#my favorite is the one where hes hopping into the truck (second one)
sparklingpax · 2 years
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Little Ginrais!!
I found some pages from what seems to be a webcomic but then!!!! Suddenly there was a Ginrai! So I thought I'd share with y'all as well~ 🥰💖✨
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sports-on-sundays · 2 months
our tree / CL16
Summary: Charles x childhood friend!reader - Another little idea.
Warnings: four time skips, little kiss scene, kind of melancholy at the end
Requested?: Take a wild guess.
Author's Note: I hope you read and enjoy, because I'm super proud of this one! 🥹🥹🥹. I actually think I was reading a fantasy book when this one came on me strangely enough.
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"Alright, well, make sure to stay together! And stay in the orchard!" your mother called as you and your friend rushed out the door, running to get out the moment your mother said it was okay.
"Okay, Mama!" you called back, slamming the screen door behind you. You and your friend, a light haired boy with bright eyes and the name of Charles, ran together, racing each other automatically, without even establishing it, both of you just being very competitive kids.
Yes, Charles was a competitive kid, alright. Everyone knew that much. Definitely probably more competitive than you, but that wasn't very hard. Charles was more competitive than most people.
The young boy was running so fast, trying to beat you, that he tripped, falling right on his little chubby face. "Charlie!" you gasped, bending down next to your friend. But then you scolded, "Charlie, you gotta be more careful. Remember what Mama told us?"
Charles looked up slowly. He had a little scratch on his cheek and a mark of dirt across his forehead. His bottom lip curved forward for a moment, before he sucked it back, sniffing, refusing to cry. "I'm okay," he assured, pushing himself back up to stand.
"Are you sure?" you asked nervously.
"Of course," the little boy said, brushing himself off, still pouting a little. But he raised his hand to wipe his eyes and continued on.
You frowned. "Your knees are all scraped up. Maybe we should go back to the house..."
"No!" Charles frowned right back. "Come on. I'm okay." He showed his little toothy grin, which wasn't full, as he had a few gaps in his mouth where adult teeth would soon grow in. He held his hand out to you.
You took his little hand in your little hand and said with a little pout, "As long as we just walk now."
"You sound like my mama now!" he groaned, but agreed to it.
The two little kids walked along, until they reached the bottom of the hill that your house stood on and got to the little dirt path that led through the apple trees.
"Can I show my favorite tree, Charlie?"
His tiny little cute nose crinkled up as he asked, "How could you have a- a fav- favorite tree?" At that point, you were much more fluent in your speech than Charles, so some of the bigger words you could say just fine, he struggled with.
You grinned. "Come with me, and I'll show you." You tugged him by his hand, leading him through the orchard, until finally, you reached your tree.
It was tall with spindly dark branches and the biggest, reddest, juiciest apples you'd ever seen. There was a little crevice under it where you fit perfectly, and it's old frame provided a large area of shade.
It felt like a magical tree, and as Charles's big hazel eyes looked up at it, you could tell he saw it, too.
"Can I have an apple off it?" the young boy asked boldly.
You nodded and went to the truck, being, at that time, the taller of the two of you. You slipped your foot in the perfect slot in the tree and hoisted yourself up. You climbed a bit as Charles watched you, picked a big, red, ripe apple out of the tree, and tossed it down to Charles. He caught it and was about to take a big bite out of it, before you said, "Wait a second, Charlie!"
He looked up. "Huh?"
You climbed back down and hopped on the ground, grinning. "Do you know how to clean an apple? Make it super shiny?"
Charles frowned, perplexed. "Without water? No."
You grinned proudly and rubbed your apple on your shirt all around, saying, "It works."
He stared a few seconds, before trying it. "I don't know..." he began, studying the apple.
"Either way, it makes it taste better. That's what my papa told me."
"Alright... can I eat it now?"
You giggled and nodded. "Yeah."
You watched as he took a bite out of it, and his eyes lit up. Apple juice ran down his chin as he exclaimed, "You're right! This is the best apple ever."
You grinned. "See? It's my favorite tree."
He beamed back. "It's mine, too," he responded, avoiding having to say 'favorite' again.
About ten years later
"Y/n!" your mother had called one day from the downstairs floor. "Charles is here!"
You hopped out of your bed as soon as you heard that, slipping on your vest, boots, and backwards cap, before heading down the stairs and went to the door.
There was Charles. You couldn't help but smile when you saw the handsome teenage boy, with his dimples and sparkling eyes. "Hey, Charles. It's been a while."
He shrugged a bit. "I've been really busy with racing and stuff..."
He awkwardly glanced away, so you asked, "Well, do you want to go for a walk in the orchard? I mean, if you have time, of course."
He smiled brightly at that. "Yeah. I'd like that."
You exited the house together, letting the screen door slam behind you. You walked down the hill in silence, but once your feet reached the dirt path through the apple trees, Charles muttered, "I've kind of missed you, a lot. And this orchard. I mean, I don't know. As kids, we used to always play in this orchard. We spent hours here. You know?"
You nod slowly. "Yeah, I get what you mean. Totally... Sometimes, I'm sad I'm growing up. Like, I remember when we were little, and nothing was weird and it all felt normal. We were just happy to have fun."
Charles nodded, seeming slightly relieved that you seemed to think the same way as him. "Yeah. I feel the same way."
As you walked, suddenly your hands brushed each other, and both of you felt your faces heat up as you avoided each other's eyes and were more aware to keep your hands to yourselves.
"So... Is your favorite tree still standing?" Charles asked softly.
You grinned. "Of course it is. Charles, that tree will never fall."
He grinned back at this response and said, "So I'm assuming the apples are still good as ever?"
"For sure. Want one? We can go down to it."
Charles grinned even wider at this and said, "Yeah, let's go."
When you reached the tree, you stood on your tip toes, trying to reach an apple to pick for Charles, but suddenly he laughed, saying teasingly, "Here, I'll get it." He grinned and reached up, easily picking the apple. He looked down at you with a smirk. "Now I'm taller than you, huh? You used to be the taller one."
You rolled your eyes. "Charles, boys always get taller than girls in the end."
He shrugged and commented teasingly, "Should I rub it on my shirt? Does that clean it off?"
You blushed, glancing away, feeling embarrassed butterflies in your stomach at his little teasing. "No, no. That's just a stupid little thing."
He chuckled more and took a bite, shutting his eyes, savoring the sweet taste. "Just as good as I remember it," he commented with a grin.
You smiled, kind of nervous to ask this, but said softly, "Uh... Can you pick one for me?"
He grinned. He loved to be able to help you, and immediately picked one for you. You stood by the big tree, eating your apples, before Charles finally said, sounding more tense than before, "Hey, uh... Y/n? Can I say something kind of weird to you? Like, I mean, serious stuff, now..."
You blinked, looking up at him with a concerned look in your eyes. "What is it?"
He sighed and gestured for you to sit down under the tree together. So you sat side by side in the shade, and he murmured, "So... I just wanted to say sorry."
"For what?" you asked in surprise.
"I don't know. With all my racing, we never get to see each other anymore. But I think about you a lot..." He trailed off, avoiding your eyes as his cheeks flushed. "Like, you're on my mind a lot, I mean."
You nod slowly. "I think about you a lot, too..."
He swallowed and muttered, "I know this probably won't mean much in the end, but... I think I kind of like you."
Your head shot up, your eyes wide. "You... Like, like like?"
"Yeah. Like, really like. A lot. More than..."
"More than friends?"
"More than friends," he confirmed, nervously fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie.
You glanced up at each other at the same time. And Charles, without another thought, leaned in and gave you an awkward kiss on your cheek.
Your whole faces flushed as Charles blurted, "Sor- Sorry."
"It's... It's okay," you murmured in embarrassment. "I feel the same way, too, I think..."
About ten years later; current time
Your mother slams open the screen door with a big smile on her face, saying, "What a surprise this is! Look at this- my daughter and son-in-law!"
Charles chuckles a bit, letting go of your hand as you go to hug your mother as he says, "Not son-in-law yet."
"Yes, yes, Charles," your mother says quickly, as if it's clearly obvious the two of you are going to marry each other anyway, so he's basically already her son-in-law. "So," she turns to you with a big smile. "What made you decide to just show up all of the sudden?"
You shrug with a smile, looking back to Charles. After hugging your mother, you connect your hand right away back with Charles's. "The other night we were just kind of thinking about, you know. The old days. Playing in the orchard. And my favorite tree, and everything. And we figured, why not make the trip here to go for a walk through it again?"
"Oh, and not even to see your mother!" she scoffs with a playful smile, saying, "Come here, Charles. I haven't seen you in quite a while." Charles laughs and gives your mother a little hug as well.
"Mama," you say with a little smile. "Do you mind if me and Charles just go for a walk in the orchard? Then we'll be right back to the house to visit?"
She smiles understandingly, and nods. "Yeah, you two go on. And take your time," she says with a wink, "because maybe once you get back, the apple pie I'm making will be ready."
You grin and say, "Let's go! Your pie is the best!"
Charles laughs, entwining his fingers in yours, saying, "Thank you, Mrs. Y/l/n. We'll see you in a bit." He waves as we begin walking down the hill together, swinging our connected hands a little as we walk.
It has rained recently, though, so the ground down the hill is a little slick. So suddenly, your foot slides forward, and you squeal, bracing yourself to feel your bottom hit the ground hard-
But Charles's hands are there, on your back and the bottoms of your thighs. He says with a chuckle, "I've got you." He pulls you up and links his arm with you to steady you more as you finish walking down the hill.
When you make it to the path, neither of you guide the other toward your tree, because now, after all these years, you both know exactly how to get there.
You're not sure when 'Y/n's tree' became 'Y/n and Charles's tree', but either way, you like that it's kind of like both of yours now.
When you reach it, Charles immediately reaches up to pick out two of the best apples on the tree. You sit down together under the shade, not caring if your bums get a little wet, and Charles eyes you teasingly as he begins rubbing it on his shirt.
You chuckle. "It does make it more shiny."
"Rubs the dirt off," he comments, taking a bite out of it.
You sit together, eating your apples. Charles has his arm around your back, and you lean against his shoulder. Once you're both finished, Charles comments, "Taste of my childhood."
You grin. "It's just an apple."
"No, but the apples from our magical tree don't just taste like any ordinary apples, and you've always known that."
You chuckle a little. "Good point." You love that little childish side of him.
After a few moment of silence, Charles says softly, "Do you think we have a few minutes to spare before we start walking back up to the house for some of that apple pie?"
You shrug. "Probably. Why?"
He leans in closer and says softly, "Because I wouldn't mind licking some of that apple juice off your sweet lips."
You giggle a little, rolling your eyes, but shift closer to him.
With one hand caressing your cheek and the other gripping the nape of your neck, pulling you in closer, he presses his lips against yours in a heated French kiss. His tongue explores every inch of your mouth. When he finally pulls away, there's a hungry look in his eyes, and he doesn't even seem to realize the string of saliva connecting your mouths.
You let out a little breathy gasp, murmuring (and admittedly probably ruining the moment a bit), "Ew..." as you wipe your mouth to break the trail of saliva between the two of you.
He chuckles a bit and murmurs, "You're adorable. You know that? I just want to have you all to myself. Do what I want to do to y-"
"Hey, hey..." you giggle, patting his thigh a little. "Can't get too carried away, can we? We've got pie to get to eating inside."
"Right," he smiles, taking your hand and standing up with you.
"But maybe when we get home. How does that sound?"
He nods, bringing you closer to himself. "That sounds good. I look forward to it."
About ten years later (warning: just chose a random name for the girl)
You slam open the screen door, holding your little toddler in your arms, saying, "Say bye bye to Grandmama."
Your mother laughs as your daughter waves her chubby little fist and says, "Bye, bye, G'andmama..."
You walk outside onto the porch, where Charles is already standing, arms crossed in front of his chest, looking out at the orchard.
You smile, putting a hand on his back. "Want to take Viola out for a walk in the orchard? Would you like that, sweetie?" you add, looking to the little girl.
"Yes!" squeals the baby, squirming to be put down.
You set her down on the porch, and Charles takes her little hand with a smile. You take her other hand, and the three of you begin walking down the hill together.
Halfway down, Viola slips, but both your hands holding hers keeps her from falling. Charles chuckles and says, "Be careful, sweetheart."
She just giggles, tugging her parents toward the little dirt path at the bottom of the hill. When you reach the bottom, Charles says gently, "Want to see me and Mama's favorite tree, Viola? It grows the best apples in the world."
You laugh as your daughter looks up at her father with big, wide hazel eyes- same as her father's. "The best?"
"Oh, yeah. You won't want to eat any other apples, ever again, after you try these."
You smile. "I grabbed a knife before we left to cut it up for her."
Charles smiles, giving you a little kiss on your cheek as you hand him the knife. "Good idea. You're so thoughtful. And considerable. I wouldn't ever had thought to do that."
"Mama! Papa! C'mon!" your baby whines, and you both laugh, following the toddling little girl down the little dirt path of both your childhoods.
When you reach the tree, this time, Charles reaches up and picks three apples. "It's kind of a magical tree, isn't it, Viola?" he asks with a little smile as he hands you an apple.
But she doesn't respond, and instead stares at Charles in slightly disturbed confusion.
You chuckle, looking to see Charles rubbing the apple on his shirt. He laughs and explains, "It makes the apple shiny, Viola."
"Really?" she asks with wide eyes.
"For sure," Charles respond, exchanging a little look with you. Then you and Charles sit down together under the tree, and your daughter comes over and climbs on Charles's lap, watching as he cuts some thin slices off Viola's apple. "Here," he says, handing one to the little girl.
Her eyes widen even further when she tastes the sweet fruit, and she giggles, "The best!"
"I know!" Charles grins excited, ruffling her hair a bit, which is the color of your hair.
You smile, leaning against his shoulder, watching as your daughter in his lap raves and giggles about the apple.
And, then, Charles starts talking.
He talks about how he used to play with you all the time when you were little.
He tells his daughter how when he was a younger teenager, he began to fall in love with you, but with all his racing, he couldn't see you much and come to the orchard.
He tells her how when he was an older teenager, he confessed how he felt to you.
And how after that, you and him got closer and closer.
Until years later, you had your wedding.
And now here she is, your little girl.
You swallow, suddenly feeling emotional about the story. The story of your lives together.
"Papa...?" Viola says, concerned. "How come Mama...?" she trails off.
Charles looks at you and smiles. "Are you crying, baby?" he teases softly, wiping a tear from your cheek.
You chuckle. "I guess I just like to hear you telling the story."
He chuckles and kisses your cheek, murmuring, "I love you."
You lean into him further with a little smile and shut your eyes, listening as Charles and your daughter continue babbling softly with each other.
Here, in the shade of your tree.
Our tree.
Someday, your daughter will show her friends your tree. And that screen door will never stopped being slammed shut.
But someday after that, you and Charles will grow older, together. Your tree won't always be there. Someday, you'll eat the last of it's apples, and it will say farewell to this world, just like everything else does.
But by then, your love won't need something to symbolize it in order to stay alive.
Because love is the one thing that will never end.
It goes on forever.
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gennyanydots · 8 months
Really? Now?
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Jake “Hangman” Seresin x f!reader
Part of the “Spitfire” Universe but can be read alone.
At this point in your life you barely remember what life without Jake was like, not that you ever wanted to remember a time without him. You knew in your heart that Jake was your person- the one you were to spend the rest of your life with.
Being with Jake has always been a little challenging. Not because of him, of course, he was the most perfect boyfriend you’ve ever had but because you swore the Navy loved to keep the two of you apart. Some days when you were feeling particularly down you swear the Navy must be plotting against your love. You always picture a whole room of Navy admirals sitting around a table, with a map laid out in front of them, deciding where the least convenient place was to send Jake, a bulletin board on the wall has a calendar with all the important dates for the two of you circled in red so the admirals knew exactly when to send Jake off somewhere or when to deny him leave.
But for once you’ve thwarted their attempts to keep the two of you apart! You were spending your first Thanksgiving together at Jake’s family farm, despite being together for five years. His parents always invite you despite Jake not being able to attend but you have always politely turned the offer down. You love his parents but being there without Jake would feel weird to you and you’d miss Jake extra, so you’ve never gone. Until now.
Jake was able to get the whole week off so he made it to the farm a couple days before you were able to fly out which you were glad about. You didn’t want to monopolize Jake’s time at home even though you know his family would understand. Jake needed time with his family without you. Didn’t need his girlfriend following after him like a little lost duck his whole leave despite his very vocal protests.
“Darlin, I want nothing more than for you to follow me around all day every day for the rest of my life.”
“How am I sposed to show you off to my whole hometown if you’re only there for a couple a days?”
“Mama’s gonna think you don’t love her as much if you don’t spend the whole week with me. You gonna break my mama’s heart, darlin?”
That last one almost got you to cave but you stuck to your guns and decided that flying in to Texas on Tuesday night would be the plan. Jake had the whole week at home so he got there Saturday night and was leaving the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Three ish days seemed like a good amount of time for Jake to be home alone with his family.
Those three days have seemed to be torture for Jake if the text messages he’s sent you are anything to go off of.
“I miss you.”
“I’m bored here without you.”
“Can’t we just change your plane ticket? I’ll pay for it.”
“I’m about ready to just hop in the truck and drive to your apartment and pick you up.”
It would take him longer to come get you than it would to just wait until you flew in but there’s really no reasoning with a pouty Jake. You had to text his mom just to make sure he didn’t go through with his ridiculous idea. She hid his keys from him. He pouted more.
Finally, after three long days and an over three hour flight you were finally stepping off the plane to see your favorite pouty man child.
It takes you about a half an hour to figure out where to go to find Jake, airports are never simple to navigate. You see him before he sees you which meant you got to watch his face the second his eyes fell upon you. The biggest smile you had ever seen passed over his face as he broke out into a jog to get to you as fast as he could without running into others. You giggle as you rush towards him. As soon as you are within arms reach, Jake lifts you up into his arms, holding you as tight as he could against himself as he buries his face in your neck. You drop your bag and wrap yourself around him and take a moment to soak up the feeling of being surrounded by Jake, the feeling of being home.
“I missed you so much,” you almost miss his words as they’re mumbled into your neck.
“We saw each other last month!” You say with a laugh.
Jake shakes his head the best he can while his face is still pressed against your neck, “It felt like an eternity since you’ve been in my arms.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
Jake chuckles and finally pulls his face out of its hiding spot to gaze into your eyes, “Only about you, darlin.”
“Hi,” you whisper to him, his face only a breath away from yours.
“Hi,” he whispers back, a genuine smile plastered on his face. You scrunch your nose as he places a soft kiss on the tip of it, making you giggle. “Are you ready to get out of here? We got a whole herd of people waitin’ to meet you at the house.”
You scrunch your eyebrows in question, “But like how many people? You didn’t say anything about meeting lots of people today.”
Jake shrugs, “My family is all excited for Thanksgiving so they wanted to come and visit with everyone from out of town at the ranch before the prep work tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Nana’s even back at the house.”
“Nana? I thought she never leaves the nursing home anymore.”
“Pops thought he’d spring her from the joint for a few days. She’s goin back Thursday after dinner,” Jake explains.
“Oh okay,” you say worrying your lip. You hadn’t expected to meet everyone today. You thought you would at least have the day to yourselves, but this is Jake’s leave and you weren’t about to dictate what happens during it. There would be plenty of time together after everyone goes home.
Jake kisses you quickly before setting you back on the ground and taking your hand to lead you out to his truck. The next half hour is spent soaking up your alone time with Jake in the truck, catching up on the little things that rarely get talked about over the phone.
As the truck pulled up to the Seresin farm house you were feeling a bit anxious. You knew Jake’s family were all nice, you’ve met his parents many times so everyone else has to be friendly at least, but large groups of new people makes anyone a little uneasy. You knew you were never going to remember anyone’s name. Despite Jake being an only child, his extended family was huge.
You fiddle with your finger nails while Jake parks the truck.
He looks over at you with a smile and a pat on your thigh, “Ready?”
You nod and he tells you to stay put.
Jake got out of the truck on his side and jogged around to your side to open the door for you.
You smile as you hop out then reach up to kiss his cheek.
Jake flashes you a grin as he reaches into the truck to grab your bags. He lifts them easily, shuts the door, then grabs your hand to pull you towards the front door.
The two of you are almost at the door when it swings open to reveal Jake’s mom rushing towards you with her arms out stretched.
“My baby girl is back home!” She says as she pulls you into an enthusiastic hug.
You hug her back and then get passed off to Jake’s dad who hugs you as well while welcoming you into the house where you’re met with about 30 people all standing up to greet you.
The next half hour is a blur of handshakes, hugs, and introductions. You’re pretty sure you’ve already forgotten everyone’s name except Jake’s grandmother and that’s only because she’s just Nana. Kinda hard to forget.
Eventually the commotion dies down and Jake’s mom announces it’s time for dinner. Since she has to cook for the next two days she had ordered enough pizza for everyone. It turns into a frenzy of everyone trying to get pizza all at the same time. You quietly sit down next to Nana who seems to be the only other person not trying to fight their way to the pizza boxes.
“You’d swear that everyone hasn’t eaten in days with how this family acts around food. God knows they all take after my husband. I tried to teach them all manners but clearly they didn’t stick,” Nana explains, gesturing to the mob of people.
You snicker and she shoots you a wink.
Jake walks over with a plate in each hand. He leans down to kiss his nana on the cheek then leans down to do the same to you before he hands you both a plate of pizza each before heading back.
Nana nudges you softly, “Maybe I spoke too soon.”
You and nana happily eat your pizza chit chatting together. You learn that Ethel at the home has been cheating at poker and nana is sure that the plan she’s concocted will catch her in the act. You also learn that Fred has been flirting with one of the new nurses and nana thinks he is laying it on a little too thick to be appropriate.
Someone announces that they have the fire going in the backyard and nana decides that the two of you must go out enjoy the night together, but first she makes you promise not to say anything about Fred or her plan to catch Ethel. You told her you swear on your life not to tell a soul before you help her outside to an empty lawn chair. Everyone seems to have made their way outside by the time you make it out with Nana.
Jake walks up behind you once you get nana settled and grabs your hand, pulling you away from everyone else.
You glance behind yourself to wave bye to nana and notice most everyone has their eyes glued to you. Weird. You’re not too sure you like that but you turn back to look where you’re going and try and ignore the eyes you feel are staring at the back of your head.
You notice Jake check his pocket and while you’re not too sure how you know you just know that Jake is about to propose. This is it. Has to be it.
“Really? Now?” You whine at him and drag your feet a little.
“What?” He asks as he stops walking. The two of you are still within earshot of everyone.
You put your hands on your hips, “You’re really doing this right now? Really?”
Jake looks at you exasperatedly, “Yes, right now. Do you know how long I’ve had this thing?”
You shrug, “Since I sent you the link of the ring I wanted?”
Jake sighs, “Yes, since you sent me the link. It’s not my fault. You’re the one who wanted a simulated diamond ring. I didn’t have to save as much money for it than I expected.”
“The amount of times I walk away from things is too many for you to buy me an expensive ring. Or what if I lose it? No. You’re not spending some stupid amount of money on a ring. It’s just flat out dumb. You’re also not giving me a ring with sentimental value. I’ll feel like an asshole when I lose it,” you explain.
“I know, darlin, I know. You’ve told me all of this. Can I get down on one knee now?” He asks.
You shrug, “I guess I can’t stop you.”
Jake rolls his eyes as he gets down on one knee and takes both of your hands, “Darlin, I’m not quite sure what to do with you, never have been, but I want to spend the rest of my life trying to figure that out. I want to save you from getting your ass beat by men a foot taller than you every day for the rest of our lives. Maybe not every day. Maybe like once a month. It doesn’t matter. Anyways, you are my greatest joy. The best part of my day, every single day. I am sick to death of the Navy keeping us apart and this is the best way to make sure I get to keep you with me. Where you should be. With the nature of my job we’ll still get separated at times but knowing that no matter what you’ll be taken care of will make it so much easier on my heart when I’m away. I want to be able to wake up next to you every chance I get until the day I die. I want to have cute little smartass babies with you that will get me into as much trouble as their mama. I want everything with you, anything with you, because you are all I need in this world to keep me happy. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?”
“Did you ask my sister?”
Jake furrows his brows, “Did I do what now?”
You let out a huff, “Did you or did you not ask my sister?”
“What? Yeah, I asked your sister. You told me I had to. You think I got a ring and planned a whole proposal out without asking your sister?”
You shrug, “I wouldn’t be surprised. Sometimes you don’t listen.”
Jake stares at you, “Is this really happening right now?”
“Did you expect anything less from me?”
“Maybe some tears.”
“Have you met me?” You ask raising an eyebrow.
Jake shrugs, “Clearly I wasn’t thinking straight. Could you maybe give me an answer please? Everyone is staring at us and it’s starting to wear on me.”
You laugh, “Of course I’ll marry you, idiot. You’re the love of my life.”
Jake grins and stands up, wrapping his arms around you to lift you up then yells, “She said yes!”
Jake’s family cheers from their seats. You look over and see Jake’s mom clutching his dad’s arm tightly with tears streaming down her face.
“Your mom is crying so at least you made someone cry,” you say to Jake while laughing.
Jake slides you back to the ground, “She’s crying because she finally gets to say your her daughter. I’m pretty sure she loves you more than she loves me.”
“I KNOW she loves me more than you. Your dad too. How does it feel to be second best?” You ask playfully.
Jake laughs, “With you in first place I’m surprised I even made second place.”
You lean up to kiss him but stop just in front of his lips, “At least you’re first place in my heart every time.”
He pumps a fist, “Yes!”
You laugh as you close the distance between his lips and yours as a thought comes over you, you have a LOT of names to learn.
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acrux-jr · 7 months
Carousel Meeting
Summary: The 3 times Mike schidmt almost met you but didn't, plus the 1 time he did
Word Count: 1.9k
Can be read byself or as a prequel to my carousel series.
Tags: fluff, accidental meeting, soft spot for Abby
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(Before FNAF movie)
The first Mike saw you, your back was turned. You had you l/m/s hair down. You were wearing blue washed jeans that flared slightly, a cream colored knitted pullover and a brown leather jacket.
He had heard your obnoxious laugh from the back of the line in the fair. He saw you lightly push your friend, and she laughed as well.
Abby's head popped to the opposite side, and saw your face.
Mike had turned away, not wanting to be seen as a creep for trying to stare at your face.
Right as you were next the ride broke. Your friend groaned as you shrugged. Mike was being dragged as Abby whined to go to a different ride. As he turned down to tell her to wait, your shoulders bumped.
Unbalanced you fell on you friends, laughing harder. Mike yelled a quick 'Sorry,' as he was dragged off.
He a faint 'Sorry,' back. When he turned to face you, your friend blocked your image, the two of you not being able to see each other's face.
The next time you two missed meeting each other was the very next day again. Mike had promised Abby to take her everyday for the weekend to the fair.
You and your friend returned to the fair, after working for 2 weeks straight because a coworker quit, you finally got the weekend off to recharge and see your friends. This time your friend brought her boyfriend to go on the scary rides with you since she felt bad for always chickening out.
The three of you stopped by the darts and balloons, pushing them both out of the way. First try got the second biggest prize of a fox plush. On your next try you heard a little girl gasp.
Abby was looking with amazement at the plush purple bunny on top hanging.
"Want to try?" The carnival person asked.
Abby shook her head no, "I don't have enough."
Your heart broke a little. Getting the next 3 in a row, you won. Jumping up and down your friend clapped and hollered while her boyfriend rolled his eyes at the two of you.
"Whatcha want?"
The little girl was still there just watching now. "That one." When you got the plush and turned to her, she eyed you warily.
"Here, I already have the fox." She took it hesitantly.
You gave a warm smile as your friends tugged you to the duck ring game. You waved bye and she waved bye back and dashed to a man wearing a hoodie. You saw the curly hair from behind, and turned away.
Abby rushed to Mike, excited to show Mike the plush.
Mike gripped her firm and held her tight. For a split second he felt like he was a kid again seeing his brother get taken.
"Abby! You know you're not allowed to run off like that! Why would you do that?"
"I only went right there." She pointed to the booth across from where Mike was sitting.
He turned to answer and phone call from his security guard co worker and Abby was gone for a minute with him frantically searching. When he tried to call out, nothing came out. He started to have a panic attack. And there she was.
When she re-appeared he almost threw up. He crouched down and noticed the blue plush.
"Who gave that to you?"
"Some girl won two in a row and she let me have it because she had a fox one!" Mike's eyebrows furrowed but nodded.
"That was nice of her…"
Abby nodded her head. "Don't run off again Abby. You could've been taken. " 'Too.' It was unspoken but Abby understood.
"Sorry Mike."
"Come they have shaved ice with your favorite flavor."
She beamed again and hopped while pulling Mike.
The third time the paths almost met but did not was in the house of mirrors. Mike was against it but Abby coaxed him with the 'pretty please' 'cherry on top' and puppy dog eyes. He rolled his and followed behind Abby.
He watched as she hit her head, trucked by the mirrors, she glared and huffed as Mike laughed at her. He dropped the plush as he was laughing. The duo didn't notice til after outside.
As luck had had it, you noticed the plush when you made it to the half-way mark. It reminded you of the little girl and wondered if she hit her head and dropped it. You chuckled at the thought of that and took it with you.
Abby was crying as Mike promised to get her another on.
"Abby come on I'll buy or win or whatever it is again."
The tears fell and she shook her head no, "No she won it for me! She was nice and gave it to me because she knew I wanted it and I lost it." She sobbed and her hand made it to her eyes.
Mike groaned, "Okay Abby I will go back, " he scanned the crowd and saw a group of police officers walking by.
"Hey! Excuse me!"
They two men and women turned around, the red headed men raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"
"I'm sorry to ask but do you mind watching her real quick? I dropped her plush in the maze and she doesn't want to go in with me again to look but still wants me to. It'll be like less than 5 minutes, I just don't want her by herself." What he assumed was his sister with the matching hair and last name, nodded.
"Yeah that's fine, we are waiting for our co-worker to be down in the restrooms right there."
Mike thanked them and dashed in after giving the young teenage girl 3 more tickets.
A minute had passed as Mike went in, and then you popped out finishing it, with your friends trailing behind you. You scanned the area and saw the little girl crying with police around her. 'Is she lost?' You said 'be right back,' and headed that way.
"Excuse me?" The police, trying to calm her down, turned to look at you. Abby looked up with teary eyes and saw you. She ran and hugged your leg.
"I lost Mr. Bunny. I'm sorry!" She wailed and cried.
"Hey hey it's okay no need to cry. Look I found him, he's waiting to hug you again." She gasped and dove into a hug with the plush.
The cops looked at you questioningly. You noticed their gaze and explained. "I won it earlier and she really wanted it so I gave it to her, I already won the fox, I just like playing the games." They nodded, a little more at ease with you. As you turned around you crashed into a blonde girl, with a police uniform. She dropped her corn dog on the floor.
"Oh my god I am so so sorry. Here let me get you a new one."
"It's fine. My fault for not paying attention and whatnot."
"No really let me get you a new one." She hummed as she wiped the little crust of the corn dog off her. Before going off with her you turned back around. "Okay I gotta go but be careful okay. Are you waiting for your mom or dad with the police officers?"
She nodded and pointed to the mirror maze. "My brother is in there trying to find Mr. Bunny."
"Okay okay good. I'll see you around, be sure to keep Mr. Bunny safe and close at all times, okay?"
She gave a watery smile and nodded. You gave her a pat on the head and waved goodbye to the group. Mike dashed out if the maze as he saw a blonde and h/c go by.
Abby was finally smiling and laughing and holding the plush again.
Mike was confused, "Abby, how did you get that?"
"Oh the girl who won it was in the maze too! She came right out when you went in and gave him back to me."
Mike stared at her and then the police who nodded along. The woman spoke, "She was a nice young thing who made sure the little was okay, even offered to buy our co-worker her food after they bumped and it spilled."
'What the fuck?' Mike nodded at the story. "Okay Abby, say thank you to the officers who were watching you and let's go."
The siblings thanked the officers and went their own way, as your friends whisked you off after apologizing to the young police officer again.
The time the paths crossed:
Your friend rolled her eyes as you sat on the bench.
"I'm tired. I just wanna sit down."
"You can sit on the carousel!"
"No, aye you go take her already. Shoo."
Your friend rolled her eyes as her boyfriend shrugged.
"Pick her up."
The two of you stared at her, then shared a look.
'Is she for real?'
'I think so.'
"Y/n I'm dead serious."
"Please let me rest! You've dragged me around the whole day, my social battery is at zero, let me recharge." You begged, if needed at this point you'd get on your hands and knees.
Your friend sighed and nodded. "Fine, rest and draw or whatnot."
Mike and Abby argued for a bit about Mike going on but with the whole tired from work thing Abby went by herself. A nice couple helped her on the horse, Mike motioned to the bench you were at, letting Abby know he was there watching. Abby waved and hugged Mr. Bunny.
Mike noticed the girl sitting there, she was slightly hunched over and what looked like drawing.
Mike cleared his throat and the girl slightly jumped. She looked wide eyed at Mike, who couldn't help but think 'Pretty.'
"Sorry um do you mind if I sit? My sister is over there and I want to watch her." He waved toward the carousel moving.
"Yeah that's fine, go ahead." Mike sat, and tried to focus on the carousel bit his eyes would slide over the girl next to him.
She was pretty, with her h/c and big e/c eyes. She had long eyelashes and pink pouty lips.
Mike's eyes dragged down her figure and noticed thick thighs. His eyes quickly shot up.
'Focus on Abby not the hot stranger next to you.'
To you though Mike looked bored and to be in his own world.
'Just say something!'
"So how old is your sister?"
Mike turned his attention towards you, "She's 8."
"Hmm. That's such a great age to take them places, since they'll actually remember it."
"Yeah, I guess so."
'I guess hes not much of a talker.'
'Are you serious? You couldn't add more to the conversation?'
"Do you have any siblings?"
You turned to him and gave him a smile. "No vut I have a younger cousin I grew up with, he's like my little brother basically. I was going to bring him but he got in trouble for fighting."
Mike smirked, "Fighting?"
"Yeah, one of the other little brats was bullying this one quite girl with braces. And it turned physical."
He cocked a brow, "And he got punished?"
You leaned in a little closer, and Mike subconsciously did the same. "Just for 2 days, hos mother just doesn't like fighting period. But she's letting me take him for the last day of the carnival and then to go get ice cream and waste the day away, basically."
Mike nodded along, "I guess that makes sense. No parent wants to see their kid fight and possibly get hurt."
"Yeah, she also wants me to stress the importance of no physical fights. Since, he listens to me a little more."
"That's nice." You hummed in agreement.
When the carousel stopped, you got up slowly, and you ripped a piece of paper out.
"Uh here." Mike took it slowly and you walked off to greet your friends, off to the next attraction. Mike eyed you as you left, eyes trailing up and down.
"Maybe fairs aren't so bad." Mike muttered to himself. Abby came running, excited riding the carousel. And Mike was excited too, he got a girl's number.
"Was it fun?" Abby nodded yes and hugged Mr. Bunny.
"Alright let's go it's past your bedtime." Abby gave a dejected look but nodded nonetheless.
'Hey, it's the guy from the carousel.'
'Which one?'
'Just kidding! I swear!'
He huffed a laugh out loud. And Abby looked at him funny as he was disturbing drawing/cartoon time.
'Real funny.'
'I am known to be somewhat of a comedian.'
'Can't always be making jokes.'
As the texting continued, Mike Schmidt was saved under "Carousel Boy ♥︎"
Mike would never admit it, but before getting your name and before the second date, you were under "my carousel girl."
I feel like mile wouldnt text at first but since he thought you were hot and checking you out he'd do it as like a let me have 1 thing "selfish" attitude but then realizes that fuck hes in to deep like by the secind date. In the carousel series, Mike still doesn't know lol he just thinks you and abby clicked bc abby wanted to have a secret between the two of you.
I lied again yall 😪 couldn't help myself
Taglist: @stinkii-boii @hellothisisprincesskitty
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fhatbhabiee · 16 days
Where The Wild Things Are
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Trucker!Jack Daniels x Reader
word count: 844
warnings: angst, accidents involving vehicles, wife!reader, no physical discription of reader, no use of y/n, dad!Jack, death, flashbacks, dreaming
note: please be aware of the warnings as some subjects that will be talked about in the fic may be sensitive to some. don't come at me bc you didn't read the warnings. also- please keep in mind of the big ass trucks in the road. don't be a dick and cut them off and then break check them. we are carrying 80k lbs and we can not stop at the drop of a hat. no one wants to get that call.
song inspo: Where the Wild Things Are by Luke Combs
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“Alright sugar I'm headed out.” Jack called out as he walked back into the house.
“Daddy wait!” the sounds of her tiny footsteps hitting the hard wood floors was something he would always cherish- no matter how far away he was.
“What is it princess?” she wrapped her small arms around his neck and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.
“I'll miss you.” he smiled and held her close.
“I'll miss you too princess. You be good for your mama you hear me?”
“Yes daddy.”
You looked over and smiled at the view, snapping a quick picture on your phone. Later on you'll end up spending hours and hours in end, staring at that picture but- we're not there yet.
“Alright Lila. Wanna go watch daddy leave?” you asked.
“Yes!” she practically squealed, slipping on her slippers before walking outside. She always admired her daddy's truck- the lights perfectly forming the outline of the long nosed Peterbilt, the large silver exhaust pipes that ran along the back of the cab, and her personal favorite- her name printed on the doors- Delilah Logistics.
You watched as Jack opened the door, throwing his duffel bag into the cab before climbing in. He looked back over at you and smiled. Time froze for a second. It's like your subconscious was telling you to capture this moment. You really didn't think much of it.
“I love you.” he muttered, before pressing his lips against yours.
“I love you more baby.”
You stood in the driveway with Delilah on your hip, as you both watched Jack pull out and drive off.
“I miss him already.” she sighed, resting her head on your shoulder.
“I know baby I do too. But he'll be back soon.”
— • —
Something felt… off. You had just put Delilah to bed and you were getting ready to hop in the shower when a weird.. uneasy feeling washed over you.
Maybe it's just my imagination.
You tried to shake the feeling but it grew stronger when you saw Jack’s black Stetson on your dresser.
He must've forgotten it.
You shook your head, trying to snap yourself out of it.
It's nothing.
You've had these feelings before but never as strong as today. You knew his job was dangerous- hell you used to do it before you got pregnant with Deliah. It's how you and Jack met. But you still didn't understand why it was hitting you so hard at the moment.
You were just about to walk into the connected bathroom when your phone went off. You walked over and noticed it was an unknown number. Usually you ignore unknown numbers but something was telling you not to ignore this one.
You wish you had ignored it.
— • —
“Mama where are we going?” she asked.
You looked through the rear view mirror and gave her a small smile. “Gonna go talk to daddy.”
You pulled into the parking lot and helped her out of her booster seat. She knew exactly where to go so you let her take the lead. She stopped at the right spot and sat down.
“Let's clean up a little yeah?” you asked as you gently brushed off the marble stone, fingertips running over the carving of his name.
“Alright.” you said before sitting down next to her and placing the carrier next to you. “Wanna say anything today?”
Delilah shook her head and looked over at her baby brother asleep in the carrier. You both sat there in silence, staring at his name.
“Mrs. Daniels?” you turned around and saw a man, dressing in uniform with a sheriffs hat on. He walked you into his offices and closed the door behind you.
“What happened?” you asked, barley above a whisper.
“Car cut in front of him. To avoid hitting the car he swerved and hit the guard rail and into the trees” he let out a small sigh before setting down a small bag in front of you. “We tried to salvage as much as we could but the cab was completely damaged.”
You stared at the bag, haunting you and sitting in the back of your closet since you brought it home. It took everything in you to pull it out and open it.
His wedding ring, his wallet, and a crumbled up polaroid picture. It was a picture of the three of you, taken at his parents ranch house on Delilah's 4th birthday. You held the picture close to your chest and sobbed. Eventually you ended up crying yourself to sleep on the floor.
You felt his thumb wipe your cheeks. “Don't cry sugar. I'm home now.” he whispered. “Our little boy. Looks just like me don't he?” he chuckled, holding your son on his hip. “Named him after me too huh?” He smiled, kissing his son's soft cheek. Next thing you knew you were laying on your side in bed, facing Jack. “I love you with all my heart.”
You jerked awake, realizing it was just a dream. And you were still a widow.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Soul link 4 - Christmas time
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Winter time had rolled in. The cold wind and cloudy skies brought ironic joy to the recruits. For a lot of them, it was a moment to spend with their families, given leave for a few days. You were also given leave. Unfortunately, you had nowhere to go. You were going to spend the next two weeks on the base, indulging yourself in some rest. Little lies told to yourself, knowing damn well you'd help with work any time you could to avoid feeling lonely.
You walked through the yard, black jeans, military boots, long flowy sleeves of your white blouse, tucked in your pants, secured by a thin belt, pretty black bow as a tie, a tiny bell in the middle, clinging at every step. It might be one of your favorite things at Christmas time. The bells. You loved the sound of the bells, jingling on hats, wreaths or trees. You opened the door to the office building, the whiff of warm air making your hair slightly float for a split second. You shivered, rubbing your arms to warm up the skin underneath the too thin fabric. You were still happy to be able to wear these clothes, a refreshing change from the usual tactical gear and military uniforms.
You hopped up the stairs, the little jingle of your bow making you smile. You turned right, heading for Captain Price's office, hoping to be given some kind of task. You grabbed your phone, checking for notifications as you skipped your way through the hallway, jumping up and down once in a while to make the bell ring. The more it ringed, the more you smiled.
You were almost there when something caught you by the waist, roughly pulling you to the right. You yelped, your fight instincts kicking in as you tried to punch the person. Your wrist was caught immediately as you were pushed against a wall. You took in your surroundings, trying to create some kind of escape plan when you noticed the files on the shelves. The archive room. The door closed, the sound of the lock being turned making you shiver.
However, you relaxed immediately, the pretty ears twitching making your muscles loosen up.
"LT..?" You asked in a whisper.
His eyes were slitted, a little frown on his face as they scanned your body. You blushed under his scrutinizing gaze. You adjusted yourself against the wall, getting a bit more comfortable. The bell rang lowly, as if in a whisper. His eyes snapped to the sound, pupils dilating. It made you gasp, your fascination growing. His hand rose to your neck, your heartbeat picking up. Two fingers hitting the gray round thing, almost hidden by the silky fabric of your bow. The sound rang in the silence. It wasn't loud. But in the density of the noiseless room, it felt like an echo in the dark.
"Are you… toying with me?" He asked with a little scolding.
"Excuse me..?" You asked.
"The bell. Are you toying with me?" He asked more firmly.
You blinked. What? The realization hit you like a truck. Cat… bell. Cat. The bell! The sound of the bell! You closed your eyes, huffing a little chuckle.
"No sir. I didn't even think of it. I thought you were out on leave." You explained softly.
He eyed you for a second.
He wasn't attracted to bells. He had a lot more self control than that. Therefore it was more than just shock when his ears and tail popped out at the sound of a distant, small, high pitched bell. He was horrified with himself. He had taken a glance out the door, seeing you, watching your phone, jumping your way in the hallway. His tail had shaken way too excitedly and he had wanted to punch himself in the face.
"Where did you get that?" He asked.
Perhaps it was a special bell. Something electronic, a special frequency.
"Hum.. it's a simple bell… it came with the bow…" you answered, confused.
His mind was running full speed, all over the place. He simply had to find the meaning of his reaction. He was a fucking lieutenant in the military, part of a special task force, he was a killer, a monster, not a pet attracted to some squeaky toy! What if he heard another bell on the battlefield?! Absolutely not!
"Sir..?" You asked.
It was hard to think. You kept distracting him. Your voice, your heartbeat, your scent. Your scent. Your scent…?
"God fucking damn it." He hissed.
It wasn't the bell only. It was the bell mixed with your scent. His eyes were wide, shock and frustration mixing.
"What?" He snapped. You flinched, he saw it. And he instantly felt bad.
"Can… I have my hand back…" you asked, looking down.
He hadn't let go of your wrist. Shit. He took a deep breath. He straightened himself, taking in his position, way too incredibly close to you, as he let go.
"Who wears a bell around their neck?" He let out.
"I do." You pouted, crossing your arms. You looked offended much to his dismay. "I like it. They sound pretty."
"What are you doing here dressed like that anyway?" He crossed his arms as well.
"I'm on leave sir! I can dress however I want." You answered in the same annoyed tone.
"Doesn't explain what you are doing here." He snarled.
"I was looking for Captain Price." You answered, trying to keep up a facade under the sharpness of his tone.
"He's not here." He informed you.
"Oh…" you looked slightly disappointed.
"What do you need?"
"Hum… nothing. Was looking for something to do." You mumbled.
"Why aren't you going home?"
You felt yourself crumble. Home. Where was even that for you? This base. Here. Was the closest thing to 'home'. You took too long to answer, and he got it. He understood. No need for whispers. He understood. It hit too close to home. He was on leave too. Price had the whole squad on leave, ordering him to go out, enjoy his days off without hiding at the base. Price knew. He knew what happened at Christmas and why he hated it so much. So he, too, was looking for something to do.
"I have to find some files for a current suspect. Some old data on him. Can't fucking find it for the love of god." He asked, a hidden offer behind his words.
"Can.. I help?" You asked back.
He nodded as you happily jumped, the bell ringing.
"No. No jumping." He warned, his hand hiding his eyes, the last little vulnerability of him.
You cleared your throat.
"Sorry… would you like me to take it off?" You questioned, hands raising, ready to take action upon your words.
"No." He hurried, words faster than his brain.
He mentally insulted himself before turning back to the shelves. "Leave it on."
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bigtreefest · 7 days
Chapter 2: Good Directions
From: Handiwork Series
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Pairing: Mechanic! Farmhand! Curtis x Bartender! Reader
Summary: Curtis shows you a couple of his favorite spots around town.
Word count: 2,229
Content/warnings: Kissing, conversation, pet name usage, really not much else, a sprinkle of angst?
Author’s Note: Takes place directly after the last chapter, and then there are a few time skips, so it ends at the same place as YCMBWH ch. 8
All feedback is greatly appreciated. I love hearing back from you, even if it’s a keyboard smash. Thank you for reading!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Cleaning up went relatively fast after Curtis stepped away. After you finished counting the drawer and wiping down the counters finally, you saw him leaning against the wooden frame, chatting with Edgar. As soon as you walked up to them, Edgar bid the two of you goodbye.
“Okay, cheese curd, ready to go?” He laughed as his cheeks flushed a little pink. He nodded, opening up the door for you and leading you out to his truck.
He helped you to hop up into the passenger seat before jogging over to his side to get in. You’ve never seen a man that big move so smoothly. It must be the farming, really. Man, you had wasted your time with those city boys. Once he was settled in and had started the car, he sat there, still for a second, before looking over to you.
“So, Cherry, have a good day at work?” It was as if he had just simply picked you up. Like this was something he’d done before and he planned to do way more in the future. You let out a giggle at his playfulness and nodded.
“Oh yeah, great day. There was this one guy who kept begging for my attention, though. But I guess it was alright, because his friend with the fancy credit card left me a huge tip.”
Curtis teasingly scoffed, but it morphed into a smile to which you returned a wink when he turned his whole body towards you in the bench seat, propping his arm up across the back of it. His body looked so big, taking up the truck cab like that, yet so inviting.
“So where to, Missy? I know a lot about you, but not exactly where you live.”
You nodded. “Oh, right. Yeah, start driving and I’ll direct you.”
You took the opportunity to slide in under his arm before he could to move it, as he shifted back to face forward. As you settled into his side, Curtis kept his eyes forward, but it was impossible to miss the way the corners of his mouth turned up and his eyes sparked as he took a deep breath, still otherwise unmoving for a second.
Curtis moved his arm anyway, just for a second, to shift the truck into gear, then put it right back to where it was around you, squeezing you closer than before and starting his drive.
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Curtis insisted on walking you up to your apartment after the short drive, which seemed like no time at all with how easy it was to talk to him. He’d been so kind, and you know Edgar had been just as decent lately, but this seemed different. It seemed like…more.
When you got to the door, you turned around and were met with the view of Curtis with his hands in his pockets, shoulders slightly slouched forward.
As your eyes met, you could feel the tension in the air, not sure where to go next. Not sure if maybe he felt the same static around the moment as you. Perhaps he was just being nice with everything lately, and that’s how they simply were in small towns, but again, it felt like way more than that. Either way, the easy conversation somehow escaped you now as your eyes shifted between his. Before you could even help it, you blurted out, “Would you just kiss me?”
Your hands gripped the collar of his flannel shirt and Curtis was taken aback by your directness. Hell, you were, too. His brain was screaming out to him. If he would’ve been able to decipher the internal screeching and put it into words, he would’ve said something along the lines of “Of course, I’ve been waiting to since the night I met you,” but instead, the wiring to his mouth must’ve been cut, since all he produced was a, “What?”
You laughed and shook your head at his expression and inability to register your words, before worry began to seep in. “I’d like to think I’m reading this right and was hoping you’d confirm it? Would you ki-“
Curtis’s brain finally caught up from the lag, and he immediately leaned down and smashed his lips against yours.
When he finally pulled away, you were the one wearing the brainless expression, eyes open and owlish at his confirmation of your feelings. You watched as his eyes slowly opened and a goofy smile came onto his face.
“I don’t think you read that wrong at all.” Curtis whispered between small pants.
“I, uh. I’ve got an early morning, but I enjoyed chatting with you tonight. I’d really like to see you again…maybe this coming week? Outside of your work and outside of the shop, you and me could do something?”
You nodded and bit your lip. “Yeah, I’d really like that. I’ll text you my schedule.”
You unclenched your hands from the fabric of his shirt and ran them down his chest. His oh-so-firm chest, before you realized maybe that was too far for tonight. You quickly moved your hands to be busy with something else, fishing for the doorknob behind you. “Good night, Curtis. Thank you for the ride.”
He simply nodded, watching you close the door and listening for the lock before turning on his heel and heading back to his car.
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That week, Curtis kept his word. On Tuesday, he knew you had off work, so he surprised you by showing up at your door with a picnic basket in hand, only having given you about an hour of notice in advance, which was just enough time to get dressed and ready.
“Hey. I made us a little something. Wanna go for a ride?”
You nodded and grabbed his outstretched hand, heading out to his truck and hopping up. You could see the blankets in the truck bed already.
You watched the country roads and fields go by until Curtis pulled into a gorgeous meadow. The sun, low in the sky, was casting a reflective glow across the wildflowers and golden grasses.
Curtis put the truck in park and hopped down, reaching for you as you scooted across the bench seat and into his arms, where he helped you down. The calluses on his well-worked hands traced down your arms to grab your hands, sending a tingle through your body, as he led you to the tailgate. He helped you jump up before stepping up, himself, once again more gracefully than you would’ve expected for someone of his stature.
He laid out the blankets before helping you settle in to the laid out picnic.
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It was a perfect date. After the meal, which was surprisingly good, you and Curtis just sat there, cuddled up in the corner of the bed, where you were squeezed in between his legs to watch the sunset. The warmth on your face mixed with that of his body behind you was comforting-almost too much.
You began to shift in his hold, the weight of everything kicking in. Maybe this was too much, too fast. You had just gotten here, the last thing you needed was to let yourself get sucked in, even if he was just so kind. Did you even know enough about him yet to say that?
Curtis took note of the change in the tone of the environment and moved around your side to look at you.
“Hey, everything alright?”
Sure, it was. You had been the one mostly pushing for things. You had been the one to kiss him, so why were you suddenly so on edge? You tried to swallow the lump forming in your throat before nodding.
“Uh, yeah. Just, um… this is really nice.”
Maybe the care he was showing was unlike what you were used to. Everywhere you went, it was just…you. But suddenly, someone else cared about what was going on in your life and made an effort to take part in it. You’re cleared your throat and attempted to clear the tears from your eyes before he could see them. You turned away from his knowing gaze and looked out towards the field.
“Everything’s really beautiful. Can you tell me about around here? I just wanna hear you talk.”
Curtis grabbed your hand with both of his, rubbing his thumbs along the back of it. He gave you a reassuring look and just simply a nod, leaning back once more and going through the history of the farm, what all the fields were used for, and the different animals, his deep voice lulling you back to a state of comfort. He told you about the old country store on the one corner, with an old Coca-Cola sign, and how his aunt used to make the best sweet tea. You settled back against his chest easily, taking in the warmth again, losing the sense of false alarm which threatened your enjoyment, and finally accepting the peace you thought you might find here.
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After that night and the amount that Curtis opened up to you, seeing him was a much more regular occurrence, especially once you had gotten the call that the part for your truck came in. The repair took longer than anticipated, though, since Curtis had to be careful of the other parts of the engine with them all being so old. The wrong move could result in the necessity of ordering yet another part and essentially having to start the process over again. And as much as he would’ve liked to keep having reasons to talk to you, he wasn’t looking for more ways to dig into your pockets, or better yet, his since unbeknownst to you, he already had decided to comp this whole job.
The long-stretching work resulted in a few late nights of Curtis taking you back to the shop with him so he could show you the progress, teach you more about the other parts of the engine you weren’t as familiar with, and maybe kiss a little bit in the break room after he washed his hands for the day.
Some nights you’d snag him dinner from the bar and he’d drive you back out into the fields, instead, sharing snacks, and conversations, and a view of the unhindered stars that lit up and reflected in his eyes. He was made for here. He matched everything so perfectly, and you matched him.
Every so often, things would switch up, Curtis would sit with his head in your lap looking up at the sky while you told him stories of your travels, what life was like in various cities, and how all the people were different. Those places were never home, though. But this place felt like it, maybe he felt like it.
You ran your fingers through his cropped hair, staring up at the sky when he spoke up between your stories.
“So you remember my cousin? And Bucky?”
You hummed and nodded, tearing your eyes from the sky to look into Curtis’s and moved your hand from the top of his head to scratch through his beard.
“Well Bucky’s only got a few nights left in town, and I know you’ve got a day off coming up. I think we’re gonna have a bonfire. You wanna join?”
You thought for a second. This was essentially Curtis asking you to meet his family. If you hadn’t felt so secure with him, you would’ve hesitated, but there was no question and you’d take any opportunity to be with him and those he considered closest. They were funny from what you remember. Kind, polite, and seemed just as decent as him.
“Sounds good.”
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The night of the bonfire was almost like any other time with you and Curtis. Warm, comfortable, enjoyable. Well, at least on your end.
You were sitting with your back up against Curtis, the bonfire smoke struggling to fight off the bugs, as you sensed something was off. Bucky and Bee sitting across from you seemed…sad. Like there was a cloud over their heads despite the wonderful weather lately.
You tried your best to make conversation and keep it. Maybe even avoiding the fact that you thought Bucky was simply a temporary farmhand, but now he seemed more like a boyfriend. Who were you to talk? Curtis was technically your mechanic. Your strong, smart mechanic who if you didn’t know better, you’d say was keeping your car for ransom so he could keep driving you places. Perhaps purposely walking through every repair step twice. That wasn’t the point right now, though, so you tried to talk to Bucky: the one who you’d heard less about.
He’d asked you what you thought of town, and if your time with Curtis was any indication, you loved it. So you asked him, as well. He seemed really locked in, like he wanted to stay forever, despite only being here temporarily as had been explained to you.
“But you’re not sticking around, right? Curtis told me this was one of your last nights in town.”
At that question, the already humid air thickened and you felt Curtis tense up behind you. Oh no, were you not supposed to say something about that? You tried to hold your expression in. Maybe if you didn’t acknowledge the discomfort, no one else would, but you heard Bucky’s quiet answer.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: Did I write another truck bed date? Yes. And would I do it again? You can bet on it.
Taglist: @angelcavill66 @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly
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readingadream · 2 months
A Twisted High
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Pairing: Bang Chan X OC Alexa/Alex
Summary: Alexa's favorite thing is Ice skating and hanging out with friend's. Chris's favorite thing is Hockey and working for the family business. What happens when these two get paired up for a school project and become each others new favorite thing.
Genre: Mafia Au, Hockey Au,
Warning and Tags: Drug use, violence, eventually smut, fluff, angst
Word Count: 1,267
Chapter Two
Chris’s POV
After school, the boys and I head over to our spot. Spotting Jamie, I sigh. I can tell Changbin feels my mood because he walks in front of me, meeting face to face with Jamie.
"What the fuck do you want?" Changbin says aggressively, making Jamie chuckle. That druggy shouldn't even be here, he could fuck up the season or worse.
"Oh, daddy didn't tell you? I'm a dealer now and you guys are supposed to add me in your little group. How exciting! So where did you park? We should get to the rink." He says with a stupid smirk on his face.
Of course that bastard went to my dad, now he can get anything he wants. I roll my eyes and start walking to my car. Felix gives me a confused look and I just shrug my shoulders. I can't do anything if someone brought my dad into this. All of us hop into my truck and head to the rink.
Once we get to the rink, Jamie jumps out and pulls out a box. I shake my head before I become a part of this. The boys follow me to the changing room. They have questions and I know it, but I have so many myself. My dad doesn't let me in on all that anymore. I get dressed as fast as I can to hopefully give the boys the hint that I don't want to talk about this, and thankfully they do. When we all finish, we make our way to the bleachers.
"This season is going to be a great one with me as a captain, don't you think? Oh, and I guess with the help of co-captain, Christopher," Minho jokingly says, jabbing at me with his elbow. We arrived earlier than I thought, since the girls were still practicing. Not that I mind, it's a nice view.
"Alex just looks better and better everyday," Hyunjin says sitting down in front of me getting his skates on.
"Damn, yeah, I would tap that," Han says while sitting down next to me. We all look at the rink and he's right, Alex is improving and she looks beautiful as ever she makes you just fall in a trance.
"She has to come here and practice a lot, she is mesmerizing." Grabbing my water and looking around, I see my cousin and wave at her while she smiles back, then goes back to her drawing book.
"I mean, if I had parents like hers I'd always be here practicing too." We all look over and see Tina looking right at me with those heart eyes and I instantly get annoyed. I pray that the girls’ practice hurries up so I can go and practice and get away from her. It seems my prayers were answered because the girls’ coach blew her whistle. As soon as I heard that, I ran to the rink and put my skates on, deciding the boys were taking too long. I start to just skate around with my stick in my hand. I then feel a gentle tap on my shoulder making me turn around. I am faced with the girl who has seemed to be on not only my mind, but my friends’ minds as well. 
"Hey umm Chris. Sorry to disturb you," Alex says shyly, looking down at her skates. Her nervousness is adorable and not something I am used to. I like this side of her, cute and sweet, different from her confident, loud self.
"Don't be sorry Alex, you're fine. What's up?" I say with a teasing smile, which makes her blush and look back to her fidgeting hands.
"I was wondering if you'd like… only if you would like too - I mean, you don't have to-" I place my hands on her shoulders to help her relax.
"Hey, relax Alex," I chuckle, rubbing her shoulder with my thumb.  I don't know why she is like this but I like it and think it would be a little fun to tease her a bit. 
"If I'd like to, what?" I smile and start to skate around her with a big smile on my face. For a second I forget that there is a rink filled with a bunch of boys and girls.
"Ha, yeah sorry. I was wondering if I could have your phone number for our project of course." She looks over trying to hide her blush but I caught it.
"Oh yeah, that would be a good idea, wouldn't it? ' Nervously, I scratch the back of my neck and we both skate over to her bag and she hands me her phone while she takes off her skates.
"You know, you have some great moves out there. Have you gotten a call from the Olympics yet?" I say giving her phone back, she laughs but then gives me a sweet smile as she puts her shoes on.
"Oh, umm, thanks Chris. You're not bad yourself. With you and Minho as co-captains, we are for sure going to the finals." I smile looking at the rink to see the boys and my cousin looking over at us, giving me confidence.
"Thanks. You should go to our game on Friday and cheer m-"
"Alexa!" I was cut off by her dad yelling for her, making everyone look at us. We make eye contact and I can see the sadness and annoyance in her eyes. We broke contact when her dad called her name again.
"OH! Gosh I'm so sorry. I got to go but I'll text you when we should meet up. Also I'd love to go to your game. Bye Chris." Alex waves, grabbing her bag and telling Chantel ‘bye,’ giving her a hug. Watching her, I smile excited to get a text from her. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a thump on the back of my head. Turning around to yell at whoever has the balls to hit me, I am met with all the boys giving me weird looks and kissy faces. I look at Alex one last time before I make my way to the boys in the middle of the rink.
"Dude your father would kill you if he sees you with Alexa. You know how he feels about her family," Changbin says, making me roll my eyes. My dad doesn't care anymore, it's more so her dad to worry about. But it's not like we actually will end up together, or that there are feelings to begin with. Right, I don't like her. She's like family, she's my cousin's best friend, that would just be weird. I mean, I know it's not as bad because it's just my cousin. Ugh, I thinking about this too much. 
"Yeah man, a Tibbits is a no no." Hyunjin comes out of nowhere standing next to the rest of the boys.
"Well he's going to have to deal with it for a while. We are working on a project together. That's it guys, nothing more." I say before taking a drink of water.
"Sure, we saw the way you guys were looking at each other all googly eyed," Minho says while making kissy faces and noises as the others laugh.
"Hey, look, the rest of the team is here, we should start," I say pointing to our couch and the rest of the team walking out to the rink. I let out a sigh of relief when they all moved their attention to the others making their way to us in the middle of the rink.
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annahxredaxted · 11 months
*a really catchy title*
Pairing: Sam/Darlin’
Tw: gets a lil spicy toward the end / cursing
This is for the fic exchange by: the lovely @mothandfrog
This is a present to: @zozo-01 hope you enjoy!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The second the sun went to rest in their little corner of Dahlia, Sam hopped up walking into the kitchen. Darlin- who was holding him close was rather confused by his actions.
“Sam?” They asked, running a hand through their hair “,what are you doing?” They asked standing up as well.
“Don’t worry about it Darlin’ just go start my car real quick would you?” He asked giving them a quick smile as he put the basket together, comprised of all their favorite food and of course some water, because lord knows they don’t drink enough.
They nodded- confused but then again they trusted Sam with their life, so they listened of course. “Okay.” They muttered, slipping on their boots and heading out the door, with sams truck keys being spun around on their pointer finger.
He finished putting everything in the basket, and he headed out to the car, placing the basket gently in the truck bed.
He walked around the side of the car door, opening to the driver's seat and looking over to see his darlin all snug and ready to go. They were wearing their favorite jacket— blood stained and all, and they just looked Genuinely Happy.
He grinned lopsidedly at his wolf, which they smiled back. “What?” They asked the smile never leaving their face.
“Nothing. You’re just cute.” He said, meaning every word. They rolled their eyes at his words- heartfelt words at that, ones he meant with everything in him.
“Anyway,” they quickly changed the subject “,where are we goin cowboy?” They asked, grinning.
Sam scowled, muttering something along the lines of, ‘how many damn times have I told you—‘ before he ended up giving up because he knew he wouldn’t win.
“It’s a surprise, Darlin’.” He said, winking- the wink they couldn’t see- but it was there.
They groaned, “I hate surprises.” Darlin’ whined, sinking in their seat.
Sam chortled, “yeah I know. That’s why i did it.” He joked, laughing at himself.
Darlin mocked him, repeating him under their breath, rolling their eyes.
“Are you sassin’ me?” He questioned, a stern look on his face, looking them dead in the eye.
“No sir.” They said, stifling a laughter, shaking their head.
He raised a brow, looking at them up and down once more before scoffing. “Yeah okay.” And he started driving.
Sam usually kept his car windows rolled down, he liked the cool summer air, and fresh breeze, the way he could see the shadows of clouds that had been so visible during the day, now a mere trace of pigment during the night.
Darlin’ like the windows down too, they liked just gazing out the window and thinking, the comfortable silence between them and Sam, and even if they decided to have a little chit chat, it was still so warm and friendly.
The car came to a brief halt, the red traffic lights radiance, shined through the window shield, making everything in its path a bright red ambiance.
Sam turned his head, looking at darlin, their feet propped up on the dash, no matter how many times he’d told them to stop- he didn’t bother now, they were at far to much peace. They sighed, a smile on their face, breathing steadily and calmly.
He admired every little thing about them, their face, their nose, their mouth, even the little shit that wasn’t physical. He liked their gait, and their will power, their confidence and strength. Everything about them was so incredible- and he’d be lying if he said he thought it wasn’t sexy to see them act like that every fucking day.
To the vampire they were everything. And the the werewolf he was their whole world.
“What?” Tank said, their cheerfulness evident. They looked at Sam, their fist still balled up and propping them against the door.
Sam chuckled, breaking out of his haze. “Nothing Darlin’ just.. admiring.” He explained away, thanking whatever god is out there that it was dark so they couldn’t see the blush building up on his face.
They rolled their eyes, looking back at the road.
“Lights green, Doofus.” They muttered, blushing themselves.
The pair arrived, Sam put the car in park, and hopped out, telling Darlin to wait. And they did.
He ran around the other side of the car, opening the door for them, gesturing them out with a smile.
“Oh thank you.” They mumbled, looking at him, a rush of adrenaline told them to grab his hand, and they almost did but hesitated. They weren’t sure why they hesitated but they did.
Instead he held his hand out, looking at them with a gleam of hope in his eyes. They mentally sighed in relief. They took his hand, and he happily walked the two the back of the truck, grabbing the basket, and a few old blankets.
They walked for a few minutes, neither said a word, it was peaceful. Sam was whistling some random Guns N’ Roses tune, and strolling along the dirt with his darlin’ by his side.
“Here let me just..” Sam started, dropping darlins hand, laying out the blankets, putting a few on top of the biggest one that was spread out. He set the basket down and beckoned them to sit down.
Once they were all situated, Sam joined them.
“So this is the surprise?” They asked, a little happy laughter, but their conscience told them it probably sounded like they were making fun of it.
“It’s great sam thank you, you didn’t have to ya’know.” They said, softly with genuine graditude
“I know I know, but.. you’ve just been so stressed lately, just thought I’d treat ya. I love you Darlin- and I don’t like when your stressed out, if there’s something I can ever do to sooth your stress, best believe I’m gonna do it. I love you.”
He said those last three detrimental words softly, and he meant them- with every fiber of his being, he felt for them deeply and he wanted them to know that they could always come to him if they ever needed to get something of their chest, or talk or just sit.
Darlins’ heart melted, the thought of someone thinking they were worth going through all the trouble for them warmed their entire soul, and Sam could feel that they felt that way, their aura lit up and it felt peaceful to the pair of mates.
Without thinking, darlin leaned close and shut the space between them, kissing Sam. He smiled into the kiss, letting out a sigh and leaning closer, he brought his hand up to cup their face, his fingers softly yet firmly into their hair, pulling them closer. a need for close proximity overwhelmed him and his Darlin’.
They pulled away, taking a quick breath. Sam looked them in their eyes, the moon shining on them complimented, Every. Last. Bit of them. Sam smiled lopsidedly, making a single fang poke out.
They smashed their lips against each others, his hand tangled up in their hair. Darlin’s hand found the back of his shoulder, pulling him closer with every kiss.
“Darlin…” sam said after he pulled away, his breath hitched and heavy as he felt his forehead touch theirs.
“Hmm?” They hummed in response, a smirk on their lips, pulling their head up to look at him. He smiled, grabbing their waist and pulling them closer.
He kissed them again, this time slow and soft, yet with passion. He pulled away once more, sighing.
“Oh fuck.” He muttered with lust on his breath.
“Something the matter cowboy?” They retorted with the biggest grin he’s ever seen.
“Oh no,” he chuckled “nothing,” he emphasized “,nothing is wrong, fact- everything is right, c’mere..”
I had a lot of fun writing this! Another shout out to @mothandfrog for hosting this and hope you enjoy @zozo-01!!
@itsdaifuku @shellssstuff @darlin-collins @youisagayhooman @verrverii!!!!
[for taglist entry just comment and/or rb:) ]
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Off In 10
Billy Hargrove x Byers!fem!reader
Word Count: 1.5k 
Warnings: illusions to smut, serious making out lmao, angry hopper and joyce being awkward mom for a second 
Author’s Note: writing for billy revives me EVERY time. That mf. I love and miss him so dearly 
Requested: by anon, Heyyy gurl, long time no see! Fr I missed your blog. can I please request a scene where Billy Hargrove and the Byers!reader are making out in his car at night in the middle of nowhere, Hopper finds them, gets pissed and drives the reader back home to Joyce? Thank you so muchhh
Summary: the request! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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Billy’s lips were addicting. Lots of girls in Hawkins could concur with that statement. He had kissed a whole bunch of them. But he would be lying if he said yours weren’t his favorite. He wasn’t sure if it was because you were Jonathan Byers older sister (by only a year). It also could just be the way your hair felt between his fingers, or the way you smiled when he showed up like you really truly wanted to see him. 
You knew you should just go into the pool but it was so easier to have access to Billy’s face when you were in his car. Sometimes you were convinced he had bought the car and immediately adjusted the seats so they were leaning back a bit, perfect angle for kissing. He could take your breath away with his lips. You found yourself smiling into the kiss, half giggling at how happy he made you. 
“Hmm?” he grunted in question. 
“I just really like kissing you,” you whispered, lips touching as you spoke. “It’s such a nice pass time.”
“More than a pass time,” he promised, leaving you chaste kisses between his words. 
“You’re right,” you said, voice breathless. Billy had to go into work and you had to take his car back to his house to get Max. You were the only person he trusted with the keys. 
Jim Hopper was dropping El and Will off at the pool. He was kind of annoyed that he had to do it but Joyce was busy back home and he wasn’t going to push. Plus, he was just happy it was Will she was hanging out with and not Mike. She could use a bit of fun that didn’t involve that piece of shit. Hopper pulled up beside Billy’s car and unlocked the doors. 
“Watch El,” Hopper said to Will as he slid out of the car. Will rolled his eyes. 
“She can watch herself.” 
“The pool is deep,” he argued. 
“I’m tall,” Eleven promised. 
It was Will who saw you. He was the only out of the three that could notice you by the back of your head. Also you were wearing one of your favorite shirts and he knew it by heart. You were leaning over the middle counsel and your tongue was very much down Billy Hargrove’s throat. 
“What?” Hopper asked when he noted Will was pausing by the backdoor. Hopper leaned over the driver seat right when you were pulling away from Billy to breathe. 
And then Jim Hopper saw red.
Billy fuckin Hargrove. Billy fucking Hargrove. 
He jumped out of his car, trying to breathe deeply, pretty much failing. Will quickly shuffled aside beside El who was standing at the front of Hopper’s truck. Hopper knocked harshly on the passenger window. You jumped, Billy’s hand sliding out from under your shirt which just made the situation much worse. 
Your eyes went wide when you saw Hopper. 
“Shit,” you breathed. 
Your time of hiding Billy was over. 
“Get out of the car,” Hopper said but you could only see his lips moving angrily. You turned to Billy. 
“Run. Go. Run inside. Use Will as cover.” You opened up the passenger door but Billy stayed put, never one to listen to what he was told. 
“Hey Hop.”
“Don’t ‘hey Hop’ me,” he said, teeth gritted. “You were swapping spit with Billy fucking Hargrove. Now is not the time to ‘hey Hop’ me.” You knew this day would come eventually. Billy got out of the car, throwing his arm on the top of his car. 
“Hey Sheriff.” 
Hopper stared at Billy like he could kill him with his eyes. He was clenching his fists, holding himself together solely because he was the sheriff and he couldn’t beat a teenager to a pulp.
“Get in the car,” Hopper said. 
“Get. In. The. Car.” You glanced back at Billy who gave you a look of sympathy. 
“I’ll be back to get Max,” you said. He nodded, eyes hard as he sized up Hopper as though he was gonna fight him. 
“Love you,” Billy called, just for added effect. You winced at Hopper’s face. 
“Love you too.”
You got in the passenger seat quietly. You stayed quiet even as Hopper got in the driver's seat, when he turned the car on and when he pulled out of the parking lot. It wasn’t for about 10 minutes did you realize he was taking you back home. He finally spoke. 
“You've always been a smart girl,” he said quietly. “So God please tell me…why you were just in Billy Hargrove’s car.” 
“Because he’s my boyfriend.” Silence. Angry, tension filled silence. 
He pulled up to your car and got out, you followed close behind him. Your mom, Joyce, was standing at the kitchen table. 
“Jonathan?” she called. 
“Nope,” Hopper said. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. Joyce leaned back to see the two of you walking inside. 
“Y/N? I thought you were picking up Max and taking her to the arcade with Lucas.” 
“I was,” you admitted. 
“No. She was making out with Billy Hargrove.” Joyce raised her eyebrows.
“The same Billy Hargrove that broke my plates?” she questioned. 
“There was a lot going on. That could’ve been Steve.” 
“Steve is a gentleman,” Hopper said. “Steve wouldn't have broken your mothers good plates.” 
“Listen, I was going to tell you. Hopper’s overreacting.” Joyce was making dinner. She put down the spoon she was using to stir a pot and leaned against the counter, crossing her arms. 
“Do we need to have a talk?” she asked quietly. 
“No. That’s okay. Thanks though mom.” 
“Are you sure? You really need to be safe,” Joyce said. You shook your head, every single night with Billy flashing in front of your eyes. 
“I’m being safe, I promise. I’m very safe.”
“You’re sleeping with him?!” Hopper asked, voice loud. You closed your eyes, breathing harshly out of your nose. 
“That’s typically what boyfriends and girlfriends do, Sheriff.” 
“El is never getting older. I need to go kill Mike Wheeler,” Hopper muttered, turning around. He ran his hand through his hair. You looked at your mom who seemed to be processing. 
“I really do have to pick up Max. If that’s okay…” 
“We really should talk about this more.”
“No…we really shouldn’t. Trust me, I love Billy. Billy loves me. He’s a great boyfriend.”
“Does he hurt you?” 
“No. No he’s never hurt me. You let Nancy sleep over here, just let me see Billy during the day and we’ll be set.” Joyce pursed her lips, sighing gently. 
“Do you need any condoms?”
You got Hopper to drive you back to the pool, begrudgingly. You were an adult, you weren’t El. He couldn’t stop you from seeing your boyfriend when you wanted. 
“Thanks Hop,” you said, getting out of his car. He stared in front of him, trying to see through the gates. You started to shut the door but he spoke. 
“If he ever does anything bad…you call me okay? Anytime. Anywhere.” You nodded. 
“Thank you Hopper. I will.” 
You shut the door gently and walked toward the gates. El and Will were still hanging around, chatting, tanning. Billy was on top of the lifeguard seat. When he saw you he took off his glasses. You looked up at him and he leaned down a bit. 
“Hey, if I jump in can I get you to pull me back out?” you called. 
“Only if I get to put my hands wherever I want,” he purred. “I see you survived.”
“I did. Though watch your back. Sheriff Hopper might be following you for a week or two.” He smiled and tossed you his sunglasses. 
“Put on your swimsuit so I have some real entertainment out here.” 
“What, the group of moms isn’t enough for you?” you questioned, putting your hand on his chair. 
“I never did get to finish what we started earlier you know.” You raised an eyebrow. “Put your swimsuit on. I’m off in 10.”
“Yes sir.” 
Stranger Things Tag List: @dpaccione @elisaa-shelby @purple-flamingo @trinswhimsys @valentina-luvs-u @demigirl-with-problems @chaotic-fangirl-blog @mads-weasley @alexxavicry @secret-obsessions-21-blog @mystic-writings @plumes-de-nuit  @linkxneptune
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streaminn · 1 year
Isekai Au 
When Enid finally meets Tyler, Xavier, or both, what is her reaction? Did she get jealous because she remembered that in this world, Wednesday has to choose between Tyler and Xavier? What does Wednesday think of Enid's jealousy? Is Wednesday amused by it? What is Tyler's or Xavier's thought for the entire Enid family as Addams' new family member, staff member, or guardian pet? Please have more thoughts about Isekai Au; it's my most favorite Au, as you wrote (Parasyte Au is second), and I just love feral and Simp Enid for Wednesday so much. Also, thank you so much for all the wonderful stories you have written. ❤️
Honestly, I think I wrote Enid not remembering much abt the place she got into
Like she knows that Wednesday and the Addams family are supposed to be bad but the longer she stayed with them all she knows is that they're very.. Ignorant?
In their own world you can say, so Enid tries to be their socially aware person for them but as a weird rat thing. Wednesday is the one who's socially aware in the novel and ig she's so socially shitty that everything she does comes off wrong
Idt Enid would really care abt who Tyler and Xavier is. I'm kinda screwing with Enid's age for when she reincarnates bc I'm making this a low key crack au and so I have an excuse for her to be a lil childish
She dies at thirteen, street rat for two years and gets snatched up by Wednesday when she's fifteen
So it's kinda hard to remember the male love interests other than one of them killing Wednesday during a rebellion
So Enid is just naturally irate at every guy
Maybe I'll have Tyler be an isekai guy too, expect he's aware that he's the main character and got hit by truck kun at age seventeen (which is right where the academy arc begins and he's thrusted into the school with the help of his og town)
Since Tyler rather likes Wednesday, he's hopping to go the 'I can fix her route' bc the whole novel had a side thing where it was a dating Sim for the academy erc
Tyler only played the dating Sim
You could woo: Divina, Yoko, Bianca, rowan, Ajax and xavier. Just not Wednesday so he's tempted
He's very confused at the monster trailing Wednesday around and wait up, she has a butler?? When did that happen.
(glad you like my rambles anon :) good to know I ain't screaming into the abyss)
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daintyduck99 · 10 months
things you said when we were on top of the world + rulie?
Reggie always used to think that, if by some rare, shining chance, he actually got the opportunity to propose to someone, he'd be incredibly nervous, possibly to the point of screwing the whole thing up. 
He isn't nervous, though. The butterflies that swarm in his stomach when he sees Julie, swinging a picnic basket and smiling like the sun, radiant in her yellow dress, joyful even though she thinks it's just a regular, run-of-the-mill Friday evening—
Those are just Julie's butterflies, the ones she's stirred in him ever since she looked him right in the eyes and asked him out. 
She hops into his truck with a giddy little squeal, leaning over the console to kiss him, though they're both smiling too much for it to be much of a kiss. She giggles. 
"Hi, baby." 
Reggie hums. He rubs his nose against hers, which makes her giggle again. 
"Hi, sweetheart." 
He gets a quick nose nuzzle from her too, and then she settles into the passenger seat, looking at him in that bright, lovely way of hers, through her lashes. 
Even if he didn't have a plan, he doesn't think he'd be nervous. Just being with Julie puts him right on cloud nine, and he knows she feels the same. He could ask her right now, and he's sure she would say yes. 
But he's always been a bit of a romantic, so he drives her to his favorite park, all of the way out to the hill where they had one of their very first dates, singing to her favorite songs all the while—
Only blushing a little when "willow" comes on, and she won't stop beaming at him whenever she sings that's my man. 
They spread the picnic blanket and nestle in the middle, admiring the edge of the city. 
They talk about everything and nothing. Julie feeds him strawberries, which maybe makes him blush a lot, but it makes her laugh and scrunch her nose, so he keeps letting her. He gets her back with a bit of peanut butter sandwich, which smears on her lips and between his fingers. Her breath catches before she kisses it away, and he lifts his chin with a victorious smirk.
She kisses that away, too, of course. 
The sun sets beautifully, perfectly, red and orange bleeding into pink and blue, and when she puts her head on his shoulder—
He knows, right then, that this is their time. 
"Hey, Julie?" 
She turns to him with a smile. "Yes, baby?"
"You know, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to love someone like you. Someone so bright, so amazing. Julie—"
And he isn't nervous at all as he unravels from her side to kneel in front of her, although his hands do tremble as he retrieves her ring and holds it out. 
"Would you let me love you forever?" 
Her hands are clasped to her mouth, and she has tears in her eyes, but disbelieving laughter spills out from between her fingers, and he doesn't know what to make of that at all—they had talked—
Then and only then is Reggie nervous. 
She must see it in his face, because her eyes get wide, and she shakes her head. 
"Oh, baby, I'm not…just wait a second." 
He squints as she fumbles for something in the pocket of her dress, only to gasp as she tips a bag into her palm and—
A simple golden band spills out. 
They both giggle helplessly as she shifts to kneel as well. Her eyes shine, and softly, through a smile, she says—
"Only if you let me love you forever, too." 
She shrieks as he tackles her, and they roll into the grass, laughing and kissing and grasping at one another with eager hands.
They have to pick the rings out of the grass later, but it's definitely worth it, and when they walk through the door of the Molina's house that evening, rumpled, grass-stained, and smiling wide, and everyone asks what happened— 
They share a look, lift their hands, and say—
"What else? We said yes."
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kissmeaboutit · 1 year
For the Buddie prompts my little angsty heart immediatelyyyy perked up at “Leave me alone” and “I needed you” 🥺
Hi hi!! Thanks so much for the prompt! I'd love to do more so if anyone has ideas totally send them my way!(See my last post for some examples and ideas)
And thank you to my friend Risa for reading this over for me!!
It happened on a Tuesday. Buck entered the station fifteen minutes late, something rare for him. The team was seated upstairs, except Eddie who had stood over the balcony the second he heard the sounds of Buck's footsteps down below. His face looked pensive, like he was trying to get a read on Buck from above.
Buck made it up the last step after changing, his shoulders hunched. He looked like he barely slept. The team followed him with their eyes as he poured himself a cup of coffee. 
"Hey, Buck? You aren't usually so late, is everything okay?" Bobby asked gently. Usually he was one to scold his team for tardiness, but he could sense this was different. Buck also wasn't one to be late. Buck was quiet as he put the coffee pot back and started adding to his mug. 
He hummed. "Guess so."
The team exchanged glances, each having some sort of silent conversation. Buck drank half of his coffee before heading downstairs to start on his chores,looking for a distraction of any kind.
He proceeded to avoid talking to anyone about the whole thing, not wanting to get into it right now. Or ever for that matter. He worked efficiently on calls, and to a stranger Buck seemed perfectly fine.
Eddie knew better.
Eddie wanted nothing more than to confront Buck. Not now, he told himself, instead pushing on as he looked at his best friend longingly. He wished to smooth a thumb under his eyes and wipe away the dark smudges there. To kiss his birthmark gently until he felt better.
Their last call of the day went badly. The type of call that has everyone silent and still on the ride home. Car accident with a mom and her two kids. All DOA.The gruesome scene had left them all with a  sort of haunted look in their eyes as they hopped out of the truck, going to wash up and head home. 
Eddie was glad that he had a scheduled movie night with Buck and Chris, it would be good for them to spend time with each other. Eddie was heading to the locker room when Buck passed him on his way out. Eddie's brows furrowed at how quickly he was leaving. "Hey-" Eddie gently grabbed Buck's arm which made him flinch a bit. Eddie slowly let go. "Hey, you are still coming over for movie night, right?"
Buck rubbed at his neck, adjusting the bag on his shoulder. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, sorry, I'll be there. See you later."Before Eddie could think of a reply, Buck was already walking away.. He stood there for a moment to watch his retreating form before finally going to change and head home.
Usually on their movie nights, Eddie got home and ordered food. Buck often wasn’t far behind with a six-pack of beer. Tonight, like any other night, Eddie stepped inside and found his son. He hugged Chris extra tight, kissing his curls gently. Finally, he sent him to finish homework while he ordered food. Twenty minutes passed, and there was no Buck in sight. Eddie frowned a bit as he checked his phone, no new messages. Traffic most likely. Even if Buck left before him. Definitely traffic.
Then the food arrived. Eddie was disappointed that the man at the door wasn't Buck. 
To: Buck 6:47pm
Hey man...you on your way?
Eddie chewed his nail as he took the food out and placed it on the table. He had ordered from Buck's favorite Italian place. "Chris? Wash your hands please," he called to his son, trying to ease the growing knot in his stomach.
From: Buck 7:18pm
sorry. can't make it
"Dad! Do you think Buck will want to watch Brother Bear?" Chris called from the living room where he was now picking out a movie. Eddie quickly felt his worry turn to anger.  Buck was standing them up.The frustration built as he recalled their day and Buck’s behavior. He should have known by the way that Buck avoided his eyes at the station that he was lying.
Eddie tamped down the swirl of emotions and took a deep breath, rounding the corner into the living room to face his son. "Chris, hey bud. Uh, Buck isn't going to make it tonight," Eddie said as he took a seat next to him. 
Chris' shoulders slumped at the words. He looked back at the screen where he was hovering over the play button, dropping the remote on the couch and getting up. 
"I'm going to work on my project," Chris said before excusing himself. Eddie completely forgot that Buck had offered to help Chris finish it up tonight. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, sinking into the couch and staring at the TV. Eddie really needed this tonight. Just like Chris did. He knew Buck did too.
Which is why the next  morning after Eddie dropped Chris off at school, he stopped at Buck’s loft. He didn’t bother to knock as he used his key to unlock the door and let himself in. 
“Buck?” he called as he shut the door behind him. He started up the stairs, listening for any sounds. When he reached the top he was met with the sight of Buck curled in the middle of his bed, his hand smoothed over a tiny LAFD onesie. His eyes were open and red as his finger trailed over the lettering.
“What is going on, Buck?” Eddie stepped closer, brows furrowed. 
Buck didn’t even look up at him, just stopped his hand and let out a slow breath. “Leave me alone, Eddie,” he grunted out.
Eddie’s eyes narrowed. “No. You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to shut me out. What the hell happened last night, huh? You just bail on me and Chris without saying anything? You knew at the station you weren't coming.” He shook his head, letting out a humorless laugh.
“C’mon Eddie, it’s one night. Can you just fuck off for one day?” Buck rolled over to the other side of the bed, back to Eddie now. 
Eddie tossed his hands in the air and got onto the bed, pushing Buck onto his back. He pinned his arms down. “Look at me when I'm talking to you. What the hell is your deal?!”
There was a moment of resistance before Buck gave up and stared up at him. “The kid isn’t mine. Okay? I-fuck. The timeline ended up being off, the baby is Connor’s. I should be happy for them! I should, but I-” His eyes glossed over. “This was my only shot. I know this baby wouldn’t have been mine, but I figured it was probably my only chance for-”
“Are you joking right now?” Eddie felt even more furious than when he had come here. “Are you serious? I-God, I needed you! I needed you last night. That call ruined me and then Chris…he was so devastated that you ditched him. You are such a dick, Buck. You already have a son, and you bailed on him to mope over a baby you were never going to have any connection with?” Eddie hissed out.
Buck stared up at him, his mouth parted as if he couldn’t move. “He’s not-”
“He is, Evan. He is your son. He loves you like you are his dad. If you can’t see that then I don’t know what to tell you. Your son needs you. So suck it up, stop mourning a child that wasn’t yours. Then, come home with me,” Eddie whispered.
Buck blinked back tears, swallowing hard. Their position was becoming more noticeable now that he was thinking thoughts again. “You’re right. I… I think I was using this baby to mourn the family that I wished I had.”
“Why are you saying ‘wished’, huh? We are right here, stupid.” Eddie let Buck’s wrists go and brought both hands to cup at his face. “We are right here, and we love you. I love you.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Buck’s lips, feeling the hitch in Buck’s breath and moving back barely an inch to gauge Buck’s response. After a moment of shock, Buck bridged the tiny gap to return it.  Buck’s hands lightly twisted in Eddie’s shirt.
“If you want a baby so badly, I'll give you as many as you want. If you stop being a dick,” Eddie teased against his mouth. Buck let out a wet laugh, laying his head back into the bed. He reached up to brush at a tear that rolled down Eddie’s face and kept his hand there.  Despite his joking tone, the emotion in his voice was thick. The happy light in Buck’s eyes turned into something more sober as he continued stroking his thumb along Eddie’s cheekbone. “I am  sorry, Eddie. For last night, and for today. For doubting you guys. I love you, too.” Buck pulled Eddie back towards his lips. “You are my family. The only family I need,” he whispered as their lips connected.
They spent a few more minutes getting acquainted with each other's mouths before Buck  pulled away, still keeping their faces close and looking breathlessly wrecked. ”Hey, I just wanted to talk for a minute. As fantastic as this feels, I need to get some words out.” Buck’s knuckles gently trailed up and down Eddie’s arm. He watched the goosebumps that raised on the tanned skin. “I know I already apologized. It just doesn’t feel like enough. You guys mean the absolute world to me. I can’t even put it into words.”
“I get that.” Eddie smoothed his thumb under the dark puffy patch under Buck’s eye, just like he imagined doing  yesterday. “It feels like too much for words.”
Buck nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I know I need to learn to wake up and realize when I have something good in front of me. I need to stop thinking I don’t deserve you. I do. Because…” Buck looked up at him then, his wide eyes shining and serious, “God dammit I fucking deserve you.” Buck’s voice got louder, as if trying to convince himself.
Eddie smiled softly at him, shaking his head in amusement. “You do deserve me. I deserve you too. If therapy taught me anything it’s that I should go for the things I want. I deserve to be happy. You make me happy.”
The lump got bigger as Buck swallowed around it. He nodded a few times as the tears started up and he scoffed. “Fucking hell, don’t tell anyone about how much I’m crying today. You just make me so…” The words got lost on him as he stared up at Eddie. “How are you so beautiful?”
Eddie’s eyes widened a bit and his head ducked in embarrassment. “Uh, I dunno. Ask my parents? Actually maybe I should be asking you the same question,” he teased, leaning down to kiss his birthmark. “How are you so beautiful, Evan Buckley?”
“Shut up, You are so annoying.” Buck grinned, not looking even the slightest bit annoyed.
Eddie laughed loudly and finally dropped beside him, toeing off his shoes. “Okay, Buckley. We have T-minus 6 hours till we have to pick up our son. And you, my dear, need the longest nap of your life.” He pulled Buck into his chest, kissing his curls and not missing the way Buck beamed at the words as he snuggled into Eddie’s chest and flung an arm around his torso.
Buck’s eyes shut almost immediately after, though. He was truly exhausted, but still managed a few last words. “M’kay. We get Chris, and then go home?”
Eddie smiled into his hair. “Yeah, then we go home.”
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lavenderek · 2 years
yk whats weird that i see a lot
i feel like people have this idea in their heads that dogs are playful and loving, while other animals are Kinda Fun, Evil, or Mindless.
so there will be a video of a cat expressing affection, playing fetch, or learning a trick, and be like Local Cat Thinks It's A Dog!!!
or they'll see two farm animals hopping and playing and be like, Wow!! That Calf Is Pretending It Is Dog!!!
like, i get it, but remove your dog colored glasses just for a second.
most animals play and form emotional attachments. they have opinions and unique personality quirks. they cope with injury and fear, they have ways of protecting themselves, they nourish their young.
horses play. elephants play. pigs and deer play. birds play. bunnies, rats, cows, buffalo, elk. they all engage in play behavior.
i have had a cat who liked to play fetch with kitchen sponges. i have had a cat who loved craft pompoms - she would kick them around for a while, and then carry them to her favorite nap spot under a bed and just lie down beside them. i have had a cat who liked to roll around in my hair if i lied down on the floor. i have had a cat who loved to be chased around. i grew up with cats, and they've all shown me deep affection in their own way.
you can train a cat to be on a leash and harness. or a parrot. or a rabbit. i follow a lady on youtube who has a bigass tortoise that she takes on walks in the neighborhood. (if he gets tired and won't walk home, her dad comes out in his pickup truck to give him a ride lmao.)
so this whole "this affection and play is atypical, doglike behavior" attitude is weird to me. it's like some people only look at or care about dogs, to the point that all animal behavior is compared to that of dogs. and similar behavior is discounted as being like a dog, while dissimilar behavior is foreign and undesirable lol. any place where there is not a dog requires editing immediately - i once wrote a fan post and somebody reblogged it insisting that i should have put a dog in it.
like i get it, and i know i'm opening myself up to dog people being like "yeah!! i see a place without a dog and say no, this will not do!! there must be dog!! hehe" and like, haha. that is my point though lmao, like, it really bugged me, because excluding a dog was not an oversight on my part lmao. if i had wanted to put a dog in my fanfiction, there would have been one. write your own post lmao
and like. at worst? it really says something to me about your willingness to accept and respect other perspectives in general 😬
ok, you can put the glasses back on. my friend and i went on a walk on halloween to see everybody's decorations and see all the kids trick-or-treating, and costumed dogs were predictably present. my favorites were the ones where the people were like, "we're not animal costume people, but it seems like a wasted opportunity since we're out, so our dog's costume is Dog Wearing Shirt"
there was a pit bull puppy who was in love with my friend, and a poodle mix wearing bat wings, and a collie who saw a doberman and they stood up with their chests puffed out and the doberman said aroo and the collie said rooroo.
dogs are still good. but other animals are too. look up "apollo and frens" on youtube for an african grey parrot that i'm in love with.
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bb-babyy · 2 years
Spring Break of '86 (1)
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Warning(s): Mature; swearing; violence;
Summary: Instead of enjoying a lavish spring break with your college friends, you were off running around Hawkins dodging the police with Eddie Munson, your ex.
Word Count: 2.0k
The last thing you wanted to do during spring break was return to the hell hole known as Hawkins, Indiana. Not only was the damn town cursed, but the people were somehow even worse than the mysterious events in it. If it wasn't for your mother's constant nagging about wanting you to visit, you would have most definitely gone home with your roommate and partied until your liver jumped out of your throat from the abuse it would have had to withstand.
You took a large gulp from your cherry-flavored slushie while waiting for your brother and sister in the school parking lot. You kicked your legs as you sat on the edge of the truck bed in your beat-up truck. God forbid having them walk or take the bus or even work a minimum wage job to afford their own vehicle like you were forced to do when you still attended high school.
Gently gnawing on the tip of your straw, you watched the many cliches of high school students run past and hightail out of the parking lot. Five minutes passed before one of the twins appeared. You raised an eyebrow, silently asking where the other one was. "Matty is with his D&D club, while I still have practice. And then I'll be sleeping over at one of my friends' houses since the boy's basketball game is tomorrow, and we want to get ready together," Mary said. 
You groaned and hopped off the back of your truck. You held out your sister's favorite strawberry slushie, but she smiled apologetically and waved it off. You shrugged and asked her to carry it anyways before picking your brother's and your beverage up before slamming the tailgate closed; since the damn thing was dingy and rusted, it would hardly close with a soft click like it was supposed to. 
"Thanks, sis. I'll let mom know you won't be home tonight," you said and began walking towards the building. Before you could part ways, you gave her an obnoxious kiss on the forehead as a thank you and grabbed the unwanted drink from her hands.
She cringed and wiped the spot your lips were before rolling her eyes and walking in the opposite direction. It was safe to say that you honestly liked your siblings more before they hit puberty and became all ugh. You didn't attempt to take another sip of your drink, knowing that you would most likely spill it or drop the others in the process. 
It didn't take long to find the classroom where the club took place, especially the one you had spent countless hours in when you still attended two years ago. You fumbled with the doorknob and pressed the drinks closer to your body as you juggled the multiple tasks. You silently praised yourself from the familiar click of the door opening before using your foot to nudge it open the rest of the way. 
You quickly glanced around the room before spotting the second half of the twin set. "Matty! What the hell, dude? I've been waiting for you outside," you said as you plopped all three drinks on the table. You quickly rubbed your arms to bring back the departed heat from where the drinks were pressing into your skin. 
You paid little attention to the gaggle of nerds as they peered up at you from where they sat. Matty stood up, alarmed by your sudden appearance, and quickly stuffed many of his books and papers littered on the table into his backpack.
"S-sorry! I-I just wanted to go over the p-p-plan for tomorrow's c-campaign," he apologized. You grabbed his shaky hands in your own and forced him to look up at you. 
"It's okay; just give me a heads up next time if you want me to pick you up later," you said. Matty had Tourettes, and you had accidentally caused his shaky hand tic to appear when you spooked him. You dropped one of your hands from his own and brought the sugary drink up to his lips to help ease his nerves. A good brain freeze helped him reset.
You patiently waited until his hands had stopped the incisive movement before letting him go. You could feel the gaze of the rest of his club members on you, which caused you to take a glance away from your brother. You were pleasantly surprised by the familiar faces of Dustin and Mike, two out of four of the boys you had babysat since you were ten, and they were six until you left for college two years ago. 
"Dustin? Mike? What's up, guys?" you asked, walking closer to the duo on the other side of your brother. You held out your hand for Dustin, which caused a glimmer of understanding to appear in his eyes before you did your secret handshake. 
His lips curled into his loveable smile, which caused you to return one of your own. You would've done the same with Mike; however, he claimed to "forgot" how to do the one he had created with you.
"What are you doing here?" Mike asked. 
"I came to pick up my brother?" Your eyebrows furrowed from the obvious question. "N-no! Not here in the room, but in town!" he clarified. You let out a small laugh before throwing your arm around your brother's shoulders. 
"I just wanted to visit my baby siblings during spring break," you cooed and lightly pinched your brother's cheek. He shrugged your arm off of him and rolled his eyes. 
"Liar," Matty said. 
"I mean being stuck in Hawkins in an empty house all day since my baby siblings are too cool for me now or being in Miami with all my college friends and drinking until I forget what major I chose? Of course, I decided to come home!" Sarcasm dripped thickly from your lips.
"No, but for real, my mom said she would disown me or some shit if I didn't come home," you finished sitting on the edge of the table. The rest of the members grimaced in understanding how crazy your mom could get from the stories Matty had told them. 
You slid the unwanted slushie across the table towards Dustin and Mike's direction in a silent offering, which Dustin took graciously. You gave him a wink as he thanked you around the straw. 
Just as you were getting ready to leave, the door was kicked open, and a voice, loud and arrogant, rang throughout the room. You could feel your throat tighten as you took in the appearance of the person who walked in. 
It felt like time had stopped as familiar big brown doe eyes connected with your own. The words on his tongue died out as he took in the sight before him. Eddie Munson, your ex, the boy who broke your heart, was standing right in front of you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the sight of him. 
He looked exactly as he did a year ago; however, a few tattoos peeking under his shirt were new. 
His mouth opened and closed before he finally spoke up. "W-What are you doing here?" he asked. 
"I could ask you the same thing, Munson." Your face was wiped clean of all emotions the longer you looked at him. "W-well, you know what they say, the third time's the charm," Eddie said humorlessly as he waved his arms as if he was presenting the room before you. He had a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Your eyes widened in the realization that he meant he had been held back another year since the last time you saw him. 
You nod in understanding before addressing your bother again. "Let's get going before mom goes into cardiac arrest from us being late," you said, gesturing your head towards the direction of where Eddie stood. 
Just as you were getting ready to pass Eddie, you could see his hand reach for you, which caused you to flinch and look at him. He jerked back, and his eyes fluttered, a tell-tale sign that his eyes were beginning to fill up with tears. 
"I-It's nice to see you again," he said, lowering his arm to his side. You paused and just looked at him. You brought your straw to your lips and gave an obnoxious slurp to your empty cup before breaking eye contact and finished making your way out the door and away from Eddie.  
"We should get married once we graduate," Eddie said, looking up at you as his head was nestled on your chest. Your hand froze mid-twirl on one of his perfect curls.
"I mean, why not? I can't even imagine a future without you in it. You're literally everything and more than what I could've dreamed of! I would be a complete idiot if I let you go," he said earnestly. You could feel your chest heat up from his words and how sincere his voice was as he spoke. 
You had been together since sophomore year, and now as seniors, you were more than eager to start a new chapter of your life, and knowing that Eddie wanted more than anything to have you with him for the rest of his life caused you to choke up. 
Tears began to bubble up in the corner of your eyes. You attempted to tilt your face further up from your laying position, but it was futile as they slipped right onto the pillow underneath your head. 
"Of course, I would say yes, Eddie. I can't picture a future without you either," you sobbed. His eyes softened, and he climbed up to meet you eye to eye. His eyes began to water as he planked on top of you. 
"I'll go wherever you go. Just me and you against the world, I promise," he said. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him closer as you began to kiss him with so much passion and love you could put into a kiss. As your lips were intertwined, so were your tears as if to seal a promise that would hopefully be kept in two months. 
Not even the joint between Eddie's fingers could keep his mind at ease. All he could think about was you. It was always the same memories on quiet nights like this that seemed to plague his mind. They suffocated him; they made him realize how worthless and pathetic he was. He gave up the one good thing in life and had no one to blame but himself. 
He let the smoke invade his lungs for a few beats before exhaling. The high he attempted to chase was on the brink of his mind before it faded. You were the best high he could ever achieve, as cliche and cringe as it sounds. 
The eyes that once admired him as if the stars had aligned now looked at him as if he was nothing. He could feel his heart constricting in his chest; he knew that he had fucked up royally. Seeing you today just made a wave of new, hurt emotions come crashing down on him. Deep down, he knew he didn't deserve to have this pity party, but he couldn't help it. 
Nothing had truly felt right with him since he broke up with you through his final letter. He felt as if he was holding you back. The freak who got held back while his partner achieved great things in college. 
The long-distance did work for a while, but then it got to him, with the help of his bullies, that he finally realized that he was a washed-up nobody. Why on earth would you stay with someone as stupid as him? You could have and be with anyone you wanted, so why settle for less?  
He knew it would rip both of your hearts out, but he had no choice. You deserved to be with someone other than the Freak of Hawkins.   
He reached over to the ashtray as he finally reached the butt end of his joint and snubbed it out. As he once again envisioned you laying next to him, playing with his curls, lulling the both of you to sleep as you did all those years ago.
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bykalopsia · 2 months
ryuki eps 42-50 notes & final impressions
(note that i probably am not getting around to any of the supplementary content any time soon bc 1) there are so many 2) i'm iffy on alternate endings in the first place 3) the ones that aren't that are crossovers so i'm not watching them until i get there [which won't be for months even if i keep the pace i've been going at & 4) i'm a little burnt out on ryuki and am excited to start faiz])
the way sano just hops around while his final vent goes off and all the antelopes(?) charge is so cute
sano overall is just great. love it when a guy has no principles whatsoever.
love ren, kitaoka, and asakura taking the serendipitous occurrence of them all meeting in room 401 after tojo and the professor had moved out to sit down and go "we hate you you're stupid go kill yourself give us 5,000 dollars" to shinji. he is very stupid though god bless him
one thing i find very funny is that despite asakura being asakura he's actually pretty courteous about the game. like he very well could be (and probably would fare better if he was?) attacking people outside of the mirror world but he just shows up and acts off-putting and strange until they transform. (like he actually reads sano's business card even though he interrupted his tojo-ran-away temper tantrum?) i guess this is why he's shiro's little attack dog he's just really about being a Proper Rider.
also i'm really bad at looking at significant injuries so when tojo jumped into like that water runoff ditch (?) and it looked like something happened to his arm i got so nauseous lol. i don't think he actually got hurt bc it doesn't seem he's injured in his following scenes but still ;;;;;;;
also tojo is so Interesting to me!!!!!!!!!! (this is the millionth time i've said this) i wish i knew where in the metamorphosis he was at so i could possibly make connections. the strength of his heroic ideal and how he's carving parts of his life out (literally, by killing people lol) in order to fit in that very twisted definition yet still failing (both because it is something that is forced on his part And for the unlucky fact that other riders are just stronger than him)
ep 44 don't fucking talk to me. literally the second tojo went "you're the first person to be nice to me since the professor" my fucking stomach dropped (tbh i should have known since sano brought tojo to his apartment in the first place but w/e) that he'd fucking kill him but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
pain and fucking suffering why are all my favorites DOOMED it's literally a curse.
idk if i were tojo i'd start beating asakura with hammers that's just me though (maybe everyone's just courteous about only fighting in the mirror world bc it's a kids show.... hmm much to think about)
"i have to be the one who killed sano" please fucking hit me with a truck it'd be less painful. tojo there is something so wrong with you you are literally the best <3
also after kitaoka told him there was no way he could ever be a hero he did like a 1:1 gills scream motion which is really funny bc they don't share a suit actor
ren clocking shinji with the "has your indecision ever helped a single person" GET HIS ASS!!!!!!! but also STOP IT!!!!! bc while i really don't see a point where pacifism is successfully getting anyone out of anywhere rn (atp in ep 46 at least) it makes me feel so bad about tezuka i'm going to hurl
the way tojo died was lame though L. thematically necessary but lame. (i'm just bitter bc i wanted him to also start hallucinating sano i'm sorry my goggles are on... also i just wanted him to spiral more the car bomb was a great step i wanted it to keep happening.... i get that asakura gets to stay around bc he's shiro's little meow meow but who says we couldn't have had two maniacs until the end [logical reasoning does. who said that])
i've realized in my notes/lb i haven't talked about kitaoka's illness a bunch (because thinking about it makes me So Miserable) but seriously if they had stayed in the scene after ren tells kitaoka he's disqualified it would have been my breaking point for Ryuki Crying (i'm surprised i've lasted this long but tbh ryuki to me inspires an intense hollowness in one's gut that leaves you sitting kind of hunched over staring slack-jawed at your screen like you just got punched rather than like bawling my eyes out) but no we have to immediately cut to asakura fighting the weird blue artificial monsters i don't necessarily understand the significance of? i get that there's generally some obligation for there to be monster fighting in each episode but most of the time i feel like it's such a time waster......
^this is maybe my largest criticism of ryuki? that there's So Much that it very often doesn't sit with itself bc it doesn't have the time to. and i LOVE to sit with a scene so it's just unfortunate. give me time to think!!!
episode 49 should i kms yes/no?
shiro and yui. it's so over. it's so over. it's so over. the way his voice changed as he begged her not to disappear it's so over.
before Everything Started happening i said and i quote "it'd be slay if they let ren win lmao" to make myself laugh bc i had just been released from the Doomed Siblings Pain and Horror Vortex. and then the police started preparing to assassinate asakura and i went pause. and then kitaoka is still slowly dying (i literally can't talk about it pleaseeeeeee just let it happen so this can stop torturing me PLEASEEEEEE) AND THEN SHINJI DIED. SO.
i don't even want to think about anything anymore. i need to excise this show from my brain so i can be normal i can't do this
okay. i fucking bawled all throughout the back half of 50. YOU GOT MEEEEE YOU FINALLY BROKE ME!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS
i literally can't talk about it bc if i start crying again i think i'm literally going to puke i was heaving
um. anyways. good show. i need to go lay down. maybe forever?
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