#never before have i felt more like a writer 😌
ok so here's the thing
the peak mungo/rumple dynamic is when they're achieving chaos that is mostly harmless, ya know? they're the ones that add dye to your shampoo, they're the ones who fake throwing the cooler water at strangers, they're the ones who print fake dollar bills that have a bible quote or some shit on the other side
it's great, we love them, some vandalizing & robbery never goes wrong
so you know what would be their best dynamic? faking being twin siblings when in reality they're strangers with not an ounce of blood shared
(of course over time of tomfoolery they basically become siblings, but stick with me)
and so these two hooligans saw each other, made the 0.05 realization they look the same, and fully committed to bit of being twins
and the fic i'm doing rn is basically that.... just don't look at the angst tag (^人^)
(c'mon tell me mungo didn't just point at this random calico and went 'twin' just to save her ass)
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hitomisuzuya · 10 months
First of all, I wanna say that you're my favorite scara fic writer ever! I'm happy that you're doing well again (^^)
As for my request, reader comforting Wanderer after he had a nightmare about being abandoned by them? I want something soft for him, he deserves all the reassurance and cuddles he needs
Wanderer x fem!reader. Comfort. Fluff. Wanderer deserves every bit of love and reassurance. I love him so much.
Aww, thank you so much🥺 Reading your compliment made me feel really happy. I hope you enjoy. I knew just what to do with this one😌
Wanderer didn't need to sleep, but it was a luxury he normally enjoyed indulging in. Tonight, however, was different.
You were stirred awake by Wanderer restlessly tossing and turning in his sleep, his hands reaching out for you. Turning over on your side, you scooted closer to him, putting your hands on his cheeks.
He was having a nightmare. You'd seen fits like this too often for your comfort. You could never stand it when he had a nightmare. He always looked like he was in so much pain.
"Scara," You said softly, not wanting to startle him awake. "Scara, you are dreaming. It's time to wake up now."
"Don't leave me, please," Wanderer cried out as his eyes snapped open. The second he saw you, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him.
You felt him trembling as he held you against him, like something was going to take you away from him if he didn't hang onto you. And the most painful part of it all was that he was crying.
"Scara, it's okay," You soothed, brushing his tears away with your thumbs. "It was just a dream, I promise."
"It was nothing," Wanderer insisted stubbornly, blushing in embarrassment from the tears in his eyes.
You sighed patiently. "If it was nothing, then why are you crying?" You rested your forehead on his, curling your body into him so he could feel you against him, and calm down.
Wanderer was quiet for a long moment. "I dreamt that you left me. And that it was my fault," He said softly, furious that more tears were welling in his eyes.
"Scara, look at me," You said, pressing a gentle kiss on his lips as you took one of his hands. You put it on your chest where your heart was. "Do you feel that, Scara?" You asked.
Wanderer stared down at his hand, captivated by the feeling of your heart thudding gently against his hand. He nodded, resting his head on your chest. He found the sound of heart beat in his ear instantly comforting.
"My heart beats for you, Scara. Always remember that," You stroked a hand through his hair, hearing him sigh content and tired. "I promise I will never leave you. I am still holding very firm to that promise. And I never, ever break my promises."
Wanderer knew you meant it. Every word.
You said the three words that never failed to reassure and comfort him: "I love you, Scara." He instantly felt lighter, visibly relaxing against you.
"Will you stay awake until I fall asleep again?" He asked, nuzzling his cheek lovingly against your chest. Right over heartbeat.
"Of course, sweets," You stroked a hand through his hair. It wasn't long before he felt sleep tugging on his senses. He fell right back to sleep listening to the sound of your heartbeat.
A heart that beat for him.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 10 months
Can u do a pedri angst where him and reader finally make it official after months of him chasing after her but the next day the paparazzi find him getting cozy with a girl qnd its all over the media and she feels embarrassed but he doesnt think its a big deal so they get into a fight but make up in the end
I had this already done and then guess what...? I saw the same req but with Gavi🥴 Please, I don't really know how many times I've said it but don't request the exact same thing to other writers. I had this made before I saw it with Gavi so...🥴 Please, tell me what you think of this, I truly hope you like it!
Wrong Move -P.G8
Summary: He doesn't see what's wrong but you do
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You remember the excitement on Pedro's face when you told him that you were finally agreeing to go on a date with him after five months of him trying. He went all in towards you and hugged you against him for a whole five minutes murmuring a few thank you's and a few you won't regret it's.
And it's not like you weren't interested in him, because you were; but, he was a famous football player and you were a simple univeristy student who works her ass off to pay for her university and bills. His busy and flashy life didn't contrasted a single bit with your boring and stressing studing one.
You were also scared of the media breaking into your private life and not to mentions his fans that could break you in millions of pieces with three words and also he had a reputation often being connected with random girls with the context of a hookup, he saying that he didn't looked for a serious relationship made you hesitate about him but Pedri reassured you and show you that, that was past, that he truly saw himself in a long run with you and that you'll be more than a random hookup.
He worked hard for you to believe him and he show you he really meant it.
That's why you gave him a chance and after eight months together as girlfriend and boyfriend and one month out in the public eye, you felt for the first time ever doubtful of everything he had said to you.
Pedro had asked if you wanted to join him, Fer, Adrián and their girlfriends on a night out since it was Adrian girlfriend's birthday and as much as you wanted to, you couldn't because you had to submitt a twenty-five pages essay in fours hours and you were barely at the fifteen page.
"Don't overwork yourself, amor, please" Pedro had said grabbing his keys "Te quiero, sé que podrás hacerlo, bonita" (I love you, I know you can do it) He smiled as you kissed him goodbye
"Te escribo al terminar, diviértete pero no mucho" (I'll text you whenever I'm done with it, have fun but not that much) You smiled fixing the neck of his polo as he pulled you closer to him by the waist kissing your lips once more
"I could never, not if you're not with me" He said against your lips before pecking them twice
"Anda, lindo. Te quiero" (Go pretty boy. Love you)
"Yo más, regreso más tarde" (Love you more, I'll be back later)
Two hours later, you got some weird inspiration and managed to finish your essay, you texted Pedro with the image of your submitted work and a lil "🎉😌 Did it!" To which he replied with a heart eyes emoji and "My smart girl" as you smile and got ready to have some dinner and shower.
Four hours later, you were sat on your couch with your chest tightening and watching the video of Pedri with a girl all over him, they were sit in some couch but this girl had her whole front pressed up against his side, her arms linked with his and they were talking.
The video showed him looking at her and sometimes nodding or shaking his head speaking with a smile but she was laughing, throwing her head back, pushing her hair out of her shoulder, the video ended with Pedro getting up and she following him.
Underneath, the comments were all of them disappointed on Pedro and supporting you but it didn't mattered to you.
What mattered is that how you were feeling, you were embarrassed, everyone was talking about how you were "The one who got cheated on", you wanted to cry and deeply wanted to know what is going on, on Pedro's head. You wanted him to tell you what did you just saw and the why behind his actions.
Ten minutes later approximately, you heard the front door being opened, soon your heard him taking off his shoes and then leaving his keys on the holder you guys have. Seconds later, you saw his figure greeting you in your living room.
"How did you passed from thirteen to almost thirty pages of content in two hours? Was I distracting you?" He laughed lightly coming over to you but his comment didn't changed your facial expressions, he didn't noticed them "I'm truly happy for you, bonita. However, don't let an assigment that long get up to you at last minute ever again. I don't want to see you that stressed out again, you were gonna pass out and I would have done it too 'cus-" You interrupted him showing him the video
"What's this and who's that girl?" Your questions sounded defensive and catched Pedro out of guard.
"¿Disculpa?" (Sorry?)
"Who's that girl? And what is this thing that's happening on the video?"
"She's just one of Ferran's friends"
"And are Ferran's friends allowed to link their arms through yours, push themselves against you and basically hint that they want you to... You know?"
"She wasn't hinting anything"
"You are right. She wasn't hinting, she was showing you. She was openly flirting with you and you weren't doing anything to stop it"
"You're overreacting this"
"Am I?" You stood up shaking your head in disbelief "If I am, then why millions of people are agreeing with me too? I'm not the only one. People are thinking you cheated on me with this girl"
"And you believe them?"
"I don't... But should I? You were incredibly cosy with letting her rest her front against your fucking arm over and over again. You were laughing, shaking and nodding your head at her words without pushing her away or letting her know you had someone waiting for you at home"
"Had?" He asked eyes wide open as you closed your mouth "You're just being jealous. I wasn't flirting with her and I definitely couldn't care any less if she had another intentions with me because I am that crazy in love with you, I am freaking greatful and satisfied for what I have at home that I don't need to see anything or anyone on the sidelines"
"Really? You have such a weird way to show that"
"I'm tired, Pedri. We can talk it later, I'm not in the mood to hear or see you anymore" You sighed shaking your head, you grabbed your phone and passed by him going to your shared bedroom "I definitely didn't think this could happen to us"
He heard it.
"Nothing has happen to us! You're overreacting!" He yelled pushing his head up so he can see you
"Would you think I'm overreacting if tables were turned around? Would you think it's okay if I go to some other man and flirt and link my arm through his and push myself onto him? Would you accept, me looking into your eyes and tell you: "I wasn't flirting with him"? Wouldn't you feel down knowing a millions of people have seen it and are letting you look like you were cheated on? Wouldn't you feel embarrassed? Are you sure you wouldn't? Because if you wouldn't then yes... I'm overreacting" You said looking into his eyes "Accept it, you fucked it up when you let her get that close to you"
"So this is it?"
"I don't even want to know if this is it or if it isn't. You can make your own assumptions and you can let me known them with another video if you like, I'll be in the guest room. I'm done. Night, Pedri"
And with that you were gone as he stood there looking up at where you were standing. He took his phone and got inside Twitter, the video was the first thing loading into his homepage.
He gulped watching it, it really could be misinterpreted but he wasn't doing anything with other intentions. He loves you with his whole life. It can be said that he loves you even more than he loves football, you came into his life unexpectedly and turned it around 360°.
He didn't see girls who weren't you with other eyes, he even stopped receiving fangirls numbers to prove you he is serious with you and to let you know how much he respects you.
"Why didn't I pushed her away?" He questioned himself
She was funny and he did liked her, as a friend, she lets herself be liked and gets into the group fast but in his mind and heart you were the only one.
You are the only one and he did the wrong move. His efforts that once were high now laid at 0 and he did understand your point of view now.
Frustrated with himself he got out of the app and his eyes connected with his home lockscreen. You and him kissing each other in a beach during you vacations in Canarias, the beauty of the photo is the love you two have for each other and the kiss that was interrupted by smiles on both of your faces.
He has to make it up to you.
Picking up said photo, he captured it with: Mi única chica, te amo💜 hoy y siempre♾️. (My one and only, I love you. Today and always) He turned off the comments for everyone except for you and headed up to the guest room.
He had to be careful with his words and explain himself as much as he could. Your eyes were closed but your cheeks had tear marks, you were awake just ignoring his presence. He sighed and crunched down to be in front of you.
"Que soy un idiota" (I'm an idiot) He began "I swear to everything I own and to everyone I love that I truly don't care about her, I talked to her and tried to be just her friend, she's nice and she may had wanted something with me but the only one I want, the only attention I want, the only girl I will care about the most, the only girl I will flirt back with, the only girl I fall in love with, the only one who I make fool with, my only one everything is you" He reached out to push your hair out of your face and when he saw you didn't reacted back to it, he let his palm lay softly on your cheek carressing it with his thumb.
"I'm sorry, mi vida. I really don't know why I didn't pushed her back, I should have because I'm a taken man but I guess she's new over here and we just wanted her to be comfortable with us"
"But not that comfortable" You said as Pedri smiled
"I know, she crossed a line" You open your eyes and looked at Pedri "I'm sorry" You shook your head smiling lightly "And you didn't overreacted, I would've done the exact same thing if tables were turned around. I'm truly sorry, mi vida"
"Don't do it again, Pedri"
"You only call me Pedri when you're mad!"
"I still am!"
"What can I do for that bad feeling to go away?"
"Cuddle me, love me, give me some ice cream and never do it again?"
"I can do all four and mostly the second one" You smiled and lifted the blanket for him to step inside. He smiled taking off his hoodie and joggers being left in his boxers and wrapped his arms around you.
He pushed his head down and searched for your lips, kissing you softly and slow "Te amo" He breathed out
"Te amo, mi niño lindo" You whispered back as he pressed you further into him. You guys got comfy and after a few minutes Pedro gasped "What's wrong?"
"The ice cream" He turned you around and got out of your hold
"Pedro, no! Come back here! Ice cream can wait!"
"I know how that goes! Ice cream CANNOT wait!" You smiled widely falling back into the pillows.
He may did a wrong move but he always knew how to fix it.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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chlorinecake · 5 months
your first impression of your moots and your impression now?
took me a while to get to this but here’s my long asf answer 🐈‍⬛
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@angel1kisses ✮⋆˙ idk, something abt her blog jst INSTANTLY captivated me, like… even before I saw what she looked like, I knew she’d be a baddie 😏 in simple word tho, jst think of every high school stereotype (minus jock) but in one person. that’s how chaotic her energy was to me 😭 and it’s the same way now… gotta love my random and smexy wifey huhu 🤭
@nikisdubblchococake ✮⋆˙ meme material. she had an asian santa pfp when I first saw her account 😭 so I figured she would have an interesting sense of humor. she also used a lot of slang and meme references whenever we texted, but I just loved her energy from the beginning, and I knew we’d end up being really close friends like we are now 🫶 my copium 💯
@minhosimthings ✮⋆˙ okay so… mona left an interesting first impression on me… I was honestly a bit intimidated by her in the beginning 😳?? I just didn’t feel worthy/brave enough to talk to her at first 😭 like… she had a very quirky, mysterious, and boss bitch vibe all around ~~ but when I finally got to know her, she’s literally such a sweetheart :( like Ik we’re partners in crime but she seriously stole my heart… ❤️‍🩹 my jagi… all mine 🫂
@starrywonie ✮⋆˙ y’all. I’m abt to embarrass the hell out of myself when I saw this, but I was literally OBSESSED with Nana when I first found her page (way before I started writing myself) ~ like, i honestly thought she was older than me bc I just looked up to her as THE Jungwon fan page. now after getting to know her tho, she’s literally a walking wonie 🥲 the cutest bby ever 🫶
@candewlsy ✮⋆˙ okay soooooooo, i didn’t really have a first impression of Mizu bc as soon as I discovered her blog, we were talking and texting on discord the next day 🤪 !! but from that, i can say she has a very lovable and sociable nature… always willing to learn more abt a person while also sharing things abt herself... can't forget how much she loves her cowboys, too 🤠
@wonfilez ✮⋆˙ i discovered her blog during my yandere phase and boy when I tell you she had me hooked with "beautiful monster" 🫠 I just admired how talented of a writer she was (even though that was the only work I'd read by her at the time, it was enough to make me a fan 😭)... aside from the past though, once I finally got to meet her, I admired her bubbly personality 🫶
@enmayz ✮⋆ ˙ I just never felt confident/worthy enough to speak to or even follow Mira 😭 ... just from seeing the way she'd talk about her moots on her blog, I could immediately tell she had such a beautiful soul, and anyone close to her was literally so lucky, like- now tho? don't even get me started on her voice... her looks... her charisma ??? the girl just slays, I tell you...
@jaylaxies ✮⋆˙ enhabler's disney princess right here ☝️. I don't know what it is abt Aria, but she just radiates such royal energy??? like, as crazy as it sounds, I'm pretty sure she sparkles like diamonds or smth, bc she's literally a celebrity. an ICON, I tell you. but aside from my fangirling, she really is a sweetheart. very humble, very chill... yeah, she just slays like that 😌
@hoondrop ✮⋆˙ intimidating part 2. I always felt like a peasant whenever I saw Moon’s blog, like- it seemed disrespectful for me to even scroll through her posts 🤡 idk if it was just the aesthetic of her page, but she genuinely seemed ethereal to me. and even now after speaking with her a few times, she’s like an older sister 🥲 cool, chill, while still being relatable, just in a mature sense 🫠
@takiberry ✮⋆˙ miss renè... from the day she followed me, I didn't even bother checking out her blog because I HAD ALREADY BEEN STALKING NGL 🤡 she just seemed so vibey from the way she responded to her fans, plus, not a lot of creators on here write abt &team, so I was like, yes, let's be friends !! now tho, I see her as the lucky friend... blessed with good looks, a sweet personality and the opportunity to talk to ej 🥲 she's just THAT girl ~~
@rowretro ✮⋆˙ even though we just became moots closer towards the end of this year, I had to include Rowan on this list because she's just so cool and bubbly, and I've already had sm fun getting to know this cutie patootie over the past few days and I can’t wait for our friendship to blossom as time goes on :)
@squoxle ✮⋆˙ this beeyatch just gets on my nerves, honestly... from the moment I saw her as a baby in the hospital, I knew she would be the death of my 9 month streak of peace. but to look on the bright side... actually? there is no bright side 😔 only darkness... my impression of her remains the same, tho. she stinks, she's ugly, and HELLA annoying XD
@microwvdstrawb3rri3s ✮⋆˙ when I first saw her account, I didn't really form an opinion abt her bc I saw her as a follower than anything. but once we started talking more frequently, I swear she's like the cutest little sister ever 🥲 so endearing, energetic, and sweet... like, it genuinely makes my day every time I see one of her silly asks or just a random "hello" message in my dms !!
@cheruluv ✮⋆˙ if I'm remembering correctly, I first met Iya when she asked abt one of my yandere fics, so I just assumed right out the gate that she'd have more of an edgy personality, but when I actually got to know her, she's such a ray of comfort ❤️‍🩹. I mean, she's literally a human version of a my little pony character. just so nice and friendly all the time... 🫠
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Side Note: This year has been TRASH to say the least (won’t get into the details because the haters are waiting to celebrate my misfortune)… But ever since I started this blog in early August, I’ve never felt happier, like…. ever 🤑!!! So I just wanna thank all of my precious mooties for literally just existing (?) and getting me through some of the toughest moments in my life this year… obviously I’m religious, so I gotta give credit to the LORD too 🧎‍♀️ but knowing you guys is such a slay for me. Legit feels like I’m winning at life… but anyway, Happy New Year to all of you lovelies 🫶🫶🫶 and special thanks to @ashgonedash (the original gangster... kudos to this queen for requesting blood on ice 🫡), and @yourmomscuntis2tighy (my highness... MEGA props for coming up with the convenient chances plot, like HELLO???)... these two girls have supported my goofy ahh blog since the beginning, and I will always remember y’all baddies for that :3 Take care and stay safe !! MUAH 😽 Love, Chloé 🩵
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bhaalbabebardlock · 2 months
Writing Masterpost
I have a lot of ~feelings~ about having to shift my pinned post from my long fic after almost three months. I'm shocked that I've started writing other things, but here we are. 🫣✨
The OCs of My Stories
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~If it isn't a one shot, it has its own masterpost in addition to being listed here~
Daisies | Wasteland
Nature's Gifts | Hand That Feeds
Messages | AO3
Writer's Discord | Dead Dove Discord
All BG3 related writing, summaries, and links below the cut!
Daisies On My Nightstand (AO3)
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(I stopped regularly updating chapters here since the fic has gotten so long, but there's background information/pictures of Ilara and some chapters were posted here originally!)
This is my longfic! It is so long. It is my baby. It is now longer than return of the king somehow. It has too many tropes, it has a slow burn romance, it has dark romance. There is Raphael and Gortash and Astarion and Shadowheart and. A lot. I mean a lot. I update chapters daily on a semi regular/consistent schedule. Please please be mindful of tags and chapter notes!
The story of a Bhaal-Spawn who only ever wanted to be free.
Ilara would do anything for the people she loves, having never been freely allowed to do so before- including killing her past, denouncing her God, and damning 7,000 souls. Can she save herself, let alone anyone else?
--story has finished first half, see below for second half--
The Wasteland Crown (AO3)
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Ilara started out wanting her own freedom, and continuously sacrificed it to save the people she cares for- somehow always fumbling everything in the process.
Was it worth it?
Can she save any of them still?
Can she even save herself?
-- the second and final half of the story about a Bhaal-spawn who is only trying to figure out what freedom, choices, power, and love even mean.--
Nature's Gifts on AO3
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Self indulgent filthy smut that was supposed to be a one shot and now isn't. Tadpole smut and something going on with both Astarion and Gale and the weird little druid they're hanging out with. 😌
Unlike my other long fic, this is unlikely to be updated DAILY but will be updated often.
Major tags (others on AO3): m/f, m/f/m, inappropriate use of tadpoles, smut that grew feelings and plot
If you're all stuck with these tadpoles anyway, is there really any harm in seeing what they can do?
She let her mind wander, finding herself aggravated more than anything when those thoughts turned to Astarion, to the way his lips had brushed against her ear. She let out an agitated breath as she thought of how he felt laying on top of her, his mouth against her pulse a few nights ago. The way she felt him trying to still his hips against hers, it was just a taste after all. It was just one bite. It's not like any clothes came off. And it certainly hasn't happened again.
But what if it did?
Tandem on AO3
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A series of one shots told in no specific order about my evil durge, Lili(th) and her sole companion, Astarion. Some will be fluff, some will be smut, some will just be unhinged probably. This won't update often but they'll be around 💕
Major tags (more to be added): blood drinking, canon typical violence, eventually there will be more.
The Hand That Feeds
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Summary: After throwing the Karsus Crown into the Chionthar at the risk of losing her sanity, Lili has only Astarion to keep her grounded. Until she's kidnapped by someone that she held hands with, once, months ago.
Important tags: toxic Gale, creepy/yandere gale, god!Gale, asc!astarion, kidnapping, non-con, forced love
AO3 Link | Masterpost
✨One Shots✨ (all nsfw)
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Full story on AO3
One shot, single chapter; 3,859 Words. Reader x Astarion;
Important tags: major character death warning, sad smut, explicit, F/M
Five years after walking away from The Vampire Ascendant and everything he offered to you, you've returned to stop him from wreaking havoc on Baldur's Gate. That turns out to be harder than you think.
The End
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Full Story on AO3
One shot, single chapter; 3,118 words
Tags: major character death warning, smut, F/F
Second person Shadowheart POV.
After taking her place as Bhaal's chosen, your lover decided at the last moment to destroy the crown and give up her claim. You have one last night together.
One shot (so far, I might add more eventually); 1,286 words. Was done for a prompt, the prompt is revealed at the end.
Astarion POV, first person.
Tav has come to find you in Baldur's Gate after disappearing years ago. Why?
"That would be showing a weakness, a vulnerability that I can longer afford. If it was ever something I could have afforded to begin with. Arguably, it hadn't been. She wormed her way between the cracks of my defenses, not even realizing what she was doing until it was too late. Until I was too far gone to stop her. "
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fazedlight · 3 months
7&8 for kara and lena please! :D
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I was going to talk about a couple of small things (eg pulling from comic canon), but in thinking through it, I'm just impressed/in love with how this fandom exists at all.
This is the largest wlw ship on AO3. It's one of the largest wlw ships ever (not sure how many beat it out, aside from Xena). The sheer talent of all the artists and writers who spend time creating stuff for these two is astonishing to me. The amount of love that goes into each work is astonishing to me.
So something I love with the fandom... is that it exists at all ❤️
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I don't think there's anything I despise (that is really common, anyway). So I will use this instead as an excuse to share an extremely unpopular headcanon that I don't think I've talked much about before 😌
I headcanon both Kara and Lena as bi most of the time. I'm not sure what we'd get if we went around polling the fandom, but the vibe I get is that a lot of people headcanon Kara as bi and Lena as a lesbian.
My probably-unpopular-opinion is that I feel like Kara is much more likely to be a lesbian than Lena. I feel like her relationship with Mon-El could pretty easily be viewed through the lens of comphet - and while her dynamic with James was decent in S1, they never progressed into a relationship, and so it's hard to tell what that would've looked like.
She reminds me a bit of Gabrielle from Xena (who producer Steven Sears has said was dealing with comphet, though he didn't use the term). Like, Kara - for most of her Earth life - is trying to hide, trying to be Normal, trying to pass, and I think that can easily translate into a sexuality thing. The way Kara crushed on cute guys felt qualitatively similar to how Gabrielle crushed on cute guys.
Lena, on the other hand... yeah, she had basically no chemistry with James, but I totally buy/bi her chemistry with Jack and the intensity of their relationship. That felt very real to me, and sometimes on other Earths that's why I have her end up with him in the (like on Earth-X).
I think some of this dynamic has to do with people's thoughts on the actors' sexualities. But that's just a guess. At the end of the day, anywhere on the sapphic spectrum works for either of them, but I think some of my leanings are different from the common ones in the fandom.
Thanks for the ask!! ❤️
character ask game
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
i don't see many enemies to lovers or i hate everyone but you fics about morpheus here, so that's all I'm asking 😌✨
Enemies to lovers with Dream is literally just so good 😍 SO I decided to make this Reader a goddess/immortal being that is basically Dreams opposite. While his whole function is to inspire and create hers is to make humans doubt themselves and their work. So like hindrance, distractions and discouragement that kinda thing. In this fic I'll be usuing Daunt as the name (it means make someone feel intimidated or apprehensive) But for a bit Dream will refer to her as Burden. I hope y'all enjoy!
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Chapter 1: Ask
Daunt Collage | Part 2
You watched the mortals through their dreams, not all of them of course, that was far beyond your function. You watched the writers, artists, performers anyone that strived to create you saw. Their dreams were always so bright and full of wonder and magic, dreams of all that they wished to create in their waking hours, that is until you arrived. It was simple enough to put a damper on things. You'd bring storm clouds and make walls to separate them from their inspiration, you'd fill their head with doubting voices and memories of failure and they would do the rest.
It wasn't a job you particularly enjoyed, but it was yours nonetheless. The worst part wasn't even a part of your official job description, but it was something... someone that showed up more often than not. You could feel him before you saw him, but you refused to turn and look. "Dream."
You bristled at his simplistic nickname for you and turned to send him a cold glare. "What do you want?"
He met your gaze with a powerful look of his own. "I want you to leave my dreamers alone."
"Well then, it gives me great pleasure to tell you to fuck off." You offer him a fake smile. "I'm doing my job."
"Your job makes mine unnecessarily difficult." He sneered stepping beside you to look out at his precious dreamer begging the wall to disappear between him and his ideas. "And causes distress to the humans."
"Distress is one of my many names."
Dream huffed. "Daunt. Distress. Discourage. Burden." You turned to him with a growl. "Your purpose means little in the presence of an Endless."
You mocked him with a halfhearted bow. "Go on then, Prince of Stories, save your dreamer from my evil clutches."
Whether he did so or not mattered little to you as you turned from him and moved onto the next and the next and the next. The call of those inspired voices leading you forward until you left none but frustrated cries of discourse behind you. If the Dream Lord wanted for you to be a burden then you would see his wish granted.
Everyone that the Dream Lord granted his favor met the full brunt of your power. You caused them to lose inspiration more times than you could even count over and over and over again until at last Dream sought you out in your own realm. It was nothing more than a dark forest of changing trees and ever growing mist. It held no life within it, no joyful cheers or grand creatures of wonder and awe, nothing but you. There was no gate to greet him, no royal envoy to show him the path, there was nothing but the feared darkness of the rugged path leading forward.
When he did finally find you in your modest garden of wilting plants you did not sit on a throne or pull the illusion of this world from existence to reveal a grand palace. You merely looked at him with dark eyes and waved your hand. "Welcome, Dream Lord."
"This is where you live?"
If possible you eyes grew colder. "Is is not up to your kingly standards?"
Dream would never openly admit it, but in the moment he felt bad for you. He had his subjects while you it seemed had no one. He steeled himself to his purpose and you in turn steeled yourself to fight him. "You will leave those I have gifted alone."
You laughed, dryly. "Will I?"
"Yes." He took a step toward you, looking down at you with an unyielding will. "They have been granted my favor and I'll not have you interfere with that any longer."
To his surprise you tilted your head slightly, a nod. "Very well. I'll stop targeting your special little projects, but this doesn't mean I won't do my duty. If their voice calls me, I shall do what I am meant to."
Dream clenched his jaw and tightened his hands at his sides. "Why must you be such a Burden?"
Unlike the previous times he'd called you such, this time a fire lit in your eyes. "Do you think I asked for this? Do you think I enjoy bringing people this feeling?" You demanded coldly. "I am what I am, not by choice or out of pleasure but simply because it is the role that was given me by whatever fucking powers that made me. If I could trade places with you and inspire the minds of men I would..." You sighed, regaining the lost composure. "You've gotten what you came for. Now go."
"Bur-" He stopped himself. "Daunt."
You paused, looking up at him with a vulnerable look, something he'd never seen from you. You were always so closed off and cold, much like he was. The moment didn't last long, before cold frost glossed over your eyes again. "Leave."
Dream took a step forward, intent to follow after you, but thick roots wound around his legs and body and pulled him away into the dark misty forest. When he was released from their hold he was on the black beaches of his realm again, looking out at the now setting sun. The pain in your voice, the look in your eyes, haunted him as he stood on the edge of The Dreaming.
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intrepidacious · 1 year
97 with Ran, if you'd please 😌💕
occupy my brain
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pairing: ransom drysdale x f!reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: ransom being his usual self should be warning enough. implied smut. please note that my blog is rated 18+. minors dni. ageless/empty blogs will be blocked without warning.
prompt: 97. passionately making-out against a wall
a/n: i'm not gonna lie, posting this kind of hurts for obvious reasons but i don't want to sit on the prompt forever either because it's simply too good for that. this is the part one of come on down that i was talking about.
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Death had always been a passion of yours, but you’d never fantasized about it quite as vividly as you had over the past couple of weeks.
One might have thought it came with the profession, but no.
It felt truly unfair that the texts you were studying told you exactly what poisons were most likely undetectable in the average blood test, how they were to be administered, how long your victim would suffer before his inevitable demise, eyes bulging as he struggled to take another labored breath …
Instead, he let out another annoyed sigh and you rolled your eyes.
You’d been going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole for the better part of the evening and he hadn’t even opened his damn laptop.
When you first got the job as Harlan Thrombey’s research assistant, you’d been ecstatic. You’d applied for it without ever expecting a call back—after all, he was one of the most prolific writers of crime fiction alive while you barely made it into your grad program. Sure, knowledge of forensic science was somewhat of a prerequisite to any self-respecting mystery writer, but still. You were sure there were hundreds of fretting English majors begging for the opportunity, and in the end, it fell to you.
Of course, your excitement was soon to be nipped in the bud when you met the other research assistant, who you would be working closely with over the entirety of the summer: Harlan’s very own grandson, Ransom Drysdale.
In the beginning, you tried. You really tried. But there was nothing to be done.
He was an asshole who seemed to be under the assumption that if he pressed just the right buttons, all the actual work would get done by you and simply fall into his lap at the end of the day; just the way it’d probably been all his life.
And because the first couple of times, you were playing nice and letting him get away with it, you were now stuck in this nightmare of a position. Sat on the couch in his large and strangely empty living room on a Friday night, daydreaming about extremely potent poisons.
Ransom sighed loudly again and your eyes snapped to him. He was still draped across his armchair, feet dangling off the armrest, an extremely bored expression on his stupidly handsome face.
The fact that, despite his horrible attitude, his features still had that effect on you made your blood boil even more.
"You know, if you actually did the work we agreed on, you probably wouldn’t have to sigh every five seconds," you said sharply.
An easy smirk appeared on his lips. "How else am I gonna get your attention?"
"How about by being less of a pain in my ass?"
Ransom’s eyes dipped down for a moment, only to return to yours with an amused glimmer you didn’t care for. His grin widened. "Where’s the fun in that?"
"This isn’t about fun, Ransom. This is my job. You know what that means?" Poisons and choking. "It means that certain things are expected of you."
He didn’t look particularly impressed. "Like what?"
"Like, I don’t know, research? Doing what’s asked of you instead of just being a prick?"
He snorted. "There’s just so many better ways we could spend our time," he drawled, in a tone that you could dissect all too easily.
"Keep dreaming," you muttered through clenched teeth, ignoring the way your heart twisted.
He was an asshole. You dealt with enough of those in your labs, and you made a point of not delegating any more brainpower to their presence than was necessary to get through long evenings. It was as easy as that.
Then again, none of the lab guys were quite this infuriating.
Ransom’s gaze had started wandering again, slower this time, more deliberate. You could feel a tingle go down your spine.
"We’ll see," he finally said, his voice very low.
You had to leave.
You slammed your laptop shut with a lot more force than necessary.
"You know what?" You grabbed your bag off the floor resolutely. "It’s late and I still have a lot of stuff to get done before I talk to your grandfather tomorrow, and you’re no help at all, so I’ll just get going."
He shook his head, the self-satisfied grin still not budging; for some reason, that only bugged you more. You were already half-way to the door when you heard him murmur, "Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine."
And that was it.
Your bag dropped to the floor with a resolute thunk as you turned to glare at him. "You know what, Drysdale? I don’t know why I bother with you anymore. I should just tell Harlan that you’re a slacker."
Something flickered in Ransom’s eyes, but it vanished almost as instantly as it came. "He already thinks that anyway," he said dryly, finally getting out of his damn chair to face you. "And you wouldn’t."
"Why wouldn’t I?"
"Because …" he said, taking a measured step closer. "Then you wouldn’t have an excuse to come to my doorstep anymore."
A slightly manic laugh bubbled up in your chest, jumbling your heartbeat on its way up. "Are you kidding me? I would love to never have to see you again."
Ransom tilted his head. "You’re a terrible liar." He took another step.
"What are you doing?"
You wanted to move backwards, away from him, but your feet seemed to be firmly rooted to the ground. He was close enough to touch now, and you balled your hands into fists.
Of course, he noticed. His grin morphed into something almost wicked.
"How long," he said, his voice even lower now, "are you gonna keep pretending there’s nothing between us?"
You couldn’t breathe. Otherwise, you might’ve smelled the cologne on his shirt and any last coherent thought would’ve left your body. You already found it impossible to look away from his eyes.
"There’s no us here," you said.
"Maybe you should leave, then," he answered, sounding despicably level-headed. "You know where the door is."
"I am."
Neither of you moved. The amused spark in his eye felt close enough to ignite something.
"Or," he continued, the distance between you small enough to count the freckles next to his eye, "you could stay. And we’ll see."
"Shut up," you snapped, but there was no conviction behind it. Your head was hammering.
"Or what?" he said smugly. "You’re gonna call me a prick again?"
He was too close.
"I said, shut up!"
"Make me."
It caught you off guard, that’s what it was.
You’re not sure what happened next, only that your shoulders were suddenly crashing against the wall and Ransom’s mouth was on yours, hungry, unforgiving, all-consuming.
And for some reason, instead of pushing him away, your fingers tangled in his hair and pulled him closer, tugging on the dark strands until he groaned hoarsely against your lips. His hands were large on your waist, on your neck. Slowly, his knee wedged between your thighs, pulling you closer onto him until your hips started moving on their own accord.
He kissed you like he had something to prove, and fuck; maybe he had a point. You weren’t sure. You’d stopped thinking.
Ransom Drysdale was deadlier than any poison; and much more addictive.
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thank you for reading 💛 if you want to see more of my writing, check out my masterlist or follow @intrepidacious-fics for update notifications—and yes, there will be another part to this. eventually.
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etherealforever234 · 1 year
So I did a part 1 but I didn’t include all the ones I wanted since it got too long jsskkskskskdksnxk sooooooo here’s a part 2 of all the fics which absolutely PLAGUE my mind and you NEED to check these out and show them your love!! I have said this before I’ll say it again telling writers you like their writing with just a simple reblog or a good comment MATTERS so much more than you know. So I better see you guys showering writers with love on their fics! While I did make this for myself because I’m building a little ✨collection✨ I hope this helps anyone who’s looking for more fics to read!!!
(Minors this is your cue to not be anywhere around here if I see you interacting I’ll tell yo mama!)
Recs under the cut <3
Amuse and romance me like you do by @heartthrobinsfics - I have re-read this whole fic from start to finish so many times dkksckkxmfkdkckdkf the slow burn was really slow burning and ACCURACY in characterisation Family Video Steve has alllllll my heart
Single thread part 1 part 2 part 3 by @headkiss - Spiderman AU Steve I love you so much it hurts! The slow burn is so fkskfkskfkskdkskxkdkdkkdkckfkfskdkxkfk! And he’s just so 🥺 ahhhhh OBSESSED with this whole Universe! (18+)
Rules are meant to be broken by @funnylittlelad - I read this whole series on AO3 and my GOD this deserves so much more love!!!! The complicated relationships with parents the angst is so delicious I am in LOVE with this.
This blurb by @stevebabey - The way I have NEVER felt more represented as I was here. Being a #losergf is a tough job but someone’s gotta do it
If you loved me, why’d you leave me part 1 part 2 by @1986harrington - I have to say reading the first part actually made me wanna lie down in the rain for like a couple of hours because the ANGST🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 and the SMUT in the second part lordtttt (18+)
how could i say goodbye? by @hawkinsquarry - The way this fic made me WEEP. I love it when people make Steve actually process any of his trauma but him being needy after the events of S4 was so ON POINT. Fuck this hurt. So good!
Beyond part 1 by @abibliophobiaa - The way I start SHAKINH AND SCREAMING AND CRUONH AND YHEOWINH UP when I start thinking about this series sjkdxkdkxkfk fake marriage AU will always have a place near and dear in my heart and with Steve??? DEAD.
Chateau, Careless whispers part 1 part 2 by @kurtie4life96 - Sugar Daddy Steve can be something so incredibly personal to #girlies (me) OBSESSED with thiskdkskfmdkdkdk the smut made the wires in my brain unwire (18+)
Burning by @lis-likes-fics - ABSOLUTELY INSANE actually. CRAZY. MIND DESTROYING. NERVES IMPLODING. KILLED ME. The plot with porn can be so personal to me FUCKING GOD. (18+)
Pray for the night by @upsidedownwithsteve - Call me a whore but I LOOOOOOVE me some “we almost died so let’s fuck each other’s brains out because we’re alive and we want to feel something” 😌😇 (18+)
Pride and Prejudice and Peanut Butter Sundaes by @starryeyedstories - The enemies to lovers of it all kskskskskskdks THE TWIST OF P&P WITH STEVE HARRINGTON REST ASSURE THIS IS CLOSE TO MY HEARTTTTT! This is so freaking goodkskskskskskskx
Meet me at the chateau by @theemporium - I think about this fic so much and it's been MONTHS but I will make it a pOINT to re-read it because this is just absolute perfection ugh sjkskdkskdkksdkjsdjkddk! (18+)
Puppy by @lovebugism - Sub!Steve you’ll always be famous! This made me so dizzy gAWD. Can't believe this isn't my life. So unfair. Looooooooooooove this! (18+)
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darkfictionjude · 23 days
Hi Jude, I hope you’re doing well. I have an ask if you would kindly indulge me, well two but I’ll send the second in a separate thing. I’m currently working on my own IF and today I moved on to outlining in a flowchart I spent about 5hours by the time I was done with the prologue and start of chapter one it felt daunting with the amount of branches I’d decided to work on yet when I zoom out to look at my work as a whole it’s so little and I can’t help but feel discouraged (⋟﹏⋞). How do you manage, honestly I was amazed before I started this process but now I’m just in awe with how much you’ve accomplished. My question was if you had any advice on production and staying motivated and happy with your work. Also sorry for the rambling thank you for taking the time to read my ask(s) -🐌
Oh I’m always so happy when aspiring writers asks me things!!! I feel like a graduated to mentor or something 😌
Yeah at this point I have over a 1000 passages. A lot of it is branching.
The thing is me as a person always has a flashing red light in my head that tells me “you have work to do.” It doesn’t leave me alone. I try to write between 1-2 hours everyday to not overwhelm myself. Some days it’s more some days it’s less. My main motivation comes from planning out exciting scenes in the future. It’s basically like “you want to write this scene? Then get to writing these scenes or it’ll never happen.” As in for happiness in my work? I’m very self critical. I know my self critique is not real, that my work is good but there’s nothing to get rid of it, you can quiet down the voice though by showing people your work and hearing them say they love it. A big motivator is music, I set the scene for myself by putting on a playlist, something to drink or eat and then not thinking of anything else as a I write. When I write certain scenes with certain characters I use a playlist I created specifically for them
It might feel like not much now but your IF will grow. The first thing I ever released was a prologue and it was only 12 passages. No choices at all and now look
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desertfangs · 5 months
The Armand/Daniel throwaway is insane because while I don’t see it as canon, (and I don’t think it’s meant to be taken as such), I do believe it makes their lore a lot richer and more poignant. Anne hit gold with them man, she really did. And in a way we’re pretty lucky. We got the best chapter OF ALL TIME written about them, followed by the weirdest, messiest breakup plans that never came to fruition, followed by a few one liners about them getting back together. Who knows what would’ve happened if she had decided to flesh out their story further and I’m scared to consider the possibilities. We know what we need to know and now the world is ours 😌
Yeah, it's not meant to be canon. Canon is anything published in the text itself. Anything else (notes, drafts) are things Anne chose not to include for whatever reason and while it can help us all inform the text if we so choose, she as a writer decided against using these in the final versions. It sure is fun though!!
AND YES IT IS INSANE!! Because even though I agree some of the dialogue does not sound like Daniel or anything he would say, their dynamic is there!! That is THEM. It's weird and it's messed up but you totally get shades of them in those notes and maybe a finished, polished version would have really done them justice. We will never know!
But you're right! We are so lucky. She really hit lightning in a bottle with Armand/Daniel. It's such a great story, they are such fascinating characters, and Devil's Minion is such a wild chapter. Their parts in QotD really tell us so much about them and how they interact and what they love about each other, even though it's so few pages.
It will always break my heart a little that Daniel was tossed aside in the final trilogy. I get that he wasn't really part of the story she was trying to tell, and that's why he gets a line here or there about being with Armand, but is otherwise not mentioned after Prince Lestat, but wow, I would have loved to see Daniel there to comfort Armand after Marius calls him a child or he bears his soul to Lestat, or any of that stuff. And of course I would have loved an actual reunion chapter beyond just "they're out hunting together." (Of course I think we got the same thing with Marius and Armand in the QotD... 😒😒)
But--and I've said this before--part of why I was scared to read the final books was a deep-seated fear that she was going to kill Daniel off. It felt like she had no use for him and I was terrified for his safety. So even though we only get a few lines about him being back with Armand, we know they've reconnected, and honestly, that's more than I had hoped for.
And the playground is ours now, absolutely! I've loved seeing how other people flesh out this stuff in fics and headcanons and art, and I love doing it myself. So while I regret the lack of Daniel in the rest of the series, there's so much potential for stories to tell, and this fandom has really stepped up to the plate on that score. 💖
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nebulouscoffee · 9 months
for the ask game star trek voyager!!
Thank you sm friend! I already answered a couple of these, but the great thing about being very indecisive is I can give different answers each time <3
Favourite character: B'Elanna Torres, although Kathryn Janeway is a close second (I do have a Janeway-themed url, after all😌)
Second favourite character: okay, I'll talk about Janeway here! Gosh what a deeply flawed individual. She's awesome, and yes, incredibly charismatic and badass, but she's also haunted, complex, and scarily capable of hurting those closest to her (which she does. Like, a lot.) She ends up in charge of a seemingly endless mission, and she cannot afford to crack- not in front of her crew, and not even really in secret- so she begins this seven-year process of what basically amounts to dehumanising herself. Her arc is almost like a long-form merging with Voyager the ship- she is Voyager, and Voyager is her! She will protect her crew and bring them home. She will ensure they get to survive. (What happens to her? Well, she knows she can and will never be the same, but she can't and doesn't think about that right now). She made a mistake and her crew paid the price and the guilt of this eats at her every day, but she cannot afford to acknowledge it or she'll go insane. She tries so hard to stick to her principles but once she's violated a few she starts thinking of her soul as this already-corrupted thing- she knows she can live with it, so why not do something else that's a bit messed up! Better me than any of my crew, right! Like- no wonder she couldn't move on with her life once Voyager reached the Alpha Quadrant in the Endgame timeline. No wonder she had to travel back in time to die in the past. She is so changed by the events of this show that the past the only place she can truly belong. Ugh!!!! I have so many feelings about her!!
Least favourite character: I dislike voyager!Q so much I actually skip all his episodes on rewatch lmao. And I'm someone who actually quite enjoys him on TNG! He's this all-powerful all-knowing omnipotent being who could literally be off anywhere any time doing anything he wanted, and yet he chooses to keep coming back to this one starship just to flirt with the most boring man alive. He literally got kicked out of the Q Continuum for having too much of a hyperfixation on his blorbo. That's funny! And compelling! Unfortunately the Voyager writers did not understand what made this work and decided his only trait was *irritates everybody* (including the audience lol). What he and Picard had was a funny back and forth, a snarky Quodo-style "these horrible old men deserve each other" rivalry. What he and Janeway have is sexual harassment played for laughs 🙃
The character I'm most like: Kes - I went into more detail here :)
Favourite pairing: B7 if we're talking non-canon ships! From canon, uhhhh I guess whatever was going on between Janeway and Chakotay in 'Resolutions' & Tom/B'Elanna before they got together
Least favourite pairing: I don't know if I have one? C7 is the popular answer but I literally straight up forget it exists because it's such a small part of the show, like it doesn't even show up for reals until the finale. I'm not a fan of the way they wrote Tom/B'Elanna for basically all of S5 and S6, and the damage control they did in S7 wasn't bad imo but also felt too little too late. I also dislike Kes/Neelix, though I do think it had potential to be a really interesting breakup arc lol
Favourite moment: That scene from 'Year of Hell' where Janeway has given the order to abandon ship and everyone else is so reluctant to desert the bridge and it looks soooo banged up but she still won't abandon it.... and then Tuvok gives her that hug goodbye..... and she glances at that little gift Chakotay made for her which she didn't have the heart to recycle..... and she talks about what Voyager means to her, and why she has to go down with the ship...... my heart😭
Rating out of 10: Objectively an 8/10, I think the early seasons are GREAT and around midway through they do sort of run out of ideas thanks to their commitment to being as episodic as possible and sidelining more than half the main cast as well as refusing to let the guest cast build up or develop. The show genuinely suffers for it imo! There's a lot of wasted potential, as well as biases of the time that prevented it from reaching true heights- I also wholeheartedly think this show ruined the Borg lol, now 75% more human and 200% less intimidating! However it's also got so many positives- I adore all the main characters so much, and the premise itself gives me so many feels that in my heart it's an 11/10🥰
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Oh my god I just realized I’ve never requested a fic from you and you’re a fabulous writer, so I absolutely have to ask; May I request something with Lila? I'm thinking maybe fluff? I’m not totally sure about the plot, it’s up to you! I just adore her. Thank you sm <3
You're so sweet honestly thank youu 😌 (although I think your writing is much better than mine if we're being honest here) I had a whole lot of fun writing this one, hope you enjoy <3
Butterflies (Lila Pitts x reader)
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, Lila may be slightly out of character
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Everytime she was around you, Lila got butterflies. And she hated you for it.
To be clear, she didn't hate you so much as she despised the way you were able to make her stomach twist into knots with the most casual things. Your smile was warm like sunshine, and your laugh was as sweet as fresh honey.
Lila felt vulnerable around you, and she hated that. She hated how easily you flustered her, and how quickly you were able to cheer her up whenever she was having a bad day.
If there was one thing she learned in the Commission, it was that you can't afford to have feelings. To have feelings is to be vulnerable, and to be vulnerable is one of the biggest weaknesses out there, as your many enemies can use it to incur your downfall. Lila knew it wasn't a smart idea, her falling in love, but she couldn't help but do it anyway.
So yes, in a way, she hated you, but in another much more complex area, she also loved you as well. For one of the first times in her life, Lila was unsure of herself, and even if she didn't necessarily hate you, she definitely hated that.
A good example of the hate/love she held for you would be one late night you spent together after trying all day to come up with a plan to stop the upcoming apocalypse and the very world ending as you know it.
You were dancing around the room to music that was playing on the radio, and even though you weren't very good, it was clear you were having the time of your life.
She had you admit, you looked pretty cute like that, dancing without a care in the world. She playfully rolled her eyes at you when you stumbled a bit, tripping up over your own feet.
"Whoops! I guess I'd better be more careful," you laughed, red faced and out of breath, sitting down next to her on the couch.
Lila cleared her throat, turning her face away from you so her eyes couldn't betray how much she cared about you with the way they sparkled with joy whenever you were near.
"Yeah, I guess you should. I'd hate to have to make an emergency trip to the hospital just because you were acting stupid."
You giggled at her response, knowing she was messing with you and didn't actually think you were stupid. "Oh, come on, you know you love me," you playfully nudged her with your elbow.
Before she had the chance to respond, you abruptly lept up from your seat, gasping audibly. "Oh my God, I love this song!"
Although Lila wasn't certain of the tune's name, she at the very least could tell it was Frank Sinatra singing. "Eh, it's alright."
"Will you dance with me?" You suddenly asked, turning around to face her with your arm outstretched in her direction, palm facing upwards.
She knew she shouldn't say yes, as much as she might want to. The closer she got to you, the more attached she got, the more she couldn't deny her love. You were a liability, a risk, a tear in her toughest armor, and she couldn't have that.
But the way you were looking at her, so gentle and loving, it was in a way she knew no one had ever looked at her before or would ever look at her like again.
So even as the tiny voice inside her urged her to say no, to just forget it and walk away, she knew she couldn't do that. If loving you was a risk, then it was a risk she was willing to take.
"Yes, I will."
She stood up, wiping her sweaty palms off on her pants before taking your hand, letting you lead her to the center of the room.
The two of you stumbled a few times, accidentally stepping on each others feet more than once before you were finally able to get the rhythm down, but once you did, it was like you were walking on air.
You leaned your head against her shoulder, causing a heat to rise to her cheeks as she watched you, hoping you didn't notice the way her hands gripped yours tighter in an effort to prove you were real, and not just some figment of her imagination she made up so she wouldn't be so alone.
Even after the song ended, the two of you stayed there like that for awhile, gently swaying, not to the music, but to the heartbeats thumping in both of your chests.
Before you left her that night so you could go to bed, you gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek, confirming her theory that she only ever got butterflies when she was around you, and cementing a fact that she'd tried so hard to deny for so long
She didn't hate you, not even a little bit.
Main masterlist | The Umbrella Academy masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @nevilleismywhore-reblogs @alexxavicry
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insipidenvy · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writes
Thanks for the tag, @cnnmonbimee!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? I have 103, though only 94 are publicly available through my profile.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 423,411! Quite a lot of words, if I do say so myself 😤
3. What fandoms do you write for? A huge majority of my fics (and that I'm probably more known for) are for JSHK! Before that, I was dabbling a bit in Ensemble Stars, but the second most-written fandom for me would be Fairy Tail, the series that actually inspired me to start writing!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
your flowers are my lullaby (JSHK, 304 kudos)
The Girl Next Door (JSHK, 273 kudos)
The Fantastical Case Study of the Lonely Rabbit and Ghostly Cat (JSHK, 254 kudos)
Just Confess or So Help Me God- (JSHK, 198 kudos)
Whose Hunt is This? (JSHK, 186 kudos)
Looking back at some of them, I am embarrassed by my cheesiness 😌 It will happen again, sorry if that's not your thing.
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to! Whether it's a simple comment or a detailed one, I always love reading people's thoughts! This is reminding me that I haven't done so in a long time, I'm sorry to any readers who've left comments that I haven't responded to! I've just been so busy with life that it often slips my mind >< I'll try to get to them soon!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? That's tough... I tend to write fluff so any angsty ending might just be those with character deaths... even then some of them still get a happy ending 🤔 But if I had to pick, then it's either Heaven on Earth or Fly Away with Me?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again a toughie because I mostly write fluff lol. The first fic that comes to mind is farewells are not forever! Mostly because I was able to receive a lot of thoughts and feedback for this story in particular, so it sticks out to me the most 😊
8. Do you get hate on fics? I've only gotten two negative comments on my fics, and truthfully, I found their thoughts fair. Were they constructive criticism? No, but what they voiced was exactly how I felt about my writing, so I don't fault them for voicing their opinions. If anything, those comments helped me take a step back from writing to figure out how I wanted to continue with my writing/posting quality, so I have to thank them for that!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I've written some, but as I've told Hime before, you'll need to subscribe to my (nonexistent) OnlyFans to find out 😉
10. Do you write crossovers? I don't, but I see merit in doing so! Personally, I like to write for fandoms separately. There may be AUs, but never a crossover between characters from both series/fandoms.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so? If I found out I did I don't know what I'd do apart from making an announcement here or on my ao3 profile saying I currently only post works on ao3...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. Someone offered to translate my fics for me in the past to Spanish, but around that time there was a whole drama about how one writer/translator just used Google Translate. It got heated and I got scared lol, so I asked the writer who offered to translate my fics not to translate them and even added the whole "Please do not translate my works" thing in my profile.
As someone who does translation work myself, I hope that any translations are done with love and care and not lazily thrown into a translator. That isn't to say the person who offered is any of that, on the contrary I think they were genuine with their offer, but at the time I didn't want to get wrapped up in any drama so I stepped away from anything that could drag me into it.
I think I'm more open to the thought of having my fics translated now, but I might be picky or cautious of who offers/does them.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I find the idea fascinating! I have a lot of self-doubt about the quality of my writing, and now that life's gotten busy there's the whole speed and availability aspect to work around too, so I don't think I'll be able to write anything for now lol
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I can't choose! My favorite ships depend on my mood lol One moment I may love HanaNene, for example, and the next it's AmaNene, or even TsuNene, or even HanaNeneTsuka! It's hard for me to pick one.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Never ask a woman her weight, a man his salary, or a writer their WIPs u_u I've not found the time or energy to write, and currently my interest and motivation for this fic in particular is at an all-time low, but I want to finish Down the Plank and Into Your Arms. I try to ensure all my fics as completed for this account, so that's one promise I want to keep.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue... maybe? More specifically, banter? That's one aspect of my writing that's often praised, so I think maybe that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'd say, without a doubt, it's descriptive writing lol Sorry I've got no imagination or good words to set the scene, it just kinda fills itself in my head.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've thought of doing that before, but I couldn't think of a scenario that required anyone to speak in another language lol
19. First fandom you wrote for? Fairy Tail! Quality and pet peeves of mine for the series aside, it's got a soft spot on me for being the fandom that pushed me into writing fanfic.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Why must you make things tough 😭 As I'm sure you've noticed by now, I'm awful at deciding a single favorite of anything. BUT, if I really had to pick only one..! It's glass shattered, clay battered.
I think this was written the month before the Severance chapter lol It's an introspective fic in Hanako's POV and it's got some metaphors/themes that I'm proud of. Even after knowing what happens post-Severance, I don't feel like the Hanako I wrote here is all that different from the Hanako we know in the manga.
Others I'm proud of are I Must Think of a New Life and I Mustn't Give In, i leave you with all that i love, but i will never let you go, Love is a Race and I'm Stuck at the Goddamn Start Line, Roots Run Deep, Leaves Grow Bare, Happily Never After, and love like a rose!
I swear that last sentence is only six other fics even if it looks like a paragraph🤧i do like me some long titles...
I not good at thinking of who to tag in particular, so I tag everyone! Everyone is free to participate!
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blueywrites · 1 year
Mama asking Dove if she had relations with Eddie made me legitimately nervous. I have never felt more immersed in a fic than I did with TD&TC and with this chapter in particular(ouch). It truly felt as if I was the one up there getting caught giving the neighbour boy sloppy toppy. And I've never sucked a dick before in my life(sad shy virgin 😪). AND THAT LETTER. I felt that shit in my ribs. At the risk of sounding even sadder, it made me feel like I actually had love in my life for once. Fuck, you're an amazing writer. Patiently waiting for part 5 to spit in my face😊
Ahh thank you so so much!! I know, that was such a loaded question 😬
LOL well, perhaps don't choose the guy your parents have expressly forbidden you from seeing when the time comes 😂 It can result in quite an unpleasant mess (metaphorical, NOT that kind lol).
I felt that yearning too writing that letter, bby, I get it. Also, don't rush yourself. It will happen in time 💙
That last sentence... I cannot with you, in the best way 💀😂💕💕 Part five will, indeed, spit in your face 😌 it might even slap you around a bit too if you're into that 😉
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I love hearing them 🥰️🌷
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ifidiedinadream · 2 years
I just had a weird little idea and since I'm not a writer I felt like sharing it with you.
The reader is dating Robin but knows he is crushing on Aleksi since forever. Since Robin is to shy to ask, the reader sets up a threesome with Aleksi, hoping to take their relationship with Robin on a different and more open level, plus probably having one of the best nights of their life. Since both would treat them like a god*dess ✨🥵
Consider it as a request or not, just wanted to share it 😌
first off anon congratulations on one of the BEST ideas i've ever heard in my entire life 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
second of all enjoy
The sun has long set when you peek through the door of the studio. The lights are low and scented candles cast a dim, cozy light all round the room. Only the screen by the wall generates a bright white light, cold and artificial. The contrast upsets your eyes. 
Before you, sitting at the desk in front of the computer, Robin and Aleksi are speaking quietly, so much so that you can’t hear a word they’re saying. Suddenly Robin laughs at something Aleksi says and it’s way louder. Your heart swells, you know the joke didn’t have to be funny to evoke such a reaction. 
You observe a bit more - observe an observer. Aleksi has started working on the track again, but Robin isn’t looking at the screen. He lays his eyes on the side of Aleksi’s face instead (how he doesn’t feel his gaze on him you have no idea), his ear, traveling down along his exposed neck and shoulder. Robin exhales imperceptibly, and when Aleksi turns to him to ask him something, he blushes hard. 
He blushes even harder when Aleksi sends him to the recording booth to sing a part again - Robin sings beautifully as he always does and Aleksi tells him this take is fucking awesome, what a talented singer he is. You hardly ever see Robin this bashful. It’s damn cute. 
You’re making out with him later. You’re on top of him, lying in bed, and his body is responsive but you have a feeling he’s not entirely there. You pull back, Robin’s full lips red, and he’s looking at you confused. 
“What are you thinking about?” you ask curiously. 
“Just you,” Robin says softly, voice hoarse from the kiss. His grip on your hips tighten as if to prove his point. 
“False,” you say and grin. Your hand travels between your bodies, down to his dick covered by the black cotton of his boxer-briefs. He’s hard; you watch him close his eyes in bliss. 
“What d’you mean, baby?” 
You lower down on him. You squeeze him gently before tugging his underwear down. “Just imagine Aleksi doing this,” you say, spitting on your hand and wrapping it around his cock. You pump it a bit, loving how the saliva makes it glisten. 
“Baby -” 
“Shh,” you assure him. “Wouldn’t it feel good? Just imagine his mouth on you like this…” 
You proceed to leave a kiss on the tip before you wrap your lips around it. Robin’s hand lands in your hair, grip tight right from the start. 
When you look up, he isn’t looking back, head sent back and eyes closed instead. You blow him for a while, putting heart and soul into it and getting lovely little desperate sounds in return. Robin comes with a loud moan, spilling into your mouth, never once opening his eyes. You’re not sure but you think you heard a faint, breathy Ale slip from his lips at the high of it. You smirk. 
You know him way too well. 
“Are you serious?” 
Aleksi’s eyes are bright and piercing, making you feel a weight in your chest that isn’t exactly unpleasant. He sits down on the couch, elbows on his knees, chin propped up on his hands. He’s thinking. 
“I am. One hundred percent,” you say. 
“Are you sure you’re not, like… misreading things?” 
“Aleksi, he literally said your name during sex just a few days ago,” you say. “He’s crushing on you hard, has for a while. It’s clear as day.” 
Aleksi doesn’t answer immediately. 
“I mean, I wouldn’t necessarily be against the idea,” he says then, taking you in discreetly. You blush but you’re excited. “After all, you seem determined.” 
“I just wanna make my man happy,” you say, feeling bold. “He’s kinda shy, so I’ll help him get what he wants.” 
“You want this too, don’t you?” Aleksi asks, voice low now, intense gaze directed at you again. You keep your eyes locked with his as you sit down beside him - show him you have no fear. 
“I might be a bit greedy when it comes to handsome men,” you admit. His face is close now and you can see the stubble on his chin. He leans in, but you move back. “No kissing, no touching, no fucking unless Robin’s with us,” you say, firmly but smiling. Aleksi snorts and nods, raising his hands. 
When Robin comes back home after a whole day at the studio with Aleksi the following week, he looks distracted and has dark circles under his eyes. 
“Something wrong?” you ask when he doesn’t touch his dinner. You’re not used to seeing a frown on his face lasting more than a few seconds. 
“No… just tired I guess,” he says, focused on moving a piece of food on his plate with the fork. 
“Something happened at work?” 
Robin raises his eyebrows at that, still looking at his food. “I don’t know,” he admits. “Aleksi acted kinda weird.” 
“Weird… how?” 
You know what Robin is talking about. Today’s the date you and Aleksi decided on for your little experiment. Aleksi has probably been trying to get into the mood. 
“He’s been… cuddly,” Robin says, choosing the word carefully. “He was kinda teasing me… differently than usual.” 
“Did it bother you?” 
Robin seems to consider it. 
“I feel like I should say yes, but it didn’t… I liked it. I’m sorry, I just -” 
You get up from your seat and walk over to your boyfriend on the other side of the small table. You wrap your arms around him from behind, your chin sitting on his shoulder. 
“Hey, don’t be sorry, okay?” you say. “I noticed you liked him long ago. It’s no problem.” 
“But I don’t - it doesn’t feel fair to - to you…” 
You tighten your arms around him. 
“Babyboy,” you say, “we can start including other people in our sex life, if you want. I know I do.” 
“You do?” 
“Yeah,” you kiss him on the cheek. “Starting with Aleksi.” 
“Are you - you’re -” 
“Yes, I’m serious. What do you think about a threesome, just you, me and him?” 
Robin exhales. “It sounds like a fucking dream, honestly.” 
“That’s good to hear,” you say and pull back. Robin turns in his chair to face you. “In fact, I happen to have spoken to Aleksi about… some things.”  
“You did what?” 
“As I said, I noticed your crush a long time ago,” you say. “And I can’t say I’m immune to Aleksi either… so I asked him if he would be interested in joining us for a night. That night being tonight, actually.” 
Robin is looking at you with wide, wild eyes, mouth agape in total incredulity. 
“You did not.” 
“I did.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I could’ve used some time to think about it.” 
“I knew you would’ve chickened out if we gave you time to think about it - you would’ve overthought it. You would’ve ended up feeling guilty and eventually saying no,” you say. “You would’ve kept on crushing on Aleksi silently and torturing yourself over it.” 
Robin looks down. He knows you’re right. 
“Aleksi is turning up any minute now,” you continue, stepping closer to where he’s sitting again. “If you don’t want this to happen, just say so. Now, or at any time later. We don’t have to do it, obviously, though I have a feeling you don’t wanna say no.” 
“I know you know I want it,” Robin remarks in a low voice. 
“Exactly,” you confirm. “And you know what? I want it too.” 
Robin is looking up at you with a faint smile. You figure he feels understood. He nods then, and you bend over to kiss him quickly. 
And then the bell rings. 
“Okay, baby?” you whisper before going to answer the door. 
Robin nods, smiles. “Yes.” 
Aleksi shows up with two bouquets of flowers, one red and one pink. The sight makes you blush; Aleksi is smiling behind all the flowers. 
“One each,” he says. Robin steps over and when Aleksi gives him the red bouquet, you think he could melt instantly. He’s blushing harder than you ever could. 
“Take care of these, baby?” you say, giving Robin your flowers too. He nods and goes off to find two vases somewhere. 
“I take it you’ve talked to him already, haven’t you?” Aleksi asks. 
“That’d be correct,” you say. “He’s game.” 
When Robin comes back, you waste no time and lead them both to the bedroom. Aleksi pushes you against the door to kiss you as soon as you close it. 
It’s unexpected and it knocks the air out of your lungs. You gasp into his mouth, grabbing the back of his head as his tongue is down your throat. When he pulls back you notice Robin has approached, looking at you and Aleksi with parted lips. You reach out to him then, pulling him close and kissing him just as hard. His tongue is particularly fierce. 
Aleksi makes Robin break the kiss, touching his face and guiding it to his own. You’re breathless as you watch them make out, Robin’s moans loud in Aleksi’s mouth and Aleksi responding by pulling Robin closer to him. 
Breaking out of your daze, you sink to the floor between the two of them. They don’t look like they’re paying attention but both their bodies tense up when you start groping them through their pants. They break the kiss for just a second, breathe, and dive into each other again. 
As you work them both hard, you observe Robin’s familiar shape and size, growing steadily with each passing moment the way you’re used to. On the other hand, Aleksi’s cock is new to you, and you explore its curve, girth and length attentively with your touch. You take them both out when they’re all the way erect, put them both in front of your face, tips close to one another. You connect them, and when they touch, you put your mouth on them both, sliding your tongue in between them to have both their precum on it at the same time. They almost taste the same. You let them go when they part. 
Aleksi is walking towards the bed with his pants hanging low, butt crack visible to the middle of his ass, dick out. Robin is following him as if entranced, and you take the chance to take your clothes off before joining them. 
Somehow, you caught their attention. 
They’re watching you now totally naked, and you accept Aleksi’s invitation when he lies down on the bed and tells you to sit on his dick. You let yourself engulf him, closing your eyes and emitting a low moan when he’s deep inside, the feeling so familiar yet so different from what you’re used to. You take his t-shirt off before you do anything else. 
Aleksi, all droopy eyes and flushed skin, motions Robin to step closer. Robin still looks out of it, but he’s willing to comply with whatever Aleksi says. So he moves closer until he’s standing next to you, impaled on Aleksi’s dick, and he straight up moans when Aleksi grabs his cock and puts it into his mouth. You start moving on the latter then, so turned on by what you’re witnessing that you can’t hold back anymore. 
You groan repeatedly, loving the sensation of Aleksi inside you, stimulating all the right spots. His head is turned to the side as he’s sucking Robin off, jaws open wide to welcome him in but the angular line of it not any less visible. He’s frowning, you’re not sure if it’s from your cunt around him or the dick in his mouth. One of his hands is on your hip, assisting you in your task to ride him, the other on Robin’s thigh, holding him close. 
Robin’s head is sent back, Adam’s apple and curve of his lips perfectly on display. His hand is on Aleksi’s nape and low grunts are escaping his lips; his eyes are not closed though, despite his ecstasy, and he tries to catch alternate glimpses of both you and Aleksi. You lock eyes at some point and he smiles at you, completely blissed out; before you can smile back, he reaches his free hand out to feel your breast, tenderly caress it, lightly pinch your nipple. 
It almost makes you lose it, but then when Aleksi lets go of Robin’s cock to start meeting your hips, pounding into you hard (probably close just the same), that’s when you come. It makes you moan loudly, squirm and writhe as the pleasure rushes through you, obnubilating all of your senses for a few moments. Your ears are ringing when you can finally hear again, and a wet, hot substance is now residing inside your cunt, Aleksi’s softening cock sliding out of you. 
You get off of him, lie down on the bed on your back to recover. You’re still breathing heavily when you recognize Robin easing your legs apart again. He’s looking up at you with a smile and you smile back, still high from your orgasm, totally unprepared to what he’s about to do. 
When you feel his mouth on your clit, you hear yourself yelp. You’re turned on again in no time, your clit hardening, sensitive to his skillful tongue. He licks and sucks at it, making your spine arch, and then lowers his face more and his mouth finds your hole. He sucks Aleksi’s cum out of your cunt, swallowing it; drinking from you like you’re some sort of divine glass dispensing the nectar of the gods. Your eyes roll back at the sight. 
As he’s drinking and stimulating your clit (both with his finger and his tongue), Aleksi appears out of nowhere behind Robin. Robin’s sticking his ass out and Aleksi is touching it with both hands, before diving in and spitting between his cheeks. You groan at the sight (and at Robin’s ministrations) and Robin hums against your body, exacerbating your pleasure. 
Aleksi buries his face between Robin’s buttocks, making him pull back from you and moan loudly. You can’t really see, but the barely perceptible movements of Aleksi’s head makes it obvious: he’s licking at Robin’s hole, probably sticking his tongue inside it. Robin’s sweating at the temples, and you gently touch at his hair to guide him back between your legs. He takes the hint and picks up where he left off, though more erratically, and you barely catch Aleksi’s hand sliding down under Robin’s body before another orgasm washes all over you, making your whole body shake. You force your eyes open, not wanting to miss Aleksi’s mouth and hand making your boyfriend come basically at the same time as you. 
Robin’s face twists, strong muscles tensing everywhere in his statuesque body bent over you. You can’t see nor feel him spill, but you know he does when his throat lets out a deep grunt, his hands subconsciously tightening around your thighs. 
You let your eyes close then. You’re exhausted. 
For a while, it’s silent but for ragged breathing filling the room. Then Aleksi lies down beside you and gently pulls you in for a slow kiss. Robin mimics him on your other side, and you feel relaxed enough to fall asleep at any minute. 
This sure was a night to remember.
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