#mentioned human experimentation
wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
1, 4, 10, & 17 for the Weird Questions for Writers! <3 - TheCityThatDoesntSleep
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I used to write in Book Antiqua, because I like how it looks. Then I stopped switching from the default in Google Docs, which is Arial, and it turns out I write so much faster when what I'm writing doesn't look like a finished book about to be published? I have no idea why. I just happened to learn that during Whumptober 2021 when I was writing too fast to bother changing the font, so now that's what I use.
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Irregardless. Just writing it out makes me grind my teeth a little. It's just wrong. In the sense that it literally is wrong, gramatically, but also that it just hurts my soul.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
The pieces of writing that are coming to mind are books: Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater, and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. To me that means they've stuck with me through the years as something that still strikes home, still makes me feel so intensely. They both give me this intense longing for something, like a homesickness for a place I've never been.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
So the only WIP that has this amount of detail and history to it is one I haven't discussed too much. It's my OC Corva's story. It takes place in the same universe as "No Prisoners"; I actually started writing "No Prisoners" as a way to help troubleshoot some worldbuilding that was not cooperating. And this got long, so it's going under a readmore.
As for what won't make it into the text? Heck if I know; I'm still doing a shitton of research for how to write the damn thing in the first place. Corva's backstory is lab whump, but it's a lab that actually has rules and regulations in place. Which means I need to figure out the way the rules and regulations fall short of actually helping her, because her start in life isn't actually all that great.
Corva is actually a clone, magically created in a lab. (This world is a horrifying amalgam of sci-fi and fantasy and I will drag you all with me as I descend into madness writing it.) The elven experimenters had a willing participant who allowed herself to be cloned, because she was interested in being part of the research team too and being a human on an elven research team is a difficult task to accomplish. So she signed all the necessary paperwork to let herself be cloned.
Here's where things get complicated.
Cloning is not actually a difficult process. People have been doing it for centuries in this world as a way of testing medicines on themselves-but-not-themselves, if you get what I mean. The problem is that artificially created beings are basically empty shells. They're in a persistent vegetative state. No brain activity.
No soul.
Magic in this world works because of hand-wavey connections between souls and spirits that I'm not going to explain here (but will probably explain in "No Prisoners" in the not too distant future of that series, so. Eh.). The point is that souls give off energy that they can detect magically, and mages' souls are tied more loosely to their body than mundanes'. The experiment was to see if the mage that they cloned could create a connection with a similar soul to her own, and basically pull it into the empty cloned body that they had ready for it.
Well, the mage managed to pull a soul. It just didn't go into the cloned body.
It went into the mage's own body.
So, where did the mage's soul go? No one is quite sure, because the cloned body should by all rights have a soul in it. It was a nice empty vessel right there for a soul to inhabit! No one is quite sure why it didn't work! The cloned body is displaying different readings than before, but not nearly enough to be considered anything but comatose.
That body gets put into long-term storage. (Basically cryo.) Now the attention turns to the actually inhabited body.
See, the researchers were expecting to get back their research partner/experimental subject of the mage, and have a docile, confused new consciousness that they could interrogate talk to and study.
This is not what happened.
The being who would eventually name herself Corva woke up scared and in pain, strapped down to a table (for safety reasons for the mage, of course, wouldn't want her injuring herself if something happened during the experiment), surrounded by people she didn't know. She immediately panicked.
Her magic responded to the panic by attempting to destroy what had scared her. Aka the lab.
In this world, there are 6 elements that a mage can control. The four basic elements—air, water, earth, fire—are by far the most common. But there are two others that occur very rarely. Like once in a generation rarely. The mages of these elements are generally stronger than typical mages, and their elemental control allows them to live for (at least theoretically, because it hasn't exactly been tested) forever.
These elements are light/life, which is seen as a good omen, leading to light mages being almost worshipped. And shadow, which is connected to death. People are not all that tolerant of shadow mages; there was actually a purge not too long ago (a few centuries) where all the known shadow mages were found and killed.
This is, of course, ridiculous. Light mages can be horrifically destructive, and shadow mages can be excellent healers. It's all about the angle you approach the problem from. Cancer is just life that's out of control, and who better to hold off death than a mage that controls it?
Yeah, that argument hasn't made much headway in popular opinion.
So. Corva is a mage. Of the six elements, guess which type.
If you guessed the one that automagically makes people hate and fear her, you guessed correctly! She's a shadow mage.
But wait! There's more!
See, not only is Corva a shadow mage, she's a shadow mage without a familiar. In this world, all mages have a spirit as a familiar. The spirit is of the element they can control. So if you see someone doing magic without a familiar? The assumption won't be that the person is a mage. The assumption will be that the person is possessed by a spirit.
So yeah. There's a large number of people in the lab that straight up think Corva is a demon. There are even academic papers published on both sides of the argument, whether she's a demon (the colloquial term for a spirit possessing a mortal body) or a really, really strange mage.
Hey, they were messing with forces they didn't fully understand. Why wouldn't they get something new and strange out of it?
Being an untrained and very powerful mage, Corva can't exactly be set loose in the community. She's held in the lab—for everyone's safety, including hers, of course! And once she's learned control? Well... that's when the loopholes and everything come in.
(Aka more research needed. I need to research more. But yeah. They aren't just going to let their most interesting research project of the millennium just leave.)
All of which is a very long-winded explanation of who Corva is, and why she has sooooo many issues. Anyone who made it this far, great job! Wanna learn some more about the world and its inhabitants as a reward?
The world, called Arcadia, is a hotspot of magic because it's the pet project of the six major spirits of the world, the aspects of each element. They're not gods, and they don't have the same morality as mortals (catch-all term for non-spirit sapient beings). But they are endlessly curious and enjoy seeing how things play out. They made this world a torus, basically a donut shape. Theoretically it could happen naturally, but it's extremely unlikely to be stable in the long run, though there are stable toroidal configurations for planets.
(Did I spend a long time searching about this? Do I have an entire folder of bookmarks about this research? Yes. Yes I do.)
So the planet is shaped like a donut because the not-actually-gods wanted a more interesting shape than just another sphere. Their interest and meddling in the planet is what makes it more likely to have mages born there than anywhere else in the universe.
Toroidal planets have more areas of temperature differences (4 poles and 4 hot regions, with enough axial tilt to the planet) and just really fascinating fluctuations in gravity compared to spherical ones. This led to a large variety of life evolving on the planet. There are two main sapient life forms that evolved. One is a short, stocky species that lives in the higher gravitational areas and tends to reside underground. They are known as the dwarves. The other is a tall species that lives in the lower gravitational areas, braving the harsh weather and placing strong values on community and survival. My working name for them is the tarashi, but often in my head they get referred to as the not-orcs because well, they're not orcs, but there are a good bit of overlapping features!*
*(Okay what actually happened is that the worldbuilding originally was done by a friend of mine, and I just inherited it. He wanted to have more typical fantasy races: trolls and orcs, along with the dwarves and elves and humans. I decided that was too much, collapsed his ideas for both species into one, and have been trying to find a better name for them than not-orcs since then.)
But Lunar! I hear you say. That doesn't include elves or humans, and you already talked about those!
Yes, well spotted dear reader! That's because neither elves nor humans originally evolved on Arcadia. I haven't worked out all the details on this, but they originally evolved elsewhere and have a common ancestor. (Yes, this means that half-elves are possible. Half-dwarves and half-not-orcs are not, not without some serious magical DNA manipulation, because the species are not related to humans at all.) They... didn't get along all that well. Elven experimentation on humans has a very long history, and it used to be even less ethical than it is now. (Toying with the idea of humans formerly being used as slave labor for the elves, but I would have to make sure that's written sensitively and I'm not sure I'm up to the task.)
How did they end up on Arcadia? I don't know. Haven't decided. But the planet they originally came from has been forgotten, or destroyed, and this fact will probably never show up in the actual writing.
This story is near and dear to my heart, and I've done a lot of work researching and planning and building for it. But I want to give credit where it's due: none of this was originally mine. I had a friend who dreamed all this up when he was back in high school and kept building on it from there. He sadly committed suicide a little over a year ago, and left his world in my care. I swing wildly between wanting to keep it preserved like a shrine to him, and gleefully tearing down stuff that he didn't think through very well and replacing it with my own work built off the same ideas but better planned because if he didn't want me to do that, he should have stuck around!!! I will probably never be able to say what's entirely mine and what's entirely his, because he had invited me to be a co-author on his book set in this world even before he passed, and I did a lot of brainstorming and worldbuilding with him while he was alive.
So yeah. This story means a lot to me, but it can also be really hard because of all that went into me getting here.
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deadsetobsessions · 4 months
Spider in Gotham AU- Pt.2
Peter’s no stranger to memories that comes as nightmares. There’s something different to them, the taste of terror that’s tinged with a feeling of “that’s happened.”
Flashes of Aunt May, dying as he stood next to her while choosing the city over her? Old hat. Inky darkness surrounding MJ falling as Peter reached for her, over and over again? Been there, seen that, didn’t even get a sick scar out of it. Racing against the clock to defeat some bad guy or an unknown threat? That’s his Thursday.
But this?
This isn’t his. It’s real, Peter could tell that much. Sure, it’s wrapped up in silk hisses and heart crushing terror, but Peter could always tell whether a nightmare was a nightmare or whether it was a memory.
This was a memory. Not his. His. It’s complicated.
“Your father, papito, he-,”
Then, it’d be the ruffle of his hair, brown eyes. It reminded him of his mom. But the crease of these eyes were different. Hardened, mean. Even towards him.
“Well, he said no, but I knew what he really wanted.”
The base of Peter’s neck always crawled when he remembered that line. His spider-sense warned him that whatever he’s remembering, he would not like.
“Ey, Peter.”
“Huh?” Peter blinked, looking up from where his arms were elbow deep in wires.
“Don’cha need gloves with that?” Frank asked, munching on some jerky. They were sitting in the living room, repairing a TV and a washer Frank had somehow managed to lug back to the apartment. It’s a toss up between Frank’s network of orphans (Peter included), street rats (these things are not mutually inclusive), or his own slightly higher than average strength. Not that they needed to thrift broken things, considering Peter’s funneling money from offshore bank accounts belonging to this America’s 1%. They just made it so easy! He and Ned had been hacking into government bases in middle school back on his world. This world? Not even a challenge. Regardless, this was kind of like… Frank’s version of those fancy sensory boxes for Peter.
“Oh, no. It’s not plugged in, see?”
“How’re ya gunna know it works then?”
“Plug it in after I’m done. Turn it off and on, you know?”
Frank stared at him, then rolled his eyes towards the ceiling.
“If you burn down that portion of the house, at least we’ll be warm for a bit.”
“Thanks. Your confidence in me is astounding.”
“You talk like an old man.”
“I do not! Excuse you! If I’m old, you’re the expired knock off cup ramen in the back of a convenience store!”
“Yo, shrimpy, that’s rude, ya hear?” Frank snickered, impressed at the quip. The Alley kid turned brother stood up to plop next to Peter.
“So… you gonna go…?” Frank made a whooshing sound and held his hand in a web shooter position.
“Tonight? Prolly. Anything I should look out for?”
“You’re gunna get yourself killed, but yeah, heard the gang’s back up north.”
Peter flashed a smile, dimples coming out. “I’ll try not to. Thanks, Frank.”
“Anytime, Spidey.”
Frank, though little (to Peter), was a good friend. Then again, considering Peter saved his ass both in mask and out of it, it’s to be expected. One would think that after eight years of hiding his identity, Peter would be better at it. Then, he got punted into a different world and got made by a child.
To be fair, the circumstances all but screamed Parker Luck, so Peter’s not counting this instance.
See, the first few days of this sudden cohabitation, Peter had asked Frank to find them furniture. Both because he was getting real sick of eating on the floor and because Peter needed to fix his suit to match his much younger body. Then, once he readjusted the shrinking nanotech and the spider legs to fit him in a way that wouldn’t break him, Peter had promptly swung out of the building and went patrolling. He stuck with the wandering Frank, taking out muggers and robbers and everything in between and past that around the area where Frank is.
Looking back, Peter realized how lucky he was when he decided to go on the “helping joyride” at the beginning of the evening. His spider-sense activated way later in the night, the moment where he began seeing and sensing the cameras that kept pointing towards him. He ducked and dodged out of the way, and eventually, the feeling left. Somebody was watching. And he doesn’t know where they stood on the moral side of things.
Anyways, it happened after three weeks and a half of going out and just… settling into life in Gotham. He had already been struggling to find a way home, scouring the libraries around Gotham on any subject that would aid in his multiversal travel. Peter would like to know which emo kid named this city.
Eventually, Parker Luck decided to strike once more.
“Get back, freak!” The lady brandished a wicked knife.
Talk about deja vu.
“Oh no! Knives! My greatest weakness!” Spider-Man yelled, sticking to the shadowed windows as he let his voice echo in the alley. Gotham had a lot of nice hiding places. Spider-man dropped down on her head like a bat out of hell and webbed the knife out of her hands. He webbed the mugger up onto the alleyway above normal reach, and told the man to call the police.
Frank screamed, just as Spider-man wrapped it up, loud enough to reach his enhanced hearing.
“Wait-!” The man tried to stop him, but Peter, small, trained, and having readjusted his reach, slipped away.
“What’s your name?!” The guy he saved yelled at his back.
Spider-man, distracted, yelled back, “SPIDEY!”
He shot webs upwards and used them to slingshot his way towards where Frank was. And… car! Peter used his webs to swing up, up, and let himself fall to gain momentum. At the last moment, Peter shot a web to the top of the car and pulled himself to it.
Shit, shit, shit. He’s stupidly attached to the kid, and he was stupid enough to let Frank go out into Gotham looking both well-fed and well clothed.
The world slowed as he locked eyes with a terrified Frank, who was getting dragged into a car.
The world narrowed to speed and Spider-Man landed on top of the car roof, sweeping his leg out and thankfully remembering his much shorter reach. His foot collided with the kidnapper’s face with the equivalent force of a grown up, slightly annoyed Peter Parker who’s letting his strength go a bit unchecked. Basically, they went flying, blood spewing out of the undoubtedly broken nose Spider-Man had just given them.
Standing on business, the shorter webster promptly flipped down wards as he all but glued the would-be kidnapper to the curb.
“You alright?”
“You’re- You’re that new mask.” Frank whispered, scuttling away from the car where he’d been dropped.
“Yeah, man. You okay?” His voice modulator came in clutch.
“Fuck. Fuck, I gotta-” Frank stumbled. The kid looked like he was one bad break away from snapping. Peter hated it when kids got that terrified look on their faces, it reminded him of himself, helpless as Ben bled out because they should never have to fear something that much.
Something’s wrong, though. As much as Peter wished otherwise, Frank was a Gotham bred and true alley kid, through and through. These kids don’t spook easily. Peter already stopped a couple of kidnappings and at least two of the kids had yelled at him to stay out of the way before unloading a rain of nut kicks on their kidnappers that left Peter wincing for days in sympathy. Frank being this spooked? Something’s going on.
“Woah, easy there, I’m not gonna hurt you,”
Frank shot him a half hysterical, half condescending look. Yeah, that’s more like it.
“Ob-obviously. I have to go before more of them comes,” Frank muttered.
“More of them? You know what they want?”
Frank stared at him, looking up and down at his blue, red, and gold ensemble.
“I can help,” Peter promised.
“What’re your thoughts on metas?”
“Uh, they’re fine? Depends on the person, why?”
Frank sighed. The skinny teenager, barely 14, tugged at his hair. “They’re traffickers. Meta kids, mostly, so the Bats don’t do nothing. I- uh, I got caught.” He held up a thin wrist, showing Peter his new accessorie, a think metal bracelet that was beeping red.
Peter cursed in his head. Fuck, of course he’d stumble into a-
“Caught? You’re a meta?”
Frank nodded. “Strength. This is an inhibitor, illegal kind, you know?”
Well, that explained how he got all of those furniture without struggle.
“Right. Hey, don’t stress, kid, I’m a meta too.”
Frank blinked.
Peter walked up the side of the car and did jazz hands.
“You’re a meta?! But- but you’re a mask operating in Gotham!”
“Yeah…? Is that weird?”
Before Frank could reply, Peter’s sense screamed and Spider-Man shoved Frank away from the spray of bullets.
“Move, Frank!”
Peter flipped away, vaguely aware of Frank’s gaping realization. He took down the shooters in quick succession, stopping the speeding car with his bare hands and some webs.
“Shooters, no shooting!” He yelled, liberally applying force he tended to keep under wraps. Frank was like a brother to him, and there is no universe where Peter Parker would hold back when his family was in danger.
When he got back to Frank, who had oddly stayed instead of running, Peter found out why the kid stayed.
“Peter?!” Frank hissed lowly, looking more pissed off than terrified. “Are you fucking insane?! Why are you running ‘round as a mask?!”
“Shhh!” Shit, he got made. “Come on, get back to the apartment and we can talk there. I’ll get rid of this-”
Peter casually snapped the bracelet in half, tearing the tracker out, and tucked it away to study later.
“Fuckin’- shit, fine, but you’re explaining everything, motherfucker!”
They split, Peter guessing correctly that he was in another lecture of a lifetime.
“Your vigilante name is Spiderman?”
“Hey, I can hear you say it without the hyphen! There’s a hyphen in there!”
“You’re not a man! You’re a twerp!”
“I’ll show you twerp, you-”
Five minutes of tussling later, in which Peter did not try to bite Frank’s arm off, thank you very much, Frank leaned back on the couch.
“Besides. People in the streets are calling you Spidey, anyways.”
“Some dude you saved from a mugging said you told him.”
Peter slammed his head on the floor where he was laying face down.
“He could have been great. I saw his potential.”
Anger. But he shouldn’t be afraid. The woman loved him.
“Hey, Peter. You’re up here again.”
“Hi.” Peter stayed curled up. His mind had refused him sleep for the last three nights, causing dark circles to appear underneath his eyes. The memories of what he assumed to be this world’s Peter was merging with his. What he’d seen so far did not fill him with confidence of a happy childhood. Flashes of wielding weapons, the sterile smell of a metal dissection table, and hundreds and hundreds of spiders crawling over him, getting startled into biting down. Plus, the stress of tracking down the meta trafficking circles in Gotham was no joke. He doesn’t know Gotham nearly as well as he knew New York, and he had to be extra careful running around and trying to catch every bit of the circle before making any moves. Frank was helping with his network of homeless Meta kids, but the traffickers were everywhere except for Crime Alley.
He should be dead. They sold his body to an organ harvester who dumped his venom filled corpse on the side of Gotham. At least he didn’t have to worry about killing his alternate version.
“Everything all right?” Red Robin clambered down to sit next to him, cowl hiding the concerned scrunch of his brow. He’s never seen Peter like this.
Peter grumbled, staring down at another alleyway. He knows his alternate died. His shit excuse for another sold his body to an organ harvester, when he seized on the operating table, who dumped his venom filled corpse on the side of Gotham. At least he didn’t have to worry about killing his alternate version. He does, however, have to worry about missing vital organs.
“I… remembered something.” Peter remembered a lot of things. And pretty much none of them were good. This Peter suffered a lot in his short life.
Red Robin nodded. The issue of Peter’s spotty memories had come up in their discussions over the past month.
“Ah. Something unpleasant?”
Peter thought back to the voice who, despite all of the other, highly traumatic memories, haunted his brain like nothing else.
“He didn’t live up to it. He refused to kill. So I made the decision for him.”
“Yeah. Not for me, but unpleasant that I know about it.”
“Yeah, I get that. You wanna talk about it?” Peter hid a small smile. Even though Red Robin kept his tone light, the concern still bled through. Warm. It made Peter feel warm. Even if it appeared that the Bats don’t really care about the trafficked meta kids… maybe Red Robin would come save normal kid Peter if he got kidnapped. A backup plan to consider. For now…
“Sure,” he said. Red Robin waited patiently.
“I think, I remember someone. Maybe, maybe my…” Peter grimaced. “My mom? She… told me something. And uh, I think I’maproductofrape.”
“Oh,” Red Robin said, so awkwardly that Peter had to crack a small smile despite the gravity of the topic. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah. Me too. Not myself, but for…” Peter waved a hand. “You know.”
“She wasn’t a good person,” Peter whispered and hated how he missed the browns of her eyes- her middle name was Marie, and god, Peter wished he hadn’t known that because he gets why her eyes reminded him so much of his own mother- and she besmirched everything Mary Parker stood for.
“You have our combined potential, Peter. Make sure not to be like him too much and live up to it, papito.”
“It’s okay, to love her even if she hurt other people,” Red Robin said, gently ruffling his greasy hair. Peter’s spidey-sense tingled and he ducked away. Red Robin withdrew his hand. “Because you can’t really help that. Trust me, I’ve tried. You just have to make sure they don’t get the chance to do what they did again.”
Cold, cold voices and his voice gave out from screaming. “You really are your father’s son. Never being able to do what’s necessary.”
And Peter wondered what happened to Red Robin and who hurt him. Peter would just like to talk. Red Robin reminded him of himself, way back when being Spider-Man meant finding out Harry became Green Goblin. Pained. Tired.
“Yeah,” Peter agreed. But that’s not really a problem, considering the last thing the organ harvester said before dumping him in an alley. “She’s dead in a ditch in Siberia or something. I’m not really worried she’ll do it again.”
“It’s cool,”
“Right. Have you… remembered your dad?”
“Yeah. He’s in Gotham,” Peter unfurled a little.
“You want help tracking him down? I’m good at that kind of thing.”
Peter glanced at Red Robin. “I think you just admitted to being a stalker.”
“Vigilante,” Red Robin shrugged, like it explained everything. And yeah, it kind of did. Peter snorted.
“Nah, it’s okay. I don’t want to meet him anyways.”
“Why not?”
“He doesn’t know about me,” Peter ticked off his fingers. “I’m a literal walking, talking, breathing reminder of his trauma. And I don’t need a dad.”
Red Robin looked at him silently. Peter doesn’t think about it.
He never wanted to see his parents suffer. An alternate version of his dad, hurt so irrevocably by an alternate version of his mom?
Peter hated that this Catalina dirtied his mother’s name, and went against the most fundamental parts of what the spider symbol was meant for. And considering he’s been doing this longer than her, he had first dibs on defining it. He’ll look after his dad, as long as he’s stuck in Gotham. It’s only right.
“His name? Oh, my son, it’s Richard Grayson.”
Peter, who Trusts his instincts: no head rubs?? awwwww
Tim, who’s been trying to get a dna sample for the last month: how does he keep evading me?? He must be a genius or a spy or- *spirals down the conspiracy board*
Tim: I’ve connected the dots!
Peter: you’ve connected jack shit
Listen, the moment I learned Catalina Flores’ middle name, the pieces clicked, okay? Like legos. It’s like, former FBI agent in this one and former CIA agent in Peter’s home universe? Wow. Middle name Marie? Mary Parker? Incredible. Spider themes run in the blood apparently?? They both have brown eyes!! Trying to do good with no qualms about murder!! (I’m assuming since Mary Parker was SHIELD and I don’t think SHIELD cared much for the sanctity of human life if it threatened the country or something)
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blackrosesandwhump · 3 months
Whump Prompt 129
Write something inspired by this concept:
Imagine a whumpee, strapped down and immobilized on a table, lying helpless in a darkened room. Weak and trembling, they can only manage a whimper of fear.
Imagine tubes connected to the veins in their arms, draining their blood away for some unknown purpose.
Imagine whumpee's blood collecting in vials that masked figures gather and remove without saying a single word.
And imagine whumpee's realization that, unless someone rescues them and soon, the extreme blood loss will surely kill them.
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
When Snow Falls
Chuuya notices somethings off with Tachihara and learns the government's human experiments didn't end with him.
Spoilers for Stormbringer.
TW for child abuse, human experimentation and there's a mention of suicide (Tachihara brings up his brother.)
@tachiharastanacc An attempt was made 😅
Chuuya knew this was none of his business, but when had that ever stopped him. The mission with the Black Lizards earlier had gone as smooth as ever. But there was something amiss.
The Black Lizards had been fighting their way out. But it didn't escape Chuuya they had been protecting Tachihara. Rashomon seemed to hover near the other boy when the bullets started firing.
Gin was at Tachihara's otherside and Hirotsu would look back at him often, with concern.
Chuuya had looked through Tachihara's files, there was no mention of prior injuries or incident reports. And the kid wasn't weak, far from it considering he made it to the Black Lizards.
And yet, Chuuya recalled Tachihara's performance on the mission. He'd executed his attacks well, but he moved slower than usual. 
Chuuya hadn't gotten a good look at him, but Tachihara had been pale. And when he thought no one was looking he'd wince.
And yeah maybe he was just sick and pushing through it to complete his mission.
But Chuuya's instincts screamed at him that was something wrong. Something beyond some simple sickness. 
His instincts had yet to fail him. With that in mind, and dread in his stomach Chuuya took off into the night. 
Finding Tachihara wasn't hard. It didn't take long for Chuuya to spot him sitting at the docks. Tachihara didn't notice Chuuya approach until he was right behind him.
Not a good sign for someone who's team mate was Gin. Someone who Tachihara frequently caught sneaking up on him.
Tachihara blinked, looking up at his superior. His legs were dangling off the edge and his arms wrapped around himself like he was cold.
Chuuya froze at the sight of him. He hadn't gotten a good look at him during the mission. But up close he could see just how bad the kid looked.
In the dim light of the docks, Tachihara looked like a corpse.
"Shit..." Said Chuuya, before he could stop himself. Tachihara's hands were at his sides, gripping the edge of the docks. They were shaking and it was clear he'd lost weight.
He smiled at Chuuya, and it made Chuuya sick to know that if he wasn't aware something was clearly wrong, he might've bought it. Just how long had Tachihara been putting on this carefree facade? 
"Nakahara? Hey, fancy seeing you out here." Said Tachihara, he was suprised to see the executive. The man would usually be having tea with Kouyou at this hour.
What was he doing out here?
"Tachihara" said Chuuya, making it very clear he wasn't going go entertain this sharade at all.
Tachihara's smile wavered, before it fell entirely. He was almost glad, because it meant he didn't have to pretend anymore.
He didn't need to keep lying to the people he loved. 
Tachihara smiled, it was genuine unlike the last one. It was wistful and sad as he looked to the moonlit sky. "I'm dying" It was said so quietly that Chuuya thought he'd misheard him. 
"What?! What do you mean?! Are you hurt?!" Asked Chuuya, he swore he'd not seen an incident report earlier. Had he been wrong? Why was Tachihara out here and not in the infirmary?! 
Tachihara shook his head, relaxed like he hadn't just dropped a bombshell. "Nah. There ain't a scratch in me. My body's just, shutting down." He debates whether to explain or not. "Might wanna sit, it's a long one."
Chuuya raises an eyebrow, but moves to sit beside him and gestures for him to go on. 
"When I was a kid I looked up to my big brother. He was the perfect model son and everyone wanted me to grow up to be just like him. I hated it, more than anything."
Tachihara snorted. The irony that he had tried everything to avoid being like Shunzen. Only to follow in his footsteps like an imperfect copy. 
"He was a soilder who got sent out the Great War. He didn't die in battle, not the physical kind that is... He killed himself."
Tachihara could still remember that morning. His dad had been hysterics and his mum was yelling at the medic on the phone for lying to her.
He'd just been sat in the middle of it all, forgotten and confused. 
Chuuya wordlessly took off his hat bowing his head in respect. Tachihara was suprised by the sentiment. And touched by it all the same. Chuuya didn't apologise to him, nor offer him empty words.
Not like everyone else had done.
Tachihara had to look away lest he started tearing up. "With him home, the pressure only grew. But instead now it was that it should've been me."
And maybe this was Tachihara's karma for being the brother who survived.
"I said to hell with that. I rebelled, I broke the rules, got into fights and my grades went down the drain. I got caught up in a bank robbery, there was an explosion... I don't really remember it, only that I should've died."
Tachihara took a deep breath that rattled his lungs. "My brother, he had an ability. He could turn metal into shapes from stories and poetry. I was jealous he had one, and that night I learned I had one too." 
Tachihara raised his hand and the metal chain on Chuuya's hat swung back and forth at his command.
He winces, putting his hand down, cancelling his ability. "He could make shapes but I can bend metal to my will. In the same way you bend gravity to yours."
Chuuya can only look at him in shock. To think Tachihara had an ability this whole time and no one had known.
The small show seemed to have sucked the energy out of him. But Chuuya could sense just how strong Tachihara truly was. "Why hide it?"  
Tachihara looks down at his now shaking hand, ashamed. "I'll get to it, I promise." Chuuya frowns, but let's him continue. 
"So I managed to save myself, but barely. I was crushed under rubble but I was saved by the police. When I woke up I thought I was in a hospital. But it only looked like one, it was a secret government lab."
Chuuya's blood ran cold. He swore his heart stopped.
Tachihara, didn't notice and kept talking. "The scientists saved me, but their was a price." Tachihara took another deep breath, it was painful to recount.
"They put me back together, but there was something different. My body wasn't as it was before."
Chuuya knows he should say something, anything. But he can't, his mind is blank. All he can do is sit and stare at Tachihara, at this kid with horror.
Finally, after only a moment but felt forever Chuuya managed to bring himself to ask. "Kid... What did they do to you?"  
Tachihara smiled sadly, closing his eyes. "You know, to this day I still don't know." He admitted, and if that didn't break Chuuya's heart, what would?
He knew, he knew what it was like to feel like your body wasn't yours. To feel like a microchip implanted into a robot, it was a pain he wouldn't wish on anyone. 
"What was their goal. Cause I'm guessing they didn't save you out of the goodness of their heart."
There was always a goal, always a project and a purpose that these sick bastards had in mind. 
For Chuuya it was Arahabaki, for Verlaine it was Guivre. He didn't think it was the same for Tachihara, to create an ability singularity.
The kid's ability was strong but not that strong. 
"Whatever they did it was experimental. It didn't save me completely, I'd need monthly "examinations" a touch up if you will, to keep me alive. They'd only do it though if I accepted the position to become the fifth Hunting Dog."
The Hunting Dogs were a group of elite gifted, hell elite didn't even begin to describe to them.
They were the top squad of the military police. It was said one of their members were equal to the strength of an army of gifted.
Chuuya didn't put much stock in rumours like that, but they don't come from nothing. "You accepted because without them you'd die."
Tachihara finally looks at Chuuya, his eyes shining with greif and shame.  
"Yeah, I did. I was trained, if you could call it that. I was cut up and put back together, over and over. I became what they wanted, and agreed to join the Port Mafia as a spy."
He doesn't let himself move, doesn't let himself look away. The shame weighs on his heart but looking away now would be the cowards way out.
But maybe he was already the coward, given Tachihara had intended on letting this all die with him.
"Tachihara, why are you dying?" Asked Chuuya, his voice soft and kind. The exact opposite of what Tachihara expected, he just admitted he was a traitor... Why was Chuuya being so nice?
"I... What?"
"You said they'd keep you alive so long as you did what they asked, right?" Summarises Chuuya, getting a nod from Tachihara. It takes all of his own training for Chuuya to stay calm. 
"So why aren't they doing that now?"
Realisation blooms in Tachihara's heart, because Chuuya figured it out. He laughs, he's not entirely sure why but he laughs. It rattles his entire body and it brings him to tears.
"I wasn't supposed to like you guys. It's the first rule of being a spy, don't get attached. But... Fuck I got attached, too attached. I gave a report, I missed some information that would've hurt the Port Mafia. It would've cost lives and I couldn't do it."
Tachihara wrapped his arms around himself. It took a lot of effort just to move them. It hurt so much, like his soul was on fire.
"They found out. Pushed my my maintenance day till end of the month. That's why I'm dying, Nakahara. Cause they know, and I know I can't wait that long."
Those bastards... Chuuya was going to kill them. Government or not, he was going to make them feel the pain of being crushed by gravity. Who forces a child to make such a choice?! 
Tachihara coughs, blood staining the floor before him. He smiles "they think I'll crawl back and beg for forgiveness but I won't."
There's a fire in his eyes, a stubborn determination even in his weakened state. "I cleaned their system of everything I ever told em. It's all gone."
This, this was strength. Chuuya could only marvel at the sacrifice Tachihara had made. And he wasn't the only one. 
There's a moment of silence before Chuuya holds up his phone. "Did you catch all of that, Boss?" He asks, Tachihara looks at him in shock.
He hadn't seen Chuuya subtly call Mori as they started talking.  
"Oh yes Chuuya, but Tachihara I have my own question. Why would you go so far for us? You know what the Port Mafia does to traitors." Asks Mori, his voice coming loud and clear from the speaker phone.
Intrigue colouring every word. 
And while he couldn't see him, Tachihara still bowed his head in respect.
"It probably sounds stupid but... Ever since that day, I was treated less than a person. I survived, but I wasn't human anymore. I was a government lab rat."
If Chuuya didn't want to kill them all, that certainty made his blood boil.
He's all too familiar with the craving, the dull ache in your heart as you wonder it that's enough to make you human.
To question whether you were the original. To think you were simply lines of code imbeded in flesh. It had damn near broken Chuuya, and he had people who loved him.
He had crumbled in the hands of those who believed, unwavering that he was human. Chuuya couldn't image thinking that for years, and suffering alone.
The fact this all was going on under his nose, pissed him off. Chuuya had swore to protect those he cared about, and he'd failed.  
Tachihara, unaware of Chuuya's turmoil, was turning over Mori's question in his mind. He chuckles but it's not funny. 
"I'm not even the first person to be the fifth Hunting Dog. I'm just the next one they picked up. That's, why I had to hide my ability, from everyone so no one would know I wasn't the first.
And I probably won't be the last. Being in the Port Mafia, it's the first time I've felt human. I couldn't let that be destroyed, no matter what."
"I've heard enough" Says Mori and Tachihara falls silent. "Chuuya, I trust you to deliver him to Infirmary 4B. It's the closest one to your location."
"I'm on it." Says Chuuya. Tachihara raises his head, confused. As if reading his mind, Mori chuckles.
"Oh Tachihara, the government might have decided you weren't worth saving but last I checked I was the Boss. And all you've done is prove you're truly one of ours. You're going to live, and that's an order."
Tachihara let those words run through him, he was shocked to say the least. "I... Okay" is what he ended up saying, because words were failing him. Mori just chuckled again, signing off. 
"Why did you...?" Trials off Tachihara, looking at Chuuya in shock. Chuuya smiles, it's sad as it is kind. "Cause I know what it's like, to be ripped apart and turned into a government lab rat."
He rests a hand on Tachihara's shoulder. "But kid, nothing they do takes away that you're human." 
Tachihara looks at him, akin to a starving man being handed food. He's spent so long questioning his own humanity.
And for someone to look him in the eye, and say 'you're human' with no hesitation....Tears well up in his eyes and he's powerless to stop them as they fall.
Chuuya hugs him close as Tachihara sobs. He let him down, he let him down and allowed this to go on. Not anymore, Chuuya was going to protect him. Just like he should have all along.
He helps him to his feet, practically carrying him to his bike. And from his bike to the infirmary.
"Could you..." Tachihara trials off, embarrassed and Chuuya chuckles ruffling his hair. It takes Tachihara aback at first, no ones done that since his brother died. 
It was nice. 
"I'll be right here when you wake up." Promised Chuuya, nodding his head to a nearby chair. Tachihara smiled "thanks, Nakahara, for everything."
Chuuya rolls his eyes with a fond smile. "Call me Chuuya, and kid you don't need to thank me for anything. The Port Mafia is my family, that includes you."
Tachihara chuckles "alright, but Akutugawa might be my cooler older brother." He narrowly avoids Chuuya's playful swat and laughs. Tachihara is eventually lead away as the Port Mafia's medical team do their jobs.
Unfortunately, Tachihara would still need the maintenance no matter what they'd do.
Tachihara's body had been fundamentally altered in a way that could not be reversed. But at least now, everyone knew and would make sure he could get through it all painlessly and humanely.
Less human experimentation and more regular surgery.
He wasn't a lab rat.
He wouldn't be ever again.
Not if Chuuya and the rest of the Port Mafia had any say in it.
Akutugawa had been livid, he'd berated Tachihara for being an idiot the moment he was cleared to go home. Tachihara just listened, suprised and was informed Akutugawa had stormed in and hadn't left his side at all.
Hirotsu had patted his shoulder with a kind smile. Higuchi had bought a basket of snacks and had chastised him for keeping it all a secret. Gin had been right there guarding the door.
Chuuya kept his word, having been fantasing what to do with the Government scientists involved. The rest of the Black Lizard chiming in their preferred torture method. 
And Tachihara? He had never felt more loved. 
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 month
Historical choices
This idea starts on Kamino. Well before the time of the prequels. 
As with all my ideas, ignore any part of canon that contradicts it. 
Tipoca City became the capital of Kamino after the flood. It was never meant to be the Capital city. In fact it was not built to be a city at all. Tipoca was built as a remote research station, long before the flood. It was the first genetic research station for the Kaminoans.  
The very first project…how to prevent Force Sensitivity in their own people. For many reasons, all based on superstition and bigotry, the Kaminoan government decided that having Force sensitivity was undesirable and wanted it stopped.  The initial project, lost to the tides of time, took all the Force Sensitives they could get their hands on (though there were many adults captured, unfortunately Force Sensitive children and babies were easier to source) and began to experiment, with all the horror that that entails. 
By the time the scientists had a ‘breakthrough’ many decades later, everything that subjects endured had sunk into the location, darkening the Force as only that kind of pain and horror can. 
The scientists called it a breakthrough, removing Force Sensitivity from the Kaminoan genetic code and generations later the project had been forgotten, and it is assumed that Kaminoans simply were not Force sensitive. This is not quite true. What those initial scientists did was make Force Sensitivity above a specific threshold, well below the level to actually be considered Force Sensitive, toxic to Kaminoans. 
The funny thing is that after the genetic treatments to ‘remove’ force sensitivity, miscarriages among the Kaminoan population (which at that point was still reproducing, not cloning) shot through the roof, often including the death of the mother/carrier (I have no idea what the Kaminoans called the egg producer). At the same time the Force is not simply in sentients, it is also a vital part of the lifeblood of the planet.  There is a careful balance that the Force maintains which was utterly fucked by the mass death, and continued death, of any Force Sensitive Kaminoan.  While the connection is never made, these imbalances are the cause for the global warming that eventually floods the planet, also the violent frequent storms.  It is this and the birth rate issue that caused the Kaminoans to start cloning and genetic experiments to survive (All the while they kept including the genetic code that turned Force Sensitivity toxic). 
Even as their reputation as cloners grew, they never cloned sentients other than themselves (And there were no Force sensitive Kaminoans now). So they never realized that The Force on Kamino (in particular Tipoca City, but across the planet) had grown dark, violent, and feral. It is noted that animals cloned on Tipoca city tend to be more aggressive than normal, but that is not really noticeable given the contracts they were getting.
Not until the cloning of Jango Fett begins.  The Clones are near human and, though Jango Fett is not particularly Force sensitive, they are the first sentients since the treatment was completed for whom being touched by the Force was not lethal (since the Kaminoans no longer remember that the particular piece of genetic code was artificial, then never think to add it to the Fett clones).  The Force on Kamino curls around the clones, it loves them with desperation and the long lasting memory of the last time its children walked the surface. The Force ensures that every Fett clone is Force sensitive. 
To the trainers and Jango Fett there are a number of spots on Tipoca City that feel…deeply haunted. The more superstitious refuse to enter some of the oldest parts of the city, including where the growth tubes are located (no one is left alive to know but the growth tubes are placed in the oldest labs, where the subjects of the first scientist endured horrors beyond imagining).  
To be clear, the Force on Kamino is of the dark side. It is corrupted.  It is suffering and horror and despair leaching like poison into groundwater. It is a beaten, hurting animal biting anyone who comes close to prevent being hurt again. It is a feral thing that can not distinguish between friend and foe. And the Clones belong to it. 
This comes to a head when the majority of the CC batches are six.  One of the trainers spits out that the Jedi would also think the clones were just useless meat droids. And the Force on Kamino may have been a feral thing, a thing of suffering,  but it was also connected to the rest of the Force and it knew that the Jedi would love its children. 
It whispered this to the children, curling around them. One of the children, who would one day be Fox, glared up at the trainer and spat out that the trainer was lying.  The trainer, reacting more to the tone than the words, struck CC-1010. 
The Force on Kamino reacted. It had suffered the trainers to live because they were making it’s children strong. There had been no decommissioning or reconditionings because the Force was working to ensure its children performed exactly as they should.  But now the trainer had hurt one of its children, and not for training, but for speaking.  The barely leashed violence broke free and roared through the clones. The clones, empowered and driven by the Dark, this vicious protective energy built of the suffering from long before, took the city. It did not matter that the oldest of them were barely physically 8. Within 4 hours there were not any trainers left in Tipoca City (Jango Fett had been off planet on a bounty). Within 6 hours there were no Kaminoans either.  Within three days the Clones were the sole living sentients on Kamino.
Jango Fett came back three weeks after that to a very changed landscape. He is allowed to land because Boba (the toddler that he still is) does consider him a father.  The children, and they are all still children, have not eaten anything solid in two weeks (The Force is sustaining them, also the Force does not know what are good child rearing practices for near humans-it has existed long enough that it can’t even really tell the difference between child and adult in near humans).  The clones are now clearly something OTHER and very unsettling besides, but they all call him dad and he gets the creeping sensation that Jango was not allowed to deny them (Very much ‘oh no these ARE your children (threat)’).  The Force start playing with Clone ages (trying to figure out the best age for each clone to be for ‘their’ Jedi, the Kamino Force is invested in the Clones getting whatever they want and knows some Jedi will love the Clones dearly). 
Jango makes it another 6 months before he ‘sneaks’ away to make a panicked call to the Jedi Temple (He knows he screwed up), trying to make it their problem instead of his. Prior to this he made several attempts to call Dooku but none went through. He is chased down and told that The Force (called Buir/Protector by the Clones) allowed him this far because it knew that he would call the Jedi, but that it is time to return home now. 
There was a wandering Jedi, Master Faye, closer so she came to Kamino and was immediately given the feeling that she would care for the clones or else.  The Force on Kamino is still a wild, feral thing and the Clones are that much more aggressive for their connection to it. However the innocence of the clone children, now that they are not being trained for war any longer, has also been bringing balance back to the Force on Kamino. As they behave as children do, they have begun to drain away the leftover suffering, bringing light back to the Force. 
Some of the storms have even begun to ebb. 
It is still a bit of a horror show that Jedi now have to deal with, also children (who may be more than a little eldritch) who committed at least one Genocide. But there is hope.
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luxtax · 4 months
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A Kitsune & An Angel
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mistergreatbones · 4 months
Stephanie - father is a supervillian
Duke - father is a supervillian
Barbara - mother was a supervillian in the Gotham TV show
Cass - father and mother are supervillians
Damian - mother and grandfather are supervillians
Dick - grandfather is a supervillian
Jason - father worked for Two-Face, mother aided the Joker and was run out of Gotham for human experimentation, Nocturna was a supervillian
Tim - father worked for Two-Face in the DCAU
I'm not sure what to do with this information. AU where Bruce keeps kidnapping Rogues' kids, maybe?
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cypress-punk · 1 year
The cool thing about Getter Robo is that you think its just an edgier super robot series where the power of courage or friendship or whatever is replaced by a sort of manic will to win as expressed by the Getter Rays as the fun scifi power source. But then you Learn.
You learn that the Getter has a will. You learn that it has an agenda. You learn that it handpicked the human race to have Getter Robos because Gettet Robos are essentially its avatars, physical manifestations of its will. You learn its a the power of evolution, and yet it wiped out the dinosaurs and harms the Dinosaur Empire. Why? Because they were in the way of the development of its preferred symbiote species, homo sapiens.
And then you see it. Getter Emperor. You see it destroying worlds. Creating innumerable clones of its favorite humans to serve it beyond death. You see it in a genocidal war to wipe out all non-human life in the cosmos, a war so terrible they start using time travel to try and strangle this horrific monster in the crib. And they fail. Nothing can stop the Getter.
"Believe in the Getter" is a phrase that sends a chill down my spine because I know what its all in service to. Believe in a God that will one day make you an instrument of ultimate genocide. Believe in a God that promises the survival of the human race right up until its completed its mission to obliterate all other life. Then it kills the universe and moves on to a new universe where it repeats the cycle.
Its a really effective cosmic horror in my opinion. An inversion of the usual super robot ethos of heroic conquest of evil. Sure the villains are pretty awful. The Dinosaur Empire has a fucking war crime lab where they test biological weapons on a human zoo. But does that make them worthy of extermination? Does it make the cosmos worthy of extermination? If the choice is between the continuation of the human race at the cost of all else, is it right to fight to preserve the human race? Is it even a choice? Or has the Getter already got its grip in too deep by the time Saotome builds that first Getter Robo?
Anyway read the Getter Robo manga. Its really good except for the one section where there's a really racist guy and a character who's entire personality is "predatory lesbian" but they don't stick around too long.
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inhcritance · 4 months
Excerpt from today's edition of the Daily Bugle:
Suspicions of human experimentation re-open closed case against Oscorp
An engineer dead and five workers have been reported injured in an explosion at an Oscorp subsidiary, and the investigation is still ongoing. Witnesses report screaming, presumably human, days to minutes before the tragedy.
In the press release following the incident, Harry Osborn promised explanations and compensation, once both internal and external investigations are concluded.
Our experts predict how this event, following the already suspicious death of another Oscorp engineer last month, might affect the ongoing proceedings against Norman Osborn, still current CEO of Oscorp. Read more in page 4.
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murderedbyhomework · 1 year
Not going to lie, I'm really concerned over how they're going to portray Tyler next season. He's going to be sent off to a facility probably, and I'm scared they're going to use the unethical experimentation/evil scientists and psychiatrists trope. Wednesday is relatively edgy I think, given that they changed to Addams family dynamic a little to make Wednesday seem cooler. So I'm pretty scared that this trope will appear and be the reason why Tyler is 'darker and a lot more evil' in season 2. Because they've already said Tyler was willing to kill and enjoyed it when he was in fact brainwashed and tortured by Thornhill, so like what if they use unethical scientists and psychiatrists to make him a villain?
Anyways this is my official petition for Wednesday show writers to give Tyler a good therapist and let him heal from his trauma, because I want therapist scenes with banter and the therapist actually being a good one. (maybe Tyler's boyfriend could also get the same therapist? He needs a new one anyway hehe)
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just-antithings · 1 year
Canon material: has suicide, murder, human experimentation, callous disregard of lives, two practically gay characters who loves each other but is downright poisonous to each other, child torture, police state post apocalyptic government; etc.
An anti: made a blocklist of people who make “illegal shit”… said illegal shit apparently includes a fanfic writer who want to fuck one of the common monsters from canon material, a fanartist who drew two characters in the most toxic relationship in canon in a teacher x student AU.
Make it make sense.
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iloveluxu · 1 year
I feel like people aren’t legally obligated to have an opinion on the light-heartedness or darkness of the tone of the kh series until they learn that the main character, a fourteen year old boy, commits suicide in the first game
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blackrosesandwhump · 3 months
Febuwhump Day 21: Unresponsive
CW: experiment whump, unconsciousness whumpee, creepy whumper, needle mention
It’s happening again.
Whumper sighs in frustration and slaps whumpee’s face, gently at first, then more forcefully a second time. Nothing. Unresponsive, right at the critical juncture in the experiment. Whumper frowns and bends closer, examining his subject. Pale, damp skin. Shallow breathing. Weak pulse through the stethoscope. Not an ideal situation, especially when whumper is so close to success.
“You’re not being very helpful, whumpee.” Whumper steps back from the table, crossing his arms. “I told you to stay awake this time. But did you listen? No.” He pauses, observing whumpee for a moment in intense silence, then springs into action, readying various instruments and a syringe. The bright lights overhead wash out whumpee’s skin completely, making him look dead.
But he isn’t, and he won’t be, not while whumper needs him.
“And now, since you didn’t listen,” whumper says, plunging the syringe into whumpee’s chest, “we have to start the experiment all over again.”
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idyllic-musings · 5 months
"Then why didn't anyone save me?! If the world is so good, then why didn't anyone help me escape?!"
esfir-core fr
as much as i would like to think this is something she would say to collei, it's not; this is something they would say to baizhu early on in their friendship with him. it's... perhaps about collei, but not said to her. collei broke out without so much as asking her if she would want to escape, too. even if the answer would most definitely have been "no, do not ever ask me such a stupid question again" at the time, it would have been the sentiment that mattered. but there was no sentiment. collei saw esfir as a villain as much as she saw dottore as one... and for that, esfir is mad.
she was a victim too, collei. why don't you see that? why can't you see that?
the simple answer is that both collei and esfir were young and unwise, and young collei could not see esfir as a victim when dottore was so much more fond of them than he was of any other victim.
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cryptidwritings · 2 years
Comfortember #7 : comfort item
content: implied past experimentation and torture, mutation, inhuman whumpee, scientist caretaker, death mention, needle mention.
"The thing in pod eleven won't calm down. Whenever any of us walk past, it starts attacking the glass."
Caretaker looked at the guard, "eleven?"
He turned back to his computer and did a quick search through the outdated database. His teammate assured him that the encryption would be cracked in a few hours, but until then the information he could glean without a secure login was sparse.
All he could see was a brief description. height: 4ft 3in. Weight: a meager 50 pounds. Temperament: Hostile.
"Take me to it," he insisted.
The guard escorted him down two floors where the elevator descended from the open air to surrounded by solid rock on either side. When the elevator opened, he felt like he had stepped onto a new planet.
A series of blue and green lights flickered throughout the space, pointing at pod-like structures with glass that bubbled outward. Only a few were still lit, though when they had arrived, every pod was packed with... things.
Caretaker had helped lead the takeover of this facility. It was supposed to have been decommissioned over two decades ago, but was kept running by dirty money and a sick man's thirst for cruelty beyond anything Caretaker had ever seen. It was this cruelty that led Medic to make the tough decision to put most of the specimens out of their misery.
The report stated that only three were viable. Of the few, two had functional systems but with little to no response besides the occasional garbled sound.
As Caretaker approached pod eleven, he could see the naked frame huddled in the center of the floor, combing its fingers through its thick mop of tangled hair that fell well past its shoulders. It looked up as it heard his footstep along the concrete.
Caretaker was met with hatred as it barred its teeth and hissed, then lunged forward, smacking into the glass with a horrible thump.
The guard reared back in surprise, but Caretaker stood firm then crouched down to look the thing in the eye. If it weren't for its slightly elongated pupil and light purple cornea, the thing could have easily been mistaken as human. Maybe at one point it was.
It continued to bang on the glass, going so far as to slam its own head against it hard enough to draw blood. Then it began to pace, staring at Caretaker with the eye of malice and murderous intent with blood dripping down its forehead.
Suddenly Caretaker's walkie sounded off. The hack was successful, and he was needed.
He stood, and nodded to the specimen.
"I'll be back tomorrow," he said, noticing how that statement made the thing growl again, "we can sit and chat. Or just sit."
He turned to walk away, and heard the thump of its body hitting the glass again. That was alright. It was good, because this specimen had Fight, and if it had Fight, that meant it wanted to live.
"Get it some new clothes."
"Yes, sir."
He went back and the new clothes were in tatters, and it was pacing. Caretaker took a seat on the ground, and the specimen stopped pacing, then sat as well, looking into the scientists eye; mocking him.
He sat across from it, and it sat across from him. He studied it, and it glared at him, and after an hour the scientist would get up and tell the thing it would be back again the next day.
So on it continued for another week, then two. The pods were dismantled around it; it's less violent pod-mates moved to another wing for rehabilitation.
This change had little emotional effect on it. Though as more days passed, he would find it sitting on the ground versus hunched over itself.
Then one day, Caretaker walked in to the almost barren room to find the specimen waiting for him, wearing the new clothes, and it looked up at Caretaker with its first semblance of an awkward, but genuine, expectant smile.
On that day, Caretaker wanted to give it something. Something it could use, but not break or use to hurt itself.
He sat on the ground and smiled a bit before reaching into his jacket. The thing saw and watched with careful apprehension, even leaning back and away, as if waiting for something to come through the glass and attack it.
Caretaker went slow, keeping one hand up as he finished revealing what was in his pocket - a whistle. He lifted it to his lips, watching the specimen carefully.
He blew, and the sound of an owl's hoot came out of the end, and the specimens eyebrows stitched together, looking at the object with fascination.
Caretaker did it again, and then offered it through the food hatch.
It stayed there for a moment, and the specimen came closer and timidly reached for the object. It touched the plastic and reared back, hiding behind its own arm for a moment before peeking back out and eyeing the scientist.
It then reached out and grabbed the object, twisting it in its hands as it studied it carefully. Eventually it brought it to its lips, and gave a small blow. The noise hooted in its ears, and something came alive within it.
"It's a bird caller," Caretaker explained, "outside, it can attract real owls if you're patient enough. Maybe one day you can try it."
Specimen looked up at that. It's eyes darkened with skepticism.
Outside. Outside was for humans. Outside was for white coats and needles and fire and excrutiating pain. Inside its pod, it was safer. Not safe - it was never safe - but white coats don't go inside the pod.
It shook its head, but held on to the object, not knowing why, but knowing it didn't want to let it go.
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thatsprettylane · 6 months
I truly believe that Sarada was a sasukarin lab baby made by Orochimaru without Sasuke’s consent and that’s why Sasuke was fine with being away from her. He just couldn’t stand to be around her because she represented an awful violation to his person.
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