#media: blood of zeus.
midcaptain · 1 month
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when all you know is darkness, you seek light.
BLOOD OF ZEUS — 2x03, "Winter Is Born."
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gotstabbedbyapen · 2 months
Just watched the Blood of Zeus season 2 trailer and I have things to say...
(but first you guys need to watch the trailer too)
(if you still haven't watched the trailer, spoiler warning in advance)
From what I can tell, BOZ season 2 will have Hades and Persephone as sympathized antagonists. Zeus had done them dirty before and now they will take revenge by using Heron and Seraphim (which is why Heron is shown to be doubting the gods in a previous teaser, he could be convinced by Hades/Persephone and started pondering his brother's words)
Now I'm not really jamming with the idea of Hades/Persephone invading Olympus afterward and becoming its new ruler. IIRC the reason Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades divided the realms and each ruling one kingdom is to prevent one of them from becoming tyrannical and all-powerful like Kronos. So having Hades ruling both the Underworld and Olympus will defeat the initial purpose and can paint Hades in an even more negative light.
The trailer also shows Hades/Persephone as a power couple. I wouldn't mind that, but I'm worried about how they will handle Demeter. I love Demeter a lot but the media had ruined her and left a bad taste in my mouth. If BOZ follows that path, I'm dropping. I might watch some shorts for the visual, but I will NEVER forgive those who wronged my queen.
I rest my case.
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entry41 · 4 months
// major warning for murder, discrimination, and murder amongst transgender youth
im trying to find the part where the three girls, all older than them, are charged for murder? or are those girls not going to have to deal with any sort of represcussions???
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is this going to be another case of "let's keep these people's identities private!!" or what. are we ignoring the fact that those girls bashed nex's head against the bathroom floor meanwhile nobody helped before, during, or after the situation??? because the media did the same thing with brianna ghey, they refused to release information on her killers until what, a year later? why are we working so hard to protect persecutors but not the ones being persecuted?
there are so many things wrong with this situation, let's start with the fact that an ambulance wasn't called upon nex being found? those three girls had quite literally banged their head against the bathroom floor NUMEROUS times, where was your sense of urgency upon finding a SOPHOMORE, A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT WHO IS NO OLDER THAN 16, beaten on the bathroom floor??
we are talking about a 16 year old, somebody with a whole life ahead of them. nex had so much to live for and now their blood is on your hands and i hope that you feel guilty. i don't even think enraged is the word i am looking for in this situation, it's a feeling far beyond rage.
as a society we truly need to do better because jfc. i have to live my life in fear everyday, so do my friends, the people i love, and thousands of others - we aren't scary, we are scared.
rest well, nex, they will never forget your name ❤️
adding onto this post because i still have so much to say: nex was no different from you and i, they took interest in the same things we do. nex liked the walking dead, minecraft, and their cat, zeus. but now nex won't be able to partake in the things they love because of how f'ed up society is. the fact that america is perfectly fine with murdering innocent people on a daily basis truly tells you all you need to know. we are fighting a war we will never win because people refuse to accept the fact that trans folk just want to live their lives, almost like everybody else!!
i read in a reblog that nex was twospirit and i just wanted to add that, sorry if it seemed as if i was trying to leave that out, i wasn't aware. that doesn't change anything though and my point still stands.
we are not scary, we are scared.
2/25/24: please read what @youareprobablywrong said in the reblogs, it also includes ways to actually take charge and help prevent future events like this
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91-aquarii · 1 month
got bored and ranked different areses from pop culture/media
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ask me to elaborate. someone please ask me to explain my thought process behind these i elaborated
edit: lol season 2 blood of zeus ares fucking sucks nvm nvm pretend he's in F too fuck that
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You know how being incredibly spiteful over Apollo's stereotypical interpretations in modern media compelled me to write my own series on him? Based on the actual myths?
After watching the new Blood of Zeus season (It was okay. Apollo was obvs the highlight lol), I am now nearly as spiteful over Demeter's stereotypical interpretations in modern media.
She's always the overbearing mother who either doesn't want Persephone to get married, or she does want Persephone to get married... (it's almost like media doesn't know which to stick with!)
I was already planning to do this. But the spite has made that decision rock-solid.
In my series, Demeter is gonna be the Best Mom. You will love her. She will be so good with Persephone and her friends.
She's gonna be that mom who teases her daughter over her one (1) male friend (Apollo) and go "so should I start planning the wedding?"
And Persephone's like "OMG MOOOOOM DON'T EMBARESS ME!!!!"
Demeter's gonna be braiding Apollo's hair with sunflowers. Watch me.
and since Apollo & Persephone are BFFs, y'all gonna see how her kidnapping affected Demeter. In full.
(also gonna have some tense Apollo & Hades moments because of this hehe)
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mask131 · 11 months
Greek mythology: A first masterpost
I finally decided to put together a masterpost gathering my posts about Greek mythology and Greek gods! I probably won’t get everything, because they are scattered throughout years of this blog, but you will have here all of the most recent ones!
Fighting the Misconceptions about Greek Mythology and Gods
The Hades/Zeus case
The Zeus case: Why such a messy love life? Part 1 and part 2 and
TV Tropes’ fanciful interpretation of Greek mythology: weird details and why the gods do not have a psychology and why them having a Classical Mythology page bothers me . Plus one of the problems of TV tropes (and the Internet as a whole) when receiving Greek myths . Plus my original post depicting my problem with TV tropes’ take on Greek myths.
Do not make things bigger than they were
Why are gods depicted old? (I will probably develop this little joke post into a bigger one later)
We always know but one version of a myth
The three interpretations of Greek mythology - by the Greeks themselves
The five things that, for me, make a “bad” Greek mythology interpretation or adaptation
I hijacked a post to talk about Riordan’s take on Greek gods (with some Lore Olympus in it): part 1 - part 2 - part 3
Various mythological details and topics
Zeus had others wives, you know?
My reaction to “Blood of Zeus”
A whole discussion about the fatness of Dionysos in art and media
I can’t praise enough the Greek mythology season of Jim Henson’s The Storyteller
Hephaestus, the straightest of all the gods?
Why not a black-haired Apollo?
A random detail about the Apollo/Helios situation
How many Muses? (This post was supposed to be the intro to a longer series looking at groups of Greek goddesses and deities in mythology such as the Charites or the Erynies, but given its low success the series was “cancelled”)
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katerinaaqu · 4 days
Odysseus and Menelaus
So saying he drew the mighty spear of wise-hearted Socus forth from his flesh and from his bossed shield, and when it was drawn out the blood gushed forth and distressed his spirit. But the great-souled Trojans, when they beheld the blood of Odysseus, [460] called one to another through the throng and made at him all together. But he gave ground, and shouted to his comrades; thrice shouted he then loud as a man's head can shout,1 and thrice did Menelaus, dear to Ares, hear his call, and forthwith he spake to Aias that was nigh at hand: [465] “Aias, sprung from Zeus, thou son of Telamon, captain of the host, in mine ears rang the cry of Odysseus, of the steadfast heart, like as though the Trojans had cut him off in the fierce conflict and were over-powering him alone as he is. Nay, come, let us make our way through the throng; to bear him aid is the better course. [470] I fear lest some evil befall him, alone mid the Trojans, valiant though he be, and great longing for him come upon the Danaans.” So saying he led the way, and Aias followed, a godlike man. Then found they Odysseus, dear to Zeus and round about the Trojans beset him, as tawny jackals in the mountains [475] about a horned stag that hath been wounded, that a man hath smitten with an arrow from the string; from him the stag hath escaped and fleeth swiftly so long as the blood flows warm and his knees are quick, but when at length the swift arrow overpowereth him, then ravening jackals rend him amid the mountains [480] in a shadowy grove; but lo, God bringeth against them a murderous lion, and the jackals scatter in flight, and he rendeth the prey: even so then did the Trojans, many and valiant, beset Odysseus round about, the wise and crafty-minded; but the warrior darting forth with his spear warded off the pitiless day of doom. [485] Then Aias drew near, bearing his shield that was like a city wall, and stood forth beside him, and the Trojans scattered in flight, one here, one there. And warlike Menelaus led Odysseus forth from the throng, holding him by the hand, till his squire drave up the horses and car. Hom.Il. 11.456-488
This is probably one of my favorite moments in Iliad for it shows the brutality of war and at the same time the power of comrades and forgetting one's differences.
For starters I love the fact that it shows how strong Odysseus is in battle. Modern media tend to picture him as a generally not as good warrior that has to get down to tricks to win the battle but that is far from it as in Rhapsody 11 he is seen wounded by a spear in the stomach and fighting off around 20 Trojans by himself and holding on pretty well against them. At the same time though shows the difference between Odysseus and other characters. Odysseus is not stupid. He knows his limits and he knows he won't hold out forever so the way he yells three times for ANYONE to hear him and send assistance shows the desperation of the situation
And Menelaus is the one to hear his cry and actually call for the most powerful warrior in their army to come to his assistance and he clearly states that if they lose Odysseus then things would be tough for them. He recognizes both his strength and his value in the war. He knows that people like Odysseus are irreplacable and the way he actually helps him off the battlefield by supporting him is literally one of my favorite moments! The way we also see that he later on is one of those who speaks with the most outmost warmth for Odysseus and names him as his dearest friend and comrade when he speaks of him to Telemachus (Even Aias who is not particularly fond of Odysseus and vice versa, forgets his personal grudge and rushes to his assistance)
I think that the friendship between Menelaus and Odysseus is not talked much (obscured maybe by the scenes between Odysseus and Diomedes and for good reason maybe) and I think it is a shame. And it is another reason why I loved art such as @thehelplessmortals depicting some tender moments between Menelaus and Odysseus. And also this is another reason why I made them interract in my fanfiction Guilt given that Menelaus is probably the one who appreciates more than many the capabilities Odysseus has; both his brain and mind and his battle abilities
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finleyforevermore · 3 months
Dear Nex,
You're never going to see this. I know. I felt the need to write this for you anyway.
Maybe my input isn't needed because I'm cis, but I hope you and everyone else who sees this knows in spite of my gender identity and the privilege I have as a cis male that I'm aware that I have, I mean every word that I say. I never wanted to be privileged. I don't want to be privileged. I'm so incredibly sorry that I'm privileged. I know it's not right. I know it's not fair. If my input isn't needed, so be it. But I'm going to share it anyway.
My sorrow and rage and pain has not at all subsided since February 20, when I learned of your death. You've been in the back of my mind ever since. The grief and anger hasn't gone away. What your friends said about you and your family as well, shows that you were such a wonderful person. I wonder if you had social media. I would've loved to be your friend if you had Tumblr.
I find myself enjoying sunny weather and thinking "Nex would've liked this". I look at my friends' pet cats and think about Zeus. When listening to rock I wonder if you liked the song I listen to.
You were mistreated by your peers in life, because of your laugh, which I'm sure was wonderful, and the way you dressed. Being yourself cost you your life. And now even in death people refuse to respect you. Transphobes running rampant, calling you your deadname, someone here on Tumblr celebrating your death, labeled as filth. And now? Now your cause of death has been labeled as suicide. Even though absolutely none of it makes sense, and nothing adds up. It just doesn't make sense. And even if somehow you did commit suicide, the day before you did you were physically assaulted by your peers for getting fed up with being mocked. You were bullied before that too. Bullied relentlessly and mercilessly just for being you. The blood is still on their hands.
I'm utterly disgusted by the medical examiner, the state of Oklahoma, the transphobes, even myself sometimes for being so privileged because of my gender identity. I shouldn't be privileged for being cis. We should all be accepted and treated fairly and with care and love and respect. If only things were that ideal..
I'm crying now even as I write this. I so desperately wish that everything was different. That you weren't killed. That you could continue to hang out with your friends and be a kid. Making new recipes. Playing with Zeus. Playing your favorite songs. Making music, if you liked doing that.
Recently my faith and belief in God has been tested. But if there's an afterlife, a Heaven up there, I hope you're having fun and enjoying yourself up there. When I die and reach Heaven, I'll be sure to visit you.
On the other hand, if there's not a Heaven, I hope you're enjoying your eternal rest. Whatever being dead is like without an afterlife, I hope you're ok.
But until then I'm going to try my damndest to ensure your memory stays alive. Posting about you on social media and reblogging posts about you like wildfire so people never forget. I'm not going to let anyone forget you, Nex. I promise you. Me and all of the other people grieving here on Tumblr will continue to say your name, whether our shouts fall on deaf ears or not. We're never going to be silenced.
I raise my cup to you, Nex. You will be avenged. Justice will be served.
I didn't know you and I never will. You never knew me and you never will. But all the same, even if we're eternally strangers, I love you, Nex Benedict. I'm sorry the school failed you, I'm sorry the ambulance failed you, I'm sorry Oklahoma failed you, I'm sorry the world failed you. And perhaps I failed you somehow. And I'm so unbelievably sorry if I did. But I hope keeping your memory alive, and saying your name, and seeking justice can make up for it.
Until we're angels in Heaven once more.
Love, truly,
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greekbros · 1 month
Just finished my thoughts on Blood of Zeus season 2 (WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS)
The music makes me feel so nostalgic for some reason?! It reminds me of a bunch of amazing Sword and Sandal movies, Jason and the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans (80's) and anything the Universal studios has produced pre-2000's. It's so beautiful. I know it's not as traditional as some recent media has done but it epitomizes more classic depictions of Greek mythology that most people began liking from early childhood.
The first three episodes were a little weird for some reason. Buuuuut it started to get better.
Hades and Persephone actually has a pretty good reason to be stirring so absolute tea. Also ZAGREUS AND MELINOE ARE THERE POOR BIBIS.
I do... fucking...not...want to assume Hermes cut Heron's life line but why am I getting that weird sneaking suspicion he did??? Maybe Gaia is suspect too.
I LOVE the inclusion of more gods, even if some of them were just cameos.
The mischaracterization of Ares, Demeter and Hades to some extent was a fuckn whiplash. Like Ares.... GOING TO RAPE PERSEPHONE? Hell fucking no that's Heresy. Demeter being ruthless for no reason seemed very off too. Hades is most suppose to be reasonable, it felt somehow forced. I don't know....but it was more interesting then the forced conflicts between Hera and almost half of everyone else.
Hera's redemption was a bit rushed...but I actually appreciate that at least someone isn't trying to make things more complicated.
Seraphim is...ugh...there....I mean yey he's becoming more redeemable...but....it feels ....forced??? I don't know it's the second season I could being annoying about it.
The sphinx design was perfect! Her riddles were bullshit tho.
Gorgo seems like she's a reference to Medusa the Gorgon in the Ovid version of the myth. Mostly because of the root word 'gorgo'.
I found the inclusion of the Three Kings of the Underworld to be both interesting yet a bit ironic. Considering each king is a known character from the myths that were guilty of equally terrible things. It would be interesting to have them be ancient pre-Hellenic kings.
Gaia was the coolest grandma ever....and I don't blame her for being epic as fuk frustrated to the point of summoning Typhon.
9/10 🏺, I recommend watching this show to get a perfect understanding of how to play around with a retelling without 100% completely misunderstanding the myth
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alpaca-clouds · 13 days
Greek Mythology and the Thing often overlooked
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I have recently been thinking a lot about mythology adaptions in media, especially with the new season of Blood of Zeus being out, me finding out some interesting things, and also me reading into Greek history.
Within Western Circles it is pretty universally accepted, that everyone can use Greek Mythology as a free for all, because it is white, European culture, and we were the ones doing the colonialism and stuff. So while a white person using Japanese mythology for example can be quite iffy, it is totally fine if anyone uses Greek mythology. Because it is like part of the western canon.
Buuuuuuuut... It is kinda a lot more complicated than that, right?
The issue is, of course, that Greece is part of Europe, yes, but the Greek myths are not that widely known because Greece went around at some point pushing their gods on everyone, who would listen (like Christians do), but rather, because the Romans took those gods and myth, while they colonized Greece, and then popularized the stuff. And more than that, because later on the British Empire found those stories and was like: "Oh, this is a neat thing to build our idea of white superiority on. Hey, hey, Greece, nobody said that you are white, did we?"
Because, let's face it. In most of Europe for most of the time the Meditterrean people were not considered to be white. Including the Greece. And I mean, I kinda knew that, but I never really thought about this until recently.
The moment I actually thought about this was actually, when I was looking through the VA profiles of Castlevania, found out that Theo James was actually Greek, and went like: "Oh, that is actually really neat." And then I was like: "Why though?" And then I went: "Ooooooh."
Same happened when I realized that Blood of Zeus is actually written by Greek writers. (Mind you, I still am not a huge fan of the series, but still, I think this fact is neat.)
It is in general something I am realizing more and more. How our discourse about colonialism often lacks a lot of nuance in those regards. And because of that the discourse about stuff like cultural appropriation does, too.
Especially as cultural appropriation is already such a big, complicated issue, that is far from Black and White.
Still, considering the history, I do not think that it is fair to look at Greece in the same way we do look at the actually colonial empires like Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium and Germany for the most part. Because their history is quite a different one and a lot more complicated.
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bianca-d1-angelo · 17 days
✧˚ · ˚ + ˚ · . ➳➳ INTRO ➳➳. · ˚ + ˚ · ˚✧
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Hello! I am Bianca Di Angelo! I am the daughter of Maria Di Angelo and the Greek deity Hades. I am also known as the deceased sister of the Ghost King, @i-wish-i-was-sleeping-rn I am currently 12 years old and will forever remain 12 as I am dead. I was a Hunter of Artemis before I died, and would have been a current resident of Cabin 13 at Camp Half Blood. The Fates did not consider social media when writing the rules centuries ago, so this is a technical loophole I have decided to exploit since Elysium is a bit boring. OOC: Please send asks or tag me!! OC's are always allowed to interact <33
@i-wish-i-was-sleeping-rn - my younger brother! he's honestly just a sweet little kid. If I find anyone being mean or even remotely rude to him, I can easily show you the horrors the Underworld will have have in store for you :)) @hazel-the-jewel - my sister! she's so sweet and responsible and talented. im so proud of her! she's the praetor of New Rome and everything! Once again, if I hear a single comment about her, I will find you and make you wish you never opened your mouth :))
@chb-top-medic - Nico's boyfriend! Very nice kid and a gentleman. Nico really cares about him so I fully support him! He's also a healer and can glow! if you dare break his heart, I know where you live :) @frank-zhang-praetor Hazel's boyfriend! Very responsible and extremely kind. Hazel loves him a lot <3 But once again, if you dare break her heart, I know where you live :)
@jas0n--grace - he's my brother's best friend! he's a good person and really friendly. Honestly reminds me of a golden retriever @percyjackson-son-of-poseidon - Son of Poseidon and a greek hero. He's really nice and extremely loyal. 10/10 quest mate!
@grover-the-can-eater - Satyr and Lord of the Wild! Apparently he's a protector so he might follow you and your brother around for a while in a totally not creepy or terrifying way.
@pinecone-face-thalia - Daughter of Zeus and Lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis! Very cool and a bit intimidating. Nice to talk to though!
@annabeth-w1se-g1rl - Daughter of Athena! Dating Percy and friends with my sister! She's very cool and I admire her leadership.
@p1per-mclean - Daughter of Aphrodite! Hazel's friend and Nico's friend. She's really nice though she seems like a troublemaker.
@piperss-gf - Mortal! She's Piper's girlfriend. She's really sweet and easy to talk to.
@repairboyy - Son of Hephaestus! Nico warned me not to trust him. He does look like he gets into a lot of trouble.
@bestdaughterofbellona - my honorary sister! She's one of Nico's closest friends and joined the hunt! She has an aura that demands respect and is a very sophisticated and cool person
OOC: (Kinda Important So Please Read! )
Hi!!! Before I begin, this is a Percy Jackson RP account for my Bianca cuz Hera knows shes too underrated!
pictures from banner are not mine! (i did make it tho) pfp isn't mine either!
I MISS TONS OF SOCIAL CUESS!!! I'm trying to work on it but if i ever overstep my boundaries or make you uncomfy, pleasee let me know <33 im just a bit oblivious sometimes
IM SEX REPULSED! totally cool, do your thing but please DNI if you're an NSFW blog!!
I am a minor! pls keep that in mind!
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let-tyrants-fear · 5 months
Percy Jackson Careers
I'm tired of everyone writing Percy as a marine biologist, so I've compiled a list of jobs he would actually have as an adult.
Teacher. Specifically a middle school Latin teacher, modeled after his year in Chiron/Mr. Brunner’s class. Maybe he just does it because he likes kids and likes teaching, maybe he works as like a long-term sub to get into schools where they think there are half-bloods. I don’t know, but I could totally see him as a teacher in some capacity, and I think he would work really hard to make sure that none of his students feel the way he did in school.
Underwater archaeologist. This is a real thing. There are a lot of shipwrecks that are accessible and provide valuable resources, as well as a lot of ancient sites that are now underwater as a result of shifting coastlines and changes in sea level. @phykios has a great post about Percy as an underwater archaeologist here.
Plumber. Because he is after all Supreme Lord of the Bathroom.
Electrician. Because he loves to mess with the gods. He becomes an electrician as a 'fuck you' gesture to Zeus.
Demigod Union Rep. I know we all joke about how Percy ‘pay your damn child support’ Jackson essentially appointed himself as the demigod union rep at the end of The Last Olympian, but what if they made that official? He takes a class on Ancient & Immortal Laws in college, and now demigods call him in whenever they’re having issues with a god. They all pay “union dues” so he can collect a salary of sorts.
Aquarium worker. There are several possible routes Percy could take to work in an aquarium. I've listed a few ideas below.
Presenter/Educator. Like, the guy who does the little shows for kids and shows all the school groups around. Percy is great with kids, and I think he’d have so much fun presenting, but also just interacting with kids and families visiting the aquarium.
Aquarist. This is apparently a real word for a person who takes care of fish, which my sister discovered by googling 'zookeeper but aquarium.' Anyway, Percy would be the person who cleans their tanks and sets their diets and provides enrichment, etc. Also, accredited aquariums would have a research branch to study fish and observe behavior, and Percy would be super helpful because he could just. Ask the fish.
Social media manager. He would have so much fun posting memes and fun facts on the aquarium's social media accounts, and I think his sarcasm would make him a huge hit on the internet, a la Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Plus, I think he would spread fish gossip all over Twitter.
If you have any more, please feel free to add them!
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residentroam · 1 month
Five Ships, Five Fandoms.
@persnickety-doodles tagged whoever sees her post. I saw her post.
Hades and Persephone (Greek Mythology): Since my early in life introduction to Greek Mythology I've been fond of the couple of the Lord of the Underworld and his Queen. Today I'm focusing on the version/adaptation brought forth by Netflix's Blood of Zeus. Season 2 blew my expectations out of the water and now I'm intoxicated. Go watch the show, please.
Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine (Resident Evil): Videogames are one of my favorite things in the world. And quite honest I can't think of a couple in videogames I like more or as much as I like the relationship between Chris and Jill.
Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen (The Twilight Saga): And I'll be damned. I sincerely like something related to Twilight. The main characters might be boring but something I believe this franchise has in its favor is the plethora of interesting and entertaining side-characters. Rosalie and Emmett not only are my favorite characters individually, but their relationship feels like heaven within hell.
Tom and Maddie Wachowski (Sonic the Hedgehog Cinematic Universe): Tom and Maddie's lack of conflict and drama is a gift after years of tedious, exhausting, and sometimes unesesary obstacles that couples in media have to or are forced to deal with. The Wachouski's marriage is one of love, respect, fun, support, understanding, camaraderie, happiness and friendship. It's a recipe for bliss and I love the heck out of a marriage portrayed like this and not the typical punishment.
Belle and Beast/Adam (Beauty and the Beast): Simply put one of my favorite stories of all time and possibly my favorite love story of all time. I've read and watched several versions but the one I'm talking about, my favorite, is the animated movie. You know the one.
Not tagging anyone. Be free to make your list.
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squippy360 · 2 years
Steve Rogers x male reader
Steve’s usually kept his guard up, never had let it down, but what happens when he’s dating a guy who’s the more domestically dominant type, where he love taking care of steve, loves taking care of him, and wants steve to be vulnerable around him
Sub!Steve Rogers x Dom!Male reader
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Cw:(fluff to smut, Comforting steve rogers, fingering, thigh fucking, smut)
I was simply sitting on the couch, scrolling on social media. I was listening to music and humming slightly to myself. I turned my head to the side when I heard the elevator door open. I winced when I saw my very tired, frustrated, and disoriented boyfriend Steve. I got up and made my way over to him when he dropped his shield and held his head in his hands. He had cuts and bruises all over. I touched his arm and jumped when he slammed it away, looking at me with frantic eyes. I looked around to make sure no one else was around. "Alright, come on big guy. Let's take this to my room." I said gently and somehow picked him up. He hid his face in my neck and clung onto me. His whole body was rigid and stiff. 
I kicked my door open softly and went to the bathroom. I set him down and went to get some supplies. I came back and he seemed to have calmed down a bit. "Stevie? Are you there Love?" I whispered and kneeled in front of him. He nodded and looked to the side in embarrassment. "Sorry about that earlier. I'll be heading back to my room…" He said and went to stand up. "Oh no you don't. I don't trust you alone so I'll be taking care of you." I said stood up, crossing my arms. "Now that I know you can stand, take your clothes off." I said. He looked at me with a blush. "I-I'm sorry?" He stuttered. "Take. Your. Clothes. Off." I growled. 
He looked down with a blush and pulled his suit off. He left his boxers on though. I made him sit back down and kneeled down in front of him. I opened the First Aid Kit and gently took one of his legs. He winced as I cleaned around one of the big wounds he had on his thigh and dabbed some petroleum jelly on the cut. I took some gauze and wrapped it around his thigh. I shifted my focus on his other leg where he had some glass stuck in his skin. I took some tweezers and began to gently pull them out and put them on a tissue. 
Steve's p.o.v
I didn't know what to feel. Aside from Bucky, he is the first person who has ever cared about my well-being this much. M/n is so much like Bucky. He so caring, gentle, smart, quiet, attractive, hot, god he is so hot- 
"Stevie? Would you like to eat something?" M/n asked. I snapped out of my daze with a shy blush and nodded. He put the supplies away and that's when I noticed he had completely washed all the blood away. All my wounds were bandaged and taken care of. "W-Wow." I whispered. I blushed when he picked me up and carried me back to his room.  He put me on the bed and went through his dresser drawers. "You can borrow these until you go back to your room in a couple of days." He said and helped me put a shirt on and some sweatpants. "Days?! This is humiliating…" I said and hid my red face in his sheets. "C'mon it's not that bad. I know how sore you get after missions like that." He said and laid me down properly. "Don't move, I'll be right back." He said and left. 
I sighed and just sat up to lean against the headboard. I got out my phone and checked my messages real quick. 
Sammy: Yo Steve! I heard you got caught again! Haha
Stevie: M/n literally dragged me and held me down 😞
Canman: Shouldn't have made all those flashy moves, Rogers🤷
Stevie: I was just doing my job :(
Sammy: good luck with that 😂
Frosty paws: Says the one in my lap rn-
Big_angy: must be nice 😒
Zeus: I am coming my love💞
Big_angy: 💙
I huffed and grabbed one of the pillows and held it as I curled up. "Steve? I got something to make you feel better!" M/n said and carried in a tray. I looked over and saw some steak with rice and a slice of Apple pie that was heated and a scoop of Ice cream on top. "Aww. Thank you so much, Darling!"  I said and took the tray. I tensed when he wiggled in behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "W-What are you going?" I asked. "What? I can't cuddle my favorite person?" He said smoothly in my ear. "N-No…I mean yes!" I sputtered. "Adorable~" He chuckled and nuzzled on my neck, pulling out his phone and watching a cat and dog compilation. I rolled my eyes playfully and continued eating my desert. 
After a bit, I looked down to see what M/n was taking pictures of us. I blushed and pushed his phone away quickly. "What was that for?" I stuttered in a flustered manner. He laughed and closed his camera app. "Sorry. You just look so adorable when you're enjoying something." M/n said and smirked. I elbowed him lightly and went to get up. "Oh no you don't." He said and pulled me back in his lap. "Lemme get up! I gotta wash this!"  this!" I whined. "I'll do it then." He said with a proud smirk and walked away. 
Steve sat in silence as he heard distant water running. I took this time to curl up in his bed, wrapping the warm blankets around me to go to sleep. After a while M/n finished and went back upstairs. "Stevie! Do you wanna- oh…he's asleep…" M/n said. My heart skipped a beat when I felt the bed move from behind me and his arm wrapped around me. "Goodnight, Steve." He whispered and kissed me on the nape of my neck. 
(Your p.o.v)
He looked so at ease now. The way his body was so relaxed now made me feel like I did my job well. He's just so obedient when it comes to me even if he doesn't notice that I notice. I love taking care of him. Steve is just such a wonderful boyfriend-
"Kiss me on the mouth!" He said suddenly. I jumped and blushed when he flipped around to face me. "Steve…of course." I said and caressed his face with my hand. I leaned in and kissed him softly. I could feel his face heating up against mine. We pulled away and I smirked at him with hazy eyes. He was squirming and avoiding eye contact.
"Are you sure a kiss is all you want? We can take it further, if you'd like? I'm always willing to go further with you." M/n whispered to me. "Please~" He said with big desperate puppy eyes. "Of course, Love. Let me do all the work." I whispered and shimmed down further in the blankets. He gasped when I pulled off his shorts. 
"M/n…" Steve breathed out. "I'll be gentle with you. I don't wanna make you any more sore than you already are…or maybe I do~" I smirked and pulled his cock out. I purred and sucked on the tip. He arched his back against the bedsheets and moaned softly. "G-Gosh M/n…ngh~" Steve moaned when I wiggled my finger into his tight hole. He rolled onto his back and spread his legs wider. "I-If you keep doing that I-I'll cum…!" Steve begged as his legs twitched. 
I held his thigh with one hand and went down further on his cock, I moaned lightly and slowly put a second finger in his now wet hole. I grunted a bit when he came down my throat. "Yesss!!!" He let out a drawn out moan and fisted the blanket. He looked down and lifted the blanket up to look at me through his big chest. I opened my mouth at him and chuckled when his face turned even more red. I crawled up back to the surface and kissed him. He kissed back and hugged me. "You're so cute…" I whispered to him and pecked his lips. 
I shimmied off my pants and took out the lube. I applied a generous amount on both of us to make sure I didn't hurt him. "Be a good boy and stay still." I growled and slowly eased my cock in his tight hole. He gasped and rolled his hips against me. I lightly slapped his thigh. "Sit still." I purred. He nodded and hid his face in a pillow. I slowly fucked into him. "Ooooh~ That feels so good~ Nghhhhhhh~" Steve whined. I touched his chest, squeezing and pinching his chesticles. "M/n! Please!" He begged quietly and let out another drawn out moan. "Fuuuck you feel so good~" I growled and went faster. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he arched his back. "Yes Yes Yes Right There!!!" He screamed. "You're going- ngh…to blow a fuse Babe." I groaned. He let out a moan of frustration and I went faster. I saw how desperate his cock was so I decided to ease his frustrations. 
I jerked him off at my thrusting speed. He moaned loudly and hugged my hips with his legs. "Fuck baby!" I groaned and went faster. I cried out and came on his tummy. "M/N!!!" He cried out. I ceased all movement, panting and going to pull out. "W-Wait! Aren't you going to cum as well?" He asked suddenly. I smiled and caressed his sides. "I can deal with it later. I don't want to hurt you-" I started but he cut me off. "Then use my thighs. I wanna make you cum too!!" He said. My cock twitched at that idea. "Fuck…hell yeah…" He said and flipped on his side. I got behind him and immediantly fucked his thighs. They were thick and just as tight as his hole. I groaned loudly and hugged his body close to me. "C-Cumming…!" I cried out and came all over his thighs and my bed sheets. 
"God you're so perfect…" I whispered and kissed him. He whimpered and turned back around to kiss me. "Only for you~" He teased with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and got out a rag and wiped our mess. "Wanna take a shower?" I asked. "Too tired…sleep…" He mumbled and buried himself back in the sheets. I giggled. Abit and kissed his neck. "My good boy~" I purred and coddled him. Little did we both know what the others were saying in a certain chat room. 
Next up: Stephen Strange x Femboy!Male reader
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sadlynojellybeans · 2 months
Title: War of attrition
Fandoms: The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan; Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types.
Summary: When Apollo is caught sneaking down to the mortal world for a visit to his children and friends, Zeus decides to ban him from Camp Half-Blood for a century as a way to remind him of his place.
Apollo however is fed up with his father's restrictions and comes up with a ... very creative way to oppose him.
This is the first fanfiction I am posting to ao3! I had so much fun writing it, the concept was hilarius and I can only hope I did it justice XD
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mask131 · 6 months
It is fascinating how, when you look at American pieces of media about Greek mythology, there is this strong underlying trend of making it Christian-themed.
Just randomly picking three America pieces of fiction "adapting" Greek mythology: 2014's The Legend of Hercules, makes Hercules a new Jesus and Samson, with a whole holy conception. The first season of "Blood of Zeus"? Filled with Christian themes and motifs that contradict actual Ancient Greek philosophies and mythological motifs. Disney's Hercules? Hades is just the Christian devil (and in fact was originally designed as a typical red-clad horn-and-pitchfork devil).
I could pull other pieces like that - in fact I might do, as I plan a little "Greek mythology media" series - but yeah... There is a fascinating (and just as disturbing) trend in America of using Greek mythology to convey Christian stories and Christian messages...
... Which in itself is not very surprising because Christians themselves have been Christianizing Greek and Roman mythologies since the Middle-Ages (in fact it is why it was kept alive so much)... But it is still surprising to see it all continues to this day.
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