#obviously losing a pet is easier to deal with than losing a parent but it still blows dude i hate this
electoons · 27 days
guys this "keeping myself busy with distractions so I don't get sad" thing isn't working
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obeymeluv · 3 years
Demon Baby Headcanons: A Reference for “The Baby Assignment” Project
It made more sense to post my headcanons as a single thing since I’ll be working on “The Baby Assignment” headcanons in between the “Quick! Kiss Me!” miniseries.
These will be hinted at throughout “The Baby Assignment” pieces and I just wanted to put them all together. Keep in mind these are demon baby headcanons. I don’t really have any idea about angel baby headcanons since I’m card locked in chapter 21 :/
I think I got them all. I can’t really think right now.
Warning for one headcanon about human eating (obviously discouraged in the Devildom). I wanted to put in a section about how the Devildom handles bad parents (hint: logic first, then with justice) but I wasn’t vibing with it. Didn’t do it. No worries.
Demon children are usually born small but develop quickly until they stagnate around “teenage” years. Most babies (ironically) weight at least 6 pounds. It’s VERY rare to get a smaller baby and they must be taken care of EXTREMELY well
Their eyes will open within an hour or two of delivery and will be their lifelong color
Because they’re typically raised in the darkness of the Devildom and learn to flourish in the shadows, demon babies really struggle with exposure to light. It hurts their eyes and makes them cry. They should be shielded from light until they’re about a year old or show increased tolerance. Unless they need glasses or have a birth defect, most children appear to tolerate light with no problem between 4-6 years old.
Hybrid children are an exception (and hard to record for the census given how many subspecies of demon there are and all the magical co-mingling), but full-born demon children typically nest and seek out sources of heat to stay warm until they’re able to walk, talk, and do more for themselves. They tend to attach to the warmer parent.
Devildom childcare advocates recommend swaddling the child in parents’ clothes or clothes of relatives because it keeps them warm and orients their brain to who the main family members are. Pyjamas are a suitable exception but parents and close family should make an effort to show the child their scent
Demon children latch, and not just on their milk-producing parent. Within the first month of life the tiniest baby talons come out and allows the child to latch onto the clothes/skin of their caretakers. Full demon children latch and can maintain their grip/fully support themself in moments of stress, aggravation, fear, and in moments of cuddling. It is still recommended to support the child with an arm because they will get tired. Half-demon children should be supplemented with an arm or carrying device until the full extent of their latching ability is determined
Latching is also critical to scent development. It is an instinct of the child to tuck itself into or around those that will protect them. Unless absolutely sure of their safety, they tend to latch onto the stronger parent. When they feel safe, they usually latch to the other parent or try to make a nest with both
For babies who latch or show interest in latching, being semi-naked or completely naked is recommended. Their parents’ scent is stronger and seems to be preferred this way.
Devildom children don’t really crawl. The best way it can be described is “skitter”. You’ll hear their little claws go. Most parent describe their children moving in a lupine manner, on all fours. they like to stay low to the ground and move faster than human children.
There have been reports of children climbing up cabinets, walls, and onto structures like chandeliers and fans. This is part of their hunting instinct and preps their claws for the different things they will encounter/handle as an adult.
Most demon children develop their “Devildom” vocal chords first and will define parents/family by individual growls/shrieks. If other languages are not encouraged in the household, it is not unusual for a child to stay in this stage until two or three. They typically gain muscle control/development to speak real words by they end of their first year
Devildom babies aren’t as tactile as human babies but will definitely show preferences. It’s a lot easier to figure out what a Devildom baby hates. They’ll be quick to show you. 
Devildom babies purr to show contentment and can start purring within 1-2 months of birth. This is one of the first signs of affection.
Other signs of affection include petting the parent or trying to get them in a state of skin-to-skin contact (see latching, above), snuggling, headbutting, showing nesting behaviors, and gently teething on them.
Full-blooded demon children can expect to cut fangs starting at the end of the first year. They will get their first full set of fangs near age two. For children who can only inherit one set of teeth, these fangs will be with them for life. They will naturally harden and lengthen to a full adult set as the body grows. 
Mixed demon children are special cases where fangs are concerned because some species have extra sets of fangs, defense mechanisms where they lose and regrow teeth, and other things of that nature. For most species, teeth are seen in the first year of life.
Fangs typically look pointy and shark-like until they get a little older (somewhere between 3-6, it varies amongst children) and the teeth start to differentiate themselves in a “human-like” smile.
Children with fangs should have a greater variety in their diet for the sake of tooth shaping and development. Fangs need to be kept sharp. They can have slightly tougher food or snacks, and may display the “kill shake” when eating. This is normal. Supplement with teething toys as needed, but keep a close eye on them. It’s best to engage them a little like a tug of war to help develop the biting instinct and lengthening of the teeth.
Tails, like fangs, do not have set rules for growth or appearance. Some children of purer lineages get them as early as 3, and some get them as they move into the teenage years. There is no set age for tail development. If the child itches their back/bottom a lot, tends to streak, and shows general aggravation or discomfort, it’s best to take them to a health specialist to see if they’re developing a tail.
It is a similar scenario for wings. The child may cry or scratch a lot. Be prepared for biting and wrestling your children into shirts. Back rubs, cold creams, and soft textures are recommended. Though VERY RARE, some children can develop their wings within the first year of life. It is more normal to see them sprout between the ages of 3-5
Should the child develop wings young, they will take on a life of their own. They will twitch and flap at random times and this is normal. This is the child’s brain working wing movement into the subconscious, just as it would breathing. Devildom children who have wings go on to move them reflexively and this is how that starts. 
Keep an eye on your child. They will try to hover and may be able to pull their body weight and travel short distances (about 30 seconds) within the first year of having them. Within two or three years they will have better altitude and some sense of guiding with a bit of a struggle. Prepare to be dive-bombed “accidentally” and for things to be broken in bad landings
There have been reports of full-blooded and half-blooded Devildom children gaining night vision. You can determine if your child has this by whether their eyes grow in the dark. Remember the rule of thumb: the older the demon lineage, the brighter their eyes. If obtained, this stays with them for life. The degree of clarity varies amongst children.
Children may develop horns. All horns start out as tiny velvet nubs once they break the surface of the scalp. Prior to breaking the surface, the child may scratch at their scalp excessively, rub their heads on things, or headbutt tougher surfaces to counteract the pressure and itchiness they feel. Scratching their head or brushing their hair may help but nothing can be done until the horns breach. If the horns do not breach, take them to a healthcare facility. They may need help.
Horns should be watched closely as they start to take shape. Some shapes need to be regularly broken or shaved to prevent the child from harming themselves
Children are driven to develop their horns and may try to shave off the velvet lining by rubbing against family members or hard surfaces. This is normal.
It is not uncommon for children to try to “lock horns” with each other when younger. This is another way to shave off the lining. Some studies indicate that this type of play may make them develop faster. If one of the parents have horns, it is encouraged to do this with great care
Although not scientifically proven, the vast majority of Devildom parents swear by rubbing horns to soothe tantrums and put children to sleep. Seems to work. Interestingly, this trait carries on to later stages of life but brings a greater variety of reactions.
It is not uncommon to see growth spurts and great deals of change between the first 7-13 years of life (7-13 by human standards). After this, the demon will stagnate. Their rate of development can vary but demons live for thousands of years so it takes a very long time for signs of aging to occur
Old records suggest that feasting on human souls or the blood of other magical creatures may accelerate this process but these records cannot be confirmed.
Certain activities, such as participating in a pact, are prohibited until the child is 1,800 or older. Their magical capacity is not there and they cannot legally be bound in a pact. If a sorcerer or sorceress is pushing for a pact or you believe a pact has been made in bad faith, a grievance can be filed with the magical review board. If the other party is found guilty, a piece of them may be taken for consumption for the sake of “fairness”. Repeat offenders will be handled by Lord Diavolo (and are usually eaten. This has been “tentatively” amended due to the effort to unite the three realms)
Children who come from very powerful lineages (for example: one of the Seven Lords) may exhibit that key sin trait from a very early age. Some children will be hungrier than others, some will want more attention than others, some will be far stronger and may accidentally break things. Be prepared and parent accordingly.
Those born to succubus/incubi/naga lineages may show signs of charming or hypnotism from the age of two or when they can form sentences. If a member of your family has a natural susceptibility to this, brush up on negating spells and personal reinforcement charms.       
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pennylanefics · 3 years
Soft Alphabet v. 2 - Isaac Lahey
a/n: i’ve had this done for so long but have been lazy to transfer it over 🤣
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A - Attention (how much attention they give you/when they do/what they do)
if you’re alone, you’re his main focus. he just loves you so much that when you spend time together, he wants to spend time with you. sure, he can come over and do homework and sit in silence together, but he can do that at home, or scott’s. he won’t ask for much, watching a film would be just fine as long as he can just have you in his arms. if you are dealing with supernatural stuff, though, he tends to focus more on that, if it’s not at home. if you’re doing research together for the pack at your place or scott’s, he can’t help but kiss you every few minutes just to let you know that he’s thinking of you and is happy to be with you.
B - Baby (do they want a family/how are they as a father)
isaac definitely wants a family in the future. he didn’t want to end up like his dad, and he wanted to make sure his life was better than the way it was before he met you. he only ever wanted two kids, and that’s what happened. you gave birth to a boy, and then a girl. he is such an amazing father, and with his werewolf abilities, is able to take their pain when they get hurt or aren’t feeling well. he wonders if they’re going to be wolves as well, and is more than prepared to teach them everything they need to know.
C - Certain (when did they realize they wanted to be with you)
when he realizes you are his anchor. he struggled to find his anchor for the longest time, but as soon as you came around, he noticed he was able to calm down easier and control himself quicker than before. he just figured it was something in the back of his mind, he couldn’t quite figure out what it was. until one day, when he flipped out on derek, did he realize. derek shouted at him to focus on you: what you smell like, what your touch feels like, the feeling he gets when you’re with him. it instantly turns him back to human and derek just smiles. that night, he asked you to be his girlfriend.
D - Doubt (what happens when you or him doubt your relationship/being together)
you both doubt it at different times. after a couple months of dating, isaac was dealing with being a werewolf, school, a relationship, and just his mental health. he is beyond tired of juggling everything and asked for you to take a small break. since he was important to you and you cared for him, you agreed to it. later on, when you get back together after a few weeks, he starts focusing more on the pack and supernatural world, resulting in you feeling neglected. he was of course upset with this and it resulted in a long night of talking your problems out so you wouldn’t break up again.
E - Emergency (how do they react to you being hurt/in danger, vice versa)
he panics terribly. if something happens to you or involves you, he is not okay. one time, while fighting ethan and aiden, you got caught in between him and aiden, which resulted in you getting clawed and thrown against the wall. scott took over handling aiden so isaac could get you. he takes you to the hospital and as you are taken in for surgery, he doesn’t stop pacing. he’s biting his nails, tugging at his hair, refusing to sit down. when you’re out and awake, he is in your room within seconds, crying into your hands and whispering how much he loves you and how he was so scared you were gone. he also takes your pain away too much for his own good.
F - Family (introducing each other to your families)
you were quick to introduce isaac to your family. he was more than happy to meet them and allow them to see that he’s not like what the town says. he got along with your parents very well, and your little sister had taken a liking to him, specifically. after dinner, your mother invited him to stay for the family movie night. he of course was glad to, and during the film, your sister fell asleep against his left side, you cuddled up to his right. in that moment, he feels at home for the first time in a long time, and he can’t wait to spend more time with them.
G - Grief (comforting one another in rough times)
being in a supernatural hotspot, you were bound to see death and sadness within the pack. when allison was killed, you and isaac took it the hardest next to scott. you and allison had been friends since she moved to beacon hills high. you two had a couple classes together and grew very close. when she started dating scott, she ended up introducing you to isaac. so it was her to thank that you were with the one you love. that night, the three of you talked and stayed up all night in scott’s living room, talking about memories, what you loved about her, what you’ll miss. isaac held you in his arms the entire time, his head resting on yours. his grip tightened every time you sobbed out, wanting to take your pain away more than anything.
H - Hold (holding each other/holding others/holding pets)
with how much trauma isaac has endured, holding him in your arms to calm him down from nightmares or just general flashbacks was normal. and it’s not something you minded one bit, but it did break your heart. you could feel every shake of his body, every cry, every whimper, the tears pooling on your skin or shirt. it was a horrible sight to witness, but you stayed strong for him and rubbed his back, underneath his shirt. your touch against his skin was calming, and his fingers were always attached to you while holding him, no matter what.
I - Insomnia (what you/they do when either of you can’t sleep)
when he can’t sleep, he tries to keep it from you. he doesn’t like waking you up, bothering you, as he puts it, to talk with him and ease his mind, so he tries some ways to calm down that you told him to do so. he tries reading, that doesn’t help. he tries writing his thoughts down, but that just makes things worse. he attempts to watch tv or listen to music, but still, nothing. finally, after going through everything, he wakes you up, apologizing and cuddling you close to him. he feels awful, but you let him know that it’s okay to wake you up if he’s having trouble sleeping and just needs someone to talk to.
J - Jewelry (gifts they give you, fancy or not)
he gets you certain gifts for anniversaries. like for your sixth month, he got you a big bouquet of flowers and took you out for a nice dinner. on your year anniversary, he got you a beautiful necklace. one on occasion he got you a simple ring, not for anything more than to show his love for you. he usually doesn’t know what kind of gifts to get you, so he doesn’t get you anything at all.
K - Kryptonite (their weaknesses)
isaac’s weakness is definitely your touch. it’s also his anchor. so when he’s raging on a full moon and close to losing control, you are always there to grab his face and make him look at you, instantly calming him. it’s something you do when he’s also close to wolfing out anytime. one touch to his cheek and his eyes are back to normal and his fangs are retracting back into his gums. it’s also a way to get him in the mood. if you’re feeling worked up, all you have to do is cup his chin to give him a kiss, maybe run your finger across his cheek, and he is putty in your hands.
L - Lingerie (their reactions to seeing you in fancy lingerie)
isaac is stunned silent. he didn’t know how to react, so he just stood there, staring, heavily breathing. as you stepped forward, he gulps nervously and you tenderly place his hands on your waist. he feels the lace against your skin, the color of the lingerie complimenting your skin tone perfectly. he couldn’t stop staring every second, and when you tried kissing him, he pulled away to finally compliment you, awkwardly giggling and pulling you back in for a sweet kiss.
M - Marriage (what a wedding is like with them/what married life is like)
i feel like getting married to isaac would just make him ten times softer. like dating is great, but marriage is a forever commitment, technically speaking. that means he has to ‘up’ his game to keep you, as he sees it. he’s much more loving and cuddly, so happy that you two made it to this point. every night before bed, he pulls you close to him and just gives you kisses all over your face and neck. after you two settle, he expresses how happy he is that you’re married and promises to make you happy for the rest of your life. the sincerity and love in his voice makes you cry every single time.
N - Nervous (were they nervous for any first times in your relationship: first meeting, first kiss, first time)
everything, basically. he’s nervous to kiss you, nervous to have sex, nervous to spend the night with you for the first time. he’s never felt this way about someone so he didn’t know what was right or wrong when it came to some things. he had to ask scott and derek, though the latter wasn’t much help, about how to go about these things. what should he do if he wants to kiss you? what should be the proper way to ask you to spend the night with him? all of these things, he was supposed to have learned from his dad, but he was happy that scott was willing to help.
O - Overreact (how often do you/they overreact and how bad does it get)
you sometimes overreact to him dealing with the supernatural world. obviously, you don’t know everything and oftentimes, you do your own research. so when you go to isaac and tell him he needs to be careful or to not mess with a certain creature, he tells you it’s fine. you’ll go on a big rant about how you hate that he is so careless with this stuff and he doesn’t really care about his own safety or even yours, but he is quick to silence you with a kiss. he assures you he knows what he’s doing, as scott and derek are pretty well trained with the supernatural and wouldn’t approach or attack something that they don’t have the power for.
P - Past (how does their/your past affect your relationship)
isaac’s past definitely makes some things hard in the beginning of your relationship. he has trust issues, problems with being in closed spaces, being spoken to in a different tone than usual, things you wouldn’t think are a problem. but when he flips out because you dragged him into a closet to steal a few minutes of a makeout session, you feel horrible. later that night, he cries in your arms and tells you everything about his past, things with his dad, how he was treated, and it made you be more careful with your words and actions around him.
Q - Quarrel (fighting with each other)
fighting with isaac is never a good time. he picks at the littlest of things in the beginning of your relationship, which is also when he’s still trying to come to terms with the fact that he’s a wolf. things like you not being able to hang out because of homework, hanging out with scott instead of him, making comments about the supernatural world. usually, they don’t last that long because you tell him he’s being ridiculous, when he is. when fights get more serious later on, though, you can spend days not talking to one another.
R - Romance (how your relationship has progressed over time)
at first, your relationship progresses slowly. he’s never been in a real relationship so everything is new to him. he’s scared of making the wrong move or saying the wrong thing, so he’s wary of taking things too far right off the bat. but when you get more and more comfortable with one another, things take off, and you fall in love very quickly. isaac is a great boyfriend, so it was easy to progress your relationship when the time came and feel at ease with each other.
S - Sorry (what happens after fights)
you let him calm down after fights. he’s usually close to wolfing out most times, so when you see his eyes begin to glow, you walk away, telling him to anchor himself and come back when he’s ready to talk things out as a human. it doesn’t take long before he’s trudging to wherever you are in the house/apartment and crying uncontrollably in your arms, whimpering that he’s sorry and he doesn’t want to lose you over a stupid fight. sometimes fights can last days. well, the silent treatment from both of you. but either you, him, or someone in the pack forces you to reconcile and resolve things.
T - Tender (how sweet they can be in different moments)
isaac has never had a loving family, so when you showed him what love is, he wanted to reciprocate. he is tender all the damn time. cuddling? he’s rubbing your back or shoulder soothingly, pressing kisses to your forehead and whispering how much he cares for you. the only time he’s not really affectionate is in public. he loves you and all, but he’s not one for much pda. holding hands, yeah, kissing, not really. unless he’s jealous and trying to prove a point.
U - Upset (what you do that upsets them/vice versa and how they react to it)
when you talk shit about certain pack members. you understand that they are practically his family, but some of them, in the beginning, didn’t treat him so well, including derek. sure, you didn’t know everything that went on behind the scenes, but you knew general things. at times, derek was taking advantage of isaac and his trauma, which is what you spoke out about. this led to a small fight with isaac defending his pack.
V - Violence (what you do when they turn to violence)
isaac can’t help but turn to violence, due to his werewolf nature. sometimes, you’re okay with it, knowing that he has to fight against other supernatural creatures and use his werewolf abilities. but when it comes to just randomly getting into fights because he was jealous or angry at one of the pack members just because, you anchor him to get him to stop. you don’t like seeing or hearing that he fought with someone. you know he’s used to using violence as a response to anger, but you don’t like seeing him so angry.
W - Wait (how long they wait to make a move or do something)
after allison introduced the two of you, he didn’t make a move for a while. you became friends first, and he got advice from scott, derek, boyd, and even stiles on how to make a move. he wanted to make it right, he wanted to make sure it was a memorable experience for both of you and an important moment. when he finally asks you out on a date, or to be his girlfriend, he explains why he waited so long. you admit that he could have asked you to be his girlfriend in a janitor’s closet and you would’ve been happy.
X - X-Rated (are they dirty in inappropriate times)
he usually prefers to keep dirty things for the bedroom. as mentioned, he’s not one for pda, so if you’re at a pack meeting, or at school, or even shopping, he doesn’t like whispering dirty things in your ear or being inappropriate. you’ve done it a couple times, but he voiced his opinion on it, so you stopped right away. he also is slightly embarrassed about the idea of sex, not having much experience, so it wasn’t something he wanted everyone to know.
Y - Year (what you do to celebrate one-year celebrations)
he takes you to paris, which is the main reason you end up moving there together after allison’s death. he surprised you with tickets the night before, and you spent the early hours of the morning packing excitedly and talking about what you wanted to do there. he got you two a very special, nice hotel room, equipped with a hot tub in the bathroom and everything. it was a very romantic week and it was nice to just take time away from the supernatural and focus on each other.
Z - Zzz (what it’s like to sleep with them, just sleep)
isaac is a cuddler. like he has to hold you in his arms otherwise he can’t sleep. you don’t mind one bit. you love cuddling close to him, nuzzling your face in his neck or sweater. there are times where he sleeps shirtless and you love it because you get to be really close to him, his warm skin keeping you cozy and comfortable. before he nods off, whether you’re awake or not, he always has to press a kiss to your forehead or cheek, whichever is easiest for him to reach; most times it’s your forehead. it’s such a sweet and intimate gesture that he started early on and continued to do for the rest of your relationship.
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johnsamericano · 4 years
“Corruption.” Pt.3 w.y.h
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Pairing: college teacher!Lucas x student!reader.
Genre: smut, fluff, angst
Summary: Lucas never thought of falling for a student, but from the first day you walked into de classroom you had him wrapped around your finger.
Warnings: Corruption kink, oral (fem receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (the reader is on the pill), creampie (?)
a/n: it’s kinda short and (very) shitty but I swear next part will be better and ✨angsty✨
Taglist: @ncteaxhoe @Inpwrites (i can’t tag you properly for some reason)
corruption m.list.
Two weeks later, Lucas invited you to your very first date as a couple. You hadn’t seen each other a lot, since he wasn’t able to get you a spot in his class. But you figured out it was for the best.
“Hey sweetie, are you ready?” You weren’t used to be called pet names, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like it.
“Yes, I’m coming down.” You said as you went down the stairs.
“I’ll be right across the entrance, okay?”
He waited patiently for you inside his car, smiling as he saw your figure running towards the vehicle.
“Hi.” You cheerfully greeted him while leaning in to kiss his cheek.
“I hope you don’t mind staying at my house, I tried my best to make it look like one of those fancy restaurants.” You knew the risks of being seen with him at a public place.
“It’s okay, I rather stay home than going out anyways.”
You ordered Chinese food and ate while watching movies. Lucas complained a lot, he wanted to get you some steak or something expensive, but you genuinely loved fast food.
“What’s next?” You asked after helping him wash the dishes. “Maybe a board game?”
Lucas had planned to do something more...mature, but you looked so exited that he couldn’t help but to nod.
Jenga was the game picked.
“The one who loses has a punishment.”
“Deal.” You smiled.
After thirty minutes of carefully pulling out pieces, you seemed to be about to lose.
“It’s not fair!” You complained, looking at all of your options. “No matter what I pick, it’s gonna fall.”
“That’s too bad.” He faked a pout.
“Damn it.” You cursed after pulling a piece and making the entire tower fall.
“This is gonna be interesting.” He walked all the way to you, extending his hand to help you up. “I want you to take off your clothes.”
All the blood in your sistem went straight to your cheeks.
“I-I didn’t shave.” Lucas’ laugh only made you blush more.
“I was joking.” That wasn’t completely true.
He hugged you tightly, kissing the top of your head fondly.
“As a punishment, you shall give me a thousand kisses.” You lifted your head, looking at his perfectly sculpted face.
Your lips pressed against his repeatedly, making loud noises purposely. He smiled widely, his eyes turning into beautiful half moons.
“That’s alright, sweetie.” He grabbed your waist and kissed the tip of your nose. “Wanna play another round?”
You hadn’t seen Lucas for about a week. He said something about visiting his parents with his friend -your teacher- Kun. He didn’t know about your relationship yet, but he obviously suspected something.
The days went by faster than you thought they would thanks to Chenle, who’s company was always fun.
“So, are you visiting Mr. Gorgeous today?”
“Yes, and stop calling him that.” You bickered while applying mascara to your eyelashes. Chenle had payed you a visit while you were getting ready.
“Then I’ll go bother my roomate. Use protection!” He got up from your bed, walking out of your room while you blushed intensely.
Lucas welcomed you with a warm hug and lots of kisses.
“I missed my baby so much.” Soon, his kisses turned more passionate, bitting and licking your lips.
“I missed you too.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer if that was even possible. You sucked on his tongue, making his groan into your mouth.
“Bold. I like it.” He pushed you down to the couch, taking control of the kiss. “Your lips are so sweet.” The desire growing in his pants took control over his actions.
Initially, he wanted to wait for your feelings to be as strong as his to have sex with you, but after visiting his parents, he didn’t want to wait any longer.
Grinding against your core, he bit your earlobe. “You like it baby?” With your eyes closed, you nodded. “Use your words.”
“It’s weird.” A moan splipped out of your mouth.
“Is my baby still a virgin?” He knew the answer, nevertheless, hearing it from your own lips only turned him on more.
“Then I guess I’ll have to play with you for a while.” His hand sneaked inside your jeans, playing with clothed core. “Don’t be shy, sweetie. Let me hear your pretty noises.”
“Xuxi?” You called out hesitantly. His eyes immediately becoming darker. “Can you use your fingers?”
“As you wish, princess.” He moved aside the fabric, his cold fingers tracing your labia. “Seems like you’re not wet enough, am I not making you feel good?” Your answer was cut off by his thumb harshly rubbing your clit. Your mouth was halfway opened, unable to make any sound. “That’s it, baby.” He murmured as his movements became easier due to the lubrication. Without stopping his previous movements, he used his other hand to completely get rid of the clothes on your inferior half. “Let’s go to my room.” You whined at the loss of contact. But he just smiled and carried you all the way to his bedroom.
“Y-your room is nice.” He smiled at your flushed face.
“I made it nice for you.” He gently dropped you at the soft mattress, proceeding to take off the rest of your clothes.
Your hands covered your boobs and your legs were crossed to hide your womanhood. Lucas stroked your exposed skin, wondering how could a human being be so perfect like you.
“Let me see you.” His pleading eyes made your body relax, allowing him to remove the hands from your breasts and untangling your legs.
He didn’t even know were to look. Every part of your body was absolutely perfect, from your angelic face to your pink lower lips, glistening with your juices.
“What a pretty pussy.” Your cheeks were burning while he left feather-light touches over your sensitive skin. “You’re absolutely gorgeous.” He kneeled in front of the bed, directly facing your core. He softly pulled your ankles so you were closer to him. Lucas pecked your lips before licking a stripe of your cunt. “My little girl is so sweet.” You squirmed as he sucked slightly on your sensitive bud.
He was throwing you over the edge with just a few kitten licks. Your mind became completely foggy when he added one of his large fingers, easily stimulating you.
“Sensitive, aren’t we?” You hummed. “Be a good girl and come for me.” You held onto his brown locks, clenching around his finger as you reached an unknown feeling.
“Lucas.” Your breathing was erratic. You felt completely weak, as if all the energy from your body had been drained, nevertheless, yo wanted more of that feeling. “I need you.”
He removed his clothing as fast as he could, aligning his thick, veiny length with your entrance. He pushed inside you slowly, your nails digging into the soft skin of his back.
“It hurts.”
“I know baby, I know.” He tried to kiss the pain away. “The next time it’ll feel better, I promise.”
The pain turned into an uncomfortable feeling, not even close to the pleasure he’d given you with his mouth and finger.
“You can move now.” He kissed your cheek, starting to roll his hips against yours, attempting to make you feel good even though he knew it was almost impossible since it was your first time.
“You feel so good baby.” He moaned. “I love you so much.”
His words were enough to wash the uncomfortableness away, replacing it with warmth.
“I love you too, Xuxi.”
You loved him, that was all he could think of. It didn’t take long for him to shoot his load deep inside you, pulling out to admire his seed dripping out of you.
“Pretty.” You felt empty, completely stretched out. “You wanna take a bath?” You nodded, making grabby hands for him to pick you up. “Let’s get my little baby cleaned up.”
“Are you gonna stay with me tonight?” He snuggled into your chest, covered by one of his big shirts.
“Of course.”
The doorbell interrupted your sweet moment. Lucas went up to get it and asked you to stay in his room.
“Hey dude.” Kun was at his front door, carrying a bag full of beers and chips. “I really feel like getting drunk tonight.” Before Lucas could even say anything, his friend was already taking his shoes off and entering the small apartment. “Can you lend me some clothes? Mine smell like sweat.” He approached the door of the bedroom.
“No!” Lucas screamed, startling you. You opened the door, completely oblivious to the situation.
“Is everything okay...?” The figure of your other teacher was right in front of you, completely pale.
“Shit, Lucas.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Hello! Can I request a headcanon where the queen of hearts (1951), Maleficent, Cruella, Shang yu and Yzma (separated) take care of a lost (orphaned) little girl (like 5-6) and adopted her as their own. Thank!
These were sooooo fun to think of, omg XD I feel all warm inside, thanks for the request! I hope you like it as much as I do ^^
Cruella DeVille (You can imagine either animated, OUAT or live action Cruella, but I liked this gif ^^):
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·         Cruella, is more of a… fun, rich aunt. You know, when you can post the child back to its parents any time you like with a sugar high and new Xbox?
·         But, as the capable entrepreneur and businesswoman that she is, she rises to the challenge of ‘parenting’, when the stinky orphaned girl living on the streets (You, obviously) show potential in the fashion industry.
·         She takes you right to the adoption agency, picks you up and plops you on the counter like a pair of shoes and asks how much you cost. You just smile sweetly, like the most adorable munchkin ever despite the off way your new caregiver handles you, and the agent has some reservations, of course, but Cruella’s able to speed up the adoption process with her connections and her money.
·         Your relationship at first is similar to Oswald Cobblepot and Martin’s. And if you haven’t watched Gotham, I’ll explain; Sort of distant, but the adult is trying at least. They’re just not used to having a pre-teen around. And, somehow, they’re making the child feel more understood and taken care of then anyone else ever has, despite both parties’ reservations.
·         Slowly you bond (Over fashion, obviously) and Cruella turns into, honestly, a pretty good mum (For a villain who wants to kidnap puppies from her friend and make a coat for herself out of them, anyway). She learns to not gag when your shows are on the telly, she takes more time off work to take care of you and turn up to your school things (Like parent-teacher interviews, concerts, art exhibitions, and assemblies if you’re going to get an award- she even makes artful collages out of your work on the fridge), and you two even learn how to cook some easy dinners together.
·         (Cruella can cook, I think, but I can imagine they’re more fancy stuff that a kid really isn’t interested in)
·         You’re a two-person team kind of family.
·         She doesn’t like you to be around Jasper and Horace because their stupidity and lack of fashion sense could be contagious.
·         For the longest time, you just call her Cruella… until one day she says she loves you (Which is visibly difficult for her. Not because the words aren’t true, but because she’s not sentimental) and you finally call her ‘Mum’.
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·         You start following her around, lost and having decide the scary green lady with a cute bird pet is the one to go to for help. She tries to scare you off, but of course you’re already scared anyway! But not of her- of being left alone.
·         So you keep following her through the forest, until you reach her castle and Diablo has become attached to you and is sitting on your shoulder instead of hers, nuzzling your little face.
·         She leaves out some food for you for dinner and lays a clean blanket down on an abandoned bed in a random room down a dark hallway. It’s a spooky night, in that creepy castle… but the blanket smells like grass and you find that if you close your eyes and smoosh your face into it, you don’t think about the things that could be hidden in the dark. Also, Diablo comes in and keeps you company.
·         Mal is sure that you’ll be gone the next day. That’s why she was so kind. She was sure you were just a determined straggler and if she offered you a home for a night, then you would be the fickle little child that you are leave without so much as a thank you the next day.
·         But you don’t leave.
·         And you do say thank you, and even make her a mud pie outside the castle.
·         She gives you a bit of a smile (Not soft, because Mal is still an evil fairy, but it’s a refreshing look on a face that had been pinched the whole time), resigning to you. You’re all alone like her. Maybe it won’t hurt so much to let you stay.
·         Okay, as a parent, Mal isn’t so bad. She settles into the pace easier than Cruella or Yzma, at least, and her lifestyle allows for a far stabler childhood for you then Shan Yu’s. Plus, she’s outwardly very calm, which is a huge improvement from if you were living under the Red Queens roof.
·         Distracts you with magic when she’s busy or just when she wants to watch the awe in your face as you watch sparkles dance around the room like real life stars.
·         Keeps you away from all her villainy- you don’t need to be messed up in all that. Basically no one except her crow knows you exist and she’d like to keep it that way.
Shan Yu:
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·         Shan Yu finds you after he pillages your village (And you’re the only survivor) and you followed along behind his men for a while until they noticed you. Which didn’t take long, of course, they’re a group of highly skilled Huns in the ways of hunting and warfare.
·         He uses his noggin (A very good noggin. Much cleverness) and identifies the favourable factors to having a little girl with them. You’re unassuming, for one, and can be trained (And moulded) to be used as a diversion for them in the kind of situations in which brute force do not apply and wouldn’t be helpful.
·         He also acknowledges the need to train the next generation into their image to continue the Huns control over China even after he passes away. So, off on the quest to take over China you go, with them.
·         He is so big, that you can perch on his wide shoulder and he’ll be fine still marching along.
·         He gets a bit soft when interacting with you. At least, he certainly doesn’t treat you like an adult because you of course aren’t one. He encourages your childish wonder and your playing around. He’ll even play eye spy with you as you travel, or play a little tug of war if you get a piece of fabric or rope (Yes, like a puppy) and he’s just sitting down chilling somewhere on a rest break or at camp, pretending that the game is actually a contest until he smirks and tugs just a tiny bit harder and you fall forward onto your face XD (He only uses one hand the entire time)
·         He’s a really chill dad, really, despite the whole… killing everyone in your village… First impressions, amiright? XD
·         The rest of his men either hate you with every fibre of their huge beings or love you even more, and that’s the tea. One of them once rolled you up in a blanket and strapped you to a horse so you would stop annoying them by running around in front of the mules. You decide whether this was one who hated you or loved you. (Another came along and put a roll of bread in your mouth so you could eat, but didn’t release you)
·         You’ve also been tied (Safely and comfortably, yes but still tied with your feet off the ground) to a tree as a time out and dropped in lakes (Once they knew you could swim) to calm your shit when you got hyper.
·         You sleep in Shan Yu’s tent until you’re like 14 and declares that you’re able to defend yourself and can kill a man, so he can keep you safe.
Queen of Hearts:
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·         Goodness, who let this woman adopt? (Well, I mean, no-one could stop her) Even Hades would be better, and he tried to have a baby assassinated.
·         This woman would be unintentionally manipulative towards this child (Like Norma and Norman Bates. Jesus christ). Whenever the kid doesn’t do anything that she wants them to, she’ll get p i s s e d, and that might legitimately mess with the kids psyche. She won’t behead the lil girl, of course, which I guess is bit of a saving grace (she isn’t that cruel) here? But it’s definitely a good thing the gentle King of Hearts is around, to settle the flames and calm down his wife and new daughter when games go awry.
·         (And ya’ll play lots of games. Some of the time, living with her and her husband as your parental figures is a dream for a little girl like you)
·         She does try her very hardest to be kind and not to lose her temper, and it is made so much easier by the fact that you’re an innocent little girl (Younger than Alice was), and she’s very fond of you. So, in a way, adopting you is helping her with her issues, and by extension, helping the rest of Wonderland.
·         You get a big fancy throne-like highchair at the royal dinner table.
·         Your little family is a bit or very messy, but you are never not loved. You always know that you’re loved.
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·         When Yzma takes you in, its because Kronk discovered your little form sleeping in an alleyway and ran with you in his hands back to her, and BEGGED her. This sweetheart (Kronk, not Yzma) could not handle the knowledge that a little baby girl was abandoned and all alone on the streets. And Yzma’s the most well-off, influential person he knows! Of course he’s going to go to her for help.
·         When she finally gives in, its because you called her pretty. She’s just like… pause… “Seems like an intelligent enough… eugh… child... Kronk come! We have to disinfect it.”
·         Kronk rushes after Yzma, still holding you and clarifies for you: “She means a bath.”
·         So, now, you have your protective, psycho, affection-challenged mother and your sweet, dumb, beloved… uncle. Yeah, uncle. We’ll go with uncle.
·         Yzma takes a while to get used to you, and she’s very defiant against getting called ‘Mum’ or ‘Mother’ (Mama or Mummy have a more youthful feel, according to Yzma.), but she’s pretty immature due to her psychosis so she tends to blend well with your child personality.
·         You laugh so much, with her. Most of the things she says are hilarious, especially when she’s exasperated and mutters about Kronk.
·         She doesn’t want you to grow up without a brain like him (Or to mix with other children- she will not be dealing with chicken pox or nits. If you did get either of those things, she would be living in a full-on hazmat suit and spray everything you touch, and you. Kronk would end up getting the sickness because he gives you lots of hugs and takes care of you while you’re sick or you have the nits) so she gets you a home school teacher.
·         On your birthday (They do the day Kronk found you if you don’t know it), Kronk wakes Yzma up at the buttcrack of dawn drags her along to set up the day for you. Including a treasure hunt, where its clear that Yzma wrote the clues because its very translucent through the sentences she wrote that she didn’t have coffee before writing them. Very bitter.
·         She does want to make you happy though and buys you literally the best present for a child of that time. I don’t know what it is, but it’s the equivalent for them of a little car or coloured TV (Like the Barbie or Hot Wheel ones) for us. She’s so smug about it, too, like ‘Shove that up your 4 layer cake with different flavours, Kronk.’.
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Breakable Heaven (pt. II) - p.l. dubois
Part I
Part two is here! Things start to heat up in this chapter, exciting stuff’s happening! I hope you guys like reading it as much as I’m loving writing - please slide into my inbox, let me know what you think! Reblogs are amazing too, it’s how we know people are liking what we’re putting out and helps to reach more people! (Plus it’s one of the joys of my life to read the tags. Seriously, so much fun.)
Part II (7.2k)
June 18 (fri)
“If we’re going to do this, we’ve got to sell it,” Laurel said, running a hand through her hair. “The fewer people who know the truth, the better.” 
Pierre nodded. “Agreed.” He sat back in his chair. “What do you think your parents will say?” 
Laurel laughed. “Uh, they think I’m seeing someone, actually.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “it was easier to just say I had a boyfriend than deal with their endless pestering, you know?” 
“So they’d buy it if you just told them you were getting married?” 
She shrugged. “I think so. You know we’re not particularly close, they haven’t met any of my boyfriends since I was in high school. So if I told them I was engaged, I don’t think they’d bat an eye, if I’m honest.” Pierre could sense there was more to the story, more that she wasn’t telling him, but he didn’t want to press. “What about yours?” she asked. 
“Well, we’ve got a couple options,” Pierre said, cracking a smile and leaning back into the cushions. “It was a drunken mistake.” 
She raised her eyebrows. “Then they’d just tell us to get a divorce.” 
“We fell in love after the first date.”
“Even less believable,” Laurel said, the corner of her lip twitching. 
“Or…,” Pierre said, kicking his feet up on the ottoman, a wicked grin on his face, “I got you pregnant and want to do the right thing.” 
Laurel snorted. “Little issue there.” 
“I’m not pregnant.”
Pierre ducked his head, blushing. “Right. There’s that.”
She nodded. “There’s that.” She tapped her fingers on the coffee table. “I’ve got it.” Pierre looked up. “We’ve been friends for a long time, couple years or something. Madeline went to York, so we met when you and Patrice came to visit. We realized we had feelings for each other a few months ago, everything moved super quickly since we already knew each other and had that foundation.”
“So we thought ‘why wait,’” Pierre finished. 
“Exactly,” Laurel said. “Why wait, if we already knew.”
“It’s a classic friends-to-lovers story, a tale as old as time,” he sighed wistfully. 
Laurel slapped his shoulder. “This is serious,” she said, but she was smiling all the same. “Okay, so we’ve at least got that worked out. Madeline and Patrice will obviously know, but other than that…” She trailed off. 
He nodded, and an understanding passed between them. “It’s a need-to-know basis.”
“It is.” Laurel shifted her laptop on the coffee table, squeezing closer to Pierre so he could see the screen. “So, we have to go down to the courthouse for a meeting with the court clerk who will perform the ceremony, bring birth certificates and ID, and —”
He glanced over at Laurel, her tongue caught between her teeth. “And?”
“You have to publish a declaration of intent to marry twenty days before the wedding. Online. In public.” 
Pierre looked oblivious. “So?”
Laurel rolled her eyes. “So, it has the date of the wedding and our full names and our whole entire addresses. And in case you’ve forgotten, you’re kind of a professional hockey player.” 
He shrugged. “All due respect, Laurel, but,” he glanced at the website, “who actually checks these things?” He had a point there, she thought, but she wasn’t about to let him win. 
“But your address, you’re not worried about that getting out there?”
“Maybe a little,” he admitted. “But my building’s got a receptionist and I’ve got locks on my doors. And plus,” Pierre added, “I’ve really never had much of a problem flying under the radar here. When I go back home, back to the suburbs, sure. And a little bit in Columbus, obviously. But there’s what, two million people in Montréal? I’m not on the Habs, so even the hockey fans here really couldn’t care less.”
She laughed. “Fair enough. Also, uh, living situation. We should probably talk about that.” 
“You’re moving in with me?” He said it like a question, but not as if it was something that would surprise him, or something he was opposed to. He said it like it was something he already knew the answer to. “I’ve got three rooms, plenty of space, Phil and Georgia would love to have a new sister. You and Piper would fit right in,” he said, reaching down to scratch her behind the ears. “Plus it’s got a great gym in the lobby, you can cancel your membership to that seedy place downtown with that trainer who always stares at you when you do weights.” Laurel’s ears perked up; she was surprised he remembered. She did have a gym downtown that she tried to make it to a few times a week, and there was that one creepy trainer, but she had only mentioned it to him once in passing. “Plus it has hot yoga once a week, and I know you’ve been dying to try.” That much was true. 
“At least let me help pay for rent,” she tried to bargain. 
“Nope!” he said, wincing a second later. “I didn’t mean it in like a patronizing way, I know you’re perfectly capable of pulling your own weight. I meant like I bought it outright, so there’s no rent to be paid. I’ll let you pay the electricity bill if you want?”
Laurel grinned. “That would make me feel better, thank you.” After looking at her computer for a minute, she spoke again. “How long have you had the apartment for?”
Pierre scratched his chin. “Couple years? I bought it after signing the contract this year. Some guys buy a Lamborghini, I bought an apartment. I don’t own the place in Columbus though.”
“How come?” Laurel asked, though she was pretty sure she already knew the answer. 
“Even with the contract, so much is up in the air. I could get traded in the middle of the season, or in the summer or whenever, and I don’t want to have just bought a house when I’ve got to move to Vancouver or wherever when the ink hasn’t even dried on the papers.”
This time, it was Laurel’s turn to leave with an unsaid question. “Is tomorrow good? To go down and get everything squared away at the courthouse?”
He bobbed his head. “Yeah, I’ve got some off-ice training in the morning, but any time after noon or so is good for me.”
Laurel nodded, making a few taps on her computer. “Okay, I’ve got us booked in at one, that good?”
“Yeah,” Pierre said, nodding in affirmation. “Now I’ve got to come up with an excuse to drive to my parents’ and get my birth certificate.”
It didn’t actually turn out to be all that difficult for Pierre; he made the drive back to Saint-Agathe-des-Monts later that afternoon, telling his parents he needed it to renew his health insurance card. He wasn’t sure they actually believed him, but his mom didn’t bat an eye before handing it over. Pierre spent the rest of the evening at home, cooking pasta, petting the dogs, and wondering what in the hell he had agreed to. He wasn’t second-guessing himself, not by a long-shot, but when she clicked that button to book their appointment, the gravity of the situation finally started to hit him. In less than a month, he was going to be getting married. 
June 19 (sat) 
Laurel met Pierre on the steps of the Montréal courthouse at a quarter to one the next day, clutching the straps of her tote like a lifeline. “Woah, Laurel, you’re holding that like you’ve got a bomb in there,” Pierre said. 
She flashed him a nervous smile. “No bomb, just very official very legal documents. Don’t want to lose it.” 
He held out his hand. “You ready?” 
Laurel was surprised at the gesture. Not shocked that he was being kind, but that he was cognizant enough to recognize that she was nervous, and wanted to do something about it. She took his hand. “Ready.”
It only took a minute to find the office, and a few more before the receptionist called them back to the clerk’s office. She introduced herself as Juliette Bergeron, congratulated them on their engagement, and asked to see the paperwork. Passports and birth certificates were handed over, signatures were signed on dotted lines, and half an hour later, they walked out of the courthouse with an appointment for a wedding on July 10. 
“Well, there’s that crossed off the checklist,” Laurel said, leaning up against the handrails as they stood on the courthouse steps. They had actually made a real checklist, a series of tasks on a shared Notes page of everything that needed to be completed before the wedding. Book the ceremony and post the public notice were done, but there were still a dozen-odd tasks left before they actually could get married. Starting with telling their parents. While they had developed as airtight a cover story as she supposed one could when they were committing what would charitably be referred to as citizenship fraud, they had agreed it was going to be far less messy to “come clean” as fiancés than after the wedding. Laurel had wanted to text them the news, or call so early they’d still be asleep and she could just avoid the conversation altogether, but Pierre had convinced her to FaceTime. “I know you guys aren’t super close, but I think they deserve that much, Laurel,” he had said, and he was right. Deep down, she knew he was right. 
“Ready?” Pierre asked, rubbing her back soothingly. 
Laurel flashed him a tight smile before pressing her mom’s contact. “As I’ll ever be.” Three agonizingly long rings later, her mom picked up. 
“Laurel? What are you doing calling, honey? Is everything okay?”
She let out a nervous giggle. “Does something have to be wrong for me to call my parents?”
“No,” Cheryl clucked, “but to be fair, you don’t call often.”
Laurel rubbed the back of her neck in discomfort. “That’s true. Uh, anyways, is dad there?”
“He’s in the kitchen,” her mom said, starting to catch onto the fact that maybe this wasn’t quite your run-of-the-mill check-in call. “What’s this all about, pumpkin?” 
The old term of endearment, one she hadn’t heard in years, brought tears to the corners of her eyes. “Can you call him in? I’d rather tell you both at the same time.”
Cheryl nodded, worry crossing her brow. “Doug? Laurel’s on the phone, she’s got something to tell us. Sounds important.”
“Coming,” Laurel heard her dad say in the background. A moment later, he padded into view. “Hey, Laurel, Mom said you’ve got some news?” 
Laurel nodded. “Yeah, just something I thought you guys should know. It’s not bad, you’re just going to be surprised, so I need you to keep an open mind, okay?”
“Who is he?” Doug asked, rubbing his forehead with an exasperated expression. 
She blanched. “He? Who’s he?” There’s no way he guessed...right?
“The jackass who got you pregnant, who else?” 
Laurel almost choked on her own spit. “Pregnant? Who said I’m pregnant? I’m not pregnant!”
Both of her parents let out an audible sigh of relief. “Well, Laurel, what conclusion did you expect us to jump to when you called us out of the blue and said you had important news?”
Laurel bit her lip; they had a point. “Fair. But, uh, rest assured, I’m not pregnant. I’m smarter than that.” She paused, steeling her nerves. “Remember that guy I told you I was seeing a few months ago?”
Her mom squinted like she was looking into the sun. “Vaguely? You didn’t really tell us much about him. Just that he was tall, nice, you met through friends.” It was a believable enough explanation back then, and Laurel was beyond grateful it dovetailed perfectly into the story she and Pierre had conjured up. “You didn’t even tell us his name.”
Laurel reached out her free hand, the one that wasn’t holding the phone, and made a grabby motion for his hand. He interlaced his fingers with hers. “Well, his name’s Pierre-Luc Dubois—”
Doug interrupted. “Very French.”
She grimaced. “I do live in Québec, Dad. But anyways, his name’s Pierre-Luc Dubois and we’re getting married.”
They sat still on the other end of the call, so still that if it weren’t for her mom’s rapid blinking she would have thought the call had been dropped. “Married?” her mom asked softly. 
“Yes, married.”
“How long have you even been seeing each other?” Doug asked, dumbfounded. 
“A little under six months. I know it’s not long, and I know it seems sudden, but we’ve known each other for a long time, you know? We met when I was still back in Toronto at university, Madeline introduced us.” Her parents nodded; Madeline, they knew. Madeline, they had met. Madeline, they trusted. “And we finally realized a little bit after New Year’s that we had feelings for each other, and it’s sort of been zero to a hundred ever since. We thought, if we knew we loved each other and we knew we were done looking, then what was the point of waiting for a year or two for it to be a ‘socially acceptable’ time to get married.” Laurel finished. 
Cheryl wrapped her hands around her mug of tea, eyelids still shooting rapid-fire blinks at the screen. “But, Laurel, we haven’t even met this boy, we barely know anything about him!”
Pierre squeezed her hand. “Actually, he’s just off-camera. Want to say hi, P?” 
He walked into view, waving politely at the screen. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Klerken, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Laurel’s had nothing but wonderful things to say.” A little flattery never hurt anybody, he thought. 
“Lovely to meet you, Pierre-Luc,” Cheryl said. “Forgive us if we’re still a little shocked, Laurel’s not normally one to spring things on us like this.”
He laughed. “Perfectly fair. I’m sorry we haven’t had a chance to meet until now, but we’ve been trying to get used to the idea ourselves.”
Her dad leaned forward from his spot in the couch, giving Pierre as much of a once-over as he could from nearly 1500 miles away. “I’m not able to give you the normal talking-to I have with any of the other boys Laurel or Maggie have introduced us to, so this is going to have to do.” Maggie? Laurel had primed Pierre for the inevitable grilling, telling him that if it was anything like it had been in the past, it would be all bark and no bite. “So what do you do for work, Pierre-Luc?”
“I’m a professional hockey player in the NHL, I play for the Columbus Blue Jackets.” 
Doug’s eyebrows went up. As much of a front as he tried to put up, he was still a middle-aged man from Minnesota, and there were few things that impressed middle-aged men from Minnesota more than their daughters being suddenly engaged to NHL players. “NHL, huh? That’s very impressive. So you’re from Québec, then?”
“Yes, sir,” Pierre answered. “My hometown’s a little outside of the city, but I live in Montréal now. My mom’s from Georgia, though, so I’ve got dual citizenship and some family still down there.” 
Her parents didn’t take too kindly to the news that the wedding was in three weeks, since it was too tight a fit to be able to get time off, but promised to visit later in the summer to make a proper introduction to their new son-in-law. Her father continued to pepper him with questions about his hobbies, family, and how he takes his steak — according to the Doug Klerken rules, any man who orders anything above medium is not to be trusted — until Laurel mercifully cut him off, telling her parents they were late to meet up with some friends. “That wasn’t so bad,” Pierre said as Laurel slipped her phone into her purse, immediately plugging it into her portable charger as the FaceTime had drained all but 18% of her battery. 
Laurel made a face. “They’re good people and they care about me, but…” She trailed off. “They never really understood why I’d want anything more than I was given. Anything more than the status quo. And it’s just caused a lot of friction between us.” Her eyes flashed as she remembered something. “One more thing.” Pierre’s ears perked up. “If and when you ever talk to my parents again, just...don’t bring up politics.” Laurel grimaced. 
“Republicans?” he asked sympathetically. 
She nodded. “Trump-supporting Republicans. It’s another one of the reasons we don’t talk much anymore. I’m liberal, I’d probably be NDP if I could vote here, and we just don’t share the same values on a lot of things.”
“That’s got to be pretty rough on you,” Pierre said.
“Yeah,” Laurel admitted. “Probably more than I want to let on, but I think it helps that I’m able to get some distance.”
Pierre took a deep breath in. “Your, uh, your dad mentioned something that I wanted to ask you about.” 
Shit. Laurel had been able to avoid the conversation for long enough, but she was beginning to push her luck, and she couldn’t run forever. “Maggie?”
He nodded. “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to, but I thought I should ask.”
“Yeah, no, I get it,” Laurel said. “Um, long story short, Maggie’s my sister. It’s July, so…” she did the mental math in her head, “she’d be almost 31. Total free spirit. She left town pretty soon after she graduated, came back every so often but not nearly enough. Last I heard, she was an au pair in Italy.”
“And when was that?”
“Two years ago.” Pierre figured that was as good a time as any to drop the subject, so he did. They had decided that, while they were still downtown, it would be a good opportunity to get the ring shopping out of the way. Pierre looked up the highest-rated jewelry store on Yelp, and they set off on foot. 
Pierre opened the door for her as they stepped inside, greeted by a slightly over-enthusiastic salesman. “You paid for the ceremony fee, so I’m paying for the rings, okay?”
Laurel scoffed. “Hardly a fair trade, don’t you think?”
“I’ll live,” he said, smirking. 
Laurel had been wandering around by the solitaires for a few minutes when Pierre walked up behind her. “I know this isn’t going to be the wedding you’ve always dreamed of,” Pierre said, “but we’re going to make it the best we can.” He looked down at the cases, Laurel’s fingers dancing over the edge of the glass cover. “When you were in high school, or university, did you ever think about what kind of wedding you wanted?” Laurel gave a small nod. “And what kind of ring did you have?”
“I’ve always liked halo cuts,” she said softly.
Pierre inched his hand towards hers, wrapping his fingers around hers. They tensed for a second, but then relaxed into his grip. “Then let’s go get you that halo cut.”
There was no one else in the store aside from the salesman, so the couple was enveloped in a comfortable silence as they browsed. Her eyes stopped on a beautiful floral halo ring with an oval diamond. Pierre nodded to the salesman, who carefully took it off of its stand and handed it to Pierre, who carefully wiggled it onto Laurel’s fourth finger. If she closed her eyes, she was almost able to pretend that it was a proposal. Laurel brought her thumb to the ring, delicately running it over the pavé band with the ghost of a smile on her face. “What do you think?” Pierre asked, as if he couldn’t already tell her answer from the look on her face. 
Laurel looked up at him. “I love it. It fits perfectly.”
“Like Cinderella’s slipper.” He turned to the salesman. “Combien ça coûte?” (How much does it cost?) Laurel heard a number that made her swallow hard, more than anything she’d ever have bought for herself, but Pierre insisted it was a non-issue as he handed his card over. “He said that they’ve got another sample one in the back, and you’re welcome to just wear that one out if it fits.”
“Sounds good.” The salesman handed over the bag with Pierre’s ring and her matching wedding band, thanking them for their purchase before opening the door back into the sunny Montréal afternoon. Laurel craned her neck to try and sneak a peek inside the bag. “Don’t I get to see yours?”
Pierre cracked a wry grin. “Gotta wait until the wedding, babe. Can’t a man have a little mystery?”
“Fair enough,” Laurel said, not missing his use of the pet name but brushing it off as simply a spur-of-the-moment choice. “Do you want to do the honors?” she asked, referring to the all-important checklist. 
Pierre opened his phone with his spare hand, deftly navigating to the app and tapping twice. “Four down, seven to go. We’re on a roll. 
June 24 (thurs)
Surprisingly, telling Pierre-Luc’s parents hadn’t been nearly as intimidating as breaking the news to her own, at least for Laurel. They were shocked — and confused, and had a lot of questions — but were welcoming nonetheless. Patrice was almost like a second son to them, and the fact that she already came with his stamp of approval went a long way into calming them down. “He’s always been quite the romantic, the type to wear his heart on his sleeve. And he cares deeply about the people in his life. That’s you, now,” his mom had said. They drove up to meet them that Sunday, having brunch in his childhood home. That was, in essence, their first real “test” as a couple. They had never had to sell their relationship to anyone before; even when going out with Madeline and Patrice after their “engagement,” nothing ever seemed like it had changed. This time was different. This time had to be different.
His mom fawned over her engagement ring, asking her to spare no details in retelling the story of the proposal. Lucky for her, however, Laurel was the former president of the University of Toronto improv club, and coming up with background stories with exactly zero minutes to prepare was something of a specialty for her. Laurel immediately gushed about how unexpected it was; she was just expecting an evening walk through downtown until they turned down one of the piers by the basilica, reached the end overlooking the river, and Pierre dropped down on one knee. “I think I knew that he was the one way sooner than that, but it’s nice to finally have it be official,” she had said. 
Laurel shook herself out of her memories, turning the door into the locker room. She grabbed a pair of scrubs out of her shared locker — she had never met Alice, the other nurse who used it, but they had made a habit of leaving each other Post-it note greetings — and stripped off her t-shirt and jeans. Shimmying on her scrub pants, she tied them, leaning back into the locker to get her bag as the door shut behind her. She glanced over to the door, waving to Claire. Claire was sweet, a transplant from Vancouver who had lived in Québec as a child and decided to come back to work. She was sweet, having just started working at the beginning of the summer, but she was young, even younger than Laurel. And while her perky and energetic nature lent itself well to the dynamics of the floor, it was a lot for her to get used to. “Hey!” Laurel said, waving as she pulled a chain out of her purse, trying to discreetly unhook it. 
“Hey!” Claire responded, perky as ever. “How has your week been?” She worked Mondays and Thursdays with Laurel, but had the Saturday night shift as well. 
Laurel threw her hair up into a bun. “Good, good, busy. Met up with some friends yesterday, so that was nice, but not much. Took Piper to the dog park.” With my fiancé, she neglected to add. She twisted her ring off, trying to slip it onto the chain without Claire noticing. Like most of her married colleagues, Laurel had taken to wearing her engagement ring on a chain around her neck while at work instead of on her finger. It was under her scrubs most of the time, keeping at bay the questions she wasn’t yet ready to answer, and made it much easier to pull on and off gloves when the occasion called for it. But Claire was eagle-eyed, catching the sparkle of the diamond just as she slid it onto the chain.
She audibly gasped. “Is that an engagement ring?” 
Laurel had to think fast; once again, her improv skills were called up to bat. “No? It’s, uh, it’s a family heirloom, it was my grandma’s. Guess I didn’t think too much about which finger I put it on.” She could tell Claire didn’t quite believe her side of the story, but thankfully, she didn’t press. 
“If you say so,” she said, giving a not-so-subtle wink. 
June 27 (sun)
Laurel was sat in her living room, her TV on in the background as she scrolled absent-mindedly through her phone, savoring her last few hours before she had to go to bed for her 5:30 wake-up call. On a whim, she opened her Twitter. It wasn’t an app she used all that often — mostly just to keep in contact with the handful of high school and college friends who didn’t use Instagram — and she was well aware that she’d probably have to limit her use for her own sanity when she and Pierre went “public” after the wedding, but she liked being able to keep up with everyone. She followed her friends, a handful of celebrities and a few journalists, but her timeline wasn’t flooded with updates. Then she saw the little blue alert on the bottom. One new message. Clicking to her inbox, Laurel saw that it had been sent by Madeline four minutes earlier, a link to a tweet that just had the caption: “you should probably see this.”
Chewing the inside of her cheek, Laurel pressed the link. What could be so important that Madeline would have sent a message with that kind of urgency? And why didn’t she just text it? God, I hate puckbunny blogs, Laurel thought as she read the handle. Her eyes raced across the screen. So I was looking up the address of my friend’s wedding earlier since I lost my invitation and didn’t want to tell her, and saw this under??? I know he can be a private guy, but tell me you guys don’t think this is for PLD. Her eyes froze as soon as she finished reading, praying that somehow they were talking about a different PLD, that they hadn’t been found out and their cover hadn’t been blown and she wasn’t about to have a panic attack for the first time since junior year  — and then she saw the screenshot. Of their wedding announcement. Their public wedding announcement that not only had their full names and places of birth, but the location of the ceremony, the time, and their addresses. God, this is exactly what Laurel had been worried about. She immediately reported the tweet for exposing personal information, then made the poor decision to look at the comments section. Some people insisted it was legitimate, some convinced it was just photoshop, some were convinced that it couldn’t be Pierre-Luc even it looked like him, because he was training in Columbus for the summer, right? Thank God, it didn’t seem like anyone had done a deep enough dive to figure out who she was; there weren’t any screenshots of her accounts or photos of her in the comments section. It was eight minutes from the time she reported it to when it was taken down, and while Laurel was grateful for the quick response, she felt like she was on a cliffside, one foot off of the edge, until it had been deleted. 
Her phone lit up with a text notification from Pierre. Funny thing happened today. 
Oh God, Laurel thought. Had he seen it? He hadn’t.
My mom asked what you were planning to do about flowers and got very upset when I said we didn’t have any plans. She let out a tense breath. Flowers, she could do. She wanted to get your number to send over the names of a few florists she knows in the area, but I thought I should check with you first to make sure that’s okay. 
Laurel smiled, her right hand draped over the side of the couch to scratch Piper behind the ears. That sounds great, P. 
As promised, his mom texted Laurel soon after, coming armed with recommendations of Montréal florists. She echoed her son’s words almost identically; You deserve to have the wedding you’ve always dreamed of even if the circumstances are different, she had written. Her eyes pricked with tears as she fell asleep. 
July 3 (sun)
It was a week before the wedding, and Laurel had started to pack up her apartment. It seemed much more practical to do it in stages then try to finish everything the weekend of the wedding. So she sat with Pierre on the floor of her bedroom, moving boxes between them as they packed away into the next season of her life. Some things, she obviously couldn’t put away yet — she still needed clothes and toothpaste, and they hadn’t been able to get all of her pots and pans down to the Goodwill yet. But books and keepsakes could be boxed up, and unless there was a snowstorm in July, she didn’t need her parka either. 
“Oh, what’s this?” Pierre asked as he pulled a few more volumes off of her bookshelf. Laurel groaned  when she saw what was in his hand. 
“The 2013 Cloquet Senior High School yearbook. My sophomore year.”
He burst out laughing. “This, I’ve got to see.” He opened the cover. “Your mascot was the Lumberjacks?”
Laurel ducked her head, her cheeks heating. “Regrettably, yes. That’s what happens when your whole area used to be milling towns.”
Pierre’s brows furrowed. “I thought you said everything was about the mines, doesn’t your dad work in the mines?”
“He does,” Laurel said. “They had to figure out something to do after all of the trees had been cut down, you know?”
Pierre got the feeling it was really more of a rhetorical question. “What was your school like?” 
She placed one of her old Harry Potter books into the box. “Small is the first word that comes to mind. My graduating class couldn’t have been much bigger than 150 or so? We’d get snow days a couple of times a year, most of the time if it wasn’t a blizzard everyone would end up going down to the school anyways, we’d all have big snowball fights on the football field. Actually,” she said, pulling out her phone from her back pocket, “I think I might still have a clip of one.” She pulled up her videos, scooting over to Pierre and leaning into his side so he could see the screen. Raucous laughter filtered through the speakers; the only things in sight were snow forts and the tiniest bits of beanies peeking over the top. 
Laurel snickered. “I think that sounds like Nicholas, he was the varsity quarterback for a few years. Usually was the one leading the sieges.” She put her phone away a minute later after the clip ended. “But other than that? There were actually a lot of pretty interesting elective classes, I got to take photography, work in the preschool on campus, take a class on Anishinaabe studies.”
“Anishinaabe?” Pierre questioned. 
“There’s a Native American reservation in town, the tribe’s Ojibwe so that’s the language family we studied. A lot of kids at the school, including one of my best friends Kristen, live on the reservation, so I think they wanted to not only have the class available for Native students who maybe wanted to learn more about their culture, but also for non-Native kids like me, so we’re able to gain a respect for whose land we’re living on,” Laurel explained. 
“Makes sense,” he said, flipping through the pages. He snorted. “This photo might be the best thing I’ve ever seen.” 
Laurel peeked over his shoulder, cringing at her school picture. “I really couldn’t have dressed any more 2012 if I tried, Pierre. Aggressively off-the-shoulder top, one of those godforsaken hair feathers, I bet you’d find dark wash skinny jeans if you could see from the waist down.”
“Hey, don’t talk about my fiancée like that,” Pierre said. “I like the look, I swear. You were such a cute kid, oh my God.”
She rolled her eyes. “I know. What happened to me, right?”
He looked at her from the side. “Nope.”
 June 9 (fri)
 It was the day before the wedding, and Laurel was trying to find a dress. She had been planning on wearing one — even if it was a courthouse wedding, she still wanted to look nice — but then she had spilled red wine onto the light blue one she had been thinking of wearing as she ironed it in the living room, and she didn’t want to put all of her eggs in one basket if the Oxiclean didn’t end up working. She called Madeline in a panic, who promised to be over as soon as she could with a few dresses of her own to see what she could do. There was a knock on the door, and Laurel practically flew across the room to fling it open, gathering Madeline in a hug even before she had crossed the threshold. Madeline patted her clumsily on the back. “There, there, Laur. It’s going to be okay, we’re going to fix it.”
Laurel ran one hand through her hair, her curls as frazzled as her mind. “It’s got to be. Half of my stuff’s already over at P’s place, what, do you want me to wear a,” she opened up her dresser, eyeing its meager contents, “bralette and lacy thong to my own wedding?”
Madeline shrugged. “I doubt Pierre would mind,” she said casually. 
Laurel almost choked on her own spit. “What do you mean?”
“Men are visual creatures, and you’re hot as hell, Laurel,” she stated matter-of-factly. 
“Still,” Laurel said, opening her closet and grabbing every single left over dress from its hanger, trying to distract herself from Madeline’s words, “I’d rather not be arrested for public indecency. I’m trying to stay in the country, remember?”
Madeline rolled her eyes. “I remember.” She thumbed through the dresses on Laurel’s bed. “You’re not wearing a black dress to get married,” she said pointedly. 
“It’s pretty?” Laurel tried to reason.
“It is, but it’s a wedding, not a funeral.” She moved onto the next one. “Bright red bodycon is great for the club, but not sure coquettish seductress is the look you’re going for.” The next one was a striped sweater dress; it was the middle of summer, so according to Madeline, that meant it was out. There was a navy shift dress that “could work, but it’s a little too much work and not enough play,” her friend had said. Laurel tried on Madeline’s dresses, but seeing as how she had three inches on her, the hemlines weren’t exactly in her favor. Madeline pulled out the last of the stack, gasping softly. “This one’s beautiful, where’s it from?”
Madeline looked at it, a knee-length ivory lace dress, rolling her eyes good-naturedly at Madeline. “It was for Aurélie’s bachelorette party last year, probably explains. You were drunk off your ass that night.”
“I’m hurt by that characterization, but I don’t remember enough to correct you,” Madeline said. “It’s perfect though, why didn’t you choose this one in the first place?”
Laurel rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m not sure?” Madeline gave her a look. “Fine, it just seems...It seems too much like an actual wedding dress. It’s white, or close enough, anyways,” she noted, fingering one of the delicate straps, “and gorgeous, and formal, and I’m worried if I wear it it’ll seem too real, and I’ll start thinking this is more than it is. Because all it is at the end of the day is a friend doing me a really, really big favor,” she finished, huffing and falling back onto her mattress. 
“At the end of the day, it’s still a wedding,” Madeline corrected, laying down next to her. “And you’re still a bride and he’s still a groom and you deserve to feel beautiful and cherished and special on your wedding day, no matter its circumstances. And who knows? Maybe you two stay married, and fall in love, and you live happily ever after with your half-dozen dogs and 2.5 kids on some farm out in the suburbs.”
Laurel snorted. “As if.” But two hours later, long after Madeline had already left, she sat back on the bed, hand ghosting over the lace of her now-wedding dress, thinking that maybe, just maybe, Madeline had a point.  
June 10 (sat) 
It was the morning of the wedding, and Laurel was pacing her room in her sweatpants, Piper looking at her in confusion from the doorway. It was just past 7 and the appointment wasn’t until 10, but she still had to get dressed and do her hair and makeup and pick up the flowers and eat and — her internal monologue was interrupted by the doorbell. Still half-asleep, she ambled over to the door, pulling it open without even really checking to see who it was. 
“Surprise!!” Patrice shouted, walking through the door, followed by Madeline and Pierre. “Madeline mentioned that you seemed a bit overwhelmed yesterday, so we thought we’d come over and get ready over here!” 
Laurel shuffled out of the way as Piper jumped on Pierre, who laughed and calmed her down with a few scratches on her chin. She had really taken a liking to him and his two dogs, which had initially been a point of nervousness for Laurel. But they got along great, shared space well, and she seemed to love her new brother and sister. “That’s really nice of you guys, I appreciate it,” she said sincerely. “Um, I don’t have much food left because of the move, but I think there’s some cereal in the cupboard?” 
“Silly you,” Pierre said, holding out a paper bag. “Did you think I’d leave my bride hungry on our wedding day? I got you sourdough french toast, should be on the top.” They had gone out to brunch once and she had ordered it, audibly moaning at how incredible it tasted. He remembered. 
“And raspberry mochas!” Madeline said, presenting her with a cup. 
Laurel took it, wrapping her spare arm around Madeline and kissing Pierre on the cheek. “This is incredible, guys. Really. I didn’t expect anything like this.”
“Exactly!” Madeline said, a perky expression on her face. “It’s a surprise!” She drifted into the kitchen, pulling out plates from Laurel’s cabinet and forks from her drawers. “Breakfast is served!”
Laurel let out a laugh as she grabbed the box with her french toast, taking a sip of her mocha. “I think the credit goes to the chefs at the restaurant, but whatever you say, Madi.”
Madeline rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but we ordered it. 
By the time they had all inhaled their breakfasts and cleaned the kitchen — Laurel and Pierre tag-teamed the dishes — it was almost eight, and Madeline whisked her into her room to get ready. “There should be a couple beers in the fridge, help yourselves!” Laurel shouted out the door as Madeline tried to wrestle her into the ensuite. For the most part, Madeline was good at listening to Laurel’s pleas against a dramatic makeup look. Muted rose lipstick, filled in her eyebrows, delicately pulled back her hair into a twisted bun. “Where’s your setting spray?” Madeline asked, rooting through her makeup bag. 
“Top drawer on the left. Are you finally going to let me see?”
Madeline pulled the drawer out, uncapping the bottle and spritzing it over Laurel’s face. “Go for it.”
Laurel turned around, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. “Oh my God,” she said, turning her head so the glimmer of her highlighter caught in the early-morning sun streaming through the open window. “You’ve outdone yourself.”
“Don’t say that until you’ve put the dress on,” Madeline said, pulling it off of its hanger and draping it across the chair. Sweats came off and the dress went on, Madeline carefully pulling up the back zipper and straightening out her hem. Laurel bent down to put on her shoes, threading the silver straps through the tiny metal clasp before giving her leg a good shake. Madeline looked at her sceptically. 
“What?” Laurel asked innocently. “I don’t want it to fall off halfway down the aisle.” 
There was a knock on the bedroom door, Patrice’s voice floating in from the other side. “It’s 9:20, you two about ready to head out?”
“Coming!” Madeline called back, pulling Laurel up from the bed. “You ready, Laur?” Laurel gave a nervous nod. “Let’s go get you married.”
She stepped out into the living room, reaching up to her neck and fingering the silver filigree of her grandma’s wedding necklace, one of the only things she had left to remember her by. If she wasn’t able to complete the whole rhyme, at least she’d have her something old. “Who’s driving?” she asked. 
Pierre wheeled around, mouth gaping like a fish when he saw her. Laurel immediately looked down to her dress, wondering if she had spilled one of her pre-wedding mimosas. “What is it?” she asked frantically. “Is there something in my teeth?”
He shook his head, tugging at the sleeves of his navy blue suit. “No, there’s nothing in your teeth, it’s perfect. You look beautiful.” They were in the car five minutes later, picked up the bouquet from the florist five minutes after that, and were outside of the courthouse by 9:50. Laurel took a deep breath, looking up at the glass doors of the Palais de Justice. Pierre threaded his fingers between hers, giving a reassuring squeeze. “You good?”
Laurel nodded, nervous but determined, sure that she was making the right decision. “Ready.” She barely remembered signing in, barely remembered going back to the clerk’s office, barely remembered her reading the mandated articles of the civil code. She gripped Pierre’s hands, giving him as much of a reassuring smile as she could, as the vows were read. 
“Pierre-Luc Dubois, do you take Laurel Elizabeth Klerken, here present, to be your wife?” Juliette asked. 
“I do.”
“Laurel Elizabeth Klerken, do you take Pierre-Luc Dubois, here present, to be your husband?”
“I do,” Laurel said, voice steady. 
Juliette continued. “By virtue of the powers vested in me by law, I now declare you, Pierre-Luc Dubois, and you, Laurel Elizabeth Klerken, united in the bonds of marriage.” Patrice passed over the rings; Laurel slid Pierre’s onto his ring finger, he gently twisted hers to rest on top of her engagement ring. “You are now legally married. Allow me, on my own behalf and on behalf of all those present, to offer you our best wishes for your happiness. You may now kiss the bride.”
Laurel panicked for a moment, before looking up and meeting Pierre’s eyes. In the span of a second, she communicated her unspoken agreement with the tiniest nod of her head, and his lips were on hers. His arms were against the small of her back, hers wrapped around his neck, and even enough it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds, it felt like hours. It felt like coming home.
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livlepretre · 3 years
Ooh, let’s talk character interpretation! I have two questions, but they are both long, so I am going to do them in separate asks.
1.) I’m of the opinion that The Originals portrayed Klaus as a father in a way that doesn’t line up with how he actually is. I think that had more to do with the fact that it was a CW show, and they wanted a redemption arc for the character. Obviously they weren’t going to go for anything that could be misconstrued as actual child abuse- I.e verbal, emotional, or physical abuse. How do you think that Klaus with a child would actually be? Elena would protect her children at all costs, so I know she would take care of any problem she saw arising with Klaus’s parenting skills, but let’s for arguments sake say that Elena and her survival skills don’t factor into this. Klaus grew up dealing with every type of child abuse in the book. Her was demeaned, belittled, and physically beaten, and we know this is what started his psychological issues. I totally agree with your FE interpretation of the Mikaelson incest problem and the fact that it all stems from Klaus and his power issues. He wants to control Rebekah because he wants her to stay and love him above all and manupulation through sex factors into that. Sadly, this dynamic is a problem in the real world, and is extremely unhealthy, vile, and illegal—especially because Rebekah is around a decade his junior and permanently stuck in the mindset of a teenage girl (side note: I remember in FE, Rebekah says she gave her virginity to him. I’d love to hear your take on how that line was crossed and how many years after they had become vampires that this happened. It is certainly a moral line that is hard to cross, although they were born in the 10th century.) Klaus also won’t hestitate to hurt his family emotionally and physically when they upset him whether this is killing their loved ones or daggering them. I guess I just want to know if you think Klaus-who remembers being an abused child- would ever continue this pattern of behavior with a child of his own and if so, would there be lines he would refuse to cross? I feel like he wouldn’t intentionally start out doing abusive things (like how he didn’t immediately start abusiving his sibilings), but once he loses his temper and does something once, the lines of what he is willing to do get blurry. He’s definitely not a stable individual and is a creature of habit- especially when he starts to feel as though he isn’t being respected or when he gets ignored from those he wants to love him. Finally, do you think there would be a huge difference between Klaus raising a boy or girl? We saw how Marcel turned out (also, the dynamic between Rebekah and Marcel when she started out as an Aunt figure and turned into a romantic partner is something that I feel like was strange and very Klebekah in the 1920s weird where it was clearly there but no one ever chose to expand on it or even mention it in the narrative? But I digress!), and Klaus is clearly threatened by the fact that Marcel grew up and was able to take over Nola despite the fact that Marcel was just doing what Klaus taught him. He sees Marcel as a threat, but if he had a daughter, I feel like he would end up treating her sort of in a Rebekah like manner where she isn’t ever really viewed as a threat, just a girl throwing a trantrum. Idk, there is just so much to think about here and immortality definitely screws with your perception of what’s okay and what isn’t. I’m very curious to see how you think all this would play out long term.
You’re spoiling me with these questions and I pretty much agree with your thoughts on Klaus’s general fucked-uppery. 
I’ve put a great deal of thought into “Klaus as a parent,” both because of the show, and because of ficcish things. I think he’s acutely aware of all of the ways that his own father failed him, and so he would be actively really determined to have the kind of relationship with his own child that he never had with his father. His intentions there would be good, and probably better than his intentions with his siblings, since a child is a more direct extension of himself, but the question would be whether he is actually capable of being a good parent. It’s true that victims of childhood abuse often end up tragically rehashing the same patterns with their own children, but it’s equally true that many are able to break the cycle. I tend to think that Klaus would actually be exceptionally good with his children while they were still children. He shows in canon that he was very good with talking to Marcel and making him feel valued when he was a little boy still-- Klaus empathizes very well with children, and I think while he has tremendous difficulty understanding the emotions of others, at least when they are not mirrors of how he would feel, his own experiences of feeling neglect and belittlement and fear as a child would guide him in how to make a child feel loved, heard, special, etc. And of course, a child is able to give a parent the sort of unconditional, center-of-the-universe love that Klaus craves. The problem would come about in the transition from childhood to adolescence. His problems with Marcel, for example, stem from Marcel becoming a young man with ambitions and interests of his own-- no longer idolizing Klaus, no longer his shadow and perfect companion, but instead someone testing boundaries and breaking away. 
How Klaus handles a teenage and later an adult child is a more complicated question. Yes, I think he would ultimately have an easier time with a female child, because Klaus is a misogynist and could therefore slip into a familiar dynamic of treating that child as a pet-- he could shower her with gifts and affection and never take her too seriously, much like Rebekah. A boy would inevitably grow into a rival, I think... or, almost inevitably. Whether or not the son even construes himself as a rival would be irrelevant if Klaus decides he’s a rival. It’s that same problem as with Marcel all over again-- if he stays by Klaus’s side, it’s not an issue, but if he pursues his own life... The son thing is also hard, because that son would inevitably be, to Klaus, a direct reflection of himself, and I’m convinced that Klaus would desire nothing more than to create the kind of father/son relationship he badly desired... and so the expectations and pressures would be tremendous for a boy. 
There’s a big question to address along the lines of: would Klaus treat his adolescent/adult children the way he treats his siblings? It seems to me like the essential difference between sibling vs child relationships would be that Klaus, an actual narcissist, would inevitably see his children as extensions of himself, whereas his siblings each represent the greatest threats to his ego, his power, and his image of himself. He therefore exerts control over them, especially Rebekah, who is the easiest for him to control (as both the youngest and the only female, and also, since she is the most insecure and I would argue traumatized of all of them). He’s high-handed to the extreme, daggering them whenever he so chooses, therefore controlling whether they even get to actually live, deciding on which lovers are acceptable for Rebekah (and sometimes his brothers), dragging them all over the planet, lying to them all for centuries on end... the list goes on. There’s a lot of interpersonal violence there, but I would say that the one line he never crosses is that he never kills them-- because in his head he’s justified it as “I’m daggering this sibling for their own good” etc etc. (It’s interesting also to note that his siblings would be just as fast to dagger him should the opportunity arise.) Would he have the same need to exert his dominance over his children? Because, as father, his power over them is the natural order of things (especially in his medieval head). Whereas, amongst his siblings, yes, he’s the most special, but he’s also the third son and suffers from middle child syndrome, so it’s more about wresting power from the rest of them. Never underestimate how deeply medieval the thinking of each of the Originals is-- things like birth order definitely matter, and that’s definitely part of Klaus’s familial chaos. 
The strongest point of tension I could predict between Klaus and his children would be at the point when they are old enough to wish to exert their independence from him as individuals. I question whether Klaus would ever see that though, or be able to let them go. I think there could be an inevitable slide into methods of control-- lying “for their own good,” killing a daughter’s suitors to keep her from leaving the nest... no matter what, he would probably prefer for his child to find interests that kept them close to him. 
In terms of physical violence, I’m up in the air about that. It’s possible he could lose his temper and strike out at a child-- although, the more I think about it, the more I think that’s not how he lashes out so I don’t think that would be the issue. He daggers his siblings a lot but we don’t see him torturing them physically (I don’t think? I could just be blanking). There are times when they come to blows, but we see that with Damon and Stefan all the time... and that might just be a vampire thing in general. Most of what he does to them is really psychological torture/abuse and when he does have a violent fit, he tends to take it out on  those around the object of his furor, like every single one of Rebekah’s lovers whom he murders, or Katerina’s family. What would be the equivalent of daggering that he could do to his child? Lock him up in a dungeon? (lol if it’s Elena’s child, GOOD LUCK.) Maybe some other threat to hold over their heads? This would be totally situational though. I think he would be deeply regretful of ever striking his child (doesn’t entirely mean he wouldn’t, in the heat of the moment), but could justify other methods like imprisonment pretty easily. 
I think that just leaves the last awful stone to turn over: the incest. I don’t even know what to say about the Mikaelsons other than that there is definitely an incest issue in that whole family--  but especially with Klaus and Rebekah-- and honestly at this point Rebekah’s incest vibe with Marcel just sells their relationships to me even more. Of course she’s transposed that fucked-uppery onto Marcel. Like you mentioned above, and like I’ve developed in Fairytale Ending, Klaus’s incest with Rebekah is definitely a power thing with him-- he’s not in love with Rebekah, but she is his special favorite-- and part of that is that she’s the sibling he can control, through sexual dominance and appealing to her abandonment issues and insecurities (in a wild feedback loop with his own abandonment issues and insecurities). It’s awfully telling that the only lover he actually lets her have is Stefan... because Stefan is so clearly also his lover. (And that when faced with Rebekah x Marcel, he chose to dagger her and shelve the issue of oh no! I can’t kill my son! until it was no longer an issue) 
Personally, I don’t think there would be any parent/child incest issues with Klaus-- his incest problems don’t stem directly from his parent/child trauma, and we never get a hint of incest between him and Marcel, so, at least we can breathe a sigh of relief in this one facet of Klaus-as-father--  but I do think if he were to have multiple children he would be very suspicious of them and very hunted by the idea of their incest. 
I think that sums up my thoughts on Klaus as a parent/the possible ways he would fuck it up? 
I do think there’s a possibility it could go well-- obviously I daydream most about what a Klaus x Elena parent team would look like, which might actually work. As you said, Elena would cut any nonsense out right away. But also, I think that Elena is a true equal for Klaus, and one of the things about finding a real equal is that it lends itself to partnership-- which is what Klaus would need in a co-parent. Someone who could balance him and strengthen the parts of him that could be good at being a parent. His siblings definitively did not do that-- Elijah wasn’t interested enough, and Rebekah is ultimately too immature-- but Elena has a shot. So, despite all the ways it could go to non-proverbial hell in a handbasket, I think with the right circumstances-- a partner who would voluntarily choose to stay at his side, for example, thus eliminating so much of his neediness and extenuating control issues-- he could deal with that shift from child to adolescent to adult much better, and that foundation of a very strong parent/child relationship during the first decade or so could really help Klaus and his child’s relationship withstand any later turbulence. (Also, with Elena around as a co-parent, I kind of think instead of grooming a child to be some sort of feudal lord who could become a threat to Klaus’s sphere of power, she would encourage her kid to be... like... a veterinarian or something normal. And having that strong female role model would also go a long way toward forcing Klaus to give up his “over-bearing father to my precious jewel of a daughter” schtick....) So maybe my actual stance is “Klaus would be a terrible single-father, but he might be okay if he’s not the only parent in the picture/he has an adult meeting and grappling with his issues in a long-term committed relationship” 
(I think the final you asked about were my thoughts on Rebekah/Klaus in the FE timeline, which is basically just my headcanon in general... so, to start off, I don’t think the incest would have ever happened had they remained human. I think it’s a direct result of the trauma and psychosis they all experience from their transformations into vampires, which reifies all the problems they had as humans and exponentially makes it worse. And also, like you said, immortality seriously fucks with concepts of right vs wrong. Like, part of what’s wild is that nowhere in the canon does it say that vampires have to be monsters... it’s just that needing human blood to survive quickly turns into hunting humans, which turns into a psychological barrier between the vampire and humans... which eventually transforms them into monsters, callous, cold, playing with their food, hunting humans for sport, arbitrarily pulling them apart because they’re bored. So, becoming a vampire doesn’t instantly make one into a monster, but it does seem to inevitably precipitate becoming one down the line, and it’s just a matter of how fast the vampire arrives at that destination. To get back to the incest question, my thought was that the Originals would be already well down that road-- years past the death of their mother and fleeing their father, living as savages enslaved to their appetites and their flights of fancy, when that shift would occur between Klaus and Rebekah. Because by that point, what can possibly still be taboo? They’d already divorced themselves from their humanity, their inherent sense of “right” vs “wrong,” certainly any cultural understanding of it, so thoroughly that the barrier between sibling and lover must have felt thin and insubstantial as a bit of mist. I’m sure they were gradually heading that way for a while-- Klaus probably clung to Rebekah hardest of all, and Rebekah was so traumatized that telling the difference between different kinds of love would have been truly difficult. When I think about how long this might have taken, I imagine probably only about a decade-- long enough that it wasn’t immediate (they were still young, and time would have still passed at a human rate for them), but not long that Rebekah would have a chance to really start looking at all the men who might be potential lovers for her. It’s possible in fact that her interest in a human man could have precipitated Klaus changing things up with her. (And it’s very much explicitly about Klaus wanting to be #1 with Rebekah-- I think he slept with Tatia Petrova as a human, and I think he was sleeping around a good deal-- probably in a lot of gruesome ways, actually-- in that time before Rebekah became his lover.) What’s interesting to me here is that none of the other siblings-- especially Elijah, because Kol is shifty as fuck-- ever seemed to object. They just... accepted it? Rolled with it? That, to me, really demonstrates how deeply screwed up they all are.) 
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Survey #440
from a day or two ago.
Do you drink a lot of soda? I definitely do. :/ I'd lose weight so much easier if I could drop the habit. Are tomatoes the best food in the world? I don't like tomatoes unless they're very fresh and on a mayo and bacon sandwich. Have you seen The Blindside? I actually haven't. Do you have a favorite local pizza place? Not really. There's a place I like that isn't huge, but I don't have like, a serious passion for or loyalty to it. Would you date someone 10+ years older than you? Meh, I think ten years is my cut-off. Are you due for a haircut? For sure. >_< Are you dealing with any health-related problems right now? Yeah. Even with my APAP mask, because I apparently move it too much in my sleep, I'm struggling with my sleep apnea nightmares/terrors. Do your parents like the music you listen to? Most of it. Do your parents approve of your beliefs? Not all of them, no. How many different digital cameras have you owned in your life? How about cell phones? Cell phones, idk. I've had two "pro" cameras. Do you typically do your make up the same each time? Or do you like to change it up often? It's pretty much always the same. Who is the last person you were in a room with just the two of you? What were you doing? Mom. We worked together on my room. What do you usually order at Subway? Turkey, bacon, American cheese, pickles, banana peppers, and chipotle on I want to say Italian bread. How long is your mother’s hair? It's hard to say, because it's all poofy now versus wavy like before it had to be shaved off. Don't repeat it to her ever, but she has, uh... "old lady hair" now, ha ha. What is your favourite car brand? I don’t care. Whose chore is it to clean the bathrooms in your house? My mom does it. Pick your three favourite fruits. Strawberries, kiwi, and uhhh... apples. Or pineapple. Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity? Yeah. We used to play that a lot at Colleen's house on nights we had some drinks. Who were the last friends you went to hang out with? Oh jeez, idk. I haven't hung out with a friend in a long time. How many chairs are in the room you’re currently in? Zero. I'm in my bedroom. Are you bored right now? I'm bored almost every waking hour of my days. Have you ever seen a pelican in real life? I'm actually not sure. What’s important about April? My younger sister's birthday is in April. Is there anyone who hates you? Jason probably does. Would you consider adoption? Not for me personally. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? Our late boxer mix. Do you own any kind of helmet? No. Do you ever put fruit on your cereal? Noooo. How do you usually celebrate your favorite holiday? My younger sister comes over here and we open our presents with Mom, who also cooks a nice breakfast. We then go to my older sister's house for the day to watch the kids open presents from their extended family. I say "extended" because the kids obviously aren't going to wait for us to get there to open the majority of their gifts from their parents, ha ha. What’s a few facts about the last person that talked to you? She's from New York, has five kids, has survived cancer (one almost advanced to a fatal level) twice, she loves owls, and recently graduated with her bachelor's in social work (it's never too late, people). What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? We're both cisgender females. Where is the biggest scar on your body? It's probably where I had a cyst removal, which is in a spot I can't see. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? Absolutely not. I am NOT getting involved in that. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? I'd go to the gym sooner. Have you ever kissed anyone with a tattoo? Hmmm... I think Tyler actually may have had a The Legend of Zelda tattoo? I can't really remember. If not him, then no. Have you ever kissed someone you weren’t dating? No, but I've been kissed by someone I wasn't dating. Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? Yes. What were you afraid of the most when you were a kid? Being separated from/losing my mom. Do you like to make the first move? No. When was the last time you completely broke down? A few weeks ago when I was having a PTSD episode. Are you listening to any music? No; I'm watching Gab play Final Fantasy X. Is your hair long enough to put in a ponytail? No. Has someone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? Hm, it's funny, I don't see him anymore. Have you ever peed in the woods? No. Have you ever played Twister? Yeah, I liked playing it as a kid. Are you looking for a boyfriend//girlfriend? Not actively, no. I really don't need one right now. Out of all of your friends who have you gotten in the worst fight with? Of all friends I've EVER had, probably Colleen. Of the friends I still have, maybe Sara. What is the last microwaveable meal you had? I've been on a SERIOUS grilled chicken pesto kick lately. Mom buys these small Healthy Choice (or some brand like that) bowls that you put in the microwave and then pour the noodles and chicken into the sauce after and mix, and oh my GOOOOOOOOOOOD it is so good. What would you consider a talent of yours? Assuming the worst out of every imaginable situation. If Hogwarts was a real place and you were able to attend, what class do you think you’d excel at? According to those little quizzes I've taken, I lean mostly towards Hufflepuff, but with Gryffindor traits as well. Would you rather learn more about space or more about the ocean? Well, ideally, space, but I think learning much more about our ocean would be more beneficial to our planet and our prosperity on Earth. Do you have a mental illness? If yes, how have you learned to cope with it? If no, do you ever suspect you may have one? I have a lot. My bipolarity, OCD, and PTSD are *mostly* under control, but I most certainly still have trouble sometimes. My anxiety and AvPD are still rabid fucking hounds. My depression was well-managed not even that long ago, but life circumstances have it so it's been more aggressive than what was usual. Do you have a favorite character from The Avengers? I dunno, I like Loki ig. Thor is cool, too. It's been WAY too long since I've seen that movie. What type of cake would you like right now? Double chocolate cake sounds great rn. @_@ What was your dream job when you were a child? Are you going after that dream or not? Why? Paleontologist, and no, because I don't want to travel for work, and I could also never handle the heat during site excavations. Even though it may not work all the time, what usually helps make you feel better when you’re upset or down? Watching one of my comfort series on YouTube from channels I enjoy. Why do you personally take surveys? It's a method to just get all these thoughts out of my head and to vent when I need to without actually directly burdening someone with my problems. No one has to read 'em. It's purely for my benefit, and also to pass the time, which I have too much of. Are there any words that you can’t stand? Derogatory terms for certain groups of people. What are words that you love? Words like "serendipity," "bliss," joyous, bubbly words. I'm blanking on actual terms. If you had an endless supply of money for clothing only, what would you load your closet with? Ohhhh, lots of shit with studs and spikes. :') I've wanted a studded leather jacket since I was in middle school. Have never gotten one because of how pricey they are. :( I'd also get some KILLER boots and just obtain a more gothic wardrobe. I'd love corsets too if my body ever shrinks back to a point I'd be comfortable wearing well-made ones. What is your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. What is your favorite type of candy? Strawberry Sour Punch Straws. What color would you like to paint your nails next? I don't paint my nails. Realistically, they probably won't be 'til my entirely hypothetical wedding, in which case they'll probably be black. What do you think is creepy that society accepts as normal? Urinals, alsdkfja;klwejr. Like I get men's bathrooms give the option of using a stall, but still... side-by-side urinals are so weird and a breach of privacy to me. What is the silliest secret about yourself that you sometimes feel the need to hide? That I enjoy forum RP. I tell NOBODY because I fear being judged and found as weird. Like seriously, in my "real" life, maybe two people know. What do you think is a good date other than dinner and a movie? I want a picnic date really bad kalj;dkl;jwe. Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why? No. They're all very similar. Do you ever give money to homeless people? No, admittedly. Mom instead likes to sometimes offer them bottles of water or if she's really feeling generous, a cheap meal at like McDonald's or something. She doesn't like to hand out money because, well, we know what a vast majority of homeless people spend it on. Do you like to brag or are you modest? I get really uncomfortable bragging, so I try to be as modest as I can be. What your favourite thing to have on toast? I love giving it a light toast, then adding a thin layer of butter, cinnamon, and sugar. It's bomb. Do you know how to surf? Would you ever like to learn? No to either. If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it? I love sprinkling some sugar in there. Would you prefer to spend time with your whole family all at once, or would you rather quality time with one family member at a time? Depends on what I feel up to, but I tend to enjoy family time as a group more. That way, I don't have TOO much pressure to be constantly social. I can just listen sometimes. What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say in their sleep? I have no idea. I worry what people have heard ME say/scream in my sleep. Do you own a pair of slippers? Yeah, they're meerkat ones! :') Choose one: Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers: Absolutely a Milky Way. Who was the last person to comment you? My mom. I'm cool, I swear. How many arguments have you had with the last person you kissed? A lot over all these years, but I'd say that's normal when you've been friends since you were 8 and 10. Do you know anyone who has been arrested? Yes. What are you planning on doing after this? When I'm done taking this survey, I'll probably either go to bed or play a bit of WoW. Idk. Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? I have my alarm set for 7, actually. Ever been the only one trying to fix a relationship? Mhmmmm. -_- What was the last bad thing that happened to your phone? The case that came with the phone got a big crack in it. Have you ever been with someone while they were throwing up? Absolutely not. I would start vomiting. I can't handle the sound or the act in general. Have you been to the beach this year? No; I haven't been in a long time, and I am noooot complaining. Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? Yes. Are you tan? God no. Do you own any leather? No real leather, no. I never would. Have you ever bought a shot glass? No. Do you have a therapist? Yes. We actually just talked today. Well, technically yesterday. What’s the worst name your mom has ever called you? I don't know. She doesn't really call me bad names. Have you ever listened to Christian music? Not of my own volition, but I've heard it because of other people controlling the radio. Are you the ‘creative child’? Yes, I'm considered that one. Did you like your life when you were in middle school? God no. That's when everything started going downhill. Have you ever been 'popular’? No. Has someone ever tried to convert you? Yes. Are you a fan of muffins? I LOVE muffins. What’s your most recent obsession? It's kinda chilled out now, but when Resident Evil 8: Village released, I was CRAZY over it. I watched SO many different let's plays of it. I think it's safe to say it beats out RE4 as my favorite installment.
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Winx Club Season 6 Thoughts Part 1
I have watched this more than once and even though I have some memories of the ending, I still have no idea what is happening in this season. Now my expectations have been updated to “take what I can get” so that should go better. Also, I will be writing the number of the episode above the section of thoughts that deals with it so that it can be easier to navigate my posts. With that said, let’s get to it:
- Wow, they actually showed Daphne together with the Winx in the intro? Nice. However, I am torn between wanting to move on from Sirenix and despising the fact that I’ll have to suffer through Bloomix and Mythix this season. It’s a lose-lose situation for me.
- The Trix now have beef with Daphne as well? And they are going back to the somewhat original plan of the Coven to destroy Domino? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am actually excited about this!
- Did Daphne just try to go through the door? Aww, sweet precious child who has forgotten what it is to have a body. I am in pain for her even though I am happy that she is human again. I do not like the way that Marion and Oritel seem to not grasp the very obvious problem that Daphne is facing, however. I wish we could see their relationship with Daphne but we can’t step aside from Bloom for three seconds. At least they are showing some consequences of everything Daphne has gone and keeps going through.
- If the beast is the most powerful thing in the Magic Dimension, why does it listen to the Trix instead of just eating them before moving on to Domino? And it looked pretty awake without them having to summon it. So yeah, not much sense in this.
- Okay, I can get that Daphne is still getting used to having a body again but her doubting herself does not feel in character to me. She was always the one to tell Bloom to not doubt herself and she never lost faith in anyone from their family even when she spent two decades as a spirit. This is not my Daphne. She would know how to proceed. It’s like they reversed all her wisdom after bringing her back. As if you can’t be wise unless you’re a non-corporeal entity. I don’t like that. And wasn’t she the nymph of Magix? She is now the nymph of Domino. I mean, she could be both, I guess, but the titles are never used simultaneously.
- Why are the Specialists flying on their bikes if the ship is also there? And why is Daphne wearing heels if she has trouble walking?!?!?!?!
- Did Marion do all of the decorations with her magic? I’m just gonna accept that it was her. Also, I am kinda glad that they kept the maids from Magical Adventure. They were well-intentioned even if a little overbearing.
- Yes, Bloom, great way to be empathetic with your sister. Keep telling her about DANCING even though she can’t even walk in a straight line... or any kind of line. They should have waited with the party. And Daphne tripped here because Bloom had stepped on her clothes. It wasn’t her fault. Though, a makeover might be good for her. I am not a fan of the way Stella referred to her as if Daphne is the younger one and needs help (even though she does need help).
- I also don’t like the fact that they are trying to say that Daphne is stuck on who she was which keeps her from becoming who she needs to be in the present. It does not sound like her. But it’s cute that all the Winx are trying to help her. I won’t mind her being a more central part of this season. She has helped them so many times that it would be nice to see them do something for her or even with her.
- Daphne does look nice! Certainly better than Winx in their hideous dresses Won’t we burn those things already?!
- Yeah, Daphne cowering away and hiding at Oritel’s side is definitely not in character. Sorry but she legit gave everything she had to save her sister from the Ancestral Witches even when she knew it would be the end of her.
- Oh, look. They’re using the special Sirenix spells. I can’t believe it.
- Oritel (and Marion) must be so goddamn sick of the Trix and them threatening his family already. And it hasn’t been more than a year since they came back from Obsidian.
- Oh, poor Daphne. I feel so bad for her. But at least she has her family now and they can hold her and help her get through it. Though, I still think this isn’t entirely in character for her. Tritannus tortured her and she refused to tell him anything and she kept fighting even from her cell despite how limited her resources were. Here she hasn’t even tried. They said she didn’t have her powers but we haven’t seen her try to use them and Daphne has always tried until the very last moment.
- Okay, but I hate it when they send them places only for them to realize they had the answer all along.
- Omg, she was gonna sacrifice herself just to not threaten anyone else. This is more like Daphne. But I am so happy that she got her powers back. Even though they really half assed her Sirenix transformation, though I guess that was to be expected. After Roxy (oh, wait, and Diaspro, too), she is the only fairy besides Winx to be given any transformation so I guess they thought that anything would do.
- Why is Kiko excited to be back at Alfea? And what the hell are Daphne and Bloom doing there? Daphne should be on Domino and getting reacquainted with politics and economy for when she will be queen and Bloom and the other Winx should probably be in the Love and Pet store. Anywhere, really, but at Alfea. Why are they at Alfea again? *sigh*
- Aww, I love the fact that they are all still wearing the charm bracelets Bloom gave them for Christmas. It’s cute. I am not as much a fan of Stella being as obsessed with fashion as she was in season 5. They made her whole character about that (except the struggle with her parents but that has also been resolved now more or less so...)
- I guess bending down is overrated now. You just use magic instead of any other way of solving problems like picking things up from the floor or making space in a room. And poor Kiko. No one noticed that he got miniaturized.
- The new clothes suck. They look so... same. At least the old outfits still had some personality to them.
- How did Griselda not feel the wave of Stella’s magic? Or notice the... illusion? (I suppose Stella used dispersed light to create the appearance of a normal bedroom instead of the boutique.) At least she noticed Kiko. But ewwww, why did he lick Bloom’s face (and after he was angry with her)? He’s not a dog!!!!! Please, writers.
- Oh, no! The pixies are here. Why did they not only change Tecna and Musa’s pixies, but also the design for Piff? Locket, Amore and Chatta look almost the same but I am so not on board with the very fact that they are all back. The least the writers could have done would have been to keep the old pixies (and designs). (Just, please, tell me that the Winx aren’t students again.)
- Faragonda has been Headmistress of Alfea for 100 years? Yeah, right. Direct contradiction right there. In SotLK Hagen said that when they battled the Coven, they were Winx’ age. So they should be about 50. I just hate this. And Faragonda saying that she doesn’t like celebrating anniversaries because they make her feel old? That feels OOC to me but okay.
- Lmao, dying at that dance between Faragonda and Wizgiz. XDDD
- Griffin sounds like she’s finally turned the education in CT in the right direction. She even asked the elder students to help the freshmen which is nice because we’ve seen her not care about the malice witches exhibited towards each other (which I call bullshit on but still). But with the proving thing? Yeah, okay.
- Obviously Selina and Bloom know each other because Selina is from Earth and we all know that everything that happens on Earth is in Gardenia. Love how Griffin didn’t react to that info, though. Does that mean that there were witches on Earth even when the fairies were trapped? Dammit, writers, develop your damn world!
- How did the pixies even defeat the trolls the first time around? And why the hell did they decide that it was a good idea to imprison them under pixie village? You see, this is why you don’t live over the place you imprisoned your enemies. Because they don’t need to find you if they get free. They are already there.
- Oh, Griffin actually stopped the destruction of Pixie Village? I am surprised. I thought she would just let it go on. I mean, the show hasn’t been all that consistent with her characterization so...
- How the hell is Bloom sensing the other pixies? She isn’t bonded to them. If anything, Locket should be the one being able/unable to trace them.
- I was ready to be majorly pissed at this episode and now I am. It was already annoying me but the Trix defeating Griffin so easily made everything much worse. And like... she didn’t even try to fight them? She could have put up a shield to protect herself from all their attacks and she could have used her ability to fly in order to be more mobile while fighting them but nah. She just got soundly defeated. Amazing. And by amazing, I mean the exact opposite. This was horrible and I hate it.
- So... did the Trix ditch their Sirenix? And where did they get those new powers? Also, why the hell did the other witches join them so easily? I know that most witches must want recognition but some of those witches were there when the Trix nearly killed them both in season 1 and season 2. They at least shouldn’t have joined them. Or even if they’d joined, it should have been just a cover so that they don’t get spelled like Griffin and they could secretly work on taking the Trix down. Oh, yes, and why do the Trix want to take over the other colleges? That somehow doesn’t make sense. They already tried that back at season 1 and it didn’t work out.
- What the hell happened to Cloud Tower being a living being? They just destroyed parts of it but nah, that hasn’t come up yet. I hate this. Also, the fact that Griffin not only got turned into a crow but also hit by a lightning. Poor baby!
- Oh, great! She almost died. Love how it was never addressed what it was like for Griffin not just to be a crow but also unable to help save her school and her witches because she couldn’t even warn the others what was going on.
- Why can’t Roxy just grant the crow the ability to talk? We know from season 4 that she can. The dark magic could have prevented that but at least they would know that there is a spell on the crow. And how did Faragonda not feel Griffin? There should be some part of her aura or whatever that hasn’t changed despite the magic in place. Not to mention that Griffin could have tried to show her it was her in some way. The two know each other. Surely if Griffin flew around and pulled out an object that means something to both of them, Faragonda would have started wondering and would have probably figured out what happened. There were so many ways around this but the writers didn’t want contact to be possible because otherwise, it would be over too soon when Winx defeated the Trix.
- Why are the boys at Linphea college now? Also, why doesn’t Brandon know that Sky has a cousin? I guess Thoren doesn’t show up on Eraklyon but does that mean that his whole family has just let go of their ties to the crown? I somehow doubt that.
- Yes, Musa. Destroying all of Alfea with your music will surely cheer up the pixies.
- So why is Miele not in Alfea? That sounds kind of weird. Although, it is possible that she didn’t want to be in Flora’s shadow or in her surveillance the whole time.
- Studies? *groan* Why the fuck are they students again?!?!?! I hate this. But I like the fact that Griselda is back. It’s not the same without her.
- So... not just Bloom, but all the rest of Winx know who Thoren is? But Brandon doesn’t? You know, Brandon who is Sky’s best friend and squire? Yeah, right.
- “Barbaric yell”? Fuck you, too, you “spiritual” snob.
- Is that Nex? Please, tell me it’s not. He seems even worse than Roy. Who is instantly jealous even though he has no right to be since he and Layla aren’t dating. God, I really miss Nabu. He was such a mature and sweet guy. Exactly what Layla needed. (And why is Roy with the Specialists when that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever?)
- Great job, Tecna. Now Helia is probably gonna think that Flora is visiting some old boyfriend. You could have just told him she was seeing her sister. Though, I have to ask where the hell Flora has been all summer if not at home (since she hasn’t seen Miele in so long)? And from her own words it sounds like she hasn’t seen her since season 3 which is just ridiculous.
- You tell him, Layla. Though, that will only make it worse if they get together later because I do not expect the writing to  be clever enough to imply that it was Layla who helped Nex (I presume) get over his pride and superiority complex.
- If Linphea college is so great, why didn’t Flora study there as well? Is it new? It has to be very new in order for that to be the explanation.
- Wait, they actually realized it’s Griffin? But why can she only speak in single words and not whole sentences? Roxy could make Artu talk like a person.
- Yes, they have to tell everyone else because it’s not like Cloud Tower is a whole castle floating in the sky that is probably visible from kilometers.
- Oh, wow. They bothered to give Miele a five-second transformation? I can’t believe it. How very generous of them.
- They actually managed to make the connection between the flying Cloud Tower and the trouble on the ground? I am surprised by their normal level deduction skills.
- Did the Legendarium just negate not only their spell, but also their powers? Wow. That is... actually kinda interesting even though I do not expect it to make a lot of sense when they bother to explain it.
- At least the Specialists caught Winx before they could fall and die. I actually like the fact that they all have to retreat. It was obviously hard on them even though they didn’t have their powers anymore.
- Oh, goodie. It’s Bloomix time. In case someone hadn’t realized that Bloom is sooooo special. She now gets her own transformation. It’s fun how they didn’t even bother explaining how it was possible for the Legendarium to extinguish all their powers.
- Well, at least Stella’s enthusiasm can never be extinguished. But yes, just exercise in high heels, why don’t you? I am so sick of them never wearing comfortable shoes. Enough heels already! They need to wear something that is actually suitable for the activity at hand.
- Poor Kiko. At least Stella didn’t break something while pulling that stunt.
- So Thoren and Daphen actually know each other? Why is everyone acting so familiar with everyone else even though they shouldn’t know each other? I hate this. Also, Thoren doesn’t sound all that sincere. I mean, he probably is. It just doesn’t exactly sound like that to me.
- I am sick of them making Stella the most incompetent in everything. You’re telling me that Tecna that is always on her phone and computer is pulling off all the physical exercise with no problem but Stella that can probably run a marathon if there is shopping involved can’t? I am not buying it.
- I am so done with both Roy and Nex. But more with Nex. Roy is kinda jealous which is ridiculous because he isn’t with Layla but Nex is being a fucking asshole and I hate him so much. I really hope he changes if he is going to be with Layla. (He’ll have to. I don’t believe she would ever spare another glance at him if he remains like that and if she does, then the writers have completely ruined her.)
- I wish Daphne would go to the rescue mission as well. She was the one who figured out the whole way to save everyone.
- Miele was doing so well! She was so brave, fighting multiple opponents. She is great! She even has more interesting spells than Flora.
- Wait, basilisks? Aren’t they supposed to be like snakes? These look more like dragons. I know they said flying basilisks but still.
- The petrifying stares are kinda interesting. But we all know that no Winx is gonna get turned to stone so there is still no tension here. Cute Riven and Sky moment, however.
- Seriously? Bloom can withstand a Trix convergence on her own but Griffin couldn’t? Yeah, makes total sense. I have said this already but if Winx are obviously stronger than the teachers, why not just make them directors of the schools and be done with it? It’s not like anyone else is getting anything done anyway.
- Awww, Stella did the flip! Nice!
- That basilisk totally could have petrified Flora and the other fairies but, of course, it didn’t even try. Like I said, no fucking stakes whatsoever.
- Didn’t they already deal with the tree... whatever the hell they are (I am too lazy to check how you write that and, honestly, this show does not deserve the effort)? Why are there more? Also, she totally did not need to save Miele from falling because Miele has wings. She could have just went back into flight and Flora could have earned her Bloomix just for saving her from the tree thing.
- Okay, the Bloomix spells look better actually. I hope. Otherwise, this will really get on my nerves.
- Why weren’t the Linphea fairies using their wings? That could have saved them from being petrified. I think in flight it would be easier to dodge the rays than it would be while you’re running AND HAVING YOUR BACK TURNED ON THE BASILISKS. BECAUSE THAT IS FUCKING SMART.
- And talking about smart, Roy was an absolute idiot. He could have just whisked Layla away while he was on his hoverbike and been done with it. He didn’t have to get in front of her and get turned into stone. And what does Nex do? His sudden care for Roy made him all stupid as well and he got himself petrified too. Great fucking job! I see how amazing you are in your supposed area of expertise.
- Aww, I love the way Stella pulled Layla out of danger. I am really starting to ship this. Could have gone without Layla asking her if she remembered the flip since she obviously did as Stella performed it just a couple of minutes earlier (but it was in the last episode so they have to even give a flashback!) but it was cute that they did it together. I don’t really think that their actions should have qualified them for earning Bloomix but anyway. I don’t mind that they transformed together because their dynamic is really cute and I am sinking in deep.
- Ah, yes. Bloom was fighting the Trix. Totally forgot that because there was no stakes to that fight whatsoever. I do like the aesthetic of Bloom being in a different transformation than Stella and Layla. We haven’t seen that since three seasons ago when the first Enchantix was won.
- How did Stella get inspired for THESE hats by the battle? This is so totally not appropriate wear for any remotely intense situation. At least she didn’t get sulky this time when the rest didn’t like her designs.
- They’re making Riven an asshole again. I am glad that they had Tecna also being busy with her own things. Honestly, I kinda feel like they’re making Musa too demanding when it comes to attention. And Tecna is right that her algorithm is quiet while Musa’s music isn’t. When you live with other people, you have to respect their space. However, you’d think that they’d resolved this issue years ago since they have been roommates forever. I do like the symbols on their door, though. It really personalizes the space.
- Oh, Daphne has friends! That is really cool! Though, I hope this girl is a magical creature that ages differently because otherwise, this doesn’t make sense. What they said about the long time they haven’t seen each other makes me hopeful.
- These pandemonium sprites look like rats. I am not impressed. Even if they have destructive screams. You’d think the Magic Dimension will have something more interesting. The legend of the four sisters from the Hallowinx episode was leagues above this both in complexity and in creepiness. They need to step it up a notch with the Legendarium. And they don’t even explain any extended history (if any) behind the legends which could have been a great way to worldbuild. But nah.
- I don’t understand what is Musa’s problem. Tecna is allowed to not enjoy herself. And Musa is acting as if if all of her friends don’t enjoy the place she loves, she will not be validated in her love for it. It’s getting annoying. Not to mention that the pixies are not helping. I forgot their only role is to clown around... Which by the way, we already have Kiko for.
- Okay, the thing with the sounds residing in the pandemonium cave is actually kinda cool. Still not sure how exactly Tecna and Musa defeated the sprites but it was cool to see them team up. I’ve always known that the two of them can combine to a very powerful result. And Tecna creating tech for Musa is super cute!
- Ooooh, Diaspro team-up with the Trix! I love it! And Diaspro and Icy circling each other looked like they were checking each other out. They just need to get Bloom to leave Sky and join them and it is going to be the most powerful OT3 ever. (Why is Diaspro still only in her Winx form, though. It has been six years (and possibly more depending on where the movies fit in the time line).)
- Vortex of flames? And fire eaters? That finally sounds intense. Let’s just hope that it will deliver as much as that’s possible at this point in time. Also, I love the fact that Diaspro is invited to the event on Domino. She is a princess, after all, and it would be a good idea to try to smooth things out with her kingdom (since she and Bloom aren’t on good terms).
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Daphne is getting crowned as the heir to the throne! Yessss! Good! I am so happy to hear this! And they’ve gotten rid of the ugly dresses. Though, you’d think that Daphne will also have a new dress that is special for her coronation.
- Well, Thoren has jumped on quite the fast horse. Which I know will keep being the case but... What is Sky’s problem? Is it that Diaspro is there? Or is it because of Thoren? They’re suddenly being inseparable.
- Yeah, I don’t think Bloom’s weakness is from sharing the Dragon Fire. It is supposed to be inextinguishable so it shouldn’t be weakened by a few sparks that she gave to her friends.
- Aww, Daphne, honey, we know you will do your best for Domino! You already have! The whole planet wouldn’t be here without you and your family wouldn’t be either. I am so glad she is finally getting the recognition she deserves.
- Yeah, okay, Thoren left Sky but that was years ago. People change. Though, considering who he’s grown up with (aka Erendor), I can see how that is a foreign concept to Sky. Not to absolve him of responsibility for being so quick to judge after all this time in which he hasn’t bothered to see Thoren. And besides, they should let Daphne make her own decisions. She is more than capable of protecting herself.
- “I just love love” Amore is every shipper ever. Probably why she is most tolerable to me from the pixies.
- This is bullshit. Bloom was born without Dragon Fire. She didn’t have any before Daphne gave it to her. She doesn’t need it to sustain her. Maybe to sustain her powers. But not her life. And back in season 1 when the Trix stole the Dragon Fire from her, she was just fine. She wasn’t passing out and stuff. Stop making inconsistencies just to have more drama, dammit!
- Those fire eater things look stupid. I hope they are more effective, at least.
- Love how Diaspro didn’t even get to have her transformation even though they didn’t have to draw her a new one. They just had to take the transformation sequence from season 1. But even that was too much. At least Sky has learned not to trust her anymore. I can’t believe this day came.
- I like to think that Oritel asking about the girls meant all of Winx not just Bloom and Daphne (even if he didn’t but I think that he did).
- So why did Daphne just stand there instead of blasting Diaspro before she could throw Bloom into the vortex? I do love Diaspro and her wicked good days, though. If only she would just stop caring about Sky. I mean, Icy is right there!
- So it is confirmed that Bloom is a pyromaniac now, right? She was falling towards a vortex of flames and thinking about how beautiful it is. I can def see her lighting things on fire just to see the pretty flames once she got old enough to use a lighter. What is that hydra in the vortex, though, and where did it come from?
- Of course, Bloom can defeat the hydra and survive the vortex even though she was too weak to walk on her own. Of fucking course! Makes perfect sense! (I just hope the Trix will take Diaspro on their side even though Bloom survived. Diaspro did her job and the Trix have been failing to kill Bloom for years. They can’t hold that against her.) Edit: Where the hell did Diaspro go? We never see her again for the rest of the first half of the season (and possibly the second half as well). This plot point was just abandoned midway and I hate it!
- They already danced. Nothing says that they can’t again but they’re making such a big deal out of it.
- I’m gonna say it here but I am really not a fan of the Bloomix designs. The separate elements are good on their own but combined all together are too much for me. I don’t know where in the outfit to look because every part of it is screaming for attention.
- Wow. I guess Stella doesn’t have to worry about getting rid of spiders. She can just yell at them and they’re going to leave. That’s actually useful. Wish I could do that.
- Please, tell me that Faragonda is at least taking some interest in how things with Griffin are going. Not that I have doubts about how well Roxy can take care of her but I doubt that Griffin is feeling very comfortable with the whole ordeal. I think she’d feel better if she spent some of her time as a crow with Faragonda. (Also, why didn’t Faragonda try to break the spell on her? If she can’t, then how did anyone else?)
- I have to say that them saying the Library of Alexandria wasn’t burned but hidden is hurting me because I wish that could be true. At least then the books wouldn’t have been destroyed even though we still wouldn’t have access to them.
- Love it how Daphne’s class has only the Winx and some other fairies when it is convenient. Aka when the Trix need someone to pose as.
- Why did the Specialists only come to Alfea to wish Winx goodbye? They could have done that on the phone. And I really don’t like the way they are making me like Roy by having an even worse option there for Layla. But the gift was actually cool. At least he gets her to a certain level.
- What was the idea of Daphne taking an entire balloon for her and the pixies if the pixies aren’t even flying with the balloon? They’re flying on their own and are just keeping up with the balloon. She could have gone with Bloom and the pixies could have been in the other balloon with Winx.
- I thought Bloom used her fire to make the storm disperse but nope. She just brought the two balloons higher up. And I just got excited over nothing. Damn!
- Really? Cherie just solved this? On her own? Even though Winx couldn’t? Yes, I agree with the Trix. This is ridiculous.
- Of course. Where there is Egypt, there are mummies. Normally, I don’t complain about mummies as I love all things Egyptian but there isn’t one thing that Winx hasn’t managed to fuck up in the last couple of seasons so I am not thrilled about this development.
- Why aren’t the Trix attacking? They have a perfect opportunity. They could blast Winx in back as they deal with the mummies and finish them off. But that would be too reasonable a plan. They have to wait for Winx to get a handle on the situation because they can’t be bothered to move their asses and get something fucking done.
- How is THAT going for their bandages? They just keep blasting the mummies.
- Really not a fan of the way Daphne’s magic appears to be elemental. I think it would have been cooler for her to have some other powers. Or at least have just one element (and I think water would have been more interesting).
- Why does light seem to work on the mummies? They’re dead! They shouldn’t care about light. Nor sleep for that matter! I was gonna say that rain would make more sense as it would make their bandages wet but that didn’t work, yet somehow sleep seemed to have an effect. At least for a while. The lack of logic in this is unreal.
- Chatta just found the oldest way for defeating a mummy - unwrapping it from the bandages. Has none of them watched any movies? That is literally everywhere! Even though it does not make sense either because under the bandages there is a dried up body and this should have been gruesome as hell, not successful.
- Why did Selina send the Sphinx after the city instead of after Winx? That seems like they wanted to cause some unnecessary destruction only to make the Sphinx look tougher. Like we don’t know they’re gonna defeat it.
- How can Bloom feel everything? This is getting preposterous.
- Well, of course, Bloom can also sense a diary that she has never seen. Because it obviously has the energy of a living person and she can feel it. Makes perfect sense, why are you asking?
- At least the Trix are pretty good at keeping up the charade as Alfea fairies. Despite Stormy’s almost instant fuck-up in the the previous episode. Though, if they were smarter, they would be studying Winx to find out how they beat them every time and then deliberately set out to prevent that from happening so that they can win.
- When did Selina get into the library? I know Acheron told her that she needs to find the diary but she managed to teleport to another planet and we didn’t even see it. Not to mention that he said he knows where she can find the diary, yet she doesn’t seem to be doing so well in her search for it.
- Of course, suddenly it turns out that Bloom had a friend in Gardenia that she has never ever mentioned before and no one knew nothing about. Makes sense. They did look cute together, though.
- Seriously????? Piff got the Sphinx?!?!?!?! The Trix are an absolute mood in those last two episodes. This is ridiculous... again.
- Yeah, sure. They’re just doing convergence left and right. And with Daphne. Not like that should be hard to pull off. And I hate to say this but it should have worked. They so totally don’t need Bloom in order for the convergence to happen.
- Originally, they were supposed to have only one try but whatever. And my guess was five letters because I thought he was only asking about the word “books”. I didn’t think it was supposed to be “those books”. But I was still close enough. And it wasn’t that hard a riddle.
- So the library didn’t get burned down. Winx fucked it up and now you can’t enter it anymore. Nice one! Yeah, successful mission for you. But you managed to send to hell the whole library.
- “We’re getting to see the world”? Yeah, one country from one single planet. It’s not like they have been all over the Magic Dimension. Sure, they are totally impressed by Earth that has been shown to be behind on tech AND magic. This line would make sense if they were normal people from Earth. The way things are, it just sounds weird.
- They really have no better way to create danger and are using the pixies to mess with the balloons? Pathetic. Also, why is Daphne using water to stabilize the balloon? How does that make sense?
- They’re just making pointless filler. Stella could have given them the proper warm attire the first time around. There was no need for that ridiculousness. I cannot anymore.
- Oh, yes, suddenly Bloom’s rationalizing abilities peak and she is considering all the question marks around Selina being in the library. Right. Totally bought that.
- Well, at least the Trix are rocking the disguises and the undercover work. That is the breath of fresh air that I need.
- How are the pixies not dead? The Trix turned Griffin into a crow but the pixies are somehow putting up a fight against them? I am going to scream. This is unbelievably stupid. The Trix have the power to decimate the pixies with one hit. So why didn’t they? They would have done us all a favor.
- Yeah, it was so obvious that Piff would wake them up before the Trix could finish them off. It’s just too convenient.
- I see Icy is still struggling with her crush on Bloom that hasn’t let up since the third movie. She didn’t even try to fight. And after all of this, they didn’t even take the diary? Come on!
- They saved his restaurant? It never would have been endangered if they hadn’t shown up! And I didn’t see anyone putting any conscious thought into saving the restaurant... or destroying it for that matter.
- Speaking of their never ending journey, are you telling me that this is the still the day that they left Egypt? Please, do not tell me that they somehow managed to get from Egypt to China in hot air balloons in one day! The hell!
- Oh, yeah, Icy, blame Stormy. You totally had the chance to blow the Winx away but you decided to leave because you don’t actually want to be rid of Bloom. Just admit it instead of blaming Stormy for your leadership and decisions.
- Pearls of restraint? Seriously? How do pearls relate to restraint? This sounds ridiculous. Are you telling me that they are going for some ocean-fire opposition here? Thanks, I hate it!
- Of course, the pearls are easy as fuck to find. Why would they be hidden or protected or something? Pft!
- How the hell did he give them a live flower? And they just said it’s one of a kind and handmade. Where did it come from? That just... doesn’t make sense. Why do I even bother anymore? Not to mention that it is supposed to only grow in Gardenia but he totally had one that was still alive in China. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I have run out of reactions over how incredibly illogical all of this is!
- How many colleges are there and why have none of them ever come up before? I should be glad that they are giving us some tiny bit of worldbuilding but what we get is half assed as hell. We don’t even know where these things are or how they even help the Trix.
- Yeah, the Specialists AND the palladins are training at Alfea because THAT makes perfect sense. But OMG! Riven humoring Kiko and being so cheerful? with him? Absolute perfection!
- I am sick of the pixies. They weren’t so annoying in seasons 2 and 3. What happened?
- Oh, they brought back the freshmen? I thought no one would remember about them. I am pleasantly surprised for the second time in two minutes and I cannot believe it.
- They also unspelled Griffin? Nice.
- Am I the only one that is weirded out by the fact that everyone is referring to them as “the Winx” now? They just called them “girls” before. And even the dragon tamer from the previous episode referred to them that way which was just weird af.
- Aaaaaand Alfea just gained another facility. Not like that takes space or anything. And they were like “Oh, yeah, there was totes a greenhouse in this school and Flora didn’t know about it because it was abandoned BUT... it’s in perfect shape.” The bullshit is unreal once again.
- Omg, Stella and Brandon are so adorable! He is instantly humoring her and just rolling with her theatrical performance. They were made for each other.
- Yes, of course, Sky is the only one that is picking on the “wrong” vibes Selina is emitting. Because he is just so instinctive and it would be an opportunity for drama between him and Bloom (further supported by her just instantly trusting Selina and breaking Alfea protocol for it). Edit: There was no fight between Bloom and Sky about Selina, I can’t believe it! At this point they would throw just about anything between them so I am surprised that they didn’t use the opportunity.
- Wow. Does Stella really have to change their outfits every time they step into a different room? And she just left Selina out. It would have been weird to change her clothes as well but leaving her out was also just... odd.
- Plant monsters again? Didn’t they fight similar plants at one point? I honestly don’t remember when that was anymore but the ones they already fought looked like sunflowers. Maybe in Gardenia when Diana took over? That sounds right.
- Ah, this explains why they unspelled Griffin. That way they had all Palladium, Griffin and Selina pretending to be with them just so everything can piece together in a convenient way.
- Well, this is the most consistent Bloom has been ever since season 3. Something happens and she is instantly running back to Gardenia. At least the Winx tried to talk her out of it (and aww, precious Stella even crying over it!). And okay, I get she is upset that she nearly got Flora killed (love how Selina will never answer for that even though it was one of the closest calls ever) but she just wanted to protect a friend. She couldn’t have known what Selina was planning. And leaving now after they were in such a rush to find Eldora seems very counterproductive and selfish or at least self-absorbed on her part. They still have work to do.
- There’s a Bloom dopelganger at Cloud Tower? Why are they even accepting students? And why did that fairy decide to join them (also, the hair cages are the stupidest thing ever)? They didn’t even give her a reason to do that. I almost feel like they only did it to show it’s possible to switch from being a fairy to being a witch in order to set up Selina’s story. Not like Mirta ever existed or anything. Or Faragonda for that matter (and yes, they switched from being a witch to being a fairy but that implies that the opposite is also possible).
- What, Griselda now has a problem with classical music? But I can’t believe we are seeing Roxy after she is done being useful to the plot. And it was nice to see her in a class in the previous episode.
- Why did Stella need to give them wings? We can go an episode without being reminded that she’s into fashion. And I hate how they are making Winx fight the second Bloom is not there. How is training gonna help if they can’t lock up the Legendarium? That should be a priority!
- Oh, god, the filler is unbearable (so I’m skipping it) and it’s not even giving a good perspective on the emotional mess which I think was the point. They could have done so much in the half an episode they wasted. (Also, how come Layla ended up with Nex when she seems to have more in common with Roy or at least get along with him better?)
- Even the Trix know that Bloom runs back to Earth every time there are consequences for her actions that she doesn’t want to face. But why vampires? And they made it sound like the idea of vampires exists only on Earth. That seems kinda weird.
- And the flower is in Gardenia. I mean, I knew that because I remember parts of the whole Eldora thing. But still.
- Yes, Layla and Stella are the only ones that grew up as princesses so only they can try to be leaders when Bloom is gone. I have to say that that shot of all of them hugging with Kiko but without Bloom is literally perfect for the rewrite I would do that has Layla as the main character and her and Stella are dating. (Why the hell did Bloom leave Kiko behind? She has NEVER done that before!)
- Oh, they’re energy vampires? They don’t drink blood? Or that’s just a paralyzing spell? Oh, wait, no. It’s a hypnotizing spell. I do hate to admit that that seems to be one of the abilities of vampires but they have reduced them to just that? And kinda draining energy? Booooooooring.
- Wait, the vampires are suddenly shooting beams out of their eyes somehow. ‘Cause that makes sense.
- At least Bloom realized that the Legendarium brought the vampires to life. I was just gonna say that it’s dumb of her to not figure that out after so many episodes.
- Well, this episode was completely pointless and could have been easily cut. So could have been the next, I’m guessing. The pixies were pointless as well because Bloom was going to run into the vampires sooner or later and Winx were supposed to go to Gardenia anyway because the flower is there. There was no need for any of this, really.
- Poor Mike and Vanessa. They have been threatened so many times because Bloom will not face her problems and drags them with her to Gardenia. And they are still never complaining about it, never even for a second wished that she hadn’t found out the truth about herself. They are so precious, I love them!
- If you can’t stay at your home, why did you barricade yourself inside it? The logic.
- Of course, she doesn’t have a complete plan. Why would she? She didn’t have to stop and fight them. She could have just kept flying to get them far, far away. It’s clear that she is their target. And that would have bought her time to think.
- And once again, Winx show up just on time to save her. Couldn’t have let the vampires take a bite or two... Oh, wait. They don’t bite. Why would they? Not like that is literally the MAIN thing to a vampire.
- Oh, come on! She’s acting like they have been apart for ages and she abandoned them forever. And her little speech is annoying me because she sounds like she had an epiphany and I call bullshit on that. She was moping right up until the battle and then she clearly wasn’t thinking about ANYTHING.
- Stella legit turned Bloom into a broom?!?!?! For what possible reason? And was she planning to sweep the streets with Bloom’s hair. Very inappropriate even if I would have had nothing against seeing that.
- Oh, yeah. Great idea to leave behind the transformations and go all casual. They might have been able to fight back otherwise and we couldn’t have had that. They needed to be “enslaved” in order for something to appear to be happening.
- What do you mean Stella’s address is Alfea college? Her address should be on Solaria. And why did she just not put Mike and Vanessa’s address? That’s the only Earth address she could have used. But no! Her fashion obsession had to be dragged back in but at least this time it served some purpose.
- “Solar halo”? That sounds so cool. But did the vampire really leave two pixies “guard” against a fairy and four more pixies? How does that make sense? Your math does not add the fuck up! I know you’re undead but you must have some brains left in there.
- Oh, yeah, and the sunlight even breaks the vampires’ spell BEFORE destroying the vampires. NO.
- They make me sick as well, Darcy, don’t worry. They really left enough time for the fashion show as well? I am getting sick of this fashion obsession when there is nothing else going on! There is no plot. There is no point to these episodes.
- She wants inspiration? She didn’t have enough of that when they were fighting all the goth vampires? Though, I have to say that I really like the designs! She really mixed them up and I am so happy to see Stella designing something with a goth streak because it works for one of my ideas.
- This is the most important pizza on a TV show ever. But I am so happy to see how excited Mike and Vanessa are to have all the girls together. They have basically adopted all of them at this point.
- Does this episode intend to start at some point? 1/4 is already done and they have not done anything AT ALL!
- Oh, the touch of Selina and Bloom feels is the first interesting thing.
- Even Mike has noticed how convenient it is that everything is in Gardenia. But wait, Bloom had a drawing of the flower and she didn’t remember it when she first saw it? Wow! They are amping up the ridiculousness even more.
- Wait, why did Bloom keep saying that she’s Bloom and Eldora keeps ignoring that? Isn’t Eldora supposed to be the one that remembers her and Bloom should be the one to have her memories wiped or whatever? Also, Eldora’s cheerfulness is exhausting me when it is coupled with her chaotic energy. That post about Eldora being a drunk Faragonda is too real since Faragonda’s cheerfulness and positivity is a lot more peaceful.
- Weren’t there supposed to be no more fairies on Earth after the Wizards of the Black Circle? Then how come Eldora and Selina were just fine? That is stupid and contradicts the entirety of season 4 but, of course, no one cares about continuity. What is that? If it doesn’t make money, it’s not of interest.
- Yeah, Selina’s backstory makes no sense because she wasn’t after power. She was happy with Eldora and then all of a sudden, boom! She’s evil. Yeah, right. And where did the being the witch of snakes come from? She has never been shown to... oh, wait! That was somehow relevant to the finale, wasn’t it? Ugggggh!
- Lmaooo, the Trix are writing their own critique on the whole thing. Yes, it is all the same old song and dance. I wish they would get more interesting powers. And instead we’re getting Mythix that is both ugly and unnecessary.
- Why didn’t the Winx try telling the Trix that Selina is playing them? That would have made things different.
- “I’m so over the Legendarium.” We all are, Layla. We all are.
- So Eldora is the fairy of flowers? Aka the previous Flora.
- A bit responsible? Yeah, guess who would have never found the Legendarium if not for her. And leaving it unprotected where it could find Selina was so incredibly stupid.
Part 2 is here.
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twodogsoneguy · 4 years
Leashes are probably one of the most important tools you have for your dog when leaving the home, besides a good collar! A good leash is dependent on what you want to use it for, and what kind of dog walker you are. Leashes are very important, in most places you are not allowed to have your dog off leash at all in public, or only if they are well controlled by voice commands. I recommend keeping your dog on a leash no matter what; just because you trust them to play nicely doesn’t mean other dogs will.
Some things to start with: firstly, unless it's a picture I took of a product I own and love, I will not be posting to this blog about actual products because I currently am not affiliated with anyone or have affiliate links, nor do I plan to try and get rights to images I don’t own. If this changes in the future, I will be sure to update my info and let you guys know. Secondly, just so we don't get confused, leash or lead mean generally the same thing, they both refer to a long piece of material that you attach to a dog in order to keep it from straying. 
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So first off is your standard flat leash, a six foot nylon(or other strong material) leash that is typically 1/2-2in in width. It's usually your cheapest option at the dog store, though you can splurge on really expensive pretty ones. These get you from point a to point b. They also come in four foot leads, which are useful for keeping your companion closer to you without having to wrap up the excess. These types of leashes are great when you’re just starting out or need something without frills. I definitely recommend having one or two of these hanging around your house; personally I like to use them when we’re going out for a fun trip or walk rather than work. A good basic leash will be strong enough to hold your dog and not break when they pull. For example, while a 1in lead may be too heavy for a toy breed like chihuahua, it may not stand up to the strength of a great dane. Typically, for most medium to large dogs a 1in width is enough. (For reference, the pineapple leash is a pretty one I haven’d used yet. The red and white on is a leash I bought for Harley when she was a baby. Its obviously well loved.)
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My personal favorite type of leash is the waist or hands free style leash. These leashes usually have an adjustable portion that you can either wrap around your waist or body, leaving your hands free to do other things. I use these when I am out and about with Athena because it makes doing my errands easier. The drawback to these kinds of leashes is that they take some time to get used to. Rather than being able to go in many directions, these leashes often have a very short radius for your dog to walk around with. This means that you have to get used to working as a team while walking together because otherwise you may end up tangled up on the floor. A dog needs to understand directional cues from you in order to successfully work with one of these leads. This doesn’t mean you have to train them in things like “right” or “left’; they just need to be able to follow your directions and read your body to see where you plan to go. With some practice you will be able to use these in no time.
Leather leashes are long favored by the training community. They’re extremely durable when well taken care of; one of the pet parents I took a class with had one from her childhood that she used to train her first dog with. When you buy one new, it will take some time to break in, meaning that it may be very stiff or have some edges that can leave marks on your hands if you have a dog who likes to pull.  Leather is also a strong material, it will stand up to strong pullers unlike other types of leashes. I personally have never had the money to invest in a leather leash, though I have heard the exaltations of its proponents. 
Flexi leads/retractable leashes are my least favorite type of leash. Now, I am going to admit I am a little biased towards these, because oftentimes when I’ve encountered these in the wild they are attached to owners who don't control their dogs or read canine body language well. Retractable leashes have a hard plastic handle, which contains a cord that extends or retracts automatically based on tension from the dog. They often can be locked at a certain length. Pros of retractable leashes include that the plastic handle is often easier for people who have issues with gripping things and they allow the dog a greater range of freedom in the distance they can go. The leash cord itself is typically lightweight, making them easier to use with smaller breeds. One of the biggest considerations when choosing this type of leash is making sure that it is rated for your dog's full grown weight, otherwise you run the risk of it snapping and losing your dog. Personally, I don’t like taking that kind of risk with my dogs.. Another concern with this type of leash is that it doesn’t allow the handler nuanced control of their dog. This is a concern because whether or not that dog is well behaved, other dogs may not be and being able to rush into another dogs space can turn very bad very fast depending on how the other dog reacts.
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Traffic leads are short leashes under four feet, usually around two or three. These leashes are short and sweet, and mean that you have your dog up and close to you all the time, which can be especially useful in urban environments. Traffic leads are often used by service dog handlers, because their short length means they can drop the lead on top of the dog when they need their hands and easily pick it back up again. Traffic leads, like waist leashes, require good teamwork between the dog and handler because you are right on top of each other. I have used a traffic lead in the past, however I found it wasn’t as useful as I hoped it would be as it was too restricting of Athena’s movements. 
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Slip leads are a type of leash that uses a slipknot type loop that goes around the dogs neck. These are especially useful to those who have low mobility, and for picking up dogs running at large. Slip leads do not require a collar to use. A major drawback of the slip lead is because it works with a slipknot, it is very similar to a choke collar, meaning that it can tighten around your dogs neck a great deal and choke them or cause them to cough. However a dog who walks politely on a leash faces very little harm from a slip lead. I personally find that the benefits of slip leads outweigh their risks, because theres no way to get a collar on a dog running along a highway. I also like the convenience of a slip lead for quick trips to the drive thru because it means that I don’t have to clip and unclip the lead from my dog. You may also find these at your local vet clinic, as they are a way to easily leash a dog who may have come in without one.
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Finally, the last type of leash I will talk about is the long line. A long line is a very long leash, usually over 10ft. These are used to help train a dog recall in a large open space like a park. I’ve used mine very little because I bought it just before last winter, and then the pandemic happened so its mostly spent its time hanging out in the leash pile, hence the poorly done daisy chain. Long lines are typically beneficial to people who are training working dogs in areas such as hunting or schutzhund.
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Bonus round: Though not technically a leash, did you know you can get a seat belt for your dog? Doggy seat belts are similar to a short lead in length, and have a seat belt tongue(the metal part that goes into the buckle) and attachment point so that your dog is restrained. These need to be used in conjunction with a harness because using it with a collar can lead to injuries. Seat belts for dogs work wonders to keep a dog out of your hair and in the car, even when the windows are down. However, a caveat: according to Center for Pet Safety, who did tests on harnesses in car crashes, there are only certain ones that provide your dog with protection. Read more here.
To keep in mind: there are a lot of other considerations that go into choosing a leash. One of the big ones, do you need/want a padded handle? Many leashes made today have neoprene padded handles that reduce the amount of pull damage your hand takes, and are well worth it for the comfort. Reflective materials are also an important consideration, especially if you plan on doing a lot of walking during the dark hours in the early morning or winter evenings. They even make leashes now that light up at the press of a button. You may consider having several leashes for different occasions, I know I have close to a dozen now even though I only have two dogs. Anyways, that's it for this post! Let me know what you think in the replies/reblogs.
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crysta-cub · 4 years
Crysta’s Lamia Experience: Hero’s home and Get Better Crysta.
ok.... kinda got distracted from writing this one. Here’s the continuation of “Looking a Hero.” Just some progress.. kinda set back in time a bit... more stuff to happen soon in this... story thing I’m doing.
I wake up with a whine, my body still feels achy and warm, too warm and cold at the same time. My body shivers as I bury my face in a coil of scales. It was different, but pleasant and definitely something to look forward to getting used to. I feel a skeletal hand pet between my ears and down my back. I press into the touch before rolling onto my back and looking up to my newest Lamia’s eyelights. I smile as well as I can with my pointed muzzle, my soul buzzed with warmth. “Good morning” Hero looks concerned as he pressed his hand against my cheek. “Morning, you’re not feelin’ well?” His hood is flared with worry.
I press my face into his hand and shake my head in it. “No” I whine out, “I’m not well. Seems the electricity did more to me than I thought.” I shift to my side and curl up tighter. “I think I have a fever. It just needs to run its course as my body repairs itself. I just need to rest, maybe some food.”
“You’re burning up. I’m concerned, what else did those men do to you?”  Hero rubs around my ear, it feels so good.
“No, it’s normal, kinda. My Human form was badly damaged and needs to heal, I think the electricity had also affected other forms or essentially my entirety which I haven’t dealt with anything like it before.” I lay my head on Hero’s hand, I can feel him stroke my chin. “But it's all healing, the fever is just a side-effect. The worst that may happen is that I’ll lose myself to my current form’s instinct, which luckily I’m in this one, much easier to deal with.” I let out a huff, moving my chin to encourage more scritches, “Honestly it’s scarier when I get something that’s reflective to a cold here on Earth. I tend to randomly shift forms with that and I have a few forms that don’t belong.”
Eevee gets up from the coil she rested on and stretched with a yawn. She hops over towards me, ignoring Hero’s grunt before licking my face. “Come on, let’s go. Food to be had, we play.” she whimpered-talked at me, wiggling and tapping her front paws excitedly. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t today baby-girl, not feeling well. You’ll have to settle with playing with Moonstone and Guardian today.” I whine back.
“Ok, Noodle-bones are fun to play with, Guardian likes to tug and Moonstone gives good rubs. What about big Noodle-bone?”
I offer Eevee a tail wag. “Only if he wants too. His name is Hero. He lives here now. Why don’t you find the other two and play.” 
“Ooooo, Hero is a good Noodle-bone.” Eevee basically dances in place, looking around for the mentioned lamias. “I’ll find them.” She leaps off of Hero and runs out the door. 
“She’sss... lively. What did you say? You were talking like a dog.” Hero comments, rubbing where Eevee stood. Having a 56lb pup prance on your scales couldn’t be comfortable. 
I give a sleepy nod. “She is, and she likes you, she’ll enjoy playing with you if you’re up to it. Just so you know, she calls you guys Noodle-bones.” Hero tilts his head at that but I can feel his amusement through our bond.
I feel Munchkin begin to awake against my chest. I nuzzle him affectionately. He blinks up at me and pushes away. “Mama Issta isss too warm.” He whines before looking up at Hero, staring at him with shiny eyelights before reaching out to him. 
Hero seems uncertain, glancing at me as if asking what he should do. I smile before snuggling close. “He wants you to pick him up. Munchkin is very affectionate. He already seems very fond of you.”
Hero nods and gently picks up Munchkin, holding him close to his chest. He lets his hood relax so the serrated edges wouldn’t accidentally poke the young lamia. Munchkin grasps onto Hero’s ribs, pulling himself up to pat Hero on the chin. He giggles and wiggles in Hero’s arm and I can feel an awkward joy coming from Hero. “Why don’t you two go out, go check out the rest of the house. I’m sure Moonstone would love to show you around. Just don’t enter the room Alpha and Butterscotch are in, I’m sure they’d like their privacy.”
Hero bounces Munchkin in his arms, aww, he’s a natural. “What about you?”
I yawn widely, shifting mildly to try to curl further under the blanket. “I need to sleep, but maybe later today, if you guys can bring me some food, I’d appreciate it. Just keep it dog safe.”
Hero nods and begins to slide out of the bed, gently lowering me onto the bed. He hesitates at the door. “Which one isss Moonstone?” 
I peak open an eye with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I guess I didn’t get much of a chance for proper introductions. Moonstone the Papython and Guardian is the Chain. Obviously you’re holding Munchkin. Alpha is the King and Butterscotch is the Honey-bo, obviously the parents of Tempest and Nightwish.”
Hero nods at the information before returning back to the bed, using one hand to tuck the blanket around me. I nuzzled into his hand as it neared my face and gave him a small warm lick. I close my eyes as I hear the door softly close as the large lamia leaves the room. I shiver under the blanket, curling in as much as I can. I’m burning up but there’s not much that can be done but to sleep. 
Hero sighs at the door, he could tell Crysta was sleeping. He was enjoying his new soul connection with this interesting creature. Her soul was affectionate and caring. He could tell she cared deeply for everyone that lived under her roof, a family she desired. But there was a sadness beneath, a longing for a land far out of her reach. He wants to know that story, to ease her pain. 
“Moooonie!” Munchkin cried out, wiggling in his arms. Hero carried Munchkin down the two steps to the living room, an odd set-up, he mused to himself, though the whole concept of living in a house was new to him. He spent so much time living in the woods, always having to carve out a spot for himself. He honestly was excited for this new life. 
“Munchie!” A Papython looks up from a book in full attention. This must have been Moonstone, Crysta mentioned. Munchkin began to lean towards the smaller lamia, Hero doing his best to support his weight. Carefully, Hero settles Munchkin onto the couch and watches as the little one zoomed into the Papython’s open arms. Munchkin cuddled in close, making some happy little chirping noises. 
Moonstone looked up at Hero with excitement in his eyelights. “Hi! You’re Hero, correct? Are you going to be living with us?” 
Hero nods at the Papython’s enthusiasm. “Yesss, That is what Crysssta named me yesterday. I believe so, we now share a soul bond and I’d like to stay with her.”
Moonstone smiles brightly. “Me and Guadian have a bond too! Had it before Momma Crysta took us in and named us. She is very nice and really good at naming. Momma Crysta named me after the beach she ressscued me and Guardian from.”
Hero raises his brow bones in interest. “She rescued you two?”
Moonstone nods and begins to share what had happened that day when a skittering noise interrupts him. Hero’s hood flared in alarm as the noise raced towards them. Eevee came running into the living room at full sprint with Guardian riding on her back, “Yeehaa Wild Eevee! Wild Eevee!” Eevee leaps over Hero’s tail, onto the second couch to use as a bounce board and runs back out of the living room. 
Guardian falls off in the middle of the doorway between the livingroom and the kitchen, rolling as he does and continues to laugh. He looks up at Hero and waves. “Hehehe, morning Hero! How’sss Momma Crysta! Do you have a?” He touches his chest to indicate what he’s asking about. 
Hero smiles at the young Chain, touching his sternum, nodding, gaining a glowing smile back. “Your, Momma Crysta isn’t feeling well so she sssleeping in her dog form…” Hero wasn’t entirely sure if that’s how it was supposed to be referred to. 
“Oh, the greyhound one she changed into last night?” Moonstone assisted. Munchkin looks to be really enjoying his snuggle with the Papython. 
Hero nods. “Yesss.”
“That’sss her original form.” Guardian adds as he rolled over to his belly. He looked towards the door where Crysta rested. “What happened to Momma Crysta?”
“I’d like to know that too.” Hero turns to where Alpha had slithered out. Alpha puffs out his chest, looking up at Hero. Hero gave him a curious look. King glances back at the small Lamia door. “Butterscotch wanted a little lone time with the twins. So I’m here to guard and check on them.” King nodded towards Moonstone, Guardian and Munchkin. 
“I understand.” Hero gives Alpha a respectable bow. “I felt a sssoul calling to me and I followed it to a cabin in the woods. I could feel that the one I was meant to bond with was in distresssss. I rescued Crysta from sssome awful men that had captured her.” Hero went on to explain the full story of Crysta’s rescue and meeting up with Waffle and Edgar. At the end of the tale, Hero was surprise to be nearly pounced on by Moonstone and Munchkin with a hug as Guardian stared up at him wide eyed. 
“Thank you, for sssaving Crysta. You have our gratitude.” Alpha nods approvingly. 
A faint blush paints Hero’s cheekbones as he pats both Moonstone and Munchkin’s heads.
Guardian slithers closer to Hero. “you’re really large for a Chain or a King. You’re bigger than Waffle!”
“Guardian.” Alpha begins to warn. 
Hero chuckles. “It’sss fine. I’ve never known any lamias my sssize. I hit a growth spurt and kept growing. I know I’m different from both ssspecies I’m mixed with.”
“I think it’s cool. You look awesssome!” Guardian exclaimes, causing Hero to blush more. Alpha shook his head. 
“Crysta sssuggested I get a tour of the houssse?” Hero informs the lamias around him. “I’d also like to hear how Crysta ressscued you two.” 
Moonstone perks up. “Oh Yesss, I can do both. Do you mind holding Munchkin while you follow?”
Hero nods and lifts Munchkin who begins to chant “Ero Ero!” with a few peeps and chirps. 
Alpha chuckles, “He’s still figuring it out.” his hood flares as he hears something from the lamia door. He smiles and rushes back in. 
Hero held Munchkin close to him and begins to follow Moonstone and Guardian around. A few of the doorways and the stairs that led downstairs proved to be a bit difficult to get through, but Hero managed with the young ones patients. After the tour, Moonstone helps Hero fix up a meal for Crysta as Guardian entertained Munchkin with Eevee. 
Once everyone was occupied and out to do their own things, Hero slithers back over to Crysta’s room. He peeks into the room, watches as Crysta’s chest rises and falls. Her head raised to look up at him, giving him a whine. Hero could feel through the bond that she wasn’t fully there, the forms normal instincts taking over as what really made up Crysta stayed basically unconscious. It was an odd feeling he was getting and possibly odder that he understood it. 
He moves towards the bed to offer the food. Crysta, the greyhound, laps at it a few times before turning her head at it. Hero tries again before she gets up and walks out the open door, head hung low. Hero follows after her and watches as she walks out of the door and down the patio, only to turn away as she looks to begin to take care of a little business. 
Eevee bounds up to Crysta, looking to play. Crysta only sighs at her before finding a clean sunny spot to lay down and rest. Eevee whines at her and gives her a nudge before laying next to her to rest her head on her back. Moonstone and Guardian watched on with worry. Hero gently pets their skulls before picking up Munchkin and going back inside. He wraps up the food for another time and puts it away, momentarily being mesmerized by the fridge and opening and closing it to see the light go on and off. He grabs a plate of sliced chicken and brings it into the livingroom and settles Munchkin down with it, unwrapping it for the young lamia. Moonstone and Guardian followed after. 
“Momma Crysta fell asleep out there.” Guardian informs as he climbs up the couch with Moonstone. Hero nodded in response. 
“We can watch over Munchie if you want to take care of Momma Crysta.” Moonstone offers.
Hero looked towards the backyard. “I’ll give her some time in the sun, it feels like it’s helping a little.”
Guardian nods in understanding before helping Munchkin with a piece of chicken. 
Hero watches them for a moment before going back out to the patio. Sure enough both Crysta and Eevee were napping in the grass. Hero curls up on the deck to watch them, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his scales. 
It wasn’t long before the shadows begins to creep closer towards Crysta and Eevee. Hero unravels himself and approaches the two sleeping dogs. Eevee woke up and begins to wag her tail for Hero. Hero gives her a pet before nudging her to get up. Eevee wasn’t hard to convince as she begins to rear up to try to lick at him. Hero chuckles and finds a ball in the grass and throws it for her to chase. While Eevee is distracted, Hero lifts Crysta into his arms and carries her back into the house. Eevee follows until she gets to the living room, choosing then to redirect her attention to the younger lamias for play. 
Hero brought Crysta back into the room and closes the door behind him. He curls up on the bed, hearing it creek under his weight. He wraps himself evenly around the bed and makes a nest in his coils before placing Crysta in it. Crysta peaks open an eye to look at him, letting out another whine. Hero smiles down at her, petting her warm head. Crysta presses into his hand before curling up in the nest and falling asleep. Hero smiles down at her before getting cozy. He was ready to watch her sleep, just wanting to be with her. He lays over his coil behind her and wraps an arm over her torso. Crysta stirs momentarily, looking at the bony arm before giving it a lickand falling back to sleep. Heros’ soul flutters at that, smiling at her before settling for a long wait. 
I woke, not sure of time or day or even fully realizing where I was. All I knew was that I was comfortably warm, but not feverish, I am laying in a nest of blankets and coils. I can hear various sleeping lamias and of course my puppy in the nest. Below my chin rests Munchkin and curled together near my midsection cuddled both Moonstone and Guardian. Near my hindlegs, Eevee curled tightly like a little croissant and behind me (and well also below and all around) is Hero, holding me close to his chest. I angle my head to look up at Hero, seeing him watching me.
“You’re finally back with us. How are you feeling?” Hero asks, using his other hand to stroke my forehead. 
“Better, how long have I been completely out of it?” I ask, being as quiet as possible so not to disturb the other sleeping occupants. 
“If you’re talking about being more dog than you… a few days now.” Hero responds, he looks like he had been worried for a bit. 
I nod in return. “Guess the whole ordeal took quite a bit out of me. Didn’t mean for you to have to look after me upon your arrival.”
“Nonsense, I embrace it. I look forward to taking care of you for the rest of my life. You’re my soulbond.” Hero continues to pet me. “Would you like to eat? I barely got you to eat while your dog self was more in control.”
My muzzle opens in a yawn. “Most dogs stop eating when they aren’t feeling well so I can imagine that happening. I think I can eat a little something.”
“We’ll get it.” Both Moonstone and Guardian spring up before rushing out the lamia door of the room. 
I chuckle at that before two little arms wrap around my neck. I glanced down as best I could to see Munchkin hugging me. So much for not waking anyone up. I give him a lick, causing the young lamia to giggle. I close my eyes and assess my human form. “Just a few more days and I can take on my human form again. They really did that form a bit of damage. How are Butterscotch and Alpha and their babies doing?”
Hero shrugs mildly, making me a bit concerned. “If Butterscotch would let anyone other than Alpha back into the room, I would know more. But Alpha reports that everyone is doing fine the few times Butterscotch sent him out for a little alone time with the twins. Alpha won’t go far from the door though but we worked out a system to get them more food.”
I nod, amused by Butterscotch’s behavior. “So long as everyone is healthy, I’m happy”
“We just need you to be healthy again.” Hero gently squeezes my chest. 
“I’m working on it. Thank you, my Hero.” I give his arm a lick, feeling through the bond, his soul fluttering at the notion. I sigh as I settle in and await Guardian and Moonstone’s return with food. My family is bigger now and my soul, finally feeling full.
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thereislifeafterhq · 5 years
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Maya Winters is 26 years young with a birthday on March 30th. She hails from Houston, Texas but now lives in New York, New York. She is a Personal Trainer and looks a bit like Shay Mitchell.
Full Name: 
Maya Alexandra Winters
3 Positive Traits: 
+ Determined + independent + caring
3 Negative Traits: 
- Competitive - independent - stubborn
triggers: spousal abuse, spousal rape, manipulation, homophobia
Maya was like a lot of the girls that grew up in her town. Sugar and spice and everything nice, just the way a girl should be, until she was allowed to tap into her more athletic side and then her competitive nature rose to the surface. It was something her parents despaired, a thing her younger brother loved, but for Maya it was her escape. As long as she partaking in a sport of some kind, whether it be track, swimming or basketball, she could focus on one thing - winning. If she was winning it meant that she wasn’t focused on the more sinful thoughts that occupied her mind as she grew into a young woman. She could be the good little baptist with a sinful mind so long as she focused on winning to keep her sinful mind otherwise occupied.
Being the good little baptist was easier said than done though and despite her best efforts she found her first love, even if it were forbidden. Maya could never imagine her best friend Dani sharing such devious emotions but she was wrong, something she was joyous about for a very short time. When Dani’s mother found them together in the basement in a position obviously intentioned for lovers, her joy was brought to an abrupt end and she was sent straight home. Maya had no idea what would happen next, would her and Dani be sent away to one of those awful conversion camps? Would someone have to transfer for what was left of the school year? None of it mattered. The next morning, Dani’s parents were on her doorstep demanding to know where their daughter was and outing her to her own family. Maya was crushed, Dani had ran away, not that she blamed her, but she had left her behind in doing so. Maya’s parents gave the young woman a choice, go to a camp and “get straightened out” or date a young man from their church and proceed with life as normal (after many confessions), neither were ideal but with no idea where Dani had gone, her family were all she had left and so she stayed.
When high school was done and over with, her and her now boyfriend, David, both went off to TCU to continue their education and with much arguing done on her part, Maya was able to continue with her dedication to sports with the addition of focusing on the healing practices involved with physiotherapy. It was a compromise, she would much rather have entered at a more competitive level, after all, she had been offered a spot on the girls basketball team almost immediately after receiving her college acceptance letter but her parents feared it would encourage her “inner demons and unnatural perversions to resurrect themselves”. It was something that Maya continued to struggle with, no matter how much time she spent with David, so when he proposed on her twentieth birthday she felt that God would forgive her premarital sex if it was with the man she intended to marry and if she was doing it with the hopes that it would fix her, even if deep down she knew she wasn’t broken. In their final year of their studies, Maya and David’s relationship started to deteriorate, neither of them particularly wanting to be with the other but it seemed God had other plans and Maya graduated college an expectant mother, cementing in her mind that now she must stay with David in order to provide a family for her child. A son, Elijah, born January 13th.
Despite their unhappy co-existence, Maya was relatively happy, she was a part-time physiotherapist at the college sports centre, a full-time mom to Eli (thanks to on-site daycare) and was slowly fulfilling her families wishes as she walked the walk and talked the talk when it came to planning her wedding, something both her and David had agreed should be pushed back to focus on their son. David was out having extramarital affairs and this didn’t bother Maya one bit, if he was having sex with other women it meant that he asked of it less from her and she wouldn’t have to go through the motions of enjoying it or even allowing her mind to wonder to beautiful women, she knew it was wrong but the thought wasn’t as sinful as the deed. Ironically, David accused her of having an affair which resulted in a heated argument. She hadn’t expected the punch but she wasn’t surprised by it either, if things had been different, she might have stayed but David made the mistake of striking her in front of Eli and that was something she was not going to allow around her son. She took her son and left, reported to the police and stayed with a friend for a little while so she could figure out what to do. Maya stayed long enough to press charges and file a restraining order against David before leaving the state of Texas entirely. Her family had argued David’s case, putting the blame on her, that she shouldn’t have made him angry and in that moment she saw everything clearly, she was never going to be the girl they wanted her to be way. She was done, she needed somewhere she could build a new life for herself and for Eli, one where people wouldn’t be able to find her, one where David wouldn’t find them and despite their fake relationship, she knew David and he hated big, loud and busy places. New York seemed like the perfect place for a new life.
Life in New York was something was freeing and terrifying. Maya found herself alone, a young, single mother with little money and nowhere to stay. She pawned off what little items she possessed worth any money in order to secure an apartment for a month while she hunted for work. Maya had parted from TCU on good terms and was able to get a glowing reference from someone who had no connections to David, that didn’t stop her from constantly looking over her shoulder though. With a job secured, Maya was able to find a local day care for Eli. Things were uncertain but she had secured their lives in New York, at least for now.
6) A split second, that’s all it takes for a child to vanish from their parents eyesight, it was all it took for Eli to disappear out of Maya’s sight. Maya was frantic with worry, terrified that David had actually followed them to New York and taken her son. Thankfully, the panic was short lived and Eli had toddled off to pet the dog of a stranger, except this wasn’t any stranger. To Maya’s shock, the dog, Batman, belonged to no other than Dani, her Dani. The odds of finding each other were almost impossible and yet, they had. The old friends reconnected and soon feelings resurfaced but they both had baggage. Dani had her own issues to deal with and Maya had Eli as well as refusing to admit her relationship with David to be what it was, abusive, mentally, emotionally, sexually and had she of stayed, physically.
Maya’s career began to take off, her training and physio became well known and before she realised it, she had landed herself a celebrity client. Word soon spread and work came in steady and allowed her to feel more financially secure. Maya and Dani decided to no longer hide their feelings in front of Eli and soon Dani went from being Eli’s “Dandee” to Eli’s Mommy. Maya had what she had always dreamed of, the woman she had loved for as long as she could remember and a happy, healthy little boy.
Dani’s ex re-appeared and Dani soon spiraled, resulting in Dani entering rehab. Maya wasn’t prepared to give up on Dani, not at all, she would fight with everything she had for her but Dani’s status meant paparazzi had taken and published photos of the pair of them together. It was a target painted on her back. Maya makes a point of deleting all the messages, she doesn’t want Dani to ruin her recovery, but Maya has been receiving messages. She’s not sure who is behind them but she is terrified for her and Eli’s safety. She’s received threats that someone will tell David exactly where they are so that David can save Eli from his perverse mother, one even claimed they’d drag her and Eli back to Texas where she will be dealt with. These threats never leave her mind, she is reluctant to leave Eli alone, even to go to work but she knows that she can’t afford to lose her job and packing up and running again isn’t an option. She’s installed several deadbolts throughout her apartment, has given up her boxing. Her life revolves around three places right now, work, home and the times she’s allowed to visit Dani in rehab.
Maya is honestly considering purchasing a gun for protection. She won’t talk about the things David put her through, she won’t admit to some of them, but she is scared of him. Maya wants nothing more than to rid David from her and Eli’s life for the rest of forever so that they can build a life with Dani but until she figures out how to make that a reality, she lives in secret fear and doing everything she can to not show the cracks.
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winryofresembool · 5 years
Edwin/dad!Ed one-shot: Girl Issues
Summary: Ed’s son Alan has been disappearing a lot from their house, and Ed tries to figure out why.
A/N: finally! This took like a million years. I hope you guys will still enjoy it :) Please let me know what you think!! (bing @automail-freak-and-alchemy-freak)
Edit: I forgot to say there might be a small “easter egg” hidden in the fic, about a movie some Edwin people have been talking about lately :’)
Words: 2450
Warnings: swearing
”Hey, Ed?” Winry addressed her husband who was cleaning the kitchen after the dinner. “Do you think Alan has been acting weirdly lately? He’s been doing… less mechanic work and gone out to town way more often…”
“He has?” Ed stopped putting the plates into the cupboard and turned to look at his wife, raising his eyebrows. “To me he has told that he’s simply taking some extra art lessons with Mr. Dawson because drawing blueprints has never been his strength.”
Winry crossed her arms over her chest and looked just as surprised as he did. “And to me he’s told he’s helping out some friends who have trouble with school… Something doesn’t add up.”
“Hmm. It’s not like him to hide things from us. I think I will call Mr. Dawson tonight and ask him if he’s really been at his house,” Ed decided. The conversation ended at that point because a loud crash could be heard from the living room, and Winry rushed to check what the twins had broken this time.
Only half an hour later, Ed, who was observing Emma’s alkahestry studies upstairs, heard the front door opening and closing. That let him know Alan had just left the building. He waited 10 more minutes, just in case Alan indeed went to the Dawsons, before dialing their phone number.
“Mr. Dawson? Hello! I’m calling you because my son seems to have been spending a lot of time there lately. Is he there right now?”
“No. And he hasn’t been here for the past two or three weeks, so I wouldn’t call that ‘a lot’,” a grumpy voice answered.
Ed narrowed his eyes at that piece of information, but he didn’t want to make Mr. Dawson too suspicious so he didn’t reveal the real reason of his call.
“Oh, OK. Well, thank you, anyway. And if he shows up, could you tell him to come home as soon as possible? Winry has a commission to finish and the twins are currently trying to kill me, so extra hands would certainly be useful.” The part about the twins was obviously a lie, as they were sitting surprisingly quietly in the living room listening to their father’s phone call, but the dramatic wording would probably get Alan home more easily. That is, if he ever got the message.
Winry glanced at Ed curiously when he finished the call.
“So? Did you find out anything?”
Ed shrugged. “Only that Alan hasn’t visited Mr. Dawson for several weeks. I thought he was enjoying his classes!”
“I thought so too,” Winry said, getting more and more confused.
“Did you talk to any of his friends?” Ed asked then.
“I just saw Jack, that boy from his class, down the street, and he said that if Alan had been helping someone, he certainly wasn’t among them. But you know, to me it sounded like he was hiding something from me.”
“Great,” Ed sighed. “So he’s been lying to both of us. What do we do about this?”
“I guess we should get him to talk. But how do we do it? He’s got your blood in him, you know.” Winry threw Ed a sly look that Ed had seen quite many times during their years of marriage.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Ed pretended to be hurt by Winry’s implications.
“Just that you have never been very good at expressing yourself, honey.” Ed snorted, because Winry and he had never been ones for pet names. “But also, since he’s more like you than you probably realize, you should be able to figure out the best way to make him open up. Was there anything that managed to crack your shell open when you were a teenager?”
Ed leaned his jaw against his hand, seeming to consider Winry’s question. His face seemed to have gotten some extra color when he spoke.
“Well, after the Promised Day… There was this girl who had been my friend since forever… She had even built me an automail leg and arm, so I could function… I knew she was upset because I couldn’t tell her what was happening in my life, but after the Promised day, when I felt it was safe to tell her everything… it was easier than I thought. Why? Because she made me feel she cared.”
“Ed… that’s very sweet of you…,” Winry said, completely surprised by her husband’s words and blushing slightly. She let her hand linger on his shoulder for a moment before continuing: “Anyway, I guess that means you should show that you do care about his wellbeing. I mean, deep down he must know that already, but you know, sometimes it’s good to say it aloud. He’s in a difficult age, but I know he really respects you and values your opinions.”
“I hope so,” Ed grunted, not quite believing her.
Until that moment, the twins who had been listening the whole time hadn’t said anything, but suddenly the 4-year-old Henry blurted: “We heard brother talking with big sissy today! He told her to ‘dis… tract you’, whatever that means, while someone comes to get him with a motorbike!”
“Really?” Winry asked, her eyebrows raising probably higher than the twins had ever seen. “Those two are almost as bad as… oh, never mind,” she added quickly when she saw the twins staring at her intensely.
“So that’s why Emma was so eager to show me what she had learned with Mei… She’s usually not that enthusiastic about it,” Ed noted.
“Makes perfect sense. Hey, my little king and queen,*” Winry ruffled her kids’ hair, “you didn’t happen to hear where they were planning to go?”
“No, mum,” the twins said in unison. “But I bet Emma knows!”
“We’ll just have to ask her, then.”
“No, dad, I’m not gonna tell you where Alan is. One, because I don’t know it either since they change their meeting place regularly, and two, because it’s none of your business.”
Emma took a book from her bedside table and pretended to be interested in it instead of looking at her father’s stare. Even though it didn’t work quite as well against her as it once used to, she still felt slightly bad about hiding things from him. Alan was right, though, their parents were too curious for their own good.
“Fine, then. Can you at least tell me with whom he is?”
Emma was positive her father would use what he liked to call “Elric telepathy” on her if she didn’t talk, so she let a little huff from her mouth and said:
“He’s gonna murder me, but… you would find out eventually if they continue doing this. You’re not gonna like this, dad…”
“Emma, just tell me already.” Ed was starting to show signs of losing his patience. Even though he had calmed down after having his children, the old temper still raised its head when he was truly annoyed or frustrated.
“Remember how Mei’s niece from Xing came to visit her and Al a couple of months ago because she wanted to learn more about Amestris and alchemy?” Emma asked, trying to be nonchalant but failing at it.
“Yes, wasn’t she Ling’s daughter?” Ed asked, not understanding why Emma had started talking about her. “Didn’t she have all those guards behind her all the time because she’s the daughter of the Emperor?”
“You are right, she was… Well, what you probably don’t know is that she decided to stay here in Amestris. She’s been trying to keep a low profile because she doesn’t want the media to follow her.”
“OK, but what does this have to do with Alan? I don’t get… OH!” The pieces of the puzzle started finally clicking in Ed’s head, and Emma could see his face taking a more and more dark red shade as he processed the information. “Are you telling me… my son… is seeing… that bastard’s heir?!”
“I told you, you wouldn’t like it.” Emma shrugged. “I thought you and the Emperor were friends, though? Doesn’t he always send you presents on holidays and stuff?”
“Damn right he does,” Ed suddenly stopped caring that he was talking to his daughter, “but that’s only because I once had to pay for a hell of a lot of food for him. He owes me.”
“Whatever you say…” Emma rolled her eyes. “Listen, please don’t be too hard on Alan. From what I’ve seen, they genuinely enjoy each other’s company, and Zhi is a nice person.”
“Fine. But I’m still gonna talk with him.” Under his breath, he mumbled: “what if they decide to get married? What if my son becomes a prince? What if…”
“Um, dad, I don’t know what you had in your mind when you were 15 but I really don’t think they are thinking about marriage yet,” Emma said, amused by her father’s exaggerated reaction.
“When I was 15, I was trying to save our entire country from Homunculi so it was a bit different!”
“Based on your stories, you were only trying to save Uncle Al, dad, and everything else just happened by accident.”
“That… might be true, but you shouldn’t say it aloud, Emma,” Ed gave her a fake hurt look. “I still punched the god on his face!”
“Whatever, dad.” She took her book again and hid her face behind it. “Just… could you go now so I can continue reading in peace? I have a test tomorrow I need to study for.”
“Would you like me to help?”
“Just go, please!”
Ed and Winry had already put the twins into bed when Alan showed up at home again. Winry remained calm on the surface even though Ed knew she must have been sizzling underneath her cool cover. She had always hated it when he and Al had hidden something from her and now, they were talking about their 15-year-old son… Ed guessed that it was normal teenagers acted that way, but that didn’t mean he liked it. He suggested Winry go to check on the rest of the kids while he’d deal with Alan.
“Alan, can we talk?” Ed asked, barely able to contain his annoyance. Alan looked like he sensed his parents had found out something, the guilty expression Winry had seen on Ed so many times giving him away.
“Now? Dad, I’m hungry as fuck, haven’t eaten anything since lunch so can I at least grab a bite first?”
“What’s with that language, young man?” Ed asked disapprovingly.
“Please, like you weren’t the one who taught me that word…” That was the truth, but Ed wasn’t going to let him get away so easily.
“I’ve always told you to not do what I do, not the other way around…”
“Right… Well, since you clearly aren’t allowing me to eat, you might as well get into the topic.” Alan crossed his arms just like his mother had a little bit earlier. That amused Ed a bit.
“We can always talk about it in the kitchen,” Ed noted, a small smile spreading on his face.
“So… what was it you wanted to talk about?” Alan asked when he had a full bowl of stew in front of him.
Ed looked serious again. “I think you know. Don’t think we haven’t noticed your disappearances lately.”
“But I’ve been…”
“We know you haven’t been where you were supposed to be. I talked to Mr. Dawson today and he told me you haven’t visited him for several weeks.”
“Listen, the sooner you admit it, the better. Do you want me to know the real story or the vague one Emma told me?”
“She told you about Zhi? Damnit, I’m never telling her anything again.”
“I think you are missing the point there, son.”
“Fine,” Alan finally admitted, as he was lapping the stew into his mouth. “Yes, I’ve been hanging out with Mei’s niece… who also happens to be the Xingese Emperor’s daughter.”
“And what? What are you expecting me to tell you? That she’s pregnant? That we are about to announce our engagement any day now? That I’ve decided to move to Xing and leave my family behind forever?”
“None of those things are true, right?” Ed raised his eyebrow suspiciously.
“Of course they aren’t! I like her, and we have a lot of fun when we are hanging out… But I do realize that she’s a princess from another country. And she knows the realities too. She’s gonna have to go back eventually. And when she does, she is in the constant focus of her people. That is not something I’ve ever imagined going through, but why does it have to mean I’m not allowed to enjoy this moment? I knew you guys would react badly to this, that’s why I didn’t tell anything.”
“Now we finally got to the root of the problem,” Ed said. “I don’t mind you hanging out with this Zhi girl… the princess… whatever… But I am upset that you have been lying to us for a long while now.”
Alan couldn’t help but roll his eyes in annoyance. “Like you’ve never had any secrets yourself…”
“I admit that when I was your age, I hid a lot of things from your mother, because I wanted to keep her safe… But I regretted it a lot. I could see she hated it, and it made me upset too. After the Promised Day, I was so relieved because I could finally share everything. I think it made our relationship stronger too.” Ed sighed before adding: “I’m not good at these things, but what I’m trying to say is that please don’t hide things from us just because you think we might not like what you are wanting to tell us. We are here to support you.”
“Dad, thanks… And sorry… for not telling you.” “No problem, son. I’m just saying what I wish my father had once told me.”
“Oh…” Alan hadn’t heard his father talking about his father a lot. He had just always assumed they had had a bad relationship. And this proved he had been right.
“So, now that we have dealt with that…,” Ed spoke suddenly, “about this Zhi girl… how far have you gone with her? Do I need to have the talk with you?”
“Dad, stop being so embarrassing!” Alan screamed and jumped off his chair. “I’m not gonna talk about that with you! Uncle Al or even the Emperor of Xing would give better advice than you!”
“Hey, take that back!” Ed growled, but Alan had already run away from the kitchen, and he was left to fume with anger on his own.
*Names Erika and Henry both mean rulers and I have a headcanon that the twins indeed are the rulers of the Rockbell-Elric household even though they are all a pretty strong willed bunch. 
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Who: Mu Ziyang [Oner]
Word Count: 2584 Words
Warnings: Hanahaki!au, blood, and death.
Request: No.
This started as Chengcheng and half way through changed to Ziyang somehow, idk. Also anemones are flowers, not the thing Nemo lives in, those are sea anemones. 
Flowers were always something that enchanted you. The beauty of the small colorful plants always took your breath away. How a combination of different varieties could bring joy or pain to someone. How the color of these petals could bring tears of happiness or tears of sorrow. The small plants held so much within their colors, varieties, and combinations. But no matter, they all held such glorious beauty, at least to you.
They held such beauty to you, well they used to. When the first petal slipped past your lips, that’s when they lost their beauty. No longer were they glorious things that enchanted you. They repulsed you, they were a sign of something you had kept hidden for so long. A sign of death that was soon to come, either that or an impending surgery.
At first they were few, a petal here or there, it easy for you to forget. But when they started piling up, the trash can you hid from others, overflowing with petals within a day of you emptying it. That was when you could not forget about it. That was when you friends started noticing. Your excuses of illness and asthma were no longer enough for them to be convinced, as they started seeing the petals within the tissues you used when you coughed. They encouraged you to do something about it, to get help or at least resolve your feelings, but you could not do that.
Maybe it would have been easier, had it not been on him, your best friend. Not only your best friend, but your best friend that happened to be dating someone. Had she not been in the picture, you probably would have told him. But even if it meant to save your life, you would not tell him, you would not possibly ruin their relationship. Death on your terms, you thought.
Maybe it would have been wise to heed your friends words, save your life, or possibly get surgery. But living a loveless life sounded worse than death. Never once again feeling the warmth of loving a parent or animal or friend, a life worse than death. A life she was unwilling to consider. It was her life she was unwilling to consider. Death was an easy way out, but to her it was not, it was the better way.
As her friend stared at her from across the room, it just had to be him. He was always the one sent to deal with her problems, well the one sent attempt to talk her out of this. But he would fail at that task, unless by some twist of fate his currently relationship had fallen out. But it had not, you know it would not. They had five years of work on this relationship, so of course it would not end so abruptly and suddenly. It would not end like that, so you would just swallow your feelings and anemone petals until you could no longer breath to swallow.
You could sense the disappointed look on your friend’s face from across the room, despite your back being towards him. “You are being stupid, why don’t you just tell whoever it is, or get the surgery, or just something, we don’t want to lose you.” He said, before he started crossing your room.
The bed dipped, as he sat on it, next to you. You felt a hand in your hair, as he awkwardly petted your head. “Ruin someone’s relationship, a friendship, or live life as an emotionless shell.” You murmured, hoping he could not hear you. It was not even a moment after your murmurs, you started coughing, the white anemone petals starting to slip past your lips once more.
You weren’t sure when he left, but moments later you were in your room, alone once more. He probably went to complain to his girlfriend about you being stubborn, he did that often lately. Best friends forever he used to claim, but maybe forever did not really mean forever. Maybe it meant until he had had enough of your, until he had decided you were not worth his time any longer, until he had gotten tired of you hiding secrets from him.
The next time he visited, you could tell he was angered. Whether it was at you for refusing to tell him who caused this or at this situation in general, you were unsure. You were getting worse, you could hear as he and your parents discussed what was happening. The main thing you overheard was them saying they would be putting you into a hospital soon, fearing you being unaccompanied while like this. Another thing you heard was their argument, his insistence of them demanding you go through with the surgery or tell him who it was. Your mother knew who it was, but luckily she feigned innocence claiming she did not know either. Maybe she should have told him, yet you knew your mother would not tell a secret you told her, she knowing herself the likelihood of him returning the feelings was low. She respected your wish of death rather than living a loveless life, unknown to your father she had told you numerous times if she was in the same situation she would have done the same.
It was a little over a week later you saw him again, as you laid in your hospital bed, he stormed in. Compassion would have been better at a time like this, yet all he had was rage towards whoever it was you liked for them not returning your feelings. Unbeknownst to him, that rage should have been focused towards himself, not some fictional man he imagined that played with your feelings and left you like this. “Why don’t you just get the surgery?” He asked, providing no greeting or fluff to the conversation. “Isn’t your life worth more than whoever it is?” He added.
He did not seem to take it well when you ignored him. Often he would tell you silence speaks louder than words, but it seemed that only went for when the silence was towards someone else.
You heard him scoff, before he spoke again. “So that’s what we are doing now, the silent treatment. You’re acting like a child because people are concerned for you. We just want you to get better. We just want you to survive. But here you are acting like a child since you care more about whoever this is than your own life.” He started, his voice getting louder and louder with each word.
“What a beautiful way to die, flowers overflowing from the mouth, unrequited love being the cause.” You murmured, before turning away from the man you often labeled as your best friend. “You once labeled this as the most beautiful suicide, the most beautiful death. But is that no longer so seeing how it’s affected someone you care for. Flowers overrunning my lungs, roots destroying the tissue and organs. A time bomb waiting to explode. My minutes are numbered and getting smaller. I’m just a stupid little girl that thinks death would be better than feeling nothing.” You murmured, before finally looking back over at him. “Call it what you will, but I won’t have the surgery, I’d rather die from this than chance become an emotionless person like so many out there.” You said to him, just wishing that he would understand your side of this. That you thought living a loveless life was worse than living no life at all.
Your friend stood, obviously angered at your response, even after all these weeks, hell all these months, as you wasted away getting worse and worse. His anger at your refusal to tell him who or get the surgery, was obvious. He should have paused for a moment, thought before he spoke, but people don’t do that went anger has taken over. “This is why whoever you like doesn’t like you. You know I honestly don’t blame them for not returning your feelings, since who would like or even love such a stubborn person that hides so many things, from the people they claim to love most.” it was obvious as he finished speaking, he immediately regretted it.
Time was not something you gave him after he spoke, immediately pushing the nurse call button. “Get out, leave.” You yelled, well said as loudly as your injured throat would allow. As you were pointing to the door for him to leave, close to tear, the nurse finally entered. It was not long before he was ushered out, your visiting hours for the day over. You knew he had to regret saying that, yet, you would not forgive him for it.
It was after that day he was greylisted by your nurse, after she comforted you as you cried, all because of his harsh words. Maybe you were wrong in expecting him to return at least once in the next week, yet he did not and your health was deteriorating even worse during the time. Pure white petals spilling out easily, but it was not long until they were pink, and soon red. You were getting worse, maybe three or four days maximum, your doctor told you. It was your lovely nurse that encouraged you to write the letter, a letter to him. Maybe she had dealt with this before, or possibly she just happened to recognize your lingering looks. Yet, she knew, and it was because of her you wrote the letter.
As it got worse, the doctors saying the roots had overtaken your lungs, predicting only hours left, you reconsidered your letter. Maybe it was some remorse of what might happen if he reads the letter. Yet, truthfully, after all of this, you expected him to more than likely just throw it away, as he seemed to do to your friendship.
Despite your thoughts, the letter ended up in his hands only two days after that fateful day.
To say he was confused when he was called to the hospital, was an understatement. After what he said to you, he did not think you would want to see him for at least another week. You were always good at that, holding grudges. He was shocked when he entered your hospital room, seeing an empty bed, freshly folded linens, and a letter with his name written on it.
“That’s for you.” The nurse said simply, as she placed the now clean pillows on the bed, before leaving room.
After she left, was when he opened the letter, and started reading it to himself.
“If you are reading this, that means the nurse gave you the letter as I requested her to do after my passing. If I ain’t dead yet, put this letter back up and open it and read it when I’m dead. It’s been about two weeks, as I’m writing this, and you haven’t visited once, it doesn’t surprise me though, you never were one to confront things that you’ve done wrong. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t forgive you unless you came begging on your hands and knees, as you often said you’d do for forgiveness when you did something horrible. Yet, as days passed and you hadn’t came, as my nurse said you removed yourself from my emergency contacts, as you gave up on me, I found myself hating you. Hating my best friend, or who I thought was my best friend. What happened to those days, the days where we said we’d be together forever through whatever. While writing this, I considered ruining a relationship, but ultimately was talked out of it. You always got mad when I wouldn’t tell you who it was that caused this, you’d tell me that anyone would return my feelings, because who wouldn’t like me. I never listened to you however, nearing the end, I know that pissed you off more than anything, but I still wouldn’t budge. How could I tell the person and ruin their relationship. What is a best friend since childhood when compared to the love of their life for the past five years, nothing but a homewrecker. Maybe I should have told you to your face, or maybe never told you, yet here I am writing this letter. It was about seven years ago I started realizing my feelings towards them, I wanted to ask them out, but feared ruining and ending the friendship. It was five years ago they met her, their girlfriend, and well now fiancee. Who am I to ruin their plans. Who am I to cause strife between him and the one he loves. When he asked me to be the best woman at his wedding, I honestly hesitated, and I remember he was confused, unsure of why I didn’t immediately say yes. Part of me knew this would just make me worse, all chances I had to get better gone, but I said yes anyways. Your wedding isn’t for another three months, at least three months when I’m writing this, but it seems you might have to push it back once more, since I won’t be able to be there for my part. Ziyang, we always promised each other to be truthful and honest to the other. To never keep secrets from the other, especially ones that might hurt the other. This will probably hurt you, but I felt like telling you to your face would hurt me more. You often told me to tell who I liked in hopes it might stop, but I doubt you expected the truth when you were telling me that. The truth was that person was you, as you probably can guess from what I’ve written in this letter so far.. Maybe I should have told you to your face, rather than through this coffee stained crappily handwritten note, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell you to your face knowing that doing so might lead to the ruining of our friendship, but it seems our friendship was already ruined. A part of me feels this might alter your wedding plans, yet, I hope it doesn’t. You love her, I can tell you do, don’t let this confession that is coming a little too late change that. Maybe I shouldn’t have written this letter to you, but I’m not gonna let this hour I’ve spent deciding what to write go to waste. You probably expected me to reveal someone you vaguely knew or never knew so you could go beat him up or something, you were always like that, ready and willing to fight anyone that disrespected or hurt me. Yet, it was you. As I write this, I realize how stupid I was to not tell you when we were younger, but I can’t take that decision back. I can only hope you get what you wanted, get married to her, start the family you’ve always wanted, I just hope you are happy. Since even though I can’t be, I just want you to be happy.”
He did not know what to expect as he read it, but once he started, he finally realized what it was. The now tear stained letter told him everything he needed to know, answering so many questions. Despite all the things running around in his mind at that point, there was only one thing he could think. You never realize who the best people in your life is, until they are gone
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sterlingfitness · 6 years
Circle of Life // McBerrling Para
Who: Jeff Sterling, Mason McCarthy @unstoppablemase and Rachel Berry @peculiarberry ft. Aaron Purr
What: Jeff tells two of his best friends about Luna
When: November 23rd, afternoon
Where: Sterling’s Cabin 
Notes: They’re cute and they cuddle
Jeff knew he had to tell the people closest to him about Luna, and he thought it was getting easier to tell each time, but it was still nerve wracking. He didn't know how people would react. They could be understanding like Blaine, but they easily could flip on him like Cullen, and Jeff hated going in without knowing which one he would get. After telling his parents, he figured Mason and Rachel should be the next ones to know about his dark secret. He could wait until he had a closer relationship with Luna and her mother, maybe even meet his daughter before, but their support would be very appreciated. And if they didn't want to stay friends with him because of this, the sooner they leave, the less it hurts, right? Bringing them up to his childhood room, Jeff was nervously fidgeting with his fingers as he told them to sit down on his bed, before closing the door behind him. Like a band aid. He just had to tell them straight forward and then work with their reactions. Jeff knew they would understand, or at least try to, but he was afraid of the possibility of losing two of the most important people in his life "So..." Jeff started, letting out a shaky breath "I want you two to meet someone," Jeff said as he reached for his phone and pulled up a picture of his daughter. He smiled fondly at it for a second before turning his phone to Mason and Rachel, letting them pick it up to see the picture from up close "Her name is Luna..." he bit his lip for a moment, bracing himself before admiring "She's my daughter."
RACHEL was a bit confused trying to figure out what it is that could be so serious that Jeff needed to bring them up to his room for privacy. She doesn't think anything had taken place since they'd been in Colorado and she's slightly worried, but Jeff seems okay, Cullen seems okay, and his parents seem okay. Rachel figures worrying about it won't do any good and he'll be telling them what is going on once they get upstairs so she focuses her attention on getting to his room and she quietly sits on his bed as he motions for it. Jeff starts off and she looks around the room not sure what he was getting on about, she definitely hadn't seen anyone come in, but then he's bringing his phone out and it begins to make a bit more sense. He hadn't meant a person in the flesh. Rachel takes the phone from him, looking down at the child on the screen. Her nose scrunches a little, still confused until he says it. This is his daughter...it doesn't really register right away but she's staring at the picture too intensely seeing some resemblance. "Jeff...She's beautiful. Why didn't you. I mean." She closes her eyes trying not to just react loudly like she's good at doing. "I-- thank you for telling us. I'm glad you trust us."
Mason sat on Jeff's bed beside Rachel, patting the other side of him so Aaron would jump up. The cat had been following him everywhere anyway. He wasn't sure why Jeff seemed to nervous, but he was trying to stay chill in the hopes the feeling would spread to everyone else. He definitely wasn't expecting what came next though. He leaned over Rachel's shoulder and stared at the phone in disbelief. "Wait... what?"
Jeff waited nervously for some sort of reaction, wishing he could pick up Aaron right now instead. He was a good stress reliever, and at least he would protect him from anything, even if it was just yelling. He knew it was a lot to take in, sometimes Jeff didn't even believe himself, but it was true. Luna was his and only a blind man could think otherwise. Jeff was ready to start spitting out his usual explanation, just so they could understand, but Rachel's calmness left him speechless. He really wasn't expecting that, and that stopped him on his tracks. As she said Luna was beautiful, Jeff couldn't help but smile and agree "Yeah, she is, isn't she?" he reached forward and swiped to show another of the many pictures he had saved. As Mason looked confused, Jeff sighed "She's my daughter," he said again "I know it's a lot, and I'm sorry, but you two are important to me and I want you to know about this."
Rachel: "She really is." Rachel nods, still feeling rather confused. There was no way this little girl was actively in his life right? They would have caught wind of it sooner or seen him around her. Between her and Mason she thinks they take up a lot of his time so there was no way he knew about this before now, right? Rachel looks to Mason quietly, reaching for his hand, seeing the confusion all over his face. She can't stare at him for long though because Jeff is showing another picture and she really is so adorable. "She's like Aaron." Rachel gushes, before growing serious again. "Where is she? I mean you haven't..you haven't been a part time dad and we just didn't know it right?"
Mason looked over at Rachel, even more confused. "Aaron's a cat?" he said before seeing the picture and smiling a little. "Oh." She really was adorable. "She's beautiful, Jeff, but... I don't understand. When did this happen? Did you just find out about her? Sorry... I have a lot of questions."
Jeff nodded. Of course they were confused, it was a pretty confusing situation. He was glad they weren't freaking out on him, though, it made talking and explaining much easier, as Jeff didn't have to scramble for an answer. "No, I'm not being a part time dad.. That's the thing," he started there. Okay, if they didn't completely freak out with the first bomb, they probably wouldn't flip on this one too... hopefully "She just turned four so.. I was fifteen when it happened," he sighed softly, brushing his hair away from his face "And I fucked up.. Said I didn't want anything to do with it. Her mom lives in Spain, across the ocean, so I thought I'd never had to think about it again..." he looked down at the picture "Then I came across one of her pictures and I just.... I just can't pretend anymore. She looks exactly like me, I can't turn my back on her."
Rachel: tries not to let the sound leave her as she gasps a little. Fifteen was really young, gosh 19 was really young thinking of Lily's prior situation. She can't imagine being able to deal with something so big much better. "Oh Jeff...but you've changed your mind. You're older now and you can be responsible and think more rational then a little Jeff could have! Are you...I mean you've talked with the mom? Have you met her? What are your next steps? Can we do anything?"
Mason felt his eyes widen even more with all the new information. He was still trying to figure out how to kiss when he was fifteen. He laid a hand on Rachel's arm. He was surprised Jeff's head hadn't exploded yet between the two of them and all their questions. "I mean... what Rachel said," he finally contributed pathetically. He wasn't sure he could come up with any other words right now.
Jeff thought that questions was a good sign. If they're asking questions, at least they weren't yelling at him and saying what a horrible person he was, so Jeff let himself feel secure enough to open up without getting defensive. These were his friends, and Blaine was right, they'd understand. He looked between Rachel and Mason, who were obviously confused. He climbed on his bed so he would be closer to them, gently petting Aaron's head as he came to curl up next to him. Where could he start "Yeah, I recently got in contact with the mother.." that was a good start, that's where he was right now "She called me every nasty name in existence, as she should, but we're talking and she told me she might let me see Luna, if the talks go alright," he gave them a tiny, hopeful smile. He really wanted to meet her, face to face, and hug her for all those years he didn't. "I know this is a lot, but I hope it doesn't change what you guys think of me. I've made a lot of mistakes, but I'm trying to fix them, to be who everyone thinks I already am."
Rachel: smiles softly at Jeff as he comes up to his bed. He's not totally shutting down so that's a good sign. It was easy to do when revealing something so rough. She leans into Mason a bit as she takes in all Jeff is saying, nodding along to show she's paying attention. "So there is hope then? That's really great. I know you'll be able to fix this...because you want to. That's very clear." Her face falls a little at the last of his words, shaking her head quickly. "I think you're still that person Jeff and the way you're deciding to deal with this and like you said fix the mistakes you've made, it only enforces that. I'm sure there are plenty of people who just wouldn't bother."
Mason had never been super great with words. He spoke a lot of them, but he never considered himself good at the ones that mattered. Most of it was just chatter. Comfort he knew about though. He knew what helped him more than any words ever could have. So he moved over on the bed and sat beside Jeff, hooking their arms together, and he laid his head on his friend's shoulder. "This isn't going to change anything between us," he promised. "You're a father, but you're still Jeff. Just like I'm crazy, but I'm still Mason," he added with a laugh.
Jeff wanted to say more. Wanted to tell them he's an awful guy, that he only reached out because he happened to come across a picture of Luna, but he stop himself. He has a bad habit of thinking of the worst possible outcome, and when it doesn't happen, it's like he tries to get it, but this time he doesn't say anything. Jeff simply nods, leaning into Mason as he sits closer and links their arms together, reaching with his free hand to clean the couple of tears that managed to escape. "Thank you, guys.." he said quietly, motioning for Rachel to come closer, too. "I'm really thankful for having you two in my life..." It was Thanksgiving, so it was fitting "Thank you for not thinking I'm a horrible human being, even if I feel like one."
Rachel: just watches Jeff and Mason in awe really, their relationship was heart warming and though she can't see them responding to what Jeff says in any other way, she's glad that they could still do this. It's easy for her to join their closeness when Jeff motions for it, doing her best to wrap an arm around both of them. "We don't need to label, do we? I think we're just us and we're here and we're doing the right things." She shrugs, "I'm thankful for you too Jeff and I'm thankful you could share with us and you're definitely not horrible. I wish you didn't feel that way." She kisses his cheek.
Mason reached his hand out to brush over Rachel's hair when she moved to cuddle with them. "No one in this room is free from making some pretty big mistakes. None of us are horrible people, even if we've all felt that way at one point or another," he pointed out. "The important thing is we're all trying our best. And we've got each other to be there and hold us up when one's feeling more horrible than usual. We're here for you and we're not going anywhere." He squeezed Jeff's hand with his own and reached out to find Rachel's with the other one, forming a little circle between them.
Jeff nodded softly. Mason was right, it was just like Blaine told him, he made some mistakes but he owning up to them and trying to fix them. That's what matters "Just wanted to make everyone proud of me, but I ended up making it worse. I'm fixing it, though, and I'm glad I have you two by my side" Jeff gave them a little tiny smile, squeezing Mason's hand back "I love you, guys," he let out a breath and wrapped his arms around the two of them, hugging them close, glad that after admitting his biggest secret, he could still do this "Thank you."
Rachel: can only manage a small nod in agreeance to Mason’s words. He’s right and they were there for each other, always. She smiles a little as he pets her hair and it grows when he takes her hand. They are all connected and it really adds to the moment and how close they really are. “I know I’m still proud of you, maybe even more so.” Rachel says honestly, “but I love you too. A lot.”
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A Life So Changed: Chapter Forty-Seven
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2611 Alternate: AO3, fanfiction.net Author's Note: Hey, I got asked a question and will put the answer here as well so others know too. Being mated in this AU basically means being married. As long as you are mates, you are “married” (in the eyes of society and the government.) That’s a big part as to why Tim and Conner haven’t been made “official” mates yet. They are too young. However, in this AU, you can also have the bonus of getting married in the “traditional” sense (i.e. how Clark and Lois were also married.) This means, you can get married in a church, special location, wherever with a marriage license and all that. It’s just an extra special thing that some mates do to make their relationship more special. It’s a rare occurrence though. I can’t remember if I explicitly said that in earlier chapters, but that is the reason why Bruce made such a big deal out of Clark being married to Lois (because the two made their being mates extra special by getting married in the traditional sense.) It also makes the “divorce” process harder if you are married with a marriage license whereas if someone is just married as mates, all they would have to do is break the bond and be done with it. So basically, Bruce and Clark don’t have to have a big wedding ceremony with a marriage license to “be married” in this AU. They would only have to be mates to be considered that. Hopefully that makes sense. Anyway, onto the chapter. Enjoy!
Chapter Forty-Seven:
Bruce sits at the table in the kitchen, forcing himself to eat his breakfast, as Wally sits across from him, nibbling on some breakfast as well. Jason and Damian are also sat at the table, Jason eating a bowl of cereal as Damian continues to work on that suspiciously looking baby toy. Bruce has tried to ask his youngest son exactly what it is, but Damian only glares at him and stalks off, grumbling to himself. Bruce hasn’t brought it up again and will just wait for Damian to tell Bruce himself.
Bruce watches Wally carefully. The young omega still won’t look at him and keeps his head hung low as he takes small bites of his toast. Bruce clears his throat, taking a sip of his tea to wash down some of the pancakes he is eating. He had been craving them badly this morning and so it’s his second helping of them, much to Alfred’s approval considering Clark isn’t the only one who has noticed Bruce’s lack of an appetite.
“Have you talked to Dick lately?” Bruce asks Wally.
Wally shakes his head minutely. “He’s been too busy.” Wally shrugs. “Keeps saying we’ll talk eventually. I guess he has something to ask me. I don’t really want to see him though.”
Bruce sees Jason and Damian glance at the speedster. “Wally-” Bruce starts but Wally cuts him off, eyes still downcast.
“Bruce, it’s fine, really. I don’t want to see him.” Wally pushes his plate away, frowning down at the food.
“At the very least you need to eat,” Bruce tells him. “You need to keep your strength up, especially since you’re a speedster.”
Jason reaches into one of his pockets and pulls out a small bag of M&M’s. The alpha slides the bag over to Wally and Wally eyes them suspiciously. Jason shrugs. “Chocolate always helps.”
Wally grabs them hesitantly and stuffs the bag into his pocket. “Right.”
Rolling his eyes at his son, Bruce continues talking to Wally. “The cramps have gone away now, right?” Bruce asks and Wally nods. “Good. I need to know if something is wrong so I can get you looked at.”
“Actually,” Wally says suddenly, sitting up some. “I was thinking of going home today. I need… I need to get back to the League as well.”
“Wally, there’s no rush,” Bruce says, concerned.
“Bruce,” Wally looks up and flinches a little when his eyes meet Bruce’s, “it would just be easier if I went home.” He stands. “I’m sorry but I can’t keep trying to avoid Dick wherever I go in this place and I can’t keep…” he trails off, gesturing to Bruce as his eyes fill with tears. “I’m sorry. It doesn’t have anything to do with you and it’s all me but I can’t keep seeing…” Wally reaches up and wipes his eyes. “I just can’t stay here anymore. I need to get my life back in order, without Dick and without the constant reminder of what I did.” He speeds away, the wind ruffling everyone’s hair.
“At least he took the M&M’s,” Jason says, taking another bite of his cereal. “I have another one if you want it, Bruce.”
“No, thank you,” Bruce says, trying to not feel hurt by what Wally said.
An open bag of M&M’s is pushed in front of him anyway. “Hey,” Bruce looks up at Jason, “like Wally said, it’s not you. He doesn’t hate you because you’re pregnant and he’s not anymore. You being pregnant is just reminding him that he isn’t because of the abortion, because of what he decided to do. Wally just needs time to deal with it, Bruce. That’s all.”
Bruce nods solemnly and picks up the bag of M&M’s, dumping it onto his pancakes. “When did you get so insightful?”
Jason shrugs. “Living here has made me soft.” Bruce huffs a small laugh along with Jason.
“What I don’t understand is why West no longer wants to see Grayson,” Damian says, whittling away. “West has feelings for the beta, why not tell him that?”
Jason tsks. “You’re one to talk, Mister I Haven’t Even Presented As Anything Yet. You can’t say stuff about professing your love for someone when you’ve never even been in love yet.”
“Who says I haven’t, Todd?” Damian stops carving away and looks up at the alpha. “Just because I haven’t presented as an alpha yet, doesn’t mean I am incapable of having what you call crushes.”
Jason huffs. “Who the hell says you’re going to be an alpha, Twerp?”
Damian crosses his arms. “Because, judging by my personality, I am obviously an alpha. Besides, Mother was an alpha and I’ll have nothing less of myself.” Bruce pretends that Damian thinking betas and omegas are less than alphas, doesn’t hurt even though it does. He can feel the disappointment rising in his chest at his youngest son, realizing exactly what Damian sees him as. A worthless omega. Worse: a worthless, pregnant omega.
Jason is glaring at the boy, eyes deadly. “You do realize your father is right beside you, right? Your father who is an omega?” Jason tsks again. “Your personality is more like his than you realize, kid. I would be shocked if you weren’t an omega.” Jason stands, hands flat on the table and leaning in close to Damian. “In fact, I hope you are an omega just so it can be shoved in your face.”
Jason dodges the knife that comes slashing across his face, grabbing a hold of Damian’s wrist and pinning the hand down. Damian growls at him but Jason growls back, a real threatening alpha growl. Despite himself, Damian flinches from the growl, an instinct all children have in the face of an angry alpha or omega. The two glare at each other fiercely, Jason’s teeth starting to show.
A throat is cleared and then Clark’s firm voice comes after, hint of displeasure lacing his tone. “Am I interrupting something?” When Bruce turns around, he sees Clark already in a defensive stance, ready to protect Bruce from any and all threats.
Jason lets go of Damian’s wrist and Damian sits back in the chair, arms crossing again. “No,” they both say at the same time.
“Good,” Clark says, walking up to Bruce and placing a hand on his shoulder. It’s a possessive sign to both of Bruce’s sons, warning the two that if they try to hurt Bruce, Clark will hurt them back. “I would like to speak to Bruce alone, please,” the alpha says firmly.
Jason rolls his eyes and leaves the room with his hands shoved down his pockets. Damian is slower to leave, picking up his homemade “not a baby toy” and leaves the kitchen, grumbling under his breath. Clark watches them leave intently, eyes narrowed. Bruce brings a hand up to Clark’s that is still holding onto his shoulder, and squeezes it. “You don’t have to be so defensive… and possessive.”
Clark finally tears his eyes away from the doorway, sitting down across from Bruce and pushing Wally’s plate to the other side of the table. “There was a fight breaking out with you right there beside them. Damian had a knife. He could have easily hurt you, even by accident. I won’t have that as long as I’m around.”
Bruce sighs, knowing that it’s a losing battle. He changes the subject instead. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going to spend time with your parents, seeing that they only have two days left before going home.”
Clark scowls. “I don’t want to see them.”
“You sound like Wally.” Clark’s eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “Nothing, never mind. What made you change your mind?”
Clark shrugs. “I thought I would be able to face them but every time I think about how they treated you I just get so mad, Bruce. I can’t stand it. So, they’ll just have to deal with not seeing me for a while.”
Bruce frowns. “Clark, just because they were assholes to me doesn’t mean they deserve to lose their son.”
“They’re not losing me,” Clark says, looking at the table. “I was serious, Bruce, when I said I wouldn’t mess this up again and honestly, I’m not going to reward their behavior by going to them and pretending everything is okay. They need to see what they did was wrong. If they want to see me, then they can reach out to me. It’s not going to be the other way around.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Clark grabs Bruce’s hand. “I do. Trust me.” Clark looks down at the plate in front of Bruce. “I’m glad to see you eating.”
Bruce accepts the change of subjects for now. “You’ll also be glad to know that this is my second plate full.”
Clark smiles at him. “Yes, that makes me very happy indeed.”
Bruce pets his stomach. “Lara was very hungry this morning and really wanted pancakes.”
“With M&M’s?” Clark asks, chuckling.
“No, Jason thought she wanted M&M’s and Lara agreed,” Bruce says, chuckling as well.
When their laughter dies down, Clark lets go of Bruce’s hand. Clark rests his head in that same hand, smile turning softer. “Can I ask you something?”
Bruce takes a bite of the pancake. “Of course.”
“What did Jason mean when he said you went out as Batman while pregnant?”
The question stops Bruce in his tracks, just about to put another bite in his mouth. He sets the fork down carefully, knowing that his answer is going to make Clark mad. He doesn’t want that, not when they are trying to work things out again. But he had made communication part of the rules and if he expects Clark to follow them, then the least he can do is follow them himself.
He clears his throat and takes a sip of tea, buying his time. “It was the first day I found out I was pregnant. I was scared and angry and trying to keep the pregnancy a secret from everyone, so I went out that night as Batman. I did it because I didn’t come up with an excuse as to why I couldn’t. I did it because I wanted to get my anger and frustration out. I did it because I didn’t care about our baby as much I do now.” Clark doesn’t say anything and continues to just watch Bruce. “The problem was that I was experiencing pregnancy symptoms already and so a thug got the drop on me and I fell off a roof. Yes, I know I could have lost our baby. Trust me, I already got the lecture from Alfred after I had gone home that morning. After I fell of the roof, Jason came to my rescue and I told him about the baby. He’s actually the first one I did tell.”
“I always thought it was Alfred you told first,” Clark says quietly.
Bruce shakes his head. “No. He might have known first because he found the pregnancy tests but… Jason was the one I said it to first. Trust me, Clark, I regret going out that night. Knowing that I could have lost our little girl… I regret a lot of things that have to do with this pregnancy.”
“Including getting pregnant in the first place?” Clark asks. Bruce swallows, looking Clark in the eyes. The alpha’s eyes are sympathetic, understanding. “I really wouldn’t blame you if you did.”
Bruce thins his lips, thinking. “Maybe at first I did but now… no, I don’t regret getting pregnant and I don’t regret that she’s yours. I do regret the cheating, the contemplating getting an abortion, especially seeing how Wally is right now…” Clark’s eyes turn softer at the mention of the speedster. “You’re not mad at me?”
Clark takes a deep breath. “Bruce, that was months ago. Before I even knew about the baby. It’s not really justified to get mad at you now. If I had known back then, then yeah, I would have gotten mad but that’s done and over with. There’s no point in getting angry now.” Clark’s smile turns playful. “Unless you are secretly going out and fighting crime still.”
Bruce chuckles. “No, I’m not.”
“Good.” Clark smiles at him, warm and loving. Then his smile slips until it fully disappears. “How is Wally, anyway?”
Bruce shakes his head. “I don’t think he’s doing that great. I can’t tell if he’s just grieving or if he regrets getting the abortion done.” Bruce’s eyes travel to the table, somber. “Plus, he can’t even look at me.”
“I’m sure it has nothing to do with you personally,” Clark mentions. “You know how he hero worshipped us.”
Bruce nods. “Some idols we turned out to be.”
Clark shrugs. “I don’t think we’re too bad.”
Bruce looks up at his future mate. “Clark, we’re both depressed, anxious, cheating bastards. You don’t consider that bad?”
“I consider that being human.” Clark shrugs again. “Or, in my case, as human as I can get.” He sighs. “Give him time, Bruce. He just had to make the toughest decision of his life. He needs time to process it and to move on.”
Bruce sighs as well, agreeing with Clark even though it still hurts to be shunned by Wally right now. “Did he ever tell the League that he was pregnant?”
Clark shakes his head. “Not that I know of. I found out through you and the last I knew, he had told the League that he had to take some time off because of some family issues. I don’t even know if he told Iris.”
“I remember what it was like going through this alone, Clark. He shouldn’t be doing it alone.”
“Well he has Dick, doesn’t he?” Clark asks.
“Wally doesn’t want to see him,” Bruce explains.
“Oh no,” Clark starts. “It’s another us situation, isn’t it?”
“You mean, Wally loves Dick but Dick loves Kori and is trying to fix things with her? Yeah, it’s another us situation.” Bruce shakes his head. “Why did my kid follow in our footsteps?”
Clark smiles sympathetically. “I’m just as lost as you are. The real question is, though, does Dick love Wally and he just doesn’t realize it like me with you?”
“I have no idea, Clark.” Bruce rubs his face in frustration. “I can’t tell if Dick loves both Kori and Wally, or if he just loves Kori. Plus, Dick is convinced Wally doesn’t love him and I’ve tried hinting to him that Wally does and I even told him to talk to Wally, but now Wally is avoiding him.”
“So, basically it’s one big mess.”
Bruce nods in agreement. “It’s one big mess. I don’t miss those days.”
Clark smiles. “We just cleaned up a big mess.”
“We did,” Bruce says, “but we’re working on it. Dick and Wally… they seem to be at a stalemate.”
“If I recall correctly,” Clark takes Bruce’s hand again, this time cupping it with both of his hands, “so did we for a while there. Maybe there’s still some hope for the two.”
“I don’t know Clark,” Bruce says, squeezing Clark’s hands. “I don’t know if their situation will work out like ours did. I don’t know if they can come back from this, even if it is just as friends. Plus, there’s Kori to keep in mind. She’s been really hurt by this whole thing, I’m sure.”
Clark smiles reassuringly at Bruce. “I guess we’re just going to have to wait and find out.”
Bruce sighs, wishing he could do more to help his son and fellow colleague. “Yeah, I guess so.”
A/N: So, this chapter is mostly filler just to get a few things out of the way, like Bruce and Clark talking about Bruce going out as Batman. Sorry it’s so short and nothing really exciting happens in this chapter. I have many other things planned but sometimes the boring things must come first. Thanks for reading!
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