#on board the Staten Island Ferry
rabbitcruiser · 27 days
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Giovanni da Verrazzano reached New York Harbor on April 17, 1524.  
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This is so crazy:  Monuments & plaques are common around cities and tourist areas, giving insight into historic events or landmarks. The Staten Island Ferry Disaster Memorial blends in with these monuments, except that it’s completely phony. (Look, someone even left flowers.)
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The monument, in Battery Park, Manhattan, was created by artist Joe Reginella and honors the “400 victims who perished during a giant octopus attack of a Staten Island ferry named the Cornelius G. Kolff on November 22, 1963.” (The same day that Pres. Kennedy was assassinated, so this disaster went almost completely unnoticed.)
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The elaborate hoax was 6 months in the making, and is also seen by Reginella as a multimedia art project and social experiment.
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The website, and fliers distributed around Manhattan by his team, gave a false location for a museum, ironically a place you must get to by ferry.
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The story: It was close to 4am on the quiet morning of November 22, 1963 when the Ferry vanished without a trace w/nearly 400 passengers on their way to work. Eye witness accounts describe “large tentacles” which “pulled” the ferry beneath the surface only a short distance from its destination at Whitehall Terminal in Lower Manhattan.
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Nobody on board survived and only small pieces of wreckage have been found…strangely with large “suction cup-shaped” marks on them. The only logical conclusion scientists and officials could point to was that the boat had been attacked by a massive octopus, roughly half the size of the ship.
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Phony newspaper story.
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This man was so overcome with emotion, he’s crying.
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The Monument is currently on display at Hypno-tronic Comics located at 156 Stuyvesant Place in Staten Island, NY every day through New Year's Day. Just a 2 minute walk from the Staten Island Ferry Terminal.
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mariacallous · 8 months
(New York Jewish Week) — When a small group of people convened next to an inconspicuous plaque steps from the entrance to the Staten Island Ferry’s Whitehall Terminal earlier this week, they weren’t there to catch a boat leaving the island.
Instead, they had come to the southern tip of Manhattan to celebrate a ship that had arrived on its shores centuries before.
The gathering on Wednesday was the 369th anniversary of an event most New Yorkers don’t know about, let alone celebrate: the arrival of the first Jewish community to the United States in 1654. That lack of awareness is exactly what Howard Teich, the founding chair of a group called the Manhattan Jewish Historical Initiative, hopes to change.
That year, a group of 23 Sephardic Jews arrived on the shores of New Amsterdam, the Dutch colony located on the island. In the centuries since, the city and its image have been shaped in no small part by its Jewish denizens — from Emma Lazarus to Ed Koch to Nora Ephron.
In hosting the “Landing Day” ceremony, Teich’s ultimate goal is for Jews in the city with the world’s largest Jewish population to gather every year to celebrate their culture and accomplishments.
“We just have to change the narrative of the community right now,” Teich told the New York Jewish Week, adding that he felt Jewish communal discourse was at times overly focused on fear and division. “We’ve got to spread a positive message of who we are, what we’ve accomplished, how we’ve worked with other people, what we’ve started, the difference we’ve made in the time we’ve been here and, really, what America has meant to us as a people.”
Wednesday’s ceremony was held at Peter Minuit Plaza, next to a flagpole adorned with a plaque that reads: “Erected by the State of New York to honor the memory of the twenty three men, women and children who landed in September 1654 and founded the first Jewish community in North America.”
Donated by the State of New York, it is called the Jewish Tercentenary Monument and was put up in The Battery in 1954 to mark the 300th anniversary of the Jews’ arrival. That year, events were held for months across New York and the United States to celebrate, but in the decades since, there have only been a handful of gatherings at the site. None of the events and pronouncements associated with a Landing Day celebration in 2004, for the 350th anniversary, took place near the monument.
Teich aims to revitalize the celebration, and he hopes an annual event will take place at the plaza each fall.
“Now is the time,” he said. “[This ceremony] was supposed to show the positive of a community that’s really excelled in freedom. It’s incredible what’s been established in America and in New York in particular as a center of American Jewry to a large extent. That’s what I want to see celebrated.”
For Wednesday’s ceremony, Teich partnered with the Battery Conservancy, the New York Board of Rabbis and dozens of other Jewish and historical organizations across the city. Local and state politicians were also in attendance, including City Councilmember Gale Brewer, State Assembly Members Rebecca Seawright and Alex Bores, and State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. Elias Levy, the Jewish consul general of Panama in New York, was also present.
“I want our monuments to come alive,” Warrie Price, the president of the Battery Conservancy, said in a speech. “I ask all of you to make this monument  as relevant as it was in 1954, because its values and what it symbolizes are as true today as ever. We are still a landing site. We will never stop being a landing site. As New Yorkers and as a people of consciousness, we care and we will find the solutions to continue being a landing site.”
Along with speeches and music, which included Ladino and Hebrew versions of “Shalom Aleichem” and “Ein Keloheinu” from Rabbi Cantor Jill Hausman; a klezmer clarinet performance from the musician Zisel; and a rendition of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” from singer Hannie Ricardo, attendees also heard a short history of the Jewish arrival in New Amsterdam from Bradley Shaw, a historian at the Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy.
Like so many immigrants to New York City who came after them, the Jews who landed in Manhattan in 1654 were fleeing persecution. In this case, they were escaping the Portuguese, who had conquered the Dutch colony of Brazil where the Jews had been living and instituted the Catholic Church’s Inquisition.
As it happens, just weeks before the group of 23 landed, three Ashkenazi Jews — Jacob Barsimson, Solomon Pietersen and Asser Levy, who was the New World’s first kosher butcher and Jewish homeowner — had come to New Amsterdam from Europe. Those three men greeted the group. When Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch director-general of New Amsterdam, originally rejected the new refugees — saying he wanted to establish a colony solely for Dutch Reformed Christians — Levy advocated on their behalf.
“The question I have is, did they have a minyan?” Shaw said, referring to a traditional Jewish prayer quorum of 10 men. The group had arrived just before Rosh Hashanah.
“The answer is, I really don’t know,” he said. “But that said, they might have. They had the four men from the boat and the three that were here. And of the children, there might have been one or two that were bar mitzvahed,” or over 13 years old.
With Levy’s help, along with urging from the Dutch West India Company, which counted many Sephardic Jews among their investors, the group stayed. Eventually, they established the Mill Street Synagogue, the first congregation in the United States. It eventually became Congregation Shearith Israel, or the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, whose building is now on West 70th Street.
According to the most recent estimates, the five boroughs are now home to more than 1 million Jews.
“Usually you come to a strange place and the first thing you look for is a synagogue,” said a woman at the ceremony who wished to remain anonymous, and who did not know the history of the Jews’ arrival before the event. “I can’t imagine what it would be like to be the first ones to arrive.”
Teich wants to build momentum for the 400th anniversary of Landing Day — just 31 years away.
“There’s a real continuity that we need to appreciate,” he said. “That’s who we should be as a people — we have 5,000 years of history and nearly 400 here. It’s quite something.”
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alyosiuscreightonward · 11 months
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Dear Diary. I currently taking a mental health day today and I’ll be back in town tomorrow but right now, I’m physically on an island in the middle of a lake.
No running water. No electricity. No frills. Just a cute little house built on a small plot of land on an island in the middle of a lake. Dinner will be cooked over a fire in the living room. I had to bring a few bottles of water since the lake water is not potable but is used to clean the dishes and using the hand pump is hard. The first few really hard pumping action to get the water flowing is like pushing a car stuck on a ice patch. The wheels are spinning like crazy and it is not going anywhere but with a couple of good heave ho’s and you’re off and running. That’s what it’s like here.
No television or radio. Lots of books to read and board games to play. Nice blankets, fresh air and a good bed.
It’s raining here and I just adore the sound of the rain on the roof. Watching the leaves bounce as raindrops hit them. It’s gorgeous.
From my bedroom, I can lean forward a little bit and look at the lake. I see small white caps not like the ocean but just enough for choppy water and a very bouncy ride back to the mainland in the however old Boston Whaler. Spent a few grand on it and it’s still a good boat that gets you from the island to the mainland without having to worry about it sinking. Don’t give me that shit, you even worry about it when you’re on the Staten Island Ferry or Princess Cruise.
After the past few days and the anguish that I’ve experienced, it’s great to get away from everything and everyone.
Harry is curled up against me and has his eyes half open as he’s fighting not to take a nap. We’re going to nuzzle and listen to the rain. Later.
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callmecamden · 9 months
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Mood Board
1. Candy Hearts- Camden’s sweet Personality is a lot like a Candy Heart, which also happens to be her favorite candy during February.
2. Stephen King- Camden’s favorite author, she could read a one Stephen king book a week. You wouldn’t expect her to have a love for horror.
3. Computer and Notebooks- Camden is an OBGYN.
4. Book and Coffee- This is Camden’s favorite way to unwind after a long and stressful day.
5. Camden working- Camden puts a lot into her job, she wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.
6. Georgia Peaches- Camden’s hometown is Macon, Georgia.
7. Evelyn Rose Trevino- This is Camden’s 4 year old daughter, Camden’s life revolves around her.
8. Staten Island Ferry- This is the borough where Camden is located.
9. Halloween- Camden’s favorite Holiday and Favorite Movie.
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limosthings · 1 month
[gdlr_space height="20px"] [gdlr_skill_bar percent="100" size="medium" text_color="#ffffff" background_color="#e9e9e9" progress_color="#a9e16e"]Planning Your Itinerary Wisely[/gdlr_skill_bar] Exploring New York City on a budget requires strategic planning. Start by researching free or low-cost attractions, such as Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Staten Island Ferry. These iconic landmarks offer stunning views and memorable experiences without breaking the bank. Additionally, consider visiting museums on designated free admission days or taking advantage of discount passes for popular tourist sites. Utilizing Cost-Effective Transportation Options Navigating the city's bustling streets can be daunting, especially on a budget. With BUBZ Limos' range rover limousine service, you can enjoy the convenience and comfort of private transportation at an affordable price. Our experienced chauffeurs will navigate the city's traffic and parking challenges, allowing you to focus on enjoying your New York City adventure without worrying about transportation logistics. Exploring Affordable Dining Options New York City is renowned for its diverse culinary scene, but dining out can quickly add up. To stick to your budget, seek out affordable dining options such as food trucks, delis, and ethnic eateries in neighborhoods like Chinatown and the Lower East Side. These hidden gems offer delicious meals at wallet-friendly prices, allowing you to experience the city's gastronomic delights without breaking the bank. Taking Advantage of Free Cultural Events Immerse yourself in New York City's vibrant cultural scene by attending free events and performances. From outdoor concerts in Central Park to art gallery openings in Chelsea, there's always something happening in the city that won't cost you a dime. Check online listings and community boards for information on upcoming events and plan your itinerary accordingly to make the most of your budget-friendly New York City experience. Embracing the City's Natural Beauty Escape the hustle and bustle of the city streets and explore New York's natural beauty on a budget. Take a leisurely stroll through Central Park, rent a bike along the Hudson River Greenway, or embark on a scenic hike in one of the city's many parks. These outdoor adventures offer breathtaking views of the city skyline and opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation without spending a fortune. With BUBZ Limos' range rover limousine service, you can easily access these natural wonders and enjoy a budget-friendly escape from the urban jungle.
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guam-671-dv8 · 1 year
NYTimes: Air DeSantis: The Private Jets and Secret Donors Flying Him Around
Air DeSantis: The Private Jets and Secret Donors Flying Him Around https://nyti.ms/3BJ3yz1?smid=nytcore-android-share
"For Ron DeSantis, Sunday, Feb. 19, was the start of another busy week of not officially running for president.
That night, he left Tallahassee on a Florida hotelier’s private jet, heading to Newark before a meet-and-greet with police officers on Staten Island on Monday morning. Next, he boarded a twin-jet Bombardier to get to a speech in the Philadelphia suburbs, before flying to a Knights of Columbus hall outside Chicago, and then home to his day job as governor of Florida.
The tour and others like it were made possible by the convenience of private air travel — and by the largess of wealthy and in some cases secret donors footing the bill.
Ahead of an expected White House bid, Mr. DeSantis has relied heavily on his rich allies to ferry him around the country to test his message and raise his profile. Many of these donors are familiar boosters from Florida, some with business interests before the state, according to a New York Times review of Mr. DeSantis’s travel. Others have been shielded from the public by a new nonprofit, The Times found, in an arrangement that drew criticism from ethics experts.
Candidates and officeholders in both parties have long accepted the benefits of a donor’s plane as worth the political risk of appearing indebted to special interests or out of touch with voters.
But ethics experts said the travel — and specifically the role of the nonprofit — shows how Mr. DeSantis’s prolonged candidate-in-limbo status has allowed him to work around rules intended to keep donors from wielding secret influence. As a declared federal candidate, he would face far stricter requirements for accepting and reporting such donations.
“Voters deserve this information because they have a right to know who is trying to influence their elected officials and whether their leaders are prioritizing public good over the interests of their big-money benefactors,” said Trevor Potter, the president of Campaign Legal Center and a Republican who led the Federal Election Commission. “Governor DeSantis, whether he intends to run for president or not, should be clearly and fully disclosing who is providing support to his political efforts.”
Mr. DeSantis has aggressively navigated his state’s ethics and campaign finance laws to avoid flying commercial. And he has gone to new lengths to prevent transparency: Last week, he signed a bill making travel records held by law enforcement, dating back to the beginning of his term, exempt from public records requests.
But both Ms. Sachs and a person involved in Mr. DeSantis’s recent travel said they did not consider the trips political contributions or gifts. The person was not authorized to discuss the matter and spoke on condition of anonymity. The group’s practice “is to provide transportation for special guests,” Ms. Sachs said, “in full compliance with the law.”"
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mina-van1104 · 1 year
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🗽 IMPORTANT INFORMATION please read all! On Monday we went to the Statue of Liberty in New York! Born & raised in Nevada (American). We went on a Ferry boat on Staten Island named “Lady Liberty” & boarded the Ferry/boat to the Statue of Liberty. Here’s me doing jumpsplits at the Statue of Liberty then the ferry sailed us all to Ellis Island. Wish I could’ve bumped into Taylor Swift, Alicia Keys, Bruno Mars, & Robin Roberts in the city.
I mainly came to New York to see 9/11 Memorial, World Trade Center to honor all who died but many people in New York treat me like crap. It’s sad some New Yorkers don’t care about me but I still care about the people of 9/11. I cried a couple times. It’s sad that many of them are racist to Asians. 😭I just want to cry. Wish they weren’t so ignorant.
I’m here to honor your people but then SOME of your people-not all of them treat me like crap. I’ve met a mix of some very nice people & met too many racist people so far.
In Manhattan, 5 African American dressed in baggy all black colored clothing walked by us & yelled “Go Back to Korea!” (I’m not even Korean- I’m American born Chinese Asian with some European descents. They were being threatening to us. I should’ve told the hotel or police but New York always has a lot of crime. People- always be extra cautious when you’re in New York.
Another incident when we took the train, 2 African American Security gaurds yelled “They should go back to Asia!” Eventhough I was born in Reno, Nevada (American) & family living in Nevada 44 (forty-four years).
Another incident when we went to Brooklyn, NY when we took a train to Costco to eat pizza, my mom accidentally bumped a shopping cart of an African American lady with her cart & the black lady yelled at my mom & called my mom a “Dumb as$!” I said sorry to her for accidentally bumping into her shopping cart. Most of the black people here are so racist/mean to Asians. They’re very ignorant. I’m sad. Glad I was raised right though.
Apparently in New York, from what I’ve heard they thought I was an immigrant or from a different country when I’m an American!
At the airport at JFK Airport in New York, a white/hispanic lady with 2 small children & her mom talking in spanish at the TSA thought I cut her & she yelled at me “Don’t cut! Get in back of the line!” I didn’t cut her & I told her I was always behind this old man in front of me so I did NOT cut her. She yelled at me & I yelled back at her how saying how disrespectful she is for yelling & that she didn’t know we really DID NOT cut her at TSA. She started going crazy & she yelled “Don’t start with me!” To be clear, I was not the one who started it obviously.
Also when I was buying some keychains from a gift shop at JFK airport when she was done at the cashier an Indian lady in her 20s just stood there & didn’t say how much my stuff was she just rudely stood there & rudely stared at me & she assumed I didn’t know english. I asked how much is it & she finally talked. Then I paid and she put my stuff on the counter, I asked can I have a bag. She handed me the bag & didn’t put my keychains in the bag. When I left I yelled “ You have BAD customer service!” Then I left. She’s so ignorant & racist like many New Yorkers.
Another incident at the JFK airport, a caucasian/white lady walked by me & yelled, “Get out of New York!” She said it so threateningly & loud. When I was walking with my mom at the airport 2 African American Security gaurds laughed out loud directly at us & yelled “You’re not American!” Eventhough we are American!
Another day we took the WRONG train to Time Square back to our hotel we took the wrong train we were going downtown but went uptown but I asked people in the train I told them where are we going & some of them said Brooklyn & I told her I don’t know where that is & started freaking out & got out of the train with my mom, so scary I didn’t know where we were. We quickly got off the train & got on the right one. But good thing we’re supposed to take “R” train not the “N” train. Almost had 3 heart attacks in New York. Scary!
I met some nice people though like 2 nice white guys on the train who helped me get me to Time Square. There was also a nice African American girl with beautiful green eyes I talked to her on the train to ask for directions, she was so nice & friendly & she was pretty. I’ve noticed that Most of the prettier people were nicer to me. Then on the street several times teenage girls who were African American dressed sloppily walking together yelled at me called me “ugly” but they looked like they came from the hood & much less attractive than me.
Some of the African American ladies & African American man, & Mexican man, & one of the white guys were so nice & professional at the Hilton Garden Inn in Financial District/Manhattan hotel except for 1 african american lady, she would say hi to african american people & white people but never say “hi” or “good morning” to us. I made that comment that the front desk african american lady only says “good morning” to black people only. Then the next day she started saying good morning to me when I know she heard me say that comment. I overheard the African ladies front desk several times called me & my mom “fake!” A few times when were obviously NOT fake. There was one other nice African American lady with long hair she would say good morning to us all the time.
At the Empire State Building, 2 ladies (white, caucasian) who had British Accents from the United Kingdom, they were yelling at me & my mom “Their not American!” When I was speaking english to my mom. I told them “Actually yes, I’m an American” & the UK ladies said “no, you’re garbage!” Made me cry eventhough I had a good time there on too of the 103rd floor deck.
On our way after taking train then walking down to Empire state when we got Starbucks from a different location we bought coffee there then walked around because we were too early before Empire State Building was opened while we sat in a different Starbucks to stay warm, an overweight african lady who worked there walked by us stared at us without saying anything then walked around us again without saying “hi” to us. She was such a racist person who happened to be African American. How uncomfortable she made us feel. I’m glad I was raised right & that me & my family of Asians & my family of white people are not racist. I feel bad for SOME of the ignorant/racist people we encountered at New York because they were not raised right.
I met a nice guy who was caucasian white at the subway train & asked him for directions he had a TRUE New Yorker accent which was really cool. He was helpful & nice. He called me very pretty too.
Also when we were walking a homeless lady who was caucasian/white, she yelled at me & my mom “You’re killing our children!” I knew she was mentally unstable but that she was also racist & want to make it clear, “Don’t blame Asians for the Covid Pandemic. Educate with facts & not misleading information. Stop Asian Hate! Please educate people everywhere especially New York.
Proud nurse, proud coach. Proud to be a Nevadan, because I would never live in New York. I love New York but not most of the people I encountered with, sadly. Like I said I came to honor the ones who died on September 11th 9/11 memorial but how dare you guys treat me & my mom like this in New York. I cried everyday but at the same time am so grateful to be in New York to finally see 9/11 Memorial World Trade Center.
I’m so grateful I live in a city where there’s less racist people where all of us are well-educated & raised right & actually have money. I feel bad for people who weren’t raised right. I’ll never forget the great experiences though.
# NewYork # StatueOfLiberty # StatenIsland # EllisIsland # NewYorkCity # Manhattan # Brooklyn # StopAsianHate #JumpSplits ✞♡ # Selfie # NativeNevadan # JesusChrist ✝️🦂# ProChoice (though, in politics) # Equality # Justice 💙 # Nurse # Coach # Healthcare # Running 🏃🏻‍♀️ # LoveDrivesOutFear # NevadaBornAndRaised # NevadaNative # athletic 🐾🏃🏻‍♀️💪🏼# HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016🎓 🐾 # PostUniversityGraduate 🎓 # Overachiever # WolfPackAlumna 🐾 # BachelorsHealthScience # PublicHealth 🐺 # 3CollegeDegrees # 3ExtraMedicalLicenses # AlreadyAllAchieved # TrueAccomplishments # integrity
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themollyzone · 2 years
you'll call today? i'll call now
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There's an NYC heat advisory through Monday. It is officially the kind of heat where doing any kind of activity outside is not really worth doing unless you plan on actively enjoying suffering.
Yesterday after waiting out the hottest part of the day I put on activewear and walked about five miles, through downtown Brooklyn and over the Manhattan Bridge and over to Corlears Hook Park to catch the ferry back to Brooklyn Bridge Park and then walk another mile home. Planning circuitous walking routes to match my energy and desires is one of my favorite things to do.
The first goal of my walk was to get sweaty and increase my heart rate: easy. I listened to Rosalía's MOTOMAMI all the way through for the first time (so fuckin good) and observed the current summer fashions and lifestyles as I walked through Chinatown / the Lower East Side. Peak summer NYC simply cannot be beat. People were playing basketball shirtless, strolling hand-in-hand, collecting recyclables, watering the plants in front of their stores. There was a big line on Chrystie St. and I was too shy to ask what it was for but I just looked it up and I think people were trying to get some extremely good roast pork at Wah Fung No. 1. And Beyoncé was there of course.
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The second goal of my walk was to simply get on a boat. Which is a thing that is surprisingly easy to do in New York! A ride on NYC Ferry is one of the best $2.75s you can spend in the city. The ferry offers aquatic vibes, boatward breezes, unique views of the city not attainable elsewhere, and the ability to buy a beer on board if you so desire. Also it is public transportation without stress and containment, so you can enjoy a ride with fellow residents and visiting tourists in a state of positive giddiness. It's a joyride, not a commute. A small pack of young women got on at Wall Street, all in summer sundresses. "Where'd you get your dress?" "Free People, but from TJ Maxx." "Oh, a Maxxinista, I like it!"
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I should say that my other boat move in New York that's a little less convenient but still a banger is to take a round trip Staten Island Ferry cruise. Good for day, great for night. You can buy a cold tallboy (or even better, one of the beers served in the aluminum bottle) at the terminal, enjoy it on your scenic ride to SI, clock a really killer view of the Statue of Liberty, then turn right around and head home (or stay for a little bit and get dinner or something). And the Staten Island Ferry is free. Something to chew on.
The last goal of the walk was to get nice and tired and hungry and thirsty so I could enjoy a takeout dinner in front of some movies in the air conditioning of my home. The chilled air was extremely welcoming and I reflected on my un-air-conditioned youth. It was not really necessary to have AC in Vermont. October through April, you definitely don't need any kind of extra cold air, and summer heat could be always quenched with a dip in the lake, or some strategic window-opening to achieve cross-breezes.
But I remember being in single-digit ages, when I still had a bedtime early enough that I'd go to bed when it was light out, and so sometimes it'd still be crazy-hot when I went to sleep, and the solution was to place the big clanky oscillating fan close to the bed, and to sleep reversed, with my pillow closer to the open screened window. Ah the nights spent listening to bugs activate, the sound of neighbors still chatting in backyards and on the street because it was merely 8pm, the fan on its highest setting, existing at a delicate heat equilibrium where as long as I didn't move at all, I could maybe get to sleep.
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mrleochan · 2 years
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Staten Island Ferry / Statue of Liberty. We originally had plans to visit the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, but we decided to cancel that since it would consume several hours. Instead, we took the free Staten Island Ferry and took pictures of Lady Liberty as we cruised by. When we got to Staten Island, we just boarded the ferry going back to Manhattan and enjoyed the 25 minute ferry ride. Another fun free thing to do without eating up your whole day! (at Staten Island Ferry) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf7OdOmPAjl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rabbitcruiser · 3 days
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Ellis Island was made part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument by proclamation of President Lyndon Johnson on May 11, 1965.
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chequejury84 · 2 years
Port Authority Of New York And New Jersey - Choosing The Right Technique
241 flights from La Guardia each week which is 7% of all weekly departures. The carrier may even add more flights to existing destinations from each airport. The aircraft varieties with most scheduled flights are the Embraer 19X/17X and the Airbus A31X/32X. A number of landmarks are iconic symbols of America, like the Empire State Building or Statue of Liberty. Journey the inexpensive Staten Island Ferry for a view of Manhattan, Ellis Island, and the Statue of Liberty. The venture, which was first proposed in 2015, would run 1.5 miles lengthy and join between LaGuardia Airport in East Elmhurst and Willets Level, the place it will hook up with the 7 subway line and the Long Island Rail Road. Laguardia airport is actually on Long Island. Are you able to uber from LaGuardia Airport? LaGuardia is the most tough, involving a bus and at least one, typically two trains, relying on the time of day. It is suggested that reservations are booked on-line or by phone a minimum of 24 hours prior. Another proposal calls for new subway service that would take Manhattanites to LGA, but without a excessive capital price, no less than not at the beginning. If it's essential to know the pricing before booking the automobile, you may name our Helpline and ask for a taxi to Laguardia airport price, which goes to be the most inexpensive one.
NYCT and DOT convened a Group Advisory Committee, a broad range of stakeholders, including elected officials, Community Board members, civic/neighborhood teams, enterprise organizations, and major space institutions, who met every few months all through the course of the venture to help in the planning and improvement of the 125th Street-LaGuardia Airport Choose Bus Service. “ transfer laguardia manhattan of the primary new Arrivals and Departures Corridor is a significant milestone in delivering on Governor Cuomo’s vision for a model new, world-class, twenty first century LaGuardia Airport that the area deserves,” said Rick Cotton, Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The new LaGuardia Airport is (virtually) here. Oxygen is very important for human life, and loads of bushes had been planted here to make the environment better. Value: The price of parking at the quick-term parking lot is $5 for each half hour. There are free bus-to-subway transfers, so you’ll simply swipe your identical Metrocard when you enter the subway station. We're less than a mile from LaGuardia Airport, with a free shuttle to the airport and the nearby 7 train station. Cuomo'soffice provided a peek into what a section of the new $8 billion LaGuardia Airport may appear to be once completed.
This latest set of renderings is a complete look on the interiors with photos of arrival and departure areas, baggage declare, eating places, escalators, and a central corridor fitted with what definitely appears to be a vivid, Jeff Koons sculpture. The positioning presents map-primarily based transferring pictures representing the actual-time location of each B63 bus in service. Photographs of the failure have been captured by passengers on the plane and observers on the bottom. 27, 2015, Spirit passengers will fly in and out of Terminal 1/Lindbergh at Minneapolis-St. What terminal does Spirit Airways fly out of? It is at all times easier you probably have much less luggage, take a look at our packing tips for some specific ideas. ” she continued. When a patient is admitted, the hospital will take an x-ray after which seemingly take extra ones in the coming days, “so you could have this time sequence of images, which was key to having extra accurate predictions.” Once fully educated, the Truthful-NYU mannequin managed round seventy five p.c diagnostic accuracy -- on par with, and in some instances exceeding, the efficiency of human radiologists.
On the Jabbrrbox locations in Terminal B, you additionally get a personal, soundproof workspace to let you make cellphone calls without having to shout - or plug in and get some work finished before you fly. What airways are in Terminal B at LGA? Trains are the most sustainable, local weather-pleasant form of transportation. NEW YORK - The Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) in the present day announced the beginning of TSA Pre✓™ operations at LaGuardia Airport (LGA). With the growing demand of latest York Taxi LaGuardia Airport , many companies and native drivers start driving taxis in the town. New York has sufficient action, entertainment, and tradition to fill a lifetime, let alone a vacation. Spend much less money on journey so you can splurge on your New York vacation. Reap the benefits of nice New York flight offers from Spirit Airlines. Our LaGuardia Airport limo service will be sure that your experience is nice and also you attain the airport on time. If you will guide a flight with NYC taxi to LaGuardia airport Taxi using Empire Journey Inc. You can declare $10 Discount for A method trip and $20 Low cost for Spherical Journey.
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desireneedle11 · 2 years
Statue Of Liberty Cheet Sheet
“There should not a single function ever are available sight that is ambiguous, and which will betray our aims against religion and the state. With journeys on ferries and being on an island it means you’ll be uncovered to the weather so come ready. One other chance depending on the time and where you leave from Park Slope to LaGuardia is that you’ll should take the G line from both 7 Avenue, 15-St Prospect Park Station, and 4/Avenue/9 Avenue subway stations and switch at Court docket Square Station to the E subway line which can then take you to seventy four St/Roosevelt Ave Subway Station where you possibly can transfer to your bus to LGA. In the event you assume that is only a rich boy’s fraternity, then you are a whole moron and you need to get again to watching Sports Heart. One among the two founders of Skull and Bones was finding out in Germany, the place the Illuminati was founded simply a number of years earlier, after which as quickly as he comes back to the United States, he starts his own secret society. Supporters of the Illuminati just gave up their targets after their fellow members were discovered.
Tumblr media
To start with, let’s be clear, Skull and Bones is just not a fraternity-it is a submit-graduate group that recruits its members from wealthy and nicely-connected families. Members of the Board of Commissioners are usually corporate goliaths. Direct flights to Kalispell are supplied by American Airways (Oneworld). Amtrak trains are recognized for their vast seats, plug-in energy, large windows and storage capabilities. It takes about half-hour to get from Penn Station in NYC to the Newark Airport station on the NJ Transit trains. Such a situation could severely weaken the funds of public transit programs that underpin nice cities. Cities are also fascinated with reducing down the variety of bus stops. If going from LGA to say right down to the Wall Street space, I would take a cab to the subway in East Harlem or to the Higher East Side and take the 4,5,6 all the way down to City Hall/Brooklyn Bridge or Fulton at most hours apart from throughout rush hour.
Richards famous the enlargement of ferry service across town beneath former Mayor Bill de Blasio. For 30 years, Lady Liberty's 29-foot torch was accessible via service ladder. And yeah, AT&T service seems great in right here. J&C Limousine Service offers free “Meet and Greet” service contained in the terminal with greeting indicators of customer’s identify, free 60-minute ready time, complimentary mushy drinks, and water inside the automobile. Hung on the wall inside the Tomb. lga to jfk distance of students calling themselves File and Claw truly broke into the Skull and Bones headquarters in 1876, a building they own referred to as the Tomb. Tyler had labored on the Rocketbelt flight venture at the 1984 Olympics, and for the final forty five years had been each bit as obsessed as Mayman with the concept of building a proper portable jetpack with respectable endurance that anybody may fly. Whereas the investigators in Brad Meltzer’s Decoded dismissed the idea of the Illuminati persevering with to exist, or that the creators of the Statue of Liberty have been affiliated with the Illuminati, remember, the present did conclude that I used to be correct with my declare that the statue represents Lucifer. The Illuminati see the world by way of them in opposition to everybody else.
Skull and Bones is admittedly one of the vital highly effective secret societies and social networks in the world, but fools see no connection to the Illuminati of their targets, methods of operations, rituals, beliefs, symbols, or the rest. Since Lucifer is good to them, they constructed the Statue to secretly represent this to different Masons and Illuminati who are in-the-know. “How does the Statue of Liberty signify Lucifer? It’s additionally a quick 5-minute stroll away from the Staten Island Ferry, a transportation option offering free Statue of Liberty views. I used to be proper in regards to the Statue of Liberty, and it represents Lucifer, it was designed by a Freemason fascinated with occult symbols, a secret society, the French Freemasons, orchestrated the whole thing, and America wasn’t even the first alternative for the statue to stand. Let’s look nearer on the Illuminati’s connection to the Skull and Bones secret society. So let’s spell this out.
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| draco x reader | angst | smut |
enemies to lovers 🖤
anon requested. theyre enemies but deep down theres a sexual tension and one day theyre on vacation and have to stay in one room together
cw: angst, name-calling (degradation), hate-fucking, very slightly dubcon
“I can’t stand you! I don’t want to stay in a room with you!” You shouted, shoving him away from you.
“I’m just as angry as you! I don’t know how the hell this happened!” Draco snapped, pushing past you into your shared hotel room.
You had gone on vacation to America with some of your schoolmates, and due to a mix up in the planning, you and Draco had ended up in the same hotel room. To make matters worse, the room only had one bed.
Draco was your sworn enemy since first year. He’d embarrassed you in front of the Weasley twins, the boys you had a crush on, and you’d retaliated by tainting the love potion he gave to Pansy. It had started seven years of fighting and backbiting, the two of you always at each other’s throats and never seeing eye to eye.
It had become second nature to fight with Draco. Screaming matches with him lit a specific fire in your belly— different from anything else. It burned through you, igniting every nerve in your body. You thought it was anger, though it proved to be more when nothing satiated the rage, and your mind began to wander.
The electrically charged energy between you was hard to ignore. It was like a live wire, blazing everything in its wake, or an oil spill, turning everything flammable.
“Malfoy-” you started, but you were cut off by his sharp glare.
“I was going to suggest that we change quickly and meet the others in the lobby. I was going to ask if I could use the loo, but I was going to give you the courtesy of offering it first,” you hissed, and he shook his head.
“Go, it’s fine.”
You stepped into the bathroom, closing the door. You were desperate for some distance from Draco. You freshened up in the mirror, not taking too long so you didn’t get him even more agitated than he already was.
“What are we going to do about-?”
“We’re going to worry about it when the time comes,” you interrupted, glancing at the one bed.
The bathroom door slammed shut, leaving you alone in the small room. There wasn’t a couch— and the chair simply wasn’t adequate. Ultimately, you both knew the two of you were going to end up in bed together that night, whether you liked it or not.
A deep sigh left your lips, and you grabbed your bag, preparing to meet your friends downstairs. Draco locked the door behind the two of you, and the elevator ride was painfully silent. 
“My two favorite people. Sorry about the room situation,” Theo grinned, opening his arms as you walked up to him. 
You stepped into his chest, letting tattooed limbs wrap around you. He kissed the top of your head, grinning into your hair. 
“If Malfoy’s mean to you, you just let me know, okay? I’ll take care of him,” Theo promised you, finally getting you to giggle. 
“Maybe tell her not to be a right bi-”
“Draco, baby, try a little harder,” Theo hummed, kissing Malfoy’s cheek before getting pushed off. You laughed at them. 
Seven years, and you still wondered how it was possible for Theo-- the sweetest boy in the world, to be best friends with Draco Malfoy-- the devil’s incarnate. 
“Come on, we’ll get breakfast then catch the ferry,” Cedric said, handing out ferry passes to your group: Draco, Theo, Blaise, Fred, George, Hermione, Ginny, Pansy, Cedric, and you. 
Hermione took your hand, pulling you from the Slytherin boys. 
“It’s going to be fun. And besides, we’ll only be sleeping in the rooms. It’s not a problem,” Hermione assured you, the girls walking ahead of the others.
“Except there is only one bed,” you muttered, and Ginny and Pansy spun to look at you. 
“Are you serious?” Ginny giggled, and you smacked her arm. 
“It is not funny!”
They held their hands up in defense, though their amusement was clear. You took the subway to the ferry, crowded with American muggles. 
“Careful!” Draco hissed in your ear, catching you ask you lost your balance. His hand went around your waist, pinning you to his chest. 
“M’sorry, I slipped!” you were thankful for him holding onto you, even if you’d never admit it. You gripped the pole for support, trying not to lean into him too much. He helped you off of the train, and you took Theo’s hand as you boarded the ferry. 
“Look at the statue!” you gasped, admiring the skyline and leaning on the railing of the boat as you road to Staten Island. 
“Don’t fall,” Draco came to your other side. 
“Are you serious? Draco, I’m not a child!” you snapped.
“You’re leaning on the railing, and we can’t be using magic to drag you out of the water!”
You shot him an indignant look, and climbed up to stand on the railing. Even Theo looked anxious at your actions. 
“Get the fuck down, right now.” Draco’s grey eyes were wide, and you stared back at him, daring him to touch you. 
“We’re going to dock, and it’ll knock the-” Theo was interrupted before he could finish his sentence. The boat stopped suddenly, and as you caught yourself, Draco grabbed your waist, pulling you off of the railing. 
You shrieked, struggling away as he pulled you down. He refused to let go of you, and you tried to shove him off. 
“Knock it off. And quit doing dangerous shit,” Draco swatted your ass through your denim shorts, making Theo choke on his water bottle. You immediately stilled, staring at him in horror. 
“Did you just spank me?” You gasped, startled. 
He let go of you, answering with only a cold look. You shook your head and went to join the others, Theo and Draco falling into conversation with Cedric and Blaise. 
“What happened back there? We heard you yelling,” Hermione asked, grinning behind her oversized mirrored sunglasses.
“Draco just being an ass. It’s fine,” you said, stealing her sunglasses and putting them on. 
“Come on, let’s go have some fun.”
You spent the day sightseeing, walking around Staten Island before going back to Manhattan. The sun was warm overhead, the summer heat getting to your minds. You’d managed to avoid bickering with Draco most of the day, but now the sun was hanging low in the sky, casting a golden-orange glow over everything. You were drinking cocktails at a place near Times Square, tired from being on your feet all day.
“Tomorrow we’re going to the MET,” Theo said, checking the plans. 
You stayed out late, talking and laughing until the lights of the city had drowned out the ink-black sky. You were tired, a little buzzed, overly hot, and you wanted to sleep. 
“What the hell was that on the ferry? Do you think you can just-?” Draco grabbed your arm, cutting off your rant that you’d saved until you were in private, not wanting to fight in front of your friends. Your back hit the hotel room door, Draco’s chest pressed up against yours.
“Do I think I can just what? Knock that bullshit little smirk off of your face?” Draco seethed. 
“Tell me what to do!” You pushed his shoulders, though he didn’t move.
“It’s clear that you can’t be trusted to make good choices on your own.”
“That’s rich coming from you-” you hissed, feeling the familiar burning spread through your abdomen. 
“You should learn a little respect,” Draco’s hand wrapped around your throat, the rings on his fingers cold against your warm skin. A moan escaped you before you could stop it, and his eyebrows shot up. 
“Is this what you need? Do you just need to have the bitch fucked out of you?” You squirmed, gripping his wrist and trying to pry his hand off of your throat. 
You were seething, the energy between you becoming intensely sexually charged. You hated yourself for growing aroused, but you couldn’t keep the heat from spreading through your body, and you were becoming keenly aware of your throbbing sex. 
Draco pushed his knee between your thighs, and you shook your head. 
“No, no.”
“No? You aren’t horny and desperate? I know how much you hate me, and I know you’ve been dying to release all that pent up energy. You’re going to be sleeping in the same bed with me tonight, trapped under the sheets with my body. If you don’t act now, you’ll have to go untouched for the next week of this trip...” he smirked, knowing he had leverage, able to see how desperate you were. 
Truly, Draco was desperate for you too. You made him so angry, but you managed to turn him on as you got under his skin. He was aroused now, growing harder as he watched you squirm in pure need. He was waiting to hear you say yes, to give in. He may have hated you, but he wasn’t an animal. 
You bit your lip so hard you tasted metal, trying to hold in a scream. Your chest heaved with heavy breaths, your eyes narrowed into a glare. His thigh was pressed against your sex, and you fought against the urge to grind against him, desperate for friction. 
“Fuck,” you swore, and Draco squeezed your throat, making you whimper. 
“Is that a no, Y/N? Do you want me to let go of you? Let you go finger yourself in the shower?” he mocked you. 
“I hate you.”
“I know. It’s mutual, love.”
“Alright, Draco. Please fuck me. But this doesn’t mean anything!”
He smirked, letting go of you and tossing his shirt aside. You rid your own clothes with his, freezing as your eyes lingered on his naked body. The need and arousal pulsing through your body was overpowering, and just the sight of him was making you falter. 
“Do you need me to do everything for you? Get over here,” Draco’s hand wrapped around your elbow, tugging you toward him. He ripped your panties off, the veins in his hand flexing at the display of strength.
“Save it.”
Draco hauled you to the bed, bending you over the edge. You struggled, trying to sit up. He shoved your head back down, pressing your chest against the duvet. 
“Are you serious?” you snapped as he gripped your wrists in one hand, holding them at the small of your back. 
“You’re going to lay here and be good or you’re not going to get fucked at all,” Draco threatened, and you burned in shame. You stopped straining yourself to look at him, residing to resting your head on your side, ceasing your struggle against his hold. 
A choked groan left your lips as Draco slammed into your cunt all at once. He buried himself deep enough to where his hips were pressed to your ass, his body bent over yours. Draco slammed into you, frustration powering his rough thrusts. You writhed under his strong grip, moaning and squealing as he tore into your tight heat. Even with how wet you were, your body spasmed at the force. 
It felt primal, rough, and dirty. 
Fucking Draco was scandalous, even for you. The two of you getting so angry that the energy had to be channeled into sex felt deviant, Draco’s cock tainting your innocence with every thrust. 
You felt better than Draco had imagined. Your noises were erotic, encouraging him more than the momentum he was gaining. He kicked your legs further apart, shoving himself deeper into your sex. Your moan was muffled by the duvet, squeezing your eyes shut. It felt like he was tearing you open, and you couldn’t get enough. Your head was spinning, and your fingers flexed, the only part of your body you could move freely against his hold. 
“You’re fucking divine,” Draco breathed, reaching his hand under the two of you. His fingers found the area where your bodies connected, sliding upward through your folds. 
“Draco, fuck, please!” you cried, arching your back as he pressed against your nerves. 
“Please what, love? Are you going to quit being contrary?”
“Yes, I’ll do anything, just please touch me there,” you begged, abandoning your stubbornness.
You buried your face in the bed and screamed, your back curving into a bow as he fucked into you in time with the circles he was tracing with skilled fingers.
Draco swore as you pulsed around him, squeezing his cock as you cried from euphoria. Electricity shot through your limbs, your orgasm ripping through your body. Draco was quick to follow, pulling out and coming over your ass, watching you shudder and throb around nothing. 
As his memories being frustrated with you returned, he continued his assault on your clit, pinching you harshly to watch you writhe and scream. 
“Draco, Draco, I’m sorry, I’ll be nice, just stop!” you squealed, trying to kick him as he overstimulated you. 
He released you as you asked, taking in the sight of your absolutely wrecked body. Your arms were shaking as you brought them under you, trying to push yourself up onto your elbows. You heaved in deep breaths, still trembling as you came down from your high. 
Draco wiped down your skin for you, finding some decency. 
“Hey, look at me. You alright?” Draco held your jaw, tilting your face up. You nodded, and he slid boxers up his leg before digging for something in his jacket pocket. 
“Y/N. Come here,” Draco’s voice was low and husky, his back to you. 
You forced yourself to stand up, your legs weak as you stepped toward him. You followed Draco onto the balcony, where he sat down on a lounge chair. Ringed fingers wrapped around your wrist, pulling you to sit sideways on his lap. 
His touch was no longer aggressive or harsh, but instead moving you with authority. You held a blanket loosely around your body, shielding you from the cool night air. 
Draco didn’t speak as he pulled a cigarette from the box, putting it between his lips. He lit the end before setting the box and the lighter on the table, leaning his head back and taking a drag. He held your jaw, pressing his lips against yours before exhaling the smoke into your mouth. 
He turned, watching the city lights glitter around you. He offered you the cigarette, and you accepted, sharing with him. 
“Our secret?” you asked softly, and his silver gaze connected with his.
“Our secret.”
“Do you still hate me?” 
The corners of Draco’s lips pulled up, and his fingers brushed over your bare back, his hand resting at the base of your spine. 
“Only when it serves me, I suppose,” he murmured, and you fought off a smile.
“You’ll not bite me in my sleep then?”
“Full of questions. I make no promises, I’ve found I rather like how you taste.”
He kissed you then, under the city lights, tasting like smoke and sage and secrets. 
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stanning-reyna · 3 years
Percabeth one-shot
AN: So a few months ago I made a post about an idea for a fic about percabeth seeing sights in New York City and Annabeth not knowing where she’s going but Percy knowing the city super well, etc. I finally wrote it! Disclaimer: I’ve only been to nyc once and had to look up maps online, so if I messed up the layout of the city please don’t attack me. Takes place between TTC and BOTL. Read below the cut
Percy’s pov:
“Percy! Did you do what I asked you to?” Sally yelled from down the hallway.
Percy froze in his tracks. What had she asked him to do? Something, he knew that much. She had asked him right when she got home from work. He had been doing math homework in his bedroom. It had to do with guests coming over. 
Clean up the bathroom? No, he did that this morning. Take out the trash? It was as good a guess as any. Percy made his way over to the kitchen and opened the cabinet door. Sure enough, the trash was nearly overflowing under the sink. 
“Percy?” Sally called again, this time just behind him. “Did you change your sheets like I asked?” Oh. His guess has been wrong.
“I was just about to do that,” Percy lied, plenty sure his mom saw through it. 
“And didn’t I tell you to take out the trash yesterday? It’s starting to smell,” she added. 
He just shrugged in response and heaved the plastic bag out of the bin.
“Thank you. And make sure to change your sheets!” Sally said as Percy began his trip out the door and down to the dumpster. 
His brain had been scattered all over the place the past few days. Annabeth was coming to visit for spring break, something the two of them had been planning for over a year now. In less than an hour, they’d pick her up from the airport.
How did anyone ever feel safe flying in a plane? There were so many ways to die, most completely unpredictable. Annabeth was fearless though- brave enough to face any monster and even an airplane.
Percy returned to his apartment after dropping the trash in the dumpster, trying to quell the giddiness rising inside him. There was something he had to do before they left to get Annabeth. What was it again? He had just been thinking about it.
Sheets! Change the sheets on his bed. But where did his Mom keep their spare sheets?
After 10 minutes of sorting through drawer after drawer, new sheets were finally on Percy’s bed. His usual navy blue was replaced with a pastel green. Annabeth had been in a light green phase recently, so hopefully she’d appreciate these.
“You ready to head to the airport?” Sally called from the front door. 
He looked around his room for anything he might have missed while cleaning up. Percy’s eyes found the photos of Annabeth pinned to the cork board above his desk. He should take those down. She might be a little weirded out by images of herself watching her as she sleeps.
After stashing the photos in a drawer that Annabeth hopefully wouldn’t look in, Percy pulled his shoes on and dashed to the front door.
. . .
Annabeth’s pov:
She probably should feel bad for the person sitting next to her on the plane. For the past however many hours in the air, she had been flipping through travel guide after travel guide, taking breaks only to play with her necklace or her hair.
Every time Annabeth played with her hair, her elbow flew straight out to her side, regardless of whatever might be there. Meaning she had bumped into the man next to her more than once already. Sorry dude.
The 6 different travel guides in front of her consisted of long lists of the best places to visit in New York City. Annabeth had been into the city plenty of times before, but she never had the opportunity to explore. Which was stupid considering Camp was less than 2 hours away.
Percy had offered to give her a tour while she was staying with him, but Annabeth had a very specific list of sights she wanted to see. Not that she didn’t trust him, but she would much rather be the one in control of where they went.
The plane rumbled slightly as it touched down onto the runway. Woah, that had been a short flight. It felt so much shorter than the usual 6 hours from California to New York. She was glad, of course. That meant she got to see Percy sooner.
The trip through the airport was easy, as usual. Annabeth loved airports. They made sense- everything had a direction and a purpose. If only the rest of the world could be like that.
“Annabeth!” a voice yelled from across the taxi lane as she walked out the building’s doors. It was Percy’s voice. She scurried across the street towards him, dodging taxis and other people along the way.
. . .
“Are you sure you want to take that train?” Percy asked as Annabeth strutted to the nearest subway entrance. They had just gotten off the Staten Island Ferry and were now on their way back to the Jackson’s apartment.
“Yes, I’m sure. The map says it’ll take us north,” she asserted. 
“Sure it will,” Percy muttered, stopping in his tracks behind her.
Annabeth had to refrain from blowing smoke out her nostrils. He had been doing this for the past hour- critiquing her navigation choices and acting like he knew better. Which he did, but Annabeth wouldn’t admit that.
She knew she was right this time. The sign by the stairs said the train ended up in Brooklyn. Brooklyn was north of here. Right? Annabeth couldn’t quite remember, but if she had learned anything from her quests it was that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and see where that gets you. And she wasn’t about to ask Percy for directions.
Annabeth began down the dirty concrete stairs. She reached the platform and the voices around her started to echo off the stone walls. Suddenly, someone yanked on her arm, pulling her back up the step she just left. She turned to look as Percy pulled her up the stairs, weaving in between the dozens of people crowding around them. A man muttered a curse word at her as she bumped into him.
“That train will take us out of Manhattan, in the opposite direction of my place,” Percy said as they reached street level. 
Well that’s not where she wanted to go. Maybe Brooklyn wasn’t where she thought it was.
“You could have said something sooner,” Annabeth hissed. “Maybe before I got all the way underground.”
“But you so clearly knew where you were going! I didn’t want to interrupt,” Percy spoke, the sarcasm heavy in his voice.
Annabeth huffed. Sometimes he was insufferable. 
After a minute they arrived at an intersection full of cars moving in all directions.
“So if you know the way so much better than me, what street do we take?” she asked sourly. 
“This one.” He pointed to the left.
Annabeth was hesitant to trust his sense of direction at first, but by the time they made it back to the Jackson’s apartment with no more trouble she was reminded once again that Percy’s much smarter than he looks. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s spent his entire life in the city.
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limosthings · 2 months
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