#ok ending the rant now i do NOT want to get into my issues with the post-projsekai community and accidentally start some discourse :v
scootatwoni · 1 year
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shaking this lovely guy by the shoulders becos Humansongs just *perfectly* captures the love and wonder behind a lot of early 2000s and 2010s meta songs about the vocaloids being computer programs/instruments.
like honestly its right up there with odds & ends, miku, and tell your world for me. And while Sad Machine isn't explicitly about vocaloid so I don't regard it the same way I would, say, I'm your diva or Packaged...for me personally its only like one step removed from them. I still love it just as much and in almost the exact same way.
I could write so much about my love for humansongs and my general hopes for the vocaloid community following it and po-uta's release. But for now I just wanna express how surprised I felt when I read Porter's tweet because he's always felt like a vocaloid producer and fellow community member to me. And I hope he knows there's a lot of people out there that feel the same way
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kanmom51 · 5 months
Came here for a bitch rant
Because I could and because I wanted to.
I'm going to say this.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, now that we all know that JM and JK are enlisting together, going to be joint at the hip during their 18 months of military service, all I want to say is:
I friggin' told you so!!!
I did.
I told you they are ok.
I told you not to worry, that nothing has changed between them.
I told you so.
But if you still don't believe me, please explain how these 2 young men managed to secure an enlistment together, as in going through the whole service side by side. And correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know this is a first time this is done with an idol.
Only the two of them.
None of the other, as the ot7s will butt in to say, super close members.
If it's about either of their stability, safety, mental health (and not about how close they are and need each other), how is it that out of all of the members it's ALWAYS the two of them? How is it that RM isn't the one to go with JK? How is it not Tae or Hobi with JM (the best friend and 'soulmate' - yes, I did that)? But it's not, is it? Because it's about JM needing to be with JK and JK needing to be with JM. Period.
And if you don't see that, if you don't understand that, well, yeah, I guess either you are purposefully evading it (will talk about that one) or are just plain %$^&*.
Also, have to say this as well.
Now that we know that not seeing them over the past months together meant absolutely nothing about their relationship. This whole process and getting this approved, it takes time. If they haven't been wanting this for a long time and if they still at present didn't want this, well folks, it wouldn't be happening. They want this. They NEED this. And let me tell you something (been a lot of that going around today), knowing this is happening, them being together through this all, with the plus of Jin being around for the first 6 months, means that as far as they are concerned, I will definitely be sleeping well at night. Of course I would rather none of them had to go to the military, but this, my friends, is what we can call maximizing the best of a shit situation. I can sleep well at night knowing JM will be safe (we all worried about his safety, let's be honest) and JK, well, the thought of him without JM by his side. His anchor, his safe place, his catalyst, yeah. I was worried. And now I actually have a smile on my face. Kind of had it ever since I heard this was happening. Every single time I thought about their enlistment over the past few days and everytime I will after they enlist. They are together!!!
Yes folks, you heard this from RM.
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Thank you oh wise leader for letting us know those two share a bed. Can you please shout it out for the ones sitting in the back?
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Oops. Sorry. I forgot.
But seriously, the way the two were flustered at the end. Priceless.
So yeah, I guess that was my bratty way of telling off "oh ye of little faith"...
Will this change things up in the fandom?
Well, do you really want to get me started on that one? Not sure you do. I guess I'll suggest you brace yourself for this one...
I will start by saying that my daughters are convinced. I mean, they have kind of been getting there over the past year with JK's lives and behaviour and their interactions when we got them. But this, well yeah, this is GIGANTIC. And if you don't see it, or won't see it, then it's a you problem, not a them problem.
I'm 100% sure there will be those that continue to ot7-fy their relationship. And don't get me wrong here, I'm an ot7 gal all the way. Love all 7 of them to bits. But whoever does not and will not see that JM and JK, their connection, their relationship is just different, well they have an issue. And they will continue with this. Because for many of them to admit that JK and JM are closer with each other than with any other member, to admit that they are even the best of friends, is super problematic. Admitting that throws them straight into the boiling water. Admitting that means seeing it all. Seeing everything (the physical and emotional and sexual behaviours between the two). And doing that means two things. First, admitting that the two are together together, as in a couple, as in actually have sex with each other (to the homophobes among them that is a big no no). Second, to those who have this need to glorify the 7, and not understand that within those 7 are seven human beings with relationship that are not equal to one another. JK and Tae's relationship is unlike JK's with Hobi or JK's with RM and so forth. But more so, having a couple in the mix in their minds is possibly the beginning of the end, which is damn stupid, cause these two have been together for years now and are more ot7 than any claimed ot7 out there (you know, those claiming to be ot7 who constantly ignore or overlook Jikook interactions or for the matter of it, overlook JM, period). So, I kind of predict that won't be changing.
The spin-masters (TKKs, Yoonmin's etc.), well, they will keep on spinning. But not because they don't see it. No. But because they do!! And they need these stories and theories and plain ass stupidities to try and explain it away. The fun part about this one is seeing how every single time their story gets blown up to smithereens by facts, much of the time coming from the members themselves, but also from Bighit or others.
So, to sum it up, nothing is going to change, lol.
Well, maybe, just maybe, some of the reasonable ones out there, those that don't have their feet planted roots deep in the ground, those that do have the ability of critical thinking, they might just see it for what it is.
And if they don't well, wait till those two's travel show comes out, cause from what I'm seeing (from them - depends how it's going to be edited, but then again, how much can you edit out?), it's going to be wild.
Anyways, I do think I'll be back to post about the live, but in any case, will use this opportunity to wish all four of them a safe enlistment. May their basic training go by as fast and as easy as possible (it's going to be so cold...), and may these 18 months go by as fast as possible, but how ever fast or slow they go, I hope they keep safe and can be as happy as possible while serving their country.
I, for one, can't wait for them to come out on the other side.
See your hectic asses for Festa 2025.
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so-this-is-hell · 4 months
Ok I watched the leaked episodes
Let’s start with the positives! I love positives!
- Alex Brightman put his whole Alexussy into this shit oh my god, Pentious and Adam actually sound really good. Adam singing is also really really good. Alex can sing in character and carry things well and I’m glad now he’s part of the project. Because at least it’ll be bearable if I see the other episodes.
-Vox is actually weirdly really compelling? Like I actually ended up enjoying the vibe he’s got and his own voice grew on me, I know it’s not what people wanted but it works well.
-Nifty’s voice is pretty ok, so is Charlie’s. They’re some of the better voices of the cast, Alastor’s performance was uh. It wasn’t bad so there’s that!
-the opening exposition was needed but also a bit hamfisted- wait shit the positives- uh, I love the direction it went? Art wise?
-the songs are pretty good, they get you from point A to point B, and at least wasn’t Poison levels of cringe in writing.
-Charlie actually helping Pentious in episode 2 try to repent and be a better person actually feels nice, like a crumb of what the show should of be-
Ok let’s get to the point.
-the episodes clearly are trying to shove as much of the plot as humanly possible, to the point that you get whiplash.
-Angel Dust, Vaggie, Valentino, Husk all have voices that either do not fit, crack from the pressure to perform, or are trying so hard to mimic the previous voice that it’s actually worrying. The Angel dust one in particular I’ll get to when I get to the point.
-The plot starts with the main antagonist, literally telling Charlie that her plan is pointless and she should give up. There’s no actual “I want” song to counter this, unless you count the song where Adam mocks her for trying and tells her the exterminations will happen twice a year now.
-Pentious at least wasn’t a creep like i was fearing in the script, but he comes off too pathetic? Like I know he was pathetic and that’s the point but why the fuck does he want to be equal to the Vees now? Didn’t he want to rule over hell himself? I know the instagram had him crop himself into pictures with the Vees but remember those aren’t canon!
-I realized I was able to hop in because I had Wikipedia level knowledge of these characters to the point they click in my head (and enough to where Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie and Husk all felt a little off but that’s neither here nor there). But god I cannot imagine being a new person trying to jump into this show, this is bad. None of the characters get actually introduced outside of Charlie, the show references the pilot which isn’t part of the show so new audiences have no idea what they’re talking about, and the staff gets actually introduced in episode 2. EPISODE 2, TO PENTIOUS!? GIRLIE POP HAVE HIM COME EPISODE 1 THEN?
-Animation that’s either too floaty, too janky, too stiff or straight up traced. Which I don’t blame the animators for, Mammon was busy buying 10,000 dollars worth of peacocks to bother paying them more than a dollar per frame. There’s no charm here.
-Where did the fucking cat key come from? No I’m serious. Where did it come from? It just kinda exists now.
-Alastor’s commercial is just straight up MEAN and he’s often more mean than chaotic, which I know is ironic since he wasn’t a good person and I wasn’t expecting him to be but it’s to a point where it’s not even fun mean. He literally called Charlie’s endeavor “Daddy issues”. It felt like he was just there to slap Charlie in the face.
-Angel Dust rant is gonna be so long that I saved it for last.
I have to put it under the read more because of talk of SA! Fun!
I’m saying this as someone who loved him from the pilot and was willing to excuse his behavior as “flaws he can work on” since Addict and everything else proved that there was more under the surface and he was a character that could change and grow and-
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Angel dust, the rape victim… the guy running away from his abuser…
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The Angel dust who has traumatic episodes so fucking graphic that he flashes back to them when he’s performing.
Saying “yeah no, fucking sexually exploit me! It turns me on!”
Viv, I know you’re not reading this but I mean this genuinely.
Fuck you.
As someone who’s family has experienced sexual abuse, as someone who’s family still has CPTSD because men in power decide to exploit them… how fuckin dare you make a character enjoy their own exploitation.
This isn’t me kink shaming a sexual character! He can be sexual and like sex! It’s never been the problem and hell it could of been liberation to have sex he deserves.
But no.
Let’s make the SA victim into the sexual harassment character, let’s make the SA victim the Stolas of the show where he wears down his love interest so thin that they have to give up.
Let’s make the SA victim still work under his shitty abuser, and make that into a joke as the abuser mentions wanting to rape everyone in the hotel.
Don’t pay to watch this show, I mean it.
Pirate it.
Hell don’t even watch it, find something better to watch. I’ve been binging anime as of late and I still like captain lazerhawk.
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bomberqueen17 · 3 months
sketchy grocery store shit: a very middle-aged rant
Man so. I went to college in Rochester and so I did my first I'm An Adult Shopping For My Own Groceries shopping in a Wegmans. I got used to the way the store works, how things were laid out. And of course, i got a Shopper's Club card.
I still have it somewhere, use it occasionally, but I had to get another one when I misplaced it because they asked what phone number it was tied to and like, man, it was a Rochester number with a 716 area code, that's how long ago it was. (It's 585 there now.)
I got conditioned to try the Wegmans brand generic for whatever brand name thing I was buying, because it was often the same, and was cheaper. (Though, RIP to the old Wegmans box mac n cheese, they enshittified that in 1999 once we were all good and hooked and we all mourned and switched to Annie's and never looked back. Maybe it's better now but I don't rely on that stuff the way I used to.) I got conditioned to always swipe the card because sure they were collecting data on you but in a $70 trip I'd save five bucks easy, it wasn't nothing! And I also learned to look for their Family Packs, which were larger containers of the same item for less per unit-- if it was something not that perishable, or something you could get through, it was worth spending a little more now to stretch it later!
Anyway. I went to Wegmans yesterday, I live in Buffalo now and we have them here too, and we have a rotation of grocery stores we patronize but when I do the shopping, I'm still the most used to Wegmans, I know where stuff is, and I knew some of the stuff I wanted, they'd be the ones to have. (The organic co-op doesn't carry Doritos and sometimes in the doldrums of winter a bitch needs some of that poison, y'know?)
I'd noticed before that the Shoppers Club isn't a savings thing anymore. I didn't have my own card for one visit and the cashier went to great lengths to get me a swipe from a manager, and at the end I'd spent $200 and saved.... fifty cents.
This time around I'd taken advantage of a buy one get one deal to get a second box of something I didn't really need a second box of, only to discover it was buy one get a dollar off the second, so I saved a whole dollar and actually spent three I hadn't needed to. Well, whatever. It's not perishable and I'll eventually go through it.
But the other thing I noticed was the wild price swings by different packaging of the same item. I should've taken pictures. But like-- ok, raw baby spinach. I fucking love spinach. They had a smaller bag and then next to it they had a Family Pack. I hesitated-- it is hard to use up leafy greens but I fucking love spinach and I could make the effort-- and then I looked. I can't do math but fortunately they are required by law to have the price per unit breakdown on every price sticker. Because the small bag of spinach was $1.99, and was $3.99/lb. (A pound of spinach is a lot.) The Family Pack next to it? It was $3.99, which seemed like a good price jump. But on the per-item breakdown, it came out to $7.99/lb. It didn't actually have any more spinach in it. It was just a different-shaped bag and cost more. For no reason. And there was a whole shelf of the larger bags, and only a small display of the smaller ones. They're just expecting people, conditioned like I am, to say "ah i can use more spinach i'll take the savings" and buy the more expensive bag. But I did just do the math (which is difficult for me so you know I'm mad about this) and that is literally the exact same amount of spinach for twice the price.
Similar for stew beef but they went too far with it, it wasn't even plausible. There was a large pack for forty-nine dollars and I didn't even look to see how much was in it because i do not have forty-nine dollars for stew beef, I found a one-pound bag for $8.99. But I had this same issue before, and was more persistent last time I went: you can buy a three-pound chuck roast for $7.99/lb, which is a chunk of change but it's a lot of meat, and cut it into stew beef yourself and save some money that way, but I just knew I did not have it in me this week to cut up yet another chuck roast when I got home. (Full disclosure: i wasn't even looking at the grass-fed organic shit this was just regular USDA whatever Meets Regulations And Is Legal To Sell shit.)
Stew beef is supposed to be the trimmings and it is supposed to be cheap. But they have realized people prefer it, more recipes call for it because it was historically cheaper, and so they have marked it up and it is more expensive than the whole roast. Because most cooks reading a recipe are not going to necessarily know why it calls for stew beef and that they could substitute a superior cut if the price wasn't good.
I am aware that buying the pre-marinated individual convenience cuts is historically where they make their profit and I don't begrudge them that; if that's what I was shopping for I would not be that mad about paying $7 for three cents worth of marinade ingredients, because it is much easier to cook something like that with the attached recipe and because a lot of the markup is the labor costs in putting all that shit together. I don't begrudge them that at all and when I'm paying for it I'm well aware that I am.
But I really do resent how much of the price-gouging is happening by abusing the patterns of behavior they conditioned us into. I learned, twenty years ago, to look for the deals and look for the bulk packs, and now I am being punished for having learned that. I don't mind paying a premium for something I know is a convenience fee, but being charged extra for my formerly-thrifty shopping habits really stings. I shouldn't have to exercise constant vigilance in the fucking grocery store, it's stressful enough to be the only masked person in there and now you have to compete with the huge carts they use for the online ordering peeps that take up a lot of the aisle.
Maybe it's easier to do the price comparisons on the website?
Oh and there are a number of products they now only carry the Wegmans generic for. (You can't get Snyder pretzel bites anymore, and the Wegmans version doesn't come in quite the same flavors, so I have to go to Dash's to get those now.) And still others where the Wegmans version is pricier. And, alas, some where the more expensive Wegmans version is better. (Polly-O string cheese, why are you so bland?? You're a snack baby. The Wegmans generic has salt in it and is a ton more pleasant to eat.)
IDK I don't have a thesis here it's just that being alive in the 2020s is way harder than being alive in the 2000s even though I was poorer then and didn't know shit. I don't miss my youth and I super don't miss George W Bush but I miss when I was figuring stuff out and it seemed to make sense. And I sorta miss when the Wegmans cashiers used to wear t-shirts bragging about how highly-ranked Wegmans was by whatever organization that was that ranked how good places are to work for.
Also, they try to steer you to use the self checkouts, but baby if you have more than two shopping bags' worth of stuff in your cart you had better wait in however long that line is to let a real human put it into bags for you because the self-checkout does not have any mechanism for you to remove and replace a full shopping bag from the bagging area. I told the cashier how much I appreciated him because he wasn't screaming at me, and he was like yah those self-checkouts yell at you a lot.
(Every Wegmans cashier for twenty years has been super nice. I doubt they're in a union, I wish they were.)
Yeah yeah this is the most middle-aged thing I've written yet but I'm in physical therapy and just bought a recliner for the ergonomics so I'm clearly grappling with my own mortality here, and I'm writing this partly out of concern for the kids who are where I was in 2000. What the hell are they being conditioned to do, by all this????? Shit, man.
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pathetichimbos · 7 months
Ok actually I've been in love with your toughts about Thomas, YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER!!!
Btw, I can't stop thinking about how this man deserved a childhood friend that would eventually become his lover, someone that decided to treat him like an human being once and discovered he's just really sweet boy and not a monster.
Do you think that would change anything about how Thomas behaves in the future?
Oh, this is something I have thought about, I could write a whole fic on the AU, but let's not bite off more than we can chew and put that idea to the side for a future project. Please bear in mind that this post may seem lesser than my others and more rushed, that was quite literally because I had to continuously stop myself from writing endless drabbles on this idea.
But, I digress. Let's dive into the factual and realistic results of giving Thomas a childhood friend.
So, as we know, Thomas has had a lot of health issues from birth, and the Hewitt family did their best to get him the medical help he needed, taking him to doctors up until he was about thirteen or fourteen.
We also know that Thomas has been bullied for most of his life, and was isolated from his peers and community at a young age.
And we know that Thomas is some flavor of neuordivergent, so if we add all of these things together, we get a school record full of absences, low grades, and detentions from fights he didn't start, because we all know that in small southern towns, teachers really don't give a shit who starts the fight, they care about who's family has the better reputation.
So, he's in an out of school from the get go, has a bad reputation with all his teachers (and going into every new grade because teachers talk), and struggles with learning in the traditional way.
This starts tons of rumors about him.
They float all around the school, everyone knows who Thomas is, and no one in particular likes him.
But! Let's back up here, and take it back to, oh, I don't know, first, second grade? Around that time frame.
Thomas is still a little dude, being harassed and bullied by his peers and generally not having a fun time.
But, this time around, we'll drop another little dude in there. (that's you!)
And this little dude (non-gender term) doesn't particularly care about Thomas' deformities and disabilities. Who would?
So, you start hanging out with him. And Thomas, (who we all know thrives on positive attention), is confused, but not unwelcoming.
I don't think he'd be really clingy right of the bat, but give it a school year (maybe two if he's out of school a lot that particular year), and he's going to be a lot more comfortable with you, and that's what's going to lead to that clinginess.
Especially if you're nonchalant about grabbing his hand or touching him in general, because, remember, most people are afraid to even come near him, so the fact that you don't care and are willing to just casually touch him, is a huge thing in his eyes, and as he gets older, he's going to want more.
So, we'll skip ahead a bit until y'all are 10-12ish, and at this point, you're Thomas' best friend. Everyone knows you two hang out, the Hewitts love you, and it leads to a bit more isolation on your end, because no one wants to be friends with the freak, let alone the freaks weird best friend. (and yes, you're weird, I know you are because you're listening to me rant about leatherface /affectionate <3)
But, this also opens Thomas up to people a bit more, as the few people that do talk to you, eventually talk to him, maybe not go as far as to be his friends, but enough to be friendly.
Of course, some people are fake, and they'll ditch the both of you the moment the 'popular' kids find out they talk to you.
And other people don't, it's middle school, life in general sucks. Y'all are just trying to survive your way to highschool.
Now, if we assume you help tutor Thomas and you help keep him out of trouble (i.e. a large tree limb tends to deter bullies), we can assume his grades will go up, which will probably get his teachers off his back. All of these things are good. Thomas has a real friend, and not everyone treats him like a monster. His grades are better. His family is proud of him.
But Thomas still has mental health issues. And just like he hid them from his family, he hides them from you as well. His peers and community may have shunned and isolated him, but he also shuns and isolates himself from his family and friends, so I believe that despite being clingy and wanting to be around you a lot, if he hits a depressive episode, he's going to isolate from everyone.
That's what leads to his self mutlilation.
He slices the skin off his cheeks in an attempt to "fix" his deformities, believing that if he just gets rid of them, his disease will go away.
...But it doesn't. And he doesn't get to see you for a long time, a worried and frightened Luda Mae keeping her baby locked away and protected from the world while he heals.
That's when Thomas stops speaking. The healing wounds and eventual scars make it harder for him to speak, making anything more than a mutter or whisper painful for him.
This is when he finally drops out of school. It's a small southern town in the early 1950s, so there's no fight to stop him, after all, he's expected to help his family run the farm.
When he finally sees you again, he's worried you'll have changed your mind about him, and even though you haven't done anything wrong, it takes time for him to trust you again, his own self doubt ruining his confidence in your friendship.
But, after that, you're pretty much inseparable again. Everyone in town knows that if they see one of you, the other isn't far behind. Thomas still struggles a lot on his own during this time, and I don't believe he'd be capable of loving himself enough at this point to love you, or at least, I don't think he'd believe you actually like him, and for the sake of this post, we'll keep it that way.
Thomas spends a lot of time at his house at this point, so you spend a lot of time after school there with him. His house is practically your house. Luda Mae, Charlie, and Monty all know that once school lets out you're headed over, and they set an extra plate at dinner for you. (They don't know how Thomas could be so possibly blind to your affection towards him, but other than Charlie's stray comments encouraging Thomas to 'give it a shot', they mind their business)
Once Thomas gets a job at the slaughterhouse, and you get your own job in town, you'll often walk to the slaughterhouse after work to meet Thomas just finishing his shift, and the two of you will walk together until you have to separate to go to your own house.
It breaks people's minds seeing how soft Thomas is with you, their own preconceived ideas about the man leaving them baffled when he's gentle and caring to his friend.
It's about his early to mid twenties, when people start looking at you as more than just his friend, and as someone to actually chase and date, that Thomas finally snaps.
You don't know what comes over your best friend, but he becomes extremely affection and protective of you, no one can approach you in a flirtatious way without Thomas following close behind, simply standing behind you as a warning for them to move on.
But he doesn't actually try to date you. He's still torn by his own poor self esteem. It drives you insane.
You'll have to confront him, and give him an ultimatum. You can't keep playing this game, where he refuses to let you out of his sight but runs away every time you try to make a move.
He caves, obviously, not willing to lose you in any capacity, but your relationship is slow and careful, working at his pace as he learns to accept himself and your love for him, which takes a very long time.
He's not comfortable with any PDA, just barely letting you hold his hand when you meet him after work.
"But we've always held hands." You point out, and he looks away with a shrug.
It's different now.
But, let's step away from the drabble territory. I've already had to rewrite this post like five times now.
Over the years, Thomas becomes more and more comfortable with your relationship, and you have to teach him practically everything. He genuinely doesn't know anything going into this. And I mean anything.
As the town starts to die, and your family decides to leave, the Hewitts welcome you with open arms, but Luda Mae moves you into the guest room. After all, you're not married.
That doesn't stop you from sneaking into his room at night though.
But, despite the implication I just made, I don't think Thomas would be ready for actual sex until marriage. He's still a traditional man, just the way his mother raised him.
But, again, not my main point. Stick with me, I'm wrapping it up now.
All in all, I don't think Thomas would be that much different. A little more self confidence and self esteem, sure, but he'll still be Thomas. When the factory shuts down, he'll still snap, and he'll still kill the supervisor. He'll still start preparing human meat like he's asked. But other than feeling a bit more comfortable in his own skin and mind, he wouldn't be much different. He's still our same old Tommy.
Ok, that's all for now. Thanks for sending in the ask love <3
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verboselocket38 · 8 months
I need to make something clear or else the fans might attack me and send me threats, I like this show and was kinda scared to post this but I gotta say it........
.......Anyways, Im just rant about some excuses for Helluva Boss that are just not good excuses when fans defend the wrighting.
1. "If you dont like it dont watch it 🙄"
So this excuse I hear a lot when fans are backed into a corner and cant protect the critisisms from the show (Sorry I am tired, so my spelling might not be that good) And even if people deny it they use this excuse anyways without giving a good argument to why whatever critism the show gets is wrong.
Also I told this to someone before, but by the logic of this excuse, that means anyone who watches and said they openly hate a show like Velma or High Gaurdian Spice secretly likes it.
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(I am gonna bring these shows up a lot to use them as examples. Should probably mention now that I dont like either Velma or HGS, but Helluva Boss has SOME THINGS in common, not ALL THINGS, but SOME)
2. "The Series isnt finished, you should wait for it to be done"
Now to an extent this one is ok. Like for example: If Aang from ATLA were going on a journey to learn how to Waterbend, Earthbend, and Firebend to defeat the Firelord, then obviously its gonna take awhile and shouldnt be like "wHy DoEsNt He BeAt HiM NOW!!!". BUT that does not mean you cant critisize the episodes where Aang might get out of character, Katara does something that will leave a bad taste in your mouth, or anything that might not be good writing.
Yes Helluva Boss isnt finished, but thats still a bad excuse for defending the writing. You should still put effort into the writing. Like the fight between Blitzø and Stolas was resolved in A TEXT MESSAGE AND PEOPLE SAY ITS GOOD WRITING. IT ISNT!!! Like if your most emotion point in your show is going to be resolved in something we dont see happen, then there is no growth to the characters. (Saying this is an easter egg is just another excuse for bad writing.) People say that later on it might get resolved and that we should be patient I call bull crap. In S2E2 Stolas and Blitzø are not even akward around eachother, so I highly doubt future episodes will talk about this.
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Also, I just thought, shouldnt shows like Velma also go for its excuse? Like its getting a Season 2, so we shouldnt judge the show until its finished right? I dont wanna hear "Its because Velma ruined Scooby Doo!" Or "Velma is an acception since it can make my eyes role" Nope!!! We gotta wait till Velma is over to fully critisize it.
2.5 "You shouldnt be comparing VELMA to HELLUVA BOSS!!!"
Gonna bring this up since SOMEONE WILL. But I do NOT like Velma, I think its crap. I like Helluva Boss, not a fan of the stans and a lot of things Viv says and does. They can not take Critisism. She says she can but accually doesnt. And I kinda realize that there are some things Velma does that people role their eyes at, but when Helluva Boss does it, they get praised for it. Again, I 👏DO 👏NOT 👏LIKE 👏 VELMA. Im treating it equal to other shows, when Velma does something everyone hates it. When Helluva Boss does it everyone likes it. For example, the Swearing and Sex jokes. When Velma does it, people say that they swear and do sex jokes for no reason and it ruins the mood. But when Helluva Boss does it (Which keep in mind, 90% of the dialoug is sex and swearing.) It gets praised. Just wanted to point it out.
3. "Its Hell, what do you expect? 🤡"
I saved the best for last. Yall probably heard this one before lol. So, Im just gonna say that yes the characters do live in hell and that can lead to their bad behavior and cruel humor. The issue that I have is that will be used to defend bad writing. Yes they live in hell, but that doesnt mean 90% of the dialoug should be sex, swearing, and angst. Yknow the end of Unhappy Campers where Moxxie and Millie dressed as siblings and had sex on stage infront of minors? "But its hell!" Yes, BUT its out of character for Moxxie and Millie. MOXXIE ESPECIALLY!!!! ITS ALSO GROSS LIKE HOW IS THIS FUNNY?????
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There are also double standards. For example when Stella turns out to be a abusive bish, we are made to suppose to hate her. But when Loona was abusive to her adoptive father who took her in and gave her love, we are suppose to laugh??? Also, dont say "But he threatened to replace her!" No, Loona brought it up AFTER she was attacking Blitzø and he roled along with it.
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"But its Hell!!!" my butt. If Stella is abusive to make Stolas look like a justified character and her unlikeable, then why should I like Loona? And no, trauma is not an excuse. She is 22 and she has control of her own self.
And like??? If I were to write a story of some unlikeable guy in New York City who killed people for no reason, should my excuse be "Its society, what do you expect? This is life, get over it."
In conclusion, if you accually want to defend the writing of your horny demon show, then find accual critisms. Again, I👏 Like👏This👏Show. But when Fans and Viv shield any critisms and just see it as blind hate, it makes me upset. Most people who critisize this show like it. The thing is, if we praise or ignore something that needs to be critiqued, then the writing wont get any better. If we critisize it, then there is a chance that Viv will realize she needs to put effort into her wrighting.
I like this show, it inspired me, but Season 2 is such a downgrade from the previous season.
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skyeslittlecorner · 2 months
Orphan from Hades, outcast from Gehenna
I've wanted to do this for a long time, and I finally got around to it. Here I collect all the details that this sweet lamb has in common with Hades. ...aaand some rambling about him and his Solomon thing, because why not.
Yes, I miss him very much. Yes, I did it just to look at his beautiful face. Get ready for a collection of screenshots.
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We all know that Sitri is a little... ok, very delulu about Solomon. As strange as it may sound, this is the most superficial of problems. This is eye-catching. But underneath the irritation he causes there is much, much more, and it is not good for him.
In the first part we will go through the facts and his connection with Hades, the second part is my long rant. You will have marked what is where.
PS. Sitri lovers, don't worry. I belong to this nation myself, it's not a hate rant.
Jealousy and distrust
Do I even need to mention it? He's regulary call out for this. And this is the jealousy he feels especially towards the Solo MC. During the Halloween event, he was even called out that, paraphrasing, "at this rate, maybe you really should leave Gehenna and go back to Hades". Unfortunately, I don't have this one screenshot, so you'll have to take my word for it.
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Not only MC is a person which makes him jealous, but also his king. Offtop, Satan knows this and really enjoys irritating him. Apart from Sitri, MC and Leviathan (so probably all others kings too), I don't remember Satan trying to annoy anyone so purposefully, but it may be me just not remembering.
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Additionally, constant doubts. Sitri has always distrusted Leamas, and if it weren't for Satan, he would have killed him on the spot. The first thing he does when Marbas appears and threatens us is pulls out a gun and puts it to his head (he is justified here because the kings did the same). In the Christmas story, whenever he sees Gabriel, he immediately throws knives at him.
Who else kills everyone who has even a 1% chance of threatening Hell?
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Let alone the thing that they know and remember each other.
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It doesn't mean that they knew each other very well or that they were friends. But, for example, Sitri and Bimet did not know each other. Since both Sitri and Leviathan remember each other even after some time, Sitri must have spent a lot of time in Hades. No wonder he took over their vibe.
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Also, a little spoiler of ch5, just as Sitri only called us by our name when we drifted off into the land of sleep, Leviathan in his H-scene only softened when we were so unconscious that we could no longer remember it.
Weapon of choice
I have already addressed this topic here. There's no point in me dwelling on this too much. His weapon is straight from Hades. We mark this point off as obvious.
Mark & clothes
Here's a slightly more interesting thing, I admit that I noticed it only later. The tattoo on Sitri's neck. We see that it is a pentagram assigned to Satan and Gehenna, but I want to point a little curiosity.
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At one point, the Sitri's symbol on his neck and Leviathan's symbol in his eye were the same. Also, very distinctive - Levi's symbol on someone's neck.
The second non-obvious thing is his clothes. Sitri is the only noble of Gehenna wearing all black. Nobles from Hades also wear black. Does this refer to this? Not necessarily, because we know that Satan's closest commandos wear dark uniforms the same as him. Sitri as a noble and Satan's right-hand devil may combine these two features.
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Some headcanons and rambling
The part where I tried to be objective and draw facts ends here. Now let me happily chatter on how I interpret his behavior
bUT FIRST, I still have some unused screenshots, and how can I miss such an opportunity? PB why did you create something so beautiful?
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My aesthetic sense is satisfied~
So. Let's go to my ramble. This sweet creature has huge abandonment issues. He is intelligent, and even Ppyong is confused and explains that Sitri is usually really smart, but with us he goes crazy. Besides, you can see that he behaves quite normally around others (the only exception, he can sometimes become detached around Satan).
As for our name, he knows it, and he is aware that we are not Solomon. The famous words at the end of his H-scene. So why does he call us Solomon? Because he is unable to come to terms with his departure? The easiest excuse is that he misses him and projects him onto us. That Solomon never left them and those years never existed. That Sitri doesn't care about us, that he only really wants Solomon.
But I like to think of a slightly different version.
To Hades belong the orphans, to Gehenna the outcasts. And Sitri belongs to both. We don't know what he went through, we don't know what's going through his mind, but we see his behavior towards others. He is calm and perfectly controls his emotions even during his H-scene. He is smart and morbidly suspicious, what we see a lot. Finally, he must have everything under control, to such an extent that in some matters even Satan does not try to fight him (the most striking example is that he is the only one who gives Satan blood).
When he saw us, of course, he felt the familiar spirit of Solomon. But what he really liked was us. His emotions were out of control and it scared him. So he dealt with it the only way he knew how. He can't afford to trust again and be let down again, so he forced his true emotions that he felt towards us into the "it's just love for Solomon" box. Because he has already experienced mourning for Solomon and he can cope with it somehow, maybe not well, but enough to function on a daily basis. If he was rejected again, he wouldn't be able to cope. And he can't afford it.
He is Satan's henchman, prince of Hell and The Guardian of Gehenna. He can't show weakness. He can't break down. So the defending remnants of his sanity did what they could to maintain the fragile status quo.
Does he know what he is doing is wrong? Of course. Does he realize that he is hurting us? Of course. But he is one of the highest generals in a country at war, he has to deal with all the nobles, he has to support the king, he has to be ready to fight at any moment. And his Hades mentality makes him willing to sacrifice his happiness (and last crumbs of sanity) and our liking for him to protect his king and country.
Emotions cannot be controlled. But he tries nevertheless. If he didn't feel such strong emotions towards us, he wouldn't try to deny them. If someone is traumatized, they do not always know how to properly cope with it, and his mechanism is not healthy, it harms himself and us. But what else is he supposed to do? We know the approach in Gehenna. Only strength counts. Besides, he is the "responsible one" who would listen to him and help him? We? The moment we deny him, his psyche will collapse like a house of cards.
Maybe I'm exaggerating, overinterpreting, or it's just a running joke. But after how well-developed the characters are so far, I don't want to believe that his brain just turns off with the snap of his fingers.
After all this, I only have one question.
Sitri. Baby. Who hurt you?
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anticanonsposts · 2 months
maybe konig with reader who has general anxiety disorder? like calming them down when they get worked up and reassuring them?
sorry if you're uncomfortable writing about this, no pressure💞💞
good lord this has been in my inbox for a minute, I am so sorry it took so long!!!!!! but i hope you like it <3
cw: talk about anxiety, bodily symptoms, reader is chubby <3, slight angst, i think thats it, completely sfw
wc: 1, 082
overall headcanons then a little oneshot after
whenever you're anxious...
he’s really good at picking up on this kind of behavior
he can tell when you are really nervous
and in general I think he is really good at picking up on your mood and emotions already
since he also has anxiety I think he would be especially good at keeping tabs on yours 
in public he would literally just give you his left hand and let it go limp, letting you do whatever you wanted to it/with it 
i like to think he would also gently press down on the middle of your back or a shoulder in an attempt to get you to stop tensing up 
he loves how understanding you are of his anxieties so he wants nothing more than to return that back to you
Anxiously, you sat at your desk, trying to distract yourself with your work in front of you. Fortunately your boss had a long list of things for you to do today. You needed something to distract you because last night you and your roommates got into a huge fight. You lived with three other people and last night some drama had gone down, so your anxiety was as high as ever. You had always tried to keep everyone happy, talk about issues when needed, and to be mature about problems. But unfortunately not all of your roommates shared your desire for peace or maturity level. So misunderstanding after miscommunication after another happened, and now you were stuck sitting with so much emotion, your nerves felt like they were on fire. You kept feeling drops in your stomach each time your phone buzzed. The fight had started over text and then escalated to the four of you speaking to each other. Then this morning there was so much tension in the house and everything felt so awkward. Because of some stuff in your past, instability in the home has always made you very nervous and upset. It was your one safe space that was now being threatened. But now everyone seemed to be mad at everyone else and you were trying to pick up the pieces. Once again getting lost in your thoughts, your body jolted again as your phone buzzed. But this time it was a text from your boyfriend König. You had sort of told him what was going on the night before, but you didn’t go into very much detail. However, he knew something was definitely off, in the way you were texting, he could tell that you were not feeling the best. His text was simply asking you how you were feeling. You respond with a quick ‘I’m fine!’ but he sees right through this, and before you know it your phone is buzzing with his picture displayed. Picking up the call, before you can say anything he asks,
“You’re finished working soon ja? I’ll be outside waiting ok?” 
“Thank you König” you reply before you both hang up. 
You were thankful that he never pushed you to give details too fast. Your anxiety was a pretty prominent part of your personality and could be a lot to handle sometimes. But König was very patient with you, always giving you reassurance when you needed it, listening to you talking through your issues while still knowing when to cut you off. He is getting better and better at gauging when you are done ranting and just getting into an obsessive never ending loop of worry. So he usually tries to avert your attention to something else and distract you. 
Finally your shift is over and you head outside and see König parked along the street. As soon as he sees you he gets out of the driver's seat to open the passenger side for you.  
Before you could even say anything, he says, “Do you wanna go to Culvers?” (I’m from the midwest). 
“Yes please.” you reply, giving him a small smile, sliding your left hand into his right.  
The drive there didn’t take very long but König didn’t once ask you about how you were feeling or what had been going on. He instead asked you what he should get since he isn’t as familiar with the delicacy that is midwestern fast food. 
Once you are there, you go inside, receiving the normal amount of stares you two normally do. You being a drop dead gorgeous chubby girl and him being, well, tall. After you two order, get your food, and find a semi-secluded booth he lets you dig in and get a few bites of food in.
“Ok, you’re fed liebling, so, spill. What happened?” he asks, moving his head slightly so his eyes could meet yours. 
Swallowing the bite of food in your mouth, you took a deep breath and told him. Told him how the fight started, what it was about, how you were feeling, how your thoughts were driving you completely insane and that you were drowning in overthinking. That your stomach had hurt all day because of it, and even while you were explaining everything to him, your heartbeat was racing and your breathing became uneven. 
Noticing this, he reached his arm across the table and started rubbing small circles on the inside of your wrist. Taking another deep breath you leaned back in your booth seat. Feeling a lot better that you were able to rant to König, knowing that given his issues with anxiety, that he was never going to judge you. He understood exactly how you felt, and it always hurt his heart to know that you also had issues with anxiety. He never wanted you to feel that pain, so he always made sure to be a listening ear whenever you felt like this. 
“Thank you König” you say, pulling your wrist back so that you are fiddling with his fingers. 
“Of course y/n, its my job.” he responds, softly.
The two of you finish your food, and König drives you to your apartment. After asking him to spend the night, he more than happily agrees. The rest of the night is spent still worrying about your roommates, but finally once everyone is home. You all have a talk in the living room. And König is there, waiting for you in your room when you are done. Drama taken care of, supportive partner, and mind at ease, you finally rest your tired body and mind, cuddled up next to König.
teehee hope you liked it, i have a couple more requests in my inbox that will be out soon! in the meantime if anyone wants anything else, don't be afraid to ask :)
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davidthephoneguy · 16 days
A little (mostly Dialtown) rant of my own
Ok first of all you all need to calm down, I'm goin on this rant despite not currently being in the dialtown fandom but I was back around when the game first came out. I just feel like I gotta ask you to be calm because I know how agressive people can be online with that shield on anonymity. I also do not hate dialtown or Dogman nor do I blame them for said issues that will be stated.
Dialtown as a whole does pretty obviously have a problem about representation of fem/fem presenting characters especially in the fandom side. As a previous rant stated before most fem characters are either glossed over in favour of male/masc presenting ones, such as with the main dateables. It even extends to side characters which feels rather disheartening. Now I get why its mainly the male/masc presenting ones who get attention, I must highlight the fact that I am a Bi-Ace Transman and I tended to focus on Oliver and Randal over Karen so I was part of the problem on that part. So i get the gender serotonin of drawing them but I hope you can also see how it means that for example, Karen is almost completely overlooked. I would see myself in them because of the shared gender, I really do understand why this has been happening. You are not evil for doing this, that is not what this rant is about in the slightest. Like the previous rant before stated the game doesn't pass the Bechdal test (Which if you are unaware is a media test which requires two fem characters to talk to eachother about anything other then a man, already an extremely low bar to pass) which Dialtown does not pass. It's completely valid to have reservations about that as it is an overall problem with media at large. Media at large is still a white straight cis male dominated space and needs more diversity in all ways. Dialtown as a whole is a good game and has a diverse cast which is wonderful and amazing to see. The only issue is how some are highlighted more then others or demonized in a way that lines up with misogyny (Such as with Mingus' behavior being villainized by the fandom while Stabby and Shooty doing the same thing being ok and lighthearted in the eyes of the fandom which from an outside view just looks like misogyny I am sorry folks. If the only factor in if you like or dislike a characters actions is because they are a woman is misogyny even if they're cis or trans, misogyny is just the word for discrimination in this way) Pointing this out doesn't mean an attack on anyone, pointing out an issue is meant to bring attention to said issue so it can be improved or fixed. The previous person who I have been referencing and paraphrasing here (who I am not going to @ as they don't need more direct harassment) was slightly attacked for having a rant, yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but that does not give either side the right to actively attack the other. Please remain diplomatic.
People are allowed to highlight issues, if we don't then they won't ever get fixed. We're meant to stick together and fix things together, not attack eachother. Thats what people like terfs want us to do, they want us to tear eachother apart so that they get what they want, our destruction. We have to stand together with the things we love. My apologies for how long this ended up being but I just had to get it out of my head. Just my thoughts as a transman/voidrabbit on the topic
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stxrrynxghts · 3 months
Ok so
It's me, Hi, I am the problem, it's me.
Why did I just say this? Because the topic of my rant MIGHT just get bombarded with hate comments (tho ik my followers aren't like that, but y'all are surely not my only audience).
So basically I am going to rant on the most underrated MB character, Karna.
No shit, sherlock.
See, I admire Karna for some qualities of his, like the fact he has such a dazzling armor which def gives him an unfair advantage over other ppl, his warrior skills, and his loyalty for his bestie, Dury majority of the time.
Now, Karna is not as much of a run over puppy as ppl make him to be. His foster father is the leader of the Sutas of Hastinapur, plus a direct descendant of Yadu, there is nowhere this guy is poor or something.
Now, Sutas are a set of people who are born from a Kshatriya father and Brahmin mother. Yadu was a Suta. Kichaka was a Suta. Bharat was a Suta as well, and these are all powerful/respected/famed people that I listed.
If the Pandavas (or Kshatriyas in general) hated the sutas so much, they wouldn't marry Abhimanyu to a girl who has Suta blood. And hello, the Pandavas themselves are descended from TWO Sutas.
The sutas are mostly bards by profession, but many of them are also charioteers. FYI, charioteers are allowed to learn warfare. Karna learnt FROM Drona, but he left, yes. WHY?
Because Drona wasn't giving him the brahmastra. Why, you ask, when He had no issues giving it to Arjun. Dudes and girls, Drona gave Arjun a hell of a time, because he just wanted to teach special stuff to his son, but Arjun was a step ahead, and would always end up completing whatever task he was given. THAT credit lies with Arjun, not Drona. Not to mention, Arjun was also an obedient student, one who repeatedly risked his life to save his teacher, and Drona gave him special weapons as a reward.
Now back to Karna. He is born in a relatively rich family, and has loving foster parents. He gets to learn from DRONA, but leaves when Drona doesn't agree to his conditions, and ends up lying to Parshuram so that he can get special weapons.
In the rangbhoomi event, Karna participates illegally. It was an event planned for the Kuru princes to flaunt their skills, not DRONA'S disciples. Drona had other students too, but they aren't here. This is a Kuru prince-only event, and Karna still enters, and he challenges Arjun, who is 10+ years younger than he is.
Now the point where Karna's family background is being asked. Arjun is a fucking prince, and princes don't start dueling with any random guy, do they? No they do not.
Duryodhan crowns Karna as the King of Anga, and Karna doesn't even prove his merit whatsoever. Good warrior=/=good king. Not every man is like Ram.
Karna spends his time plotting, mostly. See, I dislike this dude a lot, even if I admire his warrior abilities. He is also very sexist, calling Draupadi, someone who he shouldn't be having issues with, a harlot. GR8 going Karna. Does he know that his heavenly step bros, the Ashwini Kumaras, are married to the same woman?
Sorry, I am more of a monogamy supporter, but slandering a woman practicing polyandry, because of a boon she got from Shiva ji, especially in a world where polygamy is quite common.
Now, Karna ain't that big of a loyal friend either. When Duryodhana and his brothers go to the forest the Pandavas are living in, to have a fucking picnic to spite them, and get attacked by the Gandharvas, Karna runs away....
Ahem. I am just picking up the main issues overall. Karna's armor gives him a pretty unfair advantage over everyone else. Unlike Arjun, he does not meditate to gain weapons.
Please do not say that Karna is a better warrior than Arjun. Arjun has defeated countless Danavas when he went to help Indra during his exile. He has defeated the devas during the Khandavaprastha event, and fuck, he stood his ground against SHIVA of all gods. yep, he couldn't defeat him, because that is impossible. No one can defeat Shiva, but Arjun managed to please him. Karna has no achievements of this sort as per my knowledge, correct me if I am wrong.
Karna gives his armor to Indra. Unfair, and tragic. But it isn't that much tragic in real. Karna basically says that a) he shouldn't feel any pain when he cuts off his armor and b) he wants a special weapon in exchange. It is basically a TRADE not a sacrifice, tho I do feel it is kind of unfair on Indra's part to demand the armor.
Now, flashforward, the war. Karna enters on day 11, and I can vaguely recall reading how Abhimanyu handed his ass over to him on day 12. Yes, Star Plus, I am very, very disappointed with what you have done.
Now, day 13.
I feel I have ranted on this a bit too much in the past. Basically, Karna runs away when Abhimanyu is on his spree, and then asks Drona how to kill him. He cuts off Abhimanyu's bow from behind, is part of his brutal killing, and enjoys his death, dancing around his corpse.
....This is after he KNOWS that this boy is his NEPHEW. He doesn't wish to accept the Pandavas as his brothers, okay. But enjoying, relishing the cruel murder of a boy who you know very well is your nephew?
Some Karna fans do say that "hey, they didn't have a choice, Abhimanyu would have finished off their entire army!". No. They did have a choice. And they chose to break all the war rules and regulations.
See, I am not being biased here, but Abhimanyu's death is the winner of the top most brutal and undeserved deaths in Hindu lore, correct me if I am wrong.
Karna kills Ghatotkacha, again, his nephew. Tho it is still a one-one fight, so I ....don't hold it against him.
Now, on day 17, when his wheel gets stuck, Karna is like "hey you cannot kill me, that is against DHARMA" right after he just tried to invoke the Brahmastra because he couldn't bear losing against Arjun even if the world ends up being destroyed because of it, and shot a special arrow with Takshak's son on top of it.
Arjun, like the lil meow meow he is, is having an existential crisis for the n-th time. Krishna probably wants Karna to die this way as Arjun-Karna's duel might take up a lot of time to come to a conclusion, and the Pandava army is on the edge of extinction, so the unfair way is the way to go-
Krishna, being the mastermind, reminds Arjun about Karna's crimes, and well, Arjun kills Karna, after being riled up.
So, we all know Arjun killed Karna's son, aka his nephew. It was a one-one duel, so it is fair? And Vrishasena was not unarmed. See, as much as I hate Uttar and Iravan's deaths, they are still SOMEWHAT fair, so...we gotta accept that.
Now, Yudhishthira is very teary over Karna once he finds out he is his big bro. Really Yudi? REALLY?
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sadiewayne · 5 months
fuck it, i'm talking about beast world
(i have not read issue #1 yet, this is mostly a rant about tom taylor and #6, so kind of spoilers for dick in beast world)
ok, so the cover for #6 was announced and...
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i'm pissed
so, firstly, this article on it made me want to cry
i am sick and tired of the "nightwing is a sex symbol" bc why do they keep forcing this narrative
also, this is a direct quote from tom taylor
Yes, you do get Nightwing turned into a fox because we’d be inhuman monsters not to do that. People want to see that.
do i like dick as a fox bc i like dick and i like foxes, so i am happy for that, but the fact it has been done purely for the sex symbol reason is annoying
tom taylor's run is something. there are good things about it (haley) but a lot of mis-writing of dick as a character and ignoring a lot of characterisation that has occurred aver the past 83 years. i like the limiting of his sexualisation - it is a lot less present in taylor's run than previous runs - but making dick a fox bc foxy get it bc foxy bc sexy is stupid and annoying
dick WOULD be a fox, but not because of that. he would be a fox because he is a trickster, he is manipulative (something tom taylor seems to forget half the time). this man can fool batman if he wants. this is a good enough reason for him to be a fox but no, it's because he is sexy
it also fits with the bats being canines (not damian but cat damian makes so much sense and it's close enough) with bruce and jason both being wolves. dick as a fox fits this perfectly. especially with him, bruce, and jason, the three characters that mirror each other. bruce and jason are both wolves because they are the same. they are so similar it's scary sometimes (my own opinion on them anyway. there are differences between them ofc but they are a lot more similar than they are different). dick is a fox because his is the same but different. a canine but he chose his own path, became a better version of batman. a master manipulator.
there was a perfect reasoning but it was thrown out because "let's continue the over-sexualisation of him" was the easy way out
do i think the better reasoning might end up being the actual reasoning in the comics, possibly. idk if they will dive into the reasoning tbh, i'm not holding out hope for it.
idk man, i think beast world is gonna be fun, but this just made me cry
i'm only happy bc the cover by sweeny boo is actually nice (it doesn't accentuate his ass so tysm for that bc now i don't feel bad when i use it in my nightwing widget)
also, i am not someone who hates tom taylor. ii think his writing is fine and i love superman: son of kal-el ok. he doesn't write dick badly, sometimes he just misses and that is ok. i still like the run and will still get it and read it bc i'm enjoying it ok
i just don't like the OVER-sexualisation of dick
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raidenssblog · 1 year
Umm hello there! I hope you are having an excellent day / night! If it's possible may I request headcanons for the hashiras seeing reader as an older sibling figure (if it's possible all of them if not that's alright!)?? Please and thank you! ^^
No ofc it's ok, I've and 0 motivation for like 3 months and I hate it sm 😭😭
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older brother
Pairing: hashira's X male reader (platonic)
Genre: angst and fluff
Warnings: none
Summary: headcannons for the hashiras having a older brother figure.
Ok first he really badly want to help you, because yk he's used to helping people rather than getting helped.
he will admire you, no matter what you do. Cooks a good meal, complements till dawn. If your a Slayer and your training your fighting style, nothing will spill from his mouth but praise.
If your not a Slayer and your just doing house chores or helping out he will barge in and try to 'take the weight' off of your shoulders.
If he sees you as a older brother Senjuro definitely will.
Will Intrust you too look after Senjuro and his father if he ever passes and takes you over to his place atlease once a week for a family diner.
He does cry to you some nights but it's rare, or when he dosent want to visit his mother's grave alone and asked you to join him.
If his father ever got aggressive he so happy to have you stand up against his father. Sure he can without problems but hes just so tired of it.
All in all, he trusts his life to you and welcomes you with open arms if you ever need help yourself.
Now, she is quite different from rengoku.
She sees more of a very close friend rather than close family for a while.
She does tend to your need tho. If you need water, medicine, help with the house she'll help you with out a second thought.
She holds a deep trust with you, something she tries not to do with many people.
When you help her with her problems it did spark up a few things within the woman.
Over time she does warm up to you and one thing leads to another she's on the verge of tears on a roof top letting all her bottled up stress out.
It's been so long since she shared her inner feelings with someone but God did it feel good.
She comes to you more often now and ever so slowly views you as family. She trusts you and rants about her day or her problems as your cooking dinner for the butterfly girls and the injured.
He never really remembers when you showed up in his life but he knows you've been in it for a while.
You really the only thing/one he doesn't forget about, he knows the little things about you such as your dislikes and hobbies, favourite colour things like that.
He really only remembers you as family so all together he just says your his older brother and moves on.
Because of his forgetful nature he dosent bring you up, like at all, unless he's asked.
"hey muichiro, who's that guy you were talking to before?" "My brother" "you have a brother! why didn't you tell us!?" "you never asked?"
Nothing really goes one between you two, of course you have days when Muichiro feels really of and y'all just cuddle up out side in the grass and hair, stare at the clouds.
He does help you cook and clean the house, and does come to you if he has any concerns or problems he dosent want people to know about.
It takes FOREVER to get this motherfucker to actually commit to even talking to you.
I mean come on, have you see how he treats his real brother???
Not saying that he would never warm up to you, bro just has issues, it'll take some time for him to semi trust you
Oh but he really can't escape your loving and kind nature *he need some colour in his life, ifykyk🤭 I'm so funny*
He would still give the stand offish vibe but in reality he hasn't had anyone to look after him, like at all.
He gradually gets use to the feeling and ends up seeing you as a equal to him.
Once fully trusted he rants about EVERYTHING. Bro can go on for hours about how giyuu was just breathing near him and how he wanted to punch tf out of him
Sometimes talks to you about the past or some future plans if muzan gets killed.
Cooks ohagi together very often and yall eat it together under a tree or after training.
You did catch onto his suicidal action and quicky slapped him out of it. Because of that day he tends to think things through a bit more. Key word *bit*
Now, where should we start.
He's worse than sanemi, like by many miles.
He will NOT make any attempts to talk to you, even if you said something first.
The only reason he does put up with talking to you is because of mitsuri...
Took you a minimum of 6 months to get obanai to like you enough to spark up conversations.
Took you even longer to get him to trust you enough for him to talk about his scars, don't even worry about showing you.
Bro told you and ditched after you asked to see them. It's not he fact that he dosent like you, it's the fact that he can't trust people except mitsuri obviously.
After about a year or so he finally showed you his scars, and the first time he cried infrount of someone.
He now, like sanemi, rants about everything and anything to you. Wether it be giyuu, the water being too cold, a bad mission ect
He trusts you enough to break down infrount of you, tell his deepest secrets too yk stuff he wouldn't be caught dead doing.
Still cold to you but in a softer way, and yes, there is still hash remarks for him. Kaburamaru also likes you, sliding up onto your shoulders and staying there while obanai baths or cooks.
At first he was warned by the fact that you actually cared, but something in the back of his mind said that you were just playing him like the rest
Bro has mad trust issues
Anyway, when you invite him over for some tea every now and again he starts talking more, starts smiling after and while and eventually let out a full laugh once.
He sees you as a anchor for himself, keeping his heavy thoughts away with your way if words.
Your so nice to him to the point he actually forgets your not related by blood.
It's been so long since he's had a safe place in someone's arms, so long since he talked about his inner feeling. So long since his mind got rid of the though of sabito and his sister dying.
He does cry just not as much as you would expect, giyuu mourns more than crying but everyone breaks right?
He makes sure you know that you mean alot to him by making you foods or drinks, cleaning your house, washing your clothes ect. Anything to help you out a bit.
He makes sure to protect you for any and all threats and will give his life for you, you helped him through so much and he adores and looks up to you as family, he can only repay it.
I'm sorry half of these are crappy. I dropped so much in followers like omg😭😭
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oreo102 · 20 days
Please I'm so so curious to hear your thoughts on 10/14
Ok so my thoughts on 10 are less than 14 so let’s start with him lol. I have not watched 10, so my hatred of him is more hatred by proxy of how the fandom treats him and proxy of 14, but I still do have a few specific thoughts and this will be long and definitely rambly
A) when talking about him I usually refer to him as Fandom’s Favorite White Boy or Pathetic Wet Cat/Twink mostly because it’s funny but for now I’ll use 10. The most I know about 10 is that he is angsty and in love with rose and besties with Donna… also that he’s pathetic but that’s more vibes
So- my hate of 10 is less tangible than 14 but i still have a few points, the main one being the way i see ppl talk about how he treated Martha and how obsessed with rose he was. I don’t think it’s ever compelling to have someone’s main personality trait be loving someone a whole lot which also honestly is my problem with rose (don’t hate her but don’t care about her)
From what I have seen and heard of 10 it’s rather… boring, honestly? Like it’s mostly clips out of context but for 13 and 15 I saw clips out of context and was like “ok wth is happening? /pos” with 10 it’s more like “wtf?” Also pretty sure his episodes were some of the ones I saw when my parents had the show on that played a part in me swearing the show off so
Ok onto the more tangible hatred of 14. A lot of this, admittedly, is more about the writing and showrunner decisions than 14 but those things by proxy makes me hate him
So- I have a lot of feelings on him quite literally starting from his first appearance in power of the doctor. I am SO PETTY that he doesn’t wear 13’s silly little outfit. Like I have gone on full rants about that fact to my friends and family
I’ve seen something claim that rtd didn’t want 14 to wear her outfit because people might be transphobic and derogatory towards him (even tho Dhawan!master wore it, and it’s pretty gender neutral) but then did nothing about the shit ppl said about ruby’s actor or about ppl who would be a bitch about rose the second being nonbinary(also i remember seeing a post about their deadname being mentioned in an episode? Not totally sure that’s true tho)
The 60th anniversary specials themselves don’t really celebrate Dr who as a whole as much as 10’s run with a few old villains but that’s not really my main issue with that. My main issue with the specials is that the Doctor gets their happy ending. With Donna. And her family. When fucking 3-4 episodes prior, their happy ending would’ve been yaz. It would’ve been staying with yaz. But nope! Donna! Because that’s what 10 would’ve wanted.
And I don’t want 14 to be with yaz, btw, I mean I want them to meet and for yaz to hit him, but I don’t want them to be a thing or like be together because I believe yaz is a lesbian but that’s not the point of this so moving on
I also have very much big issues with the scene where 15 and 14 are (presumably, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the full scene) talking about women they love and mention who I assume to be River and rose but not yaz, who again, they wanted to spend forever with 3-4 episodes prior. It makes the doctor seem like a douchebag even if it’s a writing issue and not a character issue
Also 14 being David tenant overshadows 13’s departure and 15’s arrival and since he is most likely going to show up at least a little bit in s14 he’ll overshadow 15 in his own series. It’s icky at the very least.
There’s something inherently bad about having the fandoms Favorite White Boy be with a contentious casting decision (because I have no faith in the Dr who fandom not to be bigoted) and even if no one has an issue with 15 being black and maybe gay (is he gay? He gives gay vibes) it’s still setting him up for failure by pairing him with 14
Also bigeneration is so fucking dumb and I hate it
Also also stop giving the Dr 19 year old companions it’s getting kinda weird now
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stromy-weather · 8 months
Husband Akutagawa
I love this man so much he deserves the world....<3
Got these promots from my bot, but I just want to special rant about how I feel they would be as a husband. There is no mention of a strict gender but pregnancy is mentioned. Mention of smut.
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How did you end up with him?
God only knows why seriously he questions it when he lays awake, staring at your peaceful sleeping face. Some night as he holds you so close.
He may be cold-hearted, but he is not a monster he is human after all. Or to what he thinks he is. He tends to be very hesitant with his touch. He practically touches you as your glass scared you, just nothing. That he is going to lose you if he is not careful.
He doesn't know how to show affection, but he tries. You are his first lover and well now last. He makeing sure nothing happens to you.
Protects you with his life. He doesn't give a shit about his being at the time. He would literally kill for you.
Slow dancing to slow dance with you to classical music...he just feels calmed by them...
If you don't kiss him on the lip after a while, be would be confused. He doesn't know how to ask for affection without getting flustered, so he might just pull you into a kiss with a slightly pink on his face. It might end in a harsh kiss since he would just slam your face into his. He doesn't know how to kiss well, ok? He is trying, ok. :(
He liked a big scary dog when behind you, but when you looked/faced him. He melts inside, eyes soften, he could just scoop you up and take you home.
The wedding ring he wears he never takes off. No one, and I mean no one, can say shit about it before he uses his ability to kill them if they say something negative.
You are his home. He keeps you safe. Given his work in the Mafia. Home is where you are, your his comfort and peace after a very long day of work.
Sometimes, he loses his cool and yells at you, but he oplgozes after. He doesn't mean too he is just very stressed. Never raise a hand to hit you, but would yell at pent-up stress. Poor baby doesn't know how to control his emotions well.
Would never want to see fear on your face. Only happiness. The very same reason why he fell in love with you and asked you to marry him. You see something in him that he can't. And the feeling of letting someone else get that light doesn't stick right with him.
He doesn't smother you and wishes not to be smother[mabye if he to stress of life and needs a break] but wouldn't mind the fact. He respectfully to your space as you are to his.
He is very overprotective/jealous levels high for his own good. Well, he has you all to himself that he doesn't plan on sharing. death glare at the person. The only person who can touch you is his sister Gin freely, that is. Would use Rashōmon to throw a bitch. Don't test this, man.
Don't even mention Atsushi man hates that man in a way. No words of another man's name come from your mouth unless it is his own.....please he have bad trust issues.
He doesn't want kids. Nope. Have you seen what he does for a living? He literally kills people. He only tolerates a certain amount of people and some underlings, Gin and you. But it's just maybe a small. A really small part hopes for it when he decides he wants to get down to an actual family.
Lives off of your affection, praise - just love in general even if he doesn't act like it. See it as the highest praise he can get.
Would use Rashōmon to gently pull you if he wants attention or when something happens. He gladly uses it to spin you in his direction if you stop paying attention to him. It makes him feel there are other uses to his ability than using it for blood shed.
Going off that you're busy and haven't given him attention or he needs your presence. He uses his ability to pull you close.
He doesn't see points at affection. Kiss him gross. Do it again.
Hand holding calms him, rub you hand in his hair he will melt.
Just have your body near him and he would be the most happiest man ever.
Please take good care of this boy. He very overwork a lot.
Can cook and clean, but sometimes it becomes a lot because of his lungs. Does his best. Gin probably lives with you guys, so she helps out alot aswell.
Preferably like to be the big spoon, but if anything, and he is tired as shit he wouldn't say it but a small spoon as he hides away in your chest. Listing to their heartbeat as he drifts off to sleep, holding you close.
If drunk, he is very cuddling and quiet. He only wants you around no one else. He is more open when drunk about it his feelings. Or would slur a lot of words. Using Rashōmon yet again to keep your near.
When lovemaking, I feel like he might be a top now before he stays a dominant bottom only because he is so scared of hurting you when you two are dating. Now that both of you are married, he doesn't mind being top... seeing your face as you make oh so wonderful noises for him drives him crazy. He goes gently but can grow rough. Doesn't mind using his rashomon on you...
He lives a pretty good life. He gets paid a good he is rich amount. Like really man rich if anything. He lives in a simple apartment since he doesn't see the need for extra stuff like pools or any of the fancy stuff. Just a simple place he can rest with you and Gin happily from problems.
"... you know... you should laugh like that more...it's...not bad..."
"Keep your hands away from what's not yours. I believe they said they aren't interested."
"Stay with me...?"
if he is stressed, he probably goes rough, but he asks so many times in ahead to make sure you're ok with this. He may be stressed, but he is not going to be full-on hurt his lover.
Probably have a safe word to make sure if anything goes too far.
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"What happened to yo- hm- your hot mouth? What cat got your tongue? Speak up, brat."
" I love you...hm..."
Proff read- nope
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acewitch-writes · 4 months
Hello! I recently found your account, and I went on scrolling down and down...and now I hope you know how grateful I am. Thank u- Merci. About 90% of the content you share here has made me feel so much better. I realllyy hope wonderful things happen for you. I've been a fan of hp since 2001, but I'm not really a social media person so I haven't been active in the fandom. I had no idea what was happening here until recently..two months ago to be exact (other details are not important) and omg.. I ended up in a discussion with some I think, new fans. tbh I thought, "Great! I'm good at this, I read all the books more than once Let's talk :)"  and omg their very first question was "What do you think about Regulus?"
I was like, "Who?" *dying from secondhand embarrassment bc It turns out I'm not that good at this
but as the discussion continued, I became more and more baffled bc "Why was everyone talking about Barty, Evan, and Regulus? who is daddy Remu? and what do you mean people ship James Potter with R.A.B.? What?"
I swear for a moment I thought "Did the writer publish a new book? Did I miss something? " tbh, I respect everyone's opinion it's none of my business but I'm still shocked. The only thing that bothers me is everything that happened with this new Wolfsar
omg, for most fans around my age (or at least people I know), Sirius was the complete portrayal of a bad boy- a rebel, with boots, tattoos, a leather jacket, and a fucking motorcycle. so this new Sirius is like a stranger to me, and that's okay. Mein issue is kinda with this new Remus T T my beloved .
They (the fans I was talking with) told me Remus is "tall, so handsome, SO strong, and hot-headed person because,  yk he's a werewolf." I was like "hot headed? excuse me?" I tried to explain to them that Remus being a werewolf is a metaphor for illnesses like HIV, it's not some superpowery gift.  they didn't believe me, but then they literally looked me in the face and said, "Then why would Sirius like someone like him? He's poor, short, and ugly." I swear I wanted to cry right then and there.
What is this mindset that makes some people think that a person should be, Idk, hot and flawless to deserve to be loved? Yes I don't think Remus is tall and super hot and perfect and isn't it fine? and I am 100% sure he's so beautiful. not like Sirius ofc but he has this "warm, cozy, and soft" sort of beauty. and I don't think he was a coward (ok maybe he was a liitle) but I guess it's easier for us, humans, to take the worst or weakest moment of a character and amplify it until it defines them entirely. and omg I'm so sorry for my rant and my bad english. but once again thank you for your beautiful soul <3 thank you
Hi anon! I, too, am baffled by the recent obsession with Regulus in this fandom. I think Jegulus is fine as a crack ship, but it has become so mainstream that many fans have just gone ahead and canonized it to the point that you'll be vilified for not accepting it as canon. I underestimated how popular the "best friend's brother" trope was, apparently. I also think it appeals to many fans as a Marauders Era version of one of the most popular ships of all time, Drarry.
This new version of Wolfstar is my biggest complaint with today's fandom, too! I get that the Marauders have very limited canon information and therefore we have more creative freedom to flesh them out, but I really believe that it has gone way too far. Sirius and Remus in today's fandom don't bear any resemblance to the characters they're based on. Remus is just a generic alpha werewolf OC and Sirius is his generic himbo femboy love interest OC. They don't even share a physical description with their Canon counterparts, and their personalities and character traits are so far removed that I can't even fathom how we reached this point as a fandom. How can you claim to like these characters if you have to change everything the source material says about them?
You're English is great, by the way! I completely agree that Remus has a cozy-and-warm sort of beauty. He made a point to distance himself from the stigma surrounding Lycanthropy because it was the focal point of his shame and self-loathing. And I just adore Wolfstar's dynamic from this lens, with the intimidatingly beautiful, confident, headstrong Sirius Black, who could have his pick of anyone he wants, choosing this ordinary guy because he's cozy and soft and it's exactly what Sirius wants after surviving the harsh ideals and abuse of House Black.
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 10 months
ok this time there ARE barbie spoilers but it’s just the things i didn’t like so feel free to ignore this if you had fun and don’t want me ruining anything! like seriously, i do not want to make anyone upset here because of how positive the fandom vibes are. i just wanna y’know, air out some dirty laundry i have with what i just witnessed
as a disclaimer i’ve only seen it once and it ended like 40 minutes ago LMAO forgive me for any name mistakes i suck with those
- ken never got closure and i get what they were going for, just having a bunch of guys repeat “ken is me” over and over isn’t cutting it. felt this way with the “hi barbie” intro. like yes, i get what it aims to accomplish, but god does it get grating
- SOME of the fourth wall breaks were good. most were not. weird barbie and all the discontinued barbies were funny, and the drinking water gag was great. but the narrator stuff was WAY too prevalent and i get that it’s camp, but it was a tad too much at times. i’m torn on the margot line because it wasn’t necessarily bad, i just think it ruined the moment a little
- SO MANY UNFINISHED PLOTLINES OH MY GOD. you’re telling me the travel montage was all it took for gloria and sasha to bond and fix their issues? we saw their conflict through barbie’s memory link, it was never elaborated on. not once. suddenly by the end they’re getting along. the same could be about weird barbie? she always embraced the weirdness so the apology and “un-outcasting” felt off because a) it seemed like she was secluded by her own will and b) the barbies were never necessarily mean to her, they just acknowledged she’s different? which she knew and was okay with and self aware of? idk i guess an apology is fair, but the way it was delivered implied a deeper conflict we never saw
- mattel boardroom. enough said. i get will ferrell probably has a contracted screentime for funny gimmicks but it was so grating and a waste of time
- in a similar vein, all the travel montages combined probably take up as much time as the real-world scenes. for a movie that advertised barbie in the real world at a seeming first glance, that basically never happened LOL maybe that’s on me for having expectations though
- listen, LISTEN. i know there’s a lot of conflict right now with the “boo forced feminism” propaganda spreading around and i swear on god that isn’t me. HOWEVER. i do think that the way they went about resetting free will and that super long montage from gloria was not handled as well as it should have been. do i agree with everything said in the speech she gave? abso fuckin lutely. but remember, SHOW not TELL. they created this brainwashing plot device only to immediately dismantle it with one #girlboss speech which imo, undermines the very point the monologue was trying to make. i just wish they did more actual empowerment and not cheap exposition via a shenanigans montage and a third party speaker reciting a well constructed feminist rant which was just… INSERTED into a feel-good scene. i was hoping for something more organic but that’s just me. like, the barbie feeling self conscious was on the nose, but it did its thing. it’s camp i expected that. by this point in the film however, i expected more
- last thing for now: the plot was just a mess i’m sorry. the beginning was slow and expositional sure i get it, maybe it dragged a little too long when you consider everything else they tried to shove into the runtime, but for a typical film that would be a decent portion of establishing a plot. the real world segment? god, so many open doors, most of them were ignored. 99% of the real world was gimmicks and throwaway lines. the bench scene was the shining gem in that pacing dumpster. mattel plot we already know i don’t like, minus the ruth part. i have a lot of thoughts on ken patriarchy that i don’t have time or effort to unpack right now, but it was funny. and then it went on way too long and became annoying but not in the good way, in the “i get this is camp but it feels stupid” way. gosling killed that musical number but for a film about barbie, that was a hella long ken segment. like, this was a ken movie with barbie having existential dread in the background. then a bunch of magical fixits happen and suddenly all conflicts are resolved through magical means and cheap jokes and imaginary character development!!! oh but they gave barbie a pussy we unironically stan that for her (i’m serious lol like i think the joke was such a lame way to end the film but it’s funny enough to say that this whole film all barbie wanted was gender affirming surgery. i’ll allow it for sheer comedic purposes)
TLDR: i have many many complaints but i don’t think the movie is bad. it’s just fun, not particularly good all around. IT HAS GOOD MOMENTS!!! I AM NOT DENYING THERE IS SOME QUALITY HERE! i just think its hit or miss and while not every film has to be a feminist manifesto, i think all the hype and expectations definitely oversold the actual film i just witnessed because it was not particularly good. but it’s fun! and it’s okay to just enjoy that, this is my initial impression but maybe i’ll grow to like it more. just wanted to put this out here in case someone else feels the same way and doesn’t want to take the fall for finding it mid
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