#oikawa thinks about love
iwaoiness · 8 months
Forever and again
It is when he thinks about it most that he least understands how the universe has allowed him to have Iwaizumi. They have always been together, his mother fondly keeps a photograph of Oikawa at six months old and Iwaizumi at seven, both sleeping soundly next to each other, their chubby little hands clasping. In all his memories there is Hajime, there is his laugh, his frown, his sleeping face, his dimples, his dull green eyes, his quiet voice, his sincere words. There is also what Oikawa has learned to relate with Iwa-chan, there is his childhood passion for insects, there is his hunting net, his jars to catch and then release because everyone has a place to be, there are his favourite sneakers, there are his Godzilla band-aids, there is the warmth of the summer sun, the sweetness of freshly cut watermelon, the tree house in the Iwaizumi's mountain residence, the apple scent of his shampoo.
There are many, thousands, millions more things. Some of them have remained, like the old hunting net, and some have changed, like the shape of his back.
Tooru remembers how thin it was under his patterned shirts, even though Iwaizumi was a little taller than him, and how comfortable it was when Iwa-chan carried him on when he sprained his ankle or scraped his knees or suffered one of his allergic reactions on his way home from his adventures on the hill. Hajime's back has always been safety and security, confidence and firmness, and over time it has become broader and more muscular, but without losing a drop of the essence that Tooru has grown up with.
And he likes it, he likes it so much. That's why he enjoys it when Iwaizumi takes his hand (as he's doing now) and laces his fingers between his naturally as if they were made for it, and then tugs his arm lovingly and leads the way. He enjoys it because he sees Hajime's back again, runs his form that he has well memorised in his mind and fingers under his black cotton shirt, sees the kanjis of the Aoba Johsai banner printed in black ink along the back of his neck, his cropped hair, the back ball of the industrial piercing through the cartilage of his ear.
Walking behind Hajime is not shameful, it is comforting and warm. Oikawa feels protected and loved, and his heart melts inside him when he thinks of every moment that Iwaizumi has shown him with actions —because that's what he is, a man of action rather than words— how much he loves him. Whether it's kissing him tenderly, combing his bangs, leaving milk bread and dorayakis on the kitchen counter, buying him that ridiculous strawberry-shaped bowl he once distractedly mentioned he liked, leaving notes for him around the flat ("don't forget breakfast, Shittykawa", "you're so beautiful, u know that?”, "don't forget you have an appointment to change your glasses prescription and we’ve dinner with our parents this monday", "I'm going to kick your fucking ass if you ever leave wet towels lying on the damn sofa again", "I love you so much", “don't let Makki dye his hair in our bathroom again”), photographing every article of clothing and shoe he stopped to look at every time they went shopping (believing Tooru didn't notice), covering the pointy end of any table with his hand when Oikawa bent down to pick up whatever he had dropped to prevent him from bumping it, always making sure he felt good when he showed the slightest grimace of discomfort, always seeking his opinion on any subject, always listening to even the most absurd complaints and ramblings.
Iwaizumi loves him so much and Oikawa loves Iwaizumi so much. He has loved him in every state of love, he has loved him as a friend, as family, as a partner, as a neighbour, as a boyfriend and he will also love him as a husband. Tooru loves him so much that it is overflowing, overwhelming, a tsunami of intensity that sweeps everything inside him until his heart aches and his eyes water.
He loves him so much he wants to cry.
In fact, he's going to cry.
Right now.
"Hajime" he murmurs giving his hand a gentle squeeze. His low, faint voice immediately alarming Iwaizumi who peeks his face over his shoulder, his thick eyebrows furrowing in concern, but Oikawa barely gives him time to open his mouth when he pulls his arm towards him and there, in the middle of the mall's subway parking garage, he wraps his arms around his neck, sinking his face into them.
The tension in Iwaizumi’s body is brief, Oikawa soon hears his snort and immediately feels an arm around his waist squeezing him against his body, and a large, warm hand stroking his back up and down, with the experience of someone who has been in his life since his first breath.
Tooru is where he wants to be and should be. Where his happiness is constant and his sadness subsides more easily, where anxiety is treated with gentleness and negative thoughts vanish with sincere words. Where love is pure and clean, where arguments last no more than three days (because despite being stubborn and wanting to be right, they both hate the emptiness left in bed when they are upset), where winter mornings are less torturous because there is a warm body by their side, where the summer sun is warmer than ever, where flowers in spring are more vivid, where hot chocolate in autumn tastes sweeter.
"Are you okay?" Iwaizumi asks softly, his warm lips caressing the skin of his cheek. "Don't tell me you're crying again because you love me too much."
Oikawa laughs, somewhat wetly and teasingly. This is also how it feels to love someone well and to have that someone not only know you so well but to feel so comfortable and confident that you bare yourself body and soul.
"No, I was thinking about the poor driver who parked his car next to Iwa-chan's."
"Oi, that time I broke the rearview mirror because the other driver parked like shit" He gently pinches his side, pulling an exaggerated yelp out of him.
"Mean, Iwa-chan" Oikawa whines with a pout, lifting his head and tilting it to the side when he finally meets Iwaizumi's eyes, which look at him with a love cultivated since decades as he wipes away a tear rolling lonely down his cheek with his thumb.
"Mean, Iwa-chan" he teases, sharpening his voice before laughing when Oikawa bites his cheek.
There's a press at his waist, a second-hand descending down his lower back.
"If we don't hurry, you'll go back to running out of that sweet milkshake bomb you pretend to like" He says, though he doesn't make the slightest move to break away, brushing his bangs away from Tooru's eyes.
"Show some respect for the cinnamon roll Frappuccino, Hajime" Croons as he sketches an amused curve to his lips "It's not my fault you have nefarious taste buds and are incapable of appreciating sweet."
"That's because I'm only loyal to one kind of sweet, Tooru" He replies, two shades lower and huskier, his eyes fixed on his before deliberately lowering them to Oikawa's pink lips.
Tooru's cheeks and ears redden, but he widens his smile, his hand fondly stroking the hair at the nape of Hajime's neck.
"Really, Iwa-chan? I wonder what kind of sweet you're so faithful to is."
"Mmh... He has cinnamon-coloured hair, honey-coloured eyes and a cherry-red nose" He replies and Oikawa blinks, really caught off guard, before laughing, his happy laughter echoing in the parking lot, his eyes narrowed into half-moons at his boyfriend's affectionate smile.
"I don't have a red nose!" he complains between belly laugh.
"Oh, it gets so red when you cry, my baby boy" Hajime teases, starting to spread kisses all over his face, all over his forehead, red nose, cheeks, eyelids, chin and finally his lips.
Oikawa smiles against Hajime’s mouth, cradling his face, his thumbs on either side of his strong jaw as he kisses him back, melting into those strong arms where he has grown and lived.
The place where Tooru is and will be, forever and again.
u can find this and other fics on my ao3 🌻
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frobby · 2 months
list of haikyuu character with actual real world jobs
-oikawa (accepted player for san juan Argentina )
-hinata (accepted player for sesi san paulo + japanese tourism ambassador for sendai japan)
-kageyama (japanese tourism ambassador for sendai japan)
-kuroo (appointed as special chief of japan's volleyball association's PR department)
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cattoru · 1 year
he’s so corny and pathetic (i’m obsessed with him)
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osamusriceballs · 1 year
The Hardships of Love
Oikawa x reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 1,7k
About: Centered this around the prompt: "Can't you see that I love you?"
A/n: I saw a small list of prompts and I'll go through them- five more to go! If you want to see a certain character for the next prompt, feel free to send an ask! Won't reveal the prompt for it though, so it'll be a surprise~
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You're certain about very few things in your life, and one of them is Oikawa Tooru.
Oikawa Tooru is warmth.
Oikawa Tooru is your friend.
Oikawa Tooru will always be by your side.
Or at least, that's what you wish for.
"Hey, I need your help."
"What for?" He looks up and smiles when he sees you. His smile makes his face look softer, and your heart skips a beat at that sight. He exceeds kindness, but there is still something mischievous about him. Maybe it's his eyes, which reveal what's behind his usual mask, or maybe you just like to think that you are actually able to see the real Oikawa Tooru.
However, that couldn't stop you from swooning for him. He is not only attractive and incredibly skilled at volleyball, his passion and job, but he is also caring, thoughtful, easy to be around, and supportive. He is basically perfect boyfriend material. But you don't dare to go down that road. You're convinced that he has tons of beautiful women lining up on his—rather, your shared—doorstep and wouldn't spare a single romantic thought about his roommate—you.
How you both stayed in this flat after your college years have been behind you for quite some time is a miracle to you. He always insists that it's easier to stay here and that most people wouldn't expect him to live in a neighbourhood like this, and you somehow couldn't separate yourself from him too. There is something about Oikawa Tooru that makes you want to stay close to him.
"It's kind of stupid. I talked to Hajime last week..." Oikawa's smile gets wider when you mention Iwaizumi, and you are certain that you now have all of his attention.
"Go on." He nods, and you take the encouragement to keep going. He'll probably laugh at you, at his roommate that hasn't had a date for such a long time that his best friend felt pity and decided to set you up. But you still continue, hoping that he won't tease you for it.
"Hajime said that I need to go on a date," you say. It's the way he keeps eye contact with you that makes you squirm in your place. You don't miss how his eyebrows shoot up in surprise, his smile faltering for a short second.
"A... date?" He slowly repeats your words, as if he was checking that he got it correctly. You nod carefully, observing his reaction to see if he is about to burst out in laughter—and much to your surprise, he does not.
"Like... a date with Iwa-chan?" His eyes drop to the two dresses in your hands. It seems like he only noticed the fabrics in your hands now, and his face instantly turns blank.
"And... you want fashion advice from me? For your date with my best friend?"
"It's not with Hajime! It's with a friend of his—he said he knows him from work and that he plays volleyball too. He also joked that both of you play the same position, and that he is a former—"
You stop rambling when Oikawa abruptly stands up, his phone tightly clutched into his hand, and his jaw clenching.
You know that your cheeks are probably coated in a faint pinkish hue, quite embarrassed about the whole situation, but he doesn't seem to notice that. His eyes are solely focused on the ground, his body motionless for a few moments. It takes him a few seconds before he raises his gaze again, suddenly sporting a smile that you have never seen on him in real life before, but only in countless interviews. It's his practiced professional smile.
He looks at you as he would look at one of those reporters who would ask him about his beauty products after he literally won the World Cup.
"It's fine. No need to tell me more. Enjoy." His tone matches his expression, and you know instantly that something is off. Very much so.
"What's wrong with you, Tooru? Shouldn't you congratulate me for finally having a date?" You frown, and your fingers clench into the fabric of the dress that you're still holding in your hands, your knuckles turning white from the pressure already.
"Why should I? Y/n..." His hand runs carelessly through his hair, and God, you can't help but admire him for a second when his biceps flex under the loose white shirt that he's wearing. However, your attention quickly returns to the conversation. He suddenly looks at you, a shattered expression on his face, the professional tone gone as quickly as he had put on the facade.
"Y/n, can't you see that I love you?" His words are accompanied by glossy eyes, a sight that almost breaks your heart - as well as the meaning of his words when it finally hits you.
He... Oikawa... Oikawa loves you.
"No. Don't." He raises his hands to stop you from talking, a defeated and tired expression on his face. "I didn't mean to say that. I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position. Forget it. I'll leave."
Despite being a very observant man, you can tell that Oikawa didn't think this through and acted on instinct. He needs to squeeze through you in the doorframe to get to his room, and that would undoubtedly be very awkward for the two of you. It takes him exactly seven steps to reach you, his gaze avoiding yours as much as he can while he tries to get past you without accidentally touching you - but it seems like the seven steps have been enough to help you recover from your initial shock, and you drop the dress in your hands to grab his arm.
"Please, Tooru, listen to me. Please. Don't go now." You let your hand wander down to his, and he quietly wraps his hand around yours - and at this very moment, you are insanely aware of everything - of the way he is standing so, so close to you, of how he is holding your hand tightly with his big, strong hand - of how his shoulders are slumped forward, of the sadness in his eyes, as well as regret - and the lump in your throat threatens to bring tears to your eyes too.
"I didn't know that you liked me in that way. I wouldn't have agreed to the date if I had known."
"You don't have to say that out of pity. Am I that pathetic right now?" The hurt in his eyes is barely concealed, and it surely breaks something inside of you to see him like that. To see your cheerful and easy-going Tooru broken and self-conscious - and that because of you? When he literally has everything he could ever wish for-
"You are a world-known star, Tooru. You have the contact numbers of countless supermodels, you get invited to every single hot party, and you-"
"Wait, wait, I don't have the number of any model saved. I don't think I even have a single number of a woman in my phone - besides my mum and sister. And my manager. And also Shoyo's manager friend from high school- okay, I do have some women's numbers on my phone, but that's not the point. I'm not interested in any of them in that way. I'm used to focusing on one thing at a time - the ball when I'm playing, my goal... and...." His eyes stay glued to yours, the implication of his words clear. He has been focused on you only. No other person. Just you.
The honesty in his eyes makes your knees weak, and you feel like falling any second - but you're pretty sure that he would manage to catch you in that unlikely scenario thanks to his crazy reflexes and observing skills.
"I... Tooru - I," your breathing is erratic, your mind failing at voicing your feelings right now - but that's when you think action might help.
The bravery that suddenly rushes through you is probably rooted in the fact that Oikawa Tooru just confessed his feelings to you - and you let go of his hand, noticing how his eyes harden at the action and how his body makes an attempt to turn - and at that moment, it feels like one of his descriptions of how it feels when he's playing volleyball. Everything seems to be in slow motion - when you bring your hands to his shoulders, feel the muscles and stability that he exudes and then how his expression changes to a surprised and overwhelmed one, and then you basically jump into his face, taking one last deep breath before you press your lips against his. Your hands subconsciously claw into his collar, your movements stiff and awkward, your body not fully knowing what to do - but it takes Oikawa just the fraction of a second to bury a hand in your hair and to turn the kiss into a soft connection of your lips.
His arm wraps around your back and pulls you closer, so much closer, his lips against yours moving smoothly and gentle, causing a warmth to rush through your body - you feel electrified, warm, loved, and all because of the man right in front of you.
It feels like forever, but also too short when he finally pulls back. Oikawa exhales slowly and opens his eyes - and your knees suddenly feel like pudding when you notice the loving expression on his face that you're probably mirroring in more or less the same way.
"I'll tell Hajime that I lost my heart to another setter." You finally break the silence, and you notice that your hands still rest on his shoulders, but you have no intention of moving them away.
Oikawa grins at your words and swiftly tilts his face to press a quick peck to your lips that sends tingles through your whole body. You could definitely get used to this.
"Too bad for Tobio-kun." You raise your eyebrows at his words-
"How did you know his name?" You're convinced that someone like Oikawa knows a few setters, but still...
Oikawa just playfully rolls his eyes and scoffs before he answers.
"I'm sure Iwa-chan chose him to get a reaction of me. But I don't think that he is open to a relationship right now, he only focuses on his career."
"But aren't you the same?"
"Me? No."
He smiles- an honest and sincere smile- a smile that you adore so so much-
"I only focus on what I love- and that means you."
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suckishima · 8 months
oikawa finds out he won the villain poll and comes crying to iwaizumi like "iwa-chan can you believe they think i'm a villain??"
and iwaizumi is just like "yeah. i voted for you."
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revasserium · 1 year
tragic heroes
he sees it in the way you look at him, at the way you see passed all his bravado, all his helpless insecurities, hidden behind a firm exterior, or an easy smile, or a wink and a kiss to the cameras.
the first time you ask if he’s tired, he almost breaks down.
“exhausted,” he says, finally admitting it to himself, letting the height of his body curl in on itself till he’s sure he could fit comfortably in your arms and stay there.
“shh…” you tell him, “it’s okay…”
“everyone gets tired sometimes, even superheros like you,” you say, reaching for him, pulling him into you, into your chest, holding him like a breath, carrying him in your arms as though that’s where he’s always belonged.
“i’m not a superhero,” he says, his voice small and tight and terribly different from the way it usually is.
“of course you are,” you say, pulling back to look at him, to cup his cheeks between your hands like water in a stand storm, like something beautiful, something precious and perfect — something made so by it’s mere existence.
and when he tries to shake his head, to open his mouth and tell you how wrong you are, you shut him up with a kiss. you kiss him so hard and so deep that for a moment, he can’t remember a time when he wasn’t kissing you. you kiss him hard enough to bruise, hard enough to forget.
when you finally pull away, he looks down to find you smiling and he leans down to kiss you back like acceptance, like pain and knowing and remembering.
“you’ll always be my hero.”
ATSUMU, bokuto, hoshiumi, HINATA, midoriya, oikawa, MIRIO
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black-ish-bird · 1 day
I honestly don't get why people dislike Oikawa so much... I find it a bit funny almost hypocritical. To me, he has always been someone I can empathise with.
It's like if you've ever strived for something, you would know that the learning plateau is hard to deal with, that the weight of your own expectations is the heaviest to carry, that perfectionism is painful, you'd question why even bother at some point, you'd resent those who manage to move forward and succeed, you'd realise that love alone will not change anything and would want to quit the very thing you've dedicated yourself to, you'd fail to do that too because quitting isn't really the option. You care too much. It's part of you.
I am not saying that the way he dealt with it all was nice. But how very human of him... even as adults, dealing with disappointments and rejections and frustration of reality is painful and difficult and doesn't necessarily bring out our best selves... And he was a child.
People get so mad at him but I... I relate with him. So much. All I keep thinking is you gave your everything, but it still was painfully deficient. You're tired but you need to be more. It'll be okay one day but it's not right now.
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camembri · 5 months
love when people just make up a completely random backstory for a character that ends up becoming essentially canonised into the community. like there will be an emo anime boy and millions of people will just collectively decide he is a victim of child abuse and in the foster system. whole time his parents have never been spoken about or shown onscreen. top tier behaviour 10/10 no notes
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iwaoiamiright · 17 hours
big big fan of iwaizumi finding oikawa very pretty. loving oikawa's hair and eyes. when they were younger, iwaizumi didn't understand why oikawa's brown hair and brown eyes captivated him so. he even teased Oikawa about having basic eye color because brown is the most common color. oikawa pouted and huffed about it only for a second and iwaizumi was struck dumb by how endearing he found those childish actions. years later when they're both adults,. Well into their professional lives, iwaizumi still sees oikawa's hair, eyes, his face and thinks: pretty. Oikawa has always been pretty and iwaizumi has commented on it, trying to play it off as backhanded. But there's no denying that everyone sees it. and hajime isn't blind. yes he loves oikawa even when he's being dumb and even with his sour personality. hajime has loved him even when he was a scrawny kid with scabby knees and weak hands. that doesn't mean he isn't a fan of how gorgeous oikawa is when he smiles genuinely and how composed he looks with that ridiculously styled hair of his. iwaizumi admires everything about oikawa . and he notices his beauty even more than onlookers can. iwaizumi knows all his expressions, all his smiles and knows when oikawa is most beautiful. so when they're finally dating, iwaizumi tells oikawa he's gorgeous. he whispers it into oikawa's hair after waking up, he says it into oikawa's lips when they're caught up in something passionate, he says it when oikawa dresses up for something and fishes for compliments. oikawa tooru is beautiful. and iwaizumi sees it more than anyone else does. so he says it whenever he can.
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yugiohz · 5 months
speaking of people's wrong opinions on art i love haikyuu's art development and its current style idc what ppl say about it
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oiiikawas · 2 months
there's not one part of me that isn't convinced that iwa has been (begrudgingly) in love with oikawa since they've been children.
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alltheoutsinfreeeee · 6 months
Gosh, do you ever remember Digimon Adventure 02 and Oikawa's end? Iori supporting him so he can fulfill his dream of entering the Digital World even while Oikawa doesn't even have the strength to move anymore? How Pipimon finally got to meet him specifically when he was drowning in self-doubt, and how happy he got when he realized he also had a partner? How saddened Oikawa was at the state of the Digital World? How when he made the decision to transform his remaining life force into energy Takeru yelled at him to stop? How when Iori understood his plan the boy frantically tried to make him see differently? How Pipimon's wait was finally over just for his partner to sacrifice himself to restore the Digital World? How while it wasn't the way he had dreamed of, he still made it to the Digital World in the end and is now an integral part in keeping it going?
(how at the end of Hunters when Ken arrived to back up Daisuke, the rainbow butterflies symbolizing Oikawa were also present?)
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monstrsball · 8 months
i love to think about suga with oikawa's sister.... like she loves him i know she does. she tells him he's like the little brother she never had and oikawa and iwaizumi are both like HEY?? and they're besties basically. she's his big sister now.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 10 months
okay guys hear me out: hotel for dogs au
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Incoming Matchup for @ranscutedoll
Tokyo Revengers
Shinichiro Sano
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Aran Oijiro
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read the tags 💜
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thawthebeez · 4 months
girl help the sugakage brainworms are eating me alive noooooooo
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