#nip anon
sunglassesmish · 2 months
The anon don't need to eat their shoe, I found a photo of Mish🥰
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ajax with dimples and foul legacy with two dips carved into either side of his intricate lil mask face
*holds mic up* YOU. KEEP TALKING
you met Foul Legacy before you meet Ajax, somewhere out in the mountains of Liyue when he's finishing up a training session, the sight of a giant Abyssal monster making you freeze in your tracks, blood turning to ice when his faceted gaze lands on you. your heart drops, squeezing your eyes shut as heavy footsteps approach you- only to blink when something solid and slightly cold bumps gently against your forehead. the creature whines quietly, sitting on his heels to make himself seem smaller, less threatening, and slowly you reach out and set your hand on top of his head, your finger sinking into his fluffy hair. the beast brightens, odd, gem-shaped eye gleaming as he promptly leans in and begins sniffing your jacket and bag, letting out curious chitters and leaning against your palms with happy purrs. all you can do is laugh in surprise, fingers tracing the edges of his mask-like face, eventually falling on two small divots where his cheeks might be, serving seemingly no purpose. you poke them, and tilt your head, and your new friend simply tilts his head in mimicry and trills
it's not until you meet Ajax, or Childe as he goes by when doing his Harbinger work, that you understand. he's loud and boisterous and a bit playfully rough, almost the exact opposite of his Abyssal counterpart you come to know as Foul Legacy, always greeting you with a tight squeeze or a pat on the head and swinging your hand cheerfully as you walk. there's a certain charm to him when he spontaneously twirls you around or lifts you off the ground to carry you, like today, and you stare down at him with a good-natured smile as he grins up at you, oceanic eyes creased shut. you blink, then gasp, and Ajax's eyes fly open as he looks at you worriedly, but you merely laugh and poke his cheeks in delight, your fingers nudging familiar divots, except in soft skin rather than a tough mask
"Ajax! You and Foul Legacy have dimples!"
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queen-b97 · 13 days
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Just one of those days …. x
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localwench · 1 year
can we please see your pretty nips with a hint of your adorable smile 🥰💞
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I already took the pictures in question but you can have Oliver’s adorable face instead <3
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ahappydnp · 3 months
I had a dream where Dan released a 115 laminated page book where every page was just an astetic naked photo of himself 😭 and I was so mad in my dream because I never got to read it lmao
really appreciate the inclusion that the pages were laminated anon i'm sure dream dan absolutely worked that into the promo for reasons
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meownotgood · 5 months
tonight im thinking about playing with akis sensitive nipples... the sounds he would make, how pretty he would sound, how much of a red tint would grow on his cheeks and on the tip of his ears... how just a little teasing would get him to be a pathetic, cute little mess omg.
aki curls into your touch, his face red up to the ends of his ears; he's just so sensitive, electricity runs up his spine and it feels like his heart might explode every time your warm fingertips brush his chest. he ends up chomping hard on his bottom lip to try and stay quiet, embarrassment gnawing at the pit of his stomach. just from this, he's already getting hard, he can feel his length sitting thick on his thigh and commanding all of his attention with a few heady pulses.
but when you get bolder, grabbing his nipple and pinching, his breath gets caught in his lungs, and he can't stop the sinful gasps and whimpers that leave his mouth.
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just-bendy · 1 year
Is Sammy buff..? The shirt has me questioning things…
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[ Shirtless warning ]
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(( of course 😌👍 ))
(( curvy woman 😍💕))
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taegularities · 6 months
lord forgive me
lord forgive me indeed
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hey hadley, im getting into crypto. could you give me advice on a good coin to start with?
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he's not THAT villainous, anon.
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
Richard with a belly button piercing wawawawa
Anon you can't just throw things like that in my direction and expect me to function properly for the rest of the day
Just imagine a little silver belly button on that squishy tummy, maybe peaking through his chicken coat uuuughgg
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I need to lie down now for a while and have some alone time
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suenitos · 29 days
it’s also Very Odd that so many dream mains are ignoring george or saying awful things about him when their main guy was out there defending him like crazy a month ago 😭 the dream team are a package deal but dnf in particular really are like sapnap has his own individual things going on that don’t include dnf but dnf are arms linked glued together for every bit of their work. kind of impossible to hate george when he’s dreams favorite person
im sayinggggggg. like i kinda did mean for that initial post to be semi lighthearted but he really is in some ways the heart of dream team in my opinion. bringing sapnap back into this its obvious sapnap loves him too like a LOT and hes grown to do so. i dont think a lot of what dteam has accomplished or done couldve happened without george, just as it couldnt have happened without dream or sapnap. but i also think most people understand this even if they do have favorites . the main point for me over everything else was just let people be excited about new stuff in their own ways
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As requested, this scene.
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Vincent Price - Return of The Fly (1959)
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handsomegentlebutch · 2 months
May I offer hierophilia as a cure to catholic guilt
I just woke up and tried to Google this and spelled it wrong and I was like ??? The blood disorder?? Lmao and then I spelled it right. Anyway I have kind of a funny story about this:
The church I went to as a teen had this absolutely BEAUTIFUL garden courtyard area. I mean like drop dead gorgeous. Had wildflowers native to our area and everything- super well cared for and clearly very loved. There were lots of religious statues and stuff. The statues were beautiful too. Either stone or marble and carved so intricately. There was a little fountain too. In the center of it all was mother Mary.
This was my fave place to hang out. It was peaceful and quiet. I did a lot of meditating there. I was there one day over the summer, I think I was maybe 13 or 14? And I was crying. I got flustered by a pretty girl. I was trying to pray the gay away again and failing. I was literally on my knees before the statue of mother Mary begging her. Not this, holy mother. Anything but this.
When I get really upset sometimes I have a hard time breathing so I have to collect myself and take a few breaths. So I did that so I could keep talking to her. And my unmededicated and undiagnosed ADHD ass got distracted from my angst by just how amazing the statue was like as a piece of artwork. It was MARBLE and there were folds in her clothes. Small veins in her hands. It's really technically impressive. I took moment just to appreciate it.
Then I checked out the statues tits and got flustered by her erect nips and cried again
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renardsruses · 9 months
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Woowoo, it’s Wednesday
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leonsliga · 4 months
did someone shrink the shirts again
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I just wanna know who’s responsible so I can thank them 😂 they deserve a pay raise for doing such a tremendous public service
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