#non violence
alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Some Solarpunk Game Ideas
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Folks seem to enjoy me writing a bit about Solarpunk, so let me bring in something, that I have been thinking about a lot: Solarpunk in videogames. Because so far, all we have in that direction basically goes into some sort of city builder (Anno 2070), anti city builders (Terra Nil) or some sort of farming or crafting game.
The issue, I think, a lot of game developers, who want to do something with the genre, struggle against, is the rather peaceful and idealistic nature of Solarpunk. A lot of people do not feel it is right to make a Solarpunk game combat oriented. But most game genres are kinda reliant on some sort of combat. Now, while I disagree with this assessment (Solarpunk is as much about rebellion, as about the hopefully idealistic outcome of it), I understand the sentiment.
I personally would love to create a Solarpunk game, but on my own I just do not have the skills for that.
Still, I have thought about it a lot. So, I want to offer to you a couple of ideas for Solarpunk games in different genres, that could be developed. Yes, if you are interested in building out one of those ideas, you are welcome to just take it. Also: Yes, if you want more details on the ideas, you can totally contact me! No fear.
Visual Novel
Let me start with probably one of the genre most easily used under the umbrella of “peaceful”. A Visual Novel. Visual Novels can be all sort of storylines. A lot, obviously, are romance focused, but you can use the genre to tell all sort of stories. Hence, telling a story in a Solarpunk world, could be very easy. And technically you are almost unlimited, about the kind of story you want to tell.
My personal favorites, when it comes to the ideas, is for once a polyamorous romance VN. See, most romance focused VNs do have different story paths depending on which romance you pursue and within that storyline you are very linear. I do think for several reasons, that polyamory and Solarpunk work very well together – so, why not try and mix it up?
Another idea, though, could be a storyline about building up a community within a storyline featuring the challenges of building a new community. Both social problems, as well as technical and environmental issues. This one would actually build a lot around the characters within the community you build and about you getting to know them.
Puzzle Game
Another genre that works well without any sort of violence, is puzzle games. And there would be a lot of possibility here to explore. After all, you can find a lot of reasons the player has to do puzzles of all sort.
The idea I have for this genre, is the idea of repairs. A lot of Solarpunk is also build around the “right to repair” and also around community help and community workshops. So, as the player you take over the role of someone volunteering in such a workshop helping all sorts of different customers with their repair and DIY projects. To repair things, you have to complete all sorts of puzzles.
Point-and-Click Adventure
Another genre, that most of the time does not involve much violence, is that of the old Point-and-Click Adventure. These often, obviously, have a lot of puzzle elements, too, but obviously tends to have a lot more story advancement in there. A lot of the most notable examples of the genre, are rather focused on humor, though you can tell all sorts of stories with the genre, if you really wanted to.
My idea for this, is the story of an archeologist in anno 2500 Solarpunk future unearthing the remains of an ancient 2020s city. A kinda genre reversion of the entire Indiana Jones thing – only that instead of someone being all archeologist-adventurous about something from what we call the “ancient past”, it is people from the future exploring the present. I don’t know. I found that idea kinda cute.
Now, last genre and idea for today. RPGs typically tend to be combat focused and use combat and XP claimed from it to advance. But of course the basic of it – Role Playing – does not need to use combat as a mechanic. You could use all sorts of mechanics to do this. You do not even need any sort of level progression technically – though of course this mechanic is so closely linked to the core of the game genre, that it is hard to think without it. Still, there recently have been quite a few cozy RPGs, that do not feature combat.
Cozy RPGs often feature you helping other characters and advancing through that. So, why not make it an RPG about mutual aid within a young Solarpunk community. Things of all sorts need to be done. Someone needs you to find a certain spare part. Someone else needs you to find people willing to help with a roof repair. Yet another person wants you to help in the community kitchen. And maybe at the same time you and the people in your town are trying to repair the environmental impact on the surrounding area, leading you to go out into the wildness around.
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That’s it for some ideas right now. I might post other ideas at some other point, if you guys are interested.
As I said, I would kinda love to develop some ideas, but… Not alone. So… We’ll see.
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Proponents of the nonviolent civil resistance argument consider the empirical potential of mass nonviolent contention to be not only positive, but ethical with relation to real-world political change. Nonviolence is advocated as the sole strategy and choice of resistance that can potentially take a population out of dictatorship and tyranny. There is ideological bias behind the universal advocation of nonviolent civil resistance as it is assumed that the exclusive way out of such conditions (and presumably forward to social progress) is through free-market institutional transition and the adoption of a capitalistic economic system.
Nonviolence is not as effective of a strategy of dissent as it is made out to be, and there certainly are major forces that hold interests in preventing publics from knowing about this fact. The NAVCO [Nonviolent and Violent Campaigns and Outcomes] data and nonviolent civil resistance argument demonstrate that ideological bias in research on political conflicts is likely analagous to other spheres that are under heavy influence of organized elite interests. Entire theories, institutions, and NGOs have been built on the premise that nonviolence is the grand causal strategy that will lead to emancipation. Yet what if we considered that an “objective” strategy entailed that combinations of nonviolence and unarmed violence were the keys to revolutionary success and to winning political conflicts more broadly? In some contexts, full violence may be the only answer if a given group is seeking pragmatic socio-political change.
Alexei Anisin, Debunking the Myths Behind Nonviolent Civil Resistance
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wayti-blog · 3 months
Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.
Thomas A. Edison
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chaiaurchaandni · 5 months
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trippy-lotus · 5 months
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Deep down in our non-violent creed is the conviction there are some things so dear, some things so precious, some things so eternally true, that they’re worth dying for. And if a man happens to be 36-years-old, as I happen to be, some great truth stands before the door of his life–some great opportunity to stand up for that which is right.
A man might be afraid his home will get bombed, or he’s afraid that he will lose his job, or he’s afraid that he will get shot, or beat down by state troopers, and he may go on and live until he’s 80. He’s just as dead at 36 as he would be at 80. The cessation of breathing in his life is merely the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit. He died…
A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.
So we’re going to stand up amid horses. We’re going to stand up right here in Alabama, amid the billy-clubs. We’re going to stand up right here in Alabama amid police dogs, if they have them. We’re going to stand up amid tear gas! We’re going to stand up amid anything they can muster up, letting the world know that we are determined to be free! —Martin Luther King Jr., sermon delivered in Selma, AL, March 8, 1965
[Scott Horton]
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ivygorgon · 11 days
Ceasefire, free the hostages, & ONLY CONDITIONAL AID for the Israeli government!
920 so far! Help us get to 1,000 signers!
I’m writing to demand the U.S. not send more military aid to the Israeli government until it stops starving and indiscriminately killing Gazan civilians. It’s time for a ceasefire and for the hostages to be freed—both Hamas’s leadership and Netayahu must be pushed to agree to this. More bombs will accomplish nothing. If the U.S. does insist on sending funding or weaponry to the Israeli government it must come with stringent, non-negotiable, and enforceable conditions. Blank checks are not an option. Thanks.
▶ Created on April 16 by Jess Craven · 919 signers in the past 7 days
📱 Text SIGN PVWGIX to 50409
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anarchistin · 1 year
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Tweet reads:
"The idea that vengeance against evil makes you just as bad as the evil you're taking up arms against feels very much like something the bad guys would make up and spread across popular culture to make sure we don't shove their head in a guillotine, just saying."
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simply-buddhism · 1 year
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connieaaa · 1 year
I certainly utter the phrase "see if I care" for someone who does indeed care, often too much and too often.
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communistfeminist · 1 year
Indian author Arundhati Roy on non-violent protest versus violent revolution, via @/nativecomarada on TikTok.
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droitsdesfemmes · 9 months
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No violence against women.
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evilhorse · 9 months
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Don’t you see that it doesn’t work—that violence only breeds violence!
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Systems of domination produce routes for channeling dissatisfaction that are nonthreatening to those systems. We are encouraged to bring our complaints in ways that are the least disruptive and the most beneficial to existing conditions. Voting, filing lawsuits, giving money to causes we care about that are properly registered as nonprofits, writing letters to the editor, posting our views on social media, and maybe occasionally attending a permitted march that is flanked by cops and does not disrupt traffic are forms of dissent (as opposed to disobedience) that are tolerable and mostly nondisruptive for existing arrangements. Some of those things can be done as tactics within larger strategies for transformation, but taken alone they are unlikely to cause significant change to existing distributions of wealth and violence. Most of these approved methods of expressing concern are designed to lead to the kinds of limited policy and law reform critiqued in the previous section of this article. However, also by design, most people cannot imagine raising concerns in any way besides these. The central US national fiction about justice and injustice, the story that racism was resolved by civil rights, also rewrites the histories of resistance movements, including the civil rights movement, to tell us that approved tactics are and have been the correct and effective ones for resolving concerns.
Dean Spade, Solidarity Not Charity: Mutual Aid for Mobilization and Survival
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futurbusiness · 2 months
Exprimez-vous : Découvrez comment être entendu sans conflit: Transformez vos relations et votre vie grâce à la communication bienveillante
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Avez-vous déjà été frustré par votre incapacité à vous faire comprendre par les autres ? Vous arrive-t-il de vous sentir impuissant face aux conflits qui surgissent dans votre vie quotidienne ? Si vous avez répondu oui à l'une de ces questions, ne cherchez pas plus loin. Dans "Exprimez-vous : Découvrez comment être entendu sans conflit", vous découvrirez des techniques éprouvées pour améliorer votre communication et créer des relations harmonieuses avec les personnes qui vous entourent.
Ce livre vous offre un guide étape par étape pour maîtriser l'écoute active, la communication non violente et l'empathie, afin que vous puissiez vous exprimer de manière claire et concise tout en évitant les conflits inutiles. Vous apprendrez également à gérer les personnalités difficiles et à désamorcer les situations tendues avec grâce et confiance.
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1introvertedsage · 1 year
5 Vows of the Seeker:
⁜ Ahimsa - non-violence ⁜ Satya - truthfulness ⁜ Asteya - non-stealing ⁜ Brahmacharya - pure conduct ⁜ Aparigraha - non-attachment
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