#now shes making fun of me for my love life in stardew valley
clarablightt · 2 months
my girlfriend won't stop calling the residents of Stardew Valley "Stardewians"
she legitimately won't stop saying it
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acepalindrome · 2 months
SDV QoL Mod Recommendations
(1.6 Edition!)
Some years ago I made a big list of some of my favorite Stardew Valley mods, because I am a mod gremlin and there are so many fun and cool things you can do with your game! Modding has changed a lot since then. Some of the old mods have been abandoned and aren’t compatible with 1.6, and lots of new ones are popping up all the time to help keep this 8 year old game fresh and interesting! So I’ve put together a list of mods that currently work with 1.6. Since there are so, SO many mods, I’m just going to list quality of life mods for now. Let me know if you guys are interested in recommendations for expansions, cosmetics and other fun stuff!
Firstly, if you’re new to Stardew modding and don’t know how to start, I highly recommend checking out Salmence’s How to Add Mods video on YouTube. He walks you through all the steps and makes it very easy to get the hang of it! And without further ado:
The Mods
UI Info Suite 2: I’m new to this mod, but now that I’ve got it, I’m not sure how I lived without it! It does so much! It shows your daily luck, any birthdays, if it’s going to rain tomorrow, when tools are ready with Clint, when the traveling cart is in town and more! It also shows the range of your sprinklers, scarecrows, bee houses and junimo huts, and if you mouse over your crops, it shows when they’re ready for harvest! Super useful, and the daily icons are small enough that they don’t feel intrusive. I usually get all my mods from Nexus because it’s easy and reliable, so I had put off trying this one since it’s only on GitHub. I absolutely should have tried it ages ago.
NPC Map Locations: Shows where everyone is on the map. No more running around trying to figure out where someone is to give them a birthday gift! This is an essential mod for me, it’s such a simple but good improvement!
Look Up Anything: This one basically eliminates the need to have the wiki open in another window. Virtually everything in the game can be clicked on to give you more information. Mouse over Shane and press a button to see his birthday, how many hearts he has and how many points to the next heart, and all loved and liked items (with items you have on hand highlighted!) Select the hardwood in your inventory to see how many you have total (including storage you don’t have on hand,) everything it can be used for and how many you need for each thing, so you know how many you need! Almost everything can be selected to give more information!
Visible Fish: Useful AND pretty! It shows all the fish currently available to catch swimming in the water, so you don’t spend ages trying to catch something that doesn’t spawn at a certain place or time! Also it just looks really nice. I love seeing the fish in the river when I’m just passing by!
FriendsForever: Eliminates friendship decay, so people don’t hate me if I forget to talk to them for half a year! Also works on animals, so I can ignore my pigs all winter and they still love me.
To-Dew: You can make a to-do list that will appear on the screen and can be marked off as you complete different tasks. No more will I take a trip to town for seeds and forget that I also wanted to donate to the museum and give Caroline a daffodil! You can also set items to be reoccurring on certain days of the week, if you want to remind yourself to look for forage on Saturday, or make Thursday your designated day to empty and refill your kegs. Very customizable! I also like to make lists of all the seeds I want to buy every season.
TreeTransplant: Robin can now move trees around your farm just like she moves buildings! I’m really bad at planning my tree placement, and it’s so frustrating to have to cut down full grown trees to change my farm layout. Now you can move trees anywhere!
Fishing Made Easy Suite/Combat Made Easy Suite: I love these mods over others that make fishing/combat easier because you can decide the exact degree you want to make things easier! You can make fishing anywhere from 5% easier to 99% easier, if you want to just take the edge off the difficulty, or make it impossible to fail a fish. You can take just a little less damage from monsters to make the Skull Cavern less daunting, or become unkillable and oneshot everything. They also have options to do fun things like put legendary fishing in fish ponds or craft magic rock candy. You can also make things harder, if that’s what you want!
Automate: Machines can pull items from chests, process them, spit them back out into the chest and pull in the next item automatically, without you having to do anything! It can be a little op early on, but it’s super handy when you have a million machines to keep track of. I especially like it for things that have shorter processing times. I can stick a chest of ore and coal next to some furnaces and let it do its thing! Or put a bait machine, recycle machine, crab pot and chest all together. The crab pots will empty and refill every day from the bait generated by the bait machine, deposit fish and trash into the chest, and any trash will be processed by the recycling machine! There are tons of fun ways to combine different machines!
TimeSpeed: Lets you stop, slow or speed up time! You can select time to freeze at certain locations (I like time to stop when I’m inside a building, like in old farming games,) set time to move slower or faster in general, or press a button to change it on the fly!
That’s all I have for now! Links will be coming in a reblog because tumblr is weird about posting links sometimes. Let me know if you’d like recommendations for other kinds of mods, like cosmetic mods, expansions, stuff that adds items or changes dialogue! I love to share the cool mods I find!
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first off the list…
stardew valley <3
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harvey x reader- doctors orders SMUT
youve been dodging your appointment for months now. an embarrassing amount. so, lucky for you, your neighbor shane is helping you out by forcing you to go!! aren’t you just lucky. now you have to try and pretend you DONT want to have sex with your doctor. have fun!
a screeching cry from your horse woke you from your slumber, bringing you a shocking way to wake up. shooting up from bed, you shoved yourself into some pants and scurried outside, the brightness of the lovely 6am sun blinding you. sure, farm life was great. the responsibility, the freedom, the cute animals you would take care of, it was nice.
your neighbour, shane, not as nice. especially on mornings like this, where his idea of helping out was trying to clean out your poor horses nails.
“y/n!! did i wake ya?” he chuckled a bit, knowing damn well what he started. he pulled himself up from the ground he held your horses shoes at, as it let out a huff of frustration. wiping his forehead, he grinned at you.
“thought ya wouldn’t mind if i helped you with your horse this time around. i usually deal with the chickens but..”
sighing, dramatically, you raised a brow. what an idiot. but, he was your best friend, and had always been since you first moved here. sure, he wasn’t doing so great when you first met, but he’s cleaned himself up a bit. thankfully. for your sake, and for jas.
“shane..” you laughed a bit, almost in disbelief at his attempts. “thanks, but i don’t think poor maverick deserves any of what you’re trying to do.”
giving you a somewhat cocky, but pouty expression, he practically dropped with sarcasm as he whined, “you don’t appreciate my hard work.” he strolled over, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“need me to give you something to do?” you asked, gesturing your head towards your coops, full of clucking creatures that would be oh so grateful if you decided to give them their morning due.
“actually,” he began, pulling out a crumply letter that you assumed he’d pulled from your mailbox. “the doc wants you to go for your checkup.”
“you went through my mail?” you huffed, crossing your arms. he had a tendency to do that, especially when he was the one sending it. he was confident in his ability to give you good gifts. like pizza. or that weird bun recipe? which you’ve never tried? and probably won’t?
his grin turning into a more mischevious smirk, he nodded his head. “sure did, farmer. i’m sure he’s gonna have a very important conversation with you today,” he wiggled his eyebrows, childish as ALWAYS.
sometimes you wish he stayed the emo alcoholic he was before.
“shane!” you began, flustered as you snatched the sheet from his hand, scanning it quickly. just a nice, quick and brief letter. no connotations whatsoever. but shane knew you would overthink it. that little crush you had on your doctor was no secret.
“and it’s first thing in the morning too. must’ve been thinking about you all ni-“
giving him a hard tap on the shoulder, you smacked him away, making your way past him, burning with embarrassment. steam practically seethed from your ears. “i. will deal with that. after YOU deal with the chickens, kay?”
rubbing his arm while wincing a bit, he began his walk to your coops. “boo. you’re no fun.”
no fun? no fun??
sitting in your doctors office, bouncing your leg with anticipation and nervousness was definitely your idea of fun.
the clock in harvey’s clinic was broken. not in the way that you couldn’t read the time, but the sound it made. the incredibly clacky ticks it would make like it was on its last legs. which it basically was. speaking of last legs..
“come back as soon as you need it, george!” harvey’s voice came from behind the door, creaking open as evelyn, pushing george through the door that harvey held for them.
“thank you, doctor harvey. you are too kind.” evelyn, the sweet old lady she was, always so generous with her words. it made poor harvey so bashful. it was cute.
she smiled to you, the anxious little farmer sitting in the waiting room, ignoring the shaking of your leg. “good luck, dearie.” george, much unlike his wife, completely ignored your interaction, crabby as always.
harvey snapped his head to face you. “ah, y/n. early, i see?” of course, you had shown up 25 minutes sooner than you had to. shane was starting to push your buttons, what else were you to do?
nervously, you cleared your throat, the ringing bell or the door to the clinic closing filling the room. you spoke, “y-yeah, haha. i just was excited to-“ he raised a brow, allowing you to pursue your sentence despite your obvious hesitation. “ah, see what you wanted from me.”
“excited?” your doctor had a smirk creeping on his face, “i surely haven’t heard that term before when used in my office, but it does have a nice ring to it.”
you were just as shocked as him, listening to yourself talk. sometimes you wondered how you even managed to speak to people with the things that came to your mind in conversation.
“glad to hear..” you breathed, standing up from your seat. “so.. you called me in for..?” you inquired, hands stuffed into your pockets uncomfortably as you shuffled over to him.
“mm, yes.” harvey hummed, making room for you to walk into his office, almost pressing himself into the wall. he was too polite for his own good. nonetheless, he spoke, “i just had a few things i needed to discuss. nothing to panic about.” he reassured you, knowing how you felt in his office. ever since you’d first moved to pelican town, you’d always been nervous going to his office. sure, 5 years living here, you’d think that you would be used to it by now.
maybe it wasn’t just the office..
oh, for sure. it was him.
you couldn’t help it. he was so gentle with you. the way he’d make sure you were comfortable with everything he was doing, everywhere he was touching. always asking questions, and he was so, so charming. and his hands-
“take a seat, please.”
his orotund voice instructed you, his hand held out towards the medical bed. as you made your way over, he grabbed his clipboard and set a sheet of paper under the clip.
“okay…” he mumbled, mostly to himself, sliding his pen down the sheet, almost as if he was observing a checklist. your leg, subconsciously, began to bounce.
sliding a chair up to the bed, he took a seat, huffing a bit as he did, almost getting relaxed in the chair and slumping his hips forward. he clicked his own, and gazed up at you through his glasses.
“just going to ask you a few.. introductory questions, as usual.” he looked back down at his sheet, taking a moment of pause before speaking up once again.
“what has your diet been like?” he asks, genuinely. he had a way with his clients, his patients, you supposed. he always cared, perhaps due to the size of the town, being so small and insignificant if you weren’t apart of it. he was interested in the lives of the people he worked with, or maybe he was just interested in you.
“ah, since it’s summer, i’ve been having lots of strawberries from the farm. corn, too. lots of corn..” you sighed, feeling a bit sluggish at the thought of returning to your farm and ripping off those corn stems again.
“so, mostly your own crops, then?” he raised a brow, curiosity swirling in his eyes. he’d always been so fascinated with the idea of living on a farm. it was appealing, being in control of your own business. to him, at least.
nodding your head, you looked at him, for the first time this appointment, already feeling your face grow hot at his intense eye contact.
“yes, usually.”
scribbling a note into his clipboard, it felt like the silence was collapsing in on you two. it was hot, you felt hot.
he clicked his tongue, seemingly satisfied with whatever he wrote down, and looked back up.
“i’m assuming you’re good with exercise, of course. your body is great.”
he hesitated, a bit, seeming to overthink his words.
and with good reason, the implications of his sentence gave you a chill down your spine, feeling flustered and uncomfortable in your seat, suddenly. like you had to jump up, go for a run.
“uh, health wise, i-i mean. not that you don’t look great.” he corrected himself, a bit breathless as he spoke, knowing damn well he’d just made it worse. he couldn’t help but put emphasis on his words. either way, he hurriedly moved on, observing his sheet once more.
you sat in anxious silence, still bouncing your leg. there wasn’t much in his office. not much noise, except if you listened, his breathing. it was heavy, much like your own. like he’d been the one being examined this entire time. yet, he was the one with his eyes on you.
“are you.. sexually active?”
feeling yourself grow hotter by the second, you cleared your throat. “um, n-no. not currently.” why did you say it that way? why did you overthink your words so much, too? he’s asked you this question a dozen times, every appointment, and for some reason, you felt so, so, on edge just from his voice. the way he asked you. his voice was low, as usual, but it was gruff. like he’d been talking too much.
“mm.” he hummed, again, scribbling on his board. his face was pink, his ears mostly. which really sold him out. he’d like to think he was more nonchalant, especially when it came to appointments with you. he was glad nobody else had to come in today. he could take his time with you.
“just to confirm, you are aware this is a physical exam, yes?” he cocked his brow, almost inquisitively. like, he knew you weren’t aware. he was dying to touch you already, even if it was strictly kept professional. something about the way you would shiver every time his hands grazed your skin gave him a sense of superiority. he liked it.
but you, a tad shock stricken, nodded your head. “ah, i’m aware now.” you murmured, fiddling with the ring on your finger, feeling awfully shy, worse than before. now he has to touch you, and oh god, you weren’t sure how your body would react.
“i did give you a warning on the letter, don’t stress about missing it,” he said as a gentle reminder, setting down his board. he stood up, adjusting his jacket before taking it off, smoothing it out as he set it down on his desk.
slowly, almost trying to antagonize you, he began rolling up his sleeves, buttoning the cuffs. looking back over at you, shaky leg and all, he chuckled a bit. he grabbed another chair, sliding it in front of you. this one was a bit more at your level. when he sat on it, he was taller than you now.
“no need to be nervous, y/n, we’ve done this before.”
harvey attempted to put you more at ease, which was of course, helpless. he knew you wouldn’t relax. as much as he wished you would. not like he could help it though, he knew how you reacted around him. it’s not like it was a secret.
every physical between you two was the same. his cold hands against your warm skin, giving you the chills. he’d apologize, and you’d breathlessly apologize back, for being so nervous. and he’d say, “no, please, it’s okay.”
as you began snapping back to reality, there he was standing in front of you, pulling on a pair of medical gloves. leaning down to your level, he made himself face to face with you. a snap came from his wrist as he gave you a smile. voice low and pleasant, he spoke,
“i’ll be gentle.”
your helpless attempts to keep yourself still were.. to say the least, pathetic. he started off normal, as most appointments go, but the moment his hands went to feel your waist, you lost any sense of normality.
as soon as harveys hands grazed your waist, your back seemingly out of reflex, arched forward, causing you let out a gentle gasp. he looked up at you, again, through his glasses, raising his brow. frantically, you immediately went to apologize,
“i-im sorry. i get-“
he squeezed your waist a bit, almost teasingly, like he was scolding a dog for stealing a treat off the counter.
“ah, ah, no apologizing anymore. doctors orders.” he was stern, commanding. that wasn’t a recommendation, that was a demand. and you weren’t about to ignore it. especially with how he looked at you as he spoke. his eyes were slightly hooded, almost as if he was tired and had just woke up moments prior. but he was focussed, hyper aware of every movement you made, and even more hyper aware of every apology you’d been mumbling each time you’d make a sound.
saying nothing, you nodded your head, making a slight ‘mhm’ in response. his brows furrowed a bit, as he sat up. suddenly, it didn’t feel like you were in the doctors office anymore. he seemed on the verge of cracking, feeling a sort of lack of confidence in his professionalism. one more word from you and he was sure he’d break.
“good job.” he purred, pulling his seat in closer. he set his hands on your knees, he was above you now, from this angle, looking down at you as he spoke,
“i’m going to have to get a bit more invasive, i’m sure you don’t mind, do you?” he inquired, knowing full well your answer. taking a large breath, a shaky one, you spoke,
without a moment of hesitation, you were kissing your doctor. every time you’d thought about it, you’d never imagined it would be like this. his hands on your thighs, locked lips so hotly you could barely breathe. the both of you didn’t want to separate, feeling so nice together. harvey refused to let go of you, his hand sliding up your hip to grab your waist.
he took his time feeling you, letting his hands praise your body. it was different than during your check ups, now. he was able to go wherever he wanted, however he wanted. learn your body more than just how the textbooks said it would feel.
“ah, i’ve felt this.. aching, for months.” harvey crooned through kisses, only taking a bit of a pull away to look at you, admiring the redness of your cheeks, and how hot you felt, and how beautiful you were.
“i cant believe i let myself take forever to touch you like this.”
god, he was making it difficult to stay quiet. your mind was foggy, swarmed with thoughts of what he was going to do next. where his hands were going, how hard he was going to kiss you, and where. and how his lips tasted when they were connected with yours. and how he’s just as desperate as you are, and how you wanted him more than anything right now.
he stood up slowly and almost hesitantly, keeping his head down to yours, not allowing your lips to keep themselves apart. his breath was minty, fresh and it tasted just the same. it was delicious. as he stood, his knee slid between your legs, moving his hand to your back to push you further into it, more against the edge of the medical bed. “mm, much better.” he whispered, mostly to himself, feeling the heat between your legs against his knee.
quietly, you let out a little noise, taking hold of his arm and gripping his dress shirt with your nails. harvey, sucking in air through his teeth, pressed you further up against him, your chests together.
“please don’t stop grabbing me like that.” he whispered, placing a final kiss on your cheek before lowering his head down, nuzzling himself into your neck. his hand was teasing you, pressing and rubbing circles into the nerve in your hip, sending waves of pleasure into your groin. he knew the body so well, and man, were you grateful for it.
his knee left your thighs as he pressed his tongue to your neck, giving you a shiver of arousal down your spine and earning a gentle moan from you. “ah, so you’re sensitive there?”
“e-everywhere, doc.”
he felt the hairs behind his neck rise as you spoke, “doc? you want to keep me in charge, do you?”
whining a little, you nodded, “i want you.” your voice was so scratchy, feeling weak and unable to breathe. but in the best way, knowing it was him that could make you feel like this. vulnerable.
“mm.” his voice was lustful as he crooned to you, “you do, do you? how about you get on your knees then? doctors orders, y/n.”
a chill crawled up your neck, arousal burning through your veins. you were so willing to listen to him, immediately making your way to the floor, sitting on your knees with your hands set on your lap.
he tilted his head to the side, strumming his thumb across your cheek. “good,” he whispered to you, sliding his thumb across your jaw. you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes and just leaving yourself there, only for a moment, before took his hand away.
slowly, harvey began to unbutton his work slacks, looking down to you. “you’re okay with this?” he asked, his hand stuck on his zipper. how sweet of him. he was so reassurance, always fining you a way out. even in his appointments, your check ups, he would always make sure you were doing okay.
of course, this situation was.. much different.
“yes. of course, harvey.” you purred, looking up at him with hooded eyes. “i’ve been wanting this just as much as you.” you insisted, unable to calm the giddy feeling in your chest at the thought of pleasing the man you’ve been obsessing over for the past.. way too long.
he groaned, a slight whine in his eagerness, unzipping his pants and pulling them down, revealing the tent that you gave him. you leaned forward, taking the initiative, and allowing yourself to take his cock yourself.
lucky for you, he was the perfect size, something you had problems with other men before. as you gazed up at him with admiration, he was holding his hand against his face, redness pouring into his cheeks. he was looking away from you, hiding his gaze.
you chuckled a bit, wrapping your hand around his length. “shy?” you teased, before opening your mouth and teasing the tip with your tongue.
“haah..” he breathed, immediately looking back down to you. your eyes, with batting eyelashes, were sending him spiraling, he could barely contain himself. “beautiful, y/n.” he whispered, placing his hand on the back of your head.
you teased him for a bit longer, not wanting to give him the satisfaction just yet. it was payback for all those times he’d done this to you during your check ups. all those times maru had interrupted just as his hand would slide up your thigh. all those times he’d murmur in your ear, knowing the implications behind his phrases.
“ng, no more of that.” he grunted, pushing your head further onto his cock. you hesitated, just for a moment, before finding a steady rhythm, swirling your tongue around him. his low and guttural moan told you he liked it.
“that’s good, that’s sooo good, don’t stop.” harvey sighed, rocking his hips back and forth slowly, but surely, as he found grip on your hair, pulling it up into a bundle in his large hands. each time your hand would twist a certain way, it would elicit a content moan from your doctor, and a mumble of praise. he knew where he wanted you to touch, where he wanted your mouth to go. and he would lead you there, pushing your head down, filling your mouth more with his length. it was addicting, his praise. his touch. you were willing to do anything for him at this point. anything to hear that pretty voice of his call you perfect.
“ha..” he chuckled, running his fingers through his hair, ruffling it a bit. “y-you keep doing that, i don’t know how much longer i can-“ he groaned, through his teeth, his brows furrowing. you had found a new pace on his cock, one that he particularly enjoyed. “ahg, last..”
you smirked a little against him, finding a sick pleasure in his weak points. seeing him made humble. it didn’t last long though, as his grip on your hair tightened, pulling you in.
“y-yeah? like seeing me all bent out of shape because of you?” he gasped, feeling himself drawing closer to his finish. “wanna make me.. nervous?” he panted out, a whine laced in his tone. he was less confident now, his voice shaky and weak.
pulling away with a pop, you smirked, “i really really do-“ you said with a mischievous grin, feeling proud of yourself.
sadly, that pride didn’t pursue much longer. he took the opportunity of you soaking in your pride to take you by the jaw and pull your face up to look up to him. you gasped in shock, though he had a soft expression, he had a smug smile smacked on his face.
“your turn.” harvey purred, helping you pull yourself up with the grip on your jaw and allowing him to hold you closer, wrapping his hand around your waist and squeezing it as he spoke, “go on, sit. you don’t need me to make you, do you?”
“no, sir,” the words fell out of your mouth so effortlessly, like you weren’t thinking before you spoke. and you weren’t. it was humorous, really, how you could go from so confident to needy and obedient so quickly. he loved it.
the nickname ‘sir’ gave him chills, giving him that sweet feeling of superiority over you. sure, he had his fair share of sex in college, but he was never confident enough to be able to actually execute the fantasies in his mind.
but now, he had you.
and you were all his.
with zero hesitation, you were pressed on the bed, the plastic sheet crinkling beneath you. your back was already arching just from the thoughts rushing through your head. what was harvey going to do now? how much better was it going to feel? your eyes went to his hands, watching him as he slowly removed his gloves.
“cant have those..” he mumbled to himself, tossing the gloves aside before crawling above you on the bed. his shadow fell over you, enshrouding you in him. his hip bones pressed up to your own, leaning his head down to your ear, mustache brushing against your skin as he whispered,
“stay still.”
as harvey found his place with his lips buried in your neck, you could feel his hand slide down your waist, sensitivity making you suck in from his touch. you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you, just from knowing what he was going to do. it was like a dream, you felt crazy. your brain couldn’t comprehend anything now, except how badly you wanted his hands to keep going.
and they did.
harvey tugged on the hook of your farm slacks, giving you the opportunity to pull them down yourself, and wrap your arms around his back underneath his own. feeling your hands on him, he let out a sigh. “i love when you touch me, y/n.”
“i love touching you.”
letting his mind wander for only a brief moment, harvey groaned, his thoughts going everywhere but appropriate places. he was glad he was living it, instead of just imagining it. sitting at his desk, thoughts of you invading his mind. poor maru, asking why he was so zoned out.
he was teasing you, holding his hand just above your crotch and the brink of your panties,leaving it there. your legs shook, and you bucked your hips slightly forward and up against his palm.
“please.” you whined, feeling an overwhelming tightness building in your groin. it was paralyzing, almost, the way you felt so weak. and it irritated you, how he was treating you like this. of course, it was him doing it, so you didn’t mind. he was spoiling you just by allowing you this opportunity.
just as much though, you were spoiling him. he was so grateful he was able to touch you like this.
harvey chuckled a little, pleased with your whimpering. he slowly pressed his finger against your clit, the fabric rubbing up against it as he slowly drew circles on it. you gasped, your back immediately arching up. you cursed a bit, under your breath, gaining a sinful sigh from him as he smiled at you in satisfaction.
you tugged on the band of your panties, hoping he’d get the hint to remove them. “harvey..” you whispered, pathetically.
he raised a brow, a straight expression screwed to his face. “hmm?”
“take these off.” impatiently, you spoke, in a slightly stern tone, finished with all this teasingly vague touch. harvey, startled at your sudden tone, blew up in red, clearing his throat. “ah, aha.. if you insist,
you had to admit, you liked how flustered he became. how you could feel his grip tighten on the sheet beneath you. how his brows furrowed because of how flustered he became.
as harvey slid down your underwear to your ankles, you kicked them off the bed urgently, adjusting your position to be further up against his hand, earning an amused hum from him. he was reminded of you, and your position beneath him, and it gave him a delicious feeling of warmth in his groin.
his hand returned to his place between your legs, beginning a sort of circular motion on your clit with his thumb before slowly sliding a finger inside, eliciting a sweet moan from you. he hummed, quite satisfied with himself, and created a gentle rhythm.
harvey was talented with his hands, there was no doubt about it, you thought, grateful that your doctor was the man he was. you were lucky, for sure, having such a dexterous man being the one finding his place inside of you. and you showed him your gratefulness, rewarding him with moans of ecstasy just from his hand.
he got comfortable, inserting another fing-
“doctor harvey?” a knock came from the door.
you jumped, breath catching in your throat, causing his finger to twist upwards pressing into your g spot, causing a moan you couldn’t help to begin to slip from your lips. harvey hurriedly slapped his free hand to your mouth, giving you a stern expression.
“y-yes, maru?” he stuttered out, his thumb almost subconsciously continuing to massage your clit, screwing your eyes shut in pleasure.
“i was just wondering if you needed any extra support with your paperwork.. i know you’ve been busy..” she sounded hesitant, like she had more to say.
“no, no. i’ve got it all covered,” he said, so casual, despite the bead of sweat dripping down his forehead and the occasional hard swallow. he looked back to you, the smallest and most mischevious smirk on his face.
slowly, he put another finger in, curling them up into your g-spot, making you buck your hips forward up into his hand, almost on instinct, like a reflex.
“ah- harvey-!” you gasped into his hand, and he simply pressed it harder onto your mouth.
“keep it down, y/n.” he whispered, “cant have maru hearing you whimper like that, can we?”
slowly, maru wrapped her hand around the handle, beginning to twist it, “are you sure? i can-“
“i-im quite sure! thank you! i believe you have work to do, don’t you?” harvey rushed, a shot of fear running through his body at the thought of his assistant catching him like this with a patient.
with you, at that. yet, a rush of excitement ran through his mind at the same thought.
“if you insist..” she let go of the door, her footsteps clicking across the floor as she made her way back to the office.
you let out a sigh of relief into his hand as he removed it, boiling up a bit of anger. “h-harvey! what were you-“
“sh.” he whispered, “don’t act like you don’t like the rush.. i know i do.” he sighed, breathing a huff of air. “as nervous as it makes me..” he mumbled the last half under his breath, as if you weren’t sharing your most vulnerable parts together. he still wanted to be perfect for you. taking his fingers out, causing you to sigh in frustration, he fumbled a bit, grabbing your hips.
“can i…?” he asked, his eyes trailing down to his length, feeling overwhelmed with the idea of being inside of you. he’d been waiting too long, and knowing now that maru had the potential of coming in, he didn’t feel like waiting anymore.
any anger you had against his insane ideas washed away at the thought, and you whined a bit. “oh my yoba, please, yeah.” you groaned, letting your head knock back.
he positioned himself, taking a moment to ensure you were comfortable. “is this… okay?” harvey whispers, only a tad on edge from the almost immediate loss of his job earlier.
“yes, yes, please! how many times are you gonna make me ask?”
“i like the way you say please.”
with that harvey was eager, eager to finally feel himself inside of you. slowly, he began to push his length into you, as you immediately squeezed on him, unable to control how your body naturally reacted to his cock. it was mesmerizing, and thanks to his treatment of you earlier, you weren’t in pain.
“mmgn.. yes..” he whimpered quietly, his head cocking backwards in pleasure just from feeling how you wrapped around his cock. “ahh.. ah- i don’t know..” he whispers, slowly beginning a steady but sloppy pace, “how long.. i can last with you.”
you moan softly, placing your fingers over your mouth. “please please just fuck me while you can.” you gasp, breathless as the feelings overwhelm you, but in the best way. harvey was big, and you didn’t realize it until he was inside of you. but god he felt good.
with absolutely zero reluctance, harvey sped up, panting out gasps and moans, and little whines in between. he lowered himself down to your ear, his breath hitting the cusp of it hotly, his whimpers crisp for you to hear. it was intoxicating. he was intoxicating.
“y/n.. y/n, y/n, y/n..” harvey murmured, the words coming out of his mouth slurred and seductive, bringing a tightness to your groin that made you clench around him.
“don’t stop.. please, doc.” the nickname slipped from your lips again, earning you a satisfying groan in your ear from your lover above you, his thrusts growing faster and harder. his hips grinded against your own, as you brought them into his in a passionate rhythm.
his moans began to sound more like whiny gasps, his confident demeanor diminished. he was so entranced, so desperate to feel good, feel you. and those moans of yours and how tight you felt around his cock and the feeling of your bare skin touching and how hot-
“y/n.. so..so close!” he begged, almost expecting those cries to get you to help him cum, and his voice brought you closer to your finish yourself.
his name left your mouth thoughtlessly, reaching your arms up to pull him close to your chest, nails clawing into his bare back. “yes! yes! like that-ah!” you cry, your legs wrapping around his waist as you cum on him, and he joins in unison.
harvey slows his pace almost immediately, growing quick with fatigue as he pulls himself out of you, shivering at the feeling.
about as exhausted, you shift yourself slightly to sit up, feeling an apparent ache in your body. letting out a huff, you become increasingly aware of how loud the crinkling was on the bed. and then it hits you.
“y-yes?” he gasps, breathless.
“you.. DO have sound proofing right?”
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sejjiplinth · 4 months
my sejanus hc list that i’ve had in my notes for years and years
— he definitely loves all animals but he is a cat person all the way!!!!!!
— his closet is sorted by color
— he wore glasses as a child (and occasionally wears them in his older years)
— he likes to sew with his ma
— his favorite season is winter because he likes to wear scarves, but he loves spring too!
— he has a bird feeder hanging from his windowsill
— would absolutely hate horror films, his favorite kind of movie is anything that falls in the romcom genre
— hates white shoes / suits (yes he was miserable in the peacekeeper uniform)
— ma put notes in his lunchbox when he was little and he still has them in a small box on top of his closet
— he’d be a sandbox game lover. animal crossing, stardew valley, anything like that
— he surprisingly has really good endurance, and it’d piss coriolanus off when they’d have to run for their peacekeeper training because he couldn’t keep up
— double knots his shoe laces because he got tripped so much as a kid
— favorite pie is either peach or apple
— probably has a fish tank
— when he’s reading he makes his own bookmarks
— actually knows how to slow dance properly thanks to ma
— he draws on gum wrappers
— is deathly terrified of any kind of flying bug (but would pick up any spider to take it outside and set it free 😭)
— he had a pet duck in district 2
— his favorite flowers are tulips because they continue to grow even once they’ve been cut
— he loves to help ma cook. whether it’s handing her ingredients, or stirring the pot while she steps outside. anything to make her days a little easier
— his favorite color is orchid purple
— he’s a collector!!!! i think he’d collect rocks, stamps, pennies, flowers and leaves, literally anything he can find because he likes to make scrapbooks for them
— can’t sleep unless he’s cold
— owns tons of graphic tees and other colorful attire as an adult because his father only let him wear formal clothing growing up
— definitely gets motion sickness
— cannot drive for shit and should never be trusted behind the wheel
— his love languages are acts of service and gift giving
— his favorite treat of ma’s is her cupcakes, especially the ones she makes for his birthday
— diary / journal ownerrrrr (the fact that he had one in his box in the movie made my heart happy, okay lionsgate you get a point from me…)
— has a piece of jewelry that he’s worn for half of his life, and it’s either a ring or a necklace (maybe both!)
— the marble heart that was in his box in the book was from marcus
— in a present day au, i can always see him being a tutor in high school, maybe even a student teacher in his early 20’s (i think i’ve actually talked about this before on here LMAO) but i don’t think he’d become a full-on teacher in the end, and would diverge his career path to eventually become an EMT
— it takes him years to get through a bottle of cologne
— since he’s canonically good at science, i think he spent a lot of his childhood conducting fun experiments (DEFINITELY the baking soda-and-vinegar volcano)
— his home would be full of the silliest decor. cat cups and colorful paintings, and he has gnomes in his lawn… he gives them names
that’s all i have for now !!!!
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asclexe · 11 days
⭐️ government-forced blog intro post ⭐️
(new and improved!)
welcome to marvin’s marvelous mechanical museum!
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^ me if you even care..
go follow my side ask blog, @ask-the-ducklings! it’s very silly over there!
hai!! hello!! hey!! what’s up!! basic info/fun stuff below the cut
⭐️ name: asclexe formally? cameron causally, but call me whatever! no, seriously! idc! nicknames (ex: cam, ronnie, cammy, etc) are welcome! feel free to call me your pookie or your son or child or something, be creative!
⭐️gender and pronouns: i am non-binary! i/me/myself /ref or they/them preferred /srs, it/its or he/him are also fine!! (but i lovee they/them pronouns they’re so yummy)
⭐️sexuality: aroace lesbian (im soo gay for olivia wilde and sza though)
⭐️i am a minor! be respectful!
⭐️nationality: american *sad eagle screech* (EST timezone)
⭐️ i am also white
⭐️star sign: leo
⭐️personality type: intj
⭐️religious alignment: agnostic
!bigots of all flavors are not welcome, tolerated, or will even enjoy this blog at all!
⭐️fandoms and interests: house md mainly (im on season 6 of my first watch-through)!! dead poet’s society, good omens, dungeon meshi and occasional hazbin hotel and helluva boss, ramshackle, tadc, she-ra, owl house, tbosas/hunger games, scott pilgrim, warrior cats, ride the cyclone, heathers, fnaf, asoue, ghibli films, gravity falls, camp here & there, animal crossing and pokemon and stardew valley! i like musicals in general, rtc, hamilton (sorry), heathers, sweeney todd, beetlejuice, and phantom of the opera are my favorites!
*i’m looking to get into evangelion, hannibal, saw, and dexter 👍 but not now
i write fanfiction and poetry (i take requests feel free to hmu), i do local theater, i drabble in the occasional doodle, and i like baking and watching youtube and scrolling through tumblr and walking through the forest and my neighborhood and making bracelets and spending money and laying on the floor and singing and dancing and being silly and reading medical textbooks and cool novels and hanging with my irls and idk, yeah! life! carpe diem!
*also i’m trying to get into reality shifting! (im not a freak i swear)
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⭐️my music taste (a little all over the place:3) melanie martinez, jack stauber, will wood, lemon demon, tally hall/miracle musical, dazey and the scouts, tv girl, mommy long legs, bear ghost, mitski, SOME olivia rodrigo, chappell roan, weezer, the smashing pumpkins, mcr, laufey, MARINA, pearl & the oysters, vortex twins, beach bunny, slipknot, mindless self indulgence, hole
(music recs are very much welcome <33)
*taylor swift enjoyers follow at your own risk (i hate on her occasionally)
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random facts about me :3
⭐️i’m left-handed (bully me for it ik im a freak)
⭐️unfortunately a theater kid
⭐️5’7, apparently i’m tall for this website
⭐️future medical doctor (probably diagnostician with a specialty in gy(boy)necology) motorcycle owner, entrepreneur, film/tv actor, failure, published author, cowboy, dj, apartment-renter, top surgery recipient, rockstar, flordia man, sinner 👍
⭐️cannot play violin correctly to save my life
⭐️the most insufferable and goofy person ever
⭐️DOESNT BITE!! (i swear)
⭐️ i was dropped on not my head, but my stomach as a baby
⭐️professional yapper, certified idiot
⭐️will wood’s son actually
(new) tags guide!
*note this is a new system i’m trying out, some older posts do not apply
#asclexeposting - all original content
#camyyaps - unhinged text posts/late night eepy time posts/yapping in the tags
#cam touches grass - the rare times i go outside and touch grass and do stuff
#houseviewing - my thoughts as i watch house
#ask the fellows - relating to my ask blog (go follow it go do it its @ask-the-ducklings go ask stuff)
#me ask :3 - reblog of something i asked another blog
this will be mostly reblogs of my silly mutuals/my fyp, i try to make original content often! i hope we can get along! ask me whatever! i don’t know! be nice and respectful cause i’m a minor! bye!
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strwbmei · 2 months
hey mei, what are your top 10 favourite video games?
1. Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild - Loved everything about it!! The graphics are stunning, the gameplay is amazing, and the story is easy to understand without playing the other games. I have Tears of the Kingdom, but for some reason, I prefer BOTW much more. Also, the soundtrack is absolutely amazing beyond words!! The one that plays whenever a Ruin Guardian spots you sort of gave me PTSD. Whenever I hear it, I can't help but look towards the source of the sound, get up, and run for my life.
2. Ghost of Tsushima - Everything about this game is a 10/10, but I really liked the combat in particular! There are so many ways you can kill someone, from silently assassinating them to poisoning them to beheading them. Even after the main story, there are still so many side quests and content that are just as fun. Jin Sakai is also very cool and I love how he abandoned his honor as a samurai to protect the people.
3. Eastward - Definitely a must-play if you have a Nintendo Switch. The graphics are unique and colorful yet also somewhat mellow at times. The music is great. All of the characters are so fleshed out and lovable. Not to mention the amount of content in the game, where you have at least one other game inside of it. There's the Earthbound(?) (I forgot what it was called) game inside of the arcades which I still haven't been able to finish to this day, and the Octopia DLC (Really cheap by the way, it was 20$ last time I checked) which is basically a whole other farming game.
4. Honkai Impact 3rd - Of course, HI3 is one of my favorite games. The gacha is very generous compared to other games, the rewards are really good, and the rest speaks for itself. Just the story alone would be enough to make it into my top 10. Story aside, I really love the characters and their designs. Their designs reflect their personality perfectly and all of them are just so lovable. Watching Kiana grow up so mature within only 2 years gives me such an odd feeling. I'm so proud of her, but at the same time, where has the "cheerful idiot" Kiana gone? It feels like only yesterday I was playing through the story and she refused to eat the meal Durandal gave her because there was no one to remove the bones of the fish like Mei usually did.
5. Stardew Valley - Call me basic, but I really fell in love with everything about this game. The music in particular makes me feel so oddly nostalgic. I also have a lot of good memories associated with it. It's one of those games that I play on and off but always end up enjoying no matter what, especially with the use of modding.
6. Dead Cells - Loved it! The combat is so fluid, the monsters are all so unique, the animations are so smooth for a pixel art game, and everything about the gameplay is so enjoyable. I'm a sucker for these types of games, honestly. I sadly haven't had the time to play it for a while now, though...
7. Subnautica - I'm not sure if this counts because even though I have a copy of the game, I've made almost zero progress on it. This is mostly only on my list because I'm a really big fan of sea exploration stuff. I was also particularly obsessed with the idea of making the Cyclops fully self sufficient.
8. Minecraft - I had such a big Minecraft phase back then. I would wear merch to school and sing those parodies thinking I was so cool. No wonder I didn't have any friends during that period of my life. Still, I actually wasn't able to buy the game until like... 2018. I think this would be higher on the list if I had people to play it with and if I could recover my account for it.
9. Animal Crossing : New Horizons - I was obsessed with it during the pandemic, but nowadays I play it on and off. As much as I like the older games, being able to freely place furniture outside is life changing. It's also way easier to change outfits because you can actually see what you're wearing. Not to mention, the graphics are way cuter.
10. Osu! - I got into it because a guy I liked did and ended up becoming better than him. I mostly.played standard, but mania was also fun from time to time. I was ranked at around 4 digits before I had to stop because people were complaining that my keyboard was being way too loud. I just didn't have the money to get a new one at the time, so I ended up deleting the game. Really fun, though! There's a mode for everyone.
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dungeonsandblorbos · 1 month
Hello and Welcome!
it's a new year and a lot has happened since the last time i did an intro, including a new campaign starting and me making a new years resolution to indulge my creative side more, so i'd like to re-introduce myself and also say hello to the writblr community!
my main blog is @persnickety-peahen, so that's where all my follows will come from. you can call me any variation of either of my blog names, or just C; they/she pronouns. i'm in my mid-twenties, happily married, queer, and neurodivergent.
i've been enamored with the idea of writing from childhood, but since university a lot of that energy has gotten channeled into TTRPGs due to life circumstances, so now instead of writing i obsess over my PCs and make long, detailed documents full of exploitable backstory content, NPCs, and worldbuilding elements for my DM(s)! :D
yes i am and have always been the designated note-taker in all of my campaigns, why do you ask?
aside from writing and TTRPGs, i enjoy baking, taking wiki walks, and playing Stardew Valley, and lately i've also started teaching myself how to do pixel art. i love the blorbos from my campaigns so much and will impulsively share stories about them to anyone who will listen, hence me making this blog as a place to infodump about my beloveds! content here includes fun stories from the big four campaigns i've been part of, out of context session notes, and especially various kinds of mentally ill blorbo posting, as well as a bunch of reblogs of stuff from the writblr, whumpblr, and TTRPG communities (including pretty dice and dice trays!). someday i might also get around to posting an actual ongoing narrative recap of one of my campaigns, and some of the blorbo-related pixel art i've been making.
i'd love to be more active here, so please feel free to send me asks about any of the characters or campaigns, or even just TTRPG things in general, as i'm always happy to talk about them. i'm also open to writblr tag games, even if they don't fully apply to a TTRPG context—if it gives me an excuse to blab about my blorbos, i will make it work!
see below the cut for a description of my big four campaigns and my player characters from them!
Curse of Strahd Homebrew Status: on haitus but hopefully resuming soon! System: DnD 5e Story: this is a heavily homebrewed version of the 5e Curse of Strahd campaign book (like, we're talking a good 80% or more homebrew) DMed by my husband, @somethingclevermahogony. it's all of your dark queer gothic horror dreams come true! (and also body horror. lots of body horror. and whump, for good measure) it follows a group of naive young adventurers who find themselves lured to and trapped in Barovia, a country banished to its own little pocket dimension in the Shadowfell over 400 years ago as punishment for the atrocities committed by its dread king Strahd von Barovich. here, they encounter challenges and horrors beyond anything they've ever experienced before, including hordes of vengeful undead, capitalist hags who sell hallucinogenic pies made with 'shrooms and children's brain matter, an eldritch not-quite-god and his/their cursed corn farm, a delusional angel who repairs people's broken bodies without care for consent, and, of course, the dread king Strahd himself, as well as his many powerful and loyal followers. all of them seek to manipulate our would-be heroes to their own ends—and unfortunately for everyone, they've been rather successful so far. Main Blorbo: in this campaign, i play a 23-year-old human tempest cleric called Cerris, who is a solid 80% of the reason i made this sideblog. he's my comfort character. he's my bisexual disaster babygirl. he's my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good bad time boy. he's like the dysfunctional lovechild of Clark Kent and Jonathan Harker: a sheltered farmboy of debatably noble birth granted a sliver of divine power by circumstances beyond his control, who just left home for the first time to answer the call of adventure and got stuck here in fantasy Transylvania instead, where he has since become Strahd's new favorite plaything. among other poor decisions, he has 1) gotten romantically entangled with Ireena Kolyana, a fiery though equally sheltered young noblewoman who is unfortunately the object of Strahd's obsessive plans to escape Barovia and conquer Faerun, 2) inadvertently adopted the sweet but chaotic Milo, a halfling boy turned into a horrible monster by Strahd's experiments 400 years ago (the Bagman. Cerris adopted the Bagman), and 3) gotten himself possessed by the angry ghost of Strahd's little brother, Sergei, whom Strahd killed and cannibalized in an unfortunately effective bid to gain godlike power. he has a lot to learn before he's ready to face Strahd, but i believe that one day, Cerris will help save Barovia. Bonus Blorbo: if Cerris is my babygirl, then Milo is my precious little meow meow—hence my tag for him being #meow meow Milo. yes he is the Bagman, and yes he did almost eat my other party member among many other horrible things, but he's also just a traumatized smol bean and i forgive him for everything. if anything happened to him, Cerris would kill everyone in Barovia and then himself.
Ruins of Runet Status: active just went on hiatus actually as of 05/13, should return in the fall System: DnD 5e Story: an entirely homebrew campaign also DMed by my wonderful husband! it's a horror campaign at heart, this time focusing more on eldritch and existential horror. once, the world of Runet was just like any other, vibrant and fantastical and full of magic, connected to the vast network of other worlds and planes across the universe. and then, suddenly, the gods all vanished. magic left Runet with them, and the planet's connections to other worlds were severed irreparably. the result was nothing less than apocalyptic: entire peoples and species died out instantly, cities and nations collapsed, famine and disease and war ran rampant. but the survivors adapted, building a new world from the ashes. now, 600 years after the collapse, magic has returned, throwing the world into chaos once again. and though magic has come back, the gods have not. various powerful factions have all launched investigations into this sudden reappearance, hoping to claim the secret of magic for themselves. at the center of it all sits the Church of Divine Repentance, and a millenia-old conflict between eldritch forces known only as the Mother and the Eternal Body, with the people of Runet caught in the crossfire. Main Blorbo: in this campaign, i play a 29-year-old human fighter/sorcerer named Don Ariel Feliciano Rosalio Sentera Alvedes, from the barely unified country of Restitos*. Ariel is an hidalgo, a member of the untitled nobility, and as the youngest of four sons, he had very little expectations of inheriting anything; even so, excellence was demanded of him since childhood. as a result, he's grown up ambitious and hungry, willing to make himself into whatever kind of person he needs to be in any given moment in order to accomplish his goals. he's charismatic and self-assured, and while he can be slimy and artificial (or else callous and abrasive if he feels you aren't worth his time), he is nonetheless noble in character, enduringly loyal, and committed to the values of noblesse oblige. but don't let his suave Casanova exterior fool you—he's also a bisexual, gender-fucky horse girl and (un?)ethically slutty secretary with a cringefail romantic history! :D he's almost gotten engaged but then ruined everything—twice. his only serious long-term relationship was a secret affair with his employer, a married duke who's old enough to be his father (but don't worry, the duchess knew and was cool about it), which ended abruptly when the duke got assassinated and Ariel found his disfigured body the next morning. and then the duke's oldest son informally accused him of the murder and that conversation went so terribly that he fled the country immediately afterwards to avoid being arrested and executed. no, he's not actually guilty, just a convenient scapegoat, stop fucking asking him if he did it. in conclusion, Ariel is such a fucking mess and i love him. Bonus Blorbo: Malva Oriana is Ariel's 13-year-old warhorse, a beautiful perlino Catalencian Pure (essentially a fantasy Andalusian) he trained himself. she's a bold, intelligent, and well-tempered horse, albeit more than a bit spoiled, and she and Ariel are terribly co-dependent on each other in light of the recent trauma they've experienced. *Additional Note: Restitos is largely culturally inspired by post-Reconquista Spain, and since my character ended up being the only PC from that country, i got to help with a lot of the worldbuilding for it! a fact i took full advantage of! so more than likely, any worldbuilding stuff i post here will specifically be about Restitos
Cauldron & Kettle Questing Co. Status: completed System: DnD 5e Story: this was my second campaign with my university TTRPG group, where my husband was also a player. set in the world of Acquisitions, Incorporated, an actual play podcast by Penny Arcade based around the idea of classic adventuring parties but make it ~capitalism~, this campaign was primarily played out of the official Acquisitions, Inc. playbook, with some additional homebrew expansions and a nice little extra homebrew arc on the end that introduced us to the incredible chaos of the D10,000 wild magic table. the story ended up going real hard on the queer found family vibes, and there were several story beats that made us all real emotional together. we played as the Cauldron & Kettle Questing Company, a Phandalin-based subsidiary branch of the larger Acquisitions, Inc. corporation. we also owned a tea shop called the Cauldron & Kettle Cafe, and we had a steam-powered teapot-shaped vehicle dubbed the Tea Trolley which we put to excellent use in combat. the story followed the Cauldron & Kettle Questing Co. as we established our branch and completed increasingly dire quests for our parent corporation that we were not remotely qualified for. and uh, no, we did not really get any special rewards or pay raises or anything after saving the world—twice—but hey, that's business baby! Main Blorbo: for this campaign, i played a 30-year-old half-elf light cleric/bard named Jun Vyardes. having grown up the daughter of a traveling bard, she's great with change, but never learned how to put down roots. when she left Daddy Bard's side and devoted herself to Vestia, a human goddess of domestic fires and revelry, she thought she'd found her home. for some time, she really was content there—but the road still called to her, so with her goddess's blessing, she set out on a new adventure. she's fiercely devoted to her friends and committed to justice, plays a mean fiddle, and has some great recipes for edibles. after joining Acq, Inc. and meeting the rest of her party, it only took Jun a couple of months to realize that her new teammates—along with her one true love Eleni, a fellow devotee of Vestia—were exactly the home she had always been searching for. and she's going to protect that, whatever it takes. Bonus Blorbo: my husband played Tim Cobbletoss, a 34-year-old half-orc barbarian with the temperament of a british grandma on account of being raised by halfings . . . after his human bard father abandoned him at an orphanage because he couldn't take care of two half-human bastard children at the same time. yes, that's right, Tim and Jun are half-siblings! at first they both hated each other because Jun was jealous that Tim got to have a stable childhood with a loving parent who understood proper boundaries and didn't exploit their musical talent for money or use them as an unwilling wingman, and because Tim was jealous that Jun got to have an actual relationship with their father and learn things from him when all Tim got from Daddy Bard was the family signature ginger hair and abandonment issues. fortunately, though, they eventually got over the mutual jealousy and started bonding over parental trauma, terrible workplace conditions, and a shared love of fantasy weed. and now they're best friends and ruthlessly defend each other against Daddy Bard's nonsense whenever he tries to re-insert himself into their lives.
The Orphic Uprising and The Amazonomachy Status: Completed System: Cypher Story: these were two continuous arcs that together formed the first campaign with my university TTRPG group. it was a homebrew story set in the world of Percy Jackson, following a small group of simultaneously inept and hyper-competent demigods from Camp Half-Blood on their various (mis)adventures. out of character, we called ourselves the Confusion Crew due to the sheer absurdity of some of the shenanigans we got up to. it was delightful. in the first arc, The Orphic Uprising, Dionysus got kidnapped and four campers were singled out by prophecy to go rescue him from the Underworld and stop the children of Nyx from taking over Olympus. and in the second arc, The Amazonomachy, set a year later, the mad queen of the Amazons got it into her head (through children of Nyx-related manipulation, it seems) that, just like the titans had been overthrown by the gods, it was high time the gods were overthrown by their own children. so three of us from the last quest, plus two new unlucky campers who happened to be in the wrong right place at the wrong right time, set about saving the Olympians' asses again. Main Blorbo: in this campaign, i played Nina Grayson, a (at the end of the campaign) 19-year-old daughter of Nike, goddess of victory. Nina was an impulsive, reckless, extremely determined little fighter (emphasis on little, she's 5' tall and like 110lbs), as well as a talented gymnast, dancer, and rock climber, who put so much pressure on herself to succeed—because, ya know, literally the daughter of victory—that she was more than willing to fight dirty if that's what it took to win. she was an absolute monster in combat, nigh unkillable with high damage output and multiple debuff abilities. she was also a menace outside of combat because she put all of her points into physical abilities and left nothing for brains or charisma. yes, indeed, she was a badass buff socially inept himbo lesbian and she ruled. iconic himbo acts of hers include solving a puzzle by punching a horse statue in the face, getting set on fire then putting it out by drenching herself in monster blood, solving a locked door problem by punching the lock open, splitting the party to play double agent without telling her friends she was only fake-betraying them, and solving a bitchy goddess problem by punching said goddess in the face so hard it temporarily killed her. at some point she also acquired the nickname Larry and we made all the appropriate three stooges jokes about it, don't you worry. Bonus Blorbo: in the first arc we picked up a funny little grain alcohol demon who looked like if a cabbage patch doll was an actual baby-shaped root vegetable. we named him Hops and fed him illegally acquired beer. he was our mascot and team pet and beloved child, and sometimes my husband's character, a son of Dionsysus named Chuck Hickey, would throw him like a football at enemies and use him like an Entangle spell. other times he'd just carry him around in a baby björn. both activities were excellent enrichment for Hops.
and that's it! thank you for reading and please enjoy my blog!
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hellhoundmaggie · 1 year
5 comfort characters
Finally getting to this @cymatile. the notification email has been burning a hole in my inbox for weeks now and I'm glad to finally get to it!
The Beast/Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast 1991) As a bookish autistic little girl, I of course identified very strongly with Belle. As a city kid in a small town, I still do sometimes. But as an adult, I find myself drawn to the other half of the pairing. Belle is of course a lovely young lady, and I appreciate how she only respects the Beast when he first extends respect to her. But let us face it, she is too perfect a character to be truly compelling. Beast is quite the work in progress, though, and that's what makes him so fascinating. You thrill as you watch him angst and snarl and throw his weight around -- first to frighten and threaten others, then to protect the woman he loves. You are charmed as he discovers joy and companionship, then mourn with him as he gives it up to return Belle's freedom to her. And you're just a little disappointed when he changes into a generically-handsome man, even if it does mean he and Belle get to live happily ever after. Plus, as the meme says: "I'll get that bitch a library. Bitches love libraries."
Shane (Stardew Valley) Okay, I've read all the criticisms many times. He starts out mean to you for no reason. He's a total slob and a sad sack. He never actually quits drinking. He looks like Ben Shapiro. And I gotta tell you: I cannot fault this very good chicken man for any of it. This is another guy that I feel no choice but to root for because he struggles with so many flaws. I appreciate that the game doesn't let you "fix" them for him: you only give him the help he directly asks you for. He makes the most important changes himself, and the stuff he doesn't change isn't a dealbreaker for me. Plus Shane kind of looks like my IRL spouse so I gotta love him just for that, y'know? I can't forgive him for liking gridball, though. As a nerd, jocks are my natural enemy. Sorry, I don't have a choice!
Entrapta (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) Not a lot of people know this, but ND Stevenson called me up while he was developing the She-Ra reboot and asked for my input. I asked him, "Are you going to have a woman character with autistic coding in the show?" "Yes, we're going to have one of those," he said. "And is she going to have a special interest that few other characters in the show understand or empathize with?" "Okay, yeah." "Is she going to despair of ever finding genuine human connection and try to find solace in technology before learning that yes, there are people who care about her and value her uniqueness?" "Ooh, that's a good idea. Sure." "And can you pair her up with an angsty boy?" "I can definitely do that. Thanks, Maggie!" And that's why Reboot Entrapta is the way she is. You're welcome, everyone. 4. Wayne (Scarlet Hollow) I already post a lot about this guy, so I won't say much this time. I like him because he lets me explore the idea of being the subject of extreme passion and devotion in a way that doesn't put me in actual danger. I would never seek out that kind of relationship in real life, but love beyond proportion, beyond reason, beyond sanity is compelling in fiction. Plus he makes for some fun memes. 5. Mr. Pages (Fallen London) I love this big ol' nerd: its creative vocabulary, its book hyperfixation, and how bad it is at hiding the fact that it's not human. As soon as they put out the balance patch for Mask of the Rose, I am going to figure out how to smooch it, and you cannot stop me.
tagging nobody! Do this if you feel like it.
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dreaming-medium · 4 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Thank you for the tag @hibiscus-catcher !! I love posts like this <3 <3
Name(s): Amanda, but I go by Sunny :)
Pronouns: She/Her
Star sign: Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, Cancer Rising
#of Siblings & Fun Facts About Them (if you have any): I have one older sister! She is a cosmetics chemist and we're planning on getting matching hip tattoos where I get the chemical compound for serotonin and she gets an equation that graphs to a heart. (I studied math, she studied chemistry)
# of pets: I have no pets :(( it bugs me so much I want a dog so bad
Fandoms: I have a few! Right now I'm most active in the Stay Kids fandom, but I also am semi-active in the Lord of the Rings fandom, Skyrim, MHA, Attack On Titan, and Stardew Valley fandoms!
Favorite Color: Mint green! Like so specifically #70f59d
Favorite Song: This changes soooo often for me. But Constellations by the Oh Hellos is my all time favorite song followed closely by Way Out There by Lord Huron. For Stray Kids, my favorite song is Haven :)
Favorite Author: V.E. Schwab! If you haven't read the Invisible Life of Addie LaRue I HIGHLY recommend! The Midnight Library by Matt Haig was also extremely good! I'm a huge book person if you ever need any recs hmu <3
Hobbies: LOVE reading and writing! I love playing video games as much as I love watching people play them! I'm also a huge gym rat
Favorite Holiday: I'm a Christmas girlie, it means a lot to me family wise. But, it's closely followed by Valentine's Day :) I just really love the happiness that surrounds the holiday.
Do You Have Any Partner(s)?: Right now, I am very single lol But I'm at a point in my life where I want to establish my life/career before deciding to commit myself to another person. My previous relationship left me super messed up and I had to figure out who I was again which was not fun. So, when I do get into another relationship, I want to make sure I am confident about who I am as a person.
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: Oooh, I have a few fun facts. I am a cosplayer! I've been cosplaying since 6th grade (so about 12 or so years) I can lick my elbow! I had a tik tok BLOW UP in the Stray Kids tag, it's sitting at about 250k right now lmfao most of you probably saw it not knowing it was me. I am a v tall girl! I'm about 5'11" (180 cm) :)
No specific tags! Anyone who would like to do this is welcome :) You can even tag me so I can read yours <3
I get nervous about tagging people lololol
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simsdada · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
thank you so much for tagging me, you lovely people :3 @vimpse @cozy-sims @arnola2012 @jsasimmer @pluto-sims
1. are you named after anyone?
my mom always told me the story about how she chose my name, she was around 12 and went to pick up my uncle at his school. she heard someone calling for another kid, and she really liked the name she heard, so she really wanted her child to have this name. :D
2. when was the last time you cried?
on friday. i actually cried a lot. well, it was my own fault and i felt really bad about what happened, but everything is alright now, thankfully. most of the time i cry it's because of my ocd or my anxiety, but the day i mentioned was about something else i screwed up. to be honest, i cry a lot, my feelings can be easily hurt.
15 questions for 15 mutuals
3. do you have kids?
no, and i don't really like the whole idea.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
yup, i'm fluent in it! xD
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
when i was around 10 i really liked swimming, but uhhh... since then... well, to be honest i'm really bad at sports, i suck, call me scoliosis king.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
i've always been really shy, so most of the time i'm at the corner observing people's behaviors, lol. i think the first thing i notice is if their personality suits mine, i have a hard time talking to people who are way too much different from me, it makes me anxious as hell... i'm really soft and sentimental, so if you're mean and likes to make fun of people errr... just go away lol
7. scary movies or happy endings?
i'm a huge fan of scary movies since i was a little kid!
8. any special talents?
i can easily see through people. like i already said, i like to observe a lot, and i don't talk much, so i always had this thing where i can really see what people are doing like, when they are lying, trying too hard, acting a certain way because of someone else, etc... i'm weird ok?
9. where were you born? 🇫🇷
10. what are your hobbies?
gaming, hehe, the most important one! i play games every single day, it's a huge passion (and addiction) and of course the sims is my favorite game, this game changed my life and will always be my favorite one to ever exist. i also love minecraft, disney dreamlight, stardew valley, house flipper, my time at portia and maaaany others. i have almost 100 games here on my pc. also writing, listening to albums and writing reviews only for myself to read, and watching f.r.i.e.n.d.s. :3
11. do you have any pets?
no T_T
12. how tall are you?
13. fave subject in school?
i liked literature, arts, english, and that's pretty much it
14. dream job?
i'm current in culinary school so, to be a chef <3
15. eye colour?
brown :3
i'll tag these beautiful people! (please ignore if you're already answered these or if you don't want too) @pearlsim @imaginary-sims @breakfastwithbeb @treason-and-plot @sicksadsim @neosimi @aries-sims @tinysimmer @kissalopa @foreverasimmer @potentialfate-sims @curiousb @akitasimblr @minty-plumbob @memoirsofasim
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disasterdrvid · 9 months
What are your top 10 video games?
Thank u @shift-shaping for the tag!
I'm tagging @localfruit @star--nymph @wardenrainwall @full---ofstarlight @perfectblve @sneklesbian @magic-space-games @notebooks-and-laptops and anyone else who wants/I may have forgot to tag <3
These aren't in any particular order tbh
Dragon Age: Origins
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Genuinely this game has some of the best writing in the series and really wants players invested in their characters as character origins intersect with the main plot. Inquisition was my first DA game but Origins rewired my brain chemistry.
2. Pokemon Soul Silver
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Not my first Pokemon game nor my most recent but it was the one that came at a pivotal moment in my life. Many weeks of coming home from middle school and ignoring my homework to run around in the game.
3. Stardew Valley
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Absolute classic and one I consistently go back to. Sometimes I need to turn off my brain and yearn for the mines.
4. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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I was never a Zelda person growing up, but I picked up BotW this year in time to play TotK. Oh my god, this game made me cry multiple times with it's lovingly-crafted story. I love the act of exploration in this game and it's encouragement to find multiple solutions to the same problem. Truly one of the best games of the last decade.
5. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
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This game is such a mess and I love her dearly for it. It's character creation and leveling system is one of my favorite in any game and I'm very glad traces of it exist in Starfield (I'm not playing but my brother is and there's a lot of Oblivion love in it).
6. Cult of the Lamb
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A very fun gameplay loop and roguelike combat make this super fun to replay. I don't come here for in-depth story (I've compared it to Happy Tree Friends in that regard), but I love the cult creation and maintenance.
7. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
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Underrated game of all time. It shows it age and there's elements of the story that don't work great but dear god I love it and I'm forever sad no one plays it. Lots of Irish folk inspiration, which I think would draw more people if they knew that was there.
8. Baldur's Gate 3
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For context, I haven't actually been able to play but I've been consuming a lot of content for it so I know its up my alley. (My PC would explode bc I don't have the specs and it's not coming to Xbox for a bit 😭) But I love the characters and the DnD aspect so much.
9. Mass Effect
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I'm not huge on shooters but the first Mass Effect really drew me in with its story. Not a perfect game by any stretch. However, it still feels fresh and new even now.
10. Tetris
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Finally, original Tetris. Love me some shapes. First game I ever played because my mom had an old school Gameboy from before I was born that she handed down to me as a kid. Sadly can't play it on the original hardware (I still have it and it still runs!) because the screen is dogshit and I can't see, but luckily there's more places to play it now.
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stories-and-chaos · 2 months
Hotdamn, 200+ followers?! Hello everyone! Im glad you’re all enjoying my writing so far! Figured I’d be super self indulgent and make a proper introduction post.
I’m Nimaina, Nima or Nim is also fine. She/her pronouns, biromantic asexual, married to the most wonderful trans woman. I’ve been on the internet long enough to be considered OLD ™️. Like our kid is now explaining memes to me OLD™️. I hate long walks on the beach but I love books, making up stories, and playing around with fountain pens and their pretty inks. My current media obsessions are Ascendance of a Bookworm, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, and Cult of the Lamb. Currently I’m chomping at the bit waiting for Stardew Valley’s 1.6 update to be on console.
I’m working through my Stolitz fanfic right now, it’s turning into a long haul. My Alastor x reader fics are on the back burner mostly, though I may post some more slices of life bits. I may post some original content as well once I wrap up the Stolitz fic.
Thank you everyone who’s been enjoying the writing, I hope you’re having as much fun reading it as I am creating it. 🖤🩶🤍💜
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emeritus-fuckers · 5 months
hello! this is for the match up event :)
I'm genderfluid (he/she) and bisexual
I would like to be matched with a papa
I'm 5'7". I'm a bit chubby. I have brown eyes and brown shoulder length hair and bangs. I usually wear jeans and t-shirts with my favorite bands or horror movie characters on them. I also have glasses.
I'm pretty awkward and prone to oversharing. I'm a good listener, though I can't for the life of me comfort anyone. I'm super clingy and sensitive. I make stupid (and usually sexual) jokes all the time and it's a huge relief when people laugh at them. I love being around people I'm close to but I require some alone time at the end of the day to stay sane lmao
In my free time, I enjoy playing games (like stardew valley or minecraft), listening to music (bands like rammstein, TV girl, fleetwood mac), baking, watching movies (my favorite being the texas chainsaw massacre), and reading.
Trivia- I collect records and stuffed animals. I love sea creatures very much. I also have two guinea pigs (cheese and milkshake)
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is... Papa Emeritus IV
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You got chatting when he saw that you were wearing a t-shirt for a band he really loves. He squeaked excitedly and then asked you if you had ever seen them live.
He finds out they are touring soon and asks you if you want to come with him. It's a really fun night and he is a total gentleman (an endearingly awkward one)
He will happily sit down and watch a film with you, he has a whole collection.
He can also tell when you need some alone time. He'll give you a kiss on the head and then leave you in peace. He'll be waiting for you curled up on the sofa playing games, you can cuddle up next to him whenever you want.
He loves your two guinea pigs. He is incredibly fond of them and thinks they are just so adorable. He introduces them to his rats and thankfully they all get on really well.
Whenever you are baking, if he's not at work, he'll walk up behind you and wrap his arms around you. "Can I help at all Caro?" he says with a kiss to your neck. He is actually some help, but he is more there as he enjoys hanging out in the kitchen talking to you.
To him it's not oversharing, he is glad you can be open with him. He loves cuddles and showing his affection.
He always laughs at your jokes, then he'll tend to tell one equally daft and often suxual. You both get the giggles. Sister once found you both collapsed on the floor in hysterics, laughing so hard it almost hurt.
Written by Nyx
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lilypadding · 11 months
Hii! I haven’t really been active here for some time sooo how are you? How have you been? :)
HIIII!!! honestly I haven't been very active here either, I just hop in every so often. I should go back to the time when this was my #1 social media cause that was a lot easier to digest than twitter LOL
(this ended up being longer than i thought so I added a read-more)
I've been okay generally, I feel like I'm in a bit of a transitory period in my life where I'm trying new things and attempting to get myself to chase dreams that feel very far away. I just recently got on my Summer break from school, so I'm grateful for that! I was planning on taking another summer course, but I dropped it last second because it's technically not a requirement
I posted a random scene that I've been wanting to post on AO3 because I wrote it a while ago, it's basically an AU where Nagito is a fem musician and the whole premise is that she's popular (and so is the rest of the DR cast and some others, like just generally a fame AU cause I dig the idea so much) but it hasn't gotten many interactions since it primarily involves a rare-pair. (I've been so into Taylor Swift's music and her rise to stardom, it's been a recent fixation for me so I completely blame that on that AU/snippet of a fic.)
I have SOOOO many fanfics sitting in my documents of this rare pair, like 99% of them have fem nagito, and it mainly stemmed as an "inside joke" between my partner and I but now it's like second language to us and it's this weird thing where this version of fem nagito feels more like an OC if anything, cause the more deviations you take from canon the more creative liberty you impose on them and all that. I always feel a little bit like I'm lying when I post that content, because I love writing canon Nagito and writing him as accurately as I can muster because I'd like to think I do a good job, but then I remind myself that fanfic is entirely optional and I may as well post things that feel completely unique to me and even "out of character" because what's the harm in it? most sensible people will just click off if they don't like it.
Like, I posted this fic titled "3 years different*" on AO3 which was ANOTHER rarepair AU fem-nagito thing (Like, a different AU to the musician AU one) which, again, stemmed between my partner and I and I didn't expect anyone to read it and enjoy it but I got a pretty nice comment on the second chapter that warmed my heart and made me feel like posting was slightly worth it.
and I just love the rare-pair and I love my version of fem nagito that has shifted and grown - and while it's SO much fun to kinda have a little fandom AU between my partner and i, it gets sooo lonely being the only 2 people who are a fan of this hyper specific fandom-amalgamation we created??? like I'm only touching on it lightly here but THE LORE we made runs ridiculously deep, I've considered what a video-essay on it would look like trying to cover EVERYTHING and it would be A MESSS but it's so fun
in my personal life I've just been filling my time with animal crossing, I don't know if you're anything like this but I swing between all of my previous fixations when I don't find a new one and I just ping-pong between getting really sucked into one thing to another. like, a few months ago I was OBSESSEDDD with the sims 2. before that I think it was stardew valley. Now I'm back on animal crossing. I finally have a Switch so I've been decorating my island from SCRATCH for the first time ever, it's fun but I also find myself running out of ideas so quickly so I end up running around my island aimlessly wondering what I should do. I love building on animal crossing with long-form youtube content in the back.
I also want to start doing fan edits again!! I used to be really into it in 2020 (I Wonder why with the state of the world then), but I'm trying really hard to dabble more because playing around in After Effects and making transitions is genuinely a lot of fun. I hope i get into it more consistently
I'm also looking forward to a concert that I'm going to with my partner soon! I've never been to a concert so it'll be my first! I'm excited to dress up and hopefully know the words to the band !!
IDK why I'm just rambling LOL I got so excited to see this question in my ask! You're so sweet for reaching out and asking!! How have you been?!?! I want to know!!
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sailoropal · 7 months
My Pinned Bio / Summary
Hallo // This pinned bio makes it easier to explain myself, this blog, and what content will likely be spammed with it. As well as reaching out to other fans also thriving here, heh.
I must quickly clarify I do interact with 18+ content, so please, minors DNI and everyone else, proceed with caution; however, this post is SFW, hah!
About Me:
I go by Fae or Spec (She/They).
I am 24 years old - ENFP and queer [not a shock considering my sailor moon core]
A recent postgrad burnout woman who has resigned from the stressful 9 - 5 STEM grad job I had to now work as a disability student support worker. There's a lot more flexibility in this role that allows me to have passions and personality outside my Degrees and Academics, haha!
Regarding birth charts and for the sake of astrology I am Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Sagittarius Rising.
I have ASD - Like many women, I was late diagnosed due to many in my community dismissing my observational signs as "quirks" and "A wee bit away with the fae". I masked a lot in my life, but I realize it is essential for my mental health to unmask where possible.
My first language is Gàidhlig; later in my life, I learned English when I wanted to move from the Scottish isles, where I grew up. So, if you have a DnD/OC character influenced by Celtic Myth/Gaelic culture, I am happy to give advice and commentary.
Attack on Titan, Avatar-The Last Airbender, Aggretsuko, Anohana, Bleach, Berserk, Chainsaw Man, Devilman Crybaby, Digimon, Dororo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Made in Abyss, My Hero Academia, Naruto, One Piece, Pokémon, Sailor Moon, Shiki, Yu-gi-oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Lovely Complex, My Love Story!!, Wonder Egg Priority, Romantic Killer, Toradora, RWBY, ROTTMNT, Adventure Time, Bee and Puppycat, and a TON of K-dramas/C-dramas/J-dramas - atm I am watching a K-drama called The Glory and my most absolute fave is Strong Girl Bong-Soon.
I am starting the likes of Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, and I am open to more recommendations!
Video Games:
Animal Crossing, Bloodborne, Baldur's Gate 3, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Cult of the Lamb, Dark Souls, Diablo, Hades, Stardew Valley, Rune Factory, Monster Hunter, Minecraft, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, The Sims, Style Savvy DS series (Dress-up Games are my weakness), Pokémon, Super Princess Peach (also looking forward to the switch release!)
Okay, I am also obsessed with Dating Horror Games:
John Doe, Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, DachaBo!, Frost Bite, My Dear Hatchet Man, House Hunted.
(I know Your Boyfriend is a popular one - the game is fun, but I am not a fan of the creator.)
I intend to play the likes of Touch Starved, Courtin' Cowboys, Snaggemon, Trapped with Jester, and more, heh. :^
I read a lot of Fanfiction alongside actual works by Elizabeth Lim, Sue Lynn Tan, Sarah J Maas, Judy Lin - Anything that is literally Chinese Mythic Based Plot, and Fae Smut, if I gotta be honest with you PFFT. I am on Booktok a ton, so recommendations are appreciated while I organise my Kindle.
I have been roleplaying/writing since about 15/16, so I have a few years of writing experience creating OCs and writing out RP Ideas. I went on an extended hiatus as I finished university and took time off to deal with my mental health as I settled into a new routine. I am currently not outright seeking RP partners as I slowly find the time to write again, but I am open to people reaching out to discuss their OCs and RP ideas!
I am such a recluse who will binge fanart, headcanons, and fanfics - I love listening to people talk about their OCs, Fanfics, AUs, and the works. If you share my hyperfixations, don't hesitate to infodump! I might get distracted and forget to respond- but I WILL respond.
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strawberrymatchagurl · 8 months
Reasons why Stardew Valley is the best role-play game and farming simulation game to ever be invented!
I have been playing Stardew Valley for 2 years now. Although I am late in the game, the community has welcomed me regardless. These are the reasons why I love Stardew Valley and why I think it is the best game to ever be invented.
An opinion blog by strawberrymatchagurl.
It is available across multiple consoles -- For a whopping $14.99 you can get Stardew Valley on the Switch, Xbox, PC, and Mobile.
You can do multi or single-play -- According to the official stardewiki.com which is managed by the creator of the game, there is an option for 1-4-person gaming.
You can create multiple saves/accounts -- As a cozy gamer myself, perhaps one of the most frustrating things about video games is having to commit to only one saved file. Like Animal Crossing New Horizons which allows you to only have one island per console, Stardew Valley offers quite the opposite. One of the reasons might be because of the extensive 7 farm maps that you could choose from.
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It teaches you about the economy and math -- You heard that right. You are given 2 routes to choose from for the first initial quest. Either complete the community center (wherein you collect items to donate to the community center which in return unlocks certain items) OR the infamous Joja Mart route (wherein you succumb to capitalism, support mega-corporation similar to you buy your way into completing the quest by
You are given multiple choices and have creative freedom -- It has the same feels that the same Sims has in a way where you can decorate your farm in addition to all the fun things you can achieve.
You farm, mine, and fish, You basically become the avatar and eventually master all five elements -- It's what I would like to call a game that "never a dull moment" because of all the chores or quests that you could do. It will keep you interested for the long run.
You can practice your social skills whether it be platonic or romantic -- Although you do not need to focus on creating and maintaining these relationships, there are over 36 villagers for you to bond with ranging from your girl next door, a cute loving grandma all the way to a mysterious wizard in the forest.
Speaking of romance, you have 16 bachelors to choose from to marry -- I personally have had multiple saves but dated and married the same character, Penny. She is the love of my in-game life and there are many advantages and disadvantages you could have in a partner.
It is ever evolving with the latest version of 1.6 being teased by the creator "ConcernedApe" himself -- After the addition of Ginger Island in version 1.6, ConcernedApe decided to make new additions to the game to be released in the near future.
The community is so tight-knit despite the fact of how huge it is -- The community stretches from creators making tips and guides on YouTube to hilarious memes on Facebook and inside jokes from Reddit. I have never seen a community are some of my favorite links for you to participate within the Stardew Community so you can officially become a part of Pelican Town :3
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