#my mom when she saw the finished product: 'ah yes. perfection.'
Told my mom about the new Dazai pointing meme and she would not stop pestering me until I made this:
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Enjoy, I guess??
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flowerpowell · 4 years
Unexpected (Drake x MC)
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A/N: Another chapter, yaaay! I thought since it wasnt uploading for weeks, I should post two chapters in a week, so I scheduled this one too. I hope it’s okay! As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts about it! And also I am so happy you all liked Dani! She’s like my baby and I’m so happy youre loving her character! Characters belong to Pixelberry (except for my OCs)
Rating: M (mentions of emotional abuse/manipulation, suggestiveness)
Word count: 2870
Tagging: @gardeningourmet​ @delightfullypinkglitter​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @desireepow-1986​ @dcbbw​ @kingliam2019​ @the-soot-sprite​ @mskaneko​ @thequeenofcronuts​ @dr-ethanjramsey​ @badchoicesposts​ @burnsoslow​ @annekebbphotography​ @alesana45​ @addictedtodrakefanfic​ @walkerduchess​ @ao719​ @texaskitten30​ @lodberg​ @cordonianroyalty​ @emichelle​ @siriusxxvideos​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ @samihatuli​ @choices-lurker​ @i-miss-trr​ @drxkewalker​ @nikkis1983​ @innerpostmentality​ @msjr0119​ @bascmve01​ @mind-reader1​ @edgiestwinter​ @drakesensworld​ @queenjilian​ @princessleac1​ @saivilo​ @yukinagato2012​ ♥
“Are you sure it’s gonna work?” Liam asked when Dani was setting up the table.
“I am! Riley loves cooking too much to pass and she’s always softer when she’s cooking. It’s a perfect plan!”
For the past few days since their deal, Liam and Dani kept in touch, exchanging ideas for how to bring Riley and Drake together. When she told him about her plan, Liam immediately agreed and bought all the necessary things.
“So how exactly this is going to work? We call them to come to the kitchen?”
“No, look,” Dani started gesticulating when explaning and Liam thought it was the most adorable thing he ever saw. Pull it together man, she’s only here for a few weeks. “You call Drake saying you found something important and need him and Riley to see it. They come here and will be informed by someone that they should come here. They will come to this,” Dani motioned the table, “and Riley will hate that because I set the table in the way she hates it. Also, the dish that will be served is overcooked because I know Riley wouldn’t eat it but also because I’m bad at cooking. She’ll hate it but just as she will be about to go full on Gordon Ramsey, she’ll see all these ingredients laying here, exactly what she needs to make pasta à la Nana, her favorite dish. She hasn’t made it since Nana died but because I decorated this kitchen so cozy with all these candles and the music you picked is so nostalgic, she’ll do it and Drake will help her. Riley once told me she always dreamed about a man who would cook with her so I know she will fall in love, I mean, admit she is in love because let’s be real, they are so in love. Ta-daaam!” She finished and Liam chuckled. She looked a little crazy as she was talking about all those steps but for some reason he found it cute.
“They’re gonna kill us when they realize what we did.”
“Maybe,” she shrugged. “But Riley’s my sister so she won’t do anything to me.”
“And I have immunity so Drake can’t touch me either. Okay, let’s do this,” Liam pulled out his phone and called Drake.
“Hello? Drake, yes, it’s Liam, are you busy?” He asked and looked at Dani shaking her head. “What?” he mouthed and she whispered, “He has to come even if he’s busy!”
“You know what, it doesn’t matter if you’re busy or not, you need to come,” Liam quickly added before Drake could reply. “Yes, it’s urgent. I know it’s very late but it’s important. And it can’t wait. You and Riley need to see it as soon as possible,” he looked at Dani again and she showed him two thumbs up.
“Okay, I’ll be waiting. Please, hurry.” Liam hung up and turned to Dani. “They’re coming.”
“Eeek, that’s so exciting! We need to hide somewhere before they find us! Does Bastien know what he’s doing?”
“He does and he can’t believe he agreed to help us set these two up,” Liam chuckled. He still remembered his guard’s face when he told him about that top secret mission.
He led Dani to one of the guest rooms that were the closest to the kitchen.
“I hope you don’t mind but I brought some snacks for us in case we get hungry. And some cider made from our apples,” he motioned the table with the food prepared for them.
“Man, you really do like your apples!” Dani laughed trying to hide her nervousness. Even though, Liam acted like a normal person she still felt that wall between them, the wall reminding her of his status and her inferiority. She smiled as he poured them cider and handed one glass to her.
Maybe I can pretend we’re equal for a few hours, just this once.
“Liam?! Liam! Where are you?” Drake called out as he entered his friend’s office.
“Maybe he’s in his room?” Riley suggested.
“I don’t think so, Liam never invites anyone to his bedroom so he’s not there for sure. Something is weird though, the whole palace seems... empty.”
“Do you think something happened?”
“No but--”
“Ah, Drake, lady Riley, there you are.”
“Bastien! What’s going on? Where’s Liam?”
“In the kitchen. I got instructions to tell you to go to the kitchen,” Bastien said, his face not expressing anything.
“Kitchen? If he found another apple tea for me to test out I’m gonna kill him,” Riley groaned. Drake took her hand and led her to the kitchen.
“Maybe something bad happened to him, maybe he was--” he stopped seeing the candles and the table set for two. “--preparing this all along.”
“Coral roses, my sister’s favorite,” Riley smelled the flowers on the table. “My sister was helping him.”
“I can’t believe they made me leave the house so late,” Drake groaned looking around.
“And what exactly did you have planned? Whiskey drinking? Watching football? Bartie’s with Madeliene and Barthelemy and Bianca is staying with them,” Riley rolled her eyes. Despite being mad at her sister and Liam she found the situation to be quite funny.
“Don’t tell me you’re okay with it,” he narrowed his eyes and she shrugged.
“Oh, no, they are going to pay but for now, I’m happy I don’t have to cook dinner for tonight. Let’s see what they—what on Earth is that?!” She raised her voice when she took a look at what was inside the pot.
“What? Did they put rats in it?”
“Worse, look! It’s severly overcooked! And not seasoned enough,” Riley spit out the food back to the pot before throwing its content to the trash can. She looked around and noticed fresh ingredients.
“Maybe I can cook something? From these things I could make...” she examined all the products before realizing it, “Pasta à la Nana.”
“What? The one you couldn’t make for years?” Drake asked noticing Riley had tears in her eyes. “Let’s just order something, you don’t have to make it.”
“No... I-I can do it. I just need someone to help me because this is a job for two,” she sniffed as she wiped a tear from her eye.
“No, really. I think it’s time to finally make it again. I think... I think Nana would want that.”
“Okay, my turn! Never have I ever had a sleepover at friend’s house.”
“I did spent a few days in Texas at Drake’s when I was still a Prince, does it count?” Liam asked and took a swig of cider when Dani nodded.
“You never had a sleepover?”
“Nope. My father wouldn’t allow,” she laughed but Liam could hear the saddness in it.
“What was your childhood like?” he asked, studying her face.
“Normal, I think. My parents aren’t monster or whatever everyone thinks they are. They took us on trips, to the cinema, for ice cream, they were just very demanding. Well, only my father and only to me. Riley could always do whatever she wanted because they didn’t pay too much attention to her,” she drank a little cider before continuing. “When I was ten I already spoke two foreign languages because instead of meeting with my friends like Riley did, I was stuck at home with a tutor stuying languages. My childhood was good but it didn’t feel like a childhood, if that makes sense.”
“Wow. Only two? When I was ten I already spoke three,” Liam shoved her playfully. “My father was very demanding too. Even though I was the spare it was me who obeyed him, not my brother. He never cared about any rules.”
“Ugh, our fathers suck. Am I allowed to say that about a King?” she asked him and he laughed.
“I’ll allow it.”
“You know what sucks the most?” she asked as she emptied the glass and poured some more cider, “Everyone, including my sister, thinks I had it better. She thinks that at least they loved me, they cared about me and paid for my education. And yes, it’s true but I feel like I had to work for their love, you know what I mean? I had to be their perfect daughter because if I wasn’t, our family would fall apart. I never did what I wanted, never did anything crazy that most people my age would.”
“You never rebelled?” Liam asked remembering his little rebellions. If running to the maze for hide and seek counted as rebellion. He never was good at it, not as good as Leo.
“I did once. I... My father wanted to me to apply for law school. I didn’t want it but I couldn’t argue with my father. So I just... didn’t send the documents on time. When my father found out, it was the worst time of my life. He didn’t scream or anything. He just said he was disappointed because he wanted the best for me and I didn’t appreciate him. The next day my mom told me he was in hospital with severe depression. She yelled at me for ruining my father’s health. I was a mess and I didn’t know what to do. Riley’s younger than me and I didn’t want to bother her with it so I applied for finance even though I hate everything math-related. I went to hospital and I cried in front of my father, apologizing to him and telling him I applied to college. The next day he was back home and told me to never disobey him like that again. And I never did. It was a terrible experience.”
“But that’s manipulation! How could he--” Liam bit his lip before he’d say something he would regret. He heard something about Riley’s parents from Drake but hearing that from Danielle made him sick. Neither Riley, nor Dani deserved such parents. “I’m really sorry. My father was awful but he pales in comparison to yours.”
“I got used to it. Trying my best not to irritate him. I’m working in a bank where he wanted me to work, bringing the money and we’re good.”
“I’m sorry,” Liam repeated and raised his glass. “To problematic childhood, bad fathers and living a life designed by parents!”
Dani laughed as she clinked glasses with Liam. He understood her, which was new to her.
To unexpected allies, she thought to herself. I’d drink to that.
“Drake, no, you have to be gentle,” Riley took Drake’s hand and moved it slowly as he was stirring the sauce. “Circular moves, gently, just like that. The other hand holds the pot, good.”
She took some ingredients from the table and started adding to the sauce. “Keep on stirring slowly, I’ll be adding these pinch by pinch so it blends nicely.”
Drake nodded as he kept stirring. There was something special about them cooking together, being so close. It was nothing like Drake knew before, most of the food he made was quick and simple. That pasta was taking ages to make but for some reason he enjoyed each step.
“Okay, now be careful cause I’ll be adding pear puree.”
“I never thought pear and tomatoes would go together,” he noticed.
“Me neither. Nana told me she came up with it when she was pregnant and craved tomatoes and pears. The secret is, you need to caramelize the pears before mashing it and the sweetness goes super well with the tomato. And then Parmesan gives it a bit saltiness but we add it at the end so it’s not too overbearing.”
“You’re really good at this,” Drake turned to her, realizing they were only two or three inches apart. “And you really love it.”
“Well, yeah,” Riley said quietly, “thanks to Nana. She taught me everything.”
“Can I try it?”
Riley nodded and quickly took a spoonful of the sauce and topped it with the cheese before feeding it to Drake. She looked at him, at his mouth, as he was swallowing. “Good?”
“I’ve never eaten anything as good. You have a real talent, Riley. I’m really happy you’ll have your own restaurant soon, you deserve it.”
“Thank you but if you’d rather keep the bar, it’s fine,” she said, surprised with herself. Why did she care more about Drake than about her dream?
“It’s yours, Riley. You’ll prove everyone who never believed in you once the restaurant will become the most famous one in the world,” the certainity in his voice made her shiver. Did he really believe in her or was he just nice? She looked at him as he took a spoonful of sauce, added Parmesan, just like she taught him, and brought to her mouth. She parted her lips and felt that familiar taste, the one that reminded her of her Nana, of home, of love. It was perfect.
“Can’t you see how amazing you are?” Drake whispered and without thinking, Riley stood on her toes and kissed him. He dropped the spoon, and brought her closer to him, deepening the kiss. She put her arms around his neck, trying to bring him even closer but it wasn’t enough. She needed more, more of him, more of that, more.
They were kissing like crazy, like they were waiting their whole life for that moment. Drake pinned her to the stove, knocking out a few plates that fell on the floor and broke. He moved to kissing her neck as she moaned, running her hands through his hair. He pulled back for a second as he realized they were still in the palace.
“Let’s go home,” he rasped and she nodded, kissing him again as they slowly exited the kitchen, locked in a kiss.
“I’m not kidding! My mom did tell me to get a plastic surgery once,” Dani laughed as she drank cider.
“What? Why would you need it?”
“She said my boobs were too small.”
“But there’s nothing wrong with your--” Liam composed himself trying not to think about it, “I’m sorry, that’s definitely not anything a daughter would want to hear.”
“Well, she said they were too small and making me unattractive,” she shrugged and realized what she just said. To the King of Cordonia. “Oh my goose, I’m sorry I’m taking about my boobs to you.”
“Goose? Your grandma really loved animals, didn’t she?”
“Yeah, a lot,” Dani answered, relieved Liam changed the topic. “Should we check on Riley and Drake? It’s almost midnight.”
Liam nodded and they tiptoed to the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as possible. Liam peeked from behind the door to see if they were still inside but the kitchen was empty.
“Drake? Riley?” he called out but no one answered.
“They made the pasta!” Dani took the pot from the counter and tried a little. “So good!”
“Why didn’t they eat it? I’ll leave it in the fridge so they can take it tomorrow,” Liam offered.
“I think they went straight for the dessert,” she giggled and Liam blushed.
“Well, mission accomplished. I’ll be heading home then.”
“I’ll have my driver drive you back to the hotel.”
“Thanks. And thank you for helping me arrange this and for the snacks and cider. And for letting me rant about my parents.”
“Hey, Danielle,” he asked when she was about to leave, “Would you like to come here in the morning? I would like to show you something.”
“I’d love to,” she smiled and left. Liam looked after her until she disappeared completely. He sat down on a chair and put his head in his hands. He needed to stop, whatever that little feeling he had, before it would be too late. Danielle was leaving soon and besides he already lost his chance at love. It was time to stop dreaming and face the reality. He sighed as he decided him and Danielle must remain friends. Now, it was only his heart that needed to follow through with that decision.
Drake and Riley were kissing as they entered the cabin, barely closing the door. Drake picked up Riley and brought her into the bedroom, not stopping kissing her even for a moment. He laid her on the bed, his eyes searching hers, looking for something and she nodded, silently answering his question. He pulled off her dress and his shirt.
“Are you sure? I know it’s your--”
“I am,” she silenced him with a kiss and pulled him close to her. It wasn’t the time to pretend she didn’t like him when every inch of her body and soul needed him. It was the time to face the truth.
And the truth was, she was falling in love with Drake Walker.
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allonsy-yesiwill · 3 years
Tis The Season: A Family Divided
WC: 2900 ish
Pairing:  Dean x Y/N
Warnings: a little bit of angst (read is an orphan but it didn’t happen till she was an adult and hit of crap parents) torwards the end but mostly just fluffy goodness
A/N: I tend to treat the English language like a garbage bin, in public I pronounce gym phonetically cause it makes people mad, and me smile. So please if you are an English teacher just pass on all of this... cause my tenses are timey whimy to say the least. That being said if you want to Beta, let me know I could use all the help I can get... hmmm, I guess that’s just a general statement about my life really..lol.  
Get caught up here 
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The next morning Y/N woke up and packed everything up, she just had a bad feeling about the day and she couldn’t bear to ruin the holiday for the rest of Dean’s family. 
“Good morning cheer, you ready for the big Christmas eve brunch,” Benny hollers from the other side of the door. 
Y/N opens it with a sigh, “Please Benny, brunch happens at 11, this is breakfast. It’s still 9 am.” She laughed a bit, “Hey Benny if I ask you to do me a favor and not tell Dean could you do that?”
“Well it depends but probably,” he smiled.
“I don’t think today is going to go well and I don’t want to destroy the actual holiday for them, and by them I mean Mary, Jess, Sam and Dean. John can go fuck himself. I packed my bags, can you just put them in the car just in case?”
“Yes but I don’t like this, I know Dean’s not the best at standing up against his dad but he’s trying.” 
“I get it and I see it. I don’t love him any less for it. It’s just not going to change. I know I had a similar relationship with my parents. And to be honest with you I don’t even think this is about Dean anymore. It’s about my own unchecked baggage with my parents,” Y/N let out with a sigh. 
“Okay cheer, but please promise me you won’t leave the state without him. It would break him.” 
As Y/N walked into the kitchen Dean stood up and pulled out the chair next to him. Y/N looked around the table and noticed that John was missing as Dean pushed in her chair giving her a kiss on the cheek. “How did you sleep babe,” Dean asked. “Well I am pretty sure it was more of a passing out thing after all of the whiskey,” Y/N said softly noticing that the family in the room was looking at them smiling.
“Well if you need a hangover cure, I make whip you up something that will make you feel better,” Sam laughed, “I’ve done it for Dean more than once.” 
“I am not listening,” Mary smiled. 
“No Sam I am good, some fresh fruit and some OJ should do the job. Do we have a nap time scheduled today? I will probably need one of those as well,” Y/N smiled. She couldn’t believe how welcome she felt, no judgement about her words last night. She was sure the family would take John’s side. 
“We can probably arrange for that sweetheart, right mom,” Dean said, giving her hand a squeeze. 
John joined them after about 20 minutes later, stateing that he just finished a business call and wanting to know the days plans where. John did not say a word to Y/N. Didn’t look at her, didn’t acknowledge her presents. He did however make comments on the events happening, stating that they were family only. 
“Well if you excuse me, I will let you get back to your family planing,” Y/N said standing up. 
“What’s wrong Y/N, the hangover got you feeling less than humans,” John asked with a laugh, “Ladies don't drink like you did last night.” 
“No sir, I feel fine however I know when I am not welcome and I don’t want to make thing more uncomfortable for the rest of the family. As far as the lady comment, well I don’t really want to be a door mat for men to wipe their shit on. Thank you for the hospitality and breakfast,”  Y/N got up and walked out of the room. Dean was calling her name and he began to stand up, however John grabbed his arm. “She’s not worth it son,” he said. 
“How do you know, you haven’t even given her a change. All you do is cast your stupid prehistoric views on her,” Dean let out. 
“I worn you son sit down or else.” 
“Or else what, you will disown me like Y/N parents did to her?  I know you ran a background check and I am sure you think I don’t know about her history, but I do. I know everything thing she has done, how she has made the world a better place. That’s 1000 times better than any of us sitting round this table, with the exception of Jess.”Dean smiled looking at Jessica. 
“I am sorry Mom, I am going to go make sure my girlfriend is alright,” Dean said while exiting the kitchen. 
He didn’t have to go far to find her, she had stopped around the corner when she heard Dean speak up. His heart broke when he saw she was crying, “ Baby I am so sorry, come here.” 
“Dean I am not sad, did you mean all of that. Like really or was just to make your dad mad?” 
“Of course I meant every last word of it. I should have stood up last night but I didn’t I am sorry.” 
“Dean no one has ever stood up for me like that,” Y/N said as more tears fell on her face. 
Dean wrapped her in his arms whispering, “I love you so much.” When they broke apart Dean took her hand and asked, “So pool house, Christmas movies. I don’t maybe Die Hard and Elf.”
“Oh Dean Winchester you know the way to this girl's heart.” 
It didn’t take long before Y/N feel asleep on Dean as he continued to watch christmas movies enjoying the close space they shared. Before the movie was over Benny walked Mary in, “Bother, someone is here to see you.” 
Well if it’s John tell him he’s not welcome and we if we need to leave we can,” Dean said louder than he intended. 
“Can I join you,” Mary asked. 
“Yes of course, sorry mom.” 
“You know I like her. She’s strong and feisty, just what you need. You also seem happy, and that makes me happy.” 
“Thank you, where’s dad.” 
“He went to work, I don’t think he wanted to be here. After you left Sam laid into him pretty hard about how he didn't like Jess when she first started coming around. That she just distracted him from the work. Give him time he will figure it out and if he doesn’t well I will come see you,” Mary smiled softly. 
“Yeah, I should have done this the frist night. I am an awful boyfriend.” 
“Son we all have our issue and she gets yours. Don’t feel bad about it, just make sure she knows you love her. Ah the Griswolds, should we make a bet that your father will cut off knob on the top of the stairs or that he will have to cut down a tree from he front yard.”
“Ha, well let’s hope it’s neither. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.”  They both laughed. 
“You know Dean, most families are like the Griswolds, they want everything to be perfect for their children and it’s impossible and not because we all have a cousin Eddy. There is no perfect in real life. Hell there isn’t even a normal, well outside of the setting on the dyer.”  
Mary stayed and finished the movie with them. Y/N woke up before the ending with both Mary and Dean making jokes about sleeping beauty. Mary let Y/N know that she fully excepted her at the family dinner and to be part of the family photo tonight, a Winchester tradition. Mary also let her know that a dress would be delivered for her an hour before the dinner. 
“Dean, please stay in the guest house for the rest of your trip. I know John will be less than pleased, but seeing your smile I just couldn’t say no.” 
The day was peaceful for both Y/N and Dean. It was the perfect christmas eve. When they hear Benny knock on the door they both sighed knowing dinner was close. 
“Alright kids, so Mary let me bring two outfits. However we talked and we really think both of you should go with this one,” Benny let out hand over a garment bag. 
“Oh my god what is this,” Y/N laughed. 
“Mary and I talked about it and it’s fun and joyful, that’s something she seemed to think you were Y/N and that she knows Dean is. She might have used the world childish.” 
“Ha, well you’re not wrong, I love it.” 
“Hey now, same team,” Dean laughed. 
The outfits where a matching over the top christmas print. Y/N dress and Dean’s suit were both a dark green, and decorated to make them look like christmas trees. 
Looking in the mirror Y/N admired their reflection, “ We look perfectly horrible, I love it,” 
“Well I think you got the perfect part right babe.” 
Before dinner the gathered in the living room around the tree. While John had yet to show up Mary insisted on taking pictures. Everyone loved Dean and Y/N outfits, Jess and Sam even suggested next year they all coordinate. 
As John walked into the room it was clear he disapproved of Y/N sitting on Dean’s lap. Lucky Ellen walked in around that time announcing dinner is ready. They all sat down a the formal dinning room table, Y/N was nestled on the corner next to Mary and Dean, far away form John. 
“Alright family, John will lead us in grace and it looks like you Sam are going to be the frist to say what you are most thankful for this year and what you look forward to in the next year,” Mary said. 
As Sam started speaking Y/N’s mind went off the rails. She was most grateful for Dean, but could she say that. But she had to say it, it’s true. There were a few other things on her list but Dean was on the top. She took a deep breath and listened to everyone speak before her it was her turn. 
“Honestly, I am so very grateful for Dean. Even when we were just friends he alway made me feel valued and that’s not something I am used to. It was also because of Dean’s help that was I able to mentor two homeless youths and help them get off the streets and be productive member of the community.” 
“That’s amazing Y/N,” Mary let out. 
“Was that Kyle and Abby,” Dean asked. 
“Yeah,” she smiled. 
“I, I didn’t know they were homeless,” Dean said with a sad smile. “Alright I guess it’s my turn. So I am most grateful to running into this quirky little bartend in NW Portland. I asked her out on a date more than once, she always said no. Then I started to hangout with her as friends and she showed me a world I didn’t know about. And how she was making the world a better place, also how I could make the world a better place. Y/N you inspire me to be a better human and I hope I can have a fraction of the impact you have had on this world.” When Dean finished he look and Y/N, and kissed her deeply and passionately. John said nothing. 
Sam’s boys went next and then it was John’s turn. 
“Well I love and I am also grateful for my family. But right now I am more thank for our private investigator Azazel. Because of him I know that Y/N over there is a gold digging whore. 10 years ago she was in a relationship Dick Roman and when that relationship ended he had to giver her 25k to get off the hook. It looks like her father set them up on a date, them being business associates and when it was all over her family disowned her. So clearly she’s just a whore looking for money. If Mr Roman couldn’t make her happy, I don’t think you can.” 
“Are you done John or is there more,” Y/N asked. 
“There is more, I knew your mother before she died. I didn’t know till well Azazel found it but I remember her. I remember her talking about  her freeloading daughter that never did anything to help the family succeed. She was ashamed and disappointed in you 15 years ago and I think she would still be today.” 
“Well clearly John you believe removing me for the picture is more important than your family's happiness so you would probably be a good friend to my mother. My father actually negotiated a deal for me to marry Dick. I wanted nothing to do with it. At first he was respectful however after a year that all changed. There was physical abuse and he would bring in his own medic’s to patch me up, there was rape that no one would believe when I went to the police. The only reason I am probably alive is because Dick’s lawyer saw what was happening and offered me a life line, Crowley. The first time I met Crowley my eye socket was shattered. Crowley has all of the evidence, the pictures of everything that happened. I just wanted to be free, Crowley got me my freedom and a lump sum of money. He is the only one who keeps that evidence incase something where to happen to me. When I was at Crowley’s my parents came for me multiple times and I didn’t understand why. It was then that Crowley found out my parents had pretty much sold me to Dick and Dick was coming after the money he gave them. Crowley helped me disappear into a bar in Portland where no one I know would find me. And with that I think I am done for this evening. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve,” she said standing up and walking out. The dinning room was quite. Not a word everyone taking everything in. Dean new about Dick but not the physical abuse, she just told him about the mental and that Crowley got her off. 
The staff was never far off and Y/N was hoping that Benny would be right there, she wasn’t disappoint. “You’re bag is still in the car, would you like to go.” 
“Yes, please, “ Y/N said as tears fell down her face. There was no noise form the dining room. Nothing. Y/N figured Dean would need some time to over come his anger. She never told Dean about the physical abuse or rape because Dean is an accquatice of Dick’s and that would never end well. 
“Cheer, I don’t want you to be alone tonight, Jo has the night off and Ellen will be home soon. Can I take you there. Bobby will be over before the night is over.” 
“I would rather be alone but I don’t have any money on me right now so I am at your disposal.” 
“Y/N, no you aren’t. If you want a first class room in this town I can get you that. But we do like you and I am worry. Dean’s going to be worried. If he finds out I left you alone I would get a beating, cheer.” 
“Okay Benny, Jo’s it is.” 
When Benny showed up a Jo’s place he messaged Mary letting her know where Y/N was and that he wouldn’t be coming back tonight. Mary was grateful for the news and insisted that Ellen and Bobby go home early to spend time with their family. When Ellen walked in she brought a few more gifts into the house with her. Mary had a feeling that this might happened so she had packed a few extra gifts for Y/N and let Bobby know. 
“Well this is wonderful,” Ellen walked in to the room seeing Jo’s arm around Y/N while Benny sat on the floor beneath them while It’s a Wonderful Life played on the TV. “I have pie who wants some?” 
As the pie was handed being finished Ellen starts to hand out gifts. 
“What’s this,”Y/N asked, “I don’t need anything.” 
“Well no one needs anything, but you deserve it,” Ellen said, “We all open one gift Christmas Eve for a reason and I think you will find you’re very useful” 
As everyone opened their gift she could see they were all christmas pj’s and Y/N smiled. “ These are the best, but how did you know I would be here Ellen.” 
“I didn’t, these are actually from Mary.” And with that Y/N couldn’t hold the tears back. Mary had gotten her a gift incase she wasn’t there. There is so much thought and work, money makes it easier but she had never felt so love in her life. Ellen held her that best a mom could and let her cry her tears of joy. 
After presents there were more holiday movies and finally eggnog and a red wine hot coco. Bobby and Ellen didn’t have much room but Y/N was more than happy with the sofa. After the family when to bed, Y/N drifted off to sleep watching the fire die down wondering how she got so lucky and hoping that Dean was okay.
Next Part (will be out Christmas Day) 
You can entertain yourself over here with my other stories
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miumiu-chan · 4 years
Miyase Go STORY 1 Chapter 10-1
Subbed video: STORY-1 10-1
———I wonder when it began.
The borderline between myself and all other events wasn’t clear.
Vaguely, as if to drift about existing.
...—————Who was I?
-Mansion / Garden-
[MIYASE]: “Ah......My mom is there. Sitting in the garden chair.”
[KUJO]: “As according to the plan, she is alone in the garden.”
My face became stiff from the tension and anxiety.
“Let's go get your mother back,” Soma-san had said so.
I was on my way to that place where my mother was confined by Kujo Soichiro.
Sitting on the tandem seat of Soma-san's motorcycle.
Putting on my helmet that I got as a gift for my birthday.
......It was as if.
It was as if my brother was like a hero, I thought so from the bottom of my heart.
[MIYASE]: “——“
I gazed at my mother that was vaguely in my line of sight.
Purple verbena was in full bloom around her.
There were also a cluster of pink flowers in the Kujo Family garden.
[KUJO]: “......Go, shall we go?”
Thump, my heart quivered with pain.
[KUJO]: “Go?”
[MIYASE]: “......Soma-san. Can you call out to my mom first?”
[MIYASE]: “Mom......?”
[RYOKO]: “I don't want to see you again......-“
[MIYASE]: “......Please, Soma-san.”
[KUJO]: “———All right. I will be back.”
Soma-san was———...My hero's back was moving away.
At that time, I still remembered clearly the coldness of the rain that came down again.
Feeling the air suddenly sway, I lifted my gaze very slowly. (T/N: switched to Ryoko’s POV)
A young man with an intelligent look suddenly stood beside me.
How long had he been there......?
[KUJO]: “Ryoko-san.”
——Who are you? I replied.
[KUJO]: “I am Soma.”
[KUJO]: “Kujo Soichiro’s son.”
Kujo Soichiro.........Soichiro..................Yes, you.
Son......, chi............ld, son...————Go.
Miyase Go.
...——Father. Dad.
Dad.....................———Yes, you.
[RYOKO]: “Nh......Yes, your his............son......Soma,-san?”
[KUJO]: “Yes. I am Soma.”
[RYOKO]: “Ah......-“
[MIYASE]: (——Mom?)
Her eyes grew so wide that it seemed her eyes might fall out. I held my breath.
[RYOKO]: “aa......that means, I.....-, your moth——“
[KUJO]: “Ryoko-san, I do not hold a grudge against you.”
[RYOKO]: “——!”
[KUJO]: “You are not guilty from the beginning.”
[MIYASE]: (......?)
Immediately after Soma-san’s words, my mother's face dyed with a startling expression.
——But one beat later.
Mom had a very calm smile.
It was like the rain was slowly soaking into the dry, cracked ground.
Like the earth had regained its breath.
Like being allowed to sprout from the moist ground properly.
[KUJO]: “Please come with me. Go also needs you.”
[RYOKO]: “With you......and Go?”
My heart heated up when my mother said my name.
At the same time, the rain got stronger.
The conversation between the two people that was barely heard disappeared from my hearing.
[RYOKO]: “I have to prepare———Please come pick me up again tomorrow.”
[KUJO]: “Tomorrow my father’s monitoring is——“
[RYOKO]: “About Go, thank you. You were there by his side.”
[MIYASE]: “!”
My eyes met my mother’s.
She looked at me————...and smiled.
She looked so happy.
It was “my mom’s” face.
————That night, my mother quietly ended her life with an overdose of drugs.
[REI]: (No way......! Something like Miyase-san being connected to Kagetsugumi.)
[UEMURA]: “Anyway, this woman has a more decent face than I saw in the picture.”
[UEMURA]: “Did you get the sex appeal of a woman after being seduced by Miyase? DCD’s young miss.”
[REI]: “Nh......”
[MIYASE]: “Seduced you say, you will make a person feel bad, Uemura-san.”
[UEMURA]: “Haha. I wondered what would happen when I heard that the DCD’s woman would be put by your side to make her a convenient hand*——” (T/N: hand like one’s hand when playing cards)
[UEMURA]: “Well, it wasn’t bad.”
[UEMURA]: “But, there‘s no doubt it’s the fault of the irritating DCD that the transaction 3 days later was cancelled.”
[UEMURA]: “Oi, let's relieve our stress with this woman before giving her to the Korean side.”
[REI]: “!”
[MIYASE]: “Stress relief......is it.”
[UEMURA]: “The information was leaked because of your failure to manage your hand.”
[UEMURA]: “This woman and——The DCD and you, you have to prove you aren’t connected, Miyase.”
[MIYASE]: “Oh my, I am being suspected that much.”
[UEMURA]: “Whaat, you can still recover from it.”
[UEMURA]: “That’s why from now, I’ll do as I like with this woman.”
[MIYASE]: “I see.”
[REI]: (Uemura does not completely trust Miyase-san......)
It really seemed that it wasn’t a solid bond.
If Miyase-san had a legitimate connection with Kagetsugumi, it would be strange to give me information.
[REI]: (If that’s so, the development of Uemura doing as he likes with me is......)
——No, optimism was out of the question. I had just been told earlier.
“If you could have just been satisfied with the information I gave,” he said.
In other words, the materials received from Miyase-san and the opinions he gave me, it was “bait” to tame me (=DCD).
But the DCD’s investigative ability exceeded their expectations, and caused an inconvenience to their current situation.
That’s why after all Miyase-san, to the DCD...——to me, to the Kujo Family, it was more likely he had betrayed us.
[MIYASE]: “......That is a little troubling.”
[UEMURA]: “Ha. As I thought, do you refuse to deal with this woman?”
[UEMURA]: “Miyase, so you really are on the DCD’s side.”
[MIYASE]: “I want Uemura-san to trust me more than anyone else.”
[MIYASE]: “I taught you concrete measures to crush the Kujo Family, and even cooperated with you, enduring being in a humiliating position as a servant for many years.”
[MIYASE]: “That’s why, for Uemura-san...——for Kagetsugumi, I want a perfect success to be achieved.”
[UEMURA]: “......Are you trying to wheedle your way by talking out of this?”
[MIYASE]: “That isn’t it, it is an absolute condition presented by the Korean side that we do not add unnecessary hand marks to the “product”.”
[MIYASE]: “Uemura-san understands more than I do that the top there is a very nervous person, isn’t that so?”
[UEMURA]: “............”
[MIYASE]: “The transaction 3 days later was postponed due to my inadequacy.”
[MIYASE]: “As an apology, she is a product offered to the Korean side.”
[MIYASE]: “Her drug efficacy constitution is a valuable.”
[MIYASE]: “It will be an interesting living toy.”
[MIYASE]: “My opinion is that it is better to store it carefully, and not damage it.”
[UEMURA]: “............Tch. You’re a clever one, aren’t you.”
[MIYASE]: “Thank goodness. I thought that if it’s Uemura-san, you would understand.”
[MIYASE]: “The success of the Kujo Family erasure plan cannot be achieved without the cooperation from the Korean side.”
[MIYASE]: “And Kagetsugumi is a very important and respectable organization for me.”
[UEMURA]: “I’ll trust you, Miyase.”
[MIYASE]: “Yes, please trust me.”
[MIYASE]: “Because even I can't turn back now.”
[MIYASE]: “Kagetsugumi and I share the same fate.”
Who is...————this person?
-Apartment for the investigation-
[YUI]: “Izumi——!”
[SEKI]: “......Were we too late?”
[IMAOJI]: “The room has been vandalized......From inside the closet all the way to the bathroom.”
[NATSUME]: “Even on the balcony, the potted plants are messed up and in ruins.”
[SEKI]: “In the traces, you can see that useless actions and provocation were done to fuel the discoverer’s agitation.”
[SEKI]: “It’s not an accidental kind of robbery.”
[IMAOJI]: “Was it Kagetsugumi or the Korean side?”
[NATSUME]: “......Was it Miyase Go?”
[YUI]: “Izumi, stay safe. We’ll definitely go save you.”
-In the car-
Still restrained, I was “loaded” into the backseat of a car like “luggage”.
[MIYASE]: “Are there any places that hurt?”
From the kind question, an intense nausea came back erupting from the bottom of my stomach.
My whole body hurt because of the inconvenience.
But more than anything else, my heart hurt.
[MIYASE]: “If you gaze at me like that, you will make me shiver.”
[MIYASE]: “I’ve always wanted to see your face like that.”
[REI]: “H......”
The backseat door closed.
——A few minutes later.
Miyase-san got into the driver's seat after finishing the exchange with Uemura outside the car.
He looked back here.
[MIYASE]: “Please do not run wild or try to escape. Because it is troublesome.”
[MIYASE]: “You are an important hand for me.”
[MIYASE]: “I am very reluctant, but from here on, you will be my personal property.”
Troublesome. Hand. Property.
As if stepping on my individuality and will, Miyase-san stepped on the accelerator.
[REI]: (......We stopped?)
With my field of view rolled sideways, I couldn’t see exactly where we had arrived.
The driver's seat was unattended for a moment, then the backseat door opened immediately, and Miyase-san got in.
Looking down at me who was caught in a crippled position, he ridiculed with a smile.
[MIYASE]: “How was the ride?”
I can’t accept this.
Are you serious? (♡)
[REI]: “Miyase-san......are you really serious about this?”
[MIYASE]: “Oh? You still think there is a possibility that I am not really serious even after coming all this way.”
[MIYASE]: “You mustn’t trust people so easily.”
[REI]: “Is Miyase-san saying that?”
[MIYASE]: “I was convincing, wasn’t I?”
[REI]: “Treating people as products, it’s not ethical......-“
[MIYASE]: “That’s a good one. I love the word ethics.”
[MIYASE]: “It is exceptional hearing that from you who deceived me and infiltrated the Kujo Family.”
[REI]: “!!”
[MIYASE]: “Now then, from here on, I will take you to the storage location prepared by the Korean side......”
I glared at Miyase-san.
[MIYASE]: “——Hm, it doesn’t seem like you will stay quiet and be obedient.”
[MIYASE]: “............”
[MIYASE]: “......Haa, it’s a large baggage to carry by myself.”
[REI]: “——!”
I felt the sensation of a needle tip sinking into the soft skin of my neck.
In front of my eyes, the Miyase-san who sneered————...shook, blurred, and became hazy.
[REI]: “Nh............Miya, se......sa......”
[MIYASE]: “For a little while longer, you will be beside me more than anyone else.”
He gently caressed my cheek as if wrapping it up.
Miyase-san’s palm. His fingertips.
I had touched them several times, connected with them, and warmed up and trembled with them.
[MIYASE]: “Please stay in an enjoyable dream for a little bit of time.”
[MIYASE]: “When you wake up, you’ll meet with me*.” (T/N: uses ore instead of boku)
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ringobean · 4 years
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Santa Bring me
It's December 24th, and I'm already late for my parents' traditional family Christmas meal! I feel that I'll still have to justify myself on my single life, they tried to put me in with all the possible young men around them, but none of them attracted me, my friends also tried to present guys, I signed up on dating websites, went to speed dating, but impossible to have a crush, I already had boyfriends but I never really managed to hang on.
In reality my heart is already taken since I was very little, I know you'll say like my family and my friends that I'm pathetic, but yes, I'm madly in love with Ringo Starr, yes yes, I speak of this Ringo Starr , the famous beatles drummer who's now 80 years old. He's my soulmate even if he don't know me! My family and friends keep laughing at me, but they can't understand... Each time they ask me ridiculous questions, like:
"Do you know that he's almost 80 years old now? Would you see yourself sleeping with an old man of that age?"
"oh, really? What a scoop I thought he still had 30 ... And yes, I can see myself sleeping with this old 80 year old man, he's even sexier and hotter than guys of my age."
"Why don't you go out with this guy who plays Howard Wolowitz in big bang theory? It's exactly the same!"
"it's a joke? No, nothing to do between him and my magnificent Ringo except the mop top and the eye colour, there is no resemblance ... My Ringo is more beautiful, charming, magnificent, sexy, hot .... "
And the list is never too long enough to describe him.
I arrive at my parents' place, the table is beautifully decorated, with beautiful dishes, it smells very good, we're gonna have a feast again, and eat to excess, and I'll have to spend my days at the gym to eliminate all the pounds caught with this food!
Now that we're no longer children, and that we no longer live with our parents, we give ourselves Christmas gifts before the meal, instead of the next morning, I bought some superb earrings, and a designer bag for my mother, and my father a nice watch, and a collector's book about "the who" as I know he's a big fan, and gifts for my brothers and sisters and their children, and i received my perfume that I love, beauty products, jewelry, a voucher for a relaxing massage in a spa, and the best gift of all, two places for Paul McCartney in gold square, the best seats in the concert hall, I jump from joy to happiness.
The meal is going well, we laugh, we joke, everything is very good, it was without counting my idiot brother who asked me the fateful question:
"So, still no boyfriend?"
I roll my eyes, and it was enough to launch my mother on the subject.
"really (y / n) it's not serious at your age to fantasize about an old guy, you should consider therapy, and see a good psychologist!"
"why a psychologist? I'm fine, have you seen a psychologist, when you were fan of Paul? Until now: oh what a handsome man!"
My father laughed, and she blushed.
"yes, but I was young and I still found a husband at least ... while you ..."
"Mom, please, I'll find, when I find! Can we talk about something else, please?"
"I'm worried about you, that's all, we're in 2019, not in the 60's you have to live with your time"
"oh well yes that's the real problem actually! I wasn't born at the right time"
"Because you think he would have spotted you among the crowd of hysterical girls?"
They all laughed looking  at me!
"why not! it's not impossible"
They laughed again!When I told you they didn't understand anything!
The meal resumed its course, and it was time to go home, I said goodbye to my parents:
"will you be with your friends for the new year?"
"I think yes"
"So see you in the next decade, in 2020, hoping that you'll present your fiancé to us this time"
"yes, yeah, see you in 2020, i'll call you"
I came home to my little apartment, it wasn't very big, but it was very comfortable and decorated as I liked, even if I was no longer a child and I lived alone, I always loved the magic of Christmas and I bought my Christmas tree that I decorated! I went to bed, exhausted from this overly generous meal! I was sad because Santa Claus had forgotten me again this year, I started listening to the song "santa bring me Ringo" and I started to sing the lyrics "i wanna hold his hand ..."
and I fell asleep before I even finished listening to the song.
The next morning, I woke up quietly going into the living room, there was a huge gift package even taller than me, with small holes on the sides, next to the Christmas tree.
"uh what is this thing, and who came home while I was sleeping"
I saw a letter at the bottom of the package.
"As you were a nice girl this year, here is the gift that you asked me for so long, I took a long time to bring it to you, but it's perfect!
Signed... S.C "
SC .. but who is this SC and what's this package?  I try to look in the holes to see if I see something and nothing it's too dark to see what is hidden in this huge package, then i open it and there... I really thought I was going to pass out or have a heart attack ...
Ringo in the flesh, in his sexy swimsuit from Miami in 1964, you know what I'm talking about for the fan girls who read me ... yes yes, that swimsuit,  I'm gonna describe him to you so that you have the image in mind, these little blue swimming short matching with his big beautiful ocean blue eyes, revealing magnificent toned tanned thighs, sweet little round bum, a small open white bathing shirt on his glabrous tanned chest, arms slightly muscular, and his hair ... fluffy and sticks out from the nape of his neck, slightly brightened by the sun, his beautiful luscious lips, and that perfect aquiline nose ...
I stood there before him speechless without being able to get a word out of my mouth! He gave me a big smile and said to me!
"Hello, I'm your Christmas present"
"er, no it's not possible I dream, who made this joke for me? And who hired such a perfect look-alike!"
He looked at me astonished, blinking his big blue eyes.
"I'm not a look-alike, I am a limited edition, only created for you"
"But it's not possible, you're an old man now, how can you be this .. this ... this oh my god, I don't have enough words to describe what I am seeing right now .. "
It was December, and it was hotter than August in my living room all of a sudden! I was fanning myself with the SC letter .. Ah but yes, S.C is Santa Claus ... Oh my God, all these years that every Christmas, I ask him to bring me Ringo ... and finally he brought me my present!
"So, I'm not dreaming, you're really there and you're not going to disappear?"
I squeezed slightly his arm, to make sure I didn't dream.
"yes, I'm real and I'll not disappear, I'm your gift..."
"And what am I going to say to people, nobody will believe me when they see you with me"
"you'll just have to invent a name for me, and say that I'm a perfect look-alike"
"oh yeah really perfect, you're more than perfect, yes, it's a good idea, even if I have no idea what I'm going to call you ..." Richie Parkin " (or the name you want) you like it?
He smiles at me and tells me
"if you like it, it's fine for me, I'm your gift, so you can do what you want with me ..."
"really all I want?"
"yes, by the way, you don't want to enjoy your gift now?"
"oh yeah, I'm gonna really enjoy it"
He picked me up bridal-style to carry me to my bed...
Well, I'm not gonna describe what happened next, too much adult content, I can just tell you that the package in the little blue shorts was as huge as in my imagination, and that he made me scream so much, that Santa Claus must have heard me thank him in the depths of the North Pole.
Long live the magic and miracles of Christmas.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
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Exchange Programme
Hwang Minhyun Colleague!AU
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In which you and Minhyun met in Singapore. For my nation that is proudly turning 53 on 9 August and Minhyun who is turning 23.
There was an exchange program happening among the executives in your company
The main purpose of it to have the executives understand how their company works in the other countries and try to improve their way of handling their work
Not all the executives were leaving though and many in your team wished that the head executive of your team would leave
Well well well guess who was the lucky one
Your team would be having a new head from the korea headquarters
All of you were rejoicing as your previous head left y’all
You all were going out for celebratory drinks on the night the stinky man the previous head left
And you had a little too much to drink at the small bar not too far away from your company
You decided you had too much and left for home
Guess who’s so lucky?
While you were walking to find your Grab, you tripped fell and passed out into this stranger dude
Completely appalled at someone who just tripped over his luggage and passed out on top of him, he was just frozen there and then, holding onto a drunken mess.
He decided to stop at the side and try to wake you up and get some details from you so that he can at least call your friend to send you home
“Hey there, what’s your name?”
You replied like a child, “Who are you and why should I tell you my name”
“Hi, I’m Minhyun, don’t worry, I mean no harm. What’s your name?” he said it like cooing to a child.
“ You look so handsome, can you be my boyfriend?”
Then suddenly, he spots your phone notification and it was from your driver, ‘ where are you ah? im here already. my car plate no is SJU1010 near raffles place. if you cannot find, text me’
Being the gentlemen he was, he lugged you all the way to the Grab
Not very sure of how this system works, he paid the driver when he put you in the car
So the driver was like, “ so this one your girlfriend ah? I dont need to deduct money from her account ah?
He was shocked at the uncle words and replied, “Uhhh, no. She’s not my girlfriend and yeah, you don’t need to deduct from her account.”
He was just very confused, he could barely understand what the uncle said
Well, that Singapore for him
It was a good thing that you didn’t have work the next day
Cuz your head was throbbing and you didn’t even remember how you got home
It’s a good thing that you have moved out, or else your mom would have whipped out a tengtiao and start beating you for drinking like that
Now that you are back in the office, everyone in your department in anticipating for the arrival of the new head executive
Suddenly,  a tall goodlookinngg guy came in and took a deep bow
“ Good morning, everyone. I’m Hwang Minhyun from the Korea HQ. I will be taking over the executive’s position for the next two years. I hope you all will take care of me.”
Minhyun, that sounds familiar but you can’t seem to put your head around it
You passed it off as a common name and continued looking at him walking down the aisle towards his office while introducing himself to each and everyone seated with a handshake
You already felt nice having him as your boss
I mean like, have you ever came across a boss that was so polite? I don’t think so
When he came down to you and got ready to shake your hand and say his introduction for the 13th time, he was shocked when he saw your face
“Its YOU! “
You were confused and shocked that you have made a bad impression on him on the first day, and you have to face this guy for the next 2 years
Then he started laughing and said, “ Hey I’m Minhyun, what’s your name?”
You were utterly shocked at his reaction and quickly blurted out your name
He didn’t offer you his handshake and continued laughing while walking to his office right next to your desk
After you snapped out of it, you felt a little angry at him for laughing at you and you wanted to know why
That night, your team had celebratory drinks with the new head, Hwang Minhyun, at the exact same place you had the last time
While seated and waiting for the drinks to come, you took the chance to ask him some questions
“When is your birthday? You look fairly young, I was wondering if you were younger than me”
“9 August 1995″
You suddenly exclaimed, “ooooooo, You have the same birthday as Sinngapore!!!! And you are younger than me!! By a few months”
He giggled at your reaction and said, “ I guess we are the same age then”
He never told you why he laughed at you but he did tease you
“Don’t you think I’m handsome?
“ OMg, shut up” and you slapped his arm because you really thought so
You two became closer that day
But you still had a feeling that you have met before
Ahm, Ahm... Guess who got drunk today?
When you started talking in an octave higher like a child, Minhyun knew that you had a little too much to drink
He asked another colleague of yours to get you a taxi and they told him to just get a GRAB
He was like What?
Oh sure was he educated before coming to Singapore
After making sure that you got home safely, he went back to his temporary place and searched up on SG’s culture
Cuz legit, the company didn’t give him some heads up at all before chucking him here
Its always fun and giggles between you two even if it was about work
You two were constantly working together and no one ever sees you two apart on working days
Whenever you have days off, you would get calls from Minhyun to help finish off some paperwork
You weren’t even angry you were actually kind of happy that you are able to spend some time with him
But he could have easily done that himself, he sort of started liking your company and your cute reaction when ever you figure out how to solve a problem
You two were besties but sometimes you thought what if I became his girlfriend
You knew that he was going to go back after 2 years and you will never see him again after that
 You were scared that he would find you weird and start avoiding you after you tell him cuz NAH, you were going to cherish every single moment you have with him and not break your friendship over such a trivial matter
Over the past year that he was here, you were not only more productive but you were earning a little more $$$ because of you working over time with him
People in the office ship you together 
One day, Minhyun called you into the office with a serious tone
You thought that you have done up the wrong proposal or submitted the wrong thing but he sounded really frustrated
When you got into his office, he held your hand and headed straight out of the building without telling you anything
 You could feel his hands shaking out of anger or is that nervousness
You two were now in front of THE MERLION that is constantly vomiting
He turned around and let go of your hand
Fumbling with his pockets trying to find his phone
You were very scared that he was going to show you some bad news that you have caused
Suddenly, your phone popped a notification.
“Hey, I think I have some bad news”
Looking at the message you were confused at why he is not talking to you but instead texting and also you were scared that your fears are coming tru
Then your phone popped up another message
“My heart is beating very fast everyday and I feel like I’m going to die. Especially now.”
You snapped out of it and walked towards him reaching out your hand, “Are you alright?”
You were very concerned of him
“My heart is beating very fast...”
“because of...”
You were walking towards him as he stepped further and further back
“ Because of what Minhyun?” 
Tears were starting to drip...
What is wrong with him....?
Why did he tell me now...?
You didn’t know how much you love him until he told you that he was gonna die
How untimely was that
You ran towards him and he stopped moving
He wrapped his arms around your sobbing figure
“바보야, it was because of you“
Just then you froze but but your tears were still flowing
What did he just say?
Did he just trick you into crying buckets of tears?
“Well, I have a job offer for you. I need someone who cares about about me and loves me. Looking at your tears, you’re  just perfect for the job.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
Honestly, your’e so mad that he just tricked you that your love of your life is dying but at the same time he is the love of your life
So at this point you wanted to strangle him to death and wanted to say “Yes”
So you just hugged him tighter and you were buried in his embrace
“Is this a yes?”
“You’re so cute, y/n”
I didn’t prove read so some parts may be weird. Okay so there maybe a sequel to this and also I was inspired by this
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cannedapricot · 7 years
Instagram Famous! Bae Jinyoung
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happy 100+ followers!! in celebration, i’m here bringing you some instagram famous! baejin!
baejin never even thought about having 200k followers when he first opened his account
it just happened
he woke up to 739203 notifications after posting a selfie lol
posts once a blue moon
but people still follow him juST IN CASE HE POSTS A SELFIE SOON!!
“oh bae jinyoung uploaded something do yoU SEE HIS FACE I CAN’T BELIEVE HE EXISTS SCREECHES”
everyone highkey thinks he’s an ulzzang because have you seen his visuals??? 10000/10
( Ulzzang translates to "best face" or "good looking" in Korean. This slang is often used by netizens, contests including girls competing for the title of "ulzzang". However, even if this is true, Ulzzang has developed into a subculture/style, rather than a competition/contest event. thanks google ily)
most of his feed is filled with adventures of him and daehwi 
it’s adorable fobalbfedos hnng
gets flustered whenever someone compliments him ugh baejin is so soft i love
to the world he seems like a quiet dude who stepped out of a comic book 
but to his classmates, friends and family, he’s just a normal neighborhood boy 
his classmates were so hyped about his follower count in the first week but now they’re all chill asf about it
if some fan comes looking for jinyoung they’re all like,
“a fan of bae jinyoung? he’s in the toliet pissing rn lol you can wait for him if you want”
you followed baejin on accident one day lmao
you were preparing to move to a better house in a better area 
while shoving everything into boxes, you were dyING
deciding to take breather, you flopped down onto your bed and starting going through instagram
you know the thing
is it called discover ? ?? ?
the magnifying glass thing
oh it’s called the explore page
i don’t go on instagram a lot wheezes thanks once again google
you were scrolling through that for some unknown reason
and you stumble across a picture of a p u p p e r !!!
guess who posted it!!!
that’s right!! baejin did!!
it wasn’t his dog but it was daehwi’s so it might as well be his tbh
you left a like 
and it was then that your mother decided that it was the perfect time to check on you
“y/n!! how are you going-”
until a few days later when baejin follows you back
you’re like
because why is an ulzzang or smt following you
so you go on his profile to do some snooping
and uh yoU’RE FOLLOWING HIM????
so you did what everyone would do
ask google
jk that’s just me
you shoot him a dm asking if you knew him
jinyoung just simply replied,
baejin doesn’t follow back unless you’re a celebrity he likes or his classmate
basically baejin’s only there for the dog posts
“i just like your dog”
you don’t really ask him more
he seemed intimidating and didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to you,,,,
you moved house right
so your parents were like
“y/n go take these cookies over to the neighbors, we’re gonna be busy all day with adult stuff”
the house on your left belonged to a cute elderly couple
the moment they saw you they started cooing over you
the house on your right belonged to a small family
“oh! you look like you’re around the same age as my son!!! he’s out with friends right now but come by anytime soon! we’d love to introduce you to him!”
so you return home in glory
from surviving awkward neighbor conversations
your mom calls you over because youR NEW SCHOOL UNIFORM ARRIVED!!!
this is like some kind of twilight rip off or smt lmao
come monday
you were a nervous wreck
lord knows if your peers would accept you
you woke up super early 
more like you didn’t sleep but ok
you bid your sleepy parents farewell and shuffled your way to school lol
you greeted the front desk and they took you to the teacher’s office
where you dealt with 429794 papers
it took a while but eventually the bell rings and you follow your homeroom teacher to your brand new classroom!
the teacher goes in to make them shut up first lol
“good morning kids”
achievement get!!! get the attention of your class!!
“we have a new student today!! please welcome y/n to the family!”
“hi i’m y/n”
“oh cuTE!!!!”
“ok y/n you can sit next to daehwi over there. you know, the one that said something about the knitting club”
and then she leaves
responsibility at it’s finest am i right
so you slide over to the boy 
and plop down beside him
“hi! i’m lee daehwi!!”
but then a dude who looks really familiar to you for some reason drags him away
you can’t pinpoint where you’ve seen him before
weird 👀👀👀👀
the school day goes on with daehwi making small conversations with you during classes
you found a good group of people who shared the same interests and you fitted in perfectly
there was no point in worrying you worrywart 
looking at you making friends so easily :’)
everything went off without a hitch
at the end of the school day, you waved to your new friends and started the walk home
stopping by a convenience store for a snack on the way though
there you see your seatmate, daehwi with that familiar boy
taking a selfie with the ice cream they’ve just bought
you make quick work of the store and buy ur snack in 0.2 seconds
but uh
the two boys were right smack dab in front of you
you were lowkey hoping at every corner that they’d turn and stop making you seem like a creep
you started nearing your house and you were lowkey relieved 
daehwi and other dude turn to you and ask,
“oh daehwi you’re home? with jinyoung too!”
“ah! y/n! you’re going to the same school? well, i guess that’s perfect then! daehwi’s my son i mentioned the other day! daehwi, meet y/n, the neighbor i told you about”
awk x2
this might as well be a daehwi scenario fuck i need to add more baejin
“h  i”
avoids eye contact
“uh, you know what i think i hear my mom calling haha sorry i’ll see you next time mrs lee!!”
what you didn’t notice was that while you and daehwi were avoiding eye contact
jinyoung’s eyes were fixed on you
you didn’t even have time to get changed
but your mom was like
you wanted nothing more but to wallow in a corner of shame and awkwardness
but it’s your mom we’re talking about
so you obey
as you hang up your laundry
you get a glance of the lee family’s dog!!
you immediately went,
screw the laundry
go pet the puppy
but when you pet the pupper through the crack in the fence
you can’t help but notice how much he resembles that one dog you’ve seem on instagram
but it can’t be right???
the world can’t be that small-
pouts aggressively
while hanging up your laundry, you could hear laughs from the lee household
they kinda sounded like they were dying 
but you know better
finishing the laundry, you head back in, swiping open your phone
oh look your new classmate tagged you in a photo welcoming you oh that’s cute
hm, bae jinyoung that ulzzang or whatever posted oH IT’S A PHOTO OF DAEHWI AND HIM WITH ICE CREAM
and you’re wondering why baejin and daehwi were laughing like hyenas right
baejin went straight onto instagram becAUSE WAIT YOU LOOK THAT THE ONE PERSON WITH THE 10/10 DOGGO
and wow it indeed was you
daehwi was like
dude what you looking at???? i’m right here??? PAY ATTENTION TO ME PLS
baejin tells daehwi the story
and daehwi snorts
and the two start laughing like the dumb people they are
daehwi grabs baejin’s phone as he excuses himself to the toilet
for the second time in this fic lol
and shoots you a dm
'hey there ;) wanna hang sometime’
baejin returns a moment too late
the deed has been done
he FIGHTS lee daehwi for his phone back
‘sorry that was my friend’
‘no it wasn’t ;) i just wanna hang with you ;;;;)’
but uh
you could see the two fighting from your bedroom window
and it makes it even more amusing to know that they’re doing stupid shit 
smiling, you reply,
'sure lol why not i’ll head over now’
because baejin didn’t seem like the intimidating person you thought he was before
and while you look around for a jacket to keep you warm
a high pitched scream comes in through your window
you snapped your head towards it
and make eye contact with jinyoung
who’s on his back with daehwi lying over his stomach 
man that fight was intense
but that’s not the point
you send him a small smile and wave
he cracks a small smile back
and as soon as you disappear from your window
jinyoung starts hitting daehwi because whAT HAS HE DONE
you get interrogated by your parents but you successfully head out
and get welcomed by a huffing jinyoung
he fought daehwi to open the door lm a o
“oh! y/n! i wondered who it was!! welcome, welcome”
mrs lee ushered you in and fussed over your light clothes
“ooooooo baejin has a crush”
“no daehwi i don’t-”
“then why’d you fight me for the door hm?”
shit man
knitting boy was right
whY’D HE DO THAT????
daehwi skips up to you and drags you up to his humble room
jinyoung following seconds after
so you two just sit there facing each other
jinyoung avoiding all eye contact
and you just grinning
baejin opened his mouth to apologize for daehwi’s actions
but you spoke first
“if you wanted to hang so badly you could’ve said so yourself!! you didn’t have to get someone else to do it!!”
man teasing baejin would be adorable osodsb
“i’m joking, i saw everything through my window”
you were melting inside
daehwi returns from the bathroom a few moments later and starts chatting with you two
the three of you end up getting closer
“wait the dog on your insta is daehwi’s dog??? i can’t believe you lied to me”
“????the dog on your insta isn’t yours either don’t act like you’re better”
and by the time your mom shot you a text telling you to come home for dinner and baejin had to go catch the last bus home, you three were the golden trio™ already
the next day at school, you were heading towards your cute gang of friends bUT
whenever you hung out with the three, your eyes would keep going to jinyoung and sticking to him
you couldn’t help it
you blame his visuals
oh stop y/n u tsun
and jinyoung felt his heart swelling up whenever you smiled
you made your debut on baejin’s instagram a few weeks later
he posted a selfie of you himself
he was looking flawless but you were mid bite into your lunch lol
then came the wave of comments asking if you guys were dating
but you realize and shoot him a text
‘why’d you delete my debut on your 200k insta :’<’
‘people were asking if we were dating’
‘oh. i quite liked it’
‘you mean the photo????’
‘of course not lol i look like a mess. i meant the comments of us being together’
‘is this a confession?’
‘if you like me back,,,, if you don’t like me that way then lets ignore this’
baejin’s confuzzled
but the next school day comes
and jinyoung’s lowkey nervous for some reason
“/now/ we’re together”
his followers better be ready for cute pictures of you taking over his account
baejin would 1000000% have a pupper later on in life fight me on this
i hope y’all enjoyed it though aaaaaa if i don’t seem as sarcastic or dumb as usual it’s because i’ve just finished my exams and i’m tired asf also is this really 2.5k WORDS??? I CANT- IT’S A WHOLE 1000+ WORDS MORE THAN POLICE OFFICER MINHYUN
also am i publishing this when mama’s happening i- apparently jihoon’s in a choker omfg- soMEONE HOLD ME
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pinkipie100 · 7 years
Lance and the 25 Days Chapter IV: Shopping
It’s Ficcember Day 4! I had every intention of going into this chapter to make it shorter, as I have a lot of other work to do, but here I am at 3288. I’d say I’ll make an effort to be concise tomorrow, but knowing me, it’ll probably end up at a totally unnecessary 4000 words. To be fair, thought, there were three separate stories happening in these past two chapters, so that could have increased the length significantly. Hope you enjoy anyway!
Team Voltron has split up to shop for one another’s holiday presents, and each one witnesses or contributes to a different kind of holiday generosity.
Words: 3327
Category: Gen
Contains: Varkon: Mall Cop Part II, brOTP Pallura, brOTP Lance/Coran, brOTP Shunk [Shiro/Hunk], [slight] Gunderangst, dreidel mention, Jewish Pidge, Hanukkah history, Shiro and Hunk being blesséd and pure, Allura being the best Space Mom/big sister ever, Coran being Lance’s awesome Space Uncle
Takes place immediately following Chapter III’s events in the Space Mall.
Pidge had just bought the perfect gift for Shiro. She looked around apprehensively, then stuffed the item into her shopping bag. Now, all she had to do was buy something for Keith. It was not wonder he was the last person Pidge was buying presents for- the boy hardly wanted anything. Pidge thought back to the one and only time she’d entered Keith’s room, secretly, of course, and she found absolutely nothing in it. It was the polar opposite of Pidge’s room, all cluttered with Space Caterpillars and trash paladins. How on Earth was she going to buy a gift for someone who didn’t want anything?
The young paladin scoffed at her hypocrisy. Here she was, complaining about Keith being too unmaterialistic, while all she really wanted for Chanukkah was something she knew none of the paladins could get her.
A chipper ‘Pidge!’ was peeped from behind her, and the named paladin jumped. She swung around to see Allura, who was waving at the shorter individual whilst holding a bag behind her back.
Pidge unclenched her body, saying to the princess, “Allura, I hope you’re not planning to shop with me. I don’t want my present spoiled!”
The Altean woman nodded her head that she was, in fact, going to accompany the green paladin, ensuring that Pidge’s gift had already been brought and safely and securely tucked away. Allura proclaimed that she’d only Keith left to find something for, and she had come to Pidge for advice.
Pidge chuckled, then explained that she, too, was at a loss for what to purchase for Keith. They were running out of time, however, so they determined that they would shop together.
When the two paladins walked along the tiled mall floor, Allura couldn’t stand the awkward silence suffocating the two of them. Eventually, the taller paladin spoke, “So, how was the rest of your shopping?” Pidge answered that it had all gone fine, but forewarned Allura that she was not going to spoil the latter’s gift. Allura looked away and mumbled through clenched teeth that she had no intentions of coaxing Pidge into such an act. “Did you get Lance something?” Pidge grinned smugly, searching her bag momentarily before discreetly showing Allura her gift for the lanky red paladin. Allura took a peek at it and nodded approvingly, then hunting for her own gift for Lance, letting Pidge give it a once-over.
“Oh, he’ll love that,” Pidge sniggered.
“Yes, I thought so,” Allura preened. “He’s lucky to have me; I know all the good products in that area. So, Pidge… I must ask. How is Jewish Christmas different from normal Christmas?”
Pidge laughed out loud for a split second before slapping a hand over her mouth. “Hahahaha- Chanukkah is not Jewish Christmas, Allura,” the little teen delineated. When Allura expressed confusion, Pidge put in, “Chanukkah is a completely separate holiday from Christmas; they just both happen to fall in the same Earth month. I don’t know if you know this, but humans have this weird thing called ‘religion,’ and Christmas is celebrated by people of the Christian religion, generally speaking.”
“So… Jewish is the religion that celebrates Chanukkah?” Allura corrected herself.
“Well, the religion is Judaism, and the people who practice it are Jewish, or Jews,” Pidge elaborated. “Chanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights, commemorating the time when the Jews of Israel drove the Greeks from their land and kept the Holy Temple of Jerusalem’s menorah lit with only one pot of oil for a miraculous eight days.” Allura communicated her wonderment at the thought, though she understood few of the words Pidge was saying. While pushing her glasses up her nose with a glint, Pidge stated, “Scientifically impossible, but yes, quite astounding. So, Jews today celebrate this event by lighting a candle on-” Allura finished ‘The menorah!’ for the shorter storyteller, but Pidge continued, “Well, the menorah is actually a seven-prong candelabrum, and it’s a symbol for the Jewish homeland of Israel. The chanukkiah, which is what’s used during Chanukkah, has nine prongs for holding the candles, but yeah, most people I know still call it a menorah.”
Allura nodded in understanding with each description, absorbing the information like an eager elementary schooler. Pidge almost felt warmed up inside at Allura’s willingness to learn, and for a moment, she’d forgotten about what would be missing from her Chanukkah this year. She did remember, though, and her head dropped nearly unnoticeably. Allura drew her attention again, though, pointing to a store hosting a multitude of knives and related items, and the two shrugs and dashed toward it.
Lance was getting irritated again. Not only was the absolute perfect present for Shiro just out of his budget ranged, but Coran would not stop following him. He couldn’t buy Coran’s gift if he already saw what it was! Try as the red paladin might, but the gorgeous man himself could not be shaken. After the Altean man swooped behind another counter, raising his eyes slowly above it, then sneaking behind a display case and peeping out at Lance through the glass, the paladin could tolerate no more.
As Coran cautiously flipped over the case, Lance called out, “I know you’re spying on me, Coran.” The older Altean man toppled over and smashed his face onto the display case glass, quickly standing back up with false composure.
“Ah, Lance, fancy seeing you here,” Coran coughed nonchalantly. When Lance inquired shortly why he was watching him, the answer was, “Well, you see, I thought I might learn by observation. You may have given one bang-up job in a preliminary gift-giving tutorial, but I think there’s still more nuance to be learned just from… seeing an expert in action.” Coran dramatically made binoculars with his fingers and fixed his eyes on Lance. Lance gave Coran a skeptical look, but simply went back to staring down Shiro’s potential gift, sighing wistfully. “See something you like?” Coran inquired, directing his binoculars to where the paladin was gazing.
The teenager told his companion that it was supposed to be Shiro’s gift, but he just didn’t have the budget for it. Evidently, these particular items were insanely expensive toys for the children of the highest class Galra generals. Lance knew it as something vastly different than the Galra, however.
Coran, sporting a peculiar look on his face, asked, “Do you really think Shiro would want one of those?” to which Lance confirmed that he knew that Shiro wanted, or leastways needed, for cleaning up the kitchen after the paladins had a snack party in it. Coran pondered for a moment, then beckoned the alien running the Terra shop to come over so that they could purchase the item. Lance protested that Coran didn’t need to buy it for him, but the Altean silenced him with, “Early Christmas present- I’m doing you a favor. I’ve already gotten my holiday presents for everyone else, anyhow. Now you just sit back and let me compensate for your lack of GAC,” and the gorgeous man winked.
Lance and Coran left the shop in a cheery mood, and Lance was satisfied now that he only had one present left to get. The only issue was, the gift’s recipient was uncomfortably close. Lance had to get rid of Coran somehow, but he didn’t know what to do. He already knew what to get Coran, having seen it at a previous shop window. There had to be some way to get the mustachioed man off his tail for at least a couple of dobashes…
All of a sudden, Lance noticed a shop behind Coran that appeared to be a fabric store, and a puffy, white-furred alien was exiting out of it. “Coran! I need another favor of you,” Lance announced hurriedly. Coran appeared ready to comply, and Lance beckoned him over so that he could whisper in his ear, muttering something along the lines of purchasing some red cloth and stopping the fuzzy alien for a brief ‘chat.’ “I’m counting on you- Remember, it’s Christmas tradition, okay?” the boy finished, and Coran nodded with determination, assuring Lance that he wouldn’t let him down.
Coran then took off after the puff ball shopper, and Lance snuck his way back to the quirky store he had found. He also patted himself on the back for killing two birds with one stone, like the clever sharpshooter he was.
Hunk and Shiro were on their way back to the meeting spot, finishing their gift shopping relatively early. They had run into each other when they had bought some tinkering parts for Pidge’s presents in the same store. They had some time to kill, so they were strolling through a food court, decidedly not the one with Vrepit Sal’s in it. While they walked, Shiro regaled his tale of woe concerning his false peppermint bark, knowing full well Hunk would sympathize with the tragedy. Hunk also pitched his Olkarion feast idea to Shiro, whom enthusiastically offered to help cook for said event. Hunk gently turned him down, aware of his lackluster cooking skills.
The two companions found that their path was blocked by a particularly long line. Hunk and Shiro tracked the beginning of the line with their vision, and it appeared to be a queue for an unilu crépe a la mode stand. Young aliens were crying in the queue, and there was a father at the front of the line trying to negotiate with the stand owner.
“I’m sorry, sir, but our ice cream maker is severely malfunctioning; we can barely even keep it from leaking, not to mention the power has been cut to our griddles,” the owner apologized.
“But we’re here for my daughter’s birthday! We come here every year to support a good cause on her special day, but we can’t celebrate without the crépes!” the father worried, holding his daughter to his chest whilst his older son clung to his leg.
“What’s going on here?” Hunk questioned when he was within the stand owner’s earshot.
She turned to him and explained that the stand was meant to be offering their yearly Crépes for All Donors today, with all the day’s profits being contributed to the Hybrid Relief Foundation, but all their equipment was malfunctioning. The father added that lots of families brought their children to the event to purchase discounted crépes. The owner suspected that the Galra were probably trying to sabotage their fundraiser, since it supported relief given to displaced and impoverished alien hybrid families.
“You think the Galra are trying to uproot your fundraiser?” Shiro asked, and the father confirmed that this happened every year to at least a few shops, but never suspected that they would hit the most popular.
Shiro and Hunk looked at one another, then nodded. “Shiro, you go find the perpetrator. I’ll handle the kitchens. People, listen up! You and your kids will get crépes a la mode galore! No one’s stomach leaves this food court empty!” The aliens in line all stood at attention before Hunk’s proud words. “You know, where I’m from, this time of year it the best time of year to give back to the community, and I’m gonna do just that. I won’t leave here today until every piece of equipment in these kitchens is fixed and in top-of-the-line condition! I’ll help man the kitchens to make the foods from scratch, and my good friend Shiro here, not the best cook,” Shiro appeared surprised to hear that, “will stop the jerk who keeps wrecking the kitchen gear!”
There was an excited uproar from the crowd, and Hunk jumped the concession counter to work his magic on the ice cream maker. While he was doing that, he gave instructions to the stand’s assistant cook to go find a bag, salt, and gather the ingredients for the vanilla ice cream.
Meanwhile, Shiro patrolled the backsides off the many restaurant fronts for the one who was sabotaging all of the kitchens. He found no evidence at first, but soon he had come across a hover segway that matched a description he’d heard before. He took a turn and lifted up a gate to a shop that was closed, discovering a box full of tools for taking machinery apart, as well as one filled with spare parts. A certain Galra was stuffing himself under a vending machine within the shop. This Galra unstuck himself from the machine, giving a satisfied sound when he pulled a spring out of it, then switching to an upset one when he noticed a disappointed Shiro.
“Uh… I’m a maintenance worker!” the stubby Galra peeped.
“Right… and I’m security,” Shiro responded sarcastically.
Shiro left the saboteur stuffed into a custodial closet with his beloved segway whilst the Galra shouted phrases like, “Varkon will be back! You’ll be sorry; I’m Emperor Zarkon’s trusted Number Two!” The black paladin just ignored this and returned to Hunk at the crépe stand.
Hunk wasted no time in employing Shiro, ordering him the instant he saw him to use his hand to bake the crépes. Shiro was a little hesitant in doing this, but Hunk ordered him to do it quickly, and the pilot submitted to the mechanic in fear. Hunk ordered the assistant to shake the ice cream bag harder, HARDER, there are lots of orders coming in! Add more sugar to that, but just a sprinkle of vanilla. Shiro, your hand has been on that one too long, take it off! Whew, that was close… There we go, the ice cream maker’s fixed, now get on it!
Hunk worked his way through the long lines, directing the others working the stand like a finely tuned orchestra and fixing the griddle at the same time. Once it was fixed and the lines had died down long enough, Hunk moved on to helping the next food stand in crisis, followed by an attentive Shiro. He’d even inspired the father at the front of the line to join in on the volunteer cooking, and more were soon to follow. In a shockingly short but hectic, at least in Shiro’s view, period of time, the whole food court was back on track and getting their orders out and donations in. The yellow and black paladins stood back to take the thriving food court all in.
Shiro sighed off the stress, telling his friend, “Good job helping those people out, Hunk. It’s especially good knowing that these people can now send all of their proceeds to a Space Charity of crossbreeds. I didn’t even know there were charities under the Galra Empire.”
“Hey, I should be thanking you,” Hunk assured him. “For a… novice cook, you handled the pressure of the kitchen pretty well. I’m guessing that these Space Charities can’t get a lot done since stuff like this sabotage is probably pretty commonplace under the Galra Empire. We did some good here today, Shiro.” The teen gripped Shiro’s shoulder reassuringly. The crépe stand owner and the father who had volunteered had come over to meet with Hunk, offering up one of the ice cream makers he’d fixed as a reward. The two paladins met eyes, then Hunk kindly suggested that she keep it, as he was glad to aid in the troubles of a struggling kitchen.
The stand owner was about to insist further, until they were interrupted by a familiarly troublesome hover segway. “I told you I’d be back- and if it isn’t one of the infamous Space Pirates! Of course you’d hire this shady mercenary! COME HERE, YOU!”
“Run, it’s Varkon!” Hunk ordered Shiro, grabbing him to run away. “You can’t stop culinary righteousness, mall cop!”
The unilu stand owner watched in confusion as the trio tumbled off. She turned around when she heard panting coming up behind her, noting that it was Sal from the other food court. “I’ll never forget that kid. He’s a true artist of cuisine.”
Sal gasped for air for a moment more, then straightened up and commented, “He jilted you, too, huh?”
“Thanks,” Pidge said while paying for Keith’s gift and putting it in her shopping bag. She then exited the knife store to meet Allura, whom was already outside. When she found her, the princess ran over to Pidge so that she could drag her over to the small booth she was looking at.
“Pidge, look at this sand!” she encouraged. “It’s soft and moldable when dry, but when you add water, it becomes harder and solid. Then, if you dip it in hydrogen peroxide, it falls apart so that you can remold it!” Pidge was immediately fascinated by the odd substance, picking it up and playing around with it. It felt similar to kinetic sand back on Earth, which Matt played with a lot. She molded it into a mini bayard, then tested it in the water. “See?” Allura prompted as Pidge took it out of the water. To her intrigue, the little ornament acted like wet clay when it came out of the water, only to quickly dry and harden in less than fifteen seconds. The green paladin lifted her glasses and squinted at the material, then put her glasses back down while she dropped it in the hydrogen peroxide. The object slowly decayed, reverting back to sand within a minute.
“That’s amazing!” Pidge interjected. “I’ve gotta know the chemistry behind this… What element is it made of?” Pidge turned to ask the princess further questions, but she saw that Allura had already purchased two boxes. When the small paladin expressed shock at her friend’s actions, Allura posited that she believed that they could make Pidge a dreidel out of the sand.
Young Pidge froze stock still. Her pupils were dilated, and her lips were slightly parted. Allura hesitantly shrunk back, looking hurt, as if she had done something wrong. Pidge felt her eyes beginning to well up. When Allura hurriedly declared that she could return the sandboxes if she wanted, Pidge quickly yelled, “NO! No!” Allura seemed even more fearful that she’d done wrong now. “Sorry, Allura…” Pidge said softly, rubbing her eyes on her sleeve. “Thank you so much. I can’t wait to make a dreidel out of this stuff. Not to mention study it! I’m sorry I froze up, it’s just…” Allura leaned down to listen closer to the young teenager, “…I just barely mention how much I love playing dreidel in passing, and you’re already thinking of ways to make me one.” Allura smiled fondly at her young friend. “Thank you.”
The princess nodded, then took her young friend’s hand, and they wandered back toward the direction of the rendezvous point.
Pidge and Princess Allura waited patiently by the bench Lance had originally stood on when the team arrived, arms hooked. Pidge checked her bag, then looked up when she noticed Lance and Coran nearing them, with the former muttering something to the Altean about ‘not telling anyone.’
“Coran! Did you… have fun with Lance?” Allura questioned her advisor.
“Yes! Very much!” he answered, causing Allura to roll her eyes. “I see you met up with Pidge? How was your shopping? Did you get everything you needed?”
Pidge affirmed that they had, and even came back with sand to make a dreidel from, at which Lance scowled slightly. When Pidge confrontationally asked him if there was a problem, Lance vigorously shook his head, stating that he’d only wished it was him who’d found something for said purpose first.
“Well, anyway, now we just have to wait for Hunk and Shiro…” Allura was interrupted be a crescendoing call down the plaza, and when Team Voltron turn to see, a very distressed Shiro and a very proud Hunk boasting his ‘Robin Hood’ like qualities to a villainous mall cop. The older paladin warned the rest of the team to run, and they did so, all whilst Varkon and Hunk exchanged melodramatic banter fit for an anime rivalry, and Lance shouted a ‘Not again, Hunk!’
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stuckinthekookiejar · 7 years
Distractions pt 9
Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 || Pt. 3 || Pt. 4 || Pt. 5 || Pt. 6 || Pt. 7 || Pt. 8 || Pt. 9 || Pt. 10 || Pt. 11 || Pt. 12 || Pt. 13 || Pt. 14
Yoongi x Reader (ft. Jimin)
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Word Count: 2465
Tumblr media
“Hyung?” Jimin whispered as he peeped his head from behind the bedroom door. It wasn’t surprising to see a blanket burrito stuffed with only the most premium of geniuses: Min Yoongi. All that was needed was a side of guac.
“Hyung, are you awake?” With every step Jimin took, the ground beneath him creaked just slightly. From within the encased ball of cloth annoyed groans could be heard,
“Does it look like I’m awake?” A small tuft of black fluffy hair and the tired, irritated face of its owner could be seen from a teensiest of holes that breached his fortress. 
“Jin-hyung made some food...want some?” 
“No, Jimin. All I want is to sleep.”
“But hyung, you haven’t eaten a proper meal for days. You won’t get better anytime soon at this rate.”
“Jimin, I can handle myself.”
“I’m sure you can handle yourself, but,” Jimin hushed his voice mindful of anyone in the other room who could possibly hear them, “...but what about 2S and their title song?”
Yoongi had been thinking about that too. It’s been nearly a week and he hasn’t shown up to Music Box at all due to his condition. He felt especially bad for Sol Mi since he had promised to help her with the cover, “I know, I know...trust me, I want to get back to work as soon as I can. I just have to get over...this illness."
“Okay, I’ll let you go back to sleep. But you better go eat something or else Hoseokie-hyung or Jin-hyung’s gonna pull you out of bed and force feed you.”
“Yes, ‘mom’.” Once again Yoongi retreated back into his comfy ball and groaned. He didn’t know that joining Bangtan would mean gaining three more mothers.
The duffle bag slung over Jimin’s shoulder rattled as he planted his feet left and right on his way to Music Box’s dance studio. The glass doors slid open and just as he entered, four girls were coming his way. He used to greet them shyly complete with an obligatory slight bow of the head, but now as he got to know you and them over the past few days he could confidently smile brightly in their direction.
“Hey, guys!”
“Jimin-oppa!” Hwa Joo smiled, skipped over to him and jokingly wrapped herself around one of his arms. She was only stuck to him for a few moments before Joo Yeon came over and pulled her off by the back of her collar,
“Yah, Hwa Joo-ah. You may be the maknae, but you don’t have to act cute all the time. Plus what’s with the whole ‘oppa’ nonsesnse? You two are the same age.” 
Hwa Joo pouted, “Nuh-uuuuuh. Oppa’s a WHOLE month older than me. You’re just jealous that I get to call him oppa.”
“Excuse me? Jealous? Huh, yeah right I’m totally...”
“Are we getting ramyun or not, you guys?” Sol Mi trudged past the maknae and the eldest with a sullen face. They all paused and stared at Sol Mi’s hunched back as she exited the building without even acknowledging Jimin. 
“Is Sol Mi-noona okay?” Jimin asked with concern laced on the expression of his face.
Sun Hee sighed, “She’s just a bit upset. Since you’re helping out Y/N-ah, you probably know that the cover project is due in two days. Yoongi was supposed to help Mimi, but he got sick so...yeah. How is he, by the way? It’s been few days and we’re all pretty worried.” 
“Hyung’s getting better. He just has to ‘get over this illness’ as he likes to put it. But he feels bad not being able to come in and work on the song with you guys.”
Hwa Joo stepped up and waved her hands in front of herself, “Oh no, please tell him to not feel bad. Everyone gets sick, plus we’ve been using the time to work on other stuff so it isn’t like he’s halting the production of the entire mini album.”
“Thanks, Hwa Joo. He’ll feel better knowing that he isn’t causing you guys too much trouble.”
“This is the last dance practice you’re having with unnie, right?”
“Yeah, it is. But I’m thinking about coming in for the filming of the video tomorrow.”
Once again the maknae came to his side and tugged at his sleeve, “So this means we won’t be able to see you anymore...” Her face brightened up as soon as an idea popped into her head, “Wait! I know! We heard from Y/N-unnie that you helped writing the song...why don’t you come with Yoongi-oppa and help us with the recording too?” 
“I don’t know...”
“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, to be honest,” Jimin looked at Sun Hee a little surprised. As the leader of 2S, he respected her opinions when it came to the group, “You even recorded the vocals for the demo that Yoongi presented us. When he comes back the first thing we’re planning on getting recorded is the bridge with Y/N-ah. There’s a pretty high note during that section, and Y/N can get a little...less confident when it comes to those notes. I’m sure having you there and giving us some tips would help us out a lot.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Plus we should give credit where credit is due. Yoongi’s helping us since he made the song, but you also took part in creating it so it only makes sense for you have the opportunity to help with recording as well. Baek PD shouldn’t have a problem with you coming in. The more the merrier.”
“Alright, I’ll have to talk to Yoongi-hyung about it first. I’d better get going, Y/N-noona’s probably waiting.”
“Nooooo. Don’t leave yet!” Hwa Joo, who had been attached to Jimin’s sleeve for the entire time, snuggled her cheek against his bicep. Jimin just stood there all awkward and red in the face,
“Yah, you’re making him uncomfortable....sorry Jimin. We’ll get going now, see you later.” Joo Yeon dragged Hwa Joo away and Sun Hee let out a heavy sigh before leaving with the other two girls. 
Music was already playing by the time Jimin came in. He dumped his stuff in the usual corner. The song had quickly finished its course and you walked over to him and grabbed your towel from your pile of belongings to wipe away the sweat that was already streaming down your face,
“What took you so long?” 
“Sorry, noona. I ran into the others in the hall.”
“Oh, no need to apologize. I just got worried that you got lost or something.” You lightly punched him on the shoulder as you teased, “Anyway, I think I got the routine down. Let’s just run through it a couple of times.”
Jimin nodded and you went to the music player to start up the song again. Over and over and over, the two of you went across the floor dancing the routine until every little bit was perfected. Three hours into practice, your backup dancers arrived and Jimin sat to the side watching you dance with them. 
He loved watching you dance. Every move, every turn, every expression on your face just screamed determination and perfection. In a way, you two shared that. You both worked hard and trained until you could no longer stand because you both strived for nothing but perfection. That’s what being in this industry does to people: pressure you to produce only the best. 
But when he looked at you, he also saw something else. He saw the practical, humble person that you truly were. Sure, you strived for perfection, but you were also laid back, down to earth, in touch with your own abilities. You knew that there was a limit to what you could do and that was something Jimin believed he lacked. He admired you for embracing the fact that you had flaws and knowing those flaws and not caring about them preventing you from achieving pure perfection. Maybe that’s why he was so attracted to you. 
As the song came to a close he stood up and clapped with a ginormous smile plastered across his face. The other dancers said bye as they each left and eventually it was only the two of you in the room again. 
“Wow, noona. That was incredible! Sometimes I wonder why you even needed my help in the first place. You really got the routine down to perfection.”
“Oh, shut up, Jimin. I couldn’t have done it without you.” Jimin blushed and you pretended not to see as you turned your attention to packing your things. After all, you didn’t want him to notice the strain in your expression. Ever since Jimin told you about Yoongi, you hurled yourself into work to get him out of your mind. Thinking about him and worrying about him pained you so much. You couldn’t help Yoongi like you used to, so you thought that instead of thinking about him, you should put your mind onto something else, like work.  
“Hey, noona. Since it’s the last day of practice, why don’t we go celebrate?”
“Yeah. Grab some dinner somewhere, maybe get a few drinks....I don’t know...if you don’t wanna then..”
“Why are you always so shy when you ask, Jimin? It’s not like I’m gonna decline. Of course, I’d love to hang out with you.”
“Yeah. The girls are great and all, but they aren’t into the stuff that I’m into like you are. It’s refreshing to spend time with a person who just...gets me.” 
“O-Okay....let’s go then?”
“Yeah, let’s go before the drunkards get too drunk. I don’t want to watch some old farts brawling in the middle of the bar.”
It was too late. The old farts were already having a small fist fight on the pool tables, so you and Jimin opted to buy some convenience store canned beer and snacks to go drink next to the Han River. Luckily for you two, there wasn’t a large crowd out and it seemed like no one recognized you guys. You silently thanked both BigHit and Music Box for deciding not to dye your heads a very noticeable color. 
You opened your beer and clinked cans with Jimin before taking a huge gulp, “Ahhhh. This is so nice.”  
“Yeah, it really is.” 
The cool night air and the bright lights of Seoul shimmering across the reflection of the water was one of your favorite sights to see in all of Korea. 
“You know, Jimin, I’m really gonna miss our dance practices. We’ve known each other for a little less than a week now, but it feels like I’ve known you for years.”
“I could say the same thing about you, noona. You know, we could just hang out like this...we don’t have to have an excuse just to come out and have a drink together all the time.”
“That’s true, but I mean do you really have any time? Because being an internationally known star doesn’t really scream ‘I have a lot of free time’. Don’t you guys work like 14 hours a day or something?”
“Eh, I can get away with a few hours here and there. The company doesn’t breath down our necks like they used to, so we have more liberty. The only problem is getting recognized by people, so that’s why we’re always cooped up in the company or at our dorms.”
“Oh, that makes sense. Everyone wants to get an eyeful of Mr. International Playboy Park Jimin-ssi, right?” 
Jimin laughed, “Actually, Jungkook’s the real international playboy.”
“No way, isn’t he like...kinda shy?”
“Jungkook? Shy? That’s all for show. You should really see what he’s like. One time I happened to stumble across...”
“Shush, I don’t need to hear the rest of that story.” 
Laughter filled the air as you and Jimin continued to share drinks and bond over personal stories and common interests. You got to know his that he was a cat person over a dog person (although he did say that puppies always stole the competition) as well as his constant battles with insecurity. He learned about your interests in cooking and your past struggles with onstage anxiety. It was like you two opened your books for each other to read. But of course, you would always keep one chapter of your life a secret. That chapter’s name was Yoongi.
By the time your ex’s name popped into your head again, you and Jimin had finished all six cans of beer. You could hold your alcohol well, so three cans wouldn’t have such a drastic effect on you as it did to some other people. However, it would be a lie to say that you weren’t even the slightest bit tipsy. 
“Jimin-ah...” His name rolled so easily off your tongue now, “Jimin-ah...I need some advice...it’s for a friend...”
Jimin was sitting hunched over on the steps his cheeks were flushed with a rosy pink hue, “Sure, advice is nice...hehe...that rhymed...”
“So...I have a friend...and she has another friend and they, uh...they were close. One day something happened and...now they’re not so close. But they met again much, much later...and it’s awkward and they don’t know how to act...but then her friend got hurt and she wants to help him...she doesn’t know what to do.”
“Does this friend of yours care for him?” You wondered when you started to lean your head on Jimin’s shoulder, but you weren’t sober enough to care,
“I mean...I guess...I don’t know...” Jimin tilted his head towards you placing his cheek on the top of your head and closed his eyes basking in the moment,
“If your friend cares then she should help him.”
“Even if they don’t know where they stand in their relationship? Even when it’s all awkward and weird?”
“If you truly care for a person, then the situation shouldn't matter...kinda like now.” 
“Now?” With your head against him and his head on yours, you could feel his breath shaking. 
“I shouldn’t be out here...drinking with you...in public where anyone can see us, especially with the kind of jobs that we have. But here I am with you. I’m here because I want to celebrate your success with you.....and because I...”
Quickly, you shifted in your place next to Jimin and wiggled his head off of yours. Soon you were on your feet rubbing your face with your hands. 
“Um, I’m going to buy us some water. We should sober up a bit before going home, don’t you think?”
He nodded, his eyelids still half closed due to his drunken state.
Gif not mine, creds to the owner
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redbeardlucido-blog · 7 years
The Masterpiece (2)
Lucy’s father was a servicemen and died overseas leaving a daughter he never met and a wife alone in the big city.  All that remained of them were a few photos and some war memorabilia.  She entered her apartment once again struggling with the lock.  She stared at the blank canvas propped up in her living room. She had taken the liberty of changing the apartment into a work place totally devoted to art once her mom passed. It was the only thing to keep her sane and calm.  Aside from her art she spent her time working at a local grocery store.  She was hired because her mom was good friends with the owner, he made sure Lucy made enough to keep a living.  Every Friday he would give her a little extra for her art supplies.
               “Ok, let it come to you Lucy.”  Lucy said aloud with a smile picturing Sam next to her laughing.
               All around her apartment hung paintings she had done over the years. The first one she ever created hung in her bedroom, it could be considered abstract since no one was able to identify what it was.  Little to their knowledge she had painted it when she was three.  With her mom working late nights when she was little there was no one to watch over, at least no one affordable.  That was until the day Sam walked into their lives.  Lucy’s mom met him one day when she was standing outside rocking Lucy in the sunlight when he came up to introduce himself, saying that he had just moved in.  He was friendly, a kind friendly, the friendly you wished everyone had.  One night when Lucy was throwing a fit Sam brought over a paint brush, a few basic colors, as well as a small blank canvas he had lying around.  It seemed Sam was into everything, when someone came by claiming they had some talent Sam was always there to one up them.  No one knew how he held all these talents or even where he came from.  He was truly a Mystery, but people left it that way.
               “I know some yellow will be a nice touch!” Lucy exclaimed mixing some colors to get the right color of yellow.  Dabbing her brush in it she started in the top corner of the canvas. As soon as her brush hit the fabric she instantly felt regret.  
               “Dammit no!” She yelled as she tossed her brush aside.
               She wanted this painting to be perfect and every time she thought she had something she felt it wasn’t good enough.  She sat on the floor and looked again at some of her other paintings throughout the living room.  She realized there was no pattern, some were landscapes of the trips to upstate New York and the beaches that Sam took her to.  Some were portraits of people around the block, most notably Miss. Freeman and her flower shop.  She had a few portraits of her mom, two while she was alive and one after her death.  Sitting on the floor in her room was one of her least favorites, a self-portrait when she was 21.  It’s not that she thought she did a bad job, the exact opposite.  It was beautiful and a few people who saw it said it was their favorite.  She just felt uneasy looking at herself at that age with all the memories.  Growing up everyone used to tell her that she had the face of angel, she couldn’t see it herself but would always smile and thank them.  
               At the quick beat of her heart she jumped up almost knocking over the canvas.
               “I’ve never painted Sam!” Lucy shouted
               She quickly hurried downstairs to tell Sam.  As soon as she opened the doors she was met with the strangest thing. Sam wasn’t sitting on the steps.  Puzzled she slowly stepped out looking around to see if maybe he was hiding, getting back at her for the Pixy Stick trick.  He was nowhere to be found.  Looking across the street Mrs. Freeman’s Flower shop was now closed.  She must have closed early Lucy thought.  Before she could think any longer she was startled by a low voice.
               “Lookin’ for something Lucy” Sam said stepping out from the doorway.
               “Yeah! You!” Lucy said smiling up at him.
               “And why you looking for me?”
               “Well I realized I’ve painted just about everything I’ve seen in life. That is everything but you.” Lucy Said.
               “Now why do you want to paint an old thing like me?” Sam said joking with Lucy like he always did.
               “Because, you’re one of the most important people in my life.  You are like a father to me.  You’ve taught me a lot and I want to honor you by painting you as one of my most important pieces.” Lucy said eager for Sam to say yes so she could start.
               “I think I can do that for my special girl” Sam said.
               “Yay, thank you so much!” Lucy said.
               They made their way up to Lucy’s apartment wasting no time.  
               “Alright, remember when I was real little and you use to watch me when my mom worked late nights?” Lucy asked
               “Sure do.” Sam Said
               “Well you watched me for as long as you could stay awake” Lucy said laughing “anyway you would always sit in that old ratty recliner.  I think my mom would have thrown it out years ago if not for you.”
               “Ah yes, that old thing, there’s something comfortable about that.” Sam said.
               “Well maybe you can sit in it like you used to and I can paint that?” Lucy said yearning for Sams approval if that was an actual worry.
               “Of course, that sounds good.  Besides I get to sit this old body down, so you know I’m fine with that.” Sam said.
               Sam took a seat and got comfortable as Lucy instructed him to.  Before Sam could even move an inch Lucy was fast at work mixing colors and laying out different brush sizes ready to start this work of art.  She was a unique artist, her work didn’t flow so to speak.  Rather it was like a paint by numbers.  She would work diligently on a section, and when she felt drained or inspired for another section she would change it all on the fly.  The finished product was always a beauty but the real art was watching Lucy create.  Unfortunately no one got to witness Lucy at her work.  That was no one except Sam.  Her mom worked, and on returning home was too tired.  Lucy never had a boyfriend although there was always a guy interested.  Like fashion relationships were the least of Lucy’s worries.  Sam was the one who taught her and therefor would watch her. He seldom did, as he thought she needed her own creative space, for free flowing thoughts.
               “Lucy you mind if I stretch the old legs?” Sam said yawning
               “Sure Sam, I could use a stretch myself.” Lucy said
               Sam got up twisting and stretching.  Creeks and cracks coming from the weirdest of places, sounding like an old tree about to collapse.  
               “I see you painted just about everything around me but me painted.” Sam said
               “You know how I paint, besides I’m saving the best for last.” Lucy said with a nudge to Sam’s shoulder.  
               “You always know how to make an old man smile.” Sam said sitting back down.
               “How long have you been working you say?”
               “I’ve lost track of time, awhile that’s for sure.” Lucy said
               Lucy went right back to work on the painting.  She started with Sams’ feet, black shoes worn out from walking hundreds of miles.  They rested on the hard wood floor of the apartment just as they did all the nights he sat and watched her.  She painted everything effortlessly as if the struggle had been lifted and paint was now flowing from her heart out to her fingertips.  She continued painting until she caught the all too familiar infamous snore. She turned around to see Sam, head back over the recliner like a turkey looking up at the rain.  She just smiled and continued working.  She didn’t even need him to be there anymore, the image was so perfectly preserved in her mind.  Lucy continued working into the early hours of the morning, not taking a break for anything.  She was like a maestro conducting the concerto of the century.  The orchestra crescendoing as the audience is in awe of the performance. And with that final note, and the lowering of the baton, Lucy finished the last hair atop Sam’s head lowering her brush.
               “It’s finished Sam.” Lucy said letting out a sigh of relief as tiredness finally caught up.
               “What’s that?” Sam said waking up.
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