#mountain ranger!ari
bigtreefest · 26 days
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Take a Stab
From: Bigger Houses Series
Pairing: Mountain Ranger! Ari x Reader
Summary: You and Ari rent a secluded cabin at the lake for your one year anniversary.
Word Count: 2,537
Content/Warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY, SMUT, protected p in v sex, outdoor sex, praise, secrecy and surprises, coffee sipping, happy crying, mentions of knife usage for whittling, pet names, like one swear
A/N: Ro, thank you for this hot gif. Ari with that sexy lean and the chest hair will never not do something to me. This. This is Ari getting up and making himself a pot of coffee when Duchess doesn’t think he’s awake yet.
As always, a great thank you to everyone who reads. I love your feedback in all forms. 🥰
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Ari woke up to the creaking sound of the screen door at the front end of the cabin opening and closing. He immediately turned in the flannel sheets, reaching out for you, only to find your side of the bed still warm, but empty. Had you left something in the car? No way, he remembers checking one last time last night when bringing your bags into the cabin you had rented for the weekend. So what were you doing up when he knew this was a weekend built for sleeping in?
You and Ari were celebrating your one year anniversary together at the lake. Sure, you had your own cabin with gorgeous views, but this was a special occasion. And you didn’t live this close to water. A word to the wise: always take the opportunity to be near a body of water with Ari Levinson. He’ll most likely be shirtless, and that’s an image created by God himself. And definitely don’t turn down the opportunity of a canoe ride sunset picnic, either. The view is gorgeous…
But that was last night, and this is now. You woke up early in the hopes of getting a few minutes to prepare your surprise for him. A gift of true love to show how much you really valued Ari and took note of the meanings of his gestures. This was one you wanted to return: you were whittling him a spoon.
About a month into your relationship, Ari had gifted you one, along with his prized pocket knife over a bonfire in his backyard. He pulled out a block of wood to show you a few different techniques and how to get started, and that was one of the first moments you realized you really just enjoyed being with him. Sharing knowledge. Growing.
At the time, you didn’t know the significance of either of those things: the spoon and the knife. You just thought whittling was a cute little thing he did since he had the time and he had handed the knife over because he wanted you to be prepared since you were newly living in the outdoors. Nearly a year later, now, though, you were finally almost finished with your spoon for him. And Ari was constantly still shopping, looking for a knife like the one he gave you since it was no longer in stock, unbeknownst to you.
You had no idea the level of skill that went into making something as simple, or so you believed, as a spoon. It definitely wasn’t a throwaway gesture. And for him to do it that early into your relationship? You realized how much you’ve meant to him this entire time.
You could tell the knife was special, too, by the way he looked at you when you used it. He loved knowing it was almost always on your person, especially on hikes, and he was always trying to show you how versatile it was.
All that was left were the finishing touches: completing a small little carving of a bear in the handle, and then sanding it. If you played it right, you should be able to finish before Ari gets up. He should be exhausted from all of last night’s….activities still. So you had carefully slipped out of bed, reluctantly leaving his naked warmth, as to not jostle him, grabbed your supplies, and headed out onto the cabin’s wraparound balcony which overlooked the lake. It was a beautiful view, which in a few minutes would host the sunrise.
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When Ari woke up in a jolt, he immediately padded through the cabin, looking through the windows to see where your possibly could’ve gone. As he got to the kitchen, halfway to the front door, he was relieved to see your head peeking over the outdoor furniture. Ari breathed out his sigh of relief as he moved around the large island and started to make a pot of coffee. You hadn’t even done that, probably out of fear of waking him, which led him to wonder what you were keeping so secretive.
He pulled down a mug from the cabinet, rinsing and filling it with hot water as the coffee brewed, to get the mug warm, doing the same for yours. He leaned back against the counter as he waited, looking out towards you. The amazing scenery around him didn’t hold a flame to your glow, even coming from someone who had admired nature his entire life. This was a dream vacation for him, but honestly, Ari would’ve visited a garbage dump as long as it was with you.
The front door surprisingly blocked out the loud whirring of the old machine since you didn’t stir as the last drops of coffee sputtered out. Ari poured out the water and filled the mugs, sauntering towards the side door of the cabin to the balcony. If you could be secretive, he could, too. And this door was much quieter.
As Ari rounded the corner of the porch, the high-pitched scratching of sandpaper became louder. He perched himself at the corner, silently setting down your mug and leaning against the railing. He just stood and watched you for another second, the way your brows furrowed in concentration as you were completing a task he was all too familiar with.
You held the spoon in front of you, checking if you missed any spots when you were startled by the sound of slurping coming from your side. You jumped, dropping the spoon when you saw Ari taking a sip of his coffee. The smile that grew on his face when your eyes met took your attention from his nearly nude form. He must’ve slipped shorts on before coming out here. Shame. You were about the same, though, only wearing a fresh shirt you plucked from his duffel on your way out here. Now he had one less clean shirt to wear? Tragic. Guess he was gonna have to find a way to deal. You wouldn’t mind.
Your face mirrored his, beaming in the soft haze of first light, before your face fell when realized what he had walked out to see you doing. You scrambled to pick the spoon up off the deck, tucking it behind your back. You sighed, slumping back in your chair and raising an eyebrow at him.
Ari continued to smirk at you, taking another sip of his coffee before clearing his throat. His voice still held a bit of a deep grumble from how early it was. “Good morning, Duchess. Keeping secrets, are we?”
He gave a light laugh as he grabbed your mug, making his way over to sit next to you. You grabbed your coffee in defeat, taking a big gulp before setting it down next to the knife on the small coffee table and turning to face him. Ari pulled your legs over his in habit as you reached up to stroke his bearded cheek.
“Less of a secret and more of a surprise. I thought you weren’t going to be up yet.” You leaned in to Ari kissing your forehead and pulled away.
Ari set down his mug next to yours and took the opportunity to pull you close, resting his chin on top of your head before pulling away again and leaning in for a proper kiss.
“Kinda hard to sleep when you’re missing…And you’re a loud walker. Zero stealth skills, Angel.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and lightly smacked his chest before reaching a hand behind you.
“I’m sneaky enough to have gotten by for this long. Now do you want your surprise or not?”
Ari knew the drill by this point, closing his eyes and pulling a large hand from its place rubbing your back and holding it out between the two of you as you pulled out the spoon. His one eye cracked open just enough for him to catch a glance at your proud smile before closing it again. He hadn’t gotten a very good look at what exactly you were doing before, so when he felt the curved wood hit his palm, Ari froze with stark, full realization.
His long eyelashes fluttered open just for tears to immediately soak them. He looked down and examined the smooth, freshly sanded wood before looking back up at you. You were immediately struck with worry at his visceral reaction.
“What, did I do something wrong? Are you upset I used your knife for it? Is it that bad? You don’t have to accept it.” You bit your lip in worry as Ari shook his head and ran his thumb over the small, intricate bear engraving in the handle. He could see how much time you put into it.
He quickly pulled the spoon to his chest like he would die if it ever left his grip. “No, it’s perfect. I love it so much. I’m just so…happy. You made this? Just for me?” He was touched beyond belief.
You giggled as tears began to fill your eyes at his reaction. “Yeah, of course I did. It took me way longer than I expected, but now we match.”
Ari nodded and sniffled before pulling you into a tight hug, tucking his face into your neck. You shivered at the vibration against you as he spoke. “God, I love it so much. I love you so much. I can’t believe you made this. Thank you.”
You ran your hands up and down his back in a soothing gesture, moving upward until you were at the nape of his neck. You began running your nails through his hair and Ari pulled away to look at you, deep blue eyes sparkling in the first few rays of the sunrise. He moved to set down the spoon, careful to keep an eye on it before he dragged you to straddle his lap.
“Really, Duchess. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. How long did it take you?”
You continued scratching his head as his eyes closed in satisfaction. “Hmm, about a year. I worked on it on and off. It’s not very easy, especially the little carving.”
Ari hummed. “Yeah, I bet. It’s absolutely amazing. I’ve never tried anything like that but you did great. You put me on it.” He opened his eyes and beamed up at you.
“Of course I did. You’re my sweet Bear. You deserve the same as you give. I love you so much.” You returned the smile and leaned in to kiss him.
Your tongues danced together in a tango of deep, overwhelming desire before pulling away, Ari pulling your hips down tighter against his crotch. You didn’t miss the deepening smirk on his face and the fire filling his eyes. “You know, it would be a shame to waste such a beautiful sunrise. What do you say you and I go up to the railing to watch it together?”
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The sunrise was beautiful, painting the sky in pastel strokes of orange, red, and purple. You were enjoying the view, bent at the hips, leaned over the railing, with Ari right behind you, holding you close. Your shirt was hiked up, hanging on your hard nipples as Ari’s shorts hung just low enough for him to have pulled out his cock.
Ari was dragging against your walls in slow, deep strokes, as one hand rubbed your clit in circles in time with his hips and the other gently tweaked a nipple. His head rested on your shoulder, body molded against yours, as he looked out over the lake with you.
Every now and then, Ari turned his head to kiss your neck in the spot just above where it met your shoulder. The one that made you let out those delicious moans every time. He whispered in your ear as your one hand squeezed his forearm over your chest, the other digging into the railing as you braced yourself against the overwhelming pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re so amazing. So talented. I can tell you worked so hard for me. Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
You whined and clenched at that, thriving on Ari’s praise and having thought the same about forever before, but never verbalizing it. Ari was it for you and the perfect shared moment proved it. You couldn’t have expected a better reaction to your gift. To have someone just as understanding of the little things as you was soothing to your soul. To have someone who carried their gestures with the same weight was one in billions and you couldn’t believe you found him.
You threw your head back against Ari’s shoulder, whimpering between heavy breaths. “So good, I-hmmm- I love you, Bear.”
You felt Ari’s chest rumble as he moaned against you, picking up his pace and grunting near your ear, captivated by the way the sun was hitting both of you, lighting up the heavenly moment. “Ah, I love you more, Angel. You’re so good to me. So sweet.“
He rubbed your clit faster, both of you rising towards your peak with the sun that was nearly cresting the horizon, almost fully in the sky. Your eyes squeezed shut before Ari looked over and caught it, taking his hand off your clit. “Ah ah ah, eyes open. Don’t wanna miss this moment.”
You forced your eyelids apart and looked over at Ari, a thin sheet of sweat causing some of his hair to stick to his forehead. The golden light was highlighting his features and weaving through his beard gorgeously. He was right, you wouldn’t have forgiven yourself for missing out on this view. He put his hand back on your clit and rubbed in furious circles, leaning in to kiss you harder, sloppier. When he pulled away, he softly smiled at you and spoke through red kiss-soaked lips. “Good girl.”
His warm breaths hit your cheek as your smile mixed with your blissed-out face. Your pussy fluttered and squeezed harder. You could feel yourself getting close as Ari’s thrusts became uneven. “Please. Please, Ari. Give it to me. Come with me.”
Your words set him off as Ari spilled into the condom within your tightening walls. He continued rubbing your clit and shuddering in response to your rhythmic squeezing against him as you leaned more of your weight into the railing, gasping for air after your release. Ari placed a kiss against your shoulder as he gingerly pulled out. He rested his forehead between your shoulder blades before quickly running inside to dispose of the condom and refresh your coffees.
When he came back out, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling your back close to his front and kissing you cheek. You turned and smiled up at him, nestling in closer, enjoying the view of the brightened trees and reflective water, surrounded by Ari, nature, and nothing else for miles.
Ari’s eyes twinkled when he caught your gaze again and held it. “This is the most amazing day ever already, Duchess.” He kissed your forehead. Neither of you had even been up for an hour yet, but you agreed that there’s not much else that could make it any better.
“Absolutely perfect, Bear.”
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Bonus A/N: Whittling a spoon for someone is like, a HUGE sign of love. That PAIRED WITH giving over your prized knife? Y’all can deduce what that means. And yes, I do have a spoon whittled, waiting for the right day… what about it??
Series Taglist:
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Hi Ro! Just wanted to say I LOVE your bedrock and blueprints series. I literally have told everyone in my life about it (I’m sure my friends loved the multi-hour phone call where I went through the entire plot lol). Ari is just so tender with how much he cares and has patience and understanding, despite appearing gruff. I feel like we need more best friends to lovers like this because it makes the relationship so much sweeter. It really got me when Ari was like “who has a kid and doesn’t have an SUV?” And then keeping the signature truck nearby when they got their SUV🥺. Just so much mastery in one fic, I fell in love with it and wanted you to know. I keep coming back to this. Thank you, now what’s a girl gotta do to get an Ari for herself?
WELP, the good news is that I feel like I deserve to answer this because before today I hadn't written anything for B&B since September...
I made sure to put the SUV in the newest piece (where Rachel gets sick for the first time) and it will be mentioned again in the follow-up to that 😊
I miss the good ol' days of having long phone calls with friends, so I am thrilled to have provided some gossip for that. Say hello to your friends for me! I guess they'll be hearing just a little more about these blorbos in the near-future... Also, I have been loving your Ari series, Bigger Houses. I can totally see him as a mountain ranger; it's so fitting 😍🥵
Finally, alas, gurl if I knew where to get an Ari, I would never be on this hellsite. That's the truth of it, lmao, because I would be busy elsewhere if you catch my drift.
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aries-rp-corner · 5 months
With the arrival of Rina, the Rangers, Baron’s, and Aries’s confidence grew more and more. While the Rangers were searching through the mountain, they found not only Peons scurrying about but they witnessed old enemies from the past… Dim Sun Grunts using their now improved Miniremo to control Pokémon as their personal guards, and the Pinchers using their own control devices within their gloves to manipulate Pokémon as well. As fears grew more that old enemies are now merged with a foe who can use unknown darkness… making the Rangers and the Trenya family concerned that Cipher have now brought back up to eliminate anyone who gets in their way… even Trainers are not safe as well… both Dim Sun and the Pinchers’ equipment “improved” to also control Trainer’s Pokémon… Yet for Baron, Rina, and their daughter have thought differently. If team Dim Sun and Pinchers believe they can come back for vengeance like Cipher, then they to shall meet their defeat as well.
Aries though, have thoughts of worry for not only her parents, but her friends as well. Cipher grew bold in recruiting help, but it’s the thought of who else is going to get hurt badly from old enemies that the Rangers defeated. Now giving her more ideas of an Protection spell from the two new foes… yet for Baron and Rina, a deeper fear grew… Team Olethros may return as well, or an enemy the matriarch, Lupa herself faced so long ago… once a friend, no a sister to her at the time… who used such darkness to corrupt the sun…and almost corrupted Lupa as well. For now, the two hope it will never happen…for all sake.
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aceghosts · 2 years
OC Associations
I was tagged by @scungilliwoman, @florbelles, @clicheantagonist, @johnnycranes, and @belorage to share some associations of my OCs.
I'm sure most people have been tagged by this point, but I'm going to throw a few tags to @adelaidedrubman, @commander-krios, @spookyvalentine, @allthearchetypes, @bluemojave, @honeysides, @hoesephseed, @gamer-purgatory, @heroofpenamstan, @henbased and anyone else who would like to do this! (Also, I apologize if I tag you and you've already done this.)
Associations under the cut!
Blue Murphy
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Animal(s): Blue Jays, Dogs, Mountain Goats, and Grey Wolves
Colour(s): Navy Blue, Forrest Green, Olive, and Dark Brown.
Month: March
Song(s): Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile, Rocky Mountain High by John Denver, Way Out There by Lord Huron, Sunshine on My Shoulders by John Denver, and Elijah by Matthew and the Atlas.
Number: 13
Day or Night: Day (Specifically Sunrise)
Plant(s): Colorado Blue Spruce, Aspen Trees, Douglas Fir Trees
Smell(s): Pine Trees, Coffee, Earthy, Woodsy
Gemstone: Aquamarine, and Amazonite and Smoky Quartz
Season: Winter
Place(s): Forests, Mountains, Ranger Stations, Parks (Anywhere outdoors really)
Food(s): Sweets, Granola, and Burritos.
Astrological Sign: Aries
Element(s): Fire
Drink(s): Coffee (with too much sugar), Orange Soda, Energy Drinks (The more likely to give you a heart attack, the better).
Commander Rooney Shepard
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Animal(s): Panthers, Lions, Black Cats, and Screech Owls.
Colour(s): Black, Royal Blue, Red, and Silver.
Month: November
Song(s): Legends Never Die by Against the Current, Saturn by Sleeping at Last, Butterflies and Hurricanes by Muse, Meteor by Architects, and Leaving Earth by Clint Mansell.
Number: 7
Day or Night: Night
Plant(s): Oak Trees, Blackthorns, Black Tulips, and Red Corn Poppy.
Smell(s): Metallic, Spearmint, Tea, and Model Ship Paint.
Gemstone: Onyx, Obsidian, and Sapphire.
Season: Fall
Place(s): The Normandy
Food(s): If it isn’t drowning in hot sauce, Rooney isn’t interested. (The only exception is Shepherd’s Pie.)
Astrological Sign: Aries
Element(s): Water
Drink(s): Tea (of all varieties), Guinness, and Water (Hey, you gotta stay hydrated to save the galaxy.)
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the-melting-world · 3 years
🍉 About Adrenaline 🍉
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portrait by @ aircane
Significant Tags:
🍉 mestra adrenaline - Everything including fics, asks, hcs, and picrews 🍉 art of adrenaline - art commissions 🍉 adrenaline energy - aesthetics and inspirational quotes
Appearance / Picrews:
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“An exiled capoeirista who hangs in the balance of forgetting her past and preserving what’s left of it in order to survive...”
Picrews: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
*Rest is under the cut!*
Full name: Mestra Rosario Adrenaline
Nicknames: Adrenaline, Nali (most commonly used), Rio, Zar, Dre (these last three were only used before her exile from her homeland.)
Age: 34
Height: 5′10
Pronouns: she/her
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Most likely to… make you call in sick and drag you to a day spa.
Occupation: Formerly a lightning paladin (a small elite militia made up of storm mage capoeiristas). Currently works as a freelance bodyguard.
Favorite Food: barbecued pork ribs (the stickier the better)
Favorite Drink: watermelon daiquiri
Zodiac: Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Aries Rising
Patron Minor Arcana: Three of Cups
Upright: friendship, community, happiness
Reversed: herd mentality, conformity, solitude
Flower: Corsage Orchid
Boisterous, energetic, playful, scrappy
She’s the most high maintenance of the three. One of the things she and Bai bond over
If you look up the phrase “Work hard, play harder,” Nali’s headshot is right next to it
A proud party animal. Don’t tempt her with a drink unless you came to go hard.
Fiercely loyal. She doesn’t play around when it comes to people she cares about or even her clients. She would absolutely die, and more importantly, kill for them.
With that being said, good luck trying to fight her. She’s built like a mountain.
Legendary Origins: Brazilian/Amazonian legend of the boto encantado – a dolphin shapeshifter known to behave similarly to the Western concepts of incubi/succubi, Power Rangers, Capoeira (Brazilian dance-fighting)
Magic/Abilities: A black belt (mestre) in Storm Capoeira (also known as Capoeira Tempestade) Think Last Airbender’s Princess Azula’s style of lightning-redirection/firebending mixed with Brazilian dance-fighting. If it sounds very cool to see, believe me, it is.
Backstory: Follow Nali’s journey (past, present, and future) through fics/asks that feature her with the tag: mestra adrenaline. You can also gather clues to her personal history and growth with the tag: adrenaline energy
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transdeputy · 3 years
#3 from each section of the oc asks for ariel?
Basics: do they have any nicknames?
The in-game nicknames as well as “Ari”
Appearance: What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup?
Very functional. Short, low maintenance hair, no makeup, long sleeves and sturdy jeans and heavy boots.
Personality: what are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any favorites?
They love nature! They want to be a park ranger, so they spent a lot of time studying and reading about that stuff. They also enjoy camping and stuff, heading into the mountains and traveling when they can. Also their favorite food are apples.
Background: What factions or organizations are they part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
I mean obviously they’re a Junior Deputy of the Sheriff’s department in Hope County lol. They’re also an honorary member of the Cougars and Whitetail Militia
Relationships: What’s their love life like? Do they have any kids?
They’re divorced and have a late daughter named Asa. There are no current romantic entanglements.
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villain-princess · 4 years
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Hi friends! I got a new puppy and I need help choosing a name! He’s a Bernese Mountain dog and Golden Retriever mix. All these names have at least one meaning behind them!
1.) Aries
2.) Draco
3.) Chief
4.) Stout
5.) Ranger
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namelists · 4 years
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names inspired by: lord of the rings
this list includes names inspired by tolkien’s epic high-fantasy, and the various people, places and things that inhabit it
please don’t take this too seriously. it’s just a list of words from lotr that i think would make cool names. if i changed any spellings, i put “from [language]” in the meaning. i had fun with this, and i hope you will too!
Adan: the Elves’ name for those Men who first crossed the Blue Mountains
Aduiel: from Sindarin (an Elvish language), meaning “eventide, twilight, star-opening”
Adun: Adûnaic (an extinct Mannish language) meaning “west”
Aelin: Elvish, meaning “lake, pool”
Aiglos: Sindarin for “icicle”
Ainura: from Quenya (an Elvish language), meaning “holy ones”, refers to the angelic spirits created by Ilúvatar
Alda: Quenya, meaning “tree”
Aldaloma: from Quenya, meaning “tree-shadow”
Alqua: Sindarin, meaning “swan”
Amarië: a Fair Elf woman of ancient Valinor
Ambarona: Quenya, meaning “world’s birth”
Amila: from the Elvish for “mother”
Amon: Sindarin, meaning “mountain, hill”
Anarya: Quenya, meaning "day of the sun”, the second day of the Elvish week
Anna: Sindarin, meaning “gift”
Anodo: from Sindarin, meaning “Ent”, the ancient race of tree guardians
Anárion: a human who lived in the Second Age
Aragorn: the king who returns in Return of the King
Arda: Quenya, meaning “region, realm”, became the term for the world
Áre - Quenya word for ‘Sunlight’.
Ari: from Adûnaic, meaning “royal”
Arnu: Adûnaic, meaning “king”
Arwen: half-elven daughter of Elrond and Celebrían, and wife of Aragorn
Avallone: the name of a city on the eastern coast of the Elven island realm
Avari: Quenya, meaning “unwilling”
Balin: Dwarf companion of Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit
Barliman: the owner of The Prancing Pony Inn in Bree
Beleriand: a vast region located in north-western Middle-earth during the First Age
Benadar: another name for the enigmatic Tom Bombadil, a nature spirit who lived in the depths of the Old Forest Beren: a hero whose romance with the Elf Lúthien was one of the great stories of the Elder Days
Bilbo: the hobbit from The Hobbit who discovered the One Ring
Boromir: warrior of Gondor and member of the Company of the Ring
Bowman: Bard the Bowman was a Man of Esgaroth who slew Smaug the dragon
Brethil: Elvish, meaning “silver birch”
Calaquendi: the Elves of the Light
Calen: Sindarin, meaning “green”
Calma: Quenya, meaning ‘lamp”
Coirë: Elvish, meaning “stirring”, the last of the six Elven Seasons
Corana: from Quenya, meaning “sun-round” (aka, a year)
Cormallen: Sindarin, meaning “ring bearers”
Cuivie: Elvish, meaning “awaking”
Círdan: Elf leader. Shipwright and bearer of a Ring of Power.
Dae: Elvish, meaning “shadow”
Dagor: Sindarin, meaning 'battle’
Denethor: the name of at least three rulers
Dina: Elvish, meaning “be silent”
Drego: Sindarin, meaning “flee”
Drúedain: a strange race of wild Men that lived in the Drúadan Forest
Duin: Elvish, meaning “long river”
Echor: Elvish, meaning 'encircling mountains’
Edhel: Sindarin, meaning “elf”
Edhellen: Sindarin, meaning “of the Elves”
Elbereth: the Vala Varda, goddess of light
Eldaliéva: Quenya, meaning “elven spirituality”
Eldar: Quenya, meaning “people of the stars”, the Elves’ name for themselves
Eldarin - Quenya word for the languages spoken by the Elves
Elear: Sindarin, meaning “visionary”
Eleni: Quenya, meaning “star”
Elenya: Sindarin, “day of the stars”, the first day of the elvish week
Elessar: another name for Aragorn II
Elrond: powerful leader of the elves, and ruler of Rivendell
Emyn: Sindarin, meaning “hills”
Endari: the middle of the year in the Elvish calendar
Endóre: Quenya word for 'Middle-earth’
Éomer: the eighteenth King of Rohan, and first of the Third Line of their kings
Éowyn: female member of the royal house of Rohan who kills the Witch King of Angmar
Eriador: a region of Middle-earth located between the Blue Mountains and the Misty Mountains
Eryn: Sindarin, meaning “forest, wood”
Esse: Quenya, meaning “name”
Estel: Sindarin, meaning “hope”
Estellio: Sindarin, meaning “trust”
Ethuil: the first season of the Elvish year, equivalent to spring
Eärendil: First Age half-elf who eventually became a legendary figure. He and his wife Elwing are key to the victory of good in the Silmarillion.
Falas: Elvish, meaning “shore, line of surf”
Faramir: the Captain of the Rangers of Ithilien
Faroth: Elvish, meaning “hunt, pursue”
Finwë: First king of the Noldor
Firith: Sindarin, meaning “fading”, the fourth season of the Elvish year
Formen: Quenya, meaning “north”
Frodo: the nephew of Bilbo Baggins who bore the One Ring to its destruction in Mount Doom
Fëa: Elvish, meaning “spirit”
Fëanor: one of the Elves that first departed from Valinor
Galad: Elvish, meaning “light”
Galadriel: Queen of the Elves
Gandalf: ancient wizard badass. a member of the Fellowship of the Ring
Gildor: Elf of Rivendell in the Third Age
Gilthoniel: Varda, the Vala responsible for the outlining of the stars
Gimli: Dwarf and member of the Fellowship of the Ring
Gondolin: a hidden city of the Elves
Gríma: an ally of Saruman who gave false advice to the King of Rohan
Haleth:  Haleth was the daughter of Haldad, leader of the Haladin
Húrin: a hero of Men during the First Age
Iarwain:  another name for the enigmatic Tom Bombadil, a nature spirit who lived in the depths of the Old Forest
Ilúvatar: the supreme deity of Arda
Incánus: another name for the badass wizard demigod Gandalf
Indis: a female Vanyar Elf of Valinor
Istari: five Maiar spirits sent to Middle-earth as human forms to aid the Free Peoples against the threat of Sauron
Kaliondi:  the Elves of Darkness
Khôr: Adûnaic, meaning “lord”
Laira: from Quenya, meaning “summer”
Lalaith: an Edain child, named Urwen at birth, but renamed after the stream running by her house
Legolas: beautiful elf warrior, member of the Fellowship of the Ring
Lindon: an important Elvish realm, known for its harbors and Elven Ships that would sail for the West.
Luin: Sindarin, meaning “blue”
Lórien: a magic forest and Elven realm into which evil could not enter without difficulty
Lúthien: An ancient elf, predating the First Age
Maedhros: one of the princes of the Ñoldor, the eldest of the seven Sons of Fëanor
Maia: near-primordial spirits that descended into Arda to help the Valar first shape the World
Melkor: the original evil being in Tolkien’s legendarium, succeeded by Sauron
Mellon: Elvish, meaning “friend”
Meriadoc: a hobbit and companion of Frodo Baggins, and member of the Company of the Ring
Merry: Meriadoc’s nickname
Minas: Elvish, meaning “tower”
Minelle: from Adûnaic, meaning “sky”
Mithrin: Sindarin, meaning “grey”
Mordor: the Land of Shadow, a dark volcanic plain that Sauron used as his military base
Moria: an underground kingdom beneath the Misty Mountains
Moriquendi: the Elves of Darkness
Morwen: Wife of Húrin. one of very few female characters in this series
Muindor: Sindarin, meaning “brother”
Muinthel: Sindarin, meaning “sister”
Namárië: Quenya, meaning “farewell”
Narya: one of the three Elvish Rings of Power, described as having the power to inspire others to resist tyranny, domination and despair
Navaer: Sindarin, meaning “farewell”
Nelya: the largest of the three houses of the Elves
Nenya: one of the three Elvish Rings of Power, wielded by Galadriel, normally invisible
Nikerym: Elvish, meaning “captain”
Nilu: Adûnaic, meaning “moon”
Nimir: Adûnaic, meaning “elf”
Nimrais: Sindarin, meaning “white peaks”
Nin: Elvish, meaning “my” (example: ‘mellon nin’ means ‘my friend’)
Olórin: Gandalf’s original name
Orod: Sindarin, meaning “mountain”
Palantíri: Quenyan, meaning “far-seeing”
Parma: Quenya, meaning “book”
Peredhel: Sindarin, meaning “half elvish”
Peregrin: a hobbit companion of Frodo Baggins, and a member of the Fellowship of the Ring
Pharaz: Adûnaic, meaning “gold”
Phelle: from Adûnaic, meaning “daughter”
Pippin: Peregrin’s nickname
Quelre: Sindarin, meaning “good day”
Quenya: one of the Elvish languages, along with Sindarin
Rivendell: a peaceful, sheltered Elven town, located at the edge of a narrow gorge of the river Bruinen
Rohan: a great kingdom of Men, located in the great vale between the Misty Mountains to the north and the White Mountains to the south
Samwise: loyal companion of Frodo Baggins who accompanies him to Mordor
Sarati: an alphabet and writing system invented in Valinor by Rúmil of Tirion
Saruman: A wizard. Once a leader for good, he formed his own empire as a rival of Sauron and was defeated at the Battle of the Hornburg.
Sauron: The primary antagonist of The Lord of the Rings. He crafted the One Ring, and was destroyed upon its destruction at the end of the The Return of the King.
Shire: the homeland of the majority of the Hobbits in Middle-earth, located in the northern region of Eriador
Silma: from Quenya, meaning “starlight”
Silvan: the name given to the woodland Elves
Sindarin: one of the Elvish languages, along with Quenya
Strider: one of Aragorn’s nicknames
Taliska: the language of the Bëorian and Hadorian Houses of the Atanatári
Tauriel: Elvish, meaning “daughter of the forest”
Tavrobel: a town in the northwestern part of the island of Tol Eressëa
Teleri: the third of the Elf clans who came to Aman
Thalia: from Elvish, meaning “bravery”
Thalin: Elvish, meaning “dauntless”
Thorin: Dwarf that led the company of dwarves that retook Erebor from the dragon
Théoden: King of Rohan
Tuilë: Quenya, meaning “spring”
Túrin: A First Age man who later became the subject of legends
Undómiel: another name for Arwen
Ûrî: Adûnaic, meaning “sun”
Urulóki: Quenya, meaning “hot, heat”, also used as a name for Fire-Drakes
Vala: Elvish, meaning “mighty”
Valar: the Powers of Arda who shaped and rule the world.
Valdra: Elvish, meaning “inferno”
Valinor: Quenya, meaning “land of the Valar”
Vanya: one of the Fair Elves, or Light Elves
Vilya: one of the three Elvish Rings of Power, may have provided the ability to heal and to preserve
Zadna: Adûnaic, meaning “house”
Zimra: Adûnaic, meaning “jewel”
Zîra: from Adûnaic, meaning “friend”
Zôr: Adûnaic, meaning “flame”
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chunsoftie · 4 years
what four disney world attractions you are based on your zodiac sign
we’re all experiencing the the disney withdrawals a little differently for those who are locals and those that travel to the parks in general, especially those who were supposed to visit but didn’t get a chance - so let’s cut the intro and jump right in, yeah?
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aries - toy story mania // rock n’ roller coaster // the magic carpets of aladdin // tomorrowland speedway
taurus - splash mountain // dumbo the flying elephant // buzz lightyear’s space ranger spin // turtle talk with crush
gemini - it’s a small world // jungle cruise // rise of resistance // spaceship earth 
cancer - the many adventures of winnie the pooh // na’vi river journey // star tours // living with the land
leo - big thunder mountain railroad // kali river rapids // pirates of the caribbean // country bear jamboree 
virgo - space mountain // soarin’ around the world (california) // dinosaur // kikimanjaro safaris 
libra - slinky dog dash // frozen ever after // enchanted tiki room // peoplemover 
scorpio - tower of terror // millennium falcon: smugglers run // stitch’s great escape // mad tea party
saggittarius - flight of passage // the boneyard // mission: space // monster’s inc: laugh floor
capricorn - seven dwarfs mine train // carousel of progress // test track // hall of presidents
aquarius - alien swirling saucers // haunted mansion // journey into imagination with figment // primeval whirl
pisces - peter pan’s flight // mickey and minnie’s runaway railway // the seas with nemo and friends // triceratop spin
*tag yourself as your personal favorite ride and sign!!
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bigtreefest · 4 days
Chapter 9: For The Both Of Us
From: Bigger Houses Series
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Pairing: Mountain Ranger! Ari x Reader
Summary: Your mom comes to town to see your new house and chats with your long-term boyfriend
Word Count: 2,362
Content/Warnings: kissing, nudity under an apron, nervousness, a very important question, fluff, sweet words
A/N: It’s been awhile and I miss my sweet baby Ari. Hope you all enjoy. I’d love to hear your feedback in all forms!!
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Below is the song which inspired this chapter. Very sweet and heartwarming and just makes me wish someone loved me like that.
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You stirred as the light of the sunrise reached your eyes and the smell of breakfast floated through the house. You stretched out to your side, feeling cool sheets where Ari once was and frowning at the emptiness even though it’s what you had expected it find.
You groaned as you rolled out of bed, your feet hitting the cold wooden floors shuffling over to the dresser to find a cozy pair of socks. You picked up Ari’s shirt from a chair, discarded the night before, and inhaled the comforting scent before walking out to the kitchen.
You were met by quite the sight: two pale ass cheeks hanging out of your apron. Your hands raced up to clap over your mouth as you let out a squeal at the sight. Ari spun around in alarm holding a spatula in his hand.
“What? Did something happen? Are you okay?” His eyes were searching around frantically for a hazard, something that might’ve scared you.
You moved a hand over your eyes and dramatically felt around for one of the stools at the kitchen island to pull it out and sit down. “I’ve been mooned!!”
Ari threw his head back in laughter before turning off the stove and setting down the utensil, waltzing over to your seat. He gently pried your hand away from your face, met with a giggle and your beautiful smile.
“C’mon, I thought you would’ve liked that view first thing in the morning.”
You shook your head, barely accepting the way he leaned in and planted a kiss on your hairline. “I would, but it’s so blinding. So…bright against the rest of you.”
He pulled back with fake offense as he went back to the cabinets to start pulling down plates. “Well what would you rather I do? I can tan naked in your back yard if you want me to even it out that badly.”
You graciously accepted the coffee he slid over to you before he turned back around to serve up breakfast, constantly glancing back at you as your eyes were glued to his rear. “Should I take your drool as a yes?”
You shook yourself back into focus and looked up to meet his mischievous eyes. “Um, no-I mean, not no? Just….um…not right now.”
He laughed at the way you still got flustered after all this time. He couldn’t blame you though, he probably would’ve done the same if that’s what he had woken up to. He presented your food and leaned against the counter to face you while the two of you ate.
You looked up at the clock above the stove as your eyes went wide. “Oh no, definitely not now. Ari, you’ve gotta get clothes on.”
Ari looked at you with a teasing grin. “My sweet Duchess, you live so far away from anything else, why would we possibly ever need clothes?”
You picked up your fork, shoveling food into your mouth, doing your best to quickly savor what Ari had gotten so much better at making. You nudged his plate towards him and gestured that he did the same. Ari went along with your silent demand, a confused look on his face, as you finally swallowed, prepared to talk.
“Because we have to pick my mom up from the airport in less than an hour and she’s staying here for a week.”
Ari’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he ate even faster, thoughts frantically racing through his mind.
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After breakfast at your place, Ari rushed home to his to get showered and changed while you did the same at home. You kept the house generally tidy, so all you had to do was wipe down the counters and straighten things. Ari was back before you knew it, parking his truck to the side of your driveway. You ran outside and tossed him the keys as you hopped into the passenger side of your SUV, Ari preparing to drive.
The two of you started down the mountain and towards the city, mostly quiet, matching the mid-morning misty air. Ari drove with one hand on the wheel, the other holding yours over the center console. You tore your gaze from the window and the passing trees, taking note of his clenched jaw and white knuckles.
“Bear, everything okay?”
Ari simply grunted and nodded, making a turn to get onto the highway and checking his blindspots as he removed his hand from yours to turn down the radio from its already low volume.
You shifted in your seat to face him, concerned since you’d rarely seen him like this. He only went silent when he was really stressed or angry. You knew it wasn’t the second one, or at least hoped it wasn’t.
“I’m really sorry. It totally slipped my mind that she was coming in today. I meant to tell you earlier in the week that she had a good deal on flights, but with how busy we both were, I missed the chance.”
It was true. Ari had had a string of overnight watch shifts and you were working ridiculous hours finishing up a project presentation, plus the two of you still didn’t technically live together. The first time you’d seen him all week was last night into this morning and you didn’t want to put more stress on him when he was already exhausted. He hummed and adjusted in his seat, muscles pushing at his collared shirt.
He took a deep breath before reaching for your hand again and sparing you a few quick glances between focusing on the road. He could see the way your eyebrows were furrowed and raised in concern.
“Angel, baby. I’m not upset. I’m just…a little nervous? I wish I would’ve known your mom was coming sooner. That way I could’ve prepared. Gotten her flowers. Maybe picked out a nicer outfit that wasn’t so old.”
You relaxed a little, squeezing his hand and pulling it up to your lips for a long kiss before looking him up and down. “I think you look great, Ari. She’s going to love you. You’ve already spoken to her on the phone dozens of times. And you know she’s never given a sign of dislike. It’ll be great. Nothing to be nervous about at all. I’m by your side now and I’ll be there the whole time.”
He spared you another glance and a soft smile before looking back to the road and giving a self-assuring nod. You could see the way his shoulders lowered slightly and his grip on the wheel loosened at your reassurance. He knew your mom liked him, he just didn’t know if she’d like the very important question he had planned to ask her.
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When the two of you pulled up to the airport, your mom was already waiting outside. Ari spotted her almost immediately and pulled the car to the curb, smoothly popping the trunk and jogging over to greet her behind you.
“Hi honey. It’s so good to see you. It’s been too long since I’ve been back here.” It really had been awhile. Sure, you’d gone home to visit a few times before, but this was the first time she’d been back since helping you move into your new place. You gave her a hug and a kiss before stepping out of the way, her eyes already on Ari.
She reached her arms up to his tall shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. “It’s so wonderful to see you, too, Ari. Handsome as ever and apparently very handy recently from what I can tell.”
Ari laughed and nodded, greeting your mom and giving her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing her bag and putting it in the trunk. You slid into the back, allowing your mom to take the front seat with Ari as he drove your car. You could see the surprise on her face at the gesture. You had never been one to allow someone else to drive this dear SUV ever since you had gotten it. She raised her eyebrows, but only for a second. Anyone else would’ve missed it, but you knew it seemed reminiscent of something. Perhaps the trust you put in Ari for something like this mirrored what you remember seeing between her and your dad in the earlier years of their marriage before everything went south. Perhaps it spoke to just how deeply you had confidence you could rely on each other. Whatever that look meant, though, she didn’t verbalize it, instead deciding to chat Ari’s ear off for the entire ride home about the new pergola he had just built for your garden that she was beyond excited to see.
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The afternoon consisted of you and Ari showing your mom around town to see all your favorite places that you’d grown so fond of over the time you’d been here. She raved about the quaint little town and fresh mountain air, as well as your home and how you’d truly settled in.
In the evening, your mother insisted she’d teach a couple family recipes to you and Ari before finally relaxing for the evening. Food was very evidently a love language passed down.
The three of you sat in the back yard around a campfire on a few log benches Ari had built for you recently, as well, as you talked and laughed, drinks in hand until you got up.
“All these drinks are catching up with me, so I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Can I get anyone refills?”
“Yes please, Duchess. Thank you so much.”
Both Ari and your mom smiled and nodded at you as you went to grab the empty vessels from their hands.
“Okay, I’ll be a few minutes. I’m probably gonna package up the leftovers, too, before I forget and leave it all out overnight. Will you guys be alright out here?”
You mom smiled and nodded again. “Of course we will, honey. Ari said he’s going to show me around your new garden. We can keep ourselves busy.”
You looked over to Ari to confirm and he gave a wink. “And of course, if you need any help, just text me and I’ll come up to meet you.”
You smiled and thanked them before backing away and ducking into the house.
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Upon your departure, Ari stood up and helped your mom off her bench before offering his arm for her to hook her hand around. She absolutely adored him and they got along so well.
He walked her through the small garden, showing her the small pergola, and the string bulb lights he had hung up to surprise you, along with your favorite flower he had hounded the hardware store to obtain for him just so you could have it planted here. She was absolutely charmed, but it was more than just that; she could see how deeply Ari cared for you and felt the change in the air when Ari took her to a bench at the edge of the garden. From there, he had a view of where you’d be walking through the doors soon so he could ensure the privacy of this conversation.
Ari’s heart was racing like hell and his hands shook. He did his best to fold them firmly in his lap and leaned an elbow on his knee to steady himself before looking up at your mom’s face. She rubbed his shoulder, an attempt of settling the nervousness and reassuring him with a small smile, not unlike the one you’d used so many times before. He took a deep breath, sat up, pushed his shoulders back, and started.
“Now that it’s just me and you, I wanted to talk for a few minutes. I’ve got something to get off my chest.”
She sat up and nodded for him to continue, his worried blue eyes shifting between hers. “I’m sure you already know, having been here before, but I’m just going to come out with it, I guess.”
Ari took another deep breath, eyes shifting towards the sliding glass door, still not seeing you, but smiling at the thought having to do with anything about you.
He looked back at your mom with a dopey grin on his face, although his eyes held an earnestness. “I’m in love with your daughter. And I have been since the very moment that I first saw her. I’d like to ask her a very important question, with your blessing, of course, and if she so chooses to take my hand, you can trust that I will love her more than enough, for the both of us.”
Your mother sat there for a second in contemplation over Ari’s words. They were strung together so beautifully and she could tell that he meant them with his whole being. He had no idea that this wasn’t news to her. She saw it on both sides. At her lack of response, though, Ari’s heart raced even faster and his palms got sweaty. He burst out with nervous babbles.
“I-I know that she’s your baby and you loved her first. But i-it’s true, for better or worse, I’ll treat her like I know you’ve always prayed someone would. You can trust when I say I’ll give her everything I can for the rest of my life. From now, to when she’s dressed in white and you’re giving her away, until my last breath. I’ll give her the world if I can.”
His chest was almost heaving as he panted through his nose, lips pressed together tightly with anxiousness for a response. His body was kicking into survival mode from the stress. He could see across the yard as you slid the glass door open with a smile on your face, walking over to two of your favorite people, the two you loved most. She easily took note of the way Ari’s shoulders eased at seeing you. She patted his knee before standing up to walk towards you a few steps when she turned back over her shoulder. She gave him a warm smile and nodded her head before saying a single word.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: gahhhhh. I love him, your honor. Fun fact: my family just told me that out of all of us, they think I’d be the most likely to elope. Lol bc I would in an instant if it were Ari.
Series Taglist: @patzammit @quebruv @hawkeyes-queen @identity2212 @jamneuromain @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @ronearoundblindly
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wonpiris · 4 years
and [thor voice] ANOTHER! a much longer one, too. tagged once again by the loveliest of lovelies @kidmannicole <3
name: sheryl starsign: aquarius sun, gemini moon, gemini rising hogwarts house: i’m finally a ravenclaw height: 5′3″ i think sexuality: queer favorite animal: doggos, pandas, elephants average time of sleep: 5-6 hours but i wish it was more current time: 10.34pm dogs or cats: doggies blankets you sleep with: one big one i like to wrap around myself so i’m a human burrito when you made your blog: this blog? maybe 3 years ago? but i’ve been on this site since 2009 omfg followers: about 150 why you made your blog: surprisingly, tumblr now seems like the least harmful social media platform for me since i can curate this space as much as i want reason for your url: bong joon-ho is a boss
real name? sheryl nickname? sher zodiac? aquarius favorite musicians or groups? janelle monáe, julien baker, pvris, my chemical romance, fall out boy, taylor swift, lady gaga, blackpink favorite sports teams? i am Clueless here other blogs? not anymore do i get asks? only sometimes how many blogs do i follow? about 100 and like maybe 10 of those are probably chris evans fan accounts tumblr crushes? ari you’re one of them!! also @whatelsecanwedonow whose blog is EPIC lucky numbers? 2, 7, 11 what am i wearing? black shorts, meg & dia t-shirt dream vacation? i want to visit all of scotland and ireland dream car? ya girl can’t drive and doesn’t really plan to LOL favorite food? carbs. <- SAME drink of choice? black tea or black coffee, no sugar instruments? piano and guitar languages? english and a little mandarin celebrity crushes? many many many people. i get crushes on talented performers all the time. and idk if you knew this but if you just spent a teeny bit of time on my blog... the answer is chris evans random facts? i cannot ride a bicycle
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
1. do you make your bed? NO 2. what’s your favourite number? 11 3. what’s your job? i write 4. if you could, would you go back to school? fuck nooooooooo 5. can you parallel park? the bitch can’t drive. 6. a job you had which would surprise people? eh i’ve always worked within my field 7. do you think aliens are real? yep. 8. can you drive a manual car? is this quiz just trying to make me feel inadequate for not knowing how to drive!!! 9. what’s your guilty pleasure? nothing anymore 10. tattoos? sadly, none 11. favourite colour? lilac, powder blue, obsidian 12. things people do that drive you crazy? people who willfully miscommunicate drive me bonkerssss 13. any phobias? butterflies and moths 14. favourite childhood sport? netball 15. do you talk to yourself? all the time. 16. what movie do you adore? the lord of the rings <- DITTO 17. do you like doing puzzles? i haven’t done any since i was a kid so i don’t know! 18. favourite kind of music? anything with narrative, introspective lyrics 19. tea or coffee? truly both 20. the first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? buzz lightyear space ranger. seriously.
honestly if you got to the end, you’re such a champ!!! ily. tagging you reading this specifically.
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pinpuku · 5 years
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pokemon partner + team + trainer class for @fantasticfelicityfox​
original request & description under “keep reading”
I’m an Aries with a Sagittarius moon and Cancer rising. My MBTI is ITSP.
My favorite color is purple and I live by the beach but I like the forest and mountains better. I like to go on nature walks, play video games, and take naps. I also really like the paranormal especially vampires and I love a good soap opera. (My favorites are Dark Shadows and General Hospital). My favorite foods are coffee and french onion soup.
I’m currently a grad student and I want to be a park ranger or work in a museum when I’m done. I would also love to write a book one day.
Positive Traits are that I am resourceful, and always try to be polite. Negative are that I’m always tired and kind of irritable and lazy.
If you don’t mind could I also have a trainer class (I prefer female).
Thank you!!
Hi! I unknowingly went ahead & made this team mono-color, too lmao. Let’s meet your partner! 
♡ Your partner is Tsareena☆! Tsareena is a noticeably human-like, intelligent pokemon. When they have a close bond with their trainer, it’s more like having a somewhat silent best friend. And this pokemon is definitively known for bonding strongly with their trainers. They have an calm, collected but powerful aura, and they will not be timid with letting you know how they feel. Especially if they aren’t liking something! Otherwise, Tsareena is a self sufficient & easy pokemon to care for. Almost nothing will spook her. They usually have nerves of steel & they know that they are not ones to be messed with! Tsareena won’t mind watching scary movie or being involved in your paranormal interests. Feel free to walk around the forest at night in hopes you will see some ghost-types or dark types! They do have a softer side, however. You will have moments when Tsareena will act quite motherly & affectionate with anyone she’s close to. Tsareena also has a great love for nature. Nature walks are some of the things Tsareena loves most. Plus, with its powerful legs, it will not tire easily from physical activity. Taking care of nature, protecting it & even enforcing the law in said nature’s name are right up Tsareena’s alley. Tsareena would be an invaluable asset to any park ranger. And of course Tsareena would not turn down any chances it gets for some self pampering, so naps & lazing about are also ideal situations. Tsareena has a queenly attitude, and while they can seem intimidating by default, they are usually very polite & friendly to those who pose no threat. 
♡ Your trainer class is Pokémon Ranger! Pokemon Rangers are trainers that have chosen a life that is dedicated to protecting wildlife, pokemon & nature. They are usually quite adept when it comes to pokemon battling. They also make sure to protect & help other people/trainers they comes across while on patrol. Resourceful & ready for all situations, they always have medicines, food, tools, maps etc.. at hand & ready to use. Given their job description & lifestyle, Rangers often come across rare pokemon & hard to reach/unexplored locations. People enjoy learning from rangers as much as they can & hearing the tales they have to tell. Especially fellow trainers & nature enthusiasts!
Hope you like your team! If you have any other questions about your other team members, feel free to ask! I’m trying to save the lengthy descriptions for partners these days! xx
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enidangleanna1 · 4 years
Heart of Winter
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Icewind Dale. The hours seem longer here. The days don’t feel like days. There is very little sunlight. The cold is unforgiving. Most can only last a few hours journeying through this frozen tundra.
It had been several days since Toruviel set foot in Icewind Dale. She knew it would be many days more, as she traveled alongside Prince Neronvain of the Misty Forest and Yaevinn, one of the most skilled rangers to come out of the forest.
Only the most skilled rangers could survive Icewind Dale. Because of the harsh conditions and windy paths, only an experienced tracker could navigate through the terrain. On top of that, some of the most deadly and dangerous beasts roamed these lands.
The mission was an important one - retrieve tomes from a very powerful wizard, known as Meltharond. Neronvain led the expedition, as he had been researching Meltharond's work for years. The biggest obstacle - this wizard had one of the most powerful enemies at his expense: the ancient white dragon Arveiaturace (better known as Iceclaws).
This is why Toruviel had begun to feel impostor syndrome invading her thoughts. While she was a skilled ranger in her own right, she was nothing close to Yaevinn, a seasoned veteran. And, of course, traveling with the Prince of the kingdom she served put the pressure even more on herself.
“Why did Neronvain choose me?,” she thought to herself that morning as the three of them suited up for the fourth day of traveling through the icy mountain. “Surely there are so many other skilled rangers in our kingdom that could do a better job.”
She kept these thoughts to herself as they ventured out from the small alcove where they had made camp for the night and pressed on through the side of the mountain. Alongside Tor was her beast companion, Arivae the fox. Or Ari, for short.
Toruviel traveled everywhere with Ari, the two were bound together in a special way that any ranger shared with their beast companion. Before venturing out to Icewind Dale, Toruviel was uncertain of bringing Ari with her on the journey - this was the first time she had considered separating from her companion. Her fox had always been a forest dweller and was particularly keen to the warmer climate - she named her little companion after the Elvish word for "sunlight", and Icewind Dale was not a place of much sun.
Ultimately, she knew Ari was a strong and steadfast little creature that would likely adapt to the colder climate even faster than she could. And he did. Within a day, Ari's coat had grown thicker than she had ever seen it. And it even began to slowly change shades of lighter, cream-like orange hues to blend with the environment.
Those who dared to explore Icewind Dale usually had to wait until the sun was at its highest to travel, as that was considered the warmest time of the day. But those sunny hours did not last long. A small window of comfortable travel, at best.
Yaevinn had been tailing a tracks of a potential dragon den that he suspected was nestled along the windy mountain trail. Based on the evidence he had spotted the day before, it would only be one to two more days of travel before they made it.
Toruviel had learned much from Yaevinn during this journey. While Yaevinn had dedicated his life to tracking beasts, Tor's skills lied more in her archery and keen eye for detail.
“Toruviel, keep your eyes up. It looks like there is something - or someone - ahead of us,” Yaevinn said as he looked down at a small trace of remains not far off the snowy trail. “Looks like they tried to cover their tracks, but did a poor job at it. Could only be a few meters ahead of us.”
Yaevinn always made sure to describe every detail of his work to better help Toruviel hone her own skills as a ranger. He had always been a mentor to Tor - as he was much older and had centuries of experience - and she always looked up to him.
Back in the kingdom, Yaevinn had taken a liking to Toruviel and always made time to teach her. Many other rangers and knights that served alongside them had always suspected that he was giving her preferential treatment. These  rumors didn’t bother Toruviel much. The fact that she was able to learn to be an expert hunter in only a few years of training, as opposed to the centuries it had taken other elves in the kingdom, meant to her that this was indeed her calling and that Yaevinn was the ideal master.
Toruviel scouted the area ahead to see if she could find an easy opening to keep an eye ahead of the others. She glanced back to see Ari pranced off the trail down an icy alcove sniffing the remains of what looked like bones of a beast. The fox grabbed one in his mouth and brought it to Yaevinn. She could hear Yaevinn talking to Neronvain.
"Bones. From a wolf? Or perhaps a bear. Whatever creature was here likely feasted on this,” Yaevinn described the details to Neronvain. 
Neronvain was conjuring some kind of spell on the area, likely to locate or identify the creature. He had his own set of skills in the arcane arts, and was also an exceptional fighter.
Finding a rather bare and icy pine tree, Tor quickly scaled it to get a further look ahead. When she and Yaevinn went on missions back in the Misty Forest, Tor had always been the scout - so naturally she continued these tactics while surveying Icewind Dale. Yaevinn, on the other hand, focused his ranger combat in more close quarters.
Looking out several meters ahead, it seemed there had been snow covered hills that continued for miles beyond, it was hard to believe anything could live up here. Thankfully, today had clear skies with not a cloud in sight, so Tor had good vision of the path ahead.
She quickly spotted movement, though it wasn't fully clear to her what it was. The figure had almost blended in with the white snow. As she continued to keep an eye on it, she gestured to Ari who then returned the message to Yaevinn and Neronvain. Although Yaevinn could not directly communicate with the fox, he had a clear understanding of the danger ahead.
The three on the ground had quietly pushed forward, while Tor remained on the high ground. She quickly drew her bow and honed in on the moving creature - not losing sight of it. It seemed to not be moving much from one small indent between two icy hills. 
Tor waited for the three to gain a more advantageous spot before she made any moves, as her sights remained set on the creature, she saw it was not even sitting up while moving. Then, it began to stand up. 8 feet tall at least. It had to have been an ice troll - and it was carrying an icy blue axe with it.
As Neronvain and Yaevinn approached slowly from behind the hill, Tor noticed that Ari had begun moving away from the group and sniffing more. That meant trouble - Ari sensed something else nearby. 
“An ambush,” Tor immediately thought. “This is not the only ice troll - there are more nearby.” Her heart sunk as she knew she needed to take her eyes off her target and survey the area around Neronvain and Yaevinn to spot any other danger. 
This didn’t make sense in her head, because every other troll she’s seen in the hills west of the Misty Forest had been solitary creatures. Were there more nearby? As she scanned the area, she saw no sign of others.
Then, she heard cracking, the hollow tree she had been hiding in was slowly beginning to wither and break. She quickly made a move to get back on the ground -- and that’s when things suddenly began to take a turn.
As she calculated her path to get back on solid ground, she peered over to the top of the hill, above Yaevinn, where another troll had a boulder, ready to drop on him. The trolls must have been aware of the group’s arrival.
“Yaevinn, up!” Toruviel yelled to him, now at least 20 feet ahead of her. This broke the element of stealth, but gave Yaevinn enough of a reaction to move out of the way before the troll could drop. “How did I miss that one? Should have seen him coming!”, frustrated, she thought to herself.
At this point, Yaevinn was able to quickly scale the hill to take on this troll, while Neronvain continued moving forward toward the other. Toruviel moved quickly to another tree so she could continue to scout from above. Then, three more of them made an appearance from higher ground. She grabbed a flurry of arrows to distract them, and the three quickly drew their attention toward Tor.
The three trolls picked up their pace and moved toward Tor, realizing she was an easy target. She called to her companion to move toward her - Ari was able to distract one of the three for some time. While the other two moved closer and began shaking the tree she was on. 
Tor quickly spotted another tree about 10 feet away - and she considered the option of jumping, though it would be quite the jump. Suddenly, one of the trolls pulled out a dart and pinpointed it upward in Toruviel’s path. The dart struck her arm and immediately her arm was covered in ice. One of her arms was immobile for the time being, making her bow useless.
She knew this wasn’t good - while Neronvain and Yaevinn were distracted with their one-on-one combats, she had to face two - and soon-to-be three ice trolls. She jumped down from the tree and drew her shortsword to begin melee combat with her only usable arm.
Taking on multiple, 8-foot giants was a lot for Toruviel, even with her being very quick on her feet. She was able to dodge most of their blows, but then one of them had her grappled. As she struggled to break free, that is when a scimitar came flying from behind and impaled the troll that was about to strike her while still grappled.
The impaled troll fell limp to the ground, leaving only two left. She noticed Ari had signaled to Yaevinn for help, and then she saw him run up and grab his scimitar from the dead troll. He immediately swung at the grappling troll and Tor was able to slip from its grasp and kick his lower legs to deliver a final crippling blow. 
Soon, the third troll that Ari had previously been dealing with also fell dead to the ground from a blast of a poison wave from Neronvain’s spell. The two elves had made their way back to Toruviel after dealing with the other trolls and finished the off ambush.
Toruviel fell on her knees into the snow for a second, grabbing her icy arm in pain. Yaevinn immediately kneeled down to her side.
“Tor, are you alright,” he asked with a heightened concern while looking at her arm.  “Ahh, my arm is completely numb - I can’t feel anything. That troll struck me with some ice weapon - I’ve not seen anything like it before,” Toruviel explained while grasping her arm.
Yaevinn put his arms on hers, feeling how cold it was. Despite how cold it felt to him, he tried his best to thaw out the ice. He gently helped her up and assisted her movement toward Neronvain. Neronvain, upon inspecting the arm, casted a gentle somatic spell that produced a small flame near her arm, expediting the thawing process. He was careful not to let the fire hit her flesh.
As the feeling began to return in her arm, she could feel the biting cold and it stung hard. She winced in pain and Yaevinn continued to hold her up.
“Easy there - it may sting for a while. You’ll be alright,” Yaevinn said gently to her.
“I’m sorry - I didn’t see the others. I think...it was a trap. There’s no way they blended that well with the ice - I think they had some sort of illusion magic on them.”
Neronvain spoke up, “That doesn’t seem right - trolls can’t cast spells like that. Unless they have arcane items from other means.”
“I should have known better” Yaevinn explained. “Many ice creatures tend to be highly cooperative with their own to ensure survival. You’ll rarely see lone wolf monsters wandering these parts. I should have known there would be more than one. I’m sorry, Tor,” 
“It’s OK - I, too, feel ashamed that I wasn’t able to properly track this. I was supposed to be the scout,” Toruviel said with her head down.
“Hey, you still saved me from a giant ice boulder landing on my head - I owe you for that one,” he smiled.
As the pain became less intense for Tor, Ari then rubbed against his master’s legs. She gave him a pet with her good arm and the group continued forward, closer to the caverns.
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Another early night. The hardest part of this journey was the limited amount of time that one could travel - it made most of the day seem wasted as the three of them had to begin to make camp early. Especially after today's encounter, it seemed like they made no progress following the events.
To an elf, normally this wouldn’t matter. Elves had all of the time in the world to explore and travel. But Toruviel could sense that Neronvain was very anxious about this particular mission.
Truthfully, Toruviel didn’t mind that the three had to pack it in early. It meant she could to spend more time getting to know Neronvain, whom she has admired for years now. The three of them didn’t have much to do in the bitter, cold nights beside talk. Yaevinn himself was not always full of conversation. So Neronvain and Toruviel did most of the talking.
Tonight, however, as Yaevinn took the first watch as he routinely did each night, Tor made her way over to him, toward the front of the cave. Ari had already nestled himself near the fire that Neronvain was also sitting next to.
Yaevinn never took his eyes off the icy tundra in front of them, so Tor placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey. I wanted to say thank you for saving me today. You arrived just in time before those trolls would’ve had my head. Even when we’re not in the forest - you’re always looking out for me,” Toruviel said to him as she took a seat next to his watch spot.
"Of course, Toruviel. You put up a good fight today - we all had no idea of the ambush. I am the one that is supposed to be the most expert on this area, and I made a mistake. You still handled yourself very well and I'm proud," Yaevinn took a moment to take his eyes off the horizon ahead of them and look at Tor in the eyes, then down at her previously frozen arm. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. At least I fully have feeling back in this arm again. Nothing I can't handle," she had a slight smile on her face as she responded. "You know I learned from the best how to be resilient after any fight." She tugged at his arm playfully.
A rare smile came to Yaevinn's face as she said this. He placed his arm on hers, where a large scuff had been from the now thawed ice and gave her an encouraging look. "We're almost to the end of this journey - and I'm confident you'll be able to handle what lies ahead. Now, go back to the fire and get some warmth, my little protege."
Tor’s smile widened at those words. After taking another moment with Yaevinn she quickly got up to return to her already sleeping fox and Neronvain.
Tor was the next up to take watch, and then Neronvain after. Tonight was an exceptionally cold night as the three nestled inside a small alcove as a storm raged on outside, making the area beyond 10 feet barely visible.
“I feel so bad every time I have to kill an elk for his fur, but damn does this coat keep me warm,” Toruviel said as she buried herself deeper in her long elk cloak. She had taken off the rest of her armor for the night, but that cloak almost never came off her.
“Come on, Neronvain, you must have a few spells that can help keep us warmer," Tor asked as she snuggled up next to her fox, who was still peacefully curled up by the fire. Ari seemed to not have a care in the world while he slept.
“Is the fire I produced not enough, dear? If you’re really that cold, you can have my cloak," Neronvain, who was sitting a few feet from her, was resting his head along the back of the alcove wall.
“I would never take that from you. You are the VIP of this mission, remember?”
“Hmph. No need for special treatment on this journey. We are all in this the same.” He noticed her shivering and moved closer to her, extending his own cloak from his body to partially cover hers.
All three of them would take shifts to keep an eye on the alcove opening. That night, the cold was unbearable. Toruviel could barely get herself to concentrate in her trance-like elven slumber. She only needed a few hours to keep herself recharged for the next day. But tonight, she just couldn’t get herself to trance.
She finally jolted and got hoisted her body up from her resting state. Neronvain, who had been on his turn for watch that night, was leaning against the cave wall and looking out over the alcove, turned to her.
“Having trouble?” He asked.
She let out a small sigh. “Yes, it is impossible to trance tonight. It is so cold. My lips are blue. It hurts to even move my joints. This fire is too weak.”
Neronvain didn’t seem as troubled as she did about the cold. “I don’t know how I’ve gotten used to it so quickly already. Maybe it’s different for you, a high elf. For me, I embrace the cold. The bitterness of these winter nights do not feel like anything to me. Come here.” 
He gestured for her to come closer to him. She grabbed her elk furs and scurried the few feet across the cave toward him. Ari opened one of his yellow fox eyes to see where his master was moving to, but once he saw she had stopped near Neronvain he then closed his eyes again and continued to sleep, now near just Yaevinn who was deep in his own elven trance.
Neronvain took his hand and placed it on her shoulder, slowly gesturing for her to lean her body against his. She could feel some of the body heat from him, but as she laid near him she felt shame.
“I want to be stronger than this. I want to be like you and Yaevinn, not afraid to tough the cold. This is so pathetic of me,” Toruviel said while she laid herself on his side.
“Toruviel, you will get used to it. Do not worry, and do not pity yourself. None of the rangers at home were equipped for these conditions. Not a single person at home could have handled this job. We are meant to be forest-dwellers. Not tundra. But I knew I could trust you, and I knew you had the willpower to survive this. Which is why I chose you,” Neronvain reassured her.
In that moment, she felt the most secure she had felt throughout this entire journey. A small part of her still thought that he was just telling her what she wanted to hear in that moment. But as Neronvain gently stroked his hand on her shoulder she felt his warmth and it felt...genuine. The words he spoke were genuine.
She rested her head against his side and slowly drifted into her trance.
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As the days of travel continued on, the group came closer to their final destination. They knew they were getting closer to the dangerous den of Iceclaws. They knew because the caverns nearby had many hot springs, produced by a different red dragon known as Klauth. 
One long cavern that stretched about half a mile down had looked safe for the three to rest for the next cold evening. But for the first time since reaching this mountain, they experienced a comfortable, warm atmosphere thanks to the smoldering springs.
Toruviel felt beyond relived. This was the first night she wouldn't be shivering in her cloak. When the three reached a safe location, Tor immediately strung her cloak off and began undoing her gear.
As usual, Yaevinn volunteered himself for taking the first watch of each night. Toruviel assumed he did this so he could get a good scout of the surrounding area and identify any dangers to relay to Tor for the next watch.
With the hot springs producing enough heat in the area to keep the group warm, Yaevinn one more quick scan of the area. “I guess we don't need a fire tonight. I'll go ahead and keep the first watch for the evening."
As he dropped off some of his items and made his way back toward the front of the long cavern with his bow, Neronvain also made haste to remove all of his gear.
"Amazing to see these smoldering hot pools in such a cold place. I've heard much about Klauth and his ability to create springs like these," Neronvain began as he looked down at each of them. The springs ranged from small, 2ft pools to larger 7ft pools. "They remind me of the springs of Lady Summer in the Feywild. not as pleasant an atmosphere, of course."
"Hm, I don't know much about Lady Summer. But sounds like a very relaxing time. I must say these do look inviting," Tor replied as she placed a hand in the nearest pool to check the temperature. It felt good on her arm that had once been completely frozen a few days ago.
"Well, we didn't fight through these icy tundras for a week and make it all the way here just to look at them," Neronvain said with a smile. He then began to undress the rest of his attire.
He made no time at all to remove all of his clothes and slowly dip his body into one of the smaller springs. For a brief second, Toruviel was shocked that he did all this in front of her. She looked away quickly and felt herself flushed.
"Neronvain, we're still in danger here. What if there are creatures around us? What if there's something lurking down there?" Toruviel asked, still slightly looking away. In her awkwardness she hesitated on what to do.
"Good thing I have an expert ranger here to protect me," Neronvain winked, but Tor was not looking at him to see it. "But if you're really that concerned..." Neronvain began conjuring a spell that created a mirage around a 20-foot radius surrounding them. Tor wasn't sure what exactly he casted, some sort of illusion spell.
"Now, come on, Tor. Are you going to just sit there with that blush face of yours, or are you going to join me?" Neronvain asked.
Toruviel felt her heart beating out of her chest. Then the feelings she felt for Neronvain began surfacing again. These feelings have always been there, but then her mind began racing again.
She always felt close to Neronvain. She was a very young girl when Neronvain had saved her and her brother from being sold into slavery. He was quite young back then, too. In a way, they grew up together and Neronvain had always looked out for Toruviel and her brother in a special way. But Toruviel always felt something more for him. She was never fully able to act on those feelings, as he is a prince and she herself is not royalty.
So, for the most part, Toruviel always kept those feelings to herself. She was certain her brother was aware of her feelings for Neronvain, though the two never fully talked about it. But, to her knowledge, not many others knew about this. In a way, it always remained as her secret crush.
There were a few close moments that Toruviel and Neronvain shared in the past, Tor remembered them all very well.
One was another time that Neronvain had saved her life. They were on a mission together when Toruviel had
One was at a royal wedding in the misty forest court, between two noble elf houses. It was a lovely occasion that much of the kingdom and knights attended. That night, many of the nobles and knights had been drinking and having a great time. Neronvain asked Toruviel for a dance, and the two shared a wonderful dance together. She had been so worried that the other nobles would say something about a prince dancing with a knight of his, but Neronvain assured her that he didn’t care about their petty gossip. Toruviel knew for certain that Neronvain’s father, King Melandrach, would not approve of the two having a relationship.
Later in the evening, the two walked out onto the balcony and shared a kiss. It was an evening Toruviel would never forget.
As these moments resurfaced in Toruviel's mind, she realized she needed to keep it cool. She didn't want Neronvain to think she was a hopeless schoolgirl with nothing but doe eyes for him. Even if that was the case. She had to keep it cool.
So she then quickly undressed herself. She wasn't sure if she should fully undress or not. There was a slight hesitation. But he just did it. And he might think it's weird if she doesn’t follow. So her process of elimination thinking and "keeping it cool" mentality led her to conclude she needed to fully undress, too.
She walked over - of course acting cool - and stepped into the hot spring. She wanted to ease into the pool but she was so nervous that she just went fully in as quickly as possible, even if it did burn her skin a bit.
She sat a few inches from Neronvain - she wasn't sure how close she should be from him. Her mind was racing with thoughts So she decided to give him some space. In her continued attempt to "act cool", she stretched her arms and let out a big sigh.
"Ohhh, this feels so good," she exclaimed as she let all of her aching joints relax. "I feel bad that Yaevinn has to take the first watch, but this is so worth it."
"Yes, well he'll be able to enjoy it later. It's nice to be able to relax for a few hours. Shame we can't stay here longer," he said. 
"So, it seems Yaevinn has taken quite a liking to you," Neronvain said, after a pause.
"Huh?" Toruviel was confused by his choice of conversation. "Oh, yeah. He has always been such a great mentor to me. I respect him greatly. He's taught me almost everything I know."
"Toruviel, darling, don't be coy," Neronvain began. "It's quite clear he feels something more than that. It doesn't take much to see that he clearly has feelings for you. I've been traveling with you both for so long now and I can see it clear as day."
"Oh...really? You believe that to be true?" Toruviel hesitated. Maybe this was something she noticed, but she never really thought about until someone literally said it out loud to her. She knew he liked her because of her skills as a ranger, but some reason she never associated that it could have been more than that.
"Of course, dear. I find it hard to believe you didn't notice yourself," he responded.
"I guess it was something I thought could have been there..but I didn't fully realize it until you told me now.”
“So, you're telling me you don't feel that way about him?”
“Well, no...not really.”
“Not really? No? Why's that?” Neronvain continued. “Sorry, dear, if I'm being too prying. But you two are very important to me.”
Toruviel wasn't sure how to respond. Well, she knew the reason why. But was this the best time to tell him?
“Because...there's someone else,” she finally said.
Neronvain didn't respond immediately.
“I mean, there's always been someone else. Do you know who?” she continued.
He still did not respond. He looked at her, she was looking down and not making direct eye contact with him as clearly she was nervous about speaking this. But he continued to look at her and wait for her to continue.
“You know...just now you said it,” Toruviel began. She was worried about how he would respond to the next thing she was about to say, but continued anyway. “You literally just said it about me - ‘I find it hard to believe you didn't notice.’”
She paused again, then continued, “Well I find it hard to believe you didn't notice the person I'm talking about is you. It's always been you, Neronvain.”
He still did not immediately respond to her. Making her even more nervous that maybe she shouldn't have brought this up.
"I've always tried to keep my feelings in check, because you are royalty and I'm not. You should be with another noble. And, of course, we grew up together. I wasn't sure if you thought of me as a little sister. But I never looked at you like an older sibling. You were always the person I've had feelings for. Always."
He finally spoke up. "Toruviel..”
Her nervousness led her to begin backpeddaling. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought this up now. Not here. I know, this is kind of weird. This a weird place to do this." She looked down.
"No, Toruviel, I am glad you are telling me this." He never took his gaze off of her the whole time she shared. But she very much did not always look back at him.
He finally reached his arm over to her chin and gently pulled it up so she could look him in the eyes.
"Thank you for telling me this, Toruviel." He said gently go her. He leaned in for a kiss.
The two shared a kiss that was much longer and more intimate than the previous kiss they shared many years ago. Soon the moment became more intimate and passionate between the two.
They spent the next moments in the hot spring, and as things heated up they both excited and shared their moment together in this cavern.
Toruviel was finally able to be one with Neronvain, the person she loved.
To be continued in part 2:
Fighting the wizard and Ice Claws, getting the wizard’s tomes
Neronvain leaves Icewind Dale to head back to the kingdom after the mission 
Tor and Yaevinn spend time alone in Icewind Dale to train
Yaevinn disappears after fighting a Remorhoaz
Toruviel pregnant, spends time in the small village of Ten Towns and raises her son there for a few years
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erintoknow · 5 years
The dead mouse at your doorstep
Fallen Hero: Rebirth fanfiction! set after the end, before the in-progress sequel
“Ortega, what is it? I’m kind of in the middle of something right now.” You hiss into your suit’s headset as you scramble under the barricade.
“Are you okay there?”
“I’m fine. It’s fine. Everything’s fine here. We’re fine. It’s fine.” The ground rattles as a screeching metal beam crashes through the floor behind you. The lights flicker for a second then go out. In the distance you hear people scream and shout. There. That should buy you some time.
“Woah– hey, uh, Ari, what was that noise?”
“Things are a little… hectic at work right now. This really isn’t the best time.” You run through your escape path in your head as you make sure the bag clipped to your waist belt is secured.
“I thought you said you worked at a repair shop.”
“Look Ortega, some things are more–“ There’s another crashing of metal through drywall behind you. Load bearing drywall? Really? Shoddy construction job. “–more resistant to fixing than others. You know how it is.” You put your best upbeat smile into your voice, willing Ortega to accept it at face value.
That gets a laugh out of her. “Yeah, don’t I know it.”
You cut her off before she can press you again. “Look, I really gotta go.”
“Uh-huh. Are we still on to meet at the park this afternoon?” You’re going to have to really work on an explanation to explain this away later..
“Y-yeah, sure, 3 o’clock? Great-see-you-then-bye.” You end the call, count to ten, and then make a run for it. 
“So, this isn’t what I had planned on talking about; but you’ll never guess what happened this morning.” Ortega looks at you, leaning in, an edge to her smile.
You look back over the rim of your milkshake, straw in your mouth. “Mm?”
“You remember Pennybags?”
You drum the side of the glass with your fingers, making a show of thinking back. “The magnetic guy?”
Ortega nods. “Yeah. Big bank robber, stole a bunch of things from the old Rangers HQ too, remember?”
You nod, grimacing. “Yeah, that was a mess.” Of course you remember. One of the few times you had actually seen Julia really upset.
“Well, did you see the news today?” Ortega leans in further.
You lean back, shaking your head. “I was a little busy this morning, remember?” Stupid, you berate yourself. Don’t call attention to it.
Ortega tilts her head, side-eyeing you. “Yeah, I still need to ask you about that.” She waves it off with a hand. “Anyway, there was this big complex that collapsed up in the mountains in Hidden Springs.”
You eyebrows shoot up, practiced concern in your voice. “Oh geeze, an earthquake? Was anyone hurt?”
Ortega shakes her head, “That’s the weird part, no quake and most of the service staff were just hanging around outside when Steel and I got there. I tried talking to them, apparently everyone just felt… compelled to go talk a walk at the same time.”
You frown, why had they all gone back? “That’s… kind of spooky,” you say aloud.
Ortega gestures with a fry as she speaks, “You think that’s spooky, turns out, this is where Pennybags has been held up the past nine years, can you imagine? Stole millions of dollars and then vanishes so he can spend a decade playing stockbroker out in the sticks.”
You take another sip of your milkshake before saying anything, “So… you found Pennybags then?”
“Not yet, but he might be still be in there, Ground sonar shows an intact safe-room under the rubble. They’re still digging out the mess to get to it.” You take another sip of your milkshake to hide the possible smile. It had taken a lot of effort to leave only the single path.
But still, would it really be so bad if Pennybags… didn’t make it? Your smile wilts and you shift your arms under your poncho, always uncomfortably warm in the California heat. “Shouldn’t you be up there then?”
Now it’s Ortega’s turn to make a face, “Steel’s overseeing the effort.”
“Doesn’t trust you?” You ask, innocently.
Ortega’s response surprises you however, how her shoulders slump a little. “Maybe the right call in this case.” After a few more fries, she picks back up, “You’ll never guess how we know it’s Pennybags down there though.”
“Voice of god? Welcome sign? Villains Weekly magazine subscription?”
“Good guesses, but no.” Ortega’s smirk melts back into a frown. “Right outside what would have been the entrance someone left a folder… and an action figure.”
“An… action figure.” You repeat, skeptically.
“The signed Marshall Hood figure Pennybags stole actually. And the folder was full of all the photographs he’d taken from us too.”
“Oh.” You say. You hadn’t expected her to actually talk about this.
“I… don’t really have a lot left of him. I thought I’d lost these for good.”
“I remember.” You remember seeing the front door of its hinges, running through wrecked room after room, finding an alarmingly sobbing Ortega. The first time you willingly hugged someone.
“There’s maybe five people who know about that figure, Ari, and two of them are dead now.” Ortega’s voice is quiet, her hand on the table balled into a fist.
“What are you saying?” You whisper back, mirroring her tension with your own.
“I don’t think that building collapsed on its own. No, I think that new villain did this.” Ortega looks at you, questioning. “I just can’t figure out why.”
“Do…” You fish for an idea, “do you think they’re trying to send you a message?” 
Ortega looks you straight in the face, half-eaten hamburger now completely forgotten. You wish she wouldn’t. “A message? For what?”
You look back, willing yourself not to look away, not to look guilty. “I don’t know… I mean, it’s no secret you and Hood were close, is it?”
The look on Ortega’s face only intensifies. “You think maybe it was a threat?”
Your face blanches, and shake your head. This is not going how you thought it would. “I’m not in this game anymore, remember?” You shrug your shoulders theatrically, “for all I know it could be a love letter.”
The absurdity of it gets a laugh out of Ortega and you both relax a little. “Mierda,” she shakes her head. “That’s a hell of a way to send a letter.”
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truetgirl · 5 years
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Hey look it’s the rest of those adventurers I came up with! Once again, basic of who these people are under the read more.
Piper: Human fighter, samurai, neutral good. Youngest child of a noble family bless with many children, Piper knew she stood to inherit little if anything. As such, she planned to train as a tactician and offer her services at court either to her eldest brother or perhaps the king if she were lucky. However, she was a poor tactician. In the end she found her true talent in her combat training, and so went on to become a knight of her brother’s new court. Now she travels as a knight errant and emissary for her house.
Edria: Half-Elf bard, college of swords, chaotic neutral. A sailor all her life, Edria was a fine hand to have on a vessel but her true value was in keeping her crew mates happy and entertained with music, dancing, and the occasional display of skill with her blades. Never happy to settle in one place long, she still wanders, looking for excitement and adventure.
Tina: Kobold monk, way of shadow, lawful neutral. Exiled by her people for failing to return from hunting with any food, Tina nearly went blind as she wandered the mountains above her people’s tunnels and the sun stung her eyes for the first time, magnified by the snow all around. After a few days and having largely resigned herself to death, Tina happened upon a monastery. Knowing she had nothing to lose, she knocked. Nearly twenty years later, Tina has grown comfortable among her new clan, as she sees the other monks. Now she ventures out again, wondering what else this world has to show her.
Marion: Fallen Aasimar ranger, monster slayer, true neutral. Once the pride of her small village, Marion’s life was shattered when her presence drew the attention of a demon lord and his forces descended upon the town, taking her and burning everything and everyone else. Tortured, corrupted by dark magic, and abandoned by the angelic guide that had once spoken to her in her dreams, Marion despaired for weeks. Eventually, once she could cry no more, Marion’s resolve turned to steel and she was able to break free of her prison. With no idea where she was, she fled into the forest, where she has lived ever since.
Brinel: Half-Elf storm sorcerer, chaotic neutral. Though she does not know it, Brinel was born under the clouds of a storm that is legendary to those that lived through it. And so, though she is unaware of it’s origin, she has always known she had magic. Given up by her parents when she was a baby, Brinel grew up first in an orphanage and then, when her powers emerged, under the watchful eyes of mages of a local academy. Finding this life suffocating, she ran away as a teenager. For a few years she worked as a barmaid, but eventually her boss asked her to dance and she could not take him up on it fast enough. Now, having danced her fill for the time being, she strikes out, wondering what the world beyond her home city might hold.
Rain: Tabaxi warlock, archfey, true neutral. A traveler for many years, Rain never dreamed she might find a crossing to the feywilds. Not one to miss such an opportunity, she struck a pact with a fae lord there, and now seeks to learn as much of magic as she can.
Val: Wood-Elf rogue, scout, chaotic neutral. This is another character I’ve played, though not as much as Ari. An orphan from the streets of Waterdeep, she drifted out of the city one day seeking entertainment in the wider world and encountered the inciting incidents of Storm King’s Thunder. The scout archetype is meant to reflect her growing affinity for the wild since leaving the city.
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floodnetworks · 5 years
tagged by @dandelionquartz thanks for being epic king
name/alias: ezra!!!!!
birthday: march 23rd!
zodiac: aries sun, pisces moon, leo rising
height: like 5'7.5"
hobbies: skating, art, reading, writing, zines, hiking, cooking, being gay, crimes
favourite colour: currently its red
favourite books: no one belongs here more than you by miranda july, the phantom tollbooth, night sky with exit wounds by ocean vuong, this thicc book of bosch art
last song you listened to: dark room by choir boy, i was on a long ass car ride and put on passive with desire and fell asleep during the first song and woke up during dark room while we were driving thru a canyon. luv that album
last film you watched: i think it was legally blonde lmao
inspiration/muse: my friends, nature, the moon, science, my favorite bands
dream job: *starts foaming at the mouth and snarling like a rabid dog* idk like travelling around the world and writing about art, and also a forest ranger type thing where i just hang out in the rocky mountains
meaning behind your url: its just epic
top 3 ships: cecilos, tenrose, and uhhh idk im not that into shipping mayb like maebea or angel n buffy idk
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick 4ever except the rare occassion where i wear the dark purple goth lipstick i got at age 13 and have almost worn completely down over 5 years
currently reading: a bilingual edition of a lorca collection, always rereading no one belongs here more than you by miranda july, also im rereading varjak paw which i loved as a kid
im tagging (if u wanna no pressure):
@eldritchcowboy @dykey-fish @ajolote-mexicano @cryptidsagainstcapitalism any other mutuals who wanna, or nonmutuals too !!!!
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