#this is literally so stupid but i feel like im going to combust so.
coldvampire · 2 years
sdffhghjhdgfhghgfhghdgfhghj ive been trying to work on this fic update for weeks but goddamn lmao i just. i am STRUGGLING which is ??? bc i still like it im still enthusiastic abt the project i simply feel like thats an unpopular stance and at this point im just getting embarrassed to keep posting my writing when the notes are just. me trying to reblog for exposure fdggh no one is obligated to ofc i know that but that post thats like ‘numbers arent everything but if you spent six hours on a cake that no one ate you might be more than a bit disappointed’ is extremely fucking real & im already having a hard time trying to convince myself im not universally disliked as-is tell me why people stop talking as soon as i contribute to the gc without fail like. every time i want to contribute i delete what i typed out bc i physically cant take this happening over and over again i dont know what i did wrong or what im doing wrong but clearly it was Something im just too stupid to figure out what. someone i am begging on my knees please explain what it is about me that repels people after a bit of time what do i lack just tell me so thats not helping either. 
im also trying v hard not to infodump about other interests at the moment bc once again. embarrassing as hell i just keep thinking abt how annoying i am rn to litcherally everyone esp when i want to talk about obscure shit no one but me is into so it feels even worse lmao. & having someone ask out of obligation feels patronizing bc i know theyre not interested about hearing about the thing its just pity. ive been the pity/obligation person my whole life and i Hate it i hate just being tolerated i hate feeling like nothing i say actually matters in the conversation and like everyone is just waiting for me to stop talking i hate the way i can see people’s eyes glaze over and how they dont even notice if i cut myself off mid sentence theyre just glad ive finally finished talking. im so deep in it im actively trying to start up some sort of maladaptive fantasy where i can to talk Guilt Free about stuff but hgjhkjj im also struggling to conceptualize a universe where thats a thing lmao i cant enjoy my comfort characters bc they would also find my ass grating gfhgh like straight up i know they wouldnt like me thinking abt that is actually just making me feel worse lmao i hate it here
ive spent so much time in my own head lately just Spinning tf out and overanalyzing every sentence i type or speak and still somehow managing to fuck up in spite of that. like its not about the fic!! its not about the fic! and i know its not bc im still working even if its slowly. really truly is not just about the fic but thats something i guess more acceptable to complain about bc at least people kinda understand that frustration even if its cringe to vent about but at LEAST. its better than this. also ive taken care of all my basic needs for the day so ive confirmed that im not just deprived of sustenance or some shit gfhgj no ive truly just been feeling like this for weekssss on end now and im so tired. i already typed a version of this in my private server (its basically just like a journal/reminder set up for myself, very convenient & gives me the illusion of replies temporarily gfhgjh) and that wasnt enough so hopefully posting here just alleviates it a bit 
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nethersonq · 2 months
Bakura Chart 9.0: yami bakura derives joy from my misery. 100 colors.
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im actually about to lose my mind why does this keep happening i was so convinced i was finally done but no. i feel like god is mocking me. what was meant to be just a silly little comparison while i was bored literally once has spiralled out of control. what is wrong with this little white-haired freak. not even the merch stays consistent. i hope he explodes and fucking dies. i hope the boiled one gets him. i hope the locust gets him. i need to run him over with a steamroller i cant do this anymore. him and his fuckass colored eye contacts are the bane of my existence. the agony this chart brings me is indescribable and insurmountable. we've reached 100 colors i might actually just combust and die.
theres just no need theres absolutely no need for all these colors. i could stop, sure, but then there'd be colors people don't know about. i keep pressing on despite my hatred for this chart. this is just my legacy now i dont even fucking know anymore. ill just be bakura eye chart guy for the rest of my days.
also people keep reblogging versions 1 + 3 and occasionally 5 and honest to god it feels like this
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i dont know how to feel about this anymore. mostly its just "wow. you guys havent seen anything yet." i wish i could go back to like whenever i started making this stupid fucking chart just to shoot myself before it got to this point. is this how frankenstein felt upon releasing his monster to the world. how pandora felt upon opening the box. neither old age nor sickness will be what takes me, bakura eye chart will be the thing that kills me. i hate this fluffy white anime boy in ways words cant describe
color count for ver 9.0: 100. one fucking hundred. i can't say anything anymore
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fatuismooches · 10 months
HIII OH MY GOD im sorry for sending another one but i was just in the bathroom cleaning up and an idea fucking struck me. (yeah, bright ideas always hit me while i shower)
im thoroughly convinced that zandik, at some point, genuinely believed that you didn't love him. it was probably a year into your relationship after hitting on him for too long in the akademiya.
then, zandik got his hands on a book about manipulation tactics and shit, and he read a portion about pretending to be nice and loving just to gain something from him.
and hence him kicking you out and screaming profanities at you, saying that you don't truly love him. yeah, i know, brash decision by zandik. his older self truly regrets it and doesn't know what he would do in his life if you weren't persistent enough to keep reaching out to him. but to younger zandik, it just made sense.
how could someone like you could ever love him? he knows that sometimes you think he's going a bit too far with his experiments, you call him crazy (in an adoring way ofc), you sometimes look at him in fear as well. you have to be pretending, it just can't be. he has spent all his life unloved, outcasted, hated and feared- he can't comprehend such a wonderful thing such as love would ever be something he'd truly experience, deserve.
zandik stood his ground with his decision, glaring at the wall as you knock on the door repeatedly, asking what was wrong. then when he hears you curse under your breath, sounding mad, his heart fucking breaks.
and it just sinks in that he did something incredibly stupid and probably hurt your feelings for acting out. he's just so not used to being loved, and even if a year has passed, he still can't wrap his head around it.
really, you only got mad from the other side of the door is because your groupmates saw you and began walking towards you after you escaped to hang out with zandik...
dw you make up eventually if you're determined enough to prove that you genuinely love him!! (i mean cmon, it's not that hard. just point out that you literally cook him, wrestle him from his desk and onto his bed to sleep, go on illegal expeditions with him and all you wanted from him was kisses, hugs and affirmations of his love for you)
I'm thoroughly convinced that as well, and from his perspective it makes sense considering he went his whole life without receiving any kind of genuine love (which he grew not to care about anyway) and any kind of sweet words directed at him would usually have some kind of ulterior motive or to get on his good side... He's a very cynical person and even after a while the whole situation just baffles him. Not to mention sometimes Zandik himself has trouble understanding that he truly loves someone else and that this isn't just one big lie... it's hard for him to process it all.
Ugh you just know he'll be researching relationships and shit just so he can justify thinking this way and then he gets to a portion to be wary of your partner possibly being fake and manipulating you. And then he just goes haywire on you and you're just like "wtf are you even talking about" and Zandik's literally just going off on you without letting you get in a word. (I bet the clones cringe whenever they remember this moment too 💀 just bring up this moment in an argument and dramatically walk away and he'll feel a bit bad which is more than he should be capable of)
Zandik tries his best to ignore your heartbroken and confused expression - surely you must be faking it, he thinks as he slams the door in your face. This just must be one of your games again, and now that you've been called out you don't know what to do, he tries to convince himself. Your frantic knocks were just a scheme to play with whatever heart he had left. Because in no world, no universe, would you ever love someone like him. He knows he shouldn't be considered human anymore, he's a monster, and surely you see that too. The one who had been with him for ages, the closest one to him. Zandik doesn't understand - you have nothing to gain from being with him. It was 99% an act. Yes, 99%, because he was secretly clinging onto the 1% chance it was real.
And the 1% chance beat all odds when he heard how genuinely pissed and upset you were from behind the door, which was both a fortunate and unfortunate thing - the former because he knew you really loved him, the latter because even he realized that he fucked up big time. But Archons Zandik, out of all possible times, you had to do this when it was the time you were trying to avoid your annoying classmates 😔
On a more angsty note, you might start cursing back at him about all the reasons you love him and why you stay with him and just end it with the fact you're going to be staying somewhere else now, and it's up to him if he wants to see you again, because you ain't doing this again without some kind of apology. A few days later you come back with a whole fucking research paper about every little thing you've ever done for him and why you love him with a whole-ass explanation and just chuck it right at him and dip.
Thankfully present-day Dottore doesn't pull these kinds of stunts anymore and is much, much more secure and confident in the relationship (which is good cuz sometimes you wanted to slap him for being an idiot) Both of you are just glad you can look back on it and laugh (mostly you because Dottore hates thinking about the times he acted completely braindead)
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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It’s the morning after Felina’s birthday disaster and the bozo bros are interrupted on their way to work-
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-BY TWO SEPARATE THUNDER FIRES. HOLY HELL. Xander, I get that undying loyalty is the dog unique selling point, but could you please stop following these morons as they run towards the fire??
-Oh wow bro, that was a close one! -I cant’ believe none of us has died in a fire yet with how many of them we’re getting! -Tell me about it! It’s like something is trying to kill us!
Um ya, your own stupidity?? Just go to work. 
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-Look at us, Servilia, two old ladies and still so limber, huhu!🌸 
Ok Cyn I’m starting to worry with all your wholesome pet interactions, don’t you wanna hook up with at least iVan?? I mean he’s right there!
-I don’t know, what’s the point of romantic interactions without Don here to catch me cheating?😔💗
Aw Cyn, so loyal, up there with Xander!
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20K?!? FFS SANDY, at this point it’s literally costing us money to keep your dumb zombie ass employed.
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-̵B̴U̶T I̷ G̵O̴T P̴R̴O̵M̵O̶T̷E̷D A̴N̸Y̵W̸A̷Y🧟‍♀️
Ya and made 3k total, so you still owe me 17k!
-̵A̸N̵D̷ Y̴O̶U O̷W̵E̴ M̷E̴ M̸Y L̴I̷F̴E🧟‍♀️
Ok well, we’ll call it even!
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Look who finally managed to get an A+ now that he didn’t opt out of school.
-One day was all it took me, IN YOUR FACE, FAILINA
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-Uncle Sugar look, I finally bested Failina! 
Felina always had good grades, what you did was finally REACH her.
-Great job, buddy! Now go take your nap and Uncle Sugar will be here to train you tomorrow for your big birthday fight!
Your big what?
-Failina is obviously going to counterattack and ruin MY upcoming birthday, idiot, so we’re training for it and I’M GONNA DESTROY HER. MUAHAHAHA. Now if you’ll excuse me it’s time for my nap-nap time with gram-gram.
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Barth how can you be so wholesome and such a demon at the same time, I can’t. 
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-Ah, nothing better than just standing here, getting drunk in this open space while it’s raining!
Sounds good to me, time to leave you unattended for even a second and go wash the dogs with Sophie-
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-um, Sugar, why is your portrait missing from our family panel??
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-With my last breath.. I’m gonna use this death animation as aesthetically as possible.. and slide down the bathroom wall..
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-Ok can you people take this somewhere else, I’m trying to admire myself here. 
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-WAAAAH first my husband and now my nephew noooooo🌸
CYN PLEASE NOT NOW. Bro literally HOW did Sugar die, I feel he was struck by lighting or something and then made it to the bathroom and crawled up to die there?? I mean what the-
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-Hello :)
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-Well all the fires weren’t working so I had to get creative!
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-Great job, grandpa Jojo! Let me just clean all the death stink from in here..
-Grandma Sophie helped too, why do you think she rolled the want to wash the dogs?
OH MY GODDDD YOU ARE ALL PSYCHOS. Well whatever cause you know what?? Where others see a problem.. 
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..I see a romantic opportunity! 
-Please don’t do this, we have suffered enough.
You really haven’t, now get dialing!
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-̶I̵'̵M A̶L̷I̸V̵E̵!!!🧟
You got that about right!
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-W̵H̴Y̴ A̴M ̵I̵ G̷R̸E̸Y. ̸O̵H̸ N̶O.F̴U̶C̴K̷ Y̶O̴U̴, A̷U̸N̴T̵ S̶H̸A̶J🧟
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Welp.. You look great! 
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Real talk, I STILL don’t know how Sugar died, he doesn’t have a memory of seeing a ghost OR being hit by lighting! Spontaneous combustion?? Wtf
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-H̶E̸Y̴ ̵S̵A̷N̴D̸Y̶, N̸O̷T̴I̷C̴E A̵N̶Y̸T̴H̸I̶N̴G̵ D̴I̶F̷F̷E̶R̵E̸N̴T🧟 -I̴ ̸D̵O̵N̸'̴T̷, I̵ A̸L̸W̴A̷Y̵S H̶A̵V̵E T̸H̴I̶S S̵H̸O̵C̷K̴E̵D̵ A̴N̸D̴ A̷P̵P̵A̵L̶L̶E̷D̵ E̶X̸P̸R̶E̵S̸S̴I̷O̴N̷ ̶O̶N̴ M̴Y̸ F̴A̸C̷E🧟‍♀️
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-Y̴O̷U̴'̶R̴E̸ E̵V̷E̷N̸ H̴O̵T̷T̴E̴R̵ N̷O̴W̶, Y̵O̵U̸ ̷B̴I̸G̶ ̵R̶O̷T̸T̴I̵N̴G H̴U̵N̶K🧟‍♀️
OH THANK GOD. Let’s take you crazy zombie kids out on a proper date!!!
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-̴H̸E̶R̴E̶'̵S̴ T̷O̵ U̸S̴ A̴N̵D̵ A̸ ̵C̸L̴A̵S̷S̸Y̴ ̶R̶O̶M̵A̴N̵T̵I̵C E̶V̸E̶N̵I̷N̶G̵🧟 -C̸L̷I̷N̷K̴ ̷C̸L̴I̸N̵K̴🧟‍♀️
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-N̶O̸M̷ ̴N̶O̶M̴🧟‍♀️   -G̶O̶O̴D B̸R̷A̵I̵N̸S̵ T̶O̶N̶I̶G̷H̷T🧟
Ya ok I officially ship it.
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-̴I̷ L̶O̴V̴E̸ Y̷O̷U S̷A̶N̵D̶Y̵, W̸E̵ H̶A̴D̸ T̸O̷ D̴I̷E̵ S̶O̵ W̴E̵ C̷O̸U̷L̶D ̵B̸E̸ T̷O̴G̵E̵T̷H̷E̵R🧟 -W̴E̷L̵L I̸ D̵I̸D̸N̴'̷T H̴A̷V̷E̷ T̸O D̴I̵E T̸W̴I̸C̵E🧟‍♀️ -B̷O̵T̸H̴ Y̴O̶U̷R̸ D̵E̴A̸T̴H̴S̴ W̴E̸R̴E G̴R̷A̶N̷D̶P̴A̵ J̵O̶J̵O̷'̷S̴ F̷A̵U̸L̸T̴ A̸N̶D N̴O̸W̷ H̴E̷ ̷K̶I̷L̸L̸E̴D̴ M̶E T̸O̵O🧟 -Y̶O̷U̶'̵R̸E R̷I̵G̶H̸T̴,W̴E̵ ̵O̶W̷E̸ O̴U̸R̸ H̶A̸P̵P̸I̸N̷E̸S̵S̶ T̸O H̵I̵M🧟‍♀️ -I̶ W̷A̸S A̵L̸W̷A̴Y̴S H̴I̸S F̷A̷V̸O̶R̵I̶T̸E🧟
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bogbees · 17 days
this was the initial ending for forsake me not I wrote back in like, November and now has literally nothing to do with the actual ending besides like, the end goal, so i personally wouldn't call it a spoiler since we all expected this outcome.
im nearly done the actual chapter!
He spies the yellow haired boy, and smiles wide, his plan is going into motion.
Tanjiro hides his face by ducking his head,
"The one I like might be stupid…" he sighs, not looking up from the table, "what am I going to do about Rengoku-san…"
Kyojuro's eyes go wide. Surely it wasn't going to be this easy.
"Am I now," Kyojuro grins as he sits down next to Tanjiro.
Tanjiro doesn't move for a moment, clearly confused by how the scents and sounds aren't matching up. He then rolls his head to face him, Kyojuro smiles wide at his confused face, and laughs as he jumps off the table like a whip, his eyes wide, "Rengoku-san!" he cries out in utter disbelief.
"Yes," he nods, grinning, absolutely ecstatic.
Tanjiro looks absolutely frantic, eyes blown out, eyebrows furrowed, "why do you have Zenitsu's haori—"
"He lost it. I am on my way to find him, and thought you'd know!" He smiles, lying through his teeth, delighting in the way Tanjiro frowns after discreetly sniffing the air, catching him in the act immediately.
"But!" he says way too loudly even for his own ears, "I'm much more interested in why you think I'm stupid!"
"I, I didn't!" Tanjiro's face is red as the apricot blooms, his eyes "I said the one I like is—"
Kyojuro smiles, nods at him, feeling giddy.
"I said—" he tries again, nerves absolutely wrecked.
"The one you like! The one who's strong and kind! Cute with a nice smile! Me!"
Tanjiro's eyes are impossibly big. Kyojuro thinks he might cry, with how his lips seem to wobble.
"It's true," Tanjiro says.
Kyojuro feels like he will truly combust.
"Good!" He shouts, way too excited to contain himself any longer. Way too excited to not let Tanjiro know he loves him.
"The forget-me-nots were for you!" he announces, "every time I thought about how much I love you, they would climb up my throat to replace my words, my feelings of true love!"
"Foolish! Indeed!"
"No! No! I mean to say I know!"
Kyojuro's excitement comes to a sudden halt. He hums loudly, eyes wide in shock.
"When you— when we slept, um, together, you coughed, I think it woke me up, I heard you tell me you love me…"
Kyojuro's face feels hot, hotter than any blaze he's encountered.
"And, I, um, have been trying to tell you."
Kyojuro hums loudly and closes his eyes, his cheeks hurt from the force of his smile. He feels incredibly foolish, "so that's why you think I'm stupid!"
"Ah, no! Just, um, well, when I tried to tell you I felt the same, I didn't know how to do it and the advice I got might not have been the best."
Kyojuro is reminded of the few moments between them over the last week, when they nearly kissed under the moon, when they spared,
Tanjiro slumps to his knees, exhaling a great sigh, he begins to cry, "I was so ready to propose first!"
Kyojuro's eyes widen, his smile reaches ear to ear, his blush grows in intensity, overwhelmed to hear that, he hums.
"Ahhh, I even, after the night, when you told me you couldn't wait to see me, I ran back all the way to your house, and asked for your father's permission to marry you," he's rubbing his eyes free of tears, smiling brightly.
Kuojuro can't believe his ears. His eyes can only confirm it. He reaches out to touch Tanjiro's cheeks, he helps him wipe away his tears, softly smiling, "did you!" he laughs, his heart caught in his throat.
"I did! I was so nervous! But I really wanted his approval! Because I love you so much!"
Kyojuro can't resist the urge this time. He envelopes Tanjiro in his arms, his chest shuddering as he quietly laughs, at the absurdity of the turn of events.
"And I love you so much!" he says, squeezing Tanjiro, listening to him laugh, he doesn't think it could get better than this.
Eventually they relax, content to just be in another's arms.
"Ah, I wish I didn't know…"
"Know what, my dear?"
Tanjiro's face flushes red upon hearing the term of endearment, but it doesn't help his mood, "know that you were considering surgery."
"Oh, you were right! I didn't want surgery. I didn't think it'd have been pleasant to remember the intensity of my feelings yet feel nothing. I suppose those feelings might have been sparked and became a great blaze of passion once more, but they do say you never feel the same after the roots are surgically removed! It was more frightening than any demon I've ever faced!"
"It was you! Your passionate speech regarding it! Remember when I collapsed? It was because I wanted to kiss you!"
Tanjiro hides his red, red, red face behind his hands, "I thought I was imagining things!"
Kuojuro hums,
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intertexts-moving · 7 months
ROSWEEEELLLLLL. ur p5 posting has captured me finally. ugh. i dont think i will play it myself (<< guy who is going thru a transitional period (AGAIN 🙄) and does not have time 2 get fully fully invested in a game) BUT. IM LIKE 80% SURE one of the streamers i watch has done a p5 playthrough. do u think this is worth it or is p5 the kind of game u have to play urself to fully experience..... gove me ur propaganda pitch i love ur taste in media and u have become the p5 guy 2 me
HIIII MAC BOUNCING AROUND AT U. holy shit im the p5 guy now.. this is also so exciting i would combust if u also got into it.
ok ok ok. i personally am a Terrible person to ask that bc i don't like rpgs at all unless im actively playing them (immersion thing feeling of agency within the game thing sorry ive been reading a bunch of game theory lately) BUT. p5 is very much a narrative-driven rpg, not one where like. actively participating in game mechanics & such is very important. i think that like. personally, controlling the protagonist-- deciding where to go on the subway, who to hang out with, what to say in conversations-- adds another layer of emotional interest but i don't think its Absolutely Necessary by any means!!! (it might b harder to get into just watching it though -- it was easy for me to get, like, 40 hours in so far bc i got immersed in it, u might prefer putting a letsplay on in the background during another task) i think i described it once as like. something like an interactive anime series/a game for if always really really wanted to go through the screen into cartoon or show worlds.
& i think it is DEFINITELY worth it to experience in any way!!!!! it's a really good game with a really fun & exciting & emotionally compelling narrative!!! there r so many really good characters!!!! i think ive said before but it draws on that very very powerful story hook: hey, remember when you were in high school & almost every authority figure in your life was a piece of shit & everyone hated u & u wished u could do literally anything about it? well what if u COULD. & does it really well imo-- all the main characters are mostly. teens in varying degree of stupid or smart & r really well written as such, with real consequences & weight to their actions. (also i think there r some characters u would LOVE.)also it makes my brain feel like pop rocks in a way nothing since snowchester has!!!!!!!!
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asumofwords · 8 months
Tee if you make any reference to sf&a in the ghost aemond fic I will physically combust/j
PLEASE let it be a spooky smut with absolutely no references unless you like to see us cry, which I feel like you do 😭
Also you know how like we say " Women written by women" "Men written by women" Etc, there's this guy in my class who literally ACTS LIKE HE'S WRITTEN BY YOU AND IM NOT JOKING, HE'S AN ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE BUT KIND AT THE SAME TIME, like he has red flags but they're good red flags idk?????? he has a gf tho :(
Can't believe I can't date the guy that acts exactly how the characters my fav author on the internet writes 👁👄👁
Who is this man and where does he live?? Hahahaha
I need to stop inadvertently adding SFA mentions into things but for some reason I just can’t stop, it’s like it’s own stupid universe hahahaa
Writing Loki is going to be so much fun for me, I’m an original Loki girly, I was reading those Avengers living in the tower fic at 12, and I’m surprised I haven’t written him sooner tbh!
I think either Loki or Draco was the first ever fanfic I read! Lmaooo
Hehehe 🖤🖤🖤
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ursbearhug · 7 months
Also I want to somehow ramble about that stupid clown class we have, for some godsforsaken reason, on classical studies of all places; social campaigns.
To pass the class we have to prepare an entire campaign, down to a t, with all the stupid ass details, like cost, where, when, what form et cetera. So in the fit of rage, since this class is blatant and outrageous waste of my time and braincells, I made almost finished plan (without the cringe details, because literally nobody gives a shit) about teaching boys how to sew. This alluding to this one tweet where a guy jokes about girls learning how to do make up rather than cook - since he can't or won't eat foundation - and getting clapped by a girlie wishing death upon mankind when they die out of starvation because they refuse to use their own two hands to prepare their own meal. Though the focus was on boys mainly, I wouldn't turn down other interested. As this thing is also a group project that part of it has been lost in the translation.
I personally think her social justice warrior brain would overheat, combust and explode if I as much as suggest that men are fucking stupid and treated like children, no matter their age, status or occupation; and should not be spoonfed and treated extra nicely till the heat death of the universe. Sitting through most if not all of her lectures truly feels like Virtue Signaling up to whazoo. I don't know. I don't feel the need to brag about how good of a person I am if it brings nothing to the conversation. I fail to see these as example either, since example is meant to show correlation or similarity between situations.
But she also called this project 'repetetive' because somebody else in other group had similar one. Okay, and? Ever heard about panantropolic ideas? And even if, I was on this turf first because these kids are 18. So if somebody's supposed to adapt to others, then it's not going to be me. I will be cringe boomer in this case. And also also literally who the fuck cares? I'm trying to pass this class in as little effort and as quickly as humanly possible. Miss me with your originality complex, I'm classical student, I've never heard of it. Take your cringe ass romantic (the period, not the quality) ideas out of my face, you fucking cringe normie.
Cringe ass subject for cringe people. You can't change my mind.
One hour update;
You'd think, or at least assume, that with how 'progressive' today's society is, talking to children wouldn't be such a forgein concept and "ugh so 2016". But it seems like talking to children is still as unattainable and unfathomable as it used to. Maybe instead of forcing your child off of the door frame and have them screem their lungs off in horror, sit down with them and talk about their feelings and fears. Hospital can be scary but doesn't have to be. Talk with them about the procedure. A lot of our fears are really blown out by unknowable and inexperience. For instance; needles don't hurt nearly as much as people make it out to hurt, but that doesn't make them painless either. Yes doing certain thing hurts or is really uncomfortable, but it can get worse untreated. Children are really smart and they can understand human speech, so maybe utilize it and talk with your kids about whatever and everything. Hospital visit really doesn't have to be nightmare fuel.
I don't know the time update:
I think more people, who are not cis men, could use some of the delusion and audacity of most generic white man. "Oh nobody would date me". Believe im yourself sweetcakes. There are like at least 10 alpha males for every shy beans like you, that never have and never will satisfy a woman, let alone be able to form normal, healthy and flourishing relationship with anybody. And also remember that endgame is either; crush your enemies, watch them tremble and hear the lamentations of their widows or having a family. It's pretty much the same.
I have finished my healing process. With the stamp and all. I guess I just have to learn to live with the massive scar it has left.
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diabolicalacid · 1 year
this is going to be long….but i have to let this out my chest because i am going to combust just thinking about this:
if ms. self destructive is gonna end up mr. sakusa im going to screaaammm !! i don’t think it would be a wise decision if they decide to rekindle when their past barely even has a foundation. it was literally just a fling that happened in their teens, like it’s so petty!! who in their right mind would go to that extent just to have a “sloppy revenge?” also, made my blood boil when reading how she’s just shirking off her responsibilities and goes back to her “woe is me, i‘m the only one suffering in this world so all of you should have sympathy for me and be there for my every beck and call” attitude and mentality, e.g. when she went off in the gc for the first time without warning and put someone on the spot with personal details, when she doesn’t have an ounce of professionalism, passion nor dedication to her career (literally made me scream because the job market is very competitive and she’s just wasting it like she was born with a golden spoon in the mouth, hello!!), when she repeatedly never listens to her friends and blows them off, her constant mean and derogatory comments about reina (calling her a bitch and a wench…it did not ate as she wanted it, just made her pathetic honestly 🫤), and when she turned the situation around and basically told shoyo (non-verbatim) that her feelings were more important than “a bunch of games that’ll never lead up to the future/amount to anything” or something like that. the nerve of her to just say that to a person whose life revolves around volleyball!!! whose career is being an athlete!!! whose income would be determined by whether their team wins or loses!!! how dare she.
literally never hated a reader so much which is a double edged sword because i love when the roles in the story are reversed from the usual, like the character is the one hurting and the reader is the a-hole. your characterization and ability to make a character so insufferable, unlikeable, and hateable is amazing btw. i wouldn’t be surprised if kenma and kuroo leaves her in the dust. i wouldn’t be surprised when she just gets fired because behaving like that and not doing your job properly only because of your personal problems is a big no no in japan, and it will literally lessen your chances of getting rehired in another company once they do a background check on you and find out your incompetence.
the reason why im so fired up with boarding the hate train against reader is because this particular situation hits too close to home, because i know someone like this irl. well, knew, since both my friend who is involved with this particular incident, and me, cut off ties with the messy ex-friend. in this situation i was like kenma and kuroo in one. it was very emotionally exhausting and draining, and it’s really not worth it to save a friendship when you know they’re headed to crash and burn but they don’t want to change because of their singular goal. that, and having tunnel vision, only seeing what they want to see, the whole shebang. i don’t mind telling you the background story behind it, but idk if you want me to blow up and rant in your askbox though lmao.
to reader in the story, only thing i can say is: f*ck around and find out. 🥱 play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🥴
i appreciate the fact that you took your time to write this all down. like wow 😭 i’m really glad that you were able to cut ties with your messy friend and start clean. as for kuroo and kenma, they’re pretty used to yn. they shouldn’t be, but they are.
everyone will get their happy ending, but happy ending doesn’t mean yn and sakusa will end up conventionally. clearly they’re both very toxic in their own ways right now, so there’s a lot they need to work on.
and yn being rude to her friends, saying things she knows she’ll regret— that’s such an everyday thing, it’s truly sad. i hope she gets better, cuz sunshine sho didn’t deserve all that she said to him 🥹😭
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yuyubake · 2 years
i want to be a real man so so so bad i want to kill myself so i can have a reroll its like a 50/50 why did i have to get stuck with this stupid body that has breasts and no penis i dont want an extra hole i cant even fucking use it because all it does is cause me pain like damn cant even get a pap smear up in this bitch without feeling like im being torn in half LOL
i hate that i cant complain about this to anyone i know without just getting like "oh f" in response (which btw is literally the worst and most annoying response to anything imo) or "ur valid bestie" or worst of all "don't worry i think you're a cute uwu boy :)" because i dont want to be that i just want to be. cis. i want to be a man i dont want to be your soft cute uwu bean i dont want to be told "i THINK you're a boy" and i dont need to be told "you are a boy" i need to be one i need to be a cis man right fucking now or else im actually really going to idk go insane
anyway i'll stop here for now but just know that on the inside im combusting
just kidding im not stopping i hate being called short i hate being short even if i were just as tall as my dad which is STILL SHORT FOR MEN IN THE FUCKING USA it would be better than wahtever the fucki have going on for me every time someone jokes about me being short like what am i supposed to do about that huh rip their fucking throat out thats what i want to kill myself so bad rn LOL its like barely funny to me anymore wahts fucking wrong with me why cant i be taller, even a little bit why is my body so fucked up and deformed i should just die already
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aiba2 · 3 years
Will never stop being funny to me when tumblr users with incredibly distorted ideas of wealth just completely show their own ass
#'Oughh go live in the middle of LA and then tell me making 6-figures is an unrealistic level of comfort' NO ONE IS FORCING YOU.#The just sheer stupidity of having never had to live somewhere absolutely dogshit because it's the only place with rent you can afford#im fucking SEETHING literally just completely ignoring any of the actual parts of what makes wealth inequality so potent in America#To go 'Oh when youre rich and live in rich people houses and go to your HOA its actually not very much money'#Literally just how am I rich if Im only just barely able to afford being the exact level of extravagantly wealthy I am#And it goes all the way down its fucking insane#This also all applies to dipshits that live in the middle of fucking nowhere and then buy mansions and act like#just being in lower-rent areas makes their extravagant displays of wealth over other people living in those same places better#Usually because they literally transitioned out of being the fucking rich bitch LA kid into being the rich Bitch mansion-owner#Literally no fucking brains no compassion if they ever experienced poverty theyd fucking combust#But they have to completely circlejerk themselves off over feeling like theyre Basically Poor Compared to Other People#So they can fuel some sort of insane fucking victim complex where they can never not be the Most Struggling person#all the time#Whereas like every person Ive met coming out of genuine poverty is like the most down-to-earth motherfucker about money#Just a complete understanding of where you stand and how much better off you have it than other people#None of which is to imply that Im in a state of Epic Poverty that should be glorified because it makes me More Compassionate#Because A. Im not Im well aware I dont live in poverty and havent for years and years to the point its really only something#in Childhood memory more than anything else#and B. I don't think that growing up poor inherently makes you better I just think having compassion while growing up wealthy requires#A certain level of understanding where you're at in the world that they just completely throw out the window
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bokutobaes · 3 years
I loved the bad day hc it was so gooood🥺 can I get a hc (w the same boys👀) of ur first night over their house?? Bet Atsumu snores like a freight train lmao😭😭😭
first night at the inarizaki boys house :p
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- with: suna, atsumu, kita
☆- no warnings!
☆- a/n: this request was soo cute i had so much fun writing this🥺thank u for requesting i really hope you like it <33 and im so happy u enjoyed the bad day headcanons
authors: lu and sen <3
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- suna:
-you were in fact enjoying a nice saturday in your room, pixie lights strung, your favourite show playing and you in a warm fuzzy blanket. it was bliss
-until.. the vibration of your phone shook you from the scene you were watching, and who else would call you on a saturday at 1am
-“uh whats up”
-“wanna come over.. to sleep”
-“suna- it’s one o clock in the morning”
-“so why would i-”
-“i miss you..”
-your heart just exploded from the fact he just said that
-“say no more okay i’ll be there in 10”
-“okay :)” you could hear suna’s smirk from his voice
-you’d snuck out before in your first year of high school just to hangout with some friends so you knew the basics
-you left a note to your parent(s) saying that you went to a friends house early in the morning because she had a boyfriend emergency
-the things u do for suna🙄
-the way to sunas wasn’t long, he only lived a few streets away so you packed a bag, threw on your comfiest cutest sweats and headed on down
-when you got there suna was already at the door leaning against the frame with his hands stuffed in his black hoodie
-“hi.” he hugged you, “come on it’s cold out” then he grabbed your wrist and with a finger on his lips telling u to tip toe and whisper you headed to his bedroom
-now, you’d definitely been to sunas bedroom before to hangout after school and study and whatnot
-but it now dawned on you that you’ve never stayed the night
-heat rushed to your cheeks
-“so where am I gonna sleep”
-“here?” he said
-“in my bed. you’re sleeping in my bed.”
-“suit yourself, but I kick people in my sleep”
-he scoffed, “and I’ll kick you back tf”
-you guys hopped in the bed and just immediately went on your phones
-but you were in one of those close ass positions where you could see what was on eachothers screens
-so you exchanged tik toks and tweets
-the night was filled with you both trying so hard not to laugh out loud
-you guys rambled on for a long time after seeing a post about astrology
-“i don’t get it.. your saying i’ll be in a bad mood on the 5th of next month because mercury is in gatorade.?”
-did he really just disrespect retrograde like that
-once it was getting really late your eyes started feeling heavy
-you switched your phone off and snuggled deeper into suna’s chest
-you were basically hugging eachother
-suna yawned
-“goodnight y/n”
-“goodnight rin”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- atsumu:
-you were already at atsumu’s house, you’d walked there together after school to spend the friday together
-currently you were in osamu’s room with the twins playing “winning eleven”
-why they were so obsessed with this game? you do not know
-but right now you were being betrayed by atsumu
-he told you he’d “go easy on you” since you’ve never played before
-then just abandoned that idea
-“atsumu wtf your not even going a smidge easy on me”
-“hey it’s not my fault yer skills are lacking baby”
-ur about to punch him
-“ok then here” you hand your remote to osamu and cross ur arms scooching away from atsumu
-“wait heyyy hey don’t be like that I was joking” he paused the game
-osamu was literally on his phone at this point
-he smushed your cheeks and you rolled your eyes
-“what time even is it?”
-“10:43” osamu drawled
-“omg it’s late i have to go soon”
-atsumu got up and told you to come his room so you waved to osamu and headed out
-“stay the night”
-“yes really please i don’t want you to leave yet”
-“awww tsumu”
-“SHUTUP! are you gonna stay”
-“yes I’ll stay” <3
-he took your face in his hands and kissed you all over
-you shot your parent a text saying you were sleeping at your friends house and then sat on the bed where atsumu was already sprawled out watching something on his phone
-“i don’t have a toothbrush”
-“there’s an extra in the bathroom babe”
-“i don’t have clothes”
-he looked at you
-“i have clothes”
-“aww are you gonna give me your hoo-“
-“nvm go home now”
-it was already almost midnight after you had watched some movies on his bed
-you guys got up and brushed ur teeth together
-“next time you’re gonna sleep at my house instead and we’re gonna do face masks”
-you though about tsumu in a panda sheet mask and laughed to yourself
-when you were done washing your face he asked if he could put the moisturizer on for you
-so you sat up on the counter and he was being so gentle🥺 just looking at you
-your cheeks starting feeling hot and atsumu noticed
-“oh embarrassed now are we?” his stupid smirk plastered on his face
-“shutup tsumu” you looked down smiling
-it was half past 12 when you guys finally got in bed and you were honestly tired since it was the end of the week
-atsumu squeezed you tightly from behind and was playing with your hair
-it knocked you out
-“g’night baby”
-“goodnignt tsum”
-(you were not prepared for the snoring that came out of him at 2am but you loved him anyways)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- kita:
-this sleepover with kita was actually planned by the two of you
-you wanted to spend time together outside of school and you thought this was a nice idea
-you came over a little before dinner and he was cooking when you got there
-“hi!” you said walking in through the kitchen door
-“hi love” he stopped stirring a pot on the stove and came over to hug you
-he kissed your forehead and asked how you are
-(like he didn’t ask you 1 hour again when you were texting)
-you ate dinner with kita and his grandma, she told stories about kita when he was younger embarrassing him but making you awww out loud
-after dinner you headed to his room, you’d put on something to watch but it ended up just being background noise in a conversation you were having
-“y/n.. did you wanna sleep in the spare bedroom? i want to make sure you’re comfortable”
-“its okay babe i don’t mind sleeping with you”
-so you both were on his bed just looking out the window together, now that it was later you’d switched from watching tv to sharing earphones and looking out the window at the stars
-a song came on, something soft and gentle playing through your ears
-“wanna dance?” kita said looking at you with a smile
-heart combusted
-“of course”
-you got up and he grabbed your hip, hand in hand you two just swayed slowly looking at eachother
-both your cheeks burned but you were so happy that you were here with him right now
-now you’d been dancing for a few minutes and your face was in the crook of his neck
-you were both starting to get a bit tired but then you remembered the face masks you’d brought in your bag
-“kita..! we should do face masks”
-“face masks?”
-“yep! i brought some. let’s go”
-leading him to the bathroom you started to put the sheet mask on him
-the fox imprint on the mask made you laugh being on kitas face
-you two looked so silly, a fox and a panda in pyjamas on a saturday night
-after taking a few photos the masks were done and you washed up for bed together
-it felt like taking a look into the future
-soo domestic
-sleep came really easy that night, you lay on kitas chest and rambled for a bit before you noticed he had fallen asleep
-poor bb probably tired from volleyball practice
-you fell asleep soon after right after kissing him on the cheek
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miomio-san · 3 years
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mammon is a man (demon) who people tend to not take seriously. he hates it, obviously, but he knows that you will always take him as seriously as he wants to be taken.
you don’t bully him or insult him like those around him. you usually will tease him but nothing overboard because, unlike most people, he takes your words to heart. so, if mans heard you making fun of him with his brothers (& not in a playful manner) he’d feel absolutely betrayed.
mammon, whether he wants to admit it or not, is a jealous person. he hates, hates, hates, people who feel like they can just be casual with you, especially those he doesn’t know.
he gets all huffy and pouty but he’ll eventually (& with extreme difficulty) tell you that he feels like you’ll leave him for someone else.
mammon is hella insecure but he hides it with his bravado and superiority complex that it seems like mans is just a fucking loud mouthed, self-centered, money hungry, scummy idiot. (and while some parts of that are true, that’s not all there is to him.)
but what mammon is great at, that seemingly none of his brothers or any demon are good at, is his ability to show sympathy and empathy.
mammon is quite frankly the only brother that seem to possess an incredibly high emotional intelligence. he’s able to read people, their body language, their faces and actions and try to assess the situation.
while his choice of words are often poorly constructed, the intent by those words and actions are what truly make mammon a one of a kind demon.
and mammon loves his family, despite what he may say about them and what they say about him. he loves them to bits and goes out of his way to check up on them. (i.e. bother them.) its homeboy’s way of showing love without seeming “weak.”
he is trustworthy person—well, not with money, perse but he is—he is someone that you can confide to and know that your secrets are safe with him. (sure there will be times where he almost slips up but he usually reels back in before any damage is done.)
mammon is also protective. (that’s pretty obvious.) he will always drop anything to protect those he deems as a loved one. whether you’re a friend, a lover, or some he deemed as family, he will literally push all his shit aside just to make sure you’re alright.
while he may say some stupid shit and do things that will frustrate you to no end, he doesn’t ever want you to see him as a burden. that’s the last thing he wants you to view him as.
he’s had people tell him how he isn’t worthy of the title of “second-born.” they tell him how he’s a “good-for-nothing lowlife scumbag.” and he doesn’t care.
sure their words hurt sometimes, especially when he’s at his lowest, but he doesn’t let it bother him.
but the day you ever repeat those phrases said to him is the day he will truly believe he is everything they’ve said about him.
he doesn’t like when he isn’t around you at all times. (he just really likes your presence—calms him down.)
he enjoys spending time with you in your room. why you might ask? well, for one, its because your entire scent just fills the room, which kinda puts him at ease because he associated your scent with a feeling of calmness, comfort and tranquility.
he also likes rummaging through your stuff to try and see if you keep the items he gives to you.
oh! i forgot to mention his love languages are definitely physical touch, quality time and acts of service.
he’ll combust if you just hold him, or hang out or you even give him that one keychain that you thought he might like because it resembled a crow.
he hords stuff you give him like its gold or a piece of rare metal. he’s ususlly bad with dates but will never forget when you gifted him that smooth, shiny sea glass when you guys went to the beach with his brothers.
he’s kinda of little shit and will say stuff to tick you off but if you go along with his shit he’ll backtrack and start lecturing you.
“gimme some money, mc!” “alright.” “tha—hey, hey! don’t just agree and hand me your money so easily! do you just hand your money to everyone?!” “no. only you.” “ah. oh, uh, w–well, um, thank you. wanna go get some food at hell’s kitchen?” he’s so cute.
mammon just kinda follows you around everywhere.
and when i say everywhere, i mean everywhere. (except the bathroom of course, he just crouches beside the bathroom and waits until you leave.)
it’s literally impossible to see you without him.
people equate mammon to a lost puppy when it comes to you. and it doesn’t help that he stares at you like you hung the stars.
he shamelessly rubs in the fact that you love him in his brothers faces.
(if you like wearing make up) he’s the type of guy to just stare at you putting your make up with wide eyes (even though he’s a model and has had make up probably used on him) because he just can’t help but find everything you do fascinating. he’ll probably even ask if you can teach him. (“for the next time i model.” he says, with a nonchalant shrug.)
he likes when you depend on him and ask him for stuff, makes him feel wanted. he’ll be annoying about it but what do you expect?
“hey, mammon can i borrow some money to buy some snacks?” “what do you think i am? an atm machine? go bother beel—oi, im just kidding! don’t go mc!” — “mammon, can you get me a jacket just like yours?” “huh?! that jacket was expensive! if you think imma just waste money on y—alright, alright! don’t look at me like that imma buy ya it! there, happy?!” — “mammon, can we cuddle?” “hahaha! i guess ya couldn’t resist the great mammon’s charms, huh? its alright, come here human.”
he’s adorable and i love him.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 6
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- Ever since yn got lost during a trip to another school, the team made the rule that she has to hold one of their hands. Its probably so small compared against the boys. She got lost cause babie saw a cat
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lmao yep this is really happening
okay so anyways
you guys know how seijoh is like known around the prefecture right?
and we all know that nekomata and old ukai are like besties so they were talking over the phone right
and nekomata was complaining that his players were already fed up with playing against the same people and they wanted to be challenged and wanted new exposure to other players and all that jazz
old ukai was cackling at the other side bc haha youre actually begging me to find you new teams now?
but anyways
theyre like besties forever so ofc old ukai would help
and by help, he turned to poor zaddy keishin and told him to look for teams that could be sent up to tokyo and play against nekoma
‘what?! im already busy and i dont have time to scout-’
family goals 😍😍😍
but keishin still listened to his grandfather and recommended seijoh as being the one to go as they are one of the hardest to beat opponents in the preferecture
but its more like he wants to hear about nekoma being destroyed by oikawa’s service aces and grovel at their feet since naoi always made fun of them saying country boys arent as good as city boys
nekomata got word of it and immediately phoned aoba johsai and talked to the coach 
‘yes, i heard from an old friend of mine that you are quite strong’
nekomata praised, wanting and desperate to have them come up
‘and do you think your team is good enough to beat us?’
but they settled on their disagreements and decided yep they were going to go up there and have a practice match
irihata and nekomata wanted their boys to be kept in the dark about who this team is as knowing them, they have sources to find them tapes of old plays
they wanted it to be a fair match
even the managers were being kept from it as they could easily be influenced by the players for that information
irihata walked into the gym and announced a team meeting to which they stopped
you sat down next to kyotani, who pulled you beside him and wrapped a protective arm around your waist
‘we have a practice match against a prominent team up in tokyo in 3 days. make sure you have your plays right and pat down as they are known to be quite an opponent’
the boys shouted a determined cheer and they all hussled back to practice
you were running around, tending to everyone with towels or medical tape
once you finally sat back down on the bench, you noticed your phone screen light up, indicating someone sent you a message
it was natsu
you swiped open and smiled softly at his picture
it a selfie of him in front of his school as you told him to send you a picture that he arrived safely
‘got here in one piece since im not ready to meet daddy satan yet’
i hate him you guys
after receiving news of his mother gaining custody of him, he cheered and was able to go back to tokyo without his father in the picture
lets just say,,, hes not nice
you were sad to let him go but you understood he missed his friends and his almost-boyfriend so you were able to say goodbye easily at the station
‘gross but im pretty sure katsuki would blow satan to smithereens’
‘hehe ;) he would’
‘N A S T Y’
you cringed but giggled and the team noticed so they tried hard to gain your attention back on them
‘aaa!!!!! y/n-chan!!! my leg!!!!’
‘i think i chopped off my finger!!!!’
‘my head snapped off my body!!!!!’
you rolled your eyes and placed your phone down before walking over to mattsun to help him snap his head back on his neck
finally, it was the day of the match
you were arranged to stay the night at tokyo to have a few practice matches with this unknown team
the team was arranged to meet at the train station at 9:45 since the train leaves at 10 
you arrived the earliest to keep track of everyone and just because you were actually kinda excited
theres this weird feeling in your stomach that isn’t exactly bad but its,,, giddy
you sat on the bench, waiting for the team 
they all started arriving one by one and you were doing a headcount for everyone but you were missing one
you checked your phone and you noticed he was getting late
it was already 9:54
you hate it when people are late to meeting time so you were slightly irritated
you dialed up your captain’s number and you stood up, pacing around
‘hello~~~~ y/n-cha-’
‘oikawa-san! do you know what time it is?! you were arranged to come here at specifically 9:45 but its 14 minutes passed that so where the hell are you? you better have a good excuse you piece of-’
‘aww y/n-chan oikawa-san is sorry’
someone whispered in your ear from behind and you flinched, surprised at the sudden person
oikawa wrapped an arm around your waist while his other hung up the call and you turned around, arms crossed while pouting at him
he apologized and you rolled your eyes
‘i swear, oikawa-san. if i find out it was because of your hair again-’
‘oi shittykawa! your sister just called me and you left the curling iron on, you stupid bastard!’
iwaizumi’s shout made oikawa sweat and pale 
your eyes glinted dangerously 
‘this is the last straw, oikawa-san’
you growled and he shot down to his knees and was about to start praying to you when the coach decided he had enough entertainment for the day and called everyone to gather around
‘heres your tickets. this train will get us there around lunch time so dont worry about getting hungry’
the shinkansen train had 2-person seating so everyone fought secretly amongst each other to sit next to you
literally, their private group chat was blowing up until early this morning at the shouts and yells of everyone caps locking their arguments as to why they deserve to sit next to you
the only one who didnt was mattsukawa issei
bc quite frankly, he didnt care who he sat next to and although it sounds nice to be next to you, he isnt exactly the comfiest to sleep on due to the obvious size difference
lmao like your head probably wouldnt reach his shoulders bruh
now youre not oblivious
or blind
so you noticed the glares of everyone as you all stood for the train to come
and you also noticed mattsun just standing there, bored, so you sneaked over to him, wrapping your arms around him
‘arent you excited, mattsun-san?’
he gasped quietly at your sudden appearance but he smirked
‘its nothing special. just another team that we’re going to beat’
you giggled at his confidence and you walked in front of him so you could properly be held by him
it was practically second nature now by the way he just opened his arms and you crashed into them, his own wrapping around your shoulders to hold you tight
‘i love your confidence so much mattsun-san’
he flushed red and furrowed his eyebrows, head turning to the side to hide the obvious effect you had on him
‘whats the point of playing when you cant be confident’
‘aaaa why are you looking away mattsun-san!!!’
lmao when the team saw you sitting next to mattsun, they all felt so betrayed like bruh
ltr kyo and iwa were about to go feral
oikawa was like ready to screech his ass off but one look from you made him shut up
‘i sincerely, really, truly hope youre just complaining about the seat hurting your flat ass, oikawa-san’
it was kinda funny actually bc everyone was all pouting and sulky while you just have mattsun who’s smirking like ‘beat that’
ofc he let you sit at the window bc you love window seats
like iwa, he also pulls up the arm barrier thingy and you shuffle closer to him and mattsun practically combusts
the ride isnt expected to be very long but you still found yourself sleeping during it
mattsun has his arm around your shoulder while your head is leaning against his peck man boobie 
omg its so cute like he actually slides lower on the seat to help you reach his shoulder and hes slouching and back is hurting just for you
he was awake the whole time bc he couldnt sleep with his heart beating so hard it might rip out of his chest
ew thats kinda gorey
your hand was gripping his own and to pass time, he found himself fiddling with your fingers 
an unknown smile appeared on his face at the obvious size difference between yours and his
a finger traced different and foreign shapes just to feel the softness of your hand and he combusts again when you unconsciously squeeze his hand
mattsun couldnt help but bring your linked hands up and kiss the back of yours
it was soft, gentle, and his lips lingered there for more than a second
then a sudden feeling of fatigue washed over him and he leaned his cheek against the top of your head 
the last thing he remembers is the smell of your f/s (favorite smell) shampoo
then you guys arrived in tokyo
irihata had to personally wake you all up because even naoi fell asleep and everyone fell asleep
irihata gently shook mattsun awake and when the boy opened his eyes, the older man nodded over to your form
‘gently wake her up’
as if mattsun didnt already know
thats why he softly ran the pad of his thumb on your cheek that was exposed to the air
he coos and your nose twitches, in between the border of dreams and reality
‘darling, wake up, baby bear’
also im listening to kataomoi by aimer  so that kinda influences the ‘darling
his deep voice that surprisingly reaches a level of quietness made your eyes flutter
your whole face scrunched at suddenly being woken up but the sight of mattsun’s genuine smile made you mirror it and cuddle closer for an extra dose of warmth
‘hmm, is my baby tired?’
he teasingly whispers and you nodded, snuggling even further and he gently cups your face
his hold had made your cheeks squeeze slightly together and your pout increased the cute factor 
‘nwoooo dont skweeze demmm’
you slurred and he chuckled
‘hai hai’
‘kwiss it better’
you demanded and he full on laughed before moving his hands to your jaws so he could plant many kisses on your cheeks
the repeated kisses tickled so you giggled and squirmed
‘aaaaaa mattsun-san it tickles!!!’
your playful protests forced him to stop and allow you to actually sit up
as usual, your hair was a bird’s nest and mattsun attempted to settle it out
‘hah, y/n-chan your hair is like another being itself’
he choked out and you pouted at him
‘so mean! mattsun-san is so mean! baba-san! rescue me!!’
yahaba was known in the team to be the one who fixed your hair and you trusted him the most with it
hearing his name being called, the pretty boy dashed towards you and mattsun’s seats
‘is senpai giving you trouble again? come, honey, come to baba-san’
mattsun gave him a look for the younger’s passive agressive tone
oikawa immediately dashed over right next to yahaba
‘oh? y/n-chan! oikawa-san is here!!’
iwa and kyo growled
meanwhile irihata and naoi were just done
they just wanted to get off the train like is that such a big favor?
seijoh was able to actually make it to the city and ngl, despite living in sendai, you were actually overwhelmed by the bustling city of tokyo
there were people all over the place and many cars and you were being pushed around
it didnt help that it was ltr lunch hour and a flurry of business people just flooded out of their buildings
you unconsciously gripped your bag and focused on just not tripping over people so your eyes were trained on your feet 
then in the corner of your eye, you saw a tiny animal that was in danger of being stepped on so you ofc had to go chase after it
you shouted at some people to watch out and to not step on it
but then it disappeared
the moment you looked up, everyone was gone
you panicked and your head was turning from side to side
you shouted but it seems your voice wasnt loud enough
worry and dread bubbled inside of you but you stopped, just trying to calm down and think
then you saw the flash of white again so you hurriedly ran after it, not knowing that you were straying away from the city and towards the suburbs
you noticed you were now lost at the less amount of feet walking and this wasnt the city and you were now away from the team
taking yoru eyes off of the cat, you looked around to confirm your fear and that gave the cat an opportunity to disappear again
yoo crookshanks
huffing a curse, you pulled your phone out of your bag and dialed each 
your phone wasnt reaching the boys and no one was picking up
what the heck
you ended up at some quieter and less crowded spot 
like a neighborhood
you contemplated calling natsu as he lived in tokyo but tokyo was a big city and you were at some neighborhood so its highly unlikely he would know where you are
so you just walked around, looking for a place to sit and think like a park
then you heard a distressed meow
you were just walking and hearing that loud cry of help made you stop and immediately follow the sound
‘kitty? kitty?’
you called out even though you knew fully well they didnt understand you
but the cat cried even louder and you heard another cat
it was less higher pitched and honestly, you just felt like there was another cat
as you looked around, you saw the same cat you followed after and it bobbed its head at you as if asking you to follow him
‘you want me to go with you?’
the cat blinked then turned around and started walking
‘okay then’
you took the time to inspect the actual color of the cat
it was dominantly white furred but it had multiple colored spots, mainly yellow and brown
you eventually ended up at a large tree with a cat shivering on the biggest branch
it was black and had some fur sticking out at the top of its head and it looked young so its probably a kitten
you tutted and reached out your hand but it recoiled, hissing at you
‘hey, i want to help you’
you softly said and maybe youre just doctor dolittle? 
bc it stopped hissing and started whining instead
‘kenma-san! i swear i saw it just now-’
a sudden foreign voice made the black haired cat hiss again and this time, even you were counted as a threat
the appearance by the corner of two boys made you glare at them
one was freakishly tall with grey hair and scary green eyes while the other was shorter and had bleached hair that grew out
they both wore running shorts and black shirts and they looked like they were on a run or something
then you had a thought
this guy was tall
he could help
‘hey! you!’
you waved and the boys stopped, eyes wide
they pointed to themselves and you nodded
‘yes, silly! especially the tall one!’
the other had a flash of a glare that disappeared almost immediately but the ‘tall one’ happily skipped over
‘oho, hello chibi-chan’
you puffed your cheeks out in anger at the nickname but this was not the time
‘that kitty up there is stuck. and i cant help it because its scared. and its all the way up there’
you pointed and he nodded
‘i followed that cat here too but i needed someone else. thats why i brought kenma-san’
your eyes shifted to ‘kenma-san’ who was focused on the other cat who also stared back at his spot by the tree
hmmm, they look kinda similar
‘well! we need to help it,,,,,, grandpa-san!’
taken aback by the nickname, the tall guy gasped while the blonde boy choked out a sudden laugh and you giggled
‘yea. you know cus you have gray hair’
you reasoned and he was about to retort when he stopped himself
‘no. we have more important matters in hand. kenma-san, come stand on my shoulders. chibi, use my jacket to catch it if it falls’
you scrambled to do your task but you heard kenma-san mumble
‘you cant tell me what to do’
‘oh hey! whats your name?’
you asked and the tall guy waved
‘im lev. haiba lev. first year’
‘kozume,,, kenma. im a second year’
‘oh! then nice to meet you! im l/n y/n!’
introductions had to be cut short as you all assembled
kenma wobbled while lev cringed at the obvious pain but they gritted their teeth and kenma lunged to grab the cat 
but the cat jumped away, falling to the ground where it was caught safely by you
thankfully the jacket saved you from scratching but after a few soft whispers of reassurance, the kitty calmed down and it resulted in just shaking
‘its okay. we’re okay. i got you’
you were completely oblivious to the fact that kenma and lev were on the ground, bleeding after falling, or the shout at the distance
‘kenma! lev!’
you three turned to see two groups of boys coming from two directions
on the right had a guy with black hair similar looking to the cat on your arms 
while the left had your familiar looking captain
you shouted and he ran up, eyes wide with worry
‘where were you?! why did you run off?! you shouldn’t-’
he rambled but your eyes stopped at the appearance of your familiar pink-haired cousin
you shrieked and he had an equally surprised expression
he shouted 
he started but you beat him to it
‘why are you here?!’
you pointed to the people behind him
‘im,,, a manager. im a manager for my volleyball team’
you trailed off
you knew of your cousin’s school but you didnt think you guys would meet here
‘shes your cousin?’
someone piped up from the back and natsu nodded, still looking at you
‘oya? the apple doesnt fall far from the tree, then. hello gorgeous, the names kuroo tetsurou’
kyotani started but you caught him in time, holding him in your arms
‘nooo,, calm down, kyo-san’
natsu’s nose crinkled and his mouth curled
‘ugh, nice to see you too, brat’
kyotani was held back by oikawa and iwa while your cousin was with that kuroo guy and lev
you hurried back to the rest of the team and they each glared at you but they had an obvious expression of relief
‘do that again y/n-’
‘i know, makki-san. youll use a leash backpack’
lets just say its not,,, the first time youve been lost
‘new team rule. youre holding someone’s hand at all times. no matter what, always hold us’
yahaba scolded and watari nodded
meanwhile, mattsun grabbed your hand and gripped it tight
‘youre never leaving my sight again’
his tone was different from his usual playful and teasing voice 
you knew he was very worried and that made you feel really guilty
‘im sorry’
you whispered and he pulled you to him, hugging you tightly
‘its okay. youre here right now and thats all that matters’
you nodded and you turned your head, leaning on his chest to watch oikawa yelling and shouting at this kuroo guy while your cousin and kyo were arguing and you chuckled
this was,,, chaos
‘dear god, you shouldve let me be lost for a few more hours’
you mumbled, smiling lightly when mattsun’s chest vibrated as he laughed
‘take me with you next time’
‘i will’
you hummed
oikawa screeched, stomping his way over to you
you smirked
‘oi kuroo-san! lets hang out after the match!’
oikawa screamed
a/n: now that my nekoma manager is out, i can finally have a manager x manager interaction and uwuwuwuwu just wait until i finish the others and ill do that req anon sent in ;) if you sent it in, you know what im talking about ;)
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anotheranimestan · 4 years
Asking the Boys to Deal with Mineta for You: Bakugo
Bakugo x reader
(Stay tuned for the rest of the boys!)
While you’ve become used to Mineta’s perverted antics this time he really crossed a line. You felt so uncomfortable but you couldn’t stand to be around him long enough to cuss him out. So you decide to ask your crush to step in.
After hiding in the ladies restroom for about 5 mins you finally got that icky feeling off your body from Mineta’s disgusting stares
He was even drooling this time and you had to keep yourself from gaging
You cautiously make your way down the hall to class completely dreading that you’re going to have to see him again so soon
Or ever again for that matter
On your way, you see your crush walking down the hall
Already feeling relieved you call after him
Tumblr media
“Bakugo! Wait up!”
He turned around confused and locked eyes with you through the crowd.
“What do you want, weirdo?” He said nonchalantly. Normally you’d be highly offended if someone addressed you like that but everyone knows this is as nice as Bakugo gets. He actually seemed in a good mood.
“Hey um can I ask you a favor?” Suddenly you felt less confident. Embarrassment was sweeping over your cheeks in the color red.
“Depends on what it is. I might not feel like it.” He sounded serious but you caught a undertone of curiosity in his raspy voice.
You pulled him into a corner of a doorway away from everyone. You were already cringing here, extra people were just making it worse.
“What is it? I don’t have all day!” He huffed out, leaning over you in anticipation.
Honestly his impatience was so cute to you. Especially when he started getting all huffy and irritated and the way his nose crinkles up. That adorable little grimace sitting on his lips.
Anyways...it was time to cut to the chase.
“Well, it’s just Mineta...”
“That little dipshit with the nasty balls on his head?”
“Yes. He um...well let’s just say he made me really uncomfortable a little bit ago and I’m not trying to complain- like all us girls just have to deal with him I know- but honestly it was too much this time and-“
Your rambling was cut off by a loud growl. Your heart stopped beating. Was he growling at you? Was this annoying him? You could just die at the thought.
The red hot scowl on his face wasn’t comforting you. He was breathing hard and his body was tense. Hands balled into fists. You couldn’t stop staring at his forearms, he had his sleeves rolled up and you could see every muscle bulging. Pretty soon you were gonna be the one drooling.
“I’m gonna rip his face off! I’m so fucking tired of that stupid little-“
“So you’ll talk to him for me?” You ask hesitantly. You weren’t expecting him to agree to this so fiercely.
“I’m gonna do more than that! I’m gonNA KILL HIM!” He was already whipping his way around the corner, storming straight towards your classroom.
“Wait what!?”
He bust open the door and the whole class jumped in unison.
He had already locked in on his target and was plowing towards him like a bulldozer.
Mineta let out a bloodcurdling shriek and had burst out into tears within seconds just from the sound of Baguko’s voice.
“What’s going on!?” Tenya demanded but Bakugo ignored his existence as usual.
Before you had even made it through the doorway Bakugo was towering over Mineta’s desk just throwing out a whole slew of profanities.
He slammed his fist on his desk so hard it vibrated. “GOOD LUCK TRYING TO STALK HER AFTER IM DONE WITH YOUR ASS! YOU’RE NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO WALK!”
You were starting to alarmingly regret your decision as you watched him physically CLIMB over the desks to catch Mineta who was trying to run away. He snatched him by the collar and pinned him against the wall with ease. You didn’t think he’d actually hurt him but the slight rolls of combustion you saw rumbling on Bakugo’s right hand was not promising.
“Kiri do something!” You pleaded to your red head friend who was just watching in shock with his mouth hanging open.
“Right of course!” He snapped out his daze rushing over to get his friend.
But you didn’t get to relax for longer than a second before you realize Kirishima had hardened up two fists and was HELPING Bakugo not stopping him.
Clearly you have to spell it out for these idiots.
Between Bakugo’s aggressive yelling, Kirishima egging him on, Mineta hysterically sobbing and Tenya scolding them all, your brain just about overloaded. This was all your fault! You had to stop him. Especially before Mr. Aizawa came in. You couldn’t get Bakugo in trouble, he does that enough on his own.
The thought jump started your brain. You rushed over and scooted through a opening in the desks (like a civilized person).
You pushed Kirishima out of the way and tried to talk over all the commotion. It was so loud you could barely hear yourself. At this point everyone in the class was yelling.
“Bakugo stop okay I think he gets the point! Okay he’s done! Put him down!”
You were failing miserably. When Bakugo gets this feral it damn near takes Mr. Aizawa’s quirk to put an end to it.
While you didn’t hate the idea of Mineta getting a little toasted up, you knew you’d have to pull something a little dangerous to get him to calm down.
You grabbed his Bakugo’s glowing hand.
Well, not his hand, his wrist, careful not to touch the rumbling on his palms. There was no hope of pulling his arm away from Mineta’s face, he is ten times stronger than you so you just squeezed as hard as you could to get his attention. He immediately stopped at your touch and his quirk turned off like like a switch.
His head snapped around and eyes looked at you in disbelief. Because he didn’t expect it? Or because he thinks you’re a complete suicidal dumbass for touching his hand while it’s combusting? Who knows.
Now only having to yell over Mineta’s cries, Bakugo was finally listening to you, “please put him down. I think we got our point across.”
Suddenly Mineta’s body hit the floor with a splat noise. It was gross.
“Fine!” Bakugo growled and pushed Mineta over one last time with his boot.
He stalked to his desk and sat down with a loud huff.
“Stop crying Mineta jeez.” Everyone was fed up with him especially you. He finally shut up and scurried off to hide behind Midoriya, still trembling.
“Okay, it’s over, everyone stop freaking out.” You announced and motioned them to all start minding their business again with your hands. Inside you were still panicking but you wanted to get the attention off Bakugo and his...outburst.
Successfully everyone turned back to their groups and started chattering and probably talking shit about a certain someone’s temper but it was good enough for you.
You let out a relieved sigh. Thank god it was over.
Bakugo was hunched down in his seat, arms crossed, feet up on the desk in front of him and his signature scowl hanging on his lips.
In hindsight, you probably shouldn’t have asked the literal most explosive person in class to do the job...but your heart started fluttering as you realized how far he’d gone to stick up for you. Usually he only got that angry over his own irritations. Not for someone else.
You made your way and perched yourself on top his desk.
“I think I heard if you kill a classmate you get expelled.” You teased trying to lighten his mood.
“Well at least I wouldn’t be a liar. Or a perVERT LIKE THAT ONE!” His adrenaline was clearly still pumping. His body was so tense.
An unexpected giggle escaped your lips.
“And you! Don’t laugh at me!” He barked, leaning forward now gripping the side of his desk. His face was so close to yours you could feel the heat radiating off him. “And don’t ever do some dumb shit like that again! You could have got hurt, idiot.”
“But I didn’t.” You replied sweetly. No matter how much he fussed and yelled right now you were just enamored by how cute and intense he was. “Thanks for avenging me Katsuki. I’ll return the favor sometime.” You leaned in and placed a quick kiss on his cheek and quickly fluttered over to your seat since Mr. Aizawa had finally walked in, oblivious to it all.
Bakugo grumbled something about he’d kick your ass before he let you avenge him but you swore you saw a little smile on his lips as class begun.
Read the Shinsou ver. here
More Bakugo💥 content here
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Yo, so I flew through Wrong Number, Asshole (which is 😙👌) and I thought his quirk going off over the phone was so cute. But do you think he’d be insecure about it??? Like about holding hands or trying to keep it together if his s/o says something embarrassing? And what else do you think would he be embarrassed about with s/o?
omg tysm!!! i love writing that story so much so i’m glad u enjoy it!!! we do love a good soulmate au here hehe
aNd wow what a good ask thank u for this im obsessed with it and this is gonna be soooo long omg soz
-okay so first. yes. 100,, 10000% embarrassed about it. he feels like he should have his shit together with his quirk since it’s what Bakugou’s so proud of,,,, and like that’s mostly true???
-except i personally hc that his quirk also ties into intense emotion the same way regular sweating does,,, like, if he feels rlly strongly about something, instead of normal sweating it’s just straight nitroglycerin. and he has to like actively learn how to get a handle on it as he grows too!! so like anxiety sweating? sure he’s got it under control, been there done that. scared sweating?? only gets scared in battle and he’s already exploding things by then so its all good. but love???
-oml has no iDEA how to handle it!! i fully believe bakugou’s idiotic mad brain doesn’t fall easy, but when he does , he falls hARD. so lets say he has a major major crush for the first time ever, and he’s just sweating everywhere and his skin feels like it’s on fire - mans just pops. like a bacon griddle. not full on explosions bc he’s not actively setting them off ,, but if u do something cute, something that gets his heart racing just right he’ll pop
-i kinda imagine it’s bc Bakugou can’t understand what he’s feeling bc he’s a big dumb angry person so instead of just accepting his crush he’s like “oh. my palms are exploding by themselves. and i think about s/o constantly. huh. both things at the same time must mean i want to fight them- yeah that’s it. i just wanna fight ‘em real bad.” which only leads to more little explosions.
-pLeasE heLP hIm
-but anyways, you better not say a sinGle thing about this if u see it or hear it. bc man’s is not one to be embarrassed without putting up a fight,,, and this is about explosions , something he knows,,, so he’ll be like “yeah? wanna fuckin’ make fun of me, huh? i’ll show u what to fuckin’ make fun of!” and then just decide to set off a close range explosion in his hands or blow something near u up to high hell
-what can i say, he’s an idiot??
-congratulate katsuki on the explosion tho,, tell him it was really big and scary and thats when you’ll get him reaLLY embarrassed and keep him embarrassed
-speaking of hand holding tho,, he’ll be super nervous to try at first. like he doesn’t want u to end up feeling the little pops bc you’ll ask and then he’ll have to embarrassed and explain and he just isn’t a fan of that idea alright?? quickly comes to realize tho, as he experiences it, that if you hold his hand you’ll actually smother the little explosions??? like just- nothing will happen bc there’s not enough oxygen for anything to combust unless he makes it combust. which he won’t. obviously.
-oooO and here’s sum other “embarrassing” things he does that you’re ~not allowed~ to comment on
will stare in private. just generally zone out and stare at you- don’t say anything tho!!! bc otherwise he’ll get all huffy and “what the hell are you even makin’ that stupid shit up for! I’d never be caught dead starin’ at an idiot like you” - all said while still simultaneously staring at you.
tries to impress you. like if other people are around that he think u might like, he’ll challenge them to like weird physical feats or intelligence tests or he even somehow turns telling jokes into a competition??? and he’s so competitive it’s obvious too, but u can’t say anything about it. just let him express his love through borderline violence and victory lust ig bc there’s pretty much no stopping him
will cook food for you. don’t comment on how good it tastes tho bc for some reason he finds how much he wants to take care of u majORLY embarrassing
being physically affectionate. man’s almost never grows the balls to initiate hugs or hand-holding or cuddling bc he finds it mega embarrassing to be needy so if he does?? and then you make a joke like “oh, you’re so clingy today, huh” ?? man’s will throw u away from him and never touch u again unless u ask, so just don’t say anything. pleASE
remembering small details. Bakugou’s actually pretty smart and if he likes u then he actually listens to what you have to say,,, this means he’ll remember 3 weeks ago when u said u had a test that day, and ask u about it when he sees u- don’t say any “oh! im suprised u remembered!’ or anything tho,, he’ll get huffy
-and finally, here is a lil list, as a bonus just for u my love, of normal person behaviors that you do that ??somehow?? embarrass immature and emotionally-stunted bakugou katsuki:))
If he sees you do anything embarrassing like trip, or drop food on yourself, or swallow a drink the wrong way and end up coughing, etc.,, if it was literally anyone else Bakugou would just laugh, loudly, bc he’s an ass,, but ur not just anyone else. ur his s/o and suddenly seeing you do that stuff feels so intimate!! esp bc he would’ve never even seen if in the first place if he wasnt paying so much attention to u!!!
saying hi to him first when he’s with other people. like, example, lets say he’s with the bakusquad and they’re just all just hanging out in the common room, right,, so u walk in, see them all sitting there and wave, but u say “Hi bakugou, hi guys!” just bc u were excited to see him. man’s will go rED SO FAST AND HIDE HIS FACE
bending down to tie your shoes. no explanation needed- he’s a guy.
if you go to the store and ask him if he needs anything. it’s literally so simple but for some reason his heart just seizes?? like?? ur thinking about him the same way he thinks about u all the time???? and ur concerned enough to get him something if he needs it??? please he’s goNe, just a whole-ass pile of blushing
if you’re sitting in a group and you look at him everytime something funny is said. bc ofc he’s already going to be looking at u to see ur reaction, so when ur eyes meet and you’re laughing and smiling bakugou just gets so flustered!!!
wearing an outfit he knows nobody else has seen before. this could be new clothes, his clothes, pajamas, old clothes u wouldn’t wear in public, even halloween costumes before a party???- point is, if Bakugou knows nobody else has seen you like that, and only he gets to?? boy is sO SOFT and embarrassed about it
tysm again!! this was such a fun ask!!!! <333
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