ashlynn-alex-layman · 3 years
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Hubby and I went to an aquarium outside of town today. I think I spied a selkie falling asleep on the job!
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 6 years
Marli’s cheeks flared with embarrassment. Not only had she nearly exposed the whole merfolk society, she had also let her excitement turn her into babbling mess. This human, however, simply stared at her, a gleam of blatant curiosity in her eyes - the very same that filled Marli’s a moment earlier. This stranger was different to the other humans in the town, she thought. Dark hair and dark clothes set her apart from the crowds of women strolling the docks wearing shorts and bikinis. Ashlynn. She hadn’t noticed before but she now heard the accent that confirmed she was also a tourist. It was similar to her own accent, though Marli rolled r’s hinted her more southern origin.
She wanted nothing more than to continue discussing these mystical items- the very ones that, Marli noticed, Ashlynn clutched tightly now. But a thought still tugged at her mind, telling her to leave the conversation. Marli fought with it. So far, the humans she had encountered were fun, welcoming and nothing like the stories from her home…well, save for one headache of a human.
“I’m Marli,” she said. “I…I’m studying as a maritime archaeologist here.” Her mentor had mentioned the human name for their profession. A clever guise that easily explained her knowledge of that mirror.
Her attention was then pulled towards the box she had been so quick to dismiss. It was really quite beautiful, fit for a queen and her esteemed court. Its golden accents sparkled under the sunlight and Marli revelled in its delicate beauty. She glanced back to the silver mirror, also twinkling in the sun, and wondered, for the first time, how it had made its journey from the Mediterranean. They had both withstood centuries, so it was possible they’d have been all over the world, although Marli’s first guess for the mirror was undoubtedly merfolk. A Mediterranean pod probably relocated to this area and the mirror was somehow lost to the humans.  Marli didn’t know much about human history, but it was often tied to merfolk tales. 
“My guess is that both artefacts were family heirlooms of some sort. And were brought to Australia along with the mass immigration in the 20th century. That would make sense for the mirror, as it was a common item amongst high society in Greece…” 
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No way would the woman suspect Merfolk origins, Marli thought. “The box is…well, your guess is a good as mine. And,” she paused, hearing commotion in building beside them. “…Where did you get them? That shop?” She nodded to the store just as an anxious looking human - the owner, she supposed - walked out.
Ashlynn was impressed by Marli’s position. It certainly explained her fascination with antiques and how she was so knowledgeable. “A marine archaeologist? How exciting! You ever seen anything cool during your studies? Megalodons? Kelpies? Krakens? Mermaids?” Ashlynn asked, speaking faster and louder as she went through her list, then realised how unprofessional that was and laughed at herself. “I’m sorry, I’m a true believer. Myths and legends just get me so excited. I’m actually an antiques dealer, so if your archaeological team ever picks up something that a museum doesn’t want you should give me a call.”
Ashlynn transferred the brush into her left hand on top of the jewelry box and then quickly fished out a business card and passed it to new friend. She then separated the treasures again, checking both over for scuffs or scratches. Once she was satisfied they were fine she added, “Even if you just want to chat about a cool expedition or an awesome find, send me a message or call me. I love hearing about that sort of stuff.”
She nodded as she listened to the brunette’s theory. It was interesting, but... It was so unimaginitive. “That does sound plausible, however, counter theory, they were stolen by pirates! Those pirates were attacked somewhere in the Indian ocean by a giant sea serpent and their treasure was scattered across the world by the sea. These items eventually washed up in Western Australia and- and the spirits of those pirates are still tied to their treasure, waiting for the right person to pick it up! Bam! Ghost pirates! Wouldn’t that be awesome?”
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“And yeah, I-” she began to tell Marli, before she was interrupted by the owner as she bustled out and latched onto the items in Ashlynn’s grasp.  “You can’t just walk out with these. You need to pay for them,” the woman reprimanded, trying to wrestle them out of Ashlynn’s grip. Ashlynn held on for dear life as the lady tried to pull them away.  “I am definitely going to pay for them. Right now,” she agreed, voice strained by the struggle, and was led back inside the store by her grip on the artifacts.
A Mystery Awaits | Open
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 6 years
Marli gave an involuntary squeak as the woman jumped in front of her. She would have run right into her had it not been for her sudden greeting. Marli had been running an errand for her boss, who had, to her surprise, given her the rest of the afternoon off. And, as dull as it sounded, she had decided to spend it walking. If she was going to be on land this much she may as well not look like an idiot.
Slowly, she raised her head. The stranger stared at her, waiting for a reply. Then Marli saw the objects she held and her eyes widened.
Without a second thought, she snatched the mirror out of the woman’s hand and examined it. A hand mirror, early 16th…no, 15th century design, with beautifully detailed carvings etched around the worn silver frame. Pulling the mirror closer to her face, not really caring how shocked the woman might have been, she said aloud, “The carvings around the frame suggest mid-15th century design, and - oh -” Marli turned the mirror over “- this is definitely Greek, not ancient though, so think Ottoman empire. Notice the subtle Turkish design? You can see in the shape of it - round glass, strong handle. And the glass! Oh, it was obviously made by mer-”
Marli stopped herself before she could say ‘merfolk’. “…Made in the Mani Peninsula,” she lied, although she did recall there being an old merfolk kingdom in the area.
“You know what?” she said, shoving the mirror back into the lady’s hand. “I, uh…” Marli looked longingly at that mirror and wondered whether humans took kindly to others taking their things. She could just grab it back when the human wasn’t looking and then she’d have the whole afternoon to discover its secrets. She chewed on her lip as she debated with her options. 
Finally, giving up, she said, “You know, I guess the box is also nice.”
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The stranger she had picked practically jumped her when they saw the hand mirror. It was a young woman with brown chocolatey hair, actually it made Ashlynn think of that Australian chocolate bar she had tried earlier that week called a 'curlywurly'. Yes, she definitely had curlywurly hair and cute hazel eyes that twinkled when the light hit them. Actually she loked a bit like a fairy. 'The curlywurly fairy', I wonder if I should write about her in my blog, Ashlynn thought as the lady stared at the mirror intently. 
Next the young woman started blurting theories about the mirrors origin excitedly at Ashlynn. This fairy did not mess around with introductions or idle small talk, she got straight into. Ashlynn also noticed she didn't have the nasally accent that all the natives had and wondered if she too, was on holiday.
The lady had confirmed a number of the features that Ashlynn had noted when she had picked it up, though she would need a historian to certify it before any buyers would look at it. Although with the excitement this girl displayed, Ashlynn felt like she might already have a buyer. The only thing she wasn't sure about was the glass. She didn't know of any significant glass makers in the Manni Penisila during the 15th century, but perhaps she was getting confused between the 15th and 16th century.
She grapsed the handle tightly this time. She felt a little nervous about losing it now that someone else knew its worth. The girl had completely overlooked the jewelry box hough, which was quite a find as well. She seemed quite young so it was likely due to inexperience.
“You have quite an eye, missy,” Ashlynn said, eyebrows raised, “I’m Ashlynn. What should I call you?”
"And you know, this isn't just nice. It's an 18th century box from India. It may not be as old as the mirror, but if I'm correct these boxes were given out by the queen to members of her court who earned her favour. It was thought that only 25 of these boxes were made and that only 12 remained, but I believe we may have discovered a 13th here! Now tell me, how does a 18th century Indian jewelry box and a 15th century Greek hand mirror, end up in Australia?"
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A Mystery Awaits | Open
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 6 years
A Mystery Awaits | Open
A speckled hand mirror sat in an ornate silver frame and beside it was a carved pale wooden jewelry box with gold accents that Ashlynn was certain was from the 18th century. She fiddled with her wedding band and leaned closer to scrutinize them better. Both were worth much more than this store was selling them for, but which would her customers want more. She was in half a mind to buy them both, but she knew her boss would not appreciate such impulsiveness. 
She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and brought up her husbands number. Whenever she was unsure she asked her other half, but today she felt as though she shouldn’t use her trump card. Perhaps I should see if I can find a fortune teller in town. It’s always better get a tarot reading when you feel something strange, she mused thinking back to earleir that day about if she had seen any signs for that sort of thing. She vaguely remembered the shop beside the cafe they’d had breakfast at had done readings... And she had suggested she and Emmett get a couples reading done, but then he had said he was going to do some nature photography because of the weather... That’s why she couldn’t call him! If his phone went off then it disturb the nature and the photo would be a huge mess.
“Then.. I will buy...” Ashlynn murmured, hand swaying between both of them, she was sort of hoping one of them would be haunted and that a ghost hand might pull her toward the object it was possessing. Niether one did anything special, just a slight gleam would have been enough, but they sat there dormant. With a groan Ashlynn grabbed both of them and marched outside, accompanied by an alarmed squark from the store owner.
She stepped in the way of someone passing and held both objects up toward them. She hoped they were a local who might know about the objects, or maybe a clairvoyant tourist.
“Hi! Do you feel anything when you look at either of these? Better yet, do you know anything about these objects?”
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 6 years
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We are all packed up! We just have to drop off our baby with my parents and then we will be on our way to the airport. Emmett took some halloween photos with him since we won’t be home for the holiday. We got him two outfits this year and he will choose which one he wants to wear on the day. 
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 6 years
I've been reading up on Australian folklore and now I know our trip is going to be awesome! They have so many cool monsters over there. Here's a picture I found of one of them. I hope we get to see all of the local creatures!
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 6 years
Not sure which pair of black shoes to bring. Will I need jackets? Is it Autumn in Australia too?
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 6 years
Announcement! We are going on another holiday!
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It’s finally time to start prepare to set off! I’ve packed all of our occult hunting essentials. In the middle you can see my beastiary (I put it together myself), the herbs and rocks are for protection against various monsters I’m hoping we'll see, and of course I packed candles in case we do a seance (don’t worry, the Ouija board is safe under the beasiary). I’m going to have to ask Emmett ( @emmett-layman ) if I can pack my clothes in his case though... He should understand!
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 8 years
Vacay Outfit 2
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Another day, another deliciously dark outfit! Photographed by @emmett-layman.
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 8 years
Scary Sighting on Day 2!
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A possessed scarecrow we had lunch with today! Every time he moved Hub-Hub looked away. These creatures yearn for blood to fertilize their soil and will kill careless couples to produce bountiful crops for their masters. Lucky for my hubby I’m too knowledgeable about the supernatural to be considered careless. I tried to get some action out of this guy, but even with my eyes closed he didn’t try to pounce. He only twitched when the wind blew.
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 8 years
Were Warning
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The roadtrip is looking promising so far. Spotted a wolf during the drive, and I think its obvious to everyone that there’s more to this creature than meets the eye. By his size and fur pattern, you can clearly see that he’s a shifter, lycan, loup garou, or werewolf if you prefer. Hubby didn’t pull over fast enough so I didn’t get a closer look before he ran off, but I have a feeling he’s from a large and powerful family. I expect we’ll see more of these ferocious predators the further into our journey we get.
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ashlynn-alex-layman · 8 years
Vacay Outfit 1
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Check out my first roadtrip outfit! Hub hub edited the photo exactly how I wanted it!
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