#october prompt list 2021
giftober · 9 months
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Hello everyone!! welcome to our 3rd round of Giftober!! 👋🪄
It´s so good to be back!! Last year event was fabulous so I really wanted to meet you all again finally!
If it´s your first time in this blog, I officially started this 2 years ago, with the idea that these October 31 prompts can specially inspire, encourage and support gifmakers across all fandoms!
Reblog this post. (Optional but encouraged.) Create a gifset inspired by the daily prompts. Tag your posts with #giftober2023. Caption your gifsets with: @giftober 2023 | Day #: "prompt description". (Recommended.)
Make your own gifs. (I won´t reblog reposted gifs or gifs taken from the Tumblr search.) No explicit content. All fandoms are welcome! As long as you all respect each other! ☝
(The prompt list written and more info under the cut.)
Any doubts you may have, you´re welcome to leave it in my 📧 inbox.
THIS EVENT STARTS ON OCTOBER 1ST and I can't wait to see all your creations! 💗
Ele :))
You don´t need to make all 31. You can make as much and as few as you want. And not exactly in order nor you have to post on time.
If you can´t exactly fit one of the prompt with your fandom, no worries! You can skip it or... modified it as your convinience, think of another prompt, do one from the 2021/2022 events instead! 😁
I know it might be a few others challenges in October, and make a daily set for a whole month sounds quite overwhelming, so please, don´t feel any pressure to complete this one! (in fact, you can combine prompts from other challenges!)
Since you don´t need to post in time, you can finish this after the month is over. Although I´ll check the tag less frequently then.
These prompts are completely up to your interpretation, but for any doubt, please, you´re welcome to ask me.
First meeting
Free choice
(Again, thanks @4marvels-universe for your help and patience! 💗)
Now, everyone in the following mentions and tags below are cordially invited to participate and/or to share this post so this can reach more fandoms. (thank you so much! 💗)
@sersi @luke-skywalker @anthonybrxdgerton @kamalaskhans @harrison-ford @edwards-teach @obiwan @daisyssousa @cutterpillow92 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @bcth-uk @lokihiddleston @oppienheimer @yellenabelova @cillianmurphy @scottxlogan @everythingsouthasian @mel-loves-all @sabinnewren @seth-lael @thelostsmiles @lastencoregraphics @suledins @mckiwixsylpha @ijustthinkevilunoisneat @madeline-kahn @arthurpendragonns @msmischief101 @simonghostrileys @avasillva @tomshiddles @henry-alex @eddiediaaz @carricfisher @piperhaliwell @cobiesmlders @linusbenjamin @bladesrunner @simoneashley @dani-clayton @annacoleman @ghouls-ghoul @tessas-thompson @trashcora @barbie-movie @tennant @cal-kestis @usercreate ❤
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ectoberhaunt · 9 months
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Ectoberhaunt 2023: Science VS Magic
Dear Phandom new and old, sorry for the delay but this here is our 2023 theme and prompt list! Once again we've changed it up a little to make it a little easier on all of us, and to invite fun and mayhem Phandom wide! Prompts are once again Monday-Friday, with Friday being singular prompts, and weekends being (mostly) free as catch up days. The only real change is our new 'isekai weekend' on the 21st and 22nd, with two different sub prompts for the days. Isekai is a subgenre of anime in which a character ends up in a different place or world all together. It literally translates to 'otherworld'! The two prompts for this weekend are 'past prompt', where we want to see the Phandom use a prompt from either of our previous calendars. The other is 'portal shenanigans'. We highly encourage you to create crossover content and AUs you've wanted to play with. As always, our last prompt day is October 24th to make way for the Ectober Week event. This means our free days are the 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th, with the 25th-31st being @ectoberweekofficial's time to shine. Please tag all prompt fills as "Ectoberhaunt23", and follow the additional posting guidelines below!
Posting for this event begins October 2nd!
Down below are our written out calendar prompts (for accessibility) AND our posting guidelines. Check 'em out!
The Prompts
Below are the listed prompts in date order, if it's blank it's a catch up day. First prompt is Science, second is Magic!
Tecnomancy vs Botonamancy
Black Cat vs White Crow
Aliens vs Zombies
Hunt vs Haunt
Robots vs Dragons
Pseudoscience vs Occultism
Dread vs Calm
Obsession vs Repression
Horror Flick
Revenant vs Death Echo
Blood vs Flesh
Unravel vs Intertwine
Claws vs Horns
Danse Macabre
Isekai: Past Prompts (2021 | 2022)
Isekai: Portal Shenanigans
Technus vs Magic
Science vs Dora Ectober Week!
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
Post Guidelines
The following are the posting guidelines. Please follow them so we can reblog and share your posts without issue. We will also have this as a post available on our blog separately.
Tag all posts with “Ectoberhaunt23” so we can find it. If you do not use this tag, we may not find you.
Tag which calendar you're pulling from (“EH Science” or “EH Magic”), which day the prompt is for ("Day X"), and which prompt(s) you completed ("Eyes" "Teeth"). Example: #ectoberhaunt23 #EH science #day 5 #hunt Single day prompts, such as the ones on Friday, do not need a tag for which calendar it's for.
Put your fics under a readmore. Add a summary before the cut with a short preview, content warnings, and which prompts were used. Then, add a readmore no more than 150 words or 10 lines/groups of text under your summary. If you're using mobile, type :readmore: and hit enter to make a readmore. If you do not do this, we will NOT reblog your post.
Make sure to tag all common content warnings (blood, gore, death, drugs, body horror, existentialism, & vermin)
We will try to reblog every prompt we can. Feel free to @ us in the post too or send us a DM with the post!!
Feel free to shoot us an ask about rules/clarifications and any queries on prompts. Our discord is open as are our messages.
Here is a spreadsheet you can use to track your progress made by the talented @ajitated
Title graphic by @kawaiijohn | Calendar graphics by @ajitated
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lampmeeting · 9 months
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What is Kloktober?: An incredibly zazzy event taking place in October where we celebrate all things Metalocalypse. There’s a prompt for every day of the month to interpret as you see fit! Draw, write, paint, cosplay, make memes - all forms of participation are welcome!
How do I participate?: Make your totally brutal creation inspired by the day’s prompt and post it using the tag #kloktober2023 - it’s just that simple! Post it here, post it to Instagram, post it to AO3, post it to Twitter, wherever, go nuts!
Am I allowed to–YUP, ANYTHING GOES! There are no wrong answers during Kloktober! :D Your interpretation of a prompt is VALID. If you only want to do a few days, that’s VALID. Don’t burn yourself out, this is for fun! (Even I won’t be doing all of them, so don’t stress!)
What if I haven't seen the movie yet? No worries! If there's a prompt that doesn't suit you, please feel free to reach back in time and choose a prompt from a previous year's Kloktober (2022, 2021, or 2020). And as always, if you have any questions about anything, hit me up!
(plain-text list of prompts below the cut)
1. favorite character or OTP
2. favorite AOTD scene
3. Mordhaus Costume Ball
4. your fave headcanon
5. Abigail Appreciation Day
6. comedy or tragedy
7. missing AOTD scene?
8. mermaids or monsters
9. inspired by Dethalbum IV
10. came back Different
11. horror movie crossover
12. your favorite villain
13. nightmares or visions
14. use a fall food or drink
15. Dethklok on vacation
16. In Memorium: honor the fallen
17. give someone a brand new look
18. inspired by a metal song
19. inspired by an UN-metal song
20. original character or self-insert
21. Dethstaff gets a day off
22. sea horror or cosmic horror
23. use a character new to you
24. novel or video game crossover
25. campfire or left in the cold
26. pick a tarot card for inspiration
27. old fears or new understandings
28. use Brendon Small in some way
29. so what happens after AOTD?
31. YOUR choice!
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classicstober · 8 months
Welcome to ClassicsTober 2023!
In 2021 my friend Dr Cora Beth Fraser and I (@greekmythcomix ) accidentally started ‘Classics-tober’ – a list of Ancient Mediterranean Myth and History prompts for each day in October, so that we had an excuse to draw Classics stuff for a month. We did it again last year and even more people joined in, so we’ll be running it again this year – we’re just putting the final touches to the prompt list for this year. And now that there are a LOT of new Social Media platforms, we’re going to be attempting to run it on as many of them as possible!
The idea is to create something - anything - for the prompt. Like other October prompt lists, it can be an illustration, but it can also be text, reference, historical artefact, video, story, translation... pretty much anything you're interested in from the Ancient Med World that fits with the prompt. There's no pressure to do every single one, just the ones you like.
This year we’ve chosen Ancient Greek Myth Characters, some well-known and others less so.
If you'd like to join in, tag this account and use #ClassicsTober and #ClassicsTober23 on your social media posts when you share them (and if on Tumblr tag this account)
NOTE: please make sure if you share the graphic you add the ALT text (below for you to copy and paste)
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Ancient Greek Myth Characters
* meaning Ancient Greece and Rome because no one's come up with a better term yet, but if you want to add additional Ancient Med cultures then yes please - especially if you can link them to versions of these myths/ characters!
1 Cassandra
2 Medusa
3 Asterion
4 Lycaon
5 Chiron
6 Medea
7 Persephone
8 Icarus
9 Achilles
10 Asklepius
11 Pandora
12 Theseus
13 Arachne
14 Helen
15 Prometheus
16 Circe
17 Atalanta
18 Phaedra
19 Sisyphus
20 Odysseus
21 Psyche
22 Midas
23 Orpheus
24 Hephaestus
25 Talos
26 Thetis
27 Pygmalion
28 Nyx
29 Nemesis
30 Tiresias
31 Hecate
#ClassicsTober #ClassicsTober23
Share or create any style of media inspired by the prompt for the day - illustration story, poetry, artefacts, video, translation, anything! Do as many as you like. Share with the hashtags above.
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morallyinept · 7 months
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A collection of Pedro Pascal Character Kinktober Masterlists I've enjoyed reading from 2021, 2022 & 2023. I'll add to this list as I read and discover more.
This list also features Specific Pedro Character Kinktobers, Flufftober, Winktober, Whumptober, Haunted Hoedown and writer specific creations such as Cowboytober, Bangathon & Smutsgiving.
Please show some love to the writers by re-blogging and commenting on their work. 🖤
Check out more amazing fics here on my Pedro Pascal Character Fic Rec List.
☝🏻If you have a link to your fully, or partially, completed Kinktober Masterlist that's not featured here already, please let me know as I'd love to read and feature you! 🖤
⚠️ Please ensure you check the triggers/warnings etc... on the stories themselves as some of them may not be suitable to your own particular tastes.
Kinktober Masterlist - @flightlessangelwings
Kinktober Masterlist - @absurdthirst
Kinktober Masterlist - @queridopascal
Kinktober Masterlist - @oogaboogasphincter
Kinktober Masterlist - @whiskeynwriting
Kinktober Masterlist - @lilkermit14
Kinktober Masterlist - @flightlessangelwings
Kinktober Masterlist - @absurdthirst
Kinktober Masterlist - @psychedelic-ink
Kinktober Masterlist - @foli-vora
Kinktober Masterlist - @moralesispunk
Kinktober Masterlist - @chaoticgeminate Javi G Specific
Sintober Masterlist - @whiskeynwriting
Maxwell Lord Kinktober - @toomanystoriessolittletime Maxwell Lord Specific
Whumptober Masterlist - @novemberrain-writes
Winktober Masterlist - @oonajaeadira Soft
Kinktober Masterlist - @palioom
Kinktober Masterlist - @spookykoolkat
Kinktober Masterlist - @flightlessangelwings
Kinktober Masterlist - @ghostofaboy M!Reader
Kinktober Masterlist - @absurdthirst
Kinktober Masterlist - @sageispunk
Kinktober Masterlist - @lincolndjarin
Kinktober Masterlist - @odetodilfs M!Reader
Kinktober Masterlist - @corazondebeskar Joel Miller & Din Djarin Specific
Kinktober Masterlist - @agentwhiskeysdarlin
Kinktober Masterlist - @moonlight-prose
Murder Daddy Kinktober Masterlist - @theywhowriteandknowthings
LJ's Bangathon - @prolix-yuy
Haunted Hoedown - @psychedelic-ink
Haunted Hoedown - @sweetenerobert M!Reader
Cowboytober Masterlist - @anabdaniels Agent Whiskey Specific
Flufftober Masterlist - @anabdaniels Agent Whiskey Specific
Joeltober Masterlist - @tinycozycomfort & @pascalisbaby Joel Miller Specific
Panda's Smut Sensation - @thetriumphantpanda
October 500 - @trulybetty Autumnal Prompts
Smutsgiving 2023 - @something-tofightfor Thanksgiving Prompts
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My experience with Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii after dark/KiramekiCookie
I have to get this out of my system because I'm deadass tired of watching this person wander around as if they're innocent when they aren't, and I'm also annoyed because of people not noticing what this person does behind the scenes because it now takes one quick Google Search using the prompt "Luca Wii Sports" to go down the rabbit hole. This is about HoneyStarlightz/Lumii.
Lemme begin with the minor stuff. So you know how Lumii has a massive grudge against me because of most of, if not all the stuff I drew in my DeviantArt account? Almost everything there was drawn when I was a FUCKING MINOR. I am 20 years old as we speak, and most of the drawings Lumii mentions happened BEFORE MY 18TH BIRTHDAY on the 1st of December, 2021, and I'll admit, during most of that time, I was a dumbass, immature, and an edgelord. I then stopped posting anything bloody and/or revealing but continued to post harmless drawings before my 18th birthday happened. October 11th of last year was when I stopped posting on that account all together because I found out that DeviantArt was blaming Hamas and Hamas only for the Palestinian deaths and making it as if the Israel military didn't do a thing to innocent lives in Palestine after Hamas attacked.
Next, we have them making me look like an asshole for shipping Luca with Abby (The one shipart I made of the two apparently traumatized them). Back when I was 17, I decided to draw Abby and Luca, two Miis I'm not a fan of, nor close to, as a couple because I thought shipping the two was a good idea. I then posted the finished product on the 23rd of January, 2021. The drawing was not meant to traumatize anyone. It was JUST. SHIP. ART. OF. ABBY. &. LUCA. The only bad thing about that drawing was that I shoved my opinion of the two Miis down people's throats in the description by asking how the hell do people like them because to me, they're just not fun to play against at all, and even then, it was drawn three to four years ago, and I don't even ship the two anymore. I ship Abby with Wii U Barbara now. Mate, I didn't even know Lumii EXISTED back then, let alone know they had a massive love for Luca.
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Next, there's the clear as day hipocrisy that people have yet to notice somehow. So you know how Lumii has "Opinion Bashers" on their DNI list, right? On that same list, they also have people that hate, despise, even dislike Luca, instantly making them a hypocrite because they said they don't want to interact with people who just cannot tolerate others having a different opinion while also saying that if you think Luca is not a good Mii, you're instantly on their shit list. Also, they said no exceptions, meaning you can be the nicest person in the world, but if you dislike Luca, go fuck yourself.
I have several friends that like Luca a lot, some of which are here on Tumblr. I do not like Luca. We get along perfectly fine. I don't understand why they feel like Luca haters and Luca lovers can't co-exist when they clearly can. Just don't be an ass to others when it comes to what you think of the character, mate.
Lastly, we have the fact that they cannot take criticism. They said criticism is prohibited on their DeviantArt profile, which means that you can say anything positive about their art, but if you say anything negative, then nope. Get out. Oh, I'm so sorry I gave you a harmless critique that was just saying what I didn't like and how you can improve. I apologize.
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Seriously tho, how sensitive can you be to the point where you prohibit people from critiquing your work? Or is it that they can't criticize you? Or is it both?
Now we go to the bigger stuff, starting with the TRANSPHOBIA ACCUSATIONS and obvious delusion. They said, and I quote "please shut the fuck up for calling him "Lucapoopa", "Boring", "Annoying", "Scum" and "Tedious" for the love of fucking god, he's fucking overhated and y'all are too harsh and transphobic at him, fucking hell".
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Luca is not canonically trans. Don't even say he is because of unused data because I did my research, and the only unused data he has is facial hair related. Don't get me wrong, Luca being trans is a HC that I'm completely fine with. If you want to headcanon him as trans, fine by me. Trans rights all the way, mate. Don't fucking call people transphobic just for disliking Luca tho! Luca is not canonically trans, and even if he was, bold of Lumii to assume that someone that hates Luca hates him because he's trans. He appears as an opponent in three games and there's a chance that he might piss you off in all three.
How delusional do you have to be to see someone hate a character that isn't trans outside of your HC and go "Oh, they're transphobic"?
Next, there's fullblown insensitivity. I decided to check on DeviantArt for something, and I get a DM from someone. We had a chat about Lumii, and in that chat, they showed this...
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Can you spot the insensitive part? Here, I'll make it easier for ya.
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I'm completely fine with people giving dark backstories to Miis in their HC, but there's a line, and you crossed it. Can we not do rape related headcanons, please? I feel like that should go without saying because, oh, I dunno, that shit is OBVIOUSLY IN BAD TASTE!
Lastly, there's something I cannot show here because if I do, I'm going to get in trouble... It has to do with porn...
Lumii has a total of three accounts that I bumped into while looking at Luca images on Google that have porn of Miis on them. They have a Newgrounds account (KiramekiCookie), which has two drawings of Luca porn, a Bluesky account (Lumii after dark), which has twelve, and a Twitter/X account with the same name, which not only has porn of Luca, but of other Miis too... AND THERE'S AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF IT, MOST OF IT BEING LUCA PORN! TELL ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED WITH OUT TELLING ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED!
I make YOU uncomfortable, Lumii? I make YOU uncomfortable?! You drew Luca laying eggs, you drew a worrying amount of Luca porn, and yet you have the AUDACITY to say I make YOU uncomfortable when you're obviously worse, you fucking hypocrite?! You drew art that is bound to make several people uncomfortable the moment they see it on the THREE ACCOUNTS you have, you falsely accuse people of transphobia, you obssess over Luca an unhealthy and uncomfortable amount, and yet I'M the one in the wrong because I drew ship art of Luca and Abby and art that has blood on it years ago?! I don't get your logic!
BTW, for those who say that this could've been resolved privately, it couldn't because Lumii has blocked me on DeviantArt, and they also blocked me on an old Tumblr account of theirs too, meaning that talking to them was out of the fucking question. They CLEARLY did not want to talk it out. They just wanted to avoid me entirely while also antagonize me for shit I did years ago that wasn't even that bad compared to the crap they did.
Lumii, if you manage to see this, which I know you will because I know you have a Discord and I know someone's gonna send a screenshot to you on there... All of this could've been avoided had you just been a better person.
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oh-nostalgiaa · 4 months
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Four
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
35 Types of Hugs Prompts
100 Dialogue Prompts to Make a Reader Swoon
200 Random Dialogue Prompts
Affectionate and Affirming Prompts
Amnesia Dialogue Prompts
Angst Prompts
Angsty Question Prompts
Angsty Question Prompts, Part Two
Angsty Question Prompts, Part Three
(More) Angsty Question Prompts
Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Apology Starter Prompts
Attorney-at-Love Prompts
Autumn Prompts
Awkward Post-Argument Scenario Prompts
Blanket Fort Prompts
Budding Romance Prompts
Comfortember 2022 Prompts
Comforting Dying S/O Prompts
Cuddle Up a Little Closer Prompts
Dirty Kind of Teasing Prompts
Enemies to Lovers Confession Prompts
Enemies to Lovers Later in Their Lives Prompts
Establishing a Relationship Prompts
Exes to Lovers Dialogue Prompts
Exes to Lovers Sentence Starter Prompts
Extensive Scar Related Prompts
Fall Writing Prompts
First Impression Sentence Starter Prompts
First Meeting Sentence Starter Prompts
Five Senses Prompts
Fluff Bingo Prompts
Forbidden Love Sentence Starter Prompts
Friends with Benefits to Lovers Prompts
General Sentence Starter Prompts
Gentleness Action Prompts
Giving Flowers to Your Lover Prompts
Grumpy + Sunshine Dialogue Prompts
High Pain Tolerance Starter Prompts
Human x Ghost Prompts
Human x Werewolf Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
"I'm Paying Attention" Love Language Prompts
Injury Prompts
Instigation Starter Prompts
Intimate Prompts for Slow Burn Relationships
Jealous Confession Prompts
Kiss & Tell Prompts
Long Distance OTP Prompts
Love Languages Prompts
Love Languages - Receiving Gifts Prompts
Love Realization Prompts
Mermaid AU Prompts
Morbid Curiosity Prompts
More Angst Prompts
More Talking About It Starter Prompts
New Year's Dialogue Prompts
Nice Things to Say to People Prompts
Non-verbal RP Starter Prompts
November Prompts
October Prompts
(More) October Prompts
Oddly Obscure Friends to Lovers Prompts
OTP in Denial of Their Feelings Prompts
Prompts to Shake Things Up
Protective Starter Prompts
Random Question Prompts
Roguetober 2022 Prompts
Romantic Confession Dialogue Prompts
Rookie Couple Scenario Prompts
Royal x Groundskeeper OTP Prompts
Royal x Royal OTP Prompts
Scar / Injury Related Symbol Prompts
September Prompts
Setting Prompts
Show, Don't Tell Prompts
Situational Prompts
Sleepy Dialogue Prompts
Smut Prompt List
Smutty One-Liner Prompts, Part IV
Soft Gestures for Lovers Prompts
Soft Touches Prompts
Some Poorly Timed Confession Prompts
Some Simple Comfy & Sleepy Dialogue Prompts
Spooktober 2020 Prompts
Spooktober 2021 Prompts
Things Done While Sparring/Fighting Prompts
Things Done with Hair Prompts
Things You Said Prompts
Unrequited Love That's Actually Requited Prompts
Vampiric Starter Prompts
Ways to Respond When Someone Says "I'm Okay" Prompts
Wedding Dialogue Prompts
Welcome to the Holiday Season Prompts
Werewolf Starter Prompts
When in Doubt, Fake a Marriage Prompts
Whumpcember 2022 Prompts
Workplace Romance Prompts
Worried and Relieved Dialogue Starter Prompts
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encantober-official · 9 months
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Encantober is an Encanto fandom event with themes for each day of the month of October (link to theme list in a copy/pasteable format Here), inspired by the concept of Inktober. Encantober is open to any and all content, including art, drabbles, one-shots, and more.
Fanworks can be shared via the #Encantober tag on tumblr and/or posted as part of the AO3 collection HERE.
Works must be a part of the Encanto (2021) fandom. OCs, AUs, and crossovers are permitted.
Works must adhere to one of the Encantober themes.
Series of Encantober works are welcome.
No incest.
Q: Can I link prompts together? Or multiple prompts into one work? A: Linking works together to create a story series is a wonderfully creative idea! However, combining multiple prompts into one work defeats the purpose of the daily prompt challenge. Each work (or chapter in a series) should focus on one prompt.
Q: Do I have to participate every day? A: You do not have to participate every day. This is meant to be fun, so please don’t stress yourself out. 
Q: Do I need to publish my work on the specific day listed? A: No. We ask that you not publish before the specific day you're filling, but we will reblog late entries.
Q: Why aren’t my posts being reblogged? A: Either you posted it out of order (we will reblog late prompts, but not early ones!), forgot to tag #Encantober, or the admin team just missed it! We’re doing the best we can across timezones <3 
Use the links below to find the works for each prompt in our archive!
1 Sunset, 2 Siblings, 3 Reunion, 4 Mystery, 5 Cold, 6 Heart, 7 Storm, 8 Question, 9 Time, 10 Help, 11 Liminal, 12 Nerves, 13 Fear, 14 Safety, 15 Midnight, 16 Grief, 17 Home, 18 Sleep, 19 Clock, 20 Vision, 21 Age, 22 Reflection, 23 Roots, 24 Memory, 25 Quiet, 26 Lost, 27 Grave, 28 Moon, 29 Mask, 30 Blood, 31 Sunrise
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winchester-reload · 8 months
The Suptober23 Check-In!
As you may have noticed, today (October 15th) marks the last consecutive day of our prompt list for 2023, and that means no more daily reminders. But that doesn't mean it's all over--and I'm not just talking about that day 31 prompt either! If you're anything like me, you've still got a few days to catch up on (including today's haha oops!) Or, maybe you wanted to join, but you missed the start and thought you couldn't. Jump on in and post those things! Use the rest of the month to get them done! And don't forget to add them to the Ao3 Collection. Also, hey, keep on using that #suptober23 tag so we can find your stuff!
If you managed to knock this challenge out of the park and complete all 15 prompts already, this doesn't mean you have to stop creating. If you're still hungry for more, I'm betting you can find some prompts on old suptober lists, or from friends, or, hey, you could even jump onto the #inktober prompt list if you wanted! The sky is the limit, and you've unlocked God Mode. Congrats to you, my friend. I am envious of your time management skills.
I want to give a massive shout out and thank you to all of you who have worked so hard these last two weeks to bring us such a treasure trove of new art and stories. Thank you for the time you spent creating, and thank you to all the people who've been so kind and encouraging to each other throughout the event. Suptober only is what it is because of all of you. And it is pretty incredible, if you ask me.
Now, how about a few resources? Prompt Lists
2018 Archive
2019 Archive
2020 Archive
2021 Archive
2022 Archive
2023 Ao3 Collection/2023 Tumblr Archive
Still got questions? Send me an ask!
See you all again on the 31st!!!
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arofili · 1 year
Tolkien Fandom Event Calendar
Recently I’ve received some asks about events/weeks in the Tolkien fandom, so I thought I’d compile a list of those that I know about. This is not exhaustive, and dates are subject to change by the organizers of these events!
Other blogs you can check out are @tolkieneventsblog and @tolkienfandomevents, though I’m not sure how active those are. The @silmarillionwritersguild Discord also has a channel dedicated to signal boosts for all sorts of Tolkien-related & general fandom happenings, which is another excellent way to keep up with fandom goings-on.
Want to run your own event? Here’s some of my tips!
If your event is not on here and you’d like it to be, let me know and I can add it :) Note: I will only add events that have announced dates!
JANUARY Screw Yule My Slashy Valentine @myslashyvalentine — work time Lord of the Rings Secret Santa @lotr-sesa — reveals Thorin’s Spring Forge @thorinsspringforge — signups Second Age Week @secondageweek
FEBRUARY Hidden Paths My Slashy Valentine — reveals Thorin’s Spring Forge — claims Maedhros and Maglor Week @maedhrosmaglorweek
MARCH Back to Middle-earth Month @spring-into-arda Thorin’s Spring Forge — work time Fëanorian Week Fun with Fanon Fest Round 1 @funwithfanon
APRIL Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb — signups Silm Remix @tolkienremix — signups & assignments Thorin’s Spring Forge — reveals  Aralas Week @aralas-week Barduil Month @bi-widower-dads All of Arda is Autistic @all-of-arda-is-autistic F3: Focus on Friendship & Family, Phase I @spring-into-arda
MAY Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — claims Silm Remix — reveals Aspec Arda Week @aspecardaweek Angbang Week @angbangweek Gondolin Week @gondolinweek F3: Focus on Friendship & Family, Phase II
JUNE Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — work time Scribbles and Drabbles @fall-for-tolkien — signups Tolkien Ekphrasis Week @tolkienekphrasisweek F3: Focus on Friendship & Family, Phase III
JULY Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — work time Scribbles and Drabbles — claims Tolkien Gen Week @tolkiengenweek LotR Ladies Week @lotrladiessource Tolkien Appreciation Week @tolkienweek Tolkien Latin American & Caribbean Week @tolkienlatamandcaribbeanweek
AUGUST Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — deadlines Scribbles and Drabbles — art reveals Innumerable Stars Exchange @innumerable-stars — nominations & signups Tolkien of Colour Week @tolkienofcolourweek Silvergifting Week @silvergiftingweek Tolkien OC Week @tolkienocweek
SEPTEMBER Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — reveals Scribbles and Drabbles — work time Innumerable Stars Exchange — signups & assignments Sindar Week @sindarweek Dor Cúarthol Week @dorcuartholweek Finwëan Ladies Week @finweanladiesweek
OCTOBER Innumerable Stars Exchange — reveals Scribbles and Drabbles — work time Half-elven Week @halfelvenweek
NOVEMBER Tolkien Secret Santa @officialtolkiensecretsanta — signups & assignments Scribbles and Drabbles — fic reveals Nolofinwean Week @nolofinweanweek
DECEMBER Tolkien Secret Santa — advent calendar & reveals My Slashy Valentine @myslashyvalentine — signups & assignments Lord of the Rings Secret Santa — claims Khazad Week @khazadweek
MONTHLY EVENTS: These events have prompts/challenges occurring every month. Teitho Contest Tolkien Short Fanworks Silmarillion Writers’ Guild @silmarillionwritersguild
(this list was last updated 5/4/23)
LEGACY EVENTS: These events used to occur, but have not happened within the last year. Arda Needs More Pride @ardaneedsmorepride (bimonthly; last run 2020) Kiliel Week @kilielweek (timing variable; last run 2021) @oneringnet monthly events (last run 2021) Atani Week @ataniweek (January; last run 2021) Legendarium Ladies April @legendariumladiesapril (April; last run 2020) Gates of Summer Exchange @gatesofsummerexchange (May-June, last run 2022) Tolkien South Asian Week, run by @arwenindomiel (June; last run 2022) Arafinwëan Week @arafinweanweek (July; last run 2019) Fëanturi Week (August; last run 2019; no official blog and the creator has deactivated) Imladrim Week @imladrimweek (November; last run 2019) Doriath Week @doriathweek (November; last run 2020) Tolkien Family Week @tolkienfamilyweek (November; last run 2021)
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feliciawolfpaw · 9 months
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For the fifth year in a row, I present to you the prompt list for October!
Thirty-one prompts for you to interpret and execute however you want; in the past five years we've seen art, screenshots, edits, moodboards, stories - all is welcome! (if you're making a moodboard, please make sure you're allowed to use the photos, websites like unsplash and pixabay are good for this)
Just like previous years, there are no rules. You don't have to feel pressure to partake in every single prompt, and if you want to come back to this list after October ends you can still use the same hashtags since I keep checking them after the month has ended :)
Use the hashtags #ssopromptober and #ssopromptober2023 so other people can see what you’ve made, and for you to see what others have created! You are also welcome to tag me in your posts (either @ me or use the hashtag #feliciawolfpaw).
If you have any questions just send me a message or an ask. 💌
You will find a list in text form of all the prompts under the cut. Previous years can be found here: 2019 // 2020 // 2021 // 2022
Ghost Story
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safarigirlsp · 9 months
Halloween Requests Open
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REQUESTS ARE NOW OPEN for anything related to AUTUMN and HALLOWEEN! Please read this entire post for complete information, and if you're new, please take a look at my Masterlist.
This is my general theme and what I expect to cover this season, however, feel free to send in absolutely anything! I will definitely deviate from the regularly scheduled program if I like an idea. More info and prompt lists below.
Monster Monday - Zombies, Cryptids, Mummies, Dragons, Beasties, and any Monsters not covered by another category ☠️🎃🧟‍♂️
Transfusion Tuesday - Vampires 🌙🧛🏻🌙
Werewolf Wednesday - Werewolves 🌕🐺🌕
†hursday - Demons, Devils, Exorcists, Possession, and any related themes 🔥😈🔥
Phantasm Friday - Ghosts, Ghouls, Specters, and everything else that goes bump in the night 👻🪦☠️
I Put A Spell On You Saturday - Witches, Magicians, Spells, Rituals, Occultism, and anything similar ✨🐈‍⬛✨
Sunday, Bloody Sunday - Murder, Mayhem, Slashers, Cannibals, and Serial Killers 🪓☣️🔪
I’m only writing for Mills, Flip, Jacques, and Kylo for big oneshots. I will do HC’s for anyone I have ever written for. I am open to shorter ideas for Clyde and Henry, although full disclosure, they interest me a lot less these days, so any idea would have to really pique my interest. I have a strong preference for horror, adventure, and AU's.
This is an Adults Only event. My content is not for minors, or people who are easily triggered or offended. I write mature content intended for a mature audience only.
My Official Lineup will be announced October 1.
Here are Halloween fics from previous years.
Halloween Fic Recap 2022
Halloween Fic Recap 2021
Halloween Fic Recap 2020
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This is my favorite time of the year! As far as I’m concerned, Halloween runs from September 1 - November 15, if not longer! I currently have a big fic to finish up that should be done soon, but nothing else slated fic wise. After that, it’s full steam ahead for anything and everything related to Autumn and Halloween. I generally put aside other non-fic writing projects during this time to focus on Halloween content.
For the week of Halloween, October 25 - October 31, I intend to post a big daily oneshot. My stories generally range in size from 5k to 25k, and some are even more! Look for a mix of horror, humor, romance, and adventure! Everything will contain adult themes and mature content. There may be other writing throughout this time too. The quantity of stories I post depends on the length of them. In the past, I have posted a lot of shorter things, but I’ve gotten more into writing longer stories now. The last few years, I have averaged over 100k words for Halloween and Autumn content!
Please send me requests, ideas, thoughts, HCs, anything you like! I’ll pick my favorites or, very likely, a combination of a few different ideas, and I’ll write a oneshot that includes everything I can fit in. Feel free to send in multiple ideas or requests! The more ideas to choose from, the better! All AU concepts, time periods, etc are welcome. Anything is fair game. This is generally the only time of year I open requests anymore, so get them in if you ever want to. Requests will be open from now until Halloween. However, because I tend to write longer stories, the sooner an idea comes it, the more likely I am to use it.
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Below the cut are some of my favorite prompt lists, but do not feel bound by them. If you do include a prompt in your request, copy and paste the prompt itself because I hate chasing them down on lists.
Edgar Allen Poe Prompts
Ballroom Prompts
Eerie Prompts
Halloween Themed Prompts
Things to do in October
Autumn Aesthetic Starters
Terrible First Meeting Starters
Magic Starters
Spooky Aesthetic Ideas
Spooky Alphabet
Sexual Tension Prompts
Spicy Prompts
XXX Prompts
Pirate Prompts
Battle Prompts
Bad Reputation Prompts
Fighting Prompts
Attacked Starters
Witch trial Prompts
Horror Movie Starters
Stupid Things to do in a Horror Movie
Horrorland Prompts
Tarot Prompts
October Writing Challenge
General Prompt Masterlist
Tagging some witches who may interested!
@babbushka @in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather @mrs-gucci @mrs-zimmerman @iamburdened @gabesprincess @reborn-rekall @maybe-your-left @rynwritesstuff @caillea @cas-backwards-tie @candycanes19 @queeniebee @lumberjack00fantasies @mythrielofsolitude @icarusinthesea @ghoulian13 @darkhairedmenrule @reyloaddict55 @fizzywoohoo @heartlight-starlight @richbrittstein @clydesfavoritegirl @bensolodyad @thepalaceofmelanie @celiholland @durangoninetyfive @reveluving @fax4life27 @vedavan @queen-of-elves @srorgana1 @reylokisses @kyloremus @vixenofcourse @loveofaddy @kylofrk @dyaddu
All edits by the amazing @kyloremus
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capnkerfufflez · 1 month
happy two and a half year anniversary to that time my friends tried to do a october prompt list for and about us no one got that far in it..
Day 1-2 Aris /@aleyion : "Eldritch"
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Day 3-4 @exsaltedd : "Mask"
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Day 5-6 @tealares : "Undead"
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Day 7-8 @piper-paints : "Enchanted"
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Day 9-10 @sailonselan : "Tarot Cards"
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Day 11-12 Gwovee : "Pumpkin"
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then i dieded :[
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sicktember · 8 months
💚 Congratulations Friends! 💚
Here we are, on October 1st ready to celebrate the ‘end’ of another successful Sicktember event! We couldn’t have done it without you!!
As of this moment, the 2023 Archive of Our Own Collection has 413 fics with 154 different fandom tags! That is an amazing number! If you’ve not had the opportunity to look at this year’s collection yet, we highly recommend it. There is so much to choose from, you’re bound to find something you like!
Unlike last year, we had a wonderfully smooth event! We are extremely pleased that there were no major technical issues to contend with! Submission numbers were lower than expected, but over the last 30 days, we were able to promote a little over 100 creations! (We will continue to accept submissions for content and master lists through October 7th)
I know we are already looking forward to next year! Creating a prompts list is always a favorite! Continue to follow this page for, content promotion (through October 7th), any potential updates on FAQs, and maybe a few fun polls!
Once again, thank you, everyone, for your enthusiasm, and participation! Without you, this event wouldn’t exist!
💚 We Hope to See You All Next Year! 💚
[Faqs Post]
[2023 Sicktember Collection *sicktember _2023*]
[Prompts 2021-2023]
[2023 Content Promotion]
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maybeimamuppet · 6 months
twelve days of matilda-mas - day 1: cuddles
hellooooooo everybody!!! happy holiday season if you celebrate something and happy day if you do not! i hope everyone’s doing well!
and a very warm welcome to a little thing i’m calling the twelve days of matildamas!! from today until christmas eve i’ll be posting a short (ish) oneshot related to a holiday-ish theme :)) i’ve been working on these since around october and i’m very excited for y’all to get to see them too :))))
i did not come up with the prompts on my own also!! i borrowed them from a list i used before for my mean girls holiday fics in 2021 (also if you’re not fussy about fandoms and are in the mood for some christmas stories pls feel free to read those too! please they took me so long lol) and the original list was created by @/bidiboop on wattpad (i hope i got that handle right!!) for that fandom and i just wiggled a few to fit this one.
anyway!! boring stuff over happy holidays or winterval or whatever you got going on and i hope you enjoy day one!!
Jenny always takes her time waking up.
Obviously, she has an alarm to ensure she’s up and ready with plenty of time for school, but she’s usually awake long before. Sometimes she’ll drift back off and coast into some more dreams before she has to be up. Other times she simply lies in bed, comfy in the sheets that are nice and warm after sleeping in them all night, and lets her mind wander.
Starting today, school is on winter holidays. She misses her students, but she does have to admit that it’s nice having nothing to worry about until January. Her alarm is turned off, she’s cozy and warm in bed while a freezing wind blusters the bare branches of the small birch trees just outside her window, and-
The one thing she had allowed herself to splurge on when she and Matilda moved into her childhood home was a nice bed. Large, with a nice mattress that sounded like it would age well along with her aging body.
She’s not used to being so cramped for space.
Furrowing her brows in confusion, she carefully tugs the blankets away from the small lump she’s found herself pressed against.
And there she finds Matilda.
She’s completely buried in the blanket. Her head doesn’t even rest on the pillows. Her nose is pressed to Jenny’s side, and the rest of her is curled into a loose ball next to her mother. Jenny’s a bit confused as to why she’s not asleep in bed, her own bed, where she left her last night, but she doesn’t complain.
She tucks her back in, beneath her nose this time, to ensure she can breathe, and gently strokes her nails through the roots of Matilda’s hair. She smiles as her nose crinkles a little in sleepy confusion, and Matilda cuddles a little bit closer.
They stay that way for a long, long while. Jenny feels the sun streaming through the window slowly shift to warm different parts of her back while she and her daughter share a cozy cuddle in the large bed. It’s certainly a pleasant way to begin the morning. Jenny doesn’t think either of them would complain about doing it more often.
Eventually, Matilda’s eyes flutter open and she stretches herself out as far as she can before curling back in on herself and blinking at Jenny.
“Hello,” Jenny murmurs softly. “Sleep well?”
Matilda nods and grumbles sleepily in the back of her throat. She presses her face against Jenny’s chest and murmurs, “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” Jenny echoes. “You’re not where I left you last night.”
Matilda nods. “Your bed’s nicer.”
“Ah, using me for my bed, eh?” Jenny teases, gently poking Matilda in the side. Matilda squeals and jerks away.
“Hey me? You’ve stolen my whole duvet!” Jenny says with laughter in her voice. Matilda’s face falls.
“I’m sorry,” she says softly. “I… I… I just wanted…”
“It’s alright, lamb,” Jenny says comfortingly, tipping Matilda’s chin up. “You can come join me any time you fancy a cuddle. I’ll never be angry with that. It’s much warmer with you here, anyway. I don’t even need the duvet.”
“Any time?” Matilda questions softly.
“Any time,” Jenny confirms with a nod.
“Then… could we stay like this the whole entire day?” Matilda asks with more of her usual pep in her voice.
“The entire day?” Jenny asks in shock.
Matilda nods. ��There’s no school. We haven’t got anything better to do today.”
Jenny considers this. There’s chores to be done around the house, and billing and paperwork for the new year to be done for school. But it’s only early in the holidays. They have days to get everything done. One can be sacrificed, she supposes. Especially for the greater good.
And this is most definitely the greater good.
“Well, I think we ought to have breakfast, but I don’t see why not. You’re right, we really don’t have much we need to get done today,” she says.
“Yes!” Matilda cheers, rolling onto her back and throwing her arms to the ceiling in victory. Jenny laughs and gently boops the tip of her nose.
“Come eat, then back to bed with us.”
They have some oatmeal sweetened with brown sugar and cinnamon, handle the dishes, and return to bed with warm, full bellies and a copy of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Matilda sits in the hollow of Jenny’s body with the blanket on top of her and begins to read aloud.
And it
is absolutely
hope you enjoyed!! see you tomorrow :DDD
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Kai Havertz masterlist
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These are all the imagines I have written for Kai Havertz (links below the cut). Newly posted imagines for him will be added onto here a.s.a.p.
Last updated: 7 October 2023
Imagines posted in 2020: (💦= smut imagine)
Sick during training camp
"Oh my god, that thing scared me half to death."
"Where does it hurt?"
Exhausted after a match
"Shh, don't wake him."
"Hey, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself."
Gently waking him up
"Just lean on me."
"You look like you're about to topple over."
Restless sleeping
"I'm not feeling well."
Shivering / trembling
"I care about you more than anything."
On the floor 💦
"It was just a dream."
Slipping on black ice
Snapping a holiday selfie together
"Just focus on me, okay?"
Imagines posted in 2021: (💦= smut imagine)
"We're you singing?"
Watching the fireworks
Morning wood 💦
"You're cute when you're asleep."
"Give it to me."💦
"Well, I can scratch that off my bucket list."
"It's written all over your face."
"Are you scared?"
"I made you some soup."
Feeling dizzy
Blindfold 💦
"Is that my hoodie?"
"You got me a gift?"
Match in the rain
"Nightmare, again?"
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"I'm fine."
Protecting a teammate (with Timo Werner)
"Are you warm enough?"
Falling asleep with his head in your lap
Feeling his breath on your skin
"Look at you! You're in no state to continue this match."
"We make a good team, don't we?" (with Timo Werner)
"Whoa, don't pass out on me."
"I think you need to sit down."
"No argument from me there."
"All safe and sound."
"Shh, go to sleep."
"Do you want me to stay?"
"That was supposed to be a surprise."
Cooling down after training on a hot day
"Why won't you just admit something it bothering you."
"That looks painful."
Shivering / trembling
"Don't move, it'll be okay."
"You're as stubborn as a damn mule!"
"Shit, that was scary."
"Oh, sorry, did I wake you?"
Someone catches them when they stumble
"I don't want to talk about it."
Sick (with Timo Werner)
"Are you wearing one of my match jerseys?"
Shower 💦
"Your hands are cold."
Imagines posted in 2022:
Broken finger in Carabao Cup game
Bromance prompt (with Timo Werner)
Dealing with an injury (with Mason Mount)
Exhausted after a match (with Mason Mount)
Imagines posted in 2023:
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