#miiiight be obsessed
fattylime · 9 months
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might be obsessed with him
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sharpbutsoft · 17 days
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theexorcistiii · 5 months
Ugghh I want (mostly p tame but still) body modssssss but I’m such a little bitch about pain & also my like skin hates every thing
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ikeasharksss · 6 months
thinking about improv club au (i have been doing this since june)
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tomtonktonic · 2 years
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neep-neep-neep · 10 months
sorry to say it but i can’t wait to be in a lesbian relationship that isn’t codependent some things ARE only good in fanfiction and i want us both to be independent human beings with respect for each others’ friend circles, alone time needs, and personal space. enmeshing with your lover is the least sexy thing
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televinita · 9 months
You know why I keep doing the "why I read" posts and the reading triage posts, really?
For the life of me I cannot figure out why I read Goodbye, Mr. Chips, and now I desperately want to know. I have been assuming it was because I watched Human Nature/Family of Blood and went "right, time to transpose that in my head minus aliens," but no, I read it at the beginning of my 2nd year of college, before I even knew Doctor Who existed. And yet, I'm sure I read it on purpose to mentally transpose something. BUT WHAT??
I'm wondering if it was a movie, now. School Ties? Dead Poets Society? But I think those were later viewings...I DO have a movies-watched list from that year but it's not in the apartment so I can't verify.
Or maybe it was something else, BUT WHAT? I wouldn't have stumbled across that on a library shelf 'cause I only browsed YA -- no, I'm sure I actively sought out that story, so I must have heard about it some other way....
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Just had a panic attack while trying to explain to my girlfriend why I think I have ocd ;-; why does this always happen anytime I try to talk about ocd
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gummygoatgalaxy · 5 months
Ok so I miiiight be obsessed with Floyd
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Top left is Floyd being grumpy cuz Branch is buff and tall 😂
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melodic-haze · 2 days
remote vibrator in public w sub robin?? 👀
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Robin x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Exhibitionism, mentions of corruption, semi-public sex mentions at the end
☆ — NOTES: Wait I didn't even realise I had essentially already done this oh my god 😭😭😭😭😭😭 anyway is a cheeky Robin ooc I wonder if it is..........my bad gang I actually haven't finished Penacony yet 😭 ik like spoilers
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Such a move spells TROUBLE for a universal celebrity like her.............good thing she likes the trouble you put her through ☺️
You've seen how she dedicates herself to her multimedia craft, putting her all into performing arts for the sake of inspiring people and making everyone happy. Now, you want to see how she does with.......performing for a different reason :3
"Such a risk would be much more trouble than it's worth, you know."
"If it's 'so much trouble', then why are you smiling like that?"
"Maybe I just find your request amusing. You know that the press are determined to spot anything that may give them a good scoop."
It's not as if Robin was wrong—a cosmically-famous figure like her would be risking the possibility of complete and utter ruination with such deviancy, along with.. well, having to face her brother. And The Family too, but mostly her brother. She had the right to be worried.
..But, well, she doesn't really seem to be worried right now, despite her words. If anything, the expression on her face as she leaned on the wall and the slight fluttering of her wings showed a different feeling.
As if she were the cat that got the cream.
"Uh huh," you leaned back on the chaise with a knowing look, eyes narrowed and arms crossed, "what I know is you're not saying no..."
She lets out a false sigh as she pushed herself off the wall to head to you, "Aw, I thought I led you off my trail."
"Like you do with the press? Oh, please." You rolled your eyes, "I know you much better than that."
"You seem so sure."
"Am I wrong?"
"Mm.. no, I guess you're not."
Then she sits down on your lap and wraps her arms around your neck, the wings on her hips wrapping themselves around the both of you like a barrier that separates you from the rest of the world, "And neither are you wrong about my lack of your refusal."
Your hands snake themselves over to your lover's waist.. before moving down further and lightly squeezing her ass, "So that's a yes?"
"Mhm," she hummed, her voice reduced to a raspy whisper, "I could never resist you, sweetheart."
"What a coincidence—I could never resist you either. Must be a Halovian thing, with that halo of yours."
"Haha, who knows."
And that leads on to your present situation: Robin, as an important member of The Family and a famous singer, was invited to a gala as a special guest. Naturally, she attended and was thankful that they allowed her to invite a plus-one. Considering that Sunday had his own invitation, you were practically the most obvious pick out of everyone she could've chosen, both because you were her most important person.......and because this was a perfect opportunity for the both of you
So here she was, clinging to your arm as you talked to some.. some random who was (unsurprisingly) one of Robin's fans, one that's REALLY obsessed with her too, apparently. And really, she wasn't sure whether to thank you for giving her a different thing to focus on or silently plead to you somehow to cut it out, but she essentially clamped her mouth shut for most of the time you were there, not actually trusting herself to let out a coherent sentence
Not just with that one guy too, you do this through the night—your hand mostly in your pocket as you manipulated the controls of the vibrator within her, usually during inconvenient moments to mess with her a bit
During times you're left alone with her as everyone else goes to do other things and talk to other people, you taunt her of how if she doesn't hide it good enough then people miiiight start suspecting something's wrong ☺️☺️ and she wouldn't wanna ruin her career like this, would she ☺️☺️☺️☺️ oh that'd be such a huge shame ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
At first she does actually taunt you back, lightly boasting to you that it takes a lot more to faze her and that it's sweet of you to try...........but as the night progresses you find that she fires back at you less and less, your favourite songbird getting increasingly more quiet, just like how her panties are getting increasingly wetter. But she bares with it with a smile anyway, disregarding the rosy tint in her cheeks as simply applying too much blush HAHAHAHA
It's not just when you two are together either!!! You've both made sure that the toy has a big enough range that you can walk around without the connection being severed from the distance, so it was rather easy for you to manipulate it even while you were away from her. Oh, and how FUN it is, esp when you see her try to look around for you as her wings flutter restlessly
It's actually rather impressive to watch though—even when the night toiled away and it got increasingly harder for her to stop herself from cumming herself silly from sheer frustration, she keeps herself in check. It's almost as if she were completely unbothered, acting the perfect part as a beautiful socialite at a grand event as she sang with (very false) confidence. You would've been fooled......if it weren't for the fact that she had telepathised her need for you to just bend her over somewhere and fuck her dumb instead of letting her continue with this toy inside of her. You almost feel bad
Keyword: almost, especially when you decide to get braver and mess with her a liiiiittle bit more. And she would've been fine with it!!! At least, if it weren't for the fact that this was with HER FUCKING BROTHER LOL
Halovians, the musical and emotional creatures that they are, can probably communicate via special frequencies right?? At least, that's my personal hc, like you can't actually use a radio to intercept it and listen in bc it's like a Halovian-specific kinda thing that can only be read through their halos. Idk how they work lol don't sic me
Anyway through that logic, I feel like Sunday picked up signals of distress from his little sister. He's probably more sensitive to her frequencies too, with how yk. They're related. Like sharing genetic code except it's like if you look at a sound visualiser and see multiple lines at once and the Oak siblings have that one similar line or smth. So he can tell that SOMETHING is wrong with her, just not what specifically (esp when Robin's probably trying her best to block out signals of her lust from ever notifying her brother that smth more is happening)
"Are you certain you're feeling alright, Robin?" Sunday's voice held a sense of urgency and protectiveness, as expected of the one that had been there for her as the one constant before she had left Penacony, "I can tell that something is off.. and your feathers are a bit ruffled."
The worried emotions he had sent to Robin, along with a request to pry into her psychical wellbeing, didn't help the singer at all in terms of calming down—the possibility of her beloved brother becoming unwillingly privy to the fact that her inner workings are so utterly perverse and corrupted scares her. The fact that you had slowly switched the vibe's speed between an agonisingly slow pace and an upward climb as the exchange went on added to the torture.
Though compared to the rest of the night, this time actually felt like you were taking mercy on her, with the way you hadn't decided to suddenly ramp the intensity up out of nowhere.
(And there was that twisted feeling inside her that actually liked the thought of being an R-rated spectacle in front of all these people around them still threatening to take her focus away.)
To keep up the charade as she continued to block Sunday's attempts in peering into her enotions, she could only do what she did best; perform. So she nods her head with a smile, though the latter action didn't really need that much acting, "Yes, I'm feeling alright. I appreciate the concern, brother, but nothing's wrong. Perhaps it's just exhaustion—I don't know how you.. mm.. how you deal with it all the time."
"I could say the same to you," he reciprocates her smile, if a tad bit crooked from his worry, "I think it takes a lot of inner strength, to take on the attention of a universal crowd. Luckily, I know you can more than handle it."
The blue-haired sibling hummed, her smile widening from her brother's confidence, "It's because I know I have you to fall back-- on..!"
The grey-haired sibling furrowed her eyebrows in turn at the sudden yelp, "Are you quite sure you're okay..? You're worrying me, dear sister."
Yeah, no, she couldn't carry on such a conversation like this.
Another nod as she digs her nails into her palms in an effort to redirect her thoughts from the overflow of slick in the apex of her thighs, "Y-Yes, I'm fine... I think I just need to take a walk around to.. calm myself. I feel rather warm."
He doesn't reply immediately, leaving Robin in suspense. Could he have figured it out?
..Turns out no, as he lets out a small sigh, "Alright, just remember to tell me if something's wrong, yes? I don't want your comeback here to be an unpleasant one."
"I will, thank you."
She turns around in a hurry—though not that much of a hurry, lest he either gets more suspicious or she somehow makes the toy's effect worse—and leaves, making a beeline for you before grabbing onto your wrist and dragging you off before you could say a word (though the small smirk on your face said all you needed to say).
And Sunday clocks the two of you leaving the main hall together with a raised brow. His initial instinct is to go investigate himself—he knew better than to believe his sister's act, of course... But he thought better of it.
He had an inkling that perhaps this wasn't something he should involve himself in.
And his gut feeling was right, esp when Robin dragged you out and into the first private, empty room she found, pushed you down and started grinding onto your lap like a bitch in heat 🥰🥰🥰🥰
People are going to talk for a WHILE about your sudden disappearance, the both of you KNOW this very well, but right now? Robin doesn't gaf, not when her mind's been reduced to a horny mess as she begs you to finally get her off yourself. Whether you do or you DON'T??? Up to you LMAO
Either way, it's DEFINITELY something unforgettable........and dare I say, tellingly exposing of what your songbird likes 🫶
"Why do I deal with such risks again?"
"Because you love me?"
"..Mm. Yes, that's true."
"Wait, really? That's giving me too much power, birdie."
"And that's perfectly fine," her lips curl into a light grin, "There's nobody else I'd rather obey."
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stiffyck · 8 months
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Been a bit obsessed with the idea of kraken scar recently
I’m still sick but I’m feeling much better and I was finally able to draw a little something today! Miiiight finish it if I feel better tomorrow.
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Hello and welcome to Hermit Joel hunting! Send me sightings!
Find that boy! Hunt him down! Tell me where you found him!
Send asks, send submissions, tag me in posts!!! Send DMs, seriously, I like DMs. I don't need precise time stamps, but if it's long and I don't have at least "towards the beginning" I might not find it.
Hello, I'm @blocksruinedme, also known as Vee, known Joel obsessive, I'm collecting Joel footage! I miiiight make youtube comps? [edit: I now have 1.5k subscribers on youtube.] My main goal right now is to be a repository of Joel content!
I am a shipper, and there might be some shippy commentary from things I'm reblogging, but I won't be directly putting anything shippy here. (Might in my personal reblogs.)
Here's my youtube if you want to follow me for possible content: https://www.youtube.com/@blocksruinedme Playlist links below the cut
and some unlisted clips of.. mostly joel and jimmy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdBAjqBLGaDPF3sMhbY1h6Qbcd73hGh5r
Feel free to link to any of those clips *on tumblr*, not on twitter. Please.
Please reblog because this won't work if I don't get help. Only reblogs will let people this is happening! (or make an original post i guess!)
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momentocollector · 7 months
HELLO SXF FANDOM i've made a Which Spy x Family Character Are You? quiz!!!! the only spoilers to keep in mind is that it features a character that isn't coming out in season 2 (and another character that's going to feature this week as of writing this), but other than that, there are no story spoilers!!!
please reblog this and tag who you get, I love seeing data/statistics and love love love seeing what people get in personality tests. sorry if the quiz is not that great since it's my first time making one, but I hope you enjoy taking it!
a heads up: it has 20 questions (+ 1 comment box section) which are a bit lengthy and long. take your time in taking this silly quiz!
if you're knowledgeable in the series you miiiight be able to rig the questions a little (as well as if you know a thing or two about enneagram)
[click this sentence if you're unable to access from the main post]
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cilil · 8 months
How would Yandere Manwë react to his prospective darling (who’s a child of Fëanor) leaving on the Flight of the Noldor? Oh, annnnd the darling miiiight have rejected Manwë’s advances if he already made them. The darling’s too busy having an affair with a married cousin of theirs. (Sorry if this is too specific!)
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𝓐𝓝 ~ No problem whatsoever, dear! Hope you like what I came up with!
𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 ~ Gender-neutral pronouns are used for the darling, and the cousin in question is left unspecified, leaving it up to each reader's own imagination and preferences ♡
𝓣𝓦𝓼 ~ Yandere, obsessive behavior, mentions of cheating
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ଘ Manwë had always been curious about Fëanor, interested even. He had sensed that this Elf could create great things; and his instincts turned out to be correct when he was introduced to a particular young Elf, one of Fëanor's children, one whom he would come to affectionately refer to as his darling in his mind.
ଘ Like their father, his darling was proud and stubborn. Manwë made sure to invite them to visit him and summon them at every opportunity he found, just so he would have an excuse to be near them and hopefully woo them.
ଘ He was subtle at first, all warm smiles and kind words and sprinkling in the occasional compliment and flirty remark, but his darling was never quite as excited about his attention as he would have liked. Assuming they might prefer a more "direct" approach, Manwë began to show his interest more openly and suggested that they should spend time alone, only to be turned down - to his surprise and indignation. Rejecting the Elder King? Inconceivable.
ଘ Naturally, he suspected that someone else might have gotten their hands on his darling first and had his birds and other servants spy on them until a scandalous secret was revealed to him: They had been seeing someone indeed. And it was their married cousin.
ଘ Manwë wondered what he should do. Should he expose the two and then take his darling under his wing during the fallout, setting himself up to be the one person they can turn to? But wouldn't this make them hate him and never wish to be with him? Should he talk to his darling, reveal what he knew and command them to end this affair? Should he blackmail them?
ଘ Yet before Manwë could come to a decision, disaster struck and the Noldor rebelled against the Valar, leaving Valinor under Fëanor's leadership - including his darling. Manwë attempted to reach them via ósanwë, both pleading with them to stay and furiously ordering them to turn back, and when he sent Námo to pronounce the Doom of the Noldor, he also tasked him with delivering a special message for his darling - "Choose wisely whether you wish to follow your father on a path of doom or to turn back and accept my love and mercy".
ଘ Still, his darling was swayed neither by his threats nor his promises and they followed their father and secret lover to Middle-earth.
ଘ Manwë has long since realized that their decision is final, but he hasn't given up. He keeps watching from his throne on Taniquetil, waiting for an opportunity to either save them from peril and be their hero who still loves them even after everything or to send an eagle to steal them away from their family and deliver them to him. Even if neither plan succeeds, he knows that the Doom of the Noldor will follow them until either they die and their fëa makes its way to Mandos or grief weighs down on them so heavily that they might return willingly, so he tells himself it's only a matter of time until he can finally get his hands on his darling and possess them like he always wanted to.
ଘ And another thing that Manwë knows for certain is that once this happens, he will never let them escape again.
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foibles-fables · 8 months
If we’re being horny, how, ah, kinky do Aloy and Talanah get? And who tops? After all you are the expert. Apologies if this is a tad… crude.
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HEHEHEHEH omg no I adore asks like this please keep ‘em coming !! Answered in full under the cut:
IMO, kink-wise, they’re both somewhat on the vanilla side.
Talanah absolutely has a raging praise kink, love love loves dirty talk (both dishing it and taking it), and occasionally enjoys being on the receiving end of some light bondage/temperature play/wax play. She also miiiight show the tiniest itty-bitty lil’ breeding kink in my future universe, oops lol.
Aloy, meanwhile, ALSO has a raging praise kink. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. She also just…enjoys Talanah’s breasts, a lot. Like, obsessed. Kinda fixated. We, uh, don’t have to get into it that deep !! She also loves to hate being edged/denied until she goes a little desperate and feral.
As for who tops—they pretty reliably and consistently switch! When it comes to the strap, Aloy primarily wears it (doesn’t crave/enjoy/get off on penetration as much as Talanah does), buuuttt that does NOT mean she’s topping, lmfao. Every so often, though, she’ll uhhh very much want Talanah to wear the strap.
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eerna · 2 years
How much of Ianthe and Harrow closeness in HtN the result of genuine affection verses Iantheote or less trying to fill Corona's absence with Harrow, who Ianthe knows has no memory of Gideon
I think Ianthe legitimately has feelings for Harrow - she was the first person ever to see her real potential, never thought of her as Corona's shadow. However, Ianthe's idea of love is toxic codependency, so she def tried to get Harrow into the same mental space of “I need you to survive” Corona was in their whole lives. She knows Harrow loves Gideon but chooses to lie to Gideon about it in an attempt to get Harrow even more isolated, and that miiiight show us part of the explanation of why Corona is so obsessed with people who don’t like her back. Which then makes me ask - there is a scene in which Harrow breaks and concludes she would do anything for Ianthe if only Ianthe gave her a shred of affection and consolation.... and Ianthe just. Doesn’t do it. She turns around and leaves. So what was that about. Did Miss Manipulate Mgaslight Mbitch really not understand she reached her goal so early???? Or was there another reason for not grabbing the opportunity right then and there??? Maybe I am an emotional fool, but I do think Ianthe cares about Harrow as a person and not just as someone who can replace Corona
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