#and i cannot get a second job bc i frankly can not handle it at all + what hours would i even work
hauntedwoman · 29 days
as badly as i want to avoid my mom she is making it extremely difficult
#i feel really bad that im so angry at her and she doesnt even know it#but my entire living situation is making me miserable right now and its her fault#she charges me $50 in rent every week and shes increasing it to $125 a week at the end of the month#the only reason this is happening is because she FORCED ME to drop out and the only other alternative was that i had to work full time + pa#rent.............. but like at my job even if im working 40 hrs a week ill only be making abt $900 a month#so i will barely have anything leftover for myself after rent#and i cannot get a second job bc i frankly can not handle it at all + what hours would i even work#and my mom refuses to understand that the reason i had to drop out is bc i am so depressed and so suicidal and i just dont want to live#she doesnt acknowledge that im disabled and severely mentally ill#every time i try to talk about my mental health she treats me like im such a burden to her even though i literally never tell her anything#personal anymore bc she just doesnt listen or care#ALSO she FORCED ME to move across the country and transfer schools when i really did not want (hence why i flunked all of my classes bc i d#not care) but like. everything thats wrong in my life rn is bc i do not want ot live where im living and theres no way for me to go back to#texas and also i dont rly wanna live w my dad either#but anyways. this whole situation would be better if my mom was using me paying rent as an actual lesson in adult respinsibility#but it's really just a punishment because i cant function the way she wants me to#and im over it#so fucking over it why am i such a pussy why cant i just die
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weakforjaskier · 4 years
any favorite fics to share? links please xx
Hello anon! Sorry for the delay
I hope you like geraskier bc that’s all I’m reading and probably the only fics I’ll read for a long long time. I adore our two idiots so much!
All of these are one-shot or completed
Every Second into More by      Morcalivan (one shot)
As much as he hated to admit it, Jaskier was one of those who had peaked in high school. Back then he had been universally adored and had people left and right begging for his attention. The years since then? No so much any of that. When he received the invitation to his high school reunion, it could not have come at a worst time; not only could he barely book enough jobs to stay alive, but he was woefully single. What he did have was the old standby: lying through his teeth. All he needed was one hot distraction in the form of the one person he could never get to look at him twice: Geralt.
This was so much fun to read and the smut at the end is fantastic.
Julian     by  vands88 (one shot)
Inspired by Spencer B’s ballet AU
Jaskier was a child prodigy who burned out before he was sixteen. Now he's going from job to job with no aim in life until he meets Geralt Rivia - the famously strong ballet dancer who has also fallen from grace after an accident that he still blames himself for.
Geralt sees a potential dance partner in Jaskier and maybe even a chance for redemption. Jaskier, meanwhile, just wants to get laid.
I loved their characterizations and everything about them. AUs are obsession for me so this one fulfilled all of my cravings
In a Little Corner That We Call Home (I Loved You From the Start)     by @ohmygoshwhatascream
Jaskier falls in love with all who he meets, gifting pieces of his heart to anyone will have him.
He gives and gives and never once does he take back, but he convinces himself that he is happy. He sings of love and lust and heartache in musty taverns and dirty bars and he never stays in the same place. Always moving, always running. Always hiding.
But then he meets Geralt and their lives become intertwined. Geralt becomes his destiny and with it, he holds the key to his heart.
The thing with hearts, however, is that once you give someone your heart in all its entirety, you cannot take it back. And Geralt is not used to handling such delicate things and this time Jaskier can't just run away.
This author broke my heart in thousand of pieces and put it back together but my heart will never be the same and that’s okay. This is one of the best fics I’ve read and believe me when I say it because I’ve read a lot of stuff. It’s not an easy read. There is a lot of angst and Jaskier is tortured in one of the chapters and it made me sick to read it but at the end is so worht it.
Guardian of the Soulless by    @starrose17
Modern!AU. Geralt has just left a relationship with Yennefer, the boss of a top London crime family. They leave on good terms, and he stays as a bodyguard for hire to be called upon when needed. He has every reason to believe his life will carry on as normal, but he barely gets two footsteps down the street before he finds a noisy angel amongst his monsters of the crime world.  Jaskier has no idea what he's gotten himself involved with, and frankly he's more excited for it. Cue Jaskier finding a heart to call home, and Geralt realising love is what he'd always been missing. 
Another amazing fic. The sex scenes are the hottest I’ve ever read. The action is so so great, you are looking for emotions? You will have a ton of emotions reading this. The end is fantastic. I will cherish this fic forever
we can help each other (we can heal together)    by @marvelousmaize
Her eyes are still too narrow, too shrewd. It unnerves Jaskier. Then, softly, Yennefer adds, “Your feelings for Geralt - I had not realized.”
Jaskier snorts, but does not pretend to misunderstand. “That’s quite alright. He never did either, if it’s any consolation.”
This fic is everything I want in a post ep 6 fix it. Pining, idiots in love, found family, happy ending. This fic will heal all you wounds.
I hope you enjoy them and remember to leave kudos and comments for the authors.
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neoyi · 4 years
How do u think the rest of the order feels abt propeller knight like not as a partner but just as like. A person. Bc we do see him interact with others in showdown but it's not all of the order and u said u like talking abt him so im 👀
Oh Dapper, thank you for this. Bless you for giving me an excuse to talk more about Propeller.
*cracks knuckles* Okay, let’s get this show going!
King Knight: The narrative always hinted King Knight was a false ruler before King of Cards confirmed that yes, he was a commoner playing pretend, often exaggeratedly so. King Knight’s appearance is the very definition of a stereotypical monarch, essentially strapping a golden neon sign to his back to draw people to his presence and stature.
Which is why he’s irritated at Propeller every time the latter so much speaks, acts, and gestures like the prim and proper man that he is. It’s not known if Propeller is (or was) nobility or merely playing the part (remember, he is an entertainer, so he acts), but compared to King, Propeller’s upbringing is subtle and therein lies King’s annoyance. Rulers should be boisterous and commanding, sit on thrones and denounce anyone below their status, dress richly, eat gobs of turkeys and ale, etc.
By contrast, Propeller dresses fashionably, but sensibly. He talks down to common folks, but nary is there a throne in site. And no turkey legs or goblets? He drinks wine???????? Sure, nobles all do this, but where’s the finesse? Where’s the totalitarian force? Where are all the peasant folks kneeling before Propeller’s feet????????????? It would compel King Knight to boast to Propeller that he’s Totally a Noble Person Who Can Do Noble Person Stuff Better Than Him.King Knight would claim that he’s well-educated and can speak like twenty different languages and the only reason he isn’t is because he can order other people to do it for him (this shortly after Propeller casually state he can speak five languages) and everyone gifts him with extravagance and the Gods bless him and everyone just loooooooooves and worships him sooooooooo much. He is definitely 100% a King and therefore knows more about this kind of stuff than Propeller does. Why does people listen to Propeller anyway? Why is everyone swooning over this guy? Why does everyone LIKE him? Goddamn it, why is everyone flocking to that damnable pirate’s parties? Why isn’t anyone coming to HIS parties? He’s King, damn it! Everyone should do what HE commands!
King Knight would never, ever admit defeat, but inside, he is fuming because somewhere in that Chad Brain of his, he knows Propeller has lived a life he wants so badly and has done so with bells and whistles. And damning of all, Propeller is admired because he is approachable, never looking so far down other people that he cannot engage conversation with them as an equal. King Knight though, he has not a single friend to share his luxury with...
Specter Knight: Specter Knight would take one look at Propeller’s lifestyle and silently scoff, “Foolish. He wastes his days away drunk and indifferent. He has never known hardship, not the way I have. He knows not of True Suffering. What loss has he ever endured?“
Specter does not know of his Rose and what meaning it carries for him. How can he proclaim to know what Propeller’s life is like? In fairness, Specter doesn’t make the effort to bond with the other Order members nor does he want to, but if he had, he’d know the two of them have some commonalities beyond their opposing personalities.
Say what you will of his stoicism, Specter Knight absolutely lives up to his Grim Reaper appearance and has the dramatic chops to match it. Propeller would 100% encourage this, “Yes, yes! Raise your hand into a fist. Curse the heavens! Let the wind flow through your ugly cloak. Don’t just act as Death, BE Death!”
(Specter would be SO bugged that Propeller Knight willingly cheers for him. God, what a fucking tool that man is. When is he ever NOT happy?)
Also can you imagine the two talking about their stolen goods?
propeller: i lost my rose. it was locked in a chest, kept safe from sticky fingers. but alas...specter: ...I lost something close to me as well, also pilfered from a chest i kept it in.propeller: that’s rough buddy.
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Unlike King Knight whom Specter Knight UTTERLY despises, the most he’d behave in front of the equally luminous Propeller is bemusement. If the two of them were handcuffed and forced to work together, expect Specter to sigh in exasperation because Propeller just had to run off into danger instead of devising a plan, dragging the poor guy with him. At least Propeller is friendly enough. They’d argue, but when push comes to shove, he’ll stick by and fight by his side. Propeller Knight is a dandy, but he’s not delusional. Thank the Troupple God.
Plague Knight: Plague Knight can, will, and has insulted just about every person he's met. He takes one good look at Propeller, what with the rose, the exaggerated gestures, the funky accent, and doofy heli-helmet and conclude that he is an over-dramatic DORK. And he will tell it straight to Propeller’s face. He HAS said it straight to Propeller’s face, calling him an “Airhead.”
But Propeller, like any snooty French person, throws as much shade back. Plague Knight will only pretend this doesn’t hurt him as much as it likely does.
Plague Knight’s story throughout Plague of Shadows had him constantly at war with his intrusive thoughts. Some days are better than others and the rest is an eternal struggle not to succumb to his low self-esteem. Other days, he internalizes what people think of him and it sucks. Secretly, he might even be jealous of Propeller’s endless charisma and think, how dare? How DARE this fancy dumbass have a legion of swooning people when he can barely muster a finger to confess to Mona how he feels.
I could also imagine the fear coursing through Plague’s veins if he ever caught Propeller attempting to flirt with Mona. She’s not interested, but Plague would not see that and instead think, “I’m not worthy of her because I’m not a good alchemist. I’m not suave and handsome, I’m just a Gremlin.” It doesn’t matter that he knows Propeller isn’t Mona’s type, when you have low self-esteem, it is very, very hard to get the goblins out of your brain.
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It is so much easier to take potshots at him in return. At least that gives Plague a degree of control over his doubts.
Mole Knight: ...would frankly, be offended, OFFENDED, by Propeller’s philosophy. Because excuse ME, if a person doesn’t work, then he doesn’t deserve his earnings. If a person doesn’t have a set schedule, then the whole system goes out the window and then what? If all you’re doing is getting drunk and lazily parading around, hosting parties or shindigs or box socials or whatever, then YOU SIR, are the worst of humanity. Breaking your back through your job is the only time you can ever claim to boast “I deserve this.”
If Mole Knight ever caught Propeller pilfering priceless artifacts or gems in HIS city, he is going to beat the crap out of that man.
Treasure Knight: We’ve already seen how they act around each other in Showdown: mutual respect through familiar rapport via shared occupations. Despite radically different personalities, they’re both pirates, so there’s a kinship right then and there.
Treasure wouldn’t easily be offended or thrown off by Propeller’s sunny persona or energetic playfulness anyway; he’s been described as someone who works best under pressure and his general stoicism implies an unflappable man, one who also maintains a business-like structure. Treasure can handle Propeller’s energetic antics fine and might even enable it with expectations that this is simply becoming of pirates. He certainly enough of a good sport to engage in a friendly bet with him ...until his greed kicks in.
The only time he counters Propeller is by backstabbing him just because he happened to have more cash flow. Nothing personal, my fellow criminal, just business.
Farther example of his avarice pops up in Mole Knight’s story where Treasure intended to betray Mole and take off with both their share of Gems (funnily, Mole also planned to do the same) before the two hashed out an agreement (for the time) to stick to their own grounds. He’d do the same for Propeller: he has seas while that man has the skies.) After all, he at least has to respect a man who holds up his end of the bargain and pays in full.
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Tinker Knight: We’re also privvy to Tinker and Propeller’s interaction in Showdown. As the Order’s sole morally guided member, Tinker is automatically cordial to others. Surrounded by a band of thieves, chaotic nutbags, and other misfits, he sees fit to be kind and engage an open hand to work together regardless.
I can see why he gets along with Propeller swimmingly. Tinker is nice, Propeller is sociable. The only time Tinker ever retaliates is because Propeller not only lied to him to save face, but refused to even sit down and think logically for a second. Tinker has a nasty temper, but once he cools down, he and Propeller just goes back to being buddies again. Like they both have the type of personality where they can let bygones be bygones.
I also think it’s lovely that Tinker, a short, stout man who spends most of his time tampering with machinery in dark corners easily befriends a social butterfly who on surface level, acts shallow. It’s such a dramatic contrast. Even Specter Knight and Propeller Knight share some similarities through sheer dramatics and devotion to their appearance and reputation, but Tinker and Propeller Knight are leagues apart. It’s essentially a nerd befriending the popular kid in school.
I should also add, if Propeller can genuinely take to heart something from Tinker that is otherwise contradictory to his personal choice of living, then you got the makings of a very sincere friendship.
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Polar Knight: I don’t think he’d understand anything about Propeller’s life, but if he has any opinions on it, he keeps it tightly locked. He probably doesn’t care, not enough to judge anyway. This is beneath him. Polar probably thinks that about all the Order members: neutral and apathetic. He’s got his own issue to deal with. At east that French Baguette isn’t some cowardly fool; he actually backs up his boasting with that sword of his, unlike that simpering alchemist.
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elena-reina · 5 years
Paperwork - Loki Laufeyson x Reader
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Request: Loki from the avengers really wants to hang out with the reader but she is always busy and he gets really sad and she feels really bad for him. i hope this made sense, thank you! - Anon
A/N: So like my Valentines Day was shit bc my boyfriend wanted to act like a piece of shit and treat me like a piece of shit- so I just don’t really have all the lovey-dovey feelings in me. Overall I don’t really like how I wrote this, but I know I took long to get to this. Hopefully you like it.
Warnings: Sad Loki
You sat on your couch silently reading your book when a soft knock was heard coming from your bedroom door in the tower. You placed a bookmark on the page you were currently reading and tiredly walked to the door. 
You knew it was about to be six o' clock in the morning, but your body wasn't allowing you to sleep the night prior. You suffered with insomnia. You wanted to be able to sleep however every time you tried, you would wake up five minutes later. And to top it all off, you knew you had so much work to do in an hours time. Maybe even in thirty minutes.
Currently, Tony was still throwing another one of his famous parties. It wasn’t like it was anything foreign, you’ve gotten used to them by now. But you preferred to be left alone in your room. You had made one rule strictly clear to Tony. 
No one is allowed to come up bothering you.
However it did puzzle you as to who would be at your door this early. Couldn’t be any of the Avengers, because you're sure they're all either dead-beat tired, way far off drunk, or just trying to toy with you. It can’t be any of your other friends because they treasure their sleeping time. And Loki, well you're sure Loki wouldn't have come-”
"Oh hey, Loki?" you answered surprised when you opened the door.
He bowed his head. "May I?" he asked. 
You nodded and stepped back to give him room to walk in. He slowly walked in and went to the middle of the room. You slowly closed the door and walked behind your boyfriend. 
"Are you alright? You don't usually come over this early-"
He spun around and immediately pressed his lips to yours. You widened your eyes in surprise but then closed them in pleasure. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. This kiss was a bit more rough and desperate compared to his usual gentle and soft ones. He pulled away and looked down. 
"I know it's early, but this is one of my only chances I get to spend some time with you without an interruption," he muttered. 
You frowned. "Did something happen back in Asgard?" you asked.
He shook his head. "No," he lied, "I just want to spend some time with you."
You nodded unconvinced and led him over towards your bed. He sat down and rested his head against the headboard. "Did you want to watch a movie? I don't have many but I do have the Harry Potter series, The Fault in Our Stars, Titanic, and the Lego Movie.”
"It's up to you my flower," he responded. 
You smiled lightly and put in the Lego Movie. It wasn't a sappy chick flick, that you knew he wouldn't like, and it was funny. Plus, something seemed to be bothering him and you wanted to lighten the mood.
Once it began to start, you crawled onto your bed and sat up next to Loki. You tangle your legs with his and laid your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, providing warmth. You smile and snuggle into his chest as he kissed the top of your head and rests his chin on it. But within fifteen minutes into the movie, your eyelids began to droop. And soon enough, you fell into a deep slumber until later in the morning.
"Attention Agent Y/L/N! Report to the main corridor right now!"
You jolted awake and immediately grabbed your walkie-talkie from the table on the side of your bed.
"Be right there," you mumbled and tossed it on the side of your bed. You looked up at Loki to see him peacefully sleeping against the headboard. He's going to have such a pain in his neck when he wakes up. You frown and get off of Loki's lap. You went into your bathroom and changed out of your pajamas and into your regular work attire. 
"Agent Y/L/N!" your walkie-talkie screamed from your room.
You groaned and rushed to grab it so Loki was not woken up. You pressed the mic and spoke into it. "I'm on my way, give me one second." 
You clip it to your waist band and tiredly run your brush through your Y/H/C hair. You've only gotten an hour of sleep and you knew you were not in the mood for any loud noises coming from your walkie-talkie.
You tiredly rubbed your eyes and yawned. You put your brush down on a table and was about to exit when a hand gripped your wrist. You turned your head and met those familiar pair of green eyes. They looked just as tired as yours but his looked more distressed. 
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"I have to go to work. I'll try to finish up as quickly as possible, I don't have that much work," you said.
"If it's not that much work, could you not possible stay with me?" he asked.
You frowned at his response. "Loki, I really want to but-"
"Agent Y/L/N, would you please report to the main corridor!" it yelled once more.
"I'm on my damn way! Can a woman not get ready first?!" you screamed back into it.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes and looking back at Loki. "I'm sorry, baby. I can't stay. I'll see you after work, give me a few hours, okay?" you frowned, lightly holding onto his cheek.
He sighed lightly and nodded looking down. He let go of your wrists and groaned from the pain in his neck. 
Knew it.
You lightly pressed your lips to his and gave him a tight embrace. Before your walkie-talkie was going to go off again, you quickly rushed out of your room.
You sat at your desk rubbing your temples. You had just completed a week's paperwork done in a day and need a break. You closed your eyes for one second and rested your head on your hand.
 All you really wanted to do was get a good nights rest with Loki. He always gave you this warmth that made you feel safe and protected from harm. He was the one that made you feel like you could go to oblivion with. You were about to doze off when a voice rang through the room.
"Hello, Y/N!" Thor's loud booming voice yelled.
You opened your eyes and gasped in a slight panic from the sudden loud noise but calmed when you saw him. Your head was pounding and you gave him a weak smile. "Oh, hey Thor."
"Is everything alright, miss?" he asked looking at your tired state," You look a bit disheveled."
"Yeah... everything is just-" you paused and yawned, but quickly covered your mouth while doing so, "Everything is just fine."
"Would you like anything?" he asked.
"Mmm, a coffee would be nice," you mumbled, rubbing your eyes.
"Right away," he grinned.
"Thank you," you called as he walked off to get your coffee, going back to work.
A few hours later you finally finished all your work and can relax for maybe a day or two. You ran your hand through your hair for the millionth time and slowly lowered your head to your desk.
A loud bang suddenly was on your desk and you immediately raised your head. In front of you was Agent Fury with a bunch of papers stacked and piled on top of each other. A flash of agony showed in your eyes as you stared at the white papers.
"You're my best Agent Y/N," he winked with his one available eye," I know you can handle this, right?"
You sighed and nodded your head not wanting to disappoint him. He was like a father to you. "Yes of course, I'll get to it right away sir," you said forcing a smile.
"This is why you're my favorite," he grinned and walked away. You mentally cried as you grabbed some of the paperwork to get started on.
Loki then walked in and had a faint smile. "Hello my flower," he spoke.
You smiled upon hearing his name. "Hey, is everything alright?" you asked.
"Everything is perfect," he grinned as bent down to press his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss and pulled away.
"What's got you in such a good mood?" you asked.
"Seeing my beautiful flower. Come with me, won't you?" he smiled.
You had a smile present on your face but soon slowly faded into a frown. "Loki... I-" you trailed off.
"Is there a problem?" he questioned.
"Uhm- not with you, but with my job and all the work I have to do yes. I really want to go with you, but if I do not get this done now, I'll be busy for who knows how long else," you frowned.
"Oh." was all he said. He nodded and walked out with his head hung low.
"Loki, wait!" you frowned. But he never came back.
"Agent Y/L/N," Fury called once more carrying more paperwork.
"Ugh," you groan as he approached your desk once more.
Finally, it was the end of your work shift. Your brain was fried. 
No more. 
You cannot handle anymore work. Agent Fury kept piling work on your desk from the last hour. You managed to get it all done, however it was a struggle with you not being able to say no. 
You finished the last paper and stood up immediately. You cracked your sore knuckles and yawned. You looked at the time and it wasn't as bad as it could be. It was only four in the afternoon and the sun was still shining.
You quickly were about to walk out, but Agent Fury came back. 
"Where are you going Y/L/N?" he asked.
"Look, Fury, I love you to death but I've been working my ass off the entire last month and this month. I've taken as much work as I can right now and if do anymore I'm going to go crazy...but...," you paused, "But I need to go see Loki because he's been slightly off and I need to see what's wrong with him. So please, just this once let me have a-"
"I respect you Y/N, and frankly you're still my favorite because you know how to get the job done. Go see him," he grinned and walked of.
You let out a huge breath of relief and began to run to the living room where you'd expect him to be. But no one was there. You furrowed your eyebrows and searched everywhere in the tower but still no one was around. You stomped your foot once you reached the lab. You'd expect at least Bruce to be there of all people. But he wasn't.
"JARVIS, where is everybody?" you asked placing your hands on your hips.
"Master Y/L/N everyone has left the Stark tower about four hours ago and has not returned. Master Laufeyson ordered them to earlier while you were away," he replied.
"Thank you, JARVIS," you said and walk out of the lab.
Was Loki still in the Stark Tower or did he go back to Asgard?
You knew he wasn't in any of the room that you've searched in and sighed in defeat going back to your room. You'd wait for Thor to come back so that you could ask him to help you locate Loki. After all, he is his brother and he has the power to go to Asgard to search for you.
You walked tiredly to your room and opened it. It was awfully dark despite the fact that it was still sunny outside. The curtains were closed making so it was dark. The was a lump in your bed and you knew exactly who it was.
You closed your door and slowly made your way to the curtains, you opened them slightly so you could see better, but so that it was still a bit dark for Loki. You made your way over towards your bed and stood there frowning at your boyfriend. He was wrapped up in your duvet and holding one of your pillows close to his chest.
His cheeks had little tear stains on them which made your eyes sting from wanting to cry. All Loki wanted to do was hang out with you, his girlfriend. The one who accepted him despite everything his is and what he's done in his past, but you kept pushing him away to do your stupid job. And you would've been done earlier if it wasn't for Agent Fury.
"Baby..." you whispered and slowly crawled onto the bed.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked at you. "Y/N?" he asked, slowly waking up.
"Loki, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry... I was just really busy and if I didn't get most of that done today then I would be busy for who knows how long and I'm just sorry," you spoke all at once.
"I wasn't crying...," he muttered.
You weakly smiled and rolled your eyes sadly. "Loki, you don't have to lie. You're human... well a God... but you know what I mean! I'm just so sorry. It won't happen again," you frowned," I must seem like the biggest jackass right now."
"Don't say such things about yourself, my love," he whispered sitting up and pulling you onto his lap. "I love you for you and you are flawless in my eyes."
You smiled and grabbed the back of his neck. You pulled him towards you and pressed your lips against his. You ran your free hand through his black raven hair and giggled as you both fell to your sides while kissing each other. You pulled away and smiled as he laughed. 
"I love you so much, my flower," he whispered, pushing away the hair out of your face.
"I love you too," you smiled and snuggled into his chest.
And later that night you both stayed up watching movies all night and cuddled without any interruptions.
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top1course · 4 years
Proven Copywriting Formula That Works – The Structure of Persuasive Copy – Dan Lok
Dial lost part of the workshop the most important part so, keep your energy High, dude up on me okay can you do it yeah it’s okay I wouldn’t be doing my job if I now you learn something, basic principles what I want to do is I want to give you a formula, that you could walk to even take home with so you can when you’ve cracked myself a message to Candice just follow this step-by-step, and I’m going to also do a demonstration what I’m going to do, you can see up before, bad Coffee, after I use exact formula and see the after and then I’ll show you the results again some behind-the-scenes, stop you like that, so what am I companies, coco PC real estate with the number one real estate school in British Columbia, so before he’s our website you can see it’s a typical website yes, Set of corporate branding yes so on average the website most of the time you get us news, referrals, so on our website we only get about three new students among that’s pretty pathetic yes., how many thing we can do better than that, yeah that’s my perception that we could do better than that, so on average this is bringing it’s nice you could say it’s nice, but you look at a number is that nice, now it’s not so nice, so his what, the magic building blocks of cells copy that sells products like crazy, how many recognized that’s also a headline, yes, the magic the building blocks of sales copy that sells apocalypse racing, so, and there are 10 steps I’ll go through them pretty quickly, your headline, opening, you have credentials, yep offer, yeah bullets give testimonials, valid justification risk-reversal call to action, an emergency those are 10 building blocks, 10 golden blocks, now depends on what you still sometimes I might have more to the building blocks before now I just want to give you, formulaic approach, to this, headline opening credentials offer bullet testimonios, dollar justification risk-reversal called action, urgency, how many building blocks, 1010 abees, headline opening don’t worry about writing them down so much okay cuz they said would Falls post up on the website, but for now just know they are how many steps 10, so let me give you the two quick headline effective reading strategies, they’ll probably 20-30 different headline template but when I was just want to give you to two of my favorite, common ones I use, the first one is called State the claim as a question, did the Cleavers what, yeah so it would be who else wants to, black, who else wants to, a proven headline or would you like to, Who else wants to or would you like to throw you say to claim as a.
Question ask a question, question, so, he is our new page, which is a squeeze page and then squeeze page, are we asking it snow from that corporate look, do this, let me read the question for you would you like to make a fifty thousand hundred thousand half-a-million in the highly, lucrative real estate market in British Columbia, and his E-boat where would you send your friends out of secret to getting your, inside real estate license, and then here again it’s a benefit inside a secret I’m giving him something for what, for free, inside a secret also and other proven headline inside of Secrets 2., to getting your real estate license in the fastest time, possible, is there a benefit yes or no, so I can see, question headline, Next one is linked to subject music, meaning., people read news because they want to know what is, needle, so when you enter conversations in the mine and you answer the question what’s Neal it captures the attention so people love to dance, discover new things that are new and interesting and want to keep you know what was going on so you think about it, what is a tin in when you log into your Facebook, let me send that before, how many clicks, yes, nosey Parker, but that’s what I mean new, naked News worth it so you could use introducing, announcing, discover, blank, discover, discover, squeeze page after they often, this is the page that would take them to and I don’t see this is a chunk of their the cells paid by the cells page is law, i’m going to break it down song by chunk, So why, real estate, discover, discover the life-changing career where you control your schedule and you determine the lifestyle for you and your family, let me ask you a question what we sell is basically real estate classes helping, people to get their real estate license you got that right, do you see any of that in the headline, no, why not because, why do people want to get into real estate, make money and also, freedom, so I’ll meet with that lightning to headlights and noticed I did not say look at the top right corner I did not say, want to come to our class, no one more money and, call this number, benefit, and this a video as well, remember they never read anything at first they never believe anything at first and then ever do anything at first, keep this in mind, i never read anything at first never believe anything in Thor’s and never do anything at first so you have to say hi, Yes, that’s the first step, and the purpose of a headline is not yourself, what is the purpose of headlight the purpose of the headline is to get them to read the first, paragraph, that’s it, a lot of marketers and make a mistake and try to sell everything in hell I know, the purpose of the headliner to get them to what, with the what, with the first so what’s the purpose of the first paragraph, to get them to read the second paragraph, that’s it, you want to take them through this logical sequence, if you hold attention then there’s three things that they’re doing sticking to do next, sticking a scheme scroll and skin, we’re talking about website, they going to skim scroll and skin let me ask you a question isn’t that what you do, Something from the picture it so some of the words paperwork what jumped.
Yes, so scheme scroll and scan, and then you have to besides your headline now you have what I call you opening your what, come on you what opening yes, the opening set the criteria is that what, the criteria from whom the letters intended and what they stand to gain by reading it, what they stand to gain by reading it says the criteria, just opening hey you know what, i caught your attention, now you are paying attention, opening paragraph, this thing is about Isabel, opening paragraph, and the best way I like to do it. Sometimes it’s a question sometimes it’s what I call, did the picture, imagine, sandusky case, imagine setting up your own setting your own schedule and making more money from a single deal than you’re making it a whole year working for, For someone else., imagine, burning your current income adding a side income working part-time if you choose to you might also be thinking is the key, i’m entering the conversation that’s going on in their mind, should I take real estate should I change career, how should I do in one of the steps is it difficult that Santa Claus isn’t that what they’re thinking put yourself in their shoes yes, so, you might also be thinking yes I understand that the booming BC Real Estate industry is a highly lucrative Market, how can someone like me with no partition in real estate no excuses no experience earn in a year, good question, then I go into the money, number three, doodle block number 3, establish, credibility, fidelity, establish credibility, sognare answer the question with this chunk, why should, i listen to you, Why should I listen to this what this person has to say, why should I listen to you, the credibility, so there you can go into a little bit above, little bit of me copy your credentials your expertise declines your path, okay cuz now you’re hell on you hold them and you’ll be opening now you know exactly what that you know that, i’m in the right place, now OK Google who who are you, okay that’s what you do is that make sense, listen to what I have to say, so in this case we go through why don’t we tell them why go BC Real Estate School, with a more successful real estate licensing program busy with over 1500 + successful students, over 12 years, i would have used a specific numbers but frankly we have no idea, otherwise I would have used, 1576 I’m not so sure, So I don’t want to just put affect, so that way a little video and we talked about what mixes difference six weeks or less guarantee real estate licensing, number one rule to success program pc-98, pics of success rate 90% of students take a class pass exam, 11:15 and also Curry employment, helping them find a Brokers off today, they take the class, here I’m explaining to them what makes us different from every other school does that make sense, so credentials, credentials credibility, number for you want to make an offer you want to make it right, offer, how to solve the problem exactly do you gain by buying what you have, make him an offer, how we going to solve their problem, jaime solve the problem, and here we got the most flexible convening class options, we offer the most flexible convening class options to get you, aSAP, and then we show them different locations we have but he’s a lot if you cannot come to life classes or you have a very busy schedule and roll, Another online class option that’s okay to I don’t want to go to Sri I don’t want to go to Vancouver.
That’s okay do it online, does that make sense, the best coffee you would anticipate on Jefferson that you’ll Park the prospect my house, can you handle them ahead of time, you didn’t answer the question if they’re reading your stuff it should be, how do you know, how do you know that’s what I’m thinking, and your answer them down. It makes them feel comfortable, yes, number five bullets, now I’m not talkin about that I pull it in that again, bullet a bullet is a brief statement that identifies a single benefit, off a byproduct service, you know how you have to work at the boiling point, That one statement that’s what I’m talking about, and work, so a brief statement, so here’s an example, wego3, and he the courses we got, enjoy isn’t so he’s what you start with Isis Kobe 6s classes, easy to use, simplify chapter summaries, tickets exactly what you need for exam and reduces your study Time by month and reduces stress, feature, easy-to-use simplify chapter summaries, he’s exactly what you need and reduces just study Time by months reduces stress, that’s a benefit, got it, and I don’t want the math Bible that has the answer to every math question on the exam, yours to keep, and help you make money with when you’re making deals after you exempt okay that’s cool, okay done for you answer key for your 20 mandatory assignments require before taking exam, you’re guided step-by-step off the way and you’ll given the correct answers and then we go through there go BC mock exam, Cummins with wheel life questions updated on a monthly basis with the most recent Center, personal planning, bullet bullet bullet bullet bullet bullet, what again, number 6 testimonials, third-party verification that your solution does what he claims to do again on the consumer, i’m skeptical how do I know you’re telling the truth, as far as I’m concerned I just don’t want Pawn on Lyons Co website, i don’t know, i’m not come to give you my credit card information so some testimonials, what other people have experience, what other people can say about your product and services write this down, all the people, can say about your product and services, infinitely, more powerful than what you can say about, what you doing, infinitely more powerful, so we have some, testimonials for here, if he sees what others like you, A succeeding with Kobe’s real estate and then we show video testimony beerus at the moment so ideally you want to get, video testimonials, with a testimonial, yes a picture, a picture, and more specific the better if it’s just like, you know your stuff I really enjoy., you know John totsi, if it’s the full name, if it’s the city there from if the occupation, the most specific and detailed the more credible, you getting it, so testimonials are powerful, number 7 key, value justification, people always have this skill in the mind Wayne, if I spend this money is it worth it, apples to Orange, if I compete at my problem, i don’t want this problem if I can spend the money, my palm goes away very quickly, is it worth it was at this scale, dwayne, so you want to talk about how valuable your product service solution actually is the user, Highlight the value to your offer.
And do it in a way that contrast, the price in a stable way meaning, how can you make it a no-brainer for them, how could you make it, dad, they can easily justify the price, how do you make it that it’s a no-brainer, this is this is easy this is a no-brainer I want to do this, okay, so here’s how we did it, we sold them, a shocking, 63% of students in Westchester for the UBC, real estate exam, never shop at exam and you don’t even try how could this be true and we show them this is a pot of s***, you got to study on your own, 1000 pages of, stop, if you want to pass exam, this is us up you got to study, and we purposely show different pictures, you see how small the font, And all passive writing, pat is so boring to read, we showed him this, he’s what UBC gives you, and then we go go through you know you busy gives you 1000 page textbook and 20 minutes away assignments to complete., david Goes to just how much stuff, now I want to make money in real estate, i got to go to 1000 pages to stop I don’t want to go through that right, and then we show them he’s always have, you can do this, all you can do that, i think even tell them basically your three options here, press option, i’ll read this, you can give up on your dreams, and all the benefits of being a self-employed real estate professional, and continue doing what you do a little bit of pain right, if you paint, but let’s be frank you wouldn’t have read up to this point, If you wanted that, psychological trigger, write this down, association, but let’s be frank, you wouldn’t have led up to this point, if you wanted that, it means, yeah it makes tens if I went up to this point I should buy this, you getting this, you’re here because you believe that you deserve a better career and lifestyle, that the one you have now, yeah, second option is that you can study on your own, again is very tough and time-consuming with all the shortcuts we know, and this is an option for people who are strong and studying complex legal Concepts math, equations in Order series, that’s not me I don’t want that, offer options in Roanoke in a course to give you step-by-step guidance on exactly what to expect when example, wBC textbooks, this is what you need, one fin binder, wonder the book, 1 math book, that’s it, it’s a brilliant a what, yes, that’s how we sell, that’s how we sell, risk reversal, risk reversal can you turn on the volume, the longer you’re guaranteed the more orders you’ll get and the less likely that you received refund request will risk reversal one, objections I hear from multiple nerves but then I’m afraid of author guarantee, that you know people take advantage of me and that they were sent back my stuff, listen to rip me off let me answer., okay let me answer that for you you are going to get ripped off, guarantee, but you get so much more sales it doesn’t matter, so if you’re making this much cells, and you have no problem no refund this and that okay that’s a baby makes that much more cells, and you get this much refund doesn’t matter, it does not matter, So no one is going to happen but you get so much more sell so much more revenue is irrelevant.
And if your refund is so high effects of probability, what does that mean, your product sucks, so let’s not fix the guaranteed us fix the product, let’s get real, that’s what I’m talking about, so if you believe in yourself, you stand behind you stand behind what you sell yes or would guarantee, absolutely, 30-day money-back guarantee so after 12 years in business I’ll soon to averaging not impressed, take a class tickets if you don’t pass will give you money back, riversimple, we want you to pass exam because we’re selling results will tell me what, results, money back guarantee a big wheel seal, and the number 9, call, to action, call to action, now okay, now you give me your your case, yumi’s cells argument, you’ve captured my attention, You’ve establish credibility you show me other people just like me has experienced results, i can see exactly how going to solve my problem, i also know how this thing work I can see the benefit now exactly what do I do what do you want me to do, you want to make ordering as easy as obvious as possible, you wanted to call, give them a call free number and big print, you wanted to click on link make sure the link is obvious clickable and as possible, common sense right, common sense, call the action, so he’s walking out, 995 live classes they could do that, what online classes only 695 in the comfort of, most people know that they can take it from home now, will a little coffee there, in the comfort of your home or office at a time that works for you even I give them the feature you can take it off, But I also give them, just to make sure to get it do this from home, oh okay I can do this right, i want to make it obvious, i want to make it obvious, and he is the last step, urgency, so now I know the price I want to buy, why do I want to buy now and that’s what’s missing in most offers yes, hell yeah hell yeah GIF deadline by which, to take action in order to get the special deal, because people procrastinate, you thinking of product you’re thinking of getting it but then you wait for few days to procrastinate and then you don’t buy, how is thunder before we all have, procrastination kills, cells, tequila sales, you got to give them a reason why they need to buy now, yes Nathan we tell them that, countdown for maximum time we we summarize the offer and give them, The other about the bonuses they going to get the top that you would, nCAA video how many seen that they had like the video right, so let me just show you the video real quick so it’s summarized everything that we have, dennis coming out., do that deal with her, i see a lot of, online, yes, and they seem, yes so in this case we are not Trotwood promising it’s the price that we might increase, we’re not saying you know you come back, we don’t have any classes anymore, we’re saying you get the bonuses cuz we sent him a text books and everything, we sing with Cupid at this price, that’s what the offer is, and we are going to test you see it depends on what time you going to be my test different prices and I-95 right now, What is a student season ticket to law students.
When my phone is at 12:35, so you see that that’s why they want to act so let me show the video, alana, are you looking for a new career why you looking for the easiest way to earn thousands of dollars every month working parts, do you enjoy working with people and making your own schedule, if you’re born in mind that you probably thought about joining the booming real estate industry in BC, as a real estate agent you have the freedom to work whenever you want, you can also make you money if you want to, and it is a career where you can make six figures even if you have no prior sales ask experience or education, and yes the money is really good imagine, what would an extra 100 thousand to $500,000 mean for you, What cause your money and freedom do for your friends and family, studying for the real estate exam is the biggest challenge you have a 1000-page book of complex real estate, this is a problem because it takes too much time and energy to study on your own, make more money, that’s why you love go BC Real Estate, 4/12 years more than 1,500 real estate agent, gobezie give you instant access by putting you on a bass Tracker didn’t license and just 6 to 10 weeks, with a 90% pathway Bill BC Real Estate is the number one real estate licensing school in BC, fitness program you get the most current industry knowledge and exactly what you needed to pass your exam, the best part is when for proven system you are guaranteed to be licensed the first time taking the exam, your money back, if you have a family to take care of if you have limited English skills or if you’re working full-time living love how fun and how, Online training, our goal is to get you a new life real estate as soon as possible, enroll today and get license back, so the video, hamilton got the pretty cool video, okay I saw Whiteboard video Amaya, samara and her company made that for me, pretty cool, how do they make it I have no clue, like they say it is crazy but it’s cool so this is for people who don’t want to read, this is so you know what you really watch a 2-minute video you get exactly, you can see, exactly what we do in 2-minute video, and here’s the thing, the video script, isn’t that also copywriting, it’s all copywriting, i could have seen video same cool graphics, but if my coffee is not compelling, not going to work, Knocking at work, nEC if you actually watched, but but, you would see it it follows a logical secant line benefit what what’s in it for them, so here the result, went from 3 students a month to 45 new student in October alone, death of 1500 percent increase, and October is not supposed to be a great month, that’s, the power, of copywriting, that’s the power, off your written work, that’s The Power of knowing that, you know what when you have mastered the skill and when you, hire someone who has this skill, that’s a difference, i don’t want to take credit for that page you might think I’ve no I didn’t like that Stephen would that be, but give him a lot of loss, so, knowing this is a skill that you now, engine in toolbelt then now you know go out there you already know way more than most business owners, Way more than business owners.
The power of the written words, okay thank you very much and I’ll see you next time, 10 * your finances 10, times your business 10 times your marketing 10 times your life hit the subscribe, play button now,
from WordPress https://top1course.com/proven-copywriting-formula-that-works-the-structure-of-persuasive-copy-dan-lok/
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Episode # 12: “I Can’t Shut Up to Save My Life” ~ Dana
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i am actually trembling. will is so mad at me but it's okay. this feels okay. I'm literally the biggest rat in this series LMAO fkasdjh fuck I feel so bad for Ali rn but I also am....fkadshf really kinda happy idk. I just know a lot of heat is coming my way and Cameron's idols are going to make me pay for this
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Everyone is mad. Everyone is crying. Everyone feels fucked over. But um. Everyone is me merge vote and I am everyone merge vote. So. I guess we’re even.
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im so sorry
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Hi im drunk and im here to say that I almost cried in the club tonight because of how much i miss Will.   I just feel really alone and I think everyone hates me, especially owen, and im just trying to be friends n have fun and make it to the end of the game and also win is that too much to ask. IDk I played myself.  Also I actually just started crying now writing this yikes. I dont know what to do, I'm never in the minority because usually I just get voted out over all my allies because i'm upsetting. I don't know what to say to people, I don' trust anybody, why is kevin in the game. Does Ashvika actually like me? WHo knows. I'm just happy I wasn't totally blindsided. I knew Will might leave, I knew he was getting votes and I let it happen so I wouldnt get any which makes me a snake ass bitch. I just couldnt believe his vote out stayed so air-tight with the exception of Ashvika letting me know what happened. Idk if this means she wants to work with me, probably not, who would, she didn't respond to my pms after the vote, but i'm trying not to stress. Hopefully I can just continue to be a meme and appear non threatening but I just want some tea im getting thirsty nd also i love to strategize i crave it. Remember... I'm the village idiot? Like I will photoshop as many lizard hidden immunity idols on these people as i need to if these snakos dont vote me out thank u so much. This is the first time in my life where everyone hates me more than I hate myself and i just cannot handle IT. 
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I...can't believe that worked??? I can't believe I voted in the majority??? ???????????? I'm really happy about this and I hope the Soup alliance (??? where did soup come from) can stick together even if just for one round. The biggest problem is if Cameron or someone else has an idol. Owen told me an idol had gone missing in one of the areas which means someone has already gotten it so we have to tread very carefully if we don't wanna get fucked.  
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I love filming a 30 minute confessional about the game, where I get upset again over Will hating me and crying over how much I love Owen and Emily. I'm a mess sakdjhfa
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You know? No matter what I do in this game, I’m going to be deemed a threat. Even if I don’t do shit. Even if I just sit and take orders. Hm. Well. Here’s to proving people right! If anyone’s upset with me, just know that they woke me up! Threat Emily is here and she’s ready to fucking win.
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I love Ali. I love that he's such a good friend and that we're so able to move past things like this - I really do want to go far in this game with him. It's what we deserve. Wouldn't it be cute if Owen got 4th again too <3
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this would be a better challenge if we could discuss xo but I think like....there isnt any way we shouldnt win unless someone is intentionally messy. two groups of people, four A's and five B's. no matter how it gets cut, whoeveer starts, one A and one B should end up in the final two with three As and four Bs voting, so someone from B SHOULD win, I think. It just alternates who starts each time, A, B, A, B or B, A, B, A, until yeah one from each is left. and it'll be easy to see who a snake is bc we directly see the lists. I'm more worried about Ashvika and Kevin at this point....but oh well. I also need to be on high alert of getting idoled out this round. Cameron is denying that he has two idols which like....yeah I'd way rather have Ashvika or Emily have one and be lying than Cameron have one, but at the same time I'm just gonna like assume  ksadjhf that Cameron has two :) worst case scenario :) so I like?? would think he uses both of them this round maybe unless he is worried more about himself, and also ugh idk like ashvika or kevin could flip or even emily/ali although I think the three of us can trust each other rn. idk yet.
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I came in second... again. Woohoo! I love immunity challenges yes I do! :—————) ________________________________________________________________
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(This was filmed like 7 hours before the immunity challenge)
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The soup alliance is hopefully sticking together!!!! Unfortunately we can't get Cameron out so we're playing some 4d chess mind games tonight. The plan's to vote Ruthie, and then we tell the others...Zach or Cameron, I'm not sure I already forget. Not like they'll approach me about this but you know. My ass will scream if things flip on us because people are rats, double the screaming if it's me who gets flipped on butttt things are looking good so far, but then again I've found that it's when I'm most confident in our plans that I get blindsided. 
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Welcome to my roundly long confessionals where I, Zachary rae, gives information on the past few days. Before we begin, I should put a disclaimer - this may be the last one! --- Hello fans! So where do I begin. Last vote Dana and Will called me in paranoia and, frankly, they were right! However, on that call I suggested that if the idea of them having majority (or half; 5) was accurate, we may as well just not split and pray for no idols. Dana didn't like that idea, and in hesitation, asked to split the vote 3-2 and... yeah. Bye Will. I was like crying afterwards though cause I genuinely love him and he's a great person and ugh it sucks cause I really wanted to continue working with him and i'm just so disappointed. Moving forward, I made an alliance of four [Ruthie/Zach/Dana/Cameron], entitled "Will's Puppets".  In this immunity, it's common sense by any mathematical logistics that one person from each "side" will make final two, and one of them five will win immunity. However, Cameron adjusted our views and just saved Ali and maybe it was because they didn't comprehend what a proper strategy was, or perhaps to build bonds with Ali. In the end, I voted (once again, wow) in the minority and for Emily to win immunity, but Ali came out victorious. Good job for him! Going into tribal it's kind of like... there are 5 people on one side, vs us four. Dana and I talked and it's kind of like... we needed a plan. Ideally, everyone knows that Cameron (and Ali) have an idol. They want Cameron out, I believe THAT part of their expression, but they know he isn't easily struck as he's likely playing his idol tonight. Dana and I realized a good way to escape, since it's probably better to take out one of us, is to get in the good graces of Emily and Owen. I like them both as people, I genuinely do, but in this game they are two of the biggest threats to win. What we are suggesting to Owen is that in the event we take out Ruthie this vote, and then Cameron next, it's final 7 and that's when you need to start realizing who you want to be with in the finale. Dana called with Owen for so long suggesting that if me and her are safe (we're trying to separate ourselves slightly but like saying we both think alike), then we can help him take out Emily at 7. He needs the numbers since Emily is a powerful player. I don't know if he sees value in me but hopefully he likes me cause he thinks i'm funny and I love him. I go to Emily and I say that I will make sure Cameron plays his idol as my piece of leverage to keep me safe. They vote out Ruthie, Cameron flushes his idol and goes next, and then it's FFA at final seven, and I think at that time Dana and I are safe for one vote. Do I want to go to the end with Dana though? HELL NO!! Originally I was thinking I would love to sit with Kevin and Ruthie. If Ruthie goes, then I think i'd want to go with Kevin and Ali. Maybe Ashvika but... i'm not sure. She's just so adorable and likeable but she's not playing strategically amazing like other people. Neither am I though so I can't talk. Do I think Emily's being honest with me though when she leaked that "Ruthie's the vote and she wants to clue me in"? Not at all. I would not be surprised if I leave tonight, and she better be able to justify herself when she lies. She's manipulative and a liar (IN A GOOD WAY I STAN!!) but like I don't vote bitterly, I vote who I think I connected with more and played better, and if you can't justify why i'm the good vote this round (which I truthfully disagree i'm a good vote this round), then you ain't getting my vote. I also think if I survive I can easily go final 4/5. Dana's a bigger threat than me, which is my strategy to align with physically bigger threats so i'm able to slide by like a little snake, and say Ruthie/Cameron leave next, then Dana, one of Emily/Owen and Ashvika even are the big threats. I don't see how I will go unless it's final 4/5 but who knows. I'm not being cocky but that's how I see things, and if they let Dana make it further than me, which is possible, i'll be shocked. I really will be. Also can I just say how much I adore Owen. Dana said he talked about how funny I was and he pmed me saying that i'm funny and hilarious and despite the occurrences in this game, he'd love to be friends and I agree. Though this is a message reassuring i'm probably leaving tonight, I adore him and he has my vote 100% if he makes FTC and I leave. I don't want to leave, but that's the fact. Weirdly - well not weirdly but just... I don't know. I'm troll. I'm just trying to play fun but I really don't want to leave tonight like i'll cry. I've had so much fun and i'm not ready to leave and... ugh. I really want to be here and prove myself because I don't think I have and I don't want to see myself as a flop. Not saying 10th+ is a flop, but saying that I haven't done anything or utilized my All Star spot yet, and it's just... ugh. I'm defeated. I hope I can stay to keep going further in this game but... I don't know. I hope this isn't my last confessional. I really hope I get to stay and... elaborate on my amazing gameplay. Joke, of course, but I do hope I get to stay. please!!! :(
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This could be my last confessional. When I go home tonight and become the long suffering 4th juror I have waited 8 games and lots of failed strategy to become, I just want to say it’s been a fun game and I genuinely love everyone. Tribal is in 3 hrs and I just don’t know how i’m Voting. The biggest meme of all is that I implicitly trust Owen, who I feel is far and away the best player in this game. I told him I don’t think he can get to the end with goats, because they’ll all flip on him, and I think that’s true. He needs other key players as buffers towards the end. Inevitably when the Emily v. Owen power struggle for power, glory, and stardom breaks out, I’d LOVE to be a spectator still in the game. I will vote how Owen tells me tonight, and even though he has promised me i’m not going home, i’m Not sure he’s in the position to promise that. I just dunno. I had such a good talk with him last night and tbh if nothing else that was amazing jury management. He knows I can’t shut up to save my life, and he just let me talk for hours. So thank u for validating my goblin personality. Also he told me he thought I was smart which honestly... my kink thank u. I also talked to Ali for a while this morning, and he says he’s doing his best to keep me and Cameron safe, I believe it idk. Like why lie to me i’m On the bottom and everyone knows i’m an idol-less sad snake, so like no point tbh. The hardest part about playing with him is that I feel like I want him to succeede more than he wants himself to succeede. Like I can’t want it for you, and had so much to work with, I just wish he would own it. He’s like a defenseless almond and I just want him to be a bad bitch ya know? Finally, I’m trying to play with Ashvika here and use the fact that she game me info last round that I “kept quiet” as a bargaining chip to show I can be trusted. Will Ashvika end up as my target or my closest ally u be the judge. Overall I’m so prepared to get voted out i’ve all but made total peace with it. Hopefully I can push through tonight wih my sparkling personality and some wheeling and dealing. ________________________________________________________________ Owen stopped talking to me about the game which means i’m going home. I love watching my own death occur in real time. 
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thanks for reminding me about the way zach pronounces mario. I know what I'm writing on the parchment tonight.
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I..... have no idea what's going on tonight.
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iiiii feel really uneasy about ashvika for some reason??? idk she keeps asking if we're voting for ruthie, so she could be planning to #flip on us which would be a dumb move, or maybe she's just confused and if that's the case then me too. Owen and I kinda talked about this the night before because we know she's somewhat attached to Dana but like we ain't voting Dana so I hope that's not a problem. And I mean we both voted for Ruthie at the Duncan blindside so like??? I hope she wants to do it again?? I just think any of us flipping now especially would be bad for us and for them. I have secure trust in everyone else in this alliance so like...let's make it through please??? If anyone goes home I hope it isn't Emily because I think her vote negator can play an important role in f8, no matter who goes home tonight. Iiiii just don't want things to get fucked up tonight!!! and i haven't talked to anyone from the other side (i mean they could approach me but yknow two way street and all that) and idk if i should??? bc being too pushy and saying oh yeah we're voting cameron could be a big miss steak??? 
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I can’t be the only one who sees that Owen is aligned with Cameron right?? I thought I would have been one of his closest allies after the duncan voted but he didn’t save me and later chose to save Cameron over ali even though he’s supposedly in the minority, and now he’s vying not to vote Cameron out? I understand he makes some good points but  it’s sketchy 
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Day by day, I get closer to voting Kevin as the sole survivor of Athena All-Stars. Congratulations, I played myself, but Kevin played me better. 
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ali is rlly acting sketchy why :'( i think I'm going home ugh ________________________________________________________________ I dont think ali will idol me and I want 2 scream dfskajhkdjfhkjsdhfjkhsdkjfhkjsdhfkjds
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so I won immunity and literally am confessing at tribal and am a mess
Ruthie becomes the 12th person voted out of Athena All Stars in a 5-4 vote, and the 4th member of our jury. You can see Ruthie’s preseason interview here. 
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