#my sister is claire we dress up together
knifefightandchill · 1 year
Well I met the shitty side of the resi fandom at the con lmao. Like I get I'm short and round and totally not leon esque but o w dude.
Feeling real bad, gonna feel better soon though. Bounce back
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fanficshiddles · 1 month
Eternally Mine, Chapter 2
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‘God, I don’t know why I’m so nervous!’ Louise laughed while Claire did her make-up for her.
‘Don’t worry, I felt the same on my first date with Loki. You’ll be absolutely fine though.’ Claire assured her sister.
Louise was round at Claire and Loki’s place, they were getting ready for their double date. Chris had asked Loki and Claire advice on asking Louise out the weekend after Loki’s birthday. He knew that she might be anxious about going alone with him, so Claire came up with the idea for a double date.
‘I wonder why he’s into me, I mean… he could have anyone!’ Louise said quietly while Claire finished off putting on some eyeliner to her.
‘Hey, don’t say that about yourself.’ Claire scolded. ‘You’re stunning, you know I’ve always been envy of your looks.’
‘You’re just saying that.’ Louise argued.
‘I’m not! Now, shut up and do my make-up for me.’ Claire said as she nudged her off the chair, making Louise laugh.
‘What if I can’t control myself around her.’ Chris said worriedly as he paced back and fore while buttoning up his white shirt. He was wearing black suit trousers with the white shirt, he had a black suit jacket to go over the top.
‘You will, you’re strong willed. If I managed to resist Claire for so long, you’ll manage to resist Louise.’ Loki assured him.
Loki was round at Chris’ place, waiting for him to get ready before they went to pick up Claire and Louise.
‘Tie or no tie?’ Chris asked as he held up a black tie.
‘No tie. It’s fancy casual.’ Loki said after pondering a moment. He was wearing a blue shirt with black trousers, no suit jacket though.
‘How do you cope with the urge to feed from Claire?’ Chris huffed.
‘Well, it got easier over time the more I spent with her. Just touching her helped a little. Though it wasn’t till I fed from her the first time that it got it out of my system. Don’t get me wrong, I still want to feed from her every chance I can, but it’s a manageable thirst. Getting used to being around her scent will take time.’
‘Her scent just drives me wild.’ Chris admitted. ‘I don’t want to spook her though.’
‘You won’t. Just be yourself…’ Loki then pulled a face. ‘Well, to an extent.’
Chris narrowed his eyes at him briefly.
‘Which one should I wear?’ Louise asked as she held up two dresses she'd brought with her, one was black with short sleeves and a low-ish neckline. The other was a dark blue long sleeve dress, though it was knee length too.
‘Hmm. I think the black one.’ Claire decided on.
‘Black one it is.’ Louise nodded and pulled it on.
Claire rummaged through her wardrobe and decided on a plum-coloured dress, it was a low neckline as well though had half length sleeves and went down to just above her ankles.
‘The guys won’t know what to do with us, we are smoking.’ Louise giggled when they both stood together, looking in the mirror.
‘That’s the spirit!’ Claire cheered.
‘I can’t believe you have a vampire boyfriend and I’m away to go on a date with one… Just like we imagined when we were young.’ Louise laughed.
‘I know, dreams can come true.’ Claire smiled.
‘I can’t believe after searching for so many years, I’ve found my soulmate.’ Chris sighed as he and Loki had a quick drink before leaving.
‘I guess it sometimes just takes time.’ Loki shrugged.
‘Should I tell her that she’s my soulmate?’ Chris asked.
Loki hummed and tilted his head back and fore in thought. ‘Not sure. It’s down to you, really. I didn’t tell Claire for a while, because I didn’t want her to feel like she had to be with me. I wanted her to be with me because she wanted to.’
Chris nodded. ‘That makes sense. I’ll do the same, I think. I don’t want her to feel pressured into anything.’
Loki was rather surprised, yet pleased, at how Chris was being with the whole thing. He had half expected him to try and pounce on Louise, but he seemed to really care for her already. The instinct of wanting to look after and protect his soulmate had kicked in and was very strong.
‘Yeah, might need to wait a while before you get freaky in the bedroom. I remember some of the kinky shit you’re into, she’d run a mile.’ Loki teased.
Chris smirked. ‘Oh, don’t worry. I’ll wait until she’s on her knees begging me to take her.’
Loki face-palmed.
‘Chris might seem a bit rough around the edges, he is more… feral with his vampire instincts. Though he is a sweet guy to those he cares about, I really think he’ll be good for you.’ Claire told Louise.
‘You’re speaking as if it’s already a done deal that he will want to date me properly.’ Louise laughed.
‘Well…’ Claire almost spilled about being his soulmate, then thought again about it incase Chris didn’t want her to know just yet. ‘of course it’s a done deal, look at you! Plus, he will fall in love with your personality too once he gets to know you.’
‘Well, let’s just see how tonight goes.’ Louise smiled. ‘Oh, by the way. I’ve noticed bats hanging around my place lately… Is that Loki?’
Claire’s eyes widened slightly. ‘Ah… that… could be Chris. I know he followed your taxi home the night of Loki’s birthday, to make sure you got home safely. Loki did it with me too, he’d sometimes just come and check that everything was ok at my place.’
‘Really?’ Louise asked, eyes widening.
Claire got a little worried that she would freak out at that, but thankfully, that wasn’t the case.
‘That’s so sweet!’ She squealed like a giddy schoolgirl.
While Claire and Louise waited for Loki and Chris to come collect them, they had a couple of drinks downstairs.
‘I love that you guys have a vampire cat.’ Louise said with a smile as she stroked Bat, who was lying on the rug on front of the fire place.
‘She’s the best.’ Claire grinned.
Bat made a chirping noise in response, making Louise laugh. Bat then shot up and ran over towards the window, she jumped up onto the window ledge to look out of the window. She turned to look at the girls and meowed again.
‘Here’s our dates.’ Claire winked at Louise.
Louise was so excited to see Chris again, her stomach was in knots but she was more excited than nervous.
They grabbed their coats just as Loki opened the door.
‘My ladies… Your ride is here.’ He called with a big smile.
Claire giggled as they kissed, then they made their way down to the car. Chris got out and opened the back door for Louise, his heart began to race as she came closer. He noticed her cheeks turned pink again when she looked at him, unable to keep eye contact.
Her smell hit him like a brick, god she smelled so delectable to him.
Louise had forgotten just how tall and broad that Chris was, he was like a giant. Though the sweet smile on his face made her heart melt. She couldn’t get over how handsome he was.
‘You look stunning, Louise.’ Chris said when she reached him.
‘Thank you.’ She bushed even harder. ‘You look really handsome.’ She said shyly, making him smile widely.
Chris couldn’t resist picking up her hand and kissing the back of it again, she got the same tingling feeling as she did the last time. He then motioned to the car, Louise slipped into the back seat and Chris closed the door behind her. He practically jogged round to the other side of the car to get in the back seat with her.
Loki and Claire shook their heads with a smile. Loki opened the passenger door for Claire and helped her in.
‘Why thank you, kind sir.’ She grinned at him.
Loki winked at her as he closed the door, then walked round the car to get in the driver’s side. The plan was to drive to the restaurant, then they’d get a taxi back. He’d get his car tomorrow.
‘How are things going at the school? Claire was telling me about a couple of the students going a bit rogue this week and getting hurt?’ Louise asked Chris.
‘Yes, things are a little tense unfortunately. Some of the students just coming of age, getting used to their new instincts are struggling. I try to help them, to direct them in the right way’
Loki coughed at that. Chris clenched his jaw slightly and glared at the back of Loki’s head.
‘I try to direct them in a safe way to carry out their natural instincts, but these few decided they knew better and went off without guidance, getting themselves into a bit of trouble.’ He continued.
‘In what way are they in trouble?’ Louise asked curiously. She was fascinated with the vampire’s lives.
‘They’re trying to go after hunters, as there’s been a bit of an influx of them lately in the city. The students think they can take them on, getting their fill at the same time as doing good. But they’re too young and inexperienced, too hot-headed. One was badly injured the other night.’
‘Not like it’s the first bunch of hot-headed vampires we’ve had to deal with.’ Loki uttered.
‘Yes, thanks brother for your input.’ Chris growled at him.
Louise had to hold back a laugh, she found it quite amusing the way the brothers bickered. It had been the same at Loki’s party. Claire had filled her in about them both, a bit about their history together and how they both had different views of what was right and wrong.
She’d thought a lot about Chris and how he was known for feeding from innocent humans. Though she had decided that until he gave her a reason to be scared of him, she wouldn’t let that information cloud her judgement of him. At the end of the day, vampires were vastly different to humans, she knew that they needed blood to survive. They had to get it one way or another, and Chris was an original vampire, after all.
Claire had been quite surprised how accepting of him Louise had been when she filled her in.
‘It must be scary knowing there’s hunters about?’ Louise asked.
Loki and Claire nodded.
‘Nothing we can’t handle, they’re more an annoyance than anything.’ Chris said, slightly boasting.
Loki rolled his eyes.
When they arrived at the restaurant, Chris was ever the gentleman still, opening the door for Louise and pulling her chair out, then tucking it in for her. Loki did the same for Claire, not wanting to be upstaged by his brother.
Loki sat next to Claire, Louise was opposite Claire with Chris next to her. Louise noticed that Chris slid his chair slightly over so he was quite close to her, which made her heart feel fuzzy.
‘I bet I know what you’re going to get.’ Claire grinned at Louise.
Louise raised an eyebrow at her. ‘What?’
‘Spaghetti meatballs, that’s your favourite.’ Claire said confidently.
‘Oh.’ Louise laughed a little. ‘Actually, the salad looks quite good.’ She said quietly.
Claire frowned, she knew that Louise wasn’t fond of salad. Loki instinctively picked up on something when Claire gave him a look. So Loki dragged Chris up to the bar so they could order their drinks, then they’d go back to order the food once they’d decided on it.
‘Sis, you don’t need to worry about what you’re eating anymore. I know you don’t like salad.’ Claire said knowingly.
Louise let out a big breath and ran a hand down her face. ‘You’re right… I guess I just fell into old ways.’ She said quietly.
‘Chris isn’t like him. He won’t control what you eat, you can eat like a pig and Chris won’t care. Loki would kick his ass if he did, but he won’t. You should see the amount of food they end up eating. I swear Loki is trying to put weight on me, too. I’m heavier than I used to be.’ Claire laughed.
Louise laughed too. When the guys returned with drinks, they both noticed that Louise looked visibly more relaxed. She did end up going for meatballs and spaghetti.
‘Good choice. If it didn’t have garlic, I’d be going for that too.’ Chris said when she had decided.
‘Oh yeah, you guys can’t have garlic, can you?’ Louise asked.
‘We can, in small amounts. Though it does still cause stomach aches even on a small level.’ Chris explained.
‘Doesn’t stop Loki. He just stinks out the bathroom afterwards.’ Claire said as she pulled a face.
Louise laughed and Chris chuckled, Loki glared at Claire and squeezed her thigh under the table with a growl. ‘You’re so in trouble later.’
‘I sure hope so.’ Claire giggled.
The conversation between the four was kept light and fun. Chris and Loki bickered, like typical brothers. Even Claire and Louise had a few fun sisterly bickers together too, though not as harsh as the brothers.
When they were finished for the evening, Chris helped Louise with her coat and couldn’t resist letting his hands linger for a little on her shoulders, that she didn’t fail to notice.
She was staying the night at Loki and Claire’s, to save getting a taxi back home since she didn’t have work the following morning.
Chris said he would just fly home, to save a taxi going there and then to Loki’s. So they said their goodbyes outside.
‘Are you going to be around tomorrow morning?’ Louise asked, hopeful.
Chris’ face lit up at the fact she was hoping to see him more before heading home. He looked at Loki and Claire. ‘Well, if I’m invited, I wouldn’t say no to breakfast?’
‘Of course, you’re welcome.’ Claire nodded.
Loki sighed dramatically. ‘I suppose I could put on some extra bacon and sausages.’
‘I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.’ Chris grinned at Louise.
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hannahssimblr · 6 months
Chapter Eight
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“Will you have a Bailey’s dear?”
“Oh yeah, thank you, that’d be lovely.”
Claire’s mother Cassandra, who could genuinely be her older sister, strokes her hand down my cheek to my chin and makes an affectionate clucking sound in the same way that her daughter does. They’re alike in so many ways that it’s almost frightening, clones of one another, the understated beauty, the way they’re always touching you, the plump, pouty mouth. Cassandra is the most glamorous woman in Tullamore and everybody knows it. She’s soft cashmere and velvet, the colour champagne and the smell of vanilla, and tonight she’s dressed in beige and white, patient stiletto heels clicking across the tile in her enormous kitchen to get a carved crystal glass for my liqueur. 
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“She won’t be long, love.” She calls out to me as I perch on a settee by their roaring fire in the next room, its mantle adorned with eucalyptus leaves and a dozen white pillar candles. 
“Oh it’s fine.” I say. “I’m alright with waiting, your house is so cosy.”
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“Oh, thank you.” She replies, delighted, and hands me the glass, half a strawberry floating amongst the ice cubes. “We’re doing a white and gold theme this year for Christmas, since we had our walls painted in Elephant’s Breath last summer I thought we could keep it neutral.”
“It’s beautiful, you’ve done an amazing job.”
“Oh darling, you’re so nice.” She moves around the room looking for something, all long legs like a gazelle, and then peeps under the coffee table to grab a magazine. “I’m going to go into Barry in the other room, he’s watching a film if you’d like to join us.”
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“Oh, no I’m fine here.” I say, and she leaves me by the fire where I curl my legs up underneath me and watch the flames dancing in the dim lamp light, sipping from my glass while the logs crackle and I feel like a kid on Christmas in some 90’s movie like Miracle on 34th Street or Home Alone. It’s the day after Christmas so all of the presents have been opened, but Cassandra leaves fake ones under the tree. I think they’re just empty cardboard boxes but they’re wrapped in gold foil paper and tied up beautifully with silk ribbons with the kind of patience and care that I know I will never have for something so arbitrary as a Christmas present, never mind a fake one. I fantasise, the way I often do when I’m by myself in Claire’s house, that I grew up here and had this wonderful, perfect childhood where I got everything I ever wished for and life was always beautiful. 
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My phone goes off and I’m distracted from my daydreams as I take it out of my pocket to see a notification on my Instagram. I tap to open the app and read it, and it’s just Marnie commenting on one of my recent drawings. 
Ugh, so talented. 
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I hit the home button and the app instantly takes me to a picture Shane uploaded earlier in the day that I haven’t seen yet. I do a double take when I see it. It’s him and Jen. I stare at it for ages, taking it all in, the way that they have their heads smushed together in the frame, both of them grinning. The caption is: The state of us lol. 
It is disquieting to see it for some reason, and as I look down at my phone in my hand I remember my encounter with Jen in that cocktail bar back in November and how she’d mentioned some get together with all the old gang. Here is photographic evidence that it happened, and Shane went, even though he never told me that he did. I stare at the photo some more, Jen has commented underneath it, something about how bad they both look, and then I notice something else in the background of the photo. 
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It’s a hand on a table, the rest of the person off screen but I know instinctively who it belongs to by its long painterly fingers, my insides start feeling like something is bouncing around in my guts and before I can stop myself I have already tapped on Jen’s profile. It’s like my body is invaded by something, and it just takes over from my brain and starts performing automated movements, scrolling, tapping, scrolling, tapping. I go to her followers list and start trawling through hundreds of names, nothing familiar, nobody I know, until…
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I stop. There it is. NotJTurner. The little icon next to it is the back of his head, a black puffer coat on him, looking out over a winter sky streaked with clouds, and I want to snort with derision. He really is so pretentious, it pisses me off. I tap on the icon anyway. 
There are no photographs of him on the profile. The whole thing is this immaculately curated mood board, every picture taken with what must be some expensive DSLR camera, edited perfectly to fit the theme and capture city life. A man walks his dog while drinking from a takeaway coffee cup in the snow. Two girls climb out of a taxi on a wet night, the lights of the city smeared and reflected on the slick tarmacadam. A symmetrical shot of a skyline, a building with a hundred windows and then a vast expanse of clear cyan sky in the negative space it creates. The more I look the angrier I get and I don’t know why. All of these carefully selected pictures of this perfect Berlin life, everything so aesthetically pleasing, all of it so goddamned good. I hate that he’s good. He’s supposed to be terrible, he’s supposed to be as awful as the feelings he ran away and left me with.
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But I can’t look away. Dotted here and there among the street photography are pictures from exhibitions, some sculpture work he’s presumably doing at college and then like me, he’s photographed his sketchbooks, and they’re breathtaking. Deep, dark and moody, faces emerging from blackness on the page. The way he’s captured expression and movement would put stars in Ida’s eyes, and I linger on one page that just hands, some draped over the edge of a bathtub with wrists exposed, dirt beneath the nails, skin taut over the veins, knuckles rough and scabbed and yet they look like they’re ready to start moving off the page. He never showed me his work that summer, I never knew, he never told me it was like this, and I feel more humiliated than ever that I let him see my stupid, childish work that night after the graveyard. And I think of the way he looked at me and said these are really good. I huff out of my nostrils. What a liar. 
I start scrolling faster through the images, blood rushing through me and throb in my face and I know that if anyone asked me I’d have no way of explaining this reaction and this flood of strange feelings that have crashed over me, how the meagre act of looking at someone’s instagram profile could make me feel with such intensity. 
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I stop dead with confusion when I see something else among the other posts. Is that… me? Am I looking at my own face? 
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I become still and look, and keep looking. Is it really? I stare at the screen and wonder if I’m just making things up out of self-obsession, but it’s undeniable that the face in front of me is my own. Or rather, the faces. Somewhere in the depths of his profile, way down near the bottom is a photograph of a collection of drawings. There are five heads all arranged on a page, each one with a different expression, confusion, scepticism, surprise, contentment, and another that I become transfixed on because I don’t recognise it right away. The girl on the page has bare shoulders, long, unkempt hair that’s coming across her forehead in loose strands over her low straight brows. Her eyes are bright and engaged, and sparkling, as you might even say if you were feeling generous. Her head is tilted forward and the corner of her mouth quirked upwards to create this cheeky, mischievous expression that I never knew I had. When have I ever made that face? 
He’s made me look so free and so easy and so beautiful that I’m sure he’s taken creative liberties. I don’t ever really look like that. These versions of me are from somebody’s imagination, like they’re a character who’s wearing a mask of my face and has enhanced all of the best parts and ignored the way that my shoulders are always hunched and there’s a line etched between my eyebrows. When did he draw these? Why did he draw these? I read the caption. 
Old work. 
That’s all. Of course he doesn’t say anything about who the girl in the drawings is, or what compelled him to draw her, but why would he? There’s a big piece of me that wishes that he’d shown me these before, emailed them to me, anything. How old are they? Are they from that summer on the beach, or sometime afterwards? My mind drifts back to my bedroom in Tullamore where there is a sketchbook hidden away in a big plastic box beneath my bed that contains my own clumsy attempts at drawing him. I remember doing them in the middle of some emotional episode and feeling like I was in some way creating a bridge between our distance, relishing each little zing of pleasure I felt as I remembered another little detail about his beautiful face that I could put to paper. But you couldn’t waterboard those drawings out of me now, never mind convince me to put them up on the internet. 
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When I hear Claire coming down the stairs I hastily put my phone back into my pocket. “Hello gorgeous.” She says as she sweeps into the room. “Are you ready to hit the road?”
“Yes!” I say, and I grab my half full glass of Baileys from the coffee table so I can gulp it down in one go. It doesn’t even make me wince. “Let’s get moving.”
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blooming-violets · 2 years
Halloween fluff idea: Peter and wife taking his kids trick or treating! Bonus points if they visit Aunt May’s house to surprise her.
Peter, you, and the twins: Claire and Benjy.
It's the first Halloween that they're old enough to appreciate what Trick-or-Treating is. They're both so excited to dress up and go out.
Earlier that year, Peter showed them E.T for the first the time. You thought they were way too young to see that movie but he insisted that he saw it at their age so it was fine. Both kids cried and were terrified through the whole thing but, afterwards, screamed that they wanted to watch it again. It became their favorite movie.
Cue the costumes:
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Peter put them together all by himself. It wasn't that hard but he really wanted them to nail the look. He's very proud of it and the kids love it.
On Halloween evening, Peter loads everyone into the car and drives over to May’s house. She doesn’t know that they’re coming, thinking that they’ll go Trick-or-Treating in their own neighborhood. 
“Hurry, go knock on the door,” Peter whispered to his two toddlers as he placed them in May’s driveway. “And, remember, what do you say when she answers?”
“Trick-or-Treat!” They both parroted back to him, their tiny voices syncing together into one. 
“Good job,” he smiled proudly at them. Peter slipped his arm around your waist and kissed the side of your head. “May is going to lose it. I used to make her watch E.T. with me all the time when I was little.” 
The twins both excitedly knocked on the front door, their tiny fists banging away, while you and Peter strode up the walkway. It took May only a minute to answer. She opened the door with a smile, wearing a witch hat, and cradled a large bowl of candy in her arms. Her eyes lit up when she saw her great niece and nephew standing in front of her with giant, matching smiles. 
“Auntie May!” Benjy jumped up and down in front of her, over the moon to see his favorite person in the world. 
“No,” Claire chastised him, already taking the lead in any situation. “You supposed to say Trick-o-Treat.” 
Benjy nodded, taking the orders from his sister, “Tw’ick-O-Tw’eat!” 
May laughed and bent down to see them, “Oh my, don’t you two look wonderful. Where have my Claire Bear and Benjy Boy gone? All I see are Elliot and Gertie.” 
The twins giggled and Claire held out her arms, “It really is us, Auntie May! We’re dressed up!” 
“What?” She pretended to rub her eyes and reexamine them, giving a quiet gasp. “You’re right! It is you.” 
Benjy held up his orange plastic pumpkin, “Daddy said if we said tw’ick-o-tw’eat then you give us candy. I thinks you forgetting something, Auntie.” 
Peter rolled his eyes at you with a smile. Leave it to Benjy to have nothing but candy on the mind. May held out the bowl and let them each pick two pieces to put in their buckets. 
“What do you say?” You reminded the kids.
“Thank you!” They both shouted at the same time. Benjy was already tearing into the piece of chocolate he was given. You were certain his face would be covered with it within the next hour.  
Peter untangled himself from your side and stepped around the kids to pull May into a hug, “How you doing? Enjoy the Halloween surprise?”
She gave his side a soft smack, “You told me you were taking the kids around your neighborhood, you liar.” 
He laughed, “Sorry. That was the plan but they insisted they needed to Trick-or-Treat at your house. They want you to come with us. Wait until you see Benji’s tricycle. I stuck a basket to the front and bought an E.T. to stick in. I know you. I know you’ll want to get a million pictures of them before the sun fully sets.”
May looked down the street, taking note of the few kids already starting their night, “But who will hand out candy?” 
“Leave it on the porch. It’ll be fine. If some asshole kid steals it all then, oh well, they steal it all.” 
“Asshole!” Claire piped up from under Peter’s legs. She was too smart for her own good. She knew whenever a bad word was said and she loved to repeat it, knowing it would get reaction from the adults. 
You shot your husband an unamused look, “Language, Peter.”
May shook her head in feigned disappointed at her nephew, trying to hide her smile, and turned her attention down to Claire, “You’re daddy is in big trouble.”
She nodded back with wide eyes, “He should get a time out on the time out chair.” 
You agreed, “You know what to do.” You pointed to the top step of the porch. “Time out, Peter.” 
He gave an exasperated sigh, putting on a show for the kids, as he slumped down on the top step. His head hung low as his bottom lip pouted out. 
Claire went and sat next to him, resting her head on his arm, “It’s okay, daddy. You just gotta say sorry to mommy for saying bad words. Then you can get up again.” 
Peter looked up at you with big, round eyes, milking this for all it was worth, “I’m sorry, mommy, for saying bad words.” 
You did your best to hide the snort of laughter that desperately wanted to come out. You took a deep breath and nodded, “Thank you. You can get up now.” 
“You did it, daddy!” Claire jumped up with him. 
Peter’s attention turned to Benjy who had gone unusually quiet. He was hunched up in the corner, surrounded by a growing pile of wrappers, and stuffing as much of May’s Halloween candy into his mouth as he could. 
“Benjamin Parker!” Peter gasped. “You little sneak!” 
Benjy looked up with chocolate smearing his lips, “I didn’t do it. It was a ghost.” 
“Tell that ghost he’s going to be the next one to get a time out if he doesn’t cut it out.” Peter clapped his hands, letting it slide. It was Halloween, after all. Candy was meant to be eaten. “Alright, children! Get your pumpkins, grab Auntie May, and let’s get Trick-Or-Treating.”
“Yay!” They shouted back. 
Claire grabbed her pumpkin bucket and jumped down the stairs. She grabbed hold of your hand and started to tug you down the walkway, excited to get going. 
Benjy pushed himself up off the ground and gently took May’s hand, giving her a big, chocolatey smile, “Come on, Auntie May. I’ll share my candy wiff you because you don’t have a bag. We can be Tw’ick-O-Tw’eat buddies.” 
“You know,” she whispered to him, gladly taking his hand. “You remind me so much of your daddy when he was little. I’d love to be your buddy tonight.” 
Peter hopped down the stairs to wrap his arm back around your waist and placed a kiss to your temple, “I think we’ve got some good kids. Let’s make a date tonight to steal some of their candy after they sleep and watch a scary movie.”  
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 year
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I'm So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 13B: She's My Addiction
Soundtrack: “She’s My Addiction,” Fozzy, 2012 [click here to listen]
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“Thanks again for doing this, man. That was a killer set.”
Jamie popped open a Coke bottle, took a long swig, and set it back on the card table that a roadie had hastily set up. “Colum said you’re a fan. Is that true?”
Geordie Ash had been nothing but professional since Colum brought him backstage as soon as the gig finished. Jamie had introduced him to the other 2 members of Print – Ian Murray (bass, Jamie’s childhood friend and brother-in-law) and Angus Mhor (drums) – and Claire, of course. Then Ian had walked away to call his wife (and Jamie’s sister) Jenny and talk to the kids before they went to bed, and Angus had drifted away with the two giggling groupies who had diligently followed the band on every stop of this acoustic tour (nice girls who had absolutely nothing going on in their heads).
And Colum had led Jamie, Claire, and Geordie to Jamie’s dressing room. On the short walk there, Jamie’s guitar tech pressed the now-customary post-show apple and bottle of Coke (the drink, not the drug) into his hands, and Claire whispered a short, private message to Geordie – a stranger who could reward or ruin their lives.
“I’m definitely a fan.” Geordie settled in his (uncomfortable) seat, drumming his fingers on the table. No notebook, pen, or recording device – as Colum had promised. “Went to a couple shows on your tour in ’86, too. You’ve got a sound like nobody else. I won’t lie, when people found out you were in rehab there was real concern that that was the end of the band. Clearly that’s wrong.”
Jamie took a bite from his apple, and wiped the last sweat from his forehead with the towel that always waited for him backstage. “Colum says you two go way back.”
Geordie smiled. “I cut my teeth as a reporter for Creem in the late 60s and early 70s. Got paid next to nothing to travel around the country, writing about the bands I idolized. I remember Colum as this crazy little shit who was a foot shorter than Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, but he could haul wires and amps better than anybody else on that crew.” He paused, sipping a cup of coffee. “But he got me time with those guys on the Starship. And at the Riot House. Robert Plant proclaiming to the world that he was a golden god? That was me. So Colum really helped me get to the next level. Even though he stole the girl I’d had my eye on all summer.”
There were parallels that Geordie could draw to Jamie – but neither man said anything.
“Anyway, the new stuff is really, really good. Have you played it electric yet?”
Jamie paused. “No, not yet. The guys and I, we hadn’t even been in the same room together until six weeks ago. I played for them all the stuff I’d written in rehab, the way I’d written it. On the acoustic guitar. And that inspired Ian to write a few songs of his own, and all of a sudden we’ve got an album’s worth of material. And we’d just taken on Colum as our manager, so I said, let’s do it. Let’s get back on the road.”
“Would you consider doing an all-acoustic record for your next album? That could be really interesting.”
Jamie spun the bottle cap on the table. “It’s a good question. To be honest, I hadn’t considered it. It’s certainly a slower pace, this acoustic thing. But I miss my Strat. I miss Ian’s Rickenbacker bass. And Angus is being a really good sport with the acoustic stuff, but he’s just dying to hit the shit out of his drums.”
Claire still knew next to nothing about the music industry – or the lives of professional musicians. Aside from the past few weeks, she’d never seen Jamie at work, either. But she could tell when he was really engaged in conversation with someone. And this Geordie guy seemed to be the real deal.
“I get that. Do you miss playing the older stuff on this tour?”
“Yeah. But I really needed the time away from all those songs. It reminds me of…some not so good times. Getting sober was hard, and staying sober is so much fucking harder. This acoustic tour has been a good way to ease back into everything before it all starts again.”
“When you play the songs you wrote in rehab, do you think about being in that place?”
Jamie looked over Geordie’s shoulder, at Claire perched in her chair.
“Sometimes. Mostly I think about where my head and heart were at. Not just in getting clean, and learning new habits. But also about Claire, and how fucking terrifying it was to be falling for her. I told her that I’m the last thing she needed in her life. I still feel that way.”
“What does it mean to have her with you on this tour?”
Claire’s eyes shone.
“It means fucking everything to me.” Jamie looked straight at Geordie. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her. She’s the reason I wake up, and try my best to live a good life. She chooses to be here. I appreciate her, and I sure as hell don’t take it for granted that she’s here.”
Geordie unfolded a piece of paper from his pocket and set it on the table. “Like I said, I’ve been a fan of yours for years. I’ve been to two other shows on this tour. And I’ve written down the chorus and bridge from ‘She’s My Addiction’ because I’ve been wanting to ask you about it. May I?”
Jamie nodded, clearly surprised.
Geordie began to read:
She’s my addiction // No rehab can break this chain She's my addiction // Her poison shoots right through my vein She's my addiction // A one way ticket back again She's my addiction // This damn woman's drivin' me insane
“It’s catchy as fuck, Jamie. I guarantee it’ll be a big hit. But you know that everybody – and I mean everybody – is gonna ask you more questionsabout who this woman is, than they’ll ever ask you about all the sordid details on the kinds of drugs you went to rehab for. You get me?”
Jamie nodded. “I get it. Claire and I have talked about it. We’re ready for it. Besides, everything I wrote is true. She is my addiction now. Being with her is better than any drug I ever took, better than any alcohol I ever drank. And you know what the best part is, man? I want it. And she wants me. Fucking magical.”
Geordie nonchalantly re-folded the paper and slipped it back into his pocket. “Are you saying that it’s a long-term thing between you two?”
“Forever, if she’ll have me.”
Claire snorted audibly.
“Would you believe it if I told you she didn’t know who I was, when we met at The Ridge? Do you know how awesome that is?”
Geordie smiled. “It’s not that much of a surprise. But after you record this new stuff, and it hits the radio – I guarantee that there will be even fewer people in the world who don’t know your face and voice. Or your story.”
Jamie took one last bite from his apple. “That’s OK. I want to enjoy every damn minute of it. I look forward to it. It’ll be a hell of a ride, but I won’t be alone this time.”
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sizzlinbaconpeach · 1 year
What do you think of Jill wearing more feminine outfits next to Carlos? I've never seen pictures of she in a dress with Chris. which means outside of work Chris has never seen her in a dress
Here's the Jill and Carlos picture the Asker is referring to:
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I want to start by saying that I can see how (especially) in the RE3Remake, Jill and Carlos do make quite a cute pairing. I feel like the remake did a much better job of making their relationship more 'shippy' and I liked Carlos a lot. I can totally understand if someone wants to ship Carlos and Jill.
I personally didn't see much romance between them in the OG RE3, but I understand that there are some slightly different paths with that game as well. Like you may get the above picture or a different one. I also know this can happen in the OG:
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I'm glad Jill and Carlos have some respite after everything in RE3! Lord knows they both need it.
But I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Valenfield and they are my main RE ship.
Also, my sister and I joke that the poster Jill has on her apartment wall in the remake is of Chris (handsome dark haired biker dude who appears to have some military influences - we know Chris has a leather biker jacket and is ex-military. It might be a bit of a stretch but it also made us go 'Hmmm...') Source:
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I could also go as far as to speculate (but should I? XD) that Jill (we don't actually see the persons face) is wearing one of Chris' shirts in the RE3Remake post-credits. Or at least it looks very much like Jill wearing a green shirt with a punching bag in the background (Chris has always been associated with the color green and punching boulders). But if you want to headcanon that it's Jill and Carlos I guess you could do that, too. (I think some people speculate it might be Rebecca as well, but I'm going with Jill)
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Yes, Jill is definitely a woman who would wear cute feminine outfits if she wanted to. I have seen those pictures of Jill and Carlos at the end of RE3. It's always kind of fun when Capcom does things like that so you can determine for yourself what it means (like all these other points I've brought up, too).
But to come back to your initial point, I think there is definitely a chance Chris and Jill have seen each other in casual clothes over the many years they have known each other, which by Death Island will be about 20 years.
For example, you can read some entries from Jill's diary as bonus material in RE3 (the original), to which she mentions Chris in 3 out of the 4 entries. One entry even has her going over to Chris' apartment in the middle of the night. So did Chris see her in her pajamas? Maybe. Or maybe Jill wore her ugliest sweats and a huge trench coat. Maybe she suited up in her STARS uniform before going over? Maybe she did wear a really freaking cute outfit? Who knows. But what we do know is that she went over to his apartment in the middle of the night. My thought is that she went over in normal casual clothes.
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There have been multiple subtle hints about how close Chris and Jill are in the series. Chris even writes to Jill that Claire may reach out to her about his whereabouts in his letter, found in the STARS office in RE2Remake. And that's why I like their ship so much, they have a lot of history together and care about each other deeply (whether you see them as romantic or not).
They are 2 of the original 11 founders of the BSAA. The BSAA rubs shoulders with some big government organizations and the like. Perhaps there has been a gala or fancy fundraiser or meet and greet with these organizations, which would mean Chris and Jill would attend in some formal wear. I'm not saying it happened, but it is within the realm of possibility.
And also, in RE5, Jill only tears off her cloak to reveal her skintight battlesuit once she's in front of Chris (And rips it open :O). Okaaayyy?? Girl has been missing her man for almost 3 years! Like... hmmmm.... lol. (No, honestly, I'm only joking, that whole ordeal breaks my heart for both of them - how traumatic it must be!)
So in short, I guess there is a chance that Chris and Jill have never seen each other in casual cute clothes, but their history and apparent connections (within canon) would more logically point to the fact that they have.
But Jill and Carlos are cute, too. Just not my favorite and first RE ship :)
I'm not here to start any shipping wars or anything. Just enjoying my current obsession :P
(Also, sorry if I sound ignorant, is there a cultural aspect that makes seeing someone in their casual clothes much more significant? I know RE is Japanese, so is it a big deal in Japanese culture? To our Western traditions, we usually place significance on seeing someone dressed up nicely)
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renee-writer · 25 days
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Jamie and Jenny Chapter 2
“How do I even go about burying my parents? That is what they should teach in school.”
His neighbor gives him a look of sympathy. Claire Beauchamp moved next door to the Frasers a few years ago after her A levels were complete. She was studying to be a holistic healer.
“They should.” She softly says. In her arms, Jenny lays asleep, exhausted from grief.
“I thought I would have plenty of time to prepare for this, years, decades! I am only twenty -two, for God’s sake.”
She adjusts the sleeping girl so she has a hand free, that hand she lays over his. Just a few years older, her parents are long dead, ironically, killed in a car accident, when she was five. Her Uncle Lamb raised her from then. To lose him…
“You are not alone. Uncle Lamb and I will be here for you both.”
Jenny moans in her sleep and Jamie reaches for her. She lifts her into his arms.
“Shh, mo phiuthar ghràdhach, I am here.”
“Mammy, daddy!” He rest his head against hers.
“I am here. I will be going nowhere.”
He isn’t sure how to keep his word, even as he says it. Assumes that as her brother, her only living relative, he will be granted custody. But, he is barely an adult. Will that figure in?
She falls asleep in his arms. He holds her, loath to put her down. The warm sleeping weight of her is comforting. Life. He holds life in his arms.
“I worry they will try to take her away.”
Claire frowns at him. “Why? You’re her brother and an adult.”
He nods, shifting Jenny so she rests easier against him. “True. But a young adult.”
“One who has been running the family business, or co-running it,” they both frown. Now he will be fully running it with Brian’s death. She hurries past that, “A responsible adult. Her calm center. I will help you fight if they try.”
“Thanks Claire. We see them buried and go from there.”
“Yes. One step at a time.”
He sighs as he feels the soul weary ache fill him. “In truth, now it is one second at a time.”
“Then let’s take that next second.”
He tries to smile, resting his weary head against hers for a moment. “ Thank you Claire,” a deep sigh. “alright what is next?”
He gets through it, with her and her uncle’s help. They guide him through picking out caskets, plots, and all the other minute details of laying his parents to rest.
They stand beside himself and Jenny on the day. He holds himself together for his sister. She stands solemn, in a new grey dress that Claire helped her pick out. They decided black was to much. He holds her hand standing, greeting the mourners in a black suit. Claire stands to his left, holding his other hand, while Lamb has Jenny ‘s other hand.
“Thank you for coming.”
“Yes, quite unexpected.”
“Aye, I pray so.”
He is numb and accepts the condolences offered to them by rote. Half an hour after, Claim squeezes his hand and leads him to front row. He is grateful. There is only so long he can stand and hear the kind but overwhelming, words . Jenny sits stiffly beside him. Before them  are the coffins of their parents.
“They are with the angels and Jesus now, right Jamie?” she whispers.
“Aye Jenny.” She nods to herself.
Right before the service is to start, a lad hasn’t  seen since he was Jenny’s age comes up to them.
“Murtagh?” He stands, looking at the man.
“Aye, Jamie lad, it is me. I receive the local news and saw their obituaries. Shook me to my core, they did.”
“Us as well. You recall my sister, Jenny. Jenny this is our cousin, Murtagh.”
“Jenny lass, you have grown to be a beauty. You were just a wean the last time I was you.”
“Nice to meet you.” She stands and offers a curtsy before seating back down and holding tight to Claire ‘s hand.
“My neighbor, Claire Beauchamp and her uncle, Lambert.”
Claire offers her hand. “Very nice to meet you.” Lamb does the same.
“They helped me with all this.” Jamie says.
“Forgive me lad. I got here as soon as I could.”
“You were out of country then?”
“Aye,” he replies to Lamb, “In the States.”
“Murtagh is a historian, right?”
“Aye Jamie. I was there studying the flow of migrants  after the final Raising.”
“Truly? I am an archeologist.” Murtagh takes a seat beside Lamb and they spent the next few minutes comparing their similar careers.
“Do you think they would have liked it?” Jamie asks him after. They are heading back to the cars after the graveside service.
“You did well, Jamie.”
They head back to Lallybroch.
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1skidoo9 · 2 months
"How'd I get myself into this?" Patrick asked his reflection. He quickly looked away, unnerved by his reflection wearing nothing but a pair of his sister's tights. He hadn't really gotten himself into it, but he knew how he had ended up wearing his sister's tights, her leotard and tutu waiting on his bed.
It had all been their sisters' fault. Three boys right around the same age, each with a sister who was also about the same age as the other girls. That was the sort of thing that meant you saw a lot of each other. Both trios were close-knit friends, always coming up with activities. About a week or two ago, the girls had had the idea of a photoshoot in their brothers' football gear - pads, jerseys, helmets, and all. That in and of itself was harmless. It was going to be part of some community newsletter or something. But then, Patrick's sister had asked a question at the dinner table.
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"What are you three gonna do?"
"Well, me and Stacy and Claire did those photos. What are you boys gonna do?"
"I dunno." He poked at his casserole.
"Maybe you can dress up in our stuff."
"Oh, yeah. Totally." Sarcasm dripped from his voice as he snorted and Mom laughed. That could have been the end of it, but Mom was so amused, she mentioned it to the other moms and the ball started rolling. Somewhere along the way, it changed from a joke to a serious consideration. And now, Patrick thought. Now I'm putting on Sara's ballet stuff for photos.
"Almost ready?" Patrick glared as Mom covered her mouth a moment too late to hide her laughter.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." He muttered.
"Well, the car's in the garage, so no one will even see." Mom said. He looked visibly relieved. "Let's get going. We need to pick up Cody and Ricky."
"Oh. Forgot we were all riding together." Patrick took a fortifying breath before following his mom, tutu bouncing as if to remind him he was wearing Sara's ballet things.
"Do you need help?" Mom asked he fought his way into the backseat and then discovered the trial of trying to buckle a seatbelt with a tutu in the way.
"I" he grunted. "I think I got it." Mom looked over her shoulder, just to make sure he really had buckled up.
"First stop, Cody!"
Cody all but booked it for the car the second they stopped. Under different circumstances, Patrick would have locked the door and laughed at him tugging on the door handle. Instead, he simply slid over and let one of his two best friends join him in the backseat.
"This is awful." Cody mumbled.
"You don't get it." Cody whispered. "Claire's stuff" he shuddered. "It was too small, so Mom took me shopping this morning for my own leotard. My own tutu!" Patrick stared at his friend sympathetically. "The saleslady probably thinks I want to be a sissy ballerina or something."
"It's just a quick photo." Patrick said reassuringly. "Right, mom?"
"Of course." She smiled. "You two look great." She could tell by their faces that was the worst thing she could have said. Well, they'd come around.
Things only grew worse once Ricky joined them. They had often sat in the backseat, but this was the first time they had had to contend with tutus and their tights-clad legs brushing against each other. They were a trio of squirming ballerinas all the way to the dance studio. Patrick's mom knew there would be plenty of photos, but she still wished she could sneak a few of the three of them squirming and wiggling with their tutus in each other's faces. Every now and again, they would figure out there was no way to keep their tutus under control, so they would stop wiggling, only to start again. They were so distracted, none of them noticed the ballet studio passing by three times as Patrick's mom did a few laps, just to prolong their struggle.
"Alright! Ballerinas out!" She said, finally pulling into the parking lot. She covered her mouth as they spilled out and charged toward the door, held open by Cody's mom.
"I like that hustle!" She said as they speed past her, three pink blurs. "We've only got a bit before there's a class in here, so let's get right to work." The boys all felt quite relieved. "Now, let's have you three join hands and jump in a circle."
"Your sisters had to do a little warming up to get used to your football pads. This is just like that." The boys were skeptical, but even more determined to get this over with. They joined hands to form a ring and began to jump up and down. After that, it was another round of shaking out their tutus before they had to join hands in a line and skip back and forth across the entire length of the studio.
"Aren't we done, mom?" Ricky called.
"Yep. Just skip back over here !".
"This is a nightmare." Patrick muttered through clenched teeth.
"Hold it just like that." All three moms' phones clicked far more times than the boys had expected. Just how many photos had they taken?
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"Perfect!" The boys relaxed. Done. Finally done. The sound of the studio doors opening caused them to jump and they began to panic as they heard the unmistakable sound of girls' voices.
"What is that?" Patrick stammered. Their moms looked at them knowingly.
"Oh, I guess we got a little carried away." Cody's mom said. The boys watched as a dozen girls, dressed just like them, filtered into the room.
"Don't worry." Ricky's mom said. "We cleared it with the teacher. You three are going to attend this class."
"What?" The boys tried to plead with their moms and their friends' moms, but the women would not budge.
"You're dressed for it and this way, we can get some more photos after of you three as official ballerinas."
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poselyssgeekos · 11 months
RE1remake - RE2remake - RE3remake
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- Quite goofy since it was done in 2000 right after RE3:Nemesis
- Love that we play Claire!
- Steve is as annoying as I was told…
- The game doesn’t really have music, you only hear it during intense fight sequences, cinematic or the save room (love the save room music 🫶)
- why did Claire send a email to Leon so someone could come get her??? Like, lore wise, how would she know that send an email to, LEON? Like once they separate she immediately goes back to searching for Chris, so how do they even keep in touch during the months in between RE2 and code Veronica???
- The map in this game is SO ANNOYING, it’s really hard to figure out what the rooms are sometimes, and the colour scheme is not the best….
- The Steve sequence has no real purpose 💀…HE has no real purpose
- I play with a friend on her ps4, and to me it’s really challenging to play it on the ps4 with the controls, so she plays, and I help
- Love how goofy the antagonists feel (Wesker and Alfred)
- hm the INCEST??? Why did they feel like that was necessary?
- Alfred having a split personality disorder… he dresses up like his sister and becomes her sometimes while she was in her coma, like he loves his sister so much he… ???uncontiously??? Becomes her…
- Enemies are cool ig, just regular resident evil enemies…
- The Tyrant boss fight on the plane was SO DIFFICULT it took at least 10 fucking attempts
-talking about planes… how the fuck does the 17 year old know how to drive a cargo plane?
- The Antarctic part is hell, we had to go and find a walkthrough….
- Nevermind the Chris part is worse 🗿
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- Please Capcom I beg you, do a remake!!! You can make some things better!! Please!!!
- Too many rooms that don’t really have a purpose other than give you ammo or plants, with too many objects to collect to be able to move forward in the game
- AleXIa???
- Chris’s hair is BAD in the cinematics that are supposed to look better than the in game models and “low” cinematics
- actually Chris doesn’t really look like Chris…
- Alexia looks like some jenovah wanna be during her first phase
- Alexia obviously has to still look like a woman after mutating…. 💀
- I wasn’t the one playing but it sure looked a bit annoying
-They had the opportunity for Wesker and Chris to have to unwillingly work together against Alexia… and they didn’t
- they could also have made Chris and Claire fight Alexia together but obviously they didn’t
- once Chris arrives Claire becomes the damsel in distress 💀 like come on she went through Raccoon City
- you play Chris a bit more than Claire
- Like it was supposed to be HER game
- And you play her just ONCE more after Chris arrives and it’s 2 seconds, then she cries about Steve and then Chris has to save her AGAIN
- also he’s the one who fights Alexia…
- I mean at the beginning of the game I felt that she was “badass” and independent, so reminiscent of her in raccoon City kinda
- And, again, once Chris arrives….like we french people say, MISKINE! Like her energy completely changes, the man arrives let’s let him do everything 💀
- it’s so weird when the game before this one was re3: nemesis, with Jill as the main protagonist trough out the whole game AND Girlbossing her way through the game… Claire deserves to girlboss too…..
- Steve’s design after the mutation is uh… not the best design we’ve seen
- The ending??? Like my friend said “looks like the ending of a power rangers episode”
- My friend who is used to rating games gives it a 12/20
Notes: Oh! Here’s how we did btw, keep in mind I touched the controller for a few minutes, but kept cursing and getting angry because of my inability to play 💀 so my two friends took turns playing
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
12 - Mama Blue
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Part 13
Hybrid Trainer
@ellora-brekker @bigbendyhorns @fieryflower24 @foundationsretail
Shrugging on a jacket with brown fur inside taking a seat down at the fire by my husband. Laying my head against his shoulder he flipped a knife he always carried in his other hand. Maisie sat on a log next to us doing the same thing with the knife she had in her hands. "Woah. Don't mess with her." He joked getting her to give a small smile. Claire came outside having put Jewel to bed for us taking a seat in our circle around the fire. "Mais, we need to talk about going over the bridge." I try to say something but she jumped to her feet throwing the knife on the ground. "I don't want to have to stay here forever. I'm sorry I can't be like little Jewel who follows your raptor tail!" She spun on her feet stomping inside the house slamming the door closed. Bending my head between my knees I sighed intertwining my hands together. "We can't keep her here forever. Either of them." Claire spoke running a hand through her hair. Owen rests a hand on my leg making me look him in the eye. "They find her, you or Jewel. We're never gonna see them again. We gotta protect then both. That's our job. That's what we're gonna do." Laying my head back on his arm I knew he was right.
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes the next morning I rolled over smiling at Owen still laying beside me. Normally he would be already up helping some guys relocate the loose dinosaurs in the area. He shifted so he could have one arm behind his head. He moves his freehand into my hair pushing it from my face kissing my forehead softly. "Good morning Mrs. Grady. So yesterday you had something to tell me hmm?" He rolled over onto his side and I do the same so I was facing him directly. Playing with my wedding ring I smirked like he does. "You're gonna get called a daddy again Owen." He blinked his eyes a couple times before pressing his lips onto mine suddenly. Wrapping my arms around his neck I deepened the kiss where he hovers above me. We broke for air grinning at each other. "I love you." We chuckled noticing that we said it at the same time until I felt a prescence I haven't felt since our wedding day.
"Baby what's wrong?" He asked helping me sit upright in the bed. Resting a hand on my stomach he could read my nerves. "Is it the baby?" Shaking my head no I toss the covers aside climbing from the bed getting dressed. "It's her, Owen. She's here." He threw on his coat following me quickly through the house noticing our two daughters handing some breed to a baby raptor. Stepping down the stairs of the porch I could hardly believe that the tiny raptor looked almost exactly like Blue. But it wasn't genetically possible not without a male. At least that's what Owen and I were told by Mills long ago. "Jewel come here." I demanded in a low tone where she ran to my hip when I was at Maisie's side. Twigs snapped making mu gaze lift up from the little raptor seeing my sister finally showing herself through the trees. "Blue, long time no see."
Owen moved in front of the three of us. His hand raised like he did when we were training the raptors on the island. Eyes never breaking with her golden ones using the same stern stance. "Hey girl. You staying out of trouble." Blue waved her tail back and forth snarling a little towards him. Maisie glanced between the two dinosaurs before her. "Blue had a baby. That's impossible." Shrugging my shoulders to her statement Jewel peaks behind my leg pointing her finger to Blue. "Is that raptor sissy, mommy?" She started to step forward but I grab her arm holding her still. It's been years since we have interacted with Blue. She wasn't the raptor beta from the island anymore. She's now a mother running in a strange world of human and different technologies after her time. Blue growled running off into the winter woods with her baby following her tail. Owen dropped his hand releasing a breaking breath he was holding in. "Looks like you're not the only raptor mother anymore Y/n." Jewel follows Maisie inside when I play with my wedding ring again. "Guess so but I still don't understand how....that's normal in our world." Owen wrapped an arm around my waist with both our gaze focused onto the woods where they ran.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
Chapter Five
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Kelly and I go down to the beach together the following afternoon. Claire had abstained and decided to take the bus into town to look through the shops and buy some food to contribute to the barbeque later on. I suspect that she also doesn’t want to be close to Kelly, whose grudge from last night is still seeping out of her pores. 
It’s the hottest part of the day, and when we lie on our beach blankets together it only takes moments for my skin to feel as though it’s burning. I start loading up on suncream as Kelly immediately starts giving off about Claire, and I listen to her patiently even though I secretly think she’s in the wrong for being angry with her. 
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“I can’t believe Claire just left me there on my own last night. That’s not what friends are meant to do.”
“And she didn’t ask if you wanted to come over and talk?”
“She obviously did ask, yeah, but I told her I didn’t want to go over and she went anyway.”
“What did she say when you told her why?”
“Well… I didn’t tell her why. It was just obvious, I’m hardly going to want to hang out with my brother and his weird friends. That’s just embarrassing.”
I continue to thoughtfully rub sun cream into my shoulders. “So you feel like maybe you would rather not have to see Shane while you’re supposed to be enjoying a holiday away from each other?”
“Exactly, but obviously Claire doesn’t really care about my thoughts on that.”
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“I’m sure that she didn’t realise that you were feeling that way, Kelly. She’s not the type to be purposefully nasty.”
“She seems the type to ignore her friend when she’s clearly not happy to be there.”
“Yeah, I suppose personally I wouldn’t have done that.” I don’t tell her that my reason for that is because she terrifies me when she’s upset and I couldn’t physically find it in me to ignore her moods even if I wanted to. We are like twisted soul sisters. If her night is ruined, so is mine. 
I circle back on what she said a minute ago. “So what’s weird about Shane’s friends?”
She rolls her eyes. “Ugh. They’re a pile of Dublin weirdos. They don’t dress like normal people and all they do is sit around smoking weed and talking about films. They think they’re so smart, but they’re not, they’re just boring.”
“Jen seems nice though.”
“She’s the worst one.” 
“Well, I think you should come tonight either way, we could have fun together and get something tasty to eat even if you don’t want to talk to anybody. Liam will be there too.”
“Why can’t we just not go though?”
“Because,” I sigh, her childishness is starting to grate on me. “I don’t want to let Claire go on her own.”
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“Ugh, fine.” She slumps back onto her beach towel and doesn’t say anything else. After several moments of silence I glance over at her and she’s lying with her eyes shut, face turned up to the sun. It’s peaceful now that she’s stopped speaking, but still, I feel compelled to say one more thing to her. “You might actually enjoy yourself.”
“Hmph.” she says, and flips onto her stomach with indignation. She doesn’t talk to me again for an hour. 
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thatbitch6sblog · 1 year
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One day i'll watch as you're leaving ~ original character
summary: Ghost hunters meet ghost girl and things happen. I am verry bad at writing summaries. There is now smut in this
warnings: oral sex, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, finger fucking, semi-public sex
*2k words*
a/n: This is my first fic with smut. criticism is always welcome :)
* Claire POV* “I’m actually dead.” I whisper to myself. The last thing I remember was standing in the kitchen making a cake for my new years get together for me and my brother. The mess was everywhere so the plan was to clean the counter when the cake was in the oven. The cleaning started with washing my hands.
I was watching my hands focusing on scrubbing the flower of my hands when I heard a noise coming from my bedroom of my apartment. I opened the door and there was a man. He was dressed in all black clothing though you couldn't miss him standing in front of my yellow wallpaper. He walked to me with a speedy pace. I tried to run backwards in the direction of my door.
Once I tried to go through the door, the door was closed. It must’ve closed because of the wind. Then suddenly I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach.The pain kept on going and going. And now I’m here, standing next to my dead corpse. David, my brother, is supposed to be here in fifteen minutes and I’m afraid he can not handle this emotionally.
Fifteen minutes later I’m standing here watching my brother panic beside my dead body. I start screaming at him to call the police but he won’t hear me obviously because I’m still dead. Then finally he picks up his phone, with tears rolling down his face, and calls the police. Some time later the police arrive and David gets taken to the police station while I can’t go anywhere. I think I might be stuck in my own home for forever now.
* Theodore POV* 20 years later I am sitting in the van, which my friends and I bought after we had a viral video on youtube. We are ghost hunters for our youtube channel. Today we planned to go to a haunted house in a little town in California. We arrived at the house, where we arranged a tour with David Waters.
“Hello my name is David Waters, I am the owner of the house.” Finn decided to ask about what happened. “My little sister was murdered in her own bedroom. She was stabbed in her stomach multiple times. We still have the original yellow wallpaper on the walls and in some places you can see spots of blood if you look closely.
This whole thing happened around new year. At the time she was baking a cake and probably heard a noise in the bedroom. She went to the bedroom and that is where it happened.” He told us about how he was supposed to meet Claire for their new year party but when he arrived at her house she was dead in her bedroom.
“How old was she at the time?” I asked. “She was 22 years old when she died.” Before David could tell us more about the story we asked more questions. “What kind of spirit is she?” To which David responded “she is very emotional and doesn’t trust men easily because of what happened.
Some people who come here feel a scratch in the neck and some men experience a push in the stomach. She is obviously most active in her bedroom. Although people have seen her in the kitchen.” I give my friend Jacob a look and he starts grinning. “Maybe we get something on camera.” After some time talking with David we went into the house, just the three of us.
We start off in the kitchen. “Okay, so I think we can start our investigation in the kitchen because she was making a cake for her new year party.” Finn tells us. “Hello Claire, we just want to talk to you. We don’t mean any harm and just want to know your story.
*Claire POV* I’ve been dead for 20 years now and nothing big has changed since then. My house is the same. Only my brother is doing tours about my death. I’ve heard of things like this when I was alive. People come to haunted houses all the time. But since I’m the dead one my house is now a haunted house.
I’ve recently begun to scratch and touch people in the stomach so they know I’m still here. Now three guys are standing in my house discussing the best ways to reach me. “Hello Claire, we just want to talk to you. We don’t mean any harm and just want to know your story.” says the guy with blond hair.
They set up a weird device in my kitchen. It’s a small round gadget. They all look at it as if it is supposed to do something. I walk in the direction of it and try to reach for it when it lights up. The guy with black hair yells out. “Oh my god! Finn did you see that?” To which he responds with more ‘oh my god’s. Then all of a sudden they start asking questions and tell me that I should respond by touching the gadget. “Once for yes and twice for no. Are you Claire?” The brown haired guy calls out. I wait for a bit and then reach my hand out and the lights start glowing again. The guy whose name I assume is Finn stands with a shock on his face and doesn’t move. “Do you wish to harm us?” The guy asks with black hair. I look at him and think to myself ‘he is kinda cute’. I reach out for the gadget to light up and make it light up again. I look around to see all the relieved faces.
*Claire POV* They have been investigating for a very long time and I have been playing along with their little game. I’ve decided just now that I’m playing my game from now on. “I think the best thing we can try now is the Estes method. That way we can clearly communicate with Claire.’’ Jacob says.
After discussing with each other if doing the Estes method was the right thing to do they set up a rocking chair. Theodore sits in the chair and puts on his headphones and blindfold. I think of the best thing to say but decide to just start easy. “Man’’ it is. “Yup, a man is sitting in your chair.’’ the blond one says while laughing.
‘Okay I'll start playing my game then’ I think to myself. I try to get through my words as best as possible. “Green’’ and “hot’’ seem like the best choices because Theodore is wearing green. Finn and Jacob freak out but Theodore seems to have made the connection between himself and green because he is grinning. Jacob then continues. “Let me try something. Do you think our friend, Theodore here, is cute?’’ “Yes” “maybe even hot?’’ “Yes’’ “Bro we got to tell this to Theo.’’
They tap Theodore on the shoulder and he takes off his headphones and blindfold. “We didn’t get to know anything about her past but because she said ‘man’, we asked her if she thought of you as ‘cute’ or ‘hot’ and to both questions she responded with ‘yes’.” “Great so now i have a ghost crushing on me.’’
The boys asked more via the Estes method about my past but this time I did answer them. They got what they wanted and wanted to take a picture before they left. “Let's take a mirror pic in her bedroom mirror.’’ they all looked at Jacob with a look that said ‘Are you serious right now?’ but they did it anyway. When the photo was taken I stood right next to Theodore.
Finn looked at the photo but didn't pay attention. They walk up to the door and say their goodbyes. “Nothing can follow us home, we do not invite you to follow us.” One of them says seriously. But then the blond one follows it up with “Claire can follow Theodore home.’’ But the stern looks make him say that it’s a joke.
*Theodore POV* When I finally get home, I receive the picture we took in the apartment of that poor girl Claire along with scared emojis. I sit up straight immediately. She is in the picture next to me but not just standing there, she is kissing my cheek. ‘Theo has got himself a ghost girlfriend.’ Finn’s text message says. I ignore the message and get ready for bed. But not before I tried the ovilus. “Claire are you here?’’ the ovilus answers with the word ‘present’. “Do you have a crush on me, Claire?’’ no answer. I decided to leave it alone and go to sleep. “Sweet dreams Claire.’’
Theodore is in a bar, standing against the wall with a drink in his hand. Suddenly someone bumps into him. “Watch where you're going dude!” Theodore says but the guy is already nowhere to be seen. As he looks at his now shirt drenched in beer, he decides it’s best to dry it as best as possible.
Theodore walks over to the bathroom. He finds a hand dryer and takes off his shirt. While drying his shirt a woman walks out of a stall and gives him a dirty look. ‘She must have accidentally walked in the wrong bathroom.’ He thinks to himself. His shirt is almost dry but then another woman walks out of another stall. This time she just stands there. “Am I in the wrong bathroom or are you? '' she asks. “You are the second woman to walk out of the stalls so I think I’m in the wrong.” Theodore turns to walk away while putting his shirt back on. “I guess I’ll go.”
“You can stay here with me,” she blushes, “and you can keep your shirt off.” He smirks at her comment and walks closer towards her. “Oh you’d like it off?” He says in a teasing tone. “Yes'' Suddenly he walks to her and grabs her head with one hand and her waist with the other pulling her closer. The two start heavily making out. All of a sudden Theodore pulls her into a stall, closes the door and locks it.
He turnes them so she’s standing against the door. She’s wearing a dress so all he has to do is lift the dress to reach her already wet panties. His hands pause for a bit while he waits for her nod of approval. She nods excitedly. He slips his hand down her underwear between her folds. “You’re so wet for me princes.” And she lets out a moan.
He starts kissing down her neck. She starts pulling in his dark hair which makes his grip now resting on her hip tighten. He lets a finger sink in her cunt. “You’re so good for me.” The praise is hitting her in all the right places and she feels herself clench. He adds a finger and speeds up the pace. A bunch of “oh my god”s and breathy moans leave her mouth. He then adds pressure to her clit which then sends her over the edge.
She comes while panting heavily. “Wow, you’re such a good girl for me.” Among other praises leave his mouth. He then lifts his fingers into his mouth and sucks his fingers clean. “So good princes.” Suddenly she turns them around so he is standing with his back to the door of the stall.
She slowly sinks to her knees and starts opening his zipper. He nods that she can continue. While she tugs his jeans down she can clearly see the outlining of his cock. As she now tugs his boxers down his dick springs free. She looks at him with lust in her eyes. “Open up princess.” She opens her mouth and takes almost all of him. His hand soon finds her hair as he pushes himself further down her throat. As he hits the back of her throat he groans. He held her there for a second before letting her come up for air again. “Such a good girl, princess. You take me so well.” She tightens her lips and after a while he twitches in her mouth and he hits his peak. He spills his cum in her mouth while she swallows most of it. After cleaning up Theodore decides to take the girl to her house.
“I just remember you never even told me your name” she chuckles “It’s Claire”
Suddenly Theodore wakes up. He’s sweating all over his body. He looks back at his bed and it looks like he came straight out of a pool. He was sweating so much. The realisation kicks in as he looks down at his hard erection. He had a dream about a ghost.
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milkacchan · 3 years
Some self indulgent peakyblinders x sister reader
Requests for the peaky blinders are open :) I'm only on S2 tho but we binging so 😈😈
Cw: Coming out, Panic attack
"Uh-" you looked around the room, everyone was hear. They stared curiously.
She called a fucking family meeting.
Of course she did, it was Ada. Ada fucking 'I think I can solve everything' Shelby.
"Go on then, spit it out." She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.
"Ada," you hiss, glancing at her before returning your gaze to the boys.
"You have to. It'll help." She shrugged. "They won't care."
"You don't fucking know that. You have /no/ way of knowing that."
"Yes I do. I'm their sister."
"So am I!"
"Tell us what?" Arthur frowned, leaning against his chair.
"They won't care." She repeated.
"They very well fucking could."
"They won't-"
"And what if they do! Contrary to your belief, Ada, you don't fucking know everything. You don't make super bright decisions. Believe it or not, your brothers don't think the same way you do-"
"Care about what!" Tommy rose his voice to interrupt the commotion between the two of you.
"I don't want to marry a man! Okay...I don't," fuck. You took a deep breath. "I dont want to marry a man. I don't like men."
It was silent in the room. The boys sat in their respective chairs, polly stood in the corner. Your stomach sank. "Oh fuck," you whisper.
You were gonna loose your spot in the family, it was hard enough as it is to keep it with everything going on, they'd disown you, you were sure- christ you'd be on the streets. You were about to lose everything you held dear because your sister didn't want to wait.
It was hard to breathe then, silence surrounded you and rang in your ears. The world was moving, you were sure.
"Hey," Tommy started standing up and walking over to you, "deep breath, take a deep breath."
The words didn't seem to register, instead your knees buckled beneath you. Tommy was there to catch you of course, and for a moment you reached out to grab his jacket, before desperately trying to push away.
Christ you didn't want it to start now. You shoved back a little harder.
"Finn," he grunted. Finn immediately knelt behind you, wrapping his arms around your torso to pull you back only slightly.
"Hey, hey now," he tried.
"Ada," Polly hissed, "why would you make her say that in front of them?"
"I was trying to help!"
"Clearly she wasn't fucking ready!"
"I'm sorry," you whisper out, when you've managed to clock back into the world long enough for coherent thought. "I'm sorry- I- I tried to change it, and fuck fuck-" you struggled to take another breath.
Tommy was still kneeling in front of you, scanning your face. You looked down at your skirt and picked at the fabric nervously.
"It's okay," Finn spoke, "you don't have to be sorry, it's okay. Nothin' wrong with ya."
"I don't-"
"Hush now," Tommy lifted your chin so you'd look up at him. "Nothing, and I repeat, nothing is wrong with you. We don't care, it doesn't change how we see you. It doesn't change the fact that you're our little sister, you understand?"
You nodded slightly, sniffling as your head fell foward to your brothers shoulder.
"I'll get her some water," Pol nodded curtly, pulling Ada with her into the next room.
"You thought we'd care?" Aurthurs voice came. He sounded dejected almost, he sounded sad. Baffled that you'd be so terrified.
You nod weakly, "I did," you mutter, the words muffled by your place in Tommy's shoulder. "Thought you'd hate me for it."
"But Pol knew."
"Wasn't by my choice. She caught me kissing a girl about a year ago."
"My room." You groan.
"The redhead? What was her name..."
"Her name was Claire."
"But Pol wasn't upset-" John frowned.
"Doesn't mean you wouldn't be."
"You're still our sister," John hummed, smiling slightly. "I mean- Ada married a communist, had a baby with him too. That's worse than anything you just threw at us."
You snorted. "I suppose you're right on that."
"You know we don't care right? Same rules apply, if she treats you wrong, she dies."
"Yeah," you mumble. "Sorry," you rubbed your face in embarrassment. It'd been years since your last panic attack, you didn't think you'd have another one again. "Didn't mean to uh- to freak out."
"No matter," he squeezed your cheek gently before kissing your forehead.
"I for one," Finn helped you stand. "Think it's good that we can talk about girls together."
"And that we don't have to worry about you getting pregnant."
"Arthur," Tommy hissed.
"It's true!"
"You promise you don't care? You're not going to kick me out?"
"Never," Tommy hums.
The chorus of your 4 brothers follow.
"Is uh- is that why you can't sit on a chair right?" Arthur asks, scratching his cheek.
"Yeah you have no idea how to sit on a chair right, an impossible task for you." John snickered.
"And the suits is that why you wear suits?" It's Finns turn now, he's moved from next to you to next to Tommy.
"Yes," you rolled your eyes. "It's actually common knowledge that biologically gays aren't able to sit correct. No, it's just uncomfortable to sit like Ada or Pol does all the time. And I wear plenty of dresses too, wearing one right now. But suits have pockets and I like pockets." You state, matter of factly.
"You do sit like a man though." Tommy smiled. "Leaning foward, legs apart, elbow on your knee."
"Oh fuck off Tommy, it's comfortable."
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Our Time || One shot
Summary: Douxie’s remembering the good old times. 
Warnings: angst, mention of character death, that's it I think?
Word count: 1,735
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Everything was set. The lanterns were hung up on the trees nearby, providing light to Douxie for the night. The campfire was crackling just a couple of feet away from the round dining table and chairs that Douxie had set up not too long ago. The plates were also ready on the table, waiting to be filled with food.
Douxie magicked up a bouquet of roses, and placed them in the vase that was in the middle of the table.
Suddenly, he heard a twig snap behind him. He quickly spun around, staff and bracelet ready, only to see Archie looking up at him in his cat form.
"You seriously thought that I was danger?" Archie questioned with an eyebrow raised.
Douxie magicked his staff away and deactivated his bracelet, "Hehe… yes."
Archie rolled his eyes at his familiar's response, "Do you not remember that you put a ward around this whole area?"
Douxie just shrugged and went back to doing last minute preparations.
After a few minutes of silence, Archie cleared his throat to gain Douxie's attention.
"Yes, Arch?" Douxie asked, turning his gaze to the cat.
Archie pointed to the two figures in the distance heading towards them.
Douxie's eyes widened at how time flew by quickly. He didn't even have time to get changed!
He quickly got behind a tree and used a spell he had recently learned, and changed into a black dress shirt (sleeves rolled up of course), black pants and shoes, keeping his signature skull necklace.
He stepped out from the tree to see Archie fly away. His eyes wandered around until they landed on both you and Jim getting closer. You were wearing a stunning black A-line lace dress that went down to your knees with half laced sleeves and beige heels.
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You were blindfolded as Douxie had requested Jim to do to you so you had a surprise.
Douxie could hear you complain to Jim how you didn't like being blindfolded. Jim just rolled his eyes at your antics and told you that all would be revealed in a matter of moments.
Douxie walked up to you two siblings and took you from Jim.
"Thank you, Jim. I'll take her from here," Douxie smiled and took your shoulders.
"No problem, Doux! Tell me the end result!" Jim waved and walked off.
"Douxie, where in the world am I?" you asked.
"Shhh. Be patient, love. All will be revealed," Douxie reassured.
After a few moments, the blindfold on your eyes was taken off.
You took in your surroundings. The trees were decorated with lanterns, a dining table was set and a campfire was already lit. Everything was beautiful.
You spun around to see Douxie holding out a rose for you to take, which you, without a doubt, accepted.
"Shall we, m'lady?" Douxie inquired, holding his arm out.
You nodded and you let him take you to the table.
Douxie had prepared f/f for dinner, and for dessert, an apple pie.
Now, the two of you were quietly sitting on a blanket at the campfire, leaning on each other.
"Love?" Douxie asked.
You hummed in response, letting him know he had your attention.
"Remember the first time we met? I had spilled a drink on the ground in the cafe and you rushed to help," Douxie remembered.
"Yeah," you nodded, memories flooding back.
You anxiously tapped your feet on the ground, waiting for your order to arrive.
You were in a big rush.
Mom had called to tell you that Jim was in the hospital. You knew that he was the Trollhunter, so he had gotten a lot of injuries, though, he didn't need to go to the hospital to get them treated, so you knew that this was serious.
Abruptly, you heard a crash from behind you. You turned around to see a drink had spilled all over the floor. The waiter was already on his knees, trying to clean it up.
You got up from your seat and ran over to help him. You kneeled in front of the guy to hear him faintly say, "Fuzzbuckets". You saw a faint sky blue spark come from his hand.
A wizard.
You placed a hand on his arm, making him look up into your e/c eyes. You mouthed ‘no’ and shook your head, telling him not to perform the spell. He stopped and sighed before cleaning up the mess the old fashioned way with your help.
After helping him, you returned to your seat.
Just when you were about to leave, getting fed up of the wait, the same waiter you had helped rushed up to you, order in hand.
"Hey! You were the one who helped me with the spill a couple of minutes ago, right?" he asked.
"Yeah," you nodded and then added quietly, "And the one who stopped you from using magic as a shortcut."
You smiled and took your order from him. You headed out but got stopped by the same guy.
"Hey, I never got your name. I'm Hisirdoux Casperan, but you can call me Douxie," Douxie winked and held out his hand for a handshake.
"Y/n, Y/n Lake," you replied, shaking his hand. "I'm really sorry, but I really need to go."
He nodded understandingly and waved goodbye.
As you walked to the hospital, you opened the bag that had your food in it, as well as a note. You took it out and read it:
Hey, stranger, who I probably got the name of!
I was wondering if you would grab a bite with me tomorrow at the cafe. 4 pm sharp.
Don't be late.
Yours truly,
Hisirdoux Casperan.
You smiled. You had finally found a fellow magic wielder.
"Then, the time when Jim got a bit overprotective of you when you were at the bookstore."
"A bit?"
"Okay, extremely overprotective of you."
The sun was shining high in the sky, your hair moving along with the gentle breeze, and a nice cup of coffee in your hands while you and Jim made your way to GDT Arcane Books.
Jim opened the door to reveal Archie, Douxie's familiar lying on the ground near the fireplace.
"Hey, Archie!" you greeted.
"Hello," Archie called.
You turned your attention away from the cat and to Jim, who was looking around in suspicion.
"Jim, what is it now?" you asked, placing your hand on your brother's shoulder.
"It's just… why does this store seem so… magical?" Jim inquired.
"Because a magical being owns the bookstore," you replied.
Jim nodded in response.
"Hello!" a new voice spoke.
You turned around to see Douxie coming out of the back. From the corner of your eye, you saw Jim's gaze harden at the sight of the wizard. He pulled you a bit closer to him.
Overprotective brother mode switched on.
"Hey, Doux. Did you call us in for some help?" you inquired.
"Yep! There's only so much a 900 year old wizard can do by himself," Douxie nodded.
Douxie told you and Jim what he needed help with.
Jim was sent off to get some supplies from around town, to his dismay. He wanted to keep an eye on you and Douxie, but alas, he had to go shopping.
Before Jim had left, you heard him send a death threat to Douxie.
"Don't do anything funny with my sister, Casperan. I won't hesitate to slice your head off with Daylight."
Your eyes widened. You knew Jim didn't like Douxie, but you didn't know that he hated him so much to actually threatened him.
Geez. He's way too overprotective.
You made your way over to Douxie as soon as Jim left the store.
"Don't mind him. He's just overprotective," you told Douxie.
"Uh-huh," Douxie nodded slowly.
"We know each other so well, made so many wonderful memories, we've spent so much time together," Douxie sighed. "And I want to spend more time with you."
You turned your head towards him, silently asking him to elaborate.
Douxie moved away and got up. He lent you his hand, which you accepted and followed suit. He took a deep breath and got down on one knee.
"Y/n, love, we've been through so much together. Good and bad. Sad and happy. And I'll continue to. You made me the most happiest man when you became my girlfriend and I thought I couldn't be any happier. But today may prove me wrong," Douxie expressed.
You gasped and clasped your hand over your mouth as Douxie took out a golden ring with embroidery and held it out.
"Y/n Lake… make me the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me?"
You had tears in your eyes at this point. Douxie looked at you with hope, love, admiration, and so much more as he waited for your answer.
Douxie's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning, and quickly got up. He grabbed your waist and brought you close. He leaned down and softly kissed you as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
Douxie stared at the photo of you two on your wedding day. You were wearing a short lace white dress and beige ankle strap heels and Douxie was wearing a white dress shirt, black tuxedo, black tie, black pants and a rose attached on the left as you two stood in front of each other, hand in hand while Douxie was kissing your forehead.
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Douxie placed the photo back and glanced down at his wedding ring. It was simple, a silver band with swirl embroidery as you had the same, but gold. He remembered the feeling of your hand in his. Your giggling. Everything. But alas, ever since you had passed in battle, he couldn't seem to bring any of those memories back.
Tears formed in Douxie's eyes as he remembered the good times.
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Jim and Claire.
"Hey, Teach. What were you--" Claire started before she noticed the tears streaming down his face.
Douxie wasn't going to cry but as soon as he saw the wedded couple, he couldn't help himself.
Jim and Claire rushed over to Douxie and enveloped the wizard in a hug, attempting to comfort him. He sobbed into Jim's chest as Jim ran his hand through his hair and Claire rubbing Douxie's back.
Nothing was going to be the same without you.
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goldenraeofsun · 3 years
Day 21: Missing him was dark grey, all alone
Dean’s old things arrive on his doorstep two days after Cas breaks it off. He shoves the returned clothes in the very back of his drawers and almost dumps the photos in the trash - but one look at Cas’s smiling, frozen face, and he switches to the recycling instead.
He keeps the picture of them in matching cowboy hats, where Cas is wearing Dean’s favorite exasperated but so, so fond smile. Dean’s smiling too, dopily at the camera like he couldn’t believe his good luck.
Well, his good luck finally ran dry, just like he always knew it would.
It’s only five days after Halloween, so Dean splurges on candy instead of ice cream. He doesn’t care what, as long as it has some combination of chocolate, nougat, and maybe peanuts. He cracks open the first bag that night and polishes it off by mid afternoon the next day.
And he drinks.
He drinks a lot.
The next morning, hungover and dreading work, Dean texts Cas.
Dean 8:15 Got my stuff Thanks
He stares at his phone until the screen makes his bloodshot eyes water. Groaning, he double checks the time. Christ, it took him fifteen minutes to type out four goddamn words. How the hell is he going to do this?
Step-by-step. That’s what he told Sam while he was getting over the whole Ruby disaster - except Ruby was a demon, and Cas was an angel.
Brush teeth.
Make coffee.
Get dressed.
Don’t crash his baby on the way to Reading Hill Elementary.
Dean still feels like death warmed over by the time he slumps into work. He freezes as he takes in Claire, unsticking laminated paper pumpkins and cartoon bats from the wall. Her long blonde hair is swept up in a high ponytail (three glue incidents, and she finally caught on), leaving her face clear.
He’s never going to be free of Cas, not when his teacher’s assistant shares his eyes.
“You look terrible,” Claire tells him, frank as ever.
“Oh yeah? I hadn’t noticed,” Dean says, slumping over in his chair next to the chalkboard.
Claire sets down the decorations. “What happened?”
“None of your business.”
Claire crosses her arms over her chest. “It is if I’m going to have to pick up the slack because you don’t have your shit together enough to put on matching shoes.”
Alarmed, Dean drops his gaze down at his feet.
What the hell? His shoes totally match.
He glances up at Claire’s smirking face. “That’s not funny.”
“It’s a little funny,” Claire says loftily as she carries the Halloween decorations to his desk. “What should I do with these?”
“How should I know?”
Claire groans. “Seriously? I spent the past ten minutes taking down all the Sanderson Sisters’ merch.” She grabs a plastic tub they keep for their library books and drops the pile in there and kicks it under his desk. “We can figure it out later.”
Dean rubs a hand down his face. “Yeah, sure.”
“Do you wanna stop by the water fountain or something?” Claire asks, eyebrows rising. “You really don’t look so hot.”
Dean shakes his head. “I’ll be fine.”
And all too soon, Dean hears the first, “Good morning, Mr. Winchester!” chirped by the front door.
Ignoring the concerned look from Claire, Dean gets up to greet his student.
The day crawls by. Dean loses his train of thought more times than he can remember, and he gets the Banes twins mixed up - which is ridiculous since they are clearly fraternal. At story time, he accidentally chooses a book about an artist whose paintings come to life, and Dean nearly loses it right there.
At three, Dean lets Claire go early and furiously cleans up after his students. He reviews tomorrow’s lesson plan at his desk at school instead of at home like he usually does and takes extra time at the grocery store, planning an elaborate dinner for one that will keep him occupied for the whole evening.
Of course, Cas texts back before he can even preheat the oven.
Cas 6:19 You’re welcome. Please let me know if I missed anything.
Dean doesn’t throw his phone against the wall, but it’s a close goddamn call.
Instead, he dials for pizza. He’s halfway through his second slice and fourth straight episode of Dr. Sexy when Charlie texts.
Charlie 8:11 Yo what up handmaiden
Sighing, Dean wipes the grease off his hands.
Dean 8:13 Not much
Charlie 8:13 Not according to what a little birdie told me.
Dean stares at his phone screen, dumbfounded. Who the hell could have told Charlie? He didn’t see anyone after Cas dumped him. He just went home and brooded, and then it was time for work -
Dean 8:14 Is this birdie a blonde pain in my ass?
Charlie 8:14 Of course
Dean 8:14 What the hell I didn’t even know you knew her
Charlie 8:14 We’re two lesbians in a small town. Of course we know each other. It’s the secret gay agenda.
Dean 8:15 Awesome.
Charlie 8:15 I’m coming over in 10. Chocolate or vanilla?
Dean 8:15 What?
Charlie 8:15 You’re right. I’ll get both!
Dean runs a hand down his face and stares around his house. Half-heartedly, he picks up the fun-sized candy wrappers and dumps them in the trash. He glares at the empty beer and liquor bottles in his recycling, but nothing he can do about that now.
When Charlie arrives, she takes one look at his face and says, “I’m calling Benny. And Jo. Sam. Maybe Garth.”
“Aw, come on,” Dean says as he shuts the door behind her. “It’s a school night.”
Charlie shoots him a quelling look. “You and Cas split. I don’t care what day of the week it is.”
Dean sighs. “Claire found out?”
“Duh,” Charlie says as she flops on his couch and picks up a slice of his pizza. “She spent one mopey day at school with you; of course she called her uncle first thing for the 411.”
“Great,” Dean mumbles as he throws himself into his seat and tries not to look at Charlie.
“You want to tell me what happened before the cavalry gets here?”
“I’m really surprised this happened. Like, really.”
“That makes two of us,” Dean says darkly.
Cas had clearly been stressed. He always pulled away, was always on edge, before a big show. Cas lived and breathed for his art, but the dog and pony show to showcase his art was the bane of his existence.
But one argument at the wrong place at the wrong time was all it took to break everything to pieces.
It started over Thanksgiving plans. Dean had a standing date with Mom and Sammy, like he always had since he learned how to brine a turkey at fourteen. They usually had it at Mom’s house because of the size of her oven (not that she ever used it) even though Dean did all the cooking.
However, this year, this was the first year he’d been serious with Cas, and Cas insisted Dean come with him to Thanksgiving with his extended family. A requirement, apparently, not a request from Cas’s dad.
But Dean couldn’t just leave his family in the lurch, so, naturally he asked if Mom and Sammy could come along.
Cas vehemently refused. They would hate his family, he said. His parents had exacting standards and were generally awful people.
It escalated from there.
Dean scrubs the heels of his hands down his face. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look super fine, my dude.”
Dean looks up at her. “Yeah, I guess not.”
“But you will be,” Charlie says, pocketing her phone. “Trust me.”
He’s not magically better after a quasi-sleepover with all his friends. But he does feel lighter when he tells them about what happened. They all call Cas names - some Dean agrees with, most he doesn’t - and raid his cabinets for all and every available snack food.
A month and a half later, Dean gets an email about an upcoming show featuring Cas’s work. While they were dating, Dean got on so many gallery email lists, he can’t ever hope to unsubscribe to all of them. For a split second, he actually contemplates going.
He deletes the email.
Claire throws down a paper flyer for the show on his desk the next day. The kids are busy, off mashing clay into each other’s faces with Miss Rourke, so the classroom remains blessedly silent except for them.
Dean stares up at her, jaw clenching. “What the hell is this?”
“Uncle Cas is showing his art,” Claire says calmly. “I think you should go.”
“In case it somehow escaped your notice, we’re not together,” Dean says, forcing his voice to stay even. “I don’t have to go to any of his shows anymore.”
Claire huffs. “You should go to this one.”
“You need to go to this one,” Claire amends, the faintest note of pleading to her words, which Dean has never heard before. “I - I saw some of his pieces. He hasn’t been doing so well since you two, you know.”
“Cas was the one who ended things. He made that choice.”
Claire rolls her eyes. “Then he lied or fucked up, or something. He’s not good.”
Dean takes the flyer, and some of the tension eases from Claire’s rigid spine. “I’ll think about it.”
“Fine,” she spins on her heel and gets started on rearranging the tables for storytime.
Dean stares down at the flyer in his hands.
He shouldn’t go.
Charlie would tell him to avoid it at all costs.
Sam would offer to go in his place to report back if Dean was really concerned.
These days, he can almost go a whole 24 hours without thinking about Cas.
Dean goes.
He even dresses up, pulling on the khakis Sam got him for Christmas three years ago that he’d never touched in his life, and a blue striped tie Claire got him as a gag gift for his birthday after he got together with Cas. (She got Cas a matching one when his next birthday rolled around.) His only other tie is for Parent-Teacher meetings, and it has cartoon apples and A pluses on it.
The gallery is a local one Cas favors for his newest stuff, a test drive for the more well-known shindigs in the big cities. An attendant swings by with a tray of champagne, and Dean gratefully takes a glass. He drains half of it in one swallow.
Cas always gets a good turnout, so Dean doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb. He wanders around the gallery, his heartstrings pulling at the familiar palette of colors, brushwork.
It doesn’t take him long to find the paintings Claire was talking about.
They’re all of him.
Blue Like I’ve Never Known is, predictably, done entirely in shades of blue. The frame shows Cas’s bed, the sheets rumpled to hell. The nude figure in it is lying on his side, his face (Dean’s face) in profile. But he’s not all there - the lines around his midsection, over his shoulder, and at the balls of his feet all blur in with the lines of the sheets tangled around him.
For Dark Grey All Alone, Cas didn’t paint entirely in greyscale. But he used such muted colors, it has the same effect. It shows Dean sitting at Cas’s kitchen table, his face thrown back in laughter. But here, too, he half-blends into the background, like a faded Victorian photograph.
Loving Him Was Red is last. Cas painted Dean behind the wheel of his baby, speeding towards the sunset, his face a relief of pinks, reds, oranges, and maroons.
Dean whirls around at the sound of his name, and there he is.
“Hey, Cas,” he says, his throat dry.
Cas swallows, his gaze flicking to the trio of Deans behind him before settling on the live version. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see your show,” Dean says lamely.
Cas takes a step closer, his eyes wide, like he still can’t believe Dean is really standing in front of him.
Dean scans the gallery floor, but there are no convenient attendants with more glasses of champagne. Dammit. His gaze pulls back to Cas, as natural as anything. “You know, if she gets wind of this, she’ll probably sue your ass for copyright infringement.”
Cas licks his lips. “Those probably aren’t the final titles. I’ve, uh, been listening to a lot of Taylor Swift recently.”
“She covers the full spectrum of human emotion,” Cas says defensively. “I know you know this, or else you wouldn’t have recognized the lyrics either.”
Dean flushes. His top guilty pleasures go, 1. Dr. Sexy, MD, 2. Taylor Swift, 3. Biggerson’s Pepperjack Turducken Slammer.
“But, in all honesty,” Cas starts, “what are you doing here?”
Dean pinches the bridge of his nose. “Claire told me to come.”
Cas swears under his breath. “I’m sorry. She shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, wait,” Dean says quickly, “I’m glad she did. I had no idea…” he drifts off, gesturing to the paintings behind him instead of finishing the thought he has no words for.
Cas sighs, glancing around. “Do you mind going somewhere private so we could talk?”
Dean blinks. Before his brain catches up with his mouth, he says, “Yeah, sure,” and follows Cas across the main floor and through a door marked STAFF ONLY in bold black letters.
Cas opens a side door and ushers him into a nondescript office. One window to the side of the desk shows the dark street in front of the gallery, and photos of Cas’s many family members adorn a cabinet in the corner - Dean just recognizes one of Cas’s dad, Chuck, shoved way in the back. Unsurprising, with how he fucked up his entire family.
“So,” Dean says as Cas closes the door firmly behind them. “I take it you got something on your mind?”
Cas nods, his face troubled. “I - I didn’t think you’d ever see the paintings.”
“Yeah, no shit -”
“But I’m glad you did,” Cas continues over his interruption. “I still have feelings for you.”
Dean had known this was coming. For fuck’s sake, Cas’s heartache is spread over three entire canvases outside. But still the words knock him speechless.
“I think I made a mistake when I said we should break up,” Cas says, his eyes downcast. “I didn’t actually want us to separate at all -”
“- but when I said I wanted to leave, you didn’t stop me, so I figured it must have been for the best. If you didn’t bother fighting for us -”
That is it.
“If you didn’t want to leave, you shouldn’t have goddamn left!” Dean explodes. “I’m not a mindreader, Cas. If you say you want to do something, and you do it, how the hell am I gonna get that you secretly decided it was Opposite Day?”
Cas glares. “You said nothing when I walked out. How could I not have read more into it?”
Dean takes an incredulous step back. “I know your parents and siblings played mind games for fun, but my head doesn’t work like that. You have to be straight with me.” He pauses at the weird look on Cas’s face. “You know what I mean.”
Cas’s mouth purses. “You’ve always thought I was… somehow better than you. That you didn’t deserve to be at my side, which was patently ridiculous. I was worried your insecurities would get the better of you, that you didn’t think you could fight for us. And I was right, wasn’t I?”
“It wasn’t my stupid inferiority complex, you dumb son of a bitch,” Dean says, rolling his eyes, “it was you saying to my face you didn’t want to do this anymore. When I hear that, my first thought isn’t, he’s lying out of his ass.” He throws his hands up in the air. “Maybe I’m not the only one with a complex if you thought that was an awesome way of evaluating our relationship.”
Cas’s head tilts as he studies Dean. “Of course you’re not the only one,” he says matter-of-factly. “I’m full of shortcomings, but you never seemed to notice them.”
“I mean, now I do,” Dean says with a grimace. “I extra do. Now what?”
“Now,” Cas says, the corners of his mouth twitching, “I can keep groveling for you to take me back, or… ”
Dean takes a step back to sit against the edge of the desk. “It’s not that easy.”
Cas sighs as he moves to stand next to him, their shoulders brushing. “I know.”
“Like, what are we doing about Christmas?”
Dean holds up his hands. “I just want some sort of warning if it’s going to be a thing.”
“It won’t be,” Cas says shortly. “My family is currently not speaking to me.”
Dean makes a face. “What, us breaking up wasn’t a good enough reason for me not to show?”
“No, it’s because I didn’t go at all. I spent Thanksgiving working on my pieces. They’ve caused me nothing but agony for years, and, honestly, if I went, I probably would have said something hurtful and would have ended up in exactly the same place as I am now.”
Dean scrubs his face with the heel of his hand. “I had no idea you-”
“What, could be so disloyal?” Cas asks bitterly. “Believe me, I heard it all.”
“I was gonna say brave,” Dean says, inching his hand over so his fingers can intertwine with Cas’s. “They sounded really shitty, but I know family’s really important to both of us anyway.”
Cas meets his gaze, his face slack with clear relief. “They almost cost me you. Of course I couldn’t let that stand.”
When Dean tugs him closer and kisses him, it’s not blue, grey, or red. It’s golden, like daylight.
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renee-writer · 8 months
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April 15th Chapter Twenty-four
“Jenny!” He screams out as his brother covers his face to hide the laughter. Fergus looks back and forth between his mama and daddy.
“Daddy. Mama?”
“It is alright. Your mama is just getting ready to have your brother or sister.” His Uncle William says, “You want to come see me, little man?”
He frowns and holds  tight to his daddy.
“It is alright, Fergus. You can go see him.” Claire urges.  With his mama’s permission, he lets go of his daddy and allows himself to be sat down. His new uncle takes his hand and he leads him out.
“I will just go get Jenny.” Jamie says.  When he turns towards the door, he runs straight into her.
“What in the world?” Then she gets a look at Claire, “ah, I see. Jamie, go fetch the midwife and send Mary in.”
Happy to have direction, he runs out. Jenny turns to Claire.
“How close are the pains?” she asks.
“Close. I don’t know.” She breathlessly says.  
“Can you walk?” She takes her arm. “with my help?”
“I think so.” They carefully walk towards her and Jamie’s  room.  Once there, Jenny help her out of her clothes and into a  loose dressing gown.
“Let’s walk. It will help.” Claire ‘s smile turned into a grimace as the tightening pain returns. Jenny holds her hand and doesn’t flinch, to much, at the squeeze.
Mary knocks on the door. “Come in.” She enters, taking in the situation at a glance.  “Jamie is going after the midwife.”
“Good. Because I don’t believe she has much time.” Mary replies. There is something in the way she  stands, the look on her face, even the look of her steel hard bump.
“Oh! I think she is right. Here it comes again!” Jenny frowns. The pains are about two minutes apart.  She has been laboring longer then she let anyone know, or maybe, she even knew herself.
Jenny has her two children, Mary has Hazel. Neither though feels comfortable in delivering a baby.
“Lord, I pray Jamie hurries.” Jenny bites her lip.
Mary comes up and takes her other hand. “Don’t worry, my lady. We will get through this.”
“Oh God! This bloody hurts!”
“Yes, but it brings the sweetest reward. Think of the baby.”
Jenny, ever practical, puts water on the kettle to get hot. She strips the bed down to the sheet. What else? Her sister -in-law ‘s cries change. Something…
“Oh, I need to bear down!”
“No. No. No. The midwife isn’t here and…”
“Mistress Murray, I fear the baby isn’t waiting.”
“Okay, ah, come get on the bed.” Between them, they get her on there. She sits, knees up and spread wide as she does what she must, what her body demands. She starts to push her baby out.
Jenny and Mary, wash their hands in the hot water. Sleeves are pushed up. Mary fetches a blanket as Jenny sits on the edge of the bed, ready as she can be, to see her niece or nephew born.
“Oh, red hair.” She says as the crowning head grows larger. Instincts have her just watching as the baby and mama work together in the birth. Those same instincts see her sweeping the baby’s mouth out before holding it, as the turn is made and the shoulders emerge.
She is soon holding her nephew.
“Oh Claire. It is a lad. A braw lad.” Mary, softly weeping, hands over the blanket and he is wrapped up and handed to his mama.
The door slams open and Jamie and the midwife enters. They both stop at the sight that greets them. Claire and the baby. Jenny, her hands and arms covered in blood and the fluids of new life, Mary grinning and weeping.
“Come Jamie and meet your new son.”
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