#nontoxic positivity
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utterdrip · 3 months
ppl will see the new aa kisses and be like yeah. that’s normal thats healthy he loves them in a real way that isnt toxic at all
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dukeofankh · 9 months
I've noticed a really troubling trend in masculinity discourse recently which views the peak of nontoxic masculinity as being totally unreliant on others. It's coming from a harm-reduction place, as is pretty much always the case. The thought process seems to be: 1) Incel shit comes from men feeling entitled to status and possessing women 2) Incels are dangerous 3) To decrease that the number of incels and the corresponding danger, we should push for the concept of the ideal man as one being unconcerned with status and possessing women. An island unto himself, satisfied and confident. Independent from both the pressures of a full-blown systemic-ass issue and the natural internal desires to be accepted and admired by others.
And like...something can be a good short term plan without being a good long term plan, you know? There can be side effects.
Like, I'm gonna make a post at some point about how I feel like the causes of the Nice Guy tm tire fire were radically misunderstood, considering I feel like we're on the precipice of another crisis in exactly the same mold, but apart from that I'm also just kind of frustrated that the process of organizing against patriarchal masculinity is suddenly bogged down by a bunch of folks trying to get me to adopt a stoic/zen philosophy as a necessary facet of my gender identity, and naturally assuming that my distaste for that can't be because I've spent a decade unpacking this as a queer man and I disagree with their tactics, and must just be that I haven't seen Barbie yet.
Ultimately, I don't feel like the root of modern toxic masculinity is entitlement. I feel that it's American-style Hyperindividualism. Its the erosion of the supportive community that naturally acts in opposition to the narrative sold by masculine competitive hierarchies. Its the belief that individual men must force their will upon the world or else be starved out because higher status men have hoarded everything for themselves. It's the belief that women are the scorecard and trophy in a contest between men, yes, but also fundamentally that absent some semblance of performance within that contest, men will be abandoned, mocked, and ostracized by both women and their larger community. The patriarchal dividend in that toxic system is not just power and sex, it's a sort of gated community within which all right to inherent human worth for men is contained, entrance into which must be earned through defeating others also desperately trying to get in.
Given all of that, to me the antidote isn't more individualism. It's less. Its community. It's love. It's not about men realizing that they don't need other people, it's about men realizing that they will still be loved and accepted within their communities without the need to dominate and overpower. That they do not need to become a patriarch to be seen, to have worth and a home and acceptance and support and community. That the idea that those things are gated behind power and wealth and the ability to do violence isn't just untrue, but the opposite of what is the case.
Toxic Masculinity is a systemic issue. Seeing people uncritically and wholeheartedly telling me that it should be conquered by intentionally atomizing men into self-reliant islands of personal choice is also not just untrue, but the opposite of what I think is the case. But it's...easy. It doesn't require the community to negotiate a new understanding under which they can embrace and love men who take up the responsibilities of being part of--not in charge of-- that community. It allows men deeply invested in a self-appraisal of their value as being rooted in not asking for help and in hierarchical superiority over other men to simply do that even harder, with largely the same rubric, but a new rationale. It leaves no room for male weakness, for mens needs, because, frankly, we are socialized to punish those and we do not want to change.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 years
I think it’s time to shift the discussion ...
In regards to this post about how so many guys (both cis and trans) are really trying to be good people.
It’s been said before, and often (because it’s true), that masculinity, in itself, is not bad, and that’s why we specify “Toxic Masculinity” (Not all burgers are cheese burgers, not all buildings are apartment buildings, etc.).
But people tend to remember what they hear repeated, and tend to forget about what goes unspoken.
So I think it’s time to shift the discussion, and start specifying “Healthy Masculinity” (or maybe, for symmetry’s sake, “Nontoxic Masculinity”).
Point it out.
Shine a light on it.
Hold it up.
Celebrate it.
Representation matters here, too.
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professorsta · 2 years
That is all
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stereopticons · 2 days
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Thanks for the tags, @kiwiana-writes @indestructibleheart @myheartalivewrites!
I am not feeling super positively about this (or just like, writing as a whole) but trying to get past that by just tossing it out into the world and running away. So here’s another snippet of the ballet au that probably isn’t going in the direction you think it is
Alex slams a pack of Skittles on Raf’s desk. Raf looks up at him over the top of his laptop, eyebrows raised.
“I need this part,” Alex says without preamble.
“And you thought a pack of Skittles would be enough to persuade me into giving you this company’s most coveted role?” Raf slides his horn-rimmed glasses off of his face and sets them on his desk.
“Well, I would’ve offered to blow you if I thought that would work better.” Alex drops into the chair in front of the desk with a smirk. “But I’m not really into that.”
Raf’s eyebrows raise impossibly higher in a brief moment of disbelief before he sighs. “You’re lucky I’ve worked with you enough to know you’re joking, kid.”
@hippolotamus @jettestar @nontoxic-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @blueeyedgrlwrites
@missgeevious @ninzied @mostlyinthemorning @inexplicablymine @simplymarleycat
@rmd-writes @jamilas-pen @welcometololaland @alienajackson @lizzie-bennetdarcy
@smblmn @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 @filet-o-feelings @treluna4 @chelle-68
@beaiola @tyfinn @celeritas2997 @wordthieve @dinnfameron
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housewife-noire · 5 months
Depression Master Post
Tips that work for me:
♡Utilize your audio notes apps on your phone as an 'audio diary', talk to yourself like it's a podcast, interview, imaginary bestie etc
♡warm wet rag, toner (I use a bottle type and a spray type), moisturizer, Vaseline for a 'lazy' skincare routine. You can also use rose water to cleanse your face. This takes literally five minutes
♡modified stretches/workouts are your best friend, it's actually very easy to do stretches without getting outta bed or even moving your blanket!!
♡open up your blinds!!!!!
♡ensures and similar brands w/ extra protein for days you absolutely can't get out of bed
♡can't shower? No problem. You can get bathing cloths at any pharmacy otc (you can purchase with an HSA card as well!) Just add water to the pack no soap or rinsing needed
♡any food is better than no food!!!
♡90 minute rice + tuna packs are good 5 minute meals w/ some substance. You can add any add ins you want(I add fried egg and avocado)
♡download the finch app!! It's super cute and like a self care tamagotchi
♡allow yourself the time to rest
♡have a self love/feel good Playlist ready
♡rewatch your fave childhood show/movie. Anything that's been longer than 5 years since you've seen it works best imo
♡pedialyte AND water to keep hydrated, add a pinch of pink salt to the water
♡mix water, rubbing alcohol and essential oils to make an air freshner spray for bedding and clothing
♡if you're not on any medications, combine l-theanine and st John's wort supplements for mood health (can also add St John's wort, damiana, lavender and mint/catnip to a tea or smoke blend)
♡pure tart cherry juice before bed to help you sleep
♡download the I Am app and repeat the affirmations you see out loud thrice
♡can't brush your teeth? Get a water flosser and add a bit of mouthwash & peroxide to the reservoir to kill bacteria and remove stuck food
♡use pink or brown noise as your background for sleeping, you can find these on youtube
♡download MindDoc & Gratitude if you have the spoons to have prompts and questions to answer about your mood
♡digital coloring books!!! I use infinite painer and sketchbook on my Samsung tablet
♡if you scroll any app, pick the one you see the most positive or nontoxic feed (lemon8 and tumblr for me), this way your consumption is potentially bettering your life
♡charge your phone and other devices in a separate room/a few feet away from your bed to reduce scrolling and help promote getting out of bed to turn off alarms etc
♡daily shower spray cleaner, helps keep your tub clean. I spray after I get out
♡use Groupon to schedule yourself a moodboosting self care activity for the month (massage, tanning, filler, facial)
♡eat with a tray in bed
♡spray your fave body spray before bed
Hope these tips help someone!!! Add your own in the tags or reblog ♡
Happy House Spousing ♡♡♡♡
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ships-to-sail · 5 months
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How in the hell is it already Sunday again?
Anyway, time is fake and here we are 😂 thank you so much for the tags, @kiwiana-writes, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, and @cultofsappho — without further ado: a little bit more of this Charm Offensive AU!
He’s growing increasingly red, and sweaty, and every time they have to do it again he becomes more and more aware of the positioning of his arms, the way his eyebrows move on his face, the minor contortions his mouth makes as he tries to twist it from a welcoming smile to a concerned pinch to a kind, understanding beam. It’s impossible, and the more he tries to do it the more he can feel himself failing. He closes his eyes, tries to take a deep counting breath, but he doesn’t get half-way to his first number before the director yells “action!” and his eyes spring open.  ‘Smile, hand out for her to take, don’t grimace before she — NOW, okay hands on her arms, gentle push back — don’t forget to change your face! Look her in the eyes, don’t you dare miss your cue to—’ “Oh my goodness, are you alright?” He asks just as Maria pushes her long curly hair back over her face, her eyes meeting his as she pulls her lower lip between her teeth and nods, one hand coming up to tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear.  “I am now, Your Highness,” she says, her voice soft, but not so soft that she won’t still be picked up by both their mics
Not going to lie I've got hockey on the brain at the moment, so its entirely possible by next week it'll be a different WIP, but until then — what're yall working on?!
@dumbpeachjuice @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @orchidscript @everwitch-magiks @happiness-of-the-pursuit @indomitable-love @celaestis1 @cricketnationrise @rmd-writes @inexplicablymine @welcometololaland @smc-27 @celeritas2997 @clottedcreamfudge @lilythesilly @sparklepocalypse @nontoxic-writes @tintagel-or-cockleshells @inexplicablymine
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salome-c · 1 year
This part of the Esquire interview:
Okay, let’s address this daddy business. Daddy is a word that comes up in the Pedro Pascal conversation and his various social-media fan accounts a lot. Like, a lot a lot. He plays around with it, too, saying things like “I am your cool, slutty daddy” into cameras on red carpets. A sketch on his episode of SNL addressed it head-on, as the cast yelled things like “You are so father,” “We have to make you daddy,” and “You have us in a choke hold”—things that are both chaste and explicit, childlike and informed by deep fetish-speak. Sexual but not. It’s, um, kinda weird. Paulson, who made a cameo in the sketch (as Mommy), says: “I’ve been dealing with this mommy business for a few years now, and I actually don’t understand what a lot of it means.”
Craig Mazin has a theory about Pascal’s daddy appeal: “I think everybody either has fond memories of a positive father figure in their life or they have a terrible gaping space in their heart where a positive father figure ought to have been. Nostalgia or longing for let’s call it nontoxic masculinity. And he has that, but he also has this expressive pain behind his eyes.”
Pascal shrugs. “Plus, I’m old.”
Whatever it is, Paulson says, “Knowing Pedro as intimately as I do, I would not want him to be my daddy, personally. I want him to be my pal that I can hang out with until all hours of the night, but Daddy?”
Sarah, you are the best one.
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kiwiana-writes · 8 months
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
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I'm bouncing between a truly embarrassing number of documents at the moment, but here are six sentences! (I think.)
Alex can’t avoid Henry forever. He’d like to. Alex has spent the whole evening indulging himself in a steady diet of champagne and barely contained rage, and it’s working for him, okay? He’s bracketed by the comforting duo of June and Nora, June gripping his hand under the table every time Henry appears in their line of sight and Nora dropping jokes in his ear about everyone who stops by to talk to them. But Alex has caught the odd questioning glance being thrown their way, especially when Henry joins in on the dancing. There’s probably an expectation that he asks June, and the fact that he hasn’t done so is the only positive thought Alex can muster about him.
Tagging @cha-melodius @inexplicablymine @rmd-writes @ships-to-sail @maxbegone @lilythesilly @nontoxic-writes
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blairwaldcrf · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
i'm late so I'm taking the open tag of @nontoxic-writes @kiwiana-writes, sorry!
1. Chapter 2 of Nocturno (firstprince au)
"Us elder sisters like to meddle, especially when we see opportunities to prove ourselves right."
Henry can't help but laugh at Bea’s misguided positivity, blindly viewing things more idyllic out of hope for his love life than they could ever be in actuality. "So your true motivation is to determine he isn't straight?"
"I think it would be pertinent information to have before a marriage, yes." She primly responds, playfully annoyed he dared laugh at her genius.
"Does it matter that I simply don't believe you?"
"Not in the slightest."
He shakes his head and ignores her grin. When he considers how miniscule the chance is that Mr. Claremont-Diaz is anything more than supportive of those not heterosexual despite being glaringly so himself, he gives in. There's a good chance the ever-protective Bea won't deem her suitor worthy of the information this early to begin with. "I suppose I can trust your judgment."
"With pure intentions?" She asks in jest despite knowing the real answer.
He haughtily turns back to his book with faux anger, although there is a part of him he doesn't want to entertain that does feel irritated at someone else chasing the man. "Not remotely. I simply think it will be fun to witness you being wrong for once."
2. Chapter 5 of Set it Up (dair au)
But Dan's sitting here, letting her bark orders at him while only giving back minimal snark, and she didn't bully him into being here. There's no bribe, no ulterior motive, not even suggestions that they shirk the duty onto interns. He's just... helping. Like they're friends.
It makes her feel restless with some feeling she can't name, so she weaponizes the restlessness into irritation and snaps. "Why do you have an insufferable need to help people?"
Dan startles a bit, then watches her carefully only to end his search with a casual shrug and small smirk. "How else am I going to take the moral high ground?"
tagging @takaraphoenix @terrainofheartfelt @strideofpride @hydesjackiespuddinpop @laufire and whoever else!
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vitaminseetarot · 8 months
🌴 The Masterlist Post That is Me 🌴
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Welcome to the VitaminSee Tarot hyperspace. 🦩
Ko-Fi Link For Donations/Tips: VitaminSeeTarot
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I like doing Tarot inspired by astrology, magic, vaporwave, and the elements of nature. My focus is on organic fun, hypoallergenic wellness, and nontoxic positivity.
(NOTE: 18+ Age Space [Although I don't do sex-themed readings])
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☁ Exchange Readings Are Currently - CLOSED
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Please DM me with non-game inquiries, thank you for understanding
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・:*:♪ Games: ・:*:♪
January Tarot Game - CLOSED
March Palette Game - CLOSED
・:*:♪ Pick a Cards: ・:*:♪
Poll PAC: What Will Your Next Birthday Celebration Be Like
Lenormand PAC: Messages From the Eclipsed Sun
PAC: How Will You Experience Good Luck This Spring?
PAC: March Blessings For You
PAC: Quick Messages From Your Spirit Guides
PAC (Pick-a-Candy): February's Message For You
PAC: Your January Forecast
PAC Pick a Ride: Your Next Big Adventure
PAC Pick a Fruit: Something To Look Forward to in 2024
PAC: 11/11 Self-Care Messages
NaNoWriMo: What Character Could You Write Into Your Next Story?
PAC: Lunar Eclipse - General Messages
PAC: How Can Nature Heal You?
PAC: What Does Libra Season Have in Store For You?
Butterfly PAC: What Will Your Next Falling in Love Feel Like?
Last Quarter Moon PAC: What Are You Harvesting?
Full Blue Supermoon PAC Pick a Flower: How Are You Blooming?
PAC Pick a Palette: One Small Thing That Will Help You Grow
New Moon PAC: What Seed Are You Sowing?
Perseid PAC Pick a Fruit: What Blessings Are About to Shower Upon Your Life?
Aquarius Full Moon PAC - General Messages
PAC Pick a Song - What About You Currently Shines Brightest?
PAC: Yes/No/Maybe - 7 Piles
Quick General Advice for Your Situation (PAC)
PAC - Full SuperMoon - What are you attracting and releasing?
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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kiss-my-freckle · 5 months
Why do you think Matt was Elena's emotional trigger and Stefan and Damon weren't? Also lol to the SE fans who ship Stelena over Delena because of their nontoxic, pure, and respect-filled relationship when Mattlena fits that better.
Damon and Stefan both could've flipped her switch, but each required something specific. Elena isn't in love with Stefan, she only sees him as a friend. For him to flip her switch, they'd have to threaten his life like they threatened Matt's. A harder sell for Elena because Stefan is a vampire. Damon could've flipped her switch at any time, but every time they had him in the right position, they took him out of the equation. He could've flipped her switch on the rooftop in New York, but they had Rebekah snap his neck. He could've flipped her switch at the prom, but they had her dancing with Stefan instead.
They wrote emotionless Elena just like they wrote sired Elena. Most of Stelena's scenes are sexual in nature because that's all they can be. Most of Delena's scenes cut him out of the equation because Damon is her everything. I can actually gif parallel emotionless Elena to sired Elena and put it in context so fans can see what the writers did. It's my feeling that they wanted to hide Elena's choice between brothers until 4x23, so they chose to put her humanity switch on Matt. But Damon still had to be centered in it. They wanted Damon flipping it off and on because he is her boyfriend.
The flip switch is centered in 4x1. They combined both of Damon's scenes with Matt in that episode to show how Damon holds onto details. He doesn't forget anything, and he uses his experiences when he can. I should actually gif that parallel so fans can see what Damon sees and how he uses it.
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resotwosion · 2 months
oc yapping because I need to write it down somewhere
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Spoiled rich girl who had no problems in her life before her parents died, leaving her the sole inheritor of their massive company. She has no interest in and also no idea how to take care of it, so she tends to let other people take care of it while she runs off with her boyfriend(s) of the week, who mysteriously disappear once she's had her fun.
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Former college student who now works with Trippy to spread the word of their cult (name TBD). Had her face permanently disfigured (consensually) by them, and always wears the mask to cover it up. Quite kind, but oh so misguided.
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A camgirl who... hates her clients, even though they support her semi-lavish lifestyle. Has a bookclub where she bitches about them with her girlies (Kiki and Lyra). Very interested in dolls, mostly in collecting and repainting them. Lives with OMG, who she didn't realize was sentient when she first got her.
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Girl from the 18 hundreds who is now a principality in Heaven. Like the other principalities, she watches over one of the gates of Heaven, and is also the overseer of a zodiac, hers being Gemini. She remembers the most out of her life on Earth out of the other principalities, since she journaled so frequently.
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Fungi based on Florida, but spends so much of her time with her best friend, she's hardly there. Former gymnast (still incredibly flexible), current hairdresser who uses her clients as a way to complain when Velvet's out of town.
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Video game streamer and speed runner who has a friendly rivalry with fellow streamer traUMAtic. A ghoul, who unlike some others feeds off of a positive emotion, that being joy. Loves her fan base, as it's very nontoxic and a generally very positive place.
all art is by dreamalgia except for fanta's which is from @do-kontsa
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percki · 14 days
i love you female friendships in media i love you nontoxic femininity i love you girls caring for one another i love you positive examples of women unequivocally lifting each other up and supporting each other. i love you women
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femoso-seben · 1 month
Welcome to my Blog!
Hi I'm Fem or Seben.
I currently writing for CoD!
I mostly write SFW and love requests. I do occasionally write NFSW but that's rare or on my term if I am comfortable.
I write mostly positive and Nontoxic things.
My current works are:
Humanoid Monster
Baby Daddy Simon
Father Figure
And random other shit!
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