#mine was kind of solemn but this is very very lovely
oasisofgalaxies · 3 months
I have a personal headcanon that it's more like gods shaping the world, kinda
like, the hermits come in, construct a world from the ground up, and leave, and then it's left to its own devices to come alive and evolve without their guidance
cities they build fill with people, migrated or otherwise, villages spark into life, farm gear gets used for the first time, places are imbued with life
a beginning rather than an end
but that's just the watsonian explanation I guess
Oh that kind of reminds me of what the hermits in SFGG do! They terraform dead planets into habitable spaces!
Ok aside from my obligatory SFGG reference that’s such a cool take, I genuinely adore that!! They create games and homes and sometimes in the process they. Launch charged creepers at each other or start a mushroom war BUT HEY it works out in the end!! That’s a really lovely take, thank you for sharing that <3
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nonasuch · 1 year
The 2022 Miss Universe pageant was last night!
Which means: the National Costumes are here.
Yes, there is video. It’s worth watching if you want to see how some of these look in motion, but I’m warning you in advance that the emcees keep doing these shitty little rhyming couplets, and they will make you want to strangle them with one of the many available voluminous gown trains. So I’m suffering on your behalf, and liveblogging.
First up: Albania.
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Sparkly flag-inspired bodysuit with train is the voting “present” of the Miss Universe National Costume Competition.
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Angola. She did a fun dance on her way to center stage, which would probably not have been possible in her original costume, which was “tree-inspired” and too big to ship to New Orleans.
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Argentina. This is where the video does come in handy, because without it I would not be able to award her First Contestant To Visibly Struggle Under The Weight Of Her Outfit. It’s a waterfall. The rainbow crotch area was certainly a design choice.
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Armenia. I would like to see what’s going on with the bodice behind the... shield thing? but she never put it down.
Also, it turns out that when one contestant has a costume dedicated to solemn remembrance of the Armenian genocide, and the contestant immediately after her has a costume that’s about beach parties, there is kind of an uncomfortably abrupt tonal shift that happens onstage.
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Aruba. Like I said: weird tonal shift! She did a little shimmy dance at Miss Armenia as they passed each other and it was clearly awkward for both of them. This is made of recycled materials leftover from Carnival, which is cool? I guess?
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Australia. This is a prom dress. Boo.
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Bahrain. A rare pants look! There’s a lot of detail in the headdress and bodice that’s kind of getting lost, but it looks cool in motion. Also the theme is apparently “Bahrain is rich as fuck,” so congrats I guess?
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Belgium. Okay so the theme of this costume, my hand to g-d, is “the window on the International Space Station that Belgium built.” Why does this requires a shit-ton of leftover Christmas tinsel and some very awkward-to-wear angel wings? I do not know.
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Belize. This is fun! It’s a good “lesser-known Batman villainess” kind of look. Like if Ivy and Catwoman co-mentored someone. The actual theme is “the world’s only jaguar reserve, which is in Belize,” but I think it’s also kind of implying that she might be a were-jaguar. Which, again, is fun!
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Bhutan. This goes in the “just an actual regional/folk costume” category, which is also kind of like voting Present, but it looks like the fabrics are nice.
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Bolivia. She has an entire Andean condor on her head so I’m already on board. This photo only shows the cloak, which is covered in silver spangles in honor of Bolivia’s silver mines, and is also why her condor is perched on a miner’s helmet. The dress underneath is entirely made of swags of sparkly gold beads, so the visual effect is actually pretty nice in motion.
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Brazil. The construction details on this are actually quite lovely! Lots of intricate beading and rhinestone work. Unfortunately that doesn’t convey well at any distance, and also that white fin peplum thing flaps around really awkwardly when she walks. Oh, wait, she can flip it up to be a clamshell thing behind her head!
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That looks much better.
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British Virgin Islands. First giant flower of the year!
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Bulgaria. Apparently this is made of neoprene? So with that and the rainbow stripes, the effect ends up being kind of “what if Midsommar, but at a rave.”
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Cambodia. It feels weird to say “yep, standard Miss Universe warrior goddess costume” but basically that’s what this is. I do like the green-and-gold color palette, though.
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Cameroon. “The baskets represent the nation’s agricultural movement.” Okay! I like how it’s giving “Valkyrie, but make it Global South,” though I’m not sure three entire country-shaped cutouts were necessary.
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Canada. Another fine Miss Universe tradition: contestant who knows how to dance en pointe so she’s going to goddamn wear a costume that goes with pointe shoes, Or Else. Some nice beadwork! I would let her be the third, secret red swan in Swan Lake if that were a thing.
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Cayman Islands. Sexy Blue Iguana is a fun concept! There’s a tail in back of the cape.
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Chile. Sexy Atacama Desert is kind of abstract, as these things go, but I respect her choice to wear something she could walk in.
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China. Hilariously, the announcer was like “This look... does not match the bio we were given, so I’m gonna wing it!” The fabrics are nice -- the satin drapes and moves well -- but the embellishments are kind of meh compared to some of the Miss China looks I’ve seen.
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Colombia. This is a legit great Sexy Phoenix, but I need you all to know that her crown got turned a little sideways while she walked to the stage and she clearly knew it and just as clearly could do nothing about it, and I feel bad for laughing but it was funny.
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Costa Rica. Sexy hummingbird! I think I’ve identified a recurring theme for this year. Corset and wings are made of recycled materials, which is nice, and they look well-made -- a lot of wing-based costumes tend to flop around or go crooked in motion, but not these.
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Croatia. Oh, honey. This has big “my mom helped me make this the night before it was due” energy, unfortunately.
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Curacao. “Meet the Fisherman’s Wife, a woman with a key role in Curacao’s fishing industry.” Okay? Honestly you could have left off the basket and said “this costume represents the beautiful marine life of Curacao” and I would have been like “yep, checks out” but now I have many follow-up questions.
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Czech Republic. This is meant to be a Mucha-inspired look but uh. Mostly it’s just. beige. I’m starting to feel like all the other Slavic countries saw advance photos of Miss Ukraine and were like “let’s just phone it in this year, girls, there’s no point.”
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Dominican Republic. “This costume recognizes the importance of birds in Dominican culture.” They did make it with silk feathers, which I appreciate, because it would have been very weird to use real ones with that mission statement. Also I like her headdress, and the giant feather fans are a good way to nod in the direction of wings without the hassle of actually wearing wings.
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Ecuador. This looks good in motion! She did some dancing onstage that worked well, and there’s a great sculpted Inca head scowling on the back of her headdress. This is still only a few notches above voting Present, though.
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El Salvador. “History of Currency,” which is definitely a concept! The Bitcoin wizard staff is sure something.
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Equatorial Guinea. A perfectly nice entry in the “actual regional costume” category, but on the video I was like “oh, yikes, her headdress is really wobbly” and then it FELL OFF and I felt so bad for her.
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Finland. “Spirit of the Forest”? Fuck off, that’s a prom dress. Boo.
I’m going to pause here so this readmore doesn’t get completely out of control. Shit, there are 50 more of these? Well, I have only myself to blame.
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m0stlygh0st · 2 months
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Alright, another sona drop! This time for my TADC s/i, Rubi!
Based off the dancing show ponies some circuses have. :3 Despite not having a mouth, she can talk perfectly fine, but she tends to gesture and talk a lot with her hooves or by making wild gestures.
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… And of course, I ship her with the anxious monarch lmao.
Now then… are ya’ll ready for some sad pining? Some boo hoo ship lore? >w> 💕
Okay, okay, okay. SO, this is all being said with the full knowledge that the show can go in any which way-- the plot I have outlined for my silly little self ship is purely just headcanon fodder for funsies. Sometimes you can enjoy sad fluff. As a treat!
Alright, as a really basic overview, Rubi ends up feeling an odd sense of wanting to protect Kinger pretty quickly off the bat and in turn, he appreciates someone taking him at least somewhat seriously-- she calls him 'your majesty' as a term of endearment over all else, but Kinger sees it as reverence, whoops-- and she ends up falling into line as an un-official knight for him. Even if that means just giving the poor guy a comforting pat or helping to guard his little pillow fort.
Okay, so that being said: Knights, in chess, can be used to protect King and Queen pieces equally. A Knight is a powerful piece but the one piece it can't take is a King. :3
The way I see their relationship filling out is like... Rubi knows that Kinger will probably-- hopefully, even-- end up reunited with Queenie somehow. She knows the two are a pair and she can't interfere with that, regardless of how she feels. So, even with Kinger feeling affectionate towards Rubi, and Rubi feeling the same towards Kinger, it won’t go much farther than unofficial cuddle buddies at most. Exchanged glances that last a little longer than intended, sitting a little closer than normal at the dinner table, falling asleep in a heap together in Kinger’s pillow fort, things like that. She wants Kinger to be happy-- whether that's with her, or with Queenie, in the end. And even when someone brings that up– the fact that Kinger might end up with Queenie in the end if they can reverse the abstraction, or that he’s still kind of hung up on losing Queenie in the first place– she’s quick to say “I know” with a bittersweet look. No other arguments, no excuses or defenses on her own part unless someone asks for specifics. Just a solemn little “Yep.”
So.... yeah! Unrequited love is a hell of a thing!!! :D I don't know why this was the way my head took the ship initially but that's just how the chips fall I guess lmao. It’s very reminiscent of like, the relationship Victor, Emily and Victoria had at the end of the Corpse Bride— “I love you, but you’re not mine” kinda style. :3
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meowzfordayz · 5 months
Author’s Note: thanks for embarking on this lil helpless-friends-to-lovers journey w/ me. 🤗
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Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
Word Count: ~900
CW: none
they’re-both-so-helpless, emphasis-on-helpless
“... hi!”
You can’t help but chuckle, an awkward smile that reminds Kyojuro of Home brightening your eyes. He sticks out his hand, a solemn expression on his face when you shake it, voice as serious as ever as he declares:
“Just so you are aware, you have officially agreed to be my romantic partner.”
“Kyojuro!” you exclaim, jaw dropping, cheeks hot, “I didn’t- You didn’t- We can’t-”
“-but we can! And we are!” he interrupts cheerfully, gaze twinkling mischievously, “Or is that not why you agreed to meet me?”
“I dunno,” you stammer, blinking quickly, hand burning as you realize you’re still clutching his fingers, snatching it away with an apologetic grimace, “I thought maybe this was the part where you tell me Haha so funny or Sorry, I was drunk when I snapped you or I changed my mind?! or-”
“Sweetheart,” Kyojuro murmurs, a husky, adoring title that halts you in your tracks, already missing the familiarity of his hand in yours, “I would never offer my sentiments flippantly.”
Your pulse stutters, head tilting with confusion. He watches you carefully, resisting the tender urge to cup your hands in his palms and press them to his chest. You swallow thickly, clearing your throat once. Twice. The corner of Kyojuro’s mouth twitches. You scowl, playful distraction scattering the haze in your vision as you huff.
“Oh nice Kyojuro,” arms crossing teasingly, “How kind of you to giggle at me after short circuiting my brain.”
“I am capable of such a feat?” he asks, smug grin informing you that his question is very hypothetical, “Do you remember your first impression of me?”
You nod slowly, gears struggling to shift at his unexpected tangent.
“I remember mine of you. Whenever I get to see you, I feel like I am simultaneously discovering something wonderfully new while also feeling a gentle sense of solace. You are the crackling embers I return to at the end of a weary, darkened day. And I love you.’
“Kyojuro… is the cafe really exhausting you that much?” you blurt, both concerned and stepsiding his explicit confession, “I can come and buy all of your baked goods or something. Whatever helps. So you don’t have to work as hard and worry about not selling enough stuff.”
Kyojuro laughs. A hearty, enraptured sound of devotion and exasperation. You narrowly avoid gasping when he swiftly grabs and covers your hands with his own, tugging them sweaty and nervous to his sternum. His eyes peer steadily into yours, your favorite color of sunset framed by unfairly long lashes, gleaming more fervently than you thought possible. You feel his breath as he raises your knuckles to his lips, kissing them lightly, smoothing the slightest tremor in your grip.
“They said I should tell you,” you admit, a rushed revelation as you melt in the fruition of your fantasy-becoming-reality.
“Oh?” his brow quirks, delighted in your acceptance of his touch, “Tell me what?”
“Mitsuri and Shinobu,” you squeak, “They said I should tell you that Iloveyou.”
“Tengen gave me a similar earful,” Kyojuro hums knowingly, “Although,” volume lowering as he rasps, “I did not catch your last word.”
You gulp, the extent of his affection and your flustered demeanor finally registering. Rengoku Kyojuro loves me you inhale deeply, allowing yourself to perceive the roughness of his callouses against the backs of your hands, jolting from your daze into the present tension as you notice the subtle doubt lingering in his pupils. And I…
“I love you.”
Your reciprocation is soft. Feathery. Grounded in the delicate caress of your fingertips stroking over his heart, matching the relieved exhale of fear from his shoulders.
“You love me!” Kyojuro beams, “I love you!”
With a happy squeal, you give into gravity, arms hugging tightly around him as he promptly lifts and spins you. We’re helpless you think, months of waiting and wanting obvious in how eagerly he holds you; in how resolutely he embraces you. Helplessly in love he thinks, the racing of your heartbeat almost audible; the shine in your eyes illuminating his heart on your sleeve.
“Your friend stopped by yesterday,” Kyojuro remarks. “[y/n]?” Mitsuri perks up, contriving glint in her stare. Uh oh Kyojuro freezes, recognizing his error too little too late. “Do you like them?” Mitsuri chirps—demands—excited now. “Pardon?” Kyojuro’s attempt at innocence is abysmal at best. “They aren’t my number one friend on Snapchat anymore… I think you might like each other!!!!!” “Huh…?” Even as his ears redden, turning swiftly to the espresso machine, feigning oblivion to the careful manner with which Mitsuri watches him. — Winter settles in, as does the yearning, Mitsuri’s prying at the forefront of his mind every time the bell on his cafe’s door jingles, your welcomed presence filling his lungs as he greets you. Again. And again.
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5:02PM Kyojuro: I love you.
5:08PM [y/n]: ???
5:08PM Kyojuro: I apologize.
5:09PM [y/n]: DON’T DO THAT 🤯😖😭
5:11PM Kyojuro: Do not love you, or do not apologize for loving you?
5:11PM [y/n]: bgriludhgou;sbjgs
5:11PM [y/n]: KYOJURO 🥴
5:12PM [y/n]: meet me 2mro? we can go for a walk
5:13PM [y/n]: hullooooo??
5:25PM Kyojuro: Alright. ❤️
5:26PM [y/n]: it’s a date 😉
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2 Years of turn around, bright eyes!
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Thank you SO much to everyone who has read, commented on, and otherwise engaged with turn around, bright eyes! It has been quite the ride to plot out and write and I've loved hearing your thoughts and theories and been made to blush by your exceedingly kind words. Thank you for sticking with me!
Since I did not get a new chapter ready in time for the actual anniversary date on April 15th, I'm dropping a flashback from an upcoming chapter.
Without further ado . . .
He is eight when baby Colin’s arrival on a blustery January morning makes him an eldest – rather than merely elder – brother. 
The last night it would only be they two Bridgerton boys, Benedict sneaks into his room and stays through the night. They sleep top and tail, fitfully, until tiredness overtakes even their unease at hearing their mother’s cries of pain as she struggles to bring their new sibling into the world. 
Early the next morning, as the light of dawn begins to peek through his curtains, Anthony awakens to find their father hovering over his bed, a bundle of blankets in his arms that cannot be anything other than the new baby.
“Good morning, Anthony,” says Papa in a scratchy voice as Benedict slowly stirs to wakefulness. 
“Morning,” he mumbles. “May I see?”
“Once Benedict budges up, I’ll sit.”
He kicks his younger brother in the shin, which wakes him up properly. 
Benedict scowls at him, but he mirrors his stance, sitting up to make room for Papa and – 
“This is your brother,” Papa says softly once he’s settled down between them, the baby cradled gently in his arms. “Colin.”
Two children whose names start with A for the elder and B for the younger might be a coincidence; choosing a name beginning with C for the third officially makes it a pattern. Nose crinkling, he tilts his head in question. 
Papa grins. “Your mama insisted.”
“Mm,” he murmurs noncommittally. He would never dream of criticizing Mama, but it’s really rather silly. Oh well. He looks more closely at his new brother. 
He isn’t sure what he expected, precisely, but the baby looks . . . like a baby, with chubby pink cheeks and a little fuzz of indeterminate color on his head.
Papa laughs when he makes that observation aloud. “He’ll grow into himself eventually and we’ll get to know him and his personality properly. Give it some time.”
“His eyes are like mine,” Benedict says smugly when their new brother blinks open his eyes for a few moments. 
He frowns; Benedict isn’t quite right (the baby’s eyes are a much darker shade of blue) but they are blue, so he is – and it seems will continue to be – the odd one out with his dark, dark eyes. “No, they’re not –”
“Either way, they might well change,” Father interrupts, well-practiced at defusing their disputes. “Babies’ eyes often do.”
(Colin’s will not. They stay the same dark blue he entered the world with, the same dark blue with which Eloise, Francesca, and eventually Hyacinth will all be born – their mother’s dark blue. 
Only when Gregory comes along will one of his younger siblings finally share his eye color.)
Papa clears his throat. “You are both big brothers now. That is a very serious thing. You will need to teach him everything you know and guide him so that he grows to be a good, kind boy as I try to teach you to be.”
He and Benedict exchange solemn looks, their fingers ghosting over the edge of the blanket and not quite touching their baby brother’s tiny fingers; they can sense at least some of the import of Papa’s statement based on his tone, before turning to Papa and nodding seriously.
“We will,” he says fiercely – if quietly, so as not to startle baby Colin, who startles him by wrapping his little fist around his index finger.
And stealing his heart.
For as long as he can remember, Benedict has been his best friend and his partner in crime, but he knows in that moment that Colin will be something entirely different.
(He does not know then that it will be Colin with whom he makes nearly all his worst mistakes as a brother.)
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 29 days
I don't think I can do alot of Mermay, but I wanted to do something small.
Child of the Land, Child of the Sea
A poem inspired by the 40k Mermay. Not outright said to be a mermarine but thats what I envisioned when I wrote it.
Don't need to understand 40k to read it though.
Warnings: Non graphic mention of blood and a kiss.
@kit-williams @sleepyfan-blog @egrets-not-regrets @bleedingichorhearts @barn-anon
Once there was a farm hand, who loved the land and sea.
They loved the autumn colors, the horses running through the leaves.
They loved the crashing waves, that brought the salty brine.
And dreamed to gift their mother, a coral with brightest shine.
So they gathered all the pieces, left no undone part.
To request from the merfolk, this favor so dear to heart.
A fresh mollusk cut to open, a swatch of fishy scale skin, a bundle of horse's hair, and red ichor from within.
They cast into the waves, their offering most kind.
When what should answer their offer? A beauty most divine.
Broad and strong, with violet eyes, the merfolk's body emerged from below.
His silvery voice, like his pale hair, curled sweetly as he spoke.
"I am a child of the sea, who dances and duels below the waves."
"What causes you oh child of land, to proposition me this day?"
Though somewhat shocked the farmer did manage to focus and respond.
"I have a very needful task, that only one such as you can complete.
I wish to give to my dearest mother, a piece of your beautiful sea.
For she has always loved this place, almost as much as she loves me."
The merman listened well, and feeling his hearts desire so said in return...
"I will grant this wish of yours, but you must do the same for me."
"Your warmth has touched my heart, and though I have my brothers, it is still lonely in the sea."
"Come beneath the waves," Plead the merfolk. "Not for once, but for all time."
"Excuse me what?"
"So I will always be yours, and you will always mine."
The Farmer could scarcely believe their ears. They had to blush and avert their eyes.
"Your offer is quite flattering, but I cannot I must reply."
"What? But why not?"
"Because...my home is of the autumn leaves, the farm, the fields, the soil.
My family also needs my strength, to alleviate the work's toil."
"But though I cannot live among you, I'd love to know you more.
Of the corals, the fish, your brothers and what dwells on the ocean floor.
So...if you would share your world with me, I will gladly share to you mine."
The Farmer reached their hand in offering.
So then what was the merfolks reply?
He could drag them below the waves, into his protective embrace.
Or listen to their stories of the land, and let them leave this place?
But could his child of land be happy? If forced below the sea.
With no horses, nor fields, no soil, nor their beloved Autumn leaves?
Most likely not, and though he was a creature full of pride.
He'd much prefer his precious landling come willing to his side.
"If you leave, will you return?" He asked, his voice solemn with a hopeful wisp.
"I do solemnly swear." The farm hand said warmly, and bestowed on his brow a kiss.
And so instead of their legs, the farm hand traded this earnest vow,
For the most lovely bunch of coral, that to their mother they did endow.
And from that day both kept that oath, to share their worlds in turn.
For each time, that they would meet, more that each would learn.
About the fields, and floods, the sand bars and the trees.
The sweet, refreshing sea foam brine, and the beautiful autumn leaves.
Bringing stories, bringing friends and bringing items so that both could grow and understand.
So for all time would there be the child of the sea, who loves and is loved by the child of the land.
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llondonfog · 11 months
thank @081314 for putting this image into my head ; u ; | mild ch7 spoilers !
it truly is a wondrous display.
the shroud brothers have outdone themselves yet again, lilia finds that he has to hand it to them, as the headmage all but squawks with delight before the awed reporters and the flash of their cameras tilted towards the night sky. perhaps even those closest to death and misery can find it within themselves to produce miracles—or perhaps it is because they are closest to such things that they are able to do so.
and a miracle it is, even to his ancient eyes. not once in nearly seven hundred years has he seen such a vibrant sight in the night sky, no meteor shower in memory could compare. the stars themselves streak over the horizon like diamonds hurtling towards the sea, dazzling with blinding beauty from where the younger shroud had set them free above the highest of skies. malleus' wish, sebek's, even silver's and his own— they dance and flicker among the student body multitudes as they stream across his eyes, leaving breathless spots behind. how amazing, human technology could be.
(was it really not so long ago that he would have doubted such a scene even possible?)
"look, silver," he murmurs elatedly to the young man seated quiet and still beside him on the damp grassy knoll, dutifully holding up a lurid pink and bat patterned umbrella to shield his father against any persistent drops of rain. "could you even begin to pick out which ones are ours?"
a silence stretches back to him, but that isn't unusual— his son could simply be contemplating the shooting stars before him with that precious solemnity of his. so, lilia prattles on, feeling oddly old and giddy beneath the artificial cosmos. "you would have if trey had not been so absolutely cruel to me! i wanted to decorate mine a very lovely shade of pink, but i was told that it would throw off the aesthetic, as if that was such an awful request from little old me!"
there is still no response, and lilia is about to tease the boy for being so childishly starstruck when the umbrella suddenly tilts and wobbles towards him, smacking him gently in the head as it slips from his son's lax fingertips and silver topples forward to land on the bony pillow of his father's shoulder.
ah, he should have known.
and also— the once great general vanrouge, sporting a reddening bruise on the middle of his forehead from an obnoxiously pink umbrella.
sliding the handle gently out of silver's loose grip, he readjusts it to cover the two of them once more before considering the boy slumped against him, the ghost of something poignant and foreign to his mischievous features playing about his lips.
("my wish . . . is for humans, fae, and all other species to live in harmony." )
centuries ago, he would have been repulsed by the very proximity of his son. he would have disparaged the boy, dismissed him from his sight and out of his mind. he would have taken delight in cruel ridicule of silver's humanity, spun vicious circles around his dull senses. he would have despaired for all that humanity had taken from their kind, for all that humanity had taken from him—
—and all that humanity had given him.
there, beneath the tender cover of darkness and a violently pink umbrella, he is able to tilt his head and press a kiss against the soft strands of his son's hair, wrap an arm loosely around the boy's middle and feel the pang of time as it no longer fits as it used to in his grasp. "i suppose i ought to thank the heavens themselves," lilia whispers, the audience of such fond affection snoring lightly into his shoulder. "for granting me such a wish all those years ago when i needed it most— isn't that so, my little star?"
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doofus-and-dragons · 11 months
This will more than likely be the last one of these I have. So, for the last time, here is my live reaction to the final season of TMA. These will be in no particular order because ice been listening to it over the span of a couple of weeks. I only listen to it at work.
TMA S5 Spoilers ahead
The cabin episode made me so sad. The eyepocolypse had even taken away their domestic bliss
I really don't remember the trenches that well. It's not a fear of mine, so it didn't shake me or stick well enough. Still good tho
The sickness episode sent me right back to senior year of highschool. I had to take a minute KXNSKXN
At first I thought the worms was about Jane again but I was very wrong. It was a very interesting take!
Curiosity made me incredibly sad. I feel bad for Eric, Micheal, and Sarah(? Trinity? I don't remember. She was set on fire by a desolation avatar I think)
Also: Gertrude x Agnes perhaps???? Or at least solemn pinning? Maybe I just think it's slightly tragic to make it so and sometimes angst is good yknow?
Roots was ok, but the only part that stuck out to me was the jealous Martin scene. I listened to it like 3 times. I kept rewinding it just to list to it.
Fire Escape was SO good! It gave me a kind of manic energy as I listened to the descriptions of the fire.
Martin in the Lonely again made me cry. That's it.
"Who's this? Your boyfriend?" "Yes actually." "Oh...so is there anyway this doesn't end in me dead?"
The Basira and Daisy stuff actually did make me feel bad for Basira. Like, it's the apocalypse and she's having a whole ass crisis.
I wonder how he faked his death... man is talented and smart, I'll give him that
Skipping ahead to Martin's domain. Loved that. My boy isn't strictly human and I love that he can't deny that fact anymore.
Martin: Something something "one of you"
Jon, being a smug theater kid bastard boy: "One of us."
Like I heard that and I imagined him smirking ominously and gesturing with both his hands
He sounded so pleased that his boyfriend, as miniscule a role it had or that martin had, was like him, and I love that for him
I'm so glad Melanie and Georgie are happy. Though, the cult does weird me out (cults give me the heebie jeebies. It was a very nice touch!)
They deserve nice things.
Also, my favorite of the Cult members was Anil's character. I can't remember his name right off the top of my head, but he was wonderful. Anil did amazing with that little cameo/role
The scene where's he's arguing with Martin reminds me of that Jojo meme with jotoro and dio, but instead of stands they have their poetry clutched tight in their fists
"I dont need a poet." No, Jon, because you already have one. His name is Martin
Of course Jon gets trapped in the ocean when he doesn't have big string martin to row him out of it XD
Annabelle Cane is wonderful, I'm so glad Jon didn't kill her. She's so chummy with Martin up until she has to be a dramatic villain and I love that for her!
The ladder episode made me grin like a maniac manly because I would be the Martin in that situation. I love the feeling of falling/floating, but I hate actually getting myself to fall. I physically can't do it. I can barely dive into the lake from my papaw's boat
Martin, there are thousands of fanfics that dive into you two getting together without the trauma. Don't even.
Hey, real elias! That's where him being a stoner comes from! Because he is one! Nice.
I love og Elias, and I would protect him with my life I don't care.
Oh wait it was just Magnus dreaming
I almost cried when Martin was yelling at Jon. The boys are fighting
They're somewhere else being happy and domestic now you can't change my mind
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scarisd3ad · 11 months
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Pairing - Glenn Rhee x maggie Greene and Glenn Rhee x f!reader
Warnings - cheating, cursing, normal twd warnings
‘August sipped away like a bottle of wine, 'Cause you were never mine’
August - Betty - cardigan
y/n and Glenn had been dating for 7 years, they had met during their freshman year of high school and begun dating in the fall of that year, but Maggie didn't know any of that. she didn't know, and that's why when she and Glenn went on a run together by themselves, she flirted with him a bit. she offered to have sex with him. she knew y/n she seen her around the farm but never talked to her and definitely didn't know Glenn and her had been in a 7-year long relationship. it really wasn't her fault Maggie saw a cute guy and caught feelings, and he definitely didn't tell her he was in a relationship. she didn't know that until y/n practically knocked him down in a hug when they came back from the run.
Glenn and Maggie were on two of her father's horses riding towards the local pharmacy. earlier that day they had to kill a walker and Maggie was a bit out of it. she had never seen one killed before, and believed they were still people. she thought she just witnessed murder.
"You know, normally this is the kind of thing I'd do on my own. solo." Glenn said with a chuckle, but he didn't get a response from Maggie. she just rode the horse quietly, admiring the quietness of the town she normally knew to be loud, and full of people, all of them she used to know. but now it's quiet, and the only people in it was her and Glenn.
"it's sort of my thing, y'know?" Glenn says but again doesn't get an answer from Maggie. "I'm a loner" the part he had forgotten to add was that every time he went on a run 'by himself' y/n was right by his side.
he looks over to Maggie after she not even chuckled at the dorky things he had just said. she had a solemn look on her face "you alright?" he asks "I'm fine" she replies without even looking at him.
Glenn couldn't not say he didn't think Maggie was attractive because she was, he felt bad for that feeling too. he was so in love with y/n, and it felt like he was betraying y/n by thinking Maggie's attractive.
"I saw the look on your face back at the well. never seen one killed up close before?" Glenn asked. Maggie began to ride her horse just a little faster than Glenn is resulting in her being in front of him. "Guess it's kind of a shock" she still didn't answer, she just let Glenn talk. "You know, being out on the road, we've seen a lot." he says before mumbling "guess we've gotten a little numb to it."
"Woah. I guess so." Maggie said as they arrive at the pharmacy. they tied up the horses and then walk over to front door. in the front window there was a cardboard sign with the words "take what you need, and god bless" written on it.
they walked in, the door already being unlocked. "I'll go see what antibiotics are left. what else is on the list?" Maggie asked turning back to look at Glenn. "uh" he pulled the folded-up list out of his back pocket and hands it to Maggie "why don't you get started?" she unfolded the list and looked down at it before asking Glenn "what about you?" he already had a small list that consisted of personal items for Lori she didn't want other to know about and stuff y/n had asked for. "I-I'm gonna look around, see what's worth grabbing. just some general stuff." he stuttered out. Maggie began to turn around as she looked down at the list.
Glenn grabbed up his bag and walked past a shelf of stuff labeled gifts. he pauses as he looked of the assortment of jewelry and cards. he always grabs something for y/n every time he goes on a run. he ran his fingers across a row of gold necklaces, he grabs one of them before stuffing it into his bag and going over to the feminine care area. he kneeled down in front of the very disorganized shelf. he picked up things and put them down until he found what he was looking for a box of pregnancy tests for Lori.
Maggie walked up behind Glenn without him knowing "what you got there?" she asked which made Glenn jump, stuff the box of pregnancy tests into his bag, and grab the first box he saw which is a box of condoms. "Nothing. just like I said general stuff" Maggie furrowed her brows together. she hadn't known if he had a girlfriend or not, she was starting to assume he did and was totally wrong about everything. "Condoms?" he looked up and down from the box to her with his mouth gaping open. "You got a girlfriend I don't know about?" "Me? no. no" he doesn't know why he lied it wasn't like he was unhappy in his relationship it was actually the opposite he was extremely happy with y/n. she made him the happiest he'd ever been. maybe it was because it could have led to attention from a girl that wasn't his own girlfriend.
"Then you're a pretty confident guy" she said with a grin. now that she was sure he didn't have a girlfriend she was going to go for it. the grin that was once on Glenns face dropped "no, no,no,no. I-I-I wasn't I would never-" he stuttered out absolutely embarrassed about the impression he had just gave Maggie. "Something wrong with me?" Maggie asks the only thing that was wrong was that she wasn't his girlfriend. "No, no I-I" he shook his head as he chuckled nervously. "I would never have sex- im-I'm lost." the more Maggie talks the more y/n leaves his head. it's like she had some siren song the emitted off of her that made him forget about the girl he loved. he was a moth to her flame, just venturing closer and closer until boom everything he loved is gone.
"I'll have sex with you." he knew it was horrible, but he still did. he lied and cheated on his girlfriend of 7 years. he wasn't going to tell her ever. it was going to be his little secret. he'd tell Maggie that he actually did have a girlfriend and that the sex meant nothing. that was the plan.
when they get back to Hershel's house y/n jumped up from where she sat on Hershel's porch and almost knocked Glenn down in a hug. "Glenn" she cries out happily as she buried her face into his neck. Glenn holds onto her but is looking directly at Maggie who has a look on her face that makes Glenn's heart fall into his ass. he looked at Maggie with a look on his face just begging Maggie to not tell her. he didn't want to lose y/n not now, not after all they've been through. y/n looks up at Glenn with her brows furrowed "what's wrong?" he shook his head and pressed his lips to hers when he pulls away, he mumbles "nothing, just missed you."
Glenn had to tell someone though, he needed advice because he knew he had a short amount of time until Maggie told y/n. so he went to dale he normally had an answer to all his questions "son you didn't, you have to tell y/n. it's only fair" Glenn sighed and shook his head "I can't tell y/n I had sex with Maggie. especially when we haven't yet" it wasn't like either one didn't want to its just that the first 3 years they lived with their parents, and then the next 4 they were busy, and now they were in the middle of the apocalypse.
what Glenn didn't know was that y/n was standing there at the door. y/n had asked Andrea where her boyfriend had gone, and she pointed her to the rv. she just wanted to ask Glenn a question, she didn't want to find out he had cheated on her.
"You had sex with Maggie?" she asked tears welling up in her eyes. his eyes widened and his mouth fell open "y/n-" she cut him off by slamming the door shut and trying to run off.
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freyafukunaga · 9 months
in fact. vn recs time.
NEET Girl Date Night: very sweet very relatable very sincere very kind and that kind of kindness makes me tear up i love her so much!! among disaster girls who elicit pitying laughs or "i can fix her," it's nice to have just a person you might know in real life, just being herself, i think. i want to have neet girl date night with edd every night.
Long Since The Eschaton: a post-apocalyptic mental health love story, and whether that's romantic love or platonic is up to you, it's just as sweet either way and i sob. really it has the same appeal to me as fruits basket, where even though there's a supernatural element bringing things to the forefront, the causes of all the trauma and regrets are unmistakably grounded in the mundane.
湯圓 [tong jyun]: i'm assuming everyone is already familiar with one night, hot springs actually wait
a year of springs: a trilogy starting from one night, hot springs from a game jam, about a trio of friends, about being a trans woman, about being wlw, about being aromantic, what i love so much about npckc's game is how the difficulties and sense of alienation are so real, but in spite of that, the world is full of kind people. it's enviable to me, it's healing to me
so back to tong jyun, it's another title, much shorter and less known but still important to me, as an asian-american with a heavy lean on the american. felt.
Billionaire Lovers: i love stories where the protagonist is in a different genre than they think they are, and this is i think a game about the double-edged nature of trust. you can't reach the true ending until you've played through the other routes but i found the conclusion worth it, a well-deserved happy end
TAISHO x ALICE: funny and heartfelt and terrifying and solemn and sweet, and while i've got complaints about how a couple routes are handled, everything makes sense narratively speaking when looking in the broader context. it's a story about two people and a game about nine people, and i want to treat them all with kindness
and ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos, and Heaven Will Be Mine, and Analogue: A Hate Story, and From Madness With Love, and Hatoful Boyfriend, and Our Life: Beginnings & Always, and basically you have to read visual novels
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every1sno1fangirl · 8 months
Happy Hifuumo Friday everyone!
I'm sorry this is late by a day. The week has been kind of rough on me once again. Nothing in particular happened after the party (Which was fantastic and I'd rather talk about that) but depression is what it is.
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It was really nice getting to see people I have been missing for what has to be half a decade now? Not one of them had seen me since I transitioned, since they live pretty far away. This party especially is one I have been missing since the last time I was there.
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My uncle's ranch is a place that I associated with some really good memories. Ones with my dad in them. I haven't heard much from that side of the family for that reason in fact; Their relationships were with him, less so than with me and my mom.
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And I know it's been painful for them to reach out and try to talk to her. Even if they were very happy to see us (Many of them remarked that they had never seen me as happy as I am now, which was really nice)
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But another uncle of mine has been the only one to really do so.
My feelings about him are complicated. He was a 'bad man' for many years. He's also the only person who really reaches out to my mom and talked to her.
And he's changed a lot. So much I can't believe it.
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He apologized to me about the things he had done and he's a totally different person now. The first thing he did when he saw me was give me a family heirloom that he had held onto for 34 years because he didn't know anyone else better to give it to.
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It's a very nice necklace. I won't be sharing pictures of it here, but it was something he got for his mother before she had died and she gave it back to him. It's just a gold 'P' with a star on it. My deadname was borrowed from hers, my name still has the 'P' initial.
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It was a very sweet gift. It's sitting in its old box on my desk right now. Being at a party like this, even if it was in a familiar place, was a lot. Being able to sit there with my uncle for hours and talk and make plans (We'll go to the zoo) really helped keep me.
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Honestly, I didn't intend for this post to be so solemn on what was a very happy occasion, but it was something that couldn't leave my mind nonetheless, both during the party and after as I've typed away at this for the past few days.
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I've always been depressed, it's been more of a struggle to deal with it recently. Probably because It's coming up 6 years now of him being gone from my life when the 29th rolls around. (So...a week from now. Sorry if I don't do anything next week)
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It's just hard to ignore. It's messing with my mindset and how I handle things.
I had a good time. I'll be having even more of one next month. I should worry about that instead of brooding, shouldn't I?
I love you all, I hope you have a good day/night!
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ctl-yuejie · 6 months
What did you eat yesterday Season 2 - Episode 7
(yes, I jumped over episode 6, but I watched it at 3 am and just had a lot of feelings and not that many thoughts)
this episode reenforced my opinion that the show's writing is among the best in the slice-of life genre. the way themes and story-threads are introduced to come back in later episodes or get featured from a different view point makes this show not only feel well-rounded and well thought-out but it makes you think and reminisce since everything feels so real. The show treats its premise seriously: Shiro-san and Kenji being 50 and late 40s respectively is not treated as a surface-level story setting but it does the work of really dissecting and deep-diving into how these two people would view the world. Their outlook on life is so so different from mine, not only because I'm not a gay man in Japan but because of our age difference. We might share similar experiences but how we react and think about the same issues couldn't be more different. I love that I can never predict what tone the next scene might set and it feels like talking to a queer elder sharing their story. You can learn something just by listening and gain new perspectives.
Shiro-san losing a friend, thinking - yet again - about death and not having any children of his own is contrasted with how solemn but peaceful the funeral is. Here is Shiro-san imagining how tough things must be for the widow and - what he assumes - three young children only for the children being old enough to have kids on their own. It perfectly illustrates the kind of bubble in which we might experience our lives. His former classmates talk about becoming grandparents and here is Shiro-san just having started finding a way to accept his complicated emotions of not granting his parents grandchildren. It not only feels like two social circles colliding but how unintended alienating it can feel to be queer. And sometimes it just hits you that there are people around you that are both similar and very different to you. And an excellent way to connect the theme of marriage and children to the past episodes but from a very different viewpoint.
The same way Kohinata and Wataru are so important to the story. They can be comedic relief while never feeling cartoonish but they also offer more variety in how a gay couple can live together paired with the generation gap between the three and Wataru.
While writing is fantastic, this show equally is indebted to the stellar performances by Uchino Seiyo and Nishijima Hidetoshi. The way Uchino Seiyo can carry pure joy in his voice gets me everytime he calls for Shiro-san off screen. The way they both move inside the supermarket and as a couple, the way they embody their characters so thouroughly is never not giving me joy.
favourite moment: Kenji realising that Shiro-san wants validation by the supermarket lady and being overjoyed at that fact and that Shiro-san will wear his glasses more often.
food talk
Not only was this another fantastic episode, I am craving some nabeyaki udon now and i wish i had brought back more yuzu kosho from japan. I wish I could get my hands on fresh clams here. Never tried clam soup with just clams but it looks delicious. And I wish I could get fish roe here.
production corner
I really commend this show for making this flat so congruent with its history. you understand why shiro rented it in the first place. you can feel both their styles coming together and also the different times they might have purchased things. it is not planned by an interior designer but has a consistent style that feels very them.
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the beast in the belly // an El/Orion playlist
reposting playlist because i made some updates for AO3 posting, but have to take it down from AO3 now as it’s too much quotation
I. a wall up round my dignity
Natural - Imagine Dragons That’s the price you pay Leave behind your heart and cast away Just another product of today Rather be the hunter than the prey
Need Nothing - VÉRITÉ Oh, I’m sorry I’m so condescending The pride on my shoulder, it keeps me standing And I’d call out an ending If you’d hold it against me
Daffodil - Florence + the Machine There is no bad, there is no good I drank every scar that I could Made myself mythical, tried to be real Saw the future in the face of a Daffodil
Icarus - Bastille Look who’s digging their own grave That is what they all say; you’ll drink yourself to death Look who makes their own bed, lies right down within it And what will you have left?
II. they were saving me, and i was going to save them
Machine - Imagine Dragons I’m not scared of what you’re gonna tell me No, I’m not scared of the beast in the belly Fill my cup with endless ambition And paint this town with my very own vision
For Good - Wicked And now whatever way our stories end I know you have re-written mine By being my friend
You Cannot - Erin McKeown You love me, because of this This wildness, this tenderness With every bite of my teeth, I’m showing you best How I love you back, without bitterness
I’m Not Your Hero - Tegan And Sara Sometimes it feels like the side that I’m on Plays the toughest hand, holds the longest stand Sometimes it feels like I’m all that they’ve got It’s so hard to know I’m not what they want
III. the only right thing i��ve ever wanted
Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives Abandon all your stupid dreams About the girl I could have been, my dear ‘Cause in the night I know you burn with feelings I cannot return, my dear
F.N.T. - Semisonic I’m surprised that you’ve never been told before That you’re lovely And you’re perfect And that somebody wants you
As Long as You’re Mine - Wicked Just for this moment As long as you’re mine Come be how you want to And see how bright we shine
No Light, No Light - Florence + the Machine You want a revelation You want to get right But it’s a conversation I just can’t have tonight You want a revelation Some kind of resolution
Kiss Me - Dermot Kennedy So kiss me the way that you would If we died tonight Hold me the way that you would For the final time
IV. you're dead, but stay anyway
No Good Deed - Wicked My road of good intentions Led where such roads always lead No good deed Goes unpunished
Hunger - Florence + the Machine At seventeen, I started to starve myself I thought that love was a kind of emptiness And at least I understood then, the hunger I felt And I didn't have to call it loneliness
Rotten - Missouri Surf Club So when you gonna tell him? That nothing grows in corpses, There's nothing he or anyone can do When you gonna tell him? Your skin can't hide black insides, Oh, there's nothing left There's nothing left of you
Innocence and Sadness - Dermot Kennedy I would have waited for you all night to talk for a minute I'll sing into the cold dark night 'til you listen People spend their life heads down, souls hidden I'm trying to be who you need me to be
The Great War - Taylor Swift We can plant a memory garden Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair And we will never go back
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winterdeepelegy · 10 months
A Favor Owed
Ciel had been tending the flowers in her yard when Glace arrived unannounced. There was no hello, no mention of her name to get her attention, but an eventual clearing of his throat to serve the same purpose. She lifted her head and tipped up the brim of the woven hat she wore to see who it was, only to scoff at such a greeting. "Really? Well, hello to you too. Let me guess, you need my help for another job?" "Well yes... and no," he answered. She hadn't seen him in months and by now the trail of Artoire Boniface had gone cold. Glace had other matters in mind which were more important in the moment. "Actually... it's a bit of a personal matter, and kind of a big ask." Taking a breath, Ciel dropped her trowel onto the ground and brushed bits of grass off of her knees as she stood. She was sure she'd more than paid off her debt by now, but what was one more favor? "Alright, I'm listening," she confirmed in an even tone, neither elated nor annoyed, at least not until she knew what this request consisted of. Glace lowered his head but hesitated. He wasn't sure how best to ask for what he needed, but after another beat he got on with it. "Listen, Plum... you know a bit about me an' mine already. Things didn't exactly go as planned with bringing them home and... well, more than a few of my Siblings died." At that, she removed her hat and held it in front of her chest in a solemn gesture for his grief. She waited quietly for the rest of his request. "You may not know but I've seen you on more than one battlefield. In the aftermath, when all the fighting's done, when the ground's still smouldering under your feet. I've seen you walk through like it's... a meadow or something... a field of flowers. And you whisper and you sing and play your harp, all the while pluckin' motes out of thin air where people died." Her eyes shifted away in search of anything that might keep her from meeting his eyes. He wasn't wrong, but realizing she had had an audience at all suddenly made the breath stop in her throat. "And then... you smiled in that way you do when you're about to part ways with an ol' friend or loved one, like you'll see them again just a few moons later. In the next moment, those motes blinked out one by one. You set them free." He paused to watch her, noting her uncertainty. "I don't doubt what my own eyes saw, but that's all I'm asking for. Well, that's part one... the place where they died, I don't want them to linger. They've suffered enough." Only now did Ciel lift her green eyes to him again, but there was no change in her expression. "The second part is, we recovered what flesh remains we could and they've since been cremated," he went on. "I was hoping you might be able to do some funerary rite for them, too, an' scatter the ashes. Mere formality, but some of the survivors might benefit from the closure." The songstress closed her eyes and softly shook her head. "Funerary rites are a specialty of Arrzaneth Ossuary. Alas, I'm no priestess of Thal." "I can't go to them and you know it," he huffed, "I've done my damnest to keep the others safe by not exposing the location of our new home. I don't trust those Ul'dahn blokes, not to mention the exorbitant prices they ask for services like that. Please, Plum, I'll do anything you ask of me if you'll do this." He wasn't wrong about this, either, and she knew quite well what their fees typically ranged. "Glace, I'm but a humble devout of Oschon. Although formal funerary rites aren't normally my forte, I am called by Him to grant comfort to they that wander." She dipped her head once in a nod of agreement, "Very well. I will do what you're asking, but I can't in good consciousness ask aught in return." The Duskwight stood there in stunned silence for a few breaths before finally stammering, "Are you sure?" "Aye. I'll not deny anyone peace at a price that benefits only myself. But tell me where I need to go and it shall be done."
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 5 months
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a lazy comic about my dinoverse oc? uhh idk
oc info below (if you are intrested ofc)
oh god its very long
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jameson heelshire (obv ref)
this is a dinoverse oc (because lately a certain friend of mine has been drawing me into this neat game and honestly i love it), based from brahms heelshire (duh). instead of him being a rat wall (which my oc actually also has a room in the walls but just simply doesnt live there), its his 'wife' that lives there. or so he thought. or so i thought. idk man she maybe lives in the walls or just straight up dead it'd be a mystery instead ig. im more leaning to shes living in the walls, but she is scared of jameson. more to that yes.
i was intending to make him killed his wife but im still contemplating to make the continuation of it. is she dead? is she alive? if so is she in the walls? if she is what is the solemn reason she stays there? fear? or did jameson trapped him? i have more question of him its actually scary.
i know you guys would probably not read those sentences i made in like half to 4 am so i give you
bullets headcanons or just the timeline of his:
his parents is a really strict parents with high standards.
he is very pressured which shapes the personality of him that is perfectionist and doesnt really care for others. also he is very bad at delivering his actual emotion so he looks like a resting bitch face most of the time.
this causes many of his playmates just like naw mommy i dont want to play with this boy, hes real annoying.
and also he doesnt even have that many time to think about friendship anyways.
until this one playmate, a blond girl stayed long enough that when she stop showing up, jameson starts asking about her.
his parents is very thrilled about this that they literally begged the girl to comeback to the mansion.
actually the girl was just really curious about violins and other music instrument, and jameson is basically a walking band (actually its basically just piano, violin and flute mainly).
and jameson didnt expect that his parents would bring her back because he just asking where she went and was about to just continue on with his life.
well now they just like. hating each other. theyre like i didnt want this- AND SO AM I LEAVE ME BE!!!
they have 3 years age gap fyi idk
more and more years passed and jameson doesnt really have a friend other that this girl and they know each other too well now.
they memorized each other habit on the back of their head and often use each other (?)
that girl has a lot of problem with her friends since she become jameson playmate so she often use his name to slip away from her friend group. which they idk kinda judgemental to everyone.
and jameson uses her name as an excuse from his BUSY schedule. also she knows a lot about him WHICH his parents dont.
yeahh and so he come to success by being a professional violinist and that girl is like, prepared to be his bride??????
i mean she doesnt mind anymore but like
well jameson did something about it and her parents let her do her own things BUT YOU ARE STILL MARRYING JAMESON
she like yeah yeah and go venture on her own idk making a shop or working in the government.
this sounds like a kingdom lovestory BUT IT IS NOT o have found the answer
she is working as *drumroll queue* administration for the voorhees company. (is that right i feel like voorhees is a company there)
nothing bad happened dont worry
instead of being invested in music, she instead pursue the career of science because she sees the struggle jameson went through.
and shes not having any of that
jameson in the other hand is oh wow you learn this kind of things??
ok then after she went, this girl barely contacted anyone from his family
even jameson. oh EVEN JAMESON. she didnt even bother to send him regards or something. jameson too dont give a shit.
they occasionally meet each other at parties but like simple his and leaves
until jameson parent died. both of them. in the same time. in a weird but also not really.
then the girl hears about this and attends the funeral.
in which she meets jameson again, and he is not crying. at all.
he did cried on her so
long story short they bond with each other again and get married.
and this is where shits got fucked up (eventually) .
yeah so their interest is not really.. compatible for each other.
and both of them changed through out the years they have been seperated
and jameson is real different. especially after his parents death.
he become more secretive than ever. more aware of anything.
on one side its a good thing that he almost never let any inconvenience go unnoticed but there are a lot of things that goes noticed that shouldnt??
but its still the same jameson. the one boy who was so in love with music that its the sole reason he keeps up with the strict schedule of him.
even the girl is sorta changed?
they often broke into an argument over basically anything. misplaced stuff? jameson angry. opening some specific windows in the girl's room? shes pissed as hell. fortunately the mansion is big enough to contain their yelling.
whats unfortunate though is that of the same reason. nobody can hear the screaming.
years passed and theres about no news from these two since the beginning of chaos.
jameson keeps gatting more fame and his 'wife' is now forgotten.
everytime they asked about her he just simply say that shes fine and other sorts. it almost sounded like she is living a happy life as a wife.
oh and also
jameson is VERY manipulative. he can talk himself out of a situation. he can (practically) rizz someone up for his own.
this is caused by his parents. he lies a lot without ever getting caught. his technically mastered the art of bullshit his way through since his parents dislikes a slacking son.
anyways if this were a game, jameson would be those of 'and then there were none' kind of shit.
the back of his mansion is a river near a forest that many people use to slip away from G4
its not that he kidnap them or whatever but he VERY mind the noises.
he prefers people to stay away from his place. the noises makes his 'wife' disturbed. or so he said.
some survived.
has a friend that is a con artist who works in either voorhees company or myers company. probably a friend of his wife.
poor guy doesnt have anyone. oh sorry. his wife.
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spxllcxstxr · 2 years
An Adventure • A
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(Gif not mine)
Request: hi! could i request something where aragorn falls for a performer (like singer or musician?) at a tavern or smth that he passes through semi-frequently? thanks :) — anon
Summary: A conversation with the mysterious ranger at the Prancing Pony leaves you excited for the morning
Warnings: alcohol mention, food and eating mention, uhhh probably some bad middle earth geography and stuff like that but idk
Word Count: 1k
A.N: me?? Writing and posting again???? Sorry for the lateness lmao but I loved this request so I wanted to write it first lmao…, gn!reader…also: because it’s been a while, let me know if you want to be put in a Taglist for any of my fandoms!! Even if you were in one before, just resubmit in my inbox
{ Miluis - lovely one }
No matter how many taverns or inns you visit, Bree’s very own Prancing Pony will always be your favorite to perform in. It was the one place, where even as a bard traveling throughout Middle Earth constantly, you could somewhat call home.
The All-Welcome Inn, near the East Road and filled constantly to the brim with rowdy patrons, only ever wanted drinking songs and the Forsaken Inn, east of Bree, only ever wanted solemn songs of war and death. The Prancing Pony was nothing like these.
Butterbur always had a hot meal and good ale flowing for you, gleeful he had a bard to occupy his customers. He paid well and had good lodgings for perfectly for you. The Prancing Pony was the one place you would always come back to.
The smoke of Hobbiton leaf swirls around you making your strokes across the strings of your lute become more languid. You were light on your toes, flitting through the room, twirling hobbits around as they dance and drink and gleefully sing with you.
Men and hobbits cackle at your song, something you picked up near the Misty Mountains—a dwarven mining song translated into common speech from Khuzdul.
Laughs permeate the air mixing with the clangs of metal and smaller conversations.
Your eyes drift to a darkened corner, spotting, once again, the mysterious ranger. You haven’t just met him here in Bree, he’s seen your other performances across Middle Earth, even teaching you a few of his own compositions when in a good enough mood.
His face, as always, is shrouded by his dark cloak and the grey smoke curling from his pipe. A flash of silver eyes meet yours briefly along with a hint of a nod in greeting. You duck your head, glancing down at your fingertips running over your instrument. His intense gaze always had this effect on you.
It’s not long after that drinking tune you’re taking a hot dish courtesy of Butterbur (“my finest meats and cheeses for my very lovely bard!”) to the table the ranger is brooding at.
He’s somehow more mysterious up close; one hand focuses on his pipe while the other traces the rim of his ale, obviously keeping an eye on everyone in the room at all times.
“My dear long-legs, how are you on this fine night?” You jest, over exaggerating with a deep bow before taking the seat across from him.
As smoke pours out of his mouth due to a deep sigh, you can practically see his eye roll beneath the hood.
“And yet, I prefer long legs,” You sip your ale, slaking the thirst you’ve built up during your performance. “It suits you better,”
A gruff laugh escapes him.
“How are you, (Y/n)? Any tales to tell?” His left hand leaves his mug to rest on the table, his body turns away from the center of the room and instead he focuses on you in every way.
Sometimes, when the smoke from his pipe rises at the perfect time at the perfect height you can see a flicker of his grey eyes, studying you. His gaze makes you shy, it always had. Especially when it flicks ever so slightly to your lips before landing back into your eyes. You’ve met your fair share of men and women and yet no one comes close to this ranger. You may not know his face but you know his mannerisms, his kindness. Having his attention is something you miss when you’re not passing through the same tavern as he is.
“I’m sure any tale I can spin is no better than yours,” You begin to eat. “You have adventures, I have drunken fools.”
You pause, glancing at the patrons of the Prancing Pony, oblivious to this connection in the dark corner.
“Though I do have a soft spot for these drunken fools.”
“Would you like an adventure?” Strider asks softly.
“I would love one…or two…or maybe even three!” You admit. “Most bards tell tales of great expeditions they witness firsthand,” You rest your head in your hand. “They beg and plead with swordsmen and famous outlaws to let them join them. That’s how they get such great material,” You sigh. “I’m not getting any younger so if I want an adventure, I may have become as pathetic as most.”
His lips purse together, plunging the two of you in silence. It’s comfortable though, as most thing with Strider are.
Time ticks on, most patrons leave. Strider continues to be stuck deep in thought and you try not to overthink as to why.
“Join me, miluis,” It’s soft and the Sindarin, which you could never understand, rolls off his tongue so naturally.
“Surely you jest, long legs. I would only be a burden.” You snort. “I barely know how to use a dagger,”
“I can teach you if you wish, and even if you didn’t, you would be no burden.”
The ranger lifts the hood of his cloak just enough so his eyes are visible, the grey gazing into your own.
“It gets lonely most days, and I would not mind the company, especially in the form of such an esteemed bard and my dear friend (Y/n),”
You swallow, a mixture of nervousness and shyness runs through your veins, you almost don’t know how to respond.
“It would be quite the honor, Strider, especially after those kind words.” Eyes meet once again and smiles are shared, and it’s the widest you’ve ever seen the ranger grin. Your heart pounds at the agreement; you’re going on an adventure, an adventure with Strider himself no less.
“Get some rest, miluis,” Swiftly, he rises from his seat, rough and calloused fingertips just brushing the underside of your cheek bone, sparks igniting at the brief touch. “We have much to plan in the morning.”
Once the ranger turns his back, you gape, your own fingertips brushing where he touched you. You skin tingles still. His hand was warm and while calloused from his many years out in the wilderness, it was comforting, something you would want to feel more of in the future.
Biting your bottom lip, you grab your instrument, hurrying off to your quarters, ready to start the next day.
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