angstypangstybaby · 4 days
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badweird feelings
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angstypangstybaby · 24 days
as a huge lover of birds, 90% of the concern against wind turbines being used for energy is literally just pro fossil fuel propaganda. birds ARE at a risk however there is a lot of strategies even as simple as painting one of the blades that reduces a lot of accidental deaths. additionally renewable energy sources will do more in favor of the environment that would positively impact birds (and all of us). one study found over one million bird deaths from wind turbines. while that is a shockingly high number and we should work to drastically shrink it, at least 1.3 billion birds die to outdoor cats on a yearly basis. it was never about caring about birds
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angstypangstybaby · 25 days
The ADHD thing nobody seems to know (and that is kinda dangerous)
Okay, after having to explain this to several doctors at the hospital, and then shocking an AuDHD friend with it, who also did not know, let me write it here:
A lot of people with ADHD have paradoxical reactions to certain medications!
This goes especially for pain meds and anaesthetics.
This basically goes back to how our brains deal with certain drugs. You know how ADHD medication is stuff that to normal people will make them more active and everything? And how it actually makes us more mallow? And how a lot of ADHD people self-medicate with caffeine, when they cannot get medication, as it allows them to calm down? Yeah, that is also part of this.
But also goes for other meds that are made to affect the brain in certain ways. As I said, pain meds and anaesthetcs are part of that.
As one dentist put it once: "You need so much painkiller, it would knock out an elephant." Which, yeah. I just need a lot higher dosis.
And with anaesthetics? Well, I was under general anaesthesia 6 times in my life. Three of the times I woke up during the surgery. Two times I was about to woke up and they tried to keep me under, resulting in near death experiences. The one time that was not a problem was a super short surgery, that lasted only a few minutes.
And one time I had a surgery, where I was not supposed to be under complete anaesthesia but a medication that should make me sleepy. Yeah, it had the opposite effect.
And this really is common with people who have ADHD.
So, please. If you have ADHD and are in a situation that you need serious pain meds or anaesthesia, say it.
And if you are put under general anaesthesia, ask for them to use a medication called Ketanest, which has been proofen to work a lot better for people with ADHD.
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angstypangstybaby · 25 days
masc taylor is everything <3
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angstypangstybaby · 26 days
Feeling this so intensely now that I have started working. Today I had three pitch presentations back to back, (I am a copywriter in an ad agency) and since this was my absolute first time presenting, I was terrified. I got positive feedback from my boss and I left work feeling quite good about myself, but that was followed by this doomed feeling of fatigue and inability to process anything else after the meeting.
Even after 'successfully' executing a task, there is this constantly looming feeling of not being able to enjoy your own success because of how tiring the whole process is.
I'd never wish this dissatisfaction upon anyone, but if only neurotypicals understood this...
There’s no such thing as work-life balance for neurodivergent & chronically ill people.
This is because everything in my life requires work:
maintaining friendships
keeping up with my hygiene
managing bills
making money
remembering my basic needs
sleeping regularly
outputting creatively
All requires some aspect of work for me.
And when everything in your life requires work, your balance goes out the window.
If you're neurodivergent and overwhelmed — I see you.
If you're chronically ill and overwhelmed — I see you.
You're not dysfunctional.
You're not incapable.
You're doing your best.
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angstypangstybaby · 29 days
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angstypangstybaby · 1 month
there is an insane amount of antisemitism floating around right now.
i just want to say:
this blog loves and supports jewish people.
this blog does NOT conflate the israeli government, or the atrocities it commits, with jewish people.
this blog is disgusted with those who use or express antisemitism.
this blog knows that if someone needs to invoke antisemitism, they do not actually care about helping palestine or the palestinian people.
this blog will do its best to insure that it remains a safe space for all.
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angstypangstybaby · 1 month
“Military occupations have always seemed irreversible, until in fact they are reversed, but it always takes the effort of the colonized to roll back what the colonizers have done. Occupations never ended voluntarily, or just because the more powerful nation wanted it, and have certainly never been the result of a one-sided negotiated settlement initiated and controlled by the dominant power.”
— Edward Said, “Bitter Truths About Gaza”, Peace and Its Discontents (1996)
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angstypangstybaby · 1 month
“That’s why high school, or a crappy job, or any other restrictive circumstance can be dangerous: They make dreams too painful to bear. To avoid longing, we hunker down, wait, and resolve to just survive. Great art becomes a reminder of the art you want to be making, and of the gigantic world outside of your small, seemingly inescapable one. We hide from great things because they inspire us, and in this state, inspiration hurts.”
— One of the best articles I’ve ever read. Rookie Mag. By Spencer Tweedy. (via wildyork)
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angstypangstybaby · 1 month
Why does rejection in online dating feel like someone you barely know made you go through the seven stages of grief
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angstypangstybaby · 1 month
dam…….. that website “you feel like shit” (it’s like a questionnaire / troubleshooting guide for when you feel like shit) really works………………….. im not even all the way thru it and i even half-assed a lot of the suggestions and i already feel loads better
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angstypangstybaby · 1 month
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self portrait
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angstypangstybaby · 1 month
are u ever sick w longing. and i don't just mean romantic longing. i mean longing for a place you barely get to see, longing for friends you no longer have, longing for feelings you might have left behind in your childhood, longing for creativity, longing for a rich and more expansive life, longing for less inhibition. longing for more passion. longing for ur life to be so incandescent w something it thaws all the frost in ur bones. are u ever so consumed w it it rends ur heart in two. do u understand me
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angstypangstybaby · 1 month
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ALOK VAID-MENON Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness 1x03 (2022)
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angstypangstybaby · 1 month
Idk who needs to hear this but your tummy isn’t ruining your outfits, you look hot
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angstypangstybaby · 2 months
do you ever hear people talking about something and you’re like. fuck. let me be real for a second. i’m too much of a commie to have this conversation
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angstypangstybaby · 2 months
Why does it feel so painful to yearn for a man, as a bi woman? I know (cognitively) that I don't need to be dating a certain kind of person in order to feel 'bisexual' enough. But I feel so mortified by my yearning of a cis man. Like damn, woman chill tf out...you're allowed to actually like men.
Then again, I'm gaslighting myself about that as well. Can someone tell me how they know if they like men or not? 😭
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