were days when he wanted to throw everything away and just run off from Meldoza. 
Never looking back,  becoming a free man who could do as he pleased without the obligations. 
The soldiers in his fleet understood his frustration and have offered more than once to take him to the ports and have a bit of fun with some lovely ladies, on their tap. Yet for all his ranting and grumbling, it took a single letter from his dear Ines to keep the young duke grounded. 
She informed him of the events occurring in the Empire’s polite society, highlighting gossip and any exploits pertaining to his cousin, aggravated that she still cannot swing her sword at the right angle just yet even after her tutor went over the lesson several times, amongst other topics of discussion including what she has been doing since he’s been at sea. She reminded him to stay strong, keep his wits sharp, and never forget that she is here, waiting for him to return. Before he ventured out to sea for his duties, he would always keep a letter folded against his breast pocket. A reminder of why he is here. 
Contrary to the rumors circulating around him, he did not elect to remain in the military for an additional five years because he was avoiding getting married at the tender age of eighteen. He wanted to prove to his future father-in-law that he is worthy to be the husband of his only daughter. 
Just because he may be lacking in some areas, that does not mean he should be switched out for someone higher up or of equal ranking in the hierarchy. Or with a gentleman whom Duke Valeztena would much prefer to have as a son-in-law than him. That will never happen so long as he, Carcel Escalante de Esposa, lives. 
He is a man who will get jealous if anyone would dare to approach his future wife with the intention of bedding her once he, her husband, had gotten tired of her. An absolutely foolish notion, because Carcel will remain faithful to Ines. 
It would take a lot of self-control to not gut those fools right on the spot, because Ines would hate getting blood on the floor. Furthermore, he would never have a mistress before or after he exchanged his vows. Women might line up outside his door because adultery is encouraged in the Ortega Empire. Flowers and love letters might decorate every square inch of his office. Temptation will lurk around every corner, and he will burn them in his fireplace. The ladies? Well, he’d tell them to politely sod off and never darken his doorstep again. 
If there were gifts from Ines, however, he would keep him. 
Ines is his sun. The light of his life. No one else would even compare to the woman who is waiting for him to return from these treacherous waters. Until it was his time to leave this world, he would show Ines just how much he loved her. He would buy her anything she wanted, make her life as comfortable as possible even if she told him a thousand times that she does not need anything. 
Just never leave his side. Never fall in love with another man who wasn’t him, because he cannot conceive a universe without you. 
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heartpascal · 1 year
I LITERALLY LOVE FATHER FIGURE JOEL ‼️‼️ (and i also have severe daddy issues) CAN WE GET MORE OF HIM PLEASE 😭😭
the tunnel. . .
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▹ — joel miller x platonic!f!reader
▹ — summary: joel gets hurt, and in the face of losing the only person you have left, something inside of you breaks.
▹ — a/n: I DONT LIKE IT :( but i promise to provide more (&better) father figure joel content soon I SWEARRR
▹ — warnings: father figure joel, completely made up scenario (spoiler free!), joel gets hurt, it’s pretty bad, blood, stabbing, murder, reader protects joel, JOEL IS SLIGHTLY OOC
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There is a moment of silence after Joel cried out, a moment where you watch with wide eyes as he crumples, a moment where the man responsible stands over the man laying down on the cold ground, and reaches for his gun.
For you, the only thing loud enough to break the silence is your own heart, pumping blood around your body, echoing in your ears. Your footsteps don’t register, and neither does your scream, as you run towards the person who hurt Joel, and jump on his back, your knife in your hand and all of a sudden you blink, and the man is limp on top of you, his blood quickly dripping on to your clothes.
He’s pushed off of you, and you’re by Joel’s side in a second, your hands hovering as you look down at his screwed up face. The knife is no longer buried in his side, and blood is pumping out of him faster and faster as time passes by.
“Joel? Joel, can you hear me?” You ask frantically, and lean your ear down towards him to hear better as he grunts out a yes, allowing you to place his hands over his wound, and push. He groans, yelling out through his teeth, and you know that it must be bad. It must be really bad.
He’s been by your side for months now, and each time you see him take a hard hit, he holds on to that stoic expression, bites down on his tongue and keeps up the strong front, whether to save you from worrying or to prevent anyone from thinking he’s weak, you’re not sure. But he never shows this much of his pain to you, so you’re sure that he’s fully out of it, that this is when you’re gonna lose somebody, again.
But his squinted eyes relay a sense of urgency to you, and he groans and says your name, gesturing behind you, and you pull the gun that had fallen from his grip when he’d gotten hurt. You whirl around, seeing more men from the group getting closer, eyes set on you and Joel.
Your finger trembles as you lay it on the trigger, and your ears ring when you fire it, hitting the two men who had been approaching with surprising accuracy. You turn back to Joel the next second, noticing his hands going limp on top of his injury, and you press them down again, feeling his blood stain between your fingers.
“C’mon, Joel, you gotta help me out here!” You tell him, something desperate in your voice making him pull away from that sweet black emptiness that he had been beginning to fade into. He nods at you, pressing his palms harder against his stomach underneath your own hands. You breathe a sigh, not quite of relief, but something almost similar, and survey the surroundings. “We gotta get somewhere safer.” You say, and the effort of keeping pressure on his wound is taking all of Joel’s concentration.
Taking a deep breath of the cold air, you think of where you are and where you’ve been. Going backwards isn’t much of an option, given that from behind is how these men had caught you and Joel by surprise, so you have to go forwards.
You click the safety on, and shove the gun in the loose over shoulder bag at your side. You cant help but feel overwhelmed — you haven’t had to escape without Joel’s help in a long time, and especially not whilst lugging around a 50-something year old who can barely even hold his hands steady.
“Come on,” You urge him, hearing shouts in the far distance, and you hook his arm over your shoulder, pulling him to sit up. “I can’t pick you up, Joel, I need you to stand,” You tell him, and he nods, despite his fluttering eyelids. Getting him up takes longer than you expected, and you can tell he’s getting lightheaded just sitting, but you have to push through. “Joel, please.”
By the time he’s finally on his feet, he’s leaning heavily on you, and you can hear the group of men are much closer to you — too close. There’s barely a chance of outrunning them, because not only do you have to practically carry Joel, but they have a car, too.
Your heart is beating in your throat, and you keep trying to think of what to do as you pull Joel further along, looking back and seeing the trail of blood behind the two of you is getting bigger.
You see an alleyway, and pull Joel into it, with him falling back to the floor almost as soon as you stop moving. If it weren’t for the adrenaline pumping through your body, you’re sure that you would’ve either cried or passed out by now, but luckily, the chemical is keeping you going. You pull the backpack from his back, rifling through it and looking for something to help. You find a bottle of old alcohol, and uncap it, lifting Joel’s shirt the tiniest bit to dump what was probably far too much on his wound.
He hisses, and you can hear the way he’s grinding his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut as you do your best at cleaning his wound, hoping the quick douse will be enough to prevent it from getting infected, but honestly, you don’t know how any of it works.
The car stops down the road, and you hold your breath as you lean forwards, peeking the smallest bit out of the alley and seeing four men exist the vehicle, one from each door. They walk over to the opposite side of the street, beginning their search for the two of you. “Fuck,” You say under your breath, and turn back to Joel. “Okay, stay here, okay? Stay here.”
His hand grabs on to your wrist before you can leave the alley, and for the first time, you see his fear reflected in his expression. Though whether it’s for you or himself, or possibly both, you’ll never know. “It’s okay. Just stay here. We’re gonna be okay.” You tell him, not sure which of you it’s reassuring, but the words wrap around the two of you, and he nods his head jerkily. You press his hand back against his wound, a frown present on your face as you look at him.
For once, it’s you who has to be brave for him, not the other way around. You hope you have the courage in you.
You duck out of the alleyway, crouching behind a rusted car nearby as the men call out to each other, their voices getting increasingly frustrated. You take down the first one with ease, having watched Joel do this hundred of times. You jump on his back, hand clamped over his mouth and jab the knife as deep as you can into his neck, landing on the ground with an oomph.
It’s the next one that you fuck up, and he manages to throw you off, alerting the other two to your presence. “I’ll give you one chance, motherfuckers, before I—” They cut you off, shooting towards the sound of your voice, and you ducked down lower to the ground, waiting for the sound of them reloading before you popped up, taking aim and shooting one of them. He didn’t get back up.
With a sudden idea, you crept around towards their car as they nervously held their guns, eyes twitching as they looked for you — in the complete wrong direction, you would like to point out. You climbed in through the still open door, and smiled when you saw that these dumbasses left the keys.
Having never driven a car, you grip the steering wheel with an ounce of anxiety, but you’ve seen plenty of people drive, know to turn the key, press the right pedals, but you didn’t expect the speed at which the car lurched. You vaguely heard the shouts of the two men as the car hit them, but you kept driving, managing to stop just after the alleyway you’d left Joel in.
Nobody else bothered you, and you found Joel passed out in the alleyway. “Come on, stay with me, please, stay with me.”
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Your eyes snapped towards him as he groaned, and you were by his side before he could even fully open his eyes. “Joel,” you all but sobbed in relief, grabbing on to his hand tightly, and feeling him squeeze your fingers between his as he slowly got to terms with the fact that this was reality. “You dick!”
He sat up, slowly, with your help via a hand on his back, helping pull him into a sitting position even as he winced. His eyebrows raised at your words, and he stammered for a moment, before he rolled his eyes and lifted his shirt to look at the injury he’d sustained.
His eyebrows folded inwards as he looked at the messy black lines zig-zagging across an inflamed line on his abdomen, the stitching sure to leave more scarring than if he’d done it himself, but it held both sides of the skin together, and stopped him from bleeding out. “You did this?” He asked, his voice gruff and sore, and you passed him a flask of water without a word.
“I—I didn’t know what else to do, you weren’t waking up and I couldn’t just leave it.” You said, nervous for his reaction to the way you’d practically vandalised the poor guy. It would surely stand out when it did scarred, in comparison to some of the neater lines that he or Tess had sewn up. “You, um, you lost a lot of blood, you’ve been passed out for nearly three days.”
His eyebrows raised in surprise as he sipped at the water, surprised by how much there was if it had really been that long. He was honestly pretty surprised that the two of you had made it that long.
“I wasn’t sure you were going to wake up, for a second there, Joel.” You said, trying to seem humorous but Joel saw straight through you, right down to the tremor in your voice as you said the words.
“Shit, kid.” He said, his voice flowing out much more easily, and he frowned as he looked at you, looked at the blood that was staining your clothes and face. Joel sighed, “I’m sorry.”
You stared at him, an apology from him being the thing you least expected. Hell, you were half waiting for him to scream at you, to tell you that it was your fault, or that you should’ve done something differently.
“That’s a lot to have on your shoulders,” Joel said, though he usually carried at least the equivalent amount, usually heavier, on his own shoulders. “But… thank you.”
He felt half the need to tell you that you should’ve left him behind, that you risking yourself for him was the last thing he wanted, but the look in your eyes told him that anything other than reassurances would break you.
“C’mere.” He said, so uncharacteristically soft, and he pulled you so you were resting underneath his arm, head laying against his collarbone. You practically sagged in his arms, exhaustion shattering you down to the bones, and he frowned, scanning you for any i juries you may have sustained. A broken finger, he’d have guessed, swollen and bruised where your hand lay on your legs. Sprained ankle, definitely, with how your had it resting so gingerly against the floor.
“I…” You started, nervous to tell him, “I crashed the car.”
His forehead crinkled, and he looked at you in confusion when you glanced at him. Part of him wanted to just… never ask, but he knew he couldn’t rest if he didn’t know how much danger you’d put yourself in.
“What car?”
“The car I stole, from the group of guys that attacked you. I crashed it into a lamppost, not like, really badly, but… don’t think it’s useable now.” At your words, he pulled away slightly, and you frowned, but he was just looking at you, eyebrows raised in disbelief.
“You… stole, and drove, a car?” Joel asked slowly, realising he had clearly underestimated how much you’d do to keep him alive. “Jesus, kid.”
“I didn’t know what else to do! And then I dragged you here, did… that, and just got us some water and food and waited for you.” You explained, relaxing back into him when he moved back to his previous spot. Your words were beginning to become a garbled mumble, the three days with about six hours of sleep really messing you up now that you knew Joel was okay. He was safe.
He squeezed your shoulder, wondering to himself if you’d dragged his ass before, or after, you broke that finger, and the thought was almost too much. All this, to keep him safe. And on top of that, you had been stocking up as much as you could, waiting for him, unsure if he’d ever wake up or if you’d sit and wait as he died.
His silence unnerved you, and your eyes were stinging, though whether that was from exhaustion or tears, you weren’t sure. “Please, never scare me like that again. I thought you were going to die.” You told him, turning your head so he couldn’t see your face, though he could feel the way your shoulders trembled.
Joel pulled back, suppressing the groan he wanted to let out as he twisted, pulling the slightest bit at the stitches in his abdomen.
He said your name, and you looked at him with watery eyes, “I’m sorry. For getting hurt, and puttin’ you in danger, and for you havin’ to look after my old ass.”
“Promise me, you’ll never do that again.” You asked of him, and he placed a hand that was streaked with his own dried blood against your cheek, frowning at your expression.
“I promise you,” He said, his voice soft as he pulled you back to him, hugging you closely and holding the back of your head to ensure nothing would take you from him. “I’ve got you now. I’m alright, kid, get some rest.”
“You’re all I’ve got, Joel,” You tell him, voice muffled by his bloodied jacket, “I can’t lose you.”
He doesn’t say anything, only hugging you tighter, and refrains from letting out the words that he wants to say. That you’re the only thing left in this world that he cares for, that he’ll protect you with his life, not just because you’d done that for him, but because he cared about you.
Joel may refuse to outright say his thoughts, but the squeeze of his arm around you told you enough. The protective nature that had come about him from the moment he woke up, checking on you, taking notice of your injuries, was his way of caring.
He’d lost so much, like you had, and if he saw Sarah’s eyes reflected in your own, that was his business. The spark of that long-buried feeling… that paternal warmth, it made it much more obvious that he couldn’t let anything happen to you.
And like Sarah had tried to help him, protect him, even from when she was a kid, he saw that in you. In the way you gripped your knife when you heard something, the way you checked behind his back for him when he forgot to do so, he could see you cared.
“You ain’t losing me anytime soon, kid.” He told you, and it was all he could tell you. “But we’re gonna talk about this driving business, later.”
You let out a laugh filled with exhaustion, and Joel just held you tightly, staying ever so still as you slowly fell asleep against him, your snores comforting him more than his stitched wound.
He supposed, then, that after the past few days, you’d have a few wounds that’d need stitching up, too. He vowed in that moment, that he’d work on it, that he’d ensure your happiness for the rest of his life, in any way that he could. Even if right now, that just involves letting you sleep in his arms.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
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Sure! I just hope I get her character right, I did my research. A pairing was not given so the plot ended up platonic by accident. Hope the plot isn't too messy, I'm still new to learning ASOIAF. Prompt 32 was altered for plot :')
Prompt 15 Here
Expect spoilers for HOTD.
Yandere! Platonic! Rhaenys Targaryen Prompts 3, 32, 15
"You'll love me, even if we have to sit and wait for it to happen."
"With a little effort, these bleak walls will be a wonderful home for us!"
“You might not understand now but you will thank me later.”
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Rhaenys is having trouble coping with death, Kidnapping, Emotional manipulation, Isolation, Violence mentioned, Possible OOC Rhaenys, Forced companionship.
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You sat in your given chambers listening to the sound of waves. You stare blankly at the stone walls of your prison, a chain clasped around your ankle. This is a bedroom... but you never consented to being a prisoner of The Blacks on Driftmark.
You are an avid supporter of The Greens. Before the civil war you were a noble from the House of Arryn who was friends with Rhaenyra and Alicent, which meant you were close to the Targaryens. However, when the war began to start, you sided with Alicent.
You had been watching Aegon II become the new king... only for the wall to bust down.
On dragon back sat Rhaenys on top of Meleys, the large red dragon roaring to announce her presence. Her reasoning for crashing the event was to show defiance, a starting event of the war due to Aegon's coronation. Yet... when Rhaenys saw you beside Alicent... she had a secondary goal.
Take you back to your rightful allies and family.
Perhaps Rhaenys felt she couldn't lose another close to her. That or maybe Rhaenyra ordered her to take you to The Blacks. Either way... you were then abducted on top of Meleys and sent to Driftmark.
You had met Rhaenys countless times. The Queen Who Never Was was her nicknamed title. You found her to be a respected woman... even becoming closer to her children due to Rhaenyra.
However... now you were trapped by said woman you used to respect. Her and her husband gave you your own room, but chains reminded you of what you really were. A prisoner on Driftmark... claimed by The Blacks.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard footsteps. Turning your head to the doorway you see Rhaenys knock before entering. Her lilac eyes softening upon seeing you.
Perhaps for a moment she remembers the joy you shared with Rhaenyra, Laena, and Laenor when you were young... although she is quickly reminded of how you sided with Alicent once she catches your glare.
"Your aggression is expected." Rhaenys sighs, watching as you pull the chain around your ankle. “You might not understand now but you will thank me later.”
"Traitor..." You whisper, Rhaenys giving you a clouded look for a moment.
"I'm not the traitor here." Rhaenys counters, walking closer. "It is you who cast aside the Velaryons and Targaryens when you sided with The Greens."
There's a long silence between the two of you, the tension increasing as Rhaenys turns her gaze to the stone walls. You don't look at her, however the woman still manages to be patient with you. After all... The Greens must of poured lies into your mind.
"Be as mad as you want, until you accept your place here that chain will be on your leg." Rhaenys is stern with her words, talking down to you. Even now she scolds you like long ago. "You belong with The Blacks... I'm sure Rhaenyra will be pleased to see I've taken you in."
At the mention of your old friend's name you grit your teeth. Rhaenys turns to you, her gaze becoming welcoming once again as she stands in front of you. She reaches out to move a strand of hair from your face, but you pull away.
"Even now you act as a child just like back then." She hums, before gesturing to the chambers you sat in. "With a little effort, these bleak walls will be a wonderful home for us."
"Us?" You ask, Rhaenys smiling warmly. Part of you feels guilt as old memories creeping in.
"Me and Corlys will be watching over you. Your home is with us here on Driftmark." Rhaenys coos, sitting beside you on the bed. You go to move away but she prevents you from moving with a harsh grip on your arm. "There's no need for running away, you will be well protected here. Meleys doesn't plan on letting The Greens touch you."
Rhaenys chuckles at what she said for a moment, noticing how you stopped struggling.
"Even if you did try to leave... we have dragons waiting."
"Why did you take me here?" You ask softly, Rhaenys looking at you with her lilac gaze again.
"Was I just supposed to leave you with Alicent?" Rhaenys tightens her grip for a moment before calming herself. "Admit it, your true home is with the Velaryons and The Blacks. I've known it since I saw you play with my children and niece. You belong here...."
Rhaenys notices you go into silence again. She pulls you into her side like a mother would. You want to fight her... but you really are a raven in a cage.
"You'll love me, even if we have to sit and wait for it to happen." Rhaenys declares, embracing you. You don't put up much of a struggle anymore. After all... what are you to do?
You have no dragon... The Blacks have many. You're stuck chained in a bedroom on Driftmark. You can't fight it...
Instead... you force yourself to go along with it... leaning into Rhaenys as she rubs your back.
Perhaps even silently hoping Rhaenyra will be merciful towards you when she sees you again.
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viridescent-din · 1 year
you screw up a mission. even worse, you make your feelings - and arousal - obvious to joel. in his own words, he ‘takes care of you.’
smut, 18+. fingering & oral, f receiving. joel is OOC, but only in the sense that he decides to fuck you in the moment
“Stay close,” Joel warns, his voice hushed as the two of you enter the broken down building. “Tess and I cleared it out a month ago, but they have a way of crawling back.” You stop, only a few inches from Joel. He stares down at you.
“Clickers?” You ask. Joel nods, and you let out a breath. 
“Okay,” you say. You try to push down the feeling of dread creeping up in your stomach. Clickers are bad news - even Joel gets anxious around them, though he’d never admit it. You know him well enough to pick up on the signs: tense shoulders. Finger on the trigger of his gun, instead of laying on the trigger guard. 
“Remember, we’re looking for a brown pack. Don’t know what’s in it. For the price we’re being paid, it doesn’t matter. We find the pack and we leave.” Joel’s gaze bores into yours. He’s not quite through the door yet, and the sun catches his brown eyes. They light up, and you try not to stare. “Understand?”
“Gotcha,” you confirm. Joel takes one last look outside, and carefully, walks through the door. 
You clear the first floor easily - neither of you thought that even a FEDRA soldier would be too lazy or scared to come back for a bag they clearly care about if they left it on the ground floor. 
“Probably not even important,” Joel tells you. “If FEDRA decides to do a sweep, and they find something they recognize as a soldier’s personal belongings…” he shrugs. 
“Bad for that soldier,” you finish. Joel nods, then tilts his head towards the stairs. 
“Keep behind me,” he tells you. You listen, never further than one step after him. As you get to the top, he stops you. “No noises here on out. No talking, no bumping shit over.”
“I know,” you say. “We’ve done this before.” Joel hesitates, like he wants to say something important. Instead he just turns away. 
“Right,” he says, and then that’s it. 
You explore to the right of the stairs first. It’s more shallow, only a few doors. You’re pretty sure this used to be a school. You check the offices, finding nothing. Joel motions you to follow him to the opposite side of the building. You enter a library, full of bookshelves and glass cases. There’s a circulation desk in the middle of the room, and it’s covered in drawings that look like they were done by little kids. You smile slightly. 
Joel suddenly sticks his arm out, jutting into your stomach so you buckle over. It stops you from falling though, down an impressively large break in the floor. You’re not entirely sure how you missed it. Joel clearly doesn’t know either, judging by the equal parts incredulous and angry look he’s giving you. 
Sorry, you mouth, straightening back up. Joel shakes his head disapprovingly. You feel it in your whole body, Joel’s dissatisfaction with you. It makes you think of a few hours earlier, when Tess insisted that you weren’t ready for this - as if it would be the first time you’d left the QZ, or the first time around infected at all. You grit your teeth, not wanting to prove her right. 
It’s not her opinion you care about. It’s Joel’s. It’s bad enough that he probably knows how you feel about him. You’re sure he thinks it’s a stupid crush, the girl who was barely alive before this all started following him around like a puppy. If he’s going to think that, you at least want him to think that you’re capable of following him without getting hurt. 
Currently, you’re not doing too well at that.
You and Joel trace the wall, backs pressed against it to walk against the bits of the floor that haven’t fallen in yet. From there, you spread out, flashlights on the dimmest setting and pointing towards the ground, looking for a brown bag. Neither of your footsteps make any noise, and you hold your breath as long as you can so no one (or nothing) can hear you breath. It takes about fifteen minutes, but you’re the one who finds the brown pack, sitting on top of one of the empty tables. You grab it, gleefully throwing it over your shoulder. 
“I found it!” You exclaim, momentarily forgetting your surroundings as you call out for Joel’s approval. You slap your hand over your mouth as soon as you realize your mistake, but it’s too late. Your voice bounces off the walls, filling the silence. 
And then you hear it. The high pitched clicking, the rapid footsteps. Your stomach drops, and your heart starts pounding in your chest. 
“Go!” You hear Joel yell. He’s running towards you - you can’t see him in the dark, but you can hear him approaching. You stumble, making your way back the way you came. Joel catches up to you before the clicker. You’re just about to shimmy your way against the way when you feel the ground give way under your feet.
You ran into the hole. 
You open your mouth, ready to scream as you fall, but Joel catches you. He hauls you up, throwing the two of you back against the shelves. His back hits it, and you wince, sympathy pains making you flinch. Joel holds you close as the clicker approaches, his breath somehow steady on the back of your neck. 
And - oh - you landed in a compromising way. 
Joel is sitting on his ass, legs spread out. You’re sitting between them, back to chest. But it’s the way Joel must have grabbed you as you fell, around your whole body so he could lift your weight. One of his hands is clamped over your mouth, stopping your scream, stopping you from making any more noise - but the other hand might kill you. 
Joel’s arm is wrapped around your waist, his palm pressed directly on your crotch. He must have grabbed towards your thigh, maybe your hip, as you fell, the force of him pulling you both back moving it to wear it in now. 
He’s holding you tight. You fidget, Joel’s large hand cupping your entire pussy over your clothing. Your breath stalls as you realize that despite the fact you can literally hear the clicker searching for you, your core begins to throb. Fuck, you think. This cannot be happening. Not now. You shift, trying to signal to Joel he needs to let go, he needs to right now, but the shuffling makes him tighten the hand he has on your face. Quiet, the movement tells you. You stop moving immediately, obedient. 
The clicker is only a few shelves away, you can hear it. Joel’s hand on your face, your pussy, his breath on your neck, you’re beginning to overheat, stress setting in. You can smell him, musky and slick with sweat from worrying. Your eyes begin to water, and whether it’s an emotional or physical reaction to everything happening right now, you’re not sure. You swallow, the muscles of your throat moving against Joel’s pinkie finger. 
This can’t last much longer. Even if the clicker finds and eats you, this will be over and you’ll never have to worry about it again. You will yourself to calm down, to relax. Your hips begin to sink, shoulders deflating as your body listens to you. 
It’s a mistake. Your hips lowering changes the position of Joel’s fingers so they press the seam of your jeans into the apex of your sex. The sudden pressure against your clit makes pleasure ricochet throughout your body, your stomach muscles tightening. Not even Joel’s palm is enough to stifle the moan you let out, eyes slipping to the back of your head. 
It sets off the clicker, and suddenly, both you and Joel are scrambling, trying to get up, trying to find a gun, trying to beat the monster as it barrels towards you. As you see it come within just a few feet of you, your bridge up before you even realize what you’re doing, sending your foot forward in a kick that lands squarely on the clicker’s chest. It screeches as it falls through the floor, landing on the ground with a sickening crunch. You sag with relief, your head bumping the inside of Joel’s thigh. You’re on your feet in an instant, looking at Joel in horror. He hauls himself to his feet, peering over the edge of the hole in the floor. He fires one shot, the bullet hitting the clicker’s head. Just in case. You swallow.
“Joel -” You say, but he doesn’t let you finish. 
“No,” is all he says, all he gives you. He walks back the same way you came, not even looking behind him to be sure you follow. 
You’re halfway back to the QZ by the time you work up the courage to try to say something again. 
“I -”
“Save it.” Joel doesn’t look at you. You bite your lip, shame crawling its way back up your throat. 
“But -”
“Joel, just -”
“Shut up,” there’s a warning to Joel’s tone, one you ignore. 
“If you could just let me explain -” your sentence is cut short by the force of Joel slamming you against the nearing concrete wall of a building, knocking the wind out of you. 
“Explain?” He growls. You cough, gasping for air. Joel clenches your shirt, fists digging into your collarbone. You cry out, knowing he’s going to leave a bruise. “Explain what? That you clearly have no idea what you’re doing? That you did exactly what Tess said you would do, exactly what I told her you wouldn’t? That you almost got us killed because I touched your needy little pussy just a tiny bit?” You stare shocked at Joel. “Hmm?” He practically sneers when you don’t answer. 
“I - I -” you falter. You can’t come up with any excuses, and Joel knows that. He just wants to watch you squeam, sit with what you’ve done. “I know what I’m doing,” you finally say. “I just… I wish you knew that too.”
The harshness of Joel’s brow melts away, his lips opening just the tiniest bit in surprise. He lets go of your shirt, his hand sliding from your shoulders to your waists. They’re warm, and Joel’s hands are so thick, you can’t help but settle against them. You don’t meet Joel’s eyes though, unable to face him. Joel remedies that by hooking his fingers under your chin, forcing you to look at him. You stiffen when he looks at you with pity, but the closer you look, the more you realize that’s not what it is. It’s sympathy. Maybe even a little guilt.
“Listen, kid…”
“I’m not a kid,” you protest, which makes the opposite sound true, but you’re right, you’re not a kid, and you’re not confused or stupid or somehow ignorant about the world you live in. “Fuck, I’m… Joel, I am mortified, and I never want to talk about this again. But please, please, do not kick me out for this, okay? Please don’t… please don’t push me away.” Joel doesn’t say anything. A few moments pass before he lets go of your chin. 
“I ain’t gonna kick you out,” he tells you. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, your head falling forward. It rests on Joel’s chest. He brings one of his hands to the back of your neck, massaging it. You knit your eyebrows, surprised at Joel’s sudden kindness. “And…” he clears his throat, somewhat awkwardly. “You ain’t got nothin’ to be embarrassed about. It’s… it was a natural response.”
“Oh god. Okay. Yeah, I’m uh, I’m not sure about that one.” You scoff. Joel tilts his head. 
“You feel alright?” You must look at Joel like he’s insane, because he quickly follows it up with, “Edging can be hard on your body.”
“I - What?” You gape, shocked. “That didn’t… Oh my god, that wasn’t anything even remotely close to edging.”
“And do you have a lot of experience with it, sweetheart?” The pet name throws you for a loop. You look at your feet. 
“No,” you admit. Joel nods slowly, looking pensive. Your face heats up. 
“Joel, if you’re not gonna yell at me anymore -”
“Are you wet?” Joel interrupts. Your eyes widen. 
“I - You -” You sputter. 
“Baby,” you clench at the name. “Answer me.” You take a shaky breath, squeezing your eyes shut. 
“Yes,” you admit, humiliated. Joel lets out a disgruntled sigh, like you’ve inconvenienced him, running a hand through his beard. 
“Alright,” he says. “Hold this,” he shucks up your shirt. You don’t even think about it, you just listen, holding your shirt just above your navel. Joel takes a moment to trace the lines of your stomach with his fingers, making your muscles clench. Then he drops his hand, running his index finger up and down the seams of the inside of your jeans before he reaches the button of your pants. You breathe out as he pops the button, tugging at the elastic of your underwear. Just before Joel can do anything else, you grab his wrist. He looks at you. “Want me to stop?” You shake your head, almost frantically. 
“No, I,” you search for the words. You’re throbbing now, your core acutely aware of how close Joel’s hand is to it. “But… why? Why now?” Joel clears his throat. 
“You’re part of my people now. I protect you,” Joel’s thumb digs into your hip, and your eyes practically roll to the back of your head. “I take care of you. You. Me. Tess. We take care of each other.” Your face falls, body stiffening. You start to pull away. 
“So you take care of Tess like this?” You ask, voice small. Joel looks surprised, then knits his eyebrows as he realizes his mistake. He purses his lips, then angles his head so he can press a kiss to the spot behind your jaw, towards your ear. It’s incredibly sensitive, your hands flying up to Joel’s biceps for balance and your toes curling in your boots. You hold back a whimper. 
“No, baby.” He tells you honestly. His lips are still against your skin, his voice rumbling and sending sensation all over your body. You shiver underneath him. “I don’t.” He pulls back to meet your eyes, placing the hand that was on your hip on your cheek. He brushes the pad of his thumb over your cheekbone. “Alright?” He asks. You nod, your forehead bumping against his. Joel’s is still covered with a sheen of sweat. “Okay,” he murmurs. “I’m gonna use my mouth and fingers. You tell what you like, what you don’t.” He slides his hand down your pants, cupping you over your underwear. You yelp at the suddenness, how close it feels. Removing the extra layer of your pants makes everything feel even more electric. Joel traces your slit over the thin cotton, humming. “Look at that,” he brings his fingers between the two of you, slick with your arousal. “Soaked all the way through. How long have you been feeling this way, hmm?” You don’t answer. Joel begins tracing you again, finding your entrance. You gasp as he pushes a finger against it, the tip and your underwear just barely pressing into you. 
“It’s not good for you to be so pent up.” You whimper. Joel licks a stripe up the column of your throat, tugging down your underwear as he does. The air hits your pussy, and your thighs shake. Joel begins to knead the inside of your leg, each time getting closer and closer before backing away. You bite your lip to keep from whining, fingers digging into Joel’s shoulders. 
“None of that,” Joel commands. “You couldn’t keep quiet when you needed to, you don’t get to be quiet out here. Understand?” He punctuates the last word with a press of his calloused thumb to your clit. You let out a moan in response, your head falling against Joel’s shoulder. “That’s it.” He encourages you. He starts to move his thumb in tight, firm circles that make your head spin. Your breathing becomes labored, uneven as Joel teases you. When he pinches your clit, you want to cry from the mix of pain and pleasure. Joel begins to prod at your entrance. 
“Joel,” you say urgently, before he can do anything. He stops, finger pausing as it’s about to enter you. You exhale shakily. “I’m not bad at what we do. I’m not. I’m just,” you let out a cry, mouth dropping open as Joel effortlessly slides a finger into you. You clench around him instantly, keening against him. “I - Inexperienced,” you finish. Joel smirks. 
“I know,” Humiliation makes your face burn, but there’s something about Joel knowing so much more than you - and knowing that he knows more than you, that it’s obvious to both of you Joel is the more experienced one - that you find arousing. You clench around Joel’s finger, and he takes it as an invitation to add another. You grit your teeth at the stretch. “Tell me how it feels,” Joel commands, his tone both firm but also somehow extremely soft and comforting. You moan as Joel begins to pump his fingers in and out of you. 
“Good,” you tell him. “Full,” is the last word you manage before the only thing you can say is a chorus of ungh ungh unghs as Joel fucks his fingers in and out of you. 
“Full with just my fingers? Oh, baby…” Joel trails off, and you realize he’s stepping away slightly, shifting down to his knees. Joel lets out a grunt as he does, the position probably uncomfortable for him. 
“Wait, Joel, no,” your words are somewhat slurred, but still frantic to stop him. Joel stops inches away from your pussy, glancing up at you. He stops moving his fingers, letting them rest inside you. Their presence, in but not moving at all, makes you feel like you’re going to go insane. You suck in a breath. “You can’t - we just did a mission. I’m sweaty and gross, I don’t want you to -”
“I do,” Joel interrupts you. He presses his face to the junction of your thigh, inhaling. It makes you shake, the coarse hair of Joel’s beard on your thighs, the intimacy of the act. Your hand flies to his head, fingers burying in his hair. “I want you this way. I want it dirty.” 
Joel’s brown eyes are swimming with lust, depravity, want. You can feel his breath on your pussy, and your sex is aching, begging for you to give him the go-ahead. When Joel’s fingers twitch against your walls, your hips involuntarily snap towards Joel’s face. He looks at you indignantly, but rubs your thigh, as if to silently tell you it’s okay to want this. 
“Okay,” you concede, more to yourself than Joel. 
When Joel dives in, it’s euphoria.
He eats you out like he’s a starved man, like he hasn’t had a meal in years. Joel’s tongue is warm and wet, and manages to find its way through every fold. It makes your head spin, your grip on his hair tightening as you haunch over him, a litany of oh, Joel and please please please pouring from your mouth. All the time Joel’s fingers push deeper inside of you, anchoring you to him and making him that more present: Joel is with you. Joel is inside you. 
And then he finds your clit, giving it a few licks. You expect that to be all, for him to keep up licking, but instead, he closes his lips around the bundle of nerves and sucks.
You scream. Your eyes are screwed shut, and you’re pretty sure tears are flowing down your face. You keep rutting against Joel, begging him not to stop, pleading with him to keep going, keep doing exactly what he’s doing, not to let you go -
“Joel,” you gasp. “I’m going to -” Joel just squeezes your hip in response, unrelenting. He sucks at your clit and works at your g-spot until you can’t keep it away anymore. Your orgasm claims you, spreading from between your legs. You feel it everywhere, your head, your stomach, your toes. It leaves you boneless, thighs quivering and coated in your own wetness. It’s on your lower belly too, you don’t even know how it got there. You’ve never been this wet in your life. 
Joel stands, grunting again. His lips are slick with you, patches of his beard shining in the sun as well. It makes you want to kiss him, lick him clean and swallow it all down. 
“Can you stand?” He asks, breaking you out of your thoughts. You blink. You didn’t realize how much you’re leaning against the wall. You nod, straightening, but your knees almost immediately buckle. Joel catches you. “Stay there. That’s it,” you lean again, this time a little taller. Joel starts to help you pull your pants back on, then realizes his fingers are still wet. Without thinking about it, he wipes your fluid on your pants, then pulls up your underwear, jeans, and carefully zips them up and then buttons them for you. The whole thing starts as erotic, but ebbs into something sweeter, the nice gesture of helping you get dressed making your heart clench. 
When Joel is done, he steps away, looking you up and down. 
“Better?” He asks. You nod, unable to find the words. He nods back, bending down to pick up his discarded backpack and gun. “Then let’s get goin,’” he says, turning around and starting to walk. “Best be back before sundown.”
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bobeni · 1 year
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  ⠀   ⠀   ⠀     ⠀ O22 ፧ GIVE IT TO ME ♡
✶ users! › a. hayakawa, m!reader.
✶ synopsis! › in which you show up to aki’s job with one thing, and one thing only, on your mind.
✶ wrdcnt! › 1,839.
✶ cw’s! › nsfw (bottom!aki, top!reader), implied shorter reader (sorry), sex onna desk, possible ooc (as always). stupid, very stupid. can’t say any other warnings.
✶ notes! › lowkey hate this, but i’ll post it anyway bc it’s been a long ass time since i’ve written on here.
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  You and Aki worked two separate jobs, lived in separate apartments on different sides of the city一but that didn’t stop either of you from visiting each other, and to scope out each other’s workplace.
Well, that’s what you should’ve been doing when you arrived to the Public Safety HQ, but you had other, better plans in mind.
As you strolled down the extensive halls, casually greeting any passersby, you looked and searched until you found what you’d consider Aki’s office; you’ve seen the inside quite a few times as well. Usually to drop off his occasionally forgotten lunch and steal a kiss or two. But today, you showed up empty handed, pushing your way inside and allowing the chill of the tidy room to blow over you.
The sight before you triggered a stumble in your heart; there was your boyfriend, brandishing his form-fitting dark suit that you felt no shame in letting your eyes take in. But you noticed that his hair was down this time, and fuck, if you thought he didn’t look sexier you’d be lying through your teeth.
While you were struggling inwardly to maintain your composure, blue eyes snapped upward at the intrusion, but the stony clouds in them dissipated as soon as he recognized your familiar face.
With a soft smile pulling at his lips, Aki rose from his desk and strode over to you. Every step he took, though, your eyes followed一blatantly ogling his body and how each muscle moved, shifting underneath the tux as he used them to reach your side.
“Hey,” he called, his deep voice too sweet for your ears. Aki towered over you, his eyelids heavy with an acute fondness as he let your hand traverse his waistline to rub the small of his back. In return, he wrapped one arm around your shoulder and the other inched its way down to your free hand, fingers curling around it and effectively caging you into him, which you’d always allow.
Continuing to hold onto him, you smiled, letting your chin perch on his chest. “Hey,” you parroted, looking up at him through your eyelashes catching the way his cheeks subtly darkened at the look. But he must’ve caught onto your act because the blush was gone and soon he was skeptical, “So... if I didn’t forget my lunch and you’ve got nothin’ on you, did you just miss me? Or do want something out of me? Is that it?” The dark-haired man peered down at you, but your eyes were elsewhere.
Aki tried to follow your line of sight, “[name], love?” The endearment garnered your attention, but your eyes drifted down to his suit for what felt like the fiftieth time that evening. “What is it?”
“Nothin’ nothin’, I just...” you trailed off, now hiding your face in his chest. “I... I really wanna fuck you on your desk.” The declaration had Aki stuck in place, but you soon felt heat emitting from his body so you shifted around more to hide your giddy smile.
Not that that could ever stop Aki from noting your excitement. He sighed begrudgingly, “[name]. Is that seriously what to came all the way here for? Just to fuck me?” He tried to sound all scolding, but nothing could obscure the way his face burned with a pretty red from merely repeating your request; and how from your position, it did wonders for edging the stubborn tent in his slacks.
But you avoided mentioning that, for now.
“When you put it like that, you make it sound like it isn’t worth the bus fair.” You felt encouraged when he managed to chuckle at that. “Come on, Aki. You look too fine today to pass up the opportunity.” With every word you spoke, you placed chaste kisses on the man’s scorching neck, humming contentedly when the hand on shoulder roughly gripped the fabric of your sweater, and when Aki’s balance started becoming a bit unsavory.
A shaky sigh reached your ears, and soon enough Aki was backing the two of you to the edge of his desk. “Fine,” he murmured. “It’s already about my break, anyway. But just this once. I’ll go along with you. Quietly.” At the sign of a primise you smiled, kissing him, with a “thank you, babe.” But he steered you back in so he could properly reciprocate the kiss, you followed his vigorous lead and let your hands fall to cup his firm ass.
You swallowed up every lovely sound the taller man granted you, each soft moan making you harder and harder by the minute. But with one glance down, it didn’t seem like Aki was too far behind.
Undoing his belt, you disconnected your lips momentarily for a better task. Aki’s breath hitched his throat as his dark eyes watched you crouch to your knees, releasing the man’s dick from the confines of his boxers.
It was an angry, throbbing red; the tip greeted you with streams of precum that you gratefully lapped up, licking the underside of his girth before taking him in whole. A few choked moans and the hand that gripped onto your head only served as encouragement as you bobbed your head on his dick. He could be so sensitive sometimes but that didn’t make you enjoy making him unravel any less.
The next time you looked up at him as you sloppily sucked him off, you found that Aki had unbuttoned his shirt and loosened his tie, allowing for your eyes to greedily eat up the sight of his rosey pecs and sweat-coated abs. You moaned around his dick just as Aki released a groan deep enough to rattle your core. He covered his mouth in a feeble attempt to silence himself as your efforts drew him close.
But of course, you released his dick with a string of saliva connecting its eagerness with your puffy lips. Aki cursed but you moved up to soothe him with a kiss. “Any other time, I would’ve loved for you to come right then and there,” you feigned a sigh, pulling your pants and boxers down enough so your own hardened dick could be met with the chill of the air. “But you can’t come until I’ve gotten to fuck you stupid over this desk.” You fanned away wisps of his bangs as a flabbergasted Aki and his cloudy eyes looked between your own and your awaiting dick.
“Alright. Yeah. That’s fair.” Aki would never admit the pool of arousal that sat in his gut only got bigger. “So, how do you want me?” Even with his chest heaving and legs probably weaker than they’ve ever been, he still asked what you preferred.
You hummed, “On your stomach for me, please.” Aki nodded at the request, but the change of position did nothing to stop his reddening face as he laided across his desk, exposing his behind to you. But this is what you wanted, and he had no difficulty giving it to you.
He knew you were enjoying this, too一the way silence hung in the air for several intervals when your eyes were raking over his ruffled hair, his messy uniform and how it all just filled you with want. The dark-haired man looked to the side bashfully when you then lingered on the expanse of his ass. Although you didn’t want to get too lost in the moment, afterall you only had the man’s break together.
Digging into your pants’ pockets, you fished out a small bottle of lube. Aki’s mouth drops with astonishment, “My god, you fucking asshole.” And then he chuckles at the thought of you being prepared for this, but you shut him up with the feeling of that cold liquid coming into contact with his hot skin. He hisses as you lightly shush him with a kiss to the dimples in his lower back.
He shivers underneath you as the liquid comes drizzling down to catch at his tight hole. Lapping up some of it, you began to circle his rim with two fingers smirking when it twitches under your touch. Aki bucks against the desk when you finally sink your fingers into his heat, you didn’t care that your own face was burning up, but how could you when you wanted to feel that heat around your dick instead. Though you kept to the prep, easing your fingers in and out of him, matching each push with Aki’s faint little moans.
When he shuddered just right, you knew you reached that point, so pressed two fingers against it and chuckled as Aki tried not to moan to loud. He was pushing his ass back, aiming for more of your fingers but you refused; pulling the two digits out before Aki could get carried away.
You took the bottle again and coated your length in lube, giving it a few pumps as you aligned your hips with Aki’s. “I’m about to put in, Aki. You ready?” The man nodded and reached behind himself for your hand. “Of course I am. Please, just fuck me, baby.” He stared back at you, waiting and begging for you to do something.
You gulped and stuttered out a tiny, “will do.” Then you didn’t hold back, making quick work to slide past his entrance and onto Aki’s hot walls, moaning when he clenched around, molding himself perfectly for you. The dark-haired man bit down into his forearm to shield his moans, his knees almost turning into jelly as you made him feel much too full, and the arousal stirring up inside him becoming nearly unbearable.
Once you were nestled inside of him, you pulled out only to slam back inside一you kept up his pattern the sound of your hips meeting was akin to music. Aki let out little calls of your name the harder your thrusts came. You leaned over his broad shoulders to kiss at the nape of his neck, using a free hand to fist Aki’s abandoned dick. He nearly cried out at his, sloopily jutting his hips back and forth to match your actions, and you loved seeing the man’s unfathomable eagerness on full display.
“[n-name]一I’m, fuck, please一” Aki babbled, but you understood every word. Slowing your thrusts down as your rocked your hips, feeling yourself getting close to the edge as well. You didn’t stop Aki as his usually deep voice turned high when he cried, reaching his peak, you kept pump into him until you came inside, filling him up to the brim.
You two laid there catching your breaths. Letting the afterglow from the broad windows wash over you.
A sigh emitted from you as you came down from your orgasm, you sent a cheeky smile to Aki, who laid stiff as bricks underneath you.
“Well, that wasn’t so bad for a first, right?” The question only furthered Aki’s growing post-nut clarity. So instead of answering verbally to face embarrassing teasing, he kicked you in the shin.
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꒰♡꒱ end note: i still can’t end fics properly sometimes so i will make a joke, sorry. anyways, ik it’s dumb as hell but this is all i came up with on short notice 💀💀 i have a better aki fic for later i promise.
but i still hope someone could enjoy even though i’m rusty lmfao
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marlboroenjoyer · 1 year
let me show you my thanks
so here is part two to 'cat got your tongue' i love miguel and i dunno maybe this was ooc but its my first smut fic with him be gentle. also i tried desperately to get like actually grammatically correct and normal sounding spanish from a bunch of different websites; so i really apologize in advance if it sounds disjointed or weird. im a patehtic monolingual individual :(.
summary [2.9k words] - you took an unannounced break from the spider-society after the fiasco that was your last meeting with miguel. he wants to show you just how thankful he is for you.
warnings - 18+ (if you're a minor and i see you interacting with my stuff you're getting blocked). SHARP TEETH BABY RAAAAHHHHHHHHH, inappropriate use of venom, slight degredation if you squint.. nsfw under the cut!
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you were on autopilot for the next few days after your conversation? argument? with miguel. you were home in your own universe; you had shucked the gizmo off your wrist the second your feet landed in your small apartment. you didn’t even want to think about miguel let alone get contacted by the man so you shed your brain of anything involving hq. the days consisted of bouncing between your mattress and your desktop, occasionally fighting whatever enemy decided to break your peace. it was nice to fall back into your once usual routine before your discovery of the spider-society. and it was even nicer to finally have a little peace of mind. not thinking about miguel had made everything a little easier.
you weren't worried about his reactions to anything. you weren't concerned about his hair trigger temper; about whether or not something you said would set him off. there was the smallest licks of anxiety in the back of your mind as the radio silence was unnerving to a degree, you had grown accustomed to hearing lylas cheerful voice break into your mind. it was easy to shake those feelings though; spending the mostly quiet evenings catching up on shows or games you just simply hadn’t had to time for anymore. 
it had been storming all day, and you had found out after talking with other spider-people, that you had gotten quite lucky with your version of new york. the storms never pulled more trouble out of the damp dark cracks of the city, if anything it deterred them. the city life was hushed by the gray gloomy skies spitting fat raindrops at your window. you felt something ping up your spine as you were sitting at your desktop. it wasn’t the same feeling you got when you sensed some form of danger; this surge of nerves was telling you something was off today. before you could even get up from your desk chair, a large orange spiral of energy tore into your dimension; and out popped the looming man you were trying to avoid.
“you took your bracelet off.” there was an edge to his voice; something unknown on the cusp, threatening to fall out and into your lap. you didn’t dignify his statement with a response. you didn’t owe any responses to miguel. so you just stared at him in the silence of your apartment; his vivid eyes searching you for anything; and after a few more moments of silence he decided to continue talking.
“we’ve– i’ve– been trying to contact you.” another long beat. “you had duties to fulfill. you’ve been holed up in your dimension while i thought– lo que sea…”[1] his mouth snapped shut before he finished his sentence, cutting himself off before giving an exasperated sigh. his hands rubbed down his face, before revealing his eyes which were intensely trained on you. your expression gave nothing away, you were just going to stand aside and watch him fight with himself inside his head; or maybe he’d even just give up and leave. part of you hoped for the latter, but you also wanted him to finally be able to figure out how to speak to you.
“listen. i understand you were, shit probably still are, angry about how i reacted.” his words for grating against his clenched teeth and set jaw. clearly this was very difficult. “but i didn’t know how to react to the fact that you were a breath away from meeting death. i had come to terms with death a very long time ago. but i don’t know if i’d be able to get over it, if you died.” you continued to let him speak, watching him as he chewed on the words and mulled them over in his head. 
“you are so fucking annoying sometimes, but you are so lovely and you’re so soft. and i know you can hold you own but you…” you could practically see steam coming from his ears, as the cogs in his brain turned away trying his best to figure out how to express his thoughts. he stopped talking for a moment as he approached you slowly. “tenía tanto miedo que sentí ganas de vomitar.”[2] his voice was a fraction of the volume it once was. his hands gently grabbed yours.
“i’m sorry i was…more or less a dick. you didn’t deserve that, especially after you saved my skin. quería… darte las gracias por salvarme la vida.”[3] his eyes bore into your own. now you were genuinely speechless, and not just holding out due to spite. thankfully your body acted for you, reaching forward and wrapping your arms around miguel’s strong abdomen. you let your head rest against his chest and you waited for his reaction. after a few beats his arms wrapped around your frame. his head ducked down to tuck into the crook of your neck.
you whispered out a thank you, to which you felt a quick puff of air escape miguel’s nose. he couldn’t understand why you were thanking him. you pulled your arms back and over his shoulder, gently grabbing a handful of his dark hair and pulling his head back up to look at you. before he could say anything you lightly placed your lips onto his in a timid kiss. an action so tender and so soft, it managed to shatter miguel's heart and rebuild it anew. it took less than a second for miguel to kiss you back. immediately the atmosphere changed, electricity surging through the both of you as miguel deepened the kiss. his hands skated around your body, kneading the flesh underneath his fingers whenever he paused his ministrations.
your hands were still occupied with fists fulls of his hair, and you took that as an opportunity to tug on his hair as you two made out. his mouth pulled away from yours for the briefest moment; allowing himself to let out a breathy groan. his hands planted themselves firmly on your ass, squeezing hard making you yelp. as you both made out, he was backing you up into the wall; and before you even realized your back was pressed flat against the wall. his knee immediately slid between your thighs, slotting right between them as if you were made to fit against each other. 
his thigh pressed hard against your core, and you let out a stuttering gasp at the pressure. he gradually took hold of all of your senses. he was becoming overwhelming. you gently pushed against his chest, humming against his lip as his tongue continued to play with your bottom lip. he pulled his head away after a few more moments, almost irritated by the prospect of leaving your lips for more than thirty seconds.
“what’s wrong mi amor?” his voice had dropped a couple of octaves. his eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at you. “are you still hurt?” you shook your head in response. he had backed up enough to let you slip out from between him and the wall. you grabbed his hand and led him to your bedroom. the whole apartment was dark aside from the dim lamps you had lit scattered around the few rooms. you could hear the rain still colliding with the glass of your window, however that was mostly drowned out by the pounding of your heart. you swore miguel could hear it as well, which only made matters worse.
you had merely dreamed of scenarios similar to these, never once thinking they could actually become real. some section of your brain wondered if you were passed out in bed already. sure you and miguel were amicable with each other, but he was such a shut off man that you were never really able to characterize what you were to him; and vice versa.
the end of your bed came in contact with your calves, and miguel pushed you down onto it. you landed with a quite huff, while the realization of what was going to happen tonight dawned on you. miguel must’ve seen the deer in headlights look on your face, as he leaned down with his hands bracing himself on either side of your shoulders.
“i want to show you just how grateful i am for what u did for me… only if you allow me.” his face was nothing but completely genuine, giving you a way to say no to all of this if you really wanted to. you didn’t say anything in response, you merely wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back down into a much more heated kiss. miguel groaned low in his throat at the feeling of you yanking him down. unfortunately for you though, he started pulling away, instead standing upright once more to take on his suit. with a quick shrug of his shoulders his chest was exposed, suit still sitting low on his hip. not like it was hiding anything from you. you could clearly see the line of his hard dick straining against this unstable molecular prison.
“baby, if you want this to keep going… im gonna have to hear you say it.” the corners of his mouth were tugged upwards in a sly smirk. he wanted nothing more than to hear you say how much you wanted him at this moment. fuck he felt his cock jump at the mere thought of your plush lips opening to beg for him. he watched as you opened and closed your mouth a few times, observing the way your struggled with vocalizing your thoughts.
“miguel…” your voice was a pathetic whimper, and you squeezed your thighs together to alleviate your desperation. miguel’s practically rolled back into his skull, hearing you say his name like that– his big hand gripped your knees which had been brought up to your chest, his talons threatening to spring out and dig into your soft skin.
“say it baby. i gotta hear you say it.” he edged you on, his erection now pressed firmly against your ass as encouragement.
“miguel please… i need you so bad. dreamt about this moment.” your confession felt like a swift quick to the chest, successfully ridding his lungs of any oxygen. you’d dreamt about this before. how could he hold back now.
“dios mío… siento que un día me vas a matar.”[4] his voice was a mere growl at this point, his jaw clenched as he stared down at you. “tell me, what exactly have you dreamt about?” he shifted you further up onto the mattress, giving him the opportunity to box you in with his huge frame. embarrassment was licking at your subconscious like flames, making your whole body get swelteringly hot. but there was something in miguel’s expression that egged you on. you felt like you were going to die if you didn’t tell him.
“i think about your teeth…a lot… recently i’ve found myself– ugh this is so…” you covered your face with your hands before continuing on. “i think about you biting me…again i guess… i think about your venom.” you just never ceased with rendering miguel speechless, he guessed it was just one of your many talents at this point.
you were starting to get nervous about your confession. miguel hadn’t responded yet, but before you could get too into your own head you felt his lips ghost over you neck; right across the spot he bit you the first time. your breath hitched in your throat, and you involuntarily whimpered.
“you’ve really gotta trust me if you want that. you’d give everything up to me.” you only nodded your head. you trusted him; in all honesty you think you trusted him more than almost anyone in the society. you heard him click his tongue sharply.
“what did i say earlier? if you want this i gotta hear you say it.” you felt his breath fan over your neck, as he peppered small kisses all over it and your chest. you had wrapped your legs around his waist, and he was very gently grinding down into you. gentle vibrations wracked their way through your entire body causing small gasps and whimpers to come spilling from your kiss swollen lips.
“please miguel… i surrender everything to you. i trust you.” that was all he needed to hear before he bit down into your trapezius muscle, just like before. only this time you were much more aware of the effects now. he stayed like that for a couple seconds longer, before detaching from your neck and licking away the blood from the wound. slowly but surely you felt all motor functions slip from your body. you were overcome with this euphoric dullness, you felt like you were floating. while you slowly felt all control drain from your body, miguel was making quick work of your clothes, sharp claws slicing through your shorts and shirt like it was nothing. he whispered promises of new clothes as he continued with your bra and panties.
“how are you feeling mi amor? can you speak at all?” you acknowledged miguel’s questions with a quiet moan. as much as he wanted to take his time with you, work you up before tearing everything back down; he knew he had very little patience left, and limited time to work with the venom. your metabolism was extremely fast in comparison to the usual suspects he would subject his venom to, so he had much less time to keep you in this dreamy haze. he wanted to make sure the only word you could think of was his name.
the rest of his spider suit disappeared into nothing as he positioned you. you legs had fallen from his waist a little while ago when you first started feeling the venom, so he flipped you over onto your stomach. he arms wrapped underneath your hips to hoist you up so your ass was in the air, with your back arched and chest pressed into the mattress beneath you. he knew he was going to warm you up. miguel hasn’t exactly had many partners as of late but he was aware of his size. one of his hands found its way to your pussy, his other hand bracing your hip and keeping you steady. his fingers rubbing gentle circles into your clit. hazy pleasure rolled through you, like waves lapping at the shore. long strung out moans clawed their way up your throat; spurring miguel on. his fingers had moved from your clit, moving deeper in as they breached your hole. a deep groan echoed through to room.
“christ you’re so fucking wet. such a slut, ready to give up any control.” god his dick was painfully hard now. pulsing steadily every few seconds, weeping precum and begging to be buried deep in your hot cunt. he felt your walls flutter and clench when he degraded you, and he filed that information deep into his brain. his fingers were so overwhelming through the fog that settled inside your skull. your breaths had become erratic, chest rising and falling to desperately take in air. you moans were cracking, as miguel fully rammed three fingers in and out of you.
“i hear you baby, i hear you. im gonna take care of you.” he curled his fingers in search of that one spot that would make you see stars. it didn’t take long for him to find it as your volume increased even more. 
“m-mig…” you desperately tried to form words; to warn miguel of your rapidly approaching orgasm. you were fighting against the paralysis and the overwhelming floating feeling. your pussy clenched down tight against miguel’s fingers, a sudden wetness coating most of his hand. he pumped his fingers a couple more times as he worked you through your orgasm. once your breathing settled a little he gently took his fingers out of you. he took his fingers into his mouth, grunting as your taste flooded his taste buds. 
his patience had thoroughly snapped, two iron grips digging into your hips as he lined himself up with your aching pussy. he steadily began to push himself into you, breath getting punched out of him with every inch your hot walls enveloped. once he finally bottomed out, you both needed time to catch your breath. you were so full of him and you finally felt complete. the only thing you could think about was miguel. no amount of time could have prepared you for miguel to start moving. he immediately set a brutal pace, the sounds coming out of him resembling that of an animal. 
“god you’re– holy fuck- practically strangling me. greedy pussy just sucking me in for more.” you struggled to comprehend what he was saying. miguel curled in on top of you, pressing you flush against his broad chest. one hand started rubbing hard circles into your clit, whiled the other held you firmly to him. the placement of his arm across your chest allowed him access to your nipples, something he quickly took advantage of. he tweaked and pinched the hard pebble, as he struggled to keep his eyes open. he wanted to look at your face as he caused you to come undone for a second time. your mouth had lulled open, freely drooling onto the pillow beneath your head. tears squeezed their way out of your eyes.
your bodies stuck together, the sweat clinging to your skin. miguel continued to incoherently mumble spanish to you, and you were far too blissed out to listen to anything at all. the white hot coil in the very bottom of your stomach threatening to snap. you cunt fluttered and clamped down on miguel’s dick. it only spurred him on even more, his pace punishing now as he fucked you into the mattress. a long broken scream boomed from your throat as you came, your vision going completely white despite you eyes being clenched tightly shut. your eyebrows screwed up in an expression of pure pleasure. miguel slammed down fully into you, his cock kissing your cervix as he came with a loud moan. you were already so full of his cock that there was practically no room for him cum. he watched with wide eyes and his cum spilled from your spent pussy dripping down around his cock that was still inside you.
he let you both level out before pulling out as carefully as possible. the friction still causing you to cry out in overstimulation. miguel hushed your cries by pressing light kisses all over your face and neck. his thumbs brushed away the stray tears. he finally turned you back over, carefully laying your head back down onto the pillow below you.
“can you move at all mi amor?” your headspace had still not returned to normal, seeing as how you didn’t really respond. miguel got up from the bed and quietly padded over to your kitchen. you whimpered out for him to return, not enjoying the silence of being alone in the room in this loopy headspace you’ve found yourself in. a few moments later he returned to the room, a cup of water and warm washcloth in his hands. the bed dipped underneath the weight of his body as he set the cup of water on the table for a moment and began working on getting you clean. once this was done he flung the now dirty washcloth into your hamper.
his strong arms shifted you for the last time that night, leaning you against him with your head cradled against his chest once he had gotten comfortable. with you in this position he reached over to grab the water and pressed the rim to your bottom lip, silently offering. you dipped your head back just enough to take a couple of careful sips before relaxing your head against him once again. with the rain as white noise in the background you drifted in and out of consciousness. 
“gracias, mi amor.” 
[1] - whatever
[2] - i was so scared that i felt like vomiting
[3] - i wanted... to thank you for saving my life
[4] - dear god... why do i get the feeling you're going to be the death of me
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bonbonbunnyships · 2 years
(Little something I thought about and threw together over Discord. I’ve been trying to deny my feelings for this man, but he’s sunk his teeth deep into me. Might be OOC, but I just have this odd desire to have villains be soft with their loved ones, and I’ve only written him a couple times before this. Mostly self-indulgent, written for myself so with a fem reader in mind, but can be read as gn I think. No other real warnings, just fluff really ;w;)
"Are you afraid of me, my little lamb?"
 His question echoes against the cold walls of his laboratory, lingering in your ears as you draw a hand to your chest. Only the faint whirr of machines accompanies the otherwise silent room, the question hanging in the air as you find yourself biting your lip slightly.
"Be honest. I'm not going to hurt you if you say yes."
His voice draws your attention back, your eyes meeting the dark crimson ones that sit behind his mask. As always you feel small beneath his gaze, but there's no malice behind them. In fact, you swear there's even an uncharacteristic softness in them now, but perhaps it's your own imagination. 
"I- S-sometimes I am, the other Fatui like to say things when they think I can't hear them. Not the other harbingers, but the soldiers and the lackeys, comment idly about how they're surprised I've lasted so long, how they make bets as to when I'll finally be 'retired'." You say softly, eyes downcast as you recount the memories. "But, I feel safe with you too. When you hold me in bed, or have a hand on my shoulder or head when I'm beside you." 
He's quiet for a moment, and you fear you’ve angered him, despite his assurances. "I see. ...Would it help then to let you see my face?" There's a hint of anger in his voice initially, towards the agents that spin rumors about him and make bets about his precious assistant's death. Not towards you, for whatever reason he finds himself incapable of being angry towards you, even when things frustrate or annoy him, he can never bring himself to take it out on you.
He doesn't wait for your answer, removing the bird-like mask that always covers his face for you, revealing the jagged scars that drag across his face. Your eyes widen at the sight, but you step closer instead of back.
"Do... do they still hurt?"
"Once. Not anymore."
You purse your lips, quiet for a moment as you take in his face. Seeing him now makes him feel that much more human. There has always been an ethereal quality to him in your eyes, not helped by the stories that run through the facility and the Tsaritsa's palace when he brings you there for work reasons, but seeing him now you’re reminded he's only a man. A man capable of terrible things, but who you love all the same.
"M-may I?" You stutter, reaching forward nervously with a hand, as if to touch the scars that line his face. A brief look of surprise crosses his face, before his usual stern expression returns. He takes one step further, bringing your hand to his face.
The sensation of your soft skin against the torn and ravaged skin of his face is night and day, but it's something he admits he likes. There's something so... serene about it as your small fingers trace the edges of the scars. Your eyes water slightly in the moment, your own excessive empathy triggering for the man so many have labeled a monster.
"There's no need to cry, my lamb... This was all so long ago, I would gladly take a dozen more scars if it would have lead me to you. You soften me in a way I never expected someone would." He says, rubbing the stray tears from your eyes with his thumb. In a flash of movements, he brings you into his lap, pushing your head gently against his chest. "No matter what anyone says, you will always and forever be my sweet little lamb. And if anyone is stupid enough to take you from me or contest that, then I assure you the full wrath of the eleven harbingers will come down upon them."
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final-girl96 · 10 months
What's coming after My Boyfriend's Back?
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Just imagine getting chased by ghostface, and he finally catches you. You yank the mask off to reveal none other than Randy Meeks. The film nerd of Woodsboro High. No one would have ever expected it. His lips slowly form into a sinister smile, his bright blue eyes start to darken, and a husky laugh falls from his lips. He leans in close, pressing his soft lips to your ear, the tip of his tongue traces the shell of your ear before he takes your earlobe in between his teeth and tugs on it before he whispers. "Caught ya. Now I'm gonna ruin ya."
Randy Meeks x Reader
What happens when the geek finally gets the girl of his dreams?
OOC Randy (very OOC)
Unhinged Randy
Stu Macher (you already know)
Billy Loomis (you already know)
Possessive Behavior
Obsessive Behavior (maybe a little???)
Strong Language
Adult Content
Anxiety (a little)
Graphic Description of Death
Underage Drinking
Attempted Murder
Kidnapping (Maybe???)
CNC (maybe???)
Hair Pulling
Knife Play (maybe???)
Cockwarming (maybe ???)
Unprotected Sex (kinda BC is used. WRAP IT THE FUCK UP EITHER WAY!)
Oral Sex (both receiving)
Anal (maybe ???)
Degrading (maybe just a little but probably only being called a slut and whore)
Pussy Slapping (maybe ???)
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mxdarling · 11 months
[“Stay still, you look so ethereal like this.”]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: your time in the hospital is never dull when your beloved eichi comes to visit you.
ೃ⁀➷: Word count: 564
ೃ⁀➷: Reference/Inspiration: N/A
ೃ⁀➷: Event: [200 followers event]
ೃ⁀➷: ERA: !!
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[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. I don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. If you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, I am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[Warnings:] bad oneshot, lowercase, maybe ooc eichi, yandere behavior, hsr dialogue line, eichi speaks in poetry and literature, eichi monologues in his head, reader lacks sleeps (and red blood cells), soft yandere, possibly inaccurate symptoms of sleep deprivation, mentions of reader's skin being more pale than usual but reader's skin is not described, reader has hair, implications of kidnapping, a little angsty.
[GN reader]
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EICHI TENSHOUIN has never failed to fulfil his daily visits to your hospital, despite being sick himself and that he really should rest to boost up his health to survive the week. you protested during your first week at the hospital that he should spend his time doing work instead of visiting you, insisting you were doing fine (you were not). no matter how much you spat and lie through your teeth about feeling okay and healthy, your physique tells a different story.
your skin was awfully paler than normal, you doze off more when left awake to your own devices, your daily yawning exposes how tired you are— especially with how daily it happens.
eichi takes a seat beside your hospital bed, patiently waiting for you to open your eyes to see him. your precious sleep shouldn't be disturbed considering how your time in the hospital was much longer than the previous ones. plus, you were overworked, his poor producer, how could he have overlooked your symptoms when it was happening right under his nose.
'how could he ever make it up to you' thought the heir of the tenshouin family. as simply taking care of you isn't enough to suffice what you've gone through and suffered your health for. he has neglected you, ignored you, left you overwhelmed and stressed by duties you shouldn't even care about.
("as much as i admire your hard working nature, producer-san, i wonder if it would be better for you to.. retire as an idol producer. stay in my residence and you would be treated and taken care of suitably. free of stress and pressure, no more are the nights you'll work over time, i promise you in due time, i will take care of everything for you.")
a steady hand of eichi's reaches to a small strain of hair that covered a part of your cheek. fingertips brush against your skin, it's surface had a softness touch to it. it was a texture he wasn't all too familiar with, usually the things he touches give some sort of venom, malice intent towards him and his sickly being. if anyone were to ask eichi what did heaven felt like to him, it be the smooth touch lingering upon his skin. it's like all the troubles him and complexes him fades away until it was nothing more but tiny blurry fragments in his mind.
("a sickly tyrant and a hard-working worker, it's miraculous how much our worlds differ from one another yet somehow we intertwine more often than we could count. is our innumerable encounters result of coincidence— or perhaps the handiwork of fate itself? whatever the unknown answer may be, i'm glad i got to meet you, producer-san.")
"ah.. did i wake you up, producer-san?"
spoken in a low and hushed whisper, one you can't hardly hear if he didn't say it directly to your ear. you attempt to sit up straight only to be hit with wash of fatigue and a bad headache. eichi puts a arm behind your head to help you properly lay your head down on the pillow. with no energy to keep your eyes open, you slowly close them and drift into slumber. ("please, dear, let me nurture you back to health, just like you have for me one to many times.")
"stay still darling, you look so ethereal like this..."
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•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
[a/n; okay this one shot ended up more soft but i think it was needed considering the other three weren't exactly soft so this is a break from the usual dark yandere lol. also i barely have a clue on eichi's character so i just spent like 1-2 hours reading eichi x reader while watching demon slayer, so very sorry for the long wait ≧ ﹏ ≦! but i do hope you like my new format cause i wasn't satisfied anymore with the old one. also thank you for requesting eichi with dialogue #17, it was actually pretty fun to write despite the difficulty and i can just see eichi saying that exact dialogue so it fit perfectly!]
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upsidedownmvnson · 1 year
I have a request reader is dating Jason and Eddie gets super jealous and heartbroken
warning: ooc eddie gets really mean :(
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"Jason Carver?" your best friend repeated, staring at you like he expected you to laugh, or say April fools, or say literally anything other than the truth: Jason had asked you on a date and you had accepted.
"Well, it's not like I get a lot of offers," you said, shrinking under Eddie's scrutinizing gaze. It felt like hate, the way his eyes dug into you.
"Nothing, would be better than... than him."
"Speak for yourself," you said, waving your hand, trying to brush this conversation aside, but you should've known better. He was stubborn.
You watched him quietly, Eddie looked... different. You'd rarely ever seen him like this, fists clenched, jaw tensed, expression laced with something you'd never seen. It looked like agony, maybe anger.
"This is bullshit," he said finally, looking at you like you were a ghost. Like you'd never met. "He's gunna fuck you," Eddie approached, finger cocked like a gun, aimed at your heart. "And then leave you. And tell all his little friends how the innocent little nobody is a secret freak herself."
"I-I'm not..." you were stunned by his words, stuttering under his harsh look and retreating, but you found yourself cornered against the wall.
Eddie kept walking, stopping when the tip of his finger touched over your heart, and then he made a explosion sound effect and pulled the trigger on his finger gun. He dropped his hand and looked at you, and you were close enough to see the slight downturn of his lips. But you couldn't ask about it, you were frozen. As if you'd turned to stone.
"Is he really what you want?" Eddie was pleading, but for what?
"Eddie, I'm just lonely."
He looked at you for a minute longer, brows furrowed, but then stepped away, pulling a joint from his wallet and sticking it between his teeth. He lit it, taking a draw. Neither one of you moved, neither spoke.
"Don't come crawling back to me when he hands you a ten and says thanks for a good time."
And that was the last of it, you pushed your way passed him and ran to your bike, grabbing it on the way by to escape as fast as possible.
Eddie watched you go and felt an ache in his heart. He'd hurt you intentionally. And he was an asshole for that, he knew that. But you were an asshole for going on a date with someone who wasn't Eddie. You two were perfect for each other, why didn't you see that? Sure, Eddie'd never asked you or anything, but he thought you knew. Maybe that's why it hurt so bad, Eddie thought you knew how much he loved you and instead you're going with Jason.
Eddie put his joint out, and stomped into the trailer. Nothing sounded like fun right now. He didn't even want the stereo on.
No, instead Eddie crawled between his sheets, laying under the blanket to think about what he'd done. Maybe he should've just told you the truth.
Eddie sighed, closing his eyes shut and trying to rid himself of the imagine of you and Carver together.
But he couldn't.
You and Jason together in a hundred different way played on Eddie's mind for hours, binging him to tears. He smoked himself to sleep, but even his dreams were filled with you.
But you with him.
Really, it was a nightmare.
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saw444kowo · 5 months
vamp ghost brainrot do you see my vision
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ok this is v random but apparently im on a creative spree so lets enjoy it while it lastssss
context: the idea came from when i noticed ghost had lil fangs on his mask and and and
reader is tf141's medic/nurse idk how you call it but you get it also shoutout to @unabashedcroissanttreefan (PHEROMONE IS BACKK) and @cluelylikesporn mwah
also reader is not white AND a vampire. boom. not black either but i like the concept of poc/mixed vampires (and poc vampires would look so cool) (i am mixed and id look so cool as an autistic soon-to-be-adult teen vampire and you cant tell me otherwise.)
wc: 1049
also trigger warning dislocation and blood (duh there's vampirism in this fic what did you expect /lh)
also maybe ooc ghost idrk
pt 2 in the making!
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"okay, lets see... who do we have next.." you said as your checked your medical files. "lieutenant riley?" (you raise an eyebrow) "strange. he never came before" you thought out loud, but you shrugged it off. "you can come in!"
"hello, y/n" ghost greeted you politely as he sat in front of you. "i hope my team hasn't been of too much trouble"
"don't worry about them!" you smile softly, "lets talk about you, for once! what brings you there? you usually never come to check ups, which i have to say isnt very professional!!" you scold him lightly, "but im glad you seem safe and well!"
ghost chuckled softly before replying: " i came here because i have been suffering from awful migraines, and i have no idea where they can possibly come from, and so i wanted to ask you if you could check? and maybe give me a stronger dose of painkillers so that i won't need to bother you every week? also, i noticed i have been having more trouble falling asleep, it's as if i found myself more... active in the nighttime, i would say?"
"mhm.. this sure is strange, but dont worry!" you reply with an assured smile. "do you have some spare time so i can do your checkup now, or do you wish to book another appointment?"
"i would like to do it now, if you don't mind"
"okay, no problem!" you smile as you put on a surgery mask, "lay down on this chair and lift up your mask just above your mouth, please! ill start off with examinating your teeth."
ghost did as you asked him to, and you started your inspection; what you saw surely was weird.
"this is strange..." you muttered to yourself, "can you please bite into this?" you asked him as you handed him a plaster mold. "it looks like your fangs... have overgrown."
"what??" ghost asked, confused. "with all due respect, you must be kidding me."
"im not" you reply, showing him the mold he bit in. "see? its like, the bite mark is... sharper than a usual one would be"
"and... do you happen to have a reason to that?" ghost starts to panic, "or even a remedy?"
"i think... i might have an idea, but don't freak out, okay?" (he nods unsurely) "you might want to sit down for this one. okay so... there have been rumors - and i insist on the word 'rumor' - of a disease that turns people into vampires, and-"
"are you telling me i'm one of those freaks?!?" ghost hurried, panicked.
"that's... insensitive to us.." you mutter to yourself, "but nevermind. no, there is no cure, you just learn to live with it.
"thats..." he thought out loud, "wait did you say us? are you a vampire too?"
"duh, just because im not white doesn't mean i cant be a vampire thats- very cliché." you reply, slightly offended. "but yes, i am."
"but- how do you even sleep at night? how do you even feed yourself ? and-" ghost's mind raced with questions.
"let me guess, you're assuming all vampires drink blood to survive, aren't you?" (he nods, slightly ashamed, but you smiled, amused at his panic) "don't worry, we aren't all like that. i'd be delighted to teach you there are a whole lot of different types of vampires! for example, i am an empathic one! which means i tend to be more well... empathic."
"and how does one know what type of vampire one is?" ghost asked, seeming childhishly interested to the point it almost looked endearing.
"thats exactly what im coming to!" you reply with a soft smile, before coming back a few moments later with a little pouch of blood. "what does this make you feel?"
"this looks delicious" he replies as his eyes lit up, "can i have a taste?"
"well then," you chuckled, "it's all settled! you're a blood drinker vampire!"
"oh." the worries then came back in his voice, "does that mean i have to..." (he gulps) "kill people to drink their blood?"
"well, technically speaking, if we were in a typical eldritch story, you would have to. but, hopefully for the writer we're not, and its a good thing im a medic, so i have plenty of those little pouches!"
ghost sighed in relief, but then panic peaked again.
"do you think we should tell others? like, price and soap?" ghost asked worried.
"no. not for now, at least." you thought for a moment, and added: "but, one thing is sure, if we dont want anybody to find out you have to do whatever it takes to not get deployed,or else... "
"we're fucked, balls deep." ghost completed your sentence. "but how? price won't allow me to stay at the base unless i get injured."
"that's exactly my point!" you say as your eyes glimmer mischievously, "but im not sure you will like the idea.."
"whatever it takes for people not to notice.." he sighs.
"good!" you reply with a smile, "please lay down on this chair,just so youre warned its gonna be a little... painful."
"what the fuck- you sprained my fucking ankle???" ghost hurried, grumbling in pain.
"what?? you wanted a reason to not get deployed, didnt you? you should thank me" you chuckled as you noticed him wincing in pain. "anyway, its time for price's meeting, take those to help you walk, and you let me do the talking to price, okay?"
ghost nodded as you both headed to the briefing room, one of his arm around your shoulder to help him walk, where price and the rest of the task force were already waiting for you.
"sorry we're late, captain!" you hurried as you and ghost entered the room.
"its fine" price replied, raising an eyebrow, "what happened to you, Lieutenant?"
"we were practicing close fighting and he accidentally sprained his ankle, sir" you reply with an assured smile.
"is that so?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, "then why didnt i see both your names in the record?"
"because we forgot, and there was nobody on the wait list, sir" you reply. "but i promise it wont happen again."
"good" price sighed, "then i suppose i have no choice but to make gaz replace you, ghost."
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is all for part one i feel like its already too long help
hope you enjoyed, if you dont reblog ill snatch your toenails
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reifromrfa · 1 year
Short fic: Mafia AU | Jumin
I saw this artwork by @ranartinart and got inspired to write something short for my love, Jumin Han ;w; Thank you for your lovely art! :)
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Reposted with permission from @ranartinart <3 Check it out here!
Wrote this fic while listening to this playlist ♪( ´θ`)ノ
Trigger Warning: Violence
Story under the cut! This was purely self-indulgent haha! I feel as though I'm a little rusty with mysme so apologies in advance if it feels ooc ^^;; Enjoy~
His precise steps against the marbled floor echo through the hallway. He isn't in a hurry; in fact, he takes his time, allowing the rage to bubble up inside him. He keeps his expression composed though, his head held high, his cold, steely eyes staring straight ahead, at the door on the end of the hallway.
Men and women bow to him as he passes, all of them avoiding his gaze. Finally, he reaches the door and his men open the door for him. Assistant Kang sees the man kneeling in the middle of the room, a few bruises already visible on his face and arms. She feels no pity for him, especially after he'd attempted to kidnap MC. Though MC was unharmed, Jaehee knows that this man will probably die here tonight. Honestly, he had a far better chance of surviving had he attempted to kill her boss, the mafia king of South Korea. But attacking his wife? His queen?
Jaehee looks at him with disdain as Jumin hands her his coat.
"Good riddance," she thinks to herself, turning on her heel. She makes a small gesture and the guards in the room follow her out, leaving Jumin alone with the man.
Jumin carefully folds his sleeves up, watching the man with cold, calculating eyes. The man glares at him, his hands bound behind his back.
"You motherfucker. You can't keep me here! They're gonna come lookin' for me! And when they do, they're gonna take you down, you bastard! You'll see. You're gonna be fucking sorry!" the man spits out, staring hatefully at Jumin.
Jumin arches a brow, continuing to fold his sleeves on his other arm. His voice is calm, low, as though he's having a casual conversation and not being threatened by this piece of scum. "Oh? I'd like to see them try."
The man becomes angrier, as though Jumin’s calm facade is somehow an insult to him. “Don’t you fucking know who I am, huh? I am—”
“You are irrelevant to me,” Jumin interrupts, crossing his arms as he looks down on the man. His expression darkens as he studies the lowlife who dared to touch his MC. Who dared to even breathe the same air as her. “I do not need to know your name, I do not need to know who you are, what you’re worth. All I need to know is this:
You meant to harm my wife.”
Jumin watches as a small smile appears on the man’s face. His jaw clenches as he holds himself back. Not yet, he tells himself. Not yet.
“Your wife? MC? Yeah, she’s a real beauty. I remember those scared cries she made when I grabbed her. I bet she sounds real good in bed, huh? I bet—”
The man never gets to finish his sentence. Instead, he has a split second to widen his eyes before Jumin’s fist collides with his jaw. The man hears a crack but it’s quickly forgotten as pain shoots up his cheek, his jaw. His head whips harshly to one side and he tastes blood in his mouth.
Jumin grits his teeth and grabs the man by his hair, forcing him to face Jumin again.
“How dare you talk about my wife that way. How dare you even utter her name with that filthy mouth of yours. You have no right to even walk in the places her feet have touched. You have no right to breathe the air she breathes. You have no right at all to LIVE in the world she exists in.”
The man attempts to scowl but it turns into an ugly grimace, his jaw throbbing. “When I get outta here, I’m gonna fuck her and make you watch, you sonovabitch!” He’s about to spit at Jumin Han’s face when Jumin releases his hair and hits him with an uppercut, effectively slamming his teeth together. Jumin steps back and watches as the man chokes on his own spit, violent coughs making his shoulders heave. Blood starts to trickle down the side of his lips, down his chin; to Jumin, that vermin’s blood is like coal that fuels the deep loathing he feels towards said vermin. He wants more, more of the man’s blood to spill until he is on the brink of death.
“What makes you think you’re getting out of here? Do you think that highly of your comrades? Do you think they would come for you…at the risk of becoming my enemy?” Jumin lets out a mirthless chuckle.
“You’re sorely mistaken.
No one is coming to save you.”
“Think of it like this…” Jumin yanks on the man’s hair again, pulling him to his feet. He leans closer. In a low, soft voice, he speaks to the man —like Death’s whisper to a dying soul.
“You’re dead to them. In fact…you’re dead to everyone. There’s not a person who would want to be affiliated with you now. There’s not a single soul who will even speak your name anymore. Because if they do, I will not only obliterate every trace of their existence from the world, I will also ensure that their life becomes a living hell. They will spend every waking moment in a dark cell, suffering, praying they were dead, and every time they close their eyes they will be plagued with nightmares of the pitiful, painful, pathetic life ahead of them.”
The man struggles to remain upright, his hands still bound behind his back as blood starts to soak the front of his shirt. A muscle in Jumin’s jaw twitches as he stares at the hideous expression on the man’s face.
“You asked me if I knew who you are? Yes, I know who you are. I also know where you parents are, your sister and her family, even the bastard son you’re hiding from your employer.” At his words, Jumin sees the man’s face pale. “Here, we place a high value on family. That’s why I sought to learn about your family.”
“If you fucking touch them, I fucking swear I’ll—”
“You’ll…what? Kill me?” Jumin’s eyes flash and his lips curl in a small, taunting smirk. “That’s what you should have done. You should have killed me instead of going after my wife.”
Jumin approaches the man and now, he sees the man take a small step back.
“You’re only fucking cocky ‘coz you’re beating up a defenseless man! You think this is a fair fight?!”
“Fair?” Jumin’s eyebrow arches. “Fair?” He tilts his head ever so slightly, looking at the man in disbelief.
“Why would I stoop to your level and make this fair?”
He takes another step towards the man and the man’s eyes widen as he takes a step back.
“I was born with every advantage…why wouldn’t I use them? To, as you put it, ‘make this fair’? Why? You certainly thought it was fair to take advantage of a woman who’s smaller than you…and now you call me ‘cocky’ for beating you while your hands are bound?”
Jumin closes the gap between them and delivers a swift punch to the man’s solar plexus. The man chokes and gasps for air, wheezing as Jumin throws another punch…and then another.
The man feels his knees buckle as his body topples forward. But before he can even fall, Jumin grabs his shoulders and pushes the man down at the same time raising his knee and driving it further on the same spot.
“Get this through your thick head,” Jumin says vehemently, now letting his anger take over. Gone is his composure, all he can see now is this man stalking his wife, touching her, laughing at her horrified expression, thinking about the terrible things he’d do to MC…all because she’s Jumin’s queen.
“Life will never be fair.” Jumin keeps his grip on the man, not giving him a chance to straighten. He slams his knee against the man’s abdomen and now he can hear the man wheezing hard, his gasps turning raspy, desperate.
“You and I will never be on the same level.”
Jumin scowls at the man. He dares try to interrupt Jumin? Jumin takes a slight step back before slamming the man’s face down on his knee.
“Shut up. You don’t even deserve to be talking. I’ll have your tongue cut out…eventually.”
Jumin releases the man and he falls to the ground like a pathetic rag doll. The man is still wheezing, taking in short, quick breaths. Jumin watches him struggle to breathe, a rush of satisfaction filling him as he sees the man’s bloody face, his nose broken, his lip busted, his eyes swollen and drooping.
But still, this will never be enough. There’s never a good enough punishment for someone who has ill intentions towards Jumin Han’s family. Especially his Queen.
Jumin uses the front of his shoe to push the man onto his back. The man’s wide eyes dart to Jumin as he starts to choke on his own blood. But Jumin merely places a foot on his chest and leans forward, putting all his weight on the foot that’s right over the man’s lungs.
“Now…I’ve established that I know you. But…
Do you know who I am?”
Jumin’s steely gaze never leaves the man’s face, his icy expression showing no hints of mercy. In fact, he leans forward more, pressing his foot deeper.
”I am Jumin Han. I am the most powerful man in Asia.
From now on, your life is in MY hands. If you breathe it is because I’m letting you breathe. But don’t worry, I assure you, breathing will be a luxury for you. Like I said before, I was born with every advantage at my fingertips.
I intend to use my power to make your life into something far worse than the hell you’ve imagined.
About your family…I won’t hurt them. Yet. It all depends on whether you cooperate or not. You may think this is a sick, cruel game…I want to assure you yet again that yes, this is my sick, twisted game for simpletons with a death wish.”
The man’s face is turning purple as he desperately opens his mouth to try to get air into his lungs. Jumin just stares at him for a few seconds, watching the red lines creeping into the man’s eyes. Jumin eases his foot over the man’s lungs and he waits until the man intakes a couple of short breaths before pushing against his chest again.
“You’ve made a grave mistake, turning me into your enemy…but now I’ll be more than that. I’ll be the demon that haunts your every move. I’ll be your personal Grim Reaper, collecting blood and instilling fear in you.
Every day.
For the rest of your meaningless existence.”
Jumin lifts his foot from the man’s chest and he gazes down at his work. The man has tears flowing down the sides of his face, bruises and cuts all over his body —at least, the parts that Jumin can see. Jumin is sure the man has a cracked rib or two as well.
To him, this punishment is still nothing compared to the trauma this pathetic idiot instilled in MC. But he’ll have to stop for now; he doesn’t want the man to die that same night. No…Jumin wants him to live a long, miserable life.
Without another word, Jumin heads for the door, where Assistant Kang is already waiting with a towel in her hands. Jumin takes it, wiping away the man’s blood from his hands.
“I want him looked at but make sure he’s bound tightly. Only patch up the wounds that are fatal. Then transfer him to our warehouse, put him in a coffin and make him think he’s going to be buried alive; I trust you’ll oversee this, Assistant Kang?”
“Of course, sir. I’ll send you a recording afterwards.”
“Good. He can stay there for the evening, but make sure to check the CCTVs in the coffin every now and then. I want him to live for a long time. In the morning, move him to a cell and only give him water. No food, no lights, no toilets, no requests. I’ll call you with further instructions tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?”
The guards around Jaehee reply in a rush, the menacing aura Jumin is exuding, scaring even them. Jaehee waves the guards towards the man and they get to work.
“Oh, and Assistant Kang?”
Jaehee turns to her boss, watching him holding the blood-stained towel. She never thought she’d be working for the most powerful man in the continent, but she’s also grateful that she is. There’s no mercy in Jaehee’s heart towards the man who could have taken someone precious from them, and she’s glad her boss can inflict the most damning punishment onto that man.
“Yes, Mr. Han?”
“Make sure that man or anyone affiliated with him will never get anywhere close to my wife. If they do, kill them. I want all our men to know that.”
“Understood, sir.”
“Good. I’ll leave this to you, then. Have a pleasant evening, Assistant Kang.”
Jaehee watches him go, as though he didn’t just nearly beat a man to death. But at the end of the day, they’re all just pawns on Jumin’s chessboard.
She pities any fool who dares to take on the king and his queen.
I hope you liked it! Thank you for reading <3 Don't forget to follow @ranartinart too <3
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Short/one shot of Jinx from Arcane "adopting" (read: kidnapping) a new "sister" to make everything better and replace liar-abandoner-Vi(can be after the final events of the last season 1 episode or before, up to you). Platonic, female (or Jinx just doesn't care, they're still her "sister" now), darling is an adult as according to the rules- 🧪
Sure! Writing some Delusional Jinx could be cool. I just hope I get her right as she is a very deep character. Takes place in no specific part of the series, could be during or after season 1.
Yandere! Platonic! Jinx Short
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Murder, Violence, Delusional behavior, Manipulation, Darling has a mentioned sibling, Stalking, Parasocial relationship mention, Forced companionship/family dynamic, Possible OOC Jinx at times.
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It just takes one spark.
It takes one little spark before a fire starts and grows out of control.
Jinx saw familiarity in you. By chance she saw you on one of her "outings". She witnessed your caring nature in action... a display of love towards someone you cared for.
You were someone completely random. Someone who happened to also have a sibling... a sight echoing the past she yearned to forget. Despite the pain watching you caused... she kept her gaze on you whenever she could.
You were never far from your sibling. It looked like you were similar ages. Jinx felt... envious of your care.
When she sees you, she thinks of Vi. The thought makes her grit her teeth. Yet at the same time... she feels you're different.
She sees you never abandon your sibling as she watches you. She admits she shouldn't be watching, there's nothing special here. But Jinx wishes so deeply to have a piece of that love.
Watching you becomes a past time. She feels happier when you are away from that sibling of yours. It gives her delusions time to fester.
When she watches you alone she imagines you as her sister. She fantasizes of the care you give and the love you show. All a feeling she lost long ago.
Jinx even gets braver and follows you home. When you reside in your home she watches from the windows. All the while she sees you as a new sister, one that can help her, one better than Vi.
When she sees your sibling greet and hug you rage brews in her. She feels her fingers cut into her palms as she watches you and them be happy. She wants that.
Jinx develops a parasocial relationship with you. She believes you're meant to be her sister. She thinks you'll love her like you do your sibling.
Meanwhile all you see is the shape of a young woman in the darkness. You just see glimpses out of the corner of your eye of blue hair late at night. Then by your window you swear you see intense purple eyes.
To you, Jinx is just something... someone you see out of the corner of your eye.
Up until she decides to let herself in and become part of your life.
Graffiti art lines the walls in blinding pinks and blues. It's the first thing that meets your eyes in the dimly lit room. Other than that, most of your body feels heavy.
As you regain consciousness you slowly learn more about your situation. Ropes tie you to a chair, restricting your movement. You try to cry out... only for a cloth gag to prevent any noise.
You try to figure out where you are but the location is too unfamiliar. Various things hang from the wall and inventions line a table. It looks like a hideout.
But for who?
"Good to see your awake! Waiting for you was getting boring." A chipper voice rings from the shadows. You feel your body go rigid when a silhouette comes into view. A young woman with long blue braids stares at you with purple eyes.
She gives you a smile before kneeling beside you. Something about her seems familiar but you can't quite tell. Something about those swirling purple eyes unnerves you when she looks at you.
Like they've haunted you for awhile now.
"I was hoping my new sister would be more excited, but I guess it's because we've never met!" The woman sighs, nearly leaning on you. She never takes her eyes off you. She just stares lovingly... like she's been waiting for this.
"Don't scream." Her words are a command as she moves the wet cloth away from your mouth. You cough a few times, your mouth feeling strange and dry. You then see the woman toss the cloth away haphazardly.
"Where am I!? Who are you...?" You find yourself asking in search of some sort of answer. The woman giggles to herself, laying her head in your lap.
"Well... you can call me Jinx. In terms of where you are... you're in your new home!" The woman, Jinx, explains as she makes herself comfortable halfway on your lap.
"Why'd you call me sister...?" You ask cautiously. Jinx's gaze darkens for a moment and she gets off you to pace about the room.
"Because that's what we are! Sisters... we're sisters, aren't we? Ones that never abandon each other... or call each other useless...."
Jinx's tone shifts, lost in thought before shaking herself out of it. You're still confused on what she means. You've never met her before.
"I've never met you... I'm only a sister to one person and that's-"
"Not anymore." Her words are brief and quick. Those same haunting purple eyes glare at you before softening. She then bursts into another fir of giggles. "No, no... they're gone! Just like Vi! It's just us, two sisters... happy with each other!"
You feel anxiety squeeze your gut at her words. Not anymore... she-?
"What did you do!?" You quickly ask, Jinx swapping back to her darker gaze.
"Replaced them I guess." Jinx hums as you choke back a sob. "You don't need them just like I don't need Vi. With you... things will be okay. You'll love me just like them... won't you?"
Jinx stalks closer, her words dangerous. Her gaze stares at you like an apex predator. You say nothing... and she wraps herself around you.
"I'd do anything to be your sister..." Jinx whispers, her grip tightening. "I'd kill for you... anything just to feel your warmth and earn your praise."
"You killed them...?" Your voice is barely a whisper and tears fall from your face. Jinx softly wipes them away before nuzzling her face into your shoulder.
"We were meant to be sisters." Jinx simply continues, not answering your question fully. "I just know you won't betray or abandon me. I won't let that happen."
Jinx giggles again, looking up at you. She strangely acts like a child towards you, smiling like a young kid. She acts like she hasn't killed someone close to you.
"Ever since I first saw you I knew you'd be perfect. I knew you'd be better than... her." Jinx hisses the last bit before sighing. "You'll love me... eventually."
She then jumps off you before swinging herself behind you. You feel her grip your chin before forcing you to look at her. A disturbing grin sears into your memory... accompanied by swirling purple eyes of adoration.
"We've got all the time we could ever need to get to know each other..." Jinx hums before kneeling beside the chair again.
"I just know you'll be different than that liar... won't you, sister?"
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rozcdust · 2 years
Kill me, romantically
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Pairing: Rindou Haitani x F!Reader
Genre: Enemies to lovers, crack
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: Canon divergent, ooc, profanity, violence, murder, attempted murder, casual sexism, explicit content, Rindou is a bitch
Mikey hired a new executive, and your clever eyes and sharp tongue make Rindou wish to put your face through a glass table.
Day 5 of Promptober
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
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“The meeting has started.” Rindou pointed out, taking a sharp inhale through his teeth.
“No shit Sherlock.” Huffing, you snuffed out the cigarette under your boot, throwing it off the edge of the building.
“Fucking bitch.”
Standing up to stretch, you ignored his grumbling as you kneeled next to the rifle, checking the situation in the building underneath through the scope.
“Why did Mikey even pair me with you?” Groaning, Rindou laid down on the cold concrete of the roof, highly considering pushing you off the edge.
You just laughed, turning to glance at him with a smirk.
“Ran showed me your baby pictures,” Walking closer to him to nudge your boot in his side, you avoided his half-hearted attempt at a smack, “You were soooooo adorable.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“You were so tiny! Such a small precious baby.”
“I will kill you.”
Actually managing to land a kick to your shin, he thrived on the unamused expression on your face.
He also paid for it by letting you kick his ribs.
Muttering curse words under his breath, he sat up, rubbing the spot your steel-toed boots decided to fucking cave in, now more than ever considering just strangling you on the spot.
He stopped himself in his thought for a second.
The necklace of darkened bruises on your neck was darker than ever, and even the layers of carefully colour corrections and concealer couldn’t hide them.
You were looking through the scope again, and Rindou noticed a beat too late your face was much too serious for his liking.
“Something’s wrong.”
Your tone was final, cold, and turning towards him with a serious expression, for just a second he imagined he saw an emotion in your eyes he has never seen you display before.
“Rindou, go to the door! Hold it closed! Now!”
He would have argued, he would have thrown a fit and yelled at you to stop telling him what to fucking do, but he did none of that.
Your tone gave no space for questions.
Multiple fists started banging on the door to the rooftop, trying to get it open just as he leaned his whole body weight on it, desperate to keep it closed, and for a second, he was grateful you locked it behind.
He could barely hear your next words, directed at Mikey through the earpiece, over the wind blowing.
“Boss, it’s a set-up, get the fuck out of there! Rindou and I are trapped, don’t wait on us!”
Adrenaline mixing with panic in his mind, he planted his feet firmly in place, shoulder shoved into the door to keep it closed.
The lock won’t hold for much longer.
“Y/n, I can’t hold it anymore” Grunting as he felt his shoulder starting to bruise, he glanced at you in panic, desperate for your cold calmness to wash over him, but he found no comfort in the curve of your back over the rifle.
Your finger was on the trigger, and in a second he found too slow, a gunshot rang out across the roof, meeting it’s target in the building below.
You quickly stood up, turning towards him with your arm outstretched.
“Okay, let the doors go, run towards me, we’ll need momentum.”
He didn’t have time to ask what the hell did you mean, as with one final, shaky breath, he let go of the door.
He ran, his hand meeting yours, and in a second of sheer fear over his impending doom crashing his world down, he didn’t feel you push him towards the edge.
Your arms still interlocked, his hand holding onto your forearm enough to break the bones underneath his touch, you threw him off the roof.
His eyes widened, before snapping shut as the realisation fell down on him like a pile of bricks.
This was the end.
He will die.
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Ran struggled against Kakucho’s chest, trying desperately to get the other man to let him go.
“WE HAVE TO!” Kokonoi screamed as he struggled to get the car open, nodding at Kakucho to throw Ran in there with himself and slam the doors shut, “Y/N SAID WE HAVE TO LEAVE!”
“I’M NOT LEAVING HIM-“ In a moment of sheer panic, Kakucho punched Ran square in the jaw, knocking him out.
Mikey nodded approvingly from the passenger seat as Sanzu hopped in last, slamming the doors shut just as Kokonoi started driving.
A pregnant silence fell over the car as Kokonoi picked up the speed.
“Do you really think they’ll be fine?” Chewing his lips nervously, Koko glanced at Mikey, trying to read into his calm, dead expression.
“Y/n’s with Rindou. They’ll get out fine. I trust her.” Even if it was said with conviction, the way Mikey’s hands shook wasn’t helpful.
Inhaling through his teeth, he pressed the gas pedal.
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Rindou waited for a long fall and a deadly landing that never came.
Instead, in only mere moments that felt like hours, your hand left his as his back connected with the hard tiles of the top floor, knocking the air out of his lungs.
You rolled gracefully on the floor next to him, not giving him a chance to rest as your hands met his once again, pulling him up to his feet.
So that was what you meant by ‘planning.’
The open windows were an escape route.
“WE DON’T HAVE TIME, RINDOU! RUN!” Pushing him in front of you, your footsteps echoed behind him as he started running down the stairs.
He heard a loud crash, and glancing behind him, he found you pushed the vending machine he didn’t even notice before to the top of the stairs, blocking the entrance to the staircase.
He kept running as multiple pairs of feet and gunshots started echoing behind him on the upper floor.
“We should have taken the elevator!” He yelled at you, not allowing his pained lungs to stop him as he hopped over the railing only to be met with more stairs below.
That was a good point.
“I left my fucking rifle upstairs!” Groaning out as you kept running behind him, he could swear he almost heard actual sadness in your voice.
“Who cares?! You’ll get a new one!”
You opened your mouth to respond, but more gunshots rang out, this time in the general directions of the two of you.
“Shit,” Cursing, never stopping, you started to wrestle out of your coat, throwing it at Rindou.
“Take that shit off and I’ll break your fucking knees.”
He knew the threat was real, so he gripped the coat that smelled of cigarettes and your perfume around his shoulders and continued running.
“Pull it over your head too, asshole!” Now screaming as you pulled out a gun from your waistband, you slowed down to shoot at the face of the man peering up from up the stairway, unsure if you actually hit him.
Rindou stopped running too, his eyes frantically moving from your form to the man, but the look you gave him sent him sprinting once again.
You looked at him with such an angry face.
Now hopping over the railway yourself, he could feel your hands on his back, pulling the coat up and over the back of his head and forcing him to run down the stairs faster.
“I’LL FUCKING TRIP!” He shouted, swatting your hands away, but keeping the coat as you fixed it on him.
His lungs burned and his legs felt like they’ll give out under him, every breath a little shorter than the last, his spleen feeling like it’ll burst and his hands aching from the way he gripped your coat, but he never stopped running.
“NO, THE FUCK YOU WON’T UNDER MY WATCH!” Shooting behind you a couple of times more as footsteps echoed behind the two of you, he heard his own earpiece crackle as well as your own.
“Y/n, what is the situation?! Y/N!”
“MIKEY, NOW’S NOT THE BEST FUCKING TIME!” Your tone was frantic as Rindou reached the entrance door at the bottom.
You were right on his heels, running through the doors he held open for you.
The men were approaching.
One of your hands held the coat so it stayed over his head, the other frantically searching for something inside the pockets.
You found it, and as you started pulling him behind you to keep running, you pressed the detonator.
The entrance doors collapsed behind the two of you.
“Just a little more! Don’t you fucking give up now Rindou!” Continuing to pull him as you kept running, he felt like he’ll pass out.
He wasn’t even sure where exactly the two of you were when you stopped, letting go of his hand as soon as you ducked inside a small alleyway, leaning on the wall, holding your side.
He gasped and struggled for air, the burn in all of his bones finally catching up, and he allowed the tiredness to take over his muscles as he fell to the ground, laying down with your coat still under him, wrapped around his shaking body tightly.
“Rindou? Rin! Rin, are you okay?!” You sounded so, so worried, a tone he didn’t expect to make his heart play, “Did you get shot?!”
Before he could respond, you fell to your knees next to him, your hands passing over his body with feather light touches, so rushed and so, so gentle, searching for any wounds.
He shivered, gripping your hand to make you stop.
“‘M fine,” Barely managing to cough out, he looked at you through half-hooded eyes, “I just need a little break.”
Nodding, you let out a long-held breath, allowing your body to fall next to his, your breathing similar to his own.
You brought a hand up to your ear, pressing on the little device that somehow managed to get out unscathed.
“Mikey, we’re alright,” Starting to laugh, you had to take a couple of breaths before you could continue, “We got out unharmed. What’s your status?”
Rindou finally breathed out a sigh of relief he didn’t know he was holding, closing his eyes tightly shut.
He was alive.
He heard Mikey’s response through his own earpiece, and he could swear for a split second that his boss sighed a sigh of relief.
“We’re also fine. They weren’t followed, surprisingly.”
“I knew you wouldn’t be.” You started laughing again, plucking out the earpiece before Mikey could hear your response.
Rindou opened his eyes to look at you sceptically.
“How did you know?”
“Huh?” Tilting your head up to look at him, a smile still played on your shaking lips.
“How did you know the other gang wouldn’t follow them?”
The grin you flashed him seemed to split your face in half.
“Because I slashed their tires.”
He stopped to stare at you, mouth agape, in an equal mix of astonishment and admiration.
So you weren’t actually late to the mission.
“How the fuck did you plan it all so meticulously? I mean, the windows, the tires, the dynamite- When the fuck did you put the dynamite on the entrance? How did you think of all this?”
“I took physics in high school.” Shrugging, you closed your eyes as well, shivering against the cold air and your body trying to stop the frantic beat of your own heart.
“The fuck does that have to do with anything?” He raised an eyebrow, confusion playing on his face.
You started laughing again.
“Murphy’s law, baby!”
“Fuck, what?”
“Murphy’s law states that everything that can go wrong, my dear boy,” Propping yourself up on one arm to look at him properly, the twinkle in your eye made his heart beat faster, “Will go wrong. If left unattended, things will always go from bad to worse.”
He started laughing with you this time, the manic laughter escaping his lips mixing with your own, creating a cacophony that made him be glad he was ignoring the ache coursing through his body to allow himself to shake in a mix of adrenaline and joy.
He was fucking alive.
“Thank you for being such a crazy fucking bitch.” Giggling, he closed his eyes tightly, allowing the scent of your coat to overtake him, finding comfort in the warmth of the fabric.
His eyes snapped open.
Why the fuck did you give him that damned coat?
Looking at your shaking, gasping form, he barely managed out his question.
“Why’d you give me your coat?”
You looked at him as if he were the dumbest man alive, allowing yourself to plop back on the ground on your side, your face barely inches away from his.
“Because it’s bulletproof.”
His heart stopped.
“You- what?”
You let out another short, rushed laugh, taking ragged breaths as you closed your eyes, a smile playing on your face.
“I’m not letting you die on my watch, you stupid, stupid man.”
In a moment Rindou will never admit to himself, a warmth he hasn’t experienced in a long, long fucking time filled his chest, making his tender lungs and heart ache.
You never looked more beautiful than in that moment, lying next to him on the cold asphalt of a filthy alleyway.
Without thinking, he propped himself up on his side, planting a small, soft kiss to your temple.
“Thank you.” Whispering against your skin, he curled up next to you, his arm wrapping around your waist as his free hand found yours, interlacing your fingers.
“Don’t mention it.”
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Requested by: Anon
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the-traveling-poet · 8 months
hellooo! Could I request a Levi x member of the special operation squad reader, where after they go back to the HQ the reader, who has always been a strong soldier broke down in a panic attack? Like, she usually doesn’t even cry for her comrades’ deaths but after losing half of the original squad, and especially Petra, and seeing their bodies being sacrificed for nothing she can’t take it anymore and break down in Levi’s office after maybe having to report? Thank youuu <3
The 57th expedition outside the walls was a bust, despite the information about new threat of the Female Titan the Corps had gathered.
And with information, came many lives lost.
Upon returning to the abandoned HQ with Eren and Captain Levi, Y/N did her best to keep her composure after losing all of her closest friends. But at the end of the day, what she really needs is the comforting reassurance of the man who holds her heart.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Warnings: Character death, angst, language.
SFW, angst-to-comfort, S2
A/N: ofc anon! I love this idea so much, rip the og s.o.s. T-T
Maybe a little ooc Levi, but I tried my best to keep him both true to his canon character and a little more on the softer side for reader.
As always if something isn’t to your expectations just let me know and I’ll re-write whatever!
Enjoy~ 🤎
Deep breaths. Deep breaths, and don’t think about it.
You’d repeated this to yourself in your head for the past several hours, to no avail.
You were thankful you’d made it back alive from yet another expedition, of course, and was relieved to have successfully brung Eren back mostly unharmed with your squad. Well, what was left of it, at least.
As a soldier, you knew the risks you and your comrades took every time you swung up onto the backs of your horses and charged out of Maria’s gates. You’d seen death countless times. Bloody, mangled corpses littering the ground or sticking half out of steaming titan corpses before they could be fully devoured.
Over time, the overwhelming fear you’d feel every time ebbed away. It still grieved you to see familiar faces lying unmoving at your feet, but you no longer would lock up or break down on the spot.
You always saved that for later, when your assistance wasn’t needed and you had privacy to mourn on your own time.
But now? Now, that had all changed.
The deaths of your squad, the Special Operations Squad, was something you couldn’t just tune out until you reached your room for the night.
You’d been there, the moment steel met flesh and severed Gunther’s nape. You’d been there, when Eld’s body was crushed between the titan’s teeth. You’d heard Petra’s horrified screams and the sickening crunch of her spine shattering when the female titan slammed her petite frame against a tree. You’d tried to hold Oulo back, but his rage blinded him to the giant’s hand swinging towards him.
You’d frozen in fear, unable to make your fingers pull the triggers of your gear to race forward and avenge your comrades. Your friends. You’d hung in the air motionlessly, breath ragged and heart pounding. You urged yourself to move, to fight, to get out of the way and grab Eren as he zipped past you, screaming in rage.
But you hadn’t. You could only watch with tear blurred vision as the boy transformed, taking the female titan head on in combat.
It had been years since you had lost yourself on the field of battle, but here you found yourself; dangling there uselessly with your eyes stuck on the scene of the mangled redhead at the base of the tree below you.
You had dropped to the ground, barely feeling the impact that stung your feet and crouched beside your best friend. You knew it was pointless, you knew what you had seen. Yet still you reached out a shaking hand and checked for a pulse.
Gone. Just like all the others.
Unable to kneel any longer, you had collapsed to your knees, silent sobs racking your body and making your ribs ache with every jagged breath you drew.
The only thing that eventually snapped you out of it, was the sound of Eren’s titan screaming in the distance. Numbly, you’d gotten to your feet and took one last look around the forest. Though you couldn’t see Gunther’s body from where you stood, you made a silent promise to yourself to come back for their bodies.
Once the battle was won and Eren was retrieved, you had done just that. You led a small patrol to the spot in the large forest where their bodies remained, just as mangled as you’d left them.
You tried to keep your composure for your living comrades, but the dead squad’s glassy eyes staring blankly ahead, paired with their twisted expressions of agony frozen in time, you couldn’t contain the tears that rolled down your cheeks.
You’d personally carried them all in your arms, one by one, and wrapped them carefully in white sheets before setting them down comfortably in a wagon brought along for this very purpose.
You’d made it back your Captain, Levi. Taking note of his barely noticeable limp, you’d walked near him, just in case.
At the moment, your feelings towards the man were overridden by your grief, so you thought nothing much of the way he had shuffled closer to you, a worried look in his eyes aimed your way.
You never saw him eyeing you out if the corner of his eye, emotions being shown freely for once on his stoic face.
But all too soon that look was wiped away, when two scouts had gone back to retrieve the remains of their fallen friend, only to being danger hurdling towards what was left of the Scouting Legion.
You’d fought for several long minuets at titans spilled out for the forrest after the two soldiers who alerted their gaze, guarding the rear of the formation. But distinctly you heard the command being given to toss the bodies. You blood had run cold as your head snapped back towards the direction of the carts, watching on in despair as soldiers lowered the back gates and started heaving up soldier’s dead bodies to throw off the cart.
You understood this was to lessen the load, and ensure faster travels back to Wall Maria while trying to escape the titans nipping at your heels.
But the moment you caught Levi’s eye from on up ahead, and caught sight of stark red hair peeking through the white sheets of a body being trampled under foot, you again lost your composure.
It was a miracle you hadn’t been severely injured; at least physically, during the whole ordeal.
Eyes wide and a scream stuck in your throat, you watched as your closest friend, Petra Ral, was thrown over the wagon and trampled over by the hoard.
You’d wiped at your face and zipped back to your horse, landing with a barely concealed sob and raced forward after the rest of the formation.
Shaking your head once more, you straightened out your uniform and repeated that same phrase in your head.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths, and don’t think about it.
Steeling yourself, you raised a hand slowly and knocked on the door before you.
You’d returned to the old HQ some hours ago, alone with your thoughts as you helped settle an unconscious Eren into a spare bedroom to rest. His comrades had come in to check on him, but you hardly paid them any mind. At any moment, you knew you would break. Try as you might to store away your emotions for later, every minute that passed you by only made the task harder and harder.
But you had duties, as a scout. A scout of the Special Operations Squad, nonetheless.
So here you stood, before the old and worn office door, raising your fist to lightly knock on the surface.
“What is it?” a muffled voice responded to your knock.
After a short pause, you drew a shaky breath and spoke. “Cadet Y/N L/N, sir. I’ve finished the report I was assigned to.”
Though it was an oral report, as both you and your Captain knew, you’d spent some time alone to gather the right words to say in order to prevent yourself breaking down in front of someone else. Much less your Captain.
A tired and low voice granted you entry, and you slowly twisted the brass knob and entered the old office space.
Near the back wall of the office facing a window, stood your Captain. He was rigid, unmoving as he stared hard out the window. Giving a crisp salute, despite his turned back, you began the speech you’d preformed in your head hours prior.
“Captain, I’ve come to give my report on the happenings of the Special Operations Squad during the Fifty Seventh Exposition while your squad was under my care.” You started off boldly. Perhaps too boldly, you thought, as Levi spun on his heel and shot you his trademark glare.
Except this time, you didn’t detect annoyance or malice in his cold look. This time, all you saw was pain; mental, emotional, and physical, as well as a poorly hidden grief.
“Spit out then, L/N,” he scoffed, not quite looking you in the eye.
Taking a moment to compose yourself, you tried to continue.
“Yes sir. After your departure from the squad to rejoin with Commander Erwin, I took charge as ordered. We tethered the horses, as asked, and took a rest within the tree tops far away from the titan. After a rest, we were alerted by a smoke signal, one that told us you were on your way to regroup with us.”
A sudden pang of guilt coursed through you as you continued to recount the mission. Guilt for not figuring out the flare was a trap ahead of time…
“By the time we neared the cloaked individual who shot the flair, we realized…I realized…I was mistaken. When we thought it had been you; it had really been the trailer. She…She slit Cadet Gunther’s nape, before transforming and running us deeper into the wood.”
Here you voice started to waver, but you tried your best to push through your emotions and do your duty as second in command.
“Gunther Shultz fell, leaving the rest of us to guard Eren while coming up with a new course of action. Originally, we sent him away; for his safety, of course, while we dealt with the threat. By the time Eren was out of my sight, Eld Gin was slain by the Female. And soon after…After…”
Your breath was coming in rapid inhales and exhales, making you dizzy and light headed. Recounting this verbally was much more difficult than it had been earlier in the day when you recited your practiced lines in your head.
Verbalizing the events made them more and more real to you, reminding you this wasn’t some horrendous nightmare your subconscious had conjoined up.
Shifting your eyes down to your feet, you blinked back tears and tried your best to continue. During this time, you hadn’t noticed the change in expression on Levi’s face as he silently listened to your report.
“I attempted to restrain Oulo, as he lost control of his emotions during the battle when…When Petra…”
You swallowed thickly, your saliva doing little to coat you suddenly dry throat.
“Cadet Petra Ral…She fought valiantly. She attempted to cut out the bitch’s eyes, and avenge both Gunther and Eld. But before she could…She….She…”
You swallowed down your nausea as your mind went back to the memory of her twisted spine and splintered ribs. The way her uniform glistened with her own blood, tore apart by her shattered bones poking through her skin and the fabrics she wore.
“I was unable to aid them. Though I tried, I was too late. Eren Jaeger had taken matters into his own hands in my stead, taking on the female in combat…”
By now your voice wavered on every word you spoke, and your knees shook as they attempted to hold up your full weight. Your head spun, and your heart was frantically pounding in your chest; skipping beats and causing your diaphragm to ache and spasm with how you held your emotions back by a thread of restraint.
“I…I tried…I checked…I couldn’t…I…”
At this point, every word that left your chapped lips was accompanied by a deep gasp of breath. You felt as though you would collapse at any moment, and your hands shook uncontrollably.
You knew this sensation well, yet you’d never had had to suppress your emotions in front of someone like this before. The idea that you were losing control scared you shitless, but you still tried to push on.
“I’m sorry,” you finally managed to whisper, your head hung low and your vision obscured by unshed tears.
The office was silent for a long time, save for your strangled gasps as you forced oxygen into your lungs. Finally, the sound of Levi’s footsteps drawing closer toward you caused your gaze to snap up and meet his.
His expression was unreadable, as per usual. But for once, you could have sworn you caught the faintest flicker of sorrow mar his features. He slowly walked closer until he was standing before you, his eyes trained in your downturned face.
Once he came to a stop, you felt a hand gently grip your shoulder, causing you to flinch ever so slightly. Even still, he caught the motion.
“Y/N,” he whispered softly. “Look at me.”
Slowly, you dragged your gaze upwards to meet his, guilt and despair shining brightly in your teary eyes.
“You did your duty. You followed through with your orders, and helped ensure Eren’s safety. Most importantly, you made it back alive.”
His soft tone caught you off guard, causing your eyes to widen as you stared intently into his grey eyes.
“No. None of that,” he cut you off. “You cannot…You will not, blame their deaths on yourself. All of you knew the risks. You all knew. Their deaths are not your fault.”
His whispered words finally broke the ever building dam in your heart, and you fell to your knees. His hand remained in your shoulder as you silently wept. Faintly, you registered his thin fingers tracing faint circles against your shoulder, but the grief you felt canceled out the feeling of butterflies in your stomach from his touch.
“I-I’m sorry. I couldn’t-“
“Don’t make me repeat myself, Y/N.”
Kneeling down in front of you, he placed a calluses hand under your chin and forced your head up to meet his gaze.
“I shouldn’t have left my quad; orders or not. If anyone is to blame, it’s me. I failed my squad, not you.”
His words sent a shudder through your heart as you attempted to compose yourself.
“N-no. Not your fault, Captain.” you mumbled.
“Levi. Just Levi.” He whispered softly, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
Stiffing a hiccup, you looked up at him in surprise. “I’m sorry I couldn’t lead them better. I froze. I shut down and I shouldn’t have-“
“It happens. To all of us. You did what you could, and for that I am grateful.” He spoke in a stern voice, but no anger was to be found in his tone.
“What has happened, has happened. All that we can do now is honor their memories and their sacrifices by continue on in their stead.” He continued on, looking directly into your eyes. Wiping at your nose, you sniffled and tried your best to slow your tears.
“We cannot live to regret the choices we have made.”
His words sent a shock through system, but despite the grief you felt you knew he was right. Unable to resist any longer, you threw your arms around his shoulders and buried your face against his chest.
He stiffened slightly at the contact, but then slowly brought his arms up to rest upon your shoulders as he knelt with you in the office floor. Faintly, you registered a trail of warm liquid rolling down your cheek, alerting you to your tears. Without a word, Levi wiped them away.
“I’m glad you made it back to us. To me.” He whispered softly against your hair. “You are strong, and through you their strength shines. You did what you could, and you did your duty as a scout. No one could ask any more than that.”
You embraced him tightly, your anxiety ever so slowly subsiding. Never fully, but enough to choke out a few words of your own.
“I’m sorry, Levi. I’m sorry for your squad…Our, squad.”
“As you said, they fought valiantly. Up until the very end. Their loss grieves me as much as it does you, but we have to remain strong. We have to keep fighting. For them.”
You nodded your head against his chest, only subconsciously noting your tears had dampened his shirt. He ran his fingers delicately through your hair, as though trying to sooth you. Though his movement were awkward, you appreciated his attempting comfort and leaned your head snugger against his chest.
“Thank you, Levi.” You whispered.
You felt his hand trailing soothingly down your back as he sighed, holding you ever so slightly closer.
“I’m here, Y/N. I’m not going to leave you, and I’ll be damned if you try and leave me, too. We’re in this together….I’ve got you.”
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