#oc unal
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edging my return. meantime ive gotten back into the destiny mood for the final shape
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sae-mian · 2 days
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been a minute since my last bnuuydump so, woe. nira'sae be upon ye
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jellyfish-grave · 5 months
At age 19, Daigo is a homeless and unempoyed alcoholic without any studies. How is the daigo community feeling about that HSBSHSB
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nikatyler · 9 months
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Joelle. Witch, heartbreaker, healer, also James's mother. ✨
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dominophile · 4 months
TW: suicide (the whole piece leads up to that), talk of infection, talk of blood, talk of decay, gun mention and use, just general angst
Also warning: some hinted at oc x canon. I know that's not everyone's jam.
This is a Trolls Infection au. This piece is the thoughts and actions leading up to my oc (Gizmo) taking his own life.
I think this is a nice show of my writing skills! (and maybe people will request stuff /j)
Please keep in mind this is an oc writing piece, it includes some characters that don't exist in canon!
Fiend belongs to @plague-doctors-tomato-soup
With all that said and done, read away! And if you see a spelling error no you don't 😊 /j
Trolls Infection: Gizmo's Chosen Fate
Gizmo sits on the grass, friends gathered around him making sure he's ok. He doesn't notice. He's staring at the blood soaked grass in front of him.
Why keep going when this fate befalls everyone he knows?
He already lost two of his best friends, granted one was still alive somewhere in the woods, just infected beyond recognition. But he knew. He knew it was her the moment they locked eyes before she sprinted off, protecting him just as she did when they were alive and well.
Why did his life matter so much, that even the decaying disease ridden body of his closest friend would care to save his ass again? Especially since that's what sealed her fate in the first place.
"Hey Gizmo, you ok...?" He snaps back to reality, hearing his name.
"...I'm fine Floyd. I just... I gotta stop wandering off I guess." He concludes. That wasn't the truth, and he was sure Floyd knew that. But he also knew Floyd wouldn't pry, not now.
There was at least a little truth to his words though. He had been wandering off lately. He wasn't sure why, but he just felt like... searching. For what he had no idea, just something.
He would often find himself deep in the woods, the sounds of creatures nearby, hidden by the inky black of night didn't scare him. After all, dying by the hands of a wild animal would be a mercy at this point. At least he wouldn't end up killing off his own friends like if he was infected.
He barely notices Floyd helping him up off the ground, just moving whatever direction he was pulled.
He walks back to camp in a daze. This couldn't go on, he couldn't stand living like this anymore.
He was useless in a fight, he knew he was dragging the rest of the group down.
He couldn't just run either, every time an infected came hear him, he was no better than a deer trapped in the headlights, knowing certain death was near but never moving to avoid it.
That started with Creek. For whatever their often strained relationship was worth, he had liked the guy. A lot actually. It was an added bonus to have someone who knew meditation and breathing methods too. He was calmer, for a while. He felt safe somehow. Maybe that's why he didn't run when he saw what had become of the other. Why he looked past the animalistic, murderous look in his dull eyes. Why Fiend wasn't here with him anymore.
Just him being here was causing so many problems. He didn't want to be a burden like that
His other option was being a coward, but he didn't mind. As long as he never had to see the last few people he cared about become infected.
So the plan was set.
Gizmo spends the rest of the day in high spirits. Singing duets with Poppy, scavenging with Branch, spending quality time with Floyd, whatever anyone in the group wanted.
When he has a moment, he digs through his bag, it holds some essentials, but mostly a few things he thought to be valuable to him. Sentimental value had kept him going at the start of all this.
He spends some time handing out his things to everyone in the group. Brushing off the concern from a few of them.
"It's nothing I just care"
"I was scared of losing it"
"this suits you much better"
Finally, he has two things left. His own personal choker, and his hug time bracelet.
The bracelet went to Branch. He didn't have his own, so Gizmo had a great excuse to hand it over.
His choker was another story, and he doesn't give it up until the sun begins to set
"Floyd, hey, can I talk to you?" He calls out, waving Floyd down and smiling brightly.
"What's going on?" Floyd asks, walking closer to the unsettlingly cheerful Troll.
"I have a gift!"
"A gift?"
"Yeah!" He takes the choker from around his neck, and places it in Floyd's hands.
Floyd looks at him, obviously confused, so Gizmo elaborates.
"It's to remember me by!"
"Remember you...?"
"Mhm! You never know what could happen, so when something does, don't forget me, ok?"
"Gizmo nothings going to happen to you, we all will make sure of that"
"I know I know just- please promise me?"
"Please Floyd. Just promise you won't forget me. For my peace of mind please just promise me." The happy disguise falters, and he can feel tears threatening to fall if he's not careful to keep his emotions in check.
Floyd hesitates. "...Ok. Yeah I promise, of course I won't forget you. I could never."
"Good!" Gizmo brightens up again. "Now it's getting dark, let's get some rest?" He suggests, already walking back to the others who are settling in for the night. Floyd follows, but he doesn't say a word.
Time passes, everyone falls asleep, Gizmo is curled up like a cat against Floyd, but he's not asleep. His eyes are open, his vision blurry from the tears.
Eventually, he stands up, careful to not wake anyone. He sits up against a tree where the moonlight is hitting it just enough that he can see what he's doing. He pulls a piece of paper and a pen from someone's bag, and begins writing.
I love all of you. So much. Don't think my actions mean I don't. By the time you find this note, I'm hopefully long gone.
I don't have a place here, I think you all know that. I got my best friend killed, because I couldn't fight.
So with that said, don't any of you give up like I am. I'm a coward, I already know that. I always have been.
Stay safe, stay alive, find a way out of this. I know you guys can do it once I'm gone.
I'm sorry I couldn't handle this. I'm sorry I took the easy way out. I love you.
With all my love,
Gizmo looks at the note, cringing slightly at his own sloppy handwriting. It was readable, it's fine.
He reads the last part, wondering if who that's meant for will figure that out. He hopes not. In some sad way he's sure they already know what's going to happen, even before they'll read the note.
With a sigh, he takes the paper and places it under a heavy rock, making sure it's still visible.
He then rumages around quietly until he finds a small gun. He fumbles with it until there's only one bullet inside. No reason to take their supplies beyond what he needs after all.
He moves to his own bag, digging around the few remains of items inside and pulling out what Fiend left him. His only remaining possessions he didn't hand off to the others.
He puts everything on, takes a deep breath, and turns away from the group, walking into the dark forest.
He's searching again, but this time he knows what for.
He's looking for an end. His end. To finally finish this chapter and close the book for good.
He walks, taking in the sounds and smells of the forest. It was eerily quiet, almost like the forest itself knew what was about to happen, and was offering a moment of silence.
He finds a small clearing, surrounded by trees almost in a circle. To someone else, it would seem creepy, but he felt at peace. He knew everything would be ok again soon. It was almost over. He was almost free.
He turns back the way he came, looking out into the woods. He knew the camp was that way, where all his friends we're sleeping peacefully. He hopes their dreams serve as an escape from the nightmare reality has become.
He takes a shakey breath, absentmindedly setting the gun up to shoot. He doesn't move his gaze, instead holding the gun up and placing it against his head.
Then he smiles. Tears stream down his cheeks, but he's smiling.
"I love you Floyd" Is all he can think to say, not giving himself the time to think the words over before he pulls the trigger.
A gunshot sounds throughout the forest, echoing around the trees and scaring the birds up into the sky.
The sound was louder than Gizmo probably intended, but he couldn't do anything now. His world was already faded to black.
Finally, he could sleep at last.
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beatlzee · 1 month
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he's very found of worms. they tickle his arm☝️(dude is a fucking weirdo, just ignore him)
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mediterraneanmenace · 4 months
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An old sketch I touched up a bit. Raksha used to receive roses from a "mysterious admirer" a few years before the prequel takes place. Makes you wonder who fr fr.
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anonthatwantsyoursoul · 4 months
Babe wake up I made some Anon lore TW IMPLIED UNALIVE
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^ those are the tapes :) I like the past listener theory the most because it connects us with htfasj
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jt-havoc · 1 year
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Thing I did for my fiancé's campaign <3
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packi-shark-momma · 1 year
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Everyone ready for tears of the kingdom? 0w0
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m3char0b0l0v3r · 5 hours
Gyomei x my oc x Kyojuro (platonicly as father n older brother figures) because my ass got into KNY by accident because I had this one tiny gyomei figure so yay
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no he's embarrassed. Not blushing (they changed abit bc this were old SS,, Uzui is also there as a older brother figure too lol)
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the Heir
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outcasting101 · 8 months
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seem like people like him more out of my OC character. not complaining, I do like it when people 'unalive' someone for me............(fictionally)
*wink wink smirk smirk
Ima call him 'Y'
There character name, finally.
"I do it for you, I did it for us. How about the both of us~"
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crypticalwitch · 2 months
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Finally made some proper Character sheets for all my Unalive (not undead) Ocs, so here they are in all their glory!
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wizzidoodles · 1 year
My MHA OC would come up with random quirks in case she’s interviewed outside of work like:
Interviewer: So, Ms. Hasaki, you said earlier you could sympathize with certain pro heroes on the matter of “destructive quirks”. What is your quirk?
Hasaki: I can make toothpicks float
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chester-god-0 · 4 months
Fanfic I'm not going to write: "LOOP"
Warning: unaliving mentions (not Dazai)
The day keeps resetting over and over again. After the 134th loop, Atsushi keeps feeling a strong sense of deja-vú. After a few more loops, he understands that the days are resetting and confides in the other detectives. However, there are no clues as to how it could happen, so Ranpo can't help much, and any clues they manage to find are gone the next day.
Growing desperate, he even goes to the PM to ask for help, needing more loops to find a way to convince them until they finally cooperate. This also doesn't work out.
After many more loops, Atsushi feels helpless and keeps skipping work more and more, walking around Yokohama aimlessly. He fears that the day is doomed to repeat itself, him being the only one to notice.
Without noticing, he ends up at the port shortly before midnight. He sees a shadow of a person on top of one of the warehouses and, not thinking anything of it, just watches. The figure jumps and lands headfirst on the ground. Before he can react, Atsushi wakes up in his futon again.
Finally having a lead, he sets out to find the person who apparently resets the day every time they kill themselves.
POV change!
Meet Akari Okana. She just decided that she would kill herself by the end of the day. So, she finally eats alone in a restaurant, goes to watch a movie everyone says is bad, buys herself everything she wants without worrying about money and how she appears. In a way, her last day on earth is her happiest!
Shortly before midnight, she throws herself off a building
... drinks bleach
... hangs herself in her room
... swallows multiple pills
... burns chaarcoal and goes to sleep
... jumps in front of a train
... drowns herself in the po-
Someone grabs her and pulls her out of the water.
Cue Atsushi making sure that this depressed girl doesn't kill herself (and maybe trying to get her into the Agency because he understands that ability users almost always have trauma and he doesn't want to pry but joining the Agency made him very happy and he hope that she will be happier there too).
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