#mobile organism designed only for killing
albertonavajoart · 1 year
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A quick MODOK sketch
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ideavian · 1 month
Good day! If I may ask some questions about your Rain World oc. First: do you have any thoughts on what creatures/enemies would be in your areas? Either from the game itself or your own creations. Second: 24 for the Iterator OC Ask Game.
I have thought about the Potential Creatures! The issue is that I kind of only have one unique region with the pearl garden, and the whole deal is that EE killed the hell out of it by accident 😔 I have been considering designing some subregions for it tho, and I do think there could be some kind of ecosystem in it (but in a dying way), so I’ll be drawing that at some point. Basically I imagine the creatures would be more sedentary trappers than mobile hunters, possibly merging with the landscape to ensnare prey. That being said there would also not be a lot of edible prey or even plants? So in theory organisms would just have to like. Photosynthesise or consume organic molecules out of the air or something. Like a deep sea ecosystem. Gonna have to work on that one.
24. What do your iterators overseers look like?
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otaku553 · 3 months
Hi!! I'm super interested in the outfits you have your kirby ocs in. If it's not too much trouble (and only if you want to) could you go through the different garments they're all wearing when you have time?
I don’t have much time so I’ll do just one character this time but I’ll definitely post more outfit breakdowns for my other Kirby ocs! But yes I am super excited about outfit design and making sure that garments make functional sense so thank you so much for asking!! Feel free to ask again to give me an excuse to draw more of these
Here’s the one character I’ll cover this time! The dark matter hero of yore oc!
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Thoughts are in the read more!
The main idea that I wanted to have for them was that they’re calm, collected, and kind of uptight due to imposed restrictions rather than it being their own character trait. Essentially my idea for this character is that they’re in a rather precarious place in terms of public perception due to the general belief that dark matter is has a negative moral connotation, but remain a “hero” just because the powers that be deemed that they needed to have four. Why? Who knows, perhaps they wanted to make sure that they had a scapegoat. They’re not a very powerful astral when they’re selected but they are made so through the gradual injection of dark matter into them, something which grows stronger from their sadness and hopelessness over their situation and begins to take over their subconscious until it is able to usurp their identity fully.
So the first layer is a full body covering in black, a turtleneck, black toeless knee socks, and a pair of sweatpants. The sweatpants are there to give the impression of looseness and relaxation, but gathered to show the bit of uptightness along with the tight turtleneck.
The second layer, a cool teal-ish gray tunic, is a nod to who they were before the injection of dark matter turned their hair white. Their original color was a greenish teal, a color that is not quite on the opposite side from red (which is associated strongly with dark matter) but still quite far from it. There’s some padding in the shoulders to give them a more solid shape with the other layers, and for comfort when the armor is put on. The side slits help with mobility. This tunic layer is made of very sturdy material that functions essentially as chain mail. It doesn’t give protection to the heart, the essential organ, but there is also a question of whether they want that to be protected or not, and whether it would even kill them or not to be stabbed through the heart.
The third layer is a cool off-white overcoat, and overwhelms the design with white because white is more associated with virtue than black is, and shows, beyond surface level light=good association, a feeling of emptiness. It is both a way that they try to distance themselves from the idea of “dark” matter and a sign of how they are forced to devoid themself of any personality or strong individuality to maintain good graces with the public.
The belt is mostly just a way for me to give more shape to the silhouette by gathering the waist, but the eye shaped brooch was a kind of last minute decision to add a bit extra detail! The leather strap of the belt wraps around the back and towards the front tapers off to a chain of metal beads, which have a hooked clasp at the front concealed by the eye brooch.
Finally, a long scarf/sash is wrapped off the shoulders and tucked in through the belt. There are two overlapping layers at the front, and the back layer is shorter than the front. This is a very constricting configuration that makes it difficult for them to raise their arms very high without displacing it. To keep it nicely on the shoulder, each side is help up with an eye-shaped pin, securing it to the white overcoat layer a bit under the shoulders. The red teardrop jewels hanging from those are just an extra pop of the red accent color. The underside of the scarf is red, but difficult to see if they keep their arms lowered.
In their more battle-ready outfit, they raise the dropped shoulder scarf up to wrap around the shoulders and neck, and fold the inside down to make it a red collar. This is symbolic of how they depend on the power of dark matter injected into them to fight. The collar is secured with the pins. Then, pauldrons are added, with the harness for them being secured with straps across the chest underneath the scarf and under their arms. I forgot to draw it but they also wear shin guards underneath the pants, over their socks.
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howtofightwrite · 10 months
in a lot of zombie stories like The Walking Dead, the only way to kill a zombie is to destroy the brain. Given that the skull is designed to protect one of our most important organs, how hard would this be on average? Would it be easier with bladed weapons like a hatchet vs blunt weapons like a baseball bat? And while killing anything is easier with a gun, I’ve heard headshots can be quite hard to nail. Is this something that can get better with practice, or will it always be something of a crapshoot?
Honestly? Thinking about it, destroying the brain to put down the zombie doesn't make that much sense. The first problem is the brain itself. The skull is pretty good at protecting the brain most of the time, but that's more impressive when you consider just how fragile the brain is. It's very soft tissue, suspended in fluid. It's also one of the first organs to really suffer from decomposition.
Particularly, the brain is the organ you have to really worry about when someone flatlines. It will start suffering serious damage within 30 seconds of being deprived of oxygen. Within minutes of death, it undergoes irreversible chemical changes and starts to break down, so, it follows that, the brain isn't going to be in a usable state by the time the zombie virus tries to claw its way back to the living.
This is a different kind of problem with living “zombies,” such as the 28 Days series or REC. Though, in those cases, the zombies would have a very limited shelf life, as the strain of the virus would kill them long before the second film rolled around. But, in those cases, massive trauma should still kill the zombie, so you don't really need headshots, when a shotgun, center mass, will get the job done.
For clarity, you know there's no way to answer that comment about headshots without sounding like a psychopath, right? The short answer is that, yeah, if you' know what you're doing, and you know your gun, you can hit a small, semi-mobile target at medium range. A sapient being? That's harder, people don't tend to present their head for a convenient bullet, like a video game shooting gallery, but, with practice, you can reliably hit a head sized target at about 30m. Landing that shot against a live person running for cover or shooting back might be a bit tricky, but against a shambling, reanimated, corpse, it should be pretty doable. Obviously, I don't have a lot of first hand experience shooting reanimated corpses, so I'm having to make some educated guesses here.
However, having just said that, I'm immediately reminded of something the Resident Evil 2 remake pointed out: Shooting someone in the head doesn't mean you destroyed their brain. Surprisingly, shooting someone in the head will only kill them about 98% of the time, so I can see some logic in the thought process.
That said, shooting zombies tends to run up against a problem, that doesn't make a lot of sense when you step back and think about it. Generally you don't want to shoot zombies because the sound will attract more zombies, and there are inevitably more zombies than you have bullets. This the exact scenario that The Walking Dead works with. So, I have one small question: How did we get here?
Before we go any further, and spoilers for a comic book that published 15 years ago, but The Walking Dead did answer that. (The TV series and comic have different answers. In the TV series it's a virus from space that reanimates corpses, in the comic book it was a presumably supernatural force reanimating the dead. Though, it might have become a space virus now. I stopped reading the comic when it just got too goddamn depressing.)
When you're looking at a city like Atlanta (from The Walking Dead), and you're facing something north of six million zombies, yeah, that's a serious problem. You can't headshot six million zombies. But how did you get six million zombies? Six million zombies is a problem that can't be solved with brute force. Six-hundred-thousand zombies is a problem that can't be solved with brute force. But, sixty-thousand zombies? That can be contained. Six thousand zombies is an orderly riot. Six hundred zombies can be locked in a building and disposed of. Sixty zombies can be easily contained and neutralized. Six zombies? You can send out animal control and nip that problem in bud before there's an outbreak. And without higher brain function, there's basically no chance of patient zero avoiding detection.
But, I know the answer to this one, “well, they sent cops to catch patient zero, and the cops got bitten, then they turned in the hospital, and...” this would be a lot more plausible if rabies didn't exist. Actually, with the reputation of American police, there's basically no chance a zombie gets within biting distance.  But, even if they did get closer, you know what else likes to bite cops? Meth heads. You know who has more higher brain function than a zombie? Meth heads.
Is there zero chance of a first responder getting bitten by a zombie? No, there's a chance. There's basically zero chance of that zombie biting anyone else, and on the slim possibility that the infected first responder turns and manages to chomp on one of their coworkers, there is no chance that the infection daisy chains out from there.
There's also a real likelihood that any growing outbreak will suffer, “a negative biomass shift,” as it tries to expand. That is to say, if someone sends twenty soldiers to contain 100 zombies, and those soldiers are overrun and infected, you're not going to have 120 zombies. You probably won't have 100 zombies, after they're infected and turned. So long as those soldiers drop more than two zombies, the horde will experience negative population growth. Incidentally, it doesn't matter if this is a modern or medical fantasy setting, in either case, the zombies aren't going to be able to put up much of a fight against armed and armored troops. Militaries train to fight against sapient foes, while zombies are going to be little more than training dummies. Even if they are eventually overwhelmed by the hoard, the hoard only gets a few corpses to replace all the zombies it lost. (Note: This doesn't apply if you have necromancers raising undead forces, in those cases, the actual loss of zombies will be minimal, as they reanimate zombies that were damaged enough to break their previous reanimation, but could still be used on the battlefield, so in this specific case, the goal would need to be more egregious destruction of the corpses.)
So how did we get to six million zombies? Any zombie outbreak will be at its most vulnerable when there are only a handful of infected. This even applies, to some extent, when you're looking at non-traditional zombie scenarios, such as fungal infections. Zombies are generally not very stealthy. (Ignoring The Walking Dead (TV)'s ninja zombies for the moment.) So, if you have a biohazard situation like that, unless there's a very long incubation period (which most zombies don't exhibit), then  the danger of them going undetected and reaching critical mass is pretty limited.
Also, once you start looking at urban environments, that's not a great space for zombies to navigate. Things like storm drains and security barriers can effectively stop zombie advancement through an urban environment. Sure, zombies might be a threat to massive glass windows on the ground floor, but how are they going to operate the elevators, or the keycard reader to get into the stairs? Much less climb multiple flights of stairs to find the survivors? They might be able to chase them up the stairs, but getting there under their own initiative? Not so much. Same problem with any structure that puts steel bars on the windows. Zombies can't get in, or out.
After that, there's still the problem of decomposition. Dead bodies don't typically hold up particularly well. Maybe there's an embalmed zombie out there somewhere, shambling around, years after the outbreak, but most of the corpses will, quite literally, fall apart in a couple weeks. (Probably less, if they're chasing after survivors and slamming into walls.)
Having said all of that, I don't hate zombie fiction. Zombies can be a fantastic metaphor. You can even come up with compelling and interesting zombie scenarios. I know I just said it was implausible, but I don't hate The Last of Us's scenario, even if I do have some issues with some of the writing (specifically in the last few levels of the first game, before anyone asks.)
So, would it be hard to kill a zombie? Usually no. You might have some exceptions, such as magically reanimated corpses that really don't need to be intact to continue trying to kill you. Dead Space's necromorphs come to mind as an excellent example of creative zombie assembly.
The issue is usually the volume of zombies, just the sheer number threatening to pour out onto the street at any moment. Which requires that things went exceptionally wrong in ways that don't really make a lot of sense when you step back and think about it.
The issue wasn't shooting one zombie in the head, it was the next ten, and the next hundred, and the next thousand. Because, in those numbers, it doesn't really matter if they're easy to kill, there will always be more.
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thehydromancer · 8 months
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J03 Hunter Class destroyer & F16A Marathon class Heavy Cruiser, scaled for playing Mobile Frame Zero: Intercept Orbit. Inspired by the MCRN Donnager battleship from The Expanse.
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The J03 Hunter Class destroyer, designed and built by the First Great Expansion megacorp Northern Sky, was a dedicated seek and destroy platform designed to overrun targets with a single minded ferocity. The class often performed picket duties or acted as forward deployed scouts, but it truly shined when it was able to engage in one sided fights, chasing wounded and/or isolated prey, and was known for pack hunting, multi-dimensional pincer attacks that drove a target into a vector for one of the destroyers to ram for a killing blow.
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Its primary weapons were two side mounted dual railgun chase armaments, a capable enough system to damage enemy light to mid armor while being relatively easy to maintain. In lieu of thick hull plating which would have slowed the class, a multi-layered defense of PDGs and defensive missile turrets (capable of firing anti-missile missiles as well as chaff/dazzlers) allowed the destroyer to capitalize on its speed for both aggressive as well as defensive maneuvering. The forward section of the class was also heavily reinforced for ramming, and was painted to evoke the grinning maw of an apex predator like aircraft nose art of old.
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The F16A Marathon class heavy cruiser on the other hand was a dramatic scaling up of the venerable Hunter class, albeit with a much different mission in mind. This heavy cruiser was intended for extended solo operations such as deep space exploration, strategically hidden emergency reinforcements, or advanced system scouting; as such it needed the legs to operate on its own, carrying enough bullets, beans, fuel, and propellant to maintain happy and fully operational battle stations. Its massive armored bulk was supported by no less than eight engines, the primary four of which were over engineered for safety's safe; a catastrophic failure when the ship was millions or billions of miles from the nearest safe harbor or ally was a serious concern. Its primary weapons were two 3-barrel cannon launch missile turrets with exceptional firing arcs, that offered an impressive range of initial firing arcs. By forgoing traditional VLS cells or launch tubes, the Hunter class sacrificed volley mass and refire rate for exceptional accuracy and engagement ranges. The Marathon also mounted the same model PDGs and defensive missile turrets the Hunter class did, though with double the number of both included (later 'B' and 'C' variants instead tripled the number of missile turrets as instability throughout human and Ijad space began leading to large scale space fleet combat).
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A Marathon could also easily have served as a flagship for a military or megacorp fleet, although the newer 'B' (improved C&C facilities and outsized comms arrays) and 'C' (mobile frame hangar and catapult) hulls were better suited for modern mobile frame centric combat. Despite its age, the original Marathons were still powerful forces to be reckon with, should an organization have had the resources and manning to support one. Unfortunately, as space combat transitioned from one-sided curb stomp beatdowns between well funded militaries and upstart colonists with more bravado than brains (not to mention the occasional megacorp skirmish over resources) to full on interspecies warfare between the human goverments and the Ijad forces with Free Colony Cells not only popping up more frequently every day, but also increasingly better trained and better geared, the heavy cruiser saw the end of its heyday. While the purpose built combat ship was ton for ton superior to most converted civilian vessels used by free colonists, as well as the oddly alien designs the Ijad introduced, the increase of space based mobile frame companies closed the gap enough that many militaries decided that the class just wasn't worth the manning and logistics to field any longer, in favor of smaller, more modern light cruisers, battle cruisers, and carriers that came to dominate The Second Great Expansion.
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majjiktricks · 1 year
metal gear solid mobile (nokia n-gage 2.0)
for anyone who doesnt want to go through what was a harrowing ordeal of setting up the fucking. nokia emulator.
this is a non-canon game set between mgs1 and mgs2, made specifically for the nokia n-gage gaming platform.
basically the game goes:
you are solid snake, infiltrating the base of a sketchy military organization that has gotten their hands on metal gear plans and is in the process of building one. otacon has a contact on the inside, someone who apparently works for the organization realizing their work is being used for destructive purposes and wants to stop it (sound familiar?).
so it starts pretty normal. but the game gets fucky from there.
you sneak through various parts of the base, avoiding or knocking out or killing guards as you go, and you have to access computer terminals to upgrade your security level. you receive a message from the inside contact, and she identifies herself as dr victoria reed, a nuclear scientist. she gives you her story about the metal gear project and her involvement in it. something about her story is suspicious, however, and otacon starts looking into her. (the player, not snake, is instantly aware of her damsel-in-distress act, and she flirts with snake and plays the "oh i'm so scared" card to get him to act on her behalf faster.)
you continue.
the scientist wants you to meet her in a specific part of the base, where she has... barricaded? herself? it's unclear if she's hiding from her coworkers or not. you eventually make it close to this area, but she calls you again and says she had to move because security in the area was increased.
you arrive in the room you were supposed to meet her. there is no security.
you continue exploring the base and try to get to the next area to meet her. meanwhile, otacon has been digging. there is no record of a victoria reed working for any known scientific organization that he can find. snake dismisses this as she is working on a black-ops project, and it's unlikely that her name would appear in any easily accessible database.
multiple times during your exploration you receive codec calls from an unnamed individual who gives you rather cryptic hints and advice on frequency 111.11.
you arrive in the next area the scientist told you to go. there is little of interest in the room, and there is no scientist.
the doors close, and you are locked inside. otacon messes with the security system and is able to disable most things. except for the doors to the room you are in. this is a conundrum.
you receive a call from a new individual, a man wearing a mask. he is identified as "the commander." he explains the situation to you as this: philanthropy was lured into this facility by dr reed so that you would disable the security and take out some of the guards so that the group the commander leads would be able to more easily sweep the place and take over. while you are trapped in this room, his group has been going floor by floor and killing every one of the guards they find. he also tells you that dr victoria reed is not real. that she is an ai construct designed to appeal to you and otacon, to lead you here.
he guarantees your safety, respecting the reputation of solid snake, as long as you stay in that room. he even sends a guard to "protect" you.
you escape the room by hiding under the furniture from the guard, who then opens the door to look for you.
after dealing with the guard, you leave, and following otacon's instructions you get to the last computer that will fully upgrade your security clearance. nearby is an observation computer where you can view various parts of the base you have entered. otacon shows you the metal gear hangar.
where there was supposed to only be a prototype metal gear is a nearly completed replica of metal gear REX, and you make it your mission to destroy it.
on the way through the base, a second time now, the pathways have been filled with explosives and gun cameras by the commander's soldiers. you avoid these and make your way down to the hangar for metal gear REX. there is a security mechanic where you have to be wearing the same color uniform as the people who have clearance for the area. the game has a camera where you can take pictures of either your real surroundings (with the console camera) or the in-game surroundings (where there are conveniently placed posters that have the right colors in the areas you need them). you traverse multiple of these color-coded areas, and at one point you need to take a picture of a dead body so you can take the color of the former guard's uniforms.
you eventually come to an area that appears to be a dead end, as all the doors except the one you came through are non-functional. however, there is a crack in a nearby wall and you are able to blow your way through with some explosives of your own. once inside this new area, the surroundings start to change.
at first, it looks like a drug trip. snake comments on this. you call otacon and he dismisses what you say about the surroundings, acting like everything is normal. the flashes of color happen again and you receive multiple strange calls from otacon, the commander, and victoria reed. these calls are very similar to those received by raiden inside arsenal gear from colonel campbell and rose. one even tells you to turn off your device.
you receive another call from 111.11. the voice informs you that you have been kidnapped, drugged, and placed into a simulation. he claims to be the real otacon, and he has been trying to hack in to get you out and to identify the people who have kidnapped you. so far he has been mostly unsuccessful due to the complexity of the simulation.
snake, of course, questions all of this, and asks otacon something only he would know: what did he do when they first met? and the otacon you have been speaking to is unable to answer. but the one calling over 111.11 knows. when they first met, he peed his pants after being found in a locker.
this convinces you to cut off the other otacon, and listen to this real one. he advises you to simply finish the simulation, since you are already near the end, as that would likely end it or at least create a window where otacon could hack in and shut it down. he warns you that if you die in the simulation, you will die in the real world as well.
you enter the metal gear hangar where you find the masked man. he tries to kill you with a minigun, but he is not very good with the weapon. it frequently overheats and jams, and this gives you a good opportunity to attack. during this fight, the surroundings often change colors and glitch out, losing textures or inverting or becoming skeletal models of themselves. it is unpleasant to look at.
once you defeat the masked man, the simulation halts and you are ejected. the final cutscene is snake awakening, staring into blurry bright lights while unknown voices talk over him. they say snake did not give them the information they needed, and would not be able to continue as a test subject. they say they will wipe snake's memory and release him.
they already have another test subject lined up: jack.
a lot of the above summary was written from memory so it may not be entirely in order or 100% accurate. the wiki is much less detailed so it didnt really help me put it in order LOL
even though the game was only a few hours long i did find it interesting. it could lead to a lot of new scenarios if someone decided to incorporate it into their timeline for fan material 🤔 the game heavily implies the people who have kidnapped snake are the patriots. it also puts full-body immersive simulation technology at a much earlier point in the timeline than it was previously shown: before 2007 vs 2018 where its shown in mgr, unless i missed something in the games between mgs2 and mgr.
while absolutely not canon and never brought up by any other game, i just thought it was neat :)
edit: before mgs2 DOES have VR simulations as raiden was trained on them, but we dont learn exactly HOW immersive they are. i dont know what they put him through... but if they put snake through this one i bet raiden's training was harrowing...
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 6 months
who's ready for more king of the dragonfish??? 🔥
Want to be on the tag list? Have an idea for next chapter? Clicked the wrong option? Reblog or Comment! New? Start 👇🏽here to catch up. Chapter 3 is down below the cut.
@obimaulartfire @savageopressbignaturals
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(Art by Obimaulartfire! Check out the full cut on their blog, or at the end of chapter 1.)
-Chapter Three-
Maul cackles when the jedi goes limp in his hold. Weak. Defeated. Submissive. Oh, what a beautiful thing it is!
He dumps the other man onto his ass and retreats to the water's edge, nearly euphoric. "Enjoy your prison, Kenobi. I hope you find it very comfortable."
Blue eyes glare at him from the floor, but it only delights him further. Maul rolls backwards on slippery black scales, and disappears into the water.
It is time to let the jedi stew in his dwindling hope. Maul intends to find ways to give it back to him... and take it... and give it... and take it. The perfect game, endless amusement until he decides it is time to break the jedi for good.
He swims gracefully through the cave system, almost dancing through the water in his delight. Maul heads for open seas and the room to move. There is a geyser field not far off, with luminous magma flows on the sea floor which make for warm currents and good hunting. The perfect place to plan his next move.
Kenobi, Kenobi, Kenobi… how to keep a Kenobi? To keep him bloody, barely mobile? To keep him starved, begging for food? To keep him... or to kill him?
Oh, ohhhh, how good it would feel to plunge his claws into the jedi's guts, to tear his liver from him and eat it while he watches, hopeless and dying. The very idea is enough to give Maul the chills.
But only… only once. He can only kill Kenobi once.
It would not do to rush the finale, he thinks. Killing him too quickly would only rob Maul of his due, and spare him the full spread of his just desserts.
The dragonfish sith rides the thermals of the magma field, and tries to focus through his own crazed glee enough to plan. Enough to think through logistics.
How best to keep a Kenobi?
First, containment.
The caves were his home, winding tunnels with multiple air pockets, rooms as big as a cargo bay and as small as a closet. It had always been a boon that some sections went closer to the surface… but did they go too close? How far could a force user go without breathing? He isn't sure, anymore. Some knowledge from his old life is simply gone, decomposed during the process of his rebirth.
He would have to get Kenobi to admit to his own limits.
Hmmm… perhaps putting something the jedi wants into a cave not far from the empty room he was stuck in, and encouraging him to go to it? Then another thing, a little further away. He could see how much effort it took…
Yes, a test. He could design a test. That would do. Later.
What else? …food. Yes, food was important.
Maul snatches a blind eel fish from the rocks, and considers it thoughtfully before tearing it's head off with his teeth. Could Kenobi eat eel? Crab? Can jedi live off the sea as he does? Could their weak stomachs process raw fish? This knowledge is also missing, and what personal references he has to compare it with are spoiled by dint of his original species. Zabrak were obligate carnivores. He is still an obligate carnivore. Unhelpful.
But would a hungry jedi admit what he wanted to eat? Maul could even frame it as a kindness, to keep him off base. Room service in prison, what luxury!
He rolls over in the water, laughing silent bubbles that catch the green glow of his eyes and scatter it. The light attracts a school of small, clear fish. He plucks one from the stream of them and pops it in his mouth like an hors d'oeuvre.
What else, what else…
Containment, nourishment… hm. Maul struggles to think of what else a prisoner might need to survive. Perhaps more will come to him later? He will think on it again. In the meantime, he will go back to Kenobi. Watch him, and see if he tries to escape, to wander, or to get into Maul's private cave. There are weapons there, and he will not be allowed such things.
With sufficient plans for the time being, the dragonfish sith returns, drifting into the water of the prison cave slowly, stealthily. He rises up in a shadowy corner so that only his eyes and ears are above the water line.
The jedi is still there. He is pacing, holding a wristcomm up to his mouth and speaking into it.
"This is jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi. If anyone hears this message, please contact the temple on Coruscant and inform them that I am trapped underwater in a cave system off the coast of Theed. Tell them Darth Maul lives. You will be rewarded for the effort. Please."
Kenobi draws in a breath, turns to take another lap of the space, and begins again. "This is jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi…"
Maul covers his mouth with a hand, holding in the snickering that wants to escape and give his position away.
Oh how fun! The fool thinks a little wristcomm has enough signal strength to be heard through leagues of water and stone. Grinning, he sits and watches the other man uselessly call for help, making bets with himself on how long the hope would linger in those blue eyes, how many repetitions it would be before Kenobi gave up begging to empty ocean.
He gets to seventy four repeats before the jedi sits down on a rock, elbows on his knees. One hand holds up his forehead, while the other bears up the comm device to his mouth. At a hundred and sixteen loops his voice trails off, scratchy, and then he falls silent.
Maul slides through the water, going down and under, then coming back up in a pool close to the jedi's left side. He puts effort into stealth, setting his arms on the shore and putting his chin down on them.
There, he waits to be noticed.
Minutes tick by in a pleasant daze. Kenobi sits before him, bent and broken, hope for rescue leaking from him like a cracked glass. Maul watches the man, tail swishing in the water, and thinks he could do this for years. Just sit, and bear witness to Kenobi's growing misery.
The jedi coughs. The dragonfish sith frowns.
Kenobi coughs again, dragging a hand down his pale face.
He is falling ill? Already? Maul scowls ferociously. He is weak! Already he is dying? No! No!
The jedi can only die when he allows it, and not before!
His tail slaps the water in agitation, and they both freeze. The sith quickly wipes all expression from his face, relaxing back onto his forearms as Kenobi turns to look at him.
"Back again, I see," the man says grimly. "Come to kill me?"
Maul grins at him, ever cheered by the idea. The man looks at his mouth and grimaces, seemingly put off by all his excellent teeth.
"Did your allies not return your calls, jedi? What a shame... perhaps they do not want you anymore?" he says, in the tone of a sympathetic confidant. "Do not fret, I will keep you."
"Or you could not," the man suggests dryly. "What worth could I possibly have to you, except for dead?"
Maul laughs at his naivete. "Tell me Kenobi, what do you eat?"
The jedi turns on his rock to face Maul. "Are you taking special requests? Because I would trade my shirt for a shadwa club sandwich right now."
The sith snorts, "Think seafood, imbecile."
Kenobi looks at him, really looks at him, and Maul finds himself compelled to roll his tail, showing off the translucent blue fins and the pretty dots that line him.
He blinks, confused as to where that inclination had come from.
"You're intending to keep me alive then?" the jedi asks.
Maul refocuses, his grin returning as he drags himself up out of the water. He gathers the length of himself beneath his torso and sways closer. "Yesss, jedi. You are here to suffer. You may only know the privilege of death when I am satisfied with my revenge."
Kenobi looks up at him from under long, damp eyelashes, assessing. "I truly doubt you can keep me alive, sith. This cave of yours will run out of oxygen sooner rather than later. I'm already burning through energy trying to stay warm, because everything is wet and freezing cold. I am actively healing myself to handle the pressure acclimation, and I cannot continue for long without a place to rest that won't simply result in hypothermia. Besides, what am I to drink? Saltwater? Hah."
Maul leans back on his tail, brow furrowing.
The jedi stands to meet him, crossing his arms. "I'll be dead in hours at worst, days at best, so you had better decide between watching me asphyxiate, killing me yourself, or letting me go before it happens."
Maul gnashes his teeth in agitation, clawing at the force for answers. No. No! Hours? His revenge cannot end in hours! He has dreamed of it for years!
"Well?" Kenobi asks, droll, "What's it going to be, hmm? Murder or mercy?"
He hisses, "Shut up! I am thinking."
The jedi simply watches him, calm, leaning back on one hip.
Maul flexes his hands, clawed fingers clenching and unclenching. "You will not run out of air. It is always fresh here. Cold… cold. Water. Wetness. Cold. Water." He mutters to himself, thinking of solutions, then raises his chin. "What is most fatal to you, jedi? Which of these threats would steal you away from me first?"
Kenobi looks away, and for a moment it seems as if he's considering the consequences of silence… but then those blue eyes come back around. "The cold. I need to warm up, or my heart will give out."
The dragonfish sith mentally chews on that. He seems warm, to himself, but what temperature is that? Hm. The only thing also warm to him down here are the magma flows… but perhaps their gift could be borrowed?
"I will return," he says, and flips himself back into the water.
Maul swims out to the same field, sinking down and hunting until he finds a brightly lit geyser. The small mountain glows luminous and orange at the core, so hot that even the frigid seawater cannot temper it.
Cautiously, the sith reaches out with the force, pulling on a chunk of molten stone as big as he is. The magma is slippery and uncooperative, but he is determined and far more powerful than mere rock. He pulls a ball of it up and out of the geyser, pushing it through the water and away from the mount by the force.
As it rises the edges cool, becoming a black shell that belies the burning within. Once it is raised high he approaches, finding that it is too hot to touch, but pleasant to be near. Perfect.
Very pleased with himself, Maul swims back to the caves, fighting with the ball to get it through the winding corridor. At one point he has to set the black shell down and batter at an outcropping to make way. When approaching Kenobi's cave, he must also take care to keep the rock from touching the plants and burning their air-giving leaves and light shedding mosses.
He rises from the water perhaps half an hour after leaving. The jedi is in one corner, looking miserable and damp.
What a delightful thing to return to.
Maul drags the magma ball up into the room with the force, where it takes up space at the center. After a moment, steam begins to waft off the surface.
"What in the blazes is that?" asks the jedi, rising to his feet.
Maul points at it, preening, "Warm."
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firedjinni · 9 months
tell me about your rw ocs!!
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:D sure!
The main ones I've been doodling are Three Rivers and the Administrator (AKA Mini), who basically spawned out of faffing around in a giant doc of iterator headcanons. (I was trying to work out how an "off the string" scenario could be done with my particular headcanon interpretations of iterators and their puppets, and brain basically made up a guy, lol.)
Three Rivers is an iterator who manages to eventually remove their own taboos (and later goes off the string) via a very risky and roundabout plan:
Reassign abandoned citizen ID drones to a bunch of reasonably intelligent organisms
Do this enough times to establish the minimum number of "citizens" needed to revive a specific voting council
Have the "citizens" vote in a (rigged) election to promote one trusted organism (in this case, a personally selected and hand raised slugcat - that's Mini!) to the rank of Junior Administrator (Senior admin requires tougher credentials for approval, unfortunately)
Get your new Junior Administrator to disable the basic antivirus security and administer a homemade taboo-erasing retrovirus into your systems! Preferably foolproof this step as much as possible so even a slugcat with limited understanding of iterator technology can still carry it out effectively.
The security system flags your new administrator for "suspicious behavior" and "genetic ID mismatch" partway through the infection process, puts the rest of the facility into lockdown, and demands senior admin access to restore basic functionality
That wasn't supposed to happen--
Ironically, TR wasn't even trying to get "off the string" at the time - she just wanted to be able to upgrade and maintain her own facility beyond what her own very limited system privileges allowed her, and the whole mobile puppet thing was kind of an afterthought? But once half the structure stopped cooperating and the inspectors kept trying to kill her little administrator, well... there were only so many options left.
So, using what limited resources they still had control over, they made a traveling puppet (yay self-modification!) and ditched their failing structure to set off out into the world, followed by a small entourage of slugcats and scavengers. The others don't have designs yet, but I feel like that would be a whole post all on its own, lol...
I'm still working on a design for the traveling puppet, but the idea is that it's basically derived/reconstructed from the same base organism used to create normal iterator puppets, just bigger, more robust, and generally capable of surviving independently of the superstructure! (The concept was loosely inspired by the likes of @/ikayblythe's reiterator AU, haha)
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Due to the state of the facility, though, it's something of a rush job. It looks cool, but the mouth goes nowhere and is just for show, and it still has to manually flush slag by running a bunch of water through the pseudolymphatic system and directly dumping the Microbial Waste Goop out the back ports, and some of the other internal components are... not terribly efficient... and they had to ditch so much processing power to get this thing up and running before time ran out, but hey, it works, so cool proof of concept, right? Right??
anyway her nearest neighbor eventually catches this on an overseer and just about shits a brick lol
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Indigenous women are showing us how to fight for environmental and human rights
During a recent trip to Brazil, I saw how Indigenous women activists there have completely changed the political landscape
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I was invited to the third Indigenous Women’s March in Brasília, the capital of Brazil, earlier this month. The last occupation of Brazil’s legislature was in January 2022, when a group of rightwing thugs, imitating the January 6 riot in the US, attempted to kill Brazilian democracy. This was the exact opposite.
Five hundred Indigenous women from across Brazil occupied the Congress – not with guns or knives or anger, but with the strength and truth of their words, the intensity of their knowing, with their headdresses, feathers and beaded primordial designs calling us to the earth, to know the earth, to protect and respect the biomes and honor Indigenous women’s rights to their lands.
There, in a space dominated by conservative white men in suits, deep in the business of mining, timber, agro-business and evangelizing – Indigenous women, once only a few, pepper-sprayed and excluded – now had their sisters as they walked through the front door with a sense of belonging, pride, pageantry and urgency. They opened with their version of the national anthem, sung by Djuena Tikuna in her Indigenous language. Those who suffered the “violence of absence” for years were suddenly undeniably present.
It hasn’t even been a year since two Indigenous leaders, Sônia Guajajara and Célia Xakriabá, were elected to Congress in Brazil. (Guajajara was later appointed minister of Indigenous peoples.) In their very short time in power – through brilliant organizing to claim demarcation of Indigenous lands, unapologetic assertion of their Indigenous culture, and mobilizing thousands of Indigenous women throughout the country, they have already shifted the policies and political landscape of Brazil.
Guajajara told me, “Many people are saying that Brasília is now breathing new air, that you can already see many cocares [headdresses] and wraps of black women within government spaces on the streets of Brasília, and we are present in all environments. So, it is certainly not just a physical presence, but also a different energy that we bring to this place, which is the energy of ancestral strength.”
What I experienced during my recent time in Brazil was nothing less than a radical re-imagining of the country’s future, but it also felt like the beginning of what many Indigenous women there are calling for – a much broader and more global agenda, a “reforesting” of politics and the mind. Before I had not been terribly hopeful; I am now.
Here are four reasons why.
Continue reading.
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secret-bug-pain-blog · 2 months
@febuwhump Day 29 - Not Allowed To Die
And now, this finishes. Fun fact, this was finished... second out of all of these prompts. Behold, the return of our Cool Fic That We Need To Actually Write On Its Main Front. It's been a lovely Febuwhump! Just... don't worry about what we're doing over here.
It knows that it's probably waited too long already.
The flattened shapes in its claws waver under the force of its magic, the charmcraft weave tangled above them warping and weaving apart. They can sense the torn edges even without the clarity of touch in their claws, Blight magic highlighting the gaping wounds as they decay at the enchantment. It can still sense the mind trapped within them, dulled as it is.
It has been so long since it has lost a member of its colony. It will not allow its record to be broken now.
The weave around one of her parts breaks, Kjdrira's rot finally overcoming any strength it might have bad. It traps the fresh-bleeding segment of limb beneath its claws as it begins to work on the next one. Were it any other curse, it knows, the death of its sufferer would have disrupted the spell-weave, but even the damage to her charm-ridden body is not enough to undo it on its own, what should be mortal injury simply shrugged off.
The code they wrote to track her body's disparate parts comes to good use, at least, even if the tiny pieces are awkward to wrangle into place beneath its claws. It takes more effort than it cares to admit to fish the bits of her out of the sack without damaging them further, its claws made for gripping stone and roach-shell rather than handling fragile paper.
She was an eroding disk from the moment that it made contact with her. It should not feel so broken-up that its efforts were made to one likely to die. Perhaps it has been too long since it's had to deal with a Sibling it knew would fail. It should know better than to get so torn up over bugs who never would have survived.
There is so very little holding her mind together, compared to its own programs. It is all that it can do to keep her partially conscious as it works.
The pain-fuzzed thoughts float around the edges of its mind are subtly different to those of the Siblings it is familiar with. Not designed to operate with the same network, even if they are compatible - ZB-162's frustration at their null-target conversations seems to make just a sliver more sense, now that the bug is close enough to register the differences between its own driver and the spell that governs the eroding drive.
The programming around connections aids it far more than anything else might. It cannot read the inscriptions on the tiny pieces of sealing-paper, but it can feel out the unshielded thoughts in the disk's mind just enough to orient itself, its claws echoing sensations into the matrix that is its new colonymate's mind. It isn't quite sure if she can sense it anymore - she would have hated feeling them poke about her thoughts, were she more lucid - but it tries not to dwell on it.
There is only so much time for it to work before the body will grow cold, and it is a mage, not a charmsmith. It knows enough by now to be well aware of how unprocessed dead flesh impacts the living.
Snap. Snap. Snap.
Fingers connect to hand connect to arm connect to shoulder. It's hasty work, but it doesn't matter how obvious the join is as long as it works. Guts shiver back into place, joined in ropes of tangled scar tissue, parts of abdomen partially fused together as it forgoes mobility for speed. It can fix it later, it knows, but the base work must be in place first.
Kjdrira rebuilds as it goes, preventing its magic from killing the bug outright. It must destroy to rebuild, rot away the frayed edges before it can merge them back together, and it is well aware of just how much harm it can do undirected. Its magic is caustic, and it eats away at all the organic matter it encounters, breaking it down to biomass and magic fuel. It takes careful work to avoid making things unusable.
The heart, set back in place, threatens to stop for a few heart-wrenching minutes. Kjdrira forces itself into the cracks, twisting as much of a claw around it as it can. Manual stimulation forces the heart to beat, even in absence of the ganglia that might have carried the command.
The damage to her body is obvious, great weeping rents torn in fragile shell. The wounds attempt to proliferate every time that it undoes the enchantment on a damaged segment, only force of will and its own experience with repairing its colonymates holding it through.
With the most damaged, it is forced to begin stitching pieces back together before the enchantment even finishes releasing. The modularity of it makes it feel strange against their claws when they put her back together. One segment of her abdomen, overtaken with rending claws, connects to two segments nearly undamaged. The twisting in her flesh where it sewed her back together meets with unmarked flesh, an abrupt line between scar tissue and healthy flesh. It can only hope that it doesn't have too bad of an impact later.
There are still pieces missing. It tries not to dwell on them. A stinger isn't vital, even if the lack of indication to its location chafes at it. The lack of eyes is something that it did on her request, anyways. It is survivable. It is something that it can help.
The final torn card awaits.
Her body still lays empty. This card is marked as something vital, same as her heart was, same as most of her inner organs were. It's something that, from what little it can glean from her programming, is related to her central nervous system, a piece that would have catastrophic consequences on her thought capacity if left out.
It lays a claw on her empty body's forehead.
it takes less than a second for its magic to map out her vacant body. Even without its occupant, it seems, it still lives. A host without anything to drive it, a beating heart with no intelligence behind it.
The half-conscious tatters of an eroding disk tangle around its mind.
It proceeds.
The strands of the enchantment begin to snap, one by one.
This repair will have to be quick. Their fast work is bulky and clunky, they know, more scar tissue than anything usable, but they can improve on them afterwards. As much as they know now, they cannot fix death - cannot call the soul back to a vacent body, cannot call back data lost to the beyond.
It has one chance, and nothing more. The sequence that holds its colonymate's eroding mind is not physical, not like it once suspected - there are no crystals to back her mind up on, no hardware to catch her when she falls. If it fails here, she will die, thought-matrix sputtering into irretrievable nothing.
It won't let that happen.
Her body's head pops open, needing greater effort than expected, veins quickly sealed shut before they can bleed on the floor. The torn card in its claw is dripping hemolymph and brain-fluid, the enchantment unweaving in knots and binds. It keeps a firm claw on what it can retain of its sibling's mind, holding the knot of her thoughts closed even as the rest of the enchantment disintegrates.
Nerves knit into ganglia. Flesh joins with flesh. It can feel the ungraceful knots of scar tissue form, as quickly as it can make them, and it only barely manages to shift things around enough to avoid putting too much pressure on the brain. It only has minutes before the cut-off blood flow has major consequence, less time before the ambient cold threatens to damage its new sibling's body - flesh is so much more delicate than crystal, living bodies so much more fragile, and it can feel her heart threatening to give out even as it works.
It does not stop.
It will proceed. It will fix this. There is no possible other option. It is Kjdrira, it is the protector of its Siblings, it is the defender of this lab. It will succeed, because there is no other choice but to succeed.
It holds the tatters together with bare claws. It keeps the surgery going with little more than raw will.
It is loyal to its siblings. It is strong, it is capable, it knows what it is doing now far more than when it was a newly-sprouted experiment grasping at straws to save its siblings.
It is better than it was then.
Again, the shreds of consciousness try to flicker out. Again, it draws them back.
The procedure will be risky. But the eroded disk will not die.
It will not allow it.
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cq-studios · 5 months
🥀 Lauriam/Marluxia: 
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? 
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character. (Or an outfit, or any aesthetic picture!) 
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
(For this)
2. Hmmmmmmm….. I’d say that my favourite thing about Lauriam/Marluxia in canon is just the fact that Lauriam is in KHUX at all. Just OOOOOOOOOOOOOOG, so much tragedy about him because of that. It makes me go feral. Like it adds so many new layers to Marluxia.
Like in COM alone we have the spectre looking like Strelitzia, Ven being so close to him and he doesn’t know it, his death motif most likely being because his sister was murdered, Larxene, his friend, being the only Dandelion the NULs were able to save, the fact that he probably wants Sora’s Keyblade is because of something subconscious because of his past, the fact that he has no memories of his past at all and yet is in charge of CASTLE OBLIVION, where to find is to loose and to loose is to find.
And that’s not even getting into the headcanon possibility that reason he’s being to cruel to Naminé is because her memory powers were unable to help him, which also drives me insane, or anything I haven’t thought of off the top of my head, or in the other games.
14. I tried but I’m not sure how to really answer this question… you gave the extra options and everything but it just wouldn’t mesh with my brain… sorry
25. Ooh boy, my first impression of Marluxia was way back in 2017-2018 so I may be remembering wrong but I’m pretty sure I thought his design was cool. Like I remember him always kinda being around the top in my favourite Organization member ranking, on the same level as say (pre Luxu reveal) Xigbar, Zexion, and Demyx… who were just below the Sea Salt Trio and Larxene (Who makes me laugh whenever she’s on screen, she’s horrible, I love her and I always have lol).
For Lauriam it’s a bit trickier for me to figure out because the YouTubers I watched play through the games didn’t actually play KHUX or have a watch party of the cutscenes, so they instead did a recap of UX (which they also did with Days and Coded, I think it had more to do with what they could play using the collections more than anything against the mobile games, which they seemed to enjoy). Because of this I didn’t really go through the typical, “oooh, did he kill Strelitzia? He is Marluxia’s somebody, who is evil, so…”, it was more so a “oh he’s here, cool! And he has a sister, oooooooooh backstory” I think.
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god-mouths · 6 months
i wanna hear about,,,, literally any of ur guys actually i love hearing abt ur guys :] if thats too vague pick me a guy and tell me about their inspirations/how you came up with their stories/designs/traits!! i think your stuff is so fascinating and i wanna know how that rotates in ur brain
OOOG…. Thank youe…. I’ve realized a few patterns in how I tell my stories lately so I do want to go over those! I’ll be using yvette my buddy my pal to demonstrate this because he’s the best example. ( later edit : Actually I have more stuff to talk about I’ll number it)
1. I’ve noticed a ton of my story material is based on how the people around us or our surroundings effect us. The cycles and whatnot. For yvette he starts out as a yellow blood and, in trying to forcefully change the oppression imposed on him from his surroundings, actually sort of just continues it by killing a close friend of his. That friend ends up haunting him. Teed hee
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Idk if the pictures will come across well since I’m on mobile but to break down this specific piece the colors used on REPENT and the tapeworms in the back are actually the colors of his old psionics before he did all that mad scientist crap to change himself. OLD ART!! AUGHH AU AUGGHH
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Is it a little stupid that he changes his own blood color? Yes. But homestuck as it’s own is so beyond stupid that I can do whatever I want I’m a scavenger a critter.
But by changing his blood color yvette essentially locks away his psionics (there must be something very specific to yellow blood to make the psionics work to me) siphoning them off into the trident he wields. He can’t get rid of ALL of his original blood, so the yellow just stays dormant. Should he choose to use his psionics in this new state he’s made for himself he risks fucking up his organs even further.
Anyways it takes a human child with the same exact problems as him to realize Heyyy…..maybe what I did and have been doing is a little fucked. Which it was. But it was the only thing he could have done, in his eyes, because the alternative was getting hooked up to a machine for the rest of his life.
At the end of the story (? Fan venture?) he does break out his psionics again which causes the blood to mix. He’s redeemed but he’s not nearly as cool anymore. Big bummer
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2. colors always mean things more often than not in my art. I am a “why is the curtain blue” type of asshole, and I love to do it. For instance in MATSC green is for heaven and blue is for hell, but they have more than just that meaning. Green is confinement and being trapped and whatnot, while blue is freedom. Still kind of iffy on what purple means but it may mean the same as green. We’re figuring it out. In LEM I’m also still working on it, but blue is a mainly bad color there while orange is instead the signifier of good things. As for paradigm shift it’s more of a character-to-character basis. They all get their own specific colors. I loveeee colors colors colors :)
3. I LOVE writing villains. It is my personal goal with every villain I write to see how genuinely horrible I can make the villain as a person and still get people to enjoy reading them. It’s so fun, I mean it. Like the type of guy that would absolutely stump tumblr’s famous reading incomprehension. I love it I LOVE IT
4. This isn’t about my stories overall, just one, but I finally finished the first draft for act one of paradigm shift which I am PSYCHED about. I sent it out to a few people for feedback- only a select few people, though. If it were any other story I’d send it to a wider range but it is IMPERATIVE that my buddies that experienced max first hand when we were little 12 year old kids doing stupid roleplays get to see it first. They know him very well, and Vice versa. I’m so excited. (Air horns) (yippee sound!)
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unhonestlymirror · 8 months
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A reply to this post from @eywind:
"Maria, you probably won't see my reply. But I will try to remind you of your own reality.
Since 2014, your leader and your team have refrained from condemning the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbas. Aleksei Navalny even stated that “Crimea is not a sandwich” and, in fact, proposed to hold some other referendums on the clearly illegally occupied territory of Ukraine out of some kind of fright.
Why is that? First, of course, this apparently largely coincides with your personal positions. But even if this is not so, and deep down in your soul, you really support Ukraine with all your heart, there is a critical “second”.
You, as politicians, miraculously understand that direct support for Ukraine - an absolutely moral, honest, and legal (corresponding to international law) position - actually means political death in Russia.
You know very well that you will not win popularity among the Russian people if you say directly that Russia must give up territories to Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, pay reparations and repent for several decades more for the crimes committed. Although this is what would be right and moral.
You know very well that the majority of the Russian people either support the war or treat it with positive neutrality. Therefore, they are forced to shift the focus in their domestic political messages to the fight against corruption, which translates into “they steal, therefore they do not produce missiles that kill Ukrainians efficiently enough” (this would be as funny as jokes about a shark if there were no deaths).
You are afraid to take a moral position even after the start of a full-scale war. On international platforms, where naive Western leaders are happy to invite you, not a word is heard from you on the topic of Ukraine. You consider all the crimes of the Putin regime only from the standpoint of your personal suffering, in order, again, to shift the focus from the fact that the Russian people are not that much suffering now. That the Russians, even having got out from behind the Iron Curtain, do not even try to organize mass anti-war protests. How many of you left there, more than a million? Where are they?
Putin is taking away Russians' pensions and future. You are silent about what Putin takes from Ukrainians. Because the very Russians whose psyche you protect so much will stop loving you. Who voluntarily go to war (for evading the mobilization of ZERO criminal cases) and wish Ukrainians death every day in thousands of comments (and not all of them are bots).
Whereas an effective Russian state, if you build it for those people from whom you now want to earn the trust - Russian voters - it will be better to fight.
It turns out that you, indulging the immorality of your own people, taking an absolutely immoral and cynical position, designed for the political future, have the audacity to teach morality to Ukrainians.
Your calculation is wise and cunning. I would do the same in your place. With one caveat - if you put your political future in your country in the first place, then shut your mouth to the Ukrainians. You are not our friends, at best, negotiators, and your Putin is your problem (we will solve our problem, but you and collective Putin will still remain).
And if you really want to put morality in the first place and want Ukrainians to at least not show contempt for you (you won’t reach respect anyway), then put your system of values ​​in order."
"The Putin regime can be dismantled, but the Russian people will remain the same 100 millionth collective Putin.
Without revision and rethinking of Russian culture, politics, and everyday life as well, real changes in Russia are impossible.
That's why I don't trust FBK. They can not fail to understand this, but at the same time, they do nothing in this direction. This means that their goal is not real change in Russia, but simply to become a new regime themselves, which for the first conditional 10 years, will be friends with the West in order to accumulate funds again and then take revenge."
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
Mimic Chapter 36
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Work Studies are around the corner and by teaming up with the Number One you could only begin to think about what will happen.
Words- 4421
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Warnings: Fluff and cute shit at the beginning, injuries/violence, battles
Christmas break had arrived in U.A. and while the students celebrated the holiday the teachers were together in a conference room.
“So, what’s going on here?” Midnight asks looking through the packet of papers given to each teacher.
“Are we restarting the work studies, just like that?” Cementoss questions and their principal all nestled into Aizawa’s scarf responds,
“The agreements we had with all those agencies were made to see how things went. But this time, the public safety commission itself has requested that every hero source student participates in what they’re calling practical field testing.”
“A request?! Are they demanding that our kids head into the field?!” Vlad King says confused but appalled to have all students even first years be involved again was absurd.
“Sounds as if they’re worried about lack of personnel, even though our society’s already saturated with heroes.” Midnight says.
“With the goal of training the students to counteract the villain organizations that have sprouted and grown as of late… Something definitely happened because of Deika City.” Ectoplasm points out.
“It’s a fair bet the League’s involved. Why don’t these folks just come out and say it?” Snipe says.
“I suspect the commission has snigged out some great danger that lies ahead. This document is ambiguous by design, to keep anyone from knowing the truth, so just as Kayama says this work-study request sounds like a message.” Nezu says
“Especially since they can’t just come out and say they’re mobilizing our kids for war. That’d be too jarring.” Aizawa says looking at his coworkers. He didn’t want to think of the possibility of his students fighting in a fight they weren’t prepared for, a fight that could kill them.
“This is unprecedented…” Cementoss murmurs.
“Whatever the case, preparing for danger is a hero’s job. We need to contact the most accomplished heroes out there,” Nezu says and concludes the meeting, “Consider that your winter break homework, and be sure to inform your students once we’re done here…”
Now alone in his office Nezu speaks to All Might and Tsukauchi, “They’ve been in the dormitories for four months now…and we’ve seen no suspicious behavior from anyone.”
“In other words, none of the students are spying for the League of Villains,” Tsukauchi says.
“The next time the League makes a move, assuming we find no connection, then…” Nezu starts.
“The kids in U.A.’s hero course…all have heroic hearts.” All Might defends his students. He knows none of them would ever do anything, they all wanted to be heroes.
“Yes, I know.” Nezu says, “Are you coming back to school today?” He directs his attention to the former Number One Hero.
All Might shakes his head, “We’re too busy, I’m afraid. Unless…Did something happen to Midoriya and Shimura?!”
Nezu laughs shaking his mouse head, “Oh dear. Have you forgotten what day in December it is?”
The Christmas party was in full swing the whole class dressed up minus Bakugo but Mina and Kaminari were trying to get at least a Santa hat on his head. You sat beside Midoriya with Iida on your side completely decked in Santa gear even the beard. You rested your head on his shoulder and he switches hands holding his glass to grab yours rubbing his thumb in a calming motion. The talk of work studies had been brought up and it had been a thought on your mind.
“What are your plans Midoriya? Are you going back to Nighteye’s Agency?” Iida asks looking over at the boy.
“Didn’t Centipeder take over the operation?! You haven’t seen him in a while, right?!” Kirishima says and Midoriya shakes his head.
“I was thinking the same thing, but they been too busy with the new change and Gran Torino can’t take me either, so I’m kind of in limbo,” Midoriya says and Kirishima frowns.
“That sucks! Hey L/n! What about you gonna go back to Fat Gum?” Kirishima says and you sit up slightly looking over at the redhead.
“I’m not too sure while I love Fat Gum I’ve had other offers that had me contemplating.” You say. You did have plenty of offers from heroes when the sports festival happened but you had received a letter in regards to the work-study but it was from someone you hadn’t expected.
‘You have potential with your quirk. Consider coming to my agency. -Endeavor’ Well it wasn’t really a full letter but it was handwritten, signed, and everything! You didn’t tell your classmates or anything that you received a personal letter from the Number One Hero but you did need an opinion from someone who would remain biased on the opinion.
“You’re a dumbass,” Shinso says laying halfway off your bed and looking at you upside down as you lie on the floor the letter resting on your chest.
“I am not! This is a big thing…it’s Mr. Number One after all.” You huff and throw the paper to the side covering your face with your hands groaning. “I just…is this the right decision?” You peek through your fingers seeing Shinso scrolling through his phone before looking over at you.
“Like I said a dumbass,” You go to open your mouth but he continues talking, “You have the Number One Hero asking you personally may I remind you to study at his agency.”
“But Fat Gum and my classmates-” “Forgot about them all for a second. This is about your future right?” He says and you reluctantly nod, “Then you should go to the place that is going to help your future the most, not that there’s anything wrong with where you’re at but are you gonna ignore this opportunity in front of you.” He finishes and it’s quiet and the dumb look on his face when he knows he’s right irks you.
“I hate how you’re right.” “It’s one of my many skills.”
You look over at the letter seeing the application that was attached hesitating before grabbing a pen and filling it out. “Hurry up, Aizawa Sensei wants us for training.” Shinso kicks your leg and you kick it back filling it out.
“HEY! THIS IS S’POSED TO BE A HOLY NIGHT!! WHY’RE TALKING ABOUT ALL THIS SCHOOL STUFF?!” Mineta yells pulling you from your thoughts as he slams his hands against the table.
“C’mon guys Mineta has a point. Especially since it’s time to feast!” Sato says revealing a delicious roast bird. The sound of the door opens as you all were about to feast in,
“We’re a little late…I hope they didn’t start already.”
“Tricky…Treat..?” Eri dressed in the most adorable Santa dress mumbles looking back at Aizawa for guidance who shakes his head, “Not quite...Wrong holiday.”
Aizawa and Eri quickly joined in the festivities as music was played by Jiro and food were quickly devoured all delicious and filling. You take a sip of your drink a smile resting on your face as Midoriya rambles to Eri who eats up every word. You take in the glint in his eyes and the wide grin as he waves his hands about talking to the young girl. From food to music to the gift swap from your classmates it was a perfect night together.
The night soon started to wrap the night getting to all of you and cleaning up beginning. You look down at the small girl cuddled up to your side her eyes fluttering shut as she tries to stay awake but her falling asleep had made you grow tired as well. Running your fingers through her hair pushing the strands away from her face as she drifted to sleep. Aizawa had come over seeing the child asleep in your lap kneeling down to bring her into his arms. She shuffles a bit in his grasp her eyes slowly opening and waving at you as Aizawa carries her out of the dorms back to the comforts of her bed. You smile before a yawn takes over your body stretching your arms it hits something and you look up to see Midoriya standing above you.
“Hey…” You mumble sleepily and he smiles holding his hand out and you take it as he pulls you to your feet.
“Come on looks like you need sleep too.” He says and you roll your eyes slightly pushing him away but he wraps his hand around your waist holding you close as the two of you head towards your room. Opening your door you throw yourself onto your bed sleep quickly pulling you but Midoriya manhandles you around so you're sitting up even though you groan in protest.
“Nope, you gotta change you don’t wanna sleep in that.” He says holding out a t-shirt and shorts and you groan more looking up at the ceiling. His hands move to pluck the hat off your head before his fingers move to the buttons on your dress you give him a look and he rolls his eyes.
“Such a dirty mind.” He mumbles and you gasp offended and he laughs before pulling the dress over your head and throwing the shirt on after. His touch was gentle and smooth, as his fingers traced over your skin. Some scars from injuries cover you but he doesn’t seem to mind as he helps you change. It wasn’t the first time he’s seen you like this anyway. He finishes looking up at you not realizing you’ve been staring at him his face grows a twinge warm. You smile pushing the hair away from his face leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead. He closes his eyes relishing in the feeling and you pull away holding his face in your hands, he opens his eyes grinning at you before thrusting forward and connecting your lips. You squeal as he pushes you back onto the bed as your guys' night is not over yet.
In light of the dormitory system, it was tricky for your classmates to go home, but they were accompanied by Pro Hero escorts and allowed to visit their families for the New Year. You however stayed at the dorms despite Midoriya’s begging for you to come with him. “Y/n please..my mom would love having you over she’s already dying to know more about you,” Midoriya says as the two of you lay in your bed, it was the night before he would return to his home.
“I’ll be alright, spend time with your mother Izuku. Even I did promise Eri I would spend her first New Year with her and I think Aizawa would appreciate having someone watching her as well.” You say and he pouts but nods and you press a peck to his lips.
“Such a baby.” You tease and he gives you a look quickly pulling you under him and a very heated session makeout ensued with Midoriya. You actually had a lot of fun with Eri listening to music, watching the other New Year’s events on TV, and counting down when the ball drops. The two of you crashed on the couches in Aizawa’s residence and he threw blankets over the two of you before joining you on the couch doing some school work before even he fell asleep with you.
The next day you had your bag packed and Aizawa and Eri brought you to the station and you were off to your work-study.
“Welcome. I’m Endeavor.” The flame hero announces to the three males a grin on his face before it quickly drops, “Is that the warm reception you were hoping for? I ain’t thrilled about taking you two on. This is only cuz Shoto asked! I was hoping it’d just be me and him!” He says and Todoroki rolls his eyes.
“You already accepted them, so stop complaining.” “Sh-Shoto!!”
“Ever since our training course, I’ve been thinking…” Bakugo says eyeing the hero, “You’re a jerk.”
“Are you really friends with this kid, Shoto?!” Endeavor scolds his son who looks annoyed being here.
“Whatever. I’ll put up with anything if it means seeing how the top dude operates.” Bakugo shrugs and Endeavor yells at his son, “I toldja to choose your friends wisely!!”
“Thank you for accepting us,” Midoriya says and Endeavor turns to look at the boy, the two had a unique experience during the Sports Festival and he had a feeling this boy had some connection to his rival, the man who always succeeded over him. All Might.
“We’re still waiting for one more.” Endeavor says and the boys even Todoroki look confused, who else would be joining them on their work-study? Maybe it is a sidekick to Endeavor or a fellow Pro-Hero.
“Sorry, I’m late gosh the holiday crowds are no joke.” A familiar voice calls out behind them and the three boys look back seeing a girl dressed in a U.A. uniform but a hat and scarf cover most of her features. As she gets closer her eyes widen seeing the three boys but her eyes were focused on one.
“Izuku?!” She calls out and the boy’s face grows red having some girl call him by his first name. The girl pulls down her scarf taking off her hat revealing snow-white hair and a recognizable face.
“Y/n!?” Midoriya says and the two of you look at each other shocked. The conversation of work-study hadn’t come up between the two of you about where you each were going. So for Midoriya, he thought you returned to Fat Gum’s Agency and you thought Midoriya founded some Agency that was friends with All Might. A flash of movement in front of you and Endeavor hops over the railing and charges forward flames taking over his clothes and burning them off revealing his hero costume.
“Sorry, but I don’t give a crap about anyone but Shoto. YOU WANNA LEARN? STAND BACK AND WATCH!” He yells looking back and seeing the four of you quickly following after him.
“TELL US WHAT WE CAN DO!” Midoriya yells.
“I told you to stand back!! And watch!” He yells and like a bullet of flames disappears ahead of you all.
“He told us to stand back and watch, but…” Todoroki says using his ice to glide along the ground.
“To watch we have to keep up!” Midoriya yells. He was off and running before you even heard the sonic boom. That takes more than just speed. Using All For One in a similar way as Midoriya uses One For All Full Cowling to boost yourself forward.
“When were you going to tell me you were going to Endeavor’s Agency!” Midoriya yells out to you as you all turn the same street after Endeavor seeing the glass from the buildings and cars missing.
“Uh now isn’t really the time! Same with you it’s not like you told me!” You yell back, “Quickly this way!” You yell pointing down a different path than where Endeavor had turned down. Both Midoriya and Bakugo turn down one way heading down while you and Todoroki take the other way to make sure no one tries escaping. From your side of the alley, you see Endeavor shot out with the villain right as three more were going to ambush him, Todoroki quickly sends out a sheet of ice freezing two of them to the ground, and right before Midoriya and Bakugo could attack them feathers swoop in attaching to the thugs and you see Hawks looking at the two boys who recover from their failed attacks.
“Oh! Trainees! My bad. Looks like I was a little faster.” He says as the three thugs land at you and Todoroki’s feet, “Seemed like you were in trouble, Endeavor.” Hawks grins landing beside the two of you.
“Me? Not a chance.” Endeavor glares at the winged hero as he restraints the main villain.
“But it seemed that way, didn’t it, Shoto?” Hawks says looking at the boy who just looks a bit stunned to see him.
“You’re supposed to contact me when you’re in town.” Endeavor says and Hawks shrugs,
“I’m not…I mean, I was just passing by.”
You all moved from the alleyway to an open area where the police cuffed the main villain whose name was Starservant who was yelling nonsense as he was put away.
“Hello. My name is Midoriya!” Midoriya introduces himself and you could see the slight awe in his eye beginning in the presence of the Number Two Hero.
“You’re the kid who smashes up his own fingers, right?” Hawks says and Midoriya sheepishly nods, “Tokoyami filled me in. Man, I wished I could’ve worked with that kid again.”
“But isn’t Tokoyami back at your Agency…?” Midoriya asks and Hawks sighs rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yeah, down in my hometown with my sidekicks. But I’ve got too much going on to be there. I feel kinda bad…about it.” He trails off seeing Bakugo glaring at him.
“Back there-I was faster!” Hawks smirks, “Huh! You think so?” His gaze moves from the blonde landing on you, “Good seeing you again Shimura. Things treating you well?” He says and your gaze shifts slightly seeing Todoroki’s eyes widen by a fraction and you look back at Hawks. Crap.
“Yeah…thank you again Hawks.” You say and you can see the slight pity within his eyes before they move to Endeavor.
“Well, Hawks…what do you want?!” Endeavor says.
“Want? Oh, nothing, really. But have you read this book, Endeavor?” Hawks says before pulling a book from his pocket and you feel a chill run down your spine reading the title.
‘Meta Liberation War.’
“We are the Paranormal Liberation Front.”
There was no way these two weren’t connected…did that mean Hawks was a part of them. Was he a traitor?
“Imagine it, Endeavor..” Hawks’ voice brings you out of your thoughts, “A world where we’ve got time to kill!” His face was stern as he holds the book out to him, “Read it. Please.”
“That’s recommended reading from the Number Two Hero! Maybe I should check it out. Perhaps it holds the secret to his trademark speed…” Midoriya mumbles and Hawks stiffens before turning to face you all holding books in his hands,
“Here, I’ve got copies for everyone!” “He’s so prepared! Where’d those come from?!”
“That’s right, it’s the era of the Number two!” Hawks says giving the four of you each a book, “When it comes to speed, it’s all about reading which way the wind's blowing! I’m recommending it to all my friends and heroes across the country. Because if nothing else, that liberation ideology will be pretty darn fundamental going forward.” Hawks says stepping back and unfurling his wings before he looks at Endeavor.
“At least give the highlighted sections a glance. That’s my second recommendation in so many words. All five of you..good luck with the work-study.” Hey says before flying off the five of you looking after him.
“He’s only 22, but he comes off as much wiser…” Midoriya says.
“Just six years older than us…” Todoroki mumbles.
Bakugo scoffs looking away from where Hawks stood, “Ticks me off.”
Your fingers trace the title of the book a horrible feeling in your gut. What did Hawks have to do with the Liberation Army? Was he involved with the League…Ten-Shigaraki?
“L/n..?” Todoroki calls out and you look up from the book.
“Yeah, Todoroki?” You say a small smile on your face.
“Why did Hawks call you Shimura?” He asks and you’re silent you can feel both Bakugo’s and Midoriya’s eyes on you as your mind runs with a thousand things to say. Fuck what do you say?
“Uh…Shimura…well it’s my second last name. It’s hyphenated but I don’t go by that name anymore.” You stutter out your answer. Please believe it. Please believe it. You yell out internally waiting for his response. Todoroki seems to take it in before nodding. You give a forced smile and Endeavor calls you all to follow, as soon as Todoroki is not looking you let out the biggest sigh of relief.
“This is the first work-study for Bakugo and Shoto, right?” One of Endeavor’s main sidekicks Burnin says, “You four will get right down to business doing what we do around here! But as you can see, with over 30 sidekicks, we ain’t exactly short-staffed! What I’m saying is, you won’t get a chance to shine!” She says with a huge smoke on her face looking specifically at Bakugo who smirks back but you could see the bloodlust in his eyes.
“Fun. So we gotta try to beat the Pros at their own game?” “Bingo!”
“That goes for you too, Shoto! Don’t assume anything just cuz you’re the boss’s kid!” One of the sidekicks calls out, “You kids’ve gotta sink your teeth into this job!”
“This place is so busy!” Midoriya says in awe looking around at the heroes all rushing around off to patrol, calling people in, or doing paperwork.
“Most of the time, we’re either on patrol or on standby! But we also handle over 100 requests every day. From emergencies to escort missions to special events!” Kido explains.
“Great. Let’s get to freaking work then.” Bakugo says cracking his knuckles, “I’ve been pretty ticked off ever since that spoonbill stole my glory.” Did he mean Hawks?
“You’ve got moxie, guy. But we gotta wait for Endeavor’s orders!” Kido says pointing toward the large door.
“He’s sitting on his ass? What happened to those 100 requests!” Bakugo shouts.
“Kacchan, please just calm down!” Midoriya tries reasoning with him.
“HAHA! You’d better cool that head of yours, kid!” Burnin laughs. Your gaze pulls away from the group as they yell about wanting to work staring at the door. He had the book from the Liberation Army about what did Hawks have to do with them? If the Number Two Hero was part of them who knew who else could be there what other heroes were amongst that crowd cheering along to Shigaraki’s words?
“Shoto. Deku. Shimura. Bakugo.” The door opens and Endeavor strides out a dark look covering his feature, he knows something… “You four with me.”
You four were brought to a locker room with the male sidekicks leading the boys to one side and Burnin to another.
“Thank you, Burnin.” You nod and she grins.
“Us female heroes we look out for each other. But I can tell you’re already different from other UA students I’ve seen.” She says and you don’t get to respond as she leaves you to yourself. Moving to your case you open it and pause seeing a new outfit resting inside and you begin to dress. Your boots were similar no laces but straps going around with a zipper on the side keeping everything secure, there was a leather bodysuit keeping your pants and shirt attached a paneling design towards the top. The final pieces were the coat and gloves you were given. Slipping on the fingerless gloves before pulling the coat on. The coat was thin on your skin but felt durable enough to protect you and also keep you safe in the winter condition and summer, maybe a temperature regulator in the fabric. The design of it has panels all around it with it holding together by straps right below your chest and one across your neck. Its angular design with it begin all black created a sharp shape but was still flattering. Looking in the mirror you pause seeing yourself in the eerieness of the outfit from the moment in the bathroom. It was the exact same one you saw then just with the dust and blood covering it. Was this the moment, the fight you were to experience?
Looking back at the case you see a letter resting on the ground. You bend down to grab the card reading the writing.
‘Young Shimura…please accept this upgrade of your uniform. I am always still here. -Toshinori’ 
“Gift…as if that forgives all that he’s done to you?” His sickening voice fills the room and you see him standing in the reflection.
“As if the things you do were better, you worse than him.” You spit out crumbling out the letter and tossing it aside turning to leave.
“The actions I committed allowed you to become so powerful. You should be thanking me.” All For One says and you spin around staring into the reflection.
“Thanking you? You kidnapped me as a child, tortured me, forced your quirk on me, and made me commit so many crimes that no child should ever have to deal with and you want me to thank you.” You say and you can see in the reflection he grins.
“You should be grateful, you are more powerful than half of those heroes in the world, you could level buildings with a flick of your finger. You were my greatest achievement and soon Tomura will join you.” He grins and you feel a shiver run down your spine.
“What did you do to him?” You say you knew you shouldn’t be concerned about him. He made his decision he wants to purge the world and start it in whatever twisted vision is his.
The mirror warps slightly and you cringe feeling All For One’s cold hand resting on your shoulder as he stands within the reflection and beside you. “Here is just a glimpse of what Tomura is dealing with.”
Pain, unlike anything you’ve experienced rushing through you as Shigaraki’s screams fill your ears and you lose your hearing everything muffled. It was as if someone fired a gun right beside your head. Your veins and nerves explode before healing in an instant the feeling your body was flipped inside out before reverting back to its original state. You seize slamming into one of the lockers with a loud bang crashing to the ground. Gasping for air as your skin thrums with indescribable pain trying to stop this ongoing misery before it disappears and the phantom feeling causes you to shake.
“Tomura is fighting to accept it, but just like you did he will join you. And then….you two will be unstoppable.” All For One says his hand pets your hair and you flinch at the touch still shaking uncontrollably. The weight on your head disappears as you quiver in the empty locker room trying to regain your strength.
Shigaraki was gaining All For One.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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Image © Turtle Rock Studios
[Commissioned by Soluman Blevins. Evolve is a game I was only passingly aware of, since some artists I follow had done concept art for it. The premise is a fun take on an asymmetrical shooter. Four players are the humans and one is the monster. The monster starts fairly weak, but can evolve (hence the title) by killing computer controlled wildlife, which act as threats to all players.
Of the main enemy monsters, the Wraith is apparently the overpowered one, and was nerfed in later updates before the game was simply abandoned. So I knew I wanted her to be a high CR monster. I ended up picking CR 17 because in the quadrant of 16-20, that was the CR I had the least aberrations in. Sometimes game design leads to arbitrary decisions.
Also, notice how weirdly horny this design is. The Wraith has great hips and thighs for a creature with no legs.]
Warpwraith CR 17 LE Aberration This creature has a lithe, roughly humanoid torso, but its head is little more than a fanged knot of tissue. It has four arms, two of which have clawed hands and the other two of which bear oversized scything blades. Its lower body has bulbous, stabilizing structures that are vaguely thigh shaped, but these terminate not in legs but in three snaking tentacles, on which it slithers effortlessly.
A warpwraith is a powerful alien predator that can manipulate space in a variety of teleportation effects. They glide along the ground using strange forces, not quite slithering and not quite flying, able to traverse undergrowth, rubble or even cross water with ease. They hunt with hit and run strikes, tearing at prey with their claws and armblades. If they face a group, they often rush in with incredible speed, causing a shock wave as their presence ripples the fabric of space. They then grab a single opponent and rush off with them in order to tear them to pieces while their allies recover. If enemies are warded against teleportation, or if the warpwraith is feeling vindictive, it will glow with the light of a sun, simultaneously speeding up its own movements while slowing down others. Warpwraiths rarely fight until slain, using their spell-like abilities to flee and mislead pursuers.
Although warpwraiths behave like beasts, they are of near human intellect, and great canniness besides. They are often on good terms with other powerful monsters, forming alliances to achieve common goals rather than fighting for domination. They also like to taunt their enemies with brief telepathic messages, usually done from hiding long before they strike. They prefer to hunt alone—on the planet to which they are native, they are top predators, with enormous amounts of territory for each. 
Warpwraith          CR 17 XP 102,400 LE Large aberration Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +23, scent Aura supernova (Will DC 25, 60 ft.) Defense AC 32, touch 20, flat-footed 32 (-1 size, +10 Dex, +1 dodge, +12 natural) hp 237 (25d8+125) Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +19 Defensive Abilities evasion, improved uncanny dodge Offense Speed 60 ft., lighter than air Melee 2 claws +24 (1d8+7 plus grab), bite +24 (1d6+7), 2 armblades +24 (2d6+10/19-20x4) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks abduct, isolate, powerful blows (armblades), sneak attack +2d6, warp blast Spell-like Abilities CL 17th, concentration +20 (+24 casting defensively) At will—dimension door 3/day—quickened dimension door, mislead (DC 19) 1/day—interplanetary teleport Statistics Str 24, Dex 30, Con 21, Int 9, Wis 21, Cha 16 Base Atk +18; CMB +29 (+33 grapple); CMD 53 Feats Agile Maneuvers, Blind-fight, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Defensive Combat Training, Dimensional Agility, Dodge, Improved Critical (armblade), Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (dimension door), Spring Attack Skills Acrobatics +28 (+40 when jumping), Intimidate +21, Perception +23, Stealth +24, Survival +23 Languages Aklo, telepathy 100 ft. Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary Treasure incidental Special Abilities Abduct (Ex/Su) A warpwraith can move at full speed with a grappled creature, as long as the creature is at least one size category smaller than it. It can take unwilling creatures along with it when it uses dimension door—a creature can attempt a DC 25 Will save to avoid teleporting if it does not wish to. The save DC is Charisma based. Armblades (Ex) The armblades of a warpwraith are treated as primary natural weapons that deal x4 damage on a successful critical hit. Isolate (Su) A warpwraith gets its sneak attack to damage against an enemy with no allies within 60 feet, even if the creature is not flat-footed or flanked. Lighter Than Air (Ex) A warpwraith moves by floating, using its three tentacle tails to steer. Although it cannot properly fly, it ignores all difficult terrain and can move across water or other liquid surfaces without penalty. If it does find itself above the ground, it descends at a rate of 60 feet per round and takes no damage, as a feather fall spell. Supernova Aura (Su) Once per day as a standard action, a warpwraith may shed bright light in a 60 foot radius and gain the benefits of a haste spell for 1 minute. All creatures in the area must succeed a DC 25 Will save or be slowed, as per the spell, for as long as they remain within the aura and for 1d4 rounds thereafter. A creature that succeeds this save is immune to the supernova aura of that warpwraith for the next 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based. Warp Blast (Su) As a full round action, a warpwraith can move up to twice its speed in any direction, including into the air. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When it arrives at its chosen location, a blast of energy goes off. All creatures in a 30 foot radius take 8d8 points of force damage and are knocked prone. A DC 25 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the prone effect. This is a teleportation effect. A warpwraith can use this ability once every 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma based.
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dzthenerd490 · 15 days
File: Dead Space
Warning! The following is to only be seen by O5 council members and Administrative Staff. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Code Name: The Marker
Object Class: Thaumiel Keter Neutralized.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AGB is contained at Site-AA within the main reactor room to provide fuel for the entire facility. Doctor Novak James is in charge of the deciphering of the symbols on SCP-AGB. It is with hope SCP-AGB's origin and nature will be revealed through this. Until then its massive surge of energy will be used to fuel Site-AA.
Update 1948 - SCP-AGB has been neutralized after the causing the Containment Breach that destroyed Site-AA. Doctor Novak James has been marked as traitor and killed by Mobile Task Force Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand" as well as those under his "cult". For now, Site-AA will temporarily shut down and rebuilt in Greenland. The vote has concluded with Administrative Staff member Nancy James elected as the new Director of Site-AA. As for SCP-AGB, all previous containment protocols will be disregarded. 
Description: SCP-AGB is an artifact originally believed to belong to Species of Interest: The ISU however this has recently been proven false. SCP-AGB is actually a trap, a weapon created by galactic parasites who the Foundation has yet to identify. Originally upon containment the Foundation believed SCP-AGB was an artifact that produced massive amounts of energy that was equivalent to the sun yet had no harmful radiation or other hazardous effects. On the coat on its formation were engraved symbols that have a memetic effect. Causing those of weaker minds to be unable to sleep and slowly go insane. However, those with higher intelligence will be able to see how to use the symbols to create a copy of SCP-AGB. 
These copies will be able to produce even more energy than SCP-AGB and can have more powerful memetic symbols able to unlock vast knowledge in technology within the viewer's mind. This technology will always correspond with the current civilization's technology allowing them to progress normally yet at an accelerated pace. It should be noted these copies are red unlike the black original SPC-AGB instance and thus are labeled as SCP-AGB-1 instances. Everything SCP-AGB and SCP-AGB-1 instances give can be easily seen as a gift but in the long run its a trap. 
Once enough SCP-AGB-1 instances are created they will unleash a plague on the organisms around them that cause even greater insanity to those around them. Those that die as a result will be transformed into SCP-AGB-Necro instances. SCP-AGB-Necro are undead monsters that result in dead flesh being exposed to the energy made from SCP-AGB-1 instances. They will mutate to become horrific and disfigured monsters with little to no resemblance to what they once were. The most common form is a humanoid monster with alien hands growing out of the ripped open stomach, sharpened teeth, and mantis like arms with a spike grown out of or ripping apart the hand in the resulting mutation. 
There is a wide variety of other mutations form SCP-AGB-Necro instances, and most seem to be quite similar to common Sarkic tactics, mutations, rituals, and weapons. For example, there are SCP-AGB-Necro that can find corpses not exposed to SCP-AGB-1 energy and instead inject them with a mutagenic spore, transforming them into an SCP-AGB-Necro instance in a matter of seconds. Some SCP-AGB-Necro instances are able to absorb other corpses and use them to grow into a larger monster. There are even SCP-AGB-Necro instances that when damaged they will split into several smaller SCP-AGB-Necro instances. 
These SCP-AGB-Necro instances are determined to kill all life around them and then gather around their designated SCP-AGB-1 instances. For whatever reason none of them are able to get close to the SCP-AGB-1 instances. It is believed that there is a final process that will happen after SCP-AGB-Necro instances are made. However, due to Foundation interference, how this process works, if it even exists, will forever be unknown. 
SCP-AGB was discovered in 1816, 28 years after the Foundation was created by its founder organizations merging. SCP-AGB was found in the Chicxulub Crater and quickly taken before local scientists found it. Though later it was revealed that civilian researchers only found the crater in 1970. Regardless, SCP-AGB was sent to one of the first Foundation site's created dubbed Site-AA. It was meant to stand aside from other sites in that it was the only one created after The Reset. 
Because of the energy it generated and the memetic symbols on it shows Foundation researchers how to make more, it was originally labeled as Object Class Thaumiel. However, as the decades went by Doctor Novak the Director of Site-AA became seemingly unstable and many of his staff died by mysterious causes or due to sudden mental breakdowns. The Ethics Committee and the O5 Council agreed he was a danger and SCP-AGB might not have been as safe as originally believed so a Joint Task Force with MTF Alpha-1 and MTF Omega-1 was created to take him down. 
The operation started in 1948 and immediately led to a massive containment breach at Site-AA as Doctor Novak activated the SCP-AGB-1 instances prematurely so the SCP-AGB-Necro's would act as his guards. He used recorded Sarkic rituals form Foundation files and databanks to help him control them all. Thankfully the Joint Task Force overpowered them as MTF Alpha-1 killed all the SCP-AGB-Necro instances and MTF Omega-1 killed Doctor Novak and his loyal staff. Unfortunately, several SCP's including those contained after The Reset were destroyed as well as the near complete destruction of Site-AA. The loss of several valuable SCP's before they could be fully researched, and the entire site has labeled this one of the Foundation's greatest failures in recorded history. 
After the operation was finally over, SCP-AGB and all SCP-AGB-1 instances were ordered to be destroyed by the O5 Council and the Ethics Committee. Afterwards the few SCPs that could be retrieved, were retrieved immediately and put into other Sites for temporary containment. Afterwards construction for a new Site-AA was started immediately. For the new Site was also needed a new Director. The O5 council have placed Novak's daughter Nancy James as a potential candidate due to her charisma and lack of contact with her father. The Ethics Committee have recommended Harvey Zeek due to his compassion for innocent and human life. In the end Nancy James won the vote and became Site Director Nancy James. 
As a result, Site-AA was reestablished as a storage and testing Site for low level danger SCP's meanwhile soon to be constructed Site-AP was given Site-AA's original goal of [data expunged by order of the O5 Council].
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