#must be monday at the jeon-park house
whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Hi, JK's shoulder grab that your man Kev read as possessive/top… I mean it could be instinctual – we all have erogenous zones & couple power dynamics. But the way Kev took it as a specific gay coded gesture - it’s something that’s learnt by being in collective space with other people using this kind of body language. We often use the expression “they’re part of the community” but this makes me think of JKK really being physically in long term community with other gay folks & that makes me 🥰.
And HERE WE ARE AT THE COLLARBONE POST YO Hi @onthecuterside, please forgive me for taking fucking DAYS to get to your well-reasoned question. I was... doing research. Something. Anyway. That shoulder grip/collarbone thing has been poking at my synapses for awhile. Because, well...
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It's kind of an unusual hand placement. And while there isn't always obvious pressure on Jimin's collarbone happening, sometimes there definitely is. It's like Koo is pressing his fingers into the area just above the bone, close to the juncture of Jimin's neck and shoulder. And as someone who has very sensitive collarbones I found that... interesting. Like WHY would you deliberately press into an erogenous zone in public in front of people when you know what it does to the person on the receiving end? Jeon Jungkook is a little shit, I said what I said.
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It's not a move I see being done with other members, really. So I decided I was delusional and that it was just that Jimin is little and has rather narrow shoulders, and Koo has large hands. Which: true.
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See, this is not really the same move at all. It's much more casual and chill, and you can definitely see the hand/shoulder proportion thing. So I mentioned it to Kev and sent him some pics mainly so he could tell me to calm tf down. This doesn't really mean anything, right? Right?
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Like this pic, above. I think it's from, maybe, Brazil (?). That's not a sexual grip, really, to me. Jiminie is crying ffs and was, before Kookie got there. And when I came back at Kev with this shot he had to agree. But what it does indicate is a similar "Babe, I've got this, stay with me, I'm handling it" vibe that, honestly, is every bit as intimate as a sexytime power play, if not moreso. And it's not a hold we saw until 2016 or later. In fact the earliest indications of it I can find are from 2017-2018 and it has become more frequent since 2019. Let's be honest I am bad at running down exactly when my stolen internet content was shot. I try but I sleep or get distracted, you know how it is. But prior to 2017 that hold did not exist that I can find. At least, not from Jungkook as the guy doing the gripping.
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Oh. Will you look at that, Park Jimin. Also, Jungkook didn't really get into shoulder massage as a hobby until after that time and I do think there might be a correlation, like one little sigh and he went "A-HA let's try that again".... not to be gross but some things are best learned with positive reinforcement, is all I'm saying.
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Jimin has a long history of chronic neck and shoulder issues directly related to dance injuries that are aggravated by repeated motion. We been knew. And Jungkook really began taking it upon himself to learn and provide the necessary support for those injuries, which are best helped by stretching and massage, fairly early in their relationship as I see it. He's a caretaker, our Kookie, except that he kinda is NOT that with anyone not named Park Jimin.
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And I'm not at all sure that this hold, or behavior if you will, was learned by watching others as much as I think it was one of those "this works for US" things. That other people recognize it isn't weird though. I recognized it because I was married to a dude who used that exact move on me. Kevin noticed it because, I suspect, he's used it himself or at least seen it done. I didn't ask too many questions, he's already kicking my ass for messaging his boyfie so I have to be a good dongsaeng and mind my manners for a minute. TL;DR, I really think this is a bit of a fun/sometimes risky/occasionally possessive or even protective move that Jungkook in particular brings out when he is feeling some type of way.
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It seems to get good results for him so go off, Jeon, enjoy your man and make sure we all know he's YOUR man, not our man, and you got him handled. Balls Out For Jimin-ssi indeed, sir.
And sometimes, once in a while, the Park half of the household goes full Kitty Gang and
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And I ran out of post room before I even got to Seoul Tourism or even Antler Fetish Jimin. I could do like six more posts just like this one with all different photos because apparently if something works the Jeon-Parks are not afraid to bust it out on the regular. It's just another one of those interesting little dynamics that set Jungkook and Jimin apart from any other "ship" between members. Collarbones are intimate. Kind of like, I dunno. Earlobes, maybe? Neck hickeys? I've clearly got my work cut out for me. It's cool, I'll take this one for team Jikook. It's a sacrifice, you know, but someone's gotta do it.
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luxekook · 5 years
chapter two.
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⇥ pairing: namjoon x reader; eventual bts/ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 2.3k
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, chaotic namjoon, power tools, hints of poly relationships, overall pretty smut free (who AM i???)
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Two
Habitat for Humanity Worksite – 9:26am
When I signed up to volunteer Saturday morning of syllabus week, I should have known I would end up regretting it. I almost punted my alarm clock out of the apartment window this morning, but instead settled a slightly more civil action – punching the shit out of the ‘off’ button.
Don’t get me wrong: I love volunteering. It’s been part of my routine since sophomore year when I was recruited for the all-women’s service society on campus – the Alphites. As a society, us Alphites volunteer around campus and in our local community each week. There’s something about doing service together that really creates bonds, and the girls in the society have quickly become some of my closest friends.
We sign up to volunteer for a variety of different service projects each week, and Habitat is my current favorite project to sign up for. As a nonprofit organization, Habitat for Humanity helps families build and improve places to call home. Currently, our regional Habitat is working on building a house from the ground up for a local family in need.
Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form a very ‘handy’ person. Luckily for me, there are always a couple volunteers with construction or engineering backgrounds who are willing to teach other volunteers with less experience – or none, like me.
Since beginning to volunteer at the site last year, I have learned how to use a power saw, how to fasten siding, and how to mix, pour and level cement. It’s definitely empowering to learn new skills and also to see how my handiwork contributes to someone’s future home. I also feel lowkey badass when I get to use the power drill for anything.
Pulling up to the worksite, I clutch my cherished 24oz. Wawa coffee. I finally feel somewhat human as I park my beat-up Jeep Wrangler and hop out to meet the other volunteers for our task assignments.
The site leader Eddie – a burly retiree with a background in construction management – greets me with a huge grin, “(y/n)-doll, we missed you this summer! I can’t believe you abandoned us during the hottest months of the year.”
I roll my eyes, smiling at his teasing. Eddie’s like a teddy bear disguised as a grizzly – all rough edges and a heart of gold. “Missed you, too, Eddie.”
“Look at our progress now,” he continues, “Pretty impressive, yeah?” Nodding, I greet some regular volunteers I recognize as Eddie leads me around the house. He proceeds to show me what they had done over the summer in my absence – and they had done a lot. The house now had its full foundation and wooden framing with most of the doors and windows installed.
As we walk back to the front of the house to the main area, I sip my coffee and turn to Eddie, “So, what can I work on today, fearless leader?”
Letting out a patented ‘Eddie belly-laugh’, he replies, “I know you worked on the siding at our last site so I'm gonna have you work on where we started the siding on the right side of the house.”
Sweet, I could work with that. “Aye, aye, captain,” I respond with a lazy salute of my coffee cup. Before I can turn to start towards the scaffolding to begin, Eddie stops me.
“Oh, one more thing. I’m gonna need you to orient our new volunteer and let him shadow you today. Kid’s from the same school as you, I think… Mandatory service. Anyway, he should be here any minute.”
Shit, I know what ‘mandatory service’ means. It’s the first form of disciplinary action that the college issues and is usually the only form of disciplinary action for our athletes or for Greek life – a fact I actively resent. During my time in the Alphites, I have had to deal with some of these ‘mandatory service’ characters and they’ve never been much fun to be around.
“Ah, that’s probably him now,” Eddie startles me out of my thoughts of dread and doom as a black gleaming Tesla practically purrs down the block, swinging into the spot next to my Wrangler. Scowling, I cross my arms as I survey the stark contrast between this person’s shiny-ass luxury car and my dirty-ass well-loved Jeep.
The Tesla door opens. A Timberland booted foot emerges followed by a thick leg encased in light jeans, a tanned well-muscled arm…
No. Nope, it couldn’t be— Please, not today, Satan.
He stands with his back to us now, stretching out his large body. In only a cutoff t-shirt, his rippling back muscles might be enough to send me into an early grave.
I sigh in bitter defeat of the inevitable. Seriously, the fucking universe must have it out for me because I can’t seem to shake this stupid fucking fraternity.
As if the boy feels my eyes on him, he turns. His eyes immediately clash with mine as he slams his car door, clicking the lock over his shoulder. Those eyes – golden brown beneath dark brows and a wave of bleached blonde hair. Their focus is absolute – hard – as he strolls towards us. It’s almost as if he knows the maddening effect that he has on me.
I think Eddie is speaking, but my senses are on lockdown, his words muted. My thighs tighten as my pulse picks up. Get a fucking grip, (y/n). I can’t let him know that just one look from him has me thirsty and oxygen-deprived. I can’t look away – that would be succumbing to weakness.
Instead, I hold his heated gaze as best I can as his confident gait brings him closer. God, he’s got to be at least 6 foot...
The goddamn president of BTS Kim Namjoon is getting closer and I can’t help running my eyes over him.
His thighs flex and shift beneath his jeans with every calculated step. His abs are apparent under his tight cutoff shirt emblazoned with his fraternity letters.
Namjoon stops in front of us, hands stuffed into his back pockets, biceps flexing. “Nice to finally meet you, Eddie,” Namjoon takes his eyes off me long enough to greet Eddie and shake his hand, but then they’re right back on me, “Hi, (y/n).”
He drags out my name in a such a sinful way that even old Eddie does a slight doubletake. Clearing his throat unnecessarily loudly, Eddie booms, “You two know each other?”
Our differing replies sound at the same time.
“Yes,” Namjoon repeats, lips turning up in an infuriating smile, “We have several mutual friends that she’s met a couple times now. Want me to jog your memory? I’d be more than happy to do so.”
Eddie takes one look at my face and hustles off, mumbling something about support beams. I guess my inner thoughts of ‘kill, maim, slaughter’ could easily be read from my facial expression.
Namjoon opens his mouth to speak again, but I’m faster, “Listen, Kim, I don’t know who you think you are, and, quite frankly, I don’t care. What I do care about is this house and these people working on it. Don’t fuck this up for me, okay? Let’s just get through today and then you can go back to ordering around your brothers and causing general mayhem.”
I’m feeling pretty proud of my little soliloquy until I realize he’s still smiling with those blasted dimples out in full display. No, his smile has grown even wider now as he simply answers, “The semester.”
My nose crinkles in confusion, “What?”
“The semester,” he repeats, “I’m assigned here every Saturday for the rest of the semester.”
I stare at him.
He smirks back.
I stare.
His smirk begins to fade, “Uh, did you hear me?”
I stare.
“Okay, you’re creeping me out now, (y/n),” Namjoon waves his giant paw of a hand in front of my face, “How many fingers?”
I break out of my trance of denial and hiss, “What did you do? Double homicide? Serial arson? Oh my god, you were the one who blew up the science lab!”
His hand covers my mouth – it’s rough and warm and entirely disarming.
“You have quite the imagination, jagi. I’ll keep that in mind,” Namjoon chuckles, “To answer your question, I did none of the above. Now, answer a couple questions of mine: what did you do to get here and – more importantly – why did you distract Jungkook from doing his fucking job on Monday?”
I glare in response, waiting for him to remove his hand from my mouth. He takes too long, and I lick his palm. It works. He removes his hand, but from the look on his face it seems like he liked my tongue on his skin entirely too much.
Thankfully, Eddie chooses the perfect moment to yell across the site, “What are you doing just standing there, (y/n)-doll? I don’t pay you to just loiter around all day!”
“You don’t pay me at all!” I yell back, already moving towards the trailer with all the supplies to get started. Namjoon follows.
“(y/n)-doll?” his eyebrows are raised as I hand him a pair of the biggest gloves I could find, “What’s up with that?”
Taking a pair of smaller gloves for myself, I turn to look for some hammers and nails as I respond, “I’ve been here a while. He’s like my honorary grandfather at this point.”
I spot the hammers and nails tucked away on the highest corner shelf and I huff. Namjoon follows my gaze, “Need a strong, intelligent, tall young man to grab those for you?”
He’s impossible, but for some reason it draws a small smile to my face, “Yes, that’d be great.”
The smile I receive in response is so bright I wonder if it could make flowers grow, “Okay, but only if answer my questions, (y/n).”
I shrug, trying not to notice how his cutoff shirt rises as he stretches to reach the upper shelf. I catch a sudden glimpse of his abs, and I praise every god out there that hot weather can be blamed for my sudden onset of sweat. 
Clearing my throat, I laugh lightly, “Fine, first of all, I didn’t ‘distract’ Jeon. I just had a temporary lapse in judgement. Besides, he came to me all on his own.” His back muscles tense up at my words, but I continue, “And second of all, there’s no juicy story of how I got here. I just volunteer here every Saturday for the Alphites.”
The sound of a hammer hitting the floor startles me as he whirls around, “You’re an Alphite?”
Namjoon’s tone is one of disbelief and it’s a tone I do not appreciate, “Yes, why is that so hard to believe?” My arms cross defensively, “I’ve been a sister since my sophomore year...”
I trail off. He’s still gawking at me ridiculously. Narrowing my eyes, I stride across the trailer and grab his chin, closing his mouth for him, “Watch out, Kim, you’re gonna catch flies.”
Spinning on my heels, I sashay out of the trailer, nose held high in the air and satisfaction held even higher. He’ll catch up. After all, he’s basically supposed to be my bitch today.
I climb up the scaffolding next to the house’s right side and assess the siding work that has already been started. It looks pretty solid and level. I should have no issue with continuing without having to make any initial corrections.
The sound of a bucket of nails hitting the top platform I’m sitting on alerts me of Namjoon’s impending presence. Saving the bucket from teetering over the edge – a safety hazard for sure – I watch amusedly as Namjoon struggles stay upright and climb up to where I am on the scaffolding. Finally, he plops down next to me – entirely too close. I can feel his stare on my skin as I steadfastly ignore him.
“Hey, jagi,” he pokes my arm, “(y/n), listen, you just caught me off guard. I mean, you don’t seem like the type to be an Alphite – that’s all.”
Fury curls up inside me for the umpteenth time that morning, as I turn to face Namjoon with a sickly-sweet smile that has him flinching back, “Then do tell, Namjoon, what type I seem to be?”
I pick up the hammer closest to me and dip a hand into the nail bucket. The sooner this siding got done, the sooner I could haul ass out of here.
“I feel like that’s a trick question,” Namjoon sighs, rubbing a hand over his chin, “I didn’t mean anything bad by it, okay? I guess I just have always thought that your society was a bunch of mom-types—”
I cut him off with a swing of my hammer in the air, “What’s wrong with mom-types, you uncultured swine? And is serving your community really such a ‘mom’ thing to do? I’m sorry. I must have missed that memo. Here I was thinking that it was public service but go off I guess.”
He blinks, “Did you just call me an ‘uncultured swine’?”
I sniff in indignation, “Get with the times, Kim. I just roasted your ass. Now hand me that piece of siding and make yourself useful.”
“You’re so weird,” Namjoon mutters, sliding my request over to me.
“So what?” I shrug, “All the best people are weird. Now, do me a solid and explain to me why you and your ‘brothers’ keep suspiciously popping up everywhere I go.”
“Haven’t you figured it out yet?” he grins, “We’re interested.”
“What does that even mean? That you’re interested?” I wrack my brain, “As in all seven of you fuckers?”
“It means, jagi,” Namjoon pauses, leaning closer, “It means that we’re going to date the shit out of you.”
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a/n: i love namjoon. that is all. 
taglist (message me to be added):
@catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles @leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @athletes-of-god @karissassirak @weallhavesecretsinthebestway @cvbachacbitch @bewitch3dforivar @honeyspillings @xxonyxpearlxx​  @valiantcollectorofsandwiches @fivesecondsofsarang 
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gwoongi · 4 years
wordless pt.3
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jeon jeongguk / reader genre: hitman (john wick au), sugar daddy au, angst rating: mature words: 3.5k warnings: toxic relationships, non graphic sex a/n: im sleepy but hey im also rly glad bts made a statement about the blm movement :D
Sometimes, saying “I love you” is inappropriate, and given your circumstances, you think it might send Jeongguk over the edge if he hears them again.
Parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
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(21) Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
“Yeah, I did, I submitted it on Thursday. What do you mean, did it get a good mark, it’s only Monday.” As you near the front windows of the building, you sigh and stare at the gloomy clouds presented behind the glass. Korea is cold and wet and dark today. “Fuck, rain. Anyway, I’ll call you later, Eunji, okay?”
Eunji agrees and hangs up the phone before you get the chance to, and you’re left in the cool shadow of the largest cloud in the sky. From nine until eleven, you have a morning class on Monday; today, due to request from at least five students confused by the essay title that was due on Friday evening, the class ran for an additional hour and a half, all of the subject material covered with a general extension for the following Fri. Typical, as you rushed it to hand it in before submission.
“Not going home, Y/N?”
You suck your top teeth with disappointment, “Not yet, Professor, I need to make a call.”
The slim professor arrives at your elbow, “Boyfriend?”
“Not really,” you confess. You glance at your phone and find Jeongguk’s number, “but he owes me a few favours here and there, it won’t hurt to bring an umbrella or something.”
“Good luck,” she laughs. She doesn’t offer her umbrella, despite it being tucked under her armpit, and her car is parked in sight close to the windows. At that, she leaves and you send Jeongguk a quick text message. If he’s working presently, the text will annoy him less than a call.
Raining! I’m stuck, can you send some to come and get me?
Jeongguk must be in office, because his reply is speedy. Forget your subway card again?
I never ask for anything, would it hurt you to send someone to get me?
He doesn’t reply for five minutes, and then, Uni, right?
It takes at least fifteen minutes before a vehicle pulls up across the small car-park; it’s a black car, shiny and wet and loud, and you bristle at its entry. Quickly, you hug your coat closer around your body and when you glance back up towards the window, you’re surprised to see Jeongguk himself briskly crossing the lot with an umbrella over his head.
“I’m here to pick up a Y/N L/N, you seen her?” he asks when he reaches the door, smiling as you haul it open and stare at him with happy surprise. “You did not dress for the weather.”
“The app said it would be cloudy,” you huff.
“Baby, it’s January, what did you expect,” Jeongguk sighs, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and bringing you closer to his body. Like this, he walks alongside you towards the car and for a moment, he glances around the complex out the corner of his eye. This University isn’t the dog's bollocks, because as much as he’s willing to help fund you at University, he can’t pay for you to be smarter. You’re pretty happy where you are, not being at a big-name University but doing the exact same degree anyways. He’s happy that you’re happy, but if it were him, he’d probably redecorate the front.
(22) Listening to them while they vent.
When Jeongguk vents, he doesn’t just vent. He never sits you down in front of him and lets it all out, nor does he slink away to therapy, or whining over the phone, or sleepy pillow talk where everything feels safer when you’re seconds away from falling asleep.
Instead, Jeongguk fucks away his problems, and as he does it, you tend to get an earful.
“And,” he grunts, one slap, one thrust, “I fucked it up.” One more. “All of it.” Another groan, a deeper push, “Fuck!”
You like to let him get it all out, and on the plus side, you get what you need which is to relieve the pressure of wanting in your stomach. It’s better when he’s angry, better for both of you, and he’s full of apologies when he’s finished, as if he was yelling at you and not at himself.
“Last time I ever work with Taehyung,” he spits. “Fuck. Ugh.”
You’ll ask him about it later.
(23) Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
One night, you’re over at Jeongguk’s. It’s not unusual that you’re here, especially when you’re here so often that his house feels like your own. From the bathroom, the shower runs loudly and Jeongguk sings, mostly to himself, in the water, meanwhile you dance around his kitchen making tea and bringing it to the bedroom where he’ll come in later when he’s done.
His room is golden and warm, and the curtains are drawn but the thin netting softens the sunset outside. You circle around the end of Jeongguk’s bed and set his cup on the bedside table on his side, closest to the window, when you notice something new sitting in a frame by the lamp. Okay, you’ll bite.
You put down both mugs and in exchange pick up the frame. Something warm bubbles inside your stomach as you look down at the frame; the picture, you’ve never seen before, but it’s of you. You remember the photo being taken in Colmar, the time that Jeongguk came to see you to satisfy his own boredom and need. Never did you imagine it would be a photo he’d print, let alone put in a frame next to his bed. It’s a pretty photo, too, with the river behind you and the sun on your skin, your hair only slightly in your face.
Not a perfect photo, but a pretty one. Jeongguk must like it enough to have printed it.
The shower cuts off in the bathroom and you move quickly, protecting an image of innocence as you put the frame back where it once was, and pick up your mug and place it on your bedside table. You’ve placed Jeongguk’s mug so that he could take it both ways. Maybe he’ll think you didn’t see the frame, or maybe he’ll know you did. He must have put it there for a reason, you think, and then you stop thinking when Jeongguk opens the bathroom door and enters the bedroom.
(24) Tracing your names together in the sand.
Jeongguk had a call from Hawaii. It was brief, and you imagine not very pleasant, but he had to go nonetheless. Jeongguk sure as hell wasn’t going to go to Hawaii without you, no matter how dangerous that might be for him. He told you with two hours notice to pack up your shit and meet him at his place. The plane took off three hours later, and Hawaii here you come.
He never liked to be late, or behind schedule, and so the job that needed to be done was done in a record breaking speed. Like always, he’d have some time to kill before needing to flee to avoid the authorities, and when Jeongguk heads back home after the deed is done, he steps into an empty room and his skin runs cold.
“Y/N?” he calls, to no response. He sets down his things and moves around the suite, his eyes darting to every area.
There is a moment where Jeongguk fears for the worst and out of instinct grabs the gun tucked into his belt. He pulls it out in the bedroom but pauses when out of the corner of his eye, he sees a person standing on the beach just outside the window. Jeongguk pauses.
Outside, the sun is warm and burning orange, sinking down into the pretty waves. You could get used to Hawaii, maybe, if you failed at journalism at the end of your degree, or if Jeongguk hurt your feelings enough that you felt living in Korea itself would be too painful to endure.
You turn over your shoulder, noticing Jeongguk stepping down from the dunes. He’s still in his suit, a black fit that makes him look slender and tall and absolutely stunning. His hair is still wild and wet and there’s blood on the inside of his blazer, a red that contrasts the white of his shirt. You won’t mention it, because he probably knows already.
“Hey,” you call back.
“It’s- it’s not safe for you to be out here on your own,” he explains, finally by your side. “Fuck, I was worried you’d been kidnapped, or something.”
“Oh, sorry,” you reply. “The sunset was just too pretty.”
Jeongguk sighs with his hands on his hips. “Yeah, it is. Hawaii does sunsets better than Korea, that’s for sure.”
Jeongguk stands next to you and says nothing for a few seconds. The sunset is indeed gorgeous, like something ripped out of a painting from a gallery somewhere fancy and famous. You hum quietly, and jump slightly to the left to grab a large stick off the sand. Jeongguk has to stop himself from smiling as you pick it up, like a kid who pretends the stick is a sword.
“I used to write rude things in the sand for the people in planes who flew past, every single time we went on vacation when I was a kid,” you announce.
Jeongguk laughs, “You were some kid, huh?”
“Maybe you killed the wrong one,” you think, and Jeongguk frowns.
“Can you not bring that up all the time?” You look at him and he frowns deeper, “I know you’re happy about it and stuff, but like...not my proudest moment. Makes me feel sucky.”
“Oh,” you answer. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. Just a joke.”
He shrugs, “I know. But still.”
You stab the sand with the stick. “I thought maybe it was like, fitting?”
Jeongguk lifts his head to the sky and closes his eyes. “Can’t we have a trip where we just pretend to be in love or something so I don’t feel so shit about the reason why we came here?”
That shuts you up for a moment, and you turn fully to face him as he continues to stare at the sky.
“Like Colmar, maybe,” you press, and he looks down.
It sits there for a bit, like you’re genuinely contemplating it, but then you straighten with a little huff and turn to him.
“Seems fair,” you agree.
Jeongguk almost exhales a sigh of relief and he smiles, genuinely, and follows you across the beach. The tide is a little out, the sand damp where the sea once was and like children, you embrace the fun that’s waiting to be had on the shores. Chasing the waves, running from them, staring at cute crabs that scurry across the sand and laughing at the cute kids that drop their ice creams in the water.
Jeongguk takes the stick gently from your hand and points it towards the white sand, pressing the tip against the grains. You smile against his arm as you bend to see what he draws; the stick drags across the sand and outlines a J, and the first initial of your name. Oh, you think, as he closes them inside a heart and stands back to admire his work.
It’s cute, childishly cute, and he looks proud. Jeongguk beams at you for approval and you smile back, happy.
“Photo,” you say and Jeongguk drops to a crouch near the design and poses with the stick. This photo is cute, probably cuter than the one from Colmar. Jeongguk even lets you keep it.
(25) Wearing clothes in their favourite colour.
Jeongguk’s favourite colour was white, and he loved the way a white shirt or a white coat or any white accessory would look on you. Sadistically he’d love you in the white clothes he ruins, seeing you wrap your body in a white shirt dressed with blood. White was his muse, a colour of purity and innocence. Although he always wore black for work, he had to have an admiration for the colour of white, standard paper or milk white.
Jeongguk knows that your favourite colour is green. He can tell by the amount of green plants around your apartment, and the green blankets and pillows and mugs and the unusual amount of green clothing items you have in your wardrobe. He even remembers the tie you bought him once, a Slytherin green that he actually really likes despite his Hogwarts house being Ravenclaw.
You’ve never actually seen him wear the tie, not until today when Jeongguk makes a quick stop by your apartment as he heads back to the office. He steps inside with a brown bag filled with bagels and he kisses your forehead by the front door and hands them to you. You see the tie and smile; Jeongguk sure as hell looks great in your favourite colour.
(26) Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
You’re lucky that you never really came across Elio, never once when you were at Jeongguk’s home. You had assumed that Elio was sleeping, or elsewhere on days you visited or nights you slept over. To your surprise and perhaps horror, you discovered that Elio had been there all along, just disinterested in coming out to see you from the few rooms that Jeongguk converted into his own personal habitat.
“You just had him here all this time?” you screech quietly, running back into the bedroom after seeing Elio on the couch. “What the fuck.”
“He’s harmless,” Jeongguk shrugs. “He’s not interested in a human diet right now.”
“Right now? That’s not comforting,” you reply. “I’m happy to go through all your shitty paperwork for you, it’s something I actually enjoy, but can you please go out and get them for me?”
Jeongguk cocks his head to the side, “why, can’t find them?”
“They’re in the living room, on the table,” you explain, peering back out, “but Elio’s on the couch.”
He laughs, rising, “He’s not gonna even touch you.”
“He might.”
“He won’t.”
“You don’t know that!”
“No, but he doesn’t hurt me, so he won’t hurt you.”
You gape. “What? He’s your pet, of course he won’t hurt you. He trusts you. He doesn’t even know me.”
Jeongguk sighs loudly and ruffles your hair as he crosses your path. “Whatever. You’re such a fuckin pussy,” then he kisses your neck and heads out into the living room. You quiver by the doorway as he moves without a flinch towards Elio.
The giant cat picks his head up off the couch and yawns in Jeongguk’s direction, his tail swooshing prettily over the side of the couch. His black fur blends into the blanket he lies on and as he blinks slowly, Jeongguk reaches to pet his head and behind his ears. Elio basks in the love, pressing his head further into Jeongguk’s palm, oddly dog-like. Jeongguk spends a few more moments with his beloved exotic and then finally, like he’s reluctant to, picks up the large and messy stack of papers and then walks back towards the bedroom with a smug expression. Elio’s head falls back to sleep.
“Touch me, check I’m still alive after my dangerous encounter,” Jeongguk says, bringing the papers into the room and dropping them on the bed.
“Shut up,” you huff.
(27) Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
A call from Eunji at eight in the evening destroys all the plans you had set in place. Jeongguk had been called to meet with one of the founders of the South Korean Continental, and wouldn’t be back until around nine. You had prepped an entire meal, sitting ready on the side for when he got home.
“I’m sorry, I wouldn’t call if it wasn’t absolutely important,” Eunji apologises, sounding flustered on the line, “I just. I didn’t know who else to call. I went back to the library, I think I got rid of him, but he was definitely following me from the restaurant. Fuck, Y/N, it was so scary.”
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m glad you called me,” you assure her, already putting your shoes on, “I can’t believe he showed up again. Didn’t he get put in jail?”
Eunji hums like she’s not convinced, “Out on bail, eighty kay.”
“Fuck. Do you, uh,” you start, thinking of if it’s okay to say, “want me to call someone else?” Jeongguk?
Eunji is one of the only people alive who knows about Jeongguk. She had been your best friend since you were seven, and was one of the only people who remained by your side after Jeongguk had your brother executed, and after you decided to become Jeongguk’s little play thing for a few weeks until he lost control and kept you around. Eunji’s no stranger to his antics, and if you warped the story a little, Jeongguk would have no issues with sorting the problem at hand.
“No, no, don’t,” Eunji begs. “He’ll take it too far. People will point fingers at me. Can you just come and get me?”
“Of course,” you tell her. “We’ll go back to mine, I can see Jeongguk whenever.”
Eunji exhales in relief, “I love you, you know that? You’re the best friend ever.”
You hang up a few minutes later and stare sadly at the meal. But it can’t be helped. Jeongguk’s bailed on you a thousand times for his colleagues. He wouldn’t mind, after a few hours of thinking about it. You sigh with repent and move the food towards the microwave.
Rescuing Eunji. Call me, I can come back tomorrow. Please eat.
Jeongguk finds the note when he gets home and scrunches it into a ball in the bin.
He eats alone, in silence, the other side of the table still prepped for another person.
(28) Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
“Enjoy the movie!”
Jeongguk takes the two tickets from the vender and steers you towards the corridor that leads to the rooms. On this rare occasion, Jeongguk has decided to court you. Quite literally, Jeongguk had called you up and asked if you wanted to go on a date, or something, because he was bored and liked you most, and he knows there’s a movie you’ve been wanting to see.
“Are you sure you wanna watch it with me?” you ask him, even though he’s already got the tickets and is walking next to you.
“Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t I?”
“I just didn’t think you were a cinema kind of person,” you confess.
Jeongguk hums, “To be honest, I’m not. But this movie looks good, and you wanna see it, and how often do we do things that you wanna do?”
It’s true.
The cinema room is dark and empty, since you’re both early to begin with. As always, it’s a little bit sticky and smelly, and Jeongguk pushes you towards the back row because it is inarguably the best place to sit in the cinema. You set down the large drink in between you both, two straws poking out in each of your directions.
“It’s great this movie is showing here,” you say quietly.
“Yeah, well the LGBT plus movement is really popular now, people are a lot more accepting of it,” Jeongguk states. “I mean, look at how well The Handmaiden did.”
You nod, “great movie.”
“It is,” he agrees. A few minutes later and the lights dim significantly, the movie is probably about to start. Jeongguk leans to the left a little and sips from the drink.
(29) Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
Uni’s tough, nobody said it wasn’t. Jeongguk doesn’t really understand this, since he never went to University. He brings a mug of tea from the kitchen to his bedroom where you’re sitting cross-legged staring at a laptop, setting it to the side and sitting just behind you but to your side, watching you closely.
“You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what,” you mutter dimly.
“Overworking yourself,” Jeongguk replies, “I can see your brain fucking pulsing against your skull.”
You sigh loudly. “I can’t do this. Why did I enroll in University? I should have just put it all away after high school and become a trophy wife.”
Jeongguk’s brows furrow. “You can still be a trophy wife, you’ll just be a smart one.”
You look at him. “I’m not smart enough for this.”
For a while, Jeongguk doesn’t say anything, and he just sits listening to you. As you vent, and open up about how hard it is to do this damn degree, Jeongguk watches your face and your body and uses his fingers to gently tuck the hair that falls in front of your face behind your ear. The passion that pours out of you when you’re frustrated is an unspoken beauty that you’re not even aware of, and Jeongguk eats it up.
He does what he can to put you at ease, because things he says in encouragement are things you already know anyway. Like all humans, all you need is a little bit of love, and Jeongguk’s happy to give it if it means you’re happy with him.
(30) Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
“Can’t reach. Baby, scratch my back for me?”
You cringe away from the TV, “what the fuck am I? Your maid?”
You sigh. “Where’s it itching?”
“Thanks, you’re the best.”
“You don’t pay me enough for this.”
“I don’t pay you at all.”
Sigh. “Exactly.”
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byteloading168 · 3 years
Running Man Ep 278 English Sub
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KMazing – Entering the year 2017 Running Man faced many problems. Such that, it was notified that the year 2017 will be the last year Running Man. Because of the issue of the dismissal of Song Jihyo and Kim Jongkook at the end of 2016 is horrendous and unacceptable. Finally, the PD and Member of Running Man agreed to end the program, Then before the end, the concept is built around a special episode where each member is given their own episode to be planned.
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Running Man Ep 515 Eng Sub
Also read : Best Knowing Brothers Episodes of All Time (Up to 2018)
But in the end, Running Man continues on air after the dismissal of the “troublemaker PD”, the famous variety show even add 2 new members, namely Yang Sechan and Jeon Somin which turn out to be a huge improvement. Still, like in 2016 where Running Man’s rating is still not as good as in its heyday. Slowly but surely Running Man’s Rating improved once again, at the end of the year the program achieved 2 digit rating. Well, which episode is the best in 2017 and 2018 so far? Here are the 20 best Episodes, exclaimed as the funniest from Running Man of 2017-2018. Enjoy!
Running Man welcomes the comeback of SNSD in this episode. As the experienced girlband get involved, there are a lot of funny scenes presented here. Like when the member has to choose their partner where Yuri is the unlucky one to be the partner of Ji Sukjin. Not only that, we will also see the SNSD members show their dance skills and aegyo and you will be melted with the aegyo power by Sunny. For me, the funniest scene is where Haha is always being reprimanded by her partner Soo Young. The theme of this episode is actually looking for the Bad Girls throughout the mission. Who will be 3 girls that became the Spy?
The following Running Man Episode 278 English Sub has been released. Watch full episode of Running Man Series at Dramanice. Add to Favorites. To help maintain our system, we have to run popunder on player with very low frequency of 1 pop per 12 hour. Hope you will understand and support us.
Sinopsis Running Man Episode 278 X Man Collaboration Special. Lee Kwang Soo Siap Pimpin Tamu Tamu Tampan Running Man Episode Eng Sub Hd Running Man Kim Soo Hyun Ep.
Running Man is a reality-variety show that stars Yu Jae Seok, Kim Jong Kook, Haha, Jee Seok Jin, Song Ji Hyo, Lee Kwang Soo, Jeon So Min, and Yang Se Chan. In each episode, they must complete missions at various places to win the race. Each mission is action-packed and hilarious as each member tries to beat the others using their wits and skills. Each week, is filled with fun that includes.
Phase 10 card game online, free no download. Also read : Best Korean Dramas 2017 – 2018
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Episode 1 Running Man (2019) Korean Variety. Episode 1 Running Man (2018) Korean Variety. Episode 1 All the Butlers (2020) Korean Variety. Episode 1 Lie After Lie. Tags: Watch Running Man Episode 142 Engsub, Running Man Episode 142 full hd, download Running Man Episode 142, watch online, free Running Man Episode 142 kshowonline, dramacool, kissasian, youtube, dramanice, myasiantv, Running Man Episode 142 eng sub, Running Man Episode 142 English Subtitles.
The episode that took the Couple Race theme welcome the arrival of many beautiful and cute guest stars. One of them is Jeon Somin who will then become the latest member of Running Man. Just as in Episode 224 where Kwangsoo and Somin became a couple, this episode both of them also became it too. But as predicted, rather than a romantic moment this couple show a lot of betrayal moment that will make us laugh our *ss off. Kwangsoo who had been known as a good traitor and schemer got betrayed by Somin, twice.
Episode 334 is Kim Jongkook Week. Where the Running Man members have to help Jongkook while he is having a romantic date with a girl. They also perform various games that will help determine the fate of Jongkook blind date trip. The concept is really touching and easy to “digest” and such romance is needed for the vivid viewer of Running Man, since the Monday Couple have separated, the romance was so lacking throughout the episodes, this particular episode at least give us a break and add more dynamic toward the concept of member’s week.
In the episode of this new year’s edition, the Running Man members are getting their prediction about their lives in 2017. Not only that, their health is also checked through the condition of their eyes. This is the usual concept that has been repeated like two or three times before, the funny part of these New Year episodes is when the members get the answer about their luck for that year which of course varied. This is also the first time Song Jihyo and Kim Jongkook is coupled in a romantic way.
What I like the most from this episode is the adaptability of the members of Super Junior which make even a simple game hugely interesting. Super Junior and Red Velvet became Guest in episode 376. Not only they did come in complete personnel. It turns out that one of the members of Suju, Eunhyuk is a friend from the same elementary school as Jeon Somin. There are also a lot of funny stories between them. The closeness of Somin and Eunhyuk make Donghae jealous and this kind spark is what keeps this episode interesting.
Running Man once again took the theme of Couple Race but this time with much more guest. There’s even an extra 2 male guest, Jo Se-ho and Sung Hoon. Meaning there are 8 pairs in total. So do not be surprised if this episode took 2 episodes. Even for its opening alone spend half the episode. The guest stars are asked to show his or her talents. Sunmi is definitely featuring with the famous dance of Ganshina. Well, Jo Seho as always gets tricked by Yoo Jaesuk. Not only that Jo Seho who is paired with Song Jihyo always get scolded and even beaten.
This is one of the episode of Global Race where Jeon Somin and Kwangsoo have to undergo their punishment in Indonesia or precisely in Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta. They have to cross toward the fishing island using a cable car made by the coastal residents of Pantai Timang which is made with Wood and several strings connected to each other. This whole episode features Somin and Kwangsoo. The members have to guess what they are doing and the result of the action. Kwangmin couple’s moments will also make us laughed and melted here.
Cara install pcsx2 windows 10. In this episode Running Man welcome the arrival of special guest star Gary! Gary and his clone forces came into this episode to defeat the other members which come as a surprise since the member didn’t expect the appearance of their ex-member. The twist is there and presented professionally with good build up and tension. 7012!
Where Jae Suk became MC while the other Running Man member has a match against another team of entertainers. It’ss guaranteed a lolly moment when you watch this episode. Maybe for some, this episode is a bit bland and much more like the moment of revival for some entertainer, but the game was not blatantly simple, plus there is a twist at the end.
In this episode, the members were asked to collect items to fill a house which later will become their base camp. Starting from the sofa, carpet, mattress, to the toilet. They had to borrow or ask for many items from their fellow celebrities, from Cha Taehyun, Kim Dong Wook, to Park Bo Gum. This episode is really exciting for me because each member get their airtime almost equally and all of the moments created are super funny.
Continuing the theme of Global Race, this time Running Man visit Japan to get serve the sentence in the Ghost House. Unfortunately, Kwangsoo must serve the punishment by himself. While Somin went through it with Yoo Jae Suk and Ji Suk Jin served his “adventure” with Yang Se Chan. Lots of funny and thrilling scenes we go from this episode like VJ of Ji Sukjin who fled in fear and left his camera behind.
Well, Haha’s special episode is the best among the others. Haha has been known as a hesitant type of personality and wishy-washy with the choices available. In this episode, Haha will always be told to choose between two members who are prepared to undergo a punishment. Like Lee Kwangsoo or Ji Sukjin who will be thrown into the air with a giant ball. Or Kim Jongkook (eating high calories food) and Song Jihyo (touch insects). And the twist was Haha didn’t plan this episode but other members did this as the gift for Haha’s second child which had made Haha want to run away due to the shameful feeling.
Episode 372 can be categorized as to be one episode with the best Twist of 2017 or perhaps one of the best Twist in Running Man history. Early on, the member saw a video of Lee Kwangsoo who was talking with two mysterious people. Kwangsoo is upset about who he has takes to undergo the punishment in Australia. Well, you will be really shocked by what happened at the end. Usually, we’ll see Jeon Somin making a loveline with Kwangsoo or any male single guest but in this episode Jeon Somin create a romantic moment with Kim Jongkook. Like when somin act as a girlfriend of Kim Jongkook.
Last part of Global Race Project last of 2017 where Running Man members are divided into 2 groups. Lee Kwangsoo’s team which consist Jeon Somin, Ji Sukjin and Yoo Jaesuk flew to Australia and Kim Jongkook’s team consist of Haha, Song Jihyo, and Yang Sechan visited New Zealand. This is the second part because it has previously aired in Episode 378. If in the previous episode 378 (Team Australia) is stealing the attention, during this episode Team New Zealand became the star. Obviously, because this team offers cuteness and tension. Where Haha and Sechan had vomited before getting on the swing and the best moments when Song Jihyo and Kim Jongkook take on the Nevis Swing with the upside position.
Running Man’s blockbuster scenes frequently have a lot of rushes, chills and enough twist on the story to keep watchers oblivious until the last minute. This scene; highlighting apparitions from Running University, took the great Running Man blockbuster scene to another level with a sudden wind that left the individuals reeling, as well as the gathering of people. You wouldn’t have any desire to miss this scene, including incredible part science and collaborations, and a splendid storyline that will keep you snared until the finish of the race.
Still a continuation of episode 346, this 347 episode has three teams, namely Osaka team, Taipei team, and Jeju-do team. They have to buy souvenirs in those places. The team that has the heaviest souvenirs will win this mission. The scale of the mission is huge and Jang Do Yeon helps create smooth episode especially during the trip to Jeju-do. Overall this episode is a good one as the new member looks fluid enough to gel with the original member of Running Man.
This episode centers around the Running Man individuals gunning to be the beneficiary to Running Airline’s affluent director. As basic as it is an idea, the scene is made more troublesome by the beneficiaries; feisty and brimming with shocks. This present scene’s quality likewise originates from the last mission, an unofficial ID tearing mission in which the individuals need to battle against each other to be the beneficiary. There’s an immense twist towards the end which you presumably won’t see it coming either.
Special Christmas episode on Running Man, for the most part, have an amazing quality of esteem, however, to keep in accordance with the current year’s Running Man subject of wanders aimlessly, the PD have thought of yet another blockbuster scene including apparitions, vindictive spirits, and people. You’d most likely never observe Christmas similarly again. A note, the main portion of the scene tends to delay somewhat more, yet the real race is where the place of fun is.
This is the best and funniest Running Man episode in 2017 but not quite fundamental. Because this episode is special to celebrate 7 years Running Man. All Running Man members come to the show with their friends and family. Like Song Jihyo and Somin who brought their younger brother and Kim Jongkook who came with his older brother. Other members choose to take their friends. But before the guests come out they tell the habits of each member. Like Haha who once vent on and wanted to gang up Kim Jongkook. All agreed that the star in this episode is Haha’s friend Park Geun-shik and Jo Seho. Geunsik with his innocence often makes Haha angry while Jo Se Ho always gets teased by Yoo Jaesuk. But Tae Hang-ho (Friends of Kwangsoo) also take much of the airtime while trying the high voice game.
On episode 346, the new member Jeon So-min and Yang Se-chan start joining permanently as a cast member. Here we will be getting stomachache because of their hilarious behavior, especially from the new member! This time there are three teams that compete to win. They must successfully undergo a mission if not, the will be given a horrible penalty. It might not be the funniest, but this episode becomes the turning point of the new era of Running Man. Thus, we see this episode as the fundamental episode of Running Man in 2017.
5/5(7 votes )
Running Man Eng Sub Kshowonline
The Bridge
Two detectives from Malaysia and Singapore are assigned to work together on a double murder case. A body – split in half and made up of two different women – was found at the second link bridge that connects both countries. The killer later reveals that he will bring five issues to light that cause chaos in both Malaysia and Singapore – people are unequal before law, human trafficking, laundering, violence against women and children, and child labour. This politically charged and highly complex case leads the detective duo in discovering the close connection between the killer and those who are chasing him. Case by case, they learn about the killer’s hidden agenda.
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Running Man Ep 515 Eng Sub
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itsmealyyy · 4 years
we meet again l jeon jungkook CHAPTER 1
It was a very tiring weekend as my family and I moved into a new house, AGAIN. Well,  it is not that new to me because it was the 5th time we move into a new environment. From Gwangju to Ilsan to Busan to Daegu and now Seoul.
Seoul is not new to me as my brother built his own family here. But their house takes 15-20 mins drive from our house sooo...I can't at least go there and visit unless I have my own car and can drive on my own HA HA
Anyways, it's Monday morning and I'm about to see my new school. I really miss my friends in Daegu but grrr because of this stupid move, I can't see them. Well, I can't blame my parents because it was part of their business but ugh! I don't know
"Raejin sweetie" a voice was heard inside my room
"Time to get up honey!" I heard my mom say as I felt her sit in my bed and removed the blanket from my head.
"Mom, it's early." I whined as I try to get the blanket back to my head.
But a hand slapped my hands.
"It's 7 and your class starts at 8, remember?"
I got up annoyed by her sentence as she stood up and was about to leave the room.
"Arasso, Eomma." I said defeated and got up from my bed.
"Breakfast is ready downstairs." She smiled as she exited my room.
Great. Now I can go back to sleep again wiiiieeee. I was about to get back to my bed when my room's door opened, surprising me.
"Get dressed." My mom said again as she walks out from my room passing the hallway.
I sighed as I looked at the uniform that is placed on the chair, in front of my study table.
"Right. I have to be early on my first day... at least"
I said to myself as I grab the uniform and went inside my walk-in closet. I placed it on the sofa of my closet and went inside the Restroom.
Well you see, it is connected to the walk-in closet so I can you know, easily dress up. But there's a door that just go straight ahead to the restroom. I didn't use it cause I have to get my uniform ready.
So anyway, going back to the story.
I was already finished taking a bath and brushing my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror as I scan myself with my new uniform.
"It is better than what I have expected." I said as I fix the ribbon.
Once I'm done, I went out of my closet and grabbed my phone and my bag at the table.
I checked my phone.
7:30 A.M.
*1 new unread message* Annoying Brother *1 new unread message* Jieun Unnie ❤
I first opened my cousin's message.
----------------------------------- From: Jieun Unnie
It's your first day at your new school, right? I hope you enjoy your first day and make a lot of friends! I'll see you soon when I'm free. Fighting Raejin~!
I smiled from her message. She is just like a sister to me. But sadly, she was shooting her new drama that's why she can't visit...
I now opened my brother's message.
----------------------------------- From: AnnoyingBrother
How's my baby Rae? Are you up now? You should be up now, or else I won't let you meet Park Hyun Sik. Geez. Anyway, I have a shooting today so wish me luck.
Good luck on your first day and meet new friends! Fighting!
Aigo. I think I have to hit him for this. Why did Sejin unnie even marry him? Aigo.
I giggled as I made my way out of the room.
*Bark, Bark*
"Good morning Appa, Eomma" I said as I kissed their cheeks.
"Good morning Seochanie!" I hugged my dog.
I grabbed an apple in the counter and a bottle of water in the fridge and put it inside my bag.
"Are you not going to eat?" My dad asked as he went back to the dining after brushing his teeth.
"I'll eat at school." I said as I smiled and head towards the door.
"I'll drive you." He said as he was about to grab his keys from the table in the living room.
"Aniyo Appa. It's fine. I will just take the bus." I said as I opened the door.
I waved my goodbye at them and headed outside our house.
"Take care!" I heard my dad shouted from our door.
"Raejinah, don't forget to eat!" my mom shouted.
I glanced at them and smiled. I opened our gate.
I'm now walking towards our school from the bus stop. Once I reached the main gate, I turned my bag in front so that I can get my letter from the principal. The guards on duty glanced at me.
"Student, where's your I.D.?" The guard asked with a not so overwhelming sound.
I looked at him. He looks like he's in his 40s. I bowed to the guard.
"Yo-you see... I-I'm a ne-new student." I said as I gave him the letter.
"Ahhh. Well." He said as he finished reading the letter.
He gave it back to me with a warm smile.
"Welcome to the Seoul National University" he said.
Giving me a bow, gesturing me to come in. I smiled and bowed to the man.
I made my way to the front. I looked at my surroundings and it was really beautiful. The school's name is shown right at the front. There were 2 buildings on each side and a walk-rail and also, a road in the middle.
As I walk inside, trying to find the principal's office, there were a lot of cars coming in from gate 3. It must be the students. Some students are gathered by groups, chatting.
It felt really weird because they were all looking at me. Am I that ugly? Or they know that I'm a new kid? I feel really uncomfortable.
"Hey. Is she a transferee?"
"I think so. But transferring at the start of the second semester?"
"She's pretty."
"I think I saw her somewhere"
I heard some students say as I pass by them.
I was now at the front of the C12 Building. I feel really lost right now...
I'm trying to look at the map that was given to me by the guards and... I think I'm in the right place. I think TT
"Excuse me." a voice said from the front.
I lifted my head up to see a tall handsome guy with his dimples flashed in his face.
Wow. His dimples...It's so deep and he's soooo cute! I can just look at him the whole day.
I returned to my senses. Did I just spaced out????
It's really embarrassing.
"Are you lost?" He asked.
"Ahh. N-neh." I said as I looked at my feet, hiding, as I felt my cheeks burn out.
WTF! It's so embarrassing.
I heard him giggled.
"Principal office?"
I lifted my face again and nodded.
"This way." He said as he showed me the way.
There was an awkward silence as we head to the principal office. Well, awkward for me I think. I just followed him around. At some time, he glances at me and gives me a warm smile. Is he killing me with his dimples?! Gosh. I want to reach the office fast because I think, I'm going to die here just because of his appearance!
"Here it is." He said as she showed me the door.
"Ahh yes. Tha-thank you so much." I said as I bowed to the man.
"I'm Kim Namjoon by the way." He said as he offered me a hand to shake up.
I was hesitating to whether to accept his handshake but it would be really rude if I refuse it. Especially when I think he's a senior... I just grabbed his hands with my two hands and shake it up.
"I'm in my 4th year. You?" He said again after.
"I'm Lee Raejin. 2nd year." I said as I bowed.
The bell rang as a signal that classes are about to start.
"Oh. I should get going. See you around Raejin" He said as he rushed towards his class, waving his goodbye.
I just bowed at the man, feeling grateful for his kindness. Phew! That was close. I turned my body towards the door. Breathing in, breathing out before knocking.
"Neh. Come in."
I heard a voice from the other side of the door said. I quickly twitched the doorknob for it to open. And I opened it, a beautiful woman that seems to be in her mid-30s greeted me with a smile on her face.
"You must be Ms. Lee. It's good to finally meet you." She said as she gestured me for a handshake, which I took with both hands.
"I'll bring you to your teacher. He's waiting for you" She said as she stood up from her seat and gestured me to follow her.
"Everyone. As you all have probably heard, we have a new student in your class. I hope you will treat her well and help her with all the lessons that she has missed."
I heard Mr. Cha, my homeroom teacher, said to the whole class. I'm outside the door right now. Waiting for my signal to come. I'm really nervous right now. My hands and feet are shaking like crazy.
"Aii sseam (Teacher)."
"Where is she?"
"Introduce her to us already, teacher!"
"Arasso. Arasso."
I heard my teacher calm them down. Now I'm the one who's really nervous.
"New Student?" The teacher called inside the room.
I slowly opened the door and walk-in. I can see all their eyes, scanning me.
"She's the one that I saw a while ago." Girl 1
"She's pretty." Boy 1
"She's my style." Boy 2
"Omo. I think she's..." A girl said, third row, 3rd element.
The class has gone wild. I'm super embarrassed right now...
"Everyone, keep quiet." a girl from the 2nd row, 2nd to the last element said to the whole class.
And it was just a miracle! I think she's the President. She has that kind of authority in her. I looked at my teacher. He's signaling me to introduce myself. I looked, then, to the whole class. All eyes were on me. Okay. I guess this is it.
"Annyeonghaseyo." I said as I bowed to them.
"I'm Lee Raejin. Please take care of me well."
I bowed again to the whole class.
"Aii. That's so boring." a boy from the 1st row, 3rd element said.
"Ne-neh?" I feel really confused right now. I mean, I was introducing myself. Why bother interrupting my speech? I blinked my eyes to the comment.
"Please tell us where you're from, your hobby, likes, dislikes, like that." My teacher said.
I flushed.
"W-well, I'm from Daegu...my parents and I just moved to Seoul... I used to be a volleyball player at our school. And well, I love to sing, dance, and play with my nephew and my dog." I said.
Resounding applause was soon heard in the whole room as I rubbed the back of my neck from embarrassment.
"Alright. Please take care of her well. You may sit beside Jihyo over there."
Mr. Cha gestured me towards the name.
The person raises her hands in the air and smiled in my direction as she heard her name. And it was the President who I think it was minutes ago.
But just then... I saw a familiar face at her back. He's staring at me. Why is he here? I asked myself as I cursed in my breath as I head towards the empty seat beside Jihyo.
I sat at the empty seat. But I can still feel an intense stare behind my back.
"I'm Kang Jihyo. I'm the president of the class." She said with a warm smile on her face. She reached out her hands for me to take in. I just smiled and took it. I'm still anxious about the boy that is behind me. God! Help meeee!
"Let's start our discussion shall we?" Mr. Cha said
Right. You came here to study and not for him. Let's focus shall we, Lee Raejin? I started to gain my focus. I hope it would be a good stay here for me...
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notsoguiltykpop · 5 years
Champion pt9
Jungkook x Reader
Racecar driver / street racer au
Genre: Romance, slow-burn, suspense(?), fluff, slightly smutty later on in the story
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 10
Synopsis: You might have gotten your start on the street, but you’ve always had bigger plans. With a new sponsor backing you, you’re all set to work your way up in the motorsport world and make it big.Your dream is to take down Jeon Jungkook, who is currently one of the best drivers in the sport. He doesn’t quite know how he feels about this rookie winning all the races and getting all the attention, but it reminds him why he’s racing in the first place–to be nothing but the best, and leave everyone else in the dust.Things get complicated when he falls head over heels for the competition.
Jungkook woke with a start and immediately regretted it. His head was pounding and the room was too bright, and he shifted on the couch to try to roll away from the window. It took another moment for him to figure out that he was on a couch that wasn’t his, and in his half-asleep state he almost started to panic, but then he sat up and remembered where he was.
Jooheon was sleeping on the couch across from him still, snoring lightly, and Jungkook caught himself smiling. He had to admit, Seokjin was right to talk him into going to the party. He had needed a break and some laughs. He was even glad he got to know 52 better, and he meant it when he told the other driver that he thought they should be friends, not enemies. 52 was strange, but in a funny sort of way, and was growing on Jungkook fast.
There was a nagging thought in the back of his head as he sat up straighter, blinking in an attempt to wake himself up further. There was something he needed to do, he just couldn’t quite remember what it was. He felt around for his phone first in his pockets, then on the couch, and finally spotted it on the card table.
He stood and stretched before making his way over to it. He wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, but there was something he was supposed to do first, if he could just remember–
“Shit.” He muttered once he picked up his phone, seeing the last text he’d gotten from you the night before. He’d invited you over for breakfast, of all things. It had seemed like a good idea at the time; the next day he had free was a week away, and if you were actually willing to talk now, he wanted to hear what you had to say. And if you weren’t going to talk, if you were expecting him act like you hadn’t driven off and left him, and like the illegal race hadn’t happened, then he wanted closure. He looked at the time–7:12–and decided he might still be able to get back to his house before you did.
Eleanor was in the kitchen, and gave him a bemused look as he half-hopped past her, trying to get his shoe on as he went.
“Stay for coffee, you don’t need to rush out of here–” She started, but Jungkook shook his head.
“Late,” He said distractedly, checking his pockets for his keys.
Eleanor raised an eyebrow. “Where do you need to be at seven in the morning on a Monday?”
“It’s a long story,” Jungkook muttered as he began looking around for his car keys. He had them last night, and he couldn’t figure out why they weren’t in his pocket now. Eleanor opened the drawer next to her before holding them up, smiling.
“This what you’re looking for?” Jungkook held his hand out in answer, but she just held them out of his reach. “I took them as a precaution last night. You can have them back if you tell me where you’re off to in such a hurry. You didn’t say anything about having an early morning.”
Jungkook sighed, tonguing his cheek and folding his arms. “I don’t see how it’s your business. But if you have to know, I invited someone over for breakfast.”
“You did?” Eleanor scoffed, still holding onto his keys. “You never pass up the opportunity to sleep in. Who are you and what did you do with Jungkook?”
“Ha ha,” He replied dryly. “You’re hilarious. Now give me my keys.”
“Whoever it is must be important…” Eleanor mused, tapping her chin in thought. “You’re dating someone, aren’t you? When do I get to meet her?”
Jungkook decided not to argue that he’d never said it was a her, nor had he said anything about a relationship; He was already running out of time, and didn’t want to waste more of it. “Most likely never.”
Eleanor seemed taken aback by this and slightly offended, and Jungkook took the opportunity to snatch his keys out of her hand.
“It was a fun party, tell Simon I said hi.”
“This conversation isn’t over!” Eleanor called after him.
[Jungkook, 8:13] “Back door is open. Help yourself to coffee”
You glanced at his text again, still reluctant to get out of your car. You couldn’t shake the feeling that this was a bad idea. Telling him about your past might make everything worse, not only now, but also when he learned who you were. But you needed to do this. Seokjin already knew everything, somehow, so Jungkook would find out about it sooner or later and you would rather he heard it from you even if that wouldn’t change anything between the two of you.
Taking one last deep breath, you decided that procrastinating further wasn’t going to help anything.
His house was on the small side, almost modest, but cute and well maintained. The garage door was open as he said it would be, and you stepped carefully over a motorcycle he appeared to have entirely taken apart. You expected to see his Maserati to be parked on the other side, but instead saw a Nissan GTR.
“Jungkook?” You called when you stepped into his kitchen. The smell of coffee hit you first, and the smell of Jungkook’s aftershave and cologne under that. It was comforting in a way, and calmed your nerves drastically.
The ingredients for waffles sat on one side of the sink, and a coffee pot with two mugs on the other. You poured yourself some and hopped up to sit on the counter, hoping the caffeine would wake you up. You only got about two hours of sleep the night before after getting home so late.
It wasn’t long before Jungkook appeared, his hair still wet from his shower.
“Hey,” He gave you a half-smile, his eyes looking as tired as you felt. “Sorry, been running late all morning. Had a late night…”
“Yeah, me too,” You sent him a smile back.
Neither of you said anything for a moment, and right as it was starting to feel awkward, Jungkook seemed to snap out of whatever train of thought he’d fallen into.
“Is waffles okay?” He asked, not waiting for an answer as he began measuring the ingredients out.
You nodded anyway before sipping your coffee. As nervous as you were, you were still glad to be there with him.
“I didn’t know you could cook,” You noted, smiling softly to yourself. You couldn’t help but think that it would be nice if you were there under other circumstances; the idea of waking up to this, sleepy Jungkook making breakfast, was more than appealing. Your smile faded somewhat as you realized what you were thinking, and the likelihood of that never happening.
“Oh, I can’t,” Jungkook replied quickly as he cracked the second egg into the bowl.
“It sure looks like you can,” You raised an eyebrow, but he just shook his head.
“No,” He chuckled lightly as he began mixing the batter. “I can cook waffles, specifically. That’s pretty much it.”
“It’s a good thing I like waffles, then,” You joked.
Silence fell for a few minutes after that, neither of you quite sure where to start. But once the batter was poured, there wasn’t much more avoiding the elephant in the room.
Jungkook walked over next to you to get his own coffee, close enough that you could smell his shampoo.
“I want you to know that I didn’t steal Coldwater’s car,” You started, looking at your coffee rather than directly at Jungkook as he looked up at you. “I’ve done a lot of questionable things in the past, but that’s not one of them.”  
“We don’t have to talk about this now,” Jungkook replied quietly. “Don’t you want to eat first?” He chuckled slightly, trying to lighten the mood.
You shook your head. “Honestly? I think I’d rather get it over with.” He nodded in understanding, leaning back against the counter across from you, watching you intently. “I started street racing in highschool. Made bets against other students sometimes, but it was pretty casual. I don’t remember when it started being about the money, to be honest. It was like one day I just realized that without racing, I’d be broke. After that, I started taking it more… Seriously, I guess. I got involved with some bad people, made connections I probably shouldn’t have…” You paused, lost in thought for a second. It felt strange talking about any of this with someone who wasn’t Jimin. Even Hoseok didn’t ask too many questions about your former “profession,” for lack of a better word, and you didn’t offer up any details. “One of those connection was Allen Schaltz. He became a sort of middle-man. He placed bets for or against me, depending on if I felt like losing or not, and he would collect my winnings–What?”
Jungkook had tilted his head to one side, bemusement on his face. “Depending on if you felt like losing?” Jungkook echoed.
You nodded. “I had to lose sometimes, otherwise no one would race against me, let alone place any bets. But no one could beat me unless I let them. So…” You let your voice trail off as Jungkook nodded in understanding, though he still looked thoroughly confused by the concept of losing on purpose. “By the time I realized what I had really gotten myself into, I didn’t see a way out. Any entry-level job wouldn’t pay enough to make up for me quitting street racing. So I stuck with it. Until last year, I mean.”
“What changed?” Jungkook’s expression was unreadable, and you chewed your lip as you tried to think of how best to continue. You hadn’t thought this far ahead when you told him you wanted to talk, mostly because you knew if you did, you would back out.
“Hoseok,” You said after a moment. “He saw potential in me. He said he would help me get out of the mess I’d gotten into as long as I agreed to quit street racing. He covered a lot of my bills until he set me up with the job at the cafe. I owe him a lot.”
Jungkook seemed to mull this over for a moment, brows slightly furrowed. “But you still decided to go behind his back and race anyway?” You could tell he was trying to keep the disapproval from his voice.
“I didn’t want to,” You shook your head, eyes on your coffee rather than meeting Jungkook’s own. “Allen learned a lot about me in the three years we worked together, so when I disappeared from the street racing scene, it was a lot harder to get off his radar. I knew he wasn’t happy that I quit–I was a source of easy income for him, after all. I should have expected that he wouldn’t let it go…” You realized you were rambling to yourself now, your voice quiet. You cleared your throat before continuing. “He showed up one night with a job offer–to drive in Coldwater’s place because he needed to win the race against his brother.” You looked up at Jungkook finally, gaze unwavering. “I didn’t want to do it. But Allen knows things about me that he… Said he would make public if I didn’t accept the offer.” You couldn’t think of a better way to phrase it. “If that information got out, Hoseok would go down with me. I couldn’t risk doing that to him.”
That much was true, at least.
Jungkook’s gaze had darkened. “He threatened you? Why didn’t you go to the police? I mean, that’s blackmail, right?”
You shook your head. “The information would still get out, even if I did manage to get him arrested for blackmail. I know Allen, he’s always got a backup plan.”
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair in agitation. “Jesus.” He muttered under his breath.
“When the car crashed and I was the one pulled out of it, Coldwater had to come up with some excuse about why he wasn’t driving. The easiest one was that I stole his car,” You fidgeted with your mug, and seeing that Jungkook looked like he was about to say something, you added quickly; “I understand if you don’t believe me, I know how it sounds. But I wanted you to know the truth.”
You sat in silence for a moment. Jungkook looked like he was still trying to process all of this, and you still couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“And Hoseok? What did he have to say about the blackmail?”
“He doesn’t know about any of it,” You admitted. “Not the blackmail, or the race.”
“How’d you explain the crash, then?” He asked, then upon seeing you grimace, he nodded to himself. “He doesn’t know about that, either,” He answered his own question.
“I should have told him,” You sighed. “But I didn’t, I thought I had it under control, and now I don’t know how to tell him without sounding like I went back on my word to quit street racing–Which I did, I suppose.”
Jungkook sighed, eyes focused somewhere off to your left and at nothing in particular as he thought. “What does Coldwater have on you that scared you bad enough to agree to something like that? It wasn’t just the street racing, was it?”
“Does that mean you believe me?” You said, trying not to get your hopes up too high.
“It means I’m trying,” Jungkook replied curtly.
“Information that, if it got out now, under the wrong circumstances, could ruin my career. Could ruin Hoseok’s too, by association.”
Jungkook seemed to pick up on the fact that that was as much of an answer as he was going to get.
“I want to trust you,” He admitted, walking over to refill his coffee cup next to you. “And I guess I can understand why you didn’t tell me before.” You could still see the uncertainty in his eyes as he spoke, however, despite his words. “But if whatever this is–” He gestured between the two of you, “–Is going to continue, I’d like to feel like you trust me, too.” He turned to face you fully, then, his hand resting on the counter centimeters from your thigh.
“I trust you,” You said quickly, without even thinking.
The corner of Jungkook’s mouth turned upwards, as though he was trying not to smile and failing. “Then talk to me next time. At least give me a chance to understand?”
You nodded, unsure if you could even believe that things had resolved so well. “Does that mean things can go back to how they were?” You asked tentatively. This was the perfect opportunity to tell him the whole truth. Maybe not right this second, because that might be too much all at once, but this morning for sure. He would understand, now you were sure.
Jungkook tilted his head, then scrunched his nose. “Before that, I have another question.” You nodded for him to continue, unsure of where he was going with this. “Can I be your boyfriend?” His face switched from semi-serious to mischievous in an instant, a grin spreading across his face. “I know it might be too soon to ask, but–”
You broke him off by leaning forward, catching his lips with your own. You felt him smile into the kiss as he moved to stand in front of you rather than beside where you sat. He pulled away just long enough to murmur, “I’ll take that as I yes?”
His hands were gentle as they found their way to rest on your hips, pulling you marginally closer to the edge of the countertop.
You were about to affirm that it was most definitely a yes when you noticed an odd smell in the air.
“I think the food is burning,” You couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped you as Jungkook paused.
“Food?” He repeated blankly, then swore, hurrying over to the smoking waffle-maker.
“I thought you said you were good at cooking waffles!” You teased as the smoke alarm started going off. Jungkook muttered something about the fact that he wasn’t planning on getting so distracted as he tossed the ruined food in the garbage, and you took it upon yourself to start opening the kitchen windows, letting fresh air in.
When you heard the garage door open, you assumed it was Jungkook, so more air would flow through the room. It wasn’t him, though, and when you tuned and made eye contact with his manager, your heart sank. He didn’t look happy.
The alarm finally stopped in time for Seokjin to ask, “What are you doing here?”
Jungkook turned around to see him, looking a bit more than exasperated. “I think a better question would be what are you doing here?” He retorted before you had a chance to say anything. He then turned to you. “Y/n, this is my manager, Seokjin. He doesn’t understand boundaries and likes to show up unannounced.” He rolled his eyes dramatically before going back to trying to clean the waffle maker.
“We’ve met,” Seokjin sighed, helping himself to some coffee. “Also, I texted you an hour ago I would be here–I wanted to make sure you hadn’t forgotten about the meeting later.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” Jungkook sighed. “So you can leave now.”
Seokjin seemed to have other plans, though. “You’re not going to invite me to stay for breakfast?”
“Nope,” Jungkook replied curtly, crossing his arms.
His manager pressed his lips into a thin line, glancing at you before catching Jungkook’s arm and pulling him just out of earshot.
“Jungkook…” He started quietly, sending another glance at you.
“We sorted everything out,” Jungkook assured the other man. “I took your advice and heard her out. We talked about everything, and you were right. There was more to what happened… Thank you.”
It wasn’t often that Seokjin didn’t know what to say, but he stood in a stunned silence for a second while trying to think of how to answer. “I know I said that, but that was before–”
“Before what?”
“Before I really thought about it,” Seokjin sighed, though Jungkook could tell that wasn’t originally what he was thinking. “What do you mean by you talked about everything?”
Jungkook frowned. “Street racing, the crash…” He shrugged. “Why? I thought you’d be happy I took your advice for once.”
Seokjin just shook his head. “No, I am. I was just… Curious.”
He fell silent as you made your way over to the two of them, giving Jungkook an apologetic smile.
“I have to be at work soon, so I’m going to take off… I’ll call you?”
Jungkook tried not to pout. “You didn’t eat, though.” It was a flimsy excuse to keep you there, considering that there wasn’t anything too eat yet, but he couldn’t think of anything better.
“Another time,” You assured him, nodding at Seokjin on your way out. 
Your collarbone was healing. It was slower than you wished it would, but considering you hadn’t exactly been taking it easy, you couldn’t complain much. 
Just when you were starting to think that you wouldn’t have to tell Hoseok about your injury ever, you turned your shoulder wrong in qualifying the day before your race against Jungkook. 
You had been trying to primarily drive with your good arm, but in a moment of misjudgment, you pushed too hard.
“I’m sorry,” You said over the radio to Taehyung, after saying you were coming back to the pits. “I just–I can’t.” You knew if you continued to push it, you wouldn’t be able to drive at all tomorrow. All you could do now was hope that the few good laps you’d had would be enough to keep you in the top ten. 
Hoseok wasn’t there when you got out of your car, luckily. But it didn’t take long for someone to shove a cellphone into your hand and give you a worried look.
“I’m sorry,” You echoed what you’d said to Taehyung. 
“What happened?” Hoseok asked stiffly. 
“I uh–I’ve injured my shoulder,” You cleared your throat nervously. 
You suddenly wished you’d stayed in the car and just dealt with it. Sure, you likely woudn’t have been able to move it at all tomorrow if you had, but at least you might have avoided this conversation. 
“It was an accident, I can explain,” You said. You half expected Hoseok to start yelling at you for quitting qualifying, for screwing over your chances for tomorrow. But dead silence fell on the other side of the phone for an uncomfortably long moment. 
“You’re an idiot.” Hoseok finally said, and hung up before you could say anything else. 
You should be sleeping. Even if you were too nervous to get any real sleep, you knew logically you should at least be pretending to get some rest. Instead, you found yourself laying on your hotel room couch, Jungkook half laying next to you and half on top, his head resting on his hand. You had the excuse of supporting Hoseok to be there for the race weekend, and Jungkook didn’t argue much other than to say he was sure that you were really just there to support him. 
Over the last two weeks, things has significantly improved between the two of you, but weren’t exactly the same. Sometimes, when Jungkook would spontaneously text you a meme without context or show up at the cafe to lean on the counter and wink, saying he was in the mood for tea and his being there definitely had nothing to do with the fact that this was where you worked, you could almost forget that things had very nearly ended between the two of you.
Other times, like now, as he idly traced circles on your arm, eyes on the bruise that was still left on your collarbone, you were reminded that it was only a temporary fix.
“Does it still hurt?” He asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen over you.
You shook your head, smiling softly. “Nah, not really. It looks worse than it is, now.”
Jungkook nodded to himself, worrying his lower lip between his teeth. “Have you thought any more about going to the police about what happened?”
He’d brought this up before, never trying to pressure you, but not quite ready to let it go either. You could tell he was mad that you were dragged into it, but now his anger was solely directed at Coldwater.
“It’s not worth the risk,” You said again. You knew Jungkook meant well, and you appreciated his concern, but he still didn’t know what was really at stake if you made the issue even worse than it already was.
You could tell that he wanted to say more on the subject, but he sighed instead. “Okay. But maybe I could help if I knew what exactly the risk was…” He muttered, but seemed more concerned than irritated.
“There really isn’t anything anyone could do,” You shook your head. You had originally expected Jungkook to ask more questions about what the blackmail itself was, but for the most part, he’d done the opposite. He made it clear that if and when you were ready to talk about it, he was there for you, and left it at that. “Let’s talk about something else?”
“Sure,” With his free hand, he brushed a stray hair away from your face. “I’m glad you’re going to be there tomorrow.”
He didn’t have to say where for you to know he meant the race. “I wouldn’t miss it.” You grinned. “I have to be there when you lose.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, and you were glad the mood seemed to have lightened drastically. “Sometimes I forget you’re my biggest anti-fan.”
“I’m not an anti,” You protested. “I’m just stating facts. 52′s going to beat you tomorrow.”
“Really?” Jungkook laughed. “Because I don’t think so.”
“We’ll see, I guess,” You shrugged noncommittally, trying not to grin, but that wasn’t enough for Jungkook. He shifted so he was hovering above you, his weight on his arms which were now on either side of you.
“Be serious for a second,” He started, and it was your turn to roll your eyes. This hardly seemed like the time or position for a serious conversation.
“I am being serious,” You argued, and he shook his head.
“What would you do if I lost tomorrow?”
You pretended to think about it for a second, tilting your head to one side in thought.
“I’d throw a party.” You decided. Jungkook gave you a dubious look.
“No, I mean really.”
“I’d throw a party,” You said again, this time with more finality. “With lots of alcohol, maybe some cake. There might even be some confetti. There will be a dance floor… Don’t look at me like that, you’re invited, too.”
Jungkook was giving you the most unimpressed look you’d ever seen, including that first day you met him on the track.
“You actually want 52 to win, don’t you?”
You nodded. “I thought that was obvious.”
Jungkooks mouth opened slightly, face incredulous. “I can’t believe I’m actually dating my biggest anti-fan.” He said this more to himself than to you.
“I already told you, I’m not–” You cut yourself off with a huff. “Wanting you to lose doesn’t make me an anti.” Jungkook looked like he wanted to argue, so you didn’t give him the chance. “You’re a competitive person, Jungkook. And do you know what competitive people need?”
“Uh, no?” He didn’t look like he knew where you were going with this.
“Competition! Otherwise you get bored. I know, because I’m the same way. You told me racing isn’t the same anymore, and that’s why you want to quit. I’m telling you that it’s not the same because you don’t have any more rivals left. It’s not fun to win if you didn’t even have to try.” Jungkook looked lost in thought as you spoke. “I hope you drive your best tomorrow. I hope you do everything you can to win, and I hope you come in second to 52. Because I think losing is exactly what you need.”
“So basically, what you’re saying is, a real fan would want me to lose,” He smiled mischievously. “Which means that you are a fan after all.”
“That’s seriously all that you got out of that,” You scoffed, rolling your eyes dramatically. “You’re impossible.”
“Maybe you’re right,” He admitted, suddenly much more serious. “Maybe it would be good for me to lose. It’s too bad you’re wrong that 52 can beat me, then.” He grinned, giving your forehead a quick kiss before pushing himself up off the couch. “I’ve got to get back before my trainer realizes I’m not sleeping. See you tomorrow, after I win.” 
A/N Um oops so this has been done since January and I just forgot to edit it. Please let me know what you think!! I know it’s been forever and a day since I’ve updated, I hope that you haven’t all left out of frustration. Thank you for reading, I’m so happy to be back! 
Tagging @batakookie and @joepesci-isfine
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future updates and I’ll add you to the list! 
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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A/N: I can’t wait to hear your thoughts after this chapter! A lot of vital information is contained in these 3k words, and I’m curious to see how your theories have changed after reading it! 
Synposis: Your boyfriend, Kim Namjoon, has gone missing. After acting erratic for a few weeks, spending all his time locked away in his studio, he suddenly vanishes into thin air, leaving only an unreleased album behind. Zodiac.
Chapter Five – 이 모든건 우연이 아냐  (all of this is no coincidence)
It’s Monday morning, not quite 4am. That means it’s Day 4 of your boyfriend being missing, Day 4 of no news and seemingly nobody caring.
Jin had kept you mostly inside for the remainder of the weekend, trying to keep you occupied, it seemed, with food you had no appetite for and visitors you weren’t interested in chatting with. Just last night, his youngest brother had come over with a couple of DVDs and some microwave popcorn, like it was a fucking sleepover.
Quickly, the two of them had realized that your despondency wasn’t going to be solved by the latest superhero flick, and Jin had muted it and left to go make some dinner while Taehyung shuffled over to your side of the couch, resting his head on your shoulder.
“You know,” he said conversationally, but ever so softly, “us Kims have always been a strong bunch. We stick together and we’re loyal to a fault. In fact, the biggest tension between us since I can remember has been Jinnie not showing up to our Christmas dinner. Family is incredibly important to us. So, I know how you must feel right now. Because trust me, we’re all feeling that way.”
You leant into the weight of his body on your side, enjoying the small comfort it brings as you stared blankly at the flashing colors on Jin’s oversized television. “It doesn’t feel like that. It feels like I’m trying to find my missing boyfriend and you all are planning what hymns to sing at the funeral. I don’t understand why you’ve all given up so soon.”
He stiffened. “We haven’t given up,” he said, voice gravelly, “not a single bit. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give to…see him again,” he pushed out through a voice thick with tears, “to hear him laugh, to give him a hug, to tell him how much I need him right now. There’s nothing. But right now, I can’t do anything except hope and pray that the detectives do their job. Because what else can I do?”
You twisted your head lightly to stare at his orangey-red hair, dull and flat compared to what you knew was his normal brilliance. “Maybe there is something,” you whispered.
He froze. “What?”
You eyed the doorway. “Listen, I…there are lots of things I can’t explain right now, but there’s something seriously fishy going on, and I think Namjoon knew whoever took him was going to take him. He wrote a secret album and I think if we really listen to the lyrics, we might be able to piece something together.”
He lifted his head off of your shoulder and blinked at you in confusion. “He wrote an album saying that someone took him?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, here,” you fished the USB out of the pocket you had stubbornly kept it in since you were in Namjoon’s studio and handed it to him. “Listen to it, but don’t tell anyone else but me, okay? Maybe you’ll pick up on something I didn’t. I thought I could figure this all out on my own, but I can’t. I need you to trust me and trust Namjoon, okay?”
He stared down at the hunk of metal and plastic in his hand. “Sure. Yes, okay.” A noise in the kitchen startled you, and you shoved his hand towards his pocket, insisting he hid it, and then the rest of your night with the two Kim brothers went uneventfully, Taehyung luckily not mentioning what you had told him.
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Now, though, it was a couple of minutes before 4, and you found yourself roaming Jin’s house in socked tip-toes, unable to sleep as was now usual. In fact, you don’t think you had slept at all since Namjoon went missing apart from those few hours on the first night.
The house was freezing, and apart from the whistle of the wind outside, and some branches scratching on window glass, it was silent.
Being a lawyer certainly had its perks, and an insanely big house was apparently one of them. You had only just begun to realize now how big it was. This past weekend had seen you remaining on the ground floor, with no need to venture further, but after getting sick of sitting in your bed and thinking for hours on end, you had snuck out of the guest bedroom and had a little snoop around.
The excess of windows provided some moonlight to see by, but it wasn’t much, and you moved slowly up the stairs to the second floor, finding a study and a couple different storage rooms as well as his laundry, but nothing else of interest. The third floor looked technically more like an attic judging by the narrow, steep wooden stairs leading up into darkness. You decided to leave exploring that until daytime, knowing that you wouldn’t deal well with the cobwebs and spiders you were likely to encounter.
You remained on the second floor for what could’ve been minutes or hours, sitting in front of the large bay window that looked out onto the street. Streetlights made puddles on the dark road glimmer, and it looked more like a still-life painting than reality. It was peaceful staring at the shifting of bushes and trees all down the road and were it not for a sudden noise you could’ve stayed there until the sun rose.
The noise was a plank creaking, and you shot around, convinced it was Jin coming up the stairs to yell at you. Squinting into the shadows by the stairwell across the hall, you thought you saw a black figure, and your heart leapt into your throat.
It was hard to tell with how shadowed the area was, and your distance, but you froze and stared wide-eyed at a vaguely humanoid area that was darker than the rest. It didn’t move. Neither did you.
You forced yourself to breathe again. “Jin?” you called out quietly, weakly. No response. “Jin, is that you? I’m sorry, I just couldn’t sleep.” Still nothing.
You groan, letting your face fall into your hands, rubbing at your tired eyes. When you look up again into that void, you can’t make out the space where you thought you had seen something before.
Fuck. Namjoon’s sleeping pill prescription sounded fantastic right about now.
It had taken you a long time to work up the courage to approach the stairs in order to return to your room, but when you did, your worries were dissolved. There was nothing there. After tossing and turning in your bed until it reached an acceptable hour to get up, you got dressed in a warm sweater and some fur-lined leggings and made your way out to the kitchen.
Jin was there, eating a piece of buttered toast while in full lawyer get-up: suit, briefcase, slicked-back hair to expose his serious brows. He looked up when you walked in and gave you a cheery nod.
“Back to work?”
He nodded again, finishing his bite before he spoke, dumping his dishes in the sink as he went. “’Fraid so. Duty calls. Will you be alright here by yourself?”
“Of course.”
He wipes his hands delicately on a hand towel. “I’m always a call away if you need me, okay? No problem is too small; if you need me, if you feel scared or upset and you need to talk it through with someone, I’m here.”
You forgo a verbal response, nodding instead. He grins at you, walks over, and places a hand on the back of your head, bending down to land a gentle kiss on your forehead. You blink in shock, but he just sends you another soft smile, waving a hand as he exits the kitchen.
Once he’s gone out the front door and the house falls silent, you exhale noisily. “Man,” you mumble to yourself. But there’s no time to think on the sweet intimacy of the gesture, because today you have a two-step plan: discuss the album with Taehyung and confront Hoseok.
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Taehyung is on the agenda first since you know he works afternoons at a nearby café, and so you call him to arrange a meeting over breakfast. He comes by shortly after you finish cleaning up, and the two of you take a walk over to the park down the road, sitting side-by-side on a bench opposite a frozen-over duck pond.
“What did you think?” you ask finally, breaking the silence you two had gotten stuck in.
His hair is a little shinier today and the tip of his nose is red from the chill. “Why didn’t you come to me with this sooner, Y/n? Namjoon’s been gone at least three days.”
“I didn’t know who to trust,” you fire back defensively, “I just needed time to see things straight.”
“And can you?”
“Can I what?”
Tae sighs. “See things straight now?”
You consider. “Somewhat. Maybe.” You bite your lip and turn to face him, shoving your hands in your jacket pockets to fight the cold. “Anyway, what did you think? Do you believe me now?”
He rests his chin thoughtfully on a gloved fist. “Namjoon definitely thought something was going on, alright. Some lyrics are clearer than others, but on a first listen I could tell that he knew something was up.”
“Good, so we’re on the same page about that, at least. Things…I’ve found out some things, along with the lyrics, that make me suspect Hoseok.”
Taehyung’s face immediately breaks into a frown. “Hobi? Hobi’s an angel, he and Namjoon are closer than anything.”
“I know,” you ease, “but just hear me out. Detectives Jeon and Park told me Hoseok said Namjoon and Yoongi fought, which is a big reason why they suspect Yoongi. But Hoseok told me that he was angry at the detectives for locking up Yoongi without looking further.”
“So the detectives were lying?”
“No. Well, I thought that too, because I trust- trusted Hobi, but when I told them I’d talk to Hoseok about it they didn’t even flinch. If they were the ones that were lying, they wouldn’t want me to cross-reference and catch them out. But they didn’t care. Hobi must be the one lying.”
Taehyung puffs out his cheeks and rubs his cold ears. “Y/n, that’s not evidence. Maybe both things are true, you know? Hobi did hear them fighting but he still wants the detectives to be thorough. That’s perfectly reasonable.”
You huff, reaching into your pocket to retrieve a piece of paper you had folded away that morning. “Look, I went through ZODIAC and found some lyrics that really point to him.”
“The title of the whole album is ZODIAC,” you interrupt, “so what zodiac sign is Hoseok?”
“Uh, Aquarius, right?”
“Chinese Zodiac, Tae.”
“Same year as Joon. Year of the Dog.”
“Exactly. Track five: ‘you better keep the wolf back from your door.’ Wolf like dog.”
A pained look flits across his face. “Y/n, I don’t think this is healthy.”
“Track eight,” you continue stubbornly, “’what had you expected? Me to make my art and make you a star and get you connected.’”
“They broke into the industry at the same time, Y/n,” Tae protests, staring down at his shoes and ignoring your gaze.
You frown at him. “You just told me you believed that Namjoon put clues in his lyrics and now you’re ignoring them! Look, track two. ‘I’m trying to land this airplane of ours gracefully.’ What was Hoseok’s first single? Airplane.”
“Come on!” Tae sits up at glares at you, eyes shining. “Do you know how hard this is for me, Y/n? My big brother has disappeared off the face of the fucking earth and you’re putting on a tin foil hat and playing conspiracy theorist? Either someone took him, and we hope to God the detectives have gotten the right guy, or he just ran away. All this,” he waves at your piece of paper bitterly, “isn’t helping. It’s just upsetting me. So please, stop.”
You bite your lip and shift in your seat. “I- I’m sorry, Tae, I’m not trying to upset you. But there’s more, here, track nine: ‘dreaming of a place and time where you and I remain the best of friends, even after all this ends.’ You can’t deny that one, Taehyung. It all points to Hobi. I want to talk to him, try and see if he acts guilty or maybe has some motive. This is our chance to get Namjoon back, T. Don’t you want that?”
Taehyung stands up suddenly, pacing back and forth a little before stopping in front of you. “I’m not doing this, Y/n. I can’t believe that Hobi would do something like this, I’m sorry, but I just can’t. Detective Jeon called me and told me what you did the other day. Said that I should call him if you acted strange. I won’t tell him, because I think maybe this is just your way of grieving, but you need to stop.”
Your grip slackens on the piece of paper. “Jeon called you and got you to spy on me for him?”
“Seriously, Y/n, it’s not like that! He’s worried about you, we all are! Just talk to us!”
You scoff. “I did try and talk to you and look where that’s gotten me.”
“About your feelings, Y/n, not about who faked the fucking moon landing!”
“Oh, fuck you, Taehyung,” you spit, standing up off the bench and glaring at him. “This isn’t my grieving process, this is me trying to get your brother back, so give me a fucking break. Tell Jeon whatever the fuck you want. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it when I see him later. Goodbye.”
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You’re so furious you’re practically steaming out your ears, but you know that this fury of yours is just a front for the betrayal and uncertainty you feel. This morning, as you prepared your thoughts, you were sure of yourself, and looking forward to having someone to affirm you and someone to trust. But now you felt more alone than ever, and Taehyung’s rejection gave you concern that perhaps your ideas weren’t as solid as you had once thought.
Nevertheless, you found yourself making your way to Hope Studio, where you now stood, knocking on the door less confidently than you had intended.
Before the door opens, you send off a text to Park, not interested in dealing with Jeon’s attitude. I’ll be at the station by midday, just stopping off to speak with Hoseok first.
Hoseok opened the door after your second knock, and immediately went in for a hug. You let yourself relish it for a moment but pushed him away and sat down on his couch. “Hobi,” you begin, “Jeon and Park told me you heard Namjoon and Min Yoongi fighting.”
His eyebrows raise in the center. “Good morning to you, too. But yeah, dude just showed up one night and went apeshit on Nam. It was last Wednesday. You know, after Min lost the Album of the Year award to him.” He collapses onto his desk chair with a smile, mouth closed but cheeks still raised. The expression is familiar to you.
“I saw in Park’s notes that somebody filed a noise complaint. Was that Yoongi?”
That same tightlipped beam, completely at odds with the topic. “Yep.”
“Hoseok, you’ve never been good at lying.”
His face falls. “I’m not lying,” he insists weakly, “not completely. Yoongi did come over that night, I swear. But…the noise complaint was me.”
You frown. “You filed the noise complaint.”
He sighs. “No, I was the one being noisy.”
“Oh.” You open your mouth to ask him why, but your phone vibrates violently against your thigh. You tug it out of your pants pocket and check the screen, a message from Park flashing up.
Don’t let him get you alone. Leave now and come to the station, Y/n.
Your eyes widen, but you manage to school your expressions into general annoyance rather than suspicion and fear. “Dammit,” you groan, “sorry, Hobi, I have to head off.”
He stares at you in confusion as you stand up. “How come? You just got here.”
“Tae thought I was at Jin’s house still and he’s waiting outside without a key.”
He frowns. “So? Can’t he just leave?”
“We were meant to be hanging out and it totally slipped my mind. I’m sorry, Hobi, is it cool if I come back tomorrow?”
He pauses. “Yeah. Sure thing, sweetheart, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You smile at him placidly and try not to rush out the door.
Once in the hallway, your heart begins to beat again, and your breath returns. You flick a message to Park. What the fuck? I’ve left now, what’s going on?
It’s a couple minutes before he replies, long enough that you’re out into the open air of the street, thanking your lucky stars that the Cypher studios and the police station are both in the same area of the city center. We’ll explain at station. We told you not to get involved.
You roll your eyes and groan. Seriously? Tell me something now or I’m not coming to the station. You need to stop lying to me.
Instead of Park, it’s Jeon that responds, again a few minutes after you sent off your message.
Don’t act like you don’t know. Min Yoongi is being framed.
You reel back, coming to a halt ten or fifteen meters from the doors of the police station. You blink at your phone, rereading the message, then stare at the tall, imposing building in front of you. This whole time, they knew. They knew Min Yoongi was innocent and still they were preparing to lock him up. And with the way they reacted to you visiting Hoseok, you knew he must’ve been the one to frame him.
Both parties complicit, and every other person didn’t seem to care at all. Perhaps you were walking into the lion’s den, but at least there were answers on the other side. You take a deep breath, resolve your courage, and make your way inside.
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TAGLIST Message me or send in an ask if you wish to be added to the taglist. You’ll receive a notification every time I update ZODIAC.
@itishebihime-samaforyou || @hoodiebangtan || @sunnysideupsmile|| @emilypkuzu || @youngmsfts 
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silverlightqueen · 5 years
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Fallen From Grace - Part 1
demonprince!au, ot7, angst, humour, fluff, potential future smut
Word Count: 9.2k
Summary - Heaven is the goal, right? For most, anyway. Dying and then going to heaven, where everything is pure and perfect and light and happy. That’s what everyone wants, right? Well, I hate to break it to you, pal, but heaven isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. With its rigid rules and structured system, as well as its discriminatory hierarchy, it may not be the place you think it is. Don’t believe me? Just look at the story of the Seven Angel Brothers. Wait, what? You’ve never heard of the story? Are you kidding me? So you’re expecting me to tell you now? God, I’ve got to do all the work around here. The Seven Angel Brothers? God’s right-hand men, his go-tos, his ride-or-dies, his day ones? Not ringing a bell? You know, the ones that made The Mistake, which we N E V E R speak of, and, after receiving the harshest punishment from the one they looked up to the most, left heaven to live in hell? And Satan was so happy they’d chosen him over God that he made them princes of hell? And let them do whatever they wanted? And they basically made Earth their playground? And set their eyes on that girl? How do you not know about this? You wanna know more? Sit tight, bucko, this story is a… wild ride, to say the least…
Warnings: a lot of sleuthing and detective work, darkhair!ot7, mild profanity, flirting, that’s it for now sksks
a/n: hey guys! I've been so excited about this and I’m so happy to finally be uploading the first part! this isn’t proofread either so there may be mistakes !! lmk what you think and hmu if you wanna be on the taglist !! 💕
taglist💕: @keylowmonie 
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silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘Is everything ready for your party, or do you need me to get anything?’ Jennie asks, voice just discernible over the noise of her television playing in the background. ‘Everything’s sorted. Can you turn your TV down, please? I can barely hear you over… what are you even watching?’ y/n asks, lying across her bed with low music playing in the background. ‘On My Block. I’ve developed a theory about those brothers, and I’m doing research,’ Jennie says, easier to hear now. ‘Research? From On My Block?’ y/n replies, holding back a laugh. ‘I’ve been watching Narcos, Peaky Blinders and The Mob,’ Jennie says, y/n laughing out loud this time. ‘Don’t tell me you think they’re part of a gang too?’ y/n asks. ‘It’s plausible. Think about it. They’re brothers, even though they don’t have the same last name, and they’re all the same age. Seven of them. They appeared out of nowhere and they don’t speak to anyone - they keep a low profile. None of them have any social media - I even did some stalking. They have matching tattoos. Being school boys is the perfect cover. No one would suspect a thing,’ Jennie explains. ‘Fair enough, but I’m gonna disprove one of your points; Kim Namjoon spoke to me today,’ y/n says, Jennie gasping. ‘What did he say?’ Jennie asks. ‘Well, I said hi and then-’ ‘So you spoke to him then?’ Jennie says drily, the other girl shushing her. 
‘He said he’s heard stuff about me, but he wants to get to know me for me, and I said the same about him and his brothers. Then I told him he’s got cute dimples and invited him to the party,’ y/n explains. ‘You told a gang leader he’s got cute dimples and then invited him to your house?’ Jennie demands in shock. ‘A gang leader? He’s not a gang leader!’ y/n exclaims, laughing. ‘Why not?’ Jennie challenges. ‘Um, hello? Dimples? Amazing hair? Just the right mix of cute and hot?’ y/n says, picturing him in her mind. ‘And? It’s the perfect cover because people like you don’t see through it,’ Jennie says as though it’s obvious, y/n laughing at her best friend. ‘What makes you think that Kim Namjoon is the leader anyway?’ ‘He’s the one that always talks. I don’t think I’ve heard any of the other boys’ voices, except for Park Jimin, ‘cause I have Maths with him,’ Jennie explains. ‘Yeah, but is Kim Namjoon the oldest?’ ‘No, he’s the middle child. Kim Seokjin’s the oldest, but Kim Namjoon kinda just leads the group,’ Jennie says, y/n laughing. ‘Well, whatever. They’re not gang members, and there’s nothing wrong with having them at my house.’ ‘What? You invited all of them?’ Jennie demands. ‘Obviously. I couldn’t just invite Kim Namjoon. I told him to bring his brothers too,’ y/n says. ‘I’m telling you, they’re dangerous, y/n,’ Jennie says. ‘Listen, if it bothers you that much, I’ll ask my dad to look into it, okay? If anyone can find out, my dad can. And anyone, I’m pretty sure that if there were gang members going to our school, my dad would’ve told us,’ y/n says, Jennie sighing defeatedly. ‘Okay, they may not be gang members, but there’s definitely something weird about those brothers,’ Jennie says ominously. ‘Agreed,’ y/n says, ‘they’re all just as hot as each other. There’s not even one less good-looking one. What kind of family is that?’
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‘Which one should I wear to y/n’s?’ Taehyung asks, holding up two different outfits, stood right in front of the TV. ‘Seriously, Tae? It’s not until the weekend. It’s only Monday,’ Yoongi says exasperatedly, the rest of them looking up at Taehyung in despair. ‘I want to be prepared,’ Taehyung replies stubbornly. ‘The left one, but with a Gucci belt,’ Jimin replies, taking pity on the boy, who shoots him a boxy smile in return. ‘Actually, we need to talk about that,’ Jin says, catching the attention of the other boys. ‘What about it? It’s a party,’ Jungkook says. ‘Yeah, I know, but we need to come up with some sort of plan. What are we actually hoping to achieve?’ ‘Friendship with her,’ Hoseok replies, eyes still on the TV. ‘I mean in the long term. She might be rich and have a lot of power, but she’s still a high school student. What kind of contacts is she going to have, exactly? A lash and nail technician?’ Jin asks. ‘To be fair, Jimin’s nails have been looking a bit gross recently,’ Jungkook begins, Jimin hitting him over the head with a fluffy cushion.
‘Listen. She’s rich, right? But it’s not her money, it’s her parents. I did some research into her, and I can’t find a single thing about her or her parents on the internet, except for her social media accounts,’ Namjoon says. ‘Is she insta famous?’ Hoseok scoffs. ‘Kind of, actually. She’s got around 10k followers, but she’s still on private, so she must approve all of her followers before letting them follow her, which is suspicious for a girl like her. But anyway, what kind of rich girl like her doesn’t have any information about herself or parents on the internet? It’s weird,’ Namjoon says. ‘Have you checked the dark web?’ Jimin asks, the boys all looking at him in confusion. ‘Why on earth would she or her parents be on the dark web?’ Yoongi asks. ‘You never know. Maybe they run The Mafia,’ Jimin suggests. ‘Yeah, and I’m friends with Madonna,’ Jungkook scoffs. ‘Whatever. I’m telling you, there’s definitely something weird about that girl,’ Jimin says. ‘Agreed,’ Hoseok says, ‘she’s one of the hottest girls I’ve seen in my life. What high school girl looks that angelic?’
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‘Hey, y/n, did you want your seat back?’ Wooyoung asks when she walks in, having moved from his normal seat at the back of the room to y/n’s, right in the middle of the room, as always. ‘If you don’t mind,’ she replies, smiling shyly at the boy. He rises from the seat, holding up a fist for her to bump hers against, and grins. ‘Anything for you, babe,’ he replies, moving to the back amongst his noisy friends, Jungkook watching in incredulity as she slides into the seat beside him, arranging her fluffy pink stationery across the desk. ‘Hey, I’m y/n y/l/n,’ the girl says, turning to Jungkook with her hand extended, startling the boy. She admires the fratboy look he has going on; messy curly hair and an adorable grin which easily becomes a sultry smirk. She also notes the awkward way his long legs are bent beneath the desk, alluding to him being tall and lean. ‘Jeon Jungkook,’ he replies, smiling as he shakes her hand, white nails lightly touching the skin of his wrist. ‘I’m new, so, I thought I’d just introduce myself,’ y/n says. ‘Not exactly new, though. I’m newer than you,’ Jungkook says, and y/n grins. ‘I’m guessing your brother told you about me, right?’ y/n asks with a smile, and Jungkook nods. ‘He told us about the get-together you’re having.’ ‘Make sure you guys come, okay? I’ve come back and everyone’s got all these expectations of me. I just want some people in my life that’ll let me make a different impression, a new impression,’ y/n explains. ‘You’ve already made quite an impression, y/n,’ Jungkook says amusedly, ‘the cafeteria yesterday was definitely a show.’ ‘Oh, god, it was terrible,’ y/n groans, the boy laughing, ‘they act like I’m a celebrity.’ ‘I wouldn’t mind the treatment you get,’ Jungkook says. ‘I hate it. Sometimes,’ she adds as an afterthought, Jungkook laughing. She seems like a nice girl, he thinks to himself.
‘Hey, y/n!’ Wooyoung calls from the back of the room, y/n turning in her chair, giving Jungkook a full view of her fantastic figure in the uniform. ‘What’s this about a party at yours?’ Wooyoung asks, leaning back in his chair, a predatory glint in his eyes as he scans the girl. Jungkook wonders if y/n can see that Wooyoung clearly wants nothing more than to get in her pants. ‘It’s not a party, it’s a small get-together,’ she corrects him, smiling. ‘Where’s my invite?’ he asks, his friends all watching the exchange with eager eyes. ‘You haven’t had one. Yet,’ y/n says, Wooyoung raising his eyebrow. ‘Am I gonna get one?’ he asks, and y/n lets out a gentle laugh. ‘Maybe. As long as you don’t get blackout drunk like you did last time. My dad won’t be too impressed if he finds vomit in the dishwasher again,’ y/n says, everyone laughing, including Wooyoung despite the way his face fell momentarily at the mention of y/n’s father. Interesting, Jungkook thinks, noting it mentally.
The girl turns back to Jungkook then, cutting her conversation with the school’s most popular boy short. ‘But, yeah, the popularity isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It’s only because they think I’m pretty. And because my family’s rich’,’ she says with a roll of her eyes, and Jungkook’s ears almost visibly perk up. ‘What, do they think they’re gonna get shares in your parents’ business or something?’ Jungkook jokes, trying to be clever with the question he asks. ‘Probably. It’s a shame they don’t know that they’re not business owners. It’s a rumour that’s been going around for years, and everyone seems to believe it’s true because I’ve never denied it,’ y/n says light-heartedly, and Jungkook celebrates mentally. So her father’s not a businessman. ‘Oh, right. Well, more fool them,’ he says, laughing along with her, before their Physical Education teacher walks in then, starting the lesson.
Within minutes, it’s easy to see that Jungkook has some competition for being the best in the class. Both of them compete to answer the questions, y/n drawing Jungkook out of his shell and getting him involved in the class a little more. They keep up a friendly rivalry throughout the lesson, their jokey banter entertaining their classmates, and y/n already knows she’s made a new friend. At the end of the lesson, the teacher leaves instantly, and Jennie comes in as y/n packs her bag. ‘Oh, hey, Jen!’ y/n exclaims, adorably excited to see her friend. ‘Hey, babe,’ Jennie replies, pulling y/n into a quick hug. ‘Jungkook, this is Jennie Kim, my best friend. Jennie, this is Jeon Jungkook, my new friend,’ y/n introduces them, and they smile at one another, sizing each other up. ‘I’ve invited Jungkook and his brothers over to mine, so we’ll both get to meet the others this weekend,’ y/n says. ‘Oh, speaking of which, did you want us to bring anything?’ Jungkook asks, knowing it’s custom to take a bottle or snacks to a party. ‘Just bring yourselves, and anything you might want. I’ve got enough drink and stuff, but if you want to do anything or smoke, bring it because I’m all out at the moment,’ y/n tells him, Jungkook trying not to show his shock at the open admission of y/n, a seemingly angelic girl, doing drugs. ‘Oh, cool, I’ll let them know,’ he says. ‘Okay. See you later, Jungkook,’ y/n says with a smile, leaving with Jennie.
‘Guess what?’ y/n says to Jennie the second they’re out of the classroom. ‘What?’ Jennie asks as they reach y/n’s locker. ‘He was trying to find out about my parents,’ y/n whispers, not wanting her many fans to overhear. ‘You’re kidding?’ Jennie asks, and y/n shakes her head. ‘He was trying to do it subtly, thinking I wouldn’t notice…’ ‘But obviously, you did, ‘cause you’re like a genius,’ Jennie finishes. ‘I don’t get why, though. I understand that I might come across as mysterious or whatever, considering I disappeared for a year, but wouldn’t he be trying to find out about me? Not my parents,’ y/n thinks aloud. ‘You don’t think he’s heard something, do you?’ Jennie asks, and y/n shakes her head. ‘What would he have heard? That my dad’s scary? That’s all anyone knows, as far as I’m aware. You’re the only one that knows the truth, and you wouldn’t say anything, so I don’t get it. I’m starting to think you might be right about them, you know?’ y/n says, Jennie’s eyes widening. ‘Okay, I know I was serious, but at the same time, I didn’t really think they’re gang members. It was just a theory,’ Jennie says. ‘I know, but it makes sense now. They’ve appeared out of nowhere with no backstory and he’s asking about my parents. What if they know who my dad is, know who I am? And I panicked, and told him he doesn’t own a business, which makes things worse,’ y/n says. ‘No, I don’t think so, y/n. If they knew about you and your dad, he wouldn’t be asking about your parents, would he?’ Jennie points out. ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m just being paranoid,’ y/n tries to convince herself. ‘Exactly. You’re turning into me, babe. Nothing’s going on,’ Jennie says, y/n nodding in agreement. ‘Okay,’ y/n says, ‘let’s just get working on a playlist for this party.’  
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‘Yoongi! Yoongi!’ Jungkook calls down the corridor, the crowds of students parting for him to get to his brother. ‘What? What’s happened?’ Yoongi asks, instantly becoming alert. ‘I sit next to y/n in PE, and I found out that her parents don’t own a business,’ Jungkook tells him, watching the tension flow out of his brother’s body. ‘Okay. And?’ Yoongi asks the younger exasperatedly. ‘So if they don’t own a business, how are they so filthy rich? It must be dodgy,’ Jungkook says excitedly, trying to keep his voice down. ‘Or they inherited in from their parents? Or they won the lottery? Or they gambled and won big? Or they’re landlords?’ Yoongi suggests. ‘No, no, it’s not like that. It was the way she said it, it seemed suspicious. She was, like, panicking,’ Jungkook says, before relaying the conversation to Yoongi. ‘Okay, I guess that it is a bit weird. But she’s clever, Kook. If she were hiding something, she wouldn’t just slip up like that,’ Yoongi says, still sceptical. ‘Maybe she was caught off-guard,’ Jungkook suggests. ‘Hmm, I guess. We’ll see. We’ll check the dark web and stuff in the next couple of days, and if nothing comes of it, then we’ll just leave her alone. Okay? No more spur-of-the-moment interrogations,’ Yoongi says, Jungkook sighing with a nod. ‘Come on, let’s head back. They’ve already left,’ Yoongi says, leading the younger boy towards the exit, ‘so it’s just you and me, kid.’ 
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‘One of my favourite lessons. God, I missed this one,’ y/n sighs contentedly as she steps into the art room. The bright colours, beautiful artwork and sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows make this classroom one of the best in the school. One of y/n’s goals is to get a piece of her work up on the wall before she leaves school. ‘Wait, didn’t Jihyo leave?’ y/n asks her companion, Chaeyoung, about the absence of her old partner, who nods. ‘Yeah, one of the new boys sits in her seat now,’ Chae replies, y/n sighing internally. Another new boy sitting near her? She’s gonna get tired of introducing herself soon enough. She takes her old seat, taking out her beloved art supplies that still sit in her drawer, untouched due to the labels with her name on them in scrawling handwriting. No one would dare to touch her stuff. ‘Oh, hi,’ a deep voice says, y/n looking up at the sound. It’s another of the new boys, taking his seat beside her. He’s taller than her like the others, with dark brown hair, slightly curly and longer at the nape, dark eyes trained on the girl. ‘Hey. I’m y/n y/l/n, the new girl,’ she says for the third time this week (and it’s only Wednesday), holding out a hand for him to shake. ‘New?’ he replies with a raised eyebrow, shaking her hand firmly, and y/n grins. ‘You all know about me then, huh?’ she asks, and he nods, giving her the most adorable boxy smile. ‘I do. I’m Kim Taehyung, and I’m presuming you know about me too,’ he says, and she nods. ‘I do know about you, Kim Taehyung, though probably not as much as you know about me,’ y/n says, Taehyung nodding with a grin. ‘The whole school seems to be obsessed with you, y/n. I’d quite like to find out why,’ Taehyung says, y/n unsure of whether or not he’s flirting. As much as she might seem like a boy magnet, she has absolutely no idea how to read boys.
‘Well, I’m sure you will, if we’re partners for the rest of the year, and if you come to my get-together this weekend,’ y/n says, Taehyung still smiling. ‘We’re all looking forward to it. As much as we’ve also been the talk of the school, it’s not all been exactly positive, and so none of us have made any friends. Not really, anyway. This is the first thing we’ve been invited to in the month we’ve been here. I know Jungkook and I are the most excited,’ Taehyung admits, and y/n smiles at the thought of them being excited about going to hers, to make new friends. It makes her feel guilty for suspecting them. ‘Aww, I’m honoured. It’ll be fun, and it’s only be a small thing. 50 max,’ y/n says, Taehyung raising an eyebrow. ‘Isn’t that the same size as some people’s weddings?’ he asks, and y/n waves a hand. ‘It’s all subjective. For a girl that wants at least 500 people at her wedding, 50 is nothing,’ y/n says, Taehyung laughing at her words. God, y/n’s a roll with making all these hot boys laugh. ‘I guess. Jungkook said you’re okay with us bringing drugs. Is that true or is he just delusional?’ Taehyung asks, and y/n laughs. ‘No, it’s true, he’s not delusional. I would provide some myself, but my plug got arrested so I’m trying to find a new one,’ y/n lies in a woeful tone, coaxing chuckles from Taehyung. ‘I can get you some. I’ve got a great plug. Cheap, too,’ Taehyung offers, and y/n tilts her head, impressed. ‘I might just take you up on that offer,’ y/n replies before the teacher appears at their desk.
‘Miss y/l/n, Mr Kim, I see you’re getting to know one another, which I would not have an issue with if it were not for the fact that both of you have a year’s worth of work to do in the next 5 months if you want to pass the course,’ he says, looking down at them over the rim of his glasses. ‘Sorry, sir. We were just talking about our plans for the assignment,’ y/n says, leaning towards him over the desk, and Taehyung watches as a light blush colours the teacher’s face, and he can’t believe his eyes. Does the teacher really have a crush on y/n? As well as everyone else in this damn school? ‘Oh, very good, Miss y/l/n, Mr Kim. What are your ideas exactly?’ he asks, and Taehyung watches y/n’s eyes flit to the board that reads, ‘Duality’, almost able to see her mind working. ‘We were thinking about doing a piece that explores the duality of perspective, specifically for religion, and in particular Lucifer. In some people’s opinion, God was right to cast him out due to his sins of pride and greed, but others would think different. You could argue that we preach about self-love and putting yourself first, and that’s exactly what Lucifer was doing. He wanted better for himself, and you could even say that he didn’t agree with the dictatorship in Heaven and wanted the power to be less concentrated, and so got cast out. Some could say that it was unfair for God to have all the glory and power to himself, and that he proved Lucifer’s point by casting him out,’ y/n says, both Taehyung and the teacher looking at her in shock, but for very different reasons.
‘Very insightful, Miss y/l/n, very insightful indeed. What would your own opinion be?’ the teacher asks, and y/n thinks for a moment. ‘As bad as this is gonna sound, I’m not religious at all, so don’t think I’m being blasphemous. If I were Lucifer, I’d probably already have left, if I’m being honest. Why serve in Heaven when you can reign in Hell?’ y/n says, both Taehyung and the teacher silent. ‘Very interesting, y/n. Can you share this view with the class?’ the teacher asks, quietening the class and getting y/n to relay her opinions, this time in a much less controversial way. All Taehyung can think about is what she said about reigning in Hell instead of serving in Heaven, his blood simultaneously running cold and burning hot in his veins. He wishes for nothing more than having his abilities back, so he could tell his brothers what had just happened. ‘Are you okay, Taehyung?’ y/n asks him, breaking him out of his shocked reverie. ‘Oh, yeah, just thinking about what you said. How did you come up with it so quickly?’ he asks, and y/n laughs. ‘I just saw duality, and Heaven and Hell was the first thing that popped into my mind. I don’t really know why. I guess... I’ve always been interested in the Bible and religion, but not from a religious point of view,’ y/n replies, and Taehyung nods. ‘Is that your actual opinion, or was it bullshit?’ ‘Um, I don’t know, to be honest. I think yes and no. After studying that specific Bible story, yes, that is my opinion, but I think it’s different if you look at it from a spiritual point of view compared to a scientific point of view,’ y/n explains, Taehyung becoming completely immersed in her words. ‘But that’s a whole other argument on its own, the whole science vs religion,’ Taehyung says, y/n nodding in agreement. ‘Which is another form of duality we can work into our piece,’ y/n says excitedly, holding up a hand for Taehyung to high-five. ‘Oh, by the way,’ Taehyung says, ‘I’m like ninety-seven-point-three percent sure that the teacher has a crush on you.’ The girl bursts out laughing, a slight blush tinging her cheeks, and replies, ‘that was an oddly specific number.’ ‘I’m an oddly specific guy,’ Taehyung replies with a grin, and y/n laughs, shaking her head. ‘Let’s get started on our piece.
‘Not another new boy,’ y/n mutters under her breath, despite not actually feeling that way towards them, just having an inclination for the dramatic. Jimin sits in the seat in front of y/n’s, watching as she walks over towards him. He has his jet-black hair parted, exposing a beautiful strip of forehead, his dark eyes focused on the vision before him. She takes her seat and unpacks her bag before tapping Jimin’s shoulder, her breath practically catching in her throat when he looks at her. ‘Hi, I’m y/n y/l/n, the not-new girl,’ she says, holding out a hand to him. He grins, eyes disappearing behind his lids and he shakes her hand, silver rings cold against her skin. ‘Hi. I’m Park Jimin, the actually-new boy,’ he replies. ‘It’s nice to meet you, Park Jimin,’ she says. ‘It’s nice to meet you too, even though I’ve already heard an awful lot about you,’ Jimin says, y/n grinning. ‘All good things, I hope,’ y/n says, and Jimin smiles his devilishly gorgeous smile. ‘I don’t think there are any bad things that can be said about you,’ he says, y/n’s heart actually skipping a beat. He’s definitely the most charming so far, not to say that the others aren’t. ‘You flatter me. But I think the same can be said for you and your brothers. I’ve met four of you already, and you’re all so kind and funny and charming,’ y/n explains. ‘Which other three?’ Jimin asks, trying not to seem curious, but y/n is fantastic at reading people. ‘Kim Namjoon, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung,’ y/n lists off. ‘Ah, Tae. I knew about Namjoon and Jungkook, so you must have met Taehyung in Art, right?’ Jimin asks, and y/n nods. ‘You’re a very well-rounded girl. Psychology, Physical Education, Art and Dance, huh? What else?’ Jimin asks. ‘I do Home Economics, Music and Literature,’ y/n lists off, Jimin grinning at her words. ‘The other three brothers do those three subjects. Hoseok has Literature, Yoongi has Music and Seokjin has Home Ec,’ Jimin says, y/n groaning internally. ‘That’s so weird. It’s like we’re all meant to be friends, right?’ y/n says, Jimin nodding in agreement, with a small grin playing at his sinfully plump lips.
‘I’m looking forward to your get-together this weekend,’ Jimin says, and y/n smiles. ‘I am, too. It’ll be really fun. I’m just struggling with my outfit,’ y/n says, thinking through her wardrobe. ‘The sexier, the better,’ Jimin grins, and y/n lets out a gentle laugh. ‘I literally have, like, no sexy clothes. I have the wardrobe of a nun, if nuns were high school girls,’ y/n says, Jimin laughing, noting that she’s quite funny. He also notes the way her uniform clings to her curves and doubts there is any truth in her statement. ‘I’m sure you’ll find something. If not, it’s not the end of the world. Just go nude, I’m sure no one would mind,’ Jimin says, y/n laughing again, the noise like music to his ears. ‘As much as I’m sure everyone would like me to, my dad might appear at any point and he’d kill everyone there before killing me too,’ y/n says. ‘Ah, protective father? I can relate,’ Jimin lies, y/n’s eyebrow raising at the mention of a family other than his brothers. ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah, my dad’s super protective over us. He wants to know where we are and what we’re doing at all times. He’s a complete helicopter parent,’ Jimin says, a finger rubbing at the tip of his very adorable nose, and y/n instantly knows he’s lying. Two can play at that game. ‘God, that sounds terrible. My mum’s like that too. If I don’t reply to her texts within seconds, she freaks out,’ y/n says, Jimin nodding. ‘Parents, hey? I’ll never be like that with my kids,’ Jimin says. ‘Same here,’ y/n replies, the two eyeing each other, both aware that the other is lying through their teeth, but before their conversation can continue, the teacher enters the room.
‘I know you all hate theory lessons, but I’ve got a bit of news that might brighten your day,’ she says instantly, the class falling silent. ‘Oh, y/n! You’re back!’ Mrs Kim says the second her eyes land on the girl, getting distracted, y/n’s mouth stretching into a smile. ‘I am, Mrs Kim, and I’m glad about it too,’ y/n says softly. ‘I hope you don’t mind me asking where you were?’ Mrs Kim says, y/n showing a second of hesitation before answering, Jimin listening intently. ‘Had to attend to some... important family stuff, but it’s all good now. I did confirm it with Mrs Lee before leaving, and she promised to keep me registered as a student here, so I could come back when I wanted to,’ y/n says cryptically, and Jimin can’t believe what he hears. Her parents must be more powerful than any of them thought possible if they managed to keep her a place at the school for an entire year. It sends a shiver through him, before he remembers who he is, sitting up in his seat with pride. ‘Ah, very well. It’s great to have you back, and just in time for our new project. We’ve been given the stimulus for this year’s final piece. ‘Dichotomy’. Just the word, no painting or poem like the previous years,’ Mrs Kim says, the class completely silent. ‘I’m assuming none of you know what that means,’ she says, both y/n and Jimin raising their hands to give the definition.
‘Ah, Mr Park, I’m glad to see some contribution. Can you give us your understanding of the word?’ Mrs Kim asks, y/n stung that she wasn’t asked. Maybe they really have taken her throne. ‘Oh, that’s okay, y/n can give her answer,’ Jimin says, and y/n flinches in shock. He has his back to her; how did he know she raised her hand? ‘No, that’s okay, you go ahead, Jimin,’ y/n says, the boy turning to face her, the class watching the exchange with interest. ‘Dichotomy; a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as…’ he trails off, letting y/n finish the sentence. ‘Being opposed or completely different,’ y/n replies, their eyes locked together unwaveringly. ‘Very good, both of you. I think we’ve found our first pair,’ Mrs Kim says, Jimin’s plump lips curving up at that before he turns back to the front. The rest of the lesson goes by very uneventfully, neither y/n nor Jimin contributing anything more to the discussion of what a piece about ‘Dichotomy’ could include, too busy in their own worlds. When the lesson ends, Jimin turns to face y/n. ‘What’s the dress code for yours this weekend?’ he asks, and y/n smiles. ‘Whatever you feel comfortable in,’ she replies, and he nods. ‘I’ll see you this weekend then,’ he says. ‘I look forward to it,’ she says as he leaves the room, left watching in confusion.
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‘Argh!’ a strangled cry comes from down the hall into Hoseok’s room, the boy jumping up from his bed and running out to investigate. He nearly knocks Jungkook to the floor, the other boy having the same idea, both of them heading down to where voices are murmuring, in the monitoring room. When they walk in, the other five boys turn to look at them, faces illuminated by the bright screens aligning all four walls of the room, computers and TV screens showing various security footage clips, and coding and algorithms. ‘What’s going on?’ Hoseok asks, Yoongi sighing in annoyance, slumping down in his seat. ‘We can’t find a single thing on them on the dark web. No trace at all of a y/n y/l/n,’ he says. ‘Have you all had a look?’ Jungkook asks, his older brothers all nodding. ‘Do you mind if I have a go?’ he asks, big doe eyes reflecting the screens before him, and Yoongi gets up from his seat. ‘Knock yourself out, kid, I’m going to sleep,’ he says, trudging out of the room. ‘God, I’ve got a really bad headache,’ Jimin says, Taehyung reaching out to rub the other boy’s temples. ‘I’m not surprised. The lights are way too bright in here,’ Hoseok says, squinting. ‘Come on, let’s go. Leave JK to it,’ Jin says, putting an arm around Hoseok’s shoulder and leading him out of the room, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung following behind.
The youngest boy works diligently, trying route after route, search after search, hack after hack, just to find a single trace of the girl. And, after three hours, two cartons of banana milk (brought to him by Jin) and several failed attempts, Jungkook is rewarded. ‘Oh, my God!’ he shouts, unable to believe his eyes. Mere seconds later, Hoseok is practically skidding into the room, Jimin hot on his heels. ‘What?’ Hoseok demands, Jungkook moving aside to let them read the screens, taking the momentary break as an opportunity to close his eyes and process the thoughts racing through his mind. ‘You’ve… you’ve gotta be kidding me,’ Jimin whispers, both he and Hoseok staring at the screens with wide eyes. ‘Namjoon! Taehyung! Seokjin! Yoongi! Get in here!’ Hoseok shouts, the boys entering the room one-by-one, looking around at the screens in shock. ‘This has gotta be some kind of joke. There’s no way. Jungkookie, have you edited these?’ Yoongi asks, the youngest boy shaking his head. ‘You were right, Jimin. The dark web was the perfect place to look,’ Namjoon says, patting the other boy’s back. ‘Yeah, I know. So how is Madonna, Kook, considering you’re friends with her?’ Jimin asks, referencing his earlier statement, the younger boy scowling half-heartedly. ‘So what do we do now? Do we tell her we know? Or do we keep our mouths shut?’ Taehyung asks. ‘We can’t tell her. We just… we keep it quiet for now. When we go over to hers on Saturday, we’ll try and search the house for anything that might prove all this true. We never know, it could be fake. It’s not worth the risk to confront her,’ Jin says. ‘How do we search the house? She’s gonna suspect something, and it’s not like she already doesn’t,’ Namjoon asks, the boys falling silent for a moment. ‘Let’s be real; she’s back after being away for a year. This party is gonna be a celebration and a half, probably a rager. She’ll probably be white-girl wasted, and even if she’s not, she’ll have her hands full with everyone else who is,’ Yoongi says, and Jimin shakes his head. ‘No, she’ll notice. She’s the smartest person I’ve met, outside of our lot. There’s no way she wouldn’t notice, and, even if she doesn’t, she’d realise afterwards. We’d probably leave something out of place by accident, and she’d notice that. She’s seriously clever,’ Jimin says. ‘That’s a risk we’re gonna have to take. If it’s disproved somehow, then we tell her we were trying to find the toilet or something. But if not, and if she tries to confront us about it, we tell her we know. See what she says,’ Hoseok suggests, Namjoon nodding in agreement. ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea. Not after what we’ve just learnt. We know what she is now, and you’re still gonna risk it?’ Jungkook says, and Taehyung grins. ‘Yeah, we know what she is,’ he says, smiling widely, ‘but she doesn’t know what we are. Does she?’
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‘Hey, y/n!’ the girl hears from behind her, turning around to see the crowds of students in the corridor parting to let Jeon Jungkook through, followed closely by Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. She takes a deep breath, nervous about facing them alone, before putting on a kind smile when they reach her. ‘Hey, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin,’ she says gently, the boys smiling back. Her heart races, being surrounded by three beautiful boys having her breath shallowing out. ‘How are you?’ Jungkook asks. ‘I’m good, just a bit lonely today,’ she says forlornly, Jennie having gotten her period last night, and when Jennie gets her period… let’s just say, it’s not pretty. Projectile vomiting and all. ‘Lonely? I’m sure you’ve got hundreds of people that would keep you company,’ Taehyung says, the other students staring at the group stood in the middle of the corridor with blatant curiosity as they walk past. ‘Yeah, but none of them are really my friends. I mean, I guess the boys are okay, but I’m not in the mood for their antics today,’ y/n says, jutting her chin out to where Wooyoung and his gang stand. Wooyoung nods at y/n with a smirk and she smiles back. ‘God, he’s so annoying,’ she says as she waves, the three boys in front of her laughing.
‘Well, you’re welcome to sit with us if you want, babe,’ Jimin offers, putting an arm around the girl. The other two boys watch with raised eyebrows, noting the way y/n unconsciously snuggles into him. ‘I appreciate the offer but don’t you wanna check with your other brothers first? I don’t wanna intrude,’ she replies, big eyes looking up at the three of them. ‘They won’t mind. Namjoon already knows you, and the others can meet you for the first time. It’ll be fine,’ Taehyung says. ‘Yeah, it’d also get people talking,’ y/n says drily. ‘Yeah, it would. The mysterious school angel and the rumoured mafia boys sat together. It’d cause an uproar,’ Jungkook says drily, y/n feeling a chill run through her at his words. The four of them all laugh, the unspoken words hanging in the air. ‘Okay, I’ll sit with you guys then,’ y/n says, the four of them turning towards the cafeteria, the corridors now empty due to everyone already being in there.
When they walk in, the room falls silent, everyone staring at the four of them, clearly shocked at Jimin’s arm around the girl’s waist. They make their way up to the food line, everyone letting them skip in front to get their food (pizza for the boys and a salad for y/n again), and head over to the table where the other four boys sit. Jungkook lets y/n sit down first so she’s sandwiched between him and Namjoon, opposite the three brothers she hasn’t met; Jung Hoseok, Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi. ‘Hey, I’m y/n. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook invited me to sit with you guys, ‘cause Jennie’s not here today, and I took them up on the offer. It’s nice to meet you,’ y/n says prettily, her nerves not showing at all as she reaches out a hand for each of the three eldest boys to shake one after the other. ‘Nice to meet you, y/n. I’m Jung Hoseok,’ the boy says, eyes locked with y/n’s as he takes her hand into his much larger one, y/n unable to believe how beautiful he is with his dark eyes, dark hair and heart-shaped lips. ‘I’m Kim Seokjin,’ the boy smiles, y/n’s breath taken away at the most handsome boy she’s seen in her life, plump lips, shining eyes and soft dark hair making him look like a prince. ‘And I’m Min Yoongi,’ the last boy says, smiling at he shakes y/n’s hand, y/n unable to take her eyes off his wavy chocolate locks, sparkling brown eyes and adorable gummy smile.
‘I’ve finally met all of you,’ y/n says with a smile, the boys laughing. ‘Guys, she has lessons with you too. Home Ec., Music and Literature,’ Jimin says, and Jin frowns. ‘Were you not in our Monday morning lesson?’ he asks, and her face becomes unreadable. ‘Oh, no, I had to have a meeting with Mrs Lee, just to go over the rules and schedule and everything. And then I had meetings with some of my subject teachers to talk about courses and work to get extra credit during some of the other lessons,’ y/n explains, the boys all nodding in understanding, though not one of them believes her. ‘Ah, understandable. So you’re in Literature this afternoon?’ Hoseok asks, and y/n nods with a smile. ‘I did wonder why there was an empty seat in the middle of the room,’ he says, y/n flushing as the other boys laugh. ‘Do you sit in the middle of the room in every lesson?’ Namjoon asks her, y/n nodding embarrassedly. ‘Okay, so you might not like me asking, but you should know from now that I’m a very blunt person, so I say things that other people might think are inappropriate. How exactly did this whole ‘Queen Bee’ thing come about?’ Yoongi asks, y/n laughing, all of the boys interested in her answer. ‘To be honest, I’m not really that sure. The first two years of high school were normal for me; I had lots of friends, but I wasn’t exactly ‘popular’ or anything. And then, for my 16th birthday, my dad said he’d throw me a big party. I told Jennie about it, and she got drunk with Chen, and she has a big mouth when she’s drunk, so she told Chen about the party and he told everyone. Then everyone wanted to be my friend because they’d heard that my dad was letting me have alcohol at the party so they all wanted to come. So I invited the whole year group and I thought that my popularity would disappear after they’d had an invite. But everyone bought these really expensive gifts and they were all desperate to spend time with me during the party. And then afterwards, I stayed relatively popular, and when we came back after summer for the next year, it was like I was some sort of celebrity. They were all obsessed with me, and it’s only continued,’ she explains, the boys all taking two important things from what she says.
‘That’s insane. Was it like a rager?’ Jungkook asks, and y/n laughs. ‘I mean, as much as a Sweet 16 can be. The only alcohol we had was WKD and Smirnoff Ice, but everyone treated it like it was vodka, and were behaving like they were wasted,’ she says, the boys laughing too. ‘So are you 18 yet, y/n?’ Taehyung asks, y/n shaking her head. ‘In a few months, in July. My dad said I can have a party for that too, but I’m not sure if I want one yet,’ y/n says, before deciding to question the boys too. ‘So how old are you all?’ she inquires. ‘Me, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon are 18, and Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are 17,’ Seokjin says, y/n eyebrows furrowing in confusion. ‘We’re adopted,’ Yoongi grins, y/n letting out an ‘ohh’ of understanding. ‘I did wonder,’ she laughs, pushing the salad around her plate with her fork. ‘Well, me and Namjoon and Taehyung aren’t adopted. Us two are twins, September babies, and then Tae was born in May. But Yoongi – October – Hoseok – December – Jimin – March – and Jungkook – June – are all adopted,’ Seokjin explains, nodding in understanding. ‘God, I bet your parents have to spend so much money on all you guys. Just the food alone,’ y/n says, looking around at all the empty plates in front of them, whilst the boys laugh. ‘Our grandparents were crazy rich, owned loads of land, and when our parents inherited the land, they sold it, so they became even crazier rich,’ Hoseok says, y/n nodding as he speaks. ‘Oh, cool. I guess you guys are similar to me. My dad and his parents own a whole lot of land too, but they farm it, so that’s where our money’s from. My mum doesn’t work though, just a housewife,’ y/n lies, the boys nodding at her words.
‘But, anyway. Let’s talk about mine this weekend. You guys still don’t have my address, right?’ y/n says, the boys shaking their heads. The girl reaches into her bag and pulls out her phone, the latest iPhone. She gets up the contacts page, creating a new contact. She writes in ‘Kim Namjoon’ before handing him her phone, and he types in his number, handing it back to her. Before anyone can say anything, Mrs Lee appears beside their table, and the boys all look at the phone in y/n’s hand, waiting for Mrs Lee to take it off her, considering the school has a no-phone policy. ‘Ah, boys, y/n! It’s lovely to see that you’ve become friends! How are we all?’ she asks, her eyes momentarily pausing on y/n’s phone, but she doesn’t say anything. ‘We’re great, thank you, Mrs Lee. How are you?’ y/n asks in reply, Mrs Lee smiling. ‘I’m well, thank you, my dear. I actually came over to give you a message, from your father. He’s asked you to give him a call if you can. It’s an emergency,’ she says, y/n’s face falling slightly before she pulls herself back together. ‘Okay, thanks, Mrs Lee,’ she says, before turning to the boys again. ‘Thank you for letting me sit with you, guys, I appreciate it. I’ll text you my address later, Joon, and I’ll see you in Literature, Hoseok. See you later,’ she says with a smile, following Mrs Lee out of the room, everybody’s eyes on her again.
The boys are silent for a few seconds before Namjoon speaks. ‘Did she just call me Joon?’ he asks, having never been called that name before. ‘Um, yeah,’ Taehyung replies, all of them dumbfounded. ‘Did the headteacher really just pass on a message from her dad? Like, is that a joke?’ Jungkook asks. ‘Obviously not. It’s clear why, though. Doesn’t matter if I’m the president; if y/n’s dad wants me to pass on a message, I’m gonna pass on the message,’ Jin says. ‘For real, but did anyone else notice what she said? About her dad? She didn’t mention her mum once when she was talking about the parties. She only mentioned her as an afterthought. It’s always her dad,’ Yoongi points out. ‘Yeah, I wonder what the deal is with her mum,’ Hoseok says thoughtfully. ‘In dance, she said something about her mum to me, but I don’t think she was telling the truth. I don’t think she has a mum anymore. She’s either left her and her dad, or she’s dead. I’m calling it now,’ Jimin says. ‘Why don’t we go ask… you know who?’ Taehyung suggests tentatively. ‘Are you kidding me?’ Namjoon demands. ‘No! He’d have all the answers, or he could at least give us our abilities back, so we can get answers ourselves,’ Taehyung points out. ‘If we tell him we want our abilities back because we’re curious about a high school queen bee, he’d probably kill us,’ Namjoon says with a eyebrow raise. ‘You know he’d never do that,’ Taehyung scoffs. ‘Okay, but he’d be angry,’ Hoseok says reasonably. ‘Fine, fine, forget I said anything,’ Taehyung says, taking a piece of lettuce from y/n’s untouched salad. ‘No, Tae, it’s a good idea. We do need answers, but I don’t think we should go to him,’ Jungkook says, Yoongi nodding at him, both of them on the same wavelength. ‘Exactly, Jungkook. I told you guys when I first saw her, she’s the perfect opportunity,’ Yoongi says. ‘Who?’ Jin asks. ‘Little Miss Loose-Lips,’ Yoongi grins, ‘Jennie Kim.’
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Jennie drags herself to the front door, blanket trailing along behind it, and opens it to see y/n stood there, her laptop and a stack of papers in her arms. ‘Wha-’ Jennie begins to ask but y/n pushes in past her, sliding off her shoes. ‘Oh, come in,’ Jennie says savagely to the spot where y/n was stood before shutting the door loudly. The girls head into the kitchen, y/n putting the stack of papers to one side and loading up her laptop. ‘I’m happy to see you, but I told you not to come over. I’m ill, I don’t wanna vomit on you. And my parents would be fuming if they knew you were here. And your dad would be too,’ she says, y/n only half-listening. ‘It’s a code red,’ she replies shortly, opening up tab after tab on her laptop. ‘I would’ve come over to yours if it were that bad of an emergency! You know what your dad said about you leaving the house!’ Jennie exclaims, shocked at her usually sensible best friend’s recklessness. ‘I don’t care what dad says. And you’re ill, you said it yourself, so you wouldn’t have been able to drive,’ y/n says with a note of finality, Jennie knowing not to push the subject further.
‘So what’s all this?’ Jennie asks as y/n spreads the papers out across the table, before stepping back. ‘Have a look yourself,’ y/n says, Jennie leaning forward curiously. They’re all news articles, each headline containing the words ‘seven brothers’. And everyone last one of them talks about the mysterious disappearance of them from these rural small towns. Jennie’s heart pounds in her chest, mouth drying up with confusion as she reads, looking up at y/n when she’s done. ‘Where… where did you find all these?’ she asks the girl, whose face is unreadable, but Jennie can practically feel the excitement rolling off her in waves. ‘I had one of my dad’s guys look into it,’ y/n begins. ‘Why?’ Jennie demands. ‘I sat with them at lunch today and it’s like they were hanging off my every word. Every time I mentioned my dad, I could see this, like, eagerness in their eyes. They’re trying to find out stuff about me, just as much as I am about them,’ y/n says, Jennie shaking her head in shock. ‘But anyway, my dad’s guy couldn’t find anything on our internet, so then he looked on the dark web,’ y/n says, Jennie gasping. ‘This was all on the dark web? Why? They’re news articles from normal news companies,’ Jennie says. ‘He told me that someone’s moved them on to the dark web to hide them. So they were on the internet first. I’ll bet anything it was them, Jennie,’ y/n says. ‘Well, it’s got to be. One of them even lists off their names. Nathan Kim, Sean Kim, Yousef Min, Holland Jung, Jim Park, Tavon Kim and Jude Jeon. Same last names and same first two letters of the first name. Jimin’s isn’t very original either,’ Jennie says drily, almost coaxing a laugh out of y/n.
‘Look at this one,’ y/n says amusedly, getting momentarily distracted as she hands Jennie a paper, grinning widely. ‘Is this… a blog post from a fangirl?’ Jennie asks, and y/n nods, laughing. ‘Oh, my God, this has gotta be a joke. ‘For those of you just joining the fandom’ – fandom, really? – ‘let me tell you a little bit about the boys. Kim Seokjin is the oldest. He’s the crazy one that you can’t help but love if you talk to him. Yeah, he’s dangerous, but he’s also charming, and the life of the party. He’s the dealer and he’s great with a knife. Then, there’s Min Yoongi. He’s the scariest one. He runs the streets, and everybody knows not to mess with him because he’s ruthless. He’s always got a lighter in his hand and a gun in his trousers. Jung Hoseok is the third oldest – he’s the interrogator and he tortures the people that they capture. Basically, he’s a crazy bastard, but he’s so lit and will turn up at any party. The leader Kim Namjoon, the middle child, controls all the finances and stuff. Don’t let the dimples mislead you because he’s terrifying, and is always packing, no matter what. Then there’s Park Jimin, and he’s the assassin. He lures people into bed with his good looks, and then kills them. But he’s drop-dead gorgeous, so people still always go for him. Then Kim Taehyung. He’s the hacker, and he controls all of the technology and gets information on their enemies. But he’s really sweet and kind if you speak to him, you’d never think he’s a criminal mastermind. And then the youngest is Jeon Jungkook. He’s the fighter. He’s trained in, like, a hundred different types of martial arts and stuff, and he can literally kill someone with a single movement. He’ll try and fool you with his bunny smile, but he’s scary.’ Are you kidding me? So they’re literally a gang then?’ Jennie says, eyes wide and heart pounding in shock. ‘Well, that’s the funny thing. That one was from Kobe, and my dad’s guy told me that’s where the biggest Yakuza syndicate’s headquarters are based. They were literally part of a clan of the Yakuza, Jen! But then, none of the others mention any kind of gang activity. Some of them even speak about them being charitable and kind young men that have helped the community. And then none of them have follow up articles. Like they just... forgot about them,’ y/n explains. ‘What the fuck? This is so weird,’ Jennie says.
‘It gets worse. Look at some of the dates on them,’ y/n says, Jennie looking at the dates. ‘What? ‘19th September 2001. Seven teenage boys go missing in the small town of Newbury, England.’ How is that even possible? They would’ve been little kids in 2001, not teenagers,’ Jennie says incredulously. ‘I know. Some of them date back to the 80s and early 90s, before we were even born,’ y/n says, Jennie shaking her head in disbelief. ‘I don’t see how that can be possible,’ Jennie whispers, eyes scanning the different articles again. ‘Well, Jen, I found something. After doing a lot of research, and I mean, a lot. As in hours-worth-’ ‘When? You had school.’ ‘Dad called me at lunch so I had to go home. I’ve had since, like, 12.30. Six hours, Jen. Six,’ y/n says, her best friend supressing a laugh at the thought of her impatient best friend spending all that time researching. It’s longer than she’s ever spent on a school project. ‘Anyway, so, I found this,’ y/n says dramatically, turning her laptop to face Jennie. The girl reads it intently, y/n watching the way her face changes as she reads, illuminated by the fluorescent light from the screen. Once she’s done, she looks up at y/n, her face half shock, half disbelieving. ‘There’s no way,’ she says, and y/n raises an eyebrow. ‘Jen… I think it’s plausible,’ she says, Jen’s mouth dropping open. ‘You’re kidding me. y/n, come on! Both you and I have IQs far too high to believe in this shit,’ Jennie says, y/n shaking her head. ‘I don’t know, Jen. I really think it’s possible. What other explanation is there for them being teenagers for the past thirty years? You know I’ve always been interested in this kinda shit and… I don’t know, it seems legit to me,’ y/n says, Jennie starting to agree. ‘I still don’t know, y/n. What do we do now?’ she asks the girl who sighs. ‘I don’t know. We can’t really confront them,’ y/n says, and Jennie gets an idea. ‘At your party, on Saturday, let’s try and do some… digging. Get some more information out of them. What do you think?’ Jennie suggests. ‘I don’t see why not,’ y/n says, ‘that sounds like a plan.’
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‘Hey, y/n,’ Yoongi says when he walks into the room, taking his seat beside y/n in the music classroom. ‘Hey, Yoongi. How are you?’ she says, putting her phone into her bag and turning towards him, giving him her undivided attention. ‘I’m good, thanks. How about you? I didn’t think you were gonna be in today; Jin said you weren’t in Home Ec. this morning,’ Yoongi says, and y/n smiles slightly embarrassedly. ‘I went over to Jennie’s last night to check up on her and ended up sleeping the night. And neither of us woke up ‘til 11 so I had to come in just for the afternoon. And also wear her uniform,’ y/n says sheepishly, Yoongi laughing. ‘Is she not in today?’ he asks. ‘No, she’s still ill. She should be better for my... get-together tomorrow, though. Speaking of which, I completely forgot to text Joon the address so here,’ she says, handing Yoongi a slip of paper with her address on it. ‘Oh, okay, thanks. What time does it start?’ Yoongi asks her. ‘9ish,’ y/n says, and Yoongi raises an eyebrow. ‘Don’t parties usually start a little earlier than that?’ he asks, and y/n laughs. ‘People show up early to my parties rather than late. It’ll be in full swing by 8.30,’ she says, Yoongi chuckling. ‘So, we’ll probably be there at around 10 then,’ Yoongi jokes, and y/n laughs. ‘To be honest, you might as well. Ooh, also, there’s something else I was supposed to tell you guys. I always have… like, an afterparty kinda thing. Like just me, Jen and a few others, smoking and chilling and listening to music, so I’d like it if you guys stayed behind for that. Usually Wooyoung and the boys stay behind, but I’ve not been in the mood to deal with them lot recently,’ she says, coaxing a laugh from Yoongi. ‘Yeah, sure, that sounds great, we’d love to. Well, I should speak to the others first,’ he says, y/n giggling behind her hand. ‘Yeah, sure, just let me know. I’ll actually text Joon later so you guys have my number,’ y/n says, Yoongi nodding as the music teacher walks in. ‘y/n, great to have you back,’ the teacher says, but before y/n has a chance to reply, he delves straight into the lesson. ‘Oh, thanks,’ y/n says, under her breath, Yoongi chuckles at her sarcasm, the two exchanging a grin.
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jiminwreckedme · 7 years
Chaos: The Beginning of the End
Member - Jeon Jungkook
Genre - Thriller? Mystery? 23K of bullshit-that-makes-no-sense-right-now-but-will-make-sense-after-part-2? I don’t really know tbh. You read and tell me :)
Word count - 23K
Warnings - mentions of death, murder, implied smut.
Summary - One has brains but no heart. One has a heart but no brains. And what happens when both their worlds collide?
It’s chaos.
[A/N] - So this 23K beast was sitting in my google docs for a really really long time now. Since its a 2 part fan fic (Next and last part is Chaos: The End of the Beginning) I initially planned on writing both parts before posting it. But I also realised that its been reaaallly long since I’ve managed to post any content at all so here’s this for now. Let me know your theories and ideas while I sit and work on trying to update all my series :)
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It’s a closed space. A closet maybe? You can’t tell.
There’s something visible through the tiny gaps of the slanted wooden slabs. And it’s moving. Fast, tensed and hurried. That means it’s not something.
It’s someone.
There are people in the house. And they aren’t people you know for sure because you are scared. You can feel the sweat running down your neck as your hair plasters to your skin with the ickiness. It’s chilly even though you can tell it’s late in the morning and you are shivering in both cold and fear.
And then suddenly there is the sound of a gunshot and everything goes black.
You sit up startled by the strange dream even though it’s not something you haven’t seen before. Taking a good look at your surroundings you breath normally again, undaunted. It’s just something that occasionally, pointlessly visits your dreams. It doesn’t scare or worry you anymore because you have now learned to shake it off. Perhaps it’s a movie or a drama scene that imprinted in your head as a child. Nothing to worry about.  
What you had to worry about was the dull throbbing pain in your head and the scream of your every cell which is asking for just one thing.
“Coffee!” You call out to your maid falling back into the soft comforters, rolling around on the bed lazily. A short lady still in her apron comes rushing in looking apologetic.
“The kitchen hasn’t sent it out yet Y/n dear. I….I don’t know what’s wrong.” She’s scared because she knows how moody you get without it.
“Urgh” You drag yourself out of bed, ruffling your bed hair. “Alrighttttt send it when it’s ready. I’m going to shower.”
Taking heavy steps to the bathroom you strip out of your night clothes and stand under the shower hoping at least the cold waters will wake you up. The ice cold liquid hits your face and trickles down your body but it’s causing no effect. You need a strong coffee before you step into the office no matter what. A CEO cannot possibly go to office looking like she’s hungover when really all she had been doing was crying her eyes out all night watching Me before You with her best friend Cho.
Throwing on a Armani jumpsuit, you pull your hair into a high ponytail and put on some minimal makeup without paying much attention. Grabbing your bag and glasses you make your way down to the living room where Cho is storming around talking on the phone annoyed.
“Well see to it that it’s fixed quickly…..Yeah I have some important work….Please hurry up.”
“Morning.” You grab a triangular piece of sandwich from the nearby dining table and greet her as you stuff it into your mouth. She smiles at you and then turns serious again.
“Yes. And make it quick please….yeah thank you.” She cuts the call and throws the phone on the couch.
“Morning. Had a good night’s sleep?”
“Yup. Slept like a log.” You munch on the sandwich. “What was that call all about?”
“I was watching the news and then exactly when they were giving some crucial information” She stops and looks at you dramatically. “The screen blanked out! Apparently the power’s gone.”
“ Ah” You gulp down a glass of juice hurriedly. “No wonder there’s no coffee.”
“Yes and no news.” Cho sits on the couch angrily. You can only laugh at her childishness.
“Oh god What was so important?”
“Apparently there was a murder at downtown yesterday. The victim was killed not with a knife or gun….but with electricity. The killer murdered him by giving shocks with high voltage electricity. I mean seriously? Now people aren’t even wasting money on buying weapons anymore. The act of murder has become so inexpensive.” She huffs as you roll your eyes. “The police don’t know who it is apparently. No clues, no fingerprint, no sign of struggle. Just a man tied to a chair with wires around him. Its so brutal but so smart -”
“Alright alright.” You cut through her words not wanting to listen anymore. “You know I don’t like this kind of violent news. While you use your Sherlock brain and figure this out, I’m gonna rush to work yeah? When it’s time for you to leave, ask the driver to drop you okay. Don’t go alone!” You blow her a kiss as you hurriedly walk towards your garage where your BMW is waiting for you.
“Only if you agree to have the next movie night in my house!” She screams after you, making you laugh. You know like always the sleepover will eventually end up in your house.
Getting into your car you turn on the engine and blast some loud music with the windows down to feel some air on your face. Monday mornings were already on the top of your hate list and today moreover, you didn’t even shake off your sleep completely. And above everything you were late. The day already had such a bad start.
Cutting through the traffic you drive into a nearby street spotting a coffee shop right around the corner much to your relief. Parking your car at the side of the street you cross it, pushing open the doors and sigh realizing it’s completely packed. Seeing the dozens of people occupy all the seats you turn around defeated to search for another location when the waitress comes to you and points out an empty seat all the way in the corner opposite a young man. You hurriedly thank her and rush to sit down across him, relieved.  
But just as you are about to order for a much required cup he looks up from the newspaper he’s reading and meets your eye momentarily.
“I suggest you ask for water as well ”
“What?” You look at him surprised. He’s dressed smartly in a grey tuxedo as he stirs his iced coffee with the straw, eyes still fixed on whatever he’s so intently reading. He has glasses on and his hair is part neatly, he reminds you so much of your father.
“You’ll need it.” He shrugs. You raise your eyebrows at him confused and subtly ignore the stranger’s words as you look around for a waiter to place your order. One of them walks up to you and places a hot cup of coffee.
“A double shot cappuccino for you Ma'am”
“But..” You look at her confused. “I didn’t order yet.”
“I did.” The man speaks again as he sends her away with the gestures of his hand, resuming his reading.
“You?” He has finally gotten your attention. “And how do you know I’d want a double shot cappuccino?”
“Any girl who misses her first cup of coffee would want her second cup strong.”
“And how do you know I missed my first cup of coffee?”
“Anyone who misses their bed coffee would be tapping the table that impatiently.”
It’s only then you notice your finger moving out of habit on the wooden surface of the table rhythmically. The man across you is smiling at his paper all knowingly without even so much as a look at you and its annoying you. He’s trying to make a conversation, it’s so obvious. People like him weren’t new to you, a young, rich, beautiful heiress. Everyone wants to be associated with you in some way.
“Are you trying to make conversation with a girl you happen to meet by chance?”
“Who said we are meeting by chance? You happen to be sitting here and having coffee with me because I wanted you to. Because I’ve planned it.”
“Excuse me?” You frown at him not understanding as you take a sip, relishing the hot liquid flowing down your throat. “What does that mean?”
He finally looks up from his paper, rolls it and plays with it, hitting his other palm rhythmically. Odd. Your father has the same habit.  
“Tell me, Where are you supposed to be right now?”
“At work.”
“But you are here having a coffee, why?”
“Because I missed my bed coffee.”
“And why did you miss it?”
“Because the coffee machine wasn’t working.”
“And why was it not working?”
“Because there was no power in the house.”
“Exactly.” he draws a sip from his drink smiling. “I cut it.”
You choke on your coffee at his words, coughing into your hand as he draws a bottle of water from his bag and hands it to you.  “I told you to ask for water.”
“You cut the electricity connection to my house?”
“Yes and because there was no power in the house and you didn’t get coffee, you would have taken a longer shower and started 15 minutes late. That means when you reached the junction near your house it was perhaps exactly time for school and all cars would have been halted to allow the students to cross the road. Because you needed a coffee badly and didn’t have the patience to wait, so you must have turned right into the Bakers street, the alternative route to your office. Unfortunately, you would have reached a dead end because the road is getting repaired. So then you turned right again into commonwealth avenue, which is this street. And you stopped your car right at this coffee shop because it’s obviously the first one you have seen the whole way here and you need coffee cause you missed it in the morning and you missed it because of….” he points at himself casually.  
“Because it’s just a coincidence.” You narrow your eyes at him. He couldn’t be this smart. How did he mange to think of all of this? “You seem to be taking credit for a coincidence.”
“A coincidence huh?” He raises an eyebrow amused. “Okay tell me. When there are so many tables in the coffee shop why did you come and sit here, right across me?”
“Because it was the only one empty?”
“Oh really?” He taps the table with his rolled newspaper twice and suddenly everyone around you gets up and abandons their seat leaving every space empty and just the two of you sitting across each other with 2 cups of coffee.
You laugh for some reason. It’s incredibly smart. He obviously hired people to occupy every seat so you would have no choice but to sit next to him. It’s too smart. Too well planned. But why?
“And why are you doing this?”
“To meet you of course and because I don’t have a time to wait for nature, science, fate, whatever you call it, to make us meet.”
You blink multiple times, head full of questions.
“Okay, let me explain.” He looks around searching for something and suddenly points at a butterfly that’s sitting on a plant a little further from you. “You see that butterfly? Do you know the moment it gets up from there it can cause a cyclone somewhere in America?”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s true. You see when a butterfly moves its wings, a low pressure is created in the air around it. And when this low pressure is created, an air movement is initiated. With the addition of many such low pressures and air movements, the effect grows and grows and grows and suddenly there’s a cyclone somewhere far away.”
“and your point is what exactly?”
“Everything around us is a strange science. One unrelated moment can influence another unrelated moment somewhere far away in the most strange way possible.”
“Like the fact that there was no electricity in my house led to me having coffee here with you.” You slowly realize what he’s trying to say.  
“Exactly, you’re getting there. Everything that’s happening around us is a result of some moment usually initiated by our natural surroundings. People meeting, people parting, people dying. Everything. Most people call it fate but really, it’s all determined by some unknown, unplanned, weird moment in nature.”
“Then why is our meeting not planned by nature or whatever? I mean you purposely cut the current in my house. That’s not exactly unknown or unplanned. It’s weird though, I’ll give you that.”
He smiles. “I’m coming to that. It’s because unfortunately, I don’t have much time. I can’t wait for events to unfold themselves in a particular way for us to meet. So instead, I induce things to happen the way I want them to and hence you will be meeting me whenever I want, where ever I want, as per what I plan.”
You lean back and look at him keenly. You’re actually impressed. Very impressed. His intelligence, his wit, the way he thinks, everything impresses you. But you want to see more.
“I’m still not convinced. Let’s do this.” You lean in with you hands crossed on the table and lick your lips determined. “You try to meet me tomorrow. And I’ll try not to. Let’s see how you manage to have a coffee with me Mr…?.”
“Jungkook.” He smiles as he adjusts his glasses. “Jeon Jungkook.”
“Alright then. I hope we don’t meet tomorrow, Mr. Jeon Jungkook.”
“And I hope we do, Ms.Y/n L/n” is all he says smugly as you grab your bag and walk out of the shop smiling to yourself.
The next morning you are up surprisingly well before your alarm rings. Maybe because you didn’t sleep properly in the first place thinking of ways to avoid Jungkook the following morning. After a quick shower and quicker getting dressed session, you make your way down to the living room to see a fresh cup of coffee waiting for you. Hmm coffee is ready? You switch on the television and see the same news of that murder flashing and quickly switch it off. The television is also working? That means the power didn’t get cut today. How was he planning to meet you then?
“Y/n, Cho is on the line.” Your short, sweet maid hands you the phone.
“Yes what’s up?” You secure the phone between your ear and shoulder as you sip your coffee.
“Y/nnn I’m so dead! I have a meeting with the company president first thing in the morning and my stupid car isn’t starting. Please drop me will you? Please~”
“But I need to leave for-”
“Your office starts at 9, mine is at 8! Please~.” She drags annoying your eardrums. “Come on Y/n. I’m begging you! I know you can’t see me but I’m literally on my knees.”
“Urgh fine. 10 minutes, I’m coming.” You roll your eyes leaving your coffee on the table and grab your keys instead to go pick up your miserable friend.
15 minutes after driving at the highest speed possible, you pull up at the driveway in front of her house and she quickly gets in, crushing you into a brief hug.
“Thank you, you are a life savior! I owe you one for this later..”
As Cho flips through her files, reviewing her presentation seriously, you open your sunroof and drive down the calm and quiet roads. Strange. There are no signs of him. Did he give up already? He did seem intent on meeting you though. Not to mention extremely confident as well. Something isn’t quite right.
“Y/n! You need to turn right here.” You slam the brakes, nearly missing the turning as your best friend shuts her files and crosses her arms. “Okay young woman, spill. Where is your mind?”
“Jeon Jungkook.” You mutter as you rotate the steering wheel.
“Who, that creep you told me about? The one in the cafe yesterday?”
“He’s not a creep Cho.” You roll your eyes.
“Of course he is! What kind of a person arranges for a meeting with a stranger that way? It’s obvious that there are things he knows about you and not to mention, things he definitely wants. Why else and how else can he plan all this?”
“I’m not an idiot. I know there is something he is after. Something big, that’s for sure. He might need money or a favor in business or…I don’t know. What could he be after?”
“I suggest you stay away from him Y/n. He seems shady.”
“But that’s the thing! He isn’t coming after me. He’s somehow dragging me to him with his so called ‘plans’. He’s too intelligent. If he wants to meet me, I know he will do it somehow. I’m sure he has something planned for today as we-.”
“Oh no Y/n look!” Cho points at a cute, perhaps stranded dog with a leash on the road, just as you turn into the driveway of her office. She hurriedly gets down the moment you stop the car and takes the pup into her arms lovingly.
“I think it’s lost….Oh there’s a name tag! It has some address written…” She squints at the metal chain and quickly places the pup in the seat next to you.
“What the-”
“Please take it to its owner Y/n, the poor thing is definitely lost.”
“Cho! I have to get to work. I’m getting late.”
“The boss is never late you idiot. Please please! Next movie night at your house if you take him.”
You huff gripping the steering wheel. “Urgh the things I have to do for a best friend.”
“Thanks babes, bye!” She waves as she runs towards the building balancing the files in her hands and you sit staring at the brown dog next to you which is obediently looking around at its new environment. You memorize the address on his tag and pat his head resignedly. “Alright…. Bruno? Let’s get you home.”
Finding the way after a few wrong turns and with the help of your GPS, you enter a small alley lined with homes and stop your car at the edge of the one way street. You mentally thank the heavens that the address is near your office so you might manage to be not too late. Taking the pup in your arms you walk down the road looking for its house number when suddenly it wriggles free from your grip and begins running.
“Hey!” You begin miserably going after it in your 5 inch heels and stop when you see it runs towards a familiar looking seated man at an outdoor coffee shop. You sigh as the pup begins to lick Jungkook fondly and the man clad in a suit today as well, greets you smirking.  
“You look like you missed your coffee today as well Ms. Y/n. Care to join me for one?”
You purse your lips disapprovingly but sit down opposite him regardless.  
“Is the dog yours?”
“Taehyung. It’s my friend Taehyung’s. But he’s quite familiar with me too.” Bruno wags his tail from in between Jungkook’s feet. “Something strong for you again?”
“An espresso please.”
“I must be playing with your head a lot if you need something that strong.” he chuckles but orders nevertheless. He’s in a suit again. Blue this time. The same glasses, the same parting of the hair, today’s newspaper lying on the table.
“How did you do it this time?” You blow the steam of your coffee as the waiter serves you, then him. “There was no power cut in the house.”
“This time it wasn’t cut in your house.” he draws a sip. “It was in your friends.”
You know better than to drink when he’s answering and this time almost choke on nothing. “What?”
“Why did you not have coffee today?”
“Because my friend called me to pick her up”
“And why did she call you to pick her up?”
“Because her car wasn’t starting.”
“And why wasn’t her car starting?” he smirks expecting you to know the answer already.
You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously. “Because you messed with it.”
“Mhmm. And so she called you, who was definitely up and ready early today to avoid me as per yesterday’s deal, and so you agreed to drop her. Then you both saw a stranded dog right as she entered her office. Your friend was getting late but she also loves dogs. So you had to take the dog back to its owner on her insistence. And that’s how you are sitting here and having a coffee with me again.”
You let out a short laugh. “To think I was actually beginning to get impressed, that’s pathetic Jeon Jungkook. Do you know how many things could have gone wrong? What if my friend didn’t call me and called for a cab? What if in her hurry she didn’t spot the dog?”
“That was possible. One can plan things to happen in a certain way but cannot control another’s brain. Another thoughts, emotions. But the fact that your friend didn’t call a cab and did spot the dog shows that maybe you are right. Maybe somewhere there is a little coincidence or fate in us meeting. But ultimately it was her decision and her choice that led to you and I having a coffee here. One unrelated moment causes another unrelated moment right?”
His words as usual confound you. Jungkook leans back and receives the bill as you observe him. He seems to have a purpose and no purpose at all behind doing this. There was no saying what his next move is, what his next thought is. He is absolutely unpredictable. And he is different, unlike most men you had seen. His intentions are still not clear but it’s not something small he wants from you. The fact that he had gone far enough to find out not just about you but even about your best friend meant he had some really serious purpose behind all this.
You speak as your waitress leaves you alone. “You don’t need glasses.”
The thing about being around sharp people is that it makes you think like them. His eyes when he reads are wider than usual. The glasses are not a necessity for him.
“You don’t require glasses to read.”
“Ah yes. I don’t require it to read. I require it to look intelligent.”
“Look intelligent?”
“Surveys show that generally people with glasses are considered smarter. And gone are the days when women are impressed by sense of humor, good looks, money blah blah blah. Now a days women want a witty person. So I figured this would be the best way to impress you.”
“You want to impress me?” You let out a sharp incredulous laugh. He nods and gestures at his outfit.
“Can you give any other reason for why a man as young and modern as me would roam around in such a terribly old-fashioned, extremely suffocating set of clothes?”
“I don’t know? Don’t you wear it to go to work?”
“Electra complex.” he drains the last few drops of his drink. “Most girls subconsciously look for qualities their father possesses in men around them. It’s a psychological fact. I’m sure in our meetings at some point you would thought ah he reminds me of my father.”
And you did. He even knows about your father. What he wears, his small habits, he knows them. You can even see him displaying the same sort of intelligence. He’s done his research well. It isn’t too hard to find out about your father though, that’s there. After all he’s a multimillionaire and very famous in the society. But Jungkook has gone to such lengths just to impress you?
“Let’s talk seriously Jungkook. You are intelligent. Extremely intelligent. I don’t know if you have a job or not and how you are managing to spend so much time on this. But the fact that you have invested so much time, brain and planning on me, shows that impressing me is not your only goal. You could have simply come to one of the clubs I regularly visit if that was your intention. Of course I would have forgotten all about you as soon as I get hungover. But you meet me over coffee. A time when my senses are the sharpest. That means you want me to clearly remember you, maybe even think about you later. So tell me, why are you after me?”
“Simple.” he smiles. “Because you have money.”
You sigh at him irritably. Yes of course. Most people approach you when they need favors or if they are working on some sort of product or software and they need your help to launch by selling it to your company. It’s only now that you realize how little you had been approached to be actually been hit on in the outside world because most people who talked you, only did so for business purposes.
“So you are one of those.”
Jungkook laughs. “Y/n, look at you. You are a billionaires daughter. You are the CEO of a company. Even the watch you wear costs in 4 digits. The money behind you has already made you suspicious of the fact that I’m here for something big and serious and you don’t believe I’m genuinely trying to impress you. When you anyway won’t believe the reason I will tell you then it’s better I tell you a reason you will believe right?”
You lean back getting confused as usual with him again.
“You are beautiful Y/n. And so capable. It’s admirable how you run the company so well and the heights your father’s business has reached with you as CEO. You are talented and you are smart. But as long as you have the money factor behind you it’s going to be hard to make you believe that I genuinely am trying to know more about you because I am impressed with you. There is only so much I can know about somebody with my intelligence. And I’m sincerely trying to figure out who you really are by meeting you like this. Nothing more and nothing less.”
You don’t know why but for some reason you feel like he’s telling the truth. Maybe because you are so interested in him or maybe because there is hope that there might finally be someone out there who is interested in you? But whatever it is, you do choose to believe him.
“Make me meet you over another coffee and then I’ll believe you.”
“If I do meet you over another coffee, then hang out with me for a bit tomorrow evening. Maybe watch a play? There’s a new drama troop in town.”
“That is if you meet me.”
Jungkook smirks “If you are still testing me, that means you are already impressed by me.”
“What? No~” You deny, not meeting his eye.
“Yeah, why else will you look for another opportunity to meet me?”
“I could be looking for some entertainment?”
“No that’s not it.” he shakes his head definitely “I think we should get your estrogen levels checked. When girls generally think emotionally the estrogen levels in their body increase. Then we will know how you are actually feeling.”
You laugh. “Honestly is everything science for you? Have you never heard Jungkook, there are things science can’t explain.”
Jungkook lets out a short sarcastic laugh before looking far away at something you couldn’t see. “I don’t want to know such things. I think they are irrelevant.”
You sigh at his childlike defiance and stand up, fishing your car keys out of your pocket. “Try falling in love. Then it will be relevant.”
And with that you turn around and walk away, leaving him all by himself once more without hearing one last thing he had to whisper looking wistful.
“I already have.”
When you enter the office everything is tense. There are people scurrying around, men in black suits stationed at places, phones are ringing continually.
“What’s going on?” You inquire with an employee who bows quickly before answering. “Ms. L/n. your…..your father is here.”
You smack your head looking at the watch, panicking that you are late. Jeon Jungkook. It was all because of that asshole. You rush to your cabin to see your father sitting on the couches talking to your assistant.
“Hey dad.” You say meekly, making an embarrassed face as you slowly step into your room.
“Y/n.” He smiles sweetly, but with a hint of sternness. “You seem to be late.”
“I’m so sorry…uh….Cho had something she needed help with….”
“That’s alright. Come sit.” He pats to the empty space next to him and you happily sit next to him. “All good with you?”
“Yeah all’s fine. But is something wrong? You are here? in my branch?”
“Why? Can’t a father miss his daughter?” Your father’s brother speaks from behind you, looking up from his phone. Your father pouts adorably.
“Aw.” You pull his cheeks. “Of course he can! And I really love it when he does. But the security and the hustle outside? I’m sure you don’t need all that to simply see me. What’s wrong?”
“Did you not hear what happened yesterday?”
You shake your head slowly panicking at your uncle’s words. You weren’t someone like that. If something happened in your office there was no way you didn’t know it. But yesterday you were distracted, you have to admit. If something went wrong because of that, you swore to kill Jeon Jungkook.
“Do you know Mr. Wook?”
“Our office east branch in charge?” You had met him quite a few times. You were west branch in charge and were in good terms with him for business sake even though there were countless number of times you felt he was a bit shady. Your father’s trust in him was the only reason you kept quiet. “Yeah what about him?”
“He was murdered yesterday morning.”
“What?” You stand up shocked. “How? Wh-”
“Did you hear the news about a man who was killed using electricity?” You nod remembering Cho talk about it and mentally make a note to thank her for making you at least a little aware of the things around you. “He was the victim.”
You blink a couple of times not knowing what else to do. Your father takes out his glasses and wipes them tiredly. You place your hand on his arm softly. “That’s so horrible. But why? Do you know who is behind it?”
“I suspect it’s my enemies.” Your father sighs putting his glasses back on. “Our company has gotten really big Y/n and so it’s natural we make new rivals with growing step. That’s why I’m here. I’m worried about you.” He pats your head softly. “Your uncle says we should increase the security around you for precaution but I seem to think differently. What about you?.”
You look around at the black suited bodyguards. “Dad, are you positive that it is business rivals?”
“That’s what my sources say, but they could be wrong.”
“I don’t think you should increase security for me. Or even yourself. If we do, then we are alerting our enemies that we are anticipating them and so they will become more cautious about their attacks now. If we show that we don’t suspect them, then they will have their guard down a little and it might be a bit easy for us to trace who it is.”
Your father chuckles looking at your uncle. “Well well that’s exactly what I was thinking. Like father like daughter huh?” You smile as he gives you a five. “But still, be careful alright? I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“I’ll be fine Dad, chill.” You give him a quick hug and stand up crossing your arms. “And now if you don’t mind, CEO Y/n has to report to work.”
“Yes absolutely. I shall take the boss’s leave then?” Your father stands up as the bodyguards speak through their earpieces, getting ready for his departure.
“Permission granted.” You smile and wave as your father collects his belongings and leaves with his team. Your uncle quickly rushes to you and pulls you into a brief hug, throwing an arm around your shoulder and leaves along with the older man. “Take care kiddo.”
Feeling fuzzy after meeting your family after so long you sit behind your desk and think for a while about what your father said.
You quickly dial a number on the phone on your desk and give out orders. “Send Hoseok to my room. Tell him it’s urgent”
As you sit cracking your knuckles lost in thought, Hoseok enters and unlike most days he isn’t giving out vibes of sunshine. You realize how serious this death has been for everyone.
“Hoseok I need a favor.”
“Sure, whats up?”
“I’m going to trust you with this alright? Don’t tell this to anyone.”
“What is it?” He looks at you suspiciously.
“I don’t think this murder is a rivals job.” You remember Cho’s words. It’s so brutal.
“It’s too painful a death. Like this wasn’t done by someone with a business purpose. If it was then they could have shot him, or hit him with a car. But they’ve killed him in a very painful way. An agonizing way. Like someone wanted to hurt him first, then kill him. That means its done by someone with…..” You search for the right word. “Someone with vengeance perhaps.”
Hoseok nods. “I get what why you are saying that. But it’s possible they did so to not leave any clues that could trace back to them.”
“That’s possible yes. I just told you my gut feeling since I was speculating over it. I always didn’t like that man. There is just something off about him. Just for my sake, use your sources and find out if Mr. Wook had any personal issues with anyone. Do a background check on him and let me know what you find out.”
Hoseok nods seriously and begins to leave when you stop him again, thinking of taking advantage of the situation. “And also do a background check on Jeon Jungkook.”
“Jeon Jungkook?”
“Find out about his family, where he’s from, what he studied, where he studied, everything. From A to Z.”
“And who is he?” Hoseok narrows his eyes at you.
“Just someone who I need to know fully about to engage in a battle of wits.” You smile at the thought of beating Jungkook in his own game. “ Keep both of these tasks confidential alright? Don’t tell a soul”
“Shall do.” Hoseok shoots you a thumbs up and leaves as you turn to your computer to resume your office duties putting everything aside.
The next morning, as usual, you wake up late again.
But after the general daily routine, when you come down, there is no coffee on the table.
“Coffee?” You call out to the maid who hurries to inform you. “Ms. Y/n the machine is getting upgraded.”
“Upgraded? Why all of a sudden?”
“I don’t know. Yesterday evening some service boys came to talk about upgrading the machine and installing new features. It’s been apparently installing all night.”
“What kind of features can one possibly install in a coffee machine?” You scrunch your nose in thought but the confusion goes as soon as it comes. “Ah he thinks he can play the same game twice.” You mummer before making up your mind. “That’s alright. I’ll have it outside.”
You throw your car keys on the couch and walk out of the house, straight past the garage, towards the nearest bus stop. Taking the bus to the metro station and then a train to the station nearest to your office, you hail a cab and ask the driver to take you to a nice coffee shop nearby. “Not the first one. Take me to the second shop you spot please.”
Getting down from the cab at a shop you pay him and walk in to find an empty coffee table, smiling victoriously. Hah, maybe Jeon Jungkook wasn’t so intelligent after all.
But just as you sit down, a hand extends from over your shoulder placing a cup of coffee on the table and you sigh.
Jungkook draws a sip from his own drink and smiles cockily as he sits down across you.
“How did you do it this time?” It’s too much. Even after every precaution you took? You run your eyes over him. He’s wearing a white suit today and perhaps the best word to describe him would be sinful. It seems to suit him better than everything you’ve seen him in so far and its making it a little hard for you to think about anything.
“Simple.” He places his drink on the table and crosses his arms on it. “I followed you.”
You blink for a bit and then feel your shoulders shake as you laugh at the unexpected answer. “You followed me?”
“I do really want to see that play with you today no matter what.” He shrugs
Your phone rings as you are about to reply and looking apologetic you pick it up when he gestures you to go ahead.
“Yes Hoseok.”
“I’ve done my homework. Want to listen?”
“Jeon Jungkook - born in Busan, brought up in Busan, went to quite an ordinary government school, failed math but did average in the other subjects, didn’t attend any university, has a small, one bedroom flat at the edge of the city, literally, hardly anyone lives there, he did odd jobs around like a working as a mechanic, behind the counters of restaurants, minor roles in a couple of dramas, things like that for a living”
“No record of any family. Brought up in an orphanage.”
“Anything else I need to know?”
“I’m not sure this is important but listen. The few people in his neighborhood said he just simply disappeared over a year ago with no clue as to where he left. According to the travel office there are records of him arriving to Seoul only a month back. I’m unable to trace where he was during the time in between.”
“In your opinion is that something to worry about?” You look at Jungkook who is looking up something on his phone.
“I don’t know. He’s basically harmless. Has no contacts. Didn’t have much relations, friends or enemies back at Busan. Damn quiet kid. He must have left his town in search of a job at the most, in my opinion.”
“Alright, anything else?”
“As far as Mr. Wook is concerned, something is fishy, you’re right. But I think it’s better you come to office and see for yourself.”
“Shall do.” You cut the call revising everything Hoseok said. No university despite so much intelligence? But then again he was an orphan. He probably was financially weak. And he disappeared just like that for a year? Strange.
“I have to get to work. Don’t you have to too?” You subtly try to get to know more about him.  
“Nope. I don’t have a job yet. But I shall, hopefully soon.”
“You don’t have a job? Then how in the world did you manage to afford all these suits? It must’ve cost a fortune.”
Jungkook sighs, blinking too much. “Okay I guess it’s finally time to be embarrassed. I borrowed them from my friend Taehyung. I crashed in at his place when I came here about…a month ago? He’s been tolerating me for quite some time, the poor guy.”  He laughs fondly.  
“Where were you before that? Before you came to Seoul I mean.”
“Traveling. I practically went all over Korea looking for a place to settle down and get a decent job. I tried that for a few months but it never really worked out. Then I got really hungry and really desperate and was ultimately jailed for six months for robbery. After I was released I wandered around a couple of cities for a bit like the usual nomad I was, doing odd jobs for gathering money for traveling expenses and I finally landed up in Seoul.”
He was jailed? And he’s being honest about it?
It’s not everyday you see someone openly admitting their crimes, that too to a woman the were attempting to impress. But he did. He told you everything seriously and everything he says seems to fit what Hoseok informed you. It all does make sense.
Your phone rings again, flashing Hoseok’s name and Jungkook looks at the screen and then you.
“I guess you really need to be at work now. I know you didn’t come by car. Would you like me to drop you?” He points at his motorcycle outside and you shudder, not very enthusiastic about the idea.
“No that’s alright.” You scribble your number on a notepaper and push it towards him. “Text me the time I have to be ready. I’ll see you in the evening. I do owe you some of my time” and the two of you smile at each other as you leave him to himself for what you thought was one last time.
It is early afternoon when Jungkook is standing in the line of the grocery store with a half full cart as he goes through the shopping list Taehyung scribbled for him.
“Eggs….Bread…..Ham…” He mumbles checking them off the list one by one when his watch gives a soft beep indicating the beginning of the next hour. He’s getting late. He had messaged you to be ready by 5 for the play but he himself was still here in a pair of sweatpants and a lame shirt hidden by a jacket, yet to take a bath and hence smelling like dairy. You like the smell of dairy.
He smiles to himself as the thought of you crosses his mind. Y/n….
He’s doing it. He is finally getting closer to you. All the hard work is showing its fruit with every passing moment but day by day, minute by minute, the more he sees you, the more his heart hurts.
“Afternoon.” The lady at the counter smiles warmly when he walks forward with his purchase. As she makes the bill scanning each item one by one, Jungkook reaches out for his wallet but his phone rings at the same time, flashing your name. Frowning at the odd time of the call he picks it up.
“Jungkook!” There’s relief in your voice.
That meant before this, there was fear.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“Look I cannot speak for long.” You are whispering. But why? “I need help. I’m at the french restaurant behind my office. Meet me as soon as you-”
And it cuts.
Jungkook can feel his heart stop as he lowers the phone. What had happened? Why did you have to be so scared? The thought of you alone and afraid terrifies him.
There is only one thing he can do after imaging you like that. Without a single thought or a second glance, dropping everything in his hands, he simply turns and runs through the crowd, ignoring the incredulous cashier and the mad customers behind him as he pushes though.
Nothing was more important that you.
3 hours.
That’s how long it’s been since your last call. 3 hours and there is no sight of you. You are not at the restaurant, neither are you in your office, nor are you at home. Your phone isn’t reachable and somehow can’t be located by any tracking apps either. Jungkook had spent the last 3 hours running around the city like a mad man looking for you. He had checked everywhere. Every coffee shop you went to together, the theater where you are supposed to go with him tonight . But you aren’t anywhere. And no one knows about your whereabouts either. Not your colleagues, not your maid, neither does your best friend Cho.
“Where are you Y/n?” Jungkook desperately walks down the now darkening streets near the city’s main junction looking around. “Just give me one clue and I’ll find you.”
As all the cars halt and the red man turns green, Jungkook begins to walk down the road feeling his phone vibrate in his hand. He quickly fumbles with it with mixed feelings of relief and curiosity and takes a look at the screen but it’s not your name. Its unknown. Resignedly Jungkook picks it up looking around, not paying much attention to the call.
He freezes at the middle of the road. It’s your voice.
Are you okay? Where are you? Whose phone is this? What’s wrong with your phone? Why were you not at the restaurant? He wants to ask you so many questions but only one thing leaves him like a barely audible whisper. “Y/n…”
“Jungkook, I’m outside your house. My phone is out of battery so I borrowed your neighbor’s phone. I’m so sorry I wasn’t at the restaurant. Please just come home I’ll tell you everything…… Jungkook are you there?”
Yes I am. I always am.  
The only thing his body allows him to do is cut the call as he sinks to his knees, ignoring the honking cars and screaming drivers waiting to cross the road. You’re fine. You’re alright. And you’re home.
Picking himself up he runs once more down the street to finally find the one woman who matters to him more than anything.
You sit at the porch of Jungkook’s house, praying that you are at the right place. If you remembered well, this is the address that was written on Bruno’s name tag when you came to drop him yesterday. The door is locked and no one seems to be at home so make yourself comfortable on the steps as you sit with your arms circling your knees rocking back and forth slowly, waiting for Jungkook.
It’s starting to get cold now. Even though you are wearing a semi formal blazer over your halter top it’s doing little to protect you from the low temperature because your pencil skirt cannot hide the skin below your knees. The sandwich the neighbor was kind enough to provide you with along with her phone is the one thing keeping you sane after running around and hiding the whole day.
You munch on the bread slowly, preserving it, as the sky grows darker and darker around you. The only sounds that fill the evening are the ones of the birds returning home, calling it a day, and of moving water. There seems to be a pool at the back of the house. You turn and look at the place you are at, over your shoulder. It’s a decent one. A one story house with a small lawn in the front and a little shed enough for a bike or two. Even the locality is a pleasant one, perhaps because it’s a little far from the city. You wonder if it can be a place for you to hide the next few days. Would Jungkook understand your situation and let you stay? You were still practically strangers and letting you seek shelter here would mean going out of the way especially because the house didn’t even belong to him. You just hoped things could fall into place somehow. But for that, he needs to be here first.  
Its like the heavens have heard your plea because just then a figure merging in the shadows enters through the gate, slamming it open, running and panting. You get up the moment you see him as he stops and stands with his hands on his knees, chest heaving, shirt sticking to him with all the sweat. Both your bodies mimic the same signs of relief at the sight of each other. Jungkook walks up to you quickly and grabs you by the wrist literally pulling you in a hug as his arms hold you tight. You wrap your arms around him and melt against him as your tired body finds comfort in his embrace.
“Are you alright?” His head is still buried in the crook of your neck and you nod holding him tighter. “Now I am.”
When Jungkook lets you go and holds you by the shoulders at an arm’s distance away from him, the sun has already disappeared under the horizon. “I was so worried! You weren’t at the restaurant and there were police everywhere-”
“Wait what? Police?” You panic at the mention.
“Yeah police. Your office is a ruckus, your house looks like someone broke in. There were police interviewing people and I thought you were kidnapped or something I-” He quickly hugs you again and you feel his lips press gently against your temple.“Thank god you are fine.”
You giggle not really meaning to because it’s a little funny. Given the kind of situation you had been in since the morning, he was the one who was supposed to give you a sense of comfort but here you were rubbing his back gently, calming him. “I’m fine Jungkook it’s okay. Just a little hungry and in need of a bath because I’m a little too sweaty running in the sun the whole day. How are you possibly this close to me?”
“Trust me, I’ve seen worse.” Jungkook pulls back relieved, now smiling a little. “Come in. I’m sure there’s something around for the both us. I starving as well.”
He reaches for his pockets as you wave the half eaten sandwich his neighbor had given you. “The lady next door pitied me and gave me this before she left. I feel bad now cause I think this was her dinner. She seemed to be going for work, maybe the night shift.”
“So has Taehyung.” Jungkook hangs his mouth open and looks at you with a face that indicates sudden realization. “And I went to the grocery store and didn’t come back.”
“What?” You frown. “What are you saying?”
“So I didn’t take it from him. Oh shit!”
“Take what Jungkook?”
“The house keys…” He says slowly as you smack your forehead.  
“You don’t have your house keys Jungkook! What kind of person doesn’t have their house keys?”
“Technically it’s not my house-”
“You live in it, goddammit.”
Jungkook looks embarrassed.
“Okay fine, Never mind. But don’t you do things like hide the keys under the doormat or a plant or something?”
The change in Jungkook’s expression confuses you. He looks startled. “Why would you think I’d do something like that?”
You blink twice. “Because I watch movies? What’s there to be so so shocked about?”
“Because I thought…. “ He shakes his head. “It’s nothing. Never mind.”
“Right. You are shocked because I would think someone as intelligent as you would hide their keys somewhere like that but apparently you’re not smart enough to carry them.” You cross your arms, glaring at him.
“Y/n I get that you are disappointed but-”
“Oh no I’m not just disappointed. I’m cold and I’m dirty and I’m hungry and I’ve been running around the whole day thinking you were one person I can trust myself to be okay with, but clearly I was wrong.”
“You’re throwing tantrums like a typical, rich, spoilt kid Y/n. Stop it.”
“Maybe because I am one, genius.” You sneer.
Jungkook lets out a short sarcastic laugh before walking straight past you and disappearing behind the walls of the house. You look at him with pure surprise for walking out on you in the middle of a conversation and follow him to give him an earful but stop at the sight before you.
It’s a small backyard illuminated by dull luminescence of a pool barely the big enough to be called one but also not too small to be enjoyable. The blue waters are gently moving because of the wind, hitting the walls making the lapping sound that you heard earlier. It’s a very pleasant sight, instantly calming your nerves, making you smile. It would be nice to dangle your legs in the water on such a peaceful evening to push away all that has been bothering you.
“Taehyung leaves the backdoor open accidentally a lot of times. I’m sure he did today as well” Jungkook stands by the wooden door and reaches out for the handle, pushing it down. It doesn’t open. He looks at you before pushing it again and again just to be sure, but the stubborn thing doesn’t budge.
“Quit it Jungkook. It’s not going to open.”
“I guess it’s our luck that he was careful today.” Jungkook walks towards you sheepishly.
“And that you decided to be such an idiot.”
Jungkook lowers his eyes. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight Y/n. After your call I just…. I’ve been…I should have….”
His embarrassment makes you feel ashamed of your words. Sure you were looking for some comfort but not once did you think of the tension you were putting him through. Though it warms your heart when you realize he thinks so much about you, that he cares so much. You reach up and lean in to plant a soft peck on his cheek. “I shouldn’t have over reacted. I’m so sorry. I’ve been such a nuisance the whole of today…”
He pushes your hair and tucks it behind your ear. “What happened Y/n?”
You sigh tiredly and hold his hand which lingers near your face as you walk him towards the pool. Kicking off your heels you sit at the edge dipping your feet in the waters. They are cool not cold, lapping up against your mid shins. Jungkook lets go your hand and rolls up his pant up before sitting down next to you, dangling his feet in the water. He reaches out for the sandwich in your other hand, opens the wrapper a little more and hands it you, ushering you to eat. “Now speak.”
You take a deep breath and a bite and look at him, wondering where to start from. Even though it’s dimly lit you are able to notice what he’s wearing. A black jacket over a black t-shirt and a black pair of sweatpants. It’s so in contrast to all that you have seen him in all these days yet this seems more familiar to you than those formal suits. Maybe because it looks so natural on him or so much more like him. Why it would seem something ‘like him’ when you didn’t know anything much about him, puzzles you. Yet you can’t help but get the feeling.
“We were supposed to be watching a drama right now.” You remember, feeling bad. Jungkook nods and then tilts his head. “I think I’ve had my fair share of drama today.”
You smile. ‘I was looking forward to it. Specially because I was half expecting you to turn up in a suit with a bouquet of flowers and a limousine.”
Jungkook snorts shaking his head. “I’m sorry seeing me in a suit the last few days gave you such an impression. I don’t do flowers and poetry and romance Y/n. I expected you would have understood by now, that I’m more of a realistic and practical person.”
You recollect the image of him relieved when he saw you and the sensation of his lips against your temple. What he says and how he was don’t seem to match.
“Is this how you usually are?”
“More or less yeah.”
“So the suits were just for the ‘Electra complex’?”
He laughs looking at you and pushes your elbow up, prompting you to take a bite from the sandwich.
“Yeah, the Electra complex.”
“You think it worked?” You tease him taking a bite. “All those newspapers and the glasses and the suits?”
“If they didn’t, you wouldn’t have agreed to go on a date with me.”
You blush and thank god that it’s too dark for him to see the redness on your skin, even with the light of the water reflecting on your face. “I don’t remember talking about a date.”
“In my opinion when a guy and a girl are interested in each other and mutually consent to go out together with no purpose that’s significant to their daily, personal or professional lives, it’s called a date.”
You laugh because it sounds like such a textbook definition, but don’t agree or deny it. Jungkook smiles looking at you before turning his attention on the waters.
“I’d like it if you wear white to our next meeting.” You purposely stress on the word to tease him. “I feel like is a color that would suit you more.”
It strange because the expression on Jungkook’s face falls. It’s like you said something he didn’t want to hear.
“Let’s just say my habit of wearing white had to be changed because of someone.”
“Someone you loved?”
The bitter-sweetness in his voice is so evident of the fact, it makes you wonder why you even had to ask something so obvious. Jungkook doesn’t reply. He pushes your arm once more to remind you to eat your sandwich.  
“Why are you avoiding telling me what happened Y/n?” You freeze half way through the bite you are taking. “You seem to want to ask and talk about everything but that and while I don’t mind giving answers, I think you owe me some first.”
You sigh realizing that you tried to be smart with him but Jungkook is way smarter. He has seen right through it. You slowly chew on your bite. “I don’t think it’s right to involve you Jungkook. I don’t want to do that.”
“I’m afraid you’re wrong Y/n.” Jungkook’s face is expressionless. “I am already involved.”
The surety and confidence in his voice make you raise your eyebrows and look at him questioningly.
“You involved me the moment you called me to your restaurant. Moreover you are in my house now. How am I supposed to help you if you won’t tell me how I can?”
“Let me stay here for a couple of days.” You gather the courage to ask him that. “I’m sorry I can’t tell you why and I’m not expecting you to say yes, but if you can even consider it, it will be a huge favor on me.”
Jungkook takes your hand in his, tracing circles at the back of your hand. “You can stay as long as you want. I’ll talk to Taehyung. But I’m sure he won’t mind.”
You look at him blankly. You don’t know what to show. Gratitude for being so considerate about you? Confusion for being so considerate about you, someone he barely interacted with? Or fear for being so considerate about you, someone he seems to know so much about for someone he has barely interacted with.
“Why?” Jungkook looks at your blank face as you question him. “Why do you care so much?”
He takes a breath before answering. “Because I like you.”
He’s searching for something deep in your eyes.
“And because I’m hoping that all this concern for you, will make you in turn concerned about me and give me the last piece of the sandwich.”
He makes a pleading face as you look at your hand to see a small piece of bread remaining, the mayonnaise oozing out a little from the lettuce. “I’m starving.”
You stare at Jungkook letting out a short exasperated breath. “Do you know what a possibly romantic moment you have ruined? There were so many other things you could have said Jeon Jungkook.”
Jungkook grins “Sorry love, but I told you. I don’t do romance.”
“Sorry love, but I didn’t tell you. I don’t share my sandwich.”
You mock his voice plopping the last of the sandwich into you mouth, chewing furiously hard and fast as Jungkook makes a disappointed face. As you swallow the last remains of it, the feeling gives a satisfaction but the butterflies in your stomach somehow are not calming down as his words ring in your head. Sorry love.
You turn to face Jungkook who is looking at you smugly and lean back a little doubting his intentions. “What?”
He lets go your hand and runs his thumb across the edge of your lips, swiping some of the mayonnaise that happened to staining the edges and licks his finger clean.
“Tasty.” he raises an eyebrow playfully and resumes looking at the water.
It turns you on more than you care to admit. Maybe because the dimness is perfect, or the two of you are alone and in such a close proximity or maybe because the night is still young, holding a hundred different possibilities, you choose to run your eyes all over him, taking in all the details you avoiding looking at.
Jungkook turns to you and you quickly look away, staring at the water, leaning in to run your fingers through it. “It would be nice to get into the water. I’ve been dying to feel a little clean.”
“Get in then.” Jungkook shrugs. “The water is constantly regulated so you can practically take a bath in it if you have soap. Taehyung does it sometimes when he’s really bored.”
“Do you think he’ll mind if I splash in for a bit?”
“Nope. Feel free.”
You get up, but pause, still not comfortable with the idea of randomly swimming in someone else’s property and shake Jungkook’s shoulders who looks up at you as you ask him.
“Do you want to join me?”
You wonder why the sparkle in his eyes darken to amber, as he stands up. “You want me to?”
“Why not?” You shrug. If Jungkook was also in the waters with you, then technically, it wouldn’t exactly look like you were trespassing.
“As you wish.” He reaches up and unzips his jacket.
You almost squeak, What are you doing? but it is perfectly obvious what he is doing. You asked him to join you and it isn’t like you could just wade in with your clothes on. You just didn’t think this far ahead.
He drops the jacket and grabs the material behind his neck, pulling his T-shirt off over his head and you just stare. Stare at the honey-colored skin with occasional tattoos, a fading scar at the making his way from the lines of his abs, down into his pants, his dancer like slender body, the chiseled abs- He pulls free of the shirt and shakes out his dark hair and looks at you, hands on his belt, giving his familiar crooked smile.
“Keeping your clothes on? I could promise not to look, but I’d be lying.”
You strip out of your blazer and throw it at him. He catches it and drops it onto the pile of his clothes, grinning.
“Pervert, though your honesty earns you some points.”
“I’m twenty-three. we’re all perverts,” He steps out of his pants. He is wearing black boxer shorts, and to your mixed relief and slight regret, he keeps them on as he lowers himself into into the water which is just high enough to hide his lower torso. You pull your top off and then your skirt as Jungkook looks up at you.
His eyes travel down from your face to your body, your plain cotton panties and bra. You wish you’d worn something prettier. Your bra is pale blue cotton, the totally boring kind you could buy at the supermarket, though Jungkook is looking at it like it is something remarkable and amazing.
He flushes suddenly, and averts his eyes, backing away and then ducks under the water to resurface again, looking less flustered but a lot wetter, his hair dark black and streaming rivulets. “It feels good.”
You take a breath and dive forward, the water closing over your head. It is easy to float; the moment you let yourself, you bob to the surface, shaking water from your hair. A spray of water droplets makes you look up. Jungkook is running his hands through his hair shaking it. You look at him, more like stare,  with a sudden sinking in your stomach, if the heavens would ever be kind enough to let you see a day when you could call him yours.
“I‘m getting scared at the way you are looking at me.” He jokes, playing with himself in the water. “What kind of intentions are you harboring exactly?”
You pause.
Somehow you don’t think for a minute before replying.
“I think someone wants to kill me.”
Jungkook is looking at you as shocked as you are feeling.
You don’t know why you told him that. Especially after denying to do so many times. Maybe because he just radiates a sense of trustworthiness or maybe because you feel like you can connect to him in a different way. But you really trust him and its evident because you open up and spill your fears.
“What do you mean?” Jungkook moves closer to you in the water until the two of you are side by side, backs against the wall of the pool.
“When I went out for lunch today I overheard someone in the men’s washroom agreeing over the phone I think? because I could only hear one person speak. He was say something like making me confess everything and in the worst case scenario, he will do away with me.”
Jungkook looks like he’s thinking hard. The intelligence in him must have realized something you didn’t.
“I called Hoseok and he said someone broke into his room when he was out for lunch and he was clearing the mess. When I told him what I heard he asked me to go somewhere no one can think of finding me and that he will keep me updated about everything.”
“Who is Hoseok?” There is a tightness in Jungkook’s voice.
“Someone I trust if you are suspecting him.”
“Who is he Y/n?” He repeats, voice still the same.
“He is in charge of the artificial intelligence department in my office.”
“You talked to him today morning in the coffee shop over the phone didn’t you?”
“Yes.” You look at Jungkook curiously. “So?”
“Did you meet him before you went for lunch?”
“Yeah I did.”
“What for?”
You hesitate. Jungkook glances at you understandingly.
“I’m trying to help Y/n.”
“There was a murder downtown in an abandoned building two days ago. The victim was a colleague of mine, my office east branch in charge. I had asked Hoseok to do a background check on him so I went to check what he gathered.”
“Why did you need a background check done on him?”
“Because I suspect that the murder is not a rival’s job like my father insists. I think it’s done for personal reasons.”
“You are not a detective Y/n. Your job is not to find out who killed him.”
“But I don’t like seeing my father tensed Jungkook.” Jungkook looks away far into the water, mind working fast again. “And I think I am right. That man was involved in some illegal tradings for a long time now. There is evidence which shows he had been selling our business secrets and material to some other company. I’m scared to tell my father about it now because he trusted that man so much. It would break his heart to know what a cheat he was.”
Jungkook is silent.
“What are you thinking?” You want to know what he has made out of everything.
“So you are telling me that after coffee with me, you went to your office. Worked with Hoseok on this. And when you were both out for lunch, Hoseok’s room was broken in to and there was a plan to attack you” He takes a deep thoughtful breath. “Why do you think this person broke into Hoseok’s room?”
“You think it’s the same person?”
“Of course it is. It’s too much of a coincidence Y/n. And trust me. “You haven’t seen him this serious before. “Coincidences do not just happen. What could someone possibly want from Hoseok?”
“He is the Artificial Intelligence in charge. He does have a lot of valuable information.”
“Information which is clearly common to the both of you because both of you were targeted….. I don’t think this person wants to kill you Y/n. When I went to your house and your office, there were things scattered everywhere like someone was looking through them for something. If their intention was to kill you or hurt you, they wouldn’t have left behind such traces because you will get alert. And going by the conversation you heard, it seems like killing you was the last option, perhaps if you didn’t cooperate.”
You nod as he continues because what he is saying does make sense.
“So I’m guessing the common point here is, information. That too the information you have gathered about Mr. Wook. I think someone didn’t want you or anybody else to find out about it and was hence trying to retrieve any information you have stored or shared about him.”
“That makes sense Jungkook but how would someone know if I was trying to access any information about Mr. Wook? I mean no one but Hoseok and I knew about it and we were careful because he is one of the highly confidential employees. ”
“Don’t you think that’s odd? There is so much evidence about a highly confidential employee’s illegal activities in your company’s systems?”
“Do you think someone employed him knowing about it?” You try to think like Jungkook.
“Could be. That’s possible. He might just be a pawn” Jungkook muses suspiciously. “Can anyone get any sort of mail or signal when you try to access the information of such employees?”
You shake your head. “Only the members of the board get a detailed report of whatever happens in the company’s network. If Hoseok or I didn’t tell anyone, the only possible people who can know are the board members. That too if they check it, which they don’t most of the time because they have better things to do.”
“But the fact that someone tried to break in shows that someone did monitor the network and that this someone doesn’t want you or anyone else to find out about Mr. Wook. And whoever this is is definitely a board member because according to what you are saying only they can see such activity.”
“And this person may also be Mr.Wook’s accomplice or the one who brought him into the company in the first place.” You cover your mouth in realization. “There is a bigger player who is a cheat and he is among the Board members. Jungkook, my father?! I need to tell him everything. He needs to know there are traitors in the company!” You panic worrying about him when Jungkook holds your hand firmly.
“The people who you are dealing with are probably very dangerous Y/n. If they can storm into your office and break in in broad daylight, they can also trace calls you make to your father because they know he is the first person you will call to tell everything. Your hideout will be revealed in an instant.”
“What do I do now Jungkook?” You feel like you are going to slip into an abyss. “I’m suddenly too afraid of everything.”
“Just try to stay away from anything and everything dangerous for a few days. I will take you back to your father once everything settles a little.”
“But I’ve put you in danger too haven’t I?” You panic moving a little away from him. “What if I am discovered here? They need me alive for information but you?….” You shake your head at the thought of what might happen to him, tears somehow brimming in your eyes, overwhelmed by everything. “I don’t like the idea of people getting hurt because of me Jungkook. I can’t stay here.”
You begin to raise yourself in the water to leave but Jungkook stands in front of you, trapping you between him, his arms on either side of you and the wall behind.
“Do you expect me to let you go when I know you will get hurt out there?”
The sudden close proximity, the pitch darkness only allowing you to see little of each other, the silence of the night, they all leave you speechless.
“Stay Y/n.” He moves a little closer. “I don’t think I can bear losing you again.”
You don’t know what that means. Maybe being tensed about you the last few hours has really affected him, but it feels as though the mere thought of being away from you pains him.
He holds your hips and pulls you towards him through the water. It is just deep enough that his feet touches the ground, but yours didn’t quite as you clench your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself upright and he draws your legs around his waist. You stare down at him, heat coiling in your stomach, and he rises up to kiss you just as you lean in, your lips crashing together with a force that sends a shock of pleasure-pain through you. His hands slide up your skin; you tangle you fingers in the wet curls at the nape of his neck. He parts your lips, strokes inside with his tongue. You are both shuddering and gasping, your breath mingling with his.
He reaches behind you with one hand to steady the two of you against the wall of the pool, but it was slick with water and he half-slips; you break away from kissing him as he finds his footing, his left arm still wrapped tightly against you, pressing your body to his. His pupils are too wide and his heart hammering against yours.
“That was,” he gasps, and presses his face to the juncture of your neck and shoulder and breathes as if he is breathing you in; he is shaking a little, although his grip on you is steady and firm. “That was—unexpected.”
“It was,” you murmur, touching his hair gently, as he presses a kiss to your throat, and he tips his head back to look up at you. For a moment he just looks at you in astonishment, his lips parted slightly; You feel your cheeks flush. He is looking at you like you were the first star that had ever come out in the sky, a miracle painted across the face of the world that he could barely believe in. “I want—” he says, and the breaks off, groaning. “I need to kiss you gain.”
Instead of nodding, you lean down to press your lips to his. It is a hard, hot, driving kiss, a nip at your lower lip and the clash of tongues and teeth, both of you pressing as hard as you could to get close, closer. His arms wrap you completely, and suddenly he is lifting you up on the wall behind you with his hands under your knees and pushes you back as he raises himself up placing both hands on either sides of you, water pouring off him in streams.
You slide yourself back feeling the pile of clothes behind you as he hovers before you, situated on his knees. You want to stop the world and take all the time to look at him, but you cannot because you want him so much. Lying back you pull him down on top of you, kissing him fiercely until he groans and whispers, “Y/n, I can’t—you have to tell me—I can’t think—”
He draws back leaving just enough distance between the two of your faces to see each other. He is flushed, his eyes black with desire, his hair, beginning to curl as it dried, hanging into his eyes. You tug lightly at the strands wound between your fingers. “It’s okay,” you whisper back. “It’s okay. I want to.” you kiss him, slow and hard. “I want to, if you do.”
“If I want to?” There is a wild edge to his soft laugh. “Can’t you tell?” And then he is kissing you again, sucking your lower lip into his mouth, kissing your throat and mouthing your collarbone as you run your hands all over him as if you are drawing him, your hands mapping his body. As if, like a painting, he is coming to life under your hands.
When his hands slide underneath your bra, you gasp at the sensation, then nod at him when he freezes, his eyes questioning. Go on. He stops at each moment, stops before removing each piece of clothing from either of you, asking you with eyes and words if he should keep going, and each time you nod and say, Yes, go on, yes. And when finally there is nothing between you but skin, you hands still, thinking that there is no way to ever be closer to another person than this, that to take another step would be like cracking open your chest and exposing your heart.
You feel Jungkook’s muscles flex as his weight shifts and suddenly everything seems very real; you feel a sudden flash of nerves: This is really happening. You still and he notices. Raising himself with his elbows on either side of you, keeping his weight off your body, all of him is tense and shaking. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m not on a pill….”
Jungkook reaches for the wallet in his pant that is in the discarded pile behind you and you hear the crackle of foil. Anticipating, you meet his irises which are luminescent rims of gold and you see them soften as he begins to pull back, his fingers slightly grazing your skin, the sensation making you shiver.
“We don’t have to Y/n. If you want to take it slow-”
“No,” you whisper, and pull him down again. “Kiss me,” you plead, and he does, hot languorous slow kisses that speed up as his heartbeat did, as the movement of your bodies quicken against each other. Each kiss is different, each rising higher and higher like a spark as a fire grew: quick soft kisses, long slow worshipful kisses, playful light kisses, adoring kisses. You abandon yourself to the kisses, the language of them, the wordless speech that passes between the two of you. His hands are shaking, but they are quick and skilled on your body, light touches maddening you until you push and pull at him, urging him on with the mute appeal of fingers and lips and hands.
And even at the final moment, when you do flinch, you press him to go on, wrapping yourself around him, not letting him go. You keep your eyes wide open as he shudders apart, his face against your neck, saying your name over and over, and when finally you close your eyes, the stars are aligned and shining in a strange way, telling you something you will later wish that you had understood that night.
When you wake up the following morning you are in a bed neatly tucked under comforters, dressed in a black shirt and your panties. There is a sore feeling between your legs but you smile remembering how your hands and lips traced each other last night and the desperate moans and groans that were drawn against each other skin. But the smile falters as soon as the realization dawns and you pull the sheets closer to you with mixed feelings about last night. You just slept with Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. A man you met only three days ago. You only met Jungkook three days ago, and things had escalated to this already. Which was completely fine if yesterday’s act was purely physical and lust driven. But it wasn’t.
There was something more. You could feel that there was something more between the two of you. Considering again that it had only been three days it was definitely not love, it was too soon to fall for someone. But the way he was with you, the way he handled your body, he seemed like he was really familiar with it, knowing exactly where to touch you to drive you mad. Or he just was really eager and experienced with women in general which did not come across as a shock to you considering the way last night happened. Whatever it was, as far as you could remember it was one of your best nights.
Jungkook walks into the room, shirtless, with a coffee in his hand as he places it next to you on the bed-side table, smiling.
“Morning.” He tilts your chin up with a hand under it and leans down to place a brief kiss. You suddenly wish he was wearing a shirt so you could grab him by the material under the sheets with you.
“How am I inside?” You assume it’s his room because it looks like a typical guys landing. Football merchandise everywhere, cables and video games controllers lying around, socks and shirts all over the place.
“I carried you in. Taehyung came home at about 5 today morning. I had to hear an earful from him about forgetting the keys especially when I was bringing a girl home.” He chuckles.
“Ohh my god.” You flush. “He didn’t see me…?”
“I had you dressed before he came home don’t worry.” He kicks aside a pair of shoes, pulling a bean bag from the corner of the room to the edge of the bed and sits down.
“Why didn’t you dress me in my clothes?” You drink the coffee instantly liking it’s taste.
“Because I like seeing you in these.” he cocks his head, running his eyes over your figure. “ It makes me feel like you belong to me.”
You raise your eyebrow. “Do I?”
“If you want to.” He shrugs like whether you say yes or no it won’t matter to him but his eyes are telling otherwise. He wants you.
You slowly nod your head and decide to play with him for a bit. “I’ll consider the offer.”
He grins but he’s more relaxed now.
“Where are my clothes?” You push the sheets off as you finish your coffee and Jungkook gets up and walks to the cupboard, taking a set of clothes out.
“These are Taehyung’s ex girlfriends. She left them here. I forgot you didn’t have an extra set and threw yours for washing.” He looks adorably apologetic biting his lip. “I’ll get you new ones later today.”
You shake your head exasperatedly and ask him to get out so you can bathe and change.
“What, it’s nothing I haven’t seen?” He smirks as you turn red.
“Get out Jungkook, it’s too bright here.” you mumble, still a little shy.
He turns around, silently obeying but you cannot ignore the flash of a hurtful memory in his eyes. You had brought back an unwanted souvenir of something again.
When you get out of the shower, and dress in the clothes Jungkook gave you, you feel strange. It’s a crop top and jeans. As far as you remember you have never worn or even owned something like this. It had always been formals or semi formals. Yet it feels so strangely comfortable to be wearing something so foreign to you. You pull your hair up into a bun casually and take one last look at yourself before leaving.
You can hear laughter of two boys in the kitchen, one you were familiar with and one you weren’t. You walk in slowly past sleeping Bruno to see Jungkook sitting on the kitchen platform as a tall, blonde haired man was busy making what looked like eggs, on the stove next to him. Jungkook slides off the surface when he sees you and kisses you deep, pulling you closer. As he pulls back, you see his friend watch the two of you a little more than keenly and turn his back to face you, laughing softly. Jungkook whispers in your ear, leaning in. “So he knows you have me under consideration and that he is not allowed to get any ideas.”
You laugh silently as you sit down at the small table across them.
“Y/n right?” The blonde turns to you, smiling warmly. “Jungkook’s told me a lot about you. I’m Taehyung.”
‘‘Hi.” You smile at him. the man in front of you is a bit taller than Jungkook, much leaner and extremely good looking. Like an impish faerie of some kind. Jungkook narrows his eyes at your shameless observation at which you shrug.
“I’m making breakfast, would you like some?”
“Yeah I’m kind of starving. But I can make it myself, you need not take the trouble.”
Taehyung looks at Jungkook then you with a raised eyebrow. “You can cook?”
You blush and press your lips tightly together shaking your head. Of course not. You remember hardly entering the kitchen of your house more than twice. You’ve never had the need to cook or even the feeling of being hungry. Everything here is so new to you.  
Jungkook and Taehyung chuckle. “I thought so. But that’s okay. I enjoy making it. How would you like your eggs?” Taehyung turns to face the stove again.
“Thoroughly whipped.” Jungkook smirks as you widen your eyes at him.
“Is that experience speaking?” Taehyung’s voice is amused.
“Maybe. I may have-”
“Scrambled!” You cut through him staring at Jungkook pointedly. “I’d like them scrambled.”
“As you wish.” But he’s laughing and both men bump their fists against each other.
You take a deep breath ignoring them. “Taehyung, I was meaning to ask you if Jungkook told you about me needing a place to stay.”
Taehyung turns to you and nods. “He did, don’t worry. You can stay for as long as you want. A feminine presence is what this house is missing anyways.”
“I don’t want to be a burden of any sort. I mean I wish I can help around the house and stuff but I really don’t know how to…..”
“I figured.” Taehyung smiles. “I’m not expecting you to be a Snow White for us dwarfs here. Just be careful while you are here, that’s enough. As long as you don’t put yourself and us in danger, I don’t see what the problem could possibly be.” He places two toasts and a scrambled egg before you.
“Exactly. I don’t know if I can promise ‘no danger’. You don’t know how the situation is. It screams danger.”
“But you can avoid that danger.” Taehyung crosses his arms. “Don’t try to contact anyone. Don’t get out of the house often. Don’t use your phone. I have an old phone for you to use in which I shall install a new SIM. But I will expect you to use it as less as possible. Mr.Wook and his men maybe be more dangerous than we estimate them to be.” You narrowed your eyes at his words. Mr. Wook?
“Just a second, I’ll be back.” You nod as he leaves and eat hungrily, talking to Jungkook between your bites.
“What does Taehyung work as?”
“An engineer. Electrical engineer to be exact. His office is in the same locality as yours.”
You grow silent. Is this a coincidence?
Taehyung returns with a couple of things in his hand - a phone and a pair of keys.
“Here this is for you. Jungkook and my numbers are saved in it in case you want to contact us. And this is a spare key to the house.”
“Thanks.” You take it into your hands feeling the cool metal. “It’s not a good idea to call home and tell them I’m alright is it?”
Taehyung nods his head. “Jungkook and I were talking about it. Since neither you nor we know about the people who attacked you, we might be underestimating them or even overestimating them. But to be as cautious as possible we can assume that they are tracking the calls you make to the people you contact most often like your father, his brother, Cho, all of them. Let’s give it two days time. Jungkook and I will keep a lookout for anything suspicious. If we find that it’s all clear you may do as you wish.”
You agree as Taehyung turns his back to you, pushing up his sleeves to do the dishes. Then suddenly he rolls them back down. “Isn’t it your turn to wash Jungkook?”
“No~” Jungkook is stuffing cereal in his mouth to avoid his friend’s eye. Taehyung tackles him over and both boys begin to bicker, tickling each other as you laugh, amused at their childishness forgetting all that you had to be worried about.
Living with these boys was maybe going to be much more fun that you had thought.
Living with the boys was absolutely not fun.
It had been only two days and you were bored to the core already. They were hardly at home, especially Taehyung. But that was understandable considering he had a job but Jungkook? You didn’t know what an unemployed man did for so many hours outside the house. When he was home though he spent every minute with you. You would sit together with him for hours talking or playing some video game or just tangled in the sheets. In hardly two days you had gotten so used to his presence that you felt a strange kind of emptiness when he was not around.
Today, the third day of your staying here, you got up at nearly 11 in the morning. After finishing your daily activities you had breakfast, watched a tv show, swam around in the pool, played with Bruno, even cleaned the house for the first time in your life because you were so bored and the time was only 3. It’s funny. Time runs fast when you don’t want it to and doesn’t move when you need it to.
The front lock makes a creaking noise and you sit up immediately, raising your defenses. Jungkook opens the door with Taehyung behind him and they have dozens of bags in their hands. You relax at the sight of them and walk up to help them with their haul.
“Looks like you guys shopped.”
“Mhmm.” Jungkook plants a kiss on your cheek as Taehyung looks away. “And I got you some clothes as well. Something more of your style.’“
“Really?” he laughs as your eyes light up in excitement and you quickly rummage through the boxes.
“That’s for tonight.” Taehyung points out a neat looking expensive package. “It’s a surprise.”
You look at Jungkook who smiles, urging you to open it and see a pretty red knee length dress waiting for you under the covers.
“Wow.” You whisper feeling the exquisite material beneath your fingers. “Why so suddenly?”
“We figured you were getting bored at home so we thought we shall take you out tonight.”
“That’s….that’s nice.” You swallow nothing.
Saturday night would be a good night to go out. But given the current situation you were in you didn’t know if you would enjoy yourself especially when your family had no idea about your condition and whereabouts. When your father had no idea of the situation he was possibly in. Nevertheless you force a smile. It is sweet of the boys to think about you.   
“I know what you are thinking. And I know you are worried. That’s why I am taking you out. Not to party or for a fancy dinner like all men want to take their dates” Jungkook smiles titling his head. “I’m taking you out to meet Cho.”
“What?” You could feel yourself getting light with happiness.
“I met her after her working hours today. Told her you were fine and that we would meet her tonight.”
“For real?” You still can’t believe it.
Jungkook laughs nodding and you throw yourself at him, hugging him tight. “Thank you thank you thank you! I thought it would be days before I see her.”
Taehyung is pulling out his own clothes from the boxes. “Kookie is more worried about you than you give him credit for.” You smile at the man who has his arms around you and kiss him softly.
“Where are we going tonight?” You look at both men. “It can’t be a public place for sure, I’d be an easy target.”
“Exactly. That’s why we ruled out the club, restaurant and mall. We were thinking maybe a movie? The place would be dark so you are less likely to be seen, there isn’t opportunity for commotion as such.”
“Yeah.” You agree to Jungkook’s words. ““Movie seems fine.”
“It’s my only night free to enjoy too so come on now, don’t bore me with those stupid meaningless action films.” Taehyung crosses his arms looking displeased.
“Do you have a better idea?” Jungkook frowns.
“Drama?” Taehyung suggests immediately. “We can watch a play. The new one in town I heard, is pretty good.”
“The one you suggested earlier this week?” You turn to Jungkook questioning him.
“Yeah I’ve heard it’s good too. You wanna go? I don’t mind.”
“Me neither.” You shrug. Meeting Cho is the priority here. You didn’t care when and how and where that happened. If you could pass on the message to your father through her it then a load would be lifted from your chest.
“Then it’s decided. The play it is.” Taehyung stands up and takes his things to his room. As you and Jungkook retreat to his room you can’t help but notice that Taehyung is little too excited about this.
3 hours later 2 of you are dressed perfectly well for the occasion and waiting outside one of the city’s biggest theaters amidst the light snowfall. You are wrapped with a huge comfortable overcoat and by Jungkook’s protective arms as you stand burying your face in the crook of his neck. It helps you not only feel warm but to hide as well. You, after all, should be seen as less as possible. Yet from time to time you raise your head to rest your chin on his shoulder and fascinatedly look over it at the well dressed crowd pouring in and out of the grand entrance.
“Are you too warm?” Jungkook whispers in your ear and nodding you pull him even closer. “Yeah, but I like it.”
You can feel him smile against your hair as he tightens his grip around you slowly swaying together to the rhythm of the street music.
“What’s the play about?” You look at the poster that’s hanging high up on the outer wall of the theater. It has two intertwined figures in the snow much like how you and Jungkook were standing.
“Something about revenge for love.” Jungkook’s voice was uncertain. “Though I’m not sure. We shall find out in a while I guess.”
You agree. Jungkook is playing with the strands of your hair twirling it between his fingers, growing bored. Of course he is bored, the two of you had been waiting for far too long. You train your eyes to focus on the street. “Cho should be here by now. Taehyung called to inform that he reached her house over half an hour ago.”
“They are probably on the way. They should be here any moment.”
“How again are they going to recognize each other?”
“They met today in the afternoon when I went to see her.”
“How did you recognize her by the way?”
“Are you seriously asking me that?” Jungkook is smiling. Of course he knew her. He knows everything.
“Right. Dumb question. But how did she recognize you?”
“She didn’t. She thought I was there to kidnap her or something. Took a while to get her to believe me.
”You laugh imagining the kind of scene Cho must’ve created. Even though the last few days with Jungkook had been nice and you enjoyed them, you really did miss her. The fact that Jungkook was sweet enough to reach out to her for you makes you appreciate him more and more than you think you can.
You feel a vibration against your thigh and Jungkook pulls you back a little to take the phone from his pocket. “Hello…..Alright…..Yeah got it. We’re coming.”
You look at him curiously as he answers. “They are here but at another entrance. We shall meet them inside.”
He zips your coat all the way up till its half covering your face and takes your hand, leading you in, diving into the crowd. 10 minutes of pushing through the crowd and desperate searching later, you feel a tap on the shoulder and a female figure crush you tightly in her embrace.
“Y/n! I’ve been so worried! Where have you been?! I went to the police station at least five times in the last two days, your dad is worried sick, your uncle is going mad looking for you, he nearly tore down my whole house thinking I was hiding you or something! What happened? Are you okay? Did Jungkook try any funny business with you?-”
“-I’ll punch him in the balls if he has-”
“Cho Cho Cho relax!” You signal your friend to calm down. “I’m fine. Everything is fine. And I owe it all to these two men here alright? Jungkook has helped me a lot.” Jungkook looks at your best friend pointedly. “And I’ll tell you everything that happened don’t worry.”
“Ladies, we should move in first, we are obstructing the crowd.” Taehyung gestures with his hand, ushering you to move in.
The four of you shuffle in the crowd to find your seats and take them. The lights dim as you begin explaining everything to Cho. The first thing you think of is that watching this play was such a horrible idea. Your objective of meeting Cho today was to talk to her and that was hardly possible in a place everyone is required to keep quiet. You signal her to wait till the play was over and decide to concentrate on the drama instead.
The play isn’t that boring, the choice is pretty good. It’s got everything. Romance, tragedy, comedy and even a little bit of horror. You quickly grip Jungkook’s hand when the stage was filled with people dressed in black jackets and white masks, looming over the characters. They were symbolic of retribution or something Jungkook whispered but you were only thinking about the way he took your hand and held it for the rest of the play after that moment.
When the story ends you are simply sitting clutching your heart. The worst kind of tragedies are the ones that happen for no damn reason. This was one of them. Jungkook hands you a kerchief but you don’t find any tears in your eyes. It was like you had been through pain much worse than that you had seen.
“How about you go to the washroom?” Taehyung suggests as soon as you begin walking out along with the crowd. “You’ll be less seen and less vulnerable that way and you’ll also get time to talk.”
You and Cho nod as she leads you away down the stairs, five floors down to the washroom on the first floor and locks the door behind you. Leaning against the sink you take a deep breath and begin narrating everything. Everything you saw, everything you heard, What Jungkook told you, what you thought about it.
“You are telling me you trusted that Jungkook over me?” Cho looks exasperated. “Why didn’t you come to me Y/n?”
“Because practically the whole world knows what good friends we are. I have only ever hang out with you Cho. Don’t you get it? What if these people found me? You would have been in danger as well!”
“Ha! I’m glad you were willing to out Jungkook in danger instead of me then.”
You sigh. “Why do you hate him so much? He’s not bad-”
“I don’t know Y/n. I just don’t get the right vibes from him.”
“I don’t get the right vibes from Taehyung.” You mutter under your breath.
“What? But he’s so sweet!” Your best friend looks so dreamy eyed it makes you want to puke.
“I first doubted him when he mentioned Mr. Wooks name. I’m still wondering as to how he knows? I never mentioned it even once. Moreover he’s an electrical engineer. Mr. Wook’s accident happened due to electricity remember? He works near my office as well. So close to me. He stays in a house that is too big for the salary of an engineer. He feeds a unemployed man moreover. He definitely is getting money from elsewhere. And the way he looks at me and Jungkook….It just doesn’t feel right.”
“When you are in situations like this everything seems suspicious Y/n, you’re thinking about it too much. You happen to forget that this very man let you stay in his house, didn’t attack you while you were with him and helped me talk to you today-”
“Actually Jungkook did that-”
“Taehyung doesn’t not seem to be shady at all Y/n. If anyone should be suspected it’s Jungkook. I don’t believe a man as intelligent as you claim he is would ever get caught and arrested for something as simple as robbing food. He’s-”
“But he did! Hoseok checked it for me. His name is in the prison records.”
“Exactly why I’m getting even more annoyed. He removes every doubt and suspicion on him so easily and so perfectly. It seems too well planned.”
“Don’t you think you are overthinking this? Jungkook has helped me time and again Cho. And I trust him. And I like him too. In fact….” You remember the last few days in his house and how you felt with him around.
“Don’t tell me you are in love with him.” Cho’s voice is threatening.
“Can someone possibly fall in love in a week? I really don’t know. But what I feel with him is different. Very different. It’s like a ‘meant-to-be’ kind of feeling.”
“Can you even hear yourself? You are Y/n, daughter of a billionaire, CEO of a company, heir to uncountable estates, you have men lining up for you and you are losing your mind over him?”
“Matters of the heart are unpredictable I guess.” You shrug as Cho literally throws her hands in the air.
“Un-fucking-believable.” You roll your eyes at her. “You will regret this one day Y/n. I can feel you will-”
A scream.
A loud scream rings through the walls and the two of you straighten, eyes snapping wide. Gathering your things hurriedly, you quickly open the door and see the crowd running here and there in panic. What had happened? Jungkook, where was he? Without thinking twice you make your way through the crowd looking for him as Cho pushes through behind you begging you to wait. You don’t listen to her. You are just running.
When you reach the center of the hall, in front of you there is a silently muttering crowd circling a something. Cho catches up to you and looks equally curious. You push through, apologizing but not hesitating as you make your way to the front to see what was going on. But when your eyes fall on the sight before you, there’s a hundred different things going on in your body. Your breathing hitches. You feel nausea rising at the back of your throat. Your knees feel weak. You head is spinning and your hands are shaking a little.
A body. Someone’s body lying a pool of dark crimson. The person is dressed in a suit that looks eerily familiar. You can’t see the face but it seems to be a young man. For some reason your first thought is Jungkook. Your attackers, they didn’t do this to Jungkook did they?
Leaving the house was a mistake. You shouldn’t have come out. You should never have agreed to.
Someone in the crowd moves forward to turn over the person and reveal his face. You don’t want to see. The foreboding feeling making the hair on your skin stand is warning you not to see.
The sound of sirens fills the silent air and then you can hear footstep as the police force gathers around the place. An officer ushers the crowd to stay away and move back while another one approaches the man who seems to be dead by now and turns him over.
The ground slips from beneath your feet as you fall to your knees in shock. Your hands have found their place over your mouth which as a chilling, soundless scream leaves you when recognize the face dripping with blood. A person you last expected to see.
Your uncle.
And in his hand is a small fluttering paper which reads a number.
You move Jungkook’s hand which is wrapped around you slowly so as to not wake him up. He lets out a breath against the nape of your neck and shifts a little but he’s still sleeping. Swinging your legs off the bed you get up and walk to the window, feeling the moonlight caress your skin. The wind for others probably feels cool and pleasant. For you it is chilly. The night is silent. Deadly silent. And the silence that was once comforting is now terrifying. It scares you more than anything.
“Y/n?” You turn to see Jungkook rubbing his eyes groggily, waking up. Despite yourself and what happened in the last one week you smile. “I’m here.”
You lean against the cold metal of the window behind you, looking at him. Jungkook pushes the covers off himself and gets out of the bed, walking towards you. He’s shirtless like always, hair messed up, eyes still not fully opened, the dark circles around them evident. Suddenly a feeling of guilt washes over you. He had been losing so much sleep because of you the past few days. Either because you are always screaming due to haunted memories or he cannot feel your warmth next to him. The first few days when he got up you could see panic in his eyes, as though the idea of losing you was unbearable. But now he knows you are around here somewhere. It’s enough for him if you are around. And it’s enough for you if he’s around. Somehow, no matter which situation you find yourself in, Jungkook is always around.
You watch as your uncle’s body is concealed completely under a white cloth and lead away by the medical officers who confirmed he was dead. You hadn’t moved the whole time. Not when the police came, not when the body was examined, not when the forensic investigators arrived. Never. Not once did you move. Breathing was a compulsion. An act that was required to stay alive. If being alive was not necessary to catch the person behind all this, you doubt you would have even taken a breath.
“I’m looking for eyewitnesses.” The officer’s voice rings in the closed walls of the theater. “This act has happened in such a packed public place, are you telling me no one saw anything?” You can hear the desperation in his voice. If a man who was not even close to being related to your uncle was feeling this way, how would you be feeling? “If anyone saw something, even a small suspicious thing please come forward. We shall-”
The crowd gasps and breaks into a sudden frenzy of whispers.
It is only then you allow yourself to move. You raise your eyes which had been frozen watching a single tile in the center of the room and look up to see far away in the crowd a hand raised. A witness.
“Who is that?’ The officer demands, gesturing with his hand for the person to come forward. “Everyone move, make way!”
And as the crowd parts, you see the owner of the raised hand and this time you definitely forgot to breath.
It’s Jungkook.  
Jungkook stands next to you looking of the window, taking a deep breath. “You are going to catch a cold if you stand here.”
“The only thing I’m looking forward to catch right now is the one because of whom my life is this messed up.”
The bitterness in your voice causes him to stiffen. Or maybe the fact that this days every time you open your mouth you only had this to talk about made him react like that.
“Sorry.” You mutter.
Jungkook shakes his head taking your face in both his hands. “I get how you are feeling love. I know….But everyone is trying their best. Your father, the police. Everyone is trying. We’ll find this person whoever it is. You meanwhile need to sleep Y/n. This insomnia is going to ruin your health”
He raises you head a little, his soft eyes comforting you. “Do you want me to put you to sleep?”
Its such a sweet proposition, it melts your heart. You turn your head slightly to kiss the palm that’s resting on your cheek. “Thank you for always being there.”
Jungkook wraps you in his embrace, his arms around your shoulders tracing the soft lines of your shoulder blades, and yours are around his waist, your fingers fiddling with the material of his pant.
“Always.” He says, like he does every single time.
And you smile at the whisper like you do every single time.
You are standing by the grave dressed in black.
People around you are colored in the same darkness, standing under the umbrellas in the tears of the sky. Water is dripping excruciatingly slowly from the edge of the cloth above you, people are leaving flowers, saying a few words and walking away. As morning turns to afternoon to evening and the sky darkens, everyone comes and everyone leaves. Everyone except Jungkook who was holding the umbrella under which you were, standing behind you with your hand in his. He hasn’t said a word till now because he knows there is nothing you can listen to comfort your soul. He knows its too shattered to be healed. Nevertheless he stands and its enough. Him just being there is enough.
You hear the sound of a car pull up. Then the sound of mud being squashed by shoes. Then the noise of water hitting another umbrella.  
“The officer.” Jungkook whispers.
You nod and turn to see the blue uniformed man with an umbrella in one hand and a rolled paper in the other, standing at a little distance away from you. The two of you walk up to him and then all three of you together make way to the sheltered area a few feet away.
“The sketch is here.” The officer holds out the paper in his hand for you. “We haven’t started the investigation on it yet as we need to complete some formalities. We shall soon run identity checks and about gather information him.”
You nod again, taking the scroll into your hands. The scroll that contains the face of the man who had killed your uncle. The man whom you should despise so much right now. You didn’t know if you could bear to look at his face.
“I understand your whole family feels threatened Y/n. So I thought you and your father would want to take a look at it first. Consider this a favor beyond my legal limitations.” You nod as usual.
He turns to Jungkook who closes the umbrella, shaking the excess water  “Mr. Jeon, please take a look at it one last time and assure us that this is the killer. This is the man you saw pushing the victim off the fifth floor that night?”
Jungkook looks at you and you can see his throat move as he swallows nothing. He is tensed. For you, for how things will be now, for what you seeing this mans face finally means. He takes the scroll from your hand and rolls it open slowly.
You’ve never seen the man.
He has sharp features - His bone structure was symmetrical, cheek bones high and prominent. Nose sculpted perfectly. Hair tossed to the side as though by the wind. - A sickeningly beautiful face. But most importantly he had soft eyes. Eyes so soft it seems so unbelievable that he would kill someone. While you should have felt insane rage looking at the face of the man who killed your uncle, you don’t. Rather it’s an empty feeling. A very empty feeling.
“It’s him.” Jungkook confirms. “I’m positive.”
“Alright. Thank you Mr. Jeon. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated by the police department.” They exchange bows as you continue to stare at the portrait. Who is this man? And why was he after your family? Why had he killed your uncle? Why does he want to kill your father?
“Y/n, you may take it to your father.” The officer grabs your attention. “I would have personally given it to him but I think as the investigation officer, it’s better I don’t be seen around him. Its legally safer that way.”
You don’t want to. At a situation like this you were perhaps the only child in the world who didn’t want to see her parent. Rather couldn’t bear to see him.
Your father didn’t come even once to see your uncle. The brother he loved so much. The news articles and media said it was because he was fearing for his own life. That he might be attacked next. But your father isn’t a coward. He would never hide out of fear, especially if it meant not seeing your uncle one last time. That meant there was only reason he never came.
Because of you. Because you were always around.  Because like you, he too blamed you for what happened. Because if you had told him about the attack on you earlier, if you had told him about Mr. Wook, your uncle would have never been No.2.
“You don’t seem to want to go.” Jungkook speaks as soon as the officer leaves. He knows you well.
“I think I’ve hurt him more than my uncles death has.”Jungkook is silent. He understands. “Can you go give it? I don’t think I can face him Jungkook. Just hand it over to him in his office will you? That way you can meet him too and he’ll also know you are the witness.”
You are waiting for an answer but Jungkook is taking too long. You expected him to immediately agree. Considering how he has been the past few days you expected him to help you like always.
But he shakes his head.
“I would have gone if your fear isn’t the one sending me there.” He places his hands on your shoulders softly. “You will have to face him some time or the other Y/n. The more you delay it the more distance you are creating and the harder it is going to be for you to later cover. There is nothing to blame yourself for Y/n. I’m sure he doesn’t either.”
“He hasn’t spoken to me even once. Not a single word Jungkook. He didn’t even look at me.”
“Grief often doesn’t allow people to be in their right minds. Just go Y/n. You’re his daughter. And now he only has you.”
He’s right. You should go. You should see your father. For his sake at least if not for yours.  You look at Jungkook and the assurance written all over his face.
It’s a common misconception that those who do not face any sorrows in their life are very lucky. Wrong. It’s a misconception for a reason. Because being in pain is unavoidable. At some point in their life, everyone goes through something that shatters them, something that brutally destroys the inner them, something that kills them on the inside. No one is lucky enough to not be hurt.
Lucky people are those who have someone to stand by them throughout the struggle, someone to guide them. Someone to lean on, someone who willingly becomes their pillar of support. You got more than what you asked from Jungkook.
“Thank you.” Wrapping your arms around his neck, you feel every cell of your body expressing its gratitude to him for not letting you break. “Thank you for always being there.”
And you smile.
Jungkook tucks you under the sheets, lying down next to you. The two of you face each but with the moonlight falling on your face, you cannot see his. It’s merging in the shadows, the beauty of it lost somewhere in the darkness.
“What are you thinking?”
So many things. So many things that you don’t have an answer to his question. So many things that were making less and less sense as each day went by. So many things you should tell Jungkook but you were hiding. Because the plot was getting thicker with every passing minute. Things were not adding up, nothing was making sense. Especially the news that you got to know when you sat for your interrogation. When you mentioned that you saw a paper in your uncle’s hand with the number 2.
It was only then that you found out that Mr. Wook was No.1.
That he had a strikingly similar paper stuffed in his hand when he was found dead. Square, white and a strong smell of lavender.
But what you fail to understand is how the two deaths are connected. What did your uncle and Mr. Wook have in common? They hardly ever interacted. It was purely business between them. And what did these deaths have to do with the attack on you and Hoseok? These were definitely related, Jungkook was right. It could not be a coincidence. And your father? What role did he play in all of this? What you found out that day when you went to his office, how did that fit into this puzzle?
“Hoseok!” You hurry towards him before he enters your fathers cabin.
“Y/n?” He seems relieved, giving you a quick hug. “Are you alright? I’m so sorry about everything that’s….” He trails away. There’s too much going on now to say anything.
“I’m fine. It’s alright. I….I need a favor.”
‘Sure. Anything.”
You hand him the scroll in your hand. “This is the sketch made on the basis of the witness description of the killer. I need you to give this to my father.”
“Are you not coming in?”
You shake your head. You had planned to. You really did want to see your father. But somehow you lost all the confidence and determination you walked in here with. You didn’t think you could do it.
“Don’t tell him I’m here. Just say the officer gave it or something…”
“But why? You’re…you aren’t feeling guilty are you? Don’t blame yourself Y/n There was no way you could foresee this.”
“I know. Everyone has been telling me that. But I’m not ready. Not yet. Just help me this once Hoseok.”
He pats your head like the concerned support he has always been. “Take care.” and leaves with the scroll.
You turn to leave but your feet aren’t taking a step forward. You were so close to your father but leaving without so much as a look at him. You didn’t know how he was and where he ate on time or not, whether he took his medicines. You didn’t know anything. But you ought to know. Whether he would detest you for it or not, you had to know.
Taking a deep a breath you make up your mind. Slightly opening the door of the cabin you peak in to see Hoseok walking up to the man who is beyond exhausted. He looks so tired. Like he hadn’t slept days together. Sitting slouched in the couch he is cleaning his glasses and you wonder if there is a man more pitiable than him in the world considering all he was forced to go through. This was all your fault.
The moment Hoseok reaches him and hands the scroll telling him something you cannot hear, your father sits up straight in an instant, eyes turning redder. Immediately taking the scroll he fumbles with it in his urgency and rolls it open at an arms distance from him. You expect him to look mad. To feel all the anger somehow you failed to feel.
But he stands up in shock, shaking his head vehemently.
There is no fury. There is fear.
“It cannot be him. It cannot be. It cannot be.” He mutters walking around. Your father recognized him. That meant it was an enemy’s attack, not personal vengeance like you assumed it to be. So it did make sense that both Mr. Wook and your uncle were killed. It was because of business. But you were wrong. You only know that when your father’s scream of frustration jolts you to your senses.
“It cannot be him do you hear me! This man! He’s dead! He died 2 years ago!”
Your father slams his hand on the table, standing behind it. “And I killed him with my own hands!”
You feel your eyes widen.
“I killed Kim Namjoon with my own hands!”
You take a step backward despite your body growing numb. Just now you thought everything is making sense. But now it isn’t anymore. What was going on? What was going on?
You don’t know anymore. You simply run.
"I’m thinking about calling Cho.” You answer Jungkook, not so truthfully. “She’s been leaving me messages about coming over and staying with her. I ought to get back to her.”
“Do you want to leave?” There is disappointment in his voice but he’s trying not to show it.
“No.” You scoot closer to him, burying your face at the crook of his neck. “I don’t want to leave.”
“Hmm.” He strokes your hair softly, trying to lull you to sleep. It’s not working. But you pretend that it is as you shut your eyes. Not even a minute passes before Jungkook is fast asleep.
Like always, you are awake the whole night.
Morning coffee is an addiction you didn’t how you developed. Your body needs it to function, to think, to work. That’s why you stopped drinking it. To avoid and all thoughts that made their way into your head.
“Hoseok.” Jungkook hands you a phone as you drink the orange juice he was nice enough to make in the morning. The expression on his face is neutral. Like he’s not too pleased with a call. Jungkook has never been too pleased with Hoseok. If the situation was different you would have found it cute. Now you just take the phone and Jungkook leaves you alone.
“Y/n. I have something to tell you.”
“Your father has called for a special officer from Busan. The man is going to be taking over the case now because he’s apparently your father’s old friend and he trusts him a lot. He has requested to meet you and talk.”
“When? and Where?”
“At the church on the hill. At 12. He’s currently interrogating Cho at her house. It seems she called you to let you know but you didn’t pick up.” You didn’t pick up anyone’s calls the past few days. You didn’t find much energy to talk. Or the interest. But your father was sending this man. And you were willing to do anything to cooperate.
“Send me a picture of him so I can recognize him. Let him know I’ll be on time.”
“I myself don’t know how he looks. He’ll be with Cho so don’t worry.”
“Thanks Hoseok.”
“Take care Y/n.” Then the line cuts. He doesn’t say more. No one says more these days. Because no amount is enough.
“I need to go to the church on the hill in the afternoon.” You walk into Jungkook’s bedroom and see him rummaging through a pile of clothes strewn everywhere on the floor. “What in the world are you doing?”
“I’m picking an outfit for my interview. Why a church?” He picks up a plain blue shirt and scans it. You walk in the mess and pick a white shirt. He shakes his head and stows it back in the cupboard.
“Simply. Cause I want some peace.” You don’t know why you are lying. Maybe because you want to protect him. Because things are getting out of hand. Because as usual, nothing makes sense.
“I’ll drop you when I leave. Don’t go alone.”
“I hope you get the job.” You sit down at the edge of the bed. “Your brain deserves it.”
He lets out a short laugh. “I hope I do too. Staying dependent on Taehyung for long is not an option for me anymore.”
“And you have me as a burden to look after moreover. I….I should just go back home Jungkook.”
Jungkook sits on his knees before you trying to look at your face which you didn’t raise. “Hey. I don’t think you are a burden Y/n. I don’t want you to go back home either. I’m trying for a job and when I get it, one day I’ll have a home of my own. The only place I’d love to see you go to if you get out of here is there.”
You smile because his eyes show that his proposition is so genuine. But you don’t know what to say. You don’t know how to reply to that. Given the current situation and the emotional turmoil you are going through, you cannot express how you feel about it. Jungkook understands it and gets up.
“Get ready soon. I’ll be waiting in the porch.”
He walks out leaving you alone in a sea of shirts. You fall back into the bed, your hair fanning around you, your heart beating erratically. Whether it was because of Jungkook or it was a warning of the next confusing thing you were going to discover today, you didn’t know.
It was time to find out.
You wave to Jungkook who drops you outside by the steps of the church in his motorcycle. He is wearing a suit again, black this time, ready for his interview. He kisses you to be careful but for some reason you feel like lingering around his lips for a minute. He pulls back, raising the accelerator as you wish him luck and send him away. He grows smaller and smaller and then disappears down the road.
You turn and walk up the stairs, legs still shaking a little from the motorcycle ride. You hate motorcycles. Absolutely detest them. Never once in your life did you remember getting on on one. But somehow today you willingly sat on it and came all the way here too. You didn’t flinch even a bit the whole time, didn’t feel uncomfortable, didn’t feel anything. Because you felt nothing these days.
Your phone lets out a notification tone and you see a message from the police officer who was previously in charge of the case. A video. To be more accurate the security cctv footage of the theater.
You watch it once. And then again and again and again. You don’t see the face of the man named Namjoon at all.
The phone rings, flashing the officers name.
“Y/n have you seen the video yet?”
“Yeah but I can’t see my uncle or the killer…. ”
“There are many blind spots on the fifth floor Y/n. The act of pushing your uncle down was unfortunately not captured by any camera. It happened, very well planned, in a blind spot, leaving no evidence. But the other cameras show the people who were on the fifth floor when the incident happened and who used the exits as well. Everyone’s face is visible and we didn’t spot the man in the drawing. Our guess hence is that the killer is the one in the black jacket and white mask. The only person whose face could not be seen. We tried tracing him in the video but…..”
“There are hundreds of people wearing the same thing Y/n. The exact same thing. Same jacket and mask combination. When we inquired they said it was because a drama that was being hosted there was selling this costume as its promotional merchandise. It seems to be the attire of some of their important characters. There is no way to say which of the people dressed alike is the killer. There is no way to track him.”
You grow silent. The officer seems to be missing something. Something very crucial. Another something that didn’t add up. But you didn’t.
“He’s quite smart Y/n. Definitely a good trick played to mess with the cctv footage. If we go around tracing the video of each person dressed like that, it could be months before we find the culprit. We can-”
You cut the call without replying to watch the video again. You can see the white masked man leaving the fifth floor, through the stairs but hundreds of people in the same attire are leaving through the exits on the other floor. There is no saying as to which floor he got off at and where he went from there. The officer was right. Even if they tracked each person in that attire, it would take too long. Maybe long enough for a No. 3 to happen.  
But the officer didn’t seem to realize something. Something that you first only suspected but as you watched the footage again and again, now it is confirmed.
If the killer was wearing a mask, how in the world did Jungkook see his face?
Jungkook drives his bike down the hill slowly, thinking hard and fast. Why did you want to come here so suddenly? Something told him it was more than just to ‘feel peace’. You had been a little strange the past few days. Jungkook assumed it was because of everything that was going on and so your behavior was understandable. But today he wasn’t getting the same feeling. Something was about to go terribly wrong today.
Jungkook had hardly finished thinking that when he was forced to slam the brakes at the sight before him.
The police officer. That very police officer from Busan. He was standing right there by a parked car, smoking a cigarette like after all he had done he still had the right to enjoy his life. Jungkook could feel the fury rise in him. The mad desire. The desire to kill him.
The officer drops his cigarette on the ground and crushed it with the heel of his foot, turning to face Jungkook who had by now reached a couple of feet in front of him. The officer looks annoyed, raising his head, running his eyes from down to up at the person blocking his way but when he saw Jungkook’s face he panicked.
“You!” He pointed a shaking finger at Jungkook. Of course he recognized him. He was the only one who recognized him. “You here? you…..”
A look of realization dawns on his face as he takes a step back. “You are the one. I knew you were the one helping that girl. I knew it! I even told them but they didn’t listen.” He runs his shaking hands through his hair frustratedly, eyes darting here and there nervously. “And they are dying one by one. And now you’ll kill me too isn’t it?” His other hand moved behind him grabbing the gun stashed in the back pocket thinking Jungkook wasn’t watching. But Jungkook was watching. He was watching everything.
Even before the man had a chance to fully draw out the gun, Jungkook moved as quick as lightening, turning the tables over in a blink of an eye. He and the officer were standing exactly where they were.
But the gun was in Jungkook’s hand, and the aim was at it’s owner.
“It’s high time you paid for your sins don’t you think officer?”
“Who are you? What have I even done to you? Why are you doing this young man? Let me live.” He pleads. He pleads very pitifully. Jungkook almost wants to let him go. “I beg you! I beg you…..”
“Think of all the people who begged you this way officer. What did you do to them?” Jungkook adjusts the gun in his grip.
“I was wrong! I did make mistakes  I’ll…I’lll..”
“Don’t say it. You’ll never repent. You’ll never regret your mistakes. You’ll never change. There is only one thing I have to say to you officer.”
Jungkook takes a step forward, eyes constantly on the sinner before him.
“Goodbye.” He aims the gun to his chest placing his finger on the trigger. “Goodbye number 3.”
And he shoots, the bullet striking exactly at the center of the uniformed man’s chest. Satisfaction. Jungkook can feel the satisfaction and the sense of victory run through him as a crimson flower blooms in the enemy’s shirt and the police officer at last succumbs before him. But the feeling is gone as soon as it comes because a petrified figure is revealed to be standing behind him.
Jungkook lowers his gun as she points her shaking finger at him, eyes blown wide, sweat dripping down her neck.  
“You.” Jungkook takes a step towards her but she begins to walk back. “You’re a murderer! You killed a police officer Jungkook! “ She covers her mouth her breath hitching. “He…he was here to help Y/n! You killed him? Why? You…….” A look of realization dawns on her face. “You killed her uncle and Mr. Wook as well didn’t you? You are the one behind all this aren’t you? I knew it. I knew it! I was telling Y/n you had some big purpose behind doing all this. But I had no idea…..Oh my god…..Do you want to kill her as well? She trusted you Jungkook! Do you want to kill her as well-”
“Cho you need to listen to me-”
“I need to find Y/n. I need to tell her she’s in danger. And I swear to god nothing is going to stop me from telling her everything. I’m going to expose you today Jeon Jungkook, even if it means putting my life at risk.”
“Cho please stop. Just listen-”
“There’s nothing left to listen! I….I…..Get out of my way Jungkook. Get out!”
Jungkook runs his hands in his hair for messing up. For leaving a witness. A price will have to be paid for this.
“Fine.” Cho stopped her tracks looking bewildered. “Fine. I’ll let you go. Go tell Y/n I’m a murderer.”
He takes a step forward. “Go tell that to the very woman who asked me to kill these men.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Cho looks at him ridiculously. “Why would Y/n ask you to kill her own family? That’s insane, she loves them to the end of the world. I know her Jungkook. She would never. So stop lying and move.”
“Really?” Jungkook laughs and its maniacal.
“Do you really know her?”
Another step.
“Because if you did then the first thing you’d know is her name is not Y/n L/n.”
Another step.
“Her name is Jeon Y/n.”
One last step.
“And she’s my wife.”
143 notes · View notes
shytiff · 3 years
Mar 2021 Wins
1 - Work againn except the medical record ran out. So we went back at 12 am. Relaxeddd at home. Fasted today (still got 2 fasting debts to go). Meeting with dr dafsah dr bayushi and dr debby at 20:30. I embarrassed myself lmao,,, and what you can say as "asal bunyi". Let the overthinking and fear begin. I actually woke up 3 times during the night, lmaoo is it anxiety? Never happened to me before.
2 - we need to take care of administrations to get more medical record so we did. Wasted almost half of the day but we finally managed. Immediately fell asleep at home lmao
3 - the usual day in harkit. Asked more medical records. Planned to go to cp to see slip ons but the tj i wanted to ride went straight to kalideres so like the sane person i am of course i went back home. Timing is very222 great sometimes in life. Zoom meeting with the ever so kind dr eva. Mahmud and dela joined the assistant gang
4 - magang. Met dr eva in pediatric icu. late late evening lunch was kungpao chicken sec bowl (which i exclaimed as sweet. And then my friend said kungpao is supposed to taste like that. Huh). I was picked up after maghrib. Laid down in bed, playing my phone until 22ish and i fell asleep. Damn i shouldve slept earlier yknow
5 - magang. Ate spicy salmon onigiri from lawson for lunch. Went to btkv basecamp with mahmud since RM was a bit crowded. Not even 10 mins in, and we excused ourselves because misuh2 btkv near the computer on our table. Went to nonama in le meridien after magang with ara ness gen cal hanin amal alya. The sushi was so so (too much rice). Yay for lots of sashimi. Salmon kushiage was tasty. Salmon aburi cheesy stuff was tasty. Soba so so. Takoyaki explodes in your mouth. While waiting for mom, saw live piano performance in the lobby. Shes playing alone. I hope she knows someone out there appreciates it *oddly melancholic*
6 - slept in. Felt good. Hurriedly showered and got ready bcs i thot it was getting a bit late and turns out i arrived in halte kalideres 9:11 am lmao. Breakfast slash lunch was penyetan cok ayam. The sambal was not THAT spicy but my tongue has weakened now. Picked up some data in RM. Went to central park with my heavy ass bag to search for slip ons. Didnt find one yet. Went to kkv for the first time. Went back home and its heavy rain on the tj but dry in kalideres. Snacked on fitz cookies (its basically vegan tuffis) on the bus since i felt hungryyy. Juan bought chicken satay and when i arrived theyre all eating but i didnt feel like eating with them lmao (its been a while since i last did) so i just went upstairs, finished that fitz cookies, fell asleep in my mukena (after maghrib) and skipping isya :(
7 - didnt feel like doing anything when i woke up, but forced myself to open laptop for nemo. Played a bit of keyboard. Ate last nights satay. Rly was in a rut until i managed to shower (i last showered yesterday morning,,,) and felt a bit better. Even did night skin care and mask (which i didnt do lately)
8 - magang as usual while listening to curhat babu. I was still feeling "off" even though i was outside already. Felt a bit more normal after i had lawson's ice arabica gayo covfefe. Lunch was spicy sec bowl with extra chicken. Coffee's effect is amazing im just blown away. Like im not tired. I feel normal. I dont feel like immediately going to bed when i arrive at the house. Read and finished starving anonymous before bed. Its... A lot to take in. Especially before bed lmaoo
9 - mencret2 in the morning and i blame it on spicy sec bowl. my pace in magang is so slow why :( lunch is carbonara spaghetti from Barilla (29k with discount). It does make you feel full, and it is creamy. But the beef bacon is so few 😐 it will be more delish if it has more bacon. Picked up by mom after maghrib today. At 19:30 ish my stomach hurtedddd bcs of rising acid.its been a while since it happened. Thankfully mom bought tan ek tjoan and brownies. The ache dissipated after i finished my bread. Its so cold in the car tfff or is it my poor metabolism
10 - magang til after isya since tomorrow is a holiday. powered by lawson’s arabica gayo after lunch (good habit’s minimal-taste fried rice lol). while on the way back, kapjagiii ukmppd result announcement. alhamdulillah i passed. congratulated by some. slept late seeing people’s social media update.
11 - woke up late. didnt feel hungry, so i ate at 13:00 ish (tuna, peanut-chocolate sandwich). slept after eating. ghosted mahmuda calling me regarding after zuhur liqo. didnt pick up atikah’s calls. cant seem to talk lmao. rly rly tried to do dr dafsah’s excel this day, but cant seem to start my day. i was like “i’ll take a shower” but i didnt. “i’ll start the excel at 20:00″ i didnt. i just slept. and woke. and slept. dreamed about going to dufan with clara but we bailed since there was no promo. i practically didnt no anything today lol
12 - finally showered (that was supposedly done yesterday lmao). my pink flats broke down. i was the only one who come lmao. did dr dafsah’s excel and finished at 10. went to TA and tried popolamama’s ayce. tried chicken arabiatta (very tomato-ey taste, not a fan), pepperoni, bolognese and banana caramel with vanilla ice cream. Managed to eat 4 small pizza out of 9 flavor choices. While eating i remembered i came to celebrate passing ukmppd. so in my mind i pat myself in the back and said (not out loud) congrats for passing ukmppd. it felt bittersweet, but a nice validation. tried to search for slip ons again but didnt find one. bought a black top in uniqlo. started reading here you are
13 - lazed and lazed and jhs friends wanted to meet up but i cant even muster the courage to shower lmao. after zuhur was the meet up time but i slept at 12. lets go. come on. out. suddenly i have to build up a will to socialize just like with running. and i managed. left the house at 13:30-ish. went to ali kopi dm and got thai tea. slowly warming up my social battery. and then things felt a bit better. and we moved to flavola (got the somay). and talked we did, until suddenly its near isya. and then i had to go back bcs mom was being restrictive as usual. if it werent for that i would stay longer w atikah and pupuy. felt energized afterwards, read more of here you are and slept at 00:00 ish
14 - woke up, played some keyboard. im not prepared for another monday. Mangago is down. Unboxed my knockoff airpods that arrived couple of days ago. The sound and function was ok. Showered near the end of zuhur.
15 - magang as usual. Got out of my gloomy (felt a bit better) after going out. Lunch was ayam pedas lawson with added fried chicken. Also bought arabica gayo. Went back home before maghrib. Why must i be here while my dad talk about whatever before sholat maghrib. I hate it here. Ara and redita stayed over bcs theyre 'supposedly' going to rsut to pick up samples. Except it was cancelled and in the morning they went back to rscm,,,
16 - its only morning but i yapped abt worrying in our future to poor ekal who just sat there lmaoo. I told him how i realized im easily bored. Tried K-Chop for lunch, bought kimchi bokkeumbap, pajeon and kimchi jeon. The fried rice tasted like fried rice but with a hint of kimchi. Kimchi jeon was good and refreshing. the pajeon was basically egg with added ingredients. But it did make me feel full. Suddenly felt like singing life goes on with the keyboard.
17 - tried fitfut for lunch. Got mushroom chicken steak and katsu wrap. Their katsu is,,, simply put, tasteless. Like those HEALTHY healthy foods. The (small) chicken steak was ok. The mushroom sauce tasted good. Zoom call with dr dafsah at 12 am. More work i guess,,,
18 - fasted today. Still got 1 debt to go. Sahur was indomie, banana and protein shake. Did not feel hungry in magang but i kinda felt lightheaded. And then i cant take it anymore and went home at 2 pm. Arrived after ashar. Theres PLENTY of time to do stuff, right? Nope. I just laid in bed playing my phone til maghrib (iftar was chicken noodle) and continued until i fell asleep. My dream was absurd lmaoooo
19 - had custom salad hut for lunch. felt suuuper fult. bought pop cookies since it was the last day of grabfood’s 50% promo. was picked up after isya by mom. we talked with the resident who’s doing his thesis stuff and it turns out he’s from the same shs as mahmuda lmao. he bought kopsus and donat kampung for us, how kinddd :”) i said “mantap ni kakak kelasnya mahmud” and he said “kamu kan adek kelas saya juga”. kind seniors. i hope they have great careers and be successful and im learning to be kind from kind people. i dont know, im just easily touched by simple gestures lmaoo. first time trying tuku’s coffee. it’s smooth and creamy (like the milk and coffee unites (?)) and it doesnt separate when you leave it. its milky but has a strong coffee taste. Slept at 11 pm-ish, playing my phone
20 - lazed. saw long covid webinar. ate mom’s salmon mentai, pop cookies matcha cream cheese and dark chocolate. the dark chocolate one, especially a bit cold, taste soooo good wtf. concentrated sugar and chocolate at its finest. played some keyboard. saw youtube vids about the genius jacob collier. lent my byu phone number so ara could use it to catfish in coffee and bagel lol. bought sbux green tea and caramel macchiato 1 L for 100k + delivery fee and my bro said it tasted good
21 - tried pop cookies red velvet this time. Its super sweet yall and i thought martabak orins was the epitome of d40 bolus. did pamela reif 10 mins calorie burn that wont kill you. except i got doms WITHIN the day of work out. also attempted sun salutation and my leg is so damn stiff. did some work on sunday!!! wow!!!! (after wasting 2 weekends) finished skimming air gear lol. it still made me feel glorious. 
22 - volunteered to help vaccination at rptra planet senen w akis els yud kind. Finished at about 13:30. We got chicken noodle, nasi padang and mcd lol. Went to senen bus station. Prayed there. Called mahmud and turns out theres no new medical record so i went straight home. Ate the mcd and lazed in bed
23 - vaccine volunteer again, this time in sd 01 kramat, w regen nagit red adita. Observation table again. Except its twice the amount of pt compared to yesterday. Nebeng redita to gang IX and walked to nessa's place. Went to GI and we watched violet evergarden (tif gen ness kris indah ara). The ac in the screenX cgv theater wasnt even on. Picked up by mom at 20:30 ish so i hurried down. The movie was hilarious w indah's commentary
24 - sooo sleepy and lazy but finally went to harkit. Waiting for pak oji to get medicak records, i shopped at sociolla lol. Bought eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow palette, blush since i dont have those (i only have cheap 3 color mizzu eyeshadow). Did some work. Met kiki in RM. "planned" to do the rest of magang work at home and arrivd back at 3-ish pm but we all know thats a lie. Lazed. Maghrib. Bought sbux 1L to have some caffeine through the green tea. Sinau airway class by dr zeta (focused thanks to the caffeine). Had some "awake time" left and did not feel sleepy til 10:30ish pm but i had to sleep since i got 1 more fasting to go 2mrw. No progress on magang work aaaaa
25 - had indomie, boiled egg, banana and protein powder for sahur. magang. emir took a while to pick me up even though i already told him the time im arriving and i ended up ordering grab lmao and he showed up right before the grab. liqo w kak kartika and mahmud while sipping caramel macchiato. did some translation (job by dr triya)
26 - picked up pld medal, gown and buavita (lol) at salemba and then went to harkit. met kiki again. lunch was k-chop. quite good and fulfilling. waiting for mom to pick me up before maghrib. Was lazying around at night and it turns out clara came w kefas. She called but dumb ass me had my phone on silent. She surprised me and came all the wayyy with a little tayo cake and a line friends pillow. I was awkward w kefas bcs im awkward w new people :):):) she went back and then i cried afterwards in my room. Fianti sent me a wish before midnight (somehow havent fell asleep) and then i close my eyes and go to the dream world
27 - had mie goreng for breakfast. fell asleep again. woke to silvi and racheel calling me and as usual my phone was not ringing. there’s racil silvi devi reza outside the door lmao. they (including atikah) surprised me with gift (a bag). i asked them to come with me to gi since im gonna eat w regen. we tried yakiniku like and the meat was juicy and yum, better then kintan. racil dkk ate marugame udon just below. wanted to get banban but it was so crowded. went back by grab. racil and atikah stayed over. talked until like 12 am. forced myself to pray isya. 
28 - talked for hours like we usually do, tried some makeup bcs i need to practice for pld lol. tarik tiga to their place bcs i needed to borrow pld clothes lol. rearranged my room and i was sweating. i should’ve drank macchiato and did some work but i cant bring myself to so i just sleep. hangovers post feeling normal are never the best feeling
29 - woke up super late. cant bring myself to go to harkit. i feel like shit. sick and tired of feeling sick and tired ((quoting jhene aiko)). mustered some will to shower. rode my on bike pretending im going to harkit except im going to mcd. got big breakfast and lemon tea. went to flavola, ordered kopsus coklat and indomie + telor. Went back home after isya. 
30 - Binge watching sean and kaycee’s vids lol it all began with their leave the door open dance :). went to harkit by TJ after the redcap was unaccessible at 09:30ish. lunch was truffle belly chicken mushroom (somehow there’s 50% disc). Took some needed data and went back home at 14:20. did (new) translation for dr Triya. finally drank homemade matcha latte after a while. 
31 - originally intended to go to flavola after zuhur, but i just cant muster the strength. did dr triya’s translation work. didnt do any ecmocard today. felt like shit. ate the tayo small cake from clara. quite good and not too heavy. gladi kotor pld today. did green screen using mukena lol. fell asleep. skipped isya and the next morning’s subuh :( basically i ended march feeling like utter shit lol
0 notes
heartkook · 7 years
reputation || jeon jungkook
Jeon Jungkook x reader
Summary: You’ve been told to stay away from Jungkook; his reputation precedes him. But you find it quite difficult with him living just next door. One day he needs your help, and who are you to refuse your neighbour?
Genre: fluff??
Words: 2378
warning - hospitals, cocky jungkook
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“Morning!” A familiar voice shouted to me as I shut my front door. I rolled my eyes and turned to see Jungkook sitting on the fence lining his yard, swinging his legs like a child. I ignored his proud smirk and dark eyes as he watched me walk out of my own yard to my car.
“You know, it isn’t very neighbourly to ignore me.” He said, still grinning idiotically. I huffed and continued, getting into my car. “See you at school?” He called as I began to drive off, and I couldn’t help the humourless laugh that left my lips. I would see him. No way he’d be able to see me through the girl he’d be making out with, or the crowd of guys he surrounded himself with. We were strangers at school, and I was grateful.
When Jungkook’s family moved next to mine, I had paid attention, noticing his good looks and mysterious aura immediately from my bedroom window as he carried boxes in. Our eyes met briefly before I dived behind the curtain, my heart beating wildly. The prospect of living next to an attractive boy like I had seen in so many movies had excited me.
However, before I could even have a conversation with him, or go around with some convenient neighbourly excuse to talk to him, his reputation became known. As soon as he started school he was introduced as bad news; a player that would love you and leave you; a troublemaker who would betray you – someone to stay away from. And so, I did.
My view of him worsened through stories I heard, and whether they were just rumours or not, I started to dislike him, and didn’t hide it. He seemed to find my attitude towards him hilarious, purposefully waving at me overenthusiastically and smirking as I scoffed and turned away or rolled my eyes, trying to ignore him.
Unfortunately, as we lived so close to each other, despite my attempts to steer completely clear of him, I saw him a lot. And I couldn’t deny how good-looking he was, though I tried. It was only the day after he had greeted me that morning that we spoke again, this time in completely different circumstances.  
It was Saturday, and I was sitting at my desk trying to get some work done. As usual at that time, Jungkook was working out in his front yard. Try as hard as I did to ignore him and give him no satisfaction, I couldn’t stop my eyes from lingering on his figure through the window, as I had a perfect view of him from my desk. I watched as he did push ups on the grass, performing an impressive number before collapsing and rolling over onto his back, his chest heaving. I ignored the way his arms looked in the singlet he was wearing, and the view of his strong thighs as he lifted his knees in his baseball shorts.
Clearing my throat, I dragged my eyes away from the window and shook my head, trying to focus on my computer as I continued typing my essay. But as much as I tried, I couldn’t stop my eyes from drifting to him as he began doing sit-ups, his jaw set in determination and his skin shining with sweat. I sighed exasperatedly, cursing my lack of self-control as I stood up and pulled the blind down, sitting back down to focus.
After a few minutes, however, my concentration was interrupted again by a sudden clang of metal and a loud shout, followed by a string of curse words. I frowned and listened but there was nothing but silence afterwards. I stood and pulled up the blind to see Jungkook lying on his back, his knees bent up to his chest and his body curled around his left arm. His head was thrown back against the grass and his eyes were shut tightly as his chest heaved up and down.
I bit my lip, observing him lying there for a second, and debated whether or not to go over and check if he was okay. Cursing my conscience, I pulled down the blind and shut my laptop, hurrying out of my room and down the stairs. I opened my front door and peered out tentatively, seeing his form still lying on the floor in the same position. I hesitated before speaking.
“Are you… okay?” I asked, and his eyes opened, his head turning towards me.
“Do I look okay?” He snapped sharply, letting his head fall back and his eyes shut again as he groaned. I raised my eyebrows at his attitude. Did he want me to help him or not?
I stepped fully outside my door and crossed my arms. After a moment, he turned back to me and sighed as he saw the look on my face, wincing.
“Sorry, just, I’m in a lot of pain. Can you help me?” His asked, his voice much softer. I nodded, walking around the short wall that separated our houses to stand beside him.
“What the hell happened?” I asked, frowning as I crouched beside him, trying to get a look at the arm he was clutching gingerly. He moaned, gesturing to the weights lying next to him.
“I dropped the weights.” He muttered.
I smirked, thinking about how he had just spoken to me, and all the stories I had heard, deciding I could leave him in pain for a bit longer.
“Why should I help you?” I asked, still crouched beside him. He stared at me through narrowed eyes.
“We’re neighbours. I’m hurt.” He said harshly, still in obvious pain.
“So, if you were any sort of a decent person, you’d help me.” He responded, his voice rising.
“Well, maybe I’m a terrible person.” I grinned, enjoying the power I had over him.
“Will you just help me?” He almost shouted, before closing his eyes again and lowering his voice. “Please?” I grinned at getting him to say that so sincerely, dropping the act as I nodded.
“Okay, what have you hurt?” I asked, still smirking.
The smile immediately dropped from my face as he held out his right arm to me, cringing with every movement.
“Oh shit.” I muttered, my eyes widening. Where the smooth, tanned skin of his arm should have met his wrist was significantly swollen, his hand bent at an odd angle and purple bruising already blossoming up from his forearm. There was something jutting out of the base of his wrist, whitening the skin, that looked suspiciously like a bone, and I inhaled sharply at the sight, frowning.
“I think I’ve broken my wrist.” He hissed, his eyes scrunched tight, and I felt guilt and panic wash through me. I hadn’t realised it was this bad. He must have been in a hell of a lot of pain, and I just let him lie there. I swallowed, nodding.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think so too.” I looked at his wrist for a moment longer before moving, tearing my eyes away from the unnatural angle of the bone. “Okay, let’s get you up.”
I moved to his other side, grabbing his good arm and putting it over my shoulder and resting my other hand on his back, sitting him up. I helped him stand up and then, letting go of him as soon as he could manage on his own, led him to my car.
“I’m taking you to hospital.” I stated anxiously, opening the passenger door for him. He sighed heavily, but didn’t protest, getting in carefully. I ignored the way my hands shook slightly as I rested them on the wheel, and started driving normally, if a bit faster than usual.
If I knew anything about Jungkook, it’s that he couldn’t be shut up easily. His complete silence in the car was unnerving, and I felt concern cramp in my stomach as I looked at him sideways to see him sweating and panting, his eyes shut again.
“Okay, it’s fine, you’ll be okay.” I started talking, whether to reassure myself or him I wasn’t sure. The attitude I normally held when talking to him was dropped completely at the sight of him in so much pain. “The drive isn’t too long – we’ll get you there in no time. It’s fine, you’re fine.” I muttered anxiously. He opened his eyes slightly, raising an eyebrow at me, his mouth curving up slightly.
“Are you worried about me?” He asked lowly, his voice laced with pain but his eyes shining. His small smile reassured me beyond measure, and I decided that continuing to talk would be good for both of us.
“No, of course not,” I denied, “just looking forward to getting back to my essay. It’s due on Monday and if you weren’t already distracting me enough by working out and looking so hot in my line of view, with your muscles, and your thighs, and your sweat, you have to go and break your wrist!” I rambled, raising my voice. I was too preoccupied with driving him to hospital as quickly as possible to realise, or care, what I was saying.
I continued to talk to him about whatever came into my mind until we got to the hospital, at which point I hurriedly parked and helped him out. He was immediately led to the emergency department with me trailing behind.
Once I saw he was waiting to be treated, I figured I could go home, filled with relief that he would be alright. Except as I turned to leave I was stopped by a desperate voice.
“Stay, please.” I turned to look at him, confused.
He looked strangely vulnerable, sitting small in a hospital chair, and I was taken aback. We held eye contact for a moment before he seemed to shake himself, and his smirk returned. “I mean, come on, you can’t just leave me here, I’ll get lonely!” He teased, his voice still lilted with pain but arrogance once again oozing from his character.
I didn’t return the teasing, focusing on how young and scared he had seemed moments ago, before he put up a front. I nodded, taking a seat opposite him, noting the relief on his face as I did so. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again, the arrogance gone.
“I don’t like hospitals.” He muttered, and I looked at him to see his head held down, eyes on the floor. Something like warmth blossomed in my chest at seeing him so defenceless. I opened my mouth, but before I could say anything he was being called by a doctor.
He was taken inside a room, and I played games on my phone for about half an hour until he emerged, looking considerably better, a bright blue cast covering his arm from his elbow to his fingers. He grinned at me, more colour in his cheeks, and I couldn’t help the smile that stretched across my own face.
He pulled me up from the chair with his good arm, and I laughed as he began pulling me towards the exit as quickly as possible.
“You know, I expect payment for saving your life.” I mused as we left the hospital, much calmer now. He scoffed, looking at me sideways.
“You didn’t save my life.”
“Of course I did!” I said, outraged. “You would have been left there to die if I hadn’t found you.” I grinned.
“I’m not paying you.” He chuckled, and I sighed.
“At least let me sign your cast then.”
We arrived at the car before he could answer, but by the look on his face I could tell he knew it would happen, no matter what he said. They had given him high doses of painkillers, so he was no longer as uncomfortable, but I still had to shut his door for him before I got in myself.
“You know,” he started as we began driving, and I glanced over to see him smirking at me, “I seem to remember you saying something about my muscles earlier.” He finished slowly, cocking his head.
“Shut up.” My face heated up and I kept my eyes locked on the road in front of me.
“Something about how…hot I look when I work-out?” He started laughing, and I could feel the egotism radiating off him. I shook my head, cheeks burning, and remembering why I had disliked him in the first place.
“I did not say that,” I denied, “and even if I did, it was just to distract you.” I refused to meet his eyes as I continued driving. He snickered.
I took him to his house and opened his front door for him, making sure he got in safely. He sat down on his couch carefully, sighing, and I was about to leave when I spotted a pot of pens on the table.
“Hang on.” I started smiling, grabbing a thick marker and sitting next to him on the sofa.
“Oh…” He groaned as he saw it, “come on, please, no.”
I only laughed wickedly, carefully pulling his injured arm towards me, and beginning to write. I left him with my name written in block capitals across his forearm, covering most of the blue material, with hearts and stars drawn sloppily around it. It was ugly and obtrusive, and there was no room for anything else on it. Happy with my work, I stood up, laughing as he stared down at his arm, disgusted.
For a moment, I stood in his living room silently, not knowing what to do, before I decided I should probably leave. It felt like something had changed between us, although I wasn’t sure what, and I didn’t really know how to act towards him anymore.
“Well, bye then.” I said as I made my way towards his front door, stopping at the threshold to hear his response. He tilted his head towards me from the sofa, giving me a small smile unlike his normal grin. It was unnervingly soft, and without the arrogance or malice normally evident.
“Until the next time.”
I nodded with a small smile and made to leave.
“Oh, and Y/N?”
I popped my head back inside the door as Jungkook called out, seeing him still there with the same genuine smile.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Okay SO.
It’s NOT the Jeon-Parks in the Blind Tattoo studio - IN THE PHOTOS.
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In fact the kid I said was brunette is NOT and what we have learned is that YSJ/Jaya is BLIND AF but fortunately I have awesome people like @unlyshedstar to do my damn homework FOR ME. Thank you!
But they are the Jeon-Park autographs and here’s an interesting thing about that.
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See Jiminie’s signature from Dong-Hwa’s website? Not the same as this one, the one from the instagram story.
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Now, I have a source telling me that one Mr. Park and his boyfie were getting a little body mod work done recently. But I HAVE NO PROOF. This is as close as I can get to receipts and it’s probably utter crap but anyway
It’s fucking Music Mundial and they couldn’t even get the name of the studio right so I’m guessing they suck worse than I do. But they seem to think the Jeon-Park household has been on a matchy matchy couple tats binge. But they also use stan Twitter for quotes.
Meanwhile I’m like “we been KNEW hello they already have 13 and Jungkook has a whole JM and an HYYH tat that matches the fake one Jimin had come ON”
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I have noticed that since this break the akgaes and antis have been assclowns. I was sad about that so I asked my source about tattoos because tattoos make people happy and my source said
“Don’t worry. Give it until after Las Vegas and see what things look like then. You may even feel better by next week.”
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Okay, Person Who Shall Remain Nameless. I dunno what they know but they are being cagey as hell and grinning a lot. And if there are new piercings or new tats I WANNA SEE ‘EM.
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nightbts · 7 years
seeing you again pt.4 | park jimin
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Pairing: Jimin + OC! Kim Yejin
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word Count: 3k
Summary: It had been almost 3 years since Yejin saw Jimin, but on that one afternoon, fate had something unimaginable in store for her.
Parts 1 2 3 4 (FINAL)
Sequel To: Falling For You (Jimin Series)
"She really said all that? Suri unnie?!?!" Jungkook asked incredulously as I nodded my head in response. It was a bright Monday morning that day, the sun shining, the birds singing, the clouds like cotton candy in the sky. But still, I couldn't help by feel just a little blank on the inside.
"Yea..." I sighed before saying, the guilt gnawing at me, "But I feel really bad, you know? It seemed like she really liked him." I said, the words trailing off as my voice went quiet.
Jungkook's eyes softened slightly, as he sighed, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze, "Hey...don't worry, trust me. I've know Suri unnie for a while now, and she'll probably find a guy in a month or so," He snorted, "I was surprised she actually stuck along this far with Jimin."
Giving him a glare, I remarked, "But still. I just don't like this feeling. I feel like I'm that bad bitch in every rom-com that steals away the guy from the girl who really deserves him. "
"Yejin, you are the girl that really deserves him and even though you can, sometimes, be a bitch-ow-!," he yelped as I hit him, managing to swat my hands away before continuing, "You are not the bad person here, alright? Nobody is. Now can you stop complaining and hurry up and thank me for making that supposedly dumb mistake?" he smirked mischievously, his face quickly gleaming with pride.
Rolling my eyes, I mumbled a quiet, 'thank you' under my breath.
Holding his hands up to his ear, he mocked annoyingly, "Hmm, I don't think I heard that? What did you say?"
"Thank you!" I exclaimed, with a hint of exaggeration in my voice as Jungkook beamed back at me, "Now, was that hard?" he retorted as I groaned, shoving him aside. Laughing, his eyes crinkled into crescents as he smiled widely at me, his hands quickly ruffling my hair.
As we continued to bicker our way into the courtyard, the both of us stopped in when a petite girl suddenly appeared in front of us, her round eyes nervously looking everywhere except at Jungkook.
"Um..Are you Jungkook-sshi?" she squeaked, as Jungkook looked down at her, his own doe-shaped eyes mirroring the girl in front of him. Rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his I had noticed, he chuckled slightly, "Uh, yup! That would be me. Jeon Jungkook."
Looking between the two with raised eyebrows, I stifled a laugh as I could clearly tell what was going on.
"Um.. you actually left your notebook in class. So I thought I'd return it to you since we had an assignment due tomorrow..." she said shyly, her lips curling upwards into a small smile as she slowly handed it to him with both hands.
"Oh! I never noticed! Thanks Hyerin-ah." Jungkook grinned, as he took the notebook from her.
Her eyes widened in surprise, as she asked in surprise, " Y-you know my name?" Jungkook raised his brow and smirked, "How could I not know the name of such a pretty girl?"
Her face flushed a slight tinge of pink, as a smile crept up her face. She brushed her hair behind her ear before saying bowing and saying goodbye. And as she scurried away, I quickly looked at Jungkook, a look of surprise on my face.
"Am I seeing things or did Jeon Jungkook just flirt with a girl?! Who is she, hu-?!" I giggled as I started to pester him.
Shoving me off, he rolled his eyes before coughing awkwardly, muttering, "I-It's nobody-"
"So you're telling me you just happened to leave your notebook there. It wasn't on purpose, right?" I asked, laughing.
His face reddened as he protested immediately, "I did not!" before walking ahead of you in a cute stomp.
Following closely, I grinned, "Well, she's cute." as we rounded the corner of the hallway, the point at which Jungkook and I parted for our classes.  
Jungkook just sputtered incoherent words and this time I ruffled his hair and cooed softly, "Bye Jungkook-ah," before walking off to my class, leaving an embarrassed, but grinning, Jungkook behind me.
It was around 8 o'clock that Friday night and Jungkook and I were at my apartment eating ramyun while watching my personal favorite Korean TV show, Running Man. The beginning of the episode started with its' star guests, my eyes immediately widening at the sight of SHINee's Minho. My eyes were glued, unwilling to look away from the TV when I heard a faint sound from the door.
Ignoring it, I continued to watch the show when I felt a strong gaze on me. Pausing it with the remote, I turned to my right to where Jungkook was sitting, his eyes staring at me, annoyance radiating from his glare.
"What?" I asked annoyed. Rolling his eyes he said, "I know Minho must be like a god to your eyes but how does that affect your ears? Are you deaf? The doorbell rang like twice."
Getting up, I retorted, "And you couldn't get up and get it yourself?" As he shrugged in response, I shot him a glare, making my way to the door.
Slightly curious as to who would be visiting me at such a time, I opened the door slowly, my head peaking out from the side. My eyes rounded at the figure in front of me as I opened the door completely, standing up straight as his eyes laid upon me.
"Jimin-ah..." I trailed off as he gave me a small smile.
"Hey. Can I come in?" he asked, motioning towards the door. "Ahh.. yea of c-course." I sputtered, stepping to the side as he brushed past me, close enough for me to feel his hands brush mine, the touch a fleeting moment but enough to make me flush.
"Ah hyung! It was you?" Jungkook said excitedly as he saw us walk into the living room. They gave each other a quick hug before Jungkook looked between the both of us, his eyes glinting with an all-too-familiar look.
"Well...." he drawled off, "I was just about to leave anyway. I couldn't handle Yejin and her unhealthy obsession over Minho." Jungkook complained, gagging while rolling his eyes.
"Hey!" I whined, as he gave me a wide smile and waved goodbye, walking out the door with a little skip in his step, not before giving me a quick wink in reassurance.
Turning back awkwardly to Jimin, he looked down rubbing the back of his neck shyly before saying," Um, I'm sorry for coming here so late, I-I just wanted to talk about things."
Waving him off, I said gently, "You're fine Jimin-ah, do you wanna go for a walk? We can talk and go to the cafe on the way?"
His eyes shined as he gave me a warm smile, "That would be great."
Chuckling, I replied, "Well I'll just go get my coat and we can leave."
Leaving him in my living room, I rushed quickly to my room grabbing my tan coat. Looking into my mirror to see if I somewhat looked presentable, I smiled and gave myself a quick nod of encouragement.
You got this Kim Yejin, you got this.
As I made my way back to the living room, I found myself looking at Jimin who was looking at the pictures that I had put up months ago on the wall.
Walking up behind him, he turned around sensing my presence, his eyes in slight surprise. Motioning towards the pictures, he asked softly, "You kept these?"
Feeling myself flush in embarrassment, I looked at the floor as I replied," How could I not?"
Up on my wall were four pictures, framed and in a row right next to one another. The first one was my dad, mom and I when we went to Disney World when I was 5 years old. I stood in between my parents, my hands tightly griping onto the both of theirs, a big wide smile on my face as we stood in front of the castle in Magic Kingdom.
The second picture was of Leia and I, a couple months before I left for Seoul. We were holding onto each other tightly, our eyes and smiles beaming at one another.
The third one was one of my all time favorites. Jungkook, Jimin and I were standing on small bridge that went over the small stream we'd always used to visit by my house in the States. Both of the boys were looking at each other in annoyance, their arms crossed and their faces in cute pouts. Meanwhile I stood there laughing at them, clinging onto the both of their backs, my smile wide and bright.
And finally the fourth picture; the one that took a lot of courage and personal strength for me to put up. It was one of the very first couple pictures I had taken with Jimin, one before our feelings were confessed. I was caught off-guard in a mid laugh, while Jimin was smiling brightly at the camera, his fingers in a V. It was a picture that brought back so many memories and stood as a turning point in my life and relationship with Jimin. Just months after that picture, things happened that I would've never thought would and till this day still don't regret happening.
As I looked back at Jimin, my eyes widened lightly to see him staring at me, a unfamiliar look in his eyes that had me feeling suddenly overwhelmed.
"W-We should get going?" I asked nervously, biting my lip. 
Clearing his throat, he broke away his gaze and motioned towards the door," Of course."
Walking down the street in silence that chilly night, I hugged my coat closer to me as Jimin and I made our way to the cafe down the block.  As a silence passed over us, Jimin gently broke it and started, "Suri told me what happened."
Feeling myself go still, I coughed nervously causing him to look at me in concern. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.
Nodding, I shoved my lightly trembling hands into my pocket as I replied, my voice surprisingly stable, "What did she say?"
Letting out a forceful chuckle, he said, "She tried to laugh it off. She told me what Jungkook had told her and then the conversation she had with you that day after. I was shocked the way she took it, half-expecting her to curse or throw stuff at me, but she didn't. I guess I misunderstood her a lot."
As I listened to him continue to rant on about what else Suri had said, a question had been stuck in my throat ever since he started. Feeling my patience run out, I blurted out, interrupting him, "Jimin, W-Why did you date her?"
Stopping mid-sentence, he looked at me, eyes widened and lips parting, as nothing came out of his mouth. Feeling myself frown slightly at the absence of words coming out of him, I shook it off and muttered, "Nevermind, forget it..."
A cold breeze brushed past me, causing me to frown even more, my body slightly shivering.  Noticing immediately he took off his scarf and wrapped it around my neck, pulling me closer to him. The warmth from his breath fanned my face, as I stared at him while he placed it upon me.
As his eyes trailed back down to me, I pushed him off slightly, still feeling a little frustrated at the lack of answer to my question. He let out a sigh and trailed off, "Yejin-ah.....I-"
Surprisingly tears sprung to my eyes, as I shook my head feverishly. "No, it's okay Jimin-ah. You have your reasons and it's not something you have to tell me I understand-"
"Yejin-ah." He interrupted sternly. His hard set eyes softened immediately at the look on my face before dropping his head low, letting out an exasperated sigh.
"What I did is something I regret till this day. Why I did it I can't give a proper reason for because it just happened." he said painfully, his voice cracking, "I-I all these years, I've never forgotten you Yejin-ah, and I waited, trust me I did, but I felt like recently everything was going wrong for me that I lost my patience. And knowing that I lost it a month before you came back, makes me feel terrible. For you, me and Suri noona."  
Sniffing, he continued, "Suri noona was someone who was actually like a sister to me. She had so many boyfriends and every single one of them broke her heart, and every single time she'd come running to me. And when she confessed, I just couldn't bring myself up to being just one of those other guys. I felt too guilty and accepted her, thinking, I'll like her eventually. But, even then, I couldn't get you out of my head Yejin-ah. Everyday, the guilt ate me alive knowing I was betraying you even after I promised that I'd wait. But eventually I just gave up, and I've never regretted doing that so much in my life."
Letting out a sad chuckle, he shook his head, "I'm absolutely the worst in the world. Here I am standing shamelessly, trying to explain myse- Yejin-ah?" he stuttered as he looked down at me, his eyes going round in surprise.
Wrapping my arms around his waist tightly, I tucked my head into his chest as I felt the tears prick the corner of my eyes.
3 years
I've waited 3 years to be in his arms, to be able to hear his heartbeat in his chest, to be able to engulf myself in his warmth, and even now, the feeling made my heart flutter. Letting out a sigh of relief, he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tight against him as he whispered endless apologies into my ear.
Pulling away just slightly, but still in his grasp, I looked up at him as I gave him a sad smile, whispering, "I really really missed you, oppa."
Chuckling softly, he leaned in, his forehead resting against mine. As he stared into my eyes, the memories of us from years back flooded into my mind. The way he helped me get over Will, the way he made me feel worth it and special, the way he made me feel loved like no other.
His eyelashes fluttered against my cheek as he replied lovingly, "I missed you even more."
Nudging his nose against mine, I smiled as my hands wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him closer, if it was even possible. As I gazed into his chocolate brown eyes, his looking right back into mine, I saw them flicker down to my lips, making me flush.
Leaning in closer, I felt his lips brush mine teasingly as he whispered lowly, "Can I?"
As my breath hitched, I felt myself start to nod when suddenly his lips fell over mine, taking me by surprise. The warmth of his lips against mine that chilly night sent a current running through my body, while I felt my heart hammer in my chest. His hand tightened on my waist, pulling me closer to him and leaving no space between us.
Feeling myself melt against him, I kissed him back, my hands running through his black locks. Smiling into the kiss, his lips continued to move slowly against mine, keeping it sweet and innocent. After what seemed like eternity, we both pulled away, our faces both flush under the street lights where we stood.
Intertwining my fingers through his, I smiled teasingly at him before I said, "Seems like you missed kissing me more than I thought."
Laughing, he gave me another peck before saying, "Not my fault your so irresistible."
Blushing, I hit his shoulder playfully as he winked at me and said cheekily, "Not as irresistible as me though."
Gagging, I said sarcastically, although a faint smile gracing my face, "Gross, you'd think 3 years later and you'd mature, but I guess not."
As he held me close to him, we made our way down the street, as our laughters filled the air that Friday night, knowing one thing and one thing that only mattered.
We were together. --
AN: lmao I had this ready for ages and just never posted bc I kept forgetting also this is unedited and trashy but I was lowkey just done w this fanfic since its been so long but at the same time I hope I did some justice to it hahahah @khadijaahsan05 thx for the endless remainders hahahah :)))))
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fanfics-bts · 7 years
The Busan Sky I A Jikook Oneshot
💙 Genre :
Angst, Romance
💙  Prompt :-
[B] “Can you see my eyes? You did this. You monster.”
The night sky had always fascinated Jungkook.
With the way the stars glisten and twinkle, the light emanating from the crescent moon as it complimented the night all in all. It all just seemed to capture his attention.
Jungkook usually wasn’t one to admire nature, but he appreciated the cold, starry night sky in the hot summer once in a while. The boy closed his eyes as he breathed in the summer night. Calming wind breezing through his ruffled sand-brown hair, the clashing waves of the sea, soothing.
Just like how it had always been.
He smiled (although a bit bitterly) and he continued to look up at the stars as he sat at the park bench. Yes, it was 2 o clock at night, and he should be sleeping, but no, the Busan sky was way too pretty and sleep was just not coming.
Purple hues would tint the sky in an hour or two, and soon enough, the sun would rise. And this, this is what Jungkook had always deemed as something that was his.
Watching the night sky, breathing in the salty air of the night that is oh-so-ethereal, that is.
He always wondered as to why he felt so attached to the Busan sky at 2 o'clock, maybe it was the emulsion of the purple and blue hues, maybe it was the beautiful yet forlorn memories that came with the sky itself.
He’d never know.
He sighed once again and closed his eyes, basking in the beauty of it all. He hadn’t expected the night sky of Busan to affect him as much as it did. He hadn’t expected to miss the purple-hued sky as much as he did, hadn’t expected to come back to his home after 3 fucking years of being stuck in Seoul, waiting, and yearning to come back and to witness the beauty of it all once again.
It had been 3 years since he started his singing career in Seoul, leaving the warmth of what he once called home. It had been exactly 3 years since he last came to this park.And it had been three years since Jungkook left their once shared flat….since he took all his belongings and left for Seoul.Going far far away from the boy whom he had once loved.
He hadn’t expected a lot of things..And he most definitely did not expect to meet him again. Not after all that happened between them.
But there he was, standing under the lamppost, mouth slightly agape, eyes wide as he stared at the taller man sitting at the bench.
There he was…
Park Jimin.
The boy he left behind.
“Jeon Jungkook.”, he said in a shallow quiet voice, as if it would punch him in the gut if he were to even mutter his name aloud. And suddenly, all emotions surged through the shorter boy like a fucking tidal wave.
He felt overwhelmed, the stab at his heart, aching more than it did normally, the sting at his eyes, threatening to tear up and spill any second now.
He was here. Jeon fucking Jungkook was here, he came back…after three years…he finally came back.
He should’ve felt happy, relieved , or at least have some sort of disclosure, when he sees  how well the muscular boy turned out to be, and how Jimin still managed to find his ex lover to be so so beautiful, even after three years.
Even after all that happened.
But fuck, it was just not fair, how can he be so perfectly fine when all Jimin had been the past years was just horrible?? (horrible was an understatement as to how Jimin had felt and still feels)
Jungkook’s pupils dilated as soon as their eyes met, and Jimin knew how much of a sore sight he must have been.
Over the course of three years, Jimin managed to lose 60 pounds, his skin grew paler, and his dark circles were more prominent and visible than before.
He looked and felt terrible, aching, for all he wanted was for his lover to come back and just hold him again, to love him again, and maybe this time around Jimin would’ve been less clingier, would’ve let Jungkook bring that white puppy home, would’ve let him stay out till late at night partying and go out early. He would’ve let him do everything, he would’ve given everything, if it meant that Jungkook would stay.
Because God, Jimin felt empty, as if a part of him had left with Jungkook’s departure.
But what frustrated him so much was the fact that Jungkook could look so perfectly fine and happy without the Busan sky relaxing him.
The fact that Jungkook could look so perfectly fine and happy without Jimin beside him.
He felt devastated.
And as if it was a movie, time had slowed down as the wind gushed through, the tense atmosphere around them, suffocating.
Jimin, in his dazed state of mind, hadn’t realized when Jungkook came to stand in front of him,  his legs shifting every now and then and his eyes looking everywhere but at him.
And only then did the memories come flashing back at him.
The beautiful ones, where Jimin would find himself being spooned by the younger, cuddling as they watched their usual Harry Potter marathon. The horrible ones, where they fought and slept in different rooms( neither actually slept during those days) and the devastating ones, where Jungkook came home late, drunk and smelling like someone else’s perfume.
It’s been exactly 3 years, but Jimin still can’t get rid of the void feeling he felt everytime he woke up in his way-too-big-of-a bed, cold and alone. He still can’t forget the look Jungkook gave him, the stern, spiteful words that left his mouth.  And goddammit, he really wished he could..but he can’t.
He just doesn’t know how to.
9th July 2014, 3:55 am
It was a cold Monday morning when Jimin had realised that he loved Jungkook. With a bouquet of white roses at hand and sweet words of nothing, Jungkook appeared at his door at such an ungodly hour. (And surprisingly Jimin wasn’t mad)
He told Jimin that he ‘looked lovely today’ (even though Jimin was in his Star Wars Pajamas with messy bed hair) and after a while,  he took him out to the park .
He took Jimin out to the small park beside Jimin’s house (Jimin himself had never seen the park, despite living near it..and he regretted not having done so before) ,and  the moment his eyes caught sight of the small field, spread out with patches of grass and fallen leaves from the small oak trees that  surrounded the benches, almost comically, he felt his eyes go wide and his jaw drop.
Jungkook laughed at his expression,and Jimin thought that it was the most beautiful thing he ever heard.
He laughed and chuckled so heavenly, the 4 o'clock sky, tainted with warm pink and orange, making him look like as if he’s an angel, his eyes twinkling like the almost-invisible stars in the sky.
He felt happy, and he felt loved. The park was beautiful , their date was beautiful, and Jungkook was beautiful and good Lord, no one but him would know just how much emotions he felt for the boy with that bunny smile.
So with a heart full of courage, he had told the boy that he loved him. And Jungkook, with a wide eyed smile, replied an “I love you too” with the same amount of enthusiasm as the latter.
And now, this park was more than just a small field by the pond, it was an abodement of all the amazing and horrible things that were to come .
The park was where they had their first date, it was where Jimin had said his first “I love you” and where they had their first anniversary.
But the park was also where they had their last date , it was where Jimin had said his last “ I love you” and where they had their last anniversary.
The park held so much memories, so much emotions that Jimin, after years and years of trying, still couldn’t properly decipher.
~ 10th August, 2014
It’s been a month since he last heard Jungkook say those three heavenly words.
It’s been a month since they last went on their Wednesday Coffee Date, or their Saturday Dinner Date.
It’s been a month.
And what sucks is the fact that they acted like everything was normal.
Jimin didn’t know what had happened, he didn’t know if he did something wrong (which he was pretty sure he did).
And so he tried talking to Jungkook, a lot of times, but everytime, Jungkook would reply with the answer
“I have work, I’m busy, Jimin”.
Jimin knew that was not the case, but he wasn’t one to nag about it.
Yes, Jimin was clingy, and he loved sticking close to his boyfriend but no, he wouldn’t stop Jungkook from doing whatever it is that he was.
Jimin kept himself out of Jungkook’s business, figuring that Jungkook would tell him what it was when he felt that the time was right.
But instead, the more he kept himself away from Jungkook’s matters, the further they drifted away.
And the more Jungkook started to become cold to Jimin. Started to ignore him and sometimes even downright shout at him.
Jimin felt upset, he felt horrible.
He didn’t know what to do, and so he did the only thing he knew best, he’d put on a smile and continue complimenting him, and showering him with love.
But soon enough, even that turned out to be useless. 'Cause everytime Jimin smiled at him, he’d just glare back. Everytime he tried to make small talk, he’d ignore him and everytime Jimin said “I love you”, he wouldn’t say it back, replying with something like “I know” or “Me too”.
And Jimin…he might be clumsy, he might get too attached and he might get emotionally biased, but he wasn’t stupid.
He knew that Jungkook was ignoring him on purpose, and he didn’t like that at all.
And so, he decided that once Jungkook comes home, he’ll make the boy talk and explain. And that they’d figure this out once and for all. . . . He never came home that night.
~ It was Jimin’s first time waking up in a cold, empty bed in months.
And it was Jimin’s first time crying in despair, alone in months.
When Jungkook had finally come home, he didn’t say a word, nor did he even look Jimin in the eye.
It agitated him, angered him and it hurt him.
What terrible terrible thing did he do that caused Jungkook to push Jimin away?
What did he do wrong that made them fall apart?
He had to know.
“kookie-ah”, he called out as he followed Jungkook into the room but got no response. And so he tried again.
“Jungkookie-” , he called again but was interrupted by a cold and stern voice.
“What??”, Jungkook glared at the younger boy, noticing that he was wearing one of Jungkook’s white hoodies, clearly way too big to perfectly fit.
(Jimin felt safer when he was surrounded by Jungkook’s warm scent of something between coffee and mint, not that Jungkook needed to know that)
Jimin had a lot to ask, but for now, he asked, “Why didn’t you come home last night?”
He wrapped his own arms around himself, shivering despite wearing warm clothes.
“Why should it matter? I’m here now, aren’t I?”, he asks back, sharply. Not really answering the question at all.
He wanted to say a lot of things, God, he wanted to scream and let his frustration out on Jungkook just like how he does on Jimin. But all that came out was a soft whimper of “I missed you”.
He bit his lip as he looked at anywhere but at the boy in front of him, trying his goddamn best not to cry.
He was waiting for Jungkook’s reply, but nothing came.
He looked back up with furrowed eyebrows as he looked at the boy.
And for once, he really looked at the boy. He looked at his sagging figure,at the tired expression that harbored itself on Jungkook’s face, his outfit was messy and ruffled.
God, it hurt Jimin just to look at Jungkook.
He came closer to the boy and observed his features as the younger boy just stood there, probably lost in thoughts.
Jimin reached his hand out to caress the boy’s face that he missed so so much, only to have the latter retreating, quickly flinching away from the touch.
Jimin would be lying if he said it didn’t hurt.
He slowly retreated his own hand, moving away from the boy.
He doesn’t want to touch you anymore.
He doesn’t want to love you anymore, he thought.
He felt his eyes stinging with pain, emotions and rage. Not at Jungkook, no, never at Jungkook. But at himself.
For being so stupid, and thinking that maybe all the taller boy needed was a little bit of loving and affection, when it had been Jimin himself who had been needing it all along.
He just craved for love and attention, something Jungkook didn’t want to give him anymore.
“what happened?”, Jimin finally managed to ask.
He needed to know.
“What do you mean 'what happened’?”, Jungkook asks back as he took off his leather jacket.
“You know exactly what I mean, Jeon Jungkook”, he replied with a firm voice.
He needed to know.
He saw Jungkook hesitate, open his mouth to speak and closing it.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, he says as he turned to face the other way and headed for the bathroom.
“ why are you being like this?!”, Jimin said with a loud voice.
Jimin, the boy who was the epitome of sunshine and happiness, Jimin, the boy who was gentle and never  got mad, had finally snapped.
“Why are you trying to push me away?! Everytime I try to talk to you, you’re always ignoring me or just shouting and screaming at me!”, he said, his arms flailing around in exasperation.
“You’re always either outside doing God knows what, or you’re at home hungover from drinking too much the other night! ”, Jimin’s breath quickened, as he spoke those words, “ And you’re never home for breakfast, or lunch or dinner. You stopped going on dates with me and you don’t smell like yourself anymore”, he finished with a slight whimper at his own words.
Jungkook had scoffed in reply, his patience was wearing thin as soon as Jimin had started to talk.
“Are you trying to say that I cheated on you?! Do you really think so lowly of me now?!!” ,he shouted.
Jimin flinched at that. Because, this isn’t what he meant to imply.
“ No I-”, he tried to say but was interrupted by his loud voice once more.
“You’re always like this !! God, is this why you’ve been annoyingly clinging to me so much?! Because you didn’t trust me?!” , he said and threw his jacket to the floor in anger.
This isn’t what he meant, at all.
“All I did was just ask a question! why are you being so-”, he says back and got interrupted, like he always does.
“ For fucks sake Jimin, just stop asking so many questions and stop being so annoying for once!”, He shouts again.
And Jimin whimpers at that. He hadn’t realized that he was crying till now.
Please don’t shout at me, he thought.
“ It’s as if you don’t even love me anymore.”, Jimin says, and this time, a bit softer than before. A bit more vulnerable and hurt .
“Well then maybe you’re right for once!! Maybe I don’t love you anymore! Maybe you’re just a burden to me !”, Jungkook said.
And if Jimin was hurt before, he was devastated now.
Jungkook didn’t love Jimin anymore.
He thought Jimin was annoying, clingy and just a burden.
He felt his throat tighten, his heart tugging and his eyes blurring from the crestfallen tears on his face.
“Oh…”, Jimin said, looking away.
“Well I - uh ”, Jimin tried saying something, but stopped himself before doing something stupid like telling him how sorry he was and how much he loves Jungkook or kissing him out of the blue.
“I’m gonna ..go to sle-”, he tried telling Jungkook but ended with a sob at the end of the sentence.
He went out of the suffocating room as quickly, and as fast as he could.Only wailing out in sobs once he was in the guest room, once Jungkook couldn’t hear him.
Needless to say, Jimin couldn’t sleep that night. Shivering and sobbing and repeating the same whimpers of “I love you” and “I’m sorry”. He stayed in the boy’s hoodie that night, huddling in and lingering on to his smell.
He regretted everything. He regretted ever asking him those questions, and Jimin  wished he didn’t know the things he did now.
Jungkook said he  didn’t love Jimin anymore, but he probably didn’t mean to say that, (Jimin hoped Jungkook didn’t mean that) , he probably got too carried away in the disputes.
And the shorter boy decided that he was going to fix this, 'cause God, Jimin can’t imagine his life without a certain Jungkook by his side, holding him, and telling him how much he loved him.
He would apologize the next morning, shower him with affection, cook him lunch for his work and tell him he loves him. He awaits for the next morning to come, with a will to say sorry for everything he did and to fix this once he sees Jungkook the next day. . . .
He waited for three years.
Jungkook never came back.
Flashback Ends
“Jimin”, Jungkook says in a hushed tone, almost whispering,  although the park was void of people.
Jimin internally scowled at the way Jungkook had said his name,  just like how he did three years ago.
But just like he said, it had been three years ago. And if it was the Jimin from three years ago, he’d be hugging Jungkook by now , forgiving him with open arms and tears of joy in his eyes.
But things were different now, Jimin wasn’t the fluffy ball of sunshine like he was before. His smile never reached his eyes anymore, and his words were stern and curt.
Old Jimin would’ve teared up and cried at the sight of his ex lover. But all Jimin did now was prominently glare at the taller boy.
“What the fuck are you doing here Jungkook?” ,he said in a cold manner.
Jungkook felt taken aback at the boy’s choice of words but replied anyhow, “I didn’t see the Busan sky in a while…I kinda missed it”, he looked up at the sky as he spoke the words.
The sky was turning into a lighter shade of blue by now.
“You and I both know that’s not what I meant”, Jimin said curtly. “Why the hell are you here in Busan??”, he continued, fuming.
Why? After three fucking years, why did he come back now?
And why was Jimin still feeling weird in the guts while looking at the taller boy?
He had his heart broken way too many times because of the boy standing in front of him, the sun was snatched from his hands the second Jungkook left him all alone, cold and forsaken, without any explanation.
He had tried to contact Jungkook, he called him everyday and every night, sent drunken texts to him about how much he missed the younger…. but Jungkook never replied.
It hurt Jimin to know how much he had given for his first love, when all he did was walk away.
The boy broke Jimin’s heart.
And  he wasn’t going to risk it again, never again. Which is why he built walls around him, he started to shield his emotions, not letting them through. He didn’t want to feel like that anymore.
And it was all Jungkook’s fault.
“I came back for you.”, the boy said softly, looking at Jimin with eyes that spoke more than any words could.
And if Jimin didn’t know any better, he would have believed him, would’ve thought that Jungkook was actually back for him. But Jimin didn’t fall for his words, no, not like how he used to.
Jungkook was wrong, he didn’t come back. Busan wasn’t a home for Jungkook to come back to, not anymore.
Jimin scoffed at Jungkook’s response. “No. You didn’t”, he said firmly.
“Jimin-”, Jungkook tried speaking but was interrupted by Jimin.
“You left, Jungkook. Without even telling me why. You left me alone and hurt. I kept thinking about what the fuck it was that I did wrong. What went so wrong that you felt the need to run away from your own goddamn house !” , Jimin fumed, his breath quickening.
Last time, Jungkook was the one who had screamed at him, and all Jimin did was listen.
And now, it was Jimin who screamed, and all Jungkook did was look at the boy that was so unlike the Jimin he knew.  
“But that’s not the worst part. The worst part was that I blamed myself for all this, when it was all your fault, Jeon. ”, he said pointedly.
“I’m sorry”, Jungkook said. Because there was nothing else left to say, nothing else he could possibly say.
Jimin laughed bitterly at the mention of Jungkook’s words, funny how Jimin used to be the one to apologize after every one of their fights and now Jungkook was the one who did so.
Too bad he didn’t forgive the taller boy. He wouldn’t, not after everything Jungkook put him through.
Jungkook opened his mouth to speak once again, and this time, Jimin let him.
“I didn’t run away because of  you, Jimin. ”, he started to say. “I ran away because of myself”, he smiled tightly and sadly at the latter, but Jimin only raised his eyebrows and glared at him. “Seoul was my dream place, Jimin. Busan… just wasn’t made for me ..I wanted to do music, to sing and perform in those big stages”, Jungkook said.
And Jimin could tell that Jungkook would have a beautiful voice. It made sense that Jungkook would want to be a singer. (Jimin wished he could hear Jungkook sing a song for him before)  
“I wanted to be an idol, Jimin. And frankly, I thought that being with you would just get in the way.”, he continued.
And if Jimin’s heart ached at that, then he didn’t show it.
“I thought putting feelings aside would make it easier for me, would make me fall out of love with you. And I thought that pushing you away would make you fall out of love too.”, Jungkook said, with tears brimming his eyes.
“I was selfish, Jimin. And maybe I still am.”
“God, Jiminie, I’m still so selfish, because..I still want to love you, Jimin. And everytime I looked up at the 4 o'clock sky, I couldn’t help but remember how beautiful you looked that day when you said you loved me.  I couldn’t help but miss you. ”, Jungkook said with a lone tear strayed down his cheek.
Jimin felt his eyes sting as he heard those words. No, he wasn’t falling for this again.
“Go away, Jungkook-ah”, he said curtly, his voice cracking ever-so-slightly.
The longer Jimin would stay there, the more he felt like breaking down. He needed to go as far away from the taller boy as possible.
And so he walked away with angry steps, but Jungkook called after him, “Jimin, wait!”, he says desperately.
And Jimin was raged. He turned around to pointedly look at Jungkook, who felt a cold shiver run down his spine as he looked back.
“I waited for three years Jungkook-ah, and what good did I get from that?”, he asked, his sore voice sounding raw and just tired.
And if Jungkook felt guilty before, he was downright ashamed of himself.
He felt ashamed, and he wanted to cower away and hide in a corner. But this was Jimin, and he wasn’t going to give up on him, not again.
Cautiously, he came closer to the boy who kept glaring daggers at him.
“B-but I still love you Hyung, I-”, he said but got interrupted by Jimin, who grabbed Jungkook by the arm and pulled the him towards himself harshly, staring at him with cold eyes that were void of the sparkle and glimmer they once had.
“Can you see my eyes, Jeon Jungkook?! You did this. You monster”.
And with that, Jimin let go, he turned around and walked away.
Never looking back, afraid that he might change his mind if he looked at the boy for one more second.
And for the first time , Jungkook was left heartbroken, as Jimin walked away.
The End! So…what did you guys think? 😏 Did I give y’all the angsty feeling hihihi (i hope i did lel)  Anyways~~ I wanted to try and base this oneshot off of “4 O’Clock by BTS R & V” if ya havent already noticed~ And yes, I will be writing another alternative ending, just cos I hate making y’all suffer. :3 
Thanks for reading!! ❣️
Crossposted in AFF
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daydreamindollie · 7 years
My Childhood Best Friend Is A Jerk! | 01 | p.jm x f.r
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Jimin x Reader - My Childhood Best Friend Is A Jerk! 01
[High School, Childhood, Best Friends au]
Genre: Fluff and Angst
Length: 5.5k
Quick Summary: You've had the biggest crush on your childhood, best friend's friend - Jeon Jungkook. After confessing such a secret, you were able to finally have the courage to show your emotions in several ways just to get your crush's attention but no matter what, something always goes wrong! Is it just bad luck, or sabotage?
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It was a warm Saturday evening. The sun had just dipped below the city's fluctuating horizon as a gentle breeze whispered an introduction for the silver moon and glittering stars. Eventually, the youthful night took over the skies, gently gazing over the unwinding souls who were either, staying in their humble abodes, or wandering the gold-lit streets with pleasant company.
As per usual, yours and Jimin's parents were out on their double date night, leaving the two of you to your usual sleepover. It had become a simple and easy routine as the two of you were neighbours with parents that were friends, leading the two of you to also become close. The bond the two of you shared dates all the way back to when you were both 5.
Your parents had just moved to Busan, right beside the Park family, which was what started everything off. Attending the same schools, being the same age and having parents that were quick to become friends, the two of you were led to share many memories and secrets together, not that either of you complained, but you still couldn't successfully negotiate whether it was a good or bad thing to have somebody else know you better than yourself.
Jimin and his brother (Jihyun), over a long and happy time, had become the brothers you never had but you were much closer to Jimin than Jihyun, only because the two of you were closer in age, meaning that things were much more relatable between the two of you.
"What should we watch tonight?" Jimin asked as you prepared the snacks and drinks. Jihyun always went over to his friends’ house on Saturdays, which left you and Jimin alone together, strengthening the bond between you both.
"I'm cool with anything Jiminnie!"
"Alright, then Chubs." he teased as you stepped into the living room with your arms filled with snacks. 'Chubs' was his nickname for you, one that developed from your plump cheeks and love for sweet things. You honestly didn't mind but only if he kept it between the two of you because you wouldn't want anybody else calling you such a thing; the right was reserved only for Jimin. He should be grateful that you've given him such a privilege but you never pointed it out because it would only boost his already inflated ego. "I've just put on a random one since I couldn't decide." he moved to sit on the sofa as you nodded whilst placing the snacks onto the coffee table.
Once everything was set, you made yourself comfortable by snuggling into the male's side, tucking the crown of your head under his chin as your cheek pressed into his collarbone, in response he wrapped an arm across your shoulders and squeezed you closer to his side, eliciting a giggle from you.
"I like your puppy onesie," you mumbled, poking at his chest before softly tracing patterns over the soft material. "It suits your personality."
"Thanks." his voice came out soft, so much so that it was as if he was whispering. Just as you felt his fingers beginning to twirl and fiddle with your hair, you shuffled to stare up at him only to meet his hooded gaze. His chocolate irises were swirling with an emotion you couldn't grasp but your eyes slowly moved inward once you noticed that your proximities were so intimate that your noses were touching. "(Y/N).." he uttered.
Unfamiliar with the ambience in the air, and adamant at shaking off the alarming tension, you shook your head side to side with a masking giggle. He chuckled back breathlessly and collaborated with the Eskimo kiss.
"This is so weird." you forced out through sniggers, only to have him pull away.
"Then you're the weird one for starting it," he smirked as you began to whine, tugging at his onesie to further express your protest at the statement.
Eventually, the two of you returned your attention to the moving pictures displaying itself and indulged in the story. In between your cuddling pair, you were the one that moved forward to grab at the provided snacks most, but you were sure that it was only because you would end up feeding Jimin as well so he didn't really have a reason to stretch out his limbs.
"This movie is getting boring," you claimed.
"Then let's play a game." you raised a brow to encourage him further with his suggestion, "Truth or truth."
"Because I'm too lazy to be doing dares."
"You're right," you sighed, "I'm feeling pretty lethargic too."
"I'll start then..." he hummed in thought as you munched on your favourite packet of potato chips, your full attention on him. For a moment, he adjusted you in his arms so that you sat more comfortably before continuing, "Do you like anyone at the moment?" he seemed hesitant but you were too busy choking on your beloved chips to be focusing on the uncertainty he was emitting from his expression.
"Wh-what was that?"
"Do you like anyone?" he looked very serious and it worried you somewhat; he wasn't usually like this. "As in 'like' like." he quickly added, knowing that you'd reply through any provided loophole.
"Well..." you paused as his breathing practically stopped from low-key apprehension, "Yes, I've liked someone for a while now." a blush blossomed over your rounded cheeks.
"Who is it?!"
You smirked and clicked your tongue. "Now now Jiminnie, that wasn't what you asked."
"Stupid loopholes," you laughed at his despair.
"Don't insult my saviours!" you snapped playfully before he tackled you and began tickling your sides.
"Tell me!" he demanded with a laugh as your cheeks burned red from the mischievous stimulation of his hands and the embarrassment of your secret.
"Tell me who because I can do this all night!" he was right. With thighs as muscular as his and with such a sturdy frame, he can very well keep you under him with his impish fingers poking at your tickle spots until you wet your pants.
"Alright alright!" you almost screamed, "Just stop and let me catch my breath!" pulling his hands away, he let you calm your racing heart.
"...so, who is it?"
"I like Jeon Jungkook."
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"What do I do Jimin?" you whined, gripping and tugging on his shirt before hugging him around the torso with your face pressed into his chest.
"Well, first of all, you won't get anywhere if you continue whining like this." you pouted and looked up at him as he chuckled.
"You don't seem to be complaining." you shot back, motioning to the arms he had wrapped around your waist, pressing you into him further from where they met at the small dip of your back.
His eyes quickly disappeared, becoming happy, crescent moons, "That's just because you're so cute when you're complaining." he smiled happily and bopped your button nose before settling his hand back to embrace you.
"Do you think Jungkook likes cute girls?" you wondered, your chin pressing into his chest as you continued to stare up at him - your eyes, thinking.
"He likes smart girls..." Jimin trailed off and directed your attention, with a motion of his head, to your school work with his eyes.
"Ugh! I don't stand a chance then! I'm horrible at everything whereas he's the exact opposite!" pulling away, you slumped in front of your incomplete homework.
"...I think you have a chance..."
Smiling at the support, you cuddled into him as he sat down beside you, "Thank you Jiminnie.". Continuing to do work, it wasn't until late into the night that you found it appropriate to talk about your crush again. "What should I do to catch his attention?" you mumbled, initiating a cute habit you developed whenever you were thinking - your arms crossed after resting a pen in between your nose and your pursed lips, your eyes would then close whilst your brows furrowed softly. It always made Jimin chuckle in amusement no matter his current moods - you were too cute for your own good. "Do you have any ideas Jiminnie?" asking audibly, led to you dropping your pen from its perch but you didn't care and only groaned.
"Just be yourself."
"That's what everyone says."
"But they're not wrong, he wouldn't be compatible for you and you wouldn't be truly happy if you couldn't be yourself around him, so trust me and whoever else told you to do that."
"I guess you have a point but I need to at least let him know that I like him!"
"Sleep on it and I'm sure it'll come to you in a dream." looking over at the male, he had his hands up with fingerings mimicking the magic of dreams, which you laughed at.
"Alright. I'll pack up."
"And I'll walk you home."
"I live just a few steps away Jimin, you really don't have to." you laughed, carefully tucking your papers into a neat folder.
"I want to." he pressed, "You never know what'll happen out there when it's dark. I don't know what I'd do if anything to happen to you." he reached out and caressed the curve of your cheek - a loving gesture he always performed to you and only you, which made you feel beyond special. Placing a hand over his and pressed your cheek into his warm palm, you closed your eyes and hummed in bliss.
"I don't know what I'll do without you either Jimin."
"Likewise Chubs."
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Usually, you would be crabby on Mondays because it meant starting another week of school and you were never down for that. This Monday was different, however. This Monday is the day you would be making your first move on Jungkook. Yes, this Monday, you're going to slip a letter into his locker, carrying some words of encouragement to help him through his Monday because everyone must hate Mondays too.
"Alright..." you mumbled to yourself. "So, Jimin said that Jungkook's locker was number 103." spotting the number after some moments, your face brightened instantly and quickly moved to slot the letter through one of the slim openings above the padlock. "I hope this is the right locker..." you mindlessly uttered, only to shake your head in denial straight after, "No. Jimin said it was 103 and I trust him." just as you uttered that, footsteps from down the hall was picked up by your vigilant ears. Without even looking over at who the steps belonged to, you dashed away to stand behind the corner at the other end of the pristine hall.
"Ugh, I hate Mondays." a deep voice groaned. That was Yoongi, you can just tell as stifled you giggled - it was only out of your deep desire to vanquish the anxious butterflies in your stomach.
"You always say that on Mondays Hyung." Jimin chuckled, which you smiled at finding his voice calming in your currently highly strung plight.
"Because there's no point in saying it any another day" Yoongi sarcastically shot back. You can just imagine him pulling the face he would usually draw out whenever he was being caustic.
"So what do you have next Hyung?" that was Jungkook! Your heartbeat suddenly quickened and thumped loudly in your eardrums.
"Fucking maths." the lazy elder groaned once more as the opening of several lockers was heard. This was it. Jungkook was going to receive your letter. What will he think? Will he be happy? Creeped out? Curious?... How will he react? Peaking your head past the edge of the wall, you watched as Yoongi brought out your letter from within his locker - what?
"Ooo! Hyung has a secret admirer!" Jungkook teased as you felt your world crumbling.
"It isn't." Yoongi established after reading through your letter, "It's just some encouraging words to help me get through today. That's nice of someone." a meagre smile crossed his lips and, whilst you were somewhat glad for that, it wasn't initially for him. Now, you just seemed further away from your aim.
Everything had gone horribly wrong!
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"You said his locker number was 103!" you stressed with flying arms of exaggeration.
"No, I said 101," Jimin replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "You must have misheard me."
"But I swear that you said 103!" you pouted with furrowed brows.
"Nope." he denied firmly, "I definitely said 101."
Stomping your feet with clenched hands, you sobbed incoherent words of anger and frustration before running into Jimin's arms for comfort. In a loving manner, he stroked your hair whilst whispering words of assurance.
"At least I helped brighten Yoongi-oppa's day." you optimised as Jimin hummed in agreement.
"And I can make certain that he was very grateful for that."
"That's good..." you sighed, quite disheartening. That didn't mean that you weren't any less determined, however - in fact - you only became all the more hell-bent on accomplishing your goal.
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It's taken several weeks before you finally built up enough courage to getting Jungkook to notice your love for him once more. The task only seems to grow even more intimidating with every passing day, especially when he continues being the perfect person that he was.
He's talented in the performing arts, an amazing athlete and knowledgeable of his subjects. You were lucky enough to sit near him in several of them, which you were rather shy but grateful over. At one end, you didn't want him finding out how horrible you were at Chemistry but, in another, there was great thrill inside you when you were provided with the best chances in showing him how gifted you were at all things creative (in art), even if he himself was just as good.
"So, what's your next strategy?" Jimin asked across from you with a warm beverage cupped in his hands.
"I don't know..." you frowned, not in a fair mood to talk, which wasn't like your commonly bubbly self. This made Jimin uncomfortable so he quickly came up with a suggestion to help motivate you.
"How about you make him something?... You like art, and you're really good at it too! Maybe you can draw a picture of him?" he was about to continue and explain how you could go about the task but you were quick to intervene.
"Wouldn't he find that creepy though?"
"He won't think it's weird. You're really good at being creative and skilled at handling art utensils so he won't get offended. I can speak from first-hand experience." you smiled and nodded, "you get me?" Jimin grinned.
"Is that how you felt when I drew your portrait for your birthday?"
"Yup! But you really didn't have to wait until you mastered drawing portraits, I would have loved it anyway because it was from you," he confessed as you became flustered and quickly embraced him as per usual - whenever he made a sweet as candy comment.
"You're the best Jimin!"
"Jungkook's clearly better though because he's the lucky guy who unknowingly swept you off your feet." Jimin teased, getting you all the redder.
"That's different! You're different from him!" you protested as he scuffed, "I'm not lying!..." you bravely stared into his eyes, "I love you Jimin."
"...Do you love me or Jungkook?"
"Well those are two different types of love." you pushed out your bottom lip, airily vexed at his indignation. He didn't reply and only leaned down to press his lips against your temple.
"I know..."
Was that sadness in his eyes?
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After weeks of hard work, Jungkook's portrait was finally done and you were so proud. It had taken so much energy and effort for you to even come close to matching his perfectly toned skin; perfectly sculpted face; perfectly angled eyes; perfectly tinted lips, perfectly swept hair and perfectly pinched nose. Deep down, you knew that such a portrait can never replicate the real thing but you were still very pleased - the ending result of all your hard work is such a masterpiece.
Giddy at the vision of handling such art to him, you quickly pecked your parents on the cheek before tottering to the door, where you slipped on your shoes and readied yourself for the walk to school with your neighbour and best friend. Upon opening the door, you were met with the smell of the damp air, a cold breeze and the rattling of rain.
"Oh no..." your portrait was on an A3 piece of paper and you didn't want it crumpling up in your bag so you were having to carry it in your hands. Biting your lip, you closed the door rushed back to your room, where you carefully placed it atop your desk. "I guess that I'll have to give it to him another day." It was frustrating but you didn't want to risk it getting ruined just because you were impatient. At least you had finally finished it. Grabbing your umbrella, you quickly made your way downstairs and out the door but your mum was just opening up the entrance to the sight of your gently soaked best friend and neighbour. "Jimin!" you squealed and ran into his arms, greeting him a good morning as soon as he uttered one himself.
"Well, the two of you better hurry up and go to school or else you'll be late. Hurry along now." your mother softly ushered the two of you outside and just as you were beginning to think that you were in the clear at closing of the door, your mother - being the 'mature' adult that she was - quickly slipped in a blush-inducing comment, "The two of you might as well hold hands on the way there - you're basically a couple already!" she laughed loudly and slammed the door, leaving you no time to recover and protest.
"She-...she's so embarrassing!" you wailed, "And also, she has the wrong idea." pushing away from the brunette male, you coughed and opened up your umbrella. "Come on Jiminnie! Let's get going or else we'll be really late!"
"S-sorry!" he rushed to your side, slipping under your umbrella with you. "So what's the plan for today?" he quipped.
"There's no plan."
"Oh?" he raised a brow.
"It's raining so I can't risk the portrait getting wet. I'll have to bring it in tomorrow instead. It's frustrating but-" an idea hit you, "oh, no, wait! It's perfect!" you cheered as Jimin took over holding the umbrella, knowing that your arms would start swinging about in your excitement. "We have Art tomorrow so I'll put it on his desk during break so that when we have class right after, he can find it for himself and I wouldn't have to confront him personally! This is perfect!" you cheered in delight, eyes sparkling and heart pounding at the prospect of Jungkook's reactions to the deed.
"Yeah. That's great."
"It's all thanks to you! Thank you Jiminnie!" your smile was brighter than anything, becoming a sun all in itself just for him. Your brilliant smile was too radiant, however, that it made his heart clench in pain from staring too long.
"No problem."
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As planned, you had put Jungkook's portrait on his desk before looking for Jimin. In your search for your best friend, you went to ask the boys after having no luck in finding him for the past five minutes.
"(Y/N)!" Taehyung called, spotting you just as you spotted their table and began making the journey over, "Come, sit!" the cheery male offered, patting the set beside him, which you giggled at and went ahead with accepting. You tried not to show your alarm when it meant that you had to sit right in front of Jungkook so you immediately became cautious over the burning sensation dusting your cheeks.
"Hey Noona." he smiled with his cute bunny teeth.
"Hi." you coughed to cover up the meekness of your reply, "Have any of you seen Jimin?"
"Oh~ You mean your boyfriend?~" Hoseok teased as you laughed with a shake of your head.
"We're just friends Hobi."
"But the two of you are always doing lots of skinship and act really cute together," Jungkook exclaimed, earning several nods of agreement.
You were quick to deny such an outrageous (especially from your crush), "That's only because we've been friends for a really long time. We're really comfortable around each other."
"I bet he goes to you all the time for his girl problems then." yoongi nonchalantly commented, making you furrow your brows.
"...N-No...he doesn't actually..." you looked at their disbelieving faces, "does he have any problems concerning girls?" this was certainly something new because Jimin had never voiced problems of that sort to you before.
"Yeah. Don't you know? He's liked this girl for a really long time now. Apparently, she's the cutest, kindest and funniest girl he's ever met. We were hoping that you knew who it was." Namjoon explained.
"He..." your heart was clenching and you don't know why "He never told me." you forced past the lump in your throat.
"Maybe he's shy about it around you because you're a girl." Jin hypothesised as you hesitantly agreed.
"I guess."
There was a moment of tense silence that stretched out before the shrill ringing of the school bell alerted everyone the end of break.
"We have art next. Let's walk together noona." Jungkook offered, which you blushed and nodded at.
"Alright," you said goodbye to the others before heading off with Jungkook, who initiated in a comfortable conversation with you. The two of you laugh and smiled, happy in each others company whilst reaching the doors to your art room.
"Good thing we sit next to each other. I don't want our conversation ending just yet." Jungkook confessed as your heart skipped multiple beats.
"M-me neither." Entering the room, your eyes trailed off to your table were they quickly widened at the teach scrubbing away at a spillage of red paint on Jungkook's seat and desk. "Wh-what happened?" you asked in a panic. The portrait was nowhere in sight.
"Some imbecile spilt red poster paint over an A3 piece of paper and left without cleaning up their mess!" this can't be happening. "Poster paint is a real joy to clean up," your teacher sarcastically commented, still scrubbing away as you tried to process everything, "so I'm afraid that, Jungkook, you're going to have to sit somewhere else for the moment. Just find a free space and sit there, I don't care where."
"I'm sorry (Y/N)," Jungkook patted your shoulder, "I guess we'll have to continue our conversation another time." he then walked off to find another free space which he ultimately located beside the prettiest girl in class.
Was this karma or bad luck?
As soon as the day was over, you walked home to Jimin's house, where you broke down once the door to his room shut closed behind the two of you.
"I can't believe this!" you cried with endless tears cascading over your lashes and staining Jimin's long-sleeved, striped shirt. The two of you were lying on his bed, laying on your sides and facing each other. You were desperately clinging onto him, crying your eyes out as he pressed you closer and closer into his body with both arms wrapped around you.
"I'm sorry that happened (Y/N)..."
"I-I worked so hard-" you hiccuped, sniffled and continued sobbing, "Why are things always going wrong?"
"Shhh." Jimin comforted. "I'm sure you can get him next time..." the contractions in his chest were becoming unbearably painful but he had to be there for you, it's the only way he's able to redeem himself.
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"I'm going to make him a bento box filled with all of his favourite foods!" you announced during one of your Saturday sleepover sessions, this time, the two of you were just cuddling in his bed and talking as an alternative to your usual movie marathoning.
"What?!" you giggled at Jimin's blown-wide eyes. "Can't you make me one first?" he whined as you raised a brow, "I'll be your test subject and approve it before you make one for him."
"That's a really stupid excuse Jimin," you countered with a laugh, "you just want me to make you lunch!"
"Is that so wrong?" he pouted cutely.
"Well...no..." you stressed and sighed at his puppy-dog eyes once you dared your self to go on and look, "I guess I'll.. make you one..."
He raised a brow at your scrunched expression, "I can hear a 'but' coming."
"And you're right!" you grinned, giggling, "BUT I'll make it for you after you hand it over to Jungkook for me." he groaned but agreed.
It took you a bit of research but you finally found out Jungkook's favourite foods. Thankfully, after this, the making of Jimin's bento wouldn't be so delayed since you already knew all of his favourites.
You brought the freshest ingredients, made the exact measurements perfectly settle to the appropriate line and cooked the evening away. Everything has to be perfect for your crush, who was perfection himself in spite of being the youngest in your friendship group. Admittedly, he was younger than you but it wasn't by much so you were never stopped or discouraged.
When placing everything in the bento box, you made sure it was displayed neatly but also looked cute. The ending result was worth all your hard work and research, he'd certainly like the red theme because that was his favourite colour and you're sure that he'd appreciate the small pizza you decorated with colourful toppings, there was also a small section for some sashimi and alongside that (but in its own spill-proof container) you included a small helping of pork soup rice. It was perfect and you were already anticipating his reaction. 
Hopefully he'll like it.
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"Jimin, can you hand this to him?" you asked with a blush as you inched the bento lunch closer to your trusted friend.
"Why? Shouldn't you be the one handing it to him?"
"Please! You'd be doing me a solid!" his look of hesitance made you pull out your ultimate tarot card, you had it prepared just in case this would ever happen, "I promise that after this, I'll make you bentos for a month!"
His eyes brightened at the idea, "Really?"
"You have my word."
"Alright then..." there was an emotion in his eyes that you couldn't comprehend but you let it slip and trusted him with your bento. You know that he'll successfully deliver the lunch for you. If things went well, nothing will become of it whilst in his hands. It was a very unlikely outcome because you knew that Jimin would take care of all the things that you valued. It was just his nature to and you adored that about him.
"Thanks a bunch, Jiminie!" overwhelmed with excitement, you leaned over and quickly pecked his cheek before skipping off to class just as the bell echoed through the halls.
You were happily getting along in geography until you made the move of asking for permission in order to go and take a toilet break. With boys, the teacher was more hesitant with letting go of but girls were meant to always be excused because they could possibly be in their monthly cycle - it's a little unfair on the boys but you weren't complaining; that agreement had actually saved you, several times, from embarrassing yourself in class.
Heading out of class, you made your way to the toilets that you knew were kept moderately clean. Upon turning the corner of an elongated hallway, you saw Jimin walking out of class with your bento box and instantly started following him, curious over why he would bring it out. He headed to the back of the school and was beginning to approach a bin after reaching a secluded area.
What was he doing?...
Once he began opening the lid of your bento box at the side of the bin, your eyes instantly widened in shock and realisation.
"Jimin?" you called out, turning his attention towards you.
"(Y/N)..." his eyes stared unbelievingly at you.
"W-Were you just about to..." you began, choking up, and so against the idea that you couldn't finish your sentence.
"I-It's not what it looks-" you quickly cut him off with an anger you never thought you could ever direct at him - a friend you've always trusted and loved.
"No! Tell me! Were you or were you not, just about to throw my bento for Jungkook away!" he, too, was shocked at your volume and projection of rage, frozen in place with tense shoulders and a beading cold sweat collecting at his hairline.
"Just hear me out-"
"I can't believe that you would do something like that!" he didn't deny it, so he was obviously intending to go through with what you were accusing him of. Your heart was breaking, slowly but surely over his act of treachery. You've built up so much faith in him over the course of most of your life and, now, it's all crumbling down in the span of just one moment, you've never anticipated anything like this to ever happen between the two of you. "Were you also the one that spilled the red poster paint over my portrait of him?" as much as it hurt you to say it, you wanted an explanation, "And did you actually tell me the false locker number before denying ever saying that you did after that humiliating failure?!" his gaze couldn't meet yours, his hands were clenching and unclenching at his sides, he was being so cowardly and he hated it but what could he do? "WELL?!"
"...Yes...that was me." your heart, who was trying so hard to maintain its whole form collapsed into a million shards as tears of hate and betrayal spilt over your lashes. Unlike the many times previous, you weren't running into Jimin's arms for comfort. He wasn't holding you tightly, he wasn't wiping your tears away, he wasn't whispering words of reassurance into your ear simply because this time, it wasn't another force making you cry; it was him - he was the cause for your tears "I can't believe it! Why?! Give me one good reason why!" you were almost spitting and biting at him. If you weren't given a comprehendible answer soon, it was very likely that you would go crazy.
"Because..." he paused, finally looking up to lock gazes with you, bravely striding over and grasping your shoulders, "Because I love you, okay?!"
Your eyes widened in incredibility. "Wh-?"
"Haven't I been obvious enough?!" his grip tightened and you winced but he didn't notice, too focused on confessing everything he had been holding it in too long. All he wanted was to be honest with you so that the weight on his shoulders could be lifted; this was his chance. "I've always been there for you no matter what: I was your shoulder to cry on, I was your main support other than your parents, I took care of you when you were sick, I hung out with you whenever you were feeling lonely and I shared my most precious memories - ever - with you!" he took a moment to breathe, "Now that I've found out you've been crushing on my friend, how do you think I feel? I know it was selfish of me to go behind your back and do all those hateful things but please understand!"
Your shoulders shook with anger as you bit back with unadulterated revolt, "How can I even begin to understand you when I can't get over the fact that you would even do something so shocking?! I trusted you and you betrayed me!" you were breathless with abhor but you kept going; stubbornly saying anything that came to mind, "I HATE YOU JIMIN!". His grip on your shoulders loosened considerably before clenching harder than ever as quickly as his eyes flashed dangerously.
"...you don't mean that...You Don't Mean That! Take It Back!" there were denial and desperation swimming in his pools of mud brown.
"I do mean it!" you spat hatefully, "Now go away and leave me alone!" you grabbed at his arms and tried to push him off, squirming around in his grip, "I don't need a deceitful, habitual liar - like you - in my life!" you sobbed and choked, your vision blurry as your face bloomed red.
With your mind rushing, the presence of soft lips were the only things that made the world stop around you. Jimin had you in a gradually loosening grip with his velvet-soft, pink lips embracing your own, hoping hopelessly that you'd see be able to finally understand that the two of you were meant for each other. Furious over his audacity, you took advantage of his slacked hold and roughly pushed him away.
Striking your hand across his cheek you afflicted a sore burning red over his once cream-coloured skin.
Running away was all that you could do, refusing to spare a look over the shoulder at the man shedding tears of devastation and suppressing agonising sobs.
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next [final]: 02
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nochu-specs · 7 years
the schoolbook of love
my first namjoon writing ever. i’m not 100% happy with it, but i think it’s ok. i hope you all enjoy nevertheless. remember that feedback is very much appreciated! -sen
summary: you’re the new girl in school, and you’re teamed up with the smart guy in class. what could happen?
genres: fluff, angst??
word count: 9.3k
pairing: namjoon x reader
warnings!: -
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Starting a new life is nowhere near as scary as leaving the old one behind. See, it's easy to start something new, but dropping something you've been used to for years, and trying to build a new life and ways to function is very hard. So, starting in a new school could be described as a very frustrating experience. All what you have known about social circles and so on, are not valid anymore. The people are new, the teachers are new, the classrooms are new, everything's new. Heck, even the schoolbooks are new. Some are lucky, and they can easily leave something meaningless behind. So for you, it felt like nothing to change schools. You didn't own any friends in your old school, and you had your doubts about finding friends in the new school either. You were there to study - and that what you were going to do. It was the first Monday in the new city. You had waken up early to get to a shower, wash up and make yourself even slightly better looking. Not that you were trying to impress anyone - you just wanted to feel better about your first day of school. Whether it was worked or not, that should be asked from the students, not you. You dressed up, ate a small breakfast, and then made your way to the new building where you educational would be held. The principal had given you a tour around the school last Friday, so basically you should be familiar with getting around the school. You were wrong. Terribly wrong. You had no idea where any type of an class was, and of course the map you'd been given had gone missing. What a way to start your school life in the new school - lost and late. "Hey, excuse me? Are you lost?" You heard a quiet voice of a girl behind you. You turned around, and a rather short girl, with a pretty smile was standing in front of you. You smiled back - no need to be rude. "Yeah. It's my first day. Do you know where's the history class?" You asked and the girl smiled widely. She nodded. "Yes! I'm going there too. Mind walking with me? I'm Eunha, by the way", she said and grinned. "I'm Y/N. Let's go", you said. Eunha just nodded, and lead the way. Eunha seemed like a good person - she wasn't jumping on you asking everything about your life or if you and her could be friends forever until the world collides. She made you feel comfortable in the strange environment. Maybe the school wouldn't be so bad. Eunha could be someone you could spend time with in school, maybe even outside. It would all depend on her behaviour for the next few hours. "Why did you move?" Eunha broke the silence between you two. People were still crowding the hallways, chatting filling every silence that could happen. You shrugged your shoulders. "My parents needed to move. I didn't mind, I don't own many friends. They chose a good school - this one - so I just came", you explained. Eunha just nodded, and you smiled. She wasn't going to ask you every single little detail about your life before, and you appreciated that. Openness wasn't your forte, and Eunha didn't want you to make it one.
Eunha and you arrived in the class. The teacher was overly excited about getting you into her class. Not that you cared - to you it was only a new class with a new teacher and new students. No one wants to come off as rude though, so you smiled at her. All was well - nothing had happened yet. "Miss Y/L/N, you can sit next to Mister Kim Namjoon right there", the professor said and you nodded. Eunha tried to pull your hand to say something, but you weren't there to disobey a teacher. You got seated next to the guy. You had to admit - he was good looking, but you weren't there to drool over boys, or girls for that case. That just wasn't you. He answered you with a polite smile and then turned to look at the board where the teacher was doodling something about the first world war. Strange - but it might just work. The lesson started properly and while the professor kept going on and on about the gases they used during the war time. You stole a look at the boy sitting next to you. He had an interested look on his face, and he kept scribbling something to his notebook - probably just notes from the class. At least he takes his studying seriously, and doesn't mess around in school. "Listen up, class! You know I mentioned the project for this course? We're starting it today. I'll be announcing the groups and subjects you'll be working on. You have ten days to finish it - please make sure you do!" The proffesor announced five minutes before the bells would ring. The whole class groaned in annoyance, expect you and Namjoon. This was just another project - school is school and in school you must do assignments that the teachers give you. At least you thought that way, others didn't seem to. "Group number one is Miss Y/N Y/L/N, Mr. Kim Namjoon, Jung Eunha, Jeon Somin, Kim Seokjin and Park Jimin. Your subject is the Western front in the First World War", the professor called out, and you heard Eunha's litle voice whisper something to the girl sitting next to her, you figured out it would be Somin. You turned around to face Namjoon, who gave you a smile. Eunha, Somin, and the two guys sitting in front of you turned to yours and Namjoon's direction. "What even happened in the first world war? I mean, I've heard of Mussolini and all", one of the boys said and you furrowed your eyebrows. Was he serious? "That was the second world war, Seokjin-hyung", Namjoon said next to you. He didn't seem too shocked by his friend being very uneducated. Strange. You hummed in agreement, and looked at the people next to you. There was no hope, it was time to take matters into your own hands. You opened your little notebook and started scribbling your plans. "I figured two of you could do as in why the war started in the western front, like what were the problems and issues behind the war. Two could write about how the war was stuck in the western front. Reasons, and why it continued that way. The remaining two could write about how and why did the war end, and how did affect all the other countries, and especially Germany. Does this sound like a plan?" You said, and when the last word was written, you lifted your gaze from the paper only to be met with 4 confused, impressed faces, and one smiling face. Namjoon nodded at your idea, smiling widely. "Sounds great. Me and Y/N can do the first one. Choose your partners, go", Namjoon said with his deep voice while showing off his dimpled smile. You smiled back, while the other groaned and choose their seated partners. "Namjoon, it's not fair! Clearly Y/N is smarter than all of us, probably even smarter than you, how could you just steal her?" Eunha asked and you looked at her, answering her with a smile. "Well Eunha, it's about time you'll all learn a bit about history. Holocaust, in the first world war, seriously?" Namjoon laughed and Seokjin groaned. "Say it one time while being sleep-deprived and they never let it go", Seokjin groaned and the guy - you guessed it would be Jimin - laughed a little. "Okay. Class dismissed. Please work on your projects!" the professor yelled over all the loud chatting. Namjoon got up from his seat. "Library, tomorrow at 6 in the evening, is everyone alright with that? Yes? Good", he said, without letting anyone answer his question. With that, he was off. A strange, but smart guy. Interesting. "Y/N! We have lunch, wanna come with me?" Eunha asked you and you nodded, smiling. Maybe the school would be alright, after all.
Eunha was a nice girl to you. She asked just the right questions, and told you just enough about the school so that you wouldn't accidentally embarrass yourself or anything. She told you more about Namjoon, the surprisingly smart guy next to you. She told you that his grades were super high, highest in the school and that he had his friends. Eunha mentioned that he was single in a rather suggestive way, but you didn't consider it that important. A guy is a guy, a girl is a girl. How could you have a boyfriend if you didn't even have proper friends yet? The school day ended sooner than you would've guessed. At least that's what it felt like. Eunha asked you to hang out with her, and for a change, you agreed to come with her. She took you to her house and spilled all the dirty secrets of the school. You asked a few questions about the mysterious Namjoon guy. Turned out, he was one of the smartest guys in the whole school. Liked, and well-mannered. Seemed like a good guy. After hours and hours of talking with Eunha, you went home, and your mind was consumed by Namjoon. Who was he? Could you get to know him? What if he was the total opposite of what you thought? The following school day was also short. Namjoon had psychology class with you, and he actually had a conversation with you, before the teacher came into class. "Oh, hi. Y/N, wasn't it?" Was the first thing he asked. You nodded and seated yourself next to him - all the other seats were taken by other people. "How was the first day of school?" He asked. Polite, you thought. Not even Eunha had asked you that. "It was alright. A school is a school. This just seems better than my old one", you smiled and he nodded. His dimples showed whenever he flashed that pretty smile of his. What a charming point. "Well, then", he said when he heard steps from high heels coming from outside. I hope you enjoy this school. It's a bit strange, but not bad at all", he laughed and you answered with a smile. When the teacher stepped in, he went silent and focused everything on his work. No one could distract him from getting all his class assignments ready. After the teacher dismissed the class, he stood up. "See you at six, aight?" He said, waited for your response - a plain nod - and then ran off to another class. What a strange guy. The clock striked four, and all your classes for the day were completed, you jumped on the bus home to make yourself ready for tonight's study session. The clock striked 5:45pm after what felt like an eternity and it could've not been any sooner. You walked downstairs, put your shoes on and got out of the house. If you and Namjoon could work on the project in peace, the fact that his friends didn't know much about basic history wouldn't be so bad at all. You arrived two minutes early at the library, where Namjoon, Seokjin and Somin where already seated. You smiled and made your way to them, sitting next to Namjoon. They both smiled and greeted you. They both already had opened their books, and it seemed as if Somin was trying to learn something. That's only good, right? Somin must know something before making a project. It didn't take long for Jimin and Eunha to arrive to the library either. They laughed with each other rather loudly, but it was soon stopped by Somin shushing them. Eunha rolled her eyes, still sitting next to her friend. Jimin went to next to Seokjin, saying to hello to you in the process. You answered with a smile. Namjoon looked at everyone and then smiled. "Okay", he whispered and everyone turned to look at him for instructions. "So. Somin and Eunha, you can do the as in why the war was stuck, and Seokjin-hyung and Jimin will do the aftermath of the war. Does everyone have a laptop?" He asked with a quiet voice and everyone nodded. "Great. I think we should all spread out a little - considering how loud Jimin and Eunha are", Namjoon whispered and received a kick under the table from either Jimin or Eunha, you weren't entirely sure. You were sure it hurt though, judging from the groan that slipped from his lips. "Respect your elders, Eunha. Now, off you go. Y/N and I will stay here", Namjoon said, keeping his gaze in Jimin. The younger and shorter one rolled his eyes and got up. Seokjin whined something about how the other chairs were uncomfortable, but they did leave. Eunha patted you on your shoulders and gave you a smile, before running away with Somin. You turned to smile at Namjoon, who was already surprisingly staring at you. He blushed and turned to pull out his laptop. "So, I think we should do it as... Uh... Like... A power point? I guess. Whatever's fine with you, I'll be fine with it, honestly", Namjoon mumbled, sounding a bit flustered. Was it because you were alone with him? Can't be, he probably has girls drooling all over him all the time. "We made power points in my last school all the time, so using one is easy for me. Let's do that one?" You whispered as an answer and Namjoon just nodded, opening his laptop. If he was going to be as shy as that, this will be a long evening.
Namjoon is a hard-working person, who doesn't give up on the things he starts on. Once he starts working on something, he needs to get it finished, that's just his nature. This project was different, however. He wanted to procastinate the work, just so that he could spend more time with you. You were extremely intelligent, he noticed it the first time you opened your mouth in that previous history class. You were also a hard-working person, not to mention that you were attracting to him. He usually didn't react around girls, but you were different. He didn't even know you properly, but he felt all blushy and giddy when just sitting next to you. It's dangerous, feeling something for someone even after such a short time. It just means that the person causing your heart trouble - it always means that. "Y/N?" He broke the silence with a quiet whisper. You lifted your gaze from your own laptop. You two had actually gotten a lot more done than what the other people in your group had, but it still felt like so little. "Yeah?" "Why did you move here?" Namjoon asked, his voice shaking a little. He was stupidly nervous, you were just a girl? Why was it any different that it was with with Somin or Eunha? "My father found a new job here. And I didn't really mind moving here. I don't really have any friends, so no one would be missing me if I moved away", you said, as if the last part of your sentence was the most simple thing. Namjoon felt his heart receive a little stab. How could someone like you not have any friends? He still understood, that it was none of his business, so he didn't ask any further. "How long have you lived here, then?" you asked him, in return and he felt his cheeks blush again. He collected himself, not showing you how nervous just a little question from you made him. "All my life, if I'm correct", Namjoon and laughed silently. You joined his laughter and he felt his smile widen. You thought it was funny? "That's cool. This city seems really interesting. What places do you reccomend to see? Or to eat, I could use some food after this", you said and Namjoon smiled widely. He knew his chance was now or never. He coughed a little, and nodded. "Y-yeah, I know a few places", Namjoon said and felt another wave of coughs flushing over him. God damn it, why now? It felt like forever until he no longer needed to cough, but you just smiled at him with an understanding look on your face. "Gesundheit", you said and smiled a little. Namjoon furrowed his brows slightly, clearly confused over the meaning of the new mystical word. "Means bless you in German. The literal translation is health, and I know you're supposed to say after someone sneezes, but I figured you could use some health, if you cough that much. Are you really okay? Because we can go home if you're not healthy", you said and Namjoon felt his heart flutter inside his chest. You cared about him and his health! What an angel. He shook his head. "I'm fine, thank you. But I do know a few places where we could grab food, if you just want to? We've probably done more than the others combined, and if you're hungry, we can eat. It's fine if you don't want to, but there's this great chicken pla-" Namjoon's words were interrupted by your quiet giggles. "Chicken sounds great. Let's go."
It all felt like a dream. You, and the smart guy that you were working with were getting food, and he didn't seem bothered by you spending time with him. You were all smiles, and so was he. When you finally did arrive at the chicken place and got your food, the gates to heaven were opened for you. You both started eating and chatting about everything that's been going on in the world and in your lives. "Namjoon? Are Jimin and Eunha dating?" you asked him. You didn't really care, but you wanted to ask him about your possible new future friends. He just nodded. "Yes, for six months now. They seem really happy together, don't they?" Namjoon said and smiled again, his deep dimples showing. You answered his smile again and nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Do you have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend. Or a special someone? You know what I mean", you asked, your curiosity genuine. If he was taken, then that would be your sign to not develop anything too deep. You would never come between someone else's relationship - if they're taken, they're taken and that's just basic rules of life. Namjoon shook his head this time. "No, I don't. I guess the people in our school aren't so special to me? Like don't get me wrong, they're pretty and nice and all, but not that way", he answered, his voice deep and calming. You nodded, smiling. Only better. "Do you then have anyone special in your heart?" He asked you, his voice a little breathy again. You smiled and shook your head. "No. I don't have many friends, so having a boyfriend or a girlfriend when not having any platonic love seems like a surreal idea to me. I think platonic love is equally important as romantic love. See, forgetting platonic love while being blinded by romantic love is a toxic formula", you said, while taking another piece of chicken inside your mouth. Namjoon chuckled. "Why the chuckle?" you asked and he just smiled. "Nothing. It's just that I agree, and I don't think I've ever met someone who thinks this way, or at least dares to admit it outloud. Not that it's strange or weird to think this way, people just don't often pour their thoughts out the way they should", Namjoon said and smiled. You smiled back, and it felt natural so sit in front of him and smile with him. The evening went forward, you continued chatting and it was the most you had laughed in a while. Soon, you noticed the clock was already almost ten. Your parents knew you could protect yourself, but you did feel your eyelids refusing to stay open. Namjoon had noticed that too, and he got up from the table to pay. You wanted to tell him not to, but the words wouldn't come out. He soon payed and returned back to you. In a blur, he took your arms in his and started dragging you out of the restaurant. You didn't mind - you wanted to get home and sleep like there was no tomorrow. Namjoon walked you home, trying to keep you concious. He kind of succeeded, because you did realise when you arrived at your house. How he knew your address - you didn't know, but didn't care. You were home finally. "Y/N? We're here. I put mine and Eunha's phone number to your notebook, let us know when we can work on our project, alright?" Namjoon asked in a sweet tone and you nodded sleepily. "Yeah, I will. Thank you", you said, smiling to him. Namjoon smiled widely and caressed your cheek. "Good night, Y/N", he said as you walked to your house, keys in hand. You just smiled back, feeling all giddy. "Good night, Namjoon."
The following morning was filled with the feeling of embarrasament and guilt. How could you let yourself get so sleepy like that? It wasn't you at all. And you made Namjoon walk through the whole city and pay for your food? You've really topped yourself this time. You pulled out your phone while sitting on the bus on your way to school, and texted Eunha with the number Namjoon had given to you. You told her who you were and then told the story about last night. She answered with a bunch of laughing emojies. She might've found it amusing, but you sure didn't. Your misfortunate for the day was only at its prime, because the minute you stepped out of the bus, you bumped into Namjoon, almost tripping the both of you over. He laughed with his deep tone and looked at you. You felt your body freeze, breathing hitch in your throat and your cheeks blush. What if he was mad over the fact that you made him pay for the food and that you embarrased yourself in front of him? "Well good morning to you too, Y/N. Slept well?" He asked. You recognised a teasing tone in his voice and your insides let out a exhale of relief. He wasn't angry with you, that was a good sign. It didn't take away the embarrasement, though. "Yeah, thank you. Listen... I'm sorry for last night. I know I should've stayed awake better. I'm sorry I made you pay, I can pay you back right now, if it's okay?" You said, words blurting out of your mouth really fast and almost not understandable. Namjoon laughed at your silliness and shook his head in disagreement. "Don't mention it, it's fine. I understand that you were tired, and I didn't mind. Don't pay me back, I would've payed for the meal in any case. And although I believe you'd be perfectly fine with walking by yourself in the city, I doubt a sleepy Y/N would be good at defending herself. Correct me if I'm wrong", Namjoon said and ruffled his hair. You felt little giggles escape your lips and bit your lower lip. So Namjoon wasn't mad, and he wouldn't his you with snarky remarks too much for almost falling asleep on him. Things could be worse. "Okay, alright. I'm still sorry though", you answered back and he waved his hands as if he was trying to woosh away the silly comments about it. A cloud silence was flewn over the two of you, and after a few seconds is started to get awkward. He was the first one to break the silence. "Can we possibly do another study session, tonight? Unless you have hobbies or something, then we can do it tomorrow?" Namjoon asked, and you couldn't help but smile at his nervous voice. He was so polite to you, and asking for something as simple as a study session made him nervous? Hell, even looking at him after last night made you nervous. "Yeah. My place or your place? I doubt that the others want to come. I don't know them that well yet, but they'll probably just whine, or something", you said and you both erupted in quiet laughter. Namjoon shrugged his shoulders. "My place? My parents and little sister are gone for tonight, so the house would be empty. I mean, they wouldn't boher us, but I figured the living room would be a nicer place to study than my room", Namjoon said, his voice still shaking. You giggled and nodded. "Text me a time, when you're ready and I'll make sure to send you the address, alright?" He asked and you nodded, feeling your smile widen and widen every second while being closer to him. Funny how he could make the butterflies fly rapidly in your stomach, even if you had only known him for a little while. He could make the sun glow a little brighter everytime his dimples showed. "Yeah. Do we have any classes today together?" You asked with a curious voice. Maybe you could spend more time with him? "I have literature, math, chemistry, and P.E. My day's kind of short today. What about you?" He asked, and you already knew your answers would be disappointing. "English, social studies, physics, French and literature. Guess we'll just see each other tonight?" You smiled with an apologizing look smothered all across your face. Namjoon answered you with a goofy smile back. "Yeah. Looking forward to it", he said. It felt like you both had something to say to each other, but he got called by one of his friends, so he excused himself and you were left with trying to find Eunha and go through everything that had just happened and what will happen tonight. 
When you're really anticipating something, time seems to be stuck and the clock doesn't want to move. The same thing happened with today, and Eunha sitting next to you, blabbering on and on about how it's gonna be so amazing didn't slow down the speedy flight of the butterflies in your stomach. "Do you like him? Namjoon, I mean", Eunha asked with a quiet voice in physics class. There were still almost two and half hours until school would end. And then you had another one and a half hours until you could leave for Namjoon's house. He had already texted his address, and you had it memorized. You looked at Eunha and bit your lower lip. "I haven't really felt romantic feelings before, so I don't know. He's nice and I want to do our project", you whispered back and she scoffed. "Romantic feelings my butt. You clearly like him. But that's totally understandable. If I weren't together with Jimin, I'd like Namjoon as well. He'll be nice to you, even if he's a little inexperienced. But if you've never felt romantic feelings, or if that's what you're calling them, you'll fit perfectly. You'll be so cute!" She smiled and you smiled back. You nodded at his answer and smiled back. Eunha wasn't the perfect friend after all, the squealing little girl was inside her, after all. But that's fine, not everyone can be perfect. You had your flaws, not allowing Eunha have hers would be unfair. Besides, she was still excited over you getting to spend time with Namjoon, and that meant more to you than her being annoying. It meant that even if you had known her for a short while, she was still happy for you for small things. And that was worth more than a hundred friends who don't really care.
Somehow the time slowly was enough for you to leave. Eunha wanted to come with you to your house and make you prettier, but you refused. This was only supposed to be a study session, not a date. Besides, Namjoon seemed like the type of guy that wouldn't be too worried if a girl showed up at his house with baggy clothes and a bare face. He wouldn't probably even care. But the tiny, shallow bit of you wanted to make yourself more attractive, even if it was for just a little bit. The clock finally striked 5:29 and you knew you should get going if you wanted to be in time. You still weren't entirely sure where his home was located, and you wanted to get enough spare time for getting lost. And besides, Namjoon's house be very far away, and you weren't very fond on running around. Shoes on, bag on your shoulder and off we go. To your surprise, the half an hour was just enough time to arrive at his house. You were three minutes early. Or should you be? You could wait three minutes outside until it would be exactly six o'clock, or just walk on in three minutes early. After pondering on it, you chose the latter, walked over to the door and knocked. You heard your heart beat hard and loud in your ears and tried to collect your breathing. He would come in through the door any second now, you would soon be inside and he would do the project with you and you could talk with each other and it would be so strange and the door opened. "Oh, hi. Come on in", Namjoon's deep voice ended the silence and you felt your mind feel relief. You smiled, nodded and stepped inside. Here we go. "Do you want something to drink? Or to eat? I have some ramen in the closets, but I guess that's too plain..." Namjoon said but you giggled when you kicked your shoes off your feet. "Ramen sounds amazing right now, to be honest", you answered and Namjoon smiled widely, nodding. "Alright, ramen it is", Namjoon laughed. He showed you the way to the living room with his hands, telling you that all is set up and if you wanted you could start working on the project. You seated yourself in the sofa, throwing one leg over the other. You could hear Namjoon working in the kitchen, the water starting to boil slowly but steady. Your laptop was placed on the wooden surface of the table. The water was boiling even louder, and you heard Namjoon whistle a quiet melody. Where from, you didn't know. You were startled by the water boiler making contact with the kitchen floor. "Fuck!" Namjoon yelled and it was your sign to get up from the sofa and check the situation in the other room. You rushed your steps to the kitchen, only to see Namjoon sitting on the floor and the water boiler pouring the liquid out on the floor, some on Namjoon's hand. You squated next to him and moved the hot object away from him. "Oh my god, are you okay? Those could give you really bad burns", you said and took his hand into yours. You examined the hand and sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit clumsy", Namjoon said, shame flushing over him. You shook your head and smiled. Silly boy. "It's not your fault, it was an accident. Those happen. I just want to make sure that you're not hurt. Does your hand hurt?" you asked and he just shook his head, a goofy smile on his face. You smiled back and took a piece of clothing used for drying from the cooking surface. You wiped it across the floor, but Namjoon took a hold of your hand. "I am not letting you clean my mistakes", Namjoon said, but his words were not heard. Only thing you cared about was his hand on your hand, holding it in place. He seemed to realize what he did, but didn't let go. You both looked into each others eyes and smiled. Neither of you moved forward or backward, and there was a familiarity to it. Namjoon let go of your hand and shook his head. You pulled out your hand to yourself and got up from the floor, him following your actions after starting to wipe the floor. You picked the water boiler from the floor and investigated its condition. "Strange. It didn't break. I'll make the ramen for us now, alright? You go work on the project", you said and looked at Namjoon's defeated face. He didn't have a choice, so he chose just to go and sit on the sofa. Cup ramen is easy to make, and it doesn't take too long. That's the charm of it, it's easy and fast, and it tastes good. A gift sent from up above. You carried the ready portions with chopsticks inside your long sleeved shirt. You placed the cups on the cold surface of the table, careful to not spill anything on Namjoon's computer, where he was already working. You weren't poor, but you sure as hell would not be able to afford paying for it either. He thanked you and you seated yourself next to him, smiling. You heard him slurp his food, and you decided to do the same - hunger was already clawing at your stomach hard. You still kept your eyes on Namjoon and his laptop. He looked so focused and... Manly? No, this can't be. You shook your head and turned your eyes away from him. You were here to work, not to mess around. "So, Y/N, I was thinking that you could speak the parts you've written yourself and I could speak the part I've written?" You heard Namjoon break the silence set above you. You nodded at him and flashed him a smile. You both turned back to your laptops, silence being louder than ever. "I think were pretty far with this project, so we can take a break", Namjoon said after what felt like a million years. The break was much needed, your back was aching and you desperately needed water after the salty portion of ramen. He was a step ahead, however and already had a water bottle ready for you. He told you to drink up, and so you did. It tasted sweet. "Penny for your thoughts?" Namjoon said and when you turned to face him, he was smirking. You grinned back. "Ain't nothing there, sorry", you giggled and he hummed back. "Can you ask you something?" Namjoon asked and bit his lower lip. You nodded, knowing you couldn't say no to that face. "Why did you talk about not having friends? You're a nice girl, I don't understand as in to why you wouldn't have friends", Namjoon asked and you felt your mind go blank. Maybe your face did too, since Namjoon was quick to correct himself. "I'm sorry. It's fine if you don't want to answer, I know I crossed a line there. You know what, nevermind", Namjoon mumbled quickly, and the blush on his face was obvious. You coughed and shook your head. "It's fine. I can tell you", you answered and collected your thoughts. How to explain it? What if he would think that you're weird for thinking this way? Or think you're emotionally uncapable of living like everyone else? "So... I don't know. I've always appreciated people behaving modest and listening to what other people think and how they think. But not so many people are that way. When I started high school, none of the people there seemed like they could be a friend. Everyone had some sort of an impatience to them. Not that I was perfect, I didn't listen to their thoughts that well either. The people at my school were all pretty much stuck up, and they didn't want to listen to my thoughts, I guess? And I just didn't want to bother. I think a lot, and if someone doesn't want to listen to me at times, then I don't want to bother. I know you'll think of Eunha and ask me why am I friends with her. I guess she just didn't jump on me the second we met, telling her thoughts immediately. She understood that I wasn't very experienced in stuff like this, and she's nice", you said, the vomit of words just coming out. Namjoon listened, humming inbetween sentences to tell you he was listening. It felt good to tell your thoughts to someone else than yourself, for a change. "It's kinda hard to explain, I guess? But yeah. When you've spent enough time in school without friends, it's hard to make them your new ones. But I didn't really mind it. Eunha, you and the others, you all are nice to me, and you listen to my thoughts. It's better here, I guess, even if my number one priority is still studying", you sighed and Namjoon smiled, as if he understood. "We like you. You're kind, nice and smart. I think Eunha and I, even Somin, Jimin and Seokjin would be fine with listening to your thoughts. I hope you can settle with us and your thoughts about us", Namjoon sighed and you smiled at him widely. It was hard to put into words what you thought, but Namjoon understood anyway. And that meant a lot. "Sorry, my thoughts are confusing", you said quietly, Namjoon just shook his head and pushed a little bit of hair out of your face. You lifted your gaze to him, only to see him smiling at you already. "Don't worry. I understood, what you wanted to say perfectly well", Namjoon said while he looked deep into your eyes. The ticking of the clock seemed to disappear as you both just looked into each others eyes. Something changed inside you, a boost of confidence was loaded and before you knew it, your lips were crashed on his. They felt soft, a bit chapped. You had never kissed anyone like that, or well. You haven't kissed anyone, ever. To your surprise, Namjoon kissed you back, softly. He moved his hand to the back of your neck, gently caressing your hair while moving his lips in a steady movement. You scooted closer to him, and he pulled you into his lap. The kiss was sweet and gentle. Just the two of you, sitting while the world stopped spinning. All good things must come to an end, the kissing included. You were the first one to pull out. Your lips were all swollen and so were his. He smiled and gived you a small peck on your lips. "Was that your first time?" He asked and you nodded. He smiled at your shyness. "Well then. It was an honour to be your first", Namjoon smirked and you felt rosy blush spread all across your cheeks. They were just words, how could they make you feel all these emotions? "You know, there's this party on Friday? We could go there, if you want to. You probably haven't been to a party either? Not that it's a bad thing. But if you want to", Namjoon blabbered and you laughed quietly. You placed your index finger on his lips. "Shush. I'll come", you said and you swore you saw Namjoon's eyes sparkle. Your eyes were sparkling too, and all of the things that had happened over the last two hours were like a dream come true. A dream which you've never dared to dream before.
The next few days seemed to pass in a blur. After a few more kisses, you had left Namjoon's house, and the only person that came into your mind was Eunha, so you called her. She seemed more excited about Namjoon kissing you than you yourself. But Eunha's excitement only made you happier about what he did. You didn't get to see Namjoon is school much, or at least talk to him. He always smiled at you when he saw you, but never had time to talk to you. It's not like you had either, though. The new school asked for a lot, and although you were a hardworking person, it was a lot of stuff to do. Friday night came around faster than you would've thought. Eunha came with you, she was all about getting to impress Namjoon with how much prettier Eunha would make you. You didn't mind, going to a party was new and strange to you. Eunha sat you down on your bed and you just let her do her wonders with you. The result wasn't bat at all - it was natural enough, but not too plain. Just what you liked. Eunha threw a skirt, fishnet thighs and a white shirt at you, telling you to get dressed. It wasn't your usual style, but why not? Eunha said it would be better to walk, so after you both had gotten yourself ready, she opened the door for you and you started walking towards the house where the party would be held. "Y/N? Have you ever drank alcohol?" Eunha asked suddenly. You were startled by her question. You shook your head. Why would you drink alcohol, it's basically just poison, and it makes you do silly things. Not your thing. "Oh... Well, remember that when we go to this party, that there will be people drinking. A lot. It's held by Jung Hoseok,  and he tends to get wild at times. His parties do the same", Eunha explained. You nodded. It wouldn't be that wild, right? 
You were wrong. Terribly wrong. The minute you heard the bass you knew that it was going to be as wild as Eunha said, or even wilder. You thought about running away, but Eunha grabbed onto your arm and dragged you towards the house. The bass was really loud on the front yard, and when you stepped inside, it was even louder. How was that even possible? The house smelled like alcohol and sweat, and people were dancing everywhere - whether they did it well or not, that was up to the viewer. "Listen, go look for Namjoon somewhere. I'm getting myself drinks, and Jimin's waiting for me in the kitchen", Eunha said and tapped you on the shoulder, as if to give you encouragement to walk through the party. "You can't do that! Eunha, I'm serious, you can't just leave me here!" You tried to protest but your words were left to deaf ears. Eunha winked, turned around and went off to find her boyfriend. You were left with no other choce but to find your way to Namjoon in the maze or intoxicated and messy people. Fortunately, Namjoon wasn't far away. He was sitting on a sofa, surrounded by some guys - the only one you could recognise was Seokjin - and a few girls. One was Somin, who was laughing with one guy. The guy noticed you and tapped Namjoon's shoulder. Namjoon lifted his gaze and smiled, waving his hands, opting you to sit next to him. You felt your smile widen, and made your way to be seated next to him. "Hi, Y/N! Everyone, here's Y/N", Namjoon introduced and smiled. His arms were covered in a long-sleeved white shirt, which made his muscles stand out. You didn't drool over anyone, but you did recognise beauty. You nodded and looked at everyone. They all smiled back saying their name. This one guy smiled at you for a remarkably long time. It felt strange. "My name's Sunyoul, nice to meet you", the guy said and you just nodded, smiling. Namjoon looked at his direction, but you knew that you were just here for Namjoon anyway. Sunyoul could be nice and all, but Namjoon was your real company for tonight. The night started off good. Everyone was chatting, the atmosphere was cheerful and Namjoon seemed to be happy sitting next to you, just like you. Everything was well, until the boy who had introduced himself as Hoseok decided to bring the drinks in. You knew that a bunch of teenagers in a crowded party with alcohol wasn't a good idea, but Somin pushed a glass into yours and you were left with no choice but to swallow it up. It tasted terrible, but the more and more you drank, the less it tasted like anything. Namjoon was drinking next to you as well, so you felt secure sitting next to him and letting the toxic liquid fill your insides. Drinking lots and lots of something will result in the desperate need to go to the bathroom - that's just laws of nature. After another shot of alcohol, you chose to stand up from your seat and excuse yourself. From the boost of confidence the alcohol had given you, you brushed your finger gently against Namjoon's cheek before you disappeared to the crowd of the people. You hoped it would have the reaction you wished for. Finding the bathroom was a harder task. You tried to ask people for directions, but either they didn't hear you, they didn't care of they were too drunk to comprehend what you were asking for. After wandering around in the house, you found the ladies' room. To your surprise, it wasn't occupied. After doing what was necessary, you stepped out, and bumped into someone tall and muscular. Your balance was lost, but he grabbed your arm to stop you from falling. His touch was just a little bit too hard and uncomfortable. Not to the point where it would feel painful, but it sure as hell was not nice either. "Careful there, beautiful", a familiar voice said. You looked up, and Sunyoul was standing there. You showed a shy, awkward smile. You tried to pull your hand away from his touch, but he was clinging onto it. "You know, you could spend the rest of the night with me. You know how Namjoon is, he doesn't posess the same amount of experience as I do", Sunyoul whispered to your ear and smirked in the process. You shook your head, disagreeing with him. Namjoon was so nice to you, what was Sunyoul saying? "What is it? Cat's got your tongue?" Sunyoul asked again and let his hands slide way too low for you liking in the backside of your body. He had you held tight in his touch. The man looked around him nervously, and way too soon, he was pressing his lips on yours. He wasn't what you wanted - the touch of his lips was too hard and possessive. You tried to push him away from you in terror, but he just took your hands in his and squeezed them. "Y/N?" You heard a much missed voice behind you. Sunyoul removed his lips from you and looked at the guy behind you. He smirked and let go of you. You turned around, only to be faced with Namjoon's confused and most of all, hurt expression. No, no, no. This wasn't happening, not this way. "Oh shit dude. I'm so sorry, she just jumped on me. God", Sunyoul said with a fake worry in his voice. No! He can't say lies like that after doing something as terrible as he did! "Namjoon, no, that's not true. Please, I would never!" You said and tried to take a step closer to him. He moved away and shook his head. "No. I get it. It's fine, really. Let it go", Namjoon said and his voice had never brought as much sorrow as it did now. He turned around and walked down the stairs. You shot one last angry look at Sunyoul, who kept smirking. Your steps made their way after Namjoon, and you caught him in the front yard. How was he already outside? "Namjoon, listen to me, would you? Sunyoul kissed me. I would never do that to you, especially since we're not a thing yet. Namjoon! I'm begging, listen to me now", You yelled after him, running to him. You placed your hand on his shoulder. He pushed it away. Why didn't he want your touch anymore? He couldn't believe Sunyoul right? He turned his face to you fast, breathing in deep to control his voice volume. "No. I don't want to listen. I saw what was up. You two kissed, and that's fine. If you don't like me that way, it's alright. I understand. But the shittiest move you can do, is to make me believe that you actually could like me, and then go mess with other guys. Minutes after you flirt with me! God, Y/N. You're truly one of a kind", Namjoon yelled back at you. The minute the words left his mouth, you felt crystal tears form inside your eyes. No, this can't be happening. You liked Namjoon, you wouldn't kiss another guy. "And you're right. We're not a thing. So it's whatever. Go screw whoever you want", Namjoon said, his voice breaking inbetween his sentences. He turned away, walked away and no matter how loud you tried to yell after him, he didn't turn and come back. After everything that had happened, your knees couldn't take your weight anymore and you collapsed on the ground, your tears rolling down from your cheeks, making little stains on your skirt. Your heart felt like it was being cribbled into a million pieces and no one would be there to glue them back together.
Eunha was the first one to find you outside and she was the one to take care of you. She took you to her house with a taxi, letting you pour your heart out to her. She listened patiently and never once stopped you when you told her everything about the night. She held you, dried your tears and when the story was finished, she let you sleep in her bed. When the morning came, she told you everything she thought about the situation. Sunyoul was a dick, according to her. She also told you that Namjoon was just a little sensitive and that it would be fine. You knew better though. Namjoon was hurt deeply, and you knew it was your own fault. There was no way he would come back or at least discuss things with you. And the worst thing was that you truly weren't even official. Your feelings had developed too quickly and it ended up ruining everything. It was Saturday morning, a few hours after you had woken up, when you decided that you would go back home. Eunha gave you some of her clothes to borrow, so that the walk of shame in the painful hangover wouldn't be so obvious. You knew you couldn't go home - your parents were too smart to figure out what happened at the party in the alcohol section. The only place what you could think of was the library. It would be quiet there - you could make a better view out of your thoughts. Maybe you could even find a solution for what would you do with the project. You had found yourself a big pile of books you could kill time with. If no one bothers you, time passes quickly when you lose yourself in the world of books. It's like you dive into a new fantasy, a new universum where everything is built differently and has their own story. And right now, you needed a little alternative universe to yourself as well. So, you curled yourself into a little ball and took one of the books to your hands, switching through the pages as the story went forward. But even if you tried to focus your mind on the story, it felt like he kept popping out to every male character, reminding you of his words last night and everything you had made him feel. The guilt was worse than the actual heartbreak. It felt like hours when someone finally interrupted you. A small cough woke you up from your little daydream in the other place somewhere in the world or out of it. The interrupter was someone you were not expecting. "Namjoon?" You whispered, and he hummed. You looked at him with furrowed brows - why was he here and what did he want? Not that you minded, if only you would get to talk to him. "Quite a lot of books you got there", was all he said. What was he on about? You answered with a silent nod, keeping your eyes on him and his expression. What was he here for? Was there something he still wanted to say? Maybe it was about the project? "Listen... Can we go outside for a moment? I got a few things to say, and whispering doesn't do good to your vocal chords", Namjoon said with a very quiet voice. You closed your book with a loud thump and stood on your feet. He followed, and got outside to the sunshine faster than what you did. Namjoon was already leaning against an oak when you reached him. He had his arms crossed, and his gaze tightly in you. You stood in front of him, keeping your eyes down from him. It hurt too much to look him in the eyes. "So, what did you wanna talk about?" You blurted out, after a while of neither saying a word. The silence of him was too much to bear - you just wanted to know what he had in mind. "Yeah. I, uh... I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about last night", Namjoon said and you heard him exhale deeply. It was like he was still collecting his thoughts and trying to think of the right order of words to say the right things. You looked up to face his dark eyes. "I'm sorry too. Listen, I know I was a bitch, I should've not let him even hold me. But I swear", you moved your hand on the place where your heart approximately was, "that I did not kiss him. I would never do that to you", you continued, never breaking the eye contact. You wanted, no, needed him to know what really happened. "Because I'm not that type of girl. I liked you and some Sunyoul or whatever his name was could ne-" your words were cut off by a nicer pair of lips than what the one last night was. His arms made their way to your back by your sides, gently touching your hair as well. Namjoon held you, imprisoning you in his embrace, and not one cell inside you wanted to leave. You kissed him back and this time you knew it wasn't a practice round. He was passionate, he was kissing you harder than what he had done before. You really wanted to keep kissing him, under the maple tree. Namjoon broke the kiss first, having to breath a little deeper to gain the oxygen back. He smiled, his deep dimples decorating his face once again. "I like you, Y/N. And I know you didn't kiss him. Eunha called me last night once you fell asleep and did a rather... Serious yell-at-Namjoon-for-being-stupid-speech", he laughed, still keeping one arm behind you. The other's hand was caressing your cheek. "And when I thought about it later on, I realised that it was a shitty move from me to think that you would actually kiss someone like that. I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday", Namjoon explained, and you heard a tiny bit of guilt in his voice. You rose on your tiptoes to kiss his nose, soft and sweet. "Don't apologize. The main thing is that we like each other", you said and his lips crashed onto yours again. This time the kiss was sweeter again. Passionate, sure, but not as hard as the one before. "God, Y/N. You've gotten me so messed up. We've only known each other for such a short time, and I'm already this whipped?" Namjoon scoffed and you couldn't help but giggle at his remark. God, how cute. "It's mutual", you said and this time it was his time to laugh. "Mind if we stay here snogging for the rest of the day?" He asked, keeping tight eye contact with you. "That sounds like heaven to me."
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