#mikey pouts but lets leo have the switch for as long as he wants
theplushiefox · 5 months
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Recovery (physical and mental) (I swear I'm gonna draw something funny at one point I just need to get the angst out of my system)
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Hello, I wasn't sure if my request went through so I thought I'd resend it. If you already got it please ignore. I was wonder if you could write something where Leo gets really sick before a big game and keeps insisting he can play when he clearly can't. With Jonah and Luke taking care of him and having to force him back to bed. I love when Jonah goes all 'doctor mode' and is all sweet and protective of Leo. Those two are so cute. Thank you!
Hey Book! I hope this is what you had in mind! This is LONG. TW: Mention of depression and Leo's intrusive thoughts (including mild suicide ideation). It's nothing as harsh as the TW make it sound, but be warned.
It was the last game of the season. Or better, his last game, period. With graduation rapidly approaching, Leo knew he couldn't miss this. Besides, it was at home. How fitting, the last game ever happening in his own town.
He was more than a little emotional, had been since waking up. Leo wasn't one to break into tears over anything, but he had pretty much spent the entirety of his shower that morning tear eyed as he mulled over the fact there would be no more bus trips, no more euphoria after the game, no more... None of that.
Jonah had eyed him weirdly as they drove together to campus, but he had been in a rush to get to class, so any questioning he had was pushed aside.
Leo hadn't been able to focus at all in his thesis, the one he needed to present by the end of the month in order to graduate. The one his entire future hinged on. Yeah, that one little paper - paper which was currently 76 pages and counting.
"Hey kiddo," Vince messed his hair as he passed by his table in the cafeteria, "too hot to sit with us?"
"I'm not kiddo..." Leo groaned, looking up from the sandwich he had been staring at for the past 20 minutes, unable to stomach another bite. Everything felt off.
"Well, stop sulking and come sit with us," Vince scoffed, waiting by the bench. His own plate was piled up with food, considering the campus cafeteria had an all-you-can-eat buffet, for a pretty reasonable sum. Leo eyed it and grimaced, it didn't look appetizing at all.
"Found this one sulking near the architecture nerds," Vince announced as he sat down next to Lucas, Leo's own spot clear to his right.
"What's with the face?" Mikey asked, while Aidan merely looked up from his plate. Leo shrugged, sitting down and tearing the crust out of his sandwich.
"Nothing, I'm fine."
This seemed enough for the rest of the team, they were hyped after all, but not to Lucas. His friend smiled at him.
"It sucks that's the last one, right?"
Leo nodded, glad that someone understood him. Much to his dismay Vince let out a scoff, but not before wrapping an arm around Leo's shoulders and tugging on him, basically forcing his face to meet his armpit in an overly affectionate headlock.
"It might be the last official one, but we're so not gonna stop playing. Or seeing each other, I literally have gym with you tomorrow, Leo."
"Let go off me!" Leo groaned, trying to fight him, "I said it's fine."
"Yeah, I heard you, kid," Vince ignored his complaints, chuckle rumbling in his chest and Leo punched his side in order to free himself. He was dizzy by the time he managed to sit up, but the guys were laughing and even starting to feel wretched... Leo couldn't help but feel a little better with Vin's words.
"Banks is coming for tonight's game, right?" Luke asked and it took Leo a whole second to understand he meant Jonah.
"Yeah, he switched shifts with Wendy."
"Wait, what?" Vince whined, pouting, "aw, c'mon, that's not fair, I thought she was coming..."
Leo shrugged, "maybe she switched with someone too? No idea." Not that he cared or wanted Wendy there, he thought viciously, then frowned at his own thought.
He didn't want to be a shitty person, even in his own head. Vince was grumpily stabbing his food with his fork and Leo moved so he wouldn't smell it.
The rest of lunch went by quicker than he would've liked. Leo knew they were trying to involve him in the conversation, Vince asking about his thesis and seeming genuinely interested, but he couldn't hold a conversation. His whole body felt heavy and achy... And he wanted to be in bed.
"Hey," Lucas circled him as they finished up, planting both hands on Leo's shoulders, seeing as he was still sitting down, "are you good, Leo?"
"Yeah, I'm fine-"
"So you keep saying, but I'm not sure if I buy it," Luke frowned, then before Leo could stop him, he moved a hand from his shoulder to his forehead, big paw covering most Leo's face.
"Lucas, stop being fucking weird!"
"I think you're feverish," Lucas sounded concerned, "a little bit, I'm not sure."
"I'm fine," Leo pushed his hand away, glaring at him. He immediately missed the touch, if for no other reason than the fact it helped sustain his heavy head, "stop being a weirdo, let go off me."
"Uhm," Luke squinted at him, but did step back so Leo could get up from the bench, "I'm gonna keep my eye on you."
"I'm not five," Leo deadpanned, rolling his eyes, "and I have to go, I have to finish scanning a bunch of internship documents if I want to make it in time for tonight."
He wasn't actually in any rush, he had used the copy machine earlier, but anything to get out from under Vince and Luke's worried gazes.
Once he was out of the cafeteria the slight queasiness he was feeling faded into the background and although he still felt exhausted and achy, at least he didn't have to keep any conversation going.
His plan worked out fine until it was 5 PM and Jonah was right outside his classroom door.
Normally just seeing him there would make Leo giddy. Jonah was a fucking sight to behold, especially when he wasn't paying attention, just leaning against the hallway right outside the lecture room, propped against the wall as he scrolled down his phone, wearing a black bomber jacket over the light button up he wore everyday. He had even shaved the side of his hair, in the fashion Leo liked, which suited him much better than the fluffy fro.
Today was not a normal day, though, so Leo almost groaned as he realized his boyfriend was out there and there was no chance now that he could go back to his own dorm, take his sleeping pills and crash until the game.
"Hi," Jonah smiled as Leo walked out of the classroom, the last student out. He pocketed his phone, "how was the day?"
Leo shrugged, "it sure was a day."
Jon's eyebrows shot up, "that good?" he leaned in, grabbing the neckline of Leo's sand colored sweater, "can I cheer you up?" Jonah smiled, bumping his nose over his, minty breath in his mouth.
Leo recoiled as the smell of gum made his stomach roll, "no- I mean, yeah, you can, just... Let's ease up on the PDA."
That was so widely out of character for him that Jonah simply gaped.
"Uh... Are you feeling okay?"
"Why is everyone asking me this today?" Leo grabbed Jon's hand, forcing him to walk down the hallway, "I'm fine, I'm just in a bad mood."
"Because of the game."
"Because of the game," Leo agreed, nodding, "I just... Don't take this the wrong way, I'm ready for college to be over, just..."
"I got you," Jonah squeezed his hand back, then leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek, "but I promise you it'll be a good change, not a bad one."
Leo sighed, leaning onto his touch. At least Jonah felt warm, a good change from the permanent chill that he had felt all day, "can we go home?"
Jonah shrugged, "the guys are all gonna be together before the game, are you sure you don't wanna go?"
He didn't want to miss out on that, since it'd be the last time ever, but... But he also just felt like he wanted to sleep and never wake up again, which normally shaped up to not having a good time.
"No, I wanna go home. I wanna sleep."
Jon frowned, but said nothing, intertwining their fingers.
Jonah wasn't like the others, he wasn't the chatty type and normally they could sit in silence for hours, but today he apparently had decided he really wanted to talk. For some fucking reason.
Leo stared at him, unimpressed, as Jonah rattled on and on about the hospital and the fact one of the interns had passed out seeing blood and Wendy this, Wendy that-
"Can you stop?"
"The car?" Jonah's eyebrows shot up, "why? Are you carsick-"
"No, stop talking," Leo grumbled, then regretted it, "I just have a headache, that's all..." he really didn't.
"Oh... Yeah, of course," Jonah nodded, sounding very confused.
Now that Jon had brought up being carsick, suddenly all that Leo could focus on was his stomach. The measly sandwich that he had forced himself to eat was just sitting there, heavy as a rock. Not digesting at all.
He placed a hand over his stomach, rubbing in small circles over his sweater. Thankfully they were already close to the apartment building, so the car came to a stop quickly.
Once again, the nausea faded, but this time it didn't vanish, just sat uncomfortably in his gut, annoying as hell.
"Leo?" Jonah called once he didn't get out after the car was parked. He circled the car and opened the door, "baby... Talk with me, what's wrong? This isn't you..."
"I don't know," Leo sighed, leaning in and planting his forehead to his shoulder, "I don't know, I don't feel well, my head-" he let out a little noise as Jonah combed his fingers through his hair. Leo didn't mean a headache, but he welcomed the soothing touch just the same, "I just wanna go to bed."
"Okay..." Jonah whispered, leaning in to plant a kiss on his temple, only to frown as he pulled back, "you're a little warm, baby."
"Jon," Leo groaned, "please, I just wanna go to bed."
He could tell that Jon wanted to argue, but for the moment, that could wait. They didn't talk as they went up to the apartment and Leo stripped by the door, paying Jonah no attention as he stomped to the bedroom and faceplanted the pillow.
"I got you some Tylenol," Jonah whispered, entering the room and sitting gingerly at the edge of the bed, "Leo."
"No," Leo shook his head, "no, I don't want that..."
"Well, I don't really care," Jonah ushered him to sit up, "take the meds."
Glaring at him, Leo took the pill dry, then promptly fell back down, "just let me sleep."
"You're welcome," Jonah said sardonically, then ran his fingers through Leo's hair, absentmindedly.
Next time Leo opened his eyes, he immediately knew something was wrong with him. His head felt like it was weighting a ton and he could barely sit up on the bed. Jonah wasn't in the room.
Leo all but crawled to the bathroom, splashing his face with water. He looked horrible, his face was all blotchy, pale in certain places and red where it had been pressed to the pillow, his eyes looked sunken in.
"Great," he mumbled, water dripping form his hair and causing him to shiver. To add insult to the injury, the tylenol he had had previously was sitting in his stomach just like the sandwich: like a fucking brick.
He pressed on his belly, forcing up a sick belch that tasted like acid, but nothing else happened. Leo groaned, his stomach felt disgusting, churning in rhythm with the pounding of his head.
Sure that nothing was going to come up, he walked out of the room. Jonah was sitting by the dining table, a bunch of papers spread around him.
"Hey..." Leo said tiredly, entering the kitchen area and filling up a glass of water, "what time is it?"
"a quarter to eight," Jonah looked up, "how are you feeling?"
"Great," Leo smiled. If he was honest he felt worse than before, but at least the overwhelming urge to walk into open traffic had gone to the backburner, as his body was much more interested now in the pounding of his head and the nausea bubbling in his belly. He'd take feeling sick any day over feeling depressed.
"You know, I don't believe you," Jonah rolled his eyes, jumping up and circling the table, "don't go anywhere, I need to get the thermometer."
"Jonah, I'm fine," Leo rolled his eyes, then squeezed the table under his hand, as the world took a minute too long to stop spinning, "you should've woken me up, now we're on a rush."
"I don't think you should play, you're looking... Awful, to say the least."
"Thank, Jonah, you always know how to charm me."
"I'm serious, Leo. You know better than to play with a fever."
"I don't have a fever anymore," Leo ignored him, walking back to the door so he could put the shoes he had previously ditched, "let's go."
Jonah glared at him, "you're so fucking stubborn."
"It's my last game ever, stop being a dick and let's go," Leo urged him, walking out without looking back.
It was clear Jonah did not agree with his decision, hence why Leo was driving and why his boyfriend had his arms crossed to his chest and looked ready to bite his head off.
"This is a very dumb idea. You're gonna crack your stupid head open. Again."
"Last time I did that we ended up dating," Leo shrugged, fighting to ignore the uneasy feeling that was spreading all over him. His mouth tasted weird, "maybe I'll land an even hotter doctor this time around."
"You're such a dick," Jonah snorted, but there was a ghost of a smile in his lips. He turned his head so Leo wouldn't see it.
The blonde smiled back, then gulped down nervously as his stomach clenched. His head felt woozy.
"Your parking skills are fucking atrocious," Jonah commented as they jumped out of the car and Leo rushed ahead of him to the locker rooms.
"You get so grumpy when things don't go your way," Leo rolled his eyes, entering the locker room and Jonah followed him in, as if he was still allowed there.
"There you are!" Vince shouted from across the room, "we thought you had died, I've been blowing up your phone."
"And you brought the deserter," Michael scoffed and Leo ignored the guy, moving to his locker in order to grab his clothes. Behind him, he could vaguely tell that Jonah was mouthing off Mikey.
"You," Lucas marched to him, "are not playing."
"What?" Leo scoffed, ignoring his captain and slipping on his jersey, "of course I am. You can't play without a cornerback."
"I'm aware. Alex is gonna replace you," he explained and Leo felt twice as nauseous as before. He gulped down, using the fact that his head was still inside the jersey to conceal it. Then he glared at Lucas.
"You can't bench me. I'm better than Alex and you know it, Luke."
"I... I'm not benching you, Leo. You're sick, I can tell you're running a fever from here and Jonah is hovering over you like a worried mom. You're super pale. I can't let you in the field."
"It's my last game," Leo forced his voice not to waver. Rationally he knew Lucas had a point... But it was his last game. He didn't want this memory to be him sitting in the bench, watching his friends enjoy themselves, outside of it all already. His head throbbed, "you can't bench me in my last game, Luke, please..."
Begging was weird, it made him feel off in a whole different manner. Six years before type of odd, begging-
"Leo?" Lucas frowned, his hands coming to cup the blonde's nape, "dude, are you alright-"
"Please don't bench me, please, I- I'll be better, I'll do better-" his stomach rolled and Leo's mouth filled up with bitter saliva. He swallowed in, almost gagging, "please-"
"Okay, okay..." Lucas looked panicked, then a new set of hands were on Leo. Jonah's delicate hands, coming to cup his cheeks, fingers dancing down to his neck.
"Leo, baby, take a deep breath."
"Luke's- Luke's gonna bench me, he's gonna replace me... Alex- He's going to replace me..." he said, heart in his throat, blood pumping in his ear. Lucas' shook his head.
"Leo, that's not what I meant! Leo, I- You just don't look well-"
"Lucas, shut up," Jonah snapped, without glancing back, "Leo, look at me? Hey, look at me."
With a lot of struggle Leo forced his eyes away from Lucas - who was replacing him with Alex, during his last game ever, who had made him beg just to be included-
"Leo!" Jonah shook him lightly, "look at me, baby."
He was looking at him, feeling his heart thumping in his ears, nauseous and shaky. His stomach sloshed uncomfortably with the anxiety running through him, rocketed up to his throat to stinge it with acid, but then settled back down, like a rough sea.
"Breathe, Leo."
He obeyed, or tried to, breathing in through his nose, then out through his mouth. In again... He wanted to throw up. Not even out of nausea, he just felt like he'd feel better if he did.
"Out, darling, you need to breathe out."
Slowly, very slowly, Leo felt like he was back in the locker room. Covered in cold sweat, shivering like crazy.
"Sorry..." he mumbled, feeling woozy and planting a hand inside the metal locker to support himself. Jonah looked concerned and Lucas looked frantic.
"I'm not benching you..." Luke said in the smallest of voices, "I'm- I'm sorry..."
"So I can play?" Leo asked, but he knew it was bad idea. He just couldn't bring himself to stop moving now, it was a snowball of bad decisions.
Lucas made a face, clearly he didn't want to agree, but then nodded.
Jonah frowned, "Leo..."
"I need this," he forced himself not to include the please at the end.
He was sure they were going to lose the minute they stepped on the field. Or better yet, he was going to lose it.
The lights were too bright and it was a really cold night, shivers running down his back, the wind clinging to the exposed part of his neck.
In the bleachers, Jonah was standing right next to Wendy, arms crossed to his chest, both dark heads together as they talked. Wendy looking at Leo worriedly, leaning in to whisper something to Jon.
"Leo!" Lucas snapped at him, in full captain voice, no longer his best friend.
Leo realized he had blanked a good full minute of the game, only to realize he had just allowed the wide-receiver of the opposite team to grab the ball. Well fuck.
He tackled the guy, attempting to minimize damage or stop the pass, but the wide-receiver was huge, Vince sized at least and next thing he knew he was receiving a sharp throw on his chest as the man quickly burled past him, throwing the ball to the next player of his team.
Leo didn't even feel the jab, he was already backpedaling to face the wide-receiver again, adamant he wouldn't do the same mistake twice.
By the time they reached the halftime break, he wasn't sure which way was up. The whole game felt fuzzy and Leo was aware he should be more in pain, considering the amount of times he had body tackled the wide receiver, but he couldn't really focus on anything.
"Wagner!" Coach Eric yelled after them as they slipped into the locker room, just as the cheerleaders took over the field. Leo stumbled forward bracing a hand on Spencer's back and the man jerked a little at the touch, before relaxing as he realized the heavy touch was just Leo.
"Wagner! Get out of my way Monacelli- Wagner!"
Leo stopped, bracing against a tiled wall, wheezing. Everything felt weird as hell, he felt like he was in a rollercoaster, as the world twirled around him, in and out of focus.
"What the fuck was that!? You were out of yourself, you got warned and if you don't behave you're getting disqua-"
Leo interrupted him by removing his helmet and promptly bending in half, throwing up his measly lunch all over the coach's shoes.
There was a general groan of discontent, some gasps, the coach himself shouting-
Leo stayed bent in half, hands on his thighs, his belly churning. He gagged again, spitting into the mess. He wasn't even nauseous, not really... Just really really weird and -
"I got you," Lucas grabbed his arm and stopped Leo from tipping to the side and collapsing, "I got you, c'mon, let's wash your face."
"I don't... I don't feel well..." Leo groaned and Lucas scoffed, dabbing his chin with a wet paper towel. He wasn't wearing the helmet anymore either and his dark brown hair was glued down with sweat, green eyes sparkling with worry.
"I can't tell if you have a fever, I'm too hot," Lucas said, but rested his warm hand on Leo's forehead anyway, their skin damp and clingy, "but I think you do."
"Okay..." Leo leaned onto his touch, wanting to collapse in a bed. He was starting to feel completely detached from his body, which was never a good thing, "where's Jon?"
"Vince went to get him," Lucas grabbed his arm, "let's move here..."
He led Leo to the opposite side of the locker room, sitting him down on the wooden bench.
"Water!" Lucas shouted and Leo almost laughed hysterically as he watched half the team scramble to meet the demand.
"You're such a spoiled-" he cringed as another wave of nausea hit him, "spoiled brat."
"My counselor calls it leadership," Lucas scoffed, crouching before him and patting his elbow, "arms up, you're cooking inside the uniform."
"Bossy as fuck," Leo groaned, but obeyed and allowed Luke to strip him, including from his protective undershirt. He shuddered with the sudden cold, but immediately felt a lot more alert, "Luke."
"Yeah?" Lucas was hardly listening, raising his hand to catch the water bottle Mikey threw him from across the room, "little sips."
"Luke," Leo grabbed the bottle, but didn't drink, "you have to get back on the field. Break's almost over."
"I don't-"
"It's fine. I'm okay, I'll just wait for Jon," Leo smiled, "go captain."
Lucas looked like he was choosing between which family member to shoot, much to Leo's amusement, "I'm fine, it's just a bug. I'll live. Go."
"I don't think-"
"ATWOOD!" Coach Eric yelled from across the room, "GET BACK IN THERE!"
"Go," Leo smiled, "go" and then, much to his relief and Lucas' too, Jonah entered the locker's room, alongside Vince.
Vin sped past them, offering Leo a concerned smile, but already slipping on his helmet. Jonah lingered behind, waiting until the last player was out before sighing loudly.
"Just say it already," Leo grumbled, staring at a spot between his feet and grimacing as his belly continued to roll. He waited for the inevitable I-told-you-so.
"How are you feeling, baby?"
Leo looked up, surprised and Jonah rolled his eyes at his shocked face, "I'm not going to scold you when you feel like crap and look worse."
He let out a chuckle, lowering his head back down, "thank you, Jon..." his stomach gurgled again, interrupting the good mood and making his mouth taste even more bitter, "pass me the bin?"
Jonah said something, moving the large trashcan of the locker room's closer and Leo turned his face away from it, briefly glancing at his boyfriend, "get out of here, Jon," he mumbled, his voice thick. He leaned over the garbage bin, spitting the awful taste.
"I'm not going anywhere," Jonah scoffed, sitting on the bench too and carefully planting a hand on Leo's forehead, aiding with the aim and support.
Leo groaned, bracing against the large bin. His stomach hurt, all the nausea he had been avoiding all day crashing onto him at once. He gagged, once, and then leaned forward, all but diving into the bin as everything he had ever eaten rushed out of his mouth.
He attempted to breathe, but his throat was burning and his nose too, it felt like he was drowning. There was a thump on his back, forcing up another burp and even more bitter liquid and Leo gasped for air, both hands white knuckling the trash.
"Fuck, Leo..." Jonah mumbled behind him, rubbing his back. He was applying pressure enough to dislodge another burp and Leo gagged as even more vomit splashed out of his mouth, now without him even having to heave.
He panted, feeling dizzy and empty, his stomach still churning uneasily, "I think..." a burp forced another gush of bile and he spat, clearing his throat forcefully to get rid of the sick taste, "I think I'm done."
"Uhm," was all that Jonah said, handing him a bunch of paper towels that Leo had no idea from where he had manifested them. The blonde's hand was shaking as he took them, cleaning the puke that had ran down his chin and blowing his nose.
Jonah squeezed his shoulder, "done?"
"Think... Think so," Leo nodded, throwing the paper towels in the large trash and pushing it away from him. He turned to look at Jon, just in time for his boyfriend to bolt up and brace against the sinks, gagging harshly.
Leo groaned, "Jon..."
"I'm fine," Jonah mumbled, before another heave wrecked through him, sending up a small stream of pink colored puke. He gagged again, closing his eyes and breathing through it, "I'm fine."
"Yeah, you look great," Leo sighed. He wanted to get up and help him, but his head was swimming and he didn't want to make Jonah's life even harder by crumpling to a pile on the ground, "I'm sor-"
"Not your fault," Jonah washed the basin and his mouth, splashing cold water on his face and then turning to look at him, "see? I lived."
It caused Leo to snort, in an amused way. Jonah's dark rich skin was a sickly shade of grey, but at least he retained the good humor. Whenever Jon was actually feeling sick, Leo had learned by now, his temper flared up.
"Yeah, you lived," he nodded, pressing a hand to his forehead, elbow to his knee as he folded in half, "I fucked up the game, should've let Alex-"
"Alex can choke for all I care, it was your night," Jonah scoffed, walking back to the bench and rubbing his back, "and you got to go out in style, hurling all over coach Eric's shoes."
Leo huffed, smiling, "I guess... I'm going to miss college, Jon."
The man opened a sympathetic smile and moved his hand up, squeezing his nape, "I know, baby-"
"No, you don't," Leo straightened up, voice strong, "I don't think... I know I wasn't happy until I came to college. Until I met you and joined the team and everything else... I'm terrified of this being over."
Jonah frowned, forcing their eyes to meet, "it's not over, Leo. I promise you, I'm not- I'm not just saying this so you'll calm down. I do get what you mean, I love my life now. I love my life with you, baby."
Leo let out a little sob, tearing up and then he slumped forward, melting against Jonah's chest. He felt a kiss pressed on the top of his head, Jon squeezing him tightly.
"There are greater and better things waiting for you, Leo," he promised, "and you're never gonna be alone like before."
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coleyo · 1 year
BITTW chapter four!
SUMMARY: A sudden attack on the lair startles Mikey, he is curious and goes out to see what they're dealing with, causing in Angelo's injury.
Angelo tied the new given mask around his face, taking the old one off beforehand and placing it on the floor.
sure enough, the tails were extremely long. They trailed down to the end of Mikeys shell! 'No wonder Leo likes hers so much..' Mikey smiled, stroking the tips of the tangerine colored mask. He'd let out a silent squeal, tapping his feet a bit. This made him really happy, but he couldn't figure out why.. the terrapin sighed, closing his eyes. Suddenly, a loud crash startled Micheal, the ground shook under their feet, causing them to collapse. The action knocked the air out of him. He inhaled sharply, switching out his new mask for the old one. Whatever was happening, he didn't want to risk roughing up the mask already.
His eyes widened as he scrambled back onto his feet, speeding out of the room. All he could hear were the Screams and shouts of both children and adults.. Yokai and Humans were running in different  directions, leading Mikey to the conclusion that something.. bad was happening. "-W- wait, where are we going!" The boy cried out, looking around. There, he spotted Casey. A wave of relief overcame Mikey as he ran up to his companion. "-Casey!" Mikey turned him around. "-Mikey!? You should be hidden!" "-Hidden from what, what's going on?" He said with a hint of irritation. Casey exhaled deeply, "-The Kraang monsters, they're --" "-CASEY! Let's go." Leo cocked his head to the side, signalling his student. "-.. just hide, this is serious!" With that said, casey ran after Leo. Mikey whined, reaching out for Casey, but he'd disappear just like that. The terrapin looked in the opposite direction, spotting Commander O'Neil and sensei Angelo.. they were talking, but Sensei Angelo Looked rather frustrated. Mikey assumed this was a heated argument. Commander O'Neil shook her head before running off with Leo and 'Jones, Angelo pouted, calmly retreating down the narrow hall that lead to their room.
"What was that about .. no, what's all of this about!" He calls, noticing April, Leo, and Casey run out of the base..
Well... Mikey was curious. And curiosity kills that cat, so...
Oh well. He'd muster up the courage to follow them, though the ground was still shaking whilst shambles of debris fell from the rooftop. Michealangelo sighs, his legs feeling as if they were about to give out. But he had to know what this was all about, if he had to stay there for A While, why not get the gist of this whole... Thing? He had made his decision, a poor one in fact. Mikey snuck out of the lair. He couldn't have began to imagine how horrible it was beyond the lairs gates, sure, when he had first arrived things already looked.. bad, but, it was pure chaos.. those kraang dogs and bots were everywhere, but Leo seemed to be fighting them off pretty well. Casey was holding up fine, Amazing for a student, but.. commander o'neil was no where to be seen.. Mikey couldn't tell if this was a good or a bad thing; (Assumingly and most likely bad), but despite being scared, he just wanted to help because that's what they normally do in this own universe, but, He was teased relentlessly for his fears and taught to jump into action when needed... Well.. atleast that's what Raph told him. The mutant shook his head, ridding his mind of his thoughts as soon as he spotted one of the kraang dogs coming his way. They would shriek, backing away and tripping over a loose pipe in the ground. In the heat of the moment, Mikey grabbed the object as the dog jumped at him. It would pounce at the boy, causing Mikey to swing. He'd hit the critter, but that didn't do much damage. It only provoked the creature more, a spark of anger flares in it's eyes as Mikey sharply inhaled, silently praying to himself. It Clamped down on Mikey's leg, causing him cry out in pain. The critter dragged Mikey down, resulting in a cry for help but he was too far away for any of them to notice. He'd attempt to pull away, but his just made the iron grip held on his leg worse, if he moved any more the force of the bite would just get stronger by the second. Suddenly, Mikey's face was splashed with oil.. blood, maybe? That's up for debate. He would gasp, scrambling backwards while he had the chance. The mutant spotted a chain going through the bots chest, Covered with the oil. It was a brutal sight, That's for certain, but never in his life has Mikey seen the sheer amount of blood that has been presented in just one night. "-What the hell were you thinking!" A gruff voice said from behind. Mikey turned around, and low and behold, Sensei Angelo. They didn't look too happy.
   "-Sensei!" Mikey called out, struggling to stand. Angelo rolled his eyes, helping his alternate up. Mikey could stand fairly well, but couldn't put too much pressure on his wound. "-Um- sensei, look.." the terrapin mumbles, pointing just behind his sensei. Angelo turns around, noticing a feral pack of kraang dogs coming his way. "-For the love of.." Angelo paused, glaring at Mikey, who had this worried look on his face. "-Go back to the lair, now. I want you to go to my dojo and do not come out until I get back.. if I do. Got it?" "What? Dude, No, i--" "-LISTEN to me. This is dangerous, and we can't risk losing another so just go." He demanded. Mikey looked off to the side and mumbled "-..okay..o- okay!" With that said, he ran off, leaving his sensei to fend for himself. Sure, Mikey felt bad, but he had mystic powers, so he should be fine.. obviously.
   Once the boy had reached the lair, it was dead silent. Mikey was accompanied  by the faint sound of water hitting the dust covered ground as shambles of stone fell to the pavement. It was like a ghost town now, compared to a few hours ago. He'd rub his temple, The mutants vision began to get blurry, but the dojo was just around the corner, quite litteraly. Mikey pulled himself together, stumbling towards the dojo. his breathing becomes heavier by the second due to the amount of blood loss. Luckily months prior, His Leo had taught them how to properly treat certain wounds. Though Mikey bearly paid any mind, he picked up on a few of the tactics. All they needed to find was medical supply. They would enter the dojo, collapsing to the floor and pulling themselves along the pavement.
Mikey's vision began to haze once more while they placed their shell against the patted walls. Their breathing began to slow down as he passed out. Everything happening now appeared to come as a blur, nothing but a meer memory. Something that Mikey could bearly remember. The last thing Mikey did was pull his knees up to his chest, burying his head into his knees.
7) !Thump!
Mikey awoke to a crash, Inhaling sharply.
"Damn it.." someone mumbled as another chuckled. The voices were very simaliar, he'd sit up only to realize that their legs were wrapped with cotton made bandage wrap and a bit of foam. They looked towards the corner of the room, only to notice Leo and Sensei Angelo. The first thing Mikey noticed about his alternate was his sensei's cape being off, oddly enough. Under it he wore a sleeveless black turtleneck and matching sweatpants, mainly to keep the bandages steady.
Angelo appeared to have the same bandages mikey had wrapped around his head, hands, legs, and shell. "-I- told you Leo, I'm fine.." they would scowl, pulling away from their older brother. Leo rolls his eyes, "Only trying to help." "-Yo', sensei!" Mikey coughed out. Leo looked in his direction and smiled. "Finally up? It's been a good hour or two, can't really tell.. anyways, what were you doing beyond the lairs gates? We told you to say inside. You're a kid, and you're not really.. skilled." "..but.. Sensei Angelo is teaching me how to--" "-Yes, I know, but that doesn't make a difference. Both of you were supposed to say inside, and now, his shell is cracked!", Leon pointed at the mystic warrior with a frown. "Don't forget the burn marks.." She would whisper. Leo shook his head, "-we get it. Lets go mike', I'll show you to Casey's room.. Its.. been a long day." Leo left the dojo, remaining upset. Mikey turned to his sensei. "..eh..", he'd press his index fingers together.
Angelo glared at the younger mutant, waiting for him to say something. "..What is it." The man grumbled, Mikey sighs. "..I'm sorry for leaving the lair and getting you hurt-- i was only Tryin' To help!" Mikey attempts to defend his actions, but was quickly cut off by his sensei. "It's whatever.. Go with leo already, our training will continue tomorrow."
Mikey nodded, leaving the room.. did his Sensei even care? Did he? Despite only being here for a day, Mikey already got sour, hostile vibes from his alternate self.. maybe if he presented the camera he found to him, he'd warm up a bit? Just maybe. Mikey then stepped on a piece of fabric, stopping dead in his tracks.
It was the mask Leo gave him just a few hours ago. "There you are! For a minute there, I thought I lost ya'.." he said to himself, picking the object up. "Mikey?" Master Leonardo called, in which Mikey responded, "-Coming!"
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sylvain-writes · 4 years
Doors Will Open (Donatello x Reader)
Rated: G
Gender Neutral Reader, pre-relationship, movie night, tenderness, cuddling, supportive brothers
You surprise Donnie with lembas bread for your Lord of the Rings movie night.
for @blancoluna
Donatello is holed up in his laboratory of mischief and oddities when you arrive at the lair bearing treats. But Mikey is there to greet you, jumping out of the Pit to graciously unload the deep tupperware of cookies from your hands. 
His eyes twinkle as he leans in to stage whisper, “You’re my favorite, know that?”
April walks up behind him with a gasp of indignation. “I’m gone five minutes!”
“But, but...” He lifts the box in his defense, “Cookies!”
“Ooh.” April’s eyes go wide and warmth floods your cheeks at their enthusiasm. She rubs her hands together with delight. “Can I grab one for the road?” You nod, of course, encouraging her to take as many as she likes. “You’re my favorite too,” she says with a giddy bounce.
Your laughter draws Raphael and Leonardo from the tunnels, and your excitement for the evening mounts. Rising to your toes hopefully, you try to capture a glimpse of Donatello behind them. The tunnel, however, is otherwise empty. Your heart sinks just a little.
Everyone gathers in the kitchen, welcoming you and trying to convince April to stay, but with each passing minute, the absence of your best friend grows harder to ignore. 
“Wheel of Time is in my bag,” you mention to Leo half-heartedly. It’s a book series he’s been begging to borrow for ages. You’re proud of yourself for remembering to bring it, and you don’t want to get distracted and forget. 
“Thanks!” Leo unlatches your messenger bag immediately, diving into a confession that only serves to prove what a nerd he is. Apparently, he sped through the Lord of the Rings this week in his excitement for the weekend movie marathon. You nod along with an amused smile. You're usually overjoyed to have the fellow bookworm to talk to, but your attention keeps drifting to the empty tunnels. 
A lull in his rambling gives you an opportunity to ask, “Is Donnie coming?” You have trouble meeting Leo's eyes, but you try your best to keep the question sounding casual and light. You don’t want Leo, Raph, Mikey, or April to feel like you don’t value their company, but you brought down supplies for Movie Night under the impression Donatello would be joining in; you don’t want to start without him.
“Oh, I’ll get that knucklehead,” Leo says, stacking the books to carry. “He probably just lost track of time.” 
Turning from Mikey's final, futile plea for April to stay, Leo heads toward his room to drop off the books, then to the workshop to gather their missing brother.
The muted sounds of tools and machinery come through the heavy door in clanks and whirrs. But Leo knows Donnie won't mind the intrusion.  He raps a knuckle against the small frosted window and gives his brother a shout. 
Donatello raises his voice over the buzz of a circular saw to ask, “Emergency?” But the sound of the blade cutting through metal continues without pause.
“No.” Leo won’t lie. He won’t test Donnie’s nerves with trickery, not even when the reveal is something his brother has been looking forward to all week. 
“Password?” Donnie counters next.
Leo screws up his face, searching his memories for the right answer. “I don’t know, dude. There’s cookies? And, like, ten hours of movies, so-”
The saw goes silent before the 'shop door opens with a snap. Leo takes a step back to give his brother room. 
Donnie’s face pops through the gap, his eyes looking unnaturally large through the magnifying lenses perched atop his beak. “What day is it?”
“Uh, Friday.”
“Y/N is here?”
Leo's exasperated answer hisses through the tunnel. "Yes." 
Donatello lets the door swing wide as he pulls off his goggles and hangs them on their hook. “Why didn’t you start with that?” he asks as he tidies up his station. His hands fly over the tables, reorganizing the space for his return. He fumbles his wrenches into their case in his rush. "How long have they been here? Why didn't anyone get me sooner?"
Leo doesn’t hide his grin, so happy to see Donnie this close to admitting his crush. “Oh, so they’re the password, huh?”
Donatello’s blush starts at his neck and rises up to his ears. “That’s not…” He gives a little huff as he rolls his tool cart to its place against the wall. “Shut up, Leo.”
Slinging an arm around Donnie's neck, Leo drags him into the hall. He grinds his knuckles over his little brother's head with a light chuckle.  Though Donnie easily squirms free, Leo knocks him with a shoulder, a tease and a mark of support. 
At first, Leo had been reticent to encourage his brother's feelings for you, but over time it's become obvious that Donnie’s affections are far from one-sided. Being what they are, that came as somewhat of a shock to him, but it was the best kind of surprise.
Donnie's lucky to have you in his life. And Leo hopes that one day soon, the two of you will get your acts together. It's about time you two admit just how happy the other makes you.
You're picking at the edge of the countertop, stomach in knots, when you hear the echo of footsteps draw near. Leo and Donnie enter the main living space pushing and shoving, but there's not a hint of anger on their squabble. Laughter stretches their smiles wide. 
You bite your lips together, anticipating the moment when Donatello finds you. There's become a shared second of pause when you meet, though you don't know when that began. You try to prepare yourself for it each time, but it always leaves you breathless. 
When Donatello’s eyes fall on you, his laughter peters out and his smile goes soft. Your lungs ache with the breath you've forgotten to release until Donatello breaks the spell. "I was told there would be cookies?"
You gesture to the box, hoping the slight tremor in your hand isn't obvious. "Lembas, actually." It's silly, your newly developed nervousness around him. Donnie is the person with whom you feel safest, most free to be yourself. He's your best friend in the world. 
Your crush on him shouldn't change that. But it does. It could change everything.
Donatello's eyes slide to the box and his jaw drops comically. "Are you kidding me? How did you-? Why did-?" His long strides bring him to the table before he has a chance to form a full sentence.
"It's our weekend," you say. A blush colors your cheeks as you catch your choice of phrase. "I mean, Lord of the Rings weekend. Remember?" You fiddle with the ring hanging from your neck, your fingers running back and forth over the elvish script. 
"I didn't. I do now! I didn't realize it was Friday until Leo… But Lembas!" He's probably the biggest nerd of you all.
"Go ahead." The mess of crumbs on the counter is evidence Raph and Mikey have grabbed their share. Thankfully, they left some for the rest of you. 
Leo skirts around you to take a cookie for himself while Donatello inspects his square of pastry with care. Turning it over in his hands, Donnie hums. "It smells like citrus and almond."
"There's lavender too," you supply gently. It took a few tries and a few tweaks of the recipe you found to get it just right, but you're quite proud of the end result.
"Yeah," he gives a slow nod. "And lavender. I was getting to that." He looks at you in awe. "This is really… it's so cool."
"You didn't even try it." Your racing heart switches gears from nervousness to anticipation for Donnie to have a taste.
"Oh, right." Donatello takes his first bite, follows it quickly with a second, and the cookie is gone. "Wow." Crumbs fall from his lips and you chuckle at his enthusiasm.
"I can make more," you offer as he reaches for another, "if you guys like them so much."
Donnie nods and drops his gaze as he seems to consider it. "...maybe you can make them here," he says finally. "With me, y'know? Show me how it's done."
Your blush returns at the suggestion and you find yourself hesitant to agree to the plan. 
Donatello's eyes blink wide and his almost pout is irresistible as always. You can't fathom why you'd give up the chance to be the one teaching Donatello something for once. 
With a leap of your heart, you give in. "Yeah, of course. We can swing by my place later and grab the stuff. Could be fun."
"Could be," he agrees quietly.
Donnie meets your eyes again and the moment of stillness between you stretches long--
Until Raphael speaks up from the couch with an exaggerated groan. "Can ya please get over here already? There's a whole mess of movies waitin' for us and you're busy yappin'."
Donatello grabs the box of cookies and rummages through the cabinet for Pop-Tarts while you make your way over to the TV. Of course, not even lembas can fill his appetite for sweet pastry. 
In the Pit, the lighting is dim. Title screen music rises and falls, drawing you into the fantasy world of Middle Earth.
Leo has taken a seat atop the back of the couch to give Raph and Mikey room on the cushions below. At the sight of your approach, Mikey scoots toward his brothers to make you a place by the armrest.
It's a comfortable fit, even for your favorite position, sitting with your legs pulled up, criss cross. But when Donnie comes in, there's no real room for him. He doesn't seem to mind. He places the plate of lembas and box of Pop-Tarts on the coffee table. Then, without hesitation, he takes a seat on the floor in front of you.
Mikey starts up the movie and the epilogue scenes cast the room in shadows and flashes of light. Donatello settles in against your legs and everyone's eyes focus on the screen.
The film plays and the temptation to reach toward Donatello increases with his every shift. Though he hasn't complained, you think he must be uncomfortable down on the floor. If nothing else, the way he rolls his shoulders probably means he's feeling stiff. 
It's dark enough, you could lay your hands on his shoulders, work the knots out of his muscles and neck, without attracting the attention of his brothers. But you don't. As you indulge yourself in fantasy, Donatello shifts once more.  He slides into position between your knees and the tails of his bandana catch on the hem of your jeans. 
You stare for a moment, unsure if you're allowed to touch. Then, Donnie leans back and smiles up at you and you could swear your heart stops. It only lasts a second before his eyes return to the screen, but it fills you with comfort, confidence, and calm.
Careful not to tug, you take the tails of his mask in hand and lay the long strips of cloth over your lap. With steady passes, the fabric runs through your fingers. It's soft and worn. Stained and fraying on the ends. The movie plays on, but as far as you're concerned there's only this. 
You twist the tails of Donnie's mask around your fingers. You tie them into loose knots, losing yourself in the quiet intimacy of having Donatello so close. 
Donnie tips his head to the side as you play, turning his body just enough that he can rest his head on your knee. 
You bend at the waist and drop your voice as quiet as it can go to avoid being overheard by the others. "You OK?"
Donatello nods, nuzzling his cheek against your knee just enough for you to notice. "It's nice," he says, and you drag the tails of his bandana through your fingers again. 
As you sit up, you spare a glance at his brothers. Raph and Leo are sitting forward, elbows on their knees, enraptured by Arwen's race on horseback. But Mikey's watching you through the corner of his eye. He gives you a small, knowing smile before turning his attention back to the screen.
When it's time to switch DVDs, everyone agrees it's time for a stretch. 
Donnie's the first one back to the Pit. And he takes it upon himself to lie across all three cushions of the couch with a lazy grin. Mikey doesn't even bother with him, ducking out to meet up with April and leaving his older brothers to fend for spots on the broken recliner and floor.
Donatello makes grabby hands as you return from the kitchen with a pair of sodas. You think he'll sit up, make some room. But to your surprise, Donatello exaggerates his sprawl. He takes the drinks and places them on the floor, then extends his hands toward you again.
You only have a second to register his request before he takes your hand in his and gently pulls you onto the couch with him. 
Cuddled up between the couch and your back, Donatello gives a little shimmy and a wistful sigh. 
Your heart is racing and you're tingling from your hands to your toes, but fitting against the curves of Donatello's bent knees and soft embrace takes no thought at all. And once you're there, you can't imagine ever wanting to leave.
The second Fellowship DVD comes to an end, and Donatello's breath tickles your neck, "One more?"
You shrug into the feeling of his words ghosting over your skin. "I'll fall asleep," you admit regretfully. You're so comfortable in his arms, you don't want to go home. But it's precisely that warmth and safety that are making it so hard to stay awake.
"I won't make fun of you if you snore," Donnie teases. There's soft pressure on your scalp and you're sure that's the feeling of him snuggling into your hair.
"I make no promises," Raph chimes in from the recliner. You'd long since forgotten you had company. The sound of his voice should come as a shock, should have you scrambling out of Donnie's arms. But it's only Raph, and he's picking on you the same as always. And there's a kind of approval in that -- the kind you never dreamed of receiving.
You try to shoot him a scowl, but you're grinning because you can't help it. 
You were right about having difficulty staying awake. The film isn't on for five minutes before your eyes drift closed.
"Are you asleep?"
"Still listening," you mumble dreamily. Donatello's arms tighten around you and his chin tucks over your head. It's enough to send you adrift into a deep and peaceful sleep.
You wake up in the morning alone but wrapped in a purple knitted blanket you recognize from Donnie's room. You pull it snug around your shoulders as you sit up to check your phone.  There's a text from your roommate and emails that can be ignored, but one notification stands out. You touch the media message from Raphael. 
Though you roll your eyes at the blurry thumbnail, your curiosity has you pressing play. The video is only 20 seconds, anyway. 
It loads immediately and the image clears. You smile at the closeup of Donatello asleep on the couch. The audio is low but you can clearly make out the snuffling rise and fall of his snores. You allow yourself a little laugh as you watch the video play through again. And you don't miss the way Raphael panned to show you and Donnie together dozing comfortably -- your limbs entangled and your face tucked into the crook of his neck.
You're unsure where you two stand and where your relationship will go, but your stomach is full of butterflies and your heart is content.
"Did you sleep OK?" Donnie asks as he comes in from the kitchen. He's brought tea and toast -- a simple but sweet gesture. 
You take a moment to enjoy the sight of him bringing you breakfast 'in bed' and tuck your phone away with a smile. "I slept great."
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kurlyfrasier · 3 years
Terrified: Part 9 (final)
Raph x Reader
Synopsis: Raph saves you from ruffians one night in an alley after watching out for you for weeks without you knowing. Which leads you to getting to know the guys and becoming part of the family. But Raph keeps a distance and you don’t understand why. 
Word Count: 1364
Warnings: happy, happy, happy!
*A/N: I just realized I made an error....reader has a roommate and I wrote somewhere that reader lost their apartment. Let’s all pretend reader’s friend had no choice but to find a roommate so friend had to kick them out since reader lost their job. (hopefully that all made sense) Please and thank you! 
Also, this fic got so outta hand! It was originally supposed to be a one-shot, then it morphed, then it became a black hole, and now...well this is the end! I’m sorry if this feels rushed for any of you, I needed to stop before I ended up killing somebody off and had them haunting the lair lol Granted, that would be a good fic...
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“Okay,” you chirped, playing with the ends of Raph’s bandana. You sounded happy. Too happy. Especially considering you had looked a little frightened a moment ago.
Raph raised his head to find a toothy grin on your face. He squinted up at you suspiciously.
You noticed and let your face fall like it was minutes ago.
He didn’t respond as he thought over everything he had said. What was it that made you smile?
“Ya seem…,” Raph switched tactics. “I expected ya ta argue.”
“Gettin’ good sleep-”
“Well, I do feel exhausted. I couldn’t sleep cos I was worried something bad might happen to you,” you explained.
“Eatin’ betta-”
“I promise I will try. But I’m really not hungry. And food hurts,” you pouted.
“Bein’ glued ta my side.”
Silence. Your eyes flitted up to the tv as you pretended not to hear him.
“Y/n,” Raph shook you slightly to get your attention, but you only gave him a quick glance. He stood, bringing you with him as he blocked your view of the tv. “I don’ think ya understand wha’ that entails, Swee’heart.”
“What, what entails?” You muttered quietly, looking down at the floor.
“Stickin’ to my side,” he gently lifted your chin, forcing eye contact. 
“Yeah,” Raph continued to hold your gaze. “It means no video games with Mikey unless I’m there. No science experiments with Donnie unless I’m in the room with ya. No meditating for hours with Leo, cos we both know I don’ do long meditation.”
“What about tea with Splinter?”
“I figure ya can drink tea with Sensei while I take care of personal needs.”
You nodded your understanding. Well, as much as Raph would allow with his finger under your chin.
“And last, but not least; hours upon hours of sittin’ in the dojo while I get back inta fightin’ shape.”
A flash of fear crossed over your features before you could hide it from him. If he hadn’t been boring into your eyes, looking for any tell tale sign of what was really going on in your pretty little head, he would have missed it. 
“And ya still not gonna argue ‘bout it, huh?” He continued as the gears turned in his head. Which word, exactly, had you scared?
Then it clicked.
You were afraid of him going topside again.
“Is that what this is all about?” Raph questioned, still not letting go even though his grip tightened a tad.
It all started to make sense.
“What is wha-”
Why you didn’t argue.
“No, Princess,” he seethed. “Tell me you didn’t.”
Why you stopped eating.
“Didn’t wha-”
If you were glued to him.
“Stop eatin’ cos a me,” he growled.
Then he couldn’t go topside.
“Well- I, uh- I- No?” You slammed your eyes closed and a tear rolled down your sunken cheek.
And if he couldn’t go topside.
“Ya put yerself in danger!” He finally ripped his hand out from under your chin as his voice echoed beyond the room.
Then he was stuck in the lair. 
“I’m not in dange-” He shook your hand away when you reached for his arm.
Where he couldn’t get hurt.
To say I was scared was an understatement. Terrified didn’t even cover it. Petrified did. 
I was petrified. 
Raph had figured it out. Somehow. Some way. I could tell the moment it all clicked together. My plan failed. Utterly and completely. It didn’t even last a whole day! How was I supposed to keep him safe now?
“Yes, ya are!” Raph shouted, exasperated.
“No! I’m fine! See?” I sobbed out, motioning to myself as if I hadn’t lost the weight. As if I had been sleeping fine.
“Ya not fine!” He started pacing like earlier, fists clenched. “Ya sick! Ya hurtin’ yerself!” Raph boomed louder than I had ever heard. “Yer killin’ yerself, Y/n,” he choked out, his back facing me as I watched him fall to his knees, head in his hands.
It broke my heart.
I never meant for this.
I never meant to-
“Don’tcha see?” He mumbled through his hands, a tremble to his normally confident voice. 
I quickly made my way in front of him to wrap my arms around his neck. 
“Yer my life,” he pulled me so close it hurt, soaking my shirt with his silent tears. “Yer everything. I couldn’ live without ya. I couldn’ bear it. There’d be no point in fightin’ if ya weren’ around, Swee’heart.”
“Then what about me?” I sniffled, unable to stop my own tears- happy- sad- frustrated tears- from flowing. “You almost died! If you had-”
“Don’t say it,” he rasped, sqeezing me a little tighter, effectively shutting me up.
“You think I could live without you?” I asked him, lightly pulling on his bandana tails, silently asking him to look at me. 
He did. And those glassy eyes tore at my heart once more.
“I know ya can,” he whispered roughly. “Ya don’ need a freak like me in ya life.”
“Yes I do!” I bawled out. “Quite literally, Raph. Those guys would’ve killed me the night we met.”
His gaze hardened at the memory.
“You literally saved my life,” I gave him my most tender smile. “Who else is going to protect me, if not you?”
Your words were like music to Raph’s ears. His heart soared at the thought of you even feeling an inkling about him the way he did about you. Vaguely, he knew you felt the same, especially with that spark in your eye and that little smile tugging at your lips. His heart melted at the realization.
“I though-” he cleared his throat before continuing. “I thought I scared ya tha’ night in the alley.”
“What gave you that idea?” You asked gently, rubbing small circles on his shoulder.
“Yer were always so fidgety ‘round me,” he shrugged, trying to hide how much that really hurt all those months.
“That’s because you hardly said a word to me! Not to mention you only looked at me to check for injuries-”
“Ya really think tha’s what I was really doin?” Raph smirked up at your shocked expression.
Raph had done exactly what he had promised over the next several weeks. He never let you out of his sight. He made sure you slept a good eight hours each night. He cooked and fed you- making doubly sure you didn’t go retch it up.
It was a long, arduous journey to get your appetite back, but you did your best. Every great once in a while you couldn’t help but empty your stomach. Raph stuck with you through it all. Held your hair back, wiped you down with a cool cloth, and made sure you knew it was going to get better- that it just takes time- as he rocked you to sleep. 
Most of your time was spent in the dojo as Raph got back into “fighting shape,” just like he said. He even made you train with him once you started eating better. He said it would be good for you. That it was healthy for you- more than just physically. After each session he would assure you that he would be more careful when he got to go topside again. That he would try not to do anything too stupid. You believed him. You really did. But that didn’t mean you worried any less. Plus, you were coming to terms with the fact that he would never stop his vigilante work. You couldn’t blame him, not really. His brothers needed him. The city needed him. It was part of who he was and you wouldn’t change that for the world.
Even if the thought of him going topside did still terrify you deep in your bones.
Needless to say, you were happier than you’ve ever been.You were in the best shape of your life. You got your job back and chose to stay living in the lair with the man of your dreams. When your demons came back to haunt you, your new family chased them away.
You were loved.
You were happy.
And you couldn’t imagine anything better.
To those who have an eating disorder,
You are beautiful. You are loved. Please eat! Your friends and family worry about you. They love you, even if they don’t show it well. I worry about you! I love you! Please stop hurting yourself! Please! Fight those demons! YOU ARE STRONG. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE WONDERFUL.
Those people who made you believe you were anything less than what you are, are WRONG. They are jealous and petty and cruel. If people told you what you are doing won’t hurt you- that it’s healthy- they are WRONG. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. You may not know this, but this disorder- this demon- can KILL you. I, personally, do not want you to die.
Please, I beg of you to listen to that tiny voice in the back of your mind that whispers you will beat this. That you will win. That you are gorgeous. That you will be happy again.
If you can’t hear that voice then listen to your family and friends who are there for you. Who care about you. Who encourage you. Who love you.
If you can’t fight for yourself, then fight for them until you can.
With all my love,
P.S. If you ever need an ear, I’m here. Please, do not be afraid to ask for help. We all have our demons to fight.
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moonlightflower21 · 4 years
A/N: a cute fluffy moment with the leader as requested by nonnie.
again, not trying to reference the coronavirus. this was written way before the virus :)
stay safe everyone. hope you like this 💙
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"Is Hana awake?" Leo asked you, coming in with his brothers after patrol. He removed the heavy armour his body donned before coming over to peck your lips. "No, she's still sleeping" you answered, picking up her blanket and her teddy.
"I see. Has she eaten?" he murmured, looking at her bedroom door. He ended patrol a little earlier tonight. He hated being away from his daughter for so long but especially when she was going through an illness. "She hasn't eaten either. She wanted to wait for you" you chuckled, kissing his cheek again. "I'll go wake her up..."
With a gentle knock, Leo opened the door looking in the room to see his daughter on the bed sleeping. She was three, but she had come down with a terrible flu. The temprature had been alarmingly high for the last couple days and she overall was feeling really unwell. Leo entered, sitting on the bed gingerly. He switched off the fan that was on a low temperature to help soothe her.
"Hey honey, c'mon let's get up, I've made you soup in the kitchen" Leo cooed, brushing her hair back with his fingers. She stirred and narrowed her eyes at her father. "Dada?" She croaked and Leo nodded, pressing the back of his hand to her forehead.
"It's me, Hana" he chuckled softly. Her temperature was still quite high but it had definitely decreased. "You have to eat something, honey. You've been in here all day" he placed her upright gently watching her sigh. "I don't wanna move" she whined, pouting but Leo kissed her cheeks. "C'mon love, you know you need to" he ruffled her hair gently and she sighed sitting up.
He held her hand and her hand held his finger as they both walked out of the room. The blanket was around her shoulders, she clutched both ends tight to her chest. It trailed out while they continued to make their way to the living room. Her eyes narrowed at the sudden adjustment of the light, making them pause for a second.
"There she is! There's the baby princess!" Mikey called out cheerily, drumming a little tune with his fingers. Hana looked at her uncle, the small smile as Leo guided her to the kitchen.
"How you feeling, sweetie?" You asked, bending to her level. "Okay-" She let out a cute sneeze and you both chuckled. "You're okay for sure" Leo laughed, placing a bowl of soup in the microwave.
"Mama" she whined, burying her head in your neck and you picked her up, cuddling her close. "I know, it sucks. I wonder how you got the cold, none of us have had it" you tucked her hair behind her ears and looked at Leo. "No, but I feel as though we will get it soon" Leo nodded, grabbing a small spoon.
"Open wide for me, Hana" Donnie entered, holding a link thermometer. He designed it specially for her.
"Don, can't this wait? She's about to eat-" "This is important, to manage her health" Donnie shot back, adjusting his glasses. "It's fine, she wants to watch T.V. anyway" you giggled, watching her walk a little loopy to the living room.
You and Leo both entered to see Hana next to Raph and Mikey who were watching a Disney movie with her. "She looks so cute" you chuckled, leaning into Leo who smiled proudly. "She does, indeed. Looks like you, doesn't she" he placed his hand on your waist, with a brow raised.
"I think she's taken after you" you smirked, touching his hand realising how much your body missed his touch. "They're occupied, you know..." Leo mused, perking a brow and you chuckled, nudging him.
"We can't. Splinter wanted to talk to us" you sighed, and he bit his lip. "I'll get you later" he growled playfully, holding your hand. "Y/N? Leonardo?" You both heard your names being called and you brushed yourself off. "Let's go"
Hana crawled to Leo, patting his knees in indication she wanted to be held. He picked her up, placing her on his chest while grabbing one of her blankets to keep her warm. The duvet covered her head and Leo smiled at how tiny she was.
"Have you eaten yet, sweetheart?" You called and she shook her head. "I feel sick" she whined, tears falling down her cheeks and Leo patted her hair soothingly. You and Leo locked eyes with each other, knowing it was best to actually visit a hospital now. It was a good thing because she mainly had taken after your characteristics, she didn't have much turtle in her appearance at all.
"Okay, you're going to the hospital" you walked to the cupboard, grabbing a coat, hat and gloves.
"Dada coming?" She asked through her tears and Leo wiped her cheeks. "Not tonight, darling-" but before he could even finish, she clung onto him for dear life. "I don't wanna go" she whined, arms grabbing his neck and refusing to let go. You sighed, giving her coat to Leo.
"I'll be waiting for you, right here" he said, placing her arms through the gaps and she bit her lip, pouting. "Why can't you come with me and mama?" She asked softly, and your heart clenched when pain flashed against Leo's eyes.
"Because I'll stay back and help make your dinner. You haven't eaten anything at all" he kissed her forehead and smiling down at her.
"Pwomise to be here?" She replied, dejected at the thought of her father not being there. "I promise you, I'll still be waiting here for you. The quicker you go the quicker you come back" Leo pressed another kiss to her cheek and she reluctantly let go. "C'mon sweetheart, let's go" you soothed, picking her up and setting her down so you tie her shoes.
With one last smile at the leader, you both walked hand in hand on your way to the hospital.
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luescris · 5 years
Edit: Because this has always been a thing I wanted in the show, I decided to write about what would happen if the Turtles got found out. :P Enjoy!
Joan Groody--the reporter of the live TV show Groody to the Max--crept down the passageway of the sewers under New York City, her cameraman following behind closely, looking around wearily while trying to keep the camera trailed on the newswoman. She peaked around the corner they came upon, and once seeing it was clear, turned it. 
“You all may be wondering why I'm down in the sewers,” She said into the microphone in her hand quietly. “The answer is simple; there have been some strange reports going on down here. My intention is to find out what exactly has been causing those reports, since no one else has wanted to do it. Is it unsanitary? Maybe. But it will be worth it if we manage to catch anything.”
The cameraman rolled his eyes. He could've done other things than wasting his time and talents following around a crazy lady that thinks leprechauns are real. He didn't know what he was getting himself into when he signed up for this job. He was promised adventure, new discoveries, but so far the only discovery that they made was of Trash Man and all the invasions of the alien brains. Everything else had been misleads, especially of the story of mutant ninja turtles. Seriously? What kind of nonsense was that? He knew that was the real reason as to why they were down there-- and he bet his boots so did the people watching. She wanted to prove to the world that she was right, no matter how many fans she lost, no matter how many times she'd been called crazy. Joan said so herself to him. He just found it pointless. There was no such thing. 
Or so he thought. 
Joan stopped suddenly, holding up a hand and looking down a sewer with train tracks going down it. “Wait. Listen.” She whispered. 
The cameraman strained his ears, but he didn't hear a thing. She really must be going insane. He thought bitterly when she moved forward, slower than before. 
The silence was supposed to be intense, especially with the way Joan was moving. Body tensed, footstep after footstep gently meeting the concrete ground. And at first, all the cameraman felt was annoyed. He took a breath and opened his mouth to say something (Which went against the very meaning of being a cameraman, since they were supposed to be unknown and quiet, but he really couldn't take anymore of this), but then a voice, as loud and clear as day, echoed from the depths. He didn't know what was said. 
But they both stopped. 
Joan looked behind at the camera after a second, an excited gleam in her eyes and a grin stretching her lips apart. She made a jerk motion with her head; move. 
The cameraman couldn't help but get excited himself. Logic said it could've just been another human being. Maybe a worker trying to fix a broken pipe. But the other adventurous side of him told him that maybe, just maybe, Ms. Groody wasn't crazy after all. So he followed as she crept closer to where they heard the voice coming from, allowing himself to slip into the tension. They stayed close to the railroad next to them, and that seemed to have been the right thing to do. There were more voices, he was sure of it. And he could make out what they were saying. 
“Mikey!! You cheated!” Raphael roared, throwing the game controller onto the couch and sending a glare of daggers at his younger brother. 
“Nu-uh!” Mikey retorted. “You just can't handle being a loser! Raph's a soreee loooserrrr~~!” He taunted with a teasing grin, pointing up at the hot-head. 
Raph scowled and narrowed his eyes. “I won't be the only one who'll be sore.” He pounced off of the couch like a cat. “C'mere!!!”
Mikey yelled out in fright and tried to scramble up to his feet to run away, but was too slow. Raph caught him, wrapping a tight arm around his neck and pinned him against himself. Mikey struggled to break free, grasping his brother's arm desperately. 
Leo, who had been sitting aways from the two, sighed and shook his head as he stood. “Alright, that's enough you two. Raph let Mikey go. I think we've had enough video games for today.”
He picked up the tv remote as Raph gave Mikey a rather painful knuckle sandwich before letting him go. Mikey gasped, falling to his knees and rubbing his neck as Raph stood above him with a triumphant smirk. 
“Who's the loser now?” He sneered. 
Mikey pouted, and stuck his tongue out angrily. 
Leo rolled his eyes and looked away from the two, switching to the channels. “Wonder what sort of thing Groody to the Max is snooping out now.” He muttered. 
He froze when reaching the live show, eyes widening. 
“Woah,” Mikey said from behind him. “That looks like us!”
Them it was. The television showed the three in the angle of the entrance, camera zoomed in enough to see every detail of each mutant turtle. 
“That.. That's because it is us!!” Leo cried. He whipped his head to the entrance to see that there was, in fact, a camera pointed straight at them, and the woman standing in clear view looking almost as bewildered as Leo felt, but with a smile on her face. 
Donnie’s voice interrupted the sudden tension, panic in his voice. “Guys!! Guys!! You're on--!” He went rigid once seeing the two humans. “.. Oh shoot.”
“I can't believe it..” Joan whispered. “There are four of them..! I was right..!”
“She was right…” The cameraman murmured. 
Raph gripped Leo's arm. “Leo,” He whispered hoarsely. “Leo, what do we do??”
Leo wasn't sure. He was so shocked to his core, he was freaking out on the inside like never before. He wasn't thinking straight, felt like his world had suddenly cracked and torn away. 
They were found out. 
This couldn't be possible.
All he managed to say was one single word:
That's exactly what they did. The three bolted after Leo away from the direction where the two humans stood, disregarding any and all ninja training for complete and utter panic. 
“No!” Joan cried after them. “Wait!” She looked back at the cameraman. “Come on! Follow them!”
He nodded and the two ran off as well. 
“Through the garage!!” Leo hollered to his brothers. “Donnie, you close the door so that they can't follow us! We gotta get to the streets!!”
“How many people do you think were watching that?!” Raph cried. “They'll be waiting for us up there! There's nowhere to go!”
“Not if we go stealth! We'll find a way out of this!”
They reached the garage, and Donnie stopped and waited until the other three ducked under the door before closing it from the other side just in time, locking it in place quickly. Then he ran after his brothers. 
“Not sure how long that'll hold them!” Donnie yelled once rejoining the group. 
“Just keep running!” Leo called back. 
They ran for a while, looking for a way to escape what was once their safe home, hearts pounding in their chests for four different reasons. Mikey, scared that they might not ever return to their home. Raph, completely forgotten about Chompy and hoping for dear life he'd stay hidden. Donnie, worrying that they might find and take all his precious inventions that he had in his lab. And Leo, fearing what they were going to find up in the streets once they climbed out of a manhole. 
He spotted one, speak of the devil, and pointed it out to the others. “There! Manhole! Go!”
He paused and waited as Donnie went up first, with Raph close behind and Mikey following after that, gripping onto the bars of the ladder fearfully. Leo climbed up after him, ignoring the pain in his eyes from the light that shone down on him when the cover was opened. Donnie climbed out, disappearing from the hole for a second, then his head and hand popping back in. Each turtle grabbed it one by one, and he pulled them up. Leo came out last, and he gave a nod of thanks to Donnie and made to move forward when a voice stopped him. 
“Freeze, freaks!! Hands in the air!” 
All four heads turned. 
They were surrounded by police and army men alike, guns all pointed and trained on the turtles. They were all parked in a circle around the manhole they had climbed out of. There was even a tank, canon pointed downwards at the four who backed into each other's shells, looking around their surroundings with plain fear. Humans were all clumped up around the weaponry behind the police tape. Most of them had their phones out, taking videos that were most likely being seen by thousands of people across the world. 
“I said hands up!!” Terence Monahan--the chief of the NYPD--hollered into the megaphone, standing on top of a car. “I know you can understand me, you monsters!”
“We're not monsters!��� Mikey hollered back, though sounding like a whine, as if he was close to tears. 
About twenty guns cocked in unison. 
Leo slowly rose his hands in the air first, glaring at his surroundings. Raph looked at him incredulously, and looked as if he was going to say something, but the leader in blue shot him a look that said, there's nothing we can do. Try anything, and we die. 
So Raph followed his lead slowly, though looking as if he'd rather not. Donnie and Mikey rose their arms up as well after Raph, giving eachother nervous glances. 
Joan came up from another manhole not too far from the scene, startling a few policemen as she climbed out. She took a few moments to take in her surroundings as her cameraman followed after her, and gasped upon seeing what all the guns were pointing at. The four turtles she had discovered, three-fingered hands raised in the air and wearily eyeing every piece of machinery they were surrounded by. 
This.. This doesn't seem right… Joan thought, bewildered. 
She looked around and made her way to the commander of the army, calling out to him. "Sir, excuse me sir! What exactly is happening right now? What's with all these guns?"
The commander turned to her, looking rather irritated. "Don't you already know? You are the one who found them after all. These creatures are obviously hostile and dangerous, and have been living under this city for who knows how long." He turned back to the scene, narrowing his eyes. "I know this, because I've met them before. Nasty things they are. I've been trying look for them, and now that I have, thanks to you, I can finally finish them off."
Joan blinked in confusement. ".. But.. They didn't willingly attack when I found them. And they're not doing anything now. Could it be that it's all just a misunderstanding?"
"Negative. It's all just a ploy. A trick to have us fall into a false sense of security." The commander replied. "That's what they want you to think. But I know better." He walked away, leaving Ms. Grody staring after him.
The commander pushed passed all the guns and armored men, slowly making his way to the clearing in between the missionary and the mutant turtles. He studied all four creatures with a clear look of disgust, and stood with his hands behind his back. All four turned their attention to him when he stopped, the tension in the air immediately rising.
"Which one of you is the leader." The commander demanded.
The turtle with the blue mask on met his gaze with a hard look. "I am."
The commander smirked. "Figured. Tell me, freak, what were you doing in the sewers under the city?"
"That was our home." Leo responded. "We lived there for our entire lives. To hide from the world."
"And why should I believe you?" The commander hissed, narrowing his eyes. "For all I know you could be dangerous threats to our peaceful city."
"We've been alive for seventeen years. If we were enemies, wouldn't we have done something by now? Besides, the only dangerous thing I see here is you, and those guns you pointed at us." Leo raised his chin. "I'd say that's pretty suspicious. We wouldn't have gotten to this if we were just left alone." He glanced at Joan, who stood by the police tape, her cameraman still recording everything that was happening.
Joan flinched at his comment, then looked down at the ground guiltily, biting her lip.
The commander scoffed. "Left alone?? This is New York City! No one gets left alone, especially not mutant freaks who don't belong here! Only spies and enemies hide in big places!"
"Hey!" Raph shouted angrily. "It's not our fault we got mutated! It just happened! And we wouldn't be hiding if you humans didn't hate us for the way we look!"
"So you steal our stuff? You obviously didn't get those weapons yourself. Or anything else you might have had that let you live." The commander spread his arms. "Just admit it; You don't belong here, you don't fit, and you never will. You know why? Because freaks don't belong in my city."
"That's it!!!" Raph roared, and plunged forward, pulling out his sais. 
The others immediately caught him, holding him back desperately with all their might--Mikey grasping onto one of his arms, Leo tightly hugging around his shell, and Donnie grabbing a leg--as the commander flinched back and immediately barked, "fire!" into his walky talky.
A little girl stood in front of the four, who had stopped upon hearing the shrill shriek of her voice, her arms wide open on either side of her with a pout on her face and a determined glint in her eyes.
Leo blinked. "Chloe?"
"You will not hurt Mr. Turtle and his brothers!" Chloe shouted at the commander.
"Wh- Who's child is this?!" The man roared in bewilderment, looking around to the audience, which had began to murmur with surprise. "This is no place for a little girl!" 
"Chloe, get back here now!" A woman cried from behind the police tape. "Get away from those dangerous creatures!"
The little girl shook her head. "No Mama! They're not dangerous! They saved my life!" She looked back up at the commander angrily. "And I'll protect them, no matter what!" She looked back at the turtles, who wore stunned looks on their faces. "They're my friends."
"Ours as well." Came yet another voice, and one the turtles immediately recognized as they turned their heads to watch April and Casey come up to them. April stood at Chloe's side, crossing her arms. "They've done so much more for us humans than you could ever realize or imagine. It's sad how this is how we thank them."
"You government scum make me sick," Casey growled. "Trying to make them look like the bad guys. Truth is, you're the ones trying to look good by making the worst decision of your life."
The commander snarled angrily. "You must be kidding! I am not listening to some crazy weirdo kids while my city is infested by monsters like them-!"
"They're the monsters?!" April scoffed. "Let me ask you this, commander- Who do you think saved New York from all those alien invasions? Have you ever seen them before?"
"Why does that matter?!"
"Because you're looking at 'em!" Casey yelled.
"O-okay, guys," Donnie finally butt in, pushing in between Raph and Mikey as he tried to place a hand on Casey's shoulder. "I-I think that's enough."
"No, Donnie, it's not enough." April protested, turning to him. "It's about time you guys get some recognition. I'm tired of seeing the world treat you like this. If this will convince them, then you can finally stop hiding from everything. It's time you get that chance."
She walked forward with authority, towards the audience, no falter in her steps whatsoever. She cleared her throat, then took a breath to speak.
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qythxn · 5 years
How would the brothers react to having the S/O steal their hoodies CONSTANTLY? Like, they can't take their eyes off the hoodie or them for more than five seconds or their S/O will have the hoodie on, even if the brothers were wearing it beforehand, curled up somewhere and happily warm. If asked why they keep stealing it, they simply shrug and tell them, "It's warm and smells like you. Makes me feel safe."
I gotcha!!
               It allstarted when he was walking you home. It was cold outside, and even though he’dreminded you, you still insisted on wearing your nicest outfit, which just didn’tgo with a hoodie! Or at least, that’s what you told him. You’d had your eyes onthat nice, black hoodie with the blue logo on it for too long. You were gonnahave it.        
               “Leo,baby, I’m cold.”
               “Youshould have worn a hoodie, love. I told you, and now you must suffer.” Hejoked, smirking down at you. You pouted, and crossed your arms over your chest,goosebumps forming on your arms.
               “If youdon’t give me your hoodie, I’ll—I won’t hang out with you for a week!” Youstuck out your tongue.
               “Ohplease, as if you’d last that long.” He said, shoving his hands in his bigpocket.
               Yourface reddened. He was right. You probably couldn’t even go without a good nighttext tonight. “Come on!” You whined.
               “Fine,you got me. You look too cute to say no.” He chuckled, removing his hoodie andhanding it to you. “You’re cold blooded anyways, you don’t need it.” Yougrinned, kissing his nose and heading inside.
               Afterthat, you continued to steal his hoodie, no matter how many times he’d steal itback, you always had it. He bought more- you stole them. He hid them- you foundthem. He locked them in a safe- you’d get Donnie to pick the lock. There was nostopping you!
               He hadto admit, you were cute, though.
               “Why doyou keep taking my hoodies?” He brought up one day whilst you were cuddled upin your nest of hoodies you’d stolen, like a proud cat amongst its hill of deadmice and birds.
“They’re warm and they smell likeyou.” You mumbled, face mushed into the fabric.
               Yourobsession started when you and him were hanging out. You were laying with him,watching a movie, and cuddling under a blanket. He was cold, as always. He was,after all, part reptile. You forget that sometimes and try to warm him up.
               And so that’swhy you bought him a hoodie for his mutation day. It was only a few months ago,but he wore the thing all the time, and you were so jealous. He talked abouthow comfy it was and even when you bought it, you’d took notice to the fluff onthe inside. You were going to have it. When he got up to tend to something thatone of his brothers did, he paused the movie and you found your time to strike.There it was, laying on top of his dresser, nicely folded.
               Youwere going to have it.
               Youquickly grabbed it, and put it on over your head, shuffling it down and snugglinginto the fuzzy inside. It smelled of him and his cinnamon scent. You snuggledback under the blanket and waited for him to return and notice you. You were justasking for trouble at this point.
               When hereturned, he instantly noticed the pile of blanket that was you, your hairpoking out of the top of the blanket. You were giggling, hoping that you couldn’tbe seen. He peeled you out of it, and gasped at seeing his huge hoodie on you. “Youlook so adorable, babe.” He chuckled, laying next to you and nuzzling you. “Good,because I’m keeping it.” You stuck out your tongue and pressed play on yourmovie.
               Afterthat, you just continued to steal it! It was the only one he owned, but inreturn, he’d steal yours. Of course, he wasn’t able to wear them, but he’denjoy cuddling them. You two have an ongoing battle of who has each other’s hoodies.When asked why, you’d snuggle in deeper and hiss. “Warm!” You’d hmph and thengo back to cuddling it. Raph thinks its adorable!
               Your little game started when youtwo were on a rooftop together, Mikey sharing a pizza with you. You were chattingand giggling with each other, laughing at his little schemes and jokes everyonce and a while. He was honestly adorable.
               But then,you dropped a slice of pizza on your favorite hoodie! Pouting, you picked itback up and ate it anyways.
               “Awman! That totally sucks, babe! Here, have mine. I’ll clean yours off for youand you can keep mine until I can give it back.” Mikey said, shuffling his ownhoodie off of him. You removed yours as well, and switched with him. You huggedthe orange fabric, cuddling your face into it. “So soft…” You mumbled. Hechuckled, “Now be careful with that pizza sauce babe.” He kissed your nose,nuzzling you.
               And younever gave it back. Still to this day, you kept it, and never returned it. Youslept with it every night and wore it around everywhere. Mikey kept yours too.After cleaning it off, even if it didn’t smell like you anymore, it still feltlike a piece of you. In fact, he was more of the hoodie stealer than you.
               And younever talked about it, just rolled with it. Neither of you asked for it back,and so you kept them. It was perfectly fine anyways, Mikey didn’t want to giveyours up.
             You were helping Donnie out in hislab, sitting on his desk and swinging your legs back and forth, passing himtools every now and then and not really saying that much, just listening to himramble on. He loved to talk, that boy. He could talk your head off all dayabout copolymers and what not. The nerd wasn’t watching you as you toyed aroundwith one of his tools, a particularly sharp one.
               Youaccidentally cut yourself, gasping and dropping it. You now had a gash the sizeof a snack size pringles can across your forearm, blood leaking into yourhoodie, which now was ripped. “Agh! Don!” You yelped, taking off your hoodie atonce. He quickly stood up, and ran for the first aid kit. “Ah, babe, you gottabe more careful. Don’t play with knives.” He said, returning and quickly wipingup your arm and cleaning it.
               “I don’tthink you’ll need any stitches, its not that bad, hun.” He said, wrapping thebandages around your arm and pressing a kiss to it. “Hey, it’s gonna bealright.” Donnie whispered, seeing that you had small tears forming in the cornersof your eyes. He hugged you, pulling you close to his chest. “You had meworried you cut an artery, baby. Im not mad. Does it hurt? Is there anything Ican do for you?” He asked, brushing his hands through your hair.
               “Youcould let me borrow your hoodie? Mine is kinda ruined now.” You sniffled, andhe nodded, retrieving it for you.
               Youplaced the fuzzy hoodie over your skin, snuggling into it. It was so warm, asif it came out of the dryer or a cat laid on it. You smiled up at him, “thankyou!” And then you two returned back to work, and fell asleep togetherafterwards.
               Donnielet you keep his hoodie, but he was somewhat shocked when you started stealinghis other ones. Man, he loved those hoodies, but for you, he’d let it slide.
               “Why doyou keep stealing them?” He chuckled, and you only replied with a soft “warm”and then continued to do your thing.
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tmntswagger-blog · 5 years
Can I have a little fic of when the guys was younger and asking Splinter about the surface?
Well ok but side note I ain't perfect at this so sorry if it's bad ya wanna hate on it go ahead don't give a damn
Leo was laying down lately he's been feeling bored like super bored in was ridiculous and he really wanted to see something different all he sees is sewer water pipes and the occasional rats which now he thought about it was kinda literally the only animal they see or there's more they don't know about either way boring. 
Mikey came in Leo's and his room because they shared a room they have been switching between brothers for different reasons but splinter hopes this is the last time. “Leo dinner is ready” Mikey said with his usually sunshine smile that actually makes anyone in a room feel better to see the adorable smile of their little brother
Leo nodded and got up walking in the kitchen he saw Raph looking just as bored as he once was in his room Donnie was simply playing with the tablet he hardly let any play except Mikey because he has the pout of a absolutely beast and no one could stand up to unfortunately. Leo sat down looking at his food then his mom who was dancing a little while making her plate he didn't understand how is Splinter and Shen not bored do grown ups even get bored like kids do? The mysteries..
“Sweetest can you please put your tablet down so we may eat in peace?” Tang Shen asked Donnie sweetly and he did as told with a slight frown. Mikey wasted no time eating every little bit of his food Raph kinda ate maybe he wasn't really hungry that's Raph for you he always seems to be thinking about something but he doesn't really talk about it so they never know Donnie was eating with no expression on his face he must be thinking about some project he will work on while Leo ate but looking around the table at the faces he knew all to well he had to ask just once “Father, when do we get to see the surface?”
Leo asked with such a innocence that Splinter felt his heart ache at the thoughts that made it's way in his head “Why do you ask such a thing my son?” Leo looked down hoping he wasn't making a bad move “I don't know I mean we're 12 now and we see stuff on tv about the surface mutants walk up there so why can't we?” The others looked at Splinter with the same curiosity of Leo why couldn't they go it isn't like they're stupid and not smart enough to know good from bad 
“As I have said many times before I must keep you four safe yes mutants are up there too but..I cannot risk them hurting you in such ways..I..cannot” Splinter spoke with a little sadness in his voice Shen said nothing continuing to eat
Leo looked at Splinter confused “But father we are ninjas and we can protect ourselves why can't-” Splinter gave Leo a look the be quiet look that only Raph got but him Leo honestly felt like a failure just from the look he sinked in his chair not saying another word they all continued to eat as if everyone was quiet in the first place 
Leo didn't understand he felt like he said a forbidden word of some kind tho he would not swear around Splinter he hardly sweared at all they wasn't allowed too but Raph broke that rule constantly. Just then a slight creek was heard as the door to Leo and Mikey's room opened revealing Raphael in his pajamas and a little hat that was the same color as what he was wearing “Hey ya up? Wanna talk?” He asked with his usual Brooklyn accent and a little smirk making sure he whispered Leo looked at his brother in wonder he nodded to not wake up Mikey  with his changing voice the voice cracks was ridiculously high he hoped to get over it soon 
Raph came over and got in his bed getting comfortable before looking at Leo and giving him a book Leo looked down at the book it was about nature? Why would Raph read something like this? “I found it last week when I went searchin alone it's about trees and flowers and all that, aka tha outside” Raph smirked and opened a page and they both saw some trees the book was talking about how they are made what they do etc. 
“So why are you showing me this?” Leo asked keeping his voice down as Mikey shifted with his teddybear hanging out of his arms and a little drool leaking out the corner of his mouth. “Because ya know when Splinter was like no outside for ya, why don't we go up there I mean we're just gonna learn a few important things right? It's a a awesome plan we just gotta be back down by...4 cause that's when Splinter gets his water and checks on us” Wow Raph really had this mapped out how long has he been planning this is he knows the exact time Splinter does what? “I don't know it sounds dangerous, you heard Father he said no..we can't disobey him”
Raph looked at him and rolled his eyes “It's no big deal cmon I even got Donnie in it” Donatello like their Donnie? How what? Leo honestly was in shock that Donnie would want to accompany them on this “adventure” of theirs 
Leo turned a little to get out of bed when Mikey woke up rubbing his eye and holding his teddybear “What's going on?” Raph looked at Mikey “Hey Mikey wanna go outside with us? I wasn't planning on leaving ya? And if we get caught you go down with us...” Raph said the last part in a whisper Mikey smiled big and bright “Yeah” he hoped out of bed and they went to the hallway where Donnie was he pushed his glasses up he looked a little..scared maybe he was rethinking his decision it was to late now they was at the door Raph smiled at the others and grabbed the handle “Ya guys ready? This is where our lives changed forever..” the three of them looked at each other then nodded at Raph with determined faces Raph opened the door and they all smiled as their adventure beyond their home just started.
Hoped you like maybe I'll make a part two if you guys liked it :) I tried love y'all 💖💖💖
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wumpusandzandii · 6 years
Moral Authority: Chapter Two
Human!AU TMNT Storyline for Leo x Kim
Chapter Two
Early evening found the Hamato family comfortably scattered throughout the lair, the hour late enough to be past dojo hours and dinner, but still prior to any evening patrols. Many nights found them elsewhere, other locations, other obligations; but that night it was a house full. In a small nook he had created near his lab space, Donnie was comfortably settled with his head in Lily’s lap, her propped up on pillows and his long legs stretched up and resting against the wall as they both read books. Mikey had his headset on and was playing a videogame, laughing and talking from time to time, the one sided conversation holding little interest to anyone else in the space. Leo was off doing his pre-patrol meditations, as was his standard ritual. Raph was sat diagonally on one end of the sofa, one arm slung over the back of the couch with Stacey stretched out on the rest of the couch with her back against him comfortably. Smiling, she kissed the back of his hand as she looked at the scene in front of them.
On the floor, Splinter sat on one of his meditation pillows, stacking blocks with his granddaughter. He would stack blocks up slowly, encouraging her to help as she giggled, waiting for the right moment to crash the small tower over. He would gasp in overdramatic alarm, hand on his chest and she would erupt in belly laughter, face turning pink as she laughed. He couldn’t help the grin that followed, his crow’s feet stretching to his graying temples.
“Sera, what are you doing?” he asked as she watched him, still laughing. “You made it fall down, what are we supposed to do now?”
“Fix! Fix!” she proclaimed, picking up a block and putting it back atop another.
“Fix it, yes,” he answered, his smile never wavering as he resumed stacking the blocks. “Such a clever little girl, aren’t you?”
“It’s a normal milestone, dad,” Donnie said absentmindedly from the nook, not looking up from his novel as he spoke. Lily made a scoffing sound and swatted at his shoulder playfully, shaking her head as he turned his head up to look at her. “What?”
“She’s the most clever Hamato girl yet,” Splinter proclaimed, scooping her up above his head before she could crash their new tower. “No offense to your mother of course, but a grandfather can’t help but be partial.”
“None taken,” Stacey replied, giving the arm Raph had around her a squeeze, and feeling comforted by the squeeze he gave her in response. “I have a feeling she’s going to be a handful.”
“Ah, but who would we blame for that, hmmm?” Splinter asked rhetorically, lowering the one year old to nuzzle noses with her as she reached out and patted at his tied back hair.
“Raph,” came the chorus of answers around him, even as far away as the meditation area, followed by laughter.
Chuckling softly at Stacey’s wry comment about their daughter being a handful, Raphael could have easily replied with ‘like father like daughter’ or ‘it’s part of her wonderful charm’ but as usual he felt ganged up on. His soft smile quickly dropped and his brow knitted together with a snarl as he turned to glare at each of his visible brothers. “Hey! Ya ain’t meant to all agree!” he huffed, slumping back into his corner of the sofa only making both of his girls giggle at his pouting.
“Not that it’s a bad thing, of course,” Stacey then hummed after controlling her laughter, turning to place a hand on his broad chest and grace his cheek with a light kiss.
Upon hearing her father’s voice, Sera wiggled and clapped her tiny hands in his direction. Her smile only widening when his attitude faded away, his scarred lips turning into a wide grin when her eyes met his. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with takin’ after daddy now is there, princess?” Once released from her grandfathers hold, she was quickly and happily scooped up into Raph’s arms, her laughter infectious once she was being gently tickled. Blowing a raspberry against her soft belly, he had quickly grown used to his mess of dreadlocks being tugged on by her. His only worry was her getting tangled, but half the time she brought it on herself in a ploy to have more attention from him, not that he ever minded.
Now distracted from her reading, Lily closed her book and set it aside, sighing softly while watching the tender scene. Still lost in his book, Donnie continued his reading once the laughter had died down, only humming softly once he felt her fingers slowly brush through his mop of hair. She’d never thought about children, maybe once or twice before she started her courses in veterinary care, but work had taken the soul focus of her mind until recently. She’d never admit it but after Raph and Stacey brought their daughter home, those maternal thoughts had bubbled to the surface again. Science taught her that it was normal for her to feel this way, but that didn’t stop her from shunning her own mind. Maybe one day, but how many? Maybe one, or two?
“You alright there, Lu?” Donnie asked quietly, brushing a hand against her arm.
Her skin flushed almost as red as her hair, blinking herself out of her thoughts and down to the bright silvery eyes below her. “Oh! Yes! I’m okay, my apologies… my mind wandered from my book.” Smiling softly, she toyed with his hair, ignoring the raised brow she was getting for being so pink in the cheek.
Sitting up, careful not to catch his head on the low ceiling of the nook, Donatello shifted himself to look at her properly. “If you’re getting warm you can say…” he added a little awkwardly, reaching up to delicately touch her cheek.
“You know I would do, but I’m very much content. However, let me get you another coffee. I’d like a chai tea right about now.”
Albeit reluctantly, she slid past him after neatly closing his book and adding it to the pile they kept on a shelf, only to have him tail her like a lost lamb. “No, you made me one last time, it’s my turn,” he protested, taking one long stride to get past her with a slightly smug grin.
“But I thought I was your lab assistant, isn’t that my job, sir?” Dancing past him with a coy smile, she peered up at him from under her fringe and gracefully took his mug off of his desk before he even attempted to. Feeling the heat in his cheeks, his eyes watched hers as she shephered him to his desk, backing him up until he nearly tripped and fell into his chair. “It’s my pleasure to.” She was like a magical little pixie, always using her sweetness and smiles to get her way, but more often than not, he did so willingly. Bending at the hip, tucking a stray strand of her hair from her eyes, she softly kissed his nose before disappearing to the kitchen.
Watching her leave until she was out of view, Donnie let out a breathy sigh. Adjusting his glasses, he then ran a hand through his hair, realising the state she had left it in from playing with it. Clearing his throat, he swiveled around in his chair to properly face his desk and its many monitors. Nudging the mouse, a few activated from their screensavers, opening up to a page of many different camera feeds. Flicking through each section quickly, everything seemed normal. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing suspicious or curious. “Looks like patrol is going to be quiet tonight…” he muttered to himself, subconsciously adjusting his glasses again. He checked and double checked all the usual spots for activity before he was greeted by a hot mug of coffee being placed in front of him.
Humming gratefully, he leaned into the kiss being placed on his cheek. “Thank you, sweetheart.” Lifting the mug to his lips carefully, before he had chance to look up at Lily, his eyes caught something on one of the smaller screens. Squinting, he placed the mug down again, punching in a few keys to enlarge the camera feed to his main monitor.
“Something wrong?” Lily murmured close to his ear, gently squeezing his shoulders, not wanting to alert anyone if it wasn’t anything important.
“Possibly. Looks shady already…” he responded quietly, his eyes fixated and switching quickly between different camera angles and figures flashing up. “Maybe patrol will be a little exciting after all.”
Slowly rising from his meditations, rolling his body up in a smooth motion, Leo breathed deeply, trying to release the last tension out of his shoulders. It lingered, however, and his lips pressed in a line of disappointment. Meditation was something he had always had an aptitude for, and it ruffled his feathers that even something as simple as that was failing to bring him back to center. Stepping barefoot to the open doorway into the living space, he dropped a shoulder against the frame. The scene in front of him was bittersweet, causing lines in his forehead to match the grim line of his lips.
Leonardo couldn’t remember a time he hadn’t had purpose driving him. He had always wanted to perform well, finding satisfaction in being the model son, doing his best to give his brothers a worthy example to follow. In retrospect, that might’ve had better effect on Raph if he’d been the opposite, as he seemed forever determined to strike out separately from him. Not that it had served him poorly, he ruminated, looking at the small family he had made for himself. Raph didn’t need an example, he had just needed the space to be himself, find his own. Doubt etched deeply into the back of his mind, wondering if he had been wrong all those years, pushing him the way he had.
Mikey was playing videogames, talking to someone as he did so, quietly. Mikey talking quietly was only one of two things, conspiratorial or something he considered private; ‘his own’. Likely it had to do with the pink haired girl that had come round with him a few times in recent history. There hadn’t been any formal introductions yet, but something told him that was only a matter of time. He’d had girlfriends throughout high school, but nothing serious, more of moths to a flame. If he was being careful, it meant that he viewed this girl differently.
Splinter, his father, had such a look of pure joy on his face, one that erased the hard lines of pain from the years and replaced them with creases of joy. The introduction of his granddaughter had brought forth a side to him that was some bit different than they were used to. Once the small girl graced his arms with her presence, gone was the strict sensei they had grown up with, replaced with a man touched by years but a soul that was youthful once again. It was beautiful, honestly, but somehow just beyond his own grasp.
With a heavy sigh, he watched Lily exit the kitchen with two steaming mugs, moving in close to Donatello. From his station in front of the computer screens and the late hour of the day, he was certain his brother was scouting through camera feeds to determine if there was anything that deserved their attention directly that night, rather than simply running a standard patrol. He found himself hoping for that direction, feeling lost and needing that purpose. Smoothing his hands over his short ponytail, he unexpectedly found understanding in Raph, and his need for altercations that seemed to have tapered off to a significant degree. Had it been a lack of purpose all those years? Purpose that Leo had been given in spades, the dutiful son turned into leader?
Both Donnie and Lily stooped together at the same time, focusing on the same monitor that was blocked from view by their bodies. Seizing the opportunity to relieve himself of the grief of questioning his life choices, Leo walked over to the computer station, stepping wide to the opposite side of Donnie than Lily, so as not to startle them with his presence. Unlike his brothers, he tried remain aware of his ninja-silent movements, preferring not to unsettle the people they chose to bring into their lives.
“Something interesting come up on the feed?” he asked, attempting to view the same monitor without crowding space or seeming overbearing. He was well aware of the perception that he was overbearing, and honestly did his best to remain neutral while maintaining some kind of authority over the small group. It was a delicate balance and not for the faint of heart, as it was rarely appreciated.
“Mmm, down on the pier we’ve been keeping eyes on,” Donnie answered without looking up, hunching closer to the monitor before dedicating four monitors to the activity. One was live feed, the other four after some typing on his behalf, began rotating through short recorded clips. “The activity is all in the last 24 hours, but there’s been a significant increase in the last two hours. Cars, high end or desirable models go in, but none come out.”
“It is a pier warehouse,” Leo stated, well aware that Donatello was probably already working through the square footage of a space that size, and whether that many vehicles could fit inside. “Any chance we’ve just got a collector?”
“Down on the piers? Not a chance,” his brother scoffed, shaking his head. “The moisture off the water down there wreaks havoc on the car bodies, suspension and engines. No, they’d be using a far more advanced storage space for those cars to preserve them, keep them from oxidising. Besides, by the tally of vehicles, put up against their size specifications and the size of that small warehouse space-”
“We’ve got a chop shop?” Leo finished, the first real smile of the evening lifting one side of his mouth into a wry grin. Punching a fist into the palm of his other hand, he pivoted and started to jog off towards the gear room. “Everyone gear up! Looks like we need all hands on deck for tonight’s mission.”
Unlike in the past where the atmosphere would shift and pulse with energy, bodies springing to action as if they needed to be ready yesterday, no one really moved. Heads turned toward the sudden loud order over the silence, but not a whole lot of ‘gearing up’ happened. Raphael had barely registered anything had been said outside of the bubble he had with just him and his daughter. He still was happily captivated by her smile and laugh, now having her laid in his lap as he tickled her gently, repeating the same funny snarl that had her erupt with laughter every time.
It even took Donnie a moment to peel away from his desk, but that wasn’t unusual for him, especially with Lily so joined at the hip. Making his final checks, then double checking them, he managed to pull himself free of his desk chair and turned to find his own gear. Luckily, his ‘assistant’ had already handed him his digital armband, holding it in her own palms with a bright smile. Around her neck were his headphones with the extra cables he needed for the rest of his equipment. “If I wasn’t heading out I’d say keep them on…” he murmured, leaning in to softly catch her lips as she softly hummed, keeping still as he removed them carefully.
As much as she didn’t want to bring an end to the beautiful scene in front of her, Stacey sensed there was an urgency in Leonardo now, given how quickly and eagerly he was to gather himself together. “Raph… babe, come on,” she softly giggled, unable to keep her tone even with how Sera patted at her father’s cheeks.
“Yeah, I heard…” he replied, his eyes not leaving Sera’s while he continued to grin and make playful grizzly faces at her to which she tried to mimic. Moving in close, making her own disgruntled face at Sera which only made her laugh more, Stacey smoothly stole her from Raph’s lap.
“Come on, all hands on deck.”
Grumbling with a sincere scowl, he sat on the edge of his seat on the couch, running a hand through his dreadlocks to tame them back out of his face for a few seconds. “Ugh, really?”
“Yes. Really,” a voice from behind him clarified.
“Ain’t three enough?” he protested, sulking more like Mikey than his usual prickly self.
“Don’t worry, me and lil’ monster will be here waiting when you return.” Nuzzling against Sera as she gently bumped her head against her shoulder tiredly, Stacey smiled up at him with an expectant eyebrow lift that he could never refuse. It was the look he got before she put her foot down. The look when he knew he couldn’t get out of it and would only suffer more if he continued.
“Fine…” Heaving himself up, he ignored the low chuckle from his father as even Mikey was ready before him for once. Brushing past his wife, he muttered about being picked on as usual as he tamed his tendrils back loosely in a low tail, only getting a roll of her eyes and shake of her head in response. Tugging the straps of his arm guards tight, fastening the belts and buckle over his shoulders and waist, he cracked his neck before fixing his faded red bandana. Inhaling deep, he ran a finger along the wooden frame in the brick wall, hesitating before wielding his sai from their place. Spinning both around in each hand, he let out a satisfied growl before slotting them down into the belts on his waist. Switching to a different frame of mind, he then felt he wanted to go. He had something to protect after all.
Sauntering out to group with the others, he bumped a fist against Mikey’s without looking to greet his grin in return. “So, leader, lead the way,” he sneered, his lips twitching into a smirk as his eyes fell and caught Stacey’s, flashing her a wink while he squared his shoulders.
Parked not too far from the docks, along a road that linked the warehouses together in neat rows, Kimay’a sat silently in her car. Dropping her head back against the rest, she let out a slow and controlled sigh. She had been patrolling most of the night but had entirely forgotten why she had even offered. Maybe it was because a chest wrenching feeling had started to make her feel sick, feeling boxed in and crowded by the busy office of the station. It was nice to get out of there, as she rarely did, even if it was just driving in circles for a few hours. More often than not, she found herself with piles of paperwork, because she knew she was the only one in the office who didn’t grimace when faced with it. That and she didn’t cut corners to get it done.
Nothing had come in on the radio. Just mundane chatter, updates on other patrols or simple check-ins with her other officers. It was a quiet night. Even if there were shady after hours things going on, all she had to do was slowly drive by and they’d disperse into the night again. Taking a short break, she had pulled over to breathe for a moment. Others did so why couldn’t she? Tilting her head, the light of the docklands dancing across the calm waters catching her eye she watched it contently. It was soothing. Even if it was mildly distorted through the wire mesh fence, and shipment containers, but the small window was enough for now.
The four men moved silently through the harbor district, all joking, teasing and getting the messing around out of their systems on their way out, from the distanced safety of the rooftops. Well, Leo’s brothers had gotten it out of their systems on the way. He had silently tolerated it with only brief commands for silence and focus. Singularly minded, he was lost entirely in his own mind, thinking of the docks and the chop shop. There was no time or place for that nonsense, not on a mission. The irritation bound the muscles in his neck and shoulders, and he had tried to breathe evenly and relax them as the moved along. It piled on top of the irritation he had felt back at home, but he shoved those thoughts far away into the depths of his mind, he could deal with them later.
Right now was his time, he was in charge and they had a purpose. A purpose that was built on the foundation of excited uncertainty and almost ritualistic repetition. They had been on numerous missions over the years, and the adrenaline rush as they headed into one never waned. Even when they had a decent amount of information, there was always a decent amount of unknown. The basics were the same, get in quietly, take the criminals down as quickly and effortlessly as possible, restrain them and contact authorities.
That thought actually managed to derail his focus momentarily. Bright gold eyes behind the fringe of dark hair, pressed under a uniform hat. He gave his head an abrupt shake, glancing back at his brothers as if worried they could read his thoughts. No admission of guilt had escaped him after his last meeting with her, not even to his father. After granting her request of his name, he had a similar adrenaline rush as he felt at that moment, the rush of heading into the unknown. Even meditating on it, he couldn’t understand why he would be so reckless as to tell her, but at the same time, he didn’t regret it. Part of him hoped she would be on the responding team that night, just so he could see if he felt any guilt upon seeing her again or not. But if she was, it was likely at least one of his brothers would stick around until the police around, after a bust of that size, and if they found out… he’d never hear the end of it. His reputation and hold as leader would be put to mocking, even more than they already did.
Shaking it off, he redirected his focus on the mission with dedicated accuracy. He could not change what would be, only how he reacted to it. Above all else, he’d at least have the opportunity to unsheath his swords and release some of his pent up frustration. He would never admit it to Raph, but his brother was right. Sometimes you just needed to knock some skulls together.
Gesturing for them to slow a bit as they reached the shipping containers, he was content that he couldn’t hear the ringing of metal beneath any of their feet, not even the continually clumsy Michelangelo. He began to have a good feeling about the bust, like it was just what they all needed to set everything right and for it to feel normal again, the way it was. If he had taken the chance to reflect on that thought more deeply, he would likely have discovered that it was a projection of his own thoughts and feelings, but he allowed himself to simply be content with the thought as they moved in on the hangar.
Finding an obscured corner amongst the shipping containers once up close, they huddled around Donnie as he showed them a map of the area outside the building, anyone on the outside outlined in red. They must have grown into a sense of complacency, there only being one man watching the front door and two off the main hangar door, smoking with assault rifles strapped to their backs. There was a rear entrance, blocked off to traffic by containers, but absolutely not blocked off to ninjas. Coming up with a quick plan, he had Donnie go to the rear to deal with whatever lock was on it, sent Mikey and Raph to deal with the two by the hangar, and set off to take care of the one in front himself. He ignored the offended look from Raph when he instructed two of them to take care of two men. The look was interrupted as Mikey took off to get to them first, and Raph had to take off to catch up so as not to miss his chance. They’d meet Donnie around the back once it was cleared.
As he crept silently to the front corner of the building, he peered around it at the sole guard. Looking bored and put out, likely pulling the short straw to be there, he was swinging binoculars back and forth on their string. Stepping back into shadow, Leo picked up a stray bolt, tossing it at a nearby shipping container. It was an old trick, but it worked almost flawlessly. The guard walked slowly past the corner, cautiously stepping towards the containers, away from Leo. Once the moment presented itself, he moved up behind him without a whisper of sound except the small *shick* of his blades releasing. Bringing both the hilts down hard on the back of the guard’s head before he could even turn, he dropped unconscious to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Leo deftly moved him off where he couldn’t be seen, whispering, “Have a nice nap.”
At the back door, he arrived just after Mikey and Raph, the latter shoving at the former for some reason or another. Glaring at them, they both shrugged, unapologetic. Donnie was already inside, having propped the door open just enough for them to notice, and once they entered, they found him working on a control panel of sorts just away from the door. “It’s a basic system,” he whispered, looking back and forth from his holo to the panel. “I already have the security disabled, I’m ready when you guys are to shut down the lights.”
“Let’s do this,” Raph growled, the smile of anticipation lighting up his face just before the dim lighting shut off. There was shouting and hollering coming from the main hangar, and they fanned out, taking different positions as they made their way to the only door that could lead the criminals to their inevitable fate.
One man burst through the door with a flashlight, cursing and muttering about fuses and having to do things himself. There was a brief struggle of his flashlight shining rapidly around the back area before it went out and there was no more sound. After a few minutes and more yelling at the man to shit or get off the pot, two more men burst through the door, one with a flashlight, one with a rifle. Leo moved to grab the one with the flashlight, as he was closest, getting into a brief struggle, the large man fighting back before Leo kicked the back of his legs hard, causing the man to land on the back of his head with a sickening crack. As he popped back up, he winced as the other man got a short burst of bullets off towards the ceiling, the muzzle flash flickering light across Raph’s snarling face as he lurched forward to headbutt the man.
There was a small thump as the man hit the ground from the impact, but the damage was done. “Gigs up, dudes,” Mikey whispered, swinging down from a rafter to the door. “We go in swinging?”
“Move in fast, spread out away from the door where they won’t expect us,” Leo ordered in a harsh whisper.
“Thanks, Capn’ obvious,” Raph grunted, shouldering past him to quickly get through the door. Leo allowed himself an exaggerated eye roll into the dark before following his brothers into the room now filled with the clicks of guns being loaded and flashlights moving around. “Go in swinging,” he whispered, rolling off to the side past the door and becoming one with the shadows, as was their way.
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another-tmnt-writer · 6 years
Emperor’s New Clothes
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Donatello x Reader
Emperor’s New Clothes
Author: Kitty
Summary: I was listening to the song and it just kinda hit me. Thank god, cause it broke my month long writers block.
Warnings: Piss-baby Donnie if that counts?
Word Count: 1197
“I’M TAKING BACK THE CROWN!” Your hand shoots out in front of you in a desperate, dramatic grasp. Your face shows nothing but pain as you sing your heart out, shortly switching to a smug and playful grin. The gritty sounds of Panic at the Disco’s Emperor’s New Clothes rings out through your speakers, surrounding you, taking you to your own little world. You may be standing in the kitchen of the Turtles sewer home, but with the noise pounding through your chest, your mind took you to a dark and dirty hole to hell, singing to all the souls that will shortly be yours. Edgelord. You were always dramatic, and always a theatre dork. Making your own mental music videos just made sense and happened often when you were alone. Being a natural alto caused a struggle with hitting all the notes, but every now again, you pushed yourself and could reach them. Today was one of those exceptions, hitting each note with accuracy and clarity. Your upper body ragdolls, only to fire back up as though you were made of springs. You hit your chest twice in time and continue to belt. “I’M ALL DRESSED UP AND NAKED,” One after another, your arms fire out in front of you once more. “I SEE WHAT’S MINE AND TAKE IT.” You fall hard on your knees and start pounding the floor with your fists until you spring up once more. As the song plays on you continue your dramatic little act, calling back to the video. By the end you’re panting but had a blast. Your throat hurt a little, but that’s not new when you’re trying to replicate the Brendon Urie. You return to your original task of doing dishes while the light and bouncy piano of C’mon starts up behind you on the counter. You sway and dance while scrubbing.
Naturally, unbeknownst to you, a few feet and around a corner stood one of the five people you had grown to care for so dearly. Donnie pouts between hushed snickers, because for once in a very long time he didn’t have a camera on him. He sighs and giggles at your almost childlike head bobbing. He gives up on trying to hide and enters the room, coming up behind you.
“Quite a show,” he remarks dryly. He tries to hold a serious tone for a moment but finds himself lightly laughing after a few seconds. His words make you jump. You become embarrassed, thinking, hoping, that he meant during C’mon and not Emperor’s New Clothes. You decide that he meant the former, because even the stoic and standoffish Donatello would laugh his ass off if he saw your ‘performance.’ Your spotify spits out Hard Times by Paramore as you stand in your embarrassment. A few awkward moments pass before Donnie’s half grin melts into his usual calculating and disapproving frown. A ruse Donnie didn’t like anymore, but had been keeping up lately.
When you had first met he truly didn’t like you. He was convinced you were just around them to sell him and his brothers out. You had even grown on protective Leo long before Donnie spoke a word to you, other than the initial and blatant “I don’t like or trust you. Don’t expect me to.” Sadly, the reason he broke his streak is because you had messed with his lab equipment while cleaning, thinking he’d appreciate it (the road to hell being paved with good intentions and so on.) He spent 20 minutes cursing you out for being so invasive, let alone careless, then spent 4 days sulking, cleaning, and restarting his experiment. Slowly, however, his brothers told him stories of you during family meals and patrols. They were all enamored with how bright your personality was. How much you could make them all laugh or how you could find ways to connect with them while barely trying. It was all they’d talk about.
“Seriously bro, I’m telling you my Angelcakes is something to see when she really get into music.” Mikey starts dancing in the middle of his sentence. It starts with swaying, then bouncing. As his brothers scan the rooftops and alleyways, Mikey drops onto his shell and spins. He starts breakdancing to the music in his head.
“Knock it off, Mikey.” Raph’s words cut his actions quickly and Mikey rights himself. “She’s not your anything... “ Raph mutters. Leo stays quiet, but a small fond smile warms his face at the thought of Y/N and Donnie watches his focus be carried away.
“Oh come on Raph, you know I can’t help myself. She’s just so… So ugh lively,” Mikey croons. “She’s so beautiful and joyful and wondrous and-”
“Shut up.” Harsh words carry across the rooftop. Donnie was fed up. If he had to hear about Y/N this or Y/N that one more freaking time he was gonna snap.
Ohhhh, Y/N’s so amazing, she’s so funny and nice to us and she’s a good friend and totally not gonna sell us ouuut. Y/N’s our new best friiiend.
As Donnie mocks his brothers in his head, an unfamiliar burn spreads within him. His words slip out of him before he can catch it. “Whatever happened to us against the world? It’s too good to be true anyway, you can’t latch onto every human that takes a liking to us.” The remaining three all freeze up at the bite and venom in Donnie’s voice. They’ve never heard anything like it come out of their quiet brother before. It had them all just a little stunned.
“Donnie?” Leo asks, approaching Donnie like a live bomb. He gets only a grunt in response. “Don, are you ok?” Leo’s hand comes to rest on Donnie’s shell, gently. Carefully. Donnie brushes off the arm and storms to another side of the roof, peering over, pretending to actually patrol unlike some people. As he stalks away it dawns on him it was jealousy he was feeling moments ago. Why was he jealous? He had no reason, he was just tired of hearing about her. All the time. From his brothers that he adored.
And always had the attention of. Donnie groans and put his head in his hands.
That’s stupid. I can’t be that needy, jesus… reconnaissance. That’s how I’m gonna fix this. Observe her, then I’ll have the evidence I need to shut them all up!
    After that, Donnie had started actually staying in the room when you entered, and listening to his brothers stories. He never used to. He observed, took notes, scrutinized. In a matter of days you had gone from constantly forgetting Donnie existed to seeing him every time you turned around. Eventually, of course, he realized he was freaking you out and backed off, choosing instead to ‘act natural’ and strictly observe you when you naturally crossed paths. Or so said his battle plan. In the end he did end up siding with his brothers, agreeing that there was something about you but his stubborn need to be right had overridden everything, and he went back to acting like you didn’t exist, but admired you from afar.
Hey guys, Kitty here. I'm gonna write this as hard as I can over the next few days and hopefully will be able to get y'all the next part soon c: As an exciting announcement however, your team of admins here at another-tmnt-writer have made a youtube account (channel?). Starting with this story, (and hopefully we keep it up for other stories,) if you click this link it'll take you to a playlist of music you might want to listen to while reading the story. Or not, you don't have to, up to you. Hopefully, soon enough there will be plenty of playlists up for you guys to enjoy c: I hope you guys enjoyed my first fic on this blog <3
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Samantha Allan Park Ch. #28
Any references to TMNT or anything from popular media and culture is NOT MINE. I only own my OC's.
Chapter #28
*Monday, February 2nd, 2015. 8:00p.m.* *Including the month of September, 6 months after the fall of the Foot*
As soon as he heard footsteps, Mikey sat up some from his laid down position on the couch, He was surprised and a huge smile grew on his face as he saw Sam walk through the entry way. “Hey!” he called out to her. His smile soon faded as he realized what day it was. “Heyyy!” he said in a somewhat stricter tone. “Why are you here?” “Ahhh your welcomes are always so unique and pleasant” she teased in reply. Donnie had been sitting at his desk. He was just tinkering with some appliances that needed fixing, so the background noise throughout the lair had been quite comforting. He now swiveled his chair around and stood up to then walk over towards the girl. 
“What’s in the bags?” he asked, titling his head to the side. Sam closed her eyes as she shot him a huge teeth filled smiled. “Why don’t you look and find out?” “Why are you here?! Go home!” Raph shouted as he left the dojo and passed by the kitchen to now enter the living room. “Dauntless! Perfect timing! Heads up!” Sam called out as she launched one of the four bags at the largest brother. He looked down at the bag that was now in his hands, and then looked up at Sam with a perplexed expression. “What’s in it?” “I dunno, I found yours in the dumpster” she said with a shrug. “HA!...oh wait were you joking?” Mikey asked, switching from ‘in your face’ to an expression of realization. Sam laughed. “Yes I’m joking! And where’s the oldest?” “Back in his room” Mikey said, trying to look into the last two bags that were being held by Sam. She brought her hand to her mouth and shouted “LEO!” Donnie had taken a seat on the couch, curious as to what was in the bag. Raph shook his head as he sat to the right of Donnie, pushing a laughing Michelangelo out of the way in the process. Leo began making his way across the lair to join the rest of the group. Of course the first thing he did was start ridiculing Sam. “What are you doing here? You said you had mock AP exams tomorrow morning!” “Ugh! Just take your birthday present already. Don’t take the fun out of this happy moment” she said as she held one of the bags in front of him until he finally took it. He looked at her with a serious look before he walked to sit down. “You better do well on those mock exams or else I’ll personally kick your ass” he said with a grin as he pat her shoulder as he walked by and took a seat to the left of Donatello on the couch. “Does that mean the last one is for me?” Mikey said, jumping from foot to foot in place and holding his hands together in front of him in excitement. Sam had to fight to maintain her nonchalant look. “Was I supposed to get something for you?” The turtle pouted. “Dude, so not cool” he said as he crossed his arms and looked away. When he turned his head back a couple seconds later, a smiling Sam was holding the final bag in front of him. “*gasp* thank you Sam!” he said as he embraced her for a literal quick second and then sat in the free chair next to the couch. Sam laughed. “How can you thank me when you don’t even know what it is?” He looked up at her as he plopped down in his seat. “Because you know me well enough to know I’ll love it.” “Guess you’ll have to open it to find out” she said as she sat criss cross on the coffee table in front of them.
Each of the turtles took out their first gift and were shocked to see that Sam had bought each of them a new piece of clothing. “You bought us pants?” Leo asked, grateful but still confused. Sam nodded her head in excitement. “Yes. Yes I did. You guys need new clothes.” “Because that’s not insulting” Raph mumbled with a smirk, though he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t like the dark gray color. Sam put her hands on her knees. “Say Raph, how old were you guys when you started wearing the main clothes you wear now?” she asked with wide questioning eyes. Raph squinted his eyes at her. “You’ve made your point.” Sam returned to her relaxed position, but now so in a triumphant manner. Leo looked at the tags on the inside of the black sweat pants. “How did you know what sizes to buy?” “Lucky guess.” “Really?” “Yes. It’s definitely not because I measured your waists while you were sleeping on the couch the past few months.” “Pfft” Donnie quickly covered his mouth and turned his head. He’d never told anyone (and he still never would) that one time he woke up by sensing someone nearby and could tell that it was Sam, but he had kept his eyes closed since he assumed she was trying to plan a prank. He had a hunch now that this is what she was doing. “If you guys like them then let me know so I can get more. I know you guys only have so many pairs of the shorts you wear now, so I can get you extras of these if you like them.” The boys looked at the pants they all received and were shocked at how well Sam had picked pants that each of them was actually interested in wearing. Leo had received a pair of black sweatpants that were decently baggy but still somewhat formfitting. Raph had received a pair of loose dark gray shorts that were of a relatively soft material, and for him this was perfect since he had the largest muscles of his brothers, so the loose and softer shorts actually seemed like a perfect build for him. Donnie had received a pair of cargo pants with plenty of pockets for him to store extra gadgets in. And Mikey had received a pair of black basketball shorts with a bright orange stripe down the sides of each leg.
The boys all moved on to the next gift that was in each of their bags. Leo pulled out a pair of shoes that would seem huge to a normal human being, but to him they seemed to be a perfect size. They were a pair of ninja tabi shoes with the split toe in the front but with a more modern look since they were Adidas brand. They would still have to be altered some, but they looked incredible. The colors were plain and simple with black on top and an orange strap, but to Leo they were more than perfect. “Where did you find these?” he asked as he looked up at her in shock. “Amazon. That site has literally everything” Sam replied with a nod. Raph had begun pulling items out of his bag and was happily surprised at all the protective gear he had received. The turtles usually wore pads and guards on their arms or legs or wherever there was an area where the muscle was overused and could cause damage if something wasn’t protecting that area, so Raph had received a left shoulder and left arm guard, knee pads, and a red shin guard. “Sorry, I could only get the one in red. The other ones in your size only came in gray. Everything your size seems to favor gray.” “I’m surprised you were able to find my size” he said as he held the pieces up to where they would go on his body and was shocked that they seemed they would all actually fit. Donnie was now gawking at the new tech belt he had just unwrapped. “Now you don’t have to wear everything all the time.” Donnie couldn’t keep himself from smiling. He felt that at times his endless amounts of gear covering his body kept him back from attacking tougher opponents, and now this belt PLUS all the pockets on the new cargo pants would definitely help him organize where he placed all his gear. “No way…” Mikey mumbled. Sam turned towards him, and now it was she who couldn’t keep herself from smiling as she saw her friend hold up a brand new jacket that was an exact replica of the one that was already around his waist. “How did you find this?” he asked in awe. “Internet” she said as she pointed her finger at him. “Tis a beautiful thing. I was able to track it down to a store in the mall.” Mikey was the most fashionable one of his brothers (at least he thought so) which was why he had never followed the samurai styled dress that his brothers had and instead had worn his shorts the way he wanted to and this was also why he wore his jacket around his waist. He had seen people dress like this on t.v. and had become more interested in following this trend that the style his brothers had chosen. When choosing this style, he just wore whichever sweatshirt he could fine that was in decent condition at the time and then continued to wear that sweatshirt for as long as he could. He never imagined that someone would notice how weathered and torn it had become and would then buy him a brand new one with every stitch in place. “Wow…thanks Sam” he said as his awed expression soon switched over to an excited smile.
Next, all the boys began opening the next gift in their piles. Donnie and Mikey had pulled out purple and orange colored bandage wraps, and Leo had pulled out a silver colored pack or bandage wraps. Sam clapped her hands together. “Sorry, I was trying to find a tougher more durable material, and the brand that got the best reviews didn’t have blue. But! I tried to pick the color I thought you’d like best of what was available.” Leo chuckled. “Silver is fine. It goes well with the blue.” “Well I see how it is” Raph teased since he could tell by the wrapping that he had not received bandage wraps just like all his brothers. “Oh shut up and open your gift you big baby” Sam teased in return as she moved her leg so that she could poke Raph’s knee with her foot. Raph chuckled as he opened his gift. He then revealed a red glove that was used when practicing throwing punches. He slipped the glove over his right hand and was amazed at how well it fit. Leo had continued opening his final gift and discovered he had also received knee pads that were his size (the four had begun outgrowing the multiple pads and guards they had been using, so these gifts were literally perfect for those who got them). Raph had unwrapped a box with seatbelt belts. To a normal person this might be an odd gift to gain a surplus of, but because of Raph’s size it was difficult to find tougher rope like materials to wrap around his shell and plastron when trying to store weapons to carry, and the material of the belts was plenty tough and sturdy enough. Mikey had unpackaged a new backpack that was large enough for him to store his skateboard and other materials in, again so that he was better able to carry weapons and other materials with him when he left the lair. Donnie was the last to open his final gift. He opened up a tech kit with rechargeable batteries, jumper cables, a handheld jump box, and multiple portable chargers and charging chords. “Sam…” he said as he looked through the kit in shock at all the materials inside of it. “I knew you’d like that one. I’m not going to lie, that one was a little more last minute since you had just started setting up the new vacuum you were going to use as your main battery. So now if you need to charge it you can use all of this instead of having to literally wear solar panels all the time and-” “How did you afford all of this?” Donnie asked in a concerned tone. “Please tell me you didn’t pay full price for all of this” Leo said as he looked back at his name brand shoes. “Okay one, everything I did buy I bought at awesome sale prices, and I’m insulted that you think I’d be dumb enough to buy name brand things at expensive prices. Like who do you think I am?” she playfully said and acted to be taken aback. “And two, I technically wasn’t the only one to buy all this.” “What does that mean?” Raph asked. “Well, I pitched in like 40 bucks because I guess I love you guys” she teased as she rolled her eyes, “but some other people helped pitched in as well. But they each pitched in like 5 bucks.” “Who are these other people?” Donnie asked. “My human friends who were in the Foot clan with me, which is all my human friends except for three. They’re all really grateful that you guys helped save all their lives and reunite them with their families, so they pitched in a little. They also helped in getting donations for the devices in your tech kit. Oh but Jay and Brenda pitched in 20 total.  Because Jay loves you like you’re his brothers. And now that Brenda has met you as his fiancé she also loves you guys, though she saw you as heroes and cared for your safety before that anyway.” “And they are all-” Leo started. “Yes they are all keeping your existence a secret” Sam interrupted. “They hate that they don’t get to see you anymore, but they understand and respect that it could be risky to do so.” Leo smiled and nodded. “Well when you see them all again then you can thank them for us. And adding to that” he said as he put his belongings back in the bag and stood up and walked over towards the girl, “thank you Sam” he said as he hugged the girl. The other three brothers followed in pursuit as Donnie then came over and hugged Sam, then Raph, and then Mikey.
“Alright, time to go topside!” Sam announced. “Where’s Sensei?” “Wait, what? You have exams tomorrow!” Raph bellowed. “Yes I know I have exams tomorrow, but I’m not going to miss April’s surprise! Now go get Splinter!” Sam announced. The oldest three took the lead in heading out of the lair, but before Mikey could follow them he felt a sharp tug on his bandana just as he was about to exit the lair. “Owwww” he groaned as he was pulled backwards. “Hold on” Sam said. She looked over his shoulder to make sure that the other three had continued walking on and were no longer within sight. “What’s wrong?” Mikey asked. Sam then reached her hand behind her and pulled out one final package that she had been hiding away in the backpack on her back. Mikey looked at her with worry. “Is it something bad? Why can’t the others see?” Sam chuckled as she shook her head. “Just open it before they come back. Then I’ll explain.” Mikey cautiously opened the package and his jaw dropped as he held up a gold chain. “Sam, where did you-” “I found a store awhile back that had a good sale. Ever since your necklace broke I’ve been trying to find something perfect to replace it, and you cannot tell me that THAT is not perfect” she said with a beaming smile. “How much?” She paused. “How much what?” “Cost! Price!” “Dude, you never ask someone how much-” “I won’t wear it unless you tell me” Mikey demanded. Sam sighed in defeat. “I bought it for 50 dollars.” “Sam! I can’t wear this! That means you spent…5 plus 4 is 8, so 50 plus 40 means 80 dollars! You should be saving up!” “Hey, I’ve been working overtime so that I could buy that! So I’d be insulted if you didn’t wear it! Plus I bought it a while ago so I’ve saved up plenty since then. If you’re really my best friend then you’ll keep and wear it...and lie to your brothers and say I got it at a pawn shop for 20 dollars” she said timidly towards the end. Mikey sighed in defeat. “You’re lucky it’s PERFECT!” he said, quickly switching from his serious tone to one of excitement. He’d always wanted something like this, and he still couldn’t believe that a gold chain was actually resting along his neck and chest. “So you like it?” Sam asked. “Are you kidding me? This is amazing! Like I want to be upset you wasted money on this but I can’t because I love it!” “Hey, spending money on you isn’t a waste. It’s my first job, spending money on family is the best way to spend it. Especially when your family is also your best friend.” Mikey couldn’t help but smile at his friends words. He threw his arm around Sam’s shoulder. “Alright, lead the way to wherever this next surprise is.” And with that the two left the lair and eventually met up with the others before heading to the surface.
*About 12 minutes later*
“Where are we?” Leo asked. “Follow me and you will find out” Sam state as she began climbing up the ladder to the surface. “Well, last time we were in this position we were lead to the inside of the Jumbo Tron, so why not” Donnie said as he began following Mikey (who hadn’t questioned what Sam was doing at all and just instantly followed) and then Splinter, Leo, and then Raph climbed the ladder to the surface as well. Their spot on the surface was in an alley way. Sam then lead the group out of the alley way as they stood in front of a noodle shop named “24/7” that was at the end of a street filled with other small shops and restaurants that were family owned businesses. Sam walked right up to the front door and the turtles heard her be welcomed by April. The two women then peeked their heads around the corner once they realized they were no longer being followed. “Well? Are you going to join us? Or stand there all night?” April joked as she waved for them to walk forward. The following 5 moved with caution as they followed the two females into the small restaurant. They recognized the faces of Jay and Brenda sitting at the table and assumed that if all their friends were here then hopefully they were safe…at least until a stranger walked out from the kitchen, then the guys froze and began to mentally panic. The man stopped and paused before he spoke. “…Ahh Sam! You finally arrived! These three have been waiting for you and your friends. What took so long?” the older Asian man asked.     “Sorry Murakami-san, I forgot to give one of my friends one of their gifts, so I accidentally held the rest of the group up hehe” she replied as she rubbed the back of her head. The turtles continued to stand frozen in fear, but Splinter sensed something and decided to take a seat. “So, what is your reasoning for accepting my sons and I like this my friend?” Splinter asked calmly. “Ahh these are your sons? You must be Splinter then. Nice to meet you, my name is Murakami. Your sons helped stop the Foot clan, which means that your sons helped free my daughter” the man said with a smile. Leo and Donnie were the next to catch on and realize that the man was wearing his dark black glasses for a reason as they sat down next to their father. “What’s her name? We might have met her” Leo said. “Her name is Lindsey. Her last name is different from mine though. My wife Sana and I changed both of our daughter’s last names years ago for various safety reasons.” “She was the girl you guys heard through the walkie talkies that night” Sam stated as she pulled on Mikey and Raph’s arms to get them to finally sit down. “Umm….so, he’s not going to tell anyone what we look like, right?” Mikey whispered into Sam’s ear. “Well he can’t.” “Why not?” Raph whispered. “Because he’s blind. You both whisper really loud” Jay ‘whispered’ from across the table. “How’s the wedding planning going?” Leo asked the couple sitting further down at the table while his two brothers were processing what they were just told as they watched the older man get to work and start cooking even though he was blind and couldn’t see anything. “The wedding party has officially been decided, the church and the hall for the reception have been booked, and all the main guests have been decided. We’ve also made plans to meet with a catering company to get prices on the dishes they can prepare. Everything else still needs to be called to book a visiting date or we haven’t even gotten to it yet” Brenda replied. “At least you have until the summer to have everything ready” Raph said as a drink was placed in front of him and everyone else all along the table. “Yeah, but that wedding date will be here sooner than you think” April teased. Jay squinted his eyes. “Thanks April, because that’s what we want to hear” Jay teased. “Anytime!” she said as she raised her glass up.
Just then, a square plate was placed in front of everyone sitting at the table. “Ohhh yeah! Pizza gyoza! Thanks boss!” Sam said as she took her chopsticks. “Oh, so this is where you work?” Mikey asked. Sam nodded her head. “Mhmm, and this is the boss I told you about where I said I had friends who loved pizza more than anything which then inspired the heavenly dish in front of you.” The four turtles and their father looked at the food in front of them, not sure whether to try it or not. “Well go on now!” Murakami exclaimed. “I can’t thank you for saving my daughter if you don’t try the food” he chuckled. Each of them picked up their chopsticks, picked up one of the dumplings on their plate, and then slowly took bites of their dumplings. It was obvious that each of them instantly fell in love with the dish, even Splinter who liked pizza but wasn’t the biggest fan of it, and quickly they began eating the rest of the dumplings on their plates. “Heh, I knew they’d love it” April said as she continued to eat her dish as well. “So Brenda, do you have a dress picked out yet?” Brenda shook her head. “I’m trying to find a day where all the women in the bridal party can get together and we can put the order in for my dress and their dresses at the same time, but SOMEONE is always busy with something!” she said as she then turned towards Sam. “I don’t know who you’re talking about” Sam said nonchalantly. “Oh? So you don’t have soccer, and dance, and a million other clubs and school activities to tend to? Speaking of which, don’t you have mock exams tomorrow?” “Ughhhhhh why does everyone remember that? It’s not even 10p.m. yet like get off my back” Sam groaned. “Get used to it. Once summer hits you’re going to have a sister who nags as much as your brother” Brenda teased as she leaned onto Jay, who then smiled as he stared at the woman sitting next to him. “Ugh, I have two sister figures, six brothers between Jay, these dorks, and Kris, and now I have a father figure *tilts head towards Splinter* and now Irma is more of a mother figure than ever. Somehow my family continues to grow larger and larger.” “Jeez Sam, you sound so happy” Raph teased as he ate his third round of pizza gyoza along with the rest of his brothers. “Eh, I guess so” she teased, receiving playful nudges from Raph and Donnie.
The group continued to talk for a while longer before Leonardo mentioned that he was going to go and walk off the huge meal he had just ate and that he would be back soon. As soon as the turtle left, Splinter began to stare at Sam who was drinking the broth from a small bowl of soup. Sam finished the bowl and placed it on the table as she stood. “Don’t worry Sensei I’m going. But I wasn’t going to waste good food either, that would be an insult to the chef.” “Hehe, very true my child” he said with a smile as he watched the girl leave the small shop.
Sam walked around to the side of the building where no one could see her, and then faced her palms down as the white part of her eyes turned black and air slowly came out from her palms. She then floated up to the roof of the building. Once she landed, her eyes returned to their normal color as she walked over and took a seat next to Leo. “What’s going on in your mind fearless?” she asked calmly. “*sigh* just thinking.” “Well stop doing that! Because then you think of negative things from the past, and today should be a happy day!” “But it almost wasn’t.” “But it is. I know you’re not like normal teenagers, but you should still be excited that it’s your 16th birthday. What’s there to be so upset about?” “That if we hadn’t acted when we did then you might not be here to celebrate with us.” Sam paused for a few minutes. It had been about 6 months since the fall of the Foot clan, yet all four of the turtles still had their moments where they got caught up in thoughts of the past and went into a depressive state. “Leo. You know that we all were going through a tough time then. You guys and myself made decisions that we weren’t proud of. But if I’ve learned anything in this life, then it would be that if you don’t keep trying to move on and make the future better than what has happened in the past, then what’s the point in living? If I continued to get upset about my past, then I never would have moved on and started getting out of the house, and then I never would have met you guys.” Leo looked over at her and smiled. “Yeah I know. I just, I just hate thinking that everything all of us have now, that was almost ripped away from all of us. And it kills me to think of what could have happened to you, how much worse it could have gotten…” “But what you keep forgetting is that you guys DID come after me. Even when I pushed you away you still came after me. That’s why I’m here. Every time something went wrong, I was able to make it through to see the next day because you four were there for me when I needed you the most. I also would have made regretful choices if you guys weren’t there to protect me.” “Heh, thank god for Jay as well for helping the three of us open our eyes. I hate to admit that we needed that push, but that push made all of us realize what we were truly feeling and what we wanted to do.” “He really cares about the four of you guys, and Sensei. He’s even more grateful that he was able to reach you that night. You guys help complete his life the same way you helped complete mine. In a weird twisted way, maybe you needed to wait that long to come after me, because that meant Jay had to meet you and talk to you, and then that lead to you all getting to know each other after the fight that night as you were waiting for me to wake up in the hospital.” “Well, everything has been weird and twisted for all of us, so you might be onto something there” he said with a smile. “So, are you ready to go back and celebrate what should be a joyous day now? Since you know, you four being born kind of plays a part in the whole bringing joy to my life and making me happy thing” Sam teased as she put a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “Yeah, let’s go.” The two stood up and walked over towards the side of the building. There were no ladders or anything to help get back down (Leo had used climbing claws to climb up) so Sam helped him get back down. Her eyes turned black while the iris and pupil or her eyes turned blue as Leo wrapped an arm around her shoulders, the strength power from the mutagen aiding her in holding onto him, as she placed her palms so that they faced the ground as her wind powers allowed her to float back down to the ground. The two then entered the shop where they saw April arguing with Murakami. “But Murakami-san, it’s not my part of the birthday gift if you don’t let me pay you for the food.” “It’s my treat! You can tip 5 dollars, that’s all!” “You just fed 9 people! That costs way more than 5 dollars!” Sam got her phone out and started rapidly texting someone. Leo leaned over her shoulder to look at her phone, and then he quickly realized what he was doing and quickly looked away with pursed lips as Sam playfully shot him a questioning look and turned away. After she received a response, she handed her phone to April who then read the conversation and decided to let Murakami win their verbal battle.
Everyone thanked Murakami who then told everyone they were allowed back at any time, and the group made their way outside. “What got you to give up?” Raph asked April. “Sam texted Lindsey who said I could pay her the money tomorrow and then she would move that to her father’s safe in secret” she said with a beaming smile, feeling triumphant that she would be able to pay the man back for his generous services. “You sure are persistent” Jay teased. “That’s how things get done! It’s one of the reasons I got my promotion at work and now cover some of the most major news stories now” she said with pride. “What an honor, to know thee April O’Neil. Can I have your autograph?” Sam teased. “Nah, you’re going to have to earn it.” “But I’m too lazy” Sam groaned. “I don’t know whether to laugh or be scared that the laziest person I know is also the strongest person I know” Donnie chuckled. “You should be worried, because you never know when I’ll go rogue” Sam said as her eyes changed colors. “Or when I’ll do this!” she said as she turned and went to slap Raph in the face, but dodged last second. This still freaked the largest turtle out, which then lead him to chase Sam. “Aghh, Sam get back here so I can kick your ass!” “Um hey! No!” Jay intervened. “She has mock exams tomorrow morning!” “Oh, right…so how about tomorrow night then?” “Beat her up, do whatever.” “JAY!” Sam shouted. “You were dumb enough to fake slap a 6’5 mutant turtle. If you were going to do that then you must be ready for the consequences.” “I like your thinking” Raph said as he threw an arm around Jay’s shoulder. “My brothers are ganging up on me. Best friend!” Mikey then playfully jumped in front of Sam and performed awkward ninja kicks. “No one hurts my friend!” “Yeah, yeah. Kick her butt and save her and whatever else tomorrow. She needs to go home and sleep so she can be ready for her tests early tomorrow morning” Jay said in a more serious tone.
The group of nine all said their goodbyes to each other and parted ways, knowing they would all meet up again soon.
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