#my memory is gone idk what happened in those scenes
sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Reverse1999 Analysis: A deeper dive into Vertin and Sonetto's dynamic.
I was under the assumption the time Vertin gave Sonetto the frog and the Break-away events were relatively close but I was mistaken. Take a look at these avatars. Sorry about the image quality:
This is Vertin and Sonetto in the hallway during the frog event.
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This is them during the Parade Ceremony:
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These two rarely interacted but are keenly aware of each other's presence for better or worse. Even when Sonetto's confronting her years after the frog event, Vertin is very soft/quiet in those interactions. The usual sass and dry humor we've seen in her is suddenly gone. Also, this is Vertin we're talking about. She's the rulebreaker. She doesn't care about the handbook or the bullies who pick on her. She steps out of line. She asks the questions no one wants to answer. She's used to being berated by teachers but still carries on catching frogs, even if it means getting hurt by the electric fence.
Years must have passed after Vertin had her feelings hurt. Look how fluffy Sonetto became and Vertin started putting her hair up. Idk why I didn't notice this right away but the two had more tension between them than I originally thought. Kids feel things very deeply. Even if you're an adult and your memory is foggy, it's easier to recall the way you felt in those moments than the events themselves. This changes some of the context I see things.
Yet, Sonetto's rejection cut her deeply.
Vertin values Sonetto's opinion above most people's in during their childhood.
On one hand you could say it's because of a crush but on the other hand, maybe she's still hurt from that day in the hallway. Maybe she doesn't know how to handle Sonetto, especially since the top student tends to avoid her unless necessary. Vertin mentions this when Sonetto lends her notes after the tear gas incident. Not to mention her confusion when Sonetto shows up to help her fight Lilya. There's so many things she wants to ask, yet there is not enough time. The two say their goodbyes. Sonetto wants to make sure Vertin won't regret her decision. By leaving, Vertin will be throwing away everything the Foundation gave her. It's symbolic of Vertin the rebel leaving the Foundation's top dog behind.
But the scene invokes sadness rather than triumph. Sonetto was never her enemy. Vertin overcame every moment of hesitation until this point. When the door slowly lowers between them, they watch as it closes. Vertin only leaves once its completely shut.
Despite all this, Vertin never truly left Sonetto behind. Present Vertin remembers Sonetto's quirks and habits from back when they were children (we can see this in the prologue). In Vertin's dreams we see her still wishing to show Sonetto the world. She's living rent free in the Timekeeper's head.
As for Sonetto, I don't think she ever hated Vertin but she was frustrated by her rule breaking. Vertin's already a troublesome student because of her weak arcanum but she exacerbates it by being rebellious. Sonetto won't bite the hand that feeds her. She is grateful for the Foundation's "care".
However, She'll reluctantly come over if Vertin calls, even if she knows Vertin is being a rascal again. She warns Vertin constantly about behaving but we've never seen her snitch. Perhaps she knows what will happen if she does. Vertin will get hurt. She tries to stop her herself because the instructors have no patience for Vertin. She threatens to tell on Vertin before the Parade when she realizes Vertin is up to something. She could have easily reported Vertin before the Parade, but she doesn't. First time seeing this I read it "I've got my eye on you." The second time, I read it as "I don't want you to get hurt." She's trying to deter Vertin from acting out because the Parade Ceremony is huge and Vertin's already spent time in the guardhouse. The instructors are pulling out all stops.
When Sonetto was ordered to fight her friends she was confused and froze up. When the kids were locked in the guardhouse, she tried to bring them food but was turned away. She tries to show kindness while working within the Foundation's parameters but doesn't understand that won't be enough. There is a very loving person and curious person underneath the Foundation's indoctrination. I think Vertin saw glimpses of that in Sonetto but didn't understand why Sonetto couldn't act on them like she did.
Here we have two people who care about each other but can't overcome the differences between each other to make it work.
Although, it makes you wonder, why Sonetto? It could have been any other student with a sense of curiosity.
But its always Sonetto.
And what the hell happened between in the time Vertin became the Timekeeper to make Sonetto's attitude do a 180? Is it because she had more freedom to be herself after becoming an investigator? Did she try to get closer to Vertin after the break away event because she was worried about her? How much contact did she have with Vertin after this because Vertin is treated differently after becoming the Timekeeper.
A Daily Log in snippet revealed Sonetto used to tutor Vertin often because she was concerned about her bad grades. Vertin still has the orginal notebook Sonetto gave her (Green Lake). It doesn't say exactly when this happened, but I think it's safe to assume it's after the Break-Away event since Sonetto didn't approach Vertin before the days she gave her the notebook. She became closer to Vertin after the break away event. If you look back at the prologue, she slips up and calls the Timekeeper "Vertin" when she's flustered and asking for help (dealing with Regulus) instead of her title. There's an air of familiarity between them if you read between the lines. Vertin is admittedly a bit cold toward her in the opening (tbf she had a secret mission to talk to Regulus that Sonetto totally botched), but we see her open up more as the story goes on (teasing Sonetto in the forest, placing a lot of faith in her, sacrificing herself despite Sonetto being stronger, giving causal compliments, etc.)
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moyloi · 7 months
I want MORE scenes with gale (Act 1 spoilers)
OK OK OK SO I am currently going through a playthrough romancing Gale and I have a few thoughts! Only gone through Act 1 so far and I'm on my way to the Creche, so things might change, but hear me out. (Act 1 spoilers (????))
With his romance I kind of wanted... more during act 1??? I know, I know.. Mystra and all that and maybe I've missed something but listen:
There's only two romantic scenes with him; - One with the weave - One during tiefling celebrations
and then there's nothing until act 2 apparently.
BUT what if he got TWO more flirtacious scenes as well?
After him showing us the weave, there should be a scene where he is sitting infront of his tent, reading a book (like he's doing while idle, but this might be different book or not idk) and he is so inveloped in the book that he doesn't hear Tav approaching. Lines that Tav could be saying:
"What are you reading?"
2. "(Cough to make your presence known)"
3. Leave him to his book (end scene)
Or something similar.
He is a bit startled but goes on about telling you what kind of book he's reading and insinuates that you might not find it interesting. The two first lines are bringing the conversations forward, to his surprise:
" Sounds interesting, tell me more! / do go on!" (approval)
" Go on..." (approval)
"Those sort of books doesn't interest me" (disapproval, end conversation)
And your Tav sits down next to him while he rambles on and shows you the book if you picked either the first two lines.
Your Tav can ask questions for him to answer but there should be an option that says:
"Stay silent, let him continue"
He will eventually realise he is rambling and says:
"Ah, I do apologise. I must've rambled on about my interests about this book and I'm sorry if I bored you".
Tav could answer something like:
"No please, do continue. I find you ramblings quite amusing/cute." (Flirt)
"Don't worry. You're a good storyteller. Please, do go on." (Flirt)
"hmm? Oh, I must've dozed off" (disapproval, end scene)
AND IF YOU CHOOSE FLIRT-LINES, HE THEN GOES ON ABOUT THAT BOOK AND HIS INTERESTS AND THE NARRATOR COULD SAY SOMETHING LIKE: "And with you telling him to go on, Gale continues to talk about (whatever the book might be). You become more and more enveloped in his storytelling that none of you realise that night has turned to dawn, and a new day awaits."
Both of you could get a debuff, something like: Sleep deprived. -1 to saving throws (Until long rest) OR -1 to intellect and wisdom saving throws (Until long rest) HOW CUTE WOULDN'T THAT BE LIKE OMG
This happens after the celebrations with the tieflings. This can be a hidden scene that won't proc unless you actively talk to him before and after a long rest (Like with astarion and getting the sex scene before the party.. well he didn't have an exclamationmark above his head).
this scene is more guided towards the romatic, non-sexual part.
Here, it depends on if you are playing a Durge or an original Tav. Just a few or one line might be added or changed.
Gale will say something like:
"you know, I feel like I haven't gotten to know you properly."
And Tav can answer with:
"Oh? what would you like to know?"
"Well.. I don't remember much.." (This will be a coninuation and he will ask: well what do you remember? (Durge only))
"And there's a reason why." (Rejection, disapproval. End of conversation)
Gale could then be giving examples of Waterdeep, more about his life before the orb etc etc.)
Your Tav can tell him about:
"A happy memory" (approval)
"A loving memory" (approval)
"A sad/somber memory" (approval, because your Tav trusts him enough to talk about sad shit (????))
"No... I don't need to tell you anything!" (disapproval, end of conversation)
He will repsond accordingly and THEN it will cut to your Tav and Gales faces being mere INCHES from each other.
If you have recruited Scratch, he will interrupt when they were about to kiss. While Scratch is barking after dropping a ball, wanting to play (or talking - Speak with animals activated) and is distractiv Tav, Gale can look at them lovingly, smiling. maybe laughing??
IF you haven't recruited Scratch before this scene, Gale will stop himself. Being hesitant but reassures that wants to kiss tav but he needs to sort himself out first (with the orb and stuff). and maybe Tav can kiss him on the forehead or something.
Thanks for coming to my tedTalk.
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jadetheblueartist · 1 month
I feel so bad :( you said it took you three hours and also I had written a huge response and now it’s gone ;-;
Okay so I’m going to rewrite my response but I’m really sorry if I get things wrong since now I can’t review what you sent ;-;
I LOVE THE IDEA SO MUCH!!!! And I would love to hear more about their training and life on the ship!
I may be obsessing over Talon and Megan a tad bit…
I love all the possibilities of how they passed the time in the car so much. It would be so awkward at the start and I’m all here for it!! I imagine Talon carried most of the conversation from the beginning until after they really got to know each other. I feel like at the start Talon would just awkwardly try to tell her what has happened to the earth while she was gone in hopes of starting some conversation. I’m imagining the parking lot picnic with them just drinking slushees and eating whatever gas station food seemed good (I’m assuming everything is kind of run down?)
Car karaoke. Oh it would be amazing. Talon trying to find songs Megan likes and trying to get her to sing along, windows rolled down, it’d be such a vibe.
With the race scene I can’t stop picturing the scene from princess bride where they both are rolling down the hill XD
Their relationship is so great, two strangers bonding in a long car ride… oh wait they already knew each other? They were already in love from book one? But Megan’s memory was wiped- WAIT NO THEY WERE IN LOVE AND HER MEMORY WAS WIPED!?!? Okay, okay, it’s fine at least they became close again, just a fresh start nothing to worry about… HER MEMORY WAS WIPED A SECOND TIME!?!? TALON THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (this is so tragic but I love it so much)
Talon nooooo why the tragic backstory ;-; (I love it very much)
Oh and the art? I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I love Talon’s design!!!!!! The drawing of him saying happy birthday to himself makes me so sad ;-;
Also question time!
Do you have designs for the sci fi ppl? Are they like aliens or just advanced humans chilling in space? Does Talon hide his tattoo? (I love that type of angst so much mhm hidden scars [in this case a tattoo tho]) and you said there was an image limit… could I see those drawing you couldn’t show? Also why is it called Tegan (is it bc Talon + Megan = Tegan…)? That should be all of my questions…
Anyway I absolutely love this story and please feel free to tell me more whenever! (I’d love to hear a lil more about Ivan too)
Again really sorry abt deleting the ask ;-; I hope you have an amazing day though!!
(I feel like I’m forgetting things I wanted to mention but idk)
Oh my I wrote out this whole thing and it deleted it for me hahaha let’s try this again
No worries about deleting the ask it happens hahaha and it doesn’t look like you got anything wrong so yay!
I’m gonna answer this paragraph by paragraph
-IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT and I’m pretty sure I have either the original google doc or a “Megan’s POV” doc that I can look into to give you those details :)
-I’m so glad you’re obsessing so we can be in the same boat
-I’ve been mulling over that car scene for years and somehow you managed to squeeze out even more serotonin for me to devour I thank thee. And I think it’s run down ish, like people are still there but WW3 is kind of happening/ just happened soooo you know
-it would be the vibiest ^^
-I’m so glad you said that bc I couldn’t connect the dots as to what that scene reminded me of but yeah that’s amazing
-IKR the mind wiping rocked my world. My friend was at the point where she was writing the post separation explosion and we were on face time and she casually mentioned “oh you know the cars weren’t the first time they met, right?” I went feral trying to get all the info out of her hahaha
-yes his backstory makes me so sad…
-I’m glad you like the design! It was our group’s “hot guy” design hahaha I’ve tried to make it more individualized to him over the years tho, and that happy birthday one gets me every time (especially since that’s probably how he spent most his birthdays…)
Yay Question Time!
-I believe I could at least get the designs for those people sometime soon. They are just random people who decided to work for big bad (aka the voice, bc they only heard his voice through speakers at first). The voice decided he could make some good money abducting children and forcing them to be assassins so he did that. The government doesn’t know about them bc they hide in space. The few organizations trying to take them down are the only ones who really know about it
-talon has a few different tattoos, the one he got initiated with is a tattoo/ permanent burn so it has to stay covered to protect it, the other is just on his neck and he leaves that one in the open (I can point it out in the pics below)
-and yes! Tegan is the ship name for Talon and Megan (it was that or Melon hahaha)
-Ivan didn’t really have much personality in the oh other than he was angry bc the scientist that snuck into the escape ship was dating his crush, I’ve made some personal modifications to him in my head though making him more protective rather than just angry (he’s also Megan’s cousin) and I just remembered I have a drawing of him? So cue the picture section :)
Here’s Ivan, the permanent third wheel (he doesn’t know tho)
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The first ever drawings of Talon and Megan 😬
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Moving on… idk which of these are repeats so lemme know if they are and I could probably substitute them for new pics
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And now the og Megan design vs the much needed redraw
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Ughhhh the one on the left still haunts me…
I was struck by the limit again so I might reblog this with a few more, idk hahaha
But reading through this ask made me so happy you have no idea (insert the “I don’t normally feel things but that one got through” donnie gif)
Thank you so much and I’ll look into the daily life on the ship and the sci fi guy designs :)
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pics-and-fanfics · 2 months
Alr time for me to relay the weird ass dream I woke up from today. Sorry for how long this is, but I’m trying to share every detail with yall.
My mom got a weird invite to a thing where she’d learn how to fix what was wrong with her car. There was no letter, just a ticket that would allow her to enter the place.
She dragged me with her, obviously.
So we get there, and figure out how to get to the 3 below ground levels (idk how I knew there were below ground levels)
We get to the below ground levels, and get caught after a few minutes, and return above ground, which had somehow morphed into a huge shopping center.
Some of my friends were there too, for some reason.
So we start shopping (???) and eventually catch wind of a rumor of every villain in Gotham (how’d we get teleported to Gotham, along with the store and everyone inside?) working together. (I realized it sounded a lot like “Shutterbug” by @goldkirk and knew we needed to get out.)
I beg my mom to let us leave, I want to go home, I don’t feel good. I used about every excuse in the book.
Well, everyone starts screaming out of nowhere a bit later, and slightly colored gas starts filling the air. Everyone is stampeding, trying to get to the above ground levels and leave. Oh yeah, we’d gone back downstairs, which were also turned into a huge supermarket for some reason.
Then Batman and Superman appear, and they start fighting like crazy, and Superman is slowly getting weaker from whatever was in the gas.
Me and my mom try to work towards the center of the store, where the escalators to escape were. People are still screaming, hallucinating whatever their worst fear is. Mine doesn’t manifest for some reason, but I was glad for it, being able to just ignore the feeling of being scared.
We have to fight our way through big groups of people, and for some reason I know how to do flips and complicated gymnastics moves out of the blue to try to get away faster. (Was I Robin?)
Me and my mom get to the escalators, thank god the power stayed on, and see the only one that wasn’t working had nobody on it. So me and my mom go up the empty escalator, and people start slowly following us, and the escalator starts moving.
I’m falling as I try to move up the escalator to get on solid ground faster, eventually giving up and just waiting until the escalator ends. We run to the elevator that was right there, right on the wall a few dozen yards in front of us.
People are already here, so we run to the one we took to get to the below ground levels originally, and open the elevator with the ticket my mom got.
Everything turns even more chaotic as people start getting eaten by those things that are people who made sound in “The Silence” on Netflix.
I scream, I’ll die. I did both.
The dream changes to this dude trying to explain why chickens were descended from leprechauns based on their tail and wing feathers.
A chicken off to the side clucks, and the dude turns away from his camera, and I (somewhere above the scene bc I’m dead) watch as the chicken does the famous velociraptor scratch thing with its foot before the chicken bites his ankle.
The lady who owns the farm runs out into the road, following the dude who’d stumbled into the road after being bit.
They go back and forth, the lady trying to warn the dude, and him being confused (wtf happened to all his memories?).
The dude gets hit by a car.
I, still dead, remember that I have a model of his death.
I wake up.
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sophisticated-crow · 21 days
Just finished reading Fourth Wing
and I have some.. thoughts??
(spoilers below)
Listen. Violet’s great and all. But does she HAVE to be described as “small and frail and weak and defenceless” on practically every single page? (Thankfully this becomes less of a problem as the book goes on)
On a second note, I like the fact that the book actually showed her progression in training; getting stronger bit by bit and losing over and over just to get one victory. Not nailing everything on the first go. Refreshing.
Dain. Shoo. Get AWAY from my bestie Violet. I know you have “good intentions” but crossing her boundaries, breaking her trust, using your VERY invasive signet to intrude into Violet’s memories WITHOUT HER CONSENT is a MASSIVE red flag. Oh and the fact that YOURE the one constantly lamenting on about how “weak” and “fragile” Vi is. Also the fact that Dain believed that he DIDNT EVEN NEED CONSENT to read her memories the first time he tried it.
the time skips are.. funky in this book. I can be a page in and not realize that several weeks have gone by until it’s explicitly mentioned.
Ik it’s a fantasy romance book but I kinda wish they’d focus more on the “fantasy” than the “romance”. Probably because it’s not my cup of tea when the love interest is described on every other page as hot and sexy and irresistibly handsome while there’s uhm. A war going on. And corruption in the government. And the rebellion. Idk I just wish that element was more explored in the book, not just by the end of it.
speaking of things I would’ve liked to see: I REALLY want to see more worldbuilding. Like do ALL dragon riders go out to battle, even the ones with signets who’s abilities would be best utilized in civilian life?? Like, I know there’s one professor who teaches the Cadets, but that’s still combat adjacent. Like the mage lights! Who made those? And the Barrens! What goes on there?? What about “forbidden” signets? Like mind-reading? Are there any more of those? I wanna know!!
[LIAM MAIRI THE MAN THAT YOU ARE] I swear to GOD I love this guy he’s just so loyal and cool and when he died I CRIED because he is too pure for this world and he didn’t deserve ANYTHING bad that happens to him. Kicking screaming crying pulling out the floorboards and punching walls. I CAN and I WILL mourn him.
tairn and andarna are so cool!!! hehe idk why i just love these two having conversations with Violet in her head
others’ nicknames for Violet >>>>> (Violence, Silver One, etc)
Overall pretty okay book. The… intimate romance scenes were kinda… intense? But that’s what I get for reading a romance fantasy book. Solid 7.5/10
can’t wait to read the next one.
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curelore · 1 month
not me typing this with dried tears on my face LOL
that's how I know that I really liked a series, I cry when it's done because the characters and I have to say goodbye (even if the whole message is that we'll be together in our hearts....and if I can revisit those people anytime by watching the anime over again....)
I took a METRIC TON of screenshots of the final three episodes, way more than I could probably fit into one post, so I will select the most important/my favorite ones to include here
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I love when they have these illustrated-looking pics for dramatic moments!! I hope it's a thing going forward in other seasons as well :)
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truth be told, I didn't like the grand princess forms at first, but after seeing Flora fight in it with the staff key, I have been converted this transformation is SO cool and I can't believe that they haven't gone for more cure weapons that are staves since because they animated the fight with it really well
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I feel bad for non-flora fans, but the final fight being between her and close as the ultimate incarnation of despair where she accepts that despair led to where she is now and that it will never disappear was amazing!! This is honestly the type of final fight that I wish Blossom got :(
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And this ending scene...wow I wasn't expecting it but it made me cry even harder I think!! It's so tragic that they will never all get to be reunited in the same way again, never get to experience that time in their lives again, but that fact is what makes their memories and crystallized keys so beautiful :,)
Overall, I think that Go! Princess is not only one of my favorite seasons, but really solid in terms of quality as well. The plot was interesting and expanded on the theme of "dreams" in really interesting ways, and I generally like when the Precure seasons that focus on "bad" emotions end up with the Cures realizing that they can't erase the bad things from existence, but instead can keep overcoming them. Suite had an ending like that, and I liked the way that they did it there, too. Ultimately, I think that this season is going to be hard to beat, and I wonder if it rivals even Heartcatch for my favorite season. Idk! Either way, it's really high up there!! Now, though, even though I said I would be watching Delicious Party next at some point, I've decided to go backwards in the chronology and watch HapCha! It's a divisive season, and I am just dying to see what the hell happens in it and whether its as bad as some people think. Guess I'll see :D
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dappledpaintbrush · 3 months
wow, looks like you can do an essay about Dimentio.
What do you think of the other characters?
For me in "short"
Tippi: The protagonist of the story and got her happy ending, I came to miss her presence after the end.
Count Bleck: Definitely one of Mario's best written villains. I cry.
Nastasia: I was in her place, I empathized a lot with her and sometimes I wish she would return in other stories.
O'chunks: I was surprised by her story, I didn't expect that background, for me he is a himbo in a good way. A good guy.
Mimi: I can't say the same with Mimi, a little disappointed, but at least there are headcanons.
Mr. L: Definitely wasted potential, I would have liked to see more with the other minions. It's weird if I got a penny for every time Luigi is hypnotized into being an enemy I'd have two cents, which isn't much but it's weird that it happens twice.
Dimentio: It's thanks to him that I have an obsession with Jesters, he managed to do what Bowser couldn't with just a snap of his fingers. Terrifying, I hope one day we see it again.
Okay so. I’ll try not to make this unbearably long. But this game is my special interest so. I apologize in advance. (I turned off reblogs bc reblogging asks removes the read more) (and it’s gonna clog people’s feed) (this IS unbearably long) (I Failed)
Omg I miss Tippi too :( it feels so weird playing the game without her.
Tippi is so . so interesting. All of the characters are interesting, but I especially love the way she’s written. I love how they were able to nail that she’s gentle and caring, but also firm and not about to put up with anybody’s bullshit. To me, that’s hard to write without it feeling disengenuine, and they pulled it off with Tippi VERY well. A particular line of hers I really like is, “Perhaps...my life would have been more carefree without you, that is true,” in response to Blumiere’s, “But I have caused you so much suffering..." She didn’t immediately console him. She told him the truth, as harsh as it was. Idk, that scene had just always stuck out to me. It’s not a line I expected to be written.
I wish her unexplained teleportation powers were. Explained. But that doesn’t really mess up her character so it’s okay. However. I hate how she developed a crush on Mario. I’ve always hated it. I like to pretend it’s not real LMAO. But then again, it can be interpreted in a deeper way- that she didn’t actually have a crush on Mario and she was merely projecting onto him. Her memory was flooding back to her and she was in a very vulnerable situation after all. Projecting those feelings for an, at the time, unknown individual onto Mario makes sense.
I love Tippi dude she rocks she’s my favorite forever and ever and ever
Count Bleck:
where do I even begin on Count Bleck good lord. One of Nintendo’s best villains even outside of the Mario franchise. God he’s so fucking good.
I wish it was more clear whether or not he was planning on erasing Team Bleck from existence as well. Whether or not he was going to do that that impacts his character HEAVILY. Him wanting all worlds to end but sparing the people who cared about him really helps his “redemption” and helps us have more sympathy for him. Unfortunately it’s not directly touched on outside of that one thing Dimentio said, but. It’s Dimentio LMFAOOO we can’t trust him. I personally lean more towards Bleck was going to betray the team just given the evidence about it. I yapped a lot about my reasoning IN A POST I CANT FIND. It had a bunch of screenshots and stuff and I can’t. Fucking. Find it. Oh well I guess that’s just GONE ❤️
Despite this I feel like it’s important to address Bleck with nuance. I don’t think he intentionally planned on betraying his team. I think he genuinely loved them. But he was so caught up in the Dark Prognosticus and the Void and Timpani and ultimately BEING this Count Bleck character the book spoke of that he felt like there was no way out of it anymore. This is supported by the fact he tried to fight Mario in the final battle despite knowing Timpani was still alive. It’s clear Blumiere had completely lost himself, as if he forgot why he was doing this in the first place and let Count Bleck take over (note: I mean this in a symbolic/psychological sense; I don’t believe the book was controlling him). It’s only when he’s on his death bed that he realizes he does not have to do this.
I put redemption in quotation marks because. I don’t think he was redeemed. Granted he didn’t have enough time to do anything, but to be honest, I don’t think he or any other member of Team Bleck is redeemable (before anybody comes at me with the lament au/ajl, THE POINT IS THAT DIMENTIO IS NOT REDEEMABLE NO MATTER HOW HARD HE TRIES!! YOU CANNOT REDEEM THE EXTERMINATION OF LIFE ITSELF!!!)
Also he’s a goofy guy. He’s just a dad
NASTASIA COME BACK TO ME. God I wish they kept her emo hair strand.
Her character is so. so sad (I feel like I’ve said that sentence forty seven times, this game is MISERABLE). I love her so much. I love her confidence, I love how she doesn’t take bullshit from anyone, I love how much she loves. It makes me so fucking sad how depressed she remains long after Blumiere’s sacrifice. Like, we don’t know how much time passed between the ending of the game and Mario returning (when you boot up the save file again, Merlon states that it has been a while since he’s seen Mario). It explains why Mimi and O’Chunks seem fine (I’m sure they’re not fine, but I mean it explains why they were able to have a “normal” conversation with Mario and co.), but Nastasia is still so heartbroken.
Of course that is to be expected, and I’m glad Nintendo didn’t make everything all sunshine and rainbows ooo we’re all happy now etc, even IF a long time has passed. It makes total sense that there are repercussions to experiencing a traumatic event and Nastasia portrays it well (for a Mario game). In her epilogue dialogue, her hope for better days is shallow. It’s fake. She shows how she truly feels and immediately backtracks (“I guess I should be happy... I mean, I am, but, um...”). She still wants to put on that confident and secure exterior, but it’s not working. She will always love Blumiere, and she will always miss him. I hope she finds happiness one day, too. She deserves to live her own life.
I know I’m contributing to this I barely post about him but lord he’s so interesting. I know the Japanese and English translation tell different versions of his backstory, but I really like the English version where Blumiere manipulated him in his extremely depressed state to join him. It gives more layers to Blumiere’s character- the lengths he was willing to go to get this job done, lengths that he would have never gone to before losing Timpani (and himself).
O’Chunks has one of the most unforgiving backstories in the whole games and it’s rarely talked about. He was a fucking COMMANDER OF AN ARMY and the whole game he’s just played off as some dumb brute/comic relief. I actually believe he suffered some kind of brain damage from that final battle, explaining his eyes, his struggle to speak properly, and his overall behavior. Also, the fact one of his most trusted advisors betrayed him mirrors his relationship with Dimentio. JUST. GOD . RIPS HAIR OUT. I wouldn’t blame him if he never trusted anybody again after the events of the game. But he clearly has a heart of gold beneath that rough exterior, so I doubt that mindset would come to pass
Also I know it’s not this deep like at All but . Regarding O’Chunks and his backstory, the last war fought in Scotland was the Battle of Culloden in 1746. The Scots lost that battle too, so it fits O’Chunks backstory. It’s funny to imagine he’s hundreds of years old and he just Stopped Aging once he joined the “Mario Dimension” for lack of a better term LMAO. Side note, I also believe Blumiere lost Timpani centuries ago- especially considering the Ancients are extinct by the time the game takes place (although I’ve heard it’s possible Blumiere murdered the entire Tribe of Darkness? but that’s ambiguous) (and my feelings on it would be another yapping session so I’ll shut up for now). It just took THAT long to get the criteria for the Void met. So it’s interesting to think of the concept that O’Chunks and Blumiere have known each other for THAT long. Probably why he sent O’Chunks out to fight the heroes first. He trusted him the most. But then again, I know the game did not intend for O’Chunks to be born in the 1700s lol. Like I said it’s just interesting for me :3
I agree with you- her backstory is disappointing compared to characters like O’Chunks and Dimentio. But at the same time I enjoy the unknown. After all, she is the embodiment of mystery. Her whole shtick is mimicking. You never know if a character is truly themselves or it’s a copy (I mean, you do- her mannerisms are obvious- but still lmao)- hell, even SHE canonically loses herself sometimes in her mimics. But even then, I wish we knew more about her. AND I WISH THE CONCEPT OF HER BEING A FAILED PIXL WAS TALKED ABOUT MORE? WHAT??????? HELLO????? REMINDERRRR that you can’t just go about making Pixls. That was a practice for the Ancients, and the ONLY reason Merlon could do it is because he is a descendant of the Ancients with a shit ton of their books. How old is Mimi? How much has she seen? If she’s centuries or even thousands of years old- depending on how long ago you think the Ancients died out- what was she doing this whole time??? LIKE HELLO!!! MIMI!! SPEAK TO ME!!!!
I love love LOVE LOVE LOVE how she can be used as a parallel to the Pixl Queen in regards to Dimentio. Dimentio and Mimi have a sibling dynamic to me, and the story potential considering Dimentio’s biological sister got turned into a Pixl and. Yk. Mimi could possibly be a failed Pixl. Is INSANE and I WISH it was used more because holy shit it has so much potential.
I like to believe the Pixl Creator (aka Dimentio’s father imo) created Mimi even if there’s no evidence JUST LET ME HAVE THIS but I also made a post maybe a year ago that theorized Francis’ ancestors created Mimi. I don’t think it’s really recognized that Francis CREATED A PIXL WITHOUT MAGIC. Yk that spell that requires the magic of the Dark Prognosticus? Yeah just forget that shit I said earlier about Non-Ancients not being able to just go out and make a Pixl, because apparently this fuckass Redditor did it. Anyways. Tipton is a robot. Mimi is a robot. I rest my case (loud applause) (people throw roses at me)
I already made posts about Mr. L and Dimentio, so I won’t ramble anymore here :3 But in regards to what you said YEAH . Mr. L could’ve been so much more it’s genuinely painful. And Dimentio is fucking terrifying. I honestly like to believe he did genuinely nuke the protagonists and the game only said he merely teleported them because saying “Mario’s dead like for real” is probably something Nintendo didn’t want to put in their game. I mean come on- he used the explosion attack that causes actual damage in battle. They died LMOAOOAOA. I hope we see both of them again. I was hoping so BADLY for even a glimmer of Mr. L in the Mario movie-like a mask/bandana hanging out of a drawer cameo or something. BUT ITS OKAY GUYS 😁😁😁😁😁😁 (visibly shaking) (teeth chattering) (is missing patches of hair on my head) (rocking back and forth)
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cheezyratz · 1 year
Ahh, Idk if u already did it but from fluff bingo 1C (genuine apology) would be great ‼️
Sorry it took me so long to answer! (Four days I think? Oof my bad!) btw, spoilers ahead!
Also let’s say this is pre-movie but post-Miguel-losing-his-family
Peter paced back and forth, anxiously rubbing his hands together as he waited for Miguel to come back. He couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened around a week ago. Miguel was already irritable, it was one of those things you knew about a person because you knew that person, y’know? And, really, that should’ve been Peter’s sign to just leave the big guy alone. But no, he just had to talk Miguel’s ear off about MayDay The scene played in his head over and over again. Peter was saying something or another about his daughter when Miguel snapped, both his patience and the pencil he had in his hand. “I know you’re not trying to upset me, Peter, but could you please talk about something else?” Miguel pushed the words through clenched teeth. Even though he wasn’t yelling, Peter could still tell he wasn’t happy. That’s when he realized what he had done. Pretty much rubbing the fact that he had a daughter in Miguel’s face, when the man was already on edge for whatever reason. Miguel looked hurt, and Peter felt guilty. For days he had gone sleepless, regret— Peter shook his head. This wasn’t about him. This was about Miguel. Speaking of Miguel, Peter heard the sound of his door squeak open. “Peter? Why are you in my office?” Miguel asked, arms folded as his narrowed in suspicion. Peter gulped. “Oh! I— uh— um…” Peter stuttered, before sighing. “I just… wanted to say that I’m sorry.” Miguel raised an eyebrow. “For what? You’ve messed up a lot, like, a lot. You’re gonna have to be specific.” Peter chose to ignore Miguel’s second statement. “About the other day. I should’ve been more considerate. You had lost your daughter, and I was there when it happened, and I just…” Peter trailed off, scratching at the back of his neck, “I brought those memories back to you, and I’m sorry.” He said, trying his best to stare at anything other than Miguel. The two were quiet, silence filling the room before Miguel sighed. Peter looked to Miguel, watching as he shook his head. “Thank you, Peter. That…” Miguel trailed off this time, his eyes looking to the side as he searched for the right words, “…actually means a lot, Petey.” He continued, chuckled a little. “You are very— wait…” Peter interrupted himself mid-sentence. “Did you just call me Petey? A nickname? From you, the ever-serious Miguel?” Miguel let out a laugh that made Peter’s heart beat a little faster. “Maybe I did. What’re you gonna do about it?” Miguel’s tone was playful, and Peter turned a bit pink at that. “N-Nothing.” Peter choked out, and Miguel laughed again.
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b4ry0nyx · 9 days
this is a random vent
a while back my dog randomly attacked my cat. i loved them both so much. basically my cat was on the counter and i was warming up some food. my dog was on the floor waiting for the food cos he thought i’d give him some. i pushed my cat away from the food and he jumped off the counter then my dog just started attacking him. it happened so suddenly and it was so unexpected. i tried so hard to get him off but my dog was a staffy so he had that death grip. my brother was also with me he was screaming and panicking, i was panicking tryna get my cat out of my dogs mouth. honestly that was really traumatising. that was my childhood cat yk idk. that whole event. it’s hard to explain how traumatising it was but yeah. my cat ended up not surviving. we kept my dog. then on february 21 my dog attacked my brother. my brother is fine but it was really bad. i was getting ready in the other room then me and my mum heard my brother screaming. i had to pull my dog off my brothers arm. the thing is he wasn’t aggressive at all he would coddle all the time. he loved us all. and he used to sleep in my bed so idk the explanation for these 2 events.
anyways i’m not sure if i have some sort of ptsd from these and i’m not sure if my feelings are valid. the worst thing is how attached i was to my dog. i loved him so much. he was literally the centre of my life i devoted all my time to him he’s all i cared about and now he’s gone. we had to give him away immediately so he was in a shelter for a bit. that sucked but i thought i might be able to seehim one day cos i thought he was getting rehomed but i found out that he got put down on march 1st. i didn’t even get to say good bye yk.
so yeah i just feel so shit about everything. idk what was up with him. and it’s not like i had control over what happened in both cases. i don’t blame him at all cos i love him. i miss him everyday. it sucks cos i do get really bad flashbacks to the events whenever i see slightly aggressive behaviour in animals or when i hear people scream. even that one scene in jurassic park lost world when the guy was getting attacked by complies that’s really triggering for some reason. i’m not sure if it’s valid to have trauma from those experiences or not. also i miss him so much even after what happened, i mean that dog was my life,i lived for him yk? idk i just feel kinda empty and so alone without him.
anyways this was a very long random vent i just dumped a bunch of info for no reason. i can’t really talk to anyone about it cos i don’t open up to people and i hate being vulnerable. i can kinda talk to my bf abt it cos when my dog attacked my brother i was getting ready to go meet up with him and the attack happened 2 mins before we was gonna leave so my bf had to meet me at the hospital so he knows abt it but i don’t wanna talk abt it. also he just got a puppy and i don’t wanna bring the mood down yk
it’s also really hard to live with these memories. like i feel like i’ve experienced my fair share of terrible stuff but this hurrrtttss bro. it’s so much harder to exist. these memories are 😬😬. i think my anxiety has gotten worse as well. idk bruh, pretty shit situation. i just wanna know if my feelings are valid also apologies if i didn’t explain this very well.
so i don’t think anyone will actually read this shit but yeah :)
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toshilove · 2 years
okay i need to rant about this bc this is still eating me alive even though i already yelled about this to my friends who also read the manga. I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS, OKAY?
before, lemme just preface by saying i still love tokyo revengers. it has become one of my favorite anime from starting it last year and even more so after starting the manga. the storytelling, the depth of each character, and what they’ve gone through made me fall in love with the series. HOWEVER…
like many readers, i, too, am really disappointed with this ending. it’s not so because everything was reset and everyone is happy now, it’s just the way it was told really made the series fall off. it was wayyy too fucking rushed and each outcome was so surface-leveled. i wouldn’t have mind this ending had they extended the series for several more chapters so we can see how everything unfolded. we literally got 3 time skips in one chapter—one panel showing toman forming and then the next is them disbanding ??? and in between, somehow all the antagonists are now good and joined toman as well ??? WHY AND HOW ARE KISAKI AND TAKEMICHI BESTIES NOW ??? WAS IZANA ABLE TO FIND SHIN AND BE ADOPTED INTO THE SANO FAMILY ???
so much was happening so fast and instead of having previous questions answered, it just spilled out more questions. in fact, are the problems that are outside of maitake and toman just solved now?? like did taiju stop abusing his siblings ?? was there ever a fire in inui’s and akane’s house ?? it really makes no sense how all of these characters’ trauma magically disappeared because everything was reset. i mean, sentimentally, i could see how this gives everyone, especially the antagonists, a second chance, and everyone who has passed are now alive. however, erasing all the shit they’ve been through also kinda erases their character development too. a common theme in this series is how these people cope with whatever trauma they’re going through—good or bad. and in a way, these mindsets or actions can resonate with the readers who may be going through something similar. i mean, that’s how i know i’m a mikey kinnie LMAOOO. but yeah, taking away what made these characters just makes them…bland. their experiences made it seem meaningless if it was going to be reset anyway.
the way the manga was heading i thought it was gonna be a bittersweet ending. and honestly, as painful as that may be, it would’ve been more satisfying. i had a feeling takemichi would die in order to fix everything, but i thought the timeline would reset back to the beginning: him at the train station and have it in a loop yk? OR somehow he does revive everyone, mikey is now stable, everything works out, but takemichi would no longer be by his side and no one would no longer have any memory of him (basically like the spiderman 3 ending lol). something along the lines of those examples would be a more realistic ending, especially since the essence of tokrev is time travel. we all know w time travel, there’s always a cause and effect. there’s always some sort of sacrifice in order to restore something. in fact, we’ve seen it in the manga when toman disbanded for the first time. and mayhaps a bittersweet ending could have themes of fate and destiny. everyone can’t be saved, and that’s just that. “we won but at what cost” vibes fr.
now idk what’s going on behind the scenes; if wakui really meant to end it later but had to rush it because of conflicts with the editing/publishing team, or if he just really wanted this manga to be over already. either way, i still really enjoyed this series overall despite the bad ending. maybe the anime will no longer follow the manga towards the end and change it (we all know how cursed that decision is, but maybe it’ll be for the better 💀)
hopefully i made some sort of sense, i was really word vomiting AHDJSKDKS
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lazycosmos · 2 years
Lazy in Space Thoughts Pt.2                     Reanimated
Hey all! I recently watched the reanimated eps of Bee and Puppycat on Netflix and wanted to share.
Spoilers and all under the cut! 🐝 🐾
I really loved getting to see the older episodes reanimated in the newer style, the colors were spectacular! And I liked that they actually tried to set things up earlier like showing some of Bee’s dad, the ship under the ocean, and the ‘hands’. I also enjoyed seeing some new locations and outfits for Bee though, I hate to say I’m once again left with some mixed feelings
While it was nice seeing the newer style, the characters at times looked a little off? I don’t know if it’s because of the style but so often everyone looked off model. Deckard’s design stood out the most to me. Also sometimes the facial expressions weren’t as exaggerated in the style as much as it could’ve been
idk maybe it’s just me
The episodes were rushed overall, so much was skimmed over and it seemed they only did that to shove other plot threads in from season 2 that already existed. In the 2nd reanimated episode, ‘who would want this’, Bee just has the gum randomly, they barely set up Bee’s dislike of water, and it doesn’t really end with her bonding a bit with Puppycat like before (he neither helps with the farm or saves Bee from the cats in the bathhouse).
Then reusing the video game temp job from Bee’s birthday in the original for a montage sequence in ‘who would want this’ actually made me a little sad. It felt so hollow when that was an episode I really enjoyed and related to Bee--her doing all the sidequests to distract from things she didn’t want to deal with and because it felt good to be good at something. Which is instead replaced with her making perfect donuts in the 3rd reanimated ep ‘What do you want to be?” by doing basically nothing...
Also in that ep she says she ALWAYS goes to the arcade for her birthday when in the original she didn’t like to do anything on her birthday because of the memories it brought up about her dad (and possibly her being sick). The moment between Bee and Deckard when she finds out he was leaving was also toned down and had so little emotional impact compared to the original. That was one of my favorite scenes and it felt like nothing here.
I found myself barely relating to Bee at all in this. and she emotes/reacts waaay less than before and lacks in dialogue a bit. Also Bee and Deckard’s relationship seemed watered down too. I didn’t get the idea that they’d known each other for years, it was written like they were casual friends instead. He didn’t even know when her birthday was in this.
Then Deckard and Cass just accept Cardamon being the landlord?? They only question it once and then start asking a CHILD to check out the house and kick out Toast??? It was so weird
Speaking of Cardamon, I don’t know why  the emotional moments with him and his mom were so toned down when they a chance to do more with it. I think they could’ve showed a little more of how he struggled or why he has no caretaker. It’s just acknowledged that he’s alone once and then forgotten. I would’ve taken more of that than a pointless ‘origin story’ of how he ran into Sticky.
Puppycat’s character got some of the worst of it imo. he’s way more destructive and a jerk this time around for some reason? Somehow less fleshed out than before. I’m not sure what they were trying to get at with him. I was also confused at him not minding being a ‘pet’ when before he absolutely detested it and was often destructive because of others treating him like one or him frustrated not being able to do certain things. There were also sooo little moments between him and Bee that their relationship wasn’t built much.
So many of the jokes and memorable dialogue were lost too here and there. I was kinda disappointed to not have the “You took too long, now yo candy’s gone. That’s what happens--BAKOW!” Or “IM SHOVIN THE CROTCH ICE UNDER THE DOOR” Those were so much more memorable to me and some friends and I still quote stuff from Season 1 to this day lol
even gags like Puppycat mindlessly floating into Cardamon’s living room to watch Pretty Patrick in season 1 was gone
At the end, I was left with a sort of shallow reimagining of Bee and Puppycat Season 1 with certain plot threads and moments haphazardly spread about only to service Season 2. :( idk, maybe I just sort of hoped for a little more since they went through all the effort to reanimate it all? Guess I didn’t expect to have as similar disappointments as I did with Season 2. Anyway, feel free to share your thoughts, at least I’ll have some more lovely screenshots for you all! 🐝 💛 🐝
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albino-whumpee · 1 year
Please please please drop the scara and chiscara writing I have been STARVED
Honestly the fic is more of a character study, or just something I really like doing that idk the term to. I call it a filler, but is just my interpretation of things that happened behind the scenes, too small and unimportant to be told.
So I hope the Chiscara part is of your liking!
This is very spoilery for the 3.3 archon quest. You´ve been warned.
“Oh? Then my theory that the god´s gaze was limited was correct? The abyss is one of the little places that escape the god's eyes. You must have seen my memories already. So you must know the abyss insides now. Will those get registered into Irminsul, too?”
“...They will. But they won't be easy to assimilate. The abyss is a completely different realm. Even if it should belong to Teyvat, its laws do not work there. The air itself rejects all living creatures made in this world. I was surprised to know you had gone there more than enough to be called an accidental visitor” Nahida admitted as she continued to follow the Balladeer. “It was during one of your trips there you met that young boy didn't you?”
Scaramouche still remembered the expedition where he met a wild ginger boy. A teen as sharp as a knife whose eyes had become one with the abyss. 
“Are you with those monsters?” that little boy had asked him, covered in blood. When he denied it, the young boy´s blue eyes lit up for a second. “Then Master Skirk´s friend?” when he denied that too, the boy had stared at him for a while. “You´re not human, are you?”
“I think you´re not one either, anymore” he had replied, but the boy hadn´t taken offense to such a phrase. Instead, his smile went wide.
"What is losing your humanity in exchange for overwhelming strength?"
Such had been his encounter with Ajax. The 11th harbinger, Tartaglia. Even if that name wouldn´t be his to claim until many years later. If he had known how it would turn out, maybe it would've been better to watch him a little closer before bringing him back to the surface. Not later, when the damage was already done.
“To think a normal human would fall into the abyss. I must thank you for saving him from such a terrible destiny. Though, the abyss must have affected him tremendously. At such a young age too..”
Scaramouche huffed “Don´t pity him. He still looks back at that time with fondness." The puppet felt warm at the memory of the ginger smiling, thanking that day for letting him meet him. He rasped his throat. "He may have lost much to the abyss, but he gained a purpose there" A great burden sat heavy in his chest, contrasting with the hollow where a heart should be. An ache for a missing piece that hurt worse than the abyss itself flared inside him. “The gods recognized his ambitions even in a place where their gaze doesn´t reach.”
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shortguyswag · 2 years
@ettawritesnstudies thank you so much for askingt
Okay so basically the whole premise is what if a few years after the end of breath of the wild Zelda gets kinda bored with not studying things and (understandably) doesn't really want to go back to the sheikah magitech stuff. So instead she starts to study a bunch of weird supernatural stuff that castle scholars also used to study.
Of course this will end well for basically no one, but it will take a while to get there.
so her first statement is basically link hearing her talk about how much she'd like to restart the ✨Hyrule Library for the Supernatural✨ and goes "okay" and finds her an old diary entry about an island that was basically entirely silent with a village steeped in the uncanny valley. Then they extract things from the old library, and record those, and link finds an old letter from his sister and almost cries while reading it. After that, idk stuff happens, I'm still outlining plot.
One of my FAVORITE things about this au right now though, is the character designs. Link is growing out his hair, and he has this super sick skirt with buttons down the side front so when he has to fight he just unbuttons them and boom any issues in moving around and doing kick flips in a fight purely to look cool are gone! He also has this scarf that's embroidered with flowers that Zelda made for him.
Zelda's outfit sticks a little bit closer to her normal design though. She wears a short sleeved knitted sweater that's blue on the upper half, gold stripe on the middle, white on the lower half, with black slacks and a long sleeve button up. She's also rocking her gorgeous bob.
my favorite scene I've written so far was one where some dude sneaks in to bother zelda and whenever she asks a question they're like "a valid point, but all reality is subjective" and also they talk about the fear gods they basically got possessed by like they would to someone who knows what's going on, which well. Zelda and Link do not. Link knows a little bit more by nature of being slightly more realized/a fully realized avatar, but even he doesn't know much. He does know something's up and if he doesn't hunt down some bokos in a way that's "unethical" every so often he feels really nauseous and figures statements are a similar thing for zelda. Though hunting down statements can tide him over a bit, even though it's not the same.
(secretly he wonders if hunting people would be even more filling. But that's a line he refuses to cross. It's a slippery slope from hunting criminals and feasting on the terror of innocent people. He doesn't want to end up there.) (This may end up being a plot point where he does cross that line and has a moral crisis over it)
Zelda is eye aligned, which was an amazing coincidence because you know who else has eye imagery? The sheikah. Which means in this au, the sheikah will be closely tied to the watcher, so I'll have to figure out why Zelda would be the new archivist/ceaseless watcher's special little girl and not you know. Another sheikah. But when there was a basically world ending event barely outside living memory (impa purah and robbie are outliers and should not be counted) and it's implied that it was really dangerous even in towns for a good while after the event itself, it probably won't be too hard to figure something out.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
idk if you saw twst chapter 6, how do you feel about it?
This is embarrassing to admit but... I might've actually sobbed. I said Idia is similar to me and has similar issues, and I meant it, but I didn't think it would be this similar in many ways. No I will not go into detail as to why, again, for personal reasons. And you have to understand, I hate crying so I try to limit it to like once a year. I can't believe I wasted this year's cry pass on a loser shut-in (I mean that endearingly). The whole memory part felt like a callout directed at me, if that makes sense. Yeah, I know that sounds a little pathetic, but I don't really care. I have a lot of thoughts, lots of opinions. Spoilers ahead, click off now if you don't want to see that.
Okay, so I'll start with things at the end because I don't remember everything in the beginning. This is Idia and Ortho time first though.
I love how Ortho is now his own individual self, a student, instead of just being "Idia's little brother." No, now Ortho is in his own grade, he has his own likes and hobbies, I love that for him.
Also, I know I've heard people say they don't forgive/excuse Idia and Ortho. But if you notice, Idia clearly doesn't forgive himself or give any excuses. He knows he should have had consequences for his actions (in the end the consequences didn't seem as harsh as they probably should've been) he was realistic about not returning to school when everyone is like "okay, I'm going home, see you later in class, Idia" and he's just "??????" Although, I'm kinda happy that Idia and Ortho decided to take things to the extreme during their overblot. It makes things interesting.
I was living for Ortho and Idia interactions, especially towards the end. Red fire Idia? Please. Please, I loved seeing it. I actually watched Hercules in Japanese because the movie gives me serotonin just because of Hades, but I sat down and watched the movie carefully with a friend through discord. We were judging the voices and dialogue and everything, and I predicted like at least five things that happened just by dialogue alone. So when I saw those dialogue bits in the actual chapter? I freaked out.
Okay, so now leaning towards the others. The growth and relationships depicted between the characters like Leona and Jamil; Azul and Riddle; and Vil, Rook, and Epel, were very nice to see. I'm glad we got to see that, and it wasn't just Pomefiore. It was nice seeing Jamil realize his issues and everything thanks to Leona, it was amusing seeing Riddle and Azul have conflict but come together in the end as they were polar opposites but still worked well together, and it was interesting to hear how Vil and Rook met. Rook was a Savanaclaw student? I was reeling. I wonder if Leona approached Crowley and just went "I want this blondie out of my dorm." Probably not, but it's fun to imagine. Finally, the scene where they all reunite at the very end with their friends? Very sweet. My favorite was probably Ace and Deuce with MC and Grim.
Now let's be honest, Idia and Ortho were much worse than the others. Riddle nearly choked people during his overblot, Leona almost turned Ruggie to sand and was going to hurt other students, Azul stole powers from people around him, Jamil was willing to hurt Kalim and friends just to take control of a dorm, Vil wanted to kill Neige and possibly his own team (MC and others). Idia and Ortho saw all that and went "hold my energy drink." They cranked up the seriousness by wanting to destroy the world. What next? We still have Malleus left, can you imagine what he's going to do?
Speaking of Malleus, all that stuff at the end with him was concerning. He's obviously feeling distraught. Lilia mentioned not having much time left, we saw Vil as old, Malleus seems to be distraught at the idea that soon everyone he knows will be gone including the only loved ones he's ever known (Lilia, Silver, Sebek, maybe others). His overblot will probably have something to do with that. Although it would be a little funny if his mentality as a dragon fae wanting to hoard went "what if I put everyone under an eternal sleeping spell so no one can leave me or die, and then I keep them."
Anyways, I probably have more thoughts and stuff but there was just so much that happened this chapter. If you want to hear my opinion on a specific part I missed, let me know.
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wikiangela · 1 year
911 lone star 4x05
it seems that the season is finally picking up, and this is my fave episode so far 😂
more thoughts and spoilers ahead!
jfc Rob Lowe is so good in comedic roles fr, I think that's why I enjoy Owen now, because he gets funny stuff 😂 that scene was so funny 😂
the boy calling about the math problem was so adorable, and Grace's reaction was even more adorable, she's so fucking cute I can't 😩😍😍 that smile with a nose scrunch??? 😍😍😍😍
"not a math whiz, just a math fan" SAME I love math, I miss it, why did I go study English at uni lmao
we should see more of the 911 dispatchers, like we do in the og - like, I'd love to at least learn like 3 names of something 🙄😂
ngl, I have no memory of this paramedic they're talking about 😂 (also, the music in this scene is kinda loud isn't it? like the drums or whatever? idk, it makes my head hurt lol)
waaait, I knew it was a more Marjan focused episode from the promo, but... someone complained about her to HR???? what the fuck about, she's a delight 😂
oh my god the lady from the mobile home?? over the word "crazy" when Marjan saved her life?? seriously?
we're focusing a lot on Linus, huh - I bet something bad is about to happen (clearly something's wrong with the mom, and I'm anxious waiting to see what haha)
jfc it was one stupid word, that people used to throw around at anything and anyone, jfc I don't wanna be one of those "why are people these days so sensitive" bitches but... she saved you life lady, leave her alone
I love seeing more Marjan but I feel so bad for her
I almost forgot about this dude since the beginning tbh, I'm enjoying this episode a lot haha - no idea what his deal is but it's stressing me out
I am loving getting more of the dispatch - if this is how this season continues, I might change my opinion about it (which is that this season is kinda whatever so far, but maybe just the first four episodes were bc this is good)
I kinda like Marjan and Owen's dynamic, this is fun (pls give me more Owen and TK tho, I miss them, and I'm always a sucker for a father son relationship 😂)
this couple is so ridiculous, jfc, Owen's right, how is that guy not in jail 😂 and they want her to post an apology for calling her "crazy"? and tag their gofundme? lady, you are fucking crazy 😂😂
they're blaming the fire department, aka people who rescued her life, for destroying their home??? that dude fucking took it - oh my god they're insane and it's infuriating but also kinda funny 😂
I love Grace and Judd and I missed them, we barely saw them the last couple of episodes haha (and Charlie is the most adorable baby 😍😍)
thank God for Grace and her instincts about what's happening, and that Judd nudged her to go over there right away
also, Tommy is amazing and I love her and her friendship with Grace
Paul "notices things" - I completely forgot about that because it hasn't been referenced since like s1 - pls give him an actual storyline that includes all aspects of him, including this superpower of his 😂
Paul and Marjan are one of my fave friendships, they're really ride or die's, I just love them (also, I just love the way Paul speaks if that makes sense? I'm weird about voices and cadence and pronunciation idk 😂)
sooo, Asha's sticking around, right? 😂 they wouldn't have her know Paul from way back when if they weren't starting something here right? 😂 I'm not complaining, pls give Paul a storyline, and if it's finally a good love interest, even better haha
I'm sorry, but making such a big deal over the word "crazy" is literally so ridiculous I can't help but laugh
nooo, don't tell me she's really leaving
I'm crying
not Nancy and Mateo being the parent friends 😭😂
like, she's not gone forever is she? I'm sure she'll be back eventually... right?
okay, promo: I am so excited for this bomber storyline, it seems more interesting than the first 4 episodes of the season (like, I loved the Carlos episode - 4x04 but like... eh)
so, I loved this episode, please tell me this is when the season picks up finally, I was finally engaged from the beginning until the end, and enjoyed all of it
I did miss Carlos, and he's my fave character, but also, like I mentioned a lot already, the tarlos storyline so far with Iris etc was so fucking boring and it took a lot of time in those first episodes (and it's crazy I'm even saying that because I always say to give Carlos all the screen time 😂) so it was nice to kinda have a break from them haha and I'm so glad we're over the whole FBI thing
now, I adore Grace and I loved her storyline this eps, it was great and interesting
I feel like Asha's gonna stick around and I'm excited if they're gonna do anything with her and Paul (or just fucking give Paul some more screen time ffs)
I loved that we got more of other dispatchers aside from Grace and please keep it up, I wanna know them like we know Josh and Sue and Linda, for them to be around you know? 😂
and Marjan.... I don't believe she left for good, and I don't wanna believe that, and I get her reasoning, because fuck those people, but also.... this was just so ridiculous, do people really get that offended over the word crazy? I know it's offensive or whatever but since when it's a slur? 😂
anyway, it was a great episode for Marjan, loved seeing her more and her struggle with this whole situation, and her and Owen actually have a great dynamic, wish we'd seen more of that (if they didn't give 90% of screen time to Owen alone 🙄 I like him but sometimes it's like.... there are people who are more interesting that I wanna find out about lol)
genuinely can't wait for the next one, and it's the first time this season I'm actually looking forward to the next episode, I hope it's gonna only get better now haha
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minimoefoe · 2 years
Thirteen Era Rewatch: Spyfall Pt2
I'm re-watching Thirteen's era in lead up to the Centenary and since this is likely going to be my last full re-watch for a while I thought I'd do a post on each ep where I just go over all the things I love, hate or just have some general thoughts on.
The way both 13 and Yaz’s way of not freaking out in the Kasaavin dimension is to talk to themselves and like, take their roles, Yaz as a police officer and 13 as the leader among the fam
This whole plane crashing scene is great but Graham is my absolute fave
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The Master being so sure that the Doctor and the fam wouldn’t survive when his plans against the Doctor historically fail almost every time…
That’s what the Doctor would do !!
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I love the kneel scene. Love how 13 clearly thinks it’s ridiculous, love how the Master reacts to her saying his name, love how he ends up getting down on her level anyway, love how it ends with 13 winning
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Thirteen just not really knowing how to react meanwhile Ada is like ugh this guy
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Love this scene tbh. Some banter, getting to see how being with the Doctor has changed how they think, them questioning how much they know her.
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That scene does make me wish they included moments in S11 where they were trying to get info out of 13 and she fobbed them off bc it feels like they’re saying they’ve done that but we haven’t actually seen them do it. Not the end of the world but meh
Also Yaz being depressed as fuck about the Doctor being gone. You’ve got a big storm coming love
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What’s the point in Barton’s mum. I feel like they made him weirdly cruel idk. Barton doesn’t really do much for me tbh
When I first saw this scene in a trailer, for so long I thought they were in a wall, not in the floor
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This versus Twelve literally wanting to die at the end of his era. She’s come a long way.. and it’s all gonna get shattered by the end of this ep but it’s FINE
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I’ve always loved this parallel
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Outside of the fact That scene is ridiculous, 13 being like ‘Masquerading as a German solider is low even for him” but then going on to do that perception filter thing is like…. Yeah and That is low for you lmao. I also don’t even think it’s that low for him tbh. Like he’s not human and probably couldn’t give a flying fuck about our wars and politics, so why would he care about being a German solider for a day if it meant his plan would work.
Graham and his dancing laser shoes have never been my fave but I kinda like it now idk. It’s dumb but it’s kinda funny
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Love the contact stuff it’s so cool. Shoutout to Chib for being into Classic fr
I feel like Chib chooses his words so specifically sometimes like jfc
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They’re actually insane I love them
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Making them think he was a doubtless agent was enough. There was no need to mess with the perception filter. Like even if he was white and the perception filter was gonna show his real white face, it’s still just a pointless thing to do. Which makes me think they put it in there specifically bc the Master isn’t white. Bc what would be the reason to do it otherwise. I assume he wouldn’t even have been wearing a filter if he was white. It’s just a bad look all round. The fact he isn’t white and they’d now be punishing him not only for being a double agent but for his skin colour is fucked. The writers really didn’t think that through in any way literally at all. In my mind, 13 did that just so they would see his real face and not a fake version of him but it’s like.. there’s no way she wouldn’t know that the colour of his skin would get him punished more. I like to just pretend it didn’t happen bc literally why tf. It’s so OOC
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The connotations of this are uh, not good. Like I dread to think what kind of places he had to escape from after what 13 pulled. But in my mind it didn’t happen so it’s fine. Also I can’t wait for all the stories we get about the other stuff that happened during those 77yrs
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I don’t have a problem with the memory wiping. I think it makes sense for Ada bc she’s at like, the beginning of her life before she makes big discoveries or whatever she does lmao. I guess she coulda left Noor but I don’t really care that she wipes her memory too. It doesn’t feel like the big moral bending issue that people make it out to be. It was justified imo.
Love how they ask to know who she really is and she just goes to the script she’s been saying for over a thousand years at this point like you know that’s not Really what they meant Doctor come on
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Also that’s the last time we’re gonna hear them say that probably. Or if the Doctor does say that again, about being from Gallifrey or whatever, I’m hoping/expecting it to be said in a different way where it’s like we can feel them thinking of the TC
Like Pt1, this ep slaps, minus That moment. I think the only thing I don’t really care about is Barton but he plays his part I guess. I love that so much of this ep was just the Doctor and Master’s 10/10 dynamic. And the fam were great too.
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