#milestone drabbles 💞
suga-kookiemonster · 2 months
So I decided to reread your milestone drabbles list because I really need some positivity in my life right now, and I forgot how much of a trip it can be to go from one drabble to another 🤣
Like “awwwwww cute deer shifter JK is nervous 🥺” to “well goddamn, Hoseok 👀👀👀👀” in one reading setting is really fun but also makes my brain spin a little bit hahahahha
But anyways I figured I would thank you for the distraction and hope you’re having a wonderful day 😊
oh no, i'm sorry life has got you down lately :( but happy i can be of help! the milestone drabbles were fun to write, so i'm glad you still find them fun to read haha. i still have some prompts sitting around for if/when i decide to write them 😂 and this note definitely has me leaning towards writing more, especially knowing at least one person would enjoy reading it. thanks for always hanging around my blog, and i hope your day/week gets better 💜
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
Hi love!!! Can I request a drabble with ''did we just kiss?" + '' holy shit—that was awesome!" from the third prompt list (or just either of them if you're limiting how many promots are in each request since you said you'd try to keep it to 1K which is epic!) I'd really like some Jungkook fluff and a lil humor if possible 🙈
YOURE GONNA DO AMAZING I CAN'T WAIT TO READ ALL YOUR MILESTONE REQUESTS!! ❤️❤️ (let me know if I get to send more than one bc I saw a few other promts I liked 👉👈)
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Love youuuu!!!
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It’s not just Jungkook’s rigorous boxing lesson that’s making your heart beat fast. 
» pairing: boxer!jungkook x reader
» genre: BTS | PG-15 | fluff | best friends to lovers
» wc/date: 1.7k | July 2022
» warnings: none
» notes: lol i clearly couldn’t follow my own 1k rule. but i hope you enjoy, lovely mindy! it was cute to write 🥰 
» masterlist | ao3 | send me ur thots 👅
» what was jai listening to? cinema - cix
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“Come on, if you wanna kick my ass, you’ve gotta try harder!” 
Sweat made the hand wraps twisted around your hands chafe your wrists beneath the heavy boxing gloves, but you couldn’t mention it to your sparring partner. The loud, giddy “I told you so” he’d hurl at you would be too much for you to bear. You clearly hadn’t tightened the wraps as well as you should have. His expert eye noticed from the very beginning, even when you insisted it was fine. 
You brushed your forearm against your forehead to wipe away a few beads of sweat along your hairline. How was Jungkook bouncing from left to right on his toes with all the energy of a child at an amusement park? You were dying. 
“What is wrong with you?” You leaned backwards, gloved hands pressed to your hips, as you tried to catch your breath. “Can you give me, like, two seconds?” 
He flashed you a toothy grin, the action making crow’s feet appear at his bright eyes. 
“No way, girlfriend.” God, you hated it when he called you that. He sounded like an uncool mom from the early 2000’s. “In a fight, will your opponent give you a break? Do you think they’ll pity you? Nope! They’ll knock you on your ass.” 
He punched at the air a few times, demonstrating his sharp upperhook. 
“Jungkook, when will I ever be in a fight?” You straightened your back and lifted your wobbly arms up to make your gloves level with your face. Maybe you shouldn’t have skipped breakfast. 
He shook his head, flipping his sweaty bangs out of his face, and you swore you felt your limbs turn to jelly. Every day was the same shit, it just looked different. You could feed yourself excuses until you were sick. You were tired, lacked proper nourishment, didn’t take your vitamins. You were stressed, bloated, merely having an “off” day. If stuffing yourself full of thinly-veiled justifications for why your best friend made your stomach twist into knots every time he looked at you was a sin, then you were Queen of Gluttony. 
“You never know! With that mouth of yours…” The wink he sent you was Cupid’s bow shot straight into your heart. 
“Oh shut up, I’m ready.” 
Satisfied with your submission, Jungkook lifted his hands sporting the trainer punch mitts. The first time you’d trained with him you were so worried about hurting him that you barely tapped against his hands. His biceps rippled as he flexed his wrists, presenting the flattened side of the mitts for you to punch into. The t-shirt he wore had the sleeves and armpits ripped out, the holes running down his sides to expose his toned chest and abs when he moved to the side. You licked your lips and shuddered at the salty taste of sweat on them. 
Jungkook’s mitted hand flew out to boop you on the forehead, then quickly snapped back before you even processed what happened. 
“I know I’m cute, but pay attention!” 
The heat that flooded your face had nothing to do with working out. You planted your feet on the floor of the boxing ring and cocked your head to the side to crack your neck. Maybe a part of you thought you looked a little bit badass, but Jungkook quickly knocked you back to reality. He managed to hit you again, this time on the shoulder. 
“You need to loosen up. Be quicker on your feet.” 
“You wish you were as quick as me.” You gave him a little hop like he’d been doing before, your tongue stuck out in a violent point, nose scrunched. “When Muhammad Ali said ‘float like a butterfly, sting like a bee’ he was talking about me.” 
“Oh really?” 
Another boop to your head and you were starting to get annoyed. 
“Jeon Jungkook, I was not ready. That doesn’t count.” 
There was no mercy for you in those doe eyes sparkling in the fluorescent lighting of the boxing studio. Jungkook’s eyes crinkled as he chuckled a bunny-tooth laugh, getting far too much enjoyment out of your weakness. 
“Okay, okay, how about this. Do you remember the routine we did on Tuesday? I’ll wait for you to advance first.” 
You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek. You absolutely did not remember the routine from Tuesday, but at this point you couldn’t just say that. Another boop to the forehead was definitely in your future if you admitted you’d forgotten such precious knowledge. You were just going to have to make it up.
With a deep inhale, you released air from puckered lips and charged forward. In your head, you had this really fantastic image of you flying through the air with your fist strong and your elbow laxed, the strands of your hair whipping out of your ponytail, a true Valkyrie on a mission. It was rather glorious, flying through the clouds like a warrior of female empowerment, taking down the man.
Keyword, image. 
In reality? Your left sneaker slid against a glistening spot on the floor of the ring where you’d accidentally spilled some of your water bottle. Your body lurched forward, the heaviness of your boxing gloves making you top heavy. You were all limbs as you collided with Jungkook, and since neither of you had fingers to grab onto anything, you landed with a hard thud on the floor. If it wasn’t embarrassing enough that the skin of your sweaty legs was now sticking to the skin of Jungkook’s sweaty legs, you felt like you were going to pass out. There was no talking yourself out of this one, though, because the reason was very clear. 
You’d landed with your mouth smashed against Jungkook’s, with your teeth clinking together and noses squished into each other. Not only was it terrifying, but it was unattractive, and slightly painful? The universe took away your Valkyrie fantasy, and your kissing Jungkook fantasy, too. All in a matter of seconds. 
Horrified, you quickly tried to push yourself off of him, but Jungkook slung a heavy arm over your waist to hold you against his chest. 
“Did we just… kiss?” 
“Uhhh… no, no way. I just almost broke our front teeth.” Why wasn’t he letting you go? 
“Nah, I think we did. We totally did.” Jungkook leaned his head back on the floor and stared up at you with a grin. “We should do it again.” 
“What?” you croaked out, wiggling a bit in his embrace. He had to be joking, right? He was fucking with you. 
“Aren’t you supposed to listen to me as your trainer?” Jungkook reached up to boop you in the forehead again. “Kiss me again.” 
The intensity with which he stared at you made you want to shy away from him, but Jungkook held you firmly in place. Thankfully, he closed his eyes and you were able to look him straight in the face without feeling uncharacteristically shy. That is, until he puckered his lips at you. 
“Oh my god, Jungkook, stop teasing me.” 
The grin reappeared, though he kept his eyes closed. “I’m waiting.” 
With your heart somersaulting in your chest and your head reeling, you did the one thing you thought you’d been safe to fantasize about because it would never happen. 
The kiss was chaste, just as gently hesitant as when you punched Jungkook during your first day of training. He let out a soft sigh once your lips finally moved against his in a chaste dance. The sound startled you, half expecting Jungkook to throw you off of him rather than hum in satisfaction. That sweet sound was what made reality knock you in the head and you quickly pulled away. 
“Holy shit, that was awesome!” Jungkook tightened his grip on your waist and lifted the two of you into a sitting position. 
He ripped the mitts off of his hands, tossing them to the side. With his fingers free, he slid his hands along your cheeks, eyes roaming your face with a softness you could barely look into. He brought his face to yours again, chasing another gentle kiss with lips that were uncertain of where they belonged. The two of you fumbled over your movements and you found yourself smiling. The action made your teeth clink together once again, and Jungkook pulled away laughing. 
“You just wiped all your sweat from your hand wraps all over my face,” you blurted out, nerves shaking you to your core. What were you supposed to say?? Your best friend was willingly making out with you! 
Jungkook reached out to remove your gloves. You wiggled your fingers, thankful for the cool air running through them. But before you could truly appreciate the freedom, Jungkook grabbed your hands and pressed them to his cheeks. He really rubbed them in, squishing his cheeks to make his lips pucker and pout. 
“Now we’re even,” he said with a grin and finally let go. Snatching up his mitts, Jungkook stood up and held out his hand to you. When you pressed your wrapped hand into his, you felt your entire soul melt. 
“I guess we are.” You gave him a soft smile as you brushed yourself off. You had a tiny scrape on your knee from falling, but otherwise the only thing damaged was your ability to stay relaxed in front of your best friend.  
“Do you… want to go home...” Jungkook brought his hand up to ruffle his sweaty hair, looking at you through long lashes. “With me?” 
You squeezed the gloves against your chest and watched Jungkook carefully. “Only if you promise not to make me box anymore today.” 
A smile replaced the insecurity he had painted on his face. His arm, yet again, swooped out to boop you on the head with one of the mitts. Using one of your gloves, you swatted at him in response. “Is that a yes??”
Jungkook jabbed you on one side, then the other, until you were curled inward and doing your best to defend yourself with your beat up gloves. “Jungkook!” 
“Only if you give me another kiss.” 
Seemed like an easy exchange to you.
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work <3
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
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Val’s “GOT DAT LOVE INEM” Valentine’s Event
“I feel like fallin’ in love! I’m in the mood to fuck somethin’ up!”
Love is in the air and so is my fleeting graciousness! Through the week of 13th — 19th February, I’ll be doing a joint 1K milestone and Valentine’s event. Very simply I’ll be taking in requests and then baking you cupcakes based on these three criteria below!
Base — Pick an anime character of your choice (no underage characters or minors)
Flavour — Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry (I’ll explain this further below)
Icing — Marzipan, Fondant or Buttercream (I’ll explain further below)
Depending on the criteria you pick, I’ll write you a small drabble (100-300 words) for a curated self-inserted story.
BASE: Any anime character you’d like to submit, I’ll try my best to write for. The characters I could probably write best for are those from JJK, AOT, MHA and JJBA.
However, you can still submit a character from any anime of your choice and I’ll try my best to characterise them as best I can.
All prompts written will be for a presumed fem!reader who uses she/her pronouns. If you would like elsewise, please state so! ❤️
FLAVOUR: Pick a scenario selector you’d like for me to pick from. You do not need to give me the selection yourself, I will randomise and do it for you.
Vanilla — Random First Lines
Chocolate — Random Occupation
Strawberry — Random Subject
ICING: Pick a universe you’d like the drabble to be centred in.
NOTE: If you’re requesting a character outside the main bolded selection (JJK, AOT, MHA and JJBA), then automatically your ICING will be buttercream.
Marzipan — Canon Universe/Timeline
Fondant — Canon Divergence (e.g. based in the future, material not explored in manga/anime yet)
Buttercream — Modern Alternative Universe
If you’re unsure of the rules or have any inquiries, my inbox is open! It’s also not a must, but I’d appreciate if you could request these cupcakes off anon — that way I can tailor the drabble for you, better.
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lovemyavatar · 1 year
hi there!! congrats on such a big milestone, we’re so proud of you!! 💞💜 🥳 could I please request “you deserve better than me” and/or “please don’t leave me” for Lo’ak and Tsireya?
thank you so much!!
I’m combining with this request: hi can i ask for drabble where lo'ak is such a crybaby and all he wants is hearing compliments of how pretty and amazing he is so be just cries into yn's belly for her to hug him, caress his hair and say how much she loves him and how wonderful he is?
Lo’ak x Tsireya
Warnings: angst, fluff
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“Lo’ak, wait!” Tsireya rushes after his quickly retreating form, eyes rounding when the space between his shoulders tenses at the sound of her voice.
“I want to be alone.” He doesn’t stop, doesn’t even glance her way as the words are forced through tightly clenched teeth.
Her legs only move faster as she charges forward, thin fingers curling around his bicep lightly. His brows furrow, eyes pinching closed at her persistence.
He’s just come from yet another argument with his father. His chest aches, heart heavy, stomach twisted with lingering rage. He doesn’t trust himself in this state, doesn’t trust that he’ll treat Tsireya with the gentleness she deserves.
So, the remaining option is to run. Isolate himself like he always does when things get tough.
“Please, don’t leave me.” Her voice is quiet, the words a shaky plea as she tugs against him lightly.
His steps falter, breath hitching at the broken sound. A rough sigh falls from his lips and he turns, moisture clouding his vision.
“Oh, Lo’ak.” She coos, free hand resting against her chest where her heart splinters at the detestation shimmering beneath his golden eyes.
“You shouldn’t waste your time on me. You deserve better than me. Better than the disappointment that always messes everything up and—”
“Stop it!” Tsireya gasps, appalled by the way he’s speaking about himself.
She pulls him closer, and his traitorous body lets her, stumbling forward a couple steps until only a few inches separate them. His chin dips, stomach turning with a slur of ugly emotion. Tears well in the corners of Tsireya’s eyes, hating the sight of him so defeated.
“Come.” The even command leaves no room for debate as she turns on her heel, dragging him along.
Soon, they reach a secluded part of the beach, where few Na’vi will be found at this hour. She deftly settles onto the ground, near the waters the edge, propping her knees up as her toes dig into the warm sand.
Her arms open, lifting up toward him in a beckoning gesture. Without hesitation, Lo’ak folds into her welcome embrace. He lays down, chest pressed into the sand, head falling to rest on her stomach.
Her fingers bury themselves into his braids, soothing over tense skin with practiced assurance. His eyes flutter, shoulders dripping with a wave of comfort.
“I’m sorry, Reya.” He sighs against her, tears coating his cheeks and smearing into her skin.
She shushes him gently, rubbing soothing patterns into his scalp. His arms move to encase her in a tight hold, one snaking behind her back while the other locks firmly around her middle.
“Lo’ak, you are mighty in many ways. You are the sweetest, most thoughtful man I have ever met. Eywa has blessed you with beauty on the inside and out. You—”
“Reya, please.” He shoves his face into the space between his arm and her stomach, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
“I see you, Lo’ak. I only wish you could see yourself the same way.” Her lips pull into a frown, fingers pressing into his temple to force his face toward her.
His eyes glimmer with a new wave of emotion, heart swelling at her praise. It’s everything he aches to hear, to believe, but right now the feat is near impossible beneath the weight of his father’s disapproval.
“I see you.” He mutters lowly, burying his face back into the softness of her warm embrace, knowing he won’t be emerging for awhile.
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fqiryspit · 1 year
open! closed ✩
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you can request angst drabbles 1-50 and smut drabbles 1-78 about eren over to my ask box now!!! more about it is below! ⬇
AHHHHHHH! HI GUYS! finally, I'm celebrating my 3k! and what perfect timing right? my baby's birthday!! All of the requests that are linked to the number will be about eren btw <33 you can request now and that's pretty much everything! I love you guys so so so much ♡
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you can choose 1-50 angst prompts (all dialog) by going to my ask box and saying random numbers in that range :) choose up to 2 numbers and you can request however many times you want!
basically, you can just go to my ask box and say "angst 37 and 23 " or just one number and I'll write it :) AGAIN!! you can request however many times you want!!!
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you can choose 1-78 smut prompts the same way, all is dialog again, you can choose up to 3 numbers for the request and you can request however many times you want!
an: I'm truly speechless at this milestone! I'm so grateful to each and every one of you shawties and love you with everything in me <3 I say this every time, but, I didn't think this would go anywhere, I made this acc to read ahem ahem @alekstraszas works and ended up posting my own. this became such a safe place for me and I still squeal when I see that little red dot on the letter icon because you guys are talking to me <3 that just about makes me cry <33 I love you guys so much and wish you the best...MWAH MWHA MWAHHHH!!! 💞
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here4kpopfics · 1 year
Hi, Kelly! Congrats on the milestone!!! You deserve all of that and so much more 💕💕
This is the first time I'm doing a drabble request, but I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I'm so excited to see what you'll do with everybody's prompts.
I was soo tempted to pick number 44.i’m only here for the dog for my boy Jungkook because I love Bam so much lmao. But I also saw that you maybe want to write more for other members too.
So I'm actually going with my other favourite virgo Namjoon and number 89. “YOU SENT ME PICTURES OF YOU NAKED WHILE I WAS IN A WORK MEETING!” if it hasn't already been requested 🥺 You can make it as smutty as you want!
Gongrats again, lovely💞💞💞
Iviiiiiiiiiii. I hope you enjoy. 💜 I had to hold myself back on this... 😅
Masterlist | AskBox | Coffee?
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knj x reader | mentions of smutty fun time | 565 words | m/18+ | Joon being Joon. 🥵
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“Hyung, you okay?” Jungkook’s voice brings Namjoon out of his thoughts. 
“Huh? Oh. Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” He flips the phone around in his hand a few times, looking straight ahead. 
“You’ve had your jaw clenched since the meeting. Did you and y/n have a fight?”
Oh, if only it was a fight. 
“Something like that.” He mumbles, looking back at his phone, but refusing to unlock it. “Hey, I gotta go…fix things with her. The meeting’s done anyway. Let the others know I won’t be back in the studio today, okay? I’ll see you later.” 
Jungkook doesn’t get to respond because Namjoon is storming his way out of the room and the building, straight into a car that takes him home where he knows you’re waiting for him. He brings out his phone, suppressing a groan seeing the photos and sends you a text. 
🐨Joonie: you better be on the bed ready for me in the next twenty minutes. You’re not going anywhere else tonight. 
You quickly scramble to the bedroom, throwing your phone somewhere on the couch in the living room. You crawl up the headboard, turning to sit down with your back fully against it, legs stretched forward and your hands together in your lap. He said twenty minutes, but he has always been really shitty about his concept of time. 
So you wait patiently, and sure enough, ten minutes later, you hear the front door open and sit up straighter, making sure the useless bra and thong are on correctly, and put a big innocent smile on your face as he walks through the bedroom door. 
“What the fuck was that?” His voice is low, sending shivers down your spine and straight to your core.
“What was what?” You feign innocence, watching with joy as his jaw clenches before he leans over the bed, grabbing your ankles and roughly pulling you toward the end of the bed. You have to hold yourself up enough so you don’t hit your head against the headboard from the action. 
“Don’t even, baby girl. You sent me pictures of you naked while I was in a work meeting.” He seethes through his teeth, spreading your legs, dangling them off the bed from the knee. 
“And? What’d you think?” You grin as he removes his belt, tossing it on the floor along with his jacket. 
“Oh, you wanna know what I think, baby girl?” He growls, a hand sliding up your body to wrap around your throat, “I think you’re going to take everything I give to you tonight and say thank you with no complaint because you deserve punishment. That’s what I think.”
You can’t help the desperation in your voice as you whisper the word please in response. 
“At least you asked nicely. Now how do you want to come first? My fingers, mouth, or straight to my cock?” You whine in response and he lets go of the persona for a moment to laugh, leaning forward to kiss you. 
“Mmm, it’s okay, baby. I’ll take care of you.” He speaks between kisses. 
“I love you, Joonie.” 
“I love you, too, baby girl. Scoot down the bed a bit more for me.” You do as he says, watching the way his eyes switch from glimmering brown to dark with lust. 
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Heh. I really had to stop there because I could easily keep going with this. But alas, self control must be practiced. So. If this does well…I could see turning it into something…more? 👀
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proceduralpassion · 1 year
Omg okay as my fellow Marcus Alvarez Enthusiast, I couldn't NOT pop in when I saw you had him on your list!! 😁
Could I get change, embrace, and locked for our king? 😌❤
Congrats on your milestone!!!! 🎉 (It's drabbles-mc btw. 💞)
Thank youuuuu, this one's for all our fellow Marcus truthers 🥰
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"You know I've never wanted you to change, right? I love you just the way you are."
He'd been starting to have doubts about bringing you into his world and he wondered if it was better to just leave it altogether.
Meanwhile, you had come to embrace the legacy that he built and you couldn't bear being the person to take him away from that.
"I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you," his eyes locked with yours, afraid that if he looked away, you'd disappear.
"None of that," you soothed, "It's me and you until the wheels fall off."
Send in drabble requests for the sleepover!
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
I just saw your Milestone (Congrats on it btw! <33) and wanted to request one Drabble! ^^
For who: Tanjiro x Reader
Song: Like my Father by JAX
The father and mother of reader were happily married and had a lot of fun as a couple, reader always picked up their doings from them and so she finds that she wants her s/o to be just like her father, sweet, caring and just full of romance 🥰🤭 (who doesn‘t?)
And who would be fitting better for that role than the sunshine/lover boy Tanjiro Kamado himself? 💞
Nobody, I know 😆❤️
Definitely SFW for this one and from the „I love you“ playlist with LOTS of fluff cuz I love it when reader‘s body is being caressed. Maybe the waist while cuddling or the thighs while sitting so nobody notices? I‘ve always been a sucker for secret romances cuz they are so much more exciting than an open one!
And that‘s it already for the request! I apologize if it‘s too detailed :,)
Hiya Emma-Chan. 🤗 Ty for participating in my event !! 💗 I feel like I tend to unintentionally neglect Tanjirou (despite him being my fave character archetype aka sunshine boi ☀️), so I always appreciate you requesting him❣️
Song Inspo: Move Together by James Bay
CW: none
"Sweetheart," Tanjirou tries again, gentle fingertips resting atop your shoulder, frown deepening when you shrug him off, "Could we cuddle?" poking lightly at the back of your head, "Please?"
Huffing quietly, you tuck your nose further into the edge of the comforter, knees scrunched into your stomach, staring straight ahead.
"I miss you," he switches tactics, momentary contentment flitting across his face as your scent softens... concern returning to his brow as you stiffen once more.
If you missed me, then you wouldn't be leaving is your unspoken bitterness, sourness in the way you bite your lip as you continue ignoring him.
"I know you're not mad," he murmurs, chest emanating his familiar heat as he dares to scoot closer, "You're upset that I'm leaving," arm reaching over your side in search of your hand, "I'm upset too."
Shut up you swallow tightly, eyes glistening at his touch, involuntarily linking your fingers with his, silent relief loosening your lungs as his own relief—a sigh—grazes audible against your skin.
"I never want to leave," whispered into your hair, "I always want to stay here," body curving tender and confident around yours, "After this conference, I'm going to tell them I can't travel for such extended periods anymore."
That grabs your attention, eyes widening as you roll over abruptly, forehead nearly bumping his.
"You're kidding?!"
A simple, warm smile tugs at his mouth, his leg nudging itself between yours, hopeful and longing scents melting into each other as you finally meet his gaze.
"Not in the slightest."
"You promise?"
Because you couldn't take it if he didn't.
"With all that I am."
Because he wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't.
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yuta-nation · 5 months
ahh baby! congrats on hitting your milestone i’m so proud of you! 💗can i please get a little drabble of vash and number 49 💞
“Are you two married?” The elderly innkeeper asks as soon as you and Vash step up to the check-in desk. Vash’s mouth falls open in a gape, pale face blooming red. You feel your own cheeks heating at the question, but hold more composure than your traveling partner.
“Why do you ask?” you inquire, meeting the woman’s eyes.
“I don’t rent rooms to unmarried couples.” She says matter of factly. You open your mouth to tell the lady that you and Vash aren’t even a couple when you’re struck with main in your toes. You turn to snap at Vash for stomping your foot when he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you to his side.
“We’re married, I can assure you,” the blond man says with his most charming smile. You finally catch on and lean against him more, offering your own smile to the woman.
“I don’t see rings.”
“Ma’am, do either of us look like we can afford wedding rings to you? This is our honeymoon, we just got married this morning,” you say, seeing Vash nod out of the corner of your eye.
“Well then, I’ll give you two the honeymoon suite for the price of a regular room,” the woman says with a knowing smile. 
“You two make a lovely couple.” Vash thanks the woman as he takes the key and you both walk down the hall hand in hand. You don’t drop the act until you’re in the elevator.
“Well that was fucking embarrassing,” you exclaim as soon as the doors close.
“What do ya mean? I would’ve married you on the spot for a room.”
“Vash we aren’t even together.”
“Not like it's too late, we do have the honeymoon suite for the night.”
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pedropascalsx · 2 years
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✨🌸 Cristina’s 1k followers Celebration Sleepover 🌸✨
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💗 I still genuinely can’t believe that I am lucky enough to have over 1000 of you wonderful people following me and to celebration hitting this milestone, I am going to host a sleepover party 💗
Thank you again for putting up with my massive gifs, my silly attempts at writing and my venting. I have had the loveliest few months meeting you guys and getting to fangirl over your writing, drawings, gifs and just generally chatting to you all.
I feel so so so blessed to have made friends with some many of you and hope I am able to continue to do so with many more of you in the future.
Thank you so so so much, you gorgeous human beings.
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You can send me an ask or instant message with your request, I will temporarily switch the allow anonymous messages feature back on messages just incase you want to submit a request privately.
{but please note if i get any i will just delete nastiness. I won’t entertain it without a reaction, I’ll get immediately delete and move on.}
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💐 - Send me a fluffy drabble request for any pedro character with your own idea or a prompt from this list; [1]
😘 - Send me a smutty drabble request for any pedro character with either your own idea or a prompt from either of these lists; [1] or [2]
🔥 - Send me messages with chat games such as FMK etc
💞 - Send me GIF requests from any Pedro Project and i’ll try my best to fulfil them all!
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I will be hosting this on Saturday 10th September from 10pm UK time (5pm EST)
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
bunny bunny BUNNY!!
omg omg i stay away from this platform for two days bc of stuff (nothing serious dw i've just been busy with some irl birthday lol) and i come back and see what??
okay, let's make some order:
- you've been in a car crash??? my baby i've read from your answers that you're better now but :////// anyways if the head wound still hurts i will pray for the fastest recovery!!
- congrats congrats on the 700 followers!! ✨ every time i see you reaching some sort of milestone i get really really happy eheh :3
- this is gonna be boring bc someone has beat me to the punch, but i too ship you with albedo! hehe i think you'd look super cute together <3 lil sweet bunny and the pretty alchemist
- last (but not least. definitely not least) omg the new piece???? i was dead set on declaring the tighnari part my favorite as soon as i finished reading it but then scaramouche happened and??? i need a second to breathe wow. i love him i love him i love him so much i wanna be the one that comforts him when he's feeling down sigh seriously tho i adored it. might be a bit of a personal bias bc ya know, it's my fave boys we're talking about but still. what a nice surprise to be back to.
and this is it! wanted to come back with some funny anecdote but i really didn't do much recently. ah, but my friends and i are making a series of board games about our favorite tv show and these days i've been busy making the trivial pursuit version of it. it turned out so cute i'm super happy :D
also! we haven't done the italian word of the day in a while so here you go: today's word is tartaruga, which means turtle, bc today i played with my turtle and he's just the cutest boy don't tell scara tho
bye bye buns! no matter what, i hope this ask finds you well
ti voglio bene!
- 🍓
Goodness, I only left this a few days but those numbers have increased so much-
I now have 838followers,,, crazy, right? I couldn’t move past 600 for nearly two months and now I’m only 162 off my goal for this account…
It’s strange, there are times where I’m asking if it’s deserved, and honestly it’s a little overwhelming with the amount of new people here, but it’s been nice to finally have something I’m proud of be seen and talked about, it’s,,, it’s nice to have my abilities validated :,) I know that shouldn’t be important but I can’t help it, I like hearing nice things about my work
Mhm, I was in a car crash. I only came out with a cut on my forehead but I’m extremely hesitant getting into a car after;;; even now I’m clinging onto the seatbelt until my knuckles are white. But don’t worry fragola, I’m alright 💞
Hehehehehehe~ ahhh albedo my beloved, I love hearing how I’m shipped with him. Ahem… self indulgent little drabble, skip over this if you want;;; -
hand in hand on top a snowy mountain, a smile on our faces. we’re cold, our breaths mingling together through the cool mist exiting our lips, but the warmth in our chests is enough for us to not feel the unforgiving chill. enough for each other, for that is all we need. even the harshness of the hostile environment, all around us looks like a dreamscape - the winter wonderland you only hear about in fairy tales. yes, hand in hand, I’ve found the flame that keeps my heart alight, burning brightly. undying, like our unconventional love.
i love my boy so very much 💞
oh my god I put all my emotions for scara into that, I just really want to reach through the screen and reassure him that even though life has been cruel, there are some things that aren’t so bad. They might not last for long, but another good thing replaces it. (… maybe I’m not just talking about scara anymore)
Hehehe thank you dearest /)/////(\ scara was the highlight of that piece, but I liked all of them, tighnari’s was absolutely a self indulgent vent though college is killing me OTL
Hehe when I first read that I just thought of Tartaglia the tartaruga, and now an imagine of a lil turtle with water blades and a scarf lives in my head rent free - I hope you find this just as amusing, or maybe my humours just broken.
ti voglio bene, it’s nice to hear you’re doing well, don’t be a stranger and drop by my inbox whenever you’d like, I love hearing from my dear fragola <3
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imo-chan-imagines · 3 years
IMOOOO CONGRATS AGAIN ON YOUR MILESTONE!!! YOUR WORKS ALWAYS ARE WONDERFUL AND VV SPICY YOU HAVE SUCH A CREATIVE AND SEXC BIG BRAIN 🤧🤧💞💞💞 ilysm and i wanna join your event so,,, #9 with choso pls and thank you ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Choso + Praise Kink | Jujutsu Kaisen Drabble
Choso × fem!reader
Prompt 9: 🎀 PRAISE KINK 🎀
Warnings: 18+, smuttt, praise kink, raw sex, fat cock + soft dom Choso 😍, light sub reader, multiple orgasms, dash of size kink if you squint, DDLG dynamic, unintentional dumbification, bit of a breeding kink even though that wasn't the prompt sshhh 👀, creampie 🍰, he's a little passionate near the end, sprinkle of fluff + aftercare, request, 500 followers event, drabble
A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH, FRANZ 🥺😭💖 Choso seems so adorable!! I had so much fun writing this! I hope you like it 🙏 It feels good to write for JJK again 💅 Enjoy, my little peaches ♡
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"Hah – fuck. Just like that baby," Choso purrs, his hands gripping your thighs as they straddle his hips. Your muscles tighten and relax under his fingers with every movement.
You lean your forehead against his chest, exhausted and sweating, but refusing to stop riding his cock. You want to fuck him just right and hear more of those sweet, addicting praises.
"Tired?" he asks quietly, running a soothing hand up and down your back.
You nod against his chest.
You've slowed down, your thighs quivering from overuse as you cling to his neck for support.
"That's okay, baby. You've done so well already, taking me so well for so long. You can stop now," he whispers, shifting carefully underneath you to get a better thrusting angle. "Let Daddy take care of you now, okay?"
He cradles the back of your head with one hand, the other holding your hip in place as he starts to thrust up into you, stuffing your pussy nice and deep with his cock. He's so thick and wide that he still drags against your creamy walls, stretching you out around him.
You moan contentedly. The ache is dull and satisfying, almost lulling you to sleep if it wasn't so pleasurable.
You relax against him, allowing yourself to be pleased and used however he wants. Your gasps and sighs ghost over his skin as his pace quickens.
"Mm- that's it, baby. Feels good inside you," he groans.
The hand on your hip starts to pull you back down onto him, his cock now balls deep inside you with every thrust. The other thumbs your clit religiously, softer and more attentive than it has any right to be.
"Fuck. Always so tight and wet for me." You're slopping and squelching around him. "I feel you clamping down around me, baby – fuck! Always so fucking good."
His groans of praise and pleasure have your walls squeezing tighter around his cock as you near your orgasm.
"Fuck, always so good for me, baby. Letting me fuck you like a little toy," he hums, voice sweet and adoring. Filth said out of love. "Be good and cum for me? Wanna feel you cumming round me, baby. Go on, I've got you."
You cum as the tip of his cock presses against the tender spot of your walls, clinging to his frame as you cream around his length.
He doesn't stop as you cum, thrusting up into you as he watches your face grimace and contort in pleasure. He runs his thumb over your cheek, admiring how well you submit to him.
"Fuck, you're so pretty when you cum," he whispers, fucking into your spasming walls. "You like that? You want to do it again?"
He carefully turns you over onto your back and hooks your legs over his shoulders. Loose strands of his wild hair lightly tickle your ankles as he leans forwards, his pupils wide and fixated on you.
"Course you do," he growls. "You're my good girl."
He eases inside you, stretching you wide once more as he reaches as deep inside you as possible, starting with a deep, forceful rhythm that has you squeaking out a moan in time with every thrust.
He leans down, holding your jaw and kissing you down into the pillow. As he pulls away, his lips trail down to your neck, sucking a hickey into your skin.
Your eyelids flutter at the sensation of his lips and tongue on your neck as his cock stuffs you full, kissing your cervix.
A soft mewl parts your lips, and you feel Choso's grin against you skin.
"That feel good? Mmm, I bet it does," he groans in your ear, your juices slopping around the girth of his cock. "Because – fuck! – feels so good for me."
The sound of his skin slapping against yours fills the room as his pace increases, his thrusts jolting your body as the bedframe starts to beat against the wall.
"Ch-Choso!" you quiver, "y-youre so deep! Please, 's too much..."
He slows his pace so he can't talk, his hands wandering soothingly over your body.
"But baby, you're doing so well," he croons. His nose brushes against yours, showering you with kisses. "You look so pretty when you cum. You can cum for me again, can't you, baby? You want to please Daddy, don't you? Can you do that?"
Your heart swells, your pussy throbbing and creaming around him, aroused by his words.
"O-Okay. I'll try," you nod.
"Course you can," he groans, slowly returning to his pounding pace. "You're so amazing. So fucking perfect. Come on, show me what you can do, baby."
His moans are light and desperate, tainted with low growls of pleasure that send tingling pulses straight to your core, until he can no longer hold back.
His hips are snapping into you at an ungodly pace, rendering you dumb and useless as he chases his high, babbling nonsense and praise.
"Fuck – you're making me feral! Fuck – you're making me feral! Fuck–!" His hips stutter as he cums, spilling out a thick load inside you.
Even before he's done cumming, he's playing with your pussy, encircling your clit as he twitches inside you, and pumping you full.
"Come on, baby. You're doing so fucking well," he moans, flinching as his hips move on their own, milking himself inside you. "Cum for me."
He abuses your sweet spot until you're seeing white, your lips rolling to meet him as you sink under the wave of your second orgasm.
"That's it," Choso breathes, still stroking your clit as you cum around his spurting cock. His other hand holds onto your chest, his thick, rough fingers tweaking at your nipple. "That's it, good girl. Cum for Daddy."
He looks down at you, a quivering, cum-filled mess, and sees the most beautiful girl in the world, leaving a long, affectionate a kisses down your face.
He can tell you're sleepy.
Crawling into bed next to you, he pulls you into his embrace, tucking the covers up over your shoulders with a goodnight kiss of your shoulder.
"That's my good girl."
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© imo-chan-imagines 2021
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absentia-if · 2 years
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As I was working on some ideas for the drabble prompts you all have been sending in we hit a milestone that I never expected (especially before the demo was released).
I don’t really know what you all would like to do… so what would like to see to celebrate this milestone? Character Q & A’s, special prompts for specific MCs, something else?
(I’ll create a better, more concrete, post whenever we get this decided.)
But, more of all and most importantly, thank you all so much for supporting me! And for being so patient with me too. I really appreciate it 💞.
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userdjarin · 3 years
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omg?? omg!!! this blog isn’t even a year old yet and i’ve already reached my first big milestone!! i’m so! amazed!! thank u so much!!! most of all i am so grateful to have found a community where i feel safe and have so much fun in :’) i’ve made so many friends and learned so many new content creating things along the way so pls accept this as a celebration and an expression of my joy and appreciation!! 💞
RULES: - as this is a celebration for my followers, pls follow me to participate! - reblog this post - send me an ask with your emoji and request (options below) - anonymous requests are a-ok but only one request per person pls! - all requests and related asks will be tagged with #djarsdin1k, pls blacklist this if u don’t want the spam
GIFSET REQUEST - any fandom! send ur request anyway and i’ll let u know if it’s not my fandom or i’m not familiar enough 🎲 - this or that (make me choose between movies, shows, scenes, characters, tropes, ships, actors, anything!) ❤️ - favourite (ask me my favourite movie, show, scene, character, trope, ship, actor, anything! u can be as specific or as general as u want) 🃏 - wildcard (request a gifset of anything of your choice and i’ll do my best even if i haven’t watched it or i’m not a part of the fandom, as long as i can find it in good quality and it’s within my comfort zone!)
DRABBLE REQUEST - for reader x any of pedro’s characters, pls specify if u want sfw/nsfw! ✒️ + choose a character + sfw/nsfw + 1-3 prompt(s) from (feel free to mix+match and add a few of your own details!): things you said..., kissing prompts, dialogue prompts, protective prompts, hurt/comfort prompts, romantic prompts
pls understand i might not be able to accept ur request depending on familiarity, quality, or comfort. feel free to ask/clarify or send me your request anyway and i’ll let u know if it isn’t possible and to try again! u can also send a couple options for me to choose one from if you’re not sure! also pls be patient as it may take me a while to fulfil your request!!
OTHER 💌 - send me any kind of asks! share any of ur watch/listen/read recommendations, headcanons, un/popular opinions, or ask me for mine, tell me about ur day, tell me a story, shout out a favourite blog/creator, ask me questions, anon or not! my askbox is always open to this (as long as we remain respectful and kind) but this is just a reminder!!
tagging some mutuals below:
i’d like to especially thank everyone below for making the last year so beautiful for me by providing content that has amazed and inspired me, and by warming my heart with your kindness, support, and friendship! everyone here makes me so happy and i wouldn’t unfollow any of u even at knifepoint ❤️‍🔥
@theredviper @silksaddle @skyshipper @buckybarnesj @phantomviola @michaelcorleones @kenoobiwan @300mirrors @leonardbetts @mattbellamy @zzizzigom @din-djarn @sith-maul @thernandalorian @sirtadcooper @trashcora @mandalores @ivypoiison @pankratzjulian @bobasbook @pascal-djarin @darksber @pascalsky @lordsmaxwell @dindiarin @pedrorascal @steveroger @javierian @wexlers @hoeberynmartell @javierpcna @javier-pena @di-n @bestintheparsec @emcgregor @joel-millerr @keanurevees
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pastelsandpining · 3 years
CONGRATUALTIONS ON YOUR 300 FOLLOWER MILESTONE!!! 💓🎉💞 Could I request some TP Zelink where one of them glances at other's lips when they're trying not to?
oh ho ho you sure can
enjoy ;)
Masterlist | Small Drabbles
Link can’t help but wonder if, once upon a time, the Hero of Time faltered like this too. He was never specific in his regrets, but it’s not hard to think about all of the things that could’ve gone wrong, all the things he could’ve or should’ve done but didn’t, and it makes Link wonder if he’s going to become a hollow husk one day, too. Would people forget what he’d done for them? Would being the Hero of Twilight mean nothing to them one day, years from now when the world had already moved on, leaving him in the embers of the burning world he couldn’t quite stop picturing every time he looked out upon Hyrule? It was hard to see the world he loved in dismay, so he cannot imagine what it might feel like for Zelda.
They’d grown rather close in the past year since the end of it all. He finds, when it really comes down to it, there’s no place he’d rather be than sitting with her, hearing the princess talk about whatever she pleases. Most of the time, Link lacks the necessary experience or intelligence to really understand what she is saying. She is far more educated than him, especially in political and social matters. All he really knows how to do is swing a sword and ride a horse in a way that works to round up cattle. Being here at the castle gives him a little bit more than that. He’s taken up a position in the army at Zelda’s suggestion and, well, he is far better received than he thought he was going to be. That makes him feel all the worse for his recent…lapses in attention.
Even now, with Zelda in front of him, he can’t really pay attention to her words. Sure, her voice is lovely and he could listen to it until she couldn’t speak anymore, but the words aren’t sticking in the same way they used to. He is distracted by her eyes, at the way they balance her wonder and trauma so well, at how they seem to shine even in the dark. He is distracted by her hair, how it seems to fall so perfectly no matter how much she messes with it. Sometimes he wants to run his fingers through it, then spends quite a bit of time chastising himself for such silly and improper thoughts, because why would she want a farm boy when she could have anyone she wanted in all of Hyrule?
She’s still speaking, though he doesn’t know what she’s saying. He tries to focus, shifts his position and tilts his head, but the only thing he can look at is her eyes. And then his eyes flicker, they drop traitorously to her lips, to the soft pink paint on them, and the thought of how she might taste intrudes in his head. He wants to push the thought away, he wants to shake his head and pretend it didn’t happen before she noticed, but he couldn’t lift his eyes. It’s almost hypnotizing, the movement of her lips with every word she made.
Had the Hero of Time felt this way for his princess? Had he had these thoughts? Was one of those regrets that he never got to tell her? Maybe he should tell her, before he ends up an empty husk of heart wrenching regrets. Maybe he should kiss her–no, not outright, because this is Zelda. This is the princess that fired arrows of pure light at Ganon while they rode through Hyrule field together. She could obliterate him with little to no effort, and he would let her.
“Link?” she asks, and only then do his eyes rise up to hers. She looks amused, but if she saw where he’d been focused, she doesn’t say anything. At least, not yet. He clears his throat and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, willing the pink from his cheeks.
“Sorry,” he says with a small shrug, like he could curl in on himself and somehow disappear. “I was, ah, a lil distracted.”
“I could tell. I asked a question.” she replies with a raised brow, her lips quirking into a little smile that makes his heart slam against his ribcage. She’d asked him a question. Damn.
“Can you repeat it?” he asks hesitantly, and the laugh she lets out causes the tension to drop from his shoulders. She doesn’t seem upset. Maybe she didn’t notice.
“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m far more curious to know what you were thinking about, if you care to share. Is my lipstick smudged?”
Oh. Okay. He’s in trouble. It’s not smudged, but he sure would like to smudge it. Damn.
“No, no, you’re– it’s fine. I just-”
“You seemed really focused,” she says, tilting her head and leaning closer. “Is there anything troubling you?”
Her eyes sparkle. She knows. She knows she knows she knows she knows–
“Yes,” he replies, bringing a hand up to rub his face. “But, gods, only Hylia can help me now.”
“Pity. Well, when you pray to Her for assistance, perhaps She can make your longing glances more subtle, if you don’t plan on doing anything about them.”
Gods, he’s in trouble.
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pockcock · 3 years
Can I request an Eren drabble with Like Real People Do by Hozier? NSFW/SFW, whatever strikes your fancy!
Like Real People Do by Hozier
warnings: slight nsfw. MINORS DNI OR I'LL ACTUALLY HAUNT YOU. soft, just soft. maybe too soft idk.
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Eren was looking rather intimidating and carefree in public. That was his persona, his mask almost. He would hide himself from everyone on a daily basis as if he was acting. Behind closed doors, however, he was completely different.
“Close your eyes…”
His words were honey to your ear, sweet and soft. You closed your pearls, waiting for his next move or word with a pounding heart. You felt his breath first, fanning over your face with a minty aroma. And there were his lips… as sweet and soft as his words. His lips started moving as if they were dancing. Yours joined his not long after. His left hand cupped your cheek and a loving thumb found your beauty mark right next to your mouth, caressing and drawing eights on it. Then he moved his lips to kiss it. There you felt his smile on your lips that later turned into a cute chuckle.
“What?!” you scolded pushing his shoulders.
His emerald eyes were shining, you could see your own reflection in them. “You’re fucking beautiful.”
Blushing, you punched his chest. “Bastard!”
When he chuckled again you saw the love. Behind those emerald eyes, there was burning love. A flame that only you could see, the one which would heat you up like a fuzzy blanket in the winter days.
He then laid you down on your shared bed, slowly taking your shirt and admiring your sweet curves, perfections and imperfections. Your neck was his target, slow and sensual kisses found your pulse and moved down. Stopping at your collar bones for a moment to playfully bite them, he proceeded to kiss your chest.
“I wanna live here,” he said in between his kisses. “Right in between your tits.” He nibbed your nipple, soothing it with his tongue. “In your heart…”
Your hands found his long hair, fingers brushed his hair, massaged his scalp. “It’s already yours.”
The expression on his face was priceless.
“I…” he said, not knowing what to say at first. A smile formed on his lips. He moved up, his eyes met yours. You saw love. “I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Eren.”
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© 2021 sunshinedragonofthewest. All rights reserved. Do not modify, copy, repost my work.
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