#mmm my sweet boy... a fish....
princyvish · 2 months
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fuckin fish!!! i love him!!!
The silly silly made by the wonderful @0rb1s :]
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i fried him sorry
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Thunder In Our Hearts (Part 5)
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Summary: The reader and Soldier Boy have settled into a nice routine. But nothing nice can last long for these two and the result will fundamentally change their relationship...
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x reader
Word Count: 3,500ish
Warnings: language, nudity, violence, drug/abuse/sexual assault/torture mentions
A/N: Spoilers for Season 3 of The Boys in this one! My favorite part yet!…
“Benjamin!” you shouted as soon as you walked in the front door. He was jerking off on the couch, at least into a condom this time. He put down the magazine he was holding, an old People magazine from the nineties, page flipped open to some older actress. “Dude! What did I tell you!”
“Mmm, that smells good,” he said, inhaling sharply, his wrist still flicking away. “One sec.”
“Why am I even surprised,” you sighed. You set down the food container on the table and left the large bag of other things you’d bought in the two hours you were gone down on the floor. When you spun around to wash up he was chucking the used condom in the trash before wiping himself off with a paper towel. 
“You were gone awhile,” he said, washing his hands at the sink. You got out a plate for him, Soldier Boy pulling on a pair of loose gray sweats before he took it from you, getting out his own knife and fork. 
“I went and found your drug dealer. Got most of my money back.” You sat down at the table, flipping open the box of fries, eating straight out of it. He stared blankly before sitting down, opening the container filled with a piece of grilled salmon and asparagus.
“Uh, how? I’ve dealt with my share of asshole drug dealers and that guy-”
“I told him you were sober for years and I wasn’t letting you fall off the wagon again. He was really sweet about it actually.” He grinned, eating a bite of fish, humming around it. “I bought you some more clothes. A few books too.”
“Books?” he said with his mouth full. You nodded, eating more of the fries before you got up and went over to the bag.
“I hit a bookstore quick before it closed. Since you don’t know how to use a computer yet, I thought this was easier.” You picked up the large stack, his eyes cautious. “General history, a few on things like misogyny, race, orientation. I grabbed the workbook that goes along with my PTSD book you’ve been reading. I got more out of the book when I did that too. Oh, and I picked up a few action thrillers and a romance for you.”
“You bought me a fucking romance novel?” he scoffed.
“Well they have sex in it. It’s porn in words. Figured you’d appreciate that.” You reached into the bag one more time, shaking your head with a laugh. “Speaking of porn, I got you more lube and condoms.”
“Thank you, darlin’,” he said, scarfing down the fish in big bites. You carried the rectangular box over to the table, setting it down beside him. “Is that what I think it is?”
“A fleshlight? Figured your hand could use a break,” you said, ruffling his hair. “Wash it before you use it. I’m heading to bed.”
“Keep this up and I might start to think you don’t hate me,” he chuckled. You went down the hall to your room, stopping in the doorway to look back at him, Soldier Boy stopping mid-chew to stare back.
“I’ve said a lot of things. Never said I hated you, bud.” He smiled, a soft one, almost seeming unnatural on his face with often he did it as cover for everything else. “Read your books, Ben. They’ll help.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” 
“You too, old man.”
Two Weeks Later
You’d fallen into a nice routine with Ben. He spent the mornings working on cleaning up the yard or the nearby shed. You’d tasked him with fixing up the landscaping and building a proper back porch, something more usable than the small, falling apart thing that was out there now. In the afternoons you took a break from researching the kills he wanted to make, namely a guy named Butcher and his son, Homelander. Butcher was completely off the grid but it hadn’t taken long to find him. After realizing he was going to be dead within the next few years thanks to some brain disease, Soldier Boy backed off. He knew Homelander was the bigger issue and time would take care of Butcher for him.
Normally he’d make lunch, a simple pair of sandwiches or something similar but he was doing it on his own without any prompting. In the afternoons you left him to his books, sometimes hearing dramatic sighs or questioning hums from his spot on the couch. When he’d get his fill, you’d teach him about things he missed, technology in particular. By then it was time for dinner, the two of you taking turns but Ben always close by to learn. 
Evenings were by and far the most relaxed time of the day, Ben normally wanting to put on an action movie he’d never seen before. Somehow you’d made a little domestic life with arguably the most powerful supe on the planet. And honestly…it was nice.
Ben was a flirt and he still used alcohol and weed too much but he had slowly been backing off of them both. He was reading books without you asking to, bringing up things he’d read in conversation. Mr. Rodgers he was not but he was beginning to understand and tolerate more which hopefully would lead him to being okay with the world he lived in.
“Hey, kid,” he said one night, flipping through your watchlist on Netflix.
“Grandpa,” you said. He pushed on your shoulder when you sat down, gentle enough to only push you over slightly into the cushions. “Do we have to watch action again?”
“I thought you liked them,” he said, handing the remote to you, stopped on Schitt’s Creek. 
“I do but variety is the spice of life,” you said, clicking the select button.
“What’s this about? Is it going to confuse me?” he sighed, slumping down in his seat. 
“It’s funny. You’re gonna love it, trust me.”
It was a few hours later when you were almost through with the first season, Soldier Boy cracking up beside you. You’d never heard him laugh so much, so much lighter sounding than his speaking voice. And in the biggest shocker of all, David was his favorite character.
Maybe the boy was learning after all.
“Come on, one more,” he said when you tried to turn off the TV. He flopped on top of you and grabbed your wrists, grinning as he looked down at you. “We’ll sleep in. Live a little, Y/N.”
“You can’t just pin me down to get what you want,” you said, tossing the remote into the recliner. He pursed his lips before breaking out into a smirk. “Benjamin.”
“You know what I like about you, kiddo? I’m somehow never in charge around you. I like it when someone can keep up with me.” You hummed, smiling to yourself before you wrapped your legs around his waist and rolled down to the floor on top of him. It didn’t hurt him in the slightest and he released you on the way down, Soldier Boy staring up as you patted his cheek.
“You’re never gonna have the upper hand around me, sweetie,” you laughed. You sat up and pulled him to his feet, Soldier Boy smirking still. “No more TV tonight. I was thinking maybe we could go to the hardware store in the morning, you can pick out some landscaping things? You can practice being in public again.”
“You just want me to carry heavy things,” he grinned. You returned it, placing a hand on his muscular bicep. 
“You are more than just a pretty face, aren’t you?” You giggled, taking a step before your feet were off the ground, Soldier Boy carrying you one handed around the couch and down the hall. “Ben! Put me down!”
“Nah,” he laughed, grabbing the TV remote and hitting Netflix back on, holding you around the waist, flush back against his chest. You were literally nothing to him, Ben able to stand there and hold you as long as he pleased. “I’m thinking we watch one more episode.”
“Ben, I’m tired,” you groaned. He flicked off the TV and carried you down to your room, setting you down on top of your bed gently. You smiled, Ben cocking his head. “No one’s ever carried me to bed before.”
“S’because you’ve only ever dated weaklings, Y/L/N.” He winked and you threw a pillow at him, laughing as he ran out of the room. “Night!”
“Night Ben.”
The trip to the store had been going great until you needed to use the bathroom. At which point someone jumped you from behind in the secluded hallway, shot you up with a sedative and you proceeded to wake up with hands bound behind you next to a freshly dug hole.
The sky was dark, rain clouds overhead threatening to pour down and wash you away. You rolled, trying to get your bearings when a boot collided with your shoulder, dislocating it. The sudden sharp pain made you scream out, only interrupted by the flurry of punches that came. 
When your attacker finally let up, you were gasping for air. They grabbed your jacket and forced you to sit up, your eyes wide when you finally got a good look at the man.
“Dylan?” you breathed out. He grabbed your throat, smirking when you whimpered.
“Next time you think you killed someone, you better make sure.” He shoved you down to the ground, the side of his head shaved and revealing a long stitch. You shut your eyes, Dylan chuckling. “Yeah. You only grazed me a few weeks back. You should have shot me in the face. Now-”
“Dylan don’t,” you said, whining when he pressed on your shoulder.
“Now you’re gonna wish you’d done the job right. Don’t worry. You’re going to get a lesson real soon.” You forced your eyes open, spitting out blood onto the ground. “You should have kept your mouth shut.”
“You turned on me!” you shouted, Dylan leaning down to get in your face. Your bottom lip wobbled, the face of the kind man you’d once thought you’d loved gone. There’d always been something you didn’t fully trust with him. You thought it was the darkness in him. 
Turns out he was just working for the other side.
“I was assigned to make sure you didn’t tell anyone what the general did. By any means necessary. All those conversations about when we left the service, a family? I never wanted that shit. I was playing you for years, you dumb fuck. No one wants the broken girl,” he said, lips brushing over your ear. He sucker punched you in the gut, smiling when you curled into a ball. “But seeing as my boss is dead and my gravy train is gone, no thanks to you, it seems our relationship has hit another roadblock. I don’t think we’re getting past this one either.”
He stood and you watched him walk over to his truck, grabbing his gun from the glove compartment. It hung by his side as he walked closer, his head cocking.
“You should have kept your damn mouth shut.” You squeezed your eyes shut, a plink noise happening nearby. There was no sudden hot pain of a bullet though. No warm wave of peacefulness or nothingness so you were sure you weren’t dead.
Your eyes flashed open, a wall of dark green in front of you. It took a moment to realize it was moving, a pair of thick muscular thighs and a back with a star etched into the vest. The pointed shield was providing cover as he knelt in front of you, slowly rising to his feet.
“Soldier Boy,” croaked out Dylan. In less than a second Soldier Boy was on him, pining him down with one hand, resting dangerously over his throat. 
“You’re the boyfriend.” He pressed his finger against Dylan’s healing scar, Soldier Boy lifting him straight up and tossing him to the side. Dylan shouted when he hit the ground, Soldier Boy on top of him in a flash, straddling his body. “What kind of pathetic man betrays the woman he loves like you did? Real men protect. They care about their partner.”
He slammed his fist down, Dylan gasping before it went quiet. When he stood you saw the dent in where Dylan’s face used to be, now a gaping wide hole. You closed your eyes and shivered in the cool air, the sound of Ben’s heavy footfalls stopping close by. By the time you had the energy to open them, Ben was carrying you into the house, both of you wet from the rain that’d broken free from the skies.
He sat you on the kitchen counter and removed your shirt, inhaling sharply when it was gone.
“Deep breath,” he murmured. You didn’t want to know what he was about to do. You didn’t have the energy for it. You inhaled, his hands on your shoulder and popping your shoulder back into place. 
“Ah, fuck, fuck,” you whined, lowering your head and burying it in the solid chest in front of you.
“I know. I know. I have to clean you up and try to wrap your ribs.” Deep purple bruises littered your side from you’d been hit. It didn’t feel broken at least. 
Soldier Boy let you rest your head on him, deft hands tightly wrapping a bandage around your body. With shaking hands you gripped the counter’s edge, eyes squeezed shut as you tried to force the pain to dissipate. 
Something went over your head, eyes peeling open slowly to see one of his shirt’s you’d bought for him now shredded and tied together to use as a makeshift sling. Carefully he place your forearm in the shirt opening, fingers lingering on your arm.
He was quiet as he cleaned your face, wiping away dried blood, disinfecting the scuffs on your cheek. You knew you had a black eye, half your face in a bruise. Your eyes were locked onto his chest plate the entire time, unable to look him in the eye.
“You’re all set,” he mumbled. You nodded, a gentle touch turning your chin up. 
His face was unreadable.
“I’m sorry you had to save me,” you whispered. He touched his forehead to your own, a quiet chuckle escaping past pink lips. It sounded sad though, your eyes meeting his when it died off. For a few seconds, no one moved. There was only the sounds of breathing in the still room.
Then your lips were touching, Ben’s beard tickling your jaw, his hand cupping your uninjured cheek, thumb brushing over soft skin. 
You were expecting a dirty kiss. The kind of kiss you gave when you wanted someone’s body. The kind of kiss that said pure sex and nothing more.
You were not prepared for the softness behind his kiss. The slowness. The quiet hunger as your breath mixed together. 
He pulled back too soon, your head going a million miles an hour. He let out a deep breath, thumb still stroking over your skin. He was so close, so god damn close, his body caging yours in, like a protective shield.
“Never,” he breathed out, nose bumping yours as his chest rose and fell. “Never apologize for me saving you. Never, kiddo. Promise me.”
“Promise,” you said, voice barely making a sound. He nodded, moving your head with his. 
And then he was backing away, putting the supplies into the cupboards, throwing out the trash. He scooped you up and carried you into the bathroom, setting you on the tub’s edge, and leaving before you could say a word. 
He was scared about losing his lifeline to the outside world. That’s all that kiss had been, all those soft touches as he took care of you. 
That’s what you told yourself as you undressed and scrubbed yourself clean. That’s how it had to be. He was an asshole. Attractive and maybe he had saved your life and maybe he was trying to be a better person but he was an asshole. You were a woman. You were always going to be less than him in his eyes, right?
You swallowed when you left the bathroom and went into your room, your pajamas laid out on the bed for you already, an extra blanket sat on top along with a glass of water and pain medication.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck no. Your asshole supe was not turning into a decent guy. No way. Not so fast. He wanted sex and that was it. That was…actually, that was the perfect plan.
If you went into his room right now and asked for a quickie, he’d say yes and prove you right. 
“Soldier Boy,” you called, walking across the hall a few minutes later in nothing but underwear and one of his shirts you’d stolen from the laundry. 
“Yeah?” he said as you opened the door, Ben sat with his back to it, staring out his dark window, watching the raindrops roll down.
“It’s been a long day and I could use some relief. I was-”
“No.” You stopped mid-step and blinked.
“It doesn’t have to be actual sex. I’ll return the favor,” I said. Ben looked over his shoulder, his face scrunched up.
“I said no. You’re hurt. Now go to bed and rest.”
“What about when I’m not hurt? Would you-” He stood up, instantly in front of you, Ben’s strong torso on full display, his flannel pants brushing against your thighs he stood so close.
“Back in my day when you kissed a girl like that, and she kissed you back like that, she normally didn’t look mortified when you opened your eyes.” You looked down, Ben’s hot breath fanning over your face. “I like you, Y/N. You infuriate me and it’s so fucking aggrivating trying to learn all this shit and genuinely change my feelings. It’s hard. Did you ever think the only reason I’m trying at all is because I don’t want you to be mortified after you kiss me? I know you don’t like who I am but part of you does. The part of you that doesn’t put up a bullshit strong front likes the part of me that doesn’t do that same exact thing. So I am sorry but no, I will not do anything with you, I won’t even touch you, until I’m that man you want me to be. The next time I kiss you, you’re not going to think I’m a monster, got it? You’re going to enjoy it because you and me, we don’t fuck each other over. We’re brutally honest with each other and have each other’s backs. Until that day, let’s forget this ever happened.”
You lifted your head, Ben’s face pained. You nodded, his body turning away as you caught his bicep. He looked back, body tensing when you slid a hand up to his cheek and pulled him down into a kiss.
It was short, a few seconds of heat, of slow movement. He looked horribly confused when you pulled back with a smile, cupping his cheek.
“Today, you told Dylan what I said to you, about being a real man. You listen to me and I see you trying to be better yet somehow I’m the one keeping a stereotype of you. So do not apologize to me, Ben. I was trying to prove to myself that you aren’t as good as you seem and you proved me wrong. I’m so sorry for that.”
“We’re both highly fucked up people. I think we’re allowed a few fucking missteps,” he said with a forced laugh. He cast his eyes downward, breathing slowly. “I’m not that man yet. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I thought…you were looking at me-”
“I don’t want to forget that kiss. For a few seconds, I forgot all about today.” You moved your hand down to his, grabbing it loosely. “I’m tired and so are you. Let’s just go to bed.”
He nodded, pausing when you didn’t let go of his hand and instead pulled him to walk with you across the hall to your room. You dropped it when you crawled under the covers, Ben standing there staring at you. You nodded to the other side, Ben sliding underneath the blankets, careful of your bad shoulder. 
“Are you sure?” he asked. 
“I don’t want to be alone tonight.” You reached behind yourself and took his arm, sliding it over your waist. He tugged you back to his bare chest, such a strong yet gentle hold on you and you’d never felt more safe in your life. “Goodnight Ben.”
“Night kiddo.”
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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standardfriends · 2 months
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boy (I need you) 🦋
Word Count: 5.3k|| Kanemoto Yoshinori x Fem. Reader || Tags: Fluff, Slight Angst, Smut, Dilf!Yoshi, Son!Jeongwoo, Best Friend!Doyoung, Slight Age Gap (4 years), Petnames, Abandonment, Vanilla, Plot Heavy
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"Damn, this house is really nice." Whose house, you may ask? Hopefully, your future employer's. You recently started college and have been looking for a pretty lenient job, and that's how you got here. A man, not much older than you, named Yoshinori needed a house-sitter. So here you were, about to enter for an interview. "You got this, y/n. You'll be fine." You press the doorbell. "One second! Sorry~" A sweet melodic voice tweets from behind the door. "Hello, come on in!" Appearing is one of the most gorgeous faces you've ever seen in your life. Long brown hair, shiny soft eyes, high strong nose bridge, a bright smile, and a pretty mole underneath his mouth to pair with it.
"Can I get you anything to drink?" "Just water is fine, thank you." He leads you to sit down on the couch in his living room, which is quite cozy, with a light brown sectional, a wooden and glass coffee table positioned in front of a flat-screen TV and front window. He comes back quickly with a glass of ice water with a cute curly straw. "Sorry, how rude of me. I haven't introduced myself. My name is Kanemoto Yoshinori, and you?" "Y/n, nice to meet you, Mr. Kanemoto." "Oh, please just call me Yoshi…" He chuckles nervously and rubs his neck. "Alright, nice to meet you, Yoshi."
You soon find out that he's looking for a house-sitter because he frequently works long hours throughout the week. "I just need you to do basic tasks like making sure all the plants are watered, the fish are fed enough, and that dust doesn't collect." Simple enough, it pays really well, considering those are your only major tasks. "Also, you would get weekends off. That's when I'm at home. My son Jeongwoo comes to visit me, he lives with his grandparents during the week." SON!? You had to refrain from letting your jaw drop, but you can't help but be shocked, as Yoshi only looked at most 4 years older than you. "Oh ok, well if that's all, I'd be happy to house sit for you, Yoshi!" "REALLY? Oh, I mean—ahem—really? Thank you so much!" You can't believe this man has a child; he acts so innocently. You swear you saw stars in his eyes when you accepted his offer. "Let's discuss more in-depth about payment and schedule, hmm?" "Sounds perfect to me."
You ended up spending two hours with him, chatting not only about your new job but each other's personal lives as well. You learned he's a music producer for a very big entertainment company, he has to be there for long hours due to the number of songs he has to make for many different artists. You learned he went to the same university you're currently attending and he graduated just last year. He gave you pointers on all the best spots to make friends and eat. You told him about how you plan to major in Linguistics and he was ecstatic, being a polyglot himself.
The most notable thing is that of his son, a 3-year-old named Jeongwoo, he says he's very timid but well-mannered and caring. Although there was no mention of Jeongwoo's mother and it seemed like he was purposefully so, you decided not to pry. "What an intriguing man…" It was Saturday, you had two days before you start this job. "Why do I already want to start now?" Laying down, looking at your ceiling, you can't help but let your mind wander. Checking the time, you realize if you want to get everything together by Sunday night, you have to head to bed now. "Goodnight, Yoshi. Please take care of me in the future."
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"Daddy, how come I have to eat my salad if you haven't touched any of yours?" "Huh—" Yoshi looks down to realize he's barely eaten. "Oh, you're right, bud. It's not fair. Sorry, daddy will finish all his salad." He stuffs a bite into his mouth. "See, mmm yummy, now you have to as well, ok?" "Ok, daddy!" "Good boy." He couldn't stop thinking about earlier today. A pretty young girl like you wanted to get paid to do boring tasks around his house and just make sure nobody breaks in. You didn't even question too much about him and his son and seemed to be open-minded about it. This was something he surely wasn't used to. He couldn't place what, but it felt like you had bewitched him, all his thoughts were filled with you. It's a little weird because he just met you and you're just some 19-year-old looking to make some easy money. "I really should've gotten out more in college, not like I had much of a choice…" Creak "Daddy, you look sleepy, can we sleep together tonight?" As much as he feels he's missed out, he loves his kid so much. "Sure, buddy, let's clean up dinner first." "Ok!" He watches the little boy scurry with all the plates into the kitchen excitedly. "Be careful, slow down!"
"How come I never get to visit mommy?" Jeongwoo asks his father. Yoshi is a little taken aback. How could he tell his little boy that his mommy left them? "Well, you see, mommy lives very far, and it's not easy for you to visit her." "How far? Does she live all the way across the ocean?" "Yes, all the way across the ocean." "Can't we just take a plane?" "Planes are expensive, bud." "Can we do it once, when I have a holiday?" He adores his son so much, his persistence and curiosity is one of his favorite parts of being a parent. He can't believe that anyone could just leave such an amazing kid behind. "I'll see what we can do, buddy, but I don't know if mommy is going to be willing."
"Why?" His heart pains, he asks himself the same thing, why? He thought they were perfect together and that everything was going to be perfect just the three of them, but she left. "Mommy needs time. She's been through a lot." "Ok…" He can tell his son is no longer as bright as before, and it hurts just as much as he thought. "Hey, don't frown, daddy doesn't like when you frown. How about I sing you a lullaby tonight, hm?" The little boy eagerly nods his head in agreement. Before Yoshi can even finish the song, the little one is off to sleep, and he rests a peck on his forehead.
Your first day of house-sitting was a breath of fresh air after a hard day at school. You had a project in your semantics class. You were partnered up with a boy in your class named Doyoung. He's cool and all, but he talks a LOT, and consequently, not a lot of work got done. The house, thankfully for you, seemed to be in good shape. You went about your duties with care, watering the plants, feeding the fish, and dusting the surfaces. "Well, that was easy. Maybe I should look around the house, and maybe find a bathroom while I'm at it." While exploring, you came across a child's bedroom. There was a tiny kid's doctor's kit, music sheets along with a kid's recorder, and a drawing of the house, a man who you assumed was Yoshi, and a tiny kid you could only assume was Jeongwoo. It brought a little bit of warmth to your heart. You thought it would be nice to tidy up the room a bit, so you put everything in its designated spot and close the door. You could tell Jeongwoo was just as nice as Yoshi had described, and you could tell he cares for his son a lot.
There's another bedroom directly opposite the one you recently exited. It was most definitely Yoshi's. You could smell the subtle scent of a nice clean cologne emanating from the room. You decided it would be best not to enter there without permission. You eventually found the bathroom as well, but afterward, your stomach made an incomprehensible rumble. You ventured into Yoshi's kitchen, finding some basic ingredients for an omelet and toast. After a bit of whisking, chopping, frying, and toasting, you had a simple, wholesome meal ready. You took a bite and started to get out your computer when you suddenly hear the front door unlock.
"Ahhhh, where is it? I swear I left it right here. Oh—" You are confronted with a very disheveled Yoshi. Even then, he still looked as gorgeous as before. His eyes were like the ocean. "Hi, Y/N. Sorry to startle you." "It's fine. It is your house, after all." He has a look of surprise on his face mirrored by your own. "I had forgotten some lyrics I was working on last night." He chuckles, and the vibrations send a tingling feeling throughout your body.
"You didn't happen to see them lying around, did you?" "Uhhh, I don't think so. I'm sorry." "No, no, it's totally okay. I'll find them." A little less frazzled, he finally smells the food you made. "Oh, I made an omelet and toast from some food you had in the fridge. I hope that's okay." "Yeah, that's fine. I'm sorry for interrupting you. You can go back to eating if you want." You can tell he may need some help, but you appreciate him trying to be considerate. "Let me help you out. I finished pretty much all the tasks you gave me, so I can put off eating for a little longer. What did you say those lyrics looked like?" "It’s just a filing folder with lined pieces of paper. They should still be somewhere here in the living room," Yoshi explains, gratefully accepting your offer.
Together, you start searching by the coffee table, flipping through various magazines and yesterday's mail, to no avail. Yoshi checks the nearby shelves and cabinets, his brows furrowing in concentration. You can't help but steal glances at him, the way his hair frames his face, the smell of his perfume hitting your senses every time he slightly passes by. The moment is intimate but not uncomfortable. You both continue to work diligently to find his paper, and for some reason, you have a sense of responsibility for making sure the papers return to their rightful owner.
After about 30 mins of non-stop scouring, Yoshi lets out a small sigh of frustration, running a hand through his hair. "I could've sworn I left them here." You glance around the living room one last time when your eyes land on a small stack of papers slid underneath the couch. You reach for them, pulling them out. "Are these the ones you're looking for?" Yoshi turns to look at you, a sparkle flickers in his sweet eyes. He quickly moves over, taking the papers from your hands and flips through them, "Yes, these are it! Thank you, Y/N." “I'm glad I could help, Yoshi." You felt almost like you were more relieved than he was. But it didn’t matter all that mattered has the smile radiating from his face. He chuckles, shaking his head. "No, seriously. If you weren’t here who knows how long it would’ve took. My boss isn’t the most patient to say the least." “Oh trust me I know how that feels.” At that, you both laugh, the tension from before completely dissipated. It's a nice moment, one that makes you look forward to continuing to house sit for Yoshi.
Yoshi, having found the missing lyrics, quickly gathered his things, thanking you once again before hurrying out the door. Left alone in the quiet house, you turned back to your half-eaten omelet, the cool air making it lukewarm. It wasn’t too bad thought so you finished your meal, finding comfort in the cozy home. After cleaning up your mess you pulled out your laptop and opened up the project you had been working on with Doyoung. Working through the project was a challenge, primarily due to the fact you had to work through what pieces of information he told you were actually relevant. You check through the little notes you guys actually got down and come up with an actually solid thesis.
After a few texts back and forth you and Doyoung managed to make significant progress, feeling a sense of accomplishment as she you finally closed your laptop. In that moment the sun was starting to set, you did one last look around the house, making sure that everything looked just as intended. As you locked the front door behind you, you found yourself looking back on the day of house-sitting. Anticipating what the week would look like. The walk back was refreshing albeit a little lonesome, you didn’t know why, but you suspect it was because of him.
The first week of the job was full of getting accustomed to the new environment. The house, despite its larger size, had a warm feeling that made you easily unwind. You found yourself settling into a comfortable routine, taking care of the house and its inhabitants (fish included) with vigor. Yoshi, despite being absorbed with his work, made sure to check in with you throughout the week. He’d call or text asking if you needed anything and if you were feeling comfortable.
One day, when you mentioned that you had forgotten to bring lunch, he knew the fridge was empty so he surprised you by dropping of some food from the grocery store right quick. “Oh Yoshi you didn’t have too, I could’ve gotten something delivered right quick.” “It’s ok I was on my lunch break as well anyways.” It was a small act, but it spoke volumes about his thoughtful nature. There were other little gestures throughout the week as well. But the most memorable was when you came in on Friday with a note left on the fridge, 'Thank you for everything Y/N, have a nice weekend ;)' written in Yoshi's neat handwriting. The small gestures also made your heart flutter, you found that you had to remind yourself that he is probably this nice to everyone. That didn’t stop your mind from being filled with constant thought of him.
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“I mean you never know until you shoot your shot.”, Doyoung brazenly comments. "You play too much Dobby. He's just being nice, plus he's my boss," you get really defensive, however you’re not able to hide the blush creeping up to your cheeks. "And besides, he has a kid! I don’t know if he’s looking for that all, especially not from me." "Hey, all I'm saying is that the option is clearly available. And you can’t assume his feelings, positive or negative.” He smirks before taking another sip of his boba and continuing to work on your shared project. "Whatever Doyoung..." You roll your eyes at him, your voice trailing off.
Despite what you said, you can't help but acknowledge some truth in his words. Could there be a chance that your feelings for Yoshi weren't unrequited? You haven’t known him long but your thoughts were consumed by the image of him, even when you weren't at his house. His smile, his voice, his scent - they were all you hand on your mind these past few days. You shake your head, trying to clear those thoughts for now. "Doyoung, let's just focus on our project." He raises his brow at the comment but nods, turning his attention back to the work at hand. You try to do the same, but your mind keeps wandering back to Yoshi and the strange, yet warm, feelings that have started to bloom in your heart.
Every corner of Yoshi's house seems to leave an imprint of him. His music sheets scattered scross the coffee table, the doodles of him and Jeongwoo with little captions left on the fridge, the sandwiches left in the fridge for you in case you got hungry. You've gotten adjusted to his routine as well. You know when he gets off for lunch, what days he gets off early, his favorite snacks, and even his favorite songs and TV shows. He's your employer, but he treats you more as a friend, throughout the past few weeks you’ve been working for him you can’t help but feel like you’re relationship is a little more special than that of employer and employee. You can't help but wonder if this is how it always is for him, or if there's something more behind it. “Hey Y/N I have a favor to ask.” “Yeah sure Yoshi what is it?” It’s been about a month now you’ve started to eat dinner with Yoshi when he gets off early, tonight you decided on some chicken katsu, Yoshi was feeling a little homesick. “I was wondering if you’d like to meet Jeongwoo and if that goes well baby sit him this weekend? You’d get paid extra of course…”
Your eyes light up, “Really? I’d love to meet Jeongwoo!” He laughs, that laugh you have come to adore, “Yeah, my parents wanted to go on a day trip but I’m still going to have work that day so I’d need you to watch him till I get home.” “Sounds great to me!” You guys decided on which day this weekend you were going to plan to have you and Jeongwoo meet as well as what would be expected when you watch him the day Yoshi’s gone of course. You couldn’t believe it that Yoshi felt like he could trust you with something as important as this. Jeongwoo was his everything you could tell just from the way he spoke about his little one.
“Dude if you don’t ask him out already,” Doyoung wastes no time. After that project at the beginning of the semester the two of you quickly became best friends. “Oh my god bruh, shut up. Although…” “See I told you, you need to just start openly flirting and see how he reacts at this point because I don’t know anyone else who regularly eats dinner with their boss who also now wants them to meet his kid.” Doyoung has gotten more persistent in telling you to ask Yoshi out. “I just don’t know Dobby what if he doesn’t see me that way. Ugh, I don’t think I could handle that right now.” You were never this bad with rejection in the past but with Yoshi it’s different he’s perfect, he’s your shooting star. “If you wanna keep suffering from one-sided love that’s on you, I’ve already told you what I think. Now can we please finish looking over this textbook section I’m not tryna bomb this test tomorrow.” You sigh and agree, even when your friend ends up falling asleep on call you circle back on his advice. He’s right you’ll never know unless you try, and you decide you’re goal is after baby sitting Jeongwoo to ask him out.
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You were back to the beginning standing on Yoshi’s doorstep prepping yourself to push the doorbell, this time you heart raced with more anticipation than before. Having spent the past month and a half house-sitting for Yoshi was nothing when you consider that you were meeti g your boss’, you have a crush on, kid. “Hi Y/n, Jeongwoo is in the living room right now playing come on in!”As you walk into the familiar room you find Jeongwoo playing with his toys just as Yoshi said he was, he had a big toothy grin on his face and innocence in his eyes. “Hey buddy I got someone I want you to meet.” His gaze drawn to his fathers voice. He gets up hiding behind his dads leg as he studies your expression. “Jeongwoo this is Y/N she’s daddy’s friend. Introduce yourself.” He’s reluctant, “Hello Y/n I’m Jeongwoo.” you chuckled softly, he was so cute and resembled his father a lot. "Nice to meet you Jeongwoo. Is it ok if I play with you?” Jeongwoo looks to his dad for approval, once Yoshi gives an affirming nod, his smile slowly started to return, “Ok!” And you follow the little boy to sit down and play with the doctors kit you had put away many times before.
As Yoshi observed your interactions with Jeongwoo, he felt a storm of emotions. Watching you playing with his precious little one, seeing the genuine care and warmth in you had for him, Yoshi felt his heart twist and turn. Yoshi found himself lost in thought, reflecting on thesmall time you had spent together but noting just how comfortable and natural it felt. "Dad, look at this!" Jeongwoo's excited voice brought Yoshi back to the present, to show him a drawing you had help him make. “This is lovely bud, I’m gonna hang up right here ok?” “Ok, and Y/n helped so you should thank her too.” The look in his eyes being filled with sincerity, ”Thank you Y/N””Anytime Yoshi.” In that moment it became abundantly clear to Yoshi that his feelings for you were stronger than friendship or gratitude. He was in love with you.
Your first meeting with Jeongwoo was successful and you were set to babysit him this Thursday. And with Yoshi’s realization he was growing even more anxious. The last time he let someone into his life, the last time he loved someone, they left. Without a traces Jeongwoo’s mom left him, with only a note saying, “I’m sorry Yoshi. This is goodbye, take care of Jeongwoo for me. -XXX” What if you did the same, Jeongwoo wasn’t old enough to be affected when his mom lleft but if you left now… He hoped you wouldn’t, you were the best thing that’s happened to him a long a time. And Jeongwoo already loves you just as much as he did. “Please don’t leave me…” Is the last thing he mumbles softly, before drifting off to sleep.
Today is the long awaited day, arriving at Yoshi’s house around your usual time you enter. Before the boys get home you decided to clean up a bit, not neglecting the duties you were originally hired for, and as you finish up you hear a tiny footsteps from the front door. “Jeongwoo take of your shoes please before you—” “Y/N!” Before you have time to react the tiny boy has already jumped into your arms. “Jeongwoo~, ahh you’ve gotten so big since I last saw you.” “REALLY?” You try to respond right away but he sounded exactly like his dad on that first day you teo met and it instantly melted your heart. “Yes bubba! Now lets go take off your shoes and get ready to say bye-bye to your dad ok?” While directing him back to the front door you and Yoshi exchange a glance.
It was a glance of passion, of admiration, of love? You didn’t have to much time to think about it before Yoshi had to get going, ‘I should be back by around 7, have fun you two.” “Ok we will, Jeongwoo say bye.” “Bye Daddy~” They exchanged a embrace with kiss on the cheek and before you knew it he was gone. You and Jeongwoo started off with homework (which in pre k is addition, abc’s, and maybe some coloring sheets) which you knocked out quickly. After that you guys play for a while, you pretended to be his patient, “Oh no Dr. Jeongwoo will I be ok?” “Yes, it’s just a broken leg you’ll feel better soon. Your medicine is a cast and a nice big hug!” “Thank you so much Doctor.” Before you knew it it was dinnertime, hanging out with Jeongwoo has been so much fun that you didn’t even realize it was almost 7:30.
“Hey bubba I don’t know why your dad is late but I think it’s time to get ready for bed.” “Awww…” He gives you the cutest little pout just like Yoshi when you tell him you have to go. “I know but we can play more tomorrow if you really want to ok?” He nods. You then get him ready for bed and he goes to sleep without issues, but not it’s almost 8 and you’re really worried about Yoshi. Why is he late, did he get stuck in traffic, is he safe, did something happen at work? Until the front door opens in coming a very tired Yoshi. “Sorry I’m late there was a really bad accident on the freeway. How did everything go.” You didn’t care if it seemed inappropriate in that moment you were overcome with relief.
You hugged him a tight one at that, “I was so worried.” He doesn’t know how to react, you were worried about him? He accepts the hug, “I’m Sorry, next time I’ll tell you when something like that happens, I promise.” You step back allowing yourself to get a good view of his face and him of yours. Something is different tonight you can feel it. “Hey, do you wanna drink a beer with me? I’m assuming you put Jeongwoo to bed and are a little tired?” You chuckle at his suggestion as his cheeks turn slightly rosy. After cracking open the case of beers you guys sit and talk, Yoshi brings up that Jeongwoo likes you. “He couldn’t stop talking about you—” “Oh really?” “Yeah… and neither could I.” This time when your eyes meet you both see each other feelings very clearly now. “I can’t stop thinking about you, I need you, I wan’t you, shit I think…I love you.”
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In seconds your lips are crashed together, his hands navigating towards your waist as you both sink into the couch, “I need you so badly.” “Me too,” you gasp during the fight between your tongues. Your lips swollen mouth going numb from the intensity, “Are you sure you want this?” Yoshi asks breaking the two of you apart, “I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you right now Yoshi.” A low groan echoed from his lips, he quickly removes his shirt and helps you rid of yours. After, immediately reconnecting your wet lips together, teeth and lips and tongues clashing against one another as the space between you continued to decrease. He starts to trail down your neck, leaving small kisses scattered across your plush skin. “You’re so gorgeous,” he murmured against your chest, nipping lightly at your skin and leaving fluttering kisses across your torso. “So, beautiful baby.”
You are startled when his skillful hands undo the clasp of your bra, hastily tossing it to the side. His touch on your skin felt like burning bruises. You were melting at his touch and his scent overwhelmed your senses. “Yoshi,” you whimpered, clinging to him like he was going to ruin away, “I need you…now.” “Yeah?” He started to unbutton your pants, sliding them down your legs and throwing them with the rest of your clothes. His followed soon after. He teased you pulling at the hem of your underwear. “Love, do you really want this?”, he asks a final time before continuing. You nod, “As cute as your facial expressions are, I need words babe.” It’s a little late to be embarrassed now isn’t it, “Yes. Yoshinori please make love to me.” He smirked at you, that’s all he needed to hear. He quickly dealt with your underwear and proceeded to settle in between your legs. Letting them fall naturally over his shoulders. “I think that’s something I can definitely do.”
He kissed up your thighs, biting gently and leaving faint marks over the bare skin. You shuddered with every pressed kiss. The one on your clit giving you an instant of pleasure and relief where you needed him most. “You ready baby?” That melodic voice and glowing eyes you fell in love with looking for your approval once again yet this this time filled with lust. You were tired of holding back. You nod giving him the go ahead and he waste no time burying his face between your legs, licking a slow stripe over your entrance, “You smell and taste so good baby. You’re so perfect love.”
You could only hum in response, the way his tongue and his lips felt against your body had your mind running laps. Threading your fingers through his hair and pushed his face harder against you, he couldn’t help but letting his groans reverberate off you. Your orgasm was climbing up faster than you anticipated. You hadn’t had sex in a while so you knew it was gonna feel good but not this good. “Wait, Yo-Yoshi,” you managed to moan out, pushing his face away from you. He looked up at you, your arousal dripping from his chin. Did he do something wrong? Did you change your mind? “I need you inside…I wanna cum with you…”
He chuckles with a grin forming on his face once again leaning in to give you another passionate sloppy kiss. “Let me see…” He goes over checking in the TV stand for some condoms to no avail. “Shit…Love i’m sorry I—” You grab his arm and face him towards you, shutting him up with a kiss before speaking again, “Im clean and on the pill. I wanted you raw anyways baby.” Hearing how badly you wanted him as much as he wanted you put him at ease. He finally releases his dick from his boxers painfully hard and covered in pre cum. “Are you ready?” He asked softly lining up with your entrance, caressing your hair out of your faces gently. That look of care as if you were going to break with his touch. “I’m so ready.”
You squeezed his shoulders and gasped softly, trying not to make too much noise as he slowly bottomed out. It’s unlikely you’ll wake Jeongwoo considering he’s all the way upstairs but it’s better to be safe than sorry. He lets out a disheveled moan into your ears, hands gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises in the morning. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” Yoshi groaned quietly, his breathing heavy as he let’s you adjust to his size. “Move. Please…” you finally whimper, “Please… I need you.” His pace was slow to start, thrusting fully in and out of you making sure to feel every inch of you. Your lips locked together as to hide the lewd noises that threatened to escape at any moment. God you were so beautiful all he could do was whisper sweet nothings to you.
“I really love you, Y/N,” he moaned, “I don’t know the last time I loved someone as much as you.” “I love you too. So much,” you whined out, coming closer to your climax your vision became less and less focused, “Yoshi—Baby—I’m so close right there—mmm” Watching how good you felt and feeling how well you were milking him all he could do was agree. “Me too, baby, cum with me.” You nodded quickly, whines escape your lips from the overwhelming passion in your core. His pace started to stagger, “Fuck, I’m coming, baby.” Circling your clit the two of you came together. He held you closer to him as he released into you. You’re both out of breath, “Y/n…” suddenly his eyes are back to the Yoshi you know. “Yeah baby?”, looking at him you can’t help but fall in love all over again. “Please don’t leave me…I don’t know what I would do, what Jeongwoo would do if you left us now. Just stay with me ok, not just tonight but every night please?” “Oh Yoshi, how could I ever leave you.” You give him a quick peck on his sweaty forehead before reassuring him that you love him.
You end up laying there for a while before you both get up to do aftercare and cuddle in bed. You weren’t sure how things turned out this way exactly, or how you would explain it in the future but that didn’t matter to you right now. All you needed in that moment was each other and that was enough.
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all works belong to @standardfriends - copyright © 2024
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silent-raven13 · 2 months
The Drums of Libration!!!!
Miles happily skips to his boyfriend holding his hands, "Hobie baby! You excited for our next tattoo?"
"Yeah, Sunflower! It'll be our first matching tattoos." Hobie grins happily at their tattoos on the piece of paper Miles drew. "Where you gonna get this one?"
"Oh my shoulder, here." Miles pointed at his right shoulder at the side. "What about you?"
"I think on my chest, I have space here." He place a finger in between his pecks. The two went to one popular tattoo shop in Brooklyn where the tattoo artist is known for their Anime and cartoons designs and Miles really wanted one of his work on him.
When they got to the Tattoo Shop, they saw the very decorative graffiti style with cartoons, anime, and other colorful vivid images. When they went inside the shop, Miles happily went to the front desk to tell them about their appointment for their tattoos.
Hobie stood seeing a mix of different types of people sitting and waiting for their own appointment. One girl with bright blue hair and neon outfits, another in a girly pink dress that looks like a maid outfit and she wore a pink wig. Then a man with a basic fit of shirt and sweats. Another Goth, Punker, and so on. Hobie nodded in approval of this place seeing how welcoming it is.
"Alright, who's next?" The tattoo artist came out wearing a black tank with a Jamaican flag on it, having medium locks hairstyle and piercings on his ears and one on his nose. A tall dark skinned male with tight grey jeans and boots, then grins as he spotted Miles, "Aye, my brother! What's good, man?"
"Hey, Trey! How you been, man!" Miles went over to hug him being happy to see him.
Trey happily picks him up showing him big love with his big hugs, "MMM! Man, haven't gotten the Morales hug in a while." He chuckles. Hobie frowns at this, he knew his boyfriend knows the tattoo artist, but he didn't expect them to be so chummy with one another. "Where have you been? You missed last Anime-Con!"
"Hahaha, been super busy man." Miles gave a sheepish smile as he got down from the hug, "This upcoming one I promise I'll be there with Ganke!" Trey was getting close into Miles' personal space like enough that it look like they were more than something.
The punker clears his throat, "Ahem," Then got between his Sunflower and the tattoo artist. Trey had to take a step back noticing the tall Punker wrapping his arms around Miles' waist being protective and sneering at him like you-be-warned.
"Oh this is my boyfriend, Hobie! Remember I told you about him!"
"Ohh, so this is the British boi!" Trey chuckles in amusement, "Do you prefer tea and crumpets in Britain, ole chap?" Using a fake British accent, being a bit funny and amused. "Pardon. Pardon. I just joke."
"Hah, I prefer a good ale and fish n' chips with mi Sunflower. Yuh pretty chatty chatty, eh?" Hobie rested his chin on his Sunflower's nape of his shoulder.
Trey took in Hobie's faded Jamaican accent then nodded with a grin, "Aye, man. I'm only picking fun, besides Miles is a good friend of mine."
"Bae, don't be so mean. Trey is a fun guy. I thought you guys would click." Miles happily said.
For Hobie, it takes a while for him to be friends with people especially when he can tell someone eyes on his beloved Sunflower. He knows that look Trey is giving toward Miles, it's almost too flirty like a crush. Nope, he did not like him. Not one bit. "Hahaha, looks like I piss him off, lil Sun." Trey chuckles.
"Sun?" Hobie asked out loud.
Miles giggles, "It's a nickname Trey gave me. No biggie."
"No biggie? The Punker asked being a bit jealous at the way Trey laughs along with Miles.
"Yeah, he calls me, Ace!" He grins widely.
Hobie pouted at the two laughing and talking. "So, you two got an appointment? Sweet, you're with me and Monica?" Trey asked the couple.
"Yeah, we want this tattoo!" Miles took his drawing to show his friend, "Hehehe."
"Ohh yes!" Trey's golden eyes gleams with joy, "I didn't know your boi like One Piece!"
"He became a fan after years of forcing him to watch it!" The Black Latino smiles having to snuggle his punker, "Right, bae?"
"I rarely watch cartoons on the telly." The Punker shrugs.
Trey patted on Hobie's back with a thumbs up, "You have my approval, man!" The Punker's eyes bulge out when he saw Trey having the Sun Pirate tattoo on the back of his neck, "Yes sir! Yes, sir! Yes, sir! My brother heard the drums of libration! Welcome to the Sun Pirate Gang-GANG, man!" He happily grab Hobie's shoulders shaking him.
Miles happily laughs feeling like this was deja vu except it's his boyfriend experiencing this. "We love the story of the Sun Pirates and thought to get one together!!"
"Nice! Nice! Come on, then! I'll be happy to tattoo this!" Trey put one arm around Hobie's neck having to drag him into the back, while Miles follows. "Monica! Work with Miles, okay?"
"OKay, Trey." A dark skinned woman dressed in Goth clothing nodded. "Hey, Miles. What do you want?"
While Hobie went with Trey and his Sunflower went with the other tattoo artist, Miles happily talk with Monica. It's weird to see how quiet the punker got with Trey. Maybe it was his jealousy.
"So, how long you and Miles been together?" The tattoo artist saw where Hobie want's his tattoo.
"Oh man, like seven years?"
"Damn, that's fucking crazy? How old are you?" Trey began preparing Hobie's chest by shaving the hairs off.
Hobie grins, "Twenty three."
"A year older, huh? Not bad. Not bad, man." He said.
"How long you knew Miles?"
"Oh I met him through Ganks through social media, he saw one of my tattoos and booked it. Then we got together to go to Anime-con. That was like three years ago?" He asked trying to remember.
"Oh really? I haven't heard of you. Not to sound like an ass."
"Eh, I come and go. I travel a lot." Trey pointed at his shirt, "I went to Jamaica for three months to visit my dad's side of the family not too long ago."
"Oh really? What's your last name?"
"Rollins, well Jason Rollins. You can say the British has got my fam, too." Trey chuckles lowly.
Hobie laughs the same, "Yuh, bunch of wankers."
Trey laughs as he got ready to put the paper with some blue ink stain to put on Hobie's chest. "Yeah, no good comes from colonization. That's why we are soldiers of Libration! We believe in Joyboy!" He proud should off his One Piece pirate flag on his left arm being proud.
"We are Warriors of Libration." Hobie grins widely.
After the tattoo, Miles happily went to show his shoulder off. "Thanks Monica. It came out fire! Did you like yours, baby?" He asked his punker having to wrap his arms around his punker's waist and smiles.
"Yeah, luv. it came out fucking Ace." Hobie smiles to give a kiss at his partner.
Trey grins widely, "I told you we be friends, Miles."
"Hahaha, I knew you guys would get along. Once you passed my bae's jealousy attitude." Miles giggles as he takes out his wallet to be ready to pay the tattoos.
"Bollicks. I wasn't jealous." Hobie scoffs.
Trey snickers while Miles gave him a look, "Oh yeah?" He was about to get close to Miles until Hobie stops him.
"Aye, man. That's my Sunflower." He hugs his boyfriend being protective again.
"Bae! You're too funny." Miles gives kisses on his punker's cheek, "Trey, be careful. My boo doesn't play with me being involved.
"Noted." Trey chuckles in amusement.
Hobie huffs as he kept being protective of his darling.
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mysticbeaver · 5 months
I mentioned to @fish-bowl-2 I had an idea for a short mistletoe-centered fic lying by the wayside. Thanks for prodding me to do this, it was a bit tough and I spent too long on this silly thing 🥴 but enjoy the read! (or not)
(The characters are older teens in this)
It Is the Tradition
The front door was opened by a beaming Nazz, not-so-Christmas-y music coming from inside the house.
“Heeeyyy, Snazzy… where’s the partyyyy?
“It’s right here, baby!!!”
Standing right behind his partner, Edd opted for a milder “Greetings”, earning a courteous nod from her.
"Has Ed arrived already?"
“Yeah! He’s…” She glanced back inside and giggled. “He’s showing off his dance moves to Kevin and Rolf, actually.”
She let them in and led them to the living room.
“Hey, people… congrats, Ed, you came early.” Eddy punched his arm. “I guess you get an extra present for this."
"Oooh, I can't wait to see..." He skipped in place with excitement.
Eddy moved on to the other two guests with a wicked smile.
“So tell me, handsome...” He reached up and patted the tall farmer’s stubbled cheek. “Didya get any Christmas present for your boyfriend?”
Rolf’s eyes widened. “Boy… friend?”
Swallowing awkardly, Kevin forced a sneer. “Tch! The comedian’s here… the only gay couple around right now is you guys.”
Edd rolled his eyes to hide his embarrassment.
“I see the well-wishing Christmas regards are being regularly exchanged… very reassuring.”
Eddy checked his fingernails absent-mindedly. “It gets kinda lonely, Kev... I was hoping we could strike up a club!"
“Ech…” Kevin stuck out his tongue. “Mind your own business. Can’t dudes be bros for once? Rolf and me, man…” He gave a strong pat on his friend’s back.
“We’re total bros, ain’t that right, Rolfo?”
“Oh, y-yes, Kevin! Eh…” Rubbing his neck, he made a finger-gun gesture. “Righteous, as you say!”
“Huhuh, Kevo’s taught ya well! Been spending lotsa time together, I see…”
“Rolf’s mom made Kevin that sweater, guys!” Nazz walked in the room with a tray of eggnog glasses. “Isn’t that sweet?”
“Y-yeah!” Kevin put a hand on his hip. “Rolf’s parents are just cool like that.”
The short Ed squinted at them. “Eeehh... I got my eye on you…” He glanced at Nazz with a wink and she winked back at him knowingly.
Kevin decided to focus his attention on Ed, who was shifting his legs and feet along to the music, and with a certain intensity to boot.
"Ain’t gonna lie… ya got some good moves, dude!”
“Hehehe, thanks, Ke-whoa!” SLAM!
Ed fell to the ground with a booming thump - in his fun, he’d managed to tie his shoes together through sheer foot-shifting.
“Wow, yer complimenting Ed now? It sure is Christmas time!”
“Hey, Eddy?" Nazz tugged at his arm. "Could you help me in the kitchen a moment? You always say you're good with food...”
“Hehe, just tell me what you need, honey.”
He licked his lips the moment they walked into the kitchen.
“Huh, I don’t think this needs any help.”
“No, actually…”, she whispered, getting closer to him.
“I need another kind of help… those two are driving me mad!” She waved her arms at him, frustrated.
“Who? You mean…” He let out a wheezy laugh. “I getcha... listen, I'll give ya five bucks if you can just get them under the mistletoe, right now.”
"Double Dee once told me about, uh... the easiest solution being the best one! It was called, uh, someone's razor, or something like that..." He rubbed his forehead.
He stared at her in surprise. "You know this stuff?"
"...It's basic philosophy, dude."
He frowned silently for a moment. "Whatever...", he muttered, reaching for one of the treats on the table. "Mmm, yumm-OW!"
She slapped his hand. "Don't steal!"
"Just one...", he pleaded.
"First we have to execute... Operation Mistletoe!" She laughed.
While Ed and Kevin were trying to convince Edd to dance, Rolf peeked for the umpteenth time at the mistletoe hanging down from the rear archway - he’d been eyeing it since his arrival, and he finally took advantage of the commotion to absent himself and examine it. He moved under it, rubbing his stubbled chin as he inspected the decoration with doubtful eyes.
“Mmm... Rolf is not fooled by the false ornament…”
Edd overheard his mumbling and laughed lightly.
“...hey, Ed, check this out…”
He left Ed and Kevin to trade moves and walked up to the perplexed farmer.
“It’s a fake mistletoe, isn't it? Of course you’d be bothered, Rolf.”
“Yes, it is not a real… mistletoe, as it goes in English. You people like to do forgery of plants, yes? Rolf will never understand…”
Edd shrugged. “Well… sometimes one requires an easy decoration for festivities. The symbolic meaning is what’s important, and this is one of the hallmark symbols of Christmas, after all.”
He saw Rolf was clearly puzzled by his last statement.
“Oh! Are you not familiar with the delightful mistletoe custom?”
Rolf shook his head. “In Rolf’s homeland, it is used in winter solstice celebrations… but what does it have to do with the celebration of senseless spending of consumer goods?"
"Gee, that sounds like something you'd say, Sockhead!"
Edd shushed him with a wave of his arm and collected himself. “Ah, Rolf, well..." He proudly stuck a finger up, jumping at the opportunity to teach something to Rolf.
“It’s a tradition which started in Victorian England, in the nineteenth century. It’s quite simple, really. When two, ehm…partners stand under the mistletoe, well…” He fidgeted with his hands. “They have to kiss each other. That’s it.” He shrugged and chuckled shyly.
“Aahhh…” Rolf leaned his head back in understanding. “Rolf’s ears like this meeting-of-mouths-ritual!” He laughed heartily.
Nazz caught Kevin staring vacantly at his ‘buddy’ and went to pinch his cheek, startling him out of his trance.
“Earth to Kevin…”, she whispered, before grabbing him by the shoulders.
“Sorry, Kev… you’ll thank me for this later.”
She suddenly threw him as hard as she could towards Rolf, making him bump roughly into his taller companion. Rolf had to hold him to keep him from tumbling to the ground - they exchanged confused glances before turning to Nazz.
“W-what the hell was that for???”
Beaming, she pointed above their heads. They looked up, and then at each other. Rolf was still holding him, and both their faces went tomato red.
“Uh? N-no way, dude!”, Kevin stuttered, freeing himself from the grasp.
“Ah-ah-ah, you can’t back out of it, Boxhead!”
“You were right, Eddy”, Nazz laughed. “It was that easy!”
"What are you-" Kevin gasped, suddenly feeling Rolf’s hand on his back, pulling him way too close to his face. The farmer scowled defensively at the others.
“The son of a shepherd will not let our honor be mocked! The tradition will be respected."
Mouth agape, Kevin lost his voice completely when Rolf turned to him again.
“We will show loudmouth Ed-boy and go-go-Nazz-girl, yes?” Grinning, he wiggled his mono-brow seductively before closing the distance between them.
Nazz squealed while Eddy erupted in incredulous cackling.
“Way to shut him up, Rolfy!”
Ed started clapping, soon infecting the others - even Edd couldn’t help but join in the scene. Rolf finally pulled away with a proud smile spreading on his blushing face.
“Hohoho! Many thanks, my friends! Many thanks…” He bowed dramatically to them.
Nazz whooped. “It was about time, you guys!”
“Kevo’s still reeling! Hahaha!”
Dazed, he saw Nazz wiggling her hand at the short Ed, a satisfied smirk on her face - he took out a five-dollar note and eagerly handed it to her.
“W-what the…”, Kevin sputtered. Feeling steam come out of his ears, he pointed a finger at the two accomplices.
“Is this a prank??? ‘Cause I swear…”
Rolf looked at him with a hurt expression. “Did you not enjoy Rolf's kiss?"
Kevin pouted, arms crossed. "Not if it's a joke!" He glanced up at him. “Wait… you’re not kidding?”
Rolf’s frown melted into a reassuring smile.
“But of course, Rolf is not jesting, Kevin-boy!”
Kevin still glared at him. "Alright, then..."
He let his friend pull him in and kiss him softly once more.
“Awww, guys!”
“Dammit, Lumpy, ya didn’t have to burst my eardrum!”
As the two under the mistletoe separated again, Kevin looked at their audience and finally cracked a sheepish smile. He turned back to Rolf, who responed with a similarly goofy grin.
“It is the tradition, yes?”
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Eddie and Mika Pregnancy fluff blurbs
Warnings: 18+, pregnancy (duh), cravings, insecurities, a little angst, Sweet baby boy being an emotional sweetheart
Ship: Forged in Hellfire
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"So how are we feeling today, Mom?" The Obstetrician, Dr. Carrigan asks.
"Kind of, tired," Mika admits, settling back in her chair.
"Well, that's to be expected, you're growing a whole new person in there," she looks over her charts, glancing up at Eddie, "And what about you, dad? You look nervous. You excited to know the sex?"
"He just wants to know if he owes me twenty bucks," Mika teases and he glares at her playfully, "He keeps sayin' it's a boy, but I know it's a girl."
"I see," the doctor chuckles, "You ready to put your money where your mouth is?"
Mika pushes up her shirt and they watch doctor work around the wand. Eddie's face falls slightly when his gaze drifts to the scars littering her abdomen.
The scars slowly starting to stretch as her stomach swells. The scars she got trying to trying to protect him. The same scars marring his body even after all these years. The scars he blames himself f-
"Oh! There she is."
His eyes snap up to the screen showing the ultrasound image.
"Looks like you're gonna have to pay up, dad," Carrigan jokes, but it doesn't even register with him.
He leans closer and he can feel himself going misty eyed.
It's not an uncommon occurrence for him to get emotional during these appointments, which in turn gets Mika crying too.
"Jesus christ..." he feels Mika's wrap one of the curls that fell from his ponytail around her finger, but he can't bring himself to tear his eyes from the screen.
"You okay, bubs?"
"Yeah I just- fuck," he chuckles and a few tears roll down his cheeks, "I'm just so glad I didn't fucking die."
Carrigan is stunned silent for a moment as she watches the two.
"Oh... Bubs," Mika coos. She reaches out for him and he sniffles as he buries his face in her neck.
"Hey, Eds?"
He looks up in time for Mika to plop onto his lap.
"How're my beautiful girls doing tonight, hm?" He smiles against her cheek, holding her close.
She hums, melting at his affection.
"Can you do me a favor, bubs?" She mutters shyly.
"Of course, sweetheart. What d'you need?"
"Can you, um..."
"What's wrong, baby?"
"I know it's late but," she plays with his rings as he looks up at her on curiosity, "Could you maybe go get me those spicy chips I like? We don't have any and 'm really craving heat."
"Course I can," He says. He knows it's long past 10 pm, but he'd do anything she asked to see that smile.
She grins excitedly, cupping his cheeks before planting an extremely loving kiss on his lips.
"I love you," she whimpers, squishing their foreheads together
"Aw, Songbird," his heart melts, kissing her nose, "I love you too."
She squeaks when he dips her back, lips landing softly on her swollen stomach, "Love both my gorgeous girls."
He carefully slides her onto one of the other cushions, stands up, and wraps the throw from the back of the couch around her shoulders.
"And if my girls want snacks, snacks are what they shall get," he kisses her forehead, "I'll be back soon, you want anything else? I could get you some Swedish Fish or hazelnut ice cream? Whatever you want."
"Just drive safe, and don't take too long," She pulls him back down to kiss him again.
"Mika, Baby - heh- Sweetheart... I thought- mmm! I thought you wanted snacks."
"I dooo," she whines, still not letting him go.
"Then you gotta let me go, pretty girl," He laughs, but he let's her continue to love on him.
"Don't wanna," she pouts. She tugs him back down next to her, and he lets her, "Jus' lemme hold you."
He shudders when her nails scratch at his scalp.
"Mmmm... fuck... Sweetheart, c'mon," He pulls away and chuckles as she tries to follow, "Hey now, don't give me the sad eyes, you're the one that asked for snacks."
He sighs when she whines, "I know you want cuddles, Songbird. 'Nd I'll give you all the snuggles you can handle when I get back, I promise. But you gotta let me go get you your goodies."
"All the snuggles I can handle?" She asks.
"And then some," He assures her, "I know it's a lot since you're cuddling for two and all, but I think I can manage."
Eddie can hear grumbling from the bedroom. He turns the stove down and steps towards the noise.
"Mika?... Songbird, you okay?" He asks, pushing the door open.
"It doesn't fit," She huffs.
He watches her slump onto the bed in defeat and throw whatever is in her hand.
"What doesn't fit, sweetheart?" He asks. He kneels down between her legs and leans back to pick up the crumpled white fabric on the floor. He messes with it until he sees what shirt it is, her Hellfire shirt, "Babygirl..."
"It's my favorite," She sniffles, "I wanted to wear it."
"Oh, I know baby but we knew this was gonna happen sooner or later," He runs his hands over her thighs, but it doesn't stop a tear from falling down her cheek and breaking his heart, "Hey, wait here a second."
He gets up and starts digging through the dresser.
"Found it!" He turns around holding up his club shirt, smiling triumphantly. It has a few stains on it and a small hole in the sleeve, but looks well-loved, "Here, try this on."
He helps her pull it over her head. It's bigger than hers and doesn't stretch quite as awkwardly around her stomach.
"'M stretching it out," She mutters.
"No, you're not," He argues, wiping away another stray tear, "And you look beautiful."
"I look like a whale!"
"Hey! That's my wife you're talking about there, Missy," He says, faking sternness, "And I don't much appreciate that tone you're taking while talking about her."
"No but's," He frowns, "I won't listen to that slanderous tone. Not when you're talking about the most beautiful girl to ever exist."
His facade cracks when he sees her start to blush and he reaches up to caress her warming cheek.
"You're too sweet on me," Her face turns into his palm.
"That's not possible."
He leans his forehead against her baby bump and mutters, "Mommy's bein' silly, darlin'. Keeps thinkin' she's not the most gorgeous being on the face of the earth. But we both know she is, don't we?"
"Are you two conspiring against me down there?"
"What? Me? Conspire? Never!" He grins up at her, "But I should probably go check on dinner."
"Alright Mikaela it's time, I need you to push when I say, okay?" The doctor says.
"Eddie?" She whimpers, reaching out for him.
He takes her hand, pushing her already sweat-soaked hair from her face, "I'm here, baby."
"I-I'm scared."
She's shaking and her eyes are so wide.
"I know, Sweetheart. I know you are, but you gotta listen to the doctor, okay?" He gets as close to her as he can, arm around her shoulder as she clings to his hand, "You squeeze me as hard as you need."
"I don't wanna-"
"Don't worry about me, just breathe."
"Holy shit..."
Mika wills her eyes open to see Eddie holding a bundle of white fabric in his arms. Their daughter.
She makes a noise to get his attention.
"She... She's so fucking beautiful," He breathes, cradling her gently against his chest.
"Can I see?" She croaks, "Please? I wanna hold her."
"Of course, you can," he carefully sits on the edge of the bed and sets her in Mika's arms.
She's awake and looking around and Mika immediately starts blubbering.
"Look at you," She coos, hand cupping her tiny cheek, "Eddie, she's got your eyes! Oh my god, she's precious... We never picked a name."
"I did," Eddie says quietly, and Mika chuckles.
"Care to share with the class?"
He almost looks embarrassed, "Vivian..."
She smiles fondly at the baby in her arms, "After your mom."
"Yeah, i-if you don't like it we can-"
"I love it."
He's sure the hearts in his eyes are permanent now.
He watches them for a few minutes until Mika's eyes start drooping again.
"Hey," he says softly, reaching for the baby, but she pulls her closer.
"Don't wanna let her go yet," She whines.
"She's not going anywhere," he promises, "You'll get to hold her as much as want when you're not on the verge of passing out."
She still makes a noise of protest when he takes her from her arms.
It's the first time of many she'll be woken by crying, but not the last time she'll find Eddie cooing softly over their child.
"I know, honey," he says in a hushed tone, "I wanna snuggle with mommy too, but she needs to sleep. You thoroughly exhausted her."
He softly bounces her in his arms and presses a kiss to her forehead, "Shh... It's okay, go back to sleep, sweet girl."
"She wants Mommy time," she smiles sleepily.
"Oh, now you've done it," Eddie teases her, "You woke up the monster."
"Yep, and the monster wants her baby," she says as she makes grabby hands towards him.
It's almost instantaneous, the moment Vivian is in Mika's arms, she stops crying. Eddie stares in bewilderment for a moment before his eyes narrow, "Little traitor."
"I can't believe we made this."
"She looks just like you," he says, but she shakes her head.
"Are you kidding me? She's like a little clone of you!" She exclaims and Viv giggles, "Yes! You look just like daddy. And I bet you're gonna be a little gremlin like him too, huh?"
"Lies and slander!" He laughs before looking at Vivian, "Don't you listen to a single word she's saying! Daddy is a valiant and chivalrous knight."
She reaches over and tugs him to sit next to her and leans back against his shoulder.
"My brave knight," she sighs and he kisses the top of her head, "You're still a pain in my ass, though."
Forged in Hellfire taglist: @pointlesslygay
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memestockpile · 9 months
the ghost and mr. chicken (1966) feel free to change as needed.
he was walking along the street, when bang! right on the head!
for heaven’s sake, stand back.
whatever you do, keep your head.
i don’t want to stay here by myself!
a terrible thing happened! i got the pictures and everything!
cool it, sport.
will somebody listen to me?
calm? calm? do “murder” and “calm” go together? 
what are you trying to do, make a fool out of me?
nice work, scoop.
wonder who done him in? i can’t wait to read the morning paper and find out.
why don’t you run up an alley and holler “fish”?
what are you doing here? you’re dead!
we shouldn’t laugh. we really shouldn’t. 
a person is never dead until their pulse is stopped, [name].
lay off, will you?
i don’t blame you one iota.
i wouldn’t go near there for $200.
it’s a murder house.
why don’t you come in for some coffee?
she’s an awful sweet girl. 
yeah, she’s a good kid. 
i just love the sun, don’t you?
good morning, sugar.
boy, you look like a million bucks.
you know, of all your sweaters, i love this one the most.
we had a seance at the house last night, and it ran on until all hours. 
don’t tell me you believe in that sort of thing. 
you try and you try and you try, and what do you get? heartaches!
you had a good murder story going there. only trouble was, nobody got killed.
mr. boob. that’s me. b-double-o-b... boob!
stabbed her right in the throat. they never did find out what with. 
i just don’t happen to believe in ghosts... particularly. 
‘cause you got spunk. 
there’s a very active spirit life in that old house. 
what was that? i’m afraid i wasn’t following the conversation. 
the supernatural doesn’t bother you?
i’ll get us a booth and order for you. what would you like?
did you happen to see yesterday’s paper?
gee, that’s an exciting idea.
you know, even though most people say they don’t believe in ghosts, it takes an awful lot of nerve to spend the night in that spooky old place. 
hi, honey. sorry i couldn’t have lunch with you.
put that on my tab.
they say there are still bloodstains. 
i’m just putting your adrenaline in shape, kid. 
don’t get so excited, fella. 
you’re scared and you know it. 
for your information, i work single. just me, myself, and i.
okay, ace. 
holy toledo!
it was terrible! just terrible!
i’ll never get over it as long as i live!
they’re selling like hotcakes. 
no one’s allowed on this property. 
it’s obvious you don’t understand. 
you don’t seem to realize the cosmic importance of this. 
no wonder you have a nervous stomach. 
can i have your autograph?
i just love good food. 
you know, you and i are a lot alike. 
atta boy, [name].
loved your speech. 
i’m gonna tear you to shreds. 
a little pipsqueak like you?
you better save your breath. you’re gonna need it. 
that was just about the best steak i ever ate. 
i didn’t know you knew karate.
my whole body’s a weapon.
[name], do you think i’m crazy?
the whole town is behind you.
[name]’s opinion isn’t worth a hill of beans. 
you’re a darn attractive girl. 
are you trying to say that you like me?
this place is really buzzing. 
now, you just quiet down. 
i only wanted her to like me. 
relax, son. 
you certainly have a flair for turning a colorful phrase. 
mmm, bravo. 
i’m asking you a question.
can’t you curb your imagination for one minute?
i believe in you. i believe in what you stand for. 
that’s akin to love. 
you’re coming in with me, aren’t you?
where do you think you’re going?
if you’ve seen one picture of a woman with shears stuck in her throat, you’ve seen ‘em all.
it’s almost midnight. 
run along home. 
please, just leave me alone. 
won’t do you a bit of good, [name].
you killed them both, didn’t you?
well, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
dead as a doornail. 
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40sandfabulousaf · 17 days
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大家好! Pa and I returned to the little Japanese restaurant where he finished the entire sea bream, seasoned seaweed, edamame and rice by himself. This time we ordered their salmon mono nabe with veggie broth; Pa had rice, I chose udon. A dish of salmon slices was served with each hotpot filled with fresh vegetables: shiitake, enoki, oyster and golden mushrooms, cabbage and Napa cabbage, sweet corn, carrot, as well as tofu cubes. The gas stove was lit and, once the broth began to boil, we lowered the heat and cooked the salmon. After polishing off all this goodness, we added the broth to our rice/udon and finished everything. Healthy can taste so darned delicious!
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Katong Laksa is one of our most famous, but a decent version is available almost everywhere. Each stall injects their special touch to the dish, whether it's a more lemak (rich, thick) broth or plumper see hum (fresh cockles). Laksa was exactly what I craved on a rainy afternoon this week. The stall I bought this from stood out for their ultra thick and large slabs of taupok (tofu puffs) and fish cakes. Their gravy wasn't too spicy, which I was grateful for, but it was lemak enough and the taupok soaked it all up. Mmm yum! I'll definitely return for their laksa and try their other dishes (if I can resist the laksa).
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For my simple breakfast out of compassion for the Palestinians in Gaza this week, I tried herbal flavoured kuai shu mian (instant noodles) from Taiwan, ROC. Boy did the sachets of seasoning, wine and oil give off a robust herbal fragrance! Not only did it smell divine, it was pretty tasty. Noodles were QQ and slurpable as they should be, and there was even a sprinkle of goji berries. The broth tasted as though it had been cooking with herbs for hours; I really liked it! I'm keen to try other flavours like hua diao ji (Chinese wine chicken) and ma you ji (sesame oil chicken) next time. These simple breakfasts are a reminder of what Palestinians in Gaza are going through. How do they go without meat/fish/seafood, eggs and veggies for days on end?
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From time to time, I have what I call our cai fan salad. Comprising dishes from cai fan (mixed dishes and rice) stalls, it's somewhat similar to grilled veggie salads. For this cai fan salad, I selected cabbage, green beans with julienned carrots and braised fu juk, aka dried tofu skin sticks, for protein. Fu juk has an almost meaty texture and is often cooked in the same ways as meat. It is also commonly used in vegetarian dishes to mimic duck, goose or chicken. Cai fan salads are 1 of my go-to meals after my weekly simple breakfasts for nutritional balance. I prefer them to the grassy taste of raw veggies in normal salads.
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Another week is almost ending. We're already into mid-May and soon, it will be June. Where did all the time go? There's a gathering this weekend which I'll share about in the next post. Delicious food and merrymaking, what's not to like? It's also a welcome break from bad things which are happening in the world. Still, I pray for a permanent ceasefire and for parties that continue to arm Israel to be severely punished. It will come. God sees everything. 下次见!
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totallylegitklonoa · 25 days
Link: The Faces of Evil
Link: The Faces of Evil (Zelda) CD-I cut-scenes transcription
The names were taken from http://www.zeldawiki.org/Characters_in_Link:_The_Faces_of_Evil
= Begin =
Link (L): Gee, it sure is boring around here.
The King (K): My boy. This peace is what all warriors strive for.
L: I just wonder what Ganon is up to.
Gwonam: Your majesty. Ganon [gænʌn] and his minions have seized the islands of Koridai.
K: Hmm... How can we help?
G: It is written: only Link can defeat Ganon.
L: Great! I'll grab my stuff!
G: There is no time; your sword is enough.
L: How about a kiss... For luck?
Zelda (Z): You've got to be kidding.
G: Squadila! [squa.dɪ.la] We're off!
L: Wow! What are all those heads?
G: These are the faces of evil. You must conquer each.
L: I guess I better get going.
G: Here! ...Is the map. Where do you wish to go?
Morshu: Lamp oil, rope, bombs? You want it? It's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough rubies.
Morshu: Sorry, Link. I can't give credit. Come back when you a little... Mmm. Richer!
Frozen women: Help! Ganon froze the fountain; I'm stuck!
FW: Here, have some Water of Life.
L: (Gulp, gulp, gulp!)
FW: My, you're thirsty! Oh my goodness!
Fisherman: Biggest crab I ever caught. Heh-heh!
L: It's a Goma!
Fisherman: Yeah, pretty good. Here!
L: Thanks!
Fisherman: Keep going, boy. You're doing real well. Once you get rid of Ganon, we can get back to fishing.
Fish Lady: Dairas [daɪras] came straight from the crater 'ill I boarded the vent. Used a skull for a latch and not one Dairas figured it out.
Ipo: I am the reader Ipo [aɪ.poʊ]. If you bring me the book of Koridai, I will gladly read the secret verse.
Fat (seductive) woman: You're not afraid of dragons. Are you?
L: (Gulp.) Of course not.
Fat woman: Then get my necklace back from Gleeok [gli.ɑk]. Okay? Pretty please?
Old (yellow coat) man: It's [dɛθs] mighty dark with all the evil about. Keep this lantern full. It will light your way.
L: Thanks!
Old man: Not many left, Link. There's Druick [druɪk] 'round the side of Glutko [glʌt.goʊ]. Aye.
G: Look! What has happened!
Ganon: In the darkest nightmare hour, when the moon nor sun has risen, I take Zelda in my power. I shall keep her in my prison.
Ganon: Join me, Link! And I will make your face greatest in Koridai or else you will die!
Ganon: No! Not into the pit! It burns!
Fairy 1: You're doing great, Link!
Fairy 2: You're our hero.
F1: Here's a Life Heart.
F2: We know you can beat Ganon.
F1: You're doing great, Link!
F2: You're our hero.
F1: Here's some Water of Life.
F2: Drink, Link!
Old (ugly) witch: I may be old and ugly, but, I still know a few tricks! Bring some grapple-berries. I'll show you a good one.
Old witch: Stir the berries in the tub. Let the juices soak the glove. Let Link fight and gather cower. For his glove's a glove of power.
L: Wow! Thanks!
Fat woman: How sweet. (Kisses) Muah. My husband gave me this. He's an [abɒmɪnʌm][?] now. Here. It's not much, but, it will still carry water.
Ice queen: Before you face the foul fiend Ganon, you must conquer Fortress Centrum [sɛn.trʌm]. Treasure of death is hidden. Bring it to me. Be gone.
IQ: This shield, both sword and spear deflects, but, cannot stop the villainous curse. This crystal makes the shield reflect cursing the curser with twice the curse.
G: Look! And see Goronu.
Goronu: Wake up, sleepy bones. I'm the living anti cut ner vial throats. Bwuh-ha-ha...
Goronu: I may be hideous, but, after a year of being frozen, you will beg to join me.
L: Hey, Zelda. Wake up!
Goronu [goroʊnu]: What? Link? You saved me!
Goronu: You can't kill me! No, no, no...!
G: See how Harliquin [harlɪqwɪn] capture Koridians?
Computer: You lose.
Koridian: (Sniffles)
Harliquin: Do you know what it means when lose your last ruby?! (Snort.) Now you will work for me! (Snort.) Take him away! (Snort.)
Harliquin: I say your chances are a million to none, but, let's have fun! Anyway!
Harliquin: Now you see me. Now you don't!
Harliquin: Ah! Ah-ha... Lucky shot...
L: Golly!
Astronomer: The stars are made of ice. Thus, the night is cold. Bring the crystal from Sairagon [sɛrɑgɔn] and I will prove the light of ice penetrate more than fire.
Astronomer: Now, if we make a simple vacuum and spin the ice just so. There!
G: Look! ...How Militron [mɪlɪtrɒn] makes his warriors.
Militron: Worthless Koridian. You must be hardened with fire! Go and kill!
Militron: Feel the fire of war!
Militron: Now, you must die!
Militron: Oh my goodness! This is awful!
Fat Girl: My hero! (Kiss) Won't you
L: Oh, God...
FG: ---please jump across that lil' old chasm---
L: Yuck...
FG: ---and cut my daddy's chains? Pretty please? Have a heart.
Smith: Please, Link. Jump and cut these chains. The Arpagos [ɑrpagʌs] are driving me crazy.
Smith: Thanks. Say, you have a Fire Diamond, don't you?
L: Sure!
Smith: Then let me fix your sword. Let's see how it works.
L: Wow!
Beer guy: What are you're havin' partner? [pɑrtə]
L: I'm going to fight Glutko.
BG: Don't fight him; feed him! (Snort.) Feed him something spicy! Know what I mean?
G: Through the eye of Glutko lies the shrine of Koridai.
Glutko: Awm-yee. I'm simply famished.
Koridian: No!
Glutko: Mmm. Tastes like a Daira [daɪra]! Perhaps just one more?
Glutko: Good goodie! Mashed Link for the main course.
Glutko: Wuh-oh!
Ipo: Listen! Such is the power of the prince of darkness that he can kill with a single look. Attacks against Ganon will prove fruitless unless Link attacks with the sacred book.
G: Consider Lupay [lupeɪ], the most of Ganon's minions.
Lupay: With this ruby, I replace your soul. You will obey.
Koridan: Ah-woo-ooh... Aw-woo-ooh.
Lupay: I spy with my eye, someone who must die.
Lupay: I will not die! Ah-woo...
G: At last, you have the vision to find me house! Now, you will see the san kru mis that [?] prevent your approach to Ganon. Go, with many blessings!
Z: Uh. Why'd you do that?
L: I just saved you from Ganon!
Z: You did not!
G: Well done, Link! Ganon is once again imprisoned. Come, look! Already Koridai is returing to harmony. The birds are singing. Is it beatiful?
L: Golly!
G: As it written, you, Link, are the hero of Koridai!
L: I guess that's worth a kiss? Huh?
Z: Ha!
L: I won!
= End =
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airiswims · 2 months
Sorry for the fish stew comment …what’s your favourite food?
"My favorite food...?" Airi pondered a moment, before thinking back to the small bit of melon-bread she shared with the young boy in her memories... "Mmm...I really like melon bread! It was nice, sweet and it was really...puffy when I was eating it! That kind of texture, it's nice!" (finspeaks: in the future, when airi has her vision and has access to human foods, her favorite food becomes croquette!)
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unhingedselfships · 11 months
I poked through the KimiKura Verse Playlist and compiled some songs from the Yakuza!Kadokura AU.
BAD CHILD - BAD CHILD “That smile, girl Was for you It's been a while, girl Without you Free trial, girl For you I don't want to spend this night alone”
EAT SPIT! - Slush Puppy, Royal and the Serpents
“Misfit, misfit in trouble Queen shit, queen shit level Misfit, misfit in trouble Misfit, get the fuck on my level Bad bitch, queen shit, icon”
Complex - Xana
“I put on a pretty show, a demon taught me what I know And I could see it in her eyes, I got this angel hypnotized Said she loves the thing I do with my tongue while I'm inside  You got me with my worst intentions”
Good Kid - Former Vandal
“Baby, you could fuck up my whole life How'd you know that's just what I'd like? You wrap my arms around your throat and say Tell me that you love me like it matters either way"
regrets - Stevie Howie
“Call me an addict Baby can I have it? Fuck being right God I want it so badly I can't deny you You know you're my supplier Fuck my pride Already know I'm a buyer I'd change my mind for you, yeah I'd follow what you do, yeah”
Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground
“I smell sex and candy here, mmm Who's that lounging in my chair? Mmm Who's that casting devious stares in my direction? Momma this surely is a dream, yeah”
“Ooh, you so obsessive, send another desperate message On your knees, I got you begging, I forgot, I meant to mention, yeah You ain't nothing when you tryna be slick You ain't nothing but my hounding-ass bitch, yeah yeah”
“You know from the jump I'm crazy as fuck 1 a.m. you know I'm kinda drunk I just want yo love Cut you up and put you in the trunk If you fucking up Nah, you know that shit aint really nothin' I just want your love”
She Thinks of Me - Landon Tewers “She loves the bags under my eyes Sitting in her thigh highs Drinking like a fish because she's realized I'm just fucking with an imitation maybe I should move on from the parasite Heard you're speaking like we made a truce Haven't stole your woman yet so show some gratitude I found a real one My life's a wicked view Be thanking me when she's fucking you”
Daddy AF - Slayyyter 
“I been fuckin' models I been poppin' bottles all night Playboy in the grotto (Playboy in the grotto!) Put it on your face boy Alright (Alright, alright) Daddy as fuck”
Bloodfeather - Highly Suspect
“Your eyes, they could cut through diamonds and steel For real, they're sharper than the blade in your hand They tell me you're strong, but they don't tell me what you feel I feel there's something that you want me to hear It's coming in loud and clear You know what you want, what you want, what you want In the name of love, I'll follow you You fit me like a glove when I'm inside of you And if my body's dead and cold, I'd die for you In the name of love, I'll kill for”
Heavy Metal Lover - Lady Gaga
“I want your whiskey mouth all over my blond south Red wine, cheap perfume and a filthy pout Tonight bring all your friends, because a group does it better Why river with a pair? Let's have a full house of leather”
Make It Naked - DYLYN
“Make it naked This is how I want it Bleeding, screaming I want it raw and honest Under the skin is the truth I'll show you me, show me you”
Popsicle - bludnymph
“Got a sugar addiction, I make bad decisions I wish I would listen but I just wanna stay Now my hunger has risen, I can't help but give in I pray I'm forgiven, I cannot get away Yeah, I got a sweet tooth I want another taste of you Yeah, I gotta stay cool Nobody does it like you do”
Strut - Emeline
“They say I'm tragically obsessed Hot mess, God forbid, I'm getting what I like Every night, make 'em livid All these saints are watching me My sex life like TMZ You're welcome, bitch, the show is free”
Fluorescent - Gwen Stefani
“Dressing up in your love is a dangerous thing My sexy super lover's got a real bad sting Oh baby, didn't want no trouble, this is more than I can afford I can't help myself, keep coming back for more”
Little Girl Gone - CHINCHILLA
“Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster Run little girl, run little girl, faster Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster Honey, I've changed so much since I last saw ya”
Lord of the Thighs - Aerosmith
“You must have come here to find it You've got the look in your eyes Although you really don't mind it I am the lord of your thighs”
Part Goddess Part Gangster - Madalen Duke
“See that girl Halo on her head Eyes that burn with a devilish stare Pocketknife hidden in her smile Watch her move Like a beast in the wild She flies with angels She runs with wolves Part goddess, part gangster”
Crimewave - Blue Stahli
“I wanna go on a crimewave I wanna ride with you And when I dance on their grave I wanna dance with you”
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
April 11, 2023
Sleep last night wasn't exactly that great. My body tends to not sleep very deeply when it knows that it's going to be the first day of the week that it's going back to work. Same with Eddie. Went to the train station around 5.45am and gave each other a kiss goodbye. He's kind of sweet for that. Arrived in Waterloo just in time for my 6.27am train back to Norbiton and got back home even before 7am. Passed by Little Waitrose to get me my favorite double espresso shot with milk in a can by Starbucks. It's really the best, mind you. It only costs, like, what? 1.5£? It's a steal. Gotta get your caffeine in your system.
Got to work at around 7.35am and there wasn't really much to do. Most cases have been cancelled and only the local Plastic list was running. Relieved the staff there for a while until most of them have had their breaks and helped arrange and clean some stuff in the unit. Went to lunch with Carla and Dani in the canteen. The day at work was very uneventful. Went home at around 5.30pm.
I could see the end of my schedule in Kingston in my work roster and it's kind of giving me mixed feelings. I THINK I won't be planning a big leaving due party for me. I'm shy. I just planned to bring food on my last day and that's it but the boys in the unit are asking if I did want to go on a fishing trip with them along with the others too as my leaving due party. It's kind of cute how they're thinking of planning this in my behalf and even if it won't happen, I guess I'm fine. I'm fine with the thought of them having have thought of me and how to make my last day with them memorable for me. They're literally the cutest.. and also the best.
Went to the gym and got there around 6.40pm-ish. Did legs, a bit of arms (so I could do it again tomorrow), and abs. Forgot to do some push-ups but nevermind, I'll do chest and shoulders tomorrow.
SZA's having her concert here in London by June 17 and 18, I think. Me, Porcia, Kim, and JC are going. I'm gonna make a groupchat and we're all going to be going to the concert. I'm so excited! Can't wait to bawl singing Kill Bill. Cancelled my meetup with John this Sunday. I know and feel that he's not into it as much as we were two weeks ago so why bother, right? But I am meeting up with JC this Sunday. Maybe around Shoreditch, he says. I have so many stories to tell him, my gosh. I think I'll just cry, to be fucking honest. My time here in the UK is anything but easy and to have another Zamboangeno hear my unheard and unspoken experiences, it's going to be so emotional for me.
Also have spoken to someone from Facebook Marketplace about buying a closet... Ed's landlords have okayed me getting one since they won't get me, which is kind of understandable considering Ed has a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. I just have to consult with Eddie if he'd think he'd like the design.
Went to Aldi after going to the gym and bought some essentials for my lunch and snacks at work. Going back to protein shakes in the morning. I have to build muscle. I'm not building any.
Thoughts... Mmm? I was overthinking again... but I didn't let the thoughts get too deep in my skin. I guess this is what I meant about what I wrote yesterday, that I feel more equipped handling difficult situations like this.
Just waiting for a call from Eddie then will cap the night off.
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mean-hare · 1 year
my diary part 9
january, 1 no new year mood. so i decide to have at least a good day. with the money my parents gave me i went to the market, bought a big bottle of black cola, a big bucket of icecream and some other random sweets and snacks. parents went to spend their time with some relatives. i was alone with pets. i scrolled through the web and sang depressive georgian songs all loud till my throat became sore and then watched a few horror movies. all the new year items were guirlands, cola and congratulating posts of strangers. there even were no fireworks. and absolutely no snow. In the morning i went out with the dog. the light was at strange angles - i rarely come out at these early hours. the sun was rising to shine on a desolate winterless urban landscape. giant muddy puddles shined in poor grassy stadiums. we went back and fell asleep together on my parents' sofa. after that i fell in a binge mood again and went out again so i went out to another shop where i bought something i never taste before: chips with a vinegar taste and 0kcal 7up. tasty. the sun was shiny, yellowish, unwanted bitch.
january, 2 i went out again. there probably were some newyear leftovers. but what matters is that i bought my favourite purple monster energy. and something else. i dont remember anything, i just have 2 pics in my phone token in 02/01/2023, one with a purple can on a table and the second is a floor in a market where i didnt buy a drink. but something else totally wiped out of my memory.
january, 3 lack of snow makes streets look like its autumn. or fucking spring, i fucking hate spring. it seems like there are much more wires than decorations. wires look so naked. and garlands is nothing but a wires. candles and matches everywhere. i have a beautiful matchbox with a horse picture. i press the burning matches against my skin.
january, 4 i found a few markets that work when there is no light. two of them are located near the bridge, that's one of my fav places in this goddamn city parts. the bridge is just about 10-15 meters above the rails so its too low to jump and people walk there too often to be hitten by a train. i often think about it when im there but more often i just stay there and mindlessly look at the depressive and beautiful city-edge landscape with abandoned factory pipes, village leftovers, plattenbauen and neubauten and trains.
january, 5 i may despite those ugly alcoholics that drink in dirty suburb bars but they still have something i never really have, the connection with those who are like you, someone to spend another shitty day with, something to make life easier at least for a few hours.
january, 6 i forget everything. i need to write everything down but usually i forget even to write
january, 7 idk how my smart and intelligent father becomes a hog (in a bad way) when he came home. today he watched the stupidest comedy shows on loud and finally drove me insane. i dont get mad easily now bc my energy level is even lower than usual. but today i was mad so i turned harsh noise on to the max volume to not hear the show and laughing sounds from their room. i was so annoyed that i had to shout once. but the noise is making its job, i calmed down faster than it would be without it.
january, 8 ate fish sticks and mushrooms and plain yoghurt. mmm proteins
january, 9 i am glad that i have a habit to take pics almost every day. it may be the last thing that makes me remember.
january, 10 no words, just =( =( =(. everything is =(
january, 11 i saw a dream in which i was a boy living in foggy moist lands, a very, very cold place. i was in the home of a guy whose name was prince dave. im not sure if he is really a prince, maybe a decadent aristocrat. he was listening to russian rock. i lay on his lap, and he covered me with a blanket. he loves me. the next day he was hospitalized with pneumonia.. i also spent some time with gal named zulfia. we slept in my house but it was ruined, the roof was in cracks so the next day we stayed in her home. it was also in bad condition, the white columns were ready to fall, and the black and white floor was flooded. we lay in her bed, covered by a thick warm blanket. im glad that i see interesting dreams again. i realized that i saw a boy with long hair and light brown skin named prince before, in a few dreams in 2016. he looked younger before and now I saw him grown up. it is weird. he returns.
january, 12 there was a fog and it became thicker in the evening. it was so good to walk when there was no electricity and the only lights were the lights of cars passing by. today i bought yellow cheese chips, waffles in a yellow pack and food for my cat in a yellow box. and there were yellow toy donkey and dog in my pocket. i usually bring toys with me whenever i go. i know that it may be stupid but i feel uncomfy when i go without toys. i mean more unsafe and uncomfy than usual. i put them in my pocket usually so nobody sees and nobody laughs. i may look very gnc and brave but honestly im a coward.
january, 13 i was sleeping so long that theres not much time left for eating. my dad brings marmalade fruit candies. he often buys them for me. i never asked him about it but i like it. and these things are tasty and low kcals.
january, 14 everything is leaking thru my hands. i'm losin' it. i'm losin' it
january, 15 dad of my dad is sick and my dad is driving every day to a hospital. he may die, i always dont know how to react when someone dies. grandpa's house in the village is abandoned for a few weeks. my parents went there today and mom cleaned it. she said about the awful smell of food that lay there for weeks abandoned. she told also about two half-wild kitty sisters which grandpa fed sometimes, the fluffy gray and blind blackie, mom said that they still little and poor looking and it seemed like they are pregnant. i always gave names to the country cats. its weird that those girls were left unnamed. i dont know what's wrong with me.
january, 16 i woke up at 18, ate some apple pancakes, watched mad max and went to asleep again.
january, 17 sometimes i think about the skinny cashier guy i saw not so long ago. i never saw him again. will i ever? i d like to see him and to know him. i wonder who is he and how he is.im feeling lost.
january, 18 theres some little pines on the streets, decorated as christmass trees amongst grass and dirt. some doors are decorated with christmass lights. shops sell winter-themed energy drinks and probably something else winter-themed, maybe with a discount because of the holiday end. i dont know im only interested in drinks, especially the vanilla cherry flavour one.
january, 19 i really shouldnt forget to write here. but… does it matter. really. i probably just spend a few hours on tumblr, watched a few movies, slept shortly at a few random hours, fucked everything up. maybe vent out to buy something and binge on it. theres really is nothing else to spend time on. im feeling trapped.
january, 20 i often think about this city part, this suburb space. about what it was some time ago and what i see now. i can see ageing, ugliness, hopelessness, and being on edge. this description also fits me and i hate it, i want to leave this place but it looks like i never will. i feel special, totally different from them, someone like me is hated here. and i dont see no way out. i even cand end my life. i read that ed is the deadliest of all mental illnesses and i need to do it right, to make it kill me. nobody will really care about my thoughts and feelings, they will ignore and forget everything about me i will be just one of the death statistics but i dont even care.
january, 21 i went to buy another junkpile. took a few pics. feeling good. everything is moist, and dull, as i like it. it was cold so finally, i put on my fluffy monkey hat first time this winter. i went back with a backpack full of absolutely random junkfs, licked icecream, and walked down the dark streets, lighted only by neon lights of shops with generators.
january, 22 isnt it weird how they depict an ed? how its untrue both for boys and girls. overgentle girls in frilly dresses with "hands like sticks" and boys who do nothing but drink and fuck with other boys. and their skin is always pale white. my skin will never be pale and never was. my sickness doesnt make me cold. it makes me lay under blankets, curl up and im warm or im in heat, but i will never uncover, i will lie here sweating intensively like a fever.i drink water from a bottle near me or i will stand up and make some tea. often rooibos or cherry one to make my sleep time longer. all my communication is one person on the web. danny forgets about me. or just ignores. maybe he is just havin fun while fuckin with his girlfriend. im detached from reality and dont really feel something. i never fucked in my life and i dont really want to.
january, 23 i saw a dream in which i am a little boy and try to take my red dog from bandits who ruled some bazaar in the desert parts, they stole dogs. i also saved a white cat from them and was thinking about how to save other dogs. i wasnt sure that the dog who came when hear its name was mine because i lost it in its puppy years. i woke up after sleeping for 3 hours and all my body was in pain. i went tu bui zero cola but the closest market didnt work. i was too bad to go to another. it means that im in an extremely bad state bc usually i go and buy dat shit even when in bad and sleepless states. i was very angry that i leave the house. i went back and watched movies until the electricity is gone. then i lie under blankets and wet to sleep. i woke up at 22, drank a glass of milk, watched trainspotting and went to sleep again.
january, 24 i saw a dream in which i am a student girl. i was walking near the market in 15 minutes walk from the college. i watched how boys ran on the roofs and walls and tried to take a pic. i was going to leave the college before the last lessons. there was also something about the flood and about my dad and his country house. i forget. i woke up too early. im listening to e-saggila, described by someone like "claustrophobic industrial". i just realized that things near my laptop are broken, and scattered. im sure that i didnt do that.
january, 25 will it be another even-worse-than-previous year? looks like it will.
january, 26 im still losing my ability to remember, to concentrate. i should write that its really scary. but i dont really feel the fear. i dont really feel something. my feelings are frozen and dead like the broken heating pipes when its too cold to stand.
january, 27 i am a little sick for two weeks now i guess. some days its harder with all the snivels, headaches and random coldness, some days its just snot and sore throat, some days i feel totally fine. but it returns, especially at nights or fucking mornings
january, 28 bought a big pack of cheese chips. i really need to stop consuming that estrogen and fat filled overpriced shit. then i walked with my dog. he asked. he can ask very nicely and i cant stand it. he has so beautiful eyes. we walked in the fields at the edge of the city. i wasnt in fields for half of a year or maybe more and i realise that stupid humans put the fence in the most unexpected place. also its completely useless, i mean i cant understand why the fuck they feel the need to put fences in that places. theres really nothing to fence from in those dull fields, theres literally nothing but the dog owners and some boozers that will just break or bend the fence. so I and my dog walked around one o the paths, fortunately theres many pathways. this one was the closest, the straightest and the weirdest, it was the one near the small parking lot below full of random wooden trash.
january, 29 i was hungry and busy all day before the lights turned on. i found batteries so i can play my electric guitar without electricity. thats what i did perhaps i dont really know how to play so it sounds more like noisy funeral doom (but with a growl and with the harp. i bought a little harp a long time ago ad i also don't know how to play on it) then i cut my hair on the back of my head for a few hours straight, with the scissors, blindly, by touch. the result is great for unprofessional selfcutting but it was really tiring and messy. when the lights were turned on i move into a room with a computer and killed time on the web before there became too cold to stand and too uncomfortable with all that blankets, layers and furs on me. when my parents returned i took some junkfud they bought, went to my room and binged to nauseous and passed out. wow.
january, 30 my dog started liking to spend time with me, in my room, at least when my parents are gone. he likes to roll on the floor with funny noises and accidentally throw and tumble my things but i dont really angry at him. he is the only good person i know irl, very selfish but not betraying. i ate cheese and he loves cheese. i d share with him but i wouldnt, this cheese is too salty for dogs. A few hours before i ate a different kind of cheese, too sweet for dogs. cat also likes to come into my room and throw things.
january, 31 finally its snowing
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prettyboy-writes · 3 years
♡ ˎˊ𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝'𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎ˏˋ ♡
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・° ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 - 𝘔𝘢𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘳𝘰 '𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘺' 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘰 𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭 𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘨𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘢𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥.
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘯' 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥,𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘨𝘢𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳.
Bloodied and bruised is what the blonde was. He’d never met someone that could land so many hits on him without getting the same,what made it worse was that the boy was shorter than him. He was honestly impressed but couldn’t say that infront of his friends when he’s already loosing.
YN was pissed,pissed and annoyed. Sano’s little fake blonde friend wouldn’t shut up about never giving up and to face your problems. No matter how many hits he landed on sano he wouldn’t go down. Raising his hands he was ready to propose a solution.
“Call off your guys and I’ll call if mines. We can do this,another way.” YN stood straight,fixing his jacket. Manjiro looked around before shrugging his shoulders and whispering something to Draken. The tattooed man nodded in what seemed to be agreement before yelling.
“Oi! The presidents needa’ hold off the fight!” All 250 of the men paused in their positions,some with their hands midair ready to knock others clean out while some people fell from mid air as they were ready to jump onto someone and beat them half to death.
All the white jackets,aka your members looked at you as if they were asking “is he speaking for you as well?” You nodded at them and they all went back to their positions and by their friends,laughing and teasing at how bad they were beat or praising how many people one took down.
“Manjiro sano,I propose a truce. You won’t go down because of your oddly positive friend and I’m simply running out of energy.” You walked closer to the blonde,he seemed to tense,unsure if you were being serious.
“How about,we share the area. We fight against other gangs who somehow manage to make their way into our Territory.” He looked at ken for reassurance,earning a nod from him.
“A truce it is,LN” you both shook hands,receiving cheers of celebration from the 250 men that stood alongside you both.
“If I’m bein’ honest I was about to pass out sleep on the nearest toman member!” Someone from your gang yelled causing laughter to erupt. You only shook your head with a smile and you pinched the bridge of your nose.
Mikey suddenly couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The embarrassment on your face as you tried to hold back a laugh,the little blush that dusted your cheeks. Why did he all of a sudden find you so pretty,why did he find you attractive.
Shaking his head while closing his eyes,ridding the confusing thoughts. “It was such a pleasure to fight with the unbeatable Manjiro sano,but it is time I take my leave.” You raised your arms dramatically and just in que your co-president came driving by,swooping you up by your waist and onto the shared motorcycle.
“Your all dismissed,thank you for fighting alongside me today!” You waved at your gang members as they let out a series of “my pleasure” and “welcomes’”. You gave a smile before you exited the grounds on the bike.
Mikey was stunned. How the fuck did you look so elegant while getting snatched off your feet ? How did you get one hundred and fifty larger men to give you their full repsect and undivided attention? Mikey had so many questions right now.
And that led to today. You were sitting in a small bakery,a table close to the glass wall where you could see any and everything,including the blonde walking to the door. You watched as he walked in searching for a familiar color of hair,waving at him his eyebrows raised and he headed towards you waving with a smile.
“Yo” you raised your head slightly before tilting it back. He sat in the chair looking around before speaking up. “I want to end the rivalry between our gangs.” He spoke,his tone was nervous but his face was stoic and didn’t change a bit. You shrugged. “Sure,I mean why not.” His face practically lit up when he heard your agreement.
“Let’s celebrate with dorayaki!” He waved towards the waitress who immediately rushed over with a pen and notepad. “Can I get two melonpan? They are very sweet and I need sugar.” You held up two fingers as you spoke and the waitress nodded. She looked between you two obviously nervous.
“I’ll be right back with your food,congrats on the relationship you two!” She gave another smile before walking off. Your face immediately warmed up and you looked at Mikey who was also flustered before looking down.
Why didn’t he deny asking you out? Why didn’t you deny him asking you out? God this was so embarrassing. You shook the thought as lightly tapped your cheeks,ridding the warmth before looking up at the blonde.
“M’ sorry about that.” He apologized offering a soft smile. You once again felt the warmth travel up to your cheeks. “It’s fine,just a simple misunderstanding.” He nodded and once again his eyes lit up when he saw the waitress heading to your table with plates.
She set them both down before slightly bowing and walking away. You bit into the bread,not moving it from your mouth as you looked around before finishing the bite and chewing it. Mikey was slightly confused but nonetheless flustered at how strangely cute you looked.
“Say LN,how old are ya’?” Mikey asked as he played around with his food,making the fish seem as if it was swimming. “Mmm,just turned 14. Why?” You answered as soon as you swallowed your bread. His eyes widened. “Woah. Your younger than me? Well I mean it’s not that big of a surprise seeing your height-“ Mikey immediately regretted talking about your height when he saw your glare.
“I am the perfect height for my age,manjiro.” Your eyes narrowed on the blonde causing him to raise his hands in a surrendering manner. “Geez,hit a nerve there.” You huffed before looking away as you took another bite of your bread,earning a snicker from Mikey. Your eyes flickered back to him,he was suddenly staring at something,with his full attention.
In all honesty he was admiring your face,he had never thought of anyone pretty. Let alone have a crush on someone. This was a new discovery for him and he didn’t know how to go about it. Maybe he’d talk to takemitchy later,he has a girlfriend. His thoughts were interrupted when your voice was heard.
“Whaddya’ staring at?” You attempted to following where his eyes where but it seemed like he was staring at the empty chair behind you. He shrugged before biting into his dorayaki happily.
Not only was he happy that he saved his guys a possibly big fight that could cause serious injuries and possible deaths,but he also made an ally. A cute one at that. “Nothin,just thinking.” You gave an understanding nod and rested your cheek on your palm,looking through the glass walls.
“Hey does your friend know I can see his tall ass? He sucks at hiding.” Your vision hovered on Draken who was trying to hide behind a wall. Mikey laughed at your honesty before turning to him and waving him off with a nod.
“He didn’t quite trust the idea of me coming to meet you alone.” Mikey admitted. You shrugged before eating the last bite of your bread. “Hey uh,do you maybe wanna go on a walk? Tomorrow?” The blonde nervously asked with a smile.
You nodded,returning his kind smile. “Alright,it’s a date. See you then,Mikey” you stood up and placed a 1000 yen bill before exiting the cafe,waving at Mikey through the glass.
His cheeks were bright red as he tried to wave back at you. He settled rivalry,gained an ally and got a date? God this day was just going perfect for him.
“Oh god what should I wear? What do you wear for date walks?!” He pointed to the waitress who served you and him. She nervously answered: “a nice hoodie and a pair of jeans always work?” Manjiro nodded and yelled a “thankyou” as he walked out of the cafe waving.
You can bet he went to Takemichi to help him pick out a hoodie with Draken following along giving his opinion every now and then.
Request are open
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
The Punks meet Sunflowers! 2
(Part 1)
Three Miles stood in front of the punks, Miles 1016 chuckles: Come on, boys. Your mouths are hanging a bit too low.
Gwen looks at the three Miles variant: Oh wow, you're a girl. -seeing one Miles being a woman.
Miles variant giggles: Yup, well... I'm actually trans. trangirlie! I'm still working on a name for myself, so I still go by Miles. -She smiles at the group- I'm Miles Morales from Earth 1015! -She had on a Magenta and black Spider-woman suit, wearing long braids with pink tips at the end, and have big doe like honey eyes.-
The other variant said: I'm Miles from Earth 43! I'm a transman! -The other Miles stood being the same height as Miles 42, with green eyes and thick box braids hair. His Spider-man suit is more edgy with black and blue with cargo pants, thick shoes, and black sweater over his spider-man suit.-
Gwen gawks: Wow! You guys look freakin' cool! -She saw Miles 43 wearing some space lookin' shoes-
Miles 42: I was checking those shoes out too! They look mad dope!
Miles 43 smirks: These are my anti-gravity kicks! Makes me float in the air -He jumps showing off his kicks- I made them from a special metal called Vibranium.
The group: Whoa, that's so cool!
Miles 1016 looks over at the third Miles: Hey, man. You been quiet. That's pretty weird of you.
Hobie 138b notice the third Miles, who is dressed in all black, with piercings and had a tattoo of sunflowers showing on his neck: Darling, is that a Punk Miles? -The other Punks looks over noticing the other Miles-
Miles variant scowls: Excuse you, man. I don't like labels! I am, ME!
Miles 1016: Technically.... he hates labels. So you don-
Punk Miles: I'm Miles Morales from Earth 1019, I fucking hate the system, the government fucking fascist assholes. I believe in Black Lives Matter, Gay Rights, Fuck the pigs and Free Congo, Free Palestine, Free Yemen, Free all the oppressed countries from greedy hungry pencil dicks white men!
Hobie 138b being awestruck until his boyfriend nudge him in the rib getting jealous: Hobie!
Hobie 138b: Huh, what? No, it's just... -he looks at his Sunflower- Sunflower, please get a tongue piercing.
Miles 1016: Pfft!
Hobie 138e already looming over at Punk Miles: You know, I bashed a DICK-tator's head once... -his voice deep-
Miles 1019 smirks being interested in him: You did? Mmm, I actually blow up the NYPD!
The Punks seem to spread to their Miles, being already interested in them. Hobie 138c flock to Miles 43 and Hobie 138d went with Miles 1015. Gwen saw how bashful the Punks acted around their Miles, which is cute and funny. Seeing cool tough punkers being all shy, casually trying to flirt while their Miles are so sweet, and naive.
Hobie 138d to Miles 1015: So in your world... what do you do for fun?
Miles 1015 smiles brightly at him: I take care of my baby brother! I go skate with my best friend... um... hmmm, I really really love Pickles! I know a bit weird but it's been my favorite snack to eat while reading manga! -She saw the way he nodded, then he got close to him trying to meet his eye- What about you?
Hobie 138d blushes: Me! Oh, you know, starting Mayhem, breaking shit, fighting off CEOS and their unethical practices!
Miles 1015: Ohh sounds fun!
Miles 42 rolled his eyes: Oh brother...
Gwen laughs: This is so fun to watch.
Miles 43 talking with Hobie 138c: Hahaha, yeah. I beat up a few bad cops recently. They really hate me being around.
Hobie 138c: Really? Need help from an expert. I'm always free. I'll take you out in my world. I know a great place that sells the best fish n' chips!
Miles 43 chuckles: I would like that!
Hobie 138b look at his Miles: Darling, did you just hook them up.
Miles 1016 smiles at him: Maybe... I thought The Punks would like their own Sunflower. Besides, I see the way you always held back, my poor baby. -He got his boyfriends face to make him lean over so he can kiss him on the cheek!-
Miles 42 grunts: Gross.
Gwen: Awe, that's cute. You gotta admit, Miles.
Miles 42: Say where's Mariana?
The Hobies left their head up: Who?
A Spider-woman in pastel blue and pink: Hey guys, sorry I'm late and- Whoa so many Spider-punk! -She took off her mask revealing to be woman but with Miles' features. Her long hair tied into two thick long braids-
Miles 1016: This is Mariana! She's the female version of me or I'm the male version of her...
Mariana giggles: Right! Variants is so confusing, because who's is who in the multiverses! -She saw how Spider Punks were close to their Miles- Looks like I missed the match making. Shame, I thought I was gonna get a Spider Punk -she jokes-
Miles 42: I know a Ganke that's single!
Miles 1016: You really want a variant of us dating a Ganke huh?
Miles 1015: Well there was a few Miles that were... you know multi-verses. It never ends!
Mariana nodded: Oh for sure! -then turns to Miles 42- I'm fine just teasing. I'm not into dating.
Miles 43: There's another cute punker walking around.
Hobie 138b: As long as he stay away from my Sunflower. -he pulls Miles close to him-
Miles 1016: Bae, chill. I'm not going anywhere.
Mariana giggles: So this is your famous bf! He loves you too much! -She turns to Gwen- I've seen the male variant of you. Are you a flirt like him?
Gwen: Oh nonono. I'm not.
Miles 42: Wait, Mariana? -Looking at Miles 1015- Why not names yourself that?
Miles 1015: Me as Mariana? Hmmm... I was thinking of Mila.
Miles 43: Mila? -He did not like that name-
Miles 1019: Ew, sounds too fanfic to me. It's like okay we get it, your boy name is Miles and girl went to Mila!
Miles 1015: When you put it like that... it is fucking weird. huh?
Hobie 138d hugs protectively at his Miles: Shh, darling. Don't listen to them! They are just jealous at your beautiful name!
Miles 1015 giggles: Thanks, Hobie! Maybe Marina? Still thinking about it.
Mariana: Marina is a cute name.
Miles 1016: What about Star? You mention you wanted something with piz-zazzs!
Miles 43: My birth name was Mariana and changed it to Miles, because my dad would've name me, Miles.
Miles 1015: I want a name that's me! Star would be cute but sounds a bit too common too. -She sighs- I'll wait and see.
Hobie 138e: Patience is a skill. Name whatever your comfortable with.
Mariana nodded: Yeah! It will come.
Gwen asked Miles 1016: So are they all like you? Like doing their own thing?
Miles 1016: Umm, not really. 43 and 1019 lost their dad from being shot by a dirty cop. Mariana's and Miles 1015's parents are alive but they lost their friend. I think Mari's was Ganke and 1015 was her Peter Parker... I think.
Gwen: Oh wow.
Miles 42: Mariana' and Miles 1015 have younger sibling too.
Miles 1016: Yeah, it's crazy how multi-verses work. -They watch the Miles and Hobies interacting. Mariana happily taking with them being so bright and bubbly. Then Miles 1016 felt a tap on his shoulder, he looks over to find Punk Miguel!- Oh hey, Miguel!
Punk Miguel, from Earth 970 and younger version of Miguel 2099. He's much nicer and mostly speak Spanish, since he grew and live in Mexico. In his world, Mexico won the American-Spanish War, so states like California didn't exist, but remain part of Mexico. USA Is a small country that leader was taken over by Mexico: Compa, qué le parece esa morra? -His Auburn red eyes on Mariana- Hmm?
Hobie 138b looks at the lad: Oi, I'm watching you.
Miles 1016 said: That's Mariana. Go talk to her.
Miguel 970 shyly didn't want to speak to her by himself: Amigo, please... help me? -having a thick Mexican accent-
Miles 1016 chuckles: Alright. -He turns to Mariana- Hey, Mari. I want you to meet someone.
Mariana head to them after excusing herself with the her variants and the Punks: What's up? -then noticed a tall big guy in front of her- Oh wow, man! You are huge! I feel so small! -she's six foot, too.-
Miguel 970 blushes being shy. Miles chuckles: He wants to meet you but he's shy.
Mariana: Oh I don't bite, unless you want me too! -she jokes and saw Miguel 970 with sharp fangs- Ohh, but I bet you bite! -She got a good look at him, dark hair, piercings and red eyes with fangs! He's like a sexy vampire!-
Miguel 970: I... I don't speak.... English too good...
Mariana: Oh, puedo hablar español! Yo soy Mariana! -she stuck her hand out.
Miguel 970's eyes lit up: Hola, Mariana! Soy Miguel. Es un placer conocerte.
Mariana giggles: So proper.
Miles 1016 laughs too: Yeah, give a Punk a Miles and they suddenly become a gentlemen. -He saw all the other Punks being super nice and well-mannered with his other variants.-
Miles 42 was eyeing Miguel 970: He's low-key fine. Why not him?
Hobie 138b: Oi, back off, mate. Sunflower is mine. I'll never let him go.
Miles 42: Ugh, fine. Whatever, man.
Gwen: I love match making. Too bad, Pav isn't here. He would've fangirl and be doing a whole love show.
Miles 1016: He really did miss out, huh? -His eyes one Miguel 970 happily talking with Mariana-
Hobie 138b: Ain't it a bit weird for a Miguel to date a version of you?
Miles: Not really. She's her own person... just because their a variant of me, doesn't mean they are me, you know?
Hobie: And that's why I love you, Sunflower. -He picks up his partner to kiss him-
Miles: I love you, too, baby!
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neoculturetravesty · 3 years
We met in online class - Part 4
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Image taken from here. Originally had this image in mind but Tumblr won’t let me upload it. 
Pairing: Renjun x Reader Genre: College AU, romance, fluff, angst, maybe humor???? Warnings: Strong language Word Count: 4.3k
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | You are on Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Last Part
A/N: Happy Easter to all who celebrate it!
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It’s funny how quickly people form habits without really meaning to. You don’t realize you have a new favorite word till someone points out you’ve been using it so much. You don’t realize you’re addicted to caffeine till you get headaches from withdrawals. You don’t realize you can’t live without dessert till the sugar crash hits. And in the same way, Renjun didn’t realize he had gotten used to your company till he’s waiting outside your lecture hall with an almost expectant inclination to see you. 
A lot of it had to do with who you were as a person. You had pretty much infiltrated Renjun’s life, even though he still kept you at an arm’s distance. One day, he had walked into the library and found you with Jaemin, while the two of you had your heads together over a laptop and a huge gift basket in the making on the table. Jaemin wasn’t the kind of person who invited a lot of new people into his life; so he must have really trusted you because it wasn’t the last time Renjun saw the two of you together. 
But worse than Jaemin was Donghyuck. Renjun was pretty sure that since you’d asked him out, you had probably hung out more with Donghyuck than with him. Almost as if seeing Renjun was just an excuse for you to hang out with him, as you had often joked. It was as if the two of you were kindred spirits, long lost best friends who had finally found one another. Donghyuck would invite you everywhere, get up to no good with you in tow; and before Renjun knew it, the two of you were even planning parties together. Neither Donghyuck nor you needed Renjun as an excuse to hang out with one another anymore, and it amused him. A part of him wondered if Donghyuck was playing along to help his bigger cause. But his friend always looked so genuinely happy around you that any ulterior motive he might have seemed to have been forgotten. 
“Why can’t the sun always be like this?” you said as you laid on the grass using your backpack as a pillow. Your hand was reaching out over your face, your fingers wiggling as you played with shadows.
While you soaked in the sun, Renjun chose to sit under the shade of a tree, sketching away in his book, completing his assignment before his next class.
“You wouldn’t appreciate it as much if it were always like this.” Renjun replies, not looking away from his work. He much preferred paint over charcoal, but he had to admit that the scratching sounds it made against the grains of paper--coupled with the chirping of birds and gentle ruffling of leaves around him--was really relaxing. As was your company.
“Hmm. But it’s still nice to see it without fine dust couture. I like seeing it fully in the nude.” you say, a soft, funny smile on your face while your eyelashes cast shadows on your cheeks.
“Pervert.” Renjun accuses, smiling as he drew. It just makes you laugh and lay sideways to face him. You prop up your head on your hand.
“I’m the sun, Huang Renjun. Now draw me like one of your French girls.” you say in a comical voice and Renjun actually laughs without reservation. 
“Do you have any more classes?” he asks, fixing his black and gold rimmed glasses over his nose.
“Nope. I’m done for the day. Yeri’s supposed to pick me up, so I’m just waiting for her call.” you say, rolling onto your back once more, resuming your dance with the shadows.
Renjun hums a reply as he sketches, but really, he’s thinking that he hadn’t formally met Yeri. At least not yet. He had just had two very awkward run-ins with her the couple of times he had been to your apartment. Come to think of it, he hadn’t been to your place since that last time. And you had never been to his place at all. 
It wasn’t on accident, though. All of it had been by Renjun’s really convoluted design. He had met a few of your friends on campus in the passing, sure. But you were more a part of his life that he was yours. That is exactly what Renjun had planned. Lately, however, that plan seemed to be fading away into the ether. Slowly but surely dispersing from memory till it was more or less abandoned. 
Because Renjun did not realize that he had adopted you like a habit. Any time he saw a witty meme, he had to send it your way because you would text back with an equally witty reply that scratched Renjun’s intellectual itch. Any time Jisung would bring home a baguette, he would take a picture for you with a caption like ‘Francophile life going strong’. The two of you had even developed a silly game where you would look at different marketing taglines and wonder if it would still work to sell condoms. 
‘Nike. Just do it.’ Renjun had once texted.
‘That is a low hanging fruit, Huang Renjun.’ you had replied.
‘Okay, true. But how about Imax: Thing big.’ he had texted back.
‘Hmm, almost but not quite. I need something stronger.’
‘BMW: Designed for driving pleasure.’ he had actually found himself scrolling through a long list of taglines while his assignment laid forgotten.
‘Oof. Now you’ve found the sweet spot. Keep going.’ Renjun had smiled at your reply and had found himself hurriedly looking for something better.
‘Geico: So easy, a caveman could do it.’ 
‘Mmm, didn’t think you were a kinky boy, Huang Renjun. Go on…”
Renjun had actually laughed out loud, making Jisung look up at him quizzically and replied ‘1010 Wins: you give us 22 minutes, we’ll give you the world.’
‘Yessss! Right there, right there!’
Renjun hadn’t even realized he was grinning wide and standing up from his desk, a list of taglines open both on his laptop and his phone while he scrolled to find the perfect response that would make you happy. ‘Rice Krispies: Snap! Crackle! Pop!’
‘So close, so close, I am almost there!’
‘Washington Post: Democracy dies in darkness.’
Renjun had actually belly laughed at the entire conversation. He didn’t remember the last time he had laughed this way because even Jisung was looking at him with an amused smile, asking “What’s so funny?”
So yes, Renjun had adopted you like a habit. But it wasn’t just through text. When you weren’t the one waiting for him on campus with a couple of cups of coffee in hand, he found he would go looking for you. You would spend all your free time together, just like this. He would find himself missing you on days he didn’t get to see you. He found himself disappointed when you didn’t have time for him because you and Donghyuck were on a very important mission or you had to meet your friends or you had extra work that was demanding your attention. You had just inserted yourself in his life in such a manner that Renjun didn’t even notice.
Perhaps you had nothing to do with it, but Renjun’s life had been treating him pretty well, too. Maybe he was more inspired these days, because his work was getting better and his professors were noticing. His painting instructor had held him back after class one day and offered him an internship at his studio. While it wasn’t huge, it was enough that Renjun had thrown his fist in the air in celebration as soon as he had left class. And you were the first person he texted and he was glad he did because you had texted back a freakout that made him grin like an idiot. You had come to see him as soon as your own class had ended and you had flung yourself in his arms and had jumped around excitedly before dragging him along so you could buy him an artist’s apron as a present. 
“Do you have any more classes?” you ask him as you stare at the evening sun through your fingers.
Renjun’s about to reply when he is interrupted by the sound of your phone buzzing in your pocket. You fish it out and sit up, telling Renjun “Hold on…” before answering it. “Are you here, Yeri?” 
Renjun goes back to scratching away in his pad, thinking. Maybe he should introduce himself now when Yeri comes to pick you. But what would he say? ‘Hi, I’m Y/N’s friend?’ Everyone on campus knew that the two of you weren’t exactly just friends. It was thanks to your stunt during that one online class, where he’d met you. ‘Hi, I’m Y/N’s boyfriend?’ But he wasn’t that, either. While the two of you had become pretty comfortable in each other’s company, you hadn’t really done anything, or had any serious talk about what you were. You two always found yourself tiptoeing “the line”. Actually, no. It was Renjun that tiptoed that line. After his two failed attempts to kiss you, the conversation had just not taken that turn ever again. You two hadn’t leveled up on the PDA front, either. Sure, you had cuddled into him in the back of the cab that one night, and he had half-carried you to your apartment till Yeri took you from the doorstep. But you didn’t seem to remember any of it, so it was basically back to square one. Sure, you had hugged him in joy when he had gotten the internship, but did it really count when the two of you hadn’t even held hands yet? Aside from the innuendo-filled condom tagline talk, the two of you hadn’t really done anything that would constitute as… something a couple might do.
“Okay, but how long would it take?” you’re saying into the phone, a gentle crease growing between your eyebrows. Whatever you heard back must have been distasteful because you grimace. “Okayyyy, Yeri, I’m hanging up now!” you say pointedly and groan, laying back into the grass.
Renjun chuckles “All good?”
“Yeri has brought home a ‘distraction’.” you say, making air quotes, and a face like you’ve tasted something sour. “I’m banished from my own home for the evening.”
Renjun looks up. 
He thinks about his next words carefully. “Um… what are you gonna do?”
You groan once more and say “I’m probably going to crash at Lia’s till my exile is over. So inconvenient!”
“You could come over to mine.”
Renjun didn’t know how it happened, how he found the courage to think it and then actually say it out loud, but now there’s no going back because the two of you are walking down the hallway to his place. He doesn’t know why, but his throat is a little dry and he peeks over his shoulder to see that you seem a bit nervous as well. He takes a deep breath and decides to break the tension.
“Here we are.” He says as he punches in the code. He holds the door open “Hello, MTV. Welcome to my crib.”
It works because it makes you smile. “So, this is where the magic happens.”
“Mhmm, but I hope to God my roommates have at least attempted to clean it up some, because I did text them a head’s up.”
“Lead the way, Huang Renjun.” you say and he does. He walks you into his living room where Jisung is currently sitting, playing video games. The smell of something delicious makes his head turn towards the kitchen where he finds Jaemin.
“Hey, Y/N!” he calls out then wipes his hands on a towel before coming in to give you a hug. 
“Hi, Y/N!” Jisung says without looking up.
Renjun is amused and a little confused. Perhaps you and Jaemin got even closer while he wasn’t noticing, but Jisung? When had the two of you met? By the looks of it, Jisung was comfortable enough with you that he wasn’t even minding his manners and greeting you properly. Probably because he was too busy dwindling his thumbs on his controller furiously. 
“Damn, Jisung, you’re really going at it, huh?” you say to him easily.
“Mhmm. I would’ve been doing even better if Jaemin hadn’t interrupted and kicked me out of my own room because you were coming over.”
There is a two second silence before Jisung’s audience of three begins talking at the same time.
“Jisung!” Renjun yelps, bringing his fingers to the bridge of his nose.
“Oh, no, we aren’t going to like… do anything--” you find yourself explaining at the same time, face heating up.
“Jisungieeee!” Jaemin also sings out to scold, yet he grins as he mock-chokes the boy.
“You are so dead.” Renjun gives the back of Jisung’s head a death stare.
“Nooo, our Jisungie means well, don’t you, Jisungie?” Jaemin coos while Jisung dodges his kisses.
Renjun shakes his head and places a hand to your arm to guide you along. “Let’s go.”
“I’ve made food if you crazy kids get hungry!” Jaemin calls after you and it’s the most animated he’s been in a while.
His friends being, well, his friends was probably worth it because Renjun is feeling a lot better as he brings you into his room. It had been a while since he had brought a girl over and looking about, he can tell that his mates did a good job at hastily cleaning it. 
“Damn, Huang Renjun. You’re a clean boy.” you’re saying as you look about. “I thought you’d be the artfully messy type.”
Renjun grins as he runs his fingers through his hair. “We can mess it up together if you’d like.” But Renjun mentally smacks himself in the head as soon as the words leave his mouth because you’ve looked up at him and quickly looked away, muttering something awkwardly.
“I… I didn’t mean that. I just meant with like, paint and, like…” Renjun blows air out of his mouth and then your eyes meet. Before you know it, you both are giggling at each other because the awkwardness is probably making you a bit delirious. 
Renjun watches as you take a deep breath to stop the giggles and turn to start looking around. “Oooh. Mr. Fancypants is a tea connoisseur.” you say as you run your hands over his teabag display box. 
Renjun chuckles “Do you want me to make you some?”
“Sure. Let’s have tea, Mr. Fancypants.” you take a seat on his wheelie chair and your eyes go to the artist’s apron you had bought him that is currently hanging on an easel. You give it a fond smile.
“What flavor would you like?” Renjun asks as he puts the kettle on and sets up two mugs.
“Umm… I don’t know tea. I’m a coffee drinker.” you reply, your fingers tracing over the pictures he had at his desk.
“I’ll make you a simple chamomile, then. I’ve seen you and Jaemin enabling each other’s coffee habits and I don’t approve.” he knots his eyebrows.
“Oh no, no, no. Jaemin is on a different level. I took a sip of his coffee by mistake once and my entire life flashed before my eyes. I don’t know if that boy drinks coffee or straight up cocaine.”
Renjun bites his smile because he’s still holding onto the look of disapproval. “That would explain the random spikes and falls in his energy.” he says as he pours out the water in the mugs and seeps the teabags. “Here you go.” he sets your mug on the desk and takes a seat on his bed.
You take a sip “So, which one is your bunk?”
“Top.” Renjun also wants to make an innuendo but he stops himself because the awkwardness surrounding the fact that you and him are alone in his room has only just subsided with the tea.
“Isn’t the bottom bunk more comfortable?” you muse as you drink. You seem to be enjoying your tea because you haven’t set it aside yet.
“Of course it is. It’s why Jisung has it.” he comments, cocking his eyebrow. “And I sleep here on this bed.” He pats where he’s sat.
You grin as you sip then quickly wipe your chin as some tea spills through your smile. “Where do you keep all your paintings?”
“In the studio. On that top bunk. Behind that door. At my grandma’s house.” he lists off on his fingers.
“Why behind the door? If I had your talent, I’d basically cover every bit of my wall in my art. Like the most egomaniacal artist in the world.” you fantasize, looking up at the ceiling.
Renjun chuckles. “I kinda like my space to be a bit cleaner, you know? Because I’m always around art. It kinda helps with my imagination, having a clean environment. It’s almost like a clean canvas.”
“Interesting.” you’ve said and it sounds like you genuinely mean it. “It’s still a bit sad. All the work you’ve created should have a home. It shouldn't be hidden away behind doors or on top bunks.”
“You can give some of them a home if you’d like. If you have space, I mean.” Renjun gives you a fond look. You haven’t replied but you’ve set your mug down and looked at him with a very tender look in your eyes. You stand up.
“I wanna see your bed.”
Renjun grins. “Be my guest.”
“Ooooh.” you make an excited squeal, almost like you're about to enter Dexter’s Laboratory. You plop yourself on it and bounce up and down, almost as if to check the pliability of it.
“So this is where the magic happens.” you giggle and then Renjun finds your gaze moving to a picture frame on his headboard. “Is that your grandma?”
“It is.” Renjun smiles as he watches you pick your feet up and make yourself comfortable.
“She looks exactly like you.” you say, looking back at him with an affectionate look.
“A lot of people say that. People in school used to think I’m adopted because I looked nothing like my parents.” Renjun scoots back to sit next to you.
“Are you close to your parents?” you ask gently, looking at him.
Renjun looks away. 
The two of you hadn’t had that many deep conversations. And anytime you did, he had found a way around it so that nothing was shared, nothing was learnt. 
But no one had ever asked him that… not in so many words. He finds himself shrugging and responding before he can stop himself. “Nah. They don’t even talk to me. They’ve never really cared.”
“How do you know that, Renjun?” you’re asking him in a very soft voice. The kind of voice that has Renjun sharing more than he wants.
“They pretty much abandoned me very young,” Renjun laughs ironically. “They would fight all the time, you know? Like, they really would go at each other one moment then make up the next moment. They kind of forgot they had a son.” Renjun finds himself saying while his eyes fixate on a loose thread on Jisung’s bedsheet. He realizes he’s warm and comfortable and that’s when he notices that you’ve put an arm around him.
“That must have been so hard, to go through that.” you’re speaking to him so softly and your head and your body is angled towards him, giving him all your attention while Renjun talks into the abyss. 
“They were just like… kinda dysfunctional, you know? They fought like crazy and I had to hide away so I wouldn’t hear them. And then the next day, they’d be in each other’s arms like nothing happened. They would pretend like everything was all right. Like the trauma they gave me meant nothing.”
You’re not speaking anymore, only listening. Your hand around him has started to gently stroke his arm. Your other hand softly combs through his hair.
“It was such a vicious cycle and they wouldn’t stop. I think they were kinda addicted to it. They would’ve been happy living like that with each other if it weren’t for me.” He had never shared so much with anyone. But now that he had started, it was difficult to stop.
“Renjun…” you say empathetically and pull him into you. Renjun pauses for a moment, but decides to give in. What did it matter, anyway? He rests his head on your shoulder.
“If it weren’t for my grandma, I wouldn’t even be alive, you know? She saved me from all of that and took me in. She raised me. It wasn’t even her responsibility, but she raised me.”
You are holding him to you and soothingly stroking his hair when you say “Then I think your grandma is the luckiest person in this world. Because she got to see you grow up to be such a good man.”
Renjun feels a lump in his throat grow and before he knows it, there are tears stinging in his eyes. You turn your head and press a kiss into his temple and slowly rock him. It was odd, being here like this, because Renjun realizes that this was the first time you had kissed him. But more than anything else, it was the first time someone had held him like this. 
The last time he remembered being held was probably when he was a child, and it had been his grandma. No one since had held him in their arms to listen to him, to comfort him, to love him without any conditions. No one had tried to take his pain away without wanting something in return. The thought puts more tears in his eyes and he finds himself leaning his weight into you. 
He allows you to hold him and comfort him and coo at him. You’re speaking to him gently but Renjun isn’t hearing your words. He’s only concentrating on the soothing sound of your voice and how melodic it is. He liked hearing you talk. He’s concentrating on how you’re rocking him, and how the movement is slowly lulling him. He liked how warm and soft you were and how protective your arms were. He liked the smell of chamomile on your breath. Had you enjoyed chamomile? He thought you had. Maybe you would’ve enjoyed a different flavor more. Renjun decides he should make you an Earl Grey next time; it would probably be better suited to your caffeine tastes. Maybe you wouldn’t like Earl Grey as much either, but it would be nice to discover that bit about you. He’d make you try all the flavors till he learnt which one your favorite was. 
“How come I never saw your cat?” He asks sleepily after you’ve been quiet for a while.
“Hmm?” you ask, confused.
“Your cat. Galbi. How come I didn’t see him when I came over?” Renjun can feel your smile against his temple.
“Oh. Yeri had dropped him over at the vet’s that day. Do you want to meet him?” you ask him.
“Yeah, it would be nice to meet him.” Renjun says and brings an arm up to cuddle closer into you.
“Okay. Next time you come over, you can meet him… shoulder gangster Renjun.” you’re only whispering at him now as you tease him.
“Mmm.” is the only reply Renjun can manage as he chuckles lazily. He didn’t even feel like killing Donghyuck for telling you about that because he feels so good like this, in your arms. Renjun hasn’t even noticed that you’ve laid him down till he realizes how horizontal he is.
It felt nice. Being held by someone, being protected by someone, being comforted by someone. Your hands haven’t stopped soothing him for a single moment ever since they started. Renjun hadn’t even noticed that you’d put the covers on him. Or that you were kissing the top of his head till he feels the warmth. It all felt so nice. He barely registers that your shirt is wet from his tears. All he feels are the relaxing patterns you’re drawing onto his skin. It’s the last thing he feels as he drifts off. And though you're gone in the morning, Renjun can swear this is the most sound sleep he's slept in many nights. He feels a thousand times lighter, like someone had lifted a heavy weight off of his chest and he was finally breathing fully. 
He smiles as he grabs his phone and sees your name right on the top of his notification list. He reads your message:
‘Hey, shoulder gangster. Sorry I left without telling you but you were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t want to wake you. I wanted to ask you something AND YOU CAN TOTALLY SAY NO. But my brother’s hosting a spring art festival of some sort at my parent’s house this weekend. A lot of his artist friends from his company will be there. Do you maybe wanna come with me?’
And there it was. 
Yes, it was funny how quickly people form habits without really meaning to. And in his new habit, Renjun had forgotten the real reason he was with you in the first place. 
Eyes on the fucking prize, Renjun thinks as his reality comes crashing back on him.
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