#Ada Shelby x reader
Everyone: *chatting around the dining room table for a family dinner*
Tommy: *hands Y/N the salt*
Y/N: Thanks, dad
Everyone: *stops talking and stares*
Y/N: *confused* Why is everyone staring at me?
Ada: You just called Tommy ‘dad’. You said, ‘Thanks, dad’
Y/N: What? No! I said, ‘Thanks, bro’
Tommy: Do you see me as a father figure, N/N?
Y/N: Pftt- no! If anything, I see you as a bother figure, cause you’re always bothering me!
John: Hey! Show your father some respect!
Y/N: I didn’t call him ‘dad’!
Tommy: No, no, Y/N, I take it as a compliment
Arthur: It’s no big deal. I called Linda ‘mom’ once and she’s my wife!
Y/N: Guys, jump on that! Arthur has psycho issues!!
Finn: Old news. But you called Tommy ‘dad’
Y/N: Guys, for the last time, I didn’t call Tommy ‘dad’!
Tommy: That’s alright, I believe you-
Y/N: *sighs in relief* Thank you
Tommy: -daughter. You want to talk about it later over a game of catch?
Y/N: *tears up* I'd like that
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call-sign-shark · 5 months
Savage Daughter || Shelby family x You
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Summary:  When the Shelby family gathers together, chaos is never far. Yet, for once, it's not the men who bring it but you, and soon the girls join you too. (based on Ekatarina Shelehova - Savage Daughter)
Words: 1.2k
✞ This story is linked with the Arthur Shelby x You series Heaven in Your Eyes but can be read as a stand-alone.
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Slipping your finger between your diamond choker and your skin, you took a big exhale — the expensive corset you wore for the occasion was crushing your ribcage. The sound of chatters, clinging glasses, and classical music might have been loud but all you could hear was your own pulse, beating in your temples faster and faster with each labored breathing.
Your crystal eyes scanned the room, looking for your husband but it seemed that he was also in distress, standing still behind Tommy with his gaze fixed upon an invisible spot on the wall. Arthur was nervously chewing the inside of his cheek, visibly as uncomfortable as you when surrounded by all these posh guests, and yet, he had no other choice but to keep playing the bodyguard for his younger brother.
"Mr. Shelby, what a wonderful party you're hosting here! Arrow House is wonderful, I reckon." An old, ugly gentleman, dressed in a suit more expensive than everything your parents had ever owned, said with his silly accent. If being honest, he was looking absolutely ridiculous with his ears too big and his triple chin far too fat for such a small bowtie. To play the Devil's advocate, your mocking thoughts were justified: the pig had tried to grope almost every woman he had talked with. And as if this previous fact didn't render him despicable enough, he had ignored Arthur as if he were part of the ballroom's furniture. Another sigh, louder this time, escaped from your lips at the painful sensation of the blisters behind your heels when they rubbed against your tight shoes.
When Arthur came back to you, one look at his pursed lips had been enough for you to guess that he had spent the last ten minutes keeping himself from strangling the impolite Mr. Dempsey.
"Fookin' bastard, can't even say a bloody 'hello' to me. I swore I should've cut his fucking —" Stopping mid-sentence, the lanky gangster suddenly frowned and tilted its head at the sight of you taking your high heels off, only half listening to him, "The hell you're doing, angel?"
"I'm taking my heels off, that's what I do." You replied, grunting as you undid the complicated laces that were climbing up your shinbones, "And I don't care if it ain't classy or decorous, these shoes are making my skin bleed and this damn corset is suffocating me!" Talking about the corset, you pulled on the delicate silky laces to tear them apart and free your body from this inhumane trap until all you were wearing was a thin white summer dress.
"Heaven, love," Arthur tried to interrupt as he noticed how a few outraged guests were already whispering together all the while glaring at you. Among them, Tommy Shelby's arctic iris.
"I'm dead serious: I'm trapped here among hypocrites, suffering in clothes their wives criticized when they saw me while I could be outside, peacefully enjoying the immense garden of the mansion. A garden which is, by the way, the only enjoyable feature of this golden cage. All of this only because Tom wants people to believe we're all getting along in the family, tsk." Arthur closed his mouth, unable to find something to retort to your murderous prose. Maybe that was why he looked at you silently instead, a glimmer of amusement shining in his still blue eyes. "What?" You finally asked, not comprehending why the lanky gangster was now smiling, his mustache slightly lifted on one side.
"Gimme these shits." With that being said, Arthur took your heels and corset from your hands before leaning above you and kissing your forehead with indescribable tenderness, completely obliterating the rest. "Now go," The gravel in his voice rumbled, "Go run barefoot and curse at sharp stones, I ain't going to pin your wings." Of course you felt suffocating, he thought, for he knew you didn't belong here. Just like him. But while he had to remain somewhat near to his brother for the whole evening, Arthur never wished to inflict such torment on your savage soul: you were born to dance around fires, in the curves of old bones, or look for omens in the falling of feathers. Not to sip on champagne and boast about your riches with aristocratic ladies.
"Really?" You inquired, the fierceness of your face softening at your husband's surprising —and understanding— reaction. Arthur winked at you for a sole reply before turning around and barking at those who were still observing you with a loud "The fook you're looking at me wife ay? Go back to your chit-chat!". It had been the final nail in Tommy's coffin, who pinched his nose as if to stop a dawning headache — a headache that bore your name.
Offering one shark-like and insolent smile to little King Shelby, you left the ballroom running barefoot and only stopped when you found yourself in the middle of the garden, slowly spinning on yourself. With your doll-like face facing the night sky, you relished the sensation of the fresh breeze softly grazing your skin in welcoming strokes. A cheerful giggle fell from your plump lips as rays of moonlight illuminated your dainty frame like a myriad of motherly hands ready to catch you.
"Hey! Devil! You're nothing but trouble, you know that?!" A feminine voice erupted behind you, making you stop dancing and glance from where the soft lilt was coming. What was your surprise when your gaze met Ada's cunning smile! Beside her Polly was standing, her frail arms crossed on her bosom but her ebony eyes displaying an excitement she hadn't felt in years.
"I can't help it, Ada. I'm my mother's savage daughter!" You exclaimed, opening your arms to fake a pretentious bow — a move that stirred a sincere laugh from your sister-in-law.
"Tommy's mad." She said through her grin.
"Tommy's always mad. Why don't you join me?" At your offering, Ada side-eyed her dear Aunt, not sure if she could momentarily strip from the elegant Mrs. Thorne mask and be herself for once. For fuck's sake! Can't they fucking behave?! Can't your fucking wife stop fucking everything up just once eh?! Tommy's voice was roaring from the inside of Arrow House, just what Ada and Polly needed to make up their mind.
Freeing themselves from fancy hats, oppressive clothes, and painful high heels, both Polly and Ada joined you in the middle of the garden, the two of them grabbing one of your hands to form a round dance.
We are our mother's savage daughters, you sang.
I'm not joking Arthur! Did you think about what people are going to say?!
We are our mother's savage daughters, Ada followed. Her voice swirled up to the sky, each note bringing her closer to her mom she barely knew.
We will not cut our hair! We will not lower our voice! Polly's cheered louder, and as she did she was sixteen again, walking barefoot in the mud with a horse's rein in one hand and flowers in the other.
And deep in our bones, the old songs are waking So sing them with voices of thunder and rain, the wind carried your chant away. So far away that somewhere on the road, one Romani woman, fierce and beautiful, felt the wild drums of nature beating within her as she braided the hair of her adorable little girl.
"Are you okay Mom?" She asked, concerned by her mother's sudden stop.
"Yes, Katie. Yes, I am."
Esme smiled.
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✞ Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
✞Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @zablife @woofgocows @anathemasworld @anastasia000 @kate654 @kxnnxy @babayaga67 @meowtastick@kxnnxy @shelbyssins @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @bluevenus19 @raincoffeeandfandoms @kishie8 @alexandra-001 @dearshelby @alexizodd @helen06dreamer @kmc1989 @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings @peakyltd
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You cup their face
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Thomas: He would be surprised at first, but he would lean into your hand and look deeply into your eyes. He would see your love for him and return it; the touch is tender and loving; it makes him feel warm and calm. He would enjoy the intimacy of the moment, soaking in the affection and holding it close in his heart forever.
Arthur: He would be surprised at first, as it's not something he ever expected from anyone. However, he would smile and let his partner cup his face, happy to receive the affection. He might even close his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to enjoy the closeness. As the moment lingered, he would open his eyes and look directly into yours, searching for reassurance that you were both having a meaningful, loving moment.
John: He would react by cupping your face as well, a sign of closeness and affection, while he gazes into your eyes with a sincere smile. He can see the love and trust that you have for him, which makes him feel at ease around you, and he wants to repay that trust with more affection, more closeness, more love.
Ada: She would be stunned and overwhelmed with emotion and joy if her partner cupped her cheek with any sign of affection. With a small squeal and a smile, she would lean into your touch and press her cheek into your palm gently.
Finn: He would be surprised at the sudden closeness and caressing of his face. It would spark a blush, as he is not used to such physical affection. However, he would let you continue for a moment, before breaking in to ask, "Um, do you need something?"
Polly: She gasps with delight as her partner gently cups her face in her palm, your touch sending a shiver up her spine. She leans into her partner's touch, savoring the closeness of your body and the sensation of your touch. She closes her eyes, breathing in deeply as she lets herself become consumed in the moment. She opens her eyes again, locking eyes with you and smiling softly, expressing appreciation for your attention and affection.
Micheal: He's a little surprised by your touch, but it's not exactly unwelcome. He smiles at you in appreciation and lets you hold his face for a moment, enjoying the intimacy of these moments you both spend together.
Isiah: He'd probably be surprised, as it's not something he's used to. But he'd be excited and honored that someone would do that to him, and he'd want to show that the only way he knew how: by giving you the most loving embrace possible. With how close it'd get your faces, he'd also use the opportunity to tell you how much you mean to him.
Bonnie: He would immediately feel safe and protected. He would lean into your touch and smile, feeling warm and secure in your presence. It would feel like your shielding him from the world, and he would want to return the favor by wrapping his arms around you and showing you affection.
Alfie: If his partner cupped his face, he would be surprised and delighted. He's sensitive to physical touch and enjoys the feeling of closeness when someone he cares about touches him. He would look into your eyes and enjoy the warm, loving embrace. You are a source of comfort and he'd feel secure knowing that you're there for him.
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red-write-hand · 7 months
random headcanons from my mind…
tommy gives good hugs
arthur knows random songs and hums them while he works
ada knows how to bake like one thing and if you like that thing, be prepared for that to be made at every opportunity around you
john is actually a huge romantic and he loves to just hold you sometimes
finn will sometimes just bring you random objects and start ranting (very happily) about where he got it and why it reminded him of you
grace learns your favorite songs and “accidentally” starts singing them when you’re in the Garrison
luca loves to run his fingers through your hair and draw little designs into your skin
lizzie loves to give you gifts randomly, just to show you how much she loves you
freddie secretly loves when you scratch his stubble
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pacifymebby · 7 months
Bout des doigts // Ada Shelby
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Ada comes to you to escape her family for a little while...
Warnings: smut
The valley was white, muted with the hush of snow and ice, the ground stiff, siezed up with the freeze like the trunks of the trees and the moss and wildflowers nestled into the cracks of the dry stone walls you passed on your walk.
You were holding hands, your gloves soft against Ada's, the wool of your fingers catching with the wool on hers. When the path took on the sheen of black ice you walked closer together than before, holding onto one another, giggling as you struggled to stay upright.
You were walking as though you were drunk, the way you once had when you'd stumbled down watery lane, pissed, following behind her brothers who were the reason you both were drunk.
It was a long time since those days however. You'd left Birmingham when you were young, you'd married a young man and moved to the lake district. When your husband had died tragically of Spanish Flu you had remained tucked away in the dip of the valley, alone, doing your best to keep his farm running. Sonething which, as a city girl, you had struggled with for many years until, Ada's older brothers found themselves needing to tie their extra cash up in property...
Tommy had bought the farm from the owner of the estate and had placed it in your name. He'd told you to do whatever you liked with it, raise the animals or not, he didnt care, as long as you kept that little part of the countryside pretty and wild the way it was supposed to be.
You knew deep down he'd done it for Ada more than he'd done it for you. Because he'd seen how much Ada loved that little farm, because she'd cried when you'd told her you thought you'd probably have to abandon it and return to the city. Tommy had given you the farm on the condition that you never gave it up for anything, because he'd wanted to make his little sister happy.
And he had. And now when the city got to be too much, when even london wasnt far enough from her brothers and their illicit activities, it was your little farm house in the valley that she always returned to. And you felt forever in debted to Tommy Shelby for giving you that.
A place to keep your best friend safe. A place that could be her sanctuary. Even if Tommy wasn't quite aware just how much of a sanctuary it had become to you. How treasured it was for both of you.
But it was.
You'd walked the farmland arm in arm so many times together over the years. When your husband had passed and then, when Freddie had passed not long after. The hills had heard all your heartbreak, your secrets, your troubles and hopes. You'd shared all those thoughts over the course of the winding walks you'd take together, holding hands, fingers linking and unlinking.
You'd picnicked together on summer days, up on the hills overlooking the lake and the house, the cow field. You'd counted lambs together in the Spring and cried over the wee things first steps.
You'd mothered little Karl together so many mornings and afternoons spent teaching him to walk and talk. Youd muddled through the hard times together and grown together, friends and then, little by little, without ever really noticing what was happening to you... More than friends.
If anyone had ever asked, and no one ever had, you wouldnt have been able to tell them when youd fallen in love with Ada Shelby. Youd have had to have guessed and it could have been anywhere between the age of 12 and 20... But it had happened. Inevitably it had happened.
So now the two of you walked, tripping and almost tumbling down the hill when you slipped on the ice and Ada fought to haul you back up onto your feet.
The valley looked so pretty, everything shimmering, the sunlight thin and pale through the frozen air. Your breath crystallising whenever you laughed. You looked pretty too, both of you... Your red noses and cheeks flushed from the cold. Your eyes gleaming with the smiles you shared as you slipped and struggled down the hill.
The walk had been Ada's idea, convincing you against your instincts, that it wasn't too cold, too icy, too thick with snow, to walk up into the hills and watch the sun set over the snowy sloping wild fields. You'd tried to bribe her to stay home with the promise of good home cooked food and a bottle of whiskey but she'd been insistent. The food and the whiskey could wait till the sun was down. And in the end you always let Ada have her way.
When you'd finally come home, kicked off your sodden snowy boots and lit the fire, you'd been relieved to sit on the rug with her, walming your toes by the flames, warming your insides sharing that whiskey.
"Y'know Tommy's got a friend..." smirked Ada lighting a candle in the fire and placing it on a plate between you on the rug, "and he says that Whiskey is for business..."
"Yeah? This friend categorise all his drinks?" you'd asked with a little giggle, "men suck the fun out of everything..."
Ada giggled too, passing the bottle back to you so that you could pour two more glasses.
"Well he says gin is for the melancholy, rum is for fun and fucking and whiskey is for business.."
"So the only time you can fucks if you've been drinking rum?" You asked with a cheeky little smile, one which delighted Ada, one which teased her and set her mind ticking with all kinds of ideas. "What a boring life he must lead..." She shrugged leaning back on your elbows, trying subtly to push your chest out and get her attention.
You always reached this point in the evening when you were alone together, sharing drinks and subtle glances. Looks which lingered between you. Not shy, but shy to tell one another exactly what you wanted. And then it would all get to be too much and one of you would snap and do something drastic, something which would force a change in tge direction of the evening.
And tonight it was Ada who snapped. She couldn't stand another second of this... The long needy looks you were sending her way. The way you watched her over the rim of your whiskey glass and practically begged her to knock it out of your hand, pin you down on the rug and fuck you senseless.
"Come here," she said suddenly, her eyes dark, her voice low and serious and commanding. Enough so that you didn't question her. Didn't say what you were thinking - you were already here, less than a meter away, your fingers skimming over her fingers - because it was obvious what she meant. "Cmere.." she said again, her fingers lacing with yours and taking a firm hold of your hand.
She had those dark hungry eyes, she was looking at you with such certainty. Certain she needed you. And you were certain you'd do whatever she told you, whatever she wanted you to do.
So you did as she said. You let her fingers entwine with yours, let her hold you hand and gently tug you towards her and when she did you went on your hands and knees for her, crawling across the rug, your eyes locked with hers, the two of you seemingly hypnotised by eachother.
You didn't notice the glass you upset as you crawled to her, you only saw her. Only saw her and the warm flush in her cheeks left by you or the whiskey. The pink blossoming across her chest which rose and fell a little sharper than it had before. Her eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips. Sometimes they studied the rest of you too, lingering on your elegant frame, lingering on the view of your breasts through the thin fabric of your blouse.
Her mind was already two steps ahead, imagining the beautiful sight when she unbuttoned your blouse carefully.
"I'm here..." you said cooly, your breath shallow with anticipation as you waited on all fours, looking to her patiently to see her next move, "m'here..." you said but she only smirked. Smirked and reached out to touch you, shook her head as her fingers skimmed your cheek the tips lingering on your lips, waiting for you to kiss them.
"No," she smirked, "I mean. Come. Here." She said looking at you with intention, her voice firm when she held your gaze, drew your lips to hers and began kissing you slowly, needily. Her lips were warm against yours and her breath smelt of whiskey.
With one hand still holding your cheek she kissed you deeper, drawing you in closer so that it was impossible to resist her teasing touches. Her teeth grazed your lips and dragged your mouth open just enough for her tongue to tease you, dipping inside, licking at your senstive mouth and stirring a moan from you. It was soft, more a whimper than a moan but it told her everything she wanted to hear. That you were feeling her every caress, that you were needy and dependent on her, which is exactly how she liked to have you.
"Thats better," she whispered, tracing her thumb along your bottom lip between kisses, pressing down, opening your mouth wider as she closed the kiss once more and forced her thumb deeper into your mouth. It was hot, too hot actually and you could feel the effects almost imediately. The jolt in your tummy, the sudden rush of need inside you. The warm wet feeling between your legs, your desire seeping from you as Ada's tongue moved inside your mouth, her kiss relentless and full of need.
With her lips on yours you were pliable to her every whim, your tongue swirling around her thumb instinctively. When her free hand slipped inside your open blouse and cupped your breast you moved instinctively towards her, pushing your chest into her hold, wanting to feel her squeeze you. Wanting to feel her possess you completely.
She ran her thumb over your nipple smirking into your kiss when she felt you shudder, when she felt your nipple harden beneath her touch. When she felt you push your chest further into her hand begging her to take hold of you properly.
All other thoughts had long since cleared from your mind, impossible to be nervous or embarrassed because all you had space for in your pretty little head was her. Ada had hardly even touched you and yet she had complete possession of you. And she could tell, just by the pink flush in your cheeks when she locked eyes with you, she could tell she had complete control.
And that was how she liked it.
She rolled your nipple beneath her thumb once again and watched as you shuddered. As you shied away averting your gaze when a little whimper escaped you. But if there was one thing she liked more than hearing your little moans, it was looking into your eyes as you moaned. So she withdrew her hands from your body and placed them either side of your face steering your gaze back to hers.
"Don't get shy on my now y/n angel," she said quietly, her smug little smirk making you squirm, unable to hide how much you wanted her to take ownership of you again. Just like the last time she'd fucked you on this very rug.
She held your face in her hands and smoothed her thumbs over your skin before dragging your lips back up to hers. Kissing you deeply with her open mouth, pushing her tongue between your lips as she rose from her knees and hovered above you. As she rose up above you she slid one hand down your neck, her touch light and teasing sending a rush of warmth shooting from your chest to your tummy. Your core was beginning to warm up to, you could feel that gentle needing pulse teasing you. You wanted so much more and as Ada began to crawl above you, you began to sink slowly down to the floor, lying on your back with her hovering above you, her nose knocking your nose playfully as she grinned down at you.
You couldn't help the moan which escaped you when she ducked down and caught your bottom lip between her teeth. With one hand either side of your head, her legs either side of her hips she wasn't touching you anywhere else and yet as you lay there trembling there wasn't an inch of your skin that wasn't desperate to feel Ada's touch.
She rocked her hips into yours as she squeezed your thighs between hers, her fingers skimming your collar bones and then tickling down your chest between your breasts. She couldn't take her eyes off you, so hungry to take you.
"Ada please," you whispered, "don't tease me again not like last time I can't..." You started but before you could finish she'd closed her lips over yours, her tongue filling your mouth and stealing your words. You opened your mouth wider, let her tongue explore deeper as you kissed and tried to catch her lip with your teeth. Suckled on her tongue hungrily until it was Ada's needy moans which filled the room.
You reached up to unbutton her blouse, struggling with each button in your desperation to touch her, to slip your hands beneath the thin cotton and hold her breasts, run your hands over the curves of her body and pull her down closer to you.
When finally you'd pushed her blouse open, when she'd slipped her arms from the sleeves and discarded the useless fabric somewhere on the floor. When she sunk down onto her elbows so that her breasts hung down over yours, her nipples sensitive and hard skimming over yours, you could hardly breath. It was a relief to feel her pressed against you, a relief to squeeze her body with your own. And yet it wasn't enough. The feel of her nipples rubbing yours, pressing into yours when you pulled her down even closer, drawing wanting tears from your eyes.
She smirked down at you, couldn't hide her amusement when she caught one of your needy little tears on her thumb and fed it to you. You opened your lips as she pushed her thumb into your mouth, sucking on the tips of her fingers as she fed each to you slowly. Teasing you. Her eyes lit up with lust and mischief as she watched your mouth close around each digit and suckle.
As she dragged her pinky from between your lips she pushed herself up and away from you leaving you to shiver in the sudden chill she left behind.
You pushed yourself up onto your elbows trying to follow her but her hand on your chest pushed you away and forced you to watch as she rose up before you and slipped slowly from the rest of her clothes.
Between your legs your cunt was aching, you could feel those little butterfly flexes in your core, the fluttering pulse teasing you, making your thighs clench and unclench. Making you wish she'd come back to you and touch you where you needed her the most.
But Ada had other ideas and as she let her lacy underwear slip down over her hips and the curve of her bum you couldn't help but watch her completely transfixed by her beauty.
She turned slowly, her underwear pulled taut, hanging between her knees as she spread her legs and bent down to pick up the glass of whisky you'd left abandoned just behind you.
On your back with her stood above you the way that she was you had a truly delectable view. Warm light rippling over her milky body, her skin glimmering with an almost holy sheen as she swirled your whisky glass and raised in to her lips.
You weren't expecting her to do as she did next though when she did it you weren't exactly surprised.
She tilted her head to one side and let her eyes flutter shut.
"Come finish your drink angel..." she said softly as she poured the remainder of your glass slowly over her breasts, letting the cool liquid trickle down her waist in little streams. You watched it glimmer on her skin, her belly and her breasts now sticky with alcohol. Suddenly your mouth felt so dry. Suddenly you found yourself licking your lips. Crawling towards her and rising to your knees, your hands finding her hips instinctively as you nuzzled between her thighs, licking little trickles of whiskey from her skin as you kissed up her belly towards her pert breasts. Your lips hungry to latch onto her. You rose slowly, kissing and licking her all over, driven by the warmth of the whisky on your tongue, driven by the burning desire between your legs which was growing stronger by the second. You could feel your head growing hazy with desire, your mind beginning to soften with it. Your need to please her. To make her moan and tremble and shake for you.
So with your eyes closed you continued to drag your lips over her skin sucking and licking up every last drop of whisky until you reached her breasts.
She couldn't keep the smile off her lips when your hand cupped her left breast and your mouth found her right. When you squeezed slowly, gently and began to massage her beneath your palm, your teeth grazing over her right nipple teasingly.
You felt her hips rock forward to meet your body, searching for a friction she wouldn't find yet. You smiled and suckled on her breast a little harder listening delightedly to her whimpers as they grew more frequent. As they got louder and needier.
With your free hand you dig your nails into her hips and pulled her body in closer to yours, making the most of the brief moment of control she had granted you. You swirled your tongue around her nipple and moaned into her breasts kissing up her chest to her neck where you allowed yourself a moment to rest, nuzzling into her until you felt her sigh.
You felt her hands travel up your back, felt them tangle in your hair and then grip tightly. You knew what was coming then and you couldn't hide the way her dominance aroused you. You could feel how your juices had gathered between your legs and when Ada forced her knee between your thighs you felt those juices begin to trickle down your thighs.
You were desperate for her.
"Y'missed some angel..." She said as she used her hands in your hair to force you back down onto your knees as she back into her arm chair and sat down. Legs opening slowly. Waiting for you.
"Come here..." She said again, nodding for you to come closer. Her cunt glistening with her own arousal as she spread her legs and waited.
You bit your lip, hesitant for a moment, wanting to commit this pretty picture to memory before you made yourself at home between her legs.
But you were just as impatient as Ada and you couldn't wait for long enough, drawn in closer to her as if by some kind of trance.
You were almost shy about it at first, your hands on her thighs pushing her legs further apart to grant you access. Your tongue dancing over her core, feeling her heat on your breath and you smelt that sweet salty scent of lust. Your tongue flicking between her lips, kitten licking her entrance before finding her clit and dancing over that instead.
You heard her sigh, a low little moan escape her as she wound your hair around her hand once more. You could feel the pull on your head but that only turned you on more. Knowing she had control over you, knowing that at any second she could force your mouth onto her glimmering cunt. Could force your tongue inside herself and use you to bring herself to her high.
You moaned into her as you kissed her clit and dragged your tongue in a line from her hole to the sensitive nub which was throbbing desperate for your attention. When you began to suckle on it she jolted, a gasp snatched from her that left her chest rising and falling dramatically. Her head tipped back and lolled to one side as her eyes fluttered shut and she began to forced your face closer to her core.
You felt your nose nuzzling into her pubic hair as she pushed her hips up to meet you. Your mouth hot and wet on her core. Your tongue lapping hungrily at her sweet juices, flickering over her clit and swirling little circles which made her mind spin with stars.
With your long hair wrapped tightly around her fist, she had total control, tugging your hair just tight enough to send a pretty stinging command to you, pulling your head up away from where you drank her down just for long enough to look at you, to let her eyes linger on her juices, the way they glistened on your chin. The way your tongue couldn't resist licking up the salt she'd stained you with. She saw the want in your eyes, the desperation to return to her, the need your lips felt to be suckling once again on hers. She watched until she felt the same yearning in her, the tug in her stomach, and between her milky thighs. She needed you just as desperately, just as intensely as you needed her.
A/N it has been probably almost a year since this was requested so anon I'm so sorry this took as long as it did. I hope you enjoyed it xxx
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issdisgrace · 2 months
WARNINGS: Use of the word fag, and nothing else
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I sigh to myself as I knock on the door to Alfie’s office.
“Come in.” His voice rings out. Opening the door, I step into the office, closing the door behind me.
“Hey Alfie, you got a minute.”
“Yeah darling i do, have a seat.” He says, setting his paper down, gesturing towards the couch. I nod, walking over to the couch and lay down it like I’ve done a handful of times in the past.
“So what wrong my darling Y/n.”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about telling my family about me and about us. But I don’t know how they’re gonna react. I’m worried that they’ll shame me and kick me out of the family. I don’t know what I would do without them.”
“Well, darling I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t know how they will react to either piece of information. They are a bunch of no good hard heads. But I can tell you they love you just as much as I do. So I wouldn’t worry too much about it. But telling them about us on the other hand I can tell you they will flip out.”
“Would you come with me when I tell them?”
“Are we going to tell them about both things?”
“Alright, but I better not get shit from any of them about dating you and if I do beat their asses, also I expect my compensation via kisses.”
“Alright, I think I can do that. Thank you Alfie.” I say, looking over at him, sending him a smile, which he returns.
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Later that night I go home and call up aunt Polly.
“Hey Polly.”
“Y/n. How have you been? You settle into your new place.”
“I’m good. I settled in nicely. I just wanted to call and tell you that I’m ready to tell the family.”
“You are? Are you sure?”
“I’m sure Polly. I’ve been putting off telling everyone and now that I got my own place and I’m out on my own I think it’s time. I’ve also got a boyfriend and we’ve been going strong for 6 months and I want you guys to meet him.”
“That’s wonderful darling. How about you bring him to dinner on Sunday night?”
“Sounds good. He mentioned he was free Sunday, so I guess we are good to go then.”
“Alright, remember to be here at 6pm.”
“Ok, Polly I’ll see you Sunday at 6. I love you. Thank you for the support. I appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem darling, you are like a son to me. It would also be hypocritical of me, liking both women and men and not supporting my nephew. Anyway, I got to finish a couple of things papers, so I love you. Goodnight. I’ll see you Sunday.” 
“I love you too, Polly. Goodnight, see you on Sunday.”
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Sunday had finally rolled around and my anxiety was at a 100. It got worse and worse as the day went on. Then it was time to meet up with Alfie and head to Polly’s house for dinner.
As we drove along and got closer and closer, I felt sicker and sicker.
“Darling, you ok. You're looking pale.”
“I’m fine Alfie don’t worry. I’m just anxious, that’s all.”
“I am anxious too darling. Don’t worry I’ll be right by your side the whole time and your aunt will be there. And she’ll kick your brother’s asses if they say anything.”
I let out a laugh, picturing Polly kicking their asses.
“You’re right.”
“I know I am darling. So how about we focus on best-case scenarios?”
We park in front of Polly’s house and I let out a sigh, looking over at Alfie. It looks like everyone is already here. 
“You ready, darling?” I take a deep breath before saying.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” Me and Alfie then get out of the car. Walking around the car, I then link hands with Alfie. The feeling of his rough hand in mind bringing me comfort. We walk up the path to the front door before we knock. We stand there for a minute before the door is suddenly pulled open, revealing Polly.
“Y/n good to see you. And ahh, you’re the infamous King of Camden, Alfie Solomons.”
“I’m just Alfie Solomons tonight Miss Gray.” 
“Alright, well please do come in.” Polly says, moving to the side to let us in. Stepping in, the sound of chatter hits our ears.
“Everyone is in here.” Polly says, leading us into the living room. I keep a tight grip on Alfie’s hand as we walk into the room and as soon as we are seen everything goes dead silent. Everyone is looking at us.
“Hello everyone.” I managed to get out.
“What is he doing here?” Tommy asks clearly not to be happy to see me hand in hand with one of his business partners.
“Well, if you guys weren’t smart enough to figure it out already I am a fag. As for Alfie, we have been dating for 6 months now.”
“Your a fag?” Arthur, John, and Finn ask in synchronicity.
“God, you guys are so stupid. No offense Y/n but you didn’t really do a good job of hiding your preference towards men.” Ada says, looking up. I meet her eyes, and she gives me a smile.
“None taken Ada. I realized that I wasn’t that good at hiding it a while ago.”
“Why him of all people, Y/n,” Tommy asks.
“Alfie is good for me. He treats me well. He makes sure I’m taken care of and he cooks for me.”
“He’s the King of fucking Camden. Don’t you get it Y/n. He can get you killed.” Tommy says, raising his voice. 
“And you’re Thomas Shelby, the leader of the Peaky Blinders. For fuck’s sake Tommy, me being your brother is enough to get me killed.”
“He’s right Tommy.” Polly speaks up. “Despite me not being the biggest fan of Mr Solomons. No offense Mr Solomons. Y/n has a valid point that you’re just going to have to accept. And you’re going to have to accept that Y/n is with Mr Solomons. All of us will need to accept that.”
“If it’s any consolation Y/n I don’t care who you date.” Ada says.
“Thank you Ada.”
“No problem.”
The room then falls silent as Tommy, Arthur, John, and even Finn stare daggers into Alfie. It only lasts a minute before a ring breaks the silence.
“Foods ready.” Polly says as she quickly leaves the room. Great, dinner totally isn’t going to be awkward. I look over to Alfie and give him a weak smile that he returns. Let’s see just how bad this dinner can get, I think to myself as I lead Alfie out of the living room and towards the dining room.
“I’m gonna need a drink after this aren’t I.”
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kkurades · 2 years
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ FLUSHED CHEEKS ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
━━ ada’s brothers won’t believe her when she tells them that she’s dating a world famous fashion designer / model icon.
word count: 1328
pairing: fem!reader x ada shelby
warnings: none
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The day you met Ada was the day that made the remainder of your life perfect.
You memorized clearly that you encountered her during one of your visits to London for a fashion exposition.
One of Ada's friends somehow managed to acquire two tickets for the exposition and invited Ada.
Within thirty minutes of arriving there, Ada had to go use the restroom.
When she entered the women's bathroom, she noticed you seated on the tile floor with a cigarette in your hand. Your head was leaned back against the wall, while your heels had been discarded beside you.
When you heard the door opening, you looked up to see Ada. At first, you assumed you were so high that you were dreaming of angels, but after having examined her clearly you realized that you weren't dreaming.
Ada had shifted uncomfortably as she was at the mercy of your cold stare, but momentarily realised that you were y/n y/n/n the world-known fashion designer and model.
When Ada ultimately came back to her senses, she was relatively surprised to see you there considering the fact that you were the main guest of the fashion exposition.
When she timidly questioned you about it, you just told her that you didn't particularly like these kinds of events and that you were inclined towards hiding in the restrooms if you had the chance.
Ada merely nodded, not knowing what to do as you resumed staring holes into her head before she took cover in a toilette stall.
After she had composed herself, she unlocked the door again to see that you still hadn't moved and walked over towards you.
She gestured for you to shift slightly to create a place for her to sit before sitting down beside you and turning to look at you.
“Are you alright, Miss. y/l/n?” She questioned you softly, as you studied her features quietly.
“Yes, of course I am Mrs.-?”
“Miss. Ada Shelby,” she finished for you with a sweet smile resulting in the corner of your lips turning upward.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Ada Shelby,” you spoke while seizing her delicate hand in yours and pressing a soft kiss to it which made her blush.
The remainder of the evening was spent in the women's bathroom, with you divulging to her all about your life as a famous fashion designer and model while she told you narratives of her life in Birmingham.
Occasionally someone would come into the restroom, but they mainly disregarded the two of you, thinking of you as some drunk women who were up to no good.
When the evening was reaching its end, you recalled not wanting to part ways with Ada. Having spent these few hours with her made you happier than the previous months when you were constantly miserable.
So, you gave her your address and told her that she could visit you anytime she desired.
You knew it was foolish to give your address to a stranger, but you couldn't help yourself as you looked into her sparkling blue eyes that had now become your favorite color.
Currently, you were driving your car to Birmingham because Ada wished to introduce you to her family.
When Ada informed her siblings and aunt that she was dating a woman, they couldn't believe their ears.
Surprisingly, Tommy had been the first one to smile and congratulate her sincerely before threatening whoever dared to date his little sister.
The remainder of her family soon followed, and she found herself to be supported by her family members, which was a tremendous solace to her.
When John ultimately raised a question of who you were, she told them that she was dating y/n y/l/n the famous fashion designer and model.
Ada had felt extremely offended when Arthur and John burst out laughing while Polly was scolding them.
So, here she was dragging you from your manor all the way to Birmingham to prove that she was dating you. That you weren't some figment of her imagination. And of course to introduce you to her family.
“You alright?” You questioned her as you saw her fiddling with the necklace that you purchased for her on her birthday.
“What?” Ada twisted to look at you with a perplexed expression as you examined her features carefully.
“I asked whether you are alright,” you repeated before taking her hand in yours.
“Oh, yes. Just jitters I guess,” she replied with a kind smile on her face.
“If you say so,” you mumbled before leaning over to kiss, which made her giggle into the kiss.
The ride to Birmingham passed painfully slow, but around the evening you finally reached your girlfriend’s hometown.
You unlocked your car door before strolling around the car to open the passenger door, where Ada had been applying a fresh coat of red lipstick.
You put the keys to your car into your pocket before you pursued your girlfriend towards her aunt’s house, where her family had been waiting to meet you.
Ada knocked harshly on the door, resulting in you lingering for a few moments before it swung open to reveal a youthful boy who you believed to be Finn, Ada’s youngest brother.
Finn’s eyes broadened at the sight of you as he stood there staring at you with his mouth agape.
“Finn?” Ada’s voice seemingly revived Finn out of his daze, rendering him to straighten out before he offered you a nervous smile.
He entirely ignored his sister as he outstretched his hand for you to shake.
You complied but rather than shaking your hand, he kissed it softly, which made Ada roll her eyes at her brother.
“I’m Finn, you must be Miss. Y/l/n,” you nodded with an amused smile on your complexion, resulting in him blushing slightly.
“Oi, Finn! Are you gonna let the ladies in or not!” Arthur Shelby’s voice bellowed throughout the house, which made Finn widen the entrance before stepping out of the way to allow you two into the house.
Ada whacked the back of Finn’s head, which made him hiss at her before they lead you towards the living room where the remainder of Shelby’s were.
When you entered the room, you first noticed an older lady who you assumed to be Polly. The noblewoman had an exceptionally great taste in fashion if you had to be honest.
Polly made her way towards you before shaking your hand politely as she smiled at you.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Y/n. Ada’s told me a lot about you,” she spoke, causing the others to come out of their previous astonishment that Ada was, in fact, dating you.
John and Arthur nearly dashed towards you before Arthur pushed John out of the way, much to your amusement.
“I’m Arthur Shelby,” he flirted while kissing your hand before John reappeared behind him and shoved him out of the way.
John let out a breath of air as he quickly restored his hair before also kissing your hand with a cheeky grin plastered on his face, which made Ada once again roll her eyes at her siblings.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss. Y/l/n. I’m Ada’s older brother, John.”
Polly scoffed at her nephews before shoving both of them away from you because they were nearly all over you.
Eventually, the last man, who you identified as Tommy, in the room approached you with confident strikes. His icy blue eyes boreholes into your skull as he halted in front of you.
“Y/n,” he said briefly.
“Thomas,” you copied as he eyed your figure narrowly.
“I prefer Tommy, but it’s good to finally meet you,” he nodded curtly, provoking the corners of your lips to turn upwards slightly.
“Pleasures all mine,” you responded before turning back to Ada, who looked willing to slaughter all of her brothers.
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©cupidsheqrt , 2022.
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dearshelby · 6 months
Ada Shelby x f!reader
4. "Promise this will stay between us."
After losing her husband, brother, fiance and auntie, Ada Shelby found love and happiness in the arms of a woman, but don't want anyone to know that they know each other, in fear of what it would bring to the woman's life.
That's an OOF, isn't it? I love how dating ANY Shelby has consequences hehe
Shelby affairs (and why to keep it a secret) | A.S
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“Why does a secretary need a secretary?” Ada's secretary petulantly asked.
Mrs. Thorne lifted her eyes from her papers, licking her lips and holding back a smile, “Perhaps because the said secretary is actually the head of the company in America,” 
“We're not in America, are we?” in a bold move, she sat on Ada's lap.
“No, doesn't change the fact I'm not a secretary,” the Shelby sister argued, “did you lock the door?”
“Well then,” she gently pushed the secretary out of her lap.
“Ada, don't start with it, please?” the employee begged, “If you're so important and influential, why don't you convince your family not to cross us?”
“Because their crossing is not intentional,” Ada explained, “everyone thinks our relationship is strictly professional, and I'd rather keep it like that,”
“For how long?” 
“Until… well,” she gulped.
“See? You don't know, you say you love me and make the company drivers take me to your house in the middle of the night, but when it's time to take me seriously you back off,” the secretary accused, “you're hiding me from them,”
“I am not, I'm hiding them from you,” the Shelby quickly explained, “I don't want any of their actions to have consequences in your- in our life!”
“I-” she sighed, “should go back to my desk,”
“Love,” Ada called before the employee walked out of the office, “promise this'll stay between us, at least for now,”
Looking down at her own feet, she mumbled, “You're the boss, I can't object.”
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zeldaspellmaniswife · 6 months
Peaky Blinders
This is my Peaky Blinders Masterlist, so feel free to ask for request for fanfics, or feel free to send me your submissions
Shelby Siblings
Arthur Shelby
Tommy Shelby
John Shelby
Ada Shelby
Finn Shelby
Shelby Family
Shelbys x Adopted Child Reader
Shelbys x Brother/Sister Reader
Shelbys x Reader
Polly Gray
Michael Gray
Gina Gray
Shelby Women
Ada Shelby
Lizzie Shelby
Esme Lee-Shelby
Other Women
May Charleton
Tatiana Petrovna
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romeulusroy · 2 years
Imagine being a lawyer who dates Ada:
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"We don't help coppers."
"Good thing they're a lawyer, John." Ada huffed, moving past him quickly. You grabbed her delicate hand, leading her away from the house. You could feel John's eyes burning into the back of your head. All of her brothers, actually, lurking somewhere inside, wanting to intimate you. She looked beautiful as always. You counted your lucky stars that a woman like Ada was with you. She was smart and funny and beautiful. She didn't put up with any bullshit and made sure that the whole world knew that. You weren't intimidated by them, the scariest guys in Birmingham, you were intimidated by her. She made your knees weak and palms sweat. You couldn't think straight around her. She didn't mind that you were a lawyer. You didn't mind what her family did for work. She didn't have to remind you that she wasn't one of them, that they didn't want her guidance. She was perfectly happy with it being the two of you against the world and you were more than happy to follow along. As long as you were with her, that's all that mattered.
"What's the difference?"
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strayrockette · 2 years
Squeak Squeak Shelby fam x reader
Summary: reader loses her pet and receives comfort through the Shelby's.
Trigger warning: none
Requested: Yes by @mysticalpandora
A/N: I am alive. Took me a while to complete this one. I seem to be getting stuck one fic at a time he..he....😕
She wandered the halls of her home, peering around corners with groggy eyes and restless bones. Irritably calling his name into the shadows to warm her bed on this cold night.  It wasn’t until her eyes landed on his collar sitting on the kitchen table, did she realize just how empty and quiet her home felt.  
Her ears twitched, listening for the pit-pat of his paws’ prancing against the wood and his awful imitation of a meow. Her heart sank deep into her stomach, for the umpteenth time she only had the sounds of shadows echoing back at her. Mirroring her disappointment.  Y/N snatched his collar from the table and trudged back to bed, passing the washroom, door ajar, and a small bucket fit for a cat lay recklessly. Y/n eyes avoided the open bathroom, grief creeping in as a memory pulled through.  
Her fingers dipped into the warm water, sinking the rag in once and then pulling it out to squeeze out the remaining water, “You’re not very good at meowing, are you?”  
His orange fur glistened with soap and water, the tiny kitten lay on its side, peacefully basking in the care she provided. Most kittens refused to remain still for a cleaning, but this one rather liked it. He squeaked as she gently rubbed the rag over his paws, the built-up dirt slowly washing away. 
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh before she squeaked back.  The next few days followed the same, he would squeak and she’d respond in kind. Until one day his name became the very thing, she teased him for.  
The memory pained Y/n, she swallowed it down and crawled into bed. Her eyes felt heavy and all she wanted was to sleep peacefully.  
Sleep never came and Y/n had convinced herself that maybe it wasn’t a bad thing. At least being awake she could try and control the memories that floated around. That wouldn’t be easy if she had been sleeping. The only positive thing about the restless nights she’s had for the past week.  
Her mornings were just as restless and aimless. Most were spent curled on the couch and staring blankly at the fireplace. But today was different.  
Y/n sat across Polly and Ada, both busying themselves in her kitchen. Y/n wrapped a thin blanket around her shoulders and cleared her throat, “Why exactly are you guys in my kitchen?”  
Ada was the one to answer, “It’s your turn.”  
Y/n mind blanked, her turn for what?  
Polly turned, knife in hand-waving it in the air around them, “Dinner night, love. It's your turn to host.”  
Ada brushed her hair behind her ears, “The boys are out searching for the best steak money can buy, Polly’s goin’ handle the drinks for most of the day, and we’re-she waved between her and Polly-are goin’ to make a feast.”  
Y/n raised a brow, “And what about me?”  
Ada shrugged her shoulders, “All you have to do, is enjoy our company and drink.”  
Dinner nights were important for the Shelby’s. Despite the rocky relationships and less than honorable work they did, dinner nights were the only nights they set aside everything and tried to be a functional family. It only occurred every few weeks and was hosted by each Shelby. In this case, it was y/n’s turn. Y/n had known the Shelby’s since childhood. She’d been there for them through thick and thin and as such, was considered family by choice.   
She distinctly remembered John telling her to be ready to hide Squeak from Arthur when her turn to host came ‘round. That was the beginning of last week. She parted her mouth, ready to ask them to leave, to post pone dinner night, to leave her to her silence. But Polly’s laughter reverberated through the home. Filling it with warmth and loudness she had missed.  
Perhaps hosting tonight's dinner wouldn’t be too bad. Y/n watched as Ada squealed, batting Polly’s greasy fingers away from her. Amazed by how childish and silly they turned when they weren’t thinking about what big bad event would follow them next. Y/n fingers gripped the thin sheet around her shoulders, taking a step back she tilted her head towards her bedroom and told them she’d be back after a quick wash and a change of clothes.  
The rest of the morning and early evening passed with light conversations and teasing. Polly had given her a few too many drinks but y/n felt great. John and Arthur came after the 5th drink was passed around. The best steak in their possession and excited grins on their faces.  
“Already startin’ without us, eh?” Arthur jabbed at John’s shoulder, “I told you; they never wait for us to start the fun.”  
John chuckled lightly, “What did you expect, Polly brought the whole damn bar wit’ her, she’s worse than us.”  
Polly scoffed, “I’ve been ‘round lot longer than you twats, of course I’m worse than you.” 
Polly took charge of the kitchen, ordering the boys to leave her alone and for Ada to pick up the slack. Y/n was promptly ordered to have a drink and to sit at the table.  
Arthur’s voice rang loudly piercing through her thoughts, “I miss that bugger, even if he hated me.”  
Somehow the topic of conversation moved towards the absence of Squeak. John belted a laugh, “What’d you do to the lil guy?”  
Y/n turned in her seat and tilted her head to look into the living room, “He did NOT hate you”  
Arthur’s following look of disbelief led her to continue, “he just.... wasn’t very fond of you”  
Her lips quirked teasingly. She thought affectionately of Squeak’s mischievous behavior where Arthur was concerned. He’d hide patiently in the shadows to attack Arthur's ankles as he passed by. Based on the scars on his ankles, Arthur had a different way of viewing his encounters with Squeak.  
“You can laugh all you want, but that bastard hated me guts,” Arthur exclaimed, he pushed his hair back and leaned into the well-worn couch. He stretched his legs and tugged his trousers up, displaying the tiny claw marks left behind by Squeak, “I remember how I got each one, worst war I ever fought in, eh.” 
Y/n rolled her eyes and laughed. She remembered each one as well as he did. She’d watch Squeak saunter away with his head held high and tail swinging, followed by a hopping Arthur with a pained expression so often, it was almost expected when he came to visit. It wasn’t supposed to be funny, but the things Arthur would say after the forementioned attack always made her laugh.  
“I APOLOGIZED YOU SNOOTY BASTARD! LEAVE ME ANKLES ALONE.” Arthur hopped on one leg, one hand rubbing his ankle and the other pointing erratically at his attacker who sauntered away, tail wagging in the air teasingly. 
She laughed aloud at the memory before addressing Artur once more, “You stepped on him and didn’t apologize right away. I say, he has a right to enact revenge.”  
Ada set plates onto the table, nodding in agreement, “It’s true, I stepped on him once and apologized, he never attacked me.”  
“I think there’s a consensus that you’re the true bastard here,” Tommy stepped through her living room door, a sealed box in his arm. 
John took the box from him and turned to set it on an empty side table. Y/n eyed the sealed box with curiosity, “What’s that for?”  
Since entering her home, they had made sure to be as loud as possible yet fell silent at her question. Tommy’s eyes slowly analyzed y/n, “A gift.”   
“For me?” she was standing now walking towards the box, her shoulders brushing against Tommy’s as she passed. Her fingers ran over the top of the box, its surface smooth and cool.  
“It’s from all of us.” Polly spoke, “Was a riot to get the details right.”  
Polly’s statement piqued her interest. With swift hands she opened the box and peered inside. Her heart swelled as she stared at a sculpture of her pet. It was strange to see him immortalized in this way. Whoever put this together tried their best to get the details right. From the cocky tilt of his head to the teasing sway of his tail, it was perfect. He wasn’t real and therefore wouldn’t do any of the things she wanted but nonetheless she loved him. Because now she had something to refer to when she missed him.  
She laughed, tears slipping from her eyes, “thank you, I love it.” 
She wanted to grab it, pull it from its box and hold it everywhere she went but she was afraid she’d break it with her shaky hands. At her admission a wave of relief washed over the room, “how about some dinner? I’m sure we’re all starved,” Tommy uttered after a moment. 
Y/n was all too happy for the distraction and extra company. Maybe isolating herself wasn’t the best idea, but she was glad she had people like the Shelby’s backing her up for something as mundane as losing a pet in all the chaos they experience daily.  
Taglist: @ultimatreality @lovecleastrange @watercolorskyy @rockerchick05 @lyarr24
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Reblog if you write reader inserts for peaky blinders and have been shadowbanned this year for no apparent reason
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐝𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐲'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
🌿INFP 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon, Taurus Rising    
⭑ Meeting in the library or movie theatre. You probably didn’t know who she was because Ada doesn’t flaunt the Shelby name. 
⭑ You were enamored with how intelligent she was - your conversations were intellectual from the get-go. 
⭑ Ada had been yearning for someone to understand her, her beliefs and opinions for years. She was well versed in politics since her teenage years because of her social status. 
⭑ You were in a similar boat; you grew up higher low class/lower middle class. And had to work early on to earn for your family. 
⭑ You spent a lot of your time with Ada, and missed her when she wasn’t around. There’s a side to her that not a lot of people get to see. She’s humorous and funny - she loves being light-hearted but understands the deeper meaning of things. 
⭑ She’s very open-minded, and you love that about her. 
⭑ You like to swap books and talk about them with each other
⭑ You would be very shocked to find out she was a Shelby. And your mind would be full of questions 
⭑ Ada loves when you cup her cheek and rub your thumb against her lips 
⭑ Your relationship would be official on the night that she came crying to you about something. You comforted her like no one ever has. 
⭑ And she would definitely be up for some planned chaos... wreaking havoc against white supremacists, misogynists, racists and homophobes
⭑  She absolutely loves music and will take you to clubs (you don’t need an escort as everyone knows who she is).
 ⭑ Soon you become affiliated with the Shelby’s, and everyone at least knows you’re close to Ada - so no harm comes to you. 
⭑ She loves having hot baths with lots of bubbles and candles, so that’s what you do for her when she’s had a rough day
⭑ But she likes it when you sit next to the bath and read to her
⭑ For you, she makes tea and dinner. She would love making you homemade meals, but not because it’s ‘expected’ of her - but because she likes looking after you 
⭑ Ada is vulnerable with you, and keeps space for you to do the same. You’re each other’s safe person
⭑ You look after Karl too, and he slowly starts to like you (you would first know him when he was 5) 
⭑ You have family dinners, and take him to sports games and the like 
⭑ You’re a little family and although you don’t mind if she delves deeper into the Shelby business or not, you just want to be by her side 
⭑ Ada would definitely want to marry you and randomly strikes up the conversation (you don’t like to surprise each other with big changes unless you’ve spoken about it first)
NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Ada surprised you the first time you were intimate. Her hands seemingly craved to touch you; like a frenzy, she wanted more and more of you. Her lips wouldn’t leave your skin, her body moved against your own. 
⭑ You were left breathless. And absolutely exhausted by the time you both orgasmed 
⭑ Ada likes to edge you, see how far she can take you to the edge and pull you back. 
⭑ She loves hearing your sounds; your pleading and begging for release. 
⭑ All she does is smile devilishly down at you
⭑ You definitely have red lipstick marks on your clothes. Whether she does it on purpose or not, you usually find them when you’re already in public 
⭑ She likes to wear nothing but her jewelry when you two fuck; the way they dangle while she’s on top of you, pumping her fingers inside you
⭑ If you’re of the male sex then she would totally ask to peg you, and if you’re of the female sex then she would use a dildo
⭑ Her favourite time to have sex is at night, after a glass of sherry
⭑ And her favourite position is missionary with you underneath her 
⭑ She is most definitely a dom 
⭑ Over time she would want to introduce more toys and things to the bedroom. Like ropes, oils, blindfolds
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When you fall asleep on their shoulder
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Finds it ridiculous that you even fell asleep on him but doesn't move while you continue to rest against him and if asked he'll simply say he was already busy and that it wasn't for you.
He's noticed that you start out with a little lean, your head resting on his shoulder. Soon that turns into a full-on nap. He finds it endearing and makes him feel like an old softy. He'll give you a little kiss on the forehead. He'll sit around thinking to himself, "Maybe there's more to life than violence" and that he could get used to this.
Doesn't let anyone wake you up and quietly threatens anyone who dares to make too much noise when your resting on him, will act like nothing happened when you wake up nor does he say anything as he sits down next to you the next time he sees how tired you are.
If you fell asleep on his shoulder, he would feel touched and humbled. It would remind him of the great trust you have in him, and he would be incredibly moved by the vulnerability and intimacy of the moment and would be careful not to disturb your sleep.
He feels like he can't describe it in detail because it's such an amazing feeling. If you're relaxed enough to fall asleep on his shoulder, that says that you feel safe with him and that's the best feeling in the world.
Will try to keep noises to a low volume but simply can't help it especially when someone starts messing with him which will cause him to get loud but will try to help you fall back to sleep if your still tired.
He thinks you are nothing short of adorable but that does not save you from him messing with you as you fall asleep on his shoulder.
He'll poke at you, try to move you, make jokes to you even as you sleep, and makes fun of it when you are awake.
It is a moment of intense intimacy, a moment of deep connection which he values. It’s like you're showing him this softer side of yourself which he's only been honored to see a handful of times.
She'll smile to herself once she realizes this and gives you a kiss on your head as she sits still so you stay comfortable.
Loves that you found comfort in her to do this and feels a protective need come over her.
Checks up on you afterward to make sure your doing okay and getting enough rest while making sure you don't feel too embarrassed.
He would be smiling to himself, leaning his head closer to yours. And then try to sleep with you, but he would be in his head not able to fall asleep. He would kiss your forehead and pull you closer.
He loves it. There’s no better feeling in his world. He hopes you are comfortable and will lay his jacket over you. Thinking about how peaceful you look. So content. In love. All around him.
This has never happened before and he can't help but find it very cute and endearing, and he would be very comforted. He would feel so grateful for the trust that such an act would demonstrate, and he would be very inclined to protect and support his partner’s well-being.
She would let you sleep. She would try to keep everything quiet so that you wouldn't wake up from those noises. This love would mean the world to her, and she wants to make sure you have the best sleep possible even if she does tease you a little after you wake up.
It's very sweet. It's like a sign of trust. It doesn't happen a lot, so, when it does she knows that you really trust her. She feels like she needs to protect you, and will force everyone to quiet down especially if they want her attention.
She will let you sleep as long as you need. She will make sure no one wakes you up, she will stay by your side and hold you closely. She will protect you from anything or anyone that tries to do you any harm. You are her world.
He would be thrilled. This would be a sign of great trust, and, as someone who craves intimacy with the people he loves, this would give him a great sense of contentment and safety.
He can get annoyed because it’s an inconvenience if he's busy or meant to go do something. First of all, this shouldn’t be happening because if you were tired you could've gone home. Secondly, now he has a dead weight on his shoulder and he can’t move but will try to gently move you so you can keep resting but would make anyone regret waking you up.
He would let you sleep peacefully. You both would have plenty of time to speak once you wake up. He would try to keep others quiet, but he would not be upset if they were not perfectly silent. His partner is sleeping and deserves to rest without being disturbed.
You’ll never believe this but it makes him happy. That you feel safe with him and comfortable enough to just drift off. It’s nice, and it means you need him in your life. He's never felt anything like it before in his life. It feels right to him.
He's feeling pretty lucky to have you and he thinks you're an absolute sweetheart. He knows that sounds cliche, but it's true. He does love it when you fall asleep on his shoulder because it's a sign that you feel safe and content with him. It's something he cherishes and values. And he also just finds it really, really cute.
He'll give you a hard time and tease you but does also flirts with you to show he enjoyed having you close for however long you slept for.
Can't help but enjoy this tender moment with you and how innocent it all is or how warm he gets from getting to hold you while you rest, can't help it as his thoughts start to wander about what life with be like with you and does bring it up to you once you wake.
It’s like a little victory for him when you fall asleep on his shoulder. It’s the biggest compliment for him because then he knows he's been doing something right. He loves you so much and it always brings a big stupid smile to his face when you do this.
Adores this with you and thinks you are so cute when you do that. He loves the feeling and tries his best not to move so you won't wake up. He can stay in that position for hours, just looking at your beauty while you are sleeping and knowing that you feel safe with him. This might be his favorite moment in life.
Thought it was adorable. You were tucked into his shoulder all snug and he knew at that moment that you and him were gonna be all right.
He's an absolute sucker for the quiet, close intimacy - when you're sleeping on his shoulder he feels like he could be in this moment for an eternity.
Another absolute menace on the list, he'll be teasing and messing with you by blowing in your ear, tickling you, poking at you, giving you kisses. You're vulnerable and he's in control, the possibilities are endless.
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red-write-hand · 7 months
Insert "Red Right Hand" or “The Price is Right" music
hey there! welcome! so here is some idea of who I am!
My name is Cal, my pronouns are he/they, i'm bisexual enby!
I write fanfiction! (roulette wheel if I write it well)
I write for all my silly little fandoms/people such as:
Peaky Blinders
Cillian Murphy
Thomas Shelby
Arthur Shelby
Ada Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby (later versions)
Polly Gray (sometimes)
Luca Changretta
my other account is called @lemmejustpulloutmylightsaber (i write for star wars, the bear, marvel, and x men, hunger games, billy the kid, and saltburn on there)
Remember to add in your request:
words count
pairing (x reader, x oc, x canon character)
trope (fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut)
maybe a summary?
I dont do:
anything with actual people (such as actors, some exceptions are if i specifically say so)
NOTHING BIGOTED (transphobia, homophobia, racism, fatphobia, etc.)
I will write:
close to everything else!
just give me some time, i'm kinda slow :)
Last thing, sorry for keeping you...
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
Hi! How are you? If you’re still doing them, could you perhaps write: “How do you deal with it? All this shit?” for Ada Shelby and her sister reader? 🐭
Read the OC version of this fic here.
A/N: This is a bit more of a sensitive topic, so I hope I’ve done alright!
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“How do you deal with it?” you asked. Your voice was quiet but ran with clear intent as you let the baby play with your finger. “All this shit?”
Ada had noticed your undefinable mood since you and Isaiah had come to visit the new baby, but had decided against commenting on it. You had recently become an undefinable person, for reasons unknown. Whether you wanted to speak of what was on your mind or not no longer relied on Tommy’s persistence or Arthur’s attempts to make you smile. You spilled your erratic thoughts only if you wanted to, and it seemed as though today, Ada would be privy to such a want.
The older Shelby shifted on the couch, bringing her legs up to tuck beneath her. Baby Elizabeth lay between you, grabbing for the hand you absently dangled above her, a gummy smile gracing her lips. So as not to give you enough time to change your mind, Ada responded.
“There’s a lot of shit in my life,” she said, an attempt at weak humour. “Which are you referring to?”
You looked up only when the sound of a ball hitting the wall from outside seemed to resound around the room. Ada jolted in her seat and you instinctively shot an arm out to cover the baby. 
“Sorry, Mum!” Karl’s voice wafted in through the open window, followed by a series of bantering reprimands sent the boy’s way by Isaiah.
Ada sank back into her seat and shut her eyes as you withdrew your arm. “That,” you stated simply. “That shit. The shit that has you scared for both yours and the children’s lives. You...how do you deal with it?” At Ada’s silence, you sighed and shook your head, turning to look at Elizabeth again. The baby was so happy, sucking on her fingers, her bright eyes staring innocently up at you. Only last week had she burst into terrified cries when a brick had been sent through the window of Ada’s apartment. Karl was beginning to get affected by the entitled crap the kids at school came up with, obviously filtering through them from their parents. You had honestly had to hide the hint of surprise you’d felt at the fact he didn’t harbour any new feelings about playing ball with Isaiah outside. 
“It’s...” Ada dragged a hand down her face and sucked her lips, turning to blink at the wall opposite. You lifted your gaze to give her your full attention, your curiosity genuine. “It isn’t easy,” Ada told you. “I...am trying to care as little as humanely possible.” She scoffed. “Which isn’t difficult with the constant threats and abuse, of course. At the end of the day...all I care about is that Elizabeth is my daughter, and someone I love more than life itself.” She reached her own hand down to brush a finger across her baby’s curls. “And I cared for her father enough to work on a better world for her. For us all.” She looked up to meet your gaze. “That’s how I deal with it, if it can be called dealing. Every...disgusting remark I hear, every brick through the window, I try to brush it aside, and I think to myself...one day, my Elizabeth will climb higher than them all.” Gazing thoughtfully at the new smile on your face, Ada frowned. “Why do you ask?”
You caught your bottom lip between your teeth as you leant against the back of the couch. “Isaiah...” you started slowly. “I want to have a family with him one day, you know? And...I worry.” You shrugged. “I know he does too. I guess I just wanted to know if it’s worth it.” You righted yourself as Karl suddenly burst into the room, far too exhilarated for this early in the morning. He gave you and his mother a kiss, purposefully missed his sister, and ran into his room. Isaiah followed at a more leisurely pace. He flashed you a characteristic grin, kissed the top of your head, and flopped in the armchair opposite. 
“What’re we talking about?” he asked, tossing the ball in the air.
Ada gave you a knowing smile. “It’s worth the universe,” she said quietly.
Peaky Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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