#not in my au tho.
aanthonyvb · 1 month
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More good vibes
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liimonadas · 2 months
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randomly rememebered a very silly maya content creator AU i came up with like 2 years ago. its just dumb fun haha
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yudamori-art · 5 months
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kwan's got the spirit he's just a little confused i promise im normal about this show (not)
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pineapple-frenzy · 2 months
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Book 2 au: sparring sessions and short hair katara
They like to have sparring sessions in order to keep their bending skills sharp. They allow themselves to go all out and not hold back at all cause they know if anyone got hurt, Katara could just heal them
But anyways, wouldn't it be kinda funny if Zuko accidentally burned Katara's hair tho? Aofkqldkkajfjd
The "I think we can save the hairloops" line is from @linnoya-writes thank you for that!! :>>
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ohposhers · 5 months
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some old Troll Twin AU doodles I finally got around to coloring woohoo! naw but i highkey considered having them steal Floyd's talent through some sort of injection process in the AU cause they'd be the same size as him so i was like would the perfume shit still work?? who knows idk what im doing anymore
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allykatsart · 4 months
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The Fall of Joy
An idea that I pray does not happen. I stg Emily better be safe and happy these next two episodes-
Hypothetical Fallen Angel Emily! Because this angst would not leave my brain. It hurts to leave heaven, but she won't be alone. If Emily was cast from heaven, I think the hotel would welcome her with open arms...
Commission me
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crabsnpersimmons · 5 months
I got my hair cut the other day and of course I had to draw the dca boys running a hair salon:
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Sun would be so effortlessly charming. Always chatting away with customers, explaining each product he uses and how to best maintain and style their hair.
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Moon I can see being popular with the less chattier customers (like me) but over time they begin to open up. I imagine he hums while working. Otherwise, he's all ears for the newest gossip.
(The clipped up hat idea came from @bamsara's solar lunacy doodles!)
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Also I love the popular headcanon that the dca can speak other languages, so I can imagine them being a hit with the aunties.
The full sketch page under cut! And some of my other thoughts
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Other thoughts about this... AU? Can I call it an AU? Feels kinda small for an AU, but whatever:
Eclipse works there too! Haven't decided if it would be canon or fanon Eclipse, though I really like the image of 4-armed Eclipse working on 2 clients at once (plus, the nickname Clip is perfect for this scenario)
of course they're great with kids! They'd be able to console kids that get scared of getting their hair cut. Sun would do a little trick and tell them how good and brave they are all the way through. Moon would console them and hum a soothing song (or hey maybe they notice the kid's wearing a disney shirt and starts humming some showtunes). Every kid gets a candydrop and a balloon on their way out.
y/n works at the hair salon as a part-timer and does tasks around the salon like sweeping, arranging bookings, washing hair, etc. They don't really care too much about their own hair, but the boys are always offering to style it, dye it, braid it. With y/n's permission, the boys always toy with their hair—patting it, combing their hands through it, brushing it over y/n's ear, ruffling it.
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bigfatbreak · 6 months
What does Tom think of Emilie after meeting her?
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the only Agreste he's not massively disappointed with is Adrien himself. It's a good thing that's the only one he plans on sparing.
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andr0nap · 1 month
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pirate au stuff i never did anything with but i still really like the designs
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zosanbrainrot · 2 months
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he's a menace to society... uh and also Zoro is a demon I guess love the @amazingeurus priest/demon au!!!
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demaparbat-hp · 1 month
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Character design for Katara in Soundless.
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 3 months
A guy doing marine research into phytoplankton is far out to sea and waiting for the samples to be ready when he spots a fast-moving ripple in the water up ahead.
Fully aware that this spot is home to a migratory orca pod, he assumes he's stumbled across an orca hunting a seal and settles against the railing to watch, because it's not every day you get to see that.
The ripples get closer, the shadows in the water more defined, the water choppier, and suddenly the orca and its unfortunate prey are zooming directly towards the boat and he's waiting, breath held, for them to duck right underneath--
When the water breaks, the ocean sprays, and he's suddenly smacked fully in the face by a very wet, very confused, and very pretty merman, throwing them both down onto the deck while the boat rocks as a confused and now quite hungry orca dives beneath it.
The merman, it turns out, thought that the boat was an ice float and didn't realise his mistake until it was too late. But he's very thankful for the impromptu rescue, and wow don't you have nice arms, and holy shit you've got legs, can I touch them? Is that weird? Can I touch them anyway? And your hair--
So of course they get to talking because they're both utterly fascinated with the other, and soon the sun has set and the samples are long-since ready and the moonlight is making the ocean look black and they part with the knowledge that they'll never meet again, and a kiss, and a lingering look over the shoulder for all the things that can't be...
And the researcher gets back to land, moors his boat, readies his samples. He packs up his things, shoves them into his bags, and prepares to go home. He steps onto the jetty boards and thinks of the merman and the solid wood beneath his feet seems to sway for more than one reason.
There's a splash. He turns, pulled as if by the tide, and there's a ripple in the water. A face. A pair of eyes made black by the moonlight.
And this is how the researcher acquires a merman boyfriend who helps him find samples and the merman acquires a human boyfriend who rescues him from whales.
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pouletpourri · 30 days
could you pleaseee draw more of the kaufmo lives AU? I'd love to see more of it 🥺🥺🥺🥺 please!!
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get a jestie who will go batshit for you (in defense)
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notherpuppet · 1 month
Hold on a phone. How Luci did meet Angel?
Is it spoiler?
I don’t think I’m gonna draw this, but Lucifer literally hired Angel OFF THE STREET
Probably something like this:
Angel spotted Lucifer in the city, looking stressed after Alastor’s been bedridden from his gunshot wound.
Angel: Hey daddy, you seem stressed. I can offer a helping hand if you need one ~ 🩷
Lucifer: OH MY GOD, yes! Thank you!!
And that’s how Lucifer got a babysitter.
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cupcakeslushie · 8 months
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All Aprils are queens.
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vamp-bites · 5 months
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Anyone ever wondered if Vash’s blood was kinda weird? Ever questioned what the lifeblood of a Plant could do??
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