#muffy one shot
awlimagines · 1 month
Well, that was a New Year’s Eve kiss you won’t forget anytime soon. Part Three
It was the last day of winter in Forget-Me-Not Valley. In the city, you would have a dozen plans that would result in remaining home to ring in the New Year alone. There was a party at the Bluebird Bar tonight, but you hesitated to attend. It wasn’t that you didn’t have anything to celebrate. In a year, you had improved the farm immensely, and villagers had commented on how great you had done. But you had yet to give the Blue Feather to someone special like Takakura suggested in the summer. You twirled the item in question between your fingertips. Takakura surely wasn’t serious about you getting married so quickly. A frustrated sigh escaped your lips as you glanced again at the clock. You grabbed your coat and left for the party. If this would be your last night in the valley, you’d at least go out with a bang.
You were surprised when Matthew came into the bar alone. The bar was usually pretty empty, but for tonight, it was packed. You waved to catch his attention and indicated an empty seat next to you. As Matthew slid into the seat, you were again reminded of the man's attractiveness. He was exactly your type, especially after you grew closer and realized how sweet he was beneath the tough exterior he put on. 
“You’re not here with Rock?” he greeted. 
“Nope,” you popped, motioning to where the blonde sat with Lumina as you took a swig of your drink. 
Rock and you dated, but not very seriously. It wasn’t your best idea to use the blonde to try and drown your feelings for the brunette farmer. Rock then ditched you in the fall for Lumina. You couldn’t even blame the boisterous guy for it. Things would have never worked even before you agreed with Rock’s parents that Matthew would be a better marriage choice. Matthew’s sharp blue eyes observed the happy couple with an expression you couldn’t read before turning back. 
“No, Ceci?” you asked as Gavin placed a drink before Matthew. 
“She’s with Nami.” 
“Ah, well, let’s drown our sorrows then!” you cheered with false bravado as you clinked your glass into his. You soon lost track of the drinks you consumed. It wasn’t midnight; you could tell through your fuzzy senses as Matthew supported you to the door. You heaved in the frigid air and felt some sobriety return at the chill. Matthew cast glances toward you each time you stumbled as he led you home. Tears pricked your eyes as you stepped on the farm. You wouldn’t leave without letting Matthew know your feelings.
“I've liked you since the beginning of summer. Matthew, I’m sorry. But just let me this once before I go, please,” you muttered before grabbing his collar and crashing your lips into his. You parted for a breath and prepared to kiss the man again before he gently stopped you. 
“Y/N, I can’t. You’ve had too much to drink,” Matthew led you through your door. He pointed to your bed and told you to lie down. You fought more tears as you climbed into bed. At least you wouldn’t remember this rejection in the morning and would be gone before dealing with the consequences. 
You woke in the morning to knocking on your door. Blearily, you climbed from bed to open the door. It was better to tell Takakura you failed and get it over with. You blinked in shock at Matthew standing on your doorstep first thing in the morning. You could see Takakura hovering behind him, as confused as you were about what was happening. 
“Do you remember last night?” Matthew wasn’t beating around the bush. You nodded as you invited him in to talk with some privacy. Matthew hardly waited for the door to shut before continuing, “Good, then tell me again, sober.” 
“Um,” you hesitated, unsure of what was happening. “I’m sorry about last night.” 
“That’s not what I wanted to hear,” Matthew frowned before leaning closer to you. “Did you mean it when you said you liked me last night?” 
“Oh, that! I mean, yes! I’m sorry to dump such feelings on you like this before leaving.” 
“Why are you leaving? Isn’t the farm doing well?” 
“Aha, well, Takakura wanted me to give this to someone, and it didn’t quite work out,” you mumbled, showing him the Blue Feather. 
“Is that all?” Matthew asked, taking the feather from your hands. “I’ll take care of it.”
You stumbled after Matthew as he left the house and approached Takakura. The world felt like it had turned upside down as you stood and listened to Matthew speak. Matthew explained in no uncertain terms his feelings for you and his intentions while holding the Blue Feather.
As you gulped the last of your drink, the countdown began. So much for going out with a bang, you bitterly thought as you set the empty glass on the counter. You had only a moment to register the couples around you, locking lips before feeling a tug on your collar. Molly’s desperate grasp on your shirt pulled you across the bartop to firmly plant her lips against your own. You fought down surprise and the impulse to pull her back as her hand dropped away. The blonde returned to work as though nothing had happened. 
You felt dazed and confused before deciding to ask Molly about the kiss. After you declined another drink, the blonde pointedly ignored you. The rational part of your mind reasoned she was still working. The irrational part screamed that she already regretted the action. It was close to 2:00 a.m. before the bar was empty, and Molly asked Gavin for a break. As Molly came around the bar to sit on a stool alongside you, you prepared to question her.  
“You’re getting ready to leave, aren’t you?” Molly abruptly asked. She chuckled at your shocked expression before explaining further. “I recognize that look. I’ve been there too before I moved here. I just hoped I could give you a reason to stay.” 
“I do want to stay! I want to be here with you,” you wailed as the weight of your emotions and stress overflowed. You couldn’t remember how you got home or what happened from when the tears started. A glass was pressed into your hand as you struggled to sit up and check the time through a pounding headache.  
“Here, darling, you should drink some water,” Molly cooed. When you grasped her hand, the blonde grinned and sat beside you on the bed’s edge. “You know, it’s cute, but I’d like to make some decor changes at some point.”
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llavender-prince · 2 years
Bokumono Survey Results
hello, a little while ago i made a bokumono survey and posted it to the ranch story discord, and then a while later i posted it here to tumblr! it received 102 responses! wow! check under the cut to see the results from it! it's a long one.
Age: 79.4% of responders were 19-30, 16.7% were 31+, and 3.9% were 14-18. No responders were 13 or under, which makes sense, given the survey was posted on two places that require you to be 13 or older. Mainline Games:
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Wow that's a lot of bars! The most interesting pieces to me are the most played games and the least played games. The most played game is DS/DS Cute, followed by the Friends of Mineral Town remake, and then a tie between the original (More) Friends of Mineral Town, all versions of A Wonderful Life, and A New Beginning. And the least played is Hero of Leaf Valley, by a very notable amount. Only 12 people out of 102 played it! The next least are Harvest Moon 2 and 3 for the Gameboy Color.
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Not many folks have played any of the spinoffs! Only 48 of 102 played at least one of them. The most popular is Puzzle de Harvest Moon, and, as expected the least popular were the Japan only Satellaview version of the first game, and the Japan only free to play browser game, with one person each. (Two separate people by the way! It wasn't just one person selecting everything) A note, Doraemon Story of Seasons 2 isn't here because I actually set this survey up and started taking responses before it was even announced! I just brought it to tumblr rather late.
Rune Factory:
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Rune Factory 4 (or Special) has been played by more responders than every Bokumono game other than DS/DS Cute?? This was wild to me!
Natsume Harvest Moon:
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Unsurprisingly, the first Natsume Harvest Moon is the most played. From my memory the attitude at the time was a cautious "Well we can give them a shot?" The least played is the mobile only entry.
Favorite Game: The graph for this is almost useless with just how many slices it has. Only 4 games weren't picked as at least one person's favorite, those being Harvest Moon Gameboy, Harvest Moon 2, Hero of Leaf Valley, and Grand Bazaar. The most favorite votes goes to Animal Parade, with 20.6%, followed by Wonderful Life with 14.7%, and Trio of Towns with 11.8%.
Least Favorite Game: Another graph with too many slices to be at all legible. Only 3 games weren't picked as someone's least favorite, those being Harvest Moon 2, Harvest Moon (More) Friends of Mineral Town, and Hero of Leaf Valley. It's amazing to me that 75 responders played (M)FoMT and not a single person said it was their least favorite. The most least favorite votes were given to Harvest Moon A New Beginning with 19.8%, followed by Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town with with 13.5%, and Harvest Moon Magical Melody with 11.5%.
Favorite Bachelor: Almost everyone gave a different answer! Wizard from Animal Parade had 11 votes! Gray had 10 votes and Cliff had 9, though many specified different games for them in which they liked them more, since they've both been in many.
Favorite Bachelorette: Again, almost everyone gave a different answer. Muffy had 12 votes, Nami had 11 votes, Celia had 8 votes. Yes, the top three were all A Wonderful Life Girls. No, Lumina did not get a single vote.
Favorite Part: Mostly different answers, but a whopping 39 people listed the social mechanics or characters as one of their favorite parts! 12 people said farming.
Least Favorite Part: Mostly different answers, but 7 people said fishing, and 7 said mining. Though some specified they only dislike mining in certain games, no such specification was made for fishing.
Rival Marriages: I figured this would be an interesting question as it's a mechanic that's been removed due to people not liking it. However, at least for these survey responders, that doesn't seem to be the case. 75.2% like the rival system, 15.8% like it in concept but haven't liked the execution or pairs in previous games, 6.9% would be okay with it as long as they can turn it off, and only 2% outright disliked it.
Special Candidates: 68.7% of responders like special candidates (such as Jamie, Inari, Wizard, etc), 25.5% don't mind having them around even if the special candidates aren't for them, 5.9% dislike the extra requirements that these candidates come with, and 1% don't like having special candidates in the game at all. There were also two write in answers, one saying they love them and their ridiculous requirements, and one saying that they love them but would like their genders to stop being changed to make the marriage straight (ie, Jamie and Inari) and yeah both of those are a mood.
Game Ending: 62.7% of responders are okay with Bokumono games having an ending as long as they can either keep playing afterwards or just avoid the ending, 14.7% are okay with it as long as it provides a new game plus option, 10.8% like the idea without caveats, 4.9% are neutral about it, and finally 2% dislike the idea no matter what.
Other Games: Finally, we have people listing what other games share the same charm as the Bokumono series to them! If you can believe it, the response that was put the absolute most was Stardew Valley, with 40 people saying it. 2 people specified that Stardew Valley did not share that same charm. 21 people said Animal Crossing. Some other semi popular responses were Fantasy Life for the 3DS, Spiritfarer, and interestingly, Fire Emblem. Oh and to the person who said Moon: Remix RPG Adventure, you win the survey /lh
So that's all! Thank you all for responding, and for the little jokes and whatnot you all wrote in. This was a lot of fun, and some of the responses were so kind out of nowhere and really made me smile. My favorite thing about Bokumono has always been the community, and this survey just put that into sharp focus. It's such a kind group. I hope this was as interesting to you all as it was to me.
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everlastlady · 1 year
hey can you do some dating headcanons of muffy? she's the receptionist at the hospital in the new helluva boss episode, I really like her character, and any kind of reader is fine
Wow! When I saw this I was like there are Muffy simps!? We have Muffy simps in the house. But I'm not surprised because I love Muffy and her design was pleasing to my eyes. So I'll give you some Muffy dating hcs. 💙🧡
☕┆ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome back to another story and this one, we have Muffy! The lovely woman who can't read or spell. But some how was able to kinda read? I don't know that confused me a bit? Maybe she can read a bit just not a lot because I do know some people who can't read but can kinda read, if you know what I mean. Anyway I hope you enjoy this story don't forget to like, comment, or reblog if you enjoyed, my request are open. ☕📖
☕┆ Story Contains: Muffy being the best.
☕┆ Fandom: Helluva Boss
☕┆ Word Count: 721
Muffy X Reader HCS
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You met Muffy when you went with your friend who is a Hellhound to their appointment for a shot. You knew they hated needles so you would be there for support. And because you two would get lunch right after. When you arrived, you saw an Imp yelling and getting frustrated with the front desk woman. You were going to stay out of it and wait with your friend in line. After the Imp and his the Hell-Hound claim to be his daughter sat down. Your friend signed in but the front desk lady kept staring at you. You gave her an awkward smile and waved.
Her staring made you think you had something on your face. “ Oh, you don’t have anything on your face I just think you are cute. “ The front desk lady said. This caused you to blush and mumbled a soft thank you and walked away with your friend to sit. You could overhear the Imp named Blitzo fighting with some racist Karen. You just decided to plug in your headphones and listen to music. After a while, your friend was called back to the doctor’s office.
You stayed in the waiting room and played some games on your phone. “ What are you playing? “ You jumped and looked up to see the front desk lady. You smiled and told her you were playing your favorite mobile game. “ Can I play with you, I’m on my break and could use some fun. “ She said cheerfully. You smiled and nodded. You sat with the front desk woman who told you, that her name is Muffy and you thought her name was cute. So you taught her how to play your mobile game which she was really good at.
You two started talking and Muffy told you that, the reason she couldn’t spell and only read a little was because she didn’t really go to school. She only got this job because of the connections her father had. So you offered to help her read and spell. Which she was extremely grateful for. So you gave her your number. And left with your friend to go get some lunch. You felt your phone vibrate and saw that Muffy had sent you a heart and smiley emoji which made you smile.
You had been teaching Muffy how to spell and read. You both started off small and soon she was improving. She was happy to see her progress which also helped her at work and she wasn’t getting many reports against her. Muffy would start sending you a lot of text messages and through those messages, you could tell she was happy to learn how to spell, properly and be able to read a lot more now. But the message you saw that made you happy was Muffy asking you on a date and you agreed to go with her on a date.
She took you to a restaurant where you both talked, ate, and flirted a bit. Muffy looked so beautiful in that black dress. She kept thanking you for teaching her and she was especially grateful for how patient you were with her. She talked about how her teacher and tutors easily got frustrated with her and gave up. But you didn’t give up on her and motivated her to continue trying and work harder.
After the date, you and Muffy went to go get ice cream. She told you about how she wanted to become a doctor and she was going to try to do that. And you supported her but the next thing Muffy asked you was sweet that you didn’t say no. “ (Y/N) Do you want to be my partner? “ She asked while looking at you. You agreed to date her and she gave you a kiss on the cheek and you both walked back to her place holding hands.
Muffy eventually got her degree to become a doctor and along the way, she married you. Muffy was proud of the accomplishments she had made from learning how to spell and read. To be dating you, marry you, and get her medical degrees to become a doctor. Muffy shows you every day how grateful she is to have you and how you helped her. You love your little muffin Muffy and she loves you too.
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filmparaden · 7 months
Trouble Every Day (Claire Denis, 2001)
Wings Of Desire (Wim Wenders, 1987)
Sympathy For The Devil (Jean-Luc Godard, 1968)
Dekalog (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1989)
Russian Ark (Aleksandr Sokurov, 2002)
Tale Of Tales (Yuriy Norshteyn, 1979)
Time Regained (Raoul Ruiz, 1999)
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Werner Herzog, 1972)
Grey Gardens (Albert & David Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer; 1975)
One From The Heart (Francis Ford Coppola, 1981)
Man With A Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
Dogville (Lars von Trier, 2003)
Sombre (Philippe Grandrieux, 1998)
Cul-de-sac (Roman Polanski, 1966)
Brown Bunny (Vincent Gallo, 2003)
Le feu follet (Louis Malle, 1963)
The Swimmer (Frank Perry, 1968)
A Special Day (Ettore Scola, 1977)
La maman et la putain (Jean Eustache, 1973)
The Battle Of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)
The Big Lebowski (Joel & Ethan Coen, 1998)
Touch Of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)
Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)
The Long Goodbye (Robert Altman, 1973)
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-liang, 2003)
Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
A Summer's Tale (Eric Rohmer,1996)
The Turin Horse (Béla Tarr, Ágnes Hranitzky; 2011)
Baby Doll (Elia Kazan, 1956)
Daisies (Vera Chytilová, 1966)
Unsere Afrikareise (Peter Kubelka, 1966)
Thérèse (Alain Cavalier, 1986)
La jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)
Le gamin au vélo (Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne, 2011)
Les 400 coups (François Truffaut, 1959)
The Piano (Jane Campion, 1993)
I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, 2007)
Killer Of Sheep (Charles Burnett, 1978)
The Piano Teacher (Michael Haneke, 2001)
Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, 1995)
The Women (George Cukor, 1939)
Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, 1959)
Paper Moon (Peter Bogdanovich, 1973)
Don't Look Back (D.A. Pennebaker, 1967)
Little Fugitive (Ray Ashley, Morris Engel, Ruth Orkin; 1953)
Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger, 1969)
The Night Of The Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
The Ice Storm (Ang Lee, 1997)
Man On The Moon (Milos Forman, 1999)
Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick, 1999)
Enter The Void (Gaspar Noé, 2009)
Snatch (Guy Ritchie, 2000)
The New Land (Jan Troell, 1972) 
Los olvidados (Luis Buñuel, 1950)
Border Radio (Allison Anders, Dean Lent, Kurt Voss; 1987)
Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)
The Adventures Of Prince Achmed (Lotte Reiniger, 1926)
Les triplettes de Belleville (Sylvain Chomet, 2003)
Brief Encounter (David Lean, 1945)
Gare du Nord (Jean Rouch, 1965; segment of Paris vu par... )
Vagabond (Agnès Varda, 1985)
Slap Shot (George Roy Hill, 1977)
Le sang d'un poète (Jean Cocteau, 1932)
Breathless (Jim McBride, 1983)
Stop Making Sense (Jonathan Demme, 1984)
Upstream Color (Shane Carruth, 2013)
Saturday Night And Sunday Morning (Karel Reisz, 1960)
Gadjo dilo (Tony Gatlif, 1997)
Rebel Without A Cause (Nicholas Ray, 1955)
A.K.A. Serial Killer (Masao Adachi, 1969)
The King Of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1982)
The Hours (Stephen Daldry, 2002)
In A Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray, 1950)
The Honeymoon Killers (Leonard Kastle, 1969)
Meshes Of The Afternoon (Maya Deren, 1943)
When We Were Kings (Leon Gast, 1996)
Broadway Danny Rose (Woody Allen, 1984)
A Woman Under The Influence (John Cassavetes, 1974)
To The Wonder (Terrence Malick, 2012)
Beavis And Butt-head Do America (Mike Judge, 1996)
Araya (Margot Benacerraf, 1959)
Kes (Ken Loach, 1969)
Skammen (Ingmar Bergman, 1968)
Duel (Steven Spielberg, 1971)
The Bridges Of Madison County (Clint Eastwood, 1995)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Nicolas Roeg, 1976)
Roma città aperta (Roberto Rossellini, 1945)
Diva (Jean-Jacques Beineix, 1981)
Limite (Mario Peixoto, 1931)
The Fountain (Darren Aronofsky, 2006)
La cérémonie (Claude Chabrol, 1995)
The Draughtman's Contract (Peter Greenaway, 1982)
Amour fou (Jessica Hausner, 2014)
Happiness (Todd Solondz, 1998)
Hausu (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977)
Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (Sidney Lumet, 2007)
Gomorra (Matteo Garrone, 2008)
The Full Monty (Peter Cattaneo, 1997)
Låt den rätte komma in (Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
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verfound · 10 months
How about Sweet Dreams, We're Gonna Have a Wedding, and Papa's Guest Coach? 😘
...I don't think "Sweet Dreams" is what you think it is 😂 That one...I'm hoping to have that one wrapped up & posted soon, so we're just gonna skip that one. 😂
The other two are House Band shenanigans. "Papa's Guest Coach" is Luka taking a job on The Voice sometime after Clara's born, because he wants to stay close to the farm and be on the road less, right? Except one day childcare falls through, as every parent knows it's wont to do, and he has to bring toddler Clara to work with him one day. She's less interested in the actual singers and more interested in Papa's brand new Shiny Red Button. 😂
"We're Gonna Have a Wedding" is...ok. Well.
(...dog sex under the cut? 😂)
“Papa!  Papa!  Look!”
Luka dutifully followed his little Songbird’s pointing finger, squeezing the tugging hand wrapped in his own to show she had his attention.  When he saw what Mellie was so captivated by, he promptly choked on his coffee.
“Why’s that big dog jumping on Muffy like that, Papa?  He’s gonna squish her!” Mellie cried, clearly distressed.  Luka shot a longing glance to the front door of their home as he thumped on his chest, coughing to clear the coffee.  Their house was right there.  They were maybe twenty steps from the door (maybe more, in Mellie’s case).  They were so close.
But Gertie, their wonderful neighbor, had let her little lap dog out in the yard.  Normally Luka didn’t mind Muffin: Muffin was a little irritable around him, but the fluffy white dog was much better behaved around the kids, and they adored the small dog.  Muffin also served to stem the constant stream of when can we get a puppy (which was always met with the same answer: someday, maybe, when they had more space and he wasn’t on the road as much and…).
Luka wasn’t much loving Muffin today, though.
Because another dog had apparently broken into the yard and was actively humping Muffin into the ground.
Right in front of his too-curious-for-her-own-good Songbird.
It would have been impressive, actually, the way the dogs were going at it – if it hadn’t gotten Mellie asking questions.
…he was so not ready for this.
“Stop it!  You leave Muffy along, you big meanie!” Mellie cried, and just like that she had torn her hand from his own and had taken off towards the fence, waving her tiny fists in the air.  “Get off!   Get off!”
…yeah, he’s trying to, Luka thought wryly as he lunged after her.
(Remember the one I was talking about where Mellie sees the neighbor's dog get jumped by a stray, and Luka's crappy job at explaining things makes her decide they need to find the stray and have a wedding? Yeah. That's this one. 😂)
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 months
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When The Prosperity enters the area around Kor'sel'Koo where communications transmissions are most accessible, Muffy and Hero find themselves met with a wave of messages to sift through and sort.
To Skylar and Ali from Karmel: Happy belated anniversary in Earth years. Enjoy a round of drinks at Yggld Drinks on me. [Enclosed is a gift certificate for a round of ten shots from the Water Bar and Alcohol Bar chain Yggld Bars, which is ubiquitous in every major settlement on Kor'Sel'Koo.]
To Beck from "K": If you've made it safely and find yourself with a spot of free time, I'd love if you visited.
To Ali from Zuytri: Hi, Friend! Here's the contact information for that person we were talking about that I think you might want to meet. Medri in room 806 Jallik in the Ulsgian Moon Retirement Community.
To Laurie from Viola Dessamer of Revvly Capsule Hotels: Thank you for signing up for the Revvly Capsule Hotels communications list. If you are in need of a safe space, we are always here for you. Read between the lines, and always feel free to reach out if you need a place to stay or cruelty-free, sustainably sourced, and practical meals.
To Theo from someone in the music business in Different City [the equivalent of about $200 in gixys are included]: Hello, Theo. Enclosed are some royalties from the sales of your music. It isn't that many gixys, but I'm pleased to let you know that some of your songs have been gaining a few fans. We anticipate being able to send you some more in six months.
To HJ from Junyi: Hey, bae!! It's really starting to be a long time since we've seen each other but I don't think I'll ever miss you any less. Work is going so good that I think I might be getting quasi-semi-kind of famous. I got some AH MAY ZING new tsum tsums and I stacked all of the ones I could find into a giant pyramid. Sometimes I think 'hey, Junyi, maybe you have a problem with collecting' but then I make a giant pyramid and everything is okay. I'm sending you a collection of my favorite memes that I've found over the last week and I hope that you cherish at least one of them because they made me smile and think of how nice it would be to look at memes with you. Did you know that "meme" rhymes with "steam"? I didn't know that until yesterday. Anyway anyway anyway I love you soooo much and you're sooooo pretty and sooooo good at communicating, HJ. I think about how happy I was to get to meet you all the time and how lucky I am to get to continue to talk to you.
To Robin from Jayvon: Robin, hello! Just wanted to let you know that I started a new job as a close combat officer on a brand new pirate crew, The Dreamhouse. I love it, and I'm glad that I have someone to tell the good news. If our crews are ever in the same area (I'm on Marloken right now), we should meet up and exchange stories.
To Marshall from her Dads: Marshall! We heard you would be going to Kor'Sel'Koo, so we are sending some of our favorite pictures of you and the family when you were younger and we lived there. Also, enclosed are up-to-date addresses and contact information for your cousins and other family. If you have the time, I'm sure they would love to meet up. All of us send our love!
To Daphne from Muzzain: Coast is clear still. Looking forward to meeting with you. "If you're out on the road Feelin' lonely and so cold All you have to do is call my name". These are poignant lyrics from the Gilmore Girls theme song. My name is Muzzain. Until we meet.
To Samira from Makhaira: How is your life going? We exchanged contact information a while back, but I never wrote. I don't know how much you want to hear this, but I've picked up a new hobby: pickleball. It's the one thing I'm a little better at than most of my family, but they haven't given up on playing. We installed our own court, which sounds completely rich erkuss girl of me, but I'm glad for it. What's been keeping you busy?
To Ian from Marlene: It was very nice to see you, Ian. I'm glad that you seem happy with your new crew, and I hope we can meet up again sometime. I don't like to mean ill will of others, but if I had to pick a different ship to crew on than my own, it would be Prosperity. Safe travels.
To Beck from Julia: Hey, Wanker. I know your birthday's not for a few weeks, but apparently the Three Stooges from the galx got their act together and won't leave us the hell alone. The twins wanted to make sure you got their birthday video messages. While they're starting to be rebellious little buggers (I know I'm getting old when I shake my head and sigh saying teenagers) they do love and miss you. They made me say something nice because I called you wanker but I think you're all right.
To Marshall from Oplo: You fixed our air conditioning, correct? Can you send tips?
To Daniel from Seetha: Hi, Daniel! I've missed talking with you so much, I've come to realize. I wanted to tell SOMEONE that isn't being a big meanie (Leo, he's being a big meanie) that I have a boyfriend now! :) His name is Frodo and he's so darling. I think you'd get along famously if you met. My captain is getting sentimental and sending messages to your ship, so I thought I'd send them too.
To Ryder from Seetha: I heard how Leo treated you from him and I am APPALLED. I know it was a while ago, but he's been so bratty and callous to you and also sweet Daniel and Ian. It sounds like he's cleared the air before, but it still doesn't sound right to me. Let me know if you need me to get a real apology out of that meanie on your terms. I know he'll actually mean it because he's apparently stopping his weird bedroom behavior and slowly but surely coming to terms with that. My goodness. You don't deserve that weird behavior.
To Skylar from Kenna: [It's just a picture of French fries with a digital smiley face drawn over]
By the time the crew touches down on Kor'Sel'Koo on 3/22/24, all of the messages have been sorted and provided and we pick up a new crew member: Mari, a quirky mate who is 4'6" of apparently pure enthusiasm.
The crew doesn't immediately settle down, as there are messages to read and Gilmore Gilrs to figure out.
Muzzain, the far'ly'dae one who ordered all of that Gilmore Girls merchandise, is staying temporarily in Wuunzek, a smallish city about an hour (by underground tunnel train) from Twarvu.
Wuunzek includes a variety of amenities, including Yggld Bars, the Inspired By Earth Waterpark (it's got a lazy river, a waterslide, and a wave pool), an enormous vitamin store aimed at Ly'Daesun called Yonrur, and more.
Wuunzek Population: 89% Far’Ly’Dae, 9% Erkuss, 1% Vanneer, 1% Carrek.
The process of getting the Gilmore Girls merchandise to the right place now will be... annoying because most of it actually needs to go to Twarvu. While it would normally take an hour and a half, the crew will probably take a full 24 hours to get their surreptiously.
3 notes · View notes
curseoftheundeadraven · 9 months
Demons and Dandelions, Part Two
part one is here!
(both are sfw)
Summary: Slowly, Cedar and Ashir's fondness for each other continues to grow. All the while, Cedar is still troubled by nightmares as she begins the fight to reconnect with her purpose and work through her grief.
I wish I could say that was the end of Ashir’s...misbehavior. Even after such a display, he remained callous more often than not, his mind still seemingly screaming that this was simply all a trick. I could sympathize with one’s mind being clouded so. His occasional acts of nocturnal kindness continued, though they were back to just being given tea – often accompanied by grumbling and complaints. His torment remained little more than a harmless annoyance though at times his biting remarks still drew blood. Yet I could see it on his face each time, that his venom was nearly reflexive, something he had begun to display clear guilt over. Despite his slightly volatile nature, I found some comfort in the fact that my nightmares had waned somewhat, granting me moments of respite from the twisted memories that plagued my sleep.
Furthermore, I finally summoned the courage to read Miera’s letter, though I nearly couldn’t bring myself to complete it. Her words reverberated in my mind day in and day out as I went about my usual routine. 
“You are drowning, yet still refuse to swim. You will only sink deeper until you find your resolve”.
The weight of her message hung heavily upon me, a constant reminder of the choices I had yet to make.
Of course, to further add to my unrest, there was an unexpected surge in visitors to the forest, much to Ashir’s dismay. This wasn’t uncommon, certain times of the year often led more people to my door seeking remedies or wards of some kind. He despised their intrusion, but fortunately, refrained from bothering them. Save a few times, such as when he took the form of a hawk and cawed loudly every time I opened my mouth to speak, much to the amusement of the startled guests. And the bemusement of my patience. 
Early on a crisp autumn morning, a resounding knock reverberated at my door—a knock that felt more like an intrusive pounding. With a slight sense of urgency, I hurried downstairs, my steps echoing in my wake. As I reached the door, I discovered Ashir peering curiously through the drapes. Waving him away, I opened the door to behold a man of towering stature, his visage a canvas of pale skin adorned with freckles and scars. His red locks were messily secured in a bun and his arms staunchly crossed.
“Oh, please come in,” I extended the door wider and welcomed him as I spoke. However my attention was quickly stolen when I turned to discover that a cat had made its home on my island counter, sitting up and watching, tail swaying back and forth. A white feline, with black paws and beady black eyes. With a determined and annoyed glare, I attempted to shoo Ashir off the counter, but he defiantly hissed and held his ground.
“That’s an odd-looking cat,” the man remarked in a deep, gravelly voice, breaking the silence. His voice was full of intrigue but he caused me to startle ever so slightly. 
“Ah, well,” I began as I searched for an explanation, “…it would be quite peculiar for a witch to have an ordinary pet, wouldn't it?' The man’s expression remained unchanged and I continued with an idea forming in my mind, “He's truly a wonderful companion. His name is... Muffin,' I declared as I threw a smug smile Ashir’s way, 'Isn't that right, Muffin? Although I affectionately call him Muffy.' A playful, or perhaps demeaning, baby voice accompanied my words – much to Ashir's dismay. His fur stood on end as he shot me a look that proved my success in getting under his skin.
Maintaining my pleasant demeanor, I guided my guest towards a seat at the table. However, he shook his head, opting instead to remain standing, arms still crossed and expression still cold. 
"What can I do for you?" I inquired. He remained silent for a moment, his eyes scanning the room, taking in the array of jars and bottles that adorned the shelves. While he observed his surroundings, I took the opportunity to study him. His clothing had clearly seen much wear and tear but held up regardless. A formidable knife hung at his waist, and a massive backpack weighed heavily on his shoulders. My eyes immediately found the crossbow strapped to it and I noticed a copious amount of rope. As I took a step closer I gazed at his scars to find that a majority of them were slashes, typically three to four scars running parallel to each other. Panic fluttered within me as I realized my spellbook was still upstairs. A chill crept over me and my heart quickened its pace. I discreetly ensured that my arcane focus was on my person, although a nagging voice in the back of my mind warned me that it did not matter.
"I wanted to have a discussion about the unique creatures that inhabit this forest," he finally spoke, and in an instant, my smile vanished. But, I took a deep breath, forced my smile to return, and replied, 
"Are you referring to the arcane fauna?" There was a glimmer of hope within me, but deep down, I knew my suspicions were well-founded.
“Do you take care of this whole forest on your own? I imagine it’s difficult…” he said as he narrowed his eyes. I heard a distinctly feline growl coming from behind me though it felt more aimed at me than anything.  
"I hold a deep love for this forest, its care could never burden me," I responded, my hands fidgeting with my skirt. The corners of the man’s mouth curled the slightest bit. 
He fixed his eyes on me and asked, "What price would you charge to allow someone to perform a little…population control in this forest?"
"I would never allow such a thing, especially not profit from it. These aren’t your everyday rabbits and squirrels, they are not to be hunted,” I stated firmly. 
"Oh, come on, surely you have once or twice,” he insisted, resting his hands on his hips.
"No. Nor did my predecessor. Nor did hers,” I reiterated sternly. 
"Everything has a price,” he continued smoothly, in a sly tone. 
"Clearly not," I retorted, resting my hands in the pockets of my dress. My hand wrapped around my arcane focus, though I desperately wanted to let go. My hand began to tremble. He tutted and shook his head.
"Perhaps it would be wise for you to make an exception," he suggested, and in that moment, the only sounds that could be heard were two steps forward, two steps back, and the increasingly agitated growls of a demonic ‘cat’. 
"And why should I?" I challenged, though my voice came out weak.
"It would make things much easier for both of us," he replied, and with each deliberate step he took, my heart threatened to burst from my chest. Doubt, a kind all too familiar, raced through my mind. I had faced hellhounds, yet now, without my spellbook, I felt as though I was on the verge of fainting. I was useless, and with something that should be innate or as easy as breathing, which was what Marcia would always say. Suppressing my trembling, I pointed my wand at the hunter, the room falling into an eerie silence. Despite my fear, a surge of anger, aimed at myself, coursed through me. I had to prove to myself that I hadn’t truly lost all of my strength. And I certainly didn't want a snarky demon to witness to my failure.
"Not another step," I stammered, my voice wavering. He disregarded my plea and pressed forward, taking two more audacious steps. I attempted to focus on his energy, his Spirit, as I retreated further. 
Just as easy as breathing, just as easy as breathing just as…
Two more steps forward. I strained to draw in energy, but regardless of how desperately I tried it slipped through my grasp like sand.
"You're welcome to change your mind," he taunted, shrugging indifferently. I shook my head, my resolve unwavering. He reached for something attached to his belt and hurled it in my direction—a dart, likely infused with a tranquilizer or paralytic. Perhaps one I could concoct myself. Reflexively shutting my eyes and turning my head, I managed to draw up enough of my own Spirit to form a small shield in front of me, the dart bouncing off of the wall of golden energy. When I opened my eyes, I was met with the sight of the hunter lunging toward me. But then, he abruptly stopped, jerking back as a garbled choking sound escaped his throat. I glanced up, and there was Ashir, in his true form, gripping the back of the hunter's shirt. The man turned to face Ashir.
"How's this for odd-looking?" Ashir hissed, his voice dripping with malice. Instinctively, I covered my ears as Ashir emitted a shrill roar. I do not know if I’ve ever witnessed a full-grown man soil himself, but in that moment at least got very close. The hunter, too stunned to scream, began to flail about desperately, struggling to break free from Ashir's grasp. Ashir released him, and without putting up a fight, the man scrambled towards the door, nearly tripping over himself in his haste. 
As he turned to look at me, Ashir seemed on the verge of saying some harsh reprimand. However, when our eyes met, he paused, shook his head, and vanished into thin air.
After that day, Ashir's presence became less frequent, but this time it was a consequence of my own actions. Determined to break free from the suffocating rut I had found myself in, I sought solace in the basement whenever I could. Desperately seeking answers, I delved into our collection of books on our form of magic, even though I had already scoured their contents years ago as an apprentice. My search yielded little assistance, leaving me feeling disheartened and adrift.
Amidst my futile attempts, my gaze was often drawn to the arcane focus that had been passed down through generations since the time of the First. 
"What is that?" Ashir's voice jolted me from my book, and I glanced up to find the lanky, four-armed demon fixated on the rapier.
"Don't touch it," I warned, my tone firm. Ashir's expression twisted with annoyance as he awaited an explanation, "It's an arcane focus, wielded by every witch before being passed down to her successor,” I divulged as my shoulders slumped slightly. 
"Like the wand you possess?" Ashir inquired, his curiosity evident.
"Yes," I confirmed, my voice tinged with a hint of resignation. Ashir’s four sets of eyes squinted in my direction. 
"Then why don't you use this one?" He probed further, his gaze unwavering.
"Because..." I sighed, closing my book in defeat. "I'm not... I don't..." I stumbled over my words, my eyes shifting to the rapier that had been hanging untouched on the wall for the past two years. The weapon exuded an ethereal quality, a testament to centuries of channeling Spirit.
“You what?” Ashir said, his voice heavy with impatience. I set the book down on my desk before rising and crossing my arms. I didn’t meet his gaze, opting to stare at the floor. 
"It's an invaluable heirloom, crafted by the First after her original staff was destroyed in her valiant battle to protect our forest," I explained. My hand instinctively rose, clutching the necklace I wore around my neck, adorned with a crystal shard. I considered clarifying but decided against it. Rediscovering the staff two years ago didn't alter the narrative significantly. In the end, the staff was still lost, except for the fragment I held in my palm.
"But you are meant to wield it, aren't you?" Ashir persisted, his gaze piercing into my soul when I finally looked to meet it. I pressed my lips together, contemplating his question. I felt dread consuming me, each breath slightly harder to pull into my lungs. 
"Are you asking because you are truly curious or because you’d like me to admit my unworthiness aloud?” I countered, shifting my gaze from him to the rapier on the wall, my grip on the crystal shard tightening. The weight of the arcane focus' legacy bore down on me, a constant reminder of my own inadequacies. The shard served as a haunting memento of the consequences resulting from those very shortcomings.
Gradually, I came to accept the futility of my research. In its stead, I turned to meditation in the depths of the woods, amidst the abundance of wildlife that usually would be unwelcome distractions during meditation. I would lose myself for hours, attempting to attune myself to the Spirit that flowed through the flora and fauna surrounding me. However, progress proved to be slow and attempts to connect to the energy within these words remained arduous, as if attempting to catch a fleeting breeze with outstretched hands. The process demanded patience and perseverance beyond measure, not even Ashir could have plagued me so. 
Deeper into the fall I had a reason to feel renewed excitement. 
“You want me to go…stare at the sky with you?” questioned Ashir as I donned my cloak. 
"This doesn't happen often, it’s a remarkable event! Come on, join me," I called out to Ashir, waiting by the doorway.
"Do all humans have such a fascination with the moon?" he retorted in a belittling tone, walking towards me with one set of arms crossed and the other resting at his sides. 
“Do all demons have such a penchant for ruining the fun of others? Both of our moons will be crossing paths during a total lunar eclipse. They say, my predecessor, the very First, battled the dark entity that had corrupted this forest on a night such as this”. 
Ashir scoffed, “Humans do love exaggerating their tales,” he said as he rolled his eyes before he gestured for me to go outside. I led the way, not bothering to humor his remark, as I walked to the side of the cottage.
Ashir took in the view for a moment, “Ah, I see. You only want me to help you get up there,” he concluded with a roll of his eyes. I shook my head. 
"I go up there all the time. We have a ladder, but it's fairly pointless," I explained as I began to climb the large trellis that covered the wall, stretching over both stories of my home. Midway, I noticed Ashir watching me from below, and an unusually mischievous idea crossed my mind. I intentionally let my foot slip away from the trellis, reaching one hand out and leaning back slightly to create the illusion of losing my balance. I even added a cry of fear, expecting Ashir to see through it. Yet, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the imposing demon panic, calling out my name. Suppressing my laughter, I regained my footing and held on with both hands.
"What?" he called out from below.
"Now I really know your threats are empty. You've gone soft," I teased, unable to contain my laughter.
"I- I was merely yelling in disappointment – at your foolishness!" he snapped back defensively.
"No, no, admit it Ashir. You've gone from persecutor to protector-" I began, but before I could finish, I felt his arms wrap around me, and everything went dark momentarily before swiftly returning. I found myself on the roof as Ashir gently set me down, his face close to mine.
"How do you know, hm? How do you know this isn't an act and that this collar is the only reason you're still alive?" he growled, his words laced with skepticism. I immediately knew it was a bluff. I had witnessed him screech at me, threaten and insult me in countless ways. This was different.
I pondered momentarily about something that had been on my mind quite a bit these past two weeks. I had been hesitant before but any anxiety I had almost entirely disappeared in that moment. Reaching up slowly and deliberately I grabbed hold of his collar. To my surprise, the second my hand came into contact with the cool metal it began to glimmer with purple magic. I gave it a gentle tug and it opened with ease. As I withdrew my hands, pulling the collar off of him, I looked into Ashir's eyes and saw a kind of shock I did not know he was capable of portraying. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung open in disbelief. It seemed as though he could hardly even process what had just occurred. I allowed silence to envelop us like the cool night air as I stared at him expectantly. After he, in fact, did not rip my face off I gave him a small, only slightly smug smile.  
"That’s how I know," I said confidently. He stood up straight, taking a step back, utterly speechless, and continuing to stare at me in awe.
“You are mad,” he breathed. I shrugged as I set the collar on the roof before I sat down. I looked at Ashir as I waited for him to follow suit. 
We lay in silence, our gazes fixed upon the vast expanse of stars, an unknown abyss stretching out before us. The moon, magnified and tinged with a deep red, cast an almost warm glow over the forest. Time seemed to lose its grip on us as we remained there, lost in the beauty of it all. At least, that is what I was lost in. Ashir on the other hand, was growing restless, fidgeting and glancing at me occasionally. 
Abruptly, he sat up, his words pouring out in a rush. "Why did you choose to show me empathy and kindness when all I ever offered you was venom and torment?” He froze suddenly, momentarily speechless until he hung his head, “…How can you treat a monster with such sweetness?" He asked in a quiet voice. He looked up at me and I saw that his face bore a desperate expression, something unlike anything I’d seen before. Eyes wide at his sudden outburst, I propped myself up on my elbows, facing him directly.
"You are not a monster," I affirmed, meeting his gaze. "You've been wounded and cornered, as such it is no surprise that you have learned to lash out. It wasn't something you taught yourself."
Ashir retorted, his voice filled with doubt, "You don't know that. Maybe I've always been this way."
"Not all demons are inherently evil," I countered gently.
"Some are…How did you know for certain that I wouldn't hurt you? Because I intervened when you failed to protect yourself from that man?" He asked. I thought about his question, taking a quiet moment of contemplation. The weight of his uncertainty hung in the air. 
“No,” I began before I shifted my gaze to the roof beneath us, choosing my words carefully, “…someone evil wouldn’t have cradled me so delicately, as if I were a fragile flower, afraid of causing harm or fear”. He shook his head. 
"I will never comprehend your unwavering kindness in the face of anger and hatred," he admitted, his tone tinged with disbelief.
"I cannot control the actions of others, nor can I force them to be good," I replied, my voice steady. "So I must embody goodness myself”. 
He interjected, leaning forward so his elbows rested on his knees, “Surely you see your own naivety, that path will get you killed someday”. My eyes widened a tad, his scolding having taken me off guard. I mirrored him, sitting with my elbows on my knees as I rested my chin on my hands. 
“My kindness does not mean I have removed my teeth. Push me far enough and I will act like a dog backed into a corner just the same” I explained, my eyes falling away from his towards the end of my sentence as I felt anxiety steal my breath, a familiar knot in my stomach returning. He eyed me skeptically. 
“After what I have witnessed, you may not have removed your teeth but have clearly forgotten how to use them” he stated. I sighed and went back to lying down and staring at the moon.
Silence returned and Ashir eventually followed suit, lying down once more. I closed my eyes, listening to the wind dance through the trees. A chorus of creatures could be heard if you only took the time to listen closely. However, my mind shifted away from the forest. I opened my eyes and stared at Ashir’s collar. Eventually, I had to ask, doing so with cautious curiosity. 
“Ashir?” I asked. His eyes met mine – a quiet acknowledgment, “Why have you been condemned to this punishment, to serve the will of others?”
"I disobeyed orders," Ashir replied, after what had felt like ages of contemplation. I raised my eyebrows 
"You truly have a gift for storytelling," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "I know the answer will be heavy. I am prepared for that weight, “ I added, only the slightest bit annoyed as I knew he believed I couldn’t take such a thing. 
With a deep sigh and a shake of his head, he began his tale. "There was a court, filled with human royalty. Some of the noblemen," he spat out the word with palpable disdain, "...despised the queen. I believe she kept them from amassing too much power. So, the men struck a deal with my master. They wanted him to take the soul of her beloved child, a little boy. But, not just that – they asked that they be able to witness his demise during some grand gathering," he explained as his voice grew venomous. I felt the weight of such a story pressing down on me as I stared with my mouth agape attempting to process it. 
"So you refused?" I asked once I regained my composure. Ashir's laughter echoed, full of resentment. Yet I could hear the pain hidden within. 
"Refusal alone would not have earned me such a punishment. No, when I saw them there, saw their sadistic anticipation, I was consumed by rage. If they could take joy in such a thing, I deemed that those men were unworthy of their souls," he replied, his voice tinged with a mix of hatred and pride. He continued, “And before you ask, I do not regret it”. 
I studied his face, seeing if that was the truth. And it seemed it was partially so. I had another question, but I allowed him to sit there in contemplation as I feared I may be pushing him into discussing more than he desired to.
He was the one to break the silence, “Go on, ask already,” he insisted, his voice tinged by lingering sharpness. It startled me and I saw his gaze soften as he lowered his head, almost if he was offering an unspoken apology. I took in a breath. 
"It wasn't your first attempt at escape, was it?" I asked, studying his face intently. His teeth clenched and shoulders tended before he replied.
"No," he said grimly. A heavy silence settled between us as I continued to observe him. His expression remained unyielding and he didn't speak again until I eventually returned my attention to the stars. Then he asked, his gaze now fixed on me, searching for answers, "How did you know?"
A chuckle escaped my lips, "...because you're a stubborn jerk," I jested.  Though not looking at him directly, I knew he silently urged me to speak the truth. I let out a sigh, meeting his gaze, "...I could see it in your eyes. You were aware of the consequences that awaited you had you been caught”.
Ashir's gaze grew distant as he muttered, "...I'm sure it awaits me still. Such a wretched cycle-"
I sat up, determined to convey my seriousness. "I was serious, Ashir," I interjected, prompting him to sit up as well.
"About what?" he replied, his tone curious.
"I am going to find a way to free you," I declared firmly, emphasizing each word. Ashir gave me a skeptical, almost angry look, and our bickering commenced.
"You can't possibly-"
"I'm going to give it a try," I stated. 
"It's futile," he retorted.
"I said I am going to-" 
"You do not comprehend the gravity of this," he urged. 
"Then I will educate myself. I will find a way," I insisted, standing my ground.
"You cannot,” he said, voice full of both disbelief and anger. 
"You underestimate me”.
“You shouldn’t concern yourself with such things, you-“
"Why?" I demanded abruptly, raising my voice for the first time and bringing our debate to a halt. His eyes widened at my conviction. 
The sounds of the forest seemed to become louder, rushing in to fill the silence, as the unanswered question hung in the air. Ashir and I sat there, our eyes locked, searching for understanding. The intensity of our conversation fizzled out as Ashir attempted to find words. But he didn’t need to. I knew the answer already. 
“… It's dangerous –“ he began, finally. I glared at him, eyes demanding the truth. Time seemed to slow as his face fell, “I am not worth the risk,” he confessed.
“Why?” I asked, as gently as I could. 
“Because, I am a worthless, wretched creature. I have ripped souls from bodies, oftentimes those who did not deserve it,”
“So you do not want to be freed?” I questioned in an even but dry tone. 
“Of course I do –“ Ashir began before I interjected. 
“You just do not want it to be with my help?” I questioned. Ashir leaned forward, bringing his face closer to mine. He stared into my eyes so intensely it sent a chill down my spine. 
“I am tainted, my hands bloodied. Yet you, you are untouched by darkness. I will not allow you to sully your soul for my sake” Ashir responded in a definitive tone. I looked away, for I did not want him to see how much my heart ached for him – how deeply I felt his pain. But, I was not about to back down, so I grit my teeth and met his gaze.
“If freeing you from centuries worth of torment is an act that defiles my soul, I will gladly embrace the darkness. But I refuse to believe it will. You are not a leper, you committed dark acts to avoid an existence of agony. And in the end, you decided agony was a better fate than continuing on that path,” I said with firm finality. He backed away, looking around nervously, before his form vanished before my eyes. Our conversation ended as abruptly as it began. I heaved out a deep sigh before lying back down, my mind racing with thoughts and questions. A darkness began to fall over the forest like a blanket as clouds gathered in front of the moon. I couldn’t bring myself to climb back down, so I lay there until sleep came for me. 
“Witch of the forest, wielder of Spirit” called a voice that seemed to hang in the air, an ethereal quality to it. I opened my eyes and was first greeted by the blood-red moon that seemed as if it may fall from the sky at any moment. I tried to sit up, but when I moved to push myself off of the roof it was not there. I looked around, to find I was floating in the air. The forest appeared as though it was partially dematerialized, fading into a dark void. Such a sight was quickly forgotten when my eyes landed on a figure that was nearly indescribable. It was a humanlike form but composed entirely of swirling, white Spirit. I could feel the power radiating off of the figure, my skin prickling, hairs standing on end. 
“Thou hath been bestowed the power of a Siphon, the second to grace our lineage since I. Endless and infinite is your potential, thus I implore thee - how art thou yet the feeblest among us? Why thy fire gone out?” called the voice. I began to stumble to speak, and I apologized for my shortcomings. I implored the figure to help me, to explain what they meant, what to do, but no matter what I said I only heard,
“Find thy fire and thou shall know peace”.
Before long, she had vanished and I felt everything beginning to fade away into darkness. Though I could see nothing, I felt something pulling me and heard quiet mumbling. 
I opened my eyes to find that Ashir was cautiously lifting me into his arms. As my awareness returned I could feel myself trembling, my hands so cold they felt stiff. 
“Ashir?” I asked as I opened my eyes. 
“Go back to sleep,” he grumbled as he carried me inside. 
I had spent the next morning fixing up my old treehouse, transforming it into a small sanctuary of solace. However, my endeavor was abruptly interrupted.
"Cedar!" Ashir called out suddenly.
"Just a moment!" I replied before descending from the tree.
"I knew I'd find you here. Someone came by, wanting to place an order. I disguised myself and took note of it, but don't make this a habit. I am not –“
"How did you know I was here?" I interrupted, gazing at him skeptically. 
"Why does that matter? Are you even listening? I said –“
"No, no. You mentioned that you knew you'd find me here, as if you knew about this place beforehand," I continued as I raised my eyebrows, causing Ashir to fumble for a response.
"I...I just...you..." He struggled to find the right words. I stood there, waiting for him to compose himself. He crossed his arms and sneered, "I'm so sorry that when it started raining and you didn't return to the cottage, I went out looking for you. And what a nightmare it was trying to track you in the rain –“
"You can track people?" I interrupted again, holding out my hand to stop him. Suddenly the fact that he had searched for me in the rain was forgotten.  
"All Ezel can. We can sense someone's soul. How else do you think we find our targets?" He annoyed as though it was knowledge I should have already 
"I suppose that makes sense…Why don't you come up and see the treehouse? I've made it quite cozy," I suggested.
"A wooden box in a tree? Sounds like a delightful time. You truly have a knack for adventure," he sarcastically replied. I opened my mouth to say something snarky but froze, thinking for a bit
"Oh? You want an adventure?" I challenged after a moment. 
"I..." he began, but I quickly scurried back up into the treehouse, grabbing my spell book, “I was simply being facetious! I doubt you could come up with something entertaining, regardless," he protested. I climbed most of the way back down before jumping off a low-hanging branch.
"Oh, and here I thought you'd be up for the challenge," I said with a smirk, placing my hand on my hip. He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at me.
"What challenge?" he asked, suddenly intrigued.
I shrugged nonchalantly and looked around. "Well, you claim you can track people, and I say I could easily hide from you if I wanted to," I proposed, injecting my voice with a hint of ego. Ashir's rumbling laughter could be heard as he approached, a mischievous grin forming on his face.
"You don't truly believe that, do you?" he asked skeptically. I glanced at the sun, realizing there was about an hour left until noon.
"I do. I think that if I use magic, I could hide from you until, let's say...high noon?" I said casually, though excitement began to build up within me. I wouldn't normally make such an offer, but I had a plan that I was mostly sure would work. My heart raced and for once it wasn’t due to fear. 
"Oleander, I need your help. Bring me a butterfly wing and two pieces of quartz. Transform into another form, not a crow, maybe a hare," I telepathically called out to my familiar. Though he could locate me regardless, I added, "Meet me at Criella's cross - and bring an extra sachet!”
"Your magic won't help hide your soul, but I suppose there's only one way to find out. I'll sit here and count to a hundred, no, two hundred, giving you the slightest chance to succeed," Ashir generously offered.
"How kind of you," I replied sarcastically. 
"One...two..." he began counting. My heart quickened, and I took off, leaping over a nearby brook and disappearing into the brush.
"No teleporting!" I called out as I ran. I continued for a while before casting a spell of lightness, ensuring I left no tracks and increasing my speed. I made my path as chaotic as possible, but I knew that alone wouldn't be enough. Eventually, I returned to a path and followed it, leaping over tree roots and ducking under low branches until it merged with several other paths. It led to a small clearing bathed in sunlight, where a very annoyed rabbit awaited me. He had dropped a small bag, and I picked it up.
"Is this some game you're playing with the demon?" Oleander asked.
"I wouldn't call it a game, per se," I replied as I opened the bag, taking out one of the quartz chunks. Such crystals make excellent vessels for energy, even if they do not excel at holding onto it for extended periods of time. I wrapped my hand around the crystal and closed my eyes. With a deep inhale and exhale I pushed some of my Spirit into the vessel, ensuring not to overdo it. Then, I placed the infused quartz inside the extra bag, handing it back to Oleander. 
"This feels like cheating..." my familiar said skeptically. 
"I clearly stated I'd be using magic, and you are technically magical. So, be a dear and run toward the field east of here," I said with a smile as I began removing my skirt. Oleander hopped backwards, tilting his head. 
“And how is disrobing going to help?” He questioned with a judgmental tone as I threw my skirt into the bushes near the east path before removing my shirt and repeating the action. All of which left me in a pair of shorts and an undershirt. I turned to my familiar, a smug look on my face, and shrugged. 
“Thank you, Ollie!” I said quietly, ignoring the question. I grabbed my spell book and the small bag and took off, headed west. 
My plan relied on a hypothesis: that Ashir's tracking was not primarily based on someone's soul, but rather on the residual Spirit it left behind. Souls constantly generated Spirit, albeit to varying degrees. If I were a different kind of Spirit witch, this task would have been considerably more challenging, as most of them possess an overabundance of Spirit. However, in my case, I only had an excess of Spirit when I managed to…fully harness my abilities.
It wasn’t long until I was nearing my destination so I paused and pulled out the second quartz. Breathing in I focused my energy, channeling it into the stone in my hand, causing the quartz to emit a soft, ethereal glow. I held it up to the sunlight, allowing the rays to pass through it, creating a brilliant prism of colors as I began my incantation. 
As the light filtered through the quartz, I began to visualize the energy spreading out, enveloping every inch of me, every hair and freckle. I focused on the image I wanted as I continued to say the incantation. 
Once I felt the spell had taken hold I walked to a nearby tree and hid the crystal behind it. Stepping back, I completed the incantation and watched as the crystal’s glow increased before shifting into a copy of myself sitting on the ground. I ensured the smallest bit of her shoe could be seen from the path. 
With the butterfly wing serving as a catalyst, I wove a polymorph spell around my spell book, transforming it into a mundane-seeming rock. I placed my spell…rock inside the small sachet before I fastened it securely around my wrist. I retraced my steps to the river's edge, treading carefully as I was aware Ashir’s senses were sharp and I feared he might hear me if I didn’t proceed with caution. I sat on the ground before slowly slipping into the river, swimming with the gentle current. The water was brisk and it stung my eyes as I blinked and tried my best to see. As I got my bearings and began to move through the water I saw fish darting around through my peripheral vision and I parted long stalks of aquatic plants as I swam further. 
The river subtly quickened, a signal urging me to resurface. Emerging from the depths with a touch of clumsiness, I rose to my feet, hearing the distant roar of a nearby waterfall. I began to walk, my pace increasing as I cautiously approached the precipice. The waterfall was modest in size and one could easily dive into the waters below, provided one avoided the rocks. Again aware of Ashir’s senses I began to descend by foot, maneuvering with care until I reached the bottom, slipping into the water once again. 
Paddling my way towards the cascading falls, I found my way into a hidden cavern concealed behind the thunderous curtain of water. The deafening crashing of the falls enveloped my senses. Retrieving my book from inside my sachet, I released it from its disguise before utilizing it to invoke a spell, attempting to dry myself off while I waited. 
And wait I did, for so long that I nearly left my hiding place to see if it was past high noon, thinking perhaps Ashir simply gave up. But sure enough, after what felt like ages, I heard his voice. 
"I know you're lurking somewhere. Reveal yourself," he called out, his voice finally breaking the silence. I remained motionless, refusing to yield. He continued, calling out a few more times, "It's past noon, there is no reason to remain hidden,” he continued. Still, I held my ground. Eventually, the sound of the demon plunging into the water reached my ears. Before long, he too found his way into the cavern, his anger palpable.
"Is it truly past noon?" I inquired, observing the expression on his face that had already betrayed the answer.
"Yes," he hissed, crossing his arms defiantly. In response, I sprang to my feet.
"I apologize, but I didn’t quite catch that. Could you repeat it?" I asked, tilting my head with a hint of feigned confusion.
"Yes! It is past noon!" he snapped, a small puddle forming at his feet as water dripped from his hair and pants – having removed his shirt and shoes. His chest was toned and muscular, the same brilliant white as the rest of his body. 
"And what does that mean, exactly?" I inquired, pretending to be bewildered, though I held my chin high.
"It means go fuck yourself,” he spat. 
"Oh, no, no. What does it really mean?" I chimed, edging closer.
"I don't have to say it," he retorted, his tone resembling that of a petulant child. I pouted playfully.
"Aw, are you too much of a baby to say it?" I cooed. His face contorted with fury.
"I'm not—"
"I believe you are," I interjected with a singsong voice, a wide smile adorning my face. He let out an exasperated huff, seething with anger. I maintained my gaze, unwavering.
"You've won," he finally conceded, and I burst into laughter, bouncing on my toes.
"Regretting the extra 100 seconds you gave me, hm? Although I'm not sure they would have helped. It seems you're just not very good at this," I teased, continuing to approach him. He rolled his eyes.
"I think you should shut your mouth” he barked
"Make me," I challenged, immediately realizing that I had made a grave error.
Ashir began to grin as he spoke, “Alright," he snarled, and in an instant, he vanished before my eyes.
I spun around, but it was too late. He swiftly seized me, hoisting me over his shoulder.
"Ashir, what on earth are you doing? Put me down! Gods, release me!" I pleaded, struggling against his grip. He shifted his hold, cradling me in his arms, and I realized we stood near the water's edge, the mist from the falls gently covering my skin. "Don't you dare, Ashir d—" I began, but he brought his arms back and flung me forward. I crashed through the waterfall, plunging into the cold water. After being stunned momentarily I swam back to the surface, gasping for air and turning to face the falls. "You're a sore loser, do you know that?!" I shouted.
"Well, you're hardly a gracious winner," his voice retorted from behind me. I wish I could say I handled it with composure, but alas, I did not. In fact, I screamed. And now, it was his turn to revel in laughter, a sound I was still getting used to. 
That night, restlessness consumed me, rendering sleep an elusive fantasy. I found myself caught in a relentless loop, replaying my conversations with Ashir and the dream that followed. Yet, the more I pondered, the more said dream faded into my subconcious. Instead, my thoughts gravitated toward recent events as I was elated Ashir had begun to warm up to me. However, the mere contemplation of it set my heart racing, its rhythm quickened by a mix of anticipation and a tinge of apprehension. I tried convincing myself that it was mere residual nervousness following the removal of his collar, but deep down, I knew the feeling had begun before that night.
But my thoughts didn't linger in the realm of mild and mundane for long. They inevitably circled back to our conversation on the roof. His face, etched with profound and unyielding sorrow remained imprinted in my mind. Strangely enough, the more I envisioned his expression the more it began to feel more akin to mirror. Not in a literal sense, of course, but in the shared burden of self-loathing and inner turmoil. I understood his sorrow, albeit for a different reason. But I too struggled to keep my head above the relentless waves of sorrow, constantly striving to be kind to myself, but finding it to be a losing battle more often than not. It made me question whether I was being hypocritical in reproaching Ashir for his behavior, especially considering self-hatred might be all he knows.
Lost in contemplation, my mind wandered to the way he held me, as though the simple act of embracing another was entirely new to him. I couldn't help but wonder: Had he never experienced such tenderness before? How starved for kindness must one be to believe that a mere touch could bring damnation upon another? The thought weighed heavily on my heart. 
I rose from my seat and made my way to the living room, settling onto the couch. "Ashir?" I called out, and before my eyes, the demon materialized. "Would you sit with me for a while? Just until I feel tired, perhaps?" I asked, my voice gentle. He eyed me skeptically, likely suspecting that this was a trick to have a conversation with him, which wasn't entirely wrong. He took a seat on the other side of the couch as I curled my knees to my chest, resting my head upon them.
"You know, it's quite funny," I began, breaking the silence after some time. 
"What is?" he inquired, squinting his eyes at me curiously. 
“I think we both hardly expected to have much in common, but here we are. Both feeling terribly and completely worthless. Irredeemable,” I said as my voice slowly became stoic. He sat up straight and leaned forward. 
"That's not a similarity at all," he adamantly replied, "It's entirely different."
"How?" I questioned, seeking to understand his perspective. He shook his head, a hint of frustration apparent. 
"How many times must I tell you? I am tainted. No matter how you perceive me, regardless of the growth I've experienced, I am and will always be a vile creature, unworthy of... undeserving of..." He trailed off, letting out a sigh. "I am surprised I have been here, surrounded by your kindness, for as long as I have without damning you or dragging y –“
As he spoke, frustration surged within me. I yearned to seize him and shout that I didn't believe him to be unworthy, that he deserved kindness, even if my words might not make a significant difference. But then, I remembered his unfamiliarity with affection. Without much further consideration, I sat up and, with a gentle but swift motion, leaned towards him and planted a kiss on his cheek. Instantly, he fell silent, motionless. He stared at me as I leaned back, a mix of awe and confusion evident in his eyes. My face burned red, but I wasn't finished. I turned slightly, closed my eyes tightly, and clasped my hands against my chest, freezing in place.
"What... what... Cedar?" Ashir called out, his voice filled with uncertainty. I ignored him. "Why did you... What are you doing? Hello? Cedar!" His concern grew, his words tinged with worry as he grabbed my shoulder. 
Finally, I broke my silence, "I'm waiting to go to hell," I said, slowly opening my eyes and looking around. "Hmm, that's odd. I don't think this is hell. And my soul doesn't feel very damned," I quipped. Ashir remained tense, drawing in a shaky breath. 
He stammered, "Why did you do such a thing?" his hand pressed against his cheek as he spoke. I observed a subtle, deep red, almost maroon, color spread across the demon's face, which somewhat eased my own embarrassment. "...all to prove a point?" He finished. My face grew even redder as I sheepishly glanced towards the ground. He fell quiet, and we sat there in silence for what felt like eons, until I slowly shook my head, finally answering his inquiry. I felt his fingertips gently lifting my chin, turning my face towards his.
His movements seemed slow, as if he were trudging through mud, even momentarily second-guessing himself. Eventually, he leaned closer and pressed his lips against my cheek. It was timid, filled with fear, as delicate as the flutter of a moth's wings. He pulled away but not entirely, his eyes fixed on my face. It took me a few moments to meet his gaze as I tried to maintain composure. My brain felt as if it were a whirlpool and I couldnt make sense of…anything really. Questions rapidly consumed my mind. What was happening? What did it mean? And why did I feel as though I may have fainted? But Ashir was looking at me expectantly, so I had to form some kind of response. 
"Still... still not in hell. M-maybe we just aren't trying hard enough," I jested, a shy smile forming. I wasn’t entirely certain what I was saying, my words were an attempt to alleviate my own anxiety. He smiled back, and that simple gesture sent a warm, comforting sensation coursing through my body.
 "Maybe," he whispered.
Nearly as slowly as before, he began to lean back in. As I realized what he was doing, my frustration grew, even though his intentions were well-meaning. It was as though he still thought he may kill me upon his lips touching mine. The impulsive courage that had seized me at the beginning of this exchange resurfaced as I leaned forward, pressing my lips against his. I fought through my shyness, cupping his cheek with my hand. The kiss was tender and sweet, but Ashir quickly pulled away, a familiar look in his eyes.
"Don't go," I pleaded softly. His eyes darted around, his chest rising and falling rapidly. This time, it was my turn to move slowly. I shifted onto my knees, positioning myself to reach him better. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. "If you can't bring yourself to be kind to yourself, I understand. But you are worthy to me," I whispered as I held on to him. To my surprise, when he returned my embrace, it was not fearful or hesitant. He enveloped me in his arms, holding me as one would cling to a raft in a turbulent sea.
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puzzlebeanficrecs · 10 months
Tumblr media
Drabbles are a form of fic I really adore. It takes a lot of effort to tell a satisfying story in just 100 words and yet these authors all manage to do just that.
Star Wars
003. Let Me Show You by @aimmyarrowshigh [Teen and Up, Poe Dameron/Rey]
Let me show you. Rey is at a loss in the Dameron kitchen: she’d never even been in a kitchen before. On base, the kitchen had been staffed by droids, and before that—before that was Niima.
Call/Response by Draco_sollicitus [General, Poe Dameron/Rey]
Rey's used to being on her own. It's what she's good at.
Setting It Up by Merfilly [General, Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey, Archive Locked]
Finn figures it's okay if he just is clear about what he is thinking.
Tomorrow's A New Day by @hollie47 [General, Poe Dameron/Finn]
Finn comforts Poe.
You Made a Rebel of a Careless Man's Careful Daughter by aimmyarrowshigh [Teen and Up, Poe Dameron/Rey]
You are the best thing that's ever been mine. Rey might be the last Jedi, but she's still a Scavenger deep down in her soul. What belongs to her is precious.
Determined by NotebookishType [Mature, Leia Organa/Han Solo]
Han figures he should learn to braid Leia's since he's usually the one to muss it up.
Powers by @skylarkblue [General, America Chavez/Cassie Lang]
Cassie's a little curious as to how America's whole deal works.
074. Board Games by aimmyarrowshigh [Teen and Up, Kate/Yelena]
Board games. “I am just saying, Kate Bishop, this game makes no sense!”
“It’s not supposed to make sense! It’s supposed to be fun!”
Early Mornings by Hollie47 [General, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov]
Natasha likes studying Steve's face as he sleeps.
Star Trek
Sandcastle by sweet_georgia_peach_drawl [General, Leonard McCoy & Joanna McCoy, Archive Locked]
Leonard watches his daughter building a sandcastle.
Shots by skylarkblue [General, Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres]
Seven is at the bar drowning her sorrows when B'Elanna takes the seat beside her.
Vulcan Kisses by LiraelClayr007 [General, Jim Kirk/Spock]
Jim and Spock don't show affection in front of the crew.
Except when they do.
Turbolift by Hollie47 [Explicit, Jim Kirk/Spock]
Spock indulges one of Jim's fantasies.
Even Brighter by Ptelea [Teen and Up, Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake]
Just a little moment for Tim and Bernard not too long after episodes 40/41, Better and Brighter.
Once More by Hollie47 [General, Stephanie Brown/Jason Todd]
Jason knows what to do when Steph has had enough training for the day.
Pirouette by skylarkblue [General, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain]
Steph loves to watch Cass dance.
Scooby Doo
030. Dares by aimmyarrowshigh [Teen and Up, Velma Dinkley/Sally McKnight | Thorn/Kimberly "Kim" Moss | Luna/Muffy St. James | Dusk]
Dares. The Hex Girls take Velma to Crystal Cove Mall.
Wednesday/The Addams Family
Enid in Black by WotanAnubis [General, Enid Sinclair/Wednesday Addams]
In which Wednesday must come to terms with an unexpected and incomprehensible sight.
Pushed by Hollie47 [General, Enid Sinclair/Wednesday Addams]
Wednesday doesn't appreciate being pushed.
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beck-a-leck · 1 year
Fresh Crops! January 23 - January 29, 2023
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3.
The Reason for Offerings - by yellowchikadee; Complete, 1/1, 6.2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: M/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Pete the Farmer/The Kappa; Characters: Pete | Jack, The Kappa Additional Tags: One Shot, Fluff, monster love, First Kiss, Shy Kappa, look its not fair the game refused to give us one romance scene with the turtle, Marriage Candidate, Bachelor, someone had to do it might as well be me, Nudity but he's a turtle, Sick Character, Cute, There is a pet capybara, Love Confessions, A little steamy enough to warrant a T rating Summary: Jack the farmer has a daily ritual of tossing a cucumber into Mother Lake for the local mythological demigod. He's adamant about doing it every single day, whether sunny or rainy, good health or bad. Yet, despite sticking to the habit for over a year and a half, he still hasn't gotten more than a sentence out of the mysterious lake dweller. He's at his breaking point, emotionally and physically, which might spell trouble for a certain kappa…
Degausser - by SHADESofDEATHxx; WIP, 5/?, 26k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Characters: Pete | Jack, Claire the Farmer, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Gray, Cliff, Jennifer, Popuri, Rick, Karen, Kai, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Mineral Town Residents Additional Tags: Redemption, Fresh Start, Loneliness, Angst, Self-Loathing, Self-Acceptance, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Use, Self-Harm, Multiple Pairings Summary: Those that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones – but that’s all Jack and Claire ever knew up until a series of half-lit cruel intentions landed them on the ferry to the desolate island of Mineral Town. After all, it was certainly easier to cast judgment unto others than it was to face the skeletons in your own closet. And surely no one would have an ill word to say about a brooding playboy and an immature party girl taking over the once-great farm that founded and funded their small town, right?
The Boys - by juggalombre; WIP, 12/?, 16k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: M/M, Multi Fandoms: Harvest Moon DS/Cute Characters: Original Male Character(s), Carter the Archeologist, Flora, Marlin | Mash, Vesta, Takakura, Galen | Guri, Nina, Griffin | Garfan, Muffy, Witch Princess, Harvest Goddess Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Slice of Life, Slow Burn, Pining, Forget-Me-Not Valley, Alcohol Summary: Jazzebel (Jazz for short) is a city boy down on his luck and at the end of his rope… and what else is a depressed city slicker to do besides drop out of school, move out of the city, and settle down in a freshly-abandoned farmhouse in a quaint little country valley?
Ebic Farming Momence - by Zonerz; WIP, 2/?, 4.9k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: M/M, Other Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Pioneers of Olive Town Relationship: Male Farmer/Ludus; Characters: Male Farmer (Olive Town), Male Farmer | Yuto, Mineral Town one thos is Lea and Olive town is Kasey teehee, OC time ✌, Ludus, might add more if I end up making more, I have a girlie from Animal Parade who is the eldest sister of these two so Additional Tags: Family Drama, Fluff, Sparring, These are just some drabbles I did for funsies, bc I ended up making lore for all my harvest moon farmers Summary: Just a collection of drabbles that I may build up with my current three farmers Kia, Lea, and Kasey bc I cannot stop myself from making OCs out of everything o7 o7 o7 Kia and Lea are siblings and Kasey's their troublesome little step-brother and boy howdy things are wild. But they all end up farmers ironically, tho all for different reasons 💖💖💖
Island of Sanctuary - by Mai_Blade; WIP, 3/?, 3.3k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Category: F/M Fandom: Island of Happiness Relationships: Reader & Other(s), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added; Characters: Reader, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, POV Multiple, Multiple Pairings, Angst and Tragedy, Blood and Gore, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Don't copy to another site, mentions of bullying, referenced suicidal feelings Summary: An island is a piece of land surrounded by water, a thing separate from the mainland. Fate brought you to an abandoned one, and you've helped bring it back to life. When the dead walk the earth, the island you call home becomes a defensible place, a refuge. A sanctuary. But. Even here, death comes.
And one Not Safe For Tumblr fic by TheFallen1986
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love-bokumono-fics · 10 months
Fresh Crops! August 7 - August 13, 2023
This week's newest stories and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
A Year in Forget-Me-Not Valley - by actaeoncross; WIP, 2/?, 2.5k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Other Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationships: Gustafa/Reader, Gustafa/ OC, Nami/Pony | Aya | Jill; Characters: Gustafa, Daryl Additional Tags: Slice of Life Summary: Unable to meet her family's high expectations, Alchemy is sent away from the City and cut off by her parents to live with her disowned cousin Daryl. Her parents and brother hope she’ll learn a lesson about why it is important to be successful after living in the valley. An easy-going musician has Al questioning whether he’s trying to help out of her shell or if there’s something more to his kindness.
Calluses - by Dinomilkshakes; Complete, 3/3, 3.4k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Other Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Rock/Reader; Characters: Rock, Reader, Nami, Ruby | Lou, Takakura Additional Tags: **NOTE: Some tags have been removed to remain Safe For Tumblr. Please see AO3 for complete tag list** Creampie, Breeding Kink, Unrealistic Sex, because who cares its more fun to read that way, Mention of Sterilization, its important to the main story youll see why later, im allowed to be trans the way I wanna be if you wanna read it thats cool but dont judge me pls, Transgender, non-binary, Pregnancy, each chapter is going to have different stuff I think so its at your own discretion Summary: Calluses is a Succession of Stones extra episodes booklet. In which the farmer marries Rock. And creates an alternate universe for every 'what-if' situation.
A Succession of Stones - by Dinomilkshakes; WIP, 6/10, 26k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: Other, F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Rock/Reader-Insert; Characters: Rock, Takakura, Vesta, Matthew, Cecilia, Ramona, Sebastian, Ruby | Lou, Tei Additional Tags: **NOTE: Some tags have been removed to remain Safe For Tumblr. Please see AO3 for complete tag list** Blood, unemployment, Reader is Non-Binary and Trans, And likes to dye their hair. so sue me, Romance, Yes I'm sorry it's Rock I have brainrot, there will be children later. its A Wonderful Life so expect it, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Sweethearts, Childhood Friends, they/them pronouns, Creampie, Breeding Kink, Everytime I update the preview it changes chapter 2 into chapter 1 so I'm sick of that Summary: In which the farmer marries Rock. “My hands are calloused so that his won’t need to be.” - Shakespeare, probably. Living in the big city takes a turn for the worse as you lose your job! SO you make the move to the Forgotten Valley where you used to spend your youthful summers. Awesome. One of your childhood sweethearts still lives there- but this fucking guy won’t leave you alone! You can’t seem to get away. Bygone are the days of sitting alone in your apartment, whiling away the time. Unfortunately, you become fond of him- on days where he’s gone it feels like somethings missing. But who is this bum who won’t leave you alone, and why do you never see him working!? And could you possibly put up with him for the rest of your life..? In which we examine a situation in which the farmer has no other choice but to marry Rock, because the situation calls for it.
Stone Butch, High Femme - by Whybe123; WIP, 7/13, 20k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Muffy | Muumuu/Nami; Characters: Muffy, Nami, Molly, Lumina Additional Tags: Drabbles, One-Shots, Sapphic, I'll revive the harvest moon fandom myself if i have to, and im going to make it gay if i do it, Lesbians, wlw, Mutual Pining, Mild Angst, hurt comfort, Small Towns, Dating, Fluff, ALL THE FLUFF Summary: In light of Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life getting a remaster, I was faced with an obvious task; I gotta make this gayer. Enjoy the following disjointed collection of Muffy/Molly and Nami clumsily falling in love in that sleepy little valley we all came to love.
Tumblr Posts for A Wonderful Life Characters - by actaeoncross; WIP, 13/?, 16k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Multiple Characters x Reader; Characters: Celia | Seperia, Cody | Gordy, Daryl, Flora, Gustafa, Lumina, Marlin | Mash, Matthew, Molly | Muffy, Nami, Rock, Reader Summary: A collection of Tumblr posts for A Wonderful Life Characters x Reader prompts. The blog is an offshoot of my main and should be found under AWL Imagines.
Lady Of Grasstrail Farms - by FromADenOfBeasts; WIP, 43/?, 55k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Pioneers of Olive Town Relationship: Female Farmer/Lars; Characters: Female Farmer, Lars, Laura, Angela, Clemens, Damon, Jack, Emilio, Reina, Victor, Gloria, Simon, Jesse Additional Tags: My First AO3 Post, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Supportive Big Brother, honestly the best big brother ever, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Wish Fulfillment, Mysterious Origins, Childbirth Summary: A young woman named Vallon quits her job and follows her heart to Olive Town, where her family has roots deeper than she ever thought. Now she has to contend with new neighbors, ancient magic, and getting the hang of farming a wild land. Can she cope on her own, or can she at least find someone to share it with?
I Love You, I Truly Mean It - by rainbowcoral; Complete, 2/2, 4.5k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: Trio of Towns Relationships: Female Farmer/Lisette; Characters: Female Farmer, Lisette Additional Tags: Love Confessions, LGBTQ Female Character, Declarations Of Love, First Love, Romance, Sweet, Healthy Relationships, Love Summary: Holly doesn't love Lisette as a friend. She loves her, but she loves her romantically. Lisette loves fairy tales, and she wants to be loved as if she were a princess. To Lisette's surprise, Holly loves to listen to her talk about fairy tales.
Tempest - by HouraiTeahouse; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: Gen Fandom: Trio of Towns Character: Kasumi Additional Tags: This is not apologism, Pre-Canon, Relatives to Enemies Summary: Kasumi loves her father.
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awlimagines · 7 months
A Wonderful Life - Assassin Muffy/Molly
((Separate/Alternate Ending Included Below the Cut))
The memories of the farm when you were little were hazy at best. You hadn’t expected to settle into life in Forget-Me-Not Valley this easily after a lifetime in the city. The farm was thriving. You had expanded to a full coop and barn and increased the quality of your crops with Takakura’s patient guidance. The two of you were even discussing expansion or building a processing room. 
Your personal life was going great, too. Strong bonds replaced your forced connections in the city. In the valley, there wasn’t a constant stream of new faces to drown out the others. You were happy to have people you counted as friends and a helpful community. Not to mention the gorgeous blonde you were falling hard for. Sometimes, this all felt too good to be true. 
The merry mood you were in momentarily dropped as you caught sight of the familiar thick envelope in your box. Frowning, you snatched the letter and promptly began ripping it to bits. You had entertained the land developer one time when you first learned the farm was left to you. You had told the greedy man months ago that you were not interested in selling any part of the land. A few pieces of the shredded paper fluttered from your grasp, leading your sight to the ground. 
Bootprints sank into the mud outside your window and led to the back of the farm. Thinking it was Takakura, you pocketed the scraps before following them. You had noticed that Takakura was the quiet type and not prone to telling you when he saw a job that needed doing. You were trying to gently break him of such habits and remind him that you were there to help. His voice calling you from behind startled you enough to jump slightly. Takakura asked what you were up to from the pasture. 
“I’m just checking this area to see about us clearing it for more space to grow crops next year,” you waved back. 
It wasn’t a complete lie; you reassured yourself. The extra space would probably be a good idea as your trees occupy most of your limited fields. The fact the bootprints trampled further in was just an added mystery to solve. The trail led into the woods surrounding the Goddess Pond until it stopped at the empty boots. Discarded alongside the shoes was a gun scope and a printed photo of you. The picture was from the beginning of the year. It showed you moving boxes filled with your belongings in the city in preparation for leaving for Forget-Me-Not Valley. The voices caught your attention as you crept further into the trees. 
“Do you want me to reveal everything?! Your life here could be easily ruined in just a few words,” the land developer from the city screamed. You could see his red face and the spittle from his shouts, speckling Muffy’s face. “This was supposed to be done during the summer! It’s now winter!” 
“W-what was supposed to be done?” 
Muffy’s head whipped around to face you. A black crop top and baggy camo pants replaced the little red dress and cardigan. She looked far too comfortable with the rifle in her hands. Muffy’s green eyes were cold when you met them, looking up from the black weapon.
“Well?” his voice dripped, motioning to you. “What’s your excuse now? You’ve had no problem killing in the past. What’s the issue with this one?” 
“Muffy, what is he-” your gentle approach halted as the gun’s point swept up to you. Muffy’s finger rested on the trigger as she gazed down the barrel at you. This couldn’t be real! The Muffy you knew couldn’t hurt a fly. She was kind, gentle, and a helpless romantic, not a cold-blooded killer. You held a hand towards her, taking a small step forward, “We can talk about this. You’re safe with me.” 
The shot echoed through the valley. Shaky breaths escaped your lips as the tree behind you splintered. The bullet had flown past your head with more speed than you could ever hope to meet. The land developer was yelling something, though you couldn’t hear anything over the ringing in your ears. Another resounding shot sent you crumpling in a heap to the ground. 
“Someone will be here soon. We need to act fast.” 
Muffy heaved you to your feet, unbothered by the now-silent man in the underbrush. You stumbled behind Muffy as she hurried from the site. She left you shaking by the riverside as she secured the rifle and her dog tags to a rock. After she watched the items sink into the pool around the waterfall, she returned to your side. The blonde took only a moment to settle herself before perfectly copying your hysteria as the townspeople burst up the path. 
The shot echoed through the valley, sending you crumpling in a heap to the ground. Another shot sent the land developer collapsing alongside you. You managed to drag your gaze up to Muffy, who coolly watched you as blood sprayed from your mouth, and you gasped for air. She bent down to swiftly place a pistol in the man’s hand to explain the wound to his head. 
“Sorry, love,” Muffy murmured, flicking her long ponytail behind her shoulder. “No one here would know the difference. This was the best option for me. No one knows my secret now, and I can live here peacefully.” 
Your final sensation was Muffy’s fingertips tenderly caressing your face as she placed a light, tender kiss on your forehead.
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pedropenguin28 · 1 month
Summary frankie bar tender on palm tree hawi bar female reader is a blonde smart studying veterinary who is woohed over by frankie but he has a bit of reputation in the local area a bit of a player and has his own secrets
Warning smut and kink consent sex and violence achol abuse drug abuse PSD drowning and many more
A/w I don't know how this fan fic working
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Frankie pov warning PTSD ⚠️nightmare
"After nice night, I was confessed over n/a frankie James called the over yeah mate I collect glass you fancy a cold beer why not he was rolling a joint I out the glass down grabbing the cold beer so that girl who you know she just nothing I sipped my beer I like to just slept with woman and forget them mate " I picked up the ice cold beer fuck that good yeah " he hands me a joint placing it in my mouth I lit until it turned Amber fuck inhaling that good I blow the smoke " we was working are away through the bar nearly James was drunk putting the juke box on I was halfway stoned singing to all the classic. It was getting late. I started to walk back to my house. Which wasn't fair stumbling everywhere, " I managed to turn the key. Getting inside, I kicked my shoes off and stumbled into the bedroom, pulling my shorts down and letting the coins fall on the floor. Fuck I cussed dragging top off sliding my boxer shorts " I fell on the bed falling asleep . My body was overheating I was tossing and turning . It was a cold misty day are corporal margins was waiting for us.i was just a young lad just left school a scared kid "my parents thought it would be a good idea to join the army . At first I was like hell No. new it, I was shipped off on a bus with a group full of lads,"same age" no one had a clue what was in for us . "Hi a lad with black floppy hair chewing gum " i am Oliver what posh name Oliver sorry he laugh people from my neighbour call me olls nice to meet you I am francso but frankie will do "oi lads a cheeky mousey brown haired guy I am nick and a another guy Tommy nice to meet you all . Right follow me on by one we was in a line " what are they doing cutting your hair cut franky no one in the army like long hair . Morals, you're next. I walked in the barbes' hair hearing the hair clippers all my curl hair was off .
I walked out going to get my uniform. Try it on looking at the mirror frankie come on . We walked where the rest of the lads where . Sitting in like a class room " right we are all on the front line to morrow okay we leave nearly in the tanks and head west okay. 'Muffys you all have a good night sleep and see you to morrow .
"We all walked back to our cabins packing our bags for tomorrow. I am scared Tommy choked out. Why I have girlfriend handing me a Picture and she is pregnant with our first child congratulations yeah same I looked sorry a guy turned around I am nick hello " right I think its good time Tommy walked to the door" we all walked to the canteen it was busy the food look horrible cold porridge it look not nice we all at down "tucking into cold porridge "so why did you join the army "I guess my parents didn't want me to be in trouble anymore I smiled yeah "dinner time was nearly finished "I scrape my tray in the bin " I walked back to the cabin climbing into my bunk bed . " I fell asleep. Then next morning, the lights were on. " Everyone quickly got changed, grabbing my bag and things I walked out the fright on everyone's face . We all stepped in the army trunk helmets on guns in are hands , we arrived the fields where muddy when you walk your boots get suck . Right olly frankie Tommy and nick your in a group, okay we began walking over shit it was cold hearing gun shots in the distance. We kept are weapons by us we quickly ran not knowing if the enmerys was behind us "crawling through mood .. olly stopped me and nick and Tommy running over olly hurry up "what is he doing nick looked at us olly . Turning his head "frankie don't come closer why " I looked down sit "what Tommy and nick shouted he stepped on a mine fuck "olly don't move please. Frankie I can't go on it a honer solider he sault" running and turning back it blow up .
"We carried on battling shot fiering fuck shooting back nick what he was hit in the chest fuck nick running over Tommy he been hit shit nick he looked down he gone .
Me and Tommy kept walking more this is horrible yeah shooting back again Tommy couldn't fight them frankie there hitting us I dodge a bullet the next thing I seem Tommy fall to the ground "I ran over fuck Tommy he was bleeding trying to compression the womb was open fuck I looked my hands was coved in blood . He was struggling to breath buddy stay with me "I am not going to make i croch down sitting on the muddy ground holding his head hey you will sobbing . Frankie I know we wasn't close but can you have this I looked leaning over it was his gold chain . "I can't have this yes you can. " putting the chain around my ,neck he closed his eyes .
"I will never forget you the place was slient "the next thing I was in my bed screaming having pains in my chest "I woke up sweating the flashback from me in the army is trigging me again "reaching over to get my pills. " I turned over the alam clock says it was too early "I rubbed My face laying there for seconds until I seen the crank of dawn through my wood slants "I out of bed waking over to my bathroom .
Turning the light on grabbing a grey towel and turning the shower on . " grabbing shower gel " washing my body letting the water relaxed me "after a hour I wrapped the towel around me walking into my room rubbing my hair with my hands I pulled out sweatpants grey lowing them to my hip bone. " there was a knock on my door Walking down the stairs it was Tina the girl I have been sleeping with " she was standing there in a red letix mini skirt and a leopard print boobie tube pushing her tits up I can smell her cheap perfume "what do you want? Tina I thought you was asleep tapping her fake nails on the door frame " no I was shhh she push me inside placing my hands on her hips she kissed me and lowing her mouth to my ear where is the bed room frankie just kissing her down there anyway I thought you was with that tart oh she just nothing huh -" well maybe we should have fun are own we walked to my room "she sat on the bed walking over I grabbed a condom "she stood up undressing her self I looked sliding my sweatpants off " you like them hum I moved closer playing my hands I massage her boobies maybe move your hands her Inbween her legs fuck this is where I want you frankie " okay she climbed on the bed I was standing behind her sliding my fingers and pleasing her she moan ., I open the condom she moan deeper I grabbed the headboard until my knuckles went white .
Frankie yes she screamed my name that music to my ears I pulled her hair fuck spitting out your such a naughty thing fuck I went deeper and deeper until i was reaching my climax I ride out spilling into the condom I pulled up throwing in the bin " its not emotional thing its just a hook up with all girls . Are you heading to the beach "yeah in bit I slid my boxer shorts on a tee shirt and shorts well see you then
"Once I let her out, I lay on my bed." Question what I have done, " I pulled myself together, " walking out I grabbing my keys to my beach buggy." Driving frankie, the others were waiting for parking up. Tina walked over, kissing me."Beer sure we spent the day chilling and listening to music. You're working tonight, yeah Tina kissed me see you there James smirk you and Tina hey its nothing what about the tammy girl I really like here you do yeah she is so lovely and cared hum sipping my beer .
" well have you seen n/a no she probaly busy you might be at the bar tonight yeah
"We all had lunch from the burger joint nothing better sitting on the beach eating with your freinds " laying back sunbathing " until it was time to get ready for work leaving the others at the beach. James smirk can I catch a lift sure driving him back see you later mate yeah hugging him I walked back into my house grabbing my red polo shirt for tonight "I look no maybe a white t shirt I did popping the gold chain out and throwing My green shorts and vans on"grabbing my things I needed for work .
"I walked to the bar the sun was setting its going to be a busy night " finally arrving I placed My bag frankie stock the bar grabbing the creates and filling the fridges with cold beer " getting my cocktail things ready soon you now it the bar was full I mixed cocktails looking around n/ a wasn't here maybe she will come "I mix vokia and different " achol people shouting orders mixing and shaking my ass " there was lots of gorgeous woman i was like a kid In a sweet store "fuck hello flirting my away across the bar until she was her" I looked she was breath taking walking In with her group of freinds be cool "my heart was beating fast my mouth was dry fuck " What can I get you a red wine it's that yes she was snappy I was confessed I will be sitting over there with my freinds okay "I got the bottle of wine pouring into a glass frankie I looked Tina "I am busy getting a glass of wine for her yes "n/a was looking over Tina was jealous she grabbing my tee shirt kissing me everyone was cheered pulling back
" Tina smirk n/a looked away why did you do that because want your, mad am I. Leave me alone " I walked over to the table "here is your wine thanks she couldn't even looked at me " James came over have you told them about the beach bonfire thing tommoorw no she took a flyer and look I smiled maybe I will see you there maybe .
0 notes
Will You...? - A Muffy Oneshot
A huge thank you to @saltytyrus for coming up with the title and encouraging me to post!!! Hope you all enjoy and have a happy new year<3
“Do I know you?”
Buffy turned towards the familiar voice with a soft smile on her face. “I think you would KNOW that you can’t recreate our first conversation EVERY time we go to a party.”
“Why not?” Marty shrugged, nonchalantly.
Buffy rolled her eyes. “Well for one, you HAVE eaten a frog now,” she paused; “Not that that’s something I want to remember seeing.”
“Okay it wasn’t alive.” He smirked. “But what of it? All that means is I’m no longer lying. In fact, it makes recreating it even better .” Buffy rolled her eyes again, but the affection on her face was all too evident. “What, like character development?”
“Exactly.” He had the nerve to sound proud of himself.
Buffy turned towards the party, surveying the room. It was Andi’s New Year’s Eve celebration, and the party was in full swing. There were many people from SAVA and Andi’s college that Buffy didn’t recognise, but the faces she knew were easy to spot. TJ and Cyrus were talking to a couple of Cyrus’ friends, TJ’s arm permanently slung over his boyfriend’s shoulder. Jonah was cheerily chatting to a random crowd, until Amber pulled him away and began speaking to him hurriedly. Jonah nodded and grabbed his guitar from where he’d (stupidly) left it leaning against the wall. “I’ve had a song request.” He spoke into the microphone that was already set up on stage. It was customary for Jonah to always do a performance of some kind at Andi’s parties. Sometimes TJ would play the piano, but it was rare for him to do so without Cyrus begging him to.
It was a romantic song, but it wasn’t coming from Jonah. Buffy knew who it was, it was Amber to Andi. They weren’t officially together but there had been constant mutual flirting between them for years. The song was bittersweet, and Jonah sung the lyrics with as much emotion as he could. Andi was smiling softly, face to the stage but eyes on Amber.
“They really should just get together already.” Buffy stated, turning back towards Marty, but he had disappeared. “Well that was nice of you!” she called out, as if he were still there. She sighed and grabbed a cupcake from the stand. Okay seriously, where is he? She checked her phone briefly, but it was just social media notifications.
She stood awkwardly for a moment. Should she talk to other people? She glanced around, trying to find someone else that wasn’t already in the middle of a conversation. By the time she turned back towards the cupcake stand, she was met with the face of her boyfriend, who was grinning at her a little nervously. “Hey.”
“Hey? Where did you even go just now you idiot?” she asked. Marty bit his lip. “Actually… I have something I want to ask you.” He said. His usual arrogant aroma was stripped away. Buffy tilted her head, confused. “What? You needed help finding the toilet?” she teased. “No… actually I wanted to ask you something.”
“You just said that.”
“Buffy.” He looked up then, his eyes meeting hers. Not breaking eye contact, he lowered himself down onto one knee. She stared back at him, cheeks warming, but not with the embarrassment she would’ve expected. With love. With happiness. With excitement.
“Buffy…” He trailed off, taking her hand in his. “I… will you marry me?”
Cheeks pinked, Buffy’s eyes widened. She’d suspected that was what he was asking- they had talked about getting married for a while now, after all- but she didn’t know for sure that it was coming until he said it. 
She knew her answer, but the words couldn’t come. Everything was just so damn perfect. Of course his nostalgic, romantic ass would propose at a party. Hell, he’d even done it right next to the food table.
Buffy wasn’t much of a romantic herself but for some reason Marty always got to her. Everything he did for her made her stomach flutter, her cheeks warm, her smile soften. All her life Buffy had imagined herself being the kind to reject a marriage proposal, and even after meeting Marty she had figured it would just be something casual, like a random “let’s get married” during the ad break of watching free to air television. 
But in this moment she knew what felt right for her, and she could no longer imagine it any other way.
“Wait really?” Marty asked, a bewildered expression on his face. Buffy laughed. “Of course, you doof. I love you.”
Marty grinned. Moving swiftly, he slipped the ring on her finger, and he stood up, lips meeting hers like they had been since that perfect night in eighth grade.
They were surrounded by people, but miraculously it seemed nobody had noticed their proposal. And that was perfect. It was just them.
“Hey, you beat your PB!” Marty exclaimed. It was Saturday morning of the next week, and they were taking turns timing each other race at the college track. Buffy smiled. “Good.” She said, taking a sip  from the water bottle he handed her.
“You should’ve joined college track when you were studying here. I-“
“Can you get me more water?” she interrupted.
“Well excuse me princess,” he took the bottle back from her, “It’s not even empty!” he exclaimed.
“I’ll need more when I beat your current PB.”
Marty laughed. “As if that’ll happen. I’m the one with the sports science degree.”
Buffy raised her eyebrows. “How does that make you faster? You’re training to be a physiotherapist, not an athlete.” Marty chuckled until Buffy’s fist hit his chest. “Water?”
Doing a mock bow, he took the bottle. Buffy watched him walk away. The water fountain took him a five minute walk one way. She had ten minutes.
When Marty re-approached the track, he was met by a warm, familiar hand latching onto his arm. “Come up the bleachers with me.” Buffy instructed. Bewildered, Marty followed her. 
With each step up to the top, Buffy would clench her fists. She did that when she was nervous, he knew. It was the only way she could prevent herself from biting her nails. He’d only ever seen her like this during grand finals. What’s going on?
As if on cue, Buffy stopped and spun around, arms in the air. “Behold!” she announced. Marty almost snorted at the word choice, but turned around to see what was putting such a proud expression on her face.
He gasped.
In the field at the centre of the track, Buffy had laid out hundreds of rose petals to form the words “MARRY ME 11.5?”
She hadn’t called him that in years, and his record was faster now, but he knew why the nickname was there. She wanted him to know she alone had done it for him. It made it special.
“Buffy…” he turned back to her beaming face. “This is so romantic.” She beamed even more. She looked gorgeous, and god, he just wanted to kiss her but he had to ask, “Wait, aren’t we already engaged though?”
Buffy snorted. “You really thought I would let you win best proposal?”
It was Marty’s turn to laugh. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
She smirked. “I know,” she nudged his shoulder, “but you love me.”
“I really do.”
And the next thing Marty knew, Buffy was in his arms and his hands were in her curls and they were kissing and laughing and he was vaguely aware of some whistling from their newly arrived gang of friends but he didn’t care.
“I literally love you so much.” She whispered in between kisses.
“Me too, princess. Me too.”
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theresnourieandme · 5 years
Him and I.
Buffy stopped suddenly. Her sneakers stopped creaking on the wet sidewalk chalk, and the headphones slipped from her ears, clanging against the pink jersey.
She couldn't believe her eyes. Cyrus, who for a few days had been behaving in a rather strange way – all too strange, if it was Cyrus Goodman – was now quietly sitting on the swing. He would write something on the phone, and then, at some point, he would look around, maybe looking for someone.
When a blonde who Buffy didn't recognize approached him, Cyrus stopped swinging, stood up, approached him with a smile, and threw himself into his open arms. Buffy was even more surprised when Cyrus raised his head and stood on his tip toes to kiss the boy.
"W-what?" she whispered to herself. By now the distance she had self-imposed to reach in that small training had totally lost importance. She decided to hide behind one of those flowerbeds on the side of the road, from which she could see the two very well, who continued to make out without shame, while a woman with a little girl a little further was looking at them quite badly.
So... Cyrus had a boyfriend? Buffy just couldn't understand why he didn't tell his best friends. They said everything to each other, didn't they? Andi had told them about Jonah, Walker, and even Amber. And Buffy about Walker, who then refused badly. Anyway, Cyrus told them about his crush on Jonah, too. But this? This was totally another speech. Cyrus Goodman, who hadn't even come-out to his own parents, was kissing a boy in public. It was like discovering that a civilization that had just invented the wheel was building a steam locomotive.
But what baffled her was not so much the fact that Cyrus had a boyfriend, but that he didn't tell her. They had known each other for a long time – for ten years and ten months – and they said everything to each other, even the least relevant things. How could he hide this from her and Andi? After all they had gone through together, after all the laughter and sad moments. How could he? She felt betrayed, that's all. Like Cyrus preferred someone else over the two of them. And maybe he did.
Buffy didn't break down and tried to quell the tears that wanted to get out at all costs. Crying was a stupid thing, and it certainly wouldn't fix anything at that time.
Now Cyrus and that mysterious guy were sitting on a bench not far from her flowerbed, and they were talking about who knows what. When the blonde looked in her direction, Buffy lowered her head and prayed she hadn't been seen. When she looked up, the two had returned to speak quietly.
To avoid other inconsistencies like that, Buffy decided it was time to look for a new hiding place, and spotted the closed slide pipe, on which she went as a child and that it could be a good observation point.
She rose cautiously and fled there quickly, hoping not to be noticed by someone nearby. When she came to the shelter, she turned around and...
"Hey! You’re covering my view. Move over."
Buffy blinked repeatedly, surprised and indignant. "What, sorry?" she said when she found the words. "You can't give me orders, and even if you could I wouldn't follow them."
A boy her age was sitting cross-legged near one of the cracks in the game and looked at her quite annoyed. Buffy didn't break down and turned her gaze back with challenge. He passed his hand between the tuft held together by a little gel and sighed, as if he knew full well that there was no hope that she would leave. "Listen, I don't know you and I don't want to know who you are. I just want you to move just a little bit to my right so that I can see," he said in a calmer tone than before.
Buffy raised her eyebrows. "Why are you here?"
"I could ask you the same question, you know?" he replied, this time looking into her eyes and standing up.
"All right, it means I'll answer it first. My best friend is here with a guy I don't know, and I want to know who he is."
"It's amazing."
"That I look like a stalker?"
"No, I mean... We’re here for exactly the same reason!"
Buffy sat cross-legged and he imitated her, returning to the same position as before. "So, I would propose an exchange of information. What's the blonde's name?"
"TJ." Buffy raised her eyebrows, unconvinced. He put his hands forward as if to protect himself from her gaze that demanded an explanation. "Don't make that face! His name is TJ Kippen. It's short for something, but he won't want to tell me what, so don't make that face."
She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "The moor with him is called Cyrus Goodman. Actually, Cyrus didn't tell me about a boyfriend."
He shrugged, frowning his forehead. "Neither did TJ to me. He didn’t even tell me about… yes, you know, him being gay."
Buffy nodded. "Maybe he doesn't feel ready to let you know yet."
He gestured for a few moments, perhaps looking for the right words. He then pointed to an unspecified spot in the park. "It's out there. Kissing a boy!" he exclaimed whispering, his brown eyes looking almost frightened.
She shrugged and peeked into the park through one of the many cracks. "Now not anymore."
"What?! Are they gone?" he asked, surprised, approaching another crack near hers.
"It seems so. Maybe one day we will see them quietly entering the Spoon hand by hand as if nothing had happened," she joked, chuckling softly.
He looked up. "You go to the Spoon?"
She nodded. "Very often. With Andi and Cyrus, and sometimes even with Amber."
"Amber? The same Amber who works there? Blonde, not very tall, blue eyes, pretty smile, quite lesbian?"
"Do you know each other?" Buffy asked, frowning, this time, her forehead.
He nodded. "She's TJ's older sister. And she dated Jonah Beck for a while."
"Oh yes, I know Jonah, though not very well."
"We haven't introduced ourselves yet," he pointed out.
"I'm Buffy." And she held out her hand towards him.
Soon after, he squeezed it. "Marty."
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andimackfaneditsss · 6 years
Water Under Burning Bridges
Pairing: Marty x Buffy (Muffy)
Rated: Everyone
Summary: Marty and Buffy address what happened between them on the bridge. Buffy wants to leave everything behind them and continue on as usual, but Marty can’t carry on that way.
They sit in the Spoon, afternoon crowd chattering around them. It’s a Saturday so Buffy thought it would be the perfect chance to spend some time with Marty so that he knows she doesn’t hate him.
He said he thinks they could be more than friends, but how he could think...so much going on, she didn’t know. Buffy doesn’t know what Marty’s life is like right now even though she’s in it, but just thinking of her life brings on an ache between her eyes. She has to practice until she’s better than the boys, now more than ever, so that when Tj tries to steal the ball from her again she would have already shot it into the net. Then there was Cyrus refusing to let her in or open up about how he was purposely going out with Iris whenever Andi wanted to meet up and talk about Jonah or how he would pick at the napkin in his lap when those moments came up. He was still dating Iris—the poor girl. Poor Cyrus. He wouldn’t even let Buffy comfort him anymore when it was clear things were getting to him, he said it was starting to concern Andi and suspicion would only arise from there. Things with Andi and Jonah were confusing, especially when no one could tell they were a couple because it would seem Jonah didn’t know what that meant. To top it all off, Buffy couldn’t talk to anybody about any of this. Not to her mom. Not to Marty. Bex was cool but she was too busy with her studies. It seemed like everyone just found it so easy to talk to Buffy about anything, even if it meant she couldn’t tell anyone what she was being told, that wasn’t so bad except for the fact she needed to vent once in awhile. But with no one to turn to...
So with all of this, having to tutor Tj now, keeping Cyrus’ secret and being unable to even comfort him anymore, having to give couples counseling to one half of a couple all of the time. Buffy had no clue how she could even go about considering to look at Marty as more than a friend, when all she really needed now more than ever was a friend who just got her without her having to explain everything they most likely wouldn’t get. She needed Marty, but it wasn’t the way Marty needed her. How can you fill the hole in someone’s heart? Buffy was hoping burgers would do the trick.
The waitress arrived with their food. She placed Marty’s down first and before Buffy could be given hers, Marty lays down the extra napkins he grabbed when he saw their food was on its way to the table and drops his tomato onto the wrinkled pile.
Buffy was irritated but couldn’t understand why. She got her burger finally and decided to forget what Marty had done, after all, maybe he’s just nervous or distracted. They haven’t spoken in three days. She opens her burger and plucks two pickles off her patty and then leans over the table to drop them in Marty’s basket when he stops her.
“I’m good,” He holds up a hand dismissively. “Thanks.”
Buffy falls into her seat, steals one of the napkins out from under the clutter holding up his discarded tomato, and drops her pickles onto it for later discarding. “Look I know we’re not seeing eye to eye on this—”
“Buffy.” Marty sighs.
“What?” Buffy furrows her brows. “Am I missing something?”
“Yeah, just the fact that you’re being insanely selfish.” Marty shakes his head before taking a bite of his burger.
Buffy blinks slowly, her appetite gone. Marty’s hunger only grows and it’s clear when he starts eyeing his discarded tomato.
“I’m being selfish? Me?” Buffy narrows her eyes. She’s done a lot to be called selfish, her competitive side alone has gotten her into trouble because she has to be the greatest at everything. She convinced Andi to talk to Bex about a makeover that would teach Amber to not mess with people even though Andi resisted because it wasn’t aligned with her morality. A small part of her is happy she’s the first to know about Cyrus being gay, about his crush on Jonah, and she’s glad that the two of them have grown closer even without Andi because as sweet as she is every conversation doesn’t revolve around her. There’s a lot to be said that could count as Buffy being selfish, but she never dreamt wanting a friend to stay a friend would fall under that category.
Marty nodded simply.
It only angered her more.
“What’s selfish about wanting to stay friends?” Buffy asked.
“That, in and of itself, isn’t selfish.” Marty says softly. Buffy relaxes. “And it’s not the reason I’m mad.”
Buffy leaned over her burger which grows colder by the second. “Then what is making you mad at me. What made you storm off that bridge and avoid me for three days?”
Marty stares intently. “Why didn’t you just tell me? Why flirt with me if—”
“Wait whoa—I don’t flirt.”
“Then what was going on between us?”
“We were getting along!”
“But it was more than that. We had a connection.”
“Friends can have chemistry, Marty.”
“It didn’t feel like that...”
Tension settles over the table. Marty’s eyeing his discarded tomato even though he hates tomatoes. Buffy can’t even look at her burger without feeling nauseous.
“Here.” Buffy pushes her untouched burger toward Marty.
He stares at it like the gesture suddenly means less than it would have earlier...five days earlier. Buffy can’t tell if it does, if it will in the future, if their friendship will be less than it used to be. Worry sets in, her heart drops.
Marty sighs, leaning forward to take the burger. “Thanks.”
Buffy’s hands stop tingling, she relaxes her fists.
“Don’t mention it.” She cracks a smile, chuckling to herself. “I could practically hear your stomach growling from here.”
Marty remains somber as he scarfs down Buffy’s burger.
When the burgers are finished, discarded burger contents left on the table on oily grease stained napkins, Buffy pays for their lunch and Marty thanks her before abruptly leaving. She catches up to him before he crosses the street. He rapidly presses the button at the crosswalk when he sees her coming.
“Hey!” Buffy raises her arms at her sides. “I thought we were putting the past behind us. What happened in there? Why did you just bail on me?”
Marty keeps his stare aimed at the digital red hand across the street, as if he could will it to turn into a man. He stays quiet until the stoplight turns yellow.
“Things will never be the same between us.” He says, deflated. Buffy thinks he sounds so small and she wishes they were how they were before because right now she would have thrown an arm around his shoulders and tried to cheer him up. Would have tried to not focus on how horrible the person is that made Marty feel small. But realizing it’s her this second, she’s angry at herself. But she shouldn’t be in the wrong for just wanting to be friends...why does she feel so bad?
The digital man pops up finally, signaling it’s safe to walk. Marty doesn’t move except to turn around to fully face Buffy. He looks so wounded. Like someone just kicked his puppy. No, like he is the puppy who was just kicked.
“You’re not selfish for wanting to be friends...” Marty trails off.
Buffy holds her breath.
“But you can’t expect me to carry on like I don’t like you that way. Pretend as if none of that happened. I’m sorry Buffy, I can’t be there for you the way you need me to. It’s too painful. At least when I didn’t know how you felt there was a chance you could feel the same. But now I know you don’t, yet my feelings haven’t changed. You want things to go back to the way they were but I can’t be okay with that.”
“What’re you sayi—”
“You just want this to be water under the bridge.” Marty looks away. “But I think it’s more like a bridge burned.”
Buffy can’t be sure but it looks like he’s blinking harder than normal. His eyes are glossier than normal, too. There’s something inside her that drops. Sinks. Fades away.
Marty shakes his head and shuffles passed her, not caring that he still has 17 seconds to cross the street and he normally would be over there in under ten.
Things are different now. Between them.
Water under burning bridges.
Cred to @rockypond101 for being an awesome betareader! Thanks for helping me with this❤️
For the anon that requested this, hope you like it!
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colestis · 4 years
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