#new bestie ig
rubyreduji · 2 years
why is no one talking abt hoshi's instagram story and how he just made friends with a random bird??? 😭😭
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hayaku14 · 1 month
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even heiji is like, "what in the gay is going on" LMAO
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bunnihearted · 2 months
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moonlit-aura · 8 months
what if gaster keeps giving us eggs because idk it just fucking took kris ages to stop being clueless and crack theirs, and he's making fun of them across time and space for not realizing quicker because it was v obvious in hindsight. that's the secret that's all there is to it
(now with a companion doodle to vent out the insanity x)
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borathae · 7 months
I kinda wanna post one of my drawings already but I'm so shy 🙈 hahahah istfg it's so scary to vendure out of your comfort zone FKAKDFS
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faerenjun · 2 years
stfu markrensung 🖤
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onceagwen · 9 months
in light of a friend who passed away on tuesday
my friends struggling with addiction - if you have any amount of clean time, and you relapse, please know your body cannot handle the same dosages you took before you got clean. it’s very common for addicts to pass away after gaining a stretch of clean time because they misjudge how much their body can tolerate during a relapse.
relapse is a normal part of the struggle with addiction. it happens. just please make sure you’re working your way back into using with smaller dosages. your tolerance will not be the same as when you stopped using.
anyway stay safe out there. love y’all.
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lildoodlenoodle · 11 months
Not the spiderverse art book restarting the dying down Hobie age discourse. With the Japanese version implying he’s a ‘young boy’(I think that’s what it was either way either way) and the book saying ‘he’s much older than miles..’(smth like that either way either way) and it’s like seriously? Again? AGAIN?
The directors said it’s up to interpretation. And the only reason(w/ the exclusion of the people thinking he’s like 30 cause that’s weird and gross, re-examine some racial biases)that people are so adamant he is or isn’t a minor is because of shipping! Whether it’s with one of the spider teens or with OCs or justifying self shipping it’s weird! It’s weird that that’s the reason people are going nuts over this shit and dying on their respective hills. And let people have their HCs holyshit.
And to reiterate: it’s not proshipping/pedoshit if someone HCs Hobie as a teen and ships them with one of the spider teens. It’s not necessarily fetishization and is not pedoshit if people HC him as a young adult and do self ships or whatever else goes on there.
It’s fandom let people fuck around. Something doesn’t have to be justified as morally wrong for you not to like it. Stop trying to force your own Head Canons, key word HEAD as in the canon in your head, onto other people.
Sorry for the rant I just cannot believe it’s still going.
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o0ogalaxyroseo0o · 1 year
hey so uh was it just me or does anyone think sparrow is going to die Terribly and Painfully in the next episode.
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because like look at that shit. that is a torture device
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starlooove · 2 years
Ok but Lex Luther is 1000% a black capitalist who will conveniently ignore that he’s black until it’s time for him to try and cater to the community for something (“as always…Wakanda forever! Signed presidential candidate Lex Luthor”) and I genuinely think that he would not have made Kon privy to the fact that HE’S also black so just
Core four hanging at Wayne manor one day and Duke happens to walk in and he’s not rude or anything ok? Hell, he gave himself a fade so he technically had no real room to talk! It’s just…why did Kon relax his hair just to curl it again?? And badly too? Shit looks fried and he just wants to see if he can help so he kinda pulls him over and is like “what’s ur routine bro?”
And Kon has no idea what’s going on?? What is a “doo rag?” What the hell does Duke want him to “pick?” And Duke is finally upfront about it and is like “Conner…do you know that you’re black?” And Kon short circuits.
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fridaysvalentine · 2 years
thanking god everyday for whichever clubhouse attendant made them locker mates
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hella1975 · 1 year
Hi hella! I love love your writing and have done so for years and liked your posts but above all else I am a social media lurker at heart. But I wanted to tell you that following you for so long I’ve seen you go off to college and strike out on your own. Your self reflection and how you move through your life is so inspiring. I feel like your proud distant auntie sometimes cheering you on from afar. Growing up and going through school and into your adulthood is so confusing and frustrating and depressing sometimes but I’m a bit on the other side now and can tell you you’re doing so well. Absolutely killing it and it’s a privilege to read about. Your openness often has me reflect on my own life! I appreciate you bestie 🫶
reading this was genuinely so emotional BESTIE WHAT THE HELL
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#IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE I PROMISE I MEAN THIS IN THE MOST POSITIVE OF WAYS#because it just made me really reflective ig? like so much of my life and so many of my issues surround this huge isolation#either ive been made to feel isolated or ive used isolation as a coping mechanism or even that i romanticised my own capacity for it#but regardless i have a really rigid acceptance that im on my own through life#and as a kid that was terrifying and was probably what got me in my head so much#like staring at the enormity of it all and going 'i am alone. i am a singular vessel whose intricacies are inaccessible to anyone else'#and that is TERRIFYING. and yes while it will always be true to an extent ive realised it doesnt have to be entirely#you can share yourself with others and find love in that and friendships and it's taken me years but this year more than any#i feel like ive finally come out of a very long dark tunnel and no one else around me has any idea that any of this is a big deal to me#bc they never had any idea what i was going through#but like?? at some point or another you guys started tagging along and i overshared a shit ton lmao#and a lot of you have been here for YEARS and like. wtf you're RIGHT ive taken you guys along with me for everything#my sexuality crisis my writing journey getting a new job starting uni going into second year making and losing friendships#testing out romance listening to music watching new shows. like every part of myself that's too small and silly to share irl is something#i tell you guys without a second thought like i started this when i was SEVENTEEN and now im twenty you guys have acc watched me grow#im so emotional over this esp bc lately ive focussed mainly on the DOWNSIDES of me being online in these years#idk i needed this more than you know bestie tysm for sticking by my side and same for the rest of you <3 ily ily ily#ask
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I mean I also hate the chokehold that Cullen has on the tiktok girlies but can you really talk about ugly when you romanced Solas? 🤔 Egg looking ass.
His ugliness is literally part of the appeal what's not CLICKING! Cullen girlies lie to themselves he's ugly inside and outside, IM realistic
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vaugarde · 1 year
idea for wc rewrite again……… what if ravenpaw became a housecat for firestar’s old housefolk
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werchezdeeno · 1 year
probably not the first person to say this, but since its pride month, it would be pretty great to some ice adolescence news lmao
so yeah mappa plz indulge in my delusions i beg of u
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dorianwolfforest · 2 years
Dorian, what's the tea on emerald valley ranch? Is the creator an asshole or something?
The studio works with a reviewer called Alice (The Mane Quest) who isn't awful or anything, it's just a bunch of personal icks that I don't like. Someone else on ssoblr has a personal history of being in her discord server where the mods according to them behaved ableist and powertripp-y, and alice then put the users who left or were banned because of it on blast for the whole server. Which. Gross.
Also, I talked about this on stream yesterday, I do not like game companies that market themselves as the "better option" to something else. Whether that is liking comments on your youtube page that basically read "sso bad new horse game good!" (Hello, Astride :] ) or if it's making articles about how awful all other games are and how good your game is going to be, the idea that there can only be one top game that needs to be overthrown is insane.
I personally think you're not a game studio worth your salt if your marketing ploy is "Better than the other ones" or "We took what the other games didn't have and built off of that" because that's a great way to create a boring and nothing game, something emerald valley ranch lives up to wholly. There's very little story, the characters are boring, and there's no life to the game. It's not an open-world adventure, you have to follow the paths on the map and get to certain areas that are a little more opened up. There's an entire in-game village that only two people live in because there are so few NPC's for such a large map.
It's a nice racing game, even if the controls are wonky and the camera angles are weird, but it's absolutely not close to what they've tried to promise people. The personalization and breeding aspects of the game are also just bad. You have such a high overturn of horses, you might learn the personality of 2 of them throughout the entire game. And breeding doesn't matter, because there's no money in the game and you can get a close to maxed-out horse by just doing the main quest. Sure you gain fame from selling horses, but after playing for 30 minutes I had more fame than I would need for the entire rest of the game.
Basically, the things it did good, it did poorly, and the things it did poorly were sorry attempts.
Also do understand I wanted this game to be good. I did not spend $26 to shit on a product I had already decided I was going to hate. I wanted this to be the experience
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