#might as well use all that money to save for your funeral
chloeworships · 10 months
She’s jealous and she’s lying… a false witness. This is what they do when they’re down bad and irrelevant.
Ppl of God Justice will be served in this situation
I love B so this is not about her but this photo illustrates all you need to know about this situation.
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Anything to try to ruin a man’s reputation.
She’s going to die from cancer ⚰️ because of her evil ways.
SN. A man who once did witchcraft on me to ruin my life and separate me from my best friends is currently sick with stomach cancer. He’s going to suffer badly over the next 2 years until his death. I saw him bleeding from his rectum, another died from Covid-19 and another is on the way out with AIDS and herpes. Shall I keep going?🙃
Please do not play with me or the people I love 💕
People should be minding their business and instead asking God to heal that forever nasty bacterial vaginitis infection
It’s better to just leave us alone than start some ish because I promise you God don’t play about US.
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Thank God the BILLIONS are coming LATER where you can’t get your greedy hands on them.
Checkmate ♟️ 🤪😁😎
Who’s unbothered now? You didn’t stop NOTHING.
God’s PLAN
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Trust me it’s better to be my friend, than my enemy.
Enjoy your 5 minutes of fame and go back to being irrelevant.
… when those death spells FINALLY reverse♻️
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theveryworstthing · 4 months
I'm Alive
I posted this on patreon so I might as well post it again here. Hopefully current and past patrons see this as well as people who have just been generally curious about where I've been.
I'm very sorry for not being around and I'm very grateful to those who stuck around. To those who didn't, I get it and I truly appreciate you passing through. 
Last year and the beginning of this year have been pretty bad. Some of you might have heard about my grandma's death and sadly, she was just the first of the family losses in the time I've been gone. There was also a friend's death discovery, my parents' health tanking, my friends Going Through It, and my own physical/mental problems. I didn't want to talk to the internet about these things because they were/are very overwhelming and private and tbh I used all my energy to help with the household and make sure work got turned in on time. When I had spare time after dealing with the near constant disasters, I didn't really feel like interacting with the internet at all beyond using it as a way to talk to far away friends (mostly to give them the thumbs up that i was alive) or watch/read things when my brain was less scrambled. Social media was an absolute no go and I didn't have any non-work art to post so I just kind of mentally crawled under the porch to die lol. 
I only drew work related things for months due to extreme burnout and it took me almost a month off after my last job to remember how to create again. I couldn't draw or write, it was kinda like art block except it was more like nothing was there at all? It's hard to explain. 
Things are still happening but I need to get back in the saddle eventually so here I am. 
I'm going to post the little art I did in June and all the sketches I did in January when I re-learned how to draw for myself. Again, I'm so sorry for being away without saying anything and I'm grateful to whoever threw me a buck, or even just casually enjoyed my art. Leaving like I did was really irresponsible and there's no excuse for not at least making a post about all of this sooner.  Every month I got a patreon payment was another wave of guilt because I literally couldn't give y'all anything but at the same time that money was letting me book flights to funerals and keeping my mom comfortable while she recovered from surgery right after I spent a lot of my savings in 2022 trying to fight my late cat's cancer. And then not posting about what was going on made me more anxious as time went on because there was more guilt every month so I felt like I needed to come back with a bunch of art and energy and good reasons and it was just. A Mess. 
But anyway.
I'm alive, I'm back. The Horrors persist, but so do I.
Thank you for your patience.
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mamayan · 10 months
Oh em gee can I request, Yan! geto? I was thinking with a reader whose like a black magic witch??queen barely talks to anyone and seems like some high class cunt but rlly she's lives in a forest in some hit with a couple cats and stuff, and like when she actually talks to ppl she's really nice actually.. And also she dresses gothy too,,thank you for your time!!💗💗
Hi Anon !💗 I am so down for this! I’m already ready for October at this point. I’ve redone this like 3x already and still am not completely satisfied. Either it’s too wordy and badly balanced with the smut or too much smut not balanced with your request. I hope this satisfies~ maybe I’ll make a longer fic for Geto because I genuinely like him.
Yandere Geto x “Witch” Sorcerer Reader
CW: Yandere Themes•NSFW•Suguru Geto is already mentally ill, so I’m honestly not portraying him too inaccurately•Death (Geto murders a lot of people)•Kidnapping•Dub-con•Forced Relationship•Breeding Kink•Baby Trapping!
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It was just a passing thought in his mind. Not truly processing much as he stares blankly at the empty rail car, save for a girl sitting quietly at the other end. Her face stoic and impassive, eyes set outside at the passing scenery. Eye catching makeup dark, all black clothing seemingly tailored, and overall appearance somewhat spoiled looking. She looked like a doll one might find in an old antique store that’s cursed.
Yet not a whiff of cursed energy flowed off her.
The tracks are loud, the old rail system likely never been upgraded since it’s manufacture date. The pretty girl dressed as if attending a king’s funeral seemed completely aloof to the world around her. Geto was beside himself as he felt his normally foggy mind clear for a moment as he blatantly stared.
His opinion shifted the more attention he paid.
Not a single drop of cursed energy was on her, so either she was a sorcerer and was able to channel cursed energy to a high degree, or she was a non-sorcerer who had never had a single negative thought in her life touch her.
He doubted the latter, so it was most likely she was a sorcerer, but he’d never seen her before. Then again, for the first time recently, he’d met his fellow special grade peer, Yuki. The woman operated on her own terms and conditions, but her ideology was something he respected. Was that the case then?
For you, who sat on the other side of the rail car, trying desperately not to show how uncomfortable you were. The sharp eyed man didn’t seem hostile, but he radiated power unlike something you’d seen before. He wasn’t a normal sorcerer, you could quickly deduce, and it worried you greatly how much attention he was giving you.
He got up and moved towards you, and despite the dark circles layered under his eyes, he had a small smile on his face. Friendly and genuine.
That was how you met the living special grade sorcerer, Suguru Geto, a young man in his early twenties.
Geto isn’t an entirely inexperienced man when it came to women, quite popular in school. Despite how dreary his appearance may be now, how clouded his judgement, he can tell when someone is shy instead of blatantly cold towards him. Despite your attire and frozen facial expression from earlier, you melted quickly into a sweetheart. He learned you’d been trained as a sorcerer by your grandfather, whose name he recognized to be a very respected historical figure that taught at his school decades ago. You didn’t work for Jujutsu High, similar to Yuki whom he’d met recently as well.
“You’re a sorcerer not working as a sorcerer… is that correct?” He asked, genuinely curious. You had shook your head, speaking softly.
“I don’t need the money.”
That was it.
Your whole reasoning for it all, was just not wanting to be paid for work that could seriously kill or injure you. Geto was left stunned. “Why…? When it’s their fault these curses are killing them, killing us?” He was still reeling from the information which Yuki provided him. Truly still not understanding where his feelings lay. Your eyes were so clear, your voice barely loud enough over the noisy rail car for him to hear.
“They don’t know any better?”
A few days after his encounter with you, Geto massacred the entire village he had traveled to save. Only two little girls left alive, sorcerers that had been ostracized and beaten for the things their abusers had caused.
Your words and Yuki’s rang in his mind to the same tune of applause of that day.
“They cause cursed energy because they can’t control it”
“They don’t know any better”
Geto wanted to eradicate them all.
“Worthless monkeys”
“Die! Witch!”
“Burn demon! Burn to death! You’ve cursed us!”
“Kill her! We have to kill her if we want to purge it!”
Their terrifying shouts rose with the flames of your home you realized had been burned with the intent to kill you. You watched in horror as their emotions released more and more cursed energy.
“Stop! You’re going to make it worse!” You could only cry out, unable to fathom the circumstances that were happening. How did these people know you were a sorcerer? But as you looked again, finally using logic to see, you realized they didn’t know. They really thought you to be a witch, a demon from hell cursing them. Your cats struggled, clawing out of your hold and you had no choice but to set them down as they raced off into the forest to escape the fire spreading.
Someone threw out a woman from the crowd, badly beaten and still tied up, her body landing with a soft thud on the soft forest floor.
“I-is she… oh god…” you were overcome with horror and anguish as you realized they’d killed her. An innocent young woman. Dead.
The mobs screams and shouts just kept getting louder, and you knew if you didn’t get out now, it’d be a blood bath. Either yours or theirs. You took off, despite being barefoot and hardly covered, you were quick and nimble. The mob gave chase as well, and while they wouldn’t catch up with your speed and abilities, they had the power of numbers to block and surround you.
And so they did. Cornering you, shouting and hollering. Their malevolence combined weighing you down in panic and fear.
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“Look at all these pathetic monkeys.” Your head snapped in the direction of the voice, overpowering the shouts of the crowd a little, as their movements closing in on you halted a fraction due to his appearance.
He looked better than he had when you’d met for the first time. His face more jovial and his smile wide, less sincere though. It’s been months since your encounter on the train.
“What…” you were ready to cry, stepping away fearfully as you took him in.
“Aww dear, no need for that. These monkeys aren’t worth your precious tears.” He just kept coming closer and closer, standing tall and imposing before you, looking benevolent almost.
His smile doesn’t change as he casts a barrier, shocking you with the profound level and speed.
You move to take another step back, but a large hand encases your wrist and yanks you forward. This is much different than facing a non-sorcerer, you’re not even a warm up match for Geto. You hardly qualify as a grade 2, your prowess centered in reversed cursed techniques for healing. He doesn’t seem upset, but you had to admit you were scared. Your home burned. A woman murdered. An entire town apparently filled with so much hatred towards you that they wanted to burn you alive. And now Suguru Geto, a master curse user, is before you.
The same man who massacred 112 people not too long ago.
“Suguru…!” You tried again, to free your arm and figure out what his intentions were. Neither happened.
“I told you not to cry, didn’t I?”
It’s a blood bath. To your absolutely dismay, you’re left to watch as Suguru releases curse after curse which move to prey on the humans around you.
“Ah, the sound of monkeys dying. Isn’t this much better?” You can only take your eyes away when your tears blur your vision so badly you can no longer see as flames begin to light up the forest. People are being torn apart—
“Please stop!” Your plea garners his interest, but his stare is condescending as he looks down on you.
“You want to protect the very things which want you dead? That killed their own for such a ridiculous myth? They’ve dubbed you a black magic witch you know.” His visible hatred for humans takes your breath away, unsure how to handle this situation in a way which doesn’t result in more loss.
“They don’t understand—”
“I think it’s you who doesn’t understand.” His words register after the blow, consciousness fading as Geto wraps you up his arms protectively as he stares off into the carnage with a grin. Flames lick the sky as the night wears on.
When you awake it’s to a new nightmare.
You’re inside a barrier, Suguru’s no doubt, and laid on a futon in what seems to be a prayer room. The space is massive but empty, only a slight stand with a large pillow for lounging it seemed on it. Dimly lit by lanterns around the outer edges.
“Ah, you’re awake?” Your eyes snap to his, fear leaking into your veins as you try to scramble back from the special grade. You realize in horror you aren’t in your clothes, dressed instead in what looked to be a dark silk nightgown much too short for your comfort in front of this man. It’s revealing and scandalous, and if it was a different situation you might’ve admired the garment that fit your taste, but you only felt worried of who changed you.
You’re quick to get tangled in the sheets, fumbling around as you stand and take up a fighting stance despite knowing you were a weaker sorcerer than him.
“Those people—” you’re cut off.
“Monkeys” he interrupts.
You huff, your stoic facade crumbling again as you see his smile grow in deep pleasure. You don’t need him to say it aloud, those people are dead now. You didn’t nothing to stop it either. Your pride was certainly wounded, hurt that a sorcerer who should be protecting humans was instead turning around and killing them.
“Why—!” You could only grit your teeth in anger, unable to fathom how he could do such things without a hint of remorse. Even if they’d misunderstood you, even if you’d been judged for your appearance, it still wasn’t the answer to slaughter them like animals!
“Because they threatened you. Because they served no purpose other than to die.” His simple answer left you dumbfounded, only breaking from the spell as you hear a tiny yowl. You look to see one of your cats, a black cat you’d rescued from some punk kids on Halloween with bad intentions, rubbing and purring against Geto’s leg. “Why can’t you act more like this?” His words struck a cord of annoyance in you, as he points down at your cat smothering him with affection like the hussy she is.
“I’m leaving.”
“I’m afraid you aren’t dear.”
“And why not?”
His smile dropped as his eyes fully opened and focused on you now. What were once albeit tired and kind eyes now bore into your own with a burning hatred in their dark depths. Was it towards you? His eyes widened a bit, likely taking note of the terror he was eliciting from you, throwing his hands up and going back to his harmless smiling expression. “No dear, don’t look at me like that. I don’t wish you any harm at all. Quite the opposite in fact.”
What did that mean? Your gut instinct told you nothing good.
“I-I want to leave.” You don’t mean to stumble over your words, nor can you control how your body reacts like a wounded beast cornered.
“Why? Why try and leave when you can stay here and be excepted by your own, where we understand and care for each other. Those monkeys dub you a witch, but here you’d be worshipped as a Goddess as you should be.” He’s deranged, you’ve already concluded, and you don’t listen any further as you turn and rush for some type of exit.
If you can find a weak point in his barrier then maybe—
You don’t make it far, a strong arm locked around your center and throwing your balance off as you’re tossed haphazardly back onto the futon. You gasp in panic, readying your cursed energy in preparation for attack but it doesn’t come. Instead Suguru looms over you, hands on either side of your face as he blocks out the light of the room with his figure. His knees cage your hips in, his robes tickling the exposed skin the nightgown leaves uncovered.
“Please” you further crumble, realizing this special grade seems to have more intentions towards you than just having you worshipped as some sort of deity.
“So pretty. I thought so the first time I saw you too. Like a doll, so expressionless… I like you like this more though. I think I’d like you best if you smiled. I wonder if I’ll get to see that.” He’s too close. His body heat seeping through into you and you can smell his masculine scent. Your heart is racing, and you wished this wasn’t the situation you were in, wished Suguru wasn’t a homicidal sociopath because yes he is handsome. Your body doesn’t care that his hit list is nearly the entire world apparently, heating up under his burning gaze.
His smirk is as terrifying as it is infuriating because he knows what he’s doing. “What’s wrong dear? Weren’t you leaving?” One hand moves, his size and stature bigger than you, his wide palm and long fingers tracing up your side and pulling a shiver from you. You react slowly, hands wrapping around his wrist in a pathetic and lazy attempt to remove it. “Stop. This- this is wrong…what are you planning…?” Your eyes are wide with confusion, lips pulled down in a frown.
“I’m planning many things… but for you? I plan to make you mine.”
He’s not hesitating anymore, likely emboldened by your lackluster efforts to deny his seduction. It’s really not your fault, not with how his hands feel as he finally sits up to admire how you look beneath him. Under him. How his hands dance over your exposed skin, and so gently begin to warm you up in the cool room. “You can cry and scream if you’d like?” His thin eyes crinkling in the corners as he smiles sadistically. You seem further confused as he pets you, your hands locked on both his wrists, fingers not able to wrap around completely. You aren’t stopping him, if anything you just seem apprehensive as he lightly explores you. Not touching anywhere necessarily inappropriate but his actions clearly not innocent either. “Make me out to be a monster, I’m not against taking you forcefully.” You’re frozen beneath him, his soft grazing not aligned with the vicious statement of raping you.
“You’re being so good though, aren’t you little witch?” The word usually used as a derogatory term against you sounds sweet from his lips. He’s leaning down, finally letting his hands caress your chest through the nightgown, cupping your breasts and letting his thumbs playfully poke your hardened nipples. You’d been left without a bra. You kept quiet even as your hips jerked a fraction at his teasing. His lips so close to your own now. “Not going to fight me?” His grin and tone are light, and you’re more surprised by your own lack of will to stop him than his passionate kiss. It’s soft, his lips and the way he’s able to mold them so perfectly with your own. The skillful manner in which he has your mouth opening for him, his tongue delving into your own for a taste that has you whining into the kiss. One hand stays fondling your breast, another moving down your abdomen and close to your heat.
You aren’t given a chance to squeeze your thighs together, one of his knees swift in slotting itself in between your own and forcing your legs to spread. His hand not shy as he drags two fingers over your wet panties. His own groan vibrating into your mouth when he realizes how you’ve soaked your underwear he’d just put you in not long ago. Shoving the lacy piece of cloth to the side, Geto quickly sinks a finger inside your needy core. You’re shaking beneath him, hands moved to wrap around his neck and keep him close as he explores and stretches your gummy insides. “All for me?” He chuckles breathlessly, breaking the kiss with a string of saliva connecting you two for a brief moment. You don’t have his lips to silence you anymore, and your soft little whines and panting are too cute for Geto to control how his hips rut into the futon. “Your mouth up here says one thing, but your pussy is honest, isn’t it?” He’s mocking you, but you aren’t able to protest his words before his lips are back to devouring you. Another finger enters you, pumping in and out as you begin to soak his hand and the futon beneath you. He’s able to reach so deep inside you, focusing on a spot that has your hips shamelessly grinding down against him. “Right there?” He murmurs against your lips, pulling away to trail kisses down your jaw to your neck. He doesn’t tease or hold back now, rubbing that spot inside relentlessly while using the heel of his palm to apply pressure to your clit. Your noises pick up in volume, struggling to stop them futile as he nips and sucks at the tender skin of your neck. Geto can tell you’re close by how your legs try to close, hips jerking and pussy clamping down around his fingers while you mewl under him in pleasure.
“Hah… I was wrong. This expression looks the best on you.” He’s speaking more to himself as you finally come apart for him beautifully. Your eye makeup mostly removed by his hand but a bit of leftover eyeliner smudges down your cheeks as your eyes water and body convulses. You look ruined.
He lets you catch your breath, kissing over your tears and cheeks sweetly while murmuring praises.
“You did so good for me.”
“Looking so beautiful coming on my fingers. Look how much you came.”
You aren’t really given much time to transition from his fingers leaving you though, and being replaced by his hot aching cock. The soft tip unreserved as Geto pushes into you with no verbal warning. You keen, back arching as you feel his thick appendage stretch and fill you almost painfully. Your fingers dig through the fabric of his robes and into his skin, his breath catching as he groans at the feeling of you so tightly wrapping around him. “Really, so fucking tight.” He sounds almost pained even as his laughs, smiling at the sight of you struggling to take him. He doesn’t pause his hips though, just a continuous pace of filling you until he’s kissing up against your cervix. Cramming every inch of himself inside of your wet heat. “Good little witch, look, I’m all the way inside.” He’s amused as you pant, looking down to see indeed his hips were nestled right against your own, pubic hair lightly tickling you. “A little late for this, don’t you think?” He murmurs softly, brushing a few stray tears off your face as you huff, tilting your head back with narrowed eyes. Geto couldn’t help but liken you to the cats which he saved from the forest that night for you. The cute felines also playing sweet until he happened to graze their belly, only to have their eyes narrow and claws come out. Geto laughs, pulling his hips back meanly and slamming inside you, causing you to choke on a moan as you go to wrap your arms around him again. He sets a mean pace, relishing in how good you feel, and while he’s not overly experienced he’s aware he’ll never feel anything as heavenly as being inside you.
“S-slow down! S’too much Suguru!” Your speech is a bit slurred as you cry out, your defiant eyes from earlier melting into something softer and more to Geto’s liking.
“I told you I was going to make you mine, did you forget already?” He’s not kind as he slides his knees forward, your grip lost around him as your hands now clutch onto his robes and distort them. The fabric pulling until his chest is exposed, his appearance more debauched now as his face contorts in pleasure. His cheeks reddened, eyes darker and lips curled into a seductive smile that leaves you tightening around him in arousal. “My pretty and foolish little witch, I’m going to show you why those monkeys don’t deserve your efforts or that of any sorcerers.” You can’t think as he bullies himself into you over and over, cock dragging so perfectly against your walls that you can’t think straight. “I’m going to prove your place is right—hah—here.” you’re left reeling as he sinks even deeper, palm coming to push down on your lower abdomen where he’s punishing your cunt. The black silk nightgown is torn down with his other hand so he can’t watch your tits move with each thrust into your sopping cunt.
“Too much!” You wail pathetically, but he’s too focused on fucking as deep and hard into you as possible to care much for whines. Grunting as he feels the signs of you being close.
“Do you want to cum?” His question hardly registered, a hand coming to grip your jaw tightly as he makes you look at him. “Answer or I’m going to stop.” His threat finally cutting through the fog of overwhelming pleasure. You nod, trying to drag him down to kiss you again, but stopped.
“If you want to cum little witch, I suggest you beg.” His smile is cruel, enjoying the way you panic a bit as you realize he’s slowed down and your high was quickly escaping you.
“You can do better than that…” his hips roll gently now, but you could feel him so much better like this.
“Suguru… I want to cum.. please…!”
Geto groans, his thrusts still even and gentle now, keeping you tightly wound without letting the cord snap. Your hand which moved to touch yourself is quickly captured by his own. Threading your fingers together and pushing your hand into the futon to anchor you. He’s watching himself sink into you, too slow for your liking though as you tremble and babble beneath him. Begging him to make you come.
“I can’t! Please please please, I’ll be good, please.” It’s so desperate and needy it sends shivers down his spine, his cock twitching and balls tightening in arousal. Your hips jerking, trying to make him speed up and failing.
“Good girl.” Is all you get before he’s sliding out and flipping you over. Your hips are yanked up, back forced to arch as he applies pressure to your upper back to keep you pressed into the futon.
When he sinks back in, it’s an entirely new experience. Geto filling you so much better like this. “You want my cock?”
“Yes! Yes, I’wan it~!” Your slurred speech erotic, having Geto closer than he’d like to admit to his own finish due to how tight and wet you were. Your mindless pleas only furthering his own ego and turning him on. “I knew you’d beg so perfectly.” Geto is back to slamming his hips into yours, the soft flesh of your ass taking the brunt force of his pelvis smashing into you. His new angle and pace have you seeing white, hands clutching the fabric of the futon in a death grip as you come harder than you’ve ever experienced. “Fuck!” Geto can’t help but curse as your cunt locks him in a vice grip. His nails sink into your hips, using the momentum in which he bounces you off his cock to yank you back onto him. You’re left limp and pliant, using you more like a sex toy than anything else now as he chases his own high.
“I’m going to cum inside you.” He’s not asking.
“W-wait—!” His words snap you from your pleasure induced haze, panic gripping you as you realize now is the most dangerous time of the month for that and you aren’t on any birth control.
“Pull out! I’ll get pregnant, ngh!” You cry out as you feel his cock twitch and fill you. His hips jerking minutely, not pulling out enough to let his semen escape, but enough to try and press it further into you.
Geto laughs at your whimpers, petting the hair from your face sweetly as he stays still inside you now.
“That’s the point dear.”
It doesn’t dawn on you how absolutely crazy and obsessed this man is with you until this moment. His wandering hands moving you onto your side so he can tuck you against him, lips kissing you like a lover might.
“I told you little witch, you’re mine now.”
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seat-safety-switch · 10 months
Once in awhile, you can get one over on The Man. Finally, after all these years of toiling under his rule, doing his dirty work, begging for his praise, he has well and truly fucked up. And, it turns out, your entire life has been building up to the moment that you can milk him for all he's worth.
Have you ever seen a Dodge Caliber? They're getting sort of uncommon now, but when they were new, they were pretty hateful cars. Cheap, buzzy, surprisingly uneconomical, steering that felt like telling a funeral home operator how to sign a birthday card over the phone by long distance. And they fell apart all the time. Most cars get repaired, but these things got gleefully shovelled into the junkyard at the first chance the owners got.
Not all of them, though. This is a story about one very special Dodge Caliber. You see, my aunt needed a car. And my aunt is very nervous about owning a car. The skills of shitbox repair never made it into her genes, you see, possibly because she is not related to me by blood. So, in order to get that car, she went to the Dodge dealership, and she asked them: can you do a lifetime warranty, unlimited mileage, no questions asked, cover everything? And they said: for you, ma'am, we absolutely can charge you an obscene, eye-watering amount of money.
Once I found out about this, I was mad. And then I figured it out. You see, what my aunt did have was being insanely cheap. That's why she was a part of my degenerate family. She still is, even though my Uncle Larry exploded that one night at Arecibo. Unlimited mileage. There has never been a sweeter phrase uttered in the English language.
Now, whenever anyone we know needs to go for a long trip, we tell them: take the Caliber. Rack those miles up. Punish those stupid motherfuckers for writing such a terrible, open-ended contract. My aunt runs a taxi service consisting entirely of this vehicle, a fleet of drivers constantly rotating in and out, the thing rolling virtually 24/7. I love driving this car, because every single mile that ticks up on the odometer is more salty tears from the low-wattage pig who thought he was a big-time wheeler and dealer down at Old Time Country Dodge.
To their credit, they figured out the enormous error that they had made fairly quickly. When Aunt Hilda rolled in the thing, smoking and wheezing, for its sixth transmission replacement at eight-hundred-and-fifty-thousand kilometers, they offered to buy it from her and give her a brand new luxury SUV, just for being such a great customer. She laughed, and told them to get started overhauling the Caliber, and don't forget to take a look at the squeaking sound it started making in the back.
When things got real bad during the recession, they tried to go bankrupt, thinking that might get them out from having to maintain this economy car until the sun burns out. Ha! Death won't save you, my friend. My attorney Max picked that one up pro bono, despite hating warranty law, just for the pleasure of watching their attorney read the purchase contract. Her eyes got so big that they stuck that way. The paramedics had to use the jaws of life on her eyelids so she could blink again.
If you see me in the Caliber, make sure to honk. I probably won't stop to say hi, because we gotta keep this odometer rollin'. Rest assured, however, that I will honk back, maybe ten or fifteen times. Really get my money's worth out of that horn.
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humornaut · 11 months
Hey, @basil-daisy here.
I just wanted to drop by because there's something that has been eating my insides for a long time and I can't get it out of my head.
I wanna talk about the scenes in Black Space, more precisely the scenes in the Church of Something, both the Sunny route and Omori route, although the Omori route one was really the one that made me think.
Have you ever thought about how the scene where Omori finally finds and "saves" Basil in the Omori route feels strangely like... A wedding?
It's not only the bridal style way Omori catches Basil. It's the way Basil lightly complains about Omori being late, the way they stop as Omori gives Basil his flower crown back and how directly after the act is interrupted by Stranger, who objects the whole "thing". A spectacle a bunch of "guests" witness.
I was always really curious about the church symbolism. For example the way Basil is stuck at the top of the church. I've tried really hard not to think about what usually is in the same place in churches because that comparison is making me die inside, even if it weirdly makes sense (Basil died for your sins U^U).
Besides that we have Sunny's interesting relationship with religion. Mainly that he probably feels insanely guilty. He feels judged by all the religious statues, moreover the snow angels, which are also one of my favourites, don't need to have the game tell us Omori feels judged by them. You feel it just by looking at their eyes.
The fact that Basil is in a church of all places is so telling too. Besides masses churches are known for holding weddings and, well, funerals. And in case of Faraway town's church is has a graveyard right behind it, where Mari lies.
I wonder if the scene in the Omori route is supposed to feel like a wedding but also double as a funeral (considering it marks the end of Stranger and his admittance of defeat that is actually a premonition of Basil's death in real life). It's one of the few scenes between routes that changes drastically and what it represents is absolutely fascinating.
What is really interesting also is that in the Sunny route the scene feels is completely different. It no longer feels like wedding. If anything it is just Basil begging for forgiveness, which does of course ties well with religion. But he's not begging for God's forgiveness, no, he's begging for his best friend's forgiveness.
I imagine this might be another way of showing us that Basil idolises Sunny as well as telling us that Basil feels really bad (what an understatement).
I also question if the Omori route scene is there to mirror the Sweetheart marriage scene somewhat, but I think I would need to dwell a bit more on that to come reach a proper conclusion.
Anyway, I hope you're having a lovely day! 💜
Wow, this is a really good ask! I'm going to break it down into a few different parts.
The Symbolism of the Church of Something
I think you are right on the money in how things go down in the Church of Something in the Omori route. The entire scene does almost play out as a wedding! Not just as a marriage to Headspace Basil, but as a final marriage to Headspace in general. After Sunny moves, whether or not he ever finds out about the fate of the real Basil, he has wholly become Omori. Stranger's objection does represent the last vestige of Sunny's mind trying to stop him from doing this; after all, saving the real Basil is the only loose end that Sunny really feels a responsibility for in a way that he can fix. He may want to see his other friends again, but he doesn't feel guilty for not doing so, because he feels he doesn't deserve it. Basil's a different story, because he knows he did Basil wrong for the selfish reason of protecting himself from his past.
To deepen the significance of this "wedding to Headspace Basil, and with it, a marriage to the concept of Headspace itself", I also want to point out that there is an implication that the end of Black Space in the Sunny route is not an end to the loop of Headspace, which won't happen until Sunny decides to shatter the light bulb on the next night. There is Stranger dialogue in the hub area that makes clear that killing the Basil that has seen the truth in Red Space is something that usually happens, and when you go there, you can find multiple of Basil's bodies littering the area. Instead, it's the Omori route that "breaks the loop of Headspace", via Stranger choosing to attack Sunny for abandoning Basil and the others.
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That's not even mentioning the things that happen after this in the Omori route.
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The flower crown that Headspace Basil gives to Sunny in the last Headspace Night in the Omori route provides twice as much HEART as the next best charm in that department (with those charms being the the Pretty Bow, a charm tied to Aubrey, and the Tulip Hairstick, a charm tied to Omori). The use of the word "precious" is also used in the Sunny route, in the description for Basil's Photo Album:
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All three of these charms are only accessible in the Omori route, as well. The Pretty Bow item is only receivable after defeating Abbi, and is explicitly described as "too flashy for your taste".
Finally, so long as we are talking about weddings in Headspace, there is another thing that we would be remiss not to talk about. To go along with your mention of the Snow Angels (who have another interesting connection that I will go over later), the charm that you get from completing this area is the Wedding Ring.
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As I've mentioned before, there are three different charms that allow the wearer to start happy, and they generally have fairly romantic connotations. First is the daisy, which both you and I understand is likely tied to Basil, but also has a romantic connotation due to the context of being a reward for assisting a character acquire a gift for their crush.
The second is one that I would also tie to Basil.
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The Heart String is such an interesting little item, and the way it is tied to Basil isn't as immediately obvious as the Daisy. First off, this item is really easy to miss. You have to grab it during the chase section within Humphrey, and you can't go back to grab it afterwards to get it. There is also another item in the same area: the Blender weapon for Hero. This item immediately sets off alarm bells in my head, because smoothies (the only snacks in the list that are made in a blender) are snacks that are pretty clearly tied to Basil. Why make these two items into two of the only completely miss-able items in the game? And it doesn't evade my notice that shortly before Humphrey, where you find these charms, you have the Branch Coral, who makes another connection to Basil using the romantic image of a string.
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Finally, the wedding ring is tied to Basil in another way, and that is what's going on in the area that you find it. Obviously, there is a negative association between Headspace Basil and the cold/snow, but there's also the fact that the ascent up Snowglobe Mountain is reminiscent of the leadup to the Church of Something in general, with the stairs and the snow. And regarding the Snow Angels, aside from the religious connotations behind them, there is another neat association. Take a look:
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this was pointed out by someone in a discord server that I am in, and I unfortunately do not remember who at this point. Let me know if you see this and want credit!
I would argue that this similarity was intentional, as an older version of the game had White Egret Orchids looking much different, though I can't find a beta picture of Basil's house at this exact moment. These Snow Angels serve much the same purpose as Stranger in this route: being embodiments of Sunny's guilt for abandoning Basil and refusing to take responsibility for his sins. This takes place on the final night before Sunny moves, the same night that the real Basil chooses to end his own life. These are his final thoughts following Sunny into his dreams (whether you take this as literal or figurative).
One last thought on Basil in the Omori route before moving on: the Basil Rush, and how it’s the most explicit the game ever gets about how Sunny imagines his Basil's closeness.
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Like, oh my goodness. The TAG photos didn't even need to exist, but they were put in anyway! And a little detail that goes unnoticed a lot, is that the hand-holding TAG photo is one in which Omori has initiated it! I think part of the tragedy of the Omori route is that it is most player's second playthrough (if they ever play it at all) and it is when the idea of Sunny and Basil having romantic feelings for each other starts being implied way heavier than before. Congrats! You got some heavy romantic subtext between the two boys. One of them is dead in the real world because you didn't save him.
Moving on!
The Religious Connotations of Headspace Basil
You didn't want to go into it very heavily, but I will: among other things, Sunny's dreamworld has turned Headspace Basil into a Christ-like figure.
Of course, there is his position in the Church of Something, but that's not all. He constantly wears a Flower Crown (crown of thorns, anyone?). In fact, Omori has to give Basil the Flower Crown back in the very first Black Space area, the Watermelon Area, seemingly as a preface for what's going to be happening with Headspace Basil throughout that portion of the game.
Look at what he says during the hide and seek game:
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There's also the fact that in the Sunny route, we are looking at a game that takes place over three days and three nights after Basil disappears from Headspace, which I'm sure I don't have to point out the significance of.
This is a connotation that Sunny is making himself. Basil did not choose to take on Sunny's sins in real life, he expected that they would always be together. It was Sunny that decided to throw the responsibility of both of their sins on Basil, by choosing to forget. Basil will literally die for Sunny's sins in the real world.
Which brings us to the Flower Crown that Basil gifts to Omori after being rescued. Whether Sunny knows it or not, Basil has decided to end his own suffering in the real world. By gifting the flower crown to Omori, Headspace Basil has symbolically indicated that the situation has been reversed. Basil is no longer suffering for Sunny's sins, but Sunny is about to start suffering for Basil's. We are told numerous times throughout the game that Headspace is on its last legs. It's running out of places to hide the truth. We see Black Space leaking through almost everywhere, and the Basil Rush ends in a direct reminder of the day of the incident.
All that is to say, Headspace is seemingly going to fail, and soon. Black Space has grown too strong. If you ask me, it's only a matter of time until news of the real Basil's death has reached Sunny in the real world, and that will be the tipping point. From there on, assuming Sunny even decides to go on after that point, he will be living with the same weight that Basil did for those four years after Sunny left him, and there won't be anyone to save him.
The Sunny Route and Sweetheart's Castle
Finally, you mentioned how the scene goes in the Sunny Route. It should be noted, right after Stranger merges with the version of Basil there is the first time in the entire game that a version of Basil in Sunny's head refers to Sunny exclusively as his best friend, and from that point on, we will see that repeated in Sunny's mind. The room that Omori and Basil fall into prior to Red Space is one that we will see during the truth sequence, but it also appears in the Omori route, in a manner that we should discuss, as it ties into what you said about Sweetheart's Castle being connected. After all, the room that Omori and Basil falls into is the same room that Sweetheart's Castle turns into once you accept the Keeper of the Castle's deal, as I noted in my post about Sweetheart's Castle previously.
Sweetheart herself represents Sunny; both in his quest for presenting a perfect version of himself and his broken understanding of love, both of others and himself. Spaceboy represents the more "Omori" part of him; someone claiming to be above his emotions, but ultimately ruled by them. He even changes his name while he is in a relationship with Sweetheart. From this interpretation, we can extrapolate that their wedding in the castle is a representation of the Omori route's ending, right down to ending up on Snowglobe Mountain.
I also want to point out what happens right after this. You don't immediately just jump on down to the Lost Library. You try to leave, but right before you exit the area, you get the cutscene showing Stranger on the stage, leading you into the hole, meaning you literally need to walk down the aisle of an area explicitly designed for a wedding to follow Stranger into the Lost Library.
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Whether or not you interpret Sunny and Basil as having romantic feelings for each other, this seems very symbolic of the fact that accepting and following Stranger (who I have previously described as the individual in which Basil's love of Sunny resides, be it romantic or platonic) is how you get to the truth. It's as if Sweetheart and Spaceboy's wedding represented the ending of Black Space in the Omori route, while what happens right after represents the ending of Black Space in the Sunny route. And like most of the ways Sunny remembers aspects of his history, the library is tied to Basil. Where the real Basil would provide books for Sunny to read, Stranger leads him to an entire library filled with books depicting his memories, both good and bad.
I hope you found all this interesting! I haven't really gotten the chance to talk about these things before, since I haven't really found the motivation to talk about them in their own post before! I hope you have a wonderful day as well! Time to go back to packing for my flight tomorrow!
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kyra45 · 1 year
Guide to spotting donation scam accounts
I am aware there is multiple guides posted by other accounts but this one is my own based around my posts I’ve made over the months of running this blog. If you already know how to spot scams, then good! Someone else might not.
If you appreciate all the work I did to make this post accurate and easy to understand, feel free to share it and link it to anyone who might need info. If you want to show thanks in another way, I take pocket change by tips. My pinned post also has links to quick access posts that are about scams.
Not all blogs who ask for aid are scammers! Legitimate people do exist it’s just that scammers will take their information and use it as their own in order to get the money for themself. This post is most meant to be a through guide into finding these scam posts more easily at a glance.
So here is a guide to spotting donation scam accounts under a readmore as it is a long post.
Check how old the blog is by seeing if their archive is enabled. You can also guess this by scrolling the blog and seeing if the posts made are entirely random or seem to come from a certain trending tag. Also check the date of the reblogged post by turning on timestamps. Backdated posts are when a user reblogs a post then goes into post editor and tries to make their reblog look older then it actually is. A common mistake is the new date is even older then the post itself was made meaning the user has went and backdated the post to make their account look older than it is. If the archive is disabled, you may only find ~20 posts shared within seconds of the others.
If they sent you an ask to share their post, did it request you to answer privately? People who are requesting aid are generally wanting a public audience to share their post and would not generally tell someone to answer their ask privately unless their up to something suspicious. If your ask says to answer privately, try using tumblr search to see if it was sent to multiple users. An example of an ask is below.
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(Image has alt text! But I will still copy/paste the ask below as well.)
“hi!! I hope you dont find this ask strange, weird or whatever you call it :( Just wanted to ask a favor if you could possibly check the post I pinned for my cats? It’s on this blog, please do check if you have a spare time and reblog/boost it. Im so sorry if I did bother you, just need some help. Please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately, please 😭 🙏 🙏 🐈 “
These asks are known as scam asks, though most commonly sent by blogs that are using content stolen from a legitimate fundraiser for a pet that is needing veterinary care. They are sent to multiple users who have shared a popular or trending post and is sent regardless of it the user would share the post or not. As it stands so far, most accounts who send these asks are scams.
Another type of donation scam is when a user will save the medical photographs of someone’s fundraiser and repost them to say it’s theirs. These can be graphic hospital images stolen off Instagram/Facebook and used in a fabricated story claiming it’s the users grandparent or child of who needs help. Most often, though, there is multiple images used that may not match up with the story itself. Scammers may even fake a funeral fundraiser using a similar method of stolen content.
Above all, donation accounts also will steal Instagram photographs to impersonate people and give them made up names. There are cases where scammers have made fraudulent GoFundMe’s with stolen images and made up stories about sensitive topics in order to get money. It’s important to pay attention and see if the suspected scam account is answering questions about their situation or if their asks and messages are turned off. This is usually a sign they may not be legitimate and are avoiding any questions about their legitimacy.
You may also want to pay attention to the support links given that lead to methods of sending cast. If the local currency isn’t matching up with the given information, it may be sign of a scammer. The most common example is someone asking for $USD but the local currency would be something else and they don’t supply a currency conversion anywhere in their post or explain why it doesn’t match. However, this is just a common scam tactic.
In closing, there are other minor ways to spot donation scam accounts. Such as searching their username up in tumblr search or just asking them to send you more information that relates to their situation. Above all, one of the best things you can do is examine the askers blog closely and see if there’s anything suspicious and do your own research before asking around.
And remember, always report confirmed scam accounts for phishing like so:
Report -> Something else -> Illegal uses or Content -> Phishing
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Code Blue Ch.5 "2:22"
Summary: Lee and Jo share a sweet texting conversation. He later hangs out with Dr. Bloom and soon after finds himself in another mess. Jo worries when her texts go unanswered. She pays Lee a visit and gets more than one surprise.
*Warning* Angst, language, alcohol/drug use, graphic descriptions, mentions of death, child loss, domestic dispute
Stories Masterlist
Salem, Massachusetts
February 3, 2023
After you left, Lee went upstairs to crash and sleep the day away after eating pizza he had delivered. Lord knows he needed the rest after what he had just put his body through last night. He found himself tossing and turning into the night hours...with relentless thoughts of you. Thoughts of the loss you had suffered. He still worried that if you knew he was the doctor that tended to your brother, would you still look at him the same because he couldn't save him? He eventually just laid there talking to himself....and eventually to God, whom he believed in whole heartedly, although he had went through the first few years of being angry with him after Jacob's death.
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Lee then picked up his phone to find a text message from you. When he had used your phone to call his so he would have your number, he actually texted it instead, knowing you would see the message he sent from your phone. It was a simple "Cherries are my favorite fruit btw."
Your reply conjured the biggest smile upon his face.
"So I gathered from the fact of u saying u liked the taste of my cherry chapstick and then dashed off singing about it. How r u doing? R u alright?"
Lee rubbed his eyes and sat up, staring at his phone in the darkened room, contemplating his reply. It was 11 pm, twelve hours after you had been there and he had only slept merely three of it at the most.
He swung his bare feet across the bed and placed them on the wood floor as he yawned and turned on his bed stand light, then put on his reading glasses.
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"I am fine. A bit sore and bruised but ok. I just woke up actually. Gonna get up and continue cleaning this money pit lol. What about u? R u alright? How did things go with your mom?"
You had tried so hard to fall asleep but Lee's cologne was all over you, teasing your nose and other parts of you that ached for him. As you placed your hands on your face to inhale his remnants, you were startled by the sound of your phone chiming. You instantly hoped that it was Lee. Fumbling to look at the screen, his name appeared and awoke your butterflies from their dormant state.
"Hey u. Yes, I am fine and I am so glad to hear from u. My mom is drugged up on sleeping meds right now. We have to go to the funeral home tomorrow which I am dreading. I just woke up too, right before u texted me. Weird lol."
Lee softly chuckled. "Clairvoyant maybe? Ur not a witch are u?🤔"
If you had told him about your dream of him being hurt just eight hours before you found him passed out cold on the floor, he might actually think that you were. Hell, you even wondered sometimes, as this wasn't the first time you've ever had premonition like dreams.
"Well, I do live in Salem in one of the witch houses my father bought. I'll let u ponder on that. 😉"
"Oh dear lord. Well that is just perfect. I love witchy stuff."
"Really? Me 2. I actually write about things like that, fantasies and fairytales etc...it's just a hobby but it keeps me grounded, a coping mechanism per se. I kinda like escaping life for awhile."
"Well no shit? I don't write but I love to read. Your genre is right up my alley. I no what u mean about wanting to escape, even if only for a little while. I guess we now have another thing in common."
"It looks that way. So cool. So....do u believe in wishes?"
"Witches, maybe. Wishes....not so much. Why do u ask?"
"Because it is 11:11 right now."
"Ahhhh. Let's just say I have wished upon it before, but I never was granted my desires."
"Well...hurry. Make a wish right now before it turns and I will too. Maybe if we wish at the same time, it will come true lol."
Lee chuckled, then decided to humor you and closed his eyes. The wish he would have liked to make, he knew would not come true...ever, for it was for Jacob to be alive. He had wished it so many times, he lost track. The wish that invaded his mind in that moment stunned him. He wished for you. He had actually wished for you in the past. Not you literally per se as he never knew you, but someone just like you he longed for. It seemed to him that wish may already have been answered but he wanted to do it again, to maybe seal the deal...He then laughed at himself for being so ridiculous. He knew these things weren't real.
In that same moment, you made the same wish. You wanted him. You wanted him so bad it hurt. If only you both had realized that you wanted the same things, a wish would not even be needed, for destiny would take it's course regardless.
"Soooo...what did u wish for?" Lee asked.
"If I tell u, it won't come true. Ha ha."
"Alright. So if it does come true, u will tell me right?"
"Most definitely. Hey, I'm gonna let u go for now so u can go do ur cleaning n stuff. I gotta get up early for all the funeral stuff and what not. Talk later? I hope."
"Oh fo sho girl. Get some sleep...and...thank u so much for everything. Goodnight witchy woman. 😂"
"Omg lol....ur so welcome. Ok. Goodnight Lee. ttyl."
"Sweet dreams lady luck."
Lee began his cleaning while he was wide awake and in the mood. He knew this was going to take him longer than the two weeks he had off because he still had other priorities. He needed to visit his father and still check in on patients by consulting with the covering physician. Plus he had farm animals to tend to along with a cat and a dog, which he would go do each day at some point, and if he absolutely could not do it, he had well paid trustworthy people to take care of it.
He laid his phone on the table with pandora app set on the 80's pop rock station. A song came on that got him in a spunky mood as he started singing while collecting trash from the back porch.
"Josie I've got your number. IIII'm gonna make you mine. Josie don't change your number 867530 ni eee yiiiine." He laughed to himself in amazement at how well that fit with everything.
The doorbell rang in a frenzy. Lee opened it to find Orlando with booze in hand. Wine and whiskey, and of course, munchies.
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"Banando!! Come on in man and give me some of that."
Lee grabbed the bottle of whiskey from Orlando's hand and trotted into the kitchen.
"Man, you weren't kidding bro. They really did a number on this place." Dr. Bloom said as his eyes scoured the living room.
"Tell me something I don't know...and if you tell me you open mouth kissed a horse once, I am going to kick your ass."
"Ha ha ha. No...I didn't do that...not recently anyways." Orlando grinned and poured himself a large glass of wine as Lee sat down with the Jim Beam, drinking it straight from the bottle.
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"Why does it smell like women's perfume in here dude? You got some chic here somewhere??"
Lee was taken aback that your floral scent still lingered after an entire 12 hours had passed. He figured he must of become nose blind to it, but then he did slightly notice it after Orlando brought it up. The reason he could now smell it was because it was all over his tee shirt from when you had your body against his to help him off the floor...and when you had hugged him, which then explained why Orlando smelled it. Now Lee knew why he could not sleep, besides the fact that you had clouded his mind with your golden eyes and his ears with your angelic voice....and his nose with your succulent sweet scent. He seriously needed a shower, he told himself...a cold one.
"I wish." Lee chuckled. "I think it's your cologne."
"Oh, that's hilarious Bee Gee Lee....Seriously man, I smell it. Who did you have here? What's the big deal?"
"Exactly. What's the big deal?" Lee snarked and took a swig of his whiskey and swiped his finger over his phone., then glared at Orlando as the song by the bee Gee's played called Massachusetts.
Orlando set down his glass and stared at his best friend. "Ok...like...did I just strike some invisible nerve here? What are you not telling me? It's me man. Why do you act like you have some classified secret or something?"
Lee swigged another drink. "Because it is...technically. Doctor patient confidentiality." he smirked.
"Oh hellls naw. Are you shitting me? You're fucking a patient?"
"Whoa, hey. I never said that."
"Uh...you didn't have to. I see it now. It's written all over your sexually deprived face. Who is it? You know you gotta tell me."
"No, I don't."
"Don't or won't?"
"Can't. You know that. If it's a patient...well technically, she's not but.."
"There's that word again, technically. And what?? So there is a...she? Damn it man, spill it."
"Stop getting your also sexually deprived self in a twist. It's just....a girl...that I met at the hospital."
"A girl...a.... girl? Lee mother fucking Pace has met...a girl?" Orlando raved. "Ok, this is news worthy stuff here."
"Ok. This topic is closed. I gotta get this shit hole cleaned up. You helping or not?"
"Yep...I will help....when you tell me who this girl is that has you so damn secretive. Since when have you kept these things like this from me?"
Lee gazed down at his bottle. You weren't just a thing to him, that was why. He respected you, how could he not?
"Since now. I just don't want to talk about it alright? I got too much shit on my mind as it is."
"I'm sorry man. I know how hard this time is for you. I haven't forgotten what yesterday was."
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Lee immediately deflected. "So, judging by your attire, I see you just came from the hospital. How are things going there?"
"Oh, you know, the usual. Nurse Theresa always up my ass about my handwriting. You know she rudely came into a room when I was tending to a patient and scolded me right in front of her. Such bullshit man. It's how I write. If I try to change it, it will literally take me forever to get things done. Even the patient was pissed off by it. Called her a bitch after she had left the room." Orlando chortled as he pictured that moment.
The good doctor knew that patient was you and he still didn't tell Lee that you had requested to see him, even after he told you he would when he saw Lee again. Orlando wanted his own chance with you and he knew he wouldn't have a prayer against his best friend, since he could tell you were into the ridiculously gorgeous Dr. Pace. Even Nurse Theresa didn't give Lee a hard time and his handwriting was far worse than his. Dr. Bloom had always secretly walked in Lee's shadow.
"You know what I always say to that." Lee coaxed.
"Yep. Fuck em."
Both men bellowed in laughter and continued chatting and drinking for about another hour before attempting to get some work done. It was 1 am and Lee was heavily feeling his tippling inebriated state affecting him. He had never been much of a drinker until the accident and he could usually do it in moderation until the anniversary dates came around, and it certainly didn't help with him by being in that house with all of Jacob's memories and belongings.
Lee just wanted to sell it. Out of sight, out of mind kinda thing. Stupidly he went upstairs to drunk dial Elizabeth and tell her he decided to do it. She had no claim on the property so why he wanted to inform her was even beyond him as he avoided her like the plague. But as usual, his intoxication would always make him do stupid things. Such as drunk texting you as well.
"P.S. I don't want u to let me go." His thumb hesitated over the send button...and then he pushed it. What did he have to lose at this point, he thought. It's relevance was to the end of your prior texting session when you told him you were going to let him go so you could get some sleep.
Then, he called Elizabeth.
"Lizzy...it's me."
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"Jesus Lee, it's after 1 in the morning. What the fuck do you want?"
"Do you always have to be such a bitch? I need to tell you something."
"And it couldn't wait till morning? We haven't even spoken in over a year. What could you possibly have to tell me that I could even care about?"
"Ahhh morning. Yes..I am in mourning...still. How about you mommy dearest? Sleeping like a baby at a time like this..."
"Are you drunk?"
"Maybe. So? What's it to you? It's how I cope...unlike you who don't give a shit about what happened to your own son. New man less than a month after, new house and a new baby. You've got it all, moved on without a care in the world. Speaking of, that's why I called. To tell you I am going to sell this place. Then all of it will be non existent to you. Oh wait...it already is. My bad."
"And this involves me how exactly? I don't give a shit is right, about what you do with that dump and I am certainly not going to sit here and listen to your drunken rants. You need help Lee. I suggest you get some."
"After what you did to me? To our son, oh sorry, I mean your son. So is your child even the new guy's kid? or are you going to make him believe it is like you did to me? Then drop the bomb on him at the most inopportune time? And if anyone needs help Lizzy, it's you, to learn how to buckle a fucking seatbelt!"
Lee slammed his thumb on the end call button and hurled his phone against the wall as he roared in rage.
Orlando came running up the stairs to find Lee in a panic induced state.
"Lee, man what just happened? I heard you yelling."
Lee slowly turned to him seemingly disoriented.
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"Lee! Are you alright man?" Orlando proceeded in concern as Lee wouldn't speak and began to breath heavily.
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"Lee, snap out of it man! You're scaring me. I hate it when you get these attacks. You need to breathe..."
Lee knew in that moment how you must have felt just before you passed out. Orlando's words echoed and faded as Lee raced down the stairs and then all went black as he crashed to the floor.
February 4, 2023- 5 am.
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Your hand blindlessly fumbled to disable the screeching alarm clock and then you laid back with a sigh after turning the light on. Up you finally went to go get a shower and begin the dreaded day.
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Another hobby and talent of yours was ice skating and you were damn good at it too. So good that you could have went down that path professionally, but that wasn't what you wanted as a career. To you, it was just a sport that you began as a child and it became a huge stress and anxiety reliever as you got older. It was all for fun as well and twice a month, you even taught lessons at the ice rink downtown, and one of those days was today. You always went early so you could skate alone with the music blasting and you certainly needed it before you had to go with your mother to make funeral arrangements.
You quickly checked your phone, solely to see if Lee had texted again for any reason and there it was. The one he sent at 1 in the morning telling you he did not want you to let him go. You had to sit back down on the bed for a moment as it had taken you aback. Staring at his words, you pondered on how to even reply to that. What did he mean? A smile formed on your face as you felt a bit flirtatious and sent a simple reply.
"I wasn't planning on it 😉"
Finally, off to the shower you went but not before placing your shirt up over your nose and breathing in his lingering fragrance one last time. You swore you would never wash that shirt.
When you came out, immediately you checked your phone but there was no reply. Of course, though, it was 5:30 am and surely he must be sleeping, you thought. Out of curiosity, you checked the status of the text. Sent but not received. So now you figured his phone must be off and decided to text him later.
It was 7 am when you got to the rink as first you made breakfast for you and your mom, making sure there wasn't enough for Megan when she got up, which probably wouldn't be until late afternoon anyways as she was absolutely unproductive in every aspect of her miserable life.
You unlocked the door and turned on the lights, kicked on the music then sat down and put your skates on.
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An oldies genre you picked today, 60's to 70's. You were just in the mood for something different than your usual rock genre. A song came on you hadn't heard in quite awhile. Massachusetts by the Bee Gees.
"Perfect." you said and went gliding out onto the ice. The cold breeze felt so good on your face as you did twizzles around the arena. Your thoughts instantly drifted to Lee and how much you already missed him. As the song concluded, you did a few axle jumps and then whirled around in a camel spin and merging into a sit spin.
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You skated until 8:30, then sat down for a break as the class wouldn't begin until 9, which consisted of a dozen girls ranging between the ages of 11 and 13 and would last roughly two hours.
Checking your phone again in hopes to see a text from your dashing doctor, a frown devoured your face to see nothing. Probably still sleeping, you thought. You spent the remaining of your break thinking of him and the way his firm body felt against yours. God, you wanted to see him again so bad.
The class was finally over at 11 am and you then went home to change into something more appropriate for the funeral home appointment.
Lee awoke on the floor to a raging headache and a broken phone laying beside him....and Orlando asleep on the couch. He grimaced at the sunlight shining on his face and laid his arm over his eyes as he moaned and groaned in agony.
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Memories of the prior night were vague but one thing he clearly remembered was stupidly texting you.
He painfully propped himself onto his elbow and saw the shattered screen on his phone. He then recalled throwing it against the wall upstairs after his heated conversation with Elizabeth. Orlando must have brought it down and laid it beside him.
He tried to power it on in desperation to see if you replied but it was dead and most likely trashed.
"Shit..." he muttered through his foul whiskey breath and let it drop from his hand.
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Orlando heard the clunk and sprung up with a gasp. He had barely slept as he kept checking Lee throughout the night and early morning to make sure he was breathing. Lee's loud obnoxious snores had assisted in leaving Orlando sleepless so he knew he was going to be alright, but he still had to make sure and monitored his vitals. Dr. Bloom had witnessed these episodes on more than one occasion, even without liquor being a factor, and knew a trip to the ER was not warranted. Lee would have kicked his ass if he had called 911, but Orlando would have done it regardless if he felt it necessary.
"Well look who's up!" he shouted intentionally with a grin.
"Fuck you." Lee snarked and grunted as he placed his hands on his head.
"Oh I am sorry. Am I too loud?" Orlando snickered.
"Yes and I would prefer it if you did not speak at all."
"Well I am going to, to tell you what you already know. That you're a dumb ass. Why the hell do you keep doing this to yourself?? I am always saving you, from high school up to now."
"I was taller than you then, and I still am. I think I can muster the strength to come over there and kick your scrawny ass if you don't shut the hell up."
"Duly noted."
Lee staggered his way up to a standing position and quickly leaned on the wall. He still felt drunk.
"I think I am going to be sick."
He ran off to the bathroom just around the corner and upchucked yesterday's pizza and last night's booze. The taste made him continue his vomiting until he was doing nothing but heaving bile. He laid with his arms draped over the toilet seat and his head hanging almost inside of it.
"God...somebody kill me please." he exclaimed in a growl as he dropped to his butt and leaned up against the bathtub. Orlando peeked around the corner with a now serious and concerned face.
"You're doing a good job of that all on your own. Take some Tylenol with a shit ton of water and go try to sleep. I'll stay. I don't have a shift today. I can make lunch later if you're hungry then."
Lee moaned and laid his head on his knees. "God...no...no food. Man, my phone. It's history. I need it. I have to explain to her..so she understands...."
He abruptly stopped as he remembered exactly what he had said to you.
"Explain what and to whom? Lizzy? I assume that's who you were screaming at since I couldn't help but hear what you said."
"Fuck no...just forget I said anything. Can you go get me my other phone??"
"Just use mine man, if it's that important. It's that girl isn't it? The one you won't tell me about. Damn....you got it bad. I've never seen you act this way over any woman."
"No..." Lee blurted out and raised his blood shot eyes to Orlando. "I...I need one anyways...like now... so could you just do that? Go to the farm and bring me back some soup and crackers or toast. I think I can handle that and keep it down....and feed the animals please? I think my phone is in the kitchen....on the table."
"Alright. I saw Tylenol in the cupboard. Go take some and lay down. I won't be long."
Orlando left and Lee made his way to the kitchen to chug down ice water and take some pills. He stood over the kitchen sink with his hands on the ledge holding himself up and let his head hang as the humiliating events of last night scrambled through his pounding brain.
Off to the couch he went to lay down and try to sleep. All he could think of was you and what you must be thinking due to his blatant text. And he thought of Orlando's words. Yes, he was so right. He had it bad and he didn't know what to do about it.
You ravaged through your wardrobe in disgust. It wasn't that you hated dressier clothing, but the fact of what it was for. What you did hate was heels. You were a boots kinda girl and saved the murderous spikes and unstable wedges for when you had to work on the Haunted Star, as it was a fancy party venue. It absolutely amazed you that you could balance perfectly and gracefully as well as be on spot with coordination on a thin sheer blade over the slickest surface but could twist your ankle or fall at the drop of a hat in a pair of high heels. It wasn't even just the footwear that was a problem, as you were just uncoordinated as hell off the ice. Accident prone was your middle name and you had the scars and bruises to prove it.
You finally chose a long sleeved burgundy button down shirt to pair with your cream colored skirt, completely annoyed with the flimsy material as you fought with trying to find the sleeve.
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Then you kicked off your boots and slid your feet into a pair of boring black heels, then pinned up your hair in a messy bun. Mismatched as hell you felt but were running late so it would have to do.
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"Jo! Come on...it's time to go. What on earth are you doing up there??" your mom hollered up the stairs.
You sat in a chair at the funeral home waiting on the director to come out. Your mom sat beside you with a kleenex clenched tightly in her hands and said nothing until she saw your nose stuck in your phone. You were texting Lee to check on him since it was now 12:22 pm and you had heard nothing. All the usual assumptions ran through your mind as the status still showed sent only. His phone was clearly off. Was it dead? Was he ignoring you? Did he change his mind about wanting to be friends? Did you do or say something wrong? But then your mind wandered to worry. Was he alright? The anxiety was sneaking up. What if he was hurt again? You decided that if you did not hear from him by the time you left, you were going to go check on him.
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"Josephine LeeAnn March! Is that all you can do is play on your phone right now?" your mother snapped. She only called you by your full name when she was fed up and meant business.
"Mom...calm down. It's not like we're doing anything at the moment."
"Calm down? Your brother's body is somewhere in this building where we sit and you are more concerned with texting whomever in the hell it is that you are texting. It's that damn doctor isn't it? Why can't you just be happy with Dave? The man adores you and you won't even give him a chance."
You ignored that last part of her ramblings as you were not going to discuss your love life with her.
"Mom...can you not say it like that? His...body."
"How would you have me say it then? That's what it is. You know, I had to see it don't you? To identify him. I couldn't even do it! His face was unrecognizable. All I had to go on was his clothing and his ring. The rest of him was badly burned. Do you know what a sight that was for me??"
"Thanks Mom, I didn't know but now I do after that detailed description. You do remember that I was there when it happened? You so did not need to tell me all this. I have enough anxiety as it is."
"Well maybe you should try taking your medicine and then you wouldn't have that problem." She turned her head and said no more.
God you couldn't take this. No one understood how the medicine made you feel. No one but Lee. You put your phone away to please her and sat with your head turned away as tears burnt your eyes.
It was finally over and you all went back home with a funeral date only days away. You didn't even bother going inside and quickly got in your car, taking off like a bat out of hell with a destination of Lee's place. One more time, you attempted to contact him by calling this time. It went straight to voicemail. You contemplated on leaving a message as his beautiful voice flowed into your ear.
"You've reached Dr. Pace. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. If this is an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital."
It was an emergency. You needed him but how ridiculous was it that you felt that way over someone you barely knew. Maybe you should just call Dave instead, you thought. No, you couldn't. You didn't want to. Something felt off and you were extremely worried about Lee after how you had found him...and even more so after his strange text in the early morning hours. Had he been drinking again?
Trying to compose your voice, you left a brief message.
"Hey Lee, it's me...I mean Jo...just wanted to check on you. I'm actually on my way to your place right now. I hope that is alright. Please all me back...or text. Ok...bye."
Your voice started to break up as you had told him to call you back. You hurried and ended the call so if by chance he got the message, he wouldn't hear you being a big baby. You honestly thought you should just turn around but something wouldn't let you.
You cried all the way there after a song played that struck every chord in your soul. You had noticed the clock when it had started. 2:22 pm. Strangely, it was the time you were born. You had this thing with seeing numbers in various ways and at certain moments, wether it was the time, catching the microwave's countdown or even the total on a purchase just to name a few. It was always double or triple digits of the same number. 11, 22, 33, and 44 were the big ones for you, and the 3's came in other ways too, such as the eerie pattern of celebrity deaths. The clairvoyance probability really wasn't that far fetched.
The first time you ever kissed his mouth, you absolutely did feel the earth move in your hand like the trembling heart of a captive bird....just like the lyrics said. You were in way over your head with this man. He had awoken something in you and made you feel alive again. He made you breathe....and without him, you would suffocate.
You pulled into the driveway behind his car and noticed the clock at 2:44. You released a stunned giggling sigh, wiped your eyes and got out, quietly closing the door.
As you came to the front door, you could see Lee through the three small windows it held, sitting on the floor playing catch with a ball against the wall.
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You could hear soft muffled music and him singing from inside as you knocked but he didn't hear you, so you walked in.
He then heard your voice and turned his head.
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When he saw that it was you, he eagerly staggered his way up and almost ran into the wall, in which he then leaned on as a crutch. You could tell he had been drinking or maybe even on something else.
"Miss Massachusetts. What are you doing here?"
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You sucked in a breath and began rambling.
"I'm sorry, the door...it was open and you didn't hear me. I..I wanted to check on you...your phone...is off or something. I....I hope it's ok that I came."
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His body moved unsteadily as he tried to balance and seemingly didn't want to look you in the eyes.
"Yeah...that. Sorry.. I kinda broke my phone. Seems it can't handle the impact of a wall. But my other one should be here soon. Of course it's alright that you came. I am glad you did Jo March. Sucks being here all alone."
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'Ohhh...yeah. That can happen." you lightly laughed. "Lee...are you alright?"
"Never better...now that you're here anyways....So...you came all the way here to check on me? Why?"
"I...I was worried about you when you didn't respond to my texts and call."
"You...texted and called? Shit...I am sorry. My phone...I broke it."
"So you already told me. Lee, what's going on?" You sat your purse down and walked over to him as you were worried he was going to fall.
His eyes looked you up and down and then he just gazed at you. His eyes were so glassy and his pupils dilated. He was definitely highly intoxicated, or just high....maybe both.
"My god, you...you are so beautiful it hurts."
Your lips slightly parted as a small gasp escaped them. How were you going to respond to that?
As you went to offer a simple thank you, the door opened and in walked Dr. Bloom.
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deadendtracks · 11 months
Continued from here...
On to season 6 finally. One thing that surprised me looking back over the season is that as far as I can recall, Tommy doesn't actually ever directly say that he's trying to be a "good man" in those terms.
I searched the @peaky_script twitter for that term and it doesn't come up referencing Tommy at all. Which isn't really how I remembered things, but *is* more in line with what I think is going on. What he does talk a lot about is "changing." Of course, the question is from what into what, and the implication is certainly at least "something better than he was." It just intrigues me that he never specifically refers to it as becoming a "good man," even if that's somewhat implied. This contrasts with Arthur, who flat out calls himself a "good man" a few times in canon -- most notably while assaulting and slashing up the man Linda was seeing in s5. What Tommy *does* talk about is doing good things (such as the housing project), but that's something of a tangent.
In the first episode of s6, Tommy does say to the men in Miquelon since I foreswore alcohol, I've become a calmer and more peaceful person. This is the first glimmering of Tommy making purposeful changes. Of course, he says it right after being quite violent in self-defense, so it's said with a bit of conscious irony. It's also fairly evident that swearing off alcohol didn't particularly make him calmer or more peaceful (I've written before about how giving up self-medication of his PTSD actually made him a lot less stable and anxious). But this is at least something he's attempting to achieve in some way.
So yeah. I went looking for Tommy talking about changing into a good man in s6, and what I found was that he never quite says this, and the places where he does discuss anything close are a) mostly after Ruby's illness and b) still pretty ambiguous.
The first mention of him 'doing good' is in the scene with Ada at the Garrison after he's talked to Captain Swing.
Ada, this will be the end of it, do you hear me? This is the way out for all of us. And along the way, I will be doing good.
and when she points out he's going to be making money:
All right, fair enough. Any incidental rewards for my good work will be welcome. But you will get your fair share, sister.
What I want to underline is that he doesn't talk about being a "good man" here, he talks about *doing* good and about his *good work* -- I know this might seem like semantics, but I don't think it is. I think there's a difference.
After Ruby is admitted to the hospital, Tommy sits at her bedside and tells her he'll strike a bargain to save her. He goes looking for Esme. Esme takes him to a burial site and tells him a story about Evadne Barwell blaming him for her daughter's death and cursing Ruby in revenge. Setting aside whether this actually happened or whether Esme was fucking with him, this is when he starts the sort of magical thinking/transactional deal making in earnest.
He tells Esme he's done bad things, that he'll give Evadne ten thousand pounds and build a monument to her daughter if she'll reverse the curse. He tells her his children are teaching him kindness. Notably, he says Now that I'm without whisky I can hear the spirits clearly, and they're saying Ruby will be well, if I make amends. That is the conversation.
Again, he doesn't say that this would make him a "good man" so much as it is a transactional 'deal' where if he makes up for his sins, his daughter will live. If he strikes the right bargain, if he convinces Evadne Barwell to take back her curse by giving her money.
However, Ruby dies before he can find Evadne Barwell.
Tommy's speech at Ruby's funeral continues this theme of change and *doing* good:
Little Ruby's fate came a thousand miles too soon. But in her name and in her memory things will change.
And whatever comes down the river from now on, we will make good, we will make peaceful and honest and good and send it on down the river better than it was. In her memory we will do this.
Notably, he says *things* will change, and that *we* will make things good in her memory. It's quite ambiguous what he actually means by this, and he doesn't directly refer to himself. Given he's been talking about going fully legit since season 1, it at least carries the connotation of getting the family out of the violent business and concentrating on the positive work he's been doing in parliament. But he doesn't say anything specific. And I think in part, he has no concrete idea what he himself means here.
And of course, directly after saying this, he leaves the funeral and hunts down Evadne Barwell and murders her and the three men who try to defend her. Absolutely not the actions of a good man and not remotely making things peaceful and honest and good. When he returns home, Lizzie confronts him about what he's done, screaming WHAT IS THIS "GOOD" THAT YOU WILL BECOME?!
His response is that their bodies will be thrown aboard the boat, like all the other bodies, but I am stepping off that boat and onto another boat. Do you understand?
Again, he's not really specifying what this other boat is, except it's not the one with the bodies on it. And it's interesting that Lizzie asks him what is the good he will become when he hadn't actually framed it as he *himself* becoming good. It's understandable that she interprets it that way, and it's not even that he doesn't mean it that way, but it's not something he's said to that point.
That night, Mosley, Mitford, Captain Swing and Jack Nelson show up at his house for their meeting. Mosley asks Tommy to prove his dedication to the fascist cause "physically" in the form of the Nazi salute, which he complies with. Tommy is then shown staring at Ruby's chair and then abruptly leaving the meeting to go outside and scream at the sky while firing a machine gun. Later we find out he burned Ruby's chair in the fire place.
One thing I haven't really talked about is the impact on Tommy of working to take down Mosley. This starts in s5, and it's something he was immediately terrified of. Briefly, he's afraid of what he'll have to do to destroy Mosley; this is at least part of why he tries to have him killed. Mosley's talk of the forbidding being forbidden, the talk about Mosley sleeping with his family members, Mosley basically trying to tell Tommy that he should hand over Lizzie to him -- all of these things freak Tommy the fuck out. But that's another longer meta. The point I wanted to make is that "proving" his loyalty to the fascists in front of a representation of his daughter, the day of her funeral, really fucks him up.
And this brings me to my original point! LOL I did have one. That he doesn't look at killing Mosley as something that would make him a good man. I've already talked about how he never frames anything in s5 in those terms. In s6 he's moved past trying to kill Mosley to working behind the scenes privately to inform on Mosley to Churchill. To do this, he has to keep up this charade of being on Mosley's side, working for the 'cause,' by introducing Mosley and Nelson, President Roosevelt's envoy.
When Lizzie discovers him typing up his notes from the meeting the next morning and tries to reach out to him after he talks about burning Ruby's chair, he stops her and says:
Not yet. Not yet. I have this work to do cos now I know that I will change. That I have to change. And change for good, Lizzie. Not just yet.
What stands out to me here is how he says that he has to change (again, not specifying what he'll be changing into, and not framing it as a 'good man') but not just yet.
So what does he mean by that?
My interpretation is that he knows that what he'll need to do in order to succeed in bringing down Mosley will require him to do things that don't fit that 'change for good.' It requires the man who is willing to murder people, the man willing to do a Nazi salute to prove his bona fides, the man who will sleep with Diana Mitford to 'prove it physically.'
That man *isn't* a good man. He thinks that in order to achieve his goal, he has to stay the man he currently is.
Anyway, that was incredibly long, but hopefully illustrated the point that I think Tommy doesn't believe killing Mosley (or taking him down from the inside) will make him a good man; on the contrary, he has to remain the 'bad' man in order to do it. He has to put off this "change for good" whatever that means, because it will be impossible for him to do what needs to be done otherwise.
And I'll conclude by saying that the "change for good" that Tommy talks about doesn't seem to be linked to anything specific or concrete that he'd do, so much as it is about the things he'll *stop* doing. So it's not really framed as "if i do this, i will be a good man" but "to make a change for good i will stop doing these bad things." Which is why he can't make that change while there's still a chance he needs to do 'bad' things to achieve his goal and stop Mosley.
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We should lure her in the alley. 
And then boom
Stab her. 
No what if someone spots us in a camera or something?
And if she screams everything is over 
It's probably not a good idea
Okay then how about we kill her in her sleep?
Idk if that will work
But for that we need to get her address you dumbass
And getting into her room at night is probably not going to be easy
Ohh i totally forgot about that
Okay how about we push her from the terrance..... 
Arlan! Ffs that's not going to work either!
Someone will spot us going upstairs! 
Plus the door is always locked! We will need permission to take keys from the office 
And everyone will already suspect us by then you Dumbass! 
And remember if she survives the fall we all will be dead 
 [UNKNOWN4 saved to contact as ARLAN]
GG Zaid 
[UNKNOWN3 saved as ​​​​to contact as ZAID]
Hah! You suck at this!
No wonder you failed the science test Arr! 
Wait hold the fk up
Arrr you said you aced the test and promised to tutor me! 
Skype you scumbag! You promised to keep it a secret mann! 
[UNKNOWN1 saved to contact as SKYPE]
I'm sorry but i couldn't control it ... 🤭
STFU I'm pissed
Sry Angus but i really needed that money 
[UNKNOWN5 saved as to contact as ANGUS]
Dude I was literally going to fail again! 
Thanks to Sky ! 
Your welcome <33
And you guys say you love murder movies
none of you MFs can suggest a good idea in the past two hours! 
Not to mention but even your suggestions sucked
Finally someone who speaks English! 
Right on time Drex , I have to admit I was on my last brain cell dealing with these guys🤦‍♂️
No problemo my man
I'm here for your salvation
What the hell is wrong with you 
everything I guess?|
everything I|
Nothing is wrong with me buddy 🤨
Drex used a fucking emoji! Drex used a fucking emoji! 
*Le gasp*
Time for fucking evolution! 🎉🎊
Dammnnn Drex is changing, I can finally rest in peace :') 
I'm proud of you man 🤠
Thanks ma 👬 buddies
STFU you three 
Drex Wtf is wrong with you? 
Are you feeling alright
Nothings wrong with me 🙄
 you better check your eyesight👀
You shut the fk up Jin 😃
We're having a moment. 
[UNKNOWN2 saved to contact as JIN​​​​​​]
[Jin is typing......]
Um guys.... 
Don't disturb Zaid. 
Let us speak
I can't believe we finally did it. 
We changed that cold asshole
Man I'm tearing up
All our efforts
did not go in sane
It's vain not insane Skype
Stfu I know what I'm talking about
Jin's been typing tooo long 
I suggest you brace yourself Drex
might as well be ready to die 💀 coz he seems pissed
Nothing's wrong with you? Bitch, you know, everything's wrong with you. I already have my eyesight checked before I said that, you dumbass. You're fucking lucky I never complained when I saw that shity demonic face of yours. Makes me wanna jump off a building and die. You should try get a fucking life, it's free. Why don't you come up with something creative to say you sack of pearly packaged horse shit- Or are you too scared? I wouldn't be surprised that such a shithead like yourself is really just a pussy cat. 
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Guys we have a problem... 
Not now Zaid,  we fucking witnessed a murder... 
Let's have a two minutes silence for Drex's funeral⚰️
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He lived a good life 
[You are sending a file......... ]
Here have a snicker Jin
You're not yourself when you're hungry
And also no need for a freaking funeral I'm still alive and kicking Jin
Wha-what the holy fuck? 
*spits water*
*spits coffee*
*spilts coca cola*
That was a good one
bruh  but SERIOUSLY what happened to him? Is he drunk or something? 
Stfu I'm just baffled by your stupidity Drex 
These 3 brats really spoiled you to the brim
Oh please I'm glad they did 😌💅
And what were you saying again Zaid? 
Oh yeah I was saying.... 
We made a mistake guys, that person isn't Drex, it's someone else because he's been cursing in my pm like there's no tomorrow. 
[Angus is typing...... ]
[Jin is typing......... ]
[Arlan is typing..... ]
62 notes · View notes
quote-tournament · 1 year
First round, thirty first fight
Quote number 61 :
If I knew then what I know now, I might have said, "It's simple. Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it."
-Castiel, 6.20: The Man Who Would Be King
Quote number 62 :
"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances.- Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah! Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick our job today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. - Wonder what it'll be like? - A little scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! - That girl was hot. - She's my cousin! - She is? - Yes, we're all cousins. - Right. You're right. - At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. - What do you think he makes? - Not enough. Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman. - What does that do? - Oatches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions." [...]
-Bee Movie (2007)
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anotherprofessional · 2 years
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Might delete later.
According to all known laws of aviation,
there is no way a bee should be able to fly.
Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
The bee, of course, flies anyway
because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little.
Barry! Breakfast is ready!
Hang on a second.
- Barry? - Adam?
- Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up.
Looking sharp.
Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those.
Sorry. I'm excited.
Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son.
A perfect report card, all B's.
Very proud.
Ma! I got a thing going here.
- You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me!
- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye!
Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house!
- Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry.
- Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation.
Never thought I'd make it.
Three days grade school, three days high school.
Those were awkward.
Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive.
You did come back different.
- Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.
- Hear about Frankie? - Yeah.
- You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going.
Everybody knows, sting someone, you die.
Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead.
I guess he could have just gotten out of the way.
I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day.
That's why we don't need vacations.
Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances.
- Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are!
- Bee-men. - Amen!
Students, faculty, distinguished bees,
please welcome Dean Buzzwell.
Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of...
That concludes our ceremonies.
And begins your career at Honex Industries!
Will we pick ourjob today?
I heard it's just orientation.
Heads up! Here we go.
Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times.
- Wonder what it'll be like? - A little scary.
Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group.
This is it!
We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life.
Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.
Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as...
- That girl was hot. - She's my cousin!
- She is? - Yes, we're all cousins.
- Right. You're right. - At Honex, we constantly strive
to improve every aspect of bee existence.
These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology.
- What do you think he makes? - Not enough.
Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman.
- What does that do? - Oatches that little strand of honey
that hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions.
Oan anyone work on the Krelman?
Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones. But bees know that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot. But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life.
The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that.
What's the difference?
You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years.
So you'll just work us to death?
We'll sure try.
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lilacliquors · 1 year
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day nine: santa baby
pairing: kingo x reader
word count: 769
notes: here's day nine! to be honest, days 10 and 11 might not be out on time because, as i said in a previous post, we lost my grandfather. his wake is tomorrow evening and the funeral is thursday, and these next few days are going to be very draining and upsetting. i'll try and write these prompts as distractions, but i truly make no promises.
as always, reblogs, comments, and asks are highly recommended, and likes are appreciated. enjoy <3
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every year for christmas, kingo surprised you with something lavish. it was just who he was as a person, and as a partner. one year, he’d surprised you with a soft and fancy bathrobe, one you had been saving up for yourself. you’d always wanted one, they felt lavish and made you feel elegant, and he never forgot the way your eyes lit up the morning you opened it up. of course he got you a few other things, but that was your big gift. and it’s still in use to this day.
another year, your car had been on the brink of breaking down, and it needed repairs, serious ones. so you began saving up for a new one, mindful of your spending habits and putting away money from work. at this point, you and kingo had begun living together, and he insisted on taking care of bills. so your job became just a way to save up for things you wanted, and soon, you were even able to leave that job and start up your own little business, and it made you even happier. but that year, on christmas morning, kingo had brought you outside and surprised you with your dream car. it wasn’t the one you’d been saving up for, that one felt so far out of reach, but here it was sitting in your driveway, and it took everything in you not to cry as you hugged him.
the year after that, kingo took it upon himself to surprise you with a cruise. it was a trip that started after the holidays, since he knew how much you enjoyed staying home for christmas, but for a week and a half in january, the two of you were sailing, sipping cocktails and enjoying the bahamas, as well as each other’s company. it was surreal, and seeing your smile every day made it all worth it for him.
this year, you found yourself wondering just what stunt he would pull this time. you already had everything, it felt you you two had done everything, and maybe this would be your first quiet year. and honestly, you wouldn’t mind it. a nice quiet christmas day full of christmas movies, hot cocoa, and a delicious dinner afterwards sounded like heaven. and that was all you expected when you went to bed the night of the twenty fourth.
christmas morning arrived a lot faster than you thought, and when you woke up, you were alone in bed, but the sheets were still warm, meaning he only just got up before you. with a yawn, you sat up, tossed the covers back, and got up, going to grab your favorite bathrobe and head out into your living room. everything was beautiful and bright, and a fire was going, yet kingo was nowhere to be found.
“kingo?” you called, looking around.
“in the kitchen,” he replied. you smiled and went into the kitchen, but again, he wasn’t there. instead, there was a plate of breakfast sitting at the table, and a note beside it. you picked it up, and it read ‘eat up, then join me by the tree’. with a smile, you sat down and ate, enjoying every bite of your favorites, then went to put your dish in the sink. following the instructions on the note, you made your way back out to the living room, and to your surprise, it was dark.
“what’s going on? kingo?” you blinked a few times, and then suddenly, the tree lit up, and kingo was in front of it, down on one knee, with a box in his hands.
“oh my god,” you whispered, tears welling in your eyes.
“you had to know this was coming. we’ve done everything together, we’ve seen the world together, and now, i want to spend eternity with you. would you do me the honor or marrying me, so we can make that a reality?” he asked, opening the box to show you the ring. it wasn’t too much, not gaudy or extravagant. it was simple and sweet, everything you’d ever dreamed of.
“oh kingo … of course i will,” you said, walking over to him as he stood up, with one arm, he pulled you in for a kiss, and then he slipped the ring onto your fingers. you held your hand up to admire it, and he pressed a kiss to your temple.
“was this just as good of a christmas surprise?” he teased.
“you kidding? this is the best one yet. i don’t think you’ll ever top it,” you said.
“well, there’s always next year.”
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on-noon · 1 year
Find The Words Tag
i got tagged by @saltysupercomputer, @elizaellwrites, @talesofsorrowandruin, @autumnalwalker, & @dogmomwrites
& I was challenged to find the words: place, shower, curl, memory, photo, Bless, Soul, Jam, Key, Wind, silver, stunt, hoops, hurry, blast, instill, physical, rational, character, muse, something, anything, nothing, and everything
(putting under a read more because 23 words is a lot)
i am tagging: @cljordan-imperium @my-cursed-prince @junypr-camus & whoever else wants to with some words I didn't find: bless, jam, stunt, hoops & instill
place (Countdown To Magic)
Fagonwi is the only other person working currently, besides me. She decided we didn’t need all those people, we could save on their wages. She’s terrible at managing this place. And what are the savings even for? It’s my dad’s money.
shower (Jacen & Tristan)
I wake up with Tristan going through some exercises. I use the refresher, take a shower.  Then I join Tristan in his exercise. I can't keep up. 
curl (fff168)
Warren curls around me, and we sit there and watch the ever-changing colors.
memory (forgetful)
When writing this, I had to decide to trust my memory. I put details in here I felt were false because of that. However, I didn't add any details I know to be fabrications, leading to this having only sparse details. I already feel I'm lying for ninety percent of the book, I can't add any details or dialogue I have no memory of.
photo (Archives of Flying & Falling Through Space)
They all ask me about my family, if I have a photo. I don’t have one of my whole family, none even with Leofric. I put up a photo of my mom. I had to find a photo of her for the funeral, and it turns out the only thing I could find was five years old and from her work.
not found. fun fact: Forgetfull might sort of be inspired by a Minecraft world I built with my brother?
Soul (prompt-based)
I always somewhat worried about the day I would switch bodies. My dad– I was eight when he switched. They didn’t meet up in time and it wasn’t until the next day that my dad got home. In a different body. Did that take some getting used to. Dad and his soul mate argued and parted ways. So that quickly broke the illusion that everything works out with your soulmate.
not found. fun fact: Rin (main character of forgetful, deciding that now) is a best-selling author
Key (Jacen & Tristan)
I start up my computer and scroll through job posts. All for someone with office skills, or science knowledge. Things Sabine has. I then open up my document and type out a few words of the rebel story. I check back on the job posts. Find a job in a factory, probably repetitive labor,  send in the resume. My doorbell rings. I should get Jacen a key.
Wind (Countdown To Magic)
The boy in his coat, scarf flapping in the wind runs up to me.
silver (Dragonless)
 I make it to the logic section, which has a library with books on all sorts of topics, most of them boring. I found room 18, the door is open. I walked in and see a girl with silver hair.
not found. fun fact: Rin has not maintained consistent contact with anyone for over a decade (need to figure out at least a vague outline). The closest she has to a consistent contact is her editor, who she sends her manuscripts to.
She hasn't seen any return messages from the editor, though
not found. fun fact: Rin went to boarding school
hurry (ChemistMan)
“Well, the fire was started in the chemistry lab, and you were the last one there, according to Professor Niatta,” Professor Lahise says. “I left in a hurry because I was late for lunch. Maybe I left the door unlocked,” I say
blast (The Search For Ezra)
There’s a loud laser blast. We must be under attack. I rush out, and see Sabine already at the guns shooting at a transport.
not found. fun fact: The first boarding school Rin went to was failing, and closed down while she was attending
physical (Anti-Extinction)
I flew that ship back and forth from a small town to the world-ship to a house in the middle of a forest to the world-ship, cramming in as many people as physically fit.
not found. fun fact: Rin's family lives on a boat!
character (Jacen & Tristan)
“Thanks.” he says. “I modeled them after the Ghost crew. No-one is modeled after a specific person. They’re all mash ups. I would never be able to write a character that’s my sister.”
not found. fun fact: in the world of forgetful, wireless communications aren't really a thing. Her family, living on a boat, had no way to recieve communications from her boarding school.
something (Countdown to Magic)
Once we’re out of the room and turn a corner, Caspian Acker says, “If the reason you can’t do magic has something to do with your family, you can always talk to me about it. I’ll be able to figure something out.”
anything (Countdown to Magic)
“Did mom come home?” I ask. “No, not yet,” he says. “Say, do you know anything about our taxes this year? They were due last week.”
nothing (Countdown to Magic)
I extend out my arm, try to think about coaxing the spell back to life. I hope nothing happens. But water starts trickling out of the wall, and I get dizzy.
everything (Mars Culture)
“That’s good. Be kind to them, remember they just moved from everything they know,” she says. “I had to move too. And you’re giving me all these demands,” I say. “Moving planet is very different than moving from one colony to another. Everything is different here, food, gravity, the culture,” Ertan says.
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acespec-ed · 2 years
I’ve been running this blog for quite some time now, and though I don’t get asks regularly, when I do get them, half the time I feel like a broken record answering them. So, I’m implementing guidelines on asks and will update this as needed.
1. Please read my FAQ first. If you’re on mobile and the link isn’t working, try going here instead.
2. Don’t send me any asks involving needing money for surgery/funerals/moving out, etc. They make me uncomfortable and I’ll just delete them. Please take the advice of this post instead. 
3. If you are looking for a label that fits, please go to my ace glossary. It’s so well organized, you could potentially find that label within minutes. I spent countless hours making it, so that others can use it as a resource. I even update it when I discover a new label. It’s where I go to find labels for people asking and 99% of the time, I find a label there within minutes. If you can’t find a label there, chances are, I can’t help you. 
Adding onto that, labels don’t have to fit 100%. And it’s okay if you prefer to use umbrella terms or not use labels at all.
4. If you want to send me hate, please note that I won’t read it. The second I realize something is hate, I go straight to the block button. You will only succeed in wasting your time.
5. It’s okay to ask me anything that could possibly be aphobic. As long as you make it clear it’s a genuine question. 
6. Please don’t send your ask in a DM unless it’s something quick. 
7. I tag all asks as “asks.” You can browse through that tag to see if your question has been asked or if your topic has been discussed. (It’s okay to send asks that have been discussed before though- as long as it’s something that can’t be answered in my FAQ.)
8. I’m aplatonic, so I’m no use when it comes to asks involving platonic attraction. I do experience romantic attraction, so I can answer stuff about that! (But read the FAQ first- it’s described there with a link to a helpful post on what it’s like.)
9. On top of that, I get a surprising amount of aromantic-related questions. Though I will answer these, and reblog the occasional aro post, this is an asexual blog first, run by someone who doesn’t identify as aromantic. So you might have better luck asking an aromantic-focused blog. But again, I’ll still answer those kinds of questions along with other a-spec related stuff like aplatonic, asensual, etc.
10. If you want clarifications on anything in my FAQ or glossary, you are welcome to ask! These guidelines are just to help save both of us time.
All that aside, if you send an ask, you can expect an answer back within 1-3 days, depending on how many asks I have and my energy level. I also always post them publicly. So if you want it to remain private, please say so. 
Thank you! 💜
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I wrote a thing while listening to hells comin' with me a while back and forgot to post it. so here is some writing inspired by the song.
Dearest friend,
It has been three years since the warning was given. The citizens of our town know darn well what will soon befall us, but there is not much we can do now. 
The rumores throughout the town consider the traveler to be undead. A curse upon the valley by an old witch whose powers died out with the crops. The crop failure was our fault after all. The father of the church told us all to salt the ground of the crops that could be easily accessed so that the poor could not steal from those whom god had gifted with a bountiful harvest. 
“It's wrong to take what god has given to others,” he said. 
That night a man stormed into the town hall saying he had found his missing sister beaten to death on the floor of the fathers tool shed. Three days later, he was stoned to death for breaking into the fathers property. Apparently anything owned by ‘the voice of god’ counts as ‘holy ground’. No one said otherwise. It’s a bad idea to question the voice of god after all.
Although a few secretly held a funeral for the girl, in remembrance of her beauty and dedication to the church. Not her brother though, it's best not to mourn the damned. 
The traveler arrived shortly after the money raised for the church building had been used to buy the father a new set of boots. Our generosity had been gods gift to him, he said.
The traveler arrived in a cloak and a hat that covered their face with a gun hanging from their belt. Their worn boots creaked the wooden boards as they entered the church halls and stode in past the pews. They were covered in a layer of dust that could have only been acquired by walking through the desert on either side of the valley. From the look of the tears and patches on his pants, I’d guess he lived out there. 
The man walked into the middle of the room, when the father welcomed him to take a seat he took out a jar and claimed he obtained it from a witch who took pity on him and granted his wish to be the greatest sheriff in all of the land, and our town happened to fall under it. 
“She granted my wish and gave me the power to find injustice in the world and bring them to their eternal punishment. I will drag your soul to hell you blasphemer before the jury of your peers and the eternal judgment of the underworld.”
He then listed the fathers crimes in front of us all, things I can not even bear to let leave my pen, things that I pray will be eternally caged in my mind as if that will keep them from escaping. 
The church was silent as the grave, and with his cloak he may as well have been the grim reaper. I was strangely calm. We were taught not to fear death. Death is the will of god.
It was odd. I can not recall his face, it was as if there was something wrong with it. Perhaps it was the shock. Perhaps something worse. 
I spoke up. I could not stand it, so I stood. “If he is damned than what of us? We are good and honest people. If he has done all you say than could we, his community, not save him? Bring him to the light?”
As the words left my mouth I could feel his eyes burn on me like standing too close to a fire, I felt if I stood in his sight too long I might be set aflame like a sinner condemned for their crimes. 
“I am a man of justice, and you are the jury,” he considered. His voice was rough but quiet when he spoke to me, like sand beneath boots. “I will give you three years time. If you can reform this foul sinner and change this town for the better, he may live, and in his death, you may pray the devil have mercy on him. However,” he raised the odd jar into the air. “If he is not reformed, if this town does not change, the person taking his soul will not be the devil. It will be me. And I will use my own methods to fix this town.”
And with that he walked out the door and left.
I live in a town of cowards and fools. They sat in church every day after that thinking if they listened extra hard to this man of sin they may be saved. I tried, my love, I really did. But I can not speak to god. And I fear saying this. But I am so angry I will write it. I will write it so small that even god himself can not damn me for it. I do not think father can talk to god either. I tried to save my town but I do not know how, all I know are that cursed man's words. I do not want to be damned but I fear I may be. 
I pray when I write you next, I write in ink instead of blood.
Your dearest friend.
My dear friend,
I haven’t much time, I must write quickly, and I do pray that this letter does not arrive to you in flames.
He came back. The church house is ablaze. The man in the cloak set the fire and when we went out to see what damage he had done, we came to find the father hung by his neck with his tongue and throat ripped out. The man in the cloak stood beside his swinging corpse with his hands dripping in red.
I dropped to my knees, I could not stand it, so I fell. I think I heard screaming. My neighbor fell beside me and started incoherently begging for mercy. But I couldn’t hear him, even though we are not to beg to those who are not divine. My eyes were fixed on him.
He raised his fist soaked in blood to the sky and turned to us. His voice was rough but no longer quiet. It was bold and clear as a mountain is tall. With his fist pressed to the sky he yelled out to all of us, us terrified sinners and said these words: 
“I am the righteous hand of god! And I am the devil that you forgot! And I told you three years past that I’d be back, I guaranteed! And now hells comin with me!”
And hell did come. It screamed up from the earth and down from the sky. My dearest friend, I ran and ran and took my things. I know we are not to care for material possessions but I care for you, and if this is the last you hear of me, know this! Do not burn those who are unjust. Burn those who protect injustice. For if you do not, hell will see no difference between the bystander, and the criminal.
I love you my dear
My dear friend,
Its been a while.
I did not die, nor was I sent to hell. I ran. And I ran far, but he found me. He found me on his way to another town. He asked if I was ready to die. I could not stand for it. So I blurted out before he could finish, “How does one save a man who damned them?”
He seemed taken aback. He was then silent for so long I thought he had forgotten about me, but he spoke again, in a voice so soft, it sounded like sifting sand. 
“You could not. The only way would have been to save yourself first, but to do that you would have had to leave.”
I looked at him, surprised at his answer, it was so sincere. “Did you do that?”
He went silent again before taking off his hat and looking at me straight on. His eyes did not burn this time. “You can not learn what secrets you are keeping, until you find out why you did not speak them.”
I hope one day I’ll figure out what that means. 
Be careful my dear friend. Hell walks with him.
Your dearest friend.
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originalnovelist · 1 year
INVOLVED: Samuel Evans and Rebecca Evans. LOCATION: Cleveland Clinic; Cleveland, Ohio. TIME FRAME: - NOTES: Rebecca decides Samuel’s fate. 
Rebecca gazed at her brother as he lay there, she had so many emotions whirling inside of her she felt like she was going to explode. Begging him to wake proved futile, her hope had died long ago, and now she was just all around exhausted. Defeated moreso. She exhaled looking around the white room, her mother had left to grab herself a bite. She hadn’t been in the room alone with him since he entered the hospital. She didn’t want to be honestly; it was entirely too surreal. What if his heart had given way while she was sitting in the chair beside him, she might as well have die too she wouldn’t be able to handle that. No matter the person, another body in the room had managed to give her a little comfort during the ordeal. 
“How could you leave her everything?” she finally spoke, she looked back at Samuel. She could hear his remark, like a knife cutting ice he would have torn into her. But right now, he couldn’t. He was unable to attack them in his normal beastly manner in this state, it was unfamiliar to her. She almost longed for him to curse her out. “She doesn’t even love you, she never did. She never will” the bitter woman spoke. “She’s in this room crying over you, laying at your side pretending that she isn’t the fucking reason you are laying right there right now. I hate the idea of her, of you letting her back in. I begged you not to. I forbade you to and you did it anyway” she said clutching her fist. “And now you are going to leave her all of it?” she asked him. 
“You didn't even have the balls to tell me yourself you went to your accountant and your lawyers and you handled it all. Weeks ago” she yelled, putting emphasis on the news she’d gotten mere days ago. “You have it all mapped, the money you are dispersing between the six kids. The royalties of the books! Your funeral Sam?” she said in disgust. “You planned the entire thing, flowers, music, colors” she listed on her fingers. “I am fighting for your life and you ending yours” she confronted. “This is about around the time you’d tell me it doesn’t have anything to do with her right, but it does. You can’t have her the way you want her so what, you don't want to be here at all?” she asked him. “You are selfish as hell for that, casting aside everybody who really loves you who needs you here for one bitch” she spat. 
“An inferior bitch” she added as she got up from her chair, she ran her hands through her greasy chair. She was lacking in the self care department but that was a sacrifice she would make for him. “Here I am trying to get these people to do everything they can for you” she told him, standing at the foot of his bed. “Your whole life I’ve been trying to protect you, help you, save you and you won’t even save yourself” she barked. “Get up!” she commanded “face me” she told him irritatedly. “Tell me to my face everything I’ve done; all the studying, all the crying, all the praying was in VAIN!” she argued. 
“You are improving, they have done everything they could for you” Rebecca told him. “I can’t think of anything else and I am tired, I don’t want to think anymore. I want you to get up. But you aren’t right?” she asked him. “This is it. That is what you are saying to me, to us. The book spelled it out quite clearly, you are ready to go and right now we are selfishly keeping you here, on this fucking machine…. wasting away anyway….” she turned her head away from him. She wiped a few of her tears, her head shaking as she pushed off his bed. “Alright” she said, a chuckle leaving her, the sound leaving her mouth morphing into a cry. “You win” she said to him “I won’t fight you on it, I am going to give you what you want. You left me a road map…. We will go from there…”
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