#no happy endings here
arradraws · 9 months
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Day 8: Ten Years After
181 notes · View notes
pebblesghost · 5 months
The Mandalorian’s Wife | Din Djarin x Reader (18+MDNI)
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Summary: Separated by war, both presumed dead. Ten years after the first attack, you have made a home for yourself in the tranquil, sheltered forest of Naboo. No longer lured by the deadly spoils of conflict. However, a chance meeting in the woods rekindles emotions you fought so hard to forget, with consequences for all.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, conflict, smut, unprotected sex, p in v sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), creampie, rough sex, porn with plot, kind of masturbation but barely, squirting if you squint, mentions of death, marriage, female reader, in no way canon, isolation, arguing, grieving, both touch starved.
Word Count: 9.5k (whoops)
Authors Note: requested by @pedroswife69 hope you enjoy :)
2 Months Before War is Declared:
A low rumble sounded from above, sending mounds of the stone ceiling tumbling down around you, hitting the ground with such force they shattered and displaced at your feet. The sound of explosions from aboveground ricocheted around the bunker, sending you stumbling forward on uneven steps. Your breathing became thick and began to spill through the modulator of your helmet in uneven gasps, bile climbed up your throat in your panic as you reached your arms out for purchase, finding none.
Out of nowhere, rough, warm hands gripped your shoulders and pulled you quickly into a comforting hardness. Your eyes followed the strong curve of biceps and settled at the mudhorn signet at the shoulder of your savior. A wave of relief ravaged your bones and a weak sob escaped your lips as you pivoted to face him. Din.
“I couldn’t f-find you I-“ you gasped brokenly and instinctively  felt your fingers extend a vice like grip into the fabric of Din’s cape, noticing how the bottom half was shredded. You pulled him closer as fear set in, needed him to speak, needed him to say you both would make it out. Another deafening boom sounded overhead.
“I’m here now” his voice was akin to caramel and warmth through his modulator, he tilted his head down to yours and you felt it. The bond between the two of you, beating strong and unyielding with every breath. Din being here, standing in the purest form of stoic calm in the chaos, was your salvation. You opened your mouth to respond- but were interrupted by an ambush of nausea as terror-stricken screams echoed through the southern chambers of the bunker.
They were here.
Your fingertips were numb as you still gripped the neck of Din’s cape, the callous fabric of your gloves dug into your nails. “We need to go” Din spoke for you, sensing your panic. And stars you could feel how intense his stare was, feel the almost fear in his words as he held your arms taught to keep you from falling. The ground had stopped shaking, but you didn’t trust your legs to move efficiently. Suddenly your armor became too heavy, the chest plate felt as though a bantha lay on your chest, crushing and suffocating you. Your helmet was now too heavy for your neck to hold up, adrenaline no longer masking the aches simmering under your sweat damped skin.
A ringing in your ears muffled Din’s desperate shouts of your name. The only feeling was his gloves against your armor as he shook you over and over. This was it. You were going to die. Dread cascaded through your veins. Everything you had fought for, it was for nothing if you were to die here, today.
Another muffled yell of your name, “We need to GO, NOW!” Din pleaded. His voice cracked as he begged and you sobbed once at the utter despair of it all. There was nothing either of you could do. Overwhelmed, you lowered your head onto Din’s chest plate, a tiny clang sounded at the beskar’s meeting.
“Fuck” Din swore and you felt him pivot, looking for an exit of some kind. The air surrounding you hung heavy with an oppressive stillness as your ears ceased ringing.  Your mind became a battleground fighting between reason and intense fear. You couldn’t stop yourself from conjuring vivid images of the horrors lurking aboveground, seeing the bodies piled high;  lay still beneath the dust as it settled in an ashen blanket, a final goodnight.
Without warning you were swiftly  scooped up. And as your boots left the ground, the world outside your helmet disappeared into a chaotic blur and in the midst of the turmoil Din cradled you close to his chest and ran, the seamless show of strength had your heartbeat reverberating against the solid heat of his body. A rush of vulnerability came over you and your fingers tightened around the neck of Din’ cape, gripping it as if it were your lifeline.
You attempted to steady your breathing. Inhale for four, hold for four, release for four. Again and again you repeated the mantra until you felt your palpations subside gradually. Transitioning from an erratic cadence to a more measured, steady beat. Din’s helmet tilted towards you slightly as he noticed your shift.
“It’s ok…you’re ok.” He panted heavily, “We’re alright”
The desperate cries of soldiers carried the echoes of the pursuit of the Republic Extremists hunting you down as you flinched. The distant flashes of conflict casting fleeting shadows in Din’s path. Yet here, held in his arms, a familiar cocoon of safety enveloped you – a refuge within the tempest. There was an unspoken understanding in the tight embrace; a silent pact conveying trust, dependency and an unyielding connection in the face of whatever lay ahead.
Din’s strides were hard and purposeful as he rounded a corner, each step calculated effortlessly. You were able to faintly make out a door at the end of the corridor. A sense of hope began to bloom in your chest. Perhaps you would make it after all?
A grunt escaped Din as he strode towards the door; with no time to waste he leaned in, leveraging his weight against it as it burst open, flung against the stone wall behind it.
Din halted and your breath caught in your throat. Before you a stark reality unfolded – not an exit, but a cramped supply room stood before you; shelves lined with food supplies, blankets and clothes. No weapons. No way out.
You wiggled out of Din’s grip and let your feet land on the ground. The flicker of hope which had burned in your chest moments ago went out with an audible sigh of defeat. Surrendering to the impending ruin. Gradually you stepped forward into the room, breathing ragged. You couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop the tears as they fell. The air in your helmet becoming stale as you sobbed. The emotional release seemed to echo louder in the confined space. There was no light, no way out; your comms had stopped working a while back. This was it.
Din closed the door behind you and pushed a large crate in front as a makeshift blockade. You turned to him tentatively. This was the only chance you would have, it needed to be now.
“We can’t stay here” he grunted, finishing pushing the crate, “This is only temporary. The only choice we have is to wait it out. Once it’s over we can leave, go somewhere far” he strained, standing upright. His left hand rubbed the bottom of his spine. Din’s back hurt more these days you had noted. Both of you hadn’t had a comfortable night’s sleep in months. Often huddled together on the hard ground or intertwined on the floor of the Razor Crest.
“I love you”
The words tumbled out before you could stop yourself. The confession hung in the air, a delicate vulnerability laid bare in that moment. Just you and Din, together at the edge of a massacre. And here you were, confessing something you both knew but had never said aloud.
“Don’t” Din stated, his voice wavered. “Not here, not-“ A pause. “Not like this” he pleaded.
It hurt. You’d be the first to admit. Desperation lingered, not in a sense of defeat, but in the urgency for any form of reciprocation from him. An unspoken plea for the acknowledgement of the shared sentiment. You swallowed thickly and levelled your gaze to meet his though your helmets.
“We’re going to die here”
Din lurched forward, his gloved hands came up to softly caress the tunic at the nape of your neck. Stars you were so close. Separated by an unfair amount of fabrics and armor. You could hear his breathing through his modulator, ragged and uneven. “I would never let that happen” his tone sent a shudder through you at the seriousness.
“Understand?” he tilted his head down and found yourself doing the same until your helmets met. You too settled your hands up on the nape of his neck. Both your breathing shuddered in the quiet. You hadn’t been this close in months. The simple hold on your neck had a heat building in your core as your brought your tongue out to wet your lips.
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar’tome, mhi me’dinui an” Din breathed, holding you impossibly closer, “Mhi ba’juri verde”.
It took you a moment to process his words…then a realization dawned with deafening clarity. Mando’a.
We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors.
Your eyes widened, and a gentle smile played upon your lips as the depth of his words resonated. In that brief moment of linguistic revelation, the confession transcended language barriers, and the sincerity of the sentiment became a universal truth.
Din loved you. So greatly and fiercely that he had just recited Mandalorian marriage vows. All you had to do was repeat the sentiment and it was final. You would live together as one, for as long as you both stay breathing. The bond a sanctuary, a refuge where trust and devotion thrive intertwined.  
Your smile widened and tears threatened to spill over. Din held you tightly, never wavering, his frame taunt and rigid as he waited for anything. Rejection or acceptance. He would decimate a galaxy to be with you, you were his equal in every sense. He would not accept you thinking you were anything but.
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar’tome” you rasped, “Mhi me’dinui an, mhi ba’juri verde”.
Din released a breath he did not remember holding, releasing his hands from your tunic gently. He had to see you, his wife. Stars, he would never get tired of calling you that. You let out a soft gasp as his fingers tenderly hooked themselves on the underside of your helmet, his fingers trembled.
“You’re shaking” you huffed out a chuckle. Din let out a similar sound.
“Sorry” he seemed shy all of a sudden, bashful. The tough exterior of the Mandalorian began to crumble like a weathered façade. His guarded posture finally relaxes, as if the walls he built around him cautiously crumbled down. “You’re so beautiful”.
“You don’t even know what I look like-”
“I know“ he nodded, “I know…” again he trailed off, as if choosing his next words carefully. His fingers still hooked under the rim of your helmet.
“Din” you whispered, gazing longingly at him through your visor, “We don’t have to”
“No” he declared, “I want-“ he stuttered, struggling to form words, “I need to see you”.
Your eyes widened, you had never seen his face, not even by accident. He had never seen yours. The magnitude of what was about to happen set in as the ceremonial moment loomed, where the sacred helmets that had concealed your faces would be lifted, revealing the vulnerability and intimacy hidden beneath.
A nervous energy crackled as you faced each other, you fingers delicately tracing the contours of Din’s helmet. The clinking sound echoed like a whisper of shared apprehension, a subtle acknowledgment that this might be the last time you were together. Yet there was a shared hope. A hope you would both make it out. Go far away from the war, all of it, and just simply exist, together.
Silent gazes interlocked, both of your eyes behind the visors conveying emotions too profound for words. This exchange was more than a removal of armour; it was a symbolic unveiling, a sacred act of trust that transcended the stoic traditions of your warrior creed.
Yet, beneath the desperation, there was a quiet strength, a commitment to love without bounds, willingness to weather storms and stand resilient in the face of uncertainties.
Neither of you heard the blaster shots from the other side of the door.
Neither of you could react fast enough before an explosive force sent the door flying, and several Republic Extremist soldiers stormed the room.
Present Day:
An alarm blared and you groaned, turning over in your bed. Your legs tangled in the sheets, leaving your top half exposed as you emerged from sleeps warmth, feeling the chill of the early morning air against your naked skin.
Rolling over you slapped the top of the alarm and the blaring ceased. Stars your head was pounding. You looked over at the time; the clock read 5:45am. Lifting your head from your pillow you saw the morning light begin to peak through the thin, delicate curtains framing your bedroom window as they gently stirred in the morning breeze.
You decided you were more than likely not going to get anymore sleep, so you swung your legs over the edge of your bed and stretched dramatically. Your arms held high above your head as you tilted to the right, feeling a familiar twinge in your lower back. You winced.
“Shit” you muttered as you rubbed the area, feeling the tenseness under the scarred skin.
Sighing, you leaned forward resting your elbows on your knees and hung your head. Tired. That’s all you felt lately. The war had been over for three years, but you couldn’t shake the memories. They plagued your mind at night, leaving you unable to rest. The scars and pains on your body an unwelcome reminder of all you did to escape.
There was no time to sit around today. You were running low on supplies and had to send a beacon to the Capital for reinforcements. One of the perks of being so remote, you hadn’t spoken to another being for years. Unless you counted droids. Which you were reluctant to do; something about them just seemed extremely off putting.
Unburdened by your armor you strode across your bedroom to the bathroom, your feet padding softly against the wooden floor. Straining, you reached into the shower and turned on the faucet and it sputtered to life, a steady stream of water flowing from the head.
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror above the sink; the harsh lighting of the bathroom accentuating the wariness etched into your face. The haunting shadows of exhaustion beneath your eyes, the sharpness of your jaw and cheeks more prominent. You often wondered if it was all worth it in the end. But that didn’t matter now. What’s done is done. Nothing could be changed.
When you finally stepped into the warmth of the shower a groan escaped your parted lips as you felt the tenseness in your muscles wash down the drain. You lowered your head under the steady stream, holding yourself there for a time, your arms braced against the tiles and your eyes closed.
Water trickled down your face; droplets decorated your brows and lashes. You reluctantly opened your eyes and grabbed the soap from the shelf and began to lather it over your chest, moving slowly and tentatively down to your breasts. You found your nipples already peaked, despite the comforting heat of the water.
A pleasurable sigh escaped from your mouth when you felt your thumb barely scrape the sensitive bud. Your eyes fluttered closed and a slow build of euphoria began to spread through your core. You felt your wetness leak between your thighs. A thin coating of your arousal tainted your skin. Stars you needed to pull yourself together.
You tried to block the pleasure from your mind long enough to finish your shower and ready yourself to leave. You did not need any distractions today. The beacon was an eight mile hike away, and you wanted to be back before mid afternoon.
There was no time for any caf, you scolded yourself and made a mental note to eat a proper meal when you returned. You stood in the light of your living room, dressed in your armor with your helmet under your right arm. Taking a mental inventory ensuring you had your blaster and the map logged correctly into your helmet display. You made this journey twice a year, but it was still nice to have a map just in case things went sideways.
The time on the clock read 6:55am. You placed your helmet over your head and secured it with a hiss. It was time to go.
You had made it to the beacon in record time, the weather was calm and the sun was beginning to break through the cloud cover above. Now you just had to sit tight for a week until the supplies arrived.
A subtle, gentle murmur broke through the tree line and you knew you had reached the halfway point to home. The constant babbling of the stream provided a comfort that carried you forward, each heavy step in your boots propelling you further.
Quietly, you broke through the tree line and arrived at the river’s edge. Shuffling forward and tentatively extended a step into the water. The only way to cross was to walk through it since you didn’t own a jetpack, and even though the flow of the water wasn’t powerful in the slightest, you didn’t feel like falling in today and wrecking your comms electronics.
Carefully you took a second step, then another, and a few more until you were safely across and standing on the other side of the bank. You exhaled a breath and went to carry on walking, eager to get back.
Until the snap of a branch behind you had you extending your blaster in less than a second, aiming at whoever or whatever had somehow followed you.
Without warning you fired, and a beam of white light shot out and clipped the side of an oak tree, bark sent flying at the impact. Your senses were heightened into overdrive, your heartbeat thundered in your chest as you frantically scanned the area before you. This shouldn’t be possible. The war was over. No one was meant to know you were out here.
Your fingers tightened their grip on the blaster, index finger hovering over the trigger again prepared to strike, “I suggest you get the fuck away from here!” you yelled. Honestly you were surprised you even managed to get any words out with how dry your throat felt in the panic.
Silence met you in answer, but a figure shuffled behind the tree. You instinctively tensed and took a step forward, boots at the waterline. You gritted your teeth and choked out;
“Take another step and I’ll cut you down”
“I wouldn’t if I were you”
There. That voice. Unfamiliar, but why did your heart ache at the smoothness? You froze, breath caught in your lungs as you tried to decipher. Why was it so familiar? Who would know you were here? Why were you followed?
As if knowing you were mentally scrambling for an answer, the figure gently stood out from behind the tree, arms raised in surrender, the beskar glimmering in the midday sun. Your legs faltered and you choked out a gasp as your eyes fell upon the mudhorn signet forged into the right shoulder.
It was him. Your dead husband.
Din Djarin.
Stood across the river. Alive.
No. No it couldn’t be. He was dead. Din was killed. He died.
The sounds of the forest were drowned out. Replaced by the thundering of your heart in your ears. Your steps faltered, and your breath clung to your throat when you looked at him – a figure from the past, a ghost you had long believed was buried in the recesses of time.
Yet here he was. Stood metres from you, looking exactly as the last day you saw him. The blaster fell from your grip and thudded against the grass. The shock of recognition gripped you like a vice, and a torrent of emotions surged through your bones, threatening to overwhelm the carefully constructed walls you had built.
Time seemed to freeze as your mind grappled with the impossible sight before you. How? How had he made it out? Was he released, or did he escape? Why did he wait so fucking long to find you?
Your legs buckled and you collapsed on your knees, struggling for air. The ache of loss that had defined you for so long threatened to implode within you. Your hands found their way to your tunic round your neck, loosening it haphazardly so you could get some air. Across the river, Din began to step towards you, and fear consumed you as you shuffled backwards in escape.
“Stay back!” you begged, holding out your arm as if that would stop him from pursuing you.
To your surprise, he did. Din stood, one foot in the river, frozen in place and hands still raised in surrender. As if at your command.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you attempted to ground yourself. Opening them again and inhaling deeply for four, holding for four and exhaling for four. You felt your heartbeat slow, and the thunder in your ears quietened.
“You’re supposed to be dead” you accused. Glaring at him through your visor.
Din calmly lowered his hands, trying to get a sense of how to approach this situation. Funnily enough he had spent years imagining this moment. But hadn’t put much thought into what he would say to you if he ever found you.
He swallowed thickly and pushed his shoulders back, he had to be careful, “I could say the same about you” he said, not a hint of fear or hostility in his tone. It was a fact after all. You were almost certainly listed as dead in the networks.
You huffed out a laugh. This fucking asshole.
You pushed yourself off the ground and stood on firm legs, any fear or panic you felt before had manifested into anger. Hurt for being forgotten about for 10 years, while he made no attempt to rescue you.
“Is that all you have to say?” you questioned, your posture mirrored Din’s. Except yours was moulded by rage, pure animalistic rage. “Ten years and you thought you could-“
“I thought you were dead” he interrupted.
“Oh fuck you!” you roared.
You stepped back onto the banking, picking up your blaster and returning it to your holster. Even through your anger, you had no intentions of shooting him. Din knew that too.
“I was tortured you know” you started, panting. Stars, when did it get so hot?
“Tortured within an inch of my life, beaten half to death” you sniffled, “And dumped over the boundary wall and left to die”
You let your words hang in the stoic air of the forest. All you recall from your time in imprisonment under the Republic Extremists was that Din had been taken to a separate facility, you never learnt the name. But shortly after being there for a year, you overheard guards talking about how the great Mandalorian Din Djarin had been killed in a terrorist attack against his prison by rebels. You recall them laughing at how stupid they were, killing someone like Din yet the officers running the prison escaped unscathed. Apparently more prisoners had perished that day. Their names all unfamiliar to you.
But that didn’t seem to matter now.
Din lowered his head and breathed heavily, he hadn’t known. How could he? You were separated immediately after capture. Both stripped of all weapons. He reached forward again, as if pleading for you to stay.
“You have to believe me” he begged, arms by his side. He took another step forward. He had both boots firmly in the water now; another handful of steps and he would be halfway across. “They wheeled a body bag past my cell and swore it was you”
You froze. Impossible.
“You were there” you muttered, barely above a whisper. Before you were dumped over the wall you were put in a body bag. They must have beaten so hard they thought you were dead. That was the only explanation.
Din continued, “I found out you were alive after I escaped” another step forward. He was less than a meter from you now. Fuck was he always this broad…
He cursed under his breath and muttered your name, shaking his head in disbelief, he choked “I tore planets apart trying to find you”
A sob escaped you as the information struck a chord deep within, resonating with the untapped wells of emotion you had kept locked away for a decade. He didn’t abandon you, not even close. Din had spent years trying to make his way back to you.
He arrived in front of you now, broad and unyielding. Tall, he was so tall. His beskar gleamed in the sunlight; Din took your hand in his and stars you had to do everything not to collapse right there. Even through his gloves you could feel the warmth of his hand. It had been so long.
He leaned closer, his warmth radiating against you and your eyes fluttered closed behind your visor. Every moment you spent in solitude accentuated the caress of his touch, the yearning for the simple yet profound connection that only Din could provide. It was a silent craving, an unspoken plea of reassurance.
When Din spoke, his voice was lowered and rough, “An informant of mine told me six months ago that you went off the grid after the rebellion ended” his finger began tracing small circles into your gloved palm, making your breath hitch with want and your eyes open.
“You have informants now?” you swallowed thickly, never taking your gaze off him. “Who?”
It was just the two of you in the forest, yet you felt as if you were back in the Razor Crest, naked and tangled together under blankets in the darkness, surrounded by the scent of intimacy. Your head nestled into Din’s chest as he drew shapes into your shoulder blade. The ghost of him inside you still prominent.
Din chuckled, “Greef Karga”.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, “Fucking Greef” you laughed. Din stopped circling your palm. His body tensed and a shudder travelled through him, he hadn’t heard you laugh in over a decade. Your laughter faded and he stepped closer to you. As he towered over your frame you felt a hardness press against you, Din’s cock stood hard against the fabric of his briefs. An ache spread through your core, how long had it been?
“I know you never liked him much” Din spoke softly, barely managing any form of self control to stop himself taking you right here on the ground, “But he led me back to you. To my wife.” He growled. You trembled hearing his words and feeling his firm hold on your arm. You brought your hand up and rested it onto his chest plate, and you swore you could feel the thundering of his heart beneath the armor.
“I owe him a debt I can never repay”
All you could do was nod in agreement. The only thing on your mind was how close you both were, and you could still feel Din’s hardness straining against his pants. You savoured the feeling of it, how it made you clench round nothing as your body begged for relief. Aches of pleasure crashed through you in waves. You needed him.
“How far is home?” he rasped, his voice becoming more desperate each passing minute you stood out in the open.
Your brain scrambled trying to figure out how far it would take you to get back. It was at least an hour. Too long.
“An hour w-walking” you stuttered shamefully. “But if we hurry we can- oh!” a squeal fell from your lips when Din’s other hand reached down and cupped your ass roughly, and you both shot into the sky.
You should’ve noticed he had a jetpack strapped to his back in hindsight you figured as you were slowly, gently lowered to the ground outside your cabin. You straightened and turned back to face Din, and held out your hand.
“Coming in?”
A pause, and held in it was a decade of uncertainty and longing.  After a moment Din tenderly slipped his fingers between yours and the world outside faded into insignificance, all that remained was the tangible presence of the beloved—the one whose touch had the power to heal, to comfort, and to rekindle the dormant flames of devotion.
Before you knew it you were stood in your living room, a tension invaded the air. Din stood a few feet away by the couch. His stance unsure and out of place in such a homely setting.
You couldn’t wait any longer. After ten years you had been reunited and the first thing you wanted to do was tear his armour off and have him ravish you like you knew he could.
So you took off your gloves, exposing your hands to him.
You had been intimate before of course, but that was in the dark confides of the Crest. Neither of you had seen each other without that blanket of darkness. A loophole in the creed, you had joked at the time.
At the display of your hands Din’s breath caught in his throat. Fuck they looked so soft. If he closed his eyes he could almost picture you running those delicate fingers over his shaft as he buried himself down your throat-
No. Not yet. 
He waited for you to continue, and watched intently as your now bare hands cupped the underside of your helmet, and with a twist and a hiss you carefully lifted the helmet from your head. The soft hum of respirators gave way to the subtle rustle of your hair cascading free, a waterfall of dark walnut strands framing your face.
Time seemed to stretch in that sacred moment as he beheld your unveiled visage. His eyes softened behind the T-shaped visor, with an emotion rarely seen by the outside world. It was a mix of awe, familiarity, and a profound connection that transcended the confines of your armour. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Your eyes, windows to a soul he had known intimately yet had never truly seen, met his. Din’s knees all but buckled.
“I knew it” he stated with certainty.
Your brow furrowed and he felt his cock twitch in his pants. Stars you were exquisite.
“Knew what?”
Fuck. Your voice. Without the modulator it was free of the static and it flowed through his ears like honey. He never wanted you put that fucking helmet back on.
“That you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen”
Your heart swelled at his confession, and a blush crept up your cheeks. Suddenly you were unsure of how to act. You were stood before Din as exposed as you’d ever been. A tender silence enveloped the room, the weight of your shared history hanging in the air. The sounds of the outside world faded into insignificance as Din stepped tentatively towards you, almost as if he were hunting a bounty, barely making a sound. His gloved hand reached out, hesitating for a moment before cupping your cheek. The touch, though gloved, conveyed a depth of emotion that words could not capture.
You melted into his touch, fluttering your eyes closed and you sighed in relief. Years of wondering and grieving were over. He was here, he was real. Stood before you was Din Djarin, the mighty Mandalorian. Your husband.
Din’s thumb caressed your cheek and you whined wantonly. This only made him exhale brokenly as he pressed himself further against you, his other hand finding your waist.
“Can I?” you asked, gazing up at him with nothing but adoration shining in your eyes.
Din took that moment to grip your hip roughly and move you until you were flush against his chest, your lips were inches from his visor, and you held his stare you knew was on the other side.
A broken beg shattered through his helmet, followed by shaky breathes as you took the opportunity to calm him. You lightly pressed your lips to the cool beskar of his helmet, planting a soft kiss there. You felt his arms turn to jelly before they went rigid once again, holding you tightly.
You pulled your lips from him and carefully, slowly lifted your arms making sure he had full view of where your hands were. Placing your hands on either side of his helmet, you gradually began to lift, mindful to be gentle. The unhurried pace of the reveal mirrored the tenderness and respect that defined your bond.
Inch by inch Din’s helmet was lifted further, revealing a scruff of hair around his jaw defined by the smoothest caramel skin. Your breath hitched and your heart swelled. He was so beautiful and you hadn’t even removed the helmet fully yet.
Lifting further revealed soft, plump lips coloured in the prettiest pink. The stars in the galaxies didn’t even compare. Then another patch of hair above his lip forming a trim moustache, which made way for the defined arch of his nose. Stood strong and forward against the buttery caramel of his skin. There were some lines etched into the skins surface as he braced himself for the helmet to lift further.
Another raise of your arms revealed the most intense brown eyes you had ever seen. A rich mahogany gazed longingly at you, a hesitation glazed over them but only for a moment before they softened into a warm, chestnut embrace, revealing a depth that spoke volumes without uttering a word. You let him take control and remove his helmet completely. Your stomach lurched in awe at the sight of the chocolate brown hair that fell onto his forehead, a slight curl defining some strands.
You couldn’t help but smile softly at Din, in that intimate moment; the armor that had defined your existences fell away, revealing the vulnerability of two souls bound by more than beskar.
“There you are” you grinned, and you could feel his breath against your lips. A moment passed before Din responded, as if caught up in the beauty beheld before him.
“I found you” he managed. The words had your core flooding with heat, stars his voice was akin to velvet brushed against the soul, carrying a sensuality that weaved through the air.
Din threw his helmet to the side where it landed on the couch, his eyes never once leaving you. A comfortable silence filled the room and you both took the opportunity to take in every feature of the other. As if in fear you would be separated again.
Not wanting to waste another second, Din grabbed your face and crashed his lips against your own. A deep groan left him at the blinding sensation of your lips on his, and you couldn’t stop the whine that spilled from you. Your fingers gripped his arms trying to find purchase at the straps keeping his beskar secure. It needed to come off. Now.
Din pushed his tongue past your lips and his hands tilted your head to deepen the kiss. He had no desire to come up for air if it meant he had to stop this, kissing you like this. An uncontrollable lust swept through you as your cunt clenched round nothing, its wetness beginning to leak into your inner thighs, evidence of your arousal.
You arched into his touch, pushing your clothed cunt against him as a plea. Din moaned into your mouth and grabbed a fistful of your ass, his other hand planted firmly on your jaw.
Against your better wishes you broke the kiss, breathing hotly into his mouth, “Off” you croaked, “They n-need to come off” you gestured wildly at his armor and tunic. Din’s eyes darkened and he attached himself to your neck, plush lips nipping and leaving hot, wet kisses there. Trailing from your jaw to your clavicle. You moaned wantonly at his touch and leaned your head back for better access; it was almost too much already. Feeling his mouth on you like this and his hands both now on your ass, squeezing.
You could’ve cried when Din’s hands made their way to your belt, making quick work of unfastening the buckle as he lathered sweet pecks across where your neck met your shoulder.
Hurriedly you began to do the same to his belt, removing the buckle and pushing the fabric down slightly. He gestured for you to wiggle out of your pants and you complied eagerly, letting the fabric finally fall to the floor and stepping out of your boots.
You stood before him with your pussy exposed, your arousal painted across your inner thighs. You took that moment to unfasten the clasp of your chest plate, shucking it to the floor along with the beskar on your arms and shoulders until at last your tunic was on the ground. Leaving you naked in front of Din.
He looked at you intensely, raking his eyes over your breasts, noticing how your nipples were peaked in the air. Before stopping at your cunt, he audibly groaned at the sight.
“Perfect, so fucking perfect”
He yanked his chest plate off along with his pants and quickly shed the rest of his clothes and his boots. Standing before you, hot and erect. His cock hard and thick between his legs, prominent veins stretched the length of the underside, the head flushed red and leaking precum. You licked your lips, never breaking his stare.
Din’s body looked as if it had been carved by a saint. His arms strong and muscular as they hung at his side. His shoulders thick and broad, his skin seemed to glisten under the light from the window. His stomach was taught as he panted, grasping his cock in one hand and giving it a few lazy tugs, his jaw slack. You could have sworn your mouth started to water.
As if you shared the same thought, you all but pounced on each other, Din knocking you to the ground in his haste, immediately grinding his hips deep into yours, his cock dragging against your folds as he nestled between your legs, swiping away the various beskar pieces scattered around you both with his arm. The other found its way to your waist and pinned you to the floor.
“Din please” you whined before his lips found yours again, clashing together furiously in a haste of teeth and tongue.
Din trailed his hand up and over to your breast, palming it in his hand and squeezing slightly, before he pulled away and latched his mouth onto your perked nipple.
“F-uck” you threw your head back. Another wave of pleasure going straight to your core as Din licked circles around the bud, your hand coming to rest on the back of his head, fingers pulling slightly on the thick chocolate strands. He swiftly moved to your other breast, repeating the same motions.
“Waited too fucking long” he growled into your skin, his fingers trailing over your breasts before they moved down, along with his lips until they finally met at your aching heat.  A cry left your lips and you threw your head back, your eyes clamping shut as he began to furiously bury his tongue between your folds, desperately licking and suckling at your entrance.
Din released a guttural moan, long and satisfied as your arousal at last floods against his tongue. His hands were wrapped around your legs; hugging you impossibly close to his mouth as it worked overtime on your aching cunt. He eagerly lapped up your juices and you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Your mind adrift in the galaxy as wave after wave of euphoria surged through you with no intentions of yielding. Your skin is molten under his large palms as he holds you down, pushing his focus to your throbbing clit, feasting hungrily , his nose arched perfectly against your mound as he suckles.
You should have seen it coming, but in your haze, lips parted and skin flushed with burning hot need, when Din lowers one of his hands and begins drawing a torturously slow circle around your sopping opening your legs tighten around his head, bliss snaking its way superbly up your spine. And you gasp his name brokenly into the air, which is already turning thicker as you try to inhale without gulping, another sensual drag of his tongue against your clit has you forgetting all over again as you babble his name, your fingers entangled in his hair, lightly tugging
When his fingers finally, finally push forward, effortlessly gliding through your wet slit, it makes you whine brokenly, feeling his thick digits  stroke at your walls as Din doubles down in his efforts, sucking at your swollen clit. He crooks his fingers inside you, caressing the spot expertly as if it were an extension of himself, as if ten years of separation were mere minutes since he last had you like this. Just how he liked, writhing and moaning on his tongue. The thought sent white hot bolts of pleasure searing through your shuddering form.
You buck your hips down as flames lick across your skin, internal temperature raised so much you thought you would combust if Din continued to- fuck.
Without warning, he added a third finger, stretching you enough that it was almost painful. Deliciously so. You arched your back further, legs falling open as your ears registered the wet, sinful, sounds coming from between them. Din hummed against your cunt, continuing to furiously eat at you, swallowing your arousal eagerly as his eyes suddenly opened and focused intently on you.
You almost came right there.
You uttered a poignant cry as your gazes locked together. The fire continued to build, embers licking up your spine and fuck there was something so delectably erotic about this. How Din made a point of never looking away as his fingers bullied the sensitive spot inside you. Coaxing more incoherent babbles from your mouth. For the first time in what felt like hours, Din lifted his mouth from your clit, and you couldn’t hold back your moan as he revealed how your arousal was fucking coating his mouth. Dripping onto his chin, the smallest sheen at the end of his nose. Stars that beautiful nose.
“Come on” the rasp in his tone sent a fiery ecstasy exploding as his fingers kept their pace, aggressive and demanding, Din’s jaw slackening as he licked his lips clean.
“Cum for me pretty girl. I want to see my wife fall apart on my fingers”
That was it. All at once something snapped inside you, sending a torrent pleasure careening down your spine to your core as your body seized, clamping down on Din’s fingers, spasming over and over. Your breath became a whispered symphony, hoarse as you cried out. A crescendo of ecstasy surged and your thighs became liquid, completely at the mercy of your husband who still had three thick fingers buried inside of your cunt, enticing a spurt of wetness shooting against your legs.
With a pop Din reluctantly removed his fingers from you. Your cunt announcing their departure by letting out a wet squelch. You whined desperately at the loss.
In no time at all his mouth was on yours again, and you could taste yourself on his tongue as his steel like grip held you steady against him.
Din’s mouth leaves yours and opens against the soft skin of your neck, his tongue brushing over the marks he branded you with earlier. How did you not notice? Your jaw goes slack, mouth forming an 'o' and your vision grows darker as your eyes roll back. Completely embroiled in the intensity of post orgasm bliss.
He quickly straightens and you immediately feel the heaviness of his pulsating cock arrive at your folds. Din carries himself slightly above you, your faces millimetres apart and he gently kisses the side of your mouth, a complete 180 compared to his earlier treatment.
“Did so well for me” he uttered, barely above a whisper. “Soaked my fucking fingers” A kiss nibbled just below your ear.
"Please" you attempted, "N-need-".
Din caught your earlobe between his teeth briefly, “Need what” Another kiss, this time he licked the skin after. You shuddered.
“Use your words”.
“You, need y-you” you pleaded brokenly, and swallowed a lump in your throat, “Need- fuck, need your cock. Please”.
You could’ve sworn you heard Din growl at your begging, but you were too blissed out to care. You felt weightless and he hadn’t even fucked you properly. Din used his hand to brush your hair away from your face, and tenderly cupped your cheek as he looked down at you with conviction. Something had shifted in his eyes, now he looked undoubtedly feral.
“Bed” he stared at you hungrily. “Where is it?”.
You wriggled in his arms and nodded your head towards a doorway to your left. The door was cracked open slightly, the edge of your bed visible through it.
Din just nodded and dipped his head down to mouth at your neck again, your whole body going lax. “Good” he purred seductively. You felt an embarrassing amount of slick rush from your cunt.
“I plan on fucking my wife properly. In our bed”.
Before your reaction could unfold, Din stood up, pulling you with him and in one quick movement had you thrown over his shoulder. A giggle escaped you and his defined arms locked tightly round the soft skin of your upper thighs, his fingers dangerously close to brushing your slit. You had no intentions of complaining, not when you had the most glorious view of his pert, muscular ass.
Din laid you on the bed, cradling your form as he once again settled between your open legs. He reached down and lovingly stroked the skin of your thigh. You couldn’t help but notice the presence of his thick, heavy erection which hung beautifully between your legs, tip a deep pink and leaking with precum. His eyes bore an expression akin to a furious devotion. He never wanted to part from you again, Din would never let anyone stand in the way. He would kill them without second thoughts if it meant spending a lifetime with you.
A small smile spread across his lips, “I love you” he said softly.
His confession made your eyes water as you smiled weakly up at him, your hand held the side of his face affectionately. Din leaned into your touch, as if memorising it.
“I love you too” you whispered. You both let your words sit in the air for a minute. Admiring each other and that despite everything, somehow he had found you. Din had torn apart planets to get to you. Searching nonstop across the galaxy to get back to the woman he loved more than anything. His wife.
The way you looked at one another said everything, and with a gentle motion, Din reached down, wrapped a fist around the base of his cock and eased his way inside of you. The thickness of him as he split you open was absolutely exquisite. Your sensitive walls hugged him tightly as he glided every glorious inch into you. You couldn’t help your mouth falling open in a silent ecstasy and your brow furrowing at the delicious intrusion as you held his gaze.
Din was the first to break as he squeezed his eyes shut and hung his head, a throaty groan exhaled past his lips as his mouth hung open. Fuck you were squeezing him so fucking tight, your pussy perfectly wet and warm around him. He prayed to the Maker that if he were to die, then he would happily go like this. Buried balls deep inside your cunt.
A few beats passed, and Din held himself still allowing you to adjust to him. You exhaled a shudder and squeezed your eyes shut, you felt so full. Your mind racing with thoughts of just him and how thick and heavy he felt inside you.Your legs wrapped around Din’s waist pulling him impossibly closer, a whine falling from your plush lips, and he dropped his head into your neck, mouthing searing kisses against your throat. His breath was warm on your skin, and he brought his arms around you, amplifying your closeness.
A callused hand stroked your cheek, Din’s thumb swiping back and forth against the soft skin of your jaw. He starts to move, giving you his cock at a languid pace, the head dragging blissfully against your throbbing walls. You moan into his ear as he hits that sweet spot over and over and over. Pure mindless pleasure encapsulating you as he rocks his hips into yours. A wetness threatens to spill over onto your cheeks as you bite back a sob at the stimulation.
“Fuck” Din pants, “”Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight”
You couldn’t help it; you let out a choked sob as he picked up the pace, and you had to bite your bottom lip to keep from crying out any more. Din’s arms unwound from you and grasped you hands, pinning them above your head as he fucked you deeper into the mattress, your tits bounced heavily at the force of his thrusts.
“So beautiful” he heaves raggedly, the wet sound of your cunt taking him the soundtrack to his devotion.
A sweeping bliss enveloped your limbs as you lay there, legs spread and taking Din’s cock however he wanted to give it to you. Your arousal leaked down to your ass, and you were sure there would be a stain on your sheets. Din looked down at where you were joined, his chest tightened at how his cock looked fucking you, coated thickly in your wetness, your folds hugging him tightly. He removed one hand from holding yours down and licked his thumb before circling your clit. You arched your back as a bolt of pleasure shot up your spine, you slurred weakly, too cock drunk be coherent. Not when you were being stretched out like this. Not when your pussy felt so hot with blinding ecstasy.
“Turn…” you mumbled, Din’s brow furrowed and his thrusts faltered, looking at you with concern. Stars you were sure your pussy tightened at the way a strand of his hair fell curled onto his forehead. A groan from him told you your answer.
Still you persevered, “Over, t-turn over”.
Din opened his mouth to respond but you don’t give him chance to. Kicking his leg out from under him and using your remaining strength to force him onto his back, you hissed as his cock slid out from your wet heat.
You took a second to gather yourself, your chest heaving as you looked down at Din. He looked so ethereal like this, the faintest tinge of pink to his cheeks, lips swollen and plush as his mouth hung slightly open, as if he too were taking in the sight of you, already thoroughly fucked out from his actions. His eyes were like gazing into the beautiful earth surrounding you, seeing so much life cascading through them. You leant forward and captured his lips with your own, the exchange tender and unhurried.
Breaking the kiss, you placed your hands firmly on his shoulders and swung a trembling leg over so both were situated at each side of his waist. Din snaked his hands up to cup your tits in his hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. You bit your lip in response and closed your eyes. No, you needed to have him like this. Needed to show him how much you had truly missed him.
As you stared at each other, the air of your bedroom thick with intimacy, you reached behind you and took his cock in your hand. It was perfectly lubricated from your arousal as you raised your hips, getting his cock into position before you sunk down and – fuck. The unholy sensation of being stretched out again triggered your every nerve. This angle was so much deeper. You sunk down further, and Din’s cock dragged deliciously against your quivering walls until your hips met his. Your breath caught as you took a moment to adjust.
Looking down at where you were joined, the scene was potently erotic. A slight bulge in your lower stomach where Din’s cock stood hard and throbbing inside you. You lowered your fingers down and traced the edges sensually. Both of you moaning filthily at the action.
You pulled your hand away and braced yourself on his broad shoulders as you began to ride him in earnest.
Din hissed and growled out a curse as you moved up and down, rocking your hips slightly. You looked so breathtaking like this. His eyes widened as he took in every lustrous curve of your body. You squeezed around him again as he hit something hard inside you over and over. Your head thrown back as his cock hammered your sweet spot.
He feels more of your slick drip down his cock, tainting his balls with your arousal. Another growl escapes him and he braces his feet against the mattress and shifts his legs behind you, his large hands now clawing at your waist as he began to push his hips up in time with your thrusts.
Stars, the angle changes and he hits something inside of you, even deeper, that makes you cry out and claw at his chest. Din’s thrusts never falter, driving his cock into you at an ungodly pace, his balls hitting your ass and emitting a loud slapping sound. The luscious sounds of sex filling the room.
Your nails scraped at his neck now, drawing furious red lines down his throat as he continued to fuck you at an unrelenting pace. Groans and gasps fell from his lips as you let yourself fall completely onto his chest, your head nestles into the pillows next to him.
“Fuck, Din. I-I think I m-might!” you cry out hoarsely, pushing back against his thrusts as he continues to fuck into you deeply.
“Wait for me” he says, his voice sounding tighter and desperate, “Wait for m-me pretty g-girl”.
Another raspy groan and his chest vibrates under you. Din’s harsh movements rub against your clit, and your legs begin to tremble again. Fuck, another wave of euphoria eviscerates through you. Greater than the ones before as your body tenses and spasms in his arms. Your cries muffled in the skin of his neck as you ride it out.
Din’s body tenses shortly after and his thrusts stutter, slowly before a loud moan emits from him. His hips slow completely, Din now choosing to grind into your spasming cunt. You feel a rush of warmth as his spend fills you, coating your walls thickly. Din pants breathlessly, his arms wrapping round your waist as he hugs you closer to him, cock pulsing as he cums, still filling you up.
You don’t say anything as you lift your head up to rest on his chest, catching your breath as he slumps with a deep groan; his legs now flat against the mattress.
Neither of you move, contented to stay just like this with Din’s cock pumping his spend into your aching cunt. Din simply sighs, nuzzling you against him. You hum sweetly at the warmth of his skin against your cheek.
Din is the first to speak, “T-that was…” he chuckles breathlessly, planting a kiss to the top of your hair.
You hum contentedly, “I agree” you grin, inhaling the scent of him deeply. His skin glimmering with a thin sheen of moisture.
“So…” you paused, lifting your head up and resting your palms onto his chest. Placing your chin atop your hands, “Our bed?”
Din smiled broadly and his fingers began to trace soft circles into your spine. “I mean, if you’ll have me”.
“Of course I would!”
“You wanted to shoot me earlier”
“That’s not-“you roll your eyes at him, “Ok, yes. But I wouldn’t have shot you.” You pondered for a second. “Probably just maimed you a little” a sly grin appeared on your lips.
“Oh, that’s fine then” Din laughed, he brought his lips to your temple and began to pepper feather light kisses down the side of your face. You were suddenly reminded that Din was still nestled inside you, softened now but still noticeably thick.
“Besides” he said lowly as he continued his torrent of affection, now nipping at the underside of your jaw, “If it ends with me getting to fuck you like that again…I’d follow you across the galaxy a thousand times over”
A soft sigh left you at his statement, “Only a thousand?” you teased.
“Don’t push it” Din muttered into your skin.
You giggled happily. Now the two of you could live the rest of your lives together as husband and wife. You were safe; no one could get you here. The war was long over. There was no fear anymore. Just you and Din, for eternity. United.
You turn your head and meet him halfway, lips melting together seamlessly in the post coital afterglow. Your hips shift as you move to lift off of Din’s cock, before a painful twinge in your back stops you.
You pull back from his lips with a hiss, “Ah fuck” you strain, “My fucking back” you groan.
Din doesn’t laugh, but rather stares at you blankly.
“What?” you ask.
He looks to be stifling a smile as he whispers, “…You got old”.
A soft smack to his chest from you makes him laugh loudly, curling his arms round your waist lovingly.  You laugh with him, your cheeks beginning to ache from your bright smile.
You could happily live in this moment for ever with Din.
In your elation, neither of you seemed to notice the ominous figure in the shadow of the woods, glaring at you through the window, blaster in hand.
Neither of you could have prepared for your front door being blown through.
As you cradled Din in your arms, his blood seeping through your fingers. A deafening scream eviscerated your lungs as your attacker aimed the blaster at your head.
You understood now, no one escapes the Republic and lives.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
I Bite My Tongue It's a Bad Habit - Steddie + Male!Reader
Male!Reader, he/him, trying angst for the first time, this is for a special friend @eddieverse because they helped give me such a lovely little idea for suffering, enjoy this bestie, btw I don't care if this is all time accurate or not cause this was just made to make people cry, and it seems I have succeeded
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
You Are the Bane of My Existence, and the Object of All My Attractions (Happy Ending)
I Bite My Tongue, It's a Bad Habit (Sad Ending)
Tags: @qthetherapist, @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @rlmt1
I picked up my guitar and slowly began to pluck the chords to a song I had grown familiar with, humming the lyrics at first before fully singing along.
“I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. What you, oooh, uh, what you do?” Images of the two of them hugging and kissing flooded my mind, why did he have to get Eddie, why couldn’t it have been me that got him? What did I do wrong to push him away? We’ve been friends for years, I’ve stuck by his side since 4th grade, I did everything right, so why didn’t he choose me?
“Is it too late to pursue? I bite my tongue it’s a bad habit, kinda mad that I didn’t take a stab at it.” It was almost pitiful how sad I was over this, they’d been together for a couple weeks and having to see it every day was only making me feel worse. Why couldn’t I be the one that gets to kiss him, hold him, run my hands through his hair, comfort him when he’s sad, be his anything.
“Never gave me the time of day, my dear. It’s okay, things happen for reasons that I think are sure, yeah.” I tried to ask him out a few times, he always said thank you for having a friends day out, hearing him call us friends hurt more than I thought it would. Especially now when I ask him on one and he says he can’t, he’s got a date with him.
“I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me.” I had committed so much time to him that I figured he would at least still care about me. In the last couple weeks he had slowly stopped hanging out with me bit by bit, stopped caring about if I showed up to school, stopped noticing me. I just wish he still cared about me even a little bit, or showed it at all.
“Say to me, please just say to me, if this could wind up. I wish you wouldn’t play with me, I wanna know, oh no.” God it hurt, tears were dripping onto my knees while I kept playing, voice beginning shake when I sang. I just wanted it to be me, I wanted so bad to be the one Eddie loved.
“Can I bite your tongue like my bad habit? Would you mind if I tried to make a pass at it?” I wanna be able to take a pass at him, kiss him, feel what it feels like to be Steve Fucking Harrington. The fuck boy of Hawkins high gets the Freak, why couldn’t the best friend of the freak get him?
“It’s okay, things happen for reasons that I can’t ignore, yeah.” I stopped strumming the guitar and just sang through sobs, my hands couldn’t stay still long enough to hold any notes. I just began to mumble the rest of the song to myself, sitting in my room, all lights but a nightstand lamp off, crying on the edge of my bed.
“You can’t surprise a Gemini, I’m everywhere, I’m cross-eyed, and now that you’re back, I can’t decide if I decide if you’re invited.” Fuck finishing the song, I just needed to leave, leave this fucking town, leave them to be who they want to be without me. I couldn’t even think of what I was doing anymore, barely saw what I grabbed, just throwing whatever clothes I could into a random bag. I snatched the car keys off my dresser, grabbing the bag and almost running down the stairs. The front door was already unlocked, guess I forgot to lock it when I got home earlier, it didn’t matter now. Rain poured down outside, I just sprinted through it to my car in the driveway, hopping in the drivers seat and tossing whatever bag I grabbed into the back seat. I’m sure I grabbed my wallet so I had at least 60 bucks to do whatever I wanted. Pulling out of the driveway I floored the gas pedal, getting out of this fucking town was the only thing I needed to do, and as I passed the leaving Hawkins sign I heard the familiar tune ringing in the back of my mind. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me…..
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sourw0lfs · 11 months
my heart won't start anymore
happy first prompt to @steddiemicrofic, i hope y'all are happy with the monster you created here written for ‘pool’ wc: 442 | rated: G | cw: no happy ending
The door slams shut.
Steve barely hears it over the shattering glass in his ears, everything he loves breaking and falling to pieces at his feet. His heart is in his throat, forcing him to choke on every gasp of air he manages to pull into starving lungs.
His knees hit the hardwood floor with a painful thud, but Steve doesn’t notice that either. He doesn’t notice much of anything. He doesn’t notice the stinging pool of tears clinging to his waterline, not yet flooding over and down his cheeks. He doesn’t notice that his hands are in his hair, tugging painfully in a way that just feels numb. He doesn’t notice the burn in his chest as he tries to breathe through heaving sobs.
Even as the world collapses around him, Steve keeps his eyes on the front door through the haze of tears, begging it to open again, begging for Eddie to walk back inside and gather him in his arms and bring back color and sensation and life. But the door stays shut.
It stays shut and no amount of begging is going to open it again.
Time passes, but Steve doesn’t move. He doesn’t think he can anymore. Even if he can, he doesn’t want to. Eddie is gone, through the door of the home they used to share but don’t anymore, and Steve is alone. There’s no one to make him get up, no one to force him to put the pieces back together again. There’s no light, no life, no love.
He’s just an empty shell. He’s dust scattered in a gust of wind.
At some point, legs numb and body aching from being still for too long, Steve finally stops looking at the door. Instead his gaze falls to his lap, tears dripping down his face to the fabric of his jeans in little puddles.
It’s not the first time in his life he wonders why he isn’t enough. It won’t be the last either, he knows, if he manages to pick himself up off the floor, to put himself back together for the hundredth time. But he doesn’t think he can this time. He’s too broken, the pieces are too small for even the most careful of hands to line back up.
Eventually, he sleeps, still in the spot where everything fell apart, body curling on the hard floor because getting up feels too hard. When he wakes again, light floods through the window, dawning a new day. The first day without Eddie in it and Steve feels sick at the thought. Maybe he’ll stay on the floor a while longer.
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wiwi-wisp · 9 months
doomed time loop AU
The starting point of the loop is set in the moment after Rat leaves them and they head towards Quickstop.
They all "wake up" at the same time, instantly panicking. They regained the memories of their deaths and of what happened, remembered EVERYTHING, even if some things are more blurry than others.
The second Rand opens his eyes, he starts searching for Rachel, who he just saw.
Rolan's panicking is quiet, but he is barely managing his human form.
Kian stares blankly, the fact that he is alive AGAIN still setting it. Almost subconsciously, he starts to hum his melody. It's ever present, just as it was when he awoken after his first death.
It takes them a long time to calm down enough to be able to communicate with each other. Once they do, they slowly realize that somehow, they are back at the beginning of this whole shit show.
They aren't sure if they can actually change things. They got a second chance, but is it really going to change how it all went down?
They still try.
Rand gets his mom to safety, Rolan goes to the basement instead of funeral.
Kian... Kian still tries to help Becky.
They all fail.
They try, and try and try. And they keep failing.
They are loosing both their minds and hope. How could they not? They've been trapped in a literal nightmare for who knows how long.
Then, one day, Rand starts the loop and both Kian and Rolan are acting normal. Like they never fought the monsters. Like they never saw the world be corrupted and people killed. Like they have no recollection of constant torture that were past few days. weeks. months...?
They don't remember it. Rand realizes that he is the only one with memories now. Did he finally die? He must have, but would death really be that cruel?
Rolan and Kian wake up in the same situation as Rand, being the only ones aware.
The loops has split, separating them from each other.
They have no way of getting back into the same loop. The nightmare continues, but this time, it feels more hopeless than ever.
Over time, as loops keep on repeating, they give up. One could only see their world fall apart that many times before falling apart themselves.
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bearclawswriting · 9 months
as the last page burns
hannigram / light the magnus archives crossover / horror elements / major character death / tags contain spoilers / 8,310 words
Eventually, he got out of bed and padded out of his room, intent on making some coffee. But as he drew closer, a cold sense of foreboding tipped itself over his head like cracking an egg. Someone was in the house.  Someone was in the kitchen.
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beemintty · 8 months
ummm so I finish good omens...
all the fan art and the rest of the fandom made me think there was a happy ending.....
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aliea82 · 11 months
“I don’t know who else to call, who else I can talk to...I...I...shit...” He hangs up quickly.
Eddie stares at the phone, tears on his face, eyes wide as panic sets in. Grabbing his keys, he runs out to his van and basically drives it like hell is right behind him.
Two days ago, Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington broke up. Two days ago, their all-consuming, rather unhealthy dependency on each ended. Two days ago, Eddie fell into his bed and hadn’t moved, not until he got up, stumbled to his phone, and called the only person that would get it.
Now he drove to Steve’s House, intending to break in, delete the damn message, and leave without Steve ever knowing.
It was fairly simple, Eddie knew where the spare key was, and when he pulls up to the house Steve’s car is nowhere to be seen, so at least Eddie knew Steve wasn’t home, and there was no way he had heard that message.
Getting out of the van, he found the key and let himself in, keeping all the lights off as he made his way to the answering machine. There was one message waiting, indicated by the red 01, when he presses play, it was his own voice talking.
“Steve...I...I needed to call, needed to talk to you, to just...we just... we talked about everything, and I don’t know who... who else would understand... I feel like I’m drowning, like I’m lost at sea and it’s dark, it’s so damn dark Steve... I don’t know who else to call, who else I can talk to...I...I...shit...”
The machine beeps, and Eddie deletes the message, the machine beeping again, and the number on the machine returning to 00.
Closing his eyes, he let himself breathe before heading back out to his van, locking the door behind him and putting the key back where it belongs.
The drive back to his home was slower, less rushed, and when he pulls up outside, he leans against the steering wheel, his forehead pressed against his hands as the adrenaline seeps out of his body.
Getting out of the van, he doesn’t notice the car parked just the other side of the trailer or notice as Steve stands from where he was sitting on the steps until he was right in front of him.
Blinking, he frowns at his boyfriend, his ex-boyfriend.
“What...why are you here?”
“I came to make sure you were okay, I...I drove here as soon as I heard the message.”
Eddies heart stops.
“You...heard it?”
“I was fielding calls... you sounded... I needed to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m okay...I...you can leave.” Eddie goes to step around him, but Steve stops him with a hand on his arm.
“Ed’s,” Steve starts as Eddie looks at him with tired eyes.
“I’m tired Steve, go home. I won’t ring you again, I promise.”
The hand on his arm drops, and Eddie wants to cry, wants to fall into the one person that would get it, would understand. But he couldn’t, because that person was also the one that broke his heart.
“I’m...I’m sorry.” Steve finally said, eyes sad as he steps away, allowing Eddie to climb up the stairs to the door.
“Me too.” Eddie whispers before opening the door and stepping into the trailer, leaving Steve outside.
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dr4kann · 11 months
Episode 5 — Intangible
Ranboo didn’t hesitate, the moment he stepped out from behind the box he headed straight for Charlie and Sneeg. He had to be fast, not knowing how soon the Showfall agents would be on him, and he realized just how stupid this plan was mid-stride. It was too late to turn back though, so he grabbed onto Charlie’s arm, as he was closer.
“Charlie! Come on, please we have to go! You have to remember! You have to remember, please!”
But there was no response.
Panic rising by the second, Ranboo latched onto Sneeg and tried again, to no avail. Neither had even noticed, not even glancing his way. Looking around, he could see that no one else in the room had any reaction. None of the actors were fazed, the agents still standing still throughout the room, making no move to grab him.
Ranboo started to hyperventilate, this wasn’t meant to happen. He was meant to help them escape, but instead no one could tell he was even there. No one could see him, no one could hear him, it was almost like he wasn’t there. His vision started getting fuzzy, and his breathing picked up, but he felt like he couldn’t get enough air into his lungs. He ended up on the floor, leaning against a wall, while the panic attack ran its course.
Eventually, he calmed down and got his breathing under control again while watching the show go on as normal, everyone completely oblivious to him propped against the wall. He needed to come up with a plan, he was still determined to try to save everyone even if he couldn’t do it directly. However, Ranboo found himself repeatedly distracted with the situations he found himself in: no one being able to see or hear hear him, or perceive him in any way. Thinking back to the state his face is in, he realized.
His face was covered in terrible puncture wounds all over, even piercing through his mask. He had first thought he should be dead with the amount of blood that was spilling out of these holes, and as he now realized, that was still leaking out and trailing down his face. He thought he miraculously survived, but what if he was wrong?
What if he really is dead?
And if he was, that would explain why no one could see him. So with this new knowledge, Ranboo decided to attempt to come up with a way he could still help, even if just by influencing the objects around, since he knew he could at least do that much. So he went throughout the room, knocking things over to see if he could cause any reaction by that. A couple agents seemed to maybe notice, but it was hard to tell with their masks, so he hoped it could be enough.
Moving onto the set where the actors were gathered, he knocked over items from shelves, and pushed things around. This time, his efforts were noticed, but he had so far failed to influence any changes. The most he got were some confused glances at the items he messed with, but nothing came of it.
He continued for as long as he could bear, but he was giving up. As the minutes went by, and he still couldn’t get anything out of the actors, he gave up hope. The overwhelming guilt of not being able to help, even though he had tried so hard, wrapped around him like a snake. He felt like it was crushing him, and the longer he sat there in defeat the more painful it became.
He stood and, forcing himself to not look back, left the room to walk back to where he had woken up. If he couldn’t help, he didn’t want to have to witness any more of the shit Showfall put the actors through, and so he vowed to never leave his room. He would stay for as long as was necessary, but he could only wish for the release of death once again so as to be free from the worry and guilt that will plague him for the rest of his existence.
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megan0013 · 11 months
Her arms are wrapped around his waist, face buried into his chest when he forces the win.
She realizes what’s happening the instant he pulls the knife from its sheathe, but her shock paralyzes her just long enough for him to make his move. His arm arcs sideways and there’s a gasp and the sickening sound of steel piercing flesh and then she’s jerking away from him.
“What have you done?” Clove whispers, eyes wide and, suddenly, very afraid. “Cato, what have you done!”
“I can’t…” He takes a strained, wheezing breath. “I can’t go home without you.”
“No!” She shouts, backing away from the boy in front of her. “This… This isn’t how it was supposed to happen.”
“Clove,” he whispers, taking a single step toward her before collapsing onto his knees.
She rushes forward and helps him onto his back, careful not to aggravate the knife sticking out of his side as she pulls his head onto her lap.
“I’m sorry,” he tells her. “I’m too… selfish. Can’t live… without you.”
“So, what?” She growls through her tears. “I’m just supposed to go on without you? I can’t, Cato.” She shakes her head. “I won’t.”
“Have to.” He tries to smirk, but only manages to grimace in pain.
“No,” she says and reaches into her pocket. She pulls out a handful of berries and holds them out. “I can just eat these and we can go together.”
“Clove, no!” Cato makes a feeble attempt at knocking the berries out of her palm, but his hand barely manages to leave his chest. “No.”
“Wait! Wait! Ladies and gentlemen, presenting-“
But she doesn’t listen to the message Claudius Templesmith is trying to deliver to them. She throws a handful of berries into her mouth and swallows them whole.
“Clove,” Cato groans, eyes fluttering as he tries to maintain consciousness.
“I have always,” Clove whispers fiercely as she leans forward to rest her forehead against his, “loved you.”
“I wish…”
The cannon booms, followed seconds later by another. There is no winner this year, no hope, and the Capitol burns because of it.
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just-another-siimp · 1 year
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You after cooking up some devious ass plot to put the reader through and make Johnny suffer(compliment)
Me holding all of y'all back after the reader gets ki-
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bluewhale52 · 1 year
the ending?? 😭 joon deserves better than OC w all her baggage tbh
Yeah- I can’t forgive myself if the ending was any different 😕
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What if, after losing his arm to Tao, Kibi didn't survive long enough to reach the hospital for surgery? What will happen to Tao & how would he handle it? What about the rest of the Drama Club?
This is an interesting one. Because I'm assuming that either Kibi dies in the school infirmary ("best" option) or in Legosi's arms (worst option).
If he dies while Legosi is trying to get him to the infirmary, then that's big trouble for Legosi. And Riz, now that I think about it. Because they are carrying a freshly-dead, dismembered herbivore corpse in the middle of a school that just had a predation incident. No matter what testimony is given, there is going to be an exstensive investigation into them both, and it wouldn't surprise me if people blamed Legosi even though he did nothing - his schoolmates seem to find him creepy, after all.
Riz would be getting grilled, and I'd imagine something slips - a turn of phrase gone wrong - that leads to the mystery of Tem's death being solved. Riz goes to jail as in canon, but with no fight.
Legosi is most likely released after the cops have no evidence of wrongdoing, but the students at Cherryton would probably be wary of him for a long time afterwards. I see him just retreating into his shell almost completely after this - Kibi trusted him and he couldn't save him, so add another neurosis to the list - to the point that only Jack is barely able to get him to interact.
As for Tao, the plot kind of curdles. He is the reason Kibi died, but it was an accident. But, the society they live in is biased in favour of herbivores, and Tao did basically kill his herbivore classmate. Unintentional death is still death, and I doubt Kibi's family care about the distinction.
Tao would be very likely to spiral into a cycle of guilt and depression, regardless of what consequences he faces - Kibi was one of his best friends, and one of the only herbivores that trusted him enough to hang out.
Depending on how much support Tao gets, I can see him either living a very miserable life, battling with the guilt for the rest of it, or simply deciding he can't handle the pain anymore, and committing suicide. Nobody gets a happy ending in this AU, sadly.
(Since Riz went to jail, Legosi didn't drop out of school or find Louis, and thus I imagine Louis died during the Day of Depravity fighting Melon.)
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Okay *cracks knuckles* Jackiko angst time
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winter-jay-official · 2 years
Doodle of dahlia on her evil arc <3
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Friendship never dies in FNAF..
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