#olive wheeler
cometcrystal · 2 years
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long time no olive 1 2
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syfysource · 4 months
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CHUCKY 1.01 "Death by Misadventure"
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redroses07 · 2 months
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love is a spectrum…
(last post for a bit, sorry for the spam)
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jaegerisim · 1 year
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cloudycleric · 1 year
stoned oliver take: the war between gay mike & bi mike truthers is pathetic because to be honest who fucking cares. i’m here to ship byler & have a good time jesus christ
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the-moons-ace-card · 1 month
How I think Chucky characters would react to you asking them to buy you pads
Charles "Chucky" Lee Ray
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Tiffany Valentine
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Glen Ray
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Glenda Ray
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Andy Barclay
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Nica Pierce
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Jake Wheeler
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Devon Evans
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Lexy Cross
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Rachel Fairchild
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Junior Wheeler
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Oliver Hayden
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Trevor Cain
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Grant Collins
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livingwritinglegend · 1 month
Smut = *
Fluff= ~
Angst = +
Percy Jackson and the olympians
Percy Jackson
Thinkin bout you~
Luke Castellan
The Sweetest Thing~
Nico di angelo
Will solace
Jeremiah fisher
Conrad fisher
Steven Conklin
American housewife
Oliver Otto
Hold Me Close~+
These Walls~+
Test Drive/Adore*~
Just like that*
Cooper Bradford
Sturniolo triplets
Nick Sturniolo
Matt sturniolo
Chris Sturniolo
JJ Maybank
Pope Heyward
John b
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
Jason Todd
Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Damian Wayne
CHUCKY(tv series)
Jake Wheeler
Juinor Wheeler
Devon Evans
Grant Collins
Brady Noon
Walker Scobell
Charlie Bushnell
Mason Thames
Tom holland
Chris Evans
Jeremy Sumpter(js him alone❤️)
Eternal Sunshine(Gavin Gore)~
More coming soon
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madwheelerz · 2 years
I wonder how much of Mike's obliviousness comes from a place of being unable to believe people care about him
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kybee1497 · 2 years
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First Kill Incorrect Quotes - 4/?
x x x x
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barclaysangel · 3 months
Murder Cousins AU - After Junior breaks up with Lexy for cheating on him, she tries to get with Oliver, telling them they’re free to be together now. Much to her surprise, Oliver admits he was dating her mainly because she wasn’t single. It was so taboo, and that was what he was truly in love with. It made him feel high. As a result, when there wasn't anything keeping them from being together, the high was gone, causing him to lose all interest in her and dump her as well
This shouldn't have made me giggle but it definitely did. Jake ended up hearing about this other breakup and immediately told Junior cheerfully
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thenarwhalgal · 2 months
Alright so this is possibly the dumbest idea I’ve ever had. But like somehow it holds together almost too well.
Stranger Things crossing over with The 25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee.
Please let me explain, this is a long one I’m sorry:
If you don’t know, the 25th (what I’m going to call it from now on) is about 5 strange kids from mostly broken families (and Chip) competing to win a spelling bee. It’s a great and really funny musical about trauma and innuendos and just how strange both spelling bees and the kids who compete in them are. Also it has 4 randomly chosen audience members come up to actually participate in the spelling bee itself (pretty cool).
Now here’s why the characters line up almost perfectly. (At least in my understanding of them all, if I’m wrong please argue with me lol I invite it.)
Let’s take the two main leads, Olive Ostrovsky and William Barfée. They line up stupidly well with Nancy and Jonathan. Olive is a pattern seeking brainiac whose only friend is the dictionary with incredibly negligent parents and a very strong desire to escape, which mimics Nancy’s need to hide herself in solving mysteries and finding stories to avoid her own trauma and the complete lack of anybody to ever stick up for her. They both bury themselves in gaining as much knowledge as they can because the worst thing that can happen is to be left with their own thoughts, Olive is also the emotional center of the show. Barfée is a pretty witty and weird kid who pushes everybody else away and holes up into his own little world but also has a heart of gold, mimicking Jonathan’s… well everything.
These two in the 25th end up with a really sweet friendship (and maybe romance?) by the end of the show, both finding understanding in each other for their mutual strangeness. Just like Nancy and Jonathan do. (Barfée is usually double-cast as Leaf’s dad).
Okay but what about the other 4 kids? I’m glad you asked!
Robin makes a wonderful Logainne (Schwartzy) SchwartzandGrubenierre. A very self-loathing loudmouth anxious perfectionist who is a constant disappointment to her parents but has really large dreams. Oh yeah, she also runs the gay-straight alliance at her school. She’s mocked by classmates and at one point during the show goes on a two minute (improvised?) rant about something to do with politics because she finds the bee unfair and wants to run for president one day. And she famously is the one who manages to annoy Panch enough to literally break him. Logainne really just wants happiness for the people around her, despite having a panic attack at the thought of losing she doesn’t want anybody else to lose either. I don’t know if I need to explain why Robin fits here lol but I will if pressed. (Double cast as Leaf’s mom usually.)
Steve! This one is somehow the best fit and I love them both for it. Steve makes a hilariously good Chip Tolentino. Athletic Boy Scout and the reigning champion of the spelling bee. He’s the most outgoing and social and least strange kid in the show but loses in the first act because and I’m not joking, he gets a boner. He sings a whole song about it actually. As he says, life is random and unfair. And he has a strong rivalry with Barfée (Jonathan) to the point they almost fight on stage and in most productions I’ve seen, is weirdly cordial with Leaf Coneybear. Again don’t think I need to explain this one, just change the girl he’s into from Leaf’s sister to Olive (Nancy) and we’re golden. Can’t go unmentioned that Chip’s actor is usually double-cast as Jesus fucking Christ.
Speaking of Leaf Coneybear! Who else but Eddie, like really? Who else but Eddie. Leaf is absolutely the one character confident enough in himself to jump up on a table and make a speech, he’s also totally the type to DM Dungeons and Dragons. Wears a cape he made himself, talks with a sock puppet sometimes, is friendly with everybody but also… is seen as a weird and stupid problem child by both his family and presumably everybody else at the Bee (Which I mean doesn’t fit his uncle but it does fit the town). He doesn’t win his hometown spelling bee and is only there because the two who placed above him had to go to a bat mitzvah. He worries he’s stupid and doesn’t belong there but finds peace in himself by the end. This delightfully mimics Eddie’s coward complex despite the fact he isn’t a coward??? And the fact he almost exists above social rules, uncaring of who anybody else is and usually judging them on character alone. Eddie and Leaf thrive in being strange. Leaf is also the sweetest character in the show you just can’t hate him. (Double cast usually as one of Logainne’s Dads).
This is probably the least good fit unfortunately, anybody who could fit Marcy Park fit in better elsewhere (Robin def would sing ‘I speak 6 languages’ and Nancy is very much the ‘best in everything but broken inside finding happiness in not winning’ girl). But Barb fits fine. She’s got that cold exterior somewhat disappointed in you never really happy with the fact she’s forced to fit in a box but does it anyway vibe. And would definitely purposefully lose and then celebrate like Christmas came early. Like it’s not perfect but it does work if you squint. (You could maybe cast Marcy as Chrissy Cunningham instead? They both do cry in bathrooms and feel trapped in their lives, happier letting go of expectations, Barb is just an easier character to characterize).
Now for the adults!
Best fit is definitely Mitch Mahoney and Jim Hopper. Like come on, this is the one where I was like… oh I’ve got something here. Gruff cop with rough exterior but a heart of gold who finds himself through comforting a lost kid and could easily be seen as a father figure? Please god that lines up so well with the ex-convict knows how rough the world is and wants the kids to know this isn’t that big a deal but finds being a comfort counselor actually fits him very well. Genuinely enjoying making sure these kids are alright and have a juice box. They’re both straight-up good people who just take a little bit longer than most to find their footing. Also Mitch being there for community service would line up with Hopper being there because Joyce dragged him into it. (Usually double cast as both Logainne’s other dad and as Olive’s pretend Dad).
Rona Lisa Perretti is the ‘could be seen as a mother figure’ counterpart to Mitch moderator of the Bee who sees herself in all of the kids and finds true joy in all of it. Joyce Byers might not line up perfectly but it’s such an easy placement okay? Like I mean, you can really tell she loves these kids, bending the rules for them even when she’s not supposed to. Also you cannot convince me Joyce isn’t the type of mom to sign up to run the school spelling bee her son goes to. (Usually double cast as Olive’s pretend Mom)
Vice Principle Douglass Panch is the only one I can’t figure out. It could be Murray, Bob, Clarke, Owens, Yuri, or even Ted (but please god no it’d fit but no) but none fit him well enough to make a call. Infatuated with Rona, had an incident as judge five years ago but claims to be in a better place now (he isn’t). Panch is a really fun character but he’s also the least mentally stable one. If I had to pick I think Murray would fit the established relationships in this crossover the most, and Yuri would fit his character the most. But again, I can’t make a good call on this one.
For the 4 audience members who fill in the ranks? Well, any ‘teen/young adult’ members of the show fit. Billy, Chrissy, Heather, Vickie, Argyle… take your pick.
— Additional stuff:
This could be easily played as a love triangle between Nancy (Olive), Jonathan (Barfée), and Steve (Chip) which works way too well for both sets of characters. It could also be played as Ronance (my personal pick lol) because Olive and Logainne I mean - if you don’t put Olive with Barfée that ship is like, right there. Olive helping Logainne through her panic attack it’s so sweet. And Olive x Her Dictionary hilariously lines up with Nancy x Her guns.
Again Chip and Leaf are weirdly friendly with each other and they’re also funfact the biggest ship on AO3 for this show which again is almost a perfect line up with Steve and Eddie. I have no words it’s just a funny coincidence. The gay ship between the weird stoner kid and the popular jock kid is universal I guess.
In other non-romantic funny coincidences:
Rona Lisa and Mitch Mahoney I’ve found usually play the good adults in the kids lives who step in and sometimes go as far as adopting some of the kids in many fanfics. Which I mean… yeah that sounds like Joyce and Hopper in the fandom as well.
Logainne has a very pronounced lisp and a tendency to overcomplicate which mimics Robins perpetual inability to stop rambling in front of pretty girls and in stressful situations.
Chip ends up forced to run the bake sale and complains about his ruined mojo, which again for some reason Chip and Steve just are perfect fits for no good reason. What a Little League champion.
Leaf and Marcy are the only two characters to lose and end up happy about it (Olive is a weird case), which is funny because Barb and Eddie are the only two characters here who die! Yay! ):
Nancy and Olive are both seen by everybody around them as the ‘sweet and lovely girl’, but are both intensely broken on the inside.
Marcy (Barb) is the character who gets to literally see Jesus, and Jesus is played by Chip (Steve). You could not have a funnier casting.
Like I mentioned above but it really needs to be highlighted, Chip and Barfée literally get as close to straight up fighting as possible. Chip at one point throws a bag of peanut M&Ms at him which if you don’t know, Barfée is allergic to, and Olive is the one who steps in. You couldn’t line it up better between these three.
The only relationship I can see that sadly doesn’t make it in here… is Robin and Steve . Chip and Logainne just don’t really talk much? I thought about shoving Robin in as Leaf for this reason and it’d work? But not nearly as well. I mean but like… this is my crossover damnit and if I want Chip and Logainne to somehow become absolute besties despite being complete opposites then I will make it happen. Chip really needs companionship and Logainne desperately needs at least one person in her life who supports her, and it’d be by far somehow the most perfect but completely alien from the outside friendship in the show. Which parallels Steve and Robin nicely (The added benefit that nobody would believe they weren’t dating if Robin wasn’t out as gay in this continuity).
So like, here’s the thing. I have spent way too long thinking about this, and I had to get it out there. Maybe it works as well as I’ve made it out to, maybe it doesn’t. The point is I think it’d be really funny, and as far as I know nobody has even brought it up so far. Which I get! Like I said, this is possibly the dumbest idea I’ve ever had. But it works way better than it should and I had to make other people understand my vision.
So thanks for reading all of this and please if you want to and have made it this far, give me your thoughts.
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musicalchaos07 · 3 months
Your fun fic lore of the evening is that the book Nancy lends Jonathan in Fine Line is Seeds of Yesterday aka the fourth Flowers in the Attic book
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welchsjello · 2 years
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gorgeous gorgeous ppl i love them
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phantomstatistician · 10 months
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Fandom: Chucky (TV series)
Character: Jake Wheeler
Sample Size: 164 stories
Source: AO3
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Juliette: I can be scary if I want to be
Calliope: *snorts* Sure, Jules
Juliette: *offended* I can be!
Calliope: *sarcastically* Ah yes, you're so scary that I flinch at the mere sight of you. Please don't eat me, tiny vampire!
Juliette: I don't know whether I should feel offended or happy
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cloudycleric · 2 years
stranger things 3 hot take: jonathan was in the right during the rogue investigation plot line with nancy.
i’m not sure how unpopular of an opinion this is (or even if it’s an unpopular opinion at all) but i’ve held this view for a long time & wanted to share it.
for those who don’t remember, in s3 of stranger things there is a plot line in which nancy wants to pursue a rogue investigation against the hawkins post, write about it, & present the writing to the staff to get them to believe that she was worthy of being a real journalist.
she receives a call after hours from a hysterical woman saying a rat is eating her fertilizer & that possibly some disease is being spread around the rats in the town. nancy convinces jonathan to come along with her (after he repeatedly says it’s a bad idea) & take pictures as she goes to interview the woman.
honestly i think this was really entitled of nancy, but i can see why she did what she did. she was a victim of constant misogyny in the workplace & publicly shamed for the littlest mistakes in her performance. she was dead set on become a journalist & felt the need to prove herself, so when she was offered a lead she followed it, despite knowing that if the story lead to nothing she (& probably jonathan as well) would get fired.
my hot take isn’t that nancy was in the wrong for pursuing the case, it’s more about her involvement of jonathan. he needed the job as joyce is a single mother & works (probably minimum wage) job at a grocery store. though the staff at hawkins post liked jonathan, his antics would have probably got him fired. nancy deciding to involve jonathan was very apathetic to say the least.
nancy would be just fine without her job at the hawkins post, she lives in an upper working class house & doesn’t have to worry about income to pay bills or for food, etc etc. but jonathan took the job to not only be with nancy but also to support his family. nancy pressuring jonathan despite most likely knowing this fact just always seemed a little selfish to me. sexism is a bitch, but by putting jonathan’s job at stake (when she could have gone alone or tried to do the photography herself, which jonathan probably owned a couple of cameras or at least was using some owned by the hawkins post) was uncalled for, especially with jonathan’s home situation.
this is by no means a bash on nancy’s character or jonathan, i love them both in their own way, i just feel like people don’t talk about this enough lol
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