#mostly they’re all really annoying but like 💛annoying💛
helyiios · 20 days
team hunt is my favourite found family and they’re all united by their tendency of being massive cunts💛
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themeatpit37 · 1 month
Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack Random Assorted Headcanons
This is just a fun little collection of random headcanons I got! Mostly showing these since I have been wanting to write for a while but either haven’t had the energy or any idea of what to write. Enjoy!
❤️💛💙☀️Sunny Day Jack☀️❤️💛💙
I have a lot of headcanons for Jack but one of them is that he LOVES it when people run their fingers through his hair. He will practically melt into their touch like he was starved of attention and hold your arms so they don’t stop. His hair is VERY soft too so it’s heavenly to touch! A win win scenario!
Jack is very much a physical guy. If anyone gives him permission, he will absolutely take the opportunity. It also has to do with his need to be seen since you can’t really forget someone who practically clings onto you! But seriously please let him hold onto you, he needs physical contact.
HE. LOVES. KISSES. Doesn’t matter where, when, or why just give them to him. He does prefer giving passionate and soft kisses though because to him they show how much he loves whoever he’s kissing.
Very much prefers honey on his pancakes over syrup. He’ll still use syrup but will use honey when it’s available. The natural taste honey has fits better on pancakes than maple or pancake syrup does. He does love a good blueberry syrup though!
Shaun is very easily excitable in my eyes. You’re hyped about something? He is immediately hyped too! You could be explaining the history behind the creation of dishwashers or something and as long as you are happy, he is fully listening and engaging as much as he can all while hyping you up!
Attends furry conventions whenever he can. Is he a furry? No one knows anymore but he does know a few too many inside jokes though.
Canonically, I am pretty sure he is a monsterfucker but in my opinion I feel he likes “weird” monsters the most. Like yeah werewolves and demons are cool but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t have at least one erotic dream about Seth from The Fly.
His favorite fall drink is apple cider! Hot cocoa is nice but a warm mug of spiced apple cider just hits different especially with a squirt of whipped cream!
To me, I always read Ian as a very emotional guy. Wears his heart on his sleeve type. It’s kind of a side effect of his home life and the way people treated him as he got older.
His favorite flavors are cinnamon, brown sugar, matcha, and pistachio. Flavors for what? Anything really. But mostly in either baked goods or drinks. Speaking of, his favorite milk flavor is a tie between strawberry milk and banana milk.
I get the vibe that on social media, he follows mostly cute animal accounts, food blogs, and aesthetic pages of many varieties. His favorites are the ones that post outfits or accessories for outfit ideas.
One of his biggest fears is spiders and most insects! Something about them just makes him freak out, especially if they got lots of legs like a centipede. Even caterpillars freak him out sometimes, but he rarely ever kills them. Most of the time they get put under a cup and released.
Due to us not knowing much about him, most of this is based off nothing but vibes. He is 100% a collector though. He has a whole binder of Pokémon cards, multiple blind bag toys of his favorite games and expensive figurines sit on his shelf, posters are all over his room walls, and his collection is constantly growing.
Very superstitious. If he learns about an urban legend from another country, it becomes part of his beliefs like hiding your thumbs in your pockets while passing cemeteries to keep your parents safe or throwing salt over your shoulder after spilling a salt shaker.
Sometimes when he is alone with his dogs, Pico and Cheese, he’ll have full on conversations with them like they’re people who know what he’s talking about. Usually it’s a rant about someone annoying he had to deal with or explaining what happened at work that day.
Naps often. If you give him an opportunity to nap, he will take it. Even if he gets the best night of sleep in the whole universe, he’ll always be ready to take a nap. Bonus points if it’s with someone he likes or if his dogs are there.
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the-somwthing · 7 months
Takes place in the last session (in an au where there’s like. More time between events than just an hour or so.)
This is supposed to be a later chapter of a fic I’m working on! I’m doing things out of order 😭 so there are references to scenes I haven’t yet written in it sorry it shouldn’t be THAT bad tbh. When I actually make the fic this chapter will likely be edited whenever it appears haha
SHIP: Scott/Joel
WARNINGS (mostly just things to be aware of): somewhat of neck kissing, implied sexual stuff (just thinking about it very vaguely), flower husbands is mentioned but Jimmy is dead, headcanon with 3L!red!Joel and his monochrome/red skin, once again references to scenes I have not written, it may feel rather ooc but that’s cuz this is meant to be a later chapter so they’re already fairly close, repressing/denying feelings (and some failing at that), some pessimism about the war, NO DIALOGUE (when I planned this out I was like “wait there’s no dialogue” and decided I’d take it as a challenge and really have just no dialogue)
The war had been rough for everyone. It kept all players on edge, no matter how indirect their involvement was. At this point, it was pick a side or die in the crossfire. Scott and Joel had chosen the Desert, but neither of them had much reason to be part of the conflict.
The two had spent the past few days together, constantly running, though Scott could hardly tell if they were running to survive or running to kill. Somewhat of a mix of both, he figured. No matter the reason, they were constantly running, and nice peaceful moments were hard to come by.
Then it happened. They lost their target, the enemy hadn’t seen them yet, they were alone in a remote part of the world. Scott was tired, the grass looked soft, and he flopped himself onto it. Joel was clearly still running on adrenaline despite accepting that it was break time, and so he practically jumped onto Scott, grabbed him, and rolled with him.
Scott had grown used to the annoying ways Joel would throw himself at Scott and jostle him around. He figured it was a red life thing. Jimmy had also become more physical after turning red, though never so aggressive. Through observing others, Scott knew that suppressing violent urges was harder for most reds than Jimmy made it look. Joel tackling Scott was clearly not an act of violence, rather an act of affection. He typically only did stuff like that when they had accomplished something, or at least had some fun.
This moment was the opposite of that. They lost their target, and usually Joel was frustrated at that. They weren’t having fun running, either; it was exhausting and anxiety-inducing. And yet, in what should’ve been a moment of catching their breaths and saying “better luck next time,” Joel had rolled in the grass with Scott.
It wasn’t just Joel who acted out of character in that moment, for Scott would usually tell Joel off for playing so rough with him. It was mostly in a friendly manner, as Scott didn’t mind too much, but it could be annoying when unexpected, like in this moment. But instead of doing that, Scott laughed. He held onto Joel, rolling with him, and laughed in delight.
The ground was rather flat, so they didn’t roll very far. Joel sat up next to Scott, giggling with him. Scott figured that if Joel wasn’t going to lay in the grass, he wouldn’t either, and sat up as well, feeling a little dizzy from all the movement.
Scott shook his head and briefly brushed his hair with his hands, hoping to remove any dirt or grass. It wasn’t a thorough job, so he had to hope he was lucky. He took a look at Joel’s hair, noticing that a few bits of grass had gotten tucked into his hair, enough to turn monochrome as well.
Scott managed to pull out one piece of grass before Joel swatted his hand away. Scott glared at Joel, who tried to glare back but was still smiling. Scott wasn’t sure what that was about, but rolled his eyes and pulled Joel closer to remove the grass from his hair.
He knew that touching Joel’s hair like this made Joel flustered, but it needed to be done. Besides, he couldn’t care about Joel’s expression when he was too busy observing how the grass would regain color when taken out of Joel’s hair. Sure, he had experimented with this phenomenon in the past (don’t think about the flower) but it was never not fun to witness.
Scott was finally finished (it shouldn’t have taken so long, but watching colors change can be so distracting…) and pulled away to get a full look at Joel. His face was about as red as he expected (red being the only color allowed on Joel’s body was pretty unfortunate because it made his blush very obvious… but Scott didn’t feel bad for him). The sight made Scott chuckle and ruffle Joel’s hair.
Joel had accepted this fate (it was obvious that he had, otherwise Scott wouldn’t have been able to remove the grass at all). He seemed annoyed and embarrassed, yet once Scott’s hand left his head he moved himself onto Scott’s lap.
This surprised Scott, but instead of showing it or becoming flustered and embarrassed, it just made him happy. He wrapped his arms around Joel at the same time Joel did, sighing contentedly. For some reason this made Joel laugh quietly, and laughter had felt quite contagious in this moment so Scott giggled back.
There was no reason for them to be doing this. It didn’t make sense. And yet, it felt so right. The world was falling apart around them, everyone knew it was endgame, there would be no peace. Scott and Joel had nothing left to hold onto, nothing left to fight for, but they had each other. They hadn’t had each other a week ago, in fact they were quite against each other. But in the last moments of the world, the only thing they had was each other. It should’ve been sad. It should’ve been awkward. But Scott was having a great time.
Scott cupped Joel’s face in his hands to look at him. Joel’s face showed that he was also enjoying his time with Scott. This moment felt perfect. It was the most perfect moment in the world. There was one thing his heart wanted to do. He leaned in and kissed Joel…
…on the cheek. They’re not in love! They’re not married! They were just two soldiers doing mindless battles together. A kiss on the cheek is enough for that- maybe even too much, really. They hadn’t even declared themselves friends yet (mostly that’s because there was no reason to. There would be nothing after the war worth having friends for).
But as Scott pulled away, he could feel it wasn’t enough. He knew it was enough, he thought it was maybe too much, but he felt that it wasn’t enough. He couldn’t stop himself from leaning in for another kiss: planted right on Joel’s other cheek. Surely that would be enough.
Of course, it wasn’t. Scott continued like this, kissing all over Joel’s face (never too close to the mouth) and thinking each time “that’s it. I’m done. That’s enough.” but never really feeling that. He failed to stop himself from kissing Joel, but was able to stop himself from kissing him on the lips.
The only person Scott had kissed was his husband, Jimmy. He couldn’t imagine doing that to anyone else. Even though Jimmy was dead, it didn’t make sense to Scott to move on so quickly. Well, with Jimmy it didn’t take long to fall in love either… no, no, what is this train of thought?! Scott loved Jimmy, so much. He did not love Joel, not at all. They were barely acquaintances. A few nights sleeping under the stars together couldn’t have changed that, right?
Scott could not bear the thought of moving on from Jimmy, which meant he couldn’t bear the thought of loving Joel, which meant he couldn’t bear the thought of kissing him on the lips. And yet, he needed to. Every quick kiss he planted onto Joel’s face didn’t satiate his desire at all. He wanted more, so much so that the rational part of his brain was struggling to stop him.
At this point, it was almost worse than just kissing Joel. An endless stream of kisses, all over his face (minus his mouth). That’s gotta be worse at this point, right? But Scott couldn’t stop. The part of Scott that didn’t want to make Joel uncomfortable noted that Joel hadn’t made even a noise of protest, and he knew that if Joel didn’t like this he would be shoved off instantly. The rest of Scott’s brain didn’t want to think of the implications of Joel liking this. Repressing feelings is much easier when it’s not mutual. If Joel had shoved Scott away, he wouldn’t be having this dilemma at all.
Scott had found a way to rationalize what he was doing. He just missed Jimmy so much, that he was desperate to give affection like he had with Jimmy. Surely, he would be acting like this to anybody, not just Joel. He even extended this rationality to Joel, deciding that he had just been so lonely this whole season that he would take affection from anyone, it had nothing to do with Scott.
None of this was true, but Scott held onto this idea. He wasn’t in love with Joel, he just missed Jimmy so much. Joel didn’t love Scott, he was just lonely (that one, at least, was more believable. Still not true). This is what Scott would tell himself any time he would think back to this moment. He would believe it, too, no matter how much his heart proved the theory wrong.
Scott had begun doing a circle of kisses around Joel’s face, starting from one cheek and going up from there, then to Joel’s forehead, then down to the other cheek. As previously mentioned he tried to stop himself each time, but obviously, it was never enough, and he had to complete the circle.
Once he reached Joel’s other cheek, he still wasn’t satisfied, and it technically wasn’t a circle unless he crossed over to the other cheek again. He would never kiss Joel on the mouth though, so he began kissing downwards, towards Joel’s chin. This is where things went wrong (or maybe right).
After Scott kissed Joel’s chin (kind of an awkward place to kiss, honestly) Joel had tilted his head up. Exposing his neck. Scott did not hesitate to press his lips against Joel’s neck. He did, however, hesitate to go much further than that. This much more intimate position snapped Scott out of his haze of wanting to kiss Joel.
His lips rested on Joel’s neck a moment longer, the moment Scott was trying to figure out what was going on. When he finally realized, he pulled away. Joel seemed to also take a moment to figure out what had happened before lowering his head. This made their eyes meet, and they stared at each other dumbfounded; like neither of them knew what was going on. Honestly, they probably didn’t. Everything that just transpired was so spontaneous.
Joel’s face was very red, and Scott imagined his own face wasn’t too different. Scott wanted to say something, but what? Sorry for almost kissing you on the neck? That was hardly Scott’s fault, Joel was the one who exposed his neck for Scott!! Sorry for NOT kissing you on the neck?! He’s recently been widowed! He can’t just go immediately kissing another man’s neck!
Why had Joel done that anyway?! Scott could hardly believe it. A red name who had spent a decent amount of time trying to kill him just exposed his neck to Scott. To kiss. Scott was a yellow name! Joel’s supposed to want to kill him, he did want to kill him in the past, but in this moment he had silently asked Scott to kiss his neck. And Scott almost did. God, what were they doing?!
Joel must’ve been really embarrassed, but Scott couldn’t tease him for it, not when he was also acting so… intimate. Scott tried to think back to figure out who started it, but the memory almost felt hazy and he got too embarrassed thinking about it so he gave up. It didn’t matter who started it anyway; they both indulged. Indulged quite a bit… what would’ve happened if Scott didn’t stop where he had? How far would they have gone?! Now this thought was too embarrassing for Scott to dwell on. Surely Joel wouldn’t have wanted to go THAT far…
After a while of staring at each other, Joel got off Scott’s lap and looked away. Wow, he was really embarrassed. He looked so small like this. Scott felt bad; having been the one who stopped that interaction he could at least pretend he didn’t want it. He wouldn’t do that to Joel, though. The only person he’d lie to about that is himself.
Scott laid down on the grass. It was incredibly awkward between the two, and neither could seem to say anything about it. It seemed best to just rest. Slow that heart rate to normal, breathe. This is what they should’ve been doing when they stopped in the field. Resting. Without touching.
Neither of them moved to interact with each other. Eventually, they got up to continue the war. Neither of them spoke of that moment ever again.
It was just a moment of weakness on both their parts; Joel being lonely and Scott missing Jimmy. They didn’t want each other. Not at all.
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svtminji · 11 months
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minji + seungkwan + vernon + chan
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❪ 💛 ❫ seungkwan + minji -> kwanji
❪ popularity rating: 90% + type of relationship: girl group lovers ❫
the energy this man has put up.. it’s unspeakable. mizuki can never keep up with that amount of energy and frankly, it reminds her of her younger brother. oh man.. this is definitely corny now but she finds him annoying like an older sister 100%. the moment he puts his sass on, she isn’t having it and doesn’t feed into it. along with the bss line, minji can not understand the amount of loudness that occurs every few minutes.
both minji and seungkwan enjoy girl group songs and spend their free time learning the most popular choreography. mizuki is mostly the one that gets to dance with gg members and comes to seungkwan showing it off. she definitely teases seungkwan the most out of all of them. just like the rest of the members, he dances along with her whenever there’s girl group songs put on!! ❪ cue “ooh-ahh, ooh-ahh” on ttt ❫.
occurring moments between them include: sassy seungkwan + over it mizu, best gg dancers!!, scared duo fr, seungkwan being babied 25/8, emotional supporters, swk putting the mic infront of minji for the “mwoya eotteokhae” for aju nice encore, asking her about japanese sayings..
a song that represents them: lion heart - snsd
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❪ 💛 ❫ vernon + minji -> minon
❪ popularity rating: 90% + type of relationship: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️ ❫
i think these two have such a calming aura to them. part of the american line with shua & most of their dialogue consists of konglish. vernon has stated that he mostly speaks korean rather than english and thanks joshua + minji for allowing him to speak english with them so he doesn’t completely forget about it. minji had the chance to see new york when she was younger and she absolutely loved it ❪ only the tourist places, other than that she thought it was okay ❫. vernon, who grew up around that part of the state, really didn’t see the entire hype about it but still made sure that minji got the full experience whenever seventeen had the chance to visit vernon’s state. 
mizuki doesn’t really baby him in a way that she would with seungkwan or chan but she still looks out for him and makes sure he’s always taking care of himself.
occurring moments between them include: minji copying his faces, making fun of him off camera because of his FANCALLS!! ❪ she finds it hilarious ❫, stayc stans mizu + vern, konglish spoked fr, extroverted vernon + introverted mizuki = 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️
a song that represents them: dilemma - nelly
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❪ 💛 ❫ chan ❪ dino ❫ + minji -> chami.
❪ popularity rating: 95% + type of relationship: son & mom ❫
she loves this boy a little too much & mostly feels a sense of protectiveness over him. he’s been her baby for more than a decade and never wants to let him go. it became clear that he had grown up right in-front of her when he was more confident in his own body & mind. she is definitely the first person he goes to when he’s getting bullied only for her give him faux care and bully him as well ❪ “they’re making fun of you? aw, i’m sorry baby but you shouldn’t of have fallen on your face in front of them.” ❫
mizuki definitely hugs him the most when shes drunk and rants about how much she hates it when he grows up because it reminds her that she’s also growing up. sad stuff aside they are THEE main dancers along with soonyoung!!! the amount of energy he has is so astonishing and mizuki tries her best to keep up with it. dino was always a firm believer in the jeongmi ship and has always managed to call them mom & dad.. even with seungcheol by their side 🤦. chan & mizuki’s younger brother have a few things in common and spend their free time talking to each other.
part of mizu’s cariño line!!! he’s the main one <3
occurring moments between them include: massive amounts of energy with their dancing, holding him close to her, official drinking buddies ❪ she’s more sensitive & he helps her go through the emotions ❫, slightly making fun of eachother, a semi-official member of dino’s danceology, huge use of mom & noona from him.
a song that represents them: slipping through my fingers - abba
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sorry these were short!! idk how to write the maknae line 😭
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writerlyhabits · 2 years
Red Henley
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Summary: Bucky spending the night becomes a regular occurrence, but what does that look like in your every day life? What does it mean for a rough day of work cutting into other plans? 
Ch 11 of the Neighbors Series | Masterlist | Ch. 10 | Ch. 12
Warnings: mild language, sexual themes (they’re horny), lots of pet names both new and old, maybe a teeny tiny hint of angst? It’s mostly fluff
AN: a normal-sized chapter, how cute 😂 This is actually double the size I originally planned it to be, but I can’t find myself being mad about it, there’s some good development here if you know what I mean 😉 I’m already mentally writing the beginning of the next chapter I’m so freaking excited you guys, you have no idea. Thank you as always to @deceiverofgodss for suffering through this with me, and I hope you enjoy! 💛
Gif from @unearthlydust
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Soft lips on your cheek…
That was the first thing you felt, gentle kisses being scattered across your face as the morning sun filtered in to light the room beyond your eyelids. You hummed groggily, the effects of sleep slowly fading as you were brought to life, feeling the warmth that came with being cradled in a certain someone’s very muscular arms. 
“Good morning,” Bucky whispered, sounding much more awake than you did, as usual. You only groaned in response, earning a chuckle. “I know, sugar, but you gotta get up for work. I let you sleep as long as I could.” 
“Are you taking on the role of my personal alarm clock?” You teased, your voice still tired as you shifted and stretched in the bed. 
“I figured I was preferable to the annoying sound of the alarm you’re gonna snooze anyway,” you smiled as he kissed you, soft and slow. 
This had been your morning routine for the past few days, and honestly? It was divine. There was no place you’d rather be, his hands cupping your jaw to move you as he pleased – kissing your smiling face with an expression that matched – and his unnecessarily large biceps acting like a shield from anything outside of your little corner of the world. 
“C’mon, let me see those pretty eyes.” If you weren’t lying in bed your knees would have buckled. Begrudgingly, you peeked one eye open to find him glowing in the early morning light, his sparkling blues watching you reverently. “There’s my girl. All the way open or I’m gonna push you outta bed.” 
There was your troublemaker. 
“You wouldn’t.” You felt his weight lift off of you, and leave the mattress. You shot your eyes open, knowing he’d make good on his promise – or at least get really close – and found him on his knees beside you. “No don’t, I’m awake, James,” you pleaded, scrambling to get up, desperately trying to find a purchase on his large frame. 
“Would you look at that, she lives,” he chuckled as you clung onto him, the deep sound rumbling through his chest. Large hands found your body and pressed you impossibly closer to him, cradling your head into the crook of his neck. You felt the vibrations of his amused hum when you started placing sleepy kisses on his neck. 
Bucky’s hands drifted down your backside, brushing over your ass as he gripped your legs, locking them around his hips as he shuffled backwards off of the bed. He carried you through your apartment until your feet hit the tile floor of your bathroom where he cupped your cheeks, kissed your eyelids, and left you to get ready. You smiled, opening your eyes to watch him give you a playful grin before disappearing into the rest of the apartment. 
Your reflection in the mirror reminded you of what had happened the other night, feeling your cheeks heat up when the only slightly faded hickey sat  proudly on your chest, the neck of your loose sleep shirt doing nothing to conceal it. At the very least, you weren’t forced to wear obvious scarves and turtlenecks or copious amounts of makeup like a teenager, but it was in just the right spot that you still had to be careful with your wardrobe. One wrong slip, or pull of a necklace, and it could be out there for the world to see. 
To his credit, he’d been thoughtful in his placement. And in his favor, you were practically giddy every time you had to “hide” it. 
Bucky was a man of routine. He’d said once that if there hadn’t been a war going on, he might have enjoyed being in the army a bit more for that reason. And while your morning routines had been occurring in the same space for the last few days, you still were never mentally prepared for what was waiting for you in the living room when you were dressed and ready. 
“Can I make you somethin, sugar?” Bucky asked sweetly, no sign of struggle in his voice as he pumped out a ridiculous amount of push ups just from the time it took you to step into the room. 
Good god it was doing wonders for his back. He opted not to put a shirt on – it hadn’t taken long for him to sleep that way as well – showing off his rippling muscles and his broad shoulders. Every so often the stretch of skin where black vibranium met his shoulder blade would disappear behind the ridges of his back. It was making your head spin, and something else clench around nothing. 
“You still with me?” He chuckled, and you realized you hadn’t responded. Luckily he hadn’t looked up at you from his position to see more than your feet stopped in front of him, else he would have caught you gawking at his bulging biceps. 
“Hm? Oh I- no, ‘m fine,” you managed, screwing your head back on and turning to make yourself something quick before work. Something that would require very little focus, because right now you had none to spare.  
Bucky’s morning workouts had been both a blessing and a curse. It was wonderful getting to start your day with that view, and you wanted to appreciate the art form that was his body. At the same time, your mind wandered to dangerous places, which had a tendency to make for a slightly uncomfortable drive to work and no chance at doing anything about it.
You popped bread into the toaster before grabbing your bag and making sure you had everything you needed. Phone, wallet, keys, inappropriate thoughts about Bucky Barnes… check. 
“Hey, I was thinking… your birthday is coming up next week,” you started, not looking at him as you found something else to fiddle with in the kitchen. “Did you want to do anything?”
“How’d you know that?” he asked with a grunt that you willed yourself to ignore. 
“It’s on a wall next to your face at the museum.” 
“Ah.” With another grunt and a thump, you peeked around the counter to see him sprawled out on the floor, tilting his head back to look at you upside down. He gave you a noncommittal sound and a shrug in response to your question, and you rolled your eyes as you walked up to him. 
“Nothing? C’mon, we could do whatever you want. Go downtown and do something fun, maybe a nice dinner, or something you used to do with your family? I could get your favorite kind of cake, put all one hundred and six candles on it,” you teased with a playful expression. 
He chuckled as you kneeled beside his spot on the floor. “Please don’t, you’ll burn your apartment down. I kinda like it here.” You hummed in amusement, and when you kept waiting for an answer he released a breath, looking up at the ceiling as he fiddled with his dog tags. 
“My ma used to make this chocolate cake that had weird stuff in it, with milk and eggs being so expensive. Other than that…” He shrugged again, and you were ready to try and tease him for not giving you a full answer, but you saw a flicker of something cross his face and let him continue. “But I always did something with my sister. Take her to the movies or drive out to get lunch somewhere new. Even when she went away for school, she always made a point to write or send a care package.” 
While Bucky reminisced, you were starting to form a plan of your own. You knew Bucky well enough by now, he wasn’t going to ask to do anything on his own; he always put in more effort than he ever expected in return. He would give you ideas, shrug it off, and leave it up to you. 
“I see you thinking,” he said after a few moments, smirking up at you. “Don’t go doing anything crazy, I’m more than happy just to stay here with you.” He brought a hand up to cup your cheek as you rolled your eyes at him, brushing his thumb across it softly. 
“Well, you’re getting the chocolate cake,” you said with determination, earning you a chuckle.
“Whatever you want, sugar. As long as I get to do this.” Bucky sat up and reached around your middle, rolling the both of you over so he was pinning you down on the floor in all his half naked glory. Boyish grin on his handsome face, glistening abs that led your eyes down to the band of his grey sweatpants…
Before you had any time to process how hot your cheeks were, his lips were on yours. Slow and languid, the way he knew would make your brain go fuzzy. His tongue teased your lips, and your brain couldn’t decide whether it wanted to focus on the way he was kissing you, or the weight you could feel pressing into your thigh. His touch was featherlight as he caressed your sides, and you instinctively carded your hands through his hair as you leaned into the kiss, resting them around his neck. 
Not even a few moments later, he attacked. 
Strong hands and vibranium fingers dug into your ticklish spots, and you convulsed underneath him, trying to get out of his grasp. Your face hurt with the force of your smile, his deep laughter mixing in with yours as he gave you no mercy, caging you in place so you couldn’t escape. 
“Buck- James please, I can’t-” you tried, pushing at his hands in a desperate attempt for a breath. When he finally let up, his arms slinked around your waist and he buried his face into your neck. 
“Mmm, is this where you put that new perfume?” he hummed, scattering kisses there before you could answer, his amused breath causing you to flinch away from him. “It smells good. Just as sweet as you,” he continued, punctuating his words with kisses across your cheeks. 
You were vaguely aware of the sound of the toaster popping in the background, but the supersoldier on top of you paid no mind to it. “Bucky, let me up,” you managed through a giggle. “I- that’s my-”
“Sorry excuse for a breakfast, I know,” he groaned. He attached his lips to yours one more time – sneaky bastard poured himself into this one, and it took you longer than it should have to make a noise in rebuttal. Reluctantly, he got off of you, standing up and offering his hand to pull you up. 
His hands may have left you, but his eyes didn’t. 
“How about we do somethin’ tonight?” he asked as you were finishing up your slice of toast and gathering your belongings. His voice was deep, smooth, and when you turned to look at him his expression matched. Eyebrow cocked, and signature grin on his face as he leaned against the counter, one hand on his hip. 
Could he not be that hot for two damn minutes?
“You can’t decide on something to do for your birthday, but you want to make special plans for tonight,” you teased. 
“C’mon, I’m serious, let me do something for you. We could go out, get dressed up all fancy,” he drawled, and it was embarrassing how quickly he made a mess of you. 
“Like we do every Saturday?” 
“No, I mean like… a classy dinner, nice slacks and a button down,” he started, his tongue darting out to lick his pretty pink lips. He pushed off of the counter and made his way over to where you were rooted to the spot, standing tall right in front of you and brushing the tips of his fingers up your sides. “Maybe a little black dress with those red shoes you like so much… How’s that sound, baby?” 
It was too early in the morning for thoughts like these. And his tone mixed with his lack of clothing was not helping your situation. 
“I- yeah that sounds, hm, that sounds good,” you managed through a shiver. 
“Good,” Bucky smirked, hooking a finger under your jaw and pulling your face close to his. This time his kiss was hungry, but it was quick, taking his chance when your lips parted to push into you. As soon as you let out a whimper he eased off, and you felt him smile against you. Your eyes fluttered open when he parted, his baby blues darkened by his pupils. “I’ll see you tonight.” 
He slipped away from you, winking as he turned around and walked – strutted – back into your bedroom. Your body told you to follow him, your watch told you otherwise. You cursed under your breath and grabbed your bag, beginning the uncomfortable journey to work with a puddle in your lower region. 
He was excited for tonight. Very excited. Was there a plan? Maybe not. But if the best he could pull together was a candle lit home cooked dinner and romantic atmosphere, that’s what he was going to do. 
After spending the past few nights sleeping in the same bed as you, cuddled up under the covers with you tucked under his arm, Bucky could only tame the desires creeping up on him for so long. He loved being your man, every up and down that came with it, he was completely and absolutely smitten. He loved all of your soft sleepy smiles when you first wake up, the way your hands felt gliding over his body, how your eyes sparkled when you looked at him. 
He might be a super soldier but he was still human, with instinctive human desires. The first time he’d spent the night, he’d gotten a glimpse of what it would be like if he let himself push farther, at least before you two had been interrupted. He wanted to feel your hands roaming his body for purchase again, feel your hungry mouth on his, and have you whimpering his name as he settled between your thighs. 
He wanted you bad. If he was being honest with himself, it had been a long time coming. But he didn't use to struggle as much keeping those thoughts at bay, reminding himself to wait it out, to make sure it was what you both really wanted. Though now he didn’t have any reason to doubt you wanted him just as much, especially after how easy it was to fluster you this morning, and his resolve was cracking. 
Dinner would be good. If he could pull it off. He doubted he could get a reservation anywhere really nice, and if he could, it was a gamble whether or not he could actually afford it. He got enough from the government to get by, maybe do a little bit extra, but he was by no means well-off. Did he risk taking you to the roof and hope nobody else had the same idea? Or did he just play it safe in your living room, aided by dim lighting and slow music? Whatever the plan was, he would need flowers, so that’s where he would start. 
That’s where he was a few hours after you’d left for work when his phone rang, stepping away from the bouquets he was perusing when your name came up on the screen, and answering as he stepped out of the shop near your apartment building. 
“Hey sweetheart, how’s it going?” He asked, a warm smile on his face as he greeted you. 
“It’s… it’s okay.” He picked up on your tone immediately. Something wasn’t right. 
“What’s going on? What happened?”
“How do you do that?” You tried to laugh, but it was choked. He could tell you had been crying, and he didn’t like it one bit. 
“I know you, sweets. Talk to me, what’s wrong?” He heard you take a shaky breath on your end and waited patiently for your response. 
“I just… I- it’s already been a long day. I’m on my lunch now, but things just keep adding up and I’m drained.” He hated hearing you like this, your voice so weak and quiet. All he wanted to do right now was hold you, make you feel safe. “I was really looking forward to what you had planned for tonight, but I don’t even know when I’ll make it home. I can try to-”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Just try and make it through the day as best as you can, alright?” 
“I don’t want to ruin any plans that you-” 
“You’re not ruining anything, doll. We’ll save it for another night, I promise.” He heard you groan on the other side, followed by a sniffle. “Do you want me to come rescue you?” he teased, only half joking. 
“Ugh, don’t even tempt me, I might seriously take you up on it,” you laughed, and it made him feel better when it came a little easier than your last one. “I’m sorry-”
“Don’t,” he scolded. “I’ll see you later tonight, okay?” He waited for your confirmation before saying your goodbyes, leaving him to reconsider his next course of action. 
He shoved his plans for a romantic – suggestive was the better word if he was being honest – evening into the corner of his mind. He would have plenty of other chances to come back to it when you were ready, but tonight needed to be different. Maybe he wouldn’t attempt a fancy dinner, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t try to make it special. 
Bucky turned on his heel to step inside the florist’s shop once again with a new mission. 
When you were finally clearing the top of the stairs that led to your front door, you were beat. Physically and emotionally exhausted, and you only had the mental capacity to keep putting one foot in front of the other so you could get inside of your apartment and crash. 
It was disappointing, honestly, how differently your night was supposed to have gone. Bucky had been tantalizing, and thoughts of where the night would have led filled your head right up until everything started going sideways. You shook your head to rid yourself of any more thoughts of work, fishing your keys out of your purse to push open your door. 
Whatever you expected to see, this was not it. Your apartment was dark save for the candles that decorated your coffee table and kitchen counters, the calming aroma they offered hitting your senses, and you saw a small bouquet of your favorite flowers in a vase on the counter. As you slowly made your way into the apartment you closed the door behind you, the smell of something deliciously familiar filling your nose. Before you could call out to the prime suspect, Bucky stepped out of your room in one of his henleys and a new pair of soft pants. When your eyes met his, he offered you a gentle smile. 
“James… what is all this?” you asked softly, battling the emotions that were threatening to come back up. 
“I know this isn’t what we talked about this morning, but you had a long day, and I still wanted to do something special for you,” he admitted, his brows furrowed in concern as he continued to look at you. “I figured you hadn’t eaten, so I found that recipe you said was your favorite. I doubled the garlic like you told me last time.” You hummed in amusement and took another inhale. 
“It smells amazing.” 
“Good, I’m glad. I just hope it tastes as good as it smells,” he smiled softly. After a few moments he continued. “I’ve got a blanket and fresh pajamas in the dryer, and I laid out my old red henley on your bed. It should still smell like me if you- I knew you’d like that,” he grinned, seeing your reaction written very plainly across your face. You dropped your things unceremoniously on the floor where you stood, and started moving towards him. “I wanted to try and make tonight a little better than-” 
Before he could finish his sentence you had flung your arms around his neck, forcing his hands to reach out and hold you steady against him, and locking your lips onto his. It only took a moment for him to catch up, his large hands running soothingly down your back while he kissed you. 
When your lips parted you rested your forehead onto his, which he reciprocated in earnest, his strong hold on you never faltering. “This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me,” you gushed, nuzzling the tip of your nose against his when they kept bumping. 
“Really? A home cooked meal and fresh linens? The bar is kind of low, don’t ‘ya think?” he teased, and you rolled your eyes as you tucked into the crook of his neck. 
“Joke all you want, but I’m serious. This is… it’s wonderful, Buck.” He pressed light kisses to the top of your head as he cradled you into him, and you melted into his arms, basking in his gentle affection. He was warm and cozy, strong and sturdy, and you could hear that big heart of his beating soundly in his chest. 
“Don’t fall asleep on me just yet, sugar,” he mused, and you could hear the handsome smile on his face. “I’ve got something else for you after dinner.” 
“What more could you possibly have planned?” 
“You’re gonna have to stay up and see.” 
He should have thought this through. Did he regret his decision? Absolutely not. Could he have put half a second more thought into it? Most definitely. 
Dinner had gone over like a dream; you sauntered out of your room bundled up in warm pajamas with a blanket around your shoulders, sunk into couch cushions as he got you a serving, and looked close to orgasmic when the first bite had passed your lips. Afterwards he’d insisted on carrying you into the bedroom for the last part of his surprise, the blanket having been cast aside to expose your choice in pajamas; his red henley, and a pair of nonexistent sleep shorts. He hadn’t realized quite how small they were when he’d thrown them in the dryer. Which led him to his current predicament. 
You were laid out on your stomach with the covers pulled back like he’d instructed, looking like a goddamn dream, while he was supposed to be helping you wind down from the day. How exactly he thought he’d be able to give you a back massage he had no idea, because he hadn’t accounted for the human error in the equation, in this case being the semi hard-on in his pants. 
Bucky approached the bed, watching you shift as the mattress dipped underneath him, careful not to jostle you too much. Acting on instinct, he braced himself over you with one hand on either side of your waist, leaning down to place chaste kisses below your ear. 
You smiled as the sensation tickled your sensitive skin, but you didn’t shy away as he spoke. “You look cute in my shirt. Do me a favor?” You hummed in response, eyes closed as you relaxed into the bed. “Don’t give it back to me.”
“Why, don’t like this one anymore?” You giggled, feigning innocence. 
“I’ve been trying to give it to you for a while now, you keep washing it and giving it back,” he grumbled, playing along with your game. There was half a second where his judgment clouded, allowing him a soft nip to your earlobe before whispering in your ear. “Kinda missing the point of stealin your man’s clothes, babygirl.” 
You shivered underneath him. Shivered. He was gonna hang onto that for another time. Right now it was about you, about making you feel better. 
Which meant that when he sat up to get to work, he stayed on his side of the bed to avoid you feeling him slot between your-
Head out of the gutter, Barnes. 
He started at your lower back, digging his thumbs into your tired muscles and working away the tension. You made clear signs or relief as he worked, turning to putty beneath his hands in an instant. 
“You wanna talk about what happened at work today?” He tried gently, nothing but sweetness in his voice. 
You shook your head as much as you could while pressed into the pillows. “Not tonight.” Something must have really shaken you today, you always spilled your guts to him when you got home, for better or for worse. “I just want to be here with you right now, we can talk about it another day.”
“You’ve got me,” he assured you. “My complete, undivided attention.” There was a pleased sound that came from you, and then a pause for a few moments while he waited for you to initiate the conversation. Or the silence, whichever suited you best. 
“I was thinking, about your birthday…” you started hesitantly, and he could only imagine what might be coming next as you braced for his response. “What if we go to New York?” 
He hadn’t been expecting that one. 
“Yeah?” he asked, his hands stopping momentarily as he gave his promised undivided focus. “What do you want to do up there?” 
“Not sure, really. But I was thinking, Brooklyn boy, it might be nice for you to show me around your old stomping ground?” You shrugged, in a way that he knew meant you were trying to keep it casual and low level, when you were actually bursting at the seams with a much stronger emotion. 
“I have a feeling my neck of the woods has changed quite a bit since I left,” he reminded you with a chuckle. “I don’t know how good of a tour guide I’d be.” 
“It might be nice to see what’s changed? Your birthday is on Sunday. We could take a weekend and go explore, see what’s new and what’s still there… I don’t know, I just thought it might be fun.” There it was again; this shrug meant that you really, really, really wanted to get him up to Brooklyn. He’d be the first to admit it was a tempting offer… and he’d never been good at being able to tell you ‘no.’
“Sounds like a plan.” You wiggled excitedly underneath him, remembering to settle back to a still position when his hands resumed their work. 
By the time his hands had traveled up to your shoulders, he was convinced you were only halfway conscious. He took advantage of his stealthy skill set, making almost no difference when he eased off of the mattress to get up and turn out the lamp on your nightstand. He pulled the covers back up around you, and ever so gently sliding himself back into bed. You only stirred when he leaned over to press a featherlight kiss to your forehead, instinctively seeking him out for more. 
“G’night Buck…” you drawled, and he couldn’t help the smile that crept onto his face. He pulled you a little closer, wrapped his arms around you right, and felt peace wash over him as you snuggled closer fast asleep. 
“Good night, peach.”
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Masterlist | Ch. 10 | Ch. 12
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idiasdiscordkitten · 2 years
omg hi! welcome back!!! i was a bit sad to see your old content go, but i’m even more excited for your new writing 🥳 (also your masterlists. they’re so pretty)
i'm having my wisdom teeth removed next week and i'm pretty scared about the whole procedure + anesthesia. so as some sort of comfort i thought i'd request some headcanons about the twst boys being all groggy after their wisdom teeth removal and s/o taking care of them. like would they be all romantic and sweet? call somebody’s mother a bitch? (yes epel i am looking at you) shout their deepest darkest secrets for the whole campus to hear? endless possibilities. i hope you’re comfortable with this topic! also i couldn’t find a character limit anywhere, so i'll just ask for the first years (ace, deuce, jack, epel, sebek). thank you so much and welcome back again! 💕
aw it'll be okay! the most important part is the aftercare, so make sure you are paying attention to keeping your mouth clean!
i don't have a character limit, depending on the prompt! for something like this, i'm happy to write the first years. let's go!
s/o taking care of the first years after they get their wisdom teeth removed
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Ace Trappola
❤️ probably requested that you film him when he’s loopy so he can laugh at himself later
❤️ when he’s loopy, ace keeps trying to talk to you and gets annoyed when you tell him not to.  he’ll try to stick his fingers in his mouth to because he doesn’t believe you when you say there’s gauze in there
❤️ after you get home and he sleeps a little, all he does is complain when he gets up.  he knows not to talk too much, so he mostly is texting you.  he feels bad that you’re stuck looking after him and tries to tell you he’ll take care of things himself
❤️ ultimately, he’ll just want to watch movies with you for days on end until he’s all healed
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Deuce Spade
❤️ extremely nervous about the whole thing--he’s less nervous about the surgery itself and more about the aftercare, because he doesn’t know what he’s doing and will definitely need your help
❤️ immediately after waking up from surgery, deuce will claim that “someone stole his tongue.”  he’ll stick his tongue out, trying to prove that it’s gone
❤️ he spends most of his recovery sleeping.  he gets back to moving around pretty quickly, since he wants to be in charge of his own recovery, but he listens to every word you say if you tell him to relax or that you’ll handle things for him
❤️ he promises to take you out “somewhere really fancy” as thanks for nursing him back to health once he’s able to eat real food again.  you both know that’s probably not going to happen, just because of money, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t do everything he can to make sure it does
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Jack Howl
💛 honestly did not anticipate having to get any teeth removed, since he’s a wolf beastman.  he braces himself for the operation, though, and tries to learn what he can beforehand to prepare
💛 after he wakes up, he’s very uncharacteristically bubbly and extra talkative.  you try to remind him that he should keep his mouth closed, but he doesn’t realize that something’s “wrong” and doesn’t listen
💛 he tries to act tough when the silliness wears off, claiming that the pain’s not that bad and he’s fine, but he just doesn’t want to be a bother to you.  if you approach him with painkillers, he’ll take them, but he’ll never ask for them
💛 jack reminds you at every opportunity that he really appreciates your company and is happy that you’re there.  he would have been embarrassed if anyone else was looking after him, but with you, he had the most comfortable recovery possible
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Epel Felmier
💖 epel is honestly very irritated that he has to get this done, claiming that it’s just not something people really worry about back home
💖 he is exactly how you would expect when he’s waking up after surgery.  he’s deep into his natural accent and has absolutely zero filter.  he’s slurring his speech, swearing, making rude comments about those around him--you’d almost think he was drunk
💖 when that wears off, he does everything he can to act as strong as possible.  he’ll go as far to say that he’s fully healed after just a week, which you both know is a massive lie
💖 in truth, he doesn’t really mind having you look after him.  he likes your constant presence, and it has him thinking about what it’d be like if you two had kids.  would you be as kind, gentle, and helpful with pain like this?  gosh darn it, of course ya would
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Sebek Zigvolt
💚 saw this coming, since his dad is a dentist.  was disappointed that he’d need to have this done, though
💚 sebek is very quiet when he wakes up, uncharacteristically.  some people wake up after the surgery and, instead of being funny when they’re loopy, they’re more on the sad side.  you try to shush him, but he vents a little about not thinking he’s good enough to be a knight for malleus and that he just wants to make everyone proud
💚 he has no recollection of this after it all wears off, though.  his aftercare is the best out of all the first years, thanks to his pre-existing knowledge of the procedure, so you actually don’t need to do very much
💚 he does, however, love that it was you who was with him while he was vulnerable (recovering) and not someone like malleus, who he would hate to look weak in front of
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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Maya!!! 💖💖💖💖 This is literally me after (cooing into my coffee while) reading your latest Flufftober fic 🥺🥺🥺💕✨
I adore the care and gentleness with which you write these boys, and the deep love you have for them really shines through in every word 😭💖 I actually used to be into Evanstan mostly for the smut (because hello 👀🔥🔥🔥), but somehow you’ve corrupted my cold little heart and now I can’t get enough of the fluff?? I’d ask how dare you, but I feel that’s getting a bit old, so I’ll just thank you for gracing us with all this sweetness 💖
Also, I love you a lot, my little pumpkin demon muffin, and I hope you’re doing extremely well this Saturday 🍂🍁✨💫🧡
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KAY my little sunflower 🌻🌻🌻💛💛💛💛 Oh god, you’re so so sweet!!🥺🥺 I have to say, I mostly read a lot of Evanstan smut before, but when I’m writing them myself, I just…I can’t stop myself from making it soft. I just love them an insane amount okay? And I’m so happy that shines through in my fics 🥰🥰🥰
I mean, of course I have a lot of thoughts about them, but they’re also such sweet, wonderful human beings, and them being in a loving relationship together, or being stupid idiot babies in love pining away a whole damn forest, those thoughts just make me really, really happy, and writing about them in that way just comes so easy.
I’m so glad I get to share those sappy thoughts with you, and that you enjoy them so much 🥺💖 It means a lot really, and I’m happy I could play a part in corrupting you 😂🥰🥰
And I’m having a pretty relaxed Saturday morning so far - I have a bit of a cold which is annoying (imagine Seb sniffling like an angry kitten, that’s basically me right now), but I’m having a cup of tea and a croissant, the sun in shining, I got new flowers, and I’m about to start writing another fic, so really I can’t complain!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend honey, I love youuuu 💖💖💖
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gray skies & pretty colors
Fandom: Sanders Sides Characters: Janus, Remus, background Roman Rating: Teen & up Relationships: Dukeceit Warnings: Language, vague discussion of depression, some innuendo, brief mention of ableism and misgendering, mention of stims that harm self (specifically picking skin). Word count: 3557
Read on AO3!
My writing masterpost
Starlight Universe masterpost
Dukeceit Week 2021 start - previous - here - next - masterpost
Summary: Sometimes Janus is gray inside. Remus has colors (literally) to spare.
Notes: Day 2 of Dukeceit Week 2021! @dukeceitweek Takes place in my Starlight Universe, where each piece can be read without any context. Takes place midway through the second year of college. Remus uses he/they pronouns, Janus uses they/them only at this point in the AU. The stim toy described is meant to be something like this one (which I highly recommend, btw. Stimtastic has great stuff.)
Remus’s phone emitted a rapid, ongoing series of vibrations—the buzztone he’d set for Roman. They reached for their pocket and examined the notification, from a contact saved as “shitty AU me 🌈🤮💩👯‍♂️❤️.”
Roman: I don’t think Janus is doing very good today ☹️
Remus’s heart sank. He hated days—more and more frequent, this chilly, gray winter quarter—when Janus “wasn’t doing very good.” Hated the way they looked so empty and tired and nothing he could do was enough to fix it and cheer them up again.
That wasn’t going to stop him from trying anyway, again and again, in hopes that it helped at least a little.
He sighed and responded to Roman’s text, just to confirm.
Remus: ??
Roman: 🤷‍♂️ They’re like spacey and stuff Doing stims that hurt them 😣 mostly picking their skin 😢 Stuff like that
Remus sighed, staring unhappily at one of the polaroids of Janus taped to his wall.
Remus: well shit Ty 4 letting me knwo
Roman: 👍🏼
Remus closed the conversation with Roman and pulled up Janus’s contact—they were saved as “baeeeEeEEeeeEEEEEEeEEee 😩💛💚😍��👅💞😘💓💗💖😏😏💘,” mostly because it annoyed them greatly and was therefore hilarious—hitting the “call” button and jiggling their leg as he listened to it ring.
Janus did not pick up. He pursed his lips and texted them.
Remus: >:( I know u saw that
Janus: ...Maybe
Remus hit “call” again, drumming their fingers on their thigh and waiting. Janus picked up on the third ring.
“Hi,” they said drearily.
“Hi, baby!” Remus couldn’t help but perk up slightly at the sound of their voice, even with how worried he was. “I love you!”
They could practically see the tiny smile on Janus’s face and the way their fingers would cover their mouth to hide it. “I love you too,” Janus replied, voice quiet. There was a pause. “Was that all you wanted to say, or?”
“Oh! Right.” Remus went to their desk and began rummaging in a drawer. “How are you doing?”
There was silence on the other end.
“Janny, baby?”
“I’m fine,” Janus said at last, toneless.
“You are a terrible liar, you little shit,” Remus said bluntly.  
“I’m a great liar, actually,” Janus said, sounding offended—ha, at last, a solid emotion—“you’re just… perceptive.”
“Keep telling yourself that, sweet cheeks. By which I am referring to all of your cheeks, of every variety, just to be clear.” Remus continued to dig through the desk drawer.
A very brief pause. “Why would you phrase it like that?” Janus demanded with a half-laugh of horror.
Remus grinned. “To make you sound like that. It’s really funny and cute when you think I’m awful,” they said, finally locating the plastic bottles he’d stashed away ages ago. “So, c’mon, how are you doing? Tell meeeeeeeee,” they begged, drawing the syllable out into their best obnoxious whine.
Janus hesitated. “I don’t know,” they admitted at last. “Just… existing.”
“Existing’s good,” Remus encouraged. “Way better than not existing. I love when you exist. It’s so sexy of you.”
Janus huffed out a single breath in something that was not quite a laugh. “Thank you. I put a lot of effort into it,” they said sarcastically.
“And you do such a fantastic job, I’m very proud,” Remus praised, far more sincerely than Janus had spoken.
There was another brief silence. “Thanks,” Janus said, their voice suddenly small and with a tremulous quiver to it he knew they would rather die than admit to.
“Course, honey.” Remus crossed to their closet and began sifting through the heap of clothes on the floor of it. “Are you busy right now?”
“…No,” Janus admitted petulantly.
“Cool! Wanna go on a date?”
“What, now?”
“Yeah! Neither of us have classes this afternoon.”
There was a beat of silence.
“Please, baby?” Remus added sweetly. He didn’t want to leave them to mope and stew in their emptiness and make it bigger and worse.
Janus sighed, and Remus knew he’d won. “Fine,” they said. “What do you want to do?”
“Meet me at the quad?” Remus said. “And bring some old clothes if you have any.”
“I have enough for both of us if you don’t! Just if you’ve got any, bring ’em along.”
“What are we doing?” Janus said, baffled and curious. Another emotion, that was good.
“You’ll see!” Remus responded cheerfully. “See you soon, kisses, stop picking your skin, Roman tattled on you, use one of your stim toys instead, love you, mwah, bye bye now!” They hung up the phone before Janus could ask anything else and began shoving supplies into a tote bag.
Janus was already waiting for them when they arrived at the quad, a lone figure standing tall and thin with their arms crossed, dressed in all black as per usual, their long dirty-blond hair held back in its typical low ponytail. Their arriving first was not really a surprise; the apartment Janus shared with Roman and Logan was very close to campus, while Remus’s apartment was a twenty-minute walk away for most people and fourteen for Remus, who walked fast. It was a Thursday afternoon and the quad wasn’t very busy, just a scattering of students here and there; perfect for Remus’s plans. Nobody would get in their way. They sped up and half-ran the remaining distance to Janus.
Janus was staring into the distance with a drawn, empty look on their face, which slipped behind a smile that was a little too quick and perfect when they saw Remus.
That wouldn’t do at all. Remus caught their hands in his—pleased to note that there was indeed a stim toy clutched in one, a small round brush with silicone bristles to pick at, so they’d listened to him—clasping them between the pair of them, and leaned up on tiptoes to kiss them so hard it was practically filthy. “Hello, gorgeous,” he said, settling back down onto his feet and not letting go of their hands.
Janus’s lips twitched in a smaller, more real smile. “Hi.” They tucked the stim toy into a pocket.
“Sky a little gray and dreary in there?” Remus inquired, reaching up, tucking some of Janus’s loose hair behind their ear, and rapping gently on their forehead with one knuckle.
Janus shrugged, the barest motion of one shoulder. “I guess.”
“Gotcha.” Remus nodded. “You need some pretty colors to brighten everything up. Literally.” He hefted the tote bag slung over his shoulder with his best enticing grin.
A tiny spark of curiosity lit in Janus’s eyes. “Oh?”
“Mmhm.” Remus waved the bag back and forth tantalizingly. “I’ve been meaning to break this shit out for a while, actually, I just keep forgetting.”
“What is it?” Janus asked, trying to peer into the bag.
Remus swung it away. “A surprise. Come see.” He took off running, pausing after ten paces or so and turning to check if Janus was following him.
They were not, so Remus stood where they were and waited, arms spread wide. “C’mon!” he encouraged.
Janus crossed their arms and began to walk towards them.
“Nuh-uh.” Remus shook his head. “You gotta run. Chase me. I’m not showing you until you do.”
Janus stopped walking. “Why?”
“Cause I said so. Gets your blood moving around, which you need right now, you know, for endorphins or whatever they say in Legally Blonde—and the only reason I have seen that movie thirteen times is because of Roman, just for the record. So we need to get you running around, cause I said so. Cause the only other good way I know to get blood circulating is fucking, which we can’t do right now, also cause I said so.”
“We are in public,” Janus reminded him.
“Oh yeah, that too, I guess. C’mon. Run around with me a bit. I dare you.” Remus grinned and backed up a few paces at a half-run. “If you don’t, I’ll tell your roomies, and Roman will bug you about it and Logan will give you that disappointed look he does. And none of us want that.”
Janus rolled their eyes. “You are the worst,” they mumbled, but their stance changed, and Remus could tell he’d won again.
“You love it,” Remus said confidently, and turned on their heel and took off across the quad at a sprint, Janus following only a little bit slower. They led Janus around and around, in circles that grew smaller and smaller, until Remus could hear Janus’s breath growing ragged and could see a half-smile on their face when he looked back.
Remus collapsed without warning to lie on his back on the ground. “Good job,” he said in his best praising tone as Janus slowed to a stop and sat cross-legged on the grass beside him.
Janus shrugged, cheeks flushing lightly, and picked at the grass. “I was under duress.” They glanced at him from under their lashes. “Now will you tell me why we’re here?”
Remus grinned and pushed themself up on their elbows. “Help me up.” When Janus did so, he leaned up to kiss them, cupping the back of their neck in his hand and placing the other one on the small of their back. “You’re so pretty and smart and sexy,” he breathed against their lips. “Wanna help me break into the art building?” He slid his hand lower, right into their back pocket, and squeezed.
Janus made a very pretty noise indeed that Remus knew they would never admit had come out of their mouth, and elbowed him. “We are in public,” they repeated, completely ignoring Remus’s question.
“Nobody’s looking.” Remus gave them a mischievous look. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.
Janus went a delightful shade of pink. “…No,” they admitted quietly.
Remus gave them a knowing look. “You just wanted me to make you say that, didn’t you?”
Janus looked away. “Possibly.”
“God, you are the sexiest creature alive.” Remus slid their other hand into Janus’s other pocket, pulling them close in a less innocent version of a hug.
Janus relaxed against him. “You’re warm,” they commented.
“Yeah, I am.” Remus understood this to be a general fact of life at this point, from how often people commented on his body temperature. “Are you cold, baby?”
Janus considered this and grimaced. “Not really. More… numb. Sensation is nice.”
Remus nodded, watching their face attentively. “It sure is. You need anything?”
Janus shook their head. “I don’t know. Tell me nice things?”
“Hell yeah. How does be gay do crime sound?”
“Fantastic,” Janus said very seriously.
“See, this is why I love you.” Remus grinned and reached up to boop their nose, delighting in the way they scrunched up their whole face. “Goddamn, you’re such a cutie. I could watch you all day. Alright. Back on topic. Wanna go steal some shit from the art building?”
Janus raised an eyebrow. “Define ‘steal’ and also ‘break into,’ please.”
“Oh, I mean that we’re going into a classroom I have permission to use anytime and taking some supplies I am also allowed to use for classwork anytime.” Remus grinned proudly.
“So, neither breaking in nor stealing,” Janus said, amused.
“No, listen the whole way through!” Remus protested “It’s very sexy and illegal of us, I promise! Because we aren’t supposed to take them out of the building, and it’s not for a class, so if we got caught I’d be in some kind of trouble. I’m not actually sure what they’d do. Maybe I’d be banned from using shit outside of classes, I don’t know. But nobody’s gonna see us, and if they do I’m great at bullshitting people, so we won’t get in trouble, pinky promise.” They beamed up at Janus. “Game?”
Janus rolled their eyes and shook their head with a smile. “Fine. And then will you tell me what we’re doing?”
“Yes!” Remus promised. “Just as soon as we do our little crime. C’mon, let’s go!” They leaned up to press a quick kiss to Janus’s lips and took them by the hand, tugging them towards the art building.
Remus had memorized the schedule posted outside the classroom labeled Studio 2 - Fine Arts: Paint, Ink, and Dye. There were no classes scheduled for this time slot, and instead the studio was left empty for art students with homework assignments. Remus punched in the code on the keypad meant to keep non-art majors out and led Janus into the room.
It was empty, luckily enough. “Okay, so, we need a couple of big buckets, and we’re going to fill them up with water,” Remus instructed. “We’re probably supposed to get it hot, but I think setting the quad on fire and melting the buckets will make you yell at me—”
“You think?”
“I never assume anything without hard evidence, Janny, it gets in the way of scientific inquiry. So as I was saying, we can just use regular temperature water instead and see if it works at all, I think it’ll be really fun. Might be a total failure, but that’s okay. It’s about the journey.”
“Are we dyeing things?” Janus asked, turning on the sink to fill up one of the large, paint-stained white plastic buckets they’d found. “Since you said to bring old clothes.”
“Ooh, they’re a smartie, huh?” Remus grinned at them. “Kind of. Kind of something different. You’ll see.”
Janus pouted. “I think you are trying to torment me at this point.”
“Guilty as charged.” Remus blew them a kiss. If Janus was busy being curious, hopefully it was at least a little distracting from feeling gray inside. “C’mon, let’s make our daring getaway with these stolen goods.” They hefted one of the buckets, now more than half-full with water and headed for the door.
Back on the quad, Remus lowered his bucket beside the one Janus had carried out, a little bit of water sloshing out over the grass as he dropped it the last inch or so to the ground. “Alrighty. I’ve been meaning to try this out with you for ages! Are you ready?” They waved their tote bag tantalizingly in front of Janus’s face.
Janus sighed, but they had a fond look on their face. “Big reveal?” they inquired, clasping their hands in front of themself and waiting patiently.
Remus grinned and upended the tote bag onto the grass, shaking until it was all the way empty. A handful of white t-shirts fell to the ground, and on top of the pile landed a bundle of rubber bands, a few clothespins, and two plastic bottles.
“Tie dye!” Remus announced gleefully. “But I only got my favorite color and yours, because a bitch is broke.”
Janus crouched and picked up the bottles of fabric dye, examining the bright green and yellow colors visible through the plastic exterior. “Hm,” they commented. A neutral yet intrigued “hm.” Interesting. Remus could work with that.
“I redownloaded Pinterest and found a bunch of patterns you can make,” Remus went on. “Wanna see?”
Janus inclined their head in a nod and took the proffered phone, beginning to scroll. Remus, who already knew exactly what they wanted to do, pulled a shirt from the bundle and began crumpling it up.
“I’m not sure when I would wear this,” Janus said, sounding hesitant and apologetic. “Just so you know.”
“That’s okay!” Remus assured them. “’S about the experience, you know?” Specifically, the experience right now, and how it was pulling Janus out of their own head. “I’m gonna wear mine when it’s done,” he added cheerfully, “and probably stain my whole entire self green from it!”
Janus snorted. “Probably.” They picked up a shirt and began carefully folding it back and forth in what Remus recognized as a spiral pattern.
When the two shirts were folded and bound up with rubber bands and immersed in the buckets full of dye and water, Remus sat down beside Janus, leaning against their side and letting his weight fall on them. He knew they found it relaxing; sure enough, a minute later, their arm snaked around his shoulders.
“Hey, you,” Remus murmured, worming closer to Janus.
Janus drew a long breath. “Hey.”
“Feeling any better?” Remus reached up to brush his fingertips against their cheek.
Janus stared at the grass, picking at it with their free hand. “Not better, but… less bad,” they said slowly at last. “Thank you.”
Remus ran his fingers through their hair. “Anytime, baby. You’re doing such a good job.”
Janus slumped over until they could rest their head on Remus’s shoulder. “I’m not doing much of anything just now,” they said, sounding a tad bitter, hand coming up and beginning to thoughtlessly pick at a small scab on their cheek.
“Doesn’t matter,” Remus said resolutely, grabbing their hand and gently pushing it to the pocket they’d stashed their stim toy in, “you’re still doing a good job at it.” He readjusted his position to better support their weight and pressed a kiss to the top of their head. “You’re my favorite,” he murmured. “All the time.”
“Mmh. No, you.” Janus pressed their face a little more into his shoulder, fingers fiddling with the soft bristles of their stim toy.
Remus smiled and nuzzled their face into Janus’s hair, and the pair of them simply sat there for a while, Remus holding Janus close and humming quietly to himself.
Janus stirred suddenly. “Oh, dear.”
“Hmm?” Remus said absently, pressing a line of tiny kisses down the part in their hair.
“That man doesn’t look very happy with our little project.” Janus nodded across the quad.
Following their gaze, Remus saw a professor, who was very definitely glaring at the buckets full of dye and very definitely walking in their direction. They vaguely recognized the man, a professor in the Art department who only taught upper-division and graduate students. He had a reputation for being uptight and a stickler for the rules; Remus, personally, felt like this should have disqualified him from teaching art, but hey, what did Remus know?
“Ah, shit,” Remus said, sitting up and thinking very fast. “Okay, okay okay okay—uh—I’ve got this. Uh. Let me do the talking.”
“So much for your pinky promise,” Janus murmured drily.
“Have a little faith in me, babe, I haven’t gotten banned from any art classrooms yet.” He liked the art classrooms, and would rather they remained fully at his disposal. Remus busied themself with stirring one of the buckets, pretending not to see the professor growing closer and closer until he stopped before them.
“Hey,” the professor snapped, and when Remus looked up, went on: “You’re not supposed to take school art supplies out of the building.”
“Oh, wow,” Remus said, widening his eyes and pitching his voice higher. “I totally did not realize that. Are you sure? It’s just for a project, I thought Professor Adriks said it was okay—”
“What’s your name?” the man interrupted.
“Julie Reynolds,” Remus said without hesitation. “It’s for Art 213, are you sure it’s supposed to be inside?”
“The supplies are labeled, kid.” The man pointed to the words “Studio 2 - DO NOT REMOVE” sharpied onto the buckets.
Remus smacked his forehead. “I am so stupid, sorry about that. I’ll get these put away.”
“See that you do. I’ll be speaking to your professor about this,” the man said sternly.
Janus watched the man walk away. “Who’s Julie Reynolds?” they inquired when he was out of earshot, sounding interested.
“A little bitch,” Remus said with great gusto. “Makes shitty jokes about my ADHD and my ‘made up gender.’ And she is in Art 213 with Adriks this quarter, and I’m not, so nobody should be able to figure out it was me.”
“I hate to spoil your fun, but you have rather a distinctive style, dear.”
“When you have green hair, nobody registers anything else about how you look. And I can name, like, twenty other art majors with green hair. Trust me. Nobody’s gonna know.” Remus grinned. “Let’s get rid of the evidence of our crimes and then maybe head back to my place? We could watch a movie. Or, you know, watch a movie.” They wiggled their eyebrows suggestively.
Janus bit back a small smile. “Why not both?” they suggested lightly.
“Oh, hell yeah.” Remus picked up a bucket and linked his arm through Janus’s.
“Thank you,” Janus murmured, looking at their toes and not making eye contact, as the pair of them made their way towards the art building to return their stolen goods. “For taking care of me. It—it helps, to not be alone.”
“Anything for my brave sexy existing darling,” Remus said easily, leaning his head on their shoulder. “I love you so much, you know?” they went on, more serious. “And you don’t have to be okay all the time. You can be gray, or numb, or however you wanna say it, and that’s okay, and I’m not going anywhere. And neither are our friends.”
Janus pressed their lips to the top of his head. “…Thank you,” they repeated softly. “I love you, too.”
“Plus,” Remus added, “you have a great ass.”
Janus stifled a snort of laughter. “How classy.”
“You know me!” Remus giggled. “It’s part of my charm.”
He could hear the smile in Janus’s voice. “That it is, darling.” Their hand found his and laced their fingers together, palm-to-palm. “That it is.”
Taglist (ask to be added/removed!): @theimprobabledreamersworld 
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metalheadcowboy · 3 years
oh! I have this tic where I sing little snippets of songs, but it’s not words it’s like the instruments part. mostly imitations of 80s synth keyboards and electric guitars but occasionally it’s weird stuff like banjo music and I am officially passing that off to Steve Harrington!
-The first song Steve picks a tic up from is when the kids make him watch Ghostbusters with them. The whole night after the movie at least once every minute one of the kids breaks out in ‘Dun nuh dun nuh duh nuh duhnuhduhnuhduhnuh’, The Ghostbusters theme song. It drives him insane, the kids laugh at how annoyed he gets when they sing it. But of course, to his demise, the next morning he wakes up to make breakfast, all the kids laying out in different spots in his living room. And while he’s frying bacon, trying to control his ‘What’s shakin’ bacon?’ tic where his hand will shake the frying pan vigorously until all of the bacon, usually raw, is spread out all over the stove, when all of a sudden- ‘Dun nuh dun nuh duh nuh’- Shit!
- The next song comes to him when they’re in Billy’s car on the way to the quarry. They slid in a cassette tape, their cassette tape, the special one Billy made for this occasion, their six month mark of dating. Steve had no idea what was on it so every new song was a surprise to him. But there was one that really stuck with him, stuck inside his brain, one with heavy synth and a catch beat. ‘Jump’ by Van Halen. So later when their wadding around in the quarry about hip deep, playfully splashing water out of the water it isn’t a surprise when Steve claps his hands and then- ‘Dun dun dun dundundunnnn dun dun dun dun dunnnn’. They both break out laughing all loose limbs and big smiles under the starlight and dim moon. (He eventually picks up the guitar riff in the middle-end too)
-One of his most frequent one, though, is the beginning part of ‘Save a Prayer’ by Duran Duran, thus stopping him from hiding his love for various boy bands. (Not that it was much of a secret anyways 🤫😉)
Send me hc’s 💛💛
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thegirlyouknow · 5 years
If you’re still up for the director’s cut meme: ⭐ for The edge of the earth with you :)
Of course! I'm always up to ramble on. Let's talk about The edge of the earth with you!
Now this fic very nearly didn't happen. I quite legitimately almost quit the big bang 2121 times because I was so freaked out I wouldn't finish on time. As it was, I got it all done very last minute without giving my poor artist much time rip. But we managed in the end! Mostly thanks to encouragements from my pal @teejaysnow and her hedgehogs! She was the one who pointed me towards the hurtigruten company, otherwise I would've just made a company up, which wouldn't have been as good because now I want to go on a hurtigruten cruise!
Initially, I was going to use a renaissance story for my big bang (which I still am going to post eventually rip), but it became too big a project and we settled on the cruise fic! Mind you, I'd only anticipated it being around 15k words and then it ended up as twice that lol. Can't help meself. Still, figured it was a smaller, and therefore easier project to take on
The idea of this story came to me months before I wrote it. Maybe a whole year earlier and I wasn't even sure if I was actually going to write it. The idea began very differently; Isak, Even, Sonja & Julian were all going to work at a travel company. Isak & Even had their crushes, only to discover Sonja & Julian had been dating the whole time in secret and were going on a couples cruise. So Isak devised an evil plan that he & Even go on the same cruise as a pretend couple so they can try to win their crushes' hearts only to fall in love with each other instead. I figured it would feel pretty out of character for Even to agree to something like that (& Isak's too lazy for it lol), and thought it'd be hilarious if it was accidental fake dating beginning with a meet ugly instead
And thus, with lots of almost breakdowns and hedgehog threats, the fic came to life. I did lots of hurtiguten & norwegian research to plan out the cruise which only made me want a vacay more. (Mark my words, one day I will go on the exact same cruise) Fake dating is also one of my favourite tropes, so naturally, I had to do it. I love how in every one of those fics, the entire situation could easily be fixed if they just told the damn truth, but the characters always over complicate it for themselves for the shenanigans. Dumbasses to lovers who are still dumbasses but in love
Some fun facts about the story: At first, I was going to spend more time on their excursions, but figured the story should focus more on the relationships & interactions instead and condensed them. The Mikael & Chris thing only happened while I was writing the scene where Even notices Mikael's crush. That wasn't in my plans at all, it just happened and I went with it! The love scene was originally a more explicit 69 scene, but I didn't really want to up the rating from mature to explicit for one small scene, so I decided to make it much more... suggestive ;) Sonja & Julian's big fight was about him fouly bad mouthing her family while drunk. Right after evak reunite at the end, a group of teens gush over how they're the cute couple from Vilde's Instagram, annoying Isak to no end (that's how it was supposed to end, but I went with a romantic ending over a funny one)
Thanks for asking! 🌻💛 I am not sorry about how long this got
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cognacdelights · 2 years
hi bestie!!!! 💛 sorry for dropping off the face of the earth yet again, had a very rough week last week haha
but yeah sooo they ended up sleeping together that night too lol i kinda have gotten over it now or accepted it at least. was on my period last week too so that didn’t help but i think i’m all cried at now 😅 no one i’m really around is on my side about it bc i started dating a guy my ex knew as well so it’s the whole “you did the same thing” except it is soooo fucking different and i’m also upset with my friend not my ex so it doesn’t really work haha but ya have just accepted she’s not as much of my friend as i thought, especially bc they both had no problem acting how they did right in front of my face
and yesss i fucking agree with the clubbing thing, i very rarely go out mostly bc i don’t enjoy it as much as i used to and it’s always so expensive but every like 3 months i’ll go and either have fun and am over it for a bit or i remember why i don’t like it hahaha thankfully we have a bar here that you have to be 20+ to go to so it’s a bit nicer than going to the ones where there’s 18 year olds and you feel like the oldest person in there hahaha
how are you doing though? missed talking to u 💛i will also read the new chapter tonight cause i’m on my lunch break rn and it’s about to end but i’m very excitedddddd
omg hi bestie!!
oh no :( sorry to hear about your rough week! do you wanna talk about it?
i think your friends are shitty tbh. there’s a difference between dating someone that your ex knows and your best friend getting with your ex boyfriend… like, surely people understand why that’s different? and i get why you’re upset at your friend and not your ex because your ex isn’t still part of your life whereas your friend is so it’s a betrayal on her part?
years ago when i was in my first year of uni, i matched with a guy on tinder and we started talking. i found out he was on my course and we spoke for a few months but nothing really happened… found out that my best friend at the time who i’d told about him, actually knew him (she used to work with him) and messaged him behind my back and they ended up getting together. they’ve been together 3/4 years now but i was only ever invited to one party and ever since then i was never invited and we’re not friends anymore 😅
i wish we had 21+ or even like 23+ nightclubs. tbh a lot of people here are underage (and you can tell so how tf are they getting through the bouncers???) it’s just so annoying. plus they’re lightweights as fuck and end up spewing everywhere /: they make it so hard to enjoy a night out now
i’m uh all over the place as usual 😂 i’m supposed to have a date next weekend but i’m not sure that i is want to go /: i but as originally talking to a guy that i really liked (and by that i mean i was super attracted to him) and i was still replying to this other guy at the same time but they both have the same name and i thought it was the guy #1 when i agreed and it obvs wasn’t but guy #2 is still nice… guy #1 ended up ghosting me (obviously 😅) and guy #2 invited me around to his house for cocktails and netflix and i’m not stupid like i know what he wants but i’m just so sick of only ever being wanted for sex. and idek how i’m supposed to get around this with my parents? like they’re not going away to the holiday house at the weekends anymore until it gets warmer so now i get cross examined like i’m on trial whenever i leave the house but i just don’t tell my parents anything. i hate people knowing my business and it’s nothing to do with them but they push and push and push and bitch and moan if i don’t tell them (well mostly my mother bc she has no idea what boundaries are) so i’m just like??? what am i supposed to say???
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