#nona x alex x clarissa
crxnkcity · 11 months
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some art of the girlfriends ever that happened to coincide with the start of pride month . begging you all to consider this ship more ❤️
and a bonus of them being cute together !
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I think Alex x Nona is cute but also kinda funny because Nona must be struggling so much like man my best friend despises this girl but she's so pretty and nice and I love her hair wtf do I do-
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nachfo · 18 days
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Rambles bellow :3
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This are the og characters: Alex, Michael (tho he doesn't appear here), Jonas, Clarissa, Ren, and Nona. And the rot with the iterators is the sunken (if you know you know :3)
I went fucking insane with this one. I just wanted to doodle and this came out. I'm really proud of it. My favorite game and the fandom I'm in combined. I think I managed the ideas very well. I don't really know much about rainworld but I think it's good anyway. I wanted to make more rainworld art but didn't really know what to do so I did this. This is mostly just concept art. Might expand on it in the future. I got really cool ideas on how the whole thing could work. If this could be considered an au? idk. I still have to work on it.
If you have any questions about it please send asks! It would really help me develop this idea! And also If you have any ideas you think could work great I would gladly appreciate them! I'm really optimistic about this and would like to do more. Hope you guys find it interesting. If you don't know what Oxenfree is I highly recommend you check it out! It's my favorite game. You don't have to play the game if you don't want but you could check a walkthrough.
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pandakong · 6 years
20? 😊
favourite gay ship (canon or not)
I actually don’t blog about ships really. But today the truth comes out!
My first ship ever was Elphaba and Glinda from Wicked. Still really solid. My fave animated couples are Korrasami and Bubbline of course.
Thanks for the gay ask! 🏳️‍🌈
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priestessamy · 6 years
That’s one down! And pretty dang fast too
The kids go back to the island to see if anything spooky is still happening
Turns out there is one little spook, just a tiny one
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oxen-freak · 7 years
Oxenfree / Parks and Rec
Ren: "Okay, code-names. Mine is 'Eagle 1.'
Ren: "Nona is 'been there done that.'
Ren: "Jonas is 'currently doing that.'
Ren: "Clarissa is 'it happened once in a dream.'
Ren: "Michael is 'if I had to pick a dude [besides Jonas]'
Ren: "Alex is...'Eagle 2.'
Alex: "Oh, thank God."
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biostrange · 7 years
a clarissa (oxenfree) moodboard?
DSHhfuck! i haven’t done any oxenfree moodboard THANK U !!!! im on it 
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butchwherewolf · 7 years
Three Sides, an Oxenfree Band AU
AO3 Link: x
Summary: In 1943, an orchestra and the audience perished in a fire. Decades later, the Edwards Center for the Arts was built where the orchestra hall once stood, and a band takes up that space to practice. But, when the ghosts of the past make themselves known, will this band succumb to them, or survive the supernatural onslaught?
Three Sides
Chapter 1- There Are Three Sides to Every Story
The voice of an unknown nurse, quiet and uninterested, barely audible over the noise of the party, still echoes in Alex’s head. Asking Alex if she’s Michael sister, telling her that Michael got into a car crash. An apathetic voice letting her know that her brother was in the hospital. The news seemed to sober her up instantly, and her first thought was ‘I just caused Michael to crash’. Her second thought was frantically trying to dial her mother, worried that they hadn’t reached her parents and she was the only one who answered the phone. If Michael died because of the crash, if he was permanently injured because of her calling him for a ride at 4am, then she didn’t know what she would do with herself. In the back of her head, she idly realized that she could hear her breath, hyperventilating in the back corner of the kitchen, all alone with no way to get to Mich-
The voice causes her to snap out of the memory, jumping in the car seat, hands tightly clenched around the steering wheel. She turns to face the passenger, and her breath starts to calm as she stares at Michael, worse for wear, but still alive.
“Hey, you started to zone out right when we pulled up, is everything okay?” Michael rested his hand on her shoulder and she could feel the last bit of fear leave her mind as her heart slowed. But her guilt was still present, her heart aching as her eyes slowly drifted down to his casted leg. “Alex, come on, you know I’m here for you. What’s wrong?”
She shifted in her seat, her knee starting bounce, needing to feel something to keep her attention on the present. Her eyes drift away from Michael’s leg and she locks eyes with him. After taking a shaky breath, she starts to answer the question. “I… caused this,” She gestures to him, specifically his injuries. “I called you for a ride and you got into an accident driving to pick me up. If I hadn’t called, if I didn’t go to that party, you…” You wouldn’t have these broken bones.
Michael’s grip on her shoulder tightens and she refocuses her gaze on her older brother, swiping at the beginnings of tears in her eyes. “Alex, listen to me. What happened that night wasn’t your fault. You called me because you knew you couldn’t drive home, and you called me so that you could get back safely. Nothing is wrong with that.” He twists his upper body in the seat of the car to fully face her, and places his other hand on her left shoulder, squeezing it. “My accident happened because some guy wasn’t looking where he was driving, and was probably three sheets to the wind. It wasn’t anyone’s fault except for the other guy driving, okay?” Alex slowly nods to his words, sniffling quietly as the two just sit, waiting for the other one to do something.
Alex was the first one to break the silence, taking a deep breath before taking the keys out of the ignition and flashing Michael a smile. “So, you ready to go inside?”
Michael chuckled, patiently waiting in his seat after he unbuckled. “I’ve been ready. Just been waiting on you.” Alex snorted, rolling her eyes as she got out of the truck. She picked the folded wheelchair out from the truck bed and walked to Michael’s side of the cab. After making sure that every metal joint in the wheelchair was secure after setting it up, she opened the door and held out her hand for Michael. Her brother grasped her hand tightly as he unsteadily got out of the vehicle, careful not to twist his broken leg as he sat down. Once situated, he flashed Alex a thumbs up and Alex went about locking her truck up.
After making sure that her truck was locked and she had the right papers and bills in her jacket, she returned to Michael’s side and started to push the wheelchair up the driveway. “Ugh, jeez, you’re so heavy. You know you can push yourself up this, right?” Alex joked, exaggerating her efforts to push him towards the front door.
Michael hummed in contemplation, rubbing his chin. “Yes but how many times in my life do I get my little sister to push me around without having to put any effort into moving? Exactly one time and this is it so I’m enjoying myself.” Alex gave another groan and Michael laughed, smiling as the two of them made their way towards the front door.
It took some navigating to get Michael around the tight corner of the front door and the hallway of the house, but after a solid minute of cursing wooden furniture and architects, the two got the wheelchair (and Michael, by extension) through the entryway without much of a problem.
The two high fived each other before Alex bends over, swiping her brow and taking a moment to gain her breath after having just lifted a heavy chest so that Michael could scoot on by into the house.
“That was entertaining.” The sudden voice in the home made Alex jump, clutching her heart.
“Holy hell.”
At the sound of familiar laughter, Alex finally noticed Jonas, leaning against the hallway, a smile on his face.
Alex frowns, squinting at him. “How long have you been there?” She folds her arms and tilts her head, but the heavy rising of her chest and the fact that she just jumped nearly two feet into the air negates any intimidating effect she was going for.
Jonas hums, stroking his chin and the small amount of facial hair that had grown there. “I’d say about 30 seconds. Long enough to hear you cursing trees and how ‘they shouldn’t become furniture because they only get in the way’. Sound about right?” His pseudo smugness drops once he’s done talking, and immediately runs across the small distance of the hall to pick up Alex, spinning her around in a tight hug. “I’ve missed you guys so much,” He says, hugging Alex for a few more seconds before putting her down. His hug with Michael was less… fluid, with Jonas having to avoid Michael’s injured leg and the confines of the wheelchair while also trying to show how excited he was to see his siblings again.
Once welcoming hugs were given out, the three of them go into the living room of the house, with Alex asking Jonas questions. “When did you come down? How are you down? I thought you were in the middle of the semester! And we didn’t even see your car in the driveway.” Jonas shrugs, a smile on his face as he adjusts his old beanie.
“Came down when my dad called to tell me that Michael was out of the hospital. I had to take a red-eye flight back here but I’m not complaining. My professors were quick to understand about the need to leave and inability to be at classes so they’re letting any classwork I miss this week be a free pass.” The three eventually make their way towards the large couches in the room, with Jonas and Alex sitting next to each other and Michael facing the two of them in his wheelchair. “However, I wanted to be home for as long as I can to make sure everyone’s okay so… I switched to the online program. Makes it easier to keep up with everything and allows me to keep an eye on the family. Plus, I can always make up lab classes later.”
Michael shook his head, a grin on his face. “Well, I’m happy you made it home in one piece. Speaking of home, where are mom and dad? I was expecting them to be in here-”
“Oh, they’re fixing up the guest bedroom. They wanted to make sure it was set up so that you could sleep here and everything. That’s what I was doing when you guys were struggling to get inside.” Jonas answered, getting up from the couch. “I’ll go get them, hold on.”
After he left the room, Alex glances at Michael, who was still looking in the direction where Jonas went. His silence causes her to get nervous, worried that he’s thinking about the fact that he’ll be staying home for the next few months to recover. Just as she opens her mouth to say something, their parents walk in, and envelope the two in warm hugs.
Soon, everyone, sans Michael, sat on the couch, discussing the living situations. It was settled that Michael would stay at the house to heal and be taken to physical therapy, as Alex and Michael’s fourth floor and elevator-less apartment was unconducive of Michael’s healing. However, since Jonas didn’t have a place to stay, he would then live at the apartment with Alex until Michael recovered. The three of them agreed, however Michael requested that Jonas bring a small amount of his things from his apartment room to the home, as he wanted to somewhat decorate the guest room for the four plus months that he would be in there during the recovery period. Jonas quickly agreed, and soon the family found themselves preparing a large dinner for all five of them, and basked in the time spent with family.
After dinner, Alex and Jonas bid farewell to their parents and sibling, with Michael making each of them promise him that they’d look out after the other one. They threw Jonas’s bags in the back of Alex’s truck, and with a goodbye wave, they were off.
The ride from their parent’s home to Michael and Alex’s small apartment in Seattle was rather short, as the lack of traffic on the highways helped to speed up their journey. And after a quick stop at a gas station, the two found themselves parked outside of the apartment complex in no time.
“You ready to go in?” Alex asked, looking over at Jonas who was taking in the city with a wide eye stare. Having never traveled to the city, Jonas was seemingly awestruck by the sights of the Oregon city. With an answering ‘Uh huh,’ the two got out of the truck, and Alex grabbed Jonas’s things, allowing him more time to take in the city. “Come on, I’ll show you some more places later this week if you want. We can even go get some food at this great dive that Ren and I found.”
At the mention of the name, Jonas turned to look at Alex with confusion. “Ren? He’s here? I thought he went off on a ‘self discovery’ journey a few years ago.”
Alex shook her head, handing Jonas one of his bags. “Nope. Never did it. Lost motivation and decided to move here a few months after Michael and I did. He works at record store just a few blocks down.” As Alex talked, the two of them headed up to the apartment. “Why so curious, though? I thought you didn’t care too much about Ren. Still got that high school crush on him, hm?”
As the words left her mouth, Jonas started to sputter, spinning towards Alex. “Wh-what?! N-no! No. Nope. Just curious about what my sister’s best friend is doing, that’s all.”
“Mhmm. Suuure you are.”
“I am!”
“Your blushing cheeks say otherwise, Jonas.”
Jonas grumbled, looking away from Alex and waiting for her to unlock the door. “Can we just go inside? My arm is aching from holding my bags for so long.” Alex grinned at him, slowly turning the key in the lock, taking her time. “Alex, come on,” he complained, groaning at her laughter.
“Alright, alright.” Alex opened the door, letting Jonas dash in and drop the bag in the small living room space. “Jeez, impatient much?” Jonas’s only response was another grumble as he went over the back of the couch and onto the cushions, face resting on a pillow. Alex laughed, placing the other bag of Jonas’s next to the one that Jonas put down. As Alex turned to lock the door, two arms wrapped around her and she started to shriek, getting ready to slam her elbow into the stomach of the unknown person.
“Woah, woah, woah! Alex, it’s me! Ren! Please don’t hit me in the stomach,” Ren quickly spoke, letting go of Alex to cover his torso with his arms. “Your elbows hurt, have mercy.” Alex, taking a moment to catch her breath, spun around to face him.
Her best friend gave a meek laugh as he slowly opened his eyes, relaxing his arms when he realized that the hit he was bracing for would never come. He breathed a sigh of relief before standing up straight. He flinched when Alex punched him in the shoulder, crying out.
“Ren! Don’t you ever scare me like that again, you jerk!” Alex yelled, running a hand through her hair and placing her other hand on her heart. “Jesus, you practically gave me a heart attack.”
Ren rubbed his shoulder, pouting. “That hurt y’know… And I was just trying to surprise you with a hug. I didn’t expect you to go all warrior on me.” He stopped rubbing his shoulder and started to look around the apartment. “So where’s Michael? How’d you get him up here? Didn’t you say he was in a wheelchair?”
At this point, Jonas sat up on the couch, beanie cockeyed and hair sticking out from under it. “Actually, Michael’s staying at our parent’s house.” Ren jumped, screaming at Jonas’s voice, not expecting it. “Ren, stop.” At his continuous scream, Jonas rolled his eyes, standing up from the couch. “Ren, knock it off.”
Alex rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face as Ren stopped, Jonas starting to bicker with him about how loud he was. Alex patted her friend on the back, starting to answer Ren’s questions and putting a quick end to Jonas’s bickering. “Since Michael’s staying at our parent’s house, Jonas is staying here for the time Michael’s recovering.”
Ren turned to face Alex, ignoring Jonas to focus on his friend. “Yeah? Hmm. Might be odd having Jonas here instead of Michael but… I’m sure it’ll be a quick adjustment.” Jonas scoffed at this, getting closer to Ren.
“Adjustment? Alex and I have lived together for years before we all moved out. What do you mean adjustment? It’s not like you’re the one living here.” Jonas crossed his arms, looking quite peeved at Ren’s comments.
“Well, when your best friend always hosts movie nights every week, and you tend to come here after work shifts, I’d say, yeah, I do kinda live here.”
“Right, okay, so if I just go to a random apartment for multiple times a week, I live there, then? Is that right?”
“Not when it’s a random apartment. Only if it’s a friend or… an acquaintance.”
“That makes no sense!”
Alex groaned, feeling a headache form in the front of her head. “Okay, enough! Stop it, the two of you. Jonas lives here now, and Ren, yes, you do hang out here a lot, but it’s not the same as living, okay? So can we stop the childish arguments and just relax?” She exclaimed, rubbing her forehead.
“Ugh, whatever. I’m going to go set my things up in Michael’s room and pack up that stuff that he wanted. Goodnight Alex.” Jonas bent over to pick up his things and brushed past Ren, walking towards Michael’s room.
Ren waved at Jonas. “Goodnight to you too, Jonas!” Jonas muttered under his breath, not paying him much attention as he opened the door to the bedroom and disappeared inside. “Well, he seems happy to be here.” Alex snorted and lightly punched Ren on his other shoulder, moving past him to sit on the couch. “What? It’s true. I’ve never seen him so grumpy before.”
“Give him a break. It’s been a long, emotional day for us.” Alex stretched, cracking her knuckles as she got comfortable. “Besides, I don’t blame him for being grumpy. He took an overnight flight to get here to make sure Michael was safe, he’s probably running on a few hours of sleep.” Ren hummed, jumping over the back of the sofa and laying upside down next to Alex.
Ren glanced up at Alex, grinning at her. “Yeah, but still. Doesn’t mean he’s not a grumpy guy.” Alex sighed, patting Ren’s stomach as a sign of her slight annoyance. “Alright, alright.”
Alex shifted on the cushions, putting her forearm over her eyes and started to relax. “Did you happen to talk to Clarissa today about meeting tomorrow? I know you’re worried about the band.”
Ren cleared his throat, adjusting himself so that he was sitting properly in the sofa. “Yeah. She agreed to meet at my place. Wants to get it over with so that we can get back to practicing.” Ren crossed his legs and started to bounce his knee. “She didn’t talk about it, but… I’m nervous about the fact that we don’t have a drummer now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that Michael is alright, but if we can’t find a drummer in a few weeks for the performance at Edwards Art Center, then we can’t get that big pay the owner promised. And we’re already behind performance and money-wise! I just-”
Alex’s hand on his leg caused him to stop mid-rant, looking towards his best friend. She had moved her arm from her face and gave Ren a gentle smile. “It’s okay. I have an idea of what to do. Don’t worry. We’ll be okay. Trust me, Ren.”
Ren took a breath, closing his eyes before opening them, smiling back at his friend. “You’re right. We got this.” A sudden thought caused him to frown, looking away. “I’m worried about you and Clarissa, though. She sounded pretty pissed when I talked to her. I just don’t want you guys tearing the band, and all of our friendships, apart.”
Alex bit her bottom lip, anxious about the thought of the tensions that would be raised at their meeting the next day. “Well, we’ll see what happens, right?” With a deep breath, Alex gave Ren another smile. “But enough about this, let’s watch some TV to make sure we don’t end this night on a bad note, okay?” Ren grinned, and got off the couch to enter the kitchen to most likely grab some food. The two were going to enjoy some friend bonding before Ren had to leave to return to his own apartment for the night.
It wasn’t the alarm that Jonas had set on his phone that had woken him up, but rather the raised voices arguing in the room just outside the bedroom. With a groan, Jonas got up, putting on a tossed aside t-shirt and rooting through his things so he could grab a pair of sweatpants to put on over his boxers. He didn’t know who was outside that door but figured it was most likely a heated debate between Alex and Ren, and the last thing he wanted to do was barge into the room with just his boxers on while Ren and Alex quarreled about whether or not the main character of their show would actually be able to do the things shown.
He opened the door after feeling satisfied that his clothing was appropriate, rubbing his eyes as he left the room. As he did so, the full force of the voices screaming at each other hit him, and he realized that the other person in the apartment was not Ren, but rather Clarissa. She was currently in Alex’s face, jabbing her finger at his sister’s chest, yelling at her about something to do with Michael.
“Hey!” His voice caused the two of them to stop and look in his direction. “Knock it off you guys!” Clarissa scoffed at him, taking a step back from Alex, who turned her head back to face Clarissa. She started to open her mouth for some inevitable rebuttal but Jonas stopped her. “Alex! Enough! What in god’s name is going on?”
Alex glared up at Clarissa, daring her to speak first. The taller woman glowered back, and started to speak. “I just came here to grab Mike’s things. I’m going to visit him and he asked me to grab his stuff. Except when I asked to grab it, this one prevented me from walking into the room-”
“Yeah, because you barged in here like you owned the place and wanted to stampede into the room where my brother was sleeping!” Alex exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air.
“Well how was I supposed to know that your step-brother would be sleeping in your brother’s room?” Clarissa shot back.
“You didn’t give me a chance to explain before you started blaming me for everything that happened!”
“What, are you denying that it’s not your fault? That it’s not your fault that Michael has a fractured femur, broken ribs, and god knows what else? That it’s not your fault that, had you not called him that night when you were three fucking sheets to the wind, he-”
Jonas pushed the two apart, hands on their lower chest, making them both take a step back. “Okay, enough! Knock it off! Arguing about whose fault a freak accident was isn’t going to solve anything, so chill out Clarissa! Alex doesn’t deserve it, she’s been through enough already.”
Clarissa snorted, eyebrow raised, nose flaring in anger. “Alex doesn’t deserve it? What ab-” The sound of a phone ringing stopped her, mid sentence, and she stood there, breathing heavily, before she realized that it was her phone that was ringing. “After I answer this, I’m leaving with the box, you two understand?”
Alex huffed, crossing her arms and looking to the side. “Yeah, crystal clear, princess.” She held up her hands when Jonas turned around and pointed his finger at her in a warning. “Alright, alright. Jeez. I’ll be in my room. Tell me when her Majesty has left.”
As she walked by Jonas, he reached out and ruffled her hair. She swatted his hands back, but the action at least brought a smile to her face as she left the living space. Clarissa returned a few seconds later, looking impatient and still rather pissed. Apparently her phone call was short but enough to get her in the mood to stop arguing and leave the place. At Clarissa’s eyebrow raising in an unspoken question, Jonas cleared his throat and jogged back to the room, grabbing the box and returning to hand it to Clarissa.
He pointed to the few things in the box, “This is everything that Michael wanted. If he needs anything else, let him know he can always call us.” Clarissa’s angry expression softened just the slightest, and she gave him a quiet ‘Thank you’ before turning on her heel and leaving the apartment.
When the door closed behind her, Jonas breathed a sigh of relief and slumped against the closest wall, running a hand through his hair. After taking a few seconds to collect himself, he walked to Alex’s room, knocking lightly before entering. His sister was currently laying on her bed, eyes closed and headphones on. The music she was listening to could just barely be heard and Jonas shook his head. He walked up to her bed and lightly tapped her legs and she shot up from the bed, eyes wide open and ready to fight. Jonas held up his hands with amusement and tapped his ears with one hand to silently tell her to take the headphones off.
Once she did so, he relaxed, putting his hands down. “Clarissa’s gone. Left a few minutes ago with the box.” Jonas took a seat on the edge of Alex’s bed, watching her turn her music off and put away her headphones. “What happened to the two of you? Didn’t you guys use to be like… somewhat close?”
Alex cracked her knuckles as she sat up, looking at Jonas. “We were. Until the accident. She blames me for what happened, as you probably could figure out from what she was yelling at me for. I don’t blame her, though. It kind of is my fault.” Alex rubbed the back of her neck and started to avoid Jonas’s gaze.
Jonas furrowed his brows and nudged Alex with his hand, getting her to look back over at him. “Hey, it’s not your fault and you know it. It was an accident nobody could’ve predicted.” Alex, wiping the beginning of tears in her eyes with her sleeve, laughed under her breath. “What? Did I say something funny?”
Alex shook her head, smiling up at Jonas. “No, it’s just you and Michael said almost the same thing.” Jonas’s worried expression turned into a smug smile as he put his arms on his hips and stuck his chest out in a ‘hero’ pose.
Alex snorted with laughter at the sight, lightly shoving Jonas. The two started to laugh before Jonas spoke, his tone serious. “Maybe you should listen to your brothers then, okay? Michael and I are known to be right occasionally.” At another snort from Alex he rolled his eyes. “I said occasionally!” Alex shook her head and moved closer to Jonas so that she could lean her head on his shoulder. “What do you say I go make some breakfast and we can talk about sightseeing this week?”
Alex hummed, rubbing her chin with her fingers. “I don’t know. Cooking from someone with a history of burning boiling pasta? Doesn’t sound too safe.”
Jonas made an indignant sound and looked down at his sister. “I’ll have you know that the pasta happened once because Dad called me away for something. Plus I’ve been better at cooking. I know how to make a lot of things without burning, She Who Ruins Mac and Cheese.”
Alex groaned in defeat. “It was one time. One time!” She exclaimed, sitting up shaking her head.
“Yeah, for that recipe. You burnt Kraft Mac and Cheese. That stuff is like, impossible to mess up.” Jonas grinned at Alex, eyebrow raised and ready to hear her explanation.
Alex huffed and crossed her arms. “The instructions can be confusing.”
With a laugh, Jonas nudged her with his shoulder and stood up, leaving the room and thinking of what he would make for the two of them.
Clarissa rhythmically against her steering wheel, listening to the music on the radio as she pulled up to a parking spot outside of Ren’s apartment. The keyboardist had asked her to come over to his apartment so that both of them, and Alex, could talk about the future of Three Sides. She figured that, with their performance in a few months, Ren would be freaking out over the band, and, in some way, she was happy for the distraction from Michael.
She had thought that, after visiting him at his parent’s home instead of the hospital, she would feel better. That seeing him not hooked up to the various machines and having nurses stop in periodically to check him would improve her mood, quell her anger. But it didn’t.
Seeing him confined to the wheelchair, with the massive cast on? It only made her anger worse, and she desperately wanted a distraction from the thoughts in her head. So, the perfect thing was to go talk about the band, worry about something else besides her boyfriend. She needed it. She can worry about Michael again when she’s lying awake in her bed at 4am, but for now, she was focused on the present.
Clarissa shot Ren a quick text letting him know that she arrived and exited her car, locking it up before waiting by the entrance of the apartment building. Her fingers itched to reach into her coat pocket and pull out her cigarette pack but she fought the feeling off by realizing that she wouldn’t get to finish the cigarette since she knew Ren would be down in a few seconds.
However, that didn’t stop her fingers from playing with the pocket, dancing around the strong temptation. Thankfully, just as she was about to give in, the familiar short blond poked his head outside, looking for Clarissa. Seeing her near the wall, he ushered her inside, bringing her up to his apartment.
Ren opened the door for her, and she walked in. The familiar smell of cheetos and the faint whiff of weed hit her as she stepped in. She was about to joke that he should get an air freshener when the familiar figure of Jonas, lounging on a chair, caught her attention. Her eyes narrowed and she glared at the man.
“What’s he doing here? Isn’t this just a meeting for band members? Because last time I checked, he’s not a member.” Her voice was acrid, and the room seemed to be filled with an uncomfortable silence.
Jonas shifted in the chair, adjusting his beanie and looking up at Clarissa. “Well, actually, I-”
“Jonas is here because he’s part of the band now. He’s going to be the drummer.” Alex interrupted her brother, standing behind him and placing a hand on the chair.
Jonas flashed Clarissa an uneasy smile as he started to explain himself. “Yeah, Michael always talked about being the drummer, and I know you guys were worried about it, so I figured, why not? I’ve been playing since I was little and I know my way around a drum kit better than anyone else you can find in this city.”
Clarissa laughed indignantly, throwing her hands into the air. “Great! We lose Michael and downgrade to a step-brother who’s barely around. Wonderful.”
“Excuse me?!” Alex steps up in front of Clarissa, scowling up at her. “Jonas is just as much of a brother to me as Michael. And, for your information, Jonas has been gone because he’s getting his degree. So leave him alone and out of your ridiculous hate that you suddenly have for my family.”
Clarissa leaned down closer to Alex, staring right into her eyes. “I don’t hate your family. I happen to love your parents and Michael. What I hate are 2-bit replacements who are barely better than a rock and someone who caused her brother to get into a car accident. That’s what I hate. So don’t pleasure yourself thinking that I hate your family.”
Alex clenched her fist, and Clarissa could see in her eyes that she was contemplating hitting Clarissa. There was a part of Clarissa’s mind that wanted her to tell Alex to do it, give Clarissa another reason to blame her for something, another outlet for Clarissa’s anger. But a better part made her resist and take a step back. In the same moment that she took a step back, Ren pushed his way in between the two of them.
“Ohhh-kay everyone, let’s just calm down, relax, and remember that the reason we’re all here is to get our set list together for the performance at the new center for the arts. Can we all agree on that?”  Ren pleaded, looking between both of his bandmates.
“Fine. I’ll be civil. What’s the music, Reginald?” Clarissa turned away from Alex, taking a seat on another chair in Ren’s living room. She watched Alex close her eyes, take a breath, and turn to go stand next to Jonas. Ren clapped his hands together and smiled, walking over to his shelves that held all of the boxes of sheet music. He pulled out one particular box and carried it over to his coffee table, tossing the lid open and grabbing a few.
Ren cleared his throat before holding up two songs and presenting them to his bandmates. “I now present to you, our other two songs for the set list. This one,” He waved the booklet in his right hand, “is a great song that really shows off your low-alto vocal range, Clarissa, and emphasizes the bass that Alex can really shine on. It’s slightly out of our typical genre, but I know that we can pull it together after a few solid rehearsals.” Clarissa nodded in agreement and held out her hand. Ren placed the sheet music in her hand and she started to browse through it, already making a mental checklist on what she would need to do.
“And the one in my left hand sticks with our original genre but it’s key that the drums be on point. So Jonas, this one’s all up to you.” Jonas smiled and accepted the music, skimming through it. Ren handed a copy of both the musical pieces to Alex and the music that the other didn’t have to Clarissa and Jonas.
Clarissa looked up at Ren, who was watching everyone’s reactions. She held up the first piece that Ren gave her. “You know that this song has heavy guitar, too, right?”
Ren nodded, grinning. “Yeah. I also know that you can handle it.”
Clarissa smirked, sitting a little taller in the chair. “Be careful, Reginald. Wouldn’t want to stroke my ego too much.”
Jonas cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of the two. “So, uh, what’s the first song? If there are the three songs, what about the first?” Ren snapped his fingers and turned back to the box, quickly rooting through it before producing another sheet of music. Jonas thanked him and looked at hit. He frowned and looked back up at Ren. “So, if two of these songs are basically indie songs, why change it up with the second song? I mean, if you’re good at something, stick with it, don’t change, right? Like, why change the tone of the performance with the second song?”
Ren gave an awkward laugh and crossed his arms. “Well, Jonas, I typically pick songs that the band can shine with and have fun with. And, in my somewhat long history of performing music, never in my life has a change in tone ever been a bad thing in a performance.”
Jonas made a face and stared at Ren. “Well, I’m just telling you that this doesn’t seem like a good idea. Switching from indie to rock and then back again? I mean, how does this make sense?” He questioned Ren, not understanding why the shorter man thought this was a good idea. Clarissa took her attention away from the two of them to look at Alex, and was surprised to see a clear conflict on her face. Just as she was about to say something to break the two of them up, her phone rang, and she checked it. Nona, Clarissa thought, and immediately got up.
“As entertaining as it is to listen to you two bicker like children, I have to answer this call from my best friend, so I’ll be right back.” Clarissa put the music down on her chair and brushed past Ren, opening the door to the hallway.
“Tell Nona I said hi!” Ren called out, momentarily broken from his focus on dispute with Jonas.
Clarissa waved her hand dismissively. “I always do, Ren.” She shut the door behind her and took a few steps down the hallway, not wanting everyone to hear her conversation with Nona. She answered her phone and immediately felt her body relax, releasing an unknown tension that she had been holding for who knows how long.
“Hey, Clarissa. How’re you doing?” Nona’s voice was calm and caring as usual, and the sheer comfort that the few words bring almost cause Clarissa to start crying, for the stress of the entire day was finally released. .
“Hi, Nona. I’ve been doing better, but what’s up?” Clarissa’s voice was quiet, and she thanks whatever divine being that rules the universe for causing her friend to call, because she needed this.
Clarissa could hear Nona shift on the other end of the call, most likely going to sit down. “Well, that new arts center you guys are going to perform at in a few months? The owner happens to be the aunt of the dance studio’s owner, Abby. And since Abby knows me so well, she told her aunt all about Three Sides, and she asked me to extend an invite to you guys to come down and practice.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Abby as in Tinder hook-up Abby? That Abby?” Clarissa asked, incredulous. Nona groaned, and Clarissa laughed, imagining her best friend’s flustered face. “Come on, fess up. You hooked up with the dance studio’s owner over Tinder and never told me.”
“Ugh, Clarissa!”
“I’m waiting…”
“Yes, that Abby! Gosh, anyways, did you hear the important part?” Clarissa knew that Nona was desperately trying to change the subject and she gave her friend mercy. It was something to discuss at a later date.
“Yeah. Abby’s aunt invited us to practice at her center for the arts.”
“And you know what else?”
“The Edwards Center for the Arts is a block away from my apartment. So, if you guys want, you can store your equipment in my apartment. Plus, you have a key to my place, so it’s not like you guys will be needing me around constantly to unlock the door. And it also gives me a great excuse to watch you guys practice.” Clarissa could practically hear the smile in her friend’s voice, and Clarissa’s own smile grew because of it.
“Well, I’ll make sure that nobody but you sneaks into our super secret practices.” Nona laughed, but her laugh quickly died off as she seemed to adopt a more serious tone.
“You never really answered my question about how you’re doing, Clarissa. What’s on your mind?” A part of Clarissa cursed Nona for being so in-tune with her. A blessing and a curse for having a best friend for years.
Clarissa sighed and started to run her fingers through her hair, playing with the ends of it. “You know I’m worried about Michael. You haven’t seen him, but, God, Nona, he looks bad. I just… I wish I could’ve done something. I wish I could do something, anything, for him.” She slid down against the wall she had been leaning against, bringing her knees up and resting her chin on them.
“And to make matters worse, I’m just… angry that this happened to him and I’m taking it out on Alex. I know she doesn’t deserve it but, fuck, Nona, it’s so easy to blame her. I think she blames herself too and that… it just fuels me, and I know it shouldn’t, but I don’t know what to do-” Clarissa’s voice cracked, starting to show her emotions, and in the back of her mind, she feels the tears roll down her cheeks.
“Clarissa, hey. Listen to me. It’s okay, alright? You couldn’t have done anything that night, and you shouldn’t blame Alex for what happened, but it’s normal for you to react this way. You know grief is a weird emotion.” Nona’s relaxed tone of voice brought a feeling of calm that washed over Clarissa, and, once again, she thanked the universe for having Nona call. “You know what? Come by my place tonight after your whole band thing is over. We need to have a takeout and movie night, and we can talk then. Promise you’ll come over?”
Clarissa nodded, unable to speak, before realizing that Nona needed a verbal confirmation. “Y-yeah. Of course. I’ll see you soon?”
“You know it. And if you need to talk at any time during the band meeting, you know I’m available.”
Clarissa gave a small laugh and wiped the last of tears from her eyes. “Thank you, Nona. And, before I go, Ren says hi. He’d have a fit if he knew I forgot to say it.” Nona laughs, telling Clarissa to tell Ren the same thing, and Clarissa said goodbye to her friend. She hung up the phone after Nona’s quick, ‘Bye’, but still sat against the wall, taking a few seconds to gather her emotions, and herself, before she reentered the apartment.
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It’s always been a Graffiti.
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#Headcanon OXENFREE [Jonas x alex]
Alex‘s been feeling like shit.
She drifts over to the drunk nights, the memories were red and blue lights constantly hits her like a hammer to her head. A week after the horror show (Edwards Island, it was like crap shit) she had no fucking idea what to do to forget about The Sunken, ugh- damn it. She wanted to get drunk.
The kanaola ghosts were gone for good, thanks to Jonas and Alex (It was mostly Alex, Jonas got possessed halfway through.) But The Sunken didn’t look like they were demolished completely. Alex thought it was done, poof, no more ghosts. But she gets these cold feelings cramming her bones. She feels like the Kanoala ghosts were alive- and they were raping her heart. Tearing away her muscles in every possible sense. But nobody sees her pain, they never got that the Kanaloa ghosts were inside her- and they were killing her, like shit.
The past is changed. Now Jonas is her weird friend, not a step-brother. Michael is back, and clarissa was- gone.
It’s always been her, from the start where Alex left her with the ghosts by the submarine underwater. It was clarissa who’s been shoveling up her blood from inside her. She wanted to die. She looked for a weapon to kill herself. Right now. She wanted to get done.
Anyway, she remember the café that Ren told about where all the gangs will be drinking vodka. She immediately agreed. Vodka would do so much happiness for her right now- she commented. Jonas, nona and Michael will be there too. It’ll be fun, it’s something to do- right?
The Kanaloa Ghosts hit her again.
She was sitting beside a counter- she remembers. Jonas and Nona went to the roof to get some fresh air. Ren got drunk, already. He was slurring against some girls in a couch at a corner. Michael was playing poker with some street boys at Table No. 42, maybe. The only feeling she remembers that everyone she came with to drink was ignoring her feelings, intentionally .
The bar went crazy. Somebody tuned up Camilla Cabello- Havana on the speakers and the tables were turned. Not a metaphor- it was literally upside down. Alex needed a break. The moment she dropped her feet towards the shaking floor, the bumps were already started to kick in. She looked around- it was hard for an over-excited crowd, but everybody was drunk. There was no sign of Jonas or Michael. Ren and Nona were kissing each other back at a corner. There was nothing alex could do about them. She hardly survives the crashing crowd, breaking her bones in an uncomfortable way. Then geez- she was out. The cold wind from the balcony touched her skin.
Somewhere, in her heart- or in everywhere- was a little hope which she could not find it to use it. She wished she was strong, but she was Alexandra. The weak girl in the gang. The easily broken. She wanted warmth, or a nice hug, or someone to stroke her cheeks and to tell that "everything is okay". But she was alone. And her friends were ignoring her on purpose. She had enough. She wanted to die.
But the Kanoala ghosts. They will not let her die.
Is it an imagination? Or was she feeling strange? She didn't know, but long arms were circling around her waist, short breaths were caressing over her face. Then the soft, warm lips were brushing over her lips as Jonas softly whispered. "I missed you."
(Do u want me to continue??)
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FMK; Alex/Nona/Clarissa
none bc 1. i’m 25 bruh they’re teenagers that’s fuckin y i k e s x 1000000000 to even think abt 2. they’re all gay and u can’t change my mind (and no killin gays in This House)
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igromantic · 5 years
Издатель: Night School Studio
Разработчик: Night School Studio
Дата выхода: 2016
Платформа: Linux, Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Ru-Перевод: Любительский
Мистическая графическая приключенческая игра 2016 года, разработанная и опубликованная Night School Studio.
Игра была выпущена на Microsoft Windows, OS X и Xbox One 15 января 2016 года; на PlayStation 4 и Linux позднее в 2016 году и на iOS, Android и Nintendo Switch в 2017 году.
В Oxenfree игрок управляет девушкой-подростком Алекс, прибывшей со своими приятелями на выходные на безлюдный морской остров рядом с их городом. Вскоре начинают происходить сверхъестественные события, вынуждающие героев начать распутывать секреты острова.
Oxenfree – это первая игра Night School Studio. Вдохновлённые классическими подростковыми фильмами и историями взросления, разработчики хотели создать движимую историей игру, в которой бы не было кат-сцен и игроку бы позволялось свободно исследовать мир.
Игра получила в основном положительные отзывы.
Молодежный ужастик и психологический детектив с интересной механикой и множеством диалогов, часть из которых обязательно ступит за грань простых подколок к реальным эмоциям, некоторые даже можно считать романтическими. Потерянные на странном острове дети оказываются вовлечены в давнюю историю, в проделки призраков, как реальных, которых можно услышать по радио, так и призванных из пересеченных жизней. Несмотря на линейность, игроку дается свобода в том, что говорить своим друзьям и знакомым, толкая их на важные шаги, в том числе и любовные.
Endings There are many variations of the endings you can get, mostly because of who ends up with who. With this I’ll provide a brief explanation of each ending + how to get it.The “Good” Ending Most people consider this the good ending, so i’ll list it as such.
Jonas & Alex bond as siblings Ren & Nona start dating Alex and Clarissa reconcile. You don’t revive Michael
Be nice to Jonas, and make sure you let him talk to his mom at the end. To get Ren & Nona to date, don’t butt in on their “budding romance”, if you don’t do anything to interfere, it’ll happen naturally. Don’t be rude to Clarissa, apologize a lot, say you want to be friends, and don’t agree to sacrifice her.
The “Neutral” Ending There are several variations of this ending, they include:
You don’t bond with Jonas, but manage to stay connected with at least Ren, Nona, and Clarissa. Ren & Nona don’t date, but you still manage to bond with Jonas, and Clarissa. It’s also a bonus that Nona and Jonas are hinted at as a relationship in this ending You don’t reconcile with Clarissa, but you’re good with everyone else. You don’t revive Michael. You do revive Michael, but tell him to break things off with Clarissa.
Either you didn’t click with Jonas, or you kept sticking your nose into Nona’s feelings, or just straight up ruined Ren’s plans on wooing her, or hey! You hate Clarissa because she acts like a jerk for the entire game. Any of these will classify as a neutral ending.
The “Bad” Ending There are three variations of this.
Make everyone hate you You don’t Sacrifice Clarissa You don’t revive Michael
I explained how to get this ending with my firestarter achievement guide listed earlier. It’s honestly too much to retype, I’m lazy y’all.
You sacrifice Clarissa
Buddy, Pal, I know Clarissa can act like a real, uh, meanie, but I automatically count any run with her sacrificed as a bad ending. Clarissa is a complex character with a lot of trauma, and it was already confirmed/hinted at during the flashbacks with Michael that she suffers from severe depression. Please, be nice to my girl.
You go to Edwards Island, despite the warning.
This can happen 1 of 2 ways. 1: You didn’t choose the right dialogue options, or didn’t say anything, so Alex doesn’t take the warning from herself seriously, and still decides to go to Edwards Island. 2: You willingly choose to continue the cycle- and return to Edwards Island
The “Best” Ending Considered the best, so I list it as such.
You bond with Jonas as your new friend, you become besties. Ren & Nona date. You revive Michael, and save his relationship with Clarissa.
I explained earlier how to revive Michael, but just for recaps sake because it’s not that long to retype: during the final flashback with him, tell him to stay in town. Also tell him to stick with it, when he asks on your opinion of Clarissa during the beach flashback.
Leave. Possible.
You never go to Edwards Island, thus breaking the cycle, and escaping the neverending loop.
In order to get this you have to have beat the game once. Once you replay there will be radios that appear during timeloops, when you interact with them you will have several choices on what you can say. I’ve experimented a little, and one thing that basically makes Alex scared out of her mind is by telling her: Don’t use the radio, or, Don’t go to Edwards Island. If you choose either of these, you will get the option to not go to the island at all.
За кого переживать:
Условия романса:
Тип: Геймплейный
Участники: Главные герои
Влияние игрока: Выбор концовки
Характеристика романса:
Кто с кем:
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Моя Оценка: ★★★★★
Уровень романтики: ❤❤
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fuckawah · 7 years
all questions for oxenfree. :>
oh man. oooooooh man, and it’s not even my birthday.(question sheet!)
1. what otp/s in your fandom do you just not get?weed beanies. i’m not here for it. i’m super not here for it. they just hate each other sfm, and by the end of it, those layers of distrust are just so copious that i don’t see it ever being feasible? also like, the one superficial hangup i have on it is that people who are very anti-smoking, like ren, wouldn’t tolerate a smoker, like jonas. it’s a huge deal-breaker tbh and if they’re that cold-shouldered, it’d probably wash them out.
2. are there any popular otps you only brotp?alex and jonas. alex and jonas. alex and jonas. al  e x   and  j o  n a s . ya fkn don’t. i am not here for that brady bunch shit, even when we’re in a michael-lives loop. especially when we’re in a michael lives loop. alex is so adamant when she refers to jonas as a brother. in flashbacks, in the ending where she calls him her “other brother...” this is appalachian and i will not hear any of it. 
3. have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?god no. 
4. do you have a notp? are they a popular otp?yes and yes. see 1 & 2. i’m also not a huge proponent of poly ships, so the ren/nona/jonas three-way doesn’t do it for me.
5. has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?not in the oxenfam, no.
6. has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?i wouldn’t call it a hate, but i really didn’t see the appeal of alex/nona until i engaged more with the fandom. i just love ren so much, and didn’t think alex would step on his toes like that? but if he cooled his jets on nona long enough to let alex skate in wearing shades and carrying a boombox, sure thing. 
7. is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?let me tell you about claris ---- . nah man. i’m pretty easy-going there. 
8. have you ever received anon hate? what about?nope. and for nothing fandom-wise at all, really. except for that one thing, hunger games fandom.
9. most disliked characters? why?i actually love them all. i think they’re all dynamic, they’re excellently written, and there’s something noteworthy and fun in every single one of them. michael is my most disliked by default. you get a good impression of him, but it’s harder to emotionally invest in him when he’s dead.
10. most disliked arc? why?there aren’t any story elements i’d really pick a bone with, except one. it isn’t an arc, though, so i’m saving it for later.
11. is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? why?ren! the general consensus is that ren is kind of a drainer, but i really, really love him. he’s endearing, he’s funny, and he reminds me of someone i love a lot. i completely understand people who have problems with recreational drug users and how this affects their behavior, and that people think this is really intrinsic to ren’s character ---- but if you spend more time with him, and you really let him talk in group scenes, there’s just such a fondness between him and alex that seems so important to them both. i cannot hurt that boy. i need him to be ok. 
12. is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? why?does the loop count? does the ending count? i know people were dissatisfied with alex being trapped for eternity, but that’s good horror for you. the fact that she never really wins, that she is eternally punished, and that she truly suffers a fate worse than death... it’s established in the game+ that this isn’t all for nothing. that one girl’s sacrifice saves infinite more from suffering unnecessarily. it’s a perfect ending for a game that’s all about fate, loss, and redemption.
13. unpopular opinion about XXX character?clarissa is a c --- actually no that’s pretty popular. 
14. unpopular opinion about your fandom?not really acquainted with the fandom well enough to be able to answer.
15. unpopular opnion about the manga/show?neither of these things exist, and the one thing i’d mention here is relevant a little later.
16. if you could change anything about the (game), what would you change?first of all, you’d rename it to “oh no, the game.” and then you’d remove the option to revive michael. HERE IT IS, this is probably my most “unpopular” hang-up here. the game emphasizes that time is time. alex and friends are creating the time anomalies, and they’re altering things that ought not be altered. the sunken’s end goal is something we see as reprehensible because they’re dead, they have had their time, and they’re not owed any more. the same is true of michael. yeah, he died pretty tragically, and no, there aren’t any specifically Right or Wrong choices in oxenfree at all, but a game that’s so ardently enforcing the “appreciate the precious little moments you have before they’re over” bend shouldn’t offer the grand reset of playing god and restoring a life. your choices do mean something, but i think it robs them of a little meaning if michael comes back.also, fuck clarissa. 
17. instead of XYZ happening, i’d make ABC happen. instead of going into the fucking cave i’d throw rocks at the sea for like 11 hours straight.
18. does not shipping something “popular” mean you’re in denial and/or biased?not at all. ship what you want, bro. just not incest.
19. what is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?the pitchfork mob after that witch clarissa. there’s something important to be said about grief, learning and forgiveness here: depending on circumstance, grief will manifest in ferociously different ways. alex and clarissa have both lost someone very important to them, and become two extremely different people because of it. the game never discredits either of them in this. people hurt sometimes, and they can --- and do --- hurt other people because of it. people hate clarissa because of how she chooses to channel her grief towards alex, who scapegoats for a very tragic accident that yes, could partially be her fault. it’s emotionally engaging, but it’s also very moving. your choices, and the events of the game, can engineer a safer space and a better outlet for clarissa, and she has the capacity to learn and grow if you treat her with measured compassion. her grief is valid --- hurtful, but valid. let the woman mourn.
20. what is the purest ship in the fandom?ren and nona.  R E N N       AQN    DN  NO  NA    ??????/also, i fly into the sun on my jonas/nona otp ocean liner. they’re perfect, i love them, i want them to get married and have all the babies.
21. what are your thoughts on crack ships?there is only one real (not defunct by death, haha clarissa haha) ship, so pretty much anything is crack. most of it can be fun! roll with it. ROLL with that ren/clarissa action.
22. popular character you hate?i love all of them, fuck off mate.
23. unpopular character you love.ren and clarissa. see above.
24. would you recommend XXX to a friend? why/why not?absolutely. have done, will do. oxenfree is an achievement in story-telling. it’s beautiful to look at and listen to. it’s engaging, compelling, at times frustrating, and boasts some really impressive performances. the humor is top-notch and well-balanced with the soft scares. overall, a joy to play.
25. how would you end XXX/change the ending of XXX?there are so many different outcomes that you can really tailor this question actively when you play. i can get everything i want out of it: i can nurture the important relationships, put certain women in the void, and make sure certain womens’ dead boyfriends stay dead. 
26. most shippable character?alex, easily. she works with everyone she isn’t related to.
27. least shippable character?michael, ‘cause he’s dead.
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snnoh · 7 years
oxenfree !!
Name a fandom (that I at least know of and are in), and I will give you these answers:
How I entered/learned about the said game/show/movie/etc of that fandom
From you actually! When you played it a little and were talking about it!
So, I first tried G/ame Grumps but then I went to G/eek Remix!
Fave character
Jonas probably, if we ignore myself (Alex)
Least fave character
What do you mean least favorite? Okay but if I had to choose…Nona…?
Clarissa x Alex… and Maggie x Anna
Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get
Nona x Alex (I used to ship it but naw…)
Fave thing about the fandom
How small it is!!!
The most despised thing
Alex x Jonas and Alex x Michael
And the fanart of popular youtubers instead of characters… :/
If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be.
The amount of walking you have to do? Maybe add fast travel, even if it’s not really suited for the game?
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atypicaltyper · 7 years
So I’ve finished OXENFREE three times now. At this point I’ve gotten what I presume is the ‘happiest’ ending, though I’m very meh about Ren x Nona (maybe a little cause I want Alex x Nona), but regardless, even though I get the cut of the group not going to the island, everything still also is shown to reset and Continue Timeline is still ominously an option...
I’m fairly certain now that the best I’ve managed is to save one single alternate Alex in an alternate dimension. The Alex that is Me is still stuck. Just like the game warned me would be the case.
I want to put some of my thoughts down, but I don’t want to get into specific spoilers, so I’m going just add a cut.
At this stage I’m not sure if it’s impossible to break the loop or if breaking the loop is just really hard to pull off. At a glance online, I don’t think anybody has managed it yet if it is indeed something coded into the game as possible. The game itself seems to suggest to me that it is possible, but it’s a 1 in a million chance of getting the exact combination of events right.
In trying to figure out what that combination might be, here’s a list of things that just don’t make much sense/have much explanation within the game that stand out to me.
See a man about a dog. And. Saw the man but not the dog. This never really led anywhere? However, Nona and Clarissa do talk about Clarissa’s dog, Charlie. Which is also interesting in the sense that Charlie is radio talk for the letter C. How this all correlates I cannot begin to guess.
Speaking of Nona, Nona says that she saw Alex at the pier and warned Alex to stay back and not talk about Nona’s grandparent again. This never comes up again from what I can tell. I also backtracked to the pier at my earliest opportunity and there was just nothing there. It’s also unclear how Nona got into the forest ahead of Alex if she was previously at the pier. This suggest to me that it must have happened while Alex was at the radio tower since you can go straight into the forest once you leave the radio tower and find Nona there. However... it’s also possible what Nona got pulled into a ‘non-experience’ like the alternate truth or slap game Alex got pulled into at the pier that didn’t happen.
Or did it? I suppose it’s possible all of the ‘non-events’ did happen, just in an alternate reality, though there question remains of why that’s not an alternate reality that’s possible to actually occur within the game.
And speaking of Nona AGAIN, Clarissa says that she saw Nona earlier in the night even though Nona has no memory of the event and that Clarissa felt like she owed Nona something. I can’t help but wonder if this is somehow related to why Clarissa disappeared/wasn’t dead after jumping out of the window.
It’s also interesting how the game seems to track relationship meters between characters like Jonus and Clarissa and Jonus and Nona or even Nona and Alex when the end credits don’t tell you anything about them. Like? Nona’s end of the game jazz has been in relation to Ren every time I’ve played. Is it possible to hook up Jonus and Clarissa if you convince your brother to dump her?
That ghost in the car’s tail light. It seems completely skipable and even like the game tries to divert your attention from tuning into it. But talking to it also doesn’t seem to lead anywhere? 
Flaw interpretations. The ghosts tell Alex that they aren’t ghosts, but she continues to think of them as ghosts. Similarly, they seem to suggest that the time loops aren’t time loops, but Alex just doesn’t listen. Since everything is colored through her dialogue, I feel like this is distorting how the truth is presented. Kinda like an unreliable narrator. 
Jonus says he saw Alex on the beach with a battleship during one of his possessions? I’m not super clear on this one because I’ve only encountered this particular bit of dialogue once. Another instance of odd alternate reality though.
My working theory is that there was a true first timeline directly before the first timeline we play in and that Alex already made the choice to sacrifice herself to save her friends and is thus in limbo, reliving the same night over and over. And the events everyone jumps into now and then, ie, Clarissa killing herself, Alex talking about Nona’s grandparent at the pier, Alex on the beach with a battleship?, the different truth or slap game, and Ren drowning... all of that was from the original timeline. However, that doesn’t really explain why all of Alex’s friends are trapped in the loop too. The ghosts seem to suggest it is possible to save them from the loop. Unless the ending to the original timeline wasn’t the same choice we are present with. Maybe Alex, in a timeline gone horrible where all/most of the other people on the island are dead, Alex gets the chance to escape or somehow loop time (maybe with one of those unexplained music phone things?) so that she can go back and try to set things right- only to get trapped in the loop.
Or maybe not. It’s all just conjecture at this stage. I need to think about how I want to play another go at this carefully because I’ll get bored pretty quickly if all I do is make mostly the same choices over and over. Should I go the weird relationship marker route and try to get Jonus and Nona together or something?
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priestessamy · 7 years
Me, as I write the 19th chapter in my crack ship fic: I will die upon this mountain I have built with my own two hands! No one may climb you, but I love you nonetheless!!
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oxen-freak · 7 years
Things I need more of rn:
Somebody to fanboy about Oxenfree with. 
No really, anybody wanna talk about / roleplay Oxenfree???
I’m v obsessed at the moment 
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