#my college professors have brought it out in me that oh right. this is my shit. this used to be what i was independently motivated to read
britneyshakespeare · 2 years
i’m a smart girl i got a 98% on my physical science exam
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muchosbesitos · 9 months
la apuesta
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pairing: college!miguel x fem reader
warnings: miguel being a bit of an ass, face-sitting, oral (i probably forgot smth 🧍🏻)
author’s note: thank you for all the support for friends with benefits 🥹 anyways i got this idea from c.ai miguel using me as a bet LMAOO (he was supposed to be my roommate only 😖)
word count: 3037
You were the bane of his existence. He hated everything about you, from the way you smiled at everybody but him, to the way that you carried yourself, with kindness and respect even if it wasn't reciprocated. He hated the determination you had towards beating him at everything academically, putting in late hours at the library and studying for tests weeks in advance. What he really hated the most about you, though, was the way he could never find himself to truly hate you.
Which is how he found himself agreeing to a stupid bet that Peter B. Parker had brought up mid smoke sesh. Miguel had spent the last thirty minutes ranting about how you annoyed him today, about your test score and how he was so sure you cheated, and mostly about how you faked being nice with everybody when Peter interrupted him with the proposition. "What if we made a bet?" he started off, getting Miguel's attention as he passed him the blunt. "Let's say you can make her fall in love with you in two months for a hundred bucks," Peter added when Miguel took a hit from the blunt, a cocky smirk on his face. "Let's do a month for two hundred, yeah?"
The next Monday, Miguel found his gaze going to you during biology, the wheels in his head turning to figure out how to win you over. Would you like flowers? Grand gestures? Just the thought was starting to make his head hurt. He decided to start off slow, choosing to sit next to you before the class started. "Good morning," he offered with a small wave, which you returned with a smile on your face. He spent the class period looking at you through his peripheral, handing you a pen when he saw you digging your bag and giving you his notes when the professor moved through the slides too quickly.
"Go to lunch with me," he said after the class ended, watching your eyes flicker with surprise, a bit surprised himself by the offer. He wasn't one to go on casual lunch dates or even pursue someone, people usually pursued him and he didn't do much to find someone to sleep with him. "Well my daily ramen budget thanks you," you replied with a small chuckle, walking next to him after the class ended to the cafeteria. He found himself willingly laughing at your remarks, asking more questions about you, before reminding himself that this was all part of the bet. he refused to be a cliché and be the idiot to fall in love.
"Pickles and mustard? We might have to end this lunch date right now," you remarked, watching as he now added hot sauce to the mixture. It was odd, having lunch with Miguel O'Hara since you were pretty certain he hated you and he only had lunch with his close friends, but you still enjoyed his company and hearing his point of view of how he saw the world. "Oh c'mon, you can't say anything until you try it out," he protested you, handing you a pickle slice, the look on his face practically daring you to eat it. You took a tentative bite, your face morphing into a grimace as you spat it out, taking a sip from your water bottle. You looked up to see Miguel fighting back a laugh, tossing the pickles to the side as he looked over at you. "I can't believe you actually thought I eat that," he remarked with a smirk on his face, laughing as you hit his arm playfully.
The next week had been spent like that day, from trying out new food combinations, exchanging class notes, to spending time in his dorm room and studying. He had taken a break from studying, looking over at you reading the biology textbook and biting down on the pen in your hand, the small action emphasizing how pretty your lips were. He pushed a strand of hair away from your face, an easy smile on his face as you looked up at him. "It's such a shame that the test won't be covering me," you teased, seeing his closed textbook on the floor. "Such a shame indeed, I'm sure I'd be getting top grades," he replied with a smirk of his own, his fingers trailing the back of your neck. He watched you for a little bit, taking in how pretty you looked when you were concentrated and how much he seemed to enjoy your company without giving much thought to the bet. "Go on a date with me," he blurted out after a couple minutes of silence, watching you carefully for your reaction.
He found himself Googling best date ideas and even going as to making a Pinterest board full of things he deemed would be fun for both of you. He ended up going with a classic picnic date, buying sandwich making materials and a small Lego set. He arrived at your dorm room a couple hours after he confirmed you were free, fighting back a smile as he saw you open the door. You were wearing a yellow sundress that complimented your curves perfectly, pairing it with white flats. He stumbled over his words as he took you in, spitting out something that resembled, "Te ves hermosa." Your laughter was like a soft melody that reverberated through his ears, unable to keep his gaze off you. You closed your dorm door, walking next to him to his car. (you look beautiful)
He stopped in front of City Hall Park, claiming that it was underrated by Central Park's attraction. He set down a checkered blanket on the grass, sitting down as he took out the contents of the basket. You two fell into easy conversation, talking about your friends, school assignments, and just personal details. You two started to make your sandwiches as you took sips of the cheap wine he'd picked up, your past suspicions about his intentions dissipating with every passing moment. He pulled out the Lego set, a Star Wars battle ship, and felt himself grow even more comfortable in your presence when he discovered that you were also a fan.
The date had ended with Miguel dropping you off at your dorm room, his hands wrapped around your waist as he tried to prolong your leaving. You looked up at him, a small smile on your lips as you pushed a strand of hair away from his forehead. He leaned down, his hands practically moving you closer as his lips gently brushed yours. "Is this okay?" he murmured, his hands gently brushing the back of your neck before you leaned in, your lips enveloping his. The kiss started off tentative and gentle but soon, your hands were wrapped around Miguel's neck as you pulled him closer to you and your lips moved in tandem with his, the taste of him and the wine dizzying. Both of you pulled away a couple seconds later, just taking a moment to take in the moment before he kissed your forehead. "Buenas noches." (good night)
Most of the month had passed by with you two continuing to go on dates, making out in his room, and studying for your biology tests together. The fair had come to town recently and Miguel had gotten you two tickets for today after some relentless begging from your part. He took out the two tickets after he picked you up from your last class, a small grin on his face as he saw the way your eyes sparkled from excitement. "I'll pick you up at eight, chula," he said, leaving you at your dorm as he gave you a kiss on the cheek before walking away. (pretty)
Your jaw dropped when you opened the door, seeing Miguel ditch his usual hoodie and sweatpants apparel for a button down tee with some jeans. He gave you a lopsided smile, leaning down to kiss your cheek as he smelled the crook of your neck. "What if we ditch the fair and stay home?" he murmured, his lips ghosting over your neck before he kissed it. "Very funny, but I did not spend two hours looking at youtube makeup tutorials to stay home," you said, laughing a bit before walking off to your closet to finish getting dressed. You and Miguel had changed in front of each other, made out, and cuddled but you never had sex together. Partly because you were a virgin and you were worried he'd be turned off by your lack of experience given his past and another part being to just general fear of how big he was, how much it would hurt.
You and Miguel walk into the carnival a couple minutes later, looking around at some of the rides before your eyes settled on a My Melody plushie by the ball toss. You ran over, blindsighted by how cute it was and paid the attendant before tossing the balls at the bottles. Miguel walked over, his arms folded as he watched you, the look of determination on your face to get the stupid plushie. He couldn't help but feel bad as he saw the small pout on your lips when you'd missed one of the bottles, deciding to try it out for himself.
"Thank you!" your face practically lit up as he handed you the plushie, a smile forming on his face as he looked at you. He would be willing to do a hundred more of those ball tosses if it meant he got to see you smile like that again. He wrapped his arm around your neck, guiding you towards some rides he'd thought you'd enjoy. He took in every single one of your expressions, basking in how excited you seemed to be even with the most boring rides.
The last ride of the evening had been the ferris wheel, he realized it was a little corny, but he wanted a couple minutes just to have you to himself. He found himself looking at you rather than the view of the city, grabbing your chin so you'd look at him and he dipped his head down, meeting you in a kiss. "Te amo, hermosa," he whispered, his lips moving towards your earlobe as he nibbled slightly. You took a minute to let the words process, and even though you had never really experienced what being in love was like, you found yourself coming to the realization that you were in love with Miguel O'Hara. "I love you," you said, your hand on his cheek as you looked at him before meeting him for another kiss.
You and Miguel had ended up at his dorm after the carnival ended, tongues and mouths clashing as he pinned you against the wall. He took off his shirt and you finally snapped back to it, looking up at him nervously. "Miguel. I'm a virgin," you said, breaking the silence in the room and you saw his eyes flicker into something.. darker. "We don't have to anything you don't want to, chula," he assured you, taking in note of your reaction as he rested his hand on your waist. You took a moment to think about this, really think about this, before looking up at him with a ghost of a smile on your lips. "Can we just try oral for tonight?" you asked, rubbing the back of your neck.
He swore he could've came right then and there with the way you asked him, nodding mindlessly as he went to his bed. He cleared some of his biology books off it, laying down as he looked over you at you. "Sit on my face, princesa," he said, nonchalantly, as he saw the redness start to creep up on your cheeks. You started taking your clothes off, looking at him from the edge of the bed as you nibbled down on your bottom lip. "Are you sure I won't crush your face?" You asked, letting out a little yelp as Miguel pulled you onto the bed. You rested on his lap, his hands settled on your hips as he looked up at you. "You won't hurt me," he reassured you, drawing small circles on your thighs with his fingers.
You slightly hovered above his face as he began to lick a stripe down your pussy, letting out a muffled moan as his hands pressed down on your thighs. “I thought I told you to sit on my face, not hover,” he said, slapping your ass before he pushed your hips down. You fell down to his expecting face, your hands immediately gripping the headboard as you felt his tongue plunge into you. His hands grip on your thighs as he continued to lick and suck on your pussy, your juices coating his lips in the most delicious way possible. Your hands tangled in his hair, tugging on the strands gently and he let out a moan, the vibrations making you grind against his face.
He encouraged you to grind on his face, moving your hips against his face as his tongue continued to lick in your pussy, plunging in the most delicious angle possible. He replaced his tongue with his fingers, scissoring them to work his way in as his mouth closed around your engorged clit. His tongue ran small circles around your clit, his fingers working in tandem as he curled them, hitting that spot inside of you. You moved your hips against his fingers, moaning out incoherent strings of his name as you felt something building up in your lower stomach. "Miguel, I feel like I have to pee," you moaned out, but he continued with his ministrations, only intensifying them after you said that. Your back arched as you released into his mouth, looking down to see him licking his lips and the side of his mouth. "Que deliciosa," he said with a small chuckle, getting you off of him. (how delicious)
You looked down at the obvious bulge in his pants, seeing his almost pained expression and he was about to reassure you that you didn't need to return anything, but you got down on your knees rendering him speechless. You slid off his boxers, picking up some of the precum with your finger and licking it off. "Tell me if you want me to something different, okay?" You told him before you brought your mouth closer to his reddening tip. You started off sucking it slowly, his hands making their way to your hair while one of your hands started to pump his length. You took more of him in your mouth, getting adjusted to how big he was before you started to bob your head. He let out soft moans and whispers of your name as you continued, feeling in complete bliss as you did so. You looked up at him, your doe eyes almost making him come right then and there as his hand worked on guiding your head, never forcing you.
He felt himself coming closer to that edge as you licked on a vein, feeling goosebumps forming on his skin. You took all of his cock in your mouth, feeling your eyes water as you adjusted to having him in so deep. You looked up at him and he let out a raggedy moan as he came in your mouth, maintaining eye contact with you. He helped you get up from the floor, dipping his head down to meet you for a kiss.
He cleaned in between your thighs with a warm washcloth, cleaning himself off as well before walking over to his dresser. He took out a shirt, handing it to you with a small smile. "Stay the night," he offered, looking at you expectantly. You nodded, taking the shirt from him and putting it on, the material falling over you like a dress. You both laid down on his bed, your breathing in tandem as you laid on his chest. "You're not pissed off we didn't have sex right?" You asked out of the blue, not wanting this thing you had going on with Miguel to end. He let out a small laugh, his hand stroking your hair as he answered, "Claro que no, mi amor. Even if it's not with me, don't let anyone pressure you into something you're not ready for." You couldn't help but feel your heart melt a bit as he spoke, your legs tangling with his. "When I do feel ready.. I'd like for it to be with you," you whispered, kissing his cheek. (of course not)
Peter had seen the events at the fair, shocked to say the least, at how obvious Miguel was being with his feelings towards you. He decided to give Miguel a wake up call tomorrow, remind him that this was all part of the deal, that he wasn't meant to be going out and falling in love with you. He knew how it ended with his last girlfriend, Xina, and how detached he had been from everything, a shell of his former self.
You walked over to Miguel's dorm, about to knock on the door when you heard him talking with Peter about something. You didn't mean to eavesdrop, obviously, but you were also curious to know what his friend's opinion was about you. "Dude, don't lose track of what we're doing here. you're not supposed to actually fall in love with her," you heard Peter say, your eyes widening a bit as Miguel let out a chuckle. "As if I could actually fall in love with her. she's nothing but just another bet, man."
The words rung through your ears, but you blinked back the tears that were threatening to come out as you forced yourself to knock on Miguel's door. you saw the surprise flash across his face for a split second, exchanging a look with Peter before looking back at you stoically. You wanted to cry, you wanted to beat yourself up for being so stupid and falling for his charms the same you'd reprimanded your friends, but you swallowed that all back and simply said,
"I left my biology textbook in here."
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anothermansjeans · 12 days
hear me out...
youtuber reader making a tiktok of spencer teaching while she's sitting in on one of his classes and people just thirsting over him in the comments
the comments... they'd be feral
cw: talks of serial killers, college girls love spencer reid (im a college girl and can confirm), comments are thirsty
wc: 526
youtuber!reader masterlist
Recently, Spencer has been doing some guest lectures at the nearby college. It was something he loved doing– teaching, that is– and he invited you to sit in on one of the lectures after hearing how jealous you were of all those college girls who audited (though you’ll never admit you were jealous, those words were completely out of Spencer’s mouth).
You sat in the back of the room, making sure not to disturb anyone who was there to actually learn. You couldn't help but to peek your phone out and capture some moments on video every now and then.
“And so the United States has the highest number of serial killers in the world.” He spoke with his hands, all eyes zoning in on them, “but according to a study, the number of active serial killers has decreased. This decrease could be because of the lag time in identifying serial killers.”
The lecture went on for another hour, and you captured a few more moments, from more serial killer facts to a joke. “A linguistics professor says during a lecture that, ‘In English, a double negative forms a positive. But in some languages, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, in no language in the world can a double positive form a negative.’ But then a voice from the back of the room piped up, ‘Yeah, right’.” Unfortunately, no one really got the joke, but he quickly moved on from it. When it was over and Spencer finally finished speaking to the last girl, you walked up to him with a cheeky smile.
“Wow, Dr. Reid, you were so great up there. Do you mind giving me a private tutoring session,” you batted your eyelashes as he scoffed.
“I’m just doing what all of those other girls did! They were practically drooling over you.”
“They were not!” His voice went up an octave, causing you to laugh.
“Mhmm,” you straightened out his tie as you spoke, “I got some footage of you teaching. Can I post it? You can watch it before answering, and you don't have to feel like you need to say ‘yes’. I just thought–”
“You can post it.”
You paused your movements and gave him your full attention, “you're sure?”
“Yeah.” He brought his hands to your hips, giving them a quick squeeze, “I trust you. I also know how your followers act, and I'm interested in seeing the comments.”
A cackle left your mouth, “oh my, God. Your ego.”
“I do not!”
“Mhmm, whatever you say babe.”
Bonus: some comments
@ user1: y/n can you fight?
@ user2: HIS HANDS??? girl not to be THIRSTING OVER YOUR MAN BUT WTF
@ user3: you are so strong… i see that girl in front of you checking him out 😭
@ user4: how are you not currently frothing at the mouth
@ user6: i am trying to be so respectful girl 😔✊
@ user7: god has favorites and you're one of them fr fr
@ user8: why are YOU BOTH SO ATTRACTIVE
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666 @lyd14k4y @happiestcat @hauntedtv13 @obi-wansgirl @charismatic-writer @navs-bhat @itsleilabxtch @strabarrybat @hiireadstuff @cherrybb-ily @wietske27 @mynameiskelly @mcntsee @aremuslupinsimp @universallyblizzardlove
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
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mysteryshoptls · 8 months
SSR Rollo Flamme - Student Council President Robes Vignette
"...How carefree."
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[Noble Bell College – Bell Tower Interior]
Rollo: Sigh… There is a slight chill. In addition, the sun is rising later as each day passes.
Rollo: Heh… This is a wonderful season. The time I must spend exchanging idle prattle with my idiotic classmates grows shorter.
Rollo: Now, before everyone awakens, I will do what I can to fulfill my duties.
Rollo: …And it would be a nuisance if I were to be spotted by those irritating bunch, as well.
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[Noble Bell College – Bell Tower Upstairs]
[gargoyles clanking around]
Rollo: AUGH, SILENCE! You blasted gargoyles.
Rollo: All your merry romping is completely undignified. Can you not settle down for even a single moment?
[gargoyles happily clanking around]
Rollo: Ugh, yes, I will be sure to tend to you all next weekend. After all, I cannot tolerate abandoning a task that I have taken on.
Rollo: If you understand, then leave me be. I have more important matters to attend to.
[gargoyles clank away]
Rollo: …Finally, they've left. Good grief, they are indeed a troublesome group.
Rollo: It is repulsive enough that they operate on magic, but they are much worse in conjunction with all that atrocious noise...
Rollo: If their whole purpose of existence were not to protect the bell tower, I would have long ignored those hunks of stone.
Rollo: …Would you not agree, dear Bell of Salvation?
Rollo: Heheh. You are as beautiful as ever today.
Rollo: How wonderful it would be if everyone were just like you.
Rollo: You ring when you should ring and are silent when you should be silent. Nothing could be more appropriate and certain.
Rollo: …Ah. The sun will rise soon.
Rollo: I should finish cleaning before the bell ringers arrive.
Rollo: Please bestow upon us your beautiful resounding tones again today, dear Bell of Salvation.
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[Noble Bell College – Courtyard]
Rollo: It's finally time for lunch.
Rollo: This should be a good distance away so I would not have to suffer the prattling of those unpleasant mages. I shall rest here…
???: Oh, President, here you are!
Rollo: Hm?
Vice President: I was searching for you, Rollo-kaichō. Why are you eating your lunch all the way out here?
Rollo: Oh, it's you…
Vice President: I see you're having bread for lunch. I never see you in the cafeteria, so I had no idea.
Rollo: That's right.
Rollo: 2 croissants and 16 singular grapes, as well as one cup of café au lait.
Rollo: That's all. That is my lunch every single day, 365 days a year.
Vice President: Eh, every day? YOU HAVE THE SAME THING FOR LUNCH EVERY DAY!?
Rollo: With a strict routine, I am able to forgo any unnecessary desires. It is rather refreshing. I wholeheartedly recommend you try it as well.
Vice President: I-I don't think I could do it. I'd probably get tired of the same stuff quickly.
Rollo: …How unfortunate that you are not a kindred spirit. More importantly, you had some business of me?
Vice President: Ah, right. Your professor was searching for you just a moment ago.
Vice President: It sounds like they wanted your permission to publish in a newspaper the essay you wrote on your impressions of that one book.
Rollo: A newspaper? …You wouldn't happen to be referring to the "Shaftlands News," that I read for my morning paper, would you?
Vice President: That's right. It's absolutely amazing that you'll be featured in such a big newspaper! That's Rollo-kaichō for you!
Vice President: I also heard that you were the only one who received a perfect score on the Potionology test in today's class.
Rollo: Hmph. It's nothing of import.
Vice President: No need to be so humble! Why, just the other day, you even brought to bloom a water blossom that is said to be very difficult to cultivate. The professors were very impressed.
Vice President: I truly hold you in high regard. There is no other mage at this school that has as much exceptional expertise as you!
Rollo: Is that so? …How ironic.
Vice President: Is something the matter?
Rollo: Nothing of concern. Rather, thank you for your message. Sorry to have caused you trouble.
Vice President: Not at all! But since I'm here, could I take lunch with you?
Rollo: …Well, I am just about done eating. I will be heading right to the professor's office now.
Rollo: Forgive me, but I must head out. We can partake in lunch together some other time.
Vice President: Alright. Then, we'll do it some other time!
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[Noble Bell College – Lecture Hall]
Rollo: …How carefree. Why would he speak to me so familiarly, when he cannot even understand my thoughts…?
Rollo: Ah, but there is no time to dwell on that. I must head towards the staff room.
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[City of Flowers]
[enters store]
Rollo: Hello.
Rollo: …Yes, that's correct. I would like to order the usual letterhead and envelope. Yes, one of the white ones.
Rollo: …Heh, I agree. Even if it may be considered an anachronism, I believe letters are wonderful tools.
Rollo: It may not be as convenient as sending an e-mail or making a phone call, but with more care and thought placed into each word, one can avoid any careless language.
Rollo: Hm? There is a cheaper stationary set similar to this one, from a different maker? …No, I am perfectly content with my usual fare.
Rollo: I could not bring myself to change the physical appearance of the letter after writing them for so long. I prefer to keep my things consistent and orderly, after all.
Rollo: …Yes, indeed. Thank you for everything, as always. Goodbye.
[leaves store]
Rollo: …A superb shopkeeper. As one would expect from a resident of the city that the Righteous Judge loved so.
Rollo: As a student of Noble Bell College, I must strive to be just as noble.
Rollo: …This city is a pleasant place to reside. The people are amiable, and the scenery is fantastic.
Rollo: However, all these beautiful flowers were originally cultivated with magic…
Rollo: Flowers… Magic…
Rollo: Mheh… Hehehe… Hehehehe…
Goat: Baa, baa.
Rollo: Hm, a goat, is it? What do you hope to gain from nestling up against me?
Rollo: Perhaps you are hungry. Unfortunately, I don't have anything that you could eat.
Rollo: If you are hoping for me to feed you, you would be better off finding someone else…
Goat: Baaa~
Rollo: What? …Are you attempting to snatch my stationary!?
Rollo: How vile… No, you cannot have it. I am very partial to this specific stationary.
Rollo: Moreover, eating paper will cause you digestive issues. I shan't think any less of you. You should give u… Hey, let go this instance!
Goat: Baaa~~
Rollo: You wretched goat! If you do not release my papers, I will have to just…!
Rollo: Ah. No, there are too many people who may see…
Rollo: If you weren't a creature cherished by this city, I wouldn't hesitate to send you flying.
Rollo: Consider this a narrow escape.
Goat: BAAA!
Rollo: Don't you dare gnaw on my robe! I may find the City of Flowers to be spectacular in and of itself, however I cannot approve of these unsanitary conditions.
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[Noble Bell College – Student Board Room]
Rollo: "In conclusion, I am doing as well as ever. My best wishes to you both, as well." …
Rollo: …Perhaps that is a tad too formal.
Rollo: No matter. It is enough for my parents to hear that I am doing well here.
Rollo: They have always been worrisome…
Rollo: Much too worrisome… Ever since…
Rollo: …
Rollo: The fire…
Rollo: …
Rollo: …Well. I suppose I could provide additional updates in the letter.
Rollo: I'm certain I will be unable to fall asleep sufficiently tonight, at any rate. I'll continue revising it as much as possible.
Rollo: I have nothing but time, after all…
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Requested by @raven-at-the-writing-desk.
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crushedgraham · 4 months
18+ request: in modern/au, fem!reader and Alcina are married and she's a college professor and she's on a zoom call and reader tries to break her composure, like eating her out underneath her desk?
thank you!!!
Getting that A
Pairings: Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader
Summary: Alcina seems stressed, so much paperwork and now a lecture over zoom? It only seems right as her wife to try and lighten her load - on your knees.
Warnings: Roleplaying, a little degradation, exhibitionism, Modern AU
There are very few people who would willingly listen to two hours worth of art history, but when the lessons were taught by your goddess of a wife? Suddenly it didn’t seem so bad. Maybe it was the way the vocabulary rolled off her silver tongue or perhaps the designer glasses that sat perched perfectly on the ridge of her angular nose. You couldn’t care for the reason, all you knew was that you were married to the sexiest professor in all of Romania (possibly the world) and she was missing from her rightful spot between your thighs. 
Your knuckles knocked quickly against the deep mahogany wood of Alcina’s office door, followed by a distant “Come in.”
Pushing open the heavy door, your eyes immediately fixate on Alcina’s powerful figure sitting behind her desk. You shoo the lustful thoughts away as you note the stacks of paper scattered across the desk along with a pale finger rubbing at her brow bone - a habit you’ve come to know when your wife is particularly stressed.
“Draga? Is everything alright?” You’re snapped out of your own little world by weary blue eyes searching yours.
“Hm? Oh yeah, I brought your lunch up since you skipped breakfast.”
She resumes her incessant scribbling as you gently rearrange a few papers to make room for the tray. “How sweet of you, my love. Thank you.”
Though she made no move to react any further, her eyes remained glued to the documents. Taking this as a challenge, you saunter around the desk until you're by your wife’s side. Your hands glide along the neatly rolled sleeves that cling just enough to her forearms, up to her tense shoulders where your fingers press into a tight knot at the base of her neck. Alcina’s reaction is immediate, her hand stilling, her long eyelashes fluttering shut and the sinfully low groan that rumbles deep from within her chest. 
“You’ve been working so hard, take a break, baby.” Your breath tickles the shell of her ear and you punctuate the end of your sentence with a nip at her earlobe. 
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, I have a zoom lesson in five minutes.” Her tone is threatening but all it does is make you want her more. 
Alcina was a very experimental woman and that extended into your sex life. There was a particular kink that you knew she had that had been untouched for quite some time. This was quite a fitting situation to strike at it.
“I’m sure I could help you de-stress and listen to the lecture at the same time, professor.”
Her eyes meet yours, silently asking if this is what she thought it was, all you offer is a cheeky grin as you kneel like a saint at the feet of their goddess - you were always ready to worship your lady. 
“Let me help you, professor, please?” 
The space underneath her desk is slightly larger than an average sized desk because Alcina was anything but average. From this angle, she got a wonderful view of your cleavage that your tight dress top did little to conceal. She might not outwardly express it but the dilation of her pupils was all the encouragement you needed to nuzzle your cheek against the cold metal of her belt buckle - your hands groping and squeezing the strong muscle of her thighs. 
Alcina tuts at your neediness, “Such a slut. Well go on, prove yourself useful and I just might let you pass.” She goes back to work, now clicking away at her computer to get the zoom meeting ready. 
You unbuckle her belt with vigor, dropping it on the floor with a soft thud when it makes contact with the plush rug that aids your exposed knees that will surely bruise after this. The button on her suit pants is stubborn and takes a bit of cautioned yanking that earns you a glare but you undo it nonetheless. You tug the pants down just below her knee caps, revealing her lacy black underwear. Alcina spares you one last glance before clicking the “start meeting” button, students knowing your wifes strict rule of punctuality, begin flooding into the meeting.
The heady smell of her arousal mixed with the accents of her perfume and cigarettes mix to create an aphrodisiac that only you would ever witness. Shuffling forward, you press your tongue flat against the wet patch that stains the center of her underwear. The faint taste adds to the burning heat between your own thighs. Hungry for more, you yank the delicate lace to the side - a moan nearly slipping out from your lips as the sight of Alcina’s puffy, wet pussy is on full display for you. 
Her voice, deepened by her lust, begins the lecture but it sounds worlds away to you. Your wife is notorious for her powerful voice, which is just as commanding and boisterous in bed. And as much as you’d love to make her scream your name - you didn’t want the undeserving students in the call to witness what solely belongs to you. To avoid this, you begin by slowly cleaning the insides of her thighs where her slick has collected. Your tongue trails up the sides of her cunt, narrowly missing her soaked folds. Alcina glares down at you over the rim of her half-moon glasses, her nostrils flaring from the teasing that she couldn’t stop you from carrying out. 
But for both your sanities, you finally relent. Pressing your tongue against her swollen clit draws a shaky exhale through her nose and a feather light whimper from yourself. Your tongue stays there, drawing little circles before dipping down to taste her straight from the source. Above you, Alcina digs her manicured nails into the top of her desk in an effort to keep her tone even. Yet when you stuff your tongue inside her, her composure quickly begins to crack. Her velvety walls clench against your slick muscle as you work it in and out of her needy slit, her body twitching as the tip of your tongue presses against the spongey little spot inside her that you know all too well. 
Alcina quickly asks a question, allowing one of her students to answer, giving her a brief moment to focus on your motions. Her hand sneaks down to thread between your locks, her grip is tight and the sharp points of her nails scrape against your scalp ever so slightly. The added pressure to your head pushes your face further into her pussy, your nose now rubbing just right against her clit. The new friction against her clit mixed with the scandalous situation sends her to the brink of cumming embarrassingly fast. A large black pump gets thrown over your shoulder, the heel digging into your shoulder blade. The burn from both the heel and her nails along with your own arousal that drips from underneath your skirt encourages you to ignore the aching in your jaw and fuck your wifes dripping cunt faster. 
“I apologize but a family emergency has c-come up. I will pick up from where we ended next week.” Her rushed excuse doesn’t register in your head but the obscenely loud moan after she ends the meeting does. 
You get one last thrust in before her walls start twitching, constricting your tongue - forcing you to helplessly take the coating and gushing of cum. It clings to your tongue as you pull it out from her pulsing cunt, taking a long pause to enjoy the taste as it slides down your throat when you swallow. 
“So professor, how was that? Surely A plus worthy.” You question smugly.
Alcina rests her head back against the leather headrest of her plush office chair, her eyes shut as she basks in the afterglow of her orgasm.
“Perhaps a B minus at best.”
An offended and quite appalled gasp rips from your drenched lips as you stare incredulously at her. She opens one eye to look down at you, her face completely neutral before she cracks a grin, little giggles tumbling out before they turn into full laughs.
“Joking, darling! I can’t help myself when you react so adorably.” She rolls her chair back to give you enough space to lift you up into her lap. You refuse to look at her, your bottom lip pushed out in a pout and your arms crossed securely over your chest. 
“Oh? Is my little dove upset with me? What a shame, I only give rewards to those who don’t pout and ignore their amazing wives.” Alcina noses along the curve of your neck, red lips passing the color of her expensive lipstick onto your skin. Her fingers deftly reach under your skirt to trace your cunt through your thoroughly soaked panties. 
“I- I want a-an A..!” You whine out. 
Watching Alcina unravel so beautifully nearly brought you to your own orgasm, untouched. Still, you were turned on and your sensitivity was cranked all the way up. A throaty chuckle reverberates against your skin. 
“And you got your A, Dragul meu.” She rises to press her lips against yours in a slow kiss, she invades your mouth, moaning into the kiss at the taste of herself. Though the moment is broken when the sound of the front door opening followed by the loud bickering of your three daughters echoes into the large office. You drop your head onto Alcina’s chest with a groan.
“I didn’t even get to cum…”
“We both need a shower, perhaps I could give you your reward there.”
That was all you needed before you were booking it to your bathroom connected to your bedroom. Alcina shaking her head in amusement at your antics while redressing.
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blissfullyrhea · 1 year
Not proofread and short. Enjoy.
Your bedroom was barely lit when it echoed your sounds back to you, the room being so quiet it simply felt as though anything you said bounced off the walls and reflected back into your ears. It was embarrassing.
Or, it would be if it wasn’t for your attention being so focused on the man who had his mouth latched onto your soaking wet cunt, prodding your hole with his tongue and a stupid dazed out look in his eyes.
“Ace- Please” your words were drawing out the more his tongue twirled around inside of you. You already had faint bruises from his fingers digging into your thighs. Proof of how long you���ve been here under his torment.
“Why?” He finally asked, his tongue out of you , trailing his lips as cleaned your slick off them. He never released you from his hold, rather he barely lifted his head to allow you a break. “You’ve only come twice, and one was by the vibrator in the car, it doesn’t count.”
Ace had rules for your sex life. If you were needy, he would use one of the many toys he has on you until he can properly handle you the way he wanted. Those didn’t count as real orgasms to him. They were a cheap way out, their only positive was that they prepared you well enough for him to not have to go so easy on you, and he liked that. But only that.
“Yes, but it’s too much I.. I can’t cum anymore baby, plea-Ahhh fuck!” Your arguments were usually short, as it was now when his fingers sporadically ran across your clit, forcing your hips to buck up and allowing Ace to get back to his meal. His tongue moved deeply inside of you as his fingers worked your clit and it was enough after all his earlier work to get your back arching with a third orgasm.
Letting you ride it out, Ace sat up, still rubbing your clit as you shook, a smirk kissing his lips as he watched you. “Just like that, see? How can I stop when you look so pretty cumming for me?”
His words were deaf on your ears, the only thing your mind could focus on was the feeling of your walls forcibly spreading around his large length. His cock was so fat and long that even after the countless times of being ruined by him you still made him work to put it fully in.
With a groan, Ace furrowed his eyebrows as he watched himself work into your tight sex. “Fuck this is my second favorite view.. watching you flutter around me like that, princess, makes me feel like I’m gonna cum right now.” His large hands moved up the back of your thighs to your knees, holding them together while your ankles rested on either one of his shoulders.
Your cunt was so full and the after effects of your orgasm though fading were still very much running their course and his hitting that spot, you knew it’d make you messier than you were. And he did too.
As soon as his cock was fully sheathed he started with a slow draw of his hips, sliding out of you, letting you adjust before he slammed back in again, earning your high pitched scream and his own guttural moan at the sensation. His hips working on autopilot as he kept that pace, the known smack smack smack of skin on skin and your juices squirting between the two of you.
Your eyes rolled back , hands gripping the sheets as you felt him reaching your deepest point, the pressure in your lower stomach weighing heavier as he kept hitting it, toes curling and spots blurring your vision.
The feeling reminded you of the first time you and ace had sex. Back in the college lecture room, when he’d locked the doors and took you for himself on the professors desk for hours, the professor was gone on vacation but you nor Ace were aware of that until after he carried you home.
The feeling of his cock hitting so perfectly it was the only thing on your mind, the only thing that mattered, having you pray to any gods and thanking them for giving him to you.
“Oooh fuck yes cumming again f’me? Oh fuck squirt baby keep squirting for me. Fuck yes.” His loud, whiny moans brought you back from your day dream, your legs wildly shaking against him as you came again, your pussy crying just as you were from the intense pleasure of the session. Your face so fucked out as you looked up at him that told Ace now was the time to ask.
He always did this to you, since that first time.
“You want me to cum inside baby? Can I? Wanna see if you are meant to forever be mine?” And of course you nodded; he knew you would. You’re already his, you have been, and he will always cum in you. What else is his stupid little girlfriend good for?
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reeniecon · 1 month
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When MC get turned into a GOOSE? #? #?
With : Azul ashengrotto, Floyd leech and jade leech
Pt.1 (idia, malleus, rook)
⚠️‼️: gender neutral MC/reader,
A/n: I'm really sorry for the lateness the exam week and the Eid prep are more hectic than I was expecting twt
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Azul Ashengrotto, the charismatic leader of the Octavinelle Dormitory, found himself facing an unexpected twist of fate.
It was a typical day in the prestigious academy until a mischievous spell gone awry transformed Azul's beloved into a goose. The culprit? None other than one of his own dorm students, a clumsy yet well-intentioned apprentice magician.
" How could they! "
" Oh, darling they're so mean to you!! "Azul angrily shouts and whimpers, all you can do is express your sadness with your body language since Azul and the twins cannot comprehend a single word u utter....
" Jade, floyd! Search the student that make my beloved turn into a goose! " He commands the twins but replied with Floyd Unexcitement
" Eehhh why noow!! I want to play with (reader) for a bit!! Let me hold them pleaseee~"
" Yeah, is a waste if we turn back (reader) immediately Azul... We can make a lot of money if we have (reader) goose as our mascot don't you think? " He says calmly yet so excitedly, ah... You're really fucked you think to yourself and quickly expressing disapproval of the twin's ideas Azul sighed " Yeah you're right, but I don't want to exploit them now, with this fragile body I'm afraid it will only hurt them" He says with a concerned and sad tone.
HUH? #? #? 2 What did he mean by 'didn't want to exploit them NOW #?! #? 2
" Anyway, you two please search for these two unresponsible student, and (reader) will go to Professor Crewel to somehow reverse the speel that they used "
" Tch, okayy okayy" Floyd replies with an annoyed voice towards azul
" That would do" Jade compactly replied
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The usually uneventful campus was buzzing with whispers and curiosity as rumors spread like wildfire. Floyd Leech found himself at the center of attention. He couldn't quite believe the news himself. You, a regular student who had recently caught Floyd's eye, had mysteriously transformed into a goose overnight by the unresponsible octavinelle student !!
At first, Floyd couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. But as he watched the bewildered goose waddle around the campus, he felt a pang of concern. The reader had always been kind to him, and now they were in such a bizarre and stressful situation as the good person he was and the curiosity that he has for you, Floyd took it upon himself to look after you. He brought them treats from the cafeteria, made sure they had a warm place to rest, and even tried to engage them in conversation, despite the obvious language barrier( he would find a way eventually lol) minutes turned into hours, and Floyd's initial amusement turned into genuine affection. He found himself spending more and more time with you, enjoying your silent company and finding solace in your presence.
As the hours passed, you on the other hand began to exhibit signs of distress. It was clear that you were struggling to adapt to your new form, and Floyd couldn't bear to see you suffer. With determination in his heart, Floyd sought out the most knowledgeable magicians in Night Raven College (crewel), desperate for a solution.
After countless hours of research and experimentation ( he got lectured for notRelief washed over Floyd as he watched the reader blink in confusion, taking in their surroundings. But what truly warmed his heart was the grateful smile that graced the reader's lips as they looked up at him.
"Little shrimpy, make more mess okay~ I enjoy it~ hehe" He says with his iconic smirk plastered on his face
" Did you know that you're so interesting~ I love you so much little shrimpy~"
after dropping you at the ramshackle dorm, he begins his search for the unresponsible octavinelle student and gives them a little squeezing and hugging <3~ (if u know what I mean)
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In the bustling corridors of Night Raven College, chaos was not always an uncommon sight, especially within the mischievous confines of octavinelle dorm. On this particular day, however, chaos took a rather fowl turn.
You found yourself in a feathery predicament after an unfortunate encounter with Jade Leech's experimental magic. Transformed into a goose, (reader) waddles around the dormitory lobby, honking on everyone that they encounter with dismay and protests about jade leech experimental magic!!
Jade, the heterochromia witch of Octavinelle, couldn't suppress a mischievous chuckle as he watched [Reader] flapping their wings in frustration. "Well, well, well, look what we have here. Seems like someone's taken a liking to their new feathery form." He says with his iconic smirk
[Reader] shot Jade a glare, or at least attempted to with their beady goose eyes. Honking indignantly, they tried to convey their distress.
"Ah, don't be so mean to me, [Reader]," Jade teased, a smirk playing on his lips. "You make quite the adorable goose, if I do say so myself."
But behind his playful facade, Jade knew he had to find a solution to undo his unintended magic. With a reluctant sigh,
"Come here, darling I'm sorry, I'll turn you back to normal okay? Stay still okay" He uttered the word softly accompanied by his iconic chuckle and smirk displayed on his face
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Extra Credit
Professor Steven Grant X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - Requested by Anon - NOT in the ABD fanonverse
Kinks - Size Difference + Deep Throating
You got a bad grade on your history paper and need your professor to fix that for you.
NSFW, deep throating, size difference, reader is smol, age gap (reader is college age, Steven is 38), transactional sex, gagging, swallowing cum, Steven's a little rough, Steven's a tad OOC, rough oral sex, face fucking
Word Count: 968
“I can’t accept this grade.” You said, looking down at the big red ‘F’ on your paper about the mummification process.
You’d slammed it on your professor’s desk. Dr. Grant looked up at you over his glasses, clearly having been unprepared for your sudden barging into his office. His lips were slightly parted while he looked at you in surprise.
“You clearly didn’t do the assignment. I mean, I ran this through the program we have and it was very obviously plagiarized. You’re lucky I didn’t report you and have you expelled.” He took his glasses off and put them down on the desk.
“I can’t flunk this class, I suck at history and I need this grade, please,” you looked at him pleadingly. “I’ll do anything.”
Dr. Grant gulped, neck bobbing as he swallowed. His eyes trailed down to your chest where you were unbuttoning the top three buttons of your blouse. His eyes went wide and you watched him tug at his collar as though it were sweltering hot in the room. You didn’t wait for him to answer, you just slid around the corner of the desk and stood in front of him.
“What do you say?”
He turned his rolling chair to face you, legs spread out. You could see the shadow of his erection already testing the seam of his pants. He still stayed silent, as though not saying he wanted it would relieve him of guilt if you did do anything together. You didn’t wait for an answer, and lowered yourself to the ground on your knees. Using both hands, you started at his knees, dragging your palms up the smooth fabric of his slacks before sliding your right hand over his bulge.
“Y-y’know this isn’t allowed, I could lose my job you could-”
“Sh, no one has to know. You fix my grade, and I’ll fix your…problem,” you grabbed the waist of his pants and started working on his button.
“B-but you can’t…oh god.”
You pulled his cock out through the fly of his boxer-briefs and gasped at the sheer size of it. Dr. Grant was bigger than you in every way, and this was no exception. You couldn’t even fit your small hand around the width of this girth. It felt deliciously heavy in your hand. You looked up at him when he gently brushed his thumb over your cheek.
“Don’t think you’ll be able to fit the whole thing love, d’you?” He bit his lip and furrowed his brow while he looked down at you.
“Gonna try,” you murmured, pressing your lips to the underside of his bulbous tip.
He whined, shifting in his chair slightly. You stuck out your tongue, flattening it at the base where his balls meet the shaft and then dragging it up to the head. Dr. Grant let go of your cheek and grabbed both arms of the chair. It creaked under the pressure. You weren’t even really doing anything yet. You started to wonder when the last time he’d had any action was.
You opened your mouth, bringing the fat head of his cock past your lips and feeling the satisfying way he stretched your mouth out. You lowered yourself as far as you could go until you felt his length hit the back of your throat. You came back up for air, breathing deeply, chest heaving.
“You’re gonna have to do better than that if you want me to fix that grade darling.” You wondered what made him change his mind so suddenly, you wondered if it felt that good to have his student gagging over him.
It did feel that good to him. His entire body shook when you brought your mouth back down over him. Your tongue was warm as it lapped over his cock and you bobbed up and down. You were so sloppy with it, getting a mixture of spit and precum all over his length. After a moment, when you tried to pick yourself back off of it, Steven cupped the back of your head to keep you there. You tried to come up more for air but he held you in place.
“Stay right there please, oh-shit-that’s-oh,” he started thrusting himself into your throat, and you tried to breathe through your nose.
You let the muscles of your throat relax around him, feeling his length go down into your esophagus and stretching you out. You looked up at him through the blur of your teary eyes. His gaze was so dark and intense. He was biting his lip so hard you thought it might bleed.
“God your little mouth looks so pretty stretchin’ out around me love. Look how beautiful you are, cryin’ all cause of me. Makin’ a right mess out of you aren’t I? Fuckin’ hell-you-feel-so-ah.”
He held on tight now with both hands, thrusting himself into you so hard that you felt your nose start running. You were crying uncontrollably, but if this is what you needed to do to get a good grade, you were willing to do it. You couldn’t afford to flunk that class.
“Gonna feed you a mouthful love, are you ready? Gonna fill your little tummy-and-gonna-oh-shittt-”
He held your face down over his entire length, shooting hot ropes right down your throat. His thick cock throbbed, stretching you further until finally he was spent. He fell back into his chair in a huff, releasing your head. You gasped for air, holding your hand to your chest. When you both finally were able to collect yourself he nodded and waved you off.
“I’ll have a new grade f’you tomorrow alright? Keep up the good work and…I think you’ll do just fine in my class.”
You nodded eagerly as you headed for the door, “okay, whatever you need Dr. Grant.”
Steven Grant Masterlist
Moon Knight Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Post
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rubyreduji · 2 years
Spring Break — csc
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summary: even during spring break you still don't take a day off with professor choi
tags: smut (minors dni!), college!au, professor!seungcheol warnings: explicit unprotected sex, age gap, daddy kink, impregnation kink, oral (f. receiving), minor overstimulation, gentle choking wc: 2.3k an: i was planning on writing this and then i got a request for it so it bumped up on my priority list lol. this may be the finale to the professor!cheol series but who knows
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 4
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You stare up at the large house before getting the courage to walk up the porch and rap your knuckles against the door. You lick your lips as you wait, thinking about what’s to come later. A duffle bag is slung over your shoulder as you grip the straps in anticipation, silently begging for the door to open soon.
Your college is on spring break right now which means you have a week of no obligations, free to do whatever you please.
Suddenly the front door opens to reveal a man standing in the doorway, staring back at you. When you see him a small smirk spreads across your lips.
Spring break means you’re free to do whatever you please, and for you, whatever you please to do just happens to be Choi Seungcheol, your biology professor.
“Ah sweetheart, come in.” Seungcheol steps to the side to let you in. When you step into the house Seungcheol takes your bag from you before closing the door and pressing a kiss to your cheek. Unlike his normal attire he wears when teaching, he’s in just a sweater and a pair of slacks. You internally grin at how even on his off days he still dressed up more than most people do. 
A few weeks ago spring break was brought up between you and Seungcheol and before you knew it you had plans to spend the week at the professor’s house. In the past month or so your relationship with Seungcheol has taken a shift. You’ve been interacting with the man a lot more outside of class whether it’s texting him throughout the day or sitting in his office during his free periods. You’ve even taken to eating your lunch together if you’re both available.
In that time you’ve gotten to know the man better. You find that you enjoy spending time with the man no matter if your actions are sexual or not. You occasionally wonder if you’re flying too close to the sun but then again you don’t think you care all too much.
“So this is where the elusive Professor Choi lives?” Your eyes scan around the area. The interior resembles that of a traditional Korean house but still keeping up with modern trends. You wonder who does Seungcheol’s interior design, assuming that he doesn’t do it himself.
“Elusive,” Seungcheol snorts. “I don’t believe that I’ve been too elusive to you.”
“Oh no, not to me, to everyone else. See, I’m special.” You grin back at the older man. A look of fondness settles on his features.
“Very special.” Seungcheol reaches out to grab your hand and pull you into him. His hand comes up to cup your face and he guides you into a soft kiss. The kiss is tender and romantic and it makes butterflies erupt in your stomach. You smile into the kiss before pulling away a bit.
“You know…your house is big, yet so empty,” you say, looking around the space.
“Ah I guess so. It can be lonely at times,” Seungcheol muses.
“Would you like to fix that daddy?” You ask softly. “Fill this house with a wife and kids?” You see Seungcheol’s eyes flash at the change in your demeanor. You lean in close to whisper in his ear. “I stopped taking my birth control a week ago.”
“Fuck,” Seungcheol curses under his breath. He runs his hand over your stomach lightly, before leaning down to kiss you. This kiss is different from the one a few seconds earlier. This time Seungcheol grips you tightly and presses his lips against yours fiercely. 
“C-cheol!” You gasp. Seungcheol picks you up and you wrap your arms around him as he carries you to his bedroom.
“D-daddy~” you mewl as Seungcheol runs his hands over your bare hips. His face is buried between your legs as he sucks your clit between his lips. He takes his time, flicking his tongue over the bud and relishing in the way you shudder. His hands move down to squeeze your thighs, kneading at the fat as he continues to make out with your pussy.
It’s rare for Seungcheol to eat you out because he doesn’t like to get messy before a class, but now you’re regretting not having done this before. You run your hands through his hair as he buries his face farther into your cunt. His tongue darts into your entrance and you buck your hips up, only for Seungcheol to push your hips back down onto the bed.
You’re dripping wet now as your professor eats you out. His lips and tongue work as a unit to flood your body with pleasure. 
“P-please Cheol, need more,” you beg. Seungcheol pulls his face away from you. He’s a bit out of breath and the lower of his face is slick with your arousal. He wipes his face off before looking up at you.
“Does my baby girl need me to fuck you nice and good?” All you can do is nod and Seungcheol smirks before standing up.
You’re fully naked already and expecting Seungcheol to just take his dick out of his pants like normal, but instead he starts to pull his sweater off and your breath hitches. You watch with aroused anticipation as Seungcheol strips off his clothes. More and more skin comes into view and you can’t get enough.
You’ve never seen Seungcheol completely naked before and now that you’ve gotten a taste you don’t think you’ll be able to accept anything less now. Despite his older age his body is still fit and rugged. His normal suit attire does a good job of covering up his hard muscles and tanned skin that has you nearly drooling. The whole package is tied together by Seungcheol’s large cock that hangs in the air, hard and waiting to fuck you.
“Going to put a fucking baby into you,” Seungcheol growls as he climbs onto the bed. He crawls over you so he can line his dick up to your entrance. You grab at his face and he leans down to kiss you. As your lips meld together Seungcheol takes this moment to sheath into you. You whine into the kiss but Seungcheol doesn’t allow you to pull away from him.
Your lips continue to move against each other as Seungcehol starts to move his hips into yours. The sensation of his dick sliding in and out of you elicits soft moans from you. Seungcheol finally pulls his lips away from yours only to move them onto your neck. His soft, plump lips press kisses into your fevered skin while one of his hands moves up to squeeze your tits.
You wrap your legs around the older man’s waist, holding him close to you as his cock digs into your cervix. You feel well loved as Seungcheol continues to thrust into you. His whole body works at yours, pleasuring and worshiping you.
It’s so different than when you guys fuck in Seungcheol’s office. Different in a good way. There’s no rush to get done before Seungcheol’s next class. Seungcheols’s not worried about keeping his normal composed manner. It’s also nice to be pressed against a mattress rather than his desk. 
You can’t help but feel like the mood is more romantic as well. The way Seungcheol’s hands move over your skin in gentle touches. His moves are more intentional rather than just with the purpose of getting the job done. Even the way his lips press against yours conveys more love than usual. You didn’t think you could fall for your professor even more than you already have, but here he is, proving you wrong.
You don’t mind the way that you and Seungcheol usually have sex, but you don’t think you’ve ever felt so good before. Even when Seungcheol fucks you stupid, plowing into you at rapid paces, making your mind numb, it will never feel as good as the way he’s fucking you now.
The sound of his soft grunts sends warmth coursing through your body. The drag of his cock inside of you fills your brain with a satisfactory fuzziness. Just when you don’t think things can get better Seungcheol is grabbing your thighs and pushing them up towards your chest. His trusts get harder and you moan loudly as he hits at a new angle. 
“God you’re so pretty like this,” Seungcheol mutters. “So ready to be filled up with cum. Make you mommy.”
You groan at his words. Thoughts of you carrying Seungcheol’s babies flood your mind and you nearly cum right there. Seungcheol can tell too by the way your walls twitch around him and he grins.
His strong hands grab your thighs and push them up into your chest. The new angle has his cock digging right into your g-spot and you whine louder as he pounds into you even harder. You can feel your thighs start to tremble, not just from the position but also from the pleasure building up inside your body.
“That’s my good girl,” Seungcheol coos. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
“Please. Please cum in me,” you beg, your voice high and whiny. “I need it. Want to be filled up, want to have your babies.” 
Seungcheol leans down and connects your lips. You kiss him fervently, drowning yourself in him, as his hips stutter in you. He groans against your lips and you feel his cum leak into your pussy. The feeling has you falling apart in his arms as well, your whole body trembling as your pussy spasms around him. Seungcheol releases your legs from the position they’re in and gently pulls out of you. 
His dick is still hard and despite still panting a bit he helps you turn over so you’re laying flat on your stomach. “Such a good girl for me,” Seungcheol mutters as he crawls over you. He slowly inserts his cock back into your entrance, thrusting softly into you. You’re still sensitive and the rub of Seungcheol’s cock inside of you has your eyes rolling into the back of your head and your head falling onto the pillows.
Seungcheol’s front is flush to your back as he ruts into you. His body is warm and fits against yours perfectly. He fucks into you, pushing his cum into you even deeper. His pace is slower, more gentle. Seungcheol presses soft kisses into your shoulder as he drags a hand down your side.
“God Y/N you’re so, so perfect. The prettiest girl I know. Fuck.” Seungcheol’s groan has you whining, your insides clenching down and Seungcheol groans again.
“C-cheol~ need you. Need your cum. Need to be your good little wife. Daddy please,” you beg.
Seungcheol curses again and starts to thrust his hips faster. His hand curls around you so he can grip the base of your neck, not completely choking you but still applying pressure in the most delicious way possible. His thick cock pounds into you, filling your pussy and mind with flutters.
“Please don’t stop. Feels so good daddy, please don’t stop.” You’re babbling at this point but Seungcheol doesn’t mind, in fact it feels like he’s encouraged by your words from the way his grip on you tightens.
“Gonna fucking carry my babies. Make you so–augh fuck–so round and sexy.” It seems like Seungcheol is babbling himself. It fills you with pride knowing you can decompose the man in a way nobody else can.
It catches you off guard, but suddenly you’re gasping and spasming around Seungcheol, pleasuring flooding your body as you reach your climax. Seungcheol isn’t far behind, spilling his seed into your spent pussy as he orgasms himself.
Seungcheol lays down on the bed next to you and pulls you into his arms. You two exchange soft kisses as his hands roam your bare skin.
“Are you okay baby girl?” He whispers and you nod, already feeling sleepy. Seungcheol chuckles and pulls away from you to get up. You lay on his bed as he goes to get you water and a towel.
You bury yourself farther into his bed as you wait for him. His sheets smell like his cologne, a scent that’s come to be comforting to you. You think to yourself how you could get used to this. Laying in Seungcheol’s bed, living in his house, being his little wife. It makes you giddy to think that you’ll be with him all week, almost like a test run of being his housewife.
You can still feel Seungcheol’s cum inside of you and you grin to yourself, your head filling with thoughts of being pregnant. Seungcheol doting on you for nine months as you carry his baby inside of you. You guys starting a family together with mini you’s running around the house. It’s not the first time these fantasies have plagued your mind either. You’ve been thinking about it for weeks now, obsessed with the idea of becoming Seungcheol’s wife, the mother to his children.
Seungcheol walks back into the room, pulling you from your thoughts. He helps cleans you up as you drink your water. When he’s finished he leans down to kiss you again.
“You know I love you, right?” Your heart bursts. You know Seungcheol loves you, but this is the first time he’s said it out loud.
“Of course Cheol,” you cup his face in your hands, “I love you too.” You bring him into another kiss, pulling him down onto the bed with you. Your mind flashes back to your thoughts from a few minutes ago and you smile against Seungcheol’s lips. It warms your heart to know he wants the same thing as you. 
Your untaken birth control and Seungcheol’s two loads in you fill you with hope, and even if he didn’t get you pregnant this time, you guys have all week to work on it. 
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stnexus · 6 months
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sketching out plans…!
gojo satoru x black!fem!reader x geto suguru
college student + artist au
story masterlist
minors dni, 18+
summary: the world appears so much more colorful when you major in art. a balance between mystery and connection. you cannot, however, claim that the bond between you and your two best friends from childhood had the same balance. you were caught in the crossfire as everything went left between gojo and geto once you all entered the college scene. left to tackle your own conflicting thoughts while trying help to repair their friendship. your only question is: why did everything go wrong?
cw: eventually nsfw (not this chapter), pet names (no use of y/n), pining, poly!satosugu mentions, childhood friends to lovers trope, food + eating mentioned, bickering + petty arguments, academic stress (gojo just loves procrastinating), explicit language, utahime is a professor in here (LMAO, not even a warning but it’s funny to me)
wc: 2.5k+
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“...and if you have no questions, that’s all for today's class.” your professor's voice circled the intimately spaced classroom. the warm sunlight from the window across from you bounced off your brown skin as it seemed to pour into the room with no restrictions. well, the complete lack of shade would definitely be to blame. the heat the sun provided was wonderful in your usually cold classes, but professor utahime must enjoy seeing her students suffer with the lack of ac usage. the classroom was always hot, sweltering even. the heat so annoying, you had pulled your braids into a low bun after entering the classroom.
“psst…” your name followed the sound of someone trying to catch your attention — a voice you knew all too well. well enough to roll your eyes at his usual antics before even meeting his gaze. turning towards the white-haired man behind you, a look of slight annoyance covered your face as you prompted him to go on with what he had needed your attention so badly for.
“i didn’t do the project that’s due tomorrow; you’ve gotta help me,” he seemed to plead as his voice was pushed through a stressed-filled whisper. his revelation was of no surprise to you; he had been a procrastinator all throughout your childhood. yet he always managed to be at the top of any class. 
“gojo, that project was assigned two weeks ago.” you deadpanned as you stood from your stool. packing up your art supplies into your carrying case in the process. “what have you been doing?” you questioned.
“a little bit of everything, actually— but that’s besides the point,” gojo said as he mimicked your actions and packed his bag. “if i don’t get this project done, she’ll drop me by two grades. my perfect ‘a’ will fall to a ‘c’.”
“oh, i see, you want me to save you.”
“yes— NO!”
professor utahime paused her actions from her spot at the front of the class to peer over at the two of you. her black hair with hints of purple glimmering under the natural light in the room. the scar that adorned her face shifted a bit as she sent a soft smile your way, only to shake her head at gojo before returning to her previous actions. not only did it disturb her but others who tried to quickly pack up their belongings. though, they only gave a slight flinch and quick glance.
“no, it’s not like that, i swear. i just need a few opinions on my starting point.” gojo brought his voice back down to a whisper.
“mhm, right. like when you needed my opinion last time and i did your entire project outline—” your voice was cut short as gojo clamped one of his big, cold hands over your mouth. a rushed and panicked shhh falling from his pink lip as he watched professor utahime glide through the classroom with her belongings in her hand, taking her leave as quickly as she could.
“gojo, let her go.” a calm voice from behind you spoke. a moment of annoyance flashed across the white-haired man’s face as he looked at the person behind you. as if they had had the audacity to speak to him as the voice chimed up again, “it’s not her fault that you’ve been slacking. learn to keep up.”
letting his hand grab at your jaw for a moment, gojo squished your cheeks together, your glossy lips puckering out. white eyelashes framing his sparkling blue eyes as he peered at you, smiling at how goofy you looked. you could feel your stomach flutter at the action, but you quickly brushed it off. 
“looks like we’ve got ourselves a superhero ready to take action, princess,” gojo cooed. dropping his hand to his side, you were able to turn and meet the face of the new company. another man you had known all throughout your childhood; his long, raven black hair was quite a contrast to the bright-haired man that had just spoken. 
“geto, i happen to value the opinions of smart people. though you wouldn’t know that, seeing as i’d never have to come to you for an opinion,” gojo chided. 
“guess that’s the same reason why your own opinions aren’t worth much—”
“hey! you two have been at it since we’ve gotten to this damn school. it’s been three years,” you interrupted as you stood between them. “whatever happened, just kiss and make up already at this point.”
“he started it!” gojo interjected like a kid arguing his case to an authority figure. 
“and finished it too,” geto said, letting a lazy smile play at his lips. a smile you wished you had more time to admire, but it was gone just as fast as it had appeared. 
pinching your nose bridge, you grabbed your bag and hoisted it onto your shoulder. only to quickly be relieved of its weight as geto slid it off of your shoulder with ease. his warm hand brushing against your shoulder as he did so. damned camisole, would have worn a regular t-shirt and bear the brunt of sweating if you knew a simple hand brushing against you would make you momentarily dizzy. 
“what are you still doing here anyway? don’t you have another class?”
gojo’s question interrupted their bickering as you all exited the classroom. only for geto to respond with a simple ‘it got canceled’. which you knew you would all be headed to your shared apartment building at the same time. it was definitely a task living in the same apartment building as the two men, especially seeing as they could not seem to get along to save their own lives.
though you had yet to understand why.
gojo and geto were within the top three of professor utahime’s class, amassing major credit with professional artists and opportunities to work alongside them. sometimes at the same time; which must have been a horror story for the artist they had shadowed. they shared some of the same interests, tastes in art, and even simple hobbies.
their rift throughout college just did not make sense.
“i’ll see you two later; i need to make a stop at the store before i get to the apartments.”
“awe, don’t leave me here with this bonehead,” gojo whined. his actions caused a small chuckle to leave your lips as you pulled out your key, pressing the unlock button on your keychain.
“you’ll be around each other for all of two minutes just walking to your cars,” you smiled as you opened your car door mentioning the two almost identical black suvs they owned.
“we don’t know what gojo can do in those two minutes,” geto spoke, “he might even run me off the road.”
“good idea. now i might,” gojo mumbled under his breath. “i’ll leave first. ‘need at least a five-pace headstart before i do something i’ll regret. drive safe, beautiful.” 
“you too, ‘toru!”
with a shake of your heads, both you and geto watched as gojo parted ways with you both, until he could no longer be seen in the distance. sliding into your car, you looked up at geto from the open door. the man stood over you as he looked down at you. his eyes seemed to scan your face for just a moment, but that moment made your heart beat just a little bit faster.
“he’s really something,” you spoke with a smile, “but you are too. how long are you two going to keep this weird ass feud going?”
“as long as ‘toru wants to,” geto said matter of factly, “remember, i didn’t start this.”
“well, it needs to end. i need my friends to act normal again. how everything used to be,” you pouted a little as you stuck the key in the ignition. your car revving to life as you turned the key. “we graduate next year. i don’t want us to get out in the ‘real world’ and still be on bad terms.”
“i’m trying my best; sometimes it’s just hard not to be just as petty,” geto confessed with his thin brows furrowed, but you already knew that.
a beat of silence fell over you two as you played it off with a sad smile. with a small hum, you pushed out a stressed i’ll get going, i guess. 
“drive safe, princess.”
the ride home from the store seemed to drag; you had only stopped to pick up the list of things needed to make dinner. your latest craving about to be satisfied by yourself. grabbing the four grocery bags from the passenger seat, you made your way up to the fourth floor by using the elevator. once you had begun to start cooking, it was not long after you heard a knocking on your door. gojo being the one on the other side once the door was swung open. his supplies in hand as he flashed a charming smile. only to be met with an unamused sigh from you. 
“oh come on, just think of it as us bonding,” gojo persuaded, then deadpanned. “if i don’t get this in tomorrow, professor utahime might kick my ass, seriously.”
“i actually want to see it happen,” you spoke smoothly as you backed up and allowed him into your apartment. “how did you even know i was home?”
“we all live on the same floor, so i can hear when your door closes. your car is always parked next to suguru’s outside, and i can smell your cooking a mile away— which reminds me, what are we eating for dinner?”
“after i just found out you stalk me, ‘we’ isn’t in the equation.”
“so had i not admitted to that, there was a ‘we’?” gojo sent a boyish smile your way. to say you almost melted — at what you perceived as a fleeting joke — was an understatement. though you played everything off well, just as you always did.
“in your dreams, ‘toru.”
the party of two ended up drifting into the confines of your living room once you had both eaten. a few laughs and conversations made their way through the familiarity you both felt with each other. until you decided to let your words change the atmosphere.
“…satoru, what ever happened between you and sugu’ ?”
gojo’s charcoal pencil stopped in the middle of his drawing as he sat across from you on the loveseat you had. he had been working on trying to figure out exactly what he wanted to capture for the task at hand, drawing at random as you lay on the couch watching television. your black bonnet protecting your braids. if they could, you swear the walls would start crumbling under the weight of your words. as the white-haired man looked at you quietly.
“i don’t really want to talk about—”
“come on, don’t do this to me, ‘toru,” you whined as you sat up. “you talk to me about anything and everything.”
“we all just belong—…sugu’ and i just grew apart as friends. something i won’t let happen to us,” gojo spoke, but you knew there was much more to be said by the way he cut himself off. silence continued to envelop the room as you two held eye contact from across the room.
had he been anyone else in this moment, you would swear he was bursting at the seams to say something he would regret, his eyes telling a different story. using his words like a safety net. but gojo was not one to regret; he always spoke his mind with confidence. so why would that change now?
though you could not judge him if he chose to keep this one thing to himself. you had your secrets, too. it was not easy being best friends with gojo or geto. years had been spent pushing any thoughts you had for them, outside of friendship boundaries, aside. you were in over your head, thinking they had those lingering thoughts too. why pry at gojo for something he refused to share?
“okay,” was the only word that fell from your lips as you laid back down. watching as the man in the corner of the room nodded in acknowledgement as he went back to drawing. though it was clear that the atmosphere had been altered to no return.
you woke up when the sound of your front door closing echoed through the apartment. somewhat startled by the sound, only to find you had been covered with a blanket and a pillow had been placed under your head. you squinted as you tried to focus your eyes and take in the living room. gojo had left, it seemed. leaving you alone for the night. from the window parallel to the couch, you could see that daytime had drifted into nightfall.
stretching out your arms, you grabbed the blanket that had been covering you and your pillow as you directed yourself to your bedroom.
tossing yourself stomach first onto your bed, the wooden headboard thumped against the wall slightly. a groan left your lips as you heard the ping of a text notification from your phone that you had left charging on your nightstand. reaching for it blindly, you let the charger be yanked from the charging port. the picture of geto, gojo and yourself on move in day three years ago illuminated the screen. causing you to pause for just a second.
from: gojo [one attachment] u are my muse. i wanted to make sure it was okay with u before showing it on wednesday
your heart seemed to skip at the first four words, but quickly it caught up with its usual pace as you realized he had meant he had used you as inspiration for his project. the text was opened promptly, and you were met with a charcoal drawing of yourself. your arm tossed over your eyes, your bonnet slipping back to show the edge of your hairline, and a bit of the parting for your braids as you slept. 
it was not the first time any of the boys had drawn you. you all used each other for inspiration from time to time.
to: gojo it’s great. thanks for not drawing me drooling good night, ‘toru
from: gojo nah the drool was in the rough draft thank u, seriously, u saved my gpa good nightttt
here you were again, like every night since high school. left to your thoughts. heart using your mind as a weapon against yourself. you had been in the crossfire of gojo and geto’s confusing feud for years now, but they lacked clarity on how you had struggled between their bickering. 
all for what?
you three have been the best of friends since age ten. a bond that you thought would never vanish due to years of connection seemed to be diminishing before your very eyes. your own thoughts of them as much more were always pushed out due to fear of tarnishing something in a confession, but they damn sure were pushed down when the friendship between geto and gojo began to waiver.
it was nights like these that you would stare at their pictures in your camera roll, just like you are doing now.
questions swarmed your brain like a sweeping tornado. how could you hold feelings for both of your best friends? why did hearing their nicknames for you make your heart get stuck in your throat? how did everything go wrong within one semester? why did gojo not feel safe enough to talk to you about what happened?
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abitohoney · 10 months
Bend and Break (Not Just the Rules)
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Chapter 5 of 5 - Punishment that Fits the Crime
AO3 link
CH1 || CH2 || CH3 || CH4 || CH5
Sevika x female reader
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, NSFW
Tags: Sevika/Reader, Modern AU, College/University AU, Professor Sevika, Student Reader, Humor, Porn With Plot, Eventual Smut, Teacher-Student Relationship, a lot of this is probably super cliché and a bit silly, but I don’t give two shits cause it’s fucking hot and funny, Drinking, Masturbation, Smoking, Teasing, Size Difference, Enthusiastic Consent, Dom Sevika (Arcane: League of Legends), Sub Reader, Light BDSM, Impact Play, Praise Kink, Degradation Kink, (yes I like the emotional whiplash of both kinks), Vaginal Fingering, Strap-Ons, Orgasm Delay, Choking, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Aftercare
Word Count: 12.8k (This sucker is chonky and filled to the brim with smut!)
Summary: When a hot professor in your field of study enters your radar, you’re quick to jump at the opportunity to get closer by taking her class. Temptations eventually lead the two of you to bend and break more than just the rules.
AN: New tags added, so please read those!
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‘The only thing I’m going to bend and break is you.’
Never had you found a threat to be so incredibly thrilling. So provocative. What should have filled you with dread and fear had you squirming and rubbing your thighs together, trying to ease the ache that suddenly spread through there.
“Now, you have a choice here, sweetheart. You can either walk away right now, and we never speak of this again, or you can stay here and take what we both know you deserve,” she whispered into your ear, voice low and dangerous. “So what’s it gonna be?”
How could that even be a question, given how your body screamed for her attention– her touch? Still, in the back of your mind, you found the check for consent just as hot as whatever the hell she had in store for you.
“Stay,” you whimpered.
She chuckled against your ear, sending a wave of shivers through your body. “So, how should you be punished, hm?”
You said nothing. Merely stood there damn near dying of anticipation. You knew there was nothing you could say to get you out of this dilemma. A dilemma you very rightfully deserved to be in. Brought it on yourself. It was as if you wanted this to happen.
And deep down, you knew. You did want this to happen. Whatever this was.
You heard the sound of the ruler connecting with the flesh of your bottom before you felt it, but only by a fraction of a second. You yelped, body jolting forward against the desk as the pain seared across your asscheek.
“I asked you a question,” Professor Sevika growled from behind you. She was standing again, that lovely skin contact gone, but your attention was focused on the prickling sensation that overtook your skin.
Another hit from that damned ruler– at least mercifully to your opposite asscheek that time, but it drew a startled cry from you all the same.
“It’s Professor,” she snarled.
“B-but you said–”
“I said what?”
“You said out-outside class I c-could call you–”
“And where are we?”
“Class?” you mewled.
“Mhm. That’s right, sweetheart,” she purred, accenting that lovely pet name by lightly brushing her fingertips across your sore skin.
The moan that left your throat at the contact was deprived, wanton, and oh so very needy.
“How many times should we do this?" She taunted. "One for each month you spent tempting me? Each week? Each day?”
How were you even supposed to answer that?
Your resulting pained cry quickly dissolved into a soft moan as she soothed over your bottom again.
“Or maybe one for each dirty fantasy you had about me during my lectures?”
The moment you felt that lovely hand leave your skin, your entire body tensed, eyes squeezing shut tight in anticipation of another hit. When it didn’t immediately come, only deafening silence filling the room, you released your breath in a pathetic, choked whimper.
“Pro-Professor, please!” you begged.
“Please what?”
Gods, please no.
“Answer me or I will stop.”
“No!” you cried out, far more frantic and loud than you had intended, but holy fucking hell were you enjoying this far too much. The punishment followed by her soothing touch. The pain mixed with pleasure. Her… attention. All of it for you. And only you.
“Please don’t stop,” you begged softly.
“Fuck!” you cried out. That time she nailed one of the spots she’d hit earlier. You pressed your mouth against a forearm, fighting desperately not to sob or moan as loudly as your body urged you to.
Your professor’s sinister chuckle rang in your ears and left a pool of warmth low in your belly. Your legs threatened to give way, and you were pretty sure if you hadn’t been putting so much of your weight on that desk, your knees would have buckled and you’d have gone crashing down.
“That’s what I thought," she sneered. "Such a dirty girl. Likes being punished." She trailed the pads of her fingers across the marks she'd left, her voice softening but still holding that taunting edge, "Don’t you?”
Though her words were degrading, they only made you yearn for her more. And you knew beneath those biting remarks, it was actually praise. Especially when she paired it with those gentle caresses across your sore ass. It left you in a daze- that contrasting pain and pleasure- degradation and praise.
But she took her hand away again, far too soon, and you unwittingly reached back with both hands in an attempt to cover your exposed ass.
“Oh no you don’t,” she chastised. “Move those hands.”
Her words went in one ear and right out the other. You were too far gone already. Too hopelessly aroused by her onslaught. It was all too much, your body simply acted on instinct.
Through your haze, you heard a familiar jingle, followed by something sliding along fabric.
And then…
You jumped at the sudden, loud sound, but it wasn’t the ruler smacking your ass this time. It wasn’t anything touching you. It was…
Her belt?
She’d definitely taken her belt off. Snapped the two halves together.
Next thing you knew, your hands were snatched up by her much larger ones. The soft leather of her belt wrapped around each of your wrists several times before being secured through the buckle.
She bent over you and brought her mouth to your ear again. “Comfortable?”
There was bite in that question, but it dawned on you that there was more to it than just teasing. It was another consent check.
Fuck, that’s so hot.
Untrusting of your own voice, you simply nodded.
“Good,” she husked, accenting that single word with a gentle glide of her hand across your ass. The moment she stood back up though, you knew what was coming next.
No longer able to bury your face in your arm, your resulting yelp was embarrassingly loud and pathetic, more like a sob. And when her hand only ghosted over your burning flesh, you instinctively tried to push back into her. Unsurprisingly, she pulled her hand away immediately.
“Fuck me!” you cried out. The pain of overlapping hits to your tender cheeks was indescribably somehow both horrible and delightful.
Several choked sobs escaped your slack mouth while your professor chuckled behind you, soothing you again with that glorious hand of hers. It wasn’t until your head collapsed against the desk that you realized tears and sweat were streaming down your face, your cheek slipping against where it rested on the hard wood. And with your chest now smashed against the desktop, you could feel just how labored your breathing was.
“Patience, sweetheart. We’ll get to that soon.”
Get to what soon?
Oh god yes.
You squirmed in place, thighs rubbing together with no resistance. Shit, you were so fucking wet, and just from her punishing you. But the thought of what she just implied was soon to come left you teeming with desire.
She leaned over you again, and this time, with your head turned to the side, you could see her face from your periphery. She didn’t immediately speak into your ear. Instead, she ran that wonderful nose of hers along the side of your neck, taking in a long, deep breath.
“You know,” she purred, “I think you’re enjoying this a bit too much.”
‘W-What do you mean?” you stammered.
She ran her nose in the opposite direction along your neck, timing it with the glide of her hand across your ass, causing you to shiver and groan. Then she pressed her lips against the pulse point along your neck. Not quite a kiss, but intimate enough to make your legs ache and your core throb with need.
“Your sweet little heart– I can feel it, hear it. You’re so terribly excited, aren’t you?”
“And I can smell your arousal.”
The tears and sweat did nothing to cool the burning sensation that filled your cheeks. There was no denying how outlandishly turned on you were by all this. In all your fantasies about her, never had you imagined anything like this. This was so much better.
“You know what I think? For as much as you seem to be enjoying this, I think we need to find something much more severe for a count. What about one for each second you spent touching yourself in class?”
“Y-You knew?” you gasped.
“Oh I knew everything you were doing. As I said before, just couldn’t act on it with a student.”
“But then- why now?” you whimpered.
“Grades are in. You’re graduating, no longer a student.”
She hummed in amusement against your ear, apparently catching how your eyes had gone wide in realization.
“Tell me, what did you fantasize about that day?”
Just when you thought your cheeks couldn’t possibly burn any hotter, they did the moment you thought about admitting- out loud- what you had imagined about her that day. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to focus on coming up with the shortest, least incriminating, version of your fantasy.
But how the fuck do-
“FUUUuuck,” your screamed curse deteriorated into a long moan when her hand quickly replaced that god-forsaken ruler.
“I know you’re smarter than this, sweetheart,” she cooed
Apparently you weren’t, considering how many times you’d delayed in answering only to receive another deliciously brutal smack to your bottom.
“I- I imagined- kneeling before you,” you stammered, keeping your eyes closed to hide your shame as you continued to confess, “Be-Between your legs, at-at your desk…” You trailed off, foolishly hoping that would be enough to placate her.
“Hmm. And what were you doing there?” she hummed, her hand still caressing your tender skin, tracing along the marks she’d left there as if admiring her handiwork.
“I- I was touching your thighs… getting ready to- to take your- your pants off.”
You could feel her fingers travel closer and closer to the apex of your thighs with each swipe of her hand, making it more and more difficult for you to concentrate.
“Mmm. And then?” she asked, her voice so undeniably deep and sultry.
“I- I was going to- to-”
Fuck! Just say it!
“-to give you head!” you blurted out the rest, flinching as if you would feel her disgust hit you like the fucking ruler. But there was no disgust. None whatsoever.
“I should have known. You are the pleasing type.”
Before you could respond to the wonderful praise hidden in that statement, you felt her run two fingers between your slit through your panties.
Your legs trembled at that tiny bit of stimulation, a barely contained moan caught in your throat.
"Look at you. Already so wet and I haven't even touched that pretty little cunt yet."
“Professor,” you whined and attempted to push back against her hand.
“I think you’re enjoying being disciplined this way far too much. Maybe you’re more deserving of a punishment that fits the crime. Maybe I’ll just tease you,” she accented that word with a literal tease- another drag of her fingertip through your slit. “Just dangle what you desire right in front of that pretty face of yours, but make you wait. Make you crave it so bad it’s all you can think about.”
Good god, was she implying that’s what you’d done to her? Had she wanted you so badly all this time and just not acted on it to save both of you from possible firing and expulsion?
“Does that sound like a fitting punishment?”
You’d honestly take anything she’d deal out. Anything. But you still weren’t ready to admit to that.
“I- I don’t kno-” your answer was cut short by one final SMACK of the ruler.
“Fuck!” you cried out. That hit had been particularly harsh, nailing your already raw skin. But you were crazy. Simply crazy. Because you enjoyed that pain, at least when it was dealt by her.
You didn’t immediately feel her soothing touch, instead you felt her slip her fingers beneath the waistband of your soaked panties and carefully pull them down to just below your knees.
“Hmm,” she hummed appreciatively from behind you, “very nice.” 
You clenched around nothing at that praise, and she obviously took notice.
“So needy,” she teased, chuckling lowly when you attempted to push back against her hand as she ghosted it over your ass.
“Sev- Professor, please,” you whined. You bit your lip, too fearful to ask for what you really wanted.
“Please what?”
Of course she’d make you say it.
“Please touch me.”
Your professor’s smug face appeared in your periphery. “Where?”
“Here?” she asked, tauntingly brushing the tips of her fingers across the back of your neck and causing you to shiver.
“Or here?” she slipped her hand beneath the back of your shirt and lightly drug her nails down your spine.
You shuddered and moaned involuntarily, eyes fluttering shut at the delightful sensations coursing through your body.
“What about here?” With her hand never leaving your skin, she trailed her fingers over your ass, all the way down to your thighs, her middle finger dangerously close to where you really wanted her.
You tried again, without success, to push back against her hand, only for her to pull it away with a scolding, “Tsk.”
“You’ve got to use your words. I can’t spend all night guessing.”
She fucking knew where you wanted to be touched. She was just toying with you. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like how sadistic she was. So you took in a shaky breath, screwed your eyes shut, and forced out a defeated, “Between my legs.”
You knew that wouldn’t satiate her desire to have you admit the filthy specifics, so after taking another breath, you whispered, “My cunt.”
Still hovering over your face, she chuckled darkly. “Atta girl."
Gawd that was almost… demeaning, but holy fuck did it make you feel good.
She stood back up, placing a hand back on your bottom, only this time, as she dipped her spread fingers lower, she let her middle finger tease just along the outside of your wet folds. She reversed the path, moving her finger aside just before she could reach your entrance.
Goddamn tease!
And she just repeated the motion, leaving you sucking in a breath each time that tantalizing digit came close to your dripping center, only to release it from your lungs in a shaky groan. She kept at it until you were left squirming and pulling against the belt restraining your hands. Even with your eyes closed, you knew she was back there wearing the biggest, sexiest, most evil grin.
“Professor please!” you begged when she made another pass, this time the pad of her finger ghosting over your slit.
So close.
Of course she said nothing, but you knew what she was thinking. ‘Please what?’
“Inside, please,” you pleaded.
“All you had to do was ask,” she taunted.
With your eyes still squeezed shut, all you could focus on was the wonderful pressure of her thick finger finally slipping inside- slowly. So fucking slowly.
Your toes curled and you bit your bottom lip, struggling to remain quiet. Something primal started building in your throat, threatening to spill past your pursed lips at any moment. She was only the first knuckle deep and your head was already spinning.
“Mmm,” She hummed from behind you. “So warm-” Her second knuckle slid inside, then her voice sounded closer. “-wet-” she purred. Halfway to the final knuckle and her sultry voice even closer still. “-and tight,” she husked against your ear as she buried that finger clear to the last knuckle.
The breath you’d been holding to keep quiet fell past your parted lips in a wanton moan, your body trembling with the pleasure that coursed through your lower half.
God, if just a single finger feels that heavenly, how would two feel?
“Feel good?” she purred.
“Yes. Very…” you groaned when she slowly pulled her finger out, curling and dragging it along your walls. Warm air fanned across your cheek as she laughed tauntingly. You slowly opened your eyes to find her leaning against the top of the desk on her forearm, wearing the most shit-eating grin while she watched your expressions.
“Think you can take two?”
Not sure.
“Or should we work you up a bit first?”
Fuck no.
“I can take another,” you huffed out, struggling to remain still, the tip of her finger threatening to slip out completely.
She chuckled again, and you instinctively clenched at that undeniably sultry sound just as she slipped a single digit back inside.
“Forget your manners?” she taunted, stilling inside you.
“Pl-eeease,” you moaned when she dragged back out again. She’d obviously timed that with you trying to talk just to fuck with you. That should have made you angry, but good god did you enjoy the torture. And any bit of torture you felt disappeared the instant you felt her start to push two digits back in.
Oh fuck was it a stretch. You whimpered, spreading your legs wider to try to accommodate. Two of her fingers were easily as thick as three of your own. Had to be. And when she forced you to open wider, going deeper and deeper, you fought to bite back another moan. Fists clenched from where they were still bound behind your back, you didn't even notice the pain of your nails piercing your own skin when her fingers finally bottomed out.
No amount of fantasizing could ever have prepared you for how good you felt at that moment. So full. Only the slightest tinge of pain, but it was completely overtaken by the pleasant ache that spread from your core through the entirety of your body.
But you needed more.
You needed motion. Friction.
“Pro-fessor, please,” you begged, “Fuck me.”
Your body felt like it was on fire, and you weren’t sure if it was the embarrassment of how desperate and pathetic you were, the intense pleasure and anticipation, or a combination thereof. Whatever it was, you could feel a thin sheen of sweat forming across your forehead and chest.
Another low taunting chuckle timed with the drag of retreating digits and you thought you might just lose it right there.
Your lips parted, another plea ready on your tongue, only to come out in a sharp gasp the moment she rammed both fingers back inside your dripping hole.
“Fuck!” you cried out, but she left you no time to recover, immediately starting to finger fuck you at a slow, steady pace.
She was laughing from somewhere behind you again, but it barely registered in your lust-laden mind as she scissored, curled, and pumped her fingers in and out.
Gradually, she started to increase the speed, plunging deeper with each thrust and bringing you closer and closer to that blissful climax.
“You think that boy could fuck you like this?” she taunted, her lips dragging along your sweat-slick neck as she bent over you. She used her own body weight to push her fingers deeper, your insides burning and growing tighter with each thrust, each derisive little comment. “You think he could make you feel this good? Know exactly how to please you? All the right spots?” She accented the last word with a swipe of her thumb across your throbbing clit.
White light flashed behind your closed eyes, a feeling so electric firing straight from your core to your toes.
You were so close. So fucking close. Just a few more swipes. Just a few more- and you’d be there.
“P-Please!” you sputtered.
Another tease across the swollen bundle of nerves.
“I’m so close!” you cried out. You opened your eyes, hoping you could use them to plead with her, words no longer an option. Unfortunately, you could only see a blur of her face through your own tears.
And then her fingers were gone.
“Oh god no! No, please! Please Professor!” you sobbed frantically. You pushed up off the desk as much as you could without the use of your arms, squirming against your restraints and struggling to get strength in your legs to push back against her.
“Calm down!” Professor Sevika snarled.
Your eyes went wide, but you were too overwhelmed with desperation. You opened your mouth to protest, beg her more, only to have it filled with two thick, wet fingers. She spread them wide and shoved them clear back to your throat.
“Do you want to get caught right before your graduation ceremony?” she seethed against your ear.
You shook your head frantically, blinking away tear after tear, sending them spilling down your burning cheeks. The taste of your own slick filled your mouth as your tongue rolled along her fingers.
“You’ll get your release. You just have to learn to be patient,” she hissed. “ Like I did.”
Oh boy. Should have seen that coming.
“Got it?”
You took a deep, calming breath and murmured in affirmation around her fingers.
“You gonna be quiet now?”
You nodded, blinking away the last of your tears.
“Still think you deserve this?”
Another consent check, another nod.
She slipped her drool-coated fingers from your mouth and you watched as a string of saliva and slick clung between you two, core throbbing at the sight of it.
After wiping her fingers off across your ass, she gently helped you lie back down against the desk. With her mouth pressed to your ear, she whispered, “Now you be a good girl, and I’m going to get something else I think you’ll really like.”
Your eyes opened wide at the possible implications of that statement. You tried, without much success, to lift your head off the desk to see what she was doing behind you. Unfortunately, she was just outside your field of vision, but you could hear her rummaging through her bag on the floor. Then more shuffling, jingling of… buckles? More than one for sure.
“Not sure this is necessary given how dripping wet you are,” she taunted from behind you. Then you heard something squirt.
Oh god.
She was lubing up a strap-on.
You shifted in place, rubbing your soaked thighs together, the thought of what was coming next leaving you yearning for what would assuredly be another delightfully full feeling.
“Oh!” you gasped when something unexpectedly wet and cold prodded at your warm entrance.
Sevika chuckled and teasingly dragged the tip through your slit. “So sorry sweetheart. Might be a little cold.”
No shit.
You didn’t respond, instead focused on your breathing, which was still heavy from getting so worked up. With your chest pressed against the unforgiving wood of the desktop, you could feel your heart throbbing faster each time she ran the head of the dildo through your folds.
“You’re gonna have to get a little higher for me.”
Easier said than done.
Your legs felt like they’d turned to jello, but you still forced them closer together and pushed up on your tiptoes, muscles screaming at you to cease the demand.
“That’s my good girl.” She gave your ass a light pat with her free hand and pressed the tip of the toy just far enough inside to keep it from slipping out.
It was not a small one by any means. You could already feel the girth by the paltry amount sitting just inside your entrance. A soft moan fell past your lips and you rested your slick forehead against the top of the desk.
“Think you can take it all?” She asked, both her hands massaging the round, plump flesh of your ass.
You honestly weren’t sure. Her two fingers were the perfect fit, and this felt even larger. However, you were not about to tell her no to anything she offered you. Not in this lifetime or any other.
“Yes,” you forced out with a shallow breath.
“Hmm. I think so too,” she husked. She pressed both her thumbs against the underside of each asscheek and forced you to spread open more, revealing you in all your wet, lascivious glory.
Then, ever so slowly, you felt the toy start to sink deeper. It dragged almost tormentingly slowly along your walls. You weren’t sure if she was doing it to toy with you, or to give you time to adjust, but whatever her reason was, it was leaving you struggling to think.
“Mmm. Look at that,” she hummed, delighting in the vision of the silicone cock sinking deeper between your wet folds. “Fuck, that’s real good.”
Instinctively, your body jerked back towards her, forcing the toy considerably further in. You gasped at the sudden intense stimulation, muscles straining and fingers curling into fists.
Professor Sevika moved her hands to your hips, her nails digging into the soft flesh as she held you in place.
“Uh-uh,” she chided mockingly. “I’m in control here.”
“I-I’m sorry,” you stammered, “It-It just feels so good and you’re just so… I’m so…” You trailed off, mind blanking the moment she pushed in the last remaining length of the toy, her hips pressing fully against your ass.
“What was that? I didn’t quite catch that.”
Through the haze in your head, you heard the taunting lilt in her words, but it only made the knot forming low in your gut pull tighter. And with the height difference, the strap pressed in at an odd angle, to the point you could swear there was a bulge low in your stomach where it rested against the desk.
A sudden sharp pain in your hips knocked you temporarily back to your senses.
“I asked you a question,” she snarled, her nails sinking into your flesh.
“I- I’ve never felt so good. Never needed something- someone- so bad,” you exhaled as she started to pull back out.
“We’re only getting started, sweetheart,” she taunted. Then, just as the tip threatened to fall from your needy cunt, she snapped her hips, burying the faux cock clear to the hilt.
All the air rushed from your lungs in a sharp cry of pleasure, surely loud enough that anyone in the vicinity could hear. Hopefully nobody was.
“You’d better stay quiet. Or do I need to busy that mouth of yours again?” She seethed, leaning over your body to speak into your ear.
What was with all the difficult questions? There was no way you could keep quiet while she fucked you. It was too intense- too fucking good. And good god, she was making that angle so much worse- or better- with the way she was positioned. You stretched on your tiptoes, trying to relieve some of that overwhelming pressure.
“I’ll be good,” you mewled, “I’ll be quiet.”
“That’s my good girl,” she purred as she ran the tip of her nose along your ear. “Keep this up, and maybe I’ll let you cum sooner than later.”
You clenched around the toy, and you knew she could feel it by the evil little laugh that rumbled through her chest to where it pressed against your back.
She stood back up, and you whimpered at that loss of contact, only to be distracted by the strap withdrawing again.
Just as she’d done with her fingers, she started fucking you with a steady rhythm. Except this time, she only pulled out slowly, reentering at a much faster speed. Her hips slammed against your bottom each time, leaving you biting back moan after moan.
“How’s it feel having that wet little hole fucked by your professor?” she taunted. “Did you fantasize about this too?”
You’d literally dreamt of this moment a thousand times, a thousand different ways. Though none had ever compared to how it truly felt.
“Yes- many times- but I- never imagined- it would- feel this- good,” you moaned between each push of the toy along your walls.
“Such a filthy girl,” she jeered.
Maybe she was right, but if this was how filthy girls were punished, you weren’t about to change a damn thing.
She started fucking into you harder, faster, deeper– using your hips as leverage to pull you against her while she continued to thrust her hips.
Her grip was anything but gentle, sure to leave bruises you were more than willing to have. The force of her thrusts shook the desk hard enough to rattle the pen and pencil holder that sat precariously at the edge. Not that either of you gave a damn. You were too caught up in absolutely falling apart at her doing, and she was too caught up in watching it.
It wasn’t long before you once again found yourself at the precipice of bliss. The knot low in your belly pulled so taut it threatened to break at any moment.
“You’re close, aren’t you?”
The question echoed through your clouded head in her husky voice, but you weren’t sure you could form the words necessary to answer that. So instead you nodded your head, cheek sliding across the desk where it still rested in a pool of your own sweat and tears.
Between the maddening drag of the faux cock, you could feel one of her hands slide from your hip down around one of your thighs. Her middle finger ran along a trail of slick gathered along the inside before climbing up to circle your throbbing clit.
You gasped, a string of incoherent babbling following immediately after.
Just a few more of that motion and you’d be falling.
“Don’t think I’m letting you have it that easy,” Professor Sevika taunted. She was bent over you, those full lips of hers teasing along your ear yet again. “You’re gonna have to earn this.”
Fuck, god no.
You whimpered and pulled against the belt restraining your wrists.
If you could just-
“You brought this on yourself, sweetheart.”
True or not, you weren’t in your right mind to accept that, but neither were you capable of disputing it.
“How about a test? If you can answer these questions, I’ll let you cum. If you can’t, well, I’m just going to keep you right on that edge.”
She’s got to be fucking kidding.
“First question; What is the viscosity of an inviscid fluid?”
You weren’t sure if it was the haze that had taken over your head, or if that was a trick question.
“Zero?” you moaned as she timed another thrust of her hips with your answer. “𝝂 equals zero.”
“Good girl,” she purred into your ear, swiping the pad of her finger across your clit again.
You keened, body trembling.
At least the questions were easy as hell.
“Now, what type of fluid continues to flow regardless of forces acting on it?”
Scratch that last thought.
She continued to fuck you, but dragged that goddamn finger just outside your aching bundle of nerves, distracting you each time it came within close proximity.
Fucking hell.
Come on. You know this.
“Newtonian fluids!” you choked out.
“That’s my smart girl,” she whispered into your ear and flicked her finger against your swollen clit.
“Fuck!” you cried out as pain and pleasure radiated from that tiny point.
“Now, give me an example.” Her finger dipped lower, gathering more slick that had collected just above your entrance. “-in this room,” she added with a very obvious teasing lilt.
A fluid that continues to flow regardless of forces acting on it… in this room…
Was she really trying to get you to say that?
As she smeared the wetness from her finger all around the hood of your clit, you knew you had the answer she was looking for.
“My- My cum?”
“Mhm,” she hummed against your ear, her finger circling your clit once more.
“Please, Professor! I’m so close!” you begged.
“Not yet, sweetheart. Gotta be patient like I was. One more question.”
You bit your lip- hard- desperation to reach the end driving you mad.
“What is the coefficient of compressibility?”
“I- I-”
Another thrust, finger teasing so close.
With no coherent thought left in your head, all you could do was beg for her mercy.
“I can’t! God, p-please Professor. Please! I’ll do anything! Anything you want!” Your desperate pleas fell past your lips in a pathetic babble.
Her other hand left your hip and slipped between the desk and your stomach. With what little strength you had remaining, you lifted yourself up, allowing her hand to slip higher, between your breasts until her large fingers wrapped loosely around your throat, her forearm taking most of your weight.
“Anything?” she growled into your ear.
“Fuck yes!” you sobbed, your eyes flying open and allowing the tears of desperation to flow freely.
“Hmm, yes you will,” she hummed.
Then, god bless that fucking sinful woman, she slipped two fingers on either side of your swollen clit, timing each glide with a pump of the strap between your legs and the tightening of her fingers around your neck.
Your vision blurred, lids fluttering shut and eyes rolling back behind them. Airway restricted- just the slightest bit- you felt as if you were approaching a high. Any moment you’d fall, come crashing down into a pool of bliss.
“Should I stop this?”
The question echoed through your empty head. You had no idea what ‘this’ was, but you wanted nothing she was doing to stop.
“No, god please, no.” The voice you heard speak those words sounded nothing like your own. It was so deep, guttural, and uncontrolled.
“You like this?” she husked, fingers squeezing just a tad tighter, but enough to have you seeing stars.
“Fuck, yes,” you groaned.
“Good. Now cum for me.”
One more perfectly timed squeeze of her hand, glide of her fingers, and thrust of her faux cock was all it took to finally, finally send you toppling over the edge.
Your breath rushed out with a sputtered string of curses, her name mixed in. You felt weightless, like you were falling, even as her arm held the full weight of your chest. Waves of heat spread from your core throughout your entire body, every muscle burning as they contracted.
“That’s it. Let it all out,” she husked against your ear, her hand loosening its grip on your neck and pace slowing while she let you ride out the high.
When your babbling died down, fading into soft, labored breaths, she finally stilled completely and carefully lowered your upper half back down to rest on the desk.
Even with your eyes open, the room was a blur. As you settled against the desk, your cheek slid against the wooden top, still slick with more tears and sweat.
“You still with me, sweetheart?” your professor asked, combing through your hair with one hand while the other caressed your bound arms. She chuckled when all you could give her was a tiny nod. “That good, hm?”
You nodded again. Even if you could speak, words could never express the utter bliss you felt.
Her hands moved to the belt still binding your wrists and carefully removed it, tossing it aside on the desk as your hands fell limp along your sides. She shifted behind you, causing you to flinch when the silicone toy pressed against your overly sensitive walls.
“I’m gonna pull out now,” she warned, but before you could reply, she pulled back, ripping a sharp gasp from your sore, overused throat.
“Fuck,” you cursed under your breath.
She merely chuckled again and gave your ass a playful pat.
As you started to come to your senses, you realized your full weight rested on the desk, your legs had given out at some point. You tried to put a minuscule amount of weight on them, only to feel them tremble and threaten to buckle.
“I- I can’t stand,” you admitted sheepishly.
“No need.”
The next thing you knew, you were being manhandled– picked up, turned, and pulled onto your professor’s lap from where she sat in her chair. Somehow you managed to maneuver enough to straddle her, kicking your panties off the rest of the way in the process. The sticky strap rubbed against your swollen clit, overstimulation leaving you whining and grasping your professor’s shoulders.
“Shh,” she hushed you. Though her lips curled into a cocky, self-satisfied grin, her honeyed words were contrastingly sweet and soothing. “You did so well,” she cooed. She took your hands into her own, kissing along the red marks left along each wrist from where the belt had rubbed them raw during your struggles.
Then she cupped the side of your face and neck, examining how the sweat and tears had run your makeup, stained your bright red cheeks. “Look at you. Such a mess.” Her gray eyes glistened behind her glasses as they followed the path of her thumb tracing the apple of your cheek. “Such a beautiful mess.”
Your chest swelled and heated, spreading clear up through your neck to your cheeks. You pressed your cheek against her hand, biting your lip and giving her a bashful smile. When you swallowed, you felt a faint throbbing in your neck, a heated memory of where she’d wrapped that strong hand around it. One of your hands moved there instinctively, touching as you closed your eyes and relished the memory.
“Was- that too much?”
Your eyes flew open, alarmed by the unexpected hint of concern in your professor’s tone. That smile of hers was long gone and her eyes searched your neck after you pulled your hand away.
Oh fuck.
“Not at all!” you assured her, taken back by the sudden change in her demeanor, and admittedly rather moved by it. “I- I really enjoyed that,” you admitted with a shy, but reassuring smile.
“Yeah?” The corner of her mouth tugged upwards again.
You nodded, meeting her gaze and taking one of her hands to place it against your neck. Your hand slid over hers, squeezing it gently.
Her lips curled higher and she gripped your neck in her large hand, pupils dilating as she watched you close your eyes.
Your head lolled back, a soft moan falling past your parted lips.
She pulled you closer by the neck, her plush lips gliding over your chin and up along your jawline.
“Maybe you’re not such a good girl,” she husked.
Your hand slid down to wrap around her wrist, to ground yourself when your head began to spin, renewed lust taking the reins once again. The other hand fell to grip the arm of her chair as you felt her lips tease over yours.
It dawned on you that she’d fucked you stupid, and yet you hadn’t actually kissed her yet. But she just taunted you, held you still by your neck and let her warm breath mingle with yours.
“Professor, please,” you pleaded breathlessly. Your head may have been restrained, but your lower half was able to remove freely, allowing you to grind against her strap.
“Please what?” she asked, voice deep and taunting.
“Kiss me,” you pleaded, lips ghosting over hers as you spoke.
“Hmm,” she hummed, “Do you really think you deserve it?”
When you felt her run the tip of her tongue over your bottom lip, it took every ounce of willpower not to try to capture her mouth with your own. You attempted to swallow the lump forming in your throat, struggling to remain still for her. The heat returned between your thighs and you ground against her strap again. “Yes. I- I’ve been good for you.”
“You still gonna keep your word and do anything for me?”
“You gonna ride my cock?”
“And clean the mess you’ve made after?”
“Yes ma’am.”
The silence that followed nearly drove you to the brink of insanity. Her warm breath fanned across your dry lips, but when you attempted to wet them with your tongue you were met with the tease of hers. Your resulting wanton moan became muffled the moment her lips finally pressed to yours.
Her hand slid down from your neck to slip under your shirt and grasp one of your breasts, squeezing it roughly while her tongue delved deeper into your mouth. She all but devoured the soft, sweet sounds you made as your senses were invaded by her heady kiss and touch. The taste of her mouth- smoky and just a hint of sweetness. The press of her lips- so unbelievably soft. The aggression of her probing tongue- overwhelmingly good. And the warmth of her large hand- teasingly rolling over the hardening peak of your breast.
When she finally broke the kiss, she let you rest your forehead against hers while you caught your breath. Staring into her gray eyes through those sexy glasses, you couldn’t believe any of this was happening. All those days and nights you spent thinking about her, you never truly thought you’d get here, especially like this. Never thought a woman so smart, sexy, gorgeous, and strong would give you the time of day, let alone fuck you so wild and passionately. It was utterly mind-blowing.
And yet, as you sat there, straddling her lap and feeling that familiar knot forming in your belly, she was watching you with just as much admiration and desire.
“Ready?” she asked, breaking the silence.
You nodded, teeth capturing your bottom lip in anticipation.
She tucked your skirt up and into its waistband then grasped your hips. She lifted you up over the tip of her faux cock, just letting you hover there for a moment. Raising her hips off her chair just enough to rub the tip over your sensitive clit, her lips curled into a smug smile as your face contorted at the teasing touch.
Hands braced on her broad shoulders, you locked eyes with her when she let you control your descent. You lowered yourself, ever so slowly, and though you were already looser from your first round, the stretch was still indescribably fulfilling. It took much of your remaining control to hold back the moan that tried to escape, the skin of your lip on the verge of breaking with how hard you bit down.
She captured your chin between thumb and forefinger, gently prying your lip out from between your teeth. “I want to hear those pretty little noises you make.”
Your cheeks heated, but you nodded obediently. As you sank lower, you finally let a soft, long moan slip free. The way her smile grew at that only served to encourage you further. “Fuck,” you breathed when you finally bottomed out. You collapsed forward, burying your face in her neck for a moment while you regained your senses and adjusted.
“Not already giving up on me are you?” The vibrations from her low chuckle reverberated from where her chest pressed into yours.
You sat back up, smiling at her shyly. “No, I just need a minute. Very sensitive after all… that.”
Her lips twitched at your last word, clearly proud of herself.
Fuck that lopsided grin of hers is so damn sexy.
“Take all the time you need,” she replied and ran her hands up and down your back beneath your top. She started to lift it up, then paused suddenly.
You met her eyes, curious why she stopped, and noticed she had raised a brow expectantly. She was asking for permission.
And better yet, maybe you could use that to your advantage. Your eyes dropped to the gold chain she wore, followed it all the way down her neck and chest to where it disappeared between her cleavage and under her shirt.
“Can I unbutton yours?” you asked sweetly, feigning innocence despite the fact that you were obviously trying to bribe her.
She eyed you suspiciously for a moment, and you thought for sure she was going to deny it, but to your surprise, she gave you a short nod. “Suit yourself.”
You beamed and immediately reached for her top button.
You stopped dead in your tracks, eyes flitting back up to hers.
“Yours first.”
Of course.
Not that you minded. Especially with how her eyes raked appreciatively over your exposed chest after she pulled your top off and tossed it onto the desk.
“Hmm,” she hummed and ran her hands up from your waist, over your sides, and slid her thumbs beneath each breast, pressing gently into the soft flesh. “So pretty.”
Beyond flattered by the compliment and excited to get to her shirt, you squirmed on her lap, completely forgetting the fact that her faux cock was still buried inside you. You whimpered at the unexpected stimulation, earning yourself another one of her sexy, taunting little laughs.
You sucked in a breath and held it, shaky hands reaching for that first button. You managed to get it out with little to no problem, but each subsequent button became increasingly difficult as your professor’s ministrations became more aggressive, fingers teasingly rolling and pinching your nipples. Without looking you could feel her smirk growing at your frustration while you struggled to remove the second to last button above the waistband of her slacks.
“Need some help?” she taunted.
“No. I can do IT!” the bite in your words was lost in the squeal you released when she gave both nipples a particularly hard, but downright blissful, pinch.
“What was that?”
“I said I can do…” You once again couldn’t finish your statement, this time because she had lifted her hips, pushing the silicone toy deeper inside you. “Fuck me,” you cursed under your breath, trying to clear the fog that pleasure had generated in your head.
She chuckled again, but took mercy on you and held off on the stimulation, allowing you to quickly remove the remaining buttons.
The excitement of finally seeing beneath her blouse had your every nerve firing up in overdrive. Bottom lip pulled between your teeth again, you slowly pushed her blouse open, revealing the expanse of that beautiful rich brown skin. Your eyes trailed from her deliciously toned abs to her equally delectable breasts. Turned out she wasn’t wearing a bra either and you wondered if that was specifically planned for tonight. And good god were her breasts beautiful, lying soft and heavy against her chest.
You met her gaze, a question in your eyes.
Can I touch?
A little nod of her head was all it took and your fingertips were at her abs, tracing each line, working your way up to her chest. You paused your exploration, nerves alight with anticipation. You weren’t prepared though, for the response she gave when you finally cupped that round, supple flesh in your hands and gently squeezed them.
The low, strained groan that left your professor’s mouth had your gaze darting to her face. With what little you could see behind her half-lidded eyes, her pupils had dilated. Even her hands had ceased their ministrations on your breasts.
Oh. Wow.
Fuck, you wanted to explore more of that, but the moment your hands froze in shock, her eyes narrowed and honed in on you.
“That’s enough. Now ride my cock or I’ll make you do it myself.”
You swallowed hard, not about to argue with that, and moved your hands back up to her shoulders. As soon as you started to lift off her lap, the toy dragging along your walls, her smirk reappeared. You knew she could see you straining, fighting the ache that spread through your legs at the stimulation.
She slid her hands to your back, gently running them up and down as she watched you set a slow, but not so steady pace.
You closed your eyes, trying to block out her distractingly smug grin while you struggled to remain composed enough to bounce on her lap. Each descent drug a low moan from your throat. And as you increased the speed, the muscles in your legs throbbed and threatened to give out.
“That’s my good girl, bounce for me,” Sevika husked. She slid one hand down to your lower back while the other grabbed one of your tits.
“Professor,” you mewled, faltering at the distracting sensations.
She ignored your plea and instead leaned forward to catch your nipple in her mouth while you attempted to keep riding her.
Blunt nails skimmed down your back until they sank into your hip. That hand guided your motions and kept the pace as soon as you started to lose the ability to use your legs, weakened when the pleasure became too much.
“Professor, I- I can’t,” you huffed between descents. You sank your own nails into her shoulders, willing yourself to keep going despite your muscles screaming and burning.
She chuckled against your breast before swirling her tongue around the hardened peak. “Thought you said you could,” she murmured teasingly against your other breast.
“I- I was- OH!”
She bit down on your nipple, and judging by the curl of lips against your skin, she was intentionally trying to fuck with you.
“Professor, please. I- I was wrong,” you managed to get out.
The hand playing with your breast slid down to your other hip, gripping it tight.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” she husked after pulling back from your breast to examine your strained expression.
She took over control, lifting you up and pulling you back down at a pace that had you gripping her shoulders tighter. And each time she pulled you down, she lifted her hips to grind the base of her strap against your clit.
With the sensitivity still lingering from your first orgasm, and her skilled arms and hips, it didn’t take long for that familiar tightening sensation to return.
No longer able to even hold your body upright, you collapsed against her chest, your breasts bouncing against hers as she continued unhindered. You buried your face in her neck, murmuring and moaning how good it felt while the lewd squelching sounds of your sopping cunt being pummeled echoed off the classroom walls.
Feeling the inevitable climax fast approaching, you sucked in a breath and sank your teeth into the soft flesh between her neck and shoulder, muffling your cry of ecstasy when your second orgasm tore through you.
Too lost in the pleasure rippling through your body, you failed to hear her hiss of pain when your teeth sank deeper, nearly breaking skin.
Her grip on your hips tightened, but she never faltered, bouncing you on her cock until she felt you release your bite and fall completely limp against her.
Both of you sat there for a moment, saying nothing, only listening to the other’s heavy breathing. Your chests rose and fell in sync, skin sliding along skin slick with sweat, and you were grateful for her allowing you to open that shirt. The contact grounded you while you recovered from your high.
Professor Sevika slid her hands from your hips to your back, fingertips drawing lazy patterns along your spine. It was contrastingly sweet compared to the wild night she’d given you and it made your racing heart skip a beat.
It dawned on you, as the haze cleared from your head and your lips glided over her skin, that you had left quite the mark on her. Blinking, you lifted your head just enough to peer down at the damage. You really had done a number on her, left two nice rows of dark red indents along that beautiful brown skin. Brows furrowed in worry, you sat up and examined her face. She didn’t seem upset- a lazy, cocky smile on those dark lips.
“I’m so sorry about that,” you whispered, voice hoarse from overuse. You trailed your finger tenderly across the marks.
She chuckled. “Don’t you worry about that. I’ll wear it like a battle scar.”
You smiled at her bashfully, not only relieved that she didn’t mind, but flattered that she would so proudly let them be seen.
She pulled you closer, ghosting her lips over yours. “Besides, I’ll just have to make sure I mark my claim as well,” she purred.
And just like that, the pleasant ache of arousal returned to your lower half.
God, she knew just what to say to make you melt.
Before you could lean in and take the kiss she was teasing you with, she pulled back. “Now for you to keep to your end of the bargain. You’re gonna clean the mess you’ve made.”
What exactly she meant didn’t immediately register, but the moment you followed her eyes when they dropped to where your body met hers, you realized what she meant.
You had no qualms with that, but there was the problem of your legs. Every muscle burned and ached, threatened to turn to liquid the moment you attempted to put any weight on them. “I- I still don’t know if I can use my legs.” Your cheeks heated at the confession.
“I can help you with that,” she replied, and you could hear the cocky edge in her tone. Her hands returned to your hips, ready to lift you off.
“Wait!” You exclaimed, a little louder than intended.
She raised a brow, but her hands stilled at your sides.
“Can I have another kiss first?”
“For someone who’s deserving of a good punishment, you sure have a lot of requests,” she sneered.
“Is that a yes then?” you asked, trying but failing to hide your smile.
She said nothing, instead slipped one hand behind your head and pulled you closer.
Your lips parted the moment they connected with hers, a quiet sigh escaping at the softness. Her tongue teased along the inside of your upper lip, drawing back when you tried to meet it with your own. The muffled whine of protest that pulled from your throat turned into a sharp gasp when she captured your bottom lip between her teeth and tugged.
After one more quick press of her lips to yours, she slowly lifted you up off the sticky silicone toy, pulling a long whine from you in the process. The overstimulation you’d felt before had increased tenfold. Though you could tell she was trying to be gentle, the upward tug at the corner of her mouth did not go unnoticed.
Then she carefully helped you sink down to your knees between her spread legs.
You moved your hands over her thighs, letting them hover there for a moment while you peered up at her, waiting for her permission to touch. When she nodded, you let your hands run up the length of her legs, from knees to the very apex of her thighs.
The dark black faux cock was more than a little coated with your release, a clear indication of just how fucking good she’d made you feel.
Scooting closer, you peered up at her through your lashes, watching her reaction closely while you drug the tip of your tongue from base to tip. That earned you a pleased smirk, encouraging you to keep up the display. The taste of your own release filled your mouth, bitter but arousing. Your eyes fell shut, a soft moan rolling past your lips.
“That's it,” she purred from above you. She caressed your cheek with the backs of her knuckles as you peered up at her sweetly. "Now be a good girl and get it all for me."
You ran your tongue up the length again, this time with the flat of your tongue, half-lidded eyes still on hers.
Her hand moved from your cheek to the back of your head to gently guide you over the tip. “How much can that pretty mouth of yours take?” she husked.
As much as she fucking wants.
“Can you take it all for me?”
You weren’t sure, but there was no way in hell you weren’t going to try your damnedest. So you gave her an innocent little nod and adjusted your position, raising yourself up higher despite your legs protesting against the extra strain. Her hand, though heavy where it rested at the back of your head, remained still, allowing you to control the motion. Taking a deep breath, you wrapped your lips loosely around the tip and slowly descended, taking the sticky strap inch by inch until your lips kissed the base.
Your eyes watered as you struggled not to gag when the tip touched the back of your throat. You closed your eyes, concentrating on your breathing. Then, with your tongue pressed against the slick silicone and lips pursed, you slowly dragged back up the length, coming off the end with a wet pop.
“Let me see,” she demanded before you could swallow. She took your chin between her thumb and forefinger and gently pressed down.
Obediently, you let your jaw go slack, allowing her to open your mouth. You watched her expression closely when you stuck your tongue out, relishing in how her lips curled higher in approval.
“So good for me,” she purred, and she slowly leaned down to capture your lips with hers.
Your eyes fell shut and her tongue immediately delved inside your mouth, swiping over yours to collect the slick and saliva that coated it. You groaned and pressed further into the kiss. A deep hum of satisfaction rumbled from her chest and up through her throat. You dug your nails into her thighs.
When she broke the kiss, you peered up at her from beneath your heavy lids. She met your gaze through her glasses, gray eyes sparkling with mirth.
How does she stay so cool and in control while you kneel at her feet dizzy and overwhelmed from her kiss alone?
"That's only half the job.”
That statement pulled you from your thoughts, but even as you repeated the words in your head, you weren’t sure what she meant. Your attention dropped to the strap, which was, in your opinion, pretty fucking clean for having only used your mouth.
Without warning, Professor Sevika stood, nearly knocking you backward when the faux cock sprung close to your face. You tilted your head back, staring up at her with a quizzical look.
Fuck she’s so damn tall.
She simply smirked down at you while she slipped off her harness and tossed it into her bag on the floor.
You patiently waited, hoping whatever she meant to happen next would come to light. And it certainly did the moment she reached for the top button of her slacks.
Oh god yes.
She must have noticed when the realization struck you, given how her lips curled even higher. With the button pushed out of its loop, she slowly- teasingly- pulled the zipper down.
Your fingers curled, clawing at the tops of your thighs where your hands rested. You were finally going to get to relive that fantasy and there was no containing the excitement that sparked through your body like lightning.
Hands back at her sides, she regarded you for a moment, enjoying just how eager you appeared kneeling there at her feet. “Go ahead.”
Those two words, though alone sounded like permission, you could tell there was more to it. She wanted to reward you.
Despite how badly you yearned for this moment, you reached out slowly, hands damn near trembling as you slipped your fingers beneath the waistband of her slacks and underwear. The skin beneath was warm, smooth, and taut, and as you stripped her down, bit by bit, you could see a very prevalent v-line poking out from beneath the hem of her blouse.
As you slipped her clothing past her ass, she took a seat at the edge of her chair. Even when you pulled them clear down to her ankles, she kept her legs closed, unlike the way she’d typically sit. It was clearly her way of dragging the moment out, teasing you, getting you even more worked up. And it sure as hell was working.
You met her eyes when she bent down to gently lift your chin with her forefinger beneath it. Your throat bobbed as you swallowed hard, anticipation boiling up inside you, threatening to break what little control you had left.
"You like being teacher's pet, hm?” She hummed. “You have been very good for me. I think you deserve a treat."
When she released your chin, your wide eyes dropped to the apex of her thighs, mouth damn near salivating as she ever-so-slowly began to spread those strong, thick thighs of hers. Thighs you’d give anything to have your head between. And you’d finally have that. Any second now.
The smell of her arousal permeated the air around you. Your thighs rubbed together in an attempt to soothe the growing ache quickly taking over your lower half once again.
She smelled so fucking good.
Eyes hungrily glued between her legs, you whimpered at the sight of just how wet she was.
And it was all for you. You got her wet. You excited her. You turned her on.
As you settled between her thighs you ran your hands up the length of her toned legs, fingertips memorizing each muscle as they flexed beneath smooth brown skin. Her gaze felt heavy and heated while she watched you, and you wondered if she was struggling with patience as much as you were. For as much as you wanted to just dive right in, you wanted to take this moment slowly, enjoy it, relish in everything she offered you.
When your hands reached the tops of her thighs you peered up at her through your lashes. She wore a smile unlike one you’d seen before, lips slightly parted, revealing a small tooth gap you’d never had the opportunity to see before.
Could she possibly be any more attractive?
You smiled up at her sweetly and began gradually peppering soft kisses up along the insides of her thigh. Those wonderful muscles flexed beneath your lips the closer you got to her center, her legs spreading wider to allow your head more room. When your mouth pressed against the line where thigh meets pelvis you let your eyes fall shut and took a moment to just breathe in the scent of her. Musky, but with the slightest hint of that smoky spice you’d come to associate with her.
A large, warm hand at the back of your head drew your attention back up to your professor. You expected her to either give you a look suggesting you get to it, or to just pull your face against her, but she simply looked down at you through heavy lids, mouth still pulled into that little smile.
But you weren’t going to make either of you wait a moment longer.
Eyes locked on hers you leaned forward, tip of your tongue creeping out to barely tease through her wet slit. Even with that tiny swipe, the taste of her overwhelmed your mouth. Though slightly bitter like your own slick, she had her own unique flavor and it left your head spinning. You groaned, in unison with her own quiet sigh. You could feel her fingertips lightly curl against the back of your head where her hand rested.
So good.
Her lids grew heavier, urging you to take another taste and see just what kind of reactions you could get from her. You went in for another, this time tracing her soft folds, one swipe for each side. That earned you another delightfully deep groan that made your clit throb with need. And it seemed with that, her patience was finally wearing thin.
“C’mon. Be a good girl for me and clean up the mess you’ve made.”
Her voice- good god her sexy voice- was far raspier than usual, just dripping with lust. And you could see it in her eyes too, through the tiny slits that remained beneath her lids. She wanted this bad.
Not about to keep her waiting any longer, you gripped the top of her thighs and pressed the full length of your tongue inside her. Blunt nails dug into your scalp when you swirled your tongue around her walls, collecting as much of her arousal as you could before dragging it back out. You moaned as you swallowed, but immediately delved back inside, nose rubbing against her clit while you lapped at the fluids leaking from her.
She adjusted slightly in her seat, moving herself closer to the edge, and guided your face closer.
You were more than happy to oblige her by getting your face further in there, sucking on her folds before finally wrapping your lips around her swollen clit. Nose buried in the thick, dark patch of hair above, you slid your tongue around the tiny bundle of nerves, delighting in how that made her hips buck towards your face.
Her quiet, deep groans quickly became more prevalent the more you worked at her, and her grip on the back of your head became tighter and tighter. The moment you added suction to the mix of stimulation, she seemed to lose her composure.
“Fuck,” she groaned, nails biting into your scalp as she thrust toward your mouth again. “Just like that.”
Your own moans filled the air, pleasure coursing through your body at all the lovely reactions you were getting from her. You were beginning to wonder if you’d simply get off right there to just that.
Focused on her clit, you sucked, swirled, and flicked it, increasing the speed and intensity when you sensed her approaching climax. You could feel the muscles beneath your fingers tensing tighter.
The hand at the back of your head tightened in its grip and she started grinding against your face in earnest. And good god you could suffocate right there and die literally the happiest person on the fucking planet knowing you were the one making her feel so fucking good, making her want to fuck your face so wildly. It was heaven.
Unable to ignore your own needs any longer, you let one of your hands slip down between your legs, focusing your attention there, letting her take the reins and ride your face. Your insides tightened with each stroke of your fingers through your slick folds, each thrust of her hips, and each beautiful groan that spilled from her mouth.
Her movements suddenly became erratic and her thighs clamped around your head, holding you in a vice grip. Had you not been so overcome with your own delirious pleasure, you would have been disappointed that her curses of pleasure had been muffled by the press of her thighs against your ears.
She came hard and hot on your tongue and chin, smearing it across your face while she rode out her high. You were close yourself, but your focus switched to her again when her movements faltered. Your hand stilled between your legs and you worked your tongue to clean up every last drop that spilled from her.
When her hand and thighs finally released their death grip on your head, you fell back on your haunches, chest heaving while you stared up at her in a daze. To your utter delight, she appeared to be just as fucked out, at least compared to her typical cool composure.
Professor Sevika sat slumped back in her chair, breasts exposed between her mostly unbuttoned shirt, rising and falling with her heavy breaths. Her forehead glistened, covered by a fine sheen of sweat. She peered down at you through her foggy glasses, gray eyes barely open.
You wiped the side of your hand across your face and tried to contain the proud smile pulling at your lips. She looked utterly fucked, and you did that to her.
The two of you sat like that for a short period, trying to catch your breath, observing the other. She, miraculously, seemed to recover first. Not that it really should have surprised you. She clearly was far more experienced and skilled.
She stood to her full height before you and pulled her pants back up. With that lopsided grin painting her face once more, she knelt down and pressed the tip of her forefinger beneath your chin. “Now to clean you.”
Oh fuck yes.
Feeling the pressure she applied beneath your chin, you took that as her silent command to stand, and so you did, all while keeping your eager, wide eyes locked with hers.
The moment you were on your feet her hands slipped behind the backs of your thighs and she hoisted you up.
You squealed in surprise, earning yourself a low chuckle from her. She plopped your ass down on her desk without any regard to the papers, pens, and pencils that then scattered and fell to the floor. With your hands braced against the edge of the desk, you waited with bated breath for what was to come next.
She bent down to steal a quick kiss, but slipped away before you could lean in to deepen it. Your disappointment was short-lived though, as you watched her take a seat in her chair and roll herself between your spread legs.
“Lay back.”
You did as you were told, but propped yourself up on your forearms, wanting nothing more than to see her beautiful face between your legs while she assuredly gave you the most mind-blowing head you’d ever receive if any of her other performances were an indication.
“Wait!” you called out when she reached to pull off her glasses. She arched a brow and your cheeks flushed in embarrassment. “Keep them on, please,” you asked softly.
“You really are a dirty girl, aren’t you?” she sneered, but she obliged your request and instead busied her hands by running them up and down the sides of your thighs.
Unlike you, she did not take her time. With a firm grasp on your hips, she pulled your ass closer to the edge.
The startled yelp that pulled from your throat turned into a soft gasp when she grasped the back of your thighs, just below the back of your knees, and pushed them up towards the sides of your chest.
It left you spread wide open and on display in all your- soaked- glory, which she made sure to point out to you as if you hadn’t noticed.
“Look at you. Sweet little pussy just absolutely dripping,” she teased. Her eyes remained on your face though, watching you squirm and try to hide your embarrassment by turning your head away.
“Hey! Eyes on me!”
The sharp, dangerous tone of that command had your head pivoting back to face her so fast you’d quickly forgotten about your exposure.
“Good girl. I want to see that pretty face, understand?” she asked, tone softening.
Not trusting yourself to speak, you nodded.
And then, as she lowered her head, every muscle in your body tensed, the anticipation- from both of you- palpable.
The moment her mouth connected with your folds you released your breath in a shaky whimper. Once again she gave you no time to recover, running the flat of her tongue up through your entrance, the tip just barely teasing over the hood of your clit.
You clenched around nothing, earning yourself a wicked little smirk from your professor. Bottom lip caught between your teeth, you tried to hold back needy moans while she pushed that devilish wet muscle of hers deep inside you. Even though it couldn’t fill you like her fingers or strap, she managed to press and drag it along your walls with perfect precision and hard enough to leave you trembling.
You reached forward with one hand, barely keeping yourself stable with the other, and carded your fingers through her hair. And oh how fucking soft it was. Like silk. You tugged on it while her tongue swirled teasingly around your clit.
As much as you wanted to watch her, you weren’t sure your arm could hold you up much longer. With every glide of that tongue, and every deep hum of satisfaction that rumbled from her chest, you could feel your muscles burn and ache more and more.
You finally lost that remaining strength when you felt her soft lips wrap around your clit and suck. You fell back against the desk, both hands clawing at the unforgiving wood while she quickly worked you up.
“Oh fuck, Sevika, that feels so good,” you whimpered. Too drunk on your pleasure, you hadn’t even realized you’d forgotten to use her honorific. But she either didn’t hear or didn’t care, as she continued to drive you closer to the edge of your third orgasm of the night.
Your eyes rolled back behind their lids, heat pooling deep in your abdomen. The obscene sounds of her slurping, sucking, and all but devouring your cunt dissolved into muffled echoes behind the blood roaring in your ears.
Any second.
A gentle suction of lips.
Just a little more.
A sharp flick of the tongue.
A flash of bright white light took over your vision as trails of fire spread through your trembling body. Your cries or ecstasy rang through your ears and everything else faded away. Muscles contracted repeatedly, feeding your professor more and more of your slick.
Just as quick as that high hit you, it started to fade. And then set in the overstimulation, far worse than after your previous orgasms. Each swipe of her tongue made your body jerk involuntarily.
“Pro-Professor!” you whined. “Please! No more!”
She ceased immediately, sitting up to observe you through hooded eyes with blown pupils. And fuck, if you hadn’t felt so much pain from the overstimulation, you would have gladly let her keep going. But you were officially spent. You had nothing else to give.
She said nothing, wiping her mouth off on the back of her hand while she watched your breasts rise and fall. She moved her chair closer and carefully pulled your limp body across the desk and onto her lap.
You wrapped your arms loosely over her shoulders and collapsed against her, face buried in the side of her neck. Two large, warm hands ran up and down your back, soft lips pressing the most tender kisses along your hairline, and you simply melted.
“You alright, sweetheart?” she finally asked after a moment, voice low and raspy, but you could hear the hint of concern in there.
You slowly sat up, meeting her worried gaze with a sweet smile. “Never felt better.”
There was that haughty smirk again.
She pulled you closer, her lips capturing yours in a soft, but passionate kiss.
Your lips parted to release a soft, content moan, allowing her tongue to dip inside and for you to taste the bitter remnants of your arousal.
When she broke the kiss- much to your disappointment- she quickly soothed away any complaint you had with a playful tease. “Think you’ve learned your lesson?”
Your breathy laugh made her lips pull higher, revealing that cute tooth gap again. “I’m not sure that punishment really taught me anything,” you admitted with a big smile.
A single brow lifted. “That so?” she asked and you simply grinned in response. “Guess I’ll just have to go harder on you.”
Your eyes widened.
Is she just joking, or would she really do this again?
“You know, I am teaching a summer course this year. Could use the help of an intelligent grad.”
Your eyes lit up.
She pulled you closer again, running her nose along the side of your neck as she pressed her lips against the taut flesh. “Mhm,” she murmured just below your ear, drawing a shiver down your spine. “Know anybody?”
Eyes falling shut as you succumbed to her sensual attention, you found yourself unable to formulate words, instead giving her a low “mhm.”
“And who might that be?” she purred into your ear, warm breath tickling the tiny hairs along your neck.
You squirmed in her arms, releasing something caught between a quiet giggle and a soft moan. “I-” your words caught in your throat when you felt her take your lobe between her teeth and gently bite down.
She really knew how to mess with you. And you’d be a damn liar if you ever claimed it didn’t drive you mad with desire.
“Me?” you managed to whisper.
You hummed in agreement.
She pressed several more kisses along your jawline before finally pulling back to regard your very flustered expression. “Now, why don’t you come back to my place and tell me about more of those fantasies, seeing as we’ll have all summer to live them out?”
Hell, fucking, yes.
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247 notes · View notes
corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ HEADCANNONS: team stan reacting to yn being in the hospital✧.*
✧.* tags: superhero au, college au
✧.* Characters: stan marsh, kyle broflovski, kenny mccromick, butters stotch
a/n: i ran into a bit of a wall with team craig but i'm going to give it another go tomorrow!
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You send him a text saying you won’t be at the next dnd session because your in the hospital with a broken rib 
Straight up just says “I’m sorry”
Nothing else. He doesn’t know how to talk to people. 
You saw him dealing with kenny dying, he does NOT know what to say
He’s freaking the fuck out though irl. Are you okay? What if you aren’t okay? What is he going to do if you aren’t okay?
He comes to visit you when you tell Kenny and Kyle and they DRAG him into the room
He got you a giant fucking basket of random stuff that doesn’t really apply to you but you appreciate it nonetheless
“Are there any broken rib vitamins in here?”
“Those are a thing? I didn’t realize they made those. I can go grab some right now-”
“I fucking with you, dude. Thank you for the basket :)”
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You’re talking to him normally, chatting about your day
Then he asks if you want to get pizza, smoke, and watch Rango
“Oh sorry, I’m in the hospital rn so probably not tonight"
"yeah my bus was hit by the stampede of cows from the villain attack yesterday"
You get no response
But that’s because 5 minutes later, kenny is standing in the doorway of your hospital room with a slushie from 7/11 in hand
It was the only thing he thought to get you (because who doesn’t love a slushie?)
You’ve got a few bruises and a hairline fracture on your ankle but Kenny acts like you are on death’s door
“Just don’t go towards the light” 
“If you really thought I was dying, you should’ve brought me more than slushie.”
“Should I have brought 2 slushies?”
Becomes your personal errand boy until you’ve recovered. 
Hungry? He’s got your grocery list and a recipe printed out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Bored? Time for a movie marathon.
Need help with class? He’s dragging kyle down the hall for whatever you may need. 
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He was there when you got hurt because you were trying to film a fight and the coon miscalculated his landing spot, landing on a bunch of trash cans and sending a lid hurtling towards you
Obviously as butters, he’d rush over and help you 
And what is more chaotic than a civilian being included in the battle? 
But this wasn’t any civilian, it was YOU 
And he’ll ground HIMSELF if he lets someone get away with hurting you >:(
He’d shout out a “TIME OUT” which mainly just confuses everyone (as any agent of chaos would do)
But it’s enough time for him to grab you and run away from the fight to his LAIR OF CHAOS where general disarray is able to give you a check up
After working with chaos for a few years, general disarray realized there needed to be someone with medical training so he took a few courses at the community center and now he’s on his way to being a registered nurse! 
Doesn’t stop apologizing even though you tell him it wasn’t his fault. 
Takes all of his stuffed animals from his bed and brings them over to you so you’re not alone while you wait for Disarray to give you the go ahead to go home 
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Probably asking why you weren’t in class and you tell him you’re in the hospital
Thinks it’s a joke at first 
But you send him a picture of you hooked up to the heart monitor
The coon had used you as a human shield during a fight with a villain and you ended up getting hit with an energy blast by Solar Flare (bebe’s supervillain persona hehe)
He calls you instantly
“I’m going to kill him.”
“Don’t kill him, kyle”
“Too late. I'm killing him. This is too fucking far.”
“Aw you care 🙂”
“No i just needed a reason to finally put that fucker in the ground.”
“Oh sure, just be mean to the person hooked up to fucking life support”
“No, I just wanted to see how you’d react.”
“When i’m done killing cartman, you’re next.”
Spoiler alert: he was joking. 
He brings you flowers and a sudoku probably 
And the notes from the class you missed like the absolute king he is
Talks to the doctor when you get discharged and basically becomes a live-in nurse
“The doctor said you need to limit your screen time while you recover. Do your crossword instead” 
Okay fucking MOM
Just kidding it’s sweet
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369 notes · View notes
lovestaysblogs · 4 months
another cinderella story
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pairing: college au!jeongin x reader word count: 2121 genre: college au, fluff warnings: none network: @skzstarnet
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Jeongin frowned at his friend’s bad joke. To be fair it was finals week. They had to find some humor somewhere because if they didn’t laugh, they would most definitely cry. He reached over to flick Jisung’s forehead,
“Go back to studying,” He deadpanned.
Jisung rubbed his forehead with a pout. “I’m trying, bro”. He groaned, “I don’t know why the hell I took this class in the first place.”
Jeongin chuckled, “It’s a required class Sung, you didn’t have a choice,”
“I know, I know but I’m a –”
“Creative writing major” They said in unison.
“We all know. You say it all the time,” Jeongin groaned and leaned back. “It’s college math bro, we all have to do it whether we like it or not,”
It was currently nearing dinner time and they both have been cooped up in the library from the day has started and they have yet barely reached anywhere.
“I give up. I don’t know why I even attempted to study,” Jeongin placed his head on his hands. “And I’m hungry,”
“We need to pass the class,” Jisung said trying to convince himself, “And I do not want to go through this hell again,”
Jeongin looked around, the library was full of tired and stressed out students. “If we leave and come back we’re probably not going to get our spot back.”
“Or, I could leave and you watch our spot?” Jisung looked over at him with a sly smile. “I could bring you back a coffee, please! Innie-ah please!”
Jeongin sighed, running his hand through his hair, “Fine, just go. You need it more than me anyways.”
Jisung barely took notice of his comment before packing up and leaving immediately. “I’ll find the best coffee on campus I promise!”
Jeongin would describe himself as an okay student. The university he attends now wasn’t his first pick. In fact, it’s more quaint than the others. But seeing that he still hasn’t declared a major, he can’t really be too judgy. 
He looked down at the foreign formulas in his book. Studying was not something that was on his mind at the moment. So with the lack of motivation and food in his stomach, he starts to scroll on his phone, praying that Jisung comes back soon.
The table he was sitting at shifted. He looked beside him to see a girl unpacking her books, basically setting up camp for studying beside him.
“Hi, uh that’s someone’s seat,” Jeongin said.
She turned to him and he noticed how put together she looked. Her twists pulled into a neat bun, wearing a sweater vest and dress pants paired off with the cliche black glasses frame. She was also wearing a mask but the way she frowned at him with her eyes in despair, when he told her she was in Jisung’s seat, tugged at his heart strings. He could tell she was a nerd, but at least, she was a cute nerd.
“Really? Oh no, the exam is tomorrow and my laptop is dying and this was the only open spot with an outlet right next to it.” Her soft voice brought back some life into Jeongin.
He suddenly felt re-energized. And who was he to turn down a study partner, especially one with such pretty brown eyes.
“Well, I’m sure he’s not coming back for now.” 
That was the half-truth, Jeongin prayed that Jisung wouldn’t come back for now. 
“You can stay here until he’s back,”
The bright eye smile you gave him as you pushed your glasses up, made him smile as well.
“Thank you so much!”
“No problem.”
After a shared silence, he glanced over to see you clicking away on your calculator. Your brows were knitted together as you punched in numbers and quickly wrote down answers, softly mumbling to yourself. 
“Is that college math?” He asked.
“Yeah, the exam is tomorrow and I’m so nervous,” You barely even glanced at him.
But he smiled again. “Yeah, I have it too. But you seem to know what you’re doing. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
You paused what you were doing and looked up at him. He felt the gratefulness from your eyes.
“Thank you. But I don’t. And it’s no thanks to Professor Cho,”
“Wait, we're in the same class?”
“Yeah, we are”
“How come I haven’t seen you before?”
You looked back down at your notebook, and pressed your lips together, “Oh, you probably just didn’t take notice,” You said softly.
He scratched the back of head, feeling embarrassed.  “Well I should have. I can’t believe I’m only getting to know I had such a pretty and smart classmate all along.”
You laughed softly through your mask, “I’m wearing a mask, you can’t even see me.”
“I don’t need to when I know how gorgeous your eyes are already,”
There’s a certain warmth from you that’s pulling you towards him and he wants to find out more. 
You rolled your eyes, hoping the mask hid your smile beneath it, but Jeongin saw straight through it. Before he even got a chance to comment you changed the topic,
“How do you think you’re going to do on the exam?”
His shoulders slouched, “Honestly,” He chuckled, “It’s in God’s hands at this point,”
Your head fell back slightly as you laughed at him. It was to the point of people starting to shush you. You covered your mouth, trying to soften your laughter, even though you already had on the mask.
He liked that he made you laugh.
“It can’t be that bad?” You tried to offer little hope, before shaking your head, “No, it’s that bad. Professor Cho did nothing but yell all semester,”
“Or complain about –”
“No one wants to work these days,” You both said simultaneously.
You giggled looking over at him. His jet black hair slightly ruffled, most likely due to stressfully running his hand through it. His dimples really shine through, even when he barely laughs. His eyes glanced over at you and you both made eye contact. 
“You’ll do fine though,” You said softly. “I see you and your friend in class and you always have the long ass worksheets he sets for us done,”
“You saw that?” His eyes widened, “Damn, how come I’ve never seen you before?”
He truly cannot believe that you two have not crossed paths before. He was almost mad at himself for not taking notice of you. It’s amazing how in such a short time, he managed to feel so comfortable with a complete stranger. He really wanted to get to know you more. He can’t imagine how much more beautiful you were unmasked. 
You laughed, “Maybe it’s the mask. You just didn’t notice me” 
But his eyes narrowed at you, “Maybe it is,” 
His hand slowly reached out towards your face, “Can I?”
You nodded. 
As his hand gently touched the face covering, you both jumped apart at the sound of someone clearing their throat.
Jeongin looked up to see Jisung and cursed in his head. Of course he picked the worst possible time to come back.
“Uh hey, that’s kinda my seat,”
And apparently Jisung was set on cockblocking him too.
“Oh! Sorry, yeah. My laptop’s done charging anyways.” You said quickly packing up your stuff. 
“I’ll see you around Yang Jeongin,” You said, “Good luck,”
Jeongin looked at Jisung out of the corner of his eyes. “You couldn’t stay away for five more minutes,”
“Bro, I don’t know why you’re attacking me. You’re the one that gave up my seat to a random girl. Why were y’all so close anyways? Do we know her?” He said handing the coffee over to Joengin.
Jeongin rolled his eyes as he took a sip, “No. But she knows me. And I was getting to know her.” He sighed leaning back into his chair, “The only good thing to happen to me tonight was her and I didn’t even get her name bro,”
Jisung shrugged, “She left her calculator here though,”
Jeongin sat straight back up, “Wait what,”
He grabbed the calculator and examined it, realizing there’s no name on it. Instinctively he stood and rushed out of the library, but he didn’t see you around.
“Damn it, the exam is tomorrow and she doesn’t have a calculator,” He mumbled to himself.
Dejectedly walking back into the library, he saw Jisung packing up. 
“Did you find her?”
Jeongin shook his head. 
“Maybe you’ll find her tomorrow man. But let’s call it a night because I have a feeling we’re not getting anything else done tonight.”
He shook his head again, “Nah, you go ahead. I wanna stay back,”
Jisung shrugged and left him behind.
The sun was blaring down on Jeongin at the exam center. He woke up early and went there just so he could see the girl with the mask again, in hopes of giving her the calculator before the exam.
It was now five minutes before the exam and still no sign of her. He looked down at the pink calculator with a frown. Before one last hopeful look he turned around with a sigh about to enter the room.
“Yang Jeongin!”
A girl screamed running towards him. As she got closer Jeongin realized it was her. 
She came to a halt breathing heavily, “You have my calculator? Please tell me that you do?”
Her pretty brown eyes furrowed once again, reminding him of their first encounter. Her twists were no longer neatly pulled back but a bit more messy resting her on shoulders. Yet, wearing just a simple t-shirt with sweatpants he still found her beautiful. His eyes scanned the features of her face, the mask so rudely covered. Her full lips fixed into a frown and her round cheeks added to her cuteness. 
“I do. When I realized you left it, I ran out after you but you were gone.”
“God, I’m so stupid. I didn’t realize I left it until I reached back to my dorm and I had to study using my phone calculator. If you know anything about phone calculators and how inconvenient they are, you can imagine how stressed I was. Not to mention I thought it was gone for good and calculators are so damn expensive nowadays and I got that ages ago and –” Your hands flew up to her face in despair as her breathing got worse. 
He gently reached out to your hand and placed your calculator in it. “Breathe.”
And so she did. 
Their eyes locked together once again as Jeongin smiled at you, “I’m sure you studied well and you’ll do well. Now let’s go so we never have to go through Professor Cho again,” 
You laughed. He really liked that he could make you laugh. “You’re right,”
When Jeongin left the exam room, he saw you outside waiting for him. 
“So how was it?” You asked with a smile.
He shrugged, “It was okay. But I think it’s because I saw you again as to why,”
You laughed and shoved him slightly, “You play too much,”
“How was it for you?” He said.
“It was good. Thanks again for bringing my calculator,”
“Of course. I had to find you again,”
“Because I want to get to know you,”
You looked down, suddenly feeling insecurities rise upon you. Why would he want to get to know you? 
“I forgot to wear my mask today,”
“I…I was just saying that’s why I look different. You’re probably not really interested. It was probably the illusion of the mask,”
He placed a finger under your chin, raising your face up, forcing you to take eye contact with him. “I mean what I say, I want to get to know you. And without the mask, I think you’re beautiful the same,”
You felt your face warm up and if you were a bit lighter, you’re sure you would have been caught blushing.
“Let me take you out,” He said boldly. “After finals. It’ll be worth your time I promise,”
“You don’t even know my name,”
He used his other hand and tucked a twist behind your ear, “What’s your name pretty?”
“Y/N. My name is Y/N,” You said with a soft smile.
He smiled at you back. Your name was beautiful as you were. “Would you go on a date with me Y/N?”
“Yeah, I would,” You said with a giggle. 
“You know, I’m actually really glad you left your calculator,”
You gasped and hit him playfully, “You play too much,”
He laughed as he gently took your hand and walked with you. He knew that you were glad too, you just didn’t want to admit it as yet.
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reblogs help other people see my fics and it lets me know that you liked it that much to reblog 🥹🫶 so please reblog! i appreciate it.
omg this is the longest fic i've written! i hope you enjoy it T.T please please let me know.
i take feedback and criticisms as long as you're nice. i tried to play with the point of view here. if you notice it hopped between third person omniscient and second person. i tried my best to switch it when it was appropriate. let me know if it was good or not. also!! i'm trying my best to not write the same character (both the boys and y/n) in each fic. i really want to diversify it and really make them feel real and raw. with each post is me practicing so i'm really trying my best here. i hope to get better :')
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chocoyeo · 1 year
Lucky [j.yh]
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>> jeong yunho x reader >> fluff, cozy, soft, really super very tender, college au, i'm in my yunho feels rn and i want him to be one of my classmates wtf >> wordcount: 1.7k -> it's another boring day in uni, you're exhausted and distracted but you're lucky yunho is with you to keep you company !! <3 [little short story, nothing much happens but hehe] <-
[8:40 a.m]
-Hey! ‘Morning, morning…!
-...Good morning.
-Thaaat… didn’t sound convincing at all. Are you really having a good morning?- Yunho’s sweet voice reached your ears like some sort of lullaby. Although it was only nine in the morning, you felt like taking a nap, again. The one you took on the subway on your way to university wasn’t enough.  
You were feeling quite slumpy for no reason in particular, and your friend had now made it his problem, too. 
-What if we–
-No, Yunho. No skipping lectures…- you tried to sound responsible even though that thought has been lingering in your mind for at least three hours.
-Woah, that’s what you were thinking about? I was gonna suggest to go grab a coffee but if skipping class is what you really want to do then…- he giggled, his eyes searching for yours while the two of you were heading to class: the thought of spending the following hour and a half stuck in a room with other 80 students didn’t really excite you that much. You were glad that Yunho was there to keep you company, though. 
Since you still had some time before the lecture started, the two of you quickly grabbed a drink from the vending machine: a really bitter canned coffee and a really sweet peach ice-tea. What a duo… 
-Hopefully your way too sweet ice-tea won’t make you straight up fall asleep in class.
-Shush, at least it’s not whatever abomination you keep getting.
-It’s just coffee–
-I’m sure you’re the only one in this whole university that buys that.
-Oh well… more for me then, heh!- he shrugged, a faint smirk painting his lips before he took a sip of his drink. The two of you quickly arrived in class and found two seats, your hands swiftly taking out your laptop from your bag, sipping on your drink while waiting for it to turn on and load your notes. The professor hadn’t arrived yet so the room was filled with a lot of chattering, giggles and mumbling; students were gradually filling the seats around you and you found yourself leaning your head on Yunho’s shoulder out of boredom. 
-Yunho, I really don’t want to be here…
-Mh? Do you want to skip? The prof is not he– oh! Nevermind, he’s just arrived.
You scoffed, trying not to laugh too loud at the perfect timing of his comment. Shaking your head slowly, you fixed yourself on the really uncomfortable chair and took one last sip of your drink. as you brought your whole focus to your laptop, the way-too-calm voice that your professor used whenever he had a lecture started to fill your ears. You sighed, probably trying to conceal a possible yawn from leaving your mouth, and threw a quick glance at Yunho, sitting on your right: he was carefully taking notes on his notebook– his handwriting wasn’t the best, but you had always found it quite adorable, the way he would somehow crouch while taking notes, his hand quickly moving on the book, his pencil case storing a whole army of blue pens and blue pens only, besides one yellow highlighter and a pencil.
The professor’s soporific voice echoed in the room (since he had decided to use the mic to be heard better) along with the typing sounds of people taking notes on their laptops. You tried to stay focused, yet your mind was wandering away way too easily, and you didn’t know why: so many thoughts flooded in, the main one being a really strong need to just stand up and leave that damn lecture. You sighed once again, and you suddenly felt someone tapping on your arm.
It was Yunho: his eyes were not hiding the obvious concern and worry he was feeling towards you– but you just couldn’t even explain how come you were feeling so blue that day. Maybe it was the ugly weather? The heavy gray clouds you spotted on your way to class that morning? Or the fact that you had stayed up all night playing games and not winning a single match…
You shook your head and tried to bring your focus back to your laptop screen: that half-empty document page was waiting for some new words to be inserted, and your heavy hands tried to type in whatever the professor was talking about, although tiredness was getting the best of you. Yunho tapped once again on your shoulder, this time he offered you his pencil: you accepted it, now holding it in your hand and not really knowing what to do with it. Yunho lightly pushed his notebook towards you, leaving a blank spot available for you to doodle on. A smile painted your lips while you started to quickly draw some little silly characters, moving to writing random comments and words, and then switching to writing Yunho’s name in various fonts: whenever you completed one, you would leave a quick “dummy ~ “ right next to it just to move on to the next font.
You had obviously abandoned your notes, although you tried from time to time to type in something –some concepts or quick important things– but your attention would move back to Yunho’s notebook quite easily: your eyes and mind were absorbing every letter and drawing you left in that blank space that, well, wasn’t blank anymore. You weren’t aware of the way Yunho had been looking at you the whole time: his eyes softened the moment you accepted the pencil, his lips were curved in a sweet smile and he silently admired every drawing you had left on that page while he carefully took notes without disrupting your little masterpiece.
Once he had to turn the page, though, he lightly tapped on your hand with a finger: you didn’t pay much attention to it for a moment, probably because you were so bored of that lecture and so absorbed in your little world that you weren’t paying attention to anything or anyone at all at that point. His finger traced random lines on your knuckles before you finally stopped and looked at him, giving him a few seconds to turn the page and resume with his notes. You silently apologized, leaving a little smiley right next to the few words he had written. 
The moment you heard your professor dismiss the class, you stretched your arms, somehow acting as if you did something productive during that lecture. You did feel a bit more relaxed and you had to thank Yunho for that. In such an easy way he was able to let you silently vent and get distracted, assuring you that he would have lended you his notes. You promised you would have offered him an ice-cream as a thank you gift. 
-Oh well then, don’t mind me if I choose one of the most expensive ones!
-It’s fine, Yunho. It’s both for the notes and for the fact that I basically vandalized your notebook.
He shook his head, laughing- You really liked writing my name, what, four times in a row? But it’s fine, at least you didn’t fall asleep… 
-C’mon, the professor even used the mic today… It was the perfect lullaby…
-I can’t even imagine falling asleep to an old man explaining marketing graphs but I guess to each their own…- you lightly slapped his arm in response, laughing.
-Right, did you hear about that project the other departments came up with? 
-No, I was too busy writing your name in different fonts for a whole hour.
-Oh, true. Well I just understood that some people will be involved in a whole photoshoot! The photography kids are quite good, you should apply to that.
-Me? Nah, I’d rather–
-Spend the whole night playing games just to come to lectures completely sleep deprived?
You stopped abruptly, nearly tripping in your own steps- What’s up with the sudden callout?!
-I was so worried this morning. But then I checked and saw your last access online was at 2 in the morning… with a 4 hour long gameplay… uninterrupted…
You bit your tongue, your eyes quickly avoiding to meet his. You got busted! And no excuse would have saved you in any way…
You had promised, at the beginning of the semester, that you wouldn’t have destroyed your sleep schedule over some silly video game. You were quite serious about that and allowed Yunho to see your game history and access just to keep you in check. A little detail you had momentarily forgotten…
-Yunho… forgive me?- you looked at him, signaling an apology with your hands, held tight together.
-You’re lucky today we don’t have other lectures… Were you perhaps planning to not come at all?- he looked at you, his eyes nearly closed because of the way he was (jokingly) glaring at you. 
You quickly moved your gaze away, clearing your throat before admitting that you were indeed planning to skip lectures and that was why you went to sleep so late. But in the morning you felt quite guilty, remembering how Yunho would often tell you not to skip classes otherwise it would become a bad habit, so you decided to go even though you were completely sleep-deprived. 
Yunho tried his best to hide a smile from showing on his lips, failing miserably because of how cute you looked in his eyes. His hand fixed a lock of your hair, delicately moving it behind your ear.
-Well, I really appreciate how your sleep deprived brain thought about me, but next time take better care of yourself, okay?- he mumbled, his fingers delicately caressing your hair.
You nodded, receiving a quick peck on your cheek.
-Let’s go then, I’m really in the mood for a big big ice-cream a certain someone is going to offer me!- his hand lightly grabbed yours, and you let him lead you to the usual place you would stop by to get some snacks. 
The sky was clear, no heavy gray clouds were in sight anymore and you really felt better, probably thanks to him and his precious company. You felt really lucky.
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enluv · 2 years
The Set Up
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— jake sim x fem!reader
wc: 3.2k+! (rip my fellow mobile users...and myself this is the most I've ever written??)
warning(s): angst, fluff, slow burn, college!au, diabolical genius big brained jay
SPOTTED: a rare sighting of coco actually posting?! [REAL!]
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Being in love with Park Jongseong was never in your plan. You hadn't meant to fall for him, but it happened and it happened fast. His charming smile and delicate demeanor had you swooning and just like that you'd fallen under his trance. There was just one problem. Park Jongseong was not in love with you, yet.
Jake's plan consisted of five very big and important parts. Oh yeah, another thing you hadn't counted on happening was Jake, Jay's best friend, to find out about your budding crush. He'd really stumbled on it by accident, catching you in the act of leaving his friend a letter confessing your love to him. Jake had then ridiculed you by saying, "If you want to catch his attention you can't do what every other girl does. You need to stand out," of course it discouraged you a bit but he quickly brought back up your spirits. "Luckily I'm here! Don't worry, I'll help you get him, but you have to follow my steps or it won't work, okay?" and when you'd nodded his smile grew tenfold.
"Jake I really doubt he'll notice me from all the way over here," you stated, whining as the boy next to you focused on the game happening in front of him.
"Y/N he won't notice you from here but, he will notice me and once he takes a glance at you next to me, he'll be very curious." Smart plan but you’d never admit it to him.
"Well I guess that makes sense..." you mumbled turning your attention back to the game, Jay had just scored for your school's team.
Jake was right, after the game had came to an end Jay sought out his best friend, and immediately he'd stared you down as he stalked over to you two.
"Hey man, congrats on winning the game. I mean Sunghoon still looked way cooler than you but I guess you did okay," said Jake jokingly.
"Mhm yeah thanks, where did you sit? Didn't see you in the dugout."
"Oh! I sat with Y/N, we watched the game from over there. Oh yeah, Y/N! Come say hi, why are you so far from us?"
He beckoned you over with one hand, the other was placed on Jay's shoulder as he excitedly shouted your name. Taking slow paced steps towards the boys, you bowed and whispered a quick hello to them. Jake's eyes lingered on you for a bit longer than usual. This was the first time he noticed it.
Jake claimed that after the night of Jay's baseball game, the one you'd attended, he wouldn't stop smiling and asking questions about you.
Now your mission was to flirt with him, not too hard but a few flirty comments here and there would easily help you move things along.
However, flirting with Jay proved to be a lot harder than you'd originally thought. Not only was he constantly surrounded by girls fawning over him, he was also never alone, often he could be found hanging around the other boys on his baseball team (Jake being one of them but he'd taken the semester off to focus on his studies, per his parents request). You'd hoped your professor would take a hint and pair you with Jay but with no luck he'd paired you with Jake.
Jake made your classes bearable and even a lot easier, he was naturally smart with a fun personality so classes were never a bore.
Jay watched the scene in front of him and nodded, finally understanding the situation.
You'd become discouraged after step two didn't work out but Jake reassured you that you could easily redeem yourself and get the plan back on track. He had a plan, a plan that was so detailed, it couldn't be messed up. Or so he thought.
It started as any other weekend, you'd woken up to Jake pounding on your door, yelling that today was the day and to be excited. He stormed in the minute your opened the door and walked right up to your closet, quickly picking out an outfit and throwing it towards you.
"Jake will you please tell me why you just waltzed into my dorm room and rummaged my closet?"
"Yes but first get dressed, we’re on a tight schedule Y/N! Chop! Chop!" He shouted pushing you towards the bathroom to change.
"I have to admit, you have good style Jakey. Now can you tell me where you're dragging me off to?”
"Why yes I can Y/N. You see this is all part of my master plan, we are going to hang out at the mall. I invited Jay and when he gets there I'll pretend I got a call and say I need to go, inevitably leaving you two alone on a date!"
"Wait you're leaving me alone? With him?" you asked eyes wide with worry.
"Yes Y/N, a date doesn't consist of three people."He replied eyes rolling for his usual dramatic effect.
"Well not with that attitude it doesn't, and what if he knows what you're trying to do?"
"He won't. Now sit down, I told him to meet us at the food court."
Thirty full minutes had pasted and Jay was nowhere to be seen. Jake had called him three times already but to no avail he got sent straight to voice-mail.
"Maybe his phone die-" your tone was cut short as Jake's phone rang loudly, the caller ID depicting Jay's name. As Jake picked up he nodded following whatever was being said on the other line before sighing and hanging up.
"He can't make it, something about coach calling an emergency meeting for the team. So guess it'll just be us today."
"Wanna go to look at the fish down below?" you asked hoping to raise his spirits, and when a smile crawled back onto his face, you knew it'd worked.
Had you looked around just once you'd see that Jay sat a few tables away from you both, smiling as he got up to leave the mall, his plan was going smoothly.
Jake's plan hadn't succeeded since the first step and you'd started to get anxious, but more than anything, the silly crush you'd had on Jay was now faltering. With more unsuccessful attempts at getting his attention and even flirting with Jay the feelings you'd once claimed were love, had went and gone, but new ones had formed and it was slowly becoming more evident that it would be harder to accept them.
Jake could probably relate if he'd actually spoken to you recently, but the boy had been avoiding you ever since your accidental day alone at the mall. To recount, the day was spent laughing and smiling, no thoughts of Jay or Jake's silly plan to get you and his best friend together had crossed either of your minds. At the end of the night he walked you back to your dorm and securely held your hand the whole way. Neither of you cared really, just enjoying the time spent together.
Jake is walking towards the main buildings front office when he sees Jay pulling you along, laughing as you shout at him. His heart sinks and he realizes that maybe his silly little plan had actually worked and in turn Jay now had his eye on you.
Later that day both yourself and Jay walked into the cafe that held his other friends, some of whom you'd met before and a few you had not. With Park Sunghoon and Lee Heeseung being the only people you knew, you'd naturally drifted towards them, talking about god knows what until everyone showed up. Sunoo and Jungwon walked in first, having just gotten out of classes that both ran later than usual. Next to arrive was Riki, a high school senior who just so happened to smile his way into the college group of friends, and finally was Jake, but he wasn't alone. A hand was clutched in his, he'd introduced her as Lili. They had history of trees or something together, not that you cared much. He gushed about how smart she was as she hit his arm playfully begging for him to stop. You'd brought the cup of peach tea up to your lips to cover your scowl.
Jay watched from across the room with an amused smile. "Does he know that she's in love with him?" asked Heeseung quietly, he too watched as you'd rolled your eyes for the fifth time today.
"No I don't think so," he paused looking for the right words, "Jake was convinced she had a thing for me but it's pretty obvious to anyone who she likes."
"Jake's clueless, he'd miss a robbery even if it happen right in front of him," spoke Sunghoon.
"Maybe you should help him Jay," whispered an equally amused Heeseung before walking back to the group with his drink, Sunghoon following soon after.
It'd been two weeks (not including the week you tried but failed to get his attention) since Jake had last spoken to you. Funny how things work out, one minute you're enjoying a nice and "accidental" date and the next he had Lili hung around him twenty-four seven. Jay had reassured you multiple times that the two were not an item but it was hard to believe with the constant posts about one another that haunted your Instagram feed. Speaking of Jay, you'd made it clear to him that you didn't usher any school girl feelings for him anymore, but he knew that and when he finally got you to fess up about Jake's plan he laughed. As much as you denied liking Jake he could see right through you which lead to where you were now, stuck in your dorm with Jay babbling about how he now has a plan to get you and Jake together, funny how the two boys thought so alike.
The idea of a brand new plan did not sit right with you and you'd quickly shut it down. Jake had a “girlfriend” and you'd have to accept that.
"You're so boring Y/N, he is so in love with you. I saw it from the very first day that I laid eyes on you." Jay could honestly recount all the times he'd noticed Jake's lingering gaze on you, or the subtle touches he left, even the way he spoke to you was a sign of his true feelings.
"Jay he is not in love with me please shut up."
"Stop being stubborn and listen to me for a moment, okay?" He asked staring straight into your eyes. A satisfied hum left his lips when your mouth squeezed shut as he began.
"That day he introduced us, he didn't once look up from you. His eyes stayed on you as if you were the only person on that field. I don't know how to describe it but he just looked so smitten, I don't even think he knew it at the time."
"Jay that proves nothing, so what if he looked at me."
"Let me finish woman! I tested the theory out myself that night. I kept asking questions about you, and not for me, but for him. Y/N he knows how you like your eggs in the morning," he paused looking towards you.
"I don't like eggs."
"EXACTLY! Why the fuck does he know that? Every time I asked a question about you, he was able to answer. He literally knew so much, it was kind of concerning. Aside from that, he doesn't shut up about you, like ever. It's always Y/N this and Y/N that. No offense but I don't care if you hate milk and prefer dry cereal."
A million thoughts ran through your mind as Jay continued, "Does he really?" and "So why did he continue with the set up?" were the two most popular.
"Y/N, what happened on the day I canceled? What happened after the two of you went down to see the fish?"
Shock filled you, he was there, he had set you up.
"We spent the day together, then after he held my hand, and walked me home."
"SEE HE DOES LIKE YOU IDIOT! WHY WOULDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT HAPPENED? I'VE BEEN MAKING A FOOL OF MYSELF TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU," he shouted jumping up from the floor and pointing an accusing finger at you.
"He was just being nice Jay, it's common courtesy to walk someone home when it's late at night."
"No he was not and I'll prove it to you! Watch." Jay pulled his phone from his back pocket quickly dialing Jake's numbers. After three rings he picked up, muttering a small hello to Jay.
"Jake I'm gonna do it, but I need your help." Confusion spread across your face as he spoke in hushed whispers.
"Yes this Friday," his voice grew louder as he faced you, "yes Jake, this Friday, as in tommorrow, I'm going to ask Y/N to be my girlfriend."
Silence filled Jake's side of the line, he stood frozen. He was too late.
As Jay hung up his smile grew sheepish. "Jay what the hell do you mean you're going to ask me to be your girlfriend. I thought we established that I like Jake, as in your best friend.”
Your phones text tone sounded just as Jay concluded his countdown and a single message popped into your notifications:
Jake: Can we meet at the mall? Have to talk to you about something before tomorrow. Please?
Jay’s face held a smirk that screamed, “I told you so.”
Jake Sim is great at many things, he's a star athlete, top of his class, an amazing barista on the weekend, and so much more but what he isn’t so great at is expressing how he truly feels when under pressure, and that's exactly why he's had you sitting in front of him for about an hour now just babbling about plain nonsense that even he's annoyed with.
“Jake, is there a reason you asked me to meet you after avoiding me for weeks or can I go? Jay and I have plans.”
His faces falls momentarily but he's quick to mask the hurt, “Are you guys a thing now?”
He knows asking this question can only hurt him, Jay was pretty clear on the phone about where you two stood or where you will stand tomorrow. Even he himself isn’t too sure why he's called you here on a random thursday night but hearing what Jay planned to do had sent him spiraling.
“Why does it matter to you? Wasn't getting us together your whole idea in the first place?” You'd never meant to sound so harsh but having been ignored by him for weeks on end only to see how easy it was for him to contact you felt upsetting, betraying even in a way.
“What if that's not what I want anymore.” The sentence comes out confidently and loud enough for not only you to hear but Jay included, who was hidden away not too far from you both after insisting he come with.
Jake isn't sure how it happens but the next moment he remembers is feeling your lips crash onto his, the feeling warm and almost familiar and as you two pull part you whisper the words, “That's all I wanted to hear idiot.”
“Dude are you ready to go? If we miss the last game because you're too busy making out with Y/N, I’ll actually kill you both,” shouted an annoyed Jay through his roommates closed door.
A soft giggled escaped your lips as you fixed his uniform, “We should get going before he comes in here and beats you up, it’d be pretty sad to have a black eye for your last game of the season babe.”
In the end both Jay and Jake revealed their not so subtle plans to one another, both laughing at just how far they'd go to help the other find happiness.
Although Jake’s plan hadn't reached its initial ending he was happy with its results nonetheless. Jake often secretly thanked Jay for forgetting his baseball glove back then in his locker so many months ago, though at the time he had cursed at him in his head a few times, if Jay hadn’t been so forgetful he would have never caught you leaving a love letter to his best friend which is what initially started your plan together, and that plan had just so happen to start the beginning of his long happy life, with you by his side forever.
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coco’s ♡ note: Hello my lovely toots! I have truthfully had this in my drafts for over a year now and could never seem to complete it but here it is, all done and happily finished! I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do, it took me forever but I’m glad I am now able to share this piece with you! Take it as my small way of coming back to writing :) Feedback is greatly appreciated since this is my first piece in a while and I want to know your thoughts on it if that's possible! 
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tanith-rhea · 11 months
That I may be weak with you
"Do you love me enough that I may be weak with you? Everyone loves strength, but do you love me for my weakness? That is the real test." - Alain de Botton Dorothea Delilah Darcy is a woman in her mid to late twenties, struggling to find her place in the world. A recent job opportunity as a guidance counsellor at Nevermore Academy seems like a godsend, and she could not miss it for the life of her. Still, perhaps more problems will arise than she expected. Between bubbly, extroverted students and an uncharacteristically reactive principal, she'll be forced to overcome the limitations of her abilities or separate herself entirely from the place she'll grow to call home.
Author's note: this is... something that I'm willing to share at the moment. I hope you like it, it certainly is more of an indulgence on my part than anything else. This and Honey, You're a Keeper are what's keeping me sane lately (although more fantasizing about both the stories than writing them)
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Chapter One
"There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship" — Franz Kafka
You never thought you would someday get the chance to go to Nevermore. Being home-schooled was very common for kids in your community, and the boarding high school experience seemed to you like one of those unachievable dreams you only read about in the countless novels in your library.
You ended up not going, of course. At least not as a student. Now you approached the Nevermore gates in a car driven by a charming middle-aged man responsible for maintaining the campus surroundings nifty and, apparently, chauffeuring new professors.
A soft drizzle cast everything in a foggish autumnal setting. The term would begin in a week, so true autumn wasn't very far away, but the contrast with your parents' house was welcomed; it reminded you of Belfast, only warmer and sealess.
"What do you think, Ser Barnabas?" you petted the dark-grey tabby in your lap, "Will they be able to help us?"
"What was that, Miss?" the driver asked amicably.
"Oh! Nothing, Mr Duch, sorry to disturb you."
"Nonsense, girl, you've been nothing but nice the entire trip," he turned the car left and you saw the castle beyond the trees "We're here."
Nevermore Academy was a castle-like boarding school for teenage outcasts to learn how to control and develop their powers as well as a myriad of other subjects. You would do something along those lines, you would help them with their troubles. As it appears, their count had gone up considerably since last semester.
The building itself was a gorgeous piece of architecture. You remembered studying similar structures while going over the Gothic movement in college almost seven years ago but looking at pictures was never the same as visiting a cathedral. It certainly was not the same as stepping out of the car to a fairy-tale courtyard and mystical-looking archways. The grandiosity of the place brought you the nostalgia of reading The Secret Garden for the first time; childish curiosity meets fantastical hidden marvel.
"Everything was strange and silent and she seemed to be hundreds of miles away from anyone..."
"But somehow she did not feel lonely at all," someone interrupted your mumbling in a soft, amicable tone.
A tall blond approached you by the car, dressed in a long-sleeved, cream-coloured dress. She was easily a foot taller than you and quite intimidating, but contrary to her height, her warm blue eyes only invited you in. You felt a surge of emotion in your chest and slightly panicked at the thought of having an episode then and there, and out of nowhere too. You were certain no one was touching you, and you knew none of the people around you personally.
"Are you all right?" the beautiful woman asked, and a small crease appeared between her brows. She went to touch your arm, but you quickly composed yourself and stepped away to deposit Ser Barnabas on the ground.
"I'm quite all right, yes!" you tried to smile, "I was only surprised you knew Ms Hogson's words."
"Hardly an uncommon read," Ser Barnabas went to her and walked between her legs, rubbing on her quite uncharacteristically.
"But you knew them exactly, Pride and Prejudice is not an uncommon read and yet most people won't be able to quote it if asked."
"Quite the debater, I see, but you do have a point," she arched one perfectly designed eyebrow at you "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Darcy, I'm Larissa Weems, the principal of Nevermore Academy," she held her hand out to you and of course you were being unnecessarily prickly to the one person that could fire you and send you away at any time.
"Oh, my, I'm so sorry!" you hastily recovered from your previous scare, putting on a well-practised mask of serenity, "We only talked through e-mails so I'm afraid I didn't recognize you," you took her hand confidently "I didn't realise you would be meeting me quite so soon."
"I prefer to give the tour myself to any new staff member. I believe it to be a good bonding opportunity," she smiled easily. She was so effortlessly gracious, you had to admit leadership suited her like her obviously tailored dress.
You tugged on your glove ends to distract yourself from her overwhelming warmth and turned to look at the kind gentleman that brought you there, "Mr Duch, could you open the truck for me? I'd like to bring my things along to save time."
"Oh, don't worry, darling. I'll ask some of the staff to do that for you. You can go, Mr Duch, and have a rest before getting back to work, I believe Philomena made hot chocolate about half an hour ago and there still might have some."
"Thank you, principal, have a good day," the man left through a side pathway and quickly was out of view beyond the archways.
You were left with the imposing figure, and there wasn't much you could do aside from accompanying her. Somehow, she made you more nervous than you anticipated. Meeting new people was always a complicated ordeal, but with Principal Weems the hairs on your arms seemed more charged than usual as if her energy already knew you, which was impossible.
Ser Barnabas, the traitor, was nowhere to be seen. After nuzzling her ankles, he just skipped away to explore. You were relieved she didn't seem to realize or mind your cat's affections, after all, pets could not be prohibited but it didn't mean other co-workers or your boss had to like yours.
"I'll show you your private accommodations and we'll have a look around the school. Your office is near the astronomy tower, just before the Desdemona Hall communal area."
Your rooms consisted of a large bedroom and office area with an adjoining bathroom equipped with a bathtub and separate shower space. It was similar to what your last place of employment offered, but the stone walls and gothic feel were an entirely different level of appeal.
The principal showed you the dining area, the quad — which was a pentagon — the teacher's breakroom and your own classroom. The rest she said you'd be quickly acquainted with during the next few weeks. She explained some basic rules of the academy and advised you to be cautious of students trying to trick you into giving them a Jericho pass, especially Ophelia Hall girls. You found it all quite simple to understand, but that was only when you could actually concentrate on what the woman was telling you and not the movement of her lips forming words.
She had a very articulate way of expressing herself, something expected from someone in such a position of power, but it was understandably charming accompanied by her melodic accent, low voice and powerful stance. She commanded discipline by simply being.
"I hope to see you very soon, Miss Darcy," the woman concluded with a winning smile, "Dinner is served at seven-thirty, as I already told you. If you would like to dine out, please notify Mr Duch before five and transportation back is on you," she nodded one final time before turning on her heels and walking down the corridor.
You surveyed your office once more. Now that you were alone, a sense of calm finally made its way to your bones. Being near other people wasn't unpleasant most of the time, but the principal seemed to have a particularly powerful presence and keeping yourself in check all the time while paying attention to her was exhausting. Not that you paid all that much attention to her, instead just ogling like a creep.
Your files were already organized in the first drawer of your desk; all the documents you sent through e-mails to the school board were printed and put together in a leather cover binder. Very aesthetically pleasing and organized. You loved whoever did that for taking their time to sort through everything so carefully.
Leaving the office behind, you went back to your rooms for a shower and change of clothes. Ser Barnabas somehow was inside, sleeping atop a suitcase as if he was protecting your belongings.
"Someone had a busy hour," you scratched behind his ear and he stretched, meowing for being woken up.
You unpacked and put your things away in drawers and armoires, leaving Ser Barnabas' teacup by the enormous arched window overlooking the quad for him to hydrate whenever he deemed necessary — sometimes you were convinced he drank mentally because the water would disappear and he would be sleeping in the exact same position as the one before you left — before having a long-awaited shower.
You didn't go to dinner that day, deciding on a series of one-person games of draughts before bed.
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