#no one knows him but hes my beloved cowboy and their meeting would be so interesting
For characters ask: Elena 3,8,18,27
Hwhsheisje sorry for taking so long to answer, here it is!
3. A song that reminds me of them
Uuuh okay I'm bad at this type of questions, but I suppose Fairytale Life (The Wish) from Disenchanted? I mean, I even made an AMV to that so XD
8. Your favorite outfit of them
Difficuuult honestly, I love her basic dress and that white navidad dress is just *chefs kiss* but for my favourite I think I'd chooooose... Her second adventure with the red shirt and vest. I wouldn't say that this is her best look ever or something, but definitely one I'd like to steal her XD
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
I think quite similar to how she is at the beginning of the show, I think she was quite loud and liked to play pranks and get silly and I think she loved to look for or make up adventures for herself, but I also think she was very protective at least towards Isa and some other younger kids. (Also she absolutely used to admire Esteban, before they started to compete).
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
This question made me realise that I a very boring person who only consumes a narrow range of media- But luckily I remembered that my friend showed me the show Galavant some time ago and goodness!! Elena would get along with Isabela so we'll, they're practically the same person (bar the working for the evil king on Isabel's side but- that was only temporary ok). So I'm sure they'd get along fantastically, they could horse ride, fence, talk about romance~ And they'd absolutely go out on some adventure together.
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xiao-come-home · 1 month
Boothill and his s/o BUT after Boothill d!3s and becomes a cyborg, the ones who brought him back erase his memories of his s/o and now he’s either distant or resentful of their s/o🥹
Clutches my shirt in pain
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Boothill isn't sure who you are and why you keep following him. You don't seem to be dangerous, so he doesn't fight you - but the way he meets you in the same places makes him feel suspicious about you.
You, on the other hand - not only mourn the loss of your beloved once, but twice - he's lost his body, seemingly getting turned into a cyborg, but what makes your heart bleed is the lack of memories you've shared together for so long.
He doesn't remember you.
But there's something, something that he feels is attracting him to you. Boothill notices the heartbreak on your face eventually once he sets his gaze on you long enough, but avoids eye contact once you're the one looking at him.
There's something familiar about you, but he doesn't know what exactly. The longer he tries to ignore the feeling, the worse it gets - and by "worse," it means he's closer and closer to finally speaking you.
That one day he sees you at the same bar he's always gone to, drinking the exact same beverage as him, sitting on his seat—
He caves in and finally gets the conversation going. It flows so nicely, he doesn't pay attention to the time anymore; his now unrecognizable hand seems to make its way to wipe the tears that started to run down your cheeks unexpectedly, but Boothill only realizes his actions when you stare at him and freeze in place.
"I'm sorry. I don't know why I—"
"No, it's oka—"
"It's gettin' late. A pretty thing like ya shouldn't be goin' home all alone. Would ya let a cowboy like me to help out?"
Boothill extends his arm to you.
You accept his invitation, your hand still fitting perfectly in his, missing only the warmth that once used to be there.
Perhaps there's still a chance to start from the beginning again.
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blingblong55 · 7 months
Cowboy like me -Philip Graves
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creds: @/vhenan_virabelesan on instagram
Based on a request:
i need more graves in my life. like southern cowboy graves who finds veteran reader one day in line for food or something and he just can’t help but talk to her until the blood rushes to his face and flushes red. need graves who never thought he would settle down or get married until he finds himself staring at rings after dating you for 8 months. philip who cherishes his fiery girl by winning stock shows and buying her a new mercedes just because. reader asking him how she can pay him back and he asks her to move in. philip who holds reader so so close to his body, never wanting to hurt her while his cock throbs into her. caressing her hair and clicking his tongue whenever she breaks eyes contact from his good he feels. philip being called away for a two month deployment all of a sudden. two months feel like two years until he can see his beloved peeing the ranch goats and chasing chickens back into their coop. philip who finally gets home and uses his rank to skip the welcome home ceremony, wanting to surprise reader at home since it’s late at night and him speeding home because they’re not going to live their lives through the phone. driving like a maniac until he feels the grind of gravel against rubber and the familiar low glow of the wooden house, until he holds onto her body like how oxygen embeds itself into his lungs. i need him so bad ---- F!Reader, fluff, some smut, boyfriend!Graves, cowboy!Graves, P-in-V, soft sex, soft!dom Graves, veteran!Reader ---- A/N: this is how I know you are a Graves lover, so please my dear..enjoy :)
You moved to the countryside, a small town and a pair of old boots. Life is calm, away from that old and rowdy one you lived as a soldier. This time around, you were told about some new small restaurant in town, decided to check it out and that's when all the stars aligned. He walks in, three days into his break from a long deployment and then, his eyes meet your frame. A small smile on him. Never did he see another woman like you in his part of town. Not as pretty or as captivating. His cowboy hat by his chest as he admired you. You, unaware, order your meal, eager to taste something new.
He walked closer, and the cashier asked for your name. "R/N," you said and he smiles. What a precious name. For days after, he returned to that small restaurant, walked around town and frequented many shops and then he stopped walking. There you were, getting what he assumed was your truck loaded with gravel and some other stuff. You were a local then. He knew the man from the shop, asked around and soon he realised you were the woman who bought a property close to his. Ain't it funny. Your herd dog ran away and into his property, what a fun time Philip would have.
"I'm sorry, he…is a bit of a runner," you chuckle as you get your dog in the truck. "No worries, hun. I'm Philip," he extends his hand and you shake it. "I'm R/N, a pleasure to meet you," you smile. "So, what is a pretty lady like you doing 'ere?" You chuckle, your hat being the perfect sunblock for this sunny day. "I own this land," you answer and he smiles more. "Ah, so that means you aren't just a pretty lady with a dog, that makes you my pretty lil neighbour," he gets closer. You couldn't deny it, he had his charm and it worked on you. "What if instead of keeping you out on this Sun, I keep you out, say Friday night at around 8 pm?" Oh that smile on him, what a dangerous game it played.
And so you accepted. You played the dangerous game with him and it turned into something so calm and beautiful. Now, instead of spending his days or weeks off work alone, he spends them with you. He got to know you, understand you and love all of you. Every day, there he was, at your front porch, wildflowers at hand from his part of the land. Every day, there you were, at the front door, ready to greet him with a kiss. It never was the fact he could buy store flowers, it was the intention, to always bring them to you, pretty or not, he took his time every day to pick them out, to think, 'She'll like them, yeah…this one is perfect,' that is the beauty of him. And, you always fell even deeper for him. That smile, the same one he saw every morning, gave him more reason to go around, plant flowers on his land and when they grow, he will cut them and hand them to you.
It's what all lovers did before him. His eyes, my my my, were they enchanting to look at. He never meant to be a husband, to come home to his pretty lady, to love. He was meant to be a soldier, a commander and to watch himself die sometime far from today, in some dangerous place. Today, he walks around, looks at rings and shakes his head anytime the lady at the jewellery place asks if he likes that ring. "No, don't think my darling would fit this, I need something more…more beautiful…something that matches her beauty, so let's keep looking." But that was a game to never be won. In his mind, no diamond would match your beauty, it just had to at least resemble your natural looks.
His friends were all teasing him for falling in love. It's not bad, they reassure, it's…new..it changed you for the better, they all admit. When he introduces you to them, they all look at each other. "Oh, it makes more sense," one says and the rest agree. You did change him, he has become someone everyone admires more, and he has more reason to do certain stuff now. You and him, it is possibly the healthiest of loves he or you had. The warm feeling in your chest, that feels right. The compliments from his mother, his father and siblings, all feel too well. And you know that maybe you are right, maybe this is love. It's love in the beautiful, the ugly, the immature things you two laugh at, the stare his friends give when they know he find his forever person. It is real…it's love for what humans know love to be.
"My dear, c'mon, calm down," his voice soft, hands on your body as you argue over something that happened at a store. "Babe, you don't get it. That man…ooh that man do I dislike him!" He chuckles, "You know what the deal was and what he said was right-" "No, no it wasn't and you know what, shame on you for backing him up." You push him. "No, don't do that, we don't do that. If I fuck up, you correct me and I do the same for you, we fix each other that way." You huff out and cross your arms. He was right, you did that and now he had to do the same. Anytime he said or did something that wasn't right, you corrected him and he listened and apologised and did better next time. Now, here you were, having to be in his situation. "Sorry…it's just…why…why would that man do that- you're right..sorry"
"It's over, let's move on," his arms wrap around you and you sigh. "I love you," he reminds you and you smile. Your arms now wrapping around him. "I love you too," you whisper and get comfortable in his arms. Slowly, this became the norm, talk it out, don't yell but talk, it's simple and it's what keeps it all comfortable.
Christmas, ten months into loving you, he buys and gifts you a car. Lavish and all for you. For what reason? No motive, he just felt the need to give it. You, being someone who can't just accept these nice acts, shove the keys back to him. "Nope, nope…Phil, you can't just give me this." He shakes his head, "I can and it's rude to deny a gift, my love," he walks to you, the smile on him again. Was he a wizard? To have you so enchanted by his smile? "But-…how can I repay this? This is too much, Phil-" A kiss, is all it took to have you calm down and let him love you more. "Move in, that's all I ask of you." He says between kisses and you smile. Of course, now that is the man you know. A mastermind for a fiance? Now that is something to have yourself get accustomed to.
By Spring, he and you married.
By Summer, he had your back arched, your body and his pressed against each other as he repeatedly made love to you. His cock, deep inside of you as your milked him for every last drop. Your hands, wrapped around his back, owning him and marking him with scratches, ones he would proudly wear. His hands caress your body as if you were some angelic creature. Your eyes close once your body starts to feel euphoric, its pleasure to the greatest it can be. Philip's kisses trail from your lips to your collarbone. Your tits bounce with each thrust he gave you, your eyes closed and then he grabs your face with force. "Don't you dare look away, my love, not now," he grunts and moans.
His fat cock stretches your tight cunt to its limit. You let our whimpers, your orgasm building up slowly. "That's it, be a good girl-" he grips your face again. "Tsk, what i say?" He kisses you and once he is done with your lips, he ensures your gaze never leaves his. Your drunken stare is the one thing that is making him last so long. Your juices leak all over him, his cum deep inside of you, making sure to leave you leaking. It was his way of saying goodbye as he went on yet another operation. Your cunt, throbbing for the abuse and love your dear husband gave you over and over. It was perfection, it is love that he makes to you on a night like this.
Your teary eyes, make him frown and apologise. "I'm sorry, I know…I know darling." he cups your face with his warm hands and kisses you all over that precious pouty face. Your tears dried by his lips. Love is an action or emotion. Right now, in this bed made up of two drunken lovers, he made sure to teach you that he was not like any of the past men you loved. He was sure of it because no other man-made you cum with a stare, a touch, or a lick of your precious and delicious cunt. He isn't most men, he is your man, your other half, the one that has you whimpering over his size. The one that has you lighting candles for when he comes back home.
After that night, he was gone for some time. Not much contact besides the small talk on texts or the quick calls from the base. It was an eternity, to not have him by your side, to not watch you fall over as you tried to feed the animals on the ranch. It was a long night when you didn't have him wrap his arms around you and whisper sweet nothings. But it was the rule, wait and I'll be back to love you more. You were his patient lover, like a woman back in the day, waiting all day for her man. And the second came with the view of the joint estates, he smiles. His pretty darling, his home and all those crazy animals, all waiting for him.
His mates at the base, all begged him to wait just a little longer but he couldn't not when he yearned to be in your arms. He didn't care, it didn't matter if they all wanted a sit-down cookout to celebrate a triumph of an operation. You mattered. You see, the thought of you, laying in bed, with an empty side, his pillow used as a teddy bear as you await for him, that was an image he couldn't let happen anymore. His truck, rushed through the night all to get a glimpse, a touch, a whisper and an 'I love you' from you.
The door, swung open as he hurried up the stairs and into the bedroom. The floor creaks under his step as he silents himself from excitement when he sees your precious face. It was a rush, it's love and glee to know he came home, came home to you. "R/N, doll..I'm home," he whispers as he gently stirs you awake. That smile of yours, oh it can melt a man as mean and cold as him. "Hi," your voice is so soft and small. "Hi," he responds and sits on the edge, watching as you crawl into his arms. "Did you miss me?" but of course, he knew that answer. You nod and bury your face on his chest. What was once an empty bed, is now a bed full of two. Two crazed people, two hearts, one home. "Oh I missed you more," he rubs your back and notices how your body relaxes. He holds you close, so close that it's as if he wants your body to become one.
His boots are under the bed as he settles in with you. Your warmth wrapped him in an embrace. This, this is all he ever needed. It wasn't some drunk one-night stand, it wasn't cheap love or cheap sex. No one could afford this. Don't think he even understood how much he had to afford this kind of love but he can and that is all that matters now.
A/N: I love cowboys....and I love cowboy Graves
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cherryrainn · 10 months
cuddle headcanons with our beloved cole cassidy, hanzo shimada, and junkrat!
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— cuddle chronicles
cuddle headcanons with cassidy, hanzo and junkrat.
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when cuddling with cassidy, you'd find yourself enveloped in his strong arms, feeling his warmth and the sense of security he exudes.
he might pull you closer, as if shielding you from the world, his calm presence making you feel safe.
cassidy can be quite playful with those he's close to. while cuddling, he might crack a joke or make a lighthearted remark, his signature cowboy charm shining through.
his calloused fingers would trace patterns on your back, their roughness contrasting with his gentle touch. it's as if he's silently reassuring you that he's there.
cassidy's occasional cocky attitude might manifest even during cuddle time. he might smirk and playfully boast about how he's 'the best cuddler in the west', all while squeezing you closer to him.
he might rest his chin on top of your head, his beard tickling your forehead.
just like he treats his weapons with care, cassidy treats you with gentleness and respect during cuddles.
cassidy might tilt your chin up to meet his gaze. his scarred eye holds a softness that's reserved only for you, and in that moment, you feel truly cherished.
tough cowboy on the outside, softie on the inside.
"you know you're stuck with me now, right?"
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hanzo's serious and introspective nature might extend to cuddling as well.
he's not one to initiate cuddles readily, but when he does, it's a significant gesture.
his cuddles are filled with warmth and security, a quiet way of showing how much he cares for you.
due to his reserved personality, hanzo prefers cuddling in more private settings. whether it's a quiet evening at home or a serene spot outdoors, he feels most at ease when it's just the two of you.
hanzo's strong arms provide a sense of protection as he holds you close. you can feel his muscles tense and relax as he adjusts his hold, making sure you're as comfortable as possible.
his touch is gentle yet firm, reflecting his disciplined nature.
hanzo's company is soothing, even if he doesn't say much. often, his cuddles are accompanied by a comfortable silence. the two of you might watch the sunset or simply listen to the sounds of nature, the silence speaking volumes about your connection.
hanzo's preference might be to lay down together, side by side. he'll often pull you close, your head resting on his chest, and he'll wrap his arm around you. feeling the steady beat of his heart and his rhythmic breathing can be incredibly calming.
hanzo might unconsciously run his fingers through your hair as you cuddle, a soothing and comforting gesture.
"thank you for being the unexpected light in my life."
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junkrat's not the typical cuddler, but he has his moments. cuddling with him might involve a tangle of limbs and explosions-themed plushies strewn about. he might grumble about it being too sappy, but his mischievous glint betrays his enjoyment.
despite his wild exterior, junkrat gives surprisingly warm hugs. he might not admit it, but his tight grip and genuine smile show he values physical closeness.
he'd create a cozy corner in his hideout for cuddling. piled high with pillows and blankets, it's an explosion-free zone where you both can unwind.
for all his bluster, junkrat can be surprisingly cautious with his touches. he'd hover his hand over your shoulder before committing to the cuddle, almost as if he's not sure how you'll react.
he'd absentmindedly play with your hair, fascinated by its texture and colors. his fingers are deft, his touch gentle despite his typically explosive nature.
junkrat's cuddles are accompanied by his distinctive laughter, which often manages to light up the room even more than his explosive devices.
while cuddling, he might tell you silly stories.
if he's awake during the night, he'd keep watch over you while you sleep. his protective side shows as he softly brushes his fingers across your cheek.
every now and then, you catch him in quieter moments of introspection, and he pulls you in for a cuddle that's surprisingly tender.
"don't think i've gone all mushy on ya now."
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m-musings · 4 months
Headcanons: Overwatch Men Saying I Love You for the First Time (Pt 1.)
A/N: splitting these headcanons into 2 parts so that i can get the creative juices flowing for when i write the others. (hcs under the cut!)
(part 2 here! :])
Warnings: none that i can think of Word Count: 952
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Baptiste, being ever the spontaneous one, first tells you he loves you during the movie night you have about every two weeks.
The two of you were huddled underneath a large, fluffy blanket, the film you chose somewhat forgotten as you idly chat about whatever comes to mind.
As you go to lean against his shoulder, you can hear a small breath hitch in his throat as his sentence fades off.
With a concerned look on your face, you pause the movie before lifting your head to look at him.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Baptiste nods his head in reply as he places a comforting hand on your arm.
"Yeah, I'm alright, it's just...You know I love you, right?"
Your eyes widen in surprise for a moment before softening again as you sweetly smile at him.
"I love you too, 'Tiste..."
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Cole is almost always on charmer mode with everyone he knows and comes across. It's part of how he got this far in life and how he prefers to be seen.
But when it comes to his first time telling you how he feels after you've just started dating? Completely different story. He's an absolute mess.
Here he is, pacing back and forth in front of your door with a gift in hand as he debates on how to admit his affections for you.
As he hypes himself up to finally knock and just tell you, the door creaks open with you peeking out from behind it.
"Oh, hi Cole! What can I do for you?" You say, fully pulling the door open as you greet him with a grin.
"H-hey, darlin'... I- I, uh, made somthin' for you. Here." An unprepared Cassidy stutters as he hands you his present.
As you look down at where your hand meet, Cole pulls his away to reveal a braided leather bracelet with round wooden beads interlaced.
Letting out an excited gasp, you place it upon your wrist before throwing your arms around the cowboy.
"This is amazing, Cass, thank you! I love you!"
Cassidy then chuckles deeply, wrapping himself around you as he leans into your touch.
"Love you too, sweetheart."
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Akande is very in tune with what he wants for himself, so when he realizes how he feels, he won't hesitate to tell you.
He'd call you to meet him somewhere private in Talon's headquarters, where once you arrive, he'd instantly start flirting.
"Ah, hello my dear. Looking as wonderful as always."
"Oh, thank you, Akande! Is there something you wanted from me?"
He would shake his head in confirmation before tenderly grabbing your hand and placing a kiss atop it.
"Nothing too serious, I assure you. I simply wanted to tell you that I love you. I hope you feel the same."
With a flustered expression, you'd whisper a small yes before he places his arms around around your waist in an unusually soft embrace.
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Genji says it during a rare quiet moment at Gibraltar.
After preventing a Null Sector attack on a town not far from base, you were helping him repair some of his cybernetic parts that got damaged in the fight.
In the middle of adding a few adjustments to one of the mobility mechanisms, he heaves out a deep sigh which causes you to glance up at him.
"I can tell you wanna say something, 'Ji. You can tell me if you want."
With a shake of his head, he lets out another sigh as he places a gentle hand on your face.
"Just... thank you for everything you do for me, my beloved. I love you."
"Love you too, Genji."
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If anyone would be the one to plan something to tell you his feelings, it would absolutely be Hanzo Shimada himself.
Even if he isn't normally one for romance, your presence in his life would have changed that
Hanzo would make preparations to meet you somewhere special so he could not so subtly show you off in public.
After eating a fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant and going on a walk through a park, he'd turn to look at you with admiration swimming in his eyes.
"I just want you to know that I love you very much. Even if I don't say it often, I really do care about you."
"I love you too, Han." You'd grin before kissing him softly on the cheek.
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Let's be honest with ourselves, Jamison would have blurted it out within the first few days of being with you.
He'd probably be so focused on building a new explosive contraption that he wouldn't have even noticed he said it.
"Oi, could you hand me the thing? It's in the toolbox over there!"
You'd walk over, grab the thing he needs and go to give it to him with a few pats to his shoulder.
"Thank youuu, I love ya!"
You'd chuckle quietly in response and give his head a smooch before walking off to do your own thing.
"I love you too, Fawkes!"
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Niran will tell you he loves you when he hides out at your place after a group of hunters sent by Vishkar find him and try to chase him down.
After a relentless pursuit, he manages to escape and find his way to your house, needing a place to recollect his thoughts.
When you respond to the banging on your door, you look out to see an exhausted Lifeweaver on your doorstep.
"Could I bother you for a place to stay for the night?"
"Always. The guest room is already ready for you."
With a relieved sigh, Niran would hug you before pulling you back into the house.
"Thank you, I love you so much, darling!"
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tw1l1te · 2 months
Heyy you fabulous writter! You've had me hooked ever since I first found a post of yours and I don't know if you're taking writing requests but if you are...I'd like to humbly request you to write this idea?🙏
Essentially I think it'd be really cute having a small one-shot of the LU boys in twilights hyrule and them meeting his S/O. His S/O can either be a simple farmer who grew up in the same area or the idea of someone he met on his journey who also had animal turning 'abilities'/features comes to mind so they understand each other more than most. IDK if it's a silly idea or not I just thinks the boys reactions (especially time teasing twilight and such) would be Hella cute! Anyways thanks and keep the good work up! 🫡
- Anon🧋
Yesyesyesyes living out my cottage core dream with mr. cowboy teehee
Twilight was getting giddier by the second as he approached Ordon, and the boys could tell. He was clenching and unclenching his fists, trying the keep the nervousness at bay, but how could he do that when he was about to see you. His beloved.
"I don't think I have ever seen you this jittery before, Pup. What's wrong?"
Twilight was about to answer him when they hear a loud gasp.
Twilight turns to see you on a tree above them, clad in what seems to be.... his old tunic? You jump down, hopping down branch by branch before landing inches away from Twilight.
"Oh by three- you're home! I missed you so much-"
He shuts you up, by pulling you in for a kiss, months of love and desperation melting onto you.
You had to pull away to avoid creating awkwardness for the others, "Alright, easyyy cowboy. Now why don't you tell me about your lil' friends?"
Time raises an eyebrow at him, clearly interested in your character.
"Oh! I completely forgot t' introduce myself! I'm Y/n, mister hero's partner."
Time nods, holding out a hand to shake.
"I'm Time, a... friend of Link's. We all met on his recent adventure."
You nod, squinting a bit at him, then eyeing the rest of them. You walk around them slightly, eyeing their garb and equipment a bit before nodding back at your boyfriend.
"They're Links too, aren't they?"
Legend jumps slightly at that, "How did you-"
You smile at him, "I gotta good nose."
Twilight shakes his head, chuckling "Alright, lets go back to the village before you start figuring everyone out."
You jog up to him, animatedly waving your hands, rambling about Colin and how good with swordsmanship he's become. Before you could continue rambling, Wind asks, "How'd you two meet?"
You and Twilight pause, looking at each other before responding.
"Oh, y'know, I met him on his quest during the Twilight Era. Stinky do-wait, they know, right?"
"They're too nosy for their own good."
"Right, so. I met him while I was in my alternate form. Fell on top of me from a brittle tree-"
"-Wait, you have a wolf form too?!" Wind exclaims, running up to you.
You snort, this kid's funny.
"Nah, that's hero's spirit and all. It's better if I show ya."
You focus for a moment before you feel the shift, still uncomfortable but so much less painful than the first time it happened, oh so many years ago.
Opening your eyes, you can feel your senses sharpen, everything intensifying tenfold.
"A fucking fox???!?!! Twilight, your wife is so cool."
"Not my wife yet, but thank you."
You walk up to Wind, cooing at him. He hesitantly pets your fur on your head, earning him a soft purr from you.
You walk up to the rest of them, just looking at them. You give a few extra sniffs to the pink-haired one, him smelling like hare.
Shifting back, you walk back to Twilight, your fur coat retreating back into your skin. You give him a peck on the cheek, continuing your way back to the village.
"Y'all coming or what?"
Twilight breaks out of his lovestruck trance, following you. Time walks up to Twilight, muttering to him,
"I can tell you've got a thing for foxy personalities."
"Oh, shut up."
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cannibalizedlove · 15 days
Since ur wanting requests what if i requested one where its laurie laurence x cowboy! Reader where laurie laurence doesn't quite like guys and has the whole attitude where he's like "two men together r gross" Bc its the 1800s but the reader has this like very attractive southern accent and flirts with laurie so much to the point laurie just melts and falls in love? Could either be smut or fluff! (I came up with this idea from a southern show I was watching lol)
This is probably the cutest request because I love cowboys and Laurie, so I hope you enjoy as much as I did! I made this one a longer one, just because I love the idea so much and wanted to create more <3
Voice like whiskey.
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Information and warning — much longer fic than usual, slow burn, male reader, cowboy reader, internalized homophobia laurie, laurie being a little rude jerk, the march sisters are included, grinding, making out, alcohol, pure gayness.
You were the March sisters younger cousin, and had been popping in for holidays since you were a young child.
Even though you were never around except for birthdays and Christmas, you would always send your earnings home to the girls.
Marmee would always ask you to stay, how she had the extra room and how the girls would love to be with you — but you always had to decline, the dirt roads and cattle called for you. She always thought your work was admirable, so she never pushed.
Soon, Christmas had rolled around and it was time to go see your family. With your boots muddy, your hat containing your messy hair, and dirt on your face; you knocked on the door, greeted by the smile of sweet Amy.
“Oh my beloved, Y/N! You’re finally here for us!” The girl exclaimed, throwing her arms around you and hugging your chest.
“Amy! Oh how I’ve missed you, darlin’” You chuckled, ruffling her hair and embracing her tightly.
“Where’s the others, I have much stories to tell about the trails, damn horse ran off cause of a snake, funniest thing!” You shook your head, patting Amy on the back before looking around for the other sisters you desperately missed.
“Well, Meg is at the fabric store, sewing some dress for some stupid dance I wasn’t even invited to!!” Amy grumpily replied with her hands on her hips, rolling her eyes as she continued; “Beth’s upstairs reading her music, you know how she is.. Oh, and Jo’s out in backyard with Mr. Laurence.” Amy said his name in a singy-songy voice.
You looked at the young girl with confusion, shocked at the new name, had Jo fell for some man? Impossible you thought, she’d never settle down and throw away her freedom for some boy.
“Mr. Laurence? Who in the Lords name is that.” You asked, making your way to back door as you tracked mud throughout the house, something Marmee would scold you for later.
“Oh, hes a fine young gentleman, you’ll like him!” Amy giggled, sitting down in the living room as she watched the fires flames grow with amazement.
You made your way out back, watching as Jo— and who you assumed was Mr. Laurence — rough housed.
“So when are you plannin’ on greetin’ me, you rascal?” You called out to Jo, watching affectionately as she laughed and smiled playing with her friend.
“Y/N! My boy!” Jo announced, pushing Mr. Laurence off of her and into the cold grass.
She ran to you, wrapping you in her arms with a tight squeeze. “I’ve missed you dearly. I can’t wait to hear about the trail stories!”
The Laurence descent watched with a cocked eyebrow, dusting his fancy winter clothes off as he approached you.
“Hello. I’m Laurie.” The boy said flatly, he was a bit taller than you, pale, and overwhelmingly handsome.
“Why, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you. This your boyfriend Jo?” You teased, elbowing her shoulder with a grin, resulting in a slap on the chest and a groan from you.
Laurie didn’t know what he was feeling, your eyes had a fire he hadn’t seen before, your hat casted shadows on your face that perfectly carved it like a statue. Your voice was like whiskey, he thought, but Laurie was refusing the drink.
“Who’s this Jesse James rip off..” Laurie whispered to Jo, taking a dig at your stereotypical attire.
“Laurie, this is my cousin, he’ll be staying with us while the holidays are going on. Y/N, this is my neighbor, Mr. Laurie Laurence.” Jo explained in an announcing speech.
As the day wore on, you found yourself trying to talk to Laurie more and more, each time he’d blow you off. This caused a pang in your heart, but you knew your charm had never let you down.
During dinner you had taken a seat next to him, and spread your legs enough to make the two of yours knees touch. This connection made Laurie blush, but never once moved his knee; a good sign you believed.
You told the stories about the cattle running off, and how your horse got spooked by a rattle snake leaving you in the middle of the trail.
Some of them would earn an under the breath laugh from Laurie, but most would result in a scoff and eye roll.
This cat and mouse game only made you want him more.
The girls were in the living room, Marmee had went to bed early, and you two boys were in the kitchen. You poured yourself a glass of rum, and offered Laurie one in good manners.
“No thanks, Billy the Kid.” Laurie huffed, leaning up against the kitchen island, the opposite side of you. The whole night he had been taking jabs at your country twang, your dirty boots and roughed up clothes.
Each time you felt like dropping the whole thing more and more, hell it was the 1800’s, men weren’t allowed to be together. There wasn’t a point in the hopeless flirting, you knew it wouldn’t work, yet you craved for him to feel the same.
“Come on, lighten up, old boy.” You playfully hit his arm, leaning against the island, taking a sip of your alcohol.
“Stop flirting with me. I don’t swing that way.” Laurie spat, and you felt your heart drop.
You knew from the beginning, but hearing it out loud was a pain much worse than the idea of it.
Laurie watched as the color drained from your face, and felt an overwhelming sense of sadness.
Laurie was sure he was straight, he believed women were gorgeous and his grandfather always told him he was going to marry a woman.
Yet, all that was thrown out the window with you. You were so charming, and as much as he led on that he thought your outlaw attire was ridiculous, he thought your tight jeans with that belt were extremely tantalizing.
All you could reply with was a nod, you took your drink into the living room and joined the sisters in their activities.
It didn’t last long before you decided to wallow in your tears in the comfort of the Marches guest room.
You made your way up the stairs, entered the room and shut the door, quietly sobbing against it. You hated this, you wanted to be ���normal’, you wanted to have a wife and live comfortably, but it just wasn’t in the cards for you.
You had stripped down to your boxers and dirt stained shirt, laying on the bed with your head in your hands, when a knock broke you out of your trance.
“Not in the mood, Amy.” You yelled out, just wanting to be left alone in your hour of rejection.
“It’s Laurie.” A beautiful voice from the other side of the door called.
‘Is he really here just to make you feel worse?’ You thought. How stuck up could one man be! You were expecting more insults to be spat out by him as you opened the door.
“What can I do for you.” You asked coldly, only to look up and see tears in the taller males eyes.
He let himself in, sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands awkwardly rubbing against his knees.
“I’m sorry for how I’ve acted. I’m.. embarrassed of the truth I guess.” Laurie said quietly, like he was ashamed to even speak privately about it.
“Embarrassed about what, Laur?” You sat next to him, his eyes tightly screwing shut as he smelt your attracting musk.
“You can tell me, if its about ear-“ You were completely cut off, Laurie grabbed your face, smashing your lips into yours and pulling you closer.
He greedily grabbed for all of you, he needed you like you were his oxygen source. He crawled ontop of you, sitting on your lap and licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance, when you graciously accepted his request, he dug in like a starving man.
Your tongues fought for dominance but ultimately, you won. Needy moans escaped from his pretty lips, and he grinded down on your growing bulge.
His entire body was heating up, his mind was melted, all he knew was your mouth and he was obsessed with it. Laurie didn’t know if it was the rum, or your taste, but he was completely drunk off of it.
When you pulled away slightly for a moment to catch your breath, Laurie backed away, his face a shade of bright red that you could see even though the dimly lit room.
“I thought you didn’t.. swing that way.” You asked in shallow breaths, touching your lips in a complete state of shock.
“I don’t know. I just know I want you. I’ve never felt this way before.” He said, hiding his face in his hands, afraid of ruining everything.
“That’s okay, Laurie-Darlin’. We’ll figure it out together.” You held his face in your calloused hand, keeping his eyes on you.
“Just come here, country boy.” He pressed his lips against yours once again, a softer more gentle approach than before.
Your voice was like whiskey, and he was finally accepting the drink.
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
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Me too man. But my mental and physical health is kind'a tanking atm. I just don't have the energy to pick up a passion project of that scale right now..
If you're patient and stick around though, we're bound to see more of my FNAF security breach AU someday.. Once I can get on top of all this crap I'm dealing with-
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I AM restingggg 😫 I haven't left my home for any significant amount of time for like 3 weeks- I cant rest any harder! XD
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Google seems to suggest that an oreo cookie character already exists. "Prime Oreo Cookie" I believe..? :0
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@solst1ce-sketches (In response to this post(?))
:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like him!! :}}
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(First repair guy) (Second repair guy)
They are different repair guys, and they both do not have a name.. 😔
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Not quite sure what you're asking.. so I'll just answer in multiple ways!
My favorite movies of all time are Pixars cars 1 and 3. I cannot watch either without crying 😭 they are my absolute favorites and I hold them very close to my soul 💖
Still to this day, even after all this time, Gravity Falls is my top favorite show. Despite all the cringe I made for it back in the day- it still holds up as my most beloved show I've ever drawn about.
As for fandom, like the people? I thiiiink the FNAF fandom was my favorite to interact with..? I remember a lot of interaction with the fans in general, which meant a lot to me :)
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Bibi and Cici are just odd little critters XD though Bibi is very cat-like in nature and Cici is based on a mouse :0
I'm not sure how they feel about being dolls. I'd assume they don't really mind it! XD
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Not sure what you mean but I assume you're right XDD
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Thank you! Though I don't take requests, sorry!
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She is indeed a kid, but that's becuase all I had to go off of was her info picture and fanart I saw of her. For some reason a lot of art I saw of Sally depicted her as this total gremlin character that's always getting into trouble.
So I thought hey! Why not make it so she fell to "Earth" as a little tot and was raised by Poppy? In present day she could be like 13-15 and her chaotic energy would make sense and be fun to mess with!
Though after watching GTlive do a vid on the Halloween update, I realize that I wrote her personality completely wrong. Sooo I miiight need to rework her entire story and character- whoops! <XDD
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Considering Sally is gonna need some restructuring, I'm not sure where Poppy stands atm-- <:DD
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I saw your comment on a post that shows you now know the answer to this- but just to clarify it for everyone else!-
Octo and Seafoam are not gay, nor a couple. Seafoam's heart belongs to Blue Beauty! Him and Octo are just friends/brothers.
Also thank you! :DD I'm honored!
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA Thank you!! :DD I've very glad you like them! :D And I'm not sure how a meeting with the pirates and cowboys would go.. its funny though becuase a lot of Canned Tuna's design was copied from Canned Beans cookie. Even the name! So if they ever met maybe they'd have a stand off XDD
I haven't thought much about how the Captain would react.. maybe the Vegimals are something he just cant wrap his head around and chooses not to talk about it XDD
BUT CALICO JACK!! SEEING VEGIMALS BEFORE?? WHY HAVEN'T I THOUGHT OF THAT!! The Vegimals could be these huge fish creatures when they grow old! And Jack could have SEEN ONE/HEARD OF THEM BEFORE!! Why didn't I think of that?? XDD I'll have to draw something like that sometime!!
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Thank you so much!! :D My favorite Donkey Kong game has to be the only one I've ever played, the original Donkey Kong Country!
I also loved Diddy Kong racing, though I see that it doesn't count <XD
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I've heard of Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva boss. I saw the Hazbin pilot ages ago and have seen some episodes of Helluva.. Though they're not really my taste.. <:/
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
:D Thank you! Now I didn't really do any proper research after the fact so I hope the Octonauts info is accurate! <XDD
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I think Poppy Playtime it pretty neat! Though I haven't seen a playthrough of chapter 3 yet so I haven't formed an opinion on the smiling critters. :0 Other than their smiles are WAY too big and creepy XDDD
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Holy cow.. what a crazy read! I'm not much of a gamer myself but I have GOT to watch somebody play this! :00 Thank you for the info! :D
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WAIT THIS GAME WAS ON THE WII?? I was thinking it was a fangame made for PC??? Like on steam?? ITS A LEGIT RELEASE?? WHAT???
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(Post in question)
It was sooooo much tedious coloringggg... 💀💀 Worth it tho XDD
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(Post in question)
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AWWWW!! HOW COOL!! I love the mermaid approach!! :DD SO PREBBY!!! ✨🤩✨🥥✨
Also thank you so much!! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XDD Turns out ditto is my spirit Pokémon-
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AAAA I'm so glad you're interested in him! Uuuunfortunately,, looking back it seems the only artwork I have of Melvin is just a bunch of strange angst for no good reason-
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So I'm afraid I don't really have any artwork to share,, and most of the story has already been told.. but this ask makes me want to come back to Melvin sometime! Maybe expand on his story more, or just draw him again in general!
So thank you for the ask/interest, perhaps we'll see more of Melvin someday! :D
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delopsia · 11 months
Peaches | Rhett Abbott x Reader
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Your peaches are missing.
And you know they haven't grown legs and walked off down the road because you just brought them home from the market yesterday. You'd bought a dozen of them because the lady selling them had more than she knew what to do with; an overly bountiful crop can be just as stressful as one that doesn't produce at all. Eight remain in the fridge, right where you left them, and you had one last night, so where have the three in your fruit bowl gone? 
There's movement out your back window. 
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Someone walking past; a glimpse of a blue flannel and a white straw cowboy hat. The hat you bought Rhett in the spring because his old summer hat was falling apart, and his favorite felt one is far too warm to be worn when the temperatures creep above sixty. 
He stops just short of the sliding door, tosses his beloved hat onto a patio chair, and doesn't seem to notice that a pair of eyes are on him. No, he's too busy reaching behind his head, pinching his flannel where it rests between his shoulder blades, and tugging it upward. 
And you cannot say you're complaining.
That blue plaid is drenched with sweat, a wondrous contrast to the pale, milky white skin that it clings to. Slowly revealing that gently defined stomach, soft lines that flex as he pulls the shirt further. The gentle swell of his chest and the faint outline of ribs that have suffered more than enough breaks and cracks over the years. Deep-set ink of a bull and its rider higher on his broad chest, resting beneath strong collarbones that lead to even wider shoulders. 
Even paler scars catch in the light; one beneath his collar, a gift from a bull with a knack for kicking right where that protective vest ended. Another rests low between his ribs, and carries a tale of a drunk bar fight with a man willing to use shattered glass to his advantage. That ER visit was anything but fun.
Oh, well, would you look at that?
Rhett's got one of your missing peaches in his hand. 
Shiny and wet from where he's surely rinsed it off using water from the hose, glistening in the sunlight, much like Rhett does. He raises it to his lips as he settles into one of your chairs. 
 And that is a sight to behold.
Your beloved cowboy biting deep into a peach, his eyes happily shut, smiling to himself because of something that crosses his pretty little mind. Uncaring of how the juice of the peach drips from his thin lips, dripping from his chin and rolling down his already shimmering chest. 
Until now, you've never considered yourself the type to drool over such a simple thing. But as you head back to the refrigerator, plucking another one of those delightful little fruits from its resting place, you think you'd pay to see him eat these. 
He doesn't pay you any mind, as you slide the door open and step out onto the half-finished deck. A home project thats been slowed by the heat, and you are not one to complain about the delay.
"I was wondering where my peaches wandered off to," you chirp, holding out the chilled fruit and placing it into his open, dripping palm. 
"'m sorry," but there's no shame in his mumbled words, as he bites into what you've handed him. Humming to himself all along, silently thrilled by the cool juice on his burning tongue. Dripping like a fountain, past his unshaven jaw and down his neck. Even has the audacity to run down his arm, dancing across the protruding veins that you would really, really like to feel against your tongue, right about now. 
Rhett's eyes flicker up, meeting with yours, but only briefly.
His ears redden, a flush that reaches down into his cheeks, and he looks away with a quiet giggle. 
"What?" You're smiling, unashamed of how you've been caught red-handed. 
Rhett can't bring himself to speak, covers his smile with the back of his hand, but it's futile. The corners of his eyes wrinkle with his grin, and his eyes flicker to everything but you. 
 You're stepping closer, bending down until you're face to face with him, "something the matter, cowboy?" Reaching out to curl your fingers around his sticky jaw, lifting him to look at you.
"Naw," there's that drawl of his, "jus' thinkin'."
"About what?" Tracing down his neck, chasing a rogue bead of juice, following as it crosses his beautifully muscled chest. 
His eyes drop, looking down to your soft summer shorts as he reaches for them, playing with the hem of them. When his gaze lifts once more, its darkened, sparkling with a twinge of excitement that he can't quite hide. 
Licking your lips, you lean forward, taking a bite of his peach for yourself; juice running down your lips like its being paid to do it. "Something you want?"
"Uhuh," nodding dumbly. 
You're thankful that the two of you settled on a house out in the country, where the neighbors are far and few between. That your home is hidden behind a long, winding driveway and that you're not expecting any deliveries today. Because as his peach-flavored lips hungrily collide with yours, and he rises to push you into a patio chair, you don't you'll be making it inside. 
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wheresarizona · 2 years
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Learning to Live Part 11
summary: For the first time in over the month you’ve been dating Javier, he’s taking you away from Laredo for the night to go dancing in the city. This requires a small road trip and getting a hotel room—drinking leads to lowered inhibitions, and well, the two of you really enjoy testing your luck.
rating: E (18+!! So much smut. Soft Javier Peña (my beloved), Jealous Javier Peña, no y/n, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, vaginal fingering, face-sitting, public sex (thigh riding), spanking, praise kink, dirty talk, (1) bite, begging, road tripping with Javi, dancing, alcohol (being tipsy with Javi), domestic fluff, food mention, Javi taking care of you, feelings)
pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader
word count: 9.5k+
a/n: We’re jumping forward in time this chapter due to Javi and Cielito deciding to go off script. Next chapter will have us going back to the ranch and meeting Chucho for the first time. This comes from a dialogue prompt @hnt-escape sent in that was, "You're cute when you're jealous,” for Javi and Cielito, which turned into a whole thing (Thank you!). I apologize if I make you yearn to go on a road trip with Javi. I also apologize if I make you yearn to go dancing with him. Shoutout and all of my love to @juletheghoul , who beta’d and helped me immensely. I hope you enjoy!
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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You’d been dating for one month and five days, not that you were keeping track or had a heart drawn on your kitchen calendar in the June 11th square, marking the day Javier asked you to be his girlfriend. When your boyfriend wasn’t working, he was with you. Javi slept at your apartment, you spent your weekends together doing things around town or staying in, and once a week, you both went out to the ranch and had dinner with Chucho. It was the new normal, and you loved every minute of having him around and in your life. 
It was a Thursday night in July, the two of you eating dinner at your kitchen table, as usual, Javi sitting across from you and immediately digging in like he hadn’t eaten the entire day, which you knew wasn’t true, praising the food you made like he always did. When his plate was empty, he wiped his mouth with a napkin, discarding it next to his dish, and rested his forearms on the tabletop. His eyes were bright as he looked at you, a crooked smile underneath his perfectly trimmed mustache. 
“Hey, you wanna go dancing?” He asked. 
You paused in the middle of a bite, your eyebrows furrowing as you thought over the question and set your fork down. 
“You want to go line dancing at the rec center tonight?” You asked slowly. 
Tuesdays and Thursdays were dance nights; a bunch of the ladies who worked at the hospital went with their husbands, but you couldn’t picture Javi dancing like that—wearing the cowboy boots and hat, a bolo tie around his neck, doing the choreographed steps with a group. You knew he had the boots but refused to wear the hat, and you’d need to inquire about the tie. Did he know the choreography? You absolutely didn’t, but he could teach you if it was something he wanted to do. 
“No, Cielito,” he chuckled. “I thought it would be fun to drive to the city and go to a club tomorrow.”
You perked up, back straightening in your seat. That was definitely more your speed, and the two of you hadn’t decided on any plans for the weekend, the prospect sounding fun, but the city was a couple of hours away. 
“First of all, I’m very surprised you’d want to go to a club,” you said, gathering your mostly empty plate and water glass, done with your dinner, as you got up from the table. 
“I wanna dance with you,” Javi said, getting up and grabbing his used dishes and following you. 
“We dance in the kitchen all the time,” you pointed out as you set what you were holding in the sink. 
Music was essential when cooking meals which led to him pulling you into his arms sometimes, the two of you slowly swaying to whatever was playing like the first time you’d done it on your third date. He’d also witnessed your singing and dancing when you put on a record and cleaned the apartment, catching him watching with a fond look on his perfect face. 
You moved out of Javi’s way, resting your hip against the counter and seeing him smiling as he set his things with yours. 
“We slow dance,” he nodded, facing you when he was done. “But I wanna dance with you,” he emphasized the word, and you got his meaning, making you snort. 
“All I’m hearing is you want me in a sexy dress and grinding on you,” you smirked, poking him in the chest.  
“Doesn’t have to be sexy,” he shrugged. “Whatever you want to wear.”  
You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“You don’t care about the outfit. All that matters is the grinding?” 
“Yes,” he nodded. “Wanna feel your body pressed against mine,” he put his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to him, locking his gaze on yours. 
“I think we press our bodies together all the time,” you wagged your eyebrows. 
He huffed out an amused breath, moving his face closer to yours, his eyes burning into your own. 
“I want to do it in public,” his voice going lower, fingers tightening on you. 
“I don’t know why I’m so into you saying that, but my god,” you said, reaching up to hold his face, the slight stubble under your palms. He smirked. “If we’re going out,” you continued. “The dress will be sexy—have to look hot if I’m with you; otherwise, I’ll have to fight off all the ladies vying for your attention,” you closed the distance to kiss him, feeling the familiar prickle of his mustache. 
“You always look sexy,” he said against your lips. “And I only want to look at you.”
You felt yourself melt a little, breaking the kiss to look at him. 
“Stop being sweet, or I’m going to suck your dick,” you winked, making him grin at your words. “Okay, this sounds like a lot of fun. The only issue is the drive there is over two hours; if we’re going out and drinking, we’ll have to stay the night.”   
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I already figured everything out. Wanna go?” 
In the time you’d been dating, you hadn’t done anything like this yet. It sounded exciting—going away for a night, somewhere nobody knew either of you, drinking and dancing, staying in a hotel, and having some carefree fun.
You nodded quickly, smiling at him. 
“I’m in,” you said. “Let’s do it. What time do you want to leave?” 
His smile was so big his dimple appeared. 
“After you get off work?” 
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The next day Javi was waiting at your apartment when you got home. 
Both of your overnight bags were put in the backseat of his truck, and the first stop on your road trip was the gas station. He pulled up to a pump, his aviators on, wearing a deep blue button-up and some jeans, his hair still damp from the quick shower you’d both taken before you left. 
“What do you want to drink and snack on?” You asked, sitting beside him on the bench seat. 
He looked at you, lips turning up in a smile. 
“Coke, Mexican if they have it,” he paused as he thought for a second. “And pretzels,” he finally answered. 
Your eyebrows rose. 
“Pretzels? Like chocolate covered?” You knew you sounded confused. 
“No,” he shook his head. “Just regular.” 
“Your road trip snack is plain pretzels?”
He frowned a little. 
“Yes?” He answered, sounding unsure. 
“A bold choice. You don’t want anything sweet? M&M’s, Hershey’s bar, Skittles?” You named the first things that came to mind. 
He made a face. 
“Not big on chocolate, and Skittles are just colorful sugar.”
You laughed, cupping his cheeks to give him a quick kiss. 
“Okay, Mr. Pretzels,” you said when you parted. “I’ll get you your snack of choice and a Coke. I’ll be right back.” 
He kissed you again before you both got out of the truck. 
When you returned from the gas station mini-mart with a paper bag full of snacks, and two glass bottles of Coke strategically held in your hand, Javi was leaning against the back of his truck waiting for you. 
“They had the goods!” You said, showing him the sodas. 
He smiled as he took the drinks from you, watching as he did a fancy trick using the bottles to pop open one of them, Javi handing it to you before he opened the other against the metal bumper he’d been standing in front of. He leaned down with a groan to grab the bottlecaps, tossing them into the truck's bed when he stood back up. 
“You’re very creative,” you said with a smile. 
He chuckled. 
“Gotta be without a bottle opener,” he said. He took a sip, sighing in delight after he swallowed. “This is the fucking best.”  
You giggled. 
“As you’ve told me many times,” raising your bottle before taking a drink. 
“It’s the truth,” he nodded. “They use actual cane sugar and not that high-fructose bullshit.” 
“Wanna know a fun fact?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” he smiled. 
“Since the Mexican version has real sugar, they don’t have to use as much. So, tastes better and has less sugar.” 
“See, American Coke is shit.” He leaned in to kiss you. “Let’s get going,” he said, playfully slapping your thigh and making you giggle. 
“Okay,” you said, following him as he opened the driver’s side door for you. 
“Growing up,” Javi started as you climbed in, putting the snacks on the far side of the seat and taking your place in the middle. “Every Sunday after church, we’d stop at the gas station,” he said as he got in behind the steering wheel and shut the door. “And my dad would get us all bottles of Coke when he went in to pay.” 
“A little Sunday treat,” you replied, smiling. “Bet you looked absolutely adorable.” 
Javi chuckled, his head turned towards you. 
“Yeah. It was a treat,” he had a fond smile on his face, setting his Coke in one of the two cup holders sticking out from the console in front of you. “Ma would always slow cook barbacoa for dinner—she did beef. We’d have tacos, my tios and tias would come by with all the primos, and we’d run around. Big family get-togethers that continued even after I fucked off with the DEA. My tia took over the tradition after my mom passed, no barbacoa—just a way for everyone to catch up. Dad goes every week. I, uh,” he scratched at his mustache, frowning. “Haven’t gone since I got back.”
You put your drink next to his and rubbed your hand on his thigh comfortingly. 
“That’s okay,” you reassured him. “You’ll go when you’re ready, and if you need someone with you, I’m always available.” 
His hand held the nape of your neck as he leaned in to kiss you softly. 
“Thank you,” he said when he pulled back to look at you. 
“It’s really no big deal. I love your dad. I’m sure I’d love the rest of your family, too.” 
“I know they’ll love you,” he said. 
You smiled. 
“That makes me very happy.” 
He kissed you again. 
“You ready to go?” He asked. 
“Let’s get this show on the road!” 
He chuckled, turning to put his seatbelt on before starting the truck up, and getting you on your way. 
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There was music playing at a reasonable volume as you made easy conversation, the radio set to a station that played hits from the last twenty years, the cab cool from the air conditioning humming. Out of the front windshield, the highway stretched for miles heading northeast, cutting through the desert with only a little bit of green here and there. Going from Laredo to San Antonio on Interstate 35 had you driving through a few small towns spread out on the route—the scenery pretty barren between them aside from the occasional gas station or random house, which meant there wasn’t much to look at. 
You were thirty minutes into your trek when Javi asked for some pretzels. You got the bag and opened it to pull out a small salted covered knot. 
“Open,” you said, bringing it up to his lips. 
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow, opening his mouth and accepting the food, hearing him crunch the hard snack between his teeth. 
“You’re going to feed me?” He asked after swallowing. 
“It’s the job of the co-pilot,” you said.
“Hand feeding the driver is the co-pilot’s job?” His attention turned back to the road. 
“Oh, yes,” you nodded. “I’m also in charge of making sure the music is perfect, holding your hand, and ensuring you get the proper allotment of cuddles since kissing is too distracting,” you pouted. 
He glanced over, chuckling at the look on your face. 
“I think I like having a co-pilot,” he said. 
You grinned. 
“Another pretzel?” You asked, holding up the pretzel bag as it lightly crinkled in your hold.  
“Please.” He was already opening his mouth when you raised one to his lips. “Thank you, baby,” he said around the bite. 
“You’re welcome.”
It went like that for a while until he got thirsty and drank some of his Coke, putting the rest of his snack away. 
You got out your bag of Skittles, opened a corner, and poured some into your palm, eating them in groups of the same flavor. Javi looked over quickly to see what you were snacking on and held out his hand. 
“Can I have a few of those?” He asked. 
You smiled as you tipped some into his palm. 
“I thought you didn’t like these.” 
“I don’t. They’re too sweet. I just want a couple.” 
He dumped them into his mouth and started chewing. 
You went back to munching, but every couple of minutes, his hand would creep back over silently asking for more and making you giggle when you eventually ran out.
“You ate all of my Skittles,” you said as you discarded the wrapper into the paper bag with the rest of the snacks. 
“No, I didn’t,” he replied.
“You did. You like the colorful sugar. Admit it.” 
“I stand by that they’re too fucking sweet,” he said, looking at you for a moment with a frown. 
“But you like them even if they’re too sweet.” 
“They’re okay,” he mumbled. 
“I’ll accept that as an admission.”
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It was another hour, the Cokes were empty, and most of the snacks had been eaten when “Whatta Man,” by Salt-N-Pepa, started playing. Javi had heard you hum along and softly sing many times since the beginning of your journey, smiling as you did, but the current tune had you grabbing your empty bottle and turning your body towards him. 
“I dedicate this song to you, babe,” you told him as he glanced over with a smile. “And I mean every word, so listen closely.” 
“I’ve never heard this,” he replied. 
“That’s even better,” you grinned. 
This was one of your favorite songs, the album it was on nestled in the cd case in your car that you’d listened to hundreds of times, knowing all of the words by heart. 
The familiar beat was going, you pretending the glass you were holding was a microphone, pressing your other hand against his chest as you sang the opening of what a mighty good man he was, making Javi chuckle and shake his head with a smile. 
You took a big breath and got into the rap, smoothly reciting the words about how you wanted to give much respect to him for making a difference in your world. It made you smile just how perfect this song was in describing how you felt about him. 
Javi was smiling fondly when he looked over as you emphasized the lines on how nobody was perfect and that he was worth it, and it spurred you on, hitting every word. You watched him closely, his eyes on the road as you gazed at his gorgeous profile, continuing your flow and making your voice go all husky when you said, “I think I want to have your baby.” He choked on his spit, sputtering, and coughing, your eyes going wide as you changed hands the bottle was in so you could pat him on the back, unable to help it when you cracked up. 
“Oh, my god, I’m so sorry!” You said between laughs, missing some of the chorus.
“It’s okay,” his voice was rough, taking off his aviators and setting them on the dash as he wiped his watery eyes, finally calming down. “Just unexpected.” His eyes met yours, a little smile on his face. “Keep going.” 
You composed yourself, taking a deep breath. 
His attention turned to the road as you brought the bottle back up to your mouth and started back up with the rapping, describing in detail how sexy, smart, and funny he was and that none of your exes could ever be like him. Javi looked over at you with a big smile, making your chest feel all warm. Your hand dropped to his thigh, grabbing over the denim as you told him he was a god even in jeans and absolutely the man of your dreams, making Javi laugh. 
You continued into the next part, letting him know you knew he loved you and that he touched you in all the right spots and how other men didn’t, him looking over at you with a soft look, his eyes a bit wider. You made sure to speak the words clearly on how he was a highway to heaven, keeping you open twenty-four hours like a Seven Eleven.
Javi laughed. 
“Don’t think I won’t,” he smirked, glancing over. 
“A menace,” you said quickly, before jumping into the next bit, talking about how he always chooses you, and you’re never losing being with him, and rounding it out by saying that good men were hard to find. 
You juggled the bottle again, freeing up your hand to press against his chest as you sang the chorus, Javi grabbing it to bring up to his lips, looking over at you as he kissed the back of it with a smile. He threaded your fingers together, holding your hand tightly on his thigh.
You stopped singing for a moment.
“This next part is so spot on that if I didn’t know you were in Colombia at the time, I’d think this song was written about you.” 
His head turned towards you.
“You really think all this?” He asked. 
You nodded, smiling. 
“Oh, yeah. Every word.” 
He had that soft look on his face again, the one where you knew or at least hoped he was thinking those three little words he hadn’t said yet. You saw that same expression a lot lately. He brought your twined hands back up to kiss your hand again before turning his attention to the road. 
You started up again, going right along with the rap, detailing how good he was in bed. As you recited the lyrics, you couldn’t help thinking how fitting they were. Javi wasn’t a wham bam, thank you ma’am type of man; he did like taking his time, always did things right, and could absolutely knock you out for the night with just one shot. He snorted and shook his head with that last part, which made you grin. The descriptions continued to be accurate about him being secure in his masculinity, that he was a lover and a protector, how he was always there when you needed him, and he wasn’t disrespectful, which you definitely believed was because his mother had taught him right. 
You reached out a hand to make him look at you when you said the words, “I got a good man,” and his eyes went a little rounder as he swallowed, attention turning back to the road as he listened to you serenade him again over what a good man he was. 
When the song finally ended, he turned his head, awkwardly keeping his eyes on the road. 
“Kiss me,” he said. 
You giggled, leaning in to press your lips against his.
Once he was satisfied he kissed you sufficiently, he focused on the road again. 
“I really fucking like you, Cielito,” he said as he glanced over with a smile. 
“I really fucking like you, too, Javi, and I meant every word of that song.”
“I know.” 
And you weren’t sure if it was because the Star Wars movie marathon you had together was fresh in your mind, but when he said those two words, your brain translated them to, “I love you, too.”
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You arrived in San Antonio after the sun had set; the tall buildings lit up and filling the skyline, looking like the big city it was. 
When Javi told you he had everything figured out, you hadn’t anticipated him getting a room at a nice hotel downtown. He said it was a few blocks from the club he was taking you to, and when you worried about the cost, he mentioned the prices were pretty decent. 
The room was on the fifth floor, a big king-sized bed, the place impeccably clean, with floor-to-ceiling windows looking down on the busy streets below. 
You had a light dinner at the restaurant on the ground floor before returning to the room to get ready for the night out. 
You changed in the bathroom, also doing your makeup and hair, and when you finished, you found Javi sitting on the end of the bed watching the news, wearing a black button-up that stretched across his shoulders sinfully and some dark wash jeans. His head immediately turned towards you, and you saw his mouth slightly fall open, eyes widening, making you smile. 
“Do I look okay?” You asked, looking down at yourself and smoothing out the wrinkles in the fabric. 
Your outfit for the evening was a cute black dress that showed a bit of cleavage and went to mid-thigh, paired with some reasonable heels that would be okay to dance in that were sitting by the door. 
His mouth closed. 
“Do you look okay?” He asked. His face looked slightly pained. “Fuck, baby, we’re not leaving the room.” 
You laughed. 
“We drove two and a half hours. We’re going dancing,” you replied. 
“Come here,” he said, holding out his hand. You let him pull you to stand between his legs. His big hands ran up your sides, his eyes tracking across every inch of you, before shoving his face between your boobs. “Yeah,” his voice was muffled, speaking into your chest. “I don’t wanna go anymore. Fuck, dancing.” 
You giggled, pushing your fingers into his hair and tugging gently to pull his head back so he’d look at you. 
You had a moment where you stared at those plush lips of his you knew were soft, and suddenly you wanted to kiss him. You gave in, leaning down to press your mouth against his, reveling in how they felt like you imagined, kissing him for some seconds before straightening again. Javi had a lazy smile on his face, his eyes darker, hungrier, his hands rubbing down your back and along your ribs. 
“Dancing is the whole reason we’re here,” you said. 
“You look too fucking good,” he rasped. 
“Yes, in order to go dancing,” you ran your fingers through his hair, feeling it all soft under your touch. 
His hands went to your thighs, making your skin heat as he slowly moved them up, making their way under your dress. 
“I’d rather eat your pussy while you’re wearing this,” his voice went deeper, huskier, sending a shiver down your spine and arousal spike in your belly. 
You thought it over for a second. 
“Compromise. You eat my pussy then we go out?” 
You saw his brain work, his tongue licking his bottom lip. 
“Okay,” he finally answered. He moved quickly, wrapping his arms around your thighs and hauling you onto the bed, making you gasp his name in surprise as he tossed you into the middle of the mattress on your back. Javi crawled up after you, moving up your body from between your legs, bunching your dress at your waist as he went to slot his hips with your own. 
As soon as his face was in line with yours, he was crashing his mouth against yours in a hungry kiss, one arm holding himself while his other hand palmed your breast, your own fingers moving in his hair. He pushed his tongue between your lips when you moaned, licking into your mouth and tasting you. Your body was thrumming, arousal pooling in your core, and you felt your panties becoming damp. The kissing only stopped when the need to breathe became too much, both of you panting to catch your breaths while your lungs burned. Javi kissed along your jaw and down your neck, zeroing in on your pulse point to suck at the skin hard enough to leave a mark and making you moan before continuing his journey down your body. 
A pillow propped up your head, his eyes on yours when his face was at level with the apex of your thighs, his hands smoothed down your sides until his fingers were moving beneath the thin strip of the waistband of your panties. He finally looked down, taking in what you were wearing. 
“Fuck,” he groaned. He glanced up at you, the hunger in his gaze making your belly clench deliciously. “You’re too fucking good to me,” he smirked, kissing your mound over the fabric. 
“I know they’re your favorite.” 
The red lacy thong was absolutely his favorite. 
“You know they are.” You watched him move into a kneeling position, your eyebrows furrowing, confused by the sudden change when his hands grabbed onto your waist, and he used his strength to flip you onto your belly easily, making you squeak in the process. 
“Hands and knees, baby,” he said, lightly smacking your thigh. 
You did as he said, looking over your shoulder at him when you were up with a raised eyebrow. 
“I thought you were eating me out?” You asked. 
His eyes met yours, tongue peeking between his lips. 
“I am. I just need to see,” he said, as his attention moved to your ass. He pushed your dress up, baring you, his hands grabbing handfuls of the plump flesh in front of him, massaging it in his palms. “Fuck, that’s pretty,” he landed a solid smack to an asscheek, making you moan as your head fell between your shoulders, feeling slick seep from you. 
“Cielito, baby?” He rasped, hands still working. 
“Yes, Javi?” You sounded breathless, anticipation swelling inside you. 
“I’m gonna eat your pussy the way I want. Is that okay?” 
Your brows creased, going through your mind on how many different ways there were to do the act, and a little lost on why he was asking. All of them were acceptable.  
“Too fucking good to me,” he murmured, feeling a sharp slap against your ass again that had you moaning his name. You felt his fingers as they dipped under the waistband of your panties, pulling them down, Javi lifting each of your legs to get them off before you heard him getting off the bed. You turned your head to look, watching as he quickly worked through the buttons of his shirt, shrugging it off and tossing it onto the corner of the mattress away from you both, taking in his golden chest and soft tummy, your mouth going dry at the sight. 
The bed dipped when he crawled onto it, moving up beside you until his hips were next to yours, and he turned over to sit on his ass, his jean-clad legs stretched out in front of him. You were trying to figure out the logistics of what he was planning when his arm went under your torso, his other hand grabbing onto your thigh closest to him, making you yelp as he lifted you into his lap. 
Your face was inches from him, confusion etched on your features, as he smiled, kissing you quickly before lying back. That was when it dawned on you what he was planning, your eyes going wide and a nervous fluttering beginning in your stomach.
“You want me to sit on your face?” You could hear the uncertainty in your voice.
This wasn’t something you’d ever done before. No one had ever asked, and here Javi was eager to do it, his hands gripping onto your thighs and pulling you up his chest, your arousal leaving a trail as you moved. You were supporting your weight on your knees, settled against his sides. 
“I need you to sit on my face, Cielito,” he replied, eyes on yours. “Fucking badly.” 
Your head was tilted down to look at him, and you saw it in his gaze, the want, the devotion, the need. You were a little worried—you didn’t want to suffocate him—but you knew he’d make it good, and that excited you, the feelings warring with one another. The look he was giving you helped alleviate some of the anxiety. 
“I’ve never done this before,” you said, chewing your lip. 
He rubbed a hand along your thigh, his other moving up to gently cup your face in his palm. 
“I’ve got you,” he said. “Just hang onto the headboard, and I’ll do all the work,” he smiled comfortingly. 
“I don’t want you to die between my legs.” 
“That’s the fucking dream, Cielito,” he smirked. “Beats the fuck outta getting shot.” You frowned, and his face softened. “You’re not gonna kill me,” he reassured, rubbing his thumb along your bottom lip. “I can move you off, or I’ll tap your thigh twice. I promise I’ll be okay—better than okay. Your pussy on my face? Fucking heaven.”
His words soothed you, and seeing how much he wanted this. 
“Okay,” you giggled, body now vibrating with excitement.
“That’s my good girl.” A tingle moved down your spine. “Now, get up here, baby. Wanna taste you," he rasped, licking his bottom lip.
He grabbed your hips and started moving you closer to his mouth, your hands reaching out to grip the wooden headboard for balance. 
You were straddling his head, lowering yourself, and Javi gripped the tops of your thighs to eagerly pull you down all the way flush with his face. You felt the bristle of his mustache against your sensitive flesh, followed by one broad stroke of his tongue as he did a slow, savoring lick through your folds, making you moan, and your eyes flutter closed at the sparks of pleasure radiating in your core. He did another, and another groaning into you, feeling the vibrations of it, before he went to work, licking and sucking every inch in front of him like he wanted to get every last drop of your taste. 
You felt the build in your body as your muscles started tightening, moaning with each swipe of his tongue, and suck of his lips. He pulled your clit into his mouth, and it had you gasping his name, your fingers clenching against the wood, pushing you closer to your release. His hands were on your ass, gripping tight as he pulled you closer to him, feeling and hearing how much he was enjoying himself as he hungrily licked and sucked at your skin. 
Your mind was lost in the sensations, stomach knotting in arousal, with how fucking good it felt. He was going about it so passionately, so thoroughly, it was like you gifted him the sweetest ambrosia only fit for the gods, and he was going to have his fill, practically devouring you like the best meal of his life.  
He pushed his tongue inside you, fucking you with the muscle, and that, combined with his humming moans, had you trembling, your eyes rolling back in your head. You could feel his hot breaths ghosting against your skin, your body winding tighter, not able to stop yourself when you started grinding back and forth along his face, hearing an encouraging sound beneath you as his hands helped you to move. 
Lewd wet sounds and your moans filled the room as he continued to lick and suck at your sensitive flesh, feeling the quivering of his groans against your core, pushing you so close, the muscles in your belly so tight, you were right on the edge. His big hands dug into your thighs moving you so he could rub his nose against your clit, side to side, while his tongue pressed into you, and that was it. The coil in your belly snapped, shouting Javi’s name as you came, swimming in all of the sensations, getting swept away in the sea of pleasure. 
You felt and heard his loud rumbling groan as he drank you down, your body shaking as the tingling warmth spread through your limbs. You were on another plane of existence. Your mind high up above the clouds as you rode out your bliss. 
Hands slid along your hips, and you had the mind to let go of the headboard as you were moved back onto his chest, hearing his heavy breathing as he laid you down beside him and pulled you into his arms, stroking his hands along your back. 
It could have been one minute or ten before you opened your eyes.
“Hi,” you said against his chest. 
Javi moved back, so he could look at you, half of his face shining with your juices, a smile on his lips. 
“Hey, baby,” he said. “What did you think?” 
“I didn’t asphyxiate you between my thighs, and I came very hard. I think it was a good time had by all, a ten out of ten experience, would enjoy taking that mustache for a ride again,” you smiled. 
Javi laughed, leaning in to kiss you hard, his hand holding the back of your head, making you moan as you tasted yourself. 
He was grinning when he pulled back.
“You can take it for a ride anytime you want, Cielito.” 
“Still the best boyfriend on the planet. Now, let’s get cleaned up. I was promised grinding in public.” 
“Yes, Cielito,” he chuckled. “We can go.” 
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It took you twenty minutes to get to the club after Javi washed up, and you both finished getting ready, minus your underwear because they’d mysteriously disappeared—you were pretty sure they were in Javi’s pocket. 
You had been at the place for less than ten minutes, and things were not going according to plan. 
You knew you looked cute in your dress, but apparently, you looked so good you were getting a ridiculous amount of attention. Since entering the door, three men had brazenly hit on you like Javi wasn’t with you. You saw his jaw tick, his arm tightening around your waist, pulling you closer to him, and glaring at any man who dared look your way, as the two of you found a table in the busy establishment. 
The music was bumping with rhythmic beats in primarily Spanish, which was enjoyable even if you didn’t know all the words. A crowd of people were moving against each other on the dance floor as colorful lights jumped all over the place. All the booths surrounded the dancers from most sides, leaving one open for the bar, the seating raised to offer a vantage point to watch everyone bumping and grinding in the middle. 
You’d found an empty table along the wall directly across from the bar. Javi very reluctantly agreed he’d go get you both drinks, kissing you so passionately before he left you would think he was going off to war. You’d scooted into your booth, watching Javi make his way through the crowd, people moving out of his way with how purposeful he was walking, and you could only assume he was scowling, which made you smile. 
You admired the black shirt molded to his shoulders like a second skin, his jeans tight against his ass, and couldn’t stop thinking about how fucking good he looked, your skin getting heated when you remembered what happened in the room only minutes before.
Your thirsting was interrupted by a man trying to talk to you, who you shot down quickly, another taking his place not even two minutes later and getting the same treatment. You were mildly annoyed, just wanting to have fun with your boyfriend and not be bothered. You looked across the dance floor at the bar, spotting Javi right away, his eyes locked on you, a deep frown on his lips, eyebrows knitted together, looking incredibly grumpy, and it was so adorable, you couldn’t help but giggle. You blew him a kiss that made him smile for a fraction of a second before a woman approached him, and it was your turn to frown, watching him say something to her and her walking away immediately. His eyes found yours again right away until the bartender was getting his attention. 
By the time Javi returned with two plastic cups in his hands, another man was at your table, who you were brusquely telling to go away. Your mild annoyance had turned into full-blown after watching another pretty woman try and talk to Javi while he was waiting for the drinks. 
“Fuck off,” Javi growled at the interloper. “She’s taken.” 
The man quickly apologized and left, Javi setting the drinks down on the table and sliding in next to you.
“Thank—” You started, your sentence cut off by his lips suddenly on yours, kissing you incessantly. His big hands held your face, deepening the kiss, pushing his tongue into your mouth, and swallowing your moan as you tangled your fingers in his hair, trying to pull him closer. 
You could feel all his emotions as he kissed you hard—he was relentless, like he was trying to imprint on you that he was yours and you were his, and nobody else could have either of you. You reciprocated with the same energy, wanting him to know that you felt the same and that there could never be anyone else. The kisses became consuming, drowning in each other’s need until you both had to come up for air, sharing panted breaths as your foreheads touched. 
"You're cute when you're jealous,” you finally said, kissing the tip of his nose.  
“They won’t fucking leave you alone,” he grumped, moving his head to look at you. He was frowning, eyes looking a little sad. 
“Nobody will leave you alone, either,” you frowned. 
“I hate it.” 
“Me too. But you know what?” 
“You’re the one taking me home tonight. You’re the one who’s going to fuck me tonight. So let’s show everyone how very happy we are together.” 
He smiled, his hand moving to your thigh under the table, sliding his fingers along your skin until they were just going under your dress and pausing, leaning his head close to whisper in your ear. 
“I am the one who’s going to fuck you tonight,” the raspy sound of his voice had a shiver move through you, your breath hitching in your throat. “I’m the only one that gets to come inside you.” Your eyes closed, feeling your skin heat. “And you’re the only woman in the entire fucking world I want to be with. You’re it for me, Cielito, and I’m really fucking happy about it. Let’s give them all a fucking show.” 
His words had your hands grabbing his face to smash your lips against his, kissing him with everything you had. Your tongue slid into his mouth, tangling with his and making him groan. You wanted him to feel how you felt, that he was the only man you wanted to be with, that he was it for you too, all of his statements mirroring your own feelings. 
You were breathing hard when you broke the kiss, making sure he was looking you in the eye. 
“You’re it for me, too, Javi. No one else, and I’m really fucking happy about it. Let’s have some fun.” 
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After some drinks, the two of you were relaxed and tipsy, unable to keep your hands off each other when you finally went out on the dance floor. 
The air was thick and hot from all the bodies, the smell of booze and body fragrances permeating the space, feeling the thrum of the music and the bass vibrating beneath your feet. 
You had an idea that Javi knew how to dance, but you hadn’t anticipated how well. The man danced like he fucked, passionately, fluidly—his chest pressed along the line of your back, hips flush with your ass, big hands on your waist as you moved to the music, rolling your bodies against each other in a synched rhythm that was achingly familiar to how you moved in bed. 
Sweat was glistening on your skin, and having Javi so close, feeling every inch of him and the growing bulge rubbing against your backside, had your body aflame in lust, slick already coating your inner thighs. 
His lips were at your ear, hearing his heavy breaths and whispers just for you. 
“Your body feels so good, Hermosa,” he purred. “Feel what you do to me?” 
He ground himself against you, a moan slipping from your lips, drowned out by the song. His hands started roaming, sliding along your torso and arms, shamelessly palming your breast, continuing to move everywhere, and driving you wild with every touch and roll of his hips. 
“So fucking beautiful,” he said.  
He was still moving with you to the beat, one of his arms wrapping over your chest, his other hand at your thigh, fingertips ghosting up to the hem of your dress.
“And you’re out here with no panties on?” His voice going lower. “My dirty fucking girl. I could just slide my fingers underneath and touch your pretty pussy, right here with all these fucking people around, and no one would care.” 
You moaned again at the thought, your core throbbing as you pressed your ass against him harder. 
“You’d like that?” He asked. 
His fingers skated up a little, taking the fabric with them, a breath getting stuck in your throat. 
“Are you dripping for me, baby? Wanna be touched?” 
Your hand latched onto his on your thigh, being bold, and moving it up a little higher as you nodded your head, biting your lip, your body alight in anticipation. 
“I’ve got you, Cielito, baby. I’m gonna make you feel good.” 
One moment you were facing away from him, and the next, he’d spun you around easily, pulling you flush against him and sealing his mouth over yours in a hungry kiss. Your fingers landed in his hair, tugging on the thick strands as his tongue delved into your depths to taste you. 
It was the two of you in a sea of people, not caring there were others around, lost in one another like everybody else in the vicinity, your inhibitions lowered from the drinks you had. 
Javi wedged his thigh between your legs, causing your dress to rise. You got what he was doing, immediately rubbing your center against the denim, feeling his muscles tense beneath you. You gasped into his mouth at the first jolt of pleasure against your clit, the rough fabric feeling exquisite on your naked skin, Javi kissing you harder, tongue tangling with your own, and swallowing your moans. 
You were needy for the delicious friction, grinding against him, already worked up from the dancing, and his words, letting the tension build inside, feeling it grow with each slide of your hips. You knew you were wet, could feel the growing wet patch beneath you as you moved, your muscles pulling taut as you continued to work. 
Everything around you faded, leaving just Javi and how he was making you feel. His hands grabbed onto your ass, helping you move, pressing you harder against him, and working you faster, feeling the pressure in your core rise, and rise, moaning into his mouth with each pleasurable push and pull of your clit over his jeans. 
His lips came off yours, speaking low in your ear. 
“Gonna come on my leg, baby?” He asked. 
You bit your lip, nodding your head, melting into the sensations against your cunt, the sweet tension building in the pit of your stomach. It felt so fucking good, his fingers digging into the flesh of your asscheeks, grinding you harder against him, the gasping moans falling from your lips not heard over the almost deafening music. 
“You’re soaking through my jeans,” Javi rasped, his breath tickling your ear. “You’re so fucking wet. You enjoying this, Cielito?” 
You moaned in response, and he nipped at your earlobe. 
“My dirty girl. So good to me.” You whimpered, pussy throbbing from the stimulation. You were close, could feel it just in reach. “Come for me,” Javi ordered.
You finally hit your breaking point, tumbling over the edge and coming with a strangled moan of his name as your body was awash in ecstasy, body wracking with pleasure. Your limbs were tingling when you slumped into his embrace, Javi holding you close, rubbing his hands along your spine to help bring you down from your high. 
“My good girl,” his voice was huskier, deeper. “My good fucking girl.” 
When your breaths evened out, you leaned in to kiss him tenderly until he was moving to speak in your ear. 
“You wanna get out of here?” He asked. 
You trailed a hand down his chest between both of your bodies, leaning in close so he could hear you over the music. 
“Yes,” you answered, palming his hard length in his jeans, making him groan and his cock twitch. “I need you inside me. Badly.” 
He grabbed your hand. 
“Let’s get the fuck outta here.” 
You giggled as he pulled you through the crowd.
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Javi practically dragged you down the sidewalk, having to walk quickly to keep up with his long strides, the man acting like he was on a mission, his goal to get you back to the room as soon as possible. 
The moment you entered the empty hotel elevator, Javi’s mouth was on yours as he blindly hit the button for the fifth floor, walking you until your back hit the wall. You were both so worked up, noses bumping, teeth clattering, his tongue practically down your throat, kissing you desperately. Your fingers tangled in his sweat-damp hair while his hand held the back of your head, the other hitching your leg up onto his hip, pressing into you with his hard cock, straining against his jeans, grinding himself against your wet pussy. 
You were aching for him to be inside you, heat pooling wetly in your core, slick dripping down your inner thighs. All your mind could focus on was how badly you wanted him, the alcohol in your bloodstream making you act without a second thought.
“You can fuck me right here,” you said against his lips, your hands moving down to his belt, working it open. “Would be so easy,” pulling his bottom lip between your teeth, Javi groaning. 
“Fuck, here, baby?” Javi asked, his hands moving under your dress to grab your bare ass just as uninhibited as you. 
“I need you,” your fingers deftly worked the button on his jeans, hearing the teeth part as you pulled down the zipper. 
The elevator loudly dinging had you almost jumping out of your skin. 
Javi broke the kiss, separating his body from yours, to grab your hand and tug you down the hall to your room, not a care about his state of dress. You soon found yourself with your back pushed against the door, Javi crashing his lips against yours as he fished the keycard from his pocket, blindly wrestling with the reader repeatedly until it finally unlocked. Javi was kissing you thoroughly, passionately, your body melting into him, his strong arms holding you to him as he got the door open and started walking you backward, kicking it shut behind him. 
As you moved further in, you kicked off your heels, his hands tugging the top of your dress down your arms, freeing them and making the fabric bunch below your breasts, moving to quickly get your bra off without his lips leaving yours. Your body was hot and heavy with anticipation, excitement swelling when your back hit the bed, Javi on top of you, his kisses searing your lips before his mouth trailed down your jaw, to your neck, kissing and sucking as he went lower, over your chest and finally taking one of your pebbled nipples into his mouth. You moaned, helplessly threading your fingers into his hair, your heart beating erratically in your chest, insides clenching down hard from the jolts of pleasure shooting to your cunt. You needed him badly, needed him inside you, it curling inside your gut like red-hot bands, tightening.  
“Javi, give it to me already. I want it,” you moaned, practically delirious in your need for him, wanting him with every fiber of your being. 
His head came up, eyes lust-blown and a little red from the booze. 
“You want it?” He asked, voice dripping with arousal. “You want my cock?” 
You nodded your head. 
“God, yes!” 
“So needy for me,” Javi chuckled, face flushed. “I’ve got you, baby.” 
He leaned up to kiss you before he moved off the bed, standing at the edge, and gripping your hips, flipping you easily onto your stomach, as he dragged you down to set your feet on the ground and bent you over the mattress. He shoved the hem of your dress up your waist, displaying your lower half to him as his foot lightly kicked your feet apart to open you wider for him. You moaned as you felt his fingers move through your folds from behind, his other hand grabbing the flesh of your ass and squeezing. 
“So fucking wet, Hermosa. You’re dripping.”
One thick finger slid inside your weeping entrance, followed by another, your eyes squeezing shut, trembling, and gasping his name. It felt so fucking good to have something to ease some of the ache, but it wasn’t enough—you wanted more, feeling impatient that he was dragging it out. 
“I’m ready. Just fuck me already!” Your tone came out a little sharper than you meant. 
His hand left your ass before coming down with a hard smack, moaning as your forehead dropped to the bed, his palm soothing over the stinging skin. 
“I’ll fuck you, Hermosa,” his voice was low and full of promise, making you clench. His fingers left your cunt, hearing fumbling behind you, and finally, you felt the tip of his cock sliding through your damp seam, making you moan as he got himself slick with your need. “Gonna wreck this pretty fucking pussy—give you what you want, baby.” He pressed at your entrance and pushed in, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as he filled you inch by glorious inch in one smooth thrust, having to bite back a scream at how incredible the stretch felt. 
“Fuck, you feel so good,” his words came out rough. 
He bottomed out, the rough texture of his jeans flush with the backs of your thighs, feeling so fucking full. Javi’s fingers had a bruising grip on your hips as he pulled almost all the way out and pushed back in, going deeper. Your hands clawed at the bedspread for something to hold onto, feeling him hot, thick, and hard inside you—every vein and ridge rubbing against your walls as he moved in and out, pressing against the spots that had your toes curling. 
He started moving in earnest, fucking into you with deep hard strokes that had your brain blanking. Every breath ripped from your throat was a hiccuping moan, your body lighting up, feeling the fire steadily building inside you. Jolts of pleasure were shooting down your spine each time your sensitive nipples rubbed against the blanket. 
You were on cloud nine. It was everything you’d wanted, each thrust shoving your hips hard into the mattress, taking what he had to give you, and making your head spin at how good he was making you feel. 
You could hear him grunting, the sound of skin hitting skin, your bodies colliding together obscenely—sweat was forming on your brow, the pressure building deep inside you with each slick slide of his cock. You felt yourself getting closer and closer, so worked up, you knew it wouldn’t take much to get you there. 
His hand left your hip, getting between you and the mattress to circle your clit, sending sparks of electricity in your core, making you teeter on the edge as you moaned his name, your fingers gripping the bedspread.  
“Come on, baby,” his voice was raw, strained. “I know you’re almost there. Hear how fucking wet you are?” You could, his hips slapping against yours wetly, your arousal seeping out and around him. “Come on. Let me have it. Choke my dick. Come for me, baby.” 
It didn’t take much more, half a dozen thrusts, and you were cresting, body seizing up, as you came with a shout of his name, the waves of pleasure coursing through your body, removing every thought but Javi from your mind. 
“That’s it,” Javi grunted. “My good girl. So, fucking good.” 
He kept fucking you through your high, fingers still working to draw out your orgasm, your body tingling, forehead pressed into the mattress, feeling amazing.
Javi leaned over your back to wrap an arm under your chest and pulled you up to stand, the fabric of his shirt touching your skin, his hips continuing to move in and out of you, pressing his mouth to your ear. 
“I need one more,” he sounded wrecked, desperate, breaths ragged, and hot against your skin. “Gimme one more. Please, Hermosa. Please, baby, give it to me.” 
He sped up his thrusts, continuing to circle your clit, making you moan his name over and over again. You clutched a hand against his arm, the other moving up to push your fingers into his sweat-soaked hair, Javi nipping at your ear as you gripped the brown locks, feeling the thick, wet strands. He rubbed your sensitive bud a little faster, applying more pressure, all of your nerves ablaze, trembling from the onslaught. You were getting close, muscles winding tight and feeling it build deep in your belly, Javi pistoning into you with strong, hard strokes, working you over, and having your eyes rolling back. 
You were rocketing towards your end, Javi pulling soft sobs from your lips; it didn’t surprise you when you finally tipped over the edge, that familiar warmth blooming in your belly, exploding with stars behind your eyelids, euphoria burning through your veins, and spreading through your limbs, crying out. Javi’s rhythm stuttered when you clenched hard, your legs going weak, Javi holding you tighter against him to keep you up. 
“There we fucking go,” he groaned in your ear. “So good to me. So fucking perfect,” he was rambling, drunk on pleasure, chasing his high with short, strong strokes of his hips into you. “Gonna come, mi amor. Gonna fill you up—fuck it into you so deep, I’ll be in you for days.” 
You whimpered at his words, your legs shaking, brain feeling floaty, thoughts sweet and slow in your addled state. 
He was grunting in your ear until he pushed in one last time, burying himself as deeply as possible and coming with a rumbling groan vibrating in his chest, his teeth sinking into your shoulder, making you hiss in pleasurable pain. You could feel the wet pulse as he ground his hips, fucking his come as deep as possible like he promised until it became too much, and a pained sound pulled from his throat as he stilled inside you.
With some maneuvering, Javi was able to get you both onto the mattress while staying connected, lying on your sides. 
You found yourself drifting off to sleep, the alcohol and orgasms doing you in, Javi’s strong arms wrapped around you, holding you close, a smile on your lips as you let go. 
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Your eyes were closed, stuck in the limbo between consciousness and unconsciousness. 
Someone was speaking to you, your brain feeling like molasses as you tried to understand. 
“Cielito,” it was Javi. You’d recognize his voice anywhere. “Is it okay if I take off your dress?” 
You hummed in an affirmative and felt the garment being gently removed from your body, Javi carefully moving you how he needed. 
“I know you’re tired, baby. I’m gonna pass the fuck out, but I need to clean you up. Is that okay?” 
You hummed in agreement again, moments later feeling the cool press of a wet wipe on your face, realizing he was removing your makeup. Once he finished, a warm washcloth was being used on the sensitive skin between your legs, warmth spreading through your body at his care and gentleness.
When he was done, he was moving you under the covers, getting in behind you, his naked skin flush with your own. 
Sleep was about to retake you, hearing him yawn. 
“Night, mi Cielito,” he whispered, words thick with exhaustion, sounding like he would fall asleep at any second. 
You replied with a soft hum. 
He settled behind you, pulling you closer to him, and nestling his face in the nape of your neck, kissing the skin once. 
Seconds passed, minutes, the room still save for the sounds of you both breathing evenly, your consciousness drifting, slipping away for sleep to claim you. 
“Te amo con toda mi alma, mi Cielito,” he said it so quietly you thought you imagined it. “No puedo vivir sin ti.”
Your brain only translated a handful of the words in your sleepy state. 
Te amo.
I love you. 
Javier Peña loved you. 
He started snoring. 
“I love you, too,” you whispered. 
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Spanish translation: 
Te amo con toda mi alma, mi Cielito. No puedo vivir sin ti.
I love you with my whole soul, my little love. I can’t live without you.
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ya-zz · 1 year
Ok! I simply wanted, maybe a Cassidy reaction/one-shot where reader would like to expand the family with him? Just them talking about it and just fluff!
Aaa It's been a while since I have written anything to do with Cassidy!
This was such a cute req to do! ♥
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Cassidy x Reader
Word count: 1052
It had been at the forefront of you mind for a long time, but you never brought it to light. Maybe it was the fear coursing through you, fear of judgement… fear of losing your beloved cowboy. 
But then there was also the issue of Cassidy working all the time, rarely home and being with you. Overwatch took him out of your life more times than you could count. The sleepless nights of worrying about him, worrying if he’ll make it home, it was all a little too much. 
You loved him, though. 
You had been with him through the worst times and the best times. From him meeting you at a bar one night after a tough break up, to being fucked rough by him many nights later. You had both grown on each other. Two broken people slowly being fixed by one another. 
The door closing snapped you out of your thoughts, his boots being thrown to the floor before he approaches you. 
“Hey darlin’.” He walks over to you, leaning down and planting a soft kiss onto your head before walking around the sofa and sitting next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you towards him. 
Your body rested gently against his, a silent sigh escaping you as you craned your neck up to meet his face. He looks down at you, smiling warmly before kissing your forehead. 
“How was work?” You asked, returning the smile. 
“Long ‘nd slow.” His chest rose and fell quickly as he released a deep sigh. His other hand reached into his pocket to pull out his phone and lighter, throwing them onto the coffee table. 
“The usual then?” You laughed gently, moving your hand to rest it upon his chest. 
“S’pose.” His head tilted back against the back of the sofa, hair falling away from his face.
There was a comfortable silence in the room as the two of you sat there, enjoying each others company. A habit you both picked up almost a month into the relationship. The evenings were usually spent in quiet comfort, in each others arms until one stirred and had to move.
“Hey, Cass?” You keep your head facing forward as you speak out. “Can I ask you something?” 
“What is it, sweetheart?” His hand gently rubbed your arm, calming the anxiety you had been feeling all afternoon. 
You stayed silent for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. 
“[y/n]? Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Cassidy pulled you closer to him, his hand never leaving your arm. “Is everythin’ alright?” 
A small nod for confirmation before you sat up, turning your body to face him fully. You look over at him, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear. 
Cassidy sat up straight before pulling you on top of him so you were sat on his lap, hands gently resting against your hips. He noticed the nervousness within you, slightly puzzled as he kept his soft eyes on you.
“It’s been on my mind for awhile…” You started, looking deep into his eyes, looking for something, searching those amber irises. 
“You’re not breakin’ up on me now, are ya?” He grinned, cocking his head to the slide slightly.
“What? No!” You smile, tapping his chest in a playful way. 
Cassidy chuckled, squeezing your hips gently. “What’s up darlin’?” 
You let a gentle sigh escape you. “I wanna start a family with you.” You blurted out, wanting to get it over with. 
Your partner looked at you, eyes widened slightly and still grinning. “Well that surely was somethin’ I didn’t expect.” 
“I’m serious, Cass…” Your cheeks flushed, heating up with the passing seconds as he kept his eyes locked with yours. 
His hands squeezed your sides again. “I heard ya-” He paused. “With everythin’ going on with work-”
“I know, I know… I just…” You let out a sigh, knowing he was right. 
“[y/n], listen to me. I would love to have a kid or two with you, but bein’ on call is gonna make it difficult.” His hands gently rubbed up and down your sides.
You nod, tears brimming your eyes. “I know…”
Cassidy pulled you down, holding you in his arms. Something inside of him felt bad - you two had been together for a few years now, everything was perfect. Bringing up a kid or two while he was working was next to impossible. He wasn’t ready to throw the towel in just yet, having already agreed to his next mission. He never knew when he was going to leave or even return. Some lasted days, other months - he wasn’t willing to leave you alone for that long with no help. He wanted to raise them with you, especially during their first years. 
Yet… part of him just wanted to say “fuck it” and get down to it, to hell with Overwatch for now, but he couldn’t pull himself to do it. He didn’t want to put all the pressure onto you.
“Maybe one day…” You whisper against his chest. 
Cassidy heard the sadness in your voice, his heart breaking. Maybe one day… When would that day be? Would I ever get the chance to settle down with them? He ruffled his hair, releasing a breath he didn’t realise he had been holding. 
“I’ll see what I can do.” He leant down and kissed the top of your head. 
His words made you look up at him, a questioning look on your face.
He chuckled, “Look at you…” His hand gently caressed your cheek as he stared at you, eyes meeting yours before he lent down and kissed you, his facial hair tickling your upper lip. “I can’t promise anythin’, but yes… I would love to start a family with you, darlin’.”
His lips met yours again, feeling the warmth emanating from your body as he held you tight, not wanting to let you go. 
Cassidy was quick with his movements as he picked you up, hands holding your thighs as your legs wrapped around his back. He moved his hands to rest on your back, pulling you closer to him as his lips never left yours while he carried you over to the bedroom. 
You thought to yourself. A family with you, Cassidy, would be a dream come true…
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spotsandsocks · 1 year
Fuck it Friday
Tagged by @prince-buck-diaz and @panbuckley @heartbeatdiaz @buddierights thank you my lovely ones
Two things today cos why not…
Number one: a snippet from my long neglected author!au Eddie meets author Buck
The woman, Maddie, ushers the children and the parents trail behind. He’s following when he checks his pockets and realises he’s left his phone behind in the lobby. He whispers to Chris that he needs to go back and retraces his steps. He’s in a rush so he doesn’t look where he’s going and he turns the corner and collides with what feels like a moving wall.
The force of the impact knocks him backwards and he’d have fallen if hands hadn’t grabbed him and held him upright.
“Oh my god I am so sorry. Are you ok?”
The voice, male and deep sounds horrified.
Eddie’s not entirely sure. The man in front of him is stunning.
He blinks and manages to focus on blue eyes and a worried frown.
He becomes aware of the fact he hasn’t answered and is just staring when the crease between the brilliant blue eyes deepens. “Hey? Are you ok? Did you hit your head?” He feels the hands on his arms tighten. “Bobby,” the beautiful face turns away “maybe we should call 911”
That makes him respond “No, no I’m fine.” He’d die of embarrassment if anyone from work turned up to treat him for what essentially is a bad case of instant heart eyes. He needs to pull himself together.
Tagging @thekristen999 @shortsighted-owl @ronordmann @loveyourownsmiilee @hippolotamus @jobairdxx @like-the-rest-of-la @the-likesofus @bekkachaos @alyxmastershipper @fiona-fififi @megsvstheworld @spaceprincessem @wh0re-behavi0r @monsterrae1 @elvensorceress @rogerzsteven
And a tiny Good knight sweet prince teaser just for my beloveds who have consistently left me such wonderful and encouraging comments I adore you @cowboy-buddie @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @caroandcats(your also tagged obviously)
Sooooo chapter 19 starts and ends with dragons here a bit
Would you also like to fly?
The answer sounds a little guilty.
I do, but
What about him?
My friend
For a second Grath isn’t sure who Calenth means but then it’s obvious.
The human?
Yes, him.
He’s the most important him I know
He is?
He’s my friend.
My Buck
He’s my family
Aren’t we your family?
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elvensorceress · 11 months
Wednesday WIP
tagged by beloved incomparable 💕 @alyxmastershipper @spotsandsocks @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @wildlife4life @fiona-fififi @panbuckley @wikiangela @ebdaydreamer @hippolotamus @prince-buck-diaz
no pressure tagging @heartbeatdiaz @spaceprincessem @bigassdiaz @shitouttabuck @shortsighted-owl @cowboy-buddie @eddiesbicowboy @monsterrae1 @fleurdebeton @911onabc @sibylsleaves @transboybuckley @bekkachaos @buddierights @thespermdonorstorylineisstupid @gayedmundodiaz 💕
thank you, my loves. more Catching Lightning this week 😘⚡️
Thursday is Pepa’s day off and she suggests meeting at her house and having lunch and coffee with a friend of hers. Which is very obviously code for setting Eddie up on a blind date under her watchful supervision this time. 
And he’s too tired to argue. He wants to find someone. He does. He’s trying to remember. That’s he whole point of letting her do this. He’s clearly not good at finding anyone or asking them out. Or at opening up his heart but that’s beside the point. He can’t pick someone who doesn’t look at him romantically. There has to be someone else who makes him feel something. 
So, he dresses nicely, wears a subtle cologne that doesn’t make Chris wrinkle his nose and call him stinky, and he fixes his hair even though it doesn’t really cooperate the way he wants it to and the pomade he has is older, almost gone, and has been making his hair crunchy in a way that is not attractive. But usually if he looks nice enough, then people forget how bad he is at dating. Not that he likes the kind of people who are only into him for his looks. But he has to play to his strengths here and The Monologue and small talk are not one of them. 
Pepa opens the door with far too eager twinkles in her eyes. “Good. Finally. Let’s get you inside.”
Eddie follows her to the dining room and there are two older women who are likely close to Pepa’s age, and a younger man who is maybe in his late 20s or early 30s. Eddie stops near the kitchen and glances around but there’s no evidence for any other people. No other pairs of shoes by the front door, only two other purses by the island that aren’t Pepa’s. Only one open place setting at the table next to the man. 
Maybe he’s older than he looks? Maybe he’s attached to the woman sitting across from him? Maybe they’re a couple and maybe one of the women is actually younger than she looks? It’s hard to tell age sometimes so who knows what is going on?
When Eddie does nothing but stand near the kitchen, gaping and not moving, Pepa wraps a hand around his arm and pulls him to the side out of their line of sight. 
“Tía,” he starts but maybe this isn’t a set up. Maybe it’s not a date at all. Maybe they’re here to give him really embarrassing advice or maybe she just wanted to show off her nephew or something? Although why she would want to do that when Eddie is nothing but a whole ass mess is beyond him. “I thought this was another blind date.”
She pats his arm and nods. “It is.”
Okay. O—Kay. Then— “And who am I supposed to be dating?”
She smiles and it’s more than a little devious but clearly pleased with herself. “His name is Antonio.”
Oh, is that all. His name is Antonio. His name. His. 
Eddie’s non-living heart definitely has some anxiety to say about that. 
Obviously Buck is a man and Eddie knows that and he is not homophobic or stupid — maybe he’s a little stupid because wow, does he feel stupid. 
But feeling so much, too much for your best friend because they’re the person you’re closest to, the person you trust with your life, the person who picks you up and saves you when you need it, the person you love more than basically anything and everything… is different than the assumption that Eddie might like a random man. 
Maybe Eddie is in love with one very specific man. But it’s not about Buck being a man. It’s not about Buck being some defining factor in Eddie’s sexuality because no thank you to that. It’s not about Buck specifically. It’s just that sexuality is complicated and gender is also very complicated and attraction is so subjective and weird and what does it even mean? Eddie doesn’t want to jump into bed with anyone. Who cares if someone is pretty or handsome or beautiful? It doesn’t make them a good person. It doesn’t make them a good parent or a good friend. Who the fuck cares what someone looks like? It says nothing about potential compatibility. Being in love with someone doesn’t have anything to do with being a good match either. 
Where that leaves him now? Eddie has no fucking clue. 
Pepa rests her hands on Eddie’s upper arms. “He is not expecting anything, Eddito. Do not worry.”
“He’s not— What is he expecting? Is this not a date? You wanted to set me up on a date, but— but you always have me meet women, and—” And Eddie doesn’t know where this came from. 
Actually, he takes that back. He knows plenty where it might have come from because people have always made comments about him being soft and overdramatic and affectionate and well, queer. But it doesn���t mean anything. They don’t know what he thinks and feels. 
They wouldn’t know. No one does. 
“And you have turned down or ignored every single woman I have set you up with. Haven’t you?” Pepa gives him a stern but not overly serious look. 
It wasn’t intentional or anything. Eddie just… he tried? He tried, okay. Feeling anything for a stranger is difficult. He tried to get to know a few of them more, but people are impatient and these things take time, and how is Eddie supposed to fall in love with anyone when he’s already in love with someone else? 
“There are only so many single women in Los Angeles,” Pepa continues. “And I would like to have some friends still since you have been rejecting everyone I have suggested? No? Your friends, Karen and Linda, too? We’ve found you plenty of lovely, beautiful women. And your answer is always the same.”
Eddie sighs. “Tía, I—” What does he say? Can he look her in the eyes and tell her he is 100% uninterested in men? Because she will see through him in a heartbeat. 
Is he interested in men? Is he interested in anyone? He loved Shannon but when other people described crushes and falling in love and wanting someone, it didn’t feel like that for Eddie. She was his best friend. It was comfortable. She was fun and free and magical. Shannon was special. And Buck is also special. 
And nothing means anything and what does Eddie even do here? 
“You do not have to do anything,” she insists. “Talk to him. He is here to talk and maybe get to know you because it is 2023 and we live in Los Angeles and there is no reason not to consider something unconventional. Yes? He is also,” she makes her eyes big and intense and leans in to tell him in an exaggerated, dramatic voice, “Very nice.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. And yeah. He probably deserves that one. 
“And he is very handsome and a doctor, a pediatrician, so he is good with children, and he knows you are uncertain and unlucky in love—”
Oh, wonderful. That’s exactly what Eddie wants everyone to know. How bad he is at this. 
“—and maybe you will surprise yourself.”
Or maybe this will be like everything else because Eddie is fucked up and trying too hard and it has to show to every single person he meets. 
What if men might be more interesting to him? Or interesting at all? He’s never actually tried to date a man. How would he know if it works for him or not? It’s not as if the concept bothers him. He’s thought plenty about what it would be like to share his life with another man. 
He’s dreamed of waking with Buck’s arms around him. He’s thought about what it would be like to kiss him gently until he smiles and pulls Eddie closer. Every time they do laundry together or cook together or do the dishes or take turns picking Chris up from school and helping him with his homework, Eddie wishes it could always be the three of them. When Eddie is lonely and aching to be touched with love and affection, he wonders how it would feel to have Buck’s hands on his body. He’s wondered what it would be like to make love with him. 
But people have random sexual thoughts that don’t necessarily have anything to do with a person’s sexuality and it’s Buck and Eddie is absolutely in love with Buck. 
And Buck has a girlfriend and that is a disaster and he doesn’t want Eddie that way anyway. 
“Okay,” Eddie says. “I’ll give it a shot.”
Surprise blooms over Pepa’s face for half a second, and then she’s back to smirking. She leads him into the dining room and introduces him to Antonio. 
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ereardon · 1 year
Golden Hour sneak peek
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Summary: Willow, Georgia. Barely even a town, just a speck on a map that you tried to wipe off, mistaking it for a crumb. You’re the outsider: a fancy New York doctor, fresh out of a failed engagement, with zero primary care experience. You’re also the new town doctor, taking over for a recent retiree who was beloved. His son, Bob Floyd, is the other physician at the practice, and takes an immediate dislike to you. But you were looking for a fresh start, and Willow doesn’t seem all that bad if you can get past the fact that there's only one restaurant in town. It helps that you've caught the eye of Bradley Bradshaw, the town attorney, despite the fact that you vowed to take a break from dating. How long until you start to make friends in a town where social circles have been set in stone since elementary school? And what will it take to make Bob Floyd see you’re not as bad as he wants to believe you are?
Pairing: Bob Floyd x OC; Bradley Bradshaw x OC [Dr. Olive James]
A tall blond with glasses loomed in the doorway. He wore a blue button up shirt with a white doctor’s coat over it, a pair of tan trousers and cowboy boots hidden below the hem of his pants. When he looked at you, he scowled, and you felt his gaze searing over your skin and dark hair. It made you want to turn away from the intensity, but you forced yourself to meet his gaze and smile. 
“Dr. Olive James,” you said, holding out one hand, bangles bashing together as you waited with the hand outstretched. “You can call me Olive or Liv.” 
After a beat, he reached out and enveloped your hand in his. His fingers were long and beautiful, like a piano player’s. “Dr. Bob Floyd,” he said. 
You nodded, your hand still trapped in his. Finally, Bob let his gaze slip from yours and you let your hand fall. 
Macy looked between the two of you and blushed. The air was thick with tension. “I’ll be on my way then.” She nodded at you. “Dr. James. Dr. Floyd.” There was a way that she said Bob’s name. A sort of reverie. Macy scampered away and you heard the front door shut behind her, leaving you and Bob alone. He made no move to show you around. 
You cleared your throat. “Is, um, is Dr. Floyd Sr. around?” 
“My father is quite elderly,” Bob said and his voice was deep, gruff, but velvety. “He’s retired.” 
You nodded. “That’s why I’m here. He hired me as his replacement.” 
Bob squinted. “And what exactly are your credentials?” 
Anger bubbled inside of you. He doubted your credentials? This small-town doctor who probably graduated bottom of his class was asking about your credentials. You straightened your shoulders. “Columbia medical. I did my surgical residency at Mount Sinai where I was chief resident, and I just completed a fellowship in obstetrics.”
Bob brushed past you without a response. You frowned, trailing after him as he made his way into the back behind the desk to a small kitchen at the back of the house. He poured himself a cup of coffee and then turned around. “Why the hell would you want to come here?” he demanded. “You’re a surgeon.” 
You didn’t know how to tell him that New York was dead to you. Perhaps not the whole city, but there was no going back. Not when Peter had come home three nights before and ended a five year relationship and engagement with five words. 
I slept with someone else. 
There was no going back. Your apartment, your perfect Upper East Side apartment, the one you had searched high and low for three years, was getting packed up as you spoke. The walls you had painstakingly painted were being stripped of all of the artwork and photographs that dotted it so carefully. The kitchen where you had spent countless hours trying to learn how to properly sautee green beans and how to roast a whole chicken that would make Ina Garten proud, was standing empty like a skeleton on a gurney. The bedroom that you and Peter had shared was just a shell that had once housed whimpers and soft declarations of love. 
How could you tell a stranger that the largest city in the US was still too small to go back to? So you had done the only rational thing. You had fled. Somewhere far. Somewhere small where you could hide in plain sight. Somewhere he would never come looking for you. 
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
Monster of the week rancher au part 4: small things that make me happy.
1. The first time Tango makes Jimmy a bouquet was made of Poison Ivy. He is trying his best. Yes Jimmy grabbed it and now has to deal with his hands being itchy for the day or so
2. Impulses shitty van is the Nokia of cars. It can handle being throw like every weekend by the monster of the week but has the worst engine. Type of car that is on its last legs engine wise.
3. Jimmy and Grian Great Grandma used to be a moonshiner back in the day. And whenever they visit her she always said back in my day but like wack stuff. Ex: “Back in my day we would sunk you in the lake”
4. Jimmy is a western/cowboy nerd. So much that his dnd character he plays in his friend’s campaign is a cowboy. Has a whole ass collection of Clint Eastwood Movies.
5. Tango loves those wack conspiracy and alien/monster documentary. Solely to laugh at it because it’s always so off. Yes he watches documentaries about himself as well.
6. Tango has actual beef with the Mothman. Yes mothman exists in this au and tango is no brain just punch whenever he sees the mothman.
7. Jimmy has to keep a ladder in Impulses van because Tango gets stuck on the roofs of buildings so often.
8. Jimmy is a Eagle Scout and is lowkey bullied by the younger Boy Scouts. But at the same time the small kids will beat up others for their weird teen.
9. Jimmy is definitely a flannel bisexual. He always is wearing some sort of flannel overtop.
10. Jimmy mom always wins the community baking competition with her special Apple pies. No one knows her secret why they taste so good.
11. Tango has gotten his hand stuck in a Pringle can. Jimmy had to olive oil it out for him.
12. Scar has wore a overcoat and was like “Whata ya buyin” but instead it’s like potions and crystals. The teachers thinks he is selling drugs tho.
13. When Tango is really happy his purrs are so loud it shakes the room he is in like a earthquake.
14. Tango loves to be fully human but when only Grian is looking at him (especially when he’s over at their place for dinner) loves to show off slight monstrous traits. Like blinking with a second eye lid or smiling with way too much teeth.
15. Jimmy does know how to hunt but boy it took him forever for him to get a squirrel to present to Tango as a token of his affection. He is trying his best to monster flirt.
16. Tango because he doesn’t know how to human flirt does present dead animals usually deer to Jimmy as a way to flirt.
17. Tango is surprisingly rich af. It’s just he had no concept of money before meeting Jimmy and his human friends. He stole so much from campers and hikers.
18. Tango got manipulated into joining journalism once he went to the school as a student. And everyone in said journalism class is wanting to do a piece on him as the red stalker. But no one believes he is the red stalker even when he plainly admits that fact.
19. The fact is the one high vampire that can infect others in town is literally decades worth in debt and lives in the attic of his shitty tourist plus secret pawn shop trap. (Vampire Scott my beloved)
20. Tango doesn’t pass the mirror test. He sees his reflection he thinks it’s someone else. On his bad days he may try attacking the stranger. Tango is a feral good boy. But I never said he was smart.
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starlightwayfinder · 7 months
*Shuffles in quietly* I would like to offer more sad ideas about the Union Leaders.
With the upcoming Missing Link game my head is full of brainrot (heh) and I'm just . . . so sad for our resident goth cowboy so if you'll allow me.
Brain never forgives himself for what he sees as failing all his friends. He promised to save them and in the end they all get separated, he has no idea what happens to 4 of them but poor Ephemer was forced to rebuild keyblade society alone. Brain was his right hand man and he failed his leader. None the less he's determined to get more work done to lighten the load for future generations.
While Brain struggles to move on in life he does manage to find some semblance of normalcy and sees his lost friends all around him. He see Ephemer in the stone and bricks in Scala's foundation, sees him in the streetlights and in the pretty silver haired girl that is his descendent. Marrying her is one of the few bright spots of his current predicament and sometimes Brain swears late at night he can hear his old friends laugh.
Brain feels Lauriam's strong but gentle presence every morning at the start of dawn, when the world is still awash in dark but the light slowly creeps in promising the start to a new day. Brain also never forgives himself for not helping Lauriam more with finding his sister. He hopes he found her and they're finally together.
He sees Skuld in all the new keyblade wielders trying to find their place in the world. Skuld was in many ways the peacekeeper of their group and she always had their wellbeing in mind just as much as the dandelions. Brain didn't realize how much he relied on her strength until she wasn't there, those early days grappling with likely never seeing her again were some of the hardest.
And lastly Brain sees Ven in his beloved grandson. The two are so similar, sweet little boys full of kindness and earnest, it almost hurts to look at him some days. There was the one time the wind picked up his hat and Eraqus was able to reclaim it he brought the hat back and he smiled in such a ventus way Brain nearly fell to his knees. But before Eraqus could worry too much Brain grabbed the hat and placed it on his head but pulled it down enough to cover the little boy's eyes just like he did to ven, even their giggles sound the same. And at night when he kisses his grandson goodnight and says I love you, he's silently hoping against hope his words reach ventus across time and hopes above all else he's alive and safe.
It's many years later when Eraqus meets Ven that he feels a strange sense of familiarity. He remembers his grandfather's stories of his lost friends and how he reminded him of the youngest. So full of light and gentle as the wind he gets the strangest feeling if his grandfather were here he and ven would get along quite well. He's not sure if he can live up to his grandfather but he'll still try if only to relieve the poor man's pain even at the end of his life.
And yet Eraqus knows just like Brain before him he ultimately failed
*motioning for you to sit by the fire*
You’re always welcome to share your sad ideas here Anon. 
Brain must have so many feelings about his lost friends.. I can definitely imagine Brain wishing he could’ve been there to help build Scala with Ephemer. He’s so proud of his friend, but it still hurts knowing Eph did so much on his own.
And of course he’d regret not having the time to help Lauriam find Strelitzia. Or to help any of the other lost Dandelions, for that matter. 
Mhm, Skuld was a great peacekeeper/mediator within the Union leaders. And it’s so uncertain what happened to her… I’m sure Brain worries that he failed to help her survive.
That part about Eraqus and Ven… You’re going to make me cry! I love imagining Eraqus spending time with his grandfather… but his playful personality is so similar to Ven’s, no wonder it would bring back memories.. And the idea of Brain telling Eraqus stories about them…! 💔
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