#not care) but like. everything thats wrong in my life rn is bc i do not want ot live where im living and theres no way for me to go back to
hauntedwoman · 29 days
as badly as i want to avoid my mom she is making it extremely difficult
#i feel really bad that im so angry at her and she doesnt even know it#but my entire living situation is making me miserable right now and its her fault#she charges me $50 in rent every week and shes increasing it to $125 a week at the end of the month#the only reason this is happening is because she FORCED ME to drop out and the only other alternative was that i had to work full time + pa#rent.............. but like at my job even if im working 40 hrs a week ill only be making abt $900 a month#so i will barely have anything leftover for myself after rent#and i cannot get a second job bc i frankly can not handle it at all + what hours would i even work#and my mom refuses to understand that the reason i had to drop out is bc i am so depressed and so suicidal and i just dont want to live#she doesnt acknowledge that im disabled and severely mentally ill#every time i try to talk about my mental health she treats me like im such a burden to her even though i literally never tell her anything#personal anymore bc she just doesnt listen or care#ALSO she FORCED ME to move across the country and transfer schools when i really did not want (hence why i flunked all of my classes bc i d#not care) but like. everything thats wrong in my life rn is bc i do not want ot live where im living and theres no way for me to go back to#texas and also i dont rly wanna live w my dad either#but anyways. this whole situation would be better if my mom was using me paying rent as an actual lesson in adult respinsibility#but it's really just a punishment because i cant function the way she wants me to#and im over it#so fucking over it why am i such a pussy why cant i just die
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silverislander · 3 months
i know logically in my brain that i have a disorder that makes it hard for me to focus and do work, the symptoms of which are not gonna go away bc other people need/want me to do stuff, and still like. i'm behind on a bunch of shit for school rn and i'm kind of spiralling over it bc WHY IS IT HARD. this is stuff i like doing and that i want to do. and i can't for the life of me fucking do it and the deadlines are coming up and i NEED TO FUCKING GRADUATE so it has to get done
#i have two assignments due for indigenous lit and i havent even read/watched the materials which is fucking shameful ngl#im so disconnected and behind in that class its not even funny. ive been skating by reading part of the books and doing shit last minute#and i feel awful abt that in particular bc i WANT to give it my full attention. i want to learn. this is important and interesting to me#im also a week behind on my essay which terrifies me ngl#im a week OUT from the next deadline and thats not getting met. which begs the question of when im going to be able to submit it#when i asked my prof for extra time he said he trusts me to 'work conscientiously' which. god. thats so kind but i dont do that#theres an assignment next week for book history that i dont have even started and dont understand#and i cant make myself do fucking anything at all i want to fucking cry#why cant my brain work normally please this one time#why cant literally anyone in a position of authority take me seriously that its a problem i am literally begging rn#im tired of being told that im smart so i can do it bc i literally cant anymore! its been getting worse for years!#i Am smart enough to do this but something else is wrong!! please!! im trying so hard and i know its not this difficult for everyone#im only taking 4 courses! i know people taking 5 who arent struggling as much as me w workloads!!#its gonna take me failing for anyone to care and i cannot fail at this point. im almost done#levi.txt#vent tw#and then i also feel bad bc i blame everything on my adhd#but also. it does fucking affect all aspects of my life#and i feel like i complain too much but that simultaneously nobody is getting how hard shit is for me/how im not ok#delete later#im not asking for attention rn im just yelling into the void dw abt it. ill probably feel better in an hour or two
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breestanaccount · 11 months
So i watched the new spiderman movie (like a week ago lolll) and i am finally over it enough to share my toughts so BUCKLE INNN
first of: my baby boy MILES MORALES WHOOP WHOOP
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Look at him and tell me he isn't the best. You cant. Ik you cant bc Miles is the best and he needs a damn break man. He is just a kid, like?? He's literally my age (15, i think) and he hit SO close to home in EVERYTHING for me. His jokes, his relationship with his parents, his feelings EVERYTHING. I am very passionate about him. And like, i get it that he shouldn't stop canon events but thats his father that we're talking about. And you can see that miles adores his parents. And given his personality he obviously can't stand back. And miguel had no business saying all that (i'll have more to say about that so bare with me please🙏)
In conclusion: if you don't like miles i do not trust you
NEXT: my girl (who y'all hate 2 much on) GWEN STACYY
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She beautiful😻😻.
the hate she gets is ATROCIOUS. I understand the whole "she betrayed miles" but did she not get a whole group of spider ppl to HELP miles?? Or did y'all skip over that part? What's crazy is the fact y'all hate on gwen and i haven't heard a word abt peter or miguel? Y'all biased as hell!!! She's just 16 and she went through a lot too. And she obviously cares for Miles. All thr hate she's getting is concerning and i will defend her w my life. Miles has all the right to feel betrayed though, I won't argue against that cuz i can't. Ofc, everyone has different opinions, but I feel like she wouldn't get half the hate if she were a man (which is that case with miguel, but i'll get to that, pls don't kill me cuz ik a lot of y'all love him)
CONCLUSION: we love gwen here.
NOWWW ALL YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FORRR (bc ik some of y'all wanna end me rn #iattackedurfave): MIGUEL O'HARA BABYYYYY
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He's handsome i won't lie to you, but not rlly my type now let's get into it.
I don't think what he did is right. The way he handled that situation is just wrong, in my opinion. And so many ppl excuse that bc he's 1) hot (which is the case in so many other fandoms, with ppl bashing female characters while uplifting male characters for th same actions) and 2) bc of his trauma. But, heads up, trauma is and never will be an excuse. Trauma is an EXPLANATION. There is a very big difference. He went through something traumatizing and that is awful, but he didn't try to understand miles. Like i said, miles is 15. And i get that miguel was just trying to protect the universes, I understand that. But when he was calling Miles a mistake, that he never should have been bitten by that spider, acting as if it was MILES'S fault?? Not the best way to handle that, which, again, trauma. Not an excuse, but an explenation for his actions. I can't find myself to rlly like him just now. Maybe in the next movie. I can't just like a character bc they r hot. And I know this will make some ppl mad, but AT LEAST try to look at this from my point of view, and at least try to understand why i don't like Miguel. If y'all like him, that's fine. But my boy miles deserved better.
Still, I think Miguel is an intresting character with so much room to grow and I really hope to see that.
CONCLUSION: idk. Maybe you noticed i am mixed abt him
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Here's a pic😻🙏
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Here's another pic and let's get into ITT
Hobie might be the coolest, and kindest and best character. I don't think he has done a bad thing in that whole movie. He helped miles, he helped gwen and by helping gwen he helped miles AGAIN. I love his vibe, too. His relationship with miles is perfect, like brothers. And his friendship with gwen is adorable, they r similar with similar intrests if you think abt it and i do hope we get to see him again in the next movie, maybe get a little more on him and his backstory, maybe his canon event(?). He's a beauty, what can i say💕💕
CONCLUSIONN: i love him ur honor
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Look at this cutie. Tell me he isn't a lil pookie cutie and that he wouldn't give the best hugs.
Given his personality, it makes sense that he's 13-14 but damn given his looks i would think he's 16 (which means he gets the prize for not looking your age since he had half the fandom fooled).
The edits i've seen of him r the best and the "Chai tea scene" was so funny, btw.
CONCLUSION: he's 10/10 if you don't like him or think he's "annoying" i don't trust you.
she did all that pregnant u got to give it to her that she's good as hell. In my opinion she might be the strongest. Love my girl🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
And that's abt all. Ik there r so many different characters i can talk about but those r the ones that stood up to me the most. Pls don't kill me abt my opinion on Miguel, but different ppl have different opinions, y'know? I don't like characters just cuz they fine, thats just a bonus☝️ hope y'all liked this shit of me goofing along, and if anyone wishes to share their thoughts they r most welcome to!
I am kinda nervous to post this since i hate arguing with ppl on my opinions, but at the same time i am very stubborn and i am very passionate abt my opinions so these two but heads a LOT. But i will be getting over my fear with this and i did come to the conclusion that y'all won't eat me alive so yeah
Bye lovies💕
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thisdreamplace · 1 year
any tips on how to focus on the 4d and all that you’re manifesting while also not getting distracted by what OTHER people are saying or asking? For example, ppl keep asking me what I want to do in life, what I’m planning in life, or that it seems like I’m goalless with no direction. Those questions for some reason bother me and put me in a funk, because it feels like I have my dream career in the 4d, but then ppl in the 3d come in saying stuff like this and then it just reminds me that THEY don’t see it.
my biggest tip is focus on the 4d and stop being so hyperfocused in what you're manifesting. tbh.
i so resonate with this bc omg. i used to (internally) FALL APART when people asked me anything in the same category as what i was manifesting. and i knew all the great teachers said "it doesnt matter what you say, its already done" but for the life of me i couldnt fully feel that, i couldnt grasp it or accept that at all. i always felt so bad and full of anxiety even after giving my answer, wondering if i've fucked everything up. def not fun.
for me, i stopped caring about it when i realized i dont have a reason to fight against my current reality or pretend things arent as they are. whatever everyone else sees, is whats true, sure. on the outside. so i don't need to walk around like it's not what it appears to be. but i go within myself and i know how i feel and i know whats true for me. its that feeling of i don't actually need validation. its just, i go within myself and i become one with god and i keep that close to my heart. and i think thats why you kinda have to let the whole hyperfixation on your desires go, on the level that it feels more like ur still trying to prove to urself ur truth. bc really. when u know in ur heart something is true, when you have accepted it within, you're not as easy to shake. sure you may have moments where you're thrown off or maybe even feel some type of way, as is normal for this human experience. but you really won't be that bothered by it so often and so easily.
yall its honestly so okay (and often SO HELPFUL) to be able to say, "yeah with the way things look rn im not where i wanna be" AND accept that. rather than being like "no no the 3d is wrong my 4d is right" its okay to let the 3d flow, to be what it is, and hug your inner world tight. bc really thats all u need to do. hold on close to your inner world and let yourself live in the 3d as it is, enjoying every moment, knowing each experience is just part of the unfolding of the beautiful things to come. thats really how you go about living within yourself, and the outer world simultaneously.
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transfemzedaph · 1 year
Ravager beef hc? :D
okay prepare for a lot of writing sdjfbjd
so okay context for this hc overall is that there are hybrids of the newer mobs but most of them like they dont know theyre hybrids till the mobs like appear but theres some cases where the hybrids like do exsist before the mobs properly exsist in minecraft. idk i know how this works in my head but i dunno if that makes sense
so beef is born a lil baby ravager hybrid in like a pillager group, one day when hes still quite young he gets left behind somewhere whilst theyre travelling or sth - no one looks for him or anything because ravagers dont really care for their young so yeah
he gets found by a very kind villager lady who like adopts him and teaches him everything about the world and players and such, one of the things she told him was that the players dont know about the ravagers or even the pillagers yet so he should always hide his ravager-ness from them (cause like the worlds that exsist are very developed but the ones that the players end up in arent as advanced its like weird)
the village he grows up in is fairly small, nestled into a cliffside but sometimes a wandering trader visits, bringing gifts and stories of far off lands and beef is so curious about it and so when hes old enough he leaves to explore the world
he ends up in mindcrack full of players and new friends but its clear this world isnt the same, the villagers are weird and wrong, he keeps his horns filed down and his sleeves long enough that it covers the markings on his arms (cause like the ravagers have the bluey silver like cuffs things and in my brain like when the baby ravagers are born the magic pillager guys do like a thing that makes bluey kinda markings on the ravager where the cuff things go and like its a thing like this ravager is owned and isnt like a wild one and also makes it like magically easier for the cuffs to like stay there, so beef has the markings)
then he joins hermitcraft with lots of people, new friends and old, and he still hides it, he ends up telling the nho during season 5 during the whole jungle shit, like sth abt the them being trapped and beef has to tell them bc his horns are growing and he cant file them down - although beef is unsure if bdubs actually remembers
beef wasnt technically in season 6 but when he returns in season 7, everyone knows about ravagers now, and beef knows its a hybrid friendly server but he still doesnt tell anyone, he does use his part ravager status to his advantage a little in decked out (the ravagers always hesitate and are slightly reluctant to attack him bc they know hes part ravager)
season 8 he still doesnt tell anyone but the whole alien transformation thing happens which makes beef feel real weird and bad bc of his hybridity, so he decides he will tell everyone before season 9
every like new world beef goes to his horns revert back to their original state so beef is kinda glad he doesnt have to do anything with them this time when he starts the new season, he walks into the pre season meeting before they enter the world, sleeves rolled up and horns on display
he feels v awkward abt it and is kinda just like uh so im a ravager hybrid and everyone is like :o oh, x asks how long hes been hiding it and if thats why he wasnt there in s6 - bc remember that thing abt like hybrids like being activated when they appear in the like game that i mentioned at the beginning - and etho who is like standing net to beef scoffs at that and beef is like uh no ive been a hybrid the whole time which everyone is very surprised by bc like born hybrids arent exactly rare and even happen with the newer mobs but mostly the born hybrids from the newer mobs happen after theyre like in the game
when i say in the game i mean when they got added to the game like yknow but like this isnt a game for the people bc its just their life but phrasing things is hard
thats all i have rn and tbh i so badly wish i could draw so i could do like a thing w a body of him to show what he looks like bc of him being a hybrid but eh whatever
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nonclassyparty · 1 year
glad to see fellow oc apologists !! like y/n bb girl *i* understand you, how abt WE get married rn 💍🧎‍♀️
and i am baffled by how everyone, her included, are siding with wooyoung instead of mingi in this parallel situation (ik she hasnt forgiven woo or anything, im talking abt the *positions* of mingi and woo in the parallel) because even though what mingi did and said was shitty af and her feelings are valid especially towards mingi not mentioning the thing at all after all this time, i still think choosing to date and be on the side of the person who has said awful things about your BEST FRIEND and never apologised for any of it is more hurtful than anything.
ofc wooyoung falling for yeosang is totally valid and like she said, it hurts like hell but you can get over it because you want the best for your best friend. but the problem isnt just wooyoung not bringing it up, he feels shitty for doing this too, but to LIE and thus hurt her when she straight up asked abt it, knowing she’s been continuously hurt by her loved ones throughout her life and woo being her only piece of family rn is insaneeeee to me. like she aint just a casual friend of yours, THATS YOUR MFKING BEST FRIEND !!
but for me, all of that is *nothing* compared to him attacking her for being broken and acting on her feelings after finding all of this out on her own, instead of being on her side apologising and being there for her when her heart breaks. like bro, we are asking the BARE MINIMUM from you woo 😭 like i get it she doesnt like the person you are dating but now is NOT the time to be protective over your partner in this situation ?? or am i even more mentally ill than i thought for seeing this whole situation this way 😭😭 ?
akjfdkghfghdfghdkfghdf waittttttttttt
okay so what you said about how she's siding with wy as well thats TEA!!!! bc it is wrong, she knows its not right (obviously since she's the one in pain rn like she knows it sucks and that wy was a little shit for that) but theres still that envious little part of her that was like "damn i wish mingi fought that hard for ME" bc deep down she's not faulting mingi for not choosing her bc she understands, she understood then and she especially understands now but she's still resenting him for it especially now after seeing wooyoung (who is like HER PERSON) fight with her just to stay with ys. its just a very human thing to do, we all want to be that someone's first choice 😭
as for the whole attacking her ordeal, WELL...let's look at it from wy's perspective a little bit. he cares about ys a lot and ys is as vulnerable and delicate as she is maybe even more than her actually. so wy's first instinct was to protect him now HEAR ME OUT... wy was obviously aware that yn would be upset by this and he was scared that ys would get the brunt of it. and also imagine ys just standing there while yn rages at him while wy is just apologizing to her, that would suck for yeosang, your partner begging to be forgiven by the person currently hurling insults at you? 😭 so wy always wanted to avoid that, he wanted to tell her on his own time at his own pace but then it happened unexpectedly and everything just went out of his control. so the moment yn even tried to be nasty towards ys, wy had to stop it and he did it by being nasty to her instead and he def fucked up with that but its a tricky situation for all of them really because wooyoung cares about both of these people. yn is his best friend but yeosang is his boyfriend and it was hard to get out of it without one of them ending up hurt😭
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girlwithfish · 2 years
i sometimes miss the first months of dating bc u really feel like invincible and forget every single thing that is wrong and everything that makes u sad in the beginning bc nothing can go wrong u havent fought u havent cried ur just obsessed. thats puppy love and not Real fully developed love so i wouldnt trade it bc i do believe real love is like commitment and care and gets built over time and im not unhappy rn just going through a rough mentally unwell time in my life and finding im not stable in my relationships and have a hard time w a lot of things. but its easier to be less crazy less urself less mean when its the beginning bc ur just in love and dont know each other fully and u feel like no worries at all. this is a lie bc i was very worried at the time bc anxiety and whatnot and my memory looking back is idealized. but it is sweet how puppy love is the first few months that is a nice feeling is what im saying
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
nick watches spiderman (cont.)
im gonna make another post bc i have a feeling im close to hitting the text limit on my other one but we're still on the first movie!! im gonna try and get thru this movie soon bc i HAVE to get to the second ones before my demons get me
okay where we are rn ben just died and peters in his evil era tryin to find the guy who did it
like hes just goin up to random dudes and beating them up bc he thinks its The Guy when its not
and every time i watch this movie i forget if they find him or if the plot point is abandoned bc peter has bigger problems by then KJGSHLKGJHSKH guess we'll remember together
peter falls thru a roof and these guys just let him go. like they leave him there. to be fair what were they supposed to do but still.
this is where we get the inspo to make a suit!! he sees a wrestling poster and is like "that could be me =D"
agh i wanna look like him so BAD bro i wish that were me
shoutout to him STEALING FROM OSCORP to make his web fluid thats so funny
this handstand moment is apparently judged by a lot of fans as him becoming spiderman but theyre SO wrong that doesnt happen until later in the film in my opinion
like thats just my opinion but other ppl can be wrong ig /lh
also how did he get this police radio. how do any of the spidermans get their radios. did they take them from officers. can u buy them. whats goin on here.
omggggg its captain stacyyyyy he'll be important later
like. incredibly important. GKJHSGKJSHGKJ we'll get to him in a minute.
"spandex.....spandex.......everything.......spandex......" i love peter so much
i love this suit sooooo much its so textured and i love the logo its so fun
this car thief scene is rlly the scene of all time i love it
so many good peter lines from this scene
"seriously? u rlly think im a cop? a cop in a skin tight red and blue suit? yknow, u have got the mind of a true scholar, sir" PETER PLEASE BE NORMAL
this head tilt. the peter head tilt. in this context its kinda menacing but hes so me coded bc i also do the head tilt thing KHGSKJDHGKJ
the first time i saw this scene and for a while after i thought he told the cop "i just TOOK 80% of ur job" after he took the gun but he actually says "i just DID 80% of ur job" bc he webbed the criminal and i was so disappointed bc i rlly thought he was making a solid dig at the police force but hes just being petty KJGHSKJGHKSJ
ugh him talking to may here makes me sooooo sad. "u dont have to wait up for me, yknow" "yes i do" SHE LOVES HER NEPHEW PLEASEEEE
shes so worried for her nephew. seeing him hurt just destroys her. this boy is all she has. she lost her husband, her brother, her sister in law, and seeing her nephew come home at god knows what time just beat up and wounded must be so heartwrenching and she cant do anything bc he wont talk to her. i love tasm may shes so interesting.
"aunt may please, please go to sleep." "i cant sleep! dont u understand? i cant sleep! peter, listen to me. secrets have a cost, theyre not for free. not now, not ever." SOOOOO TRUE QUEEN. I SENSE A THEME.
oh yeah they're pushing curt to start human trials when they cure isnt ready, oscorp is so incredibly corrupt and its done so well in both films
"people die. even norman osborn." AKJGHKJSAGH SOOOOOO TRUE. YES. I HATE NORMAN SO MUCH.
also sorry for just quoting this movie so much it has so many good lines that i could talk about for the rest of my life
oh yeahhhhh this guy wants to start human trials??? at the veterans hospital?????
ugh theyre talking about plot that we dont learn until like the second film so its not important yet but its such a cool thing later on
she really cares about him and it makes me so happy
shes inviting him to dinner!!!! with her family!!!!! its a family hes never met eating a meal hes never heard of but still its with the girl he really likes so hes gonna just deal with it and show up anyway
ugh normans doing things /neg
hes doing human trials. on himself. lets see how this goes HGKJSDHGKJL
oh hi peter. dinner date time.
he brought gwens mother flowers???? KWHGKSJGHSKJHGK theyre a little messed up bc they were in his bag while he was swinging but still!!! he brought flowers for this girls mom hes so sweet
"you must be peter" "dad this is. peter." thank u gwen
oh yeah i failed to mention that the captain of the police department is gwens dad if u didnt catch that from his last name
curt has his arm back!!! the cure worked!!!! hoping and praying that nothing bad happens and he just gets to live a normal life and be happy from now on
he has to go catch the one guy that i forgot the name of (edit its dr ratha) from going to the veteran hospital but the cure is backfiring so hes like. goin thru it. lizard moment.
anyway peter cant cut fish corrcctly
hes never had a fancy meal like this!! hes a little dumb!!!
uh ohhhh theyre talking about spidermannnnn yikes
this is what it feels like to talk politics with relatives
"if i wanted the car thief off the street, he wouldve been off the street" "so why wasnt he then?" PETER. CHILL. UR TRYING TO DATE HIS DAUGHTER PLS BE NICE
"its called strategy, im sure ur aware of the term strategy? maybe u learned about that in school?" MR STACY U ARE ALSO NOT HELPINGGGG
"i think he stands for what u stand for, sir. protecting innocent people from bad guys." banger line right there skajfhksjd
peter still apologized and said that he didnt mean to insult mr stacy but still ksajdfhkjsd cmon peter be nice
BIG PLOT HOLE HERE. peter webs gwen and pulls her closer and she goes "youre spiderman?" before he kisses her. HE HASNT GOTTEN THAT NAME YET. NO ONES CALLING HIM SPIDERMAN YET. WHERE DID SHE GET THAT.
ugh it gets me every time like where did that come frommmm
peter pulling away completely and turning around when her mother catches them is so funny hes trying to be respectful
uh oh crime time
so yeah curt connors is now a giant lizard monster thing trying to find dr ratha and?? kill him???? okay yeah kill him he just threw his car off the bridge
peter has this moment of either going after lizard or helping save this mans son and he goes to save the kid and i love peter so much
hes also very very good with kids. he convinces this little boy that his mask has special powers to help the kid get out of the car safe and its so sweet
like this kid is terrified and honestly so is peter but hes staying calm and convincing this kid that this mask will make him stronger so he can save him. THIS is the moment i was talking about. this is when peter becomes spiderman.
the moment he gave that kid back to his father alive and safe is when he became a superhero. thats also when he coins the name. but this exact moment is what made him into the actual hero rather than just having the name. he gets home and he stares at his mask bc now he knows he has an immense responsibility to save peoples lives and keep them safe.
i love this movie
oh yeah mr stacy issued an arrest warrant for spiderman after the bridge attack thats so silly of him.
more petergwen lets goooo
"does it scare you? what you can do?" "no." "...youve got to lay low." "no, cant do that." "youve got to. i mean, why?" "because of last night. those people on the bridge. whatever was attacking them wouldve killed them. so i gotta go after it." "thats not your job." "maybe it is." SUCHHHHH A GOOD CONVERSATION. UGH.
OKAY IM GONNA. LEAVE THIS ONE HERE. ive finally got motivation so im gonna keep it going in a reblog like right away but im gonna stop this post here before it gets too long skjhfksjd
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dude yknow fuck this im fuckin proud of myself like fuck my therapist fuck my parents fuck my teachers they didnt do shit to help me but ive done so much in my life like ive saved someones fuckin life and idc if that persons me i fuckin did that shit everyday and now im here and like i fuckin love life and im constantly angry and constantly in pain and things still suck but it feels like a lot less of a heavy fuckin weight on me everyday and like. yeah man. like things will always fucking suck all the time and ill definitely get to a point in the future where i disagree w what im saying but that wont be bc its wrong itll be bc i need someone to fuckin prove me wrong then. but im provin myself wrong rn. and likeee there r times i get so fucking angry at positivity bc it just feels so fuckin mockin yknow but thats just becauseeee. yea lots a reasons. but right now i am fuckin glad of what ive done n all like. nobody has helped me and ive had to work so goddam hard but. yea man. life is great. im realllll tired now and HAD things i wanted to say but ive lost em now too tired. but like LOOK AT ME. IM TIRED BEFORE MIDNIGHT. this shit rules. and likeeeee i have a million problems w a million friends but i have some real nice fuckin friends as well who im glad exist likeee. it takes sooo much energy to maintain these friendships n bein autistic sure as hell doesnt help BUT ILL DO IT ANYWAYS. bc i love people so so sososoo much and no amount of nihilism or negativity will stop me because i have been at my fucking worst and tryin my best to actively make everyone around me hate me and i just fucking love people so much BC IM FUCKIN HUMAN LIKE !!!! HUMANS LOVE HUMANS !!!! THIS IS JUST WHAT WE DO AND WE CANT FUCKIN ESCAPE IT AND I LOVE IT !!!!! IDC HOW OR WHY OR WHEN OR WHERE PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS LOVE N CARE 4 EACH OTHER DESPITE EVERYTHING AND ANYONE WHO THINKS HUMANITY IS INHERENTLY EVIL CLEARLY DOESNT KNOW WHAT THEYRE TALKING ABOUT BC WE R INHERENTLY FUCKING HUMAN AND TO BE HUMAN MEANS TO BE IN LOVE WITH THE WORLD A FUCKING MEN. the end goodnight sleepy times.
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dear-tumby · 2 years
just got out of a manic episode lol
yeah so im depressed now, no longer depresion haha funnys more like depresion no hahas and im pretty sure im scaring off my boyfriend so yeah, he stopped talking/hanging out with me when i was being honest about my feelings, like i was there when he relasped but i start talking my crazy shit and then suddenly mental illness is off the table??? whatever its not even like i like him or nothing like that. i dont understand why i do this to myself, this is just turning into a rant but ive been holding this down for so long it feels good to scream it out into the void that is tumblr yk? also like i drew on cut marks because it hurts less plus i can just wash that off, yk i do that a lot i put on makeup that made me look like i commeted suicide bc i was sad and suicidle(who would have gussed???) plus i just found this collage i really want to go to but no one belives i can do it and i act like that makes me wanna do it more but really it just shows how much people belive imma be a no body and im so scared im going to be suck here forever like my mom and dad. why does life have to be such a bitch like why do i always gotta screw up everything???? lke i have two boyfriends that care about me yet i want to date this girl thats never gonna love me back?? and when i say love i mean i actually love her so much and i cant talk about it because shell find out that im totally in love with her and shell flip out and distance herself from me and i need her shes my everything and if i don't have her in my life even just as a friend i think i need to switch schools again because that's what i always do, when shit gets rough go and hide because i cant handle all this shit and my parents are finally in a good place (mentally) and im gonna screw it up for them because ill stress them out by ignoring everyone and sleeping through meals and holidays and they'll yell at me because they don't understand and i don't blame them im a mess filled with self pity and gross tindencys so i cant have anyone love me truly because im so gross and i just want the felling of everything to stop, like i want to be so fucking happy that everyone thinks on on drugs, which i was on anti anxiety pills but then i felt nothing so i cut myself bu my dumbass was wearing white pants and my mom found out and yelled at me, and screamed and woke everyone up and my sibling still reminds me about it and every time he does i want to hold him down and beat the shit out of him, like does he even take my mental illness serously, does anyone??? are my parents just pretending to give a shit, at least my mom is, my dad cares for me but he just never says the right things, and i forgive him but i just want nothing to go wrong for once i just want everyone to stop. stop talking to me, stop trying to help but also ignoring my despreat cries for help doesn't make me feel any better and also i don't want to be lied toi want the truth even if it would hurt me yk? i don't know what i want, but i know it'd make me feel safe and happy and no long like everyone's trying to get me, i just want to have someone who'd look at all different sides of me and go "wow their awesome, and sure they do stuff i disagree with but there a good person who's gonna make it big and ill stand with them through thick and thin and its okay they have issues we all do and love every flaw" like im sure my boyfriend would say this but i don't want him to say it i want it shown i want to see and trust i can tell them anything and they'd stick around.
tldr: i was origanally posting this so everyone would know i didnt commet suicide but then it turned into a rant so, yah sorry, uh i read a really good south park fanfic so thats something good that happened, though it reminded me alot of me and me is my enemy rn so i was really angry but in a healthy good way, also thought my dad died but thats justsum good ol paranoia also sorry for all the typos, did ths on my computer at like 11:55 so im kinda half asleep
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coldvampire · 2 years
sdffhghjhdgfhghgfhghdgfhghj ive been trying to work on this fic update for weeks but goddamn lmao i just. i am STRUGGLING which is ??? bc i still like it im still enthusiastic abt the project i simply feel like thats an unpopular stance and at this point im just getting embarrassed to keep posting my writing when the notes are just. me trying to reblog for exposure fdggh no one is obligated to ofc i know that but that post thats like ‘numbers arent everything but if you spent six hours on a cake that no one ate you might be more than a bit disappointed’ is extremely fucking real & im already having a hard time trying to convince myself im not universally disliked as-is tell me why people stop talking as soon as i contribute to the gc without fail like. every time i want to contribute i delete what i typed out bc i physically cant take this happening over and over again i dont know what i did wrong or what im doing wrong but clearly it was Something im just too stupid to figure out what. someone i am begging on my knees please explain what it is about me that repels people after a bit of time what do i lack just tell me so thats not helping either. 
im also trying v hard not to infodump about other interests at the moment bc once again. embarrassing as hell i just keep thinking abt how annoying i am rn to litcherally everyone esp when i want to talk about obscure shit no one but me is into so it feels even worse lmao. & having someone ask out of obligation feels patronizing bc i know theyre not interested about hearing about the thing its just pity. ive been the pity/obligation person my whole life and i Hate it i hate just being tolerated i hate feeling like nothing i say actually matters in the conversation and like everyone is just waiting for me to stop talking i hate the way i can see people’s eyes glaze over and how they dont even notice if i cut myself off mid sentence theyre just glad ive finally finished talking. im so deep in it im actively trying to start up some sort of maladaptive fantasy where i can to talk Guilt Free about stuff but hgjhkjj im also struggling to conceptualize a universe where thats a thing lmao i cant enjoy my comfort characters bc they would also find my ass grating gfhgh like straight up i know they wouldnt like me thinking abt that is actually just making me feel worse lmao i hate it here
ive spent so much time in my own head lately just Spinning tf out and overanalyzing every sentence i type or speak and still somehow managing to fuck up in spite of that. like its not about the fic!! its not about the fic! and i know its not bc im still working even if its slowly. really truly is not just about the fic but thats something i guess more acceptable to complain about bc at least people kinda understand that frustration even if its cringe to vent about but at LEAST. its better than this. also ive taken care of all my basic needs for the day so ive confirmed that im not just deprived of sustenance or some shit gfhgj no ive truly just been feeling like this for weekssss on end now and im so tired. i already typed a version of this in my private server (its basically just like a journal/reminder set up for myself, very convenient & gives me the illusion of replies temporarily gfhgjh) and that wasnt enough so hopefully posting here just alleviates it a bit 
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iwillfeastonyourflesh · 3 months
i dont think im a good person. i think im one of the worst types. i see whats wrong, understand that its wrong, and still i let it happen. sometimes i actively participate in it. my oldest brother is kind, and doesnt let anything anyone says about him stop him from living truthfully. but the things people say are fucking awful, and i know that i wouldnt be able to handle it as well as he does. my other brother saw what was happening to him, and decided to not let it happen to him. he became one of those popular kids that has a huge ego, but he saw my brother and never bullied someone else. i saw both the paths i could choose, and walked in the middle. im friends with people who aren’t actually popular, but act like they are and gossip like it. they’re shit people and bully/talk shit about people behind their backs. this includes me. the girl i talk to the most in the group, as shes in most of my classes, spends all the time shes with me either complaining about her family or making fun of people. if shes willing to talk crap about the people she actually likes in the group, shes def talking crap about me. shes said things to my face before, but other than calling me a loser the thing she said that stuck with me most was telling me i was the uglier version of another friend (im going to call her S). ive always compared myself to S, as shes the one i look most like. having an example of what i should be right next to me all the time sucks, but i don’t blame her for it. i have a lot of other friends, but none that i could fit into the group with. im not sure what to do. i know that a lot of people who are “older and wiser” than me will say that what’s happening to me rn isnt a big deal, and im aware of that. i try not to let these things affect me, as there are people who have actual problems and arent just spoiled kids who make jokes too much and accidentally made people think shes unaffected. a few days ago the friend who i spend the most time with (im calling her C) made a joke about one of our friends to her face, but it was the kind of joke thats too far. in response to her doing this, since i was right next to her, i told a “joke” to her face that was too far. i said something about how she ruins all of our conversations with negative comments, and thats why nobody talks to her. i could tell by her face that it hurt. she was almost silent the rest of class. i feel like complete and utter shit for saying it, but i keep trying to remind myself that she needs to learn. she comes from a rich family, and thinks that the few minor inconveniences in her life matter to everyone. her mom has bipolar, and the meds she was taking for it made her severely depressed and she ended up going to the hospital for it. ever since she came back from the hospital, C’s been acting like her mom is batshit insane. she got on the bus one time upset that her dad yelled at her, and ended up telling me that her moms crazy because shes not doing anything to take care of herself. i know people who were abused by their parents, and got beaten half to death but still sent back to their house because of the fucked up system we have. C telling me that pissed me off bc she gets whatever she wants, whenever she asks for it, and has never had to worry about money or whether or not her family would survive a war. im not saying these things have happened to me, but i dont try and act like my “problems” are the most important ones. im really sorry about this if for some reason you decided to read the full thing, and i apologise for sounding like a whiny brat, but i needed to tell someone and this way ill never know who that someone is, or if there is a someone. i wish you the very best, and i hope everything you want to happen will. good night
“Sometimes you just jump and hope it’s not a cliff.” - Casey McQuinston, Red, White, and Royal Blue
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nvrtrust-naims · 4 months
i hate effort
i want to sleep
i hate effort but i hate failure more
i always push
i hate everything i can never relax
im scared to fail im scared to prove people right
i do good but never good enough
whats wrong w me i feel like theres something wrong w me i feel like everyone knows but me i feel like i was born wrong what did i do so wrong why am i disgusting sometimes i want to kill myself so badly all i can do is stare and lie down
i think i want to die again
im scared to fail at dying too i feel like i suck at everything why am i not good enough somethings wrong whats wrong i dont know and it scares me im always scared i never feel safe and when i do its fake i dont think i can keep going
i have vices but i think im ok dont i
i have to be ok or ill die
its strange that all this feeling is over something so small maybe i have a problem but im managing it well i havent attempted in months
all i can think about are my failures my inability my timing my unluckiness whats wrong with me
sometimes idk idk idk idk idk
i want to hurt myself in an indirect way so that it doesnt feel or seem like sh but i rlly know it is
thats what im doing rn
all im doing is hurting myself
sometimes i dont know myself
am i rlly exhausted and tired and burntout or am i neglecting what i need to do just to hurt myself as a punishment
im a masochist n ive been thinking abt that lately too : i dont know exactly why i enjoy pain or why i have maso tendencies but i have an idea that idk mayb i rlly am a narcissist n i just like being taken down a peg or mayb i dont love myself and i enjoy pain bc i want punishment for ever being born and for still existing
kind of like punishing my body for still breathing and pumping blood
or mayb i like the feeling of control like when im hurt the wounds are all mine n nobody can take them
when i love something/someone i hide it bc anytime that i was happy or i had something i liked it would get destroyed or thrown out
if i didnt hide what i loved it would get crushed
i had my diary read n i got beat for having my first crush n i think thats why writing in diaries n journals is difficult for me
when i moved for mayb the 4th or 5th time my teacher in elementary gave me an end of yr gift : it was lipgloss . when i put it on in the car my father grabbed it and threw it out the window
when i had hobbies they were taken away from me
i wasnt allowed outside as a kid or to have friends
sometimes ppl wonder why im "secretive" or "sneaky" but i feel like im just doing what i was taught
i was taught to hide myself bc im disgusting
ive never once wanted to live in my entire life ever since i could think ive never wanted to
i couldnt exactly point out that i wanted to die but it wouldnt take long it just felt like the right conclusion
n i still feel like all of this is over something so small
like im dumb for feeling i feel dumb i feel so stupid
im so unreliable whats wrong w me
i feel so alone but theres ppl i love n it feels like i disrespect them everytime i feel alone but what am i supposed to do idk what to do
i have to hide my emotions idk emotions are weakness is what i feel like ik its not true but its already instilled
nobody listened when i cried as a kid nobody cared i didnt even know my own name until i was 9 bc nobody said it enough
i feel like ill never be able to resolve my deeper issues bc i cant talk abt how i feel or what i want
i just go mute or i cry i just cant ive tried
it doesnt work bc im not meant to be happy
ill look back at this later n think im emo for thinking so hard over something so small
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writers-ex · 1 year
Istg i am so tense today 💀
So yesterday was Friday. Its Saturday morning here rn, btw. And some of my friends werent coming to college due to personal reasons. Now because everyone is usually busy in their work, no one has time to send the notes from the classes, so they told everyone to take the day off. Our Fridays are shorter days btw.
Being the head girl of the college, i tried to stop them cuz it might get us in trouble. But they didnt listen, so everyone was taking the day off. So i also thought that there is no reason to go to the college cuz no ones coming. So no one came, as planned.
EXCEPT ONE GIRL. She advertised the plan of not coming to college to everyone on our insta group, and then she just backed out. We thought that it was ok as long as she didnt tell anyone.
BUT THEN WHAT HAPPENED? We get a message from the teachers, saying that the parents have to tell the reason why everyone except that girl came. We panicked a bit but we all had our excuses. We decided not to message the teacher and just tell our excuses on Monday.
And thats where it all came crashing down. We just got a message, like 5 mins before the time i am writing this, that our whole class except that girl will be heavily penalized because we 'lied to our parents about the day being off' and 'breaking the college discipline code'. Btw we never lied to our parents.
Anyways, we found out that THAT GIRL SNITCHED ON US, SENT OUR CHAT'S SCREENSHOTS TO THE PRINCIPAL, AND GOT OUT OF THE PLAN LIKE SHE WAS NEVER INVOLVED. Mind you, if her parenyts had agreed to let her take the day off, she would never have come to school. And she was so unapologetic too. Like i get that we werent all innocent, but snitching and throwing everyone under the bus is so wrong 😭😭😭
I never liked that girl tbh. She fails her classes, she is not good at any extra curriculars, she is a wannabe teachers pet. And she visits the washroom 10 times a day idk why. Thats suspicious, if you ask me.
Im sorry for this long story, but i just wanted to vent out. Please pray for me and my class 😓
this girl sounds horrible so i hope your weekend is better, i am glaring at her from my laptop and patting your back as well >:( rude little troll- please keep me posted bc this sounds…i want to know you are ok plz
side rant that happened with a girl in my class that turned out to be a cousin of mine…she so fricking ditzy giggling and making the teacher answer the most randomest questions in class while they give us lecture like bish wait or write it down BUT NO she keeps going and asking about the test and only paying attention to a lecture if its going to be on a test and not the actual INFORMATION WE NEED TO DO THE JOB LIKE BISH LIFE ISN"T ABT A GRADE????? i care abt my grade and study but like i want to perform the actual job correctly so even if the textbook is old i want to understand the idea and actually perform the task up to the standards NOT WEAR MY HEADPHONES AND LEAVE RANDOMLY FOR ABT AN HOUR OF CLASS ONLY TO BUG THE TEACHER ABT DOING THE LECTURE AGAIN BC YOU "LEFT SOMETHING IN UR CAR" why do you have to leave TEN TIMES A DAY TO UR CAR?????????????????? and then she hugs and hangs out with me like nothing happens and smells dirty like idk ur home life but shower or borrow my perfume please TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT dont even get me started on her cheating and she has the nerve to complain abt her grades being one point less when she cheats??????????? i study and earn my grade honestly PISS OFF but i usually just smile and walk away before i punch the wall <3 bro this wednesday i was cleaning instruments during our BUSIET CLINIC EVER so i had to clean everything for eight hours straight with no help and one classmate lost a tiny screw in the sink when i left to grab some water BC I HAVEN"T DRANK WATER IN LIKE FIVE HOURS?????? so im tired, thirsty, and surviving off some milk i drank in the morning bc we don't get breaks for food either and THIS GIRL HAS THE NERVE TO LAUGH AND HUG ME SAYING THAT SHE WANTS ME TO CLEAN HER ROOM BC SHE NEEDS TO GET SMT IN HER CAR WHILE IM PANCIKING ABT LOOSING THIS SCREW THATS EXPENSIVE AND INSTRUMENTS ARE PILING (and god im so mad rn) and its all a blur after that bc i think i cried or blacked out and kept cleaning ignoring her :') i hate my life bc she thinks we're buddies and i want to slap her
whew rant over….so sorry to sound so violent this girl gets me mad and did also b4 we left class yesterday (it was friday for me) GAH
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Muichiro x reader who is the polar opposite of muichoro their inseparable while muichiro is expresionllss reader is very cheery and a ball of sunshine but the second their inside they just have a mental breakdown on him bc they're overwhelmed by their personal life with relatives and missions(backstory include pls) and just was too tired to act like a ball of sunshine one day just a deppress ball and slowly lose their appetite but still eats bc they don't want more burden shoved on them
Muichiro is my favorite character from Demon Slayer so I almost immediately started writing this. I have a few requests RN so this came out later than I wanted.
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Warning: Angst
    "Good morning Muichiro!" You said with a smile.
    "Morning." Muichiro responses, with an ever tiny smile making it's way to his face. Everyone at the breakfast table knew to two were very close to one each other. It still surprises them when you have the ability to make HIM, of all people, smile.
    I mean, you're a literal ball of sunshine and sparkles. He is, an emotionless ball of forgetfulness. He is also very apathetic and you are very much the opposite. To add to that, no one could break you two apart. Muichiro could be asked on a mission and you two would beg to go together.
    You two would read stories together, brush each other's hair. All that fun stuff. He walked around following you like a lost little puppy, holding your hand. It's mostly you doing the work and putting effort into the relationship, but you're both fine with that. You two will stare at the clouds together while sitting under a tree. While doing this, if you're lucky, Muichiro might lean over and fall asleep on you. He sleeps so cutely
    Anyways, you sit right next to Muichiro at the table. You're quite happy with today's breakfast, it's one of your favorites. You look over to see how Muichiro is doing with his food.
    "Come on Muichiro, eat up, it's really good." He was spaced out, but hearing your beautiful and calming voice pulled him back to reality.
    "O-oh, yeah."He said looking down at his plate. "I just spaced out a little thats all." You give him a light push with your elbow.
    "Aww, it's alright. Just try and focus a bit more next time ok?" You beamed. He nodded. That is how mornings ideally go. But not today.
    There were no good mornings, no smiles, and honestly, no emotion. Everybody could tell something was wrong with you. You barely spoke or ate. Muichiro even cought on that something was wrong with you. When you left breakfast you didn't ask him if he wanted to look at the clouds or go on a walk. None of that.
    "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, concern in his voice. He was increadiably concerned, this was not like you at all. You used to smile and laugh at all most anything. Now? You had a personality similar to him.
    "It's just, I don't know how to put it." You said. "Well, it's just, my family and missions are becoming a really difficult thing to keep control of all at once. My family is telling me I'm not doing enough to help on missions, so I try to do better. But the thing is when I try harder, I'll get yelled at for not doing it right or not focusing at the right time."
    He doesn't remember his family really well, but he has been getting his memory back lately. Because of this, you didn't want to say to much to him about it. It would make You feel more like a burden.
    "It's not only that, I feel like a weight under some people. I can't do something right and I get treated like I'm not even a person. People expect so much of me and get mad when I don't reach THEIR standards. It's like they don't know people have limits." It was so hard to hold back from crying at this point. You could feel tears welling in your eyes.
    "I guess, I'm just tried and can't be the way I usually am. People don't care until you become something they view is out of line. You could do everything perfect and nobody even asks how you got to that point and if it put a toll on you, they only care about improving." You couldn't stop yourself anymore. You felt your tears start to run down your face.
    You felt him put his hand on your back. He was calmly rubbing circles on you. He didn't know how to comfort someone with words so this was the best he could think of. You really didn't care how anyone showed it at this point, you just wanted some one to care.
    "Well, I don't really know what to say. I don't really remember my family. I can't help you on that. What I will say is, I'm your friend, so know I believe in you." He hesitated for a second, he was clearly trying to think of a way to fix it. "I'll train you if it will make it better."
    You were crying far to hard to answer at the time. It did seriously calm you down make you feel better. His attempts at making you feel better or just letting everything off your back.
    "Thank you Muichiro. And yes, I'd like to train with you." You confirmed after your crying calmed down a bit. He hugged you silently. You didn't see it, but he was crying a bit. Just tears whelling up in his eyes. He hated to see someone so happy, carefree and his friend, just breakdown, worst of all he couldn't even really do anything.
    The whole day you two stayed inside. Mostly just doing whatever you could do to keep you two distracted. Board games, reading, anything to stop you from thinking about stress. A few people came over to check on you to see if you were ok. He didn't turn them away, but he payed VERY close attention to what they did and said. Uncomfortably close attention.
    You where basically his everything. He wasn't going to let someone try and make you feel any worse.
    "Look, if you ever need something, you can talk to me, ok? He asked, a slight amount of worry in his voice.
    "Yeah, of course I'll go to you. If you ever need something you can talk to me." You replied. He wasn't going to stay the night your place, but he left you with a hug before waving and quietly whispered, " Good night." Before shutting the door.
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misora-msby · 3 years
my haikyuu crushes as things my previous crushes/exes have done
"summary": this is purely just for fun and half crack, but enjoy reading my experiences lol
characters: ushijima wakatoshi, miya atsumu, sugawara koushi, suna rintarou, hoshiumi kourai, semi eita
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ushijima wakatoshi
giving his jacket when you're cold
so one day you show up to school
let's pretend today is an event so you've got a costume and your skirt is shorter than usual
no, japanese school skirts are not short as you think and i know from experience that they often go past your knees
UNFORTUNATELY it's also pretty cold :(
and he notices that you're shivering just a little because man ur thighs are kinda exposed ;-;
so wakatoshi walks over and gives his jacket
"here. you can use this."
you: "ah... i'm fine! i don't need it..."
wakatoshi: "i insist."
aww that's so sweet of him <3
miya atsumu
getting cockblocked together
i'll put it in a way that fits our dear tsumu-kun <3
ok imagine lining up for a one of those events where you have to be in your clubs
you, dear manager, and atsumu very clearly have a thing for each other
you know, giggling and grinning when you talk together
him choosing to sit next to you at lunch
texting often
suddenly i'm missing this crush but whatever
so yes you two are standing next to each other and he turns for a bit to talk to suna in front of him to talk about something...
when osamu behind you asks,
"hey. is it okay if i stand next to my bro?"
of course who are you to deny him? plus it's not like you're gonna actually SAY "i'd rather stand next to atsumu"
so you just "mm, sure. :)"
and when tsumu turns around
"???? bro wtf i wanted to-"
osamu: ._. ?
atsumu: "never mind."
sugawara koushi
being your best friend
sugawara just seems like the perfect guy for best friends to lovers
do u feel
the friend who'd listen to you cry at night and who you would comfort over texts
the guy who'd laugh at the stupid shit you find funny and would also send you really weird memes
you would fall for each other but at the wrong times
end up fighting about it and losing the friendship lol im not feeling extreme guilt rn i promise
but would probably still care about u a little even after not being friends anymore
aight i'm stopping here y'all get the idea
hoshiumi kourai
laughed at me for playing minecraft
self-explanatory bitchass
one of the reasons i stopped crushing on him smh
unfortunately i was a huge mcyt/smplive stan and oH IT'S FUNNY FOR A 17 Y/O TO LIKE MINECRAFT HUH
i can see hoshiumi "HUH! YOU PLAY MINECRAFT?? LOL OK"
shut up i bet hoshiumi would play minecraft nonstop if he didnt discover volleyball >:///
ok redemption for hoshiumi bc i do love him
staying up late on calls together
he’s surprisingly cute that way ♥︎
kourai’s always got a lot to talk about and will definitely listen to everything u wanna talk about!
sometimes you two fall asleep on call together uwu
unfortunately he wakes up earlier because of vb practice and you can hear his alarm clock through the phone.
“kourai... wake up, your alarm.”
“nnn... kourai... wake up your alarm is so loud...”
you hang up on him and he’s also late to practice
thank goodness for hirugami waking our boy up :,)
suna rintarou
ghosted and ‘cheated’ went on a late night walk with you
ignore the first thing i said :) that's fanon suna lol
so y'all went to tokyo?? for the overnight trip
it's getting late and it's the last night so the teachers say "you all have free time tonight! just be back by 10pm okay?" wow they're trusting
so you and rintarou decide to spend the night together exploring the neighbourhood.
holding hands for some reason while you walk down the quiet streets talking about life.
then ending up at a little coffee shop where his friends were already eating together at and you shyly talking to them.
atsumu: "oi suna, who's this? ya don't really talk to many people."
suna: "i'm not a loner...? anyways, this is y/n. we were in the same group for most of the trip."
passing by your own friends who are Very Interested in whats going on between you two.
friend: "oo y/n, who's that?"
you: "uhm... a friend!"
and ending the night by just barely cuddling in the hotel's lounge area in your pyjamas
semi eita
said he was writing a song for you
musician semi musician semi
say it with me
guys who play instruments are automatically 5x hotter. fr.
sometimes you two are sitting together just chilling
because dates with eita are sometimes just enjoying each other’s presence 🥺
he’s strumming at his guitar and occasionally scribbling down some notes while you’re probably playing on your phone or switch
he plays a new melody and you’re like
“oo thats a nice song. what’s the name?”
eita: “i haven’t really thought of a name... i just came up with it after all.”
“maybe i should call it y/n?”
smooth bugger i’m gonna kiss u on the mouth so hard semi eita
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